Intro To Protocol (IN PROGRESS)

0.1 NIMH - EMA: Daily Assessments

This MindLogger applet collects daily information on your physical and mental health. You will be asked a set of questions multiple times a day. We will record the information and share it with you and our researchers so we can look for patterns in the data.

Answer these questions to the best of your ability. It is okay if you don’t know the answers to some of them!

0.1.1 β˜€οΈ Example topics for questions in the morning

  • πŸ›Œ how many hours you have slept
  • 😴 whether or not you had nightmares or night terrors
  • πŸ’Š if you took any sleep aids

0.1.2 πŸŒ™ Example topics for questions during midday and in the evening

  • 😰 stress level
  • ⚑️ energy level
  • πŸ₯ overall health

Thank you for your participation!

These questions were constructed as part of a collaboration between the National Institute of Mental Health and the MATTER Lab of the Child Mind Institute (