Chapter 2 Code of Conduct

2.1 Essential Policies

Larkin University’s core values include but aren’t limited to; an inclusive learning community, acceptance and embracement of diverse cultures and perspectives, civility, integrity, and trustworthiness. All lab members are expected to abide by and practice these values, in and out of the lab.

The lab is committed to ensuring a safe, friendly, and accepting environment for everybody. We will not tolerate any verbal or physical harassment or discrimination.

2.2 Taking Photos and Videos

The privacy of all lab members must be respected at all times. Taking photos or videos of other lab members is only allowed once consent has been obtained from the other party prior to the picture or video being taken. Before imagery is posted on Social Media, it must be approved by the PI, Dr. Felix Rivera-Mariani. At no point in time should photos or videos be taken of the human volunteers contributing to our projects: that would be a violation of strict guidelines by the Institutional Review Board.

2.3 Scientific Integrity

The lab, and Larkin University, have a great appreciation for scientific achievements and support a passion for innovation and curiosity, however we do not tolerate research misconduct. All members must read the Academic Dishonesty Policy in the Student Handbook ( ) and understand that plagiarism, fabrication and falsification will not be tolerated.

All data that results from experiments performed in the lab must be reproducible and is an expectation of all projects. In order to ensure all experiments are reproducible, everyone must accurately document all of their steps in their physical lab notebook and in R Space.

All lab members must abide by the IRB protocols associated with each experiment. If you are not on the IRB you cannot run experiments involving human subjects (including tissues, raw data, etc.), look at or analyze the data, or be in any way involved with projects in which human (pg9). Completion of “Working Safely with HIV and Other Bloodborne Pathogens” and “Protecting Human Research Participants” training provided by NIH is required by all members of the RIPLRT.