Chapter 6 COVID-19 Policies and Protocols
In response to the outbreak of COVID-19, and local, state, and federally mandated guidelines of social distancing and work safety, the following operating procedures should be exercised to minimize exposure to the COVID-19 when RIPLRT members are working in LU facilities during the lockdown.
6.1 Facilities Access
Prior to voluntary work in the lab setting, each individual student researcher must complete and sign a waiver provided by Larkin University acknowledging the performance of research in the laboratory setting is the sole decision of the researcher and to follow proper disinfection procedures. Lab members should alert research coordinators if there are any changes to the individuals health during the time they are inside the lab.
6.1.1 Entry
- A mask MUST be worn at all times.
- Speak with security faculty to acknowledge your presence in the building.
- After waiver is signed, a temperature check will be performed before entry into the building.
- Upon entry into the building through secure doors, wash hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
6.1.2 In the building
- Wash hands frequently with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
- Minimize touching door handles or other surfaces with high contact traffic.
- Avoid touching the face.
- Avoid common areas with a high number of individuals.
6.1.3 Exit
- If possible, avoid touching door handles when exiting through secure doors.
- Wash hands/utilize hand sanitizer once exiting the building
- If re-entry is needed, the entry process should be repeated.
6.2 Laboratory Access
6.2.1 Entry
- Upon entry into the laboratory, wash hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
- When in the laboratory, there will only be a maximum of 5 people allowed in the RIPLRT space at all times.
6.2.2 In the laboratory
- Wash hands frequently with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
- When wearing gloves, minimize contact with surfaces outside of the benchtop.
- Change gloves frequently and practice safe glove removal technique.
- Always wear a lab coat in the laboratory and remove when exiting.
- Increase frequency of benchtop disinfection with alcohol or chlorine basedcleaner.
- Increase frequency of disinfection of high contact surfaces (drawer handles, equipment, refrigerator handles, etc.) with alcohol or chlorine based cleaner.
- Maintain 6 feet between each person while inside the RIPLRT space.
6.2.3 Exit
- Lab bench and all surfaces touched must be cleaned prior to leaving the RIPLRT space.
- Remove lab coat and store in an isolated compartment OR package in a sealed bag for transport to be washed. Washing lab coats should be performed more routinely. For example, if you are to be in lab Monday, and the same coat will be used the following day, the lab coat must be washed before being used the next day.
- Remove gloves and wash hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
- Frequently disinfect door handles.
6.3 Transportation
- To maintain isolated conditions, private transportation should be utilized to travel to and from the facility and the individual’s home. In the event that a member requires other private transportation, to minimize exposure in public areas, precautions should be exercised to protect the safety of the driver and other passengers.
- Wash hands before entering a vehicle, use hand-sanitizer before exiting the vehicle, and after exiting the vehicle at the destination.
- Upon arrival to the facility, and when exiting, building and laboratory disinfectionprotocol should be followed
6.4 COVID-19 Testing
All members are required to be tested for COVID-19 on a monthly basis. If the individual is not tested, then they will not be able to enter the laboratory. All tests should be sent to a research coordinator.
In the event that there is a positive COVID-19 test, the procedure below should be followed:
- Lab will be halted until everyone has been tested and the lab has been disinfected to prevent further infection.
- The person(s) who tested positive must remain in quarantine until they test negative. The persons should not be tested for at least 14 days from the previous positive testing.
- The laboratory will be disinfected entirely using an alcohol or chlorine based cleaner.
- All lab coats will need to be washed.
- Anyone who came into contact with the infection person(s) will need to be quarantined until they test negative and present required documentation to come back to the lab.
Note: this section was initially created by Donna OH and Nicole Benavides (at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic), recently updated by Brie Perdue and Henna Patel (2021), and revised by Dr. Rivera-Mariani.