1 Data Sources

This data covers the years 2019 and 2020.

Segmentation Data

This Excel document is focused on products and segments, it contains limited information on facilities, and is best used in conjunction with this report. Each product will appear multiple times within this document, one time for each facility that produced it, and one time for each segment that it falls into.

By using the Excel filter functions of each column you can refine the data you are looking at to see which products are in each segment, products that are produced by a single facility, and what products facilities are producing. This report acts as a supplement to this document, presenting information from other sets of data to enable product related decision making.

Column Description
Active Active Ingredient
Facility Registered 503B Facility name
Segment Dental, Dermatology, InfusionTherapy, Nutraceuticals, Optical, Other, PlasticSurgery, Surgical
ActiveCount Number of times Active was reported as produced
ProductCount Number of products Facility produces across segments
FacilitySegmentCount Number of products Facility produces within Segment
SegmentCount Number of products within Segment
ProducedByCP Y/NA Has the Active ever been produced by RAM/Compound Preferred?

FDA 503B Product List

This document contains unmodified data directly from the FDA in a useful Excel format.

Column Description
Active Ingredients Active ingredients in product
Active Ingredients Info Concentration of Active
Dosage Reported dosage form
Estab. Name Registered 503B Facility name
Package Description Description of package
NDC Package Code Unique packaging identifier
Report Year Year and 6 month period in which Active was produced

Facility Information

The information in this document can be found summarized in this report under facility information summaries. The document contains information on each 503B facility that reported production in the years of 2019 and 2020.

Column Description
Facility Registered 503B Facility name
UID FDA Unique Identifier
City City Facility Location
Longitude Geolocation
Latitude Geolocation
InitialRegistration Initial registration as an FDA 503B facility
FacilitySqFt Estimated facility square footage, estimates are based on Google Map imagery
Employees Dun & Bradstreet 2021 employee estimate
Services Services offered by Facility
EstSales Dun & Bradstreet 2021 sales estimate
EstFacilitySize Facility size estimate, based on SqFt, EmployeeEst, and EstSales

Geographic Data

This document contains specific information about the states in which some facilities can distribute compounded products. This information is mostly useful in graphic form.

Column Description
Facility Registered 503B Facility name
Longitude Geolocation
Latitude Geolocation
Territory Facility territory, list of US states in which the facility can deliver products