Chapter 9 TWAS
9.1 TWAS data prep
Now that we’ve completed a traditional GWAS analysis, lets run a Transcription Wide Association Study (TWAS). That is, testing the following hypothesis: Ho: No association between gene expression and trait. Ha: There is an association between gene expression and trait.
First we need to prepare the expression matrix. The expression data comes from the same 942 maize inbred lines used in the GWAS portion of the workshop (Mazaheri et al. 2019). Raw RNAseq reads were processed as described in (Zhou et al. 2020) to generate a transcripts per million (TPM) expression matrix for ~46,430 gene models in maize.
We will demonstrate how to create a subset of 501 genes sampled equally from the 10 maize chromosomes. The phenotypes used in this section are the same simulated phenotypes used from the GWAS section.
Packages used in this section are: (Dowle and Srinivasan 2021), tidyverse (Wickham 2021), rtracklayer (Lawrence, Carey, and Gentleman 2021), rrBLUP (Endelman 2019).
Load nececarry packages
Read in 942 expression matrix generated
= fread("widiv942_TPM.tsv", data.table = FALSE) expr
Keep only protein coding genes gff file
<- rtracklayer::import('Zea_mays.B73_RefGen_v4.48.chr.gff3')
gtf_df= gtf_df[gtf_df$type=="gene",] # Protein coding genes gff_gene
Keep needed columns from gff file
= c("seqnames","source","type","start","end","strand","gene_id","description","biotype")
gff_keep_cols = gff_gene[,colnames(gff_gene)%in%gff_keep_cols]
out = out$gene_id
genes_keep length(unique(genes_keep)) # 39,272 protein coding genes
Read in Metadata
= fread("01.meta_widiv942.txt", data.table = FALSE)
name_convert = name_convert[,c("SampleID","Genotype")] name_convert
Read in phenotypic data
= fread("WIDIV_942.phe") phenos
Add a row for gid to metadata
= rbind(c("gid","gid"),name_convert) name_convert
Gene coordinates of expression matrix
= out[,c("gene_id","seqnames","start","end")]
gene_loc colnames(gene_loc) = c("geneid","chr","s1","s2")
Keep only protein coding genes from .gff file
= expr[expr$gid%in%gene_loc$geneid,] expr_sub
Change sample names in columns to name in phenotyps file
names(expr_sub) = plyr::mapvalues(names(expr_sub), from = name_convert$SampleID, to = name_convert$Genotype)
colnames(expr_sub)[1] = "id"
rownames(expr_sub) = expr_sub$id
Check variance across all lines for expression in each data file
= data.frame(apply(expr_sub[,2:ncol(expr_sub)], 1, var))
variance $names = rownames(variance)
variancecolnames(variance) = c("Var", "Gene")
Remove genes with zero variance
= subset(variance, Var == 0)
noVar = noVar$Gene
noVar.genes dim(expr_sub)
= expr_sub[!expr_sub$id%in%noVar.genes,]
expr_sub dim(expr_sub) # 38,593 genes
Remove genes not expressed in at least 5% of lines
= data.frame(apply(expr_sub[,2:ncol(expr_sub)], 1, function(x){sum(x == 0)}))
low_expr $names = rownames(low_expr)
low_exprcolnames(low_expr) = c("Low_expr", "Gene")
= subset(low_expr, Low_expr > (ncol(expr_sub)-1)*0.95)
Low = Low$Gene
Low.genes = expr_sub[!rownames(expr_sub)%in%Low.genes,]
expr_sub dim(expr_sub) # 34,498 genes
Match name order to phenotype file file
= c("id",phenos$Taxa)
phenos_order = expr_sub[,order(match(colnames(expr_sub),phenos_order))]
expr_sub identical(as.character(colnames(expr_sub)[2:ncol(expr_sub)]), as.character(phenos$Taxa))
= gene_loc[gene_loc$geneid%in%expr_sub$id,] gene_loc
Make quantile rank normalized gene expression matrix
= expr_sub[,2:ncol(expr_sub)]
mat dim(mat)
= t(apply(mat, 1, rank, ties.method = "average",na.last = "keep"))
mat = qnorm(mat /ncol(expr_sub)) mat
Scale TMP values to be between -1 and 1 to be compatible with rrBLUP
= t(apply(mat, 1, rescale, to = c(-1,1)))
mat = cbind(expr_sub$id, mat)
mat colnames(mat)[1] = "id"
Make output file
= left_join(gene_loc,mat, by = c("geneid"="id"), copy = TRUE) mat_out
Keep only genes on chromosomes, remove mitochondrial and chrolorplast genes
= as.factor(seq(1,10,1))
chrm_keep = mat_out[mat_out$chr%in%chrm_keep,]
mat_out dim(mat_out) # 34,355 genes
Sample 50 gene models per chromsome and make sure to include P1
= mat_out %>%
mat_sub group_by(chr) %>%
See if P1 is in the filtered expression matrix
= mat_sub[mat_sub$geneid=="Zm00001d028854",]
is_p1 dim(is_p1) # Not in the subset data
Bind P1 expression to the matrix
= mat_out[mat_out$geneid=="Zm00001d028854",]
p1 = bind_rows(p1,mat_sub) mat_sub
Sort by chromosome and transcription start site from gff file
= mat_sub %>%
mat_sub arrange(chr,s1)
Write the file
fwrite(mat_sub, file = "subset_widiv942_scaled_quant_rank_TPM.txt",col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
Look at histogram of expression of P1
9.2 TWAS analysis
Load nececarry packages
Read in phenotypes
= fread("WIDIV_942.phe", data.table = FALSE) phenos
Read in expression data and put in the format for rrBLUP
= fread("subset_widiv942_scaled_quant_rank_TPM.txt", data.table = FALSE)
expr = expr[,-4]
expr colnames(expr)[1:3] = c("marker","chrom","pos")
Read A matrix
= attach.big.matrix("WIDIV_942.kin.desc")
A.widiv = A.widiv[,]
A.widiv mean(diag(A.widiv)) # = 2 because inbred lines
Check files are in the same order
identical(as.character(phenos$Taxa), as.character(colnames(expr[,4:ncol(expr)])))
Run rrBLUP for each trait and write out results
= colnames(phenos)[2:3] pheno_names
K only model
for(i in pheno_names){
= list()
fitlist = GWAS(pheno = phenos[,c("Taxa",i)], geno = expr, K=A.widiv, min.MAF=0.0, n.core=10, P3D=TRUE, plot=TRUE)
fitlist[[i]] = fitlist[[i]]
tmp colnames(tmp) = c("geneid","chrom","pos","p_value_log10")
$trait = i
tmpfwrite(tmp, file = paste("rrBLUP_TWAS_K",i,".txt",sep = ""),
col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, na = "NA")
K and SNP calculated PCs from K matrix in model
for(i in pheno_names){
= list()
fitlist = GWAS(pheno = phenos[,c("Taxa",i)], geno = expr, n.PC = 3, K=A.widiv, min.MAF=0.0, n.core=10, P3D=TRUE, plot=TRUE)
fitlist[[i]] = fitlist[[i]]
tmp colnames(tmp) = c("geneid","chrom","pos","p_value_log10")
$trait = i
tmpfwrite(tmp, file = paste("rrBLUP_TWAS_KandQ",i,".txt",sep = ""),
col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, na = "NA")
TWAS manhattan plot for Q and K model for high heritability trait
Read in results for Q and K model and make a scatterplot for most significant gene
= fread("rrBLUP_TWAS_KandQColor_high_h2.txt")
k_q_model = top_n(k_q_model, 1, p_value_log10)
sig_gene = expr[expr$marker==sig_gene$geneid,]
sig_gene_expr = data.frame(t(sig_gene_expr[,-c(2:3)]))
sig_gene_expr colnames(sig_gene_expr) = sig_gene_expr[1,1]
$Taxa = rownames(sig_gene_expr)
sig_gene_expr= sig_gene_expr[-1,]
sig_gene_expr = left_join(phenos, sig_gene_expr)
plot_data $Zm00001d052153 = as.numeric(plot_data$Zm00001d052153) plot_data
Plot it
= ggplot(plot_data, aes(Zm00001d052153, Color_high_h2)) +
sig_plot # geom_jitter(colour = "darkorange",alpha = 0.3, width = 0.02) +
# geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.5, fill = "plum3") +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5, fill = "plum3")+
#ggtitle(paste0("BAF60.21 expression", " vs ", top_cis_snp)) +
geom_smooth(method = 'lm',col="darkred", aes(group=1), se=TRUE)+
theme_classic(base_size = 18)+
xlab("Scaled expression (TPM) Zm00001d052153") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
pdf("WIDIV_942_signif_TWAS.pdf", width = 6, height = 4)
Now do the same for P1
= expr[expr$marker=="Zm00001d028854",]
p1_gene_expr = data.frame(t(p1_gene_expr[,-c(2:3)]))
p1_gene_expr colnames(p1_gene_expr) = p1_gene_expr[1,1]
$Taxa = rownames(p1_gene_expr)
p1_gene_expr= p1_gene_expr[-1,]
p1_gene_expr = left_join(phenos, p1_gene_expr)
plot_data1 $Zm00001d028854 = as.numeric(plot_data1$Zm00001d028854) plot_data1
Plot it
= ggplot(plot_data1, aes(Zm00001d028854, Color_high_h2)) +
p1_plot geom_point(alpha = 0.5, fill = "plum3")+
geom_smooth(method = 'lm',col="darkred", aes(group=1), se=TRUE)+
theme_classic(base_size = 18)+
xlab("Scaled expression (TPM) P1") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
pdf("WIDIV_942_signif_TWAS_P1.pdf", width = 6, height = 4)