Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework

This chapter presents theoretical basis of the models and the algorithms that we will use to model customer portfolios. As a customer’s lifetime in a portfolio is usually represented by the time to churn, duration models are adapted to the data we have at our disposal. Thus, it is decided to introduce standard survival techniques as well as machine learning algorithms suited to time-to-event data. Methods to estimate customer’s value are also introduced in this chapter.

4.1 Duration models

According to Cameron & Trivedi (Cameron and Trivedi 2005), duration models (also called survival models) aims at measuring the time spent in a certain state before transitioning to another state. In Econometrics,

  • a state corresponds to the class in which an individual i is at time t.
  • a transition is movement from one state to another.
  • a duration measures the time spent in a certain state and is also called a spell length.

Since measuring the time until the event is needed for multiple purposes, duration analysis is used in a variety of economic sectors as depicted by the following table.

Economic sector Purpose
Macroeconomics Length of an unemployment spell
Insurance Risk analysis to offer a segmented pricing
Engineering Time until a device breaks down
Epidemiology Survival time of a virus
Churn analysis Time until a customer leave the portfolio

4.1.1 Censoring and Truncation

When dealing with survival data, some observations are usually censored meaning they are related to spells which are not completely observed. Duration data can also suffer from a selection bias which is called truncation.

Censoring mechanisms

Left-censoring occurs when the event of interest occurs before the beginning of the observation period. For example, an individual is included in a study of duration of unemployment at t0. At that time he has already been unemployed for a period but he cannot recall exactly the duration of this period. If we observe that he finds a job again at t1, we can only deduce that the duration of unemployment is bigger than t1t0, this individual is left-censored. Observation 2 on figure 4.1 is associated with a left-censored spell (Liu 2019).

A spell is considered right-censored when it is observed from time t0 until a censoring time tc as illustrated by observation 1 on figure 4.1. For instance, the lifetime related to a customer who has not churned at the end of the observation period is right-censored. Let us note Xi the duration of a complete spell and Ci the duration of a right-censored spell. We also note Ti the duration actually observed and δi the censoring indicator such that δi=0 if the spell is censored. Then, (t1,δ1),,(tN,δN) are the realizations of the following random variables:


Selection bias

Survival data suffers from a selection bias (or truncation) when only a sub-sample of the population of interest is studied. A customer entering the firm’s portfolio after the end of the study is said to be right-truncated, whereas a client who has left the portfolio before the beginning of the study is considered left-truncated. Mathematically, a random variable X is truncated by a subset A \in \mathbb{R}^+ if instead of \Omega(X), we solely observe \Omega(X)\bigcap A. On figure 4.1, the first and fifth observations suffers from a selection bias.

Censored and truncated data

Figure 4.1: Censored and truncated data


Cameron, A. Colin, and Pravin K. Trivedi. 2005. Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications. Edited by Cambridge University Press.
Liu, Weinan. 2019. “Inclusive Underwriting: The Case of Cardiovascular Risk Calculator.” PhD thesis, ENSAE ParisTech.