Chapter 6 Lemmatization, Named Entity Recognition, POS-tagging, and Dependency Parsing with spaCyR
Advanced operations to the end of extracting information and annotating text (and more!) can be done with spaCy
(benoit2020?). spaCyr
is an R wrapper around the spaCy
Python package and, therefore, a bit tricky to install at first. You can find instructions here.
The functionalities spaCyr
offers you are the following4:
- parsing texts into tokens or sentences;
- lemmatizing tokens;
- parsing dependencies (to identify the grammatical structure of the sentence); and
- identifying, extracting, or consolidating token sequences that form named entities or noun phrases.
In brief, preprocessing with spaCyr
is computationally more expensive than using, for instance, tidytext
, but it will give you more accurate lemmatization instead of “stupid,” rule-based stemming.. Also, it allows you to break up documents into smaller entities, sentences, which might be more suitable, e.g., as input for classifiers (since sentences tend to be about one topic, they allow for more fine-grained analyses). Part-of-speech (POS) tagging basically provides you with the functions of the different terms within the sentence. This might prove useful for tasks such as sentiment analysis. The final task spaCyr
can help you with is Named Entity Recognition (NER) which can be used for tasks such as sampling relevant documents.
6.0.1 Initializing spaCy
Before using spaCyr
, it needs to be initialized. What happens during this process is that R basically opens a connection to Python so that it can then run the spaCyr
functions in Python’s spaCy
. Once you have set up everything properly (see instructions), you can initialize it using spacy_initialize(model)
. Different language models can be specified and an overview can be found here. Note that a process of spaCy
is started when you spacy_initialize()
and continues running in the background. Hence, once you don’t need it anymore, or want to load a different model, you should spacy_finalize()
## Found 'spacy_condaenv'. spacyr will use this environment
## successfully initialized (spaCy Version: 3.3.0, language model: en_core_web_sm)
## (python options: type = "condaenv", value = "spacy_condaenv")
6.0.2 spacy_parse()
’s workhorse function is spacy_parse()
. It takes a character vector or TIF-compliant data frame. The latter is basically a tibble containing at least two columns, one named doc_id
with unique document ids and one named text
, containing the respective documents.
tif_toy_example <- tibble(
doc_id = "doc1",
text = "Look, this is a brief example for how tokenization works. This second sentence allows me to demonstrate another functionality of spaCy."
## [1] TRUE
The output of spacy_parse()
looks as follows:
sotu_speeches_tif <- sotu_meta |>
mutate(text = sotu_text) |>
distinct(text, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
filter(between(year, 1990, 2000)) |>
group_by(year) |>
summarize(text = str_c(text, collapse = " ")) |>
select(doc_id = year, text)
## Rows: 11
## Columns: 2
## $ doc_id <int> 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
## $ text <chr> "\n\nMr. President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the United States C…
sotu_parsed <- spacy_parse(sotu_speeches_tif,
pos = TRUE,
tag = TRUE,
lemma = TRUE,
entity = TRUE,
dependency = TRUE,
nounphrase = TRUE,
multithread = TRUE)
## doc_id sentence_id token_id token lemma pos tag
## 1 1990 1 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2 1990 1 2 Mr. Mr. PROPN NNP
## 3 1990 1 3 President President PROPN NNP
## 4 1990 1 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 5 1990 1 5 Mr. Mr. PROPN NNP
## 6 1990 1 6 Speaker Speaker PROPN NNP
## 7 1990 1 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 8 1990 1 8 Members Members PROPN NNP
## 9 1990 1 9 of of ADP IN
## 10 1990 1 10 the the DET DT
## 11 1990 1 11 United United PROPN NNP
## 12 1990 1 12 States States PROPN NNP
## 13 1990 1 13 Congress Congress PROPN NNP
## 14 1990 1 14 : : PUNCT :
## 15 1990 1 15 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 16 1990 1 16 I I PRON PRP
## 17 1990 1 17 return return VERB VBP
## 18 1990 1 18 as as ADP IN
## 19 1990 1 19 a a DET DT
## 20 1990 1 20 former former ADJ JJ
## 21 1990 1 21 President President PROPN NNP
## 22 1990 1 22 of of ADP IN
## 23 1990 1 23 the the DET DT
## 24 1990 1 24 Senate Senate PROPN NNP
## 25 1990 1 25 and and CCONJ CC
## 26 1990 1 26 a a DET DT
## 27 1990 1 27 former former ADJ JJ
## 28 1990 1 28 Member Member PROPN NNP
## 29 1990 1 29 of of ADP IN
## 30 1990 1 30 this this DET DT
## 31 1990 1 31 great great ADJ JJ
## 32 1990 1 32 House House PROPN NNP
## 33 1990 1 33 . . PUNCT .
## 34 1990 2 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 35 1990 2 2 now now ADV RB
## 36 1990 2 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 37 1990 2 4 as as ADP IN
## 38 1990 2 5 President President PROPN NNP
## 39 1990 2 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 40 1990 2 7 it it PRON PRP
## 41 1990 2 8 is be AUX VBZ
## 42 1990 2 9 my my PRON PRP$
## 43 1990 2 10 privilege privilege NOUN NN
## 44 1990 2 11 to to PART TO
## 45 1990 2 12 report report VERB VB
## 46 1990 2 13 to to ADP IN
## 47 1990 2 14 you you PRON PRP
## 48 1990 2 15 on on ADP IN
## 49 1990 2 16 the the DET DT
## 50 1990 2 17 state state NOUN NN
## 51 1990 2 18 of of ADP IN
## 52 1990 2 19 the the DET DT
## 53 1990 2 20 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 54 1990 2 21 . . PUNCT .
## 55 1990 3 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 56 1990 3 2 Tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 57 1990 3 3 I I PRON PRP
## 58 1990 3 4 come come VERB VBP
## 59 1990 3 5 not not PART RB
## 60 1990 3 6 to to PART TO
## 61 1990 3 7 speak speak VERB VB
## 62 1990 3 8 about about ADP IN
## 63 1990 3 9 the the DET DT
## 64 1990 3 10 state state NOUN NN
## 65 1990 3 11 of of ADP IN
## 66 1990 3 12 the the DET DT
## 67 1990 3 13 Government Government PROPN NNP
## 68 1990 3 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 69 1990 3 15 not not PART RB
## 70 1990 3 16 to to PART TO
## 71 1990 3 17 detail detail VERB VB
## 72 1990 3 18 every every DET DT
## 73 1990 3 19 new new ADJ JJ
## 74 1990 3 20 initiative initiative NOUN NN
## 75 1990 3 21 we we PRON PRP
## 76 1990 3 22 plan plan VERB VBP
## 77 1990 3 23 for for ADP IN
## 78 1990 3 24 the the DET DT
## 79 1990 3 25 coming coming ADJ JJ
## 80 1990 3 26 year year NOUN NN
## 81 1990 3 27 nor nor CCONJ CC
## 82 1990 3 28 to to PART TO
## 83 1990 3 29 describe describe VERB VB
## 84 1990 3 30 every every DET DT
## 85 1990 3 31 line line NOUN NN
## 86 1990 3 32 in in ADP IN
## 87 1990 3 33 the the DET DT
## 88 1990 3 34 budget budget NOUN NN
## 89 1990 3 35 . . PUNCT .
## 90 1990 4 1 I I PRON PRP
## 91 1990 4 2 'm be AUX VBP
## 92 1990 4 3 here here ADV RB
## 93 1990 4 4 to to PART TO
## 94 1990 4 5 speak speak VERB VB
## 95 1990 4 6 to to ADP IN
## 96 1990 4 7 you you PRON PRP
## 97 1990 4 8 and and CCONJ CC
## 98 1990 4 9 to to ADP IN
## 99 1990 4 10 the the DET DT
## 100 1990 4 11 American american ADJ JJ
## 101 1990 4 12 people people NOUN NNS
## 102 1990 4 13 about about ADP IN
## 103 1990 4 14 the the DET DT
## 104 1990 4 15 state state NOUN NN
## 105 1990 4 16 of of ADP IN
## 106 1990 4 17 the the DET DT
## 107 1990 4 18 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 108 1990 4 19 , , PUNCT ,
## 109 1990 4 20 about about ADP IN
## 110 1990 4 21 our our PRON PRP$
## 111 1990 4 22 world world NOUN NN
## 112 1990 4 23 -- -- PUNCT :
## 113 1990 4 24 the the DET DT
## 114 1990 4 25 changes change NOUN NNS
## 115 1990 4 26 we we PRON PRP
## 116 1990 4 27 've 've AUX VBP
## 117 1990 4 28 seen see VERB VBN
## 118 1990 4 29 , , PUNCT ,
## 119 1990 4 30 the the DET DT
## 120 1990 4 31 challenges challenge NOUN NNS
## 121 1990 4 32 we we PRON PRP
## 122 1990 4 33 face face VERB VBP
## 123 1990 4 34 -- -- PUNCT :
## 124 1990 4 35 and and CCONJ CC
## 125 1990 4 36 what what PRON WP
## 126 1990 4 37 that that PRON DT
## 127 1990 4 38 means mean VERB VBZ
## 128 1990 4 39 for for ADP IN
## 129 1990 4 40 America America PROPN NNP
## 130 1990 4 41 . . PUNCT .
## 131 1990 5 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 132 1990 5 2 There there PRON EX
## 133 1990 5 3 are be VERB VBP
## 134 1990 5 4 singular singular ADJ JJ
## 135 1990 5 5 moments moment NOUN NNS
## 136 1990 5 6 in in ADP IN
## 137 1990 5 7 history history NOUN NN
## 138 1990 5 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 139 1990 5 9 dates date VERB VBZ
## 140 1990 5 10 that that PRON WDT
## 141 1990 5 11 divide divide VERB VBP
## 142 1990 5 12 all all DET PDT
## 143 1990 5 13 that that PRON WDT
## 144 1990 5 14 goes go VERB VBZ
## 145 1990 5 15 before before ADV RB
## 146 1990 5 16 from from ADP IN
## 147 1990 5 17 all all PRON DT
## 148 1990 5 18 that that PRON WDT
## 149 1990 5 19 comes come VERB VBZ
## 150 1990 5 20 after after ADV RB
## 151 1990 5 21 . . PUNCT .
## 152 1990 6 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 153 1990 6 2 many many ADJ JJ
## 154 1990 6 3 of of ADP IN
## 155 1990 6 4 us we PRON PRP
## 156 1990 6 5 in in ADP IN
## 157 1990 6 6 this this DET DT
## 158 1990 6 7 Chamber Chamber PROPN NNP
## 159 1990 6 8 have have AUX VBP
## 160 1990 6 9 lived live VERB VBN
## 161 1990 6 10 much much ADJ JJ
## 162 1990 6 11 of of ADP IN
## 163 1990 6 12 our our PRON PRP$
## 164 1990 6 13 lives life NOUN NNS
## 165 1990 6 14 in in ADP IN
## 166 1990 6 15 a a DET DT
## 167 1990 6 16 world world NOUN NN
## 168 1990 6 17 whose whose DET WP$
## 169 1990 6 18 fundamental fundamental ADJ JJ
## 170 1990 6 19 features feature NOUN NNS
## 171 1990 6 20 were be AUX VBD
## 172 1990 6 21 defined define VERB VBN
## 173 1990 6 22 in in ADP IN
## 174 1990 6 23 1945 1945 NUM CD
## 175 1990 6 24 ; ; PUNCT :
## 176 1990 6 25 and and CCONJ CC
## 177 1990 6 26 the the DET DT
## 178 1990 6 27 events event NOUN NNS
## 179 1990 6 28 of of ADP IN
## 180 1990 6 29 that that DET DT
## 181 1990 6 30 year year NOUN NN
## 182 1990 6 31 decreed decree VERB VBD
## 183 1990 6 32 the the DET DT
## 184 1990 6 33 shape shape NOUN NN
## 185 1990 6 34 of of ADP IN
## 186 1990 6 35 nations nation NOUN NNS
## 187 1990 6 36 , , PUNCT ,
## 188 1990 6 37 the the DET DT
## 189 1990 6 38 pace pace NOUN NN
## 190 1990 6 39 of of ADP IN
## 191 1990 6 40 progress progress NOUN NN
## 192 1990 6 41 , , PUNCT ,
## 193 1990 6 42 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 194 1990 6 43 or or CCONJ CC
## 195 1990 6 44 oppression oppression NOUN NN
## 196 1990 6 45 for for ADP IN
## 197 1990 6 46 millions million NOUN NNS
## 198 1990 6 47 of of ADP IN
## 199 1990 6 48 people people NOUN NNS
## 200 1990 6 49 around around ADP IN
## 201 1990 6 50 the the DET DT
## 202 1990 6 51 world world NOUN NN
## 203 1990 6 52 . . PUNCT .
## 204 1990 7 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 205 1990 7 2 Nineteen nineteen NUM CD
## 206 1990 7 3 forty forty NUM CD
## 207 1990 7 4 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 208 1990 7 5 five five NUM CD
## 209 1990 7 6 provided provide VERB VBD
## 210 1990 7 7 the the DET DT
## 211 1990 7 8 common common ADJ JJ
## 212 1990 7 9 frame frame NOUN NN
## 213 1990 7 10 of of ADP IN
## 214 1990 7 11 reference reference NOUN NN
## 215 1990 7 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 216 1990 7 13 the the DET DT
## 217 1990 7 14 compass compass NOUN NN
## 218 1990 7 15 points point NOUN NNS
## 219 1990 7 16 of of ADP IN
## 220 1990 7 17 the the DET DT
## 221 1990 7 18 postwar postwar ADJ JJ
## 222 1990 7 19 era era NOUN NN
## 223 1990 7 20 we we PRON PRP
## 224 1990 7 21 've 've AUX VBP
## 225 1990 7 22 relied rely VERB VBN
## 226 1990 7 23 upon upon SCONJ IN
## 227 1990 7 24 to to PART TO
## 228 1990 7 25 understand understand VERB VB
## 229 1990 7 26 ourselves ourselves PRON PRP
## 230 1990 7 27 . . PUNCT .
## 231 1990 8 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 232 1990 8 2 that that PRON DT
## 233 1990 8 3 was be AUX VBD
## 234 1990 8 4 our our PRON PRP$
## 235 1990 8 5 world world NOUN NN
## 236 1990 8 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 237 1990 8 7 until until ADP IN
## 238 1990 8 8 now now ADV RB
## 239 1990 8 9 . . PUNCT .
## 240 1990 9 1 The the DET DT
## 241 1990 9 2 events event NOUN NNS
## 242 1990 9 3 of of ADP IN
## 243 1990 9 4 the the DET DT
## 244 1990 9 5 year year NOUN NN
## 245 1990 9 6 just just ADV RB
## 246 1990 9 7 ended end VERB VBD
## 247 1990 9 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 248 1990 9 9 the the DET DT
## 249 1990 9 10 Revolution Revolution PROPN NNP
## 250 1990 9 11 of of ADP IN
## 251 1990 9 12 ' ' NUM CD
## 252 1990 9 13 89 89 NUM CD
## 253 1990 9 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 254 1990 9 15 have have AUX VBP
## 255 1990 9 16 been be AUX VBN
## 256 1990 9 17 a a DET DT
## 257 1990 9 18 chain chain NOUN NN
## 258 1990 9 19 reaction reaction NOUN NN
## 259 1990 9 20 , , PUNCT ,
## 260 1990 9 21 changes change NOUN NNS
## 261 1990 9 22 so so ADV RB
## 262 1990 9 23 striking strike VERB VBG
## 263 1990 9 24 that that SCONJ IN
## 264 1990 9 25 it it PRON PRP
## 265 1990 9 26 marks mark VERB VBZ
## 266 1990 9 27 the the DET DT
## 267 1990 9 28 beginning beginning NOUN NN
## 268 1990 9 29 of of ADP IN
## 269 1990 9 30 a a DET DT
## 270 1990 9 31 new new ADJ JJ
## 271 1990 9 32 era era NOUN NN
## 272 1990 9 33 in in ADP IN
## 273 1990 9 34 the the DET DT
## 274 1990 9 35 world world NOUN NN
## 275 1990 9 36 's 's PART POS
## 276 1990 9 37 affairs affair NOUN NNS
## 277 1990 9 38 . . PUNCT .
## 278 1990 10 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 279 1990 10 2 Think think VERB VBP
## 280 1990 10 3 back back ADV RB
## 281 1990 10 4 -- -- PUNCT :
## 282 1990 10 5 think think VERB VB
## 283 1990 10 6 back back ADV RB
## 284 1990 10 7 just just ADV RB
## 285 1990 10 8 12 12 NUM CD
## 286 1990 10 9 short short ADJ JJ
## 287 1990 10 10 months month NOUN NNS
## 288 1990 10 11 ago ago ADV RB
## 289 1990 10 12 to to ADP IN
## 290 1990 10 13 the the DET DT
## 291 1990 10 14 world world NOUN NN
## 292 1990 10 15 we we PRON PRP
## 293 1990 10 16 knew know VERB VBD
## 294 1990 10 17 as as ADP IN
## 295 1990 10 18 1989 1989 NUM CD
## 296 1990 10 19 began begin VERB VBD
## 297 1990 10 20 . . PUNCT .
## 298 1990 11 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 299 1990 11 2 One one NUM CD
## 300 1990 11 3 year year NOUN NN
## 301 1990 11 4 -- -- PUNCT :
## 302 1990 11 5 one one NUM CD
## 303 1990 11 6 year year NOUN NN
## 304 1990 11 7 ago ago ADV RB
## 305 1990 11 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 306 1990 11 9 the the DET DT
## 307 1990 11 10 people people NOUN NNS
## 308 1990 11 11 of of ADP IN
## 309 1990 11 12 Panama Panama PROPN NNP
## 310 1990 11 13 lived live VERB VBD
## 311 1990 11 14 in in ADP IN
## 312 1990 11 15 fear fear NOUN NN
## 313 1990 11 16 , , PUNCT ,
## 314 1990 11 17 under under ADP IN
## 315 1990 11 18 the the DET DT
## 316 1990 11 19 thumb thumb NOUN NN
## 317 1990 11 20 of of ADP IN
## 318 1990 11 21 a a DET DT
## 319 1990 11 22 dictator dictator NOUN NN
## 320 1990 11 23 . . PUNCT .
## 321 1990 12 1 Today today NOUN NN
## 322 1990 12 2 democracy democracy NOUN NN
## 323 1990 12 3 is be AUX VBZ
## 324 1990 12 4 restored restore VERB VBN
## 325 1990 12 5 ; ; PUNCT :
## 326 1990 12 6 Panama Panama PROPN NNP
## 327 1990 12 7 is be AUX VBZ
## 328 1990 12 8 free free ADJ JJ
## 329 1990 12 9 . . PUNCT .
## 330 1990 13 1 Operation operation NOUN NN
## 331 1990 13 2 Just just ADV RB
## 332 1990 13 3 Cause Cause PROPN NNP
## 333 1990 13 4 has have AUX VBZ
## 334 1990 13 5 achieved achieve VERB VBN
## 335 1990 13 6 its its PRON PRP$
## 336 1990 13 7 objective objective NOUN NN
## 337 1990 13 8 . . PUNCT .
## 338 1990 14 1 The the DET DT
## 339 1990 14 2 number number NOUN NN
## 340 1990 14 3 of of ADP IN
## 341 1990 14 4 military military ADJ JJ
## 342 1990 14 5 personnel personnel NOUN NNS
## 343 1990 14 6 in in ADP IN
## 344 1990 14 7 Panama Panama PROPN NNP
## 345 1990 14 8 is be AUX VBZ
## 346 1990 14 9 now now ADV RB
## 347 1990 14 10 very very ADV RB
## 348 1990 14 11 close close ADJ JJ
## 349 1990 14 12 to to ADP IN
## 350 1990 14 13 what what PRON WP
## 351 1990 14 14 it it PRON PRP
## 352 1990 14 15 was be AUX VBD
## 353 1990 14 16 before before SCONJ IN
## 354 1990 14 17 the the DET DT
## 355 1990 14 18 operation operation NOUN NN
## 356 1990 14 19 began begin VERB VBD
## 357 1990 14 20 . . PUNCT .
## 358 1990 15 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 359 1990 15 2 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 360 1990 15 3 I I PRON PRP
## 361 1990 15 4 am be AUX VBP
## 362 1990 15 5 announcing announce VERB VBG
## 363 1990 15 6 that that SCONJ IN
## 364 1990 15 7 well well ADV RB
## 365 1990 15 8 before before ADP IN
## 366 1990 15 9 the the DET DT
## 367 1990 15 10 end end NOUN NN
## 368 1990 15 11 of of ADP IN
## 369 1990 15 12 February February PROPN NNP
## 370 1990 15 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 371 1990 15 14 the the DET DT
## 372 1990 15 15 additional additional ADJ JJ
## 373 1990 15 16 numbers number NOUN NNS
## 374 1990 15 17 of of ADP IN
## 375 1990 15 18 American american ADJ JJ
## 376 1990 15 19 troops troop NOUN NNS
## 377 1990 15 20 , , PUNCT ,
## 378 1990 15 21 the the DET DT
## 379 1990 15 22 brave brave ADJ JJ
## 380 1990 15 23 men man NOUN NNS
## 381 1990 15 24 and and CCONJ CC
## 382 1990 15 25 women woman NOUN NNS
## 383 1990 15 26 of of ADP IN
## 384 1990 15 27 our our PRON PRP$
## 385 1990 15 28 Armed Armed PROPN NNP
## 386 1990 15 29 Forces Forces PROPN NNPS
## 387 1990 15 30 who who PRON WP
## 388 1990 15 31 made make VERB VBD
## 389 1990 15 32 this this DET DT
## 390 1990 15 33 mission mission NOUN NN
## 391 1990 15 34 a a DET DT
## 392 1990 15 35 success success NOUN NN
## 393 1990 15 36 , , PUNCT ,
## 394 1990 15 37 will will AUX MD
## 395 1990 15 38 be be AUX VB
## 396 1990 15 39 back back ADV RB
## 397 1990 15 40 home home ADV RB
## 398 1990 15 41 . . PUNCT .
## 399 1990 16 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 400 1990 16 2 A a DET DT
## 401 1990 16 3 year year NOUN NN
## 402 1990 16 4 ago ago ADV RB
## 403 1990 16 5 in in ADP IN
## 404 1990 16 6 Poland Poland PROPN NNP
## 405 1990 16 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 406 1990 16 8 Lech Lech PROPN NNP
## 407 1990 16 9 Walesa Walesa PROPN NNP
## 408 1990 16 10 declared declare VERB VBD
## 409 1990 16 11 that that SCONJ IN
## 410 1990 16 12 he he PRON PRP
## 411 1990 16 13 was be AUX VBD
## 412 1990 16 14 ready ready ADJ JJ
## 413 1990 16 15 to to PART TO
## 414 1990 16 16 open open VERB VB
## 415 1990 16 17 a a DET DT
## 416 1990 16 18 dialog dialog NOUN NN
## 417 1990 16 19 with with ADP IN
## 418 1990 16 20 the the DET DT
## 419 1990 16 21 Communist communist ADJ JJ
## 420 1990 16 22 rulers ruler NOUN NNS
## 421 1990 16 23 of of ADP IN
## 422 1990 16 24 that that DET DT
## 423 1990 16 25 country country NOUN NN
## 424 1990 16 26 ; ; PUNCT :
## 425 1990 16 27 and and CCONJ CC
## 426 1990 16 28 today today NOUN NN
## 427 1990 16 29 , , PUNCT ,
## 428 1990 16 30 with with ADP IN
## 429 1990 16 31 the the DET DT
## 430 1990 16 32 future future NOUN NN
## 431 1990 16 33 of of ADP IN
## 432 1990 16 34 a a DET DT
## 433 1990 16 35 free free ADJ JJ
## 434 1990 16 36 Poland Poland PROPN NNP
## 435 1990 16 37 in in ADP IN
## 436 1990 16 38 their their PRON PRP$
## 437 1990 16 39 own own ADJ JJ
## 438 1990 16 40 hands hand NOUN NNS
## 439 1990 16 41 , , PUNCT ,
## 440 1990 16 42 members member NOUN NNS
## 441 1990 16 43 of of ADP IN
## 442 1990 16 44 Solidarity Solidarity PROPN NNP
## 443 1990 16 45 lead lead VERB VBP
## 444 1990 16 46 the the DET DT
## 445 1990 16 47 Polish Polish PROPN NNP
## 446 1990 16 48 Government Government PROPN NNP
## 447 1990 16 49 . . PUNCT .
## 448 1990 17 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 449 1990 17 2 A a DET DT
## 450 1990 17 3 year year NOUN NN
## 451 1990 17 4 ago ago ADV RB
## 452 1990 17 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 453 1990 17 6 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 454 1990 17 7 's 's PART POS
## 455 1990 17 8 playwright playwright NOUN NN
## 456 1990 17 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 457 1990 17 10 Vaclav Vaclav PROPN NNP
## 458 1990 17 11 Havel Havel PROPN NNP
## 459 1990 17 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 460 1990 17 13 languished languish VERB VBD
## 461 1990 17 14 as as ADP IN
## 462 1990 17 15 a a DET DT
## 463 1990 17 16 prisoner prisoner NOUN NN
## 464 1990 17 17 in in ADP IN
## 465 1990 17 18 Prague Prague PROPN NNP
## 466 1990 17 19 . . PUNCT .
## 467 1990 18 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 468 1990 18 2 today today NOUN NN
## 469 1990 18 3 it it PRON PRP
## 470 1990 18 4 's be AUX VBZ
## 471 1990 18 5 Vaclav Vaclav PROPN NNP
## 472 1990 18 6 Havel Havel PROPN NNP
## 473 1990 18 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 474 1990 18 8 President President PROPN NNP
## 475 1990 18 9 of of ADP IN
## 476 1990 18 10 Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia PROPN NNP
## 477 1990 18 11 . . PUNCT .
## 478 1990 19 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 479 1990 19 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 480 1990 19 3 1 1 NUM CD
## 481 1990 19 4 year year NOUN NN
## 482 1990 19 5 ago ago ADV RB
## 483 1990 19 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 484 1990 19 7 Erich Erich PROPN NNP
## 485 1990 19 8 Honecker Honecker PROPN NNP
## 486 1990 19 9 of of ADP IN
## 487 1990 19 10 East East PROPN NNP
## 488 1990 19 11 Germany Germany PROPN NNP
## 489 1990 19 12 claimed claim VERB VBD
## 490 1990 19 13 history history NOUN NN
## 491 1990 19 14 as as ADP IN
## 492 1990 19 15 his his PRON PRP$
## 493 1990 19 16 guide guide NOUN NN
## 494 1990 19 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 495 1990 19 18 and and CCONJ CC
## 496 1990 19 19 he he PRON PRP
## 497 1990 19 20 predicted predict VERB VBD
## 498 1990 19 21 the the DET DT
## 499 1990 19 22 Berlin Berlin PROPN NNP
## 500 1990 19 23 Wall Wall PROPN NNP
## 501 1990 19 24 would would AUX MD
## 502 1990 19 25 last last VERB VB
## 503 1990 19 26 another another DET DT
## 504 1990 19 27 hundred hundred NUM CD
## 505 1990 19 28 years year NOUN NNS
## 506 1990 19 29 . . PUNCT .
## 507 1990 20 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 508 1990 20 2 today today NOUN NN
## 509 1990 20 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 510 1990 20 4 less less ADJ JJR
## 511 1990 20 5 than than ADP IN
## 512 1990 20 6 1 1 NUM CD
## 513 1990 20 7 year year NOUN NN
## 514 1990 20 8 later later ADV RB
## 515 1990 20 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 516 1990 20 10 it it PRON PRP
## 517 1990 20 11 's be AUX VBZ
## 518 1990 20 12 the the DET DT
## 519 1990 20 13 Wall Wall PROPN NNP
## 520 1990 20 14 that that PRON WDT
## 521 1990 20 15 's be AUX VBZ
## 522 1990 20 16 history history NOUN NN
## 523 1990 20 17 . . PUNCT .
## 524 1990 21 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 525 1990 21 2 Remarkable remarkable ADJ JJ
## 526 1990 21 3 events event NOUN NNS
## 527 1990 21 4 -- -- PUNCT :
## 528 1990 21 5 events event NOUN NNS
## 529 1990 21 6 that that PRON WDT
## 530 1990 21 7 fulfill fulfill VERB VBP
## 531 1990 21 8 the the DET DT
## 532 1990 21 9 long long ADV RB
## 533 1990 21 10 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 534 1990 21 11 held hold VERB VBN
## 535 1990 21 12 hopes hope NOUN NNS
## 536 1990 21 13 of of ADP IN
## 537 1990 21 14 the the DET DT
## 538 1990 21 15 American american ADJ JJ
## 539 1990 21 16 people people NOUN NNS
## 540 1990 21 17 ; ; PUNCT :
## 541 1990 21 18 events event NOUN NNS
## 542 1990 21 19 that that PRON WDT
## 543 1990 21 20 validate validate VERB VBP
## 544 1990 21 21 the the DET DT
## 545 1990 21 22 longstanding longstanding ADJ JJ
## 546 1990 21 23 goals goal NOUN NNS
## 547 1990 21 24 of of ADP IN
## 548 1990 21 25 American american ADJ JJ
## 549 1990 21 26 policy policy NOUN NN
## 550 1990 21 27 , , PUNCT ,
## 551 1990 21 28 a a DET DT
## 552 1990 21 29 policy policy NOUN NN
## 553 1990 21 30 based base VERB VBN
## 554 1990 21 31 on on ADP IN
## 555 1990 21 32 a a DET DT
## 556 1990 21 33 single single ADJ JJ
## 557 1990 21 34 , , PUNCT ,
## 558 1990 21 35 shining shine VERB VBG
## 559 1990 21 36 principle principle NOUN NN
## 560 1990 21 37 : : PUNCT :
## 561 1990 21 38 the the DET DT
## 562 1990 21 39 cause cause NOUN NN
## 563 1990 21 40 of of ADP IN
## 564 1990 21 41 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 565 1990 21 42 . . PUNCT .
## 566 1990 22 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 567 1990 22 2 America America PROPN NNP
## 568 1990 22 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 569 1990 22 4 not not PART RB
## 570 1990 22 5 just just ADV RB
## 571 1990 22 6 the the DET DT
## 572 1990 22 7 nation nation NOUN NN
## 573 1990 22 8 but but CCONJ CC
## 574 1990 22 9 an an DET DT
## 575 1990 22 10 idea idea NOUN NN
## 576 1990 22 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 577 1990 22 12 alive alive ADJ JJ
## 578 1990 22 13 in in ADP IN
## 579 1990 22 14 the the DET DT
## 580 1990 22 15 minds mind NOUN NNS
## 581 1990 22 16 of of ADP IN
## 582 1990 22 17 people people NOUN NNS
## 583 1990 22 18 everywhere everywhere ADV RB
## 584 1990 22 19 . . PUNCT .
## 585 1990 23 1 As as SCONJ IN
## 586 1990 23 2 this this DET DT
## 587 1990 23 3 new new ADJ JJ
## 588 1990 23 4 world world NOUN NN
## 589 1990 23 5 takes take VERB VBZ
## 590 1990 23 6 shape shape NOUN NN
## 591 1990 23 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 592 1990 23 8 America America PROPN NNP
## 593 1990 23 9 stands stand VERB VBZ
## 594 1990 23 10 at at ADP IN
## 595 1990 23 11 the the DET DT
## 596 1990 23 12 center center NOUN NN
## 597 1990 23 13 of of ADP IN
## 598 1990 23 14 a a DET DT
## 599 1990 23 15 widening widen VERB VBG
## 600 1990 23 16 circle circle NOUN NN
## 601 1990 23 17 of of ADP IN
## 602 1990 23 18 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 603 1990 23 19 -- -- PUNCT :
## 604 1990 23 20 today today NOUN NN
## 605 1990 23 21 , , PUNCT ,
## 606 1990 23 22 tomorrow tomorrow NOUN NN
## 607 1990 23 23 , , PUNCT ,
## 608 1990 23 24 and and CCONJ CC
## 609 1990 23 25 into into ADP IN
## 610 1990 23 26 the the DET DT
## 611 1990 23 27 next next ADJ JJ
## 612 1990 23 28 century century NOUN NN
## 613 1990 23 29 . . PUNCT .
## 614 1990 24 1 Our our PRON PRP$
## 615 1990 24 2 nation nation NOUN NN
## 616 1990 24 3 is be AUX VBZ
## 617 1990 24 4 the the DET DT
## 618 1990 24 5 enduring endure VERB VBG
## 619 1990 24 6 dream dream NOUN NN
## 620 1990 24 7 of of ADP IN
## 621 1990 24 8 every every DET DT
## 622 1990 24 9 immigrant immigrant NOUN NN
## 623 1990 24 10 who who PRON WP
## 624 1990 24 11 ever ever ADV RB
## 625 1990 24 12 set set VERB VBD
## 626 1990 24 13 foot foot NOUN NN
## 627 1990 24 14 on on ADP IN
## 628 1990 24 15 these these DET DT
## 629 1990 24 16 shores shore NOUN NNS
## 630 1990 24 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 631 1990 24 18 and and CCONJ CC
## 632 1990 24 19 the the DET DT
## 633 1990 24 20 millions million NOUN NNS
## 634 1990 24 21 still still ADV RB
## 635 1990 24 22 struggling struggle VERB VBG
## 636 1990 24 23 to to PART TO
## 637 1990 24 24 be be AUX VB
## 638 1990 24 25 free free ADJ JJ
## 639 1990 24 26 . . PUNCT .
## 640 1990 25 1 This this DET DT
## 641 1990 25 2 nation nation NOUN NN
## 642 1990 25 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 643 1990 25 4 this this DET DT
## 644 1990 25 5 idea idea NOUN NN
## 645 1990 25 6 called call VERB VBN
## 646 1990 25 7 America America PROPN NNP
## 647 1990 25 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 648 1990 25 9 was be AUX VBD
## 649 1990 25 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 650 1990 25 11 always always ADV RB
## 651 1990 25 12 will will AUX MD
## 652 1990 25 13 be be AUX VB
## 653 1990 25 14 a a DET DT
## 654 1990 25 15 new new ADJ JJ
## 655 1990 25 16 world world NOUN NN
## 656 1990 25 17 -- -- PUNCT :
## 657 1990 25 18 our our PRON PRP$
## 658 1990 25 19 new new ADJ JJ
## 659 1990 25 20 world world NOUN NN
## 660 1990 25 21 . . PUNCT .
## 661 1990 26 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 662 1990 26 2 At at ADP IN
## 663 1990 26 3 a a DET DT
## 664 1990 26 4 workers worker NOUN NNS
## 665 1990 26 5 ' ' PART POS
## 666 1990 26 6 rally rally NOUN NN
## 667 1990 26 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 668 1990 26 8 in in ADP IN
## 669 1990 26 9 a a DET DT
## 670 1990 26 10 place place NOUN NN
## 671 1990 26 11 called call VERB VBN
## 672 1990 26 12 Branik Branik PROPN NNP
## 673 1990 26 13 on on ADP IN
## 674 1990 26 14 the the DET DT
## 675 1990 26 15 outskirts outskirt NOUN NNS
## 676 1990 26 16 of of ADP IN
## 677 1990 26 17 Prague Prague PROPN NNP
## 678 1990 26 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 679 1990 26 19 the the DET DT
## 680 1990 26 20 idea idea NOUN NN
## 681 1990 26 21 called call VERB VBN
## 682 1990 26 22 America America PROPN NNP
## 683 1990 26 23 is be AUX VBZ
## 684 1990 26 24 alive alive ADJ JJ
## 685 1990 26 25 . . PUNCT .
## 686 1990 27 1 A a DET DT
## 687 1990 27 2 worker worker NOUN NN
## 688 1990 27 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 689 1990 27 4 dressed dress VERB VBN
## 690 1990 27 5 in in ADP IN
## 691 1990 27 6 grimy grimy ADJ JJ
## 692 1990 27 7 overalls overall NOUN NNS
## 693 1990 27 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 694 1990 27 9 rises rise VERB VBZ
## 695 1990 27 10 to to PART TO
## 696 1990 27 11 speak speak VERB VB
## 697 1990 27 12 at at ADP IN
## 698 1990 27 13 the the DET DT
## 699 1990 27 14 factory factory NOUN NN
## 700 1990 27 15 gates gate NOUN NNS
## 701 1990 27 16 . . PUNCT .
## 702 1990 28 1 He he PRON PRP
## 703 1990 28 2 begins begin VERB VBZ
## 704 1990 28 3 his his PRON PRP$
## 705 1990 28 4 speech speech NOUN NN
## 706 1990 28 5 to to ADP IN
## 707 1990 28 6 his his PRON PRP$
## 708 1990 28 7 fellow fellow ADJ JJ
## 709 1990 28 8 citizens citizen NOUN NNS
## 710 1990 28 9 with with ADP IN
## 711 1990 28 10 these these DET DT
## 712 1990 28 11 words word NOUN NNS
## 713 1990 28 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 714 1990 28 13 words word NOUN NNS
## 715 1990 28 14 of of ADP IN
## 716 1990 28 15 a a DET DT
## 717 1990 28 16 distant distant ADJ JJ
## 718 1990 28 17 revolution revolution NOUN NN
## 719 1990 28 18 : : PUNCT :
## 720 1990 28 19 " " PUNCT ``
## 721 1990 28 20 We we PRON PRP
## 722 1990 28 21 hold hold VERB VBP
## 723 1990 28 22 these these DET DT
## 724 1990 28 23 truths truth NOUN NNS
## 725 1990 28 24 to to PART TO
## 726 1990 28 25 be be AUX VB
## 727 1990 28 26 self self NOUN NN
## 728 1990 28 27 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 729 1990 28 28 evident evident ADJ JJ
## 730 1990 28 29 , , PUNCT ,
## 731 1990 28 30 that that SCONJ IN
## 732 1990 28 31 all all DET DT
## 733 1990 28 32 men man NOUN NNS
## 734 1990 28 33 are be AUX VBP
## 735 1990 28 34 created create VERB VBN
## 736 1990 28 35 equal equal ADJ JJ
## 737 1990 28 36 , , PUNCT ,
## 738 1990 28 37 that that SCONJ IN
## 739 1990 28 38 they they PRON PRP
## 740 1990 28 39 are be AUX VBP
## 741 1990 28 40 endowed endow VERB VBN
## 742 1990 28 41 by by ADP IN
## 743 1990 28 42 their their PRON PRP$
## 744 1990 28 43 Creator Creator PROPN NNP
## 745 1990 28 44 with with ADP IN
## 746 1990 28 45 certain certain ADJ JJ
## 747 1990 28 46 unalienable unalienable ADJ JJ
## 748 1990 28 47 Rights Rights PROPN NNPS
## 749 1990 28 48 , , PUNCT ,
## 750 1990 28 49 and and CCONJ CC
## 751 1990 28 50 that that SCONJ IN
## 752 1990 28 51 among among ADP IN
## 753 1990 28 52 these these PRON DT
## 754 1990 28 53 are be AUX VBP
## 755 1990 28 54 Life Life PROPN NNP
## 756 1990 28 55 , , PUNCT ,
## 757 1990 28 56 Liberty Liberty PROPN NNP
## 758 1990 28 57 and and CCONJ CC
## 759 1990 28 58 the the DET DT
## 760 1990 28 59 pursuit pursuit NOUN NN
## 761 1990 28 60 of of ADP IN
## 762 1990 28 61 Happiness Happiness PROPN NNP
## 763 1990 28 62 . . PUNCT .
## 764 1990 28 63 " " PUNCT ''
## 765 1990 29 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 766 1990 29 2 It it PRON PRP
## 767 1990 29 3 's be AUX VBZ
## 768 1990 29 4 no no DET DT
## 769 1990 29 5 secret secret NOUN NN
## 770 1990 29 6 that that SCONJ IN
## 771 1990 29 7 here here ADV RB
## 772 1990 29 8 at at ADP IN
## 773 1990 29 9 home home NOUN NN
## 774 1990 29 10 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 775 1990 29 11 's 's PART POS
## 776 1990 29 12 door door NOUN NN
## 777 1990 29 13 opened open VERB VBD
## 778 1990 29 14 long long ADV RB
## 779 1990 29 15 ago ago ADV RB
## 780 1990 29 16 . . PUNCT .
## 781 1990 30 1 The the DET DT
## 782 1990 30 2 cornerstones cornerstone NOUN NNS
## 783 1990 30 3 of of ADP IN
## 784 1990 30 4 this this DET DT
## 785 1990 30 5 free free ADJ JJ
## 786 1990 30 6 society society NOUN NN
## 787 1990 30 7 have have AUX VBP
## 788 1990 30 8 already already ADV RB
## 789 1990 30 9 been be AUX VBN
## 790 1990 30 10 set set VERB VBN
## 791 1990 30 11 in in ADP IN
## 792 1990 30 12 place place NOUN NN
## 793 1990 30 13 : : PUNCT :
## 794 1990 30 14 democracy democracy NOUN NN
## 795 1990 30 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 796 1990 30 16 competition competition NOUN NN
## 797 1990 30 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 798 1990 30 18 opportunity opportunity NOUN NN
## 799 1990 30 19 , , PUNCT ,
## 800 1990 30 20 private private ADJ JJ
## 801 1990 30 21 investment investment NOUN NN
## 802 1990 30 22 , , PUNCT ,
## 803 1990 30 23 stewardship stewardship NOUN NN
## 804 1990 30 24 , , PUNCT ,
## 805 1990 30 25 and and CCONJ CC
## 806 1990 30 26 of of ADP IN
## 807 1990 30 27 course course NOUN NN
## 808 1990 30 28 leadership leadership NOUN NN
## 809 1990 30 29 . . PUNCT .
## 810 1990 31 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 811 1990 31 2 our our PRON PRP$
## 812 1990 31 3 challenge challenge NOUN NN
## 813 1990 31 4 today today NOUN NN
## 814 1990 31 5 is be AUX VBZ
## 815 1990 31 6 to to PART TO
## 816 1990 31 7 take take VERB VB
## 817 1990 31 8 this this DET DT
## 818 1990 31 9 democratic democratic ADJ JJ
## 819 1990 31 10 system system NOUN NN
## 820 1990 31 11 of of ADP IN
## 821 1990 31 12 ours ours PRON PRP
## 822 1990 31 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 823 1990 31 14 a a DET DT
## 824 1990 31 15 system system NOUN NN
## 825 1990 31 16 second second ADJ JJ
## 826 1990 31 17 to to ADP IN
## 827 1990 31 18 none none NOUN NN
## 828 1990 31 19 , , PUNCT ,
## 829 1990 31 20 and and CCONJ CC
## 830 1990 31 21 make make VERB VB
## 831 1990 31 22 it it PRON PRP
## 832 1990 31 23 better well ADJ JJR
## 833 1990 31 24 : : PUNCT :
## 834 1990 31 25 a a DET DT
## 835 1990 31 26 better well ADJ JJR
## 836 1990 31 27 America America PROPN NNP
## 837 1990 31 28 , , PUNCT ,
## 838 1990 31 29 where where SCONJ WRB
## 839 1990 31 30 there there PRON EX
## 840 1990 31 31 's be VERB VBZ
## 841 1990 31 32 a a DET DT
## 842 1990 31 33 job job NOUN NN
## 843 1990 31 34 for for ADP IN
## 844 1990 31 35 everyone everyone PRON NN
## 845 1990 31 36 who who PRON WP
## 846 1990 31 37 wants want VERB VBZ
## 847 1990 31 38 one one NUM CD
## 848 1990 31 39 ; ; PUNCT :
## 849 1990 31 40 where where SCONJ WRB
## 850 1990 31 41 women woman NOUN NNS
## 851 1990 31 42 working work VERB VBG
## 852 1990 31 43 outside outside ADP IN
## 853 1990 31 44 the the DET DT
## 854 1990 31 45 home home NOUN NN
## 855 1990 31 46 can can AUX MD
## 856 1990 31 47 be be AUX VB
## 857 1990 31 48 confident confident ADJ JJ
## 858 1990 31 49 their their PRON PRP$
## 859 1990 31 50 children child NOUN NNS
## 860 1990 31 51 are be AUX VBP
## 861 1990 31 52 in in ADP IN
## 862 1990 31 53 safe safe ADJ JJ
## 863 1990 31 54 and and CCONJ CC
## 864 1990 31 55 loving love VERB VBG
## 865 1990 31 56 care care NOUN NN
## 866 1990 31 57 and and CCONJ CC
## 867 1990 31 58 where where SCONJ WRB
## 868 1990 31 59 government government NOUN NN
## 869 1990 31 60 works work VERB VBZ
## 870 1990 31 61 to to PART TO
## 871 1990 31 62 expand expand VERB VB
## 872 1990 31 63 child child NOUN NN
## 873 1990 31 64 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 874 1990 31 65 care care NOUN NN
## 875 1990 31 66 alternatives alternative NOUN NNS
## 876 1990 31 67 for for ADP IN
## 877 1990 31 68 parents parent NOUN NNS
## 878 1990 31 69 ; ; PUNCT :
## 879 1990 31 70 where where SCONJ WRB
## 880 1990 31 71 we we PRON PRP
## 881 1990 31 72 reconcile reconcile VERB VBP
## 882 1990 31 73 the the DET DT
## 883 1990 31 74 needs need NOUN NNS
## 884 1990 31 75 of of ADP IN
## 885 1990 31 76 a a DET DT
## 886 1990 31 77 clean clean ADJ JJ
## 887 1990 31 78 environment environment NOUN NN
## 888 1990 31 79 and and CCONJ CC
## 889 1990 31 80 a a DET DT
## 890 1990 31 81 strong strong ADJ JJ
## 891 1990 31 82 economy economy NOUN NN
## 892 1990 31 83 ; ; PUNCT :
## 893 1990 31 84 where where SCONJ WRB
## 894 1990 31 85 " " PUNCT ``
## 895 1990 31 86 Made make VERB VBN
## 896 1990 31 87 in in ADP IN
## 897 1990 31 88 the the DET DT
## 898 1990 31 89 USA USA PROPN NNP
## 899 1990 31 90 " " PUNCT ''
## 900 1990 31 91 is be AUX VBZ
## 901 1990 31 92 recognized recognize VERB VBN
## 902 1990 31 93 around around ADP IN
## 903 1990 31 94 the the DET DT
## 904 1990 31 95 world world NOUN NN
## 905 1990 31 96 as as ADP IN
## 906 1990 31 97 the the DET DT
## 907 1990 31 98 symbol symbol NOUN NN
## 908 1990 31 99 of of ADP IN
## 909 1990 31 100 quality quality NOUN NN
## 910 1990 31 101 and and CCONJ CC
## 911 1990 31 102 progress progress NOUN NN
## 912 1990 31 103 ; ; PUNCT :
## 913 1990 31 104 where where SCONJ WRB
## 914 1990 31 105 every every DET DT
## 915 1990 31 106 one one NUM CD
## 916 1990 31 107 of of ADP IN
## 917 1990 31 108 us we PRON PRP
## 918 1990 31 109 enjoys enjoy VERB VBZ
## 919 1990 31 110 the the DET DT
## 920 1990 31 111 same same ADJ JJ
## 921 1990 31 112 opportunities opportunity NOUN NNS
## 922 1990 31 113 to to PART TO
## 923 1990 31 114 live live VERB VB
## 924 1990 31 115 , , PUNCT ,
## 925 1990 31 116 to to PART TO
## 926 1990 31 117 work work VERB VB
## 927 1990 31 118 , , PUNCT ,
## 928 1990 31 119 and and CCONJ CC
## 929 1990 31 120 to to PART TO
## 930 1990 31 121 contribute contribute VERB VB
## 931 1990 31 122 to to ADP IN
## 932 1990 31 123 society society NOUN NN
## 933 1990 31 124 and and CCONJ CC
## 934 1990 31 125 where where SCONJ WRB
## 935 1990 31 126 , , PUNCT ,
## 936 1990 31 127 for for ADP IN
## 937 1990 31 128 the the DET DT
## 938 1990 31 129 first first ADJ JJ
## 939 1990 31 130 time time NOUN NN
## 940 1990 31 131 , , PUNCT ,
## 941 1990 31 132 the the DET DT
## 942 1990 31 133 American american ADJ JJ
## 943 1990 31 134 mainstream mainstream NOUN NN
## 944 1990 31 135 includes include VERB VBZ
## 945 1990 31 136 all all PRON DT
## 946 1990 31 137 of of ADP IN
## 947 1990 31 138 our our PRON PRP$
## 948 1990 31 139 disabled disabled ADJ JJ
## 949 1990 31 140 citizens citizen NOUN NNS
## 950 1990 31 141 ; ; PUNCT :
## 951 1990 31 142 where where SCONJ WRB
## 952 1990 31 143 everyone everyone PRON NN
## 953 1990 31 144 has have VERB VBZ
## 954 1990 31 145 a a DET DT
## 955 1990 31 146 roof roof NOUN NN
## 956 1990 31 147 over over ADP IN
## 957 1990 31 148 his his PRON PRP$
## 958 1990 31 149 head head NOUN NN
## 959 1990 31 150 and and CCONJ CC
## 960 1990 31 151 where where SCONJ WRB
## 961 1990 31 152 the the DET DT
## 962 1990 31 153 homeless homeless NOUN NN
## 963 1990 31 154 get get VERB VBP
## 964 1990 31 155 the the DET DT
## 965 1990 31 156 help help NOUN NN
## 966 1990 31 157 they they PRON PRP
## 967 1990 31 158 need need VERB VBP
## 968 1990 31 159 to to PART TO
## 969 1990 31 160 live live VERB VB
## 970 1990 31 161 in in ADP IN
## 971 1990 31 162 dignity dignity NOUN NN
## 972 1990 31 163 ; ; PUNCT :
## 973 1990 31 164 where where SCONJ WRB
## 974 1990 31 165 our our PRON PRP$
## 975 1990 31 166 schools school NOUN NNS
## 976 1990 31 167 challenge challenge NOUN NN
## 977 1990 31 168 and and CCONJ CC
## 978 1990 31 169 support support VERB VB
## 979 1990 31 170 our our PRON PRP$
## 980 1990 31 171 kids kid NOUN NNS
## 981 1990 31 172 and and CCONJ CC
## 982 1990 31 173 our our PRON PRP$
## 983 1990 31 174 teachers teacher NOUN NNS
## 984 1990 31 175 and and CCONJ CC
## 985 1990 31 176 where where SCONJ WRB
## 986 1990 31 177 all all PRON DT
## 987 1990 31 178 of of ADP IN
## 988 1990 31 179 them they PRON PRP
## 989 1990 31 180 make make VERB VBP
## 990 1990 31 181 the the DET DT
## 991 1990 31 182 grade grade NOUN NN
## 992 1990 31 183 ; ; PUNCT :
## 993 1990 31 184 where where SCONJ WRB
## 994 1990 31 185 every every DET DT
## 995 1990 31 186 street street NOUN NN
## 996 1990 31 187 , , PUNCT ,
## 997 1990 31 188 every every DET DT
## 998 1990 31 189 city city NOUN NN
## 999 1990 31 190 , , PUNCT ,
## 1000 1990 31 191 every every DET DT
## 1001 1990 31 192 school school NOUN NN
## 1002 1990 31 193 , , PUNCT ,
## 1003 1990 31 194 and and CCONJ CC
## 1004 1990 31 195 every every DET DT
## 1005 1990 31 196 child child NOUN NN
## 1006 1990 31 197 is be AUX VBZ
## 1007 1990 31 198 drug drug NOUN NN
## 1008 1990 31 199 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 1009 1990 31 200 free free ADJ JJ
## 1010 1990 31 201 ; ; PUNCT :
## 1011 1990 31 202 and and CCONJ CC
## 1012 1990 31 203 finally finally ADV RB
## 1013 1990 31 204 , , PUNCT ,
## 1014 1990 31 205 where where SCONJ WRB
## 1015 1990 31 206 no no DET DT
## 1016 1990 31 207 American American PROPN NNP
## 1017 1990 31 208 is be AUX VBZ
## 1018 1990 31 209 forgotten forget VERB VBN
## 1019 1990 31 210 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1020 1990 31 211 our our PRON PRP$
## 1021 1990 31 212 hearts heart NOUN NNS
## 1022 1990 31 213 go go VERB VBP
## 1023 1990 31 214 out out ADP RP
## 1024 1990 31 215 to to ADP IN
## 1025 1990 31 216 our our PRON PRP$
## 1026 1990 31 217 hostages hostage NOUN NNS
## 1027 1990 31 218 who who PRON WP
## 1028 1990 31 219 are be AUX VBP
## 1029 1990 31 220 ceaselessly ceaselessly ADV RB
## 1030 1990 31 221 on on ADP IN
## 1031 1990 31 222 our our PRON PRP$
## 1032 1990 31 223 minds mind NOUN NNS
## 1033 1990 31 224 and and CCONJ CC
## 1034 1990 31 225 in in ADP IN
## 1035 1990 31 226 our our PRON PRP$
## 1036 1990 31 227 efforts effort NOUN NNS
## 1037 1990 31 228 . . PUNCT .
## 1038 1990 32 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1039 1990 32 2 That that PRON DT
## 1040 1990 32 3 's be AUX VBZ
## 1041 1990 32 4 part part NOUN NN
## 1042 1990 32 5 of of ADP IN
## 1043 1990 32 6 the the DET DT
## 1044 1990 32 7 future future NOUN NN
## 1045 1990 32 8 we we PRON PRP
## 1046 1990 32 9 want want VERB VBP
## 1047 1990 32 10 to to PART TO
## 1048 1990 32 11 see see VERB VB
## 1049 1990 32 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 1050 1990 32 13 the the DET DT
## 1051 1990 32 14 future future NOUN NN
## 1052 1990 32 15 we we PRON PRP
## 1053 1990 32 16 can can AUX MD
## 1054 1990 32 17 make make VERB VB
## 1055 1990 32 18 for for ADP IN
## 1056 1990 32 19 ourselves ourselves PRON PRP
## 1057 1990 32 20 , , PUNCT ,
## 1058 1990 32 21 but but CCONJ CC
## 1059 1990 32 22 dreams dream NOUN NNS
## 1060 1990 32 23 alone alone ADV RB
## 1061 1990 32 24 wo will AUX MD
## 1062 1990 32 25 n't not PART RB
## 1063 1990 32 26 get get VERB VB
## 1064 1990 32 27 us we PRON PRP
## 1065 1990 32 28 there there ADV RB
## 1066 1990 32 29 . . PUNCT .
## 1067 1990 33 1 We we PRON PRP
## 1068 1990 33 2 need need VERB VBP
## 1069 1990 33 3 to to PART TO
## 1070 1990 33 4 extend extend VERB VB
## 1071 1990 33 5 our our PRON PRP$
## 1072 1990 33 6 horizon horizon NOUN NN
## 1073 1990 33 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 1074 1990 33 8 commit commit VERB VB
## 1075 1990 33 9 to to ADP IN
## 1076 1990 33 10 the the DET DT
## 1077 1990 33 11 long long ADJ JJ
## 1078 1990 33 12 view view NOUN NN
## 1079 1990 33 13 . . PUNCT .
## 1080 1990 34 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 1081 1990 34 2 our our PRON PRP$
## 1082 1990 34 3 mission mission NOUN NN
## 1083 1990 34 4 for for ADP IN
## 1084 1990 34 5 the the DET DT
## 1085 1990 34 6 future future ADJ JJ
## 1086 1990 34 7 starts start VERB VBZ
## 1087 1990 34 8 today today NOUN NN
## 1088 1990 34 9 . . PUNCT .
## 1089 1990 35 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1090 1990 35 2 In in ADP IN
## 1091 1990 35 3 the the DET DT
## 1092 1990 35 4 tough tough ADJ JJ
## 1093 1990 35 5 competitive competitive ADJ JJ
## 1094 1990 35 6 markets market NOUN NNS
## 1095 1990 35 7 around around ADP IN
## 1096 1990 35 8 the the DET DT
## 1097 1990 35 9 world world NOUN NN
## 1098 1990 35 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 1099 1990 35 11 America America PROPN NNP
## 1100 1990 35 12 faces face VERB VBZ
## 1101 1990 35 13 the the DET DT
## 1102 1990 35 14 great great ADJ JJ
## 1103 1990 35 15 challenges challenge NOUN NNS
## 1104 1990 35 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 1105 1990 35 17 great great ADJ JJ
## 1106 1990 35 18 opportunities opportunity NOUN NNS
## 1107 1990 35 19 . . PUNCT .
## 1108 1990 36 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 1109 1990 36 2 we we PRON PRP
## 1110 1990 36 3 know know VERB VBP
## 1111 1990 36 4 that that SCONJ IN
## 1112 1990 36 5 we we PRON PRP
## 1113 1990 36 6 can can AUX MD
## 1114 1990 36 7 succeed succeed VERB VB
## 1115 1990 36 8 in in ADP IN
## 1116 1990 36 9 the the DET DT
## 1117 1990 36 10 global global ADJ JJ
## 1118 1990 36 11 economic economic ADJ JJ
## 1119 1990 36 12 arena arena NOUN NN
## 1120 1990 36 13 of of ADP IN
## 1121 1990 36 14 the the DET DT
## 1122 1990 36 15 nineties ninety NOUN NNS
## 1123 1990 36 16 , , PUNCT ,
## 1124 1990 36 17 but but CCONJ CC
## 1125 1990 36 18 to to PART TO
## 1126 1990 36 19 meet meet VERB VB
## 1127 1990 36 20 that that DET DT
## 1128 1990 36 21 challenge challenge NOUN NN
## 1129 1990 36 22 , , PUNCT ,
## 1130 1990 36 23 we we PRON PRP
## 1131 1990 36 24 must must AUX MD
## 1132 1990 36 25 make make VERB VB
## 1133 1990 36 26 some some DET DT
## 1134 1990 36 27 fundamental fundamental ADJ JJ
## 1135 1990 36 28 changes change NOUN NNS
## 1136 1990 36 29 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1137 1990 36 30 some some DET DT
## 1138 1990 36 31 crucial crucial ADJ JJ
## 1139 1990 36 32 investment investment NOUN NN
## 1140 1990 36 33 in in ADP IN
## 1141 1990 36 34 ourselves ourselves PRON PRP
## 1142 1990 36 35 . . PUNCT .
## 1143 1990 37 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1144 1990 37 2 Yes yes INTJ UH
## 1145 1990 37 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 1146 1990 37 4 we we PRON PRP
## 1147 1990 37 5 are be AUX VBP
## 1148 1990 37 6 going go VERB VBG
## 1149 1990 37 7 to to PART TO
## 1150 1990 37 8 invest invest VERB VB
## 1151 1990 37 9 in in ADP IN
## 1152 1990 37 10 America America PROPN NNP
## 1153 1990 37 11 . . PUNCT .
## 1154 1990 38 1 This this DET DT
## 1155 1990 38 2 administration administration NOUN NN
## 1156 1990 38 3 is be AUX VBZ
## 1157 1990 38 4 determined determined ADJ JJ
## 1158 1990 38 5 to to PART TO
## 1159 1990 38 6 encourage encourage VERB VB
## 1160 1990 38 7 the the DET DT
## 1161 1990 38 8 creation creation NOUN NN
## 1162 1990 38 9 of of ADP IN
## 1163 1990 38 10 capital capital NOUN NN
## 1164 1990 38 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 1165 1990 38 12 capital capital NOUN NN
## 1166 1990 38 13 of of ADP IN
## 1167 1990 38 14 all all DET DT
## 1168 1990 38 15 kinds kind NOUN NNS
## 1169 1990 38 16 : : PUNCT :
## 1170 1990 38 17 physical physical ADJ JJ
## 1171 1990 38 18 capital capital NOUN NN
## 1172 1990 38 19 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1173 1990 38 20 everything everything PRON NN
## 1174 1990 38 21 from from ADP IN
## 1175 1990 38 22 our our PRON PRP$
## 1176 1990 38 23 farms farm NOUN NNS
## 1177 1990 38 24 and and CCONJ CC
## 1178 1990 38 25 factories factory NOUN NNS
## 1179 1990 38 26 to to ADP IN
## 1180 1990 38 27 our our PRON PRP$
## 1181 1990 38 28 workshops workshop NOUN NNS
## 1182 1990 38 29 and and CCONJ CC
## 1183 1990 38 30 production production NOUN NN
## 1184 1990 38 31 lines line NOUN NNS
## 1185 1990 38 32 , , PUNCT ,
## 1186 1990 38 33 all all PRON DT
## 1187 1990 38 34 that that PRON WDT
## 1188 1990 38 35 is be AUX VBZ
## 1189 1990 38 36 needed need VERB VBN
## 1190 1990 38 37 to to PART TO
## 1191 1990 38 38 produce produce VERB VB
## 1192 1990 38 39 and and CCONJ CC
## 1193 1990 38 40 deliver deliver VERB VB
## 1194 1990 38 41 quality quality NOUN NN
## 1195 1990 38 42 goods good NOUN NNS
## 1196 1990 38 43 and and CCONJ CC
## 1197 1990 38 44 quality quality NOUN NN
## 1198 1990 38 45 services service NOUN NNS
## 1199 1990 38 46 ; ; PUNCT :
## 1200 1990 38 47 intellectual intellectual ADJ JJ
## 1201 1990 38 48 capital capital NOUN NN
## 1202 1990 38 49 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1203 1990 38 50 the the DET DT
## 1204 1990 38 51 source source NOUN NN
## 1205 1990 38 52 of of ADP IN
## 1206 1990 38 53 ideas idea NOUN NNS
## 1207 1990 38 54 that that PRON WDT
## 1208 1990 38 55 spark spark VERB VBP
## 1209 1990 38 56 tomorrow tomorrow NOUN NN
## 1210 1990 38 57 's 's PART POS
## 1211 1990 38 58 products product NOUN NNS
## 1212 1990 38 59 ; ; PUNCT :
## 1213 1990 38 60 and and CCONJ CC
## 1214 1990 38 61 of of ADP IN
## 1215 1990 38 62 course course NOUN NN
## 1216 1990 38 63 our our PRON PRP$
## 1217 1990 38 64 human human ADJ JJ
## 1218 1990 38 65 capital capital NOUN NN
## 1219 1990 38 66 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1220 1990 38 67 the the DET DT
## 1221 1990 38 68 talented talented ADJ JJ
## 1222 1990 38 69 work work NOUN NN
## 1223 1990 38 70 force force NOUN NN
## 1224 1990 38 71 that that SCONJ IN
## 1225 1990 38 72 we we PRON PRP
## 1226 1990 38 73 'll will AUX MD
## 1227 1990 38 74 need need VERB VB
## 1228 1990 38 75 to to PART TO
## 1229 1990 38 76 compete compete VERB VB
## 1230 1990 38 77 in in ADP IN
## 1231 1990 38 78 the the DET DT
## 1232 1990 38 79 global global ADJ JJ
## 1233 1990 38 80 market market NOUN NN
## 1234 1990 38 81 . . PUNCT .
## 1235 1990 39 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1236 1990 39 2 Let let VERB VB
## 1237 1990 39 3 me I PRON PRP
## 1238 1990 39 4 tell tell VERB VB
## 1239 1990 39 5 you you PRON PRP
## 1240 1990 39 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 1241 1990 39 7 if if SCONJ IN
## 1242 1990 39 8 we we PRON PRP
## 1243 1990 39 9 ignore ignore VERB VBP
## 1244 1990 39 10 human human ADJ JJ
## 1245 1990 39 11 capital capital NOUN NN
## 1246 1990 39 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 1247 1990 39 13 if if SCONJ IN
## 1248 1990 39 14 we we PRON PRP
## 1249 1990 39 15 lose lose VERB VBP
## 1250 1990 39 16 the the DET DT
## 1251 1990 39 17 spirit spirit NOUN NN
## 1252 1990 39 18 of of ADP IN
## 1253 1990 39 19 American american ADJ JJ
## 1254 1990 39 20 ingenuity ingenuity NOUN NN
## 1255 1990 39 21 , , PUNCT ,
## 1256 1990 39 22 the the DET DT
## 1257 1990 39 23 spirit spirit NOUN NN
## 1258 1990 39 24 that that PRON WDT
## 1259 1990 39 25 is be AUX VBZ
## 1260 1990 39 26 the the DET DT
## 1261 1990 39 27 hallmark hallmark NOUN NN
## 1262 1990 39 28 of of ADP IN
## 1263 1990 39 29 the the DET DT
## 1264 1990 39 30 American american ADJ JJ
## 1265 1990 39 31 worker worker NOUN NN
## 1266 1990 39 32 , , PUNCT ,
## 1267 1990 39 33 that that PRON WDT
## 1268 1990 39 34 would would AUX MD
## 1269 1990 39 35 be be AUX VB
## 1270 1990 39 36 bad bad ADJ JJ
## 1271 1990 39 37 . . PUNCT .
## 1272 1990 40 1 The the DET DT
## 1273 1990 40 2 American american ADJ JJ
## 1274 1990 40 3 worker worker NOUN NN
## 1275 1990 40 4 is be AUX VBZ
## 1276 1990 40 5 the the DET DT
## 1277 1990 40 6 most most ADV RBS
## 1278 1990 40 7 productive productive ADJ JJ
## 1279 1990 40 8 worker worker NOUN NN
## 1280 1990 40 9 in in ADP IN
## 1281 1990 40 10 the the DET DT
## 1282 1990 40 11 world world NOUN NN
## 1283 1990 40 12 . . PUNCT .
## 1284 1990 41 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1285 1990 41 2 We we PRON PRP
## 1286 1990 41 3 need need VERB VBP
## 1287 1990 41 4 to to PART TO
## 1288 1990 41 5 save save VERB VB
## 1289 1990 41 6 more more ADJ JJR
## 1290 1990 41 7 . . PUNCT .
## 1291 1990 42 1 We we PRON PRP
## 1292 1990 42 2 need need VERB VBP
## 1293 1990 42 3 to to PART TO
## 1294 1990 42 4 expand expand VERB VB
## 1295 1990 42 5 the the DET DT
## 1296 1990 42 6 pool pool NOUN NN
## 1297 1990 42 7 of of ADP IN
## 1298 1990 42 8 capital capital NOUN NN
## 1299 1990 42 9 for for ADP IN
## 1300 1990 42 10 new new ADJ JJ
## 1301 1990 42 11 investments investment NOUN NNS
## 1302 1990 42 12 that that PRON WDT
## 1303 1990 42 13 need need VERB VBP
## 1304 1990 42 14 more more ADJ JJR
## 1305 1990 42 15 jobs job NOUN NNS
## 1306 1990 42 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 1307 1990 42 17 more more ADJ JJR
## 1308 1990 42 18 growth growth NOUN NN
## 1309 1990 42 19 . . PUNCT .
## 1310 1990 43 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 1311 1990 43 2 that that PRON DT
## 1312 1990 43 3 's be AUX VBZ
## 1313 1990 43 4 the the DET DT
## 1314 1990 43 5 idea idea NOUN NN
## 1315 1990 43 6 behind behind ADP IN
## 1316 1990 43 7 a a DET DT
## 1317 1990 43 8 new new ADJ JJ
## 1318 1990 43 9 initiative initiative NOUN NN
## 1319 1990 43 10 I I PRON PRP
## 1320 1990 43 11 call call VERB VBP
## 1321 1990 43 12 the the DET DT
## 1322 1990 43 13 Family Family PROPN NNP
## 1323 1990 43 14 Savings Savings PROPN NNP
## 1324 1990 43 15 Plan Plan PROPN NNP
## 1325 1990 43 16 , , PUNCT ,
## 1326 1990 43 17 which which PRON WDT
## 1327 1990 43 18 I I PRON PRP
## 1328 1990 43 19 will will AUX MD
## 1329 1990 43 20 send send VERB VB
## 1330 1990 43 21 to to ADP IN
## 1331 1990 43 22 Congress Congress PROPN NNP
## 1332 1990 43 23 tomorrow tomorrow NOUN NN
## 1333 1990 43 24 . . PUNCT .
## 1334 1990 44 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1335 1990 44 2 We we PRON PRP
## 1336 1990 44 3 need need VERB VBP
## 1337 1990 44 4 to to PART TO
## 1338 1990 44 5 cut cut VERB VB
## 1339 1990 44 6 the the DET DT
## 1340 1990 44 7 tax tax NOUN NN
## 1341 1990 44 8 on on ADP IN
## 1342 1990 44 9 capital capital NOUN NN
## 1343 1990 44 10 gains gain NOUN NNS
## 1344 1990 44 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 1345 1990 44 12 encourage encourage VERB VBP
## 1346 1990 44 13 risktakers risktaker NOUN NNS
## 1347 1990 44 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 1348 1990 44 15 especially especially ADV RB
## 1349 1990 44 16 those those PRON DT
## 1350 1990 44 17 in in ADP IN
## 1351 1990 44 18 our our PRON PRP$
## 1352 1990 44 19 small small ADJ JJ
## 1353 1990 44 20 businesses business NOUN NNS
## 1354 1990 44 21 , , PUNCT ,
## 1355 1990 44 22 to to PART TO
## 1356 1990 44 23 take take VERB VB
## 1357 1990 44 24 those those DET DT
## 1358 1990 44 25 steps step NOUN NNS
## 1359 1990 44 26 that that PRON WDT
## 1360 1990 44 27 translate translate VERB VBP
## 1361 1990 44 28 into into ADP IN
## 1362 1990 44 29 economic economic ADJ JJ
## 1363 1990 44 30 reward reward NOUN NN
## 1364 1990 44 31 , , PUNCT ,
## 1365 1990 44 32 jobs job NOUN NNS
## 1366 1990 44 33 , , PUNCT ,
## 1367 1990 44 34 and and CCONJ CC
## 1368 1990 44 35 a a DET DT
## 1369 1990 44 36 better well ADJ JJR
## 1370 1990 44 37 life life NOUN NN
## 1371 1990 44 38 for for ADP IN
## 1372 1990 44 39 all all PRON DT
## 1373 1990 44 40 of of ADP IN
## 1374 1990 44 41 us we PRON PRP
## 1375 1990 44 42 . . PUNCT .
## 1376 1990 45 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1377 1990 45 2 We we PRON PRP
## 1378 1990 45 3 'll will AUX MD
## 1379 1990 45 4 do do VERB VB
## 1380 1990 45 5 what what PRON WP
## 1381 1990 45 6 it it PRON PRP
## 1382 1990 45 7 takes take VERB VBZ
## 1383 1990 45 8 to to PART TO
## 1384 1990 45 9 invest invest VERB VB
## 1385 1990 45 10 in in ADP IN
## 1386 1990 45 11 America America PROPN NNP
## 1387 1990 45 12 's 's PART POS
## 1388 1990 45 13 future future NOUN NN
## 1389 1990 45 14 . . PUNCT .
## 1390 1990 46 1 The the DET DT
## 1391 1990 46 2 budget budget NOUN NN
## 1392 1990 46 3 commitment commitment NOUN NN
## 1393 1990 46 4 is be AUX VBZ
## 1394 1990 46 5 there there ADV RB
## 1395 1990 46 6 . . PUNCT .
## 1396 1990 47 1 The the DET DT
## 1397 1990 47 2 money money NOUN NN
## 1398 1990 47 3 is be AUX VBZ
## 1399 1990 47 4 there there ADV RB
## 1400 1990 47 5 . . PUNCT .
## 1401 1990 48 1 It it PRON PRP
## 1402 1990 48 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 1403 1990 48 3 there there ADV RB
## 1404 1990 48 4 for for ADP IN
## 1405 1990 48 5 research research NOUN NN
## 1406 1990 48 6 and and CCONJ CC
## 1407 1990 48 7 development development NOUN NN
## 1408 1990 48 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 1409 1990 48 9 R&D r&d NOUN NN
## 1410 1990 48 10 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1411 1990 48 11 a a DET DT
## 1412 1990 48 12 record record NOUN NN
## 1413 1990 48 13 high high NOUN NN
## 1414 1990 48 14 . . PUNCT .
## 1415 1990 49 1 It it PRON PRP
## 1416 1990 49 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 1417 1990 49 3 there there ADV RB
## 1418 1990 49 4 for for ADP IN
## 1419 1990 49 5 our our PRON PRP$
## 1420 1990 49 6 housing housing NOUN NN
## 1421 1990 49 7 initiative initiative NOUN NN
## 1422 1990 49 8 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1423 1990 49 9 HOPE HOPE PROPN NNP
## 1424 1990 49 10 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1425 1990 49 11 to to PART TO
## 1426 1990 49 12 help help VERB VB
## 1427 1990 49 13 everyone everyone PRON NN
## 1428 1990 49 14 from from ADP IN
## 1429 1990 49 15 first first ADJ JJ
## 1430 1990 49 16 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 1431 1990 49 17 time time NOUN NN
## 1432 1990 49 18 homebuyers homebuyer NOUN NNS
## 1433 1990 49 19 to to ADP IN
## 1434 1990 49 20 the the DET DT
## 1435 1990 49 21 homeless homeless NOUN NN
## 1436 1990 49 22 . . PUNCT .
## 1437 1990 50 1 The the DET DT
## 1438 1990 50 2 money money NOUN NN
## 1439 1990 50 3 's be AUX VBZ
## 1440 1990 50 4 there there ADV RB
## 1441 1990 50 5 to to PART TO
## 1442 1990 50 6 keep keep VERB VB
## 1443 1990 50 7 our our PRON PRP$
## 1444 1990 50 8 kids kid NOUN NNS
## 1445 1990 50 9 drug drug NOUN NN
## 1446 1990 50 10 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 1447 1990 50 11 free free ADJ JJ
## 1448 1990 50 12 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1449 1990 50 13 70 70 NUM CD
## 1450 1990 50 14 percent percent NOUN NN
## 1451 1990 50 15 more more ADJ JJR
## 1452 1990 50 16 than than ADP IN
## 1453 1990 50 17 when when SCONJ WRB
## 1454 1990 50 18 I I PRON PRP
## 1455 1990 50 19 took take VERB VBD
## 1456 1990 50 20 office office NOUN NN
## 1457 1990 50 21 in in ADP IN
## 1458 1990 50 22 1989 1989 NUM CD
## 1459 1990 50 23 . . PUNCT .
## 1460 1990 51 1 It it PRON PRP
## 1461 1990 51 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 1462 1990 51 3 there there ADV RB
## 1463 1990 51 4 for for ADP IN
## 1464 1990 51 5 space space NOUN NN
## 1465 1990 51 6 exploration exploration NOUN NN
## 1466 1990 51 7 . . PUNCT .
## 1467 1990 52 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 1468 1990 52 2 it it PRON PRP
## 1469 1990 52 3 's be AUX VBZ
## 1470 1990 52 4 there there ADV RB
## 1471 1990 52 5 for for ADP IN
## 1472 1990 52 6 education education NOUN NN
## 1473 1990 52 7 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1474 1990 52 8 another another DET DT
## 1475 1990 52 9 record record NOUN NN
## 1476 1990 52 10 high high NOUN NN
## 1477 1990 52 11 . . PUNCT .
## 1478 1990 53 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1479 1990 53 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 1480 1990 53 3 one one NUM CD
## 1481 1990 53 4 more more ADJ JJR
## 1482 1990 53 5 thing thing NOUN NN
## 1483 1990 53 6 : : PUNCT :
## 1484 1990 53 7 Last last ADJ JJ
## 1485 1990 53 8 fall fall NOUN NN
## 1486 1990 53 9 at at ADP IN
## 1487 1990 53 10 the the DET DT
## 1488 1990 53 11 education education NOUN NN
## 1489 1990 53 12 summit summit NOUN NN
## 1490 1990 53 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 1491 1990 53 14 the the DET DT
## 1492 1990 53 15 Governors Governors PROPN NNPS
## 1493 1990 53 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 1494 1990 53 17 I I PRON PRP
## 1495 1990 53 18 agreed agree VERB VBD
## 1496 1990 53 19 to to PART TO
## 1497 1990 53 20 look look VERB VB
## 1498 1990 53 21 for for ADP IN
## 1499 1990 53 22 ways way NOUN NNS
## 1500 1990 53 23 to to PART TO
## 1501 1990 53 24 help help VERB VB
## 1502 1990 53 25 make make VERB VB
## 1503 1990 53 26 sure sure ADJ JJ
## 1504 1990 53 27 that that SCONJ IN
## 1505 1990 53 28 our our PRON PRP$
## 1506 1990 53 29 kids kid NOUN NNS
## 1507 1990 53 30 are be AUX VBP
## 1508 1990 53 31 ready ready ADJ JJ
## 1509 1990 53 32 to to PART TO
## 1510 1990 53 33 learn learn VERB VB
## 1511 1990 53 34 the the DET DT
## 1512 1990 53 35 very very ADV RB
## 1513 1990 53 36 first first ADJ JJ
## 1514 1990 53 37 day day NOUN NN
## 1515 1990 53 38 they they PRON PRP
## 1516 1990 53 39 walk walk VERB VBP
## 1517 1990 53 40 into into ADP IN
## 1518 1990 53 41 the the DET DT
## 1519 1990 53 42 classroom classroom NOUN NN
## 1520 1990 53 43 . . PUNCT .
## 1521 1990 54 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 1522 1990 54 2 I I PRON PRP
## 1523 1990 54 3 've 've AUX VBP
## 1524 1990 54 4 made make VERB VBN
## 1525 1990 54 5 good good ADJ JJ
## 1526 1990 54 6 on on ADP IN
## 1527 1990 54 7 that that DET DT
## 1528 1990 54 8 commitment commitment NOUN NN
## 1529 1990 54 9 by by ADP IN
## 1530 1990 54 10 proposing propose VERB VBG
## 1531 1990 54 11 a a DET DT
## 1532 1990 54 12 record record ADJ JJ
## 1533 1990 54 13 increase increase NOUN NN
## 1534 1990 54 14 in in ADP IN
## 1535 1990 54 15 funds fund NOUN NNS
## 1536 1990 54 16 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1537 1990 54 17 an an DET DT
## 1538 1990 54 18 extra extra ADJ JJ
## 1539 1990 54 19 half half ADJ JJ
## 1540 1990 54 20 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 1541 1990 54 21 a a DET DT
## 1542 1990 54 22 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 1543 1990 54 23 billion billion NUM CD
## 1544 1990 54 24 dollars dollar NOUN NNS
## 1545 1990 54 25 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1546 1990 54 26 for for ADP IN
## 1547 1990 54 27 something something PRON NN
## 1548 1990 54 28 near near ADJ JJ
## 1549 1990 54 29 and and CCONJ CC
## 1550 1990 54 30 dear dear ADJ JJ
## 1551 1990 54 31 to to ADP IN
## 1552 1990 54 32 all all PRON DT
## 1553 1990 54 33 of of ADP IN
## 1554 1990 54 34 us we PRON PRP
## 1555 1990 54 35 : : PUNCT :
## 1556 1990 54 36 Head Head PROPN NNP
## 1557 1990 54 37 Start Start PROPN NNP
## 1558 1990 54 38 . . PUNCT .
## 1559 1990 55 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1560 1990 55 2 Education education NOUN NN
## 1561 1990 55 3 is be AUX VBZ
## 1562 1990 55 4 the the DET DT
## 1563 1990 55 5 one one NUM CD
## 1564 1990 55 6 investment investment NOUN NN
## 1565 1990 55 7 that that PRON WDT
## 1566 1990 55 8 means mean VERB VBZ
## 1567 1990 55 9 more more ADJ JJR
## 1568 1990 55 10 for for ADP IN
## 1569 1990 55 11 our our PRON PRP$
## 1570 1990 55 12 future future NOUN NN
## 1571 1990 55 13 because because SCONJ IN
## 1572 1990 55 14 it it PRON PRP
## 1573 1990 55 15 means mean VERB VBZ
## 1574 1990 55 16 the the DET DT
## 1575 1990 55 17 most most ADJ JJS
## 1576 1990 55 18 for for ADP IN
## 1577 1990 55 19 our our PRON PRP$
## 1578 1990 55 20 children child NOUN NNS
## 1579 1990 55 21 . . PUNCT .
## 1580 1990 56 1 Real real ADJ JJ
## 1581 1990 56 2 improvement improvement NOUN NN
## 1582 1990 56 3 in in ADP IN
## 1583 1990 56 4 our our PRON PRP$
## 1584 1990 56 5 schools school NOUN NNS
## 1585 1990 56 6 is be AUX VBZ
## 1586 1990 56 7 not not PART RB
## 1587 1990 56 8 simply simply ADV RB
## 1588 1990 56 9 a a DET DT
## 1589 1990 56 10 matter matter NOUN NN
## 1590 1990 56 11 of of ADP IN
## 1591 1990 56 12 spending spend VERB VBG
## 1592 1990 56 13 more more ADV RBR
## 1593 1990 56 14 : : PUNCT :
## 1594 1990 56 15 It it PRON PRP
## 1595 1990 56 16 's be AUX VBZ
## 1596 1990 56 17 a a DET DT
## 1597 1990 56 18 matter matter NOUN NN
## 1598 1990 56 19 of of ADP IN
## 1599 1990 56 20 asking ask VERB VBG
## 1600 1990 56 21 more more ADJ JJR
## 1601 1990 56 22 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1602 1990 56 23 expecting expect VERB VBG
## 1603 1990 56 24 more more ADJ JJR
## 1604 1990 56 25 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1605 1990 56 26 of of ADP IN
## 1606 1990 56 27 our our PRON PRP$
## 1607 1990 56 28 schools school NOUN NNS
## 1608 1990 56 29 , , PUNCT ,
## 1609 1990 56 30 our our PRON PRP$
## 1610 1990 56 31 teachers teacher NOUN NNS
## 1611 1990 56 32 , , PUNCT ,
## 1612 1990 56 33 of of ADP IN
## 1613 1990 56 34 our our PRON PRP$
## 1614 1990 56 35 kids kid NOUN NNS
## 1615 1990 56 36 , , PUNCT ,
## 1616 1990 56 37 of of ADP IN
## 1617 1990 56 38 our our PRON PRP$
## 1618 1990 56 39 parents parent NOUN NNS
## 1619 1990 56 40 , , PUNCT ,
## 1620 1990 56 41 and and CCONJ CC
## 1621 1990 56 42 ourselves ourselves PRON PRP
## 1622 1990 56 43 . . PUNCT .
## 1623 1990 57 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 1624 1990 57 2 that that PRON DT
## 1625 1990 57 3 's be AUX VBZ
## 1626 1990 57 4 why why SCONJ WRB
## 1627 1990 57 5 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 1628 1990 57 6 I I PRON PRP
## 1629 1990 57 7 am be AUX VBP
## 1630 1990 57 8 announcing announce VERB VBG
## 1631 1990 57 9 America America PROPN NNP
## 1632 1990 57 10 's 's PART POS
## 1633 1990 57 11 education education NOUN NN
## 1634 1990 57 12 goals goal NOUN NNS
## 1635 1990 57 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 1636 1990 57 14 goals goal NOUN NNS
## 1637 1990 57 15 developed develop VERB VBN
## 1638 1990 57 16 with with ADP IN
## 1639 1990 57 17 enormous enormous ADJ JJ
## 1640 1990 57 18 cooperation cooperation NOUN NN
## 1641 1990 57 19 from from ADP IN
## 1642 1990 57 20 the the DET DT
## 1643 1990 57 21 Nation Nation PROPN NNP
## 1644 1990 57 22 's 's PART POS
## 1645 1990 57 23 Governors Governors PROPN NNPS
## 1646 1990 57 24 . . PUNCT .
## 1647 1990 58 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 1648 1990 58 2 if if SCONJ IN
## 1649 1990 58 3 I I PRON PRP
## 1650 1990 58 4 might might AUX MD
## 1651 1990 58 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 1652 1990 58 6 I I PRON PRP
## 1653 1990 58 7 'd would AUX MD
## 1654 1990 58 8 like like VERB VB
## 1655 1990 58 9 to to PART TO
## 1656 1990 58 10 say say VERB VB
## 1657 1990 58 11 I I PRON PRP
## 1658 1990 58 12 'm be AUX VBP
## 1659 1990 58 13 very very ADV RB
## 1660 1990 58 14 pleased pleased ADJ JJ
## 1661 1990 58 15 that that SCONJ IN
## 1662 1990 58 16 Governor Governor PROPN NNP
## 1663 1990 58 17 Gardner Gardner PROPN NNP
## 1664 1990 58 18 [ [ X XX
## 1665 1990 58 19 Washington Washington PROPN NNP
## 1666 1990 58 20 ] ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 1667 1990 58 21 and and CCONJ CC
## 1668 1990 58 22 Governor Governor PROPN NNP
## 1669 1990 58 23 Clinton Clinton PROPN NNP
## 1670 1990 59 1 [ [ X XX
## 1671 1990 59 2 Arkansas Arkansas PROPN NNP
## 1672 1990 59 3 ] ] X XX
## 1673 1990 59 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 1674 1990 59 5 Governor Governor PROPN NNP
## 1675 1990 59 6 Branstad Branstad PROPN NNP
## 1676 1990 59 7 [ [ X XX
## 1677 1990 59 8 Iowa Iowa PROPN NNP
## 1678 1990 59 9 ] ] X XX
## 1679 1990 59 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 1680 1990 59 11 Governor Governor PROPN NNP
## 1681 1990 59 12 Campbell Campbell PROPN NNP
## 1682 1990 60 1 [ [ X XX
## 1683 1990 60 2 South South PROPN NNP
## 1684 1990 60 3 Carolina Carolina PROPN NNP
## 1685 1990 60 4 ] ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 1686 1990 60 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 1687 1990 60 6 all all PRON DT
## 1688 1990 60 7 of of ADP IN
## 1689 1990 60 8 whom whom PRON WP
## 1690 1990 60 9 were be AUX VBD
## 1691 1990 60 10 very very ADV RB
## 1692 1990 60 11 key key ADJ JJ
## 1693 1990 60 12 in in ADP IN
## 1694 1990 60 13 these these DET DT
## 1695 1990 60 14 discussions discussion NOUN NNS
## 1696 1990 60 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 1697 1990 60 16 these these DET DT
## 1698 1990 60 17 deliberations deliberation NOUN NNS
## 1699 1990 60 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 1700 1990 60 19 are be AUX VBP
## 1701 1990 60 20 with with ADP IN
## 1702 1990 60 21 us we PRON PRP
## 1703 1990 60 22 here here ADV RB
## 1704 1990 60 23 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 1705 1990 60 24 . . PUNCT .
## 1706 1990 61 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1707 1990 61 2 By by ADP IN
## 1708 1990 61 3 the the DET DT
## 1709 1990 61 4 year year NOUN NN
## 1710 1990 61 5 2000 2000 NUM CD
## 1711 1990 61 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 1712 1990 61 7 every every DET DT
## 1713 1990 61 8 child child NOUN NN
## 1714 1990 61 9 must must AUX MD
## 1715 1990 61 10 start start VERB VB
## 1716 1990 61 11 school school NOUN NN
## 1717 1990 61 12 ready ready ADJ JJ
## 1718 1990 61 13 to to PART TO
## 1719 1990 61 14 learn learn VERB VB
## 1720 1990 61 15 . . PUNCT .
## 1721 1990 62 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1722 1990 62 2 The the DET DT
## 1723 1990 62 3 United United PROPN NNP
## 1724 1990 62 4 States States PROPN NNP
## 1725 1990 62 5 must must AUX MD
## 1726 1990 62 6 increase increase VERB VB
## 1727 1990 62 7 the the DET DT
## 1728 1990 62 8 high high ADJ JJ
## 1729 1990 62 9 school school NOUN NN
## 1730 1990 62 10 graduation graduation NOUN NN
## 1731 1990 62 11 rate rate NOUN NN
## 1732 1990 62 12 to to ADP IN
## 1733 1990 62 13 no no ADV RB
## 1734 1990 62 14 less less ADJ JJR
## 1735 1990 62 15 than than ADP IN
## 1736 1990 62 16 90 90 NUM CD
## 1737 1990 62 17 percent percent NOUN NN
## 1738 1990 62 18 . . PUNCT .
## 1739 1990 63 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1740 1990 63 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 1741 1990 63 3 we we PRON PRP
## 1742 1990 63 4 are be AUX VBP
## 1743 1990 63 5 going go VERB VBG
## 1744 1990 63 6 to to PART TO
## 1745 1990 63 7 make make VERB VB
## 1746 1990 63 8 sure sure ADJ JJ
## 1747 1990 63 9 our our PRON PRP$
## 1748 1990 63 10 schools school NOUN NNS
## 1749 1990 63 11 ' ' PART POS
## 1750 1990 63 12 diplomas diploma NOUN NNS
## 1751 1990 63 13 mean mean VERB VBP
## 1752 1990 63 14 something something PRON NN
## 1753 1990 63 15 . . PUNCT .
## 1754 1990 64 1 In in ADP IN
## 1755 1990 64 2 critical critical ADJ JJ
## 1756 1990 64 3 subjects subject NOUN NNS
## 1757 1990 64 4 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1758 1990 64 5 at at ADP IN
## 1759 1990 64 6 the the DET DT
## 1760 1990 64 7 4th 4th ADJ JJ
## 1761 1990 64 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 1762 1990 64 9 8th 8th NOUN NN
## 1763 1990 64 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 1764 1990 64 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 1765 1990 64 12 12th 12th ADJ JJ
## 1766 1990 64 13 grades grade NOUN NNS
## 1767 1990 64 14 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1768 1990 64 15 we we PRON PRP
## 1769 1990 64 16 must must AUX MD
## 1770 1990 64 17 assess assess VERB VB
## 1771 1990 64 18 our our PRON PRP$
## 1772 1990 64 19 students student NOUN NNS
## 1773 1990 64 20 ' ' PART POS
## 1774 1990 64 21 performance performance NOUN NN
## 1775 1990 64 22 . . PUNCT .
## 1776 1990 65 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1777 1990 65 2 By by ADP IN
## 1778 1990 65 3 the the DET DT
## 1779 1990 65 4 year year NOUN NN
## 1780 1990 65 5 2000 2000 NUM CD
## 1781 1990 65 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 1782 1990 65 7 U.S. U.S. PROPN NNP
## 1783 1990 65 8 students student NOUN NNS
## 1784 1990 65 9 must must AUX MD
## 1785 1990 65 10 be be AUX VB
## 1786 1990 65 11 first first ADV RB
## 1787 1990 65 12 in in ADP IN
## 1788 1990 65 13 the the DET DT
## 1789 1990 65 14 world world NOUN NN
## 1790 1990 65 15 in in ADP IN
## 1791 1990 65 16 math math NOUN NN
## 1792 1990 65 17 and and CCONJ CC
## 1793 1990 65 18 science science NOUN NN
## 1794 1990 65 19 achievement achievement NOUN NN
## 1795 1990 65 20 . . PUNCT .
## 1796 1990 66 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1797 1990 66 2 Every every DET DT
## 1798 1990 66 3 American american ADJ JJ
## 1799 1990 66 4 adult adult NOUN NN
## 1800 1990 66 5 must must AUX MD
## 1801 1990 66 6 be be AUX VB
## 1802 1990 66 7 a a DET DT
## 1803 1990 66 8 skilled skilled ADJ JJ
## 1804 1990 66 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 1805 1990 66 10 literate literate ADJ JJ
## 1806 1990 66 11 worker worker NOUN NN
## 1807 1990 66 12 and and CCONJ CC
## 1808 1990 66 13 citizen citizen NOUN NN
## 1809 1990 66 14 . . PUNCT .
## 1810 1990 67 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1811 1990 67 2 Every every DET DT
## 1812 1990 67 3 school school NOUN NN
## 1813 1990 67 4 must must AUX MD
## 1814 1990 67 5 offer offer VERB VB
## 1815 1990 67 6 the the DET DT
## 1816 1990 67 7 kind kind NOUN NN
## 1817 1990 67 8 of of ADP IN
## 1818 1990 67 9 disciplined discipline VERB VBN
## 1819 1990 67 10 environment environment NOUN NN
## 1820 1990 67 11 that that PRON WDT
## 1821 1990 67 12 makes make VERB VBZ
## 1822 1990 67 13 it it PRON PRP
## 1823 1990 67 14 possible possible ADJ JJ
## 1824 1990 67 15 for for SCONJ IN
## 1825 1990 67 16 our our PRON PRP$
## 1826 1990 67 17 kids kid NOUN NNS
## 1827 1990 67 18 to to PART TO
## 1828 1990 67 19 learn learn VERB VB
## 1829 1990 67 20 . . PUNCT .
## 1830 1990 68 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 1831 1990 68 2 every every DET DT
## 1832 1990 68 3 school school NOUN NN
## 1833 1990 68 4 in in ADP IN
## 1834 1990 68 5 America America PROPN NNP
## 1835 1990 68 6 must must AUX MD
## 1836 1990 68 7 be be AUX VB
## 1837 1990 68 8 drug drug NOUN NN
## 1838 1990 68 9 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 1839 1990 68 10 free free ADJ JJ
## 1840 1990 68 11 . . PUNCT .
## 1841 1990 69 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1842 1990 69 2 Ambitious ambitious ADJ JJ
## 1843 1990 69 3 aims aim VERB VBZ
## 1844 1990 69 4 ? ? PUNCT .
## 1845 1990 70 1 Of of ADV RB
## 1846 1990 70 2 course course ADV RB
## 1847 1990 70 3 . . PUNCT .
## 1848 1990 71 1 Easy easy ADJ JJ
## 1849 1990 71 2 to to PART TO
## 1850 1990 71 3 do do VERB VB
## 1851 1990 71 4 ? ? PUNCT .
## 1852 1990 72 1 Far far ADV RB
## 1853 1990 72 2 from from ADP IN
## 1854 1990 72 3 it it PRON PRP
## 1855 1990 72 4 . . PUNCT .
## 1856 1990 73 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 1857 1990 73 2 the the DET DT
## 1858 1990 73 3 future future NOUN NN
## 1859 1990 73 4 's 's PART POS
## 1860 1990 73 5 at at ADP IN
## 1861 1990 73 6 stake stake NOUN NN
## 1862 1990 73 7 . . PUNCT .
## 1863 1990 74 1 The the DET DT
## 1864 1990 74 2 Nation nation NOUN NN
## 1865 1990 74 3 will will AUX MD
## 1866 1990 74 4 not not PART RB
## 1867 1990 74 5 accept accept VERB VB
## 1868 1990 74 6 anything anything PRON NN
## 1869 1990 74 7 less less ADJ JJR
## 1870 1990 74 8 than than ADP IN
## 1871 1990 74 9 excellence excellence NOUN NN
## 1872 1990 74 10 in in ADP IN
## 1873 1990 74 11 education education NOUN NN
## 1874 1990 74 12 . . PUNCT .
## 1875 1990 75 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1876 1990 75 2 These these DET DT
## 1877 1990 75 3 investments investment NOUN NNS
## 1878 1990 75 4 will will AUX MD
## 1879 1990 75 5 keep keep VERB VB
## 1880 1990 75 6 America America PROPN NNP
## 1881 1990 75 7 competitive competitive ADJ JJ
## 1882 1990 75 8 . . PUNCT .
## 1883 1990 76 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 1884 1990 76 2 I I PRON PRP
## 1885 1990 76 3 know know VERB VBP
## 1886 1990 76 4 this this PRON DT
## 1887 1990 76 5 about about ADP IN
## 1888 1990 76 6 the the DET DT
## 1889 1990 76 7 American american ADJ JJ
## 1890 1990 76 8 people people NOUN NNS
## 1891 1990 76 9 : : PUNCT :
## 1892 1990 76 10 We we PRON PRP
## 1893 1990 76 11 welcome welcome VERB VBP
## 1894 1990 76 12 competition competition NOUN NN
## 1895 1990 76 13 . . PUNCT .
## 1896 1990 77 1 We we PRON PRP
## 1897 1990 77 2 'll will AUX MD
## 1898 1990 77 3 match match VERB VB
## 1899 1990 77 4 our our PRON PRP$
## 1900 1990 77 5 ingenuity ingenuity NOUN NN
## 1901 1990 77 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 1902 1990 77 7 our our PRON PRP$
## 1903 1990 77 8 energy energy NOUN NN
## 1904 1990 77 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 1905 1990 77 10 our our PRON PRP$
## 1906 1990 77 11 experience experience NOUN NN
## 1907 1990 77 12 and and CCONJ CC
## 1908 1990 77 13 technology technology NOUN NN
## 1909 1990 77 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 1910 1990 77 15 our our PRON PRP$
## 1911 1990 77 16 spirit spirit NOUN NN
## 1912 1990 77 17 and and CCONJ CC
## 1913 1990 77 18 enterprise enterprise NOUN NN
## 1914 1990 77 19 against against ADP IN
## 1915 1990 77 20 anyone anyone PRON NN
## 1916 1990 77 21 . . PUNCT .
## 1917 1990 78 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 1918 1990 78 2 let let VERB VB
## 1919 1990 78 3 the the DET DT
## 1920 1990 78 4 competition competition NOUN NN
## 1921 1990 78 5 be be AUX VB
## 1922 1990 78 6 free free ADJ JJ
## 1923 1990 78 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 1924 1990 78 8 but but CCONJ CC
## 1925 1990 78 9 let let VERB VB
## 1926 1990 78 10 it it PRON PRP
## 1927 1990 78 11 also also ADV RB
## 1928 1990 78 12 be be AUX VB
## 1929 1990 78 13 fair fair ADJ JJ
## 1930 1990 78 14 . . PUNCT .
## 1931 1990 79 1 America America PROPN NNP
## 1932 1990 79 2 is be AUX VBZ
## 1933 1990 79 3 ready ready ADJ JJ
## 1934 1990 79 4 . . PUNCT .
## 1935 1990 80 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1936 1990 80 2 Since since SCONJ IN
## 1937 1990 80 3 we we PRON PRP
## 1938 1990 80 4 really really ADV RB
## 1939 1990 80 5 mean mean VERB VBP
## 1940 1990 80 6 it it PRON PRP
## 1941 1990 80 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 1942 1990 80 8 since since SCONJ IN
## 1943 1990 80 9 we we PRON PRP
## 1944 1990 80 10 're be AUX VBP
## 1945 1990 80 11 serious serious ADJ JJ
## 1946 1990 80 12 about about ADP IN
## 1947 1990 80 13 being be AUX VBG
## 1948 1990 80 14 ready ready ADJ JJ
## 1949 1990 80 15 to to PART TO
## 1950 1990 80 16 meet meet VERB VB
## 1951 1990 80 17 that that DET DT
## 1952 1990 80 18 challenge challenge NOUN NN
## 1953 1990 80 19 , , PUNCT ,
## 1954 1990 80 20 we we PRON PRP
## 1955 1990 80 21 're be AUX VBP
## 1956 1990 80 22 getting get VERB VBG
## 1957 1990 80 23 our our PRON PRP$
## 1958 1990 80 24 own own ADJ JJ
## 1959 1990 80 25 house house NOUN NN
## 1960 1990 80 26 in in ADP IN
## 1961 1990 80 27 order order NOUN NN
## 1962 1990 80 28 . . PUNCT .
## 1963 1990 81 1 We we PRON PRP
## 1964 1990 81 2 have have AUX VBP
## 1965 1990 81 3 made make VERB VBN
## 1966 1990 81 4 real real ADJ JJ
## 1967 1990 81 5 progress progress NOUN NN
## 1968 1990 81 6 . . PUNCT .
## 1969 1990 82 1 Seven seven NUM CD
## 1970 1990 82 2 years year NOUN NNS
## 1971 1990 82 3 ago ago ADV RB
## 1972 1990 82 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 1973 1990 82 5 the the DET DT
## 1974 1990 82 6 Federal federal ADJ JJ
## 1975 1990 82 7 deficit deficit NOUN NN
## 1976 1990 82 8 was be AUX VBD
## 1977 1990 82 9 6 6 NUM CD
## 1978 1990 82 10 percent percent NOUN NN
## 1979 1990 82 11 of of ADP IN
## 1980 1990 82 12 our our PRON PRP$
## 1981 1990 82 13 gross gross ADJ JJ
## 1982 1990 82 14 national national ADJ JJ
## 1983 1990 82 15 product product NOUN NN
## 1984 1990 82 16 -- -- PUNCT :
## 1985 1990 82 17 6 6 NUM CD
## 1986 1990 82 18 percent percent NOUN NN
## 1987 1990 82 19 . . PUNCT .
## 1988 1990 83 1 In in ADP IN
## 1989 1990 83 2 the the DET DT
## 1990 1990 83 3 new new ADJ JJ
## 1991 1990 83 4 budget budget NOUN NN
## 1992 1990 83 5 I I PRON PRP
## 1993 1990 83 6 sent send VERB VBD
## 1994 1990 83 7 up up ADP RP
## 1995 1990 83 8 2 2 NUM CD
## 1996 1990 83 9 days day NOUN NNS
## 1997 1990 83 10 ago ago ADV RB
## 1998 1990 83 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 1999 1990 83 12 the the DET DT
## 2000 1990 83 13 deficit deficit NOUN NN
## 2001 1990 83 14 is be AUX VBZ
## 2002 1990 83 15 down down ADV RB
## 2003 1990 83 16 to to ADP IN
## 2004 1990 83 17 1 1 NUM CD
## 2005 1990 83 18 percent percent NOUN NN
## 2006 1990 83 19 of of ADP IN
## 2007 1990 83 20 gross gross ADJ JJ
## 2008 1990 83 21 national national ADJ JJ
## 2009 1990 83 22 product product NOUN NN
## 2010 1990 83 23 . . PUNCT .
## 2011 1990 84 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2012 1990 84 2 That that DET DT
## 2013 1990 84 3 budget budget NOUN NN
## 2014 1990 84 4 brings bring VERB VBZ
## 2015 1990 84 5 Federal Federal PROPN NNP
## 2016 1990 84 6 spending spending NOUN NN
## 2017 1990 84 7 under under ADP IN
## 2018 1990 84 8 control control NOUN NN
## 2019 1990 84 9 . . PUNCT .
## 2020 1990 85 1 It it PRON PRP
## 2021 1990 85 2 meets meet VERB VBZ
## 2022 1990 85 3 the the DET DT
## 2023 1990 85 4 Gramm Gramm PROPN NNP
## 2024 1990 85 5 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 2025 1990 85 6 Rudman Rudman PROPN NNP
## 2026 1990 85 7 target target NOUN NN
## 2027 1990 85 8 . . PUNCT .
## 2028 1990 86 1 It it PRON PRP
## 2029 1990 86 2 brings bring VERB VBZ
## 2030 1990 86 3 that that DET DT
## 2031 1990 86 4 deficit deficit NOUN NN
## 2032 1990 86 5 down down ADP RP
## 2033 1990 86 6 further far ADV RB
## 2034 1990 86 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 2035 1990 86 8 balances balance VERB VBZ
## 2036 1990 86 9 the the DET DT
## 2037 1990 86 10 budget budget NOUN NN
## 2038 1990 86 11 by by ADP IN
## 2039 1990 86 12 1993 1993 NUM CD
## 2040 1990 86 13 with with ADP IN
## 2041 1990 86 14 no no DET DT
## 2042 1990 86 15 new new ADJ JJ
## 2043 1990 86 16 taxes taxis NOUN NNS
## 2044 1990 86 17 . . PUNCT .
## 2045 1990 87 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 2046 1990 87 2 let let VERB VB
## 2047 1990 87 3 me I PRON PRP
## 2048 1990 87 4 tell tell VERB VB
## 2049 1990 87 5 you you PRON PRP
## 2050 1990 87 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 2051 1990 87 7 there there PRON EX
## 2052 1990 87 8 's be VERB VBZ
## 2053 1990 87 9 still still ADV RB
## 2054 1990 87 10 more more ADJ JJR
## 2055 1990 87 11 than than ADP IN
## 2056 1990 87 12 enough enough ADJ JJ
## 2057 1990 87 13 Federal federal ADJ JJ
## 2058 1990 87 14 spending spending NOUN NN
## 2059 1990 87 15 . . PUNCT .
## 2060 1990 88 1 For for ADP IN
## 2061 1990 88 2 most most ADJ JJS
## 2062 1990 88 3 of of ADP IN
## 2063 1990 88 4 us we PRON PRP
## 2064 1990 88 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 2065 1990 88 6 $ $ SYM $
## 2066 1990 88 7 1.2 1.2 NUM CD
## 2067 1990 88 8 trillion trillion NUM CD
## 2068 1990 88 9 is be AUX VBZ
## 2069 1990 88 10 still still ADV RB
## 2070 1990 88 11 a a DET DT
## 2071 1990 88 12 lot lot NOUN NN
## 2072 1990 88 13 of of ADP IN
## 2073 1990 88 14 money money NOUN NN
## 2074 1990 88 15 . . PUNCT .
## 2075 1990 89 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2076 1990 89 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 2077 1990 89 3 once once SCONJ IN
## 2078 1990 89 4 the the DET DT
## 2079 1990 89 5 budget budget NOUN NN
## 2080 1990 89 6 is be AUX VBZ
## 2081 1990 89 7 balanced balance VERB VBN
## 2082 1990 89 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 2083 1990 89 9 we we PRON PRP
## 2084 1990 89 10 can can AUX MD
## 2085 1990 89 11 operate operate VERB VB
## 2086 1990 89 12 the the DET DT
## 2087 1990 89 13 way way NOUN NN
## 2088 1990 89 14 every every DET DT
## 2089 1990 89 15 family family NOUN NN
## 2090 1990 89 16 must must AUX MD
## 2091 1990 89 17 when when SCONJ WRB
## 2092 1990 89 18 it it PRON PRP
## 2093 1990 89 19 has have VERB VBZ
## 2094 1990 89 20 bills bill NOUN NNS
## 2095 1990 89 21 to to PART TO
## 2096 1990 89 22 pay pay VERB VB
## 2097 1990 89 23 . . PUNCT .
## 2098 1990 90 1 We we PRON PRP
## 2099 1990 90 2 wo will AUX MD
## 2100 1990 90 3 n't not PART RB
## 2101 1990 90 4 leave leave VERB VB
## 2102 1990 90 5 it it PRON PRP
## 2103 1990 90 6 to to ADP IN
## 2104 1990 90 7 our our PRON PRP$
## 2105 1990 90 8 children child NOUN NNS
## 2106 1990 90 9 and and CCONJ CC
## 2107 1990 90 10 our our PRON PRP$
## 2108 1990 90 11 grandchildren grandchild NOUN NNS
## 2109 1990 90 12 . . PUNCT .
## 2110 1990 91 1 Once once SCONJ IN
## 2111 1990 91 2 it it PRON PRP
## 2112 1990 91 3 's be AUX VBZ
## 2113 1990 91 4 balanced balance VERB VBN
## 2114 1990 91 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 2115 1990 91 6 we we PRON PRP
## 2116 1990 91 7 will will AUX MD
## 2117 1990 91 8 start start VERB VB
## 2118 1990 91 9 paying pay VERB VBG
## 2119 1990 91 10 off off ADP RP
## 2120 1990 91 11 the the DET DT
## 2121 1990 91 12 national national ADJ JJ
## 2122 1990 91 13 debt debt NOUN NN
## 2123 1990 91 14 . . PUNCT .
## 2124 1990 92 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2125 1990 92 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 2126 1990 92 3 there there PRON EX
## 2127 1990 92 4 's be VERB VBZ
## 2128 1990 92 5 something something PRON NN
## 2129 1990 92 6 more more ADJ JJR
## 2130 1990 92 7 we we PRON PRP
## 2131 1990 92 8 owe owe VERB VBP
## 2132 1990 92 9 the the DET DT
## 2133 1990 92 10 generations generation NOUN NNS
## 2134 1990 92 11 of of ADP IN
## 2135 1990 92 12 the the DET DT
## 2136 1990 92 13 future future NOUN NN
## 2137 1990 92 14 : : PUNCT :
## 2138 1990 92 15 stewardship stewardship NOUN NN
## 2139 1990 92 16 , , PUNCT ,
## 2140 1990 92 17 the the DET DT
## 2141 1990 92 18 safekeeping safekeeping NOUN NN
## 2142 1990 92 19 of of ADP IN
## 2143 1990 92 20 America America PROPN NNP
## 2144 1990 92 21 's 's PART POS
## 2145 1990 92 22 precious precious ADJ JJ
## 2146 1990 92 23 environmental environmental ADJ JJ
## 2147 1990 92 24 inheritance inheritance NOUN NN
## 2148 1990 92 25 . . PUNCT .
## 2149 1990 93 1 It it PRON PRP
## 2150 1990 93 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 2151 1990 93 3 just just ADV RB
## 2152 1990 93 4 one one NUM CD
## 2153 1990 93 5 sign sign NOUN NN
## 2154 1990 93 6 of of ADP IN
## 2155 1990 93 7 how how SCONJ WRB
## 2156 1990 93 8 serious serious ADJ JJ
## 2157 1990 93 9 we we PRON PRP
## 2158 1990 93 10 are be AUX VBP
## 2159 1990 93 11 . . PUNCT .
## 2160 1990 94 1 We we PRON PRP
## 2161 1990 94 2 will will AUX MD
## 2162 1990 94 3 elevate elevate VERB VB
## 2163 1990 94 4 the the DET DT
## 2164 1990 94 5 Environmental Environmental PROPN NNP
## 2165 1990 94 6 Protection Protection PROPN NNP
## 2166 1990 94 7 Agency Agency PROPN NNP
## 2167 1990 94 8 to to ADP IN
## 2168 1990 94 9 Cabinet Cabinet PROPN NNP
## 2169 1990 94 10 rank rank NOUN NN
## 2170 1990 94 11 -- -- PUNCT :
## 2171 1990 94 12 not not PART RB
## 2172 1990 94 13 more more ADJ JJR
## 2173 1990 94 14 bureaucracy bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 2174 1990 94 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 2175 1990 94 16 not not PART RB
## 2176 1990 94 17 more more ADV RBR
## 2177 1990 94 18 red red ADJ JJ
## 2178 1990 94 19 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 2179 1990 94 20 tape tape NOUN NN
## 2180 1990 94 21 , , PUNCT ,
## 2181 1990 94 22 but but CCONJ CC
## 2182 1990 94 23 the the DET DT
## 2183 1990 94 24 certainty certainty NOUN NN
## 2184 1990 94 25 that that SCONJ IN
## 2185 1990 94 26 here here ADV RB
## 2186 1990 94 27 at at ADP IN
## 2187 1990 94 28 home home NOUN NN
## 2188 1990 94 29 , , PUNCT ,
## 2189 1990 94 30 and and CCONJ CC
## 2190 1990 94 31 especially especially ADV RB
## 2191 1990 94 32 in in ADP IN
## 2192 1990 94 33 our our PRON PRP$
## 2193 1990 94 34 dealings dealing NOUN NNS
## 2194 1990 94 35 with with ADP IN
## 2195 1990 94 36 other other ADJ JJ
## 2196 1990 94 37 nations nation NOUN NNS
## 2197 1990 94 38 , , PUNCT ,
## 2198 1990 94 39 environmental environmental ADJ JJ
## 2199 1990 94 40 issues issue NOUN NNS
## 2200 1990 94 41 have have AUX VBP
## 2201 1990 94 42 the the DET DT
## 2202 1990 94 43 status status NOUN NN
## 2203 1990 94 44 they they PRON PRP
## 2204 1990 94 45 deserve deserve VERB VBP
## 2205 1990 94 46 . . PUNCT .
## 2206 1990 95 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2207 1990 95 2 This this DET DT
## 2208 1990 95 3 year year NOUN NN
## 2209 1990 95 4 's 's PART POS
## 2210 1990 95 5 budget budget NOUN NN
## 2211 1990 95 6 provides provide VERB VBZ
## 2212 1990 95 7 over over ADP IN
## 2213 1990 95 8 $ $ SYM $
## 2214 1990 95 9 2 2 NUM CD
## 2215 1990 95 10 billion billion NUM CD
## 2216 1990 95 11 in in ADP IN
## 2217 1990 95 12 new new ADJ JJ
## 2218 1990 95 13 spending spending NOUN NN
## 2219 1990 95 14 to to PART TO
## 2220 1990 95 15 protect protect VERB VB
## 2221 1990 95 16 our our PRON PRP$
## 2222 1990 95 17 environment environment NOUN NN
## 2223 1990 95 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 2224 1990 95 19 with with ADP IN
## 2225 1990 95 20 over over ADP IN
## 2226 1990 95 21 $ $ SYM $
## 2227 1990 95 22 1 1 NUM CD
## 2228 1990 95 23 billion billion NUM CD
## 2229 1990 95 24 for for ADP IN
## 2230 1990 95 25 global global ADJ JJ
## 2231 1990 95 26 change change NOUN NN
## 2232 1990 95 27 research research NOUN NN
## 2233 1990 95 28 , , PUNCT ,
## 2234 1990 95 29 and and CCONJ CC
## 2235 1990 95 30 a a DET DT
## 2236 1990 95 31 new new ADJ JJ
## 2237 1990 95 32 initiative initiative NOUN NN
## 2238 1990 95 33 I I PRON PRP
## 2239 1990 95 34 call call VERB VBP
## 2240 1990 95 35 America America PROPN NNP
## 2241 1990 95 36 the the DET DT
## 2242 1990 95 37 Beautiful Beautiful PROPN NNP
## 2243 1990 95 38 to to PART TO
## 2244 1990 95 39 expand expand VERB VB
## 2245 1990 95 40 our our PRON PRP$
## 2246 1990 95 41 national national ADJ JJ
## 2247 1990 95 42 parks park NOUN NNS
## 2248 1990 95 43 and and CCONJ CC
## 2249 1990 95 44 wildlife wildlife NOUN NN
## 2250 1990 95 45 preserves preserve VERB VBZ
## 2251 1990 95 46 that that PRON WDT
## 2252 1990 95 47 improve improve VERB VBP
## 2253 1990 95 48 recreational recreational ADJ JJ
## 2254 1990 95 49 facilities facility NOUN NNS
## 2255 1990 95 50 on on ADP IN
## 2256 1990 95 51 public public ADJ JJ
## 2257 1990 95 52 lands land NOUN NNS
## 2258 1990 95 53 , , PUNCT ,
## 2259 1990 95 54 and and CCONJ CC
## 2260 1990 95 55 something something PRON NN
## 2261 1990 95 56 else else ADV RB
## 2262 1990 95 57 , , PUNCT ,
## 2263 1990 95 58 something something PRON NN
## 2264 1990 95 59 that that PRON WDT
## 2265 1990 95 60 will will AUX MD
## 2266 1990 95 61 help help VERB VB
## 2267 1990 95 62 keep keep VERB VB
## 2268 1990 95 63 this this DET DT
## 2269 1990 95 64 country country NOUN NN
## 2270 1990 95 65 clean clean ADJ JJ
## 2271 1990 95 66 from from ADP IN
## 2272 1990 95 67 our our PRON PRP$
## 2273 1990 95 68 forestland forestland NOUN NN
## 2274 1990 95 69 to to ADP IN
## 2275 1990 95 70 the the DET DT
## 2276 1990 95 71 inner inner ADJ JJ
## 2277 1990 95 72 cities city NOUN NNS
## 2278 1990 95 73 and and CCONJ CC
## 2279 1990 95 74 keep keep VERB VB
## 2280 1990 95 75 America America PROPN NNP
## 2281 1990 95 76 beautiful beautiful ADJ JJ
## 2282 1990 95 77 for for SCONJ IN
## 2283 1990 95 78 generations generation NOUN NNS
## 2284 1990 95 79 to to PART TO
## 2285 1990 95 80 come come VERB VB
## 2286 1990 95 81 : : PUNCT :
## 2287 1990 95 82 the the DET DT
## 2288 1990 95 83 money money NOUN NN
## 2289 1990 95 84 to to PART TO
## 2290 1990 95 85 plant plant VERB VB
## 2291 1990 95 86 a a DET DT
## 2292 1990 95 87 billion billion NUM CD
## 2293 1990 95 88 trees tree NOUN NNS
## 2294 1990 95 89 a a DET DT
## 2295 1990 95 90 year year NOUN NN
## 2296 1990 95 91 . . PUNCT .
## 2297 1990 96 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2298 1990 96 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 2299 1990 96 3 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 2300 1990 96 4 let let VERB VBD
## 2301 1990 96 5 me I PRON PRP
## 2302 1990 96 6 say say VERB VB
## 2303 1990 96 7 again again ADV RB
## 2304 1990 96 8 to to ADP IN
## 2305 1990 96 9 all all DET PDT
## 2306 1990 96 10 the the DET DT
## 2307 1990 96 11 Members member NOUN NNS
## 2308 1990 96 12 of of ADP IN
## 2309 1990 96 13 the the DET DT
## 2310 1990 96 14 Congress Congress PROPN NNP
## 2311 1990 96 15 : : PUNCT :
## 2312 1990 96 16 The the DET DT
## 2313 1990 96 17 American american ADJ JJ
## 2314 1990 96 18 people people NOUN NNS
## 2315 1990 96 19 did do AUX VBD
## 2316 1990 96 20 not not PART RB
## 2317 1990 96 21 send send VERB VB
## 2318 1990 96 22 us we PRON PRP
## 2319 1990 96 23 here here ADV RB
## 2320 1990 96 24 to to ADP IN
## 2321 1990 96 25 bicker bicker NOUN NN
## 2322 1990 96 26 . . PUNCT .
## 2323 1990 97 1 There there PRON EX
## 2324 1990 97 2 is be VERB VBZ
## 2325 1990 97 3 work work NOUN NN
## 2326 1990 97 4 to to PART TO
## 2327 1990 97 5 do do VERB VB
## 2328 1990 97 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 2329 1990 97 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 2330 1990 97 8 they they PRON PRP
## 2331 1990 97 9 sent send VERB VBD
## 2332 1990 97 10 us we PRON PRP
## 2333 1990 97 11 here here ADV RB
## 2334 1990 97 12 to to PART TO
## 2335 1990 97 13 get get VERB VB
## 2336 1990 97 14 it it PRON PRP
## 2337 1990 97 15 done do VERB VBN
## 2338 1990 97 16 . . PUNCT .
## 2339 1990 98 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 2340 1990 98 2 once once ADV RB
## 2341 1990 98 3 again again ADV RB
## 2342 1990 98 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 2343 1990 98 5 in in ADP IN
## 2344 1990 98 6 the the DET DT
## 2345 1990 98 7 spirit spirit NOUN NN
## 2346 1990 98 8 of of ADP IN
## 2347 1990 98 9 cooperation cooperation NOUN NN
## 2348 1990 98 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 2349 1990 98 11 I I PRON PRP
## 2350 1990 98 12 offer offer VERB VBP
## 2351 1990 98 13 my my PRON PRP$
## 2352 1990 98 14 hand hand NOUN NN
## 2353 1990 98 15 to to ADP IN
## 2354 1990 98 16 all all PRON DT
## 2355 1990 98 17 of of ADP IN
## 2356 1990 98 18 you you PRON PRP
## 2357 1990 98 19 . . PUNCT .
## 2358 1990 99 1 Let let VERB VB
## 2359 1990 99 2 's us PRON PRP
## 2360 1990 99 3 work work VERB VB
## 2361 1990 99 4 together together ADV RB
## 2362 1990 99 5 to to PART TO
## 2363 1990 99 6 do do VERB VB
## 2364 1990 99 7 the the DET DT
## 2365 1990 99 8 will will NOUN NN
## 2366 1990 99 9 of of ADP IN
## 2367 1990 99 10 the the DET DT
## 2368 1990 99 11 people people NOUN NNS
## 2369 1990 99 12 : : PUNCT :
## 2370 1990 99 13 clean clean ADJ JJ
## 2371 1990 99 14 air air NOUN NN
## 2372 1990 99 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 2373 1990 99 16 child child NOUN NN
## 2374 1990 99 17 care care NOUN NN
## 2375 1990 99 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 2376 1990 99 19 the the DET DT
## 2377 1990 99 20 Educational Educational PROPN NNP
## 2378 1990 99 21 Excellence Excellence PROPN NNP
## 2379 1990 99 22 Act Act PROPN NNP
## 2380 1990 99 23 , , PUNCT ,
## 2381 1990 99 24 crime crime NOUN NN
## 2382 1990 99 25 , , PUNCT ,
## 2383 1990 99 26 and and CCONJ CC
## 2384 1990 99 27 drugs drug NOUN NNS
## 2385 1990 99 28 . . PUNCT .
## 2386 1990 100 1 It it PRON PRP
## 2387 1990 100 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 2388 1990 100 3 time time NOUN NN
## 2389 1990 100 4 to to PART TO
## 2390 1990 100 5 act act VERB VB
## 2391 1990 100 6 . . PUNCT .
## 2392 1990 101 1 The the DET DT
## 2393 1990 101 2 farm farm NOUN NN
## 2394 1990 101 3 bill bill NOUN NN
## 2395 1990 101 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 2396 1990 101 5 transportation transportation NOUN NN
## 2397 1990 101 6 policy policy NOUN NN
## 2398 1990 101 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 2399 1990 101 8 product product NOUN NN
## 2400 1990 101 9 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 2401 1990 101 10 liability liability NOUN NN
## 2402 1990 101 11 reform reform NOUN NN
## 2403 1990 101 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 2404 1990 101 13 enterprise enterprise NOUN NN
## 2405 1990 101 14 zones zone NOUN NNS
## 2406 1990 101 15 -- -- PUNCT :
## 2407 1990 101 16 it it PRON PRP
## 2408 1990 101 17 's be AUX VBZ
## 2409 1990 101 18 time time NOUN NN
## 2410 1990 101 19 to to PART TO
## 2411 1990 101 20 act act VERB VB
## 2412 1990 101 21 together together ADV RB
## 2413 1990 101 22 . . PUNCT .
## 2414 1990 102 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2415 1990 102 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 2416 1990 102 3 there there PRON EX
## 2417 1990 102 4 's be VERB VBZ
## 2418 1990 102 5 one one NUM CD
## 2419 1990 102 6 thing thing NOUN NN
## 2420 1990 102 7 I I PRON PRP
## 2421 1990 102 8 hope hope VERB VBP
## 2422 1990 102 9 we we PRON PRP
## 2423 1990 102 10 will will AUX MD
## 2424 1990 102 11 be be AUX VB
## 2425 1990 102 12 able able ADJ JJ
## 2426 1990 102 13 to to PART TO
## 2427 1990 102 14 agree agree VERB VB
## 2428 1990 102 15 on on ADP IN
## 2429 1990 102 16 . . PUNCT .
## 2430 1990 103 1 It it PRON PRP
## 2431 1990 103 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 2432 1990 103 3 about about ADP IN
## 2433 1990 103 4 our our PRON PRP$
## 2434 1990 103 5 commitments commitment NOUN NNS
## 2435 1990 103 6 . . PUNCT .
## 2436 1990 104 1 I I PRON PRP
## 2437 1990 104 2 'm be AUX VBP
## 2438 1990 104 3 talking talk VERB VBG
## 2439 1990 104 4 about about ADP IN
## 2440 1990 104 5 Social Social PROPN NNP
## 2441 1990 104 6 Security Security PROPN NNP
## 2442 1990 104 7 . . PUNCT .
## 2443 1990 105 1 To to ADP IN
## 2444 1990 105 2 every every DET DT
## 2445 1990 105 3 American American PROPN NNP
## 2446 1990 105 4 out out ADV RB
## 2447 1990 105 5 there there ADV RB
## 2448 1990 105 6 on on ADP IN
## 2449 1990 105 7 Social Social PROPN NNP
## 2450 1990 105 8 Security Security PROPN NNP
## 2451 1990 105 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 2452 1990 105 10 to to ADP IN
## 2453 1990 105 11 every every DET DT
## 2454 1990 105 12 American american ADJ JJ
## 2455 1990 105 13 supporting support VERB VBG
## 2456 1990 105 14 that that DET DT
## 2457 1990 105 15 system system NOUN NN
## 2458 1990 105 16 today today NOUN NN
## 2459 1990 105 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 2460 1990 105 18 and and CCONJ CC
## 2461 1990 105 19 to to ADP IN
## 2462 1990 105 20 everyone everyone PRON NN
## 2463 1990 105 21 counting count VERB VBG
## 2464 1990 105 22 on on ADP IN
## 2465 1990 105 23 it it PRON PRP
## 2466 1990 105 24 when when SCONJ WRB
## 2467 1990 105 25 they they PRON PRP
## 2468 1990 105 26 retire retire VERB VBP
## 2469 1990 105 27 , , PUNCT ,
## 2470 1990 105 28 we we PRON PRP
## 2471 1990 105 29 made make VERB VBD
## 2472 1990 105 30 a a DET DT
## 2473 1990 105 31 promise promise NOUN NN
## 2474 1990 105 32 to to ADP IN
## 2475 1990 105 33 you you PRON PRP
## 2476 1990 105 34 , , PUNCT ,
## 2477 1990 105 35 and and CCONJ CC
## 2478 1990 105 36 we we PRON PRP
## 2479 1990 105 37 are be AUX VBP
## 2480 1990 105 38 going go VERB VBG
## 2481 1990 105 39 to to PART TO
## 2482 1990 105 40 keep keep VERB VB
## 2483 1990 105 41 it it PRON PRP
## 2484 1990 105 42 . . PUNCT .
## 2485 1990 106 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2486 1990 106 2 We we PRON PRP
## 2487 1990 106 3 rescued rescue VERB VBD
## 2488 1990 106 4 the the DET DT
## 2489 1990 106 5 system system NOUN NN
## 2490 1990 106 6 in in ADP IN
## 2491 1990 106 7 1983 1983 NUM CD
## 2492 1990 106 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 2493 1990 106 9 and and CCONJ CC
## 2494 1990 106 10 it it PRON PRP
## 2495 1990 106 11 's be AUX VBZ
## 2496 1990 106 12 sound sound ADJ JJ
## 2497 1990 106 13 again again ADV RB
## 2498 1990 106 14 -- -- PUNCT :
## 2499 1990 106 15 bipartisan bipartisan ADJ JJ
## 2500 1990 106 16 arrangement arrangement NOUN NN
## 2501 1990 106 17 . . PUNCT .
## 2502 1990 107 1 Our our PRON PRP$
## 2503 1990 107 2 budget budget NOUN NN
## 2504 1990 107 3 fully fully ADV RB
## 2505 1990 107 4 funds fund VERB VBZ
## 2506 1990 107 5 today today NOUN NN
## 2507 1990 107 6 's 's PART POS
## 2508 1990 107 7 benefits benefit NOUN NNS
## 2509 1990 107 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 2510 1990 107 9 and and CCONJ CC
## 2511 1990 107 10 it it PRON PRP
## 2512 1990 107 11 assures assure VERB VBZ
## 2513 1990 107 12 that that SCONJ IN
## 2514 1990 107 13 future future ADJ JJ
## 2515 1990 107 14 benefits benefit NOUN NNS
## 2516 1990 107 15 will will AUX MD
## 2517 1990 107 16 be be AUX VB
## 2518 1990 107 17 funded fund VERB VBN
## 2519 1990 107 18 as as ADV RB
## 2520 1990 107 19 well well ADV RB
## 2521 1990 107 20 . . PUNCT .
## 2522 1990 108 1 The the DET DT
## 2523 1990 108 2 last last ADJ JJ
## 2524 1990 108 3 thing thing NOUN NN
## 2525 1990 108 4 we we PRON PRP
## 2526 1990 108 5 need need VERB VBP
## 2527 1990 108 6 to to PART TO
## 2528 1990 108 7 do do VERB VB
## 2529 1990 108 8 is be AUX VBZ
## 2530 1990 108 9 mess mess VERB VB
## 2531 1990 108 10 around around ADV RB
## 2532 1990 108 11 with with ADP IN
## 2533 1990 108 12 Social Social PROPN NNP
## 2534 1990 108 13 Security Security PROPN NNP
## 2535 1990 108 14 . . PUNCT .
## 2536 1990 109 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2537 1990 109 2 There there PRON EX
## 2538 1990 109 3 's be VERB VBZ
## 2539 1990 109 4 one one NUM CD
## 2540 1990 109 5 more more ADJ JJR
## 2541 1990 109 6 problem problem NOUN NN
## 2542 1990 109 7 we we PRON PRP
## 2543 1990 109 8 need need VERB VBP
## 2544 1990 109 9 to to PART TO
## 2545 1990 109 10 address address VERB VB
## 2546 1990 109 11 . . PUNCT .
## 2547 1990 110 1 We we PRON PRP
## 2548 1990 110 2 must must AUX MD
## 2549 1990 110 3 give give VERB VB
## 2550 1990 110 4 careful careful ADJ JJ
## 2551 1990 110 5 consideration consideration NOUN NN
## 2552 1990 110 6 to to ADP IN
## 2553 1990 110 7 the the DET DT
## 2554 1990 110 8 recommendations recommendation NOUN NNS
## 2555 1990 110 9 of of ADP IN
## 2556 1990 110 10 the the DET DT
## 2557 1990 110 11 health health NOUN NN
## 2558 1990 110 12 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 2559 1990 110 13 care care NOUN NN
## 2560 1990 110 14 studies study NOUN NNS
## 2561 1990 110 15 underway underway ADJ JJ
## 2562 1990 110 16 now now ADV RB
## 2563 1990 110 17 . . PUNCT .
## 2564 1990 111 1 That that PRON DT
## 2565 1990 111 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 2566 1990 111 3 why why SCONJ WRB
## 2567 1990 111 4 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 2568 1990 111 5 I I PRON PRP
## 2569 1990 111 6 'm be AUX VBP
## 2570 1990 111 7 asking ask VERB VBG
## 2571 1990 111 8 Dr. Dr. PROPN NNP
## 2572 1990 111 9 Sullivan Sullivan PROPN NNP
## 2573 1990 111 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 2574 1990 111 11 Lou Lou PROPN NNP
## 2575 1990 111 12 Sullivan Sullivan PROPN NNP
## 2576 1990 111 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 2577 1990 111 14 Secretary Secretary PROPN NNP
## 2578 1990 111 15 of of ADP IN
## 2579 1990 111 16 Health Health PROPN NNP
## 2580 1990 111 17 and and CCONJ CC
## 2581 1990 111 18 Human Human PROPN NNP
## 2582 1990 111 19 Services Services PROPN NNPS
## 2583 1990 111 20 , , PUNCT ,
## 2584 1990 111 21 to to PART TO
## 2585 1990 111 22 lead lead VERB VB
## 2586 1990 111 23 a a DET DT
## 2587 1990 111 24 Domestic Domestic PROPN NNP
## 2588 1990 111 25 Policy Policy PROPN NNP
## 2589 1990 111 26 Council Council PROPN NNP
## 2590 1990 111 27 review review NOUN NN
## 2591 1990 111 28 of of ADP IN
## 2592 1990 111 29 recommendations recommendation NOUN NNS
## 2593 1990 111 30 on on ADP IN
## 2594 1990 111 31 the the DET DT
## 2595 1990 111 32 quality quality NOUN NN
## 2596 1990 111 33 , , PUNCT ,
## 2597 1990 111 34 accessibility accessibility NOUN NN
## 2598 1990 111 35 , , PUNCT ,
## 2599 1990 111 36 and and CCONJ CC
## 2600 1990 111 37 cost cost NOUN NN
## 2601 1990 111 38 of of ADP IN
## 2602 1990 111 39 our our PRON PRP$
## 2603 1990 111 40 nation nation NOUN NN
## 2604 1990 111 41 's 's PART POS
## 2605 1990 111 42 health health NOUN NN
## 2606 1990 111 43 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 2607 1990 111 44 care care NOUN NN
## 2608 1990 111 45 system system NOUN NN
## 2609 1990 111 46 . . PUNCT .
## 2610 1990 112 1 I I PRON PRP
## 2611 1990 112 2 am be AUX VBP
## 2612 1990 112 3 committed commit VERB VBN
## 2613 1990 112 4 to to PART TO
## 2614 1990 112 5 bring bring VERB VB
## 2615 1990 112 6 the the DET DT
## 2616 1990 112 7 staggering staggering ADJ JJ
## 2617 1990 112 8 costs cost NOUN NNS
## 2618 1990 112 9 of of ADP IN
## 2619 1990 112 10 health health NOUN NN
## 2620 1990 112 11 care care NOUN NN
## 2621 1990 112 12 under under ADP IN
## 2622 1990 112 13 control control NOUN NN
## 2623 1990 112 14 . . PUNCT .
## 2624 1990 113 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2625 1990 113 2 The the DET DT
## 2626 1990 113 3 state state NOUN NN
## 2627 1990 113 4 of of ADP IN
## 2628 1990 113 5 the the DET DT
## 2629 1990 113 6 Government Government PROPN NNP
## 2630 1990 113 7 does do AUX VBZ
## 2631 1990 113 8 indeed indeed ADV RB
## 2632 1990 113 9 depend depend VERB VB
## 2633 1990 113 10 on on ADP IN
## 2634 1990 113 11 many many ADJ JJ
## 2635 1990 113 12 of of ADP IN
## 2636 1990 113 13 us we PRON PRP
## 2637 1990 113 14 in in ADP IN
## 2638 1990 113 15 this this DET DT
## 2639 1990 113 16 very very ADJ JJ
## 2640 1990 113 17 chamber chamber NOUN NN
## 2641 1990 113 18 . . PUNCT .
## 2642 1990 114 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 2643 1990 114 2 the the DET DT
## 2644 1990 114 3 state state NOUN NN
## 2645 1990 114 4 of of ADP IN
## 2646 1990 114 5 the the DET DT
## 2647 1990 114 6 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 2648 1990 114 7 depends depend VERB VBZ
## 2649 1990 114 8 on on ADP IN
## 2650 1990 114 9 all all DET DT
## 2651 1990 114 10 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 2652 1990 114 11 . . PUNCT .
## 2653 1990 115 1 We we PRON PRP
## 2654 1990 115 2 must must AUX MD
## 2655 1990 115 3 maintain maintain VERB VB
## 2656 1990 115 4 the the DET DT
## 2657 1990 115 5 democratic democratic ADJ JJ
## 2658 1990 115 6 decency decency NOUN NN
## 2659 1990 115 7 that that PRON WDT
## 2660 1990 115 8 makes make VERB VBZ
## 2661 1990 115 9 a a DET DT
## 2662 1990 115 10 nation nation NOUN NN
## 2663 1990 115 11 out out ADP IN
## 2664 1990 115 12 of of ADP IN
## 2665 1990 115 13 millions million NOUN NNS
## 2666 1990 115 14 of of ADP IN
## 2667 1990 115 15 individuals individual NOUN NNS
## 2668 1990 115 16 . . PUNCT .
## 2669 1990 116 1 I I PRON PRP
## 2670 1990 116 2 've 've AUX VBP
## 2671 1990 116 3 been be AUX VBN
## 2672 1990 116 4 appalled appal VERB VBN
## 2673 1990 116 5 at at ADP IN
## 2674 1990 116 6 the the DET DT
## 2675 1990 116 7 recent recent ADJ JJ
## 2676 1990 116 8 mail mail NOUN NN
## 2677 1990 116 9 bombings bombing NOUN NNS
## 2678 1990 116 10 across across ADP IN
## 2679 1990 116 11 this this DET DT
## 2680 1990 116 12 country country NOUN NN
## 2681 1990 116 13 . . PUNCT .
## 2682 1990 117 1 Every every DET DT
## 2683 1990 117 2 one one NUM CD
## 2684 1990 117 3 of of ADP IN
## 2685 1990 117 4 us we PRON PRP
## 2686 1990 117 5 must must AUX MD
## 2687 1990 117 6 confront confront VERB VB
## 2688 1990 117 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 2689 1990 117 8 condemn condemn VERB VB
## 2690 1990 117 9 racism racism NOUN NN
## 2691 1990 117 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 2692 1990 117 11 anti anti ADJ JJ
## 2693 1990 117 12 - - PROPN NNP
## 2694 1990 117 13 Semitism semitism ADJ JJ
## 2695 1990 117 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 2696 1990 117 15 bigotry bigotry NOUN NN
## 2697 1990 117 16 , , PUNCT ,
## 2698 1990 117 17 and and CCONJ CC
## 2699 1990 117 18 hate hate NOUN NN
## 2700 1990 117 19 , , PUNCT ,
## 2701 1990 117 20 not not PART RB
## 2702 1990 117 21 next next ADJ JJ
## 2703 1990 117 22 week week NOUN NN
## 2704 1990 117 23 , , PUNCT ,
## 2705 1990 117 24 not not PART RB
## 2706 1990 117 25 tomorrow tomorrow NOUN NN
## 2707 1990 117 26 , , PUNCT ,
## 2708 1990 117 27 but but CCONJ CC
## 2709 1990 117 28 right right ADV RB
## 2710 1990 117 29 now now ADV RB
## 2711 1990 117 30 -- -- PUNCT :
## 2712 1990 117 31 every every DET DT
## 2713 1990 117 32 single single ADJ JJ
## 2714 1990 117 33 one one NUM CD
## 2715 1990 117 34 of of ADP IN
## 2716 1990 117 35 us we PRON PRP
## 2717 1990 117 36 . . PUNCT .
## 2718 1990 118 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2719 1990 118 2 The the DET DT
## 2720 1990 118 3 state state NOUN NN
## 2721 1990 118 4 of of ADP IN
## 2722 1990 118 5 the the DET DT
## 2723 1990 118 6 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 2724 1990 118 7 depends depend VERB VBZ
## 2725 1990 118 8 on on ADP IN
## 2726 1990 118 9 whether whether SCONJ IN
## 2727 1990 118 10 we we PRON PRP
## 2728 1990 118 11 help help VERB VBP
## 2729 1990 118 12 our our PRON PRP$
## 2730 1990 118 13 neighbor neighbor NOUN NN
## 2731 1990 118 14 -- -- PUNCT :
## 2732 1990 118 15 claim claim VERB VBP
## 2733 1990 118 16 the the DET DT
## 2734 1990 118 17 problems problem NOUN NNS
## 2735 1990 118 18 of of ADP IN
## 2736 1990 118 19 our our PRON PRP$
## 2737 1990 118 20 community community NOUN NN
## 2738 1990 118 21 as as ADP IN
## 2739 1990 118 22 our our PRON PRP$
## 2740 1990 118 23 own own ADJ JJ
## 2741 1990 118 24 . . PUNCT .
## 2742 1990 119 1 We we PRON PRP
## 2743 1990 119 2 've 've AUX VBP
## 2744 1990 119 3 got get VERB VBN
## 2745 1990 119 4 to to PART TO
## 2746 1990 119 5 step step VERB VB
## 2747 1990 119 6 forward forward ADV RB
## 2748 1990 119 7 when when SCONJ WRB
## 2749 1990 119 8 there there PRON EX
## 2750 1990 119 9 's be VERB VBZ
## 2751 1990 119 10 trouble trouble NOUN NN
## 2752 1990 119 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 2753 1990 119 12 lend lend VERB VBP
## 2754 1990 119 13 a a DET DT
## 2755 1990 119 14 hand hand NOUN NN
## 2756 1990 119 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 2757 1990 119 16 be be AUX VB
## 2758 1990 119 17 what what PRON WP
## 2759 1990 119 18 I I PRON PRP
## 2760 1990 119 19 call call VERB VBP
## 2761 1990 119 20 a a DET DT
## 2762 1990 119 21 point point NOUN NN
## 2763 1990 119 22 of of ADP IN
## 2764 1990 119 23 light light NOUN NN
## 2765 1990 119 24 to to ADP IN
## 2766 1990 119 25 a a DET DT
## 2767 1990 119 26 stranger stranger NOUN NN
## 2768 1990 119 27 in in ADP IN
## 2769 1990 119 28 need need NOUN NN
## 2770 1990 119 29 . . PUNCT .
## 2771 1990 120 1 We we PRON PRP
## 2772 1990 120 2 've 've AUX VBP
## 2773 1990 120 3 got get VERB VBN
## 2774 1990 120 4 to to PART TO
## 2775 1990 120 5 take take VERB VB
## 2776 1990 120 6 the the DET DT
## 2777 1990 120 7 time time NOUN NN
## 2778 1990 120 8 after after ADP IN
## 2779 1990 120 9 a a DET DT
## 2780 1990 120 10 busy busy ADJ JJ
## 2781 1990 120 11 day day NOUN NN
## 2782 1990 120 12 to to PART TO
## 2783 1990 120 13 sit sit VERB VB
## 2784 1990 120 14 down down ADP RP
## 2785 1990 120 15 and and CCONJ CC
## 2786 1990 120 16 read read VERB VBD
## 2787 1990 120 17 with with ADP IN
## 2788 1990 120 18 our our PRON PRP$
## 2789 1990 120 19 kids kid NOUN NNS
## 2790 1990 120 20 , , PUNCT ,
## 2791 1990 120 21 help help VERB VB
## 2792 1990 120 22 them they PRON PRP
## 2793 1990 120 23 with with ADP IN
## 2794 1990 120 24 their their PRON PRP$
## 2795 1990 120 25 homework homework NOUN NN
## 2796 1990 120 26 , , PUNCT ,
## 2797 1990 120 27 pass pass VERB VB
## 2798 1990 120 28 along along ADP RP
## 2799 1990 120 29 the the DET DT
## 2800 1990 120 30 values value NOUN NNS
## 2801 1990 120 31 we we PRON PRP
## 2802 1990 120 32 learned learn VERB VBD
## 2803 1990 120 33 as as ADP IN
## 2804 1990 120 34 children child NOUN NNS
## 2805 1990 120 35 . . PUNCT .
## 2806 1990 121 1 That that PRON DT
## 2807 1990 121 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 2808 1990 121 3 how how SCONJ WRB
## 2809 1990 121 4 we we PRON PRP
## 2810 1990 121 5 sustain sustain VERB VBP
## 2811 1990 121 6 the the DET DT
## 2812 1990 121 7 state state NOUN NN
## 2813 1990 121 8 of of ADP IN
## 2814 1990 121 9 the the DET DT
## 2815 1990 121 10 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 2816 1990 121 11 . . PUNCT .
## 2817 1990 122 1 Every every DET DT
## 2818 1990 122 2 effort effort NOUN NN
## 2819 1990 122 3 is be AUX VBZ
## 2820 1990 122 4 important important ADJ JJ
## 2821 1990 122 5 . . PUNCT .
## 2822 1990 123 1 It it PRON PRP
## 2823 1990 123 2 all all PRON DT
## 2824 1990 123 3 adds add VERB VBZ
## 2825 1990 123 4 up up ADP RP
## 2826 1990 123 5 . . PUNCT .
## 2827 1990 124 1 It it PRON PRP
## 2828 1990 124 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 2829 1990 124 3 doing do VERB VBG
## 2830 1990 124 4 the the DET DT
## 2831 1990 124 5 things thing NOUN NNS
## 2832 1990 124 6 that that PRON WDT
## 2833 1990 124 7 give give VERB VBP
## 2834 1990 124 8 democracy democracy NOUN NN
## 2835 1990 124 9 meaning meaning NOUN NN
## 2836 1990 124 10 . . PUNCT .
## 2837 1990 125 1 It it PRON PRP
## 2838 1990 125 2 all all PRON DT
## 2839 1990 125 3 adds add VERB VBZ
## 2840 1990 125 4 up up ADP RP
## 2841 1990 125 5 to to ADP IN
## 2842 1990 125 6 who who PRON WP
## 2843 1990 125 7 we we PRON PRP
## 2844 1990 125 8 are be AUX VBP
## 2845 1990 125 9 and and CCONJ CC
## 2846 1990 125 10 who who PRON WP
## 2847 1990 125 11 we we PRON PRP
## 2848 1990 125 12 will will AUX MD
## 2849 1990 125 13 be be AUX VB
## 2850 1990 125 14 . . PUNCT .
## 2851 1990 126 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2852 1990 126 2 Let let VERB VB
## 2853 1990 126 3 me I PRON PRP
## 2854 1990 126 4 say say VERB VB
## 2855 1990 126 5 that that SCONJ IN
## 2856 1990 126 6 so so ADV RB
## 2857 1990 126 7 long long ADV RB
## 2858 1990 126 8 as as SCONJ IN
## 2859 1990 126 9 we we PRON PRP
## 2860 1990 126 10 remember remember VERB VBP
## 2861 1990 126 11 the the DET DT
## 2862 1990 126 12 American american ADJ JJ
## 2863 1990 126 13 idea idea NOUN NN
## 2864 1990 126 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 2865 1990 126 15 so so ADV RB
## 2866 1990 126 16 long long ADV RB
## 2867 1990 126 17 as as SCONJ IN
## 2868 1990 126 18 we we PRON PRP
## 2869 1990 126 19 live live VERB VBP
## 2870 1990 126 20 up up ADP RP
## 2871 1990 126 21 to to ADP IN
## 2872 1990 126 22 the the DET DT
## 2873 1990 126 23 American american ADJ JJ
## 2874 1990 126 24 ideal ideal NOUN NN
## 2875 1990 126 25 , , PUNCT ,
## 2876 1990 126 26 the the DET DT
## 2877 1990 126 27 state state NOUN NN
## 2878 1990 126 28 of of ADP IN
## 2879 1990 126 29 the the DET DT
## 2880 1990 126 30 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 2881 1990 126 31 will will AUX MD
## 2882 1990 126 32 remain remain VERB VB
## 2883 1990 126 33 sound sound ADJ JJ
## 2884 1990 126 34 and and CCONJ CC
## 2885 1990 126 35 strong strong ADJ JJ
## 2886 1990 126 36 . . PUNCT .
## 2887 1990 127 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2888 1990 127 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 2889 1990 127 3 to to ADP IN
## 2890 1990 127 4 those those PRON DT
## 2891 1990 127 5 who who PRON WP
## 2892 1990 127 6 worry worry VERB VBP
## 2893 1990 127 7 that that SCONJ IN
## 2894 1990 127 8 we we PRON PRP
## 2895 1990 127 9 've 've AUX VBP
## 2896 1990 127 10 lost lose VERB VBN
## 2897 1990 127 11 our our PRON PRP$
## 2898 1990 127 12 way way NOUN NN
## 2899 1990 127 13 -- -- PUNCT :
## 2900 1990 127 14 well well INTJ UH
## 2901 1990 127 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 2902 1990 127 16 I I PRON PRP
## 2903 1990 127 17 want want VERB VBP
## 2904 1990 127 18 you you PRON PRP
## 2905 1990 127 19 to to PART TO
## 2906 1990 127 20 listen listen VERB VB
## 2907 1990 127 21 to to ADP IN
## 2908 1990 127 22 parts part NOUN NNS
## 2909 1990 127 23 of of ADP IN
## 2910 1990 127 24 a a DET DT
## 2911 1990 127 25 letter letter NOUN NN
## 2912 1990 127 26 written write VERB VBN
## 2913 1990 127 27 by by ADP IN
## 2914 1990 127 28 Private Private PROPN NNP
## 2915 1990 127 29 First First PROPN NNP
## 2916 1990 127 30 Class Class PROPN NNP
## 2917 1990 127 31 James James PROPN NNP
## 2918 1990 127 32 Markwell Markwell PROPN NNP
## 2919 1990 127 33 , , PUNCT ,
## 2920 1990 127 34 a a DET DT
## 2921 1990 127 35 20 20 NUM CD
## 2922 1990 127 36 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 2923 1990 127 37 year year NOUN NN
## 2924 1990 127 38 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 2925 1990 127 39 old old ADJ JJ
## 2926 1990 127 40 Army Army PROPN NNP
## 2927 1990 127 41 medic medic NOUN NN
## 2928 1990 127 42 of of ADP IN
## 2929 1990 127 43 the the DET DT
## 2930 1990 127 44 1st 1st ADJ JJ
## 2931 1990 127 45 Battalion Battalion PROPN NNP
## 2932 1990 127 46 , , PUNCT ,
## 2933 1990 127 47 75th 75th ADJ JJ
## 2934 1990 127 48 Rangers ranger NOUN NNS
## 2935 1990 127 49 . . PUNCT .
## 2936 1990 128 1 It it PRON PRP
## 2937 1990 128 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 2938 1990 128 3 dated date VERB VBN
## 2939 1990 128 4 December December PROPN NNP
## 2940 1990 128 5 18th 18th NOUN NN
## 2941 1990 128 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 2942 1990 128 7 the the DET DT
## 2943 1990 128 8 night night NOUN NN
## 2944 1990 128 9 before before SCONJ IN
## 2945 1990 128 10 our our PRON PRP$
## 2946 1990 128 11 armed armed ADJ JJ
## 2947 1990 128 12 forces force NOUN NNS
## 2948 1990 128 13 went go VERB VBD
## 2949 1990 128 14 into into ADP IN
## 2950 1990 128 15 action action NOUN NN
## 2951 1990 128 16 in in ADP IN
## 2952 1990 128 17 Panama Panama PROPN NNP
## 2953 1990 128 18 . . PUNCT .
## 2954 1990 129 1 It it PRON PRP
## 2955 1990 129 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 2956 1990 129 3 a a DET DT
## 2957 1990 129 4 letter letter NOUN NN
## 2958 1990 129 5 servicemen servicemen NOUN NN
## 2959 1990 129 6 write write VERB VB
## 2960 1990 129 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 2961 1990 129 8 hope hope VERB VBP
## 2962 1990 129 9 will will AUX MD
## 2963 1990 129 10 never never ADV RB
## 2964 1990 129 11 be be AUX VB
## 2965 1990 129 12 sent send VERB VBN
## 2966 1990 129 13 . . PUNCT .
## 2967 1990 130 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 2968 1990 130 2 sadly sadly ADV RB
## 2969 1990 130 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 2970 1990 130 4 Private Private PROPN NNP
## 2971 1990 130 5 Markwell Markwell PROPN NNP
## 2972 1990 130 6 's 's PART POS
## 2973 1990 130 7 mother mother NOUN NN
## 2974 1990 130 8 did do AUX VBD
## 2975 1990 130 9 receive receive VERB VB
## 2976 1990 130 10 this this DET DT
## 2977 1990 130 11 letter letter NOUN NN
## 2978 1990 130 12 . . PUNCT .
## 2979 1990 131 1 She she PRON PRP
## 2980 1990 131 2 passed pass VERB VBD
## 2981 1990 131 3 it it PRON PRP
## 2982 1990 131 4 along along ADP RP
## 2983 1990 131 5 to to ADP IN
## 2984 1990 131 6 me I PRON PRP
## 2985 1990 131 7 out out ADV RB
## 2986 1990 131 8 there there ADV RB
## 2987 1990 131 9 in in ADP IN
## 2988 1990 131 10 Cincinnati Cincinnati PROPN NNP
## 2989 1990 131 11 . . PUNCT .
## 2990 1990 132 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2991 1990 132 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 2992 1990 132 3 here here ADV RB
## 2993 1990 132 4 is be AUX VBZ
## 2994 1990 132 5 some some PRON DT
## 2995 1990 132 6 of of ADP IN
## 2996 1990 132 7 what what PRON WP
## 2997 1990 132 8 he he PRON PRP
## 2998 1990 132 9 wrote write VERB VBD
## 2999 1990 132 10 : : PUNCT :
## 3000 1990 132 11 " " PUNCT ``
## 3001 1990 132 12 I I PRON PRP
## 3002 1990 132 13 've 've AUX VBP
## 3003 1990 132 14 never never ADV RB
## 3004 1990 132 15 been be AUX VBN
## 3005 1990 132 16 afraid afraid ADJ JJ
## 3006 1990 132 17 of of ADP IN
## 3007 1990 132 18 death death NOUN NN
## 3008 1990 132 19 , , PUNCT ,
## 3009 1990 132 20 but but CCONJ CC
## 3010 1990 132 21 I I PRON PRP
## 3011 1990 132 22 know know VERB VBP
## 3012 1990 132 23 he he PRON PRP
## 3013 1990 132 24 is be AUX VBZ
## 3014 1990 132 25 waiting wait VERB VBG
## 3015 1990 132 26 at at ADP IN
## 3016 1990 132 27 the the DET DT
## 3017 1990 132 28 corner corner NOUN NN
## 3018 1990 132 29 . . PUNCT .
## 3019 1990 133 1 I I PRON PRP
## 3020 1990 133 2 've 've AUX VBP
## 3021 1990 133 3 been be AUX VBN
## 3022 1990 133 4 trained train VERB VBN
## 3023 1990 133 5 to to PART TO
## 3024 1990 133 6 kill kill VERB VB
## 3025 1990 133 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 3026 1990 133 8 to to PART TO
## 3027 1990 133 9 save save VERB VB
## 3028 1990 133 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 3029 1990 133 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 3030 1990 133 12 so so ADV RB
## 3031 1990 133 13 has have VERB VBZ
## 3032 1990 133 14 everyone everyone PRON NN
## 3033 1990 133 15 else else ADV RB
## 3034 1990 133 16 . . PUNCT .
## 3035 1990 134 1 I I PRON PRP
## 3036 1990 134 2 am be AUX VBP
## 3037 1990 134 3 frightened frightened ADJ JJ
## 3038 1990 134 4 what what PRON WP
## 3039 1990 134 5 lays lay VERB VBZ
## 3040 1990 134 6 beyond beyond ADP IN
## 3041 1990 134 7 the the DET DT
## 3042 1990 134 8 fog fog NOUN NN
## 3043 1990 134 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 3044 1990 134 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 3045 1990 134 11 yet yet ADV RB
## 3046 1990 134 12 do do AUX VBP
## 3047 1990 134 13 not not PART RB
## 3048 1990 134 14 mourn mourn VERB VB
## 3049 1990 134 15 for for ADP IN
## 3050 1990 134 16 me I PRON PRP
## 3051 1990 134 17 . . PUNCT .
## 3052 1990 135 1 Revel revel NOUN NN
## 3053 1990 135 2 in in ADP IN
## 3054 1990 135 3 the the DET DT
## 3055 1990 135 4 life life NOUN NN
## 3056 1990 135 5 that that PRON WDT
## 3057 1990 135 6 I I PRON PRP
## 3058 1990 135 7 have have AUX VBP
## 3059 1990 135 8 died die VERB VBN
## 3060 1990 135 9 to to PART TO
## 3061 1990 135 10 give give VERB VB
## 3062 1990 135 11 you you PRON PRP
## 3063 1990 135 12 . . PUNCT .
## 3064 1990 136 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 3065 1990 136 2 most most ADJ JJS
## 3066 1990 136 3 of of ADP IN
## 3067 1990 136 4 all all PRON DT
## 3068 1990 136 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 3069 1990 136 6 do do AUX VBP
## 3070 1990 136 7 n't not PART RB
## 3071 1990 136 8 forget forget VERB VB
## 3072 1990 136 9 the the DET DT
## 3073 1990 136 10 Army Army PROPN NNP
## 3074 1990 136 11 was be AUX VBD
## 3075 1990 136 12 my my PRON PRP$
## 3076 1990 136 13 choice choice NOUN NN
## 3077 1990 136 14 . . PUNCT .
## 3078 1990 137 1 Something something PRON NN
## 3079 1990 137 2 that that PRON WDT
## 3080 1990 137 3 I I PRON PRP
## 3081 1990 137 4 wanted want VERB VBD
## 3082 1990 137 5 to to PART TO
## 3083 1990 137 6 do do VERB VB
## 3084 1990 137 7 . . PUNCT .
## 3085 1990 138 1 Remember remember VERB VB
## 3086 1990 138 2 I I PRON PRP
## 3087 1990 138 3 joined join VERB VBD
## 3088 1990 138 4 the the DET DT
## 3089 1990 138 5 Army Army PROPN NNP
## 3090 1990 138 6 to to PART TO
## 3091 1990 138 7 serve serve VERB VB
## 3092 1990 138 8 my my PRON PRP$
## 3093 1990 138 9 country country NOUN NN
## 3094 1990 138 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 3095 1990 138 11 ensure ensure VERB VB
## 3096 1990 138 12 that that SCONJ IN
## 3097 1990 138 13 you you PRON PRP
## 3098 1990 138 14 are be AUX VBP
## 3099 1990 138 15 free free ADJ JJ
## 3100 1990 138 16 to to PART TO
## 3101 1990 138 17 do do VERB VB
## 3102 1990 138 18 what what PRON WP
## 3103 1990 138 19 you you PRON PRP
## 3104 1990 138 20 want want VERB VBP
## 3105 1990 138 21 and and CCONJ CC
## 3106 1990 138 22 live live VERB VB
## 3107 1990 138 23 your your PRON PRP$
## 3108 1990 138 24 lives life NOUN NNS
## 3109 1990 138 25 freely freely ADV RB
## 3110 1990 138 26 . . PUNCT .
## 3111 1990 138 27 " " PUNCT ''
## 3112 1990 139 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3113 1990 139 2 Let let VERB VBP
## 3114 1990 139 3 me I PRON PRP
## 3115 1990 139 4 add add VERB VB
## 3116 1990 139 5 that that SCONJ IN
## 3117 1990 139 6 Private private ADJ JJ
## 3118 1990 139 7 Markwell Markwell PROPN NNP
## 3119 1990 139 8 was be AUX VBD
## 3120 1990 139 9 among among ADP IN
## 3121 1990 139 10 the the DET DT
## 3122 1990 139 11 first first ADJ JJ
## 3123 1990 139 12 to to PART TO
## 3124 1990 139 13 see see VERB VB
## 3125 1990 139 14 battle battle NOUN NN
## 3126 1990 139 15 in in ADP IN
## 3127 1990 139 16 Panama Panama PROPN NNP
## 3128 1990 139 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 3129 1990 139 18 and and CCONJ CC
## 3130 1990 139 19 one one NUM CD
## 3131 1990 139 20 of of ADP IN
## 3132 1990 139 21 the the DET DT
## 3133 1990 139 22 first first ADJ JJ
## 3134 1990 139 23 to to PART TO
## 3135 1990 139 24 fall fall VERB VB
## 3136 1990 139 25 . . PUNCT .
## 3137 1990 140 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 3138 1990 140 2 he he PRON PRP
## 3139 1990 140 3 knew know VERB VBD
## 3140 1990 140 4 what what PRON WP
## 3141 1990 140 5 he he PRON PRP
## 3142 1990 140 6 believed believe VERB VBD
## 3143 1990 140 7 in in ADP RP
## 3144 1990 140 8 . . PUNCT .
## 3145 1990 141 1 He he PRON PRP
## 3146 1990 141 2 carried carry VERB VBD
## 3147 1990 141 3 the the DET DT
## 3148 1990 141 4 idea idea NOUN NN
## 3149 1990 141 5 we we PRON PRP
## 3150 1990 141 6 call call VERB VBP
## 3151 1990 141 7 America America PROPN NNP
## 3152 1990 141 8 in in ADP IN
## 3153 1990 141 9 his his PRON PRP$
## 3154 1990 141 10 heart heart NOUN NN
## 3155 1990 141 11 . . PUNCT .
## 3156 1990 142 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3157 1990 142 2 I I PRON PRP
## 3158 1990 142 3 began begin VERB VBD
## 3159 1990 142 4 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 3160 1990 142 5 speaking speak VERB VBG
## 3161 1990 142 6 about about ADP IN
## 3162 1990 142 7 the the DET DT
## 3163 1990 142 8 changes change NOUN NNS
## 3164 1990 142 9 we we PRON PRP
## 3165 1990 142 10 've 've AUX VBP
## 3166 1990 142 11 seen see VERB VBN
## 3167 1990 142 12 this this DET DT
## 3168 1990 142 13 past past ADJ JJ
## 3169 1990 142 14 year year NOUN NN
## 3170 1990 142 15 . . PUNCT .
## 3171 1990 143 1 There there PRON EX
## 3172 1990 143 2 is be VERB VBZ
## 3173 1990 143 3 a a DET DT
## 3174 1990 143 4 new new ADJ JJ
## 3175 1990 143 5 world world NOUN NN
## 3176 1990 143 6 of of ADP IN
## 3177 1990 143 7 challenges challenge NOUN NNS
## 3178 1990 143 8 and and CCONJ CC
## 3179 1990 143 9 opportunities opportunity NOUN NNS
## 3180 1990 143 10 before before ADP IN
## 3181 1990 143 11 us we PRON PRP
## 3182 1990 143 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 3183 1990 143 13 and and CCONJ CC
## 3184 1990 143 14 there there PRON EX
## 3185 1990 143 15 's be VERB VBZ
## 3186 1990 143 16 a a DET DT
## 3187 1990 143 17 need need NOUN NN
## 3188 1990 143 18 for for ADP IN
## 3189 1990 143 19 leadership leadership NOUN NN
## 3190 1990 143 20 that that SCONJ IN
## 3191 1990 143 21 only only ADV RB
## 3192 1990 143 22 America America PROPN NNP
## 3193 1990 143 23 can can AUX MD
## 3194 1990 143 24 provide provide VERB VB
## 3195 1990 143 25 . . PUNCT .
## 3196 1990 144 1 Nearly nearly ADV RB
## 3197 1990 144 2 40 40 NUM CD
## 3198 1990 144 3 years year NOUN NNS
## 3199 1990 144 4 ago ago ADV RB
## 3200 1990 144 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 3201 1990 144 6 in in ADP IN
## 3202 1990 144 7 his his PRON PRP$
## 3203 1990 144 8 last last ADJ JJ
## 3204 1990 144 9 address address NOUN NN
## 3205 1990 144 10 to to ADP IN
## 3206 1990 144 11 the the DET DT
## 3207 1990 144 12 Congress Congress PROPN NNP
## 3208 1990 144 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 3209 1990 144 14 President President PROPN NNP
## 3210 1990 144 15 Harry Harry PROPN NNP
## 3211 1990 144 16 Truman Truman PROPN NNP
## 3212 1990 144 17 predicted predict VERB VBD
## 3213 1990 144 18 such such DET PDT
## 3214 1990 144 19 a a DET DT
## 3215 1990 144 20 time time NOUN NN
## 3216 1990 144 21 would would AUX MD
## 3217 1990 144 22 come come VERB VB
## 3218 1990 144 23 . . PUNCT .
## 3219 1990 145 1 He he PRON PRP
## 3220 1990 145 2 said say VERB VBD
## 3221 1990 145 3 : : PUNCT :
## 3222 1990 145 4 " " PUNCT ``
## 3223 1990 145 5 As as SCONJ IN
## 3224 1990 145 6 our our PRON PRP$
## 3225 1990 145 7 world world NOUN NN
## 3226 1990 145 8 grows grow VERB VBZ
## 3227 1990 145 9 stronger strong ADJ JJR
## 3228 1990 145 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 3229 1990 145 11 more more ADV RBR
## 3230 1990 145 12 united united ADJ JJ
## 3231 1990 145 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 3232 1990 145 14 more more ADV RBR
## 3233 1990 145 15 attractive attractive ADJ JJ
## 3234 1990 145 16 to to ADP IN
## 3235 1990 145 17 men man NOUN NNS
## 3236 1990 145 18 on on ADP IN
## 3237 1990 145 19 both both DET DT
## 3238 1990 145 20 sides side NOUN NNS
## 3239 1990 145 21 of of ADP IN
## 3240 1990 145 22 the the DET DT
## 3241 1990 145 23 Iron Iron PROPN NNP
## 3242 1990 145 24 Curtain Curtain PROPN NNP
## 3243 1990 145 25 , , PUNCT ,
## 3244 1990 145 26 then then ADV RB
## 3245 1990 145 27 inevitably inevitably ADV RB
## 3246 1990 145 28 there there PRON EX
## 3247 1990 145 29 will will AUX MD
## 3248 1990 145 30 come come VERB VB
## 3249 1990 145 31 a a DET DT
## 3250 1990 145 32 time time NOUN NN
## 3251 1990 145 33 of of ADP IN
## 3252 1990 145 34 change change NOUN NN
## 3253 1990 145 35 within within ADP IN
## 3254 1990 145 36 the the DET DT
## 3255 1990 145 37 Communist communist ADJ JJ
## 3256 1990 145 38 world world NOUN NN
## 3257 1990 145 39 . . PUNCT .
## 3258 1990 145 40 " " PUNCT ''
## 3259 1990 146 1 Today today NOUN NN
## 3260 1990 146 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 3261 1990 146 3 that that DET DT
## 3262 1990 146 4 change change NOUN NN
## 3263 1990 146 5 is be AUX VBZ
## 3264 1990 146 6 taking take VERB VBG
## 3265 1990 146 7 place place NOUN NN
## 3266 1990 146 8 . . PUNCT .
## 3267 1990 147 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3268 1990 147 2 For for ADP IN
## 3269 1990 147 3 more more ADJ JJR
## 3270 1990 147 4 than than ADP IN
## 3271 1990 147 5 40 40 NUM CD
## 3272 1990 147 6 years year NOUN NNS
## 3273 1990 147 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 3274 1990 147 8 America America PROPN NNP
## 3275 1990 147 9 and and CCONJ CC
## 3276 1990 147 10 its its PRON PRP$
## 3277 1990 147 11 allies ally NOUN NNS
## 3278 1990 147 12 held hold VERB VBD
## 3279 1990 147 13 communism communism NOUN NN
## 3280 1990 147 14 in in ADP IN
## 3281 1990 147 15 check check NOUN NN
## 3282 1990 147 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 3283 1990 147 17 ensured ensure VERB VBD
## 3284 1990 147 18 that that SCONJ IN
## 3285 1990 147 19 democracy democracy NOUN NN
## 3286 1990 147 20 would would AUX MD
## 3287 1990 147 21 continue continue VERB VB
## 3288 1990 147 22 to to PART TO
## 3289 1990 147 23 exist exist VERB VB
## 3290 1990 147 24 . . PUNCT .
## 3291 1990 148 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 3292 1990 148 2 today today NOUN NN
## 3293 1990 148 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 3294 1990 148 4 with with ADP IN
## 3295 1990 148 5 communism communism NOUN NN
## 3296 1990 148 6 crumbling crumble VERB VBG
## 3297 1990 148 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 3298 1990 148 8 our our PRON PRP$
## 3299 1990 148 9 aim aim NOUN NN
## 3300 1990 148 10 must must AUX MD
## 3301 1990 148 11 be be AUX VB
## 3302 1990 148 12 to to PART TO
## 3303 1990 148 13 ensure ensure VERB VB
## 3304 1990 148 14 democracy democracy NOUN NN
## 3305 1990 148 15 's 's PART POS
## 3306 1990 148 16 advance advance NOUN NN
## 3307 1990 148 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 3308 1990 148 18 to to PART TO
## 3309 1990 148 19 take take VERB VB
## 3310 1990 148 20 the the DET DT
## 3311 1990 148 21 lead lead NOUN NN
## 3312 1990 148 22 in in ADP IN
## 3313 1990 148 23 forging forge VERB VBG
## 3314 1990 148 24 peace peace NOUN NN
## 3315 1990 148 25 and and CCONJ CC
## 3316 1990 148 26 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 3317 1990 148 27 's 's PART POS
## 3318 1990 148 28 best good ADJ JJS
## 3319 1990 148 29 hope hope NOUN NN
## 3320 1990 148 30 : : PUNCT :
## 3321 1990 148 31 a a DET DT
## 3322 1990 148 32 great great ADJ JJ
## 3323 1990 148 33 and and CCONJ CC
## 3324 1990 148 34 growing grow VERB VBG
## 3325 1990 148 35 commonwealth commonwealth NOUN NN
## 3326 1990 148 36 of of ADP IN
## 3327 1990 148 37 free free ADJ JJ
## 3328 1990 148 38 nations nation NOUN NNS
## 3329 1990 148 39 . . PUNCT .
## 3330 1990 149 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 3331 1990 149 2 to to ADP IN
## 3332 1990 149 3 the the DET DT
## 3333 1990 149 4 Congress Congress PROPN NNP
## 3334 1990 149 5 and and CCONJ CC
## 3335 1990 149 6 to to ADP IN
## 3336 1990 149 7 all all DET DT
## 3337 1990 149 8 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 3338 1990 149 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 3339 1990 149 10 I I PRON PRP
## 3340 1990 149 11 say say VERB VBP
## 3341 1990 149 12 it it PRON PRP
## 3342 1990 149 13 is be AUX VBZ
## 3343 1990 149 14 time time NOUN NN
## 3344 1990 149 15 to to PART TO
## 3345 1990 149 16 acclaim acclaim VERB VB
## 3346 1990 149 17 a a DET DT
## 3347 1990 149 18 new new ADJ JJ
## 3348 1990 149 19 consensus consensus NOUN NN
## 3349 1990 149 20 at at ADP IN
## 3350 1990 149 21 home home NOUN NN
## 3351 1990 149 22 and and CCONJ CC
## 3352 1990 149 23 abroad abroad ADV RB
## 3353 1990 149 24 , , PUNCT ,
## 3354 1990 149 25 a a DET DT
## 3355 1990 149 26 common common ADJ JJ
## 3356 1990 149 27 vision vision NOUN NN
## 3357 1990 149 28 of of ADP IN
## 3358 1990 149 29 the the DET DT
## 3359 1990 149 30 peaceful peaceful ADJ JJ
## 3360 1990 149 31 world world NOUN NN
## 3361 1990 149 32 we we PRON PRP
## 3362 1990 149 33 want want VERB VBP
## 3363 1990 149 34 to to PART TO
## 3364 1990 149 35 see see VERB VB
## 3365 1990 149 36 . . PUNCT .
## 3366 1990 150 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3367 1990 150 2 Here here ADV RB
## 3368 1990 150 3 in in ADP IN
## 3369 1990 150 4 our our PRON PRP$
## 3370 1990 150 5 own own ADJ JJ
## 3371 1990 150 6 hemisphere hemisphere NOUN NN
## 3372 1990 150 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 3373 1990 150 8 it it PRON PRP
## 3374 1990 150 9 is be AUX VBZ
## 3375 1990 150 10 time time NOUN NN
## 3376 1990 150 11 for for ADP IN
## 3377 1990 150 12 all all DET PDT
## 3378 1990 150 13 the the DET DT
## 3379 1990 150 14 peoples people NOUN NNS
## 3380 1990 150 15 of of ADP IN
## 3381 1990 150 16 the the DET DT
## 3382 1990 150 17 Americas Americas PROPN NNPS
## 3383 1990 150 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 3384 1990 150 19 North North PROPN NNP
## 3385 1990 150 20 and and CCONJ CC
## 3386 1990 150 21 South South PROPN NNP
## 3387 1990 150 22 , , PUNCT ,
## 3388 1990 150 23 to to PART TO
## 3389 1990 150 24 live live VERB VB
## 3390 1990 150 25 in in ADP IN
## 3391 1990 150 26 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 3392 1990 150 27 . . PUNCT .
## 3393 1990 151 1 In in ADP IN
## 3394 1990 151 2 the the DET DT
## 3395 1990 151 3 Far Far PROPN NNP
## 3396 1990 151 4 East East PROPN NNP
## 3397 1990 151 5 and and CCONJ CC
## 3398 1990 151 6 Africa Africa PROPN NNP
## 3399 1990 151 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 3400 1990 151 8 it it PRON PRP
## 3401 1990 151 9 's be AUX VBZ
## 3402 1990 151 10 time time NOUN NN
## 3403 1990 151 11 for for ADP IN
## 3404 1990 151 12 the the DET DT
## 3405 1990 151 13 full full ADJ JJ
## 3406 1990 151 14 flowering flowering NOUN NN
## 3407 1990 151 15 of of ADP IN
## 3408 1990 151 16 free free ADJ JJ
## 3409 1990 151 17 governments government NOUN NNS
## 3410 1990 151 18 and and CCONJ CC
## 3411 1990 151 19 free free ADJ JJ
## 3412 1990 151 20 markets market NOUN NNS
## 3413 1990 151 21 that that PRON WDT
## 3414 1990 151 22 have have AUX VBP
## 3415 1990 151 23 served serve VERB VBN
## 3416 1990 151 24 as as ADP IN
## 3417 1990 151 25 the the DET DT
## 3418 1990 151 26 engine engine NOUN NN
## 3419 1990 151 27 of of ADP IN
## 3420 1990 151 28 progress progress NOUN NN
## 3421 1990 151 29 . . PUNCT .
## 3422 1990 152 1 It it PRON PRP
## 3423 1990 152 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 3424 1990 152 3 time time NOUN NN
## 3425 1990 152 4 to to PART TO
## 3426 1990 152 5 offer offer VERB VB
## 3427 1990 152 6 our our PRON PRP$
## 3428 1990 152 7 hand hand NOUN NN
## 3429 1990 152 8 to to ADP IN
## 3430 1990 152 9 the the DET DT
## 3431 1990 152 10 emerging emerge VERB VBG
## 3432 1990 152 11 democracies democracy NOUN NNS
## 3433 1990 152 12 of of ADP IN
## 3434 1990 152 13 Eastern Eastern PROPN NNP
## 3435 1990 152 14 Europe Europe PROPN NNP
## 3436 1990 152 15 so so SCONJ IN
## 3437 1990 152 16 that that DET DT
## 3438 1990 152 17 continent continent NOUN NN
## 3439 1990 152 18 -- -- PUNCT :
## 3440 1990 152 19 for for ADP IN
## 3441 1990 152 20 too too ADV RB
## 3442 1990 152 21 long long ADV RB
## 3443 1990 152 22 a a DET DT
## 3444 1990 152 23 continent continent NOUN NN
## 3445 1990 152 24 divided divide VERB VBN
## 3446 1990 152 25 -- -- PUNCT :
## 3447 1990 152 26 can can AUX MD
## 3448 1990 152 27 see see VERB VB
## 3449 1990 152 28 a a DET DT
## 3450 1990 152 29 future future NOUN NN
## 3451 1990 152 30 whole whole ADJ JJ
## 3452 1990 152 31 and and CCONJ CC
## 3453 1990 152 32 free free ADJ JJ
## 3454 1990 152 33 . . PUNCT .
## 3455 1990 153 1 It it PRON PRP
## 3456 1990 153 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 3457 1990 153 3 time time NOUN NN
## 3458 1990 153 4 to to PART TO
## 3459 1990 153 5 build build VERB VB
## 3460 1990 153 6 on on ADP IN
## 3461 1990 153 7 our our PRON PRP$
## 3462 1990 153 8 new new ADJ JJ
## 3463 1990 153 9 relationship relationship NOUN NN
## 3464 1990 153 10 with with ADP IN
## 3465 1990 153 11 the the DET DT
## 3466 1990 153 12 Soviet Soviet PROPN NNP
## 3467 1990 153 13 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 3468 1990 153 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 3469 1990 153 15 to to PART TO
## 3470 1990 153 16 endorse endorse VERB VB
## 3471 1990 153 17 and and CCONJ CC
## 3472 1990 153 18 encourage encourage VERB VB
## 3473 1990 153 19 a a DET DT
## 3474 1990 153 20 peaceful peaceful ADJ JJ
## 3475 1990 153 21 process process NOUN NN
## 3476 1990 153 22 of of ADP IN
## 3477 1990 153 23 internal internal ADJ JJ
## 3478 1990 153 24 change change NOUN NN
## 3479 1990 153 25 toward toward ADP IN
## 3480 1990 153 26 democracy democracy NOUN NN
## 3481 1990 153 27 and and CCONJ CC
## 3482 1990 153 28 economic economic ADJ JJ
## 3483 1990 153 29 opportunity opportunity NOUN NN
## 3484 1990 153 30 . . PUNCT .
## 3485 1990 154 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3486 1990 154 2 We we PRON PRP
## 3487 1990 154 3 are be AUX VBP
## 3488 1990 154 4 in in ADP IN
## 3489 1990 154 5 a a DET DT
## 3490 1990 154 6 period period NOUN NN
## 3491 1990 154 7 of of ADP IN
## 3492 1990 154 8 great great ADJ JJ
## 3493 1990 154 9 transition transition NOUN NN
## 3494 1990 154 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 3495 1990 154 11 great great ADJ JJ
## 3496 1990 154 12 hope hope NOUN NN
## 3497 1990 154 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 3498 1990 154 14 and and CCONJ CC
## 3499 1990 154 15 yet yet ADV RB
## 3500 1990 154 16 great great ADJ JJ
## 3501 1990 154 17 uncertainty uncertainty NOUN NN
## 3502 1990 154 18 . . PUNCT .
## 3503 1990 155 1 We we PRON PRP
## 3504 1990 155 2 recognize recognize VERB VBP
## 3505 1990 155 3 that that SCONJ IN
## 3506 1990 155 4 the the DET DT
## 3507 1990 155 5 Soviet soviet ADJ JJ
## 3508 1990 155 6 military military ADJ JJ
## 3509 1990 155 7 threat threat NOUN NN
## 3510 1990 155 8 in in ADP IN
## 3511 1990 155 9 Europe Europe PROPN NNP
## 3512 1990 155 10 is be AUX VBZ
## 3513 1990 155 11 diminishing diminish VERB VBG
## 3514 1990 155 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 3515 1990 155 13 but but CCONJ CC
## 3516 1990 155 14 we we PRON PRP
## 3517 1990 155 15 see see VERB VBP
## 3518 1990 155 16 little little ADJ JJ
## 3519 1990 155 17 change change NOUN NN
## 3520 1990 155 18 in in ADP IN
## 3521 1990 155 19 Soviet soviet ADJ JJ
## 3522 1990 155 20 strategic strategic ADJ JJ
## 3523 1990 155 21 modernization modernization NOUN NN
## 3524 1990 155 22 . . PUNCT .
## 3525 1990 156 1 Therefore therefore ADV RB
## 3526 1990 156 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 3527 1990 156 3 we we PRON PRP
## 3528 1990 156 4 must must AUX MD
## 3529 1990 156 5 sustain sustain VERB VB
## 3530 1990 156 6 our our PRON PRP$
## 3531 1990 156 7 own own ADJ JJ
## 3532 1990 156 8 strategic strategic ADJ JJ
## 3533 1990 156 9 offense offense NOUN NN
## 3534 1990 156 10 modernization modernization NOUN NN
## 3535 1990 156 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 3536 1990 156 12 the the DET DT
## 3537 1990 156 13 Strategic Strategic PROPN NNP
## 3538 1990 156 14 Defense Defense PROPN NNP
## 3539 1990 156 15 Initiative Initiative PROPN NNP
## 3540 1990 156 16 . . PUNCT .
## 3541 1990 157 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3542 1990 157 2 But but CCONJ CC
## 3543 1990 157 3 the the DET DT
## 3544 1990 157 4 time time NOUN NN
## 3545 1990 157 5 is be AUX VBZ
## 3546 1990 157 6 right right ADJ JJ
## 3547 1990 157 7 to to PART TO
## 3548 1990 157 8 move move VERB VB
## 3549 1990 157 9 forward forward ADV RB
## 3550 1990 157 10 on on ADP IN
## 3551 1990 157 11 a a DET DT
## 3552 1990 157 12 conventional conventional ADJ JJ
## 3553 1990 157 13 arms arm NOUN NNS
## 3554 1990 157 14 control control NOUN NN
## 3555 1990 157 15 agreement agreement NOUN NN
## 3556 1990 157 16 to to PART TO
## 3557 1990 157 17 move move VERB VB
## 3558 1990 157 18 us we PRON PRP
## 3559 1990 157 19 to to ADP IN
## 3560 1990 157 20 more more ADV RBR
## 3561 1990 157 21 appropriate appropriate ADJ JJ
## 3562 1990 157 22 levels level NOUN NNS
## 3563 1990 157 23 of of ADP IN
## 3564 1990 157 24 military military ADJ JJ
## 3565 1990 157 25 forces force NOUN NNS
## 3566 1990 157 26 in in ADP IN
## 3567 1990 157 27 Europe Europe PROPN NNP
## 3568 1990 157 28 , , PUNCT ,
## 3569 1990 157 29 a a DET DT
## 3570 1990 157 30 coherent coherent ADJ JJ
## 3571 1990 157 31 defense defense NOUN NN
## 3572 1990 157 32 program program NOUN NN
## 3573 1990 157 33 that that PRON WDT
## 3574 1990 157 34 ensures ensure VERB VBZ
## 3575 1990 157 35 the the DET DT
## 3576 1990 157 36 U.S. U.S. PROPN NNP
## 3577 1990 157 37 will will AUX MD
## 3578 1990 157 38 continue continue VERB VB
## 3579 1990 157 39 to to PART TO
## 3580 1990 157 40 be be AUX VB
## 3581 1990 157 41 a a DET DT
## 3582 1990 157 42 catalyst catalyst NOUN NN
## 3583 1990 157 43 for for ADP IN
## 3584 1990 157 44 peaceful peaceful ADJ JJ
## 3585 1990 157 45 change change NOUN NN
## 3586 1990 157 46 in in ADP IN
## 3587 1990 157 47 Europe Europe PROPN NNP
## 3588 1990 157 48 . . PUNCT .
## 3589 1990 158 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 3590 1990 158 2 I I PRON PRP
## 3591 1990 158 3 've 've AUX VBP
## 3592 1990 158 4 consulted consult VERB VBN
## 3593 1990 158 5 with with ADP IN
## 3594 1990 158 6 leaders leader NOUN NNS
## 3595 1990 158 7 of of ADP IN
## 3596 1990 158 8 NATO NATO PROPN NNP
## 3597 1990 158 9 . . PUNCT .
## 3598 1990 159 1 In in ADP IN
## 3599 1990 159 2 fact fact NOUN NN
## 3600 1990 159 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 3601 1990 159 4 I I PRON PRP
## 3602 1990 159 5 spoke speak VERB VBD
## 3603 1990 159 6 by by ADP IN
## 3604 1990 159 7 phone phone NOUN NN
## 3605 1990 159 8 with with ADP IN
## 3606 1990 159 9 President President PROPN NNP
## 3607 1990 159 10 Gorbachev Gorbachev PROPN NNP
## 3608 1990 159 11 just just ADV RB
## 3609 1990 159 12 today today NOUN NN
## 3610 1990 159 13 . . PUNCT .
## 3611 1990 160 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3612 1990 160 2 I I PRON PRP
## 3613 1990 160 3 agree agree VERB VBP
## 3614 1990 160 4 with with ADP IN
## 3615 1990 160 5 our our PRON PRP$
## 3616 1990 160 6 European european ADJ JJ
## 3617 1990 160 7 allies ally NOUN NNS
## 3618 1990 160 8 that that PRON WDT
## 3619 1990 160 9 an an DET DT
## 3620 1990 160 10 American american ADJ JJ
## 3621 1990 160 11 military military ADJ JJ
## 3622 1990 160 12 presence presence NOUN NN
## 3623 1990 160 13 in in ADP IN
## 3624 1990 160 14 Europe Europe PROPN NNP
## 3625 1990 160 15 is be AUX VBZ
## 3626 1990 160 16 essential essential ADJ JJ
## 3627 1990 160 17 and and CCONJ CC
## 3628 1990 160 18 that that SCONJ IN
## 3629 1990 160 19 it it PRON PRP
## 3630 1990 160 20 should should AUX MD
## 3631 1990 160 21 not not PART RB
## 3632 1990 160 22 be be AUX VB
## 3633 1990 160 23 tied tie VERB VBN
## 3634 1990 160 24 solely solely ADV RB
## 3635 1990 160 25 to to ADP IN
## 3636 1990 160 26 the the DET DT
## 3637 1990 160 27 Soviet soviet ADJ JJ
## 3638 1990 160 28 military military ADJ JJ
## 3639 1990 160 29 presence presence NOUN NN
## 3640 1990 160 30 in in ADP IN
## 3641 1990 160 31 Eastern Eastern PROPN NNP
## 3642 1990 160 32 Europe Europe PROPN NNP
## 3643 1990 160 33 . . PUNCT .
## 3644 1990 161 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 3645 1990 161 2 our our PRON PRP$
## 3646 1990 161 3 troop troop NOUN NN
## 3647 1990 161 4 levels level NOUN NNS
## 3648 1990 161 5 can can AUX MD
## 3649 1990 161 6 still still ADV RB
## 3650 1990 161 7 be be AUX VB
## 3651 1990 161 8 lower low ADJ JJR
## 3652 1990 161 9 . . PUNCT .
## 3653 1990 162 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 3654 1990 162 2 so so ADV RB
## 3655 1990 162 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 3656 1990 162 4 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 3657 1990 162 5 I I PRON PRP
## 3658 1990 162 6 am be AUX VBP
## 3659 1990 162 7 announcing announce VERB VBG
## 3660 1990 162 8 a a DET DT
## 3661 1990 162 9 major major ADJ JJ
## 3662 1990 162 10 new new ADJ JJ
## 3663 1990 162 11 step step NOUN NN
## 3664 1990 162 12 for for ADP IN
## 3665 1990 162 13 a a DET DT
## 3666 1990 162 14 further further ADJ JJ
## 3667 1990 162 15 reduction reduction NOUN NN
## 3668 1990 162 16 in in ADP IN
## 3669 1990 162 17 U.S. U.S. PROPN NNP
## 3670 1990 162 18 and and CCONJ CC
## 3671 1990 162 19 Soviet Soviet PROPN NNP
## 3672 1990 162 20 manpower manpower NOUN NN
## 3673 1990 162 21 in in ADP IN
## 3674 1990 162 22 Central Central PROPN NNP
## 3675 1990 162 23 and and CCONJ CC
## 3676 1990 162 24 Eastern Eastern PROPN NNP
## 3677 1990 162 25 Europe Europe PROPN NNP
## 3678 1990 162 26 to to ADP IN
## 3679 1990 162 27 195,000 195,000 NUM CD
## 3680 1990 162 28 on on ADP IN
## 3681 1990 162 29 each each DET DT
## 3682 1990 162 30 side side NOUN NN
## 3683 1990 162 31 . . PUNCT .
## 3684 1990 163 1 This this DET DT
## 3685 1990 163 2 level level NOUN NN
## 3686 1990 163 3 reflects reflect VERB VBZ
## 3687 1990 163 4 the the DET DT
## 3688 1990 163 5 advice advice NOUN NN
## 3689 1990 163 6 of of ADP IN
## 3690 1990 163 7 our our PRON PRP$
## 3691 1990 163 8 senior senior ADJ JJ
## 3692 1990 163 9 military military ADJ JJ
## 3693 1990 163 10 advisers adviser NOUN NNS
## 3694 1990 163 11 . . PUNCT .
## 3695 1990 164 1 It it PRON PRP
## 3696 1990 164 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 3697 1990 164 3 designed design VERB VBN
## 3698 1990 164 4 to to PART TO
## 3699 1990 164 5 protect protect VERB VB
## 3700 1990 164 6 American american ADJ JJ
## 3701 1990 164 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 3702 1990 164 8 European european ADJ JJ
## 3703 1990 164 9 interests interest NOUN NNS
## 3704 1990 164 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 3705 1990 164 11 sustain sustain VERB VB
## 3706 1990 164 12 NATO NATO PROPN NNP
## 3707 1990 164 13 's 's PART POS
## 3708 1990 164 14 defense defense NOUN NN
## 3709 1990 164 15 strategy strategy NOUN NN
## 3710 1990 164 16 . . PUNCT .
## 3711 1990 165 1 A a DET DT
## 3712 1990 165 2 swift swift ADJ JJ
## 3713 1990 165 3 conclusion conclusion NOUN NN
## 3714 1990 165 4 to to ADP IN
## 3715 1990 165 5 our our PRON PRP$
## 3716 1990 165 6 arms arm NOUN NNS
## 3717 1990 165 7 control control NOUN NN
## 3718 1990 165 8 talks talk NOUN NNS
## 3719 1990 165 9 -- -- PUNCT :
## 3720 1990 165 10 conventional conventional ADJ JJ
## 3721 1990 165 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 3722 1990 165 12 chemical chemical NOUN NN
## 3723 1990 165 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 3724 1990 165 14 and and CCONJ CC
## 3725 1990 165 15 strategic strategic ADJ JJ
## 3726 1990 165 16 -- -- PUNCT :
## 3727 1990 165 17 must must AUX MD
## 3728 1990 165 18 now now ADV RB
## 3729 1990 165 19 be be AUX VB
## 3730 1990 165 20 our our PRON PRP$
## 3731 1990 165 21 goal goal NOUN NN
## 3732 1990 165 22 . . PUNCT .
## 3733 1990 166 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 3734 1990 166 2 that that DET DT
## 3735 1990 166 3 time time NOUN NN
## 3736 1990 166 4 has have AUX VBZ
## 3737 1990 166 5 come come VERB VBN
## 3738 1990 166 6 . . PUNCT .
## 3739 1990 167 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3740 1990 167 2 Still still ADV RB
## 3741 1990 167 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 3742 1990 167 4 we we PRON PRP
## 3743 1990 167 5 must must AUX MD
## 3744 1990 167 6 recognize recognize VERB VB
## 3745 1990 167 7 an an DET DT
## 3746 1990 167 8 unfortunate unfortunate ADJ JJ
## 3747 1990 167 9 fact fact NOUN NN
## 3748 1990 167 10 : : PUNCT :
## 3749 1990 167 11 In in ADP IN
## 3750 1990 167 12 many many ADJ JJ
## 3751 1990 167 13 regions region NOUN NNS
## 3752 1990 167 14 of of ADP IN
## 3753 1990 167 15 the the DET DT
## 3754 1990 167 16 world world NOUN NN
## 3755 1990 167 17 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 3756 1990 167 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 3757 1990 167 19 the the DET DT
## 3758 1990 167 20 reality reality NOUN NN
## 3759 1990 167 21 is be AUX VBZ
## 3760 1990 167 22 conflict conflict NOUN NN
## 3761 1990 167 23 , , PUNCT ,
## 3762 1990 167 24 not not PART RB
## 3763 1990 167 25 peace peace NOUN NN
## 3764 1990 167 26 . . PUNCT .
## 3765 1990 168 1 Enduring Enduring PROPN NNP
## 3766 1990 168 2 animosities animosity NOUN NNS
## 3767 1990 168 3 and and CCONJ CC
## 3768 1990 168 4 opposing oppose VERB VBG
## 3769 1990 168 5 interests interest NOUN NNS
## 3770 1990 168 6 remain remain VERB VBP
## 3771 1990 168 7 . . PUNCT .
## 3772 1990 169 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 3773 1990 169 2 thus thus ADV RB
## 3774 1990 169 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 3775 1990 169 4 the the DET DT
## 3776 1990 169 5 cause cause NOUN NN
## 3777 1990 169 6 of of ADP IN
## 3778 1990 169 7 peace peace NOUN NN
## 3779 1990 169 8 must must AUX MD
## 3780 1990 169 9 be be AUX VB
## 3781 1990 169 10 served serve VERB VBN
## 3782 1990 169 11 by by ADP IN
## 3783 1990 169 12 an an DET DT
## 3784 1990 169 13 America America PROPN NNP
## 3785 1990 169 14 strong strong ADJ JJ
## 3786 1990 169 15 enough enough ADV RB
## 3787 1990 169 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 3788 1990 169 17 sure sure ADJ JJ
## 3789 1990 169 18 enough enough ADV RB
## 3790 1990 169 19 to to PART TO
## 3791 1990 169 20 defend defend VERB VB
## 3792 1990 169 21 our our PRON PRP$
## 3793 1990 169 22 interests interest NOUN NNS
## 3794 1990 169 23 and and CCONJ CC
## 3795 1990 169 24 our our PRON PRP$
## 3796 1990 169 25 ideals ideal NOUN NNS
## 3797 1990 169 26 . . PUNCT .
## 3798 1990 170 1 It it PRON PRP
## 3799 1990 170 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 3800 1990 170 3 this this DET DT
## 3801 1990 170 4 American american ADJ JJ
## 3802 1990 170 5 idea idea NOUN NN
## 3803 1990 170 6 that that SCONJ IN
## 3804 1990 170 7 for for ADP IN
## 3805 1990 170 8 the the DET DT
## 3806 1990 170 9 past past ADJ JJ
## 3807 1990 170 10 four four NUM CD
## 3808 1990 170 11 decades decade NOUN NNS
## 3809 1990 170 12 helped helped AUX VBD
## 3810 1990 170 13 inspire inspire VERB VB
## 3811 1990 170 14 this this DET DT
## 3812 1990 170 15 Revolution Revolution PROPN NNP
## 3813 1990 170 16 of of ADP IN
## 3814 1990 170 17 ' ' NUM CD
## 3815 1990 170 18 89 89 NUM CD
## 3816 1990 170 19 . . PUNCT .
## 3817 1990 171 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3818 1990 171 2 Here here ADV RB
## 3819 1990 171 3 at at ADP IN
## 3820 1990 171 4 home home NOUN NN
## 3821 1990 171 5 and and CCONJ CC
## 3822 1990 171 6 in in ADP IN
## 3823 1990 171 7 the the DET DT
## 3824 1990 171 8 world world NOUN NN
## 3825 1990 171 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 3826 1990 171 10 there there PRON EX
## 3827 1990 171 11 's be VERB VBZ
## 3828 1990 171 12 history history NOUN NN
## 3829 1990 171 13 in in ADP IN
## 3830 1990 171 14 the the DET DT
## 3831 1990 171 15 making making NOUN NN
## 3832 1990 171 16 , , PUNCT ,
## 3833 1990 171 17 history history NOUN NN
## 3834 1990 171 18 to to PART TO
## 3835 1990 171 19 be be AUX VB
## 3836 1990 171 20 made make VERB VBN
## 3837 1990 171 21 . . PUNCT .
## 3838 1990 172 1 Six six NUM CD
## 3839 1990 172 2 months month NOUN NNS
## 3840 1990 172 3 ago ago ADV RB
## 3841 1990 172 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 3842 1990 172 5 early early ADV RB
## 3843 1990 172 6 in in ADP IN
## 3844 1990 172 7 this this DET DT
## 3845 1990 172 8 season season NOUN NN
## 3846 1990 172 9 of of ADP IN
## 3847 1990 172 10 change change NOUN NN
## 3848 1990 172 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 3849 1990 172 12 I I PRON PRP
## 3850 1990 172 13 stood stand VERB VBD
## 3851 1990 172 14 at at ADP IN
## 3852 1990 172 15 the the DET DT
## 3853 1990 172 16 gates gate NOUN NNS
## 3854 1990 172 17 of of ADP IN
## 3855 1990 172 18 the the DET DT
## 3856 1990 172 19 Gdansk Gdansk PROPN NNP
## 3857 1990 172 20 shipyard shipyard NOUN NN
## 3858 1990 172 21 in in ADP IN
## 3859 1990 172 22 Poland Poland PROPN NNP
## 3860 1990 172 23 at at ADP IN
## 3861 1990 172 24 the the DET DT
## 3862 1990 172 25 monument monument NOUN NN
## 3863 1990 172 26 to to ADP IN
## 3864 1990 172 27 the the DET DT
## 3865 1990 172 28 fallen fall VERB VBN
## 3866 1990 172 29 workers worker NOUN NNS
## 3867 1990 172 30 of of ADP IN
## 3868 1990 172 31 Solidarity Solidarity PROPN NNP
## 3869 1990 172 32 . . PUNCT .
## 3870 1990 173 1 It it PRON PRP
## 3871 1990 173 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 3872 1990 173 3 a a DET DT
## 3873 1990 173 4 monument monument NOUN NN
## 3874 1990 173 5 of of ADP IN
## 3875 1990 173 6 simple simple ADJ JJ
## 3876 1990 173 7 majesty majesty NOUN NN
## 3877 1990 173 8 . . PUNCT .
## 3878 1990 174 1 Three three NUM CD
## 3879 1990 174 2 tall tall ADJ JJ
## 3880 1990 174 3 crosses crosse NOUN NNS
## 3881 1990 174 4 rise rise VERB VBP
## 3882 1990 174 5 up up ADP RP
## 3883 1990 174 6 from from ADP IN
## 3884 1990 174 7 the the DET DT
## 3885 1990 174 8 stones stone NOUN NNS
## 3886 1990 174 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 3887 1990 174 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 3888 1990 174 11 atop atop ADP IN
## 3889 1990 174 12 each each DET DT
## 3890 1990 174 13 cross cross NOUN NN
## 3891 1990 174 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 3892 1990 174 15 an an DET DT
## 3893 1990 174 16 anchor anchor NOUN NN
## 3894 1990 174 17 -- -- PUNCT :
## 3895 1990 174 18 an an DET DT
## 3896 1990 174 19 ancient ancient ADJ JJ
## 3897 1990 174 20 symbol symbol NOUN NN
## 3898 1990 174 21 of of ADP IN
## 3899 1990 174 22 hope hope NOUN NN
## 3900 1990 174 23 . . PUNCT .
## 3901 1990 175 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3902 1990 175 2 The the DET DT
## 3903 1990 175 3 anchor anchor NOUN NN
## 3904 1990 175 4 in in ADP IN
## 3905 1990 175 5 our our PRON PRP$
## 3906 1990 175 6 world world NOUN NN
## 3907 1990 175 7 today today NOUN NN
## 3908 1990 175 8 is be AUX VBZ
## 3909 1990 175 9 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 3910 1990 175 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 3911 1990 175 11 holding hold VERB VBG
## 3912 1990 175 12 us we PRON PRP
## 3913 1990 175 13 steady steady ADJ JJ
## 3914 1990 175 14 in in ADP IN
## 3915 1990 175 15 times time NOUN NNS
## 3916 1990 175 16 of of ADP IN
## 3917 1990 175 17 change change NOUN NN
## 3918 1990 175 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 3919 1990 175 19 a a DET DT
## 3920 1990 175 20 symbol symbol NOUN NN
## 3921 1990 175 21 of of ADP IN
## 3922 1990 175 22 hope hope NOUN NN
## 3923 1990 175 23 to to ADP IN
## 3924 1990 175 24 all all DET PDT
## 3925 1990 175 25 the the DET DT
## 3926 1990 175 26 world world NOUN NN
## 3927 1990 175 27 . . PUNCT .
## 3928 1990 176 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 3929 1990 176 2 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 3930 1990 176 3 is be AUX VBZ
## 3931 1990 176 4 at at ADP IN
## 3932 1990 176 5 the the DET DT
## 3933 1990 176 6 very very ADJ JJ
## 3934 1990 176 7 heart heart NOUN NN
## 3935 1990 176 8 of of ADP IN
## 3936 1990 176 9 the the DET DT
## 3937 1990 176 10 idea idea NOUN NN
## 3938 1990 176 11 that that PRON WDT
## 3939 1990 176 12 is be AUX VBZ
## 3940 1990 176 13 America America PROPN NNP
## 3941 1990 176 14 . . PUNCT .
## 3942 1990 177 1 Giving give VERB VBG
## 3943 1990 177 2 life life NOUN NN
## 3944 1990 177 3 to to ADP IN
## 3945 1990 177 4 that that DET DT
## 3946 1990 177 5 idea idea NOUN NN
## 3947 1990 177 6 depends depend VERB VBZ
## 3948 1990 177 7 on on ADP IN
## 3949 1990 177 8 every every DET DT
## 3950 1990 177 9 one one NUM CD
## 3951 1990 177 10 of of ADP IN
## 3952 1990 177 11 us we PRON PRP
## 3953 1990 177 12 . . PUNCT .
## 3954 1990 178 1 Our our PRON PRP$
## 3955 1990 178 2 anchor anchor NOUN NN
## 3956 1990 178 3 has have AUX VBZ
## 3957 1990 178 4 always always ADV RB
## 3958 1990 178 5 been be AUX VBN
## 3959 1990 178 6 faith faith NOUN NN
## 3960 1990 178 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 3961 1990 178 8 family family NOUN NN
## 3962 1990 178 9 . . PUNCT .
## 3963 1990 179 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3964 1990 179 2 In in ADP IN
## 3965 1990 179 3 the the DET DT
## 3966 1990 179 4 last last ADJ JJ
## 3967 1990 179 5 few few ADJ JJ
## 3968 1990 179 6 days day NOUN NNS
## 3969 1990 179 7 of of ADP IN
## 3970 1990 179 8 this this DET DT
## 3971 1990 179 9 past past ADJ JJ
## 3972 1990 179 10 momentous momentous ADJ JJ
## 3973 1990 179 11 year year NOUN NN
## 3974 1990 179 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 3975 1990 179 13 our our PRON PRP$
## 3976 1990 179 14 family family NOUN NN
## 3977 1990 179 15 was be AUX VBD
## 3978 1990 179 16 blessed bless VERB VBN
## 3979 1990 179 17 once once ADV RB
## 3980 1990 179 18 more more ADV RBR
## 3981 1990 179 19 , , PUNCT ,
## 3982 1990 179 20 celebrating celebrate VERB VBG
## 3983 1990 179 21 the the DET DT
## 3984 1990 179 22 joy joy NOUN NN
## 3985 1990 179 23 of of ADP IN
## 3986 1990 179 24 life life NOUN NN
## 3987 1990 179 25 when when SCONJ WRB
## 3988 1990 179 26 a a DET DT
## 3989 1990 179 27 little little ADJ JJ
## 3990 1990 179 28 boy boy NOUN NN
## 3991 1990 179 29 became become VERB VBD
## 3992 1990 179 30 our our PRON PRP$
## 3993 1990 179 31 12th 12th ADJ JJ
## 3994 1990 179 32 grandchild grandchild NOUN NN
## 3995 1990 179 33 . . PUNCT .
## 3996 1990 180 1 When when SCONJ WRB
## 3997 1990 180 2 I I PRON PRP
## 3998 1990 180 3 held hold VERB VBD
## 3999 1990 180 4 the the DET DT
## 4000 1990 180 5 little little ADJ JJ
## 4001 1990 180 6 guy guy NOUN NN
## 4002 1990 180 7 for for ADP IN
## 4003 1990 180 8 the the DET DT
## 4004 1990 180 9 first first ADJ JJ
## 4005 1990 180 10 time time NOUN NN
## 4006 1990 180 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 4007 1990 180 12 the the DET DT
## 4008 1990 180 13 troubles trouble NOUN NNS
## 4009 1990 180 14 at at ADP IN
## 4010 1990 180 15 home home NOUN NN
## 4011 1990 180 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 4012 1990 180 17 abroad abroad ADV RB
## 4013 1990 180 18 seemed seem VERB VBD
## 4014 1990 180 19 manageable manageable ADJ JJ
## 4015 1990 180 20 and and CCONJ CC
## 4016 1990 180 21 totally totally ADV RB
## 4017 1990 180 22 in in ADP IN
## 4018 1990 180 23 perspective perspective NOUN NN
## 4019 1990 180 24 . . PUNCT .
## 4020 1990 181 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4021 1990 181 2 Now now ADV RB
## 4022 1990 181 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 4023 1990 181 4 I I PRON PRP
## 4024 1990 181 5 know know VERB VBP
## 4025 1990 181 6 you you PRON PRP
## 4026 1990 181 7 're be AUX VBP
## 4027 1990 181 8 probably probably ADV RB
## 4028 1990 181 9 thinking think VERB VBG
## 4029 1990 181 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 4030 1990 181 11 well well INTJ UH
## 4031 1990 181 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 4032 1990 181 13 that that PRON DT
## 4033 1990 181 14 's be AUX VBZ
## 4034 1990 181 15 just just ADV RB
## 4035 1990 181 16 a a DET DT
## 4036 1990 181 17 grandfather grandfather NOUN NN
## 4037 1990 181 18 talking talking NOUN NN
## 4038 1990 181 19 . . PUNCT .
## 4039 1990 182 1 Well well INTJ UH
## 4040 1990 182 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 4041 1990 182 3 maybe maybe ADV RB
## 4042 1990 182 4 you you PRON PRP
## 4043 1990 182 5 're be AUX VBP
## 4044 1990 182 6 right right ADJ JJ
## 4045 1990 182 7 . . PUNCT .
## 4046 1990 183 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 4047 1990 183 2 I I PRON PRP
## 4048 1990 183 3 've 've AUX VBP
## 4049 1990 183 4 met meet VERB VBN
## 4050 1990 183 5 a a DET DT
## 4051 1990 183 6 lot lot NOUN NN
## 4052 1990 183 7 of of ADP IN
## 4053 1990 183 8 children child NOUN NNS
## 4054 1990 183 9 this this DET DT
## 4055 1990 183 10 past past ADJ JJ
## 4056 1990 183 11 year year NOUN NN
## 4057 1990 183 12 across across ADP IN
## 4058 1990 183 13 this this DET DT
## 4059 1990 183 14 country country NOUN NN
## 4060 1990 183 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 4061 1990 183 16 as as SCONJ IN
## 4062 1990 183 17 all all PRON DT
## 4063 1990 183 18 of of ADP IN
## 4064 1990 183 19 you you PRON PRP
## 4065 1990 183 20 have have VERB VBP
## 4066 1990 183 21 , , PUNCT ,
## 4067 1990 183 22 everywhere everywhere ADV RB
## 4068 1990 183 23 from from ADP IN
## 4069 1990 183 24 the the DET DT
## 4070 1990 183 25 Far Far PROPN NNP
## 4071 1990 183 26 East East PROPN NNP
## 4072 1990 183 27 to to ADP IN
## 4073 1990 183 28 Eastern Eastern PROPN NNP
## 4074 1990 183 29 Europe Europe PROPN NNP
## 4075 1990 183 30 . . PUNCT .
## 4076 1990 184 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 4077 1990 184 2 all all DET DT
## 4078 1990 184 3 kids kid NOUN NNS
## 4079 1990 184 4 are be AUX VBP
## 4080 1990 184 5 unique unique ADJ JJ
## 4081 1990 184 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 4082 1990 184 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 4083 1990 184 8 yet yet ADV RB
## 4084 1990 184 9 all all DET DT
## 4085 1990 184 10 kids kid NOUN NNS
## 4086 1990 184 11 are be AUX VBP
## 4087 1990 184 12 alike alike ADV RB
## 4088 1990 184 13 -- -- PUNCT :
## 4089 1990 184 14 the the DET DT
## 4090 1990 184 15 budding bud VERB VBG
## 4091 1990 184 16 young young ADJ JJ
## 4092 1990 184 17 environmentalists environmentalist NOUN NNS
## 4093 1990 184 18 I I PRON PRP
## 4094 1990 184 19 met meet VERB VBD
## 4095 1990 184 20 this this DET DT
## 4096 1990 184 21 month month NOUN NN
## 4097 1990 184 22 who who PRON WP
## 4098 1990 184 23 joined join VERB VBD
## 4099 1990 184 24 me I PRON PRP
## 4100 1990 184 25 in in ADP IN
## 4101 1990 184 26 exploring explore VERB VBG
## 4102 1990 184 27 the the DET DT
## 4103 1990 184 28 Florida Florida PROPN NNP
## 4104 1990 184 29 Everglades Everglades PROPN NNPS
## 4105 1990 184 30 ; ; PUNCT :
## 4106 1990 184 31 the the DET DT
## 4107 1990 184 32 little little ADJ JJ
## 4108 1990 184 33 leaguers leaguer NOUN NNS
## 4109 1990 184 34 I I PRON PRP
## 4110 1990 184 35 played play VERB VBD
## 4111 1990 184 36 catch catch VERB VB
## 4112 1990 184 37 with with ADP IN
## 4113 1990 184 38 in in ADP IN
## 4114 1990 184 39 Poland Poland PROPN NNP
## 4115 1990 184 40 , , PUNCT ,
## 4116 1990 184 41 ready ready ADJ JJ
## 4117 1990 184 42 to to PART TO
## 4118 1990 184 43 go go VERB VB
## 4119 1990 184 44 from from ADP IN
## 4120 1990 184 45 Warsaw Warsaw PROPN NNP
## 4121 1990 184 46 to to ADP IN
## 4122 1990 184 47 the the DET DT
## 4123 1990 184 48 World World PROPN NNP
## 4124 1990 184 49 Series Series PROPN NNP
## 4125 1990 184 50 ; ; PUNCT :
## 4126 1990 184 51 and and CCONJ CC
## 4127 1990 184 52 even even ADV RB
## 4128 1990 184 53 the the DET DT
## 4129 1990 184 54 kids kid NOUN NNS
## 4130 1990 184 55 who who PRON WP
## 4131 1990 184 56 are be AUX VBP
## 4132 1990 184 57 ill ill ADJ JJ
## 4133 1990 184 58 or or CCONJ CC
## 4134 1990 184 59 alone alone ADJ JJ
## 4135 1990 184 60 -- -- PUNCT :
## 4136 1990 184 61 and and CCONJ CC
## 4137 1990 184 62 God God PROPN NNP
## 4138 1990 184 63 bless bless VERB VBP
## 4139 1990 184 64 those those DET DT
## 4140 1990 184 65 boarder boarder NOUN NN
## 4141 1990 184 66 babies baby NOUN NNS
## 4142 1990 184 67 , , PUNCT ,
## 4143 1990 184 68 born bear VERB VBN
## 4144 1990 184 69 addicted addict VERB VBN
## 4145 1990 184 70 to to ADP IN
## 4146 1990 184 71 drugs drug NOUN NNS
## 4147 1990 184 72 and and CCONJ CC
## 4148 1990 184 73 AIDS AIDS PROPN NNP
## 4149 1990 184 74 and and CCONJ CC
## 4150 1990 184 75 coping cope VERB VBG
## 4151 1990 184 76 with with ADP IN
## 4152 1990 184 77 problems problem NOUN NNS
## 4153 1990 184 78 no no DET DT
## 4154 1990 184 79 child child NOUN NN
## 4155 1990 184 80 should should AUX MD
## 4156 1990 184 81 have have VERB VB
## 4157 1990 184 82 to to PART TO
## 4158 1990 184 83 face face VERB VB
## 4159 1990 184 84 . . PUNCT .
## 4160 1990 185 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 4161 1990 185 2 you you PRON PRP
## 4162 1990 185 3 know know VERB VBP
## 4163 1990 185 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 4164 1990 185 5 when when SCONJ WRB
## 4165 1990 185 6 it it PRON PRP
## 4166 1990 185 7 comes come VERB VBZ
## 4167 1990 185 8 to to ADP IN
## 4168 1990 185 9 hope hope VERB VB
## 4169 1990 185 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 4170 1990 185 11 the the DET DT
## 4171 1990 185 12 future future NOUN NN
## 4172 1990 185 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 4173 1990 185 14 every every DET DT
## 4174 1990 185 15 kid kid NOUN NN
## 4175 1990 185 16 is be AUX VBZ
## 4176 1990 185 17 the the DET DT
## 4177 1990 185 18 same same ADJ JJ
## 4178 1990 185 19 -- -- PUNCT :
## 4179 1990 185 20 full full ADJ JJ
## 4180 1990 185 21 of of ADP IN
## 4181 1990 185 22 dreams dream NOUN NNS
## 4182 1990 185 23 , , PUNCT ,
## 4183 1990 185 24 ready ready ADJ JJ
## 4184 1990 185 25 to to PART TO
## 4185 1990 185 26 take take VERB VB
## 4186 1990 185 27 on on ADP RP
## 4187 1990 185 28 the the DET DT
## 4188 1990 185 29 world world NOUN NN
## 4189 1990 185 30 -- -- PUNCT :
## 4190 1990 185 31 all all DET DT
## 4191 1990 185 32 special special ADJ JJ
## 4192 1990 185 33 , , PUNCT ,
## 4193 1990 185 34 because because SCONJ IN
## 4194 1990 185 35 they they PRON PRP
## 4195 1990 185 36 are be AUX VBP
## 4196 1990 185 37 the the DET DT
## 4197 1990 185 38 very very ADV RB
## 4198 1990 185 39 future future NOUN NN
## 4199 1990 185 40 of of ADP IN
## 4200 1990 185 41 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 4201 1990 185 42 . . PUNCT .
## 4202 1990 186 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 4203 1990 186 2 to to ADP IN
## 4204 1990 186 3 them they PRON PRP
## 4205 1990 186 4 belongs belong VERB VBZ
## 4206 1990 186 5 this this DET DT
## 4207 1990 186 6 new new ADJ JJ
## 4208 1990 186 7 world world NOUN NN
## 4209 1990 186 8 I I PRON PRP
## 4210 1990 186 9 've 've AUX VBP
## 4211 1990 186 10 been be AUX VBN
## 4212 1990 186 11 speaking speak VERB VBG
## 4213 1990 186 12 about about ADP IN
## 4214 1990 186 13 . . PUNCT .
## 4215 1990 187 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4216 1990 187 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 4217 1990 187 3 so so ADV RB
## 4218 1990 187 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 4219 1990 187 5 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 4220 1990 187 6 I I PRON PRP
## 4221 1990 187 7 'm be AUX VBP
## 4222 1990 187 8 going go VERB VBG
## 4223 1990 187 9 to to PART TO
## 4224 1990 187 10 ask ask VERB VB
## 4225 1990 187 11 something something PRON NN
## 4226 1990 187 12 of of ADP IN
## 4227 1990 187 13 every every DET DT
## 4228 1990 187 14 one one NUM CD
## 4229 1990 187 15 of of ADP IN
## 4230 1990 187 16 you you PRON PRP
## 4231 1990 187 17 . . PUNCT .
## 4232 1990 188 1 Now now ADV RB
## 4233 1990 188 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 4234 1990 188 3 let let VERB VB
## 4235 1990 188 4 me I PRON PRP
## 4236 1990 188 5 start start VERB VB
## 4237 1990 188 6 with with ADP IN
## 4238 1990 188 7 my my PRON PRP$
## 4239 1990 188 8 generation generation NOUN NN
## 4240 1990 188 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 4241 1990 188 10 with with ADP IN
## 4242 1990 188 11 the the DET DT
## 4243 1990 188 12 grandparents grandparent NOUN NNS
## 4244 1990 188 13 out out ADV RB
## 4245 1990 188 14 there there ADV RB
## 4246 1990 188 15 . . PUNCT .
## 4247 1990 189 1 You you PRON PRP
## 4248 1990 189 2 are be AUX VBP
## 4249 1990 189 3 our our PRON PRP$
## 4250 1990 189 4 living living NOUN NN
## 4251 1990 189 5 link link NOUN NN
## 4252 1990 189 6 to to ADP IN
## 4253 1990 189 7 the the DET DT
## 4254 1990 189 8 past past NOUN NN
## 4255 1990 189 9 . . PUNCT .
## 4256 1990 190 1 Tell tell VERB VB
## 4257 1990 190 2 your your PRON PRP$
## 4258 1990 190 3 grandchildren grandchild NOUN NNS
## 4259 1990 190 4 the the DET DT
## 4260 1990 190 5 story story NOUN NN
## 4261 1990 190 6 of of ADP IN
## 4262 1990 190 7 struggles struggle NOUN NNS
## 4263 1990 190 8 waged wage VERB VBD
## 4264 1990 190 9 at at ADP IN
## 4265 1990 190 10 home home NOUN NN
## 4266 1990 190 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 4267 1990 190 12 abroad abroad ADV RB
## 4268 1990 190 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 4269 1990 190 14 of of ADP IN
## 4270 1990 190 15 sacrifices sacrifice NOUN NNS
## 4271 1990 190 16 freely freely ADV RB
## 4272 1990 190 17 made make VERB VBN
## 4273 1990 190 18 for for ADP IN
## 4274 1990 190 19 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 4275 1990 190 20 's 's PART POS
## 4276 1990 190 21 sake sake NOUN NN
## 4277 1990 190 22 . . PUNCT .
## 4278 1990 191 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 4279 1990 191 2 tell tell VERB VB
## 4280 1990 191 3 them they PRON PRP
## 4281 1990 191 4 your your PRON PRP$
## 4282 1990 191 5 own own ADJ JJ
## 4283 1990 191 6 story story NOUN NN
## 4284 1990 191 7 as as ADV RB
## 4285 1990 191 8 well well ADV RB
## 4286 1990 191 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 4287 1990 191 10 because because SCONJ IN
## 4288 1990 191 11 every every DET DT
## 4289 1990 191 12 American American PROPN NNP
## 4290 1990 191 13 has have VERB VBZ
## 4291 1990 191 14 a a DET DT
## 4292 1990 191 15 story story NOUN NN
## 4293 1990 191 16 to to PART TO
## 4294 1990 191 17 tell tell VERB VB
## 4295 1990 191 18 . . PUNCT .
## 4296 1990 192 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4297 1990 192 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 4298 1990 192 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 4299 1990 192 4 parents parent NOUN NNS
## 4300 1990 192 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 4301 1990 192 6 your your PRON PRP$
## 4302 1990 192 7 children child NOUN NNS
## 4303 1990 192 8 look look VERB VBP
## 4304 1990 192 9 to to ADP IN
## 4305 1990 192 10 you you PRON PRP
## 4306 1990 192 11 for for ADP IN
## 4307 1990 192 12 direction direction NOUN NN
## 4308 1990 192 13 and and CCONJ CC
## 4309 1990 192 14 guidance guidance NOUN NN
## 4310 1990 192 15 . . PUNCT .
## 4311 1990 193 1 Tell tell VERB VB
## 4312 1990 193 2 them they PRON PRP
## 4313 1990 193 3 of of ADP IN
## 4314 1990 193 4 faith faith NOUN NN
## 4315 1990 193 5 and and CCONJ CC
## 4316 1990 193 6 family family NOUN NN
## 4317 1990 193 7 . . PUNCT .
## 4318 1990 194 1 Tell tell VERB VB
## 4319 1990 194 2 them they PRON PRP
## 4320 1990 194 3 we we PRON PRP
## 4321 1990 194 4 are be AUX VBP
## 4322 1990 194 5 one one NUM CD
## 4323 1990 194 6 nation nation NOUN NN
## 4324 1990 194 7 under under ADP IN
## 4325 1990 194 8 God God PROPN NNP
## 4326 1990 194 9 . . PUNCT .
## 4327 1990 195 1 Teach teach VERB VB
## 4328 1990 195 2 them they PRON PRP
## 4329 1990 195 3 that that PRON DT
## 4330 1990 195 4 of of ADP IN
## 4331 1990 195 5 all all DET PDT
## 4332 1990 195 6 the the DET DT
## 4333 1990 195 7 many many ADJ JJ
## 4334 1990 195 8 gifts gift NOUN NNS
## 4335 1990 195 9 they they PRON PRP
## 4336 1990 195 10 can can AUX MD
## 4337 1990 195 11 receive receive VERB VB
## 4338 1990 195 12 liberty liberty NOUN NN
## 4339 1990 195 13 is be AUX VBZ
## 4340 1990 195 14 their their PRON PRP$
## 4341 1990 195 15 most most ADV RBS
## 4342 1990 195 16 precious precious ADJ JJ
## 4343 1990 195 17 legacy legacy NOUN NN
## 4344 1990 195 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 4345 1990 195 19 and and CCONJ CC
## 4346 1990 195 20 of of ADP IN
## 4347 1990 195 21 all all DET PDT
## 4348 1990 195 22 the the DET DT
## 4349 1990 195 23 gifts gift NOUN NNS
## 4350 1990 195 24 they they PRON PRP
## 4351 1990 195 25 can can AUX MD
## 4352 1990 195 26 give give VERB VB
## 4353 1990 195 27 the the DET DT
## 4354 1990 195 28 greatest great ADJ JJS
## 4355 1990 195 29 is be AUX VBZ
## 4356 1990 195 30 helping help VERB VBG
## 4357 1990 195 31 others other NOUN NNS
## 4358 1990 195 32 . . PUNCT .
## 4359 1990 196 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4360 1990 196 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 4361 1990 196 3 to to ADP IN
## 4362 1990 196 4 the the DET DT
## 4363 1990 196 5 children child NOUN NNS
## 4364 1990 196 6 and and CCONJ CC
## 4365 1990 196 7 young young ADJ JJ
## 4366 1990 196 8 people people NOUN NNS
## 4367 1990 196 9 out out ADV RB
## 4368 1990 196 10 there there ADV RB
## 4369 1990 196 11 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 4370 1990 196 12 : : PUNCT :
## 4371 1990 196 13 With with SCONJ IN
## 4372 1990 196 14 you you PRON PRP
## 4373 1990 196 15 rests rest VERB VBZ
## 4374 1990 196 16 our our PRON PRP$
## 4375 1990 196 17 hope hope NOUN NN
## 4376 1990 196 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 4377 1990 196 19 all all PRON DT
## 4378 1990 196 20 that that PRON WDT
## 4379 1990 196 21 America America PROPN NNP
## 4380 1990 196 22 will will AUX MD
## 4381 1990 196 23 mean mean VERB VB
## 4382 1990 196 24 in in ADP IN
## 4383 1990 196 25 the the DET DT
## 4384 1990 196 26 years year NOUN NNS
## 4385 1990 196 27 and and CCONJ CC
## 4386 1990 196 28 decades decade NOUN NNS
## 4387 1990 196 29 ahead ahead ADV RB
## 4388 1990 196 30 . . PUNCT .
## 4389 1990 197 1 Fix fix VERB VB
## 4390 1990 197 2 your your PRON PRP$
## 4391 1990 197 3 vision vision NOUN NN
## 4392 1990 197 4 on on ADP IN
## 4393 1990 197 5 a a DET DT
## 4394 1990 197 6 new new ADJ JJ
## 4395 1990 197 7 century century NOUN NN
## 4396 1990 197 8 -- -- PUNCT :
## 4397 1990 197 9 your your PRON PRP$
## 4398 1990 197 10 century century NOUN NN
## 4399 1990 197 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 4400 1990 197 12 on on ADP IN
## 4401 1990 197 13 dreams dream NOUN NNS
## 4402 1990 197 14 we we PRON PRP
## 4403 1990 197 15 can can AUX MD
## 4404 1990 197 16 not not PART RB
## 4405 1990 197 17 see see VERB VB
## 4406 1990 197 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 4407 1990 197 19 on on ADP IN
## 4408 1990 197 20 the the DET DT
## 4409 1990 197 21 destiny destiny NOUN NN
## 4410 1990 197 22 that that PRON WDT
## 4411 1990 197 23 is be AUX VBZ
## 4412 1990 197 24 yours yours PRON PRP$
## 4413 1990 197 25 and and CCONJ CC
## 4414 1990 197 26 yours your NOUN NNS
## 4415 1990 197 27 alone alone ADV RB
## 4416 1990 197 28 . . PUNCT .
## 4417 1990 198 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4418 1990 198 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 4419 1990 198 3 finally finally ADV RB
## 4420 1990 198 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 4421 1990 198 5 let let VERB VB
## 4422 1990 198 6 all all DET DT
## 4423 1990 198 7 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 4424 1990 198 8 -- -- PUNCT :
## 4425 1990 198 9 all all PRON DT
## 4426 1990 198 10 of of ADP IN
## 4427 1990 198 11 us we PRON PRP
## 4428 1990 198 12 together together ADV RB
## 4429 1990 198 13 here here ADV RB
## 4430 1990 198 14 in in ADP IN
## 4431 1990 198 15 this this DET DT
## 4432 1990 198 16 Chamber Chamber PROPN NNP
## 4433 1990 198 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 4434 1990 198 18 the the DET DT
## 4435 1990 198 19 symbolic symbolic ADJ JJ
## 4436 1990 198 20 center center NOUN NN
## 4437 1990 198 21 of of ADP IN
## 4438 1990 198 22 democracy democracy NOUN NN
## 4439 1990 198 23 -- -- PUNCT :
## 4440 1990 198 24 affirm affirm VERB VB
## 4441 1990 198 25 our our PRON PRP$
## 4442 1990 198 26 allegiance allegiance NOUN NN
## 4443 1990 198 27 to to ADP IN
## 4444 1990 198 28 this this DET DT
## 4445 1990 198 29 idea idea NOUN NN
## 4446 1990 198 30 we we PRON PRP
## 4447 1990 198 31 call call VERB VBP
## 4448 1990 198 32 America America PROPN NNP
## 4449 1990 198 33 . . PUNCT .
## 4450 1990 199 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 4451 1990 199 2 let let VERB VB
## 4452 1990 199 3 us we PRON PRP
## 4453 1990 199 4 remember remember VERB VB
## 4454 1990 199 5 that that SCONJ IN
## 4455 1990 199 6 the the DET DT
## 4456 1990 199 7 state state NOUN NN
## 4457 1990 199 8 of of ADP IN
## 4458 1990 199 9 the the DET DT
## 4459 1990 199 10 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 4460 1990 199 11 depends depend VERB VBZ
## 4461 1990 199 12 on on ADP IN
## 4462 1990 199 13 each each PRON DT
## 4463 1990 199 14 and and CCONJ CC
## 4464 1990 199 15 every every DET DT
## 4465 1990 199 16 one one NUM CD
## 4466 1990 199 17 of of ADP IN
## 4467 1990 199 18 us we PRON PRP
## 4468 1990 199 19 . . PUNCT .
## 4469 1990 200 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4470 1990 200 2 God God PROPN NNP
## 4471 1990 200 3 bless bless VERB VBP
## 4472 1990 200 4 all all PRON DT
## 4473 1990 200 5 of of ADP IN
## 4474 1990 200 6 you you PRON PRP
## 4475 1990 200 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 4476 1990 200 8 and and CCONJ CC
## 4477 1990 200 9 may may AUX MD
## 4478 1990 200 10 God God PROPN NNP
## 4479 1990 200 11 bless bless VERB VB
## 4480 1990 200 12 this this DET DT
## 4481 1990 200 13 great great ADJ JJ
## 4482 1990 200 14 nation nation NOUN NN
## 4483 1990 200 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 4484 1990 200 16 the the DET DT
## 4485 1990 200 17 United United PROPN NNP
## 4486 1990 200 18 States States PROPN NNP
## 4487 1990 200 19 of of ADP IN
## 4488 1990 200 20 America America PROPN NNP
## 4489 1990 200 21 . . PUNCT .
## 4490 1990 200 22 \n \n SPACE _SP
## 4491 1991 1 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4492 1991 1 2 Mr. Mr. PROPN NNP
## 4493 1991 1 3 President President PROPN NNP
## 4494 1991 1 4 and and CCONJ CC
## 4495 1991 1 5 Mr. Mr. PROPN NNP
## 4496 1991 1 6 Speaker Speaker PROPN NNP
## 4497 1991 1 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 4498 1991 1 8 Members Members PROPN NNP
## 4499 1991 1 9 of of ADP IN
## 4500 1991 1 10 the the DET DT
## 4501 1991 1 11 United United PROPN NNP
## 4502 1991 1 12 States States PROPN NNP
## 4503 1991 1 13 Congress Congress PROPN NNP
## 4504 1991 1 14 : : PUNCT :
## 4505 1991 1 15 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4506 1991 1 16 I I PRON PRP
## 4507 1991 1 17 come come VERB VBP
## 4508 1991 1 18 to to ADP IN
## 4509 1991 1 19 this this DET DT
## 4510 1991 1 20 House House PROPN NNP
## 4511 1991 1 21 of of ADP IN
## 4512 1991 1 22 the the DET DT
## 4513 1991 1 23 people people NOUN NNS
## 4514 1991 1 24 to to PART TO
## 4515 1991 1 25 speak speak VERB VB
## 4516 1991 1 26 to to ADP IN
## 4517 1991 1 27 you you PRON PRP
## 4518 1991 1 28 and and CCONJ CC
## 4519 1991 1 29 all all DET DT
## 4520 1991 1 30 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 4521 1991 1 31 , , PUNCT ,
## 4522 1991 1 32 certain certain ADJ JJ
## 4523 1991 1 33 that that SCONJ IN
## 4524 1991 1 34 we we PRON PRP
## 4525 1991 1 35 stand stand VERB VBP
## 4526 1991 1 36 at at ADP IN
## 4527 1991 1 37 a a DET DT
## 4528 1991 1 38 defining defining ADJ JJ
## 4529 1991 1 39 hour hour NOUN NN
## 4530 1991 1 40 . . PUNCT .
## 4531 1991 2 1 Halfway halfway ADV RB
## 4532 1991 2 2 around around ADP IN
## 4533 1991 2 3 the the DET DT
## 4534 1991 2 4 world world NOUN NN
## 4535 1991 2 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 4536 1991 2 6 we we PRON PRP
## 4537 1991 2 7 are be AUX VBP
## 4538 1991 2 8 engaged engage VERB VBN
## 4539 1991 2 9 in in ADP IN
## 4540 1991 2 10 a a DET DT
## 4541 1991 2 11 great great ADJ JJ
## 4542 1991 2 12 struggle struggle NOUN NN
## 4543 1991 2 13 in in ADP IN
## 4544 1991 2 14 the the DET DT
## 4545 1991 2 15 skies sky NOUN NNS
## 4546 1991 2 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 4547 1991 2 17 on on ADP IN
## 4548 1991 2 18 the the DET DT
## 4549 1991 2 19 seas sea NOUN NNS
## 4550 1991 2 20 and and CCONJ CC
## 4551 1991 2 21 sands sand NOUN NNS
## 4552 1991 2 22 . . PUNCT .
## 4553 1991 3 1 We we PRON PRP
## 4554 1991 3 2 know know VERB VBP
## 4555 1991 3 3 why why SCONJ WRB
## 4556 1991 3 4 we we PRON PRP
## 4557 1991 3 5 're be AUX VBP
## 4558 1991 3 6 there there ADV RB
## 4559 1991 3 7 : : PUNCT :
## 4560 1991 3 8 We we PRON PRP
## 4561 1991 3 9 are be AUX VBP
## 4562 1991 3 10 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 4563 1991 3 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 4564 1991 3 12 part part NOUN NN
## 4565 1991 3 13 of of ADP IN
## 4566 1991 3 14 something something PRON NN
## 4567 1991 3 15 larger large ADJ JJR
## 4568 1991 3 16 than than ADP IN
## 4569 1991 3 17 ourselves ourselves PRON PRP
## 4570 1991 3 18 . . PUNCT .
## 4571 1991 4 1 For for ADP IN
## 4572 1991 4 2 two two NUM CD
## 4573 1991 4 3 centuries century NOUN NNS
## 4574 1991 4 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 4575 1991 4 5 we we PRON PRP
## 4576 1991 4 6 've 've AUX VBP
## 4577 1991 4 7 done do VERB VBN
## 4578 1991 4 8 the the DET DT
## 4579 1991 4 9 hard hard ADJ JJ
## 4580 1991 4 10 work work NOUN NN
## 4581 1991 4 11 of of ADP IN
## 4582 1991 4 12 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 4583 1991 4 13 . . PUNCT .
## 4584 1991 5 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 4585 1991 5 2 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 4586 1991 5 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 4587 1991 5 4 we we PRON PRP
## 4588 1991 5 5 lead lead VERB VBP
## 4589 1991 5 6 the the DET DT
## 4590 1991 5 7 world world NOUN NN
## 4591 1991 5 8 in in ADP IN
## 4592 1991 5 9 facing face VERB VBG
## 4593 1991 5 10 down down ADP RP
## 4594 1991 5 11 a a DET DT
## 4595 1991 5 12 threat threat NOUN NN
## 4596 1991 5 13 to to ADP IN
## 4597 1991 5 14 decency decency NOUN NN
## 4598 1991 5 15 and and CCONJ CC
## 4599 1991 5 16 humanity humanity NOUN NN
## 4600 1991 5 17 . . PUNCT .
## 4601 1991 6 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4602 1991 6 2 What what PRON WP
## 4603 1991 6 3 is be AUX VBZ
## 4604 1991 6 4 at at ADP IN
## 4605 1991 6 5 stake stake NOUN NN
## 4606 1991 6 6 is be AUX VBZ
## 4607 1991 6 7 more more ADJ JJR
## 4608 1991 6 8 than than ADP IN
## 4609 1991 6 9 one one NUM CD
## 4610 1991 6 10 small small ADJ JJ
## 4611 1991 6 11 country country NOUN NN
## 4612 1991 6 12 ; ; PUNCT :
## 4613 1991 6 13 it it PRON PRP
## 4614 1991 6 14 is be AUX VBZ
## 4615 1991 6 15 a a DET DT
## 4616 1991 6 16 big big ADJ JJ
## 4617 1991 6 17 idea idea NOUN NN
## 4618 1991 6 18 : : PUNCT :
## 4619 1991 6 19 a a DET DT
## 4620 1991 6 20 new new ADJ JJ
## 4621 1991 6 21 world world NOUN NN
## 4622 1991 6 22 order order NOUN NN
## 4623 1991 6 23 , , PUNCT ,
## 4624 1991 6 24 where where SCONJ WRB
## 4625 1991 6 25 diverse diverse ADJ JJ
## 4626 1991 6 26 nations nation NOUN NNS
## 4627 1991 6 27 are be AUX VBP
## 4628 1991 6 28 drawn draw VERB VBN
## 4629 1991 6 29 together together ADV RB
## 4630 1991 6 30 in in ADP IN
## 4631 1991 6 31 common common ADJ JJ
## 4632 1991 6 32 cause cause NOUN NN
## 4633 1991 6 33 to to PART TO
## 4634 1991 6 34 achieve achieve VERB VB
## 4635 1991 6 35 the the DET DT
## 4636 1991 6 36 universal universal ADJ JJ
## 4637 1991 6 37 aspirations aspiration NOUN NNS
## 4638 1991 6 38 of of ADP IN
## 4639 1991 6 39 mankind mankind NOUN NN
## 4640 1991 6 40 -- -- PUNCT :
## 4641 1991 6 41 peace peace NOUN NN
## 4642 1991 6 42 and and CCONJ CC
## 4643 1991 6 43 security security NOUN NN
## 4644 1991 6 44 , , PUNCT ,
## 4645 1991 6 45 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 4646 1991 6 46 , , PUNCT ,
## 4647 1991 6 47 and and CCONJ CC
## 4648 1991 6 48 the the DET DT
## 4649 1991 6 49 rule rule NOUN NN
## 4650 1991 6 50 of of ADP IN
## 4651 1991 6 51 law law NOUN NN
## 4652 1991 6 52 . . PUNCT .
## 4653 1991 7 1 Such such ADJ JJ
## 4654 1991 7 2 is be AUX VBZ
## 4655 1991 7 3 a a DET DT
## 4656 1991 7 4 world world NOUN NN
## 4657 1991 7 5 worthy worthy ADJ JJ
## 4658 1991 7 6 of of ADP IN
## 4659 1991 7 7 our our PRON PRP$
## 4660 1991 7 8 struggle struggle NOUN NN
## 4661 1991 7 9 and and CCONJ CC
## 4662 1991 7 10 worthy worthy ADJ JJ
## 4663 1991 7 11 of of ADP IN
## 4664 1991 7 12 our our PRON PRP$
## 4665 1991 7 13 children child NOUN NNS
## 4666 1991 7 14 's 's PART POS
## 4667 1991 7 15 future future NOUN NN
## 4668 1991 7 16 . . PUNCT .
## 4669 1991 8 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4670 1991 8 2 The the DET DT
## 4671 1991 8 3 community community NOUN NN
## 4672 1991 8 4 of of ADP IN
## 4673 1991 8 5 nations nation NOUN NNS
## 4674 1991 8 6 has have AUX VBZ
## 4675 1991 8 7 resolutely resolutely ADV RB
## 4676 1991 8 8 gathered gather VERB VBN
## 4677 1991 8 9 to to PART TO
## 4678 1991 8 10 condemn condemn VERB VB
## 4679 1991 8 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 4680 1991 8 12 repel repel VERB VB
## 4681 1991 8 13 lawless lawless ADJ JJ
## 4682 1991 8 14 aggression aggression NOUN NN
## 4683 1991 8 15 . . PUNCT .
## 4684 1991 9 1 Saddam Saddam PROPN NNP
## 4685 1991 9 2 Hussein Hussein PROPN NNP
## 4686 1991 9 3 's 's PART POS
## 4687 1991 9 4 unprovoked unprovoked ADJ JJ
## 4688 1991 9 5 invasion invasion NOUN NN
## 4689 1991 9 6 -- -- PUNCT :
## 4690 1991 9 7 his his PRON PRP$
## 4691 1991 9 8 ruthless ruthless ADJ JJ
## 4692 1991 9 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 4693 1991 9 10 systematic systematic ADJ JJ
## 4694 1991 9 11 rape rape NOUN NN
## 4695 1991 9 12 of of ADP IN
## 4696 1991 9 13 a a DET DT
## 4697 1991 9 14 peaceful peaceful ADJ JJ
## 4698 1991 9 15 neighbor neighbor NOUN NN
## 4699 1991 9 16 -- -- PUNCT :
## 4700 1991 9 17 violated violate VERB VBD
## 4701 1991 9 18 everything everything PRON NN
## 4702 1991 9 19 the the DET DT
## 4703 1991 9 20 community community NOUN NN
## 4704 1991 9 21 of of ADP IN
## 4705 1991 9 22 nations nation NOUN NNS
## 4706 1991 9 23 holds hold VERB VBZ
## 4707 1991 9 24 dear dear ADJ JJ
## 4708 1991 9 25 . . PUNCT .
## 4709 1991 10 1 The the DET DT
## 4710 1991 10 2 world world NOUN NN
## 4711 1991 10 3 has have AUX VBZ
## 4712 1991 10 4 said say VERB VBN
## 4713 1991 10 5 this this DET DT
## 4714 1991 10 6 aggression aggression NOUN NN
## 4715 1991 10 7 would would AUX MD
## 4716 1991 10 8 not not PART RB
## 4717 1991 10 9 stand stand VERB VB
## 4718 1991 10 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 4719 1991 10 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 4720 1991 10 12 it it PRON PRP
## 4721 1991 10 13 will will AUX MD
## 4722 1991 10 14 not not PART RB
## 4723 1991 10 15 stand stand VERB VB
## 4724 1991 10 16 . . PUNCT .
## 4725 1991 11 1 Together together ADV RB
## 4726 1991 11 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 4727 1991 11 3 we we PRON PRP
## 4728 1991 11 4 have have AUX VBP
## 4729 1991 11 5 resisted resist VERB VBN
## 4730 1991 11 6 the the DET DT
## 4731 1991 11 7 trap trap NOUN NN
## 4732 1991 11 8 of of ADP IN
## 4733 1991 11 9 appeasement appeasement NOUN NN
## 4734 1991 11 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 4735 1991 11 11 cynicism cynicism NOUN NN
## 4736 1991 11 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 4737 1991 11 13 and and CCONJ CC
## 4738 1991 11 14 isolation isolation NOUN NN
## 4739 1991 11 15 that that PRON WDT
## 4740 1991 11 16 gives give VERB VBZ
## 4741 1991 11 17 temptation temptation NOUN NN
## 4742 1991 11 18 to to ADP IN
## 4743 1991 11 19 tyrants tyrant NOUN NNS
## 4744 1991 11 20 . . PUNCT .
## 4745 1991 12 1 The the DET DT
## 4746 1991 12 2 world world NOUN NN
## 4747 1991 12 3 has have AUX VBZ
## 4748 1991 12 4 answered answer VERB VBN
## 4749 1991 12 5 Saddam Saddam PROPN NNP
## 4750 1991 12 6 's 's PART POS
## 4751 1991 12 7 invasion invasion NOUN NN
## 4752 1991 12 8 with with ADP IN
## 4753 1991 12 9 12 12 NUM CD
## 4754 1991 12 10 United United PROPN NNP
## 4755 1991 12 11 Nations Nations PROPN NNP
## 4756 1991 12 12 resolutions resolution NOUN NNS
## 4757 1991 12 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 4758 1991 12 14 starting start VERB VBG
## 4759 1991 12 15 with with ADP IN
## 4760 1991 12 16 a a DET DT
## 4761 1991 12 17 demand demand NOUN NN
## 4762 1991 12 18 for for ADP IN
## 4763 1991 12 19 Iraq Iraq PROPN NNP
## 4764 1991 12 20 's 's PART POS
## 4765 1991 12 21 immediate immediate ADJ JJ
## 4766 1991 12 22 and and CCONJ CC
## 4767 1991 12 23 unconditional unconditional ADJ JJ
## 4768 1991 12 24 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN NN
## 4769 1991 12 25 , , PUNCT ,
## 4770 1991 12 26 and and CCONJ CC
## 4771 1991 12 27 backed back VERB VBD
## 4772 1991 12 28 up up ADP RP
## 4773 1991 12 29 by by ADP IN
## 4774 1991 12 30 forces force NOUN NNS
## 4775 1991 12 31 from from ADP IN
## 4776 1991 12 32 28 28 NUM CD
## 4777 1991 12 33 countries country NOUN NNS
## 4778 1991 12 34 of of ADP IN
## 4779 1991 12 35 6 6 NUM CD
## 4780 1991 12 36 continents continent NOUN NNS
## 4781 1991 12 37 . . PUNCT .
## 4782 1991 13 1 With with ADP IN
## 4783 1991 13 2 few few ADJ JJ
## 4784 1991 13 3 exceptions exception NOUN NNS
## 4785 1991 13 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 4786 1991 13 5 the the DET DT
## 4787 1991 13 6 world world NOUN NN
## 4788 1991 13 7 now now ADV RB
## 4789 1991 13 8 stands stand VERB VBZ
## 4790 1991 13 9 as as ADP IN
## 4791 1991 13 10 one one NUM CD
## 4792 1991 13 11 . . PUNCT .
## 4793 1991 14 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4794 1991 14 2 The the DET DT
## 4795 1991 14 3 end end NOUN NN
## 4796 1991 14 4 of of ADP IN
## 4797 1991 14 5 the the DET DT
## 4798 1991 14 6 cold cold ADJ JJ
## 4799 1991 14 7 war war NOUN NN
## 4800 1991 14 8 has have AUX VBZ
## 4801 1991 14 9 been be AUX VBN
## 4802 1991 14 10 a a DET DT
## 4803 1991 14 11 victory victory NOUN NN
## 4804 1991 14 12 for for ADP IN
## 4805 1991 14 13 all all DET DT
## 4806 1991 14 14 humanity humanity NOUN NN
## 4807 1991 14 15 . . PUNCT .
## 4808 1991 15 1 A a DET DT
## 4809 1991 15 2 year year NOUN NN
## 4810 1991 15 3 and and CCONJ CC
## 4811 1991 15 4 a a DET DT
## 4812 1991 15 5 half half NOUN NN
## 4813 1991 15 6 ago ago ADV RB
## 4814 1991 15 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 4815 1991 15 8 in in ADP IN
## 4816 1991 15 9 Germany Germany PROPN NNP
## 4817 1991 15 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 4818 1991 15 11 I I PRON PRP
## 4819 1991 15 12 said say VERB VBD
## 4820 1991 15 13 that that SCONJ IN
## 4821 1991 15 14 our our PRON PRP$
## 4822 1991 15 15 goal goal NOUN NN
## 4823 1991 15 16 was be AUX VBD
## 4824 1991 15 17 a a DET DT
## 4825 1991 15 18 Europe Europe PROPN NNP
## 4826 1991 15 19 whole whole ADJ JJ
## 4827 1991 15 20 and and CCONJ CC
## 4828 1991 15 21 free free ADJ JJ
## 4829 1991 15 22 . . PUNCT .
## 4830 1991 16 1 Tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 4831 1991 16 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 4832 1991 16 3 Germany Germany PROPN NNP
## 4833 1991 16 4 is be AUX VBZ
## 4834 1991 16 5 united united ADJ JJ
## 4835 1991 16 6 . . PUNCT .
## 4836 1991 17 1 Europe Europe PROPN NNP
## 4837 1991 17 2 has have AUX VBZ
## 4838 1991 17 3 become become VERB VBN
## 4839 1991 17 4 whole whole ADJ JJ
## 4840 1991 17 5 and and CCONJ CC
## 4841 1991 17 6 free free ADJ JJ
## 4842 1991 17 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 4843 1991 17 8 and and CCONJ CC
## 4844 1991 17 9 America America PROPN NNP
## 4845 1991 17 10 's 's PART POS
## 4846 1991 17 11 leadership leadership NOUN NN
## 4847 1991 17 12 was be AUX VBD
## 4848 1991 17 13 instrumental instrumental ADJ JJ
## 4849 1991 17 14 in in ADP IN
## 4850 1991 17 15 making make VERB VBG
## 4851 1991 17 16 it it PRON PRP
## 4852 1991 17 17 possible possible ADJ JJ
## 4853 1991 17 18 . . PUNCT .
## 4854 1991 18 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4855 1991 18 2 Our our PRON PRP$
## 4856 1991 18 3 relationship relationship NOUN NN
## 4857 1991 18 4 to to ADP IN
## 4858 1991 18 5 the the DET DT
## 4859 1991 18 6 Soviet Soviet PROPN NNP
## 4860 1991 18 7 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 4861 1991 18 8 is be AUX VBZ
## 4862 1991 18 9 important important ADJ JJ
## 4863 1991 18 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 4864 1991 18 11 not not PART RB
## 4865 1991 18 12 only only ADV RB
## 4866 1991 18 13 to to ADP IN
## 4867 1991 18 14 us we PRON PRP
## 4868 1991 18 15 but but CCONJ CC
## 4869 1991 18 16 to to ADP IN
## 4870 1991 18 17 the the DET DT
## 4871 1991 18 18 world world NOUN NN
## 4872 1991 18 19 . . PUNCT .
## 4873 1991 19 1 That that DET DT
## 4874 1991 19 2 relationship relationship NOUN NN
## 4875 1991 19 3 has have AUX VBZ
## 4876 1991 19 4 helped help VERB VBN
## 4877 1991 19 5 to to PART TO
## 4878 1991 19 6 shape shape VERB VB
## 4879 1991 19 7 these these PRON DT
## 4880 1991 19 8 and and CCONJ CC
## 4881 1991 19 9 other other ADJ JJ
## 4882 1991 19 10 historic historic ADJ JJ
## 4883 1991 19 11 changes change NOUN NNS
## 4884 1991 19 12 . . PUNCT .
## 4885 1991 20 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 4886 1991 20 2 like like ADP IN
## 4887 1991 20 3 many many ADJ JJ
## 4888 1991 20 4 other other ADJ JJ
## 4889 1991 20 5 nations nation NOUN NNS
## 4890 1991 20 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 4891 1991 20 7 we we PRON PRP
## 4892 1991 20 8 have have AUX VBP
## 4893 1991 20 9 been be AUX VBN
## 4894 1991 20 10 deeply deeply ADV RB
## 4895 1991 20 11 concerned concern VERB VBN
## 4896 1991 20 12 by by ADP IN
## 4897 1991 20 13 the the DET DT
## 4898 1991 20 14 violence violence NOUN NN
## 4899 1991 20 15 in in ADP IN
## 4900 1991 20 16 the the DET DT
## 4901 1991 20 17 Baltics Baltics PROPN NNPS
## 4902 1991 20 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 4903 1991 20 19 and and CCONJ CC
## 4904 1991 20 20 we we PRON PRP
## 4905 1991 20 21 have have AUX VBP
## 4906 1991 20 22 communicated communicate VERB VBN
## 4907 1991 20 23 that that DET DT
## 4908 1991 20 24 concern concern NOUN NN
## 4909 1991 20 25 to to ADP IN
## 4910 1991 20 26 the the DET DT
## 4911 1991 20 27 Soviet soviet ADJ JJ
## 4912 1991 20 28 leadership leadership NOUN NN
## 4913 1991 20 29 . . PUNCT .
## 4914 1991 21 1 The the DET DT
## 4915 1991 21 2 principle principle NOUN NN
## 4916 1991 21 3 that that PRON WDT
## 4917 1991 21 4 has have AUX VBZ
## 4918 1991 21 5 guided guide VERB VBN
## 4919 1991 21 6 us we PRON PRP
## 4920 1991 21 7 is be AUX VBZ
## 4921 1991 21 8 simple simple ADJ JJ
## 4922 1991 21 9 : : PUNCT :
## 4923 1991 21 10 Our our PRON PRP$
## 4924 1991 21 11 objective objective NOUN NN
## 4925 1991 21 12 is be AUX VBZ
## 4926 1991 21 13 to to PART TO
## 4927 1991 21 14 help help VERB VB
## 4928 1991 21 15 the the DET DT
## 4929 1991 21 16 Baltic baltic ADJ JJ
## 4930 1991 21 17 peoples people NOUN NNS
## 4931 1991 21 18 achieve achieve VERB VBP
## 4932 1991 21 19 their their PRON PRP$
## 4933 1991 21 20 aspirations aspiration NOUN NNS
## 4934 1991 21 21 , , PUNCT ,
## 4935 1991 21 22 not not PART RB
## 4936 1991 21 23 to to PART TO
## 4937 1991 21 24 punish punish VERB VB
## 4938 1991 21 25 the the DET DT
## 4939 1991 21 26 Soviet Soviet PROPN NNP
## 4940 1991 21 27 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 4941 1991 21 28 . . PUNCT .
## 4942 1991 22 1 In in ADP IN
## 4943 1991 22 2 our our PRON PRP$
## 4944 1991 22 3 recent recent ADJ JJ
## 4945 1991 22 4 discussions discussion NOUN NNS
## 4946 1991 22 5 with with ADP IN
## 4947 1991 22 6 the the DET DT
## 4948 1991 22 7 Soviet soviet ADJ JJ
## 4949 1991 22 8 leadership leadership NOUN NN
## 4950 1991 22 9 we we PRON PRP
## 4951 1991 22 10 have have AUX VBP
## 4952 1991 22 11 been be AUX VBN
## 4953 1991 22 12 given give VERB VBN
## 4954 1991 22 13 representations representation NOUN NNS
## 4955 1991 22 14 which which PRON WDT
## 4956 1991 22 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 4957 1991 22 16 if if SCONJ IN
## 4958 1991 22 17 fulfilled fulfil VERB VBN
## 4959 1991 22 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 4960 1991 22 19 would would AUX MD
## 4961 1991 22 20 result result VERB VB
## 4962 1991 22 21 in in ADP IN
## 4963 1991 22 22 the the DET DT
## 4964 1991 22 23 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN NN
## 4965 1991 22 24 of of ADP IN
## 4966 1991 22 25 some some DET DT
## 4967 1991 22 26 Soviet soviet ADJ JJ
## 4968 1991 22 27 forces force NOUN NNS
## 4969 1991 22 28 , , PUNCT ,
## 4970 1991 22 29 a a DET DT
## 4971 1991 22 30 reopening reopening NOUN NN
## 4972 1991 22 31 of of ADP IN
## 4973 1991 22 32 dialog dialog NOUN NN
## 4974 1991 22 33 with with ADP IN
## 4975 1991 22 34 the the DET DT
## 4976 1991 22 35 Republics Republics PROPN NNPS
## 4977 1991 22 36 , , PUNCT ,
## 4978 1991 22 37 and and CCONJ CC
## 4979 1991 22 38 a a DET DT
## 4980 1991 22 39 move move NOUN NN
## 4981 1991 22 40 away away ADV RB
## 4982 1991 22 41 from from ADP IN
## 4983 1991 22 42 violence violence NOUN NN
## 4984 1991 22 43 . . PUNCT .
## 4985 1991 23 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4986 1991 23 2 We we PRON PRP
## 4987 1991 23 3 will will AUX MD
## 4988 1991 23 4 watch watch VERB VB
## 4989 1991 23 5 carefully carefully ADV RB
## 4990 1991 23 6 as as SCONJ IN
## 4991 1991 23 7 the the DET DT
## 4992 1991 23 8 situation situation NOUN NN
## 4993 1991 23 9 develops develop VERB VBZ
## 4994 1991 23 10 . . PUNCT .
## 4995 1991 24 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 4996 1991 24 2 we we PRON PRP
## 4997 1991 24 3 will will AUX MD
## 4998 1991 24 4 maintain maintain VERB VB
## 4999 1991 24 5 our our PRON PRP$
## 5000 1991 24 6 contact contact NOUN NN
## 5001 1991 24 7 with with ADP IN
## 5002 1991 24 8 the the DET DT
## 5003 1991 24 9 Soviet soviet ADJ JJ
## 5004 1991 24 10 leadership leadership NOUN NN
## 5005 1991 24 11 to to PART TO
## 5006 1991 24 12 encourage encourage VERB VB
## 5007 1991 24 13 continued continued ADJ JJ
## 5008 1991 24 14 commitment commitment NOUN NN
## 5009 1991 24 15 to to ADP IN
## 5010 1991 24 16 democratization democratization NOUN NN
## 5011 1991 24 17 and and CCONJ CC
## 5012 1991 24 18 reform reform NOUN NN
## 5013 1991 24 19 . . PUNCT .
## 5014 1991 25 1 If if SCONJ IN
## 5015 1991 25 2 it it PRON PRP
## 5016 1991 25 3 is be AUX VBZ
## 5017 1991 25 4 possible possible ADJ JJ
## 5018 1991 25 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 5019 1991 25 6 I I PRON PRP
## 5020 1991 25 7 want want VERB VBP
## 5021 1991 25 8 to to PART TO
## 5022 1991 25 9 continue continue VERB VB
## 5023 1991 25 10 to to PART TO
## 5024 1991 25 11 build build VERB VB
## 5025 1991 25 12 a a DET DT
## 5026 1991 25 13 lasting lasting ADJ JJ
## 5027 1991 25 14 basis basis NOUN NN
## 5028 1991 25 15 for for ADP IN
## 5029 1991 25 16 U.S.-Soviet U.S.-Soviet PROPN NNP
## 5030 1991 25 17 cooperation cooperation NOUN NN
## 5031 1991 25 18 -- -- PUNCT :
## 5032 1991 25 19 for for ADP IN
## 5033 1991 25 20 a a DET DT
## 5034 1991 25 21 more more ADV RBR
## 5035 1991 25 22 peaceful peaceful ADJ JJ
## 5036 1991 25 23 future future NOUN NN
## 5037 1991 25 24 for for ADP IN
## 5038 1991 25 25 all all DET DT
## 5039 1991 25 26 mankind mankind NOUN NN
## 5040 1991 25 27 . . PUNCT .
## 5041 1991 26 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5042 1991 26 2 The the DET DT
## 5043 1991 26 3 triumph triumph NOUN NN
## 5044 1991 26 4 of of ADP IN
## 5045 1991 26 5 democratic democratic ADJ JJ
## 5046 1991 26 6 ideas idea NOUN NNS
## 5047 1991 26 7 in in ADP IN
## 5048 1991 26 8 Eastern Eastern PROPN NNP
## 5049 1991 26 9 Europe Europe PROPN NNP
## 5050 1991 26 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 5051 1991 26 11 Latin Latin PROPN NNP
## 5052 1991 26 12 America America PROPN NNP
## 5053 1991 26 13 and and CCONJ CC
## 5054 1991 26 14 the the DET DT
## 5055 1991 26 15 continuing continue VERB VBG
## 5056 1991 26 16 struggle struggle NOUN NN
## 5057 1991 26 17 for for ADP IN
## 5058 1991 26 18 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 5059 1991 26 19 elsewhere elsewhere ADV RB
## 5060 1991 26 20 all all ADV RB
## 5061 1991 26 21 around around ADP IN
## 5062 1991 26 22 the the DET DT
## 5063 1991 26 23 world world NOUN NN
## 5064 1991 26 24 all all PRON DT
## 5065 1991 26 25 confirm confirm VERB VBP
## 5066 1991 26 26 the the DET DT
## 5067 1991 26 27 wisdom wisdom NOUN NN
## 5068 1991 26 28 of of ADP IN
## 5069 1991 26 29 our our PRON PRP$
## 5070 1991 26 30 nation nation NOUN NN
## 5071 1991 26 31 's 's PART POS
## 5072 1991 26 32 founders founder NOUN NNS
## 5073 1991 26 33 . . PUNCT .
## 5074 1991 27 1 Tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 5075 1991 27 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 5076 1991 27 3 we we PRON PRP
## 5077 1991 27 4 work work VERB VBP
## 5078 1991 27 5 to to PART TO
## 5079 1991 27 6 achieve achieve VERB VB
## 5080 1991 27 7 another another DET DT
## 5081 1991 27 8 victory victory NOUN NN
## 5082 1991 27 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 5083 1991 27 10 a a DET DT
## 5084 1991 27 11 victory victory NOUN NN
## 5085 1991 27 12 over over ADP IN
## 5086 1991 27 13 tyranny tyranny NOUN NN
## 5087 1991 27 14 and and CCONJ CC
## 5088 1991 27 15 savage savage ADJ JJ
## 5089 1991 27 16 aggression aggression NOUN NN
## 5090 1991 27 17 . . PUNCT .
## 5091 1991 28 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5092 1991 28 2 We we PRON PRP
## 5093 1991 28 3 in in ADP IN
## 5094 1991 28 4 this this DET DT
## 5095 1991 28 5 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 5096 1991 28 6 enter enter VERB VBP
## 5097 1991 28 7 the the DET DT
## 5098 1991 28 8 last last ADJ JJ
## 5099 1991 28 9 decade decade NOUN NN
## 5100 1991 28 10 of of ADP IN
## 5101 1991 28 11 the the DET DT
## 5102 1991 28 12 20th 20th ADJ JJ
## 5103 1991 28 13 century century NOUN NN
## 5104 1991 28 14 thankful thankful ADJ JJ
## 5105 1991 28 15 for for ADP IN
## 5106 1991 28 16 our our PRON PRP$
## 5107 1991 28 17 blessings blessing NOUN NNS
## 5108 1991 28 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 5109 1991 28 19 steadfast steadfast ADJ JJ
## 5110 1991 28 20 in in ADP IN
## 5111 1991 28 21 our our PRON PRP$
## 5112 1991 28 22 purpose purpose NOUN NN
## 5113 1991 28 23 , , PUNCT ,
## 5114 1991 28 24 aware aware ADJ JJ
## 5115 1991 28 25 of of ADP IN
## 5116 1991 28 26 our our PRON PRP$
## 5117 1991 28 27 difficulties difficulty NOUN NNS
## 5118 1991 28 28 , , PUNCT ,
## 5119 1991 28 29 and and CCONJ CC
## 5120 1991 28 30 responsive responsive ADJ JJ
## 5121 1991 28 31 to to ADP IN
## 5122 1991 28 32 our our PRON PRP$
## 5123 1991 28 33 duties duty NOUN NNS
## 5124 1991 28 34 at at ADP IN
## 5125 1991 28 35 home home NOUN NN
## 5126 1991 28 36 and and CCONJ CC
## 5127 1991 28 37 around around ADP IN
## 5128 1991 28 38 the the DET DT
## 5129 1991 28 39 world world NOUN NN
## 5130 1991 28 40 . . PUNCT .
## 5131 1991 29 1 For for ADP IN
## 5132 1991 29 2 two two NUM CD
## 5133 1991 29 3 centuries century NOUN NNS
## 5134 1991 29 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 5135 1991 29 5 America America PROPN NNP
## 5136 1991 29 6 has have AUX VBZ
## 5137 1991 29 7 served serve VERB VBN
## 5138 1991 29 8 the the DET DT
## 5139 1991 29 9 world world NOUN NN
## 5140 1991 29 10 as as ADP IN
## 5141 1991 29 11 an an DET DT
## 5142 1991 29 12 inspiring inspiring ADJ JJ
## 5143 1991 29 13 example example NOUN NN
## 5144 1991 29 14 of of ADP IN
## 5145 1991 29 15 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 5146 1991 29 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 5147 1991 29 17 democracy democracy NOUN NN
## 5148 1991 29 18 . . PUNCT .
## 5149 1991 30 1 For for ADP IN
## 5150 1991 30 2 generations generation NOUN NNS
## 5151 1991 30 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 5152 1991 30 4 America America PROPN NNP
## 5153 1991 30 5 has have AUX VBZ
## 5154 1991 30 6 led lead VERB VBN
## 5155 1991 30 7 the the DET DT
## 5156 1991 30 8 struggle struggle NOUN NN
## 5157 1991 30 9 to to PART TO
## 5158 1991 30 10 preserve preserve VERB VB
## 5159 1991 30 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 5160 1991 30 12 extend extend VERB VB
## 5161 1991 30 13 the the DET DT
## 5162 1991 30 14 blessings blessing NOUN NNS
## 5163 1991 30 15 of of ADP IN
## 5164 1991 30 16 liberty liberty NOUN NN
## 5165 1991 30 17 . . PUNCT .
## 5166 1991 31 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 5167 1991 31 2 today today NOUN NN
## 5168 1991 31 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 5169 1991 31 4 in in ADP IN
## 5170 1991 31 5 a a DET DT
## 5171 1991 31 6 rapidly rapidly ADV RB
## 5172 1991 31 7 changing change VERB VBG
## 5173 1991 31 8 world world NOUN NN
## 5174 1991 31 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 5175 1991 31 10 American american ADJ JJ
## 5176 1991 31 11 leadership leadership NOUN NN
## 5177 1991 31 12 is be AUX VBZ
## 5178 1991 31 13 indispensable indispensable ADJ JJ
## 5179 1991 31 14 . . PUNCT .
## 5180 1991 32 1 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 5181 1991 32 2 know know VERB VBP
## 5182 1991 32 3 that that SCONJ IN
## 5183 1991 32 4 leadership leadership NOUN NN
## 5184 1991 32 5 brings bring VERB VBZ
## 5185 1991 32 6 burdens burden NOUN NNS
## 5186 1991 32 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 5187 1991 32 8 sacrifices sacrifice NOUN NNS
## 5188 1991 32 9 . . PUNCT .
## 5189 1991 33 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 5190 1991 33 2 we we PRON PRP
## 5191 1991 33 3 also also ADV RB
## 5192 1991 33 4 know know VERB VBP
## 5193 1991 33 5 why why SCONJ WRB
## 5194 1991 33 6 the the DET DT
## 5195 1991 33 7 hopes hope NOUN NNS
## 5196 1991 33 8 of of ADP IN
## 5197 1991 33 9 humanity humanity NOUN NN
## 5198 1991 33 10 turn turn VERB VB
## 5199 1991 33 11 to to ADP IN
## 5200 1991 33 12 us we PRON PRP
## 5201 1991 33 13 . . PUNCT .
## 5202 1991 34 1 We we PRON PRP
## 5203 1991 34 2 are be AUX VBP
## 5204 1991 34 3 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 5205 1991 34 4 ; ; PUNCT :
## 5206 1991 34 5 we we PRON PRP
## 5207 1991 34 6 have have VERB VBP
## 5208 1991 34 7 a a DET DT
## 5209 1991 34 8 unique unique ADJ JJ
## 5210 1991 34 9 responsibility responsibility NOUN NN
## 5211 1991 34 10 to to PART TO
## 5212 1991 34 11 do do AUX VB
## 5213 1991 34 12 the the DET DT
## 5214 1991 34 13 hard hard ADJ JJ
## 5215 1991 34 14 work work NOUN NN
## 5216 1991 34 15 of of ADP IN
## 5217 1991 34 16 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 5218 1991 34 17 . . PUNCT .
## 5219 1991 35 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 5220 1991 35 2 when when SCONJ WRB
## 5221 1991 35 3 we we PRON PRP
## 5222 1991 35 4 do do VERB VBP
## 5223 1991 35 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 5224 1991 35 6 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 5225 1991 35 7 works work VERB VBZ
## 5226 1991 35 8 . . PUNCT .
## 5227 1991 36 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5228 1991 36 2 The the DET DT
## 5229 1991 36 3 conviction conviction NOUN NN
## 5230 1991 36 4 and and CCONJ CC
## 5231 1991 36 5 courage courage NOUN NN
## 5232 1991 36 6 we we PRON PRP
## 5233 1991 36 7 see see VERB VBP
## 5234 1991 36 8 in in ADP IN
## 5235 1991 36 9 the the DET DT
## 5236 1991 36 10 Persian Persian PROPN NNP
## 5237 1991 36 11 Gulf Gulf PROPN NNP
## 5238 1991 36 12 today today NOUN NN
## 5239 1991 36 13 is be AUX VBZ
## 5240 1991 36 14 simply simply ADV RB
## 5241 1991 36 15 the the DET DT
## 5242 1991 36 16 American american ADJ JJ
## 5243 1991 36 17 character character NOUN NN
## 5244 1991 36 18 in in ADP IN
## 5245 1991 36 19 action action NOUN NN
## 5246 1991 36 20 . . PUNCT .
## 5247 1991 37 1 The the DET DT
## 5248 1991 37 2 indomitable indomitable ADJ JJ
## 5249 1991 37 3 spirit spirit NOUN NN
## 5250 1991 37 4 that that PRON WDT
## 5251 1991 37 5 is be AUX VBZ
## 5252 1991 37 6 contributing contribute VERB VBG
## 5253 1991 37 7 to to ADP IN
## 5254 1991 37 8 this this DET DT
## 5255 1991 37 9 victory victory NOUN NN
## 5256 1991 37 10 for for ADP IN
## 5257 1991 37 11 world world NOUN NN
## 5258 1991 37 12 peace peace NOUN NN
## 5259 1991 37 13 and and CCONJ CC
## 5260 1991 37 14 justice justice NOUN NN
## 5261 1991 37 15 is be AUX VBZ
## 5262 1991 37 16 the the DET DT
## 5263 1991 37 17 same same ADJ JJ
## 5264 1991 37 18 spirit spirit NOUN NN
## 5265 1991 37 19 that that PRON WDT
## 5266 1991 37 20 gives give VERB VBZ
## 5267 1991 37 21 us we PRON PRP
## 5268 1991 37 22 the the DET DT
## 5269 1991 37 23 power power NOUN NN
## 5270 1991 37 24 and and CCONJ CC
## 5271 1991 37 25 the the DET DT
## 5272 1991 37 26 potential potential NOUN NN
## 5273 1991 37 27 to to PART TO
## 5274 1991 37 28 meet meet VERB VB
## 5275 1991 37 29 our our PRON PRP$
## 5276 1991 37 30 toughest tough ADJ JJS
## 5277 1991 37 31 challenges challenge NOUN NNS
## 5278 1991 37 32 at at ADP IN
## 5279 1991 37 33 home home NOUN NN
## 5280 1991 37 34 . . PUNCT .
## 5281 1991 38 1 We we PRON PRP
## 5282 1991 38 2 are be AUX VBP
## 5283 1991 38 3 resolute resolute ADJ JJ
## 5284 1991 38 4 and and CCONJ CC
## 5285 1991 38 5 resourceful resourceful ADJ JJ
## 5286 1991 38 6 . . PUNCT .
## 5287 1991 39 1 If if SCONJ IN
## 5288 1991 39 2 we we PRON PRP
## 5289 1991 39 3 can can AUX MD
## 5290 1991 39 4 selflessly selflessly ADV RB
## 5291 1991 39 5 confront confront VERB VB
## 5292 1991 39 6 the the DET DT
## 5293 1991 39 7 evil evil NOUN NN
## 5294 1991 39 8 for for ADP IN
## 5295 1991 39 9 the the DET DT
## 5296 1991 39 10 sake sake NOUN NN
## 5297 1991 39 11 of of ADP IN
## 5298 1991 39 12 good good ADJ JJ
## 5299 1991 39 13 in in ADP IN
## 5300 1991 39 14 a a DET DT
## 5301 1991 39 15 land land NOUN NN
## 5302 1991 39 16 so so ADV RB
## 5303 1991 39 17 far far ADV RB
## 5304 1991 39 18 away away ADV RB
## 5305 1991 39 19 , , PUNCT ,
## 5306 1991 39 20 then then ADV RB
## 5307 1991 39 21 surely surely ADV RB
## 5308 1991 39 22 we we PRON PRP
## 5309 1991 39 23 can can AUX MD
## 5310 1991 39 24 make make VERB VB
## 5311 1991 39 25 this this DET DT
## 5312 1991 39 26 land land NOUN NN
## 5313 1991 39 27 all all DET PDT
## 5314 1991 39 28 that that PRON WDT
## 5315 1991 39 29 it it PRON PRP
## 5316 1991 39 30 should should AUX MD
## 5317 1991 39 31 be be AUX VB
## 5318 1991 39 32 . . PUNCT .
## 5319 1991 40 1 If if SCONJ IN
## 5320 1991 40 2 anyone anyone PRON NN
## 5321 1991 40 3 tells tell VERB VBZ
## 5322 1991 40 4 you you PRON PRP
## 5323 1991 40 5 that that SCONJ IN
## 5324 1991 40 6 America America PROPN NNP
## 5325 1991 40 7 's 's PART POS
## 5326 1991 40 8 best good ADJ JJS
## 5327 1991 40 9 days day NOUN NNS
## 5328 1991 40 10 are be AUX VBP
## 5329 1991 40 11 behind behind ADP IN
## 5330 1991 40 12 her she PRON PRP
## 5331 1991 40 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 5332 1991 40 14 they they PRON PRP
## 5333 1991 40 15 're be AUX VBP
## 5334 1991 40 16 looking look VERB VBG
## 5335 1991 40 17 the the DET DT
## 5336 1991 40 18 wrong wrong ADJ JJ
## 5337 1991 40 19 way way NOUN NN
## 5338 1991 40 20 . . PUNCT .
## 5339 1991 41 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5340 1991 41 2 Tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 5341 1991 41 3 I I PRON PRP
## 5342 1991 41 4 come come VERB VBP
## 5343 1991 41 5 before before ADP IN
## 5344 1991 41 6 this this DET DT
## 5345 1991 41 7 House House PROPN NNP
## 5346 1991 41 8 and and CCONJ CC
## 5347 1991 41 9 the the DET DT
## 5348 1991 41 10 American american ADJ JJ
## 5349 1991 41 11 people people NOUN NNS
## 5350 1991 41 12 with with ADP IN
## 5351 1991 41 13 an an DET DT
## 5352 1991 41 14 appeal appeal NOUN NN
## 5353 1991 41 15 for for ADP IN
## 5354 1991 41 16 renewal renewal NOUN NN
## 5355 1991 41 17 . . PUNCT .
## 5356 1991 42 1 This this PRON DT
## 5357 1991 42 2 is be AUX VBZ
## 5358 1991 42 3 not not PART RB
## 5359 1991 42 4 merely merely ADV RB
## 5360 1991 42 5 a a DET DT
## 5361 1991 42 6 call call NOUN NN
## 5362 1991 42 7 for for ADP IN
## 5363 1991 42 8 new new ADJ JJ
## 5364 1991 42 9 government government NOUN NN
## 5365 1991 42 10 initiatives initiative NOUN NNS
## 5366 1991 42 11 ; ; PUNCT :
## 5367 1991 42 12 it it PRON PRP
## 5368 1991 42 13 is be AUX VBZ
## 5369 1991 42 14 a a DET DT
## 5370 1991 42 15 call call NOUN NN
## 5371 1991 42 16 for for ADP IN
## 5372 1991 42 17 new new ADJ JJ
## 5373 1991 42 18 initiatives initiative NOUN NNS
## 5374 1991 42 19 in in ADP IN
## 5375 1991 42 20 government government NOUN NN
## 5376 1991 42 21 , , PUNCT ,
## 5377 1991 42 22 in in ADP IN
## 5378 1991 42 23 our our PRON PRP$
## 5379 1991 42 24 communities community NOUN NNS
## 5380 1991 42 25 , , PUNCT ,
## 5381 1991 42 26 and and CCONJ CC
## 5382 1991 42 27 from from ADP IN
## 5383 1991 42 28 every every DET DT
## 5384 1991 42 29 American American PROPN NNP
## 5385 1991 42 30 to to PART TO
## 5386 1991 42 31 prepare prepare VERB VB
## 5387 1991 42 32 for for ADP IN
## 5388 1991 42 33 the the DET DT
## 5389 1991 42 34 next next ADJ JJ
## 5390 1991 42 35 American american ADJ JJ
## 5391 1991 42 36 century century NOUN NN
## 5392 1991 42 37 . . PUNCT .
## 5393 1991 43 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5394 1991 43 2 America America PROPN NNP
## 5395 1991 43 3 has have AUX VBZ
## 5396 1991 43 4 always always ADV RB
## 5397 1991 43 5 led lead VERB VBN
## 5398 1991 43 6 by by ADP IN
## 5399 1991 43 7 example example NOUN NN
## 5400 1991 43 8 . . PUNCT .
## 5401 1991 44 1 So so ADV RB
## 5402 1991 44 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 5403 1991 44 3 who who PRON WP
## 5404 1991 44 4 among among ADP IN
## 5405 1991 44 5 us we PRON PRP
## 5406 1991 44 6 will will AUX MD
## 5407 1991 44 7 set set VERB VB
## 5408 1991 44 8 the the DET DT
## 5409 1991 44 9 example example NOUN NN
## 5410 1991 44 10 ? ? PUNCT .
## 5411 1991 45 1 Which which PRON WDT
## 5412 1991 45 2 of of ADP IN
## 5413 1991 45 3 our our PRON PRP$
## 5414 1991 45 4 citizens citizen NOUN NNS
## 5415 1991 45 5 will will AUX MD
## 5416 1991 45 6 lead lead VERB VB
## 5417 1991 45 7 us we PRON PRP
## 5418 1991 45 8 in in ADP IN
## 5419 1991 45 9 this this DET DT
## 5420 1991 45 10 next next ADJ JJ
## 5421 1991 45 11 American american ADJ JJ
## 5422 1991 45 12 century century NOUN NN
## 5423 1991 45 13 ? ? PUNCT .
## 5424 1991 46 1 Everyone everyone PRON NN
## 5425 1991 46 2 who who PRON WP
## 5426 1991 46 3 steps step VERB VBZ
## 5427 1991 46 4 forward forward ADV RB
## 5428 1991 46 5 today today NOUN NN
## 5429 1991 46 6 -- -- PUNCT :
## 5430 1991 46 7 to to PART TO
## 5431 1991 46 8 get get VERB VB
## 5432 1991 46 9 one one NUM CD
## 5433 1991 46 10 addict addict NOUN NN
## 5434 1991 46 11 off off ADP IN
## 5435 1991 46 12 drugs drug NOUN NNS
## 5436 1991 46 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 5437 1991 46 14 to to PART TO
## 5438 1991 46 15 convince convince VERB VB
## 5439 1991 46 16 one one NUM CD
## 5440 1991 46 17 troubled troubled ADJ JJ
## 5441 1991 46 18 teenager teenager NOUN NN
## 5442 1991 46 19 not not PART RB
## 5443 1991 46 20 to to PART TO
## 5444 1991 46 21 give give VERB VB
## 5445 1991 46 22 up up ADP RP
## 5446 1991 46 23 on on ADP IN
## 5447 1991 46 24 life life NOUN NN
## 5448 1991 46 25 , , PUNCT ,
## 5449 1991 46 26 to to PART TO
## 5450 1991 46 27 comfort comfort VERB VB
## 5451 1991 46 28 one one NUM CD
## 5452 1991 46 29 AIDS AIDS PROPN NNP
## 5453 1991 46 30 patient patient NOUN NN
## 5454 1991 46 31 , , PUNCT ,
## 5455 1991 46 32 to to PART TO
## 5456 1991 46 33 help help VERB VB
## 5457 1991 46 34 one one NUM CD
## 5458 1991 46 35 hungry hungry ADJ JJ
## 5459 1991 46 36 child child NOUN NN
## 5460 1991 46 37 . . PUNCT .
## 5461 1991 47 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5462 1991 47 2 We we PRON PRP
## 5463 1991 47 3 have have VERB VBP
## 5464 1991 47 4 within within ADP IN
## 5465 1991 47 5 our our PRON PRP$
## 5466 1991 47 6 reach reach NOUN NN
## 5467 1991 47 7 the the DET DT
## 5468 1991 47 8 promise promise NOUN NN
## 5469 1991 47 9 of of ADP IN
## 5470 1991 47 10 a a DET DT
## 5471 1991 47 11 renewed renew VERB VBN
## 5472 1991 47 12 America America PROPN NNP
## 5473 1991 47 13 . . PUNCT .
## 5474 1991 48 1 We we PRON PRP
## 5475 1991 48 2 can can AUX MD
## 5476 1991 48 3 find find VERB VB
## 5477 1991 48 4 meaning meaning NOUN NN
## 5478 1991 48 5 and and CCONJ CC
## 5479 1991 48 6 reward reward VERB VB
## 5480 1991 48 7 by by ADP IN
## 5481 1991 48 8 serving serve VERB VBG
## 5482 1991 48 9 some some DET DT
## 5483 1991 48 10 higher high ADJ JJR
## 5484 1991 48 11 purpose purpose NOUN NN
## 5485 1991 48 12 than than ADP IN
## 5486 1991 48 13 ourselves ourselves PRON PRP
## 5487 1991 48 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 5488 1991 48 15 a a DET DT
## 5489 1991 48 16 shining shine VERB VBG
## 5490 1991 48 17 purpose purpose NOUN NN
## 5491 1991 48 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 5492 1991 48 19 the the DET DT
## 5493 1991 48 20 illumination illumination NOUN NN
## 5494 1991 48 21 of of ADP IN
## 5495 1991 48 22 a a DET DT
## 5496 1991 48 23 Thousand Thousand PROPN NNP
## 5497 1991 48 24 Points Points PROPN NNPS
## 5498 1991 48 25 of of ADP IN
## 5499 1991 48 26 Light Light PROPN NNP
## 5500 1991 48 27 . . PUNCT .
## 5501 1991 49 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 5502 1991 49 2 it it PRON PRP
## 5503 1991 49 3 is be AUX VBZ
## 5504 1991 49 4 expressed express VERB VBN
## 5505 1991 49 5 by by ADP IN
## 5506 1991 49 6 all all PRON DT
## 5507 1991 49 7 who who PRON WP
## 5508 1991 49 8 know know VERB VBP
## 5509 1991 49 9 the the DET DT
## 5510 1991 49 10 irresistible irresistible ADJ JJ
## 5511 1991 49 11 force force NOUN NN
## 5512 1991 49 12 of of ADP IN
## 5513 1991 49 13 a a DET DT
## 5514 1991 49 14 child child NOUN NN
## 5515 1991 49 15 's 's PART POS
## 5516 1991 49 16 hand hand NOUN NN
## 5517 1991 49 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 5518 1991 49 18 of of ADP IN
## 5519 1991 49 19 a a DET DT
## 5520 1991 49 20 friend friend NOUN NN
## 5521 1991 49 21 who who PRON WP
## 5522 1991 49 22 stands stand VERB VBZ
## 5523 1991 49 23 by by ADP IN
## 5524 1991 49 24 you you PRON PRP
## 5525 1991 49 25 and and CCONJ CC
## 5526 1991 49 26 stays stay VERB VBZ
## 5527 1991 49 27 there there ADV RB
## 5528 1991 49 28 , , PUNCT ,
## 5529 1991 49 29 a a DET DT
## 5530 1991 49 30 volunteer volunteer NOUN NN
## 5531 1991 49 31 's 's PART POS
## 5532 1991 49 32 generous generous ADJ JJ
## 5533 1991 49 33 gesture gesture NOUN NN
## 5534 1991 49 34 , , PUNCT ,
## 5535 1991 49 35 an an DET DT
## 5536 1991 49 36 idea idea NOUN NN
## 5537 1991 49 37 that that PRON WDT
## 5538 1991 49 38 is be AUX VBZ
## 5539 1991 49 39 simply simply ADV RB
## 5540 1991 49 40 right right ADJ JJ
## 5541 1991 49 41 . . PUNCT .
## 5542 1991 50 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5543 1991 50 2 The the DET DT
## 5544 1991 50 3 problems problem NOUN NNS
## 5545 1991 50 4 before before ADP IN
## 5546 1991 50 5 us we PRON PRP
## 5547 1991 50 6 may may AUX MD
## 5548 1991 50 7 be be AUX VB
## 5549 1991 50 8 different different ADJ JJ
## 5550 1991 50 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 5551 1991 50 10 but but CCONJ CC
## 5552 1991 50 11 the the DET DT
## 5553 1991 50 12 key key NOUN NN
## 5554 1991 50 13 to to ADP IN
## 5555 1991 50 14 solving solve VERB VBG
## 5556 1991 50 15 them they PRON PRP
## 5557 1991 50 16 remains remain VERB VBZ
## 5558 1991 50 17 the the DET DT
## 5559 1991 50 18 same same ADJ JJ
## 5560 1991 50 19 . . PUNCT .
## 5561 1991 51 1 It it PRON PRP
## 5562 1991 51 2 is be AUX VBZ
## 5563 1991 51 3 the the DET DT
## 5564 1991 51 4 individual individual NOUN NN
## 5565 1991 51 5 -- -- PUNCT :
## 5566 1991 51 6 the the DET DT
## 5567 1991 51 7 individual individual NOUN NN
## 5568 1991 51 8 who who PRON WP
## 5569 1991 51 9 steps step VERB VBZ
## 5570 1991 51 10 forward forward ADV RB
## 5571 1991 51 11 . . PUNCT .
## 5572 1991 52 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 5573 1991 52 2 the the DET DT
## 5574 1991 52 3 state state NOUN NN
## 5575 1991 52 4 of of ADP IN
## 5576 1991 52 5 our our PRON PRP$
## 5577 1991 52 6 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 5578 1991 52 7 is be AUX VBZ
## 5579 1991 52 8 the the DET DT
## 5580 1991 52 9 union union NOUN NN
## 5581 1991 52 10 of of ADP IN
## 5582 1991 52 11 each each PRON DT
## 5583 1991 52 12 of of ADP IN
## 5584 1991 52 13 us we PRON PRP
## 5585 1991 52 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 5586 1991 52 15 one one NUM CD
## 5587 1991 52 16 to to ADP IN
## 5588 1991 52 17 the the DET DT
## 5589 1991 52 18 other other ADJ JJ
## 5590 1991 52 19 -- -- PUNCT :
## 5591 1991 52 20 the the DET DT
## 5592 1991 52 21 sum sum NOUN NN
## 5593 1991 52 22 of of ADP IN
## 5594 1991 52 23 our our PRON PRP$
## 5595 1991 52 24 friendships friendship NOUN NNS
## 5596 1991 52 25 , , PUNCT ,
## 5597 1991 52 26 marriages marriage NOUN NNS
## 5598 1991 52 27 , , PUNCT ,
## 5599 1991 52 28 families family NOUN NNS
## 5600 1991 52 29 , , PUNCT ,
## 5601 1991 52 30 and and CCONJ CC
## 5602 1991 52 31 communities community NOUN NNS
## 5603 1991 52 32 . . PUNCT .
## 5604 1991 53 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5605 1991 53 2 We we PRON PRP
## 5606 1991 53 3 all all PRON DT
## 5607 1991 53 4 have have VERB VBP
## 5608 1991 53 5 something something PRON NN
## 5609 1991 53 6 to to PART TO
## 5610 1991 53 7 give give VERB VB
## 5611 1991 53 8 . . PUNCT .
## 5612 1991 54 1 So so ADV RB
## 5613 1991 54 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 5614 1991 54 3 if if SCONJ IN
## 5615 1991 54 4 you you PRON PRP
## 5616 1991 54 5 know know VERB VBP
## 5617 1991 54 6 how how SCONJ WRB
## 5618 1991 54 7 to to PART TO
## 5619 1991 54 8 read read VERB VB
## 5620 1991 54 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 5621 1991 54 10 find find VERB VB
## 5622 1991 54 11 someone someone PRON NN
## 5623 1991 54 12 who who PRON WP
## 5624 1991 54 13 ca can AUX MD
## 5625 1991 54 14 n't not PART RB
## 5626 1991 54 15 . . PUNCT .
## 5627 1991 55 1 If if SCONJ IN
## 5628 1991 55 2 you you PRON PRP
## 5629 1991 55 3 've 've AUX VBP
## 5630 1991 55 4 got get VERB VBN
## 5631 1991 55 5 a a DET DT
## 5632 1991 55 6 hammer hammer NOUN NN
## 5633 1991 55 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 5634 1991 55 8 find find VERB VBP
## 5635 1991 55 9 a a DET DT
## 5636 1991 55 10 nail nail NOUN NN
## 5637 1991 55 11 . . PUNCT .
## 5638 1991 56 1 If if SCONJ IN
## 5639 1991 56 2 you you PRON PRP
## 5640 1991 56 3 're be AUX VBP
## 5641 1991 56 4 not not PART RB
## 5642 1991 56 5 hungry hungry ADJ JJ
## 5643 1991 56 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 5644 1991 56 7 not not PART RB
## 5645 1991 56 8 lonely lonely ADJ JJ
## 5646 1991 56 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 5647 1991 56 10 not not PART RB
## 5648 1991 56 11 in in ADP IN
## 5649 1991 56 12 trouble trouble NOUN NN
## 5650 1991 56 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 5651 1991 56 14 seek seek VERB VB
## 5652 1991 56 15 out out ADP RP
## 5653 1991 56 16 someone someone PRON NN
## 5654 1991 56 17 who who PRON WP
## 5655 1991 56 18 is be AUX VBZ
## 5656 1991 56 19 . . PUNCT .
## 5657 1991 57 1 Join join VERB VB
## 5658 1991 57 2 the the DET DT
## 5659 1991 57 3 community community NOUN NN
## 5660 1991 57 4 of of ADP IN
## 5661 1991 57 5 conscience conscience NOUN NN
## 5662 1991 57 6 . . PUNCT .
## 5663 1991 58 1 Do do VERB VB
## 5664 1991 58 2 the the DET DT
## 5665 1991 58 3 hard hard ADJ JJ
## 5666 1991 58 4 work work NOUN NN
## 5667 1991 58 5 of of ADP IN
## 5668 1991 58 6 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 5669 1991 58 7 . . PUNCT .
## 5670 1991 59 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 5671 1991 59 2 that that PRON DT
## 5672 1991 59 3 will will AUX MD
## 5673 1991 59 4 define define VERB VB
## 5674 1991 59 5 the the DET DT
## 5675 1991 59 6 state state NOUN NN
## 5676 1991 59 7 of of ADP IN
## 5677 1991 59 8 our our PRON PRP$
## 5678 1991 59 9 Union Union PROPN NNP
## 5679 1991 59 10 . . PUNCT .
## 5680 1991 60 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5681 1991 60 2 Since since SCONJ IN
## 5682 1991 60 3 the the DET DT
## 5683 1991 60 4 birth birth NOUN NN
## 5684 1991 60 5 of of ADP IN
## 5685 1991 60 6 our our PRON PRP$
## 5686 1991 60 7 nation nation NOUN NN
## 5687 1991 60 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 5688 1991 60 9 " " PUNCT ``
## 5689 1991 60 10 We we PRON PRP
## 5690 1991 60 11 the the DET DT
## 5691 1991 60 12 People People NOUN NNS
## 5692 1991 60 13 " " PUNCT ''
## 5693 1991 60 14 has have AUX VBZ
## 5694 1991 60 15 been be AUX VBN
## 5695 1991 60 16 the the DET DT
## 5696 1991 60 17 source source NOUN NN
## 5697 1991 60 18 of of ADP IN
## 5698 1991 60 19 our our PRON PRP$
## 5699 1991 60 20 strength strength NOUN NN
## 5700 1991 60 21 . . PUNCT .
## 5701 1991 61 1 What what PRON WP
## 5702 1991 61 2 government government NOUN NN
## 5703 1991 61 3 can can AUX MD
## 5704 1991 61 4 do do AUX VB
## 5705 1991 61 5 alone alone ADV RB
## 5706 1991 61 6 is be AUX VBZ
## 5707 1991 61 7 limited limited ADJ JJ
## 5708 1991 61 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 5709 1991 61 9 but but CCONJ CC
## 5710 1991 61 10 the the DET DT
## 5711 1991 61 11 potential potential NOUN NN
## 5712 1991 61 12 of of ADP IN
## 5713 1991 61 13 the the DET DT
## 5714 1991 61 14 American american ADJ JJ
## 5715 1991 61 15 people people NOUN NNS
## 5716 1991 61 16 knows know VERB VBZ
## 5717 1991 61 17 no no DET DT
## 5718 1991 61 18 limits limit NOUN NNS
## 5719 1991 61 19 . . PUNCT .
## 5720 1991 62 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5721 1991 62 2 We we PRON PRP
## 5722 1991 62 3 are be AUX VBP
## 5723 1991 62 4 a a DET DT
## 5724 1991 62 5 nation nation NOUN NN
## 5725 1991 62 6 of of ADP IN
## 5726 1991 62 7 rock rock NOUN NN
## 5727 1991 62 8 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 5728 1991 62 9 solid solid ADJ JJ
## 5729 1991 62 10 realism realism NOUN NN
## 5730 1991 62 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 5731 1991 62 12 clear clear ADJ JJ
## 5732 1991 62 13 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 5733 1991 62 14 eyed eyed ADJ JJ
## 5734 1991 62 15 idealism idealism NOUN NN
## 5735 1991 62 16 . . PUNCT .
## 5736 1991 63 1 We we PRON PRP
## 5737 1991 63 2 are be AUX VBP
## 5738 1991 63 3 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 5739 1991 63 4 . . PUNCT .
## 5740 1991 64 1 We we PRON PRP
## 5741 1991 64 2 are be AUX VBP
## 5742 1991 64 3 the the DET DT
## 5743 1991 64 4 Nation nation NOUN NN
## 5744 1991 64 5 that that PRON WDT
## 5745 1991 64 6 believes believe VERB VBZ
## 5746 1991 64 7 in in ADP IN
## 5747 1991 64 8 the the DET DT
## 5748 1991 64 9 future future NOUN NN
## 5749 1991 64 10 . . PUNCT .
## 5750 1991 65 1 We we PRON PRP
## 5751 1991 65 2 are be AUX VBP
## 5752 1991 65 3 the the DET DT
## 5753 1991 65 4 Nation nation NOUN NN
## 5754 1991 65 5 that that PRON WDT
## 5755 1991 65 6 can can AUX MD
## 5756 1991 65 7 shape shape VERB VB
## 5757 1991 65 8 the the DET DT
## 5758 1991 65 9 future future NOUN NN
## 5759 1991 65 10 . . PUNCT .
## 5760 1991 66 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 5761 1991 66 2 we we PRON PRP
## 5762 1991 66 3 've 've AUX VBP
## 5763 1991 66 4 begun begin VERB VBN
## 5764 1991 66 5 to to PART TO
## 5765 1991 66 6 do do VERB VB
## 5766 1991 66 7 just just ADV RB
## 5767 1991 66 8 that that PRON DT
## 5768 1991 66 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 5769 1991 66 10 by by ADP IN
## 5770 1991 66 11 strengthening strengthen VERB VBG
## 5771 1991 66 12 the the DET DT
## 5772 1991 66 13 power power NOUN NN
## 5773 1991 66 14 and and CCONJ CC
## 5774 1991 66 15 choice choice NOUN NN
## 5775 1991 66 16 of of ADP IN
## 5776 1991 66 17 individuals individual NOUN NNS
## 5777 1991 66 18 and and CCONJ CC
## 5778 1991 66 19 families family NOUN NNS
## 5779 1991 66 20 . . PUNCT .
## 5780 1991 67 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5781 1991 67 2 Together together ADV RB
## 5782 1991 67 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 5783 1991 67 4 these these DET DT
## 5784 1991 67 5 last last ADJ JJ
## 5785 1991 67 6 2 2 NUM CD
## 5786 1991 67 7 years year NOUN NNS
## 5787 1991 67 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 5788 1991 67 9 we we PRON PRP
## 5789 1991 67 10 've 've AUX VBP
## 5790 1991 67 11 put put VERB VBN
## 5791 1991 67 12 dollars dollar NOUN NNS
## 5792 1991 67 13 for for ADP IN
## 5793 1991 67 14 child child NOUN NN
## 5794 1991 67 15 care care NOUN NN
## 5795 1991 67 16 directly directly ADV RB
## 5796 1991 67 17 in in ADP IN
## 5797 1991 67 18 the the DET DT
## 5798 1991 67 19 hands hand NOUN NNS
## 5799 1991 67 20 of of ADP IN
## 5800 1991 67 21 parents parent NOUN NNS
## 5801 1991 67 22 instead instead ADV RB
## 5802 1991 67 23 of of ADP IN
## 5803 1991 67 24 bureaucracies bureaucracy NOUN NNS
## 5804 1991 67 25 ; ; PUNCT :
## 5805 1991 67 26 unshackled unshackle VERB VBD
## 5806 1991 67 27 the the DET DT
## 5807 1991 67 28 potential potential NOUN NN
## 5808 1991 67 29 of of ADP IN
## 5809 1991 67 30 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 5810 1991 67 31 with with ADP IN
## 5811 1991 67 32 disabilities disability NOUN NNS
## 5812 1991 67 33 ; ; PUNCT :
## 5813 1991 67 34 applied apply VERB VBD
## 5814 1991 67 35 the the DET DT
## 5815 1991 67 36 creativity creativity NOUN NN
## 5816 1991 67 37 of of ADP IN
## 5817 1991 67 38 the the DET DT
## 5818 1991 67 39 marketplace marketplace NOUN NN
## 5819 1991 67 40 in in ADP IN
## 5820 1991 67 41 the the DET DT
## 5821 1991 67 42 service service NOUN NN
## 5822 1991 67 43 of of ADP IN
## 5823 1991 67 44 the the DET DT
## 5824 1991 67 45 environment environment NOUN NN
## 5825 1991 67 46 , , PUNCT ,
## 5826 1991 67 47 for for ADP IN
## 5827 1991 67 48 clean clean ADJ JJ
## 5828 1991 67 49 air air NOUN NN
## 5829 1991 67 50 ; ; PUNCT :
## 5830 1991 67 51 and and CCONJ CC
## 5831 1991 67 52 made make VERB VBD
## 5832 1991 67 53 home home NOUN NN
## 5833 1991 67 54 ownership ownership NOUN NN
## 5834 1991 67 55 possible possible ADJ JJ
## 5835 1991 67 56 for for ADP IN
## 5836 1991 67 57 more more ADJ JJR
## 5837 1991 67 58 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 5838 1991 67 59 . . PUNCT .
## 5839 1991 68 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5840 1991 68 2 The the DET DT
## 5841 1991 68 3 strength strength NOUN NN
## 5842 1991 68 4 of of ADP IN
## 5843 1991 68 5 a a DET DT
## 5844 1991 68 6 democracy democracy NOUN NN
## 5845 1991 68 7 is be AUX VBZ
## 5846 1991 68 8 not not PART RB
## 5847 1991 68 9 in in ADP IN
## 5848 1991 68 10 bureaucracy bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 5849 1991 68 11 . . PUNCT .
## 5850 1991 69 1 It it PRON PRP
## 5851 1991 69 2 is be AUX VBZ
## 5852 1991 69 3 in in ADP IN
## 5853 1991 69 4 the the DET DT
## 5854 1991 69 5 people people NOUN NNS
## 5855 1991 69 6 and and CCONJ CC
## 5856 1991 69 7 their their PRON PRP$
## 5857 1991 69 8 communities community NOUN NNS
## 5858 1991 69 9 . . PUNCT .
## 5859 1991 70 1 In in ADP IN
## 5860 1991 70 2 everything everything PRON NN
## 5861 1991 70 3 we we PRON PRP
## 5862 1991 70 4 do do VERB VBP
## 5863 1991 70 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 5864 1991 70 6 let let VERB VB
## 5865 1991 70 7 us we PRON PRP
## 5866 1991 70 8 unleash unleash VERB VB
## 5867 1991 70 9 the the DET DT
## 5868 1991 70 10 potential potential NOUN NN
## 5869 1991 70 11 of of ADP IN
## 5870 1991 70 12 our our PRON PRP$
## 5871 1991 70 13 most most ADV RBS
## 5872 1991 70 14 precious precious ADJ JJ
## 5873 1991 70 15 resource resource NOUN NN
## 5874 1991 70 16 -- -- PUNCT :
## 5875 1991 70 17 our our PRON PRP$
## 5876 1991 70 18 citizens citizen NOUN NNS
## 5877 1991 70 19 , , PUNCT ,
## 5878 1991 70 20 our our PRON PRP$
## 5879 1991 70 21 citizens citizen NOUN NNS
## 5880 1991 70 22 themselves themselves PRON PRP
## 5881 1991 70 23 . . PUNCT .
## 5882 1991 71 1 We we PRON PRP
## 5883 1991 71 2 must must AUX MD
## 5884 1991 71 3 return return VERB VB
## 5885 1991 71 4 to to ADP IN
## 5886 1991 71 5 families family NOUN NNS
## 5887 1991 71 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 5888 1991 71 7 communities community NOUN NNS
## 5889 1991 71 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 5890 1991 71 9 counties county NOUN NNS
## 5891 1991 71 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 5892 1991 71 11 cities city NOUN NNS
## 5893 1991 71 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 5894 1991 71 13 States States PROPN NNP
## 5895 1991 71 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 5896 1991 71 15 and and CCONJ CC
## 5897 1991 71 16 institutions institution NOUN NNS
## 5898 1991 71 17 of of ADP IN
## 5899 1991 71 18 every every DET DT
## 5900 1991 71 19 kind kind NOUN NN
## 5901 1991 71 20 the the DET DT
## 5902 1991 71 21 power power NOUN NN
## 5903 1991 71 22 to to PART TO
## 5904 1991 71 23 chart chart VERB VB
## 5905 1991 71 24 their their PRON PRP$
## 5906 1991 71 25 own own ADJ JJ
## 5907 1991 71 26 destiny destiny NOUN NN
## 5908 1991 71 27 and and CCONJ CC
## 5909 1991 71 28 the the DET DT
## 5910 1991 71 29 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 5911 1991 71 30 and and CCONJ CC
## 5912 1991 71 31 opportunity opportunity NOUN NN
## 5913 1991 71 32 provided provide VERB VBN
## 5914 1991 71 33 by by ADP IN
## 5915 1991 71 34 strong strong ADJ JJ
## 5916 1991 71 35 economic economic ADJ JJ
## 5917 1991 71 36 growth growth NOUN NN
## 5918 1991 71 37 . . PUNCT .
## 5919 1991 72 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 5920 1991 72 2 that that PRON DT
## 5921 1991 72 3 's be AUX VBZ
## 5922 1991 72 4 what what PRON WP
## 5923 1991 72 5 America America PROPN NNP
## 5924 1991 72 6 is be AUX VBZ
## 5925 1991 72 7 all all ADV RB
## 5926 1991 72 8 about about ADP IN
## 5927 1991 72 9 . . PUNCT .
## 5928 1991 73 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5929 1991 73 2 I I PRON PRP
## 5930 1991 73 3 know know VERB VBP
## 5931 1991 73 4 that that SCONJ IN
## 5932 1991 73 5 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 5933 1991 73 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 5934 1991 73 7 in in ADP IN
## 5935 1991 73 8 some some DET DT
## 5936 1991 73 9 regions region NOUN NNS
## 5937 1991 73 10 of of ADP IN
## 5938 1991 73 11 our our PRON PRP$
## 5939 1991 73 12 country country NOUN NN
## 5940 1991 73 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 5941 1991 73 14 people people NOUN NNS
## 5942 1991 73 15 are be AUX VBP
## 5943 1991 73 16 in in ADP IN
## 5944 1991 73 17 genuine genuine ADJ JJ
## 5945 1991 73 18 economic economic ADJ JJ
## 5946 1991 73 19 distress distress NOUN NN
## 5947 1991 73 20 . . PUNCT .
## 5948 1991 74 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 5949 1991 74 2 I I PRON PRP
## 5950 1991 74 3 hear hear VERB VBP
## 5951 1991 74 4 them they PRON PRP
## 5952 1991 74 5 . . PUNCT .
## 5953 1991 75 1 Earlier early ADV RBR
## 5954 1991 75 2 this this DET DT
## 5955 1991 75 3 month month NOUN NN
## 5956 1991 75 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 5957 1991 75 5 Kathy Kathy PROPN NNP
## 5958 1991 75 6 Blackwell Blackwell PROPN NNP
## 5959 1991 75 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 5960 1991 75 8 of of ADP IN
## 5961 1991 75 9 Massachusetts Massachusetts PROPN NNP
## 5962 1991 75 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 5963 1991 75 11 wrote write VERB VBD
## 5964 1991 75 12 me I PRON PRP
## 5965 1991 75 13 about about ADP IN
## 5966 1991 75 14 what what PRON WP
## 5967 1991 75 15 can can AUX MD
## 5968 1991 75 16 happen happen VERB VB
## 5969 1991 75 17 when when SCONJ WRB
## 5970 1991 75 18 the the DET DT
## 5971 1991 75 19 economy economy NOUN NN
## 5972 1991 75 20 slows slow VERB VBZ
## 5973 1991 75 21 down down ADP RP
## 5974 1991 75 22 , , PUNCT ,
## 5975 1991 75 23 saying say VERB VBG
## 5976 1991 75 24 , , PUNCT ,
## 5977 1991 75 25 " " PUNCT ``
## 5978 1991 75 26 My my PRON PRP$
## 5979 1991 75 27 heart heart NOUN NN
## 5980 1991 75 28 is be AUX VBZ
## 5981 1991 75 29 aching ache VERB VBG
## 5982 1991 75 30 , , PUNCT ,
## 5983 1991 75 31 and and CCONJ CC
## 5984 1991 75 32 I I PRON PRP
## 5985 1991 75 33 think think VERB VBP
## 5986 1991 75 34 that that SCONJ IN
## 5987 1991 75 35 you you PRON PRP
## 5988 1991 75 36 should should AUX MD
## 5989 1991 75 37 know know VERB VB
## 5990 1991 75 38 your your PRON PRP$
## 5991 1991 75 39 people people NOUN NNS
## 5992 1991 75 40 out out ADP RP
## 5993 1991 75 41 here here ADV RB
## 5994 1991 75 42 are be AUX VBP
## 5995 1991 75 43 hurting hurt VERB VBG
## 5996 1991 75 44 badly badly ADV RB
## 5997 1991 75 45 . . PUNCT .
## 5998 1991 75 46 " " PUNCT ''
## 5999 1991 76 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6000 1991 76 2 I I PRON PRP
## 6001 1991 76 3 understand understand VERB VBP
## 6002 1991 76 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 6003 1991 76 5 and and CCONJ CC
## 6004 1991 76 6 I I PRON PRP
## 6005 1991 76 7 'm be AUX VBP
## 6006 1991 76 8 not not PART RB
## 6007 1991 76 9 unrealistic unrealistic ADJ JJ
## 6008 1991 76 10 about about ADP IN
## 6009 1991 76 11 the the DET DT
## 6010 1991 76 12 future future NOUN NN
## 6011 1991 76 13 . . PUNCT .
## 6012 1991 77 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 6013 1991 77 2 there there PRON EX
## 6014 1991 77 3 are be VERB VBP
## 6015 1991 77 4 reasons reason NOUN NNS
## 6016 1991 77 5 to to PART TO
## 6017 1991 77 6 be be AUX VB
## 6018 1991 77 7 optimistic optimistic ADJ JJ
## 6019 1991 77 8 about about ADP IN
## 6020 1991 77 9 our our PRON PRP$
## 6021 1991 77 10 economy economy NOUN NN
## 6022 1991 77 11 . . PUNCT .
## 6023 1991 78 1 First first ADV RB
## 6024 1991 78 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 6025 1991 78 3 we we PRON PRP
## 6026 1991 78 4 do do AUX VBP
## 6027 1991 78 5 n't not PART RB
## 6028 1991 78 6 have have VERB VB
## 6029 1991 78 7 to to PART TO
## 6030 1991 78 8 fight fight VERB VB
## 6031 1991 78 9 double double ADJ JJ
## 6032 1991 78 10 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6033 1991 78 11 digit digit NOUN NN
## 6034 1991 78 12 inflation inflation NOUN NN
## 6035 1991 78 13 . . PUNCT .
## 6036 1991 79 1 Second second ADJ JJ
## 6037 1991 79 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 6038 1991 79 3 most most ADJ JJS
## 6039 1991 79 4 industries industry NOUN NNS
## 6040 1991 79 5 wo will AUX MD
## 6041 1991 79 6 n't not PART RB
## 6042 1991 79 7 have have VERB VB
## 6043 1991 79 8 to to PART TO
## 6044 1991 79 9 make make VERB VB
## 6045 1991 79 10 big big ADJ JJ
## 6046 1991 79 11 cuts cut NOUN NNS
## 6047 1991 79 12 in in ADP IN
## 6048 1991 79 13 production production NOUN NN
## 6049 1991 79 14 because because SCONJ IN
## 6050 1991 79 15 they they PRON PRP
## 6051 1991 79 16 do do AUX VBP
## 6052 1991 79 17 n't not PART RB
## 6053 1991 79 18 have have VERB VB
## 6054 1991 79 19 big big ADJ JJ
## 6055 1991 79 20 inventories inventory NOUN NNS
## 6056 1991 79 21 piled pile VERB VBN
## 6057 1991 79 22 up up ADP RP
## 6058 1991 79 23 . . PUNCT .
## 6059 1991 80 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 6060 1991 80 2 third third ADV RB
## 6061 1991 80 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 6062 1991 80 4 our our PRON PRP$
## 6063 1991 80 5 exports export NOUN NNS
## 6064 1991 80 6 are be AUX VBP
## 6065 1991 80 7 running run VERB VBG
## 6066 1991 80 8 solid solid ADJ JJ
## 6067 1991 80 9 and and CCONJ CC
## 6068 1991 80 10 strong strong ADJ JJ
## 6069 1991 80 11 . . PUNCT .
## 6070 1991 81 1 In in ADP IN
## 6071 1991 81 2 fact fact NOUN NN
## 6072 1991 81 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 6073 1991 81 4 American american ADJ JJ
## 6074 1991 81 5 businesses business NOUN NNS
## 6075 1991 81 6 are be AUX VBP
## 6076 1991 81 7 exporting export VERB VBG
## 6077 1991 81 8 at at ADP IN
## 6078 1991 81 9 a a DET DT
## 6079 1991 81 10 record record NOUN NN
## 6080 1991 81 11 rate rate NOUN NN
## 6081 1991 81 12 . . PUNCT .
## 6082 1991 82 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6083 1991 82 2 So so ADV RB
## 6084 1991 82 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 6085 1991 82 4 let let VERB VB
## 6086 1991 82 5 's us PRON PRP
## 6087 1991 82 6 put put VERB VB
## 6088 1991 82 7 these these DET DT
## 6089 1991 82 8 times time NOUN NNS
## 6090 1991 82 9 in in ADP IN
## 6091 1991 82 10 perspective perspective NOUN NN
## 6092 1991 82 11 . . PUNCT .
## 6093 1991 83 1 Together together ADV RB
## 6094 1991 83 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 6095 1991 83 3 since since SCONJ IN
## 6096 1991 83 4 1981 1981 NUM CD
## 6097 1991 83 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 6098 1991 83 6 we we PRON PRP
## 6099 1991 83 7 've 've AUX VBP
## 6100 1991 83 8 created create VERB VBN
## 6101 1991 83 9 almost almost ADV RB
## 6102 1991 83 10 20 20 NUM CD
## 6103 1991 83 11 million million NUM CD
## 6104 1991 83 12 jobs job NOUN NNS
## 6105 1991 83 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 6106 1991 83 14 cut cut VERB VBD
## 6107 1991 83 15 inflation inflation NOUN NN
## 6108 1991 83 16 in in ADP IN
## 6109 1991 83 17 half half NOUN NN
## 6110 1991 83 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 6111 1991 83 19 and and CCONJ CC
## 6112 1991 83 20 cut cut VERB VBD
## 6113 1991 83 21 interest interest NOUN NN
## 6114 1991 83 22 rates rate NOUN NNS
## 6115 1991 83 23 in in ADP IN
## 6116 1991 83 24 half half NOUN NN
## 6117 1991 83 25 . . PUNCT .
## 6118 1991 84 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 6119 1991 84 2 yes yes INTJ UH
## 6120 1991 84 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 6121 1991 84 4 the the DET DT
## 6122 1991 84 5 largest large ADJ JJS
## 6123 1991 84 6 peacetime peacetime NOUN NN
## 6124 1991 84 7 economic economic ADJ JJ
## 6125 1991 84 8 expansion expansion NOUN NN
## 6126 1991 84 9 in in ADP IN
## 6127 1991 84 10 history history NOUN NN
## 6128 1991 84 11 has have AUX VBZ
## 6129 1991 84 12 been be AUX VBN
## 6130 1991 84 13 temporarily temporarily ADV RB
## 6131 1991 84 14 interrupted interrupt VERB VBN
## 6132 1991 84 15 . . PUNCT .
## 6133 1991 85 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 6134 1991 85 2 our our PRON PRP$
## 6135 1991 85 3 economy economy NOUN NN
## 6136 1991 85 4 is be AUX VBZ
## 6137 1991 85 5 still still ADV RB
## 6138 1991 85 6 over over ADV RB
## 6139 1991 85 7 twice twice ADV RB
## 6140 1991 85 8 as as ADV RB
## 6141 1991 85 9 large large ADJ JJ
## 6142 1991 85 10 as as ADP IN
## 6143 1991 85 11 our our PRON PRP$
## 6144 1991 85 12 closest close ADJ JJS
## 6145 1991 85 13 competitor competitor NOUN NN
## 6146 1991 85 14 . . PUNCT .
## 6147 1991 86 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6148 1991 86 2 We we PRON PRP
## 6149 1991 86 3 will will AUX MD
## 6150 1991 86 4 get get VERB VB
## 6151 1991 86 5 this this DET DT
## 6152 1991 86 6 recession recession NOUN NN
## 6153 1991 86 7 behind behind ADP IN
## 6154 1991 86 8 us we PRON PRP
## 6155 1991 86 9 and and CCONJ CC
## 6156 1991 86 10 return return VERB VB
## 6157 1991 86 11 to to ADP IN
## 6158 1991 86 12 growth growth NOUN NN
## 6159 1991 86 13 soon soon ADV RB
## 6160 1991 86 14 . . PUNCT .
## 6161 1991 87 1 We we PRON PRP
## 6162 1991 87 2 will will AUX MD
## 6163 1991 87 3 get get VERB VB
## 6164 1991 87 4 on on ADP IN
## 6165 1991 87 5 our our PRON PRP$
## 6166 1991 87 6 way way NOUN NN
## 6167 1991 87 7 to to ADP IN
## 6168 1991 87 8 a a DET DT
## 6169 1991 87 9 new new ADJ JJ
## 6170 1991 87 10 record record NOUN NN
## 6171 1991 87 11 of of ADP IN
## 6172 1991 87 12 expansion expansion NOUN NN
## 6173 1991 87 13 and and CCONJ CC
## 6174 1991 87 14 achieve achieve VERB VB
## 6175 1991 87 15 the the DET DT
## 6176 1991 87 16 competitive competitive ADJ JJ
## 6177 1991 87 17 strength strength NOUN NN
## 6178 1991 87 18 that that PRON WDT
## 6179 1991 87 19 will will AUX MD
## 6180 1991 87 20 carry carry VERB VB
## 6181 1991 87 21 us we PRON PRP
## 6182 1991 87 22 into into ADP IN
## 6183 1991 87 23 the the DET DT
## 6184 1991 87 24 next next ADJ JJ
## 6185 1991 87 25 American american ADJ JJ
## 6186 1991 87 26 century century NOUN NN
## 6187 1991 87 27 . . PUNCT .
## 6188 1991 88 1 We we PRON PRP
## 6189 1991 88 2 should should AUX MD
## 6190 1991 88 3 focus focus VERB VB
## 6191 1991 88 4 our our PRON PRP$
## 6192 1991 88 5 efforts effort NOUN NNS
## 6193 1991 88 6 today today NOUN NN
## 6194 1991 88 7 on on ADP IN
## 6195 1991 88 8 encouraging encourage VERB VBG
## 6196 1991 88 9 economic economic ADJ JJ
## 6197 1991 88 10 growth growth NOUN NN
## 6198 1991 88 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 6199 1991 88 12 investing invest VERB VBG
## 6200 1991 88 13 in in ADP IN
## 6201 1991 88 14 the the DET DT
## 6202 1991 88 15 future future NOUN NN
## 6203 1991 88 16 , , PUNCT ,
## 6204 1991 88 17 and and CCONJ CC
## 6205 1991 88 18 giving give VERB VBG
## 6206 1991 88 19 power power NOUN NN
## 6207 1991 88 20 and and CCONJ CC
## 6208 1991 88 21 opportunity opportunity NOUN NN
## 6209 1991 88 22 to to ADP IN
## 6210 1991 88 23 the the DET DT
## 6211 1991 88 24 individual individual NOUN NN
## 6212 1991 88 25 . . PUNCT .
## 6213 1991 89 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6214 1991 89 2 We we PRON PRP
## 6215 1991 89 3 must must AUX MD
## 6216 1991 89 4 begin begin VERB VB
## 6217 1991 89 5 with with ADP IN
## 6218 1991 89 6 control control NOUN NN
## 6219 1991 89 7 of of ADP IN
## 6220 1991 89 8 Federal federal ADJ JJ
## 6221 1991 89 9 spending spending NOUN NN
## 6222 1991 89 10 . . PUNCT .
## 6223 1991 90 1 That that PRON DT
## 6224 1991 90 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 6225 1991 90 3 why why SCONJ WRB
## 6226 1991 90 4 I I PRON PRP
## 6227 1991 90 5 'm be AUX VBP
## 6228 1991 90 6 submitting submit VERB VBG
## 6229 1991 90 7 a a DET DT
## 6230 1991 90 8 budget budget NOUN NN
## 6231 1991 90 9 that that PRON WDT
## 6232 1991 90 10 holds hold VERB VBZ
## 6233 1991 90 11 the the DET DT
## 6234 1991 90 12 growth growth NOUN NN
## 6235 1991 90 13 in in ADP IN
## 6236 1991 90 14 spending spending NOUN NN
## 6237 1991 90 15 to to ADP IN
## 6238 1991 90 16 less less ADJ JJR
## 6239 1991 90 17 than than ADP IN
## 6240 1991 90 18 the the DET DT
## 6241 1991 90 19 rate rate NOUN NN
## 6242 1991 90 20 of of ADP IN
## 6243 1991 90 21 inflation inflation NOUN NN
## 6244 1991 90 22 . . PUNCT .
## 6245 1991 91 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 6246 1991 91 2 that that PRON DT
## 6247 1991 91 3 's be AUX VBZ
## 6248 1991 91 4 why why SCONJ WRB
## 6249 1991 91 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 6250 1991 91 6 amid amid ADP IN
## 6251 1991 91 7 all all DET PDT
## 6252 1991 91 8 the the DET DT
## 6253 1991 91 9 sound sound NOUN NN
## 6254 1991 91 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 6255 1991 91 11 fury fury NOUN NN
## 6256 1991 91 12 of of ADP IN
## 6257 1991 91 13 last last ADJ JJ
## 6258 1991 91 14 year year NOUN NN
## 6259 1991 91 15 's 's PART POS
## 6260 1991 91 16 budget budget NOUN NN
## 6261 1991 91 17 debate debate NOUN NN
## 6262 1991 91 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 6263 1991 91 19 we we PRON PRP
## 6264 1991 91 20 put put VERB VBD
## 6265 1991 91 21 into into ADP IN
## 6266 1991 91 22 law law NOUN NN
## 6267 1991 91 23 new new ADJ JJ
## 6268 1991 91 24 , , PUNCT ,
## 6269 1991 91 25 enforceable enforceable ADJ JJ
## 6270 1991 91 26 spending spending NOUN NN
## 6271 1991 91 27 caps cap NOUN NNS
## 6272 1991 91 28 , , PUNCT ,
## 6273 1991 91 29 so so SCONJ IN
## 6274 1991 91 30 that that SCONJ IN
## 6275 1991 91 31 future future ADJ JJ
## 6276 1991 91 32 spending spending NOUN NN
## 6277 1991 91 33 debates debate NOUN NNS
## 6278 1991 91 34 will will AUX MD
## 6279 1991 91 35 mean mean VERB VB
## 6280 1991 91 36 a a DET DT
## 6281 1991 91 37 battle battle NOUN NN
## 6282 1991 91 38 of of ADP IN
## 6283 1991 91 39 ideas idea NOUN NNS
## 6284 1991 91 40 , , PUNCT ,
## 6285 1991 91 41 not not PART RB
## 6286 1991 91 42 a a DET DT
## 6287 1991 91 43 bidding bidding NOUN NN
## 6288 1991 91 44 war war NOUN NN
## 6289 1991 91 45 . . PUNCT .
## 6290 1991 92 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6291 1991 92 2 Though though SCONJ IN
## 6292 1991 92 3 controversial controversial ADJ JJ
## 6293 1991 92 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 6294 1991 92 5 the the DET DT
## 6295 1991 92 6 budget budget NOUN NN
## 6296 1991 92 7 agreement agreement NOUN NN
## 6297 1991 92 8 finally finally ADV RB
## 6298 1991 92 9 put put VERB VB
## 6299 1991 92 10 the the DET DT
## 6300 1991 92 11 Federal Federal PROPN NNP
## 6301 1991 92 12 Government Government PROPN NNP
## 6302 1991 92 13 on on ADP IN
## 6303 1991 92 14 a a DET DT
## 6304 1991 92 15 pay pay VERB VB
## 6305 1991 92 16 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6306 1991 92 17 as as ADP IN
## 6307 1991 92 18 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6308 1991 92 19 you you PRON PRP
## 6309 1991 92 20 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6310 1991 92 21 go go VERB VB
## 6311 1991 92 22 plan plan NOUN NN
## 6312 1991 92 23 and and CCONJ CC
## 6313 1991 92 24 cut cut VERB VB
## 6314 1991 92 25 the the DET DT
## 6315 1991 92 26 growth growth NOUN NN
## 6316 1991 92 27 of of ADP IN
## 6317 1991 92 28 debt debt NOUN NN
## 6318 1991 92 29 by by ADP IN
## 6319 1991 92 30 nearly nearly ADV RB
## 6320 1991 92 31 $ $ SYM $
## 6321 1991 92 32 500 500 NUM CD
## 6322 1991 92 33 billion billion NUM CD
## 6323 1991 92 34 . . PUNCT .
## 6324 1991 93 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 6325 1991 93 2 that that PRON DT
## 6326 1991 93 3 frees free VERB VBZ
## 6327 1991 93 4 funds fund NOUN NNS
## 6328 1991 93 5 for for ADP IN
## 6329 1991 93 6 saving saving NOUN NN
## 6330 1991 93 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 6331 1991 93 8 job job NOUN NN
## 6332 1991 93 9 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6333 1991 93 10 creating create VERB VBG
## 6334 1991 93 11 investment investment NOUN NN
## 6335 1991 93 12 . . PUNCT .
## 6336 1991 94 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6337 1991 94 2 Now now ADV RB
## 6338 1991 94 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 6339 1991 94 4 let let VERB VB
## 6340 1991 94 5 's us PRON PRP
## 6341 1991 94 6 do do VERB VB
## 6342 1991 94 7 more more ADJ JJR
## 6343 1991 94 8 . . PUNCT .
## 6344 1991 95 1 My my PRON PRP$
## 6345 1991 95 2 budget budget NOUN NN
## 6346 1991 95 3 again again ADV RB
## 6347 1991 95 4 includes include VERB VBZ
## 6348 1991 95 5 tax tax NOUN NN
## 6349 1991 95 6 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6350 1991 95 7 free free ADJ JJ
## 6351 1991 95 8 family family NOUN NN
## 6352 1991 95 9 savings saving NOUN NNS
## 6353 1991 95 10 accounts account NOUN NNS
## 6354 1991 95 11 ; ; PUNCT :
## 6355 1991 95 12 penalty penalty NOUN NN
## 6356 1991 95 13 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6357 1991 95 14 free free ADJ JJ
## 6358 1991 95 15 withdrawals withdrawal NOUN NNS
## 6359 1991 95 16 from from ADP IN
## 6360 1991 95 17 IRA IRA PROPN NNP
## 6361 1991 95 18 's 's PART POS
## 6362 1991 95 19 for for ADP IN
## 6363 1991 95 20 first first ADJ JJ
## 6364 1991 95 21 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6365 1991 95 22 time time NOUN NN
## 6366 1991 95 23 home home NOUN NN
## 6367 1991 95 24 buyers buyer NOUN NNS
## 6368 1991 95 25 ; ; PUNCT :
## 6369 1991 95 26 and and CCONJ CC
## 6370 1991 95 27 to to PART TO
## 6371 1991 95 28 increase increase VERB VB
## 6372 1991 95 29 jobs job NOUN NNS
## 6373 1991 95 30 and and CCONJ CC
## 6374 1991 95 31 growth growth NOUN NN
## 6375 1991 95 32 , , PUNCT ,
## 6376 1991 95 33 a a DET DT
## 6377 1991 95 34 reduced reduce VERB VBN
## 6378 1991 95 35 tax tax NOUN NN
## 6379 1991 95 36 for for ADP IN
## 6380 1991 95 37 long long ADJ JJ
## 6381 1991 95 38 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6382 1991 95 39 term term NOUN NN
## 6383 1991 95 40 capital capital NOUN NN
## 6384 1991 95 41 gains gain NOUN NNS
## 6385 1991 95 42 . . PUNCT .
## 6386 1991 96 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6387 1991 96 2 I I PRON PRP
## 6388 1991 96 3 know know VERB VBP
## 6389 1991 96 4 there there PRON EX
## 6390 1991 96 5 are be VERB VBP
## 6391 1991 96 6 differences difference NOUN NNS
## 6392 1991 96 7 among among ADP IN
## 6393 1991 96 8 us we PRON PRP
## 6394 1991 96 9 -- -- PUNCT .
## 6395 1991 97 1 [ [ X XX
## 6396 1991 97 2 laughter laughter X XX
## 6397 1991 97 3 ] ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 6398 1991 97 4 -- -- PUNCT :
## 6399 1991 97 5 about about ADP IN
## 6400 1991 97 6 the the DET DT
## 6401 1991 97 7 impact impact NOUN NN
## 6402 1991 97 8 and and CCONJ CC
## 6403 1991 97 9 the the DET DT
## 6404 1991 97 10 effects effect NOUN NNS
## 6405 1991 97 11 of of ADP IN
## 6406 1991 97 12 a a DET DT
## 6407 1991 97 13 capital capital NOUN NN
## 6408 1991 97 14 gains gain NOUN NNS
## 6409 1991 97 15 incentive incentive NOUN NN
## 6410 1991 97 16 . . PUNCT .
## 6411 1991 98 1 So so ADV RB
## 6412 1991 98 2 tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 6413 1991 98 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 6414 1991 98 4 I I PRON PRP
## 6415 1991 98 5 'm be AUX VBP
## 6416 1991 98 6 asking ask VERB VBG
## 6417 1991 98 7 the the DET DT
## 6418 1991 98 8 congressional congressional ADJ JJ
## 6419 1991 98 9 leaders leader NOUN NNS
## 6420 1991 98 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 6421 1991 98 11 the the DET DT
## 6422 1991 98 12 Federal Federal PROPN NNP
## 6423 1991 98 13 Reserve Reserve PROPN NNP
## 6424 1991 98 14 to to PART TO
## 6425 1991 98 15 cooperate cooperate VERB VB
## 6426 1991 98 16 with with ADP IN
## 6427 1991 98 17 us we PRON PRP
## 6428 1991 98 18 in in ADP IN
## 6429 1991 98 19 a a DET DT
## 6430 1991 98 20 study study NOUN NN
## 6431 1991 98 21 , , PUNCT ,
## 6432 1991 98 22 led lead VERB VBN
## 6433 1991 98 23 by by ADP IN
## 6434 1991 98 24 Chairman Chairman PROPN NNP
## 6435 1991 98 25 Alan Alan PROPN NNP
## 6436 1991 98 26 Greenspan Greenspan PROPN NNP
## 6437 1991 98 27 , , PUNCT ,
## 6438 1991 98 28 to to PART TO
## 6439 1991 98 29 sort sort VERB VB
## 6440 1991 98 30 out out ADP RP
## 6441 1991 98 31 our our PRON PRP$
## 6442 1991 98 32 technical technical ADJ JJ
## 6443 1991 98 33 differences difference NOUN NNS
## 6444 1991 98 34 so so SCONJ IN
## 6445 1991 98 35 that that SCONJ IN
## 6446 1991 98 36 we we PRON PRP
## 6447 1991 98 37 can can AUX MD
## 6448 1991 98 38 avoid avoid VERB VB
## 6449 1991 98 39 a a DET DT
## 6450 1991 98 40 return return NOUN NN
## 6451 1991 98 41 to to ADP IN
## 6452 1991 98 42 unproductive unproductive ADJ JJ
## 6453 1991 98 43 partisan partisan ADJ JJ
## 6454 1991 98 44 bickering bickering NOUN NN
## 6455 1991 98 45 . . PUNCT .
## 6456 1991 99 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6457 1991 99 2 But but CCONJ CC
## 6458 1991 99 3 just just ADV RB
## 6459 1991 99 4 as as SCONJ IN
## 6460 1991 99 5 our our PRON PRP$
## 6461 1991 99 6 efforts effort NOUN NNS
## 6462 1991 99 7 will will AUX MD
## 6463 1991 99 8 bring bring VERB VB
## 6464 1991 99 9 economic economic ADJ JJ
## 6465 1991 99 10 growth growth NOUN NN
## 6466 1991 99 11 now now ADV RB
## 6467 1991 99 12 and and CCONJ CC
## 6468 1991 99 13 in in ADP IN
## 6469 1991 99 14 the the DET DT
## 6470 1991 99 15 future future NOUN NN
## 6471 1991 99 16 , , PUNCT ,
## 6472 1991 99 17 they they PRON PRP
## 6473 1991 99 18 must must AUX MD
## 6474 1991 99 19 also also ADV RB
## 6475 1991 99 20 be be AUX VB
## 6476 1991 99 21 matched match VERB VBN
## 6477 1991 99 22 by by ADP IN
## 6478 1991 99 23 long long ADJ JJ
## 6479 1991 99 24 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6480 1991 99 25 term term NOUN NN
## 6481 1991 99 26 investments investment NOUN NNS
## 6482 1991 99 27 for for ADP IN
## 6483 1991 99 28 the the DET DT
## 6484 1991 99 29 next next ADJ JJ
## 6485 1991 99 30 American american ADJ JJ
## 6486 1991 99 31 century century NOUN NN
## 6487 1991 99 32 . . PUNCT .
## 6488 1991 100 1 That that PRON DT
## 6489 1991 100 2 requires require VERB VBZ
## 6490 1991 100 3 a a DET DT
## 6491 1991 100 4 forward forward ADV RB
## 6492 1991 100 5 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6493 1991 100 6 looking look VERB VBG
## 6494 1991 100 7 plan plan NOUN NN
## 6495 1991 100 8 of of ADP IN
## 6496 1991 100 9 action action NOUN NN
## 6497 1991 100 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 6498 1991 100 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 6499 1991 100 12 that that PRON DT
## 6500 1991 100 13 's be AUX VBZ
## 6501 1991 100 14 exactly exactly ADV RB
## 6502 1991 100 15 what what PRON WP
## 6503 1991 100 16 we we PRON PRP
## 6504 1991 100 17 will will AUX MD
## 6505 1991 100 18 be be AUX VB
## 6506 1991 100 19 sending send VERB VBG
## 6507 1991 100 20 to to ADP IN
## 6508 1991 100 21 the the DET DT
## 6509 1991 100 22 Congress Congress PROPN NNP
## 6510 1991 100 23 . . PUNCT .
## 6511 1991 101 1 We we PRON PRP
## 6512 1991 101 2 've 've AUX VBP
## 6513 1991 101 3 prepared prepare VERB VBN
## 6514 1991 101 4 a a DET DT
## 6515 1991 101 5 detailed detailed ADJ JJ
## 6516 1991 101 6 series series NOUN NN
## 6517 1991 101 7 of of ADP IN
## 6518 1991 101 8 proposals proposal NOUN NNS
## 6519 1991 101 9 that that PRON WDT
## 6520 1991 101 10 include include VERB VBP
## 6521 1991 101 11 : : PUNCT :
## 6522 1991 101 12 a a DET DT
## 6523 1991 101 13 budget budget NOUN NN
## 6524 1991 101 14 that that PRON WDT
## 6525 1991 101 15 promotes promote VERB VBZ
## 6526 1991 101 16 investment investment NOUN NN
## 6527 1991 101 17 in in ADP IN
## 6528 1991 101 18 America America PROPN NNP
## 6529 1991 101 19 's 's PART POS
## 6530 1991 101 20 future future NOUN NN
## 6531 1991 101 21 -- -- PUNCT :
## 6532 1991 101 22 in in ADP IN
## 6533 1991 101 23 children child NOUN NNS
## 6534 1991 101 24 , , PUNCT ,
## 6535 1991 101 25 education education NOUN NN
## 6536 1991 101 26 , , PUNCT ,
## 6537 1991 101 27 infrastructure infrastructure NOUN NN
## 6538 1991 101 28 , , PUNCT ,
## 6539 1991 101 29 space space NOUN NN
## 6540 1991 101 30 , , PUNCT ,
## 6541 1991 101 31 and and CCONJ CC
## 6542 1991 101 32 high high ADJ JJ
## 6543 1991 101 33 technology technology NOUN NN
## 6544 1991 101 34 ; ; PUNCT :
## 6545 1991 101 35 legislation legislation NOUN NN
## 6546 1991 101 36 to to PART TO
## 6547 1991 101 37 achieve achieve VERB VB
## 6548 1991 101 38 excellence excellence NOUN NN
## 6549 1991 101 39 in in ADP IN
## 6550 1991 101 40 education education NOUN NN
## 6551 1991 101 41 , , PUNCT ,
## 6552 1991 101 42 building build VERB VBG
## 6553 1991 101 43 on on ADP IN
## 6554 1991 101 44 the the DET DT
## 6555 1991 101 45 partnership partnership NOUN NN
## 6556 1991 101 46 forged forge VERB VBN
## 6557 1991 101 47 with with ADP IN
## 6558 1991 101 48 the the DET DT
## 6559 1991 101 49 50 50 NUM CD
## 6560 1991 101 50 Governors Governors PROPN NNPS
## 6561 1991 101 51 at at ADP IN
## 6562 1991 101 52 the the DET DT
## 6563 1991 101 53 education education NOUN NN
## 6564 1991 101 54 summit summit NOUN NN
## 6565 1991 101 55 , , PUNCT ,
## 6566 1991 101 56 enabling enable VERB VBG
## 6567 1991 101 57 parents parent NOUN NNS
## 6568 1991 101 58 to to PART TO
## 6569 1991 101 59 choose choose VERB VB
## 6570 1991 101 60 their their PRON PRP$
## 6571 1991 101 61 children child NOUN NNS
## 6572 1991 101 62 's 's PART POS
## 6573 1991 101 63 schools school NOUN NNS
## 6574 1991 101 64 and and CCONJ CC
## 6575 1991 101 65 helping help VERB VBG
## 6576 1991 101 66 to to PART TO
## 6577 1991 101 67 make make VERB VB
## 6578 1991 101 68 America America PROPN NNP
## 6579 1991 101 69 number number NOUN NN
## 6580 1991 101 70 one one NUM CD
## 6581 1991 101 71 in in ADP IN
## 6582 1991 101 72 math math NOUN NN
## 6583 1991 101 73 and and CCONJ CC
## 6584 1991 101 74 science science NOUN NN
## 6585 1991 101 75 ; ; PUNCT :
## 6586 1991 101 76 a a DET DT
## 6587 1991 101 77 blueprint blueprint NOUN NN
## 6588 1991 101 78 for for ADP IN
## 6589 1991 101 79 a a DET DT
## 6590 1991 101 80 new new ADJ JJ
## 6591 1991 101 81 national national ADJ JJ
## 6592 1991 101 82 highway highway NOUN NN
## 6593 1991 101 83 system system NOUN NN
## 6594 1991 101 84 , , PUNCT ,
## 6595 1991 101 85 a a DET DT
## 6596 1991 101 86 critical critical ADJ JJ
## 6597 1991 101 87 investment investment NOUN NN
## 6598 1991 101 88 in in ADP IN
## 6599 1991 101 89 our our PRON PRP$
## 6600 1991 101 90 transportation transportation NOUN NN
## 6601 1991 101 91 infrastructure infrastructure NOUN NN
## 6602 1991 101 92 ; ; PUNCT :
## 6603 1991 101 93 a a DET DT
## 6604 1991 101 94 research research NOUN NN
## 6605 1991 101 95 and and CCONJ CC
## 6606 1991 101 96 development development NOUN NN
## 6607 1991 101 97 agenda agenda NOUN NN
## 6608 1991 101 98 that that PRON WDT
## 6609 1991 101 99 includes include VERB VBZ
## 6610 1991 101 100 record record NOUN NN
## 6611 1991 101 101 levels level NOUN NNS
## 6612 1991 101 102 of of ADP IN
## 6613 1991 101 103 Federal federal ADJ JJ
## 6614 1991 101 104 investment investment NOUN NN
## 6615 1991 101 105 , , PUNCT ,
## 6616 1991 101 106 and and CCONJ CC
## 6617 1991 101 107 a a DET DT
## 6618 1991 101 108 permanent permanent ADJ JJ
## 6619 1991 101 109 tax tax NOUN NN
## 6620 1991 101 110 credit credit NOUN NN
## 6621 1991 101 111 to to PART TO
## 6622 1991 101 112 strengthen strengthen VERB VB
## 6623 1991 101 113 private private ADJ JJ
## 6624 1991 101 114 R&D r&d NOUN NN
## 6625 1991 101 115 and and CCONJ CC
## 6626 1991 101 116 to to PART TO
## 6627 1991 101 117 create create VERB VB
## 6628 1991 101 118 jobs job NOUN NNS
## 6629 1991 101 119 ; ; PUNCT :
## 6630 1991 101 120 a a DET DT
## 6631 1991 101 121 comprehensive comprehensive ADJ JJ
## 6632 1991 101 122 national national ADJ JJ
## 6633 1991 101 123 energy energy NOUN NN
## 6634 1991 101 124 strategy strategy NOUN NN
## 6635 1991 101 125 that that PRON WDT
## 6636 1991 101 126 calls call VERB VBZ
## 6637 1991 101 127 for for ADP IN
## 6638 1991 101 128 energy energy NOUN NN
## 6639 1991 101 129 conservation conservation NOUN NN
## 6640 1991 101 130 and and CCONJ CC
## 6641 1991 101 131 efficiency efficiency NOUN NN
## 6642 1991 101 132 , , PUNCT ,
## 6643 1991 101 133 increased increase VERB VBD
## 6644 1991 101 134 development development NOUN NN
## 6645 1991 101 135 , , PUNCT ,
## 6646 1991 101 136 and and CCONJ CC
## 6647 1991 101 137 greater great ADJ JJR
## 6648 1991 101 138 use use NOUN NN
## 6649 1991 101 139 of of ADP IN
## 6650 1991 101 140 alternative alternative ADJ JJ
## 6651 1991 101 141 fuels fuel NOUN NNS
## 6652 1991 101 142 ; ; PUNCT :
## 6653 1991 101 143 a a DET DT
## 6654 1991 101 144 banking banking NOUN NN
## 6655 1991 101 145 reform reform NOUN NN
## 6656 1991 101 146 plan plan NOUN NN
## 6657 1991 101 147 to to PART TO
## 6658 1991 101 148 bring bring VERB VB
## 6659 1991 101 149 America America PROPN NNP
## 6660 1991 101 150 's 's PART POS
## 6661 1991 101 151 financial financial ADJ JJ
## 6662 1991 101 152 system system NOUN NN
## 6663 1991 101 153 into into ADP IN
## 6664 1991 101 154 the the DET DT
## 6665 1991 101 155 21st 21st ADJ JJ
## 6666 1991 101 156 century century NOUN NN
## 6667 1991 101 157 so so SCONJ IN
## 6668 1991 101 158 that that SCONJ IN
## 6669 1991 101 159 our our PRON PRP$
## 6670 1991 101 160 banks bank NOUN NNS
## 6671 1991 101 161 remain remain VERB VBP
## 6672 1991 101 162 safe safe ADJ JJ
## 6673 1991 101 163 and and CCONJ CC
## 6674 1991 101 164 secure secure ADJ JJ
## 6675 1991 101 165 and and CCONJ CC
## 6676 1991 101 166 can can AUX MD
## 6677 1991 101 167 continue continue VERB VB
## 6678 1991 101 168 to to PART TO
## 6679 1991 101 169 make make VERB VB
## 6680 1991 101 170 job job NOUN NN
## 6681 1991 101 171 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6682 1991 101 172 creating create VERB VBG
## 6683 1991 101 173 loans loan NOUN NNS
## 6684 1991 101 174 for for ADP IN
## 6685 1991 101 175 our our PRON PRP$
## 6686 1991 101 176 factories factory NOUN NNS
## 6687 1991 101 177 , , PUNCT ,
## 6688 1991 101 178 our our PRON PRP$
## 6689 1991 101 179 businesses business NOUN NNS
## 6690 1991 101 180 , , PUNCT ,
## 6691 1991 101 181 and and CCONJ CC
## 6692 1991 101 182 home home NOUN NN
## 6693 1991 101 183 buyers buyer NOUN NNS
## 6694 1991 101 184 . . PUNCT .
## 6695 1991 102 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6696 1991 102 2 You you PRON PRP
## 6697 1991 102 3 know know VERB VBP
## 6698 1991 102 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 6699 1991 102 5 I I PRON PRP
## 6700 1991 102 6 do do AUX VBP
## 6701 1991 102 7 think think VERB VB
## 6702 1991 102 8 there there PRON EX
## 6703 1991 102 9 has have AUX VBZ
## 6704 1991 102 10 been be AUX VBN
## 6705 1991 102 11 too too ADV RB
## 6706 1991 102 12 much much ADJ JJ
## 6707 1991 102 13 pessimism pessimism NOUN NN
## 6708 1991 102 14 . . PUNCT .
## 6709 1991 103 1 Sound sound ADJ JJ
## 6710 1991 103 2 banks bank NOUN NNS
## 6711 1991 103 3 should should AUX MD
## 6712 1991 103 4 be be AUX VB
## 6713 1991 103 5 making make VERB VBG
## 6714 1991 103 6 sound sound ADJ JJ
## 6715 1991 103 7 loans loan NOUN NNS
## 6716 1991 103 8 now now ADV RB
## 6717 1991 103 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 6718 1991 103 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 6719 1991 103 11 interest interest NOUN NN
## 6720 1991 103 12 rates rate NOUN NNS
## 6721 1991 103 13 should should AUX MD
## 6722 1991 103 14 be be AUX VB
## 6723 1991 103 15 lower low ADJ JJR
## 6724 1991 103 16 , , PUNCT ,
## 6725 1991 103 17 now now ADV RB
## 6726 1991 103 18 . . PUNCT .
## 6727 1991 104 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6728 1991 104 2 In in ADP IN
## 6729 1991 104 3 addition addition NOUN NN
## 6730 1991 104 4 to to ADP IN
## 6731 1991 104 5 these these DET DT
## 6732 1991 104 6 proposals proposal NOUN NNS
## 6733 1991 104 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 6734 1991 104 8 we we PRON PRP
## 6735 1991 104 9 must must AUX MD
## 6736 1991 104 10 recognize recognize VERB VB
## 6737 1991 104 11 that that SCONJ IN
## 6738 1991 104 12 our our PRON PRP$
## 6739 1991 104 13 economic economic ADJ JJ
## 6740 1991 104 14 strength strength NOUN NN
## 6741 1991 104 15 depends depend VERB VBZ
## 6742 1991 104 16 on on ADP IN
## 6743 1991 104 17 being be AUX VBG
## 6744 1991 104 18 competitive competitive ADJ JJ
## 6745 1991 104 19 in in ADP IN
## 6746 1991 104 20 world world NOUN NN
## 6747 1991 104 21 markets market NOUN NNS
## 6748 1991 104 22 . . PUNCT .
## 6749 1991 105 1 We we PRON PRP
## 6750 1991 105 2 must must AUX MD
## 6751 1991 105 3 continue continue VERB VB
## 6752 1991 105 4 to to PART TO
## 6753 1991 105 5 expand expand VERB VB
## 6754 1991 105 6 American american ADJ JJ
## 6755 1991 105 7 exports export NOUN NNS
## 6756 1991 105 8 . . PUNCT .
## 6757 1991 106 1 A a DET DT
## 6758 1991 106 2 successful successful ADJ JJ
## 6759 1991 106 3 Uruguay Uruguay PROPN NNP
## 6760 1991 106 4 round round NOUN NN
## 6761 1991 106 5 of of ADP IN
## 6762 1991 106 6 world world NOUN NN
## 6763 1991 106 7 trade trade NOUN NN
## 6764 1991 106 8 negotiations negotiation NOUN NNS
## 6765 1991 106 9 will will AUX MD
## 6766 1991 106 10 create create VERB VB
## 6767 1991 106 11 more more ADJ JJR
## 6768 1991 106 12 real real ADJ JJ
## 6769 1991 106 13 jobs job NOUN NNS
## 6770 1991 106 14 and and CCONJ CC
## 6771 1991 106 15 more more ADJ JJR
## 6772 1991 106 16 real real ADJ JJ
## 6773 1991 106 17 growth growth NOUN NN
## 6774 1991 106 18 for for ADP IN
## 6775 1991 106 19 all all DET DT
## 6776 1991 106 20 nations nation NOUN NNS
## 6777 1991 106 21 . . PUNCT .
## 6778 1991 107 1 You you PRON PRP
## 6779 1991 107 2 and and CCONJ CC
## 6780 1991 107 3 I I PRON PRP
## 6781 1991 107 4 know know VERB VBP
## 6782 1991 107 5 that that SCONJ IN
## 6783 1991 107 6 if if SCONJ IN
## 6784 1991 107 7 the the DET DT
## 6785 1991 107 8 playing play VERB VBG
## 6786 1991 107 9 field field NOUN NN
## 6787 1991 107 10 is be AUX VBZ
## 6788 1991 107 11 level level ADJ JJ
## 6789 1991 107 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 6790 1991 107 13 America America PROPN NNP
## 6791 1991 107 14 's 's PART POS
## 6792 1991 107 15 workers worker NOUN NNS
## 6793 1991 107 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 6794 1991 107 17 farmers farmer NOUN NNS
## 6795 1991 107 18 can can AUX MD
## 6796 1991 107 19 out out ADV RB
## 6797 1991 107 20 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6798 1991 107 21 work work NOUN NN
## 6799 1991 107 22 , , PUNCT ,
## 6800 1991 107 23 out out ADV RB
## 6801 1991 107 24 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 6802 1991 107 25 produce produce VERB VBP
## 6803 1991 107 26 anyone anyone PRON NN
## 6804 1991 107 27 , , PUNCT ,
## 6805 1991 107 28 anytime anytime ADV RB
## 6806 1991 107 29 , , PUNCT ,
## 6807 1991 107 30 anywhere anywhere ADV RB
## 6808 1991 107 31 . . PUNCT .
## 6809 1991 108 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6810 1991 108 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 6811 1991 108 3 with with ADP IN
## 6812 1991 108 4 a a DET DT
## 6813 1991 108 5 Mexican mexican ADJ JJ
## 6814 1991 108 6 free free ADJ JJ
## 6815 1991 108 7 trade trade NOUN NN
## 6816 1991 108 8 agreement agreement NOUN NN
## 6817 1991 108 9 and and CCONJ CC
## 6818 1991 108 10 our our PRON PRP$
## 6819 1991 108 11 Enterprise Enterprise PROPN NNP
## 6820 1991 108 12 for for ADP IN
## 6821 1991 108 13 the the DET DT
## 6822 1991 108 14 Americas Americas PROPN NNP
## 6823 1991 108 15 Initiative Initiative PROPN NNP
## 6824 1991 108 16 , , PUNCT ,
## 6825 1991 108 17 we we PRON PRP
## 6826 1991 108 18 can can AUX MD
## 6827 1991 108 19 help help VERB VB
## 6828 1991 108 20 our our PRON PRP$
## 6829 1991 108 21 partners partner NOUN NNS
## 6830 1991 108 22 strengthen strengthen VERB VB
## 6831 1991 108 23 their their PRON PRP$
## 6832 1991 108 24 economies economy NOUN NNS
## 6833 1991 108 25 and and CCONJ CC
## 6834 1991 108 26 move move VERB VB
## 6835 1991 108 27 toward toward ADP IN
## 6836 1991 108 28 a a DET DT
## 6837 1991 108 29 free free ADJ JJ
## 6838 1991 108 30 trade trade NOUN NN
## 6839 1991 108 31 zone zone NOUN NN
## 6840 1991 108 32 throughout throughout ADP IN
## 6841 1991 108 33 this this DET DT
## 6842 1991 108 34 entire entire ADJ JJ
## 6843 1991 108 35 hemisphere hemisphere NOUN NN
## 6844 1991 108 36 . . PUNCT .
## 6845 1991 109 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6846 1991 109 2 The the DET DT
## 6847 1991 109 3 budget budget NOUN NN
## 6848 1991 109 4 also also ADV RB
## 6849 1991 109 5 includes include VERB VBZ
## 6850 1991 109 6 a a DET DT
## 6851 1991 109 7 plan plan NOUN NN
## 6852 1991 109 8 of of ADP IN
## 6853 1991 109 9 action action NOUN NN
## 6854 1991 109 10 right right ADV RB
## 6855 1991 109 11 here here ADV RB
## 6856 1991 109 12 at at ADP IN
## 6857 1991 109 13 home home NOUN NN
## 6858 1991 109 14 to to PART TO
## 6859 1991 109 15 put put VERB VB
## 6860 1991 109 16 more more ADJ JJR
## 6861 1991 109 17 power power NOUN NN
## 6862 1991 109 18 and and CCONJ CC
## 6863 1991 109 19 opportunity opportunity NOUN NN
## 6864 1991 109 20 in in ADP IN
## 6865 1991 109 21 the the DET DT
## 6866 1991 109 22 hands hand NOUN NNS
## 6867 1991 109 23 of of ADP IN
## 6868 1991 109 24 the the DET DT
## 6869 1991 109 25 individual individual NOUN NN
## 6870 1991 109 26 . . PUNCT .
## 6871 1991 110 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 6872 1991 110 2 that that PRON DT
## 6873 1991 110 3 means mean VERB VBZ
## 6874 1991 110 4 new new ADJ JJ
## 6875 1991 110 5 incentives incentive NOUN NNS
## 6876 1991 110 6 to to PART TO
## 6877 1991 110 7 create create VERB VB
## 6878 1991 110 8 jobs job NOUN NNS
## 6879 1991 110 9 in in ADP IN
## 6880 1991 110 10 our our PRON PRP$
## 6881 1991 110 11 inner inner ADJ JJ
## 6882 1991 110 12 cities city NOUN NNS
## 6883 1991 110 13 by by ADP IN
## 6884 1991 110 14 encouraging encourage VERB VBG
## 6885 1991 110 15 investment investment NOUN NN
## 6886 1991 110 16 through through ADP IN
## 6887 1991 110 17 enterprise enterprise NOUN NN
## 6888 1991 110 18 zones zone NOUN NNS
## 6889 1991 110 19 . . PUNCT .
## 6890 1991 111 1 It it PRON PRP
## 6891 1991 111 2 also also ADV RB
## 6892 1991 111 3 means mean VERB VBZ
## 6893 1991 111 4 tenant tenant NOUN NN
## 6894 1991 111 5 control control NOUN NN
## 6895 1991 111 6 and and CCONJ CC
## 6896 1991 111 7 ownership ownership NOUN NN
## 6897 1991 111 8 of of ADP IN
## 6898 1991 111 9 public public ADJ JJ
## 6899 1991 111 10 housing housing NOUN NN
## 6900 1991 111 11 . . PUNCT .
## 6901 1991 112 1 Freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 6902 1991 112 2 and and CCONJ CC
## 6903 1991 112 3 the the DET DT
## 6904 1991 112 4 power power NOUN NN
## 6905 1991 112 5 to to PART TO
## 6906 1991 112 6 choose choose VERB VB
## 6907 1991 112 7 should should AUX MD
## 6908 1991 112 8 not not PART RB
## 6909 1991 112 9 be be AUX VB
## 6910 1991 112 10 the the DET DT
## 6911 1991 112 11 privilege privilege NOUN NN
## 6912 1991 112 12 of of ADP IN
## 6913 1991 112 13 wealth wealth NOUN NN
## 6914 1991 112 14 . . PUNCT .
## 6915 1991 113 1 They they PRON PRP
## 6916 1991 113 2 are be AUX VBP
## 6917 1991 113 3 the the DET DT
## 6918 1991 113 4 birthright birthright NOUN NN
## 6919 1991 113 5 of of ADP IN
## 6920 1991 113 6 every every DET DT
## 6921 1991 113 7 American American PROPN NNP
## 6922 1991 113 8 . . PUNCT .
## 6923 1991 114 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6924 1991 114 2 Civil civil ADJ JJ
## 6925 1991 114 3 rights right NOUN NNS
## 6926 1991 114 4 are be AUX VBP
## 6927 1991 114 5 also also ADV RB
## 6928 1991 114 6 crucial crucial ADJ JJ
## 6929 1991 114 7 to to ADP IN
## 6930 1991 114 8 protecting protect VERB VBG
## 6931 1991 114 9 equal equal ADJ JJ
## 6932 1991 114 10 opportunity opportunity NOUN NN
## 6933 1991 114 11 . . PUNCT .
## 6934 1991 115 1 Every every DET DT
## 6935 1991 115 2 one one NUM CD
## 6936 1991 115 3 of of ADP IN
## 6937 1991 115 4 us we PRON PRP
## 6938 1991 115 5 has have VERB VBZ
## 6939 1991 115 6 a a DET DT
## 6940 1991 115 7 responsibility responsibility NOUN NN
## 6941 1991 115 8 to to PART TO
## 6942 1991 115 9 speak speak VERB VB
## 6943 1991 115 10 out out ADP RP
## 6944 1991 115 11 against against ADP IN
## 6945 1991 115 12 racism racism NOUN NN
## 6946 1991 115 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 6947 1991 115 14 bigotry bigotry NOUN NN
## 6948 1991 115 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 6949 1991 115 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 6950 1991 115 17 hate hate NOUN NN
## 6951 1991 115 18 . . PUNCT .
## 6952 1991 116 1 We we PRON PRP
## 6953 1991 116 2 will will AUX MD
## 6954 1991 116 3 continue continue VERB VB
## 6955 1991 116 4 our our PRON PRP$
## 6956 1991 116 5 vigorous vigorous ADJ JJ
## 6957 1991 116 6 enforcement enforcement NOUN NN
## 6958 1991 116 7 of of ADP IN
## 6959 1991 116 8 existing exist VERB VBG
## 6960 1991 116 9 statutes statute NOUN NNS
## 6961 1991 116 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 6962 1991 116 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 6963 1991 116 12 I I PRON PRP
## 6964 1991 116 13 will will AUX MD
## 6965 1991 116 14 once once ADV RB
## 6966 1991 116 15 again again ADV RB
## 6967 1991 116 16 press press VERB VB
## 6968 1991 116 17 the the DET DT
## 6969 1991 116 18 Congress Congress PROPN NNP
## 6970 1991 116 19 to to PART TO
## 6971 1991 116 20 strengthen strengthen VERB VB
## 6972 1991 116 21 the the DET DT
## 6973 1991 116 22 laws law NOUN NNS
## 6974 1991 116 23 against against ADP IN
## 6975 1991 116 24 employment employment NOUN NN
## 6976 1991 116 25 discrimination discrimination NOUN NN
## 6977 1991 116 26 without without ADP IN
## 6978 1991 116 27 resorting resort VERB VBG
## 6979 1991 116 28 to to ADP IN
## 6980 1991 116 29 the the DET DT
## 6981 1991 116 30 use use NOUN NN
## 6982 1991 116 31 of of ADP IN
## 6983 1991 116 32 unfair unfair ADJ JJ
## 6984 1991 116 33 preferences preference NOUN NNS
## 6985 1991 116 34 . . PUNCT .
## 6986 1991 117 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6987 1991 117 2 We we PRON PRP
## 6988 1991 117 3 're be AUX VBP
## 6989 1991 117 4 determined determined ADJ JJ
## 6990 1991 117 5 to to PART TO
## 6991 1991 117 6 protect protect VERB VB
## 6992 1991 117 7 another another DET DT
## 6993 1991 117 8 fundamental fundamental ADJ JJ
## 6994 1991 117 9 civil civil ADJ JJ
## 6995 1991 117 10 right right NOUN NN
## 6996 1991 117 11 : : PUNCT :
## 6997 1991 117 12 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 6998 1991 117 13 from from ADP IN
## 6999 1991 117 14 crime crime NOUN NN
## 7000 1991 117 15 and and CCONJ CC
## 7001 1991 117 16 the the DET DT
## 7002 1991 117 17 fear fear NOUN NN
## 7003 1991 117 18 that that PRON WDT
## 7004 1991 117 19 stalks stalk VERB VBZ
## 7005 1991 117 20 our our PRON PRP$
## 7006 1991 117 21 cities city NOUN NNS
## 7007 1991 117 22 . . PUNCT .
## 7008 1991 118 1 The the DET DT
## 7009 1991 118 2 Attorney Attorney PROPN NNP
## 7010 1991 118 3 General General PROPN NNP
## 7011 1991 118 4 will will AUX MD
## 7012 1991 118 5 soon soon ADV RB
## 7013 1991 118 6 convene convene VERB VB
## 7014 1991 118 7 a a DET DT
## 7015 1991 118 8 crime crime NOUN NN
## 7016 1991 118 9 summit summit NOUN NN
## 7017 1991 118 10 of of ADP IN
## 7018 1991 118 11 our our PRON PRP$
## 7019 1991 118 12 nation nation NOUN NN
## 7020 1991 118 13 's 's PART POS
## 7021 1991 118 14 law law NOUN NN
## 7022 1991 118 15 enforcement enforcement NOUN NN
## 7023 1991 118 16 officials official NOUN NNS
## 7024 1991 118 17 . . PUNCT .
## 7025 1991 119 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 7026 1991 119 2 to to PART TO
## 7027 1991 119 3 help help VERB VB
## 7028 1991 119 4 us we PRON PRP
## 7029 1991 119 5 support support VERB VB
## 7030 1991 119 6 them they PRON PRP
## 7031 1991 119 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 7032 1991 119 8 we we PRON PRP
## 7033 1991 119 9 need need VERB VBP
## 7034 1991 119 10 tough tough ADJ JJ
## 7035 1991 119 11 crime crime NOUN NN
## 7036 1991 119 12 control control NOUN NN
## 7037 1991 119 13 legislation legislation NOUN NN
## 7038 1991 119 14 , , PUNCT ,
## 7039 1991 119 15 and and CCONJ CC
## 7040 1991 119 16 we we PRON PRP
## 7041 1991 119 17 need need VERB VBP
## 7042 1991 119 18 it it PRON PRP
## 7043 1991 119 19 now now ADV RB
## 7044 1991 119 20 . . PUNCT .
## 7045 1991 120 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7046 1991 120 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 7047 1991 120 3 as as SCONJ IN
## 7048 1991 120 4 we we PRON PRP
## 7049 1991 120 5 fight fight VERB VBP
## 7050 1991 120 6 crime crime NOUN NN
## 7051 1991 120 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 7052 1991 120 8 we we PRON PRP
## 7053 1991 120 9 will will AUX MD
## 7054 1991 120 10 fully fully ADV RB
## 7055 1991 120 11 implement implement VERB VB
## 7056 1991 120 12 our our PRON PRP$
## 7057 1991 120 13 national national ADJ JJ
## 7058 1991 120 14 strategy strategy NOUN NN
## 7059 1991 120 15 for for ADP IN
## 7060 1991 120 16 combating combat VERB VBG
## 7061 1991 120 17 drug drug NOUN NN
## 7062 1991 120 18 abuse abuse NOUN NN
## 7063 1991 120 19 . . PUNCT .
## 7064 1991 121 1 Recent recent ADJ JJ
## 7065 1991 121 2 data datum NOUN NNS
## 7066 1991 121 3 show show VERB VBP
## 7067 1991 121 4 that that SCONJ IN
## 7068 1991 121 5 we we PRON PRP
## 7069 1991 121 6 are be AUX VBP
## 7070 1991 121 7 making make VERB VBG
## 7071 1991 121 8 progress progress NOUN NN
## 7072 1991 121 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 7073 1991 121 10 but but CCONJ CC
## 7074 1991 121 11 much much ADJ JJ
## 7075 1991 121 12 remains remain VERB VBZ
## 7076 1991 121 13 to to PART TO
## 7077 1991 121 14 be be AUX VB
## 7078 1991 121 15 done do VERB VBN
## 7079 1991 121 16 . . PUNCT .
## 7080 1991 122 1 We we PRON PRP
## 7081 1991 122 2 will will AUX MD
## 7082 1991 122 3 not not PART RB
## 7083 1991 122 4 rest rest VERB VB
## 7084 1991 122 5 until until SCONJ IN
## 7085 1991 122 6 the the DET DT
## 7086 1991 122 7 day day NOUN NN
## 7087 1991 122 8 of of ADP IN
## 7088 1991 122 9 the the DET DT
## 7089 1991 122 10 dealer dealer NOUN NN
## 7090 1991 122 11 is be AUX VBZ
## 7091 1991 122 12 over over ADV RB
## 7092 1991 122 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 7093 1991 122 14 forever forever ADV RB
## 7094 1991 122 15 . . PUNCT .
## 7095 1991 123 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7096 1991 123 2 Good good ADJ JJ
## 7097 1991 123 3 health health NOUN NN
## 7098 1991 123 4 care care NOUN NN
## 7099 1991 123 5 is be AUX VBZ
## 7100 1991 123 6 every every DET DT
## 7101 1991 123 7 American American PROPN NNP
## 7102 1991 123 8 's 's PART POS
## 7103 1991 123 9 right right NOUN NN
## 7104 1991 123 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 7105 1991 123 11 every every DET DT
## 7106 1991 123 12 American American PROPN NNP
## 7107 1991 123 13 's 's PART POS
## 7108 1991 123 14 responsibility responsibility NOUN NN
## 7109 1991 123 15 . . PUNCT .
## 7110 1991 124 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 7111 1991 124 2 so so ADV RB
## 7112 1991 124 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 7113 1991 124 4 we we PRON PRP
## 7114 1991 124 5 are be AUX VBP
## 7115 1991 124 6 proposing propose VERB VBG
## 7116 1991 124 7 an an DET DT
## 7117 1991 124 8 aggressive aggressive ADJ JJ
## 7118 1991 124 9 program program NOUN NN
## 7119 1991 124 10 of of ADP IN
## 7120 1991 124 11 new new ADJ JJ
## 7121 1991 124 12 prevention prevention NOUN NN
## 7122 1991 124 13 initiatives initiative NOUN NNS
## 7123 1991 124 14 -- -- PUNCT :
## 7124 1991 124 15 for for ADP IN
## 7125 1991 124 16 infants infant NOUN NNS
## 7126 1991 124 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 7127 1991 124 18 for for ADP IN
## 7128 1991 124 19 children child NOUN NNS
## 7129 1991 124 20 , , PUNCT ,
## 7130 1991 124 21 for for ADP IN
## 7131 1991 124 22 adults adult NOUN NNS
## 7132 1991 124 23 , , PUNCT ,
## 7133 1991 124 24 and and CCONJ CC
## 7134 1991 124 25 for for ADP IN
## 7135 1991 124 26 the the DET DT
## 7136 1991 124 27 elderly elderly ADJ JJ
## 7137 1991 124 28 -- -- PUNCT :
## 7138 1991 124 29 to to PART TO
## 7139 1991 124 30 promote promote VERB VB
## 7140 1991 124 31 a a DET DT
## 7141 1991 124 32 healthier healthy ADJ JJR
## 7142 1991 124 33 America America PROPN NNP
## 7143 1991 124 34 and and CCONJ CC
## 7144 1991 124 35 to to PART TO
## 7145 1991 124 36 help help VERB VB
## 7146 1991 124 37 keep keep VERB VB
## 7147 1991 124 38 costs cost NOUN NNS
## 7148 1991 124 39 from from ADP IN
## 7149 1991 124 40 spiraling spiral VERB VBG
## 7150 1991 124 41 . . PUNCT .
## 7151 1991 125 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7152 1991 125 2 It it PRON PRP
## 7153 1991 125 3 's be AUX VBZ
## 7154 1991 125 4 time time NOUN NN
## 7155 1991 125 5 to to PART TO
## 7156 1991 125 6 give give VERB VB
## 7157 1991 125 7 people people NOUN NNS
## 7158 1991 125 8 more more ADJ JJR
## 7159 1991 125 9 choice choice NOUN NN
## 7160 1991 125 10 in in ADP IN
## 7161 1991 125 11 government government NOUN NN
## 7162 1991 125 12 by by ADP IN
## 7163 1991 125 13 reviving revive VERB VBG
## 7164 1991 125 14 the the DET DT
## 7165 1991 125 15 ideal ideal NOUN NN
## 7166 1991 125 16 of of ADP IN
## 7167 1991 125 17 the the DET DT
## 7168 1991 125 18 citizen citizen NOUN NN
## 7169 1991 125 19 politician politician NOUN NN
## 7170 1991 125 20 who who PRON WP
## 7171 1991 125 21 comes come VERB VBZ
## 7172 1991 125 22 not not PART RB
## 7173 1991 125 23 to to PART TO
## 7174 1991 125 24 stay stay VERB VB
## 7175 1991 125 25 but but CCONJ CC
## 7176 1991 125 26 to to PART TO
## 7177 1991 125 27 serve serve VERB VB
## 7178 1991 125 28 . . PUNCT .
## 7179 1991 126 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 7180 1991 126 2 one one NUM CD
## 7181 1991 126 3 of of ADP IN
## 7182 1991 126 4 the the DET DT
## 7183 1991 126 5 reasons reason NOUN NNS
## 7184 1991 126 6 that that PRON WDT
## 7185 1991 126 7 there there PRON EX
## 7186 1991 126 8 is be VERB VBZ
## 7187 1991 126 9 so so ADV RB
## 7188 1991 126 10 much much ADJ JJ
## 7189 1991 126 11 support support NOUN NN
## 7190 1991 126 12 across across ADP IN
## 7191 1991 126 13 this this DET DT
## 7192 1991 126 14 country country NOUN NN
## 7193 1991 126 15 for for ADP IN
## 7194 1991 126 16 term term NOUN NN
## 7195 1991 126 17 limitations limitation NOUN NNS
## 7196 1991 126 18 is be AUX VBZ
## 7197 1991 126 19 that that SCONJ IN
## 7198 1991 126 20 the the DET DT
## 7199 1991 126 21 American american ADJ JJ
## 7200 1991 126 22 people people NOUN NNS
## 7201 1991 126 23 are be AUX VBP
## 7202 1991 126 24 increasingly increasingly ADV RB
## 7203 1991 126 25 concerned concerned ADJ JJ
## 7204 1991 126 26 about about ADP IN
## 7205 1991 126 27 big big ADJ JJ
## 7206 1991 126 28 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 7207 1991 126 29 money money NOUN NN
## 7208 1991 126 30 influence influence NOUN NN
## 7209 1991 126 31 in in ADP IN
## 7210 1991 126 32 politics politic NOUN NNS
## 7211 1991 126 33 . . PUNCT .
## 7212 1991 127 1 So so ADV RB
## 7213 1991 127 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 7214 1991 127 3 we we PRON PRP
## 7215 1991 127 4 must must AUX MD
## 7216 1991 127 5 look look VERB VB
## 7217 1991 127 6 beyond beyond ADP IN
## 7218 1991 127 7 the the DET DT
## 7219 1991 127 8 next next ADJ JJ
## 7220 1991 127 9 election election NOUN NN
## 7221 1991 127 10 to to ADP IN
## 7222 1991 127 11 the the DET DT
## 7223 1991 127 12 next next ADJ JJ
## 7224 1991 127 13 generation generation NOUN NN
## 7225 1991 127 14 . . PUNCT .
## 7226 1991 128 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 7227 1991 128 2 the the DET DT
## 7228 1991 128 3 time time NOUN NN
## 7229 1991 128 4 has have AUX VBZ
## 7230 1991 128 5 come come VERB VBN
## 7231 1991 128 6 to to PART TO
## 7232 1991 128 7 put put VERB VB
## 7233 1991 128 8 the the DET DT
## 7234 1991 128 9 national national ADJ JJ
## 7235 1991 128 10 interest interest NOUN NN
## 7236 1991 128 11 above above ADP IN
## 7237 1991 128 12 the the DET DT
## 7238 1991 128 13 special special ADJ JJ
## 7239 1991 128 14 interest interest NOUN NN
## 7240 1991 128 15 and and CCONJ CC
## 7241 1991 128 16 to to PART TO
## 7242 1991 128 17 totally totally ADV RB
## 7243 1991 128 18 eliminate eliminate VERB VB
## 7244 1991 128 19 political political ADJ JJ
## 7245 1991 128 20 action action NOUN NN
## 7246 1991 128 21 committees committee NOUN NNS
## 7247 1991 128 22 . . PUNCT .
## 7248 1991 129 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 7249 1991 129 2 that that PRON DT
## 7250 1991 129 3 would would AUX MD
## 7251 1991 129 4 truly truly ADV RB
## 7252 1991 129 5 put put VERB VB
## 7253 1991 129 6 more more ADJ JJR
## 7254 1991 129 7 competition competition NOUN NN
## 7255 1991 129 8 in in ADP IN
## 7256 1991 129 9 elections election NOUN NNS
## 7257 1991 129 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 7258 1991 129 11 more more ADJ JJR
## 7259 1991 129 12 power power NOUN NN
## 7260 1991 129 13 in in ADP IN
## 7261 1991 129 14 the the DET DT
## 7262 1991 129 15 hands hand NOUN NNS
## 7263 1991 129 16 of of ADP IN
## 7264 1991 129 17 individuals individual NOUN NNS
## 7265 1991 129 18 . . PUNCT .
## 7266 1991 130 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7267 1991 130 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 7268 1991 130 3 where where SCONJ WRB
## 7269 1991 130 4 power power NOUN NN
## 7270 1991 130 5 can can AUX MD
## 7271 1991 130 6 not not PART RB
## 7272 1991 130 7 be be AUX VB
## 7273 1991 130 8 put put VERB VBN
## 7274 1991 130 9 directly directly ADV RB
## 7275 1991 130 10 in in ADP IN
## 7276 1991 130 11 the the DET DT
## 7277 1991 130 12 hands hand NOUN NNS
## 7278 1991 130 13 of of ADP IN
## 7279 1991 130 14 the the DET DT
## 7280 1991 130 15 individual individual NOUN NN
## 7281 1991 130 16 , , PUNCT ,
## 7282 1991 130 17 it it PRON PRP
## 7283 1991 130 18 should should AUX MD
## 7284 1991 130 19 be be AUX VB
## 7285 1991 130 20 moved move VERB VBN
## 7286 1991 130 21 closer close ADV RBR
## 7287 1991 130 22 to to ADP IN
## 7288 1991 130 23 the the DET DT
## 7289 1991 130 24 people people NOUN NNS
## 7290 1991 130 25 , , PUNCT ,
## 7291 1991 130 26 away away ADV RB
## 7292 1991 130 27 from from ADP IN
## 7293 1991 130 28 Washington Washington PROPN NNP
## 7294 1991 130 29 . . PUNCT .
## 7295 1991 131 1 The the DET DT
## 7296 1991 131 2 Federal Federal PROPN NNP
## 7297 1991 131 3 Government Government PROPN NNP
## 7298 1991 131 4 too too ADV RB
## 7299 1991 131 5 often often ADV RB
## 7300 1991 131 6 treats treat VERB VBZ
## 7301 1991 131 7 government government NOUN NN
## 7302 1991 131 8 programs program NOUN NNS
## 7303 1991 131 9 as as SCONJ IN
## 7304 1991 131 10 if if SCONJ IN
## 7305 1991 131 11 they they PRON PRP
## 7306 1991 131 12 are be AUX VBP
## 7307 1991 131 13 of of ADP IN
## 7308 1991 131 14 Washington Washington PROPN NNP
## 7309 1991 131 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 7310 1991 131 16 by by ADP IN
## 7311 1991 131 17 Washington Washington PROPN NNP
## 7312 1991 131 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 7313 1991 131 19 and and CCONJ CC
## 7314 1991 131 20 for for ADP IN
## 7315 1991 131 21 Washington Washington PROPN NNP
## 7316 1991 131 22 . . PUNCT .
## 7317 1991 132 1 Once once ADV RB
## 7318 1991 132 2 established establish VERB VBN
## 7319 1991 132 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 7320 1991 132 4 Federal federal ADJ JJ
## 7321 1991 132 5 programs program NOUN NNS
## 7322 1991 132 6 seem seem VERB VBP
## 7323 1991 132 7 to to PART TO
## 7324 1991 132 8 become become VERB VB
## 7325 1991 132 9 immortal immortal ADJ JJ
## 7326 1991 132 10 . . PUNCT .
## 7327 1991 133 1 It it PRON PRP
## 7328 1991 133 2 's be AUX VBZ
## 7329 1991 133 3 time time NOUN NN
## 7330 1991 133 4 for for ADP IN
## 7331 1991 133 5 a a DET DT
## 7332 1991 133 6 more more ADV RBR
## 7333 1991 133 7 dynamic dynamic ADJ JJ
## 7334 1991 133 8 program program NOUN NN
## 7335 1991 133 9 life life NOUN NN
## 7336 1991 133 10 cycle cycle NOUN NN
## 7337 1991 133 11 . . PUNCT .
## 7338 1991 134 1 Some some DET DT
## 7339 1991 134 2 programs program NOUN NNS
## 7340 1991 134 3 should should AUX MD
## 7341 1991 134 4 increase increase VERB VB
## 7342 1991 134 5 . . PUNCT .
## 7343 1991 135 1 Some some PRON DT
## 7344 1991 135 2 should should AUX MD
## 7345 1991 135 3 decrease decrease VERB VB
## 7346 1991 135 4 . . PUNCT .
## 7347 1991 136 1 Some some PRON DT
## 7348 1991 136 2 should should AUX MD
## 7349 1991 136 3 be be AUX VB
## 7350 1991 136 4 terminated terminate VERB VBN
## 7351 1991 136 5 . . PUNCT .
## 7352 1991 137 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 7353 1991 137 2 some some PRON DT
## 7354 1991 137 3 should should AUX MD
## 7355 1991 137 4 be be AUX VB
## 7356 1991 137 5 consolidated consolidate VERB VBN
## 7357 1991 137 6 and and CCONJ CC
## 7358 1991 137 7 turned turn VERB VBD
## 7359 1991 137 8 over over ADP RP
## 7360 1991 137 9 to to ADP IN
## 7361 1991 137 10 the the DET DT
## 7362 1991 137 11 States States PROPN NNPS
## 7363 1991 137 12 . . PUNCT .
## 7364 1991 138 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7365 1991 138 2 My my PRON PRP$
## 7366 1991 138 3 budget budget NOUN NN
## 7367 1991 138 4 includes include VERB VBZ
## 7368 1991 138 5 a a DET DT
## 7369 1991 138 6 list list NOUN NN
## 7370 1991 138 7 of of ADP IN
## 7371 1991 138 8 programs program NOUN NNS
## 7372 1991 138 9 for for ADP IN
## 7373 1991 138 10 potential potential ADJ JJ
## 7374 1991 138 11 turnover turnover NOUN NN
## 7375 1991 138 12 totaling total VERB VBG
## 7376 1991 138 13 more more ADJ JJR
## 7377 1991 138 14 than than ADP IN
## 7378 1991 138 15 $ $ SYM $
## 7379 1991 138 16 20 20 NUM CD
## 7380 1991 138 17 billion billion NUM CD
## 7381 1991 138 18 . . PUNCT .
## 7382 1991 139 1 Working work VERB VBG
## 7383 1991 139 2 with with ADP IN
## 7384 1991 139 3 Congress Congress PROPN NNP
## 7385 1991 139 4 and and CCONJ CC
## 7386 1991 139 5 the the DET DT
## 7387 1991 139 6 Governors Governors PROPN NNPS
## 7388 1991 139 7 , , PUNCT ,
## 7389 1991 139 8 I I PRON PRP
## 7390 1991 139 9 propose propose VERB VBP
## 7391 1991 139 10 we we PRON PRP
## 7392 1991 139 11 select select VERB VBP
## 7393 1991 139 12 at at ADP IN
## 7394 1991 139 13 least least ADV RBS
## 7395 1991 139 14 $ $ SYM $
## 7396 1991 139 15 15 15 NUM CD
## 7397 1991 139 16 billion billion NUM CD
## 7398 1991 139 17 in in ADP IN
## 7399 1991 139 18 such such ADJ JJ
## 7400 1991 139 19 programs program NOUN NNS
## 7401 1991 139 20 and and CCONJ CC
## 7402 1991 139 21 turn turn VERB VB
## 7403 1991 139 22 them they PRON PRP
## 7404 1991 139 23 over over ADP RP
## 7405 1991 139 24 to to ADP IN
## 7406 1991 139 25 the the DET DT
## 7407 1991 139 26 States States PROPN NNP
## 7408 1991 139 27 in in ADP IN
## 7409 1991 139 28 a a DET DT
## 7410 1991 139 29 single single ADJ JJ
## 7411 1991 139 30 consolidated consolidated ADJ JJ
## 7412 1991 139 31 grant grant NOUN NN
## 7413 1991 139 32 , , PUNCT ,
## 7414 1991 139 33 fully fully ADV RB
## 7415 1991 139 34 funded fund VERB VBN
## 7416 1991 139 35 , , PUNCT ,
## 7417 1991 139 36 for for ADP IN
## 7418 1991 139 37 flexible flexible ADJ JJ
## 7419 1991 139 38 management management NOUN NN
## 7420 1991 139 39 by by ADP IN
## 7421 1991 139 40 the the DET DT
## 7422 1991 139 41 States States PROPN NNPS
## 7423 1991 139 42 . . PUNCT .
## 7424 1991 140 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7425 1991 140 2 The the DET DT
## 7426 1991 140 3 value value NOUN NN
## 7427 1991 140 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 7428 1991 140 5 the the DET DT
## 7429 1991 140 6 value value NOUN NN
## 7430 1991 140 7 of of ADP IN
## 7431 1991 140 8 this this DET DT
## 7432 1991 140 9 turnover turnover NOUN NN
## 7433 1991 140 10 approach approach NOUN NN
## 7434 1991 140 11 is be AUX VBZ
## 7435 1991 140 12 straightforward straightforward ADJ JJ
## 7436 1991 140 13 . . PUNCT .
## 7437 1991 141 1 It it PRON PRP
## 7438 1991 141 2 allows allow VERB VBZ
## 7439 1991 141 3 the the DET DT
## 7440 1991 141 4 Federal Federal PROPN NNP
## 7441 1991 141 5 Government Government PROPN NNP
## 7442 1991 141 6 to to PART TO
## 7443 1991 141 7 reduce reduce VERB VB
## 7444 1991 141 8 overhead overhead ADV RB
## 7445 1991 141 9 . . PUNCT .
## 7446 1991 142 1 It it PRON PRP
## 7447 1991 142 2 allows allow VERB VBZ
## 7448 1991 142 3 States States PROPN NNP
## 7449 1991 142 4 to to PART TO
## 7450 1991 142 5 manage manage VERB VB
## 7451 1991 142 6 more more ADV RBR
## 7452 1991 142 7 flexibly flexibly ADV RB
## 7453 1991 142 8 and and CCONJ CC
## 7454 1991 142 9 more more ADV RBR
## 7455 1991 142 10 efficiently efficiently ADV RB
## 7456 1991 142 11 . . PUNCT .
## 7457 1991 143 1 It it PRON PRP
## 7458 1991 143 2 moves move VERB VBZ
## 7459 1991 143 3 power power NOUN NN
## 7460 1991 143 4 and and CCONJ CC
## 7461 1991 143 5 decisionmaking decisionmake VERB VBG
## 7462 1991 143 6 closer close ADV RBR
## 7463 1991 143 7 to to ADP IN
## 7464 1991 143 8 the the DET DT
## 7465 1991 143 9 people people NOUN NNS
## 7466 1991 143 10 . . PUNCT .
## 7467 1991 144 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 7468 1991 144 2 it it PRON PRP
## 7469 1991 144 3 reinforces reinforce VERB VBZ
## 7470 1991 144 4 a a DET DT
## 7471 1991 144 5 theme theme NOUN NN
## 7472 1991 144 6 of of ADP IN
## 7473 1991 144 7 this this DET DT
## 7474 1991 144 8 administration administration NOUN NN
## 7475 1991 144 9 : : PUNCT :
## 7476 1991 144 10 appreciation appreciation NOUN NN
## 7477 1991 144 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 7478 1991 144 12 encouragement encouragement NOUN NN
## 7479 1991 144 13 of of ADP IN
## 7480 1991 144 14 the the DET DT
## 7481 1991 144 15 innovative innovative ADJ JJ
## 7482 1991 144 16 powers power NOUN NNS
## 7483 1991 144 17 of of ADP IN
## 7484 1991 144 18 States States PROPN NNP
## 7485 1991 144 19 as as ADP IN
## 7486 1991 144 20 laboratories laboratory NOUN NNS
## 7487 1991 144 21 . . PUNCT .
## 7488 1991 145 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7489 1991 145 2 This this DET DT
## 7490 1991 145 3 nation nation NOUN NN
## 7491 1991 145 4 was be AUX VBD
## 7492 1991 145 5 founded found VERB VBN
## 7493 1991 145 6 by by ADP IN
## 7494 1991 145 7 leaders leader NOUN NNS
## 7495 1991 145 8 who who PRON WP
## 7496 1991 145 9 understood understand VERB VBD
## 7497 1991 145 10 that that SCONJ IN
## 7498 1991 145 11 power power NOUN NN
## 7499 1991 145 12 belongs belong VERB VBZ
## 7500 1991 145 13 in in ADP IN
## 7501 1991 145 14 the the DET DT
## 7502 1991 145 15 hands hand NOUN NNS
## 7503 1991 145 16 of of ADP IN
## 7504 1991 145 17 people people NOUN NNS
## 7505 1991 145 18 . . PUNCT .
## 7506 1991 146 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 7507 1991 146 2 they they PRON PRP
## 7508 1991 146 3 planned plan VERB VBD
## 7509 1991 146 4 for for ADP IN
## 7510 1991 146 5 the the DET DT
## 7511 1991 146 6 future future NOUN NN
## 7512 1991 146 7 . . PUNCT .
## 7513 1991 147 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 7514 1991 147 2 so so ADV RB
## 7515 1991 147 3 must must AUX MD
## 7516 1991 147 4 we we PRON PRP
## 7517 1991 147 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 7518 1991 147 6 here here ADV RB
## 7519 1991 147 7 and and CCONJ CC
## 7520 1991 147 8 all all ADV RB
## 7521 1991 147 9 around around ADP IN
## 7522 1991 147 10 the the DET DT
## 7523 1991 147 11 world world NOUN NN
## 7524 1991 147 12 . . PUNCT .
## 7525 1991 148 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7526 1991 148 2 As as ADP IN
## 7527 1991 148 3 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 7528 1991 148 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 7529 1991 148 5 we we PRON PRP
## 7530 1991 148 6 know know VERB VBP
## 7531 1991 148 7 that that SCONJ IN
## 7532 1991 148 8 there there PRON EX
## 7533 1991 148 9 are be VERB VBP
## 7534 1991 148 10 times time NOUN NNS
## 7535 1991 148 11 when when SCONJ WRB
## 7536 1991 148 12 we we PRON PRP
## 7537 1991 148 13 must must AUX MD
## 7538 1991 148 14 step step VERB VB
## 7539 1991 148 15 forward forward ADV RB
## 7540 1991 148 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 7541 1991 148 17 accept accept VERB VB
## 7542 1991 148 18 our our PRON PRP$
## 7543 1991 148 19 responsibility responsibility NOUN NN
## 7544 1991 148 20 to to PART TO
## 7545 1991 148 21 lead lead VERB VB
## 7546 1991 148 22 the the DET DT
## 7547 1991 148 23 world world NOUN NN
## 7548 1991 148 24 away away ADV RB
## 7549 1991 148 25 from from ADP IN
## 7550 1991 148 26 the the DET DT
## 7551 1991 148 27 dark dark ADJ JJ
## 7552 1991 148 28 chaos chaos NOUN NN
## 7553 1991 148 29 of of ADP IN
## 7554 1991 148 30 dictators dictator NOUN NNS
## 7555 1991 148 31 , , PUNCT ,
## 7556 1991 148 32 toward toward ADP IN
## 7557 1991 148 33 the the DET DT
## 7558 1991 148 34 brighter bright ADJ JJR
## 7559 1991 148 35 promise promise NOUN NN
## 7560 1991 148 36 of of ADP IN
## 7561 1991 148 37 a a DET DT
## 7562 1991 148 38 better well ADJ JJR
## 7563 1991 148 39 day day NOUN NN
## 7564 1991 148 40 . . PUNCT .
## 7565 1991 149 1 Almost almost ADV RB
## 7566 1991 149 2 50 50 NUM CD
## 7567 1991 149 3 years year NOUN NNS
## 7568 1991 149 4 ago ago ADV RB
## 7569 1991 149 5 we we PRON PRP
## 7570 1991 149 6 began begin VERB VBD
## 7571 1991 149 7 a a DET DT
## 7572 1991 149 8 long long ADJ JJ
## 7573 1991 149 9 struggle struggle NOUN NN
## 7574 1991 149 10 against against ADP IN
## 7575 1991 149 11 aggressive aggressive ADJ JJ
## 7576 1991 149 12 totalitarianism totalitarianism NOUN NN
## 7577 1991 149 13 . . PUNCT .
## 7578 1991 150 1 Now now ADV RB
## 7579 1991 150 2 we we PRON PRP
## 7580 1991 150 3 face face VERB VBP
## 7581 1991 150 4 another another DET DT
## 7582 1991 150 5 defining defining ADJ JJ
## 7583 1991 150 6 hour hour NOUN NN
## 7584 1991 150 7 for for ADP IN
## 7585 1991 150 8 America America PROPN NNP
## 7586 1991 150 9 and and CCONJ CC
## 7587 1991 150 10 the the DET DT
## 7588 1991 150 11 world world NOUN NN
## 7589 1991 150 12 . . PUNCT .
## 7590 1991 151 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7591 1991 151 2 There there PRON EX
## 7592 1991 151 3 is be VERB VBZ
## 7593 1991 151 4 no no DET DT
## 7594 1991 151 5 one one NOUN NN
## 7595 1991 151 6 more more ADV RBR
## 7596 1991 151 7 devoted devoted ADJ JJ
## 7597 1991 151 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 7598 1991 151 9 more more ADV RBR
## 7599 1991 151 10 committed committed ADJ JJ
## 7600 1991 151 11 to to ADP IN
## 7601 1991 151 12 the the DET DT
## 7602 1991 151 13 hard hard ADJ JJ
## 7603 1991 151 14 work work NOUN NN
## 7604 1991 151 15 of of ADP IN
## 7605 1991 151 16 freedom freedom NOUN NN
## 7606 1991 151 17 than than ADP IN
## 7607 1991 151 18 every every DET DT
## 7608 1991 151 19 soldier soldier NOUN NN
## 7609 1991 151 20 and and CCONJ CC
## 7610 1991 151 21 sailor sailor NOUN NN
## 7611 1991 151 22 , , PUNCT ,
## 7612 1991 151 23 every every DET DT
## 7613 1991 151 24 marine marine ADJ JJ
## 7614 1991 151 25 , , PUNCT ,
## 7615 1991 151 26 airman airman NOUN NN
## 7616 1991 151 27 , , PUNCT ,
## 7617 1991 151 28 and and CCONJ CC
## 7618 1991 151 29 coastguardsman coastguardsman PROPN NNP
## 7619 1991 151 30 , , PUNCT ,
## 7620 1991 151 31 every every DET DT
## 7621 1991 151 32 man man NOUN NN
## 7622 1991 151 33 and and CCONJ CC
## 7623 1991 151 34 woman woman NOUN NN
## 7624 1991 151 35 now now ADV RB
## 7625 1991 151 36 serving serve VERB VBG
## 7626 1991 151 37 in in ADP IN
## 7627 1991 151 38 the the DET DT
## 7628 1991 151 39 Persian Persian PROPN NNP
## 7629 1991 151 40 Gulf Gulf PROPN NNP
## 7630 1991 151 41 . . PUNCT .
## 7631 1991 152 1 Oh oh INTJ UH
## 7632 1991 152 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 7633 1991 152 3 how how SCONJ WRB
## 7634 1991 152 4 they they PRON PRP
## 7635 1991 152 5 deserve deserve VERB VBP
## 7636 1991 152 6 -- -- PUNCT .
## 7637 1991 153 1 [ [ X XX
## 7638 1991 153 2 applause applause X XX
## 7639 1991 153 3 ] ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 7640 1991 153 4 -- -- PUNCT :
## 7641 1991 153 5 and and CCONJ CC
## 7642 1991 153 6 what what PRON WP
## 7643 1991 153 7 a a DET DT
## 7644 1991 153 8 fitting fitting ADJ JJ
## 7645 1991 153 9 tribute tribute NOUN NN
## 7646 1991 153 10 to to ADP IN
## 7647 1991 153 11 them they PRON PRP
## 7648 1991 153 12 . . PUNCT .
## 7649 1991 154 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7650 1991 154 2 You you PRON PRP
## 7651 1991 154 3 see see VERB VBP
## 7652 1991 154 4 -- -- PUNCT :
## 7653 1991 154 5 what what DET WDT
## 7654 1991 154 6 a a DET DT
## 7655 1991 154 7 wonderful wonderful ADJ JJ
## 7656 1991 154 8 , , PUNCT ,
## 7657 1991 154 9 fitting fitting ADJ JJ
## 7658 1991 154 10 tribute tribute NOUN NN
## 7659 1991 154 11 to to ADP IN
## 7660 1991 154 12 them they PRON PRP
## 7661 1991 154 13 . . PUNCT .
## 7662 1991 155 1 Each each PRON DT
## 7663 1991 155 2 of of ADP IN
## 7664 1991 155 3 them they PRON PRP
## 7665 1991 155 4 has have AUX VBZ
## 7666 1991 155 5 volunteered volunteer VERB VBN
## 7667 1991 155 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 7668 1991 155 7 volunteered volunteer VERB VBD
## 7669 1991 155 8 to to PART TO
## 7670 1991 155 9 provide provide VERB VB
## 7671 1991 155 10 for for ADP IN
## 7672 1991 155 11 this this DET DT
## 7673 1991 155 12 nation nation NOUN NN
## 7674 1991 155 13 's 's PART POS
## 7675 1991 155 14 defense defense NOUN NN
## 7676 1991 155 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 7677 1991 155 16 and and CCONJ CC
## 7678 1991 155 17 now now ADV RB
## 7679 1991 155 18 they they PRON PRP
## 7680 1991 155 19 bravely bravely ADV RB
## 7681 1991 155 20 struggle struggle VERB VBP
## 7682 1991 155 21 to to PART TO
## 7683 1991 155 22 earn earn VERB VB
## 7684 1991 155 23 for for ADP IN
## 7685 1991 155 24 America America PROPN NNP
## 7686 1991 155 25 , , PUNCT ,
## 7687 1991 155 26 for for ADP IN
## 7688 1991 155 27 the the DET DT
## 7689 1991 155 28 world world NOUN NN
## 7690 1991 155 29 , , PUNCT ,
## 7691 1991 155 30 and and CCONJ CC
## 7692 1991 155 31 for for ADP IN
## 7693 1991 155 32 future future ADJ JJ
## 7694 1991 155 33 generations generation NOUN NNS
## 7695 1991 155 34 a a DET DT
## 7696 1991 155 35 just just ADV RB
## 7697 1991 155 36 and and CCONJ CC
## 7698 1991 155 37 lasting last VERB VBG
## 7699 1991 155 38 peace peace NOUN NN
## 7700 1991 155 39 . . PUNCT .
## 7701 1991 156 1 Our our PRON PRP$
## 7702 1991 156 2 commitment commitment NOUN NN
## 7703 1991 156 3 to to ADP IN
## 7704 1991 156 4 them they PRON PRP
## 7705 1991 156 5 must must AUX MD
## 7706 1991 156 6 be be AUX VB
## 7707 1991 156 7 equal equal ADJ JJ
## 7708 1991 156 8 to to ADP IN
## 7709 1991 156 9 their their PRON PRP$
## 7710 1991 156 10 commitment commitment NOUN NN
## 7711 1991 156 11 to to ADP IN
## 7712 1991 156 12 their their PRON PRP$
## 7713 1991 156 13 country country NOUN NN
## 7714 1991 156 14 . . PUNCT .
## 7715 1991 157 1 They they PRON PRP
## 7716 1991 157 2 are be AUX VBP
## 7717 1991 157 3 truly truly ADV RB
## 7718 1991 157 4 America America PROPN NNP
## 7719 1991 157 5 's 's PART POS
## 7720 1991 157 6 finest fine ADJ JJS
## 7721 1991 157 7 . . PUNCT .
## 7722 1991 158 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7723 1991 158 2 The the DET DT
## 7724 1991 158 3 war war NOUN NN
## 7725 1991 158 4 in in ADP IN
## 7726 1991 158 5 the the DET DT
## 7727 1991 158 6 Gulf Gulf PROPN NNP
## 7728 1991 158 7 is be AUX VBZ
## 7729 1991 158 8 not not PART RB
## 7730 1991 158 9 a a DET DT
## 7731 1991 158 10 war war NOUN NN
## 7732 1991 158 11 we we PRON PRP
## 7733 1991 158 12 wanted want VERB VBD
## 7734 1991 158 13 . . PUNCT .
## 7735 1991 159 1 We we PRON PRP
## 7736 1991 159 2 worked work VERB VBD
## 7737 1991 159 3 hard hard ADV RB
## 7738 1991 159 4 to to PART TO
## 7739 1991 159 5 avoid avoid VERB VB
## 7740 1991 159 6 war war NOUN NN
## 7741 1991 159 7 . . PUNCT .
## 7742 1991 160 1 For for ADP IN
## 7743 1991 160 2 more more ADJ JJR
## 7744 1991 160 3 than than ADP IN
## 7745 1991 160 4 5 5 NUM CD
## 7746 1991 160 5 months month NOUN NNS
## 7747 1991 160 6 we we PRON PRP
## 7748 1991 160 7 -- -- PUNCT :
## 7749 1991 160 8 along along ADP IN
## 7750 1991 160 9 with with ADP IN
## 7751 1991 160 10 the the DET DT
## 7752 1991 160 11 Arab Arab PROPN NNP
## 7753 1991 160 12 League League PROPN NNP
## 7754 1991 160 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 7755 1991 160 14 the the DET DT
## 7756 1991 160 15 European European PROPN NNP
## 7757 1991 160 16 Community Community PROPN NNP
## 7758 1991 160 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 7759 1991 160 18 the the DET DT
## 7760 1991 160 19 United United PROPN NNP
## 7761 1991 160 20 Nations Nations PROPN NNP
## 7762 1991 160 21 -- -- PUNCT :
## 7763 1991 160 22 tried try VERB VBD
## 7764 1991 160 23 every every DET DT
## 7765 1991 160 24 diplomatic diplomatic ADJ JJ
## 7766 1991 160 25 avenue avenue NOUN NN
## 7767 1991 160 26 . . PUNCT .
## 7768 1991 161 1 U.N. U.N. PROPN NNP
## 7769 1991 161 2 Secretary Secretary PROPN NNP
## 7770 1991 161 3 - - PUNCT HYPH
## 7771 1991 161 4 General General PROPN NNP
## 7772 1991 161 5 Perez Perez PROPN NNP
## 7773 1991 161 6 de de PROPN NNP
## 7774 1991 161 7 Cuellar Cuellar PROPN NNP
## 7775 1991 161 8 ; ; PUNCT :
## 7776 1991 161 9 Presidents president NOUN NNS
## 7777 1991 161 10 Gorbachev Gorbachev PROPN NNP
## 7778 1991 161 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 7779 1991 161 12 Mitterrand Mitterrand PROPN NNP
## 7780 1991 161 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 7781 1991 161 14 Ozal Ozal PROPN NNP
## 7782 1991 161 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 7783 1991 161 16 Mubarak Mubarak PROPN NNP
## 7784 1991 161 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 7785 1991 161 18 and and CCONJ CC
## 7786 1991 161 19 Bendjedid Bendjedid PROPN NNP
## 7787 1991 161 20 ; ; PUNCT :
## 7788 1991 161 21 Kings king NOUN NNS
## 7789 1991 161 22 Fahd Fahd PROPN NNP
## 7790 1991 161 23 and and CCONJ CC
## 7791 1991 161 24 Hassan Hassan PROPN NNP
## 7792 1991 161 25 ; ; PUNCT :
## 7793 1991 161 26 Prime Prime PROPN NNP
## 7794 1991 161 27 Ministers Ministers PROPN NNP
## 7795 1991 161 28 Major Major PROPN NNP
## 7796 1991 161 29 and and CCONJ CC
## 7797 1991 161 30 Andreotti Andreotti PROPN NNP
## 7798 1991 161 31 -- -- PUNCT :
## 7799 1991 161 32 just just ADV RB
## 7800 1991 161 33 to to PART TO
## 7801 1991 161 34 name name VERB VB
## 7802 1991 161 35 a a DET DT
## 7803 1991 161 36 few few ADJ JJ
## 7804 1991 161 37 -- -- PUNCT :
## 7805 1991 161 38 all all PRON DT
## 7806 1991 161 39 worked work VERB VBD
## 7807 1991 161 40 for for ADP IN
## 7808 1991 161 41 a a DET DT
## 7809 1991 161 42 solution solution NOUN NN
## 7810 1991 161 43 . . PUNCT .
## 7811 1991 162 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 7812 1991 162 2 time time NOUN NN
## 7813 1991 162 3 and and CCONJ CC
## 7814 1991 162 4 again again ADV RB
## 7815 1991 162 5 , , PUNCT ,
## 7816 1991 162 6 Saddam Saddam PROPN NNP
## 7817 1991 162 7 Hussein Hussein PROPN NNP
## 7818 1991 162 8 flatly flatly ADV RB
## 7819 1991 162 9 rejected reject VERB VBD
## 7820 1991 162 10 the the DET DT
## 7821 1991 162 11 path path NOUN NN
## 7822 1991 162 12 of of ADP IN
## 7823 1991 162 13 diplomacy diplomacy NOUN NN
## 7824 1991 162 14 and and CCONJ CC
## 7825 1991 162 15 peace peace NOUN NN
## 7826 1991 162 16 . . PUNCT .
## 7827 1991 163 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7828 1991 163 2 The the DET DT
## 7829 1991 163 3 world world NOUN NN
## 7830 1991 163 4 well well ADV RB
## 7831 1991 163 5 knows know VERB VBZ
## 7832 1991 163 6 how how SCONJ WRB
## 7833 1991 163 7 this this DET DT
## 7834 1991 163 8 conflict conflict NOUN NN
## 7835 1991 163 9 began begin VERB VBD
## 7836 1991 163 10 and and CCONJ CC
## 7837 1991 163 11 when when SCONJ WRB
## 7838 1991 163 12 : : PUNCT :
## 7839 1991 163 13 It it PRON PRP
## 7840 1991 163 14 began begin VERB VBD
## 7841 1991 163 15 on on ADP IN
## 7842 1991 163 16 August August PROPN NNP
## 7843 1991 163 17 2d 2d PROPN NNP
## 7844 1991 163 18 , , PUNCT ,
## 7845 1991 163 19 when when SCONJ WRB
## 7846 1991 163 20 Saddam Saddam PROPN NNP
## 7847 1991 163 21 invaded invade VERB VBD
## 7848 1991 163 22 and and CCONJ CC
## 7849 1991 163 23 sacked sack VERB VBD
## 7850 1991 163 24 a a DET DT
## 7851 1991 163 25 small small ADJ JJ
## 7852 1991 163 26 , , PUNCT ,
## 7853 1991 163 27 defenseless defenseless ADJ JJ
## 7854 1991 163 28 neighbor neighbor NOUN NN
## 7855 1991 163 29 . . PUNCT .
## 7856 1991 164 1 And and CCONJ CC
## 7857 1991 164 2 I I PRON PRP
## 7858 1991 164 3 am be AUX VBP
## 7859 1991 164 4 certain certain ADJ JJ
## 7860 1991 164 5 of of ADP IN
## 7861 1991 164 6 how how SCONJ WRB
## 7862 1991 164 7 it it PRON PRP
## 7863 1991 164 8 will will AUX MD
## 7864 1991 164 9 end end VERB VB
## 7865 1991 164 10 . . PUNCT .
## 7866 1991 165 1 So so ADV RB
## 7867 1991 165 2 that that DET DT
## 7868 1991 165 3 peace peace NOUN NN
## 7869 1991 165 4 can can AUX MD
## 7870 1991 165 5 prevail prevail VERB VB
## 7871 1991 165 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 7872 1991 165 7 we we PRON PRP
## 7873 1991 165 8 will will AUX MD
## 7874 1991 165 9 prevail prevail VERB VB
## 7875 1991 165 10 . . PUNCT .
## 7876 1991 166 1 [ [ X XX
## 7877 1991 166 2 Applause applause X XX
## 7878 1991 166 3 ] ] X XX
## 7879 1991 166 4 Thank thank VERB VBP
## 7880 1991 166 5 you you PRON PRP
## 7881 1991 166 6 . . PUNCT .
## 7882 1991 167 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7883 1991 167 2 Tonight tonight NOUN NN
## 7884 1991 167 3 I I PRON PRP
## 7885 1991 167 4 am be AUX VBP
## 7886 1991 167 5 pleased pleased ADJ JJ
## 7887 1991 167 6 to to PART TO
## 7888 1991 167 7 report report VERB VB
## 7889 1991 167 8 that that SCONJ IN
## 7890 1991 167 9 we we PRON PRP
## 7891 1991 167 10 are be AUX VBP
## 7892 1991 167 11 on on ADP IN
## 7893 1991 167 12 course course NOUN NN
## 7894 1991 167 13 . . PUNCT .
## 7895 1991 168 1 Iraq Iraq PROPN NNP
## 7896 1991 168 2 's 's PART POS
## 7897 1991 168 3 capacity capacity NOUN NN
## 7898 1991 168 4 to to PART TO
## 7899 1991 168 5 sustain sustain VERB VB
## 7900 1991 168 6 war war NOUN NN
## 7901 1991 168 7 is be AUX VBZ
## 7902 1991 168 8 being be AUX VBG
## 7903 1991 168 9 destroyed destroy VERB VBN
## 7904 1991 168 10 . . PUNCT .
## 7905 1991 169 1 Our our PRON PRP$
## 7906 1991 169 2 investment investment NOUN NN
## 7907 1991 169 3 , , PUNCT ,
## 7908 1991 169 4 our our PRON PRP$
## 7909 1991 169 5 training training NOUN NN
## 7910 1991 169 6 , , PUNCT ,
## 7911 1991 169 7 our our PRON PRP$
## 7912 1991 169 8 planning planning NOUN NN
## 7913 1991 169 9 -- -- PUNCT :
## 7914 1991 169 10 all all PRON DT
## 7915 1991 169 11 are be AUX VBP
## 7916 1991 169 12 paying pay VERB VBG
## 7917 1991 169 13 off off ADP RP
## 7918 1991 169 14 . . PUNCT .
## 7919 1991 170 1 Time time NOUN NN
## 7920 1991 170 2 will will AUX MD
## 7921 1991 170 3 not not PART RB
## 7922 1991 170 4 be be AUX VB
## 7923 1991 170 5 Saddam Saddam PROPN NNP
## 7924 1991 170 6 's 's PART POS
## 7925 1991 170 7 salvation salvation NOUN NN
## 7926 1991 170 8 . . PUNCT .
## 7927 1991 171 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7928 1991 171 2 Our our PRON PRP$
## 7929 1991 171 3 purpose purpose NOUN NN
## 7930 1991 171 4 in in ADP IN
## 7931 1991 171 5 the the DET DT
## 7932 1991 171 6 Persian Persian PROPN NNP
## 7933 1991 171 7 Gulf Gulf PROPN NNP
## 7934 1991 171 8 remains remain VERB VBZ
## 7935 1991 171 9 constant constant ADJ JJ
## 7936 1991 171 10 : : PUNCT :
## 7937 1991 171 11 to to PART TO
## 7938 1991 171 12 drive drive VERB VB
## 7939 1991 171 13 Iraq Iraq PROPN NNP
## 7940 1991 171 14 out out ADP IN
## 7941 1991 171 15 of of ADP IN
## 7942 1991 171 16 Kuwait Kuwait PROPN NNP
## 7943 1991 171 17 , , PUNCT ,
## 7944 1991 171 18 to to PART TO
## 7945 1991 171 19 restore restore VERB VB
## 7946 1991 171 20 Kuwait Kuwait PROPN NNP
## 7947 1991 171 21 's 's PART POS
## 7948 1991 171 22 legitimate legitimate ADJ JJ
## 7949 1991 171 23 government government NOUN NN
## 7950 1991 171 24 , , PUNCT ,
## 7951 1991 171 25 and and CCONJ CC
## 7952 1991 171 26 to to PART TO
## 7953 1991 171 27 ensure ensure VERB VB
## 7954 1991 171 28 the the DET DT
## 7955 1991 171 29 stability stability NOUN NN
## 7956 1991 171 30 and and CCONJ CC
## 7957 1991 171 31 security security NOUN NN
## 7958 1991 171 32 of of ADP IN
## 7959 1991 171 33 this this DET DT
## 7960 1991 171 34 critical critical ADJ JJ
## 7961 1991 171 35 region region NOUN NN
## 7962 1991 171 36 . . PUNCT .
## 7963 1991 172 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7964 1991 172 2 Let let VERB VB
## 7965 1991 172 3 me I PRON PRP
## 7966 1991 172 4 make make VERB VB
## 7967 1991 172 5 clear clear ADJ JJ
## 7968 1991 172 6 what what PRON WP
## 7969 1991 172 7 I I PRON PRP
## 7970 1991 172 8 mean mean VERB VBP
## 7971 1991 172 9 by by ADP IN
## 7972 1991 172 10 the the DET DT
## 7973 1991 172 11 region region NOUN NN
## 7974 1991 172 12 's 's PART POS
## 7975 1991 172 13 stability stability NOUN NN
## 7976 1991 172 14 and and CCONJ CC
## 7977 1991 172 15 security security NOUN NN
## 7978 1991 172 16 . . PUNCT .
## 7979 1991 173 1 We we PRON PRP
## 7980 1991 173 2 do do AUX VBP
## 7981 1991 173 3 not not PART RB
## 7982 1991 173 4 seek seek VERB VB
## 7983 1991 173 5 the the DET DT
## 7984 1991 173 6 destruction destruction NOUN NN
## 7985 1991 173 7 of of ADP IN
## 7986 1991 173 8 Iraq Iraq PROPN NNP
## 7987 1991 173 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 7988 1991 173 10 its its PRON PRP$
## 7989 1991 173 11 culture culture NOUN NN
## 7990 1991 173 12 , , PUNCT ,
## 7991 1991 173 13 or or CCONJ CC
## 7992 1991 173 14 its its PRON PRP$
## 7993 1991 173 15 people people NOUN NNS
## 7994 1991 173 16 . . PUNCT .
## 7995 1991 174 1 Rather rather ADV RB
## 7996 1991 174 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 7997 1991 174 3 we we PRON PRP
## 7998 1991 174 4 seek seek VERB VBP
## 7999 1991 174 5 an an DET DT
## 8000 1991 174 6 Iraq Iraq PROPN NNP
## 8001 1991 174 7 that that PRON WDT
## 8002 1991 174 8 uses use VERB VBZ
## 8003 1991 174 9 its its PRON PRP$
## 8004 1991 174 10 great great ADJ JJ
## 8005 1991 174 11 resources resource NOUN NNS
## 8006 1991 174 12 not not PART RB
## 8007 1991 174 13 to to PART TO
## 8008 1991 174 14 destroy destroy VERB VB
## 8009 1991 174 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 8010 1991 174 16 not not PART RB
## 8011 1991 174 17 to to PART TO
## 8012 1991 174 18 serve serve VERB VB
## 8013 1991 174 19 the the DET DT
## 8014 1991 174 20 ambitions ambition NOUN NNS
## 8015 1991 174 21 of of ADP IN
## 8016 1991 174 22 a a DET DT
## 8017 1991 174 23 tyrant tyrant NOUN NN
## 8018 1991 174 24 , , PUNCT ,
## 8019 1991 174 25 but but CCONJ CC
## 8020 1991 174 26 to to PART TO
## 8021 1991 174 27 build build VERB VB
## 8022 1991 174 28 a a DET DT
## 8023 1991 174 29 better well ADJ JJR
## 8024 1991 174 30 life life NOUN NN
## 8025 1991 174 31 for for ADP IN
## 8026 1991 174 32 itself itself PRON PRP
## 8027 1991 174 33 and and CCONJ CC
## 8028 1991 174 34 its its PRON PRP$
## 8029 1991 174 35 neighbors neighbor NOUN NNS
## 8030 1991 174 36 . . PUNCT .
## 8031 1991 175 1 We we PRON PRP
## 8032 1991 175 2 seek seek VERB VBP
## 8033 1991 175 3 a a DET DT
## 8034 1991 175 4 Persian Persian PROPN NNP
## 8035 1991 175 5 Gulf Gulf PROPN NNP
## 8036 1991 175 6 where where SCONJ WRB
## 8037 1991 175 7 conflict conflict NOUN NN
## 8038 1991 175 8 is be AUX VBZ
## 8039 1991 175 9 no no ADV RB
## 8040 1991 175 10 longer long ADV RBR
## 8041 1991 175 11 the the DET DT
## 8042 1991 175 12 rule rule NOUN NN
## 8043 1991 175 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 8044 1991 175 14 where where SCONJ WRB
## 8045 1991 175 15 the the DET DT
## 8046 1991 175 16 strong strong ADJ JJ
## 8047 1991 175 17 are be AUX VBP
## 8048 1991 175 18 neither neither CCONJ CC
## 8049 1991 175 19 tempted tempt VERB VBN
## 8050 1991 175 20 nor nor CCONJ CC
## 8051 1991 175 21 able able ADJ JJ
## 8052 1991 175 22 to to PART TO
## 8053 1991 175 23 intimidate intimidate VERB VB
## 8054 1991 175 24 the the DET DT
## 8055 1991 175 25 weak weak ADJ JJ
## 8056 1991 175 26 . . PUNCT .
## 8057 1991 176 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8058 1991 176 2 Most Most ADJ JJS
## 8059 1991 176 3 Americans Americans PROPN NNPS
## 8060 1991 176 4 know know VERB VBP
## 8061 1991 176 5 instinctively instinctively ADV RB
## 8062 1991 176 6 why why SCONJ WRB
## 8063 1991 176 7 we we PRON PRP
## 8064 1991 176 8 are be AUX VBP
## 8065 1991 176 9 in in ADP IN
## 8066 1991 176 10 the the DET DT
## 8067 1991 176 11 Gulf Gulf PROPN NNP
## 8068 1991 176 12 . . PUNCT .
## 8069 1991 177 1 They they PRON PRP
## 8070 1991 177 2 know know VERB VBP
## 8071 1991 177 3 we we PRON PRP
## 8072 1991 177 4 had have VERB VBD
## 8073 1991 177 5 to to PART TO
## 8074 1991 177 6 stop stop VERB VB
## 8075 1991 177 7 Saddam Saddam PROPN NNP
## 8076 1991 177 8 now now ADV RB
## 8077 1991 177 9 , , PUNCT ,
## 8078 1991 177 10 not not PART RB
## 8079 1991 177 11 later later ADV RB
## 8080 1991 177 12 . . PUNCT .
## 8081 1991 178 1 They they PRON PRP
## 8082 1991 178 2 know know VERB VBP
## 8083 1991 178 3 that that SCONJ IN
## 8084 1991 178 4 this this DET DT
## 8085 1991 178 5 brutal brutal ADJ JJ
## 8086 1991 178 6 dictator dictator NOUN NN
## 8087 1991 178 7 will will AUX MD
## 8088 1991 178 8 do do VERB VB
## 8089 1991 178 9 anything anything PRON NN
## 8090 1991 178 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 8091 1991 178 11 will will AUX MD
## 8092 1991 178 12 use use VERB VB
## 8093 1991 178 13 any any DET DT
## 8094 1991 178 14 weapon weapon NOUN NN
## 8095 1991 178 15 , , PUNCT ,
## 8096 1991 178 16 will will AUX MD
## 8097 1991 178 17 commit commit VERB VB
## 8098 1991 178 18 any any DET DT
## 8099 1991 178 19 outrage outrage NOUN NN
## 8100 1991 178 20 , , PUNCT ,
## 8101 1991 178 21 no no ADV RB
## 8102 1991 178 22 matter matter ADV RB
## 8103 1991 178 23 how how SCONJ WRB
## 8104 1991 178 24 many many ADJ JJ
## 8105 1991 178 25 innocents innocent NOUN NNS
## 8106 1991 178 26 suffer suffer VERB VBP
## 8107 1991 178 27 . . PUNCT .
## 8108 1991 179 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8109 1991 179 2 They they PRON PRP
## 8110 1991 179 3 know know VERB VBP
## 8111 1991 179 4 we we PRON PRP
## 8112 1991 179 5 must must AUX MD
## 8113 1991 179 6 make make VERB VB
## 8114 1991 179 7 sure sure ADJ JJ
## 8115 1991 179 8 that that SCONJ IN
## 8116 1991 179 9 control control NOUN NN
## 8117 1991 179 10 of of ADP IN
## 8118 1991 179 11 the the DET DT
## 8119 1991 179 12 world world NOUN NN
## 8120 1991 179 13 's 's PART POS
## 8121 1991 179 14 oil oil NOUN NN
## 8122 1991 179 15 resources resource NOUN NNS
## 8123 1991 179 16 does do AUX VBZ
## 8124 1991 179 17 not not PART RB
## 8125 1991 179 18 fall fall VERB VB
## 8126 1991 179 19 into into ADP IN
## 8127 1991 179 20 his his PRON PRP$
## 8128 1991 179 21 hands hand NOUN NNS
## 8129 1991 179 22 , , PUNCT ,
## 8130 1991 179 23 only only ADV RB
## 8131 1991 179 24 to to PART TO
## 8132 1991 179 25 finance finance VERB VB
## 8133 1991 179 26 further further ADJ JJ
## 8134 1991 179 27 aggression aggression NOUN NN
## 8135 1991 179 28 . . PUNCT .
## 8136 1991 180 1 They they PRON PRP
## 8137 1991 180 2 know know VERB VBP
## 8138 1991 180 3 that that SCONJ IN
## 8139 1991 180 4 we we PRON PRP
## 8140 1991 180 5 need need VERB VBP
## 8141 1991 180 6 to to PART TO
## 8142 1991 180 7 build build VERB VB
## 8143 1991 180 8 a a DET DT
## 8144 1991 180 9 new new ADJ JJ
## 8145 1991 180 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 8146 1991 180 11 enduring endure VERB VBG
## 8147 1991 180 12 peace peace NOUN NN
## 8148 1991 180 13 , , PUNCT ,
## 8149 1991 180 14 based base VERB VBN
## 8150 1991 180 15 not not PART RB
## 8151 1991 180 16 on on ADP IN
## 8152 1991 180 17 arms arm NOUN NNS
## 8153 1991 180 18 races race NOUN NNS
## 8154 1991 180 19 and and CCONJ CC
## 8155 1991 180 20 confrontation confrontation NOUN NN
## 8156 1991 180 21 but but CCONJ CC
## 8157 1991 180 22 on on ADP IN
## 8158 1991 180 23 shared share VERB VBN
## 8159 1991 180 24 principles principle NOUN NNS
## 8160 1991 180 25 and and CCONJ CC
## 8161 1991 180 26 the the DET DT
## 8162 1991 180 27 rule rule NOUN NN
## 8163 1991 180 28 of of ADP IN
## 8164 1991 180 29 law law NOUN NN
## 8165 1991 180 30 . . PUNCT .
## 8166 1991 181 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8167 1991 181 2 And and CCONJ CC
## 8168 1991 181 3 we we PRON PRP
## 8169 1991 181 4 all all PRON DT
## 8170 1991 181 5 realize realize VERB VBP
## 8171 1991 181 6 that that SCONJ IN
## 8172 1991 181 7 our our PRON PRP$
## 8173 1991 181 8 responsibility responsibility NOUN NN
## 8174 1991 181 9 to to PART TO
## 8175 1991 181 10 be be AUX VB
## 8176 1991 181 11 the the DET DT
## 8177 1991 181 12 catalyst catalyst NOUN NN
## 8178 1991 181 13 for for ADP IN
## 8179 1991 181 14 peace peace NOUN NN
## 8180 1991 181 15 in in ADP IN
## 8181 1991 181 16 the the DET DT
## 8182 1991 181 17 region region NOUN NN
## 8183 1991 181 18 does do AUX VBZ
## 8184 1991 181 19 not not PART RB
## 8185 1991 181 20 end end VERB VB
## 8186 1991 181 21 with with ADP IN
## 8187 1991 181 22 the the DET DT
## 8188 1991 181 23 successful successful ADJ JJ
## 8189 1991 181 24 conclusion conclusion NOUN NN
## 8190 1991 181 25 of of ADP IN
## 8191 1991 181 26 this this DET DT
## 8192 1991 181 27 war war NOUN NN
## 8193 1991 181 28 . . PUNCT .
## 8194 1991 182 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8195 1991 182 2 Democracy democracy NOUN NN
## 8196 1991 182 3 brings bring VERB VBZ
## 8197 1991 182 4 the the DET DT
## 8198 1991 182 5 undeniable undeniable ADJ JJ
## 8199 1991 182 6 value value NOUN NN
## 8200 1991 182 7 of of ADP IN
## 8201 1991 182 8 thoughtful thoughtful ADJ JJ
## 8202 1991 182 9 dissent dissent NOUN NN
## 8203 1991 182 10 , , PUNCT ,
## 8204 1991 182 11 and and CCONJ CC
## 8205 1991 182 12 we we PRON PRP
## 8206 1991 182 13 've 've AUX VBP
## 8207 1991 182 14 heard hear VERB VBN
## 8208 1991 182 15 some some DET DT
## 8209 1991 182 16 dissenting dissent VERB VBG
## 8210 1991 182 17 voices voice NOUN NNS
## 8211 1991 182 18 here here ADV RB
## 8212 1991 182 19 at at ADP IN
## 8213 1991 182 20 home home NOUN NN
## 8214 1991 182 21 -- -- PUNCT :
## 8215 1991 182 22 some some PRON DT
## 8216 1991 182 23 , , PUNCT ,
## 8217 1991 182 24 a a DET DT
## 8218 1991 182 25 handful handful ADJ JJ
## 8219 1991 182 26 , , PUNCT ,
## 8220 1991 182 27 reckless reckless ADJ JJ
## 8221 1991 182 28 ; ; PUNCT :
## 8222 1991 182 29 most most ADV RBS
## 8223 1991 182 30 responsible responsible ADJ JJ
## 8224 1991 182 31 . . PUNCT .
## 8225 1991 183 1 But but CCONJ CC
## 8226 1991 183 2 the the DET DT
## 8227 1991 183 3 fact fact NOUN NN
## 8228 1991 183 4 that that SCONJ IN
## 8229 1991 183 5 all all DET DT
## 8230 1991 183 6 voices voice NOUN NNS
## 8231 1991 183 7 have have AUX VBP
## 8232 1991 183 8 the the DET DT
## 8233 1991 183 9 right right NOUN NN
## 8234 1991 183 10 to to PART TO
## 8235 1991 183 11 speak speak VERB VB
## 8236 1991 183 12 out out ADP RP
## 8237 1991 183 13 is be AUX VBZ
## 8238 1991 183 14 one one NUM CD
## 8239 1991 183 15 of of ADP IN
## 8240 1991 183 16 the the DET DT
## 8241 1991 183 17 reasons reason NOUN NNS
## 8242 1991 183 18 we we PRON PRP
## 8243 1991 183 19 've 've AUX VBP
## 8244 1991 183 20 been be AUX VBN
## 8245 1991 183 21 united unite VERB VBN
## 8246 1991 183 22 in in ADP IN
## 8247 1991 183 23 purpose purpose NOUN NN
## 8248 1991 183 24 and and CCONJ CC
## 8249 1991 183 25 principle principle NOUN NN
## 8250 1991 183 26 for for ADP IN
## 8251 1991 183 27 200 200 NUM CD
## 8252 1991 183 28 years year NOUN NNS
## 8253 1991 183 29 . . PUNCT .
## 8254 1991 184 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8255 1991 184 2 Our our PRON PRP$
## 8256 1991 184 3 progress progress NOUN NN
## 8257 1991 184 4 in in ADP IN
## 8258 1991 184 5 this this DET DT
## 8259 1991 184 6 great great ADJ JJ
## 8260 1991 184 7 struggle struggle NOUN NN
## 8261 1991 184 8 is be AUX VBZ
## 8262 1991 184 9 the the DET DT
## 8263 1991 184 10 result result NOUN NN
## 8264 1991 184 11 of of ADP IN
## 8265 1991 184 12 years year NOUN NNS
## 8266 1991 184 13 of of ADP IN
## 8267 1991 184 14 vigilance vigilance NOUN NN
## 8268 1991 184 15 and and CCONJ CC
## 8269 1991 184 16 a a DET DT
## 8270 1991 184 17 steadfast steadfast ADJ JJ
## 8271 1991 184 18 commitment commitment NOUN NN
## 8272 1991 184 19 to to ADP IN
## 8273 1991 184 20 a a DET DT
## 8274 1991 184 21 strong strong ADJ JJ
## 8275 1991 184 22 defense defense NOUN NN
## 8276 1991 184 23 . . PUNCT .
## 8277 1991 185 1 Now now ADV RB
## 8278 1991 185 2 , , PUNCT ,
## 8279 1991 185 3 with with ADP IN
## 8280 1991 185 4 remarkable remarkable ADJ JJ
## 8281 1991 185 5 technological technological ADJ JJ
## 8282 1991 185 6 advances advance NOUN NNS
## 8283 1991 185 7 like like ADP IN
## 8284 1991 185 8 the the DET DT
## 8285 1991 185 9 Patriot Patriot PROPN NNP
## 8286 1991 185 10 missile missile NOUN NN
## 8287 1991 185 11 , , PUNCT ,
## 8288 1991 185 12 we we PRON PRP
## 8289 1991 185 13 can can AUX MD
## 8290 1991 185 14 defend defend VERB VB
## 8291 1991 185 15 against against ADP IN
## 8292 1991 185 16 ballistic ballistic ADJ JJ
## 8293 1991 185 17 missile missile NOUN NN
## 8294 1991 185 18 attacks attack NOUN NNS
## 8295 1991 185 19 aimed aim VERB VBN
## 8296 1991 185 20 at at ADP IN
## 8297 1991 185 21 innocent innocent ADJ JJ
## 8298 1991 185 22 civilians civilian NOUN NNS
## 8299 1991 185 23 . . PUNCT .
## 8300 1991 186 1 \n\n \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8301 1991 186 2 Looking look VERB VBG
## 8302 1991 186 3 forward forward ADV RB
## 8303 1991 186 4 , , PUNCT ,
## 8304 1991 186 5 I I PRON PRP
## 8305 1991 186 6 have have AUX VBP
## 8306 1991 186 7 directed direct VERB VBN
## 8307 1991 186 8 that that SCONJ IN
## 8308 1991 186 9 the the DET DT
## 8309 1991 186 10 SDI SDI PROPN NNP
## 8310 1991 186 11 program program NOUN NN
## 8311 1991 186 12 be be AUX VB
## 8312 1991 186 13 refocused refocus VERB VBN
## 8313 1991 186 14 on on ADP IN
## 8314 1991 186 15 providing provide VERB VBG
## 8315 1991 186 16 protection protection NOUN NN
## 8316 1991 186 17 from from ADP IN
## 8317 1991 186 18 limited limited ADJ JJ
## 8318 1991 186 19 ballistic ballistic ADJ JJ
## 8319 1991 186 20 missile missile NOUN NN
## 8320 1991 186 21 strikes strike NOUN NNS
## 8321 1991 186 22 , , PUNCT ,
## 8322 1991 186 23 whatever whatever PRON WDT
## 8323 1991 186 24 their their PRON PRP$
## 8324 1991 186 25 source source NOUN NN
## 8325 1991 186 26 . . PUNCT .
## 8326 1991 187 1 Let let VERB VB
## 8327 1991 187 2 us we PRON PRP
## 8328 1991 187 3 pursue pursue VERB VB
## 8329 1991 187 4 an an DET DT
## 8330 1991 187 5 SDI SDI PROPN NNP
## 8331 1991 187 6 program program NOUN NN
## 8332 1991 187 7 that that PRON WDT
## 8333 1991 187 8 can can AUX MD
## head_token_id dep_rel entity nounphrase whitespace
## 1 17 dep FALSE
## 2 3 compound beg TRUE
## 3 1 appos end_root FALSE
## 4 3 punct TRUE
## 5 6 compound beg TRUE
## 6 3 conj PERSON_B end_root FALSE
## 7 6 punct TRUE
## 8 6 conj beg_root TRUE
## 9 8 prep TRUE
## 10 13 det ORG_B beg TRUE
## 11 12 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 12 13 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 13 9 pobj end_root FALSE
## 14 17 punct TRUE
## 15 17 dep FALSE
## 16 17 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 17 17 ROOT TRUE
## 18 17 prep TRUE
## 19 21 det beg TRUE
## 20 21 amod mid TRUE
## 21 18 pobj end_root TRUE
## 22 21 prep TRUE
## 23 24 det beg TRUE
## 24 22 pobj ORG_B end_root TRUE
## 25 21 cc TRUE
## 26 28 det beg TRUE
## 27 28 amod mid TRUE
## 28 21 conj end_root TRUE
## 29 28 prep TRUE
## 30 32 det beg TRUE
## 31 32 amod mid TRUE
## 32 29 pobj ORG_B end_root FALSE
## 33 17 punct TRUE
## 34 8 cc TRUE
## 35 8 advmod FALSE
## 36 8 punct TRUE
## 37 8 prep TRUE
## 38 4 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 39 8 punct TRUE
## 40 8 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 41 8 ROOT TRUE
## 42 10 poss beg TRUE
## 43 8 attr end_root TRUE
## 44 12 aux TRUE
## 45 10 acl TRUE
## 46 12 prep TRUE
## 47 13 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 48 12 prep TRUE
## 49 17 det beg TRUE
## 50 15 pobj end_root TRUE
## 51 17 prep TRUE
## 52 20 det beg TRUE
## 53 18 pobj end_root FALSE
## 54 8 punct TRUE
## 55 4 dep FALSE
## 56 4 npadvmod TRUE
## 57 4 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 58 4 ROOT TRUE
## 59 7 neg TRUE
## 60 7 aux TRUE
## 61 4 xcomp TRUE
## 62 7 prep TRUE
## 63 10 det beg TRUE
## 64 8 pobj end_root TRUE
## 65 10 prep TRUE
## 66 13 det beg TRUE
## 67 11 pobj end_root FALSE
## 68 7 punct TRUE
## 69 17 neg TRUE
## 70 17 aux TRUE
## 71 4 advcl TRUE
## 72 20 det beg TRUE
## 73 20 amod mid TRUE
## 74 17 dobj end_root TRUE
## 75 22 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 76 20 relcl TRUE
## 77 22 prep TRUE
## 78 26 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 79 26 amod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 80 23 pobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 81 22 cc TRUE
## 82 29 aux TRUE
## 83 22 conj TRUE
## 84 31 det beg TRUE
## 85 29 dobj end_root TRUE
## 86 31 prep TRUE
## 87 34 det beg TRUE
## 88 32 pobj end_root FALSE
## 89 4 punct TRUE
## 90 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 91 2 ROOT TRUE
## 92 2 advmod TRUE
## 93 5 aux TRUE
## 94 2 advcl TRUE
## 95 5 prep TRUE
## 96 6 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 97 6 cc TRUE
## 98 6 conj TRUE
## 99 12 det beg TRUE
## 100 12 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 101 9 pobj end_root TRUE
## 102 12 prep TRUE
## 103 15 det beg TRUE
## 104 13 pobj end_root TRUE
## 105 15 prep TRUE
## 106 18 det beg TRUE
## 107 16 pobj end_root FALSE
## 108 9 punct TRUE
## 109 5 prep TRUE
## 110 22 poss beg TRUE
## 111 20 pobj end_root TRUE
## 112 2 punct TRUE
## 113 25 det beg TRUE
## 114 1 appos end_root TRUE
## 115 28 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 116 28 aux TRUE
## 117 25 relcl FALSE
## 118 25 punct TRUE
## 119 31 det beg TRUE
## 120 25 appos end_root TRUE
## 121 33 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 122 31 relcl TRUE
## 123 25 punct TRUE
## 124 25 cc TRUE
## 125 38 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 126 38 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 127 25 conj TRUE
## 128 38 prep TRUE
## 129 39 pobj GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 130 2 punct TRUE
## 131 3 dep FALSE
## 132 3 expl TRUE
## 133 3 ROOT TRUE
## 134 5 amod beg TRUE
## 135 3 attr end_root TRUE
## 136 5 prep TRUE
## 137 6 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 138 3 punct TRUE
## 139 3 dep TRUE
## 140 11 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 141 9 relcl TRUE
## 142 11 dobj TRUE
## 143 14 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 144 12 relcl TRUE
## 145 14 advmod TRUE
## 146 14 prep TRUE
## 147 16 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 148 19 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 149 17 relcl TRUE
## 150 19 advmod FALSE
## 151 3 punct TRUE
## 152 9 cc TRUE
## 153 9 nsubj TRUE
## 154 2 prep TRUE
## 155 3 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 156 2 prep TRUE
## 157 7 det beg TRUE
## 158 5 pobj ORG_B end_root TRUE
## 159 9 aux TRUE
## 160 9 ROOT TRUE
## 161 9 dobj TRUE
## 162 10 prep TRUE
## 163 13 poss beg TRUE
## 164 11 pobj end_root TRUE
## 165 9 prep TRUE
## 166 16 det beg TRUE
## 167 14 pobj end_root TRUE
## 168 19 poss beg TRUE
## 169 19 amod mid TRUE
## 170 21 nsubjpass end_root TRUE
## 171 21 auxpass TRUE
## 172 16 relcl TRUE
## 173 21 prep TRUE
## 174 22 pobj DATE_B FALSE
## 175 9 punct TRUE
## 176 9 cc TRUE
## 177 27 det beg TRUE
## 178 31 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 179 27 prep TRUE
## 180 30 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 181 28 pobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 182 9 conj TRUE
## 183 33 det beg TRUE
## 184 31 dobj end_root TRUE
## 185 33 prep TRUE
## 186 34 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 187 31 punct TRUE
## 188 38 det beg TRUE
## 189 31 conj end_root TRUE
## 190 38 prep TRUE
## 191 39 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 192 40 punct TRUE
## 193 40 conj beg_root TRUE
## 194 42 cc TRUE
## 195 42 conj beg_root TRUE
## 196 38 prep TRUE
## 197 45 pobj CARDINAL_B beg_root TRUE
## 198 46 prep TRUE
## 199 47 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 200 48 prep TRUE
## 201 51 det beg TRUE
## 202 49 pobj end_root FALSE
## 203 31 punct TRUE
## 204 5 dep FALSE
## 205 5 compound TRUE
## 206 5 compound CARDINAL_B FALSE
## 207 5 punct CARDINAL_I FALSE
## 208 6 nsubj CARDINAL_I TRUE
## 209 6 ROOT TRUE
## 210 9 det beg TRUE
## 211 9 amod mid TRUE
## 212 6 dobj end_root TRUE
## 213 9 prep TRUE
## 214 10 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 215 6 punct TRUE
## 216 15 det beg TRUE
## 217 15 compound mid TRUE
## 218 6 conj end_root TRUE
## 219 15 prep TRUE
## 220 19 det beg TRUE
## 221 19 amod mid TRUE
## 222 16 pobj end_root TRUE
## 223 22 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 224 22 aux TRUE
## 225 19 relcl TRUE
## 226 22 prep TRUE
## 227 25 aux TRUE
## 228 22 advcl TRUE
## 229 25 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 230 6 punct TRUE
## 231 3 cc TRUE
## 232 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 233 3 ROOT TRUE
## 234 5 poss beg TRUE
## 235 3 attr end_root FALSE
## 236 3 punct TRUE
## 237 3 prep TRUE
## 238 7 pcomp FALSE
## 239 3 punct TRUE
## 240 2 det beg TRUE
## 241 7 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 242 2 prep TRUE
## 243 5 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 244 3 pobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 245 7 advmod TRUE
## 246 16 ccomp FALSE
## 247 10 punct beg TRUE
## 248 10 det mid TRUE
## 249 16 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 250 10 prep TRUE
## 251 11 pobj FALSE
## 252 11 pobj FALSE
## 253 10 punct TRUE
## 254 16 aux TRUE
## 255 16 ROOT TRUE
## 256 19 det beg TRUE
## 257 19 compound mid TRUE
## 258 16 attr end_root FALSE
## 259 16 punct TRUE
## 260 16 dep TRUE
## 261 23 advmod TRUE
## 262 21 acl TRUE
## 263 26 mark TRUE
## 264 26 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 265 23 ccomp TRUE
## 266 28 det beg TRUE
## 267 26 dobj end_root TRUE
## 268 28 prep TRUE
## 269 32 det beg TRUE
## 270 32 amod mid TRUE
## 271 29 pobj end_root TRUE
## 272 32 prep TRUE
## 273 35 det beg TRUE
## 274 37 poss mid FALSE
## 275 35 case mid TRUE
## 276 33 pobj end_root FALSE
## 277 16 punct TRUE
## 278 2 dep FALSE
## 279 2 ROOT TRUE
## 280 2 advmod TRUE
## 281 2 punct TRUE
## 282 2 conj TRUE
## 283 5 advmod TRUE
## 284 8 advmod TRUE
## 285 10 nummod DATE_B TRUE
## 286 10 amod DATE_I TRUE
## 287 11 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 288 5 advmod DATE_I TRUE
## 289 5 prep TRUE
## 290 14 det beg TRUE
## 291 12 pobj end_root TRUE
## 292 16 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 293 14 relcl TRUE
## 294 16 prep TRUE
## 295 17 pobj DATE_B TRUE
## 296 5 ccomp FALSE
## 297 2 punct TRUE
## 298 13 dep FALSE
## 299 3 nummod TRUE
## 300 13 npadvmod TRUE
## 301 3 punct TRUE
## 302 6 nummod DATE_B TRUE
## 303 7 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 304 3 advmod DATE_I FALSE
## 305 13 punct TRUE
## 306 10 det beg TRUE
## 307 13 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 308 10 prep TRUE
## 309 11 pobj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 310 13 ROOT TRUE
## 311 13 prep TRUE
## 312 14 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 313 13 punct TRUE
## 314 13 prep TRUE
## 315 19 det beg TRUE
## 316 17 pobj end_root TRUE
## 317 19 prep TRUE
## 318 22 det beg TRUE
## 319 20 pobj end_root FALSE
## 320 13 punct TRUE
## 321 4 npadvmod DATE_B TRUE
## 322 4 nsubjpass beg_root TRUE
## 323 4 auxpass TRUE
## 324 7 ccomp FALSE
## 325 7 punct TRUE
## 326 7 nsubj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 327 7 ROOT TRUE
## 328 7 acomp FALSE
## 329 7 punct TRUE
## 330 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 331 3 advmod beg TRUE
## 332 5 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 333 5 aux TRUE
## 334 5 ROOT TRUE
## 335 7 poss beg TRUE
## 336 5 dobj end_root FALSE
## 337 5 punct TRUE
## 338 2 det beg TRUE
## 339 8 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 340 2 prep TRUE
## 341 5 amod beg TRUE
## 342 3 pobj end_root TRUE
## 343 5 prep TRUE
## 344 6 pobj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 345 8 ROOT TRUE
## 346 8 advmod TRUE
## 347 11 advmod TRUE
## 348 8 acomp TRUE
## 349 11 prep TRUE
## 350 15 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 351 15 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 352 12 pcomp TRUE
## 353 19 mark TRUE
## 354 18 det beg TRUE
## 355 19 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 356 15 advcl FALSE
## 357 8 punct TRUE
## 358 5 cc TRUE
## 359 5 npadvmod TIME_B TRUE
## 360 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 361 5 aux TRUE
## 362 5 ROOT TRUE
## 363 38 mark TRUE
## 364 8 advmod TRUE
## 365 38 prep TRUE
## 366 10 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 367 8 pobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 368 10 prep DATE_I TRUE
## 369 11 pobj DATE_I beg_root FALSE
## 370 38 punct TRUE
## 371 16 det beg TRUE
## 372 16 amod mid TRUE
## 373 38 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 374 16 prep TRUE
## 375 19 amod NORP_B beg TRUE
## 376 17 pobj end_root FALSE
## 377 16 punct TRUE
## 378 23 det beg TRUE
## 379 23 amod mid TRUE
## 380 16 conj end_root TRUE
## 381 23 cc TRUE
## 382 23 conj beg_root TRUE
## 383 23 prep TRUE
## 384 29 poss beg TRUE
## 385 29 compound mid TRUE
## 386 26 pobj end_root TRUE
## 387 31 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 388 23 relcl TRUE
## 389 33 det beg TRUE
## 390 31 dobj end_root TRUE
## 391 35 det beg TRUE
## 392 31 dobj end_root FALSE
## 393 38 punct TRUE
## 394 38 aux TRUE
## 395 5 ccomp TRUE
## 396 40 advmod TRUE
## 397 38 advmod FALSE
## 398 5 punct TRUE
## 399 10 dep FALSE
## 400 3 det DATE_B TRUE
## 401 4 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 402 10 advmod DATE_I TRUE
## 403 10 prep TRUE
## 404 5 pobj GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 405 10 punct TRUE
## 406 9 compound PERSON_B beg TRUE
## 407 10 nsubj PERSON_I end_root TRUE
## 408 10 ROOT TRUE
## 409 13 mark TRUE
## 410 13 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 411 10 ccomp TRUE
## 412 13 acomp TRUE
## 413 16 aux TRUE
## 414 14 xcomp TRUE
## 415 18 det beg TRUE
## 416 16 dobj end_root TRUE
## 417 18 prep TRUE
## 418 22 det beg TRUE
## 419 22 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 420 19 pobj end_root TRUE
## 421 22 prep TRUE
## 422 25 det beg TRUE
## 423 23 pobj end_root FALSE
## 424 10 punct TRUE
## 425 10 cc TRUE
## 426 45 npadvmod DATE_B FALSE
## 427 45 punct TRUE
## 428 45 prep TRUE
## 429 32 det beg TRUE
## 430 30 pobj end_root TRUE
## 431 32 prep TRUE
## 432 36 det beg TRUE
## 433 36 amod mid TRUE
## 434 33 pobj GPE_B end_root TRUE
## 435 32 prep TRUE
## 436 40 poss beg TRUE
## 437 40 amod mid TRUE
## 438 37 pobj end_root FALSE
## 439 45 punct TRUE
## 440 45 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 441 42 prep TRUE
## 442 43 pobj ORG_B beg_root TRUE
## 443 10 conj TRUE
## 444 48 det ORG_B beg TRUE
## 445 48 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 446 45 dobj ORG_I end_root FALSE
## 447 45 punct TRUE
## 448 13 dep FALSE
## 449 3 det DATE_B TRUE
## 450 4 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 451 13 advmod DATE_I FALSE
## 452 13 punct TRUE
## 453 8 poss ORG_B beg FALSE
## 454 6 case mid TRUE
## 455 13 nsubj end_root FALSE
## 456 8 punct TRUE
## 457 11 compound PERSON_B beg TRUE
## 458 8 appos PERSON_I end_root FALSE
## 459 8 punct TRUE
## 460 13 ROOT TRUE
## 461 13 prep TRUE
## 462 16 det beg TRUE
## 463 14 pobj end_root TRUE
## 464 13 prep TRUE
## 465 17 pobj GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 466 13 punct TRUE
## 467 4 cc TRUE
## 468 4 npadvmod DATE_B TRUE
## 469 4 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 470 4 ROOT TRUE
## 471 6 compound PERSON_B beg TRUE
## 472 4 attr PERSON_I end_root FALSE
## 473 6 punct TRUE
## 474 6 appos beg_root TRUE
## 475 8 prep TRUE
## 476 9 pobj GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 477 4 punct TRUE
## 478 5 dep FALSE
## 479 1 cc TRUE
## 480 4 nummod DATE_B TRUE
## 481 5 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 482 12 advmod DATE_I FALSE
## 483 12 punct TRUE
## 484 8 compound PERSON_B beg TRUE
## 485 12 nsubj PERSON_I end_root TRUE
## 486 8 prep TRUE
## 487 11 compound GPE_B beg TRUE
## 488 9 pobj GPE_I end_root TRUE
## 489 12 ROOT TRUE
## 490 12 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 491 12 prep TRUE
## 492 16 poss beg TRUE
## 493 14 pobj end_root FALSE
## 494 12 punct TRUE
## 495 12 cc TRUE
## 496 20 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 497 12 conj TRUE
## 498 23 det FAC_B beg TRUE
## 499 23 compound FAC_I mid TRUE
## 500 25 nsubj FAC_I end_root TRUE
## 501 25 aux TRUE
## 502 20 ccomp TRUE
## 503 27 quantmod DATE_B beg TRUE
## 504 28 nummod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 505 25 dobj DATE_I end_root FALSE
## 506 20 punct TRUE
## 507 11 cc TRUE
## 508 11 npadvmod DATE_B FALSE
## 509 11 punct TRUE
## 510 6 amod DATE_B TRUE
## 511 6 quantmod DATE_I TRUE
## 512 7 nummod DATE_I TRUE
## 513 8 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 514 11 advmod DATE_I FALSE
## 515 11 punct TRUE
## 516 11 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 517 11 ROOT TRUE
## 518 13 det beg TRUE
## 519 11 attr end_root TRUE
## 520 15 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 521 11 ccomp TRUE
## 522 15 attr beg_root FALSE
## 523 11 punct TRUE
## 524 3 dep beg FALSE
## 525 3 amod mid TRUE
## 526 18 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 527 3 punct TRUE
## 528 3 appos beg_root TRUE
## 529 7 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 530 5 relcl TRUE
## 531 12 det beg TRUE
## 532 11 advmod mid FALSE
## 533 11 punct mid FALSE
## 534 12 amod mid TRUE
## 535 7 dobj end_root TRUE
## 536 12 prep TRUE
## 537 16 det beg TRUE
## 538 16 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 539 13 pobj end_root FALSE
## 540 3 punct TRUE
## 541 18 ROOT TRUE
## 542 20 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 543 18 relcl TRUE
## 544 23 det beg TRUE
## 545 23 amod mid TRUE
## 546 20 dobj end_root TRUE
## 547 23 prep TRUE
## 548 26 amod NORP_B beg TRUE
## 549 24 pobj end_root FALSE
## 550 23 punct TRUE
## 551 29 det beg TRUE
## 552 20 dobj end_root TRUE
## 553 29 acl TRUE
## 554 30 prep TRUE
## 555 36 det beg TRUE
## 556 36 amod mid FALSE
## 557 36 punct mid TRUE
## 558 36 amod mid TRUE
## 559 31 pobj end_root FALSE
## 560 18 punct TRUE
## 561 39 det beg TRUE
## 562 18 appos end_root TRUE
## 563 39 prep TRUE
## 564 40 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 565 18 punct TRUE
## 566 1 dep FALSE
## 567 1 appos beg_root FALSE
## 568 2 punct TRUE
## 569 7 neg beg TRUE
## 570 7 advmod mid TRUE
## 571 7 det mid TRUE
## 572 2 appos end_root TRUE
## 573 7 cc TRUE
## 574 10 det beg TRUE
## 575 7 conj end_root FALSE
## 576 10 punct TRUE
## 577 2 amod TRUE
## 578 12 prep TRUE
## 579 15 det beg TRUE
## 580 13 pobj end_root TRUE
## 581 15 prep TRUE
## 582 16 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 583 17 advmod FALSE
## 584 1 punct TRUE
## 585 5 mark TRUE
## 586 4 det beg TRUE
## 587 4 amod mid TRUE
## 588 5 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 589 9 advcl TRUE
## 590 5 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 591 9 punct TRUE
## 592 9 nsubj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 593 9 ROOT TRUE
## 594 9 prep TRUE
## 595 12 det beg TRUE
## 596 10 pobj end_root TRUE
## 597 12 prep TRUE
## 598 16 det beg TRUE
## 599 16 amod mid TRUE
## 600 13 pobj end_root TRUE
## 601 16 prep TRUE
## 602 17 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 603 9 punct TRUE
## 604 9 npadvmod DATE_B FALSE
## 605 20 punct TRUE
## 606 20 appos DATE_B beg_root FALSE
## 607 20 punct TRUE
## 608 20 cc TRUE
## 609 9 prep TRUE
## 610 28 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 611 28 amod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 612 25 pobj DATE_I end_root FALSE
## 613 9 punct TRUE
## 614 2 poss beg TRUE
## 615 3 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 616 3 ROOT TRUE
## 617 6 det beg TRUE
## 618 6 amod mid TRUE
## 619 3 attr end_root TRUE
## 620 6 prep TRUE
## 621 9 det beg TRUE
## 622 7 pobj end_root TRUE
## 623 12 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 624 12 advmod TRUE
## 625 9 relcl TRUE
## 626 12 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 627 12 prep TRUE
## 628 16 det beg TRUE
## 629 14 pobj end_root FALSE
## 630 3 punct TRUE
## 631 3 cc TRUE
## 632 20 det beg TRUE
## 633 3 conj CARDINAL_B end_root TRUE
## 634 22 advmod TRUE
## 635 20 acl TRUE
## 636 24 aux TRUE
## 637 22 xcomp TRUE
## 638 24 acomp FALSE
## 639 3 punct TRUE
## 640 2 det beg TRUE
## 641 9 nsubj end_root FALSE
## 642 9 punct TRUE
## 643 5 det beg TRUE
## 644 9 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 645 5 acl TRUE
## 646 6 oprd GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 647 9 punct TRUE
## 648 9 ROOT TRUE
## 649 9 cc TRUE
## 650 13 advmod TRUE
## 651 13 aux TRUE
## 652 9 conj TRUE
## 653 16 det beg TRUE
## 654 16 amod mid TRUE
## 655 13 attr end_root TRUE
## 656 16 punct TRUE
## 657 20 poss beg TRUE
## 658 20 amod mid TRUE
## 659 16 appos end_root FALSE
## 660 9 punct TRUE
## 661 23 dep FALSE
## 662 23 prep TRUE
## 663 4 det beg TRUE
## 664 6 poss mid FALSE
## 665 4 case mid TRUE
## 666 2 pobj end_root FALSE
## 667 23 punct TRUE
## 668 23 prep TRUE
## 669 10 det beg TRUE
## 670 8 pobj end_root TRUE
## 671 10 acl TRUE
## 672 11 oprd PERSON_B beg_root TRUE
## 673 11 prep TRUE
## 674 15 det beg TRUE
## 675 13 pobj end_root TRUE
## 676 15 prep TRUE
## 677 16 pobj GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 678 23 punct TRUE
## 679 20 det beg TRUE
## 680 23 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 681 20 acl TRUE
## 682 21 oprd GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 683 23 ROOT TRUE
## 684 23 acomp FALSE
## 685 23 punct TRUE
## 686 2 det beg TRUE
## 687 9 nsubj end_root FALSE
## 688 2 punct TRUE
## 689 2 acl TRUE
## 690 4 prep TRUE
## 691 7 amod beg TRUE
## 692 5 pobj end_root FALSE
## 693 2 punct TRUE
## 694 9 ROOT TRUE
## 695 11 aux TRUE
## 696 9 xcomp TRUE
## 697 11 prep TRUE
## 698 15 det beg TRUE
## 699 15 compound mid TRUE
## 700 12 pobj end_root FALSE
## 701 9 punct TRUE
## 702 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 703 21 ccomp TRUE
## 704 4 poss beg TRUE
## 705 2 dobj end_root TRUE
## 706 2 prep TRUE
## 707 8 poss beg TRUE
## 708 8 amod mid TRUE
## 709 5 pobj end_root TRUE
## 710 2 prep TRUE
## 711 11 det beg TRUE
## 712 9 pobj end_root FALSE
## 713 2 punct TRUE
## 714 2 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 715 13 prep TRUE
## 716 17 det beg TRUE
## 717 17 amod mid TRUE
## 718 14 pobj end_root FALSE
## 719 21 punct TRUE
## 720 21 punct FALSE
## 721 21 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 722 21 ROOT TRUE
## 723 23 det beg TRUE
## 724 25 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 725 25 aux TRUE
## 726 21 ccomp TRUE
## 727 28 npadvmod FALSE
## 728 28 punct FALSE
## 729 25 acomp FALSE
## 730 21 punct TRUE
## 731 34 mark TRUE
## 732 32 det beg TRUE
## 733 34 nsubjpass end_root TRUE
## 734 34 auxpass TRUE
## 735 21 ccomp TRUE
## 736 34 oprd FALSE
## 737 34 punct TRUE
## 738 40 mark TRUE
## 739 40 nsubjpass beg_root TRUE
## 740 40 auxpass TRUE
## 741 34 advcl TRUE
## 742 40 agent TRUE
## 743 43 poss beg TRUE
## 744 41 pobj end_root TRUE
## 745 40 prep TRUE
## 746 47 amod beg TRUE
## 747 47 amod mid TRUE
## 748 44 pobj end_root FALSE
## 749 40 punct TRUE
## 750 40 cc TRUE
## 751 53 mark TRUE
## 752 53 prep TRUE
## 753 51 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 754 40 conj TRUE
## 755 53 attr beg_root FALSE
## 756 54 punct TRUE
## 757 54 conj beg_root TRUE
## 758 56 cc TRUE
## 759 59 det beg TRUE
## 760 56 conj end_root TRUE
## 761 59 prep TRUE
## 762 60 pobj ORG_B beg_root FALSE
## 763 21 punct FALSE
## 764 21 punct TRUE
## 765 3 dep FALSE
## 766 3 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 767 3 ROOT TRUE
## 768 5 det beg TRUE
## 769 3 attr end_root TRUE
## 770 13 mark TRUE
## 771 13 advmod TRUE
## 772 7 prep TRUE
## 773 10 compound beg TRUE
## 774 12 poss mid FALSE
## 775 10 case mid TRUE
## 776 8 pobj end_root TRUE
## 777 5 acl TRUE
## 778 15 advmod TRUE
## 779 13 advmod FALSE
## 780 3 punct TRUE
## 781 2 det beg TRUE
## 782 10 nsubjpass end_root TRUE
## 783 2 prep TRUE
## 784 6 det beg TRUE
## 785 6 amod mid TRUE
## 786 3 pobj end_root TRUE
## 787 10 aux TRUE
## 788 10 advmod TRUE
## 789 10 auxpass TRUE
## 790 10 ROOT TRUE
## 791 10 prep TRUE
## 792 11 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 793 12 punct TRUE
## 794 10 npadvmod FALSE
## 795 14 punct TRUE
## 796 14 conj FALSE
## 797 16 punct TRUE
## 798 16 conj FALSE
## 799 18 punct TRUE
## 800 21 amod TRUE
## 801 18 conj FALSE
## 802 21 punct TRUE
## 803 21 conj FALSE
## 804 23 punct TRUE
## 805 23 cc TRUE
## 806 14 prep TRUE
## 807 28 compound beg TRUE
## 808 26 pobj end_root FALSE
## 809 10 punct TRUE
## 810 5 cc TRUE
## 811 3 poss beg TRUE
## 812 5 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 813 3 npadvmod DATE_B TRUE
## 814 109 ccomp TRUE
## 815 7 aux TRUE
## 816 5 xcomp TRUE
## 817 10 det beg TRUE
## 818 10 amod mid TRUE
## 819 7 dobj end_root TRUE
## 820 10 prep TRUE
## 821 11 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 822 5 punct TRUE
## 823 15 det beg TRUE
## 824 3 appos end_root TRUE
## 825 15 amod ORDINAL_B TRUE
## 826 16 prep TRUE
## 827 17 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 828 15 punct TRUE
## 829 5 cc TRUE
## 830 5 conj TRUE
## 831 23 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 832 21 ccomp FALSE
## 833 23 punct TRUE
## 834 27 det TRUE
## 835 27 amod TRUE
## 836 21 npadvmod GPE_B FALSE
## 837 27 punct TRUE
## 838 31 advmod TRUE
## 839 31 expl FALSE
## 840 27 relcl TRUE
## 841 33 det beg TRUE
## 842 31 attr end_root TRUE
## 843 33 prep TRUE
## 844 34 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 845 37 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 846 35 relcl TRUE
## 847 37 dobj FALSE
## 848 35 punct TRUE
## 849 47 advmod TRUE
## 850 47 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 851 41 acl TRUE
## 852 42 prep TRUE
## 853 45 det beg TRUE
## 854 43 pobj end_root TRUE
## 855 47 aux TRUE
## 856 35 relcl TRUE
## 857 47 acomp TRUE
## 858 50 poss beg TRUE
## 859 51 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 860 48 ccomp TRUE
## 861 51 prep TRUE
## 862 56 amod beg TRUE
## 863 53 cc mid TRUE
## 864 53 conj mid TRUE
## 865 52 pobj end_root TRUE
## 866 51 cc TRUE
## 867 62 advmod TRUE
## 868 60 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 869 51 conj TRUE
## 870 62 aux TRUE
## 871 60 xcomp TRUE
## 872 65 compound beg FALSE
## 873 65 punct mid FALSE
## 874 66 compound mid TRUE
## 875 62 dobj end_root TRUE
## 876 66 prep TRUE
## 877 67 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 878 66 punct TRUE
## 879 72 advmod TRUE
## 880 72 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 881 60 advcl TRUE
## 882 74 det beg TRUE
## 883 72 dobj end_root TRUE
## 884 74 prep TRUE
## 885 78 det beg TRUE
## 886 78 amod mid TRUE
## 887 75 pobj end_root TRUE
## 888 78 cc TRUE
## 889 82 det beg TRUE
## 890 82 amod mid TRUE
## 891 78 conj end_root FALSE
## 892 74 punct TRUE
## 893 92 advmod TRUE
## 894 92 punct FALSE
## 895 85 prep TRUE
## 896 86 prep TRUE
## 897 89 det beg TRUE
## 898 87 pobj GPE_B end_root FALSE
## 899 86 punct TRUE
## 900 92 auxpass TRUE
## 901 72 ccomp TRUE
## 902 92 prep TRUE
## 903 95 det beg TRUE
## 904 93 pobj end_root TRUE
## 905 92 prep TRUE
## 906 98 det beg TRUE
## 907 96 pobj end_root TRUE
## 908 98 prep TRUE
## 909 99 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 910 100 cc TRUE
## 911 100 conj beg_root FALSE
## 912 109 punct TRUE
## 913 109 advmod TRUE
## 914 106 det TRUE
## 915 109 nsubj TRUE
## 916 106 prep TRUE
## 917 107 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 918 109 ROOT TRUE
## 919 112 det beg TRUE
## 920 112 amod mid TRUE
## 921 109 dobj end_root TRUE
## 922 114 aux TRUE
## 923 112 acl FALSE
## 924 109 punct TRUE
## 925 117 aux TRUE
## 926 109 advcl FALSE
## 927 117 punct TRUE
## 928 117 cc TRUE
## 929 121 aux TRUE
## 930 117 conj TRUE
## 931 121 prep TRUE
## 932 122 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 933 121 cc TRUE
## 934 135 advmod FALSE
## 935 135 punct TRUE
## 936 135 prep TRUE
## 937 130 det beg TRUE
## 938 130 amod ORDINAL_B mid TRUE
## 939 127 pobj end_root FALSE
## 940 135 punct TRUE
## 941 134 det beg TRUE
## 942 134 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 943 135 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 944 121 conj TRUE
## 945 135 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 946 136 prep TRUE
## 947 140 poss beg TRUE
## 948 140 amod mid TRUE
## 949 137 pobj end_root FALSE
## 950 136 punct TRUE
## 951 144 advmod TRUE
## 952 144 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 953 136 relcl TRUE
## 954 146 det beg TRUE
## 955 144 dobj end_root TRUE
## 956 146 prep TRUE
## 957 149 poss beg TRUE
## 958 147 pobj end_root TRUE
## 959 149 cc TRUE
## 960 154 advmod TRUE
## 961 153 det beg TRUE
## 962 154 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 963 144 conj TRUE
## 964 156 det beg TRUE
## 965 154 dobj end_root TRUE
## 966 158 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 967 156 relcl TRUE
## 968 160 aux TRUE
## 969 158 xcomp TRUE
## 970 160 prep TRUE
## 971 161 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 972 156 punct TRUE
## 973 169 advmod TRUE
## 974 166 poss beg TRUE
## 975 167 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 976 156 relcl TRUE
## 977 167 cc TRUE
## 978 167 conj TRUE
## 979 171 poss beg TRUE
## 980 169 dobj end_root TRUE
## 981 171 cc TRUE
## 982 174 poss beg TRUE
## 983 171 conj end_root TRUE
## 984 169 cc TRUE
## 985 180 advmod TRUE
## 986 180 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 987 177 prep TRUE
## 988 178 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 989 169 conj TRUE
## 990 182 det beg TRUE
## 991 180 dobj end_root FALSE
## 992 182 punct TRUE
## 993 197 advmod TRUE
## 994 186 det beg TRUE
## 995 197 nsubj end_root FALSE
## 996 186 punct TRUE
## 997 189 det beg TRUE
## 998 186 appos end_root FALSE
## 999 189 punct TRUE
## 1000 192 det beg TRUE
## 1001 189 conj end_root FALSE
## 1002 189 punct TRUE
## 1003 189 cc TRUE
## 1004 196 det beg TRUE
## 1005 197 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1006 182 relcl TRUE
## 1007 200 npadvmod FALSE
## 1008 200 punct FALSE
## 1009 197 acomp FALSE
## 1010 197 punct TRUE
## 1011 197 cc TRUE
## 1012 213 advmod FALSE
## 1013 213 punct TRUE
## 1014 209 advmod TRUE
## 1015 207 det beg TRUE
## 1016 209 nsubjpass NORP_B end_root TRUE
## 1017 209 auxpass TRUE
## 1018 213 advcl TRUE
## 1019 213 punct TRUE
## 1020 212 poss beg TRUE
## 1021 213 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1022 197 conj TRUE
## 1023 213 prt TRUE
## 1024 213 prep TRUE
## 1025 217 poss beg TRUE
## 1026 215 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1027 219 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1028 217 relcl TRUE
## 1029 219 advmod TRUE
## 1030 219 prep TRUE
## 1031 223 poss beg TRUE
## 1032 221 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1033 221 cc TRUE
## 1034 221 conj TRUE
## 1035 227 poss beg TRUE
## 1036 225 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1037 109 punct TRUE
## 1038 3 dep FALSE
## 1039 3 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1040 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1041 3 attr beg_root TRUE
## 1042 4 prep TRUE
## 1043 7 det beg TRUE
## 1044 5 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1045 9 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1046 7 relcl TRUE
## 1047 11 aux TRUE
## 1048 9 xcomp FALSE
## 1049 3 punct TRUE
## 1050 14 det beg TRUE
## 1051 3 attr end_root TRUE
## 1052 17 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1053 17 aux TRUE
## 1054 14 relcl TRUE
## 1055 17 prep TRUE
## 1056 18 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 1057 3 punct TRUE
## 1058 3 cc TRUE
## 1059 26 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1060 22 advmod TRUE
## 1061 26 aux FALSE
## 1062 26 neg TRUE
## 1063 3 conj TRUE
## 1064 26 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 1065 26 advmod FALSE
## 1066 26 punct TRUE
## 1067 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1068 2 ROOT TRUE
## 1069 4 aux TRUE
## 1070 2 xcomp TRUE
## 1071 6 poss beg TRUE
## 1072 4 dobj end_root FALSE
## 1073 2 punct TRUE
## 1074 2 conj TRUE
## 1075 8 prep TRUE
## 1076 12 det beg TRUE
## 1077 12 amod mid TRUE
## 1078 9 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1079 2 punct TRUE
## 1080 3 cc beg TRUE
## 1081 3 poss mid TRUE
## 1082 3 ROOT end_root TRUE
## 1083 3 prep TRUE
## 1084 7 det TRUE
## 1085 7 amod TRUE
## 1086 4 pobj TRUE
## 1087 3 npadvmod DATE_B FALSE
## 1088 3 punct TRUE
## 1089 12 dep FALSE
## 1090 12 prep TRUE
## 1091 6 det beg TRUE
## 1092 6 amod mid TRUE
## 1093 6 amod mid TRUE
## 1094 2 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1095 6 prep TRUE
## 1096 9 det beg TRUE
## 1097 7 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1098 12 punct TRUE
## 1099 12 nsubj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 1100 12 ROOT TRUE
## 1101 15 det beg TRUE
## 1102 15 amod mid TRUE
## 1103 12 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1104 15 cc TRUE
## 1105 18 amod beg TRUE
## 1106 15 conj end_root FALSE
## 1107 12 punct TRUE
## 1108 3 cc TRUE
## 1109 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1110 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1111 7 mark TRUE
## 1112 7 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1113 7 aux TRUE
## 1114 3 ccomp TRUE
## 1115 7 prep TRUE
## 1116 12 det beg TRUE
## 1117 12 amod mid TRUE
## 1118 12 amod mid TRUE
## 1119 8 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1120 12 prep TRUE
## 1121 15 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 1122 13 pobj DATE_I end_root FALSE
## 1123 7 punct TRUE
## 1124 7 cc TRUE
## 1125 19 aux TRUE
## 1126 25 advcl TRUE
## 1127 21 det beg TRUE
## 1128 19 dobj end_root FALSE
## 1129 25 punct TRUE
## 1130 25 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1131 25 aux TRUE
## 1132 3 ccomp TRUE
## 1133 28 det beg TRUE
## 1134 28 amod mid TRUE
## 1135 25 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1136 28 punct TRUE
## 1137 32 det beg TRUE
## 1138 32 amod mid TRUE
## 1139 28 appos end_root TRUE
## 1140 32 prep TRUE
## 1141 33 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 1142 3 punct TRUE
## 1143 6 dep FALSE
## 1144 6 intj FALSE
## 1145 6 punct TRUE
## 1146 6 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1147 6 aux TRUE
## 1148 6 ROOT TRUE
## 1149 8 aux TRUE
## 1150 6 xcomp TRUE
## 1151 8 prep TRUE
## 1152 9 pobj GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 1153 6 punct TRUE
## 1154 2 det beg TRUE
## 1155 3 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1156 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1157 3 acomp TRUE
## 1158 6 aux TRUE
## 1159 4 xcomp TRUE
## 1160 8 det beg TRUE
## 1161 6 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1162 8 prep TRUE
## 1163 9 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 1164 10 punct TRUE
## 1165 10 appos beg_root TRUE
## 1166 12 prep TRUE
## 1167 15 det beg TRUE
## 1168 13 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1169 8 punct TRUE
## 1170 18 amod beg TRUE
## 1171 8 appos end_root TRUE
## 1172 18 punct TRUE
## 1173 18 appos beg_root TRUE
## 1174 20 prep TRUE
## 1175 23 poss beg TRUE
## 1176 21 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1177 23 cc TRUE
## 1178 23 conj beg_root TRUE
## 1179 20 prep TRUE
## 1180 28 poss beg TRUE
## 1181 26 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1182 28 cc TRUE
## 1183 31 compound beg TRUE
## 1184 28 conj end_root FALSE
## 1185 18 punct TRUE
## 1186 3 dep TRUE
## 1187 36 nsubjpass beg_root TRUE
## 1188 36 auxpass TRUE
## 1189 33 relcl TRUE
## 1190 38 aux TRUE
## 1191 36 xcomp TRUE
## 1192 38 cc TRUE
## 1193 38 conj TRUE
## 1194 42 compound beg TRUE
## 1195 40 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1196 42 cc TRUE
## 1197 45 compound beg TRUE
## 1198 42 conj end_root FALSE
## 1199 33 punct TRUE
## 1200 48 amod TRUE
## 1201 33 conj TRUE
## 1202 48 punct TRUE
## 1203 51 det beg TRUE
## 1204 48 appos end_root TRUE
## 1205 51 prep TRUE
## 1206 52 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1207 55 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1208 53 relcl TRUE
## 1209 58 poss DATE_B beg FALSE
## 1210 56 case mid TRUE
## 1211 55 dobj end_root FALSE
## 1212 48 punct TRUE
## 1213 33 cc TRUE
## 1214 65 prep TRUE
## 1215 61 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1216 65 poss TRUE
## 1217 65 amod TRUE
## 1218 33 conj TRUE
## 1219 65 punct TRUE
## 1220 70 det beg TRUE
## 1221 70 amod mid TRUE
## 1222 70 compound mid TRUE
## 1223 65 appos end_root TRUE
## 1224 74 mark TRUE
## 1225 74 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1226 74 aux TRUE
## 1227 70 relcl TRUE
## 1228 76 aux TRUE
## 1229 74 xcomp TRUE
## 1230 76 prep TRUE
## 1231 80 det beg TRUE
## 1232 80 amod mid TRUE
## 1233 77 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1234 3 punct TRUE
## 1235 2 dep FALSE
## 1236 2 ROOT TRUE
## 1237 4 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1238 2 ccomp TRUE
## 1239 4 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 1240 4 punct TRUE
## 1241 9 mark TRUE
## 1242 9 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1243 35 advcl TRUE
## 1244 11 amod beg TRUE
## 1245 9 dobj end_root FALSE
## 1246 9 punct TRUE
## 1247 15 mark TRUE
## 1248 15 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1249 35 advcl TRUE
## 1250 17 det beg TRUE
## 1251 15 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1252 17 prep TRUE
## 1253 20 amod NORP_B beg TRUE
## 1254 18 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1255 35 punct TRUE
## 1256 23 det beg TRUE
## 1257 35 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1258 25 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1259 23 relcl TRUE
## 1260 27 det beg TRUE
## 1261 25 attr end_root TRUE
## 1262 27 prep TRUE
## 1263 31 det beg TRUE
## 1264 31 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 1265 28 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1266 35 punct TRUE
## 1267 35 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1268 35 aux TRUE
## 1269 4 ccomp TRUE
## 1270 35 acomp FALSE
## 1271 2 punct TRUE
## 1272 3 det beg TRUE
## 1273 3 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 1274 4 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1275 4 ROOT TRUE
## 1276 8 det beg TRUE
## 1277 7 advmod mid TRUE
## 1278 8 amod mid TRUE
## 1279 4 attr end_root TRUE
## 1280 8 prep TRUE
## 1281 11 det beg TRUE
## 1282 9 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1283 4 punct TRUE
## 1284 3 dep FALSE
## 1285 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1286 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1287 5 aux TRUE
## 1288 3 xcomp TRUE
## 1289 5 dobj FALSE
## 1290 3 punct TRUE
## 1291 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1292 2 ROOT TRUE
## 1293 4 aux TRUE
## 1294 2 xcomp TRUE
## 1295 6 det beg TRUE
## 1296 4 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1297 6 prep TRUE
## 1298 7 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1299 6 prep TRUE
## 1300 11 amod beg TRUE
## 1301 9 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1302 13 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1303 11 relcl TRUE
## 1304 15 amod beg TRUE
## 1305 13 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1306 15 cc TRUE
## 1307 18 amod beg TRUE
## 1308 15 conj end_root FALSE
## 1309 2 punct TRUE
## 1310 3 cc TRUE
## 1311 3 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1312 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1313 5 det beg TRUE
## 1314 3 attr end_root TRUE
## 1315 5 prep TRUE
## 1316 9 det beg TRUE
## 1317 9 amod mid TRUE
## 1318 6 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1319 11 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1320 9 relcl TRUE
## 1321 15 det beg TRUE
## 1322 15 compound mid TRUE
## 1323 15 compound mid TRUE
## 1324 11 dobj end_root FALSE
## 1325 15 punct TRUE
## 1326 20 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 1327 20 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1328 20 aux TRUE
## 1329 15 relcl TRUE
## 1330 20 prep TRUE
## 1331 21 pobj ORG_B beg_root TRUE
## 1332 20 npadvmod DATE_B FALSE
## 1333 3 punct TRUE
## 1334 3 dep FALSE
## 1335 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1336 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1337 5 aux TRUE
## 1338 3 xcomp TRUE
## 1339 7 det beg TRUE
## 1340 5 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1341 7 prep TRUE
## 1342 10 compound beg TRUE
## 1343 8 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1344 5 punct TRUE
## 1345 5 conj TRUE
## 1346 12 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 1347 13 punct TRUE
## 1348 16 advmod beg TRUE
## 1349 13 appos end_root TRUE
## 1350 16 prep TRUE
## 1351 20 poss beg TRUE
## 1352 20 amod mid TRUE
## 1353 17 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1354 12 punct TRUE
## 1355 23 aux TRUE
## 1356 12 xcomp TRUE
## 1357 25 det beg TRUE
## 1358 23 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1359 27 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1360 25 relcl TRUE
## 1361 27 prep TRUE
## 1362 30 amod beg TRUE
## 1363 28 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1364 30 punct TRUE
## 1365 30 conj beg_root FALSE
## 1366 32 punct TRUE
## 1367 32 cc TRUE
## 1368 37 det beg TRUE
## 1369 37 amod mid TRUE
## 1370 32 conj end_root TRUE
## 1371 37 prep TRUE
## 1372 38 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1373 39 prep TRUE
## 1374 40 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 1375 3 punct TRUE
## 1376 4 dep FALSE
## 1377 4 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1378 4 aux TRUE
## 1379 4 ROOT TRUE
## 1380 7 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 1381 7 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1382 4 ccomp TRUE
## 1383 9 aux TRUE
## 1384 7 xcomp TRUE
## 1385 9 prep TRUE
## 1386 13 poss GPE_B beg FALSE
## 1387 11 case mid TRUE
## 1388 10 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1389 4 punct TRUE
## 1390 3 det beg TRUE
## 1391 3 compound mid TRUE
## 1392 4 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1393 4 ROOT TRUE
## 1394 4 advmod FALSE
## 1395 4 punct TRUE
## 1396 2 det beg TRUE
## 1397 3 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1398 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1399 3 advmod FALSE
## 1400 3 punct TRUE
## 1401 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1402 2 ROOT TRUE
## 1403 2 advmod TRUE
## 1404 2 prep TRUE
## 1405 4 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1406 5 cc TRUE
## 1407 5 conj beg_root FALSE
## 1408 5 punct TRUE
## 1409 5 conj beg_root TRUE
## 1410 5 punct TRUE
## 1411 13 det beg TRUE
## 1412 13 amod mid TRUE
## 1413 5 appos end_root FALSE
## 1414 2 punct TRUE
## 1415 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1416 2 ROOT TRUE
## 1417 2 advmod TRUE
## 1418 2 prep TRUE
## 1419 7 poss beg TRUE
## 1420 7 compound mid TRUE
## 1421 4 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1422 7 punct TRUE
## 1423 7 appos beg_root TRUE
## 1424 7 punct TRUE
## 1425 12 aux TRUE
## 1426 2 advcl TRUE
## 1427 12 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 1428 12 prep TRUE
## 1429 17 amod ORDINAL_B beg FALSE
## 1430 17 punct mid FALSE
## 1431 18 compound mid TRUE
## 1432 14 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1433 12 prep TRUE
## 1434 21 det beg TRUE
## 1435 19 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1436 2 punct TRUE
## 1437 2 det beg TRUE
## 1438 3 nsubj end_root FALSE
## 1439 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1440 3 advmod TRUE
## 1441 6 aux TRUE
## 1442 3 advcl TRUE
## 1443 8 poss beg TRUE
## 1444 6 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1445 11 npadvmod FALSE
## 1446 11 punct FALSE
## 1447 6 oprd TRUE
## 1448 11 punct TRUE
## 1449 14 nummod PERCENT_B TRUE
## 1450 15 npadvmod PERCENT_I TRUE
## 1451 6 advmod TRUE
## 1452 15 prep TRUE
## 1453 19 advmod TRUE
## 1454 19 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1455 16 pcomp TRUE
## 1456 19 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 1457 19 prep TRUE
## 1458 21 pobj DATE_B FALSE
## 1459 3 punct TRUE
## 1460 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1461 2 ROOT TRUE
## 1462 2 advmod TRUE
## 1463 2 prep TRUE
## 1464 6 compound beg TRUE
## 1465 4 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1466 2 punct TRUE
## 1467 3 cc TRUE
## 1468 3 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1469 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1470 3 advmod TRUE
## 1471 3 prep TRUE
## 1472 5 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1473 3 punct TRUE
## 1474 10 det beg TRUE
## 1475 10 compound mid TRUE
## 1476 2 appos end_root FALSE
## 1477 3 punct TRUE
## 1478 18 dep FALSE
## 1479 1 cc TRUE
## 1480 5 nummod CARDINAL_B TRUE
## 1481 5 amod TRUE
## 1482 1 conj FALSE
## 1483 1 punct TRUE
## 1484 8 amod DATE_B TRUE
## 1485 18 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 1486 8 prep TRUE
## 1487 12 det beg TRUE
## 1488 12 compound mid TRUE
## 1489 9 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1490 8 punct TRUE
## 1491 15 det beg TRUE
## 1492 18 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1493 15 cc TRUE
## 1494 15 conj beg_root TRUE
## 1495 18 ROOT TRUE
## 1496 20 aux TRUE
## 1497 18 xcomp TRUE
## 1498 20 prep TRUE
## 1499 21 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1500 24 aux TRUE
## 1501 22 relcl TRUE
## 1502 24 xcomp TRUE
## 1503 25 ccomp TRUE
## 1504 30 mark TRUE
## 1505 29 poss beg TRUE
## 1506 30 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1507 26 ccomp TRUE
## 1508 30 acomp TRUE
## 1509 33 aux TRUE
## 1510 31 xcomp TRUE
## 1511 37 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 1512 36 advmod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 1513 37 amod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 1514 33 dobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 1515 39 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1516 37 relcl TRUE
## 1517 39 prep TRUE
## 1518 42 det beg TRUE
## 1519 40 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1520 18 punct TRUE
## 1521 4 cc TRUE
## 1522 4 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1523 4 aux TRUE
## 1524 37 ccomp TRUE
## 1525 4 dobj TRUE
## 1526 4 prep TRUE
## 1527 8 det beg TRUE
## 1528 6 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1529 4 prep TRUE
## 1530 9 pcomp TRUE
## 1531 13 det beg TRUE
## 1532 13 compound mid TRUE
## 1533 10 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1534 13 prep TRUE
## 1535 14 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1536 13 punct TRUE
## 1537 24 det CARDINAL_B beg TRUE
## 1538 24 amod CARDINAL_I mid TRUE
## 1539 23 amod CARDINAL_I mid FALSE
## 1540 23 punct CARDINAL_I mid FALSE
## 1541 23 det CARDINAL_I mid FALSE
## 1542 23 punct CARDINAL_I mid FALSE
## 1543 24 nummod CARDINAL_I mid TRUE
## 1544 13 appos CARDINAL_I end_root TRUE
## 1545 10 punct TRUE
## 1546 10 prep TRUE
## 1547 26 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1548 27 amod TRUE
## 1549 27 cc TRUE
## 1550 27 conj TRUE
## 1551 30 prep TRUE
## 1552 31 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1553 32 prep TRUE
## 1554 33 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 1555 37 punct TRUE
## 1556 37 compound TRUE
## 1557 37 ROOT FALSE
## 1558 37 punct TRUE
## 1559 3 dep FALSE
## 1560 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1561 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1562 6 det beg TRUE
## 1563 6 nummod CARDINAL_B mid TRUE
## 1564 3 attr end_root TRUE
## 1565 8 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1566 6 relcl TRUE
## 1567 8 dobj TRUE
## 1568 8 prep TRUE
## 1569 12 poss beg TRUE
## 1570 10 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1571 15 mark TRUE
## 1572 15 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1573 8 advcl TRUE
## 1574 17 det TRUE
## 1575 15 dobj TRUE
## 1576 17 prep TRUE
## 1577 20 poss beg TRUE
## 1578 18 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1579 3 punct TRUE
## 1580 2 amod beg TRUE
## 1581 6 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1582 2 prep TRUE
## 1583 5 poss beg TRUE
## 1584 3 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1585 16 ccomp TRUE
## 1586 6 neg TRUE
## 1587 6 advmod TRUE
## 1588 10 det beg TRUE
## 1589 6 attr end_root TRUE
## 1590 10 prep TRUE
## 1591 11 pcomp TRUE
## 1592 12 dobj FALSE
## 1593 16 punct TRUE
## 1594 16 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1595 16 ROOT TRUE
## 1596 18 det beg TRUE
## 1597 16 attr end_root TRUE
## 1598 18 prep TRUE
## 1599 19 pcomp TRUE
## 1600 20 dobj TRUE
## 1601 20 punct TRUE
## 1602 20 advcl TRUE
## 1603 23 dobj TRUE
## 1604 23 punct TRUE
## 1605 23 prep TRUE
## 1606 28 poss beg TRUE
## 1607 26 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1608 28 punct TRUE
## 1609 31 poss beg TRUE
## 1610 28 conj end_root FALSE
## 1611 31 punct TRUE
## 1612 31 prep TRUE
## 1613 35 poss beg TRUE
## 1614 33 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1615 31 punct TRUE
## 1616 31 prep TRUE
## 1617 39 poss beg TRUE
## 1618 37 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1619 31 punct TRUE
## 1620 31 cc TRUE
## 1621 31 conj beg_root FALSE
## 1622 16 punct TRUE
## 1623 3 cc TRUE
## 1624 3 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1625 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1626 8 advmod TRUE
## 1627 8 npadvmod TIME_B TRUE
## 1628 8 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1629 8 aux TRUE
## 1630 3 ccomp TRUE
## 1631 12 poss GPE_B beg FALSE
## 1632 9 case mid TRUE
## 1633 12 compound mid TRUE
## 1634 8 dobj end_root FALSE
## 1635 12 punct TRUE
## 1636 12 appos beg_root TRUE
## 1637 14 acl TRUE
## 1638 15 prep TRUE
## 1639 18 amod beg TRUE
## 1640 16 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1641 18 prep TRUE
## 1642 21 det ORG_B beg TRUE
## 1643 23 poss ORG_I mid FALSE
## 1644 21 case ORG_I mid TRUE
## 1645 19 pobj ORG_I end_root FALSE
## 1646 3 punct TRUE
## 1647 8 cc TRUE
## 1648 4 mark TRUE
## 1649 4 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1650 8 advcl FALSE
## 1651 8 punct TRUE
## 1652 8 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1653 8 aux TRUE
## 1654 8 ROOT TRUE
## 1655 10 aux TRUE
## 1656 8 xcomp TRUE
## 1657 12 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1658 10 ccomp TRUE
## 1659 14 advmod TRUE
## 1660 12 acomp TRUE
## 1661 17 mark TRUE
## 1662 17 compound TRUE
## 1663 8 punct PERSON_B TRUE
## 1664 17 punct FALSE
## 1665 17 npadvmod GPE_B FALSE
## 1666 19 punct TRUE
## 1667 17 cc TRUE
## 1668 23 compound TRUE
## 1669 17 conj PERSON_B TRUE
## 1670 2 nmod beg FALSE
## 1671 2 ROOT GPE_B end_root FALSE
## 1672 2 nummod FALSE
## 1673 2 punct TRUE
## 1674 6 compound TRUE
## 1675 2 npadvmod PERSON_B TRUE
## 1676 8 nmod beg FALSE
## 1677 6 appos GPE_B end_root FALSE
## 1678 6 appos FALSE
## 1679 6 punct TRUE
## 1680 12 compound TRUE
## 1681 6 npadvmod PERSON_B TRUE
## 1682 3 compound beg FALSE
## 1683 3 compound GPE_B mid TRUE
## 1684 9 nsubj GPE_I end_root FALSE
## 1685 3 punct FALSE
## 1686 9 punct TRUE
## 1687 9 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1688 6 prep TRUE
## 1689 7 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1690 19 advcl TRUE
## 1691 11 advmod TRUE
## 1692 9 acomp TRUE
## 1693 9 prep TRUE
## 1694 14 det beg TRUE
## 1695 12 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1696 19 punct TRUE
## 1697 17 det beg TRUE
## 1698 19 nsubj end_root FALSE
## 1699 19 punct TRUE
## 1700 19 ROOT TRUE
## 1701 19 prep TRUE
## 1702 20 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1703 19 advmod TRUE
## 1704 19 npadvmod TIME_B FALSE
## 1705 19 punct TRUE
## 1706 10 dep FALSE
## 1707 10 prep TRUE
## 1708 4 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 1709 2 pobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 1710 4 nummod DATE_I FALSE
## 1711 10 punct TRUE
## 1712 8 det beg TRUE
## 1713 10 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1714 10 aux TRUE
## 1715 10 ROOT TRUE
## 1716 10 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 1717 10 advcl TRUE
## 1718 14 aux TRUE
## 1719 12 xcomp FALSE
## 1720 10 punct TRUE
## 1721 6 dep FALSE
## 1722 4 det GPE_B beg TRUE
## 1723 4 compound GPE_I mid TRUE
## 1724 6 nsubj GPE_I end_root TRUE
## 1725 6 aux TRUE
## 1726 6 ROOT TRUE
## 1727 11 det beg TRUE
## 1728 9 amod mid TRUE
## 1729 11 compound mid TRUE
## 1730 11 compound mid TRUE
## 1731 6 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1732 6 prep TRUE
## 1733 16 quantmod PERCENT_B beg TRUE
## 1734 16 amod PERCENT_I mid TRUE
## 1735 16 quantmod PERCENT_I mid TRUE
## 1736 17 nummod PERCENT_I mid TRUE
## 1737 12 pobj PERCENT_I end_root FALSE
## 1738 6 punct TRUE
## 1739 5 dep FALSE
## 1740 5 cc TRUE
## 1741 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1742 5 aux TRUE
## 1743 5 ROOT TRUE
## 1744 7 aux TRUE
## 1745 5 xcomp TRUE
## 1746 7 ccomp TRUE
## 1747 10 poss beg TRUE
## 1748 12 poss mid FALSE
## 1749 10 case mid TRUE
## 1750 13 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1751 8 ccomp TRUE
## 1752 13 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 1753 5 punct TRUE
## 1754 17 prep TRUE
## 1755 3 amod beg TRUE
## 1756 1 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1757 17 punct TRUE
## 1758 17 prep TRUE
## 1759 13 det beg TRUE
## 1760 13 amod ORDINAL_B mid FALSE
## 1761 7 punct mid TRUE
## 1762 7 conj ORDINAL_B mid FALSE
## 1763 9 punct mid TRUE
## 1764 9 cc mid TRUE
## 1765 9 conj ORDINAL_B mid TRUE
## 1766 5 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1767 17 punct TRUE
## 1768 17 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1769 17 aux TRUE
## 1770 17 ROOT TRUE
## 1771 19 poss beg TRUE
## 1772 21 poss mid FALSE
## 1773 19 case mid TRUE
## 1774 17 dobj end_root FALSE
## 1775 17 punct TRUE
## 1776 10 dep FALSE
## 1777 10 prep TRUE
## 1778 4 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 1779 2 pobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 1780 4 nummod DATE_I FALSE
## 1781 10 punct TRUE
## 1782 8 compound GPE_B beg TRUE
## 1783 10 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1784 10 aux TRUE
## 1785 10 ROOT TRUE
## 1786 10 acomp ORDINAL_B TRUE
## 1787 10 prep TRUE
## 1788 14 det beg TRUE
## 1789 12 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1790 10 prep TRUE
## 1791 15 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1792 16 cc TRUE
## 1793 19 compound beg TRUE
## 1794 16 conj end_root FALSE
## 1795 10 punct TRUE
## 1796 6 dep FALSE
## 1797 4 det beg TRUE
## 1798 4 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 1799 6 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1800 6 aux TRUE
## 1801 6 ROOT TRUE
## 1802 11 det beg TRUE
## 1803 11 amod mid FALSE
## 1804 11 punct mid TRUE
## 1805 11 amod mid TRUE
## 1806 6 attr end_root TRUE
## 1807 11 cc TRUE
## 1808 11 conj beg_root FALSE
## 1809 6 punct TRUE
## 1810 5 dep FALSE
## 1811 3 det beg TRUE
## 1812 5 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1813 5 aux TRUE
## 1814 5 ROOT TRUE
## 1815 7 det beg TRUE
## 1816 5 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1817 7 prep TRUE
## 1818 10 amod beg TRUE
## 1819 8 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1820 12 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1821 7 relcl TRUE
## 1822 14 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1823 12 ccomp TRUE
## 1824 19 mark TRUE
## 1825 17 poss beg TRUE
## 1826 19 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1827 19 aux TRUE
## 1828 14 advcl FALSE
## 1829 5 punct TRUE
## 1830 7 cc TRUE
## 1831 3 det beg TRUE
## 1832 7 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1833 3 prep TRUE
## 1834 4 pobj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 1835 7 aux TRUE
## 1836 7 ROOT TRUE
## 1837 10 npadvmod FALSE
## 1838 10 punct FALSE
## 1839 7 acomp FALSE
## 1840 7 punct TRUE
## 1841 3 dep FALSE
## 1842 3 nsubj TRUE
## 1843 3 ROOT FALSE
## 1844 3 punct TRUE
## 1845 2 advmod TRUE
## 1846 2 ROOT FALSE
## 1847 2 punct TRUE
## 1848 1 ROOT TRUE
## 1849 3 aux TRUE
## 1850 1 xcomp FALSE
## 1851 1 punct TRUE
## 1852 1 ROOT TRUE
## 1853 1 prep TRUE
## 1854 2 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 1855 1 punct TRUE
## 1856 3 cc beg TRUE
## 1857 3 det mid TRUE
## 1858 3 ROOT end_root FALSE
## 1859 3 case TRUE
## 1860 3 prep TRUE
## 1861 5 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 1862 3 punct TRUE
## 1863 2 det beg TRUE
## 1864 5 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1865 5 aux TRUE
## 1866 5 neg TRUE
## 1867 5 ROOT TRUE
## 1868 5 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 1869 6 amod TRUE
## 1870 7 prep TRUE
## 1871 8 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 1872 9 prep TRUE
## 1873 10 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 1874 5 punct TRUE
## 1875 5 dep FALSE
## 1876 3 det beg TRUE
## 1877 5 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1878 5 aux TRUE
## 1879 5 ROOT TRUE
## 1880 5 dobj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 1881 5 oprd FALSE
## 1882 5 punct TRUE
## 1883 3 cc TRUE
## 1884 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1885 11 ccomp TRUE
## 1886 3 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 1887 3 prep TRUE
## 1888 8 det beg TRUE
## 1889 8 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 1890 5 pobj end_root FALSE
## 1891 11 punct TRUE
## 1892 11 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1893 11 ROOT TRUE
## 1894 11 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 1895 11 punct TRUE
## 1896 3 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1897 3 aux TRUE
## 1898 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1899 5 poss beg TRUE
## 1900 3 dobj end_root FALSE
## 1901 5 punct TRUE
## 1902 8 poss beg TRUE
## 1903 5 appos end_root FALSE
## 1904 8 punct TRUE
## 1905 11 poss beg TRUE
## 1906 8 conj end_root TRUE
## 1907 11 cc TRUE
## 1908 11 conj beg_root FALSE
## 1909 11 punct TRUE
## 1910 16 poss beg TRUE
## 1911 11 conj end_root TRUE
## 1912 16 cc TRUE
## 1913 16 conj beg_root TRUE
## 1914 16 prep TRUE
## 1915 19 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 1916 3 punct TRUE
## 1917 2 cc TRUE
## 1918 2 ROOT TRUE
## 1919 4 det beg TRUE
## 1920 5 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1921 2 ccomp TRUE
## 1922 5 acomp FALSE
## 1923 2 punct TRUE
## 1924 2 cc TRUE
## 1925 2 conj TRUE
## 1926 12 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1927 12 advmod TRUE
## 1928 9 ccomp TRUE
## 1929 12 acomp FALSE
## 1930 2 punct TRUE
## 1931 2 nsubj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 1932 2 ROOT TRUE
## 1933 2 acomp FALSE
## 1934 2 punct TRUE
## 1935 1 dep FALSE
## 1936 5 mark TRUE
## 1937 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1938 5 advmod TRUE
## 1939 1 advcl TRUE
## 1940 5 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 1941 1 cc TRUE
## 1942 10 mark TRUE
## 1943 10 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1944 22 advcl TRUE
## 1945 10 acomp TRUE
## 1946 11 prep TRUE
## 1947 12 pcomp TRUE
## 1948 13 acomp TRUE
## 1949 16 aux TRUE
## 1950 14 xcomp TRUE
## 1951 18 det beg TRUE
## 1952 16 dobj end_root FALSE
## 1953 22 punct TRUE
## 1954 22 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 1955 22 aux TRUE
## 1956 1 conj TRUE
## 1957 25 poss beg TRUE
## 1958 25 amod mid TRUE
## 1959 22 dobj end_root TRUE
## 1960 22 prep TRUE
## 1961 26 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 1962 22 punct TRUE
## 1963 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1964 3 aux TRUE
## 1965 3 ROOT TRUE
## 1966 5 amod beg TRUE
## 1967 3 dobj end_root FALSE
## 1968 3 punct TRUE
## 1969 2 nummod DATE_B TRUE
## 1970 3 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 1971 8 advmod DATE_I FALSE
## 1972 8 punct TRUE
## 1973 7 det beg TRUE
## 1974 7 amod ORG_B mid TRUE
## 1975 8 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 1976 8 ROOT TRUE
## 1977 10 nummod PERCENT_B beg TRUE
## 1978 8 attr PERCENT_I end_root TRUE
## 1979 10 prep TRUE
## 1980 15 poss beg TRUE
## 1981 15 amod mid TRUE
## 1982 15 amod mid TRUE
## 1983 11 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1984 10 punct TRUE
## 1985 18 nummod PERCENT_B beg TRUE
## 1986 10 appos PERCENT_I end_root FALSE
## 1987 8 punct TRUE
## 1988 6 prep TRUE
## 1989 4 det beg TRUE
## 1990 4 amod mid TRUE
## 1991 1 pobj end_root TRUE
## 1992 6 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 1993 14 advcl TRUE
## 1994 6 prt TRUE
## 1995 9 nummod DATE_B TRUE
## 1996 10 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 1997 6 advmod DATE_I FALSE
## 1998 14 punct TRUE
## 1999 13 det beg TRUE
## 2000 14 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2001 14 ROOT TRUE
## 2002 17 quantmod beg TRUE
## 2003 17 quantmod mid TRUE
## 2004 18 nummod PERCENT_B mid TRUE
## 2005 14 attr PERCENT_I end_root TRUE
## 2006 18 prep TRUE
## 2007 22 amod beg TRUE
## 2008 22 amod mid TRUE
## 2009 19 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2010 14 punct TRUE
## 2011 4 dep FALSE
## 2012 3 det beg TRUE
## 2013 4 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2014 4 ROOT TRUE
## 2015 6 compound beg TRUE
## 2016 4 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2017 4 prep TRUE
## 2018 7 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2019 4 punct TRUE
## 2020 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2021 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2022 7 det beg TRUE
## 2023 6 compound LAW_B mid FALSE
## 2024 6 punct LAW_I mid FALSE
## 2025 7 compound LAW_I mid TRUE
## 2026 2 dobj end_root FALSE
## 2027 2 punct TRUE
## 2028 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2029 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2030 4 det beg TRUE
## 2031 2 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2032 2 prt TRUE
## 2033 2 advmod TRUE
## 2034 2 cc TRUE
## 2035 2 conj TRUE
## 2036 10 det beg TRUE
## 2037 8 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2038 8 prep TRUE
## 2039 11 pobj DATE_B TRUE
## 2040 8 prep TRUE
## 2041 16 det beg TRUE
## 2042 16 amod mid TRUE
## 2043 13 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2044 2 punct TRUE
## 2045 2 cc TRUE
## 2046 8 advcl TRUE
## 2047 4 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2048 2 ccomp TRUE
## 2049 4 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 2050 8 punct TRUE
## 2051 8 expl FALSE
## 2052 8 ROOT TRUE
## 2053 8 advmod TRUE
## 2054 12 amod beg TRUE
## 2055 12 quantmod mid TRUE
## 2056 14 amod mid TRUE
## 2057 14 amod mid TRUE
## 2058 8 attr end_root FALSE
## 2059 8 punct TRUE
## 2060 9 prep TRUE
## 2061 1 pobj TRUE
## 2062 2 prep TRUE
## 2063 3 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2064 9 punct TRUE
## 2065 8 quantmod MONEY_B FALSE
## 2066 8 compound MONEY_I TRUE
## 2067 9 nsubj MONEY_I TRUE
## 2068 9 ROOT TRUE
## 2069 9 advmod TRUE
## 2070 12 det beg TRUE
## 2071 9 attr end_root TRUE
## 2072 12 prep TRUE
## 2073 13 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2074 9 punct TRUE
## 2075 11 dep FALSE
## 2076 11 cc TRUE
## 2077 7 mark TRUE
## 2078 5 det beg TRUE
## 2079 7 nsubjpass end_root TRUE
## 2080 7 auxpass TRUE
## 2081 11 advcl FALSE
## 2082 11 punct TRUE
## 2083 11 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2084 11 aux TRUE
## 2085 11 ROOT TRUE
## 2086 13 det beg TRUE
## 2087 11 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2088 15 det beg TRUE
## 2089 16 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2090 13 relcl TRUE
## 2091 19 advmod TRUE
## 2092 19 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2093 16 advcl TRUE
## 2094 19 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 2095 22 aux TRUE
## 2096 20 relcl FALSE
## 2097 11 punct TRUE
## 2098 4 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2099 4 aux FALSE
## 2100 4 neg TRUE
## 2101 4 ROOT TRUE
## 2102 4 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 2103 4 prep TRUE
## 2104 8 poss beg TRUE
## 2105 6 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2106 8 cc TRUE
## 2107 11 poss beg TRUE
## 2108 8 conj end_root FALSE
## 2109 4 punct TRUE
## 2110 4 mark TRUE
## 2111 4 nsubjpass beg_root FALSE
## 2112 4 auxpass TRUE
## 2113 8 advcl FALSE
## 2114 8 punct TRUE
## 2115 8 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2116 8 aux TRUE
## 2117 8 ROOT TRUE
## 2118 8 xcomp TRUE
## 2119 9 prt TRUE
## 2120 13 det beg TRUE
## 2121 13 amod mid TRUE
## 2122 10 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2123 8 punct TRUE
## 2124 4 dep FALSE
## 2125 4 cc TRUE
## 2126 4 expl FALSE
## 2127 4 ROOT TRUE
## 2128 4 attr beg_root TRUE
## 2129 5 amod TRUE
## 2130 8 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2131 5 relcl TRUE
## 2132 10 det beg TRUE
## 2133 8 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2134 10 prep TRUE
## 2135 13 det beg TRUE
## 2136 11 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2137 4 punct TRUE
## 2138 4 attr beg_root FALSE
## 2139 15 punct TRUE
## 2140 18 det beg TRUE
## 2141 15 appos end_root TRUE
## 2142 18 prep TRUE
## 2143 24 poss GPE_B beg FALSE
## 2144 20 case mid TRUE
## 2145 24 amod mid TRUE
## 2146 24 amod mid TRUE
## 2147 19 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2148 4 punct TRUE
## 2149 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2150 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2151 4 advmod beg TRUE
## 2152 5 nummod CARDINAL_B mid TRUE
## 2153 2 attr end_root TRUE
## 2154 5 prep TRUE
## 2155 8 advmod TRUE
## 2156 10 acomp TRUE
## 2157 10 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2158 6 pcomp FALSE
## 2159 2 punct TRUE
## 2160 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2161 3 aux TRUE
## 2162 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2163 7 det ORG_B beg TRUE
## 2164 6 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 2165 7 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 2166 3 dobj ORG_I end_root TRUE
## 2167 3 prep TRUE
## 2168 10 compound ORG_B beg TRUE
## 2169 8 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2170 3 punct TRUE
## 2171 13 neg beg TRUE
## 2172 14 amod mid TRUE
## 2173 3 dobj end_root FALSE
## 2174 14 punct TRUE
## 2175 17 neg beg TRUE
## 2176 18 advmod mid TRUE
## 2177 20 amod mid FALSE
## 2178 20 punct mid FALSE
## 2179 14 conj end_root FALSE
## 2180 3 punct TRUE
## 2181 3 cc TRUE
## 2182 24 det beg TRUE
## 2183 3 conj end_root TRUE
## 2184 41 mark TRUE
## 2185 25 advmod TRUE
## 2186 26 prep TRUE
## 2187 27 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2188 27 punct TRUE
## 2189 26 cc TRUE
## 2190 32 advmod TRUE
## 2191 41 prep TRUE
## 2192 34 poss beg TRUE
## 2193 32 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2194 34 prep TRUE
## 2195 37 amod beg TRUE
## 2196 35 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2197 41 punct TRUE
## 2198 40 amod beg TRUE
## 2199 41 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2200 24 acl TRUE
## 2201 43 det beg TRUE
## 2202 41 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2203 45 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2204 43 relcl FALSE
## 2205 3 punct TRUE
## 2206 6 dep FALSE
## 2207 3 det beg TRUE
## 2208 5 poss DATE_B mid FALSE
## 2209 3 case mid TRUE
## 2210 6 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2211 6 ROOT TRUE
## 2212 10 quantmod MONEY_B TRUE
## 2213 10 quantmod MONEY_I FALSE
## 2214 10 compound MONEY_I TRUE
## 2215 6 dobj MONEY_I TRUE
## 2216 10 prep TRUE
## 2217 13 amod beg TRUE
## 2218 11 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2219 15 aux TRUE
## 2220 6 advcl TRUE
## 2221 17 poss beg TRUE
## 2222 15 dobj end_root FALSE
## 2223 15 punct TRUE
## 2224 15 prep TRUE
## 2225 23 quantmod MONEY_B TRUE
## 2226 23 quantmod MONEY_I FALSE
## 2227 23 compound MONEY_I TRUE
## 2228 19 pobj MONEY_I TRUE
## 2229 23 prep TRUE
## 2230 26 amod beg TRUE
## 2231 27 compound mid TRUE
## 2232 24 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2233 23 punct TRUE
## 2234 23 cc TRUE
## 2235 32 det beg TRUE
## 2236 32 amod mid TRUE
## 2237 45 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2238 34 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2239 32 relcl TRUE
## 2240 34 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 2241 37 det beg TRUE
## 2242 34 oprd end_root TRUE
## 2243 39 aux TRUE
## 2244 34 advcl TRUE
## 2245 42 poss beg TRUE
## 2246 42 amod mid TRUE
## 2247 39 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2248 42 cc TRUE
## 2249 42 conj beg_root TRUE
## 2250 23 conj TRUE
## 2251 47 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2252 45 ccomp TRUE
## 2253 49 amod beg TRUE
## 2254 47 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2255 49 prep TRUE
## 2256 52 amod beg TRUE
## 2257 50 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2258 45 punct TRUE
## 2259 45 cc TRUE
## 2260 45 conj beg_root TRUE
## 2261 55 advmod FALSE
## 2262 55 punct TRUE
## 2263 55 appos beg_root TRUE
## 2264 61 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2265 61 aux TRUE
## 2266 58 relcl TRUE
## 2267 61 xcomp TRUE
## 2268 64 det beg TRUE
## 2269 62 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2270 62 oprd TRUE
## 2271 65 prep TRUE
## 2272 68 poss beg TRUE
## 2273 66 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2274 65 prep TRUE
## 2275 72 det beg TRUE
## 2276 72 amod mid TRUE
## 2277 69 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2278 61 cc TRUE
## 2279 61 conj TRUE
## 2280 74 dobj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 2281 74 oprd TRUE
## 2282 80 mark TRUE
## 2283 80 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2284 80 aux TRUE
## 2285 74 advcl FALSE
## 2286 55 punct TRUE
## 2287 83 det beg TRUE
## 2288 55 appos end_root TRUE
## 2289 85 aux TRUE
## 2290 83 relcl TRUE
## 2291 87 quantmod beg TRUE
## 2292 88 nummod mid TRUE
## 2293 85 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2294 90 det TRUE
## 2295 88 npadvmod FALSE
## 2296 6 punct TRUE
## 2297 4 dep FALSE
## 2298 4 cc TRUE
## 2299 4 npadvmod TIME_B TRUE
## 2300 21 ccomp TRUE
## 2301 6 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2302 4 ccomp TRUE
## 2303 6 advmod TRUE
## 2304 6 prep TRUE
## 2305 11 predet beg TRUE
## 2306 11 det mid TRUE
## 2307 8 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2308 11 prep TRUE
## 2309 14 det beg TRUE
## 2310 12 pobj ORG_B end_root FALSE
## 2311 21 punct TRUE
## 2312 18 det beg TRUE
## 2313 18 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 2314 21 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2315 21 aux TRUE
## 2316 21 neg TRUE
## 2317 21 ROOT TRUE
## 2318 21 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 2319 21 advmod TRUE
## 2320 21 prep TRUE
## 2321 24 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2322 21 punct TRUE
## 2323 2 expl TRUE
## 2324 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2325 2 attr beg_root TRUE
## 2326 5 aux TRUE
## 2327 3 relcl FALSE
## 2328 2 punct TRUE
## 2329 2 cc TRUE
## 2330 9 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2331 2 conj TRUE
## 2332 9 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 2333 9 advmod TRUE
## 2334 13 aux TRUE
## 2335 9 advcl TRUE
## 2336 15 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2337 13 ccomp FALSE
## 2338 9 punct TRUE
## 2339 12 cc TRUE
## 2340 3 advmod TRUE
## 2341 12 advmod FALSE
## 2342 12 punct TRUE
## 2343 12 prep TRUE
## 2344 7 det beg TRUE
## 2345 5 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2346 7 prep TRUE
## 2347 8 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2348 12 punct TRUE
## 2349 12 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2350 12 ROOT TRUE
## 2351 14 poss beg TRUE
## 2352 12 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2353 12 dative TRUE
## 2354 15 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 2355 16 prep TRUE
## 2356 17 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2357 12 punct TRUE
## 2358 1 ROOT FALSE
## 2359 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2360 1 ccomp TRUE
## 2361 3 advmod TRUE
## 2362 6 aux TRUE
## 2363 3 advcl TRUE
## 2364 8 det beg TRUE
## 2365 6 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2366 8 prep TRUE
## 2367 11 det beg TRUE
## 2368 9 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2369 8 punct TRUE
## 2370 14 amod beg TRUE
## 2371 8 appos end_root FALSE
## 2372 14 punct TRUE
## 2373 17 compound beg TRUE
## 2374 14 conj end_root FALSE
## 2375 14 punct TRUE
## 2376 22 det LAW_B beg TRUE
## 2377 21 compound LAW_I mid TRUE
## 2378 22 compound LAW_I mid TRUE
## 2379 14 conj LAW_I end_root FALSE
## 2380 22 punct TRUE
## 2381 22 conj beg_root FALSE
## 2382 24 punct TRUE
## 2383 24 cc TRUE
## 2384 24 conj beg_root FALSE
## 2385 1 punct TRUE
## 2386 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2387 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2388 2 attr beg_root TRUE
## 2389 5 aux TRUE
## 2390 3 relcl FALSE
## 2391 2 punct TRUE
## 2392 3 det beg TRUE
## 2393 3 compound mid TRUE
## 2394 3 ROOT end_root FALSE
## 2395 3 punct TRUE
## 2396 6 compound beg TRUE
## 2397 3 appos end_root FALSE
## 2398 6 punct TRUE
## 2399 10 compound beg FALSE
## 2400 10 punct mid FALSE
## 2401 11 compound mid TRUE
## 2402 6 conj end_root FALSE
## 2403 11 punct TRUE
## 2404 14 compound beg TRUE
## 2405 3 appos end_root TRUE
## 2406 3 punct TRUE
## 2407 17 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2408 3 parataxis TRUE
## 2409 17 attr beg_root TRUE
## 2410 20 aux TRUE
## 2411 18 relcl TRUE
## 2412 20 advmod FALSE
## 2413 17 punct TRUE
## 2414 4 dep FALSE
## 2415 4 cc TRUE
## 2416 4 expl FALSE
## 2417 4 ROOT TRUE
## 2418 6 nummod beg TRUE
## 2419 4 attr end_root TRUE
## 2420 8 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2421 6 relcl TRUE
## 2422 11 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2423 11 aux TRUE
## 2424 8 ccomp TRUE
## 2425 11 acomp TRUE
## 2426 14 aux TRUE
## 2427 12 xcomp TRUE
## 2428 14 prep FALSE
## 2429 4 punct TRUE
## 2430 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2431 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2432 2 prep TRUE
## 2433 5 poss beg TRUE
## 2434 3 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2435 2 punct TRUE
## 2436 3 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2437 3 aux TRUE
## 2438 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2439 3 prep TRUE
## 2440 6 compound ORG_B beg TRUE
## 2441 4 pobj ORG_I end_root FALSE
## 2442 3 punct TRUE
## 2443 29 prep TRUE
## 2444 3 det beg TRUE
## 2445 1 pobj NORP_B end_root TRUE
## 2446 5 advmod TRUE
## 2447 3 advmod TRUE
## 2448 5 prep TRUE
## 2449 8 compound ORG_B beg TRUE
## 2450 6 pobj ORG_I end_root FALSE
## 2451 1 punct TRUE
## 2452 1 prep TRUE
## 2453 12 det TRUE
## 2454 10 pobj NORP_B TRUE
## 2455 12 acl TRUE
## 2456 15 det beg TRUE
## 2457 13 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2458 13 npadvmod DATE_B FALSE
## 2459 10 punct TRUE
## 2460 10 cc TRUE
## 2461 29 prep TRUE
## 2462 19 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 2463 20 acl TRUE
## 2464 21 prep TRUE
## 2465 22 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 2466 26 advmod TRUE
## 2467 26 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2468 21 advcl FALSE
## 2469 29 punct TRUE
## 2470 29 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2471 29 ROOT TRUE
## 2472 31 det beg TRUE
## 2473 29 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2474 29 dative TRUE
## 2475 32 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2476 29 punct TRUE
## 2477 29 cc TRUE
## 2478 38 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2479 38 aux TRUE
## 2480 29 conj TRUE
## 2481 40 aux TRUE
## 2482 38 xcomp TRUE
## 2483 40 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 2484 38 punct TRUE
## 2485 3 dep FALSE
## 2486 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2487 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2488 5 det beg TRUE
## 2489 3 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2490 3 prep TRUE
## 2491 6 pobj DATE_B FALSE
## 2492 3 punct TRUE
## 2493 3 cc TRUE
## 2494 11 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2495 3 conj TRUE
## 2496 11 acomp TRUE
## 2497 11 advmod TRUE
## 2498 11 punct TRUE
## 2499 16 amod beg TRUE
## 2500 11 attr end_root FALSE
## 2501 11 punct TRUE
## 2502 2 poss beg TRUE
## 2503 4 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2504 4 advmod TRUE
## 2505 4 ROOT TRUE
## 2506 7 poss DATE_B beg FALSE
## 2507 5 case mid TRUE
## 2508 4 dobj end_root FALSE
## 2509 4 punct TRUE
## 2510 4 cc TRUE
## 2511 11 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2512 4 conj TRUE
## 2513 17 mark TRUE
## 2514 14 amod beg TRUE
## 2515 17 nsubjpass end_root TRUE
## 2516 17 aux TRUE
## 2517 17 auxpass TRUE
## 2518 11 ccomp TRUE
## 2519 19 advmod TRUE
## 2520 17 advmod FALSE
## 2521 11 punct TRUE
## 2522 3 det beg TRUE
## 2523 3 amod mid TRUE
## 2524 8 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2525 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2526 3 relcl TRUE
## 2527 7 aux TRUE
## 2528 5 xcomp TRUE
## 2529 8 ROOT TRUE
## 2530 8 acomp TRUE
## 2531 9 advmod TRUE
## 2532 9 prep TRUE
## 2533 13 compound ORG_B beg TRUE
## 2534 11 pobj ORG_I end_root FALSE
## 2535 8 punct TRUE
## 2536 3 dep FALSE
## 2537 3 expl FALSE
## 2538 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2539 6 nummod CARDINAL_B beg TRUE
## 2540 6 amod mid TRUE
## 2541 3 attr end_root TRUE
## 2542 8 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2543 6 relcl TRUE
## 2544 10 aux TRUE
## 2545 8 xcomp FALSE
## 2546 3 punct TRUE
## 2547 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2548 3 aux TRUE
## 2549 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2550 5 amod beg TRUE
## 2551 3 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2552 3 prep TRUE
## 2553 8 det beg TRUE
## 2554 6 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2555 8 prep TRUE
## 2556 14 det beg TRUE
## 2557 13 compound mid FALSE
## 2558 13 punct mid FALSE
## 2559 14 compound mid TRUE
## 2560 9 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2561 3 advmod TRUE
## 2562 3 advmod FALSE
## 2563 3 punct TRUE
## 2564 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2565 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2566 7 advmod TRUE
## 2567 7 npadvmod TIME_B TRUE
## 2568 7 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2569 7 aux TRUE
## 2570 2 ccomp TRUE
## 2571 9 compound beg TRUE
## 2572 7 dobj PERSON_B end_root FALSE
## 2573 9 punct TRUE
## 2574 12 compound PERSON_B beg TRUE
## 2575 9 conj PERSON_I end_root FALSE
## 2576 12 punct TRUE
## 2577 12 appos beg_root TRUE
## 2578 14 prep TRUE
## 2579 15 pobj ORG_B beg_root TRUE
## 2580 16 cc ORG_I TRUE
## 2581 19 compound ORG_I beg TRUE
## 2582 16 conj ORG_I end_root FALSE
## 2583 9 punct TRUE
## 2584 22 aux TRUE
## 2585 7 xcomp TRUE
## 2586 27 det beg TRUE
## 2587 25 compound ORG_B mid TRUE
## 2588 26 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 2589 27 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 2590 22 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2591 27 prep TRUE
## 2592 28 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 2593 29 prep TRUE
## 2594 32 det beg TRUE
## 2595 30 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2596 32 punct TRUE
## 2597 32 conj beg_root FALSE
## 2598 34 punct TRUE
## 2599 34 cc TRUE
## 2600 34 conj beg_root TRUE
## 2601 37 prep TRUE
## 2602 40 poss beg TRUE
## 2603 45 poss mid FALSE
## 2604 40 case mid TRUE
## 2605 44 compound mid FALSE
## 2606 44 punct mid FALSE
## 2607 45 compound mid TRUE
## 2608 38 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2609 2 punct TRUE
## 2610 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2611 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2612 2 acomp TRUE
## 2613 5 aux TRUE
## 2614 3 xcomp TRUE
## 2615 8 det beg TRUE
## 2616 8 amod mid TRUE
## 2617 5 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2618 8 prep TRUE
## 2619 11 compound beg TRUE
## 2620 9 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2621 5 prep TRUE
## 2622 12 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2623 2 punct TRUE
## 2624 9 dep FALSE
## 2625 3 det beg TRUE
## 2626 9 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2627 3 prep TRUE
## 2628 6 det beg TRUE
## 2629 4 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2630 9 aux TRUE
## 2631 9 advmod TRUE
## 2632 9 ROOT TRUE
## 2633 9 prep TRUE
## 2634 10 pobj TRUE
## 2635 11 prep TRUE
## 2636 12 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 2637 9 prep TRUE
## 2638 17 det beg TRUE
## 2639 17 amod mid TRUE
## 2640 14 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2641 9 punct TRUE
## 2642 7 cc TRUE
## 2643 3 det beg TRUE
## 2644 7 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2645 3 prep TRUE
## 2646 6 det beg TRUE
## 2647 4 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2648 7 ROOT TRUE
## 2649 7 prep TRUE
## 2650 10 det beg TRUE
## 2651 8 pobj NORP_B end_root FALSE
## 2652 7 punct TRUE
## 2653 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2654 3 aux TRUE
## 2655 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2656 6 det beg TRUE
## 2657 6 amod mid TRUE
## 2658 3 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2659 8 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2660 6 relcl TRUE
## 2661 10 det beg TRUE
## 2662 8 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2663 8 prep TRUE
## 2664 11 prep TRUE
## 2665 12 pobj CARDINAL_B beg_root TRUE
## 2666 13 prep TRUE
## 2667 14 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2668 3 punct TRUE
## 2669 4 nsubjpass beg_root FALSE
## 2670 4 aux TRUE
## 2671 4 auxpass TRUE
## 2672 4 ROOT TRUE
## 2673 4 prep TRUE
## 2674 9 det beg TRUE
## 2675 9 amod mid TRUE
## 2676 9 compound mid TRUE
## 2677 5 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2678 9 prep TRUE
## 2679 12 det beg TRUE
## 2680 10 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2681 4 punct TRUE
## 2682 2 det TRUE
## 2683 6 nsubj TRUE
## 2684 2 prep TRUE
## 2685 3 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 2686 6 aux TRUE
## 2687 6 ROOT TRUE
## 2688 6 cc TRUE
## 2689 6 conj TRUE
## 2690 8 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 2691 9 punct TRUE
## 2692 9 conj FALSE
## 2693 8 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 2694 8 dobj FALSE
## 2695 13 punct TRUE
## 2696 13 conj beg_root FALSE
## 2697 15 punct TRUE
## 2698 15 cc TRUE
## 2699 15 conj beg_root FALSE
## 2700 18 punct TRUE
## 2701 8 neg TRUE
## 2702 22 amod DATE_B TRUE
## 2703 8 npadvmod DATE_I FALSE
## 2704 8 punct TRUE
## 2705 8 neg TRUE
## 2706 8 npadvmod DATE_B FALSE
## 2707 6 punct TRUE
## 2708 6 cc TRUE
## 2709 29 advmod TRUE
## 2710 6 advmod TRUE
## 2711 29 punct TRUE
## 2712 33 det TRUE
## 2713 33 amod TRUE
## 2714 2 appos TRUE
## 2715 33 prep TRUE
## 2716 34 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2717 6 punct TRUE
## 2718 7 dep FALSE
## 2719 3 det beg TRUE
## 2720 7 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2721 3 prep TRUE
## 2722 6 det beg TRUE
## 2723 4 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2724 15 ccomp TRUE
## 2725 7 prep TRUE
## 2726 11 mark TRUE
## 2727 11 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2728 8 pcomp TRUE
## 2729 13 poss beg TRUE
## 2730 11 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2731 15 punct TRUE
## 2732 15 ROOT TRUE
## 2733 17 det beg TRUE
## 2734 15 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2735 17 prep TRUE
## 2736 20 poss beg TRUE
## 2737 18 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2738 17 prep TRUE
## 2739 23 poss TRUE
## 2740 21 pobj FALSE
## 2741 15 punct TRUE
## 2742 3 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2743 3 aux TRUE
## 2744 16 ccomp TRUE
## 2745 5 aux TRUE
## 2746 3 xcomp TRUE
## 2747 5 advmod TRUE
## 2748 9 advmod TRUE
## 2749 9 expl FALSE
## 2750 5 advcl TRUE
## 2751 9 attr beg_root FALSE
## 2752 3 punct TRUE
## 2753 3 conj TRUE
## 2754 14 det beg TRUE
## 2755 12 dobj end_root FALSE
## 2756 16 punct TRUE
## 2757 16 ROOT TRUE
## 2758 19 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 2759 19 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2760 16 ccomp TRUE
## 2761 21 det beg TRUE
## 2762 19 oprd end_root TRUE
## 2763 21 prep TRUE
## 2764 22 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 2765 19 prep TRUE
## 2766 26 det beg TRUE
## 2767 24 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2768 26 prep TRUE
## 2769 27 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2770 16 punct TRUE
## 2771 3 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2772 3 aux TRUE
## 2773 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2774 5 aux TRUE
## 2775 3 xcomp TRUE
## 2776 7 det beg TRUE
## 2777 5 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2778 5 prep TRUE
## 2779 11 det beg TRUE
## 2780 11 amod mid TRUE
## 2781 8 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2782 13 aux TRUE
## 2783 5 advcl TRUE
## 2784 13 prt TRUE
## 2785 13 cc TRUE
## 2786 13 conj TRUE
## 2787 16 prep TRUE
## 2788 19 poss beg TRUE
## 2789 17 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2790 3 punct TRUE
## 2791 3 conj TRUE
## 2792 21 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 2793 21 prep TRUE
## 2794 25 poss beg TRUE
## 2795 23 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2796 21 punct TRUE
## 2797 21 conj TRUE
## 2798 27 prt TRUE
## 2799 30 det beg TRUE
## 2800 27 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2801 32 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2802 30 relcl TRUE
## 2803 32 prep TRUE
## 2804 33 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 2805 3 punct TRUE
## 2806 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2807 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2808 5 advmod TRUE
## 2809 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2810 2 ccomp TRUE
## 2811 7 det beg TRUE
## 2812 5 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2813 7 prep TRUE
## 2814 10 det beg TRUE
## 2815 8 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2816 2 punct TRUE
## 2817 2 det beg TRUE
## 2818 3 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2819 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2820 3 acomp FALSE
## 2821 3 punct TRUE
## 2822 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2823 1 appos beg_root TRUE
## 2824 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2825 3 prt FALSE
## 2826 3 punct TRUE
## 2827 3 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2828 3 aux TRUE
## 2829 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2830 5 det beg TRUE
## 2831 3 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2832 7 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2833 5 relcl TRUE
## 2834 7 dative beg_root TRUE
## 2835 7 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 2836 3 punct TRUE
## 2837 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2838 1 appos beg_root TRUE
## 2839 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2840 3 prt TRUE
## 2841 3 prep TRUE
## 2842 8 attr beg_root TRUE
## 2843 8 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2844 5 pcomp TRUE
## 2845 8 cc TRUE
## 2846 13 attr beg_root TRUE
## 2847 13 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2848 13 aux TRUE
## 2849 8 conj FALSE
## 2850 3 punct TRUE
## 2851 2 dep FALSE
## 2852 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2853 4 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2854 2 ccomp TRUE
## 2855 32 mark TRUE
## 2856 7 advmod TRUE
## 2857 32 advmod TRUE
## 2858 10 mark TRUE
## 2859 10 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2860 7 advcl TRUE
## 2861 13 det beg TRUE
## 2862 13 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 2863 10 dobj end_root FALSE
## 2864 32 punct TRUE
## 2865 16 advmod TRUE
## 2866 32 advmod TRUE
## 2867 19 mark TRUE
## 2868 19 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2869 16 advcl TRUE
## 2870 19 prt TRUE
## 2871 19 prep TRUE
## 2872 24 det beg TRUE
## 2873 24 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 2874 21 pobj end_root FALSE
## 2875 32 punct TRUE
## 2876 27 det beg TRUE
## 2877 32 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2878 27 prep TRUE
## 2879 30 det beg TRUE
## 2880 28 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2881 32 aux TRUE
## 2882 4 ccomp TRUE
## 2883 32 acomp TRUE
## 2884 33 cc TRUE
## 2885 33 conj FALSE
## 2886 2 punct TRUE
## 2887 17 dep FALSE
## 2888 17 cc TRUE
## 2889 17 prep TRUE
## 2890 3 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 2891 6 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2892 4 relcl TRUE
## 2893 10 mark TRUE
## 2894 10 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2895 10 aux TRUE
## 2896 6 ccomp TRUE
## 2897 12 poss beg TRUE
## 2898 10 dobj end_root TRUE
## 2899 17 punct TRUE
## 2900 17 intj FALSE
## 2901 17 punct TRUE
## 2902 17 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2903 17 ROOT TRUE
## 2904 20 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2905 20 aux TRUE
## 2906 17 ccomp TRUE
## 2907 20 prep TRUE
## 2908 21 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 2909 22 prep TRUE
## 2910 25 det beg TRUE
## 2911 23 pobj end_root TRUE
## 2912 25 acl TRUE
## 2913 26 agent TRUE
## 2914 32 compound ORG_B beg TRUE
## 2915 30 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 2916 32 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 2917 32 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 2918 27 pobj ORG_I end_root FALSE
## 2919 32 punct TRUE
## 2920 41 det beg TRUE
## 2921 37 nummod DATE_B mid FALSE
## 2922 37 punct DATE_I mid FALSE
## 2923 39 npadvmod DATE_I mid FALSE
## 2924 39 punct DATE_I mid FALSE
## 2925 41 amod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 2926 41 compound ORG_B mid TRUE
## 2927 32 appos end_root TRUE
## 2928 41 prep TRUE
## 2929 45 det ORG_B beg TRUE
## 2930 45 amod ORG_I mid TRUE
## 2931 42 pobj ORG_I end_root FALSE
## 2932 45 punct TRUE
## 2933 48 amod PERSON_B beg TRUE
## 2934 45 appos PERSON_I end_root FALSE
## 2935 17 punct TRUE
## 2936 3 nsubjpass beg_root FALSE
## 2937 3 auxpass TRUE
## 2938 3 ROOT TRUE
## 2939 5 compound DATE_B beg TRUE
## 2940 3 dobj DATE_I end_root FALSE
## 2941 5 punct TRUE
## 2942 8 det TRUE
## 2943 13 npadvmod TRUE
## 2944 13 mark TRUE
## 2945 12 poss beg TRUE
## 2946 12 amod mid TRUE
## 2947 13 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2948 3 conj TRUE
## 2949 13 prep TRUE
## 2950 14 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 2951 15 prep TRUE
## 2952 16 pobj GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 2953 13 punct TRUE
## 2954 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 2955 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2956 4 det beg TRUE
## 2957 2 attr end_root TRUE
## 2958 6 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2959 4 relcl TRUE
## 2960 6 cc TRUE
## 2961 12 nsubjpass TRUE
## 2962 12 aux TRUE
## 2963 12 neg TRUE
## 2964 12 auxpass TRUE
## 2965 2 conj FALSE
## 2966 2 punct TRUE
## 2967 9 cc TRUE
## 2968 9 advmod FALSE
## 2969 9 punct TRUE
## 2970 5 compound ORG_B beg TRUE
## 2971 7 poss ORG_I mid FALSE
## 2972 5 case ORG_I mid TRUE
## 2973 9 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 2974 9 aux TRUE
## 2975 9 ROOT TRUE
## 2976 11 det beg TRUE
## 2977 9 dobj end_root FALSE
## 2978 9 punct TRUE
## 2979 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2980 2 ROOT TRUE
## 2981 2 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 2982 2 prt TRUE
## 2983 4 prep TRUE
## 2984 5 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 2985 8 advmod TRUE
## 2986 2 advmod TRUE
## 2987 2 prep TRUE
## 2988 9 pobj GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 2989 2 punct TRUE
## 2990 4 dep FALSE
## 2991 4 cc TRUE
## 2992 4 advmod TRUE
## 2993 4 ROOT TRUE
## 2994 4 attr beg_root TRUE
## 2995 5 prep TRUE
## 2996 9 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 2997 9 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 2998 6 pcomp FALSE
## 2999 5 punct TRUE
## 3000 15 punct FALSE
## 3001 15 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 3002 15 aux TRUE
## 3003 15 neg TRUE
## 3004 5 acl TRUE
## 3005 15 acomp TRUE
## 3006 16 prep TRUE
## 3007 17 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 3008 15 punct TRUE
## 3009 15 cc TRUE
## 3010 22 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3011 4 conj TRUE
## 3012 25 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3013 25 aux TRUE
## 3014 22 ccomp TRUE
## 3015 25 prep TRUE
## 3016 28 det beg TRUE
## 3017 26 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3018 22 punct TRUE
## 3019 4 nsubjpass beg_root FALSE
## 3020 4 aux TRUE
## 3021 4 auxpass TRUE
## 3022 4 ROOT TRUE
## 3023 6 aux TRUE
## 3024 4 xcomp TRUE
## 3025 6 cc TRUE
## 3026 9 aux TRUE
## 3027 6 conj FALSE
## 3028 4 punct TRUE
## 3029 4 cc TRUE
## 3030 13 advmod TRUE
## 3031 4 conj TRUE
## 3032 13 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3033 14 advmod FALSE
## 3034 13 punct TRUE
## 3035 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3036 2 ROOT TRUE
## 3037 2 acomp TRUE
## 3038 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3039 3 ccomp TRUE
## 3040 5 prep TRUE
## 3041 8 det beg TRUE
## 3042 6 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3043 2 punct TRUE
## 3044 2 cc TRUE
## 3045 14 advmod TRUE
## 3046 14 aux TRUE
## 3047 14 neg TRUE
## 3048 2 conj TRUE
## 3049 14 prep TRUE
## 3050 15 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 3051 2 punct TRUE
## 3052 1 ROOT beg_root TRUE
## 3053 1 prep TRUE
## 3054 4 det beg TRUE
## 3055 2 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3056 8 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 3057 8 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3058 8 aux TRUE
## 3059 4 relcl TRUE
## 3060 10 aux TRUE
## 3061 8 advcl TRUE
## 3062 10 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 3063 1 punct TRUE
## 3064 8 cc TRUE
## 3065 8 npadvmod TRUE
## 3066 2 prep TRUE
## 3067 3 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 3068 8 punct TRUE
## 3069 8 aux FALSE
## 3070 8 neg TRUE
## 3071 8 ROOT TRUE
## 3072 10 det beg TRUE
## 3073 11 nsubj ORG_B end_root TRUE
## 3074 8 ccomp TRUE
## 3075 13 poss beg TRUE
## 3076 11 attr end_root FALSE
## 3077 8 punct TRUE
## 3078 1 ROOT beg_root TRUE
## 3079 6 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 3080 4 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3081 1 relcl TRUE
## 3082 6 aux TRUE
## 3083 4 xcomp FALSE
## 3084 1 punct TRUE
## 3085 1 ROOT TRUE
## 3086 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3087 1 ccomp TRUE
## 3088 5 det beg TRUE
## 3089 3 dobj ORG_B end_root TRUE
## 3090 7 aux TRUE
## 3091 3 xcomp TRUE
## 3092 9 poss beg TRUE
## 3093 7 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3094 7 cc TRUE
## 3095 7 conj TRUE
## 3096 14 mark TRUE
## 3097 14 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3098 11 ccomp TRUE
## 3099 14 acomp TRUE
## 3100 17 aux TRUE
## 3101 15 xcomp TRUE
## 3102 20 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 3103 20 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3104 17 ccomp TRUE
## 3105 17 cc TRUE
## 3106 17 conj TRUE
## 3107 24 poss beg TRUE
## 3108 22 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3109 22 advmod FALSE
## 3110 1 punct FALSE
## 3111 1 punct TRUE
## 3112 2 dep FALSE
## 3113 2 ROOT TRUE
## 3114 4 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3115 2 ccomp TRUE
## 3116 8 mark TRUE
## 3117 7 amod beg TRUE
## 3118 8 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3119 4 ccomp TRUE
## 3120 8 prep TRUE
## 3121 11 det TRUE
## 3122 9 pobj ORDINAL_B TRUE
## 3123 13 aux TRUE
## 3124 8 advcl TRUE
## 3125 13 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 3126 14 prep TRUE
## 3127 15 pobj GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 3128 8 punct TRUE
## 3129 4 cc TRUE
## 3130 4 conj CARDINAL_B TRUE
## 3131 19 prep TRUE
## 3132 22 det TRUE
## 3133 20 pobj ORDINAL_B TRUE
## 3134 24 aux TRUE
## 3135 22 relcl FALSE
## 3136 2 punct TRUE
## 3137 3 cc TRUE
## 3138 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3139 3 ROOT TRUE
## 3140 6 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 3141 6 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3142 3 ccomp TRUE
## 3143 6 prep FALSE
## 3144 3 punct TRUE
## 3145 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3146 2 ROOT TRUE
## 3147 4 det beg TRUE
## 3148 2 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3149 6 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3150 4 relcl TRUE
## 3151 6 dobj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 3152 6 prep TRUE
## 3153 10 poss beg TRUE
## 3154 8 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3155 2 punct TRUE
## 3156 3 dep FALSE
## 3157 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3158 3 ROOT TRUE
## 3159 3 npadvmod TIME_B TRUE
## 3160 3 xcomp TRUE
## 3161 5 prep TRUE
## 3162 8 det beg TRUE
## 3163 6 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3164 11 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 3165 11 aux TRUE
## 3166 8 relcl TRUE
## 3167 14 det DATE_B TRUE
## 3168 14 amod DATE_I TRUE
## 3169 11 npadvmod DATE_I FALSE
## 3170 3 punct TRUE
## 3171 2 expl TRUE
## 3172 2 ROOT TRUE
## 3173 5 det beg TRUE
## 3174 5 amod mid TRUE
## 3175 2 attr end_root TRUE
## 3176 5 prep TRUE
## 3177 6 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3178 7 cc TRUE
## 3179 7 conj beg_root TRUE
## 3180 5 prep TRUE
## 3181 10 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 3182 2 punct TRUE
## 3183 2 cc TRUE
## 3184 15 expl FALSE
## 3185 2 conj TRUE
## 3186 17 det beg TRUE
## 3187 15 attr end_root TRUE
## 3188 17 prep TRUE
## 3189 18 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3190 24 mark TRUE
## 3191 24 advmod TRUE
## 3192 24 nsubj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 3193 24 aux TRUE
## 3194 17 relcl FALSE
## 3195 15 punct TRUE
## 3196 2 advmod DATE_B TRUE
## 3197 3 nummod DATE_I TRUE
## 3198 4 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 3199 17 advmod DATE_I FALSE
## 3200 17 punct TRUE
## 3201 17 prep TRUE
## 3202 9 poss beg TRUE
## 3203 9 amod mid TRUE
## 3204 6 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3205 9 prep TRUE
## 3206 12 det beg TRUE
## 3207 10 pobj ORG_B end_root FALSE
## 3208 17 punct TRUE
## 3209 16 compound beg TRUE
## 3210 16 compound PERSON_B mid TRUE
## 3211 17 nsubj PERSON_I end_root TRUE
## 3212 17 ROOT TRUE
## 3213 20 predet beg TRUE
## 3214 20 det mid TRUE
## 3215 22 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3216 22 aux TRUE
## 3217 17 ccomp FALSE
## 3218 17 punct TRUE
## 3219 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3220 2 ROOT FALSE
## 3221 2 punct TRUE
## 3222 2 punct FALSE
## 3223 8 mark TRUE
## 3224 7 poss beg TRUE
## 3225 8 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3226 30 advcl TRUE
## 3227 12 amod FALSE
## 3228 12 punct TRUE
## 3229 12 advmod TRUE
## 3230 8 acomp FALSE
## 3231 12 punct TRUE
## 3232 15 advmod TRUE
## 3233 12 amod TRUE
## 3234 15 prep TRUE
## 3235 16 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3236 17 prep TRUE
## 3237 20 det beg TRUE
## 3238 18 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3239 20 prep TRUE
## 3240 24 det beg TRUE
## 3241 24 compound mid TRUE
## 3242 21 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3243 30 punct TRUE
## 3244 30 advmod TRUE
## 3245 30 advmod TRUE
## 3246 30 expl TRUE
## 3247 30 aux TRUE
## 3248 2 ccomp TRUE
## 3249 32 det beg TRUE
## 3250 30 attr end_root TRUE
## 3251 32 prep TRUE
## 3252 33 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3253 34 prep TRUE
## 3254 38 det beg TRUE
## 3255 38 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 3256 35 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3257 2 punct FALSE
## 3258 2 punct TRUE
## 3259 6 npadvmod DATE_B FALSE
## 3260 6 punct TRUE
## 3261 4 det beg TRUE
## 3262 6 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3263 6 aux TRUE
## 3264 6 ROOT TRUE
## 3265 6 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 3266 6 punct TRUE
## 3267 12 dep FALSE
## 3268 12 prep TRUE
## 3269 5 amod DATE_B beg TRUE
## 3270 5 quantmod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 3271 6 nummod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 3272 2 pobj DATE_I end_root FALSE
## 3273 12 punct TRUE
## 3274 12 nsubj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 3275 8 cc TRUE
## 3276 11 poss beg TRUE
## 3277 8 conj end_root TRUE
## 3278 12 ROOT TRUE
## 3279 12 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 3280 12 prep TRUE
## 3281 14 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3282 12 cc TRUE
## 3283 12 conj TRUE
## 3284 21 mark TRUE
## 3285 21 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3286 21 aux TRUE
## 3287 17 ccomp TRUE
## 3288 23 aux TRUE
## 3289 21 xcomp FALSE
## 3290 12 punct TRUE
## 3291 11 cc TRUE
## 3292 11 npadvmod DATE_B FALSE
## 3293 11 punct TRUE
## 3294 11 prep TRUE
## 3295 6 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3296 4 pcomp FALSE
## 3297 11 punct TRUE
## 3298 9 poss beg TRUE
## 3299 11 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3300 11 aux TRUE
## 3301 11 ROOT TRUE
## 3302 13 aux TRUE
## 3303 11 xcomp TRUE
## 3304 16 poss beg FALSE
## 3305 14 case mid TRUE
## 3306 13 dobj end_root FALSE
## 3307 13 punct TRUE
## 3308 19 aux TRUE
## 3309 13 advcl TRUE
## 3310 21 det beg TRUE
## 3311 19 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3312 19 prep TRUE
## 3313 22 pcomp TRUE
## 3314 23 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 3315 24 cc TRUE
## 3316 29 poss beg FALSE
## 3317 26 case mid TRUE
## 3318 29 amod mid TRUE
## 3319 24 conj end_root FALSE
## 3320 13 punct TRUE
## 3321 35 det beg TRUE
## 3322 35 amod mid TRUE
## 3323 32 cc mid TRUE
## 3324 32 conj mid TRUE
## 3325 13 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3326 35 prep TRUE
## 3327 38 amod beg TRUE
## 3328 36 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3329 11 punct TRUE
## 3330 11 cc TRUE
## 3331 11 prep TRUE
## 3332 4 det beg TRUE
## 3333 2 pobj ORG_B end_root TRUE
## 3334 2 cc TRUE
## 3335 2 conj TRUE
## 3336 8 det beg TRUE
## 3337 6 pobj NORP_B end_root FALSE
## 3338 11 punct TRUE
## 3339 11 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3340 11 ROOT TRUE
## 3341 13 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3342 11 ccomp TRUE
## 3343 13 attr beg_root TRUE
## 3344 16 aux TRUE
## 3345 14 relcl TRUE
## 3346 19 det beg TRUE
## 3347 19 amod mid TRUE
## 3348 16 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3349 19 prep TRUE
## 3350 20 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3351 21 cc TRUE
## 3352 21 conj FALSE
## 3353 11 punct TRUE
## 3354 27 det beg TRUE
## 3355 27 amod mid TRUE
## 3356 10 appos end_root TRUE
## 3357 27 prep TRUE
## 3358 31 det beg TRUE
## 3359 31 amod mid TRUE
## 3360 28 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3361 33 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3362 27 relcl TRUE
## 3363 35 aux TRUE
## 3364 33 xcomp FALSE
## 3365 11 punct TRUE
## 3366 9 dep FALSE
## 3367 9 advmod TRUE
## 3368 2 prep TRUE
## 3369 6 poss beg TRUE
## 3370 6 amod mid TRUE
## 3371 3 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3372 9 punct TRUE
## 3373 9 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3374 9 ROOT TRUE
## 3375 9 attr beg_root TRUE
## 3376 10 prep TRUE
## 3377 14 predet beg TRUE
## 3378 14 det mid TRUE
## 3379 11 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3380 14 prep TRUE
## 3381 17 det beg TRUE
## 3382 15 pobj LOC_B end_root FALSE
## 3383 17 punct TRUE
## 3384 17 conj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 3385 19 cc TRUE
## 3386 19 conj LOC_B beg_root FALSE
## 3387 9 punct TRUE
## 3388 24 aux TRUE
## 3389 9 advcl TRUE
## 3390 24 prep TRUE
## 3391 25 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 3392 9 punct TRUE
## 3393 9 prep TRUE
## 3394 4 det LOC_B beg TRUE
## 3395 4 compound LOC_I mid TRUE
## 3396 1 pobj LOC_I end_root TRUE
## 3397 4 cc TRUE
## 3398 4 conj LOC_B beg_root FALSE
## 3399 9 punct TRUE
## 3400 9 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 3401 9 ROOT TRUE
## 3402 9 attr beg_root TRUE
## 3403 10 prep TRUE
## 3404 14 det beg TRUE
## 3405 14 amod mid TRUE
## 3406 11 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3407 14 prep TRUE
## 3408 17 amod beg TRUE
## 3409 15 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3410 17 cc TRUE
## 3411 20 amod beg TRUE
## 3412 17 conj end_root TRUE
## 3413 23 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3414 23 aux TRUE
## 3415 17 relcl TRUE
## 3416 23 prep TRUE
## 3417 26 det beg TRUE
## 3418 24 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3419 26 prep TRUE
## 3420 27 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 3421 9 punct TRUE
## 3422 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 3423 2 ROOT TRUE
## 3424 2 attr beg_root TRUE
## 3425 5 aux TRUE
## 3426 3 relcl TRUE
## 3427 7 poss beg TRUE
## 3428 5 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3429 5 prep TRUE
## 3430 11 det beg TRUE
## 3431 11 amod mid TRUE
## 3432 8 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3433 11 prep TRUE
## 3434 14 compound LOC_B beg TRUE
## 3435 12 pobj LOC_I end_root TRUE
## 3436 27 mark TRUE
## 3437 17 det beg TRUE
## 3438 27 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3439 17 punct TRUE
## 3440 17 prep TRUE
## 3441 21 advmod TRUE
## 3442 19 pcomp TRUE
## 3443 23 det beg TRUE
## 3444 19 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3445 23 acl TRUE
## 3446 17 punct TRUE
## 3447 27 aux TRUE
## 3448 5 advcl TRUE
## 3449 29 det beg TRUE
## 3450 30 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3451 27 ccomp TRUE
## 3452 30 cc TRUE
## 3453 30 conj FALSE
## 3454 2 punct TRUE
## 3455 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 3456 2 ROOT TRUE
## 3457 2 attr beg_root TRUE
## 3458 5 aux TRUE
## 3459 3 relcl TRUE
## 3460 5 prep TRUE
## 3461 9 poss beg TRUE
## 3462 9 amod mid TRUE
## 3463 6 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3464 9 prep TRUE
## 3465 13 det GPE_B beg TRUE
## 3466 13 compound GPE_I mid TRUE
## 3467 10 pobj GPE_I end_root FALSE
## 3468 2 punct TRUE
## 3469 16 aux TRUE
## 3470 2 advcl TRUE
## 3471 16 cc TRUE
## 3472 16 conj TRUE
## 3473 21 det beg TRUE
## 3474 21 amod mid TRUE
## 3475 18 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3476 21 prep TRUE
## 3477 24 amod beg TRUE
## 3478 22 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3479 24 prep TRUE
## 3480 25 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3481 26 cc TRUE
## 3482 29 amod beg TRUE
## 3483 26 conj end_root FALSE
## 3484 2 punct TRUE
## 3485 3 dep FALSE
## 3486 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3487 3 ROOT TRUE
## 3488 3 prep TRUE
## 3489 6 det beg TRUE
## 3490 4 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3491 6 prep TRUE
## 3492 9 amod beg TRUE
## 3493 7 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3494 9 punct TRUE
## 3495 12 amod beg TRUE
## 3496 9 conj end_root FALSE
## 3497 12 punct TRUE
## 3498 12 cc TRUE
## 3499 16 advmod beg TRUE
## 3500 17 amod mid TRUE
## 3501 12 conj end_root FALSE
## 3502 3 punct TRUE
## 3503 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3504 2 ROOT TRUE
## 3505 11 mark TRUE
## 3506 7 det beg TRUE
## 3507 7 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 3508 7 amod mid TRUE
## 3509 11 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3510 7 prep TRUE
## 3511 8 pobj LOC_B beg_root TRUE
## 3512 11 aux TRUE
## 3513 2 ccomp FALSE
## 3514 2 punct TRUE
## 3515 2 cc TRUE
## 3516 15 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3517 2 conj TRUE
## 3518 17 amod beg TRUE
## 3519 15 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3520 17 prep TRUE
## 3521 21 amod NORP_B beg TRUE
## 3522 21 amod mid TRUE
## 3523 18 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3524 15 punct TRUE
## 3525 5 advmod FALSE
## 3526 5 punct TRUE
## 3527 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3528 5 aux TRUE
## 3529 5 ROOT TRUE
## 3530 10 poss beg TRUE
## 3531 10 amod mid TRUE
## 3532 9 amod mid TRUE
## 3533 10 compound mid TRUE
## 3534 5 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3535 10 cc TRUE
## 3536 15 det beg TRUE
## 3537 14 compound mid TRUE
## 3538 15 compound mid TRUE
## 3539 10 conj end_root FALSE
## 3540 5 punct TRUE
## 3541 5 dep FALSE
## 3542 5 cc TRUE
## 3543 4 det beg TRUE
## 3544 5 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3545 5 ROOT TRUE
## 3546 5 acomp TRUE
## 3547 8 aux TRUE
## 3548 6 xcomp TRUE
## 3549 8 advmod TRUE
## 3550 8 prep TRUE
## 3551 15 det beg TRUE
## 3552 15 amod mid TRUE
## 3553 14 compound mid TRUE
## 3554 15 compound mid TRUE
## 3555 10 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3556 17 aux TRUE
## 3557 15 acl TRUE
## 3558 17 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 3559 17 prep TRUE
## 3560 21 advmod beg TRUE
## 3561 22 amod mid TRUE
## 3562 19 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3563 22 prep TRUE
## 3564 25 amod beg TRUE
## 3565 23 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3566 22 prep TRUE
## 3567 26 pobj LOC_B beg_root FALSE
## 3568 22 punct TRUE
## 3569 32 det beg TRUE
## 3570 32 amod mid TRUE
## 3571 32 compound mid TRUE
## 3572 22 appos end_root TRUE
## 3573 34 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3574 32 relcl TRUE
## 3575 36 det beg TRUE
## 3576 38 nsubj GPE_B end_root TRUE
## 3577 38 aux TRUE
## 3578 32 relcl TRUE
## 3579 40 aux TRUE
## 3580 38 xcomp TRUE
## 3581 42 det beg TRUE
## 3582 40 attr end_root TRUE
## 3583 42 prep TRUE
## 3584 45 amod beg TRUE
## 3585 43 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3586 45 prep TRUE
## 3587 46 pobj LOC_B beg_root FALSE
## 3588 5 punct TRUE
## 3589 4 cc TRUE
## 3590 4 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 3591 4 aux TRUE
## 3592 4 ROOT TRUE
## 3593 4 prep TRUE
## 3594 5 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3595 6 prep TRUE
## 3596 7 pobj ORG_B beg_root FALSE
## 3597 4 punct TRUE
## 3598 5 prep TRUE
## 3599 1 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 3600 5 punct TRUE
## 3601 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3602 5 ROOT TRUE
## 3603 5 prep TRUE
## 3604 6 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3605 5 prep TRUE
## 3606 10 compound beg TRUE
## 3607 8 pobj PERSON_B end_root TRUE
## 3608 12 advmod TRUE
## 3609 5 npadvmod DATE_B FALSE
## 3610 5 punct TRUE
## 3611 3 dep FALSE
## 3612 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3613 3 ROOT TRUE
## 3614 3 prep TRUE
## 3615 7 poss beg TRUE
## 3616 7 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 3617 4 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3618 15 mark TRUE
## 3619 12 det beg TRUE
## 3620 12 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 3621 12 amod mid TRUE
## 3622 15 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3623 12 prep TRUE
## 3624 13 pobj LOC_B beg_root TRUE
## 3625 3 ccomp TRUE
## 3626 15 acomp TRUE
## 3627 15 cc TRUE
## 3628 23 mark TRUE
## 3629 23 nsubjpass beg_root TRUE
## 3630 23 aux TRUE
## 3631 23 neg TRUE
## 3632 23 auxpass TRUE
## 3633 15 conj TRUE
## 3634 25 advmod TRUE
## 3635 23 prep TRUE
## 3636 29 det beg TRUE
## 3637 29 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 3638 29 amod mid TRUE
## 3639 25 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3640 29 prep TRUE
## 3641 32 compound LOC_B beg TRUE
## 3642 30 pobj LOC_I end_root FALSE
## 3643 3 punct TRUE
## 3644 7 cc TRUE
## 3645 4 poss beg TRUE
## 3646 4 compound mid TRUE
## 3647 7 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3648 7 aux TRUE
## 3649 7 advmod TRUE
## 3650 7 ROOT TRUE
## 3651 7 acomp FALSE
## 3652 7 punct TRUE
## 3653 7 cc TRUE
## 3654 7 advmod FALSE
## 3655 7 punct TRUE
## 3656 7 npadvmod TIME_B TRUE
## 3657 7 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3658 7 aux TRUE
## 3659 7 ROOT TRUE
## 3660 11 det beg TRUE
## 3661 11 amod mid TRUE
## 3662 11 amod mid TRUE
## 3663 7 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3664 11 prep TRUE
## 3665 15 det beg TRUE
## 3666 15 amod mid TRUE
## 3667 12 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3668 15 prep TRUE
## 3669 20 nmod GPE_B beg TRUE
## 3670 17 cc mid TRUE
## 3671 17 conj NORP_B mid TRUE
## 3672 16 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3673 20 prep TRUE
## 3674 21 pobj LOC_B beg_root TRUE
## 3675 22 cc LOC_I TRUE
## 3676 25 compound LOC_I beg TRUE
## 3677 22 conj LOC_I end_root TRUE
## 3678 7 prep TRUE
## 3679 26 pobj CARDINAL_B TRUE
## 3680 27 prep TRUE
## 3681 30 det beg TRUE
## 3682 28 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3683 7 punct TRUE
## 3684 2 det beg TRUE
## 3685 3 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3686 3 ROOT TRUE
## 3687 5 det beg TRUE
## 3688 3 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3689 5 prep TRUE
## 3690 10 poss beg TRUE
## 3691 10 amod mid TRUE
## 3692 10 amod mid TRUE
## 3693 6 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3694 3 punct TRUE
## 3695 3 nsubjpass beg_root FALSE
## 3696 3 auxpass TRUE
## 3697 3 ROOT TRUE
## 3698 5 aux TRUE
## 3699 3 xcomp TRUE
## 3700 9 amod NORP_B beg TRUE
## 3701 6 cc mid TRUE
## 3702 6 conj NORP_B mid TRUE
## 3703 5 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3704 5 cc TRUE
## 3705 5 conj TRUE
## 3706 15 poss ORG_B beg FALSE
## 3707 12 case mid TRUE
## 3708 15 compound mid TRUE
## 3709 11 dobj end_root FALSE
## 3710 3 punct TRUE
## 3711 3 det beg TRUE
## 3712 3 amod mid TRUE
## 3713 19 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3714 3 prep TRUE
## 3715 8 poss beg TRUE
## 3716 7 compound mid TRUE
## 3717 8 compound mid TRUE
## 3718 4 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3719 8 punct TRUE
## 3720 8 amod FALSE
## 3721 10 punct TRUE
## 3722 10 conj FALSE
## 3723 12 punct TRUE
## 3724 12 cc TRUE
## 3725 12 conj TRUE
## 3726 19 punct TRUE
## 3727 19 aux TRUE
## 3728 19 advmod TRUE
## 3729 19 ROOT TRUE
## 3730 21 poss beg TRUE
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## 3732 19 punct TRUE
## 3733 5 cc TRUE
## 3734 3 det beg TRUE
## 3735 5 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3736 5 aux TRUE
## 3737 5 ROOT FALSE
## 3738 5 punct TRUE
## 3739 6 dep FALSE
## 3740 6 advmod FALSE
## 3741 6 punct TRUE
## 3742 6 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3743 6 aux TRUE
## 3744 21 ccomp TRUE
## 3745 9 det beg TRUE
## 3746 9 amod mid TRUE
## 3747 6 dobj end_root FALSE
## 3748 21 punct TRUE
## 3749 21 prep TRUE
## 3750 13 amod beg TRUE
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## 3752 13 prep TRUE
## 3753 16 det beg TRUE
## 3754 14 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3755 21 npadvmod TIME_B FALSE
## 3756 21 punct TRUE
## 3757 20 det beg TRUE
## 3758 21 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3759 21 ROOT TRUE
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## 3762 22 neg TRUE
## 3763 22 appos beg_root FALSE
## 3764 21 punct TRUE
## 3765 2 compound beg TRUE
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## 3767 2 cc TRUE
## 3768 5 amod beg TRUE
## 3769 2 conj end_root TRUE
## 3770 6 ROOT FALSE
## 3771 6 punct TRUE
## 3772 10 cc TRUE
## 3773 10 advmod FALSE
## 3774 10 punct TRUE
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## 3776 10 nsubjpass end_root TRUE
## 3777 5 prep TRUE
## 3778 6 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3779 10 aux TRUE
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## 3781 10 ROOT TRUE
## 3782 10 agent TRUE
## 3783 13 det beg TRUE
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## 3785 13 amod TRUE
## 3786 14 advmod TRUE
## 3787 14 cc TRUE
## 3788 14 conj TRUE
## 3789 17 advmod TRUE
## 3790 20 aux TRUE
## 3791 17 xcomp TRUE
## 3792 22 poss beg TRUE
## 3793 20 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3794 22 cc TRUE
## 3795 25 poss beg TRUE
## 3796 22 conj end_root FALSE
## 3797 10 punct TRUE
## 3798 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 3799 2 ROOT TRUE
## 3800 5 det beg TRUE
## 3801 5 amod NORP_B mid TRUE
## 3802 2 attr end_root TRUE
## 3803 13 mark TRUE
## 3804 13 prep TRUE
## 3805 11 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 3806 11 amod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 3807 11 nummod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 3808 7 pobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 3809 13 aux TRUE
## 3810 2 ccomp TRUE
## 3811 15 det beg TRUE
## 3812 13 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3813 15 prep TRUE
## 3814 16 pobj FALSE
## 3815 16 pobj FALSE
## 3816 2 punct TRUE
## 3817 11 dep FALSE
## 3818 11 advmod TRUE
## 3819 2 prep TRUE
## 3820 3 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3821 3 cc TRUE
## 3822 3 conj TRUE
## 3823 8 det beg TRUE
## 3824 6 pobj end_root FALSE
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## 3826 11 expl FALSE
## 3827 20 ccomp TRUE
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## 3829 11 prep TRUE
## 3830 15 det beg TRUE
## 3831 13 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3832 20 punct TRUE
## 3833 20 nsubjpass beg_root TRUE
## 3834 20 aux TRUE
## 3835 20 auxpass TRUE
## 3836 20 ROOT FALSE
## 3837 20 punct TRUE
## 3838 2 nummod DATE_B TRUE
## 3839 3 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 3840 13 advmod DATE_I FALSE
## 3841 13 punct TRUE
## 3842 6 advmod TRUE
## 3843 13 prep TRUE
## 3844 8 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 3845 6 pobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 3846 8 prep TRUE
## 3847 9 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 3848 13 punct TRUE
## 3849 13 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3850 13 ROOT TRUE
## 3851 13 prep TRUE
## 3852 16 det beg TRUE
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## 3854 16 prep TRUE
## 3855 20 det beg TRUE
## 3856 20 compound mid TRUE
## 3857 17 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3858 16 prep TRUE
## 3859 21 pobj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 3860 16 prep TRUE
## 3861 25 det beg TRUE
## 3862 23 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3863 16 prep TRUE
## 3864 29 det beg TRUE
## 3865 29 amod mid TRUE
## 3866 26 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3867 29 prep TRUE
## 3868 30 pobj ORG_B beg_root FALSE
## 3869 13 punct TRUE
## 3870 2 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 3871 2 ROOT TRUE
## 3872 4 det beg TRUE
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## 3874 4 prep TRUE
## 3875 7 amod beg TRUE
## 3876 5 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3877 2 punct TRUE
## 3878 3 nummod CARDINAL_B beg TRUE
## 3879 3 amod mid TRUE
## 3880 4 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3881 4 ROOT TRUE
## 3882 4 prt TRUE
## 3883 4 prep TRUE
## 3884 8 det beg TRUE
## 3885 6 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3886 4 punct TRUE
## 3887 4 cc TRUE
## 3888 4 conj TRUE
## 3889 13 det beg TRUE
## 3890 11 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3891 11 punct TRUE
## 3892 16 det beg TRUE
## 3893 11 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3894 16 punct TRUE
## 3895 20 det beg TRUE
## 3896 20 amod mid TRUE
## 3897 16 appos end_root TRUE
## 3898 20 prep TRUE
## 3899 21 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 3900 4 punct TRUE
## 3901 8 dep FALSE
## 3902 3 det beg TRUE
## 3903 8 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3904 3 prep TRUE
## 3905 6 poss beg TRUE
## 3906 4 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3907 3 npadvmod DATE_B TRUE
## 3908 8 ROOT TRUE
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## 3910 8 punct TRUE
## 3911 8 advcl TRUE
## 3912 11 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 3913 11 oprd TRUE
## 3914 11 prep TRUE
## 3915 14 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3916 15 prep TRUE
## 3917 16 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 3918 11 punct TRUE
## 3919 20 det beg TRUE
## 3920 11 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3921 20 prep TRUE
## 3922 21 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3923 20 prep TRUE
## 3924 26 predet beg TRUE
## 3925 26 det mid TRUE
## 3926 23 pobj end_root FALSE
## 3927 8 punct TRUE
## 3928 3 cc TRUE
## 3929 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3930 3 ROOT TRUE
## 3931 3 prep TRUE
## 3932 7 det beg TRUE
## 3933 7 amod mid TRUE
## 3934 4 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3935 7 prep TRUE
## 3936 10 det beg TRUE
## 3937 8 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3938 12 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3939 10 relcl TRUE
## 3940 12 attr GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 3941 3 punct TRUE
## 3942 6 csubj TRUE
## 3943 1 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 3944 1 dative TRUE
## 3945 5 det beg TRUE
## 3946 3 pobj end_root TRUE
## 3947 6 ROOT TRUE
## 3948 6 prep TRUE
## 3949 9 det TRUE
## 3950 7 pobj TRUE
## 3951 9 prep TRUE
## 3952 10 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 3953 6 punct TRUE
## 3954 2 poss beg TRUE
## 3955 5 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3956 5 aux TRUE
## 3957 5 advmod TRUE
## 3958 5 ROOT TRUE
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## 3960 6 cc TRUE
## 3961 6 conj beg_root FALSE
## 3962 5 punct TRUE
## 3963 16 dep FALSE
## 3964 16 prep TRUE
## 3965 6 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 3966 6 amod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 3967 6 amod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 3968 2 pobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 3969 6 prep TRUE
## 3970 11 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 3971 11 amod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 3972 11 amod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 3973 7 pobj DATE_I end_root FALSE
## 3974 16 punct TRUE
## 3975 14 poss beg TRUE
## 3976 16 nsubjpass end_root TRUE
## 3977 16 auxpass TRUE
## 3978 16 ROOT TRUE
## 3979 18 advmod TRUE
## 3980 16 advmod FALSE
## 3981 16 punct TRUE
## 3982 16 advcl TRUE
## 3983 22 det beg TRUE
## 3984 20 dobj end_root TRUE
## 3985 22 prep TRUE
## 3986 23 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 3987 29 advmod TRUE
## 3988 28 det beg TRUE
## 3989 28 amod mid TRUE
## 3990 29 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 3991 20 advcl TRUE
## 3992 32 poss beg TRUE
## 3993 32 amod ORDINAL_B mid TRUE
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## 3995 16 punct TRUE
## 3996 3 advmod TRUE
## 3997 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 3998 18 advcl TRUE
## 3999 6 det beg TRUE
## 4000 6 amod mid TRUE
## 4001 3 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4002 3 prep TRUE
## 4003 10 det beg TRUE
## 4004 10 amod ORDINAL_B mid TRUE
## 4005 7 pobj end_root FALSE
## 4006 18 punct TRUE
## 4007 13 det beg TRUE
## 4008 18 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 4009 13 prep TRUE
## 4010 14 pcomp beg_root TRUE
## 4011 15 cc TRUE
## 4012 15 conj TRUE
## 4013 18 ROOT TRUE
## 4014 18 oprd TRUE
## 4015 19 cc TRUE
## 4016 22 advmod TRUE
## 4017 19 conj TRUE
## 4018 22 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 4019 18 punct TRUE
## 4020 5 dep FALSE
## 4021 5 advmod FALSE
## 4022 5 punct TRUE
## 4023 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4024 14 parataxis TRUE
## 4025 9 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 4026 9 aux TRUE
## 4027 9 advmod TRUE
## 4028 5 ccomp FALSE
## 4029 9 punct TRUE
## 4030 9 intj FALSE
## 4031 14 punct TRUE
## 4032 14 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 4033 14 ROOT TRUE
## 4034 17 advmod beg TRUE
## 4035 17 det mid TRUE
## 4036 14 attr end_root TRUE
## 4037 14 attr beg_root FALSE
## 4038 14 punct TRUE
## 4039 5 intj FALSE
## 4040 5 punct TRUE
## 4041 5 advmod TRUE
## 4042 5 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 4043 5 ROOT TRUE
## 4044 5 acomp FALSE
## 4045 5 punct TRUE
## 4046 4 cc TRUE
## 4047 4 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 4048 4 aux TRUE
## 4049 4 ROOT TRUE
## 4050 6 det beg TRUE
## 4051 4 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4052 6 prep TRUE
## 4053 7 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4054 11 det DATE_B TRUE
## 4055 11 amod DATE_I TRUE
## 4056 4 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 4057 4 prep TRUE
## 4058 14 det beg TRUE
## 4059 12 pobj end_root FALSE
## 4060 4 punct TRUE
## 4061 20 mark TRUE
## 4062 20 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4063 17 prep TRUE
## 4064 18 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4065 4 advcl FALSE
## 4066 20 punct TRUE
## 4067 20 advmod TRUE
## 4068 22 prep TRUE
## 4069 26 det LOC_B beg TRUE
## 4070 26 compound LOC_I mid TRUE
## 4071 23 pobj LOC_I end_root TRUE
## 4072 22 prep TRUE
## 4073 29 compound LOC_B beg TRUE
## 4074 27 pobj LOC_I end_root FALSE
## 4075 4 punct TRUE
## 4076 4 cc TRUE
## 4077 3 det beg TRUE
## 4078 4 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 4079 4 ROOT TRUE
## 4080 4 acomp FALSE
## 4081 4 punct TRUE
## 4082 4 cc TRUE
## 4083 11 advmod TRUE
## 4084 10 det beg TRUE
## 4085 11 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 4086 63 ccomp TRUE
## 4087 11 advmod TRUE
## 4088 11 punct TRUE
## 4089 17 det beg TRUE
## 4090 17 amod mid TRUE
## 4091 17 amod mid TRUE
## 4092 10 appos end_root TRUE
## 4093 19 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4094 17 relcl TRUE
## 4095 21 det DATE_B TRUE
## 4096 19 npadvmod DATE_I TRUE
## 4097 23 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4098 17 relcl TRUE
## 4099 23 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 4100 23 prep TRUE
## 4101 25 pcomp TRUE
## 4102 29 det ORG_B beg TRUE
## 4103 29 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 4104 26 dobj ORG_I end_root FALSE
## 4105 63 punct TRUE
## 4106 33 det beg TRUE
## 4107 33 amod mid TRUE
## 4108 63 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 4109 35 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4110 33 relcl TRUE
## 4111 35 dobj TRUE
## 4112 36 prep TRUE
## 4113 35 prep TRUE
## 4114 38 pobj GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 4115 33 punct TRUE
## 4116 33 amod TRUE
## 4117 43 aux TRUE
## 4118 41 xcomp TRUE
## 4119 43 prep TRUE
## 4120 44 pobj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 4121 43 prep TRUE
## 4122 49 det EVENT_B beg TRUE
## 4123 49 compound EVENT_I mid TRUE
## 4124 46 pobj EVENT_I end_root FALSE
## 4125 33 punct TRUE
## 4126 33 cc TRUE
## 4127 54 advmod beg TRUE
## 4128 54 det mid TRUE
## 4129 33 conj end_root TRUE
## 4130 56 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4131 54 relcl TRUE
## 4132 56 acomp TRUE
## 4133 57 cc TRUE
## 4134 57 conj TRUE
## 4135 54 punct TRUE
## 4136 54 cc TRUE
## 4137 63 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4138 4 conj TRUE
## 4139 66 det beg TRUE
## 4140 66 compound mid TRUE
## 4141 63 dobj end_root FALSE
## 4142 66 punct TRUE
## 4143 66 acl TRUE
## 4144 68 oprd TRUE
## 4145 69 prep TRUE
## 4146 70 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4147 71 cc TRUE
## 4148 71 conj beg_root TRUE
## 4149 69 cc TRUE
## 4150 69 conj TRUE
## 4151 75 prep TRUE
## 4152 76 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4153 79 det beg TRUE
## 4154 81 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 4155 81 aux TRUE
## 4156 77 relcl TRUE
## 4157 83 aux TRUE
## 4158 81 xcomp FALSE
## 4159 63 punct TRUE
## 4160 16 cc TRUE
## 4161 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4162 16 parataxis FALSE
## 4163 16 punct TRUE
## 4164 7 advmod TRUE
## 4165 7 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4166 16 advcl TRUE
## 4167 7 prep TRUE
## 4168 8 pobj TRUE
## 4169 9 cc TRUE
## 4170 12 det beg TRUE
## 4171 9 conj end_root FALSE
## 4172 16 punct TRUE
## 4173 15 det beg TRUE
## 4174 16 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 4175 16 ROOT TRUE
## 4176 18 det TRUE
## 4177 16 attr TRUE
## 4178 18 punct TRUE
## 4179 18 amod TRUE
## 4180 20 prep TRUE
## 4181 21 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 4182 18 punct TRUE
## 4183 16 acomp TRUE
## 4184 26 aux TRUE
## 4185 24 xcomp TRUE
## 4186 26 prt TRUE
## 4187 29 det beg TRUE
## 4188 27 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4189 16 punct TRUE
## 4190 32 det TRUE
## 4191 16 advcl FALSE
## 4192 16 punct TRUE
## 4193 36 mark TRUE
## 4194 36 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4195 16 advcl TRUE
## 4196 39 det beg TRUE
## 4197 39 amod mid TRUE
## 4198 36 attr end_root TRUE
## 4199 39 prep TRUE
## 4200 40 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 4201 16 punct TRUE
## 4202 4 cc TRUE
## 4203 4 prep TRUE
## 4204 2 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4205 4 ROOT TRUE
## 4206 7 det beg TRUE
## 4207 7 amod mid TRUE
## 4208 4 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4209 11 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 4210 11 aux TRUE
## 4211 11 aux TRUE
## 4212 7 relcl TRUE
## 4213 11 prep FALSE
## 4214 4 punct TRUE
## 4215 8 dep FALSE
## 4216 8 cc TRUE
## 4217 8 advmod FALSE
## 4218 8 punct TRUE
## 4219 8 npadvmod TIME_B TRUE
## 4220 8 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 4221 8 aux TRUE
## 4222 8 ROOT TRUE
## 4223 10 aux TRUE
## 4224 8 xcomp TRUE
## 4225 10 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 4226 11 prep TRUE
## 4227 14 det TRUE
## 4228 12 pobj TRUE
## 4229 14 prep TRUE
## 4230 15 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 4231 8 punct TRUE
## 4232 3 advmod FALSE
## 4233 3 punct TRUE
## 4234 3 ROOT TRUE
## 4235 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4236 3 ccomp TRUE
## 4237 5 prep TRUE
## 4238 8 poss beg TRUE
## 4239 6 pobj end_root FALSE
## 4240 5 punct TRUE
## 4241 5 prep TRUE
## 4242 12 det beg TRUE
## 4243 10 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4244 14 advmod TRUE
## 4245 12 advmod FALSE
## 4246 3 punct TRUE
## 4247 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4248 2 ROOT TRUE
## 4249 5 poss beg TRUE
## 4250 5 compound mid TRUE
## 4251 2 attr end_root TRUE
## 4252 5 prep TRUE
## 4253 8 det beg TRUE
## 4254 6 pobj end_root FALSE
## 4255 2 punct TRUE
## 4256 1 ROOT TRUE
## 4257 3 poss beg TRUE
## 4258 1 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4259 5 det beg TRUE
## 4260 1 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4261 5 prep TRUE
## 4262 6 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4263 5 acl TRUE
## 4264 8 prep TRUE
## 4265 9 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4266 9 cc TRUE
## 4267 9 conj FALSE
## 4268 8 punct TRUE
## 4269 8 prep TRUE
## 4270 14 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4271 17 advmod TRUE
## 4272 15 acl TRUE
## 4273 17 prep TRUE
## 4274 21 poss beg FALSE
## 4275 19 case mid TRUE
## 4276 18 pobj end_root FALSE
## 4277 1 punct TRUE
## 4278 2 cc TRUE
## 4279 2 ROOT TRUE
## 4280 2 dative beg_root TRUE
## 4281 6 poss beg TRUE
## 4282 6 amod mid TRUE
## 4283 2 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4284 8 advmod TRUE
## 4285 2 advmod FALSE
## 4286 2 punct TRUE
## 4287 13 mark TRUE
## 4288 12 det beg TRUE
## 4289 13 nsubj NORP_B end_root TRUE
## 4290 2 advcl TRUE
## 4291 15 det beg TRUE
## 4292 13 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4293 17 aux TRUE
## 4294 15 relcl FALSE
## 4295 2 punct TRUE
## 4296 8 dep FALSE
## 4297 8 cc FALSE
## 4298 8 punct TRUE
## 4299 8 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 4300 4 punct TRUE
## 4301 7 poss beg TRUE
## 4302 8 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 4303 8 ROOT TRUE
## 4304 8 prep TRUE
## 4305 9 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4306 8 prep TRUE
## 4307 11 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4308 12 cc TRUE
## 4309 12 conj beg_root FALSE
## 4310 8 punct TRUE
## 4311 1 ROOT TRUE
## 4312 1 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 4313 1 prep TRUE
## 4314 3 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4315 4 cc TRUE
## 4316 4 conj beg_root FALSE
## 4317 1 punct TRUE
## 4318 1 ROOT TRUE
## 4319 1 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 4320 4 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4321 1 ccomp TRUE
## 4322 6 nummod CARDINAL_B beg TRUE
## 4323 4 attr end_root TRUE
## 4324 6 prep TRUE
## 4325 7 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 4326 1 punct TRUE
## 4327 1 ROOT TRUE
## 4328 1 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 4329 13 mark TRUE
## 4330 3 prep TRUE
## 4331 8 predet beg TRUE
## 4332 8 det mid TRUE
## 4333 8 amod mid TRUE
## 4334 4 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4335 11 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4336 11 aux TRUE
## 4337 8 relcl TRUE
## 4338 11 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 4339 1 ccomp TRUE
## 4340 17 poss beg TRUE
## 4341 16 advmod mid TRUE
## 4342 17 amod mid TRUE
## 4343 13 attr end_root FALSE
## 4344 13 punct TRUE
## 4345 13 cc TRUE
## 4346 30 prep TRUE
## 4347 23 predet beg TRUE
## 4348 23 det mid TRUE
## 4349 20 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4350 26 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4351 26 aux TRUE
## 4352 23 relcl TRUE
## 4353 28 det TRUE
## 4354 26 dobj TRUE
## 4355 30 aux TRUE
## 4356 13 conj TRUE
## 4357 30 dobj beg_root FALSE
## 4358 1 punct TRUE
## 4359 15 dep FALSE
## 4360 1 cc TRUE
## 4361 1 conj TRUE
## 4362 5 det beg TRUE
## 4363 3 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4364 5 cc TRUE
## 4365 8 amod beg TRUE
## 4366 5 conj end_root TRUE
## 4367 10 advmod TRUE
## 4368 5 advmod TRUE
## 4369 5 npadvmod TIME_B FALSE
## 4370 1 punct TRUE
## 4371 15 mark TRUE
## 4372 15 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4373 15 ROOT TRUE
## 4374 17 poss beg TRUE
## 4375 15 dobj end_root FALSE
## 4376 15 punct TRUE
## 4377 15 npadvmod TRUE
## 4378 23 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 4379 23 nsubj GPE_B beg_root TRUE
## 4380 23 aux TRUE
## 4381 19 relcl TRUE
## 4382 23 prep TRUE
## 4383 26 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 4384 24 pobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 4385 26 cc DATE_I TRUE
## 4386 26 conj DATE_B beg_root TRUE
## 4387 26 advmod FALSE
## 4388 15 punct TRUE
## 4389 1 ROOT TRUE
## 4390 3 poss beg TRUE
## 4391 1 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4392 1 prep TRUE
## 4393 7 det DATE_B beg TRUE
## 4394 7 amod DATE_I mid TRUE
## 4395 4 pobj DATE_I end_root TRUE
## 4396 1 punct TRUE
## 4397 10 poss TRUE
## 4398 1 npadvmod DATE_B FALSE
## 4399 1 punct TRUE
## 4400 1 prep TRUE
## 4401 12 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4402 17 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4403 17 aux FALSE
## 4404 17 neg TRUE
## 4405 13 relcl FALSE
## 4406 17 punct TRUE
## 4407 1 prep TRUE
## 4408 21 det beg TRUE
## 4409 19 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4410 23 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4411 21 relcl TRUE
## 4412 23 attr beg_root TRUE
## 4413 24 cc TRUE
## 4414 24 conj beg_root TRUE
## 4415 26 advmod FALSE
## 4416 1 punct TRUE
## 4417 5 dep FALSE
## 4418 5 cc TRUE
## 4419 5 advmod FALSE
## 4420 5 punct TRUE
## 4421 5 ROOT TRUE
## 4422 7 det beg TRUE
## 4423 24 nsubj NORP_B end_root TRUE
## 4424 7 punct TRUE
## 4425 24 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4426 9 prep TRUE
## 4427 10 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4428 13 advmod TRUE
## 4429 9 advmod TRUE
## 4430 13 prep TRUE
## 4431 16 det beg TRUE
## 4432 14 pobj ORG_B end_root FALSE
## 4433 16 punct TRUE
## 4434 20 det beg TRUE
## 4435 20 amod mid TRUE
## 4436 16 appos end_root TRUE
## 4437 20 prep TRUE
## 4438 21 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4439 9 punct TRUE
## 4440 5 ccomp TRUE
## 4441 26 poss beg TRUE
## 4442 24 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4443 26 prep TRUE
## 4444 29 det beg TRUE
## 4445 27 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4446 31 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4447 24 ccomp TRUE
## 4448 31 dobj GPE_B beg_root FALSE
## 4449 5 punct TRUE
## 4450 2 cc TRUE
## 4451 2 ROOT TRUE
## 4452 4 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4453 2 ccomp TRUE
## 4454 11 mark TRUE
## 4455 7 det beg TRUE
## 4456 11 nsubj end_root TRUE
## 4457 7 prep TRUE
## 4458 10 det beg TRUE
## 4459 8 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4460 4 ccomp TRUE
## 4461 11 prep TRUE
## 4462 12 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4463 13 cc TRUE
## 4464 16 det TRUE
## 4465 13 conj TRUE
## 4466 16 prep TRUE
## 4467 17 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 4468 2 punct TRUE
## 4469 3 dep FALSE
## 4470 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4471 3 ROOT TRUE
## 4472 3 dobj beg_root TRUE
## 4473 4 prep TRUE
## 4474 5 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 4475 3 punct TRUE
## 4476 3 cc TRUE
## 4477 11 aux TRUE
## 4478 11 nsubj PERSON_B beg_root TRUE
## 4479 3 conj TRUE
## 4480 14 det beg TRUE
## 4481 14 amod mid TRUE
## 4482 11 dobj end_root FALSE
## 4483 14 punct TRUE
## 4484 18 det GPE_B beg TRUE
## 4485 18 compound GPE_I mid TRUE
## 4486 14 conj GPE_I end_root TRUE
## 4487 18 prep GPE_I TRUE
## 4488 19 pobj GPE_I beg_root FALSE
## 4489 11 punct FALSE
## 4490 3 dep FALSE
## 4491 17 dep FALSE
## 4492 3 compound beg TRUE
## 4493 1 appos end_root TRUE
## 4494 3 cc TRUE
## 4495 6 compound beg TRUE
## 4496 3 conj PERSON_B end_root TRUE
## 4497 6 cc TRUE
## 4498 6 conj beg_root TRUE
## 4499 8 prep TRUE
## 4500 13 det ORG_B beg TRUE
## 4501 12 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 4502 13 compound ORG_I mid TRUE
## 4503 9 pobj end_root FALSE
## 4504 17 punct TRUE
## 4505 17 dep FALSE
## 4506 17 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4507 17 ROOT TRUE
## 4508 17 prep TRUE
## 4509 20 det beg TRUE
## 4510 18 pobj ORG_B end_root TRUE
## 4511 20 prep TRUE
## 4512 23 det beg TRUE
## 4513 21 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4514 25 aux TRUE
## 4515 17 advcl TRUE
## 4516 25 prep TRUE
## 4517 26 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4518 27 cc TRUE
## 4519 30 det beg TRUE
## 4520 27 conj NORP_B end_root FALSE
## 4521 17 punct TRUE
## 4522 17 advcl TRUE
## 4523 35 mark TRUE
## 4524 35 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4525 32 ccomp TRUE
## 4526 35 prep TRUE
## 4527 39 det TIME_B beg TRUE
## 4528 39 amod TIME_I mid TRUE
## 4529 36 pobj TIME_I end_root FALSE
## 4530 17 punct TRUE
## 4531 8 advmod TRUE
## 4532 1 prep TRUE
## 4533 4 det beg TRUE
## 4534 2 pobj end_root FALSE
## 4535 8 punct TRUE
## 4536 8 nsubjpass beg_root TRUE
## 4537 8 auxpass TRUE
## 4538 8 ROOT TRUE
## 4539 8 prep TRUE
## 4540 12 det beg TRUE
## 4541 12 amod mid TRUE
## 4542 9 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4543 12 prep TRUE
## 4544 15 det beg TRUE
## 4545 13 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4546 13 cc TRUE
## 4547 13 conj TRUE
## 4548 19 det beg TRUE
## 4549 17 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4550 19 cc TRUE
## 4551 19 conj beg_root FALSE
## 4552 8 punct TRUE
## 4553 2 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4554 9 ccomp TRUE
## 4555 5 advmod TRUE
## 4556 5 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 4557 2 ccomp TRUE
## 4558 5 advmod FALSE
## 4559 9 punct TRUE
## 4560 9 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4561 9 ROOT TRUE
## 4562 9 attr NORP_B beg_root FALSE
## 4563 10 punct TRUE
## 4564 10 appos beg_root TRUE
## 4565 12 prep TRUE
## 4566 13 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4567 14 amod TRUE
## 4568 15 prep TRUE
## 4569 16 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 4570 9 punct TRUE
## 4571 7 prep TRUE
## 4572 3 nummod DATE_B beg TRUE
## 4573 1 pobj DATE_I end_root FALSE
## 4574 7 punct TRUE
## 4575 7 nsubj beg_root FALSE
## 4576 7 aux TRUE
## 4577 7 ROOT TRUE
## 4578 10 det beg TRUE
## 4579 10 amod mid TRUE
## 4580 7 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4581 10 prep TRUE
## 4582 11 pobj beg_root FALSE
## 4583 7 punct TRUE
## 4584 5 cc TRUE
## 4585 5 npadvmod TIME_B FALSE
## 4586 5 punct TRUE
## 4587 5 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4588 5 ROOT TRUE
## 4589 7 det beg TRUE
## 4590 5 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4591 5 prep TRUE
## 4592 8 pcomp TRUE
## 4593 9 prt TRUE
## 4594 12 det beg TRUE
## 4595 9 dobj end_root TRUE
## 4596 12 prep TRUE
## 4597 13 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4598 14 cc TRUE
## 4599 14 conj beg_root FALSE
## 4600 5 punct TRUE
## 4601 6 dep FALSE
## 4602 3 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4603 6 csubj TRUE
## 4604 3 prep TRUE
## 4605 4 pobj beg_root TRUE
## 4606 14 ccomp TRUE
## 4607 9 amod CARDINAL_B beg TRUE
## 4608 9 quantmod CARDINAL_I mid TRUE
## 4609 11 nummod CARDINAL_I mid TRUE
## 4610 11 amod mid TRUE
## 4611 6 attr end_root FALSE
## 4612 14 punct TRUE
## 4613 14 nsubj beg_root TRUE
## 4614 14 ROOT TRUE
## 4615 17 det beg TRUE
## 4616 17 amod mid TRUE
## 4617 14 attr end_root FALSE
## 4618 17 punct TRUE
## 4619 22 det beg TRUE
## 4620 22 amod mid TRUE
## 4621 22 compound mid TRUE
## 4622 17 appos end_root FALSE
## 4623 22 punct TRUE
## 4624 28 advmod TRUE
## 4625 26 amod beg TRUE
## 4626 28 nsubjpass end_root TRUE
## 4627 28 auxpass TRUE
## 4628 22 relcl TRUE
## 4629 28 advmod TRUE
## 4630 28 prep TRUE
## 4631 32 amod beg TRUE
## 4632 30 pobj end_root TRUE
## 4633 34 a