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Errata and remarks concerning the first edition print version of the book are displayed here.

Last updated: 20 March, 2022.

Chapter 4.2

A new version of {meta} (version 5.0-0) has recently been released. We adapted the code in this chapter accordingly to avoid deprecation messages:

  • The comb.fixed and comb.random arguments are now called fixed and random, respectively.

  • To print all studies, one now has to use summary method for {meta} meta-analysis objects.

Chapter 7.3

A new version of {meta} (version 5.0-0) has recently been released. We adapted the code in this chapter accordingly to avoid deprecation messages:

  • The byvar argument is now called subgroup.

  • To print all studies, one now has to use summary method for {meta} meta-analysis objects.

Chapter 12.2.1

The print version contains a factual error concerning the definition of full rank in non-square (rectangular) matrices. It is stated that a “matrix is not of full rank when its rows are not all independent”. This, however, only applies to square matrices and non-square matrices with less rows than columns (\(m < n\)). In our example, there are more rows than columns; this means that \(\boldsymbol{X}\) is not full rank because its columns are not all independent (in \(m > n\) matrices, rows are always linearly dependent). This erratum has been corrected in the online version.

Chapter 12.2.2

A new version of {netmeta} (version 2.0-0) has recently been released. We adapted the code in this chapter accordingly to avoid error messages:

  • The latest version of {netmeta} resulted in non-convergence of the Fisher scoring algorithm implemented in rma.mv. This problem pertains to all versions of {dmetar} installed before 24-Oct-2021. To avoid the issue, simply reinstall the lastest version of {dmetar}.