3 Miller Creek Discharge

3.0.1 Introduction

Field data to create a rating curve of discharge at the mouth of Miller Creek is being collected from Fall 2020 - Spring 2021. These methods and results will be presented here.

Raw water quality field data is stored in a Google Sheet that can be viewed at https://tinyurl.com/kwf-vogel-wqx-data under the “Discharge Measurements” tab.

Site photos are available through a point-and-click pop-up map at https://arcg.is/0fqvb0.

3.0.2 Miller Creek Discharge Rating Curve

A discharge station was established in October 2020 near the mouth of Miller Creek, including a staff plate and pressure transducer.

Site visits will be made opportunistically depending on precipitation throughout Summer/Fall 2021. At each site visit, the pressure transducer is downloaded and a discharge measurement is collected using a SondeTek Flowtracker.

Once a minimum of eight discharge measurements are available in Fall 2021, a curve will be fit to the scatter plot of stage height vs. discharge. This relationship will be used in conjunction with pressure transducer data to create a graph of flow.


3.0.3 Pressure Transducer Data

Work in progress here 8/10/2021