Chapter 17 List of Symbols

Symbol Quantity Unit Dimension
A Area m2 L2
Ab Area of cylinder representing animal’s body, measured inside fat m2 L2
Ac Area in contact with substrate m2 L2
Ae Area of emittance m2 L2
Ah Area of cylinder representing animal’s body, measured at fleece tips m2 L2
Ai Percent of total surface area exposed to radiation source i dimensionless
As Area of cylinder representing animal’s body, measured at the skin m2 L2
a Absorptivity dimensionless
al Average absorptivity to long-wave radiation dimensionless
as Average absorptivity to short-wave radiation dimensionless
a(λ) Absorptivity at wavelength λ dimensionless
B Sky thermal radiation W m-2 H L-2
Br Breathing rate min-1 T-1
b Wien constant 2.8978 × 10-3 m K
C Total heat exchanged by conduction between animal and environment W H
C Convection W m-2 M T-1
C Heat capacity J K-1 H θ-1
Ca Water vapor concentration of the air kg m-1 M L-1
Ce Water vapor concentration of exhaled air kg m-1 M L-1
Co Water vapor concentration at the surface of the organism kg m-1 M L-1
CS speed of sound 3.50 × 102 m s-1 L T-1
CV Specific heat of air at constant volume 20.79 J K-1 mol-1 L2 T-2 θ-1
c, cL Speed of light 3 × 108 m s-1 L T-1
c,cp specific heat J kg-1 K-1 L2 T-2 θ-1
cv Volumetric specific heat J m-3 K-1 H L-3 θ^-1
D Distance m L
D Leaf dimension parallel to the wind direction M L
D,L Characteristic length m L
DD Degree days K day θ T
d Diameter of cylinder representing animal’s body m L
sda Saturation density of the air kg m-3 M L-3
sdl Saturation density of the leaf kg m-3 M L-3
di ith difference term dimensionless
db Fat thickness m L
df Fur or feather thickness m L
E Rate of heat exchange between animal and environment by evaporation W H
E Total power J s-1 M L2 T-3
E Water loss kg s-1 m-2 M T-1 L-2
E Transpiration rate kg m-2 s-1 M L-2 T-1
EE power flow at earth’s surface J m-2 s-1 M T-3
Eb Body water losses W m-2 H L-2 T-1
Eex Respiratory water loss W m-2 H L-2 T-1
Ef Radiation flux per unit frequency J m-2 H L-2
Ek Kinetic energy W H
En Radiation emittance J m-2 s-1 M T-3
Esw Cutaneous water loss W m-2 H L-2 T-1
Er Rate of loss of heat by respiratory mechanisms W H
Er Surface water loss W m-2 H L-2 T-1
Es Rate of loss of heat by sweating W H
Es Power flow at sun’s surface J m-3 s-1 M T-3
Eλ Radiation flux per unit wavelength J m-3 s-1 H L-3 T-1
E(λ) Energy density as a function of wavelength J m-4 M L-2 T-2
E(ν) Energy density as a function of frequency J m-3 s M L -1 T-1
e Vapor pressure of atmosphere millibar M L-1 T-2
e Energy in a photon J H
ex Net energy gained in period x W H T-1
FH Heat flux J s-1 m-2 M T-3
Fx Food captured in period x W H T-1
f frequency m-1 L-1
fL Frequency at listener s-1 T-1
fs Frequency at source s-1 T-1
G Conduction W m-2 M T-1
G Heat flux density W m-2 H T-1 L-2
Gr Grashof number dimensionless
g gravity m s-2 L T-2
H Rate of heat exchange by convection between animal and environment W H
h height m L
h Planck’s constant 6.63 × 10-34 J s H T
h Heat transfer coefficient J s-1 m-2 K-1 M T-3 θ-1
hc Convection coefficient W K-1 H T-1 θ-1
K von Karmen’s constant
K,KM Eddy viscosity m2 s-1 L2 T-1
K0,Kn Conductance W m-2 K-1 H L-2 T-1 θ-1
Kb Boltzmann’s constant 1.38 × 10-23 J K-1 H θ-1
Kg Thermal conductance W K-1 H θ-1 T-1
KH Eddy diffusivity for heat m2 s-1 L2 T-1
k Thermal conductivity coefficient W m-1 K-1 H L-1 θ-1
ka Thermal conductivity of air W m-1 K-1 H L-1 θ-1
kc Constant for convection coefficient of a cylinder W m-2 K-1 H L-2 θ-1 T-1
kf Thermal conductivity of fur or feathers W m-1 K-1 H L-1 θ-1 T-1
kd,kf Thermal conductivity of fat W m-1 K-1 H L-1 θ-1
kh Thermal conductivity of hair (fleece) W m-1 K-1 H L-1 θ-1
ks Constant for convection coefficient of a sphere W m-2 K-1 H L-2 θ-1 T-1
L Length of cylinder representing the body length of the animal m L
L Latent heat of evaporation J kg-1 L2 T-2
M Metabolism W m-2 H L-2 T-1
Mb Body mass kg M
Mfx Metabolic cost of foraging in period x W H T-1
Mrx Metabolic cost while resting in period x W H T-1
m mass kg M
m molecular weight g mol-1 M
Nu Nusselt number dimensionless
n number of moles mol
n Wave number m-1 L-1
P Photosynthesis W m-2 H L-2 T-1
¯P Mean air pressure kg m-1 s-2 M L-1 T-2
p pressure kg m-1 s-2 M L-1 T-2
Q Rate of heat loss W H
Q Heat energy W m-2 H L-2 T-1
Qa Absorbed radiation W H T-1
Qa Abnormal radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
Qe Emitted radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
Qh Rate of loss of heat across hair (fleece) W H
Qf Rate of loss of heat across fat W H
QH Rate of heat loss from fleect tips by convection W H
Qn Radiation factor W m-2 H L-2 T-1
QNR Net Radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
q Rate of heat loss per unit area W m-2 H L-2
R ideal gas constant J kg-1 mol-1 M L2 T-2
R Radiation conductance W m-2 K-1 H L-2 T-1 θ-1
R Black body radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
R+ Total long- and short-wave radiation absorbed by the animal per unit time W H
R Total long-wave radiation emitted by the animal per unit time W H
Ra Thermal radiation originating in atmosphere W m-2 H L-2
Re Reynolds number dimensionless
Rg Thermal radiation originating from earth’s surface (including vegetation) W m-2 H L-2
RNh Net radiation absorbed or emitted at hair tips W H
RNa Net radiation absorbed or emitted at hair tips if temperature of hair tips were the same as that of the air W H
Rp short-wave radiation from the sun and sky W m-2 H L-2 T-1
Rv Respiration rate m3 s-1 L3 T-1
r radius m L
r Reflectivity dimensionless
r Distance along a radius of a cylinder measured from its center m L
rE Mean distance from earth to sun 1.5 × 1011 m L
ra Resistance to water diffusion across the boundary layer of air s m-1 T L-1
rb Body radius (not including fat) m L
re Resistance to water vapor loss s m-1 T L-1
rl Internal resistance of leaf s m-1 T L-1
rs Skin radius m L
rs Radius of sun 7.1 × 108 m L
rh Hair (fleece-tip) radius m L
r.h. Relative humidity dimensionless
r(λ) Reflectivity at wavelength λ dimensionless
S Direct solar radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
S Sky radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
SA Surface area m2 L2
s Sky (scattered and reflected solar) radiation per unit area impinging on animal W m-2 H
T Temperature K θ
Ta Air temperature K θ
Tamax Maximum daily air temperature K θ
Tamin Minimum daily air temperature K θ
TB Boundary temperature K θ
Tb Body temperature of animal K θ
Te Effective temperature, operative temperature K θ
Tf Fruit temperature K θ
Tg Ground temperature K θ
Th Surface, "radiant or hair (fleece-tip) temperature of animal K θ
Tl Leaf temperature K θ
To Temperature of organism K θ
To,Tr,TS Surface temperature K θ
Ts Skin temperature of animal K θ
Ts Surface temperature of sun K θ
Tt Threshold temperature K θ
Tw Wall temperature K θ
t time s T
t(λ) Transmittance at wavelength λ dimensionless
U iternal energy J M L2 T-2
V volume m3 L3
V Fluid velocity m s-1 L T-1
VL Volume of the lungs m3 L3
VL Listener velocity m s-1 L T-1
Vs Source velocity m s-1 L T-1
v velocity m s-1 L T-1
v,w Wind speed m s-1 L T-1
v volume m3 L3
W work kg m2 s-2 = J M L2 T-2
W Leaf dimension transverse to the wind m L
Wx Metabolic cost of waiting through period x W H T-1
w Weight per unit height kg s-2 M T-2
x Boundary layer thickness m L
Xa Volume fraction - air dimensionless
Xm Volume fraction - minerals dimensionless
Xo Volume fraction - organics dimensionless
Xw Volume fraction - water dimensionless
Zf “Impedance” to flow of heat through fat s K J-1 θ W-1
Zh “Impedance” to flow of heat through hair s K J-1 θ W-1
z Depth m L
α “Conductance” associated with radiation and convection W K-1 W-1
α angle radians
β “Conductance” associated with animal’s insulation (fat and hair) W K-1 W-1
γ Thermal diffusivity m2 s-1 L2 T-1
δ Boundary layer thickness m L
ε Emissivity dimensionless
ϕ Energy flux W m-2 H L-2 T-1
η Small scale eddy size m L
λ wavelength m L
λB Wavelength behind source m L
λF Wavelength in front of source m L
λm wavelength at which black-body spectrum has maximum energy density m L
λmax Wavelength of maximum radiation m L
μ Fluid viscosity kg m-1 s-1 M L T-1
ν Kinematic viscosity m2 s-1 L2 T-1
ν frequency s-1 T-1
ρ Density kg m-3 M L-3
σ Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5.67 × 10-8 W m-2 K-4 H L-2 θ-4
τ Shear stress kg m-1 s-2 M L-1 T-2
τt Shear stress attributed to turbulence kg m-1 s-2 M L-1 T-2