A Helpers

# Clusters

n.clust <- function(dat, method = c("silhouette","gap_stat"), full) {
  if (nrow(unique(dat))>20) {
  } else{
  b<-fviz_nbclust(dat, kmeans, method = method, k.max = k)
  if (method == "gap_stat") {
    c<-b$layers[[4]]$data %>% as.numeric()
  } else{
    c<-b$layers[[3]]$data %>% as.numeric()
  k <- kmeans(dat, centers = c, nstart = 25)
  p <- fviz_cluster(k, data = dat)
  if (isTRUE(full)) {
    a <- list(c,b,p)
    names(a) <- c("Optimal k", "Plot optimization", "Cluster Plot")
  } else{
    a <- c

# Spatial


n.clust.sp <- function(dat, d = 50, full, df=F, method="single") {
  a <- matrix(c(dat$longitude,dat$latitude), ncol=2)
  # convert data to a SpatialPointsDataFrame object
  xy <- SpatialPoints(a, 
    proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84"))
  # use the distm function to generate a geodesic distance matrix in meters
  mdist <- distm(xy)
  #mdist2 <- pointDist(xy)
  # cluster all points using a hierarchical clustering approach
  hc <- hclust(as.dist(mdist), method=method)
  # define clusters based on a tree "height" cutoff "d" and add them to the SpDataFrame
  xy$clust <- cutree(hc, h=d)
  DF <- as.data.frame(xy)
  p <- DF %>%
    ggplot() +
    geom_point(aes(coords.x1, coords.x2, col = factor(clust)), alpha=.6) +
    theme_bw() +
    labs(col="K") +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom")
  g <- DF %>%
    ggplot() +
    geom_point(aes(coords.x1, coords.x2, col = factor(clust))) +
    theme_bw(base_size = 5) +
    labs(title = paste0("Clusters within ",d," m [k-specific]")) +
    guides(col=F) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels= scales::label_number(.1)) +
    scale_x_continuous(labels= scales::label_number(.1)) +
    facet_wrap(.~clust, scales = "free") 
  t<-plot_grid(p, g, labels = c('A', 'B'), label_size = 12, rel_widths = c(2,5))
  if (isTRUE(full)) {
    a <- list(c,t)
    names(a) <- c("K", "Cluster Plot")
  } else{
    a <- c
  if (isTRUE(df)) {
    z <- DF
  } else{
    z <- a

mfl <- function(dat, method = "random") {
  dat %>%
    group_by(clust) %>% 
    summarise(x1=mean(coords.x1),x2=mean(coords.x2), loc = n()) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
           mfl1 = ifelse(loc==mloc,1,0),
           mfl2 = rank(-mfl1,ties.method = method),
           mfl = ifelse(mfl1==mfl2,1,0)) %>%
    dplyr::select(-mloc, -mfl1, -mfl2)

geodesic.dist <- function(d) {
  t <- d %>%
    dplyr::select(clust, loc) %>%
    rename(to_cluster = clust)
  a <- matrix(c(d$x1,d$x2), ncol=2)
  # convert data to a SpatialPointsDataFrame object
  xy <- SpatialPoints(a, 
                      proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84"))
  # use the distm function to generate a geodesic distance matrix in meters
  mdist <- as.data.frame(distm(xy)) %>%
    mutate(mfl = d$mfl) %>%
    filter(mfl==1) %>%
    dplyr::select(-mfl) %>%
    gather(to_cluster, distance_m) %>%
    mutate(to_cluster = as.numeric(str_remove(to_cluster, "V")),
           dist_cat = cut(distance_m, breaks = c(-Inf,0,65000,500000,Inf), label = c("base","local","mid","distant"))) #%>%
  # Great-circle dist
  lo <- d %>% filter(mfl==1) %>% dplyr::select(x1) %>% unlist()
  la <- d %>% filter(mfl==1) %>% dplyr::select(x2) %>% unlist()
  d2 <- d %>% 
    mutate(lo = lo, la = la,
           GC_dist = gdist(x1,x2,lo,la, units = "m"),
           GC_cat = cut(GC_dist, breaks = c(-Inf,0,65000,500000,Inf), label = c("base","local","mid","distant"))) %>%
    dplyr::select(GC_dist, GC_cat) #%>%
  dist <- mdist %>%
    bind_cols(d2) %>%
    inner_join(t, by="to_cluster")

dist_s <- function(gd) {
  gd %>%
    group_by(dist_cat) %>%
    summarise(avg_gd = mean(distance_m),
              min_gd = min(distance_m),
              max_gd = max(distance_m),
              sd_gd = sd(distance_m),
              avg_GC = mean(GC_dist),
              min_GC = min(GC_dist),
              max_GC = max(GC_dist),
              sd_GC = sd(GC_dist),
              freq = sum(loc),
              n_clust = n())

plot.pattern <- function(d) {
  d %>%
    ggplot(aes(distance_m, loc, col = dist_cat, size = loc)) +
    geom_point(alpha=.5) +
    labs(y = "freq", size = "freq", x = "distance (m)", col = "distance \ncategory") +
    scale_x_log10(labels = label_comma()) +
    scale_y_log10() +
    geom_vline(data = tibble(xi=c(65000,500000)),
               aes(xintercept=xi), linetype = "dashed") +
    geom_hline(data = tibble(yi=c(10,50)),
               aes(yintercept=yi), linetype = "dashed") +