4 tmap4
This chapter explores some features of tmap4 such as visual variables and using a basemap.
Note that the tmap version currently being used in this book (html version) is the development version of tmap version 4, available by using the
package toinstall_github("r-tmap/tmaptools")
. See https://github.com/r-tmap/tmap#development-major-update. I’d recommend knittingtmap_vv.Rmd
, which you can download from thetmap/vignettes
folder, for a bit of documentation on the visual variables symbology method. The chapter on Making Maps https://r.geocompx.org/adv-map in Geocomputation is probably the most comprehensive source of information.
Note that there are many basemaps served you might explore at https://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/index.html. However, not all are supported by tm_basemap, so they may end up blank. Unfortunately, the various USGS basemaps are currently not supported, but the Esri and Open basemaps are generally reliable.
4.1 Simple test
We’ll start with a simple test of tmap on a basemap, with coordinates of 4 points in the NW part of Lake Tahoe provided in code.
loc = c("nw","ne","sw","se")
lon = c(-120.25, -120.0, -120.25, -120.0)
lat = c(39.25, 39.25, 39.0, 39.0)
df = data.frame(loc,lon,lat)
tahoeNW <- sf::st_as_sf(df, coords = c("lon","lat"), crs=4326)
tm_basemap("Esri.WorldTopoMap") + # USGS.USTopo") + #
tm_graticules() +
tm_shape(tahoeNW) + tm_dots()
Now we’ll add symbology to the points, sticking with simple tm_dots.
loc = c("nw","ne","sw","se")
lon = c(-120.25, -120.0, -120.25, -120.0)
lat = c(39.25, 39.25, 39.0, 39.0)
df = data.frame(loc,lon,lat)
tahoeNW <- sf::st_as_sf(df, coords = c("lon","lat"), crs=4326)
tm_basemap("Esri.WorldTopoMap") +
tm_graticules() +
tm_shape(tahoeNW) + tm_dots(fill="red", size=0.7)
Now we’ll specify a particular point symbol, using the R shape 21 for a filled circle (google R point symbols to see the 25 shapes).
loc = c("nw","ne","sw","se")
lon = c(-120.25, -120.0, -120.25, -120.0)
lat = c(39.25, 39.25, 39.0, 39.0)
df = data.frame(loc,lon,lat)
tahoeNW <- sf::st_as_sf(df, coords = c("lon","lat"), crs=4326)
tm_basemap("Esri.WorldTopoMap") +
tm_graticules() +
tm_shape(tahoeNW) + tm_symbols(shape=21, fill="red", size=0.7, col="black")
4.2 Visual variables
There are two kinds of variables that tmap4 responds to – transformation variables that changes the display spatial coordinates (such as in a cartogram) and visual variables that change the symbology. Visual variables will be most useful for us, so is the main subject of this chapter.
From a vignette by Martijn Tennekes, we can see the a table of visual variables supported:
Map layer | Visual variables | Visual constant |
tm_basemap() |
none | alpha |
tm_polygons() |
fill (fill color), col (border color), lwd (border line width) lty (border line type), fill_alpha (fill transparency), col_alpha (border color transparency) |
linejoin (line join) and lineend (line end) |
tm_symbols() |
fill (fill color), col (border color), size , shape , lwd (border line width) lty (border line type), fill_alpha fill transparency, col_alpha border color transparency |
linejoin (line join) and lineend (line end) |
tm_lines() |
col (color), lwd (line width) lty (line type), alpha transparency |
linejoin (line join) and lineend (line end) |
tm_raster() |
col (color), alpha (transparency) |
tm_text() |
size , col |
4.3 Constant visual variables
## Using a visual variable for feature symbolization
You can create facets by specifying multiple data variable names and scales to one visual (or transformation) variable, in this case "fill"
. The effect will be a comparison of six symbolization methods using the same variable.
Africa = World[World$continent == "Africa", ]
Africa$life_exp = round(Africa$life_exp)
tm_shape(Africa) +
tm_polygons(rep("life_exp", 6),
fill.scale = list(tm_scale_categorical(),
fill.legend = tm_legend(title = "", position = tm_pos_in("left", "top"))) +
tm_layout(panel.labels = c("tm_scale_categorical", "tm_scale_ordinal", "tm_scale_intervals", "tm_scale_continuous", "tm_scale_continuous_log", "tm_scale_discrete"),
inner.margins = c(0.05, 0.4, 0.1, 0.05),
legend.text.size = 0.5)