2  Manejo de datos

2.1 Identificación y manejo de datos missing

Cargar paquetes

Este trozo de código muestra la carga de los paquetes necesarios para los análisis. En este manual destacamos p_load() de pacman, que instala el paquete si es necesario y lo carga para su uso. También puedes cargar los paquetes instalados con library() de de R base Consulta la página sobre fundamentos de R para obtener más información sobre los paquetes de R.

  rio, # importación/exportación
  tidyverse, # gestión y visualización de datos 
  naniar, # evaluación y visualización de datos faltantes
  mice # imputación de datos faltantes


Importamos los datos de casos de una epidemia de ébola simulada. Si quieres seguir el proceso, clica para descargar linelist “limpio” (como archivo .rds). Importa tus datos con la función import() del paquete rio (acepta muchos tipos de archivos como .xlsx, .rds, .csv - Mira la página de importación y exportación para más detalles).

# importar linelist
linelist <- import("C:/Users/PC/Desktop/PLE/linelist_cleaned.rds")

A continuación se muestran las filas de linelist.

# Visualizar las primeras filas del data frame
  case_id generation date_infection date_onset date_hospitalisation
1  5fe599          4     2014-05-08 2014-05-13           2014-05-15
2  8689b7          4           <NA> 2014-05-13           2014-05-14
3  11f8ea          2           <NA> 2014-05-16           2014-05-18
4  b8812a          3     2014-05-04 2014-05-18           2014-05-20
5  893f25          3     2014-05-18 2014-05-21           2014-05-22
6  be99c8          3     2014-05-03 2014-05-22           2014-05-23
  date_outcome outcome gender age age_unit age_years age_cat age_cat5
1         <NA>    <NA>      m   2    years         2     0-4      0-4
2   2014-05-18 Recover      f   3    years         3     0-4      0-4
3   2014-05-30 Recover      m  56    years        56   50-69    55-59
4         <NA>    <NA>      f  18    years        18   15-19    15-19
5   2014-05-29 Recover      m   3    years         3     0-4      0-4
6   2014-05-24 Recover      f  16    years        16   15-19    15-19
                              hospital       lon      lat infector source wt_kg
1                                Other -13.21574 8.468973   f547d6  other    27
2                              Missing -13.21523 8.451719     <NA>   <NA>    25
3 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21291 8.464817     <NA>   <NA>    91
4                        Port Hospital -13.23637 8.475476   f90f5f  other    41
5                    Military Hospital -13.22286 8.460824   11f8ea  other    36
6                        Port Hospital -13.22263 8.461831   aec8ec  other    56
  ht_cm ct_blood fever chills cough aches vomit temp time_admission       bmi
1    48       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8           <NA> 117.18750
2    59       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          09:36  71.81844
3   238       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          16:48  16.06525
4   135       23    no     no    no    no    no 36.8          11:22  22.49657
5    71       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          12:60  71.41440
6   116       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          14:13  41.61712
1               2
2               1
3               2
4               2
5               1
6               1
# Visualizar las últimas filas del data frame
     case_id generation date_infection date_onset date_hospitalisation
5883  29af75         26           <NA> 2015-04-18           2015-04-22
5884  76d8fe         24     2015-04-16 2015-04-18           2015-04-22
5885  dd6664         27           <NA> 2015-04-19           2015-04-24
5886  635ef3         29           <NA> 2015-04-21           2015-04-25
5887  4b859a         32           <NA> 2015-04-22           2015-04-26
5888  2068d6         28     2015-04-20 2015-04-27           2015-04-30
     date_outcome outcome gender age age_unit age_years age_cat age_cat5
5883   2015-05-03    <NA>      m  17    years        17   15-19    15-19
5884   2015-05-06 Recover      f   7    years         7     5-9      5-9
5885   2015-04-27 Recover      f   2    years         2     0-4      0-4
5886         <NA> Recover      m  36    years        36   30-49    35-39
5887         <NA> Recover      m  20    years        20   20-29    20-24
5888   2015-05-02   Death      f   7    years         7     5-9      5-9
              hospital       lon      lat infector source wt_kg ht_cm ct_blood
5883           Missing -13.26932 8.479565     <NA>   <NA>    63   151       18
5884 Military Hospital -13.25924 8.453007   cb0dc6  other    38    87       19
5885     Port Hospital -13.26195 8.464858     <NA>   <NA>    22    54       19
5886           Missing -13.25738 8.485795     <NA>   <NA>    78   189       19
5887     Port Hospital -13.22410 8.453019     <NA>   <NA>    64   118       19
5888     Port Hospital -13.23754 8.486622   f6a2c3  other    37    93       19
     fever chills cough aches vomit temp time_admission      bmi
5883   yes     no   yes    no   yes   NA          11:43 27.63037
5884   yes     no    no    no   yes   NA          16:46 50.20478
5885   yes    yes   yes    no    no   NA          08:57 75.44582
5886   yes     no   yes    no   yes   NA          08:30 21.83589
5887   yes    yes   yes    no    no   NA          16:06 45.96380
5888   yes     no    no    no   yes   NA          13:48 42.77951
5883               4
5884               4
5885               5
5886               4
5887               4
5888               3
# Obtener un resumen de la estructura del data frame
'data.frame':   5888 obs. of  30 variables:
 $ case_id             : chr  "5fe599" "8689b7" "11f8ea" "b8812a" ...
 $ generation          : num  4 4 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 ...
 $ date_infection      : Date, format: "2014-05-08" NA ...
 $ date_onset          : Date, format: "2014-05-13" "2014-05-13" ...
 $ date_hospitalisation: Date, format: "2014-05-15" "2014-05-14" ...
 $ date_outcome        : Date, format: NA "2014-05-18" ...
 $ outcome             : chr  NA "Recover" "Recover" NA ...
 $ gender              : chr  "m" "f" "m" "f" ...
 $ age                 : num  2 3 56 18 3 16 16 0 61 27 ...
 $ age_unit            : chr  "years" "years" "years" "years" ...
 $ age_years           : num  2 3 56 18 3 16 16 0 61 27 ...
 $ age_cat             : Factor w/ 8 levels "0-4","5-9","10-14",..: 1 1 7 4 1 4 4 1 7 5 ...
 $ age_cat5            : Factor w/ 18 levels "0-4","5-9","10-14",..: 1 1 12 4 1 4 4 1 13 6 ...
 $ hospital            : chr  "Other" "Missing" "St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH)" "Port Hospital" ...
 $ lon                 : num  -13.2 -13.2 -13.2 -13.2 -13.2 ...
 $ lat                 : num  8.47 8.45 8.46 8.48 8.46 ...
 $ infector            : chr  "f547d6" NA NA "f90f5f" ...
 $ source              : chr  "other" NA NA "other" ...
 $ wt_kg               : num  27 25 91 41 36 56 47 0 86 69 ...
 $ ht_cm               : num  48 59 238 135 71 116 87 11 226 174 ...
 $ ct_blood            : num  22 22 21 23 23 21 21 22 22 22 ...
 $ fever               : chr  "no" NA NA "no" ...
 $ chills              : chr  "no" NA NA "no" ...
 $ cough               : chr  "yes" NA NA "no" ...
 $ aches               : chr  "no" NA NA "no" ...
 $ vomit               : chr  "yes" NA NA "no" ...
 $ temp                : num  36.8 36.9 36.9 36.8 36.9 37.6 37.3 37 36.4 35.9 ...
 $ time_admission      : chr  NA "09:36" "16:48" "11:22" ...
 $ bmi                 : num  117.2 71.8 16.1 22.5 71.4 ...
 $ days_onset_hosp     : num  2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 ...
# Obtener un resumen estadístico de las variables numéricas
   case_id            generation    date_infection         date_onset        
 Length:5888        Min.   : 0.00   Min.   :2014-03-19   Min.   :2014-04-07  
 Class :character   1st Qu.:13.00   1st Qu.:2014-09-06   1st Qu.:2014-09-16  
 Mode  :character   Median :16.00   Median :2014-10-11   Median :2014-10-23  
                    Mean   :16.56   Mean   :2014-10-22   Mean   :2014-11-03  
                    3rd Qu.:20.00   3rd Qu.:2014-12-05   3rd Qu.:2014-12-19  
                    Max.   :37.00   Max.   :2015-04-27   Max.   :2015-04-30  
                                    NA's   :2087         NA's   :256         
 date_hospitalisation  date_outcome          outcome         
 Min.   :2014-04-17   Min.   :2014-04-19   Length:5888       
 1st Qu.:2014-09-19   1st Qu.:2014-09-26   Class :character  
 Median :2014-10-23   Median :2014-11-01   Mode  :character  
 Mean   :2014-11-03   Mean   :2014-11-12                     
 3rd Qu.:2014-12-17   3rd Qu.:2014-12-28                     
 Max.   :2015-04-30   Max.   :2015-06-04                     
                      NA's   :936                            
    gender               age          age_unit           age_years    
 Length:5888        Min.   : 0.00   Length:5888        Min.   : 0.00  
 Class :character   1st Qu.: 6.00   Class :character   1st Qu.: 6.00  
 Mode  :character   Median :13.00   Mode  :character   Median :13.00  
                    Mean   :16.07                      Mean   :16.02  
                    3rd Qu.:23.00                      3rd Qu.:23.00  
                    Max.   :84.00                      Max.   :84.00  
                    NA's   :86                         NA's   :86     
    age_cat        age_cat5      hospital              lon        
 0-4    :1095   0-4    :1095   Length:5888        Min.   :-13.27  
 5-9    :1095   5-9    :1095   Class :character   1st Qu.:-13.25  
 20-29  :1073   10-14  : 941   Mode  :character   Median :-13.23  
 10-14  : 941   15-19  : 743                      Mean   :-13.23  
 30-49  : 754   20-24  : 638                      3rd Qu.:-13.22  
 (Other): 844   (Other):1290                      Max.   :-13.21  
 NA's   :  86   NA's   :  86                                      
      lat          infector            source              wt_kg       
 Min.   :8.446   Length:5888        Length:5888        Min.   :-11.00  
 1st Qu.:8.461   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.: 41.00  
 Median :8.469   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median : 54.00  
 Mean   :8.470                                         Mean   : 52.64  
 3rd Qu.:8.480                                         3rd Qu.: 66.00  
 Max.   :8.492                                         Max.   :111.00  
     ht_cm        ct_blood        fever              chills         
 Min.   :  4   Min.   :16.00   Length:5888        Length:5888       
 1st Qu.: 91   1st Qu.:20.00   Class :character   Class :character  
 Median :129   Median :22.00   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
 Mean   :125   Mean   :21.21                                        
 3rd Qu.:159   3rd Qu.:22.00                                        
 Max.   :295   Max.   :26.00                                        
    cough              aches              vomit                temp      
 Length:5888        Length:5888        Length:5888        Min.   :35.20  
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:38.20  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :38.80  
                                                          Mean   :38.56  
                                                          3rd Qu.:39.20  
                                                          Max.   :40.80  
                                                          NA's   :149    
 time_admission          bmi           days_onset_hosp 
 Length:5888        Min.   :-1200.00   Min.   : 0.000  
 Class :character   1st Qu.:   24.56   1st Qu.: 1.000  
 Mode  :character   Median :   32.12   Median : 1.000  
                    Mean   :   46.89   Mean   : 2.059  
                    3rd Qu.:   50.01   3rd Qu.: 3.000  
                    Max.   : 1250.00   Max.   :22.000  
                                       NA's   :256     

Convertir valores faltantes en la importación

Al importar los datos, ten en cuenta los valores que deben clasificarse como faltantes. Por ejemplo, 99, 999, “Missing”, celdas en blanco ("") o celdas con un espacio vacío (" "). Puedes convertirlos en NA (la versión de R de los valores faltantes) con el comando de importación de datos. Consulta la sección de datos faltantes de la página de Importación para obtener más detalles, ya que la sintaxis exacta varía según el tipo de archivo.

linelist <- linelist %>%

# Crear nueva columna "age_year" a partir de la columna "age"
mutate(age_years = case_when(
  age_unit == "years" ~ age, # si la edad se da en años, asigna el valor original
  age_unit == "months" ~ age/12, # si la edad se da en meses, se divide por 12
  is.na(age_unit) ~ age, # si falta age_unit, asume años

TRUE ~ NA_real_)) # cualquier otra circunstancia, asigna valor faltante
z <- c(1, 22, NA, Inf, NaN, 5)

max(z) # devuelve NA
[1] NA
max(z, na.rm=T) # devuelve Inf
[1] Inf
max(z[is.finite(z)]) # devuelve 22
[1] 22
as.numeric(c("10", "20", "thirty", "40"))
Warning: NAs introducidos por coerción
[1] 10 20 NA 40
my_vector <- c(25, NA, 10, NULL) # define el vector
my_vector # lo imprime
[1] 25 NA 10

La varianza de un número da como resultado NA.

[1] NA

Funciones útiles

Las siguientes funciones de R base son muy útiles a la hora de evaluar o manejar los valores faltantes:

is.na() y !is.na()

Utiliza is.na() para identificar los valores que faltan, o utiliza su opuesto (con ! delante) para identificar los valores que no faltan. Ambos devuelven un valor lógico (TRUE o FALSE). Recuerda que puedes sum() el vector resultante para contar el número de TRUE, por ejemplo, sum(is.na(linelist$date_outcome)).

my_vector <- c(1, 4, 56, NA, 5, NA, 22)

[1] 2


Esta función, si se aplica a un dataframe, eliminará las filas con valores faltantes. También es de R base. Si se aplica a un vector, eliminará los valores NA del vector al que se aplica. Por ejemplo:

[1]  1  4 56  5 22
[1] 4 6
[1] "omit"


Esta es una función tidyr que es útil en un proceso de limpieza de datos. Si se ejecuta con los paréntesis vacíos, elimina las filas con valores faltantes. Si se especifican los nombres de las columnas en los paréntesis, se eliminarán las filas con valores faltantes en esas columnas. También puedes utilizar la sintaxis “tidyselect” para especificar las columnas.

linelist %>%
  drop_na(case_id, date_onset, age) # drops rows missing values for any of these columns
     case_id generation date_infection date_onset date_hospitalisation
1     5fe599          4     2014-05-08 2014-05-13           2014-05-15
2     8689b7          4           <NA> 2014-05-13           2014-05-14
3     11f8ea          2           <NA> 2014-05-16           2014-05-18
4     b8812a          3     2014-05-04 2014-05-18           2014-05-20
5     893f25          3     2014-05-18 2014-05-21           2014-05-22
6     be99c8          3     2014-05-03 2014-05-22           2014-05-23
7     07e3e8          4     2014-05-22 2014-05-27           2014-05-29
8     369449          4     2014-05-28 2014-06-02           2014-06-03
9     f393b4          4           <NA> 2014-06-05           2014-06-06
10    1389ca          4           <NA> 2014-06-05           2014-06-07
11    2978ac          4     2014-05-30 2014-06-06           2014-06-08
12    57a565          4     2014-05-28 2014-06-13           2014-06-15
13    fc15ef          6     2014-06-14 2014-06-16           2014-06-17
14    2eaa9a          5     2014-06-07 2014-06-17           2014-06-17
15    bbfa93          6     2014-06-09 2014-06-18           2014-06-20
16    c97dd9          9           <NA> 2014-06-19           2014-06-19
17    f50e8a         10           <NA> 2014-06-22           2014-06-23
18    3a7673          8           <NA> 2014-06-23           2014-06-24
19    7f5a01          7     2014-06-23 2014-06-25           2014-06-27
20    ddddee          6     2014-06-18 2014-06-26           2014-06-28
21    99e8fa          7     2014-06-24 2014-06-28           2014-06-29
22    567136          6           <NA> 2014-07-02           2014-07-03
23    9371a9          8           <NA> 2014-07-08           2014-07-09
24    bc2adf          6     2014-07-03 2014-07-09           2014-07-09
25    403057         10           <NA> 2014-07-09           2014-07-11
26    8bd1e8          8     2014-07-10 2014-07-10           2014-07-11
27    f327be          6     2014-06-14 2014-07-12           2014-07-13
28    42e1a9         12           <NA> 2014-07-12           2014-07-14
29    90e5fe          5     2014-06-18 2014-07-13           2014-07-14
30    959170          8     2014-06-29 2014-07-13           2014-07-13
31    8ebf6e          7     2014-07-02 2014-07-14           2014-07-14
32    e56412          9     2014-07-12 2014-07-15           2014-07-17
33    6d788e         11     2014-07-12 2014-07-16           2014-07-17
34    a47529          5     2014-06-13 2014-07-17           2014-07-18
35    67be4e          8     2014-07-15 2014-07-17           2014-07-19
36    da8ecb          5     2014-06-20 2014-07-18           2014-07-20
37    148f18          6           <NA> 2014-07-19           2014-07-20
38    2cb9a5         11           <NA> 2014-07-22           2014-07-22
39    f5c142          7     2014-07-20 2014-07-22           2014-07-24
40    70a9fe          9           <NA> 2014-07-24           2014-07-26
41    3ad520          7     2014-07-12 2014-07-24           2014-07-24
42    062638          8     2014-07-19 2014-07-25           2014-07-27
43    c76676          9     2014-07-18 2014-07-25           2014-07-25
44    baacc1         12     2014-07-18 2014-07-27           2014-07-27
45    497372         13     2014-07-27 2014-07-29           2014-07-31
46    23e499          9           <NA> 2014-07-30           2014-08-01
47    3789ee         10     2014-07-26 2014-08-01           2014-08-02
48    c71dcd          8     2014-07-24 2014-08-02           2014-08-02
49    6b70f0          7           <NA> 2014-08-03           2014-08-04
50    316781          8     2014-07-22 2014-08-03           2014-08-04
51    72bb4b          9           <NA> 2014-08-03           2014-08-05
52    422831         12     2014-07-23 2014-08-03           2014-08-05
53    df2113         13     2014-07-28 2014-08-03           2014-08-05
54    2b36fa          8     2014-07-12 2014-08-03           2014-08-05
55    bbbd13          9           <NA> 2014-08-04           2014-08-05
56    eea609          9           <NA> 2014-08-04           2014-08-06
57    b6c0ed         13           <NA> 2014-08-05           2014-08-05
58    c13247         12     2014-07-22 2014-08-05           2014-08-05
59    4ade58         11     2014-08-02 2014-08-07           2014-08-09
60    9f0c37          8     2014-07-25 2014-08-07           2014-08-08
61    f97626         11     2014-07-30 2014-08-08           2014-08-09
62    7d99f2         12     2014-07-24 2014-08-08           2014-08-10
63    a2e5d2         13     2014-08-08 2014-08-09           2014-08-11
64    034a98         12           <NA> 2014-08-10           2014-08-12
65    d6a409         10           <NA> 2014-08-10           2014-08-12
66    92e129         10     2014-08-01 2014-08-10           2014-08-12
67    426446         10     2014-08-05 2014-08-11           2014-08-12
68    babc2d         13     2014-08-05 2014-08-12           2014-08-13
69    582196         16           <NA> 2014-08-12           2014-08-14
70    d5f3c0          9     2014-08-04 2014-08-13           2014-08-14
71    f750fe          6     2014-08-04 2014-08-13           2014-08-15
72    46e52d         14     2014-08-05 2014-08-15           2014-08-17
73    3e7820         11     2014-08-15 2014-08-16           2014-08-18
74    8b4b24          9     2014-08-12 2014-08-16           2014-08-18
75    bd5a25         10     2014-08-06 2014-08-16           2014-08-16
76    eaf447         10           <NA> 2014-08-17           2014-08-18
77    564652         11     2014-08-10 2014-08-19           2014-08-21
78    7276c8          8           <NA> 2014-08-19           2014-08-20
79    240da4         10           <NA> 2014-08-20           2014-08-20
80    890de4         11     2014-08-18 2014-08-20           2014-08-21
81    cc71ea          9     2014-08-05 2014-08-21           2014-08-22
82    320198         14     2014-08-20 2014-08-22           2014-08-23
83    3c0ca7         12     2014-08-16 2014-08-22           2014-08-23
84    7b46ff         15           <NA> 2014-08-23           2014-08-24
85    10b627         13     2014-08-19 2014-08-24           2014-08-26
86    9c8045          9     2014-07-26 2014-08-25           2014-08-26
87    32118a         17           <NA> 2014-08-25           2014-08-26
88    c5caa6         11     2014-08-23 2014-08-26           2014-08-27
89    5f5f78         13     2014-08-17 2014-08-26           2014-08-27
90    97c128         14           <NA> 2014-08-27           2014-08-29
91    607956         12     2014-08-21 2014-08-27           2014-08-29
92    fc674d         15     2014-08-17 2014-08-27           2014-08-28
93    b3c066          8     2014-08-20 2014-08-27           2014-08-28
94    e6d478         11           <NA> 2014-08-27           2014-08-29
95    ac760b         13     2014-08-27 2014-08-28           2014-08-29
96    bb791f         14           <NA> 2014-08-28           2014-08-29
97    ed514e         13           <NA> 2014-08-28           2014-08-29
98    a17a22         10           <NA> 2014-08-28           2014-08-28
99    edc86c         11           <NA> 2014-08-28           2014-08-29
100   b06702          9           <NA> 2014-08-29           2014-08-31
101   6647f1         13     2014-08-04 2014-08-29           2014-08-30
102   b694b3         15     2014-08-28 2014-08-30           2014-09-01
103   034082         15     2014-08-12 2014-08-30           2014-09-01
104   c10877          9     2014-08-24 2014-08-30           2014-09-01
105   635fd7         10     2014-08-24 2014-08-30           2014-09-01
106   c68c23         10     2014-08-24 2014-08-30           2014-08-30
107   aa3c55         10     2014-08-27 2014-08-30           2014-08-31
108   f137aa         12           <NA> 2014-09-01           2014-09-03
109   5ab9fc         12     2014-08-29 2014-09-02           2014-09-02
110   511f56         10           <NA> 2014-09-03           2014-09-05
111   270603         11     2014-08-18 2014-09-03           2014-09-03
112   42086d         11     2014-08-19 2014-09-03           2014-09-03
113   f0251f         11           <NA> 2014-09-03           2014-09-03
114   597f6e          9           <NA> 2014-09-03           2014-09-04
115   09a876         11           <NA> 2014-09-03           2014-09-04
116   49e88d         10           <NA> 2014-09-04           2014-09-05
117   f08f3b         12           <NA> 2014-09-04           2014-09-05
118   6a007d         11     2014-09-01 2014-09-05           2014-09-06
119   fd4dd4         13     2014-09-04 2014-09-05           2014-09-05
120   09915f         13     2014-08-31 2014-09-06           2014-09-06
121   181506         15     2014-08-31 2014-09-06           2014-09-06
122   0c69a9         16           <NA> 2014-09-06           2014-09-08
123   f4bb37         12     2014-09-03 2014-09-06           2014-09-08
124   027e28         11           <NA> 2014-09-06           2014-09-08
125   a84993         11     2014-08-31 2014-09-06           2014-09-07
126   93bb41          9     2014-08-14 2014-09-07           2014-09-09
127   08bf40         14     2014-09-03 2014-09-08           2014-09-09
128   5a54ea         13           <NA> 2014-09-09           2014-09-10
129   1bc942         14     2014-09-07 2014-09-09           2014-09-10
130   cd182c         12     2014-08-31 2014-09-09           2014-09-09
131   f70e4c          9     2014-08-27 2014-09-10           2014-09-12
132   26aec8         14     2014-09-10 2014-09-11           2014-09-12
133   64b7b0         14     2014-09-03 2014-09-11           2014-09-11
134   1cc5e0         13     2014-09-11 2014-09-11           2014-09-12
135   f0b93e         15     2014-09-07 2014-09-11           2014-09-12
136   c800a4         14     2014-09-06 2014-09-11           2014-09-11
137   09c9b9         11     2014-09-09 2014-09-12           2014-09-13
138   b458e2         12     2014-09-06 2014-09-12           2014-09-13
139   7ea9a5         18     2014-09-09 2014-09-13           2014-09-15
140   a5ea95         13           <NA> 2014-09-13           2014-09-15
141   b2f5d7         15     2014-09-10 2014-09-13           2014-09-14
142   52f06c         11           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-16
143   911ded         11     2014-09-06 2014-09-14           2014-09-16
144   315f76         10     2014-09-05 2014-09-14           2014-09-16
145   da1f29         14           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-14
146   946a96         14           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-16
147   414c20         15           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-16
148   8e1819         16     2014-09-01 2014-09-14           2014-09-16
149   8a0025         17           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-15
150   862f64         13     2014-09-12 2014-09-15           2014-09-15
151   c51081         14     2014-09-05 2014-09-15           2014-09-16
152   82aac6         12           <NA> 2014-09-15           2014-09-15
153   34f7ac         12     2014-09-15 2014-09-15           2014-09-17
154   92daa4         13     2014-09-10 2014-09-15           2014-09-17
155   04415a         12           <NA> 2014-09-16           2014-09-18
156   60838b         15     2014-09-09 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
157   ed2d8f          8     2014-08-24 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
158   21c020         11           <NA> 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
159   2f29c3         12           <NA> 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
160   b6f403         12     2014-09-08 2014-09-17           2014-09-18
161   29734b         11     2014-09-13 2014-09-17           2014-09-18
162   ef8b5c         17     2014-09-14 2014-09-17           2014-09-17
163   fc0d62         20     2014-09-11 2014-09-17           2014-09-18
164   b1b252         13     2014-09-03 2014-09-17           2014-09-19
165   8d8972         11     2014-09-14 2014-09-18           2014-09-19
166   fcf236         13     2014-09-03 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
167   55c64b         14           <NA> 2014-09-19           2014-09-21
168   d7ff31         12     2014-09-07 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
169   95a292         14     2014-09-11 2014-09-19           2014-09-19
170   4d3855         11           <NA> 2014-09-19           2014-09-19
171   0db116         12     2014-09-15 2014-09-19           2014-09-21
172   70e542         14     2014-09-13 2014-09-19           2014-09-19
173   3e4063         11     2014-09-17 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
174   4df686         16           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
175   e68dd5         15           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
176   95b91a         14     2014-09-15 2014-09-20           2014-09-22
177   8a1530         13     2014-09-08 2014-09-20           2014-09-22
178   bcd672         14           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-22
179   62e1be         14           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
180   c6cdb2         13     2014-09-03 2014-09-20           2014-09-22
181   fa44c8         14           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
182   b55ec2         18     2014-09-10 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
183   a248d0         12           <NA> 2014-09-21           2014-09-21
184   28d55a         14           <NA> 2014-09-21           2014-09-21
185   7f957c         15     2014-09-01 2014-09-21           2014-09-23
186   6d36d3         11           <NA> 2014-09-21           2014-09-22
187   39768c         14           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-24
188   07a2bc         16     2014-09-18 2014-09-22           2014-09-23
189   b26166         15     2014-09-08 2014-09-22           2014-09-22
190   2b8802         14           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-22
191   3bd788         13           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-22
192   0dfe67         11           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-23
193   919feb         16     2014-09-21 2014-09-22           2014-09-23
194   893b3a         20     2014-09-22 2014-09-22           2014-09-24
195   af4c4c         17           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-23
196   1306c1         17     2014-09-22 2014-09-22           2014-09-22
197   54336c         12     2014-08-27 2014-09-22           2014-09-22
198   f96d1b         15           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-24
199   8b100a         12           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-24
200   556661         14           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-24
201   1bb136         12     2014-09-12 2014-09-22           2014-09-24
202   9b07ad         13     2014-09-20 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
203   d0314a         18           <NA> 2014-09-23           2014-09-24
204   41c84b         15           <NA> 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
205   882ab5         14     2014-09-19 2014-09-23           2014-09-24
206   19b40a         13     2014-09-07 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
207   8028e7         12     2014-09-09 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
208   271218         12           <NA> 2014-09-23           2014-09-25
209   5d3b71         12           <NA> 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
210   5c136c         14     2014-08-31 2014-09-23           2014-09-25
211   ee1b06         12     2014-09-12 2014-09-23           2014-09-24
212   b6c10f         16     2014-09-21 2014-09-24           2014-09-24
213   a12b9b         17           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-26
214   27ce4e         13           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-26
215   aac41c         13           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-26
216   28f2a4         14     2014-09-03 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
217   583f19         17     2014-09-17 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
218   5b2cbe         14     2014-09-15 2014-09-25           2014-09-26
219   9bef03         17           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-25
220   25bfe6         14     2014-09-08 2014-09-25           2014-09-27
221   166302         11           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-26
222   cb1336         16     2014-09-17 2014-09-25           2014-09-25
223   b5a6ee         16     2014-09-19 2014-09-25           2014-09-26
224   dc1730         17           <NA> 2014-09-26           2014-09-27
225   f17c55         12     2014-09-21 2014-09-26           2014-09-28
226   a003a1         18           <NA> 2014-09-26           2014-09-27
227   d224b5         17     2014-09-12 2014-09-26           2014-09-26
228   1e1733         17           <NA> 2014-09-26           2014-09-26
229   f832bd         14     2014-09-20 2014-09-26           2014-09-26
230   68aaf2         15     2014-09-16 2014-09-26           2014-09-27
231   77d9e0         15           <NA> 2014-09-26           2014-09-26
232   0e999d         19     2014-09-24 2014-09-26           2014-09-28
233   31403d         13           <NA> 2014-09-27           2014-09-27
234   4029d8         14     2014-09-21 2014-09-27           2014-09-28
235   579792         16     2014-09-21 2014-09-27           2014-09-29
236   7bdda7         16     2014-09-22 2014-09-27           2014-09-27
237   5fa181         12     2014-09-16 2014-09-27           2014-09-29
238   4d9850         16     2014-09-20 2014-09-27           2014-09-28
239   6c1185         14           <NA> 2014-09-27           2014-09-29
240   43e5b0         15     2014-09-14 2014-09-27           2014-09-27
241   471fd7         15           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
242   00612b         11     2014-09-07 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
243   9f9bc0         13     2014-09-26 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
244   cfdcd3         18           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-30
245   96a73e         13     2014-09-13 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
246   04ebc8         15           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-30
247   aa2c15         12     2014-09-09 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
248   f64442         16           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
249   65f435         13           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
250   973351         18     2014-09-23 2014-09-28           2014-09-28
251   da9565         13     2014-09-26 2014-09-28           2014-09-28
252   a44c7f         11     2014-09-17 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
253   351e27         12           <NA> 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
254   eb51dc         13     2014-09-06 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
255   f02cb8         17     2014-09-20 2014-09-29           2014-09-29
256   a95dd9         11     2014-09-27 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
257   6be1fc         12           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-09-30
258   595529         11           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
259   46bed2         15     2014-09-27 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
260   a2df92         12           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-09-30
261   2adcc8         14     2014-09-28 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
262   7f3916         12     2014-08-31 2014-09-30           2014-10-02
263   747ece         16     2014-09-24 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
264   4086d0         14     2014-09-26 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
265   2b6134         14           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
266   2c3a98         14     2014-09-23 2014-09-30           2014-10-02
267   37e101          9     2014-09-17 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
268   f5bff6         15     2014-09-23 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
269   217b74         15     2014-09-13 2014-10-01           2014-10-03
270   ba66a6         14     2014-09-20 2014-10-01           2014-10-01
271   4a9b27         12           <NA> 2014-10-01           2014-10-03
272   ccc31f         19     2014-09-20 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
273   8ba52d         13     2014-09-16 2014-10-01           2014-10-01
274   47dfcd         20     2014-09-28 2014-10-01           2014-10-01
275   464ebf         17           <NA> 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
276   5e9cf3         15     2014-09-21 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
277   b3860b         17           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
278   546037         13     2014-09-23 2014-10-02           2014-10-04
279   82d4cb         12     2014-09-30 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
280   3a4372         13     2014-09-17 2014-10-02           2014-10-02
281   366494         14     2014-09-27 2014-10-02           2014-10-04
282   b934da         16     2014-10-01 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
283   8e106e         11     2014-09-26 2014-10-02           2014-10-02
284   cc9a2d         14           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-04
285   a33434         13           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-02
286   c75eac         14     2014-09-20 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
287   808597         18     2014-10-01 2014-10-03           2014-10-04
288   96f892         15     2014-09-24 2014-10-03           2014-10-04
289   b7cc75         15     2014-09-20 2014-10-03           2014-10-05
290   11939c         13     2014-09-27 2014-10-03           2014-10-03
291   8c8cb0         13           <NA> 2014-10-03           2014-10-04
292   176b73         14     2014-10-02 2014-10-03           2014-10-04
293   75d401         17           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-04
294   7a094b         18     2014-09-25 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
295   f1292f         14           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
296   d5b8b2         15           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-04
297   9a889e         19           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-04
298   deed70         16     2014-09-28 2014-10-04           2014-10-04
299   7ee824         14     2014-09-30 2014-10-04           2014-10-06
300   d24777         18           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-04
301   3b9e24         16     2014-10-01 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
302   263041         15           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
303   c24c42         13     2014-09-22 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
304   da5f22         13     2014-10-02 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
305   ad92f3         15           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-07
306   a2bd77         19     2014-10-01 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
307   a1d509         16     2014-09-23 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
308   ed67c0         13           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
309   05d68d         14           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
310   90c6a8         16     2014-09-15 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
311   195a2f         14           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-08
312   38fc71         14     2014-10-02 2014-10-06           2014-10-08
313   8399fe         18           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-06
314   171f70         14           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-08
315   3ac4d6          9     2014-09-01 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
316   c23f01         17     2014-09-22 2014-10-06           2014-10-06
317   539523         12     2014-09-20 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
318   01fa91         16     2014-09-30 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
319   b18db1         14     2014-09-30 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
320   85cdf8         14     2014-10-01 2014-10-07           2014-10-09
321   f211ce         21     2014-10-05 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
322   dec104         12     2014-09-29 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
323   6c440c         14     2014-09-30 2014-10-07           2014-10-08
324   42c23b         13           <NA> 2014-10-07           2014-10-08
325   2dd2b6         14     2014-09-28 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
326   a986fe         18     2014-09-26 2014-10-07           2014-10-08
327   52df3e         13           <NA> 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
328   24e5bd         12     2014-09-20 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
329   90dd40         15           <NA> 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
330   cbce06         17     2014-09-21 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
331   d6d8d0         14           <NA> 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
332   4dcfb9         13     2014-10-03 2014-10-08           2014-10-08
333   3d63de         14     2014-10-02 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
334   96cf2e         18           <NA> 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
335   7cbe2e         16     2014-09-29 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
336   92fc4e         16     2014-09-29 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
337   8cea01         16     2014-10-06 2014-10-08           2014-10-08
338   134e88         15     2014-10-06 2014-10-09           2014-10-09
339   55addb         17     2014-09-29 2014-10-09           2014-10-09
340   1793bb         12     2014-10-02 2014-10-09           2014-10-10
341   532394         21     2014-10-02 2014-10-09           2014-10-11
342   97905b         11     2014-10-07 2014-10-09           2014-10-10
343   0a5f4d         13     2014-09-27 2014-10-09           2014-10-10
344   3eb7a7         13           <NA> 2014-10-09           2014-10-11
345   f32857         18           <NA> 2014-10-09           2014-10-10
346   e7d420         19     2014-10-06 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
347   afdee8         19     2014-10-04 2014-10-10           2014-10-12
348   80b1c9         13           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-10
349   4ce742         16     2014-10-01 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
350   b4dd97         17           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-10
351   ce203c         13     2014-10-09 2014-10-10           2014-10-12
352   b78719         15           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-12
353   8fcead         18     2014-10-04 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
354   d02a8f         16           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
355   91ef1d         15           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-12
356   176fbe         14     2014-10-03 2014-10-11           2014-10-11
357   a356d4         14     2014-09-28 2014-10-11           2014-10-11
358   f162c3         19           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-11
359   866ea2         13     2014-09-26 2014-10-11           2014-10-11
360   e12b54         14           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
361   54c4c3         10     2014-09-30 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
362   6f7211         15     2014-10-07 2014-10-11           2014-10-11
363   7ba3ff         15     2014-10-10 2014-10-11           2014-10-13
364   a0e862         16     2014-10-01 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
365   14762d         18     2014-10-06 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
366   f4f203         16           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-13
367   141b2d         16     2014-10-05 2014-10-12           2014-10-14
368   6e17b9         13           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
369   62e038         18     2014-10-09 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
370   97a998         18           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
371   c1978f         18     2014-10-02 2014-10-12           2014-10-14
372   69d8f9         12           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
373   24f1d4         17     2014-10-01 2014-10-12           2014-10-14
374   db3c10         20     2014-10-11 2014-10-12           2014-10-13
375   0eb65c         14     2014-10-10 2014-10-12           2014-10-14
376   9b2b8f         16           <NA> 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
377   217fe6         17           <NA> 2014-10-13           2014-10-13
378   0406d7         15           <NA> 2014-10-13           2014-10-15
379   f839c6         15           <NA> 2014-10-13           2014-10-13
380   ff2492         18     2014-10-09 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
381   a8ff0e         15     2014-09-21 2014-10-13           2014-10-15
382   6e9e82         20     2014-10-06 2014-10-13           2014-10-15
383   8a06eb         15     2014-10-09 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
384   842e45         15     2014-10-09 2014-10-14           2014-10-16
385   9884eb         16           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-14
386   e08df9         17     2014-10-04 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
387   e1c081         13     2014-10-13 2014-10-14           2014-10-14
388   b18cb7         17           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
389   15cd11         13           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
390   90da47         14     2014-10-06 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
391   420b88         11           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
392   8ab6bd         13           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-14
393   a8543d         21     2014-10-08 2014-10-15           2014-10-17
394   f66f72         15           <NA> 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
395   cc5abd         15     2014-10-13 2014-10-15           2014-10-15
396   7174dc         17     2014-10-12 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
397   b50434         16     2014-09-18 2014-10-15           2014-10-17
398   ec45fa         14     2014-10-07 2014-10-15           2014-10-17
399   4f4264         11     2014-09-21 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
400   86408f         13           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
401   63f7af         15     2014-10-12 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
402   423f8c         15     2014-09-28 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
403   de5e37         20     2014-10-12 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
404   aed10b         12           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
405   46f202         14           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
406   3d93e5         16     2014-10-10 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
407   aa3ce1         19           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
408   24e36a         17     2014-10-10 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
409   e11d3a         20           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
410   883f9e         17     2014-10-12 2014-10-17           2014-10-17
411   331030         15     2014-09-19 2014-10-17           2014-10-17
412   dfcfa3         18           <NA> 2014-10-17           2014-10-18
413   318295         15           <NA> 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
414   0ae2de         15     2014-10-05 2014-10-18           2014-10-18
415   da5d58         20     2014-10-14 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
416   b37ed0         13     2014-10-16 2014-10-18           2014-10-18
417   075855         17           <NA> 2014-10-18           2014-10-18
418   25b4c2         10     2014-10-01 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
419   65ed43         15     2014-10-09 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
420   f8cd8f         17     2014-10-11 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
421   0a9204         18           <NA> 2014-10-18           2014-10-20
422   722b68         13     2014-10-15 2014-10-19           2014-10-21
423   503cad         13     2014-10-14 2014-10-19           2014-10-21
424   e5cce5         14           <NA> 2014-10-19           2014-10-21
425   e06c58         19           <NA> 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
426   e962d2         14     2014-10-12 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
427   3f4174         16     2014-10-01 2014-10-19           2014-10-19
428   711357         15     2014-10-11 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
429   ed9bcb         16     2014-09-21 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
430   da5e7b         12     2014-10-11 2014-10-20           2014-10-20
431   1f7a60         13     2014-10-16 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
432   cf357f         15     2014-10-09 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
433   36d4b5         17           <NA> 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
434   c1d878         19     2014-10-14 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
435   99d5b7         13     2014-10-09 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
436   5a31a5         15           <NA> 2014-10-20           2014-10-20
437   ce86cc         18           <NA> 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
438   df931f         16     2014-09-27 2014-10-20           2014-10-22
439   888907         10     2014-10-17 2014-10-20           2014-10-20
440   ca2688         15     2014-10-09 2014-10-20           2014-10-20
441   156665         15     2014-10-19 2014-10-20           2014-10-22
442   683d70         14     2014-10-13 2014-10-21           2014-10-22
443   b5e2ec         15     2014-10-13 2014-10-21           2014-10-23
444   c5c04b         17     2014-10-19 2014-10-21           2014-10-23
445   35e767         19     2014-10-02 2014-10-21           2014-10-23
446   e75433         13     2014-09-28 2014-10-21           2014-10-22
447   5f9f51         14           <NA> 2014-10-21           2014-10-22
448   668458         14           <NA> 2014-10-21           2014-10-23
449   1df3c0         16     2014-10-08 2014-10-21           2014-10-23
450   169ce2         17           <NA> 2014-10-21           2014-10-21
451   a747f4         13     2014-09-24 2014-10-21           2014-10-21
452   9ff9e3         15     2014-10-19 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
453   f9fed8         14           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
454   74e599         18     2014-10-12 2014-10-22           2014-10-24
455   446c5c         14           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
456   1fa5a7         14     2014-10-16 2014-10-22           2014-10-24
457   e666e2         17     2014-09-29 2014-10-22           2014-10-24
458   d282b9         14     2014-10-05 2014-10-22           2014-10-24
459   dd9011         16           <NA> 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
460   f1b281         14     2014-10-14 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
461   ea61f3         15     2014-10-21 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
462   94b6ac         13     2014-10-04 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
463   0aa2e0         18     2014-10-11 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
464   c2a904         18           <NA> 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
465   6baf4d         14     2014-10-14 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
466   69c029         16     2014-10-03 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
467   6a18e6         14     2014-10-10 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
468   5b6cdd         13     2014-10-09 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
469   17948b         20     2014-10-08 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
470   770761         18           <NA> 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
471   febd83         16     2014-10-21 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
472   a748cf         15           <NA> 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
473   526e8d         13     2014-10-16 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
474   1e1ede         20     2014-10-09 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
475   8be43a         19           <NA> 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
476   cc4561         13           <NA> 2014-10-24           2014-10-26
477   960948         15     2014-10-18 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
478   801e50         16     2014-10-12 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
479   d5f42d         16     2014-10-20 2014-10-24           2014-10-26
480   18e7fd         10     2014-10-15 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
481   2d5aac         17     2014-10-12 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
482   160b12         14           <NA> 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
483   907407         12     2014-10-14 2014-10-25           2014-10-27
484   a38790         15           <NA> 2014-10-25           2014-10-25
485   33560f         12           <NA> 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
486   cc30ed         16           <NA> 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
487   0a9bbf         15     2014-10-14 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
488   5c3d96         14           <NA> 2014-10-25           2014-10-25
489   d3a411         24     2014-10-21 2014-10-26           2014-10-28
490   f9b5f2         19     2014-10-20 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
491   c4aaea         17     2014-09-21 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
492   7aee5b         12     2014-10-10 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
493   e83194         13           <NA> 2014-10-26           2014-10-28
494   f04116         20     2014-10-23 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
495   df9f64         16     2014-10-06 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
496   d43117         18           <NA> 2014-10-26           2014-10-26
497   813746         17           <NA> 2014-10-26           2014-10-26
498   c94546         21     2014-10-17 2014-10-27           2014-10-27
499   b65355         18           <NA> 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
500   f3b360         17     2014-10-25 2014-10-27           2014-10-27
501   d9cc15         16     2014-10-20 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
502   6198a5         23     2014-10-18 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
503   259c1d         16           <NA> 2014-10-27           2014-10-29
504   f76807         18           <NA> 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
505   08f742         16           <NA> 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
506   754974         18     2014-10-24 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
507   3e714e         14     2014-10-24 2014-10-29           2014-10-29
508   771638         16           <NA> 2014-10-29           2014-10-31
509   e41469         15     2014-10-23 2014-10-29           2014-10-31
510   e8d39b         14           <NA> 2014-10-29           2014-10-30
511   6f8a3e         16     2014-10-19 2014-10-29           2014-10-29
512   3094ce         17           <NA> 2014-10-29           2014-10-29
513   dfaaf5         15           <NA> 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
514   4e25eb         19     2014-10-23 2014-10-30           2014-11-01
515   bff648         18           <NA> 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
516   b8210c         15     2014-10-03 2014-10-30           2014-11-01
517   34713b         18           <NA> 2014-10-30           2014-10-30
518   f0b694         12     2014-10-22 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
519   dc4329         15           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-11-02
520   69647e         18           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
521   dde835         21     2014-10-19 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
522   80ba17         16     2014-10-29 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
523   88ed04         12     2014-10-12 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
524   e05f33         16     2014-10-24 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
525   4fa236         17     2014-10-29 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
526   bf9ee7         19           <NA> 2014-11-01           2014-11-03
527   bf30cc         16     2014-10-24 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
528   4e9ebd         14     2014-10-28 2014-11-01           2014-11-03
529   973c48         15     2014-10-23 2014-11-01           2014-11-01
530   058f21         15     2014-10-24 2014-11-01           2014-11-01
531   92ce82         16     2014-10-16 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
532   75d9f2         15     2014-10-23 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
533   dbc86f         16           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
534   303410         16           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-04
535   bb365d         23     2014-10-29 2014-11-02           2014-11-04
536   442a9a         17     2014-10-22 2014-11-02           2014-11-04
537   b1e763         21           <NA> 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
538   df2922         16     2014-10-25 2014-11-03           2014-11-05
539   08836a         18     2014-10-11 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
540   a3e4a3         20     2014-10-28 2014-11-03           2014-11-03
541   59c35e         15     2014-10-22 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
542   5b8293         14     2014-10-24 2014-11-03           2014-11-03
543   b59345         16     2014-10-27 2014-11-04           2014-11-04
544   12aa43         15     2014-10-29 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
545   b788f1         18           <NA> 2014-11-04           2014-11-04
546   71a4fe         14     2014-10-25 2014-11-04           2014-11-06
547   a91862         15     2014-10-16 2014-11-04           2014-11-06
548   4e5920         15     2014-10-24 2014-11-05           2014-11-07
549   78b0f7         23     2014-10-29 2014-11-05           2014-11-05
550   355a4c         14     2014-10-30 2014-11-05           2014-11-07
551   195985         15     2014-11-02 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
552   2bac9c         20     2014-10-29 2014-11-06           2014-11-07
553   31fbdc         19     2014-10-31 2014-11-06           2014-11-08
554   c9092a         13     2014-10-09 2014-11-06           2014-11-07
555   a03147         16           <NA> 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
556   0c56e0         17     2014-11-06 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
557   2fa71e         20           <NA> 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
558   064f56         12     2014-10-12 2014-11-07           2014-11-07
559   4b158a         18           <NA> 2014-11-07           2014-11-09
560   c926b1         14     2014-10-25 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
561   37868d         17     2014-10-31 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
562   a75fd1         16     2014-11-01 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
563   642146         16           <NA> 2014-11-07           2014-11-07
564   0b316e         19     2014-10-19 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
565   2e01d4         17           <NA> 2014-11-08           2014-11-08
566   8f32e8         17     2014-11-07 2014-11-08           2014-11-10
567   6c6bc5         18     2014-10-31 2014-11-08           2014-11-09
568   d8f569         21           <NA> 2014-11-08           2014-11-09
569   cffdea         14     2014-11-04 2014-11-08           2014-11-10
570   de3b80         19     2014-10-28 2014-11-08           2014-11-10
571   f65e8a         15     2014-11-01 2014-11-08           2014-11-10
572   fadea0         18           <NA> 2014-11-08           2014-11-09
573   055d3a         18           <NA> 2014-11-09           2014-11-10
574   32ce2a         23     2014-11-02 2014-11-09           2014-11-09
575   4f7847         19           <NA> 2014-11-09           2014-11-11
576   f99f12         20     2014-10-31 2014-11-09           2014-11-10
577   1ebd20         14           <NA> 2014-11-09           2014-11-09
578   c1a0c6         16     2014-11-01 2014-11-10           2014-11-10
579   d7d495         19     2014-11-09 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
580   3668fc         14     2014-10-06 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
581   30af4f         20     2014-10-23 2014-11-10           2014-11-10
582   1f8fcc         14           <NA> 2014-11-10           2014-11-10
583   6ab7c9         21     2014-10-02 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
584   06ccc1         13     2014-11-04 2014-11-11           2014-11-13
585   60c8fd         12           <NA> 2014-11-11           2014-11-11
586   933bd7         20           <NA> 2014-11-11           2014-11-12
587   e1824c         18           <NA> 2014-11-11           2014-11-13
588   60e50c         16           <NA> 2014-11-11           2014-11-12
589   dba4a0         15     2014-10-28 2014-11-11           2014-11-12
590   1b9fb6         18           <NA> 2014-11-11           2014-11-12
591   f63811         16           <NA> 2014-11-11           2014-11-11
592   5b98ea         16           <NA> 2014-11-12           2014-11-13
593   af8dac         15     2014-11-07 2014-11-12           2014-11-13
594   8d45f5         17     2014-10-31 2014-11-12           2014-11-13
595   5966f0         17           <NA> 2014-11-13           2014-11-15
596   742868         15           <NA> 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
597   ec63d1         17     2014-10-31 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
598   72d62c         17     2014-11-04 2014-11-13           2014-11-15
599   571af3         16     2014-11-05 2014-11-13           2014-11-13
600   3a5700         20     2014-11-06 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
601   dd0341         16     2014-10-31 2014-11-13           2014-11-15
602   36b4be         16           <NA> 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
603   6254ff         13     2014-10-31 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
604   55f632         21     2014-11-05 2014-11-13           2014-11-13
605   ce1486         18           <NA> 2014-11-13           2014-11-13
606   5a25ce         16     2014-11-06 2014-11-14           2014-11-16
607   ceaf63         21     2014-11-09 2014-11-14           2014-11-15
608   7d96c6         19           <NA> 2014-11-14           2014-11-16
609   88f24c         17           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-15
610   e09a19         16           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-16
611   71eb44         16     2014-10-26 2014-11-15           2014-11-15
612   202fb7         17           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-16
613   fa9559         18           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-16
614   8c3dd9         17     2014-10-20 2014-11-15           2014-11-17
615   7daf91         18           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-15
616   864934         13     2014-10-27 2014-11-16           2014-11-17
617   3ac06a         24           <NA> 2014-11-16           2014-11-17
618   371067         19     2014-11-12 2014-11-17           2014-11-19
619   e77d64         17     2014-11-03 2014-11-17           2014-11-17
620   0d386e         15     2014-10-31 2014-11-17           2014-11-18
621   2f0daf         17     2014-10-15 2014-11-17           2014-11-18
622   6f2ebd         16     2014-10-29 2014-11-18           2014-11-20
623   e453f5         14     2014-11-02 2014-11-18           2014-11-20
624   0c59eb         15     2014-11-10 2014-11-18           2014-11-19
625   d6c884         18           <NA> 2014-11-18           2014-11-20
626   067c16         16           <NA> 2014-11-19           2014-11-21
627   10d90d         14     2014-10-17 2014-11-20           2014-11-21
628   69685d         17           <NA> 2014-11-20           2014-11-21
629   853362         18           <NA> 2014-11-20           2014-11-21
630   54497f         18     2014-11-16 2014-11-21           2014-11-22
631   eff241         18           <NA> 2014-11-21           2014-11-22
632   0af57c         19     2014-11-16 2014-11-21           2014-11-21
633   b5d0bd         21     2014-11-01 2014-11-21           2014-11-22
634   3d2c0e         20           <NA> 2014-11-21           2014-11-22
635   2e440c         18           <NA> 2014-11-22           2014-11-23
636   5295cb         21           <NA> 2014-11-22           2014-11-23
637   be9457         16           <NA> 2014-11-23           2014-11-25
638   0ee7a0         20           <NA> 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
639   635fae         18     2014-11-07 2014-11-23           2014-11-23
640   4efc1d         19     2014-11-11 2014-11-23           2014-11-25
641   42a947         18           <NA> 2014-11-23           2014-11-23
642   41f83a         18     2014-11-01 2014-11-23           2014-11-25
643   8ec454         18           <NA> 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
644   620662         22     2014-10-31 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
645   c41866         17     2014-11-16 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
646   f1b6bc         20     2014-11-17 2014-11-24           2014-11-24
647   284b2e         20           <NA> 2014-11-24           2014-11-26
648   5db343         15     2014-11-11 2014-11-24           2014-11-24
649   8dcafb         19     2014-11-16 2014-11-25           2014-11-27
650   aa7fdf         21     2014-11-24 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
651   ffe8c4         18     2014-11-23 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
652   800b19         22     2014-11-23 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
653   5c8def         18     2014-11-21 2014-11-25           2014-11-27
654   d7290b         17     2014-11-16 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
655   d0196d         21     2014-11-10 2014-11-26           2014-11-27
656   ea186b         20     2014-11-18 2014-11-27           2014-11-28
657   d998d3         16     2014-11-23 2014-11-27           2014-11-28
658   24dbb9         18     2014-11-19 2014-11-27           2014-11-27
659   e81e6a         20     2014-11-21 2014-11-28           2014-11-29
660   b06109         18     2014-11-13 2014-11-28           2014-11-30
661   d30117         18     2014-11-23 2014-11-28           2014-11-30
662   03ad36         20     2014-11-17 2014-11-28           2014-11-29
663   bf124b         22     2014-11-26 2014-11-29           2014-11-29
664   3e360a         19     2014-11-19 2014-11-29           2014-11-29
665   170cfb         17     2014-11-22 2014-11-29           2014-11-29
666   8daacb         18           <NA> 2014-11-30           2014-11-30
667   034846         16     2014-11-26 2014-12-01           2014-12-03
668   232b77         22     2014-11-26 2014-12-01           2014-12-03
669   149dab         16           <NA> 2014-12-01           2014-12-01
670   404b92         21     2014-11-16 2014-12-01           2014-12-02
671   305c03         18           <NA> 2014-12-01           2014-12-01
672   1557b7         20     2014-11-28 2014-12-01           2014-12-01
673   155671         17     2014-11-27 2014-12-02           2014-12-03
674   694522         17           <NA> 2014-12-03           2014-12-04
675   42d43a         15     2014-11-26 2014-12-03           2014-12-04
676   d6ae64         22     2014-11-23 2014-12-03           2014-12-04
677   576c96         21           <NA> 2014-12-03           2014-12-03
678   5a0442         19           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-04
679   ccae08         19           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-04
680   ca7187         18           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-04
681   4102f2         16     2014-11-19 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
682   29a4fe         18     2014-11-02 2014-12-04           2014-12-04
683   d29a58         14     2014-11-19 2014-12-04           2014-12-04
684   c85ae3         17           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-06
685   34aca4         19     2014-11-12 2014-12-04           2014-12-06
686   b3deb4         21     2014-11-25 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
687   2230ca         18     2014-11-27 2014-12-04           2014-12-04
688   58b05a         18           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
689   5fcd83         19     2014-11-20 2014-12-04           2014-12-04
690   e56835         18     2014-11-22 2014-12-05           2014-12-06
691   e3df23         14           <NA> 2014-12-05           2014-12-06
692   571665         21           <NA> 2014-12-05           2014-12-06
693   39c58f         20           <NA> 2014-12-05           2014-12-05
694   5e5fd0         22     2014-11-22 2014-12-06           2014-12-08
695   a5012e         17           <NA> 2014-12-06           2014-12-07
696   a188cd         19           <NA> 2014-12-06           2014-12-08
697   2e3c7a         17           <NA> 2014-12-06           2014-12-07
698   61c8e3         19           <NA> 2014-12-07           2014-12-07
699   df3399         14     2014-11-21 2014-12-07           2014-12-07
700   c9d8a3         16     2014-11-25 2014-12-07           2014-12-08
701   7933b4         17     2014-11-14 2014-12-08           2014-12-09
702   55ba20         21     2014-12-05 2014-12-08           2014-12-09
703   451df8         18     2014-12-05 2014-12-08           2014-12-08
704   eb0720         17     2014-12-03 2014-12-08           2014-12-08
705   2ed407         20     2014-11-10 2014-12-08           2014-12-09
706   98ff6b         21     2014-11-30 2014-12-08           2014-12-10
707   e39962         16           <NA> 2014-12-09           2014-12-09
708   28d9fa         23           <NA> 2014-12-09           2014-12-10
709   a9a376         17     2014-11-13 2014-12-09           2014-12-11
710   07a9d7         17     2014-11-16 2014-12-09           2014-12-09
711   5cf13b         16           <NA> 2014-12-10           2014-12-10
712   1ffb51         15     2014-11-18 2014-12-10           2014-12-11
713   498d22         22     2014-12-01 2014-12-10           2014-12-10
714   dacbc6         13     2014-11-21 2014-12-10           2014-12-11
715   da4d2c         16     2014-11-08 2014-12-10           2014-12-10
716   2ef602         21     2014-12-07 2014-12-10           2014-12-11
717   03a7c4         17     2014-11-22 2014-12-11           2014-12-13
718   0dfa70         21     2014-11-27 2014-12-11           2014-12-13
719   738d00         20           <NA> 2014-12-11           2014-12-12
720   f587f9         22     2014-11-25 2014-12-11           2014-12-13
721   f20095         19     2014-12-09 2014-12-11           2014-12-12
722   4e7da8         17     2014-11-30 2014-12-12           2014-12-13
723   201cea         20     2014-12-06 2014-12-12           2014-12-12
724   984db4         22           <NA> 2014-12-13           2014-12-13
725   542c65         18           <NA> 2014-12-13           2014-12-14
726   877f18         19     2014-12-01 2014-12-13           2014-12-13
727   4986a4         18     2014-12-10 2014-12-13           2014-12-15
728   9bb96e         24     2014-11-20 2014-12-13           2014-12-15
729   75a2d8         18           <NA> 2014-12-13           2014-12-14
730   5f9a46         19     2014-12-07 2014-12-14           2014-12-15
731   9b15b6         19     2014-12-09 2014-12-14           2014-12-15
732   8e672f         18     2014-11-27 2014-12-14           2014-12-14
733   d4d2ee         21     2014-12-06 2014-12-14           2014-12-15
734   a818f3         21     2014-11-27 2014-12-14           2014-12-16
735   7dfdc3         18           <NA> 2014-12-14           2014-12-14
736   7d98be         16           <NA> 2014-12-14           2014-12-15
737   55d08c         26           <NA> 2014-12-15           2014-12-15
738   41def8         18           <NA> 2014-12-15           2014-12-15
739   a9fb04         19     2014-12-12 2014-12-16           2014-12-18
740   6db85f         19     2014-12-04 2014-12-16           2014-12-16
741   6cef2b         19           <NA> 2014-12-16           2014-12-18
742   fe1c26         20     2014-11-19 2014-12-17           2014-12-17
743   c268bd         20     2014-12-11 2014-12-17           2014-12-17
744   47b031         14     2014-12-13 2014-12-17           2014-12-17
745   acf0b1         23     2014-12-11 2014-12-17           2014-12-19
746   e59e91         18           <NA> 2014-12-18           2014-12-18
747   e0c057         25           <NA> 2014-12-18           2014-12-20
748   893101         19     2014-12-06 2014-12-18           2014-12-19
749   837b15         21     2014-12-09 2014-12-19           2014-12-19
750   c4954b         22           <NA> 2014-12-19           2014-12-20
751   2be397         18     2014-12-08 2014-12-19           2014-12-20
752   2ca1a1         17     2014-12-10 2014-12-20           2014-12-20
753   d794cf         19     2014-12-07 2014-12-21           2014-12-23
754   9e70cc         17     2014-12-10 2014-12-21           2014-12-23
755   91c9d5         21           <NA> 2014-12-22           2014-12-22
756   3177f8         20           <NA> 2014-12-22           2014-12-22
757   4a29c5         22     2014-12-17 2014-12-22           2014-12-23
758   ac416a         19     2014-12-04 2014-12-22           2014-12-23
759   875c20         22     2014-12-18 2014-12-23           2014-12-25
760   6469ac         22     2014-12-21 2014-12-23           2014-12-24
761   b7cd3f         18     2014-12-09 2014-12-23           2014-12-25
762   2a438e         22           <NA> 2014-12-24           2014-12-24
763   5a2c39         21     2014-12-17 2014-12-25           2014-12-25
764   8be0d1         22           <NA> 2014-12-25           2014-12-26
765   93f8bb         22           <NA> 2014-12-26           2014-12-27
766   d5c6f8         20     2014-12-24 2014-12-26           2014-12-26
767   2fa04a         23           <NA> 2014-12-26           2014-12-27
768   d64a1d         22           <NA> 2014-12-27           2014-12-29
769   aac9b3         26     2014-12-24 2014-12-27           2014-12-28
770   84b603         23     2014-12-11 2014-12-27           2014-12-28
771   24eb61         19           <NA> 2014-12-27           2014-12-28
772   1f854a         22     2014-12-18 2014-12-27           2014-12-28
773   a5b683         20           <NA> 2014-12-27           2014-12-29
774   a751b6         22           <NA> 2014-12-28           2014-12-28
775   ca31dc         20     2014-11-30 2014-12-28           2014-12-30
776   2f9320         20           <NA> 2014-12-29           2014-12-30
777   63a410         19     2014-12-21 2014-12-29           2014-12-30
778   054a82         21     2014-12-24 2014-12-29           2014-12-29
779   cc84f6         17     2014-12-26 2014-12-29           2014-12-29
780   d1497e         20           <NA> 2014-12-30           2015-01-01
781   2aef65         24           <NA> 2014-12-31           2015-01-01
782   5ed881         19     2014-12-12 2015-01-01           2015-01-01
783   7375d2         23     2015-01-01 2015-01-01           2015-01-02
784   399954         23           <NA> 2015-01-01           2015-01-01
785   092cd0         25     2014-12-22 2015-01-02           2015-01-03
786   c82c6c         21     2014-12-28 2015-01-03           2015-01-05
787   31f757         18           <NA> 2015-01-03           2015-01-04
788   7a4e7e         22     2015-01-02 2015-01-04           2015-01-05
789   35323d         20     2014-12-29 2015-01-04           2015-01-04
790   959a4d         20     2014-12-15 2015-01-04           2015-01-05
791   707e10         23           <NA> 2015-01-05           2015-01-05
792   80ef5b         21     2014-12-28 2015-01-06           2015-01-07
793   32e296         22     2015-01-05 2015-01-06           2015-01-06
794   ee9d55         24     2014-12-27 2015-01-06           2015-01-07
795   e798c4         20           <NA> 2015-01-06           2015-01-06
796   424758         27     2014-12-28 2015-01-06           2015-01-07
797   9f157b         19     2014-12-17 2015-01-07           2015-01-07
798   cb6862         23           <NA> 2015-01-07           2015-01-08
799   288dc4         23           <NA> 2015-01-07           2015-01-07
800   2868a7         20           <NA> 2015-01-07           2015-01-08
801   4d509f         22           <NA> 2015-01-08           2015-01-09
802   b74b2c         24           <NA> 2015-01-09           2015-01-10
803   7ead98         22     2014-12-31 2015-01-09           2015-01-10
804   13ac74         22     2014-12-20 2015-01-09           2015-01-09
805   72fbc1         22           <NA> 2015-01-10           2015-01-11
806   86e6ec         21     2015-01-04 2015-01-11           2015-01-12
807   56c9fc         24     2015-01-01 2015-01-12           2015-01-13
808   4dd6ba         23           <NA> 2015-01-12           2015-01-12
809   c49435         21     2015-01-06 2015-01-12           2015-01-12
810   725286         22     2015-01-10 2015-01-13           2015-01-14
811   5c5407         20     2015-01-01 2015-01-13           2015-01-14
812   ec0a4c         24     2015-01-01 2015-01-13           2015-01-15
813   e1b1fd         23     2014-12-27 2015-01-14           2015-01-15
814   af3507         21           <NA> 2015-01-15           2015-01-17
815   04a78f         22           <NA> 2015-01-15           2015-01-17
816   371a74         23     2014-12-25 2015-01-15           2015-01-17
817   30fbd8         25     2015-01-11 2015-01-16           2015-01-17
818   e6ccd6         22     2015-01-04 2015-01-16           2015-01-16
819   455bfc         16     2014-12-13 2015-01-16           2015-01-17
820   956213         22     2015-01-09 2015-01-18           2015-01-20
821   2baac8         25     2015-01-17 2015-01-19           2015-01-20
822   8c1f48         23           <NA> 2015-01-19           2015-01-20
823   e972f8         25           <NA> 2015-01-19           2015-01-19
824   a3ea15         21     2015-01-14 2015-01-19           2015-01-21
825   c0a732         21     2015-01-05 2015-01-19           2015-01-21
826   58351c         21           <NA> 2015-01-20           2015-01-20
827   3895b0         22     2015-01-20 2015-01-21           2015-01-23
828   068e38         21     2015-01-11 2015-01-22           2015-01-22
829   c69921         22           <NA> 2015-01-22           2015-01-23
830   ef70cd         21     2015-01-22 2015-01-22           2015-01-24
831   ebdead         20     2015-01-17 2015-01-23           2015-01-24
832   a9cf5a         25     2015-01-20 2015-01-23           2015-01-25
833   08465d         23     2015-01-14 2015-01-24           2015-01-26
834   7bc4d0         21     2015-01-06 2015-01-24           2015-01-25
835   7b55a4         21     2015-01-18 2015-01-24           2015-01-24
836   1439f9         26           <NA> 2015-01-24           2015-01-26
837   b1615d         22     2015-01-22 2015-01-25           2015-01-26
838   048ebc         23           <NA> 2015-01-25           2015-01-25
839   4a6075         21     2015-01-16 2015-01-26           2015-01-27
840   786ac0         18     2015-01-19 2015-01-26           2015-01-28
841   6bba7d         22     2015-01-21 2015-01-26           2015-01-26
842   541d47         23     2015-01-14 2015-01-27           2015-01-29
843   cb415b         20           <NA> 2015-01-27           2015-01-27
844   d7c738         25     2015-01-20 2015-01-28           2015-01-29
845   2ab9eb         23           <NA> 2015-01-28           2015-01-29
846   ffeff2         20     2015-01-10 2015-01-28           2015-01-30
847   8a335c         29           <NA> 2015-01-29           2015-01-30
848   bb6bfb         22           <NA> 2015-01-30           2015-02-01
849   0039db         23           <NA> 2015-01-30           2015-02-01
850   d86510         17           <NA> 2015-01-31           2015-02-01
851   409f64         23     2015-01-16 2015-01-31           2015-01-31
852   d311dd         23     2015-01-26 2015-01-31           2015-02-01
853   013644         22           <NA> 2015-01-31           2015-02-01
854   cafbb0         19     2015-01-20 2015-02-01           2015-02-03
855   db2b99         24     2015-01-23 2015-02-01           2015-02-03
856   0cef5c         25           <NA> 2015-02-02           2015-02-02
857   b4b458         27           <NA> 2015-02-02           2015-02-02
858   892abe         25     2015-01-22 2015-02-02           2015-02-04
859   65ea49         23           <NA> 2015-02-03           2015-02-05
860   675cb4         19           <NA> 2015-02-03           2015-02-04
861   87fca9         29           <NA> 2015-02-04           2015-02-05
862   95037f         30     2015-01-30 2015-02-04           2015-02-05
863   970084         23     2015-01-16 2015-02-05           2015-02-06
864   81db03         22     2015-01-31 2015-02-05           2015-02-06
865   c98936         25     2015-02-02 2015-02-05           2015-02-05
866   3a831d         23           <NA> 2015-02-05           2015-02-05
867   cabf28         24     2015-02-05 2015-02-06           2015-02-07
868   9635bd         22     2015-01-26 2015-02-07           2015-02-09
869   c8eca6         24           <NA> 2015-02-07           2015-02-08
870   55a24b         19     2015-01-17 2015-02-08           2015-02-09
871   688dfe         22           <NA> 2015-02-08           2015-02-09
872   758088         25           <NA> 2015-02-09           2015-02-09
873   6def8d         17           <NA> 2015-02-10           2015-02-11
874   a9107c         23     2015-02-01 2015-02-11           2015-02-12
875   77f183         24     2015-01-24 2015-02-11           2015-02-11
876   80e6cf         25           <NA> 2015-02-12           2015-02-12
877   3e763d         24     2015-01-28 2015-02-12           2015-02-13
878   d5d522         21     2015-01-22 2015-02-12           2015-02-13
879   2bf250         28     2015-02-07 2015-02-13           2015-02-13
880   f90512         24           <NA> 2015-02-13           2015-02-15
881   8d5295         24           <NA> 2015-02-13           2015-02-14
882   b083d0         26           <NA> 2015-02-14           2015-02-15
883   824388         25     2015-01-13 2015-02-15           2015-02-16
884   ade3e9         24     2015-02-16 2015-02-17           2015-02-18
885   830cd4         26     2015-02-13 2015-02-17           2015-02-18
886   22739e         21     2015-01-30 2015-02-17           2015-02-18
887   564958         25     2015-02-16 2015-02-17           2015-02-18
888   bf0b5e         22           <NA> 2015-02-18           2015-02-20
889   f7dcc9         29     2015-02-16 2015-02-18           2015-02-18
890   36b5fd         24           <NA> 2015-02-19           2015-02-19
891   b51296         23     2015-02-19 2015-02-19           2015-02-20
892   3556ce         22     2015-02-05 2015-02-19           2015-02-20
893   786b8c         18           <NA> 2015-02-19           2015-02-19
894   d9e084         28     2015-02-11 2015-02-20           2015-02-22
895   37e612         25     2015-02-15 2015-02-20           2015-02-21
896   b18861         24     2015-02-14 2015-02-20           2015-02-21
897   1dccec         25           <NA> 2015-02-20           2015-02-21
898   d8181f         21           <NA> 2015-02-20           2015-02-20
899   137813         29     2015-02-15 2015-02-21           2015-02-23
900   ee55ee         26     2015-02-19 2015-02-21           2015-02-21
901   f5f0ec         31     2015-02-12 2015-02-22           2015-02-23
902   673d0c         24           <NA> 2015-02-22           2015-02-23
903   e06706         25     2015-02-09 2015-02-22           2015-02-24
904   1b777f         22           <NA> 2015-02-23           2015-02-24
905   2b883d         23     2015-02-10 2015-02-23           2015-02-23
906   2fd955         29     2015-02-19 2015-02-24           2015-02-24
907   c7ae66         23     2015-02-19 2015-02-24           2015-02-24
908   54b117         24     2015-02-15 2015-02-26           2015-02-27
909   7e2883         24           <NA> 2015-02-26           2015-02-27
910   be537a         23           <NA> 2015-02-28           2015-03-02
911   33b030         26     2015-02-05 2015-02-28           2015-03-01
912   5fd8c8         26           <NA> 2015-02-28           2015-02-28
913   3c2fd4         25     2015-02-18 2015-03-01           2015-03-02
914   47b4ae         24     2015-02-20 2015-03-01           2015-03-02
915   ddbfdf         25     2015-02-24 2015-03-01           2015-03-01
916   095df3         19           <NA> 2015-03-02           2015-03-04
917   478c45         27     2015-02-19 2015-03-02           2015-03-03
918   975680         27           <NA> 2015-03-02           2015-03-03
919   d5870f         25           <NA> 2015-03-03           2015-03-05
920   711539         26     2015-02-08 2015-03-03           2015-03-04
921   92309f         25     2015-02-23 2015-03-03           2015-03-03
922   cde621         26     2015-02-20 2015-03-03           2015-03-04
923   50548e         27     2015-02-20 2015-03-04           2015-03-04
924   70e019         29           <NA> 2015-03-04           2015-03-05
925   957384         27     2015-03-01 2015-03-05           2015-03-06
926   71a4ae         25           <NA> 2015-03-05           2015-03-05
927   1b2feb         34     2015-02-23 2015-03-06           2015-03-06
928   61d786         28     2015-03-03 2015-03-07           2015-03-08
929   fc674a         32     2015-03-06 2015-03-09           2015-03-09
930   61e513         25           <NA> 2015-03-10           2015-03-11
931   4ca38f         27     2015-02-28 2015-03-11           2015-03-12
932   cad7d9         26     2015-03-01 2015-03-11           2015-03-13
933   aaea82         22     2015-02-17 2015-03-12           2015-03-12
934   704af6         26           <NA> 2015-03-12           2015-03-14
935   8c06b3         23           <NA> 2015-03-12           2015-03-13
936   e8b57f         25     2015-02-22 2015-03-13           2015-03-15
937   620b62         33           <NA> 2015-03-14           2015-03-15
938   3eb2ba         24           <NA> 2015-03-15           2015-03-16
939   b18217         24           <NA> 2015-03-16           2015-03-17
940   489045         25           <NA> 2015-03-16           2015-03-17
941   c8a055         27           <NA> 2015-03-16           2015-03-16
942   139b17         25     2015-03-02 2015-03-18           2015-03-19
943   180f2d         30     2015-03-16 2015-03-18           2015-03-19
944   83bad0         32     2015-02-20 2015-03-20           2015-03-20
945   15f9e2         27     2015-03-17 2015-03-23           2015-03-25
946   0d1fc6         28     2015-03-22 2015-03-25           2015-03-26
947   6026c7         26     2015-03-22 2015-03-27           2015-03-27
948   15da23         28           <NA> 2015-03-27           2015-03-28
949   5395ec         26     2015-03-14 2015-03-28           2015-03-29
950   f8e561         26           <NA> 2015-03-30           2015-04-01
951   64ad98         26     2015-03-20 2015-04-02           2015-04-03
952   9f685f         27     2015-03-28 2015-04-02           2015-04-02
953   33deff         26     2015-03-17 2015-04-04           2015-04-05
954   dd9090         26           <NA> 2015-04-06           2015-04-08
955   cc3e84         30           <NA> 2015-04-07           2015-04-08
956   147cf7         28     2015-04-07 2015-04-08           2015-04-10
957   1655de         27     2015-03-21 2015-04-09           2015-04-10
958   f06cde         31     2015-03-29 2015-04-09           2015-04-09
959   908686         33     2015-04-07 2015-04-09           2015-04-10
960   425802         28     2015-04-06 2015-04-10           2015-04-10
961   231d93         28           <NA> 2015-04-12           2015-04-13
962   4c9078         26     2015-04-11 2015-04-13           2015-04-14
963   44db04         27     2015-04-03 2015-04-13           2015-04-14
964   9dd60a         31     2015-04-09 2015-04-13           2015-04-14
965   c529a2         30     2015-03-29 2015-04-16           2015-04-17
966   bc5870         29     2015-04-05 2015-04-16           2015-04-18
967   cbb8f4         29     2015-04-15 2015-04-19           2015-04-21
968   358739         26     2015-04-19 2015-04-20           2015-04-22
969   40d948         30           <NA> 2015-04-24           2015-04-24
970   40db65         36     2015-04-20 2015-04-26           2015-04-26
971   02e044         36     2015-04-27 2015-04-28           2015-04-28
972   7f0cc8         32     2015-04-09 2015-04-29           2015-04-29
973   e7e88e         30           <NA> 2015-04-30           2015-04-30
974   881bd4          3     2014-04-26 2014-05-01           2014-05-05
975   79ad06          4     2014-05-03 2014-05-06           2014-05-16
976   974bc1          4     2014-05-05 2014-05-09           2014-05-13
977   9d4019          4           <NA> 2014-05-13           2014-05-16
978   900021          3     2014-05-09 2014-05-14           2014-05-17
979   d4ff47          6     2014-05-14 2014-05-17           2014-05-20
980   4b9ead          5           <NA> 2014-05-21           2014-05-27
981   5837cf          4     2014-05-05 2014-06-02           2014-06-07
982   7b82a8          6     2014-05-20 2014-06-09           2014-06-13
983   a3c50c          5     2014-06-07 2014-06-09           2014-06-12
984   528572          7     2014-05-31 2014-06-09           2014-06-18
985   e33327          5     2014-06-06 2014-06-11           2014-06-18
986   9f41d3          5     2014-06-06 2014-06-16           2014-07-02
987   2afc42          8           <NA> 2014-06-17           2014-06-27
988   3cf6cf          6     2014-06-21 2014-06-24           2014-06-27
989   ea7119          6     2014-06-23 2014-06-27           2014-06-30
990   f81c5e          6           <NA> 2014-06-30           2014-07-03
991   df3a12         11           <NA> 2014-07-05           2014-07-09
992   a33e38          6     2014-06-29 2014-07-10           2014-07-13
993   dec212         11     2014-07-07 2014-07-10           2014-07-14
994   823533         12     2014-07-10 2014-07-11           2014-07-14
995   1cf6fc          7     2014-07-10 2014-07-17           2014-07-22
996   989ed6          9     2014-07-15 2014-07-18           2014-07-21
997   7e3dab         11     2014-07-17 2014-07-23           2014-07-26
998   51b8e2          9           <NA> 2014-07-23           2014-07-26
999   292db2         10     2014-07-17 2014-07-25           2014-08-03
1000  f77573          8     2014-07-11 2014-07-26           2014-08-01
1001  174288         12           <NA> 2014-07-27           2014-08-01
1002  3b8407          8     2014-07-27 2014-07-28           2014-08-01
1003  6f8d06         11     2014-07-22 2014-07-30           2014-08-07
1004  01c442         12           <NA> 2014-07-30           2014-08-04
1005  0f5c6e          8           <NA> 2014-07-30           2014-08-04
1006  517931          9           <NA> 2014-08-03           2014-08-06
1007  64e8e6          7           <NA> 2014-08-04           2014-08-08
1008  d49d6c         10           <NA> 2014-08-04           2014-08-09
1009  42022a          7     2014-07-26 2014-08-04           2014-08-08
1010  b801a2          9     2014-07-31 2014-08-04           2014-08-07
1011  6be0c7         11     2014-08-05 2014-08-05           2014-08-08
1012  35ab60          8     2014-07-21 2014-08-05           2014-08-08
1013  b44247         11     2014-08-05 2014-08-06           2014-08-11
1014  281dd1         11     2014-07-31 2014-08-07           2014-08-10
1015  1552a3          9           <NA> 2014-08-08           2014-08-11
1016  8dbd02         14     2014-08-07 2014-08-10           2014-08-15
1017  27adef         12     2014-08-03 2014-08-11           2014-08-14
1018  d2be27         12           <NA> 2014-08-11           2014-08-19
1019  af9abd         12     2014-07-24 2014-08-11           2014-08-18
1020  f9e3c4          9     2014-08-07 2014-08-11           2014-08-15
1021  7b6a3c         12     2014-08-04 2014-08-12           2014-08-23
1022  44de7a         12     2014-08-04 2014-08-13           2014-08-20
1023  c8c4d5         12     2014-08-11 2014-08-13           2014-08-19
1024  6af269         11           <NA> 2014-08-13           2014-08-19
1025  c4c05a          8           <NA> 2014-08-13           2014-08-21
1026  c9fc3d         10     2014-08-11 2014-08-14           2014-08-18
1027  c96992         12     2014-08-10 2014-08-14           2014-08-18
1028  bdb1a2         12           <NA> 2014-08-15           2014-08-19
1029  a4e1a8         10     2014-08-07 2014-08-15           2014-08-22
1030  7d25a6         14     2014-08-14 2014-08-16           2014-08-21
1031  088b66         11     2014-08-15 2014-08-16           2014-08-20
1032  fd7cfd          9           <NA> 2014-08-16           2014-08-19
1033  659025         10     2014-08-08 2014-08-17           2014-08-22
1034  2d864d          8           <NA> 2014-08-18           2014-08-21
1035  d7a0dd         10           <NA> 2014-08-18           2014-08-31
1036  cd76e0         13     2014-08-14 2014-08-18           2014-08-22
1037  68caa7          8     2014-08-01 2014-08-18           2014-08-21
1038  c3ba87         12     2014-08-07 2014-08-19           2014-08-24
1039  b2333b         12     2014-08-17 2014-08-21           2014-08-24
1040  852f36         11     2014-08-18 2014-08-21           2014-08-31
1041  0223d3         10     2014-08-13 2014-08-21           2014-08-26
1042  2f2ebc         14           <NA> 2014-08-22           2014-08-27
1043  47d0b3         14           <NA> 2014-08-22           2014-08-26
1044  96a12a         11     2014-08-18 2014-08-23           2014-08-28
1045  137b57         10     2014-08-23 2014-08-23           2014-08-26
1046  839951         13     2014-08-12 2014-08-24           2014-08-28
1047  3c5404         17     2014-08-18 2014-08-24           2014-08-29
1048  2d42a8         13           <NA> 2014-08-24           2014-08-27
1049  ed3983         14     2014-08-18 2014-08-24           2014-08-28
1050  d8e226         13           <NA> 2014-08-25           2014-08-28
1051  f2e84b         12           <NA> 2014-08-25           2014-08-29
1052  fa03ea         10     2014-08-07 2014-08-26           2014-08-29
1053  314c66         10     2014-08-14 2014-08-26           2014-08-31
1054  c44cba          9     2014-08-20 2014-08-26           2014-08-29
1055  28eea4         14     2014-08-21 2014-08-27           2014-08-31
1056  fd9e03          9           <NA> 2014-08-27           2014-08-31
1057  fa8d63         13     2014-08-23 2014-08-27           2014-09-02
1058  a38384         13     2014-08-21 2014-08-28           2014-08-31
1059  0bd916         11     2014-08-18 2014-08-28           2014-09-01
1060  67fa5e         13     2014-08-25 2014-08-28           2014-09-03
1061  3f7c0b         15     2014-08-24 2014-08-28           2014-09-02
1062  00086d         11           <NA> 2014-08-28           2014-09-13
1063  ae0163         11     2014-08-26 2014-08-29           2014-09-06
1064  9f9725         14     2014-08-27 2014-08-29           2014-09-01
1065  9acb86         11           <NA> 2014-08-29           2014-09-01
1066  05dc7d         12     2014-08-27 2014-08-29           2014-09-05
1067  145445         12     2014-08-21 2014-08-30           2014-09-02
1068  7633ea         11     2014-08-17 2014-08-30           2014-09-05
1069  9c7fb5         15     2014-08-11 2014-08-30           2014-09-04
1070  9e7f2c         12     2014-08-18 2014-08-30           2014-09-06
1071  dc67b4         11     2014-08-19 2014-08-30           2014-09-04
1072  3f8c71         16           <NA> 2014-08-31           2014-09-07
1073  fb1e59         10     2014-08-22 2014-08-31           2014-09-06
1074  6133b9          9     2014-07-24 2014-09-01           2014-09-05
1075  5a7acc          8     2014-08-12 2014-09-01           2014-09-12
1076  52735e         14     2014-08-18 2014-09-02           2014-09-08
1077  a26cae         10           <NA> 2014-09-02           2014-09-05
1078  cf428f         10     2014-08-21 2014-09-02           2014-09-05
1079  a190d3         16     2014-08-26 2014-09-02           2014-09-16
1080  d74499         10     2014-08-03 2014-09-04           2014-09-16
1081  70bcb6         12     2014-08-25 2014-09-04           2014-09-14
1082  2a812e         10     2014-09-03 2014-09-04           2014-09-11
1083  64a537         12     2014-08-26 2014-09-05           2014-09-08
1084  c4408d         15     2014-09-02 2014-09-05           2014-09-08
1085  2f8552         11     2014-09-03 2014-09-06           2014-09-10
1086  2e70ff         11     2014-09-03 2014-09-06           2014-09-14
1087  53f02f         11           <NA> 2014-09-06           2014-09-12
1088  215cee         13           <NA> 2014-09-07           2014-09-10
1089  eefbfa         12           <NA> 2014-09-07           2014-09-16
1090  47eaae         14     2014-08-31 2014-09-07           2014-09-16
1091  112c9b         16           <NA> 2014-09-07           2014-09-10
1092  0620d9         15     2014-09-02 2014-09-07           2014-09-11
1093  c9783b         14           <NA> 2014-09-08           2014-09-11
1094  9711b8         13           <NA> 2014-09-08           2014-09-15
1095  4b1adb         14     2014-09-06 2014-09-08           2014-09-12
1096  39223a          9           <NA> 2014-09-08           2014-09-13
1097  d26ed9         16     2014-09-07 2014-09-10           2014-09-18
1098  d78767         15     2014-09-07 2014-09-11           2014-09-14
1099  54b10f         12     2014-09-03 2014-09-11           2014-09-14
1100  78409a         15           <NA> 2014-09-12           2014-09-20
1101  9368c1         11     2014-09-07 2014-09-13           2014-09-18
1102  85c4bf         12     2014-09-11 2014-09-13           2014-09-17
1103  349ae7          8     2014-08-30 2014-09-14           2014-09-19
1104  261373         12     2014-09-06 2014-09-14           2014-09-17
1105  e13eb6         16     2014-09-11 2014-09-15           2014-09-18
1106  28e4d3          7     2014-08-26 2014-09-15           2014-09-19
1107  1ae61f         11     2014-09-11 2014-09-16           2014-09-19
1108  b66d08         16     2014-09-07 2014-09-16           2014-09-28
1109  e0424f         12     2014-09-09 2014-09-16           2014-09-19
1110  06da4f         14     2014-09-15 2014-09-16           2014-09-19
1111  62b067         12     2014-08-13 2014-09-17           2014-09-20
1112  a4df9d         15           <NA> 2014-09-17           2014-09-20
1113  788d03         17     2014-09-09 2014-09-17           2014-09-20
1114  cd52c0         11           <NA> 2014-09-17           2014-09-22
1115  7d8ecb         13           <NA> 2014-09-17           2014-09-22
1116  f78a0d         18     2014-09-10 2014-09-18           2014-09-23
1117  a6ed82         10           <NA> 2014-09-18           2014-09-22
1118  c46e1a         11     2014-09-06 2014-09-18           2014-09-21
1119  dd7512         14     2014-09-04 2014-09-18           2014-09-24
1120  7692e2         15     2014-09-13 2014-09-18           2014-09-23
1121  408c53          7           <NA> 2014-09-18           2014-09-28
1122  51c325         10     2014-09-05 2014-09-19           2014-09-22
1123  728730         12     2014-09-12 2014-09-19           2014-09-23
1124  8ff05b         15           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-24
1125  d97771         14     2014-09-17 2014-09-20           2014-09-23
1126  b2794b         10     2014-09-08 2014-09-20           2014-09-23
1127  2e3254         15           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-24
1128  54bf32         12     2014-09-08 2014-09-21           2014-09-28
1129  b3ec9e         14           <NA> 2014-09-21           2014-09-27
1130  4c0be8         18     2014-09-14 2014-09-21           2014-09-24
1131  c55720          8           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-25
1132  6032ec         14     2014-09-19 2014-09-23           2014-09-26
1133  9d522f         13     2014-09-09 2014-09-23           2014-09-26
1134  1f1cfd         14           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-29
1135  e74fd9         14     2014-09-06 2014-09-24           2014-09-27
1136  26b565         16     2014-09-19 2014-09-25           2014-09-28
1137  a127a7         15     2014-09-22 2014-09-25           2014-09-29
1138  ed6805         16           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-30
1139  7c39f5          9           <NA> 2014-09-26           2014-10-04
1140  ce1a9f         12     2014-09-03 2014-09-26           2014-10-01
1141  979ba4         16     2014-09-15 2014-09-28           2014-10-02
1142  2349f6         13     2014-09-03 2014-09-28           2014-10-05
1143  9a1d89         15     2014-09-17 2014-09-30           2014-10-04
1144  83820f         17     2014-09-30 2014-10-01           2014-10-08
1145  f8633d         15           <NA> 2014-10-01           2014-10-04
1146  36177d         16           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-05
1147  ba2431         13     2014-09-30 2014-10-02           2014-10-05
1148  e42e33         13           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-05
1149  dfb336         21     2014-09-23 2014-10-03           2014-10-06
1150  b73c71         14     2014-09-15 2014-10-03           2014-10-13
1151  c31a53         16           <NA> 2014-10-03           2014-10-09
1152  697194         17           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-07
1153  b326fb         17     2014-09-23 2014-10-04           2014-10-07
1154  e64e04         20     2014-09-22 2014-10-06           2014-10-10
1155  a8e62e         14     2014-10-01 2014-10-07           2014-10-11
1156  7c0ab5         18     2014-10-03 2014-10-08           2014-10-11
1157  1cab0a         16     2014-09-26 2014-10-09           2014-10-13
1158  eca3d5         13     2014-10-09 2014-10-10           2014-10-16
1159  24717d         16           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-13
1160  db52f0         12     2014-09-07 2014-10-12           2014-10-15
1161  648351         15     2014-09-23 2014-10-12           2014-10-15
1162  63be3a         12     2014-10-01 2014-10-13           2014-10-19
1163  5c05a9         14     2014-10-09 2014-10-13           2014-10-17
1164  fe2b09         11     2014-09-16 2014-10-14           2014-10-17
1165  b613da         23           <NA> 2014-10-15           2014-10-19
1166  ca5f7a         14     2014-10-13 2014-10-15           2014-10-18
1167  b24dc8         18     2014-10-10 2014-10-18           2014-10-21
1168  4231b0         12           <NA> 2014-10-18           2014-10-21
1169  7cb7a0         16           <NA> 2014-10-20           2014-10-23
1170  7bc2e6         18           <NA> 2014-10-20           2014-10-23
1171  37812a         13     2014-10-16 2014-10-21           2014-10-24
1172  381ae1         17     2014-10-06 2014-10-22           2014-10-25
1173  04a0c1         14     2014-10-10 2014-10-22           2014-10-26
1174  aac49d         16           <NA> 2014-10-26           2014-10-30
1175  f64754         18     2014-10-22 2014-10-29           2014-11-01
1176  fa7a87         18           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-11-04
1177  72c803         15     2014-10-11 2014-11-02           2014-11-05
1178  393c00         16           <NA> 2014-11-04           2014-11-08
1179  7fad1e         14     2014-11-01 2014-11-04           2014-11-07
1180  84b86e         21           <NA> 2014-11-06           2014-11-09
1181  d47884         15     2014-11-01 2014-11-06           2014-11-09
1182  9432d0         16           <NA> 2014-11-07           2014-11-10
1183  a76671         17           <NA> 2014-11-09           2014-11-12
1184  baa1e5         19     2014-11-09 2014-11-09           2014-11-12
1185  2556b1         17     2014-10-26 2014-11-11           2014-11-14
1186  3d3a57         16     2014-10-21 2014-11-12           2014-11-15
1187  180823         15     2014-11-04 2014-11-17           2014-11-21
1188  e8108c         21     2014-11-13 2014-11-20           2014-11-25
1189  34fd7f         17     2014-11-07 2014-11-20           2014-11-24
1190  d85783         20           <NA> 2014-11-24           2014-11-28
1191  7c06a7         19           <NA> 2014-11-25           2014-11-28
1192  8eaee8         16     2014-11-03 2014-11-25           2014-11-29
1193  e83de5         18           <NA> 2014-11-27           2014-11-30
1194  789fa5         20           <NA> 2014-11-27           2014-11-30
1195  f33fdc         18           <NA> 2014-11-27           2014-12-03
1196  27cc4f         17     2014-11-28 2014-11-30           2014-12-03
1197  cf1768         19     2014-11-01 2014-12-01           2014-12-04
1198  cf15df         22     2014-11-20 2014-12-02           2014-12-07
1199  a81176         17           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-07
1200  fca629         20           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-07
1201  1ba59f         26           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-07
1202  89e800         19     2014-11-25 2014-12-05           2014-12-10
1203  efba01         13     2014-11-29 2014-12-05           2014-12-10
1204  c1a29b         21     2014-12-06 2014-12-06           2014-12-09
1205  a6ae8e         21     2014-12-05 2014-12-07           2014-12-11
1206  dc0202         18           <NA> 2014-12-07           2014-12-10
1207  d363ac         20           <NA> 2014-12-07           2014-12-11
1208  3a347c         19     2014-11-21 2014-12-10           2014-12-14
1209  98e9a5         20           <NA> 2014-12-17           2014-12-20
1210  b0ea66         21     2014-12-17 2014-12-19           2014-12-25
1211  aed499         23           <NA> 2014-12-20           2014-12-24
1212  03449a         15           <NA> 2014-12-20           2014-12-23
1213  6517c9         19           <NA> 2014-12-21           2014-12-26
1214  4c510b         23           <NA> 2014-12-21           2014-12-25
1215  743129         22     2014-12-16 2014-12-23           2014-12-26
1216  abceb7         18           <NA> 2014-12-23           2014-12-26
1217  01e000         23     2014-12-15 2014-12-26           2014-12-29
1218  4506ad         24           <NA> 2015-01-01           2015-01-05
1219  5d1d95         23     2014-12-22 2015-01-03           2015-01-07
1220  c2384c         20     2015-01-02 2015-01-07           2015-01-11
1221  83f0cf         23           <NA> 2015-01-12           2015-01-18
1222  880ddb         18     2015-01-03 2015-01-14           2015-01-18
1223  515c01         22     2015-01-10 2015-01-16           2015-01-19
1224  dcecc6         23     2015-01-01 2015-01-16           2015-01-20
1225  9c81f7         24     2015-01-14 2015-01-17           2015-01-22
1226  4f0791         23           <NA> 2015-01-22           2015-01-25
1227  05467b         19     2015-01-12 2015-01-22           2015-01-26
1228  722b87         23           <NA> 2015-02-03           2015-02-06
1229  89983e         22     2015-01-12 2015-02-03           2015-02-06
1230  14b942         22     2015-01-27 2015-02-11           2015-02-14
1231  7eacda         23     2015-02-14 2015-02-17           2015-02-20
1232  1efaa7         27           <NA> 2015-02-22           2015-02-25
1233  c27215         24     2015-02-15 2015-02-25           2015-02-28
1234  defe6a         28     2015-02-23 2015-03-02           2015-03-05
1235  7f3040         22           <NA> 2015-03-07           2015-03-11
1236  7ebc55         29           <NA> 2015-03-08           2015-03-12
1237  456585         36           <NA> 2015-03-10           2015-03-14
1238  9d8c54         24     2015-02-26 2015-03-13           2015-03-16
1239  9faf1e         25           <NA> 2015-03-13           2015-03-22
1240  724d69         25           <NA> 2015-03-13           2015-03-16
1241  036c25         26     2015-02-18 2015-03-14           2015-03-18
1242  f713bf         30           <NA> 2015-03-14           2015-03-17
1243  8cea8b         23     2015-03-04 2015-03-14           2015-03-18
1244  a7bc09         23           <NA> 2015-03-16           2015-03-22
1245  5c9681         28     2015-03-16 2015-03-19           2015-03-26
1246  916793         27     2015-03-25 2015-03-27           2015-03-31
1247  11e7a6         29     2015-03-24 2015-03-27           2015-03-31
1248  6d6dbb         25     2015-03-20 2015-03-27           2015-03-30
1249  27dd47         30     2015-03-28 2015-03-30           2015-04-02
1250  b6b4d3         30     2015-04-01 2015-04-03           2015-04-06
1251  e59e18         26     2015-03-26 2015-04-04           2015-04-08
1252  374b59         28     2015-04-02 2015-04-11           2015-04-14
1253  287458         29     2015-04-14 2015-04-19           2015-04-22
1254  bee5e8         35     2015-04-22 2015-04-26           2015-04-29
1255  6c286a          2           <NA> 2014-04-27           2014-04-27
1256  f9149b          3           <NA> 2014-05-03           2014-05-04
1257  20b688          3           <NA> 2014-05-05           2014-05-06
1258  40ae5f          4     2014-05-04 2014-05-07           2014-05-08
1259  f547d6          3     2014-05-02 2014-05-07           2014-05-08
1260  a3c8b8          4     2014-05-07 2014-05-08           2014-05-10
1261  d8a13d          4     2014-05-06 2014-05-08           2014-05-10
1262  b8f2fd          5     2014-05-07 2014-05-12           2014-05-13
1263  6285c9          4     2014-05-04 2014-05-14           2014-05-14
1264  dce5cc          4     2014-05-03 2014-05-17           2014-05-18
1265  f96aa5          3     2014-05-17 2014-05-19           2014-05-20
1266  c4e706          5           <NA> 2014-05-23           2014-05-24
1267  d0523a          7     2014-05-20 2014-05-24           2014-05-26
1268  dae8c7          3     2014-05-23 2014-05-25           2014-05-27
1269  9e0998          4           <NA> 2014-05-26           2014-05-27
1270  acf422          6     2014-05-25 2014-05-27           2014-05-28
1271  1a4ac9          6           <NA> 2014-05-27           2014-05-29
1272  ce9c02          5     2014-05-27 2014-05-27           2014-05-29
1273  566f9e          3     2014-05-24 2014-05-27           2014-05-28
1274  133ee7          3     2014-05-23 2014-05-27           2014-05-29
1275  56d39e          5           <NA> 2014-05-27           2014-05-28
1276  db4b96          3     2014-05-16 2014-05-31           2014-06-01
1277  5387a2          4     2014-05-26 2014-05-31           2014-05-31
1278  8a4580          4           <NA> 2014-06-02           2014-06-02
1279  dbebea          7           <NA> 2014-06-02           2014-06-03
1280  ab034a          4           <NA> 2014-06-03           2014-06-05
1281  7e95d1          4     2014-05-25 2014-06-05           2014-06-07
1282  788a99          5     2014-06-01 2014-06-06           2014-06-07
1283  2b8773          5     2014-05-31 2014-06-06           2014-06-07
1284  60f0c2          7     2014-06-04 2014-06-07           2014-06-08
1285  9f6884          4     2014-06-02 2014-06-07           2014-06-07
1286  211b45          5           <NA> 2014-06-07           2014-06-08
1287  fc05c1          4     2014-05-15 2014-06-08           2014-06-09
1288  50adde          6           <NA> 2014-06-09           2014-06-10
1289  d6f195          4           <NA> 2014-06-10           2014-06-12
1290  6fa4bf          5     2014-06-05 2014-06-10           2014-06-11
1291  e0fb09          6           <NA> 2014-06-11           2014-06-13
1292  057e7a          7     2014-06-04 2014-06-14           2014-06-15
1293  4cff96          6     2014-06-05 2014-06-15           2014-06-16
1294  be502d          5     2014-06-09 2014-06-15           2014-06-16
1295  bab455          5           <NA> 2014-06-15           2014-06-16
1296  9ae2d7          5     2014-06-12 2014-06-16           2014-06-16
1297  a6c614          5     2014-06-05 2014-06-16           2014-06-18
1298  c15f36          5           <NA> 2014-06-17           2014-06-19
1299  2ebf95          6           <NA> 2014-06-19           2014-06-21
1300  c36eb4          8     2014-06-15 2014-06-20           2014-06-21
1301  02d8fd          9     2014-06-14 2014-06-20           2014-06-20
1302  af9f9a          6           <NA> 2014-06-20           2014-06-20
1303  88eff2          5           <NA> 2014-06-20           2014-06-21
1304  bd14fc          6     2014-06-04 2014-06-20           2014-06-22
1305  9e74c4         10     2014-06-20 2014-06-22           2014-06-24
1306  542d07          5     2014-06-10 2014-06-22           2014-06-23
1307  341efa          9           <NA> 2014-06-24           2014-06-26
1308  589e9f          9     2014-06-11 2014-06-24           2014-06-26
1309  ae96ac         10     2014-06-20 2014-06-25           2014-06-25
1310  f86ce2          9           <NA> 2014-06-26           2014-06-26
1311  920c1b          5     2014-05-28 2014-06-26           2014-06-27
1312  fdeb61          5           <NA> 2014-06-29           2014-07-01
1313  af1c1f          5           <NA> 2014-06-29           2014-06-29
1314  ec8ee4          6     2014-06-15 2014-06-30           2014-07-02
1315  bc648d          9           <NA> 2014-06-30           2014-07-02
1316  c62127          9     2014-06-20 2014-07-02           2014-07-03
1317  b799eb          5     2014-06-27 2014-07-03           2014-07-05
1318  0ae14e          7     2014-06-28 2014-07-03           2014-07-04
1319  f1d5e5          4     2014-07-01 2014-07-04           2014-07-06
1320  71577a          6     2014-06-23 2014-07-05           2014-07-06
1321  a6ff85          6           <NA> 2014-07-05           2014-07-07
1322  92b1ef         10           <NA> 2014-07-05           2014-07-06
1323  895618          8           <NA> 2014-07-06           2014-07-06
1324  415e3a          6           <NA> 2014-07-06           2014-07-08
1325  ceed40          5           <NA> 2014-07-07           2014-07-09
1326  c2e83e          8     2014-06-29 2014-07-07           2014-07-08
1327  188c88         10     2014-07-03 2014-07-09           2014-07-11
1328  abd4af          5     2014-06-08 2014-07-11           2014-07-12
1329  7fd086          7           <NA> 2014-07-11           2014-07-13
1330  f0461f          9     2014-07-09 2014-07-12           2014-07-12
1331  006e2f         11           <NA> 2014-07-12           2014-07-14
1332  1c1848          8     2014-07-09 2014-07-12           2014-07-14
1333  dd9d20          7           <NA> 2014-07-15           2014-07-17
1334  66f2cd          9           <NA> 2014-07-15           2014-07-17
1335  0b46a0          9     2014-07-12 2014-07-16           2014-07-16
1336  3c09c4          7     2014-07-09 2014-07-16           2014-07-17
1337  cfd79c          8           <NA> 2014-07-17           2014-07-18
1338  188619          7     2014-07-05 2014-07-17           2014-07-19
1339  62a2ef          9     2014-07-02 2014-07-17           2014-07-19
1340  52ea64          7     2014-07-15 2014-07-18           2014-07-20
1341  021718         10     2014-07-15 2014-07-18           2014-07-19
1342  d6867c          6     2014-06-29 2014-07-18           2014-07-19
1343  92ab68          8           <NA> 2014-07-19           2014-07-20
1344  a9feb3          6     2014-06-29 2014-07-19           2014-07-21
1345  a42ade          9           <NA> 2014-07-19           2014-07-20
1346  f81362          8           <NA> 2014-07-20           2014-07-21
1347  f36729          9     2014-07-05 2014-07-20           2014-07-21
1348  58b968         10     2014-07-18 2014-07-20           2014-07-21
1349  4c1040          7     2014-07-17 2014-07-20           2014-07-20
1350  d6584f          6     2014-07-14 2014-07-20           2014-07-21
1351  342b03          7           <NA> 2014-07-22           2014-07-24
1352  92ddf7          9     2014-07-19 2014-07-23           2014-07-25
1353  69446e         12           <NA> 2014-07-23           2014-07-25
1354  386dfb          9     2014-07-19 2014-07-23           2014-07-23
1355  eae3e8          7     2014-06-26 2014-07-23           2014-07-25
1356  886626         11     2014-07-16 2014-07-23           2014-07-25
1357  3f5a00          7     2014-07-09 2014-07-24           2014-07-24
1358  ae50c8          9     2014-07-20 2014-07-25           2014-07-27
1359  896214         11     2014-07-18 2014-07-26           2014-07-28
1360  9735dc          8           <NA> 2014-07-26           2014-07-27
1361  1f1620          7     2014-07-15 2014-07-26           2014-07-26
1362  917506          9     2014-07-18 2014-07-27           2014-07-27
1363  583717         10           <NA> 2014-07-27           2014-07-28
1364  171c5d          7     2014-07-26 2014-07-27           2014-07-28
1365  0a9827          9           <NA> 2014-07-28           2014-07-30
1366  2ed605          9     2014-07-27 2014-07-28           2014-07-30
1367  9d69e4         10     2014-07-26 2014-07-29           2014-07-31
1368  5dc1e2          6     2014-07-29 2014-07-29           2014-07-31
1369  770e5e          7           <NA> 2014-07-29           2014-07-30
1370  1e1825          8           <NA> 2014-07-29           2014-07-31
1371  b013ab          8     2014-07-24 2014-07-30           2014-07-30
1372  0277c7          9     2014-07-22 2014-07-30           2014-07-30
1373  9fcf61         10           <NA> 2014-07-30           2014-07-31
1374  c5bc73          7     2014-07-27 2014-07-31           2014-08-02
1375  db7b54         14     2014-07-26 2014-07-31           2014-08-01
1376  09a68f         10           <NA> 2014-08-01           2014-08-01
1377  9c1ae9          9     2014-08-01 2014-08-01           2014-08-02
1378  cc7393          8           <NA> 2014-08-01           2014-08-03
1379  069ea8         10     2014-07-28 2014-08-01           2014-08-03
1380  6a3ea1         12           <NA> 2014-08-02           2014-08-03
1381  d9f1b9          8     2014-07-18 2014-08-02           2014-08-03
1382  e71272         11     2014-07-06 2014-08-02           2014-08-03
1383  14224c          8     2014-07-17 2014-08-02           2014-08-02
1384  c5d4ec          7     2014-07-21 2014-08-02           2014-08-02
1385  8188cd          7     2014-07-16 2014-08-02           2014-08-03
1386  53f4ae          7     2014-07-30 2014-08-02           2014-08-04
1387  c8c030          9           <NA> 2014-08-02           2014-08-02
1388  b56849         10     2014-07-20 2014-08-03           2014-08-04
1389  a81f7d         12     2014-08-02 2014-08-03           2014-08-04
1390  1e061f          9     2014-07-21 2014-08-03           2014-08-03
1391  30dc63         13           <NA> 2014-08-03           2014-08-03
1392  064dc0         10     2014-07-25 2014-08-04           2014-08-06
1393  90360f          9     2014-07-18 2014-08-04           2014-08-06
1394  52f612         11     2014-08-01 2014-08-04           2014-08-06
1395  730b25          9     2014-07-29 2014-08-04           2014-08-04
1396  111d92         10     2014-07-25 2014-08-04           2014-08-04
1397  675f57         11     2014-07-30 2014-08-04           2014-08-04
1398  1d1d8e         10     2014-07-30 2014-08-05           2014-08-07
1399  059cc0         10           <NA> 2014-08-05           2014-08-05
1400  1a9636         14           <NA> 2014-08-05           2014-08-06
1401  68623f          8     2014-07-29 2014-08-05           2014-08-06
1402  1f8797         12           <NA> 2014-08-05           2014-08-05
1403  472fef         11           <NA> 2014-08-05           2014-08-07
1404  bd0983          9     2014-06-26 2014-08-05           2014-08-06
1405  df8dbb         13           <NA> 2014-08-06           2014-08-08
1406  9cd6d0         12     2014-08-01 2014-08-06           2014-08-07
1407  b18be6         11           <NA> 2014-08-06           2014-08-08
1408  b2a4f5         13     2014-08-05 2014-08-07           2014-08-08
1409  969b08         11           <NA> 2014-08-07           2014-08-08
1410  42663b          8           <NA> 2014-08-07           2014-08-09
1411  571076         13     2014-08-06 2014-08-07           2014-08-08
1412  579c1d         11     2014-08-03 2014-08-09           2014-08-10
1413  ce6c0d          9     2014-08-05 2014-08-09           2014-08-10
1414  aecc48          9     2014-08-06 2014-08-09           2014-08-10
1415  6dca26         14           <NA> 2014-08-09           2014-08-10
1416  834a39          8     2014-07-24 2014-08-09           2014-08-09
1417  267434         15     2014-08-01 2014-08-10           2014-08-11
1418  590dc9         15           <NA> 2014-08-10           2014-08-12
1419  c2b809          9           <NA> 2014-08-10           2014-08-12
1420  5bddef          9     2014-08-05 2014-08-10           2014-08-10
1421  e13621         14     2014-08-08 2014-08-11           2014-08-12
1422  9cc857         12     2014-08-07 2014-08-11           2014-08-11
1423  29ea50         12           <NA> 2014-08-11           2014-08-12
1424  ba7db9         12           <NA> 2014-08-11           2014-08-13
1425  2999ed         11     2014-08-05 2014-08-11           2014-08-12
1426  feea26          9           <NA> 2014-08-12           2014-08-14
1427  866488         14           <NA> 2014-08-12           2014-08-12
1428  c9e824         10     2014-08-09 2014-08-13           2014-08-15
1429  6963ab          9     2014-08-12 2014-08-13           2014-08-13
1430  c094f6         11           <NA> 2014-08-14           2014-08-14
1431  a40341         14     2014-08-08 2014-08-14           2014-08-15
1432  e15861         13           <NA> 2014-08-14           2014-08-16
1433  5c3fb4         13     2014-08-07 2014-08-14           2014-08-15
1434  55f73f         10     2014-08-08 2014-08-15           2014-08-15
1435  fa058c         10     2014-08-11 2014-08-15           2014-08-15
1436  c41648          8     2014-08-08 2014-08-15           2014-08-16
1437  bbdbda         13           <NA> 2014-08-15           2014-08-15
1438  469367         12     2014-08-13 2014-08-16           2014-08-17
1439  46ba9d         12     2014-08-08 2014-08-16           2014-08-18
1440  2cfb2f         16           <NA> 2014-08-16           2014-08-18
1441  4a5d1a          9           <NA> 2014-08-16           2014-08-18
1442  d75fe5          8           <NA> 2014-08-16           2014-08-18
1443  4178d1         12           <NA> 2014-08-16           2014-08-17
1444  a005bf         14     2014-08-14 2014-08-16           2014-08-18
1445  b3f687          7     2014-07-22 2014-08-16           2014-08-18
1446  2965bd         11     2014-08-15 2014-08-16           2014-08-17
1447  337df1         11           <NA> 2014-08-17           2014-08-19
1448  d2ad03          9           <NA> 2014-08-17           2014-08-18
1449  90d7c3         12           <NA> 2014-08-17           2014-08-18
1450  b03473         11           <NA> 2014-08-17           2014-08-17
1451  2c7786         15     2014-08-10 2014-08-17           2014-08-19
1452  baa64c         12     2014-08-10 2014-08-17           2014-08-19
1453  3ee0db         10     2014-08-02 2014-08-18           2014-08-19
1454  46eae7         13           <NA> 2014-08-18           2014-08-19
1455  3f8c8c         13     2014-08-16 2014-08-18           2014-08-20
1456  88632e          9     2014-08-08 2014-08-18           2014-08-20
1457  9a9a84         10     2014-08-12 2014-08-18           2014-08-19
1458  f87eb8          7     2014-08-12 2014-08-18           2014-08-19
1459  d8e8cd          9     2014-08-02 2014-08-18           2014-08-18
1460  d3da33         12     2014-08-11 2014-08-18           2014-08-20
1461  a182a5          7     2014-07-07 2014-08-19           2014-08-21
1462  2feb68         11           <NA> 2014-08-19           2014-08-19
1463  c6d726         11           <NA> 2014-08-19           2014-08-21
1464  f65235          6     2014-07-06 2014-08-19           2014-08-20
1465  6856f4         14           <NA> 2014-08-20           2014-08-21
1466  c63d35         11           <NA> 2014-08-20           2014-08-22
1467  08fa30         11     2014-08-18 2014-08-20           2014-08-22
1468  8ebf51         12           <NA> 2014-08-20           2014-08-22
1469  92ac32         12     2014-08-16 2014-08-20           2014-08-22
1470  0fc866         10           <NA> 2014-08-20           2014-08-22
1471  63bc2e         12     2014-07-31 2014-08-20           2014-08-22
1472  7b7d83          8           <NA> 2014-08-21           2014-08-23
1473  544af7         10     2014-08-12 2014-08-21           2014-08-23
1474  3dcaaa         11     2014-08-17 2014-08-21           2014-08-21
1475  3bbcd7         10     2014-08-18 2014-08-22           2014-08-23
1476  94144a          9     2014-08-16 2014-08-22           2014-08-22
1477  1aa3cf          9           <NA> 2014-08-22           2014-08-24
1478  91247c         11           <NA> 2014-08-22           2014-08-23
1479  1eb9b6         11     2014-08-05 2014-08-22           2014-08-24
1480  3f5fe1         14           <NA> 2014-08-22           2014-08-24
1481  e444ca         15     2014-08-16 2014-08-23           2014-08-25
1482  a52437         11     2014-08-20 2014-08-23           2014-08-25
1483  cb451c          9           <NA> 2014-08-23           2014-08-23
1484  374fb5          9     2014-08-15 2014-08-23           2014-08-24
1485  e7dcdd         11           <NA> 2014-08-23           2014-08-25
1486  322dfe         11     2014-08-22 2014-08-23           2014-08-25
1487  269ddd         11     2014-08-23 2014-08-24           2014-08-25
1488  294457         10     2014-08-23 2014-08-24           2014-08-24
1489  7f8dd2          9           <NA> 2014-08-24           2014-08-25
1490  3f3a40         12           <NA> 2014-08-24           2014-08-26
1491  cb48bf         13           <NA> 2014-08-24           2014-08-25
1492  f61980         14     2014-08-22 2014-08-24           2014-08-25
1493  563994         11     2014-08-17 2014-08-24           2014-08-24
1494  d11927         13     2014-08-18 2014-08-24           2014-08-24
1495  e8c88c         10     2014-08-21 2014-08-24           2014-08-24
1496  f51a50         13     2014-08-21 2014-08-24           2014-08-26
1497  2e9570         11     2014-08-23 2014-08-25           2014-08-26
1498  884f1c         13     2014-08-22 2014-08-25           2014-08-26
1499  18a089         13           <NA> 2014-08-25           2014-08-26
1500  4753ca         13     2014-08-20 2014-08-25           2014-08-26
1501  2b73f4         13           <NA> 2014-08-25           2014-08-27
1502  86b3df         11           <NA> 2014-08-26           2014-08-26
1503  31cd66         11           <NA> 2014-08-26           2014-08-28
1504  8b33bc         14     2014-08-17 2014-08-26           2014-08-26
1505  573a83         16     2014-08-17 2014-08-26           2014-08-28
1506  70230e         12     2014-08-23 2014-08-27           2014-08-28
1507  480eea         11           <NA> 2014-08-27           2014-08-27
1508  0afd15          8     2014-08-03 2014-08-27           2014-08-28
1509  ab27c7         12     2014-08-18 2014-08-27           2014-08-27
1510  09b61b         12     2014-08-22 2014-08-27           2014-08-28
1511  3dca80         12           <NA> 2014-08-28           2014-08-30
1512  12d3e5         11     2014-08-25 2014-08-28           2014-08-28
1513  db97c6         12           <NA> 2014-08-28           2014-08-28
1514  75a20a         11           <NA> 2014-08-28           2014-08-28
1515  61c40f         12     2014-08-24 2014-08-28           2014-08-30
1516  805ca4          9     2014-07-30 2014-08-29           2014-08-30
1517  0c97ee         14     2014-08-18 2014-08-29           2014-08-31
1518  c42468         10     2014-08-28 2014-08-29           2014-08-30
1519  b5c984         12     2014-08-22 2014-08-29           2014-08-31
1520  6f045a         12     2014-08-14 2014-08-29           2014-08-29
1521  9b4647          9     2014-08-03 2014-08-29           2014-08-29
1522  b3203c         14     2014-08-24 2014-08-29           2014-08-31
1523  e7f655         12           <NA> 2014-08-29           2014-08-31
1524  544bd1         11     2014-08-23 2014-08-29           2014-08-30
1525  911db7          8     2014-08-17 2014-08-29           2014-08-30
1526  3fa147         12     2014-08-11 2014-08-30           2014-08-31
1527  e90722         14     2014-08-23 2014-08-30           2014-09-01
1528  cd38d3         13           <NA> 2014-08-31           2014-09-02
1529  d7a110         14     2014-08-23 2014-08-31           2014-08-31
1530  5c8ec9         10           <NA> 2014-08-31           2014-09-02
1531  1f954e         13     2014-08-20 2014-08-31           2014-09-01
1532  61fcce         14           <NA> 2014-08-31           2014-09-01
1533  ecd845         15           <NA> 2014-08-31           2014-09-02
1534  ba0bd3         13     2014-08-25 2014-08-31           2014-09-01
1535  0d315c         10           <NA> 2014-08-31           2014-09-02
1536  c1ff7b         10     2014-08-19 2014-09-01           2014-09-03
1537  1ced59         13     2014-08-17 2014-09-01           2014-09-03
1538  f775f4         13     2014-08-21 2014-09-01           2014-09-03
1539  c0bd90          9           <NA> 2014-09-01           2014-09-03
1540  7e2732         13     2014-08-21 2014-09-01           2014-09-02
1541  7d0678         13           <NA> 2014-09-01           2014-09-03
1542  ce13e7         17     2014-08-26 2014-09-02           2014-09-03
1543  cccca6         15     2014-08-29 2014-09-02           2014-09-04
1544  c1418a         12     2014-08-28 2014-09-02           2014-09-02
1545  213d39         12           <NA> 2014-09-02           2014-09-03
1546  e6982a         11           <NA> 2014-09-02           2014-09-03
1547  2816f0         13     2014-09-03 2014-09-03           2014-09-05
1548  ad2bdb         13     2014-08-22 2014-09-03           2014-09-04
1549  cb7ca3         11           <NA> 2014-09-03           2014-09-03
1550  eefd21          9     2014-08-19 2014-09-03           2014-09-05
1551  74bea1         13     2014-08-19 2014-09-03           2014-09-04
1552  660b34         13     2014-08-26 2014-09-03           2014-09-05
1553  3749ef         13           <NA> 2014-09-03           2014-09-04
1554  953cbc         11     2014-08-23 2014-09-03           2014-09-04
1555  e3278e         15     2014-08-24 2014-09-03           2014-09-04
1556  672ab9         12     2014-08-28 2014-09-03           2014-09-04
1557  d9fd28         10     2014-08-31 2014-09-03           2014-09-04
1558  707f4e         11           <NA> 2014-09-03           2014-09-05
1559  cf4399         11           <NA> 2014-09-03           2014-09-03
1560  9ae82c         10           <NA> 2014-09-03           2014-09-03
1561  723d2e         14     2014-08-27 2014-09-03           2014-09-03
1562  627db7          9     2014-08-08 2014-09-04           2014-09-06
1563  c939ba         12           <NA> 2014-09-04           2014-09-05
1564  730684          9     2014-08-19 2014-09-04           2014-09-05
1565  ed5a66         15     2014-09-02 2014-09-04           2014-09-05
1566  aebdac         10     2014-08-21 2014-09-04           2014-09-05
1567  21689b         10           <NA> 2014-09-04           2014-09-06
1568  c899b0         11     2014-08-26 2014-09-04           2014-09-04
1569  40ecd2         14     2014-08-04 2014-09-04           2014-09-05
1570  8b1029         11     2014-08-31 2014-09-05           2014-09-07
1571  444590         13     2014-08-19 2014-09-05           2014-09-06
1572  cc7360         16     2014-08-31 2014-09-05           2014-09-06
1573  77eb09         15           <NA> 2014-09-05           2014-09-06
1574  ddd916         12           <NA> 2014-09-05           2014-09-06
1575  ff9ddd         13     2014-09-04 2014-09-05           2014-09-05
1576  c1a925         11     2014-08-14 2014-09-05           2014-09-06
1577  858426          9     2014-09-03 2014-09-05           2014-09-06
1578  41a390         12           <NA> 2014-09-06           2014-09-06
1579  ee82d4          9           <NA> 2014-09-06           2014-09-06
1580  6a5996         12           <NA> 2014-09-06           2014-09-08
1581  b4bb29         13     2014-09-04 2014-09-06           2014-09-08
1582  83e5cd         11           <NA> 2014-09-06           2014-09-07
1583  9c244a         16     2014-08-27 2014-09-06           2014-09-07
1584  ab2418         11     2014-08-16 2014-09-06           2014-09-07
1585  18ae3d         12     2014-08-31 2014-09-06           2014-09-07
1586  f42008         12     2014-08-28 2014-09-07           2014-09-07
1587  a8a69f         17     2014-09-05 2014-09-07           2014-09-08
1588  982559         13           <NA> 2014-09-07           2014-09-09
1589  508984         13     2014-09-03 2014-09-07           2014-09-07
1590  ee70dd         11           <NA> 2014-09-07           2014-09-08
1591  552efe         13     2014-09-02 2014-09-07           2014-09-08
1592  8d80da         11     2014-08-23 2014-09-07           2014-09-09
1593  3c9b29         16           <NA> 2014-09-07           2014-09-09
1594  9e2fb0         12     2014-09-06 2014-09-07           2014-09-08
1595  9feec9         11     2014-08-26 2014-09-07           2014-09-09
1596  ffb2d3         13     2014-09-05 2014-09-07           2014-09-09
1597  ac22bf         13           <NA> 2014-09-08           2014-09-10
1598  45042d         14     2014-09-07 2014-09-08           2014-09-09
1599  ffb30f         16           <NA> 2014-09-08           2014-09-08
1600  83d537          9           <NA> 2014-09-08           2014-09-09
1601  5faf51         15           <NA> 2014-09-08           2014-09-09
1602  770220         13           <NA> 2014-09-08           2014-09-09
1603  7f62e6         12     2014-09-05 2014-09-08           2014-09-10
1604  504452         14     2014-09-05 2014-09-08           2014-09-09
1605  407e7e         11     2014-09-01 2014-09-08           2014-09-08
1606  66e4e3         13     2014-08-22 2014-09-08           2014-09-10
1607  d0288c         10     2014-08-19 2014-09-08           2014-09-10
1608  59c557         11     2014-09-01 2014-09-08           2014-09-09
1609  d5d56f         14           <NA> 2014-09-09           2014-09-11
1610  7acd6f         11     2014-08-28 2014-09-09           2014-09-11
1611  8947cf         13     2014-09-04 2014-09-09           2014-09-10
1612  e256c8         12           <NA> 2014-09-09           2014-09-10
1613  6cd9e9         12           <NA> 2014-09-09           2014-09-11
1614  e4af66         14     2014-08-23 2014-09-09           2014-09-11
1615  8ce67b         15     2014-09-02 2014-09-09           2014-09-11
1616  87f699         13           <NA> 2014-09-09           2014-09-10
1617  e3d90b         15           <NA> 2014-09-09           2014-09-11
1618  aaf754         14     2014-08-31 2014-09-09           2014-09-10
1619  f027f8         11     2014-08-28 2014-09-09           2014-09-11
1620  303b01         13           <NA> 2014-09-09           2014-09-10
1621  098ddf         16     2014-09-01 2014-09-09           2014-09-10
1622  6e9925         12     2014-08-22 2014-09-09           2014-09-10
1623  ab8deb         13     2014-09-07 2014-09-10           2014-09-12
1624  282013         16           <NA> 2014-09-10           2014-09-11
1625  eddc4e         11     2014-09-02 2014-09-10           2014-09-12
1626  f15ceb         12     2014-09-03 2014-09-10           2014-09-11
1627  0e7ec8         13           <NA> 2014-09-10           2014-09-10
1628  3b998d         12     2014-08-08 2014-09-10           2014-09-10
1629  056471         12     2014-09-06 2014-09-10           2014-09-11
1630  830af5         10     2014-09-08 2014-09-11           2014-09-13
1631  3857bf         13     2014-09-06 2014-09-11           2014-09-12
1632  bd6ed2         11     2014-09-07 2014-09-11           2014-09-13
1633  272fb6         12     2014-09-06 2014-09-11           2014-09-11
1634  0d14a0         13           <NA> 2014-09-11           2014-09-13
1635  1961e9         12           <NA> 2014-09-11           2014-09-12
1636  67e509         17           <NA> 2014-09-11           2014-09-11
1637  fe2849          8           <NA> 2014-09-11           2014-09-12
1638  8d81ff         13           <NA> 2014-09-11           2014-09-12
1639  fc57cc         15     2014-09-06 2014-09-11           2014-09-13
1640  89a628         17           <NA> 2014-09-11           2014-09-13
1641  d45263         12           <NA> 2014-09-11           2014-09-13
1642  28429e         15     2014-08-30 2014-09-11           2014-09-11
1643  eadc76         14     2014-09-07 2014-09-11           2014-09-12
1644  914ad2         11     2014-09-04 2014-09-12           2014-09-13
1645  51f606         18     2014-09-07 2014-09-12           2014-09-12
1646  474f41         11     2014-09-06 2014-09-12           2014-09-12
1647  e13cd9         11           <NA> 2014-09-12           2014-09-13
1648  8d2424         13     2014-09-11 2014-09-12           2014-09-14
1649  a7f48b         12     2014-08-15 2014-09-12           2014-09-14
1650  53d721         10     2014-09-09 2014-09-12           2014-09-14
1651  43dea0         14           <NA> 2014-09-12           2014-09-14
1652  363eb4         13           <NA> 2014-09-12           2014-09-13
1653  58cf19         13     2014-09-06 2014-09-13           2014-09-14
1654  a0173e         11           <NA> 2014-09-13           2014-09-15
1655  4a5f7e         15           <NA> 2014-09-13           2014-09-15
1656  f18564         13           <NA> 2014-09-13           2014-09-14
1657  add239         16     2014-08-27 2014-09-13           2014-09-13
1658  acca05         15           <NA> 2014-09-13           2014-09-14
1659  9fa063         13     2014-09-09 2014-09-13           2014-09-14
1660  1c5a89         13           <NA> 2014-09-13           2014-09-14
1661  268b99         11     2014-09-09 2014-09-13           2014-09-13
1662  c40cd0         11           <NA> 2014-09-13           2014-09-14
1663  e61715         14     2014-09-09 2014-09-13           2014-09-14
1664  bb7af6         13     2014-09-07 2014-09-13           2014-09-14
1665  4288fd         17     2014-09-06 2014-09-13           2014-09-13
1666  f5e8d0         11     2014-09-06 2014-09-14           2014-09-14
1667  082607         14           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-15
1668  fc6146         15     2014-09-05 2014-09-14           2014-09-15
1669  c07362         13           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-15
1670  a23a64         13     2014-09-11 2014-09-14           2014-09-14
1671  c10e49         14     2014-09-06 2014-09-14           2014-09-15
1672  187a52         14     2014-09-05 2014-09-14           2014-09-16
1673  09a0eb          7           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-16
1674  670a0a         15           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-15
1675  bc0b51         11           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-15
1676  d3cff4         13           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-14
1677  1a1418         16           <NA> 2014-09-14           2014-09-15
1678  79f62b         12     2014-09-03 2014-09-14           2014-09-16
1679  41b557         11     2014-09-09 2014-09-15           2014-09-16
1680  decb2c         14     2014-09-12 2014-09-15           2014-09-17
1681  7256ff         12           <NA> 2014-09-15           2014-09-15
1682  b050c7         17     2014-09-11 2014-09-15           2014-09-15
1683  43b220         12     2014-09-07 2014-09-15           2014-09-16
1684  512f7e         18     2014-09-09 2014-09-15           2014-09-16
1685  7a14dd         13     2014-09-11 2014-09-15           2014-09-17
1686  efa34f         12     2014-09-13 2014-09-15           2014-09-15
1687  af46a6         11     2014-09-13 2014-09-15           2014-09-15
1688  ee4030         13           <NA> 2014-09-15           2014-09-16
1689  696e71         15     2014-09-11 2014-09-15           2014-09-16
1690  524eaf         15           <NA> 2014-09-15           2014-09-15
1691  45e942         14     2014-09-07 2014-09-15           2014-09-16
1692  deff45         13     2014-09-06 2014-09-15           2014-09-17
1693  8f6324         12     2014-09-06 2014-09-15           2014-09-15
1694  420837         14           <NA> 2014-09-15           2014-09-16
1695  b49023         13     2014-09-01 2014-09-15           2014-09-16
1696  544c75         14           <NA> 2014-09-15           2014-09-17
1697  29d9da         10           <NA> 2014-09-15           2014-09-17
1698  43c97c         15           <NA> 2014-09-15           2014-09-17
1699  d07c17         12     2014-09-05 2014-09-15           2014-09-16
1700  cddde6         13           <NA> 2014-09-15           2014-09-17
1701  a6a35a         12     2014-09-09 2014-09-15           2014-09-16
1702  f4a472         16     2014-09-11 2014-09-15           2014-09-15
1703  5b1176         15     2014-09-14 2014-09-16           2014-09-16
1704  09f73e         14           <NA> 2014-09-16           2014-09-18
1705  620d08         11     2014-09-09 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
1706  e55bce         15     2014-09-07 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
1707  567255         13           <NA> 2014-09-16           2014-09-18
1708  25f3d9         13     2014-09-11 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
1709  3b0141         13           <NA> 2014-09-16           2014-09-18
1710  e4511f         13     2014-09-11 2014-09-16           2014-09-16
1711  f94a8f         13           <NA> 2014-09-16           2014-09-16
1712  fd9c82         12           <NA> 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
1713  4704e2         17     2014-09-14 2014-09-16           2014-09-18
1714  4b0f10         14     2014-08-27 2014-09-16           2014-09-18
1715  35a38e         14     2014-09-11 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
1716  4d06ed         14     2014-09-14 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
1717  e1d798         12     2014-09-04 2014-09-16           2014-09-18
1718  7dacd2         14           <NA> 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
1719  083766         14     2014-09-02 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
1720  1411c3         15     2014-09-12 2014-09-16           2014-09-18
1721  d9f6dd         15     2014-09-13 2014-09-16           2014-09-16
1722  251fec         13           <NA> 2014-09-16           2014-09-16
1723  1dffed         11     2014-09-12 2014-09-16           2014-09-16
1724  c06dc9         11     2014-09-08 2014-09-16           2014-09-18
1725  52c435         16           <NA> 2014-09-16           2014-09-17
1726  68f609         14           <NA> 2014-09-17           2014-09-19
1727  d5091f         13           <NA> 2014-09-17           2014-09-17
1728  08a632         13     2014-09-11 2014-09-17           2014-09-19
1729  e5998f         15           <NA> 2014-09-17           2014-09-18
1730  7b6887         16           <NA> 2014-09-17           2014-09-18
1731  cd9a93         12     2014-09-15 2014-09-17           2014-09-17
1732  1ea519         12     2014-09-06 2014-09-17           2014-09-17
1733  18f4ae         15     2014-09-09 2014-09-17           2014-09-18
1734  435e4f         14     2014-09-16 2014-09-17           2014-09-19
1735  b255c3         17     2014-09-10 2014-09-17           2014-09-17
1736  8a79c5         14           <NA> 2014-09-17           2014-09-18
1737  6f5d6a         13     2014-09-09 2014-09-17           2014-09-17
1738  a0bc11         12           <NA> 2014-09-17           2014-09-18
1739  aeace5         14           <NA> 2014-09-17           2014-09-18
1740  7aa231         16     2014-09-07 2014-09-17           2014-09-19
1741  5bc984         14           <NA> 2014-09-17           2014-09-18
1742  44163c         17     2014-09-16 2014-09-17           2014-09-18
1743  e6f47c         19     2014-09-13 2014-09-17           2014-09-17
1744  c41a43         10     2014-08-20 2014-09-18           2014-09-19
1745  08c2f2         12     2014-09-17 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1746  60ba96         16     2014-09-16 2014-09-18           2014-09-18
1747  adf13f          8     2014-09-15 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1748  64b20d         13     2014-09-09 2014-09-18           2014-09-19
1749  7f8471         10           <NA> 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1750  af2f4a         13           <NA> 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1751  36391a         15           <NA> 2014-09-18           2014-09-19
1752  03a7ba         12     2014-09-06 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1753  f90b8b         12     2014-09-18 2014-09-18           2014-09-18
1754  5d6f13          7           <NA> 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1755  7e4b50         12           <NA> 2014-09-18           2014-09-19
1756  0f4976         13     2014-09-15 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1757  64ef8d         13     2014-09-16 2014-09-18           2014-09-19
1758  816793         13           <NA> 2014-09-18           2014-09-19
1759  21e293         17     2014-09-06 2014-09-18           2014-09-19
1760  9ed61d         14     2014-09-11 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1761  d34c05         15     2014-09-17 2014-09-18           2014-09-19
1762  dbc17e         12           <NA> 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1763  97ea41         12           <NA> 2014-09-18           2014-09-18
1764  156d44         17           <NA> 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1765  097ab6         15     2014-09-15 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1766  785e65         15     2014-09-12 2014-09-18           2014-09-19
1767  26b551         15     2014-09-03 2014-09-18           2014-09-20
1768  40b34f         16     2014-09-16 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
1769  bd14cc         17     2014-09-12 2014-09-19           2014-09-21
1770  a1365c         17     2014-09-11 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
1771  0197b6         12     2014-09-07 2014-09-19           2014-09-19
1772  578219         12     2014-09-15 2014-09-19           2014-09-21
1773  2336b5         15     2014-09-08 2014-09-19           2014-09-19
1774  752c63         18     2014-09-15 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
1775  2b8fed         12     2014-09-02 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
1776  d9fc12         15           <NA> 2014-09-19           2014-09-19
1777  625d9d         11     2014-09-17 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
1778  c19ffd         13           <NA> 2014-09-19           2014-09-21
1779  0e2db1         13           <NA> 2014-09-19           2014-09-21
1780  671f40         15     2014-09-08 2014-09-19           2014-09-19
1781  dc0798         16     2014-09-19 2014-09-19           2014-09-19
1782  f07ae3         18           <NA> 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
1783  e25651         18     2014-09-13 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
1784  13de32         14     2014-09-16 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
1785  c4a7f0         15     2014-09-15 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
1786  152e9d         14           <NA> 2014-09-19           2014-09-19
1787  faf2aa         12           <NA> 2014-09-19           2014-09-19
1788  fdfabb         12           <NA> 2014-09-19           2014-09-20
1789  013ff1         12     2014-09-15 2014-09-19           2014-09-21
1790  da5cd3         18           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-20
1791  61264e         16           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-22
1792  6326c6         11     2014-09-10 2014-09-20           2014-09-22
1793  b4671f         14           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-20
1794  ad7100         14     2014-09-01 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
1795  078628         21           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
1796  656249         17     2014-09-15 2014-09-20           2014-09-22
1797  017b46         13           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-22
1798  a7017b         14     2014-09-11 2014-09-20           2014-09-22
1799  8555ef          7           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
1800  15de43         13           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-20
1801  018cec         14     2014-09-18 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
1802  b83511         12     2014-09-15 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
1803  6e0ea5         14           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
1804  acac6f         14     2014-09-17 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
1805  5ee95c         14           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-20
1806  96217f         11           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-20
1807  843169         14           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
1808  21368b         14     2014-09-16 2014-09-20           2014-09-22
1809  471584         13     2014-09-15 2014-09-20           2014-09-20
1810  25b337         17     2014-09-11 2014-09-20           2014-09-20
1811  dd44f3         12           <NA> 2014-09-20           2014-09-22
1812  44088e         12     2014-09-03 2014-09-20           2014-09-21
1813  e824bf         16           <NA> 2014-09-21           2014-09-23
1814  5a65bb         13     2014-09-18 2014-09-21           2014-09-22
1815  4615f4         12     2014-09-13 2014-09-21           2014-09-23
1816  9e2de0         13     2014-09-10 2014-09-21           2014-09-22
1817  bb0230         10     2014-09-05 2014-09-21           2014-09-22
1818  7e1951         14     2014-09-21 2014-09-21           2014-09-23
1819  26250e         16     2014-09-14 2014-09-21           2014-09-23
1820  1aae82         16           <NA> 2014-09-21           2014-09-21
1821  b8c40d         14     2014-09-15 2014-09-21           2014-09-23
1822  5ec9b2         19           <NA> 2014-09-21           2014-09-21
1823  0b33f5         15           <NA> 2014-09-21           2014-09-23
1824  1c7c3f         19     2014-09-17 2014-09-21           2014-09-23
1825  29dc06         12     2014-09-17 2014-09-21           2014-09-22
1826  32feca         15     2014-09-18 2014-09-21           2014-09-22
1827  9d0f57         14     2014-09-01 2014-09-21           2014-09-22
1828  4cf5da         12     2014-09-15 2014-09-21           2014-09-22
1829  5114fe         15     2014-09-15 2014-09-21           2014-09-23
1830  63de8a         14     2014-09-16 2014-09-21           2014-09-21
1831  5265ed         15           <NA> 2014-09-21           2014-09-22
1832  a1b9bd         14     2014-09-16 2014-09-21           2014-09-23
1833  f7b14d         15     2014-09-08 2014-09-21           2014-09-22
1834  51c203         16     2014-09-17 2014-09-21           2014-09-22
1835  506d04         12     2014-08-13 2014-09-22           2014-09-23
1836  5cc99a         12     2014-09-11 2014-09-22           2014-09-23
1837  fe60e3         11     2014-09-04 2014-09-22           2014-09-23
1838  2eda0a         15     2014-09-14 2014-09-22           2014-09-22
1839  17742d         18     2014-09-17 2014-09-22           2014-09-22
1840  b725fc         13           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-22
1841  70e8b8         14     2014-09-13 2014-09-22           2014-09-23
1842  f9c682         14           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-23
1843  5c27ca         12           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-24
1844  635d93         13     2014-09-07 2014-09-22           2014-09-22
1845  dc86e6         16     2014-09-18 2014-09-22           2014-09-22
1846  477506         17           <NA> 2014-09-22           2014-09-23
1847  dbab87         11     2014-09-20 2014-09-23           2014-09-25
1848  7289d1         13     2014-09-18 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1849  a8b182         16     2014-09-22 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1850  f6fd3e         13     2014-09-19 2014-09-23           2014-09-25
1851  9a008c         12     2014-09-06 2014-09-23           2014-09-24
1852  f8b2d0         12     2014-09-12 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1853  3c006a         11     2014-09-09 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1854  b25795         16     2014-09-19 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1855  dd977e         15           <NA> 2014-09-23           2014-09-25
1856  ff144a         13     2014-09-19 2014-09-23           2014-09-24
1857  a3f6dd         17     2014-09-22 2014-09-23           2014-09-24
1858  1f09be         16     2014-09-19 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1859  d95c49         14           <NA> 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1860  05490c         13     2014-09-14 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1861  b03b29         17     2014-09-22 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1862  8bf595         14     2014-09-16 2014-09-23           2014-09-24
1863  10ddce         19     2014-09-17 2014-09-23           2014-09-25
1864  e4b6b4         16     2014-09-19 2014-09-23           2014-09-25
1865  836f4a         14           <NA> 2014-09-23           2014-09-24
1866  ff2d9a         13           <NA> 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1867  f320d4         12     2014-09-20 2014-09-23           2014-09-25
1868  742005         15           <NA> 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1869  300cf2         12     2014-09-13 2014-09-23           2014-09-23
1870  0bafac         14     2014-09-01 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1871  a8788d         17     2014-09-20 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1872  9ef91f         12     2014-09-06 2014-09-24           2014-09-26
1873  c4f949         12           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1874  9359e2         13           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1875  8164f6         13     2014-09-19 2014-09-24           2014-09-26
1876  efc197         17           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1877  4d0722         15           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1878  b0dd25         16           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-24
1879  e9d18b         18           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-26
1880  e99fd4         19     2014-09-18 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1881  5c9744         16           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-24
1882  7eb05e         13           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1883  4166d4         14     2014-09-21 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1884  125c66         15     2014-09-19 2014-09-24           2014-09-24
1885  0e654f         12           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-26
1886  e0fff0         15           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-24
1887  133279         14     2014-09-13 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1888  152abc         13           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1889  dd910c         15           <NA> 2014-09-24           2014-09-25
1890  633420         11     2014-09-08 2014-09-24           2014-09-24
1891  745527         12           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-27
1892  49a14d         15           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-27
1893  42bd9e         14           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-26
1894  fd655e         15           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-26
1895  e1ec99         16     2014-09-24 2014-09-25           2014-09-25
1896  c2c8ac          7           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-25
1897  327213         14           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-27
1898  5715b7         13           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-25
1899  9f62f1         13           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-25
1900  a52491         17           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-27
1901  47243a         11           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-25
1902  fb2c5a         12     2014-09-16 2014-09-25           2014-09-27
1903  416072         11           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-27
1904  26c491         17           <NA> 2014-09-25           2014-09-25
1905  292298         12     2014-09-21 2014-09-25           2014-09-26
1906  5fe731         12           <NA> 2014-09-26           2014-09-28
1907  d4d8c4         15     2014-09-08 2014-09-26           2014-09-27
1908  ed373a         15           <NA> 2014-09-26           2014-09-28
1909  1f3f18         12     2014-09-09 2014-09-26           2014-09-27
1910  e97396         14     2014-09-16 2014-09-26           2014-09-27
1911  51995c         19     2014-09-20 2014-09-26           2014-09-26
1912  43915f         12     2014-09-23 2014-09-26           2014-09-27
1913  b18a1d          8     2014-09-18 2014-09-26           2014-09-26
1914  1f4955         14           <NA> 2014-09-26           2014-09-28
1915  439526         15           <NA> 2014-09-26           2014-09-27
1916  b6de8a         12     2014-09-09 2014-09-26           2014-09-26
1917  94899e         13     2014-09-20 2014-09-26           2014-09-26
1918  39f4e0         13     2014-09-17 2014-09-26           2014-09-28
1919  d0ff5f         13     2014-09-16 2014-09-27           2014-09-28
1920  ebe4df         13     2014-09-21 2014-09-27           2014-09-28
1921  3edb41         19     2014-09-26 2014-09-27           2014-09-28
1922  6cf8ac         14     2014-09-23 2014-09-27           2014-09-28
1923  baf868         17           <NA> 2014-09-27           2014-09-29
1924  10153b         13     2014-09-16 2014-09-27           2014-09-29
1925  17374f         14     2014-09-16 2014-09-27           2014-09-27
1926  ecb1de         13           <NA> 2014-09-27           2014-09-29
1927  ec465b         13     2014-09-11 2014-09-27           2014-09-28
1928  20a1ec         17     2014-09-22 2014-09-27           2014-09-29
1929  a4b72c         12     2014-09-15 2014-09-27           2014-09-28
1930  8a3c52         12     2014-09-23 2014-09-27           2014-09-27
1931  7c8fe4         15     2014-09-26 2014-09-27           2014-09-29
1932  02502c         16     2014-09-18 2014-09-27           2014-09-28
1933  039299         12           <NA> 2014-09-27           2014-09-29
1934  e98078         12     2014-09-26 2014-09-27           2014-09-28
1935  4e7571         12           <NA> 2014-09-27           2014-09-28
1936  4d563f         15           <NA> 2014-09-27           2014-09-27
1937  227baf         13     2014-09-24 2014-09-28           2014-09-30
1938  a5d3bb         15     2014-09-21 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1939  acbf49         12           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1940  4e54ad         18           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-30
1941  1a4d67         16     2014-09-21 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1942  e0ac78         16     2014-09-27 2014-09-28           2014-09-30
1943  aae55a         21     2014-09-23 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1944  c2ae34         13           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-30
1945  aa3701          8           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1946  47b89e         12     2014-09-26 2014-09-28           2014-09-30
1947  247cc4         12     2014-09-12 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1948  717b92         22           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1949  2b3e98         14     2014-09-16 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1950  47872e         12     2014-09-23 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1951  beec14         13     2014-09-24 2014-09-28           2014-09-30
1952  b48c42         14     2014-09-27 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1953  a2b371         12     2014-09-27 2014-09-28           2014-09-30
1954  c45a92         15           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1955  9df611         18           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-28
1956  45117a         15     2014-09-21 2014-09-28           2014-09-29
1957  f2fc3f         17           <NA> 2014-09-28           2014-09-28
1958  544c7f         14     2014-09-15 2014-09-29           2014-09-29
1959  e36e1f         16     2014-09-17 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1960  1dcf17         14     2014-09-27 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1961  633fbe         12     2014-09-23 2014-09-29           2014-09-29
1962  2a25c6         13     2014-09-27 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1963  7632dd         18     2014-09-14 2014-09-29           2014-10-01
1964  7ca4c0         11           <NA> 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1965  796c7c         14     2014-09-20 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1966  9d197f         12     2014-09-25 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1967  26d162         16     2014-09-27 2014-09-29           2014-10-01
1968  766add         13           <NA> 2014-09-29           2014-09-29
1969  203a9e         13     2014-09-22 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1970  dcea0f         16     2014-09-21 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1971  8905fc         15     2014-09-19 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1972  ed507f         15     2014-09-15 2014-09-29           2014-10-01
1973  fd6a50         18     2014-09-25 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1974  724b24         14     2014-09-16 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1975  fef2b4         15           <NA> 2014-09-29           2014-10-01
1976  08a3ef         14     2014-09-16 2014-09-29           2014-09-29
1977  19374d         12           <NA> 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1978  e227da         12     2014-09-26 2014-09-29           2014-09-29
1979  318ea3         16     2014-09-23 2014-09-29           2014-09-30
1980  9487e2         20     2014-09-22 2014-09-29           2014-09-29
1981  833a20         15     2014-09-20 2014-09-30           2014-10-02
1982  ab6e76         19           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-09-30
1983  987c0a         18     2014-09-15 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
1984  bbefb9         12     2014-09-29 2014-09-30           2014-09-30
1985  3c498e         16     2014-09-10 2014-09-30           2014-10-02
1986  63d63e         15           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
1987  4360db         19     2014-09-19 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
1988  140f9e         12     2014-09-27 2014-09-30           2014-09-30
1989  c9b9ce         11           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-10-02
1990  3724e6         20           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-09-30
1991  bb1899         13     2014-09-24 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
1992  8e5f6d         19           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-10-02
1993  a6cbbc         13           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-10-02
1994  856abf         19     2014-09-17 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
1995  6f0149         17     2014-09-23 2014-09-30           2014-09-30
1996  be940e         14           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
1997  7791e0         14           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-10-02
1998  30b41e         15     2014-09-22 2014-09-30           2014-10-02
1999  ae7509         18     2014-09-16 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
2000  42b86c         14           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-10-02
2001  21089f         10     2014-09-11 2014-09-30           2014-09-30
2002  4b1a88         17           <NA> 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
2003  c2a1ce         13     2014-09-11 2014-09-30           2014-09-30
2004  17e418         17     2014-09-27 2014-09-30           2014-10-01
2005  1bb6bd         14     2014-09-28 2014-10-01           2014-10-01
2006  8a0cb1         16     2014-09-25 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
2007  b85356         13           <NA> 2014-10-01           2014-10-01
2008  a22ee3         13     2014-09-18 2014-10-01           2014-10-03
2009  a77514         15           <NA> 2014-10-01           2014-10-01
2010  b46a7a         13           <NA> 2014-10-01           2014-10-01
2011  690c9c         11     2014-09-27 2014-10-01           2014-10-01
2012  52d564         15     2014-09-20 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
2013  15b0f9         12     2014-09-13 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
2014  742243         14           <NA> 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
2015  7a7df9         13           <NA> 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
2016  07df1a         16     2014-09-25 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
2017  849de8         13           <NA> 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
2018  f85d5d         11     2014-09-05 2014-10-01           2014-10-03
2019  6ffce0         11           <NA> 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
2020  306557         13           <NA> 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
2021  ac8a1d         17     2014-09-26 2014-10-01           2014-10-02
2022  67bbe8         14     2014-09-25 2014-10-02           2014-10-04
2023  7a590d         16           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2024  7f82f3         11     2014-09-17 2014-10-02           2014-10-04
2025  fc9869         13           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2026  3b925b         16           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2027  d17f34         16           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-02
2028  b59de2         15     2014-09-21 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2029  ab7dc1         16           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2030  6ad9f7         13     2014-09-28 2014-10-02           2014-10-04
2031  8ec7e8         13           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-04
2032  27ff7a         19           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-02
2033  80a84a         12     2014-09-14 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2034  10362e         14     2014-09-30 2014-10-02           2014-10-02
2035  d8ff1e         18     2014-09-25 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2036  721b5b         18     2014-09-17 2014-10-02           2014-10-04
2037  d4549a         16     2014-09-26 2014-10-02           2014-10-02
2038  5b0184         13     2014-09-24 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2039  a46d91         13     2014-09-21 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2040  2bf2f3         16           <NA> 2014-10-02           2014-10-02
2041  133f77         12     2014-09-28 2014-10-02           2014-10-04
2042  35ada6         18     2014-09-26 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2043  2d469a         20     2014-10-01 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2044  d335b4         18     2014-09-17 2014-10-02           2014-10-03
2045  01e6cd         14     2014-10-02 2014-10-02           2014-10-02
2046  50fb75         12     2014-09-19 2014-10-03           2014-10-04
2047  26615a         12     2014-09-27 2014-10-03           2014-10-04
2048  764d43         12     2014-09-24 2014-10-03           2014-10-03
2049  d582d0         13           <NA> 2014-10-03           2014-10-03
2050  aac953         16     2014-09-28 2014-10-03           2014-10-03
2051  686738         16           <NA> 2014-10-03           2014-10-04
2052  9c6ca0         13     2014-09-24 2014-10-03           2014-10-05
2053  cfbd0a          9     2014-08-17 2014-10-03           2014-10-05
2054  efaaed         17     2014-09-26 2014-10-03           2014-10-04
2055  158b05         21     2014-09-29 2014-10-03           2014-10-05
2056  b502c5         13           <NA> 2014-10-03           2014-10-04
2057  686293         17     2014-09-27 2014-10-03           2014-10-04
2058  fe2e5a         18           <NA> 2014-10-03           2014-10-03
2059  7938aa         14     2014-10-01 2014-10-03           2014-10-05
2060  edf379         17     2014-09-28 2014-10-03           2014-10-03
2061  0687e1         13           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-06
2062  df0c06         18     2014-09-29 2014-10-04           2014-10-06
2063  6937f8         12           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2064  a1c20a         14     2014-09-16 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2065  df052c         16     2014-09-21 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2066  05c075         16     2014-10-01 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2067  d07161         13           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2068  a0aa88         13     2014-09-30 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2069  445b55         14     2014-09-20 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2070  49ecbd         13     2014-09-11 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2071  bd033e         11     2014-09-13 2014-10-04           2014-10-06
2072  6bc802         15     2014-09-14 2014-10-04           2014-10-06
2073  e8a743         12     2014-10-04 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2074  c8fc59         13     2014-09-29 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2075  473f30         14           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-06
2076  72b4aa         16     2014-09-29 2014-10-04           2014-10-04
2077  b30365         14     2014-10-01 2014-10-04           2014-10-04
2078  9cd79f         13     2014-09-29 2014-10-04           2014-10-04
2079  013436         12           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2080  5355c3         16           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2081  5224aa         11           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-04
2082  5439ab         15     2014-09-20 2014-10-04           2014-10-05
2083  b5fe63         12           <NA> 2014-10-04           2014-10-04
2084  216a1b         15           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2085  cb8d85         15           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2086  92da50         17     2014-09-16 2014-10-05           2014-10-07
2087  5b6843         14     2014-09-02 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2088  1f4b5e         11     2014-09-27 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2089  41fa1e         18           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2090  8c3a73         14           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2091  157310         18     2014-09-20 2014-10-05           2014-10-07
2092  1101b1         17     2014-10-03 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2093  3ecbb1         14     2014-09-07 2014-10-05           2014-10-07
2094  05067a         13     2014-10-04 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2095  9d547c         14     2014-09-22 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2096  ca536f         14           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-07
2097  2f05b5         14           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2098  a430ad         13     2014-09-23 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2099  c17eda         12     2014-09-20 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2100  93dcbf         16     2014-09-26 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2101  8d09f3         21           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2102  456f0f         13     2014-10-01 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2103  c18e5f         14           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2104  8e65fc         16     2014-09-21 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2105  7cf540         13     2014-09-30 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2106  37262e         16     2014-09-28 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2107  1feb95         14           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2108  33f478         15           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2109  952a19         18           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2110  8f5a90         18           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2111  6b7905         11     2014-09-24 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2112  b1f49c         16           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2113  b1ecb7         14           <NA> 2014-10-05           2014-10-05
2114  da99b7         15     2014-09-30 2014-10-05           2014-10-06
2115  2fd954         14           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2116  a4de87         13     2014-10-05 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2117  1ab99c         11           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-08
2118  2fc2f1         10           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2119  7d8aa7         14           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-08
2120  7947aa         12           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2121  36db8b         14     2014-09-28 2014-10-06           2014-10-06
2122  597f17         17     2014-09-17 2014-10-06           2014-10-06
2123  eb4d8f         18     2014-10-02 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2124  c4757a         15     2014-09-27 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2125  02e50e         19           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2126  1759bd         15     2014-09-22 2014-10-06           2014-10-06
2127  dc6f96         18     2014-10-04 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2128  5e7b87         16           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-06
2129  ae5459          9     2014-09-22 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2130  01dad0         13     2014-09-29 2014-10-06           2014-10-06
2131  93dc70         13     2014-09-18 2014-10-06           2014-10-06
2132  919b2c         16     2014-09-18 2014-10-06           2014-10-08
2133  8bb9f9         18     2014-09-26 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2134  9705b8         16           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-06
2135  ba4cfc         13           <NA> 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2136  0eb978         15     2014-09-26 2014-10-06           2014-10-07
2137  eeecde         15     2014-10-06 2014-10-06           2014-10-06
2138  b9170e         13     2014-10-01 2014-10-07           2014-10-09
2139  0120b9         14     2014-09-27 2014-10-07           2014-10-08
2140  5da423         12           <NA> 2014-10-07           2014-10-08
2141  6cc65f         12     2014-09-26 2014-10-07           2014-10-08
2142  5d2847         13     2014-10-04 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2143  045613         14           <NA> 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2144  713171         17     2014-09-27 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2145  a2a82c         10     2014-09-01 2014-10-07           2014-10-08
2146  7ca88d         15           <NA> 2014-10-07           2014-10-08
2147  eac0aa         10           <NA> 2014-10-07           2014-10-08
2148  7c321f         12     2014-09-14 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2149  55f107         16           <NA> 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2150  18cb55         19     2014-09-30 2014-10-07           2014-10-09
2151  4cc78f         14     2014-09-25 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2152  74af83         14     2014-10-03 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2153  47b1e8         21           <NA> 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2154  644875         16     2014-09-22 2014-10-07           2014-10-09
2155  fa21ad         13     2014-09-24 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2156  e94fa8         14     2014-09-25 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2157  7102d0         13     2014-10-04 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2158  b42a17         15           <NA> 2014-10-07           2014-10-09
2159  b3764d         13           <NA> 2014-10-07           2014-10-07
2160  84e685         19     2014-09-29 2014-10-08           2014-10-08
2161  b56b84         16     2014-09-28 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
2162  ac7f4b         13           <NA> 2014-10-08           2014-10-10
2163  aedcdb         18     2014-10-06 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
2164  db5dfa         18     2014-09-20 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
2165  2e312f         12     2014-09-15 2014-10-08           2014-10-10
2166  657880         14     2014-09-30 2014-10-08           2014-10-10
2167  fded07         16     2014-09-24 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
2168  8f0879         13     2014-09-22 2014-10-08           2014-10-08
2169  5dc8fd         13     2014-10-04 2014-10-08           2014-10-10
2170  534e49         14     2014-10-01 2014-10-08           2014-10-08
2171  7980f0         13     2014-09-30 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
2172  d5ef6e         12     2014-10-06 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
2173  17e34c         15           <NA> 2014-10-08           2014-10-08
2174  1fe8ce         17           <NA> 2014-10-08           2014-10-10
2175  13f546         19     2014-10-03 2014-10-08           2014-10-10
2176  ba6491         11     2014-08-26 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
2177  725dc1         14     2014-09-29 2014-10-08           2014-10-08
2178  3f4696         17     2014-10-04 2014-10-08           2014-10-09
2179  5cadcf         14           <NA> 2014-10-08           2014-10-10
2180  3372da         12     2014-09-18 2014-10-08           2014-10-08
2181  b8bd29         13           <NA> 2014-10-09           2014-10-11
2182  61f671         17     2014-09-21 2014-10-09           2014-10-09
2183  c2ba41         13     2014-10-07 2014-10-09           2014-10-10
2184  88cfe5         12     2014-09-15 2014-10-09           2014-10-11
2185  090d77         12           <NA> 2014-10-09           2014-10-09
2186  40a505         14     2014-10-06 2014-10-09           2014-10-11
2187  11c9f6         10     2014-10-03 2014-10-09           2014-10-10
2188  c3c129         19     2014-10-01 2014-10-09           2014-10-11
2189  3334d0         19           <NA> 2014-10-09           2014-10-09
2190  b0059b         12     2014-09-10 2014-10-09           2014-10-09
2191  3b0bb9         13     2014-09-28 2014-10-09           2014-10-10
2192  6c6fb3         13           <NA> 2014-10-09           2014-10-10
2193  1d662c         13           <NA> 2014-10-09           2014-10-09
2194  766d3b         13     2014-09-24 2014-10-09           2014-10-11
2195  dab451         13           <NA> 2014-10-09           2014-10-10
2196  8e28d2         12     2014-09-22 2014-10-09           2014-10-10
2197  24cca5         16     2014-10-08 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
2198  c567eb         17     2014-09-29 2014-10-10           2014-10-10
2199  8bd6ee         19           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
2200  a8be18         16     2014-09-26 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
2201  80fdfb         16     2014-10-08 2014-10-10           2014-10-12
2202  37789b         14           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
2203  bd6ae2         18           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
2204  8f7522         17     2014-10-02 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
2205  2fc88e         13           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-10
2206  900664         12     2014-09-27 2014-10-10           2014-10-12
2207  04b083         13           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-12
2208  499dad         19           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
2209  4635f5         13     2014-09-28 2014-10-10           2014-10-10
2210  dccd79         18     2014-09-25 2014-10-10           2014-10-12
2211  52e0b8         16           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-12
2212  6181c6         16           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-12
2213  1cc89a         14     2014-09-30 2014-10-10           2014-10-12
2214  d886fc         15     2014-09-26 2014-10-10           2014-10-10
2215  7f1314         15           <NA> 2014-10-10           2014-10-11
2216  b3b0b4         16           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
2217  d3113c         14           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
2218  1b1958         15     2014-09-12 2014-10-11           2014-10-13
2219  10dd7d         16           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
2220  1a0bf0         15     2014-09-12 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
2221  2e5369         11           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
2222  725b35         15     2014-10-07 2014-10-11           2014-10-11
2223  9b32a7         21           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-11
2224  aa7ad1         11     2014-09-17 2014-10-11           2014-10-13
2225  9f2ac4         15     2014-09-27 2014-10-11           2014-10-11
2226  555d5c         15           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-13
2227  0563d7         13           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-11
2228  f2b27a         16     2014-10-07 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
2229  fa8459         15           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
2230  f6c560         15           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-13
2231  ad6cac         18     2014-09-21 2014-10-11           2014-10-13
2232  d083bd         15           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-13
2233  7c1cfb         13           <NA> 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
2234  6bd22f         15     2014-10-07 2014-10-11           2014-10-12
2235  e8bbf8         21     2014-10-05 2014-10-11           2014-10-13
2236  f39d91         19     2014-10-03 2014-10-11           2014-10-11
2237  f6cf40         14     2014-10-07 2014-10-12           2014-10-13
2238  c39d06         13           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-13
2239  ba945d         14     2014-10-08 2014-10-12           2014-10-14
2240  18399b         10           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-13
2241  a5680b         17           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
2242  df65a9         17           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
2243  1003ff         19     2014-10-06 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
2244  2955ba         20     2014-10-11 2014-10-12           2014-10-13
2245  416c8a         16           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-14
2246  e42dbc         18     2014-09-26 2014-10-12           2014-10-14
2247  7400b3         16     2014-10-07 2014-10-12           2014-10-13
2248  11945b         14           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-14
2249  1ee9ac         12     2014-09-15 2014-10-12           2014-10-13
2250  731b71         14     2014-10-02 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
2251  0baf82         14     2014-10-02 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
2252  f2134d         13     2014-10-08 2014-10-12           2014-10-14
2253  bdef8f         14           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
2254  82b353         20     2014-10-06 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
2255  dcdccb         10     2014-10-07 2014-10-12           2014-10-14
2256  e6ea96         17           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-13
2257  d2f110         17           <NA> 2014-10-12           2014-10-12
2258  2ce30f         15     2014-10-09 2014-10-13           2014-10-13
2259  f8489a         14     2014-10-09 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2260  55bf75         13           <NA> 2014-10-13           2014-10-15
2261  506dfc         12           <NA> 2014-10-13           2014-10-13
2262  6d1191         14     2014-10-11 2014-10-13           2014-10-15
2263  d64aef         10     2014-09-14 2014-10-13           2014-10-13
2264  2003a1         16     2014-10-04 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2265  ae2350         19     2014-10-02 2014-10-13           2014-10-15
2266  749559         15     2014-10-12 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2267  b345c5         12           <NA> 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2268  3ca785         14     2014-09-23 2014-10-13           2014-10-13
2269  a4812b         15     2014-10-08 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2270  6bcb8a         15     2014-10-04 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2271  ea4d87         16     2014-10-05 2014-10-13           2014-10-13
2272  121e5b         14           <NA> 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2273  44e1df         17     2014-10-11 2014-10-13           2014-10-13
2274  bfedf6         14     2014-10-02 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2275  beb534         13     2014-09-29 2014-10-13           2014-10-13
2276  777761         15     2014-10-08 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2277  479c75         16           <NA> 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2278  d72009         14           <NA> 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2279  ae27e9         14     2014-10-10 2014-10-13           2014-10-14
2280  08a5e0         17     2014-10-13 2014-10-14           2014-10-14
2281  0be051         13     2014-10-09 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
2282  3a96bc         13     2014-10-09 2014-10-14           2014-10-16
2283  aa33e2         12           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
2284  7a5936         14     2014-09-18 2014-10-14           2014-10-16
2285  731a9a         19     2014-10-09 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
2286  021ca8         19     2014-10-10 2014-10-14           2014-10-14
2287  0ac325         19     2014-10-10 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
2288  81fcc9         16     2014-10-04 2014-10-14           2014-10-16
2289  4fe96a         14     2014-10-01 2014-10-14           2014-10-14
2290  d6d90f         11     2014-09-24 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
2291  608039         15           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-16
2292  c9eb1f         15     2014-10-03 2014-10-14           2014-10-14
2293  02d21b         16     2014-10-08 2014-10-14           2014-10-14
2294  6a37d9         13           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-16
2295  41f5c5         14     2014-09-16 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
2296  809005         13     2014-10-03 2014-10-14           2014-10-14
2297  f7ea4a         17           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
2298  e07bbf         14           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
2299  953e83         16           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-15
2300  874378         13           <NA> 2014-10-14           2014-10-16
2301  4f3db1         15           <NA> 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2302  b48b63         14           <NA> 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2303  518a00         18     2014-10-08 2014-10-15           2014-10-15
2304  fd9d9a         18     2014-10-10 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2305  5b4020         15     2014-10-10 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2306  bb2648         12     2014-10-01 2014-10-15           2014-10-15
2307  1034be         16     2014-10-01 2014-10-15           2014-10-15
2308  ffaebd         18     2014-10-07 2014-10-15           2014-10-15
2309  b3f116         12           <NA> 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2310  da8432         15     2014-09-26 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2311  18b45d         12     2014-10-09 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2312  0e9eb1         17     2014-10-13 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2313  1afabf         15           <NA> 2014-10-15           2014-10-17
2314  a41107         14     2014-09-30 2014-10-15           2014-10-17
2315  1ecfd4         12     2014-09-29 2014-10-15           2014-10-15
2316  a55830         18           <NA> 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2317  85d280         15     2014-09-14 2014-10-15           2014-10-17
2318  0b0502         14           <NA> 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2319  818a86         14           <NA> 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2320  6b53e9         14           <NA> 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2321  2e3e18         12     2014-10-02 2014-10-15           2014-10-16
2322  e63112         15           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
2323  9e3394         13           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-18
2324  9653dc         13           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-18
2325  f68db4         15     2014-10-10 2014-10-16           2014-10-18
2326  1d5704         13     2014-10-06 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
2327  8f64df         20     2014-10-11 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2328  f55792         19     2014-10-09 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
2329  9bb5d3         16           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2330  ea88e4         16     2014-10-09 2014-10-16           2014-10-18
2331  68382c         16     2014-10-09 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2332  fc08ed         16     2014-10-01 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
2333  922374         14           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
2334  d13aa8         20     2014-10-15 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2335  f9870f         16           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2336  42adc5         17     2014-10-04 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2337  e9eab9         12           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-18
2338  08596c         12     2014-09-23 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
2339  cd2d3a         20           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2340  46823e         12           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2341  fcba89         14     2014-10-04 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
2342  28c5fe         12     2014-10-09 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2343  4651d4         18           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2344  93e068         17     2014-10-10 2014-10-16           2014-10-18
2345  692ce9         20           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2346  07d67d         16           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-17
2347  f16c92         14     2014-10-08 2014-10-16           2014-10-18
2348  19db82         12           <NA> 2014-10-16           2014-10-16
2349  1cab44         17     2014-09-22 2014-10-17           2014-10-18
2350  ebf21a         19     2014-10-10 2014-10-17           2014-10-17
2351  e59fa0         14     2014-10-15 2014-10-17           2014-10-19
2352  e2d508         14     2014-10-07 2014-10-17           2014-10-17
2353  d92e21         13           <NA> 2014-10-17           2014-10-18
2354  89aaaa         18     2014-10-13 2014-10-17           2014-10-17
2355  47aa13         17           <NA> 2014-10-17           2014-10-19
2356  9c004b         11     2014-10-05 2014-10-17           2014-10-17
2357  7291ba         22     2014-10-03 2014-10-17           2014-10-18
2358  83fa8c         16     2014-10-11 2014-10-17           2014-10-17
2359  bdb196         19     2014-10-07 2014-10-17           2014-10-17
2360  1a7027         13     2014-10-09 2014-10-17           2014-10-17
2361  cc7c6a         14     2014-10-14 2014-10-17           2014-10-18
2362  162d45         12           <NA> 2014-10-17           2014-10-17
2363  af1997         18     2014-10-14 2014-10-17           2014-10-18
2364  99e1a5         13     2014-10-02 2014-10-17           2014-10-18
2365  6e0ca9         19     2014-10-12 2014-10-17           2014-10-17
2366  0c6a2f         15     2014-10-15 2014-10-17           2014-10-18
2367  561cdc         13           <NA> 2014-10-17           2014-10-18
2368  fa8529         18     2014-10-12 2014-10-17           2014-10-18
2369  4c68e7         12     2014-10-15 2014-10-18           2014-10-20
2370  d44890         20           <NA> 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
2371  55a837         22           <NA> 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
2372  a8921f         17     2014-10-14 2014-10-18           2014-10-20
2373  795410         14           <NA> 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
2374  c0967d         19     2014-10-10 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
2375  38893c         14     2014-10-02 2014-10-18           2014-10-20
2376  385989         19     2014-09-25 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
2377  2759d7         14     2014-10-12 2014-10-18           2014-10-20
2378  573518         12     2014-10-04 2014-10-18           2014-10-20
2379  43fb82         10           <NA> 2014-10-18           2014-10-18
2380  e283cb         16           <NA> 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
2381  93be1b         22     2014-10-13 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
2382  10cae2         13     2014-09-22 2014-10-18           2014-10-18
2383  56cca2         16     2014-10-16 2014-10-18           2014-10-18
2384  1b6f79         19     2014-09-22 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
2385  3bad74         13           <NA> 2014-10-18           2014-10-20
2386  064b7f         17     2014-10-16 2014-10-18           2014-10-19
2387  d3ad1c         12           <NA> 2014-10-18           2014-10-20
2388  b19f24         20     2014-10-08 2014-10-18           2014-10-20
2389  f819b1         19     2014-10-02 2014-10-18           2014-10-20
2390  5993d0         20     2014-10-19 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2391  cafb6d         18           <NA> 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2392  18ee39         16           <NA> 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2393  04f823         13           <NA> 2014-10-19           2014-10-21
2394  44c7b1         12           <NA> 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2395  7e3883         13     2014-10-18 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2396  fac12f         15     2014-10-03 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2397  c7ac66         16     2014-09-29 2014-10-19           2014-10-19
2398  4e8443         13     2014-10-19 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2399  a87fe4         16     2014-10-11 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2400  300a9f         14     2014-10-10 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2401  482948         13     2014-10-16 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2402  e42e11         13           <NA> 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2403  35b238         16     2014-10-12 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2404  f39dc9         15     2014-10-05 2014-10-19           2014-10-19
2405  8f654c         21           <NA> 2014-10-19           2014-10-19
2406  686dd5         18           <NA> 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2407  a96c30         17           <NA> 2014-10-19           2014-10-20
2408  ebfc5f         16           <NA> 2014-10-19           2014-10-21
2409  bc2924         14     2014-09-26 2014-10-20           2014-10-22
2410  6ef35b         20     2014-10-18 2014-10-20           2014-10-20
2411  a35667         16     2014-10-08 2014-10-20           2014-10-20
2412  6a9f62         19     2014-10-09 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
2413  87713c         15           <NA> 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
2414  d60bc8         19           <NA> 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
2415  5cf6ac         18     2014-10-17 2014-10-20           2014-10-20
2416  cb38a4         21           <NA> 2014-10-20           2014-10-20
2417  eb9fd2         21     2014-09-29 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
2418  6056ba         16           <NA> 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
2419  e7eee2         19     2014-10-09 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
2420  d01454         15     2014-10-12 2014-10-20           2014-10-20
2421  b17606         14     2014-10-01 2014-10-20           2014-10-20
2422  e78ac6         14           <NA> 2014-10-20           2014-10-22
2423  5dcccf         14     2014-10-14 2014-10-20           2014-10-21
2424  987c1f         17     2014-10-17 2014-10-21           2014-10-21
2425  7180ae         14     2014-10-07 2014-10-21           2014-10-21
2426  e642c5         14     2014-09-16 2014-10-21           2014-10-23
2427  6ba40d         19           <NA> 2014-10-21           2014-10-21
2428  e3f352         14     2014-10-16 2014-10-21           2014-10-22
2429  75da44         17     2014-10-20 2014-10-21           2014-10-21
2430  7bb784         15     2014-10-12 2014-10-21           2014-10-22
2431  240dd1         17     2014-10-11 2014-10-21           2014-10-21
2432  96c2fe         19     2014-10-09 2014-10-21           2014-10-23
2433  a9695f         14           <NA> 2014-10-21           2014-10-22
2434  2b8990         17     2014-10-07 2014-10-21           2014-10-23
2435  08b152         16     2014-10-14 2014-10-21           2014-10-22
2436  1cd849         17     2014-10-17 2014-10-21           2014-10-22
2437  1b46f4         16     2014-09-20 2014-10-21           2014-10-23
2438  771728         13     2014-10-16 2014-10-21           2014-10-22
2439  e80000         14     2014-10-11 2014-10-21           2014-10-22
2440  576dfd         15     2014-10-10 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
2441  b1430b         20           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-22
2442  dd658a         18           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
2443  1ed136         16           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-24
2444  5f3457         17     2014-10-21 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
2445  3dc582         15           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
2446  0dd0a1         19     2014-10-10 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
2447  98c40c         17           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
2448  0153e9         19           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
2449  16b50d         14           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-24
2450  008ea7         20     2014-09-26 2014-10-22           2014-10-22
2451  b54b56         17           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
2452  0bd59d         18           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-22
2453  9ad9f1         18           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
2454  6e0760         13     2014-10-15 2014-10-22           2014-10-24
2455  e38b62         14     2014-10-18 2014-10-22           2014-10-23
2456  08da45         21           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-22
2457  6f38aa         19           <NA> 2014-10-22           2014-10-22
2458  2eb14c         10     2014-10-18 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
2459  fccbd3         15     2014-10-16 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
2460  77c5fc         16           <NA> 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
2461  e4eaea         13     2014-10-19 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
2462  baae42         14     2014-10-08 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
2463  3a36b5         14     2014-09-15 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
2464  9fa7a2         17     2014-10-14 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
2465  f036b1         15     2014-09-28 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
2466  1329a6         14     2014-10-03 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
2467  b69767         16     2014-10-17 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
2468  b16658         15     2014-10-21 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
2469  655168         14     2014-10-05 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
2470  a4abee         15     2014-10-11 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
2471  c3ad0d         16     2014-09-29 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
2472  0762c8         16           <NA> 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
2473  ad57b6         19     2014-10-13 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
2474  1c2447         11     2014-10-17 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
2475  684fd1         17           <NA> 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
2476  ced83e         16     2014-10-14 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
2477  db9a83         20           <NA> 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
2478  edf907         14           <NA> 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
2479  c6dcd9         14     2014-09-21 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
2480  7ffe9c         20     2014-10-06 2014-10-23           2014-10-25
2481  c0aeb4         20     2014-10-19 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
2482  278880         15     2014-10-07 2014-10-23           2014-10-23
2483  8a839c         14           <NA> 2014-10-23           2014-10-24
2484  e55ec4         15     2014-10-20 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
2485  2772c3         15     2014-10-09 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
2486  6cba0e         20     2014-10-19 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
2487  915acd         18     2014-10-17 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
2488  519263         18     2014-10-21 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
2489  eb8407         19           <NA> 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
2490  745cd8         16           <NA> 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
2491  1206a2         15           <NA> 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
2492  aac55e         14     2014-10-15 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
2493  225256         14           <NA> 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
2494  454412         19     2014-10-22 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
2495  3a314f         14     2014-10-20 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
2496  c80572         17     2014-10-05 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
2497  3b535e         16     2014-10-10 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
2498  a64efd         18     2014-10-03 2014-10-24           2014-10-26
2499  6bc3c5         14     2014-10-11 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
2500  689cc9         20     2014-10-22 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
2501  925df2         12     2014-10-21 2014-10-24           2014-10-26
2502  a7634a         12     2014-10-13 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
2503  1a3bfb         15     2014-10-08 2014-10-24           2014-10-25
2504  ed026b         15     2014-09-21 2014-10-24           2014-10-26
2505  443ded         17           <NA> 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
2506  598273         14           <NA> 2014-10-24           2014-10-26
2507  5aec1f         13     2014-10-16 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
2508  318954         16           <NA> 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
2509  a61e66         21     2014-10-13 2014-10-24           2014-10-24
2510  8ec975         19     2014-10-03 2014-10-25           2014-10-25
2511  78f6dc         24           <NA> 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
2512  af48f4         13           <NA> 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
2513  15c9d3         14     2014-10-16 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
2514  1fb87a         13     2014-10-19 2014-10-25           2014-10-27
2515  9c03ca         20     2014-10-11 2014-10-25           2014-10-25
2516  b14e09         13           <NA> 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
2517  a24a8f         17     2014-10-22 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
2518  2aa439         14           <NA> 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
2519  3a768b         15     2014-10-05 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
2520  a0de7d         15     2014-10-19 2014-10-25           2014-10-25
2521  504fa3         12           <NA> 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
2522  98e870         17     2014-10-16 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
2523  c1a277         22     2014-10-07 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
2524  8afe86         12           <NA> 2014-10-25           2014-10-26
2525  e5a442         15     2014-09-27 2014-10-25           2014-10-25
2526  ec609f         15     2014-10-23 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2527  742b0f         20     2014-10-14 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2528  430f99         12     2014-10-13 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2529  bd4da8         14           <NA> 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2530  fc6667         13     2014-10-20 2014-10-26           2014-10-28
2531  efbc41         20           <NA> 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2532  20266c         16     2014-10-09 2014-10-26           2014-10-26
2533  740c90         14     2014-10-23 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2534  01b12d         17     2014-10-16 2014-10-26           2014-10-28
2535  c0f295         17     2014-10-03 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2536  bc511d         14     2014-09-19 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2537  8e18bc         18     2014-10-19 2014-10-26           2014-10-26
2538  a0ba37         16           <NA> 2014-10-26           2014-10-26
2539  65d865         18     2014-10-23 2014-10-26           2014-10-28
2540  fbfcd2         14           <NA> 2014-10-26           2014-10-28
2541  164b90         12     2014-10-21 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2542  54044b         15     2014-10-16 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2543  88c284         19     2014-10-11 2014-10-26           2014-10-26
2544  339787         14     2014-10-09 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2545  a8b41b         16     2014-10-11 2014-10-26           2014-10-28
2546  48da09         16     2014-10-08 2014-10-26           2014-10-28
2547  4c8369         13     2014-10-16 2014-10-26           2014-10-28
2548  2b9281         14           <NA> 2014-10-26           2014-10-27
2549  e8a583         16           <NA> 2014-10-27           2014-10-27
2550  6e90d7         24     2014-10-16 2014-10-27           2014-10-29
2551  afc484         18           <NA> 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
2552  10ff1e         18     2014-10-09 2014-10-27           2014-10-27
2553  7f9a91         18     2014-10-24 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
2554  1a454f         20     2014-10-23 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
2555  457f57         15     2014-10-25 2014-10-27           2014-10-29
2556  d580d6         15           <NA> 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
2557  7a7009         15     2014-10-24 2014-10-27           2014-10-27
2558  fc4476         17     2014-10-20 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
2559  6ed3df         18     2014-10-15 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
2560  7f0470         19     2014-10-18 2014-10-27           2014-10-29
2561  0d4a75         16           <NA> 2014-10-27           2014-10-29
2562  95556b         12     2014-10-24 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
2563  12d0c8         19     2014-10-18 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
2564  544e2c         14     2014-10-20 2014-10-27           2014-10-29
2565  cbfe3d         15           <NA> 2014-10-27           2014-10-28
2566  ff5ad5         17           <NA> 2014-10-27           2014-10-29
2567  b07435         14     2014-10-24 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2568  192e36         18     2014-10-23 2014-10-28           2014-10-30
2569  4faaa7         14     2014-10-07 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2570  02bb6c         18     2014-10-24 2014-10-28           2014-10-30
2571  97983e         16     2014-10-13 2014-10-28           2014-10-30
2572  de70d2         13           <NA> 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2573  14f503         18     2014-10-02 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2574  5ecf10         17     2014-10-22 2014-10-28           2014-10-30
2575  b9f71a         17           <NA> 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2576  c2f748         15     2014-10-14 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2577  25fb41         16           <NA> 2014-10-28           2014-10-28
2578  a4b625         20     2014-10-23 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2579  7f82ff         12     2014-10-23 2014-10-28           2014-10-30
2580  60813f         21     2014-10-24 2014-10-28           2014-10-28
2581  79bfc6         15           <NA> 2014-10-28           2014-10-30
2582  46fc55         16     2014-10-24 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2583  d304e0         12           <NA> 2014-10-28           2014-10-28
2584  363851         16     2014-10-21 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2585  a507a8         15     2014-10-26 2014-10-28           2014-10-28
2586  3d623f         16           <NA> 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2587  679c45         15     2014-10-12 2014-10-28           2014-10-28
2588  237167         14           <NA> 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2589  cb8f4e         16           <NA> 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2590  8a3edc         17     2014-10-22 2014-10-28           2014-10-28
2591  18f1c9         14           <NA> 2014-10-28           2014-10-28
2592  35b23e         14     2014-10-22 2014-10-28           2014-10-28
2593  1eea27         14     2014-10-24 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2594  bf61a2         18     2014-10-26 2014-10-28           2014-10-29
2595  577af1         16           <NA> 2014-10-29           2014-10-30
2596  f29588         11     2014-10-23 2014-10-29           2014-10-31
2597  dd1867         17           <NA> 2014-10-29           2014-10-30
2598  6c9e8a         14     2014-10-25 2014-10-29           2014-10-29
2599  9e0ce3         16           <NA> 2014-10-29           2014-10-30
2600  9caee0         16     2014-10-22 2014-10-29           2014-10-30
2601  31a7f9         22     2014-10-15 2014-10-29           2014-10-31
2602  21c3e6         20           <NA> 2014-10-29           2014-10-30
2603  0c4516         18           <NA> 2014-10-29           2014-10-29
2604  e6b106         16     2014-10-24 2014-10-29           2014-10-31
2605  57f450         16     2014-10-25 2014-10-30           2014-10-30
2606  c70ead         17     2014-10-22 2014-10-30           2014-10-30
2607  7c5c70         20     2014-10-29 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2608  b832c7         18     2014-10-12 2014-10-30           2014-10-30
2609  7316ea         11     2014-10-23 2014-10-30           2014-10-30
2610  c262cc         19     2014-10-09 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2611  989688         13     2014-10-27 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2612  ef8aca         14           <NA> 2014-10-30           2014-10-30
2613  7120cc         13     2014-10-09 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2614  af82b2         15     2014-10-24 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2615  ae3ac3         17           <NA> 2014-10-30           2014-11-01
2616  62f4f2         14     2014-10-10 2014-10-30           2014-10-30
2617  107553         10     2014-10-06 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2618  7e1591         18           <NA> 2014-10-30           2014-10-30
2619  8041e1         20           <NA> 2014-10-30           2014-10-30
2620  86340d         19     2014-10-25 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2621  49434d         23     2014-10-18 2014-10-30           2014-10-30
2622  f5b68a         11           <NA> 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2623  23bb04         18           <NA> 2014-10-30           2014-10-30
2624  e018ae         14     2014-10-07 2014-10-30           2014-11-01
2625  37215e         12           <NA> 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2626  7344ee         11     2014-10-27 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2627  15024d         13     2014-10-23 2014-10-30           2014-11-01
2628  8fde72         16     2014-10-21 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2629  c8226a         21     2014-10-24 2014-10-30           2014-10-31
2630  87a9aa         18     2014-10-24 2014-10-30           2014-11-01
2631  44255d         18     2014-10-05 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
2632  6bde04         12     2014-10-14 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
2633  c228f0         19     2014-10-28 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2634  8a4b27         16           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2635  3cc3c2         15     2014-10-03 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2636  9af4dd         15     2014-10-10 2014-10-31           2014-11-02
2637  01d4b5         14     2014-10-09 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2638  676b4f         19           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
2639  bc505d         16     2014-10-23 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2640  e3b7b8         16     2014-10-26 2014-10-31           2014-11-02
2641  551aef         17     2014-10-29 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2642  8979e3         15     2014-10-23 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2643  c65dd0         11           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
2644  d8d18a         15     2014-10-12 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
2645  70c0e6         16     2014-10-24 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2646  af82f5         15     2014-10-28 2014-10-31           2014-11-02
2647  6314d0         11     2014-10-23 2014-10-31           2014-11-02
2648  b1ccbe         19     2014-10-28 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2649  e09242         22           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-11-02
2650  dbebbe         14     2014-10-26 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
2651  3d7f21         17           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2652  550664         17           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2653  0cdcfd         18     2014-10-24 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
2654  c182ce         17           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-11-01
2655  501241         15     2014-10-20 2014-10-31           2014-11-02
2656  5ccf35         20     2014-10-18 2014-10-31           2014-11-02
2657  df9d8c         15     2014-10-23 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
2658  337146         16           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
2659  6dc6f7         19     2014-10-17 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
2660  d7854c         15           <NA> 2014-10-31           2014-10-31
2661  e27636         18     2014-10-18 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2662  cfe2c7         17     2014-10-26 2014-11-01           2014-11-03
2663  72268f         17     2014-10-18 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2664  b1b620         21     2014-11-01 2014-11-01           2014-11-01
2665  bf8221         14     2014-10-30 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2666  a0ab0d         14     2014-10-18 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2667  bdbc47         16     2014-10-23 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2668  7f49f5         14           <NA> 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2669  a74054         19     2014-10-31 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2670  35cad9         13           <NA> 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2671  21957a         16           <NA> 2014-11-01           2014-11-03
2672  00dda0         20     2014-10-27 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2673  ca492f         20     2014-10-18 2014-11-01           2014-11-01
2674  b9c86f         13     2014-10-19 2014-11-01           2014-11-03
2675  7bb524         19           <NA> 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2676  b3a86b         18     2014-10-28 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2677  7719de         15           <NA> 2014-11-01           2014-11-01
2678  99b6b9         15           <NA> 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2679  809a72         17     2014-10-15 2014-11-01           2014-11-03
2680  9f0522         14           <NA> 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2681  27f706         16     2014-10-31 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2682  2a16aa         19     2014-10-01 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2683  00e35c         20     2014-10-24 2014-11-01           2014-11-02
2684  3b3e9f         19     2014-10-29 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2685  bbfba1         16           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2686  2f1ab0         13     2014-10-14 2014-11-02           2014-11-04
2687  bd9f32         17     2014-10-24 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2688  2d6a6a         22     2014-10-20 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2689  1704ad         16     2014-10-26 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2690  c5eb87         12           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-02
2691  99b140         17     2014-10-22 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2692  ffb17e         11     2014-10-17 2014-11-02           2014-11-02
2693  7923b4         17           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2694  3fd6e5         19           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-04
2695  f19093         12           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2696  6c94f4         17     2014-10-20 2014-11-02           2014-11-04
2697  3a36da         22     2014-10-22 2014-11-02           2014-11-02
2698  639e4b         21           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2699  2725d3         11     2014-10-25 2014-11-02           2014-11-02
2700  a16e58         19     2014-10-28 2014-11-02           2014-11-02
2701  218438         13     2014-10-16 2014-11-02           2014-11-02
2702  d3dac6         20           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2703  8b1382         15           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-02
2704  5da51f         17           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-04
2705  570c28         17     2014-11-01 2014-11-02           2014-11-04
2706  cc4b7f         19     2014-10-21 2014-11-02           2014-11-04
2707  0a14e6         15           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2708  bb5957         15           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-02
2709  623061         17     2014-10-20 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2710  74f674         22           <NA> 2014-11-02           2014-11-03
2711  208be8         14     2014-09-28 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
2712  c9e829         16           <NA> 2014-11-03           2014-11-03
2713  f28e60         17     2014-10-12 2014-11-03           2014-11-03
2714  7c173f         16     2014-11-01 2014-11-03           2014-11-05
2715  f77994         19     2014-10-31 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
2716  ee154b         19     2014-10-29 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
2717  644c23         12           <NA> 2014-11-03           2014-11-05
2718  72d8f9         15           <NA> 2014-11-03           2014-11-03
2719  0701ee         19     2014-10-23 2014-11-03           2014-11-03
2720  62871e         14           <NA> 2014-11-03           2014-11-05
2721  391f22         17     2014-10-19 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
2722  d37291         16     2014-10-25 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
2723  395760         14           <NA> 2014-11-03           2014-11-05
2724  f0766b         21     2014-10-25 2014-11-03           2014-11-03
2725  db2887         14     2014-10-24 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
2726  165763         15     2014-11-01 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
2727  1a9f61         13           <NA> 2014-11-03           2014-11-03
2728  b4e767         19     2014-10-30 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
2729  7eb202         16     2014-10-16 2014-11-03           2014-11-04
2730  a9d36a         16     2014-10-22 2014-11-03           2014-11-05
2731  b7b32a         15     2014-10-22 2014-11-03           2014-11-03
2732  669242         16     2014-10-08 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
2733  54714a         14     2014-11-02 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
2734  13dd6e         17     2014-10-31 2014-11-04           2014-11-06
2735  0f73cb         16           <NA> 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
2736  b76e36         11     2014-10-31 2014-11-04           2014-11-06
2737  41611c         16           <NA> 2014-11-04           2014-11-04
2738  5d9a56         16     2014-10-22 2014-11-04           2014-11-04
2739  bd2990         19           <NA> 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
2740  71e717         17     2014-10-30 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
2741  6cbac9         17     2014-10-29 2014-11-04           2014-11-06
2742  f1dd78         18     2014-11-01 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
2743  85344a         19     2014-10-23 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
2744  d79279         15     2014-10-22 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
2745  9786fe         12     2014-11-02 2014-11-04           2014-11-04
2746  4c893e         13     2014-10-31 2014-11-04           2014-11-04
2747  cf6456         15     2014-10-10 2014-11-04           2014-11-06
2748  d9bb43         23     2014-10-19 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
2749  0800f3         19     2014-10-23 2014-11-04           2014-11-06
2750  c8dad7         17     2014-10-29 2014-11-04           2014-11-04
2751  ee7060         15     2014-10-31 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
2752  d013c8         20           <NA> 2014-11-04           2014-11-05
2753  6d6a86         13     2014-10-21 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
2754  c31706         14     2014-10-26 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
2755  f1cf4c         17           <NA> 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
2756  7f9adf         17     2014-11-02 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
2757  3679a7         14           <NA> 2014-11-05           2014-11-07
2758  b0bddb         13           <NA> 2014-11-05           2014-11-07
2759  903cb3         15     2014-10-22 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
2760  8b6905         16           <NA> 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
2761  098a4b         15           <NA> 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
2762  525a03         14     2014-10-21 2014-11-05           2014-11-07
2763  66f81e         16     2014-10-20 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
2764  984d37         19     2014-10-26 2014-11-05           2014-11-05
2765  0f70b1         16     2014-10-22 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
2766  c3a2dc         16     2014-11-01 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
2767  255cda         20     2014-10-21 2014-11-05           2014-11-05
2768  2f8828         17     2014-11-01 2014-11-05           2014-11-05
2769  73c2f9         19     2014-10-29 2014-11-05           2014-11-06
2770  929bf3         13           <NA> 2014-11-05           2014-11-05
2771  1dad57         14           <NA> 2014-11-06           2014-11-06
2772  241b28         17     2014-11-02 2014-11-06           2014-11-07
2773  102152         21           <NA> 2014-11-06           2014-11-08
2774  f19723         14     2014-11-04 2014-11-06           2014-11-07
2775  022294         17     2014-10-20 2014-11-06           2014-11-07
2776  9a43c4         17           <NA> 2014-11-06           2014-11-06
2777  ff3bb2         16     2014-10-26 2014-11-06           2014-11-07
2778  504fe1         14     2014-10-25 2014-11-06           2014-11-07
2779  91bb6f         18     2014-11-04 2014-11-06           2014-11-06
2780  63d744         14           <NA> 2014-11-06           2014-11-08
2781  4e8054         19     2014-11-05 2014-11-06           2014-11-06
2782  996b5c         17     2014-10-26 2014-11-06           2014-11-08
2783  007df5         20           <NA> 2014-11-06           2014-11-06
2784  40202a         17           <NA> 2014-11-06           2014-11-07
2785  67c121         15           <NA> 2014-11-06           2014-11-06
2786  c48131         16           <NA> 2014-11-06           2014-11-06
2787  1ad5d8         15     2014-10-17 2014-11-06           2014-11-08
2788  73be6b         17     2014-11-01 2014-11-06           2014-11-07
2789  4cf607         19     2014-10-13 2014-11-06           2014-11-07
2790  e898d4         19     2014-10-28 2014-11-06           2014-11-07
2791  9d304f         17     2014-10-30 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
2792  bbd971         14     2014-10-24 2014-11-07           2014-11-07
2793  e4e1f7         20           <NA> 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
2794  46ecc2         20           <NA> 2014-11-07           2014-11-07
2795  d25ce3         17     2014-11-01 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
2796  7aecc8         18           <NA> 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
2797  db4198         20           <NA> 2014-11-07           2014-11-07
2798  ddc8d4         16     2014-11-06 2014-11-07           2014-11-07
2799  a3a354         21     2014-10-24 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
2800  506fbe         24     2014-10-30 2014-11-07           2014-11-09
2801  a7a506         16     2014-11-05 2014-11-07           2014-11-07
2802  b56856         17     2014-10-26 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
2803  f0b9c1         14           <NA> 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
2804  1f32da         17     2014-10-24 2014-11-07           2014-11-09
2805  41c979         15           <NA> 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
2806  2b6a9c         20     2014-10-31 2014-11-07           2014-11-09
2807  eefc49         17     2014-11-02 2014-11-07           2014-11-08
2808  10f43d         19     2014-10-28 2014-11-07           2014-11-09
2809  3f7fa4         18     2014-10-30 2014-11-08           2014-11-10
2810  99358d         18     2014-11-05 2014-11-08           2014-11-08
2811  266760         16     2014-10-21 2014-11-08           2014-11-08
2812  9d46f7         21     2014-10-28 2014-11-08           2014-11-09
2813  8311d8         19     2014-10-28 2014-11-08           2014-11-10
2814  98c633         18     2014-11-02 2014-11-08           2014-11-09
2815  04c762         16     2014-10-16 2014-11-08           2014-11-09
2816  807db6         11     2014-10-13 2014-11-08           2014-11-09
2817  bc475c         19     2014-11-02 2014-11-08           2014-11-10
2818  82494c         20           <NA> 2014-11-08           2014-11-08
2819  9d3590         20           <NA> 2014-11-08           2014-11-09
2820  0349c7         22     2014-10-31 2014-11-08           2014-11-10
2821  40b9c7         14     2014-10-21 2014-11-08           2014-11-08
2822  980dd5         25           <NA> 2014-11-08           2014-11-10
2823  f3ca56         15           <NA> 2014-11-08           2014-11-09
2824  b47d41         17     2014-10-27 2014-11-08           2014-11-09
2825  e27c3c         16     2014-11-05 2014-11-08           2014-11-08
2826  f5aa94         17     2014-10-29 2014-11-08           2014-11-08
2827  62bb46         18           <NA> 2014-11-08           2014-11-10
2828  89006a         15     2014-10-24 2014-11-09           2014-11-09
2829  be0b16         16           <NA> 2014-11-09           2014-11-10
2830  3968f9         17     2014-10-18 2014-11-09           2014-11-11
2831  8ae775         17           <NA> 2014-11-09           2014-11-11
2832  694928         15           <NA> 2014-11-09           2014-11-09
2833  5ef186         16     2014-11-06 2014-11-09           2014-11-09
2834  21258e         15           <NA> 2014-11-09           2014-11-10
2835  99766a         20           <NA> 2014-11-09           2014-11-10
2836  0474d6         20     2014-10-28 2014-11-09           2014-11-09
2837  710ee1         21           <NA> 2014-11-09           2014-11-10
2838  1edcc2         16     2014-10-31 2014-11-09           2014-11-10
2839  012ea3         17     2014-10-27 2014-11-09           2014-11-10
2840  8e4378         16           <NA> 2014-11-10           2014-11-10
2841  18bd2a         19           <NA> 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
2842  e4c638         17           <NA> 2014-11-10           2014-11-12
2843  f56065         19     2014-11-09 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
2844  a98ae2         15           <NA> 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
2845  45216b         22     2014-11-07 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
2846  c3d74c         14     2014-10-14 2014-11-10           2014-11-10
2847  0f0343         16     2014-11-01 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
2848  0b6eb8         18     2014-10-24 2014-11-10           2014-11-12
2849  7da59a         21     2014-11-04 2014-11-10           2014-11-10
2850  d1c4c7         18     2014-11-06 2014-11-10           2014-11-10
2851  d4a584         15     2014-11-07 2014-11-10           2014-11-10
2852  7a080f         14     2014-10-22 2014-11-10           2014-11-10
2853  19d151         20     2014-10-24 2014-11-10           2014-11-12
2854  6d7ce4         21     2014-11-06 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
2855  904052         21     2014-11-04 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
2856  3ea3c3         16     2014-10-31 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
2857  6c1a00         15     2014-11-07 2014-11-10           2014-11-11
2858  a7c306         15     2014-10-27 2014-11-10           2014-11-10
2859  f5cc52         14     2014-10-06 2014-11-11           2014-11-12
2860  891dc7         13     2014-11-01 2014-11-11           2014-11-13
2861  7cbd05         18     2014-11-04 2014-11-11           2014-11-12
2862  f2b659         15     2014-11-08 2014-11-11           2014-11-11
2863  74a28f         16           <NA> 2014-11-11           2014-11-11
2864  8e6587         15     2014-11-10 2014-11-11           2014-11-13
2865  d05eaa         12           <NA> 2014-11-11           2014-11-11
2866  3740ce         17           <NA> 2014-11-11           2014-11-11
2867  2dd099         20     2014-10-24 2014-11-11           2014-11-13
2868  25d45b         17           <NA> 2014-11-11           2014-11-11
2869  ef99f8         18     2014-10-20 2014-11-11           2014-11-11
2870  501f29         17     2014-11-04 2014-11-11           2014-11-13
2871  68818b         19     2014-11-10 2014-11-11           2014-11-12
2872  39f3ee         21     2014-11-11 2014-11-12           2014-11-14
2873  90f4d8         14     2014-11-02 2014-11-12           2014-11-13
2874  d74a9e         12     2014-11-02 2014-11-12           2014-11-12
2875  1563fe         18           <NA> 2014-11-12           2014-11-13
2876  d98d4f         18           <NA> 2014-11-12           2014-11-13
2877  c322f7         18     2014-11-07 2014-11-12           2014-11-13
2878  de2094         23           <NA> 2014-11-12           2014-11-12
2879  22240f         20           <NA> 2014-11-12           2014-11-13
2880  c18fbe         20     2014-11-10 2014-11-12           2014-11-12
2881  839c88         16     2014-11-08 2014-11-12           2014-11-13
2882  57528b         19           <NA> 2014-11-12           2014-11-13
2883  fc801b         19     2014-11-10 2014-11-12           2014-11-12
2884  7864f6         18     2014-11-02 2014-11-12           2014-11-12
2885  a581b1         20           <NA> 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
2886  324581         22     2014-11-03 2014-11-13           2014-11-13
2887  c12cfc         20     2014-11-07 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
2888  8728f5         17           <NA> 2014-11-13           2014-11-13
2889  c8ee00         23           <NA> 2014-11-13           2014-11-13
2890  808669         14     2014-10-11 2014-11-13           2014-11-13
2891  7ee0e4         17           <NA> 2014-11-13           2014-11-13
2892  30706a         17     2014-11-11 2014-11-13           2014-11-15
2893  8d591b         16     2014-11-13 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
2894  2cbe04         19     2014-11-13 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
2895  a509e6         20     2014-11-08 2014-11-13           2014-11-13
2896  28c791         18           <NA> 2014-11-13           2014-11-13
2897  3a2317         20     2014-10-19 2014-11-13           2014-11-15
2898  50d699         16           <NA> 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
2899  bbda1c         19     2014-10-19 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
2900  19703e         17     2014-10-30 2014-11-13           2014-11-14
2901  716174         20           <NA> 2014-11-14           2014-11-16
2902  386c3e         18           <NA> 2014-11-14           2014-11-15
2903  0fbbeb         17     2014-11-07 2014-11-14           2014-11-14
2904  5f57a9         17     2014-10-29 2014-11-14           2014-11-14
2905  63b8fd         13     2014-10-29 2014-11-14           2014-11-16
2906  7050c6         17     2014-11-02 2014-11-14           2014-11-15
2907  4601f5         21           <NA> 2014-11-14           2014-11-14
2908  35f38e         18     2014-11-12 2014-11-14           2014-11-15
2909  02133b         20     2014-11-12 2014-11-14           2014-11-15
2910  c8a9f2         16           <NA> 2014-11-14           2014-11-15
2911  5024af         17           <NA> 2014-11-14           2014-11-15
2912  cdbced         15     2014-10-29 2014-11-14           2014-11-14
2913  e07f84         16     2014-11-05 2014-11-14           2014-11-14
2914  da8bdb         15     2014-11-04 2014-11-14           2014-11-16
2915  1051cc         19     2014-11-10 2014-11-14           2014-11-15
2916  f1551b         18     2014-11-14 2014-11-14           2014-11-15
2917  71db1e         23     2014-11-05 2014-11-14           2014-11-15
2918  c7b288         16     2014-11-01 2014-11-14           2014-11-16
2919  d42571         16     2014-11-11 2014-11-14           2014-11-15
2920  6909c3         15     2014-10-27 2014-11-15           2014-11-16
2921  e0beeb         17           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-15
2922  c26f56         19     2014-11-06 2014-11-15           2014-11-16
2923  dab61c         18     2014-11-08 2014-11-15           2014-11-16
2924  c57c4a         19     2014-11-13 2014-11-15           2014-11-17
2925  e50de4         16           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-16
2926  650236         17     2014-11-07 2014-11-15           2014-11-17
2927  186147         16           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-16
2928  75f913         16           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-17
2929  dbcfe8         16     2014-11-10 2014-11-15           2014-11-17
2930  5fca1a         19           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-17
2931  41f6db         23     2014-11-13 2014-11-15           2014-11-17
2932  8bd6eb         15     2014-11-15 2014-11-15           2014-11-16
2933  ce6cb9         18     2014-11-11 2014-11-15           2014-11-16
2934  e9280a         21     2014-11-13 2014-11-15           2014-11-17
2935  863884         17           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-16
2936  b491d8         15     2014-10-31 2014-11-15           2014-11-15
2937  c1f4d9         19     2014-11-03 2014-11-15           2014-11-15
2938  a7cc25         15           <NA> 2014-11-15           2014-11-15
2939  082cb7         20     2014-11-04 2014-11-16           2014-11-16
2940  da76ad         16           <NA> 2014-11-16           2014-11-18
2941  5167ee         16     2014-10-26 2014-11-16           2014-11-18
2942  d71709         15     2014-11-04 2014-11-16           2014-11-18
2943  9050d3         18     2014-11-09 2014-11-16           2014-11-17
2944  c230ae         16           <NA> 2014-11-16           2014-11-16
2945  82901a         18           <NA> 2014-11-16           2014-11-17
2946  e88337         15     2014-11-06 2014-11-16           2014-11-17
2947  b6e1ee         15           <NA> 2014-11-16           2014-11-18
2948  8f7caa         17     2014-11-01 2014-11-16           2014-11-18
2949  dc3af5         17           <NA> 2014-11-16           2014-11-18
2950  9b57c1         20     2014-11-15 2014-11-16           2014-11-17
2951  e83df3         18           <NA> 2014-11-16           2014-11-18
2952  2b49ad         16     2014-10-17 2014-11-16           2014-11-16
2953  00c3c7         18     2014-10-22 2014-11-16           2014-11-17
2954  9e9494         20     2014-11-11 2014-11-16           2014-11-17
2955  0920ac         24     2014-11-14 2014-11-16           2014-11-16
2956  8b1137         23           <NA> 2014-11-16           2014-11-16
2957  e7aef6         18           <NA> 2014-11-16           2014-11-18
2958  e8ce10         17     2014-10-13 2014-11-17           2014-11-19
2959  b61156         17           <NA> 2014-11-17           2014-11-17
2960  8a3ec0         21     2014-11-04 2014-11-17           2014-11-19
2961  33aa54         16     2014-10-16 2014-11-17           2014-11-19
2962  6f8014         17     2014-11-07 2014-11-17           2014-11-19
2963  f87f89         16           <NA> 2014-11-17           2014-11-19
2964  d69ca8         19           <NA> 2014-11-17           2014-11-18
2965  00031d         18     2014-11-17 2014-11-17           2014-11-17
2966  d71a6e         19     2014-11-12 2014-11-17           2014-11-17
2967  d25f17         15     2014-11-07 2014-11-17           2014-11-18
2968  c17746         25           <NA> 2014-11-18           2014-11-20
2969  f52668         23     2014-11-10 2014-11-18           2014-11-18
2970  d71777         20     2014-11-11 2014-11-18           2014-11-18
2971  b65499         16     2014-11-09 2014-11-18           2014-11-20
2972  f1b120         14     2014-11-02 2014-11-18           2014-11-20
2973  4ed620         16     2014-11-13 2014-11-18           2014-11-19
2974  5b62bc         17     2014-11-15 2014-11-18           2014-11-19
2975  49d337         20           <NA> 2014-11-18           2014-11-19
2976  983f4f         15     2014-11-12 2014-11-18           2014-11-20
2977  8ae111         18     2014-11-03 2014-11-18           2014-11-19
2978  af78c8         15           <NA> 2014-11-19           2014-11-20
2979  7de326         17           <NA> 2014-11-19           2014-11-21
2980  aa65c0         19     2014-11-12 2014-11-19           2014-11-19
2981  944303         20     2014-11-05 2014-11-19           2014-11-21
2982  751999         18     2014-11-15 2014-11-19           2014-11-21
2983  c322fc         18     2014-11-04 2014-11-19           2014-11-20
2984  597a72         15     2014-10-13 2014-11-19           2014-11-21
2985  da6eda         17     2014-11-15 2014-11-19           2014-11-21
2986  2dea67         17     2014-11-05 2014-11-19           2014-11-21
2987  f92857         16     2014-11-01 2014-11-20           2014-11-21
2988  31b16e         17     2014-11-07 2014-11-20           2014-11-22
2989  b2c53b         20           <NA> 2014-11-20           2014-11-21
2990  e29342         19     2014-11-17 2014-11-20           2014-11-21
2991  c8b4d8         20     2014-11-08 2014-11-20           2014-11-20
2992  b80d85         18     2014-11-03 2014-11-20           2014-11-22
2993  ceee63         19     2014-11-10 2014-11-20           2014-11-22
2994  6ebfe0         16           <NA> 2014-11-20           2014-11-21
2995  70efbf         16           <NA> 2014-11-20           2014-11-20
2996  b82030         14     2014-11-17 2014-11-20           2014-11-22
2997  178b04         18     2014-10-24 2014-11-20           2014-11-21
2998  f6cc13         19           <NA> 2014-11-20           2014-11-21
2999  4662eb         16     2014-11-18 2014-11-20           2014-11-21
3000  3d7e9a         20     2014-11-04 2014-11-21           2014-11-23
3001  cde85f         18     2014-11-14 2014-11-21           2014-11-22
3002  12bcef         18     2014-11-17 2014-11-21           2014-11-22
3003  7f1412         20           <NA> 2014-11-21           2014-11-22
3004  5ddb5d         17     2014-10-20 2014-11-21           2014-11-22
3005  8ddf66         16     2014-11-10 2014-11-21           2014-11-21
3006  dac9a2         18     2014-11-08 2014-11-21           2014-11-22
3007  476f70         14           <NA> 2014-11-21           2014-11-21
3008  4a89d8         16     2014-11-11 2014-11-21           2014-11-21
3009  059b73         17     2014-10-31 2014-11-21           2014-11-23
3010  09f77f         18     2014-11-07 2014-11-21           2014-11-21
3011  c51ef1         19     2014-10-31 2014-11-21           2014-11-21
3012  cfeed3         18     2014-11-10 2014-11-21           2014-11-21
3013  ed6a8c         16           <NA> 2014-11-22           2014-11-23
3014  a8914a         14     2014-11-18 2014-11-22           2014-11-22
3015  cb7a52         17     2014-11-21 2014-11-22           2014-11-22
3016  c266ad         18           <NA> 2014-11-22           2014-11-24
3017  445d1c         21           <NA> 2014-11-22           2014-11-23
3018  c6b046         18     2014-11-06 2014-11-22           2014-11-24
3019  0947fc         16           <NA> 2014-11-22           2014-11-23
3020  3eb2f8         19     2014-11-21 2014-11-22           2014-11-24
3021  1b806b         14     2014-11-02 2014-11-22           2014-11-24
3022  a81fcf         19           <NA> 2014-11-22           2014-11-23
3023  deb047         20     2014-11-14 2014-11-22           2014-11-22
3024  8d77e2         10           <NA> 2014-11-22           2014-11-24
3025  c8120b         16     2014-10-17 2014-11-22           2014-11-23
3026  e5e4e7         22           <NA> 2014-11-22           2014-11-23
3027  edfa52         20     2014-11-09 2014-11-22           2014-11-22
3028  503262         19     2014-10-04 2014-11-23           2014-11-23
3029  8ab063         21     2014-11-21 2014-11-23           2014-11-25
3030  b87c07         20     2014-11-14 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
3031  e2035e         20     2014-11-17 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
3032  1a4f6d         21     2014-11-22 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
3033  a4585b         21           <NA> 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
3034  faadaa         14           <NA> 2014-11-23           2014-11-25
3035  e5f980         15     2014-10-21 2014-11-23           2014-11-25
3036  dc7696         19     2014-11-19 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
3037  6cf2c0         19     2014-11-06 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
3038  cf8aac         19           <NA> 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
3039  942a30         18     2014-11-02 2014-11-23           2014-11-23
3040  afcfcb         16     2014-11-11 2014-11-23           2014-11-25
3041  77a257         15     2014-11-05 2014-11-23           2014-11-23
3042  cf2ef9         18     2014-10-28 2014-11-23           2014-11-25
3043  df37e2         19           <NA> 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
3044  ef8faa         21     2014-11-11 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
3045  03d33a         20     2014-11-23 2014-11-23           2014-11-25
3046  b12b2d         20     2014-11-21 2014-11-23           2014-11-24
3047  3b0741         18     2014-11-17 2014-11-24           2014-11-24
3048  84dcda         13     2014-11-07 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
3049  50053e         18     2014-11-19 2014-11-24           2014-11-24
3050  b7dcff         18           <NA> 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
3051  b6aa9a         21           <NA> 2014-11-24           2014-11-26
3052  0d8a0a         16     2014-11-15 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
3053  119a92         18     2014-11-02 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
3054  a47633         17           <NA> 2014-11-24           2014-11-26
3055  0bdf7c         17     2014-11-22 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
3056  587136         20           <NA> 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
3057  33b7cc         18           <NA> 2014-11-24           2014-11-24
3058  0d3e11         15     2014-10-23 2014-11-24           2014-11-24
3059  b12a74         19     2014-11-15 2014-11-24           2014-11-26
3060  8b968c         18     2014-11-13 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
3061  3c86fe         20     2014-11-05 2014-11-24           2014-11-26
3062  7ff9ea         17     2014-11-13 2014-11-24           2014-11-24
3063  b7a231         16     2014-11-21 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
3064  318e94         22           <NA> 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
3065  9be14e         18     2014-11-21 2014-11-24           2014-11-26
3066  5c7da1         15     2014-11-21 2014-11-24           2014-11-24
3067  f2a4f7         13     2014-11-03 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
3068  f2091f         24     2014-11-18 2014-11-24           2014-11-25
3069  976b66         14     2014-10-17 2014-11-24           2014-11-26
3070  46037e         11           <NA> 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
3071  f1a18a         19     2014-11-17 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
3072  bef537         14           <NA> 2014-11-25           2014-11-25
3073  290508         16           <NA> 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
3074  30247e         22     2014-11-11 2014-11-25           2014-11-27
3075  26028b         18           <NA> 2014-11-25           2014-11-25
3076  32af98         20     2014-11-25 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
3077  c146f2         19           <NA> 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
3078  76403c         19           <NA> 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
3079  1dce38         19     2014-11-20 2014-11-25           2014-11-25
3080  0cc4d6         14           <NA> 2014-11-25           2014-11-27
3081  ed2c8b         19     2014-11-20 2014-11-25           2014-11-25
3082  d5cfb6         19     2014-11-17 2014-11-25           2014-11-25
3083  d79a0d         15     2014-11-06 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
3084  2bc6c4         14           <NA> 2014-11-25           2014-11-25
3085  300918         19     2014-11-17 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
3086  fb7295         21     2014-11-08 2014-11-25           2014-11-25
3087  1c4b18         14     2014-11-15 2014-11-25           2014-11-27
3088  89efc3         16     2014-11-11 2014-11-25           2014-11-26
3089  95c935         16           <NA> 2014-11-26           2014-11-26
3090  057487         17     2014-11-19 2014-11-26           2014-11-26
3091  3370a7         17     2014-11-11 2014-11-26           2014-11-27
3092  444af1         14     2014-10-25 2014-11-26           2014-11-26
3093  ecb046         17     2014-11-19 2014-11-26           2014-11-27
3094  7b7e0c         21           <NA> 2014-11-26           2014-11-27
3095  266c5d         21     2014-11-17 2014-11-26           2014-11-26
3096  d05a15         11     2014-11-20 2014-11-26           2014-11-27
3097  c96623         18     2014-11-22 2014-11-26           2014-11-27
3098  af345c         18           <NA> 2014-11-26           2014-11-27
3099  52d43a         15     2014-11-21 2014-11-26           2014-11-26
3100  64a71f         21     2014-10-24 2014-11-27           2014-11-27
3101  d86cb4         18           <NA> 2014-11-27           2014-11-28
3102  3749ca         16     2014-11-12 2014-11-27           2014-11-29
3103  444724         16           <NA> 2014-11-27           2014-11-28
3104  116312         18     2014-11-23 2014-11-27           2014-11-27
3105  699d82         19     2014-11-20 2014-11-27           2014-11-28
3106  72fdfe         16     2014-11-11 2014-11-27           2014-11-27
3107  5f1f62         19     2014-11-12 2014-11-27           2014-11-28
3108  db0521         23     2014-11-23 2014-11-28           2014-11-28
3109  4a6f82         21     2014-11-05 2014-11-28           2014-11-29
3110  24195f         16     2014-11-12 2014-11-28           2014-11-30
3111  afb25a         21     2014-11-13 2014-11-28           2014-11-28
3112  2dab2c         17           <NA> 2014-11-28           2014-11-28
3113  9d77bf         25     2014-11-26 2014-11-28           2014-11-29
3114  f31627         17     2014-11-24 2014-11-28           2014-11-29
3115  dd6251         14     2014-11-18 2014-11-28           2014-11-30
3116  86f191         20     2014-11-24 2014-11-28           2014-11-28
3117  7a7106         19           <NA> 2014-11-28           2014-11-30
3118  79b15c         17     2014-11-13 2014-11-28           2014-11-29
3119  e0d026         22           <NA> 2014-11-28           2014-11-29
3120  3e5f4c         21           <NA> 2014-11-28           2014-11-28
3121  1ca6ca         18     2014-11-16 2014-11-28           2014-11-30
3122  e952ff         21     2014-11-21 2014-11-28           2014-11-28
3123  22bdc7         20     2014-11-21 2014-11-28           2014-11-28
3124  ed37d7         23           <NA> 2014-11-29           2014-11-29
3125  1afb0f         17     2014-11-04 2014-11-29           2014-11-30
3126  c7d42e         20           <NA> 2014-11-29           2014-12-01
3127  ba4442         19           <NA> 2014-11-29           2014-11-30
3128  2c4127         15     2014-11-22 2014-11-29           2014-11-30
3129  5ae160         19           <NA> 2014-11-29           2014-11-29
3130  dafc33         16           <NA> 2014-11-29           2014-11-30
3131  8667e4         17     2014-11-27 2014-11-29           2014-12-01
3132  291648         22           <NA> 2014-11-29           2014-12-01
3133  902617         17     2014-11-13 2014-11-29           2014-11-29
3134  90f9f0         18     2014-11-03 2014-11-29           2014-11-30
3135  faf0b1         20           <NA> 2014-11-30           2014-12-01
3136  22f47e         17     2014-11-24 2014-11-30           2014-12-01
3137  6425b5         18     2014-11-29 2014-11-30           2014-12-01
3138  d736a3         20     2014-11-27 2014-11-30           2014-11-30
3139  5fbfbf         21     2014-11-10 2014-11-30           2014-12-01
3140  c1ac9f         19     2014-11-23 2014-11-30           2014-12-01
3141  34711d         20           <NA> 2014-11-30           2014-11-30
3142  c27ac9         18     2014-11-24 2014-11-30           2014-11-30
3143  b5d63f         17     2014-11-23 2014-11-30           2014-11-30
3144  536e69         22           <NA> 2014-11-30           2014-12-01
3145  3a77bc         21           <NA> 2014-11-30           2014-11-30
3146  637f72         20     2014-11-25 2014-11-30           2014-12-01
3147  f92947         16     2014-11-26 2014-11-30           2014-12-01
3148  1e4d59         20     2014-11-22 2014-11-30           2014-12-01
3149  61f3ac         22           <NA> 2014-12-01           2014-12-03
3150  ff5e78         16     2014-11-14 2014-12-01           2014-12-01
3151  8bbc6d         17           <NA> 2014-12-01           2014-12-02
3152  db103b         22     2014-11-28 2014-12-01           2014-12-01
3153  05b153         19     2014-11-15 2014-12-01           2014-12-02
3154  7c9fba         21     2014-11-24 2014-12-01           2014-12-02
3155  1f9217         17           <NA> 2014-12-01           2014-12-02
3156  7b45ca         14     2014-10-27 2014-12-01           2014-12-02
3157  c69c94         21           <NA> 2014-12-01           2014-12-03
3158  23986e         21     2014-11-24 2014-12-01           2014-12-03
3159  b02a58         18           <NA> 2014-12-01           2014-12-03
3160  a37dc0         17     2014-11-12 2014-12-02           2014-12-02
3161  62773f         18     2014-11-24 2014-12-02           2014-12-03
3162  baa7fe         19     2014-11-09 2014-12-02           2014-12-03
3163  06440d         16           <NA> 2014-12-02           2014-12-02
3164  502df7         20     2014-11-21 2014-12-02           2014-12-02
3165  0aea0e         18           <NA> 2014-12-02           2014-12-02
3166  9c8f19         19           <NA> 2014-12-02           2014-12-04
3167  334b0d         18     2014-11-18 2014-12-02           2014-12-03
3168  f2f2ca         19     2014-11-30 2014-12-02           2014-12-03
3169  d8c213         18     2014-11-16 2014-12-02           2014-12-03
3170  dc736d         21     2014-11-20 2014-12-02           2014-12-04
3171  d02ef4         20           <NA> 2014-12-02           2014-12-03
3172  804372         20     2014-11-26 2014-12-03           2014-12-05
3173  f14694         16     2014-11-24 2014-12-03           2014-12-03
3174  c333a6         21     2014-11-23 2014-12-03           2014-12-03
3175  740875         16     2014-11-23 2014-12-03           2014-12-03
3176  601ec1         17     2014-11-26 2014-12-03           2014-12-05
3177  14398d         22           <NA> 2014-12-03           2014-12-03
3178  2d43cd         18     2014-11-11 2014-12-03           2014-12-03
3179  2fb02d         16           <NA> 2014-12-03           2014-12-04
3180  213e93         22           <NA> 2014-12-03           2014-12-04
3181  f18538         17     2014-11-24 2014-12-03           2014-12-05
3182  c20c11         20     2014-11-24 2014-12-03           2014-12-04
3183  6f5d1b         19     2014-11-27 2014-12-03           2014-12-03
3184  a784f5         20     2014-12-02 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
3185  d6628d         18     2014-12-03 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
3186  2abd63         18     2014-11-28 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
3187  08d719         22     2014-11-24 2014-12-04           2014-12-06
3188  9db989         21     2014-12-04 2014-12-04           2014-12-06
3189  bf9b9a         18     2014-11-30 2014-12-04           2014-12-04
3190  b7b47d         20     2014-11-23 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
3191  1ede6e         20     2014-12-01 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
3192  e1c629         21           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
3193  8a8251         17     2014-11-27 2014-12-04           2014-12-06
3194  6cfedd         18           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-06
3195  3b8b59         11     2014-11-24 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
3196  c48808         16     2014-11-24 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
3197  855a06         19           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
3198  c20282         15           <NA> 2014-12-04           2014-12-05
3199  99be2e         21     2014-11-28 2014-12-05           2014-12-06
3200  9ab962         19     2014-11-17 2014-12-05           2014-12-05
3201  360a75         17     2014-11-20 2014-12-05           2014-12-07
3202  bca24d         20           <NA> 2014-12-05           2014-12-07
3203  23bba7         18     2014-11-26 2014-12-05           2014-12-06
3204  22e3fe         20     2014-11-23 2014-12-05           2014-12-05
3205  24c64b         19           <NA> 2014-12-05           2014-12-06
3206  4f859f         17     2014-11-24 2014-12-05           2014-12-05
3207  099c13         19           <NA> 2014-12-05           2014-12-06
3208  9daec5         22     2014-12-03 2014-12-05           2014-12-07
3209  b0cac9         19     2014-11-30 2014-12-05           2014-12-05
3210  63c094         17     2014-11-29 2014-12-05           2014-12-06
3211  6c258f         25           <NA> 2014-12-05           2014-12-06
3212  5c72dd         22     2014-12-01 2014-12-06           2014-12-06
3213  81eaae         22     2014-12-05 2014-12-06           2014-12-07
3214  9c9afb         17     2014-12-04 2014-12-06           2014-12-08
3215  6b490d         20     2014-11-14 2014-12-06           2014-12-07
3216  7c992e         19           <NA> 2014-12-06           2014-12-08
3217  e975ce         19     2014-11-23 2014-12-06           2014-12-08
3218  d47204         17           <NA> 2014-12-06           2014-12-07
3219  3fad0c         18           <NA> 2014-12-06           2014-12-07
3220  efe556         20     2014-12-01 2014-12-06           2014-12-06
3221  c0c3f9         17           <NA> 2014-12-06           2014-12-07
3222  f856c9         17     2014-11-25 2014-12-07           2014-12-08
3223  824b21         14     2014-11-16 2014-12-07           2014-12-09
3224  fa0689         20           <NA> 2014-12-07           2014-12-09
3225  f457ea         19           <NA> 2014-12-07           2014-12-08
3226  9f1a43         20     2014-11-28 2014-12-07           2014-12-08
3227  f30bb7         20     2014-11-02 2014-12-07           2014-12-08
3228  df6123         20           <NA> 2014-12-07           2014-12-07
3229  9fb0bc         21     2014-11-28 2014-12-07           2014-12-08
3230  813af0         19           <NA> 2014-12-07           2014-12-08
3231  21722b         16           <NA> 2014-12-07           2014-12-08
3232  b091b5         21           <NA> 2014-12-07           2014-12-07
3233  e21920         11           <NA> 2014-12-07           2014-12-09
3234  3f4e2c         22           <NA> 2014-12-07           2014-12-08
3235  b4cf42         21     2014-12-05 2014-12-08           2014-12-09
3236  5fbeea         14     2014-11-11 2014-12-08           2014-12-09
3237  72ceda         18     2014-11-21 2014-12-08           2014-12-10
3238  b38a3c         22           <NA> 2014-12-08           2014-12-09
3239  45e07f         20     2014-12-03 2014-12-08           2014-12-08
3240  aa6a7a         18     2014-11-29 2014-12-08           2014-12-08
3241  ab2d3f         22     2014-12-08 2014-12-08           2014-12-09
3242  273ebf         17     2014-11-21 2014-12-08           2014-12-08
3243  fafe2a         22     2014-11-23 2014-12-08           2014-12-09
3244  bd95ac         17     2014-11-13 2014-12-09           2014-12-10
3245  fc8e30         17     2014-11-28 2014-12-09           2014-12-09
3246  38c933         21     2014-11-28 2014-12-09           2014-12-11
3247  d20eeb         19           <NA> 2014-12-09           2014-12-10
3248  7a626c         18     2014-11-27 2014-12-09           2014-12-09
3249  6a2c0c         19     2014-12-05 2014-12-09           2014-12-11
3250  6232eb         15           <NA> 2014-12-09           2014-12-10
3251  22ba3a         18     2014-12-01 2014-12-09           2014-12-09
3252  3846ba         19     2014-12-03 2014-12-09           2014-12-09
3253  66a19b         18     2014-11-16 2014-12-09           2014-12-11
3254  185ac2         20     2014-11-19 2014-12-10           2014-12-11
3255  b2645b         19     2014-12-05 2014-12-10           2014-12-12
3256  cddf12         21     2014-12-08 2014-12-10           2014-12-11
3257  d3a813         19           <NA> 2014-12-10           2014-12-10
3258  d0935a         14     2014-12-01 2014-12-10           2014-12-11
3259  f5bc7b         22     2014-11-18 2014-12-10           2014-12-12
3260  bfa806         26     2014-12-06 2014-12-10           2014-12-11
3261  7cfdb0         22     2014-11-25 2014-12-11           2014-12-11
3262  03908f         22     2014-12-03 2014-12-11           2014-12-12
3263  028e18         19     2014-12-05 2014-12-11           2014-12-13
3264  3a6cfd         18           <NA> 2014-12-11           2014-12-12
3265  092a68         18     2014-12-10 2014-12-11           2014-12-11
3266  cc2a1b         19     2014-11-26 2014-12-11           2014-12-13
3267  bb32b5         20     2014-12-08 2014-12-11           2014-12-11
3268  5495b2         20           <NA> 2014-12-11           2014-12-13
3269  814186         15     2014-12-08 2014-12-11           2014-12-13
3270  5b1ded         17           <NA> 2014-12-11           2014-12-12
3271  3e32bb         18     2014-12-04 2014-12-11           2014-12-12
3272  307db6         18     2014-12-07 2014-12-11           2014-12-12
3273  cf8c4b         19     2014-12-09 2014-12-12           2014-12-14
3274  d1f6d6         22     2014-11-29 2014-12-12           2014-12-13
3275  c70a36         19           <NA> 2014-12-12           2014-12-14
3276  1c8934         22     2014-12-10 2014-12-12           2014-12-12
3277  0a7fdc         22     2014-11-24 2014-12-12           2014-12-13
3278  0b6dd9         20           <NA> 2014-12-12           2014-12-13
3279  5f366f         15           <NA> 2014-12-12           2014-12-13
3280  6bec10         20     2014-11-24 2014-12-12           2014-12-14
3281  4415ef         14     2014-11-24 2014-12-12           2014-12-14
3282  09ed19         21     2014-12-03 2014-12-12           2014-12-14
3283  a5ed2a         17     2014-11-17 2014-12-12           2014-12-13
3284  f21b61         18           <NA> 2014-12-12           2014-12-12
3285  8da8dd         18     2014-12-03 2014-12-12           2014-12-14
3286  8ef882         22           <NA> 2014-12-12           2014-12-13
3287  cd425b         17     2014-11-21 2014-12-12           2014-12-13
3288  b35511         19           <NA> 2014-12-13           2014-12-14
3289  e913df         18     2014-12-04 2014-12-13           2014-12-13
3290  fcf892         20     2014-11-23 2014-12-13           2014-12-14
3291  93e764         22     2014-12-02 2014-12-13           2014-12-14
3292  f59aea         18     2014-12-07 2014-12-13           2014-12-14
3293  f862b5         14     2014-11-23 2014-12-13           2014-12-13
3294  7c2c63         23           <NA> 2014-12-13           2014-12-15
3295  822ab9         23           <NA> 2014-12-13           2014-12-15
3296  138b00         19           <NA> 2014-12-13           2014-12-14
3297  cb24a0         15           <NA> 2014-12-14           2014-12-16
3298  9d0125         17     2014-11-24 2014-12-14           2014-12-15
3299  ca3045         15     2014-12-04 2014-12-14           2014-12-15
3300  be925b         22     2014-12-03 2014-12-14           2014-12-15
3301  9a37b0         21     2014-12-05 2014-12-14           2014-12-16
3302  dab3e4         19     2014-12-11 2014-12-14           2014-12-15
3303  410308         20     2014-12-05 2014-12-14           2014-12-15
3304  f5910d         19           <NA> 2014-12-14           2014-12-14
3305  410db8         22     2014-12-07 2014-12-14           2014-12-16
3306  d9f981         18     2014-12-01 2014-12-14           2014-12-15
3307  376cb7         19     2014-12-04 2014-12-14           2014-12-16
3308  4f1274         22           <NA> 2014-12-15           2014-12-15
3309  417395         22           <NA> 2014-12-15           2014-12-16
3310  f3172a         18     2014-12-11 2014-12-15           2014-12-16
3311  d5aa1e         21     2014-12-07 2014-12-15           2014-12-16
3312  49d9e9         18     2014-12-12 2014-12-15           2014-12-17
3313  88019e         15           <NA> 2014-12-15           2014-12-15
3314  eb0258         18           <NA> 2014-12-15           2014-12-15
3315  91e900         16     2014-12-13 2014-12-15           2014-12-15
3316  55a332         23           <NA> 2014-12-15           2014-12-16
3317  3fb7ff         20     2014-12-13 2014-12-15           2014-12-17
3318  40f55d         21     2014-11-28 2014-12-15           2014-12-16
3319  e3a5f4         16           <NA> 2014-12-15           2014-12-16
3320  910d80         19     2014-12-04 2014-12-15           2014-12-17
3321  f07864         21           <NA> 2014-12-16           2014-12-18
3322  e56bd5         15           <NA> 2014-12-16           2014-12-16
3323  5600b6         18     2014-11-26 2014-12-16           2014-12-17
3324  c33f09         23     2014-12-08 2014-12-16           2014-12-16
3325  fa2e97         18           <NA> 2014-12-16           2014-12-18
3326  0e032d         15     2014-12-04 2014-12-16           2014-12-16
3327  5cc9fe         22     2014-12-06 2014-12-16           2014-12-16
3328  c5ab0c         21     2014-12-15 2014-12-16           2014-12-17
3329  fdc2f3         17           <NA> 2014-12-16           2014-12-16
3330  d4ca3a         21     2014-12-06 2014-12-16           2014-12-18
3331  b3975a         23           <NA> 2014-12-17           2014-12-18
3332  67a995         17     2014-12-12 2014-12-17           2014-12-17
3333  54894e         20     2014-12-11 2014-12-17           2014-12-18
     date_outcome outcome gender age age_unit   age_years age_cat age_cat5
1            <NA>    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2      2014-05-18 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3      2014-05-30 Recover      m  56    years 56.00000000   50-69    55-59
4            <NA>    <NA>      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
5      2014-05-29 Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
6      2014-05-24 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
7      2014-06-01 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
8      2014-06-07   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
9      2014-06-18 Recover      m  61    years 61.00000000   50-69    60-64
10     2014-06-09   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
11     2014-06-15   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
12           <NA>   Death      m  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
13     2014-07-09 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
14           <NA> Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
15     2014-06-30    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
16     2014-07-11 Recover      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
17     2014-07-01    <NA>      f  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
18     2014-06-25    <NA>      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
19     2014-07-06   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
20     2014-07-02   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
21     2014-07-09 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
22     2014-07-07    <NA>      m  54    years 54.00000000   50-69    50-54
23     2014-07-20    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
24           <NA>    <NA>      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
25     2014-07-22   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
26     2014-07-16    <NA>      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
27     2014-07-14   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
28     2014-07-20   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
29     2014-07-16    <NA>      m  67    years 67.00000000   50-69    65-69
30     2014-07-19   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
31     2014-07-27 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
32     2014-07-19   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
33           <NA> Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
34     2014-07-26   Death      m  45    years 45.00000000   30-49    45-49
35     2014-08-14 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
36     2014-08-01    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
37     2014-07-23   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
38     2014-08-28 Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
39     2014-07-28 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
40     2014-07-19   Death      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
41           <NA>    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
42     2014-08-03    <NA>      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
43           <NA>   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
44           <NA>   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
45           <NA>   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
46     2014-08-06   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
47     2014-09-13    <NA>      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
48     2014-08-04   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
49           <NA>   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
50     2014-08-07   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
51     2014-08-08    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
52     2014-08-16   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
53     2014-08-09 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
54     2014-08-22    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
55     2014-08-24 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
56           <NA>    <NA>      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
57     2014-08-14   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
58     2014-08-12   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
59     2014-09-08 Recover      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
60     2014-08-13   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
61     2014-08-12   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
62     2014-08-27 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
63     2014-08-24 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
64     2014-08-25 Recover      m  44    years 44.00000000   30-49    40-44
65     2014-08-15   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
66     2014-08-22 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
67     2014-09-01 Recover      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
68     2014-08-22 Recover      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
69     2014-09-08 Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
70     2014-08-24 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
71     2014-08-26   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
72     2014-09-15 Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
73     2014-09-24 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
74     2014-08-22   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
75     2014-08-15   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
76     2014-08-31    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
77     2014-08-29   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
78     2014-09-02 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
79           <NA>   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
80     2014-08-23    <NA>      f  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
81     2014-08-31   Death      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
82     2014-09-07   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
83     2014-09-03   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
84     2014-09-12 Recover      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
85     2014-09-04 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
86     2014-09-14 Recover      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
87     2014-09-02   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
88           <NA>   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
89     2014-09-01 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
90     2014-08-31    <NA>      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
91           <NA> Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
92     2014-09-02    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
93     2014-09-01    <NA>      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
94           <NA> Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
95           <NA>   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
96     2014-09-07    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
97           <NA>   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
98     2014-09-02   Death      m  57    years 57.00000000   50-69    55-59
99     2014-08-30   Death      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
100    2014-09-26 Recover      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
101          <NA>   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
102    2014-09-03    <NA>      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
103    2014-09-14    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
104          <NA> Recover      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
105          <NA>    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
106    2014-09-07    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
107    2014-09-05    <NA>      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
108    2014-09-08    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
109    2014-08-27   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
110    2014-09-15   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
111    2014-09-09   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
112    2014-09-09   Death      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
113    2014-10-02 Recover      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
114          <NA>   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
115    2014-09-11 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
116          <NA>   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
117    2014-09-11   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
118    2014-08-30   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
119    2014-09-07   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
120    2014-09-09   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
121          <NA> Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
122    2014-09-25    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
123    2014-09-11 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
124          <NA> Recover      f  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
125          <NA>   Death      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
126    2014-09-20 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
127    2014-08-31    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
128          <NA>   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
129    2014-09-16   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
130          <NA>   Death      f  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
131    2014-09-22 Recover      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
132    2014-09-14    <NA>      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
133    2014-09-29 Recover      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
134    2014-09-22   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
135    2014-09-14 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
136    2014-09-15    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
137    2014-09-30    <NA>      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
138          <NA> Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
139    2014-09-23 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
140          <NA>   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
141    2014-09-23   Death      f  45    years 45.00000000   30-49    45-49
142          <NA>   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
143    2014-10-10    <NA>      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
144    2014-10-05 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
145    2014-09-18    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
146    2014-09-26 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
147    2014-09-20    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
148    2014-09-19   Death      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
149    2014-09-21 Recover      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
150    2014-10-08    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
151    2014-10-05    <NA>      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
152    2014-09-29   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
153    2014-09-23 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
154          <NA>   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
155    2014-09-20   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
156    2014-10-07 Recover      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
157    2014-09-24   Death      m  51    years 51.00000000   50-69    50-54
158    2014-09-24   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
159          <NA> Recover      f  51    years 51.00000000   50-69    50-54
160          <NA>   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
161    2014-09-25 Recover      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
162    2014-09-27    <NA>      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
163          <NA>   Death      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
164    2014-10-02    <NA>      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
165          <NA>    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
166    2014-09-29    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
167    2014-09-30   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
168    2014-09-22   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
169    2014-09-23   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
170    2014-09-30   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
171    2014-09-24   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
172    2014-09-20   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
173    2014-10-06 Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
174          <NA>    <NA>      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
175    2014-10-01    <NA>      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
176    2014-10-02 Recover      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
177    2014-09-30   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
178    2014-09-24   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
179    2014-10-06 Recover      f  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
180          <NA>   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
181    2014-09-25   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
182    2014-10-10 Recover      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
183    2014-09-30   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
184    2014-09-23    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
185    2014-10-09 Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
186          <NA>    <NA>      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
187    2014-10-01   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
188    2014-09-28   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
189          <NA>   Death      m  59    years 59.00000000   50-69    55-59
190          <NA> Recover      m  50    years 50.00000000   50-69    50-54
191    2014-09-14    <NA>      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
192    2014-10-01   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
193    2014-09-29    <NA>      m  58    years 58.00000000   50-69    55-59
194    2014-10-04    <NA>      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
195          <NA>   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
196    2014-09-29 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
197    2014-09-28   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
198    2014-10-04 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
199    2014-10-02 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
200    2014-09-30    <NA>      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
201    2014-10-07    <NA>      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
202    2014-09-14    <NA>      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
203    2014-10-01 Recover      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
204    2014-10-01   Death      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
205    2014-10-09 Recover      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
206    2014-09-25 Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
207    2014-10-01    <NA>      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
208    2014-10-01 Recover      m  45    years 45.00000000   30-49    45-49
209          <NA>   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
210    2014-10-08 Recover      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
211    2014-10-09   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
212    2014-10-01    <NA>      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
213          <NA> Recover      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
214    2014-10-09 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
215    2014-09-27   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
216    2014-10-02   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
217          <NA>   Death      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
218    2014-10-13   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
219          <NA>    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
220    2014-10-11 Recover      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
221    2014-10-02   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
222    2014-09-29 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
223    2014-10-17 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
224    2014-10-08   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
225          <NA>   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
226    2014-10-03    <NA>      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
227    2014-10-04    <NA>      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
228    2014-10-02 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
229    2014-10-06 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
230    2014-09-28 Recover      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
231    2014-10-02   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
232          <NA> Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
233    2014-10-13   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
234    2014-10-07 Recover      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
235    2014-10-22 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
236    2014-09-30   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
237    2014-10-09   Death      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
238          <NA> Recover      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
239    2014-10-01   Death      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
240    2014-10-11 Recover      f  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
241    2014-10-04    <NA>      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
242    2014-09-21 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
243    2014-10-10   Death   <NA>  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
244    2014-10-19 Recover      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
245    2014-10-04    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
246    2014-10-08   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
247    2014-10-14   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
248    2014-10-09   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
249    2014-10-11 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
250    2014-09-18   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
251          <NA>    <NA>      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
252    2014-10-16   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
253    2014-10-02    <NA>      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
254    2014-10-13    <NA>      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
255    2014-10-06 Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
256    2014-10-22    <NA>      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
257    2014-10-08    <NA>      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
258    2014-10-24 Recover      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
259    2014-10-12   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
260          <NA>   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
261          <NA> Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
262    2014-10-12 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
263    2014-10-12 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
264          <NA>   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
265    2014-10-19 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
266    2014-10-13 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
267    2014-10-02    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
268    2014-10-13 Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
269    2014-10-22    <NA>      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
270    2014-10-05   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
271    2014-11-06    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
272          <NA>   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
273          <NA>   Death      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
274    2014-10-12 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
275    2014-10-19 Recover      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
276          <NA>   Death      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
277          <NA>   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
278    2014-10-11    <NA>      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
279          <NA>    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
280    2014-10-20 Recover      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
281          <NA> Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
282    2014-10-21 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
283    2014-10-12   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
284          <NA> Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
285          <NA>   Death      f  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
286    2014-10-06   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
287    2014-10-11   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
288    2014-10-15   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
289          <NA> Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
290    2014-10-06    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
291          <NA>    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
292    2014-10-15 Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
293    2014-10-12 Recover      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
294          <NA>   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
295    2014-10-21   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
296    2014-10-08 Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
297    2014-10-19    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
298    2014-10-07    <NA>      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
299    2014-10-19    <NA>      f  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
300    2014-10-11   Death      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
301    2014-10-15 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
302    2014-10-08   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
303    2014-10-30    <NA>      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
304    2014-10-12    <NA>      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
305    2014-10-19    <NA>      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
306    2014-10-14   Death      m  44    years 44.00000000   30-49    40-44
307    2014-10-14 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
308          <NA>   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
309    2014-10-01    <NA>      f  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
310    2014-11-13 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
311    2014-10-18 Recover      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
312    2014-10-16   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
313    2014-10-31 Recover      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
314    2014-10-18   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
315    2014-10-09 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
316    2014-10-09   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
317    2014-10-12   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
318    2014-10-12    <NA>      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
319          <NA>   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
320    2014-10-26    <NA>      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
321    2014-11-01 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
322    2014-10-06    <NA>      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
323          <NA>   Death      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
324    2014-10-11 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
325    2014-11-09    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
326    2014-10-13 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
327    2014-10-25   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
328    2014-10-10   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
329    2014-10-27 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
330          <NA>   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
331    2014-10-24 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
332    2014-10-10   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
333          <NA>   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
334    2014-10-17   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
335          <NA> Recover      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
336          <NA>   Death      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
337    2014-10-15   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
338          <NA>   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
339          <NA>    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
340    2014-11-03 Recover      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
341    2014-10-18   Death      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
342    2014-10-17    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
343    2014-10-28 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
344    2014-10-15   Death      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
345    2014-10-29 Recover      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
346    2014-11-02   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
347    2014-10-09   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
348    2014-10-14   Death      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
349    2014-10-27    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
350    2014-10-14   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
351    2014-10-17    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
352    2014-10-04   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
353          <NA>    <NA>      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
354    2014-10-26 Recover      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
355          <NA>   Death      f  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
356    2014-10-17    <NA>      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
357    2014-10-21    <NA>      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
358          <NA> Recover      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
359    2014-10-25 Recover      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
360    2014-10-04    <NA>      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
361    2014-10-23 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
362    2014-10-29 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
363    2014-10-17    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
364    2014-10-09 Recover      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
365          <NA> Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
366    2014-10-15   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
367    2014-11-06 Recover      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
368          <NA>    <NA>      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
369    2014-10-17   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
370          <NA>   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
371    2014-10-24 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
372    2014-10-17   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
373    2014-10-22   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
374    2014-10-13   Death   <NA>   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
375    2014-10-17   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
376    2014-11-02 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
377    2014-10-21   Death      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
378    2014-10-18   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
379    2014-10-21    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
380          <NA>    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
381    2014-10-16    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
382    2014-10-19   Death      f  47    years 47.00000000   30-49    45-49
383    2014-10-23   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
384    2014-10-20   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
385    2014-10-24   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
386    2014-10-29 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
387    2014-10-27   Death      m  24   months  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
388    2014-10-21   Death      m  50    years 50.00000000   50-69    50-54
389    2014-10-24   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
390          <NA> Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
391    2014-10-27 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
392    2014-11-20 Recover      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
393    2014-10-30    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
394    2014-11-01 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
395          <NA> Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
396    2014-10-26   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
397    2014-11-16 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
398    2014-11-18 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
399    2014-10-18   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
400          <NA>    <NA>      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
401    2014-11-05   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
402    2014-11-08 Recover      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
403    2014-10-26   Death      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
404          <NA> Recover      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
405    2014-11-22 Recover      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
406    2014-10-28 Recover      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
407    2014-10-20   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
408    2014-10-06 Recover      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
409    2014-10-18   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
410    2014-10-24   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
411          <NA>    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
412    2014-10-29 Recover      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
413          <NA> Recover      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
414    2014-10-30 Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
415    2014-11-20 Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
416    2014-10-22   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
417    2014-10-20   Death   <NA>   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
418    2014-10-21    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
419    2014-10-21    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
420    2014-10-25   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
421          <NA> Recover   <NA>  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
422          <NA>    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
423    2014-10-27   Death      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
424    2014-11-05 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
425          <NA>    <NA>      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
426          <NA>   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
427    2014-10-30   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
428    2014-10-26   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
429    2014-10-31 Recover      f  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
430    2014-10-31 Recover      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
431    2014-10-27   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
432          <NA>   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
433    2014-11-08 Recover   <NA>  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
434    2014-10-27   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
435    2014-11-01   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
436    2014-11-02 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
437          <NA>   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
438    2014-11-01   Death      m  50    years 50.00000000   50-69    50-54
439          <NA> Recover      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
440    2014-10-26    <NA>      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
441    2014-10-26   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
442    2014-10-23   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
443    2014-10-30   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
444    2014-11-17 Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
445    2014-11-14 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
446    2014-11-03   Death      m  49    years 49.00000000   30-49    45-49
447    2014-11-03   Death      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
448    2014-10-27    <NA>      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
449    2014-10-25 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
450    2014-10-31   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
451    2014-10-25   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
452    2014-11-01   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
453          <NA>   Death   <NA>  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
454    2014-10-25   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
455    2014-10-30    <NA>      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
456    2014-10-28   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
457    2014-10-27   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
458    2014-10-18 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
459    2014-11-19 Recover      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
460    2014-11-22 Recover      m  47    years 47.00000000   30-49    45-49
461          <NA> Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
462    2014-11-07 Recover      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
463    2014-10-27   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
464    2014-11-02    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
465    2014-11-20 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
466    2014-10-28   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
467    2014-11-02   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
468    2014-10-29 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
469    2014-10-31   Death      f  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
470    2014-10-29   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
471    2014-11-21 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
472    2014-12-21    <NA>      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
473    2014-11-03   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
474    2014-10-27   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
475    2014-11-09    <NA>      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
476    2014-10-27   Death      m  51    years 51.00000000   50-69    50-54
477    2014-10-27   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
478    2014-11-18 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
479    2014-10-31 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
480    2014-10-27    <NA>      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
481    2014-10-18    <NA>      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
482    2014-11-05    <NA>      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
483    2014-11-16 Recover      m  53    years 53.00000000   50-69    50-54
484    2014-10-31   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
485    2014-11-16 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
486    2014-10-22 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
487    2014-11-05 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
488    2014-11-02   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
489    2014-10-29    <NA>   <NA>   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
490    2014-11-06 Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
491    2014-11-01    <NA>      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
492    2014-11-07 Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
493    2014-11-21    <NA>      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
494    2014-11-03    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
495    2014-11-06   Death      f   7   months  0.58333333     0-4      0-4
496    2014-11-08   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
497    2014-10-19 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
498          <NA>    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
499          <NA>   Death      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
500    2014-11-13    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
501    2014-11-11   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
502    2014-11-07   Death   <NA>  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
503    2014-11-16    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
504    2014-11-02   Death      f   7   months  0.58333333     0-4      0-4
505    2014-11-11   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
506    2014-11-03 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
507    2014-10-31   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
508    2014-11-08 Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
509    2014-10-27    <NA>      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
510    2014-11-07   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
511          <NA> Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
512    2014-11-08    <NA>      f  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
513    2014-11-04   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
514    2014-11-22 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
515    2014-10-25    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
516          <NA> Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
517    2014-11-16 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
518    2014-11-12   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
519    2014-11-08    <NA>      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
520    2014-12-05    <NA>      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
521    2014-11-10   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
522    2015-01-02 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
523    2014-11-11   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
524    2014-12-13    <NA>      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
525    2014-11-13    <NA>      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
526    2014-11-28 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
527    2014-11-09   Death   <NA>  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
528          <NA> Recover      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
529    2014-11-19   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
530    2014-11-11   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
531    2014-11-11    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
532    2014-11-16 Recover      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
533    2014-11-05   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
534    2014-11-14    <NA>      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
535    2014-11-04    <NA>      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
536          <NA>   Death   <NA>  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
537          <NA>   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
538    2014-11-21 Recover      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
539    2014-11-11 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
540    2014-11-09   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
541    2014-11-10   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
542    2014-11-11 Recover      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
543    2014-11-18   Death      m  45    years 45.00000000   30-49    45-49
544    2014-11-07   Death      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
545    2014-11-05   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
546    2014-11-17 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
547    2014-11-13    <NA>      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
548    2014-11-02   Death      m  50    years 50.00000000   50-69    50-54
549    2014-11-19 Recover      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
550    2014-11-14    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
551    2014-11-10   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
552          <NA> Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
553    2014-12-03 Recover      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
554    2014-11-09   Death   <NA>  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
555    2014-11-27 Recover      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
556    2014-11-23 Recover      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
557    2014-11-16   Death   <NA>  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
558    2014-11-11   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
559    2014-12-08 Recover   <NA>  69    years 69.00000000   50-69    65-69
560    2014-11-11    <NA>      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
561    2014-11-15    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
562    2014-12-03 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
563          <NA>    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
564    2014-11-16   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
565    2014-11-16 Recover      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
566    2014-11-13   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
567          <NA> Recover      m  50    years 50.00000000   50-69    50-54
568    2014-11-18 Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
569    2014-11-11   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
570    2014-11-13   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
571    2014-12-01    <NA>      f  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
572    2014-11-13 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
573    2014-11-15   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
574    2014-11-19   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
575    2014-11-20    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
576    2014-12-17 Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
577    2014-11-16   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
578          <NA> Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
579          <NA>    <NA>      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
580    2014-11-17    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
581    2014-11-14   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
582    2014-11-14   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
583    2014-11-12   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
584          <NA> Recover   <NA>   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
585          <NA>   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
586    2014-11-27   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
587    2014-11-17    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
588    2014-11-30    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
589    2014-11-28   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
590    2014-11-17   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
591    2014-11-16   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
592    2014-11-22   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
593    2014-12-06   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
594    2014-11-28   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
595    2014-12-09 Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
596    2014-11-21   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
597    2014-11-17 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
598    2014-11-18   Death      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
599    2014-11-18   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
600    2014-11-19   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
601    2014-11-21   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
602    2014-11-22 Recover      f  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
603    2014-11-15   Death      f  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
604    2014-11-18   Death   <NA>  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
605          <NA>   Death      f  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
606    2014-11-24    <NA>      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
607    2014-11-29    <NA>      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
608    2014-11-18   Death      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
609    2014-11-19    <NA>      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
610    2014-11-26   Death      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
611    2014-11-22   Death      m  56    years 56.00000000   50-69    55-59
612    2014-11-20 Recover      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
613    2014-11-20   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
614    2014-11-19   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
615    2014-11-21   Death      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
616          <NA>    <NA>      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
617    2014-11-19   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
618    2014-11-26   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
619    2014-11-28   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
620    2014-12-17 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
621    2014-11-22    <NA>      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
622          <NA>   Death   <NA>  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
623    2014-11-26   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
624          <NA>   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
625    2014-11-22   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
626    2014-11-28   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
627    2014-12-02 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
628    2014-12-10 Recover      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
629    2014-11-22   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
630    2014-11-25   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
631    2014-11-26   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
632    2014-11-30    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
633          <NA>   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
634    2014-12-16 Recover   <NA>   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
635    2014-12-01   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
636    2014-12-01   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
637    2014-12-07    <NA>      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
638    2014-11-30   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
639    2014-12-01   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
640          <NA>   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
641          <NA>    <NA>      m  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
642    2014-12-05   Death   <NA>   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
643    2014-11-24 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
644    2014-11-29 Recover      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
645    2014-11-23   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
646    2014-12-02   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
647          <NA>   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
648    2014-11-30   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
649    2014-12-03   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
650    2014-12-10 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
651    2014-12-15 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
652    2014-12-01   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
653          <NA>   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
654    2014-12-05 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
655    2014-12-22 Recover      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
656    2014-12-12 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
657    2014-12-02   Death      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
658    2014-11-21   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
659    2014-12-03   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
660    2014-12-05   Death      m  68    years 68.00000000   50-69    65-69
661    2014-12-08   Death   <NA>  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
662          <NA>   Death      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
663    2014-12-08   Death      m  67    years 67.00000000   50-69    65-69
664    2014-12-24    <NA>      m  49    years 49.00000000   30-49    45-49
665    2014-12-06    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
666    2014-12-19 Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
667    2014-12-03   Death      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
668    2014-12-03    <NA>      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
669    2015-01-02 Recover      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
670          <NA>   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
671    2014-11-23    <NA>      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
672    2014-12-08   Death      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
673    2014-12-05   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
674    2014-12-11   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
675    2014-12-20 Recover      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
676    2014-12-29   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
677    2014-12-28 Recover   <NA>  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
678    2014-12-23    <NA>      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
679    2015-01-08 Recover      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
680    2014-12-09   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
681          <NA>   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
682          <NA>    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
683    2015-01-10 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
684    2014-12-13   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
685    2014-12-24    <NA>   <NA>  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
686    2014-12-10   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
687    2014-12-13 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
688          <NA> Recover   <NA>  24   months  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
689    2014-12-18   Death   <NA>  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
690    2014-12-11   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
691    2014-12-17    <NA>      m  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
692          <NA>   Death      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
693          <NA>    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
694    2015-01-01 Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
695    2014-12-11   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
696    2014-12-11 Recover      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
697    2014-12-14   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
698          <NA>   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
699          <NA>   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
700    2014-12-18   Death   <NA>  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
701    2014-12-20   Death   <NA>   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
702    2014-12-20 Recover      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
703    2014-12-14   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
704    2014-12-16   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
705          <NA>   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
706    2014-12-14   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
707    2014-12-11    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
708    2014-12-25 Recover      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
709    2014-12-28   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
710    2014-12-10   Death   <NA>   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
711          <NA> Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
712    2014-12-21    <NA>      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
713          <NA> Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
714    2014-12-17   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
715    2014-12-16   Death   <NA>  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
716    2014-12-15 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
717    2014-12-16   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
718    2014-12-14   Death   <NA>  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
719          <NA>    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
720          <NA>   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
721          <NA> Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
722    2014-12-07 Recover      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
723    2014-12-30 Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
724    2015-01-22 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
725    2014-12-18   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
726    2014-12-19   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
727    2014-12-17    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
728    2015-01-03 Recover      m  50    years 50.00000000   50-69    50-54
729    2015-01-14 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
730    2014-12-17   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
731    2015-01-20 Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
732    2014-12-29 Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
733    2014-12-31   Death      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
734    2014-12-28 Recover      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
735    2015-01-07    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
736    2014-12-17    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
737          <NA> Recover   <NA>  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
738          <NA> Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
739    2014-12-23   Death   <NA>   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
740    2014-12-24 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
741          <NA>    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
742    2014-12-20   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
743    2014-12-23    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
744    2014-12-23   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
745    2014-12-25    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
746    2014-12-24    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
747    2014-12-31   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
748    2014-12-17 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
749    2015-01-08    <NA>      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
750    2014-12-23   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
751    2014-12-23   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
752          <NA>   Death      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
753          <NA>   Death   <NA>  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
754    2014-12-28    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
755    2014-12-29   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
756    2014-12-28    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
757    2014-12-29   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
758    2014-12-25   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
759    2015-01-04 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
760    2015-01-06 Recover      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
761    2014-12-26 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
762    2014-12-31 Recover   <NA>   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
763    2015-01-16 Recover      m  24   months  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
764    2015-01-04   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
765    2014-12-31   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
766    2015-01-22 Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
767    2015-01-18 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
768    2014-12-31   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
769    2015-01-18    <NA>      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
770    2015-01-07 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
771    2015-01-11   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
772          <NA>    <NA>      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
773    2014-12-29   Death      f  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
774    2015-01-08 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
775    2015-01-05   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
776    2015-01-13 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
777    2015-01-12 Recover      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
778    2015-01-04    <NA>      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
779    2015-01-05    <NA>      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
780    2015-01-26 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
781    2015-01-12    <NA>      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
782    2015-01-09 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
783    2015-01-03   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
784    2015-01-14 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
785    2015-01-17   Death      f   6   months  0.50000000     0-4      0-4
786          <NA>   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
787    2015-01-11    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
788    2015-01-19 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
789    2015-01-10    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
790          <NA> Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
791    2015-01-20    <NA>      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
792    2015-01-14    <NA>      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
793    2015-01-16   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
794    2015-01-22 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
795          <NA> Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
796    2015-01-09 Recover      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
797    2015-01-08   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
798    2015-01-10   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
799    2015-01-18   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
800          <NA>   Death      f  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
801    2015-01-24   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
802    2015-01-20 Recover      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
803    2015-01-12   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
804    2015-02-09 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
805    2015-01-22 Recover   <NA>   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
806    2015-01-26 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
807    2015-02-03 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
808    2015-01-27    <NA>      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
809    2015-01-16    <NA>      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
810    2015-01-16    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
811          <NA>    <NA>      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
812    2015-01-21   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
813    2015-01-24   Death      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
814    2015-01-23 Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
815    2015-01-26 Recover      f  36   months  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
816    2015-01-22   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
817    2015-01-20   Death   <NA>   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
818          <NA>    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
819    2015-01-26 Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
820    2015-01-13 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
821    2015-01-27   Death   <NA>   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
822    2015-01-28    <NA>      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
823          <NA>   Death      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
824          <NA>   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
825    2015-01-23   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
826    2015-01-25   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
827    2015-01-27   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
828    2015-01-26   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
829    2015-01-25   Death      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
830    2015-01-25   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
831    2015-01-31 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
832    2015-02-01   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
833    2015-01-30   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
834          <NA>    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
835    2015-02-09    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
836    2015-01-31   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
837    2015-01-31 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
838    2015-02-14 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
839    2015-01-30   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
840    2015-02-25 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
841    2015-02-12 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
842    2015-02-06   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
843    2015-01-19   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
844    2015-01-30    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
845    2015-02-13    <NA>      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
846    2015-02-10    <NA>      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
847    2015-02-05 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
848    2015-02-06    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
849    2015-02-20 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
850    2015-02-13 Recover      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
851    2015-02-18 Recover      m  44    years 44.00000000   30-49    40-44
852    2015-02-04    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
853    2015-02-19 Recover      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
854    2015-02-23 Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
855    2015-02-12    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
856    2015-02-18 Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
857    2015-02-23 Recover      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
858    2015-02-28 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
859    2015-02-14   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
860    2015-02-09    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
861    2015-02-08   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
862    2015-03-02 Recover      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
863          <NA>   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
864    2015-03-10 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
865    2015-02-18    <NA>   <NA>   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
866    2015-02-09   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
867    2015-02-11   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
868    2015-02-10   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
869    2015-02-17    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
870    2015-02-12   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
871    2015-03-03 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
872    2015-02-01 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
873    2015-02-20   Death      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
874    2015-03-03 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
875          <NA>   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
876    2015-02-22   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
877          <NA> Recover      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
878    2015-02-20   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
879    2015-02-18   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
880    2015-02-19    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
881    2015-02-21   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
882    2015-02-20 Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
883    2015-03-07   Death      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
884          <NA>   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
885    2015-03-16    <NA>      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
886    2015-02-16 Recover      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
887    2015-03-09 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
888    2015-02-21   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
889          <NA> Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
890          <NA>    <NA>      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
891    2015-02-25    <NA>      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
892    2015-02-22   Death      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
893          <NA> Recover      f  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
894    2015-03-18 Recover      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
895    2015-03-08 Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
896    2015-03-04    <NA>      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
897    2015-02-23   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
898          <NA>   Death      f  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
899    2015-03-01   Death      m  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
900    2015-02-26 Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
901    2015-03-04   Death      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
902    2015-02-25   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
903    2015-03-06    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
904    2015-03-01   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
905    2015-03-05   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
906    2015-02-28   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
907    2015-03-08   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
908    2015-03-28 Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
909    2015-03-09 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
910    2015-03-07    <NA>      m  51    years 51.00000000   50-69    50-54
911          <NA>    <NA>   <NA>   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
912          <NA>    <NA>   <NA>   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
913    2015-03-13    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
914    2015-03-09 Recover      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
915    2015-03-02    <NA>      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
916    2015-03-09    <NA>      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
917    2015-03-07   Death   <NA>  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
918    2015-03-09   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
919          <NA> Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
920    2015-03-14 Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
921    2015-03-12   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
922          <NA>   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
923    2015-03-30 Recover      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
924    2015-03-14    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
925    2015-03-18   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
926    2015-03-09    <NA>   <NA>   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
927          <NA> Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
928          <NA>   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
929    2015-03-14   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
930    2015-03-16   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
931    2015-03-26    <NA>      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
932    2015-03-17   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
933    2015-04-16 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
934    2015-03-19    <NA>      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
935    2015-05-01 Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
936    2015-03-19   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
937    2015-04-04    <NA>      f  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
938    2015-04-13    <NA>      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
939    2015-03-30    <NA>      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
940          <NA> Recover      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
941          <NA>   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
942    2015-03-30   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
943    2015-03-24    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
944          <NA>    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
945    2015-03-29   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
946          <NA> Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
947    2015-04-11 Recover      m  51    years 51.00000000   50-69    50-54
948    2015-04-30    <NA>      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
949    2015-04-07   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
950    2015-04-06   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
951          <NA>   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
952    2015-04-04   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
953          <NA>   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
954    2015-04-12   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
955    2015-04-20    <NA>      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
956    2015-04-15   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
957    2015-04-12 Recover      m  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
958    2015-04-18   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
959    2015-04-25    <NA>      f  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
960    2015-06-01 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
961    2015-04-20 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
962    2015-05-09 Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
963    2015-04-15   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
964    2015-05-03 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
965    2015-04-19   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
966    2015-05-03   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
967    2015-04-28   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
968    2015-04-18 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
969    2015-04-16    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
970    2015-05-01    <NA>      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
971    2015-05-07    <NA>      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
972    2015-05-01    <NA>      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
973    2015-05-02   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
974          <NA>   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
975    2014-05-23    <NA>      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
976    2014-05-16   Death      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
977    2014-06-06    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
978    2014-05-20    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
979    2014-05-24   Death      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
980    2014-06-07 Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
981          <NA> Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
982    2014-06-24 Recover      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
983    2014-06-17   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
984    2014-07-12 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
985    2014-06-28   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
986    2014-07-04 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
987    2014-07-24 Recover   <NA>  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
988    2014-06-28   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
989    2014-08-24 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
990    2014-07-06    <NA>      m  51    years 51.00000000   50-69    50-54
991    2014-07-13   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
992    2014-07-14   Death      m  54    years 54.00000000   50-69    50-54
993    2014-07-29 Recover   <NA>   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
994    2014-07-28 Recover      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
995    2014-07-23   Death      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
996    2014-07-29 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
997    2014-08-05   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
998    2014-08-01   Death      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
999    2014-08-06   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1000   2014-09-01 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1001         <NA>   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1002   2014-08-01    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1003   2014-08-14 Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1004   2014-08-28 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1005   2014-08-05   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1006   2014-08-02 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1007   2014-08-08   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1008   2014-08-16    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1009   2014-08-13    <NA>      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1010         <NA> Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1011         <NA> Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1012   2014-08-28 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1013   2014-08-17    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1014         <NA>   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1015   2014-08-27 Recover      m  50    years 50.00000000   50-69    50-54
1016   2014-08-21   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1017   2014-08-15   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1018   2014-08-27    <NA>      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1019   2014-08-19    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1020   2014-09-09 Recover      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1021   2014-08-24   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1022   2014-08-28    <NA>      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
1023   2014-09-03 Recover      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1024   2014-08-24   Death      m  59    years 59.00000000   50-69    55-59
1025   2014-08-24    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1026   2014-09-01 Recover      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
1027   2014-08-18    <NA>      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1028         <NA> Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1029   2014-08-26   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1030         <NA>    <NA>   <NA>  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1031   2014-08-27    <NA>      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
1032         <NA>   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1033   2014-08-24   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1034   2014-08-22    <NA>      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1035   2014-09-06    <NA>      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1036         <NA>   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1037   2014-09-04 Recover      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1038   2014-08-28    <NA>      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1039   2014-08-28   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1040   2014-09-04    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1041   2014-09-04   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1042   2014-09-12 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1043   2014-09-11    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1044   2014-09-15    <NA>      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
1045   2014-09-21 Recover      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1046   2014-09-04 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1047   2014-09-02   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1048   2014-08-29    <NA>      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1049   2014-09-01   Death      f  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
1050   2014-09-18    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1051   2014-09-02   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1052   2014-08-31   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1053   2014-09-02   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1054   2014-09-10   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1055   2014-09-04   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1056   2014-09-05   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1057   2014-09-02 Recover   <NA>  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1058         <NA>    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1059   2014-08-21 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1060   2014-09-24 Recover      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
1061         <NA> Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1062   2014-09-15   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1063   2014-09-19    <NA>      m  60    years 60.00000000   50-69    60-64
1064   2014-09-11 Recover      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
1065   2014-09-25 Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1066   2014-09-08 Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1067   2014-09-14 Recover      m  45    years 45.00000000   30-49    45-49
1068   2014-09-10   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1069   2014-09-04   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1070   2014-09-07   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1071   2014-09-07   Death      f  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1072   2014-09-24 Recover      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1073   2014-09-07   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
1074   2014-09-06    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1075   2014-09-21 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1076   2014-09-16 Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1077   2014-09-22 Recover      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1078         <NA> Recover      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1079   2014-10-01 Recover      f  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
1080   2014-09-17    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1081   2014-09-15    <NA>      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1082         <NA>    <NA>      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
1083   2014-09-18   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1084   2014-09-14    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1085   2014-09-19 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1086   2014-09-25    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1087   2014-09-12   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1088   2014-09-13   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1089   2014-09-26    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1090   2014-09-18   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1091   2014-09-18   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1092   2014-09-27   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1093         <NA>    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1094   2014-09-19 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1095   2014-09-16 Recover      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1096         <NA>   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1097   2014-09-18   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1098   2014-09-17    <NA>      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1099   2014-09-16   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1100   2014-09-24 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1101   2014-09-19    <NA>      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1102   2014-09-26   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1103         <NA> Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1104   2014-09-28   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1105         <NA>   Death      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
1106   2014-09-22 Recover      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1107   2014-09-22   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1108   2014-10-05   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1109   2014-09-23   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1110         <NA> Recover      f  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
1111   2014-09-24    <NA>      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1112   2014-10-09    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1113         <NA>   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1114   2014-09-24    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1115   2014-10-04    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1116   2014-09-28    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1117   2014-09-23   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1118   2014-09-30 Recover      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1119   2014-09-25   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1120   2014-10-01    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1121   2014-10-12   Death      f  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
1122   2014-09-28   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1123   2014-09-25   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1124   2014-09-28    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1125   2014-10-12 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1126   2014-09-29   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1127   2014-10-02 Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1128         <NA>    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1129   2014-10-02   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1130         <NA>    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1131   2014-10-08 Recover      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1132         <NA> Recover      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1133   2014-10-02   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1134   2014-10-10 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1135   2014-09-27   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1136   2014-09-30    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1137         <NA>    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1138   2014-10-02    <NA>      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1139   2014-10-13    <NA>      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1140         <NA> Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1141   2014-09-27 Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1142   2014-10-11    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1143   2014-09-22   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1144         <NA> Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1145   2014-10-04   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1146   2014-10-08   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1147   2014-10-11   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1148   2014-10-17 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1149   2014-10-14    <NA>      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1150   2014-10-17 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1151   2014-10-29 Recover      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1152   2014-10-11 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1153   2014-10-20 Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1154   2014-10-12   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1155   2014-10-11   Death      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
1156   2014-11-05 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1157   2014-10-30 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1158   2014-10-27 Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1159   2014-10-19   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1160   2014-10-23 Recover      m  44    years 44.00000000   30-49    40-44
1161   2014-11-02 Recover      f  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
1162   2014-10-25   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1163   2014-11-03 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1164   2014-11-10    <NA>      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1165   2014-10-28   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1166   2014-10-23   Death      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
1167   2014-10-15    <NA>      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1168         <NA>   Death      f  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
1169   2014-10-24   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1170   2014-11-10 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1171   2014-10-27   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1172   2014-10-26   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
1173   2014-11-25 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1174   2014-11-18 Recover      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1175   2014-11-04   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1176   2014-11-14 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1177   2014-11-28    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1178   2014-11-14   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1179   2014-11-10    <NA>      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
1180         <NA>    <NA>      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1181   2014-10-30 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1182   2014-11-22   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1183   2014-11-13    <NA>      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
1184   2014-11-19    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1185   2014-12-06    <NA>      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1186   2014-11-23   Death      f  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
1187   2014-12-01   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1188   2014-12-01 Recover      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1189   2014-11-26   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1190         <NA>    <NA>      f  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
1191   2014-12-02    <NA>      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1192   2014-12-12 Recover      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1193   2014-12-11    <NA>      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1194   2014-12-05   Death      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
1195         <NA>   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1196   2014-12-22 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1197         <NA> Recover      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
1198   2014-11-30   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1199   2014-12-14   Death      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
1200   2014-12-30 Recover      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1201         <NA>    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1202   2014-12-21 Recover      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
1203   2014-12-12 Recover      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1204   2014-12-13 Recover      m  57    years 57.00000000   50-69    55-59
1205   2014-12-12    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1206   2014-12-24   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1207   2014-12-16   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1208   2014-12-22 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1209   2014-12-30    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1210   2015-01-09 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1211   2014-12-27    <NA>      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1212   2015-01-20 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1213         <NA>   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1214   2014-12-26   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1215   2015-01-07    <NA>      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1216   2015-01-08 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1217   2014-12-19    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1218   2015-01-11    <NA>      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1219   2015-01-11   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1220   2015-01-12    <NA>   <NA>  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1221   2015-01-20   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1222         <NA> Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1223         <NA> Recover      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1224   2015-02-02    <NA>      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1225   2015-01-28   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1226   2015-01-28   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1227   2015-01-27   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1228         <NA>   Death      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
1229   2015-02-07   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1230   2015-02-21    <NA>      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1231   2015-02-23   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1232   2015-03-06   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1233   2015-04-14 Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1234   2015-03-08   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1235   2015-03-14   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1236   2015-03-28 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1237         <NA>   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1238   2015-04-07    <NA>      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1239   2015-04-01   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1240   2015-03-25   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1241   2015-03-26   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1242   2015-03-29   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1243   2015-03-24   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1244   2015-04-02 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1245   2015-03-30    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1246   2015-04-03    <NA>      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1247   2015-04-01   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1248   2015-03-17 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1249   2015-04-02    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1250   2015-04-24 Recover      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1251   2015-04-14 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1252         <NA>    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1253         <NA> Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1254   2015-05-02   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1255   2014-05-07   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1256         <NA> Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1257   2014-05-14   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1258         <NA>    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1259   2014-05-15 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1260   2014-05-14 Recover      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1261         <NA>    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1262   2014-05-18    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1263   2014-05-17   Death      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
1264   2014-05-22   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1265   2014-05-23 Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1266   2014-06-02    <NA>      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
1267   2014-06-05    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1268   2014-05-30   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1269   2014-06-02   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1270   2014-06-27 Recover      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1271   2014-06-07   Death      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
1272   2014-06-17   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1273   2014-06-03 Recover      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1274   2014-05-29   Death      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1275         <NA>   Death      f  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
1276         <NA>   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1277   2014-06-17   Death      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1278         <NA>   Death   <NA>   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1279   2014-06-05    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1280   2014-06-11   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1281   2014-06-11   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1282   2014-06-25 Recover      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
1283   2014-06-16    <NA>      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1284   2014-05-30   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1285   2014-07-01    <NA>      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1286   2014-06-22   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1287   2014-05-31    <NA>      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1288   2014-06-23 Recover      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1289         <NA>   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1290         <NA>   Death      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
1291   2014-06-16    <NA>      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1292         <NA> Recover      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1293   2014-06-25    <NA>      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1294   2014-06-19   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1295   2014-06-18   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1296         <NA> Recover      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1297   2014-06-26 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1298   2014-06-28 Recover      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1299   2014-06-23   Death      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
1300   2014-06-24   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
1301   2014-07-01   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1302   2014-07-13    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1303   2014-06-24   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1304   2014-06-27   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1305   2014-07-08 Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1306   2014-06-28   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1307   2014-06-29   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1308   2014-06-30    <NA>      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
1309   2014-06-27   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1310         <NA> Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1311   2014-07-04   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1312   2014-07-05    <NA>      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1313   2014-07-01    <NA>      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1314         <NA>   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1315   2014-07-14 Recover      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
1316   2014-07-17 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1317   2014-07-12 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1318         <NA>   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1319         <NA> Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1320   2014-07-11   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1321   2014-07-09   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1322   2014-07-14   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1323   2014-07-18   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1324   2014-07-26 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1325   2014-07-31 Recover      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1326   2014-07-30    <NA>      m  52    years 52.00000000   50-69    50-54
1327   2014-07-16    <NA>      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1328   2014-07-14    <NA>      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1329   2014-07-27 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1330   2014-07-17    <NA>      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1331   2014-07-16    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1332   2014-07-14   Death      f  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
1333   2014-07-21 Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1334   2014-08-07    <NA>      m  44    years 44.00000000   30-49    40-44
1335   2014-08-11 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1336   2014-07-18    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1337         <NA> Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1338   2014-07-24   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1339   2014-07-23   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1340   2014-07-26   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1341         <NA> Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1342   2014-07-28 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1343   2014-08-05    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1344   2014-08-03   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1345   2014-07-25   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1346   2014-08-07   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1347   2014-07-27    <NA>      m  55    years 55.00000000   50-69    55-59
1348   2014-07-28    <NA>      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
1349         <NA> Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1350   2014-08-01 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1351   2014-08-24    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1352         <NA> Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1353   2014-07-27   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1354         <NA> Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1355   2014-08-03 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1356         <NA> Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1357   2014-07-31   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1358   2014-08-08   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1359   2014-07-29   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1360   2014-08-08   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1361   2014-08-02   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1362         <NA>   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1363   2014-08-06   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1364   2014-08-16 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1365   2014-07-20    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1366   2014-08-09    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1367   2014-08-08 Recover      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1368   2014-08-02   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1369         <NA> Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1370   2014-08-01   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1371   2014-08-05   Death      m  66    years 66.00000000   50-69    65-69
1372         <NA>   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1373   2014-08-05 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1374   2014-08-11   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1375         <NA>   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1376   2014-08-04   Death      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
1377   2014-08-23    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1378   2014-08-09   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1379         <NA>   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1380   2014-08-09   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1381   2014-08-24    <NA>      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1382   2014-08-11   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1383   2014-08-19    <NA>      m  52    years 52.00000000   50-69    50-54
1384         <NA>    <NA>      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1385   2014-08-29 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1386         <NA>   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1387   2014-08-11    <NA>      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1388         <NA>   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1389   2014-09-05 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1390         <NA>   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1391   2014-08-08   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1392   2014-08-21    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1393   2014-08-21 Recover      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1394   2014-08-25    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1395   2014-08-09    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1396   2014-08-26 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1397   2014-08-18 Recover      f  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1398   2014-08-13   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1399   2014-08-24 Recover      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
1400   2014-08-13   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1401   2014-08-19    <NA>      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
1402   2014-08-15 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1403   2014-08-22    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1404   2014-08-11   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1405   2014-08-10   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1406   2014-08-13 Recover      m  66    years 66.00000000   50-69    65-69
1407         <NA> Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1408   2014-08-12   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1409   2014-08-19   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
1410         <NA>    <NA>      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1411   2014-08-24 Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1412   2014-08-16   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1413   2014-08-12    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1414   2014-08-21   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1415   2014-08-14   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1416   2014-08-15 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1417   2014-08-21 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1418   2014-08-16 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1419   2014-08-17   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1420   2014-08-29 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1421   2014-08-22   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1422   2014-08-15   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1423         <NA> Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1424   2014-09-12 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1425   2014-08-23   Death      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1426   2014-08-18 Recover      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1427   2014-08-23   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1428   2014-09-12 Recover      m  63    years 63.00000000   50-69    60-64
1429   2014-08-17   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1430   2014-08-19   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1431   2014-08-16    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1432         <NA>   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1433   2014-08-17   Death      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
1434   2014-09-06   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1435         <NA>   Death      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
1436   2014-08-19   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1437   2014-08-17   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1438         <NA>   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1439   2014-08-25   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1440   2014-09-04    <NA>      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1441   2014-08-19 Recover      m  44    years 44.00000000   30-49    40-44
1442   2014-08-25    <NA>      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1443   2014-08-27 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1444   2014-08-24   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1445   2014-08-28 Recover      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1446   2014-08-25    <NA>      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1447         <NA>   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1448   2014-09-15 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1449   2014-09-05    <NA>      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
1450         <NA>   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1451         <NA> Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1452   2014-08-21   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1453   2014-08-22   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1454         <NA>   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1455   2014-08-25   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1456   2014-08-25 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1457   2014-08-31 Recover      m  70    years 70.00000000     70+    70-74
1458   2014-08-22   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1459   2014-08-22   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1460   2014-08-22   Death      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1461   2014-08-31 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1462   2014-09-19 Recover      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1463   2014-08-09 Recover      m  44    years 44.00000000   30-49    40-44
1464   2014-09-02 Recover      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1465         <NA>   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1466   2014-09-06 Recover      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1467   2014-09-04 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1468   2014-08-24   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1469   2014-08-26   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1470   2014-08-28   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1471   2014-09-25    <NA>      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1472   2014-08-30   Death      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
1473         <NA> Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1474   2014-09-01   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1475   2014-09-05   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1476   2014-09-20 Recover      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
1477   2014-08-20    <NA>      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1478   2014-09-01   Death      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
1479   2014-09-16    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1480   2014-09-03 Recover      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1481   2014-08-26   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1482   2014-09-17 Recover      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
1483   2014-08-30   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1484   2014-09-06 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1485   2014-09-13    <NA>      f  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
1486         <NA>   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1487   2014-09-16 Recover      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1488         <NA> Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1489   2014-09-05 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1490   2014-08-18   Death      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
1491   2014-09-06    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1492   2014-08-29   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1493   2014-08-28   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1494   2014-08-26    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1495   2014-09-08 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1496   2014-09-05    <NA>      f  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
1497   2014-08-30   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1498         <NA> Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1499   2014-09-02   Death      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1500   2014-09-05 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1501   2014-08-29   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1502   2014-09-02   Death      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
1503   2014-08-29   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
1504   2014-09-01   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1505   2014-09-12    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1506   2014-08-17 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1507         <NA>   Death      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
1508   2014-09-03   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1509   2014-10-20 Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1510   2014-09-03   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1511   2014-09-02   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1512   2014-08-31    <NA>      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
1513   2014-09-01 Recover      m  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
1514         <NA>    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1515   2014-08-31    <NA>      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1516         <NA>   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1517   2014-09-10 Recover      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
1518   2014-09-01    <NA>      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
1519   2014-09-10 Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1520   2014-09-05   Death      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
1521   2014-08-27   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1522   2014-09-09   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1523   2014-09-14   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1524   2014-09-02   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1525   2014-09-02   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1526   2014-09-04   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1527   2014-09-23    <NA>      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1528         <NA> Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1529   2014-09-05   Death      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1530   2014-08-26   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1531   2014-09-07   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1532   2014-09-03    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1533   2014-09-08    <NA>      f  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
1534         <NA> Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1535   2014-08-25   Death      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
1536   2014-09-20 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1537   2014-09-04   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1538   2014-10-03 Recover      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1539   2014-09-26 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1540   2014-09-14 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1541         <NA>    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1542   2014-09-21 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1543   2014-09-05   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1544   2014-09-14    <NA>      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
1545   2014-09-09    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1546   2014-09-10 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1547   2014-09-19    <NA>      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1548         <NA>    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1549         <NA> Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1550   2014-09-11 Recover      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1551   2014-09-14   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1552   2014-09-09    <NA>      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1553   2014-08-29   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1554   2014-09-20 Recover      m  53    years 53.00000000   50-69    50-54
1555   2014-09-22 Recover      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
1556   2014-09-11 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1557   2014-09-20    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1558   2014-09-11    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1559   2014-09-12 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1560   2014-09-16    <NA>      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
1561   2014-09-12 Recover      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1562   2014-09-14 Recover      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1563   2014-09-16   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1564   2014-09-13    <NA>      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
1565   2014-09-13   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1566   2014-09-12   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1567   2014-09-14   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1568         <NA>   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1569   2014-09-19   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1570   2014-09-09   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1571   2014-09-15   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1572   2014-10-17 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1573   2014-09-06   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1574   2014-09-09   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1575   2014-10-16 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1576   2014-09-16   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1577   2014-09-25 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1578   2014-09-08    <NA>      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1579   2014-09-17   Death      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
1580         <NA> Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1581         <NA>   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1582   2014-09-19   Death      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
1583   2014-09-16    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1584   2014-09-13    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1585   2014-09-14 Recover      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1586   2014-09-26 Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1587   2014-09-11 Recover      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1588   2014-09-25    <NA>      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1589   2014-09-14    <NA>      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1590   2014-10-02    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1591   2014-09-18   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1592   2014-09-10   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1593   2014-10-25 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1594   2014-09-12    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1595   2014-09-30 Recover      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1596   2014-09-11   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1597   2014-09-17   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1598   2014-09-11   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1599   2014-09-11 Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1600   2014-10-06 Recover      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1601   2014-09-09   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1602   2014-09-29    <NA>      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1603   2014-09-15 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1604   2014-10-14    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1605   2014-09-11    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1606   2014-09-12 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1607         <NA>    <NA>      f  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
1608   2014-09-28 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1609   2014-10-13 Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1610   2014-09-21 Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1611   2014-09-12   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1612   2014-09-19   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1613         <NA>   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1614   2014-09-13   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1615   2014-09-21   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1616   2014-09-17    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1617   2014-09-15    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1618   2014-10-01 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1619   2014-09-25    <NA>      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
1620   2014-09-17   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1621   2014-10-16 Recover      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1622   2014-09-23    <NA>      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1623   2014-09-16   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1624   2014-09-26 Recover      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
1625   2014-09-20 Recover      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
1626   2014-09-15   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1627   2014-09-22   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1628   2014-09-20 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1629   2014-09-19   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1630   2014-09-14   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1631   2014-09-16   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1632   2014-09-18    <NA>      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1633   2014-09-28    <NA>      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1634   2014-09-19 Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1635   2014-09-20   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
1636   2014-10-14 Recover      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1637   2014-09-16 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1638   2014-09-19   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1639   2014-09-24   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1640   2014-09-20    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1641   2014-09-15   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1642   2014-09-22 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1643   2014-09-23   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1644   2014-10-06 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1645   2014-10-09 Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1646   2014-09-15   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1647   2014-09-22    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1648   2014-09-04   Death      m  66    years 66.00000000   50-69    65-69
1649   2014-09-20   Death      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
1650         <NA>   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1651   2014-09-21 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1652         <NA> Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1653   2014-09-23   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1654   2014-10-20 Recover      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1655   2014-09-19    <NA>      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1656   2014-10-02 Recover      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1657   2014-09-24    <NA>      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
1658   2014-09-24   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1659   2014-09-21   Death      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
1660   2014-10-04 Recover      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
1661   2014-10-03    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1662   2014-09-16 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1663         <NA>    <NA>      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1664   2014-09-21 Recover      f  52    years 52.00000000   50-69    50-54
1665   2014-09-14    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1666         <NA>    <NA>      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1667   2014-09-18 Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1668   2014-09-29    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1669         <NA> Recover      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1670   2014-09-20   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1671   2014-09-25 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1672         <NA> Recover      m  64    years 64.00000000   50-69    60-64
1673   2014-09-23 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1674   2014-09-17   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1675   2014-09-30 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1676   2014-09-17    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1677   2014-09-27    <NA>      f  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
1678   2014-10-01    <NA>   <NA>  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
1679   2014-10-06 Recover      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1680   2014-09-27   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1681   2014-09-19   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1682   2014-09-29 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1683   2014-09-18    <NA>      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1684   2014-09-28    <NA>      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
1685   2014-10-16 Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1686   2014-09-07    <NA>      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
1687   2014-10-17 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1688   2014-09-25    <NA>      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1689   2014-09-24   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1690   2014-10-14 Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1691   2014-09-23   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1692   2014-09-20 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1693   2014-10-07 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1694   2014-09-21   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1695         <NA>    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1696         <NA>    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1697   2014-09-18   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1698   2014-09-23   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1699   2014-09-21    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1700   2014-09-23 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1701   2014-09-19   Death      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
1702   2014-09-26   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1703   2014-09-23   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1704         <NA>   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1705         <NA>    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1706   2014-09-24   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1707   2014-09-28   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1708   2014-09-20   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
1709   2014-09-24   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1710   2014-09-24    <NA>      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1711   2014-09-26   Death      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
1712   2014-09-22   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1713         <NA>    <NA>      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
1714   2014-09-25 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1715   2014-09-26 Recover      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1716         <NA>    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1717   2014-10-16 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1718   2014-09-21   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1719   2014-09-27 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1720         <NA> Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1721         <NA>   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1722   2014-10-01 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1723   2014-09-24   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1724   2014-09-25   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1725   2014-10-08 Recover      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1726   2014-09-20 Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1727   2014-09-25   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1728         <NA> Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1729   2014-10-02 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1730   2014-09-21   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1731   2014-09-22   Death      m  65    years 65.00000000   50-69    65-69
1732   2014-09-20    <NA>      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
1733   2014-10-01    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1734   2014-10-08   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1735   2014-09-25 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1736   2014-09-28   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1737   2014-09-18   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1738   2014-09-10    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1739   2014-09-21   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1740         <NA>    <NA>      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1741   2014-09-24    <NA>      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
1742   2014-09-21   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1743   2014-09-28   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1744   2014-09-29   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1745   2014-09-29    <NA>      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1746   2014-09-26   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1747   2014-10-06 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1748         <NA>   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1749   2014-09-11   Death   <NA>   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1750   2014-09-24 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1751   2014-09-25   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1752   2014-10-16 Recover      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1753   2014-09-13 Recover      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1754         <NA> Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1755   2014-09-24    <NA>      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1756   2014-09-22 Recover      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
1757   2014-09-22 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1758   2014-09-28   Death      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
1759   2014-09-20   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1760   2014-09-23   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1761   2014-10-09 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1762   2014-10-12 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1763   2014-10-05 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1764   2014-09-23   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1765   2014-09-23   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1766   2014-09-26 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1767         <NA>    <NA>      f  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
1768   2014-10-23 Recover      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1769   2014-09-26    <NA>      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1770   2014-09-24   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1771   2014-09-22   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1772   2014-10-10 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1773   2014-09-27   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1774   2014-10-01 Recover      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
1775   2014-10-07   Death      m  47    years 47.00000000   30-49    45-49
1776   2014-10-04    <NA>      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
1777   2014-10-01   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1778   2014-09-13    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1779         <NA> Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1780   2014-10-12 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1781   2014-10-17    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1782   2014-09-17   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1783   2014-09-25    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1784   2014-09-24   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1785   2014-09-24   Death      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1786         <NA> Recover      f  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1787   2014-09-12    <NA>      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
1788   2014-09-30 Recover      f  45    years 45.00000000   30-49    45-49
1789   2014-09-29    <NA>      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1790   2014-10-23 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1791         <NA> Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1792   2014-09-27   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1793   2014-09-24   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1794         <NA>   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1795   2014-10-10    <NA>      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1796   2014-09-23    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1797   2014-10-16 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1798   2014-09-23   Death      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
1799   2014-10-01   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1800         <NA>    <NA>      m  57    years 57.00000000   50-69    55-59
1801   2014-09-30   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1802   2014-10-09 Recover      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1803   2014-10-01 Recover      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1804         <NA> Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1805   2014-09-30 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1806   2014-10-01 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1807   2014-10-03 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1808   2014-10-08    <NA>      f  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
1809   2014-10-10 Recover      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1810         <NA> Recover      f  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
1811   2014-09-26   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1812   2014-09-27   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1813   2014-09-26   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1814         <NA> Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1815   2014-10-02   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1816   2014-10-01 Recover      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1817   2014-09-28 Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1818   2014-10-01 Recover      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1819   2014-09-25   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1820   2014-09-30   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1821         <NA>    <NA>      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1822   2014-10-01 Recover      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
1823   2014-09-26   Death      m  55    years 55.00000000   50-69    55-59
1824         <NA>    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1825   2014-10-15 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1826   2014-09-26    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1827   2014-10-01 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1828   2014-09-24   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1829   2014-09-26   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1830         <NA> Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1831   2014-10-20    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1832   2014-09-26 Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1833   2014-09-30    <NA>      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
1834         <NA> Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1835   2014-09-28   Death   <NA>   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1836   2014-10-03    <NA>      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1837   2014-09-27   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1838   2014-09-26   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1839   2014-09-28   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1840   2014-10-05 Recover      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
1841         <NA>   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1842         <NA>   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1843   2014-10-13 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1844   2014-10-07 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1845   2014-10-04   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1846   2014-09-28   Death      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1847   2014-10-03   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1848         <NA>   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1849   2014-09-29    <NA>      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1850   2014-10-04   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1851         <NA>   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1852   2014-11-01 Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1853         <NA>    <NA>      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1854   2014-10-05    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1855   2014-09-27   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1856         <NA>    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1857   2014-09-29   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1858   2014-10-09 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1859   2014-10-07   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1860         <NA>   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1861   2014-09-28   Death      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1862   2014-09-15   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1863   2014-09-29    <NA>      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1864         <NA>   Death      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1865   2014-09-29   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1866   2014-10-05    <NA>      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1867   2014-10-01 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1868   2014-09-25   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1869   2014-09-26    <NA>      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
1870   2014-09-27   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1871   2014-10-05 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1872         <NA>   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1873   2014-09-26   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1874   2014-09-28   Death   <NA>  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
1875         <NA> Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1876   2014-09-29   Death      m  45    years 45.00000000   30-49    45-49
1877   2014-10-07    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1878   2014-10-11 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1879   2014-10-07    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1880   2014-10-05 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1881         <NA>    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1882         <NA> Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
1883   2014-09-30   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1884   2014-10-28 Recover      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1885   2014-10-04 Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1886         <NA>   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1887   2014-09-27   Death   <NA>  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1888   2014-10-26 Recover      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1889   2014-09-29   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1890   2014-10-07    <NA>      f  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
1891   2014-10-01    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1892   2014-10-10    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1893   2014-10-01 Recover      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1894   2014-10-09 Recover      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1895   2014-09-28    <NA>      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
1896   2014-09-30   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1897   2014-10-11   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1898   2014-10-09 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1899   2014-10-05   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1900   2014-11-06 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1901   2014-09-30 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1902   2014-10-05 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1903         <NA>   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1904   2014-10-11   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1905         <NA>   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1906   2014-10-05   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1907   2014-10-04    <NA>      m  45    years 45.00000000   30-49    45-49
1908   2014-09-30   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1909   2014-10-03   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1910   2014-10-02   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
1911   2014-10-13    <NA>      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
1912   2014-09-28    <NA>      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
1913   2014-10-08 Recover      m  55    years 55.00000000   50-69    55-59
1914   2014-10-14   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1915   2014-11-16 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1916   2014-10-08    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1917   2014-10-13 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1918         <NA>    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1919   2014-09-29 Recover      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1920   2014-10-05    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1921   2014-09-30    <NA>      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1922   2014-10-21    <NA>      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
1923   2014-10-07 Recover      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1924   2014-10-10 Recover      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1925   2014-10-06   Death      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1926   2014-10-04   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1927   2014-10-18 Recover      m  44    years 44.00000000   30-49    40-44
1928   2014-10-01   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1929   2014-10-05 Recover      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1930   2014-10-06 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1931   2014-10-03    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1932   2014-10-01   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1933   2014-10-17 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1934   2014-10-02   Death      f  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
1935         <NA> Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1936   2014-09-29   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1937   2014-10-02   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1938         <NA>   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1939   2014-09-29   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1940   2014-10-02   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1941   2014-10-04   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
1942   2014-10-06    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1943   2014-10-03    <NA>      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
1944         <NA> Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1945   2014-10-04 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1946         <NA>   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1947   2014-10-10 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1948   2014-09-30   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1949   2014-10-16 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1950   2014-10-10   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
1951         <NA>    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1952   2014-09-25    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
1953         <NA> Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1954   2014-11-25 Recover      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1955   2014-10-07   Death      f  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
1956   2014-10-01   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
1957   2014-10-14 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
1958   2014-10-27 Recover      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
1959         <NA> Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1960   2014-09-19   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
1961   2014-10-03    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1962         <NA> Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1963         <NA> Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
1964   2014-10-08    <NA>      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1965   2014-10-09 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1966   2014-10-08   Death      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
1967   2014-10-01    <NA>      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
1968   2014-10-05 Recover      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
1969   2014-10-14   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
1970   2014-10-08    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1971         <NA>   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
1972         <NA> Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1973   2014-10-02   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
1974   2014-10-02   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
1975         <NA>   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1976   2014-10-06    <NA>      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
1977   2014-10-09   Death      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
1978   2014-10-10   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
1979         <NA>    <NA>      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1980   2014-09-30 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
1981   2014-10-05 Recover      m   4   months  0.33333333     0-4      0-4
1982   2014-10-13 Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1983   2014-10-13   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
1984   2014-10-19 Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1985   2014-10-06   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
1986   2014-10-15    <NA>      m  59    years 59.00000000   50-69    55-59
1987   2014-10-09   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
1988   2014-10-05   Death      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
1989   2014-11-03 Recover      m  44    years 44.00000000   30-49    40-44
1990   2014-10-25   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
1991   2014-10-04    <NA>      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
1992   2014-10-30    <NA>      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
1993         <NA>   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
1994   2014-10-15    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1995         <NA>   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
1996         <NA>    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
1997   2014-10-03    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
1998   2014-10-11    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
1999   2014-10-31 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2000   2014-10-08   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2001   2014-11-06 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2002   2014-10-03   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2003   2014-10-05   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2004   2014-10-05   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2005   2014-10-06   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2006   2014-10-08    <NA>      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2007   2014-10-21 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2008   2014-10-04   Death      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2009   2014-10-17 Recover      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2010   2014-10-10 Recover      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2011   2014-10-19    <NA>      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2012   2014-10-22 Recover      m  61    years 61.00000000   50-69    60-64
2013         <NA>   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
2014   2014-11-01 Recover      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2015   2014-10-05 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2016   2014-10-07   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2017   2014-10-11 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2018         <NA> Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2019   2014-10-07 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2020   2014-10-09   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2021         <NA> Recover      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2022   2014-10-08   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2023   2014-10-06 Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2024   2014-10-12    <NA>      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2025         <NA> Recover      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2026   2014-10-10   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2027   2014-10-21    <NA>      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
2028         <NA>   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2029   2014-10-10 Recover      m  52    years 52.00000000   50-69    50-54
2030   2014-10-04 Recover      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
2031   2014-10-04   Death      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
2032   2014-10-14 Recover      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2033   2014-10-08 Recover      m  49    years 49.00000000   30-49    45-49
2034   2014-10-14 Recover      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
2035   2014-10-22 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2036   2014-10-09   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2037   2014-10-03   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2038   2014-10-16 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2039   2014-10-18    <NA>      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2040   2014-11-23 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2041   2014-10-08 Recover      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
2042   2014-10-07   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2043         <NA> Recover      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2044   2014-10-16    <NA>      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
2045   2014-10-11    <NA>      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2046         <NA>   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2047   2014-10-15 Recover      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
2048   2014-10-12    <NA>      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2049   2014-10-15   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2050         <NA> Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2051   2014-10-15   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2052   2014-11-04 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2053   2014-10-13   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2054   2014-10-14   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2055   2014-10-14 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2056   2014-10-08   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2057   2014-10-08    <NA>      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2058   2014-10-16 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2059   2014-10-19   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2060   2014-10-10   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2061   2014-10-07   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2062         <NA>   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2063   2014-10-18   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2064         <NA> Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2065   2014-10-12    <NA>      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2066   2014-10-20   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2067   2014-10-09    <NA>      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2068         <NA> Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2069   2014-10-23 Recover      m  49    years 49.00000000   30-49    45-49
2070         <NA> Recover      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
2071   2014-11-21 Recover      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
2072   2014-10-19 Recover      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2073   2014-09-29   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2074   2014-09-30   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2075   2014-10-08   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2076   2014-10-19   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2077   2014-09-24   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2078   2014-10-09   Death   <NA>  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2079   2014-10-24 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2080   2014-10-17    <NA>      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2081   2014-10-12   Death      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2082         <NA>    <NA>      f   4   months  0.33333333     0-4      0-4
2083         <NA> Recover      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2084   2014-10-23    <NA>      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2085   2014-10-16   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2086   2014-10-17   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2087   2014-10-08   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2088   2014-10-06   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2089   2014-10-24    <NA>      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2090         <NA>   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2091         <NA>   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2092   2014-10-17 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2093   2014-10-08 Recover      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
2094   2014-10-13   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2095         <NA> Recover      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
2096   2014-10-07   Death      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
2097   2014-10-17   Death      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
2098   2014-10-08    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2099   2014-10-11 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2100   2014-10-09   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2101   2014-11-04 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2102   2014-10-16 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2103   2014-10-13   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2104   2014-10-09   Death   <NA>  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2105   2014-10-25    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2106   2014-10-18   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2107   2014-10-08   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2108         <NA> Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2109   2014-10-09   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2110   2014-10-28   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2111   2014-10-23 Recover      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2112   2014-10-20   Death      f  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
2113   2014-10-19   Death      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2114   2014-10-10   Death      f  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
2115   2014-10-11   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2116   2014-10-20    <NA>      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2117   2014-11-03 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2118   2014-10-16    <NA>      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2119   2014-10-18 Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2120         <NA>   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2121         <NA>   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2122   2014-10-16 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2123   2014-10-11    <NA>      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2124   2014-10-15   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2125   2014-10-09   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2126   2014-10-14 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2127   2014-10-14    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2128         <NA>   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2129   2014-10-10   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2130   2014-10-21   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2131   2014-10-15 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2132   2014-10-21    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2133   2014-10-17    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2134   2014-10-07   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2135   2014-10-26    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2136         <NA>   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2137   2014-10-14   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2138   2014-10-14 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2139         <NA>    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2140   2014-10-29 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2141   2014-10-13   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2142   2014-10-14   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2143   2014-10-11   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2144   2014-10-13   Death      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
2145   2014-10-17   Death      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
2146   2014-10-04   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2147   2014-10-18    <NA>      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2148   2014-10-23   Death      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
2149   2014-10-28 Recover      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2150   2014-10-22 Recover      m  56    years 56.00000000   50-69    55-59
2151   2014-10-11   Death      m  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
2152   2014-10-23 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2153   2014-10-10   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2154   2014-10-22   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2155   2014-10-19    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2156   2014-10-19 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2157   2014-11-12 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2158   2014-10-18   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2159   2014-10-08   Death      f  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
2160   2014-10-13   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2161   2014-10-26   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2162   2014-10-21 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2163   2014-10-11   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2164   2014-10-13   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2165   2014-10-22    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2166   2014-10-15    <NA>      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2167   2014-09-28 Recover      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2168   2014-10-18 Recover      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
2169         <NA>   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2170   2014-10-29 Recover      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2171   2014-10-17   Death      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
2172   2014-10-16    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2173   2014-10-15   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2174         <NA>   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2175         <NA>   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2176   2014-11-26 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2177         <NA>   Death      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2178   2014-10-13   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2179   2014-10-13   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2180         <NA>   Death      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2181   2014-10-13    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2182   2014-10-25   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2183   2014-10-14   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2184   2014-10-22   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2185   2014-10-12 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2186         <NA> Recover      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2187   2014-10-12   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2188   2014-10-15   Death      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2189   2014-10-13 Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2190   2014-10-18 Recover      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2191   2014-10-25   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2192   2014-10-17    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2193         <NA>   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2194   2014-10-22 Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2195   2014-10-12    <NA>      f  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
2196   2014-10-10    <NA>      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2197   2014-10-15   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2198   2014-10-13   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2199         <NA>   Death      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2200   2014-10-17 Recover      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
2201   2014-10-15   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2202   2014-10-25   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2203   2014-10-13   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2204         <NA> Recover      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2205   2014-10-15    <NA>      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2206   2014-10-20   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2207   2014-10-08   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2208   2014-10-22    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2209         <NA> Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2210   2014-10-12   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2211   2014-10-16    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2212   2014-10-17    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2213   2014-10-17   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2214   2014-10-17    <NA>      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2215   2014-10-31 Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2216   2014-10-17 Recover   <NA>   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2217   2014-10-23 Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2218   2014-10-18   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2219         <NA> Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2220         <NA>   Death      m  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
2221   2014-10-24   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2222   2014-10-15   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2223   2014-10-18    <NA>      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
2224   2014-10-30 Recover      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
2225   2014-11-09    <NA>      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2226   2014-10-16   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2227   2014-10-17   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2228   2014-10-24    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2229   2014-10-23    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2230   2014-10-16    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2231   2014-10-31    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2232   2014-11-07 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2233   2014-10-17   Death   <NA>   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2234   2014-12-03 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2235   2014-10-15   Death      f  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
2236   2014-10-18   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2237   2014-10-16   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2238   2014-10-16   Death   <NA>   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2239   2014-10-29    <NA>      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2240   2014-10-25 Recover      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2241   2014-10-18    <NA>      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2242         <NA>    <NA>      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
2243   2014-10-19   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2244   2014-10-19   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2245   2014-10-25 Recover      m  73    years 73.00000000     70+    70-74
2246   2014-10-24    <NA>      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2247   2014-10-18   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2248   2014-10-15 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2249         <NA>   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2250   2014-10-28   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2251   2014-10-19   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2252   2014-10-27 Recover      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2253   2014-10-20   Death      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2254   2014-11-10   Death      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2255   2014-10-15    <NA>      f  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2256   2014-10-27 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2257   2014-10-26 Recover      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2258   2014-10-12   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2259   2014-10-19   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2260   2014-10-18   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2261   2014-10-21   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2262         <NA> Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2263         <NA>    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2264         <NA>   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2265   2014-10-27    <NA>      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2266   2014-10-27   Death      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
2267         <NA> Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2268         <NA>   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2269   2014-10-17   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2270   2014-10-27 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2271         <NA>    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2272   2014-10-23 Recover      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2273         <NA> Recover      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2274         <NA>   Death      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2275   2014-11-07 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2276   2014-11-13    <NA>      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2277   2014-10-24   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2278   2014-10-23   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2279   2014-10-30   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2280   2014-10-20   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2281   2014-10-28 Recover   <NA>   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2282   2014-10-19 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2283   2014-10-25   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2284   2014-11-19    <NA>      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2285   2014-10-26   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2286   2014-10-25   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2287         <NA>   Death      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
2288   2014-10-23 Recover      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
2289   2014-10-28   Death      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2290   2014-11-09 Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2291         <NA> Recover   <NA>  50    years 50.00000000   50-69    50-54
2292   2014-10-26 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2293         <NA>   Death   <NA>   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2294   2014-10-21    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2295   2014-10-27   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2296   2014-10-21   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2297   2014-10-29    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2298   2014-10-06 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2299   2014-10-20   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2300   2014-11-04 Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2301         <NA>   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2302   2014-10-20    <NA>      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2303         <NA> Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2304   2014-10-19   Death   <NA>  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2305   2014-10-28    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2306   2014-10-23    <NA>      m  59    years 59.00000000   50-69    55-59
2307   2014-10-27    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2308   2014-10-26   Death      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
2309   2014-10-23   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2310         <NA>   Death      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
2311   2014-11-08 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2312   2014-10-06 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2313   2014-10-20    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2314         <NA>   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2315   2014-10-29    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2316   2014-11-24    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2317   2014-10-23 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2318   2014-10-28   Death      f  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
2319   2014-10-19 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2320         <NA>   Death      f  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
2321   2014-10-25    <NA>      f  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
2322   2014-10-27 Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2323         <NA>    <NA>      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2324         <NA>   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2325   2014-10-24   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2326   2014-10-23   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2327   2014-10-24   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2328   2014-10-23   Death      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
2329   2014-10-25   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2330   2014-10-25    <NA>      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2331   2014-10-20   Death      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2332   2014-11-04    <NA>      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2333   2014-10-11   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2334   2014-10-17   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2335   2014-11-05 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2336         <NA> Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2337         <NA>    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2338         <NA>   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2339   2014-10-24   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2340   2014-11-30 Recover      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2341   2014-10-28   Death      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2342   2014-11-03   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2343   2014-10-30   Death      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2344   2014-10-20   Death      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2345   2014-10-24   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2346   2014-11-03 Recover      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2347   2014-10-20   Death      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2348   2014-10-31 Recover   <NA>  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2349   2014-10-26   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2350         <NA>    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2351   2014-10-13 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2352   2014-10-26    <NA>      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2353   2014-10-28   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2354   2014-10-22   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2355         <NA>   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2356   2014-11-10 Recover      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
2357   2014-10-22    <NA>      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2358   2014-10-22    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2359   2014-11-07   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2360         <NA>   Death   <NA>   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2361         <NA>   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2362   2014-10-20   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2363   2014-11-12   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2364         <NA>    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2365   2014-10-24 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2366   2014-10-30 Recover      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2367   2014-10-31    <NA>      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2368   2014-10-22   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2369   2014-10-21   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2370   2014-10-21   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2371   2014-11-06 Recover      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2372         <NA>   Death      m  42    years 42.00000000   30-49    40-44
2373   2014-10-28   Death      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
2374   2014-10-22   Death      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
2375   2014-10-24   Death      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
2376   2014-10-31 Recover      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2377   2014-11-13 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2378   2014-10-24   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2379   2014-11-10    <NA>      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2380   2014-10-24   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2381   2014-10-23   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2382   2014-10-27   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2383   2014-11-28 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2384         <NA> Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2385   2014-10-22   Death      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2386   2014-11-05 Recover      f  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
2387   2014-10-28   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2388         <NA>    <NA>      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2389   2014-10-22 Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2390   2014-11-01    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2391   2014-10-27 Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2392   2014-10-24   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2393   2014-10-26 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2394   2014-10-22   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2395   2014-10-26   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2396   2014-10-26    <NA>      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2397   2014-10-23 Recover      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
2398   2014-10-27 Recover      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2399   2014-11-01 Recover      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2400   2014-11-04 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2401         <NA>   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2402   2014-10-23    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2403   2014-10-29   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2404         <NA>   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2405   2014-11-13 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2406   2014-11-05 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2407   2014-10-24   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2408   2014-10-30   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2409   2014-11-02    <NA>      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2410   2014-10-26    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2411   2014-10-29   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2412   2014-10-27   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2413   2014-10-23   Death      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
2414         <NA>   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2415   2014-10-17 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2416   2014-11-03 Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2417         <NA>    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2418   2014-11-05   Death      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2419   2014-11-09 Recover   <NA>   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2420   2014-10-21   Death   <NA>  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2421   2014-11-13    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2422   2014-11-05   Death   <NA>  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2423         <NA> Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2424   2014-10-28   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2425   2014-11-05    <NA>      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2426         <NA> Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2427   2014-10-31   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2428   2014-11-03   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2429   2014-10-30 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2430   2014-11-07 Recover      m   9   months  0.75000000     0-4      0-4
2431   2014-10-30 Recover      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2432         <NA> Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2433   2014-10-27 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2434   2014-11-09 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2435         <NA> Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2436   2014-11-28 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2437   2014-10-29   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2438   2014-10-27   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2439   2014-10-22   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2440   2014-11-01 Recover      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2441   2014-11-18 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2442         <NA>   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2443   2014-10-30   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2444   2014-11-04   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2445   2014-10-28   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2446         <NA>   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2447   2014-11-04 Recover      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2448   2014-11-02 Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2449   2014-11-13 Recover   <NA>  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2450   2014-11-06    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2451         <NA> Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2452   2014-10-27   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2453   2014-11-19 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2454   2014-10-30   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2455   2014-10-26   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2456   2014-10-24   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2457   2014-11-01    <NA>      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2458   2014-11-10    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2459   2014-11-04   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2460   2014-11-06    <NA>      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2461   2014-11-02   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2462   2014-10-27    <NA>      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2463   2014-11-01   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2464   2014-11-10   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2465   2014-10-25   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2466   2014-11-08 Recover      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
2467         <NA>   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2468         <NA>   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2469   2014-11-22 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2470   2014-11-04    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2471         <NA> Recover      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
2472   2014-11-06 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2473   2014-10-30 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2474   2014-11-01   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2475   2014-11-04    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2476   2014-11-02   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2477   2014-10-28   Death   <NA>  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2478   2014-10-26   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2479   2014-10-26    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2480   2014-11-05 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2481   2014-10-30   Death      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
2482   2014-10-25   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2483         <NA>   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2484   2014-11-05 Recover      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2485   2014-11-23    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2486   2014-10-28   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2487   2014-10-28    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2488   2014-11-07 Recover   <NA>  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2489   2014-11-01    <NA>   <NA>  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2490   2014-10-29   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2491   2014-11-17 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2492   2014-11-04   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2493         <NA> Recover      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2494         <NA>   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2495   2014-11-12 Recover      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2496   2014-10-19 Recover      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
2497   2014-11-07 Recover      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
2498   2014-10-31   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2499   2014-11-15 Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2500   2014-10-26   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2501   2014-11-04    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2502   2014-11-04   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2503   2014-11-03 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2504   2014-11-01   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2505         <NA> Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2506   2014-11-05 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2507   2014-11-07 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2508   2014-11-06    <NA>      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2509   2014-10-27    <NA>      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2510   2014-11-03   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2511   2014-10-27   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2512   2014-11-01 Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2513   2014-11-10 Recover      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2514   2014-11-01   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2515   2014-10-29   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2516   2014-11-03    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2517   2014-11-04 Recover      m  49    years 49.00000000   30-49    45-49
2518         <NA>   Death      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
2519         <NA>   Death      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2520         <NA> Recover      m  69    years 69.00000000   50-69    65-69
2521   2014-11-04   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2522   2014-11-04   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2523   2014-10-30   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2524   2014-11-08    <NA>   <NA>  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2525         <NA>   Death      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2526   2014-11-02   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2527         <NA> Recover      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2528         <NA> Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2529   2014-11-13 Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2530         <NA> Recover      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
2531         <NA>    <NA>      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
2532   2014-11-17    <NA>      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2533         <NA> Recover      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2534   2014-11-10 Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2535   2014-12-13 Recover      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2536         <NA>   Death      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
2537   2014-10-30 Recover      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2538   2014-11-01    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2539   2014-10-28   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2540   2014-11-01 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2541   2014-11-15 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2542   2014-11-09    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2543   2014-10-28   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2544   2014-11-10   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2545   2014-11-01    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2546   2014-12-02 Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2547   2014-10-31   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2548   2014-11-04   Death      f  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
2549   2014-11-01    <NA>      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2550   2014-11-15 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2551   2014-11-05   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2552   2014-10-30   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2553   2014-11-24 Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2554   2014-11-03    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2555   2014-11-14 Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2556   2014-10-31    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2557   2014-11-07   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2558         <NA> Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2559   2014-11-17 Recover      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2560         <NA> Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2561   2014-11-03    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2562         <NA>   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2563   2014-11-22 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2564   2014-11-05    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2565   2014-10-31    <NA>      f  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
2566         <NA>   Death      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2567   2014-11-08    <NA>      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2568   2014-10-31   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2569   2014-11-04   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2570   2014-11-05   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2571         <NA> Recover      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2572   2014-11-02   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2573   2014-11-02   Death      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2574   2014-11-11   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2575   2014-11-03    <NA>      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
2576   2014-11-06   Death   <NA>  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2577   2014-11-08    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2578   2014-11-22 Recover      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2579   2014-11-01 Recover      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2580   2014-11-06    <NA>      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2581   2014-10-31   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2582   2014-10-31    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2583   2014-11-01   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2584   2014-11-07 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2585   2014-11-13 Recover   <NA>   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2586         <NA>   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2587   2014-11-09 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2588   2014-11-27 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2589   2014-11-05   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2590   2014-11-02    <NA>      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2591   2014-11-20 Recover      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2592   2014-11-03   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2593   2014-11-01 Recover      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2594   2014-11-13   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2595   2014-10-28 Recover      m  55    years 55.00000000   50-69    55-59
2596   2014-11-05 Recover      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2597   2014-11-07 Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2598         <NA>   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2599   2014-12-01    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2600   2014-11-20 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2601   2014-11-25 Recover      f   8   months  0.66666667     0-4      0-4
2602   2014-11-04   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2603   2014-11-01   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2604   2014-11-01    <NA>      f  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
2605   2014-11-05   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2606   2014-11-04   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2607   2014-11-17 Recover      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2608         <NA> Recover      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2609   2014-11-06   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2610   2014-11-19 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2611         <NA>   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2612   2014-11-08   Death      m  44    years 44.00000000   30-49    40-44
2613   2014-11-02   Death      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
2614   2014-11-09    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2615   2014-12-01 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2616   2014-11-22    <NA>      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2617   2014-11-08   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2618   2014-11-05    <NA>      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2619   2014-11-13   Death      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
2620   2014-11-15 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2621   2014-11-08 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2622   2014-11-12   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2623   2014-11-13 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2624   2014-11-02   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2625   2014-11-11 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2626   2014-11-12 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2627         <NA>   Death      f  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
2628   2014-11-24    <NA>      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2629   2014-11-16 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2630   2014-11-02    <NA>      f  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2631   2014-12-26 Recover      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2632         <NA>    <NA>      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2633   2014-11-06   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2634   2014-11-05   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2635   2014-11-15   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2636   2014-11-16 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2637   2014-11-19 Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2638   2014-11-13    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2639   2014-11-04    <NA>      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2640   2014-11-14 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2641   2014-11-11   Death      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
2642   2014-11-06    <NA>   <NA>  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
2643   2014-11-08   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2644   2014-11-02   Death      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2645   2014-11-08 Recover      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2646   2014-12-11 Recover   <NA>  36   months  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2647   2014-11-12    <NA>   <NA>  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2648         <NA>   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2649   2014-11-05    <NA>      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2650   2014-11-03   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2651   2014-11-15 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2652         <NA>    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2653   2014-11-04    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2654   2014-11-10 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2655         <NA>    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2656   2014-11-06    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2657   2014-11-13    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2658         <NA>   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2659   2014-11-12    <NA>      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2660   2014-11-01   Death      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2661   2014-11-09   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2662   2014-11-28    <NA>      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2663   2014-11-25    <NA>      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2664   2014-12-08 Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2665         <NA>    <NA>      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2666   2014-11-19 Recover      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2667   2014-11-05   Death      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2668   2014-11-21    <NA>      m   7   months  0.58333333     0-4      0-4
2669   2014-11-23    <NA>      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
2670   2014-11-10   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2671   2014-11-08 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2672   2014-11-18 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2673         <NA>   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2674   2014-11-10   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2675         <NA>   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2676   2014-11-11 Recover      f  18   months  1.50000000     0-4      0-4
2677   2014-11-05   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2678   2014-11-25 Recover      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2679   2014-11-07   Death      f  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
2680   2014-11-12 Recover   <NA>  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
2681   2014-11-13   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2682   2014-11-15 Recover      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2683   2014-11-27 Recover      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2684   2014-10-31   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2685         <NA> Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2686         <NA>   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2687   2014-11-09   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2688   2014-11-10    <NA>      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2689         <NA>   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2690   2014-11-12   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2691   2014-11-10   Death      m  58    years 58.00000000   50-69    55-59
2692   2014-11-09    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2693   2014-11-09   Death   <NA>  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2694   2014-11-05   Death   <NA>  47    years 47.00000000   30-49    45-49
2695   2014-11-04   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2696   2014-11-07    <NA>      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
2697   2014-11-23 Recover      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
2698   2014-11-04    <NA>      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2699   2014-11-11    <NA>      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2700   2014-11-06   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2701   2014-11-14 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2702   2014-10-24   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2703   2014-12-21 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2704   2014-11-23   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2705   2014-11-23    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2706   2014-11-12   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2707   2014-11-05   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2708   2014-11-06   Death      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2709   2014-10-23   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2710   2014-11-09    <NA>      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2711   2014-12-05 Recover      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2712   2014-10-27   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2713   2014-11-09    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2714   2014-11-12    <NA>      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2715   2014-11-04   Death      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
2716   2014-11-08   Death      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
2717   2014-11-12 Recover      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2718   2014-11-07   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2719   2014-11-07   Death      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
2720   2014-11-09   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2721         <NA>   Death      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
2722         <NA> Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2723   2014-11-19 Recover   <NA>   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2724   2014-11-25    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2725   2014-11-11 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2726   2014-11-13    <NA>   <NA>   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2727   2014-12-01 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2728         <NA>   Death      f  47    years 47.00000000   30-49    45-49
2729   2014-12-12 Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2730   2014-11-16    <NA>      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
2731   2014-11-08    <NA>      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2732   2014-11-15   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2733   2014-11-11   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2734   2014-11-10   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2735   2014-11-13    <NA>      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2736   2014-11-14   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2737   2014-11-13   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2738   2014-11-16   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2739   2014-11-12   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2740   2014-11-14    <NA>      m  51    years 51.00000000   50-69    50-54
2741         <NA>    <NA>      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2742   2014-10-25    <NA>   <NA>  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2743   2014-11-12   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2744   2014-12-07 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2745   2014-10-25   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2746   2014-11-10 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2747         <NA>   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2748   2014-11-14 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2749         <NA>   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2750   2014-11-15   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2751   2014-11-09   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2752         <NA>   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2753   2014-11-19   Death   <NA>   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2754         <NA> Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2755   2014-11-09    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2756         <NA>    <NA>      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2757   2014-11-14   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2758         <NA> Recover      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2759         <NA> Recover      m  65    years 65.00000000   50-69    65-69
2760   2014-11-13    <NA>      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
2761   2014-11-24    <NA>      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2762   2014-11-16   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2763   2014-11-10   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2764   2014-11-25 Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2765         <NA>    <NA>      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2766   2014-11-12   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2767   2014-11-14   Death      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2768   2014-11-13   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2769   2014-11-17   Death      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2770         <NA>   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2771   2014-11-15 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2772   2014-11-09 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2773         <NA>   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2774   2014-11-15    <NA>      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2775         <NA>   Death      m  52    years 52.00000000   50-69    50-54
2776         <NA> Recover      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2777   2014-11-10 Recover      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2778   2014-11-17   Death      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
2779   2014-11-22    <NA>      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2780   2014-11-23    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2781   2014-11-16   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2782         <NA>    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2783         <NA> Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2784   2014-11-23    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2785         <NA>   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2786   2014-11-11   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2787   2014-11-17    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2788   2014-11-22    <NA>      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2789         <NA> Recover   <NA>  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2790   2014-11-18 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2791   2014-11-10    <NA>      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2792   2014-11-13    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2793   2014-11-20    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2794   2014-11-10   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2795   2014-11-12   Death      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
2796   2014-11-13 Recover      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
2797   2014-11-10    <NA>      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2798   2014-11-12 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2799   2014-11-11   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2800   2014-11-14   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2801   2014-11-03 Recover      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2802   2014-11-17    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2803   2014-11-14    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2804   2014-11-26   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2805   2014-11-19 Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2806   2014-11-26    <NA>      f  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
2807         <NA>   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2808   2014-11-20    <NA>      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2809         <NA>    <NA>   <NA>  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2810   2014-12-06 Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2811   2014-11-13   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2812   2014-11-19    <NA>      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2813   2014-11-14   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2814   2014-12-09 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2815   2014-11-12 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2816   2014-11-11   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2817   2014-11-01   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2818   2014-11-25 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2819   2014-11-23    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2820         <NA>    <NA>      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
2821   2014-11-13   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2822   2014-11-28    <NA>      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2823   2014-11-15 Recover      f  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2824   2014-11-16    <NA>   <NA>  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2825   2014-11-26 Recover      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2826   2014-11-16   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2827   2014-11-16    <NA>      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2828   2014-11-27 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2829   2014-11-18   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2830   2014-12-03   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2831   2014-11-16   Death      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2832   2014-11-21    <NA>      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2833         <NA>   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2834   2014-11-23    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2835   2014-11-13   Death      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2836         <NA>    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2837   2014-11-17   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2838   2014-11-25   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2839   2014-11-25   Death      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
2840   2014-11-17   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2841   2014-11-17   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2842   2014-11-16 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2843   2014-12-04 Recover      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
2844         <NA>    <NA>      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2845   2014-11-24    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2846   2014-11-14   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2847         <NA>    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2848   2014-11-13   Death   <NA>   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2849   2014-11-19   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2850   2014-11-26 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2851   2014-11-15   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2852   2014-12-03 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2853   2014-11-15   Death      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2854   2014-11-16    <NA>      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2855   2014-11-14   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2856   2014-11-14    <NA>      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2857         <NA> Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2858   2014-12-29 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2859   2014-11-15   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2860   2014-11-22   Death      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2861         <NA>    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2862   2014-12-05    <NA>      m  45    years 45.00000000   30-49    45-49
2863   2014-11-17   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2864   2014-12-02 Recover      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
2865   2014-11-24    <NA>      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
2866   2014-11-14   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2867         <NA>   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2868   2014-11-22   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2869         <NA> Recover      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2870   2014-11-18    <NA>      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2871         <NA> Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2872   2014-11-26    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2873         <NA>    <NA>      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2874   2014-11-17   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2875   2014-11-21 Recover   <NA>  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2876   2014-11-23 Recover      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
2877         <NA>   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2878   2014-12-03 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2879   2014-12-10    <NA>      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2880   2014-11-16    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2881   2014-11-19   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2882   2014-11-20   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2883   2014-11-14   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2884   2014-11-25 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2885   2014-12-15 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2886   2014-11-20   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2887   2014-11-23    <NA>      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
2888         <NA>    <NA>      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
2889         <NA> Recover      m   3   months  0.25000000     0-4      0-4
2890   2014-11-29 Recover      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
2891         <NA> Recover      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2892   2014-11-25 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2893         <NA>    <NA>   <NA>   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2894   2014-11-15   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2895   2014-11-22   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2896   2014-11-25   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2897   2014-11-20 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2898   2014-11-27    <NA>   <NA>  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
2899   2014-11-23 Recover      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2900   2014-12-08    <NA>      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2901   2014-11-19   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2902   2014-11-22   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2903   2014-11-16    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2904   2014-11-19 Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2905   2014-11-25    <NA>      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2906   2014-11-17 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2907   2014-11-26   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
2908   2014-11-16   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2909   2014-11-15   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2910   2014-11-20 Recover   <NA>   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2911   2014-11-22 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2912         <NA>    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2913   2014-11-04   Death   <NA>  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2914   2014-11-27   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2915   2014-11-24   Death   <NA>  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2916         <NA> Recover      f  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
2917   2014-11-25   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2918   2014-11-16    <NA>      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
2919   2014-11-20    <NA>      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2920   2014-11-18   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2921         <NA> Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2922   2014-11-13   Death      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2923   2014-11-24   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2924   2014-12-05 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2925         <NA> Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
2926   2014-12-23 Recover      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2927   2014-11-16   Death   <NA>  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2928   2014-11-21 Recover      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2929   2014-12-03   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
2930   2014-11-23 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2931   2014-11-18    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2932   2014-12-07   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2933   2014-11-27    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2934   2014-11-19   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2935   2014-11-17   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
2936   2014-11-20   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2937   2014-11-19   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2938   2014-12-22 Recover      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2939   2014-11-21   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2940   2014-12-03 Recover   <NA>   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2941   2014-11-27   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
2942   2014-11-20   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2943   2014-12-02 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2944         <NA>   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
2945   2014-11-24   Death      m  43    years 43.00000000   30-49    40-44
2946   2014-12-03   Death      m  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
2947   2014-11-23   Death      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
2948         <NA>    <NA>      m  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
2949   2014-11-24   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2950   2014-11-22   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
2951   2014-11-24 Recover      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2952   2014-11-29   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2953   2014-11-20   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2954   2014-11-24 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
2955   2014-11-24   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2956   2014-11-23   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2957   2014-11-10   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2958   2014-12-10 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2959   2014-12-01   Death   <NA>   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
2960   2014-11-22   Death      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2961   2014-11-28 Recover      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
2962   2014-11-22   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2963   2014-12-02    <NA>      m  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
2964   2014-12-16 Recover      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
2965   2014-11-24   Death      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
2966   2014-11-20   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2967   2014-11-23   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2968   2014-11-22   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
2969   2014-11-30 Recover      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
2970   2014-12-02    <NA>      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
2971         <NA>   Death      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
2972   2014-11-28 Recover      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
2973   2014-11-29   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2974         <NA>   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2975         <NA>    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2976         <NA>    <NA>      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2977   2014-12-16 Recover      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
2978   2014-11-25    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
2979   2014-11-28   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2980   2014-12-29 Recover      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
2981   2014-11-24   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
2982   2014-11-26 Recover      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
2983   2014-11-26   Death   <NA>  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
2984   2014-12-03   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
2985   2014-12-06   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
2986   2014-12-14    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
2987   2014-11-29    <NA>   <NA>  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2988   2014-11-25 Recover      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
2989   2014-11-22   Death      m  36    years 36.00000000   30-49    35-39
2990   2014-11-27   Death      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
2991   2014-11-21   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
2992   2014-12-04   Death      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
2993   2014-12-10 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
2994   2014-11-30   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
2995   2014-12-13 Recover      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
2996   2014-11-29   Death      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
2997   2014-11-23    <NA>      f  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
2998         <NA>   Death      f  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
2999   2014-11-24   Death      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
3000   2014-12-02   Death      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
3001   2014-12-17    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3002   2014-11-27   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3003   2014-11-23   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
3004   2014-12-17 Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3005   2014-12-11    <NA>      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
3006   2014-11-26   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
3007         <NA>   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3008   2014-12-07 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3009   2014-11-28 Recover      f  11   months  0.91666667     0-4      0-4
3010   2014-11-28   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3011   2014-12-05   Death      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
3012   2014-11-28 Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
3013   2014-11-28   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3014         <NA> Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
3015   2014-11-28   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
3016   2014-12-30   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
3017   2014-12-08    <NA>      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
3018   2014-12-02    <NA>      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3019   2014-11-28   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
3020   2014-11-27   Death   <NA>  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
3021         <NA>    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3022   2014-12-01    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3023   2014-11-27    <NA>      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3024         <NA>    <NA>      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
3025   2014-11-26   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3026   2014-12-27    <NA>      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3027   2014-11-28    <NA>      f  24   months  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3028         <NA>   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3029         <NA> Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3030   2014-12-06   Death      m   6   months  0.50000000     0-4      0-4
3031   2014-11-29 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3032   2015-01-11 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3033   2014-12-08 Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
3034   2014-11-27   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
3035         <NA>    <NA>      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3036   2014-12-15 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3037   2014-11-28    <NA>      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3038   2014-12-10   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3039   2014-12-02   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3040         <NA>   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3041   2014-12-26 Recover   <NA>   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3042   2014-11-27   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
3043   2014-12-11 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
3044   2014-12-21 Recover      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
3045   2014-12-13 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
3046   2014-11-27   Death      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
3047   2014-12-16 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3048   2014-12-21 Recover      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
3049   2014-12-07    <NA>      m  50    years 50.00000000   50-69    50-54
3050   2014-12-09 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
3051         <NA>    <NA>      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
3052   2014-11-30   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
3053   2014-11-29   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
3054   2014-11-29   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3055   2014-11-30   Death      m  62    years 62.00000000   50-69    60-64
3056         <NA>   Death      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
3057   2014-11-27   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
3058         <NA> Recover   <NA>  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3059         <NA>    <NA>      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
3060   2014-12-02   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3061   2014-11-22   Death      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3062   2014-12-06 Recover      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3063   2014-12-10   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3064   2014-12-02 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
3065   2014-12-12   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
3066   2014-12-02    <NA>      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
3067   2014-12-12 Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
3068   2014-11-29   Death      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
3069         <NA>   Death      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
3070   2014-12-06 Recover      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3071   2014-12-04   Death      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
3072         <NA>   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3073   2014-12-04    <NA>      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3074   2014-12-13   Death      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3075   2014-12-21 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3076   2014-12-08 Recover      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3077   2014-11-29   Death      m  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
3078   2014-11-24   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3079   2014-11-29   Death      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
3080   2014-12-04    <NA>      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
3081   2014-12-07   Death      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3082   2014-11-20 Recover      f  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3083   2014-12-05   Death   <NA>  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
3084   2014-12-12    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
3085   2014-12-21 Recover   <NA>   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
3086   2014-12-04 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3087   2014-12-10 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
3088   2014-11-27   Death      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
3089   2014-12-07 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3090   2014-11-22    <NA>      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
3091   2014-12-11    <NA>      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3092         <NA>    <NA>      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
3093   2014-11-29   Death      m  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
3094   2014-12-02   Death      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
3095   2014-12-20 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3096   2014-12-26 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3097         <NA>   Death   <NA>  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
3098   2014-11-30   Death      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
3099   2014-12-20    <NA>      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
3100   2014-12-19    <NA>      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3101   2014-11-29   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3102   2014-12-07   Death      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
3103   2014-11-18 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
3104   2014-12-01   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
3105   2014-12-05   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
3106   2014-12-08   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3107   2014-12-03 Recover      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
3108         <NA>   Death      m  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3109   2014-12-05   Death      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
3110   2014-12-01   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
3111   2014-12-19 Recover      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
3112   2014-12-13    <NA>      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
3113   2014-12-04 Recover      m  48    years 48.00000000   30-49    45-49
3114   2014-12-15   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3115   2014-12-14 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
3116   2014-12-02   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3117         <NA>   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3118   2014-12-17 Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
3119   2014-12-09 Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
3120   2014-12-20 Recover      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
3121   2014-12-06 Recover   <NA>  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
3122   2014-12-13 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
3123   2014-12-05    <NA>      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3124         <NA>   Death      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3125   2014-12-08   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3126   2014-12-15   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3127   2014-12-18    <NA>      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3128   2014-12-15   Death      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
3129   2014-12-04   Death      m  44    years 44.00000000   30-49    40-44
3130   2014-12-04   Death   <NA>   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3131   2014-12-16   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3132         <NA>   Death   <NA>  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
3133   2014-12-08   Death      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
3134   2014-12-02   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3135   2014-12-12 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3136   2014-12-11 Recover      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
3137   2014-12-15   Death      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
3138   2014-12-04 Recover      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
3139   2014-12-05   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
3140   2014-12-21    <NA>      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
3141   2014-12-01   Death   <NA>  46    years 46.00000000   30-49    45-49
3142   2014-12-02 Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3143   2014-12-01   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
3144   2014-12-15 Recover      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
3145         <NA>    <NA>      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3146   2014-12-02   Death      f   6   months  0.50000000     0-4      0-4
3147   2014-12-03   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3148   2014-12-06   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3149   2014-12-07   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3150   2014-12-11    <NA>      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
3151   2014-12-14 Recover      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
3152   2014-12-13 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3153   2014-12-07   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3154   2014-12-06   Death      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
3155   2014-12-17   Death      m  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
3156         <NA>   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3157   2014-12-08   Death      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3158   2014-12-23 Recover      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
3159   2014-12-14 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
3160   2014-12-21 Recover   <NA>   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3161   2014-12-16   Death      m  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
3162         <NA>   Death      m  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
3163   2014-12-09    <NA>      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3164         <NA>   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
3165   2014-12-08   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3166   2014-12-13   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3167   2014-12-08   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
3168   2014-12-07   Death      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
3169   2014-12-23 Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
3170   2014-12-01 Recover      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
3171   2014-12-18    <NA>      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
3172   2014-12-23 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3173   2014-12-10   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3174         <NA> Recover      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
3175   2014-12-17   Death      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
3176   2014-12-20 Recover      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
3177   2014-12-12    <NA>      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
3178   2014-12-16   Death      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
3179   2014-12-06   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3180   2014-12-14 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
3181   2014-12-09 Recover      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3182   2014-12-18   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3183   2014-12-06   Death      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
3184   2015-01-03 Recover      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3185   2014-12-28 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3186   2014-12-07   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3187         <NA>    <NA>      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3188   2014-12-12   Death      m  40    years 40.00000000   30-49    40-44
3189   2014-12-11    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
3190   2014-12-08   Death      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
3191         <NA>    <NA>      m  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
3192   2014-12-22   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3193   2014-12-14   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3194         <NA>   Death      m  39    years 39.00000000   30-49    35-39
3195   2014-12-22    <NA>      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3196   2014-12-25 Recover      f  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
3197         <NA>   Death      f  37    years 37.00000000   30-49    35-39
3198   2014-12-08    <NA>      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
3199         <NA>    <NA>      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3200   2014-12-19   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3201   2014-12-21 Recover      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
3202   2014-12-24    <NA>      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
3203   2014-12-19   Death      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3204   2014-12-14    <NA>      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
3205   2014-12-18   Death      m  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
3206   2014-12-11    <NA>      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
3207   2014-12-09   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
3208         <NA> Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3209   2014-12-28 Recover      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
3210   2014-12-15   Death      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
3211   2014-12-13    <NA>      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
3212         <NA> Recover      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
3213   2014-12-30 Recover      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
3214   2014-12-15   Death      m  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
3215   2014-12-17 Recover      m  32    years 32.00000000   30-49    30-34
3216   2014-12-14 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3217   2014-12-25 Recover      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
3218   2014-12-12   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3219   2014-12-21   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3220   2014-12-24   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
3221   2014-12-11    <NA>      f   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3222   2014-12-13    <NA>      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
3223   2014-12-17    <NA>      m   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3224   2015-01-10 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3225   2014-12-20    <NA>      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3226         <NA>   Death      m   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3227   2014-12-28 Recover      m   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3228         <NA> Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3229   2014-12-22    <NA>   <NA>  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
3230   2014-12-14   Death      m  34    years 34.00000000   30-49    30-34
3231   2014-12-15   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3232   2014-12-23    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3233   2014-12-17 Recover      f  22    years 22.00000000   20-29    20-24
3234   2015-01-09 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3235   2014-12-24 Recover      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
3236   2014-12-17 Recover      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3237   2014-12-13   Death      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
3238   2014-12-16 Recover      m  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
3239   2014-12-22    <NA>      m  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3240   2014-12-15    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3241   2014-12-16   Death      f   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
3242   2014-12-14   Death   <NA>   9    years  9.00000000     5-9      5-9
3243   2014-12-14 Recover      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
3244   2014-12-19 Recover      m  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
3245   2014-12-12   Death      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
3246   2014-12-16    <NA>      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
3247   2014-12-16   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
3248   2014-12-29    <NA>      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
3249         <NA> Recover      m  33    years 33.00000000   30-49    30-34
3250   2014-12-13    <NA>      m  51    years 51.00000000   50-69    50-54
3251         <NA> Recover      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3252   2014-12-14   Death      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
3253   2014-12-17 Recover      f  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
3254   2014-12-20   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3255   2014-12-19   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3256   2014-12-16   Death      m  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
3257   2014-12-31   Death   <NA>   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3258         <NA>   Death      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
3259   2014-12-29 Recover      f  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
3260   2015-01-15    <NA>      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
3261   2014-12-13    <NA>      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3262   2014-12-18    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3263         <NA>    <NA>      m  29    years 29.00000000   20-29    25-29
3264   2014-12-20 Recover      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3265   2015-01-02    <NA>   <NA>   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3266   2014-12-24   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
3267         <NA> Recover      f   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
3268   2014-12-29 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
3269   2014-12-23   Death      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3270         <NA>    <NA>      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3271   2014-12-15   Death      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
3272   2014-12-21   Death   <NA>  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
3273   2015-01-03 Recover      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
3274   2014-12-26 Recover      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
3275   2014-12-21   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
3276   2014-12-19    <NA>      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3277   2014-12-21   Death      f   2    years  2.00000000     0-4      0-4
3278         <NA>    <NA>      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3279   2014-12-22    <NA>      f   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
3280   2014-12-23   Death      f  14    years 14.00000000   10-14    10-14
3281   2015-01-01 Recover      f  24    years 24.00000000   20-29    20-24
3282   2015-01-31 Recover      f  21    years 21.00000000   20-29    20-24
3283   2014-12-17    <NA>      f  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
3284   2014-12-26    <NA>      f  25    years 25.00000000   20-29    25-29
3285   2014-12-24 Recover      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
3286   2014-12-14   Death      f  26    years 26.00000000   20-29    25-29
3287   2014-12-04 Recover      f  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
3288   2015-01-01    <NA>      m   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
3289   2015-01-06    <NA>      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3290   2014-12-31   Death      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3291         <NA>    <NA>      m  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
3292   2014-12-16   Death      m  18    years 18.00000000   15-19    15-19
3293   2014-12-25    <NA>      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3294   2014-12-25 Recover      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3295   2014-12-17   Death      f   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3296   2014-12-29 Recover      f  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
3297   2015-01-08 Recover      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3298         <NA>   Death      m   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3299   2015-01-01 Recover      m   1   months  0.08333333     0-4      0-4
3300   2014-12-20   Death      m   6    years  6.00000000     5-9      5-9
3301   2014-12-19    <NA>      m  35    years 35.00000000   30-49    35-39
3302   2014-12-16    <NA>      m  23    years 23.00000000   20-29    20-24
3303   2014-12-20    <NA>      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
3304   2014-12-22 Recover      f   0    years  0.00000000     0-4      0-4
3305   2014-12-20   Death      f   5    years  5.00000000     5-9      5-9
3306   2014-12-30    <NA>      f  28    years 28.00000000   20-29    25-29
3307   2014-12-22   Death      f  27    years 27.00000000   20-29    25-29
3308   2014-12-23    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
3309   2014-12-21 Recover      m   7    years  7.00000000     5-9      5-9
3310   2014-12-24    <NA>      m  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
3311   2014-12-28    <NA>      m  38    years 38.00000000   30-49    35-39
3312         <NA>   Death      m  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
3313   2015-01-17    <NA>   <NA>  41    years 41.00000000   30-49    40-44
3314   2014-12-19   Death      f   1    years  1.00000000     0-4      0-4
3315   2015-01-03    <NA>      f  13    years 13.00000000   10-14    10-14
3316   2014-12-20   Death      f  10    years 10.00000000   10-14    10-14
3317   2015-01-01 Recover      f  11    years 11.00000000   10-14    10-14
3318   2014-12-23 Recover      f  19    years 19.00000000   15-19    15-19
3319         <NA>    <NA>   <NA>  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
3320   2014-12-24 Recover      f  17    years 17.00000000   15-19    15-19
3321   2015-01-04    <NA>      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
3322   2015-01-03 Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3323   2015-01-09 Recover      m   4    years  4.00000000     0-4      0-4
3324   2014-12-31   Death      m  12    years 12.00000000   10-14    10-14
3325   2014-12-28    <NA>      m   8    years  8.00000000     5-9      5-9
3326   2015-01-04    <NA>      m  45    years 45.00000000   30-49    45-49
3327   2015-01-22 Recover      f   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3328   2014-12-25 Recover      f  16    years 16.00000000   15-19    15-19
3329   2015-01-11 Recover      f  31    years 31.00000000   30-49    30-34
3330   2014-12-22 Recover      f  30    years 30.00000000   30-49    30-34
3331   2015-01-10 Recover      m   3    years  3.00000000     0-4      0-4
3332   2015-01-04 Recover      m  20    years 20.00000000   20-29    20-24
3333   2015-01-03   Death      m  15    years 15.00000000   15-19    15-19
                                 hospital       lon      lat infector  source
1                                   Other -13.21574 8.468973   f547d6   other
2                                 Missing -13.21523 8.451719     <NA>    <NA>
3    St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21291 8.464817     <NA>    <NA>
4                           Port Hospital -13.23637 8.475476   f90f5f   other
5                       Military Hospital -13.22286 8.460824   11f8ea   other
6                           Port Hospital -13.22263 8.461831   aec8ec   other
7                                 Missing -13.23315 8.462729   893f25   other
8                                 Missing -13.23210 8.461444   133ee7   other
9                                 Missing -13.22255 8.461913     <NA>    <NA>
10                                Missing -13.25722 8.472923     <NA>    <NA>
11                          Port Hospital -13.22063 8.484016   996f3a   other
12                      Military Hospital -13.25399 8.458371   133ee7   other
13                                Missing -13.23851 8.477617   37a6f6   other
14                                Missing -13.20939 8.475702   9f6884   other
15                                  Other -13.21573 8.477799   4802b1   other
16                          Port Hospital -13.22434 8.471451     <NA>    <NA>
17                          Port Hospital -13.23361 8.478048     <NA>    <NA>
18                          Port Hospital -13.21422 8.485280     <NA>    <NA>
19                                Missing -13.23397 8.469575   a75c7f   other
20                                  Other -13.25356 8.459574   8e104d   other
21                          Port Hospital -13.22501 8.474049   ab634e   other
22                          Port Hospital -13.21607 8.488029     <NA>    <NA>
23   St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26807 8.473437     <NA>    <NA>
24                                Missing -13.22667 8.484083   b799eb   other
25                                  Other -13.21602 8.462422     <NA>    <NA>
26                                Missing -13.24826 8.470268   5d9e4d   other
27   St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21563 8.463984   a15e13   other
28                      Military Hospital -13.21424 8.464135     <NA>    <NA>
29                          Port Hospital -13.26149 8.456231   ea3740   other
30                       Central Hospital -13.24530 8.483346   beb26e funeral
31                      Military Hospital -13.26306 8.474940   567136   other
32                       Central Hospital -13.23433 8.478321   894024 funeral
33                                Missing -13.21991 8.469393   36e2e7   other
34                      Military Hospital -13.22273 8.484806   a2086d   other
35                                  Other -13.23431 8.471212   7baf73   other
36                                Missing -13.21878 8.484384   eb2277 funeral
37                                Missing -13.24837 8.484662     <NA>    <NA>
38                          Port Hospital -13.20975 8.477142     <NA>    <NA>
39                          Port Hospital -13.26809 8.462381   d6584f   other
40                          Port Hospital -13.25875 8.455686     <NA>    <NA>
41                                Missing -13.26264 8.463288   312ecf   other
42                       Central Hospital -13.26972 8.479407   52ea64   other
43                      Military Hospital -13.22090 8.463539   cfd79c   other
44                                  Other -13.23307 8.461790   d145b7   other
45                                  Other -13.26809 8.475087   174288   other
46                                  Other -13.25472 8.458258     <NA>    <NA>
47   St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21374 8.473257   3b096b   other
48   St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21760 8.479116   f5c142   other
49                                Missing -13.24864 8.484803     <NA>    <NA>
50                                  Other -13.23318 8.463823   d05405   other
51                                Missing -13.26481 8.476222     <NA>    <NA>
52                          Port Hospital -13.22362 8.483073   700448   other
53                      Military Hospital -13.26839 8.465231   a2e5cc   other
54                                Missing -13.21435 8.454069   7fd086   other
55   St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21598 8.460542     <NA>    <NA>
56                                Missing -13.23894 8.477028     <NA>    <NA>
57                          Port Hospital -13.20783 8.476654     <NA>    <NA>
58                                  Other -13.26306 8.484239   4e08f2   other
59                                  Other -13.25914 8.452795   3789ee   other
60                                  Other -13.22357 8.483618   c2595d   other
61                      Military Hospital -13.21518 8.483883   b7641e   other
62                                Missing -13.23019 8.477702   ce4ec6   other
63                                  Other -13.20985 8.475602   09f7ab   other
64                          Port Hospital -13.24701 8.481227     <NA>    <NA>
65                                  Other -13.23636 8.469665     <NA>    <NA>
66                       Central Hospital -13.23573 8.474329   4b501e   other
67                                Missing -13.26907 8.480603   006775   other
68                          Port Hospital -13.26283 8.483717   1f8797   other
69                                Missing -13.23485 8.465152     <NA>    <NA>
70                      Military Hospital -13.20825 8.474208   2b36fa   other
71                      Military Hospital -13.23422 8.478098   068c6a   other
72                                  Other -13.25914 8.454859   535760   other
73                                  Other -13.21447 8.462975   fc3337 funeral
74                                Missing -13.26297 8.464489   108b95   other
75                      Military Hospital -13.24737 8.472300   5b2dd9   other
76                                Missing -13.23777 8.478846     <NA>    <NA>
77                                  Other -13.26519 8.475136   92e129   other
78                                  Other -13.20894 8.452124     <NA>    <NA>
79                       Central Hospital -13.26799 8.462502     <NA>    <NA>
80                          Port Hospital -13.23296 8.470057   9a9a84   other
81                          Port Hospital -13.21309 8.459703   68623f   other
82                       Central Hospital -13.23486 8.470827   172913   other
83                          Port Hospital -13.24758 8.484335   088b66   other
84                                  Other -13.21281 8.483523     <NA>    <NA>
85                       Central Hospital -13.23088 8.482756   c8c4d5   other
86                                Missing -13.21956 8.474692   11c2c0   other
87                                Missing -13.21605 8.489216     <NA>    <NA>
88                                Missing -13.21656 8.461725   9f2e47   other
89                                  Other -13.26152 8.455800   92d002   other
90                                Missing -13.24750 8.465443     <NA>    <NA>
91                          Port Hospital -13.21469 8.466803   890de4   other
92                          Port Hospital -13.23175 8.466981   7d25a6   other
93                      Military Hospital -13.22236 8.463586   a182a5   other
94                                Missing -13.25661 8.457194     <NA>    <NA>
95                                Missing -13.26099 8.455217   05c410 funeral
96                          Port Hospital -13.23467 8.478473     <NA>    <NA>
97                          Port Hospital -13.24013 8.478415     <NA>    <NA>
98                          Port Hospital -13.22924 8.462255     <NA>    <NA>
99                                  Other -13.22504 8.480454     <NA>    <NA>
100                      Central Hospital -13.21631 8.479734     <NA>    <NA>
101                     Military Hospital -13.21346 8.484645   a81f7d   other
102                               Missing -13.21464 8.483273   553cc7   other
103                     Military Hospital -13.22272 8.479667   c0e0be   other
104                         Port Hospital -13.21427 8.466621   decbf2   other
105                      Central Hospital -13.22958 8.470204   d389dc   other
106                               Missing -13.23511 8.475770   423f24 funeral
107                         Port Hospital -13.25412 8.472644   a69043 funeral
108                         Port Hospital -13.25738 8.484875     <NA>    <NA>
109                      Central Hospital -13.26698 8.452016   378436   other
110                                 Other -13.25814 8.454904     <NA>    <NA>
111                     Military Hospital -13.21998 8.476449   ad8c07   other
112                     Military Hospital -13.24833 8.484768   2763fd   other
113                         Port Hospital -13.24911 8.469541     <NA>    <NA>
114                               Missing -13.26482 8.474815     <NA>    <NA>
115                         Port Hospital -13.22721 8.484935     <NA>    <NA>
116                     Military Hospital -13.21127 8.464630     <NA>    <NA>
117                         Port Hospital -13.26515 8.475174     <NA>    <NA>
118                         Port Hospital -13.23488 8.467028   b8d34e   other
119                      Central Hospital -13.21277 8.464897   ea996f funeral
120                         Port Hospital -13.26775 8.460147   de03eb   other
121                               Missing -13.26763 8.450210   553cc7   other
122                               Missing -13.23564 8.470319     <NA>    <NA>
123                                 Other -13.23370 8.467388   270603   other
124                               Missing -13.21681 8.488979     <NA>    <NA>
125  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21368 8.467846   5eeb7c   other
126  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26204 8.484907   e72de4   other
127                               Missing -13.21482 8.487035   a85c72   other
128                               Missing -13.25369 8.457871     <NA>    <NA>
129                         Port Hospital -13.22255 8.483720   336bf0   other
130  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22536 8.485609   48c6a2 funeral
131                     Military Hospital -13.25384 8.458798   9aeeca   other
132                               Missing -13.26618 8.467854   c5bfb8   other
133                               Missing -13.27062 8.478093   57b2cb   other
134                         Port Hospital -13.21869 8.484936   9726df   other
135                                 Other -13.26799 8.459825   47735b   other
136                         Port Hospital -13.21887 8.472471   a013e6   other
137                               Missing -13.21367 8.470196   81217a   other
138                                 Other -13.21880 8.475507   2f8552   other
139                                 Other -13.25584 8.460814   b53f9a   other
140                                 Other -13.24756 8.470347     <NA>    <NA>
141                               Missing -13.20995 8.475821   33b383   other
142  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21866 8.449437     <NA>    <NA>
143                         Port Hospital -13.23316 8.480599   54dc90 funeral
144                         Port Hospital -13.23542 8.479350   858426   other
145  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24811 8.464714     <NA>    <NA>
146                                 Other -13.22173 8.482117     <NA>    <NA>
147                      Central Hospital -13.21716 8.451408     <NA>    <NA>
148                               Missing -13.21726 8.465353   cf448d funeral
149                               Missing -13.21501 8.484570     <NA>    <NA>
150                               Missing -13.25974 8.454410   c169d3   other
151  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25332 8.476624   d9f8d9 funeral
152                                 Other -13.20969 8.477711     <NA>    <NA>
153                         Port Hospital -13.20947 8.450530   dfbcf1   other
154  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21953 8.448085   fcfe76 funeral
155                         Port Hospital -13.26503 8.475737     <NA>    <NA>
156                         Port Hospital -13.24877 8.485367   aaf754   other
157                               Missing -13.26104 8.458250   8ac013   other
158                         Port Hospital -13.22635 8.473051     <NA>    <NA>
159                     Military Hospital -13.23263 8.468175     <NA>    <NA>
160                     Military Hospital -13.23589 8.470444   1270f2   other
161                                 Other -13.22413 8.472741   53d721   other
162                               Missing -13.26282 8.465349   00ea5a funeral
163                                 Other -13.21538 8.468876   a334a0   other
164                               Missing -13.22039 8.482952   2718ef funeral
165                      Central Hospital -13.25883 8.454035   c72be4   other
166                     Military Hospital -13.23627 8.486771   f461ef   other
167                               Missing -13.22567 8.474256     <NA>    <NA>
168                         Port Hospital -13.21648 8.487188   3c4c40   other
169                                 Other -13.26786 8.476825   87dacc funeral
170                                 Other -13.26215 8.486873     <NA>    <NA>
171                               Missing -13.22049 8.475039   927fb0   other
172                         Port Hospital -13.21796 8.481169   a44cfe funeral
173                         Port Hospital -13.21959 8.462690   be9727   other
174                         Port Hospital -13.21348 8.468553     <NA>    <NA>
175                                 Other -13.21938 8.472257     <NA>    <NA>
176                         Port Hospital -13.21595 8.464055   862f64   other
177                                 Other -13.21743 8.487500   3b7ae0   other
178                         Port Hospital -13.26703 8.480785     <NA>    <NA>
179                         Port Hospital -13.20956 8.451184     <NA>    <NA>
180                                 Other -13.21160 8.451286   f71019   other
181                                 Other -13.26001 8.484259     <NA>    <NA>
182                                 Other -13.24654 8.465635   b53f9a   other
183                      Central Hospital -13.26802 8.462159     <NA>    <NA>
184                     Military Hospital -13.22296 8.483944     <NA>    <NA>
185                               Missing -13.23093 8.471334   9934c1   other
186                               Missing -13.22444 8.460370     <NA>    <NA>
187                               Missing -13.21070 8.453134     <NA>    <NA>
188                                 Other -13.25502 8.456892   d34c05   other
189                         Port Hospital -13.26070 8.485870   e904cc   other
190                         Port Hospital -13.23186 8.467555     <NA>    <NA>
191                         Port Hospital -13.25918 8.458933     <NA>    <NA>
192                               Missing -13.21600 8.470145     <NA>    <NA>
193                     Military Hospital -13.23471 8.470072   f2438e   other
194                         Port Hospital -13.23310 8.466730   9d11f4   other
195                     Military Hospital -13.20948 8.465207     <NA>    <NA>
196                         Port Hospital -13.22336 8.483234   61264e   other
197                                 Other -13.22391 8.463364   480eea   other
198                               Missing -13.21448 8.484597     <NA>    <NA>
199                         Port Hospital -13.24604 8.469436     <NA>    <NA>
200                     Military Hospital -13.26634 8.467961     <NA>    <NA>
201                               Missing -13.21778 8.451225   a4a7ae   other
202                     Military Hospital -13.22116 8.461511   920445   other
203                                 Other -13.23529 8.469817     <NA>    <NA>
204                         Port Hospital -13.22406 8.469510     <NA>    <NA>
205                                 Other -13.21146 8.457970   fcf236   other
206                               Missing -13.21745 8.473565   677383   other
207                     Military Hospital -13.21264 8.480060   e6590f   other
208                      Central Hospital -13.25809 8.453633     <NA>    <NA>
209                         Port Hospital -13.21708 8.482638     <NA>    <NA>
210                         Port Hospital -13.25642 8.484607   3208c2   other
211  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25373 8.462149   5f6943   other
212                               Missing -13.21092 8.479679   81e476   other
213                     Military Hospital -13.22648 8.473373     <NA>    <NA>
214                      Central Hospital -13.26099 8.484749     <NA>    <NA>
215                               Missing -13.22668 8.487100     <NA>    <NA>
216  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.20673 8.464490   78eb5a   other
217                         Port Hospital -13.21533 8.485749   865010 funeral
218                      Central Hospital -13.21166 8.452030   7a14dd   other
219                         Port Hospital -13.22992 8.481441     <NA>    <NA>
220                     Military Hospital -13.21116 8.479821   33acc6 funeral
221                     Military Hospital -13.24674 8.486343     <NA>    <NA>
222                         Port Hospital -13.26616 8.460898   e5998f   other
223                         Port Hospital -13.22632 8.485795   aa4798 funeral
224                      Central Hospital -13.26467 8.456338     <NA>    <NA>
225  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25355 8.475976   04a093   other
226  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22140 8.479797     <NA>    <NA>
227                               Missing -13.21274 8.485881   d26ed9   other
228                               Missing -13.21887 8.480380     <NA>    <NA>
229                      Central Hospital -13.21348 8.483417   c9dba5   other
230                         Port Hospital -13.21914 8.481995   fa9cc3   other
231                               Missing -13.22393 8.484805     <NA>    <NA>
232                                 Other -13.24015 8.451560   0e6823   other
233  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26757 8.451145     <NA>    <NA>
234                         Port Hospital -13.26842 8.460079   c6cdb2   other
235                         Port Hospital -13.24868 8.488411   c70a33   other
236                         Port Hospital -13.24835 8.465753   2eda0a   other
237                     Military Hospital -13.22311 8.461978   b7cf2a   other
238                     Military Hospital -13.21696 8.479449   7456e4   other
239                               Missing -13.23374 8.470262     <NA>    <NA>
240                                 Other -13.21406 8.466273   7c67f1   other
241                         Port Hospital -13.23372 8.460002     <NA>    <NA>
242                               Missing -13.21640 8.461551   3ae04e   other
243                         Port Hospital -13.20943 8.478510   2456a8   other
244                         Port Hospital -13.21838 8.483214     <NA>    <NA>
245                               Missing -13.26033 8.456228   5ccdec   other
246                                 Other -13.23286 8.478620     <NA>    <NA>
247                                 Other -13.23148 8.479480   32f781   other
248                         Port Hospital -13.21501 8.485020     <NA>    <NA>
249                         Port Hospital -13.21145 8.479676     <NA>    <NA>
250  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21236 8.487564   d77221 funeral
251                               Missing -13.21765 8.485722   a23ef7   other
252                               Missing -13.21372 8.478976   e70092   other
253                                 Other -13.26112 8.452401     <NA>    <NA>
254                               Missing -13.26315 8.482002   bbf32f   other
255                               Missing -13.21290 8.453964   40b34f   other
256                     Military Hospital -13.23264 8.478662   e70092   other
257                         Port Hospital -13.21188 8.469850     <NA>    <NA>
258                               Missing -13.26096 8.486050     <NA>    <NA>
259                         Port Hospital -13.21934 8.485147   960041   other
260                         Port Hospital -13.21427 8.467821     <NA>    <NA>
261                         Port Hospital -13.21990 8.464558   c2ae34   other
262                               Missing -13.21223 8.458014   e8bcf6   other
263                               Missing -13.26129 8.465484   125c66   other
264                               Missing -13.23743 8.470866   e6be32   other
265                               Missing -13.23139 8.464407     <NA>    <NA>
266                                 Other -13.26456 8.474237   19b40a   other
267                         Port Hospital -13.24355 8.451886   fc7595   other
268                         Port Hospital -13.21430 8.487961   b29962   other
269                         Port Hospital -13.21909 8.470803   43dea0   other
270                     Military Hospital -13.21516 8.461407   fcf236   other
271                      Central Hospital -13.26678 8.463885     <NA>    <NA>
272                                 Other -13.26644 8.455075   da5cd3   other
273                     Military Hospital -13.24695 8.464259   04415a   other
274                         Port Hospital -13.24650 8.471507   237181   other
275                                 Other -13.21857 8.450707     <NA>    <NA>
276                         Port Hospital -13.21567 8.462975   b3ec9e   other
277                                 Other -13.23692 8.468723     <NA>    <NA>
278                         Port Hospital -13.21354 8.466223   8535d8   other
279                      Central Hospital -13.21267 8.452659   41b304   other
280                     Military Hospital -13.21819 8.474495   fd9c82   other
281                         Port Hospital -13.24007 8.463708   f37052   other
282                               Missing -13.21886 8.478828   cfea0b   other
283                                 Other -13.22534 8.487274   ebe2aa   other
284  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23183 8.463467     <NA>    <NA>
285                         Port Hospital -13.25968 8.455533     <NA>    <NA>
286  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22065 8.480769   af4cab   other
287                                 Other -13.23239 8.467192   ac8a1d   other
288                         Port Hospital -13.22965 8.476875   00409c   other
289                      Central Hospital -13.22215 8.463627   277d34   other
290                               Missing -13.20964 8.461485   741df4   other
291                                 Other -13.23643 8.489603     <NA>    <NA>
292                               Missing -13.26281 8.478471   3a4372   other
293                      Central Hospital -13.22228 8.479898     <NA>    <NA>
294  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26753 8.461648   583f19   other
295                               Missing -13.23375 8.472266     <NA>    <NA>
296                      Central Hospital -13.22334 8.463436     <NA>    <NA>
297                         Port Hospital -13.23591 8.487499     <NA>    <NA>
298                     Military Hospital -13.25961 8.456194   c45a92   other
299                                 Other -13.25297 8.459407   eb51dc   other
300                               Missing -13.21593 8.463970     <NA>    <NA>
301                         Port Hospital -13.23632 8.468366   2763b7   other
302                      Central Hospital -13.23879 8.475504     <NA>    <NA>
303                                 Other -13.23576 8.468817   45e10c   other
304                               Missing -13.25431 8.472457   19374d   other
305                         Port Hospital -13.21031 8.452452     <NA>    <NA>
306                                 Other -13.22829 8.482628   987c0a   other
307                               Missing -13.21897 8.485042   c70a33   other
308                                 Other -13.21534 8.470513     <NA>    <NA>
309                               Missing -13.21330 8.483405     <NA>    <NA>
310                                 Other -13.22138 8.461956   4d95b8   other
311                               Missing -13.20946 8.477543     <NA>    <NA>
312                         Port Hospital -13.21151 8.462871   3a4372   other
313  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26280 8.479649     <NA>    <NA>
314                     Military Hospital -13.21939 8.464637     <NA>    <NA>
315                         Port Hospital -13.23655 8.488145   a70ac4 funeral
316                     Military Hospital -13.22266 8.464715   30efe5   other
317                     Military Hospital -13.21708 8.471823   507608   other
318                         Port Hospital -13.21544 8.454313   712001 funeral
319                     Military Hospital -13.23382 8.479626   29274a funeral
320                         Port Hospital -13.21498 8.483334   10e6e7   other
321                      Central Hospital -13.21349 8.480742   479e97 funeral
322                               Missing -13.24610 8.484404   7ca4c0   other
323                               Missing -13.26303 8.464508   95e386 funeral
324                         Port Hospital -13.22000 8.465874     <NA>    <NA>
325                                 Other -13.21126 8.477286   c2ae34   other
326                     Military Hospital -13.25345 8.460203   a52491   other
327                               Missing -13.23900 8.477214     <NA>    <NA>
328                         Port Hospital -13.21475 8.465504   96217f   other
329                         Port Hospital -13.23506 8.462155     <NA>    <NA>
330                         Port Hospital -13.23143 8.466892   4814bd   other
331                      Central Hospital -13.21387 8.463544     <NA>    <NA>
332                         Port Hospital -13.23425 8.479576   80a84a   other
333                         Port Hospital -13.21471 8.484651   849de8   other
334                               Missing -13.22542 8.470691     <NA>    <NA>
335                         Port Hospital -13.26572 8.472963   4cf2d4   other
336                               Missing -13.23214 8.465303   9add10 funeral
337                                 Other -13.23085 8.470920   685c2c   other
338                     Military Hospital -13.24091 8.454088   fb7320   other
339                         Port Hospital -13.21999 8.482825   318ea3   other
340                     Military Hospital -13.25605 8.458196   927fd1 funeral
341                         Port Hospital -13.26640 8.468252   2d469a   other
342                               Missing -13.21862 8.483158   a2a82c   other
343                         Port Hospital -13.22103 8.483104   c7fd2a   other
344                               Missing -13.22106 8.475183     <NA>    <NA>
345                         Port Hospital -13.21209 8.464461     <NA>    <NA>
346                     Military Hospital -13.25649 8.484362   e79a45 funeral
347                               Missing -13.22529 8.487751   d53b99   other
348                         Port Hospital -13.21301 8.480192     <NA>    <NA>
349                               Missing -13.24619 8.463067   5e9cf3   other
350                         Port Hospital -13.25967 8.452003     <NA>    <NA>
351                         Port Hospital -13.21068 8.479296   2e312f   other
352                         Port Hospital -13.20878 8.463625     <NA>    <NA>
353                               Missing -13.25955 8.453610   75d401   other
354                      Central Hospital -13.22055 8.486768     <NA>    <NA>
355  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25996 8.458500     <NA>    <NA>
356                               Missing -13.21579 8.471860   e466cc   other
357                         Port Hospital -13.21851 8.479665   ec465b   other
358                     Military Hospital -13.26947 8.460233     <NA>    <NA>
359                         Port Hospital -13.21443 8.470113   fb2c5a   other
360                     Military Hospital -13.26795 8.451552     <NA>    <NA>
361                         Port Hospital -13.25964 8.451507   c5c8d3   other
362                     Military Hospital -13.21957 8.448701   6c440c   other
363                     Military Hospital -13.26476 8.475310   6df790   other
364                                 Other -13.21055 8.463414   5e9cf3   other
365                     Military Hospital -13.21237 8.483788   697194   other
366                      Central Hospital -13.26426 8.481206     <NA>    <NA>
367                         Port Hospital -13.22034 8.451029   33f478   other
368                                 Other -13.22040 8.449169     <NA>    <NA>
369                     Military Hospital -13.22621 8.485769   1fe8ce   other
370  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21837 8.453090     <NA>    <NA>
371                                 Other -13.24750 8.468040   728f32   other
372  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23804 8.487508     <NA>    <NA>
373                                 Other -13.21487 8.463803   e9c92e   other
374                               Missing -13.26540 8.461130   eebf31   other
375                     Military Hospital -13.22504 8.472838   dab451   other
376                                 Other -13.21277 8.464414     <NA>    <NA>
377                      Central Hospital -13.24940 8.463780     <NA>    <NA>
378                     Military Hospital -13.21105 8.478156     <NA>    <NA>
379                         Port Hospital -13.23735 8.487942     <NA>    <NA>
380  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21630 8.460041   5e8902   other
381                                 Other -13.23243 8.479677   9d0f57   other
382                                 Other -13.25265 8.457638   02e50e   other
383                                 Other -13.21929 8.451454   828d1d   other
384                               Missing -13.21296 8.455536   38fc71 funeral
385                         Port Hospital -13.20925 8.462274     <NA>    <NA>
386  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25431 8.457542   deed70 funeral
387                         Port Hospital -13.21542 8.473308   1ee9ac   other
388                                 Other -13.26588 8.461972     <NA>    <NA>
389                         Port Hospital -13.26564 8.459386     <NA>    <NA>
390                      Central Hospital -13.21873 8.476093   954a8b   other
391                               Missing -13.21449 8.469097     <NA>    <NA>
392                         Port Hospital -13.21847 8.475961     <NA>    <NA>
393                      Central Hospital -13.26735 8.466786   ff0d9a   other
394                               Missing -13.26228 8.463522     <NA>    <NA>
395                                 Other -13.26215 8.464384   ba945d   other
396                                 Other -13.25744 8.453545   416c8a   other
397                      Central Hospital -13.21981 8.484839   6a7c6b funeral
398                         Port Hospital -13.25254 8.472358   ba4cfc   other
399                               Missing -13.21409 8.464623   1f5cdd   other
400                               Missing -13.26034 8.453501     <NA>    <NA>
401                               Missing -13.26517 8.482174   3d4d87   other
402                         Port Hospital -13.23395 8.465840   c259e2   other
403                         Port Hospital -13.26318 8.474811   1003ff   other
404                     Military Hospital -13.21530 8.489255     <NA>    <NA>
405                         Port Hospital -13.21974 8.463307     <NA>    <NA>
406                         Port Hospital -13.26023 8.465104   fbd564 funeral
407                               Missing -13.21447 8.485598     <NA>    <NA>
408                         Port Hospital -13.21040 8.483006   96c70a funeral
409                               Missing -13.23703 8.476562     <NA>    <NA>
410                         Port Hospital -13.26933 8.478626   b3b0b4   other
411  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21023 8.464659   70e542 funeral
412  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25272 8.457279     <NA>    <NA>
413                               Missing -13.24748 8.466096     <NA>    <NA>
414                     Military Hospital -13.21798 8.486064   473f30   other
415                                 Other -13.24747 8.468141   eebf31 funeral
416                     Military Hospital -13.24927 8.485846   28c5fe   other
417                         Port Hospital -13.23716 8.487320     <NA>    <NA>
418                     Military Hospital -13.22327 8.484232   c9c621   other
419                               Missing -13.24870 8.476301   38fc71 funeral
420                         Port Hospital -13.23348 8.467451   72ad8f   other
421                               Missing -13.26879 8.468365     <NA>    <NA>
422                                 Other -13.26542 8.459447   bb2648   other
423                         Port Hospital -13.21911 8.488597   bdde24   other
424                               Missing -13.21095 8.453745     <NA>    <NA>
425  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21121 8.460223     <NA>    <NA>
426  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23267 8.478042   fa016b   other
427                                 Other -13.21224 8.482684   c3f82b   other
428                         Port Hospital -13.23352 8.459955   1619bc   other
429                         Port Hospital -13.21604 8.470670   7bdc44   other
430                                 Other -13.23897 8.488379   97aab1 funeral
431                     Military Hospital -13.23393 8.469933   19db82   other
432                     Military Hospital -13.26395 8.480203   828d1d   other
433  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23033 8.477712     <NA>    <NA>
434                                 Other -13.21569 8.487930   aaa0e5   other
435                               Missing -13.25165 8.459314   24e5bd   other
436                               Missing -13.22006 8.476082     <NA>    <NA>
437                         Port Hospital -13.23299 8.487209     <NA>    <NA>
438                         Port Hospital -13.26838 8.459475   a127a7   other
439                         Port Hospital -13.24730 8.484376   5cf8e4   other
440                               Missing -13.21307 8.465646   38fc71 funeral
441                         Port Hospital -13.21213 8.467819   61f3ae   other
442                         Port Hospital -13.23872 8.476350   0d88f8   other
443                         Port Hospital -13.23241 8.471024   564dbb   other
444                                 Other -13.25989 8.457933   3f4174   other
445                      Central Hospital -13.23081 8.465694   d335b4   other
446                         Port Hospital -13.21282 8.468729   2456a8   other
447                         Port Hospital -13.25589 8.483478     <NA>    <NA>
448  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26936 8.462788     <NA>    <NA>
449                     Military Hospital -13.21363 8.467459   fd687c   other
450                         Port Hospital -13.25830 8.458992     <NA>    <NA>
451                               Missing -13.21851 8.481998   54336c   other
452                               Missing -13.21555 8.488046   3562e6   other
453                         Port Hospital -13.21638 8.449858     <NA>    <NA>
454                     Military Hospital -13.21705 8.461441   86c0e6   other
455                         Port Hospital -13.21939 8.475524     <NA>    <NA>
456                         Port Hospital -13.21824 8.451489   81aedc   other
457                         Port Hospital -13.21865 8.483229   8866de   other
458                      Central Hospital -13.20911 8.454216   e86451   other
459  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26037 8.455431     <NA>    <NA>
460                      Central Hospital -13.23352 8.460445   0be051   other
461                               Missing -13.21552 8.486580   7180ae   other
462                     Military Hospital -13.21042 8.453380   50fb75 funeral
463                      Central Hospital -13.23958 8.454106   8f7522   other
464                               Missing -13.24262 8.453955     <NA>    <NA>
465                               Missing -13.26090 8.453110   0be051   other
466                               Missing -13.25059 8.472084   1f7517   other
467                     Military Hospital -13.23413 8.466115   46cd2f   other
468                               Missing -13.21451 8.469653   2e312f   other
469                                 Other -13.22345 8.483590   79b312   other
470                         Port Hospital -13.25218 8.458988     <NA>    <NA>
471                                 Other -13.22038 8.461665   156665   other
472                      Central Hospital -13.21340 8.467463     <NA>    <NA>
473  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26222 8.462949   2e3e18   other
474                               Missing -13.21173 8.465573   8fac27   other
475                         Port Hospital -13.25268 8.457482     <NA>    <NA>
476                                 Other -13.21525 8.489444     <NA>    <NA>
477                               Missing -13.20822 8.453085   34dc9a   other
478                      Central Hospital -13.24900 8.486616   1b1958   other
479                                 Other -13.24845 8.485690   ae6fe1   other
480                         Port Hospital -13.24531 8.484138   5cf8e4   other
481                     Military Hospital -13.21056 8.456359   80fdfb   other
482  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23829 8.489217     <NA>    <NA>
483                               Missing -13.21694 8.483023   a35594   other
484                         Port Hospital -13.23548 8.460734     <NA>    <NA>
485                         Port Hospital -13.20757 8.452224     <NA>    <NA>
486                               Missing -13.26583 8.454491     <NA>    <NA>
487                         Port Hospital -13.22472 8.483663   bfedf6   other
488                               Missing -13.21673 8.476420     <NA>    <NA>
489                               Missing -13.21257 8.452823   0a2d01   other
490                               Missing -13.26043 8.456532   696f1a   other
491                                 Other -13.21056 8.480409   d423a2   other
492                         Port Hospital -13.24200 8.453046   160730   other
493                     Military Hospital -13.21512 8.487414     <NA>    <NA>
494                               Missing -13.26583 8.474540   0dd0a1   other
495                         Port Hospital -13.21128 8.475302   cb8d85   other
496                     Military Hospital -13.21530 8.486663     <NA>    <NA>
497                                 Other -13.23276 8.475899     <NA>    <NA>
498                      Central Hospital -13.26153 8.456407   ee3f8b   other
499                     Military Hospital -13.25980 8.457602     <NA>    <NA>
500                     Military Hospital -13.24707 8.470611   745cd8 funeral
501                         Port Hospital -13.23618 8.475799   2c8423   other
502                         Port Hospital -13.21829 8.483310   55a837   other
503                         Port Hospital -13.21765 8.460468     <NA>    <NA>
504                         Port Hospital -13.26754 8.476016     <NA>    <NA>
505                                 Other -13.26605 8.476963     <NA>    <NA>
506                     Military Hospital -13.23108 8.477999   6e2884   other
507                               Missing -13.22338 8.462307   cfb521   other
508                     Military Hospital -13.22069 8.462892     <NA>    <NA>
509                         Port Hospital -13.25389 8.462323   6baf4d   other
510  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.20821 8.455176     <NA>    <NA>
511                         Port Hospital -13.22138 8.464182   2c8423   other
512                               Missing -13.24544 8.483605     <NA>    <NA>
513                      Central Hospital -13.26359 8.464364     <NA>    <NA>
514                         Port Hospital -13.23406 8.488537   07c4ad   other
515                               Missing -13.23653 8.475349     <NA>    <NA>
516                         Port Hospital -13.21455 8.469177   67bbe8   other
517                               Missing -13.25885 8.484560     <NA>    <NA>
518                      Central Hospital -13.26974 8.461869   657aa1   other
519                     Military Hospital -13.21390 8.487908     <NA>    <NA>
520                               Missing -13.23492 8.468100     <NA>    <NA>
521                         Port Hospital -13.22248 8.460972   897af2   other
522                                 Other -13.23362 8.464681   a2b582   other
523                                 Other -13.23505 8.479465   2e5369   other
524  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24671 8.463932   f17d9f   other
525                         Port Hospital -13.21125 8.468173   363851   other
526                         Port Hospital -13.26728 8.475094     <NA>    <NA>
527                         Port Hospital -13.23631 8.468888   a2b582   other
528                     Military Hospital -13.20825 8.458316   b4cf90   other
529                                 Other -13.23200 8.473367   095c49   other
530                               Missing -13.23516 8.479052   3a314f   other
531                      Central Hospital -13.20924 8.461169   63f7af   other
532                                 Other -13.21189 8.457900   04a0c1   other
533                         Port Hospital -13.23158 8.465372     <NA>    <NA>
534                     Military Hospital -13.26842 8.461322     <NA>    <NA>
535                               Missing -13.22941 8.477467   eb5aeb   other
536                                 Other -13.26920 8.479709   a2c363   other
537                     Military Hospital -13.24664 8.465880     <NA>    <NA>
538                         Port Hospital -13.23293 8.489248   49df1f   other
539                     Military Hospital -13.21657 8.462042   8f7522   other
540                               Missing -13.21625 8.462059   35973a   other
541                     Military Hospital -13.26311 8.465107   e38b62   other
542                         Port Hospital -13.21188 8.453305   cfb521   other
543                         Port Hospital -13.21840 8.481466   cef03a funeral
544                      Central Hospital -13.21581 8.449585   bd8dc0   other
545                      Central Hospital -13.21094 8.453044     <NA>    <NA>
546                               Missing -13.26635 8.472276   59eb95   other
547                         Port Hospital -13.26368 8.481152   3038f6   other
548                                 Other -13.26196 8.463625   655168   other
549                               Missing -13.21527 8.464293   eb5aeb   other
550                      Central Hospital -13.25865 8.457829   f30945   other
551                     Military Hospital -13.26842 8.460130   826f6e   other
552                     Military Hospital -13.20875 8.475290   1bf83a   other
553                               Missing -13.21076 8.475698   69647e   other
554                         Port Hospital -13.21015 8.480473   b0059b   other
555                               Missing -13.22482 8.472320     <NA>    <NA>
556                               Missing -13.26351 8.464474   43ebaf   other
557                         Port Hospital -13.20912 8.455071     <NA>    <NA>
558                         Port Hospital -13.24737 8.481335   aa7ad1   other
559                               Missing -13.23049 8.482033     <NA>    <NA>
560                               Missing -13.22485 8.461750   2337e0   other
561                         Port Hospital -13.25896 8.452877   8e965b   other
562                      Central Hospital -13.20830 8.452783   dc4329   other
563                      Central Hospital -13.21531 8.472554     <NA>    <NA>
564                         Port Hospital -13.24645 8.467764   cafb6d   other
565                               Missing -13.21525 8.463447     <NA>    <NA>
566  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24726 8.467495   e0e8f0   other
567                         Port Hospital -13.20848 8.464067   bd89a5   other
568                         Port Hospital -13.22941 8.476810     <NA>    <NA>
569                     Military Hospital -13.24718 8.463643   5c2101   other
570                               Missing -13.23677 8.475543   65d865 funeral
571                               Missing -13.21633 8.462419   944943 funeral
572                                 Other -13.22300 8.463512     <NA>    <NA>
573                         Port Hospital -13.20964 8.457390     <NA>    <NA>
574  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25952 8.456546   e09242 funeral
575  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26208 8.463141     <NA>    <NA>
576                         Port Hospital -13.21663 8.483930   e7a220   other
577                                 Other -13.21181 8.469225     <NA>    <NA>
578  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22035 8.477015   7a5955   other
579                               Missing -13.21847 8.482719   055d3a   other
580                         Port Hospital -13.22510 8.486877   da5f22   other
581                         Port Hospital -13.24748 8.478480   0dd0a1   other
582  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26978 8.455948     <NA>    <NA>
583                         Port Hospital -13.21668 8.450414   2d469a   other
584                         Port Hospital -13.25228 8.473545   4182f9 funeral
585                     Military Hospital -13.21604 8.463101     <NA>    <NA>
586                                 Other -13.26792 8.453246     <NA>    <NA>
587                               Missing -13.22384 8.470474     <NA>    <NA>
588                         Port Hospital -13.26229 8.461829     <NA>    <NA>
589                         Port Hospital -13.21325 8.455478   35b23e   other
590  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21871 8.477954     <NA>    <NA>
591                         Port Hospital -13.21576 8.483130     <NA>    <NA>
592                                 Other -13.23643 8.478006     <NA>    <NA>
593                               Missing -13.21001 8.479663   489116   other
594                      Central Hospital -13.20926 8.457380   cad731   other
595                         Port Hospital -13.24803 8.476591     <NA>    <NA>
596                                 Other -13.22381 8.474863     <NA>    <NA>
597                         Port Hospital -13.26145 8.465746   e6b106 funeral
598                     Military Hospital -13.26396 8.475756   b59345   other
599                               Missing -13.22058 8.462320   156618   other
600                         Port Hospital -13.23682 8.488174   cb28bc funeral
601                         Port Hospital -13.26254 8.464622   110d32 funeral
602                         Port Hospital -13.23464 8.464911     <NA>    <NA>
603                                 Other -13.20937 8.462601   37215e   other
604                               Missing -13.23185 8.468342   d013c8   other
605                     Military Hospital -13.22218 8.464847     <NA>    <NA>
606                         Port Hospital -13.21425 8.466533   12aa43 funeral
607                      Central Hospital -13.26716 8.474429   916283   other
608                     Military Hospital -13.20998 8.459313     <NA>    <NA>
609                         Port Hospital -13.26098 8.458437     <NA>    <NA>
610                     Military Hospital -13.26777 8.459797     <NA>    <NA>
611                      Central Hospital -13.23215 8.466383   0a9bbf   other
612                               Missing -13.21562 8.487413     <NA>    <NA>
613                     Military Hospital -13.24572 8.485157     <NA>    <NA>
614                               Missing -13.23780 8.477501   75b394   other
615                     Military Hospital -13.25977 8.453915     <NA>    <NA>
616                      Central Hospital -13.20902 8.457891   545d16   other
617                               Missing -13.21616 8.464594     <NA>    <NA>
618                               Missing -13.21840 8.452838   7864f6   other
619                         Port Hospital -13.22357 8.484709   b701b6   other
620                     Military Hospital -13.21449 8.453275   7a0648 funeral
621  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21495 8.462876   b50434   other
622                                 Other -13.26372 8.474874   63ddac   other
623  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26296 8.479652   f30945   other
624                      Central Hospital -13.21546 8.452290   1f8fcc   other
625                                 Other -13.25535 8.457407     <NA>    <NA>
626                         Port Hospital -13.26611 8.473040     <NA>    <NA>
627                                 Other -13.20996 8.453114   261aa4   other
628                         Port Hospital -13.24611 8.483105     <NA>    <NA>
629                     Military Hospital -13.21983 8.475811     <NA>    <NA>
630                     Military Hospital -13.21499 8.462335   1589b9   other
631                         Port Hospital -13.21148 8.453740     <NA>    <NA>
632                                 Other -13.24787 8.477717   7daf91 funeral
633                         Port Hospital -13.23692 8.475214   5ccf35   other
634                         Port Hospital -13.21560 8.451073     <NA>    <NA>
635                         Port Hospital -13.25255 8.472872     <NA>    <NA>
636  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24849 8.465759     <NA>    <NA>
637                               Missing -13.22854 8.477849     <NA>    <NA>
638                         Port Hospital -13.21327 8.466342     <NA>    <NA>
639  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21327 8.468268   0c56e0   other
640                               Missing -13.21976 8.450006   824ad1   other
641                                 Other -13.22387 8.463418     <NA>    <NA>
642                     Military Hospital -13.23784 8.485853   bd89a5   other
643                         Port Hospital -13.23464 8.460364     <NA>    <NA>
644                                 Other -13.22958 8.472054   c8226a   other
645                               Missing -13.22059 8.464743   8ee839   other
646                         Port Hospital -13.21124 8.469259   4d1c91   other
647                     Military Hospital -13.22484 8.473880     <NA>    <NA>
648                         Port Hospital -13.21187 8.483012   489116   other
649                         Port Hospital -13.21144 8.480243   dab61c   other
650                         Port Hospital -13.21185 8.483154   3c86fe   other
651                         Port Hospital -13.26748 8.461026   bf4188   other
652                               Missing -13.24103 8.454115   63cf46 funeral
653                         Port Hospital -13.22399 8.461426   34fd7f   other
654                               Missing -13.22421 8.453256   186147 funeral
655                     Military Hospital -13.22948 8.476714   38e146   other
656                     Military Hospital -13.24801 8.470639   cd1fc7   other
657                     Military Hospital -13.21066 8.457025   6830d9   other
658                     Military Hospital -13.24791 8.465939   8fcc04   other
659  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22957 8.461199   c51ef1   other
660                         Port Hospital -13.22357 8.462460   cf6820 funeral
661                         Port Hospital -13.26314 8.465052   aa985c   other
662                               Missing -13.25287 8.460224   31624f   other
663                               Missing -13.23516 8.456553   266c5d   other
664                         Port Hospital -13.23304 8.463174   bd62ca   other
665  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23846 8.479246   e15d45 funeral
666                               Missing -13.26304 8.453857     <NA>    <NA>
667  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25397 8.472776   52d43a   other
668                               Missing -13.24570 8.469702   266c5d   other
669                         Port Hospital -13.26024 8.466110     <NA>    <NA>
670                      Central Hospital -13.22109 8.462734   50ec85   other
671                                 Other -13.22278 8.461219     <NA>    <NA>
672                               Missing -13.21887 8.448387   699d82   other
673                     Military Hospital -13.26673 8.467720   8eaee8   other
674                               Missing -13.20899 8.463790     <NA>    <NA>
675                         Port Hospital -13.25961 8.455494   0cc4d6   other
676                               Missing -13.23536 8.467382   63cf46 funeral
677                     Military Hospital -13.21872 8.479335     <NA>    <NA>
678  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22720 8.472251     <NA>    <NA>
679                         Port Hospital -13.21207 8.477310     <NA>    <NA>
680                         Port Hospital -13.26807 8.462617     <NA>    <NA>
681                      Central Hospital -13.22128 8.463614   d71709 funeral
682                                 Other -13.23709 8.468038   72268f   other
683                         Port Hospital -13.22133 8.463617   b951d7 funeral
684                         Port Hospital -13.21707 8.469500     <NA>    <NA>
685                         Port Hospital -13.21704 8.488326   7cbd05   other
686                                 Other -13.26103 8.464523   bb4832   other
687                                 Other -13.22009 8.485285   c9783b   other
688                     Military Hospital -13.22829 8.476689     <NA>    <NA>
689                         Port Hospital -13.26069 8.456362   b254e2   other
690                      Central Hospital -13.24708 8.466216   c8469c   other
691                               Missing -13.21814 8.486658     <NA>    <NA>
692                                 Other -13.26464 8.455743     <NA>    <NA>
693                     Military Hospital -13.24995 8.484448     <NA>    <NA>
694                     Military Hospital -13.21671 8.461993   445d1c   other
695                               Missing -13.25248 8.473872     <NA>    <NA>
696                         Port Hospital -13.20843 8.454685     <NA>    <NA>
697  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.20943 8.467359     <NA>    <NA>
698                                 Other -13.25866 8.452682     <NA>    <NA>
699                         Port Hospital -13.21075 8.459866   9c1818   other
700                               Missing -13.22005 8.477826   691cf1 funeral
701                                 Other -13.25064 8.486058   3d3a57   other
702                     Military Hospital -13.21006 8.457358   43fe99   other
703                     Military Hospital -13.21703 8.487699   8fafbf   other
704                     Military Hospital -13.23482 8.468144   740875   other
705                     Military Hospital -13.21506 8.466591   d7d495   other
706                     Military Hospital -13.26343 8.465324   c5cd9f   other
707  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23603 8.479407     <NA>    <NA>
708                     Military Hospital -13.23575 8.469636     <NA>    <NA>
709                     Military Hospital -13.21643 8.482690   5b98ea   other
710                         Port Hospital -13.22334 8.484483   186147 funeral
711                               Missing -13.22046 8.484527     <NA>    <NA>
712                         Port Hospital -13.25959 8.457690   e453f5   other
713                                 Other -13.22043 8.452302   7c9fba   other
714                         Port Hospital -13.21413 8.481517   970f4c   other
715                                 Other -13.20940 8.454034   f3ca56   other
716                         Port Hospital -13.21203 8.458610   bca24d   other
717                     Military Hospital -13.25822 8.455687   c18d9c   other
718  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25926 8.453905   ea186b   other
719                      Central Hospital -13.24302 8.454187     <NA>    <NA>
720                               Missing -13.21957 8.484029   784acb   other
721                         Port Hospital -13.24287 8.449018   e8cb57   other
722                                 Other -13.24319 8.451875   24195f funeral
723                         Port Hospital -13.22485 8.471077   e975ce   other
724                         Port Hospital -13.21700 8.488136     <NA>    <NA>
725                     Military Hospital -13.24067 8.464372     <NA>    <NA>
726                               Missing -13.23415 8.466346   d48569 funeral
727                               Missing -13.20721 8.465579   a9a376   other
728                      Central Hospital -13.20936 8.458457   881f69   other
729                               Missing -13.26053 8.464044     <NA>    <NA>
730                               Missing -13.21867 8.484916   002e6c   other
731                               Missing -13.21902 8.475460   8b225b   other
732                               Missing -13.21716 8.449942   393eaf   other
733                         Port Hospital -13.21947 8.478498   efe556   other
734                         Port Hospital -13.23604 8.469739   e2cb2f funeral
735                                 Other -13.21577 8.463552     <NA>    <NA>
736                     Military Hospital -13.26194 8.485186     <NA>    <NA>
737                         Port Hospital -13.22313 8.479660     <NA>    <NA>
738                         Port Hospital -13.21438 8.470647     <NA>    <NA>
739  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21439 8.454524   96920b   other
740                         Port Hospital -13.22278 8.462820   ca7187   other
741                               Missing -13.22379 8.462417     <NA>    <NA>
742                         Port Hospital -13.21925 8.461466   cd1fc7   other
743                               Missing -13.21124 8.482718   6a2c0c   other
744                     Military Hospital -13.22235 8.460800   5843ab funeral
745                               Missing -13.25447 8.459927   7cfdb0   other
746                         Port Hospital -13.23527 8.460888     <NA>    <NA>
747                         Port Hospital -13.26799 8.463216     <NA>    <NA>
748                               Missing -13.24786 8.465303   23bba7   other
749                               Missing -13.22220 8.483675   d18841 funeral
750                               Missing -13.26615 8.451751     <NA>    <NA>
751                                 Other -13.24647 8.464389   af5955   other
752                                 Other -13.25948 8.457840   5cf13b   other
753                         Port Hospital -13.24816 8.470142   3fad0c   other
754                         Port Hospital -13.23340 8.471659   5cf13b   other
755                         Port Hospital -13.21121 8.482370     <NA>    <NA>
756                                 Other -13.25944 8.455634     <NA>    <NA>
757  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23544 8.468407   c5ab0c   other
758  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26819 8.461179   116fe3 funeral
759                         Port Hospital -13.25275 8.458206   34818d   other
760                         Port Hospital -13.23412 8.471634   c593b8   other
761                         Port Hospital -13.24565 8.482938   af5955   other
762                         Port Hospital -13.26695 8.462632     <NA>    <NA>
763                                 Other -13.22533 8.483833   c3c7f8   other
764                         Port Hospital -13.22687 8.486893     <NA>    <NA>
765                      Central Hospital -13.20976 8.458145     <NA>    <NA>
766                     Military Hospital -13.23516 8.467830   7bf9e9   other
767                               Missing -13.24945 8.465827     <NA>    <NA>
768                                 Other -13.21242 8.467056     <NA>    <NA>
769                         Port Hospital -13.22003 8.451401   9a524a   other
770                         Port Hospital -13.25993 8.454085   f5bc7b   other
771                     Military Hospital -13.21915 8.479294     <NA>    <NA>
772                               Missing -13.20907 8.452114   f81d7a   other
773                               Missing -13.21924 8.483092     <NA>    <NA>
774                         Port Hospital -13.22255 8.481825     <NA>    <NA>
775                         Port Hospital -13.21939 8.484118   4be7f2   other
776  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26840 8.450235     <NA>    <NA>
777                               Missing -13.26779 8.475664   28ac73   other
778                     Military Hospital -13.22375 8.484094   8a7328   other
779                         Port Hospital -13.22561 8.484490   fc387e   other
780                         Port Hospital -13.26780 8.462679     <NA>    <NA>
781                                 Other -13.25857 8.481940     <NA>    <NA>
782                     Military Hospital -13.21448 8.454291   f21b61   other
783                               Missing -13.25850 8.455848   3e1830   other
784                               Missing -13.25660 8.482074     <NA>    <NA>
785                                 Other -13.21685 8.485232   7c78d9   other
786                               Missing -13.26426 8.478659   c8a598   other
787                     Military Hospital -13.22471 8.463841     <NA>    <NA>
788                               Missing -13.26515 8.461662   1e34f2   other
789                         Port Hospital -13.25227 8.474820   63a410   other
790                         Port Hospital -13.21246 8.462764   847002   other
791                               Missing -13.22535 8.464261     <NA>    <NA>
792                      Central Hospital -13.21124 8.477088   a74e04 funeral
793                                 Other -13.25149 8.475204   c82c6c   other
794                         Port Hospital -13.24816 8.483427   23f4a4   other
795                                 Other -13.26001 8.456622     <NA>    <NA>
796                     Military Hospital -13.23910 8.475935   0828fd   other
797                     Military Hospital -13.26638 8.461833   0e6c31   other
798                               Missing -13.21748 8.475354     <NA>    <NA>
799                         Port Hospital -13.21503 8.451667     <NA>    <NA>
800                     Military Hospital -13.22305 8.480075     <NA>    <NA>
801                         Port Hospital -13.22204 8.462332     <NA>    <NA>
802                         Port Hospital -13.21934 8.483079     <NA>    <NA>
803                                 Other -13.22285 8.462284   f4bb1b   other
804                               Missing -13.21995 8.485402   d39d3b funeral
805                      Central Hospital -13.24834 8.483241     <NA>    <NA>
806                               Missing -13.25332 8.457821   beb67f   other
807                         Port Hospital -13.24743 8.484907   931bcb   other
808                         Port Hospital -13.23272 8.471737     <NA>    <NA>
809                     Military Hospital -13.23453 8.476688   704697 funeral
810                         Port Hospital -13.23506 8.466643   468d3f funeral
811                                 Other -13.24700 8.483257   5ed881   other
812                         Port Hospital -13.26599 8.460870   3bbfd8 funeral
813                                 Other -13.20856 8.452261   e7176e funeral
814                     Military Hospital -13.23447 8.471470     <NA>    <NA>
815                     Military Hospital -13.24614 8.465333     <NA>    <NA>
816                         Port Hospital -13.22120 8.472466   658278   other
817  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24594 8.465937   065d05   other
818                               Missing -13.25646 8.485225   86b28f   other
819                                 Other -13.26372 8.484500   5f366f   other
820                         Port Hospital -13.21522 8.465665   d242b8   other
821                               Missing -13.20756 8.462994   4530fb   other
822                     Military Hospital -13.25981 8.452715     <NA>    <NA>
823                                 Other -13.23298 8.462652     <NA>    <NA>
824                         Port Hospital -13.22963 8.459409   fb3c23 funeral
825                         Port Hospital -13.26143 8.484997   9be9b3 funeral
826                         Port Hospital -13.22677 8.472102     <NA>    <NA>
827                               Missing -13.22888 8.478784   a3ea15   other
828                         Port Hospital -13.26565 8.462134   29e92c   other
829                      Central Hospital -13.22867 8.480138     <NA>    <NA>
830                         Port Hospital -13.22143 8.462763   6235ed   other
831                     Military Hospital -13.22000 8.484558   730563   other
832                      Central Hospital -13.21881 8.476637   9c81f7   other
833                                 Other -13.23416 8.468150   725286 funeral
834                               Missing -13.26895 8.466706   e798c4   other
835                         Port Hospital -13.21221 8.476984   fdf9d3   other
836                                 Other -13.23258 8.459956     <NA>    <NA>
837                                 Other -13.26353 8.466101   cfd8c7   other
838                     Military Hospital -13.21685 8.452315     <NA>    <NA>
839                         Port Hospital -13.20881 8.453651   c9df4c   other
840  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21762 8.487881   febc40   other
841                     Military Hospital -13.20906 8.453723   a51b37 funeral
842                               Missing -13.21489 8.452930   725286 funeral
843                         Port Hospital -13.23500 8.463942     <NA>    <NA>
844                         Port Hospital -13.23427 8.476675   ef5561 funeral
845                      Central Hospital -13.21219 8.476292     <NA>    <NA>
846                         Port Hospital -13.21838 8.453407   d1749b funeral
847                     Military Hospital -13.21628 8.475167     <NA>    <NA>
848                         Port Hospital -13.27002 8.479685     <NA>    <NA>
849                     Military Hospital -13.22439 8.473828     <NA>    <NA>
850                                 Other -13.25987 8.454113     <NA>    <NA>
851  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21490 8.481222   04a78f   other
852                     Military Hospital -13.24813 8.465268   c9adf6 funeral
853                         Port Hospital -13.26810 8.453824     <NA>    <NA>
854                                 Other -13.20955 8.478060   29c3a0   other
855                     Military Hospital -13.25484 8.483862   4f0791   other
856                     Military Hospital -13.25823 8.456493     <NA>    <NA>
857                      Central Hospital -13.24754 8.484036     <NA>    <NA>
858                         Port Hospital -13.24350 8.455430   5862ff   other
859                     Military Hospital -13.26561 8.471978     <NA>    <NA>
860                         Port Hospital -13.25425 8.473119     <NA>    <NA>
861                         Port Hospital -13.20960 8.477740     <NA>    <NA>
862                      Central Hospital -13.26275 8.465917   8a335c   other
863                               Missing -13.25151 8.471478   2ca9ef   other
864                         Port Hospital -13.21548 8.477092   35d712   other
865                         Port Hospital -13.20708 8.460662   4cefed   other
866                               Missing -13.26732 8.460705     <NA>    <NA>
867                     Military Hospital -13.21683 8.463098   b0a018 funeral
868  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26769 8.460290   c9f81b   other
869                               Missing -13.21707 8.470156     <NA>    <NA>
870                         Port Hospital -13.22606 8.475158   5c6b71   other
871                      Central Hospital -13.21212 8.481482     <NA>    <NA>
872                               Missing -13.26151 8.485115     <NA>    <NA>
873                         Port Hospital -13.21970 8.484691     <NA>    <NA>
874                      Central Hospital -13.26700 8.452987   fc4286   other
875                         Port Hospital -13.22417 8.484539   ac03cf   other
876                         Port Hospital -13.21772 8.452613     <NA>    <NA>
877                               Missing -13.25968 8.452383   2ab9eb   other
878                     Military Hospital -13.25581 8.484821   badea1   other
879                               Missing -13.26292 8.474201   d7684c   other
880                                 Other -13.21875 8.481350     <NA>    <NA>
881                         Port Hospital -13.24734 8.483407     <NA>    <NA>
882                               Missing -13.25203 8.473275     <NA>    <NA>
883                      Central Hospital -13.24705 8.466738   30656d   other
884                               Missing -13.23570 8.468036   68eca6   other
885                     Military Hospital -13.24769 8.467462   fed3d7 funeral
886  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23567 8.471453   bcdc5c   other
887                     Military Hospital -13.26154 8.463637   afa5ac   other
888                                 Other -13.21399 8.453064     <NA>    <NA>
889                      Central Hospital -13.22648 8.470957   200a8a   other
890                               Missing -13.26724 8.480671     <NA>    <NA>
891                         Port Hospital -13.26148 8.465018   e18133   other
892                               Missing -13.22215 8.460066   5fdaea   other
893                         Port Hospital -13.26076 8.452761     <NA>    <NA>
894                         Port Hospital -13.23814 8.471962   87d192   other
895                     Military Hospital -13.25010 8.487435   cc5f4a   other
896  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26910 8.463531   efefbf   other
897                         Port Hospital -13.21943 8.475183     <NA>    <NA>
898                               Missing -13.21703 8.451259     <NA>    <NA>
899                     Military Hospital -13.21740 8.471251   7a2378   other
900                               Missing -13.21218 8.481179   6b6de3   other
901  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21960 8.462119   96a3d4   other
902                         Port Hospital -13.23423 8.471799     <NA>    <NA>
903                               Missing -13.21752 8.451997   bfb2d8   other
904                         Port Hospital -13.20991 8.466979     <NA>    <NA>
905                      Central Hospital -13.25968 8.453271   7b8864   other
906                               Missing -13.22400 8.486007   9950fa   other
907  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24136 8.453437   bf0b5e   other
908                      Central Hospital -13.22321 8.464127   6c7b33   other
909                                 Other -13.20811 8.480788     <NA>    <NA>
910                               Missing -13.23399 8.478184     <NA>    <NA>
911                     Military Hospital -13.21554 8.487473   c98936   other
912  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26254 8.480826     <NA>    <NA>
913                               Missing -13.22916 8.487108   f6dcd0   other
914                      Central Hospital -13.24760 8.462280   d4bab1   other
915                     Military Hospital -13.23439 8.477247   748347   other
916                     Military Hospital -13.21713 8.480837     <NA>    <NA>
917                               Missing -13.25749 8.483357   8fcfc8 funeral
918                         Port Hospital -13.21256 8.467520     <NA>    <NA>
919                                 Other -13.26253 8.463223     <NA>    <NA>
920                         Port Hospital -13.22083 8.476707   ba5769   other
921                                 Other -13.21829 8.481964   748347   other
922                         Port Hospital -13.22405 8.485757   eacad3   other
923                               Missing -13.25568 8.459691   8fcfc8 funeral
924                         Port Hospital -13.24155 8.452802     <NA>    <NA>
925                               Missing -13.26857 8.456992   945c22   other
926  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23668 8.476607     <NA>    <NA>
927                      Central Hospital -13.24812 8.467550   a05b57 funeral
928                                 Other -13.21714 8.452502   118acd   other
929                               Missing -13.24761 8.463371   20e25d   other
930                      Central Hospital -13.20684 8.462059     <NA>    <NA>
931                         Port Hospital -13.21747 8.483690   2c1bcf   other
932                     Military Hospital -13.21699 8.450431   5b7fa8   other
933  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26727 8.458740   639893 funeral
934  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21623 8.461503     <NA>    <NA>
935  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21485 8.465185     <NA>    <NA>
936                         Port Hospital -13.20793 8.461917   30ad0e   other
937                                 Other -13.21971 8.481785     <NA>    <NA>
938  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21009 8.484995     <NA>    <NA>
939                         Port Hospital -13.23613 8.470320     <NA>    <NA>
940                               Missing -13.24698 8.484733     <NA>    <NA>
941                      Central Hospital -13.26517 8.460414     <NA>    <NA>
942                               Missing -13.26406 8.469198   1dc470   other
943                     Military Hospital -13.21126 8.484498   8fc47f   other
944                         Port Hospital -13.21201 8.453266   e97fa4   other
945                         Port Hospital -13.21623 8.488884   b759bd   other
946                               Missing -13.22394 8.462503   5066ce   other
947                                 Other -13.21626 8.462214   b4f910   other
948                      Central Hospital -13.26668 8.460562     <NA>    <NA>
949                      Central Hospital -13.21599 8.464357   021093   other
950                               Missing -13.21524 8.453094     <NA>    <NA>
951  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21327 8.468354   bc6660   other
952                      Central Hospital -13.25434 8.471907   2eb4b6   other
953                                 Other -13.20978 8.463747   3cdc00 funeral
954                                 Other -13.22083 8.461572     <NA>    <NA>
955                               Missing -13.21116 8.484381     <NA>    <NA>
956                                 Other -13.21185 8.467818   7ee14c funeral
957                               Missing -13.26031 8.457142   a4956a funeral
958                         Port Hospital -13.21355 8.466050   0600ac   other
959                               Missing -13.26571 8.458446   ea630b   other
960                     Military Hospital -13.26612 8.473839   7ee14c funeral
961                         Port Hospital -13.22071 8.475663     <NA>    <NA>
962                         Port Hospital -13.26198 8.465080   158f5a funeral
963                         Port Hospital -13.20702 8.463458   45ce63   other
964                         Port Hospital -13.21934 8.484229   3cb126   other
965                               Missing -13.21721 8.462044   596378 funeral
966                               Missing -13.26839 8.479863   de6ddf   other
967                               Missing -13.21182 8.463783   43912c   other
968                     Military Hospital -13.22032 8.450169   241b41   other
969  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21200 8.480911     <NA>    <NA>
970                         Port Hospital -13.23641 8.469945   1a69a1   other
971                         Port Hospital -13.21572 8.463691   928429   other
972                     Military Hospital -13.25610 8.484161   f06cde   other
973                         Port Hospital -13.21526 8.470037     <NA>    <NA>
974  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21694 8.485358   0f58c4   other
975                     Military Hospital -13.22431 8.470686   f9149b   other
976                     Military Hospital -13.26130 8.487110   20b688   other
977                     Military Hospital -13.26737 8.461098     <NA>    <NA>
978                               Missing -13.21330 8.476508   d58402   other
979                                 Other -13.25180 8.471976   5fa334   other
980                         Port Hospital -13.22856 8.477852     <NA>    <NA>
981                               Missing -13.21669 8.487431   20b688   other
982                     Military Hospital -13.20840 8.463180   5fa334   other
983                               Missing -13.26250 8.464955   99ca4f funeral
984                         Port Hospital -13.22628 8.486558   d70824   other
985                               Missing -13.21266 8.465777   a2086d   other
986                         Port Hospital -13.25905 8.482262   ba1abc   other
987                         Port Hospital -13.23012 8.481877     <NA>    <NA>
988                               Missing -13.22667 8.473104   0ab365 funeral
989                               Missing -13.21076 8.466156   15883d   other
990                                 Other -13.24533 8.485759     <NA>    <NA>
991                               Missing -13.21516 8.461362     <NA>    <NA>
992                               Missing -13.21015 8.480382   cbd647   other
993                      Central Hospital -13.26449 8.475297   ea3c31 funeral
994                                 Other -13.26307 8.480455   ca7a2c funeral
995                         Port Hospital -13.21319 8.480400   6bd4ae   other
996                     Military Hospital -13.21462 8.491748   c5f2fb   other
997                               Missing -13.23404 8.488523   67b897   other
998                                 Other -13.23990 8.485439     <NA>    <NA>
999  St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21037 8.488434   c75e82   other
1000                              Missing -13.23389 8.464805   c2a797   other
1001                        Port Hospital -13.24467 8.483523     <NA>    <NA>
1002                                Other -13.23622 8.470799   90dc67   other
1003                    Military Hospital -13.25709 8.485691   fd2ea2   other
1004                              Missing -13.21459 8.454410     <NA>    <NA>
1005                        Port Hospital -13.25939 8.485840     <NA>    <NA>
1006                                Other -13.26132 8.480238     <NA>    <NA>
1007                                Other -13.26555 8.473228     <NA>    <NA>
1008                     Central Hospital -13.25265 8.458738     <NA>    <NA>
1009                                Other -13.23944 8.476709   312ecf   other
1010                              Missing -13.26671 8.474981   77afbe   other
1011                                Other -13.21285 8.470534   064dc0   other
1012                        Port Hospital -13.24927 8.486975   07fc9b funeral
1013                              Missing -13.26589 8.474821   3cf09b funeral
1014                                Other -13.25962 8.452581   42414e funeral
1015                        Port Hospital -13.26680 8.469735     <NA>    <NA>
1016                        Port Hospital -13.21196 8.469016   571076   other
1017                              Missing -13.23240 8.463045   d9e72d   other
1018 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23710 8.487907     <NA>    <NA>
1019                              Missing -13.21854 8.481296   ce4ec6   other
1020                              Missing -13.22769 8.480187   6af3cb   other
1021                                Other -13.21190 8.452991   a5307c   other
1022                              Missing -13.23279 8.461879   675f57   other
1023                        Port Hospital -13.25797 8.451791   813a7b   other
1024                              Missing -13.22206 8.463481     <NA>    <NA>
1025                        Port Hospital -13.22040 8.483799     <NA>    <NA>
1026                    Military Hospital -13.23463 8.467874   9b7a8f   other
1027                    Military Hospital -13.26121 8.465356   0e705a   other
1028                        Port Hospital -13.22091 8.476065     <NA>    <NA>
1029                        Port Hospital -13.24490 8.483824   e2cc47   other
1030                     Central Hospital -13.23191 8.483170   5c3fb4   other
1031                     Central Hospital -13.24662 8.484602   c9e824   other
1032                     Central Hospital -13.21153 8.470421     <NA>    <NA>
1033                    Military Hospital -13.24585 8.484111   e703d8   other
1034                                Other -13.22377 8.477061     <NA>    <NA>
1035                        Port Hospital -13.23101 8.463551     <NA>    <NA>
1036                    Military Hospital -13.21556 8.462198   b9f958   other
1037                              Missing -13.21924 8.464053   886dd1   other
1038                              Missing -13.26560 8.473227   5a782d   other
1039                                Other -13.22659 8.470792   eb0e7c   other
1040                        Port Hospital -13.21525 8.485123   5cbd2f   other
1041                        Port Hospital -13.23690 8.474609   f7d2f7   other
1042                                Other -13.26080 8.451397     <NA>    <NA>
1043                                Other -13.21590 8.488751     <NA>    <NA>
1044                              Missing -13.21650 8.488620   9a9a84   other
1045                        Port Hospital -13.26271 8.481300   4f8253   other
1046                              Missing -13.23486 8.469294   3c4307   other
1047                        Port Hospital -13.21580 8.462130   2cfb2f   other
1048                        Port Hospital -13.26102 8.452491     <NA>    <NA>
1049                        Port Hospital -13.26530 8.461460   44c9bf   other
1050                              Missing -13.25916 8.454679     <NA>    <NA>
1051                        Port Hospital -13.21854 8.451682     <NA>    <NA>
1052                        Port Hospital -13.23150 8.481705   b00c5a funeral
1053                        Port Hospital -13.27009 8.461722   16c51a   other
1054                        Port Hospital -13.25973 8.484963   5a779a funeral
1055                     Central Hospital -13.25764 8.456892   e596ab   other
1056                        Port Hospital -13.25914 8.486108     <NA>    <NA>
1057                              Missing -13.23466 8.468282   64318a funeral
1058                     Central Hospital -13.22012 8.476247   dcacd5   other
1059                              Missing -13.27074 8.480128   9a9a84   other
1060 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25761 8.485364   4e06e4 funeral
1061                    Military Hospital -13.21158 8.458718   6b1cda   other
1062                        Port Hospital -13.26553 8.459939     <NA>    <NA>
1063                              Missing -13.21875 8.453362   85f0a6 funeral
1064                        Port Hospital -13.21943 8.464245   4860a7   other
1065                    Military Hospital -13.23811 8.487106     <NA>    <NA>
1066                        Port Hospital -13.21937 8.465341   c432cd   other
1067                              Missing -13.21602 8.465965   564652   other
1068                    Military Hospital -13.21439 8.452836   818a12   other
1069                     Central Hospital -13.21985 8.475422   e13621   other
1070                              Missing -13.25393 8.473398   32c4d7   other
1071                                Other -13.27117 8.479719   a4e1a8   other
1072                                Other -13.26246 8.454865     <NA>    <NA>
1073                        Port Hospital -13.23178 8.461821   8f95d7   other
1074                    Military Hospital -13.26785 8.459667   2a2ca0   other
1075                     Central Hospital -13.23737 8.469833   21dc16   other
1076                        Port Hospital -13.21891 8.482094   4618c1   other
1077                                Other -13.26066 8.463248     <NA>    <NA>
1078                        Port Hospital -13.23818 8.487281   68f4a0   other
1079                              Missing -13.22861 8.478319   3457f6   other
1080                        Port Hospital -13.26691 8.469601   085802   other
1081                              Missing -13.21514 8.485177   96a12a   other
1082 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22580 8.485306   c0bd90   other
1083                                Other -13.25827 8.458785   c5caa6   other
1084                              Missing -13.21388 8.449833   553cc7   other
1085                              Missing -13.21242 8.482342   a31fc5 funeral
1086                        Port Hospital -13.21804 8.451812   a83688 funeral
1087                        Port Hospital -13.21660 8.453279     <NA>    <NA>
1088                        Port Hospital -13.25243 8.472910     <NA>    <NA>
1089                     Central Hospital -13.20989 8.453577     <NA>    <NA>
1090                              Missing -13.25324 8.459599   e1e1f4   other
1091                        Port Hospital -13.26745 8.463992     <NA>    <NA>
1092                        Port Hospital -13.21209 8.485559   06964b   other
1093                                Other -13.24653 8.483679     <NA>    <NA>
1094                              Missing -13.21378 8.454100     <NA>    <NA>
1095                                Other -13.23037 8.476761   4e1700   other
1096                     Central Hospital -13.25893 8.459043     <NA>    <NA>
1097 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21036 8.478697   d400f0 funeral
1098                              Missing -13.26885 8.449626   47735b   other
1099                                Other -13.26851 8.449973   cb7ca3   other
1100                        Port Hospital -13.22443 8.463516     <NA>    <NA>
1101                                Other -13.22057 8.473427   d1087f funeral
1102                        Port Hospital -13.21973 8.473543   b38ca8   other
1103                              Missing -13.20904 8.478254   826cd5   other
1104 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21967 8.483978   49e2e8   other
1105                        Port Hospital -13.21971 8.473461   28429e   other
1106                    Military Hospital -13.21846 8.480053   0f7452   other
1107                                Other -13.23247 8.461963   830af5   other
1108                        Port Hospital -13.26417 8.462435   c4408d   other
1109 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24300 8.452486   f027f8   other
1110                        Port Hospital -13.24844 8.465155   13cafd   other
1111                        Port Hospital -13.24318 8.454190   813a7b   other
1112                                Other -13.22398 8.462270     <NA>    <NA>
1113                                Other -13.21908 8.485866   b61974 funeral
1114                              Missing -13.21700 8.485327     <NA>    <NA>
1115                    Military Hospital -13.21009 8.479513     <NA>    <NA>
1116                              Missing -13.26892 8.460287   4d4af8   other
1117                                Other -13.22217 8.451107     <NA>    <NA>
1118                    Military Hospital -13.21770 8.479037   695392   other
1119                              Missing -13.23744 8.474875   660b34   other
1120                              Missing -13.24008 8.451647   bf6471   other
1121 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21430 8.467824     <NA>    <NA>
1122                    Military Hospital -13.23316 8.468624   858426   other
1123                        Port Hospital -13.26969 8.460028   538fa7 funeral
1124                        Port Hospital -13.23692 8.477882     <NA>    <NA>
1125                     Central Hospital -13.22663 8.473067   899fb5   other
1126 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21637 8.486166   d53b93 funeral
1127                              Missing -13.21513 8.461844     <NA>    <NA>
1128                    Military Hospital -13.24733 8.483443   0965ae funeral
1129                     Central Hospital -13.21709 8.450700     <NA>    <NA>
1130 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25653 8.455091   1e3f35   other
1131                                Other -13.22495 8.462876     <NA>    <NA>
1132 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.27005 8.477175   edcb9c   other
1133                                Other -13.26858 8.461802   7f62e6   other
1134                        Port Hospital -13.21689 8.475821     <NA>    <NA>
1135                              Missing -13.24681 8.485139   586cb3   other
1136                                Other -13.21539 8.468637   6b30d1   other
1137                    Military Hospital -13.26649 8.476291   1213b1   other
1138                              Missing -13.26677 8.460776     <NA>    <NA>
1139                              Missing -13.25757 8.485831     <NA>    <NA>
1140                        Port Hospital -13.22002 8.449640   cb7ca3   other
1141                        Port Hospital -13.21291 8.469926   e61c07   other
1142                                Other -13.22210 8.486037   672ab9   other
1143                        Port Hospital -13.24903 8.466797   075e6f   other
1144                              Missing -13.20990 8.475274   cf2705   other
1145                        Port Hospital -13.21783 8.471584     <NA>    <NA>
1146                     Central Hospital -13.21827 8.483343     <NA>    <NA>
1147                        Port Hospital -13.26326 8.464279   140f9e   other
1148                    Military Hospital -13.22698 8.462319     <NA>    <NA>
1149                              Missing -13.26378 8.454695   72cbb4   other
1150                    Military Hospital -13.21676 8.450641   e0e084 funeral
1151                    Military Hospital -13.20960 8.451203     <NA>    <NA>
1152                        Port Hospital -13.21546 8.454844     <NA>    <NA>
1153                              Missing -13.26810 8.460832   b25795   other
1154                              Missing -13.22029 8.474794   1c7c3f   other
1155                              Missing -13.21045 8.452897   b06097 funeral
1156 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22410 8.479528   668993   other
1157                              Missing -13.25386 8.458882   a074d3   other
1158                                Other -13.21365 8.476538   57ddc2 funeral
1159                              Missing -13.21174 8.467897     <NA>    <NA>
1160                              Missing -13.25137 8.458850   a4a7ae   other
1161                        Port Hospital -13.22269 8.478817   4f0793   other
1162                              Missing -13.21520 8.450849   6ffce0   other
1163                        Port Hospital -13.21842 8.488333   c2ba41   other
1164                              Missing -13.26255 8.480720   333173   other
1165                              Missing -13.26914 8.480587     <NA>    <NA>
1166                     Central Hospital -13.22329 8.479738   0d88f8   other
1167                                Other -13.26375 8.466048   8f7522   other
1168                                Other -13.21977 8.477011     <NA>    <NA>
1169                        Port Hospital -13.26215 8.464815     <NA>    <NA>
1170                              Missing -13.21450 8.470979     <NA>    <NA>
1171                        Port Hospital -13.21677 8.489789   2e3e18   other
1172                        Port Hospital -13.21847 8.481473   90c6a8   other
1173                        Port Hospital -13.24207 8.451679   46cd2f   other
1174                                Other -13.26374 8.481149     <NA>    <NA>
1175                                Other -13.26130 8.453236   1a2f47   other
1176                        Port Hospital -13.23438 8.477120     <NA>    <NA>
1177                     Central Hospital -13.23632 8.467704   cf870f funeral
1178                    Military Hospital -13.24627 8.465695     <NA>    <NA>
1179                        Port Hospital -13.24041 8.451646   b4cf90   other
1180                        Port Hospital -13.23404 8.470418     <NA>    <NA>
1181                        Port Hospital -13.22285 8.483169   32215b   other
1182                                Other -13.22557 8.472928     <NA>    <NA>
1183                        Port Hospital -13.23777 8.468819     <NA>    <NA>
1184                              Missing -13.22693 8.484813   6c6bc5   other
1185                        Port Hospital -13.25975 8.457392   20266c   other
1186 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21924 8.481242   88ecb2 funeral
1187                                Other -13.25000 8.478005   395760   other
1188                                Other -13.23261 8.462269   a581b1   other
1189                                Other -13.22839 8.459698   a75fd1   other
1190                                Other -13.21187 8.469974     <NA>    <NA>
1191 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26459 8.479980     <NA>    <NA>
1192                    Military Hospital -13.24770 8.484478   0a14e6   other
1193                        Port Hospital -13.21866 8.477429     <NA>    <NA>
1194                        Port Hospital -13.23255 8.479821     <NA>    <NA>
1195                              Missing -13.21626 8.450498     <NA>    <NA>
1196                     Central Hospital -13.20994 8.476788   43ebaf   other
1197                    Military Hospital -13.24832 8.484952   69647e   other
1198 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23773 8.476702   e8108c   other
1199                        Port Hospital -13.25890 8.455239     <NA>    <NA>
1200                     Central Hospital -13.26142 8.481574     <NA>    <NA>
1201                        Port Hospital -13.25702 8.482709     <NA>    <NA>
1202                                Other -13.21658 8.451445   33b7cc funeral
1203                              Missing -13.21944 8.449547   91d9f3   other
1204                                Other -13.25438 8.459362   fca629   other
1205                                Other -13.25663 8.454210   769c19   other
1206                        Port Hospital -13.23707 8.477526     <NA>    <NA>
1207                        Port Hospital -13.21796 8.488049     <NA>    <NA>
1208                                Other -13.26654 8.462819   bd62ca funeral
1209                     Central Hospital -13.21845 8.482446     <NA>    <NA>
1210                        Port Hospital -13.22670 8.484219   58982e   other
1211                              Missing -13.23481 8.470794     <NA>    <NA>
1212                     Central Hospital -13.23337 8.461133     <NA>    <NA>
1213                    Military Hospital -13.24954 8.483913     <NA>    <NA>
1214                              Missing -13.21524 8.461878     <NA>    <NA>
1215                        Port Hospital -13.21605 8.487816   400544   other
1216                     Central Hospital -13.25221 8.458918     <NA>    <NA>
1217                        Port Hospital -13.21410 8.463702   417395   other
1218                        Port Hospital -13.21460 8.463798     <NA>    <NA>
1219                    Military Hospital -13.22084 8.450376   4a29c5   other
1220                        Port Hospital -13.21397 8.490102   95d454   other
1221                              Missing -13.21768 8.472346     <NA>    <NA>
1222 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25022 8.468684   6a85e2 funeral
1223                    Military Hospital -13.21901 8.482893   1f5887   other
1224                              Missing -13.23367 8.463950   d47b3c   other
1225                                Other -13.21489 8.454198   967861   other
1226                        Port Hospital -13.25877 8.453530     <NA>    <NA>
1227                              Missing -13.23553 8.467875   086d5d   other
1228                              Missing -13.23480 8.477594     <NA>    <NA>
1229                    Military Hospital -13.21337 8.470946   28a146   other
1230                        Port Hospital -13.21188 8.464368   c9f81b   other
1231                    Military Hospital -13.25968 8.453595   49cf31   other
1232                        Port Hospital -13.20766 8.464186     <NA>    <NA>
1233                        Port Hospital -13.22195 8.477047   23acdc   other
1234                    Military Hospital -13.24839 8.485432   1efaa7   other
1235                        Port Hospital -13.23768 8.468434     <NA>    <NA>
1236 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22337 8.464572     <NA>    <NA>
1237 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.20797 8.454686     <NA>    <NA>
1238                                Other -13.26150 8.462366   9f24e7 funeral
1239                        Port Hospital -13.23713 8.488953     <NA>    <NA>
1240                              Missing -13.22032 8.464685     <NA>    <NA>
1241                                Other -13.26524 8.460719   53a9e1   other
1242                        Port Hospital -13.24901 8.488357     <NA>    <NA>
1243                        Port Hospital -13.26533 8.452991   241a7d   other
1244                    Military Hospital -13.25401 8.459496     <NA>    <NA>
1245                    Military Hospital -13.23432 8.460896   99a397   other
1246                                Other -13.25999 8.457474   2afa31   other
1247                        Port Hospital -13.26616 8.469279   06447a   other
1248                              Missing -13.22591 8.472716   bccfc2 funeral
1249                        Port Hospital -13.21363 8.454091   8771e2   other
1250 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21105 8.481957   883055   other
1251                        Port Hospital -13.21296 8.478179   466c3b   other
1252                              Missing -13.21579 8.486737   aeac1e   other
1253                              Missing -13.23317 8.459707   028cee   other
1254                              Missing -13.21795 8.463314   1bd38b   other
1255                              Missing -13.23112 8.464776     <NA>    <NA>
1256                        Port Hospital -13.24816 8.464682     <NA>    <NA>
1257                     Central Hospital -13.23308 8.460030     <NA>    <NA>
1258                        Port Hospital -13.26207 8.486169   8508df   other
1259                        Port Hospital -13.21933 8.476281   127d83 funeral
1260                        Port Hospital -13.22319 8.473251   2ae019   other
1261 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23547 8.462768   20b688   other
1262                     Central Hospital -13.24037 8.454377   40ae5f   other
1263                              Missing -13.22059 8.450569   f9149b   other
1264                                Other -13.22085 8.483679   f9149b   other
1265 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25236 8.460107   11f8ea   other
1266                              Missing -13.21434 8.489321     <NA>    <NA>
1267                              Missing -13.25656 8.483792   4b38b7   other
1268                        Port Hospital -13.21973 8.448522   be7f8a   other
1269                                Other -13.20954 8.481006     <NA>    <NA>
1270                     Central Hospital -13.26890 8.478460   1511c5   other
1271                        Port Hospital -13.26047 8.454215     <NA>    <NA>
1272                        Port Hospital -13.22437 8.470248   53da57   other
1273                                Other -13.21294 8.483315   be7f8a   other
1274                              Missing -13.22302 8.461428   76b97a   other
1275 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21152 8.450944     <NA>    <NA>
1276                              Missing -13.24863 8.477875   11f8ea   other
1277                        Port Hospital -13.26284 8.455242   e11027   other
1278                    Military Hospital -13.22220 8.463889     <NA>    <NA>
1279                        Port Hospital -13.21647 8.486664     <NA>    <NA>
1280                        Port Hospital -13.22571 8.470969     <NA>    <NA>
1281                                Other -13.21307 8.477846   dae8c7   other
1282                        Port Hospital -13.21289 8.468522   374728   other
1283                              Missing -13.21495 8.451930   5387a2   other
1284                        Port Hospital -13.22702 8.477454   cbbe78 funeral
1285                        Port Hospital -13.22421 8.486635   431135   other
1286                                Other -13.21287 8.458989     <NA>    <NA>
1287                     Central Hospital -13.21335 8.466491   102363   other
1288                                Other -13.22029 8.465245     <NA>    <NA>
1289                              Missing -13.21833 8.479677     <NA>    <NA>
1290                    Military Hospital -13.23818 8.469641   7e95d1   other
1291                        Port Hospital -13.20722 8.458307     <NA>    <NA>
1292                              Missing -13.21803 8.471555   cbbe78 funeral
1293                        Port Hospital -13.21765 8.462368   ba7326   other
1294                    Military Hospital -13.25352 8.458849   a2086d   other
1295                        Port Hospital -13.23720 8.469561     <NA>    <NA>
1296                    Military Hospital -13.26251 8.479400   ba1abc funeral
1297                                Other -13.21907 8.477376   3ff1bc funeral
1298                              Missing -13.21895 8.451363     <NA>    <NA>
1299                        Port Hospital -13.22658 8.486767     <NA>    <NA>
1300                        Port Hospital -13.26197 8.484759   057e7a   other
1301                        Port Hospital -13.21243 8.453441   e61cb9   other
1302                              Missing -13.23713 8.487775     <NA>    <NA>
1303 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21956 8.462108     <NA>    <NA>
1304                        Port Hospital -13.23224 8.477278   db11a9   other
1305 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21164 8.470845   02d8fd   other
1306                        Port Hospital -13.26289 8.464796   4977bd funeral
1307                              Missing -13.26052 8.456233     <NA>    <NA>
1308                              Missing -13.20838 8.463203   8b4c1c   other
1309                        Port Hospital -13.21315 8.463977   02d8fd   other
1310                    Military Hospital -13.22894 8.468869     <NA>    <NA>
1311                                Other -13.21439 8.453792   07e3e8   other
1312                        Port Hospital -13.25783 8.486067     <NA>    <NA>
1313                        Port Hospital -13.23386 8.479555     <NA>    <NA>
1314                              Missing -13.25785 8.451962   be502d   other
1315                        Port Hospital -13.21300 8.471355     <NA>    <NA>
1316                        Port Hospital -13.25931 8.458107   c36eb4   other
1317                              Missing -13.21630 8.463951   ea3740   other
1318                    Military Hospital -13.23941 8.478590   1ab6a6   other
1319                                Other -13.22556 8.474206   949e14   other
1320                        Port Hospital -13.23386 8.484291   542d07   other
1321                              Missing -13.22159 8.461936     <NA>    <NA>
1322                                Other -13.23969 8.453711     <NA>    <NA>
1323 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22442 8.460715     <NA>    <NA>
1324                                Other -13.25310 8.461107     <NA>    <NA>
1325                        Port Hospital -13.24717 8.488115     <NA>    <NA>
1326                              Missing -13.20938 8.476559   beb26e funeral
1327                     Central Hospital -13.21238 8.459471   9d07e6 funeral
1328                              Missing -13.22207 8.462283   4977bd   other
1329                        Port Hospital -13.23530 8.468499     <NA>    <NA>
1330                              Missing -13.23624 8.485447   b80480   other
1331                        Port Hospital -13.21934 8.450572     <NA>    <NA>
1332                        Port Hospital -13.21135 8.479824   3e6957   other
1333                              Missing -13.21929 8.485941     <NA>    <NA>
1334                              Missing -13.21603 8.451116     <NA>    <NA>
1335                              Missing -13.20870 8.476400   894024 funeral
1336                                Other -13.24854 8.485812   bc2adf   other
1337                                Other -13.22777 8.471311     <NA>    <NA>
1338                    Military Hospital -13.25812 8.455353   71577a   other
1339                     Central Hospital -13.23794 8.469774   b0c500   other
1340                              Missing -13.21779 8.450200   64c8ef   other
1341                        Port Hospital -13.25694 8.482408   66f2cd   other
1342                        Port Hospital -13.21058 8.471301   af1c1f   other
1343                    Military Hospital -13.23335 8.465171     <NA>    <NA>
1344 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21557 8.462785   af1c1f   other
1345                              Missing -13.21230 8.456771     <NA>    <NA>
1346                                Other -13.21633 8.463064     <NA>    <NA>
1347 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21813 8.488549   b0c500   other
1348                        Port Hospital -13.23896 8.487767   62a2ef   other
1349                                Other -13.23596 8.477045   916d0a   other
1350                                Other -13.23410 8.468602   9e55ae funeral
1351                                Other -13.22095 8.484360     <NA>    <NA>
1352                              Missing -13.22212 8.464210   d15be5   other
1353                    Military Hospital -13.23067 8.478088     <NA>    <NA>
1354                    Military Hospital -13.25108 8.471784   f36522   other
1355                        Port Hospital -13.21818 8.475773   8940e5   other
1356                              Missing -13.21040 8.451110   67b897   other
1357 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26813 8.449670   ed5e8e funeral
1358                        Port Hospital -13.24729 8.484508   26c588   other
1359 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22616 8.472034   021718   other
1360                                Other -13.26336 8.484806     <NA>    <NA>
1361                                Other -13.21373 8.468914   916d0a   other
1362                        Port Hospital -13.25063 8.479477   cfd79c   other
1363                                Other -13.25876 8.455742     <NA>    <NA>
1364                              Missing -13.23810 8.470819   38d740   other
1365                        Port Hospital -13.22439 8.483258     <NA>    <NA>
1366                    Military Hospital -13.25977 8.459252   e26da6   other
1367                              Missing -13.23746 8.489058   0810f2 funeral
1368                    Military Hospital -13.24803 8.464861   4c84f3 funeral
1369                        Port Hospital -13.23516 8.467652     <NA>    <NA>
1370                        Port Hospital -13.20838 8.455708     <NA>    <NA>
1371                              Missing -13.27003 8.477653   eae3e8   other
1372                              Missing -13.24754 8.485432   0af49c   other
1373                        Port Hospital -13.26314 8.465306     <NA>    <NA>
1374                    Military Hospital -13.22242 8.461868   4af3d1   other
1375                    Military Hospital -13.21949 8.450772   df7c34   other
1376                    Military Hospital -13.23445 8.471158     <NA>    <NA>
1377                     Central Hospital -13.26582 8.458813   50c78f funeral
1378                              Missing -13.25894 8.454152     <NA>    <NA>
1379                    Military Hospital -13.26745 8.459997   8637e7   other
1380                    Military Hospital -13.22529 8.470323     <NA>    <NA>
1381                    Military Hospital -13.22071 8.475716   7baf73   other
1382                    Military Hospital -13.22391 8.463727   ea3c31   other
1383                              Missing -13.25647 8.483298   d0eead   other
1384 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22581 8.473174   805a4f funeral
1385                        Port Hospital -13.26120 8.463342   916d0a   other
1386                    Military Hospital -13.22234 8.461362   4af3d1   other
1387                              Missing -13.21060 8.477930     <NA>    <NA>
1388                        Port Hospital -13.22203 8.482274   626e6c   other
1389                        Port Hospital -13.24775 8.485005   a5bda8 funeral
1390                              Missing -13.21972 8.451865   bde233   other
1391                    Military Hospital -13.23403 8.470648     <NA>    <NA>
1392                              Missing -13.21555 8.487488   e5c7b1   other
1393                              Missing -13.22357 8.463418   11c2c0   other
1394                              Missing -13.25200 8.473100   f656a3   other
1395                        Port Hospital -13.24384 8.483044   3b8407   other
1396 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21966 8.480503   ed700f   other
1397                        Port Hospital -13.21880 8.477825   7ee655   other
1398                        Port Hospital -13.22712 8.472829   8a1feb   other
1399                              Missing -13.21236 8.483094     <NA>    <NA>
1400                        Port Hospital -13.24618 8.483135     <NA>    <NA>
1401                              Missing -13.25416 8.459233   770e5e   other
1402                        Port Hospital -13.22817 8.472661     <NA>    <NA>
1403                    Military Hospital -13.23927 8.476202     <NA>    <NA>
1404                        Port Hospital -13.25239 8.459624   9dd4f1 funeral
1405                                Other -13.20697 8.454724     <NA>    <NA>
1406                        Port Hospital -13.21113 8.469750   0e3c82 funeral
1407                        Port Hospital -13.21160 8.482217     <NA>    <NA>
1408                                Other -13.22394 8.479466   c13247   other
1409                                Other -13.24833 8.484636     <NA>    <NA>
1410                              Missing -13.23239 8.470463     <NA>    <NA>
1411                    Military Hospital -13.21914 8.449332   9cd6d0   other
1412                                Other -13.21634 8.486043   b56849   other
1413                              Missing -13.26034 8.457880   35ab60   other
1414                    Military Hospital -13.21746 8.488221   4c14bd funeral
1415                        Port Hospital -13.24817 8.465562     <NA>    <NA>
1416                              Missing -13.21126 8.465442   d7c1b4   other
1417                                Other -13.21741 8.475299   db7b54   other
1418 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21108 8.460417     <NA>    <NA>
1419                              Missing -13.21055 8.459177     <NA>    <NA>
1420                        Port Hospital -13.20908 8.456790   ecea91   other
1421                              Missing -13.23574 8.461293   571076   other
1422                    Military Hospital -13.21633 8.484230   c81d85   other
1423                    Military Hospital -13.21114 8.481449     <NA>    <NA>
1424                              Missing -13.24618 8.483447     <NA>    <NA>
1425                              Missing -13.21727 8.464040   059cc0   other
1426                     Central Hospital -13.26550 8.450102     <NA>    <NA>
1427                              Missing -13.23990 8.475992     <NA>    <NA>
1428                              Missing -13.22131 8.480025   66c98d   other
1429                              Missing -13.21262 8.482876   648639   other
1430                        Port Hospital -13.26619 8.454054     <NA>    <NA>
1431                    Military Hospital -13.21981 8.452504   535760 funeral
1432                        Port Hospital -13.22477 8.462286     <NA>    <NA>
1433 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21981 8.476020   253520   other
1434                    Military Hospital -13.23369 8.472869   ccba7c   other
1435                                Other -13.26699 8.457319   ad3141   other
1436                                Other -13.23862 8.478030   2d4c92   other
1437                        Port Hospital -13.22026 8.484228     <NA>    <NA>
1438                              Missing -13.26262 8.480001   86b2f1   other
1439 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22263 8.482329   f97626   other
1440                    Military Hospital -13.21982 8.461066     <NA>    <NA>
1441                        Port Hospital -13.26713 8.462022     <NA>    <NA>
1442                        Port Hospital -13.26719 8.459830     <NA>    <NA>
1443                                Other -13.26641 8.457342     <NA>    <NA>
1444                        Port Hospital -13.21659 8.489178   5c3fb4   other
1445                                Other -13.22795 8.449704   83d213 funeral
1446 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23606 8.459655   c9e824   other
1447                                Other -13.21646 8.450198     <NA>    <NA>
1448                        Port Hospital -13.21029 8.462525     <NA>    <NA>
1449                        Port Hospital -13.21313 8.483597     <NA>    <NA>
1450                              Missing -13.26347 8.451534     <NA>    <NA>
1451                              Missing -13.21932 8.478791   c0e0be   other
1452                        Port Hospital -13.23409 8.487713   b44247   other
1453                              Missing -13.26542 8.456371   085802   other
1454                        Port Hospital -13.25254 8.473900     <NA>    <NA>
1455                              Missing -13.21819 8.461399   bdb1a2   other
1456                              Missing -13.25422 8.460642   9f0c37   other
1457                    Military Hospital -13.24604 8.467279   7d27e6   other
1458                        Port Hospital -13.26472 8.475538   d8c398   other
1459                    Military Hospital -13.26439 8.480071   c71dcd   other
1460                              Missing -13.24828 8.465357   b509eb   other
1461                    Military Hospital -13.21589 8.451377   415e3a   other
1462                        Port Hospital -13.24665 8.481558     <NA>    <NA>
1463                              Missing -13.23189 8.471679     <NA>    <NA>
1464                              Missing -13.23508 8.460514   5fbc63   other
1465                        Port Hospital -13.21183 8.470076     <NA>    <NA>
1466                              Missing -13.24773 8.476475     <NA>    <NA>
1467                     Central Hospital -13.26980 8.479783   62fb02 funeral
1468                        Port Hospital -13.23338 8.464375     <NA>    <NA>
1469                              Missing -13.22198 8.464508   dcd6ff   other
1470 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22203 8.462503     <NA>    <NA>
1471                        Port Hospital -13.21668 8.488397   24f9d8   other
1472                        Port Hospital -13.21640 8.462125     <NA>    <NA>
1473                              Missing -13.21787 8.480143   e703d8 funeral
1474                              Missing -13.22100 8.462044   eaf447   other
1475                        Port Hospital -13.21770 8.461917   d8e8cd   other
1476                     Central Hospital -13.21449 8.467197   d75fe5   other
1477                     Central Hospital -13.23687 8.476201     <NA>    <NA>
1478                              Missing -13.22739 8.478203     <NA>    <NA>
1479 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26021 8.454566   18b7c3 funeral
1480 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25516 8.459285     <NA>    <NA>
1481                    Military Hospital -13.21604 8.487797   46e52d   other
1482                        Port Hospital -13.21108 8.478739   dd8015   other
1483                        Port Hospital -13.22724 8.460620     <NA>    <NA>
1484                                Other -13.25056 8.457565   a5ee7f funeral
1485                                Other -13.22176 8.483402     <NA>    <NA>
1486                                Other -13.26907 8.450634   be8f66   other
1487                    Military Hospital -13.26001 8.464928   ac58ab funeral
1488                    Military Hospital -13.21160 8.465451   5b5e38   other
1489                              Missing -13.21536 8.488685     <NA>    <NA>
1490                        Port Hospital -13.22057 8.479535     <NA>    <NA>
1491                                Other -13.26465 8.480610     <NA>    <NA>
1492                        Port Hospital -13.21819 8.483005   26240e   other
1493                     Central Hospital -13.21808 8.481079   dd8015   other
1494                        Port Hospital -13.23008 8.477340   92d002   other
1495                        Port Hospital -13.21157 8.453069   24bd66 funeral
1496                              Missing -13.23541 8.471017   8ebf51   other
1497                    Military Hospital -13.26018 8.462235   6547a6 funeral
1498                              Missing -13.21047 8.458669   c8b95c funeral
1499                        Port Hospital -13.23676 8.478274     <NA>    <NA>
1500                        Port Hospital -13.21585 8.487929   7e6d37 funeral
1501                        Port Hospital -13.21879 8.479952     <NA>    <NA>
1502                                Other -13.23829 8.476498     <NA>    <NA>
1503                                Other -13.22012 8.483310     <NA>    <NA>
1504                        Port Hospital -13.21871 8.463947   44c9bf   other
1505                        Port Hospital -13.26217 8.456879   f5be7f funeral
1506                                Other -13.21538 8.450527   3e69c0 funeral
1507                                Other -13.21660 8.487275     <NA>    <NA>
1508                     Central Hospital -13.23470 8.477618   53f4ae   other
1509                        Port Hospital -13.25969 8.455222   1d119a funeral
1510                    Military Hospital -13.21473 8.450822   a5f628   other
1511                                Other -13.26493 8.454622     <NA>    <NA>
1512                              Missing -13.22581 8.472525   2b57eb funeral
1513                              Missing -13.21861 8.476518     <NA>    <NA>
1514                        Port Hospital -13.22956 8.477000     <NA>    <NA>
1515                              Missing -13.26257 8.465906   e7dcdd   other
1516                        Port Hospital -13.22073 8.481388   9eaf52 funeral
1517                                Other -13.22679 8.472649   a6c499   other
1518                              Missing -13.22117 8.462328   29bf7e   other
1519                              Missing -13.25527 8.459611   cf6c0e   other
1520                        Port Hospital -13.21120 8.477748   43bc20 funeral
1521                     Central Hospital -13.21540 8.482433   2b36fa   other
1522                              Missing -13.26823 8.461058   198a37   other
1523                    Military Hospital -13.21176 8.462941     <NA>    <NA>
1524                              Missing -13.22525 8.484896   ada09d funeral
1525                        Port Hospital -13.23180 8.459484   63235e funeral
1526                                Other -13.21679 8.480765   813a7b   other
1527                     Central Hospital -13.26334 8.460310   b1f1a8   other
1528                              Missing -13.22004 8.482076     <NA>    <NA>
1529                        Port Hospital -13.23329 8.467614   a46957   other
1530                              Missing -13.21721 8.486111     <NA>    <NA>
1531                    Military Hospital -13.25122 8.472988   71936f   other
1532 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21850 8.450361     <NA>    <NA>
1533                                Other -13.24534 8.465860     <NA>    <NA>
1534                              Missing -13.23982 8.456497   3d26f2   other
1535 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22095 8.477829     <NA>    <NA>
1536                    Military Hospital -13.21014 8.453552   06d22c   other
1537                                Other -13.23418 8.477330   828cdc   other
1538                              Missing -13.21526 8.485750   840a9a   other
1539                              Missing -13.22130 8.462379     <NA>    <NA>
1540                     Central Hospital -13.22021 8.452029   8ebf51   other
1541                                Other -13.22059 8.462136     <NA>    <NA>
1542                              Missing -13.21794 8.481107   573a83   other
1543                              Missing -13.22478 8.485479   56a617   other
1544                              Missing -13.22813 8.485496   7801c6   other
1545                        Port Hospital -13.21340 8.463911     <NA>    <NA>
1546                        Port Hospital -13.21566 8.486687     <NA>    <NA>
1547                        Port Hospital -13.21981 8.451784   f461ef   other
1548                        Port Hospital -13.23445 8.461557   8b7eb9   other
1549                    Military Hospital -13.21580 8.478646     <NA>    <NA>
1550                        Port Hospital -13.23354 8.461058   7a84e1   other
1551                                Other -13.26850 8.459520   bdb1a2   other
1552                              Missing -13.24188 8.455469   572dc6 funeral
1553                        Port Hospital -13.21824 8.449593     <NA>    <NA>
1554 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24838 8.468059   ac58ab funeral
1555                        Port Hospital -13.21771 8.463888   2f2ebc   other
1556                                Other -13.23175 8.480667   12d3e5   other
1557                              Missing -13.26280 8.465729   de5eab   other
1558                        Port Hospital -13.21459 8.463585     <NA>    <NA>
1559                                Other -13.21412 8.482674     <NA>    <NA>
1560                        Port Hospital -13.21730 8.487221     <NA>    <NA>
1561                              Missing -13.24175 8.453826   1740df   other
1562 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21960 8.462754   b4841f   other
1563                              Missing -13.23464 8.472428     <NA>    <NA>
1564                    Military Hospital -13.23525 8.460555   7a84e1   other
1565                    Military Hospital -13.21314 8.453740   9934c1   other
1566                        Port Hospital -13.21891 8.462543   e12efa   other
1567                     Central Hospital -13.22127 8.482614     <NA>    <NA>
1568                              Missing -13.21568 8.488732   265c28   other
1569                        Port Hospital -13.21638 8.460286   ddaa19   other
1570                                Other -13.26623 8.461420   5eeb7c   other
1571                              Missing -13.22327 8.461900   c8c4d5   other
1572                              Missing -13.25622 8.460773   cf448d funeral
1573                    Military Hospital -13.20950 8.451843     <NA>    <NA>
1574                    Military Hospital -13.24761 8.465827     <NA>    <NA>
1575                              Missing -13.20925 8.455393   c939ba   other
1576                                Other -13.21806 8.462806   5cbd2f   other
1577                        Port Hospital -13.25699 8.485965   961a9b   other
1578 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23714 8.472534     <NA>    <NA>
1579                        Port Hospital -13.21306 8.468220     <NA>    <NA>
1580 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25703 8.482725     <NA>    <NA>
1581                        Port Hospital -13.23329 8.471204   672ab9   other
1582                                Other -13.25488 8.472693     <NA>    <NA>
1583                     Central Hospital -13.21156 8.483432   fc674d   other
1584                        Port Hospital -13.22996 8.470257   4ce3aa funeral
1585                        Port Hospital -13.23499 8.471267   139f6f   other
1586                    Military Hospital -13.24938 8.488129   dda68a   other
1587                              Missing -13.26704 8.450483   4deaea funeral
1588                        Port Hospital -13.22256 8.461879     <NA>    <NA>
1589                                Other -13.21008 8.452672   70b8bc   other
1590                        Port Hospital -13.23876 8.477796     <NA>    <NA>
1591                        Port Hospital -13.24695 8.484144   3c6233 funeral
1592                     Central Hospital -13.21884 8.477741   544af7   other
1593                                Other -13.26397 8.461126     <NA>    <NA>
1594                        Port Hospital -13.21317 8.485820   027e28   other
1595                    Military Hospital -13.26500 8.473869   c46418 funeral
1596 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25333 8.460189   0fde59   other
1597                              Missing -13.26094 8.463928     <NA>    <NA>
1598                              Missing -13.21068 8.452081   02f54c   other
1599                        Port Hospital -13.21757 8.485729     <NA>    <NA>
1600                        Port Hospital -13.21965 8.481206     <NA>    <NA>
1601                        Port Hospital -13.21398 8.490662     <NA>    <NA>
1602                              Missing -13.21381 8.486180     <NA>    <NA>
1603                    Military Hospital -13.26762 8.460736   200980 funeral
1604 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21867 8.462078   fd4dd4   other
1605 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24168 8.456026   d50b21   other
1606                              Missing -13.24739 8.481333   6696ec   other
1607                    Military Hospital -13.26706 8.452429   a2b364   other
1608                    Military Hospital -13.21348 8.452504   8cfa81   other
1609                                Other -13.22413 8.461235     <NA>    <NA>
1610 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25873 8.457757   314c66   other
1611 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.20756 8.461272   0f10f4   other
1612                              Missing -13.25282 8.473818     <NA>    <NA>
1613                        Port Hospital -13.20920 8.459197     <NA>    <NA>
1614                                Other -13.25261 8.460091   0ed97c funeral
1615                                Other -13.26579 8.454065   14f6d7 funeral
1616 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25209 8.471930     <NA>    <NA>
1617                        Port Hospital -13.21843 8.480977     <NA>    <NA>
1618                        Port Hospital -13.24624 8.462863   61fd0a   other
1619                        Port Hospital -13.22741 8.473475   1234bb   other
1620                        Port Hospital -13.21229 8.467458     <NA>    <NA>
1621                        Port Hospital -13.23833 8.468092   2b5e06 funeral
1622                                Other -13.24692 8.483711   cf6c0e   other
1623                     Central Hospital -13.21580 8.452210   926639   other
1624                              Missing -13.25997 8.457559     <NA>    <NA>
1625                        Port Hospital -13.21448 8.465141   433de3 funeral
1626                    Military Hospital -13.22725 8.483557   d5bc2b funeral
1627                    Military Hospital -13.21763 8.485240     <NA>    <NA>
1628                        Port Hospital -13.23674 8.471143   ea6ffe funeral
1629                              Missing -13.22575 8.486204   fffa4f   other
1630                                Other -13.23496 8.469969   0581bd funeral
1631                              Missing -13.21394 8.464851   18ae3d   other
1632                                Other -13.23450 8.470864   245ae1   other
1633                        Port Hospital -13.27016 8.478442   6833d7   other
1634                        Port Hospital -13.21173 8.466908     <NA>    <NA>
1635                    Military Hospital -13.21270 8.464726     <NA>    <NA>
1636                                Other -13.22126 8.483695     <NA>    <NA>
1637                        Port Hospital -13.23324 8.487444     <NA>    <NA>
1638                        Port Hospital -13.26364 8.465185     <NA>    <NA>
1639                                Other -13.22467 8.484197   277d34   other
1640                                Other -13.22291 8.465251     <NA>    <NA>
1641                        Port Hospital -13.22138 8.464417     <NA>    <NA>
1642                    Military Hospital -13.26516 8.455562   f70b8f   other
1643                              Missing -13.23693 8.475179   bd1037   other
1644                        Port Hospital -13.21189 8.483791   49e88d   other
1645                        Port Hospital -13.21974 8.482757   b53f9a   other
1646                        Port Hospital -13.26098 8.454816   3ae04e   other
1647                                Other -13.26172 8.450669     <NA>    <NA>
1648                              Missing -13.25353 8.476030   d45263   other
1649                        Port Hospital -13.25297 8.462089   f13395   other
1650                        Port Hospital -13.21953 8.475634   691fc7   other
1651 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26561 8.475123     <NA>    <NA>
1652                                Other -13.25792 8.486783     <NA>    <NA>
1653                              Missing -13.24800 8.484788   ddd916   other
1654                        Port Hospital -13.21531 8.454311     <NA>    <NA>
1655                                Other -13.26567 8.469093     <NA>    <NA>
1656                     Central Hospital -13.21032 8.464052     <NA>    <NA>
1657                              Missing -13.26372 8.479451   ebe4c3 funeral
1658                        Port Hospital -13.21681 8.449186     <NA>    <NA>
1659                        Port Hospital -13.20902 8.458878   62ccf5   other
1660                        Port Hospital -13.26537 8.474678     <NA>    <NA>
1661                        Port Hospital -13.21861 8.450542   5d9f25   other
1662                        Port Hospital -13.23705 8.472083     <NA>    <NA>
1663                        Port Hospital -13.21933 8.482062   dd39c0   other
1664                        Port Hospital -13.21974 8.449620   32d4ad   other
1665                                Other -13.26467 8.467531   cc7360   other
1666                     Central Hospital -13.25317 8.457906   221970 funeral
1667                     Central Hospital -13.24641 8.468520     <NA>    <NA>
1668                        Port Hospital -13.26622 8.467828   3e9026   other
1669                        Port Hospital -13.21517 8.470349     <NA>    <NA>
1670                        Port Hospital -13.26458 8.473213   70bcb6   other
1671                              Missing -13.22434 8.460268   09915f   other
1672                                Other -13.26625 8.474383   4bd479   other
1673                        Port Hospital -13.21269 8.465303     <NA>    <NA>
1674                              Missing -13.23329 8.469583     <NA>    <NA>
1675 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21726 8.476731     <NA>    <NA>
1676                              Missing -13.26079 8.455975     <NA>    <NA>
1677                        Port Hospital -13.24142 8.455619     <NA>    <NA>
1678                        Port Hospital -13.20545 8.462924   f62965   other
1679                        Port Hospital -13.26823 8.462634   ce2cb1   other
1680                        Port Hospital -13.21163 8.465006   78eb5a funeral
1681                        Port Hospital -13.26617 8.467356     <NA>    <NA>
1682                        Port Hospital -13.26636 8.461350   00ea5a   other
1683                    Military Hospital -13.21243 8.470647   3af813   other
1684 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24873 8.480813   7fd65e   other
1685 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21995 8.448376   62ccf5 funeral
1686                              Missing -13.21765 8.471509   c1ee8a   other
1687                        Port Hospital -13.23239 8.461315   a10c6f   other
1688                     Central Hospital -13.21809 8.476215     <NA>    <NA>
1689                        Port Hospital -13.21895 8.477423   06964b   other
1690 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22709 8.485685     <NA>    <NA>
1691                        Port Hospital -13.21464 8.453083   ff9ddd   other
1692                     Central Hospital -13.22094 8.460086   ced945   other
1693                              Missing -13.21531 8.465326   027e28   other
1694                    Military Hospital -13.26203 8.482594     <NA>    <NA>
1695                    Military Hospital -13.21582 8.450497   0c7850   other
1696                              Missing -13.26122 8.454451     <NA>    <NA>
1697                    Military Hospital -13.21912 8.448623     <NA>    <NA>
1698                                Other -13.24017 8.477974     <NA>    <NA>
1699                              Missing -13.22316 8.462415   d6a881   other
1700                                Other -13.21878 8.480148     <NA>    <NA>
1701                              Missing -13.21370 8.485938   96bea3   other
1702                              Missing -13.26557 8.459839   7a7d48   other
1703                    Military Hospital -13.26216 8.463930   da1f29   other
1704                        Port Hospital -13.23641 8.461245     <NA>    <NA>
1705                                Other -13.21797 8.475704   ed1a0a   other
1706 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21493 8.451757   6c234b   other
1707                    Military Hospital -13.22682 8.463919     <NA>    <NA>
1708                    Military Hospital -13.25586 8.459779   3b7ae0 funeral
1709                     Central Hospital -13.27027 8.452076     <NA>    <NA>
1710                    Military Hospital -13.21843 8.477415   fb76e3   other
1711 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21565 8.482666     <NA>    <NA>
1712                              Missing -13.26097 8.457779     <NA>    <NA>
1713                        Port Hospital -13.23985 8.477341   1a1418   other
1714                    Military Hospital -13.22284 8.464952   01c606 funeral
1715                        Port Hospital -13.21334 8.455146   f0edd0   other
1716                        Port Hospital -13.26044 8.453773   aee2e3   other
1717                    Military Hospital -13.20865 8.475782   95c347   other
1718                        Port Hospital -13.26000 8.453209     <NA>    <NA>
1719 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23824 8.470030   a013e6   other
1720                    Military Hospital -13.26650 8.451599   49272e funeral
1721                     Central Hospital -13.23128 8.469926   632d00   other
1722                    Military Hospital -13.25412 8.460510     <NA>    <NA>
1723                              Missing -13.21996 8.478868   53d721   other
1724                        Port Hospital -13.20992 8.474224   dc08fb   other
1725                        Port Hospital -13.21915 8.473394     <NA>    <NA>
1726                                Other -13.20951 8.451618     <NA>    <NA>
1727                              Missing -13.21330 8.465785     <NA>    <NA>
1728                              Missing -13.21849 8.460262   056471   other
1729                    Military Hospital -13.23756 8.475869     <NA>    <NA>
1730                                Other -13.25785 8.456992     <NA>    <NA>
1731 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21458 8.483898   af46a6   other
1732                                Other -13.22020 8.450161   2f8552   other
1733 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23269 8.460321   2da316 funeral
1734                              Missing -13.22045 8.462444   deff45   other
1735                              Missing -13.21552 8.455504   282013   other
1736                              Missing -13.22331 8.464492     <NA>    <NA>
1737                              Missing -13.21927 8.483813   8c2e93   other
1738                                Other -13.26134 8.464149     <NA>    <NA>
1739                    Military Hospital -13.22044 8.481680     <NA>    <NA>
1740                              Missing -13.21176 8.478573   d400f0 funeral
1741                        Port Hospital -13.26025 8.452070     <NA>    <NA>
1742 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21957 8.485921   1b9e8d   other
1743                                Other -13.21398 8.486002   461198   other
1744                     Central Hospital -13.21110 8.468420   c94b98   other
1745                              Missing -13.22334 8.481057   29734b   other
1746                     Central Hospital -13.22291 8.459707   aa4798   other
1747                              Missing -13.26982 8.460223   28e4d3   other
1748                    Military Hospital -13.23475 8.472036   ae7c6d funeral
1749                              Missing -13.24695 8.469165     <NA>    <NA>
1750 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24620 8.474212     <NA>    <NA>
1751                              Missing -13.26314 8.475499     <NA>    <NA>
1752                        Port Hospital -13.21193 8.465646   027e28   other
1753                     Central Hospital -13.26562 8.468240   dbfad8   other
1754                     Central Hospital -13.26767 8.462242     <NA>    <NA>
1755                        Port Hospital -13.24962 8.464707     <NA>    <NA>
1756                              Missing -13.23236 8.463134   9e9114   other
1757                        Port Hospital -13.25377 8.472546   b5aa67   other
1758                              Missing -13.21967 8.486348     <NA>    <NA>
1759                        Port Hospital -13.23174 8.466947   9c244a   other
1760                        Port Hospital -13.23081 8.480567   b86397 funeral
1761                              Missing -13.21079 8.451637   4d06ed   other
1762                        Port Hospital -13.26585 8.475890     <NA>    <NA>
1763                              Missing -13.21563 8.488302     <NA>    <NA>
1764                        Port Hospital -13.22335 8.463278     <NA>    <NA>
1765                        Port Hospital -13.24052 8.453057   43dea0   other
1766                        Port Hospital -13.22206 8.461991   632d00   other
1767                              Missing -13.21908 8.464955   ebb14f   other
1768                    Military Hospital -13.23690 8.476009   e61c07   other
1769                        Port Hospital -13.22631 8.471497   8f9f6f   other
1770                    Military Hospital -13.21283 8.453570   8a081f funeral
1771                        Port Hospital -13.21653 8.452964   2e70ff   other
1772                    Military Hospital -13.21461 8.465073   bc0b51   other
1773                                Other -13.26652 8.460560   bf302f   other
1774                              Missing -13.22988 8.460594   8a0025   other
1775                        Port Hospital -13.22105 8.486201   8f0055   other
1776                        Port Hospital -13.21769 8.479185     <NA>    <NA>
1777                              Missing -13.21044 8.463943   287a6b   other
1778                              Missing -13.21088 8.474893     <NA>    <NA>
1779                              Missing -13.26192 8.454695     <NA>    <NA>
1780                        Port Hospital -13.23776 8.469715   08bf40   other
1781                        Port Hospital -13.24065 8.479631   d34c05   other
1782                     Central Hospital -13.25780 8.451864     <NA>    <NA>
1783                                Other -13.23406 8.488576   4288fd   other
1784                        Port Hospital -13.24665 8.482646   d24a27   other
1785                    Military Hospital -13.24658 8.484901   ec10ca   other
1786                     Central Hospital -13.26437 8.480793     <NA>    <NA>
1787                        Port Hospital -13.21940 8.481878     <NA>    <NA>
1788                              Missing -13.21546 8.485710     <NA>    <NA>
1789 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21241 8.464056   bc0b51   other
1790                                Other -13.26084 8.482391     <NA>    <NA>
1791                              Missing -13.23578 8.466556     <NA>    <NA>
1792                        Port Hospital -13.21816 8.463657   ce2cb1 funeral
1793                        Port Hospital -13.21138 8.481146     <NA>    <NA>
1794                        Port Hospital -13.23393 8.461304   d6a852   other
1795                        Port Hospital -13.26596 8.463028     <NA>    <NA>
1796                                Other -13.24606 8.469006   1a1418   other
1797                              Missing -13.21461 8.467806     <NA>    <NA>
1798                    Military Hospital -13.20976 8.460311   3003dc funeral
1799                                Other -13.24618 8.465101     <NA>    <NA>
1800                        Port Hospital -13.24942 8.468092     <NA>    <NA>
1801                    Military Hospital -13.21833 8.488437   0f4976   other
1802                        Port Hospital -13.26228 8.486488   f5e8d0   other
1803                        Port Hospital -13.26737 8.461571     <NA>    <NA>
1804                        Port Hospital -13.21756 8.487296   92daa4 funeral
1805                        Port Hospital -13.21495 8.467996     <NA>    <NA>
1806 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25807 8.486525     <NA>    <NA>
1807                     Central Hospital -13.24156 8.478276     <NA>    <NA>
1808                        Port Hospital -13.21491 8.450790   902720   other
1809                    Military Hospital -13.26616 8.474302   72f91d   other
1810                    Military Hospital -13.21623 8.486154   8f971a   other
1811                                Other -13.26034 8.458680     <NA>    <NA>
1812                              Missing -13.21303 8.484533   42086d   other
1813                                Other -13.21287 8.451947     <NA>    <NA>
1814                        Port Hospital -13.21564 8.462900   2f29c3   other
1815                        Port Hospital -13.22149 8.462189   7ec4de   other
1816                        Port Hospital -13.21630 8.487759   4a17d6   other
1817                        Port Hospital -13.21894 8.475443   858426   other
1818                                Other -13.21925 8.483758   c19ffd   other
1819                     Central Hospital -13.26651 8.462763   217140 funeral
1820                              Missing -13.26431 8.474293     <NA>    <NA>
1821                              Missing -13.26269 8.484331   862f64   other
1822                    Military Hospital -13.21659 8.488409     <NA>    <NA>
1823                              Missing -13.23044 8.479578     <NA>    <NA>
1824                              Missing -13.24234 8.452874   bb0a5e   other
1825                        Port Hospital -13.21636 8.487275   e87706   other
1826                        Port Hospital -13.26503 8.468039   f1102e   other
1827                              Missing -13.25451 8.457653   ba0bd3   other
1828                        Port Hospital -13.23014 8.480358   af46a6   other
1829                        Port Hospital -13.21768 8.484859   fa9cc3   other
1830                        Port Hospital -13.21520 8.487167   2b8d07   other
1831                    Military Hospital -13.21583 8.485716     <NA>    <NA>
1832                              Missing -13.26587 8.473782   c8b489   other
1833                    Military Hospital -13.26688 8.461962   bf302f   other
1834                              Missing -13.21519 8.463480   6a7c6b funeral
1835                                Other -13.21069 8.468353   f13395   other
1836                        Port Hospital -13.20770 8.481193   5f6943   other
1837                                Other -13.26787 8.474494   94ef81 funeral
1838                                Other -13.21781 8.477551   632d00   other
1839                                Other -13.20838 8.456228   b255c3   other
1840                                Other -13.24618 8.468302     <NA>    <NA>
1841                    Military Hospital -13.21665 8.484368   a44cfe funeral
1842                        Port Hospital -13.21573 8.487954     <NA>    <NA>
1843                              Missing -13.26332 8.484847     <NA>    <NA>
1844                              Missing -13.20821 8.457025   0fde59   other
1845                        Port Hospital -13.26827 8.462493   e5998f   other
1846                    Military Hospital -13.24772 8.483482     <NA>    <NA>
1847                        Port Hospital -13.22017 8.484577   245ae1 funeral
1848                        Port Hospital -13.26839 8.463934   6ad8b1   other
1849                              Missing -13.21716 8.461726   229914   other
1850                                Other -13.23057 8.476163   728730   other
1851 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21328 8.471038   6833d7   other
1852                        Port Hospital -13.20743 8.453390   ad461c   other
1853                     Central Hospital -13.22293 8.462576   695392   other
1854                        Port Hospital -13.21661 8.470617   aa4798 funeral
1855                        Port Hospital -13.23441 8.461192     <NA>    <NA>
1856                        Port Hospital -13.26522 8.481420   a23bee   other
1857                    Military Hospital -13.21244 8.484665   1cf7a4   other
1858                        Port Hospital -13.25992 8.453757   8d1589   other
1859                     Central Hospital -13.25495 8.480123     <NA>    <NA>
1860                              Missing -13.22316 8.464870   c276a4   other
1861                        Port Hospital -13.21798 8.462020   776a16   other
1862                                Other -13.21940 8.451618   deff45   other
1863                                Other -13.25998 8.455033   1e7b26   other
1864                        Port Hospital -13.22383 8.464376   d34c05   other
1865                    Military Hospital -13.23574 8.490183     <NA>    <NA>
1866                     Central Hospital -13.23517 8.470523     <NA>    <NA>
1867                     Central Hospital -13.23229 8.467250   507608   other
1868                        Port Hospital -13.22662 8.460909     <NA>    <NA>
1869                                Other -13.24543 8.470779   f2daa7   other
1870                              Missing -13.21810 8.450151   586cb3   other
1871                     Central Hospital -13.22473 8.471383   61264e   other
1872 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23648 8.478888   6833d7   other
1873 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23329 8.460267     <NA>    <NA>
1874                                Other -13.25253 8.478965     <NA>    <NA>
1875                              Missing -13.21728 8.476377   f1d2ce   other
1876                              Missing -13.25913 8.454671     <NA>    <NA>
1877                        Port Hospital -13.24003 8.455880     <NA>    <NA>
1878                              Missing -13.23438 8.477067     <NA>    <NA>
1879                        Port Hospital -13.21474 8.488427     <NA>    <NA>
1880                        Port Hospital -13.21619 8.488201   323ade   other
1881                     Central Hospital -13.26654 8.459999     <NA>    <NA>
1882                              Missing -13.21927 8.479579     <NA>    <NA>
1883                              Missing -13.21197 8.465244   9e2de0   other
1884                              Missing -13.25892 8.456677   d9b38b   other
1885                                Other -13.26350 8.462400     <NA>    <NA>
1886                        Port Hospital -13.26626 8.455224     <NA>    <NA>
1887                    Military Hospital -13.26135 8.452429   e0e084   other
1888                        Port Hospital -13.23438 8.471778     <NA>    <NA>
1889                                Other -13.24779 8.464551     <NA>    <NA>
1890                              Missing -13.26090 8.453476   5d9f25   other
1891                        Port Hospital -13.21449 8.467501     <NA>    <NA>
1892                                Other -13.24158 8.452499     <NA>    <NA>
1893                     Central Hospital -13.23100 8.471498     <NA>    <NA>
1894                        Port Hospital -13.21644 8.487100     <NA>    <NA>
1895                        Port Hospital -13.21010 8.479539   125c66   other
1896                    Military Hospital -13.23240 8.469882     <NA>    <NA>
1897                    Military Hospital -13.26607 8.473767     <NA>    <NA>
1898                    Military Hospital -13.26156 8.463526     <NA>    <NA>
1899                        Port Hospital -13.22080 8.464451     <NA>    <NA>
1900                        Port Hospital -13.24666 8.467039     <NA>    <NA>
1901                              Missing -13.26943 8.461046     <NA>    <NA>
1902                     Central Hospital -13.21248 8.485544   c42cf1   other
1903                    Military Hospital -13.22431 8.473229     <NA>    <NA>
1904                        Port Hospital -13.20698 8.462934     <NA>    <NA>
1905                        Port Hospital -13.23717 8.470242   c42cf1   other
1906                        Port Hospital -13.23600 8.467959     <NA>    <NA>
1907                              Missing -13.20979 8.452635   45042d   other
1908                        Port Hospital -13.21396 8.469376     <NA>    <NA>
1909                        Port Hospital -13.24777 8.464785   8b798f   other
1910                        Port Hospital -13.26365 8.465054   f714ea   other
1911                        Port Hospital -13.21099 8.464360   da5cd3   other
1912                        Port Hospital -13.21212 8.454977   dbab87   other
1913                        Port Hospital -13.23269 8.460597   f273ab   other
1914                        Port Hospital -13.23598 8.460004     <NA>    <NA>
1915                        Port Hospital -13.21075 8.459656     <NA>    <NA>
1916                        Port Hospital -13.26589 8.480719   32f781   other
1917                              Missing -13.22052 8.484612   bfe53c   other
1918                    Military Hospital -13.26272 8.455192   fd9c82 funeral
1919                              Missing -13.21601 8.484184   a5f03d funeral
1920                    Military Hospital -13.20866 8.452004   b83511   other
1921                                Other -13.22462 8.484040   0e6823   other
1922                    Military Hospital -13.22807 8.486921   19b40a   other
1923                              Missing -13.26680 8.450349     <NA>    <NA>
1924                        Port Hospital -13.24036 8.457966   5ccdec   other
1925                    Military Hospital -13.22569 8.485949   899fb5   other
1926                              Missing -13.25167 8.473050     <NA>    <NA>
1927 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21604 8.452100   2ae08e   other
1928                                Other -13.26345 8.464134   776a16   other
1929                                Other -13.25307 8.458753   f47e5c   other
1930                        Port Hospital -13.23204 8.466989   033ccb   other
1931                    Military Hospital -13.26591 8.473983   42bd9e   other
1932                              Missing -13.26517 8.453672   36391a   other
1933                    Military Hospital -13.21198 8.465521     <NA>    <NA>
1934                        Port Hospital -13.24575 8.464254   c472e7 funeral
1935                                Other -13.21835 8.476748     <NA>    <NA>
1936                                Other -13.21438 8.462425     <NA>    <NA>
1937                        Port Hospital -13.25393 8.458650   45e10c   other
1938                        Port Hospital -13.25924 8.456019   63de8a   other
1939                    Military Hospital -13.21536 8.485055     <NA>    <NA>
1940                        Port Hospital -13.21516 8.480485     <NA>    <NA>
1941                    Military Hospital -13.23737 8.475035   229914   other
1942                              Missing -13.23766 8.475734   a127a7   other
1943                     Central Hospital -13.22772 8.477175   72cbb4   other
1944                     Central Hospital -13.26059 8.457556     <NA>    <NA>
1945                    Military Hospital -13.21784 8.462002     <NA>    <NA>
1946 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26236 8.449931   166302   other
1947                        Port Hospital -13.22282 8.463911   d4d95e funeral
1948                        Port Hospital -13.26421 8.483687     <NA>    <NA>
1949 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22706 8.471098   b49023   other
1950                        Port Hospital -13.22232 8.479399   4c8fcc   other
1951                     Central Hospital -13.26057 8.452920   7df159   other
1952                              Missing -13.26041 8.458239   80107b   other
1953                        Port Hospital -13.20787 8.463919   500d8e   other
1954                              Missing -13.26785 8.461842     <NA>    <NA>
1955                              Missing -13.22632 8.473056     <NA>    <NA>
1956                              Missing -13.22106 8.463541   63de8a   other
1957                        Port Hospital -13.22509 8.485842     <NA>    <NA>
1958                        Port Hospital -13.26809 8.468249   7a14dd   other
1959                     Central Hospital -13.23860 8.468739   c885c9   other
1960                              Missing -13.21728 8.482408   31403d   other
1961                              Missing -13.26526 8.456203   fe60e3   other
1962                    Military Hospital -13.21427 8.485442   ce1a9f   other
1963                        Port Hospital -13.26152 8.464268   240a34   other
1964                        Port Hospital -13.26695 8.456236     <NA>    <NA>
1965                        Port Hospital -13.21518 8.486353   c6cdb2   other
1966                        Port Hospital -13.26563 8.475037   767320   other
1967                        Port Hospital -13.23310 8.476462   305fcc   other
1968                                Other -13.21257 8.479281     <NA>    <NA>
1969                    Military Hospital -13.25813 8.455819   8b100a   other
1970                              Missing -13.21596 8.461143   e68dd5   other
1971                              Missing -13.26729 8.462394   152e9d   other
1972                    Military Hospital -13.26723 8.455299   a4869d funeral
1973                              Missing -13.24618 8.484414   9bef03   other
1974                              Missing -13.21634 8.476331   ad3119   other
1975                        Port Hospital -13.23482 8.489678     <NA>    <NA>
1976                              Missing -13.21650 8.472173   f714ea   other
1977                    Military Hospital -13.21747 8.449511     <NA>    <NA>
1978                                Other -13.23582 8.485931   f309db   other
1979                        Port Hospital -13.21603 8.454842   7666bc funeral
1980 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21722 8.473574   9d11f4   other
1981                        Port Hospital -13.24693 8.467034   21368b   other
1982                        Port Hospital -13.21762 8.475465     <NA>    <NA>
1983                              Missing -13.26720 8.462354   8a0025   other
1984                     Central Hospital -13.22117 8.461446   845d44   other
1985                              Missing -13.24862 8.464916   19d49c   other
1986 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24942 8.471726     <NA>    <NA>
1987                                Other -13.21523 8.485395   bcd8c5 funeral
1988                              Missing -13.21459 8.450858   3015b9   other
1989                              Missing -13.21256 8.467732     <NA>    <NA>
1990                                Other -13.21597 8.479789     <NA>    <NA>
1991                        Port Hospital -13.24697 8.482861   9f9bf9   other
1992                              Missing -13.23292 8.463242     <NA>    <NA>
1993                        Port Hospital -13.26248 8.463619     <NA>    <NA>
1994                              Missing -13.26847 8.451025   461198 funeral
1995                                Other -13.26294 8.453986   b25795   other
1996                        Port Hospital -13.22435 8.480530     <NA>    <NA>
1997                        Port Hospital -13.21408 8.463023     <NA>    <NA>
1998                                Other -13.22398 8.461758   95b91a   other
1999                        Port Hospital -13.26777 8.469171   23a93d   other
2000                        Port Hospital -13.25563 8.485687     <NA>    <NA>
2001 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25467 8.458790   b9ebe2   other
2002                        Port Hospital -13.22188 8.462879     <NA>    <NA>
2003                                Other -13.21130 8.466551   9af15b   other
2004                        Port Hospital -13.22544 8.472748   4d9850   other
2005                        Port Hospital -13.22520 8.472308   10153b   other
2006                                Other -13.22121 8.463217   fd655e   other
2007                    Military Hospital -13.24604 8.464081     <NA>    <NA>
2008                                Other -13.21898 8.450628   e0424f   other
2009                     Central Hospital -13.22379 8.471375     <NA>    <NA>
2010 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26676 8.461548     <NA>    <NA>
2011                              Missing -13.21620 8.470681   1b0591   other
2012                                Other -13.22545 8.473206   9d0b57   other
2013                        Port Hospital -13.24895 8.465021   dfbcf1   other
2014                              Missing -13.25241 8.458561     <NA>    <NA>
2015                        Port Hospital -13.24930 8.485862     <NA>    <NA>
2016                    Military Hospital -13.24207 8.452498   4d0722   other
2017 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23823 8.476809     <NA>    <NA>
2018                        Port Hospital -13.26090 8.463066   aebdac   other
2019                                Other -13.22253 8.461453     <NA>    <NA>
2020                    Military Hospital -13.25146 8.472403     <NA>    <NA>
2021 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21038 8.478539   f08829   other
2022                     Central Hospital -13.23489 8.461640   f6d54c   other
2023                                Other -13.26521 8.460074     <NA>    <NA>
2024                              Missing -13.21188 8.469186   fe3097 funeral
2025                                Other -13.23306 8.466107     <NA>    <NA>
2026                                Other -13.23427 8.470274     <NA>    <NA>
2027                        Port Hospital -13.26747 8.462179     <NA>    <NA>
2028 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24755 8.470855   63de8a   other
2029                    Military Hospital -13.21223 8.465781     <NA>    <NA>
2030                        Port Hospital -13.21867 8.463510   039299   other
2031                        Port Hospital -13.21554 8.462578     <NA>    <NA>
2032                     Central Hospital -13.25833 8.453053     <NA>    <NA>
2033                        Port Hospital -13.21724 8.465408   8b643c   other
2034                        Port Hospital -13.26700 8.463212   f6d54c   other
2035                        Port Hospital -13.21603 8.462250   efc197 funeral
2036                              Missing -13.26756 8.464371   23a93d   other
2037                        Port Hospital -13.22476 8.472496   77d9e0   other
2038                        Port Hospital -13.23777 8.487901   571e55   other
2039                              Missing -13.20974 8.456315   95042d   other
2040                        Port Hospital -13.23381 8.479096     <NA>    <NA>
2041 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22366 8.478312   4716c9   other
2042                        Port Hospital -13.21342 8.476437   51c93a funeral
2043                        Port Hospital -13.21774 8.488988   856abf   other
2044                     Central Hospital -13.21478 8.454422   23a93d   other
2045                    Military Hospital -13.21157 8.467951   849de8   other
2046                              Missing -13.20864 8.455735   625d9d   other
2047                    Military Hospital -13.23267 8.470183   635246   other
2048                              Missing -13.25417 8.473818   70ef1f   other
2049                                Other -13.21020 8.462531     <NA>    <NA>
2050                              Missing -13.23170 8.466695   a5d3bb   other
2051                              Missing -13.22161 8.481747     <NA>    <NA>
2052                     Central Hospital -13.22141 8.484094   8b100a   other
2053                              Missing -13.22158 8.461789   f2f95b funeral
2054                     Central Hospital -13.21726 8.487535   e1ec99 funeral
2055                        Port Hospital -13.21106 8.463653   9487e2   other
2056                                Other -13.23880 8.487358     <NA>    <NA>
2057                    Military Hospital -13.26753 8.459563   4d9850   other
2058                              Missing -13.24692 8.469134     <NA>    <NA>
2059                    Military Hospital -13.22861 8.481705   b46a7a   other
2060                     Central Hospital -13.26688 8.462608   4fd45f   other
2061                                Other -13.22098 8.475698     <NA>    <NA>
2062                        Port Hospital -13.26105 8.456198   d8e140   other
2063                        Port Hospital -13.26683 8.470973     <NA>    <NA>
2064                                Other -13.26747 8.461036   899fb5   other
2065                              Missing -13.25370 8.473587   c70a33   other
2066                              Missing -13.21623 8.487837   46bed2   other
2067                        Port Hospital -13.21024 8.452688     <NA>    <NA>
2068                              Missing -13.23440 8.467613   fe8345 funeral
2069                     Central Hospital -13.27014 8.477839   3a41c5   other
2070                        Port Hospital -13.21481 8.466962   d45263   other
2071                        Port Hospital -13.22443 8.479340   177918   other
2072                    Military Hospital -13.23930 8.479172   32f095 funeral
2073                    Military Hospital -13.26574 8.449613   5ab39c   other
2074                        Port Hospital -13.25987 8.453183   ce1a9f   other
2075                                Other -13.21654 8.452659     <NA>    <NA>
2076                        Port Hospital -13.26759 8.450618   57f892   other
2077                        Port Hospital -13.20755 8.464447   b46a7a   other
2078                        Port Hospital -13.26608 8.461120   a2b371   other
2079 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21056 8.459238     <NA>    <NA>
2080                        Port Hospital -13.21946 8.481999     <NA>    <NA>
2081                    Military Hospital -13.24224 8.453787     <NA>    <NA>
2082                              Missing -13.21640 8.471490   53f6ed   other
2083                     Central Hospital -13.23259 8.465124     <NA>    <NA>
2084                              Missing -13.22303 8.461988     <NA>    <NA>
2085                                Other -13.23509 8.467905     <NA>    <NA>
2086                              Missing -13.24890 8.486769   b72eed   other
2087                              Missing -13.21239 8.481218   39cb95 funeral
2088                    Military Hospital -13.20924 8.464967   1b0591   other
2089                                Other -13.21417 8.450738     <NA>    <NA>
2090                              Missing -13.23749 8.469109     <NA>    <NA>
2091                              Missing -13.21561 8.462981   0fc6eb   other
2092                    Military Hospital -13.22290 8.479594   c31a53   other
2093                              Missing -13.23347 8.476238   cbbbee   other
2094                              Missing -13.21619 8.451049   4dc891   other
2095                        Port Hospital -13.22113 8.474083   b725fc   other
2096                              Missing -13.21797 8.451666     <NA>    <NA>
2097                    Military Hospital -13.21485 8.454176     <NA>    <NA>
2098                        Port Hospital -13.22432 8.463152   a23ef7   other
2099                        Port Hospital -13.26713 8.461010   3e4063   other
2100                              Missing -13.23164 8.464360   49a14d   other
2101                              Missing -13.22024 8.479176     <NA>    <NA>
2102                        Port Hospital -13.26482 8.475548   b3851b   other
2103                              Missing -13.22081 8.462469     <NA>    <NA>
2104 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21664 8.461931   7f957c   other
2105                        Port Hospital -13.22472 8.486646   a2df92   other
2106                    Military Hospital -13.22041 8.461046   a5d3bb   other
2107                                Other -13.23702 8.485829     <NA>    <NA>
2108                              Missing -13.22454 8.461931     <NA>    <NA>
2109                    Military Hospital -13.20968 8.452664     <NA>    <NA>
2110                        Port Hospital -13.21074 8.465848     <NA>    <NA>
2111                              Missing -13.25794 8.457708   be9727   other
2112                              Missing -13.21262 8.466463     <NA>    <NA>
2113                              Missing -13.21394 8.463133     <NA>    <NA>
2114                                Other -13.26915 8.468574   c259e2   other
2115                                Other -13.21420 8.482730     <NA>    <NA>
2116                        Port Hospital -13.21499 8.487992   c17eda   other
2117                    Military Hospital -13.20879 8.454060     <NA>    <NA>
2118                                Other -13.21927 8.484260     <NA>    <NA>
2119 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26266 8.463473     <NA>    <NA>
2120                              Missing -13.25079 8.473695     <NA>    <NA>
2121                    Military Hospital -13.21690 8.465039   eb5026   other
2122                              Missing -13.26327 8.465316   52c435   other
2123                                Other -13.21608 8.465020   ac8a1d   other
2124                    Military Hospital -13.26642 8.455875   0335d5   other
2125                    Military Hospital -13.21906 8.447753     <NA>    <NA>
2126                              Missing -13.21718 8.484086   b3ec9e   other
2127                        Port Hospital -13.21848 8.460299   686293   other
2128                                Other -13.26421 8.481648     <NA>    <NA>
2129                    Military Hospital -13.21599 8.451386   c55720   other
2130                              Missing -13.21790 8.476648   a2b371   other
2131                                Other -13.27016 8.462978   08c2f2   other
2132                                Other -13.26624 8.459200   6b30d1   other
2133                              Missing -13.22626 8.483988   efc197 funeral
2134 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23677 8.476002     <NA>    <NA>
2135                              Missing -13.21510 8.464734     <NA>    <NA>
2136 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22802 8.458409   42bd9e   other
2137                        Port Hospital -13.26144 8.465503   2f05b5 funeral
2138                              Missing -13.23797 8.468756   7605e7   other
2139 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21949 8.474962   ecb1de   other
2140                        Port Hospital -13.24540 8.484667     <NA>    <NA>
2141                        Port Hospital -13.25094 8.456832   635246   other
2142                     Central Hospital -13.21276 8.481777   50fb75   other
2143 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24276 8.451911     <NA>    <NA>
2144                    Military Hospital -13.26347 8.463388   26b565   other
2145                              Missing -13.21969 8.477771   c0bd90   other
2146                        Port Hospital -13.22098 8.451283     <NA>    <NA>
2147                    Military Hospital -13.21154 8.458365     <NA>    <NA>
2148                        Port Hospital -13.21650 8.463444   5c033b   other
2149                              Missing -13.26170 8.452279     <NA>    <NA>
2150                        Port Hospital -13.21205 8.468153   8cc0d6   other
2151                     Central Hospital -13.25653 8.482027   e81454 funeral
2152                              Missing -13.21612 8.463408   6ad9f7   other
2153                              Missing -13.21891 8.470684     <NA>    <NA>
2154 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23469 8.467128   b26166   other
2155                        Port Hospital -13.21422 8.469561   271218   other
2156                        Port Hospital -13.23176 8.469317   05490c   other
2157                                Other -13.22356 8.461425   df37cf   other
2158                              Missing -13.25248 8.472161     <NA>    <NA>
2159                              Missing -13.26737 8.451240     <NA>    <NA>
2160                              Missing -13.24752 8.467025   4e54ad   other
2161                                Other -13.23095 8.464400   a93984   other
2162                    Military Hospital -13.24771 8.487160     <NA>    <NA>
2163                                Other -13.23321 8.471349   5e8902   other
2164                              Missing -13.22400 8.477972   0fc6eb   other
2165                     Central Hospital -13.26630 8.461060   af46a6   other
2166                        Port Hospital -13.23431 8.471421   f6d54c   other
2167                    Military Hospital -13.24607 8.466970   8d99c9   other
2168                              Missing -13.21182 8.464533   7d9d18 funeral
2169                        Port Hospital -13.22061 8.465394   50fb75 funeral
2170                              Missing -13.23414 8.472080   eb51dc   other
2171                                Other -13.26837 8.462940   140f9e   other
2172                     Central Hospital -13.21128 8.456097   93b316   other
2173                        Port Hospital -13.21742 8.450565     <NA>    <NA>
2174                     Central Hospital -13.22480 8.460518     <NA>    <NA>
2175                              Missing -13.26194 8.484749   721b5b   other
2176                                Other -13.22216 8.461240   9f2e47   other
2177 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24809 8.468175   2349f6   other
2178                    Military Hospital -13.21075 8.459007   c984ef funeral
2179                              Missing -13.21338 8.464178     <NA>    <NA>
2180                              Missing -13.23694 8.476187   b7cf2a   other
2181 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22886 8.477374     <NA>    <NA>
2182                        Port Hospital -13.21134 8.464345   30efe5   other
2183                        Port Hospital -13.22513 8.472024   dec104   other
2184                              Missing -13.24744 8.466332   433450 funeral
2185                              Missing -13.21533 8.470195     <NA>    <NA>
2186 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22924 8.467973   93dc70   other
2187                              Missing -13.23321 8.479184   c5c8d3 funeral
2188                              Missing -13.23693 8.469806   4e54ad funeral
2189                        Port Hospital -13.21032 8.470388     <NA>    <NA>
2190                    Military Hospital -13.22056 8.485276   85f0fa   other
2191                              Missing -13.21402 8.452742   039299   other
2192                              Missing -13.26603 8.462220     <NA>    <NA>
2193                        Port Hospital -13.22704 8.484671     <NA>    <NA>
2194                    Military Hospital -13.22030 8.476302   daa8c8   other
2195                     Central Hospital -13.26343 8.482226     <NA>    <NA>
2196                     Central Hospital -13.21744 8.479143   31e0ca   other
2197                    Military Hospital -13.26181 8.464176   fd687c   other
2198                     Central Hospital -13.21201 8.467952   1a4d67   other
2199                              Missing -13.26199 8.485891     <NA>    <NA>
2200                    Military Hospital -13.21953 8.483104   fd655e   other
2201                              Missing -13.21994 8.477752   7ca88d   other
2202                                Other -13.23708 8.487313     <NA>    <NA>
2203                                Other -13.25962 8.452639     <NA>    <NA>
2204                    Military Hospital -13.26477 8.473148   fd960a   other
2205 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21238 8.484436     <NA>    <NA>
2206                        Port Hospital -13.22210 8.481325   17ee3f   other
2207 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24696 8.482767     <NA>    <NA>
2208                              Missing -13.21749 8.472080     <NA>    <NA>
2209 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22489 8.486973   039299   other
2210                                Other -13.26415 8.480419   28a3c3   other
2211                        Port Hospital -13.23220 8.463938     <NA>    <NA>
2212                              Missing -13.21427 8.470306     <NA>    <NA>
2213                              Missing -13.21339 8.470122   a6cbbc   other
2214                        Port Hospital -13.21767 8.485765   136ae9   other
2215                                Other -13.21488 8.489949     <NA>    <NA>
2216                                Other -13.23461 8.468532     <NA>    <NA>
2217                                Other -13.21923 8.472775     <NA>    <NA>
2218                        Port Hospital -13.26836 8.462822   eadc76   other
2219                              Missing -13.26509 8.475906     <NA>    <NA>
2220                              Missing -13.25210 8.457270   43dea0   other
2221                              Missing -13.21597 8.451566     <NA>    <NA>
2222                    Military Hospital -13.23752 8.470642   74af83   other
2223                                Other -13.23363 8.477682     <NA>    <NA>
2224                              Missing -13.24520 8.465155   333173   other
2225                     Central Hospital -13.23267 8.462871   d9b53c   other
2226                        Port Hospital -13.22989 8.480879     <NA>    <NA>
2227                     Central Hospital -13.21583 8.464091     <NA>    <NA>
2228                    Military Hospital -13.26446 8.478737   f87cea funeral
2229                        Port Hospital -13.21398 8.470774     <NA>    <NA>
2230                                Other -13.21434 8.455338     <NA>    <NA>
2231                              Missing -13.26369 8.455014   b8bf6e   other
2232                                Other -13.24660 8.485591     <NA>    <NA>
2233                    Military Hospital -13.21754 8.475117     <NA>    <NA>
2234                              Missing -13.26088 8.457741   b18db1   other
2235                     Central Hospital -13.22324 8.471027   479e97 funeral
2236                                Other -13.26584 8.461650   d335b4   other
2237                        Port Hospital -13.25859 8.482147   52df3e   other
2238                        Port Hospital -13.21559 8.451976     <NA>    <NA>
2239                     Central Hospital -13.26463 8.477648   2ef4da   other
2240                              Missing -13.26203 8.464454     <NA>    <NA>
2241                                Other -13.21438 8.465764     <NA>    <NA>
2242                                Other -13.23027 8.470511     <NA>    <NA>
2243                        Port Hospital -13.24469 8.465048   8f5a90   other
2244                     Central Hospital -13.25229 8.460007   8bd6ee   other
2245                              Missing -13.23421 8.487702     <NA>    <NA>
2246                              Missing -13.24719 8.469606   1e1733   other
2247                        Port Hospital -13.21436 8.478532   7ca88d   other
2248                              Missing -13.25969 8.457996     <NA>    <NA>
2249                                Other -13.23454 8.479000   5c033b   other
2250                     Central Hospital -13.24772 8.483937   77fdea funeral
2251                              Missing -13.21148 8.466876   e86451   other
2252                                Other -13.21583 8.461973   b3851b   other
2253                        Port Hospital -13.21403 8.483566     <NA>    <NA>
2254                    Military Hospital -13.21158 8.481194   a2bd77   other
2255                        Port Hospital -13.22086 8.480731   ae5459   other
2256                              Missing -13.24419 8.465723     <NA>    <NA>
2257                    Military Hospital -13.24710 8.466598     <NA>    <NA>
2258                        Port Hospital -13.22193 8.460694   14caaf   other
2259                        Port Hospital -13.26628 8.462263   a424ae   other
2260                                Other -13.21035 8.453175     <NA>    <NA>
2261                     Central Hospital -13.24754 8.485211     <NA>    <NA>
2262                              Missing -13.26610 8.477716   9dd19c   other
2263                    Military Hospital -13.22421 8.472308   56c3f9   other
2264                        Port Hospital -13.23473 8.478248   263041   other
2265                        Port Hospital -13.21824 8.461161   d8ff1e   other
2266                    Military Hospital -13.26668 8.455666   14caaf   other
2267                                Other -13.22861 8.469415     <NA>    <NA>
2268                                Other -13.25258 8.457118   19b40a   other
2269                                Other -13.26152 8.452156   3d031d   other
2270                    Military Hospital -13.25924 8.452808   1af90c   other
2271                                Other -13.21814 8.463119   9264e2   other
2272                    Military Hospital -13.21218 8.465879     <NA>    <NA>
2273                              Missing -13.23080 8.470792   1cab0a   other
2274                        Port Hospital -13.21567 8.488905   a33434   other
2275                        Port Hospital -13.26787 8.454635   a2b371   other
2276                     Central Hospital -13.21997 8.475972   38fc71 funeral
2277                              Missing -13.26889 8.474971     <NA>    <NA>
2278                    Military Hospital -13.24128 8.451728     <NA>    <NA>
2279                    Military Hospital -13.26571 8.462341   a1e166 funeral
2280                        Port Hospital -13.20846 8.453441   1cab0a   other
2281                    Military Hospital -13.26585 8.471660   57ddc2   other
2282                        Port Hospital -13.22192 8.483580   2e312f   other
2283                                Other -13.26541 8.459351     <NA>    <NA>
2284                              Missing -13.21614 8.487843   78841b   other
2285                        Port Hospital -13.23239 8.471136   7ffacc   other
2286                        Port Hospital -13.22152 8.480605   3e1e8d   other
2287 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22076 8.482172   dccd79   other
2288                    Military Hospital -13.24524 8.465273   1f7517   other
2289                                Other -13.21866 8.452808   f6d54c   other
2290                                Other -13.21821 8.461484   be9727   other
2291                                Other -13.21667 8.452491     <NA>    <NA>
2292                        Port Hospital -13.26719 8.459239   27f0e3 funeral
2293                    Military Hospital -13.21453 8.455620   7ca88d   other
2294                              Missing -13.23537 8.490227     <NA>    <NA>
2295                                Other -13.25315 8.459406   2ef4da   other
2296                     Central Hospital -13.22597 8.489375   764d43   other
2297                    Military Hospital -13.23352 8.477462     <NA>    <NA>
2298                              Missing -13.25959 8.454769     <NA>    <NA>
2299                    Military Hospital -13.23462 8.472501     <NA>    <NA>
2300                     Central Hospital -13.25287 8.474063     <NA>    <NA>
2301                              Missing -13.22018 8.448486     <NA>    <NA>
2302                              Missing -13.26080 8.457007     <NA>    <NA>
2303                     Central Hospital -13.23342 8.460624   5e8902   other
2304                              Missing -13.22475 8.449270   5e8902   other
2305                        Port Hospital -13.21855 8.478122   d5798b   other
2306                    Military Hospital -13.21735 8.450822   c9b9ce   other
2307                    Military Hospital -13.22302 8.461087   9e4014   other
2308                              Missing -13.25393 8.474590   5e8902   other
2309                     Central Hospital -13.21282 8.465291     <NA>    <NA>
2310                        Port Hospital -13.23210 8.462084   a4b263   other
2311                    Military Hospital -13.21724 8.463295   3015b9   other
2312                              Missing -13.21392 8.451811   141b2d   other
2313                              Missing -13.22082 8.485534     <NA>    <NA>
2314                        Port Hospital -13.24712 8.486415   95e386 funeral
2315                              Missing -13.25544 8.459174   500d8e funeral
2316                                Other -13.23243 8.472580     <NA>    <NA>
2317                                Other -13.23491 8.467345   187a52   other
2318                                Other -13.21036 8.477285     <NA>    <NA>
2319                                Other -13.22193 8.484231     <NA>    <NA>
2320 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23869 8.489803     <NA>    <NA>
2321 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22381 8.464139   f85d5d   other
2322                              Missing -13.24696 8.464388     <NA>    <NA>
2323                    Military Hospital -13.22417 8.480196     <NA>    <NA>
2324                              Missing -13.22672 8.486338     <NA>    <NA>
2325                     Central Hospital -13.23094 8.477264   48aa60   other
2326                        Port Hospital -13.26863 8.452221   2e2be5   other
2327                     Central Hospital -13.21903 8.450838   8bd6ee   other
2328                                Other -13.21501 8.464004   f32857   other
2329                              Missing -13.26832 8.468677     <NA>    <NA>
2330                              Missing -13.21648 8.487972   129d17   other
2331                              Missing -13.24047 8.451727   129d17   other
2332                    Military Hospital -13.25717 8.453845   5e9cf3   other
2333                              Missing -13.26677 8.475300     <NA>    <NA>
2334                              Missing -13.21012 8.453481   ae2350   other
2335                              Missing -13.22032 8.462007     <NA>    <NA>
2336                              Missing -13.22930 8.470287   f14ff6 funeral
2337                                Other -13.26685 8.464464     <NA>    <NA>
2338                              Missing -13.26009 8.456331   033ccb   other
2339                                Other -13.23426 8.474102     <NA>    <NA>
2340                              Missing -13.21106 8.455596     <NA>    <NA>
2341                                Other -13.25994 8.458755   ba2431   other
2342                        Port Hospital -13.24558 8.470724   928277   other
2343 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23278 8.460785     <NA>    <NA>
2344                        Port Hospital -13.25254 8.474567   427639   other
2345                        Port Hospital -13.26064 8.452916     <NA>    <NA>
2346                        Port Hospital -13.23474 8.488712     <NA>    <NA>
2347                        Port Hospital -13.26899 8.462023   8aba22   other
2348                              Missing -13.21175 8.449712     <NA>    <NA>
2349                     Central Hospital -13.21825 8.483327   1cf7a4   other
2350                              Missing -13.21535 8.462917   f32857   other
2351                              Missing -13.24782 8.469541   6a37d9   other
2352                              Missing -13.24992 8.486109   fa016b   other
2353                              Missing -13.21337 8.453857     <NA>    <NA>
2354                        Port Hospital -13.25273 8.458567   e6ea96   other
2355                                Other -13.22072 8.464131     <NA>    <NA>
2356                     Central Hospital -13.23383 8.463643   8673bf   other
2357                        Port Hospital -13.26552 8.474345   dfb336   other
2358                              Missing -13.22060 8.475282   1b1958   other
2359                     Central Hospital -13.22823 8.459374   1478bd   other
2360                        Port Hospital -13.24782 8.483127   b6fce0   other
2361                              Missing -13.26809 8.455637   8ab6bd   other
2362                                Other -13.23466 8.463408     <NA>    <NA>
2363                              Missing -13.22005 8.478912   4e6102 funeral
2364                    Military Hospital -13.21924 8.486537   70907e   other
2365                     Central Hospital -13.25353 8.458171   97a998   other
2366                                Other -13.21859 8.485150   49cfd9 funeral
2367                        Port Hospital -13.26215 8.463703     <NA>    <NA>
2368                              Missing -13.24929 8.478855   4e6102   other
2369                              Missing -13.21965 8.471323   b58b24   other
2370                    Military Hospital -13.26687 8.482442     <NA>    <NA>
2371                              Missing -13.23683 8.476998     <NA>    <NA>
2372 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24820 8.483540   2003a1   other
2373 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25810 8.454077     <NA>    <NA>
2374                              Missing -13.22116 8.463328   849c97   other
2375                        Port Hospital -13.26852 8.477119   3a4372   other
2376                     Central Hospital -13.26795 8.462155   0e6823   other
2377                        Port Hospital -13.23106 8.483106   81aedc   other
2378                              Missing -13.24669 8.482358   5224aa   other
2379                                Other -13.23212 8.467148     <NA>    <NA>
2380                              Missing -13.25946 8.462701     <NA>    <NA>
2381                              Missing -13.23200 8.469203   e8bbf8 funeral
2382                        Port Hospital -13.24713 8.467880   4615f4   other
2383                    Military Hospital -13.24829 8.484649   543c36 funeral
2384                     Central Hospital -13.21347 8.480928   17742d   other
2385                        Port Hospital -13.21248 8.463183     <NA>    <NA>
2386                    Military Hospital -13.24950 8.486301   bb40ed   other
2387                                Other -13.25960 8.455621     <NA>    <NA>
2388                                Other -13.21599 8.484414   84e685   other
2389                     Central Hospital -13.21937 8.448185   2f8e83   other
2390                     Central Hospital -13.25292 8.456837   1b6f79   other
2391                     Central Hospital -13.23610 8.469483     <NA>    <NA>
2392                        Port Hospital -13.26451 8.457180     <NA>    <NA>
2393                              Missing -13.23419 8.467297     <NA>    <NA>
2394                                Other -13.22574 8.481895     <NA>    <NA>
2395                    Military Hospital -13.26219 8.463176   573518   other
2396                        Port Hospital -13.22468 8.487976   366494   other
2397                    Military Hospital -13.22354 8.484754   9add10 funeral
2398                                Other -13.26615 8.475470   573518   other
2399                                Other -13.22359 8.464009   7f1314   other
2400                     Central Hospital -13.22047 8.464529   07c718   other
2401                              Missing -13.25909 8.481291   19db82   other
2402                                Other -13.23629 8.476642     <NA>    <NA>
2403                    Military Hospital -13.25309 8.457383   1a0bf0   other
2404                                Other -13.21563 8.465850   d369cf funeral
2405                    Military Hospital -13.23317 8.465708     <NA>    <NA>
2406                                Other -13.21123 8.479484     <NA>    <NA>
2407                              Missing -13.21571 8.481972     <NA>    <NA>
2408                              Missing -13.26781 8.463250     <NA>    <NA>
2409                        Port Hospital -13.21251 8.469427   95e386   other
2410 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23909 8.476809   1b6f79   other
2411                              Missing -13.21468 8.453318   82486a   other
2412                    Military Hospital -13.22649 8.485155   f32857   other
2413                        Port Hospital -13.23439 8.476943     <NA>    <NA>
2414                     Central Hospital -13.21694 8.449296     <NA>    <NA>
2415 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22379 8.475869   9eb75c   other
2416                    Military Hospital -13.23824 8.469542     <NA>    <NA>
2417                              Missing -13.23386 8.470915   9487e2   other
2418                              Missing -13.26645 8.467533     <NA>    <NA>
2419                                Other -13.23233 8.462945   849c97   other
2420                              Missing -13.23749 8.477569   f6cf40   other
2421                              Missing -13.26202 8.454432   eb5026   other
2422                                Other -13.22698 8.461666     <NA>    <NA>
2423                              Missing -13.22475 8.486099   8ab6bd   other
2424                    Military Hospital -13.26497 8.481201   9bb5d3   other
2425                        Port Hospital -13.26580 8.482224   29beb4   other
2426                    Military Hospital -13.22533 8.454796   68bd03   other
2427                              Missing -13.21312 8.469318     <NA>    <NA>
2428                     Central Hospital -13.25215 8.457750   7d09be funeral
2429                              Missing -13.22052 8.447961   35b238   other
2430                     Central Hospital -13.21541 8.463370   e12b54   other
2431                        Port Hospital -13.24989 8.466002   4ce742   other
2432                        Port Hospital -13.21160 8.479733   7c0ab5   other
2433                        Port Hospital -13.23423 8.468473     <NA>    <NA>
2434                              Missing -13.23623 8.486786   90c6a8   other
2435                        Port Hospital -13.21917 8.476434   6af787   other
2436                        Port Hospital -13.22211 8.461511   9bb5d3   other
2437                    Military Hospital -13.21277 8.480825   238ac3   other
2438                        Port Hospital -13.21513 8.487081   aed10b   other
2439                        Port Hospital -13.22639 8.470396   04b083   other
2440                              Missing -13.21712 8.451937   3d031d   other
2441                        Port Hospital -13.21528 8.489353     <NA>    <NA>
2442                        Port Hospital -13.26002 8.464440     <NA>    <NA>
2443                        Port Hospital -13.21733 8.475674     <NA>    <NA>
2444                        Port Hospital -13.21341 8.468484   df931f   other
2445                        Port Hospital -13.21848 8.483259     <NA>    <NA>
2446                    Military Hospital -13.26146 8.465430   5dc0ce   other
2447                        Port Hospital -13.26596 8.456316     <NA>    <NA>
2448                    Military Hospital -13.23823 8.477087     <NA>    <NA>
2449                    Military Hospital -13.26552 8.468201     <NA>    <NA>
2450                        Port Hospital -13.21337 8.468635   562992   other
2451                        Port Hospital -13.26899 8.460922     <NA>    <NA>
2452                        Port Hospital -13.23864 8.484584     <NA>    <NA>
2453                                Other -13.24827 8.487126     <NA>    <NA>
2454                                Other -13.21969 8.484024   bdde24   other
2455                              Missing -13.23439 8.467328   b37ed0   other
2456                              Missing -13.21163 8.479885     <NA>    <NA>
2457                        Port Hospital -13.22000 8.450453     <NA>    <NA>
2458                        Port Hospital -13.22226 8.463993   a191d6   other
2459                              Missing -13.21411 8.483542   818a86   other
2460                              Missing -13.22817 8.477059     <NA>    <NA>
2461                              Missing -13.23569 8.467950   44c7b1   other
2462                        Port Hospital -13.21973 8.475038   b9170e   other
2463                        Port Hospital -13.25386 8.457160   d210c5   other
2464                              Missing -13.23375 8.476664   f08829   other
2465                                Other -13.26324 8.480923   7cb668   other
2466                     Central Hospital -13.21428 8.452831   69a353   other
2467                                Other -13.21818 8.476112   c72a5c   other
2468                              Missing -13.21346 8.455700   c3c5da   other
2469                        Port Hospital -13.22165 8.484045   d07161   other
2470                    Military Hospital -13.22134 8.464504   e12b54   other
2471                    Military Hospital -13.23290 8.465858   c45a92   other
2472                              Missing -13.26908 8.467041     <NA>    <NA>
2473                                Other -13.21719 8.463906   1c88f3 funeral
2474                                Other -13.21801 8.475534   1ffd33   other
2475                    Military Hospital -13.25697 8.453572     <NA>    <NA>
2476                                Other -13.23997 8.479569   3beeca funeral
2477                              Missing -13.21871 8.476546     <NA>    <NA>
2478                        Port Hospital -13.21935 8.476445     <NA>    <NA>
2479                              Missing -13.26731 8.462492   a22479   other
2480                        Port Hospital -13.21198 8.466422   a2bd77   other
2481                              Missing -13.21007 8.452153   212d29   other
2482 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26201 8.465187   e94fa8   other
2483 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26911 8.468349     <NA>    <NA>
2484                              Missing -13.26084 8.453411   fb7320   other
2485                              Missing -13.22138 8.462216   a8e62e   other
2486                              Missing -13.23279 8.471278   f819b1   other
2487 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21628 8.489545   883f9e   other
2488 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23717 8.488543   14dcc9   other
2489                        Port Hospital -13.22750 8.469608     <NA>    <NA>
2490                              Missing -13.20929 8.451417     <NA>    <NA>
2491                    Military Hospital -13.21892 8.481773     <NA>    <NA>
2492                                Other -13.24617 8.467587   46cd2f   other
2493                        Port Hospital -13.26354 8.464698     <NA>    <NA>
2494                     Central Hospital -13.21573 8.469557   07c4ad   other
2495                              Missing -13.22010 8.475675   ebac21   other
2496                              Missing -13.23701 8.469832   deed70 funeral
2497                    Military Hospital -13.26071 8.454674   e12f11   other
2498                     Central Hospital -13.24945 8.483671   686293   other
2499                              Missing -13.22344 8.482798   2fc88e funeral
2500                                Other -13.23116 8.466805   0153e9   other
2501                              Missing -13.21651 8.464097   f0a69f   other
2502                              Missing -13.20891 8.453408   474805   other
2503                    Military Hospital -13.21753 8.479381   046a62   other
2504                                Other -13.26625 8.473582   b3ec9e   other
2505                                Other -13.22666 8.485673     <NA>    <NA>
2506                    Military Hospital -13.22477 8.483543     <NA>    <NA>
2507                        Port Hospital -13.22590 8.470398   aed10b   other
2508                    Military Hospital -13.21706 8.464597     <NA>    <NA>
2509                              Missing -13.21787 8.477318   6e9e82   other
2510                    Military Hospital -13.21434 8.464009   2f8e83   other
2511 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24564 8.483037     <NA>    <NA>
2512                        Port Hospital -13.24598 8.484133     <NA>    <NA>
2513                    Military Hospital -13.23792 8.476597   c41075   other
2514                    Military Hospital -13.25003 8.480347   b3851b   other
2515                              Missing -13.21416 8.450586   8bd6ee   other
2516                                Other -13.26714 8.464537     <NA>    <NA>
2517                        Port Hospital -13.21441 8.487760   fc8a98   other
2518                        Port Hospital -13.22494 8.463106     <NA>    <NA>
2519                                Other -13.21245 8.469324   bdec7d   other
2520                                Other -13.23588 8.478491   f53aa8   other
2521                        Port Hospital -13.21727 8.488745     <NA>    <NA>
2522                     Central Hospital -13.26687 8.474486   9bb5d3   other
2523                                Other -13.25988 8.451775   47b1e8   other
2524                              Missing -13.25158 8.458938     <NA>    <NA>
2525                              Missing -13.21679 8.486894   9b0887   other
2526                    Military Hospital -13.23409 8.460865   e38b62   other
2527                        Port Hospital -13.25893 8.452527   ae2350   other
2528                        Port Hospital -13.20595 8.462697   b4e8f5   other
2529                     Central Hospital -13.23382 8.471015     <NA>    <NA>
2530                    Military Hospital -13.26470 8.480481   de2f3f   other
2531                                Other -13.23810 8.485899     <NA>    <NA>
2532                              Missing -13.21332 8.488473   ee63dd funeral
2533                                Other -13.22170 8.462129   5b6cdd   other
2534                     Central Hospital -13.26422 8.452109   fc08ed   other
2535                              Missing -13.26628 8.460875   7a590d   other
2536                              Missing -13.26123 8.464522   c19ffd   other
2537                        Port Hospital -13.24233 8.455508   a8921f   other
2538                              Missing -13.26465 8.478828     <NA>    <NA>
2539                                Other -13.24919 8.483098   b54b56   other
2540                        Port Hospital -13.21179 8.452809     <NA>    <NA>
2541                        Port Hospital -13.26530 8.460924   657aa1   other
2542                              Missing -13.26164 8.456387   ec45fa   other
2543 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25483 8.459486   dccd79   other
2544                        Port Hospital -13.24565 8.466582   3a571b   other
2545                              Missing -13.21822 8.469659   9f2ac4   other
2546                        Port Hospital -13.26958 8.460761   82486a   other
2547 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23816 8.486417   2e3e18   other
2548                    Military Hospital -13.26231 8.483566     <NA>    <NA>
2549                                Other -13.22837 8.457658     <NA>    <NA>
2550                                Other -13.26623 8.453195   b613da   other
2551                        Port Hospital -13.21626 8.452671     <NA>    <NA>
2552                              Missing -13.24668 8.467031   55addb   other
2553                    Military Hospital -13.24637 8.469959   c80572   other
2554                        Port Hospital -13.25988 8.457769   0dd0a1   other
2555                     Central Hospital -13.21123 8.482295   655168   other
2556                     Central Hospital -13.20897 8.481165     <NA>    <NA>
2557                    Military Hospital -13.23505 8.468139   edf907 funeral
2558                        Port Hospital -13.21611 8.461432   a87fe4   other
2559 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21198 8.466840   0e9eb1   other
2560                                Other -13.27101 8.469859   0304f3   other
2561                              Missing -13.21041 8.480441     <NA>    <NA>
2562                        Port Hospital -13.22006 8.484776   1c2447   other
2563                     Central Hospital -13.23554 8.458337   0a9204   other
2564                              Missing -13.21501 8.452917   4e8443   other
2565                        Port Hospital -13.25705 8.452014     <NA>    <NA>
2566                        Port Hospital -13.21012 8.454118     <NA>    <NA>
2567                              Missing -13.22451 8.474574   526e8d   other
2568                        Port Hospital -13.23747 8.468837   1a2f47   other
2569                              Missing -13.23391 8.472603   81aedc   other
2570                              Missing -13.21661 8.463086   c80572   other
2571                    Military Hospital -13.22017 8.461391   1b1958   other
2572                    Military Hospital -13.26175 8.463019     <NA>    <NA>
2573                              Missing -13.21779 8.483508   17e418 funeral
2574                                Other -13.22481 8.471096   1df3c0   other
2575                    Military Hospital -13.21611 8.490746     <NA>    <NA>
2576                    Military Hospital -13.21795 8.476052   a24371   other
2577                     Central Hospital -13.26146 8.463175     <NA>    <NA>
2578                              Missing -13.21050 8.457609   ad57b6   other
2579                    Military Hospital -13.21097 8.476643   ad555b   other
2580                              Missing -13.22703 8.484850   db9a83   other
2581 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24768 8.464546     <NA>    <NA>
2582                    Military Hospital -13.22659 8.483346   d5674d   other
2583                    Military Hospital -13.21679 8.452705     <NA>    <NA>
2584                              Missing -13.23475 8.467656   88ecb2 funeral
2585                              Missing -13.21563 8.486419   b055e9   other
2586                                Other -13.21493 8.482727     <NA>    <NA>
2587                    Military Hospital -13.21146 8.464961   b8381a funeral
2588 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23522 8.485997     <NA>    <NA>
2589                        Port Hospital -13.21929 8.483079     <NA>    <NA>
2590                        Port Hospital -13.26477 8.472545   08b152   other
2591                              Missing -13.25182 8.459411     <NA>    <NA>
2592                    Military Hospital -13.23790 8.489254   771728 funeral
2593                        Port Hospital -13.21982 8.447887   cfb521   other
2594 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26326 8.464491   813746   other
2595                              Missing -13.22222 8.462931     <NA>    <NA>
2596                              Missing -13.20939 8.475805   6cccc6   other
2597                        Port Hospital -13.21468 8.463196     <NA>    <NA>
2598                              Missing -13.26846 8.461222   59eb95   other
2599                        Port Hospital -13.26296 8.479773     <NA>    <NA>
2600                              Missing -13.22027 8.449765   7bb784   other
2601                              Missing -13.21802 8.489838   1e017c   other
2602                        Port Hospital -13.21644 8.484106     <NA>    <NA>
2603                              Missing -13.21318 8.467042     <NA>    <NA>
2604                              Missing -13.21984 8.450982   e495a0 funeral
2605                              Missing -13.24826 8.478577   e55ec4   other
2606                    Military Hospital -13.22476 8.479803   08b152   other
2607 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21779 8.471373   bacb90   other
2608                              Missing -13.21838 8.477873   28a3c3   other
2609                              Missing -13.22533 8.472967   2eb14c   other
2610                        Port Hospital -13.23712 8.475441   3e1e8d   other
2611                              Missing -13.26401 8.452661   39dec8   other
2612                        Port Hospital -13.21497 8.455797     <NA>    <NA>
2613                        Port Hospital -13.21648 8.483038   8e28d2   other
2614                        Port Hospital -13.26751 8.461085   655168   other
2615                     Central Hospital -13.24105 8.457087     <NA>    <NA>
2616                                Other -13.21207 8.463365   6c6fb3   other
2617                    Military Hospital -13.21268 8.466709   ae5459   other
2618                              Missing -13.21841 8.483617     <NA>    <NA>
2619                                Other -13.21880 8.449091     <NA>    <NA>
2620                        Port Hospital -13.21314 8.470122   519263   other
2621                    Military Hospital -13.21688 8.490177   7291ba   other
2622 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26509 8.455902     <NA>    <NA>
2623                                Other -13.21883 8.451219     <NA>    <NA>
2624                     Central Hospital -13.21177 8.459405   fa016b   other
2625                        Port Hospital -13.24313 8.450754     <NA>    <NA>
2626                        Port Hospital -13.26372 8.463922   0cc879   other
2627                    Military Hospital -13.22339 8.483939   1a4c75   other
2628                                Other -13.21795 8.484409   cf357f funeral
2629 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26921 8.478818   db9a83   other
2630                        Port Hospital -13.24765 8.483934   c80572   other
2631                     Central Hospital -13.22180 8.484886   1101b1   other
2632                              Missing -13.23531 8.468264   420b88   other
2633                        Port Hospital -13.21641 8.483080   65d865 funeral
2634                                Other -13.23867 8.487512     <NA>    <NA>
2635                        Port Hospital -13.21551 8.487841   67bbe8   other
2636                        Port Hospital -13.25328 8.458484   975ed4   other
2637                                Other -13.23319 8.470720   1d662c   other
2638                     Central Hospital -13.22289 8.482292     <NA>    <NA>
2639                        Port Hospital -13.20854 8.455228   fccbd3   other
2640 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21263 8.469025   3a768b   other
2641                        Port Hospital -13.20589 8.461359   363851   other
2642                              Missing -13.23518 8.467761   1af90c   other
2643                     Central Hospital -13.23459 8.466672     <NA>    <NA>
2644                        Port Hospital -13.21627 8.484958   e12b54   other
2645                                Other -13.23471 8.477432   2772c3   other
2646                    Military Hospital -13.24882 8.478444   32215b   other
2647                     Central Hospital -13.25814 8.482769   c6dfa7   other
2648                    Military Hospital -13.22324 8.462690   7f9a91   other
2649                                Other -13.25418 8.472486     <NA>    <NA>
2650                                Other -13.26730 8.469475   03704d   other
2651                        Port Hospital -13.21845 8.478279     <NA>    <NA>
2652                        Port Hospital -13.24261 8.452938     <NA>    <NA>
2653                        Port Hospital -13.21773 8.489287   684fd1   other
2654                        Port Hospital -13.25301 8.459497     <NA>    <NA>
2655                        Port Hospital -13.24927 8.468357   5dcccf   other
2656                     Central Hospital -13.26615 8.473914   5fa179   other
2657                        Port Hospital -13.24674 8.470331   6a18e6   other
2658                              Missing -13.26741 8.461971     <NA>    <NA>
2659                                Other -13.26549 8.475906   4651d4   other
2660                     Central Hospital -13.23314 8.460554     <NA>    <NA>
2661                     Central Hospital -13.21979 8.482355   14dcc9   other
2662                    Military Hospital -13.25964 8.452889   a8b41b   other
2663                     Central Hospital -13.25408 8.456701   978475   other
2664                        Port Hospital -13.21515 8.487530   7af8f3 funeral
2665                              Missing -13.23689 8.460424   f2a213   other
2666                        Port Hospital -13.25573 8.483293   6877f8   other
2667                    Military Hospital -13.21006 8.458099   fc8149   other
2668                     Central Hospital -13.23217 8.469766     <NA>    <NA>
2669                              Missing -13.24693 8.478581   0cdcfd   other
2670                        Port Hospital -13.21593 8.453816     <NA>    <NA>
2671                    Military Hospital -13.26575 8.455428     <NA>    <NA>
2672                              Missing -13.24681 8.466616   12d0c8   other
2673                        Port Hospital -13.22182 8.464250   212d29   other
2674 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22060 8.476641   573518   other
2675                    Military Hospital -13.21107 8.458109     <NA>    <NA>
2676                        Port Hospital -13.21423 8.451918   ff5ad5   other
2677                                Other -13.21888 8.452765     <NA>    <NA>
2678                     Central Hospital -13.21630 8.490110     <NA>    <NA>
2679                        Port Hospital -13.26422 8.473849   65b646   other
2680                        Port Hospital -13.26255 8.464698     <NA>    <NA>
2681                        Port Hospital -13.23195 8.478113   110d32 funeral
2682                                Other -13.24703 8.469650   4af3aa   other
2683                        Port Hospital -13.24933 8.483869   8be43a   other
2684                        Port Hospital -13.21293 8.469782   d14223   other
2685                              Missing -13.23321 8.468057     <NA>    <NA>
2686                              Missing -13.21015 8.456316   c63eb8   other
2687                              Missing -13.22018 8.477406   69c029   other
2688                              Missing -13.21929 8.475571   eb9fd2   other
2689                                Other -13.23399 8.472398   49df1f funeral
2690 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23172 8.471096     <NA>    <NA>
2691                        Port Hospital -13.21703 8.481529   df931f   other
2692                        Port Hospital -13.22805 8.449599   6cccc6   other
2693                     Central Hospital -13.24714 8.484212     <NA>    <NA>
2694                    Military Hospital -13.25891 8.453608     <NA>    <NA>
2695                              Missing -13.22132 8.448913     <NA>    <NA>
2696                              Missing -13.22328 8.462733   a35667   other
2697                        Port Hospital -13.21570 8.484061   08da45   other
2698                              Missing -13.21154 8.453877     <NA>    <NA>
2699                                Other -13.25759 8.485202   18e7fd   other
2700                     Central Hospital -13.21468 8.472033   7f9a91   other
2701 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24763 8.483549   2e3e18   other
2702 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23407 8.471645     <NA>    <NA>
2703                                Other -13.20946 8.457414     <NA>    <NA>
2704                              Missing -13.21308 8.464373     <NA>    <NA>
2705                              Missing -13.22246 8.473723   e05f33   other
2706                              Missing -13.23155 8.464877   957ddc   other
2707                    Military Hospital -13.26533 8.468891     <NA>    <NA>
2708                                Other -13.22521 8.473402     <NA>    <NA>
2709                        Port Hospital -13.21973 8.480350   18ee39   other
2710                                Other -13.21443 8.488274     <NA>    <NA>
2711                    Military Hospital -13.21744 8.464795   c2ae34   other
2712                                Other -13.26714 8.461837     <NA>    <NA>
2713                    Military Hospital -13.22368 8.482273   72ad8f   other
2714                    Military Hospital -13.22441 8.478908   75d9f2   other
2715                        Port Hospital -13.21807 8.489570   69647e   other
2716                                Other -13.21688 8.468197   754974   other
2717                     Central Hospital -13.23414 8.470260     <NA>    <NA>
2718                    Military Hospital -13.21549 8.487130     <NA>    <NA>
2719                              Missing -13.24892 8.488237   07c4ad   other
2720                              Missing -13.21205 8.453884     <NA>    <NA>
2721                                Other -13.21882 8.479333   a2c363   other
2722                              Missing -13.25973 8.462152   a0de7d   other
2723                     Central Hospital -13.22170 8.481932     <NA>    <NA>
2724                                Other -13.22880 8.481071   1e1ede   other
2725                              Missing -13.21930 8.482882   526e8d   other
2726 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21160 8.478931   01d4b5   other
2727                        Port Hospital -13.23233 8.464564     <NA>    <NA>
2728                     Central Hospital -13.21074 8.480565   34713b   other
2729 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23050 8.476319   543c36 funeral
2730                    Military Hospital -13.21947 8.483222   f17d9f   other
2731 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25151 8.475702   3038f6   other
2732                    Military Hospital -13.24204 8.455969   7ca88d   other
2733                        Port Hospital -13.21342 8.466388   193040   other
2734                                Other -13.23514 8.467549   8fde72   other
2735                    Military Hospital -13.22057 8.464967     <NA>    <NA>
2736                        Port Hospital -13.21019 8.454605   dc2bc1   other
2737                        Port Hospital -13.26611 8.468031     <NA>    <NA>
2738                    Military Hospital -13.26223 8.465029   fc8149   other
2739                    Military Hospital -13.21132 8.480272     <NA>    <NA>
2740                        Port Hospital -13.22475 8.489801   29e583 funeral
2741                                Other -13.23287 8.462358   6f8a3e   other
2742                     Central Hospital -13.25493 8.456455   ed1336   other
2743 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23433 8.479315   7bc2e6   other
2744                        Port Hospital -13.26210 8.464403   5e7803 funeral
2745                        Port Hospital -13.27122 8.478529   2725d3   other
2746                        Port Hospital -13.21518 8.452502   37215e   other
2747                        Port Hospital -13.23887 8.487556   6df790   other
2748                              Missing -13.26736 8.463470   55a837   other
2749                        Port Hospital -13.21372 8.453390   07c4ad   other
2750                        Port Hospital -13.21845 8.452554   7395f1 funeral
2751                                Other -13.22423 8.485914   01d4b5   other
2752                    Military Hospital -13.22885 8.475035     <NA>    <NA>
2753                        Port Hospital -13.24628 8.466879   de2f3f   other
2754                     Central Hospital -13.21527 8.452462   72aea2   other
2755                    Military Hospital -13.23496 8.488923     <NA>    <NA>
2756                                Other -13.23490 8.466947   1b4458   other
2757                                Other -13.22330 8.483310     <NA>    <NA>
2758                        Port Hospital -13.21078 8.459144     <NA>    <NA>
2759                                Other -13.21286 8.457564   7e3fdd   other
2760                    Military Hospital -13.21499 8.453182     <NA>    <NA>
2761                    Military Hospital -13.24742 8.482276     <NA>    <NA>
2762 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22085 8.453176   5bc9be   other
2763                    Military Hospital -13.23622 8.467646   5a31a5   other
2764                    Military Hospital -13.21659 8.485176   0aa2e0 funeral
2765                              Missing -13.23493 8.459934   fc8149   other
2766                    Military Hospital -13.24139 8.453332   af82f5   other
2767                                Other -13.25396 8.457770   b8e46e funeral
2768                              Missing -13.21838 8.476377   21957a   other
2769                        Port Hospital -13.23661 8.469637   754974   other
2770                                Other -13.20907 8.464941     <NA>    <NA>
2771                              Missing -13.26366 8.484952     <NA>    <NA>
2772                    Military Hospital -13.23805 8.486818   e5303a   other
2773                        Port Hospital -13.21673 8.452797     <NA>    <NA>
2774                    Military Hospital -13.21931 8.484205   a3dc1f   other
2775                        Port Hospital -13.21334 8.471427   75b394   other
2776                        Port Hospital -13.21329 8.464201     <NA>    <NA>
2777                    Military Hospital -13.26506 8.476464   f32e91   other
2778                        Port Hospital -13.21117 8.459621   cc9d3a   other
2779                    Military Hospital -13.25236 8.488780   d36447 funeral
2780                        Port Hospital -13.21530 8.463494     <NA>    <NA>
2781                                Other -13.21852 8.462114   f1dd78   other
2782                        Port Hospital -13.21593 8.471544   d5f42d   other
2783                    Military Hospital -13.26364 8.454702     <NA>    <NA>
2784                     Central Hospital -13.20826 8.454241     <NA>    <NA>
2785                        Port Hospital -13.21702 8.477598     <NA>    <NA>
2786                                Other -13.22103 8.480413     <NA>    <NA>
2787                        Port Hospital -13.23365 8.471514   fb7320   other
2788                        Port Hospital -13.21209 8.478791   8a4b27   other
2789                    Military Hospital -13.23790 8.467924   5dc0ce funeral
2790                    Military Hospital -13.22499 8.484797   65d865 funeral
2791                              Missing -13.26165 8.463296   3437bc   other
2792                        Port Hospital -13.25261 8.487592   cfb521   other
2793                        Port Hospital -13.21382 8.488860     <NA>    <NA>
2794                    Military Hospital -13.21652 8.463434     <NA>    <NA>
2795                        Port Hospital -13.25179 8.476348   424a3e   other
2796                              Missing -13.26401 8.485272     <NA>    <NA>
2797                                Other -13.23787 8.470433     <NA>    <NA>
2798                    Military Hospital -13.22066 8.463640   67c121   other
2799 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26653 8.458773   db9a83   other
2800                        Port Hospital -13.20908 8.463750   f804fd   other
2801                    Military Hospital -13.26117 8.464206   12aa43   other
2802                    Military Hospital -13.21556 8.451158   f54ca3   other
2803                        Port Hospital -13.26521 8.456529     <NA>    <NA>
2804                        Port Hospital -13.25945 8.458457   e5303a   other
2805                     Central Hospital -13.21471 8.454272     <NA>    <NA>
2806                        Port Hospital -13.22019 8.474485   b5a39e   other
2807                        Port Hospital -13.21267 8.481554   f54ca3   other
2808 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26249 8.486115   754974   other
2809                        Port Hospital -13.22186 8.463111   d2f337 funeral
2810                              Missing -13.22617 8.483793   26f1a1   other
2811                        Port Hospital -13.22614 8.485086   156665   other
2812                        Port Hospital -13.21431 8.485929   efbc41 funeral
2813 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22460 8.474086   d14223   other
2814                              Missing -13.26718 8.470516   72268f   other
2815                        Port Hospital -13.23359 8.470016   bfdeb7   other
2816                     Central Hospital -13.23305 8.465995   5926dc   other
2817                     Central Hospital -13.23576 8.469632   b3a86b   other
2818                        Port Hospital -13.22369 8.485958     <NA>    <NA>
2819                                Other -13.24624 8.482213     <NA>    <NA>
2820                     Central Hospital -13.24657 8.481558   dde835   other
2821                        Port Hospital -13.21217 8.483414   36c856   other
2822                        Port Hospital -13.21483 8.484382     <NA>    <NA>
2823                     Central Hospital -13.23231 8.482351     <NA>    <NA>
2824                        Port Hospital -13.21551 8.452748   a8b41b   other
2825                                Other -13.26760 8.460213   12aa43 funeral
2826                                Other -13.26134 8.458485   9e0ce3   other
2827                        Port Hospital -13.24732 8.463821     <NA>    <NA>
2828                     Central Hospital -13.26447 8.479505   edf907 funeral
2829 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22022 8.478121     <NA>    <NA>
2830                        Port Hospital -13.21747 8.461058   e7b9b4 funeral
2831                                Other -13.24720 8.470283     <NA>    <NA>
2832                                Other -13.20964 8.453539     <NA>    <NA>
2833                        Port Hospital -13.20972 8.483861   b03a83   other
2834                              Missing -13.26566 8.459863     <NA>    <NA>
2835                              Missing -13.22412 8.460779     <NA>    <NA>
2836                                Other -13.21313 8.470253   4c5d77   other
2837                     Central Hospital -13.21382 8.470255     <NA>    <NA>
2838                              Missing -13.25985 8.464554   dc4329   other
2839 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21610 8.463282   a8b41b   other
2840                     Central Hospital -13.24149 8.476931     <NA>    <NA>
2841 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26538 8.475413     <NA>    <NA>
2842                                Other -13.26258 8.463714     <NA>    <NA>
2843                    Military Hospital -13.21137 8.475309   e851e8   other
2844                              Missing -13.22700 8.486372     <NA>    <NA>
2845                        Port Hospital -13.26477 8.474685   682a7a   other
2846                        Port Hospital -13.25993 8.451836   8ab6bd   other
2847                    Military Hospital -13.21899 8.474411   7719de   other
2848                                Other -13.24541 8.464745   381ae1   other
2849 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21226 8.464226   d3dac6 funeral
2850                              Missing -13.21663 8.467558   73be6b   other
2851                        Port Hospital -13.23783 8.471217   2f2963   other
2852                        Port Hospital -13.26589 8.465543   722b68 funeral
2853                     Central Hospital -13.25970 8.453362   8be43a   other
2854                                Other -13.22182 8.484188   2a0001   other
2855                                Other -13.24729 8.468084   d3dac6 funeral
2856                              Missing -13.21410 8.466769   af82f5   other
2857                              Missing -13.23410 8.463572   63d744   other
2858                    Military Hospital -13.23315 8.461801   170c8d   other
2859                    Military Hospital -13.21766 8.462644   93dc70   other
2860                    Military Hospital -13.22961 8.481937   d6edea   other
2861 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23671 8.469378   fe9196   other
2862                        Port Hospital -13.26297 8.463737   40b9c7   other
2863                    Military Hospital -13.24720 8.483339     <NA>    <NA>
2864                        Port Hospital -13.21146 8.468170   7a080f   other
2865                        Port Hospital -13.21892 8.477886     <NA>    <NA>
2866                              Missing -13.21919 8.465486     <NA>    <NA>
2867                        Port Hospital -13.21663 8.465417   ecfbd7   other
2868                              Missing -13.21400 8.472832     <NA>    <NA>
2869                              Missing -13.23480 8.472437   76b7b3   other
2870                              Missing -13.22259 8.483358   b59345   other
2871                              Missing -13.21340 8.463651   e851e8   other
2872                        Port Hospital -13.26526 8.458957   88bd76   other
2873                    Military Hospital -13.26179 8.465778   b9c86f   other
2874                                Other -13.21251 8.482723   ffb17e funeral
2875                              Missing -13.21687 8.469929     <NA>    <NA>
2876                              Missing -13.25339 8.473050     <NA>    <NA>
2877                                Other -13.21912 8.475197   996b5c   other
2878 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21876 8.488569     <NA>    <NA>
2879                     Central Hospital -13.25851 8.456620     <NA>    <NA>
2880                                Other -13.24168 8.453987   4f7847   other
2881                        Port Hospital -13.21313 8.465243   f3ca56   other
2882                        Port Hospital -13.20974 8.475366     <NA>    <NA>
2883                              Missing -13.21520 8.450033   0b6eb8   other
2884                        Port Hospital -13.23550 8.470776   26f1a1   other
2885                        Port Hospital -13.21339 8.464054     <NA>    <NA>
2886                              Missing -13.25787 8.456178   305005   other
2887                        Port Hospital -13.21226 8.455284   3f1ce9   other
2888                                Other -13.24574 8.469156     <NA>    <NA>
2889                                Other -13.21327 8.462757     <NA>    <NA>
2890                        Port Hospital -13.20791 8.454776   3a571b   other
2891                        Port Hospital -13.23166 8.462714     <NA>    <NA>
2892                              Missing -13.27023 8.462128   f63811 funeral
2893                    Military Hospital -13.25993 8.454327   681e75   other
2894 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26583 8.462764   f7b76f   other
2895                              Missing -13.23163 8.478547   31fbdc   other
2896                              Missing -13.25923 8.453884     <NA>    <NA>
2897                    Military Hospital -13.25290 8.457724   4c5d77   other
2898                              Missing -13.24643 8.478184     <NA>    <NA>
2899                                Other -13.21161 8.467091   0a9204   other
2900                              Missing -13.26198 8.485419   577af1   other
2901                    Military Hospital -13.21818 8.483067     <NA>    <NA>
2902                              Missing -13.21452 8.489459     <NA>    <NA>
2903                        Port Hospital -13.21136 8.453645   a7a506   other
2904                    Military Hospital -13.22153 8.463729   3437bc   other
2905                                Other -13.25281 8.472527   7f82ff   other
2906                     Central Hospital -13.26643 8.475016   e3b7b8   other
2907                    Military Hospital -13.21673 8.479672     <NA>    <NA>
2908                     Central Hospital -13.23430 8.472475   209e05   other
2909                                Other -13.26566 8.475177   68818b   other
2910                                Other -13.20828 8.462224     <NA>    <NA>
2911                              Missing -13.22589 8.486177     <NA>    <NA>
2912                        Port Hospital -13.26731 8.462596   420004   other
2913                        Port Hospital -13.22886 8.483014   ee7060 funeral
2914                     Central Hospital -13.24155 8.450843   9bd54b   other
2915                        Port Hospital -13.25370 8.475349   e362fa funeral
2916                                Other -13.26714 8.476049   22faf5 funeral
2917                    Military Hospital -13.21122 8.468869   d49419   other
2918                        Port Hospital -13.21502 8.464336   87e0c5   other
2919 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24736 8.479046   f2b659   other
2920                     Central Hospital -13.26072 8.466498   bd4da8   other
2921                              Missing -13.24083 8.454832     <NA>    <NA>
2922                        Port Hospital -13.22118 8.481360   e851e8   other
2923                        Port Hospital -13.24551 8.465477   2e01d4   other
2924                        Port Hospital -13.22658 8.483866   824ad1   other
2925 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23781 8.477183     <NA>    <NA>
2926                        Port Hospital -13.24763 8.466411   a7a506   other
2927                              Missing -13.22564 8.486205     <NA>    <NA>
2928                              Missing -13.21420 8.488473     <NA>    <NA>
2929                        Port Hospital -13.22422 8.459932   d4a584   other
2930                              Missing -13.23536 8.468332     <NA>    <NA>
2931                                Other -13.25348 8.459296   199453   other
2932                    Military Hospital -13.22479 8.471030   24f941   other
2933                              Missing -13.24835 8.463565   e4c638   other
2934                     Central Hospital -13.22931 8.479202   a581b1   other
2935 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26495 8.473186     <NA>    <NA>
2936                    Military Hospital -13.22339 8.462557   944943 funeral
2937                    Military Hospital -13.21450 8.451341   acf386   other
2938                              Missing -13.23168 8.476810     <NA>    <NA>
2939                        Port Hospital -13.21628 8.461925   1c80e2   other
2940 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21970 8.450250     <NA>    <NA>
2941                    Military Hospital -13.21175 8.469030   0a9bbf   other
2942                              Missing -13.22980 8.476745   6f3609   other
2943                     Central Hospital -13.24442 8.483211   b47d41   other
2944                    Military Hospital -13.26145 8.453783     <NA>    <NA>
2945                              Missing -13.24612 8.484101     <NA>    <NA>
2946                     Central Hospital -13.22260 8.463263   1dad57   other
2947                        Port Hospital -13.22231 8.484148     <NA>    <NA>
2948                    Military Hospital -13.21347 8.481946   e3b7b8   other
2949                                Other -13.21925 8.474527     <NA>    <NA>
2950                        Port Hospital -13.21841 8.462687   bf44ec   other
2951                        Port Hospital -13.22328 8.461222     <NA>    <NA>
2952                        Port Hospital -13.22909 8.480351   63ef14   other
2953                        Port Hospital -13.23329 8.466388   e666e2   other
2954                        Port Hospital -13.21672 8.464025   18bd2a   other
2955                                Other -13.25447 8.459106   71db1e   other
2956 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21710 8.481076     <NA>    <NA>
2957                              Missing -13.25518 8.459656     <NA>    <NA>
2958                        Port Hospital -13.26677 8.462793   ea4d87   other
2959                                Other -13.21597 8.455555     <NA>    <NA>
2960                                Other -13.24841 8.466964   d013c8   other
2961                                Other -13.24877 8.464912   ed606e   other
2962                     Central Hospital -13.24671 8.468415   a7a506   other
2963                              Missing -13.26697 8.459715     <NA>    <NA>
2964                        Port Hospital -13.24757 8.482840     <NA>    <NA>
2965                              Missing -13.24831 8.486500   b8b91a funeral
2966 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21939 8.463039   c322f7   other
2967                        Port Hospital -13.21752 8.489713   63d744   other
2968                        Port Hospital -13.25956 8.454830     <NA>    <NA>
2969                     Central Hospital -13.21814 8.461706   45216b   other
2970                    Military Hospital -13.22017 8.480109   d7d495   other
2971                                Other -13.21703 8.459667   f3ca56   other
2972                        Port Hospital -13.26062 8.457314   b9c86f   other
2973                                Other -13.25792 8.456642   6c7fa3   other
2974                                Other -13.21754 8.463056   45d9ee   other
2975                                Other -13.24739 8.482858     <NA>    <NA>
2976                              Missing -13.22334 8.486307   f5cc52   other
2977                                Other -13.21500 8.480149   99b140   other
2978                        Port Hospital -13.20996 8.480011     <NA>    <NA>
2979                                Other -13.22380 8.484537     <NA>    <NA>
2980                     Central Hospital -13.21840 8.475727   d98d4f   other
2981                        Port Hospital -13.21377 8.482122   0800f3   other
2982                        Port Hospital -13.22992 8.478430   567ef7   other
2983                        Port Hospital -13.22263 8.462385   82dd7e funeral
2984                        Port Hospital -13.23573 8.469408   f6cf40 funeral
2985                        Port Hospital -13.25776 8.483109   c8a9f2   other
2986                        Port Hospital -13.26336 8.480589   8b6905   other
2987                        Port Hospital -13.21980 8.477000   87e0c5   other
2988 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.25866 8.486264   a03147   other
2989                              Missing -13.22649 8.472647     <NA>    <NA>
2990                        Port Hospital -13.21668 8.450605   e83df3   other
2991                        Port Hospital -13.26026 8.456368   507655   other
2992                    Military Hospital -13.21982 8.483443   851858   other
2993                              Missing -13.21588 8.487489   d1c4c7   other
2994                                Other -13.21554 8.486932     <NA>    <NA>
2995                              Missing -13.26191 8.456212     <NA>    <NA>
2996                        Port Hospital -13.26598 8.466351   3c06b6 funeral
2997                        Port Hospital -13.26725 8.468217   684fd1   other
2998                        Port Hospital -13.22136 8.485343     <NA>    <NA>
2999                              Missing -13.22203 8.463520   0d386e   other
3000                                Other -13.21062 8.452278   b5a39e funeral
3001                        Port Hospital -13.23290 8.457268   22faf5 funeral
3002                        Port Hospital -13.21119 8.480734   b9d43b   other
3003                        Port Hospital -13.24941 8.469816     <NA>    <NA>
3004                        Port Hospital -13.21140 8.457247   a87fe4   other
3005                        Port Hospital -13.20967 8.453467   b03a83 funeral
3006                        Port Hospital -13.26132 8.455913   d25ce3   other
3007                        Port Hospital -13.21987 8.475221     <NA>    <NA>
3008                        Port Hospital -13.21651 8.477875   a98ae2   other
3009                        Port Hospital -13.21945 8.483603   1b4458   other
3010                              Missing -13.22331 8.483789   37868d   other
3011                    Military Hospital -13.21276 8.479996   44255d   other
3012                        Port Hospital -13.21144 8.460869   e4c638   other
3013                        Port Hospital -13.21354 8.466191     <NA>    <NA>
3014                                Other -13.23879 8.476157   3c06b6 funeral
3015                     Central Hospital -13.22898 8.460267   4662eb   other
3016                                Other -13.22325 8.482900     <NA>    <NA>
3017                                Other -13.26013 8.465448     <NA>    <NA>
3018                    Military Hospital -13.21454 8.453819   7f9adf   other
3019                                Other -13.26906 8.462472     <NA>    <NA>
3020                        Port Hospital -13.21529 8.465209   74a9e5   other
3021                        Port Hospital -13.22011 8.478026   cc9d3a   other
3022                    Military Hospital -13.21891 8.478765     <NA>    <NA>
3023                     Central Hospital -13.24731 8.470734   1051cc   other
3024 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21798 8.461969     <NA>    <NA>
3025                              Missing -13.26704 8.475161   aeb4d1   other
3026                     Central Hospital -13.21500 8.482789     <NA>    <NA>
3027 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21260 8.466732   b412b6   other
3028                    Military Hospital -13.22557 8.488056   c88e7b funeral
3029 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21672 8.486608   4ffad3 funeral
3030                                Other -13.24810 8.465734   bbda1c   other
3031                    Military Hospital -13.22385 8.460272   d69ca8   other
3032                        Port Hospital -13.24882 8.463740   edfa52   other
3033                     Central Hospital -13.22335 8.472701     <NA>    <NA>
3034                        Port Hospital -13.22359 8.450983     <NA>    <NA>
3035                        Port Hospital -13.25566 8.483944   5ddccf funeral
3036 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23541 8.470227   bd62ca   other
3037                              Missing -13.23917 8.475642   e851e8   other
3038                        Port Hospital -13.21019 8.464136     <NA>    <NA>
3039 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26794 8.462329   92c496   other
3040                     Central Hospital -13.26579 8.453500   d2d5d0   other
3041                        Port Hospital -13.25906 8.455144   54714a   other
3042                        Port Hospital -13.20881 8.458773   8a3edc   other
3043                              Missing -13.22197 8.464313     <NA>    <NA>
3044                              Missing -13.26263 8.464378   2dd099   other
3045                        Port Hospital -13.23711 8.476159   6cf2c0   other
3046                        Port Hospital -13.22327 8.459388   2a8450 funeral
3047 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26345 8.483219   b8b91a funeral
3048                              Missing -13.21108 8.451216   064f56   other
3049                        Port Hospital -13.24704 8.483395   0df553   other
3050                        Port Hospital -13.21957 8.476015     <NA>    <NA>
3051                        Port Hospital -13.26610 8.454767     <NA>    <NA>
3052                     Central Hospital -13.23379 8.468373   229e1e   other
3053                    Military Hospital -13.22311 8.483291   bd89a5   other
3054 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21833 8.450690     <NA>    <NA>
3055                                Other -13.23781 8.470602   0947fc   other
3056                    Military Hospital -13.22058 8.463667     <NA>    <NA>
3057                        Port Hospital -13.24752 8.481786     <NA>    <NA>
3058                        Port Hospital -13.26602 8.451297   655168   other
3059                              Missing -13.21350 8.453634   3ebb3e   other
3060                              Missing -13.26063 8.453506   cf6820 funeral
3061                              Missing -13.22427 8.461701   3f1ce9   other
3062                    Military Hospital -13.26540 8.473742   b2e9e2   other
3063 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26620 8.481933   d25b2a funeral
3064                    Military Hospital -13.24042 8.481344     <NA>    <NA>
3065                        Port Hospital -13.22344 8.463290   54ed12   other
3066                              Missing -13.26240 8.464414   c07ba2   other
3067                        Port Hospital -13.24762 8.464227   4182f9 funeral
3068                        Port Hospital -13.20765 8.464200   f52668   other
3069                              Missing -13.25498 8.484219   08fc67   other
3070 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21806 8.477468     <NA>    <NA>
3071                                Other -13.26145 8.463169   9050d3   other
3072                        Port Hospital -13.21437 8.484407     <NA>    <NA>
3073                                Other -13.21014 8.459722     <NA>    <NA>
3074                    Military Hospital -13.23622 8.466894   6d7ce4   other
3075                              Missing -13.24509 8.464669     <NA>    <NA>
3076                        Port Hospital -13.26369 8.479313   b12a74   other
3077                              Missing -13.23837 8.470024     <NA>    <NA>
3078                        Port Hospital -13.21637 8.462695     <NA>    <NA>
3079                        Port Hospital -13.23722 8.470495   d5b33e   other
3080                              Missing -13.20908 8.454736     <NA>    <NA>
3081                    Military Hospital -13.26245 8.465763   b680a2 funeral
3082 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.21744 8.480736   00031d   other
3083                        Port Hospital -13.23500 8.479828   63d744   other
3084                              Missing -13.22846 8.470231     <NA>    <NA>
3085                    Military Hospital -13.21781 8.480136   9050d3   other
3086                    Military Hospital -13.21956 8.478993   2b6a9c   other
3087                        Port Hospital -13.21429 8.454425   8704ff   other
3088 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26166 8.464384   4420da   other
3089                              Missing -13.26686 8.463433     <NA>    <NA>
3090                                Other -13.21543 8.487920   43ebaf   other
3091                        Port Hospital -13.21066 8.480217   e5303a   other
3092 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22085 8.477545   cc9d3a   other
3093                              Missing -13.22511 8.472503   45d9ee   other
3094                                Other -13.21043 8.476803     <NA>    <NA>
3095                        Port Hospital -13.26583 8.465534   23ba4c funeral
3096                     Central Hospital -13.23656 8.489046   dc2bc1   other
3097                    Military Hospital -13.21032 8.479762   c177d5 funeral
3098                    Military Hospital -13.22603 8.485419     <NA>    <NA>
3099                        Port Hospital -13.23735 8.477847   476f70   other
3100                        Port Hospital -13.26306 8.484160   0b9f56 funeral
3101                        Port Hospital -13.22184 8.464003     <NA>    <NA>
3102                                Other -13.24137 8.453912   af8dac   other
3103                    Military Hospital -13.25579 8.483409     <NA>    <NA>
3104                        Port Hospital -13.24232 8.475547   54ed12   other
3105                        Port Hospital -13.21178 8.465821   853362   other
3106                              Missing -13.26336 8.463348   a98ae2   other
3107                     Central Hospital -13.21025 8.479294   7cbd05   other
3108                    Military Hospital -13.21397 8.485682   e5e4e7   other
3109                                Other -13.26811 8.450400   62464b   other
3110                        Port Hospital -13.24360 8.457080   328bee   other
3111                        Port Hospital -13.22434 8.471601   a581b1   other
3112                              Missing -13.21776 8.452419     <NA>    <NA>
3113                        Port Hospital -13.20921 8.454744   6d5ecc   other
3114                              Missing -13.26950 8.463479   0d8a0a   other
3115                                Other -13.21381 8.463980   3c06b6 funeral
3116                              Missing -13.24125 8.453016   df37e2   other
3117                        Port Hospital -13.23221 8.473008     <NA>    <NA>
3118                              Missing -13.21234 8.466685   06dfb6 funeral
3119                        Port Hospital -13.21423 8.485924     <NA>    <NA>
3120                    Military Hospital -13.23597 8.468306     <NA>    <NA>
3121                        Port Hospital -13.22250 8.463074   71196f   other
3122                                Other -13.24864 8.463940   944303   other
3123                                Other -13.26433 8.473885   f543f0   other
3124                    Military Hospital -13.23601 8.476944     <NA>    <NA>
3125                                Other -13.21204 8.481186   b701b6   other
3126                    Military Hospital -13.21722 8.489063     <NA>    <NA>
3127                                Other -13.23878 8.475363     <NA>    <NA>
3128                        Port Hospital -13.22336 8.462132   c07ba2   other
3129                    Military Hospital -13.24597 8.487577     <NA>    <NA>
3130 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26372 8.475159     <NA>    <NA>
3131                     Central Hospital -13.25279 8.457078   c3882d   other
3132                        Port Hospital -13.21530 8.450124     <NA>    <NA>
3133                     Central Hospital -13.23827 8.486729   45d9ee   other
3134                              Missing -13.26124 8.482001   e37439   other
3135                        Port Hospital -13.26534 8.474006     <NA>    <NA>
3136                    Military Hospital -13.21400 8.484528   be9457   other
3137                        Port Hospital -13.21224 8.467449   141dda   other
3138                    Military Hospital -13.21528 8.488020   20a001   other
3139                                Other -13.25547 8.484561   88bd76   other
3140                        Port Hospital -13.26610 8.481670   42a947   other
3141                              Missing -13.21521 8.464199     <NA>    <NA>
3142                                Other -13.22369 8.461228   2b8aa2   other
3143                    Military Hospital -13.23291 8.471228   c3882d   other
3144                    Military Hospital -13.21678 8.461086     <NA>    <NA>
3145                                Other -13.24644 8.463830     <NA>    <NA>
3146                                Other -13.26155 8.459911   b12a74   other
3147                    Military Hospital -13.21512 8.487395   6830d9   other
3148                        Port Hospital -13.22567 8.486949   e7c655   other
3149                        Port Hospital -13.22229 8.478071     <NA>    <NA>
3150                    Military Hospital -13.23246 8.464386   cdbced   other
3151                                Other -13.26612 8.454140     <NA>    <NA>
3152                     Central Hospital -13.21693 8.488802   784acb   other
3153                     Central Hospital -13.22932 8.465470   b05cd7   other
3154                    Military Hospital -13.21557 8.487473   0b5501   other
3155                              Missing -13.20775 8.453766     <NA>    <NA>
3156                        Port Hospital -13.22079 8.482642   03704d   other
3157                    Military Hospital -13.26968 8.478056     <NA>    <NA>
3158                                Other -13.23222 8.466206   e2035e   other
3159                              Missing -13.21458 8.488009     <NA>    <NA>
3160                    Military Hospital -13.21343 8.482282   f63811 funeral
3161                    Military Hospital -13.21150 8.468889   2569c2   other
3162                              Missing -13.21611 8.489561   fadea0   other
3163                    Military Hospital -13.21287 8.468725     <NA>    <NA>
3164                        Port Hospital -13.25424 8.473772   0af57c   other
3165                        Port Hospital -13.21423 8.463817     <NA>    <NA>
3166                        Port Hospital -13.21517 8.470281     <NA>    <NA>
3167                                Other -13.21922 8.479070   da5dc9 funeral
3168 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24801 8.483898   6425b5   other
3169                     Central Hospital -13.26417 8.461494   da5dc9   other
3170                    Military Hospital -13.23578 8.469256   7166a5   other
3171                        Port Hospital -13.21444 8.452943     <NA>    <NA>
3172                              Missing -13.21517 8.486643   20a001   other
3173                        Port Hospital -13.21369 8.483402   0d3e11   other
3174                              Missing -13.26685 8.461662   b4f713   other
3175                        Port Hospital -13.24596 8.483999   9f6253 funeral
3176                              Missing -13.23286 8.481914   06bed2   other
3177                     Central Hospital -13.21201 8.481934     <NA>    <NA>
3178                              Missing -13.22665 8.485324   eacace funeral
3179                        Port Hospital -13.24085 8.456616     <NA>    <NA>
3180                                Other -13.21675 8.482359     <NA>    <NA>
3181                        Port Hospital -13.25944 8.464009   0e4462   other
3182                    Military Hospital -13.21322 8.478741   f53779   other
3183                              Missing -13.22088 8.476464   116312   other
3184                                Other -13.21591 8.487112   f093ea   other
3185                    Military Hospital -13.22183 8.482956   694522   other
3186                              Missing -13.22581 8.485943   f31627   other
3187                                Other -13.26689 8.461888   63cf46 funeral
3188                              Missing -13.21466 8.488438   a8e879   other
3189                                Other -13.24042 8.464835   b5d63f   other
3190                              Missing -13.26129 8.485231   df37e2   other
3191                        Port Hospital -13.20888 8.476768   f093ea   other
3192                        Port Hospital -13.26836 8.449527     <NA>    <NA>
3193                        Port Hospital -13.22106 8.462858   72fdfe   other
3194                              Missing -13.21274 8.465191     <NA>    <NA>
3195                              Missing -13.21730 8.470896   dc2bc1   other
3196                    Military Hospital -13.23273 8.460176   e5f980   other
3197                        Port Hospital -13.20966 8.464388     <NA>    <NA>
3198                              Missing -13.26324 8.484350     <NA>    <NA>
3199                              Missing -13.24443 8.485495   d8ec2f   other
3200                        Port Hospital -13.21794 8.478453   b05cd7   other
3201                                Other -13.21325 8.477190   469b43   other
3202                              Missing -13.23406 8.467611     <NA>    <NA>
3203                    Military Hospital -13.22289 8.483396   3370a7   other
3204                              Missing -13.26928 8.461627   dc7696   other
3205                              Missing -13.26509 8.451107     <NA>    <NA>
3206                        Port Hospital -13.24625 8.482592   ed6a8c funeral
3207                        Port Hospital -13.26774 8.460822     <NA>    <NA>
3208                        Port Hospital -13.21755 8.487949   c333a6   other
3209                    Military Hospital -13.21905 8.485385   c27ac9   other
3210                    Military Hospital -13.21877 8.474290   43ebaf   other
3211                                Other -13.26553 8.467597     <NA>    <NA>
3212                        Port Hospital -13.21219 8.453341   7c9fba   other
3213                        Port Hospital -13.21877 8.478002   9db989   other
3214                        Port Hospital -13.21511 8.484382   2fb02d   other
3215                                Other -13.23395 8.460852   7aca61   other
3216                                Other -13.24493 8.465297     <NA>    <NA>
3217                        Port Hospital -13.26368 8.485002   b444bf   other
3218                        Port Hospital -13.26507 8.462817     <NA>    <NA>
3219                        Port Hospital -13.21706 8.488859     <NA>    <NA>
3220                              Missing -13.22006 8.450191   4be7f2   other
3221                                Other -13.21600 8.461974     <NA>    <NA>
3222                    Military Hospital -13.20937 8.460138   06033e   other
3223                                Other -13.23556 8.490523   63b8fd   other
3224                              Missing -13.26725 8.449740     <NA>    <NA>
3225                        Port Hospital -13.23035 8.479115     <NA>    <NA>
3226                              Missing -13.22456 8.461496   699d82   other
3227                        Port Hospital -13.26369 8.462512   a74054   other
3228                     Central Hospital -13.22343 8.462506     <NA>    <NA>
3229                        Port Hospital -13.21949 8.464297   e81e6a   other
3230                              Missing -13.22916 8.478797     <NA>    <NA>
3231                              Missing -13.26853 8.465015     <NA>    <NA>
3232                        Port Hospital -13.26882 8.479294     <NA>    <NA>
3233                                Other -13.23158 8.471810     <NA>    <NA>
3234                              Missing -13.23723 8.470066     <NA>    <NA>
3235                        Port Hospital -13.23147 8.480449   a784f5   other
3236 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.26599 8.473993   b38c3a   other
3237                              Missing -13.21981 8.477075   34fd7f   other
3238                              Missing -13.24604 8.467457     <NA>    <NA>
3239                              Missing -13.21468 8.485151   6f5d1b   other
3240                        Port Hospital -13.23811 8.469959   8fafbf   other
3241                        Port Hospital -13.21589 8.462556   c1a29b   other
3242                        Port Hospital -13.24678 8.484973   4a89d8   other
3243                    Military Hospital -13.21956 8.474247   a4585b   other
3244                     Central Hospital -13.21883 8.450519   06dfb6 funeral
3245                     Central Hospital -13.23294 8.472400   8eaee8   other
3246                              Missing -13.23567 8.466903   03ad36   other
3247                        Port Hospital -13.23658 8.479242     <NA>    <NA>
3248                    Military Hospital -13.24943 8.477683   564804   other
3249                                Other -13.25366 8.474362   a0f854   other
3250 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.22058 8.481383     <NA>    <NA>
3251                              Missing -13.23397 8.467928   1dfe77   other
3252                                Other -13.26540 8.474839   9db256   other
3253                     Central Hospital -13.21458 8.484900   8fcc04   other
3254                    Military Hospital -13.25619 8.483108   4d1c91   other
3255                     Central Hospital -13.23419 8.460623   9db256   other
3256                        Port Hospital -13.21339 8.464598   2ed407   other
3257                        Port Hospital -13.21207 8.470128     <NA>    <NA>
3258 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.23257 8.482143   ecaec7   other
3259                              Missing -13.25092 8.459330   8a3ec0   other
3260                        Port Hospital -13.25968 8.452708   26c5f1   other
3261                        Port Hospital -13.21100 8.466934   8d416e   other
3262                        Port Hospital -13.25741 8.484325   c333a6   other
3263                              Missing -13.22031 8.461601   2abd63   other
3264                    Military Hospital -13.21858 8.476576     <NA>    <NA>
3265                              Missing -13.21689 8.471184   93345a   other
3266                              Missing -13.21704 8.489949   b873d7   other
3267                        Port Hospital -13.20721 8.476402   e975ce   other
3268                    Military Hospital -13.21244 8.470426     <NA>    <NA>
3269                              Missing -13.26956 8.469029   824b21   other
3270                        Port Hospital -13.24692 8.485495     <NA>    <NA>
3271                    Military Hospital -13.21041 8.482916   2569c2   other
3272                        Port Hospital -13.21799 8.461055   8fafbf   other
3273                    Military Hospital -13.21371 8.462203   e8cb57   other
3274                              Missing -13.26721 8.476830   784acb   other
3275                    Military Hospital -13.22218 8.463259     <NA>    <NA>
3276                        Port Hospital -13.23280 8.461233   6a957d funeral
3277 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24926 8.465383   1a4f6d   other
3278                    Military Hospital -13.24748 8.482913     <NA>    <NA>
3279                        Port Hospital -13.26131 8.462927     <NA>    <NA>
3280                    Military Hospital -13.24752 8.468575   3eb2f8   other
3281                        Port Hospital -13.21654 8.489598   8704ff   other
3282                                Other -13.21346 8.484428   286f10   other
3283                        Port Hospital -13.20915 8.453428   8ee839   other
3284                        Port Hospital -13.26827 8.450995     <NA>    <NA>
3285                                Other -13.26441 8.464257   54af85   other
3286                     Central Hospital -13.25094 8.459703     <NA>    <NA>
3287                        Port Hospital -13.21536 8.471402   4a89d8   other
3288                        Port Hospital -13.23425 8.462228     <NA>    <NA>
3289                              Missing -13.21661 8.453457   601ec1   other
3290                    Military Hospital -13.21629 8.489506   f53779   other
3291                              Missing -13.21478 8.451466   23986e   other
3292                    Military Hospital -13.27125 8.461757   c0c3f9 funeral
3293                                Other -13.21968 8.469967   5c2101   other
3294                    Military Hospital -13.21822 8.488657     <NA>    <NA>
3295                    Military Hospital -13.21540 8.472017     <NA>    <NA>
3296                        Port Hospital -13.26480 8.455740     <NA>    <NA>
3297                     Central Hospital -13.26656 8.469518     <NA>    <NA>
3298                    Military Hospital -13.22310 8.462613   158bd9   other
3299                                Other -13.21920 8.476517   d29a58   other
3300                              Missing -13.20636 8.462811   c333a6   other
3301                              Missing -13.23738 8.474620   a8e879   other
3302                                Other -13.24735 8.471465   092a68   other
3303                        Port Hospital -13.24734 8.483076   099c13   other
3304                              Missing -13.20725 8.455515     <NA>    <NA>
3305                    Military Hospital -13.23145 8.473720   93ac94   other
3306                    Military Hospital -13.21403 8.464236   2b8aa2   other
3307                        Port Hospital -13.23828 8.468792   116fe3 funeral
3308                              Missing -13.21172 8.479213     <NA>    <NA>
3309                        Port Hospital -13.25763 8.483511     <NA>    <NA>
3310                              Missing -13.21732 8.450258   af5955 funeral
3311                        Port Hospital -13.22098 8.459231   bca24d   other
3312                     Central Hospital -13.21156 8.479236   79558a   other
3313                        Port Hospital -13.21010 8.457991     <NA>    <NA>
3314                              Missing -13.21441 8.468359     <NA>    <NA>
3315                        Port Hospital -13.25284 8.459633   25d23a funeral
3316 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.20916 8.461893     <NA>    <NA>
3317                     Central Hospital -13.26822 8.460763   b35511   other
3318                                Other -13.24758 8.475378   e81e6a   other
3319                                Other -13.26706 8.463107     <NA>    <NA>
3320                        Port Hospital -13.21996 8.475294   6cf27b   other
3321                              Missing -13.23106 8.478180     <NA>    <NA>
3322                                Other -13.23042 8.477370     <NA>    <NA>
3323                     Central Hospital -13.21699 8.483796   c9783b   other
3324                        Port Hospital -13.21894 8.466082   ab2d3f   other
3325                              Missing -13.22246 8.477031     <NA>    <NA>
3326                              Missing -13.24274 8.453456   d29a58   other
3327                        Port Hospital -13.25262 8.460737   99be2e   other
3328                        Port Hospital -13.22421 8.479970   e6807a   other
3329                        Port Hospital -13.21760 8.462816     <NA>    <NA>
3330                    Military Hospital -13.22577 8.472655   5950b0   other
3331                        Port Hospital -13.25933 8.454539     <NA>    <NA>
3332 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) -13.24069 8.477835   364186   other
3333                    Military Hospital -13.22971 8.476787   b2645b   other
     wt_kg ht_cm ct_blood fever chills cough aches vomit temp time_admission
1       27    48       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8           <NA>
2       25    59       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          09:36
3       91   238       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          16:48
4       41   135       23    no     no    no    no    no 36.8          11:22
5       36    71       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          12:60
6       56   116       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          14:13
7       47    87       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          14:33
8        0    11       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          09:25
9       86   226       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          11:16
10      69   174       22    no     no   yes    no    no 35.9          10:55
11      67   112       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          16:03
12      84   186       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          11:14
13      68   174       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          12:42
14      44    90       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          11:06
15      34    91       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          09:10
16      66   152       22    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.3          08:45
17      78   214       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.0           <NA>
18      47   137       21    no     no   yes    no    no 38.0          15:41
19      53   117       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 38.0          13:34
20      47   131       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.0          18:58
21      71   150       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          12:43
22      86   241       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          16:33
23      53   131       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.9          14:29
24      69   161       24    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          07:18
25      38    80       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          08:11
26      46    69       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          16:32
27      68   188       24    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6          16:17
28      37    66       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.6          07:32
29     100   233       20  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.6          17:45
30      56   142       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.2           <NA>
31      50   110       24    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4          13:24
32      57   182       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          14:43
33      65   164       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          02:33
34      72   214       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          11:36
35      29    26       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          17:28
36      69   157       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          16:27
37      37    39       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.4           <NA>
38      48   154       22    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.3          20:49
39      54   133       23    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.0           <NA>
40      71   168       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.8          11:38
41      47   100       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          14:25
42      61   125       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          13:42
43      47   123       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          21:22
44      35    67       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          13:33
45      53   134       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.3          19:06
46      16    31       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          17:14
47      59   125       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6           <NA>
48      69   183       22    no     no    no    no   yes 37.6          10:23
49      67   169       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          09:09
50      61   182       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          09:40
51      55   129       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          18:19
52      46   108       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          17:38
53      45    89       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          15:34
54      56   120       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.1          05:33
55      45   111       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          11:25
56      72   232       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.4           <NA>
57      58   123       22    no     no    no    no    no 37.2          20:14
58      66   171       22    no    yes    no    no    no 37.5          19:27
59      78   215       23    no     no    no    no   yes 37.0          18:19
60      46   135       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4           <NA>
61      42   124       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          14:13
62      49   112       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          10:06
63      52   142       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          17:30
64     103   191       22    no     no    no   yes   yes 36.5          05:10
65      72   162       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          16:30
66      51   125       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.6          12:15
67      69   180       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          13:26
68      55   146       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.2          11:07
69      60   128       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          11:23
70      50    83       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          14:36
71      66   156       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3           <NA>
72      72   134       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          08:45
73      50   138       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          13:60
74      63   135       20  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          19:41
75      62   140       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          16:49
76      47    71       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4           <NA>
77      66   179       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.9           <NA>
78      61   157       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.1          13:11
79      54   133       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.1          03:32
80      68   185       20    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.4          07:17
81      81   206       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          08:45
82       9    34       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          17:11
83      46    86       24    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.5          08:51
84      71   152       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.4           <NA>
85      20    52       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.0           <NA>
86      66   204       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          12:34
87      70   180       22    no     no    no    no    no 37.6          14:43
88      47   127       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.6          12:49
89      37    74       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.0           <NA>
90      73   223       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.2          11:47
91      33    52       21    no     no    no    no   yes 37.5          14:49
92      53   118       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2           <NA>
93      59   195       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 35.9          19:21
94      53   107       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          10:20
95      55   144       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.5          18:48
96      74   169       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.5          10:33
97      52   148       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          13:08
98      87   244       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.6          16:52
99      73   196       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          14:55
100     76   214       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4           <NA>
101     31    60       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          10:18
102     56   134       21    no    yes    no    no   yes 36.4          11:05
103     69   156       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          12:37
104     77   154       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.9           <NA>
105     15    36       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3           <NA>
106     20    33       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.3          08:49
107     73   167       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          15:49
108     39    73       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9           <NA>
109     62   118       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          15:37
110     32    96       25  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          17:23
111     48   105       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          08:49
112     83   202       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          15:44
113     70   157       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.4          17:29
114     44    64       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.4          20:15
115     35    69       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          10:16
116     65   122       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0           <NA>
117     16    38       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          16:33
118     57   143       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 35.9          14:14
119     47   101       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          18:32
120     59   153       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.2          20:03
121     34    97       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          10:20
122     32   111       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.2           <NA>
123     60   110       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          13:37
124     72   152       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          12:30
125     61   161       22    no     no    no    no   yes 36.9          16:24
126     33    75       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.5          09:33
127     22    35       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          11:37
128     62   124       22    no     no    no    no   yes 35.8          21:18
129     46   104       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          14:59
130     67   190       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.4          15:09
131     68   165       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          11:36
132     43   112       19  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          06:60
133     72   176       24    no     no   yes   yes    no 36.7          11:35
134     18    40       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.7          15:49
135     49   125       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.9           <NA>
136     26   115       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          05:45
137     61   153       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          17:28
138     32    47       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          16:22
139     33    49       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5           <NA>
140     43   111       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.9          11:31
141     89   238       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          15:18
142     57   114       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          10:14
143     79   192       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4           <NA>
144     30    31       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          21:29
145     48    83       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.9          08:04
146     46   111       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          13:47
147     55   141       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 35.9          07:55
148     52   168       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.1          14:08
149     59   139       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          07:41
150     54   127       23    no     no   yes   yes    no 36.8          08:16
151     66   149       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.4          12:48
152     67   155       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6          19:43
153     38   107       21    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.4          09:13
154     59   100       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          20:05
155     47    98       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          08:40
156     66   143       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          11:36
157     83   207       23    no     no    no    no    no 36.8          19:19
158     29    80       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.6          19:47
159     87   234       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.3          18:36
160     54   113       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9           <NA>
161     77   171       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.7          13:36
162      5    19       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          19:30
163     76   162       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          13:44
164     58   157       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          12:37
165     50   124       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          09:17
166     26    56       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          12:21
167     64   138       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          15:33
168     66   109       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7           <NA>
169     70   176       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.2          09:41
170     58   114       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          07:17
171     20    39       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          16:24
172     44   135       23    no    yes    no    no    no 37.1          06:20
173     28    64       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          14:41
174     52   104       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          11:31
175     74   165       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          09:08
176     75   172       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          14:35
177     42    58       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          00:10
178     36    98       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          13:27
179     74   195       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.6          17:14
180     52   145       20    no     no    no    no   yes 37.6          14:05
181     61   162       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          17:54
182     61   168       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          08:45
183     -1    15       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          10:17
184     40    51       23    no    yes   yes   yes    no 36.9          20:30
185     61   154       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          13:60
186     51   141       22    no     no    no    no   yes 37.5          10:45
187     30    50       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          14:29
188     62   140       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          24:14
189     96   236       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          14:18
190     75   202       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.1          11:05
191     91   208       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          15:53
192     55   112       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.3          11:16
193     89   253       21    no     no    no    no    no 37.5          18:44
194     61   125       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          10:07
195     44    71       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.7          10:42
196     47   129       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          13:17
197     33   117       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          10:36
198     37   115       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.8          12:40
199     54   122       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.5          14:22
200     51   143       22    no    yes    no    no    no 36.8          13:28
201     54   130       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.9          20:35
202     50    98       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          15:57
203     92   189       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          16:32
204     79   236       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          13:30
205     62   207       20  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0           <NA>
206     60   146       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          14:33
207     67   179       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          14:17
208     81   200       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7           <NA>
209     24    37       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          10:09
210     53   139       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          05:59
211     58   120       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0           <NA>
212     78   165       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          18:46
213     69   151       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.3          08:38
214     55   185       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          13:48
215     51   135       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          13:09
216     42   105       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          15:27
217     69   146       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          14:33
218     53    93       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.0          14:25
219     37    93       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.1          13:38
220     71   186       22    no     no    no    no   yes 37.8          11:49
221     64   161       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7           <NA>
222     21    63       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          13:24
223     53   136       22    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.4          13:24
224     62   148       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.2          15:24
225     56    96       23    no    yes    no    no    no 36.9          07:30
226     66   151       23    no    yes   yes   yes   yes 36.4          13:09
227     69   197       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.9          03:41
228     41    52       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.4          20:18
229     32    88       22    no     no    no    no   yes 37.1          18:37
230     51   136       20  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1           <NA>
231     48    94       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          17:11
232     56   164       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.6          16:24
233     64   150       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          08:33
234     64   169       22    no     no   yes   yes    no 36.7          15:23
235     27    65       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          10:06
236     60   136       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          17:56
237     67   187       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          20:10
238     52   153       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          12:36
239     66   152       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.5          10:16
240     70   200       23    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.5          14:52
241     13    43       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.9          13:12
242     45   109       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.6          18:26
243     62   118       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          04:22
244     75   209       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          07:42
245     61   142       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          08:25
246     28    62       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.5          16:58
247     29    35       23    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.9          14:43
248     53    91       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.3          20:31
249     25    93       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          17:27
250     35   107       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          11:40
251     62   164       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9           <NA>
252     16    42       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.6          14:26
253     45    92       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.0          16:20
254     67   142       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          14:51
255     63   146       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4           <NA>
256     72   125       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          16:18
257     72   156       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9           <NA>
258     65   209       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          11:57
259     67   164       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          14:29
260     67   176       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.3          10:12
261     18    36       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2           <NA>
262     19    53       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          11:34
263     42    75       22    no     no    no    no    no 36.2          16:56
264     46    65       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          16:32
265     53   126       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          07:21
266     44   134       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          09:25
267     58   108       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          10:32
268     45    63       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          09:19
269     64   163       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.1          13:17
270     70   162       24    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7           <NA>
271     51   126       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          15:18
272     65   167       22    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.0          12:32
273     82   221       24    no     no    no    no    no 37.8          11:22
274     23    34       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          09:30
275     55   124       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          10:20
276     71   214       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          11:31
277     56   145       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.6          12:17
278     68   141       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          18:32
279     56   147       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          16:12
280     73   191       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9           <NA>
281     62   149       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.5          06:12
282     28    46       22    no     no    no    no    no 36.5          07:12
283     46   150       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4          12:11
284     47   129       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          18:14
285     64   204       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.4          13:10
286     55   134       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          14:25
287     57   136       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          19:23
288     64   159       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.3          17:45
289     40   120       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.6          15:01
290     50   103       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          15:37
291     48   113       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3           <NA>
292     57   160       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.3          10:30
293     18    46       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          08:06
294     30    52       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          12:43
295     55   134       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          19:33
296     65   145       21    no     no    no    no    no 37.3           <NA>
297     32    58       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          19:08
298     42    84       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.7          12:53
299     78   199       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          13:21
300     62   169       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.6          09:08
301     40   132       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.4          20:23
302     51   121       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          05:10
303     53   131       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.5          15:04
304     67   150       24    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          11:15
305     77   164       24    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          12:26
306     83   206       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          15:22
307     47    64       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.8          09:14
308     42   129       22    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.7          15:37
309     83   219       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          11:42
310     46   139       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          12:27
311     55   179       24    no     no    no    no    no 36.9          14:37
312     67   135       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.3          10:28
313     80   190       24    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          18:35
314     42    68       23    no    yes   yes   yes   yes 37.8          09:24
315     49   154       21    no     no    no    no   yes 36.9          16:40
316     26   105       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          15:43
317     58   126       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3           <NA>
318     61   134       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          15:48
319     26    68       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.1          17:34
320     60   132       24    no     no    no    no   yes 37.5           <NA>
321     55   122       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          15:18
322     52   147       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          10:41
323     68   189       25  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          15:05
324     35    69       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          18:25
325     37    72       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.9          17:33
326     45   123       20  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          19:28
327     55   132       22    no    yes   yes   yes   yes 37.9          18:24
328     43    63       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.2          13:31
329     57   170       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          07:52
330     46   117       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          15:26
331     45   109       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          08:38
332     61   121       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          12:43
333     60   106       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          09:15
334     43   115       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.5          13:18
335     76   202       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.3          14:44
336     83   191       23    no     no   yes   yes    no 36.7          06:33
337     31   111       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          09:49
338     38    68       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.4          14:34
339     25    52       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          17:34
340     69   196       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          12:43
341     82   207       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.6          09:13
342     48    58       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.2          12:25
343     25    88       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          18:29
344     59   156       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.8          09:42
345     74   196       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.8           <NA>
346     37    76       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          04:13
347     69   150       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          13:10
348     68   131       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          18:26
349     19    35       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.7          16:35
350      5    21       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          22:54
351     48   123       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          13:37
352     36   122       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.4          16:41
353     54   156       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          15:27
354     67   120       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.8          19:32
355     86   225       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.3          08:00
356     39    76       22    no    yes    no    no    no 37.6           <NA>
357     38    93       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          08:28
358     59   159       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.8          10:39
359     67   171       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          13:18
360     42    95       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          18:28
361     28    97       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          11:38
362     34   118       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 35.5          16:41
363     56    92       20  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          17:17
364     53   119       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.5          18:14
365     52   136       21    no     no    no    no    no 36.2          14:37
366     56   151       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          04:26
367     51   123       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          18:30
368     65   125       22    no     no   yes    no    no 35.8          17:34
369     29   100       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          07:13
370     46   125       20  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.6          15:48
371     49   112       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          11:39
372     50   109       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          13:59
373     58   124       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          12:22
374     28    97       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.4          07:22
375     53   123       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0           <NA>
376     60   145       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          14:35
377     65   149       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.7          15:31
378     70   149       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8           <NA>
379     51   117       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          10:03
380     60   112       24    no     no    no    no    no 36.3          12:25
381     33   107       20  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.6           <NA>
382     81   235       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          13:37
383     50   117       23    no     no    no    no    no 37.3          14:49
384     57    94       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2           <NA>
385     71   141       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.3          12:10
386     47   134       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          15:48
387     68   138       20  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 35.9          20:52
388     83   190       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          09:07
389     41    60       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          08:42
390     43    80       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          20:14
391     51   138       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.4          15:35
392     59   171       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          10:23
393     44    92       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5           <NA>
394     65   150       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          06:19
395     44   105       22    no     no    no    no   yes 37.8           <NA>
396     60   149       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.8           <NA>
397     36    71       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          08:41
398     40   126       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.4           <NA>
399     51   110       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          07:17
400     36   124       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          18:37
401     73   119       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          10:36
402     78   194       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          12:13
403     72   160       22    no     no    no    no   yes 36.8          14:27
404     71   202       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          14:54
405     60   167       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          09:23
406     58   151       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.1          09:53
407     46   125       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          15:54
408     43   140       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.6          10:33
409     50   160       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          17:40
410     15    48       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          21:29
411     43    79       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          18:42
412     63   191       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          13:45
413     17    39       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.7          06:30
414     51    65       24    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          18:52
415     45   114       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          10:36
416     64   134       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          05:30
417     13    36       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          08:08
418     30    52       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.9          22:22
419     44   104       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.8          11:22
420     47   114       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          10:49
421     57   144       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.7          13:32
422     39    63       23    no     no    no   yes    no 36.8          14:59
423     78   208       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          14:42
424     70   164       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          17:21
425      2     4       22    no     no    no    no    no 37.6          17:18
426     38   106       21    no     no    no    no    no 37.0          08:24
427     39   129       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8           <NA>
428     41    65       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          12:37
429     76   195       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          11:30
430     12    37       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.2          12:41
431     20    51       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          10:05
432     49   143       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          07:34
433     51   137       22    no     no    no    no   yes 37.2          14:25
434     53   118       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          08:35
435     47   105       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          19:58
436     51   102       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8           <NA>
437     71   137       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          06:41
438     84   196       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          16:11
439     87   164       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          16:34
440     -3    31       22    no     no    no    no    no 37.1          17:39
441     46   118       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.4          10:16
442     12    50       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          10:27
443     58   119       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3           <NA>
444     51   109       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.6          10:33
445     62    88       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          15:36
446     77   220       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4           <NA>
447     87   218       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          11:46
448     68   153       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.2          15:50
449     35    64       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          11:30
450     45   107       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.8          13:25
451     62   151       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.0          09:33
452     65   163       23    no     no    no    no    no 36.4          16:46
453     75   152       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          10:22
454     55   117       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          13:15
455     72   183       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4          07:39
456     55    72       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.6          08:08
457     41    59       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.4          13:10
458     26    79       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.2          09:50
459     14    24       23    no     no    no    no    no 36.6          04:14
460     95   188       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.7          09:32
461     66   166       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.2          10:45
462     71   193       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1           <NA>
463     65   183       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.9          07:52
464     51   140       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          08:41
465     42   116       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          10:18
466     66   150       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.0          12:19
467     43    99       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1           <NA>
468     46   148       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          09:46
469     90   204       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.2           <NA>
470     58   159       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          09:28
471     56   121       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          12:36
472     64   155       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          06:31
473     39   125       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          14:51
474     60   141       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          21:21
475     72   192       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.4           <NA>
476     86   202       22    no     no    no   yes    no 37.1          13:10
477     25    32       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.3          17:54
478     36    99       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          12:25
479     45   122       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          13:58
480     66   157       22    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.4          14:29
481     58   129       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          13:17
482     54   143       21    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.0          11:27
483     88   219       20    no     no   yes   yes   yes 35.9           <NA>
484     45   121       20  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          16:42
485     44   117       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          18:53
486     47   104       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          12:17
487     49   114       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          10:38
488     48   145       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          11:34
489     14    37       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.5          12:34
490     41    65       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          17:39
491     65   194       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          13:08
492     66   149       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          10:10
493     61   124       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          19:35
494     18    41       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          13:44
495     49    72       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.3           <NA>
496     38    88       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.9          22:47
497     54   102       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.1          15:33
498     40    69       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.4          16:31
499     66   181       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.8          22:29
500     18    35       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.7          14:19
501     40    55       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.9          10:53
502     44   117       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.2          06:34
503     52   122       23    no     no    no    no    no 36.0          11:44
504     52   120       20    no    yes    no   yes    no 36.3           <NA>
505     17    43       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.3          13:27
506     63   123       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 35.8          20:39
507     31   104       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.5          11:12
508     60   150       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.4          16:43
509     74   162       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          18:11
510     34    82       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          15:01
511     23    56       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          10:40
512     76   211       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          18:28
513     38    67       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          15:34
514     72   132       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          06:45
515     64   108       24    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          09:49
516     27    94       23    no     no    no    no   yes 36.5           <NA>
517     48   109       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          16:29
518     10    39       21    no     no    no    no   yes 36.6          17:15
519     30    55       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          11:15
520     47    84       22    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.8          22:44
521     10    16       24    no     no    no    no   yes 36.6           <NA>
522     25    31       21    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.0          12:31
523     24    33       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.5          09:34
524     47   105       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          14:55
525     17    45       23    no     no    no    no    no 37.3          08:15
526     27    50       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          13:23
527     61   162       24    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.8           <NA>
528     80   192       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          13:14
529     46    72       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.6          13:33
530     28    47       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          20:43
531     33    80       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.7           <NA>
532     57   152       22    no    yes   yes   yes    no 36.1          15:47
533     51    98       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.7          09:02
534     49   112       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.5          12:23
535     40   124       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.7          13:60
536     44   119       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.1          10:28
537     19    53       22    no     no    no    no    no 37.9          10:15
538     82   155       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9           <NA>
539     13    26       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.9          06:30
540     62   131       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          20:16
541     57   140       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          14:36
542     59   152       24    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.1          13:13
543     79   205       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          12:53
544     83   204       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          19:49
545     37    35       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.4          11:20
546     52   123       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.1           <NA>
547     49   145       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.4          02:17
548     88   201       24    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9           <NA>
549     -6    19       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          02:19
550     17    31       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6           <NA>
551     40   104       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.4           <NA>
552     49    71       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          08:40
553     52   133       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          10:45
554     64   152       21    no     no    no    no   yes 37.1          12:34
555     11    28       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          16:29
556     11    44       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.5          12:15
557     58   144       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          13:18
558     71   178       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          11:09
559     87   262       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          17:32
560     58   165       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.7           <NA>
561     34    76       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          10:21
562     21    39       20    no     no    no    no   yes 37.3          13:38
563     37    60       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.4          11:11
564     51   165       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          15:37
565     64   159       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1           <NA>
566     59   131       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1           <NA>
567     88   202       23    no     no   yes    no    no 35.9          08:20
568     46   107       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          12:08
569     72   195       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.8          17:59
570     56   100       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          09:13
571     77   153       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7          13:49
572     46   132       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          03:41
573     36    53       24    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6          20:17
574     64   150       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          08:12
575     65   137       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.4          08:57
576     50   136       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.5          07:26
577     53   151       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          16:05
578     31    67       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.6          08:06
579     74   144       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          17:39
580     45    61       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          09:27
581     30    75       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5           <NA>
582     44    85       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          14:43
583     37   114       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          07:53
584     65    93       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          15:03
585     59   152       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          13:00
586     60   147       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          16:53
587     12    39       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          15:25
588     31    89       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          06:35
589     55   134       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          18:59
590     50    92       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          10:32
591     30    81       24    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          11:00
592     60   144       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.3          21:15
593     71   153       21    no     no    no    no    no 36.9          15:00
594     41    86       23    no     no   yes   yes   yes 35.8          07:04
595     46    76       21    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.4          10:39
596     48   108       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.3          17:37
597     51   150       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.4           <NA>
598     76   187       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          10:55
599     18    45       22    no     no    no    no   yes 36.9          08:18
600     29   104       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          10:33
601     45   113       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.1          16:38
602     77   190       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          15:48
603     86   207       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.2          12:30
604     52   153       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          08:54
605     76   206       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          12:36
606     69   128       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          11:32
607     72   169       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          13:26
608     65   160       20  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.7           <NA>
609     40    70       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.5          07:55
610     56   200       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          15:43
611     94   223       22    no     no   yes    no    no 38.0          08:08
612      8    19       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          13:36
613      6     9       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          07:43
614     29    55       23    no     no    no    no   yes 37.2          15:57
615     65   122       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.0          09:10
616     62   134       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          18:33
617     61   138       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9           <NA>
618     59   151       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.9          17:43
619     52   142       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          14:17
620     45    87       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          14:22
621     62   143       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          13:06
622     62   161       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.8          19:41
623     64   121       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.5          14:26
624     41    95       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          13:50
625     58   156       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          11:10
626     51   120       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          05:26
627     41    94       20    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.4          14:43
628     68   160       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.7          13:31
629      1    19       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          14:49
630     55   144       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          19:35
631     45    81       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4           <NA>
632     49   103       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          11:22
633     47   111       22    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.6          11:24
634     34   101       22    no     no    no    no    no 36.4          14:38
635     36    83       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          13:44
636     21    68       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.3          06:38
637     51    82       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.9          07:52
638     30    75       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.7           <NA>
639     55   125       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          10:47
640     49   130       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          17:14
641     76   234       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          19:25
642     32   107       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          08:06
643     47   127       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.6          11:14
644     70   219       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.1          11:31
645     19    33       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          09:07
646     33    62       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          11:12
647     42    76       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          10:11
648     23    58       25    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          11:01
649     31   100       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.4          14:22
650     52   118       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          11:34
651     74   143       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9          11:33
652     52    84       21    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.0          18:33
653     53   111       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.2          11:20
654     51   134       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          10:37
655     58   155       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.4          17:41
656     22    43       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          15:29
657     75   159       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4          13:52
658     59   144       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.6          07:42
659     67   146       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8           <NA>
660     85   268       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.0          11:35
661     81   212       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 35.8          20:40
662     54   152       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.8          20:11
663    104   252       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.5          13:53
664     84   195       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          21:31
665     42    83       22    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.8          12:46
666     68   151       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.5          07:50
667     61   202       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          18:14
668     75   182       23  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.0          06:41
669     61   170       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          14:34
670     55   136       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4           <NA>
671     62   196       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          15:54
672     80   203       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          17:52
673     58   165       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5           <NA>
674     68   153       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          14:60
675     72   164       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.2          12:17
676     70   171       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          19:34
677     46   146       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.6          13:37
678     76   207       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.7          15:32
679     74   196       24    no     no   yes   yes    no 36.7          19:26
680     69   180       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          12:09
681     65   132       22    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.4          14:29
682     30    72       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          12:27
683     22    52       23    no     no    no    no    no 37.0          14:44
684     62   146       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6           <NA>
685     49   143       21    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.5          15:33
686     51   115       23    no    yes    no    no    no 37.1          15:22
687     29   110       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4           <NA>
688     49   123       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.3          15:19
689     60   114       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 35.6          12:33
690     45   108       24    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0           <NA>
691     82   204       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          14:56
692     76   182       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          05:50
693     58   125       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          19:00
694     36    89       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          14:13
695     62   137       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          11:30
696     83   209       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          09:20
697     47   131       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.4          11:21
698     67   172       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2           <NA>
699     65   161       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          10:48
700     44   113       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9           <NA>
701     17    47       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          09:10
702     78   198       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          07:35
703     66   180       23    no     no    no    no   yes 37.5          14:38
704     54    64       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          17:03
705     26    53       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          11:21
706     54   134       22    no     no    no    no   yes 35.3          22:24
707     59   122       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          14:60
708     77   189       25    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          03:43
709     21    34       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          14:44
710     46   111       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          06:30
711     69   129       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          11:29
712     69   182       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.6          14:10
713     29    35       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.6          12:35
714     44   105       21    no     no    no    no    no 37.6          18:14
715     60   138       20    no     no    no    no   yes 37.7          13:34
716     56   131       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6          16:29
717     37    54       21    no     no    no    no   yes 37.5          16:44
718     60   157       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.1          13:49
719     19    31       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.4           <NA>
720     62   137       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2           <NA>
721     46   129       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          11:18
722     70   152       22    no     no    no    no   yes 36.7          19:30
723     66   152       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          13:54
724     57   139       22    no     no    no    no   yes 36.7          08:35
725     53   125       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          05:25
726     56   168       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          18:26
727     67   136       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          08:10
728     90   233       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          08:38
729     37    98       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          10:34
730     33    48       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6           <NA>
731     37    91       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2           <NA>
732     59   144       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          13:24
733     81   182       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.9          12:48
734     67   147       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          16:35
735     21    37       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          08:34
736     17    48       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          07:14
737     60   144       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          13:23
738     28    42       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          13:31
739     52   124       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.2          16:11
740     13    44       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.5          13:46
741     45    75       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          13:28
742     49    94       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          13:36
743     51   125       23    no     no    no   yes    no 37.5           <NA>
744     42   122       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.3          15:23
745     46   124       22    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.9          11:43
746     22    24       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.9          10:33
747     40    71       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.3          07:11
748     51   130       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          07:24
749     48   102       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          13:39
750     67   155       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          09:03
751     55   158       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.2          14:19
752     76   158       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          13:24
753     80   178       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1           <NA>
754     61   140       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.2          07:06
755     33    80       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          16:41
756     34    59       21    no     no    no    no   yes 37.1          08:52
757     35   115       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          05:34
758     53   140       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.6          16:46
759     52   102       21    no     no    no    no   yes 36.7          15:50
760     79   223       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          18:29
761     38    93       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          20:30
762     34    60       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          16:39
763     48    74       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.6          14:14
764     65   156       22    no     no    no    no   yes 36.4          16:48
765     36    62       22    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.7          20:15
766     43    99       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          18:42
767     55   138       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          13:19
768     54    76       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.6          13:46
769     48   109       22    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.1          12:07
770     48    64       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          05:31
771     52   136       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          14:26
772     47   139       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          13:33
773     79   219       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.2          17:38
774     50    64       22    no     no    no    no   yes 37.2          07:31
775     46    97       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.7          16:54
776     60   128       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.9          08:46
777     61   134       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          21:42
778     52   136       22    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.3          11:22
779     54   162       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          17:23
780     46   138       22    no     no    no    no    no 36.5          09:35
781     51    75       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.6          09:47
782     53    99       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.2           <NA>
783     55   129       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          10:11
784     54   130       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          16:38
785     72   223       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.5          11:28
786     53   153       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          07:00
787     18    37       21    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.9          17:54
788     22    60       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6          17:36
789     36   106       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          16:10
790     54   141       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.7          09:10
791     57   164       22    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.0          11:16
792     58   155       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6          11:50
793     33   106       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          14:37
794     62    97       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.1          10:23
795     54   141       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          11:14
796     71   197       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          15:05
797     50    69       21    no     no    no    no    no 37.5          22:22
798     64   174       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.2           <NA>
799     40    91       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7           <NA>
800     65   192       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          11:08
801     15    58       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          15:24
802     15    42       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          13:32
803     57    96       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          14:17
804     41    93       23    no     no    no    no    no 36.2          15:36
805     30    61       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.4          18:07
806     51   147       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4           <NA>
807     72   143       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.2          17:12
808     55   167       24    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.6          09:04
809     50   151       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6           <NA>
810     34    53       22    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.4          20:40
811     71   152       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.7          14:20
812     72   185       22    no     no    no   yes   yes 36.6          06:35
813     70   180       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.1          17:54
814     49   152       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.4          20:36
815     43    65       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          15:21
816     39   125       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.2          07:46
817     49    89       22  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.9          07:09
818     52   102       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8           <NA>
819     49   112       22    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.3          15:35
820     58   146       21    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.6          11:15
821     48    78       22    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.0          16:28
822     86   191       22    no     no    no    no    no 37.3          08:03
823     73   195       24  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.9           <NA>
824     17    34       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.0          19:30
825     63   170       22    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.0           <NA>
826     27    87       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          10:41
827     67   137       24    no     no    no    no    no 37.8          12:54
828     30    57       21    no     no    no   yes   yes 37.6          13:44
829     78   194       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.0          05:41
830     60   127       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4           <NA>
831     32    55       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          14:15
832     50   142       24    no     no   yes    no   yes 35.9          14:34
833     37   116       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.2          14:36
834      8    35       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4           <NA>
835     45    67       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          17:00
836     30   100       22    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.7           <NA>
837     31    49       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          12:38
838     46   100       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          11:39
839     22    48       20    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.2          14:54
840     30    75       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          11:34
841     39   149       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          09:06
842     52   131       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          12:26
843     55    99       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.7          10:53
844     45   146       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          07:15
845     64   193       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          15:42
846     78   184       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          08:25
847     49   129       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          17:27
848     63   124       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.6          14:39
849     49   165       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          23:32
850     63   121       21    no     no    no    no   yes 36.1          09:17
851     75   215       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.6          12:48
852     32   100       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          12:02
853     67   194       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5           <NA>
854     73   160       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          14:32
855     56   136       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          14:54
856     76   113       22    no     no   yes    no    no 35.9          11:04
857     80   202       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9           <NA>
858     28    53       21    no     no    no   yes   yes 36.3          18:34
859     37    75       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.4          16:17
860     38    99       23    no     no    no    no    no 37.6           <NA>
861     36   107       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          21:26
862     70   191       20    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.9          16:35
863     25    61       23    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.0          05:33
864     41    90       22    no    yes   yes   yes   yes 36.6          17:08
865     44    70       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          11:41
866     57   151       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          12:21
867     20    38       22    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.5          11:35
868     15    35       22    no     no    no    no    no 35.9          12:15
869     26    51       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          08:49
870     44    96       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          13:28
871     16    37       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.8          05:07
872     49   121       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          15:44
873     70   190       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          09:23
874     40    81       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7           <NA>
875     43   135       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.7          16:56
876     12    40       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          15:15
877     78   189       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          09:29
878     67   149       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.9           <NA>
879     44   107       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0           <NA>
880     17    35       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.2          18:36
881     73   164       21    no     no    no    no   yes 37.9          05:25
882     46   160       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.9          15:28
883     74   162       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          19:21
884     17    47       21    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.0          20:57
885     36   134       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          15:24
886     81   159       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          10:50
887     41    73       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.7          11:45
888     66   172       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          15:12
889     23    46       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.3          19:05
890     36    85       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.8          10:04
891     58   127       21    no     no    no    no   yes 37.8           <NA>
892     61   175       24    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          11:54
893     75   194       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.2          10:46
894     75   151       23    no    yes    no   yes    no 36.6          21:19
895     80   120       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          13:13
896     61   155       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          12:17
897     38    92       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          15:31
898     93   253       22    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.2          12:49
899     74   192       22    no     no   yes    no    no 38.0          08:45
900     66   177       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          13:55
901     70   170       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          16:39
902     60   192       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          21:51
903     35    61       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5           <NA>
904     38    66       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          12:24
905     23    47       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          14:20
906     20    54       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7           <NA>
907     79   152       21  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 36.4           <NA>
908     70   175       24    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.9           <NA>
909     57   141       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.3          12:53
910     81   201       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          21:30
911     10    36       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.7           <NA>
912     40    94       23    no    yes   yes   yes   yes 37.5          03:07
913     57   153       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.3          16:28
914     69   171       20    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.0          17:12
915     54   169       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.3          13:47
916     79   192       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.5          07:58
917     65   150       24    no     no    no    no   yes 37.6          17:37
918     71   145       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.1          14:08
919     69   153       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          15:21
920     68   163       25    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.1          18:13
921     64   146       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          16:15
922     64   172       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          11:37
923     64   157       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          19:49
924     18    43       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.7          16:55
925     65   182       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          12:48
926     34    95       21    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.6          08:29
927     52   133       21    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.4          09:30
928     44   113       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          18:24
929     25   100       22    no     no    no    no   yes 37.3           <NA>
930     63   121       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          13:15
931     53   106       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          15:49
932     43   105       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          15:31
933     25    56       22    no     no    no    no    no 37.9          13:38
934     52    92       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.5          05:31
935     57   147       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.1          11:23
936     63   154       23    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.9          13:25
937     74   187       21    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.4          12:17
938     40    90       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          08:02
939     72   149       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          16:53
940     66   164       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.1          12:18
941     33    39       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          18:41
942     42    77       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          12:22
943     17    47       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          14:11
944     66   131       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.8          08:43
945     63   148       22    no     no    no    no    no 36.8          08:48
946     28    34       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          18:18
947     78   213       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.2          12:51
948     33    97       24    no     no    no    no    no 36.8          14:35
949     53   143       20    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.5          06:17
950     63   126       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          11:54
951     28    99       23    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          15:18
952     43    91       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.3          17:03
953     27    78       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.6           <NA>
954     62   138       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          09:14
955     90   181       21    no     no    no   yes    no 36.8          17:20
956     48   126       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          15:42
957     81   183       23    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          08:25
958     41    77       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          16:27
959     65   154       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.7          15:01
960     50    71       23    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          18:33
961     62   158       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 35.5          10:38
962     62   126       22    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.1          12:32
963     26    55       22    no     no    no    no   yes 36.4          09:28
964     53   119       23    no     no   yes    no    no 36.0          16:47
965     68   152       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.4          09:30
966     57    62       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          05:07
967     19    49       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6          15:06
968     55   115       22    no     no    no    no   yes 37.5          12:60
969     60   110       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          08:24
970     43   119       22    no     no   yes    no    no 37.9           <NA>
971     57   154       22    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          11:04
972     54   146       22    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.8          16:51
973     46   113       22    no     no   yes    no    no 36.2          07:15
974     21    30       20    no     no    no    no    no 37.4          12:57
975     73   180       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          14:44
976     39   117       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.7          15:10
977     61   130       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          12:11
978     24    47       18    no     no   yes   yes    no 36.6          21:16
979     74   180       18    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.0          19:29
980     59   185       19    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.1           <NA>
981     15    33       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2           <NA>
982     63   126       17    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          20:27
983     44   107       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          18:01
984     50   125       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          15:09
985     51    93       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4           <NA>
986     62   141       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          10:16
987     54   125       20    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.4           <NA>
988     67   143       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.8          14:28
989     35    89       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          18:53
990     86   208       18    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.0          13:49
991     64   162       18    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.7          12:41
992     82   214       20    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.8          12:28
993     42   104       17    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          14:11
994     71   144       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          17:03
995     73   151       20    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.0          06:28
996     23    35       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          05:44
997     53   129       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          15:21
998     61   174       19    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.0          13:41
999     53   140       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          10:36
1000    47   138       20    no     no    no    no    no 37.1          06:20
1001    71   166       20    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.7          15:19
1002    34   118       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          14:42
1003    57   154       17    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          12:11
1004    27    52       17    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          14:28
1005    42   106       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          07:32
1006    50   121       18    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4          10:22
1007    26    62       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1           <NA>
1008    60   127       19    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.4          17:29
1009    72   201       18    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4          14:09
1010    61   151       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.3          11:33
1011    45    76       19    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.8          17:17
1012    29   105       17    no    yes    no    no   yes 36.4          10:44
1013    38   100       21    no     no   yes    no    no 37.9           <NA>
1014    58   144       19    no     no    no   yes    no 37.8           <NA>
1015    87   208       19    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.4          10:28
1016    41    89       18    no     no    no    no   yes 37.8          05:25
1017    46    73       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          20:26
1018    63   145       17    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          11:41
1019    60    73       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          07:24
1020    61   188       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.0          21:33
1021    50   120       17    no     no   yes    no    no 37.9          11:43
1022    57   170       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          16:32
1023    62   175       20    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.5          19:30
1024   106   261       21    no     no    no    no    no 36.6          17:09
1025    25    37       18  <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 37.3          20:10
1026    79   211       16    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.3           <NA>
1027    66   134       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          11:37
1028    39    65       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          21:40
1029    35    59       19    no     no    no    no   yes 36.8          12:18
1030    67   157       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.9          15:38
1031    75   162       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6           <NA>
1032    60   142       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          12:46
1033    52   106       18    no    yes   yes    no   yes 35.6          13:25
1034    36    56       17    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          12:60
1035    75   205       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          11:34
1036    36   113       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          09:05
1037    62   183       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          05:36
1038    57   148       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.3          16:43
1039    70   154       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          13:33
1040    24    28       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.3          20:13
1041    59   157       19    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.7          15:34
1042    64   121       19    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.2          14:59
1043    36    86       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          13:59
1044    77   167       18    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          14:43
1045    68   129       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          09:10
1046    30    68       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6          08:51
1047    40    90       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          15:49
1048    56   151       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.3          11:17
1049    74   186       19    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.5          11:36
1050    36    72       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          14:18
1051    71   174       19    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.9          07:17
1052    61   158       19    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.5          11:41
1053    31    55       19    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.6          12:52
1054    49   104       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4           <NA>
1055    46   133       18    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.3           <NA>
1056    57   100       19    no     no    no    no   yes 37.0           <NA>
1057    66   164       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.2          10:37
1058    54   146       19    no     no    no    no    no 37.5          20:40
1059    69   144       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5           <NA>
1060    75   164       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          16:14
1061    39    75       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          18:12
1062    31   100       20    no     no    no    no    no 37.0          15:16
1063    94   263       19    no    yes   yes    no    no 38.0          11:41
1064    73   168       18    no     no    no    no    no 37.0          19:24
1065    64   173       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          09:14
1066    51    90       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          08:21
1067    72   188       19    no     no    no    no   yes 37.2          06:12
1068    42    59       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          08:09
1069    52    96       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          12:55
1070    28    75       17    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          14:34
1071    71   172       20    no     no   yes   yes   yes 35.7          10:34
1072    52   153       19    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.5          13:26
1073    61   120       18    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.2           <NA>
1074    40    81       18    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.1          08:18
1075    63   148       20    no    yes   yes   yes   yes 36.2          14:57
1076    45   106       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          07:35
1077    77   175       18    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.0          09:02
1078    50   128       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4           <NA>
1079    55   165       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.7          20:43
1080    29    54       19    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.8          11:21
1081    69   166       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1           <NA>
1082    62   162       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          08:58
1083    72   159       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          09:33
1084    23    35       18    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.7          13:37
1085    41    53       19    no     no    no    no    no 36.3          18:54
1086    32    85       19    no     no    no    no    no 37.3          22:07
1087    60   135       17    no    yes    no    no   yes 36.4          08:12
1088    65   189       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          22:02
1089    15    38       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          13:23
1090    60   139       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          15:13
1091    55   148       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          20:54
1092    42   116       19    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.3          18:45
1093    19    26       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          16:14
1094    21    44       17    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          15:11
1095    72   130       20    no     no   yes   yes    no 36.7          12:32
1096    45   104       17    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0          12:34
1097    65   122       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4          11:31
1098    73   175       17    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          17:52
1099    64    95       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.4          21:56
1100    49   131       18    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          09:31
1101    15    42       19    no     no    no    no    no 36.7           <NA>
1102    50    73       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          06:27
1103    51   156       20    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.1          11:05
1104    46   103       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          14:42
1105    88   244       22    no     no    no    no    no 37.2           <NA>
1106    65   149       19    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.7          06:28
1107    38    74       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          19:43
1108    68   167       19    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.5          13:35
1109    46    98       21    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.6          11:30
1110    75   178       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          12:35
1111    34   106       20    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.2           <NA>
1112    55   144       19    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.0          13:14
1113    86   131       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          12:12
1114    43    65       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.2           <NA>
1115    27    51       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          15:09
1116    35    55       20    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.2          14:28
1117    62   152       19    no     no    no    no   yes 35.9          20:32
1118    64   179       20    no    yes    no   yes   yes 36.9          11:44
1119    46   102       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          10:19
1120    56   116       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2           <NA>
1121    78   197       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          07:26
1122    35    75       18    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.0          10:27
1123    48   135       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1           <NA>
1124    24    36       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          10:40
1125    60   121       18    no    yes   yes    no    no 35.2          22:38
1126    53   113       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.1          10:16
1127    46   147       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1          13:49
1128    37    60       18    no     no   yes   yes    no 37.5          14:19
1129    19    29       21    no     no    no    no    no 36.9          13:56
1130    49    96       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.3          19:11
1131    58   137       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          17:21
1132    62   196       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5           <NA>
1133    22    56       20    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.3          15:13
1134    60   123       19    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.3          18:01
1135    64   137       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          14:46
1136    30    75       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.1          16:58
1137    46   110       18    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          12:35
1138    53   101       19    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.0          10:44
1139    41    98       20    no     no    no    no   yes 36.8          11:43
1140    54   164       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3           <NA>
1141    70   131       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.7          12:20
1142    13    56       18    no    yes   yes    no    no 36.8          10:39
1143    36    94       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          07:07
1144    65   160       19    no     no   yes    no    no 35.9          14:34
1145    57   139       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          15:03
1146    60   171       20    no     no   yes    no    no 37.2          13:11
1147    24    34       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.1           <NA>
1148    54   117       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.7          13:14
1149    40   105       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4          11:11
1150    64   132       18    no     no    no    no   yes 37.8           <NA>
1151    58   113       17    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.8          20:57
1152    39   102       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.0          13:11
1153    67   137       19    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.2          19:29
1154    32    91       19    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.5          09:42
1155    68   161       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6          09:05
1156    32    37       20    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.6           <NA>
1157    42   131       18    no     no    no    no   yes 37.6          08:22
1158    63   169       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.8          15:59
1159    50   149       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 38.0          12:48
1160    82   178       18    no     no   yes    no    no 37.5          06:11
1161    71   194       19    no     no   yes   yes   yes 37.1          09:12
1162    76   146       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.3           <NA>
1163    40    78       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.5          10:23
1164    45   150       17    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4          14:15
1165    51   127       20    no    yes   yes    no   yes 36.0          13:37
1166    75   224       17    no     no    no    no    no 37.4          15:47
1167    56   187       20    no     no    no    no    no 36.2          19:14
1168    81   197       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.3          14:19
1169    40   106       20    no    yes   yes    no   yes 37.4          10:43
1170    64   120       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          10:17
1171    60   158       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.0          13:21
1172    75   157       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6          15:24
1173    58   111       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.3           <NA>
1174    16    50       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.9          17:55
1175    38   118       19    no    yes    no    no    no 36.7          04:47
1176    48    99       20    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.1          12:17
1177    57   136       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          19:51
1178    57   132       17    no     no    no    no    no 37.9          12:13
1179    81   199       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.6          10:42
1180    64   171       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          04:39
1181    29   105       21    no     no    no    no   yes 37.2          05:41
1182    38    97       19    no     no    no    no   yes 36.9          14:33
1183    75   178       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.4           <NA>
1184    17    39       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.6          16:47
1185    67   180       21    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.6          13:45
1186    91   208       21    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.3          13:35
1187    62   143       21    no    yes   yes   yes    no 36.6          09:13
1188    67   176       20    no    yes   yes    no    no 37.1          11:45
1189    58   146       19    no     no    no    no   yes 37.1          10:34
1190    86   176       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.6          11:60
1191    17    42       18    no     no    no    no    no 36.7          14:47
1192     0    17       20    no     no    no    no   yes 36.9          16:34
1193    76   174       20    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.4          21:18
1194    65   171       18    no     no   yes    no    no 36.2          09:14
1195    22    31       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.5          18:33
1196    55   129       19    no    yes    no    no   yes 37.1          18:55
1197    72   192       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.8          19:37
1198    24   100       19    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.3          17:42
1199    75   174       20    no     no   yes   yes   yes 36.7          18:42
1200    -9    24       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.3          10:38
1201    43   100       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          11:20
1202    75   196       20    no     no    no    no   yes 36.5          14:25
1203    57   112       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4          11:10
1204    87   250       20    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          12:50
1205    43   123       21    no     no   yes    no    no 36.5          13:22
1206    61   140       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          18:11
1207    52   110       19    no    yes    no    no   yes 36.7          09:27
1208    40   102       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.3           <NA>
1209    56    78       18    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.0           <NA>
1210    45   113       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.9          14:07
1211    83   159       19    no     no   yes    no   yes 37.2          08:27
1212    41   121       19    no     no   yes    no    no 37.3          17:47
1213    53   126       17    no     no   yes    no   yes 36.1          10:59
1214    67   143       19    no     no   yes    no    no 36.4          09:14
1215    64   171       20    no     no   yes    no    no   NA          16:42
1216    45   107       19    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          12:45
1217    33    70       20    no     no   yes    no    no   NA          21:27
1218    62   162       18    no     no   yes    no    no   NA           <NA>
1219    57   175       17    no     no   yes    no    no   NA          15:15
1220    57   138       17    no     no   yes    no    no   NA           <NA>
1221    76   166       18    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          07:36
1222    30    48       19    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          10:51
1223    78   161       19    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          12:55
1224    66   157       19    no    yes   yes    no    no   NA          15:34
1225    61   131       20    no     no   yes    no    no   NA          19:30
1226    24    61       18    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          12:22
1227    37    63       18    no    yes   yes    no    no   NA          09:18
1228    70   212       18    no    yes   yes   yes   yes   NA          17:08
1229    55   111       20    no     no   yes    no    no   NA           <NA>
1230    56   137       18    no     no   yes    no    no   NA          11:30
1231    13    58       18    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          17:13
1232    49   127       20    no     no   yes    no    no   NA          11:00
1233    54   125       19    no     no   yes    no    no   NA          17:26
1234    13    37       18    no     no   yes    no    no   NA          18:37
1235    33   103       20    no    yes   yes   yes    no   NA          11:24
1236    62   116       18    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          14:22
1237    68   139       20    no     no   yes    no    no   NA          13:31
1238    53   147       20    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          13:08
1239    52    84       19    no     no   yes    no    no   NA          11:34
1240    32   111       19    no     no   yes   yes   yes   NA          14:08
1241    39   113       21    no    yes   yes    no   yes   NA          05:21
1242    41    59       18    no     no    no    no   yes   NA          17:29
1243    61   141       19    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          11:50
1244    33    74       19    no    yes    no    no   yes   NA          10:40
1245    57   129       19    no    yes    no    no   yes   NA          10:21
1246    65   157       19    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA           <NA>
1247    58    83       20    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          12:13
1248    55    92       19    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          20:49
1249    68   159       20    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          19:48
1250    68   151       19    no    yes    no    no    no   NA           <NA>
1251    44    69       20    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          10:46
1252    62   137       18    no     no    no    no   yes   NA          15:08
1253    62   181       19    no     no   yes    no    no   NA          19:40
1254    31   111       19    no     no   yes    no   yes   NA          12:10
1255    59   124       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          06:46
1256    40   128       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7           <NA>
1257    51   116       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.5          13:47
1258    34    49       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          10:10
1259    60   150       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.9          13:16
1260    66   222       23   yes     no    no    no    no 39.4          15:12
1261    30    94       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          15:31
1262    21    25       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          08:51
1263    77   187       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.3          09:22
1264    55   145       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.8          08:23
1265    59   133       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          14:11
1266    84   205       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.4          07:34
1267    69   126       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.2          18:31
1268    57   172       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          17:51
1269    24    70       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          15:22
1270    65   150       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          12:56
1271    63   173       21   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.3          16:08
1272    66   147       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          24:13
1273    64   163       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          13:39
1274    69   134       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          14:42
1275    77   200       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          09:37
1276    52   116       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          14:13
1277    66   148       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3           <NA>
1278    33    70       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          18:11
1279    47   154       25   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.5          07:60
1280    63   145       20   yes     no    no    no    no 39.4          12:42
1281    66   164       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          14:16
1282    61   181       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.0          17:55
1283    37   107       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          13:13
1284    15    49       23   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          14:13
1285    65   174       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          10:20
1286    63   120       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.6          16:31
1287    57   111       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9           <NA>
1288    64   171       24   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.1          08:22
1289    53   117       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.1          08:19
1290    75   169       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          18:45
1291    66   146       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          05:46
1292    58   139       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.8          10:29
1293    58    87       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          09:31
1294    61   169       20   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.6          18:48
1295    27    96       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          12:17
1296    71   178       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.3          11:30
1297    39   101       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5           <NA>
1298    67   150       25   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          10:37
1299    78   217       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.4          17:41
1300    68   183       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          18:49
1301    68   166       23   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.9          08:30
1302    26    45       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          15:34
1303    42    90       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3           <NA>
1304    62   144       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.5          08:06
1305    50    64       20   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.0          11:40
1306    57   140       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.5          03:35
1307    56   138       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          15:48
1308    72   168       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.2          13:40
1309    53   144       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          18:59
1310    74   155       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          18:25
1311    51    69       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          13:38
1312    64   171       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          08:08
1313    64   135       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          15:16
1314    56   162       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          20:12
1315    76   172       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.2          16:22
1316    60    87       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          16:37
1317    65   139       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          19:24
1318    52    93       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          06:30
1319    34    65       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          09:17
1320    79   154       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6           <NA>
1321    63   154       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          07:25
1322    65   141       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.4          12:41
1323    55   128       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.3          09:14
1324    33    86       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          18:26
1325    62   152       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          08:23
1326    63   219       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          08:33
1327    62   133       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          15:41
1328    64   149       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.4          12:19
1329    63   153       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          15:27
1330    71   123       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.1          06:57
1331    56   135       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          10:19
1332    78   219       21   yes    yes    no    no   yes 39.2          09:02
1333    62   129       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          10:18
1334    84   177       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.0          14:34
1335    36   113       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          10:19
1336    54   124       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.8          21:21
1337    69   140       24   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          12:19
1338    67   155       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.2          08:37
1339    40   104       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          16:52
1340    57   124       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.3          13:06
1341    33    84       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          10:32
1342    43   119       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          13:31
1343    30    49       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          18:44
1344    65   124       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          12:34
1345    61   163       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          20:05
1346    54   102       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
1347    91   248       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.7           <NA>
1348    66   161       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          09:50
1349    27   102       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          07:37
1350    52   136       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          02:48
1351    56   118       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          12:06
1352    66   141       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          07:29
1353    47    78       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          14:33
1354    38   102       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
1355    51   152       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          12:25
1356    67   126       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          06:10
1357    50   119       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.9          16:53
1358    54   118       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          20:17
1359    77   153       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.1          20:32
1360    39    70       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
1361    48   101       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          07:26
1362    49   126       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.3          11:42
1363    60   177       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          10:41
1364    49    74       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.4          15:44
1365    57   171       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          11:43
1366    38    71       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.9          09:33
1367    71   185       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 40.0          11:13
1368    11    36       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.8          19:33
1369    49    97       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.6          12:22
1370    47   105       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          16:49
1371    86   237       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.6          06:32
1372    44    59       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.7          13:46
1373    50   107       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4           <NA>
1374    25    60       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          15:06
1375    50   119       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          08:17
1376    74   169       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          05:23
1377    21    45       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          18:39
1378    52    78       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          08:35
1379    52   134       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          10:09
1380    72   149       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 40.3           <NA>
1381    42   114       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          11:55
1382    70   155       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          11:33
1383    83   209       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1           <NA>
1384    56   176       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          11:09
1385    34    57       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.4          16:31
1386    37   114       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.6          12:22
1387    55   158       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          19:25
1388    48   102       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.8          10:31
1389    56   148       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          13:02
1390    35    91       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2           <NA>
1391    59   131       25   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          09:11
1392    64   157       21   yes    yes    no    no   yes 39.2          12:36
1393    71   156       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4           <NA>
1394    42    91       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.0          13:12
1395    66   135       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          12:51
1396    39    90       24   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.9          19:60
1397    71   173       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          08:43
1398    76   136       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
1399    89   208       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          14:24
1400    73   201       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1           <NA>
1401    73   173       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.3          17:06
1402    52    89       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          17:15
1403    28    41       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          15:52
1404    46   106       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.5          16:28
1405    55    60       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6           <NA>
1406    96   259       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          16:34
1407    54    98       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          12:46
1408    13    44       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          13:29
1409    76   186       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          11:56
1410    68   153       23   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 39.2          14:39
1411    62   166       22   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 38.2          11:27
1412    26    68       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          14:10
1413    38    79       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.0          11:09
1414    55   150       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.2          08:18
1415    48    88       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          12:55
1416    48   116       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.9           <NA>
1417    62   133       24   yes     no    no    no    no 38.7          07:09
1418    51   116       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.4          13:00
1419    65   149       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          16:36
1420     5    30       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          12:45
1421    45    93       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.5          21:00
1422    28    56       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          15:28
1423    17    82       24   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 39.8          14:46
1424    66   137       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          16:46
1425    47   146       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.6          18:48
1426    52   127       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.9          08:52
1427    46   136       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.3           <NA>
1428    98   237       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.6          16:05
1429    20    52       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.7          11:03
1430    20    51       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          17:47
1431    50   113       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          09:35
1432    15    44       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.0          09:38
1433    72   168       24   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.5          11:33
1434    48    99       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          13:08
1435    74   182       22   yes     no    no   yes   yes 38.9          10:32
1436    51   126       24   yes     no    no    no    no 39.1          17:50
1437    50   127       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          10:36
1438    14    48       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          08:22
1439    27    63       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          13:51
1440    57   130       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          16:44
1441    83   235       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.2          18:27
1442    -3    33       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          11:31
1443    35    77       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.0          11:05
1444    31    39       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          11:28
1445    55   109       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          19:44
1446    65   158       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          16:37
1447    41   116       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.2           <NA>
1448    44   126       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          15:41
1449    68   168       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.8          14:40
1450    33    55       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.2          11:32
1451    34    95       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          10:53
1452    58   158       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.0          15:40
1453    52   135       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          16:44
1454    41   112       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          08:32
1455    50   137       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.2          18:40
1456    64   154       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.0          16:25
1457    94   222       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1           <NA>
1458    63   131       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          14:28
1459    33    68       24   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 38.8          17:19
1460    73   146       24   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.9          10:39
1461    50   117       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.3          11:27
1462    62   148       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          03:40
1463    90   204       23   yes     no    no    no    no 39.5          15:37
1464    49   142       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 40.0          19:31
1465    21    53       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.4          12:34
1466    74   173       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          11:43
1467    22    50       20   yes    yes    no    no   yes 38.8          13:22
1468    54   111       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0           <NA>
1469    34   113       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          12:46
1470    56   158       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7           <NA>
1471    52   114       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.1          21:38
1472    72   194       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5           <NA>
1473    28    84       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          08:47
1474    45   145       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          07:18
1475    49   125       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          17:26
1476    82   207       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.8          10:57
1477    68   157       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.6          10:06
1478    69   204       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.5           <NA>
1479    21    45       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          14:13
1480    66   125       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.1          08:53
1481    63   146       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2          14:42
1482    76   234       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          19:41
1483    74   184       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          15:27
1484    49   110       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          10:28
1485    78   185       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          19:33
1486    66   127       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.2          11:43
1487    14    48       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          15:07
1488    45   106       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.8          19:54
1489    59   117       23   yes     no    no    no    no 40.4          08:07
1490    69   195       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          05:59
1491    16    39       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.2          17:11
1492    28    54       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 40.1          20:08
1493    50    95       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          13:49
1494    35    75       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3           <NA>
1495    45   108       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          18:58
1496    67   176       24   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.5          12:37
1497    56   143       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          14:10
1498    64   140       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          14:23
1499    62   176       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          16:29
1500    59   119       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.5          19:39
1501    77   154       22   yes     no    no   yes    no 38.7          20:57
1502    73   163       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          12:16
1503    63   156       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          16:42
1504    45    73       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          11:51
1505    35    58       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          18:55
1506    63   149       21   yes    yes    no    no    no 38.9          15:23
1507    80   194       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          10:20
1508    60   165       19   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          15:50
1509    66   132       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          14:38
1510     4    25       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          14:42
1511    66   166       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.5          12:11
1512    84   192       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7           <NA>
1513    85   183       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          10:24
1514    37    60       20   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.1          18:42
1515    62   143       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          11:16
1516    58   142       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.4          08:35
1517    74   183       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          14:24
1518    61   194       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.8          09:05
1519    62   155       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.7          13:15
1520    84   162       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          10:37
1521    57   158       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.8          14:15
1522     1    22       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          15:18
1523    22    44       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          01:15
1524    39   106       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          13:24
1525    52   155       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          13:36
1526    63   146       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.7          13:51
1527    54   125       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.2          14:58
1528    48   127       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          15:39
1529    72   153       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.4           <NA>
1530    50   145       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          17:35
1531    35    72       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          11:27
1532    34    93       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          12:39
1533    70   215       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.6          17:34
1534    49    97       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          20:09
1535    73   192       24   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.2          12:16
1536    58   126       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          19:33
1537    77   150       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          17:58
1538    64   137       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          13:17
1539    45    77       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          18:33
1540    31    76       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          10:31
1541    46   150       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5           <NA>
1542    38    50       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.5          15:44
1543    33    60       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          22:27
1544    63   160       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.0          13:09
1545    67   145       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          16:26
1546    48    62       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          11:16
1547    16    36       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2          14:28
1548    50    80       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.0          15:26
1549    58   160       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          17:45
1550    70   140       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          20:27
1551    43   116       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          11:30
1552    36    96       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          14:29
1553    72   135       22   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 39.3          12:22
1554    91   226       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.9          13:40
1555    70   159       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4           <NA>
1556    41    78       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.2          13:18
1557    41   123       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.0          16:36
1558    50   124       21   yes    yes    no    no    no 38.6          13:33
1559    36    90       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.7          14:27
1560    70   159       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.5          13:04
1561    59   133       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          11:28
1562    55   133       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.3          13:24
1563    61   148       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.6          16:24
1564    82   168       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5           <NA>
1565    53   168       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.4          05:27
1566    73   133       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6           <NA>
1567    41   102       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4           <NA>
1568    55   138       22   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.2          14:15
1569    64   184       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4           <NA>
1570    44    73       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.4          16:30
1571    52    89       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.5           <NA>
1572    56   116       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.9          16:40
1573    51    96       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          18:58
1574    72   168       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          13:27
1575    48    73       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          12:31
1576    28    53       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.6          07:26
1577    33    78       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.4           <NA>
1578    61   130       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          13:34
1579    76   200       23   yes     no    no   yes   yes 38.9          14:04
1580    67   138       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 40.6          20:56
1581    64   134       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          15:30
1582    83   223       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          09:19
1583    39   121       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          12:36
1584    43    83       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          13:53
1585    60   145       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          09:10
1586    29    57       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          14:39
1587    55   158       21   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.3           <NA>
1588    77   181       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          10:47
1589    68   179       21   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.3          13:58
1590    22    37       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          11:48
1591    33    54       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          12:39
1592    36    69       21   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.1          11:31
1593    46   128       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          14:54
1594    39    91       19   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.2          10:20
1595    52   164       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          13:23
1596    62   128       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          12:39
1597    48    84       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
1598    33    36       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          18:00
1599    42   101       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4           <NA>
1600    69   147       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.7          21:18
1601    75   186       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          12:59
1602    74   155       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          14:02
1603    21    29       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          15:36
1604    24    46       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.8          21:49
1605    47    90       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1           <NA>
1606    36    96       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          06:49
1607    58   182       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          14:11
1608    55   147       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          14:49
1609    47    70       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6           <NA>
1610    36    74       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5           <NA>
1611    48   146       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          12:52
1612    46   116       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.0          14:04
1613    68   148       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          13:26
1614    70   167       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.4          10:49
1615    58   161       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          16:42
1616    53    87       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3           <NA>
1617    31    62       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 40.5          15:16
1618    47    94       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          08:09
1619    74   170       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          16:26
1620    45   136       22   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 39.7          13:16
1621    64   203       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          11:12
1622    69   148       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.1          16:31
1623    62   118       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.6           <NA>
1624    77   165       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.2          18:19
1625    79   150       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.0           <NA>
1626    50   139       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          06:14
1627    43    81       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.4          15:50
1628    40    98       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3          09:19
1629    46   140       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          13:38
1630    32    68       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.9          15:33
1631    47   106       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          16:08
1632    61   154       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          21:53
1633    63   168       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1          20:37
1634    71   158       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.8          08:60
1635    70   184       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          13:59
1636    79   148       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.0          10:41
1637    53    79       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.0          11:50
1638    39    94       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          08:00
1639    46   117       22   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.6           <NA>
1640    53   125       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          14:21
1641    48    92       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          17:25
1642    58   126       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          16:50
1643    65   122       21   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.8           <NA>
1644    33    49       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.6          10:43
1645    45    80       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          11:01
1646    46   116       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          09:33
1647    55   120       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          16:13
1648    93   262       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6           <NA>
1649    69   175       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          08:42
1650    24    58       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          16:35
1651    35   106       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.9           <NA>
1652    41   112       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.2          13:44
1653    14    36       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          16:12
1654     9    39       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          14:21
1655    61   152       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          10:24
1656    68   171       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3          16:31
1657    73   166       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          04:51
1658    63   163       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          12:20
1659    81   230       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          13:37
1660    75   186       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          10:20
1661    61   148       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          13:36
1662    47   100       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.9          12:31
1663    53   141       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          15:32
1664    87   258       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          14:48
1665    60   109       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          10:47
1666    23    53       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          12:54
1667    65   153       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          10:42
1668    58   130       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.3          09:47
1669    57   139       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          13:22
1670    59   155       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          16:28
1671    72   150       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          19:26
1672    79   244       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          13:33
1673    40    65       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          07:06
1674    37   119       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          09:22
1675    41   113       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8           <NA>
1676    61   152       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          16:29
1677    61   170       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.8          15:36
1678    75   187       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          16:08
1679    55   133       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.5          19:18
1680    51   107       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4           <NA>
1681    47   101       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          18:15
1682    41   112       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.1          14:37
1683    44   119       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          19:20
1684    66   182       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          17:19
1685    64   143       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          13:11
1686    67   149       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          17:38
1687    67   152       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          13:57
1688    67   169       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          13:36
1689    57   107       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
1690    57   184       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          11:00
1691    64   194       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          05:13
1692    19    36       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          10:27
1693    29    56       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.5          07:25
1694    40    67       19   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          11:37
1695    21    30       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2          15:30
1696    42    49       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.4          15:49
1697    45   105       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3          14:13
1698    65   150       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          16:34
1699    45   103       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          08:26
1700    61   130       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.2          16:25
1701    66   179       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2           <NA>
1702    72   177       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          13:14
1703    14    68       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          04:38
1704    60   134       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          15:34
1705    76   137       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          13:15
1706    65   168       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.4           <NA>
1707    66   112       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.3          15:37
1708    78   193       19   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          12:58
1709    61   157       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4           <NA>
1710    67   153       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          12:50
1711    79   163       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4           <NA>
1712    65   151       21   yes     no    no    no    no 38.9          13:11
1713    67   181       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.4           <NA>
1714    17    40       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          17:54
1715    -6    23       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          10:32
1716    50    64       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          17:23
1717    55   118       23   yes     no    no   yes    no 39.7           <NA>
1718    51   124       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          17:30
1719    40   100       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.8          15:27
1720    39   113       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.9          04:44
1721    36    81       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          15:08
1722    41   125       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          11:52
1723    67   149       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          22:43
1724    50   135       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.3          10:39
1725    71   170       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          12:38
1726    36    66       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          13:03
1727    63   141       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.1          15:09
1728    55   143       19   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.2          11:46
1729    43   121       22   yes     no    no    no    no 40.0           <NA>
1730    67   157       22   yes    yes    no    no   yes 39.9          13:42
1731   100   231       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          20:28
1732    78   165       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          04:43
1733    27    37       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          07:57
1734    -6    23       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          13:43
1735    53   133       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          14:52
1736    44   114       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          20:47
1737    52   123       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5           <NA>
1738    21    77       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          12:55
1739    63   132       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.4          09:42
1740    67   154       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          16:26
1741    70   187       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.5          11:35
1742    50   154       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          19:55
1743    69   126       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          12:20
1744    19    30       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          18:36
1745    47    72       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3           <NA>
1746    56   138       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1           <NA>
1747    73   144       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          11:11
1748    43   116       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.8          12:53
1749    55   110       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          16:18
1750    63   146       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          11:36
1751    78   209       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.0           <NA>
1752    56   115       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          10:27
1753    63   193       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          09:34
1754    55   159       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          09:01
1755    63   141       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3           <NA>
1756    78   201       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          20:21
1757    70   151       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1          15:37
1758    75   190       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          18:57
1759    20    44       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          16:26
1760    11    50       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.5          13:13
1761    30    25       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.7          13:50
1762    36   111       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          16:58
1763    32   100       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          14:50
1764    39    79       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          10:24
1765    42    92       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          17:38
1766    56   124       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          17:00
1767    82   225       23   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.7          18:53
1768    16    36       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          09:07
1769    55   105       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          12:42
1770    57   140       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.4          09:30
1771    47    81       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          17:42
1772    59   132       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7           <NA>
1773    61   141       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          16:11
1774    68   169       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          14:38
1775    75   209       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5           <NA>
1776    76   180       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          11:40
1777    67   156       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          17:54
1778    33    46       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          11:49
1779    40    74       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
1780    19    50       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          12:43
1781    49    72       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4           <NA>
1782    38    73       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.4          10:23
1783    36   107       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.3          20:49
1784    57   157       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3           <NA>
1785    48   143       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          17:20
1786    83   178       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          15:55
1787    62   173       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.0          08:56
1788    81   238       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          14:42
1789    51   144       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          16:02
1790    29    46       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          13:54
1791    44    97       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          12:30
1792    67   147       25   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.0          17:57
1793    49   134       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.3          12:58
1794    54   114       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8           <NA>
1795    59   145       23   yes    yes    no    no   yes 40.3          15:35
1796    65   178       24   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.2          13:51
1797    61   164       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          17:03
1798    74   200       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6           <NA>
1799    70   161       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.4           <NA>
1800    93   226       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          12:09
1801    78   205       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          11:31
1802     2    20       21   yes    yes    no    no   yes 39.1          13:41
1803     2    25       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3          17:08
1804    30   100       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          15:48
1805    52   130       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          08:42
1806    46   107       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.4          09:54
1807    65   142       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          10:42
1808    63   179       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          07:20
1809    61   148       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          12:12
1810    78   186       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          08:52
1811    59   135       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.4          18:39
1812    58   127       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          08:25
1813    11    25       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8           <NA>
1814    41    74       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          15:19
1815    51   100       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          08:60
1816    58   131       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          13:48
1817    66   106       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.8          12:12
1818    70   173       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          09:58
1819    54   146       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2           <NA>
1820    66   164       25   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          13:18
1821    66   160       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          15:60
1822    86   180       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.8          16:38
1823    86   205       21   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 39.2           <NA>
1824    65   179       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          12:05
1825    32    57       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          14:01
1826    30    38       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          14:35
1827    46   101       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.4          09:14
1828    23    70       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.4          07:60
1829    50   109       24   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2           <NA>
1830    34   108       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          08:23
1831    48    98       20   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2           <NA>
1832    53   138       21   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 38.6           <NA>
1833    72   165       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          02:19
1834    51   146       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.9          13:18
1835    29    66       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          13:44
1836    41   106       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8           <NA>
1837    70   166       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.4          20:44
1838    69   136       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          15:25
1839    69   143       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          13:10
1840    72   128       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          18:53
1841    66   141       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.4          17:33
1842    29    58       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          16:50
1843    21    39       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          18:46
1844    42   108       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          18:34
1845    26    98       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          15:51
1846    68   124       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          06:49
1847    13    40       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.7          14:58
1848    34    62       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.5          17:25
1849    52   123       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          09:47
1850    61   130       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.1          08:08
1851    56    89       21   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.0          12:17
1852    59   152       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          18:20
1853    49   137       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          15:12
1854    64   159       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6           <NA>
1855    -5    15       23   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 39.5          09:50
1856    42    75       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          11:29
1857    36   100       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          18:22
1858    59   109       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          12:38
1859    32    99       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          16:04
1860    59   138       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          14:35
1861    61   168       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.4          13:12
1862    52   141       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          08:29
1863    63   172       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.7          15:37
1864    59   136       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          10:17
1865    51   157       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          15:18
1866    64   137       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4           <NA>
1867    50   146       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          11:19
1868    56   167       20   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          09:17
1869    65   184       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          11:40
1870    42    64       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          10:04
1871    31    84       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          10:44
1872    60   130       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0           <NA>
1873    56   110       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          10:32
1874    76   176       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          08:38
1875    67   127       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.8          16:47
1876    90   183       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          14:42
1877    61   113       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          21:15
1878    20    45       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          08:49
1879    47    87       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
1880    45   111       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          15:06
1881    42   112       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          09:46
1882    37   119       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          18:33
1883    49   111       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          16:36
1884    55   166       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          15:19
1885    67   150       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          12:13
1886    56   137       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.9          11:53
1887    44   120       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          24:31
1888    52   131       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3          11:41
1889    48   111       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.5          07:23
1890    76   222       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          09:05
1891    52   113       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.1          12:48
1892    54   118       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          18:14
1893    78   176       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          16:29
1894    65   165       24   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          16:42
1895    72   200       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          12:06
1896    32    42       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          10:53
1897    36    60       23   yes     no    no    no    no 39.5          10:54
1898    39    97       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.8          12:01
1899    52   121       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7           <NA>
1900    55   118       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.3          10:26
1901    27    94       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.4          13:41
1902    54   132       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          18:49
1903    56   147       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          14:46
1904    58   122       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.8          12:15
1905    60   136       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          11:49
1906    25    50       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.4          16:55
1907    79   199       20   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.2           <NA>
1908    58   155       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.7          09:39
1909    62   117       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.2          15:34
1910    65   115       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          09:35
1911    76   190       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.1          16:13
1912    85   173       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          08:34
1913    80   253       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          12:40
1914     2    17       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          10:47
1915    49    81       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          15:56
1916    29    87       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          14:43
1917    31    83       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          12:36
1918    47   137       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.5          09:39
1919    10    31       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          11:13
1920    56   157       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          10:33
1921    47   112       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7           <NA>
1922    64   193       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          18:52
1923    68   180       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          14:41
1924    64   166       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 40.0          17:21
1925    71   141       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          11:46
1926    82   156       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.8          10:17
1927    64   194       25   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.1          13:14
1928    68   155       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2           <NA>
1929     3     8       22   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 38.2           <NA>
1930    17    33       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          11:36
1931    52    95       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.2          20:44
1932    50   118       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.0          11:53
1933    48   135       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.7          12:22
1934    80   217       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          13:27
1935    60   146       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4           <NA>
1936    58   167       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          10:19
1937    17    50       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.4          09:55
1938    33    68       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          16:28
1939    44    76       25   yes    yes    no    no   yes 39.0          18:43
1940    42    70       21   yes    yes    no   yes   yes 38.9          10:47
1941    52   163       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3           <NA>
1942    65   163       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          11:22
1943    81   189       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.6          14:18
1944    78   159       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2           <NA>
1945    34    51       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.2          11:36
1946    30    64       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          21:31
1947    43   101       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          13:22
1948    44   125       20   yes     no    no    no    no 38.0          12:47
1949    34    95       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.0           <NA>
1950    52   143       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 40.6           <NA>
1951    48   126       24   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.6          11:16
1952    47   132       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          16:57
1953    58   135       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.2          07:54
1954    54   134       21   yes     no    no   yes    no 39.1           <NA>
1955    61   159       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.3          10:33
1956    60   141       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          18:14
1957    63   134       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          10:20
1958    12    39       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          12:24
1959    54    64       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4           <NA>
1960    29    45       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          17:43
1961    59   130       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          08:31
1962    56   111       19   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.6           <NA>
1963    54   117       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          14:09
1964    56   163       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
1965    56   135       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          16:32
1966    84   184       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          16:17
1967    67   176       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 40.2          09:54
1968    83   196       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7           <NA>
1969    72   162       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.1          14:24
1970    29    64       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          15:37
1971    28    51       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          13:34
1972    39    87       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          02:23
1973    51   112       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          16:13
1974    44   106       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          14:48
1975    35    82       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          06:23
1976    55   133       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          21:16
1977    58   135       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          12:33
1978    58   157       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          04:40
1979    54   131       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          14:02
1980    48    95       23   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 39.6           <NA>
1981    40    65       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.9           <NA>
1982    46    64       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.0          13:14
1983    58   159       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.2          11:30
1984    37   100       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.8          13:55
1985    63   140       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          08:49
1986    97   245       21   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.9          14:30
1987    60   159       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          12:00
1988    86   176       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          10:54
1989    74   228       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          07:08
1990    61   161       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          17:39
1991    77   181       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          13:15
1992    80   205       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          12:44
1993    32    40       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4           <NA>
1994    45    63       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          10:34
1995    39    42       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          11:33
1996    32    74       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          14:25
1997    35    90       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.8          15:31
1998    56   116       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.6          08:30
1999    48   119       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.9          05:27
2000    60   141       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          18:37
2001    24    84       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.9          21:35
2002    53   161       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.6          09:37
2003    38   105       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          14:46
2004    61   159       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          11:37
2005    38    69       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          15:21
2006    50   117       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          12:14
2007    53   113       22   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 38.6          14:38
2008    60   157       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          13:42
2009    67   168       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          06:40
2010    61   178       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          16:29
2011    71   166       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          06:11
2012    79   225       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          07:24
2013    73   159       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.6          16:45
2014    66   192       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.4          16:17
2015    18    33       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.8          15:34
2016    37    61       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          11:05
2017    23   102       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          10:31
2018    48    68       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.3          17:56
2019    54   122       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          21:31
2020    32    90       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.8          13:30
2021    57   140       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.4          23:16
2022    36    73       26   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          07:44
2023    37    69       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
2024    69   155       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          11:10
2025    59   118       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          19:49
2026    62   174       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          14:22
2027    72   170       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.8          11:43
2028    69   153       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.6           <NA>
2029    85   245       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          06:36
2030    71   204       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.5          13:52
2031    68   188       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1          15:36
2032    53   157       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          14:37
2033    92   193       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.3          08:48
2034    74   216       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0           <NA>
2035    26    60       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          03:57
2036    29    32       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          15:35
2037    44    73       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          08:28
2038    44    80       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.5          14:18
2039    45    99       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.4          10:25
2040    44    86       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.3          15:42
2041    74   201       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4           <NA>
2042    55   107       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          09:13
2043    60   170       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          21:58
2044    75   199       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8           <NA>
2045    55   149       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.1          15:56
2046    52    96       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.5           <NA>
2047    78   183       25   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          19:53
2048    67   142       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.1          17:27
2049    56   121       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 40.0           <NA>
2050    59   162       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          17:11
2051    63   157       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.3          06:12
2052    24    68       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.1          07:05
2053    41    70       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.4          18:41
2054    38    85       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          18:39
2055    47   144       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          15:13
2056    57   118       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.3          14:32
2057    61   129       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.3          11:34
2058    54   141       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          18:42
2059    61   163       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          15:49
2060    56   130       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          13:15
2061    63   127       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          14:52
2062    47   110       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          23:43
2063    66   154       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          17:46
2064    43   114       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          10:28
2065    47   118       22   yes     no    no   yes   yes 39.0          08:55
2066    60   146       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          14:17
2067    67   172       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          23:14
2068    60   187       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.2          22:08
2069    81   236       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          10:30
2070    74   142       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          20:49
2071    88   182       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          06:20
2072    55   115       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3           <NA>
2073    11    23       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          11:41
2074    53    76       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          19:35
2075    44   125       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          17:59
2076    45   118       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          11:30
2077    39   113       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          12:12
2078    57   144       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.1          17:50
2079    44   134       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          18:57
2080    63   153       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.7          12:52
2081    47   151       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          16:33
2082    58   125       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          15:54
2083    68   218       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          16:10
2084    42    54       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.9          14:45
2085    43    80       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.0          11:37
2086    45   135       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          14:36
2087    56   114       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          13:37
2088    57   140       23   yes     no    no   yes   yes 39.0          18:57
2089    65   172       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5           <NA>
2090    69   148       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2           <NA>
2091    57   155       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          12:19
2092    51    89       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          13:00
2093    62   152       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          13:35
2094    68   171       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          13:20
2095    79   214       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          16:34
2096    79   183       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1          13:07
2097    73   199       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          12:25
2098    67   157       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          17:33
2099    38    66       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          22:23
2100    27    58       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.9           <NA>
2101    45   129       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          20:00
2102    43   114       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          06:36
2103    29    95       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          13:38
2104    46   140       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3          17:51
2105    63   134       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          19:55
2106    52   106       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.2          06:55
2107    34   115       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          19:30
2108    39    97       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          14:46
2109    63   160       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          04:60
2110    56   126       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          15:38
2111    57   162       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          09:16
2112    97   214       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          09:21
2113    69   212       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          15:41
2114    67   198       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          08:30
2115    12    43       20   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.5          08:21
2116    44   113       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          19:19
2117    52   109       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.8          20:43
2118    66   138       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1          16:31
2119    64   173       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          12:01
2120    68   160       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7           <NA>
2121    65   148       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.0          13:45
2122    14    51       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          08:06
2123    -8    22       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          12:27
2124    33    62       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          13:23
2125    44    77       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.5          14:30
2126    52   138       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          21:07
2127    25    77       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.9          11:15
2128    37    94       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          14:35
2129    64   123       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.3          06:16
2130    43   111       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          13:35
2131    28   109       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          18:44
2132    41   118       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          18:41
2133    59   131       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.3          15:20
2134    58   141       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          15:57
2135    51   128       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
2136    44   154       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          13:42
2137    54   148       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          11:32
2138    53    90       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          14:07
2139    73   143       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          15:30
2140    42   108       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          12:47
2141    77   157       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3           <NA>
2142    68   153       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.4          15:18
2143    50   132       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          18:05
2144    70   202       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          10:47
2145    73   165       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          15:49
2146    71   146       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          11:15
2147    78   163       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          14:21
2148    80   199       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.5          11:07
2149    67   191       20   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3           <NA>
2150    84   233       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          06:25
2151    85   174       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          09:47
2152    38    95       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.8          14:25
2153    22    42       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          14:25
2154    51   122       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          14:35
2155    50   104       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.5          08:49
2156    46   126       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          11:37
2157    39    77       23   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.2          11:35
2158    44   134       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7           <NA>
2159    70   222       25   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          11:36
2160    17    33       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          15:12
2161    49    82       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.2          22:45
2162    56   140       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          15:24
2163    72   162       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          15:28
2164    73   156       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          17:27
2165    64   131       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          17:32
2166    56   163       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          12:19
2167    67   163       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.7          14:21
2168    64   171       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          11:15
2169    65   161       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          09:52
2170    70   179       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          13:40
2171    55   170       23   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 39.0          15:00
2172    47    88       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
2173    31    39       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          16:11
2174    40   113       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          06:40
2175    52   133       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          10:02
2176    52   147       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          12:35
2177    54   122       23   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.1          11:37
2178    53   119       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          08:09
2179    50   108       22   yes    yes    no    no   yes 39.4          11:10
2180    63   167       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          16:05
2181    40    39       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          08:08
2182    47   104       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          17:29
2183    66   145       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          15:21
2184    51   119       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 40.0          18:10
2185    55   124       24   yes     no    no    no    no 38.1           <NA>
2186    74   174       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          19:19
2187    60   139       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.0          13:40
2188    67   150       20   yes    yes    no    no    no 38.5          10:44
2189    67   155       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          14:19
2190    74   179       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          15:43
2191    70   134       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          08:53
2192    39    61       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3           <NA>
2193    63   136       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8           <NA>
2194    53   155       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          12:38
2195    78   178       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          14:13
2196    73   176       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          18:54
2197    14    52       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          15:05
2198    53    91       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.8          10:42
2199    60   206       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.2           <NA>
2200    80   167       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7           <NA>
2201    67   105       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          08:24
2202    80   187       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          14:39
2203    86   207       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          15:38
2204    69   174       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7           <NA>
2205    62   154       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.2          13:23
2206    25    39       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          15:22
2207    38    88       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          12:36
2208    31    51       21   yes    yes    no    no   yes 39.1          07:17
2209    26    43       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0           <NA>
2210    15    59       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4           <NA>
2211    53   124       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          15:14
2212    50   107       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          12:48
2213    58   116       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9           <NA>
2214    50   169       20   yes     no    no    no    no 38.9          10:36
2215    61   168       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          06:07
2216    57    82       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          09:33
2217    40   108       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          14:18
2218    45   139       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.1          08:42
2219    62   121       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6           <NA>
2220    88   182       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          15:22
2221    67   174       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.4          14:19
2222    74   134       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.3          11:19
2223    61   162       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          07:41
2224    75   159       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          09:12
2225    76   195       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.3          16:17
2226    57   139       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          13:51
2227    27    34       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          13:15
2228    40    68       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7           <NA>
2229    54   138       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          08:56
2230    30    80       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          14:39
2231    47    83       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          09:20
2232    36    82       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.5          07:52
2233    35   110       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          11:14
2234    58   110       19   yes     no    no    no    no 39.6          17:54
2235    74   226       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          15:30
2236    47   111       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          16:39
2237    12    22       25   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          16:26
2238    41   123       20   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          18:37
2239    80   193       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          11:54
2240    72   151       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          19:09
2241    66   164       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          14:29
2242    77   164       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2           <NA>
2243    70   170       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          11:29
2244    72   205       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          17:28
2245   108   211       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          11:21
2246    63   189       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          11:19
2247   -10    13       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          12:49
2248    46    72       19   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          18:18
2249    47   107       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.0           <NA>
2250    52   121       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          13:31
2251    28    94       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.5          12:50
2252    65   157       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1          11:12
2253    55   167       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.5          18:21
2254    50   160       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          13:05
2255    72   183       21   yes     no    no    no    no 38.6          09:23
2256    61   173       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          18:29
2257    70   150       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.8          09:42
2258    13    22       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          15:43
2259    26    59       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.5          15:18
2260    29    75       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3           <NA>
2261    54   122       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          18:19
2262    47   120       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          15:53
2263    53   147       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          11:53
2264    69   170       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          16:13
2265    55   167       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          05:37
2266    94   195       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.6          17:32
2267    12    44       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.2          10:28
2268    16    30       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          12:21
2269    27    38       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          13:36
2270    39   106       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          10:39
2271    48   129       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.6          09:40
2272    69   165       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          16:42
2273    71   142       22   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.7          18:52
2274    55   169       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          11:27
2275    64   160       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          09:23
2276    55   168       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          17:24
2277    58   106       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          15:06
2278    54   122       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1           <NA>
2279    54   119       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          18:40
2280    39    73       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2          19:56
2281    39    78       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          15:34
2282    47   117       21   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.4          07:40
2283    53   122       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.4          17:25
2284    63   146       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.2          16:12
2285    58   120       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          17:22
2286    68   169       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.9          15:06
2287    73   224       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          06:09
2288    79   184       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          10:11
2289    78   156       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.4          15:07
2290    68   159       23   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.0           <NA>
2291    85   213       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          14:19
2292     7    35       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          19:09
2293    47    66       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.4          10:03
2294    42   132       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          12:08
2295    40   104       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          13:41
2296    53   117       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          13:04
2297    39    98       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          12:24
2298    36    97       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          13:36
2299    47    85       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          09:01
2300    60   101       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          15:41
2301    13    45       19   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.1          12:50
2302    71   153       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          15:52
2303    64   139       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          12:17
2304    63   152       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.9          11:15
2305    52   127       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 40.0           <NA>
2306    94   228       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          20:44
2307    67   142       19   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          19:49
2308    68   204       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          17:33
2309    68   135       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          18:19
2310    77   205       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.4          13:47
2311    16    29       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          13:48
2312    19    25       24   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.6          09:27
2313    40   122       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          10:28
2314    44   105       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          13:43
2315    46   135       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          11:33
2316    54   140       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.7          17:08
2317    40   138       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          11:49
2318    76   164       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          13:13
2319    57   122       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.2           <NA>
2320    75   240       23   yes     no    no   yes    no 39.0          17:28
2321    73   206       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2           <NA>
2322    36    89       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.1          16:43
2323    58    87       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          15:45
2324    30    64       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          09:36
2325    30    68       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1           <NA>
2326    72   138       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.8           <NA>
2327    62   141       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7           <NA>
2328    77   205       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          23:06
2329    58   136       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.6          12:42
2330    63   175       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          20:37
2331    74   174       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.6          12:16
2332    66   129       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.3          13:37
2333     8    30       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          23:11
2334    19    62       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9           <NA>
2335    44    81       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.4          13:18
2336    46    75       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.5          13:08
2337    54   132       23   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.6          12:01
2338    51   119       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.8          18:55
2339    30    94       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          13:22
2340    72   145       24   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.4          11:58
2341    60   178       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          16:24
2342    50   136       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          17:12
2343    72   146       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          11:02
2344    69   161       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          20:27
2345    45   141       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.7          23:35
2346    60   140       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          12:19
2347    68   186       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          10:19
2348    46    76       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3           <NA>
2349    19    38       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          13:07
2350    31    59       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6           <NA>
2351    63    99       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          11:34
2352    39    98       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2           <NA>
2353    43   122       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.1          16:45
2354    58   149       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.2          20:35
2355    63   124       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0           <NA>
2356    71   218       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          13:50
2357    60   154       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          10:39
2358    14    32       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          09:32
2359    17    32       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2           <NA>
2360    27    55       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          11:31
2361    26    41       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          17:10
2362    47    67       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.5          08:29
2363    35   110       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
2364    35   113       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          15:55
2365    59   126       25   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
2366    56   151       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          12:49
2367    69   199       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          23:26
2368    45   124       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          20:48
2369    14    50       21   yes    yes    no    no   yes 39.5          14:14
2370    13    46       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          04:18
2371    74   154       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          22:43
2372    78   192       24   yes    yes    no    no    no 38.6          08:44
2373    73   188       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.5          14:28
2374    77   207       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          12:21
2375    67   192       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          10:03
2376    58   148       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          17:48
2377    41    62       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          14:08
2378    65   133       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          20:57
2379    52   101       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          10:20
2380    37   104       24   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.1           <NA>
2381    40   122       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          16:44
2382    52   127       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          13:42
2383    44    95       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          08:36
2384    50    89       21   yes     no    no    no    no 38.5          16:31
2385    56   150       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          14:41
2386    87   214       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          16:39
2387    63   176       21   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.6          09:10
2388    58   166       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5           <NA>
2389    46    85       20   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          17:52
2390    40    75       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2           <NA>
2391    43    84       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          11:56
2392    58   144       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.5          11:54
2393    68   116       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.8          08:35
2394    64   151       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          09:38
2395    68   142       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          11:42
2396    69   151       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9           <NA>
2397    84   208       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          12:14
2398    77   188       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          04:04
2399    72   195       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          05:23
2400    22    37       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          07:55
2401    48    78       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.0          13:40
2402    35    49       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          15:16
2403    41    67       19   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          11:44
2404    55    88       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.5          09:45
2405    37    86       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.2           <NA>
2406    39   114       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          12:52
2407    49   110       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          16:45
2408    38   136       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          12:29
2409    18    52       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          15:29
2410    36    97       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.2          19:44
2411    48   164       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          17:42
2412    38    98       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          19:26
2413    65   182       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.0          10:13
2414    59   147       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          14:40
2415    61   185       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          16:11
2416    63   127       20   yes     no    no    no    no 38.5          19:05
2417    66   132       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          14:45
2418   -11    24       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.6           <NA>
2419    34    29       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.6           <NA>
2420    43   125       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          05:56
2421    38    81       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.3          12:21
2422    53   137       22   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.7          19:20
2423    70   111       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          19:17
2424    12    25       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          11:22
2425    32    64       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          14:35
2426    38    48       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.8          09:27
2427    48    85       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          14:15
2428    62   150       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7           <NA>
2429    53   117       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          16:31
2430    79   175       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          07:22
2431    73   175       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          16:20
2432    22    55       24   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.7          16:20
2433    30    36       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          05:14
2434    10    45       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.0           <NA>
2435    18    51       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.5          11:48
2436    42    66       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          16:33
2437    40    93       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          10:20
2438    32    93       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1           <NA>
2439    40   129       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          08:39
2440    16    51       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.1          15:02
2441    39    54       21   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.9          15:10
2442    42    72       21   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.2           <NA>
2443    22    60       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          11:36
2444    64   146       25   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          15:26
2445    48   125       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.6          12:04
2446    63   167       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.8          13:08
2447    77   152       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.2          16:10
2448    56   159       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.2           <NA>
2449    65   133       22   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.4           <NA>
2450    47    78       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          18:33
2451    34    88       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          07:25
2452    46   113       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4           <NA>
2453    39   113       25   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8           <NA>
2454    51   128       21   yes     no    no    no    no 38.9          20:16
2455    48   118       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          09:07
2456    54   124       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          12:34
2457    63   135       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          15:55
2458    19    63       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          15:34
2459    42    79       21   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 39.6          12:49
2460    67   126       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          10:28
2461    36   125       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.8          07:23
2462    73   116       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2          14:29
2463    44    91       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          09:50
2464    59   123       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.1          09:48
2465    60   146       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          11:47
2466    71   201       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.6          13:52
2467    71   150       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.2          12:32
2468    70   142       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          08:47
2469    57   158       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          08:47
2470    65   161       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          12:13
2471    86   219       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          10:39
2472    54   110       24   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.7           <NA>
2473    44   105       21   yes     no    no   yes   yes 39.3          14:22
2474    52   113       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.9          05:04
2475    41   117       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          13:06
2476    45   127       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          15:49
2477    43   130       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          12:50
2478    61   132       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          18:27
2479    50   126       20   yes     no    no   yes    no 39.5          12:48
2480    60   105       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.9          24:44
2481    61   189       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          12:03
2482    56   153       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          12:26
2483    55   138       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          13:08
2484    17    53       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          08:44
2485    30    67       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          11:15
2486    24    62       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.6          13:02
2487    28    42       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.5          14:30
2488    66   139       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          11:08
2489    56   136       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.4          11:27
2490    42   111       23   yes    yes    no    no    no 38.6          14:48
2491    51   113       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4           <NA>
2492    58   143       20   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 39.5          16:32
2493    55   117       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.5          18:43
2494    79   159       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.3          10:19
2495    70   168       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.2          16:40
2496    74   178       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.8          09:23
2497    75   162       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          09:30
2498    57   158       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          13:20
2499    59   145       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          12:25
2500    62   145       23   yes     no    no    no    no 39.5          19:55
2501    55   120       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.7          07:20
2502    40    65       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          11:22
2503    37    53       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          15:11
2504    27    32       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.9          14:29
2505    39   121       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.2          20:47
2506    51   114       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.9          09:37
2507    50   125       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          11:08
2508    56   118       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          16:07
2509    60   139       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          11:29
2510    69   148       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.4          14:25
2511    61   173       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2           <NA>
2512    74   148       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          13:37
2513    65   164       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
2514    63   164       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.9          13:18
2515    54   146       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          12:52
2516    74   165       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          07:21
2517    76   201       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          10:28
2518    75   176       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          07:13
2519    73   188       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          07:06
2520    97   240       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.6          13:20
2521    23    59       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.8          15:26
2522    30    53       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.2          17:45
2523    47   141       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          04:29
2524    51   122       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          11:14
2525    47   150       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          05:30
2526    10    39       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          11:39
2527    17    48       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          08:44
2528    40    71       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.7          09:02
2529    38   121       21   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.4          13:31
2530    73   128       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.4          12:47
2531    87   199       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          18:22
2532    80   157       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          10:46
2533    77   166       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          15:37
2534    62   135       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          13:21
2535    66   121       21   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.6          17:50
2536    86   185       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          09:39
2537    31    37       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          15:04
2538    65   136       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.0          16:14
2539    47   111       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          14:39
2540    52   133       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          08:58
2541    24    78       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          13:41
2542    44   125       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          13:35
2543    38   106       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.9           <NA>
2544    63   140       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.8           <NA>
2545    36    94       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          10:41
2546    59    83       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          04:48
2547    66   135       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          12:56
2548    87   204       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          08:18
2549    15    45       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.5           <NA>
2550    47    87       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          07:18
2551    61   141       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.1          09:13
2552    79   181       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.4          13:41
2553    66   163       24   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          02:25
2554    73   156       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          08:20
2555    63   143       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.1          16:47
2556    51   165       22   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 38.4          13:52
2557    49    58       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.5          08:39
2558    51   109       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          14:18
2559    59   134       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2           <NA>
2560    46   111       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.2          12:27
2561    39    96       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          10:21
2562    46   121       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2          14:55
2563    51   103       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          14:16
2564    57   134       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          15:40
2565    81   215       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.2          15:09
2566    74   128       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          08:33
2567    18    46       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          12:34
2568    46    65       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          09:46
2569    36    54       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          12:07
2570    58   131       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          15:15
2571    69   153       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          16:11
2572    54   108       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          22:41
2573    67   170       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          13:46
2574    47   187       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.0          14:30
2575    74   162       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          12:34
2576    65   202       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          16:09
2577    72   143       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          15:33
2578    66   151       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.3          14:44
2579    75   179       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3          14:59
2580    59   173       24   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.7          15:43
2581    50    80       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
2582    34    50       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          10:50
2583    60   151       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          20:36
2584    57   106       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.7          18:35
2585    39    75       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          18:32
2586    69   160       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.5          13:32
2587    39   131       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.8          08:32
2588    33   112       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          18:22
2589    62   128       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          16:22
2590    70   140       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          18:41
2591    67   160       22   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 39.1          10:56
2592    48   127       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          13:52
2593    76   217       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          11:27
2594    63   153       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          14:10
2595    90   225       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          12:06
2596    65   148       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.2          17:32
2597    61   136       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          08:42
2598    21    34       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6           <NA>
2599    42    45       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.3          07:27
2600    42   105       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          12:11
2601    40   119       20   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.8          23:06
2602    47   123       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          04:53
2603    56   105       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6           <NA>
2604    68   177       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5           <NA>
2605    11    36       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          11:30
2606    15    39       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          14:01
2607    16    47       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3           <NA>
2608    64   155       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          17:25
2609    49   132       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          20:55
2610    52   131       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          09:46
2611    45    99       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1           <NA>
2612    80   194       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
2613    84   185       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.6          16:20
2614    74   133       22   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 39.7          09:26
2615    69   186       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          05:06
2616    61   146       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          08:26
2617    65   178       19   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.5          14:04
2618    61   168       20   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.9          05:35
2619    82   210       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          09:13
2620    18    29       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          12:36
2621    27    31       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.8           <NA>
2622    54   141       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          16:44
2623    55   102       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          19:23
2624    39    85       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2           <NA>
2625    53   124       24   yes    yes    no    no   yes 39.0          14:27
2626    38   121       25   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          19:23
2627    82   153       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          09:33
2628    56   150       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.0          06:12
2629    53   138       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3           <NA>
2630    75   195       20   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.1          12:57
2631    14    26       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.3          18:01
2632    17    42       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.1          11:01
2633    16    45       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0           <NA>
2634    28    62       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.3          20:24
2635    47   120       24   yes     no    no    no    no 39.6          13:23
2636    51   140       24   yes     no    no    no    no 38.7           <NA>
2637    69   154       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          18:12
2638    59   104       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          10:37
2639    57   167       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          12:14
2640    69   153       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2          11:56
2641    77   203       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          10:56
2642    71   140       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          13:06
2643    59   188       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          09:23
2644    85   142       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          10:36
2645    63   197       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8           <NA>
2646    92   246       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          04:49
2647    68   152       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          13:06
2648    53   146       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          11:24
2649    -1    18       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.6          18:51
2650    29    70       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          13:39
2651    42    60       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          13:23
2652    54    65       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.0          11:48
2653    43    67       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          11:46
2654    34    82       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          09:57
2655    16    54       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          12:26
2656    56   105       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          16:43
2657    22    87       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          18:17
2658    34    71       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          20:18
2659    61   160       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          11:18
2660    52   136       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0           <NA>
2661    27    62       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          12:18
2662    48    68       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.6          13:33
2663    50   112       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          13:56
2664    76   177       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.4          17:29
2665    62   180       20   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3          10:13
2666    62   161       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.5          13:00
2667    66   152       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
2668    74   164       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          07:58
2669    75   167       21   yes     no    no   yes    no 39.4          18:28
2670    65   137       21   yes     no    no   yes    no 39.3          15:29
2671    39    82       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          12:41
2672    33    92       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
2673    25    81       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          07:15
2674    48   111       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3           <NA>
2675    60   132       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          15:35
2676    51   124       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          05:38
2677    53   135       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          13:08
2678    62   162       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          09:41
2679    71   164       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          16:19
2680    68   177       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          12:05
2681    53   153       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.5          10:25
2682    56   170       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          11:51
2683    65   150       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.6          13:19
2684    15    44       22   yes    yes    no    no   yes 39.2          15:33
2685    47    81       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.6          18:03
2686    52   109       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          15:17
2687    52   154       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2          18:35
2688    66   156       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.5          18:14
2689    74   154       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          11:48
2690    73   171       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.5          17:33
2691    91   221       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          07:43
2692    55   159       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          16:59
2693    61   175       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.9          23:56
2694    82   170       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          17:31
2695    75   171       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          05:21
2696    76   192       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          12:14
2697    76   182       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          14:40
2698    13    30       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.8          16:38
2699    16    18       20   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.8          10:17
2700    26    59       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          10:32
2701    32    45       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6           <NA>
2702    52   116       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          16:27
2703    46   134       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          11:44
2704    18    87       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5           <NA>
2705    51    98       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.6          16:04
2706    53   124       21   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.1          16:24
2707    36    71       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 40.5          07:29
2708    62   159       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.1           <NA>
2709    63   170       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          06:31
2710    47   125       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          08:53
2711    14    46       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          19:01
2712    34   101       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.7          18:10
2713    63   138       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          11:28
2714    62   159       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          20:02
2715    78   193       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          12:45
2716    79   170       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
2717    67   161       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          16:40
2718    71   185       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          09:22
2719    76   195       24   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.9          11:22
2720    53   128       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          11:21
2721    80   195       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          09:12
2722    52    83       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          14:18
2723    50    76       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          17:08
2724    28    39       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.1          01:24
2725    54   131       20   yes     no    no    no   yes 40.0          10:42
2726    38   131       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          16:27
2727    59   114       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          15:59
2728    83   235       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.5          11:39
2729    60   134       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          18:40
2730    70   178       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          14:42
2731    52   119       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          16:31
2732    14    45       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          12:29
2733    39    55       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          21:14
2734    31    66       19   yes     no    no   yes    no 38.5           <NA>
2735    50   110       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          08:19
2736    51   110       24   yes     no    no    no    no 38.8          11:07
2737    59   147       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.7          09:17
2738    71   149       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.5          15:19
2739    68   161       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.6          10:15
2740    94   203       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          16:53
2741    72   167       19   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.5          09:23
2742    62   180       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8           <NA>
2743    50   153       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          12:15
2744    24    30       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          12:05
2745    27    45       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          19:37
2746    37    97       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.1          16:27
2747    51   109       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          14:26
2748    57   138       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          13:10
2749    72   155       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          13:02
2750    59   125       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          12:39
2751    60   181       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          15:20
2752    48   121       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 40.0          10:47
2753    12    33       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          12:40
2754    30    57       24   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.6           <NA>
2755    47    66       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          09:16
2756    59   139       25   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.8          13:19
2757    78   190       22   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.5          14:27
2758    68   138       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          16:45
2759   101   225       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          17:09
2760    76   207       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          13:52
2761     6    24       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.4          11:11
2762    46    71       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          11:25
2763    41    91       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6           <NA>
2764    61   132       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          12:55
2765    61   176       20   yes     no    no    no    no 39.7           <NA>
2766    53   148       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          15:37
2767    60   155       19   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.1          11:05
2768    67   153       20   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.6          19:46
2769    71   167       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          10:31
2770    45   129       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          13:13
2771    48    82       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.3          07:20
2772    69   146       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          19:13
2773    51   122       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          16:08
2774    63   154       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.8          13:12
2775    84   218       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          14:41
2776    74   187       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          14:09
2777    72   152       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          09:13
2778    64   167       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          11:36
2779     7    24       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8           <NA>
2780    44    61       24   yes     no    no    no    no 38.9          13:23
2781    42   125       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          16:28
2782    58   134       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          09:53
2783    36   100       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.8          09:47
2784    43    95       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          21:03
2785    44   108       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          21:03
2786    44    97       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          13:02
2787    54   121       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          12:42
2788    60   161       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          10:42
2789    64   162       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          15:17
2790    56   151       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          10:22
2791    19    42       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          15:32
2792    42    61       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          14:03
2793    50   132       22   yes    yes    no    no    no 38.7          15:29
2794    60   148       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.1          10:51
2795    78   162       22   yes     no    no    no    no 40.0          10:19
2796    70   180       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.8          23:30
2797    62   138       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.2          18:34
2798    19    33       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4           <NA>
2799    29    46       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          12:19
2800    16    40       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          12:01
2801    51   105       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          18:43
2802    55    99       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5           <NA>
2803    35    91       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1          11:34
2804    35    84       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          15:40
2805    52    95       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          09:14
2806    61   187       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          16:46
2807    45   130       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          16:28
2808    56   151       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          08:19
2809    59   147       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          09:40
2810    63   153       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7           <NA>
2811    63   127       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          14:12
2812    69   159       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          14:35
2813    13    44       21   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.2          12:42
2814    25    36       21   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.2          10:43
2815    29    50       20   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.0          13:26
2816    41    62       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.2          17:10
2817    35    63       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          05:20
2818    52   102       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          13:59
2819    27   111       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          09:33
2820    57   213       23   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 39.0           <NA>
2821    53   102       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          13:39
2822    56   121       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          15:54
2823    69   200       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.1          15:59
2824    62   144       21   yes     no    no   yes    no 38.6          16:22
2825    62   142       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          15:09
2826    56   122       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          15:01
2827    60   173       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3           <NA>
2828    40   115       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1          03:01
2829    55   152       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.8           <NA>
2830    68   135       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          13:60
2831    84   168       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          17:46
2832    70   147       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          04:37
2833    50    79       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.2          14:47
2834    40   103       22   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.3          15:17
2835    49   104       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.2           <NA>
2836    41   124       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          16:18
2837    41    91       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          09:20
2838    54   152       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7           <NA>
2839    81   177       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6           <NA>
2840    49    98       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          18:17
2841    77   137       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          19:33
2842    44   118       24   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.8          15:40
2843    84   221       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.6          10:47
2844    72   126       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          18:26
2845    60   156       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          16:23
2846    20    36       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          15:21
2847     9    38       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          10:48
2848    46    50       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          18:38
2849    45    63       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          15:25
2850    47    63       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          06:41
2851    32   117       24   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.7          12:20
2852    31   102       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          14:09
2853    65   112       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          17:01
2854    57   129       24   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.6          06:48
2855    56   111       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          07:58
2856    49   149       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.0          18:44
2857    56   155       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
2858    59   143       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          14:21
2859    39   105       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          11:47
2860    74   138       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.0          14:43
2861    67   162       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.5          14:29
2862    79   231       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3           <NA>
2863    63   157       24   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.1          17:22
2864    74   164       24   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.4          21:19
2865    80   208       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.4          18:31
2866    44   116       23   yes     no    no   yes    no 39.4          20:30
2867    42   103       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6           <NA>
2868    58   142       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.9          12:30
2869    62   164       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          07:19
2870    70   150       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          06:45
2871    59   163       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          10:39
2872    31    84       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          11:26
2873    68   167       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.9          19:36
2874    59   153       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9           <NA>
2875    55   152       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          10:28
2876    76   206       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          12:07
2877    57   132       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          14:51
2878    59   162       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.0          10:09
2879    22    55       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.3          09:03
2880    34    92       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.2          15:03
2881    37    97       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          08:13
2882    50    99       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          09:24
2883    49   114       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.4          12:52
2884    52   122       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          11:07
2885    43   112       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          11:30
2886    50   114       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          19:55
2887    75   191       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          17:33
2888    79   177       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          13:42
2889    70   179       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.2          13:52
2890    72   203       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
2891    22    17       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
2892    18    35       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4           <NA>
2893    39    63       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.2          12:39
2894    30    54       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9           <NA>
2895    35    89       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.8          09:15
2896    36    84       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          19:21
2897    42   112       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          14:40
2898    78   201       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 40.0          11:16
2899    60   117       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          21:31
2900    48   130       24   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.7          15:26
2901    48   135       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.7          11:16
2902    40   118       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          11:50
2903    43   126       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.3           <NA>
2904    49   128       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          13:49
2905    65   155       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          18:23
2906    72   175       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          19:40
2907    62   162       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.3          15:20
2908    69   157       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          13:23
2909    62   153       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.0          24:30
2910    22    28       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          10:48
2911    56    63       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.9          14:49
2912    35   132       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          08:40
2913    37   121       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          21:53
2914    51   140       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          15:31
2915    48    91       23   yes     no    no   yes    no 39.3          16:38
2916    67   184       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          11:30
2917    43   138       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          13:32
2918    61   145       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5          08:18
2919    56   138       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.8          11:53
2920    40    68       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          13:40
2921    38    62       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          05:30
2922    37    64       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.8          11:22
2923    78   148       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          14:21
2924    59   122       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.6          10:58
2925    48   134       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          10:28
2926    64   163       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.8          02:51
2927    69   202       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.3          15:25
2928    63   134       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          17:23
2929    62   160       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.6          12:59
2930    52   151       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.5          11:45
2931    18    36       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3           <NA>
2932    44    66       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          13:47
2933    36    84       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.0          17:25
2934    38   103       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.4          12:35
2935    38   104       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          16:13
2936    56   127       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.0          12:05
2937    44   105       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          17:20
2938    65   174       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          11:20
2939    14    37       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          14:11
2940    38    81       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          13:46
2941    30    55       20   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          15:39
2942    44    82       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          17:45
2943    58   132       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          14:39
2944    59   152       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          12:16
2945    87   190       22   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.1          05:30
2946    87   211       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.4          10:46
2947    79   175       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.2          06:49
2948    81   180       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          15:33
2949    70   180       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          14:47
2950    62   178       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          11:26
2951    68   169       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          08:38
2952    39    85       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          03:21
2953    62   139       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          14:30
2954    31   103       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          06:26
2955    46    95       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          12:09
2956    48   123       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          10:26
2957    63   164       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          06:29
2958    46   125       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          05:49
2959    59   136       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.1          03:15
2960    76   160       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          19:19
2961    72   146       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          10:60
2962    63   141       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          06:39
2963    82   229       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          14:33
2964    77   151       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          17:22
2965    53   155       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.7          13:32
2966    50   162       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          14:46
2967    51   122       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          13:26
2968    45   101       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.0          10:40
2969    64   154       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          15:38
2970    59   153       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          12:22
2971    75   196       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.4          15:08
2972    -1    27       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          14:43
2973     8    41       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          19:53
2974    48   128       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          14:48
2975    47   116       23   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3          14:13
2976    44   114       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.9          18:31
2977    62   167       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.0           <NA>
2978    49    76       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3           <NA>
2979    49   146       21   yes     no    no    no    no 40.0          09:60
2980    63   145       24   yes    yes    no    no   yes 38.8          09:30
2981    61   157       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.5          16:11
2982    71   187       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.3          21:00
2983    79   179       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.3          16:19
2984     7    31       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.8          12:24
2985    30    67       20   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.1          13:37
2986    46    70       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          13:10
2987    64   135       23   yes     no    no    no    no 39.1          12:04
2988    54   141       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          11:46
2989    65   186       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4           <NA>
2990    72   217       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          12:58
2991    60   149       24   yes     no    no   yes    no 39.5          12:35
2992    76   200       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.2          08:14
2993    53   122       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          13:46
2994    65   143       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          11:27
2995    60   147       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          09:00
2996    65   167       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.9          20:43
2997    70   160       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.4          16:53
2998    86   186       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          09:41
2999    55   150       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          14:59
3000    47    98       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          06:47
3001    29    46       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.8          16:22
3002    66   130       23   yes    yes    no    no    no 38.9          14:52
3003    47   113       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          16:40
3004    86   149       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          13:03
3005    76   241       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          13:12
3006    67   186       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 40.1          14:11
3007    20    26       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.3          09:50
3008    44   100       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.2          13:17
3009    55   129       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          22:40
3010    46    85       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          15:60
3011    61   160       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          13:32
3012    69   159       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.6          14:39
3013    68   104       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.0          09:21
3014    57   134       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          13:09
3015    67   154       22   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 39.4          09:44
3016    65   170       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          15:18
3017    65   188       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          11:27
3018    70   167       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          08:51
3019    78   161       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          15:02
3020    58   111       19   yes    yes   yes   yes    no 38.1          09:20
3021    42    44       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.8          09:11
3022    42   147       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.9          23:52
3023    42    95       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.4          08:34
3024    36   112       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          16:17
3025    50    91       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5           <NA>
3026    53   133       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          13:46
3027    62   115       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          11:47
3028    13    48       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.7          04:22
3029    39    82       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.4          09:26
3030    61    82       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          19:27
3031    42    98       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          15:56
3032    25    72       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4           <NA>
3033    65   162       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6          17:29
3034    68   150       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          12:32
3035    55   159       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.4          20:20
3036    48    83       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.5          14:14
3037    43   102       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          17:47
3038    46   107       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.9           <NA>
3039    42    92       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8           <NA>
3040    52   131       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.4          17:32
3041    42    99       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5           <NA>
3042    30    78       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          13:22
3043    63   133       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          16:40
3044    58   165       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.5          19:33
3045    55    95       22   yes     no    no   yes   yes 38.2          10:56
3046    58   119       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          15:38
3047    56   125       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          16:24
3048    54   141       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.1          03:32
3049    92   198       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          12:54
3050    68   120       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.3          08:19
3051    67   135       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          04:35
3052    60   152       24   yes     no    no    no   yes 40.0          11:08
3053    56   165       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.5          20:38
3054    70   167       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          16:45
3055    88   258       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          09:31
3056    67   152       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          15:09
3057    72   182       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          08:45
3058    48   124       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          14:54
3059    26    88       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          09:49
3060    46   126       20   yes     no    no    no    no 38.3          11:34
3061    52   139       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          09:18
3062    48   118       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.4          15:30
3063    47   102       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7           <NA>
3064    46   123       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          05:19
3065    61   149       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          15:49
3066    63   166       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9           <NA>
3067    54   158       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          17:07
3068    60   150       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          09:30
3069    64   186       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          13:44
3070    17    44       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          09:28
3071    12    35       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          17:24
3072    36    48       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          13:46
3073    51   101       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          07:55
3074    42   134       21   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.8          20:13
3075    46   101       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.3          16:25
3076    67   155       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.1          14:22
3077    62   175       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.0          16:41
3078    74   172       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          10:56
3079    71   205       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          10:33
3080    70   155       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          10:28
3081    36    69       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
3082    51   120       19   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 40.0          13:29
3083    51   113       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          13:34
3084    56   145       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          08:51
3085    26   107       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.8           <NA>
3086    56   150       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          11:01
3087    57   101       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          17:15
3088    64   167       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6           <NA>
3089    55    96       24   yes    yes    no    no   yes 39.1          15:34
3090    58   126       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5           <NA>
3091    68   148       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          10:38
3092    64   188       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          11:53
3093    63   107       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          11:57
3094    63   153       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          02:34
3095    53    80       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3          13:05
3096    33   118       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.5          15:32
3097    56   137       21   yes     no    no    no    no 38.7          15:17
3098    64   142       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          11:53
3099    45   121       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6           <NA>
3100    69   142       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          10:50
3101    69   140       21   yes     no    no   yes    no 39.5          17:45
3102    67   132       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          15:35
3103    59   157       23   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          09:38
3104    67   173       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          11:28
3105    76   178       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.4          19:41
3106    41   100       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          18:21
3107    67   130       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          16:33
3108    72   161       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.6          12:52
3109    54   154       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1          08:52
3110    70   159       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.9          13:35
3111    68   154       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          12:53
3112    75   143       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          19:16
3113    85   225       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          00:29
3114    24    44       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.8          15:21
3115    36    53       21   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.9          12:17
3116    45   120       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          12:17
3117    45    97       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          14:59
3118    38    73       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          18:37
3119    49   150       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          13:30
3120    61   161       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.1          16:38
3121    55   145       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.6          15:15
3122    58   126       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.6           <NA>
3123    57   119       23   yes    yes    no    no   yes 38.5          11:22
3124    17    44       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          09:29
3125    34    62       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.6          13:26
3126    33    54       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          12:21
3127    56   113       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 40.1          10:28
3128    72   174       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          11:06
3129    75   214       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          09:30
3130    51    71       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.1          18:15
3131    39    68       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          23:27
3132    54   138       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          14:53
3133    53   135       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          11:25
3134    62   156       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.1          17:07
3135    28    54       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          10:50
3136    67   194       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.7          10:15
3137    72   179       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.3          11:35
3138    72   184       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          16:30
3139    66   159       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          09:51
3140    69   180       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.0          04:22
3141    91   226       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          08:20
3142    45    78       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.4          12:38
3143    47   140       21   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.2          19:29
3144    34    76       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          11:59
3145    53   130       24   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1           <NA>
3146    33    85       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.3          15:37
3147    53   146       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.9          15:46
3148    60   140       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          12:27
3149    40    89       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.8          07:33
3150    36   116       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3          11:60
3151    50   126       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.2          14:44
3152    52   142       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.2          15:27
3153    66   155       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          11:26
3154    61   191       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          23:41
3155    79   152       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          08:25
3156    62   175       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.2          14:41
3157    40   114       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          09:30
3158    54   155       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          09:25
3159    58   121       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.1          05:27
3160    45   117       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          19:21
3161    62   180       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          12:33
3162    76   197       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          17:21
3163    62   167       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          13:25
3164    55   176       21   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.9          13:18
3165    27    37       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3           <NA>
3166    23    53       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.8          12:45
3167    25    97       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          13:26
3168    49   108       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          12:34
3169    61   142       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.9           <NA>
3170    66   169       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.4          12:26
3171    65   149       19   yes     no    no   yes   yes 38.9          15:31
3172    45    92       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.5           <NA>
3173    55   149       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.4          17:13
3174    42   100       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          15:26
3175    77   198       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.1          11:45
3176    67   164       24   yes     no    no    no    no 39.3          10:13
3177    69   192       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          06:39
3178    67   173       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          06:09
3179    26    32       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.8          17:15
3180    29    64       21   yes     no    no   yes   yes 38.8          12:51
3181    56   147       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8           <NA>
3182    65   162       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          17:52
3183    51   149       22   yes    yes   yes   yes   yes 38.1          07:58
3184    31    61       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          22:24
3185    53   110       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          16:14
3186    41   116       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          16:24
3187    41   134       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.1          10:36
3188    75   238       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.4          10:55
3189    50   124       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.9          16:02
3190    67   172       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          14:59
3191    67   148       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          10:27
3192    67   182       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          05:15
3193    67   148       22   yes     no    no   yes   yes 38.4          14:35
3194    86   197       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          13:42
3195    62   148       22   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.4           <NA>
3196    72   194       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.6          15:43
3197    78   194       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          15:46
3198    62   127       20   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.3          07:14
3199    45   101       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9           <NA>
3200    72   144       23   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.4          12:19
3201    58   164       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          10:48
3202    58   157       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          18:22
3203    57   192       21   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 40.0          16:22
3204    50   119       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.6          16:57
3205    57   126       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.2          16:52
3206    69   134       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2          16:44
3207    29    70       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 40.0          12:32
3208    51   137       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.2          17:27
3209    54   107       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3           <NA>
3210    51   102       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          15:33
3211    56    99       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.9          08:20
3212    60   137       24   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.1          06:39
3213    53   180       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7           <NA>
3214    60   169       23   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.0          20:37
3215    68   196       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 39.1          13:14
3216    19    35       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          08:29
3217    34    69       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.6          14:27
3218    25    51       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          15:10
3219    46    76       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 39.0          13:27
3220    38    87       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5           <NA>
3221    33   114       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          14:07
3222    11    35       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          08:40
3223    17    43       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          15:46
3224    62    83       23   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.9          15:48
3225    21    87       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          08:50
3226    33    54       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.4          11:42
3227    48   132       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          15:11
3228    53   128       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.9          16:24
3229    72   212       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          10:44
3230    74   172       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.3          15:15
3231    49    71       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.7          15:45
3232    24    44       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.0          15:25
3233    52   174       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          13:26
3234    64   140       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          20:06
3235    17    31       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          11:43
3236    51   105       20   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9          08:00
3237    56   138       24   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.3          10:02
3238    70   155       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          11:39
3239    67   168       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          14:26
3240    36    67       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          17:34
3241    31    86       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          15:17
3242    41   114       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
3243    62   146       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          12:27
3244    62   139       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3          14:06
3245    42   110       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          15:06
3246    51   141       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          15:29
3247    49   114       21   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.4          13:26
3248    58   128       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          20:32
3249    66   190       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.3           <NA>
3250    96   190       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.8          11:24
3251    39    61       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.5          17:48
3252    35    79       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          16:21
3253    52   129       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          10:32
3254    48    93       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          13:25
3255    69   132       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          18:30
3256    71   129       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          19:24
3257    13    40       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.7          11:01
3258    41    77       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.3           <NA>
3259    68   182       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.5          08:29
3260    57   121       21   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.6          14:04
3261    30    75       22   yes    yes    no    no    no 38.5          15:36
3262    55   143       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          13:19
3263    64   155       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8           <NA>
3264    21    33       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          16:21
3265    28    57       21   yes    yes    no    no    no 39.3          23:16
3266    44   114       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.2          11:45
3267    35    88       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2           <NA>
3268    47   134       23   yes    yes    no   yes   yes 39.6           <NA>
3269    49   119       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          12:49
3270    62   157       21   yes     no    no    no    no 39.1           <NA>
3271    62   172       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.0           <NA>
3272    54   102       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9           <NA>
3273    70   165       21   yes    yes    no   yes   yes 39.1          12:26
3274    56   145       25   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2           <NA>
3275    68   164       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 38.9           <NA>
3276    24    38       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.6          17:49
3277    23    57       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.3          13:30
3278    24    61       20   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          13:47
3279    50    74       22   yes     no    no    no    no 38.8          14:14
3280    58   141       22   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.2           <NA>
3281    57   141       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          10:42
3282    61   114       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.8          10:37
3283    58    69       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.1          19:38
3284    70   169       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2          09:04
3285    66   150       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0           <NA>
3286    66   151       22   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.1          13:56
3287    58    87       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.1          14:12
3288    14    32       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1           <NA>
3289    60   135       24   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.2          09:16
3290    40   116       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          03:50
3291    54   141       22   yes     no    no    no    no 39.2          05:23
3292    51   151       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 40.3           <NA>
3293    51    86       20   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          12:43
3294    34    67       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.7          18:50
3295    34   106       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          15:56
3296    56   155       22   yes     no   yes   yes    no 39.0          12:37
3297    36    96       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.8          09:51
3298    57    92       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          11:47
3299    52   131       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          17:22
3300    46   100       23   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 39.0          14:12
3301    72   196       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.7          18:40
3302    70   136       23   yes     no    no   yes   yes 38.8          14:35
3303    -3    23       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.7          14:45
3304     4    21       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.2          14:27
3305    42    85       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.4          07:21
3306    65   172       24   yes     no    no    no    no 38.2          12:43
3307    61   171       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.9          16:19
3308    41    75       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          14:05
3309    49   102       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.1          05:16
3310    48   140       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          12:24
3311    74   182       24   yes     no    no    no    no 38.6          14:23
3312    70   177       21   yes    yes   yes    no   yes 38.5          13:34
3313    69   187       22   yes     no    no    no   yes 38.9          18:26
3314    16    24       23   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          17:18
3315    53   133       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6          08:36
3316    62   128       24   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          10:41
3317    42   104       24   yes     no    no    no    no 39.6          09:33
3318    51   173       23   yes     no    no    no    no 38.1          14:13
3319    61   169       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.6          10:35
3320    38   161       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          13:51
3321    48    81       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.5          12:19
3322    47    77       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          13:44
3323    36    85       23   yes     no   yes   yes    no 38.1          12:01
3324    72   135       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.1           <NA>
3325    42   121       21   yes     no   yes    no    no 38.6           <NA>
3326    77   191       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.4          11:16
3327    26    57       20   yes     no   yes   yes   yes 38.2           <NA>
3328    59   128       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.6          09:16
3329    69   175       22   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.2          14:25
3330    62   141       21   yes     no   yes    no   yes 39.4          14:30
3331    39    71       21   yes    yes   yes    no    no 39.2          15:37
3332    47   174       22   yes     no   yes    no   yes 38.9          07:08
3333    65   136       23   yes     no   yes    no    no 39.0          08:15
            bmi days_onset_hosp
1     117.18750               2
2      71.81844               1
3      16.06525               2
4      22.49657               2
5      71.41440               1
6      41.61712               1
7      62.09539               2
8       0.00000               1
9      16.83765               1
10     22.79033               2
11     53.41199               2
12     24.28026               2
13     22.46003               1
14     54.32099               0
15     41.05784               2
16     28.56648               0
17     17.03206               1
18     25.04129               1
19     38.71722               2
20     27.38768               2
21     31.55556               1
22     14.80691               1
23     30.88398               1
24     26.61934               0
25     59.37500               2
26     96.61836               1
27     19.23947               1
28     84.94031               2
29     18.41994               1
30     27.77227               0
31     41.32231               0
32     17.20807               2
33     24.16716               1
34     15.72190               1
35    428.99408               2
36     27.99302               2
37    243.26101               1
38     20.23950               0
39     30.52745               2
40     25.15590               2
41     47.00000               0
42     39.04000               2
43     31.06616               0
44     77.96837               0
45     29.51660               2
46    166.49324               2
47     37.76000               1
48     20.60378               0
49     23.45856               1
50     18.41565               1
51     33.05090               2
52     39.43759               2
53     56.81101               2
54     38.88889               2
55     36.52301               1
56     13.37693               2
57     38.33697               0
58     22.57105               0
59     16.87399               2
60     25.24005               1
61     27.31530               1
62     39.06250               2
63     25.78853               2
64     28.23388               2
65     27.43484               2
66     32.64000               2
67     21.29630               1
68     25.80221               1
69     36.62109               2
70     72.57947               1
71     27.12032               2
72     40.09802               2
73     26.25499               2
74     34.56790               2
75     31.63265               0
76     93.23547               1
77     20.59861               2
78     24.74745               1
79     30.52745               0
80     19.86852               1
81     19.08757               1
82     77.85467               1
83     62.19578               1
84     30.73061               1
85     73.96450               2
86     15.85928               1
87     21.60494               1
88     29.14006               1
89     67.56757               1
90     14.67956               2
91    122.04142               2
92     38.06377               1
93     15.51611               1
94     46.29225               2
95     26.52392               1
96     25.90946               1
97     23.73996               1
98     14.61301               0
99     19.00250               1
100    16.59534               2
101    86.11111               1
102    31.18735               2
103    28.35306               2
104    32.46753               2
105   115.74074               2
106   183.65473               0
107    26.17519               1
108    73.18446               2
109    44.52743               0
110    34.72222               2
111    43.53741               0
112    20.34114               0
113    28.39872               0
114   107.42188               1
115    73.51397               1
116    43.67106               1
117   110.80332               1
118    27.87422               1
119    46.07391               0
120    25.20398               0
121    36.13561               0
122    25.97192               2
123    49.58678               2
124    31.16343               2
125    23.53304               1
126    58.66667               2
127   179.59184               1
128    40.32258               1
129    42.52959               1
130    18.55956               0
131    24.97704               2
132    34.27934               1
133    23.24380               0
134   112.50000               1
135    31.36000               1
136    19.65974               0
137    26.05835               1
138   144.86193               1
139   137.44273               2
140    34.89976               2
141    15.71217               1
142    43.85965               2
143    21.43012               2
144   312.17482               2
145    69.67630               0
146    37.33463               2
147    27.66460               2
148    18.42404               2
149    30.53672               1
150    33.48007               0
151    29.72839               1
152    27.88762               0
153    33.19067               2
154    59.00000               2
155    48.93794               2
156    32.27542               1
157    19.37035               1
158    45.31250               1
159    15.88867               1
160    42.28992               1
161    26.33289               1
162   138.50416               0
163    28.95900               1
164    23.53037               2
165    32.51821               1
166    82.90816               1
167    33.60639               2
168    55.55088               1
169    22.59814               0
170    44.62912               0
171   131.49244               2
172    24.14266               0
173    68.35938               1
174    48.07692               1
175    27.18090               1
176    25.35154               2
177   124.85137               2
178    37.48438               2
179    19.46088               1
180    24.73246               2
181    23.24341               1
182    21.61281               1
183   -44.44444               0
184   153.78700               0
185    25.72103               2
186    25.65263               1
187   120.00000               2
188    31.63265               1
189    17.23643               0
190    18.38055               0
191    21.03365               0
192    43.84566               1
193    13.90429               1
194    39.04000               2
195    87.28427               1
196    28.24349               0
197    24.10695               0
198    27.97732               2
199    36.28057               2
200    24.94009               2
201    31.95266               2
202    52.06164               0
203    25.75516               1
204    14.18414               0
205    14.46942               1
206    28.14787               0
207    20.91071               0
208    20.25000               2
209   175.31045               0
210    27.43129               2
211    40.27778               1
212    28.65014               0
213    30.26183               2
214    16.07012               2
215    27.98354               2
216    38.09524               1
217    32.37005               1
218    61.27876               1
219    42.77951               0
220    20.52260               2
221    24.69041               1
222    52.91005               0
223    28.65484               1
224    28.30533               1
225    60.76389               2
226    28.94610               1
227    17.77938               0
228   151.62722               0
229    41.32231               0
230    27.57353               1
231    54.32322               0
232    20.82094               2
233    28.44444               0
234    22.40818               1
235    63.90533               2
236    32.43945               0
237    19.15983               2
238    22.21368               1
239    28.56648               2
240    17.50000               0
241    70.30827               1
242    37.87560               1
243    44.52743               1
244    17.16994               2
245    30.25193               1
246    72.84079               2
247   236.73469               1
248    64.00193               1
249    28.90508               1
250    30.57036               0
251    23.05175               0
252    90.70295               1
253    53.16635               1
254    33.22753               1
255    29.55526               0
256    46.08000               1
257    29.58580               0
258    14.88061               1
259    24.91077               1
260    21.62965               0
261   138.88889               1
262    67.63973               2
263    74.66667               1
264   108.87574               1
265    33.38372               1
266    24.50434               2
267    49.72565               1
268   113.37868               1
269    24.08822               2
270    26.67276               0
271    32.12396               2
272    23.30668               1
273    16.78917               0
274   198.96194               0
275    35.77003               1
276    15.50354               1
277    26.63496               1
278    34.20351               2
279    25.91513               1
280    20.01042               0
281    27.92667               2
282   132.32514               1
283    20.44444               0
284    28.24349               2
285    15.37870               0
286    30.63043               1
287    30.81747               1
288    25.31545               1
289    27.77778               2
290    47.12980               0
291    37.59104               1
292    22.26562               1
293    85.06616               0
294   110.94675               1
295    30.63043               1
296    30.91558               0
297    95.12485               0
298    59.52381               0
299    19.69647               2
300    21.70792               0
301    22.95684               1
302    34.83369               1
303    30.88398               1
304    29.77778               1
305    28.62879               2
306    19.55887               1
307   114.74609               0
308    25.23887               1
309    17.30573               0
310    23.80829               1
311    17.16551               2
312    36.76269               2
313    22.16066               0
314    90.83045               2
315    20.66116               1
316    23.58277               0
317    36.53313               1
318    33.97193               1
319    56.22837               0
320    34.43526               2
321    36.95243               0
322    24.06405               0
323    19.03642               1
324    73.51397               1
325    71.37346               0
326    29.74420               1
327    31.56566               0
328   108.33963               1
329    19.72318               1
330    33.60362               1
331    37.87560               1
332    41.66382               0
333    53.39979               1
334    32.51418               1
335    18.62562               1
336    22.75157               1
337    25.16030               0
338    82.17993               0
339    92.45562               0
340    17.96127               1
341    19.13697               2
342   142.68728               1
343    32.28306               1
344    24.24392               2
345    19.26281               1
346    64.05817               1
347    30.66667               2
348    39.62473               0
349   155.10204               1
350   113.37868               0
351    31.72715               2
352    24.18705               2
353    22.18935               1
354    46.52778               1
355    16.98765               2
356    67.52078               0
357    43.93572               0
358    23.33768               0
359    22.91303               0
360    46.53740               1
361    29.75874               1
362    24.41827               0
363    66.16257               2
364    37.42674               1
365    28.11419               1
366    24.56033               1
367    33.71009               2
368    41.60000               0
369    29.00000               0
370    29.44000               0
371    39.06250               2
372    42.08400               0
373    37.72112               2
374    29.75874               1
375    35.03206               2
376    28.53746               1
377    29.27796               0
378    31.53011               2
379    37.25619               0
380    47.83163               1
381    28.82348               2
382    14.66727               2
383    36.52568               1
384    64.50883               2
385    35.71249               0
386    26.17509               1
387    35.70678               0
388    22.99169               1
389   113.88889               1
390    67.18750               1
391    26.78009               1
392    20.17715               0
393    51.98488               2
394    28.88889               1
395    39.90930               0
396    27.02581               1
397    71.41440               2
398    25.19526               2
399    42.14876               1
400    23.41311               0
401    51.55003               0
402    20.72484               1
403    28.12500               0
404    17.40025               0
405    21.51386               1
406    25.43748               0
407    29.44000               1
408    21.93878               0
409    19.53125               0
410    65.10417               0
411    68.89921               0
412    17.26926               1
413   111.76857               1
414   120.71006               0
415    34.62604               1
416    35.64268               0
417   100.30864               0
418   110.94675               1
419    40.68047               1
420    36.16497               1
421    27.48843               2
422    98.26153               2
423    18.02885               2
424    26.02617               2
425  1250.00000               1
426    33.81986               1
427    23.43609               0
428    97.04142               1
429    19.98685               1
430    87.65522               0
431    76.89350               1
432    23.96205               1
433    27.17247               1
434    38.06377               1
435    42.63039               1
436    49.01961               0
437    37.82833               1
438    21.86589               2
439    32.34682               0
440   -31.21748               0
441    33.03648               2
442    48.00000               1
443    40.95756               2
444    42.92568               2
445    80.06198               2
446    15.90909               1
447    18.30654               1
448    29.04866               2
449    85.44922               2
450    39.30474               0
451    27.19179               0
452    24.46460               1
453    32.46191               1
454    40.17825               2
455    21.49960               1
456   106.09568               2
457   117.78225               2
458    41.65999               2
459   243.05556               0
460    26.87868               1
461    23.95123               2
462    19.06091               1
463    19.40936               2
464    26.02041               1
465    31.21284               0
466    29.33333               1
467    43.87307               2
468    21.00073               0
469    21.62630               0
470    22.94213               1
471    38.24875               2
472    26.63892               1
473    24.96000               0
474    30.17957               1
475    19.53125               1
476    21.07637               2
477   244.14062               0
478    36.73095               1
479    30.23381               2
480    26.77593               1
481    34.85367               0
482    26.40716               1
483    18.34824               2
484    30.73561               0
485    32.14260               1
486    43.45414               1
487    37.70391               1
488    22.82996               0
489   102.26443               2
490    97.04142               1
491    17.27070               1
492    29.72839               1
493    39.67222               2
494   107.07912               1
495    94.52160               1
496    49.07025               0
497    51.90311               0
498    84.01596               0
499    20.14591               1
500   146.93878               0
501   132.23140               1
502    32.14260               1
503    34.93684               2
504    36.11111               1
505    91.94159               1
506    41.64188               1
507    28.66124               0
508    26.66667               2
509    28.19692               2
510    50.56514               1
511    73.34184               0
512    17.07060               0
513    84.65137               1
514    41.32231               2
515    54.86968               1
516    30.55681               2
517    40.40064               0
518    65.74622               0
519    99.17355               2
520    66.60998               1
521   390.62500               0
522   260.14568               0
523   220.38567               1
524    42.63039               1
525    83.95062               1
526   108.00000               2
527    23.24341               1
528    21.70139               2
529    88.73457               0
530   126.75419               0
531    51.56250               1
532    24.67105               1
533    53.10287               1
534    39.06250               2
535    26.01457               2
536    31.07125               2
537    67.63973               1
538    34.13111               2
539   192.30769               1
540    36.12843               0
541    29.08163               1
542    25.53670               0
543    18.79833               0
544    19.94425               1
545   302.04082               0
546    34.37108               2
547    23.30559               2
548    21.78164               2
549  -166.20499               0
550   176.89906               2
551    36.98225               1
552    97.20294               1
553    29.39680               2
554    27.70083               1
555   140.30612               1
556    56.81818               1
557    27.97068               1
558    22.40879               0
559    12.67409               2
560    21.30395               1
561    58.86427               1
562   138.06706               1
563   102.77778               0
564    18.73278               1
565    25.31545               0
566    34.38028               2
567    21.56651               1
568    40.17818               1
569    18.93491               2
570    56.00000               2
571    32.89333               2
572    26.40037               1
573   128.15949               1
574    28.44444               0
575    34.63157               2
576    27.03287               1
577    23.24459               0
578    69.05770               0
579    35.68673               1
580   120.93523               1
581    53.33333               0
582    60.89965               0
583    28.47030               1
584    75.15320               2
585    25.53670               0
586    27.76621               1
587    78.89546               2
588    39.13647               1
589    30.63043               1
590    59.07372               1
591    45.72474               0
592    28.93519               1
593    30.33021               1
594    55.43537               1
595    79.63989               2
596    41.15226               1
597    22.66667               1
598    21.73354               2
599    88.88889               0
600    26.81213               1
601    35.24160               2
602    21.32964               1
603    20.07048               1
604    22.21368               0
605    17.90932               0
606    42.11426               2
607    25.20920               1
608    25.39062               2
609    81.63265               0
610    14.00000               1
611    18.90245               0
612   221.60665               1
613   740.74074               1
614    95.86777               2
615    43.67106               0
616    34.52885               1
617    32.03109               1
618    25.87606               2
619    25.78853               0
620    59.45303               1
621    30.31933               1
622    23.91883               2
623    43.71286               2
624    45.42936               1
625    23.83300               2
626    35.41667               2
627    46.40109               1
628    26.56250               1
629    27.70083               1
630    26.52392               1
631    68.58711               1
632    46.18720               0
633    38.14625               1
634    33.33007               1
635    52.25722               1
636    45.41522               1
637    75.84771               2
638    53.33333               1
639    35.20000               0
640    28.99408               2
641    13.87976               0
642    27.95004               2
643    29.14006               1
644    14.59519               1
645   174.47199               1
646    85.84807               0
647    72.71468               2
648    68.37099               0
649    31.00000               2
650    37.34559               1
651    36.18759               1
652    73.69615               1
653    43.01599               2
654    28.40276               1
655    24.14152               1
656   118.98323               1
657    29.66655               1
658    28.45293               0
659    31.43179               1
660    11.83448               2
661    18.02243               2
662    23.37258               1
663    16.37692               0
664    22.09073               0
665    60.96676               0
666    29.82325               0
667    14.94951               2
668    22.64219               2
669    21.10727               0
670    29.73616               1
671    16.13911               0
672    19.41323               0
673    21.30395               1
674    29.04866               1
675    26.76978               1
676    23.93899               1
677    21.58003               0
678    17.73670               0
679    19.26281               0
680    21.29630               0
681    37.30487               1
682    57.87037               0
683    81.36095               0
684    29.08613               2
685    23.96205               2
686    38.56333               1
687    23.96694               0
688    32.38813               1
689    46.16805               0
690    38.58025               1
691    19.70396               1
692    22.94409               1
693    37.12000               0
694    45.44881               2
695    33.03319               1
696    19.00140               2
697    27.38768               1
698    22.64738               0
699    25.07619               0
700    34.45845               1
701    76.95790               1
702    19.89593               1
703    20.37037               0
704   131.83594               0
705    92.55963               1
706    30.07351               2
707    39.63988               0
708    21.55595               1
709   181.66090               2
710    37.33463               0
711    41.46385               0
712    20.83082               1
713   236.73469               0
714    39.90930               1
715    31.50599               0
716    32.63213               1
717   126.88615               2
718    24.34176               2
719   197.71072               1
720    33.03319               2
721    27.64257               1
722    30.29778               1
723    28.56648               0
724    29.50158               0
725    33.92000               1
726    19.84127               0
727    36.22405               2
728    16.57794               2
729    38.52561               1
730   143.22917               1
731    44.68059               1
732    28.45293               0
733    24.45357               1
734    31.00560               2
735   153.39664               0
736    73.78472               1
737    28.93519               0
738   158.73016               0
739    33.81894               2
740    67.14876               0
741    80.00000               2
742    55.45496               0
743    32.64000               0
744    28.21822               0
745    29.91675               2
746   381.94444               0
747    79.34934               2
748    30.17751               1
749    46.13610               0
750    27.88762               1
751    22.03173               1
752    30.44384               0
753    25.24934               2
754    31.12245               2
755    51.56250               0
756    97.67308               0
757    26.46503               1
758    27.04082               1
759    49.98078               2
760    15.88610               1
761    43.93572               2
762    94.44444               0
763    87.65522               0
764    26.70940               1
765    93.65245               1
766    43.87307               0
767    28.88049               1
768    93.49030               2
769    40.40064               1
770   117.18750               1
771    28.11419               1
772    24.32586               1
773    16.47172               2
774   122.07031               0
775    48.88936               2
776    36.62109               1
777    33.97193               1
778    28.11419               0
779    20.57613               0
780    24.15459               2
781    90.66667               1
782    54.07611               0
783    33.05090               1
784    31.95266               0
785    14.47847               1
786    22.64086               2
787   131.48283               1
788    61.11111               1
789    32.03987               0
790    27.16161               1
791    21.19274               0
792    24.14152               1
793    29.36988               0
794    65.89436               1
795    27.16161               0
796    18.29473               1
797   105.01995               0
798    21.13886               1
799    48.30335               0
800    17.63238               1
801    44.58977               1
802    85.03401               1
803    61.84896               1
804    47.40432               0
805    80.62349               1
806    23.60128               1
807    35.20955               1
808    19.72104               0
809    21.92886               0
810   121.03952               1
811    30.73061               1
812    21.03725               2
813    21.60494               1
814    21.20845               2
815   101.77515               2
816    24.96000               2
817    61.86088               1
818    49.98078               0
819    39.06250               1
820    27.20961               2
821    78.89546               1
822    23.57392               1
823    19.19790               0
824   147.05882               2
825    21.79931               2
826    35.67182               0
827    35.69716               2
828    92.33610               0
829    20.72484               1
830    37.20007               2
831   105.78512               1
832    24.79667               2
833    27.49703               2
834    65.30612               1
835   100.24504               0
836    30.00000               2
837   129.11287               1
838    46.00000               0
839    95.48611               1
840    53.33333               2
841    17.56678               0
842    30.30126               2
843    56.11672               0
844    21.11090               1
845    17.18167               1
846    23.03875               2
847    29.44535               1
848    40.97294               2
849    17.99816               2
850    43.02985               1
851    16.22499               0
852    32.00000               1
853    17.80210               1
854    28.51562               2
855    30.27682               2
856    59.51915               0
857    19.60592               0
858    99.67960               2
859    65.77778               2
860    38.77155               1
861    31.44379               1
862    19.18807               1
863    67.18624               1
864    50.61728               1
865    89.79592               0
866    24.99890               0
867   138.50416               1
868   122.44898               2
869    99.96155               1
870    47.74306               1
871   116.87363               1
872    33.46766               0
873    19.39058               1
874    60.96632               1
875    23.59396               0
876    75.00000               0
877    21.83589               1
878    30.17882               1
879    38.43130               0
880   138.77551               2
881    27.14158               1
882    17.96875               1
883    28.19692               1
884    76.95790               1
885    20.04901               1
886    32.03987               1
887    76.93751               1
888    22.30936               2
889   108.69565               0
890    49.82699               0
891    35.96007               1
892    19.91837               1
893    19.92773               0
894    32.89329               2
895    55.55556               1
896    25.39022               1
897    44.89603               1
898    14.52921               0
899    20.07378               2
900    21.06674               0
901    24.22145               1
902    16.27604               1
903    94.06074               2
904    87.23600               1
905   104.11951               0
906    68.58711               0
907    34.19321               0
908    22.85714               1
909    28.67059               1
910    20.04901               2
911    77.16049               1
912    45.26935               0
913    24.34961               1
914    23.59700               1
915    18.90690               0
916    21.43012               2
917    28.88889               1
918    33.76932               1
919    29.47584               2
920    25.59374               1
921    30.02439               0
922    21.63332               1
923    25.96454               0
924    97.34992               1
925    19.62323               1
926    37.67313               0
927    29.39680               0
928    34.45845               1
929    25.00000               0
930    43.02985               1
931    47.16981               1
932    39.00227               2
933    79.71939               0
934    61.43667               2
935    26.37790               1
936    26.56434               2
937    21.16160               1
938    49.38272               1
939    32.43097               1
940    24.53896               1
941   216.96252               0
942    70.83825               1
943    76.95790               1
944    38.45930               0
945    28.76187               2
946   242.21453               1
947    17.19236               0
948    35.07280               1
949    25.91814               1
950    39.68254               2
951    28.56851               1
952    51.92610               0
953    44.37870               1
954    32.55619               2
955    27.47169               1
956    30.23432               2
957    24.18705               1
958    69.15163               0
959    27.40766               1
960    99.18667               0
961    24.83576               1
962    39.05266               1
963    85.95041               1
964    37.42674               1
965    29.43213               1
966   148.28304               2
967    79.13369               2
968    41.58790               2
969    49.58678               0
970    30.36509               0
971    24.03441               0
972    25.33308               0
973    36.02475               0
974   233.33333               4
975    22.53086              10
976    28.49003               4
977    36.09467               3
978   108.64645               3
979    22.83951               3
980    17.23886               6
981   137.74105               5
982    39.68254               4
983    38.43130               3
984    32.00000               9
985    58.96635               7
986    31.18555              16
987    34.56000              10
988    32.76444               3
989    44.18634               3
990    19.87796               3
991    24.38653               4
992    17.90549               3
993    38.83136               4
994    34.23997               3
995    32.01614               5
996   187.75510               3
997    31.84905               3
998    20.14797               3
999    27.04082               9
1000   24.67969               6
1001   25.76571               5
1002   24.41827               4
1003   24.03441               8
1004   99.85207               5
1005   37.37985               5
1006   34.15067               3
1007   67.63788               4
1008   37.20007               5
1009   17.82134               4
1010   26.75321               3
1011   77.90859               3
1012   26.30385               3
1013   38.00000               5
1014   27.97068               3
1015   20.10910               3
1016   51.76114               5
1017   86.32014               3
1018   29.96433               8
1019  112.59148               7
1020   17.25894               4
1021   34.72222              11
1022   19.72318               7
1023   20.24490               6
1024   15.56055               6
1025  182.61505               8
1026   17.74444               4
1027   36.75652               4
1028   92.30769               4
1029  100.54582               7
1030   27.18163               5
1031   28.57796               4
1032   29.75600               3
1033   46.27981               5
1034  114.79592               3
1035   17.84652              13
1036   28.19328               4
1037   18.51354               3
1038   26.02264               5
1039   29.51594               3
1040  306.12245              10
1041   23.93606               5
1042   43.71286               5
1043   48.67496               4
1044   27.60945               5
1045   40.86293               3
1046   64.87889               4
1047   49.38272               5
1048   24.56033               3
1049   21.38976               4
1050   69.44444               3
1051   23.45092               4
1052   24.43519               3
1053  102.47934               5
1054   45.30325               3
1055   26.00486               4
1056   57.00000               4
1057   24.53896               6
1058   25.33308               3
1059   33.27546               4
1060   27.88519               6
1061   69.33333               5
1062   31.00000              16
1063   13.58990               8
1064   25.86451               3
1065   21.38394               3
1066   62.96296               7
1067   20.37121               3
1068  120.65498               6
1069   56.42361               5
1070   49.77778               7
1071   23.99946               5
1072   22.21368               7
1073   42.36111               6
1074   60.96632               4
1075   28.76187              11
1076   40.04984               6
1077   25.14286               3
1078   30.51758               3
1079   20.20202              14
1080   99.45130              12
1081   25.03992              10
1082   23.62445               7
1083   28.47989               3
1084  187.75510               3
1085  145.95942               4
1086   44.29066               8
1087   32.92181               6
1088   18.19658               3
1089  103.87812               9
1090   31.05429               9
1091   25.10957               3
1092   31.21284               4
1093  281.06509               3
1094  108.47107               7
1095   42.60355               4
1096   41.60503               5
1097   43.67106               8
1098   23.83673               3
1099   70.91413               3
1100   28.55311               8
1101   85.03401               5
1102   93.82623               4
1103   20.95661               5
1104   43.35941               3
1105   14.78097               3
1106   29.27796               4
1107   69.39372               3
1108   24.38237              12
1109   47.89671               3
1110   23.67125               3
1111   30.25988               3
1112   26.52392               3
1113   50.11363               3
1114  101.77515               5
1115  103.80623               5
1116  115.70248               5
1117   26.83518               4
1118   19.97441               3
1119   44.21376               6
1120   41.61712               5
1121   20.09843              10
1122   62.22222               3
1123   26.33745               4
1124  185.18519               4
1125   40.98081               3
1126   41.50677               3
1127   21.28743               4
1128  102.77778               7
1129  225.92152               6
1130   53.16840               3
1131   30.90202               3
1132   16.13911               3
1133   70.15306               3
1134   39.65893               5
1135   34.09878               3
1136   53.33333               3
1137   38.01653               4
1138   51.95569               5
1139   42.69055               8
1140   20.07733               5
1141   40.79016               4
1142   41.45408               7
1143   40.74242               4
1144   25.39062               7
1145   29.50158               3
1146   20.51913               3
1147  207.61246               3
1148   39.44773               3
1149   36.28118               3
1150   36.73095              10
1151   45.42251               6
1152   37.48558               3
1153   35.69716               3
1154   38.64268               4
1155   26.23356               4
1156  233.74726               3
1157   24.47410               4
1158   22.05805               6
1159   22.52151               3
1160   25.88057               3
1161   18.86492               3
1162   35.65397               6
1163   65.74622               4
1164   20.00000               3
1165   31.62006               4
1166   14.94739               3
1167   16.01418               3
1168   20.87145               3
1169   35.59986               3
1170   44.44444               3
1171   24.03461               3
1172   30.42720               3
1173   47.07410               4
1174   64.00000               4
1175   27.29101               3
1176   48.97459               4
1177   30.81747               3
1178   32.71350               4
1179   20.45403               3
1180   21.88708               3
1181   26.30385               3
1182   40.38686               3
1183   23.67125               3
1184  111.76857               3
1185   20.67901               3
1186   21.03365               3
1187   30.31933               4
1188   21.62965               5
1189   27.20961               4
1190   27.76343               4
1191   96.37188               3
1192    0.00000               4
1193   25.10239               3
1194   22.22906               3
1195  228.92820               6
1196   33.05090               3
1197   19.53125               3
1198   24.00000               5
1199   24.77210               3
1200 -156.25000               3
1201   43.00000               3
1202   19.52312               5
1203   45.44005               5
1204   13.92000               3
1205   28.42224               4
1206   31.12245               3
1207   42.97521               4
1208   38.44675               4
1209   92.04471               3
1210   35.24160               6
1211   32.83098               4
1212   28.00355               3
1213   33.38372               5
1214   32.76444               4
1215   21.88708               3
1216   39.30474               3
1217   67.34694               3
1218   23.62445               4
1219   18.61224               4
1220   29.93069               4
1221   27.58020               6
1222  130.20833               4
1223   30.09143               3
1224   26.77593               4
1225   35.54571               5
1226   64.49879               3
1227   93.22247               4
1228   15.57494               3
1229   44.63923               3
1230   29.83643               3
1231   38.64447               3
1232   30.38006               3
1233   34.56000               3
1234   94.95982               3
1235   31.10567               4
1236   46.07610               4
1237   35.19487               4
1238   24.52682               3
1239   73.69615               9
1240   25.97192               3
1241   30.54272               4
1242  117.78225               3
1243   30.68256               4
1244   60.26297               6
1245   34.25275               7
1246   26.37024               4
1247   84.19219               4
1248   64.98110               3
1249   26.89767               3
1250   29.82325               3
1251   92.41756               4
1252   33.03319               3
1253   18.92494               3
1254   25.16030               3
1255   38.37149               0
1256   24.41406               1
1257   37.90131               1
1258  141.60766               1
1259   26.66667               1
1260   13.39177               2
1261   33.95201               2
1262  336.00000               1
1263   22.01950               0
1264   26.15933               1
1265   33.35406               1
1266   19.98810               1
1267   43.46183               2
1268   19.26717               2
1269   48.97959               1
1270   28.88889               1
1271   21.04982               2
1272   30.54283               2
1273   24.08822               1
1274   38.42727               2
1275   19.25000               1
1276   38.64447               1
1277   30.13148               0
1278   67.34694               0
1279   19.81784               1
1280   29.96433               2
1281   24.53896               2
1282   18.61970               1
1283   32.31723               1
1284   62.47397               1
1285   21.46915               0
1286   43.75000               1
1287   46.26248               1
1288   21.88708               1
1289   38.71722               2
1290   26.25958               1
1291   30.96266               2
1292   30.01915               1
1293   76.62835               1
1294   21.35780               1
1295   29.29688               1
1296   22.40879               0
1297   38.23155               2
1298   29.77778               2
1299   16.56438               2
1300   20.30517               1
1301   24.67702               0
1302  128.39506               0
1303   51.85185               1
1304   29.89969               2
1305  122.07031               2
1306   29.08163               1
1307   29.40559               2
1308   25.51020               2
1309   25.55941               0
1310   30.80125               0
1311  107.12035               1
1312   21.88708               2
1313   35.11660               0
1314   21.33821               2
1315   25.68956               2
1316   79.27071               1
1317   33.64215               2
1318   60.12256               1
1319   80.47337               2
1320   33.31084               1
1321   26.56434               2
1322   32.69453               1
1323   33.56934               0
1324   44.61871               2
1325   26.83518               2
1326   13.13567               1
1327   35.05003               2
1328   28.82753               1
1329   26.91273               2
1330   46.92974               0
1331   30.72702               2
1332   16.26321               2
1333   37.25738               2
1334   26.81222               2
1335   28.19328               0
1336   35.11967               1
1337   35.20408               1
1338   27.88762               2
1339   36.98225               2
1340   37.07076               2
1341   46.76871               1
1342   30.36509               1
1343  124.94794               1
1344   42.27367               2
1345   22.95909               1
1346   51.90311               1
1347   14.79579               1
1348   25.46198               1
1349   25.95156               0
1350   28.11419               1
1351   40.21833               2
1352   33.19753               2
1353   77.25181               2
1354   36.52441               0
1355   22.07410               2
1356   42.20207               2
1357   35.30824               0
1358   38.78196               2
1359   32.89333               2
1360   79.59184               1
1361   47.05421               0
1362   30.86420               0
1363   19.15158               1
1364   89.48137               1
1365   19.49318               2
1366   75.38187               2
1367   20.74507               2
1368   84.87654               2
1369   52.07780               1
1370   42.63039               2
1371   15.31094               0
1372  126.40046               0
1373   43.67194               1
1374   69.44444               2
1375   35.30824               1
1376   25.90946               0
1377  103.70370               1
1378   85.47009               2
1379   28.95968               2
1380   32.43097               1
1381   32.31764               1
1382   29.13632               1
1383   19.00140               0
1384   18.07851               0
1385  104.64758               1
1386   28.47030               2
1387   22.03173               0
1388   46.13610               1
1389   25.56611               1
1390   42.26543               0
1391   34.38028               0
1392   25.96454               2
1393   29.17488               2
1394   50.71851               2
1395   36.21399               0
1396   48.14815               0
1397   23.72281               0
1398   41.08997               2
1399   20.57138               0
1400   18.06886               1
1401   24.39106               1
1402   65.64828               0
1403  166.56752               2
1404   40.93984               1
1405  152.77778               2
1406   14.31106               1
1407   56.22657               2
1408   67.14876               1
1409   21.96786               1
1410   29.04866               2
1411   22.49964               1
1412   56.22837               1
1413   60.88768               1
1414   24.44444               1
1415   61.98347               1
1416   35.67182               0
1417   35.05003               1
1418   37.90131               2
1419   29.27796               2
1420   55.55556               0
1421   52.02914               1
1422   89.28571               0
1423   25.28257               1
1424   35.16437               2
1425   22.04916               1
1426   32.24006               2
1427   24.87024               0
1428   17.44735               2
1429   73.96450               0
1430   76.89350               0
1431   39.15733               1
1432   77.47934               2
1433   25.51020               1
1434   48.97459               0
1435   22.34030               0
1436   32.12396               1
1437   31.00006               0
1438   60.76389               1
1439   68.02721               2
1440   33.72781               2
1441   15.02943               2
1442  -27.54821               2
1443   59.03188               1
1444  203.81328               2
1445   46.29240               2
1446   26.03749               1
1447   30.46968               2
1448   27.71479               1
1449   24.09297               1
1450  109.09091               0
1451   37.67313               2
1452   23.23346               2
1453   28.53224               1
1454   32.68495               1
1455   26.63967               2
1456   26.98600               2
1457   19.07313               1
1458   36.71115               1
1459   71.36678               0
1460   34.24658               2
1461   36.52568               2
1462   28.30533               0
1463   21.62630               2
1464   24.30073               1
1465   74.75970               1
1466   24.72518               2
1467   88.00000               2
1468   43.82761               2
1469   26.62699               2
1470   22.43230               2
1471   40.01231               2
1472   19.13062               2
1473   39.68254               2
1474   21.40309               0
1475   31.36000               1
1476   19.13697               0
1477   27.58733               2
1478   16.58016               1
1479  103.70370               2
1480   42.24000               2
1481   29.55526               2
1482   13.87976               2
1483   21.85728               0
1484   40.49587               1
1485   22.79036               2
1486   40.92008               2
1487   60.76389               1
1488   40.04984               0
1489   43.10030               1
1490   18.14596               2
1491  105.19395               1
1492   96.02195               1
1493   55.40166               0
1494   62.22222               0
1495   38.58025               0
1496   21.62965               2
1497   27.38520               1
1498   32.65306               1
1499   20.01550               1
1500   41.66372               1
1501   32.46753               2
1502   27.47563               0
1503   25.88757               2
1504   84.44361               0
1505  104.04281               2
1506   28.37710               1
1507   21.25624               0
1508   22.03857               1
1509   37.87879               0
1510   64.00000               1
1511   23.95123               2
1512   22.78646               0
1513   25.38147               0
1514  102.77778               0
1515   30.31933               2
1516   28.76413               1
1517   22.09681               2
1518   16.20789               1
1519   25.80645               2
1520   32.00732               0
1521   22.83288               0
1522   20.66116               2
1523  113.63636               2
1524   34.70986               1
1525   21.64412               1
1526   29.55526               1
1527   34.56000               2
1528   29.76006               2
1529   30.75740               0
1530   23.78121               2
1531   67.51543               1
1532   39.31090               1
1533   15.14332               2
1534   52.07780               1
1535   19.80252               2
1536   36.53313               2
1537   34.22222               2
1538   34.09878               2
1539   75.89813               2
1540   53.67036               1
1541   20.44444               2
1542  152.00000               1
1543   91.66667               2
1544   24.60937               0
1545   31.86683               1
1546  124.86993               1
1547  123.45679               2
1548   78.12500               1
1549   22.65625               0
1550   35.71429               2
1551   31.95600               1
1552   39.06250               2
1553   39.50617               1
1554   17.81659               1
1555   27.68878               1
1556   67.38988               1
1557   27.10027               1
1558   32.51821               2
1559   44.44444               0
1560   27.68878               0
1561   33.35406               0
1562   31.09277               2
1563   27.84879               1
1564   29.05329               1
1565   18.77834               1
1566   41.26858               1
1567   39.40792               2
1568   28.88049               0
1569   18.90359               1
1570   82.56709               2
1571   65.64828               1
1572   41.61712               1
1573   55.33854               1
1574   25.51020               1
1575   90.07318               0
1576   99.67960               1
1577   54.24063               1
1578   36.09467               0
1579   19.00000               0
1580   35.18168               2
1581   35.64268               2
1582   16.69046               1
1583   26.63752               1
1584   62.41835               1
1585   28.53746               1
1586   89.25823               0
1587   22.03173               1
1588   23.50356               2
1589   21.22281               0
1590  160.70124               1
1591  113.16872               1
1592   75.61437               2
1593   28.07617               2
1594   47.09576               1
1595   19.33373               2
1596   37.84180               2
1597   68.02721               2
1598  254.62963               1
1599   41.17243               0
1600   31.93114               1
1601   21.67881               1
1602   30.80125               1
1603  249.70273               2
1604  113.42155               1
1605   58.02469               0
1606   39.06250               2
1607   17.50996               2
1608   25.45236               1
1609   95.91837               2
1610   65.74142               2
1611   22.51830               1
1612   34.18549               1
1613   31.04456               2
1614   25.09950               2
1615   22.37568               2
1616   70.02246               1
1617   80.64516               2
1618   53.19149               1
1619   25.60554               2
1620   24.32958               1
1621   15.53059               1
1622   31.50110               1
1623   44.52743               2
1624   28.28283               1
1625   35.11111               2
1626   25.87858               1
1627   65.53879               0
1628   41.64931               0
1629   23.46939               1
1630   69.20415               2
1631   41.82983               1
1632   25.72103               2
1633   22.32143               0
1634   28.44095               2
1635   20.67580               1
1636   36.06647               0
1637   84.92229               1
1638   44.13762               1
1639   33.60362               2
1640   33.92000               2
1641   56.71078               2
1642   36.53313               0
1643   43.67106               1
1644  137.44273               1
1645   70.31250               0
1646   34.18549               0
1647   38.19444               1
1648   13.54816               2
1649   22.53061               2
1650   71.34364               2
1651   31.14988               2
1652   32.68495               1
1653  108.02469               1
1654   59.17160               2
1655   26.40235               2
1656   23.25502               1
1657   26.49151               0
1658   23.71184               1
1659   15.31191               1
1660   21.67881               1
1661   27.84879               0
1662   47.00000               1
1663   26.65862               1
1664   13.07013               1
1665   50.50080               0
1666   81.87967               0
1667   27.76710               1
1668   34.31953               1
1669   29.50158               1
1670   24.55775               0
1671   32.00000               1
1672   13.26928               2
1673   94.67456               2
1674   26.12810               1
1675   32.10901               1
1676   26.40235               0
1677   21.10727               1
1678   21.44757               2
1679   31.09277               1
1680   44.54538               2
1681   46.07391               0
1682   32.68495               0
1683   31.07125               1
1684   19.92513               1
1685   31.29737               2
1686   30.17882               0
1687   28.99931               0
1688   23.45856               1
1689   49.78601               1
1690   16.83601               0
1691   17.00500               1
1692  146.60494               2
1693   92.47449               0
1694   89.10671               1
1695  233.33333               1
1696  174.92711               2
1697   40.81633               2
1698   28.88889               2
1699   42.41682               1
1700   36.09467               2
1701   20.59861               1
1702   22.98190               0
1703   30.27682               0
1704   33.41501               2
1705   40.49230               1
1706   23.03005               1
1707   52.61480               2
1708   20.94016               1
1709   24.74745               2
1710   28.62147               0
1711   29.73390               0
1712   28.50752               1
1713   20.45115               2
1714  106.25000               2
1715 -113.42155               1
1716  122.07031               1
1717   39.50014               2
1718   33.16857               1
1719   40.00000               1
1720   30.54272               2
1721   54.86968               0
1722   26.24000               0
1723   30.17882               0
1724   27.43484               2
1725   24.56747               1
1726   82.64463               2
1727   31.68855               0
1728   26.89618               2
1729   29.36958               1
1730   27.18163               1
1731   18.74028               0
1732   28.65014               0
1733  197.22425               1
1734 -113.42155               2
1735   29.96212               0
1736   33.85657               1
1737   34.37108               0
1738   35.41913               1
1739   36.15702               1
1740   28.25097               2
1741   20.01773               1
1742   21.08281               1
1743   43.46183               0
1744  211.11111               1
1745   90.66358               2
1746   29.40559               0
1747   35.20448               2
1748   31.95600               1
1749   45.45455               2
1750   29.55526               2
1751   17.85673               1
1752   42.34405               2
1753   16.91321               0
1754   21.75547               2
1755   31.68855               1
1756   19.30645               2
1757   30.70041               1
1758   20.77562               1
1759  103.30579               1
1760   44.00000               2
1761  480.00000               1
1762   29.21841               2
1763   32.00000               0
1764   62.48999               2
1765   49.62193               2
1766   36.42040               1
1767   16.19753               2
1768  123.45679               1
1769   49.88662               2
1770   29.08163               1
1771   71.63542               0
1772   33.86134               2
1773   30.68256               0
1774   23.80869               1
1775   17.16994               1
1776   23.45679               0
1777   27.53123               1
1778  155.95463               2
1779   73.04602               2
1780   76.00000               0
1781   94.52160               0
1782   71.30794               1
1783   31.44379               1
1784   23.12467               1
1785   23.47303               1
1786   26.19619               0
1787   20.71569               0
1788   14.29984               1
1789   24.59491               2
1790  137.05104               0
1791   46.76374               2
1792   31.00560               2
1793   27.28893               0
1794   41.55125               1
1795   28.06183               1
1796   20.51509               2
1797   22.67995               2
1798   18.50000               2
1799   27.00513               1
1800   18.20816               0
1801   18.56038               1
1802   50.00000               1
1803   32.00000               1
1804   30.00000               1
1805   30.76923               0
1806   40.17818               0
1807   32.23567               1
1808   19.66231               2
1809   27.84879               0
1810   22.54596               0
1811   32.37311               2
1812   35.96007               1
1813  176.00000               2
1814   74.87217               1
1815   51.00000               2
1816   33.79756               1
1817   58.73977               1
1818   23.38869               2
1819   25.33308               2
1820   24.53896               0
1821   25.78125               2
1822   26.54321               0
1823   20.46401               2
1824   20.28651               2
1825   98.49184               1
1826  207.75623               1
1827   45.09362               1
1828   46.93878               1
1829   42.08400               2
1830   29.14952               0
1831   49.97918               1
1832   27.83029               2
1833   26.44628               1
1834   23.92569               1
1835   66.57484               1
1836   36.48985               1
1837   25.40282               1
1838   37.30536               0
1839   33.74248               0
1840   43.94531               0
1841   33.19753               1
1842   86.20690               1
1843  138.06706               2
1844   36.00823               0
1845   27.07205               0
1846   44.22477               1
1847   81.25000               2
1848   88.44953               0
1849   34.37108               0
1850   36.09467               2
1851   70.69814               1
1852   25.53670               0
1853   26.10688               0
1854   25.31545               0
1855 -222.22222               2
1856   74.66667               1
1857   36.00000               1
1858   49.65912               0
1859   32.64973               0
1860   30.98089               0
1861   21.61281               0
1862   26.15563               1
1863   21.29529               2
1864   31.89879               2
1865   20.69049               1
1866   34.09878               0
1867   23.45656               2
1868   20.07960               0
1869   19.19896               0
1870  102.53906               1
1871   43.93424               1
1872   35.50296               2
1873   46.28099               1
1874   24.53512               1
1875   41.54008               2
1876   26.87450               1
1877   47.77195               1
1878   98.76543               0
1879   62.09539               2
1880   36.52301               1
1881   33.48214               0
1882   26.12810               1
1883   39.76950               1
1884   19.95936               0
1885   29.77778               2
1886   29.83643               0
1887   30.55556               1
1888   30.30126               1
1889   38.95788               1
1890   15.42083               0
1891   40.72363               2
1892   38.78196               2
1893   25.18079               1
1894   23.87511               1
1895   18.00000               0
1896  181.40590               0
1897  100.00000               2
1898   41.44968               0
1899   35.51670               0
1900   39.50014               2
1901   30.55681               0
1902   30.99174               2
1903   25.91513               2
1904   38.96802               0
1905   32.43945               1
1906  100.00000               2
1907   19.94899               1
1908   24.14152               2
1909   45.29184               1
1910   49.14934               1
1911   21.05263               0
1912   28.40055               1
1913   12.49824               0
1914   69.20415               2
1915   74.68374               1
1916   38.31418               0
1917   44.99927               0
1918   25.04129               2
1919  104.05827               1
1920   22.71897               1
1921   37.46811               1
1922   17.18167               1
1923   20.98765               2
1924   23.22543               2
1925   35.71249               0
1926   33.69494               2
1927   17.00500               1
1928   28.30385               2
1929  468.75000               1
1930  156.10652               0
1931   57.61773               2
1932   35.90922               1
1933   26.33745               2
1934   16.98911               1
1935   28.14787               1
1936   20.79673               0
1937   68.00000               2
1938   71.36678               1
1939   76.17729               1
1940   85.71429               2
1941   19.57168               1
1942   24.46460               2
1943   22.67574               1
1944   30.85321               2
1945  130.71895               1
1946   73.24219               2
1947   42.15273               1
1948   28.16000               1
1949   37.67313               1
1950   25.42912               1
1951   30.23432               2
1952   26.97429               1
1953   31.82442               2
1954   30.07351               1
1955   24.12879               0
1956   30.17957               1
1957   35.08577               0
1958   78.89546               0
1959  131.83594               1
1960  143.20988               1
1961   34.91124               0
1962   45.45086               1
1963   39.44773               2
1964   21.07720               1
1965   30.72702               1
1966   24.81096               1
1967   21.62965               2
1968   21.60558               0
1969   27.43484               1
1970   70.80078               1
1971  107.65090               1
1972   51.52596               2
1973   40.65689               1
1974   39.15984               1
1975   52.05235               2
1976   31.09277               0
1977   31.82442               1
1978   23.53037               0
1979   31.46670               1
1980   53.18560               0
1981   94.67456               2
1982  112.30469               0
1983   22.94213               1
1984   37.00000               0
1985   32.14286               2
1986   16.15993               1
1987   23.73324               1
1988   27.76343               0
1989   14.23515               2
1990   23.53304               0
1991   23.50356               1
1992   19.03629               2
1993  200.00000               2
1994  113.37868               1
1995  221.08844               0
1996   58.43682               1
1997   43.20988               2
1998   41.61712               2
1999   33.89591               1
2000   30.17957               2
2001   34.01361               0
2002   20.44674               1
2003   34.46712               0
2004   24.12879               1
2005   79.81516               0
2006   36.52568               1
2007   41.50677               0
2008   24.34176               2
2009   23.73866               0
2010   19.25262               0
2011   25.76571               0
2012   15.60494               1
2013   28.87544               1
2014   17.90365               1
2015  165.28926               1
2016   99.43564               1
2017   22.10688               1
2018  103.80623               2
2019   36.28057               1
2020   39.50617               1
2021   29.08163               1
2022   67.55489               2
2023   77.71477               1
2024   28.72008               2
2025   42.37288               1
2026   20.47827               1
2027   24.91349               0
2028   29.47584               1
2029   14.16077               1
2030   17.06075               2
2031   19.23947               2
2032   21.50189               0
2033   24.69865               1
2034   15.86077               0
2035   72.22222               1
2036  283.20312               2
2037   82.56709               0
2038   68.75000               1
2039   45.91368               1
2040   59.49162               0
2041   18.31638               2
2042   48.03913               1
2043   20.76125               1
2044   18.93892               1
2045   24.77366               0
2046   56.42361               1
2047   23.29123               1
2048   33.22753               0
2049   38.24875               0
2050   22.48133               0
2051   25.55885               1
2052   51.90311               2
2053   83.67347               2
2054   52.59516               1
2055   22.66590               2
2056   40.93651               1
2057   36.65645               1
2058   27.16161               0
2059   22.95909               2
2060   33.13609               0
2061   39.06008               2
2062   38.84298               2
2063   27.82931               1
2064   33.08710               1
2065   33.75467               1
2066   28.14787               1
2067   22.64738               1
2068   17.15805               1
2069   14.54323               1
2070   36.69907               1
2071   26.56684               2
2072   41.58790               2
2073  207.93951               1
2074   91.75900               1
2075   28.16000               2
2076   32.31830               0
2077   30.54272               0
2078   27.48843               0
2079   24.50434               1
2080   26.91273               1
2081   20.61313               0
2082   37.12000               1
2083   14.30856               0
2084  144.03292               0
2085   67.18750               1
2086   24.69136               2
2087   43.09018               0
2088   29.08163               1
2089   21.97134               0
2090   31.50110               1
2091   23.72529               2
2092   64.38581               1
2093   26.83518               2
2094   23.25502               0
2095   17.25041               1
2096   23.58984               2
2097   18.43388               0
2098   27.18163               1
2099   87.23600               0
2100   80.26159               0
2101   27.04164               0
2102   33.08710               0
2103   32.13296               1
2104   23.46939               1
2105   35.08577               0
2106   46.27981               1
2107   25.70888               0
2108   41.44968               0
2109   24.60937               1
2110   35.27337               1
2111   21.71925               1
2112   21.18089               0
2113   15.35244               0
2114   17.09009               1
2115   64.89995               1
2116   34.45845               1
2117   43.76736               2
2118   34.65658               1
2119   21.38394               2
2120   26.56250               1
2121   29.67495               0
2122   53.82545               0
2123 -165.28926               1
2124   85.84807               1
2125   74.21150               1
2126   27.30519               0
2127   42.16563               1
2128   41.87415               0
2129   42.30286               1
2130   34.89976               0
2131   23.56704               0
2132   29.44556               2
2133   34.38028               1
2134   29.17358               0
2135   31.12793               1
2136   18.55288               1
2137   24.65303               0
2138   65.43210               2
2139   35.69857               1
2140   36.00823               1
2141   31.23859               1
2142   29.04866               0
2143   28.69605               0
2144   17.15518               0
2145   26.81359               1
2146   33.30831               1
2147   29.35752               1
2148   20.20151               0
2149   18.36572               0
2150   15.47275               2
2151   28.07504               0
2152   42.10526               0
2153  124.71655               0
2154   34.26498               2
2155   46.22781               0
2156   28.97455               0
2157   65.77838               0
2158   24.50434               2
2159   14.20339               0
2160  156.10652               0
2161   72.87329               1
2162   28.57143               2
2163   27.43484               1
2164   29.99671               1
2165   37.29386               2
2166   21.07720               2
2167   25.21736               1
2168   21.88708               0
2169   25.07619               2
2170   21.84701               0
2171   19.03114               1
2172   60.69215               1
2173  203.81328               0
2174   31.32587               2
2175   29.39680               2
2176   24.06405               1
2177   36.28057               0
2178   37.42674               1
2179   42.86694               2
2180   22.58955               0
2181  262.98488               2
2182   43.45414               0
2183   31.39120               1
2184   36.01441               2
2185   35.77003               0
2186   24.44180               2
2187   31.05429               1
2188   29.77778               2
2189   27.88762               0
2190   23.09541               0
2191   38.98418               1
2192  104.81053               1
2193   34.06142               0
2194   22.06035               2
2195   24.61810               1
2196   23.56663               1
2197   51.77515               1
2198   64.00193               0
2199   14.13894               1
2200   28.68514               1
2201   60.77098               2
2202   22.87741               1
2203   20.07048               1
2204   22.79033               1
2205   26.14269               0
2206  164.36555               2
2207   49.07025               2
2208  119.18493               1
2209  140.61655               0
2210   43.09107               2
2211   34.46930               2
2212   43.67194               2
2213   43.10345               2
2214   17.50639               0
2215   21.61281               1
2216   84.77097               1
2217   34.29355               1
2218   23.29072               2
2219   42.34683               1
2220   26.56684               1
2221   22.12974               1
2222   41.21185               0
2223   23.24341               0
2224   29.66655               2
2225   19.98685               0
2226   29.50158               2
2227  233.56401               0
2228   86.50519               1
2229   28.35539               1
2230   46.87500               2
2231   68.22471               2
2232   53.53956               2
2233   28.92562               1
2234   47.93388               1
2235   14.48821               2
2236   38.14625               0
2237  247.93388               1
2238   27.10027               1
2239   21.47709               2
2240   31.57756               1
2241   24.53896               0
2242   28.62879               0
2243   24.22145               0
2244   17.13266               1
2245   24.25822               2
2246   17.63668               2
2247 -591.71598               1
2248   88.73457               2
2249   41.05162               1
2250   35.51670               0
2251   31.68855               0
2252   26.37024               2
2253   19.72104               0
2254   19.53125               0
2255   21.49960               2
2256   20.38157               1
2257   31.11111               0
2258  268.59504               0
2259   74.69118               1
2260   51.55556               2
2261   36.28057               0
2262   32.63889               2
2263   24.52682               0
2264   23.87543               1
2265   19.72104               2
2266   24.72058               1
2267   61.98347               1
2268  177.77778               0
2269  186.98061               1
2270   34.70986               1
2271   28.84442               0
2272   25.34435               1
2273   35.21127               0
2274   19.25703               1
2275   25.00000               0
2276   19.48696               1
2277   51.61979               1
2278   36.28057               1
2279   38.13290               1
2280   73.18446               0
2281   64.10256               1
2282   34.33414               2
2283   35.60871               1
2284   29.55526               2
2285   40.27778               1
2286   23.80869               0
2287   14.54879               1
2288   23.33412               2
2289   32.05128               0
2290   26.89767               1
2291   18.73526               2
2292   57.14286               0
2293  107.89715               0
2294   24.10468               2
2295   36.98225               1
2296   38.71722               0
2297   40.60808               1
2298   38.26124               1
2299   65.05190               1
2300   58.81776               2
2301   64.19753               1
2302   30.33021               1
2303   33.12458               0
2304   27.26801               1
2305   32.24006               1
2306   18.08249               0
2307   33.22753               0
2308   16.33987               0
2309   37.31139               1
2310   18.32243               1
2311  190.24970               1
2312  304.00000               1
2313   26.87450               2
2314   39.90930               2
2315   25.24005               0
2316   27.55102               1
2317   21.00399               2
2318   28.25699               1
2319   38.29616               1
2320   13.02083               1
2321   17.20238               1
2322   45.44881               0
2323   76.62835               2
2324   73.24219               2
2325   64.87889               2
2326   37.80718               0
2327   31.18555               1
2328   18.32243               0
2329   31.35813               1
2330   20.57143               2
2331   24.44180               1
2332   39.66108               0
2333   88.88889               0
2334   49.42768               1
2335   67.06295               1
2336   81.77778               1
2337   30.99174               2
2338   36.01441               0
2339   33.95201               1
2340   34.24495               1
2341   18.93700               0
2342   27.03287               1
2343   33.77744               1
2344   26.61934               2
2345   22.63468               1
2346   30.61224               1
2347   19.65545               2
2348   79.63989               0
2349  131.57895               1
2350   89.05487               0
2351   64.27916               2
2352   40.60808               0
2353   28.89008               1
2354   26.12495               0
2355   40.97294               2
2356   14.93982               0
2357   25.29938               1
2358  136.71875               0
2359  166.01562               0
2360   89.25620               0
2361  154.66984               1
2362  104.70038               0
2363   28.92562               1
2364   27.41013               1
2365   37.16301               0
2366   24.56033               1
2367   17.42380               1
2368   29.26639               1
2369   56.00000               2
2370   61.43667               1
2371   31.20256               1
2372   21.15885               2
2373   20.65414               1
2374   17.97008               1
2375   18.17491               2
2376   26.47918               1
2377  106.65973               2
2378   36.74600               2
2379   50.97539               0
2380   34.20858               1
2381   26.87450               1
2382   32.24006               0
2383   48.75346               0
2384   63.12334               1
2385   24.88889               2
2386   18.99729               1
2387   20.33833               2
2388   21.04805               2
2389   63.66782               2
2390   71.11111               1
2391   60.94104               1
2392   27.97068               1
2393   50.53508               2
2394   28.06894               1
2395   33.72347               1
2396   30.26183               1
2397   19.41568               0
2398   21.78588               1
2399   18.93491               1
2400  160.70124               1
2401   78.89546               1
2402  145.77259               1
2403   91.33437               1
2404   71.02273               0
2405   50.02704               0
2406   30.00923               1
2407   40.49587               1
2408   20.54498               2
2409   66.56805               2
2410   38.26124               0
2411   17.84652               0
2412   39.56685               1
2413   19.62323               1
2414   27.30344               1
2415   17.82323               0
2416   39.06008               0
2417   37.87879               1
2418 -190.97222               1
2419  404.28062               1
2420   27.52000               0
2421   57.91800               0
2422   28.23805               2
2423   56.81357               1
2424  192.00000               0
2425   78.12500               0
2426  164.93056               2
2427   66.43599               0
2428   27.55556               1
2429   38.71722               0
2430   25.79592               1
2431   23.83673               0
2432   72.72727               2
2433  231.48148               1
2434   49.38272               2
2435   69.20415               1
2436   96.41873               1
2437   46.24812               2
2438   36.99850               1
2439   24.03702               1
2440   61.51480               1
2441  133.74486               0
2442   81.01852               1
2443   61.11111               2
2444   30.02439               1
2445   30.72000               1
2446   22.58955               1
2447   33.32756               1
2448   22.15102               1
2449   36.74600               2
2450   77.25181               0
2451   43.90496               1
2452   36.02475               0
2453   30.54272               1
2454   31.12793               2
2455   34.47285               1
2456   35.11967               0
2457   34.56790               0
2458   47.87100               0
2459   67.29691               0
2460   42.20207               1
2461   23.04000               2
2462   54.25089               2
2463   53.13368               0
2464   38.99795               2
2465   28.14787               1
2466   17.57382               0
2467   31.55556               0
2468   34.71533               2
2469   22.83288               2
2470   25.07619               0
2471   17.93124               1
2472   44.62810               1
2473   39.90930               0
2474   40.72363               1
2475   29.95106               1
2476   27.90006               2
2477   25.44379               1
2478   35.00918               0
2479   31.49408               2
2480   54.42177               2
2481   17.07679               1
2482   23.92242               0
2483   28.88049               1
2484   60.51976               1
2485   66.83003               1
2486   62.43496               1
2487  158.73016               0
2488   34.15972               1
2489   30.27682               1
2490   34.08814               1
2491   39.94048               1
2492   28.36325               0
2493   40.17825               1
2494   31.24876               1
2495   24.80159               0
2496   23.35564               0
2497   28.57796               1
2498   22.83288               2
2499   28.06183               0
2500   29.48870               0
2501   38.19444               2
2502   94.67456               0
2503  131.71947               1
2504  263.67188               2
2505   26.63752               0
2506   39.24284               2
2507   32.00000               0
2508   40.21833               0
2509   31.05429               0
2510   31.50110               0
2511   20.38157               1
2512   33.78378               1
2513   24.16716               1
2514   23.42356               2
2515   25.33308               0
2516   27.18090               1
2517   18.81142               1
2518   24.21229               1
2519   20.65414               1
2520   16.84028               0
2521   66.07297               1
2522  106.79957               1
2523   23.64066               1
2524   34.26498               1
2525   20.88889               0
2526   65.74622               1
2527   73.78472               1
2528   79.34934               1
2529   25.95451               1
2530   44.55566               2
2531   21.96914               1
2532   32.45568               0
2533   27.94310               1
2534   34.01920               2
2535   45.07889               1
2536   25.12783               1
2537  226.44266               0
2538   35.14273               0
2539   38.14625               2
2540   29.39680               2
2541   39.44773               1
2542   28.16000               1
2543   33.81986               0
2544   32.14286               1
2545   40.74242               2
2546   85.64378               2
2547   36.21399               2
2548   20.90542               1
2549   74.07407               0
2550   62.09539               2
2551   30.68256               1
2552   24.11404               0
2553   24.84098               1
2554   29.99671               1
2555   30.80835               2
2556   18.73278               1
2557  145.65993               0
2558   42.92568               1
2559   32.85810               1
2560   37.33463               2
2561   42.31771               2
2562   31.41862               1
2563   48.07239               1
2564   31.74426               2
2565   17.52299               1
2566   45.16602               2
2567   85.06616               1
2568  108.87574               2
2569  123.45679               1
2570   33.79756               2
2571   29.47584               2
2572   46.29630               1
2573   23.18339               1
2574   13.44048               2
2575   28.19692               1
2576   15.92981               1
2577   35.20955               0
2578   28.94610               1
2579   23.40751               2
2580   19.71332               0
2581   78.12500               2
2582  136.00000               1
2583   26.31464               0
2584   50.72980               1
2585   69.33333               0
2586   26.95312               1
2587   22.72595               0
2588   26.30740               1
2589   37.84180               1
2590   35.71429               0
2591   26.17187               0
2592   29.76006               0
2593   16.13965               1
2594   26.91273               1
2595   17.77778               1
2596   29.67495               2
2597   32.98010               1
2598  181.66090               0
2599  207.40741               1
2600   38.09524               1
2601   28.24659               2
2602   31.06616               1
2603   50.79365               0
2604   21.70513               2
2605   84.87654               0
2606   98.61933               0
2607   72.43096               1
2608   26.63892               0
2609   28.12213               0
2610   30.30126               1
2611   45.91368               1
2612   21.25624               0
2613   24.54346               1
2614   41.83391               1
2615   19.94450               2
2616   28.61700               0
2617   20.51509               1
2618   21.61281               0
2619   18.59410               0
2620  214.03092               1
2621  280.95734               0
2622   27.16161               1
2623   52.86428               0
2624   53.97924               2
2625   34.46930               1
2626   25.95451               1
2627   35.02926               2
2628   24.88889               1
2629   27.83029               1
2630   19.72387               2
2631  207.10059               0
2632   96.37188               0
2633   79.01235               1
2634   72.84079               1
2635   32.63889               1
2636   26.02041               2
2637   29.09428               1
2638   54.54882               0
2639   20.43817               1
2640   29.47584               2
2641   18.68524               1
2642   36.22449               1
2643   16.69307               0
2644   42.15433               0
2645   16.23335               1
2646   15.20259               2
2647   29.43213               2
2648   24.86395               1
2649  -30.86420               2
2650   59.18367               0
2651  116.66667               1
2652  127.81065               1
2653   95.78971               0
2654   50.56514               1
2655   54.86968               2
2656   50.79365               2
2657   29.06593               0
2658   67.44694               0
2659   23.82812               0
2660   28.11419               0
2661   70.23933               1
2662  103.80623               2
2663   39.85969               1
2664   24.25867               0
2665   19.13580               1
2666   23.91883               1
2667   28.56648               1
2668   27.51338               1
2669   26.89232               1
2670   34.63157               1
2671   58.00119               2
2672   38.98866               1
2673   38.10395               0
2674   38.95788               2
2675   34.43526               1
2676   33.16857               1
2677   29.08093               0
2678   23.62445               1
2679   26.39798               2
2680   21.70513               1
2681   22.64086               1
2682   19.37716               1
2683   28.88889               1
2684   77.47934               1
2685   71.63542               1
2686   43.76736               2
2687   21.92613               1
2688   27.12032               1
2689   31.20256               1
2690   24.96495               0
2691   18.63189               1
2692   21.75547               0
2693   19.91837               1
2694   28.37370               2
2695   25.64892               1
2696   20.61632               2
2697   22.94409               0
2698  144.44444               1
2699  493.82716               0
2700   74.69118               0
2701  158.02469               0
2702   38.64447               1
2703   25.61818               0
2704   23.78121               2
2705   53.10287               2
2706   34.46930               2
2707   71.41440               1
2708   24.52435               0
2709   21.79931               1
2710   30.08000               1
2711   66.16257               1
2712   33.33007               0
2713   33.08129               0
2714   24.52435               2
2715   20.94016               1
2716   27.33564               1
2717   25.84777               2
2718   20.74507               0
2719   19.98685               0
2720   32.34863               2
2721   21.03879               1
2722   75.48265               1
2723   86.56510               2
2724  184.08941               0
2725   31.46670               1
2726   22.14323               1
2727   45.39858               0
2728   15.02943               1
2729   33.41501               1
2730   22.09317               2
2731   36.72057               0
2732   69.13580               1
2733  128.92562               1
2734   71.16621               2
2735   41.32231               1
2736   42.14876               2
2737   27.30344               0
2738   31.98054               0
2739   26.23356               1
2740   22.81055               1
2741   25.81663               2
2742   19.13580               1
2743   21.35931               1
2744  266.66667               1
2745  133.33333               0
2746   39.32405               0
2747   42.92568               2
2748   29.93069               1
2749   29.96878               2
2750   37.76000               0
2751   18.31446               1
2752   32.78465               1
2753  110.19284               1
2754   92.33610               1
2755  107.89715               1
2756   30.53672               1
2757   21.60665               2
2758   35.70678               2
2759   19.95062               1
2760   17.73670               1
2761  104.16667               1
2762   91.25174               2
2763   49.51093               1
2764   35.00918               0
2765   19.69267               1
2766   24.19649               1
2767   24.97399               0
2768   28.62147               0
2769   25.45807               1
2770   27.04164               0
2771   71.38608               0
2772   32.37005               1
2773   34.26498               2
2774   26.56434               1
2775   17.67528               1
2776   21.16160               0
2777   31.16343               1
2778   22.94812               1
2779  121.52778               0
2780  118.24778               2
2781   26.88000               0
2782   32.30118               2
2783   36.00000               0
2784   47.64543               1
2785   37.72291               0
2786   46.76374               0
2787   36.88273               2
2788   23.14726               1
2789   24.38653               1
2790   24.56033               1
2791  107.70975               1
2792  112.87288               0
2793   28.69605               1
2794   27.39226               0
2795   29.72108               1
2796   21.60494               1
2797   32.55619               0
2798  174.47199               0
2799  137.05104               1
2800  100.00000               2
2801   46.25850               0
2802   56.11672               1
2803   42.26543               1
2804   49.60317               2
2805   57.61773               1
2806   17.44402               2
2807   26.62722               1
2808   24.56033               2
2809   27.30344               2
2810   26.91273               0
2811   39.06008               0
2812   27.29322               1
2813   67.14876               2
2814  192.90123               1
2815  116.00000               1
2816  106.65973               1
2817   88.18342               2
2818   49.98078               0
2819   21.91381               1
2820   12.56364               2
2821   50.94195               0
2822   38.24875               2
2823   17.25000               1
2824   29.89969               1
2825   30.74787               0
2826   37.62429               0
2827   20.04745               2
2828   30.24575               0
2829   23.80540               1
2830   37.31139               2
2831   29.76190               2
2832   32.39391               0
2833   80.11537               0
2834   37.70384               1
2835   45.30325               1
2836   26.66493               0
2837   49.51093               1
2838   23.37258               1
2839   25.85464               1
2840   51.02041               0
2841   41.02509               1
2842   31.60011               2
2843   17.19867               1
2844   45.35147               1
2845   24.65483               1
2846  154.32099               0
2847   62.32687               1
2848  184.00000               2
2849  113.37868               0
2850  118.41774               0
2851   23.37643               0
2852   29.79623               0
2853   51.81760               2
2854   34.25275               1
2855   45.45086               1
2856   22.07108               1
2857   23.30905               1
2858   28.85227               0
2859   35.37415               1
2860   38.85738               2
2861   25.52964               1
2862   14.80482               0
2863   25.55885               0
2864   27.51338               2
2865   18.49112               0
2866   32.69917               0
2867   39.58903               2
2868   28.76413               0
2869   23.05175               0
2870   31.11111               2
2871   22.20633               1
2872   43.93424               2
2873   24.38237               1
2874   25.20398               0
2875   23.80540               1
2876   17.90932               1
2877   32.71350               1
2878   22.48133               0
2879   72.72727               1
2880   40.17013               0
2881   39.32405               1
2882   51.01520               1
2883   37.70391               0
2884   34.93684               0
2885   34.27934               1
2886   38.47338               0
2887   20.55865               1
2888   25.21625               0
2889   21.84701               0
2890   17.47191               0
2891  761.24567               0
2892  146.93878               2
2893   98.26153               1
2894  102.88066               1
2895   44.18634               0
2896   51.02041               0
2897   33.48214               2
2898   19.30645               1
2899   43.83081               1
2900   28.40237               1
2901   26.33745               2
2902   28.72738               1
2903   27.08491               0
2904   29.90723               0
2905   27.05515               2
2906   23.51020               1
2907   23.62445               0
2908   27.99302               1
2909   26.48554               1
2910  280.61224               1
2911  141.09347               1
2912   20.08724               0
2913   25.27150               0
2914   26.02041               2
2915   57.96401               1
2916   19.78970               1
2917   22.57929               1
2918   29.01308               2
2919   29.40559               1
2920   86.50519               1
2921   98.85536               0
2922   90.33203               1
2923   35.60993               1
2924   39.63988               2
2925   26.73201               1
2926   24.08822               2
2927   16.91011               1
2928   35.08577               2
2929   24.21875               2
2930   22.80602               2
2931  138.88889               2
2932  101.01010               1
2933   51.02041               1
2934   35.81864               2
2935   35.13314               1
2936   34.72007               0
2937   39.90930               0
2938   21.46915               0
2939  102.26443               0
2940   57.91800               2
2941   99.17355               2
2942   65.43724               2
2943   33.28742               1
2944   25.53670               0
2945   24.09972               1
2946   19.54134               1
2947   25.79592               2
2948   25.00000               2
2949   21.60494               2
2950   19.56824               1
2951   23.80869               2
2952   53.97924               0
2953   32.08944               1
2954   29.22047               1
2955   50.96953               0
2956   31.72715               0
2957   23.42356               2
2958   29.44000               2
2959   31.89879               0
2960   29.68750               2
2961   33.77744               2
2962   31.68855               2
2963   15.63662               2
2964   33.77045               1
2965   22.06035               0
2966   19.05197               0
2967   34.26498               1
2968   44.11332               2
2969   26.98600               0
2970   25.20398               0
2971   19.52312               2
2972  -13.71742               2
2973   47.59072               1
2974   29.29688               1
2975   34.92866               1
2976   33.85657               2
2977   22.23099               1
2978   84.83380               1
2979   22.98743               2
2980   29.96433               0
2981   24.74745               2
2982   20.30370               2
2983   24.65591               1
2984   72.84079               2
2985   66.83003               2
2986   93.87755               2
2987   35.11660               1
2988   27.16161               2
2989   18.78830               1
2990   15.29020               1
2991   27.02581               0
2992   19.00000               2
2993   35.60871               2
2994   31.78640               1
2995   27.76621               0
2996   23.30668               2
2997   27.34375               1
2998   24.85837               1
2999   24.44444               1
3000   48.93794               2
3001  137.05104               1
3002   39.05325               1
3003   36.80789               1
3004   38.73699               1
3005   13.08517               0
3006   19.36640               1
3007  295.85799               0
3008   44.00000               0
3009   33.05090               2
3010   63.66782               0
3011   23.82812               0
3012   27.29322               0
3013   62.86982               1
3014   31.74426               0
3015   28.25097               0
3016   22.49135               2
3017   18.39067               1
3018   25.09950               2
3019   30.09143               1
3020   47.07410               2
3021  216.94215               2
3022   19.43635               1
3023   46.53740               0
3024   28.69898               2
3025   60.37918               1
3026   29.96212               1
3027   46.88091               0
3028   56.42361               0
3029   58.00119               2
3030   90.71981               1
3031   43.73178               1
3032   48.22531               1
3033   24.76757               1
3034   30.22222               2
3035   21.75547               2
3036   69.67630               1
3037   41.33026               1
3038   40.17818               1
3039   49.62193               0
3040   30.30126               2
3041   42.85277               0
3042   49.30966               2
3043   35.61535               1
3044   21.30395               1
3045   60.94183               2
3046   40.95756               1
3047   35.84000               0
3048   27.16161               1
3049   23.46699               0
3050   47.22222               1
3051   36.76269               2
3052   25.96953               1
3053   20.56933               1
3054   25.09950               2
3055   13.22036               1
3056   28.99931               1
3057   21.73651               0
3058   31.21748               0
3059   33.57438               2
3060   28.97455               1
3061   26.91372               2
3062   34.47285               0
3063   45.17493               1
3064   30.40518               1
3065   27.47624               2
3066   22.86253               0
3067   21.63115               1
3068   26.66667               1
3069   18.49925               2
3070   87.80992               1
3071   97.95918               1
3072  156.25000               0
3073   49.99510               1
3074   23.39051               2
3075   45.09362               0
3076   27.88762               1
3077   20.24490               1
3078   25.01352               1
3079   16.89471               0
3080   29.13632               2
3081   75.61437               0
3082   35.41667               0
3083   39.94048               1
3084   26.63496               0
3085   22.70941               1
3086   24.88889               0
3087   55.87687               2
3088   22.94812               1
3089   59.67882               0
3090   36.53313               0
3091   31.04456               1
3092   18.10774               0
3093   55.02664               1
3094   26.91273               1
3095   82.81250               0
3096   23.70009               1
3097   29.83643               1
3098   31.73973               1
3099   30.73561               0
3100   34.21940               0
3101   35.20408               1
3102   38.45271               2
3103   23.93606               1
3104   22.38631               0
3105   23.98687               1
3106   41.00000               0
3107   39.64497               1
3108   27.77671               0
3109   22.76944               1
3110   27.68878               2
3111   28.67263               0
3112   36.67661               0
3113   16.79012               1
3114  123.96694               1
3115  128.15949               2
3116   31.25000               0
3117   47.82655               2
3118   71.30794               1
3119   21.77778               1
3120   23.53304               0
3121   26.15933               2
3122   36.53313               0
3123   40.25139               0
3124   87.80992               0
3125   88.44953               1
3126  113.16872               2
3127   43.85621               1
3128   23.78121               1
3129   16.37698               0
3130  101.17040               1
3131   84.34256               2
3132   28.35539               2
3133   29.08093               0
3134   25.47666               1
3135   96.02195               1
3136   17.80210               1
3137   22.47121               1
3138   21.26654               0
3139   26.10656               1
3140   21.29630               1
3141   17.81659               0
3142   73.96450               0
3143   23.97959               0
3144   58.86427               1
3145   31.36095               0
3146   45.67474               1
3147   24.86395               1
3148   30.61224               1
3149   50.49867               2
3150   26.75386               0
3151   31.49408               1
3152   25.78853               0
3153   27.47138               1
3154   16.72103               1
3155   34.19321               1
3156   20.24490               1
3157   30.77870               2
3158   22.47659               2
3159   39.61478               2
3160   32.87311               0
3161   19.13580               1
3162   19.58309               1
3163   22.23099               0
3164   17.75568               0
3165  197.22425               0
3166   81.87967               2
3167   26.57031               1
3168   42.00960               1
3169   30.25193               1
3170   23.10843               2
3171   29.27796               1
3172   53.16635               2
3173   24.77366               0
3174   42.00000               0
3175   19.64085               0
3176   24.91077               2
3177   18.71745               0
3178   22.38631               0
3179  253.90625               1
3180   70.80078               1
3181   25.91513               2
3182   24.76757               1
3183   22.97194               0
3184   83.31094               1
3185   43.80165               1
3186   30.46968               1
3187   22.83359               2
3188   13.24059               2
3189   32.51821               0
3190   22.64738               1
3191   30.58802               1
3192   20.22703               1
3193   30.58802               2
3194   22.15981               2
3195   28.30533               1
3196   19.13062               1
3197   20.72484               1
3198   38.44008               1
3199   44.11332               1
3200   34.72222               0
3201   21.56454               2
3202   23.53037               2
3203   15.46224               1
3204   35.30824               0
3205   35.90325               1
3206   38.42727               0
3207   59.18367               1
3208   27.17247               2
3209   47.16569               0
3210   49.01961               1
3211   57.13703               1
3212   31.96761               0
3213   16.35802               1
3214   21.00767               2
3215   17.70096               1
3216  155.10204               2
3217   71.41357               2
3218   96.11688               1
3219   79.63989               1
3220   50.20478               0
3221   25.39243               1
3222   89.79592               1
3223   91.94159               2
3224   89.99855               2
3225   27.74475               1
3226  113.16872               1
3227   27.54821               1
3228   32.34863               0
3229   16.01994               1
3230   25.01352               1
3231   97.20294               1
3232  123.96694               0
3233   17.17532               2
3234   32.65306               1
3235  176.89906               1
3236   46.25850               1
3237   29.40559               2
3238   29.13632               1
3239   23.73866               0
3240   80.19603               0
3241   41.91455               1
3242   31.54817               0
3243   29.08613               1
3244   32.08944               1
3245   34.71074               0
3246   25.65263               2
3247   37.70391               1
3248   35.40039               0
3249   18.28255               2
3250   26.59280               1
3251  104.81053               0
3252   56.08076               0
3253   31.24812               2
3254   55.49775               1
3255   39.60055               2
3256   42.66571               1
3257   81.25000               0
3258   69.15163               1
3259   20.52892               2
3260   38.93177               1
3261   53.33333               0
3262   26.89618               1
3263   26.63892               2
3264  192.83747               1
3265   86.18036               0
3266   33.85657               2
3267   45.19628               0
3268   26.17509               2
3269   34.60208               2
3270   25.15315               1
3271   20.95727               1
3272   51.90311               1
3273   25.71166               2
3274   26.63496               1
3275   25.28257               2
3276  166.20499               0
3277   70.79101               1
3278   64.49879               1
3279   91.30752               1
3280   29.17358               2
3281   28.67059               2
3282   46.93752               2
3283  121.82315               1
3284   24.50895               0
3285   29.33333               2
3286   28.94610               1
3287   76.62835               1
3288  136.71875               1
3289   32.92181               0
3290   29.72652               1
3291   27.16161               1
3292   22.36744               1
3293   68.95619               0
3294   75.74070               2
3295   30.25988               2
3296   23.30905               1
3297   39.06250               2
3298   67.34405               1
3299   30.30126               1
3300   46.00000               1
3301   18.74219               2
3302   37.84602               1
3303  -56.71078               1
3304   90.70295               0
3305   58.13149               2
3306   21.97134               1
3307   20.86112               2
3308   72.88889               0
3309   47.09727               1
3310   24.48980               1
3311   22.34030               1
3312   22.34352               2
3313   19.73176               0
3314  277.77778               0
3315   29.96212               0
3316   37.84180               1
3317   38.83136               2
3318   17.04033               1
3319   21.35780               1
3320   14.65993               2
3321   73.15958               2
3322   79.27138               0
3323   49.82699               1
3324   39.50617               0
3325   28.68657               2
3326   21.10688               0
3327   80.02462               0
3328   36.01074               1
3329   22.53061               0
3330   31.18555               2
3331   77.36560               1
3332   15.52385               0
3333   35.14273               1
 [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 2218 rows ]

na.rm = TRUE

Cuando se ejecuta una función matemática como max(), min(), sum() o mean(), si hay algún valor NA presente el valor devuelto será NA. Este comportamiento por defecto es intencionado, para que avise si falta algún dato.

Puedes evitarlo eliminando los valores faltantes del cálculo. Para ello, incluye el argumento na.rm = TRUE (“na.rm” significa “eliminar NA”).

my_vector <- c(1, 4, 56, NA, 5, NA, 22)
[1] NA
mean(my_vector, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 17.6

2.1.1 Evaluar la ausencia de datos en un dataframe.

Puedes utilizar el paquete naniar para evaluar y visualizar la falta de datos del dataframe linelist.

# instala y/o carga el paquete

Cuantificación de la ausencia de datos

Para encontrar el porcentaje de todos los valores que faltan utiliza pct_miss(). Utiliza n_miss() para obtener el número de valores faltantes.

# Porcentaje de TODOS los valores del dataframe que faltan

[1] 6.688745

Las dos funciones siguientes devuelven el porcentaje de filas con algún valor ausente, o que están totalmente completas, respectivamente. Recuerda que NA significa que falta, y que “” o ” ” no se contarán como faltantes.

# Porcentaje de filas en las que falta algún valor
pct_miss_case(linelist) # usa n_complete() para los recuentos
[1] 69.12364
# Porcentaje de filas que están completas (no faltan valores)
pct_complete_case(linelist) # usa n_complete() para los recuentos
[1] 30.87636

2.1.2 Visualización de faltantes

La función gg_miss_var() mostrará el número (o el %) de valores faltantes en cada columna. Algunos matices:

- Puedes añadir un nombre de columna (no entre comillas) al argumento facet = para ver el gráfico por grupos

- Por defecto, se muestran los recuentos en lugar de los porcentajes, cámbialo con show_pct = TRUE

- Puedes añadir etiquetas de eje y de título como para un ggplot() normal con + labs(…)

gg_miss_var(linelist, show_pct = TRUE)

Aquí los datos están conectados con %>% en la función. El argumento facet = también se utiliza para dividir los datos.

linelist %>%
  gg_miss_var(show_pct = TRUE, facet = outcome)

Puedes utilizar vis_miss() para visualizar el dataframe como un mapa de calor, mostrando si cada valor falta o no. También puedes select() determinadas columnas del dataframe y proporcionar sólo esas columnas a la función.

# Gráfico de valores faltantes en todo el dataframe

2.1.3 Explorar y visualizar las relaciones de datos faltantes

¿Cómo se visualiza algo que no existe? Por defecto, ggplot() elimina los puntos con valores faltantes de los gráficos.

naniar ofrece una solución mediante geom_miss_point(). Al crear un gráfico de dispersión de dos columnas, los registros con uno de los valores ausentes y el otro valor presente se muestran estableciendo los valores ausentes en un 10% más bajo que el valor más bajo de la columna, y coloreándolos de forma distinta.

En el gráfico de dispersión que aparece a continuación, los puntos rojos son registros en los que el valor de una columna está presente pero falta el valor de la otra columna. Esto permite ver la distribución de los valores que faltan en relación con los valores que no faltan.

  data = linelist,
  mapping = aes(x = age_years, y = temp)) + 

Para evaluar la ausencia en el dataframe estratificado por otra columna, puedes utilizar gg_miss_fct(), que devuelve un mapa de calor del porcentaje de ausencia en el dataframe por una columna de factor/categoría (o fecha):

gg_miss_fct(linelist, age_cat5)
Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
ℹ In argument: `age_cat5 = (function (x) ...`.
Caused by warning:
! `fct_explicit_na()` was deprecated in forcats 1.0.0.
ℹ Please use `fct_na_value_to_level()` instead.
ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the naniar package.
  Please report the issue at <https://github.com/njtierney/naniar/issues>.

Esta función también se puede utilizar con una columna de fechas para ver cómo ha cambiado la falta de datos en el tiempo:

gg_miss_fct(linelist, date_onset)
Warning: Removed 29 rows containing missing values (`geom_tile()`).

“Sombra” de las columnas

Otra forma de visualizar la ausencia de valores en una columna es mediante una segunda columna que sea como una “sombra” de esta que puede crear naniar. `bind_shadow()` crea una columna binaria NA/no NA para cada columna existente, y vincula todas estas nuevas columnas al conjunto de datos original con el apéndice “_NA”. Esto duplica el número de columnas - ver más abajo:

shadowed_linelist <- linelist %>%
 [1] "case_id"                 "generation"             
 [3] "date_infection"          "date_onset"             
 [5] "date_hospitalisation"    "date_outcome"           
 [7] "outcome"                 "gender"                 
 [9] "age"                     "age_unit"               
[11] "age_years"               "age_cat"                
[13] "age_cat5"                "hospital"               
[15] "lon"                     "lat"                    
[17] "infector"                "source"                 
[19] "wt_kg"                   "ht_cm"                  
[21] "ct_blood"                "fever"                  
[23] "chills"                  "cough"                  
[25] "aches"                   "vomit"                  
[27] "temp"                    "time_admission"         
[29] "bmi"                     "days_onset_hosp"        
[31] "case_id_NA"              "generation_NA"          
[33] "date_infection_NA"       "date_onset_NA"          
[35] "date_hospitalisation_NA" "date_outcome_NA"        
[37] "outcome_NA"              "gender_NA"              
[39] "age_NA"                  "age_unit_NA"            
[41] "age_years_NA"            "age_cat_NA"             
[43] "age_cat5_NA"             "hospital_NA"            
[45] "lon_NA"                  "lat_NA"                 
[47] "infector_NA"             "source_NA"              
[49] "wt_kg_NA"                "ht_cm_NA"               
[51] "ct_blood_NA"             "fever_NA"               
[53] "chills_NA"               "cough_NA"               
[55] "aches_NA"                "vomit_NA"               
[57] "temp_NA"                 "time_admission_NA"      
[59] "bmi_NA"                  "days_onset_hosp_NA"     

Estas “sombras” de las columnas pueden utilizarse para trazar la proporción de valores que faltan, por cualquier otra columna.

Por ejemplo, el siguiente gráfico muestra la proporción de registros que carecen de days_onset_hosp (número de días desde el inicio de los síntomas hasta la hospitalización), según el valor de ese registro en date_hospitalisation. Esencialmente, se está trazando la densidad de la columna del eje x, pero estratificando los resultados (color = ) por una columna de sombra de interés. Este análisis funciona mejor si el eje-x es una columna numérica o de fecha.

ggplot(data = shadowed_linelist, # dataframe con columnas sombreadas
mapping = aes(x = date_hospitalisation, # columna numérica o de fecha
colour = age_years_NA)) + # columna de sombra de interés
geom_density() # representa las curvas de densidad

También puedes utilizar estas columnas “sombra” para estratificar un resumen estadístico, como se muestra a continuación:

linelist %>%
  bind_shadow() %>% # crea la columna a mostrar

group_by(date_outcome_NA) %>% # columna sombreada para estratificar

  .cols = age_years, # variable de interés para los cálculos
  .fns = list("mean" = mean, # estadísticas a calcular
              "sd" = sd,
              "var" = var,
              "min" = min,
              "max" = max),
  na.rm = TRUE)) # otros argumentos para los cálculos estadísticos
Warning: There was 1 warning in `summarise()`.
ℹ In argument: `across(...)`.
ℹ In group 1: `date_outcome_NA = !NA`.
Caused by warning:
! The `...` argument of `across()` is deprecated as of dplyr 1.1.0.
Supply arguments directly to `.fns` through an anonymous function instead.

  # Previously
  across(a:b, mean, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Now
  across(a:b, \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 2 × 6
  date_outcome_NA age_years_mean age_years_sd age_years_var age_years_min
  <fct>                    <dbl>        <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl>
1 !NA                       16.0         12.6          158.             0
2 NA                        16.2         12.9          167.             0
# ℹ 1 more variable: age_years_max <dbl>

A continuación se muestra una forma alternativa de trazar la proporción de los valores de una columna que faltan a lo largo del tiempo. No implica naniar. Este ejemplo muestra el porcentaje de observaciones semanales que faltan).

Agrega los datos en una unidad de tiempo útil (días, semanas, etc.), resumiendo la proporción de observaciones con NA (y cualquier otro valor de interés)

Representa la proporción que falta como una línea usando ggplot()

A continuación, tomamos linelist, añadimos una nueva columna para la semana, agrupamos los datos por semana y luego calculamos el porcentaje de registros de esa semana en los que falta el valor.

outcome_missing <- linelist %>%
  mutate(week = lubridate::floor_date(date_onset, "week")) %>% # crea una nueva columna semana

group_by(week) %>% # agrupa las filas por semana

  summarise( # resume cada semana
    n_obs = n(), # número de registros

    outcome_missing = sum(is.na(outcome) | outcome == ""), # número de registros en los que falta el valor

    outcome_p_miss = outcome_missing / n_obs, # proporción de registros en los que falta el valor

    outcome_dead = sum(outcome == "Death", na.rm=T), # número de registros como fallecidos

    outcome_p_dead = outcome_dead / n_obs) %>% # proporción de registros como fallecidos

  tidyr::pivot_longer(-week, names_to = "statistic") %>% # pivota a formato largo todas las columnas excepto semana, para ggplot

  filter(stringr::str_detect(statistic, "_p_")) # conserva sólo los valores de proporciones

Entonces, representamos la proporción que falta como una línea, por semana. Si no estás familiarizado con el paquete de gráficas ggplot2, consulta la página de fundamentos de ggplot.

ggplot(data = outcome_missing)+


    mapping = aes(x = week, y = value, group = statistic, color =
    size = 2,

    stat = "identity")+

  labs(title = "Weekly outcomes",

       x = "Week",

       y = "Proportion of weekly records") +


    name = "",

    labels = c("Died", "Missing outcome"))+

  scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(seq(0,1,0.1)))+


  theme(legend.position = "bottom")
Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`).

2.2 Identificación de Outliers:

Estadísticas Descriptivas: Comienza por obtener estadísticas descriptivas de tus datos para identificar valores extremos en variables numéricas, utilizando funciones como summary(), mean(), sd(), quantile(), entre otras.

- Visualización: Utiliza gráficos como boxplots, histogramas, o gráficos de dispersión para visualizar la distribución de tus datos y detectar valores atípicos.

- Métodos Estadísticos: Aplica métodos estadísticos como el rango intercuartílico (IQR) para identificar y filtrar valores atípicos basados en umbrales.

2.2.1 Manejo de Outliers e Inconsistencias:

Filtrado de Outliers: Puedes eliminar los valores atípicos si son claramente errores o anomalías en los datos, o puedes imputarlos usando métodos como la mediana o media truncada.

- Transformación de Datos: Aplica transformaciones matemáticas como logaritmos, raíces cuadradas, o Box-Cox para reducir la influencia de valores extremos.

- Tratamiento Contextual: Verifica los datos inconsistentes y, si es posible, corrígelos utilizando información contextual o métodos de imputación.

2.2.2 Uso de diagrama de cajas para identificar valores atípicos

- Boxplot con puntos de datos: Agregar los puntos de datos reales sobre el boxplot puede proporcionar una visión más detallada de la distribución y ubicación de los valores atípicos.

- Boxplot con diferentes umbrales:

Usar umbrales más amplios o estrechos en el boxplot puede revelar diferentes niveles de outliers. Por ejemplo, multiplicar el rango intercuartílico por un factor mayor o menor que 1.5 para identificar diferentes grados de valores atípicos.

- Violin plot:

El diagrama de violín combina el boxplot con una representación de la densidad de los datos, lo que puede ser útil para identificar regiones con mayor concentración de valores y potenciales outliers.

- Diagrama de caja facetado:

Dividir el boxplot en facetas basadas en una variable categórica puede ayudar a identificar outliers específicos dentro de diferentes grupos o categorías.

- Boxplot combinado con histograma o densidad:

Superponer un histograma o una representación de densidad detrás del boxplot puede proporcionar una visión más completa de la distribución de los datos, permitiendo identificar valores atípicos en relación con la forma general de la distribución.

Ejemplo en R (Boxplot con puntos de datos):


  url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboscomendoza/r-principiantes-bookdown/master/datos/bank.csv",

  destfile = "bank.csv"


banco <- read.csv(file = "bank.csv", sep = ";")
  age         job marital education default balance housing loan  contact day
1  30  unemployed married   primary      no    1787      no   no cellular  19
2  33    services married secondary      no    4789     yes  yes cellular  11
3  35  management  single  tertiary      no    1350     yes   no cellular  16
4  30  management married  tertiary      no    1476     yes  yes  unknown   3
5  59 blue-collar married secondary      no       0     yes   no  unknown   5
6  35  management  single  tertiary      no     747      no   no cellular  23
  month duration campaign pdays previous poutcome  y
1   oct       79        1    -1        0  unknown no
2   may      220        1   339        4  failure no
3   apr      185        1   330        1  failure no
4   jun      199        4    -1        0  unknown no
5   may      226        1    -1        0  unknown no
6   feb      141        2   176        3  failure no
ggplot(data = banco, aes(x = education, y = age, color = education))+

Media :

La línea en el centro de la caja representa la mediana de la edad con respecto a cada nivel educativo de las personas que decidieron participar de la encuesta. La mayoría de personas que solo tienen el nivel educativo primario tienen entre 40 y 50 años, las que tienen una educación secundaria y terciaria, en promedio tienen entre 30 y 40 años.

Caja :

La caja abarca desde el primer cuartil (Q1) hasta el tercer cuartil (Q3) de la edad. El nivel educativo primaria, el primer cuartil y el tercer cuartil, son 38 y 54 aproximadamente, de las personas que tienen nivel secundario y terciario, el primer cuartil y el tercer cuartil son 33 y 47 aproximadamente.

Bigotes :

Podemos apreciar pocos datos atípicos en la relación edad que corresponden a una educación primaria y terciaria, pero se aprecia más datos atípicos para los que que tienen solo educación secundaria.

Extremos (líneas fuera de los bigotes) :

En los tres casos, los bigotes van desde 20 ó 24 años, hasta 78, 69 y 66 años para los que tienen una educación primaria, secundaria y terciaria respectivamente.

Gracias al gráfico de cajas podemos ver que las personas con menos nivel de educación (primaria) tienden a tener más edad que los que sí tienen una educación secundaria y terciaria.

2.3 Limpieza de datos y preparación de datos.

# Cargamos los paquetes R que vamos a usar


# Cargamos el juego de datos

datosAdult <- read.csv('C:/Users/PC/Desktop/PLE/adult.data', stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)

# Nombres de los atributos

names(datosAdult) <- c("age","workclass","fnlwgt","education",

# Verificamos la estructura del juego de datos
'data.frame':   19163 obs. of  15 variables:
 $ age          : int  39 50 38 53 28 37 49 52 31 42 ...
 $ workclass    : chr  " State-gov" " Self-emp-not-inc" " Private" " Private" ...
 $ fnlwgt       : int  77516 83311 215646 234721 338409 284582 160187 209642 45781 159449 ...
 $ education    : chr  " Bachelors" " Bachelors" " HS-grad" " 11th" ...
 $ educationNum : int  13 13 9 7 13 14 5 9 14 13 ...
 $ maritalStatus: chr  " Never-married" " Married-civ-spouse" " Divorced" " Married-civ-spouse" ...
 $ occupation   : chr  " Adm-clerical" " Exec-managerial" " Handlers-cleaners" " Handlers-cleaners" ...
 $ relationship : chr  " Not-in-family" " Husband" " Not-in-family" " Husband" ...
 $ race         : chr  " White" " White" " White" " Black" ...
 $ sex          : chr  " Male" " Male" " Male" " Male" ...
 $ capitalGain  : int  2174 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14084 5178 ...
 $ capitalLoss  : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ hourPerWeek  : int  40 13 40 40 40 40 16 45 50 40 ...
 $ nativeCountry: chr  " United-States" " United-States" " United-States" " United-States" ...
 $ income       : chr  " <=50K" " <=50K" " <=50K" " <=50K" ...
# Estadísticas de valores vacíos
          age     workclass        fnlwgt     education  educationNum 
            0             0             0             0             0 
maritalStatus    occupation  relationship          race           sex 
            0             0             0             0             0 
  capitalGain   capitalLoss   hourPerWeek nativeCountry        income 
            1             1             1             0             0 
          age     workclass        fnlwgt     education  educationNum 
            0             0             0             0             0 
maritalStatus    occupation  relationship          race           sex 
            0             1             1             1             1 
  capitalGain   capitalLoss   hourPerWeek nativeCountry        income 
           NA            NA            NA             1             1 
# Tomamos valor "United-States" para los valores vacíos de la variable "nativeCountry"
datosAdult$'nativeCountry'[datosAdult$'nativeCountry'==""]=" United-States"

# Tomamos la media para valores vacíos de la variable "hour-per-week"
datosAdult$'hourPerWeek'[is.na(datosAdult$'hourPerWeek')] <- mean(datosAdult$'hourPerWeek', na.rm=T)

# Tomamos valor "Female" para valor vacío de la variable "sex"
datosAdult$sex[datosAdult$sex==""]=" Female"

# Tomamos valor ">50K" para valor vacío de la variable "income"
datosAdult$income[datosAdult$income==""]=" >50K"

# Discretizamos cuando tiene sentido y en función de cada variable para ello comprobamos

# para qué variables tendría sentido un proceso de discretización
apply(datosAdult, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)))
          age     workclass        fnlwgt     education  educationNum 
           71             9         14520            16            16 
maritalStatus    occupation  relationship          race           sex 
            8            16             7             6             2 
  capitalGain   capitalLoss   hourPerWeek nativeCountry        income 
          117            84            92            41             2 
# Discretizamos las variables con pocas clases
cols<-c("race", "sex", "income")

for (i in cols){

  datosAdult[,i] <- as.factor(datosAdult[,i])


# Después de los cambios, analizamos la nueva estructura del juego de datos
'data.frame':   19163 obs. of  15 variables:
 $ age          : int  39 50 38 53 28 37 49 52 31 42 ...
 $ workclass    : chr  " State-gov" " Self-emp-not-inc" " Private" " Private" ...
 $ fnlwgt       : int  77516 83311 215646 234721 338409 284582 160187 209642 45781 159449 ...
 $ education    : chr  " Bachelors" " Bachelors" " HS-grad" " 11th" ...
 $ educationNum : int  13 13 9 7 13 14 5 9 14 13 ...
 $ maritalStatus: chr  " Never-married" " Married-civ-spouse" " Divorced" " Married-civ-spouse" ...
 $ occupation   : chr  " Adm-clerical" " Exec-managerial" " Handlers-cleaners" " Handlers-cleaners" ...
 $ relationship : chr  " Not-in-family" " Husband" " Not-in-family" " Husband" ...
 $ race         : Factor w/ 6 levels ""," Amer-Indian-Eskimo",..: 6 6 6 4 4 6 4 6 6 6 ...
 $ sex          : Factor w/ 2 levels " Female"," Male": 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 ...
 $ capitalGain  : int  2174 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14084 5178 ...
 $ capitalLoss  : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ hourPerWeek  : num  40 13 40 40 40 40 16 45 50 40 ...
 $ nativeCountry: chr  " United-States" " United-States" " United-States" " United-States" ...
 $ income       : Factor w/ 2 levels " <=50K"," >50K": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ...
# Visualizamos la relación entre las variables "sex" y "race":


# Visualizamos la relación entre las variables "sex" y "maritalStatus":


# Matrices de porcentages de frecuencia.

# Podemos ver que la probabilidad de estar divorciado siendo del sexo masculino es de 8.20 %


for (i in 1:dim(t)[1]){



             Divorced  Married-AF-spouse  Married-civ  Married-civ-spouse
   Female 24.81452249         0.17363852   0.01578532         15.80110497
   Male    8.20081073         0.03118179   0.00000000         60.76551294
           Married-spouse-absent  Never-married   Separated     Widowed
   Female             1.78374112    43.77269140  5.65114444  7.98737174
   Male               1.02120362    27.40879326  1.86311194  0.70938572
# Visualizamos la relación entre las variables "sex" y "education":


# Trabajando con 3 variables en un mismo gráfico de frecuencias. Agregaos la variable "nativeCountry"
ggplot(data =datosAdult[],aes(x=sex,fill=education))+ 