A Appendix

Sections or work that do not fit elsewhere, or that which explore “off topic” subjects will be kept here.

A.1 Population Data from CT DPH

Below are population values used to calculate per capita statistics in tables and charts, for 9 selected towns. See Archambault (2020a) for more information.

Note this data was updated Feb 7th, 2021, to align with population numbers used by CT DPH. Anaylses on this site previously used population estimates from 2019 for each town (Department of Public Health"" 2020), but DPH uses different numbers for per capita metrics. This site now uses the same numbers.

Table A.1: Estimated Population of selected towns local to Redding
town CT DPH Est. Pop.
Easton 7517
Easton 7521
Redding 9116
Redding 9125
Weston 10247
Weston 10252
Wilton 18343
Wilton 18397
Monroe 19434
Monroe 19470
Bethel 19714
Bethel 19800
New Canaan 20213
New Canaan 20233
Ridgefield 24959
Ridgefield 25008
Newtown 27774
Newtown 27891

A.2 CT DPH data for case rate and test positivity by Town

CT DPH publishes a dataset, (weekly, see (Archambault 2020a) for more information) which includes case rates over the previous two weeks and positive test rates over two weeks (among other statistics). This represents the state’s best estimate of the number of cases, percent positivity, etc. The numbers is that dataset are different from what is in they daily report. I have shown one two-week period below for both datasets to illustrate the differences between them.

Table A.2: CT DPH data for Redding: selected metrics
totalcases caserate totaltests percentpositive reportperiodenddate updatedate sq_mi pop_dens pop_dens_category
3 2.3 455 0.7 2020-10-17 2020-10-22 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
12 9.4 551 2.0 2020-10-24 2020-10-29 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
13 10.2 812 1.8 2020-10-31 2020-11-05 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
20 15.7 678 3.4 2020-11-07 2020-11-12 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
34 26.6 626 5.6 2020-11-14 2020-11-19 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
33 25.8 756 4.5 2020-11-21 2020-11-25 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
32 25.0 808 4.5 2020-11-28 2020-12-03 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
44 34.4 848 5.6 2020-12-05 2020-12-10 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
34 26.6 842 4.9 2020-12-12 2020-12-17 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
29 22.7 670 5.2 2020-12-19 2020-12-24 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
33 25.8 668 4.6 2020-12-26 2020-12-31 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
46 36.0 844 5.5 2021-01-02 2021-01-07 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
69 54.0 945 7.7 2021-01-09 2021-01-14 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
56 43.8 809 8.2 2021-01-16 2021-01-21 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
37 29.0 756 5.7 2021-01-23 2021-01-28 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
25 19.6 915 4.2 2021-01-30 2021-02-04 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
16 12.5 816 3.2 2021-02-06 2021-02-11 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
10 7.8 569 1.8 2021-02-13 2021-02-18 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
15 11.7 584 2.9 2021-02-20 2021-02-25 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
14 11.0 793 2.3 2021-02-27 2021-03-04 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
25 19.6 873 3.0 2021-03-06 2021-03-11 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
35 27.4 756 5.0 2021-03-13 2021-03-18 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
33 25.8 738 5.4 2021-03-20 2021-03-25 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
37 29.0 895 4.3 2021-03-27 2021-04-01 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
30 23.5 884 3.6 2021-04-03 2021-04-08 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
20 15.7 766 2.7 2021-04-10 2021-04-15 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
22 17.2 680 3.8 2021-04-17 2021-04-22 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
27 21.1 797 4.5 2021-04-24 2021-04-29 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
15 11.7 745 2.8 2021-05-01 2021-05-06 31.5 289.6825 Quintile 2
9 7.1 480 2.3 2021-05-08 2021-05-13 31.5 289.3968 Quintile 2
8 6.3 398 1.8 2021-05-15 2021-05-20 31.5 289.3968 Quintile 2
NA NA 338 0.6 2021-05-22 2021-05-27 31.5 289.3968 Quintile 2
NA NA 439 0.9 2021-05-29 2021-06-03 31.5 289.3968 Quintile 2
NA NA 441 0.5 2021-06-05 2021-06-10 31.5 289.3968 Quintile 2
NA NA 272 0.7 2021-06-12 2021-06-17 31.5 289.3968 Quintile 2
NA NA 294 1.0 2021-06-19 2021-06-24 31.5 289.3968 Quintile 2
NA NA 321 0.9 2021-06-26 2021-07-01 31.5 289.3968 Quintile 2
NA NA 285 0.4 2021-07-03 2021-07-08 31.5 289.3968 Quintile 2
NA NA 275 0.0 2021-07-10 2021-07-15 31.5 289.3968 Quintile 2
0 0.0 272 0.0 2021-07-17 2021-07-22 31.5 289.3968 Quintile 2

We see in the chart above (which came directly from the CT DPH, without edits) for the period ending 2020-12-05, the percent positive rate for Redding is 5.6 with 848 total tests. This would imply there were .056*848=47.5 cases in that two week period. However, another dataset published by CT DPH, which I have used to generate the daily COVID case chart and percent positive chart, yields a different percent positive. This is the difference between the daily data, which is published quickly, versus the data which is published weekly, but has been “cleaned.”

Table A.3: 14 days of tests and positive results, for Redding, ending Dec 05, 2020.
updated tests positive_tests negative_tests
2020-11-29 132 8 116
2020-11-29 132 8 116
2020-11-30 38 0 38
2020-11-30 38 0 38
2020-12-01 112 3 104
2020-12-01 112 3 104
2020-12-02 88 7 81
2020-12-02 88 7 81
2020-12-03 78 0 78
2020-12-03 78 0 78
2020-12-04 0 0 0
2020-12-04 0 0 0
2020-12-05 0 0 0
2020-12-05 0 0 0
Table A.4: Sum of Tests and positives, and percent positive from table above.
tests positives negatives pct_positive
896 36 834 4.14