Appendix 1

options(MLwiN_path="C:\\Program Files\\MLwiN v3.06\\mlwin.exe")

#Putting here for access if wanted to tweak things 
#StudData <- read.csv("exampledata2.csv")
####Data Simulation and Saving out the .csv file for later analysis#############

#Simulate data for use in project; just need one data file - not a simulation study

#Number of level 1 units
N = 5200

#Student ID
S_ID <- 1:N

#Student gender
gender <- c(0, 1, 2)
S_gend <- sample(x = gender, size = N, replace = TRUE,
                 prob = c(0.56, 0.40, 0.04))

#Number of different math teachers had by each student
#Treat as count data
tchrs <- c(1:12)
num_tchrs <- sample(x = tchrs, size = N, replace = TRUE,
                    prob = c(0.3325, 0.3325, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08,
                             0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.01))

#Physics teachers (as an example of cross-classified data)
#Should work to make this better - match physics class with likelihood of STEM major 
#based on math classes.
p <- c(1, 0)
phys <- sample(x = p, size = N, replace = TRUE,
               prob = c(0.75, 0.25))

#Join what we have so far in a dataframe
StudData <- data.frame(S_ID, S_gend, num_tchrs, phys)

#Since have 3 gender codes, will need dummy coding
#Use 'male' as reference
StudData$female <- ifelse(StudData$S_gend == 0, 1, 0)
StudData$NB <- ifelse(StudData$S_gend == 2, 1, 0)

#22 physics teachers
StudData$phys_tchr <- ifelse(StudData$phys == 1, (StudData$phys_tchr = (sample(22, size = N, replace = TRUE))), 0)

#Generate student SES and SAT to have a multivariate normal distribution 
#Accounts for correlations between the two
sample_meanvector <- c(500, 13)
sample_covariance_matrix <- matrix(c(5625, 0.2, 0.2, 169), ncol = 2)
stud_sat_ses <- mvrnorm(n = N,
                        mu = sample_meanvector,
                        Sigma = sample_covariance_matrix)

stud_sat_ses <-

ggplot(data = stud_sat_ses) +
#Student SES
#Random generation - between 2 and 29; using the Kuppuswamy SES scale 
StudData$S_SES <- stud_sat_ses$V2

#Add SAT
StudData$SAT_M <- stud_sat_ses$V1

#Check distribution
ggplot(data = StudData) +

#Teacher experience
#This gets added to the df later; kept as a separate dataframe for referencing.
T_exp <- rnorm(n = 56, mean = 10, sd = 2)
T_ID <- c(1:56)
u_tchr <- rnorm(56, 0, 50)
TData <- data.frame(T_ID, T_exp, u_tchr)
#Write to its own dataframe for tweaking later if needed
#write.csv(TData, "Tdata.csv")

#Teachers - 56 of them to choose from
#Need to reference num_tchrs column.  Everyone has tchr1.  
StudData$tchr1 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))
StudData$tchr2 <- ifelse(num_tchrs >= 2, (StudData$tchr2 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))), (StudData$tchr2 = 0))
StudData$tchr3 <- ifelse(num_tchrs >= 3, (StudData$tchr3 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))), (StudData$tchr3 = 0))
StudData$tchr4 <- ifelse(num_tchrs >= 4, (StudData$tchr4 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))), (StudData$tchr4 = 0))
StudData$tchr5 <- ifelse(num_tchrs >= 5, (StudData$tchr5 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))), (StudData$tchr5 = 0))
StudData$tchr6 <- ifelse(num_tchrs >= 6, (StudData$tchr6 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))), (StudData$tchr6 = 0))
StudData$tchr7 <- ifelse(num_tchrs >= 7, (StudData$tchr7 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))), (StudData$tchr7 = 0))
StudData$tchr8 <- ifelse(num_tchrs >= 8, (StudData$tchr8 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))), (StudData$tchr8 = 0))
StudData$tchr9 <- ifelse(num_tchrs >= 9, (StudData$tchr9 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))), (StudData$tchr9 = 0))
StudData$tchr10 <- ifelse(num_tchrs >= 10, (StudData$tchr10 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))), (StudData$tchr10 = 0))
StudData$tchr11 <- ifelse(num_tchrs >= 11, (StudData$tchr11 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))), (StudData$tchr11 = 0))
StudData$tchr12 <- ifelse(num_tchrs >= 12, (StudData$tchr12 = (sample(56, size = N, replace = TRUE))), (StudData$tchr12 = 0))

#Need to clean out same numbers in one row - go through and check if values exist in any prior columns.  If not,
#do nothing.  If so, add one.  Not the most elegant, but will do for now.  Should fix to be better later.
c <- select(StudData, c("tchr1", "tchr2", "tchr3", "tchr4", "tchr5", "tchr6", 
                           "tchr7", "tchr8", "tchr9", "tchr10", "tchr11", "tchr12"))
c$tchr2 <- ifelse(c$tchr2 == c$tchr1, (c$tchr2 + 1), c$tchr2)
c$tchr3 <- ifelse((c$tchr3 != 0), 
                  (ifelse((c$tchr3 == c$tchr2|c$tchr3 == c$tchr1), (c$tchr3 + 1), c$tchr3)), 0)
c$tchr4 <- ifelse((c$tchr4 != 0), 
                   (ifelse((c$tchr4 == c$tchr3|c$tchr4 == c$tchr2|c$tchr4 == c$tchr1), (c$tchr4 + 1), c$tchr4)), 0)
c$tchr5 <- ifelse((c$tchr5 != 0),
                  (ifelse((c$tchr5 == c$tchr4|c$tchr5 == c$tchr3|c$tchr5 == c$tchr2|c$tchr5 == c$tchr1), (c$tchr5 + 1), c$tchr5)), 0)
c$tchr6 <- ifelse((c$tchr6 != 0),
                  (ifelse((c$tchr6 == c$tchr5|c$tchr6 == c$tchr4|c$tchr6 == c$tchr3|c$tchr6 == c$tchr2|c$tchr6 == c$tchr1), (c$tchr6 + 1), c$tchr6)), 0)
c$tchr7 <- ifelse((c$tchr7 != 0),
                  (ifelse((c$tchr7 == c$tchr6|c$tchr7 == c$tchr5|c$tchr7 == c$tchr4|c$tchr7 == c$tchr3|c$tchr7 == c$tchr2|c$tchr7 == c$tchr1), (c$tchr7 + 1), c$tchr7)), 0)
c$tchr8 <- ifelse((c$tchr8 != 0),
                  (ifelse((c$tchr8 == c$tchr7|c$tchr8 == c$tchr6|c$tchr8 == c$tchr5|c$tchr8 == c$tchr4|c$tchr8 == c$tchr3|c$tchr8 == c$tchr2|c$tchr8 == c$tchr1), (c$tchr8 + 1), c$tchr8)), 0)
c$tchr9 <- ifelse((c$tchr9 != 0),
                  (ifelse((c$tchr9 == c$tchr8|c$tchr9 == c$tchr7|c$tchr9 == c$tchr6|c$tchr9 == c$tchr5|c$tchr9 == c$tchr4|c$tchr9 == c$tchr3|c$tchr9 == c$tchr2|c$tchr9 == c$tchr1), (c$tchr9 + 1), c$tchr9)), 0)
c$tchr10 <- ifelse((c$tchr10 != 0),
                  (ifelse((c$tchr10 == c$tchr9|c$tchr10 == c$tchr8|c$tchr10 == c$tchr7|c$tchr10 == c$tchr6|c$tchr10 == c$tchr5|c$tchr10 == c$tchr4|c$tchr10 == c$tchr3|c$tchr10 == c$tchr2|c$tchr10 == c$tchr1), (c$tchr10 + 1), c$tchr10)), 0)
c$tchr11 <- ifelse((c$tchr11 != 0),
                  (ifelse((c$tchr11 == c$tchr10|c$tchr11 == c$tchr9|c$tchr11 == c$tchr8|c$tchr11 == c$tchr7|c$tchr11 == c$tchr6|c$tchr11 == c$tchr5|c$tchr11 == c$tchr4|c$tchr11 == c$tchr3|c$tchr11 == c$tchr2|c$tchr11 == c$tchr1), (c$tchr11 + 1), c$tchr11)), 0)
c$tchr12 <- ifelse((c$tchr12 != 0),
                  (ifelse((c$tchr12 == c$tchr11|c$tchr12 == c$tchr10|c$tchr12 == c$tchr9|c$tchr12 == c$tchr8|c$tchr12 == c$tchr7|c$tchr12 == c$tchr6|c$tchr12 == c$tchr5|c$tchr12 == c$tchr4|c$tchr12 == c$tchr3|c$tchr12 == c$tchr2|c$tchr12 == c$tchr1), (c$tchr12 + 1), c$tchr12)), 0)

#Had to go through a few iterations of the above to get MLwiN to accept

#Assigning variables back
StudData$tchr2 <- c$tchr2
StudData$tchr3 <- c$tchr3
StudData$tchr4 <- c$tchr4
StudData$tchr5 <- c$tchr5
StudData$tchr6 <- c$tchr6
StudData$tchr7 <- c$tchr7
StudData$tchr8 <- c$tchr8
StudData$tchr9 <- c$tchr9
StudData$tchr10 <- c$tchr10
StudData$tchr11 <- c$tchr11
StudData$tchr12 <- c$tchr12

#Proportion of time had each teacher - need to reference num_tchrs column for this
Weight <- data.frame(num_tchrs = 1:12,
                     w1 = c(1, 0.5, 0.33, 0.25, 0.2, 0.166, 0.1428, 0.125, 0.11, 0.1, 0.09, 0.083),
                     w2 = c(0, 0.5, 0.33, 0.25, 0.2, 0.166, 0.1428, 0.125, 0.11, 0.1, 0.09, 0.083),
                     w3 = c(0, 0, 0.33, 0.25, 0.2, 0.166, 0.1428, 0.125, 0.11, 0.1, 0.09, 0.083),
                     w4 = c(0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.2, 0.166, 0.1428, 0.125, 0.11, 0.1, 0.09, 0.083),
                     w5 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.166, 0.1428, 0.125, 0.11, 0.1, 0.09, 0.083),
                     w6 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.166, 0.1428, 0.125, 0.11, 0.1, 0.09, 0.083),
                     w7 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1428, 0.125, 0.11, 0.1, 0.09, 0.083),
                     w8 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.125, 0.11, 0.1, 0.09, 0.083),
                     w9 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.11, 0.1, 0.09, 0.083),
                     w10 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.09, 0.083),
                     w11 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.09, 0.083),
                     w12 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.083))

#Merge the two dataframes to add in weights
StudData <- left_join(StudData, Weight, by = "num_tchrs")

#Make teacher experience variables - need to check if there's a teacher in each column, then grab experience
StudData$t1_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr1", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")
StudData$t2_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr2", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")
StudData$t3_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr3", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")
StudData$t4_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr4", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")
StudData$t5_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr5", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")
StudData$t6_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr6", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")
StudData$t7_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr7", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")
StudData$t8_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr8", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")
StudData$t9_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr9", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")
StudData$t10_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr10", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")
StudData$t11_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr11", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")
StudData$t12_exp <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr12", TData, "T_ID", "T_exp", return = "new.value")

#Make teacher-specific variance variables
StudData$t1_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr1", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")
StudData$t2_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr2", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")
StudData$t3_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr3", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")
StudData$t4_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr4", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")
StudData$t5_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr5", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")
StudData$t6_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr6", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")
StudData$t7_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr7", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")
StudData$t8_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr8", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")
StudData$t9_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr9", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")
StudData$t10_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr10", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")
StudData$t11_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr11", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")
StudData$t12_u <- LOOKUP(StudData, "tchr12", TData, "T_ID", "u_tchr", return = "new.value")

#Replace NA from teacher experience columns with 0
StudData[] <- 0

#Make the outcome variables - for simulation
#Parameter values
b0 <- 250
b1 <- .25
b2 <- .3
b3 <- -0.77
b4 <- -1.3
b5 <- 2

#Assign predictors
SAT_M <- StudData$SAT_M
S_SES <- StudData$S_SES
female <- StudData$female
NB <- StudData$NB

tchr1 <- StudData$tchr1
tchr2 <- StudData$tchr2
tchr3 <- StudData$tchr3
tchr4 <- StudData$tchr4
tchr5 <- StudData$tchr5
tchr6 <- StudData$tchr6
tchr7 <- StudData$tchr7
tchr8 <- StudData$tchr8
tchr9 <- StudData$tchr9
tchr10 <- StudData$tchr10
tchr11 <- StudData$tchr11
tchr12 <- StudData$tchr12

#Teacher Experiece
exp1 <- StudData$t1_exp
exp2 <- StudData$t2_exp
exp3 <- StudData$t3_exp
exp4 <- StudData$t4_exp
exp5 <- StudData$t5_exp
exp6 <- StudData$t6_exp
exp7 <- StudData$t7_exp
exp8 <- StudData$t8_exp
exp9 <- StudData$t9_exp
exp10 <- StudData$t10_exp
exp11 <- StudData$t11_exp
exp12 <- StudData$t12_exp

#Teacher random variances
t1_u <- StudData$t1_u
t2_u <- StudData$t2_u
t3_u <- StudData$t3_u
t4_u <- StudData$t4_u
t5_u <- StudData$t5_u
t6_u <- StudData$t6_u
t7_u <- StudData$t7_u
t8_u <- StudData$t8_u
t9_u <- StudData$t9_u
t10_u <- StudData$t10_u
t11_u <- StudData$t11_u
t12_u <- StudData$t12_u

w1 <- StudData$w1
w2 <- StudData$w2
w3 <- StudData$w3
w4 <- StudData$w4
w5 <- StudData$w5
w6 <- StudData$w6
w7 <- StudData$w7
w8 <- StudData$w8
w9 <- StudData$w9
w10 <- StudData$w10
w11 <- StudData$w11
w12 <- StudData$w12

#Full equation
Y <- b0 + b1*S_SES  + b2*SAT_M + b3*female + b4*NB + (t1_u*w1 + t2_u*w2 + t3_u*w3 + t4_u*w4 + t5_u*w5 + t6_u*w6 + t7_u*w7 + t8_u*w8 + t9_u*w9 + t10_u*w10 + t11_u*w11 + t12_u*w12) + 
  b5*(exp1*w1 + exp2*w2 + exp3*w3 + exp4*w4 + exp5*w5 + exp6*w6 + exp7*w7 + exp8*w8 + exp9*w9 + exp10*w10 + exp11*w11 + exp12*w12) + rnorm(N, 0, 20)

#Set outcome variable
StudData$Math <- Y

#See what outcome variable looks like
ggplot(data = StudData) +

#Save out the file containing the outcome variable and others.
write.csv(StudData, "exampledata2.csv")

#Checking full model function; no level 2 predictors yet
model1 <- Math ~ 1 + S_SES + female + NB + SAT_M + (1|tchr1) + (1|S_ID)

MultiMemb <- list(list(
  mmvar = list("tchr1", "tchr2", "tchr3", "tchr4", "tchr5", "tchr6", "tchr7", "tchr8", "tchr9", "tchr10", "tchr11", "tchr12"),
  weights = list("w1", "w2", "w3", "w4", "w5", "w6", "w7", "w8", "w9", "w10", "w11", "w12")), NA)

(MMembModel <- runMLwiN(Formula = model1, data = StudData, estoptions = list(EstM = 1, = FALSE, mm = MultiMemb)))