Word list
Wöter Liste in Fachgebiet oder Bericht.
First and foremost,
Nonstationarity can lead to an optimal parameter set for one period which may not accurately simulate another.
Peaks of actual evapotranspiration for this watershed also shifted from April to May due to different arameter values depending on the calibration period’s winter air temperatures.
It is imperative that calibration and validation time periods are chosen selectively instead of arbitrarily
the goals of the study
It is also crucial that the hydrologic modelling community improves existing calibration and validation practices
It is therefore important that these models reliably represent historical observations within the bounds of heir uncertainty, as this gives confidence to model users and decision makers
out of bounds, beyound the bounds of
an arbitrary division of the data time series into two subsets
However, there are a wide variety of ways to split data
without justification
Nonstationarity can also affect hydrologic model outputs by making model processes
identify different responses to nonstationarity
The parameterization of a model, as well as the ability to identify optimal parameter values,
albeit there is still much to learn about building models and parameterizations aimed to account for nonstationarity in system processes.
albeit = although
and studies rarely explain why a particular data splitting
Unless specifically focused on model calibration
this consideration is frequently overlooked
split-sample is a classical approach to select calibration
when the calibration and validation data exhibit high autocorrelation
Since then, various other guidelines have been suggested
However, the impacts of nonstationarity on other water balance components besides the main output (e.g., streamflow) are typically not assessed.
the influence of initial parameter
This work uses XXX
XXX is widely used for hydrological simulations
For instance = z.B.
A can broadly affect B
These differences occurred throughout the water balance, including snowmelt
Researchers interested only in streamflow outputs could argue that adequate simulation of other water balance components is not integral to their studies.
water balance simulations are properly considered
the unmeasured water balance components should be aware of how much they can be affected by calibration
This highlights the importance of careful calibration period choice
Result / Ergebnis
Results were then aggregated to monthly means for comparisons.
We found that the selection of calibration and validation periods with the temporal split-sample approach can affect the sample size and distributions of observed streamflow data for calibration and validation groups
The cause for this was due to differences in groundwater flow
This research shows that
Model Modell
Model development,
optimization approach
Calibration and validation were performed with the evolutionary algorithm AMALGAM
performance measure: NSE, KGE, dr
time periods
which impaired the ability for models
reliably represent historical observations within the bounds of heir uncertainty
long-term historical dataset
sufficient knowledge
Additional benefits include better assessment of model processes and improved communication and coordination of modelling practices
other components of the water balance
Historical observed data are allocated into calibration and validation groups as part of calibration and validation procedures
The simplest approach for selecting
parallel processing