Section 2 Morning and Sleep Behavior

2.1 morning_bedtime

[1] “Question: "About what time did you go to bed last night (regardless of the time you actually fell asleep)?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Time input

Header Image:

Responses: Time in HH:MM AM/PM format via clock widget

2.2 morning_lights_off

[1] “Question: "What time did you turn off the lights (including TV, phone, tablets)?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Time input

Header Image:

Responses: Time in HH:MM AM/PM format via clock widget

2.3 morning_close_eyes

[1] “Question: "What time did you close your eyes to try to go to sleep?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Time input

Header Image:

Responses: Time in HH:MM AM/PM format via clock widget

2.4 morning_sleep_latency

[1] “Question: "How long did it take you to fall asleep?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Header Image:

Value Label
1 less than 5 minutes
2 5 minutes
3 10 minutes
4 15 minutes
5 20 minutes
6 30 minutes
7 40 minutes
8 50 minutes
9 1 hour
10 1 hour 15 minutes
11 1 hour 30 minutes
12 1 hour 45 minutes
13 2 hours
14 more than 2 hours

2.5 morning_wake_number

[1] “Question: "How many times did you wake up in the night, not counting your final awakening?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Header Image:

Value Label
1 none
2 once
3 twice
4 3 or more times

2.6 morning_waketime

[1] “Question: "What time did you wake up this morning?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Time input

Header Image:

Responses: Time in HH:MM AM/PM format via clock widget

2.7 morning_outbed

[1] “Question: "What time did you get out of bed for the day?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Time input

Header Image:

Responses: Time in HH:MM AM/PM format via clock widget

2.8 morning_sleep_quantity

[1] “Question: "About how many hours did you actually sleep?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Header Image:

Value Label
1 less than 30 minutes
2 30 minutes
3 1 hour
4 1.5 hours
5 2 hours
6 2.5 hours
7 3 hours
8 3.5 hours
9 4 hours
10 4.5 hours
11 5 hours
12 5.5 hours
13 6 hours
14 6.5 hours
15 7 hours
16 7.5 hours
17 8 hours
18 8.5 hours
19 9 hours
20 9.5 hours
21 10 hours
22 10.5 hours
23 11 hours
24 11.5 hours
25 12 hours
26 12.5 hours
27 13 hours
28 13.5 hours
29 14 hours
30 14.5 hours
31 15 hours
32 15.5 hours
33 16 hours
34 more than 16 hours

2.9 morning_sleep_quality

[1] “Question: "How would you rate the quality of your sleep?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Slider bar

Header Image: None

Value Label Image
1 very poor
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 very good

2.10 morning_sleep_refreshed

[1] “Question: "How refreshed did you feel when you woke up?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Slider bar

Header Image: None

Value Label Image
1 not at all refreshed
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 fully refreshed

2.11 morning_sleep_problems

[1] “Question: "Which (if any) of the following sleep problems did you have last night?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Multi-select checkbox

Header Image: None

Value Label Image
1 difficulty falling asleep
2 awakening during the night
3 awakening too early
4 feeling unrefreshed or unrestored despite enough hours of sleep
5 nightmares
6 sleep walking
7 other sleep problem
8 no sleep problem

2.12 morning_sleep_problems_reason

[1] “Question: "Were the sleep problems due to:"”

Visibility: morning_sleep_problems.includes(1) or morning_sleep_problems.includes(2) or morning_sleep_problems.includes(3) or morning_sleep_problems.includes(4) or morning_sleep_problems.includes(5) or morning_sleep_problems.includes(6) or morning_sleep_problems.includes(7)

Item Type: Multi-select checkbox

Header Image: None

Value Label Image
1 noise or other disturbances
2 pain
3 worry
4 other thoughts
5 other reason

2.13 morning_sleeping_pills

[1] “Question: "Did you take sleeping pills or anything else to help you sleep last night?"”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Header Image:

Value Label
1 Yes
0 No