Day 5 Text Preprocessing and Featurization
After having learned about the basics of string manipulation, we are now turning to how you can turn your collection of documents, your corpus, into a representation that lends itself nicely to quantitative analyses of text. There are a couple of packages around which you can use for text mining, such as quanteda
(Benoit et al. 2018), tm
(Feinerer, Hornik, and Meyer 2008), and tidytext
(Silge and Robinson 2016), the latter being probably the most recent addition to them. A larger overview of relevant packages can be found on this CRAN Task View.
As you could probably tell from its name, tidytext
obeys the tidy data principles6. “Every observation is a row” translates here to “every token has its own row” – “token” not necessarily relating to a singular term, but also so-called n-grams. In the following, we will demonstrate what text mining using tidy principles can look like in R. For this, we will first cover the preprocessing of text using tidy data principles. Thereafter, we will delve into more advanced preprocessing such as the lemmatization of words and part-of-speech (POS) tagging using spaCy
(Honnibal and Montani 2017). Finally, different R packages are using different representations of text data. Depending on the task at hand, you will therefore have to be able to transform the data into the proper format. This will be covered in the final part.
5.1 Pre-processing with tidytext
The sotu
package contains all of the so-called “State of the Union” addresses – the president gives them to the congress annually – since 1790.
needs(hcandersenr, SnowballC, sotu, spacyr, stopwords, tidyverse, tidytext)
sotu_raw <- sotu_meta |>
mutate(text = sotu_text) |>
distinct(text, .keep_all = TRUE)
sotu_raw |> glimpse()
## Rows: 240
## Columns: 7
## $ X <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17…
## $ president <chr> "George Washington", "George Washington", "George Washing…
## $ year <int> 1790, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, 179…
## $ years_active <chr> "1789-1793", "1789-1793", "1789-1793", "1789-1793", "1793…
## $ party <chr> "Nonpartisan", "Nonpartisan", "Nonpartisan", "Nonpartisan…
## $ sotu_type <chr> "speech", "speech", "speech", "speech", "speech", "speech…
## $ text <chr> "Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and House of Representativ…
Now that the data are read in, I need to put them into the proper format and clean them. For this purpose, I take a look at the first entry of the tibble.
## [1] "Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives: \n\nI embrace with great satisfaction the opportunity which now presents itself of congratulating you on the present favorable prospects of our public affairs. The recent accession of the important state of North Carolina to the Constitution of the United States (of which official information has been received), the rising credit and respectability of our country, the general and increasing good will toward the government of the Union, an"
5.1.1 unnest_tokens()
I will focus on the 20th-century SOTUs. Here, the dplyr::between()
function comes in handy.
In a first step, I bring the data into a form that facilitates manipulation: a tidy tibble. For this, I use tidytext
’s unnest_tokens()
function. It basically breaks the corpus up into tokens – the respective words. Let’s demonstrate that with a brief, intuitive example.
toy_example <- tibble(
text = "Look, this is a brief example for how tokenization works."
toy_example |>
unnest_tokens(output = token,
input = text)
## # A tibble: 10 × 1
## token
## <chr>
## 1 look
## 2 this
## 3 is
## 4 a
## 5 brief
## 6 example
## 7 for
## 8 how
## 9 tokenization
## 10 works
Note that unnest_tokens()
already reduces complexity for us by removing the comma and the full-stop and making everything lower-case.
sotu_20cent_tokenized <- sotu_20cent_raw |>
unnest_tokens(output = token, input = text)
## Rows: 911,321
## Columns: 7
## $ X <int> 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 11…
## $ president <chr> "William McKinley", "William McKinley", "William McKinley…
## $ year <int> 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 190…
## $ years_active <chr> "1897-1901", "1897-1901", "1897-1901", "1897-1901", "1897…
## $ party <chr> "Republican", "Republican", "Republican", "Republican", "…
## $ sotu_type <chr> "written", "written", "written", "written", "written", "w…
## $ token <chr> "to", "the", "senate", "and", "house", "of", "representat…
The new tibble consists of 911321 rows. Please note that usually, you have to put some sort of id column into your original tibble before tokenizing it, e.g., by giving each case – representing a document, or chapter, or whatever – a separate id (e.g., using tibble::rowid_to_column()
). This does not apply here, because my original tibble came with a bunch of metadata (president, year, party) which serve as sufficient identifiers.
5.1.2 Removal of unnecessary content
The next step is to remove stop words – they are not necessary for the analyses I want to perform. The stopwords
package has a nice list for English.
stopwords_vec <- stopwords(language = "en")
#stopwords(language = "de") # the german equivalent
#stopwords_getlanguages() # find the languages that are available
Removing the stop words now is straight-forward:
Another thing I forgot to remove are digits. They do not matter for the analyses either:
sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords_nonumbers <- sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords |>
filter(!str_detect(token, "[:digit:]"))
The corpus now contains 19263 different tokens, the so-called “vocabulary.” 1848 tokens were removed from the vocuabulary. This translates to a signifiant reduction in corpus size though, the new tibble only consists of 464271 rows, basically a 50 percent reduction.
5.1.3 Stemming
To decrease the complexity of the vocabulary even further, we can reduce the tokens to their stem using the SnowballC
package and its function wordStem()
sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords_nonumbers_stemmed <- sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords_nonumbers |>
mutate(token_stemmed = wordStem(token, language = "en"))
#SnowballC::getStemLanguages() # if you want to know the abbreviations for other languages as well
Maybe I should also remove insignificant words, i.e., ones that appear less than 0.05 percent of the time.
n_rows <- nrow(sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords_nonumbers_stemmed)
sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords_nonumbers_stemmed |>
group_by(token) |>
filter(n() > n_rows/200)
## # A tibble: 13,406 × 8
## # Groups: token [5]
## X president year years_active party sotu_type token token_stemmed
## <int> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 112 William McKinley 1900 1897-1901 Repu… written cong… congress
## 2 112 William McKinley 1900 1897-1901 Repu… written gove… govern
## 3 112 William McKinley 1900 1897-1901 Repu… written cong… congress
## 4 112 William McKinley 1900 1897-1901 Repu… written gove… govern
## 5 112 William McKinley 1900 1897-1901 Repu… written gove… govern
## 6 112 William McKinley 1900 1897-1901 Repu… written year year
## 7 112 William McKinley 1900 1897-1901 Repu… written year year
## 8 112 William McKinley 1900 1897-1901 Repu… written gove… govern
## 9 112 William McKinley 1900 1897-1901 Repu… written gove… govern
## 10 112 William McKinley 1900 1897-1901 Repu… written gove… govern
## # ℹ 13,396 more rows
These steps have brought down the vocabulary from 19263 to 10971.
5.1.4 In a nutshell
Well, all those things could also be summarized in one nice cleaning pipeline:
sotu_20cent_clean <- sotu_raw |>
filter(between(year, 1900, 2000)) |>
unnest_tokens(output = token, input = text) |>
anti_join(get_stopwords(), by = c("token" = "word")) |>
filter(!str_detect(token, "[0-9]")) |>
mutate(token = wordStem(token, language = "en"))
Now I have created a nice tibble containing the SOTU addresses of the 20th century in a tidy format. This is a great point of departure for subsequent analyses.
5.2 Lemmatization, Named Entity Recognition, POS-tagging, and Dependency Parsing with spaCyR
Advanced operations to the end of extracting information and annotating text (and more!) can be done with spaCyr
(Benoit and Matsuo 2020). spaCyr
is an R wrapper around the spaCy
Python package and, therefore, a bit tricky to install at first. You can find instructions here.
The functionalities spaCyr
offers you are the following7:
- parsing texts into tokens or sentences;
- lemmatizing tokens;
- parsing dependencies (to identify the grammatical structure of the sentence); and
- identifying, extracting, or consolidating token sequences that form named entities or noun phrases.
In brief, preprocessing with spaCyr
is computationally more expensive than using, for instance, tidytext
, but it will give you more accurate lemmatization instead of “stupid,” rule-based stemming.. Also, it allows you to break up documents into smaller entities, sentences, which might be more suitable, e.g., as input for classifiers (since sentences tend to be about one topic, they allow for more fine-grained analyses). Part-of-speech (POS) tagging basically provides you with the functions of the different terms within the sentence. This might prove useful for tasks such as sentiment analysis. The final task spaCyr
can help you with is Named Entity Recognition (NER) which can be used for tasks such as sampling relevant documents.
5.2.1 Initializing spaCy
Before using spaCyr
, it needs to be initialized. What happens during this process is that R basically opens a connection to Python so that it can then run the spaCyr
functions in Python’s spaCy
. Once you have set up everything properly (see instructions), you can initialize it using spacy_initialize(model)
. Different language models can be specified and an overview can be found here. Note that a process of spaCy
is started when you spacy_initialize()
and continues running in the background. Hence, once you don’t need it anymore, or want to load a different model, you should spacy_finalize()
## Found 'spacy_condaenv'. spacyr will use this environment
## successfully initialized (spaCy Version: 3.3.0, language model: en_core_web_sm)
## (python options: type = "condaenv", value = "spacy_condaenv")
5.2.2 spacy_parse()
’s workhorse function is spacy_parse()
. It takes a character vector or TIF-compliant data frame. The latter is basically a tibble containing at least two columns, one named doc_id
with unique document ids and one named text
, containing the respective documents.
tif_toy_example <- tibble(
doc_id = "doc1",
text = "Look, this is a brief example for how tokenization works. This second sentence allows me to demonstrate another functionality of spaCy."
toy_example_vec <- tif_toy_example$text
## doc_id sentence_id token_id token lemma pos entity
## 1 doc1 1 1 Look look VERB
## 2 doc1 1 2 , , PUNCT
## 3 doc1 1 3 this this PRON
## 4 doc1 1 4 is be AUX
## 5 doc1 1 5 a a DET
## 6 doc1 1 6 brief brief ADJ
## 7 doc1 1 7 example example NOUN
## 8 doc1 1 8 for for ADP
## 9 doc1 1 9 how how SCONJ
## 10 doc1 1 10 tokenization tokenization NOUN
## 11 doc1 1 11 works work VERB
## 12 doc1 1 12 . . PUNCT
## 13 doc1 2 1 This this DET
## 14 doc1 2 2 second second ADJ ORDINAL_B
## 15 doc1 2 3 sentence sentence NOUN
## 16 doc1 2 4 allows allow VERB
## 17 doc1 2 5 me I PRON
## 18 doc1 2 6 to to PART
## 19 doc1 2 7 demonstrate demonstrate VERB
## 20 doc1 2 8 another another DET
## 21 doc1 2 9 functionality functionality NOUN
## 22 doc1 2 10 of of ADP
## 23 doc1 2 11 spaCy spaCy PROPN
## 24 doc1 2 12 . . PUNCT
The output of spacy_parse()
and the sotu-speeches looks as follows:
sotu_speeches_tif <- sotu_meta |>
mutate(text = sotu_text) |>
distinct(text, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
filter(between(year, 1990, 2000)) |>
group_by(year) |>
summarize(text = str_c(text, collapse = " ")) |>
select(doc_id = year, text)
## Rows: 11
## Columns: 2
## $ doc_id <int> 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
## $ text <chr> "\n\nMr. President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the United States C…
sotu_parsed <- spacy_parse(sotu_speeches_tif,
pos = TRUE,
tag = TRUE,
lemma = TRUE,
entity = TRUE,
dependency = TRUE,
nounphrase = TRUE,
multithread = TRUE)
# if you haven't installed spacy yet, uncomment and run the following line
#sotu_parsed <- read_rds("")
Note that this is already fairly similar to the output of tidytext
’s unnest_tokens()
function. The advantages are that the lemmas are more accurate, that we have a new sub-entity – sentences –, and that there is now more information on the type and meanings of the words.
5.2.3 POS tags, NER, and nounphrases
The abbreviations in the pos
column follow the format of Universal POS tags. Entities can be extracted by passing the parsed object on to entity_extract()
## doc_id sentence_id entity
## 1 1990 1 Speaker
## 2 1990 1 the_United_States
## 3 1990 1 Senate
## 4 1990 1 House
## 5 1990 3 the_coming_year
## 6 1990 4 American
## 7 1990 4 America
## 8 1990 6 Chamber
## 9 1990 6 1945
## 10 1990 6 that_year
## 11 1990 6 millions
## 12 1990 7 forty_-_five
## 13 1990 9 the_year
## 14 1990 10 12_short_months_ago
## 15 1990 10 1989
## 16 1990 11 one_year_ago
## 17 1990 11 Panama
## 18 1990 12 Today
## 19 1990 12 Panama
## 20 1990 14 Panama
## 21 1990 15 tonight
## 22 1990 15 the_end_of_February
## 23 1990 15 American
## 24 1990 16 A_year_ago
## 25 1990 16 Poland
## 26 1990 16 Lech_Walesa
## 27 1990 16 Communist
## 28 1990 16 today
## 29 1990 16 Poland
## 30 1990 16 Solidarity
## 31 1990 16 the_Polish_Government
## 32 1990 17 A_year_ago
## 33 1990 17 freedom
## 34 1990 17 Vaclav_Havel
## 35 1990 17 Prague
## 36 1990 18 today
## 37 1990 18 Vaclav_Havel
## 38 1990 18 Czechoslovakia
## 39 1990 19 1_year_ago
## 40 1990 19 Erich_Honecker
## 41 1990 19 East_Germany
## 42 1990 19 the_Berlin_Wall
## 43 1990 19 another_hundred_years
## 44 1990 20 today
## 45 1990 20 less_than_1_year_later
## 46 1990 21 American
## 47 1990 21 American
## 48 1990 23 America
## 49 1990 23 today
## 50 1990 23 tomorrow
## 51 1990 23 the_next_century
## 52 1990 24 millions
## 53 1990 25 America
## 54 1990 26 Branik
## 55 1990 26 Prague
## 56 1990 26 America
## 57 1990 28 Happiness
## 58 1990 31 today
## 59 1990 31 second
## 60 1990 31 America
## 61 1990 31 USA
## 62 1990 31 first
## 63 1990 31 American
## 64 1990 31 American
## 65 1990 34 today
## 66 1990 35 America
## 67 1990 36 the_nineties
## 68 1990 37 America
## 69 1990 38 tomorrow
## 70 1990 39 American
## 71 1990 39 American
## 72 1990 40 American
## 73 1990 43 Congress
## 74 1990 43 tomorrow
## 75 1990 45 America
## 76 1990 49 first
## 77 1990 50 70_percent
## 78 1990 50 1989
## 79 1990 53 one
## 80 1990 53 Last_fall
## 81 1990 53 the_very_first_day
## 82 1990 54 an_extra_half_-_a_-_billion_dollars
## 83 1990 55 one
## 84 1990 57 tonight
## 85 1990 57 America
## 86 1990 57 the_Nation_'s_Governors
## 87 1990 58 Gardner
## 88 1990 58 Washington
## 89 1990 58 Clinton
## 90 1990 59 Arkansas
## 91 1990 59 Branstad
## 92 1990 59 Iowa
## 93 1990 59 Campbell
## 94 1990 60 South_Carolina
## 95 1990 60 tonight
## 96 1990 61 the_year_2000
## 97 1990 62 The_United_States
## 98 1990 62 no_less_than_90_percent
## 99 1990 64 4th
## 100 1990 64 8th
## 101 1990 64 12th
## 102 1990 65 the_year_2000
## 103 1990 65 U.S.
## 104 1990 65 first
## 105 1990 66 American
## 106 1990 68 America
## 107 1990 75 America
## 108 1990 76 American
## 109 1990 79 America
## 110 1990 82 Seven_years_ago
## 111 1990 82 Federal
## 112 1990 82 6_percent
## 113 1990 82 6_percent
## 114 1990 83 2_days_ago
## 115 1990 83 1_percent
## 116 1990 85 Gramm_-_Rudman
## 117 1990 86 1993
## 118 1990 88 $_1.2_trillion
## 119 1990 92 America
## 120 1990 93 one
## 121 1990 94 the_Environmental_Protection_Agency
## 122 1990 94 Cabinet
## 123 1990 95 year
## 124 1990 95 over_$_2_billion
## 125 1990 95 over_$_1_billion
## 126 1990 95 America
## 127 1990 96 tonight
## 128 1990 96 Congress
## 129 1990 96 American
## 130 1990 99 the_Educational_Excellence_Act
## 131 1990 104 Social_Security
## 132 1990 105 American
## 133 1990 105 Social_Security
## 134 1990 105 American
## 135 1990 105 today
## 136 1990 106 1983
## 137 1990 107 today
## 138 1990 108 Social_Security
## 139 1990 109 one
## 140 1990 111 tonight
## 141 1990 111 Sullivan
## 142 1990 111 Lou_Sullivan
## 143 1990 111 Health_and_Human_Services
## 144 1990 111 Domestic_Policy_Council
## 145 1990 114 Americans
## 146 1990 115 millions
## 147 1990 117 next_week
## 148 1990 117 tomorrow
## 149 1990 126 American
## 150 1990 126 American
## 151 1990 127 Private_First_Class_James_Markwell
## 152 1990 127 20_-_year_-_old
## 153 1990 127 Army
## 154 1990 127 the_1st_Battalion
## 155 1990 127 75th_Rangers
## 156 1990 128 December_18th
## 157 1990 128 Panama
## 158 1990 130 Private_Markwell_'s
## 159 1990 131 Cincinnati
## 160 1990 136 Army
## 161 1990 138 Army
## 162 1990 139 first
## 163 1990 139 Panama
## 164 1990 139 one
## 165 1990 139 first
## 166 1990 141 America
## 167 1990 142 tonight
## 168 1990 142 this_past_year
## 169 1990 143 America
## 170 1990 144 Nearly_40_years_ago
## 171 1990 144 Congress
## 172 1990 144 Harry_Truman
## 173 1990 145 Communist
## 174 1990 146 Today
## 175 1990 147 more_than_40_years
## 176 1990 147 America
## 177 1990 148 today
## 178 1990 149 Congress
## 179 1990 149 Americans
## 180 1990 150 Americas
## 181 1990 150 North
## 182 1990 150 South
## 183 1990 151 the_Far_East
## 184 1990 151 Africa
## 185 1990 152 Eastern_Europe
## 186 1990 153 the_Soviet_Union
## 187 1990 155 Soviet
## 188 1990 155 Europe
## 189 1990 155 Soviet
## 190 1990 157 Europe
## 191 1990 157 U.S.
## 192 1990 157 Europe
## 193 1990 158 NATO
## 194 1990 159 Gorbachev
## 195 1990 159 today
## 196 1990 160 European
## 197 1990 160 American
## 198 1990 160 Europe
## 199 1990 160 Soviet
## 200 1990 160 Eastern_Europe
## 201 1990 162 tonight
## 202 1990 162 U.S.
## 203 1990 162 Soviet
## 204 1990 162 Central_and_Eastern_Europe
## 205 1990 162 195,000
## 206 1990 164 American
## 207 1990 164 European
## 208 1990 164 NATO
## 209 1990 167 tonight
## 210 1990 169 America
## 211 1990 170 American
## 212 1990 170 the_past_four_decades
## 213 1990 172 Six_months_ago
## 214 1990 172 this_season
## 215 1990 172 Poland
## 216 1990 172 Solidarity
## 217 1990 174 Three
## 218 1990 175 today
## 219 1990 176 America
## 220 1990 179 the_last_few_days
## 221 1990 179 this_past_momentous_year
## 222 1990 179 12th
## 223 1990 180 first
## 224 1990 183 this_past_year
## 225 1990 183 the_Far_East
## 226 1990 183 Eastern_Europe
## 227 1990 184 this_month
## 228 1990 184 the_Florida_Everglades
## 229 1990 184 Poland
## 230 1990 184 Warsaw
## 231 1990 184 the_World_Series
## 232 1990 187 tonight
## 233 1990 191 American
## 234 1990 194 one
## 235 1990 196 tonight
## 236 1990 196 America
## 237 1990 196 the_years_and
## 238 1990 196 decades
## 239 1990 197 a_new_century
## 240 1990 197 century
## 241 1990 198 Americans
## 242 1990 198 Chamber
## 243 1990 198 America
## 244 1990 200 God
## 245 1990 200 the_United_States_of_America
## 246 1991 1 Speaker
## 247 1991 1 the_United_States
## 248 1991 1 House
## 249 1991 1 Americans
## 250 1991 1 a_defining_hour
## 251 1991 3 Americans
## 252 1991 4 two_centuries
## 253 1991 5 tonight
## 254 1991 6 more_than_one
## 255 1991 9 Saddam_Hussein_'s
## 256 1991 12 Saddam
## 257 1991 12 12
## 258 1991 12 United_Nations
## 259 1991 12 Iraq
## 260 1991 12 28
## 261 1991 12 6
## 262 1991 15 A_year_and_a_half_ago
## 263 1991 15 Germany
## 264 1991 15 Europe
## 265 1991 16 Tonight
## 266 1991 16 Germany
## 267 1991 17 Europe
## 268 1991 17 America
## 269 1991 18 the_Soviet_Union
## 270 1991 20 Baltics
## 271 1991 20 Soviet
## 272 1991 21 Baltic
## 273 1991 21 the_Soviet_Union
## 274 1991 22 Soviet
## 275 1991 22 Soviet
## 276 1991 22 Republics
## 277 1991 24 Soviet
## 278 1991 25 U.S.-Soviet
## 279 1991 26 democratic
## 280 1991 26 Eastern_Europe
## 281 1991 26 Latin_America
## 282 1991 27 Tonight
## 283 1991 28 the_last_decade
## 284 1991 28 the_20th_century
## 285 1991 29 two_centuries
## 286 1991 29 America
## 287 1991 30 America
## 288 1991 31 today
## 289 1991 31 American
## 290 1991 32 Americans
## 291 1991 34 Americans
## 292 1991 36 the_Persian_Gulf
## 293 1991 36 today
## 294 1991 36 American
## 295 1991 40 America
## 296 1991 41 House
## 297 1991 41 American
## 298 1991 42 American
## 299 1991 42 the_next_American_century
## 300 1991 43 America
## 301 1991 45 this_next_American_century
## 302 1991 46 today
## 303 1991 46 one
## 304 1991 46 one
## 305 1991 46 one
## 306 1991 46 one
## 307 1991 47 America
## 308 1991 48 a_Thousand_Points_of_Light
## 309 1991 60 We_the_People
## 310 1991 61 American
## 311 1991 63 Americans
## 312 1991 67 these_last_2_years
## 313 1991 67 Americans
## 314 1991 67 Americans
## 315 1991 71 States
## 316 1991 72 America
## 317 1991 73 tonight
## 318 1991 75 Earlier_this_month
## 319 1991 75 Kathy_Blackwell
## 320 1991 75 Massachusetts
## 321 1991 78 First
## 322 1991 79 Second
## 323 1991 80 third
## 324 1991 81 American
## 325 1991 83 1981
## 326 1991 83 almost_20_million
## 327 1991 83 half
## 328 1991 83 half
## 329 1991 87 the_next_American_century
## 330 1991 88 today
## 331 1991 89 Federal
## 332 1991 91 last_year_'s
## 333 1991 92 the_Federal_Government
## 334 1991 92 nearly_$_500_billion
## 335 1991 95 first
## 336 1991 98 tonight
## 337 1991 98 the_Federal_Reserve
## 338 1991 98 Alan_Greenspan
## 339 1991 99 the_next_American_century
## 340 1991 100 Congress
## 341 1991 101 America
## 342 1991 101 the_50_Governors
## 343 1991 101 America
## 344 1991 101 one
## 345 1991 101 America
## 346 1991 101 the_21st_century
## 347 1991 105 American
## 348 1991 106 Uruguay
## 349 1991 107 America
## 350 1991 108 Mexican
## 351 1991 113 American
## 352 1991 116 Congress
## 353 1991 122 the_day
## 354 1991 123 American
## 355 1991 123 American
## 356 1991 124 America
## 357 1991 126 one
## 358 1991 126 American
## 359 1991 130 Washington
## 360 1991 131 The_Federal_Government
## 361 1991 131 Washington
## 362 1991 131 Washington
## 363 1991 131 Washington
## 364 1991 137 States
## 365 1991 138 more_than_$_20_billion
## 366 1991 139 Congress
## 367 1991 139 at_least_$_15_billion
## 368 1991 139 States
## 369 1991 141 the_Federal_Government
## 370 1991 142 States
## 371 1991 144 States
## 372 1991 148 Americans
## 373 1991 149 Almost_50_years_ago
## 374 1991 150 another_defining_hour
## 375 1991 150 America
## 376 1991 151 the_Persian_Gulf
## 377 1991 155 America
## 378 1991 157 America
## 379 1991 158 Gulf
## 380 1991 160 more_than_5_months
## 381 1991 160 the_Arab_League
## 382 1991 160 the_European_Community
## 383 1991 160 the_United_Nations
## 384 1991 161 U.N.
## 385 1991 161 Perez_de_Cuellar
## 386 1991 161 Presidents_Gorbachev
## 387 1991 161 Mitterrand
## 388 1991 161 Ozal
## 389 1991 161 Mubarak
## 390 1991 161 Kings_Fahd
## 391 1991 161 Hassan
## 392 1991 161 Andreotti
## 393 1991 162 Saddam_Hussein
## 394 1991 163 August
## 395 1991 163 Saddam
## 396 1991 168 Iraq
## 397 1991 170 Time
## 398 1991 170 Saddam
## 399 1991 171 the_Persian_Gulf
## 400 1991 171 Iraq
## 401 1991 171 Kuwait
## 402 1991 171 Kuwait
## 403 1991 173 Iraq
## 404 1991 174 Iraq
## 405 1991 175 a_Persian_Gulf
## 406 1991 176 Americans
## 407 1991 176 Gulf
## 408 1991 177 Saddam
## 409 1991 183 200_years
## 410 1991 184 years
## 411 1991 185 Patriot
## 412 1991 187 the_United_States
## 413 1991 188 American
## 414 1991 188 American
## 415 1991 191 Gulf
## 416 1991 192 tonight
## 417 1991 192 Norman_Schwarzkopf
## 418 1991 193 Schwarzkopf
## 419 1991 194 Schwarzkopf
## 420 1991 194 Alma_Powell
## 421 1991 195 Gulf
## 422 1991 195 one_day
## 423 1991 196 RAF
## 424 1991 196 Kuwaiti
## 425 1991 196 Saudi
## 426 1991 196 French
## 427 1991 196 Canadians
## 428 1991 196 Italians
## 429 1991 196 Qatar
## 430 1991 196 Bahrain
## 431 1991 196 first
## 432 1991 196 World_War_II
## 433 1991 197 the_United_Nations
## 434 1991 199 Last_year
## 435 1991 199 Desert_Shield
## 436 1991 200 over_$_40_billion
## 437 1991 200 the_first_3_months_of_1991
## 438 1991 200 Desert_Storm
## 439 1991 201 Iraq
## 440 1991 202 Israel
## 441 1991 202 Saudi_Arabia
## 442 1991 205 Gulf
## 443 1991 208 the_United_States
## 444 1991 209 the_United_States_of_America
## 445 1991 210 Earth
## 446 1991 211 America
## 447 1991 222 America
## 448 1991 225 the_next_century
## 449 1991 226 God
## 450 1991 226 the_United_States_of_America
## 451 1992 1 Speaker
## 452 1992 1 Congress
## 453 1992 2 Barbara
## 454 1992 4 Japan
## 455 1992 5 tonight
## 456 1992 6 tonight
## 457 1992 6 Earth
## 458 1992 7 the_past_12_months
## 459 1992 7 Biblical
## 460 1992 8 months
## 461 1992 9 this_year
## 462 1992 11 America
## 463 1992 11 the_cold_war
## 464 1992 12 this_evening
## 465 1992 15 these_past_few_months
## 466 1992 18 Korea
## 467 1992 18 Vietnam
## 468 1992 20 this_year
## 469 1992 24 Kilroy
## 470 1992 24 German
## 471 1992 24 Iraqi
## 472 1992 24 I_saw_Elvis
## 473 1992 26 American
## 474 1992 28 half_a_century
## 475 1992 28 American
## 476 1992 31 American
## 477 1992 32 first
## 478 1992 32 35_years
## 479 1992 34 Tomorrow
## 480 1992 36 decades
## 481 1992 39 A_year_ago
## 482 1992 39 tonight
## 483 1992 40 American
## 484 1992 40 Operation_Desert_Storm
## 485 1992 41 40_days
## 486 1992 41 4_days
## 487 1992 41 America
## 488 1992 41 Armed_Forces
## 489 1992 41 Kuwait
## 490 1992 42 Arab
## 491 1992 42 Israel
## 492 1992 42 first
## 493 1992 43 Christmas
## 494 1992 43 American
## 495 1992 46 two
## 496 1992 46 one
## 497 1992 46 the_United_States_of_America
## 498 1992 53 A_few_days
## 499 1992 53 Joanne_Speicher
## 500 1992 53 first
## 501 1992 53 Gulf
## 502 1992 53 Scott_Speicher
## 503 1992 57 Chamber
## 504 1992 61 Two_years_ago
## 505 1992 62 this_year
## 506 1992 63 Tonight
## 507 1992 65 20
## 508 1992 65 the_B_-_2
## 509 1992 68 Peacekeeper
## 510 1992 70 Camp_David
## 511 1992 70 Boris_Yeltsin
## 512 1992 70 the_Russian_Federation
## 513 1992 71 Yeltsin
## 514 1992 71 Commonwealth
## 515 1992 71 Soviet_Union
## 516 1992 71 Peacekeeper
## 517 1992 72 Minuteman
## 518 1992 72 about_one_-_third
## 519 1992 74 Yeltsin
## 520 1992 74 Camp_David
## 521 1992 75 half_a_century
## 522 1992 75 American_Presidents
## 523 1992 79 yesterday
## 524 1992 79 tomorrow
## 525 1992 80 Defense
## 526 1992 80 the_Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff
## 527 1992 83 an_additional_$_50_billion
## 528 1992 83 the_next_5_years
## 529 1992 84 1997
## 530 1992 84 30_percent
## 531 1992 88 this_century
## 532 1992 89 this_evening
## 533 1992 93 the_United_States_of_America
## 534 1992 93 West
## 535 1992 104 Chamber
## 536 1992 104 Desert_Storm
## 537 1992 107 One
## 538 1992 109 America
## 539 1992 111 America
## 540 1992 117 American
## 541 1992 121 Congress
## 542 1992 122 this_evening
## 543 1992 122 Cabinet
## 544 1992 122 90_-_day
## 545 1992 123 those_90_days
## 546 1992 124 American
## 547 1992 127 Cabinet
## 548 1992 128 an_extra_$_10_billion
## 549 1992 128 the_next_6_months
## 550 1992 129 more_than_$_150_billion
## 551 1992 131 this_evening
## 552 1992 131 Treasury
## 553 1992 132 millions
## 554 1992 132 Americans
## 555 1992 134 about_$_25_billion
## 556 1992 134 the_next_12_months
## 557 1992 135 the_Federal_Reserve
## 558 1992 137 Congress
## 559 1992 140 this_evening
## 560 1992 140 15_-_percent
## 561 1992 146 Americans
## 562 1992 146 first
## 563 1992 146 first
## 564 1992 146 IRA
## 565 1992 146 5,000
## 566 1992 146 first
## 567 1992 147 Congress
## 568 1992 148 this_hour
## 569 1992 153 Sixty_percent
## 570 1992 153 50,000
## 571 1992 155 15.4_percent
## 572 1992 156 night
## 573 1992 161 Congress
## 574 1992 162 today
## 575 1992 163 up_to_$_4.4_billion
## 576 1992 172 a_political_season
## 577 1992 183 Chamber
## 578 1992 186 tomorrow
## 579 1992 186 March_20th
## 580 1992 187 American
## 581 1992 187 March_20th
## 582 1992 188 the_day
## 583 1992 190 two
## 584 1992 191 second
## 585 1992 194 America
## 586 1992 197 First
## 587 1992 199 America
## 588 1992 200 American
## 589 1992 200 North_American
## 590 1992 204 America
## 591 1992 205 America_2000
## 592 1992 206 American
## 593 1992 207 Thirty
## 594 1992 208 Hundreds
## 595 1992 209 Congress
## 596 1992 209 American
## 597 1992 210 second
## 598 1992 210 third
## 599 1992 212 $_76_billion
## 600 1992 212 this_year
## 601 1992 216 6_in_the_morning
## 602 1992 217 night
## 603 1992 219 Congress
## 604 1992 220 years
## 605 1992 223 tonight
## 606 1992 226 tonight
## 607 1992 226 Head_Start
## 608 1992 227 six
## 609 1992 229 American
## 610 1992 230 America
## 611 1992 230 over_$_800_billion
## 612 1992 230 1.6_trillion
## 613 1992 230 the_end_of_the_decade
## 614 1992 233 thousands_of_dollars
## 615 1992 238 only_two
## 616 1992 243 Americans
## 617 1992 244 up_to_$_3,750
## 618 1992 246 Americans
## 619 1992 251 Congress
## 620 1992 253 next_year
## 621 1992 253 this_year
## 622 1992 254 Social_Security
## 623 1992 256 Congress
## 624 1992 256 246
## 625 1992 259 American
## 626 1992 260 Congress
## 627 1992 260 annual
## 628 1992 261 Every_year
## 629 1992 261 Lawrence_Welk
## 630 1992 261 Belgian
## 631 1992 264 43
## 632 1992 265 Federal_Government
## 633 1992 266 Congress
## 634 1992 266 States
## 635 1992 267 Congress
## 636 1992 268 State
## 637 1992 269 eight
## 638 1992 269 Congress
## 639 1992 271 Barbara
## 640 1992 272 tonight
## 641 1992 272 Commission_on_America_'s_Urban_Families
## 642 1992 273 Missouri
## 643 1992 273 John_Ashcroft
## 644 1992 273 Dallas
## 645 1992 273 Annette_Strauss
## 646 1992 273 Cochair
## 647 1992 274 the_League_of_Cities
## 648 1992 274 the_White_House
## 649 1992 275 Republican
## 650 1992 275 Democrat
## 651 1992 275 one
## 652 1992 277 one
## 653 1992 278 tonight
## 654 1992 278 500
## 655 1992 279 four
## 656 1992 279 2,000
## 657 1992 285 American
## 658 1992 286 Americans
## 659 1992 286 Earth
## 660 1992 287 Franklin_Roosevelt
## 661 1992 295 State
## 662 1992 296 State
## 663 1992 298 these_days
## 664 1992 302 America
## 665 1992 304 American
## 666 1992 305 Congress
## 667 1992 314 Neil_Armstrong
## 668 1992 316 American
## 669 1992 317 Desert_Storm
## 670 1992 320 Earth
## 671 1992 320 Earth
## 672 1992 320 Earth
## 673 1992 322 Nation
## 674 1992 324 this_night
## 675 1992 326 God
## 676 1993 1 Speaker
## 677 1993 1 House
## 678 1993 1 Senate
## 679 1993 1 Americans
## 680 1993 1 Chamber
## 681 1993 3 Congress
## 682 1993 3 the_United_States
## 683 1993 4 tonight
## 684 1993 6 tonight
## 685 1993 6 Americans
## 686 1993 7 at_least_three_decades
## 687 1993 7 Americans
## 688 1993 7 tomorrow
## 689 1993 11 Americans
## 690 1993 14 Tonight
## 691 1993 15 the_last_two_centuries
## 692 1993 17 two_decades
## 693 1993 17 years
## 694 1993 17 millions
## 695 1993 17 Americans
## 696 1993 20 Earth
## 697 1993 21 the_21st_century
## 698 1993 21 American
## 699 1993 22 12_years_ago
## 700 1993 22 Reagan
## 701 1993 22 American
## 702 1993 22 thousand_-_dollar
## 703 1993 22 67_miles
## 704 1993 23 today
## 705 1993 23 267_miles
## 706 1993 28 tonight
## 707 1993 30 four
## 708 1993 31 First
## 709 1993 32 Second
## 710 1993 33 Third
## 711 1993 34 American
## 712 1993 34 first
## 713 1993 34 second
## 714 1993 36 second
## 715 1993 41 American
## 716 1993 42 Congress
## 717 1993 42 over_$_30_billion
## 718 1993 42 a_half_a_million
## 719 1993 43 last_year
## 720 1993 43 Los_Angeles
## 721 1993 43 almost_700,000
## 722 1993 43 summer
## 723 1993 43 this_summer
## 724 1993 44 tonight
## 725 1993 44 America
## 726 1993 45 today
## 727 1993 45 the_next_century
## 728 1993 50 no_American_Government
## 729 1993 53 American
## 730 1993 54 the_last_10_or_15_years
## 731 1993 55 $_5_million
## 732 1993 56 about_90_percent
## 733 1993 56 America
## 734 1993 56 about_40_percent
## 735 1993 56 more_than_a_decade
## 736 1993 60 $_1_billion
## 737 1993 60 Boston
## 738 1993 60 Texas
## 739 1993 60 Los_Angeles
## 740 1993 62 State
## 741 1993 63 a_new_century
## 742 1993 64 a_North_American_Free_Trade
## 743 1993 65 time-;and
## 744 1993 65 America
## 745 1993 65 tonight
## 746 1993 68 the_21st_century
## 747 1993 68 America
## 748 1993 68 today
## 749 1993 72 this_year
## 750 1993 72 next_year
## 751 1993 72 5_years
## 752 1993 72 this_year
## 753 1993 73 1992
## 754 1993 73 14_percent
## 755 1993 73 more_than_30_percent
## 756 1993 74 50_percent
## 757 1993 74 between_now_and_the_year_2000
## 758 1993 75 the_year_2000
## 759 1993 75 almost_20_percent
## 760 1993 77 this_year
## 761 1993 78 millions
## 762 1993 80 hundreds_of_billions_of_dollars
## 763 1993 82 America
## 764 1993 83 Later_this_spring
## 765 1993 83 First
## 766 1993 83 Congress
## 767 1993 86 American
## 768 1993 87 first
## 769 1993 88 American
## 770 1993 88 Americans
## 771 1993 92 Republicans
## 772 1993 92 Democrats
## 773 1993 92 one
## 774 1993 98 Half
## 775 1993 98 2_-_year_-_olds
## 776 1993 98 today
## 777 1993 100 10
## 778 1993 100 1
## 779 1993 103 Head_Start
## 780 1993 105 today
## 781 1993 105 one_-_third
## 782 1993 108 today
## 783 1993 108 3
## 784 1993 108 tomorrow
## 785 1993 109 tomorrow
## 786 1993 112 the_Education_Department
## 787 1993 116 State
## 788 1993 118 18_-_year_-_old
## 789 1993 118 today
## 790 1993 118 seven
## 791 1993 119 the_last_few_years
## 792 1993 122 American
## 793 1993 122 last_year
## 794 1993 122 Americans
## 795 1993 123 Kennedy
## 796 1993 123 the_United_States_Congress
## 797 1993 123 the_Peace_Corps
## 798 1993 123 Americans
## 799 1993 124 the_Peace_Corps
## 800 1993 125 Congress
## 801 1993 125 GI
## 802 1993 126 America
## 803 1993 128 America
## 804 1993 130 millions
## 805 1993 130 Americans
## 806 1993 130 40_hours
## 807 1993 131 Later_this_year
## 808 1993 132 a_decade
## 809 1993 134 2_years
## 810 1993 137 Congress
## 811 1993 137 the_Family_and_Medical_Leave_Act
## 812 1993 137 first
## 813 1993 142 last_year
## 814 1993 142 100,000
## 815 1993 142 first
## 816 1993 145 Brady
## 817 1993 147 American
## 818 1993 147 Congress
## 819 1993 147 Washington
## 820 1993 151 the_United_States_Congress
## 821 1993 151 this_year
## 822 1993 152 American
## 823 1993 155 Republicans
## 824 1993 155 Democrats
## 825 1993 155 House
## 826 1993 156 Senate
## 827 1993 157 every_penny
## 828 1993 158 the_White_House
## 829 1993 159 the_last_few_days
## 830 1993 159 White_House
## 831 1993 159 25_percent
## 832 1993 159 approximately_$_10_million
## 833 1993 161 Federal
## 834 1993 161 the_next_4_years
## 835 1993 161 approximately_100,000
## 836 1993 161 $_9_billion
## 837 1993 162 America
## 838 1993 163 Congress
## 839 1993 164 today
## 840 1993 164 Congress
## 841 1993 166 American
## 842 1993 168 Tonight
## 843 1993 168 Federal_Government
## 844 1993 168 one_year
## 845 1993 169 4_-_year
## 846 1993 169 one
## 847 1993 170 150
## 848 1993 172 White_House
## 849 1993 172 years_ago
## 850 1993 173 Government_Department
## 851 1993 177 Superfund
## 852 1993 183 years
## 853 1993 184 4_weeks
## 854 1993 186 one
## 855 1993 186 the_next_4_years
## 856 1993 187 tonight
## 857 1993 187 tomorrow
## 858 1993 190 American
## 859 1993 192 10_years_from_now
## 860 1993 193 the_last_4_years
## 861 1993 193 the_end_of_the_decade
## 862 1993 193 $_635_billion
## 863 1993 193 almost_80_percent
## 864 1993 196 Congress
## 865 1993 196 over_20_cents
## 866 1993 196 more_than_half
## 867 1993 197 7_cents
## 868 1993 197 America
## 869 1993 200 1997
## 870 1993 200 $_140_billion
## 871 1993 200 that_year
## 872 1993 200 the_Congressional_Budget_Office
## 873 1993 202 Republicans
## 874 1993 202 the_Congressional_Budget_Office
## 875 1993 205 American
## 876 1993 206 the_last_12_years
## 877 1993 207 Democrats
## 878 1993 207 Republicans
## 879 1993 208 American
## 880 1993 209 more_than_150
## 881 1993 209 $_246_billion
## 882 1993 213 the_Rural_Electric_Administration
## 883 1993 215 State
## 884 1993 216 American
## 885 1993 218 American
## 886 1993 221 American
## 887 1993 226 the_global_democratic_revolution
## 888 1993 227 the_United_States
## 889 1993 228 Americans
## 890 1993 228 today
## 891 1993 228 tomorrow
## 892 1993 229 more_than_$_180,000
## 893 1993 229 tonight
## 894 1993 229 31_to_36_percent
## 895 1993 230 10_percent
## 896 1993 230 over_$
## 897 1993 230 250,000
## 898 1993 231 $_10_million
## 899 1993 231 36_percent
## 900 1993 232 America
## 901 1993 233 American
## 902 1993 233 State
## 903 1993 234 the_Tax_Code
## 904 1993 234 American
## 905 1993 234 today
## 906 1993 235 America
## 907 1993 235 American
## 908 1993 236 Americans
## 909 1993 236 the_last_12_years
## 910 1993 236 tonight
## 911 1993 236 Monday_night
## 912 1993 237 first
## 913 1993 238 98.8_percent
## 914 1993 238 America
## 915 1993 238 only_1.2_percent
## 916 1993 239 Medicare
## 917 1993 240 the_4th_year
## 918 1993 240 50_percent
## 919 1993 240 between_now_and_the_year_2000
## 920 1993 244 Medicare
## 921 1993 245 Social_Security
## 922 1993 246 Americans
## 923 1993 246 Social_Security
## 924 1993 247 the_80_percent
## 925 1993 247 Social_Security
## 926 1993 247 Social_Security
## 927 1993 248 Social_Security
## 928 1993 251 States
## 929 1993 254 American
## 930 1993 254 about_$_40,000
## 931 1993 254 less_than_$_17
## 932 1993 255 American
## 933 1993 255 30,000
## 934 1993 257 Treasury
## 935 1993 257 the_Office_of_Management_and_Budget
## 936 1993 258 each_month
## 937 1993 260 American
## 938 1993 262 30,000
## 939 1993 265 the_end_of_the_decade
## 940 1993 265 $_650_-_billion
## 941 1993 266 the_end_of_the_decade
## 942 1993 266 20_percent
## 943 1993 266 every_year
## 944 1993 267 over_20_cents
## 945 1993 268 years
## 946 1993 270 Americans
## 947 1993 270 every_25_years
## 948 1993 271 100_years
## 949 1993 273 Tonight
## 950 1993 273 American
## 951 1993 274 months
## 952 1993 275 thousand
## 953 1993 276 a_real_new_day
## 954 1993 278 American
## 955 1993 284 20_years
## 956 1993 287 Americans
## 957 1993 290 American
## 958 1993 292 America
## 959 1993 295 America
## 960 1994 2 Speaker
## 961 1994 2 Congress
## 962 1994 2 Americans
## 963 1994 2 TelePrompter
## 964 1994 4 Chamber
## 965 1994 5 O'Neill
## 966 1994 5 House
## 967 1994 7 American
## 968 1994 8 O'Neill
## 969 1994 9 Tonight
## 970 1994 9 first
## 971 1994 11 American
## 972 1994 12 tonight
## 973 1994 13 American
## 974 1994 15 30_years
## 975 1994 15 America
## 976 1994 16 20_years
## 977 1994 17 the_12_years
## 978 1994 18 1989_to_1992
## 979 1994 18 a_half_century
## 980 1994 19 American
## 981 1994 20 1992
## 982 1994 20 American
## 983 1994 21 A_year_ago
## 984 1994 24 American
## 985 1994 24 Congress
## 986 1994 24 30_years
## 987 1994 25 Congress
## 988 1994 25 half_a_trillion_dollars
## 989 1994 25 Americans
## 990 1994 26 Congress
## 991 1994 26 millions
## 992 1994 27 NAFTA
## 993 1994 28 Brady
## 994 1994 28 Brady
## 995 1994 29 Jim_Brady
## 996 1994 30 Congress
## 997 1994 30 9
## 998 1994 30 10
## 999 1994 32 Congress
## 1000 1994 32 millions
## 1001 1994 34 one
## 1002 1994 36 Congress
## 1003 1994 39 one
## 1004 1994 40 early_one
## 1005 1994 40 Sunday
## 1006 1994 40 morning
## 1007 1994 40 the_White_House
## 1008 1994 41 Sunday
## 1009 1994 41 morning
## 1010 1994 41 three
## 1011 1994 41 one
## 1012 1994 50 Americans
## 1013 1994 55 tonight
## 1014 1994 55 American
## 1015 1994 56 Last_year
## 1016 1994 57 $_255_billion
## 1017 1994 57 over_340
## 1018 1994 61 years
## 1019 1994 61 252,000
## 1020 1994 61 the_next_5_years
## 1021 1994 62 Federal
## 1022 1994 62 30_years
## 1023 1994 63 1980
## 1024 1994 63 Americans
## 1025 1994 64 April_15th
## 1026 1994 64 American
## 1027 1994 64 last_year
## 1028 1994 65 1.2_percent
## 1029 1994 65 Americans
## 1030 1994 66 1.2_percent
## 1031 1994 66 Americans
## 1032 1994 70 next_year_'s
## 1033 1994 70 $_300_billion
## 1034 1994 71 $_180_billion
## 1035 1994 71 40_percent
## 1036 1994 72 20_years
## 1037 1994 73 7
## 1038 1994 73 the_previous_4_years
## 1039 1994 76 Millions
## 1040 1994 76 Americans
## 1041 1994 77 1.6_million
## 1042 1994 77 1993
## 1043 1994 77 the_previous_4_years
## 1044 1994 79 Chamber
## 1045 1994 80 Congress
## 1046 1994 81 more_than_300
## 1047 1994 81 100
## 1048 1994 82 This_year
## 1049 1994 85 3_consecutive_years
## 1050 1994 85 first
## 1051 1994 85 Harry_Truman
## 1052 1994 85 the_White_House
## 1053 1994 89 one_year
## 1054 1994 89 NAFTA
## 1055 1994 89 GATT
## 1056 1994 89 Asia
## 1057 1994 89 American
## 1058 1994 89 two
## 1059 1994 90 American
## 1060 1994 93 Congress
## 1061 1994 93 tomorrow
## 1062 1994 96 This_year
## 1063 1994 96 Superfund
## 1064 1994 97 America
## 1065 1994 97 the_year_2000
## 1066 1994 101 Congress
## 1067 1994 101 this_year
## 1068 1994 103 America
## 1069 1994 104 opportunity-;but
## 1070 1994 104 tomorrow
## 1071 1994 106 one
## 1072 1994 107 2000
## 1073 1994 108 Congress
## 1074 1994 109 first
## 1075 1994 109 at_least_one_year
## 1076 1994 116 today
## 1077 1994 118 Congress
## 1078 1994 123 $_34_billion
## 1079 1994 123 millions
## 1080 1994 128 years
## 1081 1994 128 Congress
## 1082 1994 135 America
## 1083 1994 136 State
## 1084 1994 137 40
## 1085 1994 140 Last_year
## 1086 1994 141 Washington
## 1087 1994 141 States
## 1088 1994 142 Congress
## 1089 1994 144 15_million
## 1090 1994 147 This_spring
## 1091 1994 147 the_Family_Support_Act
## 1092 1994 147 1988
## 1093 1994 149 State
## 1094 1994 152 up_to_2_years
## 1095 1994 154 second
## 1096 1994 155 1994
## 1097 1994 157 one_million
## 1098 1994 161 this_year
## 1099 1994 164 First
## 1100 1994 164 almost_a_million
## 1101 1994 164 America
## 1102 1994 166 Richard_Anderson
## 1103 1994 166 Reno
## 1104 1994 166 Nevada
## 1105 1994 167 Two_weeks_later
## 1106 1994 167 Judy
## 1107 1994 168 21_days
## 1108 1994 169 Andersons
## 1109 1994 169 over_$_120,000
## 1110 1994 170 Judy
## 1111 1994 170 Richard
## 1112 1994 170 8
## 1113 1994 171 Clinton
## 1114 1994 171 Hillary
## 1115 1994 171 the_United_States_of_America
## 1116 1994 172 Richard
## 1117 1994 172 First
## 1118 1994 175 Richard
## 1119 1994 175 Judy_Anderson
## 1120 1994 176 58_million
## 1121 1994 176 Americans
## 1122 1994 176 each_year
## 1123 1994 177 81_million
## 1124 1994 177 Americans
## 1125 1994 180 35_percent
## 1126 1994 181 the_76_percent
## 1127 1994 181 Americans
## 1128 1994 181 three
## 1129 1994 181 four
## 1130 1994 186 Republicans
## 1131 1994 186 Democrats
## 1132 1994 189 the_day
## 1133 1994 189 Medicare
## 1134 1994 189 Americans
## 1135 1994 192 Every_year
## 1136 1994 192 Americans
## 1137 1994 195 today
## 1138 1994 200 millions
## 1139 1994 200 Americans
## 1140 1994 201 millions
## 1141 1994 201 Americans
## 1142 1994 206 today
## 1143 1994 206 American
## 1144 1994 207 American
## 1145 1994 207 20_years_ago
## 1146 1994 207 Richard_Nixon
## 1147 1994 207 the_United_States_Congress
## 1148 1994 208 today
## 1149 1994 210 9
## 1150 1994 210 10
## 1151 1994 213 Congress
## 1152 1994 214 today
## 1153 1994 214 one
## 1154 1994 215 Americans
## 1155 1994 216 Congress
## 1156 1994 216 Medicare
## 1157 1994 218 first
## 1158 1994 219 Medicare
## 1159 1994 219 today
## 1160 1994 234 the_coming_months
## 1161 1994 234 Democrats
## 1162 1994 234 Republicans
## 1163 1994 235 60_years
## 1164 1994 236 Roosevelt
## 1165 1994 237 Truman
## 1166 1994 238 Nixon
## 1167 1994 239 Carter
## 1168 1994 245 Houses
## 1169 1994 245 last_year
## 1170 1994 245 this_year
## 1171 1994 246 Americans
## 1172 1994 247 American
## 1173 1994 249 American
## 1174 1994 252 American
## 1175 1994 256 American
## 1176 1994 256 next_year
## 1177 1994 259 this_year
## 1178 1994 259 last_year
## 1179 1994 259 Russia
## 1180 1994 259 the_United_States
## 1181 1994 260 Russian
## 1182 1994 263 This_year
## 1183 1994 265 Ukraine
## 1184 1994 265 Belarus
## 1185 1994 265 Kazahkstan
## 1186 1994 266 Korean_Peninsula
## 1187 1994 268 earlier_today
## 1188 1994 269 Armed_Forces
## 1189 1994 270 Bosnia
## 1190 1994 270 Somalia
## 1191 1994 270 this_year
## 1192 1994 272 Earth
## 1193 1994 273 Last_year
## 1194 1994 274 This_year
## 1195 1994 276 Congress
## 1196 1994 280 Congress
## 1197 1994 284 Russia
## 1198 1994 284 Soviet
## 1199 1994 285 Congress
## 1200 1994 285 last_year
## 1201 1994 285 Russia
## 1202 1994 285 Ukraine
## 1203 1994 287 Russia
## 1204 1994 288 Russia
## 1205 1994 288 Russian
## 1206 1994 289 Communist
## 1207 1994 290 Congress
## 1208 1994 292 Europe
## 1209 1994 292 earlier_this_month
## 1210 1994 292 European
## 1211 1994 292 Communist
## 1212 1994 292 Europe
## 1213 1994 292 first
## 1214 1994 292 Europe
## 1215 1994 293 Soviet
## 1216 1994 293 non_-_NATO
## 1217 1994 293 NATO
## 1218 1994 294 Central_Europe_'s
## 1219 1994 294 Lech_Walesa
## 1220 1994 294 Vaclav_Havel
## 1221 1994 295 This_year
## 1222 1994 296 Congress
## 1223 1994 296 GATT
## 1224 1994 297 South_Africa
## 1225 1994 298 the_Western_Hemisphere_'s
## 1226 1994 298 democratic
## 1227 1994 298 Canada
## 1228 1994 298 South_America
## 1229 1994 299 Haiti
## 1230 1994 300 China
## 1231 1994 301 Middle_East
## 1232 1994 302 Last_year
## 1233 1994 302 Yitzhak_Rabin
## 1234 1994 302 Yasser_Arafat
## 1235 1994 302 the_White_House
## 1236 1994 305 America
## 1237 1994 308 this_year
## 1238 1994 308 NAFTA
## 1239 1994 308 America
## 1240 1994 308 America
## 1241 1994 309 American
## 1242 1994 310 Americans
## 1243 1994 312 Petaluma
## 1244 1994 312 California
## 1245 1994 312 Polly_Klaas
## 1246 1994 313 Long_Island
## 1247 1994 313 9
## 1248 1994 314 Florida
## 1249 1994 315 Jason_White
## 1250 1994 317 Congress
## 1251 1994 320 Many_years_ago
## 1252 1994 320 State
## 1253 1994 321 a_dozen_years
## 1254 1994 327 third
## 1255 1994 327 three
## 1256 1994 330 Houston
## 1257 1994 330 17_percent
## 1258 1994 330 one_year
## 1259 1994 331 tonight
## 1260 1994 331 Kevin_Jett
## 1261 1994 331 eight_square
## 1262 1994 331 one
## 1263 1994 331 New_York
## 1264 1994 332 Every_day
## 1265 1994 333 tonight
## 1266 1994 335 country-;and
## 1267 1994 336 Kevin_Jett
## 1268 1994 337 American
## 1269 1994 337 100,000
## 1270 1994 339 one
## 1271 1994 341 third
## 1272 1994 341 Brady
## 1273 1994 341 Brady
## 1274 1994 348 Earth
## 1275 1994 348 the_United_States_Congress
## 1276 1994 355 Americans
## 1277 1994 355 American
## 1278 1994 368 Americans
## 1279 1994 369 American
## 1280 1994 370 a_decade
## 1281 1994 370 more_than_half
## 1282 1994 371 13_-_year_-_old
## 1283 1994 371 9_-_year_-_olds
## 1284 1994 374 Los_Angeles
## 1285 1994 374 Tony_Campollo
## 1286 1994 374 Philadelphia
## 1287 1994 381 tonight
## 1288 1994 385 American
## 1289 1994 385 tomorrow
## 1290 1994 388 today
## 1291 1994 389 California
## 1292 1994 389 Midwest
## 1293 1994 389 500_-_year
## 1294 1994 389 century
## 1295 1994 389 North_Dakota
## 1296 1994 389 Newport_News
## 1297 1994 390 American
## 1298 1994 394 Tonight
## 1299 1994 394 Americans
## 1300 1994 397 America
## 1301 1995 1 Speaker
## 1302 1995 1 Congress
## 1303 1995 1 Americans
## 1304 1995 2 Congress
## 1305 1995 2 Speaker
## 1306 1995 3 tonight
## 1307 1995 3 American
## 1308 1995 3 1992
## 1309 1995 3 1994
## 1310 1995 4 1992
## 1311 1995 5 both_years
## 1312 1995 5 America
## 1313 1995 5 America
## 1314 1995 6 Republicans
## 1315 1995 6 Democrats
## 1316 1995 9 200_years_ago
## 1317 1995 10 Happiness
## 1318 1995 11 American
## 1319 1995 11 Lincoln
## 1320 1995 11 Congress
## 1321 1995 11 Theodore_Roosevelt
## 1322 1995 11 Woodrow_Wilson
## 1323 1995 11 Franklin_Roosevelt
## 1324 1995 11 the_Great_Depression
## 1325 1995 12 two
## 1326 1995 12 Congresses
## 1327 1995 12 Harry_Truman
## 1328 1995 12 the_cold_war
## 1329 1995 12 Ronald_Reagan
## 1330 1995 12 tonight
## 1331 1995 13 first
## 1332 1995 13 American
## 1333 1995 14 2_years_ago
## 1334 1995 14 American
## 1335 1995 14 the_21st_century
## 1336 1995 17 tonight
## 1337 1995 17 2_years_ago
## 1338 1995 19 Americans
## 1339 1995 21 almost_6_million
## 1340 1995 21 25_years
## 1341 1995 26 next_year
## 1342 1995 26 next_month
## 1343 1995 28 America
## 1344 1995 28 today
## 1345 1995 32 Roosevelt
## 1346 1995 33 half_a_century
## 1347 1995 35 today
## 1348 1995 39 tonight
## 1349 1995 41 Americans
## 1350 1995 42 tonight
## 1351 1995 44 Americans
## 1352 1995 50 Americans
## 1353 1995 52 first
## 1354 1995 52 Americans
## 1355 1995 53 American
## 1356 1995 54 Americans
## 1357 1995 55 Congress
## 1358 1995 55 yesterday
## 1359 1995 57 Three
## 1360 1995 57 Washington
## 1361 1995 57 20_years_ago
## 1362 1995 58 American
## 1363 1995 58 Capital
## 1364 1995 59 Congress
## 1365 1995 60 this_month
## 1366 1995 61 Republican
## 1367 1995 62 tonight
## 1368 1995 64 American
## 1369 1995 68 3_years
## 1370 1995 69 Congress
## 1371 1995 69 last_year
## 1372 1995 70 This_year
## 1373 1995 83 Washington
## 1374 1995 84 America
## 1375 1995 90 yesterday
## 1376 1995 90 today
## 1377 1995 90 tomorrow
## 1378 1995 92 years
## 1379 1995 94 a_quarter
## 1380 1995 94 a_trillion_dollars
## 1381 1995 94 more_than_300
## 1382 1995 94 more_than_100,000
## 1383 1995 94 Federal
## 1384 1995 94 the_last_2_years
## 1385 1995 95 more_than_a_quarter
## 1386 1995 95 the_Federal_Government
## 1387 1995 95 John_Kennedy
## 1388 1995 95 next_year
## 1389 1995 96 Gore
## 1390 1995 96 $_63_billion
## 1391 1995 97 500
## 1392 1995 97 David_Letterman
## 1393 1995 99 the_Agriculture_Department
## 1394 1995 99 more_than_1,200
## 1395 1995 101 10,000page
## 1396 1995 102 FEMA
## 1397 1995 102 the_Federal_Emergency_Management_Agency
## 1398 1995 103 the_Middle_West
## 1399 1995 103 California
## 1400 1995 104 California
## 1401 1995 105 the_Federal_Government
## 1402 1995 105 one
## 1403 1995 105 5,600
## 1404 1995 107 the_next_few_weeks
## 1405 1995 108 weeks
## 1406 1995 108 weeks
## 1407 1995 110 America
## 1408 1995 114 second
## 1409 1995 115 $_130_billion
## 1410 1995 115 60
## 1411 1995 115 3
## 1412 1995 115 the_Interstate_Commerce_Commission
## 1413 1995 115 the_Helium_Reserve_Program
## 1414 1995 118 yesterday
## 1415 1995 118 tomorrow
## 1416 1995 124 Congress
## 1417 1995 124 Washington
## 1418 1995 126 years
## 1419 1995 126 Congress
## 1420 1995 127 Last_year
## 1421 1995 128 $_1_million
## 1422 1995 128 $_12_million
## 1423 1995 138 Social_Security
## 1424 1995 138 Medicare
## 1425 1995 140 States
## 1426 1995 140 State
## 1427 1995 140 North
## 1428 1995 140 South
## 1429 1995 140 East
## 1430 1995 140 Head_Start
## 1431 1995 154 American
## 1432 1995 157 Social_Security
## 1433 1995 158 Americans
## 1434 1995 160 Washington
## 1435 1995 163 millions
## 1436 1995 165 nearly_15_years
## 1437 1995 166 Reagan
## 1438 1995 166 1988
## 1439 1995 167 the_last_2_years
## 1440 1995 168 two_dozen
## 1441 1995 169 Last_year
## 1442 1995 170 second
## 1443 1995 171 up_to_2_years
## 1444 1995 174 State
## 1445 1995 187 Americans
## 1446 1995 187 American
## 1447 1995 189 America
## 1448 1995 191 hours_and_hours
## 1449 1995 198 America
## 1450 1995 198 Lynn_Woolsey
## 1451 1995 198 the_State_of_California
## 1452 1995 199 Congress
## 1453 1995 200 last_year
## 1454 1995 200 three
## 1455 1995 200 almost_60
## 1456 1995 200 100,000
## 1457 1995 201 Federal
## 1458 1995 202 first
## 1459 1995 204 last_year
## 1460 1995 204 years
## 1461 1995 204 years
## 1462 1995 206 last_year
## 1463 1995 208 4
## 1464 1995 209 tonight
## 1465 1995 209 one
## 1466 1995 209 last_year
## 1467 1995 210 Congress
## 1468 1995 210 Brady
## 1469 1995 210 19
## 1470 1995 211 Congress
## 1471 1995 211 tonight
## 1472 1995 214 Congress
## 1473 1995 217 Congress
## 1474 1995 221 AmeriCorps
## 1475 1995 223 20,000
## 1476 1995 223 Americans
## 1477 1995 223 one_year
## 1478 1995 223 the_Peace_Corps
## 1479 1995 225 AmeriCorps
## 1480 1995 227 Americans
## 1481 1995 227 States
## 1482 1995 231 Barbara_Jordan
## 1483 1995 234 recent_years
## 1484 1995 235 American
## 1485 1995 236 America
## 1486 1995 239 Americans
## 1487 1995 240 America
## 1488 1995 240 almost_6_million
## 1489 1995 240 the_last_2_years
## 1490 1995 242 American
## 1491 1995 242 American
## 1492 1995 248 about_1978
## 1493 1995 248 the_years
## 1494 1995 250 the_last_2_years
## 1495 1995 253 second
## 1496 1995 254 first
## 1497 1995 254 1993
## 1498 1995 254 15_million
## 1499 1995 254 27,000
## 1500 1995 254 this_year
## 1501 1995 254 about_$_1,000
## 1502 1995 256 first
## 1503 1995 259 first
## 1504 1995 263 four
## 1505 1995 264 First
## 1506 1995 265 today
## 1507 1995 268 Second
## 1508 1995 268 500
## 1509 1995 268 under_13
## 1510 1995 269 Third
## 1511 1995 269 first
## 1512 1995 270 fourth
## 1513 1995 270 GI
## 1514 1995 270 America
## 1515 1995 271 nearly_70
## 1516 1995 271 States
## 1517 1995 271 American
## 1518 1995 271 2,600
## 1519 1995 271 up_to_2_years
## 1520 1995 272 America
## 1521 1995 275 2_years_ago
## 1522 1995 278 over_$_600_billion
## 1523 1995 278 about_$_10,000
## 1524 1995 279 3_years_in_a_row
## 1525 1995 279 first
## 1526 1995 279 Truman
## 1527 1995 279 America
## 1528 1995 282 Medicare
## 1529 1995 283 Medicare
## 1530 1995 292 Two_and_a_half_million
## 1531 1995 292 Americans
## 1532 1995 292 two_and_a_half_million
## 1533 1995 292 Americans
## 1534 1995 292 today
## 1535 1995 292 4.25
## 1536 1995 293 next_year
## 1537 1995 293 40_-_year
## 1538 1995 297 4.25
## 1539 1995 297 last_year
## 1540 1995 300 Congress
## 1541 1995 300 less_than_a_month
## 1542 1995 300 the_end_of_the_week
## 1543 1995 300 28_days
## 1544 1995 300 the_new_year
## 1545 1995 300 Congress
## 1546 1995 300 all_year_long
## 1547 1995 301 Americans
## 1548 1995 302 last_year
## 1549 1995 303 last_year
## 1550 1995 303 1.1_million
## 1551 1995 303 Americans
## 1552 1995 304 many_millions
## 1553 1995 306 American
## 1554 1995 307 last_year
## 1555 1995 311 American
## 1556 1995 312 Democrats
## 1557 1995 312 Republican
## 1558 1995 312 Dole
## 1559 1995 312 last_year
## 1560 1995 315 a_year
## 1561 1995 316 way-;it
## 1562 1995 317 first
## 1563 1995 317 nearly_a_decade
## 1564 1995 318 today
## 1565 1995 318 10_years_ago
## 1566 1995 321 American
## 1567 1995 321 tonight
## 1568 1995 322 America
## 1569 1995 322 today
## 1570 1995 328 Mexico
## 1571 1995 329 tonight
## 1572 1995 329 Mexican
## 1573 1995 329 millions
## 1574 1995 329 Americans
## 1575 1995 329 Mexico
## 1576 1995 330 American
## 1577 1995 330 American
## 1578 1995 330 America
## 1579 1995 330 Mexico
## 1580 1995 336 America
## 1581 1995 338 Congress
## 1582 1995 339 American
## 1583 1995 340 tonight
## 1584 1995 340 first
## 1585 1995 340 Russian
## 1586 1995 340 America
## 1587 1995 341 Russians
## 1588 1995 341 9,000
## 1589 1995 344 Senate
## 1590 1995 344 5,000
## 1591 1995 345 The_United_States
## 1592 1995 345 the_Nuclear_Non_-_Proliferation_Treaty
## 1593 1995 346 North_Korea_'s
## 1594 1995 350 Congress
## 1595 1995 351 the_World_Trade_Center
## 1596 1995 352 Just_this_week
## 1597 1995 352 Israel
## 1598 1995 352 19
## 1599 1995 353 American
## 1600 1995 354 the_Middle_East
## 1601 1995 356 Israel
## 1602 1995 356 the_Middle_East
## 1603 1995 357 last_night
## 1604 1995 357 the_United_States
## 1605 1995 359 tonight
## 1606 1995 361 Earth
## 1607 1995 364 Congress
## 1608 1995 364 $_25_billion
## 1609 1995 364 the_next_6_years
## 1610 1995 366 Tonight
## 1611 1995 367 Armed_Forces
## 1612 1995 372 the_last_year
## 1613 1995 372 America
## 1614 1995 372 hundreds_of_thousands
## 1615 1995 372 Rwanda
## 1616 1995 372 Kuwait
## 1617 1995 372 Haiti
## 1618 1995 373 South_Africa
## 1619 1995 373 Northern_Ireland
## 1620 1995 373 Central_and_Eastern_Europe
## 1621 1995 373 Asia
## 1622 1995 373 Latin_America
## 1623 1995 373 the_Middle_East
## 1624 1995 375 Americans
## 1625 1995 375 America
## 1626 1995 377 Americans
## 1627 1995 380 PTA
## 1628 1995 383 Little_Rock
## 1629 1995 383 90_percent
## 1630 1995 383 Republicans
## 1631 1995 383 Democrats
## 1632 1995 384 California
## 1633 1995 384 California
## 1634 1995 384 last_week
## 1635 1995 385 Republican
## 1636 1995 387 every_day
## 1637 1995 387 this_next_century
## 1638 1995 396 Congress
## 1639 1995 398 Tonight
## 1640 1995 401 the_United_States
## 1641 1995 406 Habitat
## 1642 1995 412 years
## 1643 1995 415 America
## 1644 1995 415 de_Tocqueville
## 1645 1995 415 a_long_time_ago
## 1646 1995 416 this_day
## 1647 1995 417 Americans
## 1648 1995 418 First
## 1649 1995 421 Cindy_Perry
## 1650 1995 421 second
## 1651 1995 421 AmeriCorps
## 1652 1995 421 Kentucky
## 1653 1995 423 four
## 1654 1995 424 last_year
## 1655 1995 425 Cindy
## 1656 1995 427 four
## 1657 1995 428 AmeriCorps
## 1658 1995 429 Stephen_Bishop
## 1659 1995 429 Kansas_City
## 1660 1995 430 Steve
## 1661 1995 431 AmeriCorps
## 1662 1995 432 Kansas_City
## 1663 1995 433 Haiti
## 1664 1995 434 Haiti
## 1665 1995 434 Haitian_-_Americans
## 1666 1995 436 two
## 1667 1995 436 Diana_Cherry
## 1668 1995 436 the_A.M.E._Zion_Church
## 1669 1995 436 Temple_Hills
## 1670 1995 436 Maryland
## 1671 1995 439 the_early_eighties
## 1672 1995 439 the_early_eighties
## 1673 1995 440 Today
## 1674 1995 440 17,000
## 1675 1995 441 one
## 1676 1995 441 three
## 1677 1995 441 four
## 1678 1995 441 United_States
## 1679 1995 442 200
## 1680 1995 446 Washington
## 1681 1995 446 DC
## 1682 1995 447 the_White_House
## 1683 1995 447 150
## 1684 1995 447 America
## 1685 1995 448 America
## 1686 1995 450 Jack_Lucas
## 1687 1995 450 Hattiesburg
## 1688 1995 450 Mississippi
## 1689 1995 451 Jack
## 1690 1995 452 Fifty_years_ago
## 1691 1995 452 Iwo_Jima
## 1692 1995 452 Jack_Lucas
## 1693 1995 453 February_20th_,_1945
## 1694 1995 453 three
## 1695 1995 453 two
## 1696 1995 454 Jack_Lucas
## 1697 1995 456 the_age_of_17
## 1698 1995 456 West_Point
## 1699 1995 456 17
## 1700 1995 456 Jack_Lucas
## 1701 1995 456 Marine
## 1702 1995 456 this_century
## 1703 1995 456 the_Congressional_Medal_of_Honor
## 1704 1995 457 yesterday
## 1705 1995 461 first
## 1706 1996 2 Speaker
## 1707 1996 2 Congress
## 1708 1996 2 Americans
## 1709 1996 2 tonight
## 1710 1996 2 Bosnia
## 1711 1996 3 America
## 1712 1996 4 tonight
## 1713 1996 4 American
## 1714 1996 6 three_decades
## 1715 1996 7 27_years
## 1716 1996 8 8_million
## 1717 1996 8 over_a_million
## 1718 1996 9 America
## 1719 1996 9 Japan
## 1720 1996 9 first
## 1721 1996 9 1970
## 1722 1996 10 3_years_in_a_row
## 1723 1996 14 America
## 1724 1996 16 A_hundred_years_ago
## 1725 1996 19 Americans
## 1726 1996 20 three
## 1727 1996 20 First
## 1728 1996 20 American
## 1729 1996 20 Americans
## 1730 1996 21 Second
## 1731 1996 22 third
## 1732 1996 22 one
## 1733 1996 22 America
## 1734 1996 25 American
## 1735 1996 25 Washington
## 1736 1996 26 American
## 1737 1996 29 one
## 1738 1996 29 America
## 1739 1996 29 one
## 1740 1996 31 American
## 1741 1996 31 State
## 1742 1996 34 Americans
## 1743 1996 36 Republican
## 1744 1996 37 Democrats
## 1745 1996 37 1993
## 1746 1996 37 half
## 1747 1996 37 3_years
## 1748 1996 38 1993
## 1749 1996 42 Congressional_Budget_Office
## 1750 1996 42 7_years
## 1751 1996 45 Medicare
## 1752 1996 45 Medicaid
## 1753 1996 47 Republicans
## 1754 1996 47 Democrats
## 1755 1996 51 tomorrow
## 1756 1996 52 American
## 1757 1996 53 yesterday
## 1758 1996 54 today
## 1759 1996 54 tomorrow
## 1760 1996 54 yesterday
## 1761 1996 56 Nation
## 1762 1996 57 America
## 1763 1996 62 first
## 1764 1996 62 America
## 1765 1996 63 American
## 1766 1996 64 America
## 1767 1996 65 25_years
## 1768 1996 66 Hillary
## 1769 1996 68 Gore
## 1770 1996 68 today
## 1771 1996 69 roles-;our
## 1772 1996 71 Congress
## 1773 1996 74 Congress
## 1774 1996 77 the_White_House
## 1775 1996 77 next_month
## 1776 1996 79 every_year
## 1777 1996 79 million
## 1778 1996 80 Three_hundred_thousand
## 1779 1996 84 Congress
## 1780 1996 87 Congress
## 1781 1996 90 first
## 1782 1996 93 American
## 1783 1996 97 American
## 1784 1996 99 Americans
## 1785 1996 99 2_years_in_a_row
## 1786 1996 101 Tonight
## 1787 1996 101 Americans
## 1788 1996 102 American
## 1789 1996 103 American
## 1790 1996 105 America
## 1791 1996 112 American
## 1792 1996 113 second
## 1793 1996 113 Americans
## 1794 1996 113 this_new_century
## 1795 1996 114 America
## 1796 1996 115 20_percent
## 1797 1996 115 California
## 1798 1996 115 this_spring
## 1799 1996 115 United_States
## 1800 1996 115 the_year_2000
## 1801 1996 116 Congress
## 1802 1996 118 State
## 1803 1996 120 State
## 1804 1996 123 first
## 1805 1996 128 Americans
## 1806 1996 128 today
## 1807 1996 130 a_few_years_ago
## 1808 1996 131 AmeriCorps
## 1809 1996 131 this_year_25,000
## 1810 1996 132 America
## 1811 1996 134 Congress
## 1812 1996 134 one_million
## 1813 1996 134 Americans
## 1814 1996 134 the_year_2000
## 1815 1996 134 1,000
## 1816 1996 134 5_percent
## 1817 1996 134 the_United_States
## 1818 1996 134 Pell
## 1819 1996 134 up_to_$_10,000
## 1820 1996 135 America
## 1821 1996 136 third
## 1822 1996 136 American
## 1823 1996 142 Americans
## 1824 1996 143 Congress
## 1825 1996 143 70
## 1826 1996 143 2,600
## 1827 1996 144 GI
## 1828 1996 144 America
## 1829 1996 145 Americans
## 1830 1996 146 Congress
## 1831 1996 147 a_year
## 1832 1996 147 40_-_year
## 1833 1996 148 Four_dollars
## 1834 1996 148 25_cents
## 1835 1996 148 millions
## 1836 1996 148 Americans
## 1837 1996 150 1993
## 1838 1996 150 Congress
## 1839 1996 150 15_million
## 1840 1996 151 about_$_1,800
## 1841 1996 151 four
## 1842 1996 151 20,000
## 1843 1996 152 nearly_8_million
## 1844 1996 157 one
## 1845 1996 157 Chamber
## 1846 1996 158 Republican
## 1847 1996 161 Congress
## 1848 1996 161 the_White_House_Conference_on_Small_Business
## 1849 1996 164 Two_years_ago
## 1850 1996 164 8_million
## 1851 1996 164 32_million
## 1852 1996 165 Congress
## 1853 1996 166 Treasury
## 1854 1996 167 last_year
## 1855 1996 169 the_past_2_years
## 1856 1996 169 over_one_million
## 1857 1996 169 Americans
## 1858 1996 170 American
## 1859 1996 171 Congress
## 1860 1996 171 Kennedy
## 1861 1996 171 Kassebaum
## 1862 1996 173 Medicare
## 1863 1996 173 Medicaid
## 1864 1996 174 the_past_3_years
## 1865 1996 174 $_15_billion
## 1866 1996 176 the_Medicare_Trust_Fund
## 1867 1996 177 Medicare
## 1868 1996 177 Medicaid_.
## 1869 1996 178 America
## 1870 1996 179 GI
## 1871 1996 179 Medicare
## 1872 1996 179 Medicaid
## 1873 1996 179 the_Family_and_Medical_Leave_Act
## 1874 1996 179 1993
## 1875 1996 179 American
## 1876 1996 181 their_hours
## 1877 1996 182 America
## 1878 1996 183 fourth
## 1879 1996 186 America
## 1880 1996 187 New_York_City
## 1881 1996 187 25_percent
## 1882 1996 187 St._Louis
## 1883 1996 187 18_percent
## 1884 1996 187 Seattle
## 1885 1996 187 32_percent
## 1886 1996 189 1994
## 1887 1996 190 100,000
## 1888 1996 192 Congress
## 1889 1996 195 Americans
## 1890 1996 198 Brady
## 1891 1996 198 44,000
## 1892 1996 199 19
## 1893 1996 200 Congress
## 1894 1996 202 FBI
## 1895 1996 205 State
## 1896 1996 205 at_least_85_percent
## 1897 1996 207 Washington
## 1898 1996 209 Congress
## 1899 1996 213 Congress
## 1900 1996 214 D.A.R.E.
## 1901 1996 215 America
## 1902 1996 216 the_last_2_years
## 1903 1996 216 one
## 1904 1996 217 Tonight
## 1905 1996 217 the_Persian_Gulf_war
## 1906 1996 217 the_United_States_Military_Southern_Command
## 1907 1996 217 Barry_McCaffrey
## 1908 1996 217 America
## 1909 1996 218 McCaffrey
## 1910 1996 218 three
## 1911 1996 218 Purple_Hearts
## 1912 1996 218 two
## 1913 1996 219 Tonight
## 1914 1996 223 McCaffrey
## 1915 1996 223 one
## 1916 1996 224 fifth
## 1917 1996 225 70_percent
## 1918 1996 225 half
## 1919 1996 226 Lake_Erie
## 1920 1996 227 10_million
## 1921 1996 227 under_12
## 1922 1996 227 4_miles
## 1923 1996 228 third
## 1924 1996 231 Congress
## 1925 1996 231 25_percent
## 1926 1996 235 Congress
## 1927 1996 237 the_last_30_years
## 1928 1996 237 Democratic
## 1929 1996 237 Congress
## 1930 1996 237 Richard_Nixon
## 1931 1996 249 sixth
## 1932 1996 249 America
## 1933 1996 250 American
## 1934 1996 251 Americans
## 1935 1996 251 50_years
## 1936 1996 252 World_War_II
## 1937 1996 253 Bob_Dole
## 1938 1996 253 Chamber
## 1939 1996 253 World_War_II
## 1940 1996 253 American
## 1941 1996 254 the_cold_war
## 1942 1996 255 America
## 1943 1996 257 today
## 1944 1996 257 Americans
## 1945 1996 259 today
## 1946 1996 262 America
## 1947 1996 266 America
## 1948 1996 267 first
## 1949 1996 267 first
## 1950 1996 267 Russian
## 1951 1996 267 America
## 1952 1996 268 North_Korea
## 1953 1996 269 Haiti
## 1954 1996 269 a_new_day
## 1955 1996 270 America
## 1956 1996 270 80
## 1957 1996 270 American
## 1958 1996 271 Northern_Ireland
## 1959 1996 271 Catholic
## 1960 1996 271 Protestant
## 1961 1996 271 the_Middle_East
## 1962 1996 271 Arabs
## 1963 1996 271 Jews
## 1964 1996 272 Bosnia
## 1965 1996 275 NATO
## 1966 1996 275 Europe
## 1967 1996 277 America
## 1968 1996 278 American
## 1969 1996 279 Russia
## 1970 1996 279 another_25_percent
## 1971 1996 280 Senate
## 1972 1996 281 this_year
## 1973 1996 282 Japanese
## 1974 1996 282 Senate
## 1975 1996 282 this_year
## 1976 1996 283 Congress
## 1977 1996 283 Oklahoma_City
## 1978 1996 284 Congress
## 1979 1996 285 Americans
## 1980 1996 285 six
## 1981 1996 286 seventh
## 1982 1996 286 America
## 1983 1996 286 Hall
## 1984 1996 286 tonight
## 1985 1996 287 Last_year
## 1986 1996 287 Congress
## 1987 1996 288 Congress
## 1988 1996 289 Congress
## 1989 1996 290 Congress
## 1990 1996 291 Congress
## 1991 1996 291 first
## 1992 1996 292 Republicans
## 1993 1996 292 Democrats
## 1994 1996 292 American
## 1995 1996 293 Congress
## 1996 1996 293 American
## 1997 1996 294 American
## 1998 1996 295 Gore
## 1999 1996 295 16,000
## 2000 1996 295 Washington
## 2001 1996 297 America
## 2002 1996 300 the_Federal_Government
## 2003 1996 301 One
## 2004 1996 302 years
## 2005 1996 303 50_percent
## 2006 1996 305 tonight
## 2007 1996 309 Federal_Government
## 2008 1996 310 Today
## 2009 1996 310 200,000
## 2010 1996 311 Federal_Government
## 2011 1996 311 today
## 2012 1996 311 30_years
## 2013 1996 311 every_day
## 2014 1996 312 Americans
## 2015 1996 313 Americans
## 2016 1996 314 one
## 2017 1996 315 Richard_Dean
## 2018 1996 316 49_-_year_-_old
## 2019 1996 316 Vietnam
## 2020 1996 316 the_Social_Security_Administration
## 2021 1996 316 22_years
## 2022 1996 317 Last_year
## 2023 1996 317 the_Federal_Building
## 2024 1996 317 Oklahoma_City
## 2025 1996 317 169
## 2026 1996 318 four
## 2027 1996 319 three
## 2028 1996 320 this_evening
## 2029 1996 320 Richard
## 2030 1996 321 Richard_Dean_'s
## 2031 1996 322 This_last_November
## 2032 1996 323 second
## 2033 1996 323 Social_Security
## 2034 1996 324 Richard_Dean
## 2035 1996 324 American
## 2036 1996 324 the_Federal_Government
## 2037 1996 325 Americans
## 2038 1996 325 Social_Security
## 2039 1996 325 the_beginning_of_March
## 2040 1996 325 Congress
## 2041 1996 325 the_United_States
## 2042 1996 325 220_years
## 2043 1996 325 America
## 2044 1996 326 Congress
## 2045 1996 326 America
## 2046 1996 327 Americans
## 2047 1996 330 one
## 2048 1996 330 America
## 2049 1996 331 America
## 2050 1996 332 two
## 2051 1996 332 tonight
## 2052 1996 333 Lucius_Wright
## 2053 1996 333 Jackson
## 2054 1996 333 Mississippi
## 2055 1996 334 Vietnam
## 2056 1996 335 Sergeant_Jennifer_Rodgers
## 2057 1996 335 Oklahoma_City
## 2058 1996 336 Richard_Dean
## 2059 1996 337 Oklahoma_City
## 2060 1996 338 Lucius_Wright
## 2061 1996 338 Jennifer_Rodgers
## 2062 1996 338 Americans
## 2063 1996 339 tonight
## 2064 1996 339 several_thousand
## 2065 1996 339 Americans
## 2066 1996 339 Los_Angeles
## 2067 1996 339 the_centennial
## 2068 1996 339 Olympics
## 2069 1996 339 Atlanta
## 2070 1996 339 this_summer
## 2071 1996 339 America
## 2072 1996 344 one
## 2073 1996 344 one
## 2074 1996 344 one
## 2075 1996 344 American
## 2076 1996 346 Americans
## 2077 1996 348 America
## 2078 1996 350 Americans
## 2079 1996 354 God
## 2080 1996 354 the_United_States_of_America
## 2081 1997 1 Speaker
## 2082 1997 1 the_105th_Congress
## 2083 1997 1 Americans
## 2084 1997 2 tonight
## 2085 1997 2 the_21st_century
## 2086 1997 4 4_years
## 2087 1997 7 Americans
## 2088 1997 14 tonight
## 2089 1997 14 Congress
## 2090 1997 14 States
## 2091 1997 14 America
## 2092 1997 14 the_21st_century
## 2093 1997 14 America
## 2094 1997 16 Americans
## 2095 1997 16 Americans
## 2096 1997 16 Americans
## 2097 1997 24 the_last_4_years
## 2098 1997 24 over_11_million
## 2099 1997 24 4_-_year
## 2100 1997 26 tonight
## 2101 1997 27 Congress
## 2102 1997 27 Congress
## 2103 1997 29 2_days
## 2104 1997 29 2002
## 2105 1997 30 Medicare
## 2106 1997 30 Medicaid
## 2107 1997 34 Constitution
## 2108 1997 35 Social_Security
## 2109 1997 36 Social_Security
## 2110 1997 39 Social_Security
## 2111 1997 39 Medicare
## 2112 1997 40 tonight
## 2113 1997 42 American
## 2114 1997 42 second
## 2115 1997 42 the_next_4_years
## 2116 1997 42 the_next_50_years
## 2117 1997 46 second
## 2118 1997 46 tonight
## 2119 1997 46 America
## 2120 1997 47 McCain
## 2121 1997 47 Feingold_,_Representatives_Shays
## 2122 1997 54 McCain_-_Feingold
## 2123 1997 54 July_the_fourth
## 2124 1997 56 the_last_4_years
## 2125 1997 56 2_1/4_million
## 2126 1997 57 last_year
## 2127 1997 57 Congress
## 2128 1997 59 2_million
## 2129 1997 59 the_year_2000
## 2130 1997 60 States
## 2131 1997 67 five
## 2132 1997 67 Sprint
## 2133 1997 67 Monsanto
## 2134 1997 67 UPS
## 2135 1997 67 Burger_King
## 2136 1997 67 United_Airlines
## 2137 1997 67 first
## 2138 1997 67 America
## 2139 1997 71 Republican
## 2140 1997 71 Democratic_Governors
## 2141 1997 73 one
## 2142 1997 73 the_next_4_years
## 2143 1997 73 Americans
## 2144 1997 74 three
## 2145 1997 74 8_-_year_-_old
## 2146 1997 74 12_-_year_-_old
## 2147 1997 74 18_-_year_-_old
## 2148 1997 74 American
## 2149 1997 75 $_51_billion
## 2150 1997 75 next_year
## 2151 1997 77 American
## 2152 1997 77 10
## 2153 1997 77 Federal_Government
## 2154 1997 77 the_21st_century
## 2155 1997 79 the_next_2_years
## 2156 1997 80 Tonight
## 2157 1997 80 the_Nation_:
## 2158 1997 81 1999
## 2159 1997 81 State
## 2160 1997 81 fourth
## 2161 1997 82 first
## 2162 1997 86 Last_month
## 2163 1997 86 Education
## 2164 1997 86 Dick_Riley
## 2165 1997 86 Illinois
## 2166 1997 86 eighth
## 2167 1997 86 20
## 2168 1997 86 First
## 2169 1997 86 World
## 2170 1997 86 the_Third_International_Math_and_Science_Study
## 2171 1997 88 Illinois
## 2172 1997 88 first
## 2173 1997 88 second
## 2174 1997 89 Two
## 2175 1997 89 Kristen_Tanner
## 2176 1997 89 Chris_Getsler
## 2177 1997 89 tonight
## 2178 1997 89 Sue_Winski
## 2179 1997 90 First
## 2180 1997 94 Second
## 2181 1997 95 Chamber
## 2182 1997 95 tonight
## 2183 1997 96 years
## 2184 1997 96 North_Carolina_'s
## 2185 1997 96 Jim_Hunt
## 2186 1997 96 the_National_Board_for_Professional_Teaching_Standards
## 2187 1997 97 Just_500
## 2188 1997 97 1995
## 2189 1997 98 100,000
## 2190 1997 102 percent-;40
## 2191 1997 102 8_-_year_-_olds
## 2192 1997 103 America
## 2193 1997 103 one_million
## 2194 1997 103 the_end_of_the_third
## 2195 1997 104 thousands
## 2196 1997 104 AmeriCorps
## 2197 1997 105 at_least_100,000
## 2198 1997 105 tonight
## 2199 1997 105 60
## 2200 1997 105 thousands
## 2201 1997 105 one_year
## 2202 1997 108 fourth
## 2203 1997 108 the_first_days
## 2204 1997 109 their_very_first_days
## 2205 1997 110 First
## 2206 1997 110 years
## 2207 1997 111 White_House
## 2208 1997 111 this_spring
## 2209 1997 113 one_million
## 2210 1997 113 2002
## 2211 1997 114 Gore
## 2212 1997 114 annual
## 2213 1997 114 this_June
## 2214 1997 116 Tipper
## 2215 1997 117 State
## 2216 1997 120 America
## 2217 1997 120 3,000
## 2218 1997 120 the_next_century
## 2219 1997 120 today
## 2220 1997 126 $_5_billion
## 2221 1997 126 $_20_billion
## 2222 1997 126 the_next_4_years
## 2223 1997 127 the_13th_and_14th_years
## 2224 1997 127 at_least_2_years
## 2225 1997 127 America
## 2226 1997 127 the_21st_century
## 2227 1997 127 today
## 2228 1997 127 Americans
## 2229 1997 128 America
## 2230 1997 128 Georgia
## 2231 1997 128 2_years
## 2232 1997 128 1,500
## 2233 1997 129 up_to_$_10,000
## 2234 1997 129 Pell
## 2235 1997 129 20_years
## 2236 1997 131 American
## 2237 1997 132 the_21st_century
## 2238 1997 134 Americans
## 2239 1997 136 GI
## 2240 1997 136 America
## 2241 1997 141 Last_year
## 2242 1997 141 America
## 2243 1997 141 the_year_2000
## 2244 1997 141 first
## 2245 1997 142 American
## 2246 1997 144 more_years
## 2247 1997 147 One
## 2248 1997 150 America
## 2249 1997 151 America
## 2250 1997 151 the_21st_century
## 2251 1997 151 Americans
## 2252 1997 152 first
## 2253 1997 156 tonight
## 2254 1997 158 second
## 2255 1997 158 1,000
## 2256 1997 158 today
## 2257 1997 161 the_next_decade
## 2258 1997 162 Mars
## 2259 1997 165 American
## 2260 1997 166 the_National_Institutes_of_Health
## 2261 1997 166 $_1.5_billion
## 2262 1997 167 NIH
## 2263 1997 168 millions
## 2264 1997 170 America
## 2265 1997 170 the_21st_century
## 2266 1997 171 the_past_4_years
## 2267 1997 171 millions
## 2268 1997 171 Americans
## 2269 1997 175 Forty_million
## 2270 1997 175 Americans
## 2271 1997 176 Ten_million
## 2272 1997 176 80_percent
## 2273 1997 178 up_to_5_million
## 2274 1997 179 nearly_half
## 2275 1997 181 Medicare
## 2276 1997 181 Medicare
## 2277 1997 181 the_Trust_Fund
## 2278 1997 181 10_years
## 2279 1997 181 first
## 2280 1997 181 annual
## 2281 1997 182 last_year
## 2282 1997 183 48_hours
## 2283 1997 184 tonight
## 2284 1997 184 Kristen_Zarfos
## 2285 1997 184 Connecticut
## 2286 1997 186 Zarfos
## 2287 1997 187 the_last_4_years
## 2288 1997 187 50_percent
## 2289 1997 188 State
## 2290 1997 190 America
## 2291 1997 190 the_21st_century
## 2292 1997 192 5_years_in_a_row
## 2293 1997 194 100,000
## 2294 1997 194 the_United_States
## 2295 1997 195 Constitution
## 2296 1997 196 Brady
## 2297 1997 196 hours
## 2298 1997 196 weekends
## 2299 1997 196 the_summer
## 2300 1997 202 Detroit
## 2301 1997 202 half
## 2302 1997 202 4_years
## 2303 1997 205 tonight
## 2304 1997 205 Capital_City
## 2305 1997 205 Washington
## 2306 1997 205 America
## 2307 1997 207 the_last_4_years
## 2308 1997 207 250
## 2309 1997 207 the_previous_12
## 2310 1997 208 500
## 2311 1997 210 the_last_4_years
## 2312 1997 211 America
## 2313 1997 211 Utah
## 2314 1997 211 Red_Rocks
## 2315 1997 211 three
## 2316 1997 211 California
## 2317 1997 211 the_Florida_Everglades
## 2318 1997 213 Tonight
## 2319 1997 213 this_year
## 2320 1997 213 10
## 2321 1997 213 American_Heritage_Rivers
## 2322 1997 217 Bush
## 2323 1997 217 Colin_Powell
## 2324 1997 217 Housing
## 2325 1997 217 Henry_Cisneros
## 2326 1997 217 Philadelphia
## 2327 1997 217 April
## 2328 1997 218 AmeriCorps
## 2329 1997 218 70,000
## 2330 1997 218 America
## 2331 1997 219 millions
## 2332 1997 219 Americans
## 2333 1997 219 thousands
## 2334 1997 220 American
## 2335 1997 220 Americans
## 2336 1997 221 one
## 2337 1997 225 Americans
## 2338 1997 225 the_year_2000
## 2339 1997 225 American
## 2340 1997 225 the_century
## 2341 1997 225 the_new_millennium
## 2342 1997 226 America
## 2343 1997 226 the_21st_century
## 2344 1997 226 American
## 2345 1997 227 Fifty_years_ago
## 2346 1997 227 America
## 2347 1997 227 the_cold_war
## 2348 1997 228 today
## 2349 1997 230 first
## 2350 1997 232 first
## 2351 1997 232 first
## 2352 1997 232 Europe
## 2353 1997 233 Europe
## 2354 1997 233 America
## 2355 1997 234 NATO
## 2356 1997 234 1999
## 2357 1997 235 NATO
## 2358 1997 235 this_summer
## 2359 1997 236 NATO
## 2360 1997 236 Partnership_For_Peace
## 2361 1997 237 NATO
## 2362 1997 237 Russia
## 2363 1997 238 NATO
## 2364 1997 238 America
## 2365 1997 238 Europe
## 2366 1997 238 Europe
## 2367 1997 238 America
## 2368 1997 239 America
## 2369 1997 239 East
## 2370 1997 241 Americans
## 2371 1997 241 three
## 2372 1997 241 Asia
## 2373 1997 241 this_century
## 2374 1997 243 More_than_2_million
## 2375 1997 243 American
## 2376 1997 243 Asia
## 2377 1997 244 Asia
## 2378 1997 246 South_Korea
## 2379 1997 246 North_Korea
## 2380 1997 246 the_cold_war_'s
## 2381 1997 247 Congress
## 2382 1997 247 North_Korea
## 2383 1997 248 China
## 2384 1997 249 China
## 2385 1997 249 America
## 2386 1997 249 China
## 2387 1997 250 China
## 2388 1997 250 China
## 2389 1997 250 China
## 2390 1997 251 American
## 2391 1997 253 America
## 2392 1997 253 one
## 2393 1997 254 Asia
## 2394 1997 254 Latin_America
## 2395 1997 254 two
## 2396 1997 254 Earth
## 2397 1997 258 Earth
## 2398 1997 261 Latin_America
## 2399 1997 263 America
## 2400 1997 263 Mexico
## 2401 1997 264 last_month
## 2402 1997 264 Mexico
## 2403 1997 264 the_United_States
## 2404 1997 264 3_full_years
## 2405 1997 264 half_a_billion_dollar
## 2406 1997 265 America
## 2407 1997 265 the_Middle_East
## 2408 1997 265 Haiti
## 2409 1997 265 Northern_Ireland
## 2410 1997 265 Africa
## 2411 1997 267 American
## 2412 1997 267 Bosnia
## 2413 1997 269 NATO
## 2414 1997 270 Tonight
## 2415 1997 270 Congress
## 2416 1997 271 America
## 2417 1997 271 America
## 2418 1997 273 the_past_4_years
## 2419 1997 274 Russia
## 2420 1997 277 the_Chemical_Weapons_Convention
## 2421 1997 281 the_Gulf_war
## 2422 1997 282 Republican
## 2423 1997 282 Democratic
## 2424 1997 282 Republican
## 2425 1997 282 Democratic
## 2426 1997 282 Congress
## 2427 1997 282 68
## 2428 1997 283 April_29th
## 2429 1997 283 Americans
## 2430 1997 284 Earth
## 2431 1997 287 the_year_2000
## 2432 1997 289 America
## 2433 1997 289 the_World_Bank
## 2434 1997 289 United_Nations
## 2435 1997 291 today
## 2436 1997 291 just_one_percent
## 2437 1997 291 America
## 2438 1997 292 America
## 2439 1997 292 America
## 2440 1997 293 America
## 2441 1997 293 these_last_50_years
## 2442 1997 294 another_50_years
## 2443 1997 295 America
## 2444 1997 296 50_years_ago
## 2445 1997 296 the_first_winter
## 2446 1997 296 the_cold_war
## 2447 1997 296 Truman
## 2448 1997 296 Republican
## 2449 1997 296 Congress
## 2450 1997 298 Congress
## 2451 1997 298 Republicans
## 2452 1997 298 Arthur_Vandenberg
## 2453 1997 298 Truman
## 2454 1997 299 50_years
## 2455 1997 301 America
## 2456 1997 301 another_50_years
## 2457 1997 302 one
## 2458 1997 302 America
## 2459 1997 305 America
## 2460 1997 307 Europeans
## 2461 1997 309 Americans
## 2462 1997 311 Americans
## 2463 1997 316 Just_a_few_days
## 2464 1997 316 second
## 2465 1997 316 Robert_Schuller
## 2466 1997 316 58:12
## 2467 1997 317 Thou_shalt
## 2468 1997 318 Americans
## 2469 1997 319 about_two
## 2470 1997 319 Americans
## 2471 1997 320 Frank_Tejeda
## 2472 1997 320 yesterday
## 2473 1997 320 American
## 2474 1997 320 Mexico
## 2475 1997 321 only_51_years_old
## 2476 1997 322 the_Silver_Star
## 2477 1997 322 the_Bronze_Star
## 2478 1997 322 Vietnam
## 2479 1997 323 Texas
## 2480 1997 323 America
## 2481 1997 323 Chamber
## 2482 1997 324 Lillie_Tejeda
## 2483 1997 324 Mary_Alice
## 2484 1997 324 Texas
## 2485 1997 324 tonight
## 2486 1997 326 Gary_Locke
## 2487 1997 326 Washington_State
## 2488 1997 326 first
## 2489 1997 326 Chinese_-_American
## 2490 1997 327 two
## 2491 1997 327 millions
## 2492 1997 327 Asian
## 2493 1997 327 America
## 2494 1997 331 Schuller
## 2495 1997 331 Tejeda
## 2496 1997 331 Locke
## 2497 1997 331 Kristen_Tanner
## 2498 1997 331 Chris_Getsler
## 2499 1997 331 Sue_Winski
## 2500 1997 331 Kristen_Zarfos
## 2501 1997 331 Americans
## 2502 1997 331 America
## 2503 1997 333 America
## 2504 1997 333 this_new_century
## 2505 1997 338 America
## 2506 1997 340 Chamber
## 2507 1997 341 tonight
## 2508 1997 341 the_20th_century
## 2509 1997 342 America
## 2510 1997 342 a_new_century
## 2511 1997 344 Tomorrow
## 2512 1997 344 the_year_2000
## 2513 1997 344 1,000_days
## 2514 1997 344 1,000_days
## 2515 1997 344 1,000_days
## 2516 1997 345 Americans
## 2517 1997 346 those_days
## 2518 1997 346 the_century
## 2519 1997 347 America
## 2520 1998 2 Speaker
## 2521 1998 2 the_105th_Congress
## 2522 1998 2 Americans
## 2523 1998 2 Chamber_,_America
## 2524 1998 2 two
## 2525 1998 3 Representatives_Walter_Capps
## 2526 1998 3 Sonny_Bono
## 2527 1998 3 House
## 2528 1998 4 the_past_few_weeks
## 2529 1998 5 Tonight
## 2530 1998 6 209_years
## 2531 1998 7 American
## 2532 1998 7 America
## 2533 1998 8 14_million
## 2534 1998 8 24_years
## 2535 1998 8 30_years
## 2536 1998 9 a_record_5_years_in_a_row
## 2537 1998 9 27_years
## 2538 1998 12 barely_700_days
## 2539 1998 12 the_20th_century
## 2540 1998 13 America
## 2541 1998 13 America
## 2542 1998 13 America
## 2543 1998 13 America
## 2544 1998 13 America
## 2545 1998 14 America
## 2546 1998 14 America
## 2547 1998 15 Nation
## 2548 1998 15 the_21st_century
## 2549 1998 16 Americans
## 2550 1998 18 5_years
## 2551 1998 18 Americans
## 2552 1998 18 America
## 2553 1998 20 Congress
## 2554 1998 20 American
## 2555 1998 22 Americans
## 2556 1998 22 third
## 2557 1998 23 35_years
## 2558 1998 25 America
## 2559 1998 25 the_21st_century
## 2560 1998 26 Americans
## 2561 1998 26 American
## 2562 1998 26 American
## 2563 1998 27 1998
## 2564 1998 27 $_357_billion
## 2565 1998 28 This_year
## 2566 1998 28 $_10_billion
## 2567 1998 29 three_decades
## 2568 1998 29 six
## 2569 1998 30 Tonight
## 2570 1998 30 11_zeros
## 2571 1998 30 zero
## 2572 1998 31 Congress
## 2573 1998 31 1999
## 2574 1998 31 30_years
## 2575 1998 32 this_year-;4_years
## 2576 1998 34 American
## 2577 1998 34 two
## 2578 1998 34 Congress
## 2579 1998 34 1993
## 2580 1998 34 90_percent
## 2581 1998 34 Congress
## 2582 1998 37 Last_year
## 2583 1998 37 20_years
## 2584 1998 38 next_year
## 2585 1998 40 next_year
## 2586 1998 40 the_years
## 2587 1998 42 four
## 2588 1998 43 Social_Security
## 2589 1998 43 first
## 2590 1998 44 100_percent
## 2591 1998 44 every_penny
## 2592 1998 44 Social_Security
## 2593 1998 44 the_21st_century
## 2594 1998 45 Americans
## 2595 1998 45 70
## 2596 1998 45 50
## 2597 1998 46 Social_Security
## 2598 1998 46 first
## 2599 1998 48 American
## 2600 1998 48 tonight
## 2601 1998 50 White_House
## 2602 1998 50 Social_Security
## 2603 1998 50 December
## 2604 1998 51 one_year_from_now
## 2605 1998 51 Congress
## 2606 1998 51 Social_Security
## 2607 1998 51 the_21st_century
## 2608 1998 52 Americans
## 2609 1998 53 one
## 2610 1998 53 millions
## 2611 1998 54 first
## 2612 1998 55 Last_year
## 2613 1998 57 American
## 2614 1998 57 the_most_important_year
## 2615 1998 57 3,000
## 2616 1998 57 million
## 2617 1998 57 America_Reads
## 2618 1998 57 thousands
## 2619 1998 57 8_-_year_-_olds
## 2620 1998 58 Last_year
## 2621 1998 58 220,000
## 2622 1998 58 Pell
## 2623 1998 60 America
## 2624 1998 61 this_year
## 2625 1998 61 the_first_2_years
## 2626 1998 61 1,500
## 2627 1998 62 senior_year
## 2628 1998 64 tonight
## 2629 1998 69 the_21st_century
## 2630 1998 69 today
## 2631 1998 70 America
## 2632 1998 73 Congress
## 2633 1998 73 last_year
## 2634 1998 73 first
## 2635 1998 73 fourth
## 2636 1998 73 eighth
## 2637 1998 76 first
## 2638 1998 77 100,000
## 2639 1998 77 State
## 2640 1998 78 the_first_,
## 2641 1998 78 second
## 2642 1998 78 third
## 2643 1998 78 18
## 2644 1998 78 America
## 2645 1998 80 5,000
## 2646 1998 83 America
## 2647 1998 84 Last_year
## 2648 1998 84 Chicago
## 2649 1998 85 Chicago
## 2650 1998 85 summer
## 2651 1998 86 Chicago
## 2652 1998 88 Congress
## 2653 1998 88 sixth
## 2654 1998 89 the_21st_century
## 2655 1998 91 the_last_5_years
## 2656 1998 91 240
## 2657 1998 91 Made_in_the_USA
## 2658 1998 92 Today
## 2659 1998 92 one_-_third
## 2660 1998 93 America
## 2661 1998 94 America
## 2662 1998 96 two
## 2663 1998 96 first
## 2664 1998 96 second
## 2665 1998 100 Congress
## 2666 1998 101 Americans
## 2667 1998 102 1993
## 2668 1998 106 Congress
## 2669 1998 106 today
## 2670 1998 106 one
## 2671 1998 106 GI
## 2672 1998 108 hundreds
## 2673 1998 108 millions
## 2674 1998 109 this_year
## 2675 1998 109 Latin_America
## 2676 1998 109 Asia
## 2677 1998 109 Europe
## 2678 1998 110 African_Trade_Act
## 2679 1998 111 two_decades
## 2680 1998 113 Today
## 2681 1998 114 Recent_months
## 2682 1998 114 Thailand
## 2683 1998 114 Indonesia
## 2684 1998 114 South_Korea
## 2685 1998 115 Americans
## 2686 1998 116 First
## 2687 1998 118 Second
## 2688 1998 122 American
## 2689 1998 123 Asia
## 2690 1998 123 America
## 2691 1998 126 Congress
## 2692 1998 126 America
## 2693 1998 126 the_International_Monetary_Fund
## 2694 1998 129 first
## 2695 1998 130 decades
## 2696 1998 132 Last_year
## 2697 1998 132 4_-_year
## 2698 1998 132 2_million
## 2699 1998 132 Americans
## 2700 1998 132 the_year_2000
## 2701 1998 133 2_full_years
## 2702 1998 135 13_years
## 2703 1998 135 Elaine_Kinslow
## 2704 1998 135 Indianapolis
## 2705 1998 135 Indiana
## 2706 1998 136 Today
## 2707 1998 138 Elaine_Kinslow
## 2708 1998 139 millions
## 2709 1998 139 America
## 2710 1998 140 First
## 2711 1998 140 tonight
## 2712 1998 144 Congress
## 2713 1998 144 this_year
## 2714 1998 146 Two_years_ago
## 2715 1998 146 Americans
## 2716 1998 147 Last_year
## 2717 1998 147 up_to_5_million
## 2718 1998 148 This_year
## 2719 1998 148 Congress
## 2720 1998 149 A_hundred_and_sixty_million
## 2721 1998 152 Congress
## 2722 1998 156 American
## 2723 1998 157 between_the_ages_of_55_and_65
## 2724 1998 160 Congress
## 2725 1998 160 Americans
## 2726 1998 160 Medicare
## 2727 1998 162 multimillion_-_dollar
## 2728 1998 163 Congress
## 2729 1998 165 half
## 2730 1998 165 the_next_10_years
## 2731 1998 166 Tomorrow
## 2732 1998 166 every_day
## 2733 1998 166 3,000
## 2734 1998 166 1,000
## 2735 1998 167 Congress
## 2736 1998 167 Congress
## 2737 1998 170 The_Family_and_Medical_Leave_Act
## 2738 1998 170 1993
## 2739 1998 171 about_15_million
## 2740 1998 172 10_million
## 2741 1998 174 Last_year
## 2742 1998 174 first
## 2743 1998 174 White_House_Conference_on_Child_Care
## 2744 1998 174 America
## 2745 1998 175 America
## 2746 1998 178 million
## 2747 1998 179 four
## 2748 1998 179 35,000
## 2749 1998 179 a_single_penny
## 2750 1998 185 American
## 2751 1998 188 tonight
## 2752 1998 189 5_years_in_a_row
## 2753 1998 189 America
## 2754 1998 190 100,000
## 2755 1998 191 Congress
## 2756 1998 193 American
## 2757 1998 193 between_the_hours_of_3_in_the_afternoon_and_8_at_night
## 2758 1998 194 first
## 2759 1998 196 McCaffrey
## 2760 1998 196 Congress
## 2761 1998 197 1,000
## 2762 1998 197 Border
## 2763 1998 199 Today
## 2764 1998 200 the_United_States
## 2765 1998 201 the_United_States
## 2766 1998 201 Senate
## 2767 1998 203 a_new_century
## 2768 1998 204 today
## 2769 1998 204 tomorrow
## 2770 1998 205 America
## 2771 1998 207 These_21st_century
## 2772 1998 209 the_21st_century
## 2773 1998 210 days
## 2774 1998 210 Senate
## 2775 1998 210 Hungary
## 2776 1998 210 Poland
## 2777 1998 210 the_Czech_Republic
## 2778 1998 210 NATO
## 2779 1998 211 50_years
## 2780 1998 211 NATO
## 2781 1998 211 America
## 2782 1998 211 Europe
## 2783 1998 212 three
## 2784 1998 212 Communist
## 2785 1998 213 Senate
## 2786 1998 214 Russia
## 2787 1998 214 Ukraine
## 2788 1998 214 NATO
## 2789 1998 214 Europe
## 2790 1998 214 the_21st_century
## 2791 1998 215 Congress
## 2792 1998 215 Bosnia
## 2793 1998 216 This_Christmas
## 2794 1998 216 Hillary
## 2795 1998 216 Sarajevo
## 2796 1998 216 Dole
## 2797 1998 217 2_years_ago
## 2798 1998 220 Bosnia
## 2799 1998 220 American
## 2800 1998 220 NATO
## 2801 1998 220 June
## 2802 1998 221 Dole
## 2803 1998 222 the_fourth_quarter
## 2804 1998 224 Tuzla
## 2805 1998 225 Bosnia
## 2806 1998 226 One
## 2807 1998 226 First
## 2808 1998 226 tonight
## 2809 1998 226 Army
## 2810 1998 226 Michael_Tolbert
## 2811 1998 227 Vietnam
## 2812 1998 228 Colorado
## 2813 1998 228 Army
## 2814 1998 229 Last_year
## 2815 1998 229 Bosnia
## 2816 1998 230 Sergeant
## 2817 1998 232 Bosnia
## 2818 1998 233 the_21st_century
## 2819 1998 234 Congress
## 2820 1998 235 This_year
## 2821 1998 235 four_decades
## 2822 1998 235 first
## 2823 1998 235 Eisenhower
## 2824 1998 237 four
## 2825 1998 237 John_Shalikashvili
## 2826 1998 237 Colin_Powell
## 2827 1998 237 David_Jones
## 2828 1998 237 William_Crowe-;have
## 2829 1998 238 Senate
## 2830 1998 238 this_year
## 2831 1998 240 Saddam_Hussein
## 2832 1998 240 this_decade
## 2833 1998 240 Iraqi
## 2834 1998 241 The_United_Nations
## 2835 1998 241 Iraq
## 2836 1998 241 Gulf_war
## 2837 1998 242 Saddam_Hussein
## 2838 1998 243 Republicans
## 2839 1998 243 Democrats
## 2840 1998 243 Saddam_Hussein
## 2841 1998 245 Last_year
## 2842 1998 245 Senate
## 2843 1998 245 the_Chemical_Weapons_Convention
## 2844 1998 247 The_Biological_Weapons_Convention
## 2845 1998 247 23_years
## 2846 1998 250 the_months_ahead
## 2847 1998 250 Asia
## 2848 1998 250 Europe
## 2849 1998 250 Africa
## 2850 1998 250 India
## 2851 1998 250 Pakistan
## 2852 1998 250 South_America
## 2853 1998 250 China
## 2854 1998 251 Belfast
## 2855 1998 251 Korea
## 2856 1998 251 the_Middle_East
## 2857 1998 251 America
## 2858 1998 252 the_United_Nations
## 2859 1998 254 America
## 2860 1998 255 Bosnia
## 2861 1998 258 America
## 2862 1998 259 one
## 2863 1998 260 First
## 2864 1998 262 This_year
## 2865 1998 262 March_6th
## 2866 1998 262 Senate
## 2867 1998 262 McCain
## 2868 1998 262 Feingold
## 2869 1998 263 McCain_-_Feingold
## 2870 1998 264 this_year
## 2871 1998 269 the_Federal_Communications_Commission
## 2872 1998 271 Gore
## 2873 1998 271 300,000
## 2874 1998 271 16,000
## 2875 1998 271 hundreds
## 2876 1998 273 IRS
## 2877 1998 274 24_hours
## 2878 1998 275 Last_year
## 2879 1998 275 the_House_of_Representatives
## 2880 1998 275 IRS
## 2881 1998 276 Senate
## 2882 1998 277 Tonight
## 2883 1998 277 Senate
## 2884 1998 277 House
## 2885 1998 277 first
## 2886 1998 278 Senate
## 2887 1998 280 the_past_5_years
## 2888 1998 283 Last_year
## 2889 1998 283 Congress
## 2890 1998 283 the_District_of_Columbia
## 2891 1998 284 Capital_City
## 2892 1998 286 American
## 2893 1998 287 the_21st_century
## 2894 1998 288 Earth
## 2895 1998 289 Last_year
## 2896 1998 290 Yellowstone
## 2897 1998 290 Lake_Tahoe
## 2898 1998 292 Just_yesterday
## 2899 1998 294 tonight
## 2900 1998 295 the_next_century
## 2901 1998 296 This_past_December
## 2902 1998 296 America
## 2903 1998 298 $_6_billion
## 2904 1998 300 today
## 2905 1998 303 American
## 2906 1998 307 America
## 2907 1998 313 America
## 2908 1998 315 American
## 2909 1998 315 un_-_American
## 2910 1998 317 the_Equal_Employment_Opportunity_Commission
## 2911 1998 318 Sixty_thousand
## 2912 1998 319 one
## 2913 1998 319 America
## 2914 1998 319 Americans
## 2915 1998 320 Americans
## 2916 1998 320 one
## 2917 1998 321 American
## 2918 1998 321 one
## 2919 1998 321 America
## 2920 1998 322 tonight
## 2921 1998 324 Americans
## 2922 1998 325 today
## 2923 1998 325 United_States
## 2924 1998 325 the_Peace_Corps
## 2925 1998 325 AmeriCorps
## 2926 1998 329 the_new_millennium
## 2927 1998 331 every_1,000_years
## 2928 1998 332 This_year
## 2929 1998 332 Hillary
## 2930 1998 332 the_White_House_Millennium_Program
## 2931 1998 332 America
## 2932 1998 332 the_21st_century
## 2933 1998 333 Americans
## 2934 1998 335 the_millennium
## 2935 1998 335 American
## 2936 1998 337 every_5_years
## 2937 1998 338 1980
## 2938 1998 338 9_years
## 2939 1998 339 Last_year
## 2940 1998 339 Parkinson
## 2941 1998 339 only_9_days
## 2942 1998 340 a_decade
## 2943 1998 342 1998
## 2944 1998 342 the_22d_century
## 2945 1998 343 Tonight
## 2946 1998 343 the_millennium
## 2947 1998 343 a_21st_century
## 2948 1998 343 the_National_Institutes_of_Health
## 2949 1998 343 the_National_Science_Foundation
## 2950 1998 343 the_National_Cancer_Institute
## 2951 1998 347 American
## 2952 1998 350 first
## 2953 1998 351 millions_and_millions
## 2954 1998 351 Americans
## 2955 1998 354 one
## 2956 1998 354 Congress
## 2957 1998 355 up_to_1,000
## 2958 1998 355 today
## 2959 1998 356 the_new_millennium
## 2960 1998 357 Earth
## 2961 1998 358 this_year
## 2962 1998 358 1998
## 2963 1998 358 16
## 2964 1998 360 this_October
## 2965 1998 360 American
## 2966 1998 360 149
## 2967 1998 360 one_5_-_hour
## 2968 1998 361 John_Glenn
## 2969 1998 362 America
## 2970 1998 363 America
## 2971 1998 363 America
## 2972 1998 363 America
## 2973 1998 364 Nearly_200_years_ago
## 2974 1998 364 Francis_Scott_Key
## 2975 1998 365 Today
## 2976 1998 365 Star_-_Spangled_Banner
## 2977 1998 365 the_Declaration_of_Independence
## 2978 1998 365 Constitution
## 2979 1998 365 the_Bill_of_Rights
## 2980 1998 366 America
## 2981 1998 367 Americans
## 2982 1998 367 the_21st_century
## 2983 1998 367 America
## 2984 1998 367 America
## 2985 1998 367 one
## 2986 1998 368 the_21st_century
## 2987 1998 369 the_United_States
## 2988 1999 1 Speaker
## 2989 1999 1 Congress
## 2990 1999 1 Americans
## 2991 1999 1 Tonight
## 2992 1999 1 the_State_of_the_Union
## 2993 1999 2 House
## 2994 1999 2 tonight
## 2995 1999 2 two
## 2996 1999 2 Hastert
## 2997 1999 2 Lyn_Gibson
## 2998 1999 2 two
## 2999 1999 2 Capitol_Hill
## 3000 1999 3 Speaker
## 3001 1999 4 Speaker
## 3002 1999 5 America
## 3003 1999 5 nearly_18_million
## 3004 1999 5 30_years
## 3005 1999 5 1957
## 3006 1999 6 first
## 3007 1999 6 three_decades
## 3008 1999 7 $_290_billion
## 3009 1999 7 1992
## 3010 1999 7 $_70_billion
## 3011 1999 7 last_year
## 3012 1999 8 the_next_25_years
## 3013 1999 9 a_quarter_century
## 3014 1999 9 a_quarter_century
## 3015 1999 10 America
## 3016 1999 10 Northern_Ireland
## 3017 1999 10 Bosnia
## 3018 1999 10 the_Middle_East
## 3019 1999 11 Gore
## 3020 1999 11 good-
## 3021 1999 11 the_21st
## 3022 1999 12 21st_century
## 3023 1999 12 America
## 3024 1999 13 Americans
## 3025 1999 13 tonight
## 3026 1999 14 America
## 3027 1999 17 the_21st_century
## 3028 1999 17 today
## 3029 1999 18 the_21st_century
## 3030 1999 19 America
## 3031 1999 20 Americans
## 3032 1999 20 2030
## 3033 1999 21 first
## 3034 1999 21 Social_Security
## 3035 1999 21 the_21st_century
## 3036 1999 22 this_century
## 3037 1999 23 Roosevelt
## 3038 1999 23 Social_Security
## 3039 1999 23 thousands
## 3040 1999 23 one
## 3041 1999 24 today
## 3042 1999 24 Social_Security
## 3043 1999 24 half
## 3044 1999 24 Nation
## 3045 1999 25 Social_Security
## 3046 1999 26 2013
## 3047 1999 26 monthly
## 3048 1999 27 2032
## 3049 1999 27 the_Trust_Fund
## 3050 1999 27 Social_Security
## 3051 1999 27 Americans
## 3052 1999 28 Social_Security
## 3053 1999 28 Social_Security
## 3054 1999 29 Social_Security
## 3055 1999 30 60_percent
## 3056 1999 30 the_next_15_years
## 3057 1999 30 Social_Security
## 3058 1999 30 State_Government
## 3059 1999 31 Social_Security
## 3060 1999 31 55_years
## 3061 1999 33 Social_Security
## 3062 1999 33 the_next_75_years
## 3063 1999 35 Social_Security
## 3064 1999 38 this_year
## 3065 1999 39 tonight
## 3066 1999 39 Houses
## 3067 1999 39 American
## 3068 1999 39 Social_Security
## 3069 1999 40 last_year
## 3070 1999 40 Social_Security
## 3071 1999 41 Social_Security
## 3072 1999 42 First
## 3073 1999 42 first
## 3074 1999 43 Social_Security
## 3075 1999 43 Medicare
## 3076 1999 44 the_Medicare_Trust_Fund
## 3077 1999 44 10_years
## 3078 1999 44 at_least_another_decade
## 3079 1999 45 Tonight
## 3080 1999 45 one
## 3081 1999 45 6
## 3082 1999 45 the_next_15_years
## 3083 1999 45 Medicare
## 3084 1999 45 the_year_2020
## 3085 1999 47 Medicare_Commission
## 3086 1999 48 Medicare
## 3087 1999 48 the_next_two_decades
## 3088 1999 49 Americans
## 3089 1999 49 their_first_day
## 3090 1999 50 Americans
## 3091 1999 50 Social_Security
## 3092 1999 51 today
## 3093 1999 51 millions
## 3094 1999 51 Social_Security
## 3095 1999 52 Americans
## 3096 1999 53 Social_Security
## 3097 1999 53 Medicare
## 3098 1999 53 the_21st_century
## 3099 1999 54 a_little_over_11_percent
## 3100 1999 56 Americans
## 3101 1999 57 Americans
## 3102 1999 58 USA
## 3103 1999 58 Americans
## 3104 1999 61 1,000
## 3105 1999 62 America
## 3106 1999 63 1946
## 3107 1999 63 the_first_year
## 3108 1999 66 Social_Security
## 3109 1999 66 Medicare
## 3110 1999 66 USA
## 3111 1999 69 60_percent
## 3112 1999 69 Social_Security
## 3113 1999 69 16_percent
## 3114 1999 69 Medicare
## 3115 1999 69 the_next_15_years
## 3116 1999 69 World_War_I
## 3117 1999 69 1917
## 3118 1999 70 Social_Security
## 3119 1999 70 Medicare
## 3120 1999 70 USA
## 3121 1999 70 21st_century
## 3122 1999 73 6_years_ago
## 3123 1999 73 Pell
## 3124 1999 73 HOPE
## 3125 1999 73 more_than_5_million
## 3126 1999 73 Americans
## 3127 1999 73 this_year
## 3128 1999 73 Americans
## 3129 1999 74 State
## 3130 1999 75 over_$_1_billion
## 3131 1999 75 this_year
## 3132 1999 76 Last_fall
## 3133 1999 76 100,000
## 3134 1999 81 fourth
## 3135 1999 81 eighth
## 3136 1999 81 twelfth
## 3137 1999 83 each_year
## 3138 1999 83 the_National_Government
## 3139 1999 83 more_than_$_15_billion
## 3140 1999 85 First
## 3141 1999 85 later_this_year
## 3142 1999 85 Congress
## 3143 1999 85 first
## 3144 1999 86 five
## 3145 1999 91 summer
## 3146 1999 91 million
## 3147 1999 92 Chicago
## 3148 1999 92 summer
## 3149 1999 93 3_years
## 3150 1999 96 North_Carolina
## 3151 1999 96 Jim_Hunt
## 3152 1999 97 North_Carolina
## 3153 1999 97 Nation
## 3154 1999 97 last_year
## 3155 1999 98 $_200_million
## 3156 1999 99 Third
## 3157 1999 103 year
## 3158 1999 104 Indian
## 3159 1999 105 America
## 3160 1999 106 Fourth
## 3161 1999 110 one
## 3162 1999 110 America
## 3163 1999 111 today
## 3164 1999 111 1,100
## 3165 1999 112 the_next_century
## 3166 1999 112 3,000
## 3167 1999 113 years
## 3168 1999 114 one
## 3169 1999 115 Today
## 3170 1999 116 Last_fall
## 3171 1999 116 Congress
## 3172 1999 117 This_year
## 3173 1999 117 53_million
## 3174 1999 117 Congress
## 3175 1999 118 5,000
## 3176 1999 119 21st_century
## 3177 1999 120 millions
## 3178 1999 122 the_next_2_years
## 3179 1999 131 this_year
## 3180 1999 131 Congress
## 3181 1999 135 the_Family_and_Medical_Leave_Act
## 3182 1999 135 1993
## 3183 1999 135 millions_and_millions
## 3184 1999 135 Americans
## 3185 1999 136 10_million
## 3186 1999 136 Americans
## 3187 1999 139 Congress
## 3188 1999 141 America
## 3189 1999 142 Parkinson
## 3190 1999 144 America
## 3191 1999 145 American
## 3192 1999 151 85_million
## 3193 1999 151 Americans
## 3194 1999 151 Medicare
## 3195 1999 151 Medicaid
## 3196 1999 152 Congress
## 3197 1999 152 Americans
## 3198 1999 153 last_year
## 3199 1999 153 Congress
## 3200 1999 156 Congress
## 3201 1999 156 August
## 3202 1999 156 one
## 3203 1999 156 American
## 3204 1999 156 this_year
## 3205 1999 157 2_years_ago
## 3206 1999 157 Congress
## 3207 1999 157 up_to_5_million
## 3208 1999 160 between_the_ages_of_55_and_65
## 3209 1999 160 Medicare
## 3210 1999 163 tonight
## 3211 1999 163 Kennedy
## 3212 1999 163 Jeffords
## 3213 1999 163 Roth
## 3214 1999 163 Moynihan
## 3215 1999 164 millions
## 3216 1999 165 today
## 3217 1999 169 American
## 3218 1999 170 This_year
## 3219 1999 170 White_House_Conference_on_Mental_Health
## 3220 1999 171 Tipper_Gore
## 3221 1999 175 Congress
## 3222 1999 175 FDA
## 3223 1999 176 hundreds_of_billions_of_dollars
## 3224 1999 176 Medicare
## 3225 1999 177 States
## 3226 1999 177 emphysema
## 3227 1999 178 tonight
## 3228 1999 178 the_Justice_Department
## 3229 1999 178 Medicare
## 3230 1999 179 the_21st_century
## 3231 1999 180 America
## 3232 1999 181 21st_century
## 3233 1999 181 Americans
## 3234 1999 183 Last_year
## 3235 1999 183 Congress
## 3236 1999 185 This_year
## 3237 1999 185 5_-_year
## 3238 1999 185 the_next_5_years
## 3239 1999 185 Americans
## 3240 1999 187 the_millions_and_millions
## 3241 1999 187 less_than_a
## 3242 1999 187 fifth
## 3243 1999 189 the_past_6_years
## 3244 1999 189 half
## 3245 1999 191 Two_years_ago
## 3246 1999 191 five
## 3247 1999 192 Tonight
## 3248 1999 192 10,000
## 3249 1999 192 hundreds_of_thousands
## 3250 1999 193 200,000
## 3251 1999 195 America
## 3252 1999 195 the_Mississippi_Delta
## 3253 1999 195 Native_American
## 3254 1999 195 100,000
## 3255 1999 196 Congress
## 3256 1999 196 up_to_$_15_billion
## 3257 1999 196 American_Private_Investment_Company
## 3258 1999 196 the_Overseas_Private_Investment_Company
## 3259 1999 197 years
## 3260 1999 197 years
## 3261 1999 197 years
## 3262 1999 197 OPIC
## 3263 1999 197 this_Overseas_Private_Investment_Corporation
## 3264 1999 201 Congress
## 3265 1999 202 Last_year
## 3266 1999 202 Congress
## 3267 1999 202 American
## 3268 1999 206 America
## 3269 1999 206 today
## 3270 1999 209 28_-_percent
## 3271 1999 210 the_21st_century
## 3272 1999 210 first
## 3273 1999 210 Y2_K
## 3274 1999 211 Congress
## 3275 1999 216 Social_Security
## 3276 1999 217 State
## 3277 1999 217 the_20th_century
## 3278 1999 217 first
## 3279 1999 217 the_21st
## 3280 1999 220 the_past_year_and_a_half
## 3281 1999 221 Today
## 3282 1999 221 Asia
## 3283 1999 222 half_a_century
## 3284 1999 223 the_United_States
## 3285 1999 223 the_International_Monetary_Fund
## 3286 1999 225 the_21st_century
## 3287 1999 225 Asia
## 3288 1999 226 This_June
## 3289 1999 227 21st_century
## 3290 1999 227 America
## 3291 1999 229 Americans
## 3292 1999 229 Chamber
## 3293 1999 236 this_century
## 3294 1999 239 America
## 3295 1999 240 American
## 3296 1999 240 nearly_$_2_billion
## 3297 1999 242 Congress
## 3298 1999 242 the_21st_century
## 3299 1999 243 the_United_States
## 3300 1999 244 Tonight
## 3301 1999 244 the_International_Labor_Organization
## 3302 1999 245 this_year
## 3303 1999 246 a_21st_century
## 3304 1999 246 America
## 3305 1999 248 Americans
## 3306 1999 248 Northern_Ireland
## 3307 1999 249 Americans
## 3308 1999 249 Bosnia
## 3309 1999 250 NATO
## 3310 1999 250 the_Serbian_Government
## 3311 1999 250 Kosovo
## 3312 1999 250 Kosovo
## 3313 1999 251 Americans
## 3314 1999 251 the_Middle_East
## 3315 1999 252 last_December
## 3316 1999 252 the_Palestinian_National_Council
## 3317 1999 253 Congress
## 3318 1999 253 Israel
## 3319 1999 253 Palestinian
## 3320 1999 253 Jordan
## 3321 1999 257 this_summer
## 3322 1999 257 Usama
## 3323 1999 257 bin_Ladin_'s
## 3324 1999 258 Embassies
## 3325 1999 258 Kenya
## 3326 1999 258 Tanzania
## 3327 1999 258 America
## 3328 1999 259 America
## 3329 1999 262 Korea
## 3330 1999 262 India
## 3331 1999 262 Pakistan
## 3332 1999 263 Russia
## 3333 1999 263 Ukraine
## 3334 1999 263 Soviet
## 3335 1999 264 almost_two_-_thirds
## 3336 1999 264 the_next_5_years
## 3337 1999 265 Russia
## 3338 1999 266 80_percent
## 3339 1999 267 2_years
## 3340 1999 267 the_Comprehensive_Test_Ban_Treaty
## 3341 1999 269 Senate
## 3342 1999 270 nearly_a_decade
## 3343 1999 270 Iraq
## 3344 1999 271 America
## 3345 1999 271 Saddam
## 3346 1999 271 the_day
## 3347 1999 271 Iraq
## 3348 1999 272 last_month
## 3349 1999 272 Iraq
## 3350 1999 274 Jeff_Taliaferro
## 3351 1999 274 10_-_year
## 3352 1999 274 the_Air_Force
## 3353 1999 274 B-1B
## 3354 1999 274 Iraq
## 3355 1999 274 Saddam
## 3356 1999 275 tonight
## 3357 1999 276 Desert_Fox
## 3358 1999 278 1985
## 3359 1999 279 April
## 3360 1999 279 nearly_$_6_billion
## 3361 1999 280 the_next_6_years
## 3362 1999 281 America
## 3363 1999 281 millions
## 3364 1999 282 America
## 3365 1999 282 today
## 3366 1999 283 America
## 3367 1999 286 The_United_Nations
## 3368 1999 286 America
## 3369 1999 287 America
## 3370 1999 287 U.N.
## 3371 1999 287 Congress
## 3372 1999 288 Europe
## 3373 1999 288 Asia
## 3374 1999 288 NATO
## 3375 1999 288 Japan
## 3376 1999 288 Korea
## 3377 1999 288 Asian
## 3378 1999 288 China
## 3379 1999 289 China
## 3380 1999 289 last_year
## 3381 1999 289 tonight
## 3382 1999 290 American
## 3383 1999 290 China
## 3384 1999 291 China
## 3385 1999 291 China
## 3386 1999 292 Last_spring
## 3387 1999 292 Africa
## 3388 1999 293 African
## 3389 1999 293 Radio_Democracy_for_Africa
## 3390 1999 293 Nigeria
## 3391 1999 293 the_"_African_Trade_and_Development_Act
## 3392 1999 294 Americas
## 3393 1999 294 Caribbean
## 3394 1999 296 Cuba
## 3395 1999 297 American
## 3396 1999 297 Central_American
## 3397 1999 297 Caribbean
## 3398 1999 298 Congress
## 3399 1999 299 First
## 3400 1999 299 Tipper_Gore
## 3401 1999 299 thousands
## 3402 1999 299 thousands
## 3403 1999 299 American
## 3404 1999 300 the_Dominican_Republic
## 3405 1999 300 Hillary
## 3406 1999 300 Dominicans
## 3407 1999 300 Americans
## 3408 1999 304 Sammy_Sosa
## 3409 1999 304 two
## 3410 1999 304 tonight
## 3411 1999 307 21st_century
## 3412 1999 307 America
## 3413 1999 310 This_year
## 3414 1999 310 100,000
## 3415 1999 311 Brady
## 3416 1999 311 a_quarter_million_felons
## 3417 1999 312 30_years
## 3418 1999 312 6_straight_years
## 3419 1999 313 Tonight
## 3420 1999 313 a_21st_century
## 3421 1999 314 up_to_50,000
## 3422 1999 317 Congress
## 3423 1999 317 5_-_day
## 3424 1999 317 Brady
## 3425 1999 319 Last_year
## 3426 1999 319 American
## 3427 1999 319 Jonesboro
## 3428 1999 319 Paducah
## 3429 1999 319 Pearl
## 3430 1999 319 Edinboro
## 3431 1999 319 Springfield
## 3432 1999 321 Suzann_Wilson
## 3433 1999 321 Jonesboro
## 3434 1999 321 Arkansas
## 3435 1999 321 the_White_House
## 3436 1999 323 Jonesboro
## 3437 1999 324 every_day
## 3438 1999 325 Suzann
## 3439 1999 325 tonight
## 3440 1999 325 First
## 3441 1999 328 the_Safe_and_Drug_-_Free_School_Act
## 3442 1999 329 A_century_ago
## 3443 1999 329 Theodore_Roosevelt
## 3444 1999 330 Today
## 3445 1999 330 the_Florida_Everglades
## 3446 1999 330 Yellowstone
## 3447 1999 330 Utah
## 3448 1999 330 California
## 3449 1999 331 1998
## 3450 1999 332 Last_year_'s
## 3451 1999 334 Congress
## 3452 1999 336 Seven_thousand_acres
## 3453 1999 336 every_day
## 3454 1999 337 two
## 3455 1999 338 First
## 3456 1999 338 $_1_-_billion
## 3457 1999 338 second
## 3458 1999 338 $_1_-_billion
## 3459 1999 338 America
## 3460 1999 341 AmeriCorps
## 3461 1999 341 today
## 3462 1999 342 just_4_years
## 3463 1999 342 100,000
## 3464 1999 342 Americans
## 3465 1999 342 FEMA
## 3466 1999 342 America
## 3467 1999 343 Congress
## 3468 1999 343 Americans
## 3469 1999 343 America
## 3470 1999 343 AmeriCorps
## 3471 1999 344 the_21st_century
## 3472 1999 345 Last_year
## 3473 1999 345 House
## 3474 1999 345 Representatives_Shays
## 3475 1999 345 McCain
## 3476 1999 345 Feingold
## 3477 1999 346 Senate
## 3478 1999 347 House
## 3479 1999 348 Senate
## 3480 1999 349 American
## 3481 1999 349 the_year_2000
## 3482 1999 350 1997
## 3483 1999 351 last_fall
## 3484 1999 351 Americans
## 3485 1999 353 the_Civil_War
## 3486 1999 353 the_20th_century
## 3487 1999 354 today
## 3488 1999 354 43_years_ago
## 3489 1999 354 Rosa_Parks
## 3490 1999 354 Alabama
## 3491 1999 355 First
## 3492 1999 355 tonight
## 3493 1999 357 Rosa
## 3494 1999 359 tonight
## 3495 1999 362 Congress
## 3496 1999 362 the_"_Employment_Non_-_Discrimination_Act_"
## 3497 1999 363 America
## 3498 1999 363 American
## 3499 1999 365 America
## 3500 1999 367 American
## 3501 1999 368 English
## 3502 1999 372 Mayflower
## 3503 1999 372 Ellis_Island
## 3504 1999 372 Los_Angeles
## 3505 1999 372 yesterday
## 3506 1999 372 a_thousand_years_ago
## 3507 1999 372 the_21st_century
## 3508 1999 372 America
## 3509 1999 373 one
## 3510 1999 373 America
## 3511 1999 374 barely_more_than_300_days_from_now
## 3512 1999 374 the_new_millennium
## 3513 1999 375 First
## 3514 1999 376 just_a_minute
## 3515 1999 377 Millennium_Project
## 3516 1999 378 Last_year
## 3517 1999 378 Congress
## 3518 1999 378 the_millennium
## 3519 1999 378 America
## 3520 1999 379 Hillary
## 3521 1999 379 Thomas_Edison_'s
## 3522 1999 379 Harriet_Tubman_'s
## 3523 1999 381 tonight
## 3524 1999 381 the_21st_century
## 3525 1999 383 Congress
## 3526 1999 384 one
## 3527 1999 385 George_Washington
## 3528 1999 386 Six_years_ago
## 3529 1999 386 America
## 3530 1999 388 a_thousand
## 3531 1999 388 America
## 3532 1999 389 Americans
## 3533 1999 390 Tonight
## 3534 1999 390 the_20th_century
## 3535 1999 390 American
## 3536 1999 391 the_end_of_a_century
## 3537 1999 391 Americans
## 3538 1999 391 two
## 3539 1999 392 this_century
## 3540 1999 393 daily
## 3541 1999 393 America
## 3542 1999 394 A_hundred_years
## 3543 1999 394 tonight
## 3544 1999 394 American
## 3545 1999 396 a_21st_century
## 3546 1999 397 a_new_hour
## 3547 1999 398 Americans
## 3548 1999 399 this_American_Century
## 3549 1999 400 evening
## 3550 2000 1 Speaker
## 3551 2000 1 Congress
## 3552 2000 1 Americans
## 3553 2000 2 Nation
## 3554 2000 4 the_new_century
## 3555 2000 4 over_20_million
## 3556 2000 4 more_than_30_years
## 3557 2000 4 30_years
## 3558 2000 4 20_years
## 3559 2000 4 African_-_American
## 3560 2000 4 Hispanic
## 3561 2000 4 first
## 3562 2000 4 42_years
## 3563 2000 4 next_month
## 3564 2000 4 America
## 3565 2000 6 American
## 3566 2000 6 20_percent
## 3567 2000 6 25_years
## 3568 2000 6 7_years_in_a_row
## 3569 2000 6 30_percent
## 3570 2000 6 half
## 3571 2000 6 30_years
## 3572 2000 7 Americans
## 3573 2000 8 American
## 3574 2000 10 Eight_years_ago
## 3575 2000 10 Americans
## 3576 2000 10 the_year_2000
## 3577 2000 11 Nation
## 3578 2000 12 Went_Wrong
## 3579 2000 13 Americans
## 3580 2000 14 Americans
## 3581 2000 16 40_years
## 3582 2000 17 100,000
## 3583 2000 17 Brady
## 3584 2000 17 half_a_million
## 3585 2000 19 20_million
## 3586 2000 19 Americans
## 3587 2000 20 150,000
## 3588 2000 20 Americans
## 3589 2000 20 AmeriCorps
## 3590 2000 21 1992
## 3591 2000 22 Today
## 3592 2000 23 America
## 3593 2000 27 Americans
## 3594 2000 27 the_21st_century
## 3595 2000 28 21st_century
## 3596 2000 28 American
## 3597 2000 30 the_dawn
## 3598 2000 30 the_last_century
## 3599 2000 30 Theodore_Roosevelt
## 3600 2000 32 tonight
## 3601 2000 33 21st_century
## 3602 2000 33 America
## 3603 2000 35 America
## 3604 2000 36 Americans
## 3605 2000 37 America
## 3606 2000 37 Earth
## 3607 2000 38 first
## 3608 2000 38 1835
## 3609 2000 40 American
## 3610 2000 42 America
## 3611 2000 43 One
## 3612 2000 45 all_this_year
## 3613 2000 45 this_decade
## 3614 2000 47 first
## 3615 2000 47 a_single_year
## 3616 2000 48 the_last_7_years
## 3617 2000 50 Congress
## 3618 2000 51 tonight
## 3619 2000 57 2_years
## 3620 2000 57 years_ago
## 3621 2000 58 7_years_ago
## 3622 2000 60 just_13_years
## 3623 2000 60 America
## 3624 2000 60 first
## 3625 2000 60 Andrew_Jackson
## 3626 2000 60 1835
## 3627 2000 61 1993
## 3628 2000 61 the_Deficit_Reduction_Act
## 3629 2000 62 first
## 3630 2000 62 Treasury
## 3631 2000 63 tonight
## 3632 2000 64 Lloyd_Bentsen
## 3633 2000 64 America
## 3634 2000 65 two
## 3635 2000 65 American
## 3636 2000 65 Social_Security
## 3637 2000 65 Medicare
## 3638 2000 66 Tonight
## 3639 2000 66 Social_Security
## 3640 2000 66 the_Social_Security_Trust_Fund
## 3641 2000 66 the_next_50_years
## 3642 2000 69 First
## 3643 2000 69 a_21st_century
## 3644 2000 72 7_years
## 3645 2000 76 Congress
## 3646 2000 78 Each_year
## 3647 2000 78 National_Government
## 3648 2000 78 more_than_$_15_billion
## 3649 2000 81 States
## 3650 2000 82 summer
## 3651 2000 84 1993
## 3652 2000 85 Tonight
## 3653 2000 85 $_1_billion
## 3654 2000 87 2_years_in_a_row
## 3655 2000 87 Congress
## 3656 2000 87 100,000
## 3657 2000 88 3_in_a_row
## 3658 2000 89 tonight
## 3659 2000 91 one
## 3660 2000 91 America
## 3661 2000 92 Today
## 3662 2000 92 1,700
## 3663 2000 93 3,000
## 3664 2000 93 next_year
## 3665 2000 95 1994
## 3666 2000 95 only_3_percent
## 3667 2000 96 Today
## 3668 2000 96 more_than_half
## 3669 2000 96 90_percent
## 3670 2000 96 at_least_one
## 3671 2000 99 tonight
## 3672 2000 99 5,000
## 3673 2000 99 6,000
## 3674 2000 101 1.4_million
## 3675 2000 103 American
## 3676 2000 104 7_years
## 3677 2000 104 Pell
## 3678 2000 104 education_IRA_'s
## 3679 2000 104 HOPE
## 3680 2000 104 5_million
## 3681 2000 105 67_percent
## 3682 2000 106 10_percent
## 3683 2000 106 1993
## 3684 2000 107 millions
## 3685 2000 109 $_30_billion
## 3686 2000 109 up_to_$_10,000
## 3687 2000 110 Congress
## 3688 2000 110 2_years
## 3689 2000 111 4_years
## 3690 2000 113 a_21st_century
## 3691 2000 115 my_first_days
## 3692 2000 116 1997
## 3693 2000 116 Health_Insurance
## 3694 2000 117 2_million
## 3695 2000 118 5_million
## 3696 2000 119 Americans
## 3697 2000 119 1993
## 3698 2000 120 Tonight
## 3699 2000 120 Gore
## 3700 2000 121 America
## 3701 2000 122 between_the_ages_of_55_and_65
## 3702 2000 122 Medicare
## 3703 2000 123 this_year
## 3704 2000 125 Medicare
## 3705 2000 127 Medicare
## 3706 2000 128 Medicare
## 3707 2000 129 nearly_$_400_billion
## 3708 2000 129 Medicare
## 3709 2000 129 2025
## 3710 2000 132 Medicare
## 3711 2000 132 today
## 3712 2000 133 more_than_three
## 3713 2000 133 five
## 3714 2000 134 Millions
## 3715 2000 134 Americans
## 3716 2000 136 Americans
## 3717 2000 138 Last_year
## 3718 2000 138 1,000
## 3719 2000 140 This_year
## 3720 2000 140 3,000
## 3721 2000 141 this_year
## 3722 2000 143 first
## 3723 2000 143 White_House_Conference_on_Mental_Health
## 3724 2000 143 last_year
## 3725 2000 143 7_years
## 3726 2000 144 Tipper_Gore
## 3727 2000 145 the_35_years
## 3728 2000 145 Medicare
## 3729 2000 145 35_years
## 3730 2000 146 Americans
## 3731 2000 149 EITC
## 3732 2000 150 EITC
## 3733 2000 151 first
## 3734 2000 151 Congress
## 3735 2000 152 1998
## 3736 2000 152 EITC
## 3737 2000 152 more_than_4.3_million
## 3738 2000 152 Americans
## 3739 2000 153 1993
## 3740 2000 154 EITC
## 3741 2000 154 more_than_two
## 3742 2000 155 more_than_two
## 3743 2000 155 today
## 3744 2000 156 three
## 3745 2000 156 up_to_$_1,100
## 3746 2000 159 Today
## 3747 2000 159 46_years
## 3748 2000 160 about_75_cents
## 3749 2000 161 the_"_Paycheck_Fairness_Act
## 3750 2000 163 Last_year
## 3751 2000 163 about_2_million
## 3752 2000 164 400,000
## 3753 2000 169 30,000
## 3754 2000 169 up_to_$_2,400
## 3755 2000 172 millions
## 3756 2000 172 Americans
## 3757 2000 174 IRA
## 3758 2000 174 401k
## 3759 2000 176 the_Individual_Development_Accounts
## 3760 2000 177 America
## 3761 2000 177 first
## 3762 2000 178 every_year
## 3763 2000 181 one
## 3764 2000 181 three
## 3765 2000 181 American
## 3766 2000 182 5
## 3767 2000 184 1992
## 3768 2000 187 Carlos_Rosas
## 3769 2000 187 St._Paul
## 3770 2000 187 Minnesota
## 3771 2000 189 40,000
## 3772 2000 189 Carlos_Rosas
## 3773 2000 190 tonight
## 3774 2000 191 Carlos
## 3775 2000 194 last_year
## 3776 2000 197 Congress
## 3777 2000 198 18
## 3778 2000 200 30_years
## 3779 2000 200 Hillary
## 3780 2000 203 tonight
## 3781 2000 204 Social_Security
## 3782 2000 204 Medicare
## 3783 2000 205 America
## 3784 2000 205 the_past_7
## 3785 2000 206 America
## 3786 2000 209 Last_fall
## 3787 2000 209 Congress
## 3788 2000 209 100,000
## 3789 2000 209 50,000
## 3790 2000 211 Columbine
## 3791 2000 211 Congress
## 3792 2000 211 Brady
## 3793 2000 212 Senate
## 3794 2000 212 American
## 3795 2000 213 House
## 3796 2000 215 Daniel_Mauser
## 3797 2000 215 only_15_years_old
## 3798 2000 215 Columbine
## 3799 2000 217 Tom
## 3800 2000 219 Earlier_this_month
## 3801 2000 220 Congress
## 3802 2000 221 Tom_Mauser
## 3803 2000 222 tonight
## 3804 2000 223 Tom
## 3805 2000 224 Tom
## 3806 2000 226 16_percent
## 3807 2000 229 the_United_States
## 3808 2000 233 State
## 3809 2000 233 Brady
## 3810 2000 234 Congress
## 3811 2000 236 under_15
## 3812 2000 236 the_United_States
## 3813 2000 236 9
## 3814 2000 236 25
## 3815 2000 238 Congress
## 3816 2000 243 tonight
## 3817 2000 243 the_First_Lady_'s
## 3818 2000 244 America
## 3819 2000 245 a_21st_century
## 3820 2000 245 America
## 3821 2000 245 Native_American
## 3822 2000 247 the_last_6_months
## 3823 2000 247 the_Mississippi_Delta
## 3824 2000 247 Watts
## 3825 2000 247 the_Pine_Ridge_Reservation
## 3826 2000 249 Tonight
## 3827 2000 251 America
## 3828 2000 253 Congress
## 3829 2000 253 America
## 3830 2000 254 Tonight
## 3831 2000 254 $_22_billion
## 3832 2000 255 5_years
## 3833 2000 256 Democratic
## 3834 2000 256 Republican
## 3835 2000 257 American
## 3836 2000 258 Speaker
## 3837 2000 258 last_November
## 3838 2000 258 Jesse_Jackson
## 3839 2000 258 Illinois
## 3840 2000 259 Speaker
## 3841 2000 262 Native_American
## 3842 2000 262 the_Mississippi_Delta
## 3843 2000 263 $_110_million
## 3844 2000 263 Delta
## 3845 2000 263 a_billion_dollars
## 3846 2000 263 Native_American
## 3847 2000 264 this_new_century
## 3848 2000 264 first
## 3849 2000 264 Americans
## 3850 2000 265 tonight
## 3851 2000 267 American
## 3852 2000 267 tonight
## 3853 2000 268 1996
## 3854 2000 273 today
## 3855 2000 276 21st_century
## 3856 2000 276 1,000
## 3857 2000 277 This_spring
## 3858 2000 293 tonight
## 3859 2000 293 the_first_day
## 3860 2000 293 America
## 3861 2000 293 America
## 3862 2000 296 African
## 3863 2000 296 Caribbean_Basin
## 3864 2000 299 America
## 3865 2000 299 the_21st_century
## 3866 2000 300 Russia
## 3867 2000 300 China
## 3868 2000 301 today
## 3869 2000 301 Russia
## 3870 2000 301 Chechnya
## 3871 2000 301 China
## 3872 2000 302 the_past_decade
## 3873 2000 302 5,000
## 3874 2000 302 Soviet
## 3875 2000 302 Russian
## 3876 2000 302 Balkans
## 3877 2000 302 Russian
## 3878 2000 302 first
## 3879 2000 302 1,000_years
## 3880 2000 302 China
## 3881 2000 303 tonight
## 3882 2000 306 Russians
## 3883 2000 306 Russia
## 3884 2000 307 Congress
## 3885 2000 307 China
## 3886 2000 307 WTO
## 3887 2000 307 China
## 3888 2000 307 this_year
## 3889 2000 308 two
## 3890 2000 308 First
## 3891 2000 308 China
## 3892 2000 308 China
## 3893 2000 309 second
## 3894 2000 309 Asia
## 3895 2000 309 China
## 3896 2000 312 China
## 3897 2000 313 second
## 3898 2000 316 Middle_East
## 3899 2000 316 Northern_Ireland
## 3900 2000 316 East_Timor
## 3901 2000 316 Africa
## 3902 2000 316 Greece
## 3903 2000 316 Turkey
## 3904 2000 316 India
## 3905 2000 316 Pakistan
## 3906 2000 317 Armed_Forces
## 3907 2000 317 Kosovo
## 3908 2000 317 a_million
## 3909 2000 318 Slobodan_Milosevic
## 3910 2000 318 Kosovo
## 3911 2000 318 John_Cherrey
## 3912 2000 319 American
## 3913 2000 319 Serbia
## 3914 2000 320 Armed_Forces_'
## 3915 2000 320 Kosovo
## 3916 2000 320 American
## 3917 2000 321 Cherrey
## 3918 2000 322 Cherrey
## 3919 2000 324 third
## 3920 2000 324 march
## 3921 2000 326 North_Korea
## 3922 2000 326 Iran
## 3923 2000 326 Iraq
## 3924 2000 326 ABM
## 3925 2000 326 Russia
## 3926 2000 328 the_next_10_to_20_years
## 3927 2000 329 Pentagon
## 3928 2000 331 this_year
## 3929 2000 335 Nigeria
## 3930 2000 335 Indonesia
## 3931 2000 335 1999
## 3932 2000 335 1989
## 3933 2000 335 Berlin
## 3934 2000 336 Colombia
## 3935 2000 337 2_-_year
## 3936 2000 337 Colombia
## 3937 2000 338 Colombia
## 3938 2000 342 Latin_America
## 3939 2000 347 last_year
## 3940 2000 347 Congress
## 3941 2000 347 America
## 3942 2000 350 America
## 3943 2000 351 Last_year
## 3944 2000 351 Africa
## 3945 2000 351 10
## 3946 2000 352 $_150_million
## 3947 2000 353 today
## 3948 2000 353 TB
## 3949 2000 355 millions
## 3950 2000 357 21st_century
## 3951 2000 357 U.N.
## 3952 2000 359 tonight
## 3953 2000 360 American
## 3954 2000 363 Republicans
## 3955 2000 363 Democrats
## 3956 2000 365 two
## 3957 2000 366 First
## 3958 2000 366 Defense
## 3959 2000 366 Bill_Cohen
## 3960 2000 368 Janet
## 3961 2000 368 American
## 3962 2000 369 Janet_Cohen
## 3963 2000 374 one
## 3964 2000 375 more_than_500
## 3965 2000 375 millions
## 3966 2000 376 the_past_3_months
## 3967 2000 376 40_million_acres
## 3968 2000 376 three
## 3969 2000 378 Tonight
## 3970 2000 378 California
## 3971 2000 378 the_Florida_Everglades
## 3972 2000 379 House
## 3973 2000 383 Last_year
## 3974 2000 383 liberal-;livable-;[laughter]-;liberal
## 3975 2000 385 a_minute
## 3976 2000 386 year
## 3977 2000 386 last_year
## 3978 2000 388 Lott
## 3979 2000 394 American
## 3980 2000 396 three
## 3981 2000 399 the_Great_Lakes
## 3982 2000 401 the_new_century
## 3983 2000 402 1990
## 3984 2000 402 the_hottest_decade
## 3985 2000 402 the_entire_millennium
## 3986 2000 405 the_United_States
## 3987 2000 405 Chamber
## 3988 2000 409 just_last_week
## 3989 2000 409 70_to_80_miles
## 3990 2000 410 hundreds_of_miles
## 3991 2000 410 gallon
## 3992 2000 413 Congress
## 3993 2000 415 the_United_States_of_America
## 3994 2000 416 the_new_century
## 3995 2000 417 Later_this_year
## 3996 2000 417 first
## 3997 2000 418 Americans
## 3998 2000 418 Federal_tax_dollars
## 3999 2000 419 Parkinson
## 4000 2000 425 8_percent
## 4001 2000 425 about_80_percent
## 4002 2000 427 10
## 4003 2000 427 today
## 4004 2000 428 $_3_billion
## 4005 2000 428 the_21st_century
## 4006 2000 431 First
## 4007 2000 432 Last_year
## 4008 2000 433 This_year
## 4009 2000 434 first
## 4010 2000 439 today
## 4011 2000 442 America
## 4012 2000 442 AmeriCorps
## 4013 2000 442 Peace_Corps
## 4014 2000 442 12,000
## 4015 2000 442 650,000
## 4016 2000 442 America
## 4017 2000 443 American
## 4018 2000 444 Americans
## 4019 2000 445 First
## 4020 2000 446 Second
## 4021 2000 446 Americans
## 4022 2000 447 Tonight
## 4023 2000 450 English
## 4024 2000 451 year
## 4025 2000 452 10_years-;just_10
## 4026 2000 452 California
## 4027 2000 453 a_little_more_than_50_years
## 4028 2000 453 America
## 4029 2000 455 Chamber
## 4030 2000 457 Congress
## 4031 2000 458 America
## 4032 2000 460 the_last_couple_of_years
## 4033 2000 460 Texas
## 4034 2000 461 Wyoming
## 4035 2000 462 Last_year
## 4036 2000 462 African_-_Americans
## 4037 2000 462 Asian
## 4038 2000 462 Jewish
## 4039 2000 463 American
## 4040 2000 464 the_"_Employment_Non_-_Discrimination_Act
## 4041 2000 465 the_Violence_Against_Women_Act
## 4042 2000 466 tonight
## 4043 2000 466 American
## 4044 2000 468 Last_February
## 4045 2000 468 the_White_House_Office_of_One_America
## 4046 2000 469 Hank_Aaron
## 4047 2000 470 his_days
## 4048 2000 471 tonight
## 4049 2000 472 Hank_Aaron
## 4050 2000 473 one
## 4051 2000 474 This_fall
## 4052 2000 474 the_White_House
## 4053 2000 474 Hillary
## 4054 2000 475 99.9_percent
## 4055 2000 482 Americans
## 4056 2000 482 the_State_of_the_Union
## 4057 2000 483 tonight
## 4058 2000 483 a_new_millennium
## 4059 2000 484 American
## 4060 2000 488 Framers
## 4061 2000 488 Constitution
## 4062 2000 488 Philadelphia
## 4063 2000 488 Benjamin_Franklin
## 4064 2000 488 Independence_Hall
## 4065 2000 488 Sun
## 4066 2000 489 Sun
## 4067 2000 490 Sun
## 4068 2000 491 Today
## 4069 2000 491 Franklin
## 4070 2000 491 Sun
## 4071 2000 492 Today
## 4072 2000 492 Americans
## 4073 2000 492 Franklin
## 4074 2000 492 Sun
## 4075 2000 493 224_years
## 4076 2000 493 American
## 4077 2000 495 America
## 4078 2000 498 America
## entity_type
## 2 ORG
## 3 ORG
## 4 ORG
## 5 DATE
## 6 NORP
## 7 GPE
## 8 ORG
## 9 DATE
## 10 DATE
## 13 DATE
## 14 DATE
## 15 DATE
## 16 DATE
## 17 GPE
## 18 DATE
## 19 GPE
## 20 GPE
## 21 TIME
## 22 DATE
## 23 NORP
## 24 DATE
## 25 GPE
## 26 PERSON
## 27 NORP
## 28 DATE
## 29 GPE
## 30 ORG
## 31 ORG
## 32 DATE
## 33 ORG
## 34 PERSON
## 35 GPE
## 36 DATE
## 37 PERSON
## 38 GPE
## 39 DATE
## 40 PERSON
## 41 GPE
## 42 FAC
## 43 DATE
## 44 DATE
## 45 DATE
## 46 NORP
## 47 NORP
## 48 GPE
## 49 DATE
## 50 DATE
## 51 DATE
## 53 GPE
## 54 PERSON
## 55 GPE
## 56 GPE
## 57 ORG
## 58 DATE
## 60 GPE
## 61 GPE
## 63 NORP
## 64 NORP
## 65 DATE
## 66 GPE
## 67 DATE
## 68 GPE
## 69 DATE
## 70 NORP
## 71 NORP
## 72 NORP
## 73 ORG
## 74 DATE
## 75 GPE
## 78 DATE
## 80 DATE
## 81 DATE
## 84 TIME
## 85 GPE
## 86 ORG
## 87 PERSON
## 88 GPE
## 89 PERSON
## 90 GPE
## 91 PERSON
## 92 GPE
## 93 PERSON
## 94 GPE
## 95 TIME
## 96 DATE
## 97 GPE
## 100 ORDINAL
## 101 ORDINAL
## 102 DATE
## 103 GPE
## 104 ORDINAL
## 105 NORP
## 106 GPE
## 107 GPE
## 108 NORP
## 109 GPE
## 110 DATE
## 111 ORG
## 112 PERCENT
## 113 PERCENT
## 114 DATE
## 115 PERCENT
## 116 LAW
## 117 DATE
## 118 MONEY
## 119 GPE
## 121 ORG
## 122 ORG
## 123 DATE
## 124 MONEY
## 125 MONEY
## 126 GPE
## 127 TIME
## 128 ORG
## 129 NORP
## 130 LAW
## 131 ORG
## 132 NORP
## 133 ORG
## 134 NORP
## 135 DATE
## 136 DATE
## 137 DATE
## 138 ORG
## 140 TIME
## 141 PERSON
## 142 PERSON
## 143 ORG
## 144 ORG
## 145 NORP
## 147 DATE
## 148 DATE
## 149 NORP
## 150 NORP
## 151 ORG
## 152 DATE
## 153 ORG
## 154 ORG
## 155 PERSON
## 156 DATE
## 157 GPE
## 158 ORG
## 159 GPE
## 160 ORG
## 161 ORG
## 162 ORDINAL
## 163 GPE
## 165 ORDINAL
## 166 GPE
## 167 TIME
## 168 DATE
## 169 GPE
## 170 DATE
## 171 ORG
## 172 PERSON
## 173 NORP
## 174 DATE
## 175 DATE
## 176 GPE
## 177 DATE
## 178 ORG
## 179 NORP
## 180 LOC
## 181 GPE
## 182 LOC
## 183 LOC
## 184 LOC
## 185 LOC
## 186 GPE
## 187 NORP
## 188 LOC
## 189 NORP
## 190 LOC
## 191 GPE
## 192 LOC
## 193 ORG
## 194 PERSON
## 195 DATE
## 196 NORP
## 197 NORP
## 198 LOC
## 199 NORP
## 200 LOC
## 201 TIME
## 202 GPE
## 203 NORP
## 204 LOC
## 206 NORP
## 207 NORP
## 208 ORG
## 209 TIME
## 210 GPE
## 211 NORP
## 212 DATE
## 213 DATE
## 214 DATE
## 215 GPE
## 216 ORG
## 218 DATE
## 219 GPE
## 220 DATE
## 221 DATE
## 222 ORDINAL
## 223 ORDINAL
## 224 DATE
## 225 LOC
## 226 LOC
## 227 DATE
## 228 ORG
## 229 GPE
## 230 GPE
## 231 EVENT
## 232 TIME
## 233 NORP
## 235 TIME
## 236 GPE
## 237 DATE
## 238 DATE
## 239 DATE
## 240 DATE
## 241 NORP
## 242 ORG
## 243 GPE
## 244 PERSON
## 245 GPE
## 246 PERSON
## 247 ORG
## 248 ORG
## 249 NORP
## 250 TIME
## 251 NORP
## 252 DATE
## 253 TIME
## 255 PERSON
## 256 PERSON
## 258 ORG
## 259 GPE
## 262 DATE
## 263 GPE
## 264 LOC
## 265 TIME
## 266 GPE
## 267 LOC
## 268 GPE
## 269 GPE
## 270 LOC
## 271 NORP
## 272 NORP
## 273 GPE
## 274 NORP
## 275 NORP
## 276 GPE
## 277 NORP
## 278 ORG
## 279 NORP
## 280 LOC
## 281 LOC
## 282 TIME
## 283 DATE
## 284 DATE
## 285 DATE
## 286 GPE
## 287 GPE
## 288 DATE
## 289 NORP
## 290 NORP
## 291 NORP
## 292 LOC
## 293 DATE
## 294 NORP
## 295 GPE
## 296 ORG
## 297 NORP
## 298 NORP
## 299 DATE
## 300 GPE
## 301 DATE
## 302 DATE
## 307 GPE
## 308 ORG
## 309 WORK
## 310 NORP
## 311 NORP
## 312 DATE
## 313 NORP
## 314 NORP
## 315 GPE
## 316 GPE
## 317 TIME
## 318 DATE
## 319 PERSON
## 320 GPE
## 321 ORDINAL
## 322 ORDINAL
## 323 ORDINAL
## 324 NORP
## 325 DATE
## 329 DATE
## 330 DATE
## 331 ORG
## 332 DATE
## 333 ORG
## 334 MONEY
## 335 ORDINAL
## 336 TIME
## 337 ORG
## 338 PERSON
## 339 DATE
## 340 ORG
## 341 GPE
## 342 ORG
## 343 GPE
## 345 GPE
## 346 DATE
## 347 NORP
## 348 GPE
## 349 GPE
## 350 NORP
## 351 NORP
## 352 ORG
## 353 DATE
## 354 NORP
## 355 NORP
## 356 GPE
## 358 NORP
## 359 GPE
## 360 ORG
## 361 GPE
## 362 GPE
## 363 GPE
## 364 GPE
## 365 MONEY
## 366 ORG
## 367 MONEY
## 368 GPE
## 369 ORG
## 370 GPE
## 371 GPE
## 372 NORP
## 373 DATE
## 374 TIME
## 375 GPE
## 376 LOC
## 377 GPE
## 378 GPE
## 379 LOC
## 380 DATE
## 381 ORG
## 382 ORG
## 383 ORG
## 384 ORG
## 385 PERSON
## 386 PERSON
## 387 GPE
## 388 GPE
## 389 PERSON
## 390 PERSON
## 391 PERSON
## 392 LOC
## 393 PERSON
## 394 DATE
## 395 PERSON
## 396 GPE
## 397 ORG
## 398 PERSON
## 399 LOC
## 400 GPE
## 401 GPE
## 402 GPE
## 403 GPE
## 404 GPE
## 405 LOC
## 406 NORP
## 407 LOC
## 408 PERSON
## 409 DATE
## 410 DATE
## 411 PERSON
## 412 GPE
## 413 NORP
## 414 NORP
## 415 LOC
## 416 TIME
## 417 PERSON
## 418 PERSON
## 419 PERSON
## 420 PERSON
## 421 LOC
## 422 DATE
## 423 ORG
## 424 GPE
## 425 NORP
## 426 NORP
## 427 NORP
## 428 NORP
## 429 GPE
## 430 GPE
## 431 ORDINAL
## 432 EVENT
## 433 ORG
## 434 DATE
## 435 PERSON
## 436 MONEY
## 437 DATE
## 438 PERSON
## 439 GPE
## 440 GPE
## 441 GPE
## 442 LOC
## 443 GPE
## 444 GPE
## 445 LOC
## 446 GPE
## 447 GPE
## 448 DATE
## 449 PERSON
## 450 GPE
## 451 PERSON
## 452 ORG
## 453 PERSON
## 454 GPE
## 455 TIME
## 456 TIME
## 457 LOC
## 458 DATE
## 459 ORG
## 460 DATE
## 461 DATE
## 462 GPE
## 463 EVENT
## 464 TIME
## 465 DATE
## 466 GPE
## 467 GPE
## 468 DATE
## 469 PERSON
## 470 NORP
## 471 NORP
## 472 WORK
## 473 NORP
## 474 DATE
## 475 NORP
## 476 NORP
## 477 ORDINAL
## 478 DATE
## 479 DATE
## 480 DATE
## 481 DATE
## 482 TIME
## 483 NORP
## 484 EVENT
## 485 DATE
## 486 DATE
## 487 GPE
## 488 ORG
## 489 GPE
## 490 NORP
## 491 GPE
## 492 ORDINAL
## 493 DATE
## 494 NORP
## 497 GPE
## 498 DATE
## 499 PERSON
## 500 ORDINAL
## 501 LOC
## 502 PERSON
## 503 ORG
## 504 DATE
## 505 DATE
## 506 TIME
## 508 LOC
## 509 ORG
## 510 FAC
## 511 PERSON
## 512 GPE
## 513 PERSON
## 514 ORG
## 515 GPE
## 516 ORG
## 517 PRODUCT
## 519 PERSON
## 520 FAC
## 521 DATE
## 522 ORG
## 523 DATE
## 524 DATE
## 525 ORG
## 526 ORG
## 527 MONEY
## 528 DATE
## 529 DATE
## 530 PERCENT
## 531 DATE
## 532 TIME
## 533 GPE
## 534 LOC
## 535 ORG
## 536 PERSON
## 538 GPE
## 539 GPE
## 540 NORP
## 541 ORG
## 542 TIME
## 543 ORG
## 544 DATE
## 545 DATE
## 546 NORP
## 547 ORG
## 548 MONEY
## 549 DATE
## 550 MONEY
## 551 TIME
## 552 ORG
## 554 NORP
## 555 MONEY
## 556 DATE
## 557 ORG
## 558 ORG
## 559 TIME
## 560 PERCENT
## 561 NORP
## 562 ORDINAL
## 563 ORDINAL
## 564 ORG
## 565 MONEY
## 566 ORDINAL
## 567 ORG
## 568 TIME
## 569 PERCENT
## 570 MONEY
## 571 PERCENT
## 572 TIME
## 573 ORG
## 574 DATE
## 575 MONEY
## 576 DATE
## 577 ORG
## 578 DATE
## 579 DATE
## 580 NORP
## 581 DATE
## 582 DATE
## 584 ORDINAL
## 585 GPE
## 586 ORDINAL
## 587 GPE
## 588 NORP
## 589 NORP
## 590 GPE
## 591 DATE
## 592 NORP
## 595 ORG
## 596 NORP
## 597 ORDINAL
## 598 ORDINAL
## 599 MONEY
## 600 DATE
## 601 TIME
## 602 TIME
## 603 ORG
## 604 DATE
## 605 TIME
## 606 TIME
## 607 PERSON
## 609 NORP
## 610 GPE
## 611 MONEY
## 613 DATE
## 614 MONEY
## 616 NORP
## 617 MONEY
## 618 NORP
## 619 ORG
## 620 DATE
## 621 DATE
## 622 ORG
## 623 ORG
## 625 NORP
## 626 ORG
## 627 DATE
## 628 DATE
## 629 PERSON
## 630 NORP
## 632 ORG
## 633 ORG
## 634 GPE
## 635 ORG
## 636 ORG
## 638 ORG
## 639 PERSON
## 640 TIME
## 641 ORG
## 642 GPE
## 643 PERSON
## 644 GPE
## 645 PERSON
## 646 ORG
## 647 ORG
## 648 FAC
## 649 NORP
## 650 NORP
## 653 TIME
## 654 MONEY
## 656 MONEY
## 657 NORP
## 658 NORP
## 659 LOC
## 660 PERSON
## 661 ORG
## 662 ORG
## 663 DATE
## 664 GPE
## 665 NORP
## 666 ORG
## 667 PERSON
## 668 NORP
## 669 PERSON
## 670 LOC
## 671 LOC
## 672 LOC
## 673 PERSON
## 674 TIME
## 675 PERSON
## 676 PERSON
## 677 ORG
## 678 ORG
## 679 NORP
## 680 ORG
## 681 ORG
## 682 GPE
## 683 TIME
## 684 TIME
## 685 NORP
## 686 DATE
## 687 NORP
## 688 DATE
## 689 NORP
## 690 TIME
## 691 DATE
## 692 DATE
## 693 DATE
## 695 NORP
## 696 LOC
## 697 DATE
## 698 NORP
## 699 DATE
## 700 PERSON
## 701 NORP
## 702 MONEY
## 704 DATE
## 706 TIME
## 708 ORDINAL
## 709 ORDINAL
## 710 ORDINAL
## 711 NORP
## 712 ORDINAL
## 713 ORDINAL
## 714 ORDINAL
## 715 NORP
## 716 ORG
## 717 MONEY
## 719 DATE
## 720 GPE
## 722 DATE
## 723 DATE
## 724 TIME
## 725 GPE
## 726 DATE
## 727 DATE
## 728 ORG
## 729 NORP
## 730 DATE
## 731 MONEY
## 732 PERCENT
## 733 GPE
## 734 PERCENT
## 735 DATE
## 736 MONEY
## 737 GPE
## 738 GPE
## 739 GPE
## 740 ORG
## 741 DATE
## 742 NORP
## 743 NORP
## 744 GPE
## 745 TIME
## 746 DATE
## 747 GPE
## 748 DATE
## 749 DATE
## 750 DATE
## 751 DATE
## 752 DATE
## 753 DATE
## 754 PERCENT
## 755 PERCENT
## 756 PERCENT
## 757 DATE
## 758 DATE
## 759 PERCENT
## 760 DATE
## 762 MONEY
## 763 GPE
## 764 DATE
## 765 ORDINAL
## 766 ORG
## 767 NORP
## 768 ORDINAL
## 769 NORP
## 770 NORP
## 771 NORP
## 772 NORP
## 775 DATE
## 776 DATE
## 777 MONEY
## 778 MONEY
## 779 PERSON
## 780 DATE
## 782 DATE
## 783 MONEY
## 784 DATE
## 785 DATE
## 786 ORG
## 787 ORG
## 788 DATE
## 789 DATE
## 791 DATE
## 792 NORP
## 793 DATE
## 794 NORP
## 795 PERSON
## 796 ORG
## 797 ORG
## 798 NORP
## 799 ORG
## 800 ORG
## 801 ORG
## 802 GPE
## 803 GPE
## 805 NORP
## 806 TIME
## 807 DATE
## 808 DATE
## 809 DATE
## 810 ORG
## 811 ORG
## 812 ORDINAL
## 813 DATE
## 815 ORDINAL
## 816 PERSON
## 817 NORP
## 818 ORG
## 819 GPE
## 820 ORG
## 821 DATE
## 822 NORP
## 823 NORP
## 824 NORP
## 825 ORG
## 826 ORG
## 827 MONEY
## 828 ORG
## 829 DATE
## 830 ORG
## 831 PERCENT
## 832 MONEY
## 833 ORG
## 834 DATE
## 836 MONEY
## 837 GPE
## 838 ORG
## 839 DATE
## 840 ORG
## 841 NORP
## 842 TIME
## 843 ORG
## 844 DATE
## 845 DATE
## 848 ORG
## 849 DATE
## 850 ORG
## 851 LAW
## 852 DATE
## 853 DATE
## 855 DATE
## 856 TIME
## 857 DATE
## 858 NORP
## 859 DATE
## 860 DATE
## 861 DATE
## 862 MONEY
## 863 PERCENT
## 864 ORG
## 865 MONEY
## 867 MONEY
## 868 GPE
## 869 DATE
## 870 MONEY
## 871 DATE
## 872 ORG
## 873 NORP
## 874 ORG
## 875 NORP
## 876 DATE
## 877 NORP
## 878 NORP
## 879 NORP
## 881 MONEY
## 882 ORG
## 883 ORG
## 884 NORP
## 885 NORP
## 886 NORP
## 887 EVENT
## 888 GPE
## 889 NORP
## 890 DATE
## 891 DATE
## 892 MONEY
## 893 TIME
## 894 PERCENT
## 895 PERCENT
## 896 MONEY
## 897 MONEY
## 898 MONEY
## 899 PERCENT
## 900 GPE
## 901 NORP
## 902 ORG
## 903 LAW
## 904 NORP
## 905 DATE
## 906 GPE
## 907 NORP
## 908 NORP
## 909 DATE
## 910 TIME
## 911 TIME
## 912 ORDINAL
## 913 PERCENT
## 914 GPE
## 915 PERCENT
## 916 ORG
## 917 DATE
## 918 PERCENT
## 919 DATE
## 920 ORG
## 921 ORG
## 922 NORP
## 923 ORG
## 924 PERCENT
## 925 ORG
## 926 ORG
## 927 ORG
## 928 GPE
## 929 NORP
## 930 MONEY
## 931 MONEY
## 932 NORP
## 933 MONEY
## 934 ORG
## 935 ORG
## 936 DATE
## 937 NORP
## 938 MONEY
## 939 DATE
## 940 MONEY
## 941 DATE
## 942 PERCENT
## 943 DATE
## 944 MONEY
## 945 DATE
## 946 NORP
## 947 DATE
## 948 DATE
## 949 TIME
## 950 NORP
## 951 DATE
## 953 DATE
## 954 NORP
## 955 DATE
## 956 NORP
## 957 NORP
## 958 GPE
## 959 GPE
## 960 PERSON
## 961 ORG
## 962 NORP
## 963 ORG
## 964 ORG
## 965 PERSON
## 966 ORG
## 967 NORP
## 968 PERSON
## 969 TIME
## 970 ORDINAL
## 971 NORP
## 972 TIME
## 973 NORP
## 974 DATE
## 975 GPE
## 976 DATE
## 977 DATE
## 978 DATE
## 979 DATE
## 980 NORP
## 981 DATE
## 982 NORP
## 983 DATE
## 984 NORP
## 985 ORG
## 986 DATE
## 987 ORG
## 988 MONEY
## 989 NORP
## 990 ORG
## 992 ORG
## 993 PERSON
## 994 PERSON
## 995 PERSON
## 996 ORG
## 999 ORG
## 1000 CARDINAL
## 1001 CARDINAL
## 1002 ORG
## 1003 CARDINAL
## 1004 TIME
## 1005 DATE
## 1006 TIME
## 1007 FAC
## 1008 DATE
## 1009 TIME
## 1010 CARDINAL
## 1011 CARDINAL
## 1012 NORP
## 1013 TIME
## 1014 NORP
## 1015 DATE
## 1016 MONEY
## 1017 CARDINAL
## 1018 DATE
## 1019 CARDINAL
## 1020 DATE
## 1021 ORG
## 1022 DATE
## 1023 DATE
## 1024 NORP
## 1025 DATE
## 1026 NORP
## 1027 DATE
## 1028 PERCENT
## 1029 NORP
## 1030 PERCENT
## 1031 NORP
## 1032 DATE
## 1033 MONEY
## 1034 MONEY
## 1035 PERCENT
## 1036 DATE
## 1037 CARDINAL
## 1038 DATE
## 1039 CARDINAL
## 1040 NORP
## 1041 CARDINAL
## 1042 DATE
## 1043 DATE
## 1044 ORG
## 1045 ORG
## 1046 CARDINAL
## 1047 CARDINAL
## 1048 DATE
## 1049 DATE
## 1050 ORDINAL
## 1051 PERSON
## 1052 FAC
## 1053 DATE
## 1054 ORG
## 1055 ORG
## 1056 LOC
## 1057 NORP
## 1058 CARDINAL
## 1059 NORP
## 1060 ORG
## 1061 DATE
## 1062 DATE
## 1063 LAW
## 1064 GPE
## 1065 DATE
## 1066 ORG
## 1067 DATE
## 1068 GPE
## 1069 ORG
## 1070 DATE
## 1071 CARDINAL
## 1072 CARDINAL
## 1073 ORG
## 1074 ORDINAL
## 1075 DATE
## 1076 DATE
## 1077 ORG
## 1078 MONEY
## 1079 CARDINAL
## 1080 DATE
## 1081 ORG
## 1082 GPE
## 1083 ORG
## 1084 CARDINAL
## 1085 DATE
## 1086 GPE
## 1087 GPE
## 1088 ORG
## 1089 CARDINAL
## 1090 DATE
## 1091 LAW
## 1092 DATE
## 1093 ORG
## 1094 DATE
## 1095 ORDINAL
## 1096 DATE
## 1097 CARDINAL
## 1098 DATE
## 1099 ORDINAL
## 1100 CARDINAL
## 1101 GPE
## 1102 PERSON
## 1103 GPE
## 1104 GPE
## 1105 DATE
## 1106 PERSON
## 1107 DATE
## 1108 ORG
## 1109 MONEY
## 1110 PERSON
## 1111 PERSON
## 1112 MONEY
## 1113 PERSON
## 1114 PERSON
## 1115 GPE
## 1116 PERSON
## 1117 ORDINAL
## 1118 PERSON
## 1119 PERSON
## 1120 CARDINAL
## 1121 NORP
## 1122 DATE
## 1123 CARDINAL
## 1124 NORP
## 1125 PERCENT
## 1126 PERCENT
## 1127 NORP
## 1128 CARDINAL
## 1129 CARDINAL
## 1130 NORP
## 1131 NORP
## 1132 DATE
## 1133 ORG
## 1134 NORP
## 1135 DATE
## 1136 NORP
## 1137 DATE
## 1138 CARDINAL
## 1139 NORP
## 1140 CARDINAL
## 1141 NORP
## 1142 DATE
## 1143 NORP
## 1144 NORP
## 1145 DATE
## 1146 PERSON
## 1147 ORG
## 1148 DATE
## 1149 CARDINAL
## 1150 CARDINAL
## 1151 ORG
## 1152 DATE
## 1153 CARDINAL
## 1154 NORP
## 1155 ORG
## 1156 ORG
## 1157 ORDINAL
## 1158 ORG
## 1159 DATE
## 1160 DATE
## 1161 NORP
## 1162 NORP
## 1163 DATE
## 1164 PERSON
## 1165 PERSON
## 1166 PERSON
## 1167 PERSON
## 1168 ORG
## 1169 DATE
## 1170 DATE
## 1171 NORP
## 1172 NORP
## 1173 NORP
## 1174 NORP
## 1175 NORP
## 1176 DATE
## 1177 DATE
## 1178 DATE
## 1179 GPE
## 1180 GPE
## 1181 NORP
## 1182 DATE
## 1183 GPE
## 1184 GPE
## 1185 NORP
## 1186 LOC
## 1187 TIME
## 1188 ORG
## 1189 GPE
## 1190 GPE
## 1191 DATE
## 1192 LOC
## 1193 DATE
## 1194 DATE
## 1195 ORG
## 1196 ORG
## 1197 GPE
## 1198 NORP
## 1199 ORG
## 1200 DATE
## 1201 GPE
## 1202 GPE
## 1203 GPE
## 1204 GPE
## 1205 NORP
## 1206 NORP
## 1207 ORG
## 1208 LOC
## 1209 DATE
## 1210 NORP
## 1211 NORP
## 1212 LOC
## 1213 ORDINAL
## 1214 LOC
## 1215 NORP
## 1216 ORG
## 1217 ORG
## 1218 LOC
## 1219 PERSON
## 1220 PERSON
## 1221 DATE
## 1222 ORG
## 1223 ORG
## 1224 GPE
## 1225 LOC
## 1226 NORP
## 1227 GPE
## 1228 LOC
## 1229 GPE
## 1230 GPE
## 1231 LOC
## 1232 DATE
## 1233 PERSON
## 1234 PERSON
## 1235 FAC
## 1236 GPE
## 1237 DATE
## 1238 ORG
## 1239 GPE
## 1240 GPE
## 1241 NORP
## 1242 NORP
## 1243 GPE
## 1244 GPE
## 1245 PERSON
## 1246 GPE
## 1247 CARDINAL
## 1248 GPE
## 1249 PERSON
## 1250 ORG
## 1251 DATE
## 1252 ORG
## 1253 DATE
## 1254 ORDINAL
## 1255 CARDINAL
## 1256 GPE
## 1257 PERCENT
## 1258 DATE
## 1259 TIME
## 1260 PERSON
## 1261 QUANTITY
## 1262 CARDINAL
## 1263 GPE
## 1264 DATE
## 1265 TIME
## 1266 ORG
## 1267 PERSON
## 1268 NORP
## 1269 CARDINAL
## 1270 CARDINAL
## 1271 ORDINAL
## 1272 PERSON
## 1273 PERSON
## 1274 LOC
## 1275 ORG
## 1276 NORP
## 1277 NORP
## 1278 NORP
## 1279 NORP
## 1280 DATE
## 1281 CARDINAL
## 1282 DATE
## 1283 DATE
## 1284 GPE
## 1285 PERSON
## 1286 GPE
## 1287 TIME
## 1288 NORP
## 1289 DATE
## 1290 DATE
## 1291 GPE
## 1292 LOC
## 1293 DATE
## 1294 DATE
## 1295 GPE
## 1296 ORG
## 1297 NORP
## 1298 TIME
## 1299 NORP
## 1300 GPE
## 1301 PERSON
## 1302 ORG
## 1303 NORP
## 1304 ORG
## 1305 PERSON
## 1306 TIME
## 1307 NORP
## 1308 DATE
## 1309 DATE
## 1310 DATE
## 1311 DATE
## 1312 GPE
## 1313 GPE
## 1314 NORP
## 1315 NORP
## 1316 DATE
## 1317 ORG
## 1318 NORP
## 1319 ORG
## 1320 ORG
## 1321 PERSON
## 1322 PERSON
## 1323 PERSON
## 1324 EVENT
## 1325 CARDINAL
## 1326 ORG
## 1327 PERSON
## 1328 EVENT
## 1329 PERSON
## 1330 TIME
## 1331 ORDINAL
## 1332 NORP
## 1333 DATE
## 1334 NORP
## 1335 DATE
## 1336 TIME
## 1337 DATE
## 1338 NORP
## 1339 CARDINAL
## 1340 DATE
## 1341 DATE
## 1342 DATE
## 1343 GPE
## 1344 DATE
## 1345 PERSON
## 1346 DATE
## 1347 DATE
## 1348 TIME
## 1349 NORP
## 1350 TIME
## 1351 NORP
## 1352 NORP
## 1353 ORDINAL
## 1354 NORP
## 1355 NORP
## 1356 NORP
## 1357 ORG
## 1358 DATE
## 1359 CARDINAL
## 1360 GPE
## 1361 DATE
## 1362 NORP
## 1363 ORG
## 1364 ORG
## 1365 DATE
## 1366 NORP
## 1367 TIME
## 1368 NORP
## 1369 DATE
## 1370 ORG
## 1371 DATE
## 1372 DATE
## 1373 GPE
## 1374 GPE
## 1375 DATE
## 1376 DATE
## 1377 DATE
## 1378 DATE
## 1379 CARDINAL
## 1380 MONEY
## 1381 CARDINAL
## 1382 CARDINAL
## 1383 ORG
## 1384 DATE
## 1385 DATE
## 1386 ORG
## 1387 PERSON
## 1388 DATE
## 1389 PERSON
## 1390 MONEY
## 1391 MONEY
## 1392 PERSON
## 1393 ORG
## 1394 CARDINAL
## 1395 CARDINAL
## 1396 ORG
## 1397 ORG
## 1398 LOC
## 1399 GPE
## 1400 GPE
## 1401 ORG
## 1402 CARDINAL
## 1403 CARDINAL
## 1404 DATE
## 1405 DATE
## 1406 DATE
## 1407 GPE
## 1408 ORDINAL
## 1409 MONEY
## 1410 CARDINAL
## 1411 CARDINAL
## 1412 ORG
## 1413 ORG
## 1414 DATE
## 1415 DATE
## 1416 ORG
## 1417 GPE
## 1418 DATE
## 1419 ORG
## 1420 DATE
## 1421 MONEY
## 1422 MONEY
## 1423 ORG
## 1424 ORG
## 1425 GPE
## 1426 ORG
## 1427 GPE
## 1428 LOC
## 1429 LOC
## 1430 PERSON
## 1431 NORP
## 1432 ORG
## 1433 NORP
## 1434 GPE
## 1435 CARDINAL
## 1436 DATE
## 1437 PERSON
## 1438 DATE
## 1439 DATE
## 1440 CARDINAL
## 1441 DATE
## 1442 ORDINAL
## 1443 DATE
## 1444 ORG
## 1445 NORP
## 1446 NORP
## 1447 GPE
## 1448 TIME
## 1449 GPE
## 1450 PERSON
## 1451 ORG
## 1452 ORG
## 1453 DATE
## 1454 CARDINAL
## 1455 CARDINAL
## 1456 CARDINAL
## 1457 ORG
## 1458 ORDINAL
## 1459 DATE
## 1460 DATE
## 1461 DATE
## 1462 DATE
## 1463 CARDINAL
## 1464 TIME
## 1465 CARDINAL
## 1466 DATE
## 1467 ORG
## 1468 PERSON
## 1469 CARDINAL
## 1470 ORG
## 1471 TIME
## 1472 ORG
## 1473 ORG
## 1474 ORG
## 1475 CARDINAL
## 1476 NORP
## 1477 DATE
## 1478 ORG
## 1479 ORG
## 1480 NORP
## 1481 GPE
## 1482 PERSON
## 1483 DATE
## 1484 NORP
## 1485 GPE
## 1486 NORP
## 1487 GPE
## 1488 CARDINAL
## 1489 DATE
## 1490 NORP
## 1491 NORP
## 1492 DATE
## 1493 DATE
## 1494 DATE
## 1495 ORDINAL
## 1496 ORDINAL
## 1497 DATE
## 1498 CARDINAL
## 1499 MONEY
## 1500 DATE
## 1501 MONEY
## 1502 ORDINAL
## 1503 ORDINAL
## 1504 CARDINAL
## 1505 ORDINAL
## 1506 DATE
## 1507 ORDINAL
## 1508 MONEY
## 1509 DATE
## 1510 ORDINAL
## 1511 ORDINAL
## 1512 ORDINAL
## 1513 ORG
## 1514 GPE
## 1515 CARDINAL
## 1516 GPE
## 1517 NORP
## 1518 MONEY
## 1519 DATE
## 1520 GPE
## 1521 DATE
## 1522 MONEY
## 1523 MONEY
## 1524 DATE
## 1525 ORDINAL
## 1526 PERSON
## 1527 GPE
## 1528 ORG
## 1529 ORG
## 1530 DATE
## 1531 NORP
## 1532 DATE
## 1533 NORP
## 1534 DATE
## 1535 MONEY
## 1536 DATE
## 1537 DATE
## 1538 MONEY
## 1539 DATE
## 1540 ORG
## 1541 DATE
## 1542 DATE
## 1543 DATE
## 1544 DATE
## 1545 ORG
## 1546 DATE
## 1547 NORP
## 1548 DATE
## 1549 DATE
## 1550 CARDINAL
## 1551 NORP
## 1552 CARDINAL
## 1553 NORP
## 1554 DATE
## 1555 NORP
## 1556 NORP
## 1557 NORP
## 1558 PERSON
## 1559 DATE
## 1560 DATE
## 1561 ORG
## 1562 ORDINAL
## 1563 DATE
## 1564 DATE
## 1565 DATE
## 1566 NORP
## 1567 TIME
## 1568 GPE
## 1569 DATE
## 1570 GPE
## 1571 TIME
## 1572 NORP
## 1573 CARDINAL
## 1574 NORP
## 1575 GPE
## 1576 NORP
## 1577 NORP
## 1578 GPE
## 1579 GPE
## 1580 GPE
## 1581 ORG
## 1582 NORP
## 1583 TIME
## 1584 ORDINAL
## 1585 NORP
## 1586 GPE
## 1587 NORP
## 1588 CARDINAL
## 1589 ORG
## 1590 CARDINAL
## 1591 GPE
## 1592 LAW
## 1593 GPE
## 1594 ORG
## 1595 ORG
## 1596 DATE
## 1597 GPE
## 1598 CARDINAL
## 1599 NORP
## 1600 LOC
## 1601 GPE
## 1602 LOC
## 1603 TIME
## 1604 GPE
## 1605 TIME
## 1606 LOC
## 1607 ORG
## 1608 MONEY
## 1609 DATE
## 1610 TIME
## 1611 ORG
## 1612 DATE
## 1613 GPE
## 1614 CARDINAL
## 1615 GPE
## 1616 GPE
## 1617 GPE
## 1618 GPE
## 1619 GPE
## 1620 LOC
## 1621 LOC
## 1622 LOC
## 1623 LOC
## 1624 NORP
## 1625 GPE
## 1626 NORP
## 1627 ORG
## 1628 GPE
## 1629 PERCENT
## 1630 NORP
## 1631 NORP
## 1632 GPE
## 1633 GPE
## 1634 DATE
## 1635 NORP
## 1636 DATE
## 1637 DATE
## 1638 ORG
## 1639 TIME
## 1640 GPE
## 1641 ORG
## 1642 DATE
## 1643 GPE
## 1644 PERSON
## 1645 DATE
## 1646 DATE
## 1647 NORP
## 1648 ORDINAL
## 1649 PERSON
## 1650 ORDINAL
## 1651 ORG
## 1652 GPE
## 1653 CARDINAL
## 1654 DATE
## 1655 ORG
## 1656 CARDINAL
## 1657 ORG
## 1658 PERSON
## 1659 GPE
## 1660 PERSON
## 1661 ORG
## 1662 GPE
## 1663 GPE
## 1664 GPE
## 1665 NORP
## 1666 CARDINAL
## 1667 PERSON
## 1668 ORG
## 1669 GPE
## 1670 GPE
## 1671 DATE
## 1672 DATE
## 1673 DATE
## 1674 CARDINAL
## 1675 CARDINAL
## 1676 CARDINAL
## 1677 CARDINAL
## 1678 GPE
## 1679 CARDINAL
## 1680 GPE
## 1681 GPE
## 1682 FAC
## 1683 CARDINAL
## 1684 GPE
## 1685 GPE
## 1686 PERSON
## 1687 GPE
## 1688 GPE
## 1689 PERSON
## 1690 DATE
## 1691 PERSON
## 1692 PERSON
## 1693 DATE
## 1694 CARDINAL
## 1695 CARDINAL
## 1696 PERSON
## 1697 DATE
## 1698 GPE
## 1699 DATE
## 1700 PERSON
## 1701 NORP
## 1702 DATE
## 1703 WORK
## 1704 DATE
## 1705 ORDINAL
## 1706 PERSON
## 1707 ORG
## 1708 NORP
## 1709 TIME
## 1710 GPE
## 1711 GPE
## 1712 TIME
## 1713 NORP
## 1714 DATE
## 1715 DATE
## 1716 CARDINAL
## 1717 CARDINAL
## 1718 GPE
## 1719 GPE
## 1720 ORDINAL
## 1721 DATE
## 1722 DATE
## 1723 GPE
## 1724 DATE
## 1725 NORP
## 1726 CARDINAL
## 1727 ORDINAL
## 1728 NORP
## 1729 NORP
## 1730 ORDINAL
## 1731 ORDINAL
## 1732 CARDINAL
## 1733 GPE
## 1734 NORP
## 1735 GPE
## 1736 NORP
## 1737 CARDINAL
## 1738 GPE
## 1739 CARDINAL
## 1740 NORP
## 1741 ORG
## 1742 NORP
## 1743 NORP
## 1744 NORP
## 1745 DATE
## 1746 CARDINAL
## 1747 DATE
## 1748 DATE
## 1749 ORG
## 1750 DATE
## 1751 ORG
## 1752 ORG
## 1753 NORP
## 1754 NORP
## 1755 DATE
## 1756 NORP
## 1757 DATE
## 1758 DATE
## 1759 DATE
## 1760 DATE
## 1761 PERSON
## 1762 GPE
## 1763 ORDINAL
## 1764 GPE
## 1765 NORP
## 1766 GPE
## 1767 DATE
## 1768 PERSON
## 1769 PERSON
## 1770 DATE
## 1771 ORG
## 1772 ORG
## 1773 ORG
## 1774 ORG
## 1775 DATE
## 1776 DATE
## 1777 CARDINAL
## 1778 CARDINAL
## 1779 ORG
## 1780 ORG
## 1781 ORDINAL
## 1782 NORP
## 1783 NORP
## 1784 NORP
## 1785 DATE
## 1786 TIME
## 1787 NORP
## 1788 NORP
## 1789 NORP
## 1790 GPE
## 1791 NORP
## 1792 ORDINAL
## 1793 NORP
## 1794 DATE
## 1795 GPE
## 1796 PERCENT
## 1797 GPE
## 1798 DATE
## 1799 GPE
## 1800 DATE
## 1801 ORG
## 1802 ORG
## 1803 ORG
## 1804 ORDINAL
## 1805 NORP
## 1806 DATE
## 1807 DATE
## 1808 ORG
## 1809 DATE
## 1810 GPE
## 1811 ORG
## 1812 CARDINAL
## 1813 NORP
## 1814 DATE
## 1815 MONEY
## 1816 PERCENT
## 1817 GPE
## 1818 PERSON
## 1819 MONEY
## 1820 GPE
## 1821 ORDINAL
## 1822 NORP
## 1823 NORP
## 1824 ORG
## 1825 CARDINAL
## 1826 MONEY
## 1827 ORG
## 1828 GPE
## 1829 NORP
## 1830 ORG
## 1831 DATE
## 1832 DATE
## 1833 MONEY
## 1834 MONEY
## 1835 CARDINAL
## 1836 NORP
## 1837 DATE
## 1838 ORG
## 1839 CARDINAL
## 1840 MONEY
## 1841 CARDINAL
## 1842 MONEY
## 1843 CARDINAL
## 1844 CARDINAL
## 1845 ORG
## 1846 NORP
## 1847 ORG
## 1848 ORG
## 1849 DATE
## 1850 CARDINAL
## 1851 CARDINAL
## 1852 ORG
## 1853 ORG
## 1854 DATE
## 1855 DATE
## 1856 CARDINAL
## 1857 NORP
## 1858 NORP
## 1859 ORG
## 1860 PERSON
## 1861 PERSON
## 1862 ORG
## 1863 ORG
## 1864 DATE
## 1865 MONEY
## 1866 ORG
## 1867 ORG
## 1868 ORG
## 1869 GPE
## 1870 ORG
## 1871 ORG
## 1872 ORG
## 1873 ORG
## 1874 DATE
## 1875 NORP
## 1876 TIME
## 1877 GPE
## 1878 ORDINAL
## 1879 GPE
## 1880 GPE
## 1881 PERCENT
## 1882 GPE
## 1883 PERCENT
## 1884 GPE
## 1885 PERCENT
## 1886 DATE
## 1887 CARDINAL
## 1888 ORG
## 1889 NORP
## 1890 PERSON
## 1891 CARDINAL
## 1892 CARDINAL
## 1893 ORG
## 1894 ORG
## 1895 ORG
## 1896 PERCENT
## 1897 GPE
## 1898 ORG
## 1899 ORG
## 1900 ORG
## 1901 GPE
## 1902 DATE
## 1903 CARDINAL
## 1904 TIME
## 1905 EVENT
## 1906 ORG
## 1907 PERSON
## 1908 GPE
## 1909 PERSON
## 1910 CARDINAL
## 1911 ORG
## 1912 CARDINAL
## 1913 TIME
## 1914 PERSON
## 1915 CARDINAL
## 1916 ORDINAL
## 1917 PERCENT
## 1918 CARDINAL
## 1919 LOC
## 1920 CARDINAL
## 1921 DATE
## 1922 QUANTITY
## 1923 ORDINAL
## 1924 ORG
## 1925 PERCENT
## 1926 ORG
## 1927 DATE
## 1928 NORP
## 1929 ORG
## 1930 PERSON
## 1931 ORDINAL
## 1932 GPE
## 1933 NORP
## 1934 NORP
## 1935 DATE
## 1936 EVENT
## 1937 PERSON
## 1938 ORG
## 1939 EVENT
## 1940 NORP
## 1941 EVENT
## 1942 GPE
## 1943 DATE
## 1944 NORP
## 1945 DATE
## 1946 GPE
## 1947 GPE
## 1948 ORDINAL
## 1949 ORDINAL
## 1950 NORP
## 1951 GPE
## 1952 GPE
## 1953 GPE
## 1954 DATE
## 1955 GPE
## 1956 CARDINAL
## 1957 NORP
## 1958 GPE
## 1959 NORP
## 1960 NORP
## 1961 LOC
## 1962 NORP
## 1963 NORP
## 1964 GPE
## 1965 ORG
## 1966 LOC
## 1967 GPE
## 1968 NORP
## 1969 GPE
## 1970 PERCENT
## 1971 ORG
## 1972 DATE
## 1973 NORP
## 1974 ORG
## 1975 DATE
## 1976 ORG
## 1977 GPE
## 1978 ORG
## 1979 NORP
## 1980 CARDINAL
## 1981 ORDINAL
## 1982 GPE
## 1983 WORK
## 1984 TIME
## 1985 DATE
## 1986 ORG
## 1987 ORG
## 1988 ORG
## 1989 ORG
## 1990 ORG
## 1991 ORDINAL
## 1992 NORP
## 1993 NORP
## 1994 NORP
## 1995 ORG
## 1996 NORP
## 1997 NORP
## 1998 PERSON
## 1999 CARDINAL
## 2000 GPE
## 2001 GPE
## 2002 ORG
## 2003 CARDINAL
## 2004 DATE
## 2005 PERCENT
## 2006 TIME
## 2007 ORG
## 2008 DATE
## 2009 CARDINAL
## 2010 ORG
## 2011 DATE
## 2012 DATE
## 2013 DATE
## 2014 NORP
## 2015 NORP
## 2016 CARDINAL
## 2017 PERSON
## 2018 DATE
## 2019 GPE
## 2020 ORG
## 2021 DATE
## 2022 DATE
## 2023 FAC
## 2024 GPE
## 2025 CARDINAL
## 2026 CARDINAL
## 2027 CARDINAL
## 2028 TIME
## 2029 PERSON
## 2030 PERSON
## 2031 DATE
## 2032 ORDINAL
## 2033 ORG
## 2034 PERSON
## 2035 NORP
## 2036 ORG
## 2037 NORP
## 2038 ORG
## 2039 DATE
## 2040 ORG
## 2041 GPE
## 2042 DATE
## 2043 GPE
## 2044 ORG
## 2045 GPE
## 2046 NORP
## 2047 CARDINAL
## 2048 GPE
## 2049 GPE
## 2050 CARDINAL
## 2051 TIME
## 2052 PERSON
## 2053 GPE
## 2054 GPE
## 2055 GPE
## 2056 PERSON
## 2057 GPE
## 2058 PERSON
## 2059 GPE
## 2060 PERSON
## 2061 PERSON
## 2062 NORP
## 2063 TIME
## 2064 CARDINAL
## 2065 NORP
## 2066 GPE
## 2067 DATE
## 2068 EVENT
## 2069 GPE
## 2070 DATE
## 2071 GPE
## 2072 CARDINAL
## 2073 CARDINAL
## 2074 CARDINAL
## 2075 NORP
## 2076 NORP
## 2077 GPE
## 2078 NORP
## 2079 PERSON
## 2080 GPE
## 2081 PERSON
## 2082 ORG
## 2083 NORP
## 2084 TIME
## 2085 DATE
## 2086 DATE
## 2087 NORP
## 2088 TIME
## 2089 ORG
## 2090 GPE
## 2091 GPE
## 2092 DATE
## 2093 GPE
## 2094 NORP
## 2095 NORP
## 2096 NORP
## 2097 DATE
## 2098 CARDINAL
## 2099 DATE
## 2100 TIME
## 2101 ORG
## 2102 ORG
## 2103 DATE
## 2104 DATE
## 2105 ORG
## 2106 ORG
## 2107 LAW
## 2108 ORG
## 2109 ORG
## 2110 ORG
## 2111 ORG
## 2112 TIME
## 2113 NORP
## 2114 ORDINAL
## 2115 DATE
## 2116 DATE
## 2117 ORDINAL
## 2118 TIME
## 2119 GPE
## 2120 PERSON
## 2121 ORG
## 2122 ORG
## 2123 DATE
## 2124 DATE
## 2125 CARDINAL
## 2126 DATE
## 2127 ORG
## 2128 CARDINAL
## 2129 DATE
## 2130 GPE
## 2131 CARDINAL
## 2132 ORG
## 2133 ORG
## 2134 ORG
## 2135 ORG
## 2136 ORG
## 2137 ORDINAL
## 2138 GPE
## 2139 NORP
## 2140 ORG
## 2141 CARDINAL
## 2142 DATE
## 2143 NORP
## 2144 CARDINAL
## 2145 DATE
## 2146 DATE
## 2147 DATE
## 2148 NORP
## 2149 MONEY
## 2150 DATE
## 2151 NORP
## 2152 CARDINAL
## 2153 ORG
## 2154 DATE
## 2155 DATE
## 2156 TIME
## 2157 ORG
## 2158 DATE
## 2159 ORG
## 2160 ORDINAL
## 2161 ORDINAL
## 2162 DATE
## 2163 ORG
## 2164 PERSON
## 2165 GPE
## 2166 CARDINAL
## 2167 CARDINAL
## 2168 ORDINAL
## 2169 LOC
## 2170 FAC
## 2171 GPE
## 2172 ORDINAL
## 2173 ORDINAL
## 2174 CARDINAL
## 2175 PERSON
## 2176 PERSON
## 2177 TIME
## 2178 PERSON
## 2179 ORDINAL
## 2180 ORDINAL
## 2181 ORG
## 2182 TIME
## 2183 DATE
## 2184 GPE
## 2185 PERSON
## 2186 ORG
## 2187 CARDINAL
## 2188 DATE
## 2189 CARDINAL
## 2190 PERSON
## 2191 DATE
## 2192 GPE
## 2193 CARDINAL
## 2194 DATE
## 2195 CARDINAL
## 2196 ORG
## 2197 CARDINAL
## 2198 TIME
## 2199 CARDINAL
## 2200 CARDINAL
## 2201 DATE
## 2202 ORDINAL
## 2203 DATE
## 2204 DATE
## 2205 ORDINAL
## 2206 DATE
## 2207 ORG
## 2208 DATE
## 2209 CARDINAL
## 2210 DATE
## 2211 PERSON
## 2212 DATE
## 2213 DATE
## 2214 ORG
## 2215 ORG
## 2216 GPE
## 2217 CARDINAL
## 2218 DATE
## 2219 DATE
## 2220 MONEY
## 2221 MONEY
## 2222 DATE
## 2223 DATE
## 2224 DATE
## 2225 GPE
## 2226 DATE
## 2227 DATE
## 2228 NORP
## 2229 GPE
## 2230 GPE
## 2231 DATE
## 2232 MONEY
## 2233 MONEY
## 2234 PERSON
## 2235 DATE
## 2236 NORP
## 2237 DATE
## 2238 NORP
## 2239 ORG
## 2240 GPE
## 2241 DATE
## 2242 GPE
## 2243 DATE
## 2244 ORDINAL
## 2245 NORP
## 2246 DATE
## 2247 CARDINAL
## 2248 GPE
## 2249 GPE
## 2250 DATE
## 2251 NORP
## 2252 ORDINAL
## 2253 TIME
## 2254 ORDINAL
## 2255 CARDINAL
## 2256 DATE
## 2257 DATE
## 2258 LOC
## 2259 NORP
## 2260 ORG
## 2261 MONEY
## 2262 ORG
## 2263 CARDINAL
## 2264 GPE
## 2265 DATE
## 2266 DATE
## 2267 CARDINAL
## 2268 NORP
## 2269 CARDINAL
## 2270 NORP
## 2271 CARDINAL
## 2272 PERCENT
## 2273 MONEY
## 2274 CARDINAL
## 2275 ORG
## 2276 ORG
## 2277 ORG
## 2278 DATE
## 2279 ORDINAL
## 2280 DATE
## 2281 DATE
## 2282 TIME
## 2283 TIME
## 2284 PERSON
## 2285 GPE
## 2286 PERSON
## 2287 DATE
## 2288 PERCENT
## 2289 ORG
## 2290 GPE
## 2291 DATE
## 2292 DATE
## 2293 CARDINAL
## 2294 GPE
## 2295 LAW
## 2296 PERSON
## 2297 TIME
## 2298 DATE
## 2299 DATE
## 2300 GPE
## 2301 CARDINAL
## 2302 DATE
## 2303 TIME
## 2304 GPE
## 2305 GPE
## 2306 GPE
## 2307 DATE
## 2308 CARDINAL
## 2309 DATE
## 2310 CARDINAL
## 2311 DATE
## 2312 GPE
## 2313 GPE
## 2314 LOC
## 2315 CARDINAL
## 2316 GPE
## 2317 ORG
## 2318 TIME
## 2319 DATE
## 2320 CARDINAL
## 2321 ORG
## 2322 PERSON
## 2323 PERSON
## 2324 ORG
## 2325 PERSON
## 2326 GPE
## 2327 DATE
## 2328 ORG
## 2329 CARDINAL
## 2330 GPE
## 2331 CARDINAL
## 2332 NORP
## 2333 CARDINAL
## 2334 NORP
## 2335 NORP
## 2336 CARDINAL
## 2337 NORP
## 2338 DATE
## 2339 NORP
## 2340 DATE
## 2341 DATE
## 2342 GPE
## 2343 DATE
## 2344 NORP
## 2345 DATE
## 2346 GPE
## 2347 EVENT
## 2348 DATE
## 2349 ORDINAL
## 2350 ORDINAL
## 2351 ORDINAL
## 2352 LOC
## 2353 LOC
## 2354 GPE
## 2355 ORG
## 2356 DATE
## 2357 ORG
## 2358 DATE
## 2359 ORG
## 2360 ORG
## 2361 ORG
## 2362 GPE
## 2363 ORG
## 2364 GPE
## 2365 LOC
## 2366 LOC
## 2367 GPE
## 2368 GPE
## 2369 LOC
## 2370 NORP
## 2371 CARDINAL
## 2372 LOC
## 2373 DATE
## 2374 CARDINAL
## 2375 NORP
## 2376 LOC
## 2377 LOC
## 2378 GPE
## 2379 GPE
## 2380 EVENT
## 2381 ORG
## 2382 GPE
## 2383 GPE
## 2384 GPE
## 2385 GPE
## 2386 GPE
## 2387 GPE
## 2388 GPE
## 2389 GPE
## 2390 NORP
## 2391 GPE
## 2392 CARDINAL
## 2393 LOC
## 2394 LOC
## 2395 CARDINAL
## 2396 LOC
## 2397 LOC
## 2398 LOC
## 2399 GPE
## 2400 GPE
## 2401 DATE
## 2402 GPE
## 2403 GPE
## 2404 DATE
## 2405 MONEY
## 2406 GPE
## 2407 LOC
## 2408 GPE
## 2409 GPE
## 2410 LOC
## 2411 NORP
## 2412 GPE
## 2413 ORG
## 2414 TIME
## 2415 ORG
## 2416 GPE
## 2417 GPE
## 2418 DATE
## 2419 GPE
## 2420 ORG
## 2421 EVENT
## 2422 NORP
## 2423 NORP
## 2424 NORP
## 2425 NORP
## 2426 ORG
## 2427 CARDINAL
## 2428 DATE
## 2429 NORP
## 2430 LOC
## 2431 DATE
## 2432 GPE
## 2433 ORG
## 2434 ORG
## 2435 DATE
## 2436 PERCENT
## 2437 GPE
## 2438 GPE
## 2439 GPE
## 2440 GPE
## 2441 DATE
## 2442 DATE
## 2443 GPE
## 2444 DATE
## 2445 DATE
## 2446 EVENT
## 2447 PERSON
## 2448 NORP
## 2449 ORG
## 2450 ORG
## 2451 NORP
## 2452 PERSON
## 2453 PERSON
## 2454 DATE
## 2455 GPE
## 2456 DATE
## 2457 CARDINAL
## 2458 GPE
## 2459 GPE
## 2460 NORP
## 2461 NORP
## 2462 NORP
## 2463 DATE
## 2464 ORDINAL
## 2465 PERSON
## 2466 CARDINAL
## 2467 ORG
## 2468 NORP
## 2469 CARDINAL
## 2470 NORP
## 2471 PERSON
## 2472 DATE
## 2473 NORP
## 2474 GPE
## 2475 DATE
## 2476 FAC
## 2477 ORG
## 2478 GPE
## 2479 GPE
## 2480 GPE
## 2481 ORG
## 2482 PERSON
## 2483 PERSON
## 2484 GPE
## 2485 TIME
## 2486 PERSON
## 2487 GPE
## 2488 ORDINAL
## 2489 NORP
## 2490 CARDINAL
## 2491 CARDINAL
## 2492 NORP
## 2493 GPE
## 2494 ORG
## 2495 PERSON
## 2496 PERSON
## 2497 PERSON
## 2498 PERSON
## 2499 PERSON
## 2500 PERSON
## 2501 NORP
## 2502 GPE
## 2503 GPE
## 2504 DATE
## 2505 GPE
## 2506 ORG
## 2507 TIME
## 2508 DATE
## 2509 GPE
## 2510 DATE
## 2511 DATE
## 2512 DATE
## 2513 DATE
## 2514 DATE
## 2515 DATE
## 2516 NORP
## 2517 DATE
## 2518 DATE
## 2519 GPE
## 2520 PERSON
## 2521 ORG
## 2522 NORP
## 2523 ORG
## 2524 CARDINAL
## 2525 ORG
## 2526 PERSON
## 2527 ORG
## 2528 DATE
## 2529 TIME
## 2530 DATE
## 2531 NORP
## 2532 GPE
## 2533 CARDINAL
## 2534 DATE
## 2535 DATE
## 2536 DATE
## 2537 DATE
## 2538 DATE
## 2539 DATE
## 2540 GPE
## 2541 GPE
## 2542 GPE
## 2543 GPE
## 2544 GPE
## 2545 GPE
## 2546 GPE
## 2547 PERSON
## 2548 DATE
## 2549 NORP
## 2550 DATE
## 2551 NORP
## 2552 GPE
## 2553 ORG
## 2554 NORP
## 2555 NORP
## 2556 ORDINAL
## 2557 DATE
## 2558 GPE
## 2559 DATE
## 2560 NORP
## 2561 NORP
## 2562 NORP
## 2563 DATE
## 2564 MONEY
## 2565 DATE
## 2566 MONEY
## 2567 DATE
## 2568 CARDINAL
## 2569 TIME
## 2570 CARDINAL
## 2571 CARDINAL
## 2572 ORG
## 2573 DATE
## 2574 DATE
## 2575 DATE
## 2576 NORP
## 2577 CARDINAL
## 2578 ORG
## 2579 DATE
## 2580 PERCENT
## 2581 ORG
## 2582 DATE
## 2583 DATE
## 2584 DATE
## 2585 DATE
## 2586 DATE
## 2587 CARDINAL
## 2588 ORG
## 2589 ORDINAL
## 2590 PERCENT
## 2591 MONEY
## 2592 ORG
## 2593 DATE
## 2594 NORP
## 2595 DATE
## 2596 CARDINAL
## 2597 ORG
## 2598 ORDINAL
## 2599 NORP
## 2600 TIME
## 2601 ORG
## 2602 ORG
## 2603 DATE
## 2604 DATE
## 2605 ORG
## 2606 ORG
## 2607 DATE
## 2608 NORP
## 2609 CARDINAL
## 2610 CARDINAL
## 2611 ORDINAL
## 2612 DATE
## 2613 NORP
## 2614 DATE
## 2615 CARDINAL
## 2616 CARDINAL
## 2617 PERSON
## 2618 CARDINAL
## 2619 DATE
## 2620 DATE
## 2621 CARDINAL
## 2622 PERSON
## 2623 GPE
## 2624 DATE
## 2625 DATE
## 2626 MONEY
## 2627 DATE
## 2628 TIME
## 2629 DATE
## 2630 DATE
## 2631 GPE
## 2632 ORG
## 2633 DATE
## 2634 ORDINAL
## 2635 ORDINAL
## 2636 CARDINAL
## 2637 ORDINAL
## 2638 CARDINAL
## 2639 ORG
## 2640 DATE
## 2641 ORDINAL
## 2642 ORDINAL
## 2643 CARDINAL
## 2644 GPE
## 2645 CARDINAL
## 2646 GPE
## 2647 DATE
## 2648 GPE
## 2649 GPE
## 2650 DATE
## 2651 GPE
## 2652 ORG
## 2653 ORDINAL
## 2654 DATE
## 2655 DATE
## 2656 CARDINAL
## 2657 WORK
## 2658 DATE
## 2659 CARDINAL
## 2660 GPE
## 2661 GPE
## 2662 CARDINAL
## 2663 ORDINAL
## 2664 ORDINAL
## 2665 ORG
## 2666 NORP
## 2667 DATE
## 2668 ORG
## 2669 DATE
## 2670 CARDINAL
## 2671 ORG
## 2672 CARDINAL
## 2673 CARDINAL
## 2674 DATE
## 2675 LOC
## 2676 LOC
## 2677 LOC
## 2678 WORK
## 2679 DATE
## 2680 DATE
## 2681 DATE
## 2682 GPE
## 2683 GPE
## 2684 GPE
## 2685 NORP
## 2686 ORDINAL
## 2687 ORDINAL
## 2688 NORP
## 2689 LOC
## 2690 GPE
## 2691 ORG
## 2692 GPE
## 2693 ORG
## 2694 ORDINAL
## 2695 DATE
## 2696 DATE
## 2697 DATE
## 2698 CARDINAL
## 2699 NORP
## 2700 DATE
## 2701 DATE
## 2702 DATE
## 2703 PERSON
## 2704 GPE
## 2705 GPE
## 2706 DATE
## 2707 PERSON
## 2708 CARDINAL
## 2709 GPE
## 2710 ORDINAL
## 2711 TIME
## 2712 ORG
## 2713 DATE
## 2714 DATE
## 2715 NORP
## 2716 DATE
## 2717 CARDINAL
## 2718 DATE
## 2719 ORG
## 2720 CARDINAL
## 2721 ORG
## 2722 NORP
## 2723 DATE
## 2724 ORG
## 2725 NORP
## 2726 ORG
## 2727 MONEY
## 2728 ORG
## 2729 CARDINAL
## 2730 DATE
## 2731 DATE
## 2732 DATE
## 2733 CARDINAL
## 2734 CARDINAL
## 2735 ORG
## 2736 ORG
## 2737 ORG
## 2738 DATE
## 2739 CARDINAL
## 2740 CARDINAL
## 2741 DATE
## 2742 ORDINAL
## 2743 ORG
## 2744 GPE
## 2745 GPE
## 2746 CARDINAL
## 2747 CARDINAL
## 2748 MONEY
## 2749 MONEY
## 2750 NORP
## 2751 TIME
## 2752 DATE
## 2753 GPE
## 2754 CARDINAL
## 2755 ORG
## 2756 NORP
## 2757 TIME
## 2758 ORDINAL
## 2759 PERSON
## 2760 ORG
## 2761 CARDINAL
## 2762 ORG
## 2763 DATE
## 2764 GPE
## 2765 ORG
## 2766 ORG
## 2767 DATE
## 2768 DATE
## 2769 DATE
## 2770 GPE
## 2771 DATE
## 2772 DATE
## 2773 DATE
## 2774 ORG
## 2775 GPE
## 2776 GPE
## 2777 GPE
## 2778 ORG
## 2779 DATE
## 2780 ORG
## 2781 GPE
## 2782 LOC
## 2783 CARDINAL
## 2784 NORP
## 2785 ORG
## 2786 GPE
## 2787 GPE
## 2788 ORG
## 2789 LOC
## 2790 DATE
## 2791 ORG
## 2792 GPE
## 2793 DATE
## 2794 PERSON
## 2795 GPE
## 2796 PERSON
## 2797 DATE
## 2798 GPE
## 2799 NORP
## 2800 ORG
## 2801 DATE
## 2802 PERSON
## 2803 DATE
## 2804 GPE
## 2805 GPE
## 2806 CARDINAL
## 2807 ORDINAL
## 2808 TIME
## 2809 ORG
## 2810 PERSON
## 2811 GPE
## 2812 GPE
## 2813 ORG
## 2814 DATE
## 2815 GPE
## 2816 ORG
## 2817 GPE
## 2818 DATE
## 2819 ORG
## 2820 DATE
## 2821 DATE
## 2822 ORDINAL
## 2823 PERSON
## 2824 CARDINAL
## 2825 PERSON
## 2826 PERSON
## 2827 PERSON
## 2828 PERSON
## 2829 ORG
## 2830 DATE
## 2831 PERSON
## 2832 DATE
## 2833 NORP
## 2834 ORG
## 2835 GPE
## 2836 EVENT
## 2837 PERSON
## 2838 NORP
## 2839 NORP
## 2840 PERSON
## 2841 DATE
## 2842 ORG
## 2843 ORG
## 2844 ORG
## 2845 DATE
## 2846 DATE
## 2847 LOC
## 2848 LOC
## 2849 LOC
## 2850 GPE
## 2851 GPE
## 2852 LOC
## 2853 GPE
## 2854 GPE
## 2855 GPE
## 2856 LOC
## 2857 GPE
## 2858 ORG
## 2859 GPE
## 2860 GPE
## 2861 GPE
## 2862 CARDINAL
## 2863 ORDINAL
## 2864 DATE
## 2865 DATE
## 2866 ORG
## 2867 PERSON
## 2868 PERSON
## 2869 ORG
## 2870 DATE
## 2871 ORG
## 2872 PERSON
## 2873 CARDINAL
## 2874 CARDINAL
## 2875 CARDINAL
## 2876 ORG
## 2877 TIME
## 2878 DATE
## 2879 ORG
## 2880 ORG
## 2881 ORG
## 2882 TIME
## 2883 ORG
## 2884 ORG
## 2885 ORDINAL
## 2886 ORG
## 2887 DATE
## 2888 DATE
## 2889 ORG
## 2890 GPE
## 2891 GPE
## 2892 NORP
## 2893 DATE
## 2894 LOC
## 2895 DATE
## 2896 GPE
## 2897 LOC
## 2898 DATE
## 2899 TIME
## 2900 DATE
## 2901 DATE
## 2902 GPE
## 2903 MONEY
## 2904 DATE
## 2905 NORP
## 2906 GPE
## 2907 GPE
## 2908 NORP
## 2909 NORP
## 2910 ORG
## 2911 CARDINAL
## 2912 CARDINAL
## 2913 GPE
## 2914 NORP
## 2915 NORP
## 2916 CARDINAL
## 2917 NORP
## 2918 CARDINAL
## 2919 GPE
## 2920 TIME
## 2921 NORP
## 2922 DATE
## 2923 GPE
## 2924 ORG
## 2925 ORG
## 2926 DATE
## 2927 DATE
## 2928 DATE
## 2929 PERSON
## 2930 ORG
## 2931 GPE
## 2932 DATE
## 2933 NORP
## 2934 DATE
## 2935 ORG
## 2936 DATE
## 2937 DATE
## 2938 DATE
## 2939 DATE
## 2940 PERSON
## 2941 DATE
## 2942 DATE
## 2943 DATE
## 2944 DATE
## 2945 TIME
## 2946 DATE
## 2947 DATE
## 2948 ORG
## 2949 ORG
## 2950 ORG
## 2951 NORP
## 2952 ORDINAL
## 2953 MONEY
## 2954 NORP
## 2955 CARDINAL
## 2956 ORG
## 2957 CARDINAL
## 2958 DATE
## 2959 DATE
## 2960 LOC
## 2961 DATE
## 2962 DATE
## 2963 CARDINAL
## 2964 DATE
## 2965 NORP
## 2966 CARDINAL
## 2967 TIME
## 2968 PERSON
## 2969 GPE
## 2970 GPE
## 2971 GPE
## 2972 GPE
## 2973 DATE
## 2974 PERSON
## 2975 DATE
## 2976 ORG
## 2977 WORK
## 2978 LAW
## 2979 LAW
## 2980 GPE
## 2981 NORP
## 2982 DATE
## 2983 GPE
## 2984 GPE
## 2985 CARDINAL
## 2986 DATE
## 2987 GPE
## 2988 PERSON
## 2989 ORG
## 2990 NORP
## 2991 TIME
## 2992 ORG
## 2993 ORG
## 2994 TIME
## 2995 CARDINAL
## 2996 PERSON
## 2997 PERSON
## 2998 CARDINAL
## 2999 LOC
## 3000 PERSON
## 3001 PERSON
## 3002 GPE
## 3003 CARDINAL
## 3004 DATE
## 3005 DATE
## 3006 ORDINAL
## 3007 DATE
## 3008 MONEY
## 3009 DATE
## 3010 MONEY
## 3011 DATE
## 3012 DATE
## 3013 DATE
## 3014 DATE
## 3015 GPE
## 3016 GPE
## 3017 GPE
## 3018 LOC
## 3019 PERSON
## 3020 ORG
## 3021 DATE
## 3022 DATE
## 3023 GPE
## 3024 NORP
## 3025 TIME
## 3026 GPE
## 3027 DATE
## 3028 DATE
## 3029 DATE
## 3030 GPE
## 3031 NORP
## 3032 DATE
## 3033 ORDINAL
## 3034 ORG
## 3035 DATE
## 3036 DATE
## 3037 PERSON
## 3038 ORG
## 3039 CARDINAL
## 3040 CARDINAL
## 3041 DATE
## 3042 ORG
## 3043 CARDINAL
## 3044 ORG
## 3045 ORG
## 3046 DATE
## 3047 DATE
## 3048 DATE
## 3049 ORG
## 3050 ORG
## 3051 NORP
## 3052 ORG
## 3053 ORG
## 3054 ORG
## 3055 PERCENT
## 3056 DATE
## 3057 ORG
## 3058 ORG
## 3059 ORG
## 3060 DATE
## 3061 ORG
## 3062 DATE
## 3063 ORG
## 3064 DATE
## 3065 TIME
## 3066 ORG
## 3067 NORP
## 3068 ORG
## 3069 DATE
## 3070 ORG
## 3071 ORG
## 3072 ORDINAL
## 3073 ORDINAL
## 3074 ORG
## 3075 ORG
## 3076 ORG
## 3077 DATE
## 3078 DATE
## 3079 TIME
## 3080 CARDINAL
## 3081 MONEY
## 3082 DATE
## 3083 ORG
## 3084 DATE
## 3085 ORG
## 3086 ORG
## 3087 DATE
## 3088 NORP
## 3089 DATE
## 3090 NORP
## 3091 ORG
## 3092 DATE
## 3093 CARDINAL
## 3094 ORG
## 3095 NORP
## 3096 ORG
## 3097 ORG
## 3098 DATE
## 3099 PERCENT
## 3100 NORP
## 3101 NORP
## 3102 GPE
## 3103 NORP
## 3104 MONEY
## 3105 GPE
## 3106 DATE
## 3107 DATE
## 3108 ORG
## 3109 ORG
## 3110 GPE
## 3111 PERCENT
## 3112 ORG
## 3113 PERCENT
## 3114 ORG
## 3115 DATE
## 3116 EVENT
## 3117 DATE
## 3118 ORG
## 3119 ORG
## 3120 GPE
## 3121 DATE
## 3122 DATE
## 3123 PERSON
## 3124 ORG
## 3125 MONEY
## 3126 NORP
## 3127 DATE
## 3128 NORP
## 3129 ORG
## 3130 MONEY
## 3131 DATE
## 3132 DATE
## 3133 CARDINAL
## 3134 ORDINAL
## 3135 ORDINAL
## 3136 ORDINAL
## 3137 DATE
## 3138 ORG
## 3139 MONEY
## 3140 ORDINAL
## 3141 DATE
## 3142 ORG
## 3143 ORDINAL
## 3144 CARDINAL
## 3145 DATE
## 3146 CARDINAL
## 3147 GPE
## 3148 DATE
## 3149 DATE
## 3150 GPE
## 3151 PERSON
## 3152 GPE
## 3153 GPE
## 3154 DATE
## 3155 MONEY
## 3156 ORDINAL
## 3157 DATE
## 3158 NORP
## 3159 GPE
## 3160 ORDINAL
## 3161 CARDINAL
## 3162 GPE
## 3163 DATE
## 3164 CARDINAL
## 3165 DATE
## 3166 CARDINAL
## 3167 DATE
## 3168 CARDINAL
## 3169 DATE
## 3170 DATE
## 3171 ORG
## 3172 DATE
## 3173 CARDINAL
## 3174 ORG
## 3175 CARDINAL
## 3176 DATE
## 3177 CARDINAL
## 3178 DATE
## 3179 DATE
## 3180 ORG
## 3181 ORG
## 3182 DATE
## 3183 MONEY
## 3184 NORP
## 3185 CARDINAL
## 3186 NORP
## 3187 ORG
## 3188 GPE
## 3189 PERSON
## 3190 GPE
## 3191 NORP
## 3192 CARDINAL
## 3193 NORP
## 3194 ORG
## 3195 ORG
## 3196 ORG
## 3197 NORP
## 3198 DATE
## 3199 ORG
## 3200 ORG
## 3201 DATE
## 3202 CARDINAL
## 3203 NORP
## 3204 DATE
## 3205 DATE
## 3206 ORG
## 3207 CARDINAL
## 3208 DATE
## 3209 ORG
## 3210 TIME
## 3211 PERSON
## 3212 PERSON
## 3213 PERSON
## 3214 PERSON
## 3215 CARDINAL
## 3216 DATE
## 3217 NORP
## 3218 DATE
## 3219 ORG
## 3220 PERSON
## 3221 ORG
## 3222 ORG
## 3223 MONEY
## 3224 ORG
## 3225 GPE
## 3226 PERSON
## 3227 TIME
## 3228 ORG
## 3229 ORG
## 3230 DATE
## 3231 GPE
## 3232 DATE
## 3233 NORP
## 3234 DATE
## 3235 ORG
## 3236 DATE
## 3237 DATE
## 3238 DATE
## 3239 NORP
## 3240 CARDINAL
## 3241 CARDINAL
## 3242 ORDINAL
## 3243 DATE
## 3244 CARDINAL
## 3245 DATE
## 3246 CARDINAL
## 3247 TIME
## 3248 CARDINAL
## 3249 CARDINAL
## 3250 CARDINAL
## 3251 GPE
## 3252 LOC
## 3253 NORP
## 3254 CARDINAL
## 3255 ORG
## 3256 MONEY
## 3257 WORK
## 3258 ORG
## 3259 DATE
## 3260 DATE
## 3261 DATE
## 3262 ORG
## 3263 ORG
## 3264 ORG
## 3265 DATE
## 3266 ORG
## 3267 NORP
## 3268 GPE
## 3269 DATE
## 3270 PERCENT
## 3271 DATE
## 3272 ORDINAL
## 3273 PRODUCT
## 3274 ORG
## 3275 ORG
## 3276 ORG
## 3277 DATE
## 3278 ORDINAL
## 3279 DATE
## 3280 DATE
## 3281 DATE
## 3282 LOC
## 3283 DATE
## 3284 GPE
## 3285 ORG
## 3286 DATE
## 3287 LOC
## 3288 DATE
## 3289 DATE
## 3290 GPE
## 3291 NORP
## 3292 ORG
## 3293 DATE
## 3294 GPE
## 3295 NORP
## 3296 MONEY
## 3297 ORG
## 3298 DATE
## 3299 GPE
## 3300 TIME
## 3301 ORG
## 3302 DATE
## 3303 DATE
## 3304 GPE
## 3305 NORP
## 3306 GPE
## 3307 NORP
## 3308 GPE
## 3309 ORG
## 3310 ORG
## 3311 GPE
## 3312 GPE
## 3313 NORP
## 3314 LOC
## 3315 DATE
## 3316 ORG
## 3317 ORG
## 3318 GPE
## 3319 NORP
## 3320 GPE
## 3321 DATE
## 3322 GPE
## 3323 PERSON
## 3324 GPE
## 3325 GPE
## 3326 GPE
## 3327 GPE
## 3328 GPE
## 3329 GPE
## 3330 GPE
## 3331 GPE
## 3332 GPE
## 3333 GPE
## 3334 NORP
## 3335 CARDINAL
## 3336 DATE
## 3337 GPE
## 3338 PERCENT
## 3339 DATE
## 3340 LAW
## 3341 ORG
## 3342 DATE
## 3343 GPE
## 3344 GPE
## 3345 PERSON
## 3346 DATE
## 3347 GPE
## 3348 DATE
## 3349 GPE
## 3350 PERSON
## 3351 DATE
## 3352 ORG
## 3353 PRODUCT
## 3354 GPE
## 3355 PERSON
## 3356 TIME
## 3357 PERSON
## 3358 DATE
## 3359 DATE
## 3360 MONEY
## 3361 DATE
## 3362 GPE
## 3363 CARDINAL
## 3364 GPE
## 3365 DATE
## 3366 GPE
## 3367 ORG
## 3368 GPE
## 3369 GPE
## 3370 ORG
## 3371 ORG
## 3372 LOC
## 3373 LOC
## 3374 ORG
## 3375 GPE
## 3376 GPE
## 3377 NORP
## 3378 GPE
## 3379 GPE
## 3380 DATE
## 3381 TIME
## 3382 NORP
## 3383 GPE
## 3384 GPE
## 3385 GPE
## 3386 DATE
## 3387 LOC
## 3388 NORP
## 3389 ORG
## 3390 GPE
## 3391 EVENT
## 3392 LOC
## 3393 LOC
## 3394 GPE
## 3395 NORP
## 3396 NORP
## 3397 NORP
## 3398 ORG
## 3399 ORDINAL
## 3400 PERSON
## 3401 CARDINAL
## 3402 CARDINAL
## 3403 NORP
## 3404 GPE
## 3405 PERSON
## 3406 NORP
## 3407 NORP
## 3408 PERSON
## 3409 CARDINAL
## 3410 TIME
## 3411 DATE
## 3412 GPE
## 3413 DATE
## 3414 CARDINAL
## 3415 PERSON
## 3416 QUANTITY
## 3417 DATE
## 3418 DATE
## 3419 TIME
## 3420 DATE
## 3421 CARDINAL
## 3422 ORG
## 3423 DATE
## 3424 PERSON
## 3425 DATE
## 3426 NORP
## 3427 GPE
## 3428 GPE
## 3429 GPE
## 3430 GPE
## 3431 GPE
## 3432 PERSON
## 3433 GPE
## 3434 GPE
## 3435 ORG
## 3436 GPE
## 3437 DATE
## 3438 ORG
## 3439 TIME
## 3440 ORDINAL
## 3441 ORG
## 3442 DATE
## 3443 PERSON
## 3444 DATE
## 3445 ORG
## 3446 GPE
## 3447 GPE
## 3448 GPE
## 3449 DATE
## 3450 DATE
## 3451 ORG
## 3452 QUANTITY
## 3453 DATE
## 3454 CARDINAL
## 3455 ORDINAL
## 3456 MONEY
## 3457 ORDINAL
## 3458 MONEY
## 3459 GPE
## 3460 ORG
## 3461 DATE
## 3462 DATE
## 3463 CARDINAL
## 3464 NORP
## 3465 ORG
## 3466 GPE
## 3467 ORG
## 3468 NORP
## 3469 GPE
## 3470 ORG
## 3471 DATE
## 3472 DATE
## 3473 ORG
## 3474 ORG
## 3475 PERSON
## 3476 PERSON
## 3477 ORG
## 3478 ORG
## 3479 ORG
## 3480 NORP
## 3481 DATE
## 3482 DATE
## 3483 DATE
## 3484 NORP
## 3485 EVENT
## 3486 DATE
## 3487 DATE
## 3488 DATE
## 3489 PERSON
## 3490 GPE
## 3491 ORDINAL
## 3492 TIME
## 3493 ORG
## 3494 TIME
## 3495 ORG
## 3496 LAW
## 3497 GPE
## 3498 NORP
## 3499 GPE
## 3500 NORP
## 3501 LANGUAGE
## 3502 GPE
## 3503 LOC
## 3504 GPE
## 3505 DATE
## 3506 DATE
## 3507 DATE
## 3508 GPE
## 3509 CARDINAL
## 3510 GPE
## 3511 DATE
## 3512 DATE
## 3513 ORDINAL
## 3514 TIME
## 3515 ORG
## 3516 DATE
## 3517 ORG
## 3518 DATE
## 3519 GPE
## 3520 PERSON
## 3521 PERSON
## 3522 PERSON
## 3523 TIME
## 3524 DATE
## 3525 ORG
## 3526 CARDINAL
## 3527 PERSON
## 3528 DATE
## 3529 GPE
## 3530 CARDINAL
## 3531 GPE
## 3532 NORP
## 3533 TIME
## 3534 DATE
## 3535 NORP
## 3536 DATE
## 3537 NORP
## 3538 CARDINAL
## 3539 DATE
## 3540 DATE
## 3541 GPE
## 3542 DATE
## 3543 TIME
## 3544 NORP
## 3545 DATE
## 3546 TIME
## 3547 NORP
## 3548 ORG
## 3549 TIME
## 3550 PERSON
## 3551 ORG
## 3552 NORP
## 3553 PERSON
## 3554 DATE
## 3555 CARDINAL
## 3556 DATE
## 3557 DATE
## 3558 DATE
## 3559 NORP
## 3560 NORP
## 3561 ORDINAL
## 3562 DATE
## 3563 DATE
## 3564 GPE
## 3565 NORP
## 3566 PERCENT
## 3567 DATE
## 3568 DATE
## 3569 PERCENT
## 3570 CARDINAL
## 3571 DATE
## 3572 NORP
## 3573 NORP
## 3574 DATE
## 3575 NORP
## 3576 DATE
## 3577 PERSON
## 3578 PERSON
## 3579 NORP
## 3580 NORP
## 3581 DATE
## 3582 CARDINAL
## 3583 PERSON
## 3584 CARDINAL
## 3585 CARDINAL
## 3586 NORP
## 3587 CARDINAL
## 3588 NORP
## 3589 ORG
## 3590 DATE
## 3591 DATE
## 3592 GPE
## 3593 NORP
## 3594 DATE
## 3595 DATE
## 3596 NORP
## 3597 TIME
## 3598 DATE
## 3599 PERSON
## 3600 TIME
## 3601 DATE
## 3602 GPE
## 3603 GPE
## 3604 NORP
## 3605 GPE
## 3606 LOC
## 3607 ORDINAL
## 3608 DATE
## 3609 NORP
## 3610 GPE
## 3611 CARDINAL
## 3612 DATE
## 3613 DATE
## 3614 ORDINAL
## 3615 DATE
## 3616 DATE
## 3617 ORG
## 3618 TIME
## 3619 DATE
## 3620 DATE
## 3621 DATE
## 3622 DATE
## 3623 GPE
## 3624 ORDINAL
## 3625 PERSON
## 3626 DATE
## 3627 DATE
## 3628 LAW
## 3629 ORDINAL
## 3630 ORG
## 3631 TIME
## 3632 PERSON
## 3633 GPE
## 3634 CARDINAL
## 3635 NORP
## 3636 ORG
## 3637 ORG
## 3638 TIME
## 3639 ORG
## 3640 ORG
## 3641 DATE
## 3642 ORDINAL
## 3643 DATE
## 3644 DATE
## 3645 ORG
## 3646 DATE
## 3647 ORG
## 3648 MONEY
## 3649 GPE
## 3650 DATE
## 3651 DATE
## 3652 TIME
## 3653 MONEY
## 3654 DATE
## 3655 ORG
## 3656 CARDINAL
## 3657 TIME
## 3658 TIME
## 3659 CARDINAL
## 3660 GPE
## 3661 DATE
## 3662 CARDINAL
## 3663 CARDINAL
## 3664 DATE
## 3665 DATE
## 3666 PERCENT
## 3667 DATE
## 3668 CARDINAL
## 3669 PERCENT
## 3670 CARDINAL
## 3671 TIME
## 3672 CARDINAL
## 3673 CARDINAL
## 3674 CARDINAL
## 3675 NORP
## 3676 DATE
## 3677 PERSON
## 3678 ORG
## 3679 ORG
## 3680 CARDINAL
## 3681 PERCENT
## 3682 PERCENT
## 3683 DATE
## 3684 CARDINAL
## 3685 MONEY
## 3686 MONEY
## 3687 ORG
## 3688 DATE
## 3689 DATE
## 3690 DATE
## 3691 DATE
## 3692 DATE
## 3693 ORG
## 3694 CARDINAL
## 3695 CARDINAL
## 3696 NORP
## 3697 DATE
## 3698 TIME
## 3699 PERSON
## 3700 GPE
## 3701 DATE
## 3702 ORG
## 3703 DATE
## 3704 ORG
## 3705 ORG
## 3706 ORG
## 3707 MONEY
## 3708 ORG
## 3709 DATE
## 3710 ORG
## 3711 DATE
## 3712 CARDINAL
## 3713 CARDINAL
## 3714 CARDINAL
## 3715 NORP
## 3716 NORP
## 3717 DATE
## 3718 MONEY
## 3719 DATE
## 3720 MONEY
## 3721 DATE
## 3722 ORDINAL
## 3723 ORG
## 3724 DATE
## 3725 DATE
## 3726 PERSON
## 3727 DATE
## 3728 ORG
## 3729 DATE
## 3730 NORP
## 3731 ORG
## 3732 ORG
## 3733 ORDINAL
## 3734 ORG
## 3735 DATE
## 3736 ORG
## 3737 MONEY
## 3738 NORP
## 3739 DATE
## 3740 ORG
## 3741 CARDINAL
## 3742 CARDINAL
## 3743 DATE
## 3744 CARDINAL
## 3745 MONEY
## 3746 DATE
## 3747 DATE
## 3748 MONEY
## 3749 ORG
## 3750 DATE
## 3751 CARDINAL
## 3752 CARDINAL
## 3753 MONEY
## 3754 MONEY
## 3755 CARDINAL
## 3756 NORP
## 3757 ORG
## 3758 ORG
## 3759 LAW
## 3760 GPE
## 3761 ORDINAL
## 3762 DATE
## 3763 CARDINAL
## 3764 CARDINAL
## 3765 NORP
## 3766 CARDINAL
## 3767 DATE
## 3768 PERSON
## 3769 GPE
## 3770 GPE
## 3771 CARDINAL
## 3772 PERSON
## 3773 TIME
## 3774 PERSON
## 3775 DATE
## 3776 ORG
## 3777 DATE
## 3778 DATE
## 3779 PERSON
## 3780 TIME
## 3781 ORG
## 3782 ORG
## 3783 GPE
## 3784 DATE
## 3785 GPE
## 3786 DATE
## 3787 ORG
## 3788 CARDINAL
## 3789 CARDINAL
## 3790 ORG
## 3791 ORG
## 3792 PERSON
## 3793 ORG
## 3794 NORP
## 3795 ORG
## 3796 PERSON
## 3797 DATE
## 3798 ORG
## 3799 PERSON
## 3800 DATE
## 3801 ORG
## 3802 PERSON
## 3803 TIME
## 3804 PERSON
## 3805 PERSON
## 3806 PERCENT
## 3807 GPE
## 3808 ORG
## 3809 PERSON
## 3810 ORG
## 3811 DATE
## 3812 GPE
## 3813 CARDINAL
## 3814 CARDINAL
## 3815 ORG
## 3816 TIME
## 3817 ORG
## 3818 GPE
## 3819 DATE
## 3820 GPE
## 3821 NORP
## 3822 DATE
## 3823 LOC
## 3824 LOC
## 3825 ORG
## 3826 TIME
## 3827 GPE
## 3828 ORG
## 3829 GPE
## 3830 TIME
## 3831 MONEY
## 3832 DATE
## 3833 NORP
## 3834 NORP
## 3835 NORP
## 3836 PERSON
## 3837 DATE
## 3838 PERSON
## 3839 GPE
## 3840 PERSON
## 3841 NORP
## 3842 LOC
## 3843 MONEY
## 3844 LOC
## 3845 MONEY
## 3846 NORP
## 3847 DATE
## 3848 ORDINAL
## 3849 NORP
## 3850 TIME
## 3851 NORP
## 3852 TIME
## 3853 DATE
## 3854 DATE
## 3855 DATE
## 3856 CARDINAL
## 3857 DATE
## 3858 TIME
## 3859 DATE
## 3860 GPE
## 3861 GPE
## 3862 NORP
## 3863 LOC
## 3864 GPE
## 3865 DATE
## 3866 GPE
## 3867 GPE
## 3868 DATE
## 3869 GPE
## 3870 GPE
## 3871 GPE
## 3872 DATE
## 3873 CARDINAL
## 3874 NORP
## 3875 NORP
## 3876 LOC
## 3877 NORP
## 3878 ORDINAL
## 3879 DATE
## 3880 GPE
## 3881 TIME
## 3882 NORP
## 3883 GPE
## 3884 ORG
## 3885 GPE
## 3886 ORG
## 3887 GPE
## 3888 DATE
## 3889 CARDINAL
## 3890 ORDINAL
## 3891 GPE
## 3892 GPE
## 3893 ORDINAL
## 3894 LOC
## 3895 GPE
## 3896 GPE
## 3897 ORDINAL
## 3898 LOC
## 3899 GPE
## 3900 GPE
## 3901 LOC
## 3902 GPE
## 3903 GPE
## 3904 GPE
## 3905 GPE
## 3906 ORG
## 3907 GPE
## 3908 CARDINAL
## 3909 PERSON
## 3910 GPE
## 3911 PERSON
## 3912 NORP
## 3913 GPE
## 3914 ORG
## 3915 GPE
## 3916 NORP
## 3917 PERSON
## 3918 PERSON
## 3919 ORDINAL
## 3920 DATE
## 3921 GPE
## 3922 GPE
## 3923 GPE
## 3924 LAW
## 3925 GPE
## 3926 DATE
## 3927 ORG
## 3928 DATE
## 3929 GPE
## 3930 GPE
## 3931 DATE
## 3932 DATE
## 3933 GPE
## 3934 GPE
## 3935 DATE
## 3936 GPE
## 3937 GPE
## 3938 LOC
## 3939 DATE
## 3940 ORG
## 3941 GPE
## 3942 GPE
## 3943 DATE
## 3944 LOC
## 3945 CARDINAL
## 3946 MONEY
## 3947 DATE
## 3948 ORG
## 3949 CARDINAL
## 3950 DATE
## 3951 ORG
## 3952 TIME
## 3953 NORP
## 3954 NORP
## 3955 NORP
## 3956 CARDINAL
## 3957 ORDINAL
## 3958 ORG
## 3959 PERSON
## 3960 PERSON
## 3961 NORP
## 3962 PERSON
## 3963 CARDINAL
## 3964 CARDINAL
## 3965 CARDINAL
## 3966 DATE
## 3967 QUANTITY
## 3968 CARDINAL
## 3969 TIME
## 3970 GPE
## 3971 ORG
## 3972 ORG
## 3973 DATE
## 3974 ORG
## 3975 TIME
## 3976 DATE
## 3977 DATE
## 3978 PERSON
## 3979 NORP
## 3980 CARDINAL
## 3981 FAC
## 3982 DATE
## 3983 DATE
## 3984 DATE
## 3985 DATE
## 3986 GPE
## 3987 ORG
## 3988 DATE
## 3989 QUANTITY
## 3990 QUANTITY
## 3991 QUANTITY
## 3992 ORG
## 3993 GPE
## 3994 DATE
## 3995 DATE
## 3996 ORDINAL
## 3997 NORP
## 3998 ORG
## 3999 PERSON
## 4000 PERCENT
## 4001 PERCENT
## 4002 CARDINAL
## 4003 DATE
## 4004 MONEY
## 4005 DATE
## 4006 ORDINAL
## 4007 DATE
## 4008 DATE
## 4009 ORDINAL
## 4010 DATE
## 4011 GPE
## 4012 ORG
## 4013 ORG
## 4014 CARDINAL
## 4015 CARDINAL
## 4016 GPE
## 4017 NORP
## 4018 NORP
## 4019 ORDINAL
## 4020 ORDINAL
## 4021 NORP
## 4022 TIME
## 4023 LANGUAGE
## 4024 DATE
## 4025 DATE
## 4026 GPE
## 4027 DATE
## 4028 GPE
## 4029 ORG
## 4030 ORG
## 4031 GPE
## 4032 DATE
## 4033 GPE
## 4034 GPE
## 4035 DATE
## 4036 NORP
## 4037 NORP
## 4038 NORP
## 4039 NORP
## 4040 LAW
## 4041 ORG
## 4042 TIME
## 4043 NORP
## 4044 DATE
## 4045 ORG
## 4046 PERSON
## 4047 DATE
## 4048 TIME
## 4049 PERSON
## 4050 CARDINAL
## 4051 DATE
## 4052 FAC
## 4053 PERSON
## 4054 PERCENT
## 4055 NORP
## 4056 ORG
## 4057 TIME
## 4058 DATE
## 4059 NORP
## 4060 ORG
## 4061 LAW
## 4062 GPE
## 4063 PERSON
## 4064 FAC
## 4065 ORG
## 4066 ORG
## 4067 PERSON
## 4068 DATE
## 4069 ORG
## 4070 PERSON
## 4071 DATE
## 4072 NORP
## 4073 PERSON
## 4074 PERSON
## 4075 DATE
## 4076 NORP
## 4077 GPE
## 4078 GPE
The following entities are recognized (overview taken from this article):
- PERSON: People, including fictional.
- NORP: Nationalities or religious or political groups.
- FAC: Buildings, airports, highways, bridges, etc.
- ORG: Companies, agencies, institutions, etc.
- GPE: Countries, cities, states.
- LOC: Non-GPE locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water.
- PRODUCT: Objects, vehicles, foods, etc. (Not services.)
- EVENT: Named hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc.
- WORK_OF_ART: Titles of books, songs, etc.
- LAW: Named documents made into laws.
- LANGUAGE: Any named language.
- DATE: Absolute or relative dates or periods.
- TIME: Times smaller than a day.
- PERCENT: Percentage, including “%”.
- MONEY: Monetary values, including unit.
- QUANTITY: Measurements, as of weight or distance.
- ORDINAL: “first,” “second,” etc.
- CARDINAL: Numerals that do not fall under another type.
To properly represent entities in our corpus, you can use entity_consolidate()
. This collapses words that belong to the same entity into single tokens (e.g., “the” “white” “house” becomes “the_white_house”).
## Note: removing head_token_id, dep_rel for named entities
## doc_id sentence_id token_id token
## 1 1990 1 1 \n\n
## 2 1990 1 2 Mr.
## 3 1990 1 3 President
## 4 1990 1 4 ,
## 5 1990 1 5 Mr.
## 6 1990 1 6 Speaker
## 7 1990 1 7 ,
## 8 1990 1 8 Members
## 9 1990 1 9 of
## 10 1990 1 10 the_United_States
## 11 1990 1 11 Congress
## 12 1990 1 12 :
## 13 1990 1 13 \n\n
## 14 1990 1 14 I
## 15 1990 1 15 return
## 16 1990 1 16 as
## 17 1990 1 17 a
## 18 1990 1 18 former
## 19 1990 1 19 President
## 20 1990 1 20 of
## 21 1990 1 21 the
## 22 1990 1 22 Senate
## 23 1990 1 23 and
## 24 1990 1 24 a
## 25 1990 1 25 former
## 26 1990 1 26 Member
## 27 1990 1 27 of
## 28 1990 1 28 this
## 29 1990 1 29 great
## 30 1990 1 30 House
## 31 1990 1 31 .
## 32 1990 2 1 And
## 33 1990 2 2 now
## 34 1990 2 3 ,
## 35 1990 2 4 as
## 36 1990 2 5 President
## 37 1990 2 6 ,
## 38 1990 2 7 it
## 39 1990 2 8 is
## 40 1990 2 9 my
## 41 1990 2 10 privilege
## 42 1990 2 11 to
## 43 1990 2 12 report
## 44 1990 2 13 to
## 45 1990 2 14 you
## 46 1990 2 15 on
## 47 1990 2 16 the
## 48 1990 2 17 state
## 49 1990 2 18 of
## 50 1990 2 19 the
## 51 1990 2 20 Union
## 52 1990 2 21 .
## 53 1990 3 1 \n\n
## 54 1990 3 2 Tonight
## 55 1990 3 3 I
## 56 1990 3 4 come
## 57 1990 3 5 not
## 58 1990 3 6 to
## 59 1990 3 7 speak
## 60 1990 3 8 about
## 61 1990 3 9 the
## 62 1990 3 10 state
## 63 1990 3 11 of
## 64 1990 3 12 the
## 65 1990 3 13 Government
## 66 1990 3 14 ,
## 67 1990 3 15 not
## 68 1990 3 16 to
## 69 1990 3 17 detail
## 70 1990 3 18 every
## 71 1990 3 19 new
## 72 1990 3 20 initiative
## 73 1990 3 21 we
## 74 1990 3 22 plan
## 75 1990 3 23 for
## 76 1990 3 24 the_coming_year
## 77 1990 3 25 nor
## 78 1990 3 26 to
## 79 1990 3 27 describe
## 80 1990 3 28 every
## 81 1990 3 29 line
## 82 1990 3 30 in
## 83 1990 3 31 the
## 84 1990 3 32 budget
## 85 1990 3 33 .
## 86 1990 4 1 I
## 87 1990 4 2 'm
## 88 1990 4 3 here
## 89 1990 4 4 to
## 90 1990 4 5 speak
## 91 1990 4 6 to
## 92 1990 4 7 you
## 93 1990 4 8 and
## 94 1990 4 9 to
## 95 1990 4 10 the
## 96 1990 4 11 American
## 97 1990 4 12 people
## 98 1990 4 13 about
## 99 1990 4 14 the
## 100 1990 4 15 state
## 101 1990 4 16 of
## 102 1990 4 17 the
## 103 1990 4 18 Union
## 104 1990 4 19 ,
## 105 1990 4 20 about
## 106 1990 4 21 our
## 107 1990 4 22 world
## 108 1990 4 23 --
## 109 1990 4 24 the
## 110 1990 4 25 changes
## 111 1990 4 26 we
## 112 1990 4 27 've
## 113 1990 4 28 seen
## 114 1990 4 29 ,
## 115 1990 4 30 the
## 116 1990 4 31 challenges
## 117 1990 4 32 we
## 118 1990 4 33 face
## 119 1990 4 34 --
## 120 1990 4 35 and
## 121 1990 4 36 what
## 122 1990 4 37 that
## 123 1990 4 38 means
## 124 1990 4 39 for
## 125 1990 4 40 America
## 126 1990 4 41 .
## 127 1990 5 1 \n\n
## 128 1990 5 2 There
## 129 1990 5 3 are
## 130 1990 5 4 singular
## 131 1990 5 5 moments
## 132 1990 5 6 in
## 133 1990 5 7 history
## 134 1990 5 8 ,
## 135 1990 5 9 dates
## 136 1990 5 10 that
## 137 1990 5 11 divide
## 138 1990 5 12 all
## 139 1990 5 13 that
## 140 1990 5 14 goes
## 141 1990 5 15 before
## 142 1990 5 16 from
## 143 1990 5 17 all
## 144 1990 5 18 that
## 145 1990 5 19 comes
## 146 1990 5 20 after
## 147 1990 5 21 .
## 148 1990 6 1 And
## 149 1990 6 2 many
## 150 1990 6 3 of
## 151 1990 6 4 us
## 152 1990 6 5 in
## 153 1990 6 6 this
## 154 1990 6 7 Chamber
## 155 1990 6 8 have
## 156 1990 6 9 lived
## 157 1990 6 10 much
## 158 1990 6 11 of
## 159 1990 6 12 our
## 160 1990 6 13 lives
## 161 1990 6 14 in
## 162 1990 6 15 a
## 163 1990 6 16 world
## 164 1990 6 17 whose
## 165 1990 6 18 fundamental
## 166 1990 6 19 features
## 167 1990 6 20 were
## 168 1990 6 21 defined
## 169 1990 6 22 in
## 170 1990 6 23 1945
## 171 1990 6 24 ;
## 172 1990 6 25 and
## 173 1990 6 26 the
## 174 1990 6 27 events
## 175 1990 6 28 of
## 176 1990 6 29 that_year
## 177 1990 6 30 decreed
## 178 1990 6 31 the
## 179 1990 6 32 shape
## 180 1990 6 33 of
## 181 1990 6 34 nations
## 182 1990 6 35 ,
## 183 1990 6 36 the
## 184 1990 6 37 pace
## 185 1990 6 38 of
## 186 1990 6 39 progress
## 187 1990 6 40 ,
## 188 1990 6 41 freedom
## 189 1990 6 42 or
## 190 1990 6 43 oppression
## 191 1990 6 44 for
## 192 1990 6 45 millions
## 193 1990 6 46 of
## 194 1990 6 47 people
## 195 1990 6 48 around
## 196 1990 6 49 the
## 197 1990 6 50 world
## 198 1990 6 51 .
## 199 1990 7 1 \n\n
## 200 1990 7 2 Nineteen
## 201 1990 7 3 forty_-_five
## 202 1990 7 4 provided
## 203 1990 7 5 the
## 204 1990 7 6 common
## 205 1990 7 7 frame
## 206 1990 7 8 of
## 207 1990 7 9 reference
## 208 1990 7 10 ,
## 209 1990 7 11 the
## 210 1990 7 12 compass
## 211 1990 7 13 points
## 212 1990 7 14 of
## 213 1990 7 15 the
## 214 1990 7 16 postwar
## 215 1990 7 17 era
## 216 1990 7 18 we
## 217 1990 7 19 've
## 218 1990 7 20 relied
## 219 1990 7 21 upon
## 220 1990 7 22 to
## 221 1990 7 23 understand
## 222 1990 7 24 ourselves
## 223 1990 7 25 .
## 224 1990 8 1 And
## 225 1990 8 2 that
## 226 1990 8 3 was
## 227 1990 8 4 our
## 228 1990 8 5 world
## 229 1990 8 6 ,
## 230 1990 8 7 until
## 231 1990 8 8 now
## 232 1990 8 9 .
## 233 1990 9 1 The
## 234 1990 9 2 events
## 235 1990 9 3 of
## 236 1990 9 4 the_year
## 237 1990 9 5 just
## 238 1990 9 6 ended
## 239 1990 9 7 ,
## 240 1990 9 8 the
## 241 1990 9 9 Revolution
## 242 1990 9 10 of
## 243 1990 9 11 '
## 244 1990 9 12 89
## 245 1990 9 13 ,
## 246 1990 9 14 have
## 247 1990 9 15 been
## 248 1990 9 16 a
## 249 1990 9 17 chain
## 250 1990 9 18 reaction
## 251 1990 9 19 ,
## 252 1990 9 20 changes
## 253 1990 9 21 so
## 254 1990 9 22 striking
## 255 1990 9 23 that
## 256 1990 9 24 it
## 257 1990 9 25 marks
## 258 1990 9 26 the
## 259 1990 9 27 beginning
## 260 1990 9 28 of
## 261 1990 9 29 a
## 262 1990 9 30 new
## 263 1990 9 31 era
## 264 1990 9 32 in
## 265 1990 9 33 the
## 266 1990 9 34 world
## 267 1990 9 35 's
## 268 1990 9 36 affairs
## 269 1990 9 37 .
## 270 1990 10 1 \n\n
## 271 1990 10 2 Think
## 272 1990 10 3 back
## 273 1990 10 4 --
## 274 1990 10 5 think
## 275 1990 10 6 back
## 276 1990 10 7 just
## 277 1990 10 8 12_short_months_ago
## 278 1990 10 9 to
## 279 1990 10 10 the
## 280 1990 10 11 world
## 281 1990 10 12 we
## 282 1990 10 13 knew
## 283 1990 10 14 as
## 284 1990 10 15 1989
## 285 1990 10 16 began
## 286 1990 10 17 .
## 287 1990 11 1 \n\n
## 288 1990 11 2 One
## 289 1990 11 3 year
## 290 1990 11 4 --
## 291 1990 11 5 one_year_ago
## 292 1990 11 6 ,
## 293 1990 11 7 the
## 294 1990 11 8 people
## 295 1990 11 9 of
## 296 1990 11 10 Panama
## 297 1990 11 11 lived
## 298 1990 11 12 in
## 299 1990 11 13 fear
## 300 1990 11 14 ,
## 301 1990 11 15 under
## 302 1990 11 16 the
## 303 1990 11 17 thumb
## 304 1990 11 18 of
## 305 1990 11 19 a
## 306 1990 11 20 dictator
## 307 1990 11 21 .
## 308 1990 12 1 Today
## 309 1990 12 2 democracy
## 310 1990 12 3 is
## 311 1990 12 4 restored
## 312 1990 12 5 ;
## 313 1990 12 6 Panama
## 314 1990 12 7 is
## 315 1990 12 8 free
## 316 1990 12 9 .
## 317 1990 13 1 Operation
## 318 1990 13 2 Just
## 319 1990 13 3 Cause
## 320 1990 13 4 has
## 321 1990 13 5 achieved
## 322 1990 13 6 its
## 323 1990 13 7 objective
## 324 1990 13 8 .
## 325 1990 14 1 The
## 326 1990 14 2 number
## 327 1990 14 3 of
## 328 1990 14 4 military
## 329 1990 14 5 personnel
## 330 1990 14 6 in
## 331 1990 14 7 Panama
## 332 1990 14 8 is
## 333 1990 14 9 now
## 334 1990 14 10 very
## 335 1990 14 11 close
## 336 1990 14 12 to
## 337 1990 14 13 what
## 338 1990 14 14 it
## 339 1990 14 15 was
## 340 1990 14 16 before
## 341 1990 14 17 the
## 342 1990 14 18 operation
## 343 1990 14 19 began
## 344 1990 14 20 .
## 345 1990 15 1 And
## 346 1990 15 2 tonight
## 347 1990 15 3 I
## 348 1990 15 4 am
## 349 1990 15 5 announcing
## 350 1990 15 6 that
## 351 1990 15 7 well
## 352 1990 15 8 before
## 353 1990 15 9 the_end_of_February
## 354 1990 15 10 ,
## 355 1990 15 11 the
## 356 1990 15 12 additional
## 357 1990 15 13 numbers
## 358 1990 15 14 of
## 359 1990 15 15 American
## 360 1990 15 16 troops
## 361 1990 15 17 ,
## 362 1990 15 18 the
## 363 1990 15 19 brave
## 364 1990 15 20 men
## 365 1990 15 21 and
## 366 1990 15 22 women
## 367 1990 15 23 of
## 368 1990 15 24 our
## 369 1990 15 25 Armed
## 370 1990 15 26 Forces
## 371 1990 15 27 who
## 372 1990 15 28 made
## 373 1990 15 29 this
## 374 1990 15 30 mission
## 375 1990 15 31 a
## 376 1990 15 32 success
## 377 1990 15 33 ,
## 378 1990 15 34 will
## 379 1990 15 35 be
## 380 1990 15 36 back
## 381 1990 15 37 home
## 382 1990 15 38 .
## 383 1990 16 1 \n\n
## 384 1990 16 2 A_year_ago
## 385 1990 16 3 in
## 386 1990 16 4 Poland
## 387 1990 16 5 ,
## 388 1990 16 6 Lech_Walesa
## 389 1990 16 7 declared
## 390 1990 16 8 that
## 391 1990 16 9 he
## 392 1990 16 10 was
## 393 1990 16 11 ready
## 394 1990 16 12 to
## 395 1990 16 13 open
## 396 1990 16 14 a
## 397 1990 16 15 dialog
## 398 1990 16 16 with
## 399 1990 16 17 the
## 400 1990 16 18 Communist
## 401 1990 16 19 rulers
## 402 1990 16 20 of
## 403 1990 16 21 that
## 404 1990 16 22 country
## 405 1990 16 23 ;
## 406 1990 16 24 and
## 407 1990 16 25 today
## 408 1990 16 26 ,
## 409 1990 16 27 with
## 410 1990 16 28 the
## 411 1990 16 29 future
## 412 1990 16 30 of
## 413 1990 16 31 a
## 414 1990 16 32 free
## 415 1990 16 33 Poland
## 416 1990 16 34 in
## 417 1990 16 35 their
## 418 1990 16 36 own
## 419 1990 16 37 hands
## 420 1990 16 38 ,
## 421 1990 16 39 members
## 422 1990 16 40 of
## 423 1990 16 41 Solidarity
## 424 1990 16 42 lead
## 425 1990 16 43 the_Polish_Government
## 426 1990 16 44 .
## 427 1990 17 1 \n\n
## 428 1990 17 2 A_year_ago
## 429 1990 17 3 ,
## 430 1990 17 4 freedom
## 431 1990 17 5 's
## 432 1990 17 6 playwright
## 433 1990 17 7 ,
## 434 1990 17 8 Vaclav_Havel
## 435 1990 17 9 ,
## 436 1990 17 10 languished
## 437 1990 17 11 as
## 438 1990 17 12 a
## 439 1990 17 13 prisoner
## 440 1990 17 14 in
## 441 1990 17 15 Prague
## 442 1990 17 16 .
## 443 1990 18 1 And
## 444 1990 18 2 today
## 445 1990 18 3 it
## 446 1990 18 4 's
## 447 1990 18 5 Vaclav_Havel
## 448 1990 18 6 ,
## 449 1990 18 7 President
## 450 1990 18 8 of
## 451 1990 18 9 Czechoslovakia
## 452 1990 18 10 .
## 453 1990 19 1 \n\n
## 454 1990 19 2 And
## 455 1990 19 3 1_year_ago
## 456 1990 19 4 ,
## 457 1990 19 5 Erich_Honecker
## 458 1990 19 6 of
## 459 1990 19 7 East_Germany
## 460 1990 19 8 claimed
## 461 1990 19 9 history
## 462 1990 19 10 as
## 463 1990 19 11 his
## 464 1990 19 12 guide
## 465 1990 19 13 ,
## 466 1990 19 14 and
## 467 1990 19 15 he
## 468 1990 19 16 predicted
## 469 1990 19 17 the_Berlin_Wall
## 470 1990 19 18 would
## 471 1990 19 19 last
## 472 1990 19 20 another_hundred_years
## 473 1990 19 21 .
## 474 1990 20 1 And
## 475 1990 20 2 today
## 476 1990 20 3 ,
## 477 1990 20 4 less_than_1_year_later
## 478 1990 20 5 ,
## 479 1990 20 6 it
## 480 1990 20 7 's
## 481 1990 20 8 the
## 482 1990 20 9 Wall
## 483 1990 20 10 that
## 484 1990 20 11 's
## 485 1990 20 12 history
## 486 1990 20 13 .
## 487 1990 21 1 \n\n
## 488 1990 21 2 Remarkable
## 489 1990 21 3 events
## 490 1990 21 4 --
## 491 1990 21 5 events
## 492 1990 21 6 that
## 493 1990 21 7 fulfill
## 494 1990 21 8 the
## 495 1990 21 9 long
## 496 1990 21 10 -
## 497 1990 21 11 held
## 498 1990 21 12 hopes
## 499 1990 21 13 of
## 500 1990 21 14 the
## 501 1990 21 15 American
## 502 1990 21 16 people
## 503 1990 21 17 ;
## 504 1990 21 18 events
## 505 1990 21 19 that
## 506 1990 21 20 validate
## 507 1990 21 21 the
## 508 1990 21 22 longstanding
## 509 1990 21 23 goals
## 510 1990 21 24 of
## 511 1990 21 25 American
## 512 1990 21 26 policy
## 513 1990 21 27 ,
## 514 1990 21 28 a
## 515 1990 21 29 policy
## 516 1990 21 30 based
## 517 1990 21 31 on
## 518 1990 21 32 a
## 519 1990 21 33 single
## 520 1990 21 34 ,
## 521 1990 21 35 shining
## 522 1990 21 36 principle
## 523 1990 21 37 :
## 524 1990 21 38 the
## 525 1990 21 39 cause
## 526 1990 21 40 of
## 527 1990 21 41 freedom
## 528 1990 21 42 .
## 529 1990 22 1 \n\n
## 530 1990 22 2 America
## 531 1990 22 3 ,
## 532 1990 22 4 not
## 533 1990 22 5 just
## 534 1990 22 6 the
## 535 1990 22 7 nation
## 536 1990 22 8 but
## 537 1990 22 9 an
## 538 1990 22 10 idea
## 539 1990 22 11 ,
## 540 1990 22 12 alive
## 541 1990 22 13 in
## 542 1990 22 14 the
## 543 1990 22 15 minds
## 544 1990 22 16 of
## 545 1990 22 17 people
## 546 1990 22 18 everywhere
## 547 1990 22 19 .
## 548 1990 23 1 As
## 549 1990 23 2 this
## 550 1990 23 3 new
## 551 1990 23 4 world
## 552 1990 23 5 takes
## 553 1990 23 6 shape
## 554 1990 23 7 ,
## 555 1990 23 8 America
## 556 1990 23 9 stands
## 557 1990 23 10 at
## 558 1990 23 11 the
## 559 1990 23 12 center
## 560 1990 23 13 of
## 561 1990 23 14 a
## 562 1990 23 15 widening
## 563 1990 23 16 circle
## 564 1990 23 17 of
## 565 1990 23 18 freedom
## 566 1990 23 19 --
## 567 1990 23 20 today
## 568 1990 23 21 ,
## 569 1990 23 22 tomorrow
## 570 1990 23 23 ,
## 571 1990 23 24 and
## 572 1990 23 25 into
## 573 1990 23 26 the_next_century
## 574 1990 23 27 .
## 575 1990 24 1 Our
## 576 1990 24 2 nation
## 577 1990 24 3 is
## 578 1990 24 4 the
## 579 1990 24 5 enduring
## 580 1990 24 6 dream
## 581 1990 24 7 of
## 582 1990 24 8 every
## 583 1990 24 9 immigrant
## 584 1990 24 10 who
## 585 1990 24 11 ever
## 586 1990 24 12 set
## 587 1990 24 13 foot
## 588 1990 24 14 on
## 589 1990 24 15 these
## 590 1990 24 16 shores
## 591 1990 24 17 ,
## 592 1990 24 18 and
## 593 1990 24 19 the
## 594 1990 24 20 millions
## 595 1990 24 21 still
## 596 1990 24 22 struggling
## 597 1990 24 23 to
## 598 1990 24 24 be
## 599 1990 24 25 free
## 600 1990 24 26 .
## 601 1990 25 1 This
## 602 1990 25 2 nation
## 603 1990 25 3 ,
## 604 1990 25 4 this
## 605 1990 25 5 idea
## 606 1990 25 6 called
## 607 1990 25 7 America
## 608 1990 25 8 ,
## 609 1990 25 9 was
## 610 1990 25 10 and
## 611 1990 25 11 always
## 612 1990 25 12 will
## 613 1990 25 13 be
## 614 1990 25 14 a
## 615 1990 25 15 new
## 616 1990 25 16 world
## 617 1990 25 17 --
## 618 1990 25 18 our
## 619 1990 25 19 new
## 620 1990 25 20 world
## 621 1990 25 21 .
## 622 1990 26 1 \n\n
## 623 1990 26 2 At
## 624 1990 26 3 a
## 625 1990 26 4 workers
## 626 1990 26 5 '
## 627 1990 26 6 rally
## 628 1990 26 7 ,
## 629 1990 26 8 in
## 630 1990 26 9 a
## 631 1990 26 10 place
## 632 1990 26 11 called
## 633 1990 26 12 Branik
## 634 1990 26 13 on
## 635 1990 26 14 the
## 636 1990 26 15 outskirts
## 637 1990 26 16 of
## 638 1990 26 17 Prague
## 639 1990 26 18 ,
## 640 1990 26 19 the
## 641 1990 26 20 idea
## 642 1990 26 21 called
## 643 1990 26 22 America
## 644 1990 26 23 is
## 645 1990 26 24 alive
## 646 1990 26 25 .
## 647 1990 27 1 A
## 648 1990 27 2 worker
## 649 1990 27 3 ,
## 650 1990 27 4 dressed
## 651 1990 27 5 in
## 652 1990 27 6 grimy
## 653 1990 27 7 overalls
## 654 1990 27 8 ,
## 655 1990 27 9 rises
## 656 1990 27 10 to
## 657 1990 27 11 speak
## 658 1990 27 12 at
## 659 1990 27 13 the
## 660 1990 27 14 factory
## 661 1990 27 15 gates
## 662 1990 27 16 .
## 663 1990 28 1 He
## 664 1990 28 2 begins
## 665 1990 28 3 his
## 666 1990 28 4 speech
## 667 1990 28 5 to
## 668 1990 28 6 his
## 669 1990 28 7 fellow
## 670 1990 28 8 citizens
## 671 1990 28 9 with
## 672 1990 28 10 these
## 673 1990 28 11 words
## 674 1990 28 12 ,
## 675 1990 28 13 words
## 676 1990 28 14 of
## 677 1990 28 15 a
## 678 1990 28 16 distant
## 679 1990 28 17 revolution
## 680 1990 28 18 :
## 681 1990 28 19 "
## 682 1990 28 20 We
## 683 1990 28 21 hold
## 684 1990 28 22 these
## 685 1990 28 23 truths
## 686 1990 28 24 to
## 687 1990 28 25 be
## 688 1990 28 26 self
## 689 1990 28 27 -
## 690 1990 28 28 evident
## 691 1990 28 29 ,
## 692 1990 28 30 that
## 693 1990 28 31 all
## 694 1990 28 32 men
## 695 1990 28 33 are
## 696 1990 28 34 created
## 697 1990 28 35 equal
## 698 1990 28 36 ,
## 699 1990 28 37 that
## 700 1990 28 38 they
## 701 1990 28 39 are
## 702 1990 28 40 endowed
## 703 1990 28 41 by
## 704 1990 28 42 their
## 705 1990 28 43 Creator
## 706 1990 28 44 with
## 707 1990 28 45 certain
## 708 1990 28 46 unalienable
## 709 1990 28 47 Rights
## 710 1990 28 48 ,
## 711 1990 28 49 and
## 712 1990 28 50 that
## 713 1990 28 51 among
## 714 1990 28 52 these
## 715 1990 28 53 are
## 716 1990 28 54 Life
## 717 1990 28 55 ,
## 718 1990 28 56 Liberty
## 719 1990 28 57 and
## 720 1990 28 58 the
## 721 1990 28 59 pursuit
## 722 1990 28 60 of
## 723 1990 28 61 Happiness
## 724 1990 28 62 .
## 725 1990 28 63 "
## 726 1990 29 1 \n\n
## 727 1990 29 2 It
## 728 1990 29 3 's
## 729 1990 29 4 no
## 730 1990 29 5 secret
## 731 1990 29 6 that
## 732 1990 29 7 here
## 733 1990 29 8 at
## 734 1990 29 9 home
## 735 1990 29 10 freedom
## 736 1990 29 11 's
## 737 1990 29 12 door
## 738 1990 29 13 opened
## 739 1990 29 14 long
## 740 1990 29 15 ago
## 741 1990 29 16 .
## 742 1990 30 1 The
## 743 1990 30 2 cornerstones
## 744 1990 30 3 of
## 745 1990 30 4 this
## 746 1990 30 5 free
## 747 1990 30 6 society
## 748 1990 30 7 have
## 749 1990 30 8 already
## 750 1990 30 9 been
## 751 1990 30 10 set
## 752 1990 30 11 in
## 753 1990 30 12 place
## 754 1990 30 13 :
## 755 1990 30 14 democracy
## 756 1990 30 15 ,
## 757 1990 30 16 competition
## 758 1990 30 17 ,
## 759 1990 30 18 opportunity
## 760 1990 30 19 ,
## 761 1990 30 20 private
## 762 1990 30 21 investment
## 763 1990 30 22 ,
## 764 1990 30 23 stewardship
## 765 1990 30 24 ,
## 766 1990 30 25 and
## 767 1990 30 26 of
## 768 1990 30 27 course
## 769 1990 30 28 leadership
## 770 1990 30 29 .
## 771 1990 31 1 And
## 772 1990 31 2 our
## 773 1990 31 3 challenge
## 774 1990 31 4 today
## 775 1990 31 5 is
## 776 1990 31 6 to
## 777 1990 31 7 take
## 778 1990 31 8 this
## 779 1990 31 9 democratic
## 780 1990 31 10 system
## 781 1990 31 11 of
## 782 1990 31 12 ours
## 783 1990 31 13 ,
## 784 1990 31 14 a
## 785 1990 31 15 system
## 786 1990 31 16 second
## 787 1990 31 17 to
## 788 1990 31 18 none
## 789 1990 31 19 ,
## 790 1990 31 20 and
## 791 1990 31 21 make
## 792 1990 31 22 it
## 793 1990 31 23 better
## 794 1990 31 24 :
## 795 1990 31 25 a
## 796 1990 31 26 better
## 797 1990 31 27 America
## 798 1990 31 28 ,
## 799 1990 31 29 where
## 800 1990 31 30 there
## 801 1990 31 31 's
## 802 1990 31 32 a
## 803 1990 31 33 job
## 804 1990 31 34 for
## 805 1990 31 35 everyone
## 806 1990 31 36 who
## 807 1990 31 37 wants
## 808 1990 31 38 one
## 809 1990 31 39 ;
## 810 1990 31 40 where
## 811 1990 31 41 women
## 812 1990 31 42 working
## 813 1990 31 43 outside
## 814 1990 31 44 the
## 815 1990 31 45 home
## 816 1990 31 46 can
## 817 1990 31 47 be
## 818 1990 31 48 confident
## 819 1990 31 49 their
## 820 1990 31 50 children
## 821 1990 31 51 are
## 822 1990 31 52 in
## 823 1990 31 53 safe
## 824 1990 31 54 and
## 825 1990 31 55 loving
## 826 1990 31 56 care
## 827 1990 31 57 and
## 828 1990 31 58 where
## 829 1990 31 59 government
## 830 1990 31 60 works
## 831 1990 31 61 to
## 832 1990 31 62 expand
## 833 1990 31 63 child
## 834 1990 31 64 -
## 835 1990 31 65 care
## 836 1990 31 66 alternatives
## 837 1990 31 67 for
## 838 1990 31 68 parents
## 839 1990 31 69 ;
## 840 1990 31 70 where
## 841 1990 31 71 we
## 842 1990 31 72 reconcile
## 843 1990 31 73 the
## 844 1990 31 74 needs
## 845 1990 31 75 of
## 846 1990 31 76 a
## 847 1990 31 77 clean
## 848 1990 31 78 environment
## 849 1990 31 79 and
## 850 1990 31 80 a
## 851 1990 31 81 strong
## 852 1990 31 82 economy
## 853 1990 31 83 ;
## 854 1990 31 84 where
## 855 1990 31 85 "
## 856 1990 31 86 Made
## 857 1990 31 87 in
## 858 1990 31 88 the
## 859 1990 31 89 USA
## 860 1990 31 90 "
## 861 1990 31 91 is
## 862 1990 31 92 recognized
## 863 1990 31 93 around
## 864 1990 31 94 the
## 865 1990 31 95 world
## 866 1990 31 96 as
## 867 1990 31 97 the
## 868 1990 31 98 symbol
## 869 1990 31 99 of
## 870 1990 31 100 quality
## 871 1990 31 101 and
## 872 1990 31 102 progress
## 873 1990 31 103 ;
## 874 1990 31 104 where
## 875 1990 31 105 every
## 876 1990 31 106 one
## 877 1990 31 107 of
## 878 1990 31 108 us
## 879 1990 31 109 enjoys
## 880 1990 31 110 the
## 881 1990 31 111 same
## 882 1990 31 112 opportunities
## 883 1990 31 113 to
## 884 1990 31 114 live
## 885 1990 31 115 ,
## 886 1990 31 116 to
## 887 1990 31 117 work
## 888 1990 31 118 ,
## 889 1990 31 119 and
## 890 1990 31 120 to
## 891 1990 31 121 contribute
## 892 1990 31 122 to
## 893 1990 31 123 society
## 894 1990 31 124 and
## 895 1990 31 125 where
## 896 1990 31 126 ,
## 897 1990 31 127 for
## 898 1990 31 128 the
## 899 1990 31 129 first
## 900 1990 31 130 time
## 901 1990 31 131 ,
## 902 1990 31 132 the
## 903 1990 31 133 American
## 904 1990 31 134 mainstream
## 905 1990 31 135 includes
## 906 1990 31 136 all
## 907 1990 31 137 of
## 908 1990 31 138 our
## 909 1990 31 139 disabled
## 910 1990 31 140 citizens
## 911 1990 31 141 ;
## 912 1990 31 142 where
## 913 1990 31 143 everyone
## 914 1990 31 144 has
## 915 1990 31 145 a
## 916 1990 31 146 roof
## 917 1990 31 147 over
## 918 1990 31 148 his
## 919 1990 31 149 head
## 920 1990 31 150 and
## 921 1990 31 151 where
## 922 1990 31 152 the
## 923 1990 31 153 homeless
## 924 1990 31 154 get
## 925 1990 31 155 the
## 926 1990 31 156 help
## 927 1990 31 157 they
## 928 1990 31 158 need
## 929 1990 31 159 to
## 930 1990 31 160 live
## 931 1990 31 161 in
## 932 1990 31 162 dignity
## 933 1990 31 163 ;
## 934 1990 31 164 where
## 935 1990 31 165 our
## 936 1990 31 166 schools
## 937 1990 31 167 challenge
## 938 1990 31 168 and
## 939 1990 31 169 support
## 940 1990 31 170 our
## 941 1990 31 171 kids
## 942 1990 31 172 and
## 943 1990 31 173 our
## 944 1990 31 174 teachers
## 945 1990 31 175 and
## 946 1990 31 176 where
## 947 1990 31 177 all
## 948 1990 31 178 of
## 949 1990 31 179 them
## 950 1990 31 180 make
## 951 1990 31 181 the
## 952 1990 31 182 grade
## 953 1990 31 183 ;
## 954 1990 31 184 where
## 955 1990 31 185 every
## 956 1990 31 186 street
## 957 1990 31 187 ,
## 958 1990 31 188 every
## 959 1990 31 189 city
## 960 1990 31 190 ,
## 961 1990 31 191 every
## 962 1990 31 192 school
## 963 1990 31 193 ,
## 964 1990 31 194 and
## 965 1990 31 195 every
## 966 1990 31 196 child
## 967 1990 31 197 is
## 968 1990 31 198 drug
## 969 1990 31 199 -
## 970 1990 31 200 free
## 971 1990 31 201 ;
## 972 1990 31 202 and
## 973 1990 31 203 finally
## 974 1990 31 204 ,
## 975 1990 31 205 where
## 976 1990 31 206 no
## 977 1990 31 207 American
## 978 1990 31 208 is
## 979 1990 31 209 forgotten
## 980 1990 31 210 --
## 981 1990 31 211 our
## 982 1990 31 212 hearts
## 983 1990 31 213 go
## 984 1990 31 214 out
## 985 1990 31 215 to
## 986 1990 31 216 our
## 987 1990 31 217 hostages
## 988 1990 31 218 who
## 989 1990 31 219 are
## 990 1990 31 220 ceaselessly
## 991 1990 31 221 on
## 992 1990 31 222 our
## 993 1990 31 223 minds
## 994 1990 31 224 and
## 995 1990 31 225 in
## 996 1990 31 226 our
## 997 1990 31 227 efforts
## 998 1990 31 228 .
## 999 1990 32 1 \n\n
## 1000 1990 32 2 That
## 1001 1990 32 3 's
## 1002 1990 32 4 part
## 1003 1990 32 5 of
## 1004 1990 32 6 the
## 1005 1990 32 7 future
## 1006 1990 32 8 we
## 1007 1990 32 9 want
## 1008 1990 32 10 to
## 1009 1990 32 11 see
## 1010 1990 32 12 ,
## 1011 1990 32 13 the
## 1012 1990 32 14 future
## 1013 1990 32 15 we
## 1014 1990 32 16 can
## 1015 1990 32 17 make
## 1016 1990 32 18 for
## 1017 1990 32 19 ourselves
## 1018 1990 32 20 ,
## 1019 1990 32 21 but
## 1020 1990 32 22 dreams
## 1021 1990 32 23 alone
## 1022 1990 32 24 wo
## 1023 1990 32 25 n't
## 1024 1990 32 26 get
## 1025 1990 32 27 us
## 1026 1990 32 28 there
## 1027 1990 32 29 .
## 1028 1990 33 1 We
## 1029 1990 33 2 need
## 1030 1990 33 3 to
## 1031 1990 33 4 extend
## 1032 1990 33 5 our
## 1033 1990 33 6 horizon
## 1034 1990 33 7 ,
## 1035 1990 33 8 commit
## 1036 1990 33 9 to
## 1037 1990 33 10 the
## 1038 1990 33 11 long
## 1039 1990 33 12 view
## 1040 1990 33 13 .
## 1041 1990 34 1 And
## 1042 1990 34 2 our
## 1043 1990 34 3 mission
## 1044 1990 34 4 for
## 1045 1990 34 5 the
## 1046 1990 34 6 future
## 1047 1990 34 7 starts
## 1048 1990 34 8 today
## 1049 1990 34 9 .
## 1050 1990 35 1 \n\n
## 1051 1990 35 2 In
## 1052 1990 35 3 the
## 1053 1990 35 4 tough
## 1054 1990 35 5 competitive
## 1055 1990 35 6 markets
## 1056 1990 35 7 around
## 1057 1990 35 8 the
## 1058 1990 35 9 world
## 1059 1990 35 10 ,
## 1060 1990 35 11 America
## 1061 1990 35 12 faces
## 1062 1990 35 13 the
## 1063 1990 35 14 great
## 1064 1990 35 15 challenges
## 1065 1990 35 16 and
## 1066 1990 35 17 great
## 1067 1990 35 18 opportunities
## 1068 1990 35 19 .
## 1069 1990 36 1 And
## 1070 1990 36 2 we
## 1071 1990 36 3 know
## 1072 1990 36 4 that
## 1073 1990 36 5 we
## 1074 1990 36 6 can
## 1075 1990 36 7 succeed
## 1076 1990 36 8 in
## 1077 1990 36 9 the
## 1078 1990 36 10 global
## 1079 1990 36 11 economic
## 1080 1990 36 12 arena
## 1081 1990 36 13 of
## 1082 1990 36 14 the_nineties
## 1083 1990 36 15 ,
## 1084 1990 36 16 but
## 1085 1990 36 17 to
## 1086 1990 36 18 meet
## 1087 1990 36 19 that
## 1088 1990 36 20 challenge
## 1089 1990 36 21 ,
## 1090 1990 36 22 we
## 1091 1990 36 23 must
## 1092 1990 36 24 make
## 1093 1990 36 25 some
## 1094 1990 36 26 fundamental
## 1095 1990 36 27 changes
## 1096 1990 36 28 --
## 1097 1990 36 29 some
## 1098 1990 36 30 crucial
## 1099 1990 36 31 investment
## 1100 1990 36 32 in
## 1101 1990 36 33 ourselves
## 1102 1990 36 34 .
## 1103 1990 37 1 \n\n
## 1104 1990 37 2 Yes
## 1105 1990 37 3 ,
## 1106 1990 37 4 we
## 1107 1990 37 5 are
## 1108 1990 37 6 going
## 1109 1990 37 7 to
## 1110 1990 37 8 invest
## 1111 1990 37 9 in
## 1112 1990 37 10 America
## 1113 1990 37 11 .
## 1114 1990 38 1 This
## 1115 1990 38 2 administration
## 1116 1990 38 3 is
## 1117 1990 38 4 determined
## 1118 1990 38 5 to
## 1119 1990 38 6 encourage
## 1120 1990 38 7 the
## 1121 1990 38 8 creation
## 1122 1990 38 9 of
## 1123 1990 38 10 capital
## 1124 1990 38 11 ,
## 1125 1990 38 12 capital
## 1126 1990 38 13 of
## 1127 1990 38 14 all
## 1128 1990 38 15 kinds
## 1129 1990 38 16 :
## 1130 1990 38 17 physical
## 1131 1990 38 18 capital
## 1132 1990 38 19 --
## 1133 1990 38 20 everything
## 1134 1990 38 21 from
## 1135 1990 38 22 our
## 1136 1990 38 23 farms
## 1137 1990 38 24 and
## 1138 1990 38 25 factories
## 1139 1990 38 26 to
## 1140 1990 38 27 our
## 1141 1990 38 28 workshops
## 1142 1990 38 29 and
## 1143 1990 38 30 production
## 1144 1990 38 31 lines
## 1145 1990 38 32 ,
## 1146 1990 38 33 all
## 1147 1990 38 34 that
## 1148 1990 38 35 is
## 1149 1990 38 36 needed
## 1150 1990 38 37 to
## 1151 1990 38 38 produce
## 1152 1990 38 39 and
## 1153 1990 38 40 deliver
## 1154 1990 38 41 quality
## 1155 1990 38 42 goods
## 1156 1990 38 43 and
## 1157 1990 38 44 quality
## 1158 1990 38 45 services
## 1159 1990 38 46 ;
## 1160 1990 38 47 intellectual
## 1161 1990 38 48 capital
## 1162 1990 38 49 --
## 1163 1990 38 50 the
## 1164 1990 38 51 source
## 1165 1990 38 52 of
## 1166 1990 38 53 ideas
## 1167 1990 38 54 that
## 1168 1990 38 55 spark
## 1169 1990 38 56 tomorrow
## 1170 1990 38 57 's
## 1171 1990 38 58 products
## 1172 1990 38 59 ;
## 1173 1990 38 60 and
## 1174 1990 38 61 of
## 1175 1990 38 62 course
## 1176 1990 38 63 our
## 1177 1990 38 64 human
## 1178 1990 38 65 capital
## 1179 1990 38 66 --
## 1180 1990 38 67 the
## 1181 1990 38 68 talented
## 1182 1990 38 69 work
## 1183 1990 38 70 force
## 1184 1990 38 71 that
## 1185 1990 38 72 we
## 1186 1990 38 73 'll
## 1187 1990 38 74 need
## 1188 1990 38 75 to
## 1189 1990 38 76 compete
## 1190 1990 38 77 in
## 1191 1990 38 78 the
## 1192 1990 38 79 global
## 1193 1990 38 80 market
## 1194 1990 38 81 .
## 1195 1990 39 1 \n\n
## 1196 1990 39 2 Let
## 1197 1990 39 3 me
## 1198 1990 39 4 tell
## 1199 1990 39 5 you
## 1200 1990 39 6 ,
## 1201 1990 39 7 if
## 1202 1990 39 8 we
## 1203 1990 39 9 ignore
## 1204 1990 39 10 human
## 1205 1990 39 11 capital
## 1206 1990 39 12 ,
## 1207 1990 39 13 if
## 1208 1990 39 14 we
## 1209 1990 39 15 lose
## 1210 1990 39 16 the
## 1211 1990 39 17 spirit
## 1212 1990 39 18 of
## 1213 1990 39 19 American
## 1214 1990 39 20 ingenuity
## 1215 1990 39 21 ,
## 1216 1990 39 22 the
## 1217 1990 39 23 spirit
## 1218 1990 39 24 that
## 1219 1990 39 25 is
## 1220 1990 39 26 the
## 1221 1990 39 27 hallmark
## 1222 1990 39 28 of
## 1223 1990 39 29 the
## 1224 1990 39 30 American
## 1225 1990 39 31 worker
## 1226 1990 39 32 ,
## 1227 1990 39 33 that
## 1228 1990 39 34 would
## 1229 1990 39 35 be
## 1230 1990 39 36 bad
## 1231 1990 39 37 .
## 1232 1990 40 1 The
## 1233 1990 40 2 American
## 1234 1990 40 3 worker
## 1235 1990 40 4 is
## 1236 1990 40 5 the
## 1237 1990 40 6 most
## 1238 1990 40 7 productive
## 1239 1990 40 8 worker
## 1240 1990 40 9 in
## 1241 1990 40 10 the
## 1242 1990 40 11 world
## 1243 1990 40 12 .
## 1244 1990 41 1 \n\n
## 1245 1990 41 2 We
## 1246 1990 41 3 need
## 1247 1990 41 4 to
## 1248 1990 41 5 save
## 1249 1990 41 6 more
## 1250 1990 41 7 .
## 1251 1990 42 1 We
## 1252 1990 42 2 need
## 1253 1990 42 3 to
## 1254 1990 42 4 expand
## 1255 1990 42 5 the
## 1256 1990 42 6 pool
## 1257 1990 42 7 of
## 1258 1990 42 8 capital
## 1259 1990 42 9 for
## 1260 1990 42 10 new
## 1261 1990 42 11 investments
## 1262 1990 42 12 that
## 1263 1990 42 13 need
## 1264 1990 42 14 more
## 1265 1990 42 15 jobs
## 1266 1990 42 16 and
## 1267 1990 42 17 more
## 1268 1990 42 18 growth
## 1269 1990 42 19 .
## 1270 1990 43 1 And
## 1271 1990 43 2 that
## 1272 1990 43 3 's
## 1273 1990 43 4 the
## 1274 1990 43 5 idea
## 1275 1990 43 6 behind
## 1276 1990 43 7 a
## 1277 1990 43 8 new
## 1278 1990 43 9 initiative
## 1279 1990 43 10 I
## 1280 1990 43 11 call
## 1281 1990 43 12 the
## 1282 1990 43 13 Family
## 1283 1990 43 14 Savings
## 1284 1990 43 15 Plan
## 1285 1990 43 16 ,
## 1286 1990 43 17 which
## 1287 1990 43 18 I
## 1288 1990 43 19 will
## 1289 1990 43 20 send
## 1290 1990 43 21 to
## 1291 1990 43 22 Congress
## 1292 1990 43 23 tomorrow
## 1293 1990 43 24 .
## 1294 1990 44 1 \n\n
## 1295 1990 44 2 We
## 1296 1990 44 3 need
## 1297 1990 44 4 to
## 1298 1990 44 5 cut
## 1299 1990 44 6 the
## 1300 1990 44 7 tax
## 1301 1990 44 8 on
## 1302 1990 44 9 capital
## 1303 1990 44 10 gains
## 1304 1990 44 11 ,
## 1305 1990 44 12 encourage
## 1306 1990 44 13 risktakers
## 1307 1990 44 14 ,
## 1308 1990 44 15 especially
## 1309 1990 44 16 those
## 1310 1990 44 17 in
## 1311 1990 44 18 our
## 1312 1990 44 19 small
## 1313 1990 44 20 businesses
## 1314 1990 44 21 ,
## 1315 1990 44 22 to
## 1316 1990 44 23 take
## 1317 1990 44 24 those
## 1318 1990 44 25 steps
## 1319 1990 44 26 that
## 1320 1990 44 27 translate
## 1321 1990 44 28 into
## 1322 1990 44 29 economic
## 1323 1990 44 30 reward
## 1324 1990 44 31 ,
## 1325 1990 44 32 jobs
## 1326 1990 44 33 ,
## 1327 1990 44 34 and
## 1328 1990 44 35 a
## 1329 1990 44 36 better
## 1330 1990 44 37 life
## 1331 1990 44 38 for
## 1332 1990 44 39 all
## 1333 1990 44 40 of
## 1334 1990 44 41 us
## 1335 1990 44 42 .
## 1336 1990 45 1 \n\n
## 1337 1990 45 2 We
## 1338 1990 45 3 'll
## 1339 1990 45 4 do
## 1340 1990 45 5 what
## 1341 1990 45 6 it
## 1342 1990 45 7 takes
## 1343 1990 45 8 to
## 1344 1990 45 9 invest
## 1345 1990 45 10 in
## 1346 1990 45 11 America
## 1347 1990 45 12 's
## 1348 1990 45 13 future
## 1349 1990 45 14 .
## 1350 1990 46 1 The
## 1351 1990 46 2 budget
## 1352 1990 46 3 commitment
## 1353 1990 46 4 is
## 1354 1990 46 5 there
## 1355 1990 46 6 .
## 1356 1990 47 1 The
## 1357 1990 47 2 money
## 1358 1990 47 3 is
## 1359 1990 47 4 there
## 1360 1990 47 5 .
## 1361 1990 48 1 It
## 1362 1990 48 2 's
## 1363 1990 48 3 there
## 1364 1990 48 4 for
## 1365 1990 48 5 research
## 1366 1990 48 6 and
## 1367 1990 48 7 development
## 1368 1990 48 8 ,
## 1369 1990 48 9 R&D
## 1370 1990 48 10 --
## 1371 1990 48 11 a
## 1372 1990 48 12 record
## 1373 1990 48 13 high
## 1374 1990 48 14 .
## 1375 1990 49 1 It
## 1376 1990 49 2 's
## 1377 1990 49 3 there
## 1378 1990 49 4 for
## 1379 1990 49 5 our
## 1380 1990 49 6 housing
## 1381 1990 49 7 initiative
## 1382 1990 49 8 --
## 1383 1990 49 9 HOPE
## 1384 1990 49 10 --
## 1385 1990 49 11 to
## 1386 1990 49 12 help
## 1387 1990 49 13 everyone
## 1388 1990 49 14 from
## 1389 1990 49 15 first
## 1390 1990 49 16 -
## 1391 1990 49 17 time
## 1392 1990 49 18 homebuyers
## 1393 1990 49 19 to
## 1394 1990 49 20 the
## 1395 1990 49 21 homeless
## 1396 1990 49 22 .
## 1397 1990 50 1 The
## 1398 1990 50 2 money
## 1399 1990 50 3 's
## 1400 1990 50 4 there
## 1401 1990 50 5 to
## 1402 1990 50 6 keep
## 1403 1990 50 7 our
## 1404 1990 50 8 kids
## 1405 1990 50 9 drug
## 1406 1990 50 10 -
## 1407 1990 50 11 free
## 1408 1990 50 12 --
## 1409 1990 50 13 70_percent
## 1410 1990 50 14 more
## 1411 1990 50 15 than
## 1412 1990 50 16 when
## 1413 1990 50 17 I
## 1414 1990 50 18 took
## 1415 1990 50 19 office
## 1416 1990 50 20 in
## 1417 1990 50 21 1989
## 1418 1990 50 22 .
## 1419 1990 51 1 It
## 1420 1990 51 2 's
## 1421 1990 51 3 there
## 1422 1990 51 4 for
## 1423 1990 51 5 space
## 1424 1990 51 6 exploration
## 1425 1990 51 7 .
## 1426 1990 52 1 And
## 1427 1990 52 2 it
## 1428 1990 52 3 's
## 1429 1990 52 4 there
## 1430 1990 52 5 for
## 1431 1990 52 6 education
## 1432 1990 52 7 --
## 1433 1990 52 8 another
## 1434 1990 52 9 record
## 1435 1990 52 10 high
## 1436 1990 52 11 .
## 1437 1990 53 1 \n\n
## 1438 1990 53 2 And
## 1439 1990 53 3 one
## 1440 1990 53 4 more
## 1441 1990 53 5 thing
## 1442 1990 53 6 :
## 1443 1990 53 7 Last_fall
## 1444 1990 53 8 at
## 1445 1990 53 9 the
## 1446 1990 53 10 education
## 1447 1990 53 11 summit
## 1448 1990 53 12 ,
## 1449 1990 53 13 the
## 1450 1990 53 14 Governors
## 1451 1990 53 15 and
## 1452 1990 53 16 I
## 1453 1990 53 17 agreed
## 1454 1990 53 18 to
## 1455 1990 53 19 look
## 1456 1990 53 20 for
## 1457 1990 53 21 ways
## 1458 1990 53 22 to
## 1459 1990 53 23 help
## 1460 1990 53 24 make
## 1461 1990 53 25 sure
## 1462 1990 53 26 that
## 1463 1990 53 27 our
## 1464 1990 53 28 kids
## 1465 1990 53 29 are
## 1466 1990 53 30 ready
## 1467 1990 53 31 to
## 1468 1990 53 32 learn
## 1469 1990 53 33 the_very_first_day
## 1470 1990 53 34 they
## 1471 1990 53 35 walk
## 1472 1990 53 36 into
## 1473 1990 53 37 the
## 1474 1990 53 38 classroom
## 1475 1990 53 39 .
## 1476 1990 54 1 And
## 1477 1990 54 2 I
## 1478 1990 54 3 've
## 1479 1990 54 4 made
## 1480 1990 54 5 good
## 1481 1990 54 6 on
## 1482 1990 54 7 that
## 1483 1990 54 8 commitment
## 1484 1990 54 9 by
## 1485 1990 54 10 proposing
## 1486 1990 54 11 a
## 1487 1990 54 12 record
## 1488 1990 54 13 increase
## 1489 1990 54 14 in
## 1490 1990 54 15 funds
## 1491 1990 54 16 --
## 1492 1990 54 17 an_extra_half_-_a_-_billion_dollars
## 1493 1990 54 18 --
## 1494 1990 54 19 for
## 1495 1990 54 20 something
## 1496 1990 54 21 near
## 1497 1990 54 22 and
## 1498 1990 54 23 dear
## 1499 1990 54 24 to
## 1500 1990 54 25 all
## 1501 1990 54 26 of
## 1502 1990 54 27 us
## 1503 1990 54 28 :
## 1504 1990 54 29 Head
## 1505 1990 54 30 Start
## 1506 1990 54 31 .
## 1507 1990 55 1 \n\n
## 1508 1990 55 2 Education
## 1509 1990 55 3 is
## 1510 1990 55 4 the
## 1511 1990 55 5 one
## 1512 1990 55 6 investment
## 1513 1990 55 7 that
## 1514 1990 55 8 means
## 1515 1990 55 9 more
## 1516 1990 55 10 for
## 1517 1990 55 11 our
## 1518 1990 55 12 future
## 1519 1990 55 13 because
## 1520 1990 55 14 it
## 1521 1990 55 15 means
## 1522 1990 55 16 the
## 1523 1990 55 17 most
## 1524 1990 55 18 for
## 1525 1990 55 19 our
## 1526 1990 55 20 children
## 1527 1990 55 21 .
## 1528 1990 56 1 Real
## 1529 1990 56 2 improvement
## 1530 1990 56 3 in
## 1531 1990 56 4 our
## 1532 1990 56 5 schools
## 1533 1990 56 6 is
## 1534 1990 56 7 not
## 1535 1990 56 8 simply
## 1536 1990 56 9 a
## 1537 1990 56 10 matter
## 1538 1990 56 11 of
## 1539 1990 56 12 spending
## 1540 1990 56 13 more
## 1541 1990 56 14 :
## 1542 1990 56 15 It
## 1543 1990 56 16 's
## 1544 1990 56 17 a
## 1545 1990 56 18 matter
## 1546 1990 56 19 of
## 1547 1990 56 20 asking
## 1548 1990 56 21 more
## 1549 1990 56 22 --
## 1550 1990 56 23 expecting
## 1551 1990 56 24 more
## 1552 1990 56 25 --
## 1553 1990 56 26 of
## 1554 1990 56 27 our
## 1555 1990 56 28 schools
## 1556 1990 56 29 ,
## 1557 1990 56 30 our
## 1558 1990 56 31 teachers
## 1559 1990 56 32 ,
## 1560 1990 56 33 of
## 1561 1990 56 34 our
## 1562 1990 56 35 kids
## 1563 1990 56 36 ,
## 1564 1990 56 37 of
## 1565 1990 56 38 our
## 1566 1990 56 39 parents
## 1567 1990 56 40 ,
## 1568 1990 56 41 and
## 1569 1990 56 42 ourselves
## 1570 1990 56 43 .
## 1571 1990 57 1 And
## 1572 1990 57 2 that
## 1573 1990 57 3 's
## 1574 1990 57 4 why
## 1575 1990 57 5 tonight
## 1576 1990 57 6 I
## 1577 1990 57 7 am
## 1578 1990 57 8 announcing
## 1579 1990 57 9 America
## 1580 1990 57 10 's
## 1581 1990 57 11 education
## 1582 1990 57 12 goals
## 1583 1990 57 13 ,
## 1584 1990 57 14 goals
## 1585 1990 57 15 developed
## 1586 1990 57 16 with
## 1587 1990 57 17 enormous
## 1588 1990 57 18 cooperation
## 1589 1990 57 19 from
## 1590 1990 57 20 the_Nation_'s_Governors
## 1591 1990 57 21 .
## 1592 1990 58 1 And
## 1593 1990 58 2 if
## 1594 1990 58 3 I
## 1595 1990 58 4 might
## 1596 1990 58 5 ,
## 1597 1990 58 6 I
## 1598 1990 58 7 'd
## 1599 1990 58 8 like
## 1600 1990 58 9 to
## 1601 1990 58 10 say
## 1602 1990 58 11 I
## 1603 1990 58 12 'm
## 1604 1990 58 13 very
## 1605 1990 58 14 pleased
## 1606 1990 58 15 that
## 1607 1990 58 16 Governor
## 1608 1990 58 17 Gardner
## 1609 1990 58 18 [
## 1610 1990 58 19 Washington
## 1611 1990 58 20 ]
## 1612 1990 58 21 and
## 1613 1990 58 22 Governor
## 1614 1990 58 23 Clinton
## 1615 1990 59 1 [
## 1616 1990 59 2 Arkansas
## 1617 1990 59 3 ]
## 1618 1990 59 4 ,
## 1619 1990 59 5 Governor
## 1620 1990 59 6 Branstad
## 1621 1990 59 7 [
## 1622 1990 59 8 Iowa
## 1623 1990 59 9 ]
## 1624 1990 59 10 ,
## 1625 1990 59 11 Governor
## 1626 1990 59 12 Campbell
## 1627 1990 60 1 [
## 1628 1990 60 2 South_Carolina
## 1629 1990 60 3 ]
## 1630 1990 60 4 ,
## 1631 1990 60 5 all
## 1632 1990 60 6 of
## 1633 1990 60 7 whom
## 1634 1990 60 8 were
## 1635 1990 60 9 very
## 1636 1990 60 10 key
## 1637 1990 60 11 in
## 1638 1990 60 12 these
## 1639 1990 60 13 discussions
## 1640 1990 60 14 ,
## 1641 1990 60 15 these
## 1642 1990 60 16 deliberations
## 1643 1990 60 17 ,
## 1644 1990 60 18 are
## 1645 1990 60 19 with
## 1646 1990 60 20 us
## 1647 1990 60 21 here
## 1648 1990 60 22 tonight
## 1649 1990 60 23 .
## 1650 1990 61 1 \n\n
## 1651 1990 61 2 By
## 1652 1990 61 3 the_year_2000
## 1653 1990 61 4 ,
## 1654 1990 61 5 every
## 1655 1990 61 6 child
## 1656 1990 61 7 must
## 1657 1990 61 8 start
## 1658 1990 61 9 school
## 1659 1990 61 10 ready
## 1660 1990 61 11 to
## 1661 1990 61 12 learn
## 1662 1990 61 13 .
## 1663 1990 62 1 \n\n
## 1664 1990 62 2 The_United_States
## 1665 1990 62 3 must
## 1666 1990 62 4 increase
## 1667 1990 62 5 the
## 1668 1990 62 6 high
## 1669 1990 62 7 school
## 1670 1990 62 8 graduation
## 1671 1990 62 9 rate
## 1672 1990 62 10 to
## 1673 1990 62 11 no_less_than_90_percent
## 1674 1990 62 12 .
## 1675 1990 63 1 \n\n
## 1676 1990 63 2 And
## 1677 1990 63 3 we
## 1678 1990 63 4 are
## 1679 1990 63 5 going
## 1680 1990 63 6 to
## 1681 1990 63 7 make
## 1682 1990 63 8 sure
## 1683 1990 63 9 our
## 1684 1990 63 10 schools
## 1685 1990 63 11 '
## 1686 1990 63 12 diplomas
## 1687 1990 63 13 mean
## 1688 1990 63 14 something
## 1689 1990 63 15 .
## 1690 1990 64 1 In
## 1691 1990 64 2 critical
## 1692 1990 64 3 subjects
## 1693 1990 64 4 --
## 1694 1990 64 5 at
## 1695 1990 64 6 the
## 1696 1990 64 7 4th
## 1697 1990 64 8 ,
## 1698 1990 64 9 8th
## 1699 1990 64 10 ,
## 1700 1990 64 11 and
## 1701 1990 64 12 12th
## 1702 1990 64 13 grades
## 1703 1990 64 14 --
## 1704 1990 64 15 we
## 1705 1990 64 16 must
## 1706 1990 64 17 assess
## 1707 1990 64 18 our
## 1708 1990 64 19 students
## 1709 1990 64 20 '
## 1710 1990 64 21 performance
## 1711 1990 64 22 .
## 1712 1990 65 1 \n\n
## 1713 1990 65 2 By
## 1714 1990 65 3 the_year_2000
## 1715 1990 65 4 ,
## 1716 1990 65 5 U.S.
## 1717 1990 65 6 students
## 1718 1990 65 7 must
## 1719 1990 65 8 be
## 1720 1990 65 9 first
## 1721 1990 65 10 in
## 1722 1990 65 11 the
## 1723 1990 65 12 world
## 1724 1990 65 13 in
## 1725 1990 65 14 math
## 1726 1990 65 15 and
## 1727 1990 65 16 science
## 1728 1990 65 17 achievement
## 1729 1990 65 18 .
## 1730 1990 66 1 \n\n
## 1731 1990 66 2 Every
## 1732 1990 66 3 American
## 1733 1990 66 4 adult
## 1734 1990 66 5 must
## 1735 1990 66 6 be
## 1736 1990 66 7 a
## 1737 1990 66 8 skilled
## 1738 1990 66 9 ,
## 1739 1990 66 10 literate
## 1740 1990 66 11 worker
## 1741 1990 66 12 and
## 1742 1990 66 13 citizen
## 1743 1990 66 14 .
## 1744 1990 67 1 \n\n
## 1745 1990 67 2 Every
## 1746 1990 67 3 school
## 1747 1990 67 4 must
## 1748 1990 67 5 offer
## 1749 1990 67 6 the
## 1750 1990 67 7 kind
## 1751 1990 67 8 of
## 1752 1990 67 9 disciplined
## 1753 1990 67 10 environment
## 1754 1990 67 11 that
## 1755 1990 67 12 makes
## 1756 1990 67 13 it
## 1757 1990 67 14 possible
## 1758 1990 67 15 for
## 1759 1990 67 16 our
## 1760 1990 67 17 kids
## 1761 1990 67 18 to
## 1762 1990 67 19 learn
## 1763 1990 67 20 .
## 1764 1990 68 1 And
## 1765 1990 68 2 every
## 1766 1990 68 3 school
## 1767 1990 68 4 in
## 1768 1990 68 5 America
## 1769 1990 68 6 must
## 1770 1990 68 7 be
## 1771 1990 68 8 drug
## 1772 1990 68 9 -
## 1773 1990 68 10 free
## 1774 1990 68 11 .
## 1775 1990 69 1 \n\n
## 1776 1990 69 2 Ambitious
## 1777 1990 69 3 aims
## 1778 1990 69 4 ?
## 1779 1990 70 1 Of
## 1780 1990 70 2 course
## 1781 1990 70 3 .
## 1782 1990 71 1 Easy
## 1783 1990 71 2 to
## 1784 1990 71 3 do
## 1785 1990 71 4 ?
## 1786 1990 72 1 Far
## 1787 1990 72 2 from
## 1788 1990 72 3 it
## 1789 1990 72 4 .
## 1790 1990 73 1 But
## 1791 1990 73 2 the
## 1792 1990 73 3 future
## 1793 1990 73 4 's
## 1794 1990 73 5 at
## 1795 1990 73 6 stake
## 1796 1990 73 7 .
## 1797 1990 74 1 The
## 1798 1990 74 2 Nation
## 1799 1990 74 3 will
## 1800 1990 74 4 not
## 1801 1990 74 5 accept
## 1802 1990 74 6 anything
## 1803 1990 74 7 less
## 1804 1990 74 8 than
## 1805 1990 74 9 excellence
## 1806 1990 74 10 in
## 1807 1990 74 11 education
## 1808 1990 74 12 .
## 1809 1990 75 1 \n\n
## 1810 1990 75 2 These
## 1811 1990 75 3 investments
## 1812 1990 75 4 will
## 1813 1990 75 5 keep
## 1814 1990 75 6 America
## 1815 1990 75 7 competitive
## 1816 1990 75 8 .
## 1817 1990 76 1 And
## 1818 1990 76 2 I
## 1819 1990 76 3 know
## 1820 1990 76 4 this
## 1821 1990 76 5 about
## 1822 1990 76 6 the
## 1823 1990 76 7 American
## 1824 1990 76 8 people
## 1825 1990 76 9 :
## 1826 1990 76 10 We
## 1827 1990 76 11 welcome
## 1828 1990 76 12 competition
## 1829 1990 76 13 .
## 1830 1990 77 1 We
## 1831 1990 77 2 'll
## 1832 1990 77 3 match
## 1833 1990 77 4 our
## 1834 1990 77 5 ingenuity
## 1835 1990 77 6 ,
## 1836 1990 77 7 our
## 1837 1990 77 8 energy
## 1838 1990 77 9 ,
## 1839 1990 77 10 our
## 1840 1990 77 11 experience
## 1841 1990 77 12 and
## 1842 1990 77 13 technology
## 1843 1990 77 14 ,
## 1844 1990 77 15 our
## 1845 1990 77 16 spirit
## 1846 1990 77 17 and
## 1847 1990 77 18 enterprise
## 1848 1990 77 19 against
## 1849 1990 77 20 anyone
## 1850 1990 77 21 .
## 1851 1990 78 1 But
## 1852 1990 78 2 let
## 1853 1990 78 3 the
## 1854 1990 78 4 competition
## 1855 1990 78 5 be
## 1856 1990 78 6 free
## 1857 1990 78 7 ,
## 1858 1990 78 8 but
## 1859 1990 78 9 let
## 1860 1990 78 10 it
## 1861 1990 78 11 also
## 1862 1990 78 12 be
## 1863 1990 78 13 fair
## 1864 1990 78 14 .
## 1865 1990 79 1 America
## 1866 1990 79 2 is
## 1867 1990 79 3 ready
## 1868 1990 79 4 .
## 1869 1990 80 1 \n\n
## 1870 1990 80 2 Since
## 1871 1990 80 3 we
## 1872 1990 80 4 really
## 1873 1990 80 5 mean
## 1874 1990 80 6 it
## 1875 1990 80 7 and
## 1876 1990 80 8 since
## 1877 1990 80 9 we
## 1878 1990 80 10 're
## 1879 1990 80 11 serious
## 1880 1990 80 12 about
## 1881 1990 80 13 being
## 1882 1990 80 14 ready
## 1883 1990 80 15 to
## 1884 1990 80 16 meet
## 1885 1990 80 17 that
## 1886 1990 80 18 challenge
## 1887 1990 80 19 ,
## 1888 1990 80 20 we
## 1889 1990 80 21 're
## 1890 1990 80 22 getting
## 1891 1990 80 23 our
## 1892 1990 80 24 own
## 1893 1990 80 25 house
## 1894 1990 80 26 in
## 1895 1990 80 27 order
## 1896 1990 80 28 .
## 1897 1990 81 1 We
## 1898 1990 81 2 have
## 1899 1990 81 3 made
## 1900 1990 81 4 real
## 1901 1990 81 5 progress
## 1902 1990 81 6 .
## 1903 1990 82 1 Seven_years_ago
## 1904 1990 82 2 ,
## 1905 1990 82 3 the
## 1906 1990 82 4 Federal
## 1907 1990 82 5 deficit
## 1908 1990 82 6 was
## 1909 1990 82 7 6_percent
## 1910 1990 82 8 of
## 1911 1990 82 9 our
## 1912 1990 82 10 gross
## 1913 1990 82 11 national
## 1914 1990 82 12 product
## 1915 1990 82 13 --
## 1916 1990 82 14 6_percent
## 1917 1990 82 15 .
## 1918 1990 83 1 In
## 1919 1990 83 2 the
## 1920 1990 83 3 new
## 1921 1990 83 4 budget
## 1922 1990 83 5 I
## 1923 1990 83 6 sent
## 1924 1990 83 7 up
## 1925 1990 83 8 2_days_ago
## 1926 1990 83 9 ,
## 1927 1990 83 10 the
## 1928 1990 83 11 deficit
## 1929 1990 83 12 is
## 1930 1990 83 13 down
## 1931 1990 83 14 to
## 1932 1990 83 15 1_percent
## 1933 1990 83 16 of
## 1934 1990 83 17 gross
## 1935 1990 83 18 national
## 1936 1990 83 19 product
## 1937 1990 83 20 .
## 1938 1990 84 1 \n\n
## 1939 1990 84 2 That
## 1940 1990 84 3 budget
## 1941 1990 84 4 brings
## 1942 1990 84 5 Federal
## 1943 1990 84 6 spending
## 1944 1990 84 7 under
## 1945 1990 84 8 control
## 1946 1990 84 9 .
## 1947 1990 85 1 It
## 1948 1990 85 2 meets
## 1949 1990 85 3 the
## 1950 1990 85 4 Gramm_-_Rudman
## 1951 1990 85 5 target
## 1952 1990 85 6 .
## 1953 1990 86 1 It
## 1954 1990 86 2 brings
## 1955 1990 86 3 that
## 1956 1990 86 4 deficit
## 1957 1990 86 5 down
## 1958 1990 86 6 further
## 1959 1990 86 7 and
## 1960 1990 86 8 balances
## 1961 1990 86 9 the
## 1962 1990 86 10 budget
## 1963 1990 86 11 by
## 1964 1990 86 12 1993
## 1965 1990 86 13 with
## 1966 1990 86 14 no
## 1967 1990 86 15 new
## 1968 1990 86 16 taxes
## 1969 1990 86 17 .
## 1970 1990 87 1 And
## 1971 1990 87 2 let
## 1972 1990 87 3 me
## 1973 1990 87 4 tell
## 1974 1990 87 5 you
## 1975 1990 87 6 ,
## 1976 1990 87 7 there
## 1977 1990 87 8 's
## 1978 1990 87 9 still
## 1979 1990 87 10 more
## 1980 1990 87 11 than
## 1981 1990 87 12 enough
## 1982 1990 87 13 Federal
## 1983 1990 87 14 spending
## 1984 1990 87 15 .
## 1985 1990 88 1 For
## 1986 1990 88 2 most
## 1987 1990 88 3 of
## 1988 1990 88 4 us
## 1989 1990 88 5 ,
## 1990 1990 88 6 $_1.2_trillion
## 1991 1990 88 7 is
## 1992 1990 88 8 still
## 1993 1990 88 9 a
## 1994 1990 88 10 lot
## 1995 1990 88 11 of
## 1996 1990 88 12 money
## 1997 1990 88 13 .
## 1998 1990 89 1 \n\n
## 1999 1990 89 2 And
## 2000 1990 89 3 once
## 2001 1990 89 4 the
## 2002 1990 89 5 budget
## 2003 1990 89 6 is
## 2004 1990 89 7 balanced
## 2005 1990 89 8 ,
## 2006 1990 89 9 we
## 2007 1990 89 10 can
## 2008 1990 89 11 operate
## 2009 1990 89 12 the
## 2010 1990 89 13 way
## 2011 1990 89 14 every
## 2012 1990 89 15 family
## 2013 1990 89 16 must
## 2014 1990 89 17 when
## 2015 1990 89 18 it
## 2016 1990 89 19 has
## 2017 1990 89 20 bills
## 2018 1990 89 21 to
## 2019 1990 89 22 pay
## 2020 1990 89 23 .
## 2021 1990 90 1 We
## 2022 1990 90 2 wo
## 2023 1990 90 3 n't
## 2024 1990 90 4 leave
## 2025 1990 90 5 it
## 2026 1990 90 6 to
## 2027 1990 90 7 our
## 2028 1990 90 8 children
## 2029 1990 90 9 and
## 2030 1990 90 10 our
## 2031 1990 90 11 grandchildren
## 2032 1990 90 12 .
## 2033 1990 91 1 Once
## 2034 1990 91 2 it
## 2035 1990 91 3 's
## 2036 1990 91 4 balanced
## 2037 1990 91 5 ,
## 2038 1990 91 6 we
## 2039 1990 91 7 will
## 2040 1990 91 8 start
## 2041 1990 91 9 paying
## 2042 1990 91 10 off
## 2043 1990 91 11 the
## 2044 1990 91 12 national
## 2045 1990 91 13 debt
## 2046 1990 91 14 .
## 2047 1990 92 1 \n\n
## 2048 1990 92 2 And
## 2049 1990 92 3 there
## 2050 1990 92 4 's
## 2051 1990 92 5 something
## 2052 1990 92 6 more
## 2053 1990 92 7 we
## 2054 1990 92 8 owe
## 2055 1990 92 9 the
## 2056 1990 92 10 generations
## 2057 1990 92 11 of
## 2058 1990 92 12 the
## 2059 1990 92 13 future
## 2060 1990 92 14 :
## 2061 1990 92 15 stewardship
## 2062 1990 92 16 ,
## 2063 1990 92 17 the
## 2064 1990 92 18 safekeeping
## 2065 1990 92 19 of
## 2066 1990 92 20 America
## 2067 1990 92 21 's
## 2068 1990 92 22 precious
## 2069 1990 92 23 environmental
## 2070 1990 92 24 inheritance
## 2071 1990 92 25 .
## 2072 1990 93 1 It
## 2073 1990 93 2 's
## 2074 1990 93 3 just
## 2075 1990 93 4 one
## 2076 1990 93 5 sign
## 2077 1990 93 6 of
## 2078 1990 93 7 how
## 2079 1990 93 8 serious
## 2080 1990 93 9 we
## 2081 1990 93 10 are
## 2082 1990 93 11 .
## 2083 1990 94 1 We
## 2084 1990 94 2 will
## 2085 1990 94 3 elevate
## 2086 1990 94 4 the_Environmental_Protection_Agency
## 2087 1990 94 5 to
## 2088 1990 94 6 Cabinet
## 2089 1990 94 7 rank
## 2090 1990 94 8 --
## 2091 1990 94 9 not
## 2092 1990 94 10 more
## 2093 1990 94 11 bureaucracy
## 2094 1990 94 12 ,
## 2095 1990 94 13 not
## 2096 1990 94 14 more
## 2097 1990 94 15 red
## 2098 1990 94 16 -
## 2099 1990 94 17 tape
## 2100 1990 94 18 ,
## 2101 1990 94 19 but
## 2102 1990 94 20 the
## 2103 1990 94 21 certainty
## 2104 1990 94 22 that
## 2105 1990 94 23 here
## 2106 1990 94 24 at
## 2107 1990 94 25 home
## 2108 1990 94 26 ,
## 2109 1990 94 27 and
## 2110 1990 94 28 especially
## 2111 1990 94 29 in
## 2112 1990 94 30 our
## 2113 1990 94 31 dealings
## 2114 1990 94 32 with
## 2115 1990 94 33 other
## 2116 1990 94 34 nations
## 2117 1990 94 35 ,
## 2118 1990 94 36 environmental
## 2119 1990 94 37 issues
## 2120 1990 94 38 have
## 2121 1990 94 39 the
## 2122 1990 94 40 status
## 2123 1990 94 41 they
## 2124 1990 94 42 deserve
## 2125 1990 94 43 .
## 2126 1990 95 1 \n\n
## 2127 1990 95 2 This
## 2128 1990 95 3 year
## 2129 1990 95 4 's
## 2130 1990 95 5 budget
## 2131 1990 95 6 provides
## 2132 1990 95 7 over_$_2_billion
## 2133 1990 95 8 in
## 2134 1990 95 9 new
## 2135 1990 95 10 spending
## 2136 1990 95 11 to
## 2137 1990 95 12 protect
## 2138 1990 95 13 our
## 2139 1990 95 14 environment
## 2140 1990 95 15 ,
## 2141 1990 95 16 with
## 2142 1990 95 17 over_$_1_billion
## 2143 1990 95 18 for
## 2144 1990 95 19 global
## 2145 1990 95 20 change
## 2146 1990 95 21 research
## 2147 1990 95 22 ,
## 2148 1990 95 23 and
## 2149 1990 95 24 a
## 2150 1990 95 25 new
## 2151 1990 95 26 initiative
## 2152 1990 95 27 I
## 2153 1990 95 28 call
## 2154 1990 95 29 America
## 2155 1990 95 30 the
## 2156 1990 95 31 Beautiful
## 2157 1990 95 32 to
## 2158 1990 95 33 expand
## 2159 1990 95 34 our
## 2160 1990 95 35 national
## 2161 1990 95 36 parks
## 2162 1990 95 37 and
## 2163 1990 95 38 wildlife
## 2164 1990 95 39 preserves
## 2165 1990 95 40 that
## 2166 1990 95 41 improve
## 2167 1990 95 42 recreational
## 2168 1990 95 43 facilities
## 2169 1990 95 44 on
## 2170 1990 95 45 public
## 2171 1990 95 46 lands
## 2172 1990 95 47 ,
## 2173 1990 95 48 and
## 2174 1990 95 49 something
## 2175 1990 95 50 else
## 2176 1990 95 51 ,
## 2177 1990 95 52 something
## 2178 1990 95 53 that
## 2179 1990 95 54 will
## 2180 1990 95 55 help
## 2181 1990 95 56 keep
## 2182 1990 95 57 this
## 2183 1990 95 58 country
## 2184 1990 95 59 clean
## 2185 1990 95 60 from
## 2186 1990 95 61 our
## 2187 1990 95 62 forestland
## 2188 1990 95 63 to
## 2189 1990 95 64 the
## 2190 1990 95 65 inner
## 2191 1990 95 66 cities
## 2192 1990 95 67 and
## 2193 1990 95 68 keep
## 2194 1990 95 69 America
## 2195 1990 95 70 beautiful
## 2196 1990 95 71 for
## 2197 1990 95 72 generations
## 2198 1990 95 73 to
## 2199 1990 95 74 come
## 2200 1990 95 75 :
## 2201 1990 95 76 the
## 2202 1990 95 77 money
## 2203 1990 95 78 to
## 2204 1990 95 79 plant
## 2205 1990 95 80 a
## 2206 1990 95 81 billion
## 2207 1990 95 82 trees
## 2208 1990 95 83 a
## 2209 1990 95 84 year
## 2210 1990 95 85 .
## 2211 1990 96 1 \n\n
## 2212 1990 96 2 And
## 2213 1990 96 3 tonight
## 2214 1990 96 4 let
## 2215 1990 96 5 me
## 2216 1990 96 6 say
## 2217 1990 96 7 again
## 2218 1990 96 8 to
## 2219 1990 96 9 all
## 2220 1990 96 10 the
## 2221 1990 96 11 Members
## 2222 1990 96 12 of
## 2223 1990 96 13 the
## 2224 1990 96 14 Congress
## 2225 1990 96 15 :
## 2226 1990 96 16 The
## 2227 1990 96 17 American
## 2228 1990 96 18 people
## 2229 1990 96 19 did
## 2230 1990 96 20 not
## 2231 1990 96 21 send
## 2232 1990 96 22 us
## 2233 1990 96 23 here
## 2234 1990 96 24 to
## 2235 1990 96 25 bicker
## 2236 1990 96 26 .
## 2237 1990 97 1 There
## 2238 1990 97 2 is
## 2239 1990 97 3 work
## 2240 1990 97 4 to
## 2241 1990 97 5 do
## 2242 1990 97 6 ,
## 2243 1990 97 7 and
## 2244 1990 97 8 they
## 2245 1990 97 9 sent
## 2246 1990 97 10 us
## 2247 1990 97 11 here
## 2248 1990 97 12 to
## 2249 1990 97 13 get
## 2250 1990 97 14 it
## 2251 1990 97 15 done
## 2252 1990 97 16 .
## 2253 1990 98 1 And
## 2254 1990 98 2 once
## 2255 1990 98 3 again
## 2256 1990 98 4 ,
## 2257 1990 98 5 in
## 2258 1990 98 6 the
## 2259 1990 98 7 spirit
## 2260 1990 98 8 of
## 2261 1990 98 9 cooperation
## 2262 1990 98 10 ,
## 2263 1990 98 11 I
## 2264 1990 98 12 offer
## 2265 1990 98 13 my
## 2266 1990 98 14 hand
## 2267 1990 98 15 to
## 2268 1990 98 16 all
## 2269 1990 98 17 of
## 2270 1990 98 18 you
## 2271 1990 98 19 .
## 2272 1990 99 1 Let
## 2273 1990 99 2 's
## 2274 1990 99 3 work
## 2275 1990 99 4 together
## 2276 1990 99 5 to
## 2277 1990 99 6 do
## 2278 1990 99 7 the
## 2279 1990 99 8 will
## 2280 1990 99 9 of
## 2281 1990 99 10 the
## 2282 1990 99 11 people
## 2283 1990 99 12 :
## 2284 1990 99 13 clean
## 2285 1990 99 14 air
## 2286 1990 99 15 ,
## 2287 1990 99 16 child
## 2288 1990 99 17 care
## 2289 1990 99 18 ,
## 2290 1990 99 19 the_Educational_Excellence_Act
## 2291 1990 99 20 ,
## 2292 1990 99 21 crime
## 2293 1990 99 22 ,
## 2294 1990 99 23 and
## 2295 1990 99 24 drugs
## 2296 1990 99 25 .
## 2297 1990 100 1 It
## 2298 1990 100 2 's
## 2299 1990 100 3 time
## 2300 1990 100 4 to
## 2301 1990 100 5 act
## 2302 1990 100 6 .
## 2303 1990 101 1 The
## 2304 1990 101 2 farm
## 2305 1990 101 3 bill
## 2306 1990 101 4 ,
## 2307 1990 101 5 transportation
## 2308 1990 101 6 policy
## 2309 1990 101 7 ,
## 2310 1990 101 8 product
## 2311 1990 101 9 -
## 2312 1990 101 10 liability
## 2313 1990 101 11 reform
## 2314 1990 101 12 ,
## 2315 1990 101 13 enterprise
## 2316 1990 101 14 zones
## 2317 1990 101 15 --
## 2318 1990 101 16 it
## 2319 1990 101 17 's
## 2320 1990 101 18 time
## 2321 1990 101 19 to
## 2322 1990 101 20 act
## 2323 1990 101 21 together
## 2324 1990 101 22 .
## 2325 1990 102 1 \n\n
## 2326 1990 102 2 And
## 2327 1990 102 3 there
## 2328 1990 102 4 's
## 2329 1990 102 5 one
## 2330 1990 102 6 thing
## 2331 1990 102 7 I
## 2332 1990 102 8 hope
## 2333 1990 102 9 we
## 2334 1990 102 10 will
## 2335 1990 102 11 be
## 2336 1990 102 12 able
## 2337 1990 102 13 to
## 2338 1990 102 14 agree
## 2339 1990 102 15 on
## 2340 1990 102 16 .
## 2341 1990 103 1 It
## 2342 1990 103 2 's
## 2343 1990 103 3 about
## 2344 1990 103 4 our
## 2345 1990 103 5 commitments
## 2346 1990 103 6 .
## 2347 1990 104 1 I
## 2348 1990 104 2 'm
## 2349 1990 104 3 talking
## 2350 1990 104 4 about
## 2351 1990 104 5 Social_Security
## 2352 1990 104 6 .
## 2353 1990 105 1 To
## 2354 1990 105 2 every
## 2355 1990 105 3 American
## 2356 1990 105 4 out
## 2357 1990 105 5 there
## 2358 1990 105 6 on
## 2359 1990 105 7 Social_Security
## 2360 1990 105 8 ,
## 2361 1990 105 9 to
## 2362 1990 105 10 every
## 2363 1990 105 11 American
## 2364 1990 105 12 supporting
## 2365 1990 105 13 that
## 2366 1990 105 14 system
## 2367 1990 105 15 today
## 2368 1990 105 16 ,
## 2369 1990 105 17 and
## 2370 1990 105 18 to
## 2371 1990 105 19 everyone
## 2372 1990 105 20 counting
## 2373 1990 105 21 on
## 2374 1990 105 22 it
## 2375 1990 105 23 when
## 2376 1990 105 24 they
## 2377 1990 105 25 retire
## 2378 1990 105 26 ,
## 2379 1990 105 27 we
## 2380 1990 105 28 made
## 2381 1990 105 29 a
## 2382 1990 105 30 promise
## 2383 1990 105 31 to
## 2384 1990 105 32 you
## 2385 1990 105 33 ,
## 2386 1990 105 34 and
## 2387 1990 105 35 we
## 2388 1990 105 36 are
## 2389 1990 105 37 going
## 2390 1990 105 38 to
## 2391 1990 105 39 keep
## 2392 1990 105 40 it
## 2393 1990 105 41 .
## 2394 1990 106 1 \n\n
## 2395 1990 106 2 We
## 2396 1990 106 3 rescued
## 2397 1990 106 4 the
## 2398 1990 106 5 system
## 2399 1990 106 6 in
## 2400 1990 106 7 1983
## 2401 1990 106 8 ,
## 2402 1990 106 9 and
## 2403 1990 106 10 it
## 2404 1990 106 11 's
## 2405 1990 106 12 sound
## 2406 1990 106 13 again
## 2407 1990 106 14 --
## 2408 1990 106 15 bipartisan
## 2409 1990 106 16 arrangement
## 2410 1990 106 17 .
## 2411 1990 107 1 Our
## 2412 1990 107 2 budget
## 2413 1990 107 3 fully
## 2414 1990 107 4 funds
## 2415 1990 107 5 today
## 2416 1990 107 6 's
## 2417 1990 107 7 benefits
## 2418 1990 107 8 ,
## 2419 1990 107 9 and
## 2420 1990 107 10 it
## 2421 1990 107 11 assures
## 2422 1990 107 12 that
## 2423 1990 107 13 future
## 2424 1990 107 14 benefits
## 2425 1990 107 15 will
## 2426 1990 107 16 be
## 2427 1990 107 17 funded
## 2428 1990 107 18 as
## 2429 1990 107 19 well
## 2430 1990 107 20 .
## 2431 1990 108 1 The
## 2432 1990 108 2 last
## 2433 1990 108 3 thing
## 2434 1990 108 4 we
## 2435 1990 108 5 need
## 2436 1990 108 6 to
## 2437 1990 108 7 do
## 2438 1990 108 8 is
## 2439 1990 108 9 mess
## 2440 1990 108 10 around
## 2441 1990 108 11 with
## 2442 1990 108 12 Social_Security
## 2443 1990 108 13 .
## 2444 1990 109 1 \n\n
## 2445 1990 109 2 There
## 2446 1990 109 3 's
## 2447 1990 109 4 one
## 2448 1990 109 5 more
## 2449 1990 109 6 problem
## 2450 1990 109 7 we
## 2451 1990 109 8 need
## 2452 1990 109 9 to
## 2453 1990 109 10 address
## 2454 1990 109 11 .
## 2455 1990 110 1 We
## 2456 1990 110 2 must
## 2457 1990 110 3 give
## 2458 1990 110 4 careful
## 2459 1990 110 5 consideration
## 2460 1990 110 6 to
## 2461 1990 110 7 the
## 2462 1990 110 8 recommendations
## 2463 1990 110 9 of
## 2464 1990 110 10 the
## 2465 1990 110 11 health
## 2466 1990 110 12 -
## 2467 1990 110 13 care
## 2468 1990 110 14 studies
## 2469 1990 110 15 underway
## 2470 1990 110 16 now
## 2471 1990 110 17 .
## 2472 1990 111 1 That
## 2473 1990 111 2 's
## 2474 1990 111 3 why
## 2475 1990 111 4 tonight
## 2476 1990 111 5 I
## 2477 1990 111 6 'm
## 2478 1990 111 7 asking
## 2479 1990 111 8 Dr.
## 2480 1990 111 9 Sullivan
## 2481 1990 111 10 ,
## 2482 1990 111 11 Lou_Sullivan
## 2483 1990 111 12 ,
## 2484 1990 111 13 Secretary
## 2485 1990 111 14 of
## 2486 1990 111 15 Health_and_Human_Services
## 2487 1990 111 16 ,
## 2488 1990 111 17 to
## 2489 1990 111 18 lead
## 2490 1990 111 19 a
## 2491 1990 111 20 Domestic_Policy_Council
## 2492 1990 111 21 review
## 2493 1990 111 22 of
## 2494 1990 111 23 recommendations
## 2495 1990 111 24 on
## 2496 1990 111 25 the
## 2497 1990 111 26 quality
## 2498 1990 111 27 ,
## 2499 1990 111 28 accessibility
## 2500 1990 111 29 ,
## 2501 1990 111 30 and
## 2502 1990 111 31 cost
## 2503 1990 111 32 of
## 2504 1990 111 33 our
## 2505 1990 111 34 nation
## 2506 1990 111 35 's
## 2507 1990 111 36 health
## 2508 1990 111 37 -
## 2509 1990 111 38 care
## 2510 1990 111 39 system
## 2511 1990 111 40 .
## 2512 1990 112 1 I
## 2513 1990 112 2 am
## 2514 1990 112 3 committed
## 2515 1990 112 4 to
## 2516 1990 112 5 bring
## 2517 1990 112 6 the
## 2518 1990 112 7 staggering
## 2519 1990 112 8 costs
## 2520 1990 112 9 of
## 2521 1990 112 10 health
## 2522 1990 112 11 care
## 2523 1990 112 12 under
## 2524 1990 112 13 control
## 2525 1990 112 14 .
## 2526 1990 113 1 \n\n
## 2527 1990 113 2 The
## 2528 1990 113 3 state
## 2529 1990 113 4 of
## 2530 1990 113 5 the
## 2531 1990 113 6 Government
## 2532 1990 113 7 does
## 2533 1990 113 8 indeed
## 2534 1990 113 9 depend
## 2535 1990 113 10 on
## 2536 1990 113 11 many
## 2537 1990 113 12 of
## 2538 1990 113 13 us
## 2539 1990 113 14 in
## 2540 1990 113 15 this
## 2541 1990 113 16 very
## 2542 1990 113 17 chamber
## 2543 1990 113 18 .
## 2544 1990 114 1 But
## 2545 1990 114 2 the
## 2546 1990 114 3 state
## 2547 1990 114 4 of
## 2548 1990 114 5 the
## 2549 1990 114 6 Union
## 2550 1990 114 7 depends
## 2551 1990 114 8 on
## 2552 1990 114 9 all
## 2553 1990 114 10 Americans
## 2554 1990 114 11 .
## 2555 1990 115 1 We
## 2556 1990 115 2 must
## 2557 1990 115 3 maintain
## 2558 1990 115 4 the
## 2559 1990 115 5 democratic
## 2560 1990 115 6 decency
## 2561 1990 115 7 that
## 2562 1990 115 8 makes
## 2563 1990 115 9 a
## 2564 1990 115 10 nation
## 2565 1990 115 11 out
## 2566 1990 115 12 of
## 2567 1990 115 13 millions
## 2568 1990 115 14 of
## 2569 1990 115 15 individuals
## 2570 1990 115 16 .
## 2571 1990 116 1 I
## 2572 1990 116 2 've
## 2573 1990 116 3 been
## 2574 1990 116 4 appalled
## 2575 1990 116 5 at
## 2576 1990 116 6 the
## 2577 1990 116 7 recent
## 2578 1990 116 8 mail
## 2579 1990 116 9 bombings
## 2580 1990 116 10 across
## 2581 1990 116 11 this
## 2582 1990 116 12 country
## 2583 1990 116 13 .
## 2584 1990 117 1 Every
## 2585 1990 117 2 one
## 2586 1990 117 3 of
## 2587 1990 117 4 us
## 2588 1990 117 5 must
## 2589 1990 117 6 confront
## 2590 1990 117 7 and
## 2591 1990 117 8 condemn
## 2592 1990 117 9 racism
## 2593 1990 117 10 ,
## 2594 1990 117 11 anti
## 2595 1990 117 12 -
## 2596 1990 117 13 Semitism
## 2597 1990 117 14 ,
## 2598 1990 117 15 bigotry
## 2599 1990 117 16 ,
## 2600 1990 117 17 and
## 2601 1990 117 18 hate
## 2602 1990 117 19 ,
## 2603 1990 117 20 not
## 2604 1990 117 21 next_week
## 2605 1990 117 22 ,
## 2606 1990 117 23 not
## 2607 1990 117 24 tomorrow
## 2608 1990 117 25 ,
## 2609 1990 117 26 but
## 2610 1990 117 27 right
## 2611 1990 117 28 now
## 2612 1990 117 29 --
## 2613 1990 117 30 every
## 2614 1990 117 31 single
## 2615 1990 117 32 one
## 2616 1990 117 33 of
## 2617 1990 117 34 us
## 2618 1990 117 35 .
## 2619 1990 118 1 \n\n
## 2620 1990 118 2 The
## 2621 1990 118 3 state
## 2622 1990 118 4 of
## 2623 1990 118 5 the
## 2624 1990 118 6 Union
## 2625 1990 118 7 depends
## 2626 1990 118 8 on
## 2627 1990 118 9 whether
## 2628 1990 118 10 we
## 2629 1990 118 11 help
## 2630 1990 118 12 our
## 2631 1990 118 13 neighbor
## 2632 1990 118 14 --
## 2633 1990 118 15 claim
## 2634 1990 118 16 the
## 2635 1990 118 17 problems
## 2636 1990 118 18 of
## 2637 1990 118 19 our
## 2638 1990 118 20 community
## 2639 1990 118 21 as
## 2640 1990 118 22 our
## 2641 1990 118 23 own
## 2642 1990 118 24 .
## 2643 1990 119 1 We
## 2644 1990 119 2 've
## 2645 1990 119 3 got
## 2646 1990 119 4 to
## 2647 1990 119 5 step
## 2648 1990 119 6 forward
## 2649 1990 119 7 when
## 2650 1990 119 8 there
## 2651 1990 119 9 's
## 2652 1990 119 10 trouble
## 2653 1990 119 11 ,
## 2654 1990 119 12 lend
## 2655 1990 119 13 a
## 2656 1990 119 14 hand
## 2657 1990 119 15 ,
## 2658 1990 119 16 be
## 2659 1990 119 17 what
## 2660 1990 119 18 I
## 2661 1990 119 19 call
## 2662 1990 119 20 a
## 2663 1990 119 21 point
## 2664 1990 119 22 of
## 2665 1990 119 23 light
## 2666 1990 119 24 to
## 2667 1990 119 25 a
## 2668 1990 119 26 stranger
## 2669 1990 119 27 in
## 2670 1990 119 28 need
## 2671 1990 119 29 .
## 2672 1990 120 1 We
## 2673 1990 120 2 've
## 2674 1990 120 3 got
## 2675 1990 120 4 to
## 2676 1990 120 5 take
## 2677 1990 120 6 the
## 2678 1990 120 7 time
## 2679 1990 120 8 after
## 2680 1990 120 9 a
## 2681 1990 120 10 busy
## 2682 1990 120 11 day
## 2683 1990 120 12 to
## 2684 1990 120 13 sit
## 2685 1990 120 14 down
## 2686 1990 120 15 and
## 2687 1990 120 16 read
## 2688 1990 120 17 with
## 2689 1990 120 18 our
## 2690 1990 120 19 kids
## 2691 1990 120 20 ,
## 2692 1990 120 21 help
## 2693 1990 120 22 them
## 2694 1990 120 23 with
## 2695 1990 120 24 their
## 2696 1990 120 25 homework
## 2697 1990 120 26 ,
## 2698 1990 120 27 pass
## 2699 1990 120 28 along
## 2700 1990 120 29 the
## 2701 1990 120 30 values
## 2702 1990 120 31 we
## 2703 1990 120 32 learned
## 2704 1990 120 33 as
## 2705 1990 120 34 children
## 2706 1990 120 35 .
## 2707 1990 121 1 That
## 2708 1990 121 2 's
## 2709 1990 121 3 how
## 2710 1990 121 4 we
## 2711 1990 121 5 sustain
## 2712 1990 121 6 the
## 2713 1990 121 7 state
## 2714 1990 121 8 of
## 2715 1990 121 9 the
## 2716 1990 121 10 Union
## 2717 1990 121 11 .
## 2718 1990 122 1 Every
## 2719 1990 122 2 effort
## 2720 1990 122 3 is
## 2721 1990 122 4 important
## 2722 1990 122 5 .
## 2723 1990 123 1 It
## 2724 1990 123 2 all
## 2725 1990 123 3 adds
## 2726 1990 123 4 up
## 2727 1990 123 5 .
## 2728 1990 124 1 It
## 2729 1990 124 2 's
## 2730 1990 124 3 doing
## 2731 1990 124 4 the
## 2732 1990 124 5 things
## 2733 1990 124 6 that
## 2734 1990 124 7 give
## 2735 1990 124 8 democracy
## 2736 1990 124 9 meaning
## 2737 1990 124 10 .
## 2738 1990 125 1 It
## 2739 1990 125 2 all
## 2740 1990 125 3 adds
## 2741 1990 125 4 up
## 2742 1990 125 5 to
## 2743 1990 125 6 who
## 2744 1990 125 7 we
## 2745 1990 125 8 are
## 2746 1990 125 9 and
## 2747 1990 125 10 who
## 2748 1990 125 11 we
## 2749 1990 125 12 will
## 2750 1990 125 13 be
## 2751 1990 125 14 .
## 2752 1990 126 1 \n\n
## 2753 1990 126 2 Let
## 2754 1990 126 3 me
## 2755 1990 126 4 say
## 2756 1990 126 5 that
## 2757 1990 126 6 so
## 2758 1990 126 7 long
## 2759 1990 126 8 as
## 2760 1990 126 9 we
## 2761 1990 126 10 remember
## 2762 1990 126 11 the
## 2763 1990 126 12 American
## 2764 1990 126 13 idea
## 2765 1990 126 14 ,
## 2766 1990 126 15 so
## 2767 1990 126 16 long
## 2768 1990 126 17 as
## 2769 1990 126 18 we
## 2770 1990 126 19 live
## 2771 1990 126 20 up
## 2772 1990 126 21 to
## 2773 1990 126 22 the
## 2774 1990 126 23 American
## 2775 1990 126 24 ideal
## 2776 1990 126 25 ,
## 2777 1990 126 26 the
## 2778 1990 126 27 state
## 2779 1990 126 28 of
## 2780 1990 126 29 the
## 2781 1990 126 30 Union
## 2782 1990 126 31 will
## 2783 1990 126 32 remain
## 2784 1990 126 33 sound
## 2785 1990 126 34 and
## 2786 1990 126 35 strong
## 2787 1990 126 36 .
## 2788 1990 127 1 \n\n
## 2789 1990 127 2 And
## 2790 1990 127 3 to
## 2791 1990 127 4 those
## 2792 1990 127 5 who
## 2793 1990 127 6 worry
## 2794 1990 127 7 that
## 2795 1990 127 8 we
## 2796 1990 127 9 've
## 2797 1990 127 10 lost
## 2798 1990 127 11 our
## 2799 1990 127 12 way
## 2800 1990 127 13 --
## 2801 1990 127 14 well
## 2802 1990 127 15 ,
## 2803 1990 127 16 I
## 2804 1990 127 17 want
## 2805 1990 127 18 you
## 2806 1990 127 19 to
## 2807 1990 127 20 listen
## 2808 1990 127 21 to
## 2809 1990 127 22 parts
## 2810 1990 127 23 of
## 2811 1990 127 24 a
## 2812 1990 127 25 letter
## 2813 1990 127 26 written
## 2814 1990 127 27 by
## 2815 1990 127 28 Private_First_Class_James_Markwell
## 2816 1990 127 29 ,
## 2817 1990 127 30 a
## 2818 1990 127 31 20_-_year_-_old
## 2819 1990 127 32 Army
## 2820 1990 127 33 medic
## 2821 1990 127 34 of
## 2822 1990 127 35 the_1st_Battalion
## 2823 1990 127 36 ,
## 2824 1990 127 37 75th_Rangers
## 2825 1990 127 38 .
## 2826 1990 128 1 It
## 2827 1990 128 2 's
## 2828 1990 128 3 dated
## 2829 1990 128 4 December_18th
## 2830 1990 128 5 ,
## 2831 1990 128 6 the
## 2832 1990 128 7 night
## 2833 1990 128 8 before
## 2834 1990 128 9 our
## 2835 1990 128 10 armed
## 2836 1990 128 11 forces
## 2837 1990 128 12 went
## 2838 1990 128 13 into
## 2839 1990 128 14 action
## 2840 1990 128 15 in
## 2841 1990 128 16 Panama
## 2842 1990 128 17 .
## 2843 1990 129 1 It
## 2844 1990 129 2 's
## 2845 1990 129 3 a
## 2846 1990 129 4 letter
## 2847 1990 129 5 servicemen
## 2848 1990 129 6 write
## 2849 1990 129 7 and
## 2850 1990 129 8 hope
## 2851 1990 129 9 will
## 2852 1990 129 10 never
## 2853 1990 129 11 be
## 2854 1990 129 12 sent
## 2855 1990 129 13 .
## 2856 1990 130 1 And
## 2857 1990 130 2 sadly
## 2858 1990 130 3 ,
## 2859 1990 130 4 Private_Markwell_'s
## 2860 1990 130 5 mother
## 2861 1990 130 6 did
## 2862 1990 130 7 receive
## 2863 1990 130 8 this
## 2864 1990 130 9 letter
## 2865 1990 130 10 .
## 2866 1990 131 1 She
## 2867 1990 131 2 passed
## 2868 1990 131 3 it
## 2869 1990 131 4 along
## 2870 1990 131 5 to
## 2871 1990 131 6 me
## 2872 1990 131 7 out
## 2873 1990 131 8 there
## 2874 1990 131 9 in
## 2875 1990 131 10 Cincinnati
## 2876 1990 131 11 .
## 2877 1990 132 1 \n\n
## 2878 1990 132 2 And
## 2879 1990 132 3 here
## 2880 1990 132 4 is
## 2881 1990 132 5 some
## 2882 1990 132 6 of
## 2883 1990 132 7 what
## 2884 1990 132 8 he
## 2885 1990 132 9 wrote
## 2886 1990 132 10 :
## 2887 1990 132 11 "
## 2888 1990 132 12 I
## 2889 1990 132 13 've
## 2890 1990 132 14 never
## 2891 1990 132 15 been
## 2892 1990 132 16 afraid
## 2893 1990 132 17 of
## 2894 1990 132 18 death
## 2895 1990 132 19 ,
## 2896 1990 132 20 but
## 2897 1990 132 21 I
## 2898 1990 132 22 know
## 2899 1990 132 23 he
## 2900 1990 132 24 is
## 2901 1990 132 25 waiting
## 2902 1990 132 26 at
## 2903 1990 132 27 the
## 2904 1990 132 28 corner
## 2905 1990 132 29 .
## 2906 1990 133 1 I
## 2907 1990 133 2 've
## 2908 1990 133 3 been
## 2909 1990 133 4 trained
## 2910 1990 133 5 to
## 2911 1990 133 6 kill
## 2912 1990 133 7 and
## 2913 1990 133 8 to
## 2914 1990 133 9 save
## 2915 1990 133 10 ,
## 2916 1990 133 11 and
## 2917 1990 133 12 so
## 2918 1990 133 13 has
## 2919 1990 133 14 everyone
## 2920 1990 133 15 else
## 2921 1990 133 16 .
## 2922 1990 134 1 I
## 2923 1990 134 2 am
## 2924 1990 134 3 frightened
## 2925 1990 134 4 what
## 2926 1990 134 5 lays
## 2927 1990 134 6 beyond
## 2928 1990 134 7 the
## 2929 1990 134 8 fog
## 2930 1990 134 9 ,
## 2931 1990 134 10 and
## 2932 1990 134 11 yet
## 2933 1990 134 12 do
## 2934 1990 134 13 not
## 2935 1990 134 14 mourn
## 2936 1990 134 15 for
## 2937 1990 134 16 me
## 2938 1990 134 17 .
## 2939 1990 135 1 Revel
## 2940 1990 135 2 in
## 2941 1990 135 3 the
## 2942 1990 135 4 life
## 2943 1990 135 5 that
## 2944 1990 135 6 I
## 2945 1990 135 7 have
## 2946 1990 135 8 died
## 2947 1990 135 9 to
## 2948 1990 135 10 give
## 2949 1990 135 11 you
## 2950 1990 135 12 .
## 2951 1990 136 1 But
## 2952 1990 136 2 most
## 2953 1990 136 3 of
## 2954 1990 136 4 all
## 2955 1990 136 5 ,
## 2956 1990 136 6 do
## 2957 1990 136 7 n't
## 2958 1990 136 8 forget
## 2959 1990 136 9 the
## 2960 1990 136 10 Army
## 2961 1990 136 11 was
## 2962 1990 136 12 my
## 2963 1990 136 13 choice
## 2964 1990 136 14 .
## 2965 1990 137 1 Something
## 2966 1990 137 2 that
## 2967 1990 137 3 I
## 2968 1990 137 4 wanted
## 2969 1990 137 5 to
## 2970 1990 137 6 do
## 2971 1990 137 7 .
## 2972 1990 138 1 Remember
## 2973 1990 138 2 I
## 2974 1990 138 3 joined
## 2975 1990 138 4 the
## 2976 1990 138 5 Army
## 2977 1990 138 6 to
## 2978 1990 138 7 serve
## 2979 1990 138 8 my
## 2980 1990 138 9 country
## 2981 1990 138 10 and
## 2982 1990 138 11 ensure
## 2983 1990 138 12 that
## 2984 1990 138 13 you
## 2985 1990 138 14 are
## 2986 1990 138 15 free
## 2987 1990 138 16 to
## 2988 1990 138 17 do
## 2989 1990 138 18 what
## 2990 1990 138 19 you
## 2991 1990 138 20 want
## 2992 1990 138 21 and
## 2993 1990 138 22 live
## 2994 1990 138 23 your
## 2995 1990 138 24 lives
## 2996 1990 138 25 freely
## 2997 1990 138 26 .
## 2998 1990 138 27 "
## 2999 1990 139 1 \n\n
## 3000 1990 139 2 Let
## 3001 1990 139 3 me
## 3002 1990 139 4 add
## 3003 1990 139 5 that
## 3004 1990 139 6 Private
## 3005 1990 139 7 Markwell
## 3006 1990 139 8 was
## 3007 1990 139 9 among
## 3008 1990 139 10 the
## 3009 1990 139 11 first
## 3010 1990 139 12 to
## 3011 1990 139 13 see
## 3012 1990 139 14 battle
## 3013 1990 139 15 in
## 3014 1990 139 16 Panama
## 3015 1990 139 17 ,
## 3016 1990 139 18 and
## 3017 1990 139 19 one
## 3018 1990 139 20 of
## 3019 1990 139 21 the
## 3020 1990 139 22 first
## 3021 1990 139 23 to
## 3022 1990 139 24 fall
## 3023 1990 139 25 .
## 3024 1990 140 1 But
## 3025 1990 140 2 he
## 3026 1990 140 3 knew
## 3027 1990 140 4 what
## 3028 1990 140 5 he
## 3029 1990 140 6 believed
## 3030 1990 140 7 in
## 3031 1990 140 8 .
## 3032 1990 141 1 He
## 3033 1990 141 2 carried
## 3034 1990 141 3 the
## 3035 1990 141 4 idea
## 3036 1990 141 5 we
## 3037 1990 141 6 call
## 3038 1990 141 7 America
## 3039 1990 141 8 in
## 3040 1990 141 9 his
## 3041 1990 141 10 heart
## 3042 1990 141 11 .
## 3043 1990 142 1 \n\n
## 3044 1990 142 2 I
## 3045 1990 142 3 began
## 3046 1990 142 4 tonight
## 3047 1990 142 5 speaking
## 3048 1990 142 6 about
## 3049 1990 142 7 the
## 3050 1990 142 8 changes
## 3051 1990 142 9 we
## 3052 1990 142 10 've
## 3053 1990 142 11 seen
## 3054 1990 142 12 this_past_year
## 3055 1990 142 13 .
## 3056 1990 143 1 There
## 3057 1990 143 2 is
## 3058 1990 143 3 a
## 3059 1990 143 4 new
## 3060 1990 143 5 world
## 3061 1990 143 6 of
## 3062 1990 143 7 challenges
## 3063 1990 143 8 and
## 3064 1990 143 9 opportunities
## 3065 1990 143 10 before
## 3066 1990 143 11 us
## 3067 1990 143 12 ,
## 3068 1990 143 13 and
## 3069 1990 143 14 there
## 3070 1990 143 15 's
## 3071 1990 143 16 a
## 3072 1990 143 17 need
## 3073 1990 143 18 for
## 3074 1990 143 19 leadership
## 3075 1990 143 20 that
## 3076 1990 143 21 only
## 3077 1990 143 22 America
## 3078 1990 143 23 can
## 3079 1990 143 24 provide
## 3080 1990 143 25 .
## 3081 1990 144 1 Nearly_40_years_ago
## 3082 1990 144 2 ,
## 3083 1990 144 3 in
## 3084 1990 144 4 his
## 3085 1990 144 5 last
## 3086 1990 144 6 address
## 3087 1990 144 7 to
## 3088 1990 144 8 the
## 3089 1990 144 9 Congress
## 3090 1990 144 10 ,
## 3091 1990 144 11 President
## 3092 1990 144 12 Harry_Truman
## 3093 1990 144 13 predicted
## 3094 1990 144 14 such
## 3095 1990 144 15 a
## 3096 1990 144 16 time
## 3097 1990 144 17 would
## 3098 1990 144 18 come
## 3099 1990 144 19 .
## 3100 1990 145 1 He
## 3101 1990 145 2 said
## 3102 1990 145 3 :
## 3103 1990 145 4 "
## 3104 1990 145 5 As
## 3105 1990 145 6 our
## 3106 1990 145 7 world
## 3107 1990 145 8 grows
## 3108 1990 145 9 stronger
## 3109 1990 145 10 ,
## 3110 1990 145 11 more
## 3111 1990 145 12 united
## 3112 1990 145 13 ,
## 3113 1990 145 14 more
## 3114 1990 145 15 attractive
## 3115 1990 145 16 to
## 3116 1990 145 17 men
## 3117 1990 145 18 on
## 3118 1990 145 19 both
## 3119 1990 145 20 sides
## 3120 1990 145 21 of
## 3121 1990 145 22 the
## 3122 1990 145 23 Iron
## 3123 1990 145 24 Curtain
## 3124 1990 145 25 ,
## 3125 1990 145 26 then
## 3126 1990 145 27 inevitably
## 3127 1990 145 28 there
## 3128 1990 145 29 will
## 3129 1990 145 30 come
## 3130 1990 145 31 a
## 3131 1990 145 32 time
## 3132 1990 145 33 of
## 3133 1990 145 34 change
## 3134 1990 145 35 within
## 3135 1990 145 36 the
## 3136 1990 145 37 Communist
## 3137 1990 145 38 world
## 3138 1990 145 39 .
## 3139 1990 145 40 "
## 3140 1990 146 1 Today
## 3141 1990 146 2 ,
## 3142 1990 146 3 that
## 3143 1990 146 4 change
## 3144 1990 146 5 is
## 3145 1990 146 6 taking
## 3146 1990 146 7 place
## 3147 1990 146 8 .
## 3148 1990 147 1 \n\n
## 3149 1990 147 2 For
## 3150 1990 147 3 more_than_40_years
## 3151 1990 147 4 ,
## 3152 1990 147 5 America
## 3153 1990 147 6 and
## 3154 1990 147 7 its
## 3155 1990 147 8 allies
## 3156 1990 147 9 held
## 3157 1990 147 10 communism
## 3158 1990 147 11 in
## 3159 1990 147 12 check
## 3160 1990 147 13 and
## 3161 1990 147 14 ensured
## 3162 1990 147 15 that
## 3163 1990 147 16 democracy
## 3164 1990 147 17 would
## 3165 1990 147 18 continue
## 3166 1990 147 19 to
## 3167 1990 147 20 exist
## 3168 1990 147 21 .
## 3169 1990 148 1 And
## 3170 1990 148 2 today
## 3171 1990 148 3 ,
## 3172 1990 148 4 with
## 3173 1990 148 5 communism
## 3174 1990 148 6 crumbling
## 3175 1990 148 7 ,
## 3176 1990 148 8 our
## 3177 1990 148 9 aim
## 3178 1990 148 10 must
## 3179 1990 148 11 be
## 3180 1990 148 12 to
## 3181 1990 148 13 ensure
## 3182 1990 148 14 democracy
## 3183 1990 148 15 's
## 3184 1990 148 16 advance
## 3185 1990 148 17 ,
## 3186 1990 148 18 to
## 3187 1990 148 19 take
## 3188 1990 148 20 the
## 3189 1990 148 21 lead
## 3190 1990 148 22 in
## 3191 1990 148 23 forging
## 3192 1990 148 24 peace
## 3193 1990 148 25 and
## 3194 1990 148 26 freedom
## 3195 1990 148 27 's
## 3196 1990 148 28 best
## 3197 1990 148 29 hope
## 3198 1990 148 30 :
## 3199 1990 148 31 a
## 3200 1990 148 32 great
## 3201 1990 148 33 and
## 3202 1990 148 34 growing
## 3203 1990 148 35 commonwealth
## 3204 1990 148 36 of
## 3205 1990 148 37 free
## 3206 1990 148 38 nations
## 3207 1990 148 39 .
## 3208 1990 149 1 And
## 3209 1990 149 2 to
## 3210 1990 149 3 the
## 3211 1990 149 4 Congress
## 3212 1990 149 5 and
## 3213 1990 149 6 to
## 3214 1990 149 7 all
## 3215 1990 149 8 Americans
## 3216 1990 149 9 ,
## 3217 1990 149 10 I
## 3218 1990 149 11 say
## 3219 1990 149 12 it
## 3220 1990 149 13 is
## 3221 1990 149 14 time
## 3222 1990 149 15 to
## 3223 1990 149 16 acclaim
## 3224 1990 149 17 a
## 3225 1990 149 18 new
## 3226 1990 149 19 consensus
## 3227 1990 149 20 at
## 3228 1990 149 21 home
## 3229 1990 149 22 and
## 3230 1990 149 23 abroad
## 3231 1990 149 24 ,
## 3232 1990 149 25 a
## 3233 1990 149 26 common
## 3234 1990 149 27 vision
## 3235 1990 149 28 of
## 3236 1990 149 29 the
## 3237 1990 149 30 peaceful
## 3238 1990 149 31 world
## 3239 1990 149 32 we
## 3240 1990 149 33 want
## 3241 1990 149 34 to
## 3242 1990 149 35 see
## 3243 1990 149 36 .
## 3244 1990 150 1 \n\n
## 3245 1990 150 2 Here
## 3246 1990 150 3 in
## 3247 1990 150 4 our
## 3248 1990 150 5 own
## 3249 1990 150 6 hemisphere
## 3250 1990 150 7 ,
## 3251 1990 150 8 it
## 3252 1990 150 9 is
## 3253 1990 150 10 time
## 3254 1990 150 11 for
## 3255 1990 150 12 all
## 3256 1990 150 13 the
## 3257 1990 150 14 peoples
## 3258 1990 150 15 of
## 3259 1990 150 16 the
## 3260 1990 150 17 Americas
## 3261 1990 150 18 ,
## 3262 1990 150 19 North
## 3263 1990 150 20 and
## 3264 1990 150 21 South
## 3265 1990 150 22 ,
## 3266 1990 150 23 to
## 3267 1990 150 24 live
## 3268 1990 150 25 in
## 3269 1990 150 26 freedom
## 3270 1990 150 27 .
## 3271 1990 151 1 In
## 3272 1990 151 2 the_Far_East
## 3273 1990 151 3 and
## 3274 1990 151 4 Africa
## 3275 1990 151 5 ,
## 3276 1990 151 6 it
## 3277 1990 151 7 's
## 3278 1990 151 8 time
## 3279 1990 151 9 for
## 3280 1990 151 10 the
## 3281 1990 151 11 full
## 3282 1990 151 12 flowering
## 3283 1990 151 13 of
## 3284 1990 151 14 free
## 3285 1990 151 15 governments
## 3286 1990 151 16 and
## 3287 1990 151 17 free
## 3288 1990 151 18 markets
## 3289 1990 151 19 that
## 3290 1990 151 20 have
## 3291 1990 151 21 served
## 3292 1990 151 22 as
## 3293 1990 151 23 the
## 3294 1990 151 24 engine
## 3295 1990 151 25 of
## 3296 1990 151 26 progress
## 3297 1990 151 27 .
## 3298 1990 152 1 It
## 3299 1990 152 2 's
## 3300 1990 152 3 time
## 3301 1990 152 4 to
## 3302 1990 152 5 offer
## 3303 1990 152 6 our
## 3304 1990 152 7 hand
## 3305 1990 152 8 to
## 3306 1990 152 9 the
## 3307 1990 152 10 emerging
## 3308 1990 152 11 democracies
## 3309 1990 152 12 of
## 3310 1990 152 13 Eastern_Europe
## 3311 1990 152 14 so
## 3312 1990 152 15 that
## 3313 1990 152 16 continent
## 3314 1990 152 17 --
## 3315 1990 152 18 for
## 3316 1990 152 19 too
## 3317 1990 152 20 long
## 3318 1990 152 21 a
## 3319 1990 152 22 continent
## 3320 1990 152 23 divided
## 3321 1990 152 24 --
## 3322 1990 152 25 can
## 3323 1990 152 26 see
## 3324 1990 152 27 a
## 3325 1990 152 28 future
## 3326 1990 152 29 whole
## 3327 1990 152 30 and
## 3328 1990 152 31 free
## 3329 1990 152 32 .
## 3330 1990 153 1 It
## 3331 1990 153 2 's
## 3332 1990 153 3 time
## 3333 1990 153 4 to
## 3334 1990 153 5 build
## 3335 1990 153 6 on
## 3336 1990 153 7 our
## 3337 1990 153 8 new
## 3338 1990 153 9 relationship
## 3339 1990 153 10 with
## 3340 1990 153 11 the_Soviet_Union
## 3341 1990 153 12 ,
## 3342 1990 153 13 to
## 3343 1990 153 14 endorse
## 3344 1990 153 15 and
## 3345 1990 153 16 encourage
## 3346 1990 153 17 a
## 3347 1990 153 18 peaceful
## 3348 1990 153 19 process
## 3349 1990 153 20 of
## 3350 1990 153 21 internal
## 3351 1990 153 22 change
## 3352 1990 153 23 toward
## 3353 1990 153 24 democracy
## 3354 1990 153 25 and
## 3355 1990 153 26 economic
## 3356 1990 153 27 opportunity
## 3357 1990 153 28 .
## 3358 1990 154 1 \n\n
## 3359 1990 154 2 We
## 3360 1990 154 3 are
## 3361 1990 154 4 in
## 3362 1990 154 5 a
## 3363 1990 154 6 period
## 3364 1990 154 7 of
## 3365 1990 154 8 great
## 3366 1990 154 9 transition
## 3367 1990 154 10 ,
## 3368 1990 154 11 great
## 3369 1990 154 12 hope
## 3370 1990 154 13 ,
## 3371 1990 154 14 and
## 3372 1990 154 15 yet
## 3373 1990 154 16 great
## 3374 1990 154 17 uncertainty
## 3375 1990 154 18 .
## 3376 1990 155 1 We
## 3377 1990 155 2 recognize
## 3378 1990 155 3 that
## 3379 1990 155 4 the
## 3380 1990 155 5 Soviet
## 3381 1990 155 6 military
## 3382 1990 155 7 threat
## 3383 1990 155 8 in
## 3384 1990 155 9 Europe
## 3385 1990 155 10 is
## 3386 1990 155 11 diminishing
## 3387 1990 155 12 ,
## 3388 1990 155 13 but
## 3389 1990 155 14 we
## 3390 1990 155 15 see
## 3391 1990 155 16 little
## 3392 1990 155 17 change
## 3393 1990 155 18 in
## 3394 1990 155 19 Soviet
## 3395 1990 155 20 strategic
## 3396 1990 155 21 modernization
## 3397 1990 155 22 .
## 3398 1990 156 1 Therefore
## 3399 1990 156 2 ,
## 3400 1990 156 3 we
## 3401 1990 156 4 must
## 3402 1990 156 5 sustain
## 3403 1990 156 6 our
## 3404 1990 156 7 own
## 3405 1990 156 8 strategic
## 3406 1990 156 9 offense
## 3407 1990 156 10 modernization
## 3408 1990 156 11 and
## 3409 1990 156 12 the
## 3410 1990 156 13 Strategic
## 3411 1990 156 14 Defense
## 3412 1990 156 15 Initiative
## 3413 1990 156 16 .
## 3414 1990 157 1 \n\n
## 3415 1990 157 2 But
## 3416 1990 157 3 the
## 3417 1990 157 4 time
## 3418 1990 157 5 is
## 3419 1990 157 6 right
## 3420 1990 157 7 to
## 3421 1990 157 8 move
## 3422 1990 157 9 forward
## 3423 1990 157 10 on
## 3424 1990 157 11 a
## 3425 1990 157 12 conventional
## 3426 1990 157 13 arms
## 3427 1990 157 14 control
## 3428 1990 157 15 agreement
## 3429 1990 157 16 to
## 3430 1990 157 17 move
## 3431 1990 157 18 us
## 3432 1990 157 19 to
## 3433 1990 157 20 more
## 3434 1990 157 21 appropriate
## 3435 1990 157 22 levels
## 3436 1990 157 23 of
## 3437 1990 157 24 military
## 3438 1990 157 25 forces
## 3439 1990 157 26 in
## 3440 1990 157 27 Europe
## 3441 1990 157 28 ,
## 3442 1990 157 29 a
## 3443 1990 157 30 coherent
## 3444 1990 157 31 defense
## 3445 1990 157 32 program
## 3446 1990 157 33 that
## 3447 1990 157 34 ensures
## 3448 1990 157 35 the
## 3449 1990 157 36 U.S.
## 3450 1990 157 37 will
## 3451 1990 157 38 continue
## 3452 1990 157 39 to
## 3453 1990 157 40 be
## 3454 1990 157 41 a
## 3455 1990 157 42 catalyst
## 3456 1990 157 43 for
## 3457 1990 157 44 peaceful
## 3458 1990 157 45 change
## 3459 1990 157 46 in
## 3460 1990 157 47 Europe
## 3461 1990 157 48 .
## 3462 1990 158 1 And
## 3463 1990 158 2 I
## 3464 1990 158 3 've
## 3465 1990 158 4 consulted
## 3466 1990 158 5 with
## 3467 1990 158 6 leaders
## 3468 1990 158 7 of
## 3469 1990 158 8 NATO
## 3470 1990 158 9 .
## 3471 1990 159 1 In
## 3472 1990 159 2 fact
## 3473 1990 159 3 ,
## 3474 1990 159 4 I
## 3475 1990 159 5 spoke
## 3476 1990 159 6 by
## 3477 1990 159 7 phone
## 3478 1990 159 8 with
## 3479 1990 159 9 President
## 3480 1990 159 10 Gorbachev
## 3481 1990 159 11 just
## 3482 1990 159 12 today
## 3483 1990 159 13 .
## 3484 1990 160 1 \n\n
## 3485 1990 160 2 I
## 3486 1990 160 3 agree
## 3487 1990 160 4 with
## 3488 1990 160 5 our
## 3489 1990 160 6 European
## 3490 1990 160 7 allies
## 3491 1990 160 8 that
## 3492 1990 160 9 an
## 3493 1990 160 10 American
## 3494 1990 160 11 military
## 3495 1990 160 12 presence
## 3496 1990 160 13 in
## 3497 1990 160 14 Europe
## 3498 1990 160 15 is
## 3499 1990 160 16 essential
## 3500 1990 160 17 and
## 3501 1990 160 18 that
## 3502 1990 160 19 it
## 3503 1990 160 20 should
## 3504 1990 160 21 not
## 3505 1990 160 22 be
## 3506 1990 160 23 tied
## 3507 1990 160 24 solely
## 3508 1990 160 25 to
## 3509 1990 160 26 the
## 3510 1990 160 27 Soviet
## 3511 1990 160 28 military
## 3512 1990 160 29 presence
## 3513 1990 160 30 in
## 3514 1990 160 31 Eastern_Europe
## 3515 1990 160 32 .
## 3516 1990 161 1 But
## 3517 1990 161 2 our
## 3518 1990 161 3 troop
## 3519 1990 161 4 levels
## 3520 1990 161 5 can
## 3521 1990 161 6 still
## 3522 1990 161 7 be
## 3523 1990 161 8 lower
## 3524 1990 161 9 .
## 3525 1990 162 1 And
## 3526 1990 162 2 so
## 3527 1990 162 3 ,
## 3528 1990 162 4 tonight
## 3529 1990 162 5 I
## 3530 1990 162 6 am
## 3531 1990 162 7 announcing
## 3532 1990 162 8 a
## 3533 1990 162 9 major
## 3534 1990 162 10 new
## 3535 1990 162 11 step
## 3536 1990 162 12 for
## 3537 1990 162 13 a
## 3538 1990 162 14 further
## 3539 1990 162 15 reduction
## 3540 1990 162 16 in
## 3541 1990 162 17 U.S.
## 3542 1990 162 18 and
## 3543 1990 162 19 Soviet
## 3544 1990 162 20 manpower
## 3545 1990 162 21 in
## 3546 1990 162 22 Central_and_Eastern_Europe
## 3547 1990 162 23 to
## 3548 1990 162 24 195,000
## 3549 1990 162 25 on
## 3550 1990 162 26 each
## 3551 1990 162 27 side
## 3552 1990 162 28 .
## 3553 1990 163 1 This
## 3554 1990 163 2 level
## 3555 1990 163 3 reflects
## 3556 1990 163 4 the
## 3557 1990 163 5 advice
## 3558 1990 163 6 of
## 3559 1990 163 7 our
## 3560 1990 163 8 senior
## 3561 1990 163 9 military
## 3562 1990 163 10 advisers
## 3563 1990 163 11 .
## 3564 1990 164 1 It
## 3565 1990 164 2 's
## 3566 1990 164 3 designed
## 3567 1990 164 4 to
## 3568 1990 164 5 protect
## 3569 1990 164 6 American
## 3570 1990 164 7 and
## 3571 1990 164 8 European
## 3572 1990 164 9 interests
## 3573 1990 164 10 and
## 3574 1990 164 11 sustain
## 3575 1990 164 12 NATO
## 3576 1990 164 13 's
## 3577 1990 164 14 defense
## 3578 1990 164 15 strategy
## 3579 1990 164 16 .
## 3580 1990 165 1 A
## 3581 1990 165 2 swift
## 3582 1990 165 3 conclusion
## 3583 1990 165 4 to
## 3584 1990 165 5 our
## 3585 1990 165 6 arms
## 3586 1990 165 7 control
## 3587 1990 165 8 talks
## 3588 1990 165 9 --
## 3589 1990 165 10 conventional
## 3590 1990 165 11 ,
## 3591 1990 165 12 chemical
## 3592 1990 165 13 ,
## 3593 1990 165 14 and
## 3594 1990 165 15 strategic
## 3595 1990 165 16 --
## 3596 1990 165 17 must
## 3597 1990 165 18 now
## 3598 1990 165 19 be
## 3599 1990 165 20 our
## 3600 1990 165 21 goal
## 3601 1990 165 22 .
## 3602 1990 166 1 And
## 3603 1990 166 2 that
## 3604 1990 166 3 time
## 3605 1990 166 4 has
## 3606 1990 166 5 come
## 3607 1990 166 6 .
## 3608 1990 167 1 \n\n
## 3609 1990 167 2 Still
## 3610 1990 167 3 ,
## 3611 1990 167 4 we
## 3612 1990 167 5 must
## 3613 1990 167 6 recognize
## 3614 1990 167 7 an
## 3615 1990 167 8 unfortunate
## 3616 1990 167 9 fact
## 3617 1990 167 10 :
## 3618 1990 167 11 In
## 3619 1990 167 12 many
## 3620 1990 167 13 regions
## 3621 1990 167 14 of
## 3622 1990 167 15 the
## 3623 1990 167 16 world
## 3624 1990 167 17 tonight
## 3625 1990 167 18 ,
## 3626 1990 167 19 the
## 3627 1990 167 20 reality
## 3628 1990 167 21 is
## 3629 1990 167 22 conflict
## 3630 1990 167 23 ,
## 3631 1990 167 24 not
## 3632 1990 167 25 peace
## 3633 1990 167 26 .
## 3634 1990 168 1 Enduring
## 3635 1990 168 2 animosities
## 3636 1990 168 3 and
## 3637 1990 168 4 opposing
## 3638 1990 168 5 interests
## 3639 1990 168 6 remain
## 3640 1990 168 7 .
## 3641 1990 169 1 And
## 3642 1990 169 2 thus
## 3643 1990 169 3 ,
## 3644 1990 169 4 the
## 3645 1990 169 5 cause
## 3646 1990 169 6 of
## 3647 1990 169 7 peace
## 3648 1990 169 8 must
## 3649 1990 169 9 be
## 3650 1990 169 10 served
## 3651 1990 169 11 by
## 3652 1990 169 12 an
## 3653 1990 169 13 America
## 3654 1990 169 14 strong
## 3655 1990 169 15 enough
## 3656 1990 169 16 and
## 3657 1990 169 17 sure
## 3658 1990 169 18 enough
## 3659 1990 169 19 to
## 3660 1990 169 20 defend
## 3661 1990 169 21 our
## 3662 1990 169 22 interests
## 3663 1990 169 23 and
## 3664 1990 169 24 our
## 3665 1990 169 25 ideals
## 3666 1990 169 26 .
## 3667 1990 170 1 It
## 3668 1990 170 2 's
## 3669 1990 170 3 this
## 3670 1990 170 4 American
## 3671 1990 170 5 idea
## 3672 1990 170 6 that
## 3673 1990 170 7 for
## 3674 1990 170 8 the_past_four_decades
## 3675 1990 170 9 helped
## 3676 1990 170 10 inspire
## 3677 1990 170 11 this
## 3678 1990 170 12 Revolution
## 3679 1990 170 13 of
## 3680 1990 170 14 '
## 3681 1990 170 15 89
## 3682 1990 170 16 .
## 3683 1990 171 1 \n\n
## 3684 1990 171 2 Here
## 3685 1990 171 3 at
## 3686 1990 171 4 home
## 3687 1990 171 5 and
## 3688 1990 171 6 in
## 3689 1990 171 7 the
## 3690 1990 171 8 world
## 3691 1990 171 9 ,
## 3692 1990 171 10 there
## 3693 1990 171 11 's
## 3694 1990 171 12 history
## 3695 1990 171 13 in
## 3696 1990 171 14 the
## 3697 1990 171 15 making
## 3698 1990 171 16 ,
## 3699 1990 171 17 history
## 3700 1990 171 18 to
## 3701 1990 171 19 be
## 3702 1990 171 20 made
## 3703 1990 171 21 .
## 3704 1990 172 1 Six_months_ago
## 3705 1990 172 2 ,
## 3706 1990 172 3 early
## 3707 1990 172 4 in
## 3708 1990 172 5 this_season
## 3709 1990 172 6 of
## 3710 1990 172 7 change
## 3711 1990 172 8 ,
## 3712 1990 172 9 I
## 3713 1990 172 10 stood
## 3714 1990 172 11 at
## 3715 1990 172 12 the
## 3716 1990 172 13 gates
## 3717 1990 172 14 of
## 3718 1990 172 15 the
## 3719 1990 172 16 Gdansk
## 3720 1990 172 17 shipyard
## 3721 1990 172 18 in
## 3722 1990 172 19 Poland
## 3723 1990 172 20 at
## 3724 1990 172 21 the
## 3725 1990 172 22 monument
## 3726 1990 172 23 to
## 3727 1990 172 24 the
## 3728 1990 172 25 fallen
## 3729 1990 172 26 workers
## 3730 1990 172 27 of
## 3731 1990 172 28 Solidarity
## 3732 1990 172 29 .
## 3733 1990 173 1 It
## 3734 1990 173 2 's
## 3735 1990 173 3 a
## 3736 1990 173 4 monument
## 3737 1990 173 5 of
## 3738 1990 173 6 simple
## 3739 1990 173 7 majesty
## 3740 1990 173 8 .
## 3741 1990 174 1 Three
## 3742 1990 174 2 tall
## 3743 1990 174 3 crosses
## 3744 1990 174 4 rise
## 3745 1990 174 5 up
## 3746 1990 174 6 from
## 3747 1990 174 7 the
## 3748 1990 174 8 stones
## 3749 1990 174 9 ,
## 3750 1990 174 10 and
## 3751 1990 174 11 atop
## 3752 1990 174 12 each
## 3753 1990 174 13 cross
## 3754 1990 174 14 ,
## 3755 1990 174 15 an
## 3756 1990 174 16 anchor
## 3757 1990 174 17 --
## 3758 1990 174 18 an
## 3759 1990 174 19 ancient
## 3760 1990 174 20 symbol
## 3761 1990 174 21 of
## 3762 1990 174 22 hope
## 3763 1990 174 23 .
## 3764 1990 175 1 \n\n
## 3765 1990 175 2 The
## 3766 1990 175 3 anchor
## 3767 1990 175 4 in
## 3768 1990 175 5 our
## 3769 1990 175 6 world
## 3770 1990 175 7 today
## 3771 1990 175 8 is
## 3772 1990 175 9 freedom
## 3773 1990 175 10 ,
## 3774 1990 175 11 holding
## 3775 1990 175 12 us
## 3776 1990 175 13 steady
## 3777 1990 175 14 in
## 3778 1990 175 15 times
## 3779 1990 175 16 of
## 3780 1990 175 17 change
## 3781 1990 175 18 ,
## 3782 1990 175 19 a
## 3783 1990 175 20 symbol
## 3784 1990 175 21 of
## 3785 1990 175 22 hope
## 3786 1990 175 23 to
## 3787 1990 175 24 all
## 3788 1990 175 25 the
## 3789 1990 175 26 world
## 3790 1990 175 27 .
## 3791 1990 176 1 And
## 3792 1990 176 2 freedom
## 3793 1990 176 3 is
## 3794 1990 176 4 at
## 3795 1990 176 5 the
## 3796 1990 176 6 very
## 3797 1990 176 7 heart
## 3798 1990 176 8 of
## 3799 1990 176 9 the
## 3800 1990 176 10 idea
## 3801 1990 176 11 that
## 3802 1990 176 12 is
## 3803 1990 176 13 America
## 3804 1990 176 14 .
## 3805 1990 177 1 Giving
## 3806 1990 177 2 life
## 3807 1990 177 3 to
## 3808 1990 177 4 that
## 3809 1990 177 5 idea
## 3810 1990 177 6 depends
## 3811 1990 177 7 on
## 3812 1990 177 8 every
## 3813 1990 177 9 one
## 3814 1990 177 10 of
## 3815 1990 177 11 us
## 3816 1990 177 12 .
## 3817 1990 178 1 Our
## 3818 1990 178 2 anchor
## 3819 1990 178 3 has
## 3820 1990 178 4 always
## 3821 1990 178 5 been
## 3822 1990 178 6 faith
## 3823 1990 178 7 and
## 3824 1990 178 8 family
## 3825 1990 178 9 .
## 3826 1990 179 1 \n\n
## 3827 1990 179 2 In
## 3828 1990 179 3 the_last_few_days
## 3829 1990 179 4 of
## 3830 1990 179 5 this_past_momentous_year
## 3831 1990 179 6 ,
## 3832 1990 179 7 our
## 3833 1990 179 8 family
## 3834 1990 179 9 was
## 3835 1990 179 10 blessed
## 3836 1990 179 11 once
## 3837 1990 179 12 more
## 3838 1990 179 13 ,
## 3839 1990 179 14 celebrating
## 3840 1990 179 15 the
## 3841 1990 179 16 joy
## 3842 1990 179 17 of
## 3843 1990 179 18 life
## 3844 1990 179 19 when
## 3845 1990 179 20 a
## 3846 1990 179 21 little
## 3847 1990 179 22 boy
## 3848 1990 179 23 became
## 3849 1990 179 24 our
## 3850 1990 179 25 12th
## 3851 1990 179 26 grandchild
## 3852 1990 179 27 .
## 3853 1990 180 1 When
## 3854 1990 180 2 I
## 3855 1990 180 3 held
## 3856 1990 180 4 the
## 3857 1990 180 5 little
## 3858 1990 180 6 guy
## 3859 1990 180 7 for
## 3860 1990 180 8 the
## 3861 1990 180 9 first
## 3862 1990 180 10 time
## 3863 1990 180 11 ,
## 3864 1990 180 12 the
## 3865 1990 180 13 troubles
## 3866 1990 180 14 at
## 3867 1990 180 15 home
## 3868 1990 180 16 and
## 3869 1990 180 17 abroad
## 3870 1990 180 18 seemed
## 3871 1990 180 19 manageable
## 3872 1990 180 20 and
## 3873 1990 180 21 totally
## 3874 1990 180 22 in
## 3875 1990 180 23 perspective
## 3876 1990 180 24 .
## 3877 1990 181 1 \n\n
## 3878 1990 181 2 Now
## 3879 1990 181 3 ,
## 3880 1990 181 4 I
## 3881 1990 181 5 know
## 3882 1990 181 6 you
## 3883 1990 181 7 're
## 3884 1990 181 8 probably
## 3885 1990 181 9 thinking
## 3886 1990 181 10 ,
## 3887 1990 181 11 well
## 3888 1990 181 12 ,
## 3889 1990 181 13 that
## 3890 1990 181 14 's
## 3891 1990 181 15 just
## 3892 1990 181 16 a
## 3893 1990 181 17 grandfather
## 3894 1990 181 18 talking
## 3895 1990 181 19 .
## 3896 1990 182 1 Well
## 3897 1990 182 2 ,
## 3898 1990 182 3 maybe
## 3899 1990 182 4 you
## 3900 1990 182 5 're
## 3901 1990 182 6 right
## 3902 1990 182 7 .
## 3903 1990 183 1 But
## 3904 1990 183 2 I
## 3905 1990 183 3 've
## 3906 1990 183 4 met
## 3907 1990 183 5 a
## 3908 1990 183 6 lot
## 3909 1990 183 7 of
## 3910 1990 183 8 children
## 3911 1990 183 9 this_past_year
## 3912 1990 183 10 across
## 3913 1990 183 11 this
## 3914 1990 183 12 country
## 3915 1990 183 13 ,
## 3916 1990 183 14 as
## 3917 1990 183 15 all
## 3918 1990 183 16 of
## 3919 1990 183 17 you
## 3920 1990 183 18 have
## 3921 1990 183 19 ,
## 3922 1990 183 20 everywhere
## 3923 1990 183 21 from
## 3924 1990 183 22 the_Far_East
## 3925 1990 183 23 to
## 3926 1990 183 24 Eastern_Europe
## 3927 1990 183 25 .
## 3928 1990 184 1 And
## 3929 1990 184 2 all
## 3930 1990 184 3 kids
## 3931 1990 184 4 are
## 3932 1990 184 5 unique
## 3933 1990 184 6 ,
## 3934 1990 184 7 and
## 3935 1990 184 8 yet
## 3936 1990 184 9 all
## 3937 1990 184 10 kids
## 3938 1990 184 11 are
## 3939 1990 184 12 alike
## 3940 1990 184 13 --
## 3941 1990 184 14 the
## 3942 1990 184 15 budding
## 3943 1990 184 16 young
## 3944 1990 184 17 environmentalists
## 3945 1990 184 18 I
## 3946 1990 184 19 met
## 3947 1990 184 20 this_month
## 3948 1990 184 21 who
## 3949 1990 184 22 joined
## 3950 1990 184 23 me
## 3951 1990 184 24 in
## 3952 1990 184 25 exploring
## 3953 1990 184 26 the_Florida_Everglades
## 3954 1990 184 27 ;
## 3955 1990 184 28 the
## 3956 1990 184 29 little
## 3957 1990 184 30 leaguers
## 3958 1990 184 31 I
## 3959 1990 184 32 played
## 3960 1990 184 33 catch
## 3961 1990 184 34 with
## 3962 1990 184 35 in
## 3963 1990 184 36 Poland
## 3964 1990 184 37 ,
## 3965 1990 184 38 ready
## 3966 1990 184 39 to
## 3967 1990 184 40 go
## 3968 1990 184 41 from
## 3969 1990 184 42 Warsaw
## 3970 1990 184 43 to
## 3971 1990 184 44 the_World_Series
## 3972 1990 184 45 ;
## 3973 1990 184 46 and
## 3974 1990 184 47 even
## 3975 1990 184 48 the
## 3976 1990 184 49 kids
## 3977 1990 184 50 who
## 3978 1990 184 51 are
## 3979 1990 184 52 ill
## 3980 1990 184 53 or
## 3981 1990 184 54 alone
## 3982 1990 184 55 --
## 3983 1990 184 56 and
## 3984 1990 184 57 God
## 3985 1990 184 58 bless
## 3986 1990 184 59 those
## 3987 1990 184 60 boarder
## 3988 1990 184 61 babies
## 3989 1990 184 62 ,
## 3990 1990 184 63 born
## 3991 1990 184 64 addicted
## 3992 1990 184 65 to
## 3993 1990 184 66 drugs
## 3994 1990 184 67 and
## 3995 1990 184 68 AIDS
## 3996 1990 184 69 and
## 3997 1990 184 70 coping
## 3998 1990 184 71 with
## 3999 1990 184 72 problems
## 4000 1990 184 73 no
## 4001 1990 184 74 child
## 4002 1990 184 75 should
## 4003 1990 184 76 have
## 4004 1990 184 77 to
## 4005 1990 184 78 face
## 4006 1990 184 79 .
## 4007 1990 185 1 But
## 4008 1990 185 2 you
## 4009 1990 185 3 know
## 4010 1990 185 4 ,
## 4011 1990 185 5 when
## 4012 1990 185 6 it
## 4013 1990 185 7 comes
## 4014 1990 185 8 to
## 4015 1990 185 9 hope
## 4016 1990 185 10 and
## 4017 1990 185 11 the
## 4018 1990 185 12 future
## 4019 1990 185 13 ,
## 4020 1990 185 14 every
## 4021 1990 185 15 kid
## 4022 1990 185 16 is
## 4023 1990 185 17 the
## 4024 1990 185 18 same
## 4025 1990 185 19 --
## 4026 1990 185 20 full
## 4027 1990 185 21 of
## 4028 1990 185 22 dreams
## 4029 1990 185 23 ,
## 4030 1990 185 24 ready
## 4031 1990 185 25 to
## 4032 1990 185 26 take
## 4033 1990 185 27 on
## 4034 1990 185 28 the
## 4035 1990 185 29 world
## 4036 1990 185 30 --
## 4037 1990 185 31 all
## 4038 1990 185 32 special
## 4039 1990 185 33 ,
## 4040 1990 185 34 because
## 4041 1990 185 35 they
## 4042 1990 185 36 are
## 4043 1990 185 37 the
## 4044 1990 185 38 very
## 4045 1990 185 39 future
## 4046 1990 185 40 of
## 4047 1990 185 41 freedom
## 4048 1990 185 42 .
## 4049 1990 186 1 And
## 4050 1990 186 2 to
## 4051 1990 186 3 them
## 4052 1990 186 4 belongs
## 4053 1990 186 5 this
## 4054 1990 186 6 new
## 4055 1990 186 7 world
## 4056 1990 186 8 I
## 4057 1990 186 9 've
## 4058 1990 186 10 been
## 4059 1990 186 11 speaking
## 4060 1990 186 12 about
## 4061 1990 186 13 .
## 4062 1990 187 1 \n\n
## 4063 1990 187 2 And
## 4064 1990 187 3 so
## 4065 1990 187 4 ,
## 4066 1990 187 5 tonight
## 4067 1990 187 6 I
## 4068 1990 187 7 'm
## 4069 1990 187 8 going
## 4070 1990 187 9 to
## 4071 1990 187 10 ask
## 4072 1990 187 11 something
## 4073 1990 187 12 of
## 4074 1990 187 13 every
## 4075 1990 187 14 one
## 4076 1990 187 15 of
## 4077 1990 187 16 you
## 4078 1990 187 17 .
## 4079 1990 188 1 Now
## 4080 1990 188 2 ,
## 4081 1990 188 3 let
## 4082 1990 188 4 me
## 4083 1990 188 5 start
## 4084 1990 188 6 with
## 4085 1990 188 7 my
## 4086 1990 188 8 generation
## 4087 1990 188 9 ,
## 4088 1990 188 10 with
## 4089 1990 188 11 the
## 4090 1990 188 12 grandparents
## 4091 1990 188 13 out
## 4092 1990 188 14 there
## 4093 1990 188 15 .
## 4094 1990 189 1 You
## 4095 1990 189 2 are
## 4096 1990 189 3 our
## 4097 1990 189 4 living
## 4098 1990 189 5 link
## 4099 1990 189 6 to
## 4100 1990 189 7 the
## 4101 1990 189 8 past
## 4102 1990 189 9 .
## 4103 1990 190 1 Tell
## 4104 1990 190 2 your
## 4105 1990 190 3 grandchildren
## 4106 1990 190 4 the
## 4107 1990 190 5 story
## 4108 1990 190 6 of
## 4109 1990 190 7 struggles
## 4110 1990 190 8 waged
## 4111 1990 190 9 at
## 4112 1990 190 10 home
## 4113 1990 190 11 and
## 4114 1990 190 12 abroad
## 4115 1990 190 13 ,
## 4116 1990 190 14 of
## 4117 1990 190 15 sacrifices
## 4118 1990 190 16 freely
## 4119 1990 190 17 made
## 4120 1990 190 18 for
## 4121 1990 190 19 freedom
## 4122 1990 190 20 's
## 4123 1990 190 21 sake
## 4124 1990 190 22 .
## 4125 1990 191 1 And
## 4126 1990 191 2 tell
## 4127 1990 191 3 them
## 4128 1990 191 4 your
## 4129 1990 191 5 own
## 4130 1990 191 6 story
## 4131 1990 191 7 as
## 4132 1990 191 8 well
## 4133 1990 191 9 ,
## 4134 1990 191 10 because
## 4135 1990 191 11 every
## 4136 1990 191 12 American
## 4137 1990 191 13 has
## 4138 1990 191 14 a
## 4139 1990 191 15 story
## 4140 1990 191 16 to
## 4141 1990 191 17 tell
## 4142 1990 191 18 .
## 4143 1990 192 1 \n\n
## 4144 1990 192 2 And
## 4145 1990 192 3 ,
## 4146 1990 192 4 parents
## 4147 1990 192 5 ,
## 4148 1990 192 6 your
## 4149 1990 192 7 children
## 4150 1990 192 8 look
## 4151 1990 192 9 to
## 4152 1990 192 10 you
## 4153 1990 192 11 for
## 4154 1990 192 12 direction
## 4155 1990 192 13 and
## 4156 1990 192 14 guidance
## 4157 1990 192 15 .
## 4158 1990 193 1 Tell
## 4159 1990 193 2 them
## 4160 1990 193 3 of
## 4161 1990 193 4 faith
## 4162 1990 193 5 and
## 4163 1990 193 6 family
## 4164 1990 193 7 .
## 4165 1990 194 1 Tell
## 4166 1990 194 2 them
## 4167 1990 194 3 we
## 4168 1990 194 4 are
## 4169 1990 194 5 one
## 4170 1990 194 6 nation
## 4171 1990 194 7 under
## 4172 1990 194 8 God
## 4173 1990 194 9 .
## 4174 1990 195 1 Teach
## 4175 1990 195 2 them
## 4176 1990 195 3 that
## 4177 1990 195 4 of
## 4178 1990 195 5 all
## 4179 1990 195 6 the
## 4180 1990 195 7 many
## 4181 1990 195 8 gifts
## 4182 1990 195 9 they
## 4183 1990 195 10 can
## 4184 1990 195 11 receive
## 4185 1990 195 12 liberty
## 4186 1990 195 13 is
## 4187 1990 195 14 their
## 4188 1990 195 15 most
## 4189 1990 195 16 precious
## 4190 1990 195 17 legacy
## 4191 1990 195 18 ,
## 4192 1990 195 19 and
## 4193 1990 195 20 of
## 4194 1990 195 21 all
## 4195 1990 195 22 the
## 4196 1990 195 23 gifts
## 4197 1990 195 24 they
## 4198 1990 195 25 can
## 4199 1990 195 26 give
## 4200 1990 195 27 the
## 4201 1990 195 28 greatest
## 4202 1990 195 29 is
## 4203 1990 195 30 helping
## 4204 1990 195 31 others
## 4205 1990 195 32 .
## 4206 1990 196 1 \n\n
## 4207 1990 196 2 And
## 4208 1990 196 3 to
## 4209 1990 196 4 the
## 4210 1990 196 5 children
## 4211 1990 196 6 and
## 4212 1990 196 7 young
## 4213 1990 196 8 people
## 4214 1990 196 9 out
## 4215 1990 196 10 there
## 4216 1990 196 11 tonight
## 4217 1990 196 12 :
## 4218 1990 196 13 With
## 4219 1990 196 14 you
## 4220 1990 196 15 rests
## 4221 1990 196 16 our
## 4222 1990 196 17 hope
## 4223 1990 196 18 ,
## 4224 1990 196 19 all
## 4225 1990 196 20 that
## 4226 1990 196 21 America
## 4227 1990 196 22 will
## 4228 1990 196 23 mean
## 4229 1990 196 24 in
## 4230 1990 196 25 the_years_and
## 4231 1990 196 26 decades
## 4232 1990 196 27 ahead
## 4233 1990 196 28 .
## 4234 1990 197 1 Fix
## 4235 1990 197 2 your
## 4236 1990 197 3 vision
## 4237 1990 197 4 on
## 4238 1990 197 5 a_new_century
## 4239 1990 197 6 --
## 4240 1990 197 7 your
## 4241 1990 197 8 century
## 4242 1990 197 9 ,
## 4243 1990 197 10 on
## 4244 1990 197 11 dreams
## 4245 1990 197 12 we
## 4246 1990 197 13 can
## 4247 1990 197 14 not
## 4248 1990 197 15 see
## 4249 1990 197 16 ,
## 4250 1990 197 17 on
## 4251 1990 197 18 the
## 4252 1990 197 19 destiny
## 4253 1990 197 20 that
## 4254 1990 197 21 is
## 4255 1990 197 22 yours
## 4256 1990 197 23 and
## 4257 1990 197 24 yours
## 4258 1990 197 25 alone
## 4259 1990 197 26 .
## 4260 1990 198 1 \n\n
## 4261 1990 198 2 And
## 4262 1990 198 3 finally
## 4263 1990 198 4 ,
## 4264 1990 198 5 let
## 4265 1990 198 6 all
## 4266 1990 198 7 Americans
## 4267 1990 198 8 --
## 4268 1990 198 9 all
## 4269 1990 198 10 of
## 4270 1990 198 11 us
## 4271 1990 198 12 together
## 4272 1990 198 13 here
## 4273 1990 198 14 in
## 4274 1990 198 15 this
## 4275 1990 198 16 Chamber
## 4276 1990 198 17 ,
## 4277 1990 198 18 the
## 4278 1990 198 19 symbolic
## 4279 1990 198 20 center
## 4280 1990 198 21 of
## 4281 1990 198 22 democracy
## 4282 1990 198 23 --
## 4283 1990 198 24 affirm
## 4284 1990 198 25 our
## 4285 1990 198 26 allegiance
## 4286 1990 198 27 to
## 4287 1990 198 28 this
## 4288 1990 198 29 idea
## 4289 1990 198 30 we
## 4290 1990 198 31 call
## 4291 1990 198 32 America
## 4292 1990 198 33 .
## 4293 1990 199 1 And
## 4294 1990 199 2 let
## 4295 1990 199 3 us
## 4296 1990 199 4 remember
## 4297 1990 199 5 that
## 4298 1990 199 6 the
## 4299 1990 199 7 state
## 4300 1990 199 8 of
## 4301 1990 199 9 the
## 4302 1990 199 10 Union
## 4303 1990 199 11 depends
## 4304 1990 199 12 on
## 4305 1990 199 13 each
## 4306 1990 199 14 and
## 4307 1990 199 15 every
## 4308 1990 199 16 one
## 4309 1990 199 17 of
## 4310 1990 199 18 us
## 4311 1990 199 19 .
## 4312 1990 200 1 \n\n
## 4313 1990 200 2 God
## 4314 1990 200 3 bless
## 4315 1990 200 4 all
## 4316 1990 200 5 of
## 4317 1990 200 6 you
## 4318 1990 200 7 ,
## 4319 1990 200 8 and
## 4320 1990 200 9 may
## 4321 1990 200 10 God
## 4322 1990 200 11 bless
## 4323 1990 200 12 this
## 4324 1990 200 13 great
## 4325 1990 200 14 nation
## 4326 1990 200 15 ,
## 4327 1990 200 16 the_United_States_of_America
## 4328 1990 200 17 .
## 4329 1990 200 18 \n
## 4330 1991 1 1 \n\n
## 4331 1991 1 2 Mr.
## 4332 1991 1 3 President
## 4333 1991 1 4 and
## 4334 1991 1 5 Mr.
## 4335 1991 1 6 Speaker
## 4336 1991 1 7 and
## 4337 1991 1 8 Members
## 4338 1991 1 9 of
## 4339 1991 1 10 the_United_States
## 4340 1991 1 11 Congress
## 4341 1991 1 12 :
## 4342 1991 1 13 \n\n
## 4343 1991 1 14 I
## 4344 1991 1 15 come
## 4345 1991 1 16 to
## 4346 1991 1 17 this
## 4347 1991 1 18 House
## 4348 1991 1 19 of
## 4349 1991 1 20 the
## 4350 1991 1 21 people
## 4351 1991 1 22 to
## 4352 1991 1 23 speak
## 4353 1991 1 24 to
## 4354 1991 1 25 you
## 4355 1991 1 26 and
## 4356 1991 1 27 all
## 4357 1991 1 28 Americans
## 4358 1991 1 29 ,
## 4359 1991 1 30 certain
## 4360 1991 1 31 that
## 4361 1991 1 32 we
## 4362 1991 1 33 stand
## 4363 1991 1 34 at
## 4364 1991 1 35 a_defining_hour
## 4365 1991 1 36 .
## 4366 1991 2 1 Halfway
## 4367 1991 2 2 around
## 4368 1991 2 3 the
## 4369 1991 2 4 world
## 4370 1991 2 5 ,
## 4371 1991 2 6 we
## 4372 1991 2 7 are
## 4373 1991 2 8 engaged
## 4374 1991 2 9 in
## 4375 1991 2 10 a
## 4376 1991 2 11 great
## 4377 1991 2 12 struggle
## 4378 1991 2 13 in
## 4379 1991 2 14 the
## 4380 1991 2 15 skies
## 4381 1991 2 16 and
## 4382 1991 2 17 on
## 4383 1991 2 18 the
## 4384 1991 2 19 seas
## 4385 1991 2 20 and
## 4386 1991 2 21 sands
## 4387 1991 2 22 .
## 4388 1991 3 1 We
## 4389 1991 3 2 know
## 4390 1991 3 3 why
## 4391 1991 3 4 we
## 4392 1991 3 5 're
## 4393 1991 3 6 there
## 4394 1991 3 7 :
## 4395 1991 3 8 We
## 4396 1991 3 9 are
## 4397 1991 3 10 Americans
## 4398 1991 3 11 ,
## 4399 1991 3 12 part
## 4400 1991 3 13 of
## 4401 1991 3 14 something
## 4402 1991 3 15 larger
## 4403 1991 3 16 than
## 4404 1991 3 17 ourselves
## 4405 1991 3 18 .
## 4406 1991 4 1 For
## 4407 1991 4 2 two_centuries
## 4408 1991 4 3 ,
## 4409 1991 4 4 we
## 4410 1991 4 5 've
## 4411 1991 4 6 done
## 4412 1991 4 7 the
## 4413 1991 4 8 hard
## 4414 1991 4 9 work
## 4415 1991 4 10 of
## 4416 1991 4 11 freedom
## 4417 1991 4 12 .
## 4418 1991 5 1 And
## 4419 1991 5 2 tonight
## 4420 1991 5 3 ,
## 4421 1991 5 4 we
## 4422 1991 5 5 lead
## 4423 1991 5 6 the
## 4424 1991 5 7 world
## 4425 1991 5 8 in
## 4426 1991 5 9 facing
## 4427 1991 5 10 down
## 4428 1991 5 11 a
## 4429 1991 5 12 threat
## 4430 1991 5 13 to
## 4431 1991 5 14 decency
## 4432 1991 5 15 and
## 4433 1991 5 16 humanity
## 4434 1991 5 17 .
## 4435 1991 6 1 \n\n
## 4436 1991 6 2 What
## 4437 1991 6 3 is
## 4438 1991 6 4 at
## 4439 1991 6 5 stake
## 4440 1991 6 6 is
## 4441 1991 6 7 more_than_one
## 4442 1991 6 8 small
## 4443 1991 6 9 country
## 4444 1991 6 10 ;
## 4445 1991 6 11 it
## 4446 1991 6 12 is
## 4447 1991 6 13 a
## 4448 1991 6 14 big
## 4449 1991 6 15 idea
## 4450 1991 6 16 :
## 4451 1991 6 17 a
## 4452 1991 6 18 new
## 4453 1991 6 19 world
## 4454 1991 6 20 order
## 4455 1991 6 21 ,
## 4456 1991 6 22 where
## 4457 1991 6 23 diverse
## 4458 1991 6 24 nations
## 4459 1991 6 25 are
## 4460 1991 6 26 drawn
## 4461 1991 6 27 together
## 4462 1991 6 28 in
## 4463 1991 6 29 common
## 4464 1991 6 30 cause
## 4465 1991 6 31 to
## 4466 1991 6 32 achieve
## 4467 1991 6 33 the
## 4468 1991 6 34 universal
## 4469 1991 6 35 aspirations
## 4470 1991 6 36 of
## 4471 1991 6 37 mankind
## 4472 1991 6 38 --
## 4473 1991 6 39 peace
## 4474 1991 6 40 and
## 4475 1991 6 41 security
## 4476 1991 6 42 ,
## 4477 1991 6 43 freedom
## 4478 1991 6 44 ,
## 4479 1991 6 45 and
## 4480 1991 6 46 the
## 4481 1991 6 47 rule
## 4482 1991 6 48 of
## 4483 1991 6 49 law
## 4484 1991 6 50 .
## 4485 1991 7 1 Such
## 4486 1991 7 2 is
## 4487 1991 7 3 a
## 4488 1991 7 4 world
## 4489 1991 7 5 worthy
## 4490 1991 7 6 of
## 4491 1991 7 7 our
## 4492 1991 7 8 struggle
## 4493 1991 7 9 and
## 4494 1991 7 10 worthy
## 4495 1991 7 11 of
## 4496 1991 7 12 our
## 4497 1991 7 13 children
## 4498 1991 7 14 's
## 4499 1991 7 15 future
## 4500 1991 7 16 .
## 4501 1991 8 1 \n\n
## 4502 1991 8 2 The
## 4503 1991 8 3 community
## 4504 1991 8 4 of
## 4505 1991 8 5 nations
## 4506 1991 8 6 has
## 4507 1991 8 7 resolutely
## 4508 1991 8 8 gathered
## 4509 1991 8 9 to
## 4510 1991 8 10 condemn
## 4511 1991 8 11 and
## 4512 1991 8 12 repel
## 4513 1991 8 13 lawless
## 4514 1991 8 14 aggression
## 4515 1991 8 15 .
## 4516 1991 9 1 Saddam_Hussein_'s
## 4517 1991 9 2 unprovoked
## 4518 1991 9 3 invasion
## 4519 1991 9 4 --
## 4520 1991 9 5 his
## 4521 1991 9 6 ruthless
## 4522 1991 9 7 ,
## 4523 1991 9 8 systematic
## 4524 1991 9 9 rape
## 4525 1991 9 10 of
## 4526 1991 9 11 a
## 4527 1991 9 12 peaceful
## 4528 1991 9 13 neighbor
## 4529 1991 9 14 --
## 4530 1991 9 15 violated
## 4531 1991 9 16 everything
## 4532 1991 9 17 the
## 4533 1991 9 18 community
## 4534 1991 9 19 of
## 4535 1991 9 20 nations
## 4536 1991 9 21 holds
## 4537 1991 9 22 dear
## 4538 1991 9 23 .
## 4539 1991 10 1 The
## 4540 1991 10 2 world
## 4541 1991 10 3 has
## 4542 1991 10 4 said
## 4543 1991 10 5 this
## 4544 1991 10 6 aggression
## 4545 1991 10 7 would
## 4546 1991 10 8 not
## 4547 1991 10 9 stand
## 4548 1991 10 10 ,
## 4549 1991 10 11 and
## 4550 1991 10 12 it
## 4551 1991 10 13 will
## 4552 1991 10 14 not
## 4553 1991 10 15 stand
## 4554 1991 10 16 .
## 4555 1991 11 1 Together
## 4556 1991 11 2 ,
## 4557 1991 11 3 we
## 4558 1991 11 4 have
## 4559 1991 11 5 resisted
## 4560 1991 11 6 the
## 4561 1991 11 7 trap
## 4562 1991 11 8 of
## 4563 1991 11 9 appeasement
## 4564 1991 11 10 ,
## 4565 1991 11 11 cynicism
## 4566 1991 11 12 ,
## 4567 1991 11 13 and
## 4568 1991 11 14 isolation
## 4569 1991 11 15 that
## 4570 1991 11 16 gives
## 4571 1991 11 17 temptation
## 4572 1991 11 18 to
## 4573 1991 11 19 tyrants
## 4574 1991 11 20 .
## 4575 1991 12 1 The
## 4576 1991 12 2 world
## 4577 1991 12 3 has
## 4578 1991 12 4 answered
## 4579 1991 12 5 Saddam
## 4580 1991 12 6 's
## 4581 1991 12 7 invasion
## 4582 1991 12 8 with
## 4583 1991 12 9 12
## 4584 1991 12 10 United_Nations
## 4585 1991 12 11 resolutions
## 4586 1991 12 12 ,
## 4587 1991 12 13 starting
## 4588 1991 12 14 with
## 4589 1991 12 15 a
## 4590 1991 12 16 demand
## 4591 1991 12 17 for
## 4592 1991 12 18 Iraq
## 4593 1991 12 19 's
## 4594 1991 12 20 immediate
## 4595 1991 12 21 and
## 4596 1991 12 22 unconditional
## 4597 1991 12 23 withdrawal
## 4598 1991 12 24 ,
## 4599 1991 12 25 and
## 4600 1991 12 26 backed
## 4601 1991 12 27 up
## 4602 1991 12 28 by
## 4603 1991 12 29 forces
## 4604 1991 12 30 from
## 4605 1991 12 31 28
## 4606 1991 12 32 countries
## 4607 1991 12 33 of
## 4608 1991 12 34 6
## 4609 1991 12 35 continents
## 4610 1991 12 36 .
## 4611 1991 13 1 With
## 4612 1991 13 2 few
## 4613 1991 13 3 exceptions
## 4614 1991 13 4 ,
## 4615 1991 13 5 the
## 4616 1991 13 6 world
## 4617 1991 13 7 now
## 4618 1991 13 8 stands
## 4619 1991 13 9 as
## 4620 1991 13 10 one
## 4621 1991 13 11 .
## 4622 1991 14 1 \n\n
## 4623 1991 14 2 The
## 4624 1991 14 3 end
## 4625 1991 14 4 of
## 4626 1991 14 5 the
## 4627 1991 14 6 cold
## 4628 1991 14 7 war
## 4629 1991 14 8 has
## 4630 1991 14 9 been
## 4631 1991 14 10 a
## 4632 1991 14 11 victory
## 4633 1991 14 12 for
## 4634 1991 14 13 all
## 4635 1991 14 14 humanity
## 4636 1991 14 15 .
## 4637 1991 15 1 A_year_and_a_half_ago
## 4638 1991 15 2 ,
## 4639 1991 15 3 in
## 4640 1991 15 4 Germany
## 4641 1991 15 5 ,
## 4642 1991 15 6 I
## 4643 1991 15 7 said
## 4644 1991 15 8 that
## 4645 1991 15 9 our
## 4646 1991 15 10 goal
## 4647 1991 15 11 was
## 4648 1991 15 12 a
## 4649 1991 15 13 Europe
## 4650 1991 15 14 whole
## 4651 1991 15 15 and
## 4652 1991 15 16 free
## 4653 1991 15 17 .
## 4654 1991 16 1 Tonight
## 4655 1991 16 2 ,
## 4656 1991 16 3 Germany
## 4657 1991 16 4 is
## 4658 1991 16 5 united
## 4659 1991 16 6 .
## 4660 1991 17 1 Europe
## 4661 1991 17 2 has
## 4662 1991 17 3 become
## 4663 1991 17 4 whole
## 4664 1991 17 5 and
## 4665 1991 17 6 free
## 4666 1991 17 7 ,
## 4667 1991 17 8 and
## 4668 1991 17 9 America
## 4669 1991 17 10 's
## 4670 1991 17 11 leadership
## 4671 1991 17 12 was
## 4672 1991 17 13 instrumental
## 4673 1991 17 14 in
## 4674 1991 17 15 making
## 4675 1991 17 16 it
## 4676 1991 17 17 possible
## 4677 1991 17 18 .
## 4678 1991 18 1 \n\n
## 4679 1991 18 2 Our
## 4680 1991 18 3 relationship
## 4681 1991 18 4 to
## 4682 1991 18 5 the_Soviet_Union
## 4683 1991 18 6 is
## 4684 1991 18 7 important
## 4685 1991 18 8 ,
## 4686 1991 18 9 not
## 4687 1991 18 10 only
## 4688 1991 18 11 to
## 4689 1991 18 12 us
## 4690 1991 18 13 but
## 4691 1991 18 14 to
## 4692 1991 18 15 the
## 4693 1991 18 16 world
## 4694 1991 18 17 .
## 4695 1991 19 1 That
## 4696 1991 19 2 relationship
## 4697 1991 19 3 has
## 4698 1991 19 4 helped
## 4699 1991 19 5 to
## 4700 1991 19 6 shape
## 4701 1991 19 7 these
## 4702 1991 19 8 and
## 4703 1991 19 9 other
## 4704 1991 19 10 historic
## 4705 1991 19 11 changes
## 4706 1991 19 12 .
## 4707 1991 20 1 But
## 4708 1991 20 2 like
## 4709 1991 20 3 many
## 4710 1991 20 4 other
## 4711 1991 20 5 nations
## 4712 1991 20 6 ,
## 4713 1991 20 7 we
## 4714 1991 20 8 have
## 4715 1991 20 9 been
## 4716 1991 20 10 deeply
## 4717 1991 20 11 concerned
## 4718 1991 20 12 by
## 4719 1991 20 13 the
## 4720 1991 20 14 violence
## 4721 1991 20 15 in
## 4722 1991 20 16 the
## 4723 1991 20 17 Baltics
## 4724 1991 20 18 ,
## 4725 1991 20 19 and
## 4726 1991 20 20 we
## 4727 1991 20 21 have
## 4728 1991 20 22 communicated
## 4729 1991 20 23 that
## 4730 1991 20 24 concern
## 4731 1991 20 25 to
## 4732 1991 20 26 the
## 4733 1991 20 27 Soviet
## 4734 1991 20 28 leadership
## 4735 1991 20 29 .
## 4736 1991 21 1 The
## 4737 1991 21 2 principle
## 4738 1991 21 3 that
## 4739 1991 21 4 has
## 4740 1991 21 5 guided
## 4741 1991 21 6 us
## 4742 1991 21 7 is
## 4743 1991 21 8 simple
## 4744 1991 21 9 :
## 4745 1991 21 10 Our
## 4746 1991 21 11 objective
## 4747 1991 21 12 is
## 4748 1991 21 13 to
## 4749 1991 21 14 help
## 4750 1991 21 15 the
## 4751 1991 21 16 Baltic
## 4752 1991 21 17 peoples
## 4753 1991 21 18 achieve
## 4754 1991 21 19 their
## 4755 1991 21 20 aspirations
## 4756 1991 21 21 ,
## 4757 1991 21 22 not
## 4758 1991 21 23 to
## 4759 1991 21 24 punish
## 4760 1991 21 25 the_Soviet_Union
## 4761 1991 21 26 .
## 4762 1991 22 1 In
## 4763 1991 22 2 our
## 4764 1991 22 3 recent
## 4765 1991 22 4 discussions
## 4766 1991 22 5 with
## 4767 1991 22 6 the
## 4768 1991 22 7 Soviet
## 4769 1991 22 8 leadership
## 4770 1991 22 9 we
## 4771 1991 22 10 have
## 4772 1991 22 11 been
## 4773 1991 22 12 given
## 4774 1991 22 13 representations
## 4775 1991 22 14 which
## 4776 1991 22 15 ,
## 4777 1991 22 16 if
## 4778 1991 22 17 fulfilled
## 4779 1991 22 18 ,
## 4780 1991 22 19 would
## 4781 1991 22 20 result
## 4782 1991 22 21 in
## 4783 1991 22 22 the
## 4784 1991 22 23 withdrawal
## 4785 1991 22 24 of
## 4786 1991 22 25 some
## 4787 1991 22 26 Soviet
## 4788 1991 22 27 forces
## 4789 1991 22 28 ,
## 4790 1991 22 29 a
## 4791 1991 22 30 reopening
## 4792 1991 22 31 of
## 4793 1991 22 32 dialog
## 4794 1991 22 33 with
## 4795 1991 22 34 the
## 4796 1991 22 35 Republics
## 4797 1991 22 36 ,
## 4798 1991 22 37 and
## 4799 1991 22 38 a
## 4800 1991 22 39 move
## 4801 1991 22 40 away
## 4802 1991 22 41 from
## 4803 1991 22 42 violence
## 4804 1991 22 43 .
## 4805 1991 23 1 \n\n
## 4806 1991 23 2 We
## 4807 1991 23 3 will
## 4808 1991 23 4 watch
## 4809 1991 23 5 carefully
## 4810 1991 23 6 as
## 4811 1991 23 7 the
## 4812 1991 23 8 situation
## 4813 1991 23 9 develops
## 4814 1991 23 10 .
## 4815 1991 24 1 And
## 4816 1991 24 2 we
## 4817 1991 24 3 will
## 4818 1991 24 4 maintain
## 4819 1991 24 5 our
## 4820 1991 24 6 contact
## 4821 1991 24 7 with
## 4822 1991 24 8 the
## 4823 1991 24 9 Soviet
## 4824 1991 24 10 leadership
## 4825 1991 24 11 to
## 4826 1991 24 12 encourage
## 4827 1991 24 13 continued
## 4828 1991 24 14 commitment
## 4829 1991 24 15 to
## 4830 1991 24 16 democratization
## 4831 1991 24 17 and
## 4832 1991 24 18 reform
## 4833 1991 24 19 .
## 4834 1991 25 1 If
## 4835 1991 25 2 it
## 4836 1991 25 3 is
## 4837 1991 25 4 possible
## 4838 1991 25 5 ,
## 4839 1991 25 6 I
## 4840 1991 25 7 want
## 4841 1991 25 8 to
## 4842 1991 25 9 continue
## 4843 1991 25 10 to
## 4844 1991 25 11 build
## 4845 1991 25 12 a
## 4846 1991 25 13 lasting
## 4847 1991 25 14 basis
## 4848 1991 25 15 for
## 4849 1991 25 16 U.S.-Soviet
## 4850 1991 25 17 cooperation
## 4851 1991 25 18 --
## 4852 1991 25 19 for
## 4853 1991 25 20 a
## 4854 1991 25 21 more
## 4855 1991 25 22 peaceful
## 4856 1991 25 23 future
## 4857 1991 25 24 for
## 4858 1991 25 25 all
## 4859 1991 25 26 mankind
## 4860 1991 25 27 .
## 4861 1991 26 1 \n\n
## 4862 1991 26 2 The
## 4863 1991 26 3 triumph
## 4864 1991 26 4 of
## 4865 1991 26 5 democratic
## 4866 1991 26 6 ideas
## 4867 1991 26 7 in
## 4868 1991 26 8 Eastern_Europe
## 4869 1991 26 9 and
## 4870 1991 26 10 Latin_America
## 4871 1991 26 11 and
## 4872 1991 26 12 the
## 4873 1991 26 13 continuing
## 4874 1991 26 14 struggle
## 4875 1991 26 15 for
## 4876 1991 26 16 freedom
## 4877 1991 26 17 elsewhere
## 4878 1991 26 18 all
## 4879 1991 26 19 around
## 4880 1991 26 20 the
## 4881 1991 26 21 world
## 4882 1991 26 22 all
## 4883 1991 26 23 confirm
## 4884 1991 26 24 the
## 4885 1991 26 25 wisdom
## 4886 1991 26 26 of
## 4887 1991 26 27 our
## 4888 1991 26 28 nation
## 4889 1991 26 29 's
## 4890 1991 26 30 founders
## 4891 1991 26 31 .
## 4892 1991 27 1 Tonight
## 4893 1991 27 2 ,
## 4894 1991 27 3 we
## 4895 1991 27 4 work
## 4896 1991 27 5 to
## 4897 1991 27 6 achieve
## 4898 1991 27 7 another
## 4899 1991 27 8 victory
## 4900 1991 27 9 ,
## 4901 1991 27 10 a
## 4902 1991 27 11 victory
## 4903 1991 27 12 over
## 4904 1991 27 13 tyranny
## 4905 1991 27 14 and
## 4906 1991 27 15 savage
## 4907 1991 27 16 aggression
## 4908 1991 27 17 .
## 4909 1991 28 1 \n\n
## 4910 1991 28 2 We
## 4911 1991 28 3 in
## 4912 1991 28 4 this
## 4913 1991 28 5 Union
## 4914 1991 28 6 enter
## 4915 1991 28 7 the_last_decade
## 4916 1991 28 8 of
## 4917 1991 28 9 the_20th_century
## 4918 1991 28 10 thankful
## 4919 1991 28 11 for
## 4920 1991 28 12 our
## 4921 1991 28 13 blessings
## 4922 1991 28 14 ,
## 4923 1991 28 15 steadfast
## 4924 1991 28 16 in
## 4925 1991 28 17 our
## 4926 1991 28 18 purpose
## 4927 1991 28 19 ,
## 4928 1991 28 20 aware
## 4929 1991 28 21 of
## 4930 1991 28 22 our
## 4931 1991 28 23 difficulties
## 4932 1991 28 24 ,
## 4933 1991 28 25 and
## 4934 1991 28 26 responsive
## 4935 1991 28 27 to
## 4936 1991 28 28 our
## 4937 1991 28 29 duties
## 4938 1991 28 30 at
## 4939 1991 28 31 home
## 4940 1991 28 32 and
## 4941 1991 28 33 around
## 4942 1991 28 34 the
## 4943 1991 28 35 world
## 4944 1991 28 36 .
## 4945 1991 29 1 For
## 4946 1991 29 2 two_centuries
## 4947 1991 29 3 ,
## 4948 1991 29 4 America
## 4949 1991 29 5 has
## 4950 1991 29 6 served
## 4951 1991 29 7 the
## 4952 1991 29 8 world
## 4953 1991 29 9 as
## 4954 1991 29 10 an
## 4955 1991 29 11 inspiring
## 4956 1991 29 12 example
## 4957 1991 29 13 of
## 4958 1991 29 14 freedom
## 4959 1991 29 15 and
## 4960 1991 29 16 democracy
## 4961 1991 29 17 .
## 4962 1991 30 1 For
## 4963 1991 30 2 generations
## 4964 1991 30 3 ,
## 4965 1991 30 4 America
## 4966 1991 30 5 has
## 4967 1991 30 6 led
## 4968 1991 30 7 the
## 4969 1991 30 8 struggle
## 4970 1991 30 9 to
## 4971 1991 30 10 preserve
## 4972 1991 30 11 and
## 4973 1991 30 12 extend
## 4974 1991 30 13 the
## 4975 1991 30 14 blessings
## 4976 1991 30 15 of
## 4977 1991 30 16 liberty
## 4978 1991 30 17 .
## 4979 1991 31 1 And
## 4980 1991 31 2 today
## 4981 1991 31 3 ,
## 4982 1991 31 4 in
## 4983 1991 31 5 a
## 4984 1991 31 6 rapidly
## 4985 1991 31 7 changing
## 4986 1991 31 8 world
## 4987 1991 31 9 ,
## 4988 1991 31 10 American
## 4989 1991 31 11 leadership
## 4990 1991 31 12 is
## 4991 1991 31 13 indispensable
## 4992 1991 31 14 .
## 4993 1991 32 1 Americans
## 4994 1991 32 2 know
## 4995 1991 32 3 that
## 4996 1991 32 4 leadership
## 4997 1991 32 5 brings
## 4998 1991 32 6 burdens
## 4999 1991 32 7 and
## 5000 1991 32 8 sacrifices
## 5001 1991 32 9 .
## 5002 1991 33 1 But
## 5003 1991 33 2 we
## 5004 1991 33 3 also
## 5005 1991 33 4 know
## 5006 1991 33 5 why
## 5007 1991 33 6 the
## 5008 1991 33 7 hopes
## 5009 1991 33 8 of
## 5010 1991 33 9 humanity
## 5011 1991 33 10 turn
## 5012 1991 33 11 to
## 5013 1991 33 12 us
## 5014 1991 33 13 .
## 5015 1991 34 1 We
## 5016 1991 34 2 are
## 5017 1991 34 3 Americans
## 5018 1991 34 4 ;
## 5019 1991 34 5 we
## 5020 1991 34 6 have
## 5021 1991 34 7 a
## 5022 1991 34 8 unique
## 5023 1991 34 9 responsibility
## 5024 1991 34 10 to
## 5025 1991 34 11 do
## 5026 1991 34 12 the
## 5027 1991 34 13 hard
## 5028 1991 34 14 work
## 5029 1991 34 15 of
## 5030 1991 34 16 freedom
## 5031 1991 34 17 .
## 5032 1991 35 1 And
## 5033 1991 35 2 when
## 5034 1991 35 3 we
## 5035 1991 35 4 do
## 5036 1991 35 5 ,
## 5037 1991 35 6 freedom
## 5038 1991 35 7 works
## 5039 1991 35 8 .
## 5040 1991 36 1 \n\n
## 5041 1991 36 2 The
## 5042 1991 36 3 conviction
## 5043 1991 36 4 and
## 5044 1991 36 5 courage
## 5045 1991 36 6 we
## 5046 1991 36 7 see
## 5047 1991 36 8 in
## 5048 1991 36 9 the_Persian_Gulf
## 5049 1991 36 10 today
## 5050 1991 36 11 is
## 5051 1991 36 12 simply
## 5052 1991 36 13 the
## 5053 1991 36 14 American
## 5054 1991 36 15 character
## 5055 1991 36 16 in
## 5056 1991 36 17 action
## 5057 1991 36 18 .
## 5058 1991 37 1 The
## 5059 1991 37 2 indomitable
## 5060 1991 37 3 spirit
## 5061 1991 37 4 that
## 5062 1991 37 5 is
## 5063 1991 37 6 contributing
## 5064 1991 37 7 to
## 5065 1991 37 8 this
## 5066 1991 37 9 victory
## 5067 1991 37 10 for
## 5068 1991 37 11 world
## 5069 1991 37 12 peace
## 5070 1991 37 13 and
## 5071 1991 37 14 justice
## 5072 1991 37 15 is
## 5073 1991 37 16 the
## 5074 1991 37 17 same
## 5075 1991 37 18 spirit
## 5076 1991 37 19 that
## 5077 1991 37 20 gives
## 5078 1991 37 21 us
## 5079 1991 37 22 the
## 5080 1991 37 23 power
## 5081 1991 37 24 and
## 5082 1991 37 25 the
## 5083 1991 37 26 potential
## 5084 1991 37 27 to
## 5085 1991 37 28 meet
## 5086 1991 37 29 our
## 5087 1991 37 30 toughest
## 5088 1991 37 31 challenges
## 5089 1991 37 32 at
## 5090 1991 37 33 home
## 5091 1991 37 34 .
## 5092 1991 38 1 We
## 5093 1991 38 2 are
## 5094 1991 38 3 resolute
## 5095 1991 38 4 and
## 5096 1991 38 5 resourceful
## 5097 1991 38 6 .
## 5098 1991 39 1 If
## 5099 1991 39 2 we
## 5100 1991 39 3 can
## 5101 1991 39 4 selflessly
## 5102 1991 39 5 confront
## 5103 1991 39 6 the
## 5104 1991 39 7 evil
## 5105 1991 39 8 for
## 5106 1991 39 9 the
## 5107 1991 39 10 sake
## 5108 1991 39 11 of
## 5109 1991 39 12 good
## 5110 1991 39 13 in
## 5111 1991 39 14 a
## 5112 1991 39 15 land
## 5113 1991 39 16 so
## 5114 1991 39 17 far
## 5115 1991 39 18 away
## 5116 1991 39 19 ,
## 5117 1991 39 20 then
## 5118 1991 39 21 surely
## 5119 1991 39 22 we
## 5120 1991 39 23 can
## 5121 1991 39 24 make
## 5122 1991 39 25 this
## 5123 1991 39 26 land
## 5124 1991 39 27 all
## 5125 1991 39 28 that
## 5126 1991 39 29 it
## 5127 1991 39 30 should
## 5128 1991 39 31 be
## 5129 1991 39 32 .
## 5130 1991 40 1 If
## 5131 1991 40 2 anyone
## 5132 1991 40 3 tells
## 5133 1991 40 4 you
## 5134 1991 40 5 that
## 5135 1991 40 6 America
## 5136 1991 40 7 's
## 5137 1991 40 8 best
## 5138 1991 40 9 days
## 5139 1991 40 10 are
## 5140 1991 40 11 behind
## 5141 1991 40 12 her
## 5142 1991 40 13 ,
## 5143 1991 40 14 they
## 5144 1991 40 15 're
## 5145 1991 40 16 looking
## 5146 1991 40 17 the
## 5147 1991 40 18 wrong
## 5148 1991 40 19 way
## 5149 1991 40 20 .
## 5150 1991 41 1 \n\n
## 5151 1991 41 2 Tonight
## 5152 1991 41 3 I
## 5153 1991 41 4 come
## 5154 1991 41 5 before
## 5155 1991 41 6 this
## 5156 1991 41 7 House
## 5157 1991 41 8 and
## 5158 1991 41 9 the
## 5159 1991 41 10 American
## 5160 1991 41 11 people
## 5161 1991 41 12 with
## 5162 1991 41 13 an
## 5163 1991 41 14 appeal
## 5164 1991 41 15 for
## 5165 1991 41 16 renewal
## 5166 1991 41 17 .
## 5167 1991 42 1 This
## 5168 1991 42 2 is
## 5169 1991 42 3 not
## 5170 1991 42 4 merely
## 5171 1991 42 5 a
## 5172 1991 42 6 call
## 5173 1991 42 7 for
## 5174 1991 42 8 new
## 5175 1991 42 9 government
## 5176 1991 42 10 initiatives
## 5177 1991 42 11 ;
## 5178 1991 42 12 it
## 5179 1991 42 13 is
## 5180 1991 42 14 a
## 5181 1991 42 15 call
## 5182 1991 42 16 for
## 5183 1991 42 17 new
## 5184 1991 42 18 initiatives
## 5185 1991 42 19 in
## 5186 1991 42 20 government
## 5187 1991 42 21 ,
## 5188 1991 42 22 in
## 5189 1991 42 23 our
## 5190 1991 42 24 communities
## 5191 1991 42 25 ,
## 5192 1991 42 26 and
## 5193 1991 42 27 from
## 5194 1991 42 28 every
## 5195 1991 42 29 American
## 5196 1991 42 30 to
## 5197 1991 42 31 prepare
## 5198 1991 42 32 for
## 5199 1991 42 33 the_next_American_century
## 5200 1991 42 34 .
## 5201 1991 43 1 \n\n
## 5202 1991 43 2 America
## 5203 1991 43 3 has
## 5204 1991 43 4 always
## 5205 1991 43 5 led
## 5206 1991 43 6 by
## 5207 1991 43 7 example
## 5208 1991 43 8 .
## 5209 1991 44 1 So
## 5210 1991 44 2 ,
## 5211 1991 44 3 who
## 5212 1991 44 4 among
## 5213 1991 44 5 us
## 5214 1991 44 6 will
## 5215 1991 44 7 set
## 5216 1991 44 8 the
## 5217 1991 44 9 example
## 5218 1991 44 10 ?
## 5219 1991 45 1 Which
## 5220 1991 45 2 of
## 5221 1991 45 3 our
## 5222 1991 45 4 citizens
## 5223 1991 45 5 will
## 5224 1991 45 6 lead
## 5225 1991 45 7 us
## 5226 1991 45 8 in
## 5227 1991 45 9 this_next_American_century
## 5228 1991 45 10 ?
## 5229 1991 46 1 Everyone
## 5230 1991 46 2 who
## 5231 1991 46 3 steps
## 5232 1991 46 4 forward
## 5233 1991 46 5 today
## 5234 1991 46 6 --
## 5235 1991 46 7 to
## 5236 1991 46 8 get
## 5237 1991 46 9 one
## 5238 1991 46 10 addict
## 5239 1991 46 11 off
## 5240 1991 46 12 drugs
## 5241 1991 46 13 ,
## 5242 1991 46 14 to
## 5243 1991 46 15 convince
## 5244 1991 46 16 one
## 5245 1991 46 17 troubled
## 5246 1991 46 18 teenager
## 5247 1991 46 19 not
## 5248 1991 46 20 to
## 5249 1991 46 21 give
## 5250 1991 46 22 up
## 5251 1991 46 23 on
## 5252 1991 46 24 life
## 5253 1991 46 25 ,
## 5254 1991 46 26 to
## 5255 1991 46 27 comfort
## 5256 1991 46 28 one
## 5257 1991 46 29 AIDS
## 5258 1991 46 30 patient
## 5259 1991 46 31 ,
## 5260 1991 46 32 to
## 5261 1991 46 33 help
## 5262 1991 46 34 one
## 5263 1991 46 35 hungry
## 5264 1991 46 36 child
## 5265 1991 46 37 .
## 5266 1991 47 1 \n\n
## 5267 1991 47 2 We
## 5268 1991 47 3 have
## 5269 1991 47 4 within
## 5270 1991 47 5 our
## 5271 1991 47 6 reach
## 5272 1991 47 7 the
## 5273 1991 47 8 promise
## 5274 1991 47 9 of
## 5275 1991 47 10 a
## 5276 1991 47 11 renewed
## 5277 1991 47 12 America
## 5278 1991 47 13 .
## 5279 1991 48 1 We
## 5280 1991 48 2 can
## 5281 1991 48 3 find
## 5282 1991 48 4 meaning
## 5283 1991 48 5 and
## 5284 1991 48 6 reward
## 5285 1991 48 7 by
## 5286 1991 48 8 serving
## 5287 1991 48 9 some
## 5288 1991 48 10 higher
## 5289 1991 48 11 purpose
## 5290 1991 48 12 than
## 5291 1991 48 13 ourselves
## 5292 1991 48 14 ,
## 5293 1991 48 15 a
## 5294 1991 48 16 shining
## 5295 1991 48 17 purpose
## 5296 1991 48 18 ,
## 5297 1991 48 19 the
## 5298 1991 48 20 illumination
## 5299 1991 48 21 of
## 5300 1991 48 22 a_Thousand_Points_of_Light
## 5301 1991 48 23 .
## 5302 1991 49 1 And
## 5303 1991 49 2 it
## 5304 1991 49 3 is
## 5305 1991 49 4 expressed
## 5306 1991 49 5 by
## 5307 1991 49 6 all
## 5308 1991 49 7 who
## 5309 1991 49 8 know
## 5310 1991 49 9 the
## 5311 1991 49 10 irresistible
## 5312 1991 49 11 force
## 5313 1991 49 12 of
## 5314 1991 49 13 a
## 5315 1991 49 14 child
## 5316 1991 49 15 's
## 5317 1991 49 16 hand
## 5318 1991 49 17 ,
## 5319 1991 49 18 of
## 5320 1991 49 19 a
## 5321 1991 49 20 friend
## 5322 1991 49 21 who
## 5323 1991 49 22 stands
## 5324 1991 49 23 by
## 5325 1991 49 24 you
## 5326 1991 49 25 and
## 5327 1991 49 26 stays
## 5328 1991 49 27 there
## 5329 1991 49 28 ,
## 5330 1991 49 29 a
## 5331 1991 49 30 volunteer
## 5332 1991 49 31 's
## 5333 1991 49 32 generous
## 5334 1991 49 33 gesture
## 5335 1991 49 34 ,
## 5336 1991 49 35 an
## 5337 1991 49 36 idea
## 5338 1991 49 37 that
## 5339 1991 49 38 is
## 5340 1991 49 39 simply
## 5341 1991 49 40 right
## 5342 1991 49 41 .
## 5343 1991 50 1 \n\n
## 5344 1991 50 2 The
## 5345 1991 50 3 problems
## 5346 1991 50 4 before
## 5347 1991 50 5 us
## 5348 1991 50 6 may
## 5349 1991 50 7 be
## 5350 1991 50 8 different
## 5351 1991 50 9 ,
## 5352 1991 50 10 but
## 5353 1991 50 11 the
## 5354 1991 50 12 key
## 5355 1991 50 13 to
## 5356 1991 50 14 solving
## 5357 1991 50 15 them
## 5358 1991 50 16 remains
## 5359 1991 50 17 the
## 5360 1991 50 18 same
## 5361 1991 50 19 .
## 5362 1991 51 1 It
## 5363 1991 51 2 is
## 5364 1991 51 3 the
## 5365 1991 51 4 individual
## 5366 1991 51 5 --
## 5367 1991 51 6 the
## 5368 1991 51 7 individual
## 5369 1991 51 8 who
## 5370 1991 51 9 steps
## 5371 1991 51 10 forward
## 5372 1991 51 11 .
## 5373 1991 52 1 And
## 5374 1991 52 2 the
## 5375 1991 52 3 state
## 5376 1991 52 4 of
## 5377 1991 52 5 our
## 5378 1991 52 6 Union
## 5379 1991 52 7 is
## 5380 1991 52 8 the
## 5381 1991 52 9 union
## 5382 1991 52 10 of
## 5383 1991 52 11 each
## 5384 1991 52 12 of
## 5385 1991 52 13 us
## 5386 1991 52 14 ,
## 5387 1991 52 15 one
## 5388 1991 52 16 to
## 5389 1991 52 17 the
## 5390 1991 52 18 other
## 5391 1991 52 19 --
## 5392 1991 52 20 the
## 5393 1991 52 21 sum
## 5394 1991 52 22 of
## 5395 1991 52 23 our
## 5396 1991 52 24 friendships
## 5397 1991 52 25 ,
## 5398 1991 52 26 marriages
## 5399 1991 52 27 ,
## 5400 1991 52 28 families
## 5401 1991 52 29 ,
## 5402 1991 52 30 and
## 5403 1991 52 31 communities
## 5404 1991 52 32 .
## 5405 1991 53 1 \n\n
## 5406 1991 53 2 We
## 5407 1991 53 3 all
## 5408 1991 53 4 have
## 5409 1991 53 5 something
## 5410 1991 53 6 to
## 5411 1991 53 7 give
## 5412 1991 53 8 .
## 5413 1991 54 1 So
## 5414 1991 54 2 ,
## 5415 1991 54 3 if
## 5416 1991 54 4 you
## 5417 1991 54 5 know
## 5418 1991 54 6 how
## 5419 1991 54 7 to
## 5420 1991 54 8 read
## 5421 1991 54 9 ,
## 5422 1991 54 10 find
## 5423 1991 54 11 someone
## 5424 1991 54 12 who
## 5425 1991 54 13 ca
## 5426 1991 54 14 n't
## 5427 1991 54 15 .
## 5428 1991 55 1 If
## 5429 1991 55 2 you
## 5430 1991 55 3 've
## 5431 1991 55 4 got
## 5432 1991 55 5 a
## 5433 1991 55 6 hammer
## 5434 1991 55 7 ,
## 5435 1991 55 8 find
## 5436 1991 55 9 a
## 5437 1991 55 10 nail
## 5438 1991 55 11 .
## 5439 1991 56 1 If
## 5440 1991 56 2 you
## 5441 1991 56 3 're
## 5442 1991 56 4 not
## 5443 1991 56 5 hungry
## 5444 1991 56 6 ,
## 5445 1991 56 7 not
## 5446 1991 56 8 lonely
## 5447 1991 56 9 ,
## 5448 1991 56 10 not
## 5449 1991 56 11 in
## 5450 1991 56 12 trouble
## 5451 1991 56 13 ,
## 5452 1991 56 14 seek
## 5453 1991 56 15 out
## 5454 1991 56 16 someone
## 5455 1991 56 17 who
## 5456 1991 56 18 is
## 5457 1991 56 19 .
## 5458 1991 57 1 Join
## 5459 1991 57 2 the
## 5460 1991 57 3 community
## 5461 1991 57 4 of
## 5462 1991 57 5 conscience
## 5463 1991 57 6 .
## 5464 1991 58 1 Do
## 5465 1991 58 2 the
## 5466 1991 58 3 hard
## 5467 1991 58 4 work
## 5468 1991 58 5 of
## 5469 1991 58 6 freedom
## 5470 1991 58 7 .
## 5471 1991 59 1 And
## 5472 1991 59 2 that
## 5473 1991 59 3 will
## 5474 1991 59 4 define
## 5475 1991 59 5 the
## 5476 1991 59 6 state
## 5477 1991 59 7 of
## 5478 1991 59 8 our
## 5479 1991 59 9 Union
## 5480 1991 59 10 .
## 5481 1991 60 1 \n\n
## 5482 1991 60 2 Since
## 5483 1991 60 3 the
## 5484 1991 60 4 birth
## 5485 1991 60 5 of
## 5486 1991 60 6 our
## 5487 1991 60 7 nation
## 5488 1991 60 8 ,
## 5489 1991 60 9 "
## 5490 1991 60 10 We_the_People
## 5491 1991 60 11 "
## 5492 1991 60 12 has
## 5493 1991 60 13 been
## 5494 1991 60 14 the
## 5495 1991 60 15 source
## 5496 1991 60 16 of
## 5497 1991 60 17 our
## 5498 1991 60 18 strength
## 5499 1991 60 19 .
## 5500 1991 61 1 What
## 5501 1991 61 2 government
## 5502 1991 61 3 can
## 5503 1991 61 4 do
## 5504 1991 61 5 alone
## 5505 1991 61 6 is
## 5506 1991 61 7 limited
## 5507 1991 61 8 ,
## 5508 1991 61 9 but
## 5509 1991 61 10 the
## 5510 1991 61 11 potential
## 5511 1991 61 12 of
## 5512 1991 61 13 the
## 5513 1991 61 14 American
## 5514 1991 61 15 people
## 5515 1991 61 16 knows
## 5516 1991 61 17 no
## 5517 1991 61 18 limits
## 5518 1991 61 19 .
## 5519 1991 62 1 \n\n
## 5520 1991 62 2 We
## 5521 1991 62 3 are
## 5522 1991 62 4 a
## 5523 1991 62 5 nation
## 5524 1991 62 6 of
## 5525 1991 62 7 rock
## 5526 1991 62 8 -
## 5527 1991 62 9 solid
## 5528 1991 62 10 realism
## 5529 1991 62 11 and
## 5530 1991 62 12 clear
## 5531 1991 62 13 -
## 5532 1991 62 14 eyed
## 5533 1991 62 15 idealism
## 5534 1991 62 16 .
## 5535 1991 63 1 We
## 5536 1991 63 2 are
## 5537 1991 63 3 Americans
## 5538 1991 63 4 .
## 5539 1991 64 1 We
## 5540 1991 64 2 are
## 5541 1991 64 3 the
## 5542 1991 64 4 Nation
## 5543 1991 64 5 that
## 5544 1991 64 6 believes
## 5545 1991 64 7 in
## 5546 1991 64 8 the
## 5547 1991 64 9 future
## 5548 1991 64 10 .
## 5549 1991 65 1 We
## 5550 1991 65 2 are
## 5551 1991 65 3 the
## 5552 1991 65 4 Nation
## 5553 1991 65 5 that
## 5554 1991 65 6 can
## 5555 1991 65 7 shape
## 5556 1991 65 8 the
## 5557 1991 65 9 future
## 5558 1991 65 10 .
## 5559 1991 66 1 And
## 5560 1991 66 2 we
## 5561 1991 66 3 've
## 5562 1991 66 4 begun
## 5563 1991 66 5 to
## 5564 1991 66 6 do
## 5565 1991 66 7 just
## 5566 1991 66 8 that
## 5567 1991 66 9 ,
## 5568 1991 66 10 by
## 5569 1991 66 11 strengthening
## 5570 1991 66 12 the
## 5571 1991 66 13 power
## 5572 1991 66 14 and
## 5573 1991 66 15 choice
## 5574 1991 66 16 of
## 5575 1991 66 17 individuals
## 5576 1991 66 18 and
## 5577 1991 66 19 families
## 5578 1991 66 20 .
## 5579 1991 67 1 \n\n
## 5580 1991 67 2 Together
## 5581 1991 67 3 ,
## 5582 1991 67 4 these_last_2_years
## 5583 1991 67 5 ,
## 5584 1991 67 6 we
## 5585 1991 67 7 've
## 5586 1991 67 8 put
## 5587 1991 67 9 dollars
## 5588 1991 67 10 for
## 5589 1991 67 11 child
## 5590 1991 67 12 care
## 5591 1991 67 13 directly
## 5592 1991 67 14 in
## 5593 1991 67 15 the
## 5594 1991 67 16 hands
## 5595 1991 67 17 of
## 5596 1991 67 18 parents
## 5597 1991 67 19 instead
## 5598 1991 67 20 of
## 5599 1991 67 21 bureaucracies
## 5600 1991 67 22 ;
## 5601 1991 67 23 unshackled
## 5602 1991 67 24 the
## 5603 1991 67 25 potential
## 5604 1991 67 26 of
## 5605 1991 67 27 Americans
## 5606 1991 67 28 with
## 5607 1991 67 29 disabilities
## 5608 1991 67 30 ;
## 5609 1991 67 31 applied
## 5610 1991 67 32 the
## 5611 1991 67 33 creativity
## 5612 1991 67 34 of
## 5613 1991 67 35 the
## 5614 1991 67 36 marketplace
## 5615 1991 67 37 in
## 5616 1991 67 38 the
## 5617 1991 67 39 service
## 5618 1991 67 40 of
## 5619 1991 67 41 the
## 5620 1991 67 42 environment
## 5621 1991 67 43 ,
## 5622 1991 67 44 for
## 5623 1991 67 45 clean
## 5624 1991 67 46 air
## 5625 1991 67 47 ;
## 5626 1991 67 48 and
## 5627 1991 67 49 made
## 5628 1991 67 50 home
## 5629 1991 67 51 ownership
## 5630 1991 67 52 possible
## 5631 1991 67 53 for
## 5632 1991 67 54 more
## 5633 1991 67 55 Americans
## 5634 1991 67 56 .
## 5635 1991 68 1 \n\n
## 5636 1991 68 2 The
## 5637 1991 68 3 strength
## 5638 1991 68 4 of
## 5639 1991 68 5 a
## 5640 1991 68 6 democracy
## 5641 1991 68 7 is
## 5642 1991 68 8 not
## 5643 1991 68 9 in
## 5644 1991 68 10 bureaucracy
## 5645 1991 68 11 .
## 5646 1991 69 1 It
## 5647 1991 69 2 is
## 5648 1991 69 3 in
## 5649 1991 69 4 the
## 5650 1991 69 5 people
## 5651 1991 69 6 and
## 5652 1991 69 7 their
## 5653 1991 69 8 communities
## 5654 1991 69 9 .
## 5655 1991 70 1 In
## 5656 1991 70 2 everything
## 5657 1991 70 3 we
## 5658 1991 70 4 do
## 5659 1991 70 5 ,
## 5660 1991 70 6 let
## 5661 1991 70 7 us
## 5662 1991 70 8 unleash
## 5663 1991 70 9 the
## 5664 1991 70 10 potential
## 5665 1991 70 11 of
## 5666 1991 70 12 our
## 5667 1991 70 13 most
## 5668 1991 70 14 precious
## 5669 1991 70 15 resource
## 5670 1991 70 16 --
## 5671 1991 70 17 our
## 5672 1991 70 18 citizens
## 5673 1991 70 19 ,
## 5674 1991 70 20 our
## 5675 1991 70 21 citizens
## 5676 1991 70 22 themselves
## 5677 1991 70 23 .
## 5678 1991 71 1 We
## 5679 1991 71 2 must
## 5680 1991 71 3 return
## 5681 1991 71 4 to
## 5682 1991 71 5 families
## 5683 1991 71 6 ,
## 5684 1991 71 7 communities
## 5685 1991 71 8 ,
## 5686 1991 71 9 counties
## 5687 1991 71 10 ,
## 5688 1991 71 11 cities
## 5689 1991 71 12 ,
## 5690 1991 71 13 States
## 5691 1991 71 14 ,
## 5692 1991 71 15 and
## 5693 1991 71 16 institutions
## 5694 1991 71 17 of
## 5695 1991 71 18 every
## 5696 1991 71 19 kind
## 5697 1991 71 20 the
## 5698 1991 71 21 power
## 5699 1991 71 22 to
## 5700 1991 71 23 chart
## 5701 1991 71 24 their
## 5702 1991 71 25 own
## 5703 1991 71 26 destiny
## 5704 1991 71 27 and
## 5705 1991 71 28 the
## 5706 1991 71 29 freedom
## 5707 1991 71 30 and
## 5708 1991 71 31 opportunity
## 5709 1991 71 32 provided
## 5710 1991 71 33 by
## 5711 1991 71 34 strong
## 5712 1991 71 35 economic
## 5713 1991 71 36 growth
## 5714 1991 71 37 .
## 5715 1991 72 1 And
## 5716 1991 72 2 that
## 5717 1991 72 3 's
## 5718 1991 72 4 what
## 5719 1991 72 5 America
## 5720 1991 72 6 is
## 5721 1991 72 7 all
## 5722 1991 72 8 about
## 5723 1991 72 9 .
## 5724 1991 73 1 \n\n
## 5725 1991 73 2 I
## 5726 1991 73 3 know
## 5727 1991 73 4 that
## 5728 1991 73 5 tonight
## 5729 1991 73 6 ,
## 5730 1991 73 7 in
## 5731 1991 73 8 some
## 5732 1991 73 9 regions
## 5733 1991 73 10 of
## 5734 1991 73 11 our
## 5735 1991 73 12 country
## 5736 1991 73 13 ,
## 5737 1991 73 14 people
## 5738 1991 73 15 are
## 5739 1991 73 16 in
## 5740 1991 73 17 genuine
## 5741 1991 73 18 economic
## 5742 1991 73 19 distress
## 5743 1991 73 20 .
## 5744 1991 74 1 And
## 5745 1991 74 2 I
## 5746 1991 74 3 hear
## 5747 1991 74 4 them
## 5748 1991 74 5 .
## 5749 1991 75 1 Earlier_this_month
## 5750 1991 75 2 ,
## 5751 1991 75 3 Kathy_Blackwell
## 5752 1991 75 4 ,
## 5753 1991 75 5 of
## 5754 1991 75 6 Massachusetts
## 5755 1991 75 7 ,
## 5756 1991 75 8 wrote
## 5757 1991 75 9 me
## 5758 1991 75 10 about
## 5759 1991 75 11 what
## 5760 1991 75 12 can
## 5761 1991 75 13 happen
## 5762 1991 75 14 when
## 5763 1991 75 15 the
## 5764 1991 75 16 economy
## 5765 1991 75 17 slows
## 5766 1991 75 18 down
## 5767 1991 75 19 ,
## 5768 1991 75 20 saying
## 5769 1991 75 21 ,
## 5770 1991 75 22 "
## 5771 1991 75 23 My
## 5772 1991 75 24 heart
## 5773 1991 75 25 is
## 5774 1991 75 26 aching
## 5775 1991 75 27 ,
## 5776 1991 75 28 and
## 5777 1991 75 29 I
## 5778 1991 75 30 think
## 5779 1991 75 31 that
## 5780 1991 75 32 you
## 5781 1991 75 33 should
## 5782 1991 75 34 know
## 5783 1991 75 35 your
## 5784 1991 75 36 people
## 5785 1991 75 37 out
## 5786 1991 75 38 here
## 5787 1991 75 39 are
## 5788 1991 75 40 hurting
## 5789 1991 75 41 badly
## 5790 1991 75 42 .
## 5791 1991 75 43 "
## 5792 1991 76 1 \n\n
## 5793 1991 76 2 I
## 5794 1991 76 3 understand
## 5795 1991 76 4 ,
## 5796 1991 76 5 and
## 5797 1991 76 6 I
## 5798 1991 76 7 'm
## 5799 1991 76 8 not
## 5800 1991 76 9 unrealistic
## 5801 1991 76 10 about
## 5802 1991 76 11 the
## 5803 1991 76 12 future
## 5804 1991 76 13 .
## 5805 1991 77 1 But
## 5806 1991 77 2 there
## 5807 1991 77 3 are
## 5808 1991 77 4 reasons
## 5809 1991 77 5 to
## 5810 1991 77 6 be
## 5811 1991 77 7 optimistic
## 5812 1991 77 8 about
## 5813 1991 77 9 our
## 5814 1991 77 10 economy
## 5815 1991 77 11 .
## 5816 1991 78 1 First
## 5817 1991 78 2 ,
## 5818 1991 78 3 we
## 5819 1991 78 4 do
## 5820 1991 78 5 n't
## 5821 1991 78 6 have
## 5822 1991 78 7 to
## 5823 1991 78 8 fight
## 5824 1991 78 9 double
## 5825 1991 78 10 -
## 5826 1991 78 11 digit
## 5827 1991 78 12 inflation
## 5828 1991 78 13 .
## 5829 1991 79 1 Second
## 5830 1991 79 2 ,
## 5831 1991 79 3 most
## 5832 1991 79 4 industries
## 5833 1991 79 5 wo
## 5834 1991 79 6 n't
## 5835 1991 79 7 have
## 5836 1991 79 8 to
## 5837 1991 79 9 make
## 5838 1991 79 10 big
## 5839 1991 79 11 cuts
## 5840 1991 79 12 in
## 5841 1991 79 13 production
## 5842 1991 79 14 because
## 5843 1991 79 15 they
## 5844 1991 79 16 do
## 5845 1991 79 17 n't
## 5846 1991 79 18 have
## 5847 1991 79 19 big
## 5848 1991 79 20 inventories
## 5849 1991 79 21 piled
## 5850 1991 79 22 up
## 5851 1991 79 23 .
## 5852 1991 80 1 And
## 5853 1991 80 2 third
## 5854 1991 80 3 ,
## 5855 1991 80 4 our
## 5856 1991 80 5 exports
## 5857 1991 80 6 are
## 5858 1991 80 7 running
## 5859 1991 80 8 solid
## 5860 1991 80 9 and
## 5861 1991 80 10 strong
## 5862 1991 80 11 .
## 5863 1991 81 1 In
## 5864 1991 81 2 fact
## 5865 1991 81 3 ,
## 5866 1991 81 4 American
## 5867 1991 81 5 businesses
## 5868 1991 81 6 are
## 5869 1991 81 7 exporting
## 5870 1991 81 8 at
## 5871 1991 81 9 a
## 5872 1991 81 10 record
## 5873 1991 81 11 rate
## 5874 1991 81 12 .
## 5875 1991 82 1 \n\n
## 5876 1991 82 2 So
## 5877 1991 82 3 ,
## 5878 1991 82 4 let
## 5879 1991 82 5 's
## 5880 1991 82 6 put
## 5881 1991 82 7 these
## 5882 1991 82 8 times
## 5883 1991 82 9 in
## 5884 1991 82 10 perspective
## 5885 1991 82 11 .
## 5886 1991 83 1 Together
## 5887 1991 83 2 ,
## 5888 1991 83 3 since
## 5889 1991 83 4 1981
## 5890 1991 83 5 ,
## 5891 1991 83 6 we
## 5892 1991 83 7 've
## 5893 1991 83 8 created
## 5894 1991 83 9 almost_20_million
## 5895 1991 83 10 jobs
## 5896 1991 83 11 ,
## 5897 1991 83 12 cut
## 5898 1991 83 13 inflation
## 5899 1991 83 14 in
## 5900 1991 83 15 half
## 5901 1991 83 16 ,
## 5902 1991 83 17 and
## 5903 1991 83 18 cut
## 5904 1991 83 19 interest
## 5905 1991 83 20 rates
## 5906 1991 83 21 in
## 5907 1991 83 22 half
## 5908 1991 83 23 .
## 5909 1991 84 1 And
## 5910 1991 84 2 yes
## 5911 1991 84 3 ,
## 5912 1991 84 4 the
## 5913 1991 84 5 largest
## 5914 1991 84 6 peacetime
## 5915 1991 84 7 economic
## 5916 1991 84 8 expansion
## 5917 1991 84 9 in
## 5918 1991 84 10 history
## 5919 1991 84 11 has
## 5920 1991 84 12 been
## 5921 1991 84 13 temporarily
## 5922 1991 84 14 interrupted
## 5923 1991 84 15 .
## 5924 1991 85 1 But
## 5925 1991 85 2 our
## 5926 1991 85 3 economy
## 5927 1991 85 4 is
## 5928 1991 85 5 still
## 5929 1991 85 6 over
## 5930 1991 85 7 twice
## 5931 1991 85 8 as
## 5932 1991 85 9 large
## 5933 1991 85 10 as
## 5934 1991 85 11 our
## 5935 1991 85 12 closest
## 5936 1991 85 13 competitor
## 5937 1991 85 14 .
## 5938 1991 86 1 \n\n
## 5939 1991 86 2 We
## 5940 1991 86 3 will
## 5941 1991 86 4 get
## 5942 1991 86 5 this
## 5943 1991 86 6 recession
## 5944 1991 86 7 behind
## 5945 1991 86 8 us
## 5946 1991 86 9 and
## 5947 1991 86 10 return
## 5948 1991 86 11 to
## 5949 1991 86 12 growth
## 5950 1991 86 13 soon
## 5951 1991 86 14 .
## 5952 1991 87 1 We
## 5953 1991 87 2 will
## 5954 1991 87 3 get
## 5955 1991 87 4 on
## 5956 1991 87 5 our
## 5957 1991 87 6 way
## 5958 1991 87 7 to
## 5959 1991 87 8 a
## 5960 1991 87 9 new
## 5961 1991 87 10 record
## 5962 1991 87 11 of
## 5963 1991 87 12 expansion
## 5964 1991 87 13 and
## 5965 1991 87 14 achieve
## 5966 1991 87 15 the
## 5967 1991 87 16 competitive
## 5968 1991 87 17 strength
## 5969 1991 87 18 that
## 5970 1991 87 19 will
## 5971 1991 87 20 carry
## 5972 1991 87 21 us
## 5973 1991 87 22 into
## 5974 1991 87 23 the_next_American_century
## 5975 1991 87 24 .
## 5976 1991 88 1 We
## 5977 1991 88 2 should
## 5978 1991 88 3 focus
## 5979 1991 88 4 our
## 5980 1991 88 5 efforts
## 5981 1991 88 6 today
## 5982 1991 88 7 on
## 5983 1991 88 8 encouraging
## 5984 1991 88 9 economic
## 5985 1991 88 10 growth
## 5986 1991 88 11 ,
## 5987 1991 88 12 investing
## 5988 1991 88 13 in
## 5989 1991 88 14 the
## 5990 1991 88 15 future
## 5991 1991 88 16 ,
## 5992 1991 88 17 and
## 5993 1991 88 18 giving
## 5994 1991 88 19 power
## 5995 1991 88 20 and
## 5996 1991 88 21 opportunity
## 5997 1991 88 22 to
## 5998 1991 88 23 the
## 5999 1991 88 24 individual
## 6000 1991 88 25 .
## 6001 1991 89 1 \n\n
## 6002 1991 89 2 We
## 6003 1991 89 3 must
## 6004 1991 89 4 begin
## 6005 1991 89 5 with
## 6006 1991 89 6 control
## 6007 1991 89 7 of
## 6008 1991 89 8 Federal
## 6009 1991 89 9 spending
## 6010 1991 89 10 .
## 6011 1991 90 1 That
## 6012 1991 90 2 's
## 6013 1991 90 3 why
## 6014 1991 90 4 I
## 6015 1991 90 5 'm
## 6016 1991 90 6 submitting
## 6017 1991 90 7 a
## 6018 1991 90 8 budget
## 6019 1991 90 9 that
## 6020 1991 90 10 holds
## 6021 1991 90 11 the
## 6022 1991 90 12 growth
## 6023 1991 90 13 in
## 6024 1991 90 14 spending
## 6025 1991 90 15 to
## 6026 1991 90 16 less
## 6027 1991 90 17 than
## 6028 1991 90 18 the
## 6029 1991 90 19 rate
## 6030 1991 90 20 of
## 6031 1991 90 21 inflation
## 6032 1991 90 22 .
## 6033 1991 91 1 And
## 6034 1991 91 2 that
## 6035 1991 91 3 's
## 6036 1991 91 4 why
## 6037 1991 91 5 ,
## 6038 1991 91 6 amid
## 6039 1991 91 7 all
## 6040 1991 91 8 the
## 6041 1991 91 9 sound
## 6042 1991 91 10 and
## 6043 1991 91 11 fury
## 6044 1991 91 12 of
## 6045 1991 91 13 last_year_'s
## 6046 1991 91 14 budget
## 6047 1991 91 15 debate
## 6048 1991 91 16 ,
## 6049 1991 91 17 we
## 6050 1991 91 18 put
## 6051 1991 91 19 into
## 6052 1991 91 20 law
## 6053 1991 91 21 new
## 6054 1991 91 22 ,
## 6055 1991 91 23 enforceable
## 6056 1991 91 24 spending
## 6057 1991 91 25 caps
## 6058 1991 91 26 ,
## 6059 1991 91 27 so
## 6060 1991 91 28 that
## 6061 1991 91 29 future
## 6062 1991 91 30 spending
## 6063 1991 91 31 debates
## 6064 1991 91 32 will
## 6065 1991 91 33 mean
## 6066 1991 91 34 a
## 6067 1991 91 35 battle
## 6068 1991 91 36 of
## 6069 1991 91 37 ideas
## 6070 1991 91 38 ,
## 6071 1991 91 39 not
## 6072 1991 91 40 a
## 6073 1991 91 41 bidding
## 6074 1991 91 42 war
## 6075 1991 91 43 .
## 6076 1991 92 1 \n\n
## 6077 1991 92 2 Though
## 6078 1991 92 3 controversial
## 6079 1991 92 4 ,
## 6080 1991 92 5 the
## 6081 1991 92 6 budget
## 6082 1991 92 7 agreement
## 6083 1991 92 8 finally
## 6084 1991 92 9 put
## 6085 1991 92 10 the_Federal_Government
## 6086 1991 92 11 on
## 6087 1991 92 12 a
## 6088 1991 92 13 pay
## 6089 1991 92 14 -
## 6090 1991 92 15 as
## 6091 1991 92 16 -
## 6092 1991 92 17 you
## 6093 1991 92 18 -
## 6094 1991 92 19 go
## 6095 1991 92 20 plan
## 6096 1991 92 21 and
## 6097 1991 92 22 cut
## 6098 1991 92 23 the
## 6099 1991 92 24 growth
## 6100 1991 92 25 of
## 6101 1991 92 26 debt
## 6102 1991 92 27 by
## 6103 1991 92 28 nearly_$_500_billion
## 6104 1991 92 29 .
## 6105 1991 93 1 And
## 6106 1991 93 2 that
## 6107 1991 93 3 frees
## 6108 1991 93 4 funds
## 6109 1991 93 5 for
## 6110 1991 93 6 saving
## 6111 1991 93 7 and
## 6112 1991 93 8 job
## 6113 1991 93 9 -
## 6114 1991 93 10 creating
## 6115 1991 93 11 investment
## 6116 1991 93 12 .
## 6117 1991 94 1 \n\n
## 6118 1991 94 2 Now
## 6119 1991 94 3 ,
## 6120 1991 94 4 let
## 6121 1991 94 5 's
## 6122 1991 94 6 do
## 6123 1991 94 7 more
## 6124 1991 94 8 .
## 6125 1991 95 1 My
## 6126 1991 95 2 budget
## 6127 1991 95 3 again
## 6128 1991 95 4 includes
## 6129 1991 95 5 tax
## 6130 1991 95 6 -
## 6131 1991 95 7 free
## 6132 1991 95 8 family
## 6133 1991 95 9 savings
## 6134 1991 95 10 accounts
## 6135 1991 95 11 ;
## 6136 1991 95 12 penalty
## 6137 1991 95 13 -
## 6138 1991 95 14 free
## 6139 1991 95 15 withdrawals
## 6140 1991 95 16 from
## 6141 1991 95 17 IRA
## 6142 1991 95 18 's
## 6143 1991 95 19 for
## 6144 1991 95 20 first
## 6145 1991 95 21 -
## 6146 1991 95 22 time
## 6147 1991 95 23 home
## 6148 1991 95 24 buyers
## 6149 1991 95 25 ;
## 6150 1991 95 26 and
## 6151 1991 95 27 to
## 6152 1991 95 28 increase
## 6153 1991 95 29 jobs
## 6154 1991 95 30 and
## 6155 1991 95 31 growth
## 6156 1991 95 32 ,
## 6157 1991 95 33 a
## 6158 1991 95 34 reduced
## 6159 1991 95 35 tax
## 6160 1991 95 36 for
## 6161 1991 95 37 long
## 6162 1991 95 38 -
## 6163 1991 95 39 term
## 6164 1991 95 40 capital
## 6165 1991 95 41 gains
## 6166 1991 95 42 .
## 6167 1991 96 1 \n\n
## 6168 1991 96 2 I
## 6169 1991 96 3 know
## 6170 1991 96 4 there
## 6171 1991 96 5 are
## 6172 1991 96 6 differences
## 6173 1991 96 7 among
## 6174 1991 96 8 us
## 6175 1991 96 9 --
## 6176 1991 97 1 [
## 6177 1991 97 2 laughter
## 6178 1991 97 3 ]
## 6179 1991 97 4 --
## 6180 1991 97 5 about
## 6181 1991 97 6 the
## 6182 1991 97 7 impact
## 6183 1991 97 8 and
## 6184 1991 97 9 the
## 6185 1991 97 10 effects
## 6186 1991 97 11 of
## 6187 1991 97 12 a
## 6188 1991 97 13 capital
## 6189 1991 97 14 gains
## 6190 1991 97 15 incentive
## 6191 1991 97 16 .
## 6192 1991 98 1 So
## 6193 1991 98 2 tonight
## 6194 1991 98 3 ,
## 6195 1991 98 4 I
## 6196 1991 98 5 'm
## 6197 1991 98 6 asking
## 6198 1991 98 7 the
## 6199 1991 98 8 congressional
## 6200 1991 98 9 leaders
## 6201 1991 98 10 and
## 6202 1991 98 11 the_Federal_Reserve
## 6203 1991 98 12 to
## 6204 1991 98 13 cooperate
## 6205 1991 98 14 with
## 6206 1991 98 15 us
## 6207 1991 98 16 in
## 6208 1991 98 17 a
## 6209 1991 98 18 study
## 6210 1991 98 19 ,
## 6211 1991 98 20 led
## 6212 1991 98 21 by
## 6213 1991 98 22 Chairman
## 6214 1991 98 23 Alan_Greenspan
## 6215 1991 98 24 ,
## 6216 1991 98 25 to
## 6217 1991 98 26 sort
## 6218 1991 98 27 out
## 6219 1991 98 28 our
## 6220 1991 98 29 technical
## 6221 1991 98 30 differences
## 6222 1991 98 31 so
## 6223 1991 98 32 that
## 6224 1991 98 33 we
## 6225 1991 98 34 can
## 6226 1991 98 35 avoid
## 6227 1991 98 36 a
## 6228 1991 98 37 return
## 6229 1991 98 38 to
## 6230 1991 98 39 unproductive
## 6231 1991 98 40 partisan
## 6232 1991 98 41 bickering
## 6233 1991 98 42 .
## 6234 1991 99 1 \n\n
## 6235 1991 99 2 But
## 6236 1991 99 3 just
## 6237 1991 99 4 as
## 6238 1991 99 5 our
## 6239 1991 99 6 efforts
## 6240 1991 99 7 will
## 6241 1991 99 8 bring
## 6242 1991 99 9 economic
## 6243 1991 99 10 growth
## 6244 1991 99 11 now
## 6245 1991 99 12 and
## 6246 1991 99 13 in
## 6247 1991 99 14 the
## 6248 1991 99 15 future
## 6249 1991 99 16 ,
## 6250 1991 99 17 they
## 6251 1991 99 18 must
## 6252 1991 99 19 also
## 6253 1991 99 20 be
## 6254 1991 99 21 matched
## 6255 1991 99 22 by
## 6256 1991 99 23 long
## 6257 1991 99 24 -
## 6258 1991 99 25 term
## 6259 1991 99 26 investments
## 6260 1991 99 27 for
## 6261 1991 99 28 the_next_American_century
## 6262 1991 99 29 .
## 6263 1991 100 1 That
## 6264 1991 100 2 requires
## 6265 1991 100 3 a
## 6266 1991 100 4 forward
## 6267 1991 100 5 -
## 6268 1991 100 6 looking
## 6269 1991 100 7 plan
## 6270 1991 100 8 of
## 6271 1991 100 9 action
## 6272 1991 100 10 ,
## 6273 1991 100 11 and
## 6274 1991 100 12 that
## 6275 1991 100 13 's
## 6276 1991 100 14 exactly
## 6277 1991 100 15 what
## 6278 1991 100 16 we
## 6279 1991 100 17 will
## 6280 1991 100 18 be
## 6281 1991 100 19 sending
## 6282 1991 100 20 to
## 6283 1991 100 21 the
## 6284 1991 100 22 Congress
## 6285 1991 100 23 .
## 6286 1991 101 1 We
## 6287 1991 101 2 've
## 6288 1991 101 3 prepared
## 6289 1991 101 4 a
## 6290 1991 101 5 detailed
## 6291 1991 101 6 series
## 6292 1991 101 7 of
## 6293 1991 101 8 proposals
## 6294 1991 101 9 that
## 6295 1991 101 10 include
## 6296 1991 101 11 :
## 6297 1991 101 12 a
## 6298 1991 101 13 budget
## 6299 1991 101 14 that
## 6300 1991 101 15 promotes
## 6301 1991 101 16 investment
## 6302 1991 101 17 in
## 6303 1991 101 18 America
## 6304 1991 101 19 's
## 6305 1991 101 20 future
## 6306 1991 101 21 --
## 6307 1991 101 22 in
## 6308 1991 101 23 children
## 6309 1991 101 24 ,
## 6310 1991 101 25 education
## 6311 1991 101 26 ,
## 6312 1991 101 27 infrastructure
## 6313 1991 101 28 ,
## 6314 1991 101 29 space
## 6315 1991 101 30 ,
## 6316 1991 101 31 and
## 6317 1991 101 32 high
## 6318 1991 101 33 technology
## 6319 1991 101 34 ;
## 6320 1991 101 35 legislation
## 6321 1991 101 36 to
## 6322 1991 101 37 achieve
## 6323 1991 101 38 excellence
## 6324 1991 101 39 in
## 6325 1991 101 40 education
## 6326 1991 101 41 ,
## 6327 1991 101 42 building
## 6328 1991 101 43 on
## 6329 1991 101 44 the
## 6330 1991 101 45 partnership
## 6331 1991 101 46 forged
## 6332 1991 101 47 with
## 6333 1991 101 48 the_50_Governors
## 6334 1991 101 49 at
## 6335 1991 101 50 the
## 6336 1991 101 51 education
## 6337 1991 101 52 summit
## 6338 1991 101 53 ,
## 6339 1991 101 54 enabling
## 6340 1991 101 55 parents
## 6341 1991 101 56 to
## 6342 1991 101 57 choose
## 6343 1991 101 58 their
## 6344 1991 101 59 children
## 6345 1991 101 60 's
## 6346 1991 101 61 schools
## 6347 1991 101 62 and
## 6348 1991 101 63 helping
## 6349 1991 101 64 to
## 6350 1991 101 65 make
## 6351 1991 101 66 America
## 6352 1991 101 67 number
## 6353 1991 101 68 one
## 6354 1991 101 69 in
## 6355 1991 101 70 math
## 6356 1991 101 71 and
## 6357 1991 101 72 science
## 6358 1991 101 73 ;
## 6359 1991 101 74 a
## 6360 1991 101 75 blueprint
## 6361 1991 101 76 for
## 6362 1991 101 77 a
## 6363 1991 101 78 new
## 6364 1991 101 79 national
## 6365 1991 101 80 highway
## 6366 1991 101 81 system
## 6367 1991 101 82 ,
## 6368 1991 101 83 a
## 6369 1991 101 84 critical
## 6370 1991 101 85 investment
## 6371 1991 101 86 in
## 6372 1991 101 87 our
## 6373 1991 101 88 transportation
## 6374 1991 101 89 infrastructure
## 6375 1991 101 90 ;
## 6376 1991 101 91 a
## 6377 1991 101 92 research
## 6378 1991 101 93 and
## 6379 1991 101 94 development
## 6380 1991 101 95 agenda
## 6381 1991 101 96 that
## 6382 1991 101 97 includes
## 6383 1991 101 98 record
## 6384 1991 101 99 levels
## 6385 1991 101 100 of
## 6386 1991 101 101 Federal
## 6387 1991 101 102 investment
## 6388 1991 101 103 ,
## 6389 1991 101 104 and
## 6390 1991 101 105 a
## 6391 1991 101 106 permanent
## 6392 1991 101 107 tax
## 6393 1991 101 108 credit
## 6394 1991 101 109 to
## 6395 1991 101 110 strengthen
## 6396 1991 101 111 private
## 6397 1991 101 112 R&D
## 6398 1991 101 113 and
## 6399 1991 101 114 to
## 6400 1991 101 115 create
## 6401 1991 101 116 jobs
## 6402 1991 101 117 ;
## 6403 1991 101 118 a
## 6404 1991 101 119 comprehensive
## 6405 1991 101 120 national
## 6406 1991 101 121 energy
## 6407 1991 101 122 strategy
## 6408 1991 101 123 that
## 6409 1991 101 124 calls
## 6410 1991 101 125 for
## 6411 1991 101 126 energy
## 6412 1991 101 127 conservation
## 6413 1991 101 128 and
## 6414 1991 101 129 efficiency
## 6415 1991 101 130 ,
## 6416 1991 101 131 increased
## 6417 1991 101 132 development
## 6418 1991 101 133 ,
## 6419 1991 101 134 and
## 6420 1991 101 135 greater
## 6421 1991 101 136 use
## 6422 1991 101 137 of
## 6423 1991 101 138 alternative
## 6424 1991 101 139 fuels
## 6425 1991 101 140 ;
## 6426 1991 101 141 a
## 6427 1991 101 142 banking
## 6428 1991 101 143 reform
## 6429 1991 101 144 plan
## 6430 1991 101 145 to
## 6431 1991 101 146 bring
## 6432 1991 101 147 America
## 6433 1991 101 148 's
## 6434 1991 101 149 financial
## 6435 1991 101 150 system
## 6436 1991 101 151 into
## 6437 1991 101 152 the_21st_century
## 6438 1991 101 153 so
## 6439 1991 101 154 that
## 6440 1991 101 155 our
## 6441 1991 101 156 banks
## 6442 1991 101 157 remain
## 6443 1991 101 158 safe
## 6444 1991 101 159 and
## 6445 1991 101 160 secure
## 6446 1991 101 161 and
## 6447 1991 101 162 can
## 6448 1991 101 163 continue
## 6449 1991 101 164 to
## 6450 1991 101 165 make
## 6451 1991 101 166 job
## 6452 1991 101 167 -
## 6453 1991 101 168 creating
## 6454 1991 101 169 loans
## 6455 1991 101 170 for
## 6456 1991 101 171 our
## 6457 1991 101 172 factories
## 6458 1991 101 173 ,
## 6459 1991 101 174 our
## 6460 1991 101 175 businesses
## 6461 1991 101 176 ,
## 6462 1991 101 177 and
## 6463 1991 101 178 home
## 6464 1991 101 179 buyers
## 6465 1991 101 180 .
## 6466 1991 102 1 \n\n
## 6467 1991 102 2 You
## 6468 1991 102 3 know
## 6469 1991 102 4 ,
## 6470 1991 102 5 I
## 6471 1991 102 6 do
## 6472 1991 102 7 think
## 6473 1991 102 8 there
## 6474 1991 102 9 has
## 6475 1991 102 10 been
## 6476 1991 102 11 too
## 6477 1991 102 12 much
## 6478 1991 102 13 pessimism
## 6479 1991 102 14 .
## 6480 1991 103 1 Sound
## 6481 1991 103 2 banks
## 6482 1991 103 3 should
## 6483 1991 103 4 be
## 6484 1991 103 5 making
## 6485 1991 103 6 sound
## 6486 1991 103 7 loans
## 6487 1991 103 8 now
## 6488 1991 103 9 ,
## 6489 1991 103 10 and
## 6490 1991 103 11 interest
## 6491 1991 103 12 rates
## 6492 1991 103 13 should
## 6493 1991 103 14 be
## 6494 1991 103 15 lower
## 6495 1991 103 16 ,
## 6496 1991 103 17 now
## 6497 1991 103 18 .
## 6498 1991 104 1 \n\n
## 6499 1991 104 2 In
## 6500 1991 104 3 addition
## 6501 1991 104 4 to
## 6502 1991 104 5 these
## 6503 1991 104 6 proposals
## 6504 1991 104 7 ,
## 6505 1991 104 8 we
## 6506 1991 104 9 must
## 6507 1991 104 10 recognize
## 6508 1991 104 11 that
## 6509 1991 104 12 our
## 6510 1991 104 13 economic
## 6511 1991 104 14 strength
## 6512 1991 104 15 depends
## 6513 1991 104 16 on
## 6514 1991 104 17 being
## 6515 1991 104 18 competitive
## 6516 1991 104 19 in
## 6517 1991 104 20 world
## 6518 1991 104 21 markets
## 6519 1991 104 22 .
## 6520 1991 105 1 We
## 6521 1991 105 2 must
## 6522 1991 105 3 continue
## 6523 1991 105 4 to
## 6524 1991 105 5 expand
## 6525 1991 105 6 American
## 6526 1991 105 7 exports
## 6527 1991 105 8 .
## 6528 1991 106 1 A
## 6529 1991 106 2 successful
## 6530 1991 106 3 Uruguay
## 6531 1991 106 4 round
## 6532 1991 106 5 of
## 6533 1991 106 6 world
## 6534 1991 106 7 trade
## 6535 1991 106 8 negotiations
## 6536 1991 106 9 will
## 6537 1991 106 10 create
## 6538 1991 106 11 more
## 6539 1991 106 12 real
## 6540 1991 106 13 jobs
## 6541 1991 106 14 and
## 6542 1991 106 15 more
## 6543 1991 106 16 real
## 6544 1991 106 17 growth
## 6545 1991 106 18 for
## 6546 1991 106 19 all
## 6547 1991 106 20 nations
## 6548 1991 106 21 .
## 6549 1991 107 1 You
## 6550 1991 107 2 and
## 6551 1991 107 3 I
## 6552 1991 107 4 know
## 6553 1991 107 5 that
## 6554 1991 107 6 if
## 6555 1991 107 7 the
## 6556 1991 107 8 playing
## 6557 1991 107 9 field
## 6558 1991 107 10 is
## 6559 1991 107 11 level
## 6560 1991 107 12 ,
## 6561 1991 107 13 America
## 6562 1991 107 14 's
## 6563 1991 107 15 workers
## 6564 1991 107 16 and
## 6565 1991 107 17 farmers
## 6566 1991 107 18 can
## 6567 1991 107 19 out
## 6568 1991 107 20 -
## 6569 1991 107 21 work
## 6570 1991 107 22 ,
## 6571 1991 107 23 out
## 6572 1991 107 24 -
## 6573 1991 107 25 produce
## 6574 1991 107 26 anyone
## 6575 1991 107 27 ,
## 6576 1991 107 28 anytime
## 6577 1991 107 29 ,
## 6578 1991 107 30 anywhere
## 6579 1991 107 31 .
## 6580 1991 108 1 \n\n
## 6581 1991 108 2 And
## 6582 1991 108 3 with
## 6583 1991 108 4 a
## 6584 1991 108 5 Mexican
## 6585 1991 108 6 free
## 6586 1991 108 7 trade
## 6587 1991 108 8 agreement
## 6588 1991 108 9 and
## 6589 1991 108 10 our
## 6590 1991 108 11 Enterprise
## 6591 1991 108 12 for
## 6592 1991 108 13 the
## 6593 1991 108 14 Americas
## 6594 1991 108 15 Initiative
## 6595 1991 108 16 ,
## 6596 1991 108 17 we
## 6597 1991 108 18 can
## 6598 1991 108 19 help
## 6599 1991 108 20 our
## 6600 1991 108 21 partners
## 6601 1991 108 22 strengthen
## 6602 1991 108 23 their
## 6603 1991 108 24 economies
## 6604 1991 108 25 and
## 6605 1991 108 26 move
## 6606 1991 108 27 toward
## 6607 1991 108 28 a
## 6608 1991 108 29 free
## 6609 1991 108 30 trade
## 6610 1991 108 31 zone
## 6611 1991 108 32 throughout
## 6612 1991 108 33 this
## 6613 1991 108 34 entire
## 6614 1991 108 35 hemisphere
## 6615 1991 108 36 .
## 6616 1991 109 1 \n\n
## 6617 1991 109 2 The
## 6618 1991 109 3 budget
## 6619 1991 109 4 also
## 6620 1991 109 5 includes
## 6621 1991 109 6 a
## 6622 1991 109 7 plan
## 6623 1991 109 8 of
## 6624 1991 109 9 action
## 6625 1991 109 10 right
## 6626 1991 109 11 here
## 6627 1991 109 12 at
## 6628 1991 109 13 home
## 6629 1991 109 14 to
## 6630 1991 109 15 put
## 6631 1991 109 16 more
## 6632 1991 109 17 power
## 6633 1991 109 18 and
## 6634 1991 109 19 opportunity
## 6635 1991 109 20 in
## 6636 1991 109 21 the
## 6637 1991 109 22 hands
## 6638 1991 109 23 of
## 6639 1991 109 24 the
## 6640 1991 109 25 individual
## 6641 1991 109 26 .
## 6642 1991 110 1 And
## 6643 1991 110 2 that
## 6644 1991 110 3 means
## 6645 1991 110 4 new
## 6646 1991 110 5 incentives
## 6647 1991 110 6 to
## 6648 1991 110 7 create
## 6649 1991 110 8 jobs
## 6650 1991 110 9 in
## 6651 1991 110 10 our
## 6652 1991 110 11 inner
## 6653 1991 110 12 cities
## 6654 1991 110 13 by
## 6655 1991 110 14 encouraging
## 6656 1991 110 15 investment
## 6657 1991 110 16 through
## 6658 1991 110 17 enterprise
## 6659 1991 110 18 zones
## 6660 1991 110 19 .
## 6661 1991 111 1 It
## 6662 1991 111 2 also
## 6663 1991 111 3 means
## 6664 1991 111 4 tenant
## 6665 1991 111 5 control
## 6666 1991 111 6 and
## 6667 1991 111 7 ownership
## 6668 1991 111 8 of
## 6669 1991 111 9 public
## 6670 1991 111 10 housing
## 6671 1991 111 11 .
## 6672 1991 112 1 Freedom
## 6673 1991 112 2 and
## 6674 1991 112 3 the
## 6675 1991 112 4 power
## 6676 1991 112 5 to
## 6677 1991 112 6 choose
## 6678 1991 112 7 should
## 6679 1991 112 8 not
## 6680 1991 112 9 be
## 6681 1991 112 10 the
## 6682 1991 112 11 privilege
## 6683 1991 112 12 of
## 6684 1991 112 13 wealth
## 6685 1991 112 14 .
## 6686 1991 113 1 They
## 6687 1991 113 2 are
## 6688 1991 113 3 the
## 6689 1991 113 4 birthright
## 6690 1991 113 5 of
## 6691 1991 113 6 every
## 6692 1991 113 7 American
## 6693 1991 113 8 .
## 6694 1991 114 1 \n\n
## 6695 1991 114 2 Civil
## 6696 1991 114 3 rights
## 6697 1991 114 4 are
## 6698 1991 114 5 also
## 6699 1991 114 6 crucial
## 6700 1991 114 7 to
## 6701 1991 114 8 protecting
## 6702 1991 114 9 equal
## 6703 1991 114 10 opportunity
## 6704 1991 114 11 .
## 6705 1991 115 1 Every
## 6706 1991 115 2 one
## 6707 1991 115 3 of
## 6708 1991 115 4 us
## 6709 1991 115 5 has
## 6710 1991 115 6 a
## 6711 1991 115 7 responsibility
## 6712 1991 115 8 to
## 6713 1991 115 9 speak
## 6714 1991 115 10 out
## 6715 1991 115 11 against
## 6716 1991 115 12 racism
## 6717 1991 115 13 ,
## 6718 1991 115 14 bigotry
## 6719 1991 115 15 ,
## 6720 1991 115 16 and
## 6721 1991 115 17 hate
## 6722 1991 115 18 .
## 6723 1991 116 1 We
## 6724 1991 116 2 will
## 6725 1991 116 3 continue
## 6726 1991 116 4 our
## 6727 1991 116 5 vigorous
## 6728 1991 116 6 enforcement
## 6729 1991 116 7 of
## 6730 1991 116 8 existing
## 6731 1991 116 9 statutes
## 6732 1991 116 10 ,
## 6733 1991 116 11 and
## 6734 1991 116 12 I
## 6735 1991 116 13 will
## 6736 1991 116 14 once
## 6737 1991 116 15 again
## 6738 1991 116 16 press
## 6739 1991 116 17 the
## 6740 1991 116 18 Congress
## 6741 1991 116 19 to
## 6742 1991 116 20 strengthen
## 6743 1991 116 21 the
## 6744 1991 116 22 laws
## 6745 1991 116 23 against
## 6746 1991 116 24 employment
## 6747 1991 116 25 discrimination
## 6748 1991 116 26 without
## 6749 1991 116 27 resorting
## 6750 1991 116 28 to
## 6751 1991 116 29 the
## 6752 1991 116 30 use
## 6753 1991 116 31 of
## 6754 1991 116 32 unfair
## 6755 1991 116 33 preferences
## 6756 1991 116 34 .
## 6757 1991 117 1 \n\n
## 6758 1991 117 2 We
## 6759 1991 117 3 're
## 6760 1991 117 4 determined
## 6761 1991 117 5 to
## 6762 1991 117 6 protect
## 6763 1991 117 7 another
## 6764 1991 117 8 fundamental
## 6765 1991 117 9 civil
## 6766 1991 117 10 right
## 6767 1991 117 11 :
## 6768 1991 117 12 freedom
## 6769 1991 117 13 from
## 6770 1991 117 14 crime
## 6771 1991 117 15 and
## 6772 1991 117 16 the
## 6773 1991 117 17 fear
## 6774 1991 117 18 that
## 6775 1991 117 19 stalks
## 6776 1991 117 20 our
## 6777 1991 117 21 cities
## 6778 1991 117 22 .
## 6779 1991 118 1 The
## 6780 1991 118 2 Attorney
## 6781 1991 118 3 General
## 6782 1991 118 4 will
## 6783 1991 118 5 soon
## 6784 1991 118 6 convene
## 6785 1991 118 7 a
## 6786 1991 118 8 crime
## 6787 1991 118 9 summit
## 6788 1991 118 10 of
## 6789 1991 118 11 our
## 6790 1991 118 12 nation
## 6791 1991 118 13 's
## 6792 1991 118 14 law
## 6793 1991 118 15 enforcement
## 6794 1991 118 16 officials
## 6795 1991 118 17 .
## 6796 1991 119 1 And
## 6797 1991 119 2 to
## 6798 1991 119 3 help
## 6799 1991 119 4 us
## 6800 1991 119 5 support
## 6801 1991 119 6 them
## 6802 1991 119 7 ,
## 6803 1991 119 8 we
## 6804 1991 119 9 need
## 6805 1991 119 10 tough
## 6806 1991 119 11 crime
## 6807 1991 119 12 control
## 6808 1991 119 13 legislation
## 6809 1991 119 14 ,
## 6810 1991 119 15 and
## 6811 1991 119 16 we
## 6812 1991 119 17 need
## 6813 1991 119 18 it
## 6814 1991 119 19 now
## 6815 1991 119 20 .
## 6816 1991 120 1 \n\n
## 6817 1991 120 2 And
## 6818 1991 120 3 as
## 6819 1991 120 4 we
## 6820 1991 120 5 fight
## 6821 1991 120 6 crime
## 6822 1991 120 7 ,
## 6823 1991 120 8 we
## 6824 1991 120 9 will
## 6825 1991 120 10 fully
## 6826 1991 120 11 implement
## 6827 1991 120 12 our
## 6828 1991 120 13 national
## 6829 1991 120 14 strategy
## 6830 1991 120 15 for
## 6831 1991 120 16 combating
## 6832 1991 120 17 drug
## 6833 1991 120 18 abuse
## 6834 1991 120 19 .
## 6835 1991 121 1 Recent
## 6836 1991 121 2 data
## 6837 1991 121 3 show
## 6838 1991 121 4 that
## 6839 1991 121 5 we
## 6840 1991 121 6 are
## 6841 1991 121 7 making
## 6842 1991 121 8 progress
## 6843 1991 121 9 ,
## 6844 1991 121 10 but
## 6845 1991 121 11 much
## 6846 1991 121 12 remains
## 6847 1991 121 13 to
## 6848 1991 121 14 be
## 6849 1991 121 15 done
## 6850 1991 121 16 .
## 6851 1991 122 1 We
## 6852 1991 122 2 will
## 6853 1991 122 3 not
## 6854 1991 122 4 rest
## 6855 1991 122 5 until
## 6856 1991 122 6 the_day
## 6857 1991 122 7 of
## 6858 1991 122 8 the
## 6859 1991 122 9 dealer
## 6860 1991 122 10 is
## 6861 1991 122 11 over
## 6862 1991 122 12 ,
## 6863 1991 122 13 forever
## 6864 1991 122 14 .
## 6865 1991 123 1 \n\n
## 6866 1991 123 2 Good
## 6867 1991 123 3 health
## 6868 1991 123 4 care
## 6869 1991 123 5 is
## 6870 1991 123 6 every
## 6871 1991 123 7 American
## 6872 1991 123 8 's
## 6873 1991 123 9 right
## 6874 1991 123 10 and
## 6875 1991 123 11 every
## 6876 1991 123 12 American
## 6877 1991 123 13 's
## 6878 1991 123 14 responsibility
## 6879 1991 123 15 .
## 6880 1991 124 1 And
## 6881 1991 124 2 so
## 6882 1991 124 3 ,
## 6883 1991 124 4 we
## 6884 1991 124 5 are
## 6885 1991 124 6 proposing
## 6886 1991 124 7 an
## 6887 1991 124 8 aggressive
## 6888 1991 124 9 program
## 6889 1991 124 10 of
## 6890 1991 124 11 new
## 6891 1991 124 12 prevention
## 6892 1991 124 13 initiatives
## 6893 1991 124 14 --
## 6894 1991 124 15 for
## 6895 1991 124 16 infants
## 6896 1991 124 17 ,
## 6897 1991 124 18 for
## 6898 1991 124 19 children
## 6899 1991 124 20 ,
## 6900 1991 124 21 for
## 6901 1991 124 22 adults
## 6902 1991 124 23 ,
## 6903 1991 124 24 and
## 6904 1991 124 25 for
## 6905 1991 124 26 the
## 6906 1991 124 27 elderly
## 6907 1991 124 28 --
## 6908 1991 124 29 to
## 6909 1991 124 30 promote
## 6910 1991 124 31 a
## 6911 1991 124 32 healthier
## 6912 1991 124 33 America
## 6913 1991 124 34 and
## 6914 1991 124 35 to
## 6915 1991 124 36 help
## 6916 1991 124 37 keep
## 6917 1991 124 38 costs
## 6918 1991 124 39 from
## 6919 1991 124 40 spiraling
## 6920 1991 124 41 .
## 6921 1991 125 1 \n\n
## 6922 1991 125 2 It
## 6923 1991 125 3 's
## 6924 1991 125 4 time
## 6925 1991 125 5 to
## 6926 1991 125 6 give
## 6927 1991 125 7 people
## 6928 1991 125 8 more
## 6929 1991 125 9 choice
## 6930 1991 125 10 in
## 6931 1991 125 11 government
## 6932 1991 125 12 by
## 6933 1991 125 13 reviving
## 6934 1991 125 14 the
## 6935 1991 125 15 ideal
## 6936 1991 125 16 of
## 6937 1991 125 17 the
## 6938 1991 125 18 citizen
## 6939 1991 125 19 politician
## 6940 1991 125 20 who
## 6941 1991 125 21 comes
## 6942 1991 125 22 not
## 6943 1991 125 23 to
## 6944 1991 125 24 stay
## 6945 1991 125 25 but
## 6946 1991 125 26 to
## 6947 1991 125 27 serve
## 6948 1991 125 28 .
## 6949 1991 126 1 And
## 6950 1991 126 2 one
## 6951 1991 126 3 of
## 6952 1991 126 4 the
## 6953 1991 126 5 reasons
## 6954 1991 126 6 that
## 6955 1991 126 7 there
## 6956 1991 126 8 is
## 6957 1991 126 9 so
## 6958 1991 126 10 much
## 6959 1991 126 11 support
## 6960 1991 126 12 across
## 6961 1991 126 13 this
## 6962 1991 126 14 country
## 6963 1991 126 15 for
## 6964 1991 126 16 term
## 6965 1991 126 17 limitations
## 6966 1991 126 18 is
## 6967 1991 126 19 that
## 6968 1991 126 20 the
## 6969 1991 126 21 American
## 6970 1991 126 22 people
## 6971 1991 126 23 are
## 6972 1991 126 24 increasingly
## 6973 1991 126 25 concerned
## 6974 1991 126 26 about
## 6975 1991 126 27 big
## 6976 1991 126 28 -
## 6977 1991 126 29 money
## 6978 1991 126 30 influence
## 6979 1991 126 31 in
## 6980 1991 126 32 politics
## 6981 1991 126 33 .
## 6982 1991 127 1 So
## 6983 1991 127 2 ,
## 6984 1991 127 3 we
## 6985 1991 127 4 must
## 6986 1991 127 5 look
## 6987 1991 127 6 beyond
## 6988 1991 127 7 the
## 6989 1991 127 8 next
## 6990 1991 127 9 election
## 6991 1991 127 10 to
## 6992 1991 127 11 the
## 6993 1991 127 12 next
## 6994 1991 127 13 generation
## 6995 1991 127 14 .
## 6996 1991 128 1 And
## 6997 1991 128 2 the
## 6998 1991 128 3 time
## 6999 1991 128 4 has
## 7000 1991 128 5 come
## 7001 1991 128 6 to
## 7002 1991 128 7 put
## 7003 1991 128 8 the
## 7004 1991 128 9 national
## 7005 1991 128 10 interest
## 7006 1991 128 11 above
## 7007 1991 128 12 the
## 7008 1991 128 13 special
## 7009 1991 128 14 interest
## 7010 1991 128 15 and
## 7011 1991 128 16 to
## 7012 1991 128 17 totally
## 7013 1991 128 18 eliminate
## 7014 1991 128 19 political
## 7015 1991 128 20 action
## 7016 1991 128 21 committees
## 7017 1991 128 22 .
## 7018 1991 129 1 And
## 7019 1991 129 2 that
## 7020 1991 129 3 would
## 7021 1991 129 4 truly
## 7022 1991 129 5 put
## 7023 1991 129 6 more
## 7024 1991 129 7 competition
## 7025 1991 129 8 in
## 7026 1991 129 9 elections
## 7027 1991 129 10 and
## 7028 1991 129 11 more
## 7029 1991 129 12 power
## 7030 1991 129 13 in
## 7031 1991 129 14 the
## 7032 1991 129 15 hands
## 7033 1991 129 16 of
## 7034 1991 129 17 individuals
## 7035 1991 129 18 .
## 7036 1991 130 1 \n\n
## 7037 1991 130 2 And
## 7038 1991 130 3 where
## 7039 1991 130 4 power
## 7040 1991 130 5 can
## 7041 1991 130 6 not
## 7042 1991 130 7 be
## 7043 1991 130 8 put
## 7044 1991 130 9 directly
## 7045 1991 130 10 in
## 7046 1991 130 11 the
## 7047 1991 130 12 hands
## 7048 1991 130 13 of
## 7049 1991 130 14 the
## 7050 1991 130 15 individual
## 7051 1991 130 16 ,
## 7052 1991 130 17 it
## 7053 1991 130 18 should
## 7054 1991 130 19 be
## 7055 1991 130 20 moved
## 7056 1991 130 21 closer
## 7057 1991 130 22 to
## 7058 1991 130 23 the
## 7059 1991 130 24 people
## 7060 1991 130 25 ,
## 7061 1991 130 26 away
## 7062 1991 130 27 from
## 7063 1991 130 28 Washington
## 7064 1991 130 29 .
## 7065 1991 131 1 The_Federal_Government
## 7066 1991 131 2 too
## 7067 1991 131 3 often
## 7068 1991 131 4 treats
## 7069 1991 131 5 government
## 7070 1991 131 6 programs
## 7071 1991 131 7 as
## 7072 1991 131 8 if
## 7073 1991 131 9 they
## 7074 1991 131 10 are
## 7075 1991 131 11 of
## 7076 1991 131 12 Washington
## 7077 1991 131 13 ,
## 7078 1991 131 14 by
## 7079 1991 131 15 Washington
## 7080 1991 131 16 ,
## 7081 1991 131 17 and
## 7082 1991 131 18 for
## 7083 1991 131 19 Washington
## 7084 1991 131 20 .
## 7085 1991 132 1 Once
## 7086 1991 132 2 established
## 7087 1991 132 3 ,
## 7088 1991 132 4 Federal
## 7089 1991 132 5 programs
## 7090 1991 132 6 seem
## 7091 1991 132 7 to
## 7092 1991 132 8 become
## 7093 1991 132 9 immortal
## 7094 1991 132 10 .
## 7095 1991 133 1 It
## 7096 1991 133 2 's
## 7097 1991 133 3 time
## 7098 1991 133 4 for
## 7099 1991 133 5 a
## 7100 1991 133 6 more
## 7101 1991 133 7 dynamic
## 7102 1991 133 8 program
## 7103 1991 133 9 life
## 7104 1991 133 10 cycle
## 7105 1991 133 11 .
## 7106 1991 134 1 Some
## 7107 1991 134 2 programs
## 7108 1991 134 3 should
## 7109 1991 134 4 increase
## 7110 1991 134 5 .
## 7111 1991 135 1 Some
## 7112 1991 135 2 should
## 7113 1991 135 3 decrease
## 7114 1991 135 4 .
## 7115 1991 136 1 Some
## 7116 1991 136 2 should
## 7117 1991 136 3 be
## 7118 1991 136 4 terminated
## 7119 1991 136 5 .
## 7120 1991 137 1 And
## 7121 1991 137 2 some
## 7122 1991 137 3 should
## 7123 1991 137 4 be
## 7124 1991 137 5 consolidated
## 7125 1991 137 6 and
## 7126 1991 137 7 turned
## 7127 1991 137 8 over
## 7128 1991 137 9 to
## 7129 1991 137 10 the
## 7130 1991 137 11 States
## 7131 1991 137 12 .
## 7132 1991 138 1 \n\n
## 7133 1991 138 2 My
## 7134 1991 138 3 budget
## 7135 1991 138 4 includes
## 7136 1991 138 5 a
## 7137 1991 138 6 list
## 7138 1991 138 7 of
## 7139 1991 138 8 programs
## 7140 1991 138 9 for
## 7141 1991 138 10 potential
## 7142 1991 138 11 turnover
## 7143 1991 138 12 totaling
## 7144 1991 138 13 more_than_$_20_billion
## 7145 1991 138 14 .
## 7146 1991 139 1 Working
## 7147 1991 139 2 with
## 7148 1991 139 3 Congress
## 7149 1991 139 4 and
## 7150 1991 139 5 the
## 7151 1991 139 6 Governors
## 7152 1991 139 7 ,
## 7153 1991 139 8 I
## 7154 1991 139 9 propose
## 7155 1991 139 10 we
## 7156 1991 139 11 select
## 7157 1991 139 12 at_least_$_15_billion
## 7158 1991 139 13 in
## 7159 1991 139 14 such
## 7160 1991 139 15 programs
## 7161 1991 139 16 and
## 7162 1991 139 17 turn
## 7163 1991 139 18 them
## 7164 1991 139 19 over
## 7165 1991 139 20 to
## 7166 1991 139 21 the
## 7167 1991 139 22 States
## 7168 1991 139 23 in
## 7169 1991 139 24 a
## 7170 1991 139 25 single
## 7171 1991 139 26 consolidated
## 7172 1991 139 27 grant
## 7173 1991 139 28 ,
## 7174 1991 139 29 fully
## 7175 1991 139 30 funded
## 7176 1991 139 31 ,
## 7177 1991 139 32 for
## 7178 1991 139 33 flexible
## 7179 1991 139 34 management
## 7180 1991 139 35 by
## 7181 1991 139 36 the
## 7182 1991 139 37 States
## 7183 1991 139 38 .
## 7184 1991 140 1 \n\n
## 7185 1991 140 2 The
## 7186 1991 140 3 value
## 7187 1991 140 4 ,
## 7188 1991 140 5 the
## 7189 1991 140 6 value
## 7190 1991 140 7 of
## 7191 1991 140 8 this
## 7192 1991 140 9 turnover
## 7193 1991 140 10 approach
## 7194 1991 140 11 is
## 7195 1991 140 12 straightforward
## 7196 1991 140 13 .
## 7197 1991 141 1 It
## 7198 1991 141 2 allows
## 7199 1991 141 3 the_Federal_Government
## 7200 1991 141 4 to
## 7201 1991 141 5 reduce
## 7202 1991 141 6 overhead
## 7203 1991 141 7 .
## 7204 1991 142 1 It
## 7205 1991 142 2 allows
## 7206 1991 142 3 States
## 7207 1991 142 4 to
## 7208 1991 142 5 manage
## 7209 1991 142 6 more
## 7210 1991 142 7 flexibly
## 7211 1991 142 8 and
## 7212 1991 142 9 more
## 7213 1991 142 10 efficiently
## 7214 1991 142 11 .
## 7215 1991 143 1 It
## 7216 1991 143 2 moves
## 7217 1991 143 3 power
## 7218 1991 143 4 and
## 7219 1991 143 5 decisionmaking
## 7220 1991 143 6 closer
## 7221 1991 143 7 to
## 7222 1991 143 8 the
## 7223 1991 143 9 people
## 7224 1991 143 10 .
## 7225 1991 144 1 And
## 7226 1991 144 2 it
## 7227 1991 144 3 reinforces
## 7228 1991 144 4 a
## 7229 1991 144 5 theme
## 7230 1991 144 6 of
## 7231 1991 144 7 this
## 7232 1991 144 8 administration
## 7233 1991 144 9 :
## 7234 1991 144 10 appreciation
## 7235 1991 144 11 and
## 7236 1991 144 12 encouragement
## 7237 1991 144 13 of
## 7238 1991 144 14 the
## 7239 1991 144 15 innovative
## 7240 1991 144 16 powers
## 7241 1991 144 17 of
## 7242 1991 144 18 States
## 7243 1991 144 19 as
## 7244 1991 144 20 laboratories
## 7245 1991 144 21 .
## 7246 1991 145 1 \n\n
## 7247 1991 145 2 This
## 7248 1991 145 3 nation
## 7249 1991 145 4 was
## 7250 1991 145 5 founded
## 7251 1991 145 6 by
## 7252 1991 145 7 leaders
## 7253 1991 145 8 who
## 7254 1991 145 9 understood
## 7255 1991 145 10 that
## 7256 1991 145 11 power
## 7257 1991 145 12 belongs
## 7258 1991 145 13 in
## 7259 1991 145 14 the
## 7260 1991 145 15 hands
## 7261 1991 145 16 of
## 7262 1991 145 17 people
## 7263 1991 145 18 .
## 7264 1991 146 1 And
## 7265 1991 146 2 they
## 7266 1991 146 3 planned
## 7267 1991 146 4 for
## 7268 1991 146 5 the
## 7269 1991 146 6 future
## 7270 1991 146 7 .
## 7271 1991 147 1 And
## 7272 1991 147 2 so
## 7273 1991 147 3 must
## 7274 1991 147 4 we
## 7275 1991 147 5 ,
## 7276 1991 147 6 here
## 7277 1991 147 7 and
## 7278 1991 147 8 all
## 7279 1991 147 9 around
## 7280 1991 147 10 the
## 7281 1991 147 11 world
## 7282 1991 147 12 .
## 7283 1991 148 1 \n\n
## 7284 1991 148 2 As
## 7285 1991 148 3 Americans
## 7286 1991 148 4 ,
## 7287 1991 148 5 we
## 7288 1991 148 6 know
## 7289 1991 148 7 that
## 7290 1991 148 8 there
## 7291 1991 148 9 are
## 7292 1991 148 10 times
## 7293 1991 148 11 when
## 7294 1991 148 12 we
## 7295 1991 148 13 must
## 7296 1991 148 14 step
## 7297 1991 148 15 forward
## 7298 1991 148 16 and
## 7299 1991 148 17 accept
## 7300 1991 148 18 our
## 7301 1991 148 19 responsibility
## 7302 1991 148 20 to
## 7303 1991 148 21 lead
## 7304 1991 148 22 the
## 7305 1991 148 23 world
## 7306 1991 148 24 away
## 7307 1991 148 25 from
## 7308 1991 148 26 the
## 7309 1991 148 27 dark
## 7310 1991 148 28 chaos
## 7311 1991 148 29 of
## 7312 1991 148 30 dictators
## 7313 1991 148 31 ,
## 7314 1991 148 32 toward
## 7315 1991 148 33 the
## 7316 1991 148 34 brighter
## 7317 1991 148 35 promise
## 7318 1991 148 36 of
## 7319 1991 148 37 a
## 7320 1991 148 38 better
## 7321 1991 148 39 day
## 7322 1991 148 40 .
## 7323 1991 149 1 Almost_50_years_ago
## 7324 1991 149 2 we
## 7325 1991 149 3 began
## 7326 1991 149 4 a
## 7327 1991 149 5 long
## 7328 1991 149 6 struggle
## 7329 1991 149 7 against
## 7330 1991 149 8 aggressive
## 7331 1991 149 9 totalitarianism
## 7332 1991 149 10 .
## 7333 1991 150 1 Now
## 7334 1991 150 2 we
## 7335 1991 150 3 face
## 7336 1991 150 4 another_defining_hour
## 7337 1991 150 5 for
## 7338 1991 150 6 America
## 7339 1991 150 7 and
## 7340 1991 150 8 the
## 7341 1991 150 9 world
## 7342 1991 150 10 .
## 7343 1991 151 1 \n\n
## 7344 1991 151 2 There
## 7345 1991 151 3 is
## 7346 1991 151 4 no
## 7347 1991 151 5 one
## 7348 1991 151 6 more
## 7349 1991 151 7 devoted
## 7350 1991 151 8 ,
## 7351 1991 151 9 more
## 7352 1991 151 10 committed
## 7353 1991 151 11 to
## 7354 1991 151 12 the
## 7355 1991 151 13 hard
## 7356 1991 151 14 work
## 7357 1991 151 15 of
## 7358 1991 151 16 freedom
## 7359 1991 151 17 than
## 7360 1991 151 18 every
## 7361 1991 151 19 soldier
## 7362 1991 151 20 and
## 7363 1991 151 21 sailor
## 7364 1991 151 22 ,
## 7365 1991 151 23 every
## 7366 1991 151 24 marine
## 7367 1991 151 25 ,
## 7368 1991 151 26 airman
## 7369 1991 151 27 ,
## 7370 1991 151 28 and
## 7371 1991 151 29 coastguardsman
## 7372 1991 151 30 ,
## 7373 1991 151 31 every
## 7374 1991 151 32 man
## 7375 1991 151 33 and
## 7376 1991 151 34 woman
## 7377 1991 151 35 now
## 7378 1991 151 36 serving
## 7379 1991 151 37 in
## 7380 1991 151 38 the_Persian_Gulf
## 7381 1991 151 39 .
## 7382 1991 152 1 Oh
## 7383 1991 152 2 ,
## 7384 1991 152 3 how
## 7385 1991 152 4 they
## 7386 1991 152 5 deserve
## 7387 1991 152 6 --
## 7388 1991 153 1 [
## 7389 1991 153 2 applause
## 7390 1991 153 3 ]
## 7391 1991 153 4 --
## 7392 1991 153 5 and
## 7393 1991 153 6 what
## 7394 1991 153 7 a
## 7395 1991 153 8 fitting
## 7396 1991 153 9 tribute
## 7397 1991 153 10 to
## 7398 1991 153 11 them
## 7399 1991 153 12 .
## 7400 1991 154 1 \n\n
## 7401 1991 154 2 You
## 7402 1991 154 3 see
## 7403 1991 154 4 --
## 7404 1991 154 5 what
## 7405 1991 154 6 a
## 7406 1991 154 7 wonderful
## 7407 1991 154 8 ,
## 7408 1991 154 9 fitting
## 7409 1991 154 10 tribute
## 7410 1991 154 11 to
## 7411 1991 154 12 them
## 7412 1991 154 13 .
## 7413 1991 155 1 Each
## 7414 1991 155 2 of
## 7415 1991 155 3 them
## 7416 1991 155 4 has
## 7417 1991 155 5 volunteered
## 7418 1991 155 6 ,
## 7419 1991 155 7 volunteered
## 7420 1991 155 8 to
## 7421 1991 155 9 provide
## 7422 1991 155 10 for
## 7423 1991 155 11 this
## 7424 1991 155 12 nation
## 7425 1991 155 13 's
## 7426 1991 155 14 defense
## 7427 1991 155 15 ,
## 7428 1991 155 16 and
## 7429 1991 155 17 now
## 7430 1991 155 18 they
## 7431 1991 155 19 bravely
## 7432 1991 155 20 struggle
## 7433 1991 155 21 to
## 7434 1991 155 22 earn
## 7435 1991 155 23 for
## 7436 1991 155 24 America
## 7437 1991 155 25 ,
## 7438 1991 155 26 for
## 7439 1991 155 27 the
## 7440 1991 155 28 world
## 7441 1991 155 29 ,
## 7442 1991 155 30 and
## 7443 1991 155 31 for
## 7444 1991 155 32 future
## 7445 1991 155 33 generations
## 7446 1991 155 34 a
## 7447 1991 155 35 just
## 7448 1991 155 36 and
## 7449 1991 155 37 lasting
## 7450 1991 155 38 peace
## 7451 1991 155 39 .
## 7452 1991 156 1 Our
## 7453 1991 156 2 commitment
## 7454 1991 156 3 to
## 7455 1991 156 4 them
## 7456 1991 156 5 must
## 7457 1991 156 6 be
## 7458 1991 156 7 equal
## 7459 1991 156 8 to
## 7460 1991 156 9 their
## 7461 1991 156 10 commitment
## 7462 1991 156 11 to
## 7463 1991 156 12 their
## 7464 1991 156 13 country
## 7465 1991 156 14 .
## 7466 1991 157 1 They
## 7467 1991 157 2 are
## 7468 1991 157 3 truly
## 7469 1991 157 4 America
## 7470 1991 157 5 's
## 7471 1991 157 6 finest
## 7472 1991 157 7 .
## 7473 1991 158 1 \n\n
## 7474 1991 158 2 The
## 7475 1991 158 3 war
## 7476 1991 158 4 in
## 7477 1991 158 5 the
## 7478 1991 158 6 Gulf
## 7479 1991 158 7 is
## 7480 1991 158 8 not
## 7481 1991 158 9 a
## 7482 1991 158 10 war
## 7483 1991 158 11 we
## 7484 1991 158 12 wanted
## 7485 1991 158 13 .
## 7486 1991 159 1 We
## 7487 1991 159 2 worked
## 7488 1991 159 3 hard
## 7489 1991 159 4 to
## 7490 1991 159 5 avoid
## 7491 1991 159 6 war
## 7492 1991 159 7 .
## 7493 1991 160 1 For
## 7494 1991 160 2 more_than_5_months
## 7495 1991 160 3 we
## 7496 1991 160 4 --
## 7497 1991 160 5 along
## 7498 1991 160 6 with
## 7499 1991 160 7 the_Arab_League
## 7500 1991 160 8 ,
## 7501 1991 160 9 the_European_Community
## 7502 1991 160 10 ,
## 7503 1991 160 11 the_United_Nations
## 7504 1991 160 12 --
## 7505 1991 160 13 tried
## 7506 1991 160 14 every
## 7507 1991 160 15 diplomatic
## 7508 1991 160 16 avenue
## 7509 1991 160 17 .
## 7510 1991 161 1 U.N.
## 7511 1991 161 2 Secretary
## 7512 1991 161 3 -
## 7513 1991 161 4 General
## 7514 1991 161 5 Perez_de_Cuellar
## 7515 1991 161 6 ;
## 7516 1991 161 7 Presidents_Gorbachev
## 7517 1991 161 8 ,
## 7518 1991 161 9 Mitterrand
## 7519 1991 161 10 ,
## 7520 1991 161 11 Ozal
## 7521 1991 161 12 ,
## 7522 1991 161 13 Mubarak
## 7523 1991 161 14 ,
## 7524 1991 161 15 and
## 7525 1991 161 16 Bendjedid
## 7526 1991 161 17 ;
## 7527 1991 161 18 Kings_Fahd
## 7528 1991 161 19 and
## 7529 1991 161 20 Hassan
## 7530 1991 161 21 ;
## 7531 1991 161 22 Prime
## 7532 1991 161 23 Ministers
## 7533 1991 161 24 Major
## 7534 1991 161 25 and
## 7535 1991 161 26 Andreotti
## 7536 1991 161 27 --
## 7537 1991 161 28 just
## 7538 1991 161 29 to
## 7539 1991 161 30 name
## 7540 1991 161 31 a
## 7541 1991 161 32 few
## 7542 1991 161 33 --
## 7543 1991 161 34 all
## 7544 1991 161 35 worked
## 7545 1991 161 36 for
## 7546 1991 161 37 a
## 7547 1991 161 38 solution
## 7548 1991 161 39 .
## 7549 1991 162 1 But
## 7550 1991 162 2 time
## 7551 1991 162 3 and
## 7552 1991 162 4 again
## 7553 1991 162 5 ,
## 7554 1991 162 6 Saddam_Hussein
## 7555 1991 162 7 flatly
## 7556 1991 162 8 rejected
## 7557 1991 162 9 the
## 7558 1991 162 10 path
## 7559 1991 162 11 of
## 7560 1991 162 12 diplomacy
## 7561 1991 162 13 and
## 7562 1991 162 14 peace
## 7563 1991 162 15 .
## 7564 1991 163 1 \n\n
## 7565 1991 163 2 The
## 7566 1991 163 3 world
## 7567 1991 163 4 well
## 7568 1991 163 5 knows
## 7569 1991 163 6 how
## 7570 1991 163 7 this
## 7571 1991 163 8 conflict
## 7572 1991 163 9 began
## 7573 1991 163 10 and
## 7574 1991 163 11 when
## 7575 1991 163 12 :
## 7576 1991 163 13 It
## 7577 1991 163 14 began
## 7578 1991 163 15 on
## 7579 1991 163 16 August
## 7580 1991 163 17 2d
## 7581 1991 163 18 ,
## 7582 1991 163 19 when
## 7583 1991 163 20 Saddam
## 7584 1991 163 21 invaded
## 7585 1991 163 22 and
## 7586 1991 163 23 sacked
## 7587 1991 163 24 a
## 7588 1991 163 25 small
## 7589 1991 163 26 ,
## 7590 1991 163 27 defenseless
## 7591 1991 163 28 neighbor
## 7592 1991 163 29 .
## 7593 1991 164 1 And
## 7594 1991 164 2 I
## 7595 1991 164 3 am
## 7596 1991 164 4 certain
## 7597 1991 164 5 of
## 7598 1991 164 6 how
## 7599 1991 164 7 it
## 7600 1991 164 8 will
## 7601 1991 164 9 end
## 7602 1991 164 10 .
## 7603 1991 165 1 So
## 7604 1991 165 2 that
## 7605 1991 165 3 peace
## 7606 1991 165 4 can
## 7607 1991 165 5 prevail
## 7608 1991 165 6 ,
## 7609 1991 165 7 we
## 7610 1991 165 8 will
## 7611 1991 165 9 prevail
## 7612 1991 165 10 .
## 7613 1991 166 1 [
## 7614 1991 166 2 Applause
## 7615 1991 166 3 ]
## 7616 1991 166 4 Thank
## 7617 1991 166 5 you
## 7618 1991 166 6 .
## 7619 1991 167 1 \n\n
## 7620 1991 167 2 Tonight
## 7621 1991 167 3 I
## 7622 1991 167 4 am
## 7623 1991 167 5 pleased
## 7624 1991 167 6 to
## 7625 1991 167 7 report
## 7626 1991 167 8 that
## 7627 1991 167 9 we
## 7628 1991 167 10 are
## 7629 1991 167 11 on
## 7630 1991 167 12 course
## 7631 1991 167 13 .
## 7632 1991 168 1 Iraq
## 7633 1991 168 2 's
## 7634 1991 168 3 capacity
## 7635 1991 168 4 to
## 7636 1991 168 5 sustain
## 7637 1991 168 6 war
## 7638 1991 168 7 is
## 7639 1991 168 8 being
## 7640 1991 168 9 destroyed
## 7641 1991 168 10 .
## 7642 1991 169 1 Our
## 7643 1991 169 2 investment
## 7644 1991 169 3 ,
## 7645 1991 169 4 our
## 7646 1991 169 5 training
## 7647 1991 169 6 ,
## 7648 1991 169 7 our
## 7649 1991 169 8 planning
## 7650 1991 169 9 --
## 7651 1991 169 10 all
## 7652 1991 169 11 are
## 7653 1991 169 12 paying
## 7654 1991 169 13 off
## 7655 1991 169 14 .
## 7656 1991 170 1 Time
## 7657 1991 170 2 will
## 7658 1991 170 3 not
## 7659 1991 170 4 be
## 7660 1991 170 5 Saddam
## 7661 1991 170 6 's
## 7662 1991 170 7 salvation
## 7663 1991 170 8 .
## 7664 1991 171 1 \n\n
## 7665 1991 171 2 Our
## 7666 1991 171 3 purpose
## 7667 1991 171 4 in
## 7668 1991 171 5 the_Persian_Gulf
## 7669 1991 171 6 remains
## 7670 1991 171 7 constant
## 7671 1991 171 8 :
## 7672 1991 171 9 to
## 7673 1991 171 10 drive
## 7674 1991 171 11 Iraq
## 7675 1991 171 12 out
## 7676 1991 171 13 of
## 7677 1991 171 14 Kuwait
## 7678 1991 171 15 ,
## 7679 1991 171 16 to
## 7680 1991 171 17 restore
## 7681 1991 171 18 Kuwait
## 7682 1991 171 19 's
## 7683 1991 171 20 legitimate
## 7684 1991 171 21 government
## 7685 1991 171 22 ,
## 7686 1991 171 23 and
## 7687 1991 171 24 to
## 7688 1991 171 25 ensure
## 7689 1991 171 26 the
## 7690 1991 171 27 stability
## 7691 1991 171 28 and
## 7692 1991 171 29 security
## 7693 1991 171 30 of
## 7694 1991 171 31 this
## 7695 1991 171 32 critical
## 7696 1991 171 33 region
## 7697 1991 171 34 .
## 7698 1991 172 1 \n\n
## 7699 1991 172 2 Let
## 7700 1991 172 3 me
## 7701 1991 172 4 make
## 7702 1991 172 5 clear
## 7703 1991 172 6 what
## 7704 1991 172 7 I
## 7705 1991 172 8 mean
## 7706 1991 172 9 by
## 7707 1991 172 10 the
## 7708 1991 172 11 region
## 7709 1991 172 12 's
## 7710 1991 172 13 stability
## 7711 1991 172 14 and
## 7712 1991 172 15 security
## 7713 1991 172 16 .
## 7714 1991 173 1 We
## 7715 1991 173 2 do
## 7716 1991 173 3 not
## 7717 1991 173 4 seek
## 7718 1991 173 5 the
## 7719 1991 173 6 destruction
## 7720 1991 173 7 of
## 7721 1991 173 8 Iraq
## 7722 1991 173 9 ,
## 7723 1991 173 10 its
## 7724 1991 173 11 culture
## 7725 1991 173 12 ,
## 7726 1991 173 13 or
## 7727 1991 173 14 its
## 7728 1991 173 15 people
## 7729 1991 173 16 .
## 7730 1991 174 1 Rather
## 7731 1991 174 2 ,
## 7732 1991 174 3 we
## 7733 1991 174 4 seek
## 7734 1991 174 5 an
## 7735 1991 174 6 Iraq
## 7736 1991 174 7 that
## 7737 1991 174 8 uses
## 7738 1991 174 9 its
## 7739 1991 174 10 great
## 7740 1991 174 11 resources
## 7741 1991 174 12 not
## 7742 1991 174 13 to
## 7743 1991 174 14 destroy
## 7744 1991 174 15 ,
## 7745 1991 174 16 not
## 7746 1991 174 17 to
## 7747 1991 174 18 serve
## 7748 1991 174 19 the
## 7749 1991 174 20 ambitions
## 7750 1991 174 21 of
## 7751 1991 174 22 a
## 7752 1991 174 23 tyrant
## 7753 1991 174 24 ,
## 7754 1991 174 25 but
## 7755 1991 174 26 to
## 7756 1991 174 27 build
## 7757 1991 174 28 a
## 7758 1991 174 29 better
## 7759 1991 174 30 life
## 7760 1991 174 31 for
## 7761 1991 174 32 itself
## 7762 1991 174 33 and
## 7763 1991 174 34 its
## 7764 1991 174 35 neighbors
## 7765 1991 174 36 .
## 7766 1991 175 1 We
## 7767 1991 175 2 seek
## 7768 1991 175 3 a_Persian_Gulf
## 7769 1991 175 4 where
## 7770 1991 175 5 conflict
## 7771 1991 175 6 is
## 7772 1991 175 7 no
## 7773 1991 175 8 longer
## 7774 1991 175 9 the
## 7775 1991 175 10 rule
## 7776 1991 175 11 ,
## 7777 1991 175 12 where
## 7778 1991 175 13 the
## 7779 1991 175 14 strong
## 7780 1991 175 15 are
## 7781 1991 175 16 neither
## 7782 1991 175 17 tempted
## 7783 1991 175 18 nor
## 7784 1991 175 19 able
## 7785 1991 175 20 to
## 7786 1991 175 21 intimidate
## 7787 1991 175 22 the
## 7788 1991 175 23 weak
## 7789 1991 175 24 .
## 7790 1991 176 1 \n\n
## 7791 1991 176 2 Most
## 7792 1991 176 3 Americans
## 7793 1991 176 4 know
## 7794 1991 176 5 instinctively
## 7795 1991 176 6 why
## 7796 1991 176 7 we
## 7797 1991 176 8 are
## 7798 1991 176 9 in
## 7799 1991 176 10 the
## 7800 1991 176 11 Gulf
## 7801 1991 176 12 .
## 7802 1991 177 1 They
## 7803 1991 177 2 know
## 7804 1991 177 3 we
## 7805 1991 177 4 had
## 7806 1991 177 5 to
## 7807 1991 177 6 stop
## 7808 1991 177 7 Saddam
## 7809 1991 177 8 now
## 7810 1991 177 9 ,
## 7811 1991 177 10 not
## 7812 1991 177 11 later
## 7813 1991 177 12 .
## 7814 1991 178 1 They
## 7815 1991 178 2 know
## 7816 1991 178 3 that
## 7817 1991 178 4 this
## 7818 1991 178 5 brutal
## 7819 1991 178 6 dictator
## 7820 1991 178 7 will
## 7821 1991 178 8 do
## 7822 1991 178 9 anything
## 7823 1991 178 10 ,
## 7824 1991 178 11 will
## 7825 1991 178 12 use
## 7826 1991 178 13 any
## 7827 1991 178 14 weapon
## 7828 1991 178 15 ,
## 7829 1991 178 16 will
## 7830 1991 178 17 commit
## 7831 1991 178 18 any
## 7832 1991 178 19 outrage
## 7833 1991 178 20 ,
## 7834 1991 178 21 no
## 7835 1991 178 22 matter
## 7836 1991 178 23 how
## 7837 1991 178 24 many
## 7838 1991 178 25 innocents
## 7839 1991 178 26 suffer
## 7840 1991 178 27 .
## 7841 1991 179 1 \n\n
## 7842 1991 179 2 They
## 7843 1991 179 3 know
## 7844 1991 179 4 we
## 7845 1991 179 5 must
## 7846 1991 179 6 make
## 7847 1991 179 7 sure
## 7848 1991 179 8 that
## 7849 1991 179 9 control
## 7850 1991 179 10 of
## 7851 1991 179 11 the
## 7852 1991 179 12 world
## 7853 1991 179 13 's
## 7854 1991 179 14 oil
## 7855 1991 179 15 resources
## 7856 1991 179 16 does
## 7857 1991 179 17 not
## 7858 1991 179 18 fall
## 7859 1991 179 19 into
## 7860 1991 179 20 his
## 7861 1991 179 21 hands
## 7862 1991 179 22 ,
## 7863 1991 179 23 only
## 7864 1991 179 24 to
## 7865 1991 179 25 finance
## 7866 1991 179 26 further
## 7867 1991 179 27 aggression
## 7868 1991 179 28 .
## 7869 1991 180 1 They
## 7870 1991 180 2 know
## 7871 1991 180 3 that
## 7872 1991 180 4 we
## 7873 1991 180 5 need
## 7874 1991 180 6 to
## 7875 1991 180 7 build
## 7876 1991 180 8 a
## 7877 1991 180 9 new
## 7878 1991 180 10 ,
## 7879 1991 180 11 enduring
## 7880 1991 180 12 peace
## 7881 1991 180 13 ,
## 7882 1991 180 14 based
## 7883 1991 180 15 not
## 7884 1991 180 16 on
## 7885 1991 180 17 arms
## 7886 1991 180 18 races
## 7887 1991 180 19 and
## 7888 1991 180 20 confrontation
## 7889 1991 180 21 but
## 7890 1991 180 22 on
## 7891 1991 180 23 shared
## 7892 1991 180 24 principles
## 7893 1991 180 25 and
## 7894 1991 180 26 the
## 7895 1991 180 27 rule
## 7896 1991 180 28 of
## 7897 1991 180 29 law
## 7898 1991 180 30 .
## 7899 1991 181 1 \n\n
## 7900 1991 181 2 And
## 7901 1991 181 3 we
## 7902 1991 181 4 all
## 7903 1991 181 5 realize
## 7904 1991 181 6 that
## 7905 1991 181 7 our
## 7906 1991 181 8 responsibility
## 7907 1991 181 9 to
## 7908 1991 181 10 be
## 7909 1991 181 11 the
## 7910 1991 181 12 catalyst
## 7911 1991 181 13 for
## 7912 1991 181 14 peace
## 7913 1991 181 15 in
## 7914 1991 181 16 the
## 7915 1991 181 17 region
## 7916 1991 181 18 does
## 7917 1991 181 19 not
## 7918 1991 181 20 end
## 7919 1991 181 21 with
## 7920 1991 181 22 the
## 7921 1991 181 23 successful
## 7922 1991 181 24 conclusion
## 7923 1991 181 25 of
## 7924 1991 181 26 this
## 7925 1991 181 27 war
## 7926 1991 181 28 .
## 7927 1991 182 1 \n\n
## 7928 1991 182 2 Democracy
## 7929 1991 182 3 brings
## 7930 1991 182 4 the
## 7931 1991 182 5 undeniable
## 7932 1991 182 6 value
## 7933 1991 182 7 of
## 7934 1991 182 8 thoughtful
## 7935 1991 182 9 dissent
## 7936 1991 182 10 ,
## 7937 1991 182 11 and
## 7938 1991 182 12 we
## 7939 1991 182 13 've
## 7940 1991 182 14 heard
## 7941 1991 182 15 some
## 7942 1991 182 16 dissenting
## 7943 1991 182 17 voices
## 7944 1991 182 18 here
## 7945 1991 182 19 at
## 7946 1991 182 20 home
## 7947 1991 182 21 --
## 7948 1991 182 22 some
## 7949 1991 182 23 ,
## 7950 1991 182 24 a
## 7951 1991 182 25 handful
## 7952 1991 182 26 ,
## 7953 1991 182 27 reckless
## 7954 1991 182 28 ;
## 7955 1991 182 29 most
## 7956 1991 182 30 responsible
## 7957 1991 182 31 .
## 7958 1991 183 1 But
## 7959 1991 183 2 the
## 7960 1991 183 3 fact
## 7961 1991 183 4 that
## 7962 1991 183 5 all
## 7963 1991 183 6 voices
## 7964 1991 183 7 have
## 7965 1991 183 8 the
## 7966 1991 183 9 right
## 7967 1991 183 10 to
## 7968 1991 183 11 speak
## 7969 1991 183 12 out
## 7970 1991 183 13 is
## 7971 1991 183 14 one
## 7972 1991 183 15 of
## 7973 1991 183 16 the
## 7974 1991 183 17 reasons
## 7975 1991 183 18 we
## 7976 1991 183 19 've
## 7977 1991 183 20 been
## 7978 1991 183 21 united
## 7979 1991 183 22 in
## 7980 1991 183 23 purpose
## 7981 1991 183 24 and
## 7982 1991 183 25 principle
## 7983 1991 183 26 for
## 7984 1991 183 27 200_years
## 7985 1991 183 28 .
## 7986 1991 184 1 \n\n
## 7987 1991 184 2 Our
## 7988 1991 184 3 progress
## 7989 1991 184 4 in
## 7990 1991 184 5 this
## 7991 1991 184 6 great
## 7992 1991 184 7 struggle
## 7993 1991 184 8 is
## 7994 1991 184 9 the
## 7995 1991 184 10 result
## 7996 1991 184 11 of
## 7997 1991 184 12 years
## 7998 1991 184 13 of
## 7999 1991 184 14 vigilance
## 8000 1991 184 15 and
## 8001 1991 184 16 a
## 8002 1991 184 17 steadfast
## 8003 1991 184 18 commitment
## 8004 1991 184 19 to
## 8005 1991 184 20 a
## 8006 1991 184 21 strong
## 8007 1991 184 22 defense
## 8008 1991 184 23 .
## 8009 1991 185 1 Now
## 8010 1991 185 2 ,
## 8011 1991 185 3 with
## 8012 1991 185 4 remarkable
## 8013 1991 185 5 technological
## 8014 1991 185 6 advances
## 8015 1991 185 7 like
## 8016 1991 185 8 the
## 8017 1991 185 9 Patriot
## 8018 1991 185 10 missile
## 8019 1991 185 11 ,
## 8020 1991 185 12 we
## 8021 1991 185 13 can
## 8022 1991 185 14 defend
## 8023 1991 185 15 against
## 8024 1991 185 16 ballistic
## 8025 1991 185 17 missile
## 8026 1991 185 18 attacks
## 8027 1991 185 19 aimed
## 8028 1991 185 20 at
## 8029 1991 185 21 innocent
## 8030 1991 185 22 civilians
## 8031 1991 185 23 .
## 8032 1991 186 1 \n\n
## 8033 1991 186 2 Looking
## 8034 1991 186 3 forward
## 8035 1991 186 4 ,
## 8036 1991 186 5 I
## 8037 1991 186 6 have
## 8038 1991 186 7 directed
## 8039 1991 186 8 that
## 8040 1991 186 9 the
## 8041 1991 186 10 SDI
## 8042 1991 186 11 program
## 8043 1991 186 12 be
## 8044 1991 186 13 refocused
## 8045 1991 186 14 on
## 8046 1991 186 15 providing
## 8047 1991 186 16 protection
## 8048 1991 186 17 from
## 8049 1991 186 18 limited
## 8050 1991 186 19 ballistic
## 8051 1991 186 20 missile
## 8052 1991 186 21 strikes
## 8053 1991 186 22 ,
## 8054 1991 186 23 whatever
## 8055 1991 186 24 their
## 8056 1991 186 25 source
## 8057 1991 186 26 .
## 8058 1991 187 1 Let
## 8059 1991 187 2 us
## 8060 1991 187 3 pursue
## 8061 1991 187 4 an
## 8062 1991 187 5 SDI
## 8063 1991 187 6 program
## 8064 1991 187 7 that
## 8065 1991 187 8 can
## 8066 1991 187 9 deal
## 8067 1991 187 10 with
## 8068 1991 187 11 any
## 8069 1991 187 12 future
## 8070 1991 187 13 threat
## 8071 1991 187 14 to
## 8072 1991 187 15 the_United_States
## 8073 1991 187 16 ,
## 8074 1991 187 17 to
## 8075 1991 187 18 our
## 8076 1991 187 19 forces
## 8077 1991 187 20 overseas
## 8078 1991 187 21 ,
## 8079 1991 187 22 and
## 8080 1991 187 23 to
## 8081 1991 187 24 our
## 8082 1991 187 25 friends
## 8083 1991 187 26 and
## 8084 1991 187 27 allies
## 8085 1991 187 28 .
## 8086 1991 188 1 \n\n
## 8087 1991 188 2 The
## 8088 1991 188 3 quality
## 8089 1991 188 4 of
## 8090 1991 188 5 American
## 8091 1991 188 6 technology
## 8092 1991 188 7 ,
## 8093 1991 188 8 thanks
## 8094 1991 188 9 to
## 8095 1991 188 10 the
## 8096 1991 188 11 American
## 8097 1991 188 12 worker
## 8098 1991 188 13 ,
## 8099 1991 188 14 has
## 8100 1991 188 15 enabled
## 8101 1991 188 16 us
## 8102 1991 188 17 to
## 8103 1991 188 18 successfully
## 8104 1991 188 19 deal
## 8105 1991 188 20 with
## 8106 1991 188 21 difficult
## 8107 1991 188 22 military
## 8108 1991 188 23 conditions
## 8109 1991 188 24 and
## 8110 1991 188 25 help
## 8111 1991 188 26 minimize
## 8112 1991 188 27 precious
## 8113 1991 188 28 loss
## 8114 1991 188 29 of
## 8115 1991 188 30 life
## 8116 1991 188 31 .
## 8117 1991 189 1 We
## 8118 1991 189 2 have
## 8119 1991 189 3 given
## 8120 1991 189 4 our
## 8121 1991 189 5 men
## 8122 1991 189 6 and
## 8123 1991 189 7 women
## 8124 1991 189 8 the
## 8125 1991 189 9 very
## 8126 1991 189 10 best
## 8127 1991 189 11 .
## 8128 1991 190 1 And
## 8129 1991 190 2 they
## 8130 1991 190 3 deserve
## 8131 1991 190 4 it
## 8132 1991 190 5 .
## 8133 1991 191 1 \n\n
## 8134 1991 191 2 We
## 8135 1991 191 3 all
## 8136 1991 191 4 have
## 8137 1991 191 5 a
## 8138 1991 191 6 special
## 8139 1991 191 7 place
## 8140 1991 191 8 in
## 8141 1991 191 9 our
## 8142 1991 191 10 hearts
## 8143 1991 191 11 for
## 8144 1991 191 12 the
## 8145 1991 191 13 families
## 8146 1991 191 14 of
## 8147 1991 191 15 our
## 8148 1991 191 16 men
## 8149 1991 191 17 and
## 8150 1991 191 18 women
## 8151 1991 191 19 serving
## 8152 1991 191 20 in
## 8153 1991 191 21 the
## 8154 1991 191 22 Gulf
## 8155 1991 191 23 .
## 8156 1991 192 1 They
## 8157 1991 192 2 are
## 8158 1991 192 3 represented
## 8159 1991 192 4 here
## 8160 1991 192 5 tonight
## 8161 1991 192 6 by
## 8162 1991 192 7 Mrs.
## 8163 1991 192 8 Norman_Schwarzkopf
## 8164 1991 192 9 .
## 8165 1991 193 1 We
## 8166 1991 193 2 are
## 8167 1991 193 3 all
## 8168 1991 193 4 very
## 8169 1991 193 5 grateful
## 8170 1991 193 6 to
## 8171 1991 193 7 General
## 8172 1991 193 8 Schwarzkopf
## 8173 1991 193 9 and
## 8174 1991 193 10 to
## 8175 1991 193 11 all
## 8176 1991 193 12 those
## 8177 1991 193 13 serving
## 8178 1991 193 14 with
## 8179 1991 193 15 him
## 8180 1991 193 16 .
## 8181 1991 194 1 And
## 8182 1991 194 2 I
## 8183 1991 194 3 might
## 8184 1991 194 4 also
## 8185 1991 194 5 recognize
## 8186 1991 194 6 one
## 8187 1991 194 7 who
## 8188 1991 194 8 came
## 8189 1991 194 9 with
## 8190 1991 194 10 Mrs.
## 8191 1991 194 11 Schwarzkopf
## 8192 1991 194 12 :
## 8193 1991 194 13 Alma_Powell
## 8194 1991 194 14 ,
## 8195 1991 194 15 the
## 8196 1991 194 16 wife
## 8197 1991 194 17 of
## 8198 1991 194 18 the
## 8199 1991 194 19 distinguished
## 8200 1991 194 20 Chairman
## 8201 1991 194 21 of
## 8202 1991 194 22 the
## 8203 1991 194 23 Joint
## 8204 1991 194 24 Chiefs
## 8205 1991 194 25 .
## 8206 1991 195 1 And
## 8207 1991 195 2 to
## 8208 1991 195 3 the
## 8209 1991 195 4 families
## 8210 1991 195 5 ,
## 8211 1991 195 6 let
## 8212 1991 195 7 me
## 8213 1991 195 8 say
## 8214 1991 195 9 our
## 8215 1991 195 10 forces
## 8216 1991 195 11 in
## 8217 1991 195 12 the
## 8218 1991 195 13 Gulf
## 8219 1991 195 14 will
## 8220 1991 195 15 not
## 8221 1991 195 16 stay
## 8222 1991 195 17 there
## 8223 1991 195 18 one_day
## 8224 1991 195 19 longer
## 8225 1991 195 20 than
## 8226 1991 195 21 is
## 8227 1991 195 22 necessary
## 8228 1991 195 23 to
## 8229 1991 195 24 complete
## 8230 1991 195 25 their
## 8231 1991 195 26 mission
## 8232 1991 195 27 .
## 8233 1991 196 1 \n\n
## 8234 1991 196 2 The
## 8235 1991 196 3 courage
## 8236 1991 196 4 and
## 8237 1991 196 5 success
## 8238 1991 196 6 of
## 8239 1991 196 7 the
## 8240 1991 196 8 RAF
## 8241 1991 196 9 pilots
## 8242 1991 196 10 ,
## 8243 1991 196 11 of
## 8244 1991 196 12 the
## 8245 1991 196 13 Kuwaiti
## 8246 1991 196 14 ,
## 8247 1991 196 15 Saudi
## 8248 1991 196 16 ,
## 8249 1991 196 17 French
## 8250 1991 196 18 ,
## 8251 1991 196 19 the
## 8252 1991 196 20 Canadians
## 8253 1991 196 21 ,
## 8254 1991 196 22 the
## 8255 1991 196 23 Italians
## 8256 1991 196 24 ,
## 8257 1991 196 25 the
## 8258 1991 196 26 pilots
## 8259 1991 196 27 of
## 8260 1991 196 28 Qatar
## 8261 1991 196 29 and
## 8262 1991 196 30 Bahrain
## 8263 1991 196 31 --
## 8264 1991 196 32 all
## 8265 1991 196 33 are
## 8266 1991 196 34 proof
## 8267 1991 196 35 that
## 8268 1991 196 36 for
## 8269 1991 196 37 the
## 8270 1991 196 38 first
## 8271 1991 196 39 time
## 8272 1991 196 40 since
## 8273 1991 196 41 World_War_II
## 8274 1991 196 42 ,
## 8275 1991 196 43 the
## 8276 1991 196 44 international
## 8277 1991 196 45 community
## 8278 1991 196 46 is
## 8279 1991 196 47 united
## 8280 1991 196 48 .
## 8281 1991 197 1 The
## 8282 1991 197 2 leadership
## 8283 1991 197 3 of
## 8284 1991 197 4 the_United_Nations
## 8285 1991 197 5 ,
## 8286 1991 197 6 once
## 8287 1991 197 7 only
## 8288 1991 197 8 a
## 8289 1991 197 9 hoped
## 8290 1991 197 10 -
## 8291 1991 197 11 for
## 8292 1991 197 12 ideal
## 8293 1991 197 13 ,
## 8294 1991 197 14 is
## 8295 1991 197 15 now
## 8296 1991 197 16 confirming
## 8297 1991 197 17 its
## 8298 1991 197 18 founders
## 8299 1991 197 19 '
## 8300 1991 197 20 vision
## 8301 1991 197 21 .
## 8302 1991 198 1 \n\n
## 8303 1991 198 2 I
## 8304 1991 198 3 am
## 8305 1991 198 4 heartened
## 8306 1991 198 5 that
## 8307 1991 198 6 we
## 8308 1991 198 7 are
## 8309 1991 198 8 not
## 8310 1991 198 9 being
## 8311 1991 198 10 asked
## 8312 1991 198 11 to
## 8313 1991 198 12 bear
## 8314 1991 198 13 alone
## 8315 1991 198 14 the
## 8316 1991 198 15 financial
## 8317 1991 198 16 burdens
## 8318 1991 198 17 of
## 8319 1991 198 18 this
## 8320 1991 198 19 struggle
## 8321 1991 198 20 .
## 8322 1991 199 1 Last_year
## 8323 1991 199 2 ,
## 8324 1991 199 3 our
## 8325 1991 199 4 friends
## 8326 1991 199 5 and
## 8327 1991 199 6 allies
## 8328 1991 199 7 provided
## 8329 1991 199 8 the
## 8330 1991 199 9 bulk
## 8331 1991 199 10 of
## 8332 1991 199 11 the
## 8333 1991 199 12 economic
## 8334 1991 199 13 costs
## 8335 1991 199 14 of
## 8336 1991 199 15 Desert_Shield
## 8337 1991 199 16 .
## 8338 1991 200 1 And
## 8339 1991 200 2 now
## 8340 1991 200 3 ,
## 8341 1991 200 4 having
## 8342 1991 200 5 received
## 8343 1991 200 6 commitments
## 8344 1991 200 7 of
## 8345 1991 200 8 over_$_40_billion
## 8346 1991 200 9 for
## 8347 1991 200 10 the_first_3_months_of_1991
## 8348 1991 200 11 ,
## 8349 1991 200 12 I
## 8350 1991 200 13 am
## 8351 1991 200 14 confident
## 8352 1991 200 15 they
## 8353 1991 200 16 will
## 8354 1991 200 17 do
## 8355 1991 200 18 no
## 8356 1991 200 19 less
## 8357 1991 200 20 as
## 8358 1991 200 21 we
## 8359 1991 200 22 move
## 8360 1991 200 23 through
## 8361 1991 200 24 Desert_Storm
## 8362 1991 200 25 .
## 8363 1991 201 1 \n\n
## 8364 1991 201 2 But
## 8365 1991 201 3 the
## 8366 1991 201 4 world
## 8367 1991 201 5 has
## 8368 1991 201 6 to
## 8369 1991 201 7 wonder
## 8370 1991 201 8 what
## 8371 1991 201 9 the
## 8372 1991 201 10 dictator
## 8373 1991 201 11 of
## 8374 1991 201 12 Iraq
## 8375 1991 201 13 is
## 8376 1991 201 14 thinking
## 8377 1991 201 15 .
## 8378 1991 202 1 If
## 8379 1991 202 2 he
## 8380 1991 202 3 thinks
## 8381 1991 202 4 that
## 8382 1991 202 5 by
## 8383 1991 202 6 targeting
## 8384 1991 202 7 innocent
## 8385 1991 202 8 civilians
## 8386 1991 202 9 in
## 8387 1991 202 10 Israel
## 8388 1991 202 11 and
## 8389 1991 202 12 Saudi_Arabia
## 8390 1991 202 13 ,
## 8391 1991 202 14 that
## 8392 1991 202 15 he
## 8393 1991 202 16 will
## 8394 1991 202 17 gain
## 8395 1991 202 18 advantage
## 8396 1991 202 19 ,
## 8397 1991 202 20 he
## 8398 1991 202 21 is
## 8399 1991 202 22 dead
## 8400 1991 202 23 wrong
## 8401 1991 202 24 .
## 8402 1991 203 1 If
## 8403 1991 203 2 he
## 8404 1991 203 3 thinks
## 8405 1991 203 4 that
## 8406 1991 203 5 he
## 8407 1991 203 6 will
## 8408 1991 203 7 advance
## 8409 1991 203 8 his
## 8410 1991 203 9 cause
## 8411 1991 203 10 through
## 8412 1991 203 11 tragic
## 8413 1991 203 12 and
## 8414 1991 203 13 despicable
## 8415 1991 203 14 environmental
## 8416 1991 203 15 terrorism
## 8417 1991 203 16 ,
## 8418 1991 203 17 he
## 8419 1991 203 18 is
## 8420 1991 203 19 dead
## 8421 1991 203 20 wrong
## 8422 1991 203 21 .
## 8423 1991 204 1 And
## 8424 1991 204 2 if
## 8425 1991 204 3 he
## 8426 1991 204 4 thinks
## 8427 1991 204 5 that
## 8428 1991 204 6 by
## 8429 1991 204 7 abusing
## 8430 1991 204 8 the
## 8431 1991 204 9 coalition
## 8432 1991 204 10 prisoners
## 8433 1991 204 11 of
## 8434 1991 204 12 war
## 8435 1991 204 13 he
## 8436 1991 204 14 will
## 8437 1991 204 15 benefit
## 8438 1991 204 16 ,
## 8439 1991 204 17 he
## 8440 1991 204 18 is
## 8441 1991 204 19 dead
## 8442 1991 204 20 wrong
## 8443 1991 204 21 .
## 8444 1991 205 1 \n\n
## 8445 1991 205 2 We
## 8446 1991 205 3 will
## 8447 1991 205 4 succeed
## 8448 1991 205 5 in
## 8449 1991 205 6 the
## 8450 1991 205 7 Gulf
## 8451 1991 205 8 .
## 8452 1991 206 1 And
## 8453 1991 206 2 when
## 8454 1991 206 3 we
## 8455 1991 206 4 do
## 8456 1991 206 5 ,
## 8457 1991 206 6 the
## 8458 1991 206 7 world
## 8459 1991 206 8 community
## 8460 1991 206 9 will
## 8461 1991 206 10 have
## 8462 1991 206 11 sent
## 8463 1991 206 12 an
## 8464 1991 206 13 enduring
## 8465 1991 206 14 warning
## 8466 1991 206 15 to
## 8467 1991 206 16 any
## 8468 1991 206 17 dictator
## 8469 1991 206 18 or
## 8470 1991 206 19 despot
## 8471 1991 206 20 ,
## 8472 1991 206 21 present
## 8473 1991 206 22 or
## 8474 1991 206 23 future
## 8475 1991 206 24 ,
## 8476 1991 206 25 who
## 8477 1991 206 26 contemplates
## 8478 1991 206 27 outlaw
## 8479 1991 206 28 aggression
## 8480 1991 206 29 .
## 8481 1991 207 1 \n\n
## 8482 1991 207 2 The
## 8483 1991 207 3 world
## 8484 1991 207 4 can
## 8485 1991 207 5 ,
## 8486 1991 207 6 therefore
## 8487 1991 207 7 ,
## 8488 1991 207 8 seize
## 8489 1991 207 9 this
## 8490 1991 207 10 opportunity
## 8491 1991 207 11 to
## 8492 1991 207 12 fulfill
## 8493 1991 207 13 the
## 8494 1991 207 14 long
## 8495 1991 207 15 -
## 8496 1991 207 16 held
## 8497 1991 207 17 promise
## 8498 1991 207 18 of
## 8499 1991 207 19 a
## 8500 1991 207 20 new
## 8501 1991 207 21 world
## 8502 1991 207 22 order
## 8503 1991 207 23 ,
## 8504 1991 207 24 where
## 8505 1991 207 25 brutality
## 8506 1991 207 26 will
## 8507 1991 207 27 go
## 8508 1991 207 28 unrewarded
## 8509 1991 207 29 and
## 8510 1991 207 30 aggression
## 8511 1991 207 31 will
## 8512 1991 207 32 meet
## 8513 1991 207 33 collective
## 8514 1991 207 34 resistance
## 8515 1991 207 35 .
## 8516 1991 208 1 \n\n
## 8517 1991 208 2 Yes
## 8518 1991 208 3 ,
## 8519 1991 208 4 the_United_States
## 8520 1991 208 5 bears
## 8521 1991 208 6 a
## 8522 1991 208 7 major
## 8523 1991 208 8 share
## 8524 1991 208 9 of
## 8525 1991 208 10 leadership
## 8526 1991 208 11 in
## 8527 1991 208 12 this
## 8528 1991 208 13 effort
## 8529 1991 208 14 .
## 8530 1991 209 1 Among
## 8531 1991 209 2 the
## 8532 1991 209 3 nations
## 8533 1991 209 4 of
## 8534 1991 209 5 the
## 8535 1991 209 6 world
## 8536 1991 209 7 ,
## 8537 1991 209 8 only
## 8538 1991 209 9 the_United_States_of_America
## 8539 1991 209 10 has
## 8540 1991 209 11 both
## 8541 1991 209 12 the
## 8542 1991 209 13 moral
## 8543 1991 209 14 standing
## 8544 1991 209 15 and
## 8545 1991 209 16 the
## 8546 1991 209 17 means
## 8547 1991 209 18 to
## 8548 1991 209 19 back
## 8549 1991 209 20 it
## 8550 1991 209 21 up
## 8551 1991 209 22 .
## 8552 1991 210 1 We
## 8553 1991 210 2 're
## 8554 1991 210 3 the
## 8555 1991 210 4 only
## 8556 1991 210 5 nation
## 8557 1991 210 6 on
## 8558 1991 210 7 this
## 8559 1991 210 8 Earth
## 8560 1991 210 9 that
## 8561 1991 210 10 could
## 8562 1991 210 11 assemble
## 8563 1991 210 12 the
## 8564 1991 210 13 forces
## 8565 1991 210 14 of
## 8566 1991 210 15 peace
## 8567 1991 210 16 .
## 8568 1991 211 1 This
## 8569 1991 211 2 is
## 8570 1991 211 3 the
## 8571 1991 211 4 burden
## 8572 1991 211 5 of
## 8573 1991 211 6 leadership
## 8574 1991 211 7 and
## 8575 1991 211 8 the
## 8576 1991 211 9 strength
## 8577 1991 211 10 that
## 8578 1991 211 11 has
## 8579 1991 211 12 made
## 8580 1991 211 13 America
## 8581 1991 211 14 the
## 8582 1991 211 15 beacon
## 8583 1991 211 16 of
## 8584 1991 211 17 freedom
## 8585 1991 211 18 in
## 8586 1991 211 19 a
## 8587 1991 211 20 searching
## 8588 1991 211 21 world
## 8589 1991 211 22 .
## 8590 1991 212 1 \n\n
## 8591 1991 212 2 This
## 8592 1991 212 3 nation
## 8593 1991 212 4 has
## 8594 1991 212 5 never
## 8595 1991 212 6 found
## 8596 1991 212 7 glory
## 8597 1991 212 8 in
## 8598 1991 212 9 war
## 8599 1991 212 10 .
## 8600 1991 213 1 Our
## 8601 1991 213 2 people
## 8602 1991 213 3 have
## 8603 1991 213 4 never
## 8604 1991 213 5 wanted
## 8605 1991 213 6 to
## 8606 1991 213 7 abandon
## 8607 1991 213 8 the
## 8608 1991 213 9 blessings
## 8609 1991 213 10 of
## 8610 1991 213 11 home
## 8611 1991 213 12 and
## 8612 1991 213 13 work
## 8613 1991 213 14 for
## 8614 1991 213 15 distant
## 8615 1991 213 16 lands
## 8616 1991 213 17 and
## 8617 1991 213 18 deadly
## 8618 1991 213 19 conflict
## 8619 1991 213 20 .
## 8620 1991 214 1 If
## 8621 1991 214 2 we
## 8622 1991 214 3 fight
## 8623 1991 214 4 in
## 8624 1991 214 5 anger
## 8625 1991 214 6 ,
## 8626 1991 214 7 it
## 8627 1991 214 8 is
## 8628 1991 214 9 only
## 8629 1991 214 10 because
## 8630 1991 214 11 we
## 8631 1991 214 12 have
## 8632 1991 214 13 to
## 8633 1991 214 14 fight
## 8634 1991 214 15 at
## 8635 1991 214 16 all
## 8636 1991 214 17 .
## 8637 1991 215 1 And
## 8638 1991 215 2 all
## 8639 1991 215 3 of
## 8640 1991 215 4 us
## 8641 1991 215 5 yearn
## 8642 1991 215 6 for
## 8643 1991 215 7 a
## 8644 1991 215 8 world
## 8645 1991 215 9 where
## 8646 1991 215 10 we
## 8647 1991 215 11 will
## 8648 1991 215 12 never
## 8649 1991 215 13 have
## 8650 1991 215 14 to
## 8651 1991 215 15 fight
## 8652 1991 215 16 again
## 8653 1991 215 17 .
## 8654 1991 216 1 \n\n
## 8655 1991 216 2 Each
## 8656 1991 216 3 of
## 8657 1991 216 4 us
## 8658 1991 216 5 will
## 8659 1991 216 6 measure
## 8660 1991 216 7 within
## 8661 1991 216 8 ourselves
## 8662 1991 216 9 the
## 8663 1991 216 10 value
## 8664 1991 216 11 of
## 8665 1991 216 12 this
## 8666 1991 216 13 great
## 8667 1991 216 14 struggle
## 8668 1991 216 15 .
## 8669 1991 217 1 Any
## 8670 1991 217 2 cost
## 8671 1991 217 3 in
## 8672 1991 217 4 lives
## 8673 1991 217 5 --
## 8674 1991 217 6 any
## 8675 1991 217 7 cost
## 8676 1991 217 8 --
## 8677 1991 217 9 is
## 8678 1991 217 10 beyond
## 8679 1991 217 11 our
## 8680 1991 217 12 power
## 8681 1991 217 13 to
## 8682 1991 217 14 measure
## 8683 1991 217 15 .
## 8684 1991 218 1 But
## 8685 1991 218 2 the
## 8686 1991 218 3 cost
## 8687 1991 218 4 of
## 8688 1991 218 5 closing
## 8689 1991 218 6 our
## 8690 1991 218 7 eyes
## 8691 1991 218 8 to
## 8692 1991 218 9 aggression
## 8693 1991 218 10 is
## 8694 1991 218 11 beyond
## 8695 1991 218 12 mankind
## 8696 1991 218 13 's
## 8697 1991 218 14 power
## 8698 1991 218 15 to
## 8699 1991 218 16 imagine
## 8700 1991 218 17 .
## 8701 1991 219 1 This
## 8702 1991 219 2 we
## 8703 1991 219 3 do
## 8704 1991 219 4 know
## 8705 1991 219 5 :
## 8706 1991 219 6 Our
## 8707 1991 219 7 cause
## 8708 1991 219 8 is
## 8709 1991 219 9 just
## 8710 1991 219 10 ;
## 8711 1991 219 11 our
## 8712 1991 219 12 cause
## 8713 1991 219 13 is
## 8714 1991 219 14 moral
## 8715 1991 219 15 ;
## 8716 1991 219 16 our
## 8717 1991 219 17 cause
## 8718 1991 219 18 is
## 8719 1991 219 19 right
## 8720 1991 219 20 .
## 8721 1991 220 1 \n\n
## 8722 1991 220 2 Let
## 8723 1991 220 3 future
## 8724 1991 220 4 generations
## 8725 1991 220 5 understand
## 8726 1991 220 6 the
## 8727 1991 220 7 burden
## 8728 1991 220 8 and
## 8729 1991 220 9 the
## 8730 1991 220 10 blessings
## 8731 1991 220 11 of
## 8732 1991 220 12 freedom
## 8733 1991 220 13 .
## 8734 1991 221 1 Let
## 8735 1991 221 2 them
## 8736 1991 221 3 say
## 8737 1991 221 4 we
## 8738 1991 221 5 stood
## 8739 1991 221 6 where
## 8740 1991 221 7 duty
## 8741 1991 221 8 required
## 8742 1991 221 9 us
## 8743 1991 221 10 to
## 8744 1991 221 11 stand
## 8745 1991 221 12 .
## 8746 1991 222 1 Let
## 8747 1991 222 2 them
## 8748 1991 222 3 know
## 8749 1991 222 4 that
## 8750 1991 222 5 ,
## 8751 1991 222 6 together
## 8752 1991 222 7 ,
## 8753 1991 222 8 we
## 8754 1991 222 9 affirmed
## 8755 1991 222 10 America
## 8756 1991 222 11 and
## 8757 1991 222 12 the
## 8758 1991 222 13 world
## 8759 1991 222 14 as
## 8760 1991 222 15 a
## 8761 1991 222 16 community
## 8762 1991 222 17 of
## 8763 1991 222 18 conscience
## 8764 1991 222 19 .
## 8765 1991 223 1 \n\n
## 8766 1991 223 2 The
## 8767 1991 223 3 winds
## 8768 1991 223 4 of
## 8769 1991 223 5 change
## 8770 1991 223 6 are
## 8771 1991 223 7 with
## 8772 1991 223 8 us
## 8773 1991 223 9 now
## 8774 1991 223 10 .
## 8775 1991 224 1 The
## 8776 1991 224 2 forces
## 8777 1991 224 3 of
## 8778 1991 224 4 freedom
## 8779 1991 224 5 are
## 8780 1991 224 6 together
## 8781 1991 224 7 ,
## 8782 1991 224 8 united
## 8783 1991 224 9 .
## 8784 1991 225 1 We
## 8785 1991 225 2 move
## 8786 1991 225 3 toward
## 8787 1991 225 4 the_next_century
## 8788 1991 225 5 more
## 8789 1991 225 6 confident
## 8790 1991 225 7 than
## 8791 1991 225 8 ever
## 8792 1991 225 9 that
## 8793 1991 225 10 we
## 8794 1991 225 11 have
## 8795 1991 225 12 the
## 8796 1991 225 13 will
## 8797 1991 225 14 at
## 8798 1991 225 15 home
## 8799 1991 225 16 and
## 8800 1991 225 17 abroad
## 8801 1991 225 18 to
## 8802 1991 225 19 do
## 8803 1991 225 20 what
## 8804 1991 225 21 must
## 8805 1991 225 22 be
## 8806 1991 225 23 done
## 8807 1991 225 24 --
## 8808 1991 225 25 the
## 8809 1991 225 26 hard
## 8810 1991 225 27 work
## 8811 1991 225 28 of
## 8812 1991 225 29 freedom
## 8813 1991 225 30 .
## 8814 1991 226 1 \n\n
## 8815 1991 226 2 May
## 8816 1991 226 3 God
## 8817 1991 226 4 bless
## 8818 1991 226 5 the_United_States_of_America
## 8819 1991 226 6 .
## 8820 1991 227 1 Thank
## 8821 1991 227 2 you
## 8822 1991 227 3 very
## 8823 1991 227 4 ,
## 8824 1991 227 5 very
## 8825 1991 227 6 much
## 8826 1991 227 7 .
## 8827 1991 228 1 \n
## 8828 1992 1 1 \n\n
## 8829 1992 1 2 Mr.
## 8830 1992 1 3 Speaker
## 8831 1992 1 4 and
## 8832 1992 1 5 Mr.
## 8833 1992 1 6 President
## 8834 1992 1 7 ,
## 8835 1992 1 8 distinguished
## 8836 1992 1 9 Members
## 8837 1992 1 10 of
## 8838 1992 1 11 Congress
## 8839 1992 1 12 ,
## 8840 1992 1 13 honored
## 8841 1992 1 14 guests
## 8842 1992 1 15 ,
## 8843 1992 1 16 and
## 8844 1992 1 17 fellow
## 8845 1992 1 18 citizens
## 8846 1992 1 19 :
## 8847 1992 1 20 \n\n
## 8848 1992 1 21 Thank
## 8849 1992 1 22 you
## 8850 1992 1 23 very
## 8851 1992 1 24 much
## 8852 1992 1 25 for
## 8853 1992 1 26 that
## 8854 1992 1 27 warm
## 8855 1992 1 28 reception
## 8856 1992 1 29 .
## 8857 1992 2 1 You
## 8858 1992 2 2 know
## 8859 1992 2 3 ,
## 8860 1992 2 4 with
## 8861 1992 2 5 the
## 8862 1992 2 6 big
## 8863 1992 2 7 buildup
## 8864 1992 2 8 this
## 8865 1992 2 9 address
## 8866 1992 2 10 has
## 8867 1992 2 11 had
## 8868 1992 2 12 ,
## 8869 1992 2 13 I
## 8870 1992 2 14 wanted
## 8871 1992 2 15 to
## 8872 1992 2 16 make
## 8873 1992 2 17 sure
## 8874 1992 2 18 it
## 8875 1992 2 19 would
## 8876 1992 2 20 be
## 8877 1992 2 21 a
## 8878 1992 2 22 big
## 8879 1992 2 23 hit
## 8880 1992 2 24 ,
## 8881 1992 2 25 but
## 8882 1992 2 26 I
## 8883 1992 2 27 could
## 8884 1992 2 28 n't
## 8885 1992 2 29 convince
## 8886 1992 2 30 Barbara
## 8887 1992 2 31 to
## 8888 1992 2 32 deliver
## 8889 1992 2 33 it
## 8890 1992 2 34 for
## 8891 1992 2 35 me
## 8892 1992 2 36 .
## 8893 1992 3 1 [
## 8894 1992 3 2 Laughter
## 8895 1992 3 3 ]
## 8896 1992 3 4 \n\n
## 8897 1992 3 5 I
## 8898 1992 3 6 see
## 8899 1992 3 7 the
## 8900 1992 3 8 Speaker
## 8901 1992 3 9 and
## 8902 1992 3 10 the
## 8903 1992 3 11 Vice
## 8904 1992 3 12 President
## 8905 1992 3 13 are
## 8906 1992 3 14 laughing
## 8907 1992 3 15 .
## 8908 1992 4 1 They
## 8909 1992 4 2 saw
## 8910 1992 4 3 what
## 8911 1992 4 4 I
## 8912 1992 4 5 did
## 8913 1992 4 6 in
## 8914 1992 4 7 Japan
## 8915 1992 4 8 ,
## 8916 1992 4 9 and
## 8917 1992 4 10 they
## 8918 1992 4 11 're
## 8919 1992 4 12 just
## 8920 1992 4 13 happy
## 8921 1992 4 14 they
## 8922 1992 4 15 're
## 8923 1992 4 16 sitting
## 8924 1992 4 17 behind
## 8925 1992 4 18 me
## 8926 1992 4 19 .
## 8927 1992 5 1 [
## 8928 1992 5 2 Laughter
## 8929 1992 5 3 ]
## 8930 1992 5 4 \n\n
## 8931 1992 5 5 I
## 8932 1992 5 6 mean
## 8933 1992 5 7 to
## 8934 1992 5 8 speak
## 8935 1992 5 9 tonight
## 8936 1992 5 10 of
## 8937 1992 5 11 big
## 8938 1992 5 12 things
## 8939 1992 5 13 ,
## 8940 1992 5 14 of
## 8941 1992 5 15 big
## 8942 1992 5 16 changes
## 8943 1992 5 17 and
## 8944 1992 5 18 the
## 8945 1992 5 19 promises
## 8946 1992 5 20 they
## 8947 1992 5 21 hold
## 8948 1992 5 22 ,
## 8949 1992 5 23 and
## 8950 1992 5 24 of
## 8951 1992 5 25 some
## 8952 1992 5 26 big
## 8953 1992 5 27 problems
## 8954 1992 5 28 and
## 8955 1992 5 29 how
## 8956 1992 5 30 ,
## 8957 1992 5 31 together
## 8958 1992 5 32 ,
## 8959 1992 5 33 we
## 8960 1992 5 34 can
## 8961 1992 5 35 solve
## 8962 1992 5 36 them
## 8963 1992 5 37 and
## 8964 1992 5 38 move
## 8965 1992 5 39 our
## 8966 1992 5 40 country
## 8967 1992 5 41 forward
## 8968 1992 5 42 as
## 8969 1992 5 43 the
## 8970 1992 5 44 undisputed
## 8971 1992 5 45 leader
## 8972 1992 5 46 of
## 8973 1992 5 47 the
## 8974 1992 5 48 age
## 8975 1992 5 49 .
## 8976 1992 6 1 \n\n
## 8977 1992 6 2 We
## 8978 1992 6 3 gather
## 8979 1992 6 4 tonight
## 8980 1992 6 5 at
## 8981 1992 6 6 a
## 8982 1992 6 7 dramatic
## 8983 1992 6 8 and
## 8984 1992 6 9 deeply
## 8985 1992 6 10 promising
## 8986 1992 6 11 time
## 8987 1992 6 12 in
## 8988 1992 6 13 our
## 8989 1992 6 14 history
## 8990 1992 6 15 and
## 8991 1992 6 16 in
## 8992 1992 6 17 the
## 8993 1992 6 18 history
## 8994 1992 6 19 of
## 8995 1992 6 20 man
## 8996 1992 6 21 on
## 8997 1992 6 22 Earth
## 8998 1992 6 23 .
## 8999 1992 7 1 For
## 9000 1992 7 2 in
## 9001 1992 7 3 the_past_12_months
## 9002 1992 7 4 ,
## 9003 1992 7 5 the
## 9004 1992 7 6 world
## 9005 1992 7 7 has
## 9006 1992 7 8 known
## 9007 1992 7 9 changes
## 9008 1992 7 10 of
## 9009 1992 7 11 almost
## 9010 1992 7 12 Biblical
## 9011 1992 7 13 proportions
## 9012 1992 7 14 .
## 9013 1992 8 1 And
## 9014 1992 8 2 even
## 9015 1992 8 3 now
## 9016 1992 8 4 ,
## 9017 1992 8 5 months
## 9018 1992 8 6 after
## 9019 1992 8 7 the
## 9020 1992 8 8 failed
## 9021 1992 8 9 coup
## 9022 1992 8 10 that
## 9023 1992 8 11 doomed
## 9024 1992 8 12 a
## 9025 1992 8 13 failed
## 9026 1992 8 14 system
## 9027 1992 8 15 ,
## 9028 1992 8 16 I
## 9029 1992 8 17 'm
## 9030 1992 8 18 not
## 9031 1992 8 19 sure
## 9032 1992 8 20 we
## 9033 1992 8 21 've
## 9034 1992 8 22 absorbed
## 9035 1992 8 23 the
## 9036 1992 8 24 full
## 9037 1992 8 25 impact
## 9038 1992 8 26 ,
## 9039 1992 8 27 the
## 9040 1992 8 28 full
## 9041 1992 8 29 import
## 9042 1992 8 30 of
## 9043 1992 8 31 what
## 9044 1992 8 32 happened
## 9045 1992 8 33 .
## 9046 1992 9 1 But
## 9047 1992 9 2 communism
## 9048 1992 9 3 died
## 9049 1992 9 4 this_year
## 9050 1992 9 5 .
## 9051 1992 10 1 \n\n
## 9052 1992 10 2 Even
## 9053 1992 10 3 as
## 9054 1992 10 4 President
## 9055 1992 10 5 ,
## 9056 1992 10 6 with
## 9057 1992 10 7 the
## 9058 1992 10 8 most
## 9059 1992 10 9 fascinating
## 9060 1992 10 10 possible
## 9061 1992 10 11 vantage
## 9062 1992 10 12 point
## 9063 1992 10 13 ,
## 9064 1992 10 14 there
## 9065 1992 10 15 were
## 9066 1992 10 16 times
## 9067 1992 10 17 when
## 9068 1992 10 18 I
## 9069 1992 10 19 was
## 9070 1992 10 20 so
## 9071 1992 10 21 busy
## 9072 1992 10 22 managing
## 9073 1992 10 23 progress
## 9074 1992 10 24 and
## 9075 1992 10 25 helping
## 9076 1992 10 26 to
## 9077 1992 10 27 lead
## 9078 1992 10 28 change
## 9079 1992 10 29 that
## 9080 1992 10 30 I
## 9081 1992 10 31 did
## 9082 1992 10 32 n't
## 9083 1992 10 33 always
## 9084 1992 10 34 show
## 9085 1992 10 35 the
## 9086 1992 10 36 joy
## 9087 1992 10 37 that
## 9088 1992 10 38 was
## 9089 1992 10 39 in
## 9090 1992 10 40 my
## 9091 1992 10 41 heart
## 9092 1992 10 42 .
## 9093 1992 11 1 But
## 9094 1992 11 2 the
## 9095 1992 11 3 biggest
## 9096 1992 11 4 thing
## 9097 1992 11 5 that
## 9098 1992 11 6 has
## 9099 1992 11 7 happened
## 9100 1992 11 8 in
## 9101 1992 11 9 the
## 9102 1992 11 10 world
## 9103 1992 11 11 in
## 9104 1992 11 12 my
## 9105 1992 11 13 life
## 9106 1992 11 14 ,
## 9107 1992 11 15 in
## 9108 1992 11 16 our
## 9109 1992 11 17 lives
## 9110 1992 11 18 ,
## 9111 1992 11 19 is
## 9112 1992 11 20 this
## 9113 1992 11 21 :
## 9114 1992 11 22 By
## 9115 1992 11 23 the
## 9116 1992 11 24 grace
## 9117 1992 11 25 of
## 9118 1992 11 26 God
## 9119 1992 11 27 ,
## 9120 1992 11 28 America
## 9121 1992 11 29 won
## 9122 1992 11 30 the_cold_war
## 9123 1992 11 31 .
## 9124 1992 12 1 \n\n
## 9125 1992 12 2 I
## 9126 1992 12 3 mean
## 9127 1992 12 4 to
## 9128 1992 12 5 speak
## 9129 1992 12 6 this_evening
## 9130 1992 12 7 of
## 9131 1992 12 8 the
## 9132 1992 12 9 changes
## 9133 1992 12 10 that
## 9134 1992 12 11 can
## 9135 1992 12 12 take
## 9136 1992 12 13 place
## 9137 1992 12 14 in
## 9138 1992 12 15 our
## 9139 1992 12 16 country
## 9140 1992 12 17 ,
## 9141 1992 12 18 now
## 9142 1992 12 19 that
## 9143 1992 12 20 we
## 9144 1992 12 21 can
## 9145 1992 12 22 stop
## 9146 1992 12 23 making
## 9147 1992 12 24 the
## 9148 1992 12 25 sacrifices
## 9149 1992 12 26 we
## 9150 1992 12 27 had
## 9151 1992 12 28 to
## 9152 1992 12 29 make
## 9153 1992 12 30 when
## 9154 1992 12 31 we
## 9155 1992 12 32 had
## 9156 1992 12 33 an
## 9157 1992 12 34 avowed
## 9158 1992 12 35 enemy
## 9159 1992 12 36 that
## 9160 1992 12 37 was
## 9161 1992 12 38 a
## 9162 1992 12 39 superpower
## 9163 1992 12 40 .
## 9164 1992 13 1 Now
## 9165 1992 13 2 we
## 9166 1992 13 3 can
## 9167 1992 13 4 look
## 9168 1992 13 5 homeward
## 9169 1992 13 6 even
## 9170 1992 13 7 more
## 9171 1992 13 8 and
## 9172 1992 13 9 move
## 9173 1992 13 10 to
## 9174 1992 13 11 set
## 9175 1992 13 12 right
## 9176 1992 13 13 what
## 9177 1992 13 14 needs
## 9178 1992 13 15 to
## 9179 1992 13 16 be
## 9180 1992 13 17 set
## 9181 1992 13 18 right
## 9182 1992 13 19 .
## 9183 1992 14 1 \n\n
## 9184 1992 14 2 I
## 9185 1992 14 3 will
## 9186 1992 14 4 speak
## 9187 1992 14 5 of
## 9188 1992 14 6 those
## 9189 1992 14 7 things
## 9190 1992 14 8 .
## 9191 1992 15 1 But
## 9192 1992 15 2 let
## 9193 1992 15 3 me
## 9194 1992 15 4 tell
## 9195 1992 15 5 you
## 9196 1992 15 6 something
## 9197 1992 15 7 I
## 9198 1992 15 8 've
## 9199 1992 15 9 been
## 9200 1992 15 10 thinking
## 9201 1992 15 11 these_past_few_months
## 9202 1992 15 12 .
## 9203 1992 16 1 It
## 9204 1992 16 2 's
## 9205 1992 16 3 a
## 9206 1992 16 4 kind
## 9207 1992 16 5 of
## 9208 1992 16 6 rollcall
## 9209 1992 16 7 of
## 9210 1992 16 8 honor
## 9211 1992 16 9 .
## 9212 1992 17 1 For
## 9213 1992 17 2 the
## 9214 1992 17 3 cold
## 9215 1992 17 4 war
## 9216 1992 17 5 did
## 9217 1992 17 6 n't
## 9218 1992 17 7 end
## 9219 1992 17 8 ;
## 9220 1992 17 9 it
## 9221 1992 17 10 was
## 9222 1992 17 11 won
## 9223 1992 17 12 .
## 9224 1992 18 1 And
## 9225 1992 18 2 I
## 9226 1992 18 3 think
## 9227 1992 18 4 of
## 9228 1992 18 5 those
## 9229 1992 18 6 who
## 9230 1992 18 7 won
## 9231 1992 18 8 it
## 9232 1992 18 9 ,
## 9233 1992 18 10 in
## 9234 1992 18 11 places
## 9235 1992 18 12 like
## 9236 1992 18 13 Korea
## 9237 1992 18 14 and
## 9238 1992 18 15 Vietnam
## 9239 1992 18 16 .
## 9240 1992 19 1 And
## 9241 1992 19 2 some
## 9242 1992 19 3 of
## 9243 1992 19 4 them
## 9244 1992 19 5 did
## 9245 1992 19 6 n't
## 9246 1992 19 7 come
## 9247 1992 19 8 back
## 9248 1992 19 9 .
## 9249 1992 20 1 Back
## 9250 1992 20 2 then
## 9251 1992 20 3 they
## 9252 1992 20 4 were
## 9253 1992 20 5 heroes
## 9254 1992 20 6 ,
## 9255 1992 20 7 but
## 9256 1992 20 8 this_year
## 9257 1992 20 9 they
## 9258 1992 20 10 were
## 9259 1992 20 11 victors
## 9260 1992 20 12 .
## 9261 1992 21 1 \n\n
## 9262 1992 21 2 The
## 9263 1992 21 3 long
## 9264 1992 21 4 rollcall
## 9265 1992 21 5 ,
## 9266 1992 21 6 all
## 9267 1992 21 7 the
## 9268 1992 21 8 G.I.
## 9269 1992 21 9 Joes
## 9270 1992 21 10 and
## 9271 1992 21 11 Janes
## 9272 1992 21 12 ,
## 9273 1992 21 13 all
## 9274 1992 21 14 the
## 9275 1992 21 15 ones
## 9276 1992 21 16 who
## 9277 1992 21 17 fought
## 9278 1992 21 18 faithfully
## 9279 1992 21 19 for
## 9280 1992 21 20 freedom
## 9281 1992 21 21 ,
## 9282 1992 21 22 who
## 9283 1992 21 23 hit
## 9284 1992 21 24 the
## 9285 1992 21 25 ground
## 9286 1992 21 26 and
## 9287 1992 21 27 sucked
## 9288 1992 21 28 the
## 9289 1992 21 29 dust
## 9290 1992 21 30 and
## 9291 1992 21 31 knew
## 9292 1992 21 32 their
## 9293 1992 21 33 share
## 9294 1992 21 34 of
## 9295 1992 21 35 horror
## 9296 1992 21 36 .
## 9297 1992 22 1 This
## 9298 1992 22 2 may
## 9299 1992 22 3 seem
## 9300 1992 22 4 frivolous
## 9301 1992 22 5 ,
## 9302 1992 22 6 and
## 9303 1992 22 7 I
## 9304 1992 22 8 do
## 9305 1992 22 9 n't
## 9306 1992 22 10 mean
## 9307 1992 22 11 it
## 9308 1992 22 12 so
## 9309 1992 22 13 ,
## 9310 1992 22 14 but
## 9311 1992 22 15 it
## 9312 1992 22 16 's
## 9313 1992 22 17 moving
## 9314 1992 22 18 to
## 9315 1992 22 19 me
## 9316 1992 22 20 how
## 9317 1992 22 21 the
## 9318 1992 22 22 world
## 9319 1992 22 23 saw
## 9320 1992 22 24 them
## 9321 1992 22 25 .
## 9322 1992 23 1 The
## 9323 1992 23 2 world
## 9324 1992 23 3 saw
## 9325 1992 23 4 not
## 9326 1992 23 5 only
## 9327 1992 23 6 their
## 9328 1992 23 7 special
## 9329 1992 23 8 valor
## 9330 1992 23 9 but
## 9331 1992 23 10 their
## 9332 1992 23 11 special
## 9333 1992 23 12 style
## 9334 1992 23 13 :
## 9335 1992 23 14 their
## 9336 1992 23 15 rambunctious
## 9337 1992 23 16 ,
## 9338 1992 23 17 optimistic
## 9339 1992 23 18 bravery
## 9340 1992 23 19 ,
## 9341 1992 23 20 their
## 9342 1992 23 21 do
## 9343 1992 23 22 -
## 9344 1992 23 23 or
## 9345 1992 23 24 -
## 9346 1992 23 25 die
## 9347 1992 23 26 unity
## 9348 1992 23 27 unhampered
## 9349 1992 23 28 by
## 9350 1992 23 29 class
## 9351 1992 23 30 or
## 9352 1992 23 31 race
## 9353 1992 23 32 or
## 9354 1992 23 33 region
## 9355 1992 23 34 .
## 9356 1992 24 1 What
## 9357 1992 24 2 a
## 9358 1992 24 3 group
## 9359 1992 24 4 we
## 9360 1992 24 5 've
## 9361 1992 24 6 put
## 9362 1992 24 7 forth
## 9363 1992 24 8 ,
## 9364 1992 24 9 for
## 9365 1992 24 10 generations
## 9366 1992 24 11 now
## 9367 1992 24 12 ,
## 9368 1992 24 13 from
## 9369 1992 24 14 the
## 9370 1992 24 15 ones
## 9371 1992 24 16 who
## 9372 1992 24 17 wrote
## 9373 1992 24 18 "
## 9374 1992 24 19 Kilroy
## 9375 1992 24 20 was
## 9376 1992 24 21 here
## 9377 1992 24 22 "
## 9378 1992 24 23 on
## 9379 1992 24 24 the
## 9380 1992 24 25 walls
## 9381 1992 24 26 of
## 9382 1992 24 27 the
## 9383 1992 24 28 German
## 9384 1992 24 29 stalags
## 9385 1992 24 30 to
## 9386 1992 24 31 those
## 9387 1992 24 32 who
## 9388 1992 24 33 left
## 9389 1992 24 34 signs
## 9390 1992 24 35 in
## 9391 1992 24 36 the
## 9392 1992 24 37 Iraqi
## 9393 1992 24 38 desert
## 9394 1992 24 39 that
## 9395 1992 24 40 said
## 9396 1992 24 41 ,
## 9397 1992 24 42 "
## 9398 1992 24 43 I_saw_Elvis
## 9399 1992 24 44 .
## 9400 1992 24 45 "
## 9401 1992 25 1 What
## 9402 1992 25 2 a
## 9403 1992 25 3 group
## 9404 1992 25 4 of
## 9405 1992 25 5 kids
## 9406 1992 25 6 we
## 9407 1992 25 7 've
## 9408 1992 25 8 sent
## 9409 1992 25 9 out
## 9410 1992 25 10 into
## 9411 1992 25 11 the
## 9412 1992 25 12 world
## 9413 1992 25 13 .
## 9414 1992 26 1 \n\n
## 9415 1992 26 2 And
## 9416 1992 26 3 there
## 9417 1992 26 4 's
## 9418 1992 26 5 another
## 9419 1992 26 6 to
## 9420 1992 26 7 be
## 9421 1992 26 8 singled
## 9422 1992 26 9 out
## 9423 1992 26 10 ,
## 9424 1992 26 11 though
## 9425 1992 26 12 it
## 9426 1992 26 13 may
## 9427 1992 26 14 seem
## 9428 1992 26 15 inelegant
## 9429 1992 26 16 ,
## 9430 1992 26 17 and
## 9431 1992 26 18 I
## 9432 1992 26 19 mean
## 9433 1992 26 20 a
## 9434 1992 26 21 mass
## 9435 1992 26 22 of
## 9436 1992 26 23 people
## 9437 1992 26 24 called
## 9438 1992 26 25 the
## 9439 1992 26 26 American
## 9440 1992 26 27 taxpayer
## 9441 1992 26 28 .
## 9442 1992 27 1 No
## 9443 1992 27 2 one
## 9444 1992 27 3 ever
## 9445 1992 27 4 thinks
## 9446 1992 27 5 to
## 9447 1992 27 6 thank
## 9448 1992 27 7 the
## 9449 1992 27 8 people
## 9450 1992 27 9 who
## 9451 1992 27 10 pay
## 9452 1992 27 11 a
## 9453 1992 27 12 country
## 9454 1992 27 13 's
## 9455 1992 27 14 bill
## 9456 1992 27 15 or
## 9457 1992 27 16 an
## 9458 1992 27 17 alliance
## 9459 1992 27 18 's
## 9460 1992 27 19 bill
## 9461 1992 27 20 .
## 9462 1992 28 1 But
## 9463 1992 28 2 for
## 9464 1992 28 3 half_a_century
## 9465 1992 28 4 now
## 9466 1992 28 5 ,
## 9467 1992 28 6 the
## 9468 1992 28 7 American
## 9469 1992 28 8 people
## 9470 1992 28 9 have
## 9471 1992 28 10 shouldered
## 9472 1992 28 11 the
## 9473 1992 28 12 burden
## 9474 1992 28 13 and
## 9475 1992 28 14 paid
## 9476 1992 28 15 taxes
## 9477 1992 28 16 that
## 9478 1992 28 17 were
## 9479 1992 28 18 higher
## 9480 1992 28 19 than
## 9481 1992 28 20 they
## 9482 1992 28 21 would
## 9483 1992 28 22 have
## 9484 1992 28 23 been
## 9485 1992 28 24 to
## 9486 1992 28 25 support
## 9487 1992 28 26 a
## 9488 1992 28 27 defense
## 9489 1992 28 28 that
## 9490 1992 28 29 was
## 9491 1992 28 30 bigger
## 9492 1992 28 31 than
## 9493 1992 28 32 it
## 9494 1992 28 33 would
## 9495 1992 28 34 have
## 9496 1992 28 35 been
## 9497 1992 28 36 if
## 9498 1992 28 37 imperial
## 9499 1992 28 38 communism
## 9500 1992 28 39 had
## 9501 1992 28 40 never
## 9502 1992 28 41 existed
## 9503 1992 28 42 .
## 9504 1992 29 1 But
## 9505 1992 29 2 it
## 9506 1992 29 3 did
## 9507 1992 29 4 ;
## 9508 1992 29 5 does
## 9509 1992 29 6 n't
## 9510 1992 29 7 anymore
## 9511 1992 29 8 .
## 9512 1992 30 1 And
## 9513 1992 30 2 here
## 9514 1992 30 3 's
## 9515 1992 30 4 a
## 9516 1992 30 5 fact
## 9517 1992 30 6 I
## 9518 1992 30 7 would
## 9519 1992 30 8 n't
## 9520 1992 30 9 mind
## 9521 1992 30 10 the
## 9522 1992 30 11 world
## 9523 1992 30 12 acknowledging
## 9524 1992 30 13 :
## 9525 1992 31 1 The
## 9526 1992 31 2 American
## 9527 1992 31 3 taxpayer
## 9528 1992 31 4 bore
## 9529 1992 31 5 the
## 9530 1992 31 6 brunt
## 9531 1992 31 7 of
## 9532 1992 31 8 the
## 9533 1992 31 9 burden
## 9534 1992 31 10 and
## 9535 1992 31 11 deserves
## 9536 1992 31 12 a
## 9537 1992 31 13 hunk
## 9538 1992 31 14 of
## 9539 1992 31 15 the
## 9540 1992 31 16 glory
## 9541 1992 31 17 .
## 9542 1992 32 1 \n\n
## 9543 1992 32 2 So
## 9544 1992 32 3 now
## 9545 1992 32 4 ,
## 9546 1992 32 5 for
## 9547 1992 32 6 the
## 9548 1992 32 7 first
## 9549 1992 32 8 time
## 9550 1992 32 9 in
## 9551 1992 32 10 35_years
## 9552 1992 32 11 ,
## 9553 1992 32 12 our
## 9554 1992 32 13 strategic
## 9555 1992 32 14 bombers
## 9556 1992 32 15 stand
## 9557 1992 32 16 down
## 9558 1992 32 17 .
## 9559 1992 33 1 No
## 9560 1992 33 2 longer
## 9561 1992 33 3 are
## 9562 1992 33 4 they
## 9563 1992 33 5 on
## 9564 1992 33 6 '
## 9565 1992 33 7 round
## 9566 1992 33 8 -
## 9567 1992 33 9 the
## 9568 1992 33 10 -
## 9569 1992 33 11 clock
## 9570 1992 33 12 alert
## 9571 1992 33 13 .
## 9572 1992 34 1 Tomorrow
## 9573 1992 34 2 our
## 9574 1992 34 3 children
## 9575 1992 34 4 will
## 9576 1992 34 5 go
## 9577 1992 34 6 to
## 9578 1992 34 7 school
## 9579 1992 34 8 and
## 9580 1992 34 9 study
## 9581 1992 34 10 history
## 9582 1992 34 11 and
## 9583 1992 34 12 how
## 9584 1992 34 13 plants
## 9585 1992 34 14 grow
## 9586 1992 34 15 .
## 9587 1992 35 1 And
## 9588 1992 35 2 they
## 9589 1992 35 3 wo
## 9590 1992 35 4 n't
## 9591 1992 35 5 have
## 9592 1992 35 6 ,
## 9593 1992 35 7 as
## 9594 1992 35 8 my
## 9595 1992 35 9 children
## 9596 1992 35 10 did
## 9597 1992 35 11 ,
## 9598 1992 35 12 air
## 9599 1992 35 13 raid
## 9600 1992 35 14 drills
## 9601 1992 35 15 in
## 9602 1992 35 16 which
## 9603 1992 35 17 they
## 9604 1992 35 18 crawl
## 9605 1992 35 19 under
## 9606 1992 35 20 their
## 9607 1992 35 21 desks
## 9608 1992 35 22 and
## 9609 1992 35 23 cover
## 9610 1992 35 24 their
## 9611 1992 35 25 heads
## 9612 1992 35 26 in
## 9613 1992 35 27 case
## 9614 1992 35 28 of
## 9615 1992 35 29 nuclear
## 9616 1992 35 30 war
## 9617 1992 35 31 .
## 9618 1992 36 1 My
## 9619 1992 36 2 grandchildren
## 9620 1992 36 3 do
## 9621 1992 36 4 n't
## 9622 1992 36 5 have
## 9623 1992 36 6 to
## 9624 1992 36 7 do
## 9625 1992 36 8 that
## 9626 1992 36 9 and
## 9627 1992 36 10 wo
## 9628 1992 36 11 n't
## 9629 1992 36 12 have
## 9630 1992 36 13 the
## 9631 1992 36 14 bad
## 9632 1992 36 15 dreams
## 9633 1992 36 16 children
## 9634 1992 36 17 had
## 9635 1992 36 18 once
## 9636 1992 36 19 ,
## 9637 1992 36 20 in
## 9638 1992 36 21 decades
## 9639 1992 36 22 past
## 9640 1992 36 23 .
## 9641 1992 37 1 There
## 9642 1992 37 2 are
## 9643 1992 37 3 still
## 9644 1992 37 4 threats
## 9645 1992 37 5 .
## 9646 1992 38 1 But
## 9647 1992 38 2 the
## 9648 1992 38 3 long
## 9649 1992 38 4 ,
## 9650 1992 38 5 drawn
## 9651 1992 38 6 -
## 9652 1992 38 7 out
## 9653 1992 38 8 dread
## 9654 1992 38 9 is
## 9655 1992 38 10 over
## 9656 1992 38 11 .
## 9657 1992 39 1 \n\n
## 9658 1992 39 2 A_year_ago
## 9659 1992 39 3 tonight
## 9660 1992 39 4 ,
## 9661 1992 39 5 I
## 9662 1992 39 6 spoke
## 9663 1992 39 7 to
## 9664 1992 39 8 you
## 9665 1992 39 9 at
## 9666 1992 39 10 a
## 9667 1992 39 11 moment
## 9668 1992 39 12 of
## 9669 1992 39 13 high
## 9670 1992 39 14 peril
## 9671 1992 39 15 .
## 9672 1992 40 1 American
## 9673 1992 40 2 forces
## 9674 1992 40 3 had
## 9675 1992 40 4 just
## 9676 1992 40 5 unleashed
## 9677 1992 40 6 Operation_Desert_Storm
## 9678 1992 40 7 .
## 9679 1992 41 1 And
## 9680 1992 41 2 after
## 9681 1992 41 3 40_days
## 9682 1992 41 4 in
## 9683 1992 41 5 the
## 9684 1992 41 6 desert
## 9685 1992 41 7 skies
## 9686 1992 41 8 and
## 9687 1992 41 9 4_days
## 9688 1992 41 10 on
## 9689 1992 41 11 the
## 9690 1992 41 12 ground
## 9691 1992 41 13 ,
## 9692 1992 41 14 the
## 9693 1992 41 15 men
## 9694 1992 41 16 and
## 9695 1992 41 17 women
## 9696 1992 41 18 of
## 9697 1992 41 19 America
## 9698 1992 41 20 's
## 9699 1992 41 21 Armed_Forces
## 9700 1992 41 22 and
## 9701 1992 41 23 our
## 9702 1992 41 24 allies
## 9703 1992 41 25 accomplished
## 9704 1992 41 26 the
## 9705 1992 41 27 goals
## 9706 1992 41 28 that
## 9707 1992 41 29 I
## 9708 1992 41 30 declared
## 9709 1992 41 31 and
## 9710 1992 41 32 that
## 9711 1992 41 33 you
## 9712 1992 41 34 endorsed
## 9713 1992 41 35 :
## 9714 1992 41 36 We
## 9715 1992 41 37 liberated
## 9716 1992 41 38 Kuwait
## 9717 1992 41 39 .
## 9718 1992 42 1 Soon
## 9719 1992 42 2 after
## 9720 1992 42 3 ,
## 9721 1992 42 4 the
## 9722 1992 42 5 Arab
## 9723 1992 42 6 world
## 9724 1992 42 7 and
## 9725 1992 42 8 Israel
## 9726 1992 42 9 sat
## 9727 1992 42 10 down
## 9728 1992 42 11 to
## 9729 1992 42 12 talk
## 9730 1992 42 13 seriously
## 9731 1992 42 14 and
## 9732 1992 42 15 comprehensively
## 9733 1992 42 16 about
## 9734 1992 42 17 peace
## 9735 1992 42 18 ,
## 9736 1992 42 19 an
## 9737 1992 42 20 historic
## 9738 1992 42 21 first
## 9739 1992 42 22 .
## 9740 1992 43 1 And
## 9741 1992 43 2 soon
## 9742 1992 43 3 after
## 9743 1992 43 4 that
## 9744 1992 43 5 ,
## 9745 1992 43 6 at
## 9746 1992 43 7 Christmas
## 9747 1992 43 8 ,
## 9748 1992 43 9 the
## 9749 1992 43 10 last
## 9750 1992 43 11 American
## 9751 1992 43 12 hostages
## 9752 1992 43 13 came
## 9753 1992 43 14 home
## 9754 1992 43 15 .
## 9755 1992 44 1 Our
## 9756 1992 44 2 policies
## 9757 1992 44 3 were
## 9758 1992 44 4 vindicated
## 9759 1992 44 5 .
## 9760 1992 45 1 \n\n
## 9761 1992 45 2 Much
## 9762 1992 45 3 good
## 9763 1992 45 4 can
## 9764 1992 45 5 come
## 9765 1992 45 6 from
## 9766 1992 45 7 the
## 9767 1992 45 8 prudent
## 9768 1992 45 9 use
## 9769 1992 45 10 of
## 9770 1992 45 11 power
## 9771 1992 45 12 .
## 9772 1992 46 1 And
## 9773 1992 46 2 much
## 9774 1992 46 3 good
## 9775 1992 46 4 can
## 9776 1992 46 5 come
## 9777 1992 46 6 of
## 9778 1992 46 7 this
## 9779 1992 46 8 :
## 9780 1992 46 9 A
## 9781 1992 46 10 world
## 9782 1992 46 11 once
## 9783 1992 46 12 divided
## 9784 1992 46 13 into
## 9785 1992 46 14 two
## 9786 1992 46 15 armed
## 9787 1992 46 16 camps
## 9788 1992 46 17 now
## 9789 1992 46 18 recognizes
## 9790 1992 46 19 one
## 9791 1992 46 20 sole
## 9792 1992 46 21 and
## 9793 1992 46 22 preeminent
## 9794 1992 46 23 power
## 9795 1992 46 24 ,
## 9796 1992 46 25 the_United_States_of_America
## 9797 1992 46 26 .
## 9798 1992 47 1 And
## 9799 1992 47 2 they
## 9800 1992 47 3 regard
## 9801 1992 47 4 this
## 9802 1992 47 5 with
## 9803 1992 47 6 no
## 9804 1992 47 7 dread
## 9805 1992 47 8 .
## 9806 1992 48 1 For
## 9807 1992 48 2 the
## 9808 1992 48 3 world
## 9809 1992 48 4 trusts
## 9810 1992 48 5 us
## 9811 1992 48 6 with
## 9812 1992 48 7 power
## 9813 1992 48 8 ,
## 9814 1992 48 9 and
## 9815 1992 48 10 the
## 9816 1992 48 11 world
## 9817 1992 48 12 is
## 9818 1992 48 13 right
## 9819 1992 48 14 .
## 9820 1992 49 1 They
## 9821 1992 49 2 trust
## 9822 1992 49 3 us
## 9823 1992 49 4 to
## 9824 1992 49 5 be
## 9825 1992 49 6 fair
## 9826 1992 49 7 and
## 9827 1992 49 8 restrained
## 9828 1992 49 9 .
## 9829 1992 50 1 They
## 9830 1992 50 2 trust
## 9831 1992 50 3 us
## 9832 1992 50 4 to
## 9833 1992 50 5 be
## 9834 1992 50 6 on
## 9835 1992 50 7 the
## 9836 1992 50 8 side
## 9837 1992 50 9 of
## 9838 1992 50 10 decency
## 9839 1992 50 11 .
## 9840 1992 51 1 They
## 9841 1992 51 2 trust
## 9842 1992 51 3 us
## 9843 1992 51 4 to
## 9844 1992 51 5 do
## 9845 1992 51 6 what
## 9846 1992 51 7 's
## 9847 1992 51 8 right
## 9848 1992 51 9 .
## 9849 1992 52 1 \n\n
## 9850 1992 52 2 I
## 9851 1992 52 3 use
## 9852 1992 52 4 those
## 9853 1992 52 5 words
## 9854 1992 52 6 advisedly
## 9855 1992 52 7 .
## 9856 1992 53 1 A_few_days
## 9857 1992 53 2 after
## 9858 1992 53 3 the
## 9859 1992 53 4 war
## 9860 1992 53 5 began
## 9861 1992 53 6 ,
## 9862 1992 53 7 I
## 9863 1992 53 8 received
## 9864 1992 53 9 a
## 9865 1992 53 10 telegram
## 9866 1992 53 11 from
## 9867 1992 53 12 Joanne_Speicher
## 9868 1992 53 13 ,
## 9869 1992 53 14 the
## 9870 1992 53 15 wife
## 9871 1992 53 16 of
## 9872 1992 53 17 the
## 9873 1992 53 18 first
## 9874 1992 53 19 pilot
## 9875 1992 53 20 killed
## 9876 1992 53 21 in
## 9877 1992 53 22 the
## 9878 1992 53 23 Gulf
## 9879 1992 53 24 ,
## 9880 1992 53 25 Lieutenant
## 9881 1992 53 26 Commander
## 9882 1992 53 27 Scott_Speicher
## 9883 1992 53 28 .
## 9884 1992 54 1 Even
## 9885 1992 54 2 in
## 9886 1992 54 3 her
## 9887 1992 54 4 grief
## 9888 1992 54 5 ,
## 9889 1992 54 6 she
## 9890 1992 54 7 wanted
## 9891 1992 54 8 me
## 9892 1992 54 9 to
## 9893 1992 54 10 know
## 9894 1992 54 11 that
## 9895 1992 54 12 some
## 9896 1992 54 13 day
## 9897 1992 54 14 when
## 9898 1992 54 15 her
## 9899 1992 54 16 children
## 9900 1992 54 17 were
## 9901 1992 54 18 old
## 9902 1992 54 19 enough
## 9903 1992 54 20 ,
## 9904 1992 54 21 she
## 9905 1992 54 22 would
## 9906 1992 54 23 tell
## 9907 1992 54 24 them
## 9908 1992 54 25 "
## 9909 1992 54 26 that
## 9910 1992 54 27 their
## 9911 1992 54 28 father
## 9912 1992 54 29 went
## 9913 1992 54 30 away
## 9914 1992 54 31 to
## 9915 1992 54 32 war
## 9916 1992 54 33 because
## 9917 1992 54 34 it
## 9918 1992 54 35 was
## 9919 1992 54 36 the
## 9920 1992 54 37 right
## 9921 1992 54 38 thing
## 9922 1992 54 39 to
## 9923 1992 54 40 do
## 9924 1992 54 41 .
## 9925 1992 54 42 "
## 9926 1992 55 1 And
## 9927 1992 55 2 she
## 9928 1992 55 3 said
## 9929 1992 55 4 it
## 9930 1992 55 5 all
## 9931 1992 55 6 :
## 9932 1992 55 7 It
## 9933 1992 55 8 was
## 9934 1992 55 9 the
## 9935 1992 55 10 right
## 9936 1992 55 11 thing
## 9937 1992 55 12 to
## 9938 1992 55 13 do
## 9939 1992 55 14 .
## 9940 1992 56 1 \n\n
## 9941 1992 56 2 And
## 9942 1992 56 3 we
## 9943 1992 56 4 did
## 9944 1992 56 5 it
## 9945 1992 56 6 together
## 9946 1992 56 7 .
## 9947 1992 57 1 There
## 9948 1992 57 2 were
## 9949 1992 57 3 honest
## 9950 1992 57 4 differences
## 9951 1992 57 5 right
## 9952 1992 57 6 here
## 9953 1992 57 7 in
## 9954 1992 57 8 this
## 9955 1992 57 9 Chamber
## 9956 1992 57 10 .
## 9957 1992 58 1 But
## 9958 1992 58 2 when
## 9959 1992 58 3 the
## 9960 1992 58 4 war
## 9961 1992 58 5 began
## 9962 1992 58 6 ,
## 9963 1992 58 7 you
## 9964 1992 58 8 put
## 9965 1992 58 9 partisanship
## 9966 1992 58 10 aside
## 9967 1992 58 11 ,
## 9968 1992 58 12 and
## 9969 1992 58 13 we
## 9970 1992 58 14 supported
## 9971 1992 58 15 our
## 9972 1992 58 16 troops
## 9973 1992 58 17 .
## 9974 1992 59 1 This
## 9975 1992 59 2 is
## 9976 1992 59 3 still
## 9977 1992 59 4 a
## 9978 1992 59 5 time
## 9979 1992 59 6 for
## 9980 1992 59 7 pride
## 9981 1992 59 8 ,
## 9982 1992 59 9 but
## 9983 1992 59 10 this
## 9984 1992 59 11 is
## 9985 1992 59 12 no
## 9986 1992 59 13 time
## 9987 1992 59 14 to
## 9988 1992 59 15 boast
## 9989 1992 59 16 .
## 9990 1992 60 1 For
## 9991 1992 60 2 problems
## 9992 1992 60 3 face
## 9993 1992 60 4 us
## 9994 1992 60 5 ,
## 9995 1992 60 6 and
## 9996 1992 60 7 we
## 9997 1992 60 8 must
## 9998 1992 60 9 stand
## 9999 1992 60 10 together
## 10000 1992 60 11 once
## 10001 1992 60 12 again
## 10002 1992 60 13 and
## 10003 1992 60 14 solve
## 10004 1992 60 15 them
## 10005 1992 60 16 and
## 10006 1992 60 17 not
## 10007 1992 60 18 let
## 10008 1992 60 19 our
## 10009 1992 60 20 country
## 10010 1992 60 21 down
## 10011 1992 60 22 .
## 10012 1992 61 1 \n\n
## 10013 1992 61 2 Two_years_ago
## 10014 1992 61 3 ,
## 10015 1992 61 4 I
## 10016 1992 61 5 began
## 10017 1992 61 6 planning
## 10018 1992 61 7 cuts
## 10019 1992 61 8 in
## 10020 1992 61 9 military
## 10021 1992 61 10 spending
## 10022 1992 61 11 that
## 10023 1992 61 12 reflected
## 10024 1992 61 13 the
## 10025 1992 61 14 changes
## 10026 1992 61 15 of
## 10027 1992 61 16 the
## 10028 1992 61 17 new
## 10029 1992 61 18 era
## 10030 1992 61 19 .
## 10031 1992 62 1 But
## 10032 1992 62 2 now
## 10033 1992 62 3 ,
## 10034 1992 62 4 this_year
## 10035 1992 62 5 ,
## 10036 1992 62 6 with
## 10037 1992 62 7 imperial
## 10038 1992 62 8 communism
## 10039 1992 62 9 gone
## 10040 1992 62 10 ,
## 10041 1992 62 11 that
## 10042 1992 62 12 process
## 10043 1992 62 13 can
## 10044 1992 62 14 be
## 10045 1992 62 15 accelerated
## 10046 1992 62 16 .
## 10047 1992 63 1 Tonight
## 10048 1992 63 2 I
## 10049 1992 63 3 can
## 10050 1992 63 4 tell
## 10051 1992 63 5 you
## 10052 1992 63 6 of
## 10053 1992 63 7 dramatic
## 10054 1992 63 8 changes
## 10055 1992 63 9 in
## 10056 1992 63 10 our
## 10057 1992 63 11 strategic
## 10058 1992 63 12 nuclear
## 10059 1992 63 13 force
## 10060 1992 63 14 .
## 10061 1992 64 1 These
## 10062 1992 64 2 are
## 10063 1992 64 3 actions
## 10064 1992 64 4 we
## 10065 1992 64 5 are
## 10066 1992 64 6 taking
## 10067 1992 64 7 on
## 10068 1992 64 8 our
## 10069 1992 64 9 own
## 10070 1992 64 10 because
## 10071 1992 64 11 they
## 10072 1992 64 12 are
## 10073 1992 64 13 the
## 10074 1992 64 14 right
## 10075 1992 64 15 thing
## 10076 1992 64 16 to
## 10077 1992 64 17 do
## 10078 1992 64 18 .
## 10079 1992 65 1 After
## 10080 1992 65 2 completing
## 10081 1992 65 3 20
## 10082 1992 65 4 planes
## 10083 1992 65 5 for
## 10084 1992 65 6 which
## 10085 1992 65 7 we
## 10086 1992 65 8 have
## 10087 1992 65 9 begun
## 10088 1992 65 10 procurement
## 10089 1992 65 11 ,
## 10090 1992 65 12 we
## 10091 1992 65 13 will
## 10092 1992 65 14 shut
## 10093 1992 65 15 down
## 10094 1992 65 16 further
## 10095 1992 65 17 production
## 10096 1992 65 18 of
## 10097 1992 65 19 the_B_-_2
## 10098 1992 65 20 bombers
## 10099 1992 65 21 .
## 10100 1992 66 1 We
## 10101 1992 66 2 will
## 10102 1992 66 3 cancel
## 10103 1992 66 4 the
## 10104 1992 66 5 small
## 10105 1992 66 6 ICBM
## 10106 1992 66 7 program
## 10107 1992 66 8 .
## 10108 1992 67 1 We
## 10109 1992 67 2 will
## 10110 1992 67 3 cease
## 10111 1992 67 4 production
## 10112 1992 67 5 of
## 10113 1992 67 6 new
## 10114 1992 67 7 warheads
## 10115 1992 67 8 for
## 10116 1992 67 9 our
## 10117 1992 67 10 sea
## 10118 1992 67 11 -
## 10119 1992 67 12 based
## 10120 1992 67 13 ballistic
## 10121 1992 67 14 missiles
## 10122 1992 67 15 .
## 10123 1992 68 1 We
## 10124 1992 68 2 will
## 10125 1992 68 3 stop
## 10126 1992 68 4 all
## 10127 1992 68 5 new
## 10128 1992 68 6 production
## 10129 1992 68 7 of
## 10130 1992 68 8 the
## 10131 1992 68 9 Peacekeeper
## 10132 1992 68 10 missile
## 10133 1992 68 11 .
## 10134 1992 69 1 And
## 10135 1992 69 2 we
## 10136 1992 69 3 will
## 10137 1992 69 4 not
## 10138 1992 69 5 purchase
## 10139 1992 69 6 any
## 10140 1992 69 7 more
## 10141 1992 69 8 advanced
## 10142 1992 69 9 cruise
## 10143 1992 69 10 missiles
## 10144 1992 69 11 .
## 10145 1992 70 1 \n\n
## 10146 1992 70 2 This
## 10147 1992 70 3 weekend
## 10148 1992 70 4 I
## 10149 1992 70 5 will
## 10150 1992 70 6 meet
## 10151 1992 70 7 at
## 10152 1992 70 8 Camp_David
## 10153 1992 70 9 with
## 10154 1992 70 10 Boris_Yeltsin
## 10155 1992 70 11 of
## 10156 1992 70 12 the_Russian_Federation
## 10157 1992 70 13 .
## 10158 1992 71 1 I
## 10159 1992 71 2 've
## 10160 1992 71 3 informed
## 10161 1992 71 4 President
## 10162 1992 71 5 Yeltsin
## 10163 1992 71 6 that
## 10164 1992 71 7 if
## 10165 1992 71 8 the
## 10166 1992 71 9 Commonwealth
## 10167 1992 71 10 ,
## 10168 1992 71 11 the
## 10169 1992 71 12 former
## 10170 1992 71 13 Soviet_Union
## 10171 1992 71 14 ,
## 10172 1992 71 15 will
## 10173 1992 71 16 eliminate
## 10174 1992 71 17 all
## 10175 1992 71 18 land
## 10176 1992 71 19 -
## 10177 1992 71 20 based
## 10178 1992 71 21 multiple
## 10179 1992 71 22 -
## 10180 1992 71 23 warhead
## 10181 1992 71 24 ballistic
## 10182 1992 71 25 missiles
## 10183 1992 71 26 ,
## 10184 1992 71 27 I
## 10185 1992 71 28 will
## 10186 1992 71 29 do
## 10187 1992 71 30 the
## 10188 1992 71 31 following
## 10189 1992 71 32 :
## 10190 1992 71 33 We
## 10191 1992 71 34 will
## 10192 1992 71 35 eliminate
## 10193 1992 71 36 all
## 10194 1992 71 37 Peacekeeper
## 10195 1992 71 38 missiles
## 10196 1992 71 39 .
## 10197 1992 72 1 We
## 10198 1992 72 2 will
## 10199 1992 72 3 reduce
## 10200 1992 72 4 the
## 10201 1992 72 5 number
## 10202 1992 72 6 of
## 10203 1992 72 7 warheads
## 10204 1992 72 8 on
## 10205 1992 72 9 Minuteman
## 10206 1992 72 10 missiles
## 10207 1992 72 11 to
## 10208 1992 72 12 one
## 10209 1992 72 13 and
## 10210 1992 72 14 reduce
## 10211 1992 72 15 the
## 10212 1992 72 16 number
## 10213 1992 72 17 of
## 10214 1992 72 18 warheads
## 10215 1992 72 19 on
## 10216 1992 72 20 our
## 10217 1992 72 21 sea
## 10218 1992 72 22 -
## 10219 1992 72 23 based
## 10220 1992 72 24 missiles
## 10221 1992 72 25 by
## 10222 1992 72 26 about_one_-_third
## 10223 1992 72 27 .
## 10224 1992 73 1 And
## 10225 1992 73 2 we
## 10226 1992 73 3 will
## 10227 1992 73 4 convert
## 10228 1992 73 5 a
## 10229 1992 73 6 substantial
## 10230 1992 73 7 portion
## 10231 1992 73 8 of
## 10232 1992 73 9 our
## 10233 1992 73 10 strategic
## 10234 1992 73 11 bombers
## 10235 1992 73 12 to
## 10236 1992 73 13 primarily
## 10237 1992 73 14 conventional
## 10238 1992 73 15 use
## 10239 1992 73 16 .
## 10240 1992 74 1 President
## 10241 1992 74 2 Yeltsin
## 10242 1992 74 3 's
## 10243 1992 74 4 early
## 10244 1992 74 5 response
## 10245 1992 74 6 has
## 10246 1992 74 7 been
## 10247 1992 74 8 very
## 10248 1992 74 9 positive
## 10249 1992 74 10 ,
## 10250 1992 74 11 and
## 10251 1992 74 12 I
## 10252 1992 74 13 expect
## 10253 1992 74 14 our
## 10254 1992 74 15 talks
## 10255 1992 74 16 at
## 10256 1992 74 17 Camp_David
## 10257 1992 74 18 to
## 10258 1992 74 19 be
## 10259 1992 74 20 fruitful
## 10260 1992 74 21 .
## 10261 1992 75 1 \n\n
## 10262 1992 75 2 I
## 10263 1992 75 3 want
## 10264 1992 75 4 you
## 10265 1992 75 5 to
## 10266 1992 75 6 know
## 10267 1992 75 7 that
## 10268 1992 75 8 for
## 10269 1992 75 9 half_a_century
## 10270 1992 75 10 ,
## 10271 1992 75 11 American_Presidents
## 10272 1992 75 12 have
## 10273 1992 75 13 longed
## 10274 1992 75 14 to
## 10275 1992 75 15 make
## 10276 1992 75 16 such
## 10277 1992 75 17 decisions
## 10278 1992 75 18 and
## 10279 1992 75 19 say
## 10280 1992 75 20 such
## 10281 1992 75 21 words
## 10282 1992 75 22 .
## 10283 1992 76 1 But
## 10284 1992 76 2 even
## 10285 1992 76 3 in
## 10286 1992 76 4 the
## 10287 1992 76 5 midst
## 10288 1992 76 6 of
## 10289 1992 76 7 celebration
## 10290 1992 76 8 ,
## 10291 1992 76 9 we
## 10292 1992 76 10 must
## 10293 1992 76 11 keep
## 10294 1992 76 12 caution
## 10295 1992 76 13 as
## 10296 1992 76 14 a
## 10297 1992 76 15 friend
## 10298 1992 76 16 .
## 10299 1992 77 1 For
## 10300 1992 77 2 the
## 10301 1992 77 3 world
## 10302 1992 77 4 is
## 10303 1992 77 5 still
## 10304 1992 77 6 a
## 10305 1992 77 7 dangerous
## 10306 1992 77 8 place
## 10307 1992 77 9 .
## 10308 1992 78 1 Only
## 10309 1992 78 2 the
## 10310 1992 78 3 dead
## 10311 1992 78 4 have
## 10312 1992 78 5 seen
## 10313 1992 78 6 the
## 10314 1992 78 7 end
## 10315 1992 78 8 of
## 10316 1992 78 9 conflict
## 10317 1992 78 10 .
## 10318 1992 79 1 And
## 10319 1992 79 2 though
## 10320 1992 79 3 yesterday
## 10321 1992 79 4 's
## 10322 1992 79 5 challenges
## 10323 1992 79 6 are
## 10324 1992 79 7 behind
## 10325 1992 79 8 us
## 10326 1992 79 9 ,
## 10327 1992 79 10 tomorrow
## 10328 1992 79 11 's
## 10329 1992 79 12 are
## 10330 1992 79 13 being
## 10331 1992 79 14 born
## 10332 1992 79 15 .
## 10333 1992 80 1 \n\n
## 10334 1992 80 2 The
## 10335 1992 80 3 Secretary
## 10336 1992 80 4 of
## 10337 1992 80 5 Defense
## 10338 1992 80 6 recommended
## 10339 1992 80 7 these
## 10340 1992 80 8 cuts
## 10341 1992 80 9 after
## 10342 1992 80 10 consultation
## 10343 1992 80 11 with
## 10344 1992 80 12 the_Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff
## 10345 1992 80 13 .
## 10346 1992 81 1 And
## 10347 1992 81 2 I
## 10348 1992 81 3 make
## 10349 1992 81 4 them
## 10350 1992 81 5 with
## 10351 1992 81 6 confidence
## 10352 1992 81 7 .
## 10353 1992 82 1 But
## 10354 1992 82 2 do
## 10355 1992 82 3 not
## 10356 1992 82 4 misunderstand
## 10357 1992 82 5 me
## 10358 1992 82 6 .
## 10359 1992 83 1 The
## 10360 1992 83 2 reductions
## 10361 1992 83 3 I
## 10362 1992 83 4 have
## 10363 1992 83 5 approved
## 10364 1992 83 6 will
## 10365 1992 83 7 save
## 10366 1992 83 8 us
## 10367 1992 83 9 an_additional_$_50_billion
## 10368 1992 83 10 over
## 10369 1992 83 11 the_next_5_years
## 10370 1992 83 12 .
## 10371 1992 84 1 By
## 10372 1992 84 2 1997
## 10373 1992 84 3 ,
## 10374 1992 84 4 we
## 10375 1992 84 5 will
## 10376 1992 84 6 have
## 10377 1992 84 7 cut
## 10378 1992 84 8 defense
## 10379 1992 84 9 by
## 10380 1992 84 10 30_percent
## 10381 1992 84 11 since
## 10382 1992 84 12 I
## 10383 1992 84 13 took
## 10384 1992 84 14 office
## 10385 1992 84 15 .
## 10386 1992 85 1 These
## 10387 1992 85 2 cuts
## 10388 1992 85 3 are
## 10389 1992 85 4 deep
## 10390 1992 85 5 ,
## 10391 1992 85 6 and
## 10392 1992 85 7 you
## 10393 1992 85 8 must
## 10394 1992 85 9 know
## 10395 1992 85 10 my
## 10396 1992 85 11 resolve
## 10397 1992 85 12 :
## 10398 1992 85 13 This
## 10399 1992 85 14 deep
## 10400 1992 85 15 ,
## 10401 1992 85 16 and
## 10402 1992 85 17 no
## 10403 1992 85 18 deeper
## 10404 1992 85 19 .
## 10405 1992 86 1 To
## 10406 1992 86 2 do
## 10407 1992 86 3 less
## 10408 1992 86 4 would
## 10409 1992 86 5 be
## 10410 1992 86 6 insensible
## 10411 1992 86 7 to
## 10412 1992 86 8 progress
## 10413 1992 86 9 ,
## 10414 1992 86 10 but
## 10415 1992 86 11 to
## 10416 1992 86 12 do
## 10417 1992 86 13 more
## 10418 1992 86 14 would
## 10419 1992 86 15 be
## 10420 1992 86 16 ignorant
## 10421 1992 86 17 of
## 10422 1992 86 18 history
## 10423 1992 86 19 .
## 10424 1992 87 1 We
## 10425 1992 87 2 must
## 10426 1992 87 3 not
## 10427 1992 87 4 go
## 10428 1992 87 5 back
## 10429 1992 87 6 to
## 10430 1992 87 7 the
## 10431 1992 87 8 days
## 10432 1992 87 9 of
## 10433 1992 87 10 "
## 10434 1992 87 11 the
## 10435 1992 87 12 hollow
## 10436 1992 87 13 army
## 10437 1992 87 14 .
## 10438 1992 87 15 "
## 10439 1992 88 1 We
## 10440 1992 88 2 can
## 10441 1992 88 3 not
## 10442 1992 88 4 repeat
## 10443 1992 88 5 the
## 10444 1992 88 6 mistakes
## 10445 1992 88 7 made
## 10446 1992 88 8 twice
## 10447 1992 88 9 in
## 10448 1992 88 10 this_century
## 10449 1992 88 11 when
## 10450 1992 88 12 armistice
## 10451 1992 88 13 was
## 10452 1992 88 14 followed
## 10453 1992 88 15 by
## 10454 1992 88 16 recklessness
## 10455 1992 88 17 and
## 10456 1992 88 18 defense
## 10457 1992 88 19 was
## 10458 1992 88 20 purged
## 10459 1992 88 21 as
## 10460 1992 88 22 if
## 10461 1992 88 23 the
## 10462 1992 88 24 world
## 10463 1992 88 25 were
## 10464 1992 88 26 permanently
## 10465 1992 88 27 safe
## 10466 1992 88 28 .
## 10467 1992 89 1 \n\n
## 10468 1992 89 2 I
## 10469 1992 89 3 remind
## 10470 1992 89 4 you
## 10471 1992 89 5 this_evening
## 10472 1992 89 6 that
## 10473 1992 89 7 I
## 10474 1992 89 8 have
## 10475 1992 89 9 asked
## 10476 1992 89 10 for
## 10477 1992 89 11 your
## 10478 1992 89 12 support
## 10479 1992 89 13 in
## 10480 1992 89 14 funding
## 10481 1992 89 15 a
## 10482 1992 89 16 program
## 10483 1992 89 17 to
## 10484 1992 89 18 protect
## 10485 1992 89 19 our
## 10486 1992 89 20 country
## 10487 1992 89 21 from
## 10488 1992 89 22 limited
## 10489 1992 89 23 nuclear
## 10490 1992 89 24 missile
## 10491 1992 89 25 attack
## 10492 1992 89 26 .
## 10493 1992 90 1 We
## 10494 1992 90 2 must
## 10495 1992 90 3 have
## 10496 1992 90 4 this
## 10497 1992 90 5 protection
## 10498 1992 90 6 because
## 10499 1992 90 7 too
## 10500 1992 90 8 many
## 10501 1992 90 9 people
## 10502 1992 90 10 in
## 10503 1992 90 11 too
## 10504 1992 90 12 many
## 10505 1992 90 13 countries
## 10506 1992 90 14 have
## 10507 1992 90 15 access
## 10508 1992 90 16 to
## 10509 1992 90 17 nuclear
## 10510 1992 90 18 arms
## 10511 1992 90 19 .
## 10512 1992 91 1 And
## 10513 1992 91 2 I
## 10514 1992 91 3 urge
## 10515 1992 91 4 you
## 10516 1992 91 5 again
## 10517 1992 91 6 to
## 10518 1992 91 7 pass
## 10519 1992 91 8 the
## 10520 1992 91 9 Strategic
## 10521 1992 91 10 Defense
## 10522 1992 91 11 Initiative
## 10523 1992 91 12 ,
## 10524 1992 91 13 SDI
## 10525 1992 91 14 .
## 10526 1992 92 1 \n\n
## 10527 1992 92 2 There
## 10528 1992 92 3 are
## 10529 1992 92 4 those
## 10530 1992 92 5 who
## 10531 1992 92 6 say
## 10532 1992 92 7 that
## 10533 1992 92 8 now
## 10534 1992 92 9 we
## 10535 1992 92 10 can
## 10536 1992 92 11 turn
## 10537 1992 92 12 away
## 10538 1992 92 13 from
## 10539 1992 92 14 the
## 10540 1992 92 15 world
## 10541 1992 92 16 ,
## 10542 1992 92 17 that
## 10543 1992 92 18 we
## 10544 1992 92 19 have
## 10545 1992 92 20 no
## 10546 1992 92 21 special
## 10547 1992 92 22 role
## 10548 1992 92 23 ,
## 10549 1992 92 24 no
## 10550 1992 92 25 special
## 10551 1992 92 26 place
## 10552 1992 92 27 .
## 10553 1992 93 1 But
## 10554 1992 93 2 we
## 10555 1992 93 3 are
## 10556 1992 93 4 the_United_States_of_America
## 10557 1992 93 5 ,
## 10558 1992 93 6 the
## 10559 1992 93 7 leader
## 10560 1992 93 8 of
## 10561 1992 93 9 the
## 10562 1992 93 10 West
## 10563 1992 93 11 that
## 10564 1992 93 12 has
## 10565 1992 93 13 become
## 10566 1992 93 14 the
## 10567 1992 93 15 leader
## 10568 1992 93 16 of
## 10569 1992 93 17 the
## 10570 1992 93 18 world
## 10571 1992 93 19 .
## 10572 1992 94 1 And
## 10573 1992 94 2 as
## 10574 1992 94 3 long
## 10575 1992 94 4 as
## 10576 1992 94 5 I
## 10577 1992 94 6 am
## 10578 1992 94 7 President
## 10579 1992 94 8 ,
## 10580 1992 94 9 I
## 10581 1992 94 10 will
## 10582 1992 94 11 continue
## 10583 1992 94 12 to
## 10584 1992 94 13 lead
## 10585 1992 94 14 in
## 10586 1992 94 15 support
## 10587 1992 94 16 of
## 10588 1992 94 17 freedom
## 10589 1992 94 18 everywhere
## 10590 1992 94 19 ,
## 10591 1992 94 20 not
## 10592 1992 94 21 out
## 10593 1992 94 22 of
## 10594 1992 94 23 arrogance
## 10595 1992 94 24 ,
## 10596 1992 94 25 not
## 10597 1992 94 26 out
## 10598 1992 94 27 of
## 10599 1992 94 28 altruism
## 10600 1992 94 29 ,
## 10601 1992 94 30 but
## 10602 1992 94 31 for
## 10603 1992 94 32 the
## 10604 1992 94 33 safety
## 10605 1992 94 34 and
## 10606 1992 94 35 security
## 10607 1992 94 36 of
## 10608 1992 94 37 our
## 10609 1992 94 38 children
## 10610 1992 94 39 .
## 10611 1992 95 1 This
## 10612 1992 95 2 is
## 10613 1992 95 3 a
## 10614 1992 95 4 fact
## 10615 1992 95 5 :
## 10616 1992 95 6 Strength
## 10617 1992 95 7 in
## 10618 1992 95 8 the
## 10619 1992 95 9 pursuit
## 10620 1992 95 10 of
## 10621 1992 95 11 peace
## 10622 1992 95 12 is
## 10623 1992 95 13 no
## 10624 1992 95 14 vice
## 10625 1992 95 15 ;
## 10626 1992 95 16 isolationism
## 10627 1992 95 17 in
## 10628 1992 95 18 the
## 10629 1992 95 19 pursuit
## 10630 1992 95 20 of
## 10631 1992 95 21 security
## 10632 1992 95 22 is
## 10633 1992 95 23 no
## 10634 1992 95 24 virtue
## 10635 1992 95 25 .
## 10636 1992 96 1 \n\n
## 10637 1992 96 2 And
## 10638 1992 96 3 now
## 10639 1992 96 4 to
## 10640 1992 96 5 our
## 10641 1992 96 6 troubles
## 10642 1992 96 7 at
## 10643 1992 96 8 home
## 10644 1992 96 9 .
## 10645 1992 97 1 They
## 10646 1992 97 2 're
## 10647 1992 97 3 not
## 10648 1992 97 4 all
## 10649 1992 97 5 economic
## 10650 1992 97 6 ;
## 10651 1992 97 7 the
## 10652 1992 97 8 primary
## 10653 1992 97 9 problem
## 10654 1992 97 10 is
## 10655 1992 97 11 our
## 10656 1992 97 12 economy
## 10657 1992 97 13 .
## 10658 1992 98 1 There
## 10659 1992 98 2 are
## 10660 1992 98 3 some
## 10661 1992 98 4 good
## 10662 1992 98 5 signs
## 10663 1992 98 6 .
## 10664 1992 99 1 Inflation
## 10665 1992 99 2 ,
## 10666 1992 99 3 that
## 10667 1992 99 4 thief
## 10668 1992 99 5 ,
## 10669 1992 99 6 is
## 10670 1992 99 7 down
## 10671 1992 99 8 .
## 10672 1992 100 1 And
## 10673 1992 100 2 interest
## 10674 1992 100 3 rates
## 10675 1992 100 4 are
## 10676 1992 100 5 down
## 10677 1992 100 6 .
## 10678 1992 101 1 But
## 10679 1992 101 2 unemployment
## 10680 1992 101 3 is
## 10681 1992 101 4 too
## 10682 1992 101 5 high
## 10683 1992 101 6 ,
## 10684 1992 101 7 some
## 10685 1992 101 8 industries
## 10686 1992 101 9 are
## 10687 1992 101 10 in
## 10688 1992 101 11 trouble
## 10689 1992 101 12 ,
## 10690 1992 101 13 and
## 10691 1992 101 14 growth
## 10692 1992 101 15 is
## 10693 1992 101 16 not
## 10694 1992 101 17 what
## 10695 1992 101 18 it
## 10696 1992 101 19 should
## 10697 1992 101 20 be
## 10698 1992 101 21 .
## 10699 1992 102 1 Let
## 10700 1992 102 2 me
## 10701 1992 102 3 tell
## 10702 1992 102 4 you
## 10703 1992 102 5 right
## 10704 1992 102 6 from
## 10705 1992 102 7 the
## 10706 1992 102 8 start
## 10707 1992 102 9 and
## 10708 1992 102 10 right
## 10709 1992 102 11 from
## 10710 1992 102 12 the
## 10711 1992 102 13 heart
## 10712 1992 102 14 ,
## 10713 1992 102 15 I
## 10714 1992 102 16 know
## 10715 1992 102 17 we
## 10716 1992 102 18 're
## 10717 1992 102 19 in
## 10718 1992 102 20 hard
## 10719 1992 102 21 times
## 10720 1992 102 22 .
## 10721 1992 103 1 But
## 10722 1992 103 2 I
## 10723 1992 103 3 know
## 10724 1992 103 4 something
## 10725 1992 103 5 else
## 10726 1992 103 6 :
## 10727 1992 103 7 This
## 10728 1992 103 8 will
## 10729 1992 103 9 not
## 10730 1992 103 10 stand
## 10731 1992 103 11 .
## 10732 1992 104 1 \n\n
## 10733 1992 104 2 In
## 10734 1992 104 3 this
## 10735 1992 104 4 Chamber
## 10736 1992 104 5 ,
## 10737 1992 104 6 in
## 10738 1992 104 7 this
## 10739 1992 104 8 Chamber
## 10740 1992 104 9 we
## 10741 1992 104 10 can
## 10742 1992 104 11 bring
## 10743 1992 104 12 the
## 10744 1992 104 13 same
## 10745 1992 104 14 courage
## 10746 1992 104 15 and
## 10747 1992 104 16 sense
## 10748 1992 104 17 of
## 10749 1992 104 18 common
## 10750 1992 104 19 purpose
## 10751 1992 104 20 to
## 10752 1992 104 21 the
## 10753 1992 104 22 economy
## 10754 1992 104 23 that
## 10755 1992 104 24 we
## 10756 1992 104 25 brought
## 10757 1992 104 26 to
## 10758 1992 104 27 Desert_Storm
## 10759 1992 104 28 .
## 10760 1992 105 1 And
## 10761 1992 105 2 we
## 10762 1992 105 3 can
## 10763 1992 105 4 defeat
## 10764 1992 105 5 hard
## 10765 1992 105 6 times
## 10766 1992 105 7 together
## 10767 1992 105 8 .
## 10768 1992 106 1 I
## 10769 1992 106 2 believe
## 10770 1992 106 3 you
## 10771 1992 106 4 'll
## 10772 1992 106 5 help
## 10773 1992 106 6 .
## 10774 1992 107 1 One
## 10775 1992 107 2 reason
## 10776 1992 107 3 is
## 10777 1992 107 4 that
## 10778 1992 107 5 you
## 10779 1992 107 6 're
## 10780 1992 107 7 patriots
## 10781 1992 107 8 ,
## 10782 1992 107 9 and
## 10783 1992 107 10 you
## 10784 1992 107 11 want
## 10785 1992 107 12 the
## 10786 1992 107 13 best
## 10787 1992 107 14 for
## 10788 1992 107 15 your
## 10789 1992 107 16 country
## 10790 1992 107 17 .
## 10791 1992 108 1 And
## 10792 1992 108 2 I
## 10793 1992 108 3 believe
## 10794 1992 108 4 that
## 10795 1992 108 5 in
## 10796 1992 108 6 your
## 10797 1992 108 7 hearts
## 10798 1992 108 8 you
## 10799 1992 108 9 want
## 10800 1992 108 10 to
## 10801 1992 108 11 put
## 10802 1992 108 12 partisanship
## 10803 1992 108 13 aside
## 10804 1992 108 14 and
## 10805 1992 108 15 get
## 10806 1992 108 16 the
## 10807 1992 108 17 job
## 10808 1992 108 18 done
## 10809 1992 108 19 because
## 10810 1992 108 20 it
## 10811 1992 108 21 's
## 10812 1992 108 22 the
## 10813 1992 108 23 right
## 10814 1992 108 24 thing
## 10815 1992 108 25 to
## 10816 1992 108 26 do
## 10817 1992 108 27 .
## 10818 1992 109 1 \n\n
## 10819 1992 109 2 The
## 10820 1992 109 3 power
## 10821 1992 109 4 of
## 10822 1992 109 5 America
## 10823 1992 109 6 rests
## 10824 1992 109 7 in
## 10825 1992 109 8 a
## 10826 1992 109 9 stirring
## 10827 1992 109 10 but
## 10828 1992 109 11 simple
## 10829 1992 109 12 idea
## 10830 1992 109 13 ,
## 10831 1992 109 14 that
## 10832 1992 109 15 people
## 10833 1992 109 16 will
## 10834 1992 109 17 do
## 10835 1992 109 18 great
## 10836 1992 109 19 things
## 10837 1992 109 20 if
## 10838 1992 109 21 only
## 10839 1992 109 22 you
## 10840 1992 109 23 set
## 10841 1992 109 24 them
## 10842 1992 109 25 free
## 10843 1992 109 26 .
## 10844 1992 110 1 Well
## 10845 1992 110 2 ,
## 10846 1992 110 3 we
## 10847 1992 110 4 're
## 10848 1992 110 5 going
## 10849 1992 110 6 to
## 10850 1992 110 7 set
## 10851 1992 110 8 the
## 10852 1992 110 9 economy
## 10853 1992 110 10 free
## 10854 1992 110 11 .
## 10855 1992 111 1 For
## 10856 1992 111 2 if
## 10857 1992 111 3 this
## 10858 1992 111 4 age
## 10859 1992 111 5 of
## 10860 1992 111 6 miracles
## 10861 1992 111 7 and
## 10862 1992 111 8 wonders
## 10863 1992 111 9 has
## 10864 1992 111 10 taught
## 10865 1992 111 11 us
## 10866 1992 111 12 anything
## 10867 1992 111 13 ,
## 10868 1992 111 14 it
## 10869 1992 111 15 's
## 10870 1992 111 16 that
## 10871 1992 111 17 if
## 10872 1992 111 18 we
## 10873 1992 111 19 can
## 10874 1992 111 20 change
## 10875 1992 111 21 the
## 10876 1992 111 22 world
## 10877 1992 111 23 we
## 10878 1992 111 24 can
## 10879 1992 111 25 change
## 10880 1992 111 26 America
## 10881 1992 111 27 .
## 10882 1992 112 1 We
## 10883 1992 112 2 must
## 10884 1992 112 3 encourage
## 10885 1992 112 4 investment
## 10886 1992 112 5 .
## 10887 1992 113 1 We
## 10888 1992 113 2 must
## 10889 1992 113 3 make
## 10890 1992 113 4 it
## 10891 1992 113 5 easier
## 10892 1992 113 6 for
## 10893 1992 113 7 people
## 10894 1992 113 8 to
## 10895 1992 113 9 invest
## 10896 1992 113 10 money
## 10897 1992 113 11 and
## 10898 1992 113 12 create
## 10899 1992 113 13 new
## 10900 1992 113 14 products
## 10901 1992 113 15 ,
## 10902 1992 113 16 new
## 10903 1992 113 17 industries
## 10904 1992 113 18 ,
## 10905 1992 113 19 and
## 10906 1992 113 20 new
## 10907 1992 113 21 jobs
## 10908 1992 113 22 .
## 10909 1992 114 1 We
## 10910 1992 114 2 must
## 10911 1992 114 3 clear
## 10912 1992 114 4 away
## 10913 1992 114 5 the
## 10914 1992 114 6 obstacles
## 10915 1992 114 7 to
## 10916 1992 114 8 growth
## 10917 1992 114 9 :
## 10918 1992 114 10 high
## 10919 1992 114 11 taxes
## 10920 1992 114 12 ,
## 10921 1992 114 13 high
## 10922 1992 114 14 regulation
## 10923 1992 114 15 ,
## 10924 1992 114 16 redtape
## 10925 1992 114 17 ,
## 10926 1992 114 18 and
## 10927 1992 114 19 yes
## 10928 1992 114 20 ,
## 10929 1992 114 21 wasteful
## 10930 1992 114 22 Government
## 10931 1992 114 23 spending
## 10932 1992 114 24 .
## 10933 1992 115 1 \n\n
## 10934 1992 115 2 None
## 10935 1992 115 3 of
## 10936 1992 115 4 this
## 10937 1992 115 5 will
## 10938 1992 115 6 happen
## 10939 1992 115 7 with
## 10940 1992 115 8 a
## 10941 1992 115 9 snap
## 10942 1992 115 10 of
## 10943 1992 115 11 the
## 10944 1992 115 12 fingers
## 10945 1992 115 13 ,
## 10946 1992 115 14 but
## 10947 1992 115 15 it
## 10948 1992 115 16 will
## 10949 1992 115 17 happen
## 10950 1992 115 18 .
## 10951 1992 116 1 And
## 10952 1992 116 2 the
## 10953 1992 116 3 test
## 10954 1992 116 4 of
## 10955 1992 116 5 a
## 10956 1992 116 6 plan
## 10957 1992 116 7 is
## 10958 1992 116 8 n't
## 10959 1992 116 9 whether
## 10960 1992 116 10 it
## 10961 1992 116 11 's
## 10962 1992 116 12 called
## 10963 1992 116 13 new
## 10964 1992 116 14 or
## 10965 1992 116 15 dazzling
## 10966 1992 116 16 .
## 10967 1992 117 1 The
## 10968 1992 117 2 American
## 10969 1992 117 3 people
## 10970 1992 117 4 are
## 10971 1992 117 5 n't
## 10972 1992 117 6 impressed
## 10973 1992 117 7 by
## 10974 1992 117 8 gimmicks
## 10975 1992 117 9 ;
## 10976 1992 117 10 they
## 10977 1992 117 11 're
## 10978 1992 117 12 smarter
## 10979 1992 117 13 on
## 10980 1992 117 14 this
## 10981 1992 117 15 score
## 10982 1992 117 16 than
## 10983 1992 117 17 all
## 10984 1992 117 18 of
## 10985 1992 117 19 us
## 10986 1992 117 20 in
## 10987 1992 117 21 this
## 10988 1992 117 22 room
## 10989 1992 117 23 .
## 10990 1992 118 1 The
## 10991 1992 118 2 only
## 10992 1992 118 3 test
## 10993 1992 118 4 of
## 10994 1992 118 5 a
## 10995 1992 118 6 plan
## 10996 1992 118 7 is
## 10997 1992 118 8 :
## 10998 1992 118 9 Is
## 10999 1992 118 10 it
## 11000 1992 118 11 sound
## 11001 1992 118 12 ,
## 11002 1992 118 13 and
## 11003 1992 118 14 will
## 11004 1992 118 15 it
## 11005 1992 118 16 work
## 11006 1992 118 17 ?
## 11007 1992 119 1 \n\n
## 11008 1992 119 2 We
## 11009 1992 119 3 must
## 11010 1992 119 4 have
## 11011 1992 119 5 a
## 11012 1992 119 6 short
## 11013 1992 119 7 -
## 11014 1992 119 8 term
## 11015 1992 119 9 plan
## 11016 1992 119 10 to
## 11017 1992 119 11 address
## 11018 1992 119 12 our
## 11019 1992 119 13 immediate
## 11020 1992 119 14 needs
## 11021 1992 119 15 and
## 11022 1992 119 16 heat
## 11023 1992 119 17 up
## 11024 1992 119 18 the
## 11025 1992 119 19 economy
## 11026 1992 119 20 .
## 11027 1992 120 1 And
## 11028 1992 120 2 then
## 11029 1992 120 3 we
## 11030 1992 120 4 need
## 11031 1992 120 5 a
## 11032 1992 120 6 longer
## 11033 1992 120 7 term
## 11034 1992 120 8 plan
## 11035 1992 120 9 to
## 11036 1992 120 10 keep
## 11037 1992 120 11 combustion
## 11038 1992 120 12 going
## 11039 1992 120 13 and
## 11040 1992 120 14 to
## 11041 1992 120 15 guarantee
## 11042 1992 120 16 our
## 11043 1992 120 17 place
## 11044 1992 120 18 in
## 11045 1992 120 19 the
## 11046 1992 120 20 world
## 11047 1992 120 21 economy
## 11048 1992 120 22 .
## 11049 1992 121 1 There
## 11050 1992 121 2 are
## 11051 1992 121 3 certain
## 11052 1992 121 4 things
## 11053 1992 121 5 that
## 11054 1992 121 6 a
## 11055 1992 121 7 President
## 11056 1992 121 8 can
## 11057 1992 121 9 do
## 11058 1992 121 10 without
## 11059 1992 121 11 Congress
## 11060 1992 121 12 ,
## 11061 1992 121 13 and
## 11062 1992 121 14 I
## 11063 1992 121 15 'm
## 11064 1992 121 16 going
## 11065 1992 121 17 to
## 11066 1992 121 18 do
## 11067 1992 121 19 them
## 11068 1992 121 20 .
## 11069 1992 122 1 \n\n
## 11070 1992 122 2 I
## 11071 1992 122 3 have
## 11072 1992 122 4 ,
## 11073 1992 122 5 this_evening
## 11074 1992 122 6 ,
## 11075 1992 122 7 asked
## 11076 1992 122 8 major
## 11077 1992 122 9 Cabinet
## 11078 1992 122 10 departments
## 11079 1992 122 11 and
## 11080 1992 122 12 Federal
## 11081 1992 122 13 agencies
## 11082 1992 122 14 to
## 11083 1992 122 15 institute
## 11084 1992 122 16 a
## 11085 1992 122 17 90_-_day
## 11086 1992 122 18 moratorium
## 11087 1992 122 19 on
## 11088 1992 122 20 any
## 11089 1992 122 21 new
## 11090 1992 122 22 Federal
## 11091 1992 122 23 regulations
## 11092 1992 122 24 that
## 11093 1992 122 25 could
## 11094 1992 122 26 hinder
## 11095 1992 122 27 growth
## 11096 1992 122 28 .
## 11097 1992 123 1 In
## 11098 1992 123 2 those_90_days
## 11099 1992 123 3 ,
## 11100 1992 123 4 major
## 11101 1992 123 5 departments
## 11102 1992 123 6 and
## 11103 1992 123 7 agencies
## 11104 1992 123 8 will
## 11105 1992 123 9 carry
## 11106 1992 123 10 out
## 11107 1992 123 11 a
## 11108 1992 123 12 top
## 11109 1992 123 13 -
## 11110 1992 123 14 to
## 11111 1992 123 15 -
## 11112 1992 123 16 bottom
## 11113 1992 123 17 review
## 11114 1992 123 18 of
## 11115 1992 123 19 all
## 11116 1992 123 20 regulations
## 11117 1992 123 21 ,
## 11118 1992 123 22 old
## 11119 1992 123 23 and
## 11120 1992 123 24 new
## 11121 1992 123 25 ,
## 11122 1992 123 26 to
## 11123 1992 123 27 stop
## 11124 1992 123 28 the
## 11125 1992 123 29 ones
## 11126 1992 123 30 that
## 11127 1992 123 31 will
## 11128 1992 123 32 hurt
## 11129 1992 123 33 growth
## 11130 1992 123 34 and
## 11131 1992 123 35 speed
## 11132 1992 123 36 up
## 11133 1992 123 37 those
## 11134 1992 123 38 that
## 11135 1992 123 39 will
## 11136 1992 123 40 help
## 11137 1992 123 41 growth
## 11138 1992 123 42 .
## 11139 1992 124 1 \n\n
## 11140 1992 124 2 Further
## 11141 1992 124 3 ,
## 11142 1992 124 4 for
## 11143 1992 124 5 the
## 11144 1992 124 6 untold
## 11145 1992 124 7 number
## 11146 1992 124 8 of
## 11147 1992 124 9 hard
## 11148 1992 124 10 -
## 11149 1992 124 11 working
## 11150 1992 124 12 ,
## 11151 1992 124 13 responsible
## 11152 1992 124 14 American
## 11153 1992 124 15 workers
## 11154 1992 124 16 and
## 11155 1992 124 17 business
## 11156 1992 124 18 men
## 11157 1992 124 19 and
## 11158 1992 124 20 women
## 11159 1992 124 21 who
## 11160 1992 124 22 've
## 11161 1992 124 23 been
## 11162 1992 124 24 forced
## 11163 1992 124 25 to
## 11164 1992 124 26 go
## 11165 1992 124 27 without
## 11166 1992 124 28 needed
## 11167 1992 124 29 bank
## 11168 1992 124 30 loans
## 11169 1992 124 31 ,
## 11170 1992 124 32 the
## 11171 1992 124 33 banking
## 11172 1992 124 34 credit
## 11173 1992 124 35 crunch
## 11174 1992 124 36 must
## 11175 1992 124 37 end
## 11176 1992 124 38 .
## 11177 1992 125 1 I
## 11178 1992 125 2 wo
## 11179 1992 125 3 n't
## 11180 1992 125 4 neglect
## 11181 1992 125 5 my
## 11182 1992 125 6 responsibility
## 11183 1992 125 7 for
## 11184 1992 125 8 sound
## 11185 1992 125 9 regulations
## 11186 1992 125 10 that
## 11187 1992 125 11 serve
## 11188 1992 125 12 the
## 11189 1992 125 13 public
## 11190 1992 125 14 good
## 11191 1992 125 15 ,
## 11192 1992 125 16 but
## 11193 1992 125 17 regulatory
## 11194 1992 125 18 overkill
## 11195 1992 125 19 must
## 11196 1992 125 20 be
## 11197 1992 125 21 stopped
## 11198 1992 125 22 .
## 11199 1992 126 1 And
## 11200 1992 126 2 I
## 11201 1992 126 3 've
## 11202 1992 126 4 instructed
## 11203 1992 126 5 our
## 11204 1992 126 6 Government
## 11205 1992 126 7 regulators
## 11206 1992 126 8 to
## 11207 1992 126 9 stop
## 11208 1992 126 10 it
## 11209 1992 126 11 .
## 11210 1992 127 1 \n\n
## 11211 1992 127 2 I
## 11212 1992 127 3 have
## 11213 1992 127 4 directed
## 11214 1992 127 5 Cabinet
## 11215 1992 127 6 departments
## 11216 1992 127 7 and
## 11217 1992 127 8 Federal
## 11218 1992 127 9 agencies
## 11219 1992 127 10 to
## 11220 1992 127 11 speed
## 11221 1992 127 12 up
## 11222 1992 127 13 progrowth
## 11223 1992 127 14 expenditures
## 11224 1992 127 15 as
## 11225 1992 127 16 quickly
## 11226 1992 127 17 as
## 11227 1992 127 18 possible
## 11228 1992 127 19 .
## 11229 1992 128 1 This
## 11230 1992 128 2 should
## 11231 1992 128 3 put
## 11232 1992 128 4 an_extra_$_10_billion
## 11233 1992 128 5 into
## 11234 1992 128 6 the
## 11235 1992 128 7 economy
## 11236 1992 128 8 in
## 11237 1992 128 9 the_next_6_months
## 11238 1992 128 10 .
## 11239 1992 129 1 And
## 11240 1992 129 2 our
## 11241 1992 129 3 new
## 11242 1992 129 4 transportation
## 11243 1992 129 5 bill
## 11244 1992 129 6 provides
## 11245 1992 129 7 more_than_$_150_billion
## 11246 1992 129 8 for
## 11247 1992 129 9 construction
## 11248 1992 129 10 and
## 11249 1992 129 11 maintenance
## 11250 1992 129 12 projects
## 11251 1992 129 13 that
## 11252 1992 129 14 are
## 11253 1992 129 15 vital
## 11254 1992 129 16 to
## 11255 1992 129 17 our
## 11256 1992 129 18 growth
## 11257 1992 129 19 and
## 11258 1992 129 20 well
## 11259 1992 129 21 -
## 11260 1992 129 22 being
## 11261 1992 129 23 .
## 11262 1992 130 1 And
## 11263 1992 130 2 that
## 11264 1992 130 3 means
## 11265 1992 130 4 jobs
## 11266 1992 130 5 building
## 11267 1992 130 6 roads
## 11268 1992 130 7 ,
## 11269 1992 130 8 jobs
## 11270 1992 130 9 building
## 11271 1992 130 10 bridges
## 11272 1992 130 11 ,
## 11273 1992 130 12 and
## 11274 1992 130 13 jobs
## 11275 1992 130 14 building
## 11276 1992 130 15 railways
## 11277 1992 130 16 .
## 11278 1992 131 1 \n\n
## 11279 1992 131 2 And
## 11280 1992 131 3 I
## 11281 1992 131 4 have
## 11282 1992 131 5 ,
## 11283 1992 131 6 this_evening
## 11284 1992 131 7 ,
## 11285 1992 131 8 directed
## 11286 1992 131 9 the
## 11287 1992 131 10 Secretary
## 11288 1992 131 11 of
## 11289 1992 131 12 the
## 11290 1992 131 13 Treasury
## 11291 1992 131 14 to
## 11292 1992 131 15 change
## 11293 1992 131 16 the
## 11294 1992 131 17 Federal
## 11295 1992 131 18 tax
## 11296 1992 131 19 withholding
## 11297 1992 131 20 tables
## 11298 1992 131 21 .
## 11299 1992 132 1 With
## 11300 1992 132 2 this
## 11301 1992 132 3 change
## 11302 1992 132 4 ,
## 11303 1992 132 5 millions
## 11304 1992 132 6 of
## 11305 1992 132 7 Americans
## 11306 1992 132 8 from
## 11307 1992 132 9 whom
## 11308 1992 132 10 the
## 11309 1992 132 11 Government
## 11310 1992 132 12 withholds
## 11311 1992 132 13 more
## 11312 1992 132 14 than
## 11313 1992 132 15 necessary
## 11314 1992 132 16 can
## 11315 1992 132 17 now
## 11316 1992 132 18 choose
## 11317 1992 132 19 to
## 11318 1992 132 20 have
## 11319 1992 132 21 the
## 11320 1992 132 22 Government
## 11321 1992 132 23 withhold
## 11322 1992 132 24 less
## 11323 1992 132 25 from
## 11324 1992 132 26 their
## 11325 1992 132 27 paychecks
## 11326 1992 132 28 .
## 11327 1992 133 1 Something
## 11328 1992 133 2 tells
## 11329 1992 133 3 me
## 11330 1992 133 4 a
## 11331 1992 133 5 number
## 11332 1992 133 6 of
## 11333 1992 133 7 taxpayers
## 11334 1992 133 8 may
## 11335 1992 133 9 take
## 11336 1992 133 10 us
## 11337 1992 133 11 up
## 11338 1992 133 12 on
## 11339 1992 133 13 this
## 11340 1992 133 14 one
## 11341 1992 133 15 .
## 11342 1992 134 1 This
## 11343 1992 134 2 initiative
## 11344 1992 134 3 could
## 11345 1992 134 4 return
## 11346 1992 134 5 about_$_25_billion
## 11347 1992 134 6 back
## 11348 1992 134 7 into
## 11349 1992 134 8 our
## 11350 1992 134 9 economy
## 11351 1992 134 10 over
## 11352 1992 134 11 the_next_12_months
## 11353 1992 134 12 ,
## 11354 1992 134 13 money
## 11355 1992 134 14 people
## 11356 1992 134 15 can
## 11357 1992 134 16 use
## 11358 1992 134 17 to
## 11359 1992 134 18 help
## 11360 1992 134 19 pay
## 11361 1992 134 20 for
## 11362 1992 134 21 clothing
## 11363 1992 134 22 ,
## 11364 1992 134 23 college
## 11365 1992 134 24 ,
## 11366 1992 134 25 or
## 11367 1992 134 26 to
## 11368 1992 134 27 get
## 11369 1992 134 28 a
## 11370 1992 134 29 new
## 11371 1992 134 30 car
## 11372 1992 134 31 .
## 11373 1992 135 1 Finally
## 11374 1992 135 2 ,
## 11375 1992 135 3 working
## 11376 1992 135 4 with
## 11377 1992 135 5 the_Federal_Reserve
## 11378 1992 135 6 ,
## 11379 1992 135 7 we
## 11380 1992 135 8 will
## 11381 1992 135 9 continue
## 11382 1992 135 10 to
## 11383 1992 135 11 support
## 11384 1992 135 12 monetary
## 11385 1992 135 13 policy
## 11386 1992 135 14 that
## 11387 1992 135 15 keeps
## 11388 1992 135 16 both
## 11389 1992 135 17 interest
## 11390 1992 135 18 rates
## 11391 1992 135 19 and
## 11392 1992 135 20 inflation
## 11393 1992 135 21 down
## 11394 1992 135 22 .
## 11395 1992 136 1 \n\n
## 11396 1992 136 2 Now
## 11397 1992 136 3 ,
## 11398 1992 136 4 these
## 11399 1992 136 5 are
## 11400 1992 136 6 the
## 11401 1992 136 7 things
## 11402 1992 136 8 I
## 11403 1992 136 9 can
## 11404 1992 136 10 do
## 11405 1992 136 11 .
## 11406 1992 137 1 And
## 11407 1992 137 2 now
## 11408 1992 137 3 ,
## 11409 1992 137 4 Members
## 11410 1992 137 5 of
## 11411 1992 137 6 Congress
## 11412 1992 137 7 ,
## 11413 1992 137 8 let
## 11414 1992 137 9 me
## 11415 1992 137 10 tell
## 11416 1992 137 11 you
## 11417 1992 137 12 what
## 11418 1992 137 13 you
## 11419 1992 137 14 can
## 11420 1992 137 15 do
## 11421 1992 137 16 for
## 11422 1992 137 17 your
## 11423 1992 137 18 country
## 11424 1992 137 19 .
## 11425 1992 138 1 You
## 11426 1992 138 2 must
## 11427 1992 138 3 pass
## 11428 1992 138 4 the
## 11429 1992 138 5 other
## 11430 1992 138 6 elements
## 11431 1992 138 7 of
## 11432 1992 138 8 my
## 11433 1992 138 9 plan
## 11434 1992 138 10 to
## 11435 1992 138 11 meet
## 11436 1992 138 12 our
## 11437 1992 138 13 economic
## 11438 1992 138 14 needs
## 11439 1992 138 15 .
## 11440 1992 139 1 Everyone
## 11441 1992 139 2 knows
## 11442 1992 139 3 that
## 11443 1992 139 4 investment
## 11444 1992 139 5 spurs
## 11445 1992 139 6 recovery
## 11446 1992 139 7 .
## 11447 1992 140 1 I
## 11448 1992 140 2 am
## 11449 1992 140 3 proposing
## 11450 1992 140 4 this_evening
## 11451 1992 140 5 a
## 11452 1992 140 6 change
## 11453 1992 140 7 in
## 11454 1992 140 8 the
## 11455 1992 140 9 alternative
## 11456 1992 140 10 minimum
## 11457 1992 140 11 tax
## 11458 1992 140 12 and
## 11459 1992 140 13 the
## 11460 1992 140 14 creation
## 11461 1992 140 15 of
## 11462 1992 140 16 a
## 11463 1992 140 17 new
## 11464 1992 140 18 15_-_percent
## 11465 1992 140 19 investment
## 11466 1992 140 20 tax
## 11467 1992 140 21 allowance
## 11468 1992 140 22 .
## 11469 1992 141 1 This
## 11470 1992 141 2 will
## 11471 1992 141 3 encourage
## 11472 1992 141 4 businesses
## 11473 1992 141 5 to
## 11474 1992 141 6 accelerate
## 11475 1992 141 7 investment
## 11476 1992 141 8 and
## 11477 1992 141 9 bring
## 11478 1992 141 10 people
## 11479 1992 141 11 back
## 11480 1992 141 12 to
## 11481 1992 141 13 work
## 11482 1992 141 14 .
## 11483 1992 142 1 \n\n
## 11484 1992 142 2 Real
## 11485 1992 142 3 estate
## 11486 1992 142 4 has
## 11487 1992 142 5 led
## 11488 1992 142 6 our
## 11489 1992 142 7 economy
## 11490 1992 142 8 out
## 11491 1992 142 9 of
## 11492 1992 142 10 almost
## 11493 1992 142 11 all
## 11494 1992 142 12 the
## 11495 1992 142 13 tough
## 11496 1992 142 14 times
## 11497 1992 142 15 we
## 11498 1992 142 16 've
## 11499 1992 142 17 ever
## 11500 1992 142 18 had
## 11501 1992 142 19 .
## 11502 1992 143 1 Once
## 11503 1992 143 2 building
## 11504 1992 143 3 starts
## 11505 1992 143 4 ,
## 11506 1992 143 5 carpenters
## 11507 1992 143 6 and
## 11508 1992 143 7 plumbers
## 11509 1992 143 8 work
## 11510 1992 143 9 ;
## 11511 1992 143 10 people
## 11512 1992 143 11 buy
## 11513 1992 143 12 homes
## 11514 1992 143 13 and
## 11515 1992 143 14 take
## 11516 1992 143 15 out
## 11517 1992 143 16 mortgages
## 11518 1992 143 17 .
## 11519 1992 144 1 My
## 11520 1992 144 2 plan
## 11521 1992 144 3 would
## 11522 1992 144 4 modify
## 11523 1992 144 5 the
## 11524 1992 144 6 passive
## 11525 1992 144 7 loss
## 11526 1992 144 8 rule
## 11527 1992 144 9 for
## 11528 1992 144 10 active
## 11529 1992 144 11 real
## 11530 1992 144 12 estate
## 11531 1992 144 13 developers
## 11532 1992 144 14 .
## 11533 1992 145 1 And
## 11534 1992 145 2 it
## 11535 1992 145 3 would
## 11536 1992 145 4 make
## 11537 1992 145 5 it
## 11538 1992 145 6 easier
## 11539 1992 145 7 for
## 11540 1992 145 8 pension
## 11541 1992 145 9 plans
## 11542 1992 145 10 to
## 11543 1992 145 11 purchase
## 11544 1992 145 12 real
## 11545 1992 145 13 estate
## 11546 1992 145 14 .
## 11547 1992 146 1 For
## 11548 1992 146 2 those
## 11549 1992 146 3 Americans
## 11550 1992 146 4 who
## 11551 1992 146 5 dream
## 11552 1992 146 6 of
## 11553 1992 146 7 buying
## 11554 1992 146 8 a
## 11555 1992 146 9 first
## 11556 1992 146 10 home
## 11557 1992 146 11 but
## 11558 1992 146 12 who
## 11559 1992 146 13 ca
## 11560 1992 146 14 n't
## 11561 1992 146 15 quite
## 11562 1992 146 16 afford
## 11563 1992 146 17 it
## 11564 1992 146 18 ,
## 11565 1992 146 19 my
## 11566 1992 146 20 plan
## 11567 1992 146 21 would
## 11568 1992 146 22 allow
## 11569 1992 146 23 first
## 11570 1992 146 24 -
## 11571 1992 146 25 time
## 11572 1992 146 26 homebuyers
## 11573 1992 146 27 to
## 11574 1992 146 28 withdraw
## 11575 1992 146 29 savings
## 11576 1992 146 30 from
## 11577 1992 146 31 IRA
## 11578 1992 146 32 's
## 11579 1992 146 33 without
## 11580 1992 146 34 penalty
## 11581 1992 146 35 and
## 11582 1992 146 36 provide
## 11583 1992 146 37 a
## 11584 1992 146 38 $
## 11585 1992 146 39 5,000
## 11586 1992 146 40 tax
## 11587 1992 146 41 credit
## 11588 1992 146 42 for
## 11589 1992 146 43 the
## 11590 1992 146 44 first
## 11591 1992 146 45 purchase
## 11592 1992 146 46 of
## 11593 1992 146 47 that
## 11594 1992 146 48 home
## 11595 1992 146 49 .
## 11596 1992 147 1 \n\n
## 11597 1992 147 2 And
## 11598 1992 147 3 finally
## 11599 1992 147 4 ,
## 11600 1992 147 5 my
## 11601 1992 147 6 immediate
## 11602 1992 147 7 plan
## 11603 1992 147 8 calls
## 11604 1992 147 9 on
## 11605 1992 147 10 Congress
## 11606 1992 147 11 to
## 11607 1992 147 12 give
## 11608 1992 147 13 crucial
## 11609 1992 147 14 help
## 11610 1992 147 15 to
## 11611 1992 147 16 people
## 11612 1992 147 17 who
## 11613 1992 147 18 own
## 11614 1992 147 19 a
## 11615 1992 147 20 home
## 11616 1992 147 21 ,
## 11617 1992 147 22 to
## 11618 1992 147 23 everyone
## 11619 1992 147 24 who
## 11620 1992 147 25 has
## 11621 1992 147 26 a
## 11622 1992 147 27 business
## 11623 1992 147 28 or
## 11624 1992 147 29 a
## 11625 1992 147 30 farm
## 11626 1992 147 31 or
## 11627 1992 147 32 a
## 11628 1992 147 33 single
## 11629 1992 147 34 investment
## 11630 1992 147 35 .
## 11631 1992 148 1 This
## 11632 1992 148 2 time
## 11633 1992 148 3 ,
## 11634 1992 148 4 at
## 11635 1992 148 5 this_hour
## 11636 1992 148 6 ,
## 11637 1992 148 7 I
## 11638 1992 148 8 can
## 11639 1992 148 9 not
## 11640 1992 148 10 take
## 11641 1992 148 11 no
## 11642 1992 148 12 for
## 11643 1992 148 13 an
## 11644 1992 148 14 answer
## 11645 1992 148 15 .
## 11646 1992 149 1 You
## 11647 1992 149 2 must
## 11648 1992 149 3 cut
## 11649 1992 149 4 the
## 11650 1992 149 5 capital
## 11651 1992 149 6 gains
## 11652 1992 149 7 tax
## 11653 1992 149 8 on
## 11654 1992 149 9 the
## 11655 1992 149 10 people
## 11656 1992 149 11 of
## 11657 1992 149 12 our
## 11658 1992 149 13 country
## 11659 1992 149 14 .
## 11660 1992 150 1 Never
## 11661 1992 150 2 has
## 11662 1992 150 3 an
## 11663 1992 150 4 issue
## 11664 1992 150 5 been
## 11665 1992 150 6 more
## 11666 1992 150 7 demagogued
## 11667 1992 150 8 by
## 11668 1992 150 9 its
## 11669 1992 150 10 opponents
## 11670 1992 150 11 .
## 11671 1992 151 1 But
## 11672 1992 151 2 the
## 11673 1992 151 3 demagogs
## 11674 1992 151 4 are
## 11675 1992 151 5 wrong
## 11676 1992 151 6 .
## 11677 1992 152 1 They
## 11678 1992 152 2 are
## 11679 1992 152 3 wrong
## 11680 1992 152 4 ,
## 11681 1992 152 5 and
## 11682 1992 152 6 they
## 11683 1992 152 7 know
## 11684 1992 152 8 it
## 11685 1992 152 9 .
## 11686 1992 153 1 Sixty_percent
## 11687 1992 153 2 of
## 11688 1992 153 3 the
## 11689 1992 153 4 people
## 11690 1992 153 5 who
## 11691 1992 153 6 benefit
## 11692 1992 153 7 from
## 11693 1992 153 8 lower
## 11694 1992 153 9 capital
## 11695 1992 153 10 gains
## 11696 1992 153 11 have
## 11697 1992 153 12 incomes
## 11698 1992 153 13 under
## 11699 1992 153 14 $
## 11700 1992 153 15 50,000
## 11701 1992 153 16 .
## 11702 1992 154 1 A
## 11703 1992 154 2 cut
## 11704 1992 154 3 in
## 11705 1992 154 4 the
## 11706 1992 154 5 capital
## 11707 1992 154 6 gains
## 11708 1992 154 7 tax
## 11709 1992 154 8 increases
## 11710 1992 154 9 jobs
## 11711 1992 154 10 and
## 11712 1992 154 11 helps
## 11713 1992 154 12 just
## 11714 1992 154 13 about
## 11715 1992 154 14 everyone
## 11716 1992 154 15 in
## 11717 1992 154 16 our
## 11718 1992 154 17 country
## 11719 1992 154 18 .
## 11720 1992 155 1 And
## 11721 1992 155 2 so
## 11722 1992 155 3 ,
## 11723 1992 155 4 I
## 11724 1992 155 5 'm
## 11725 1992 155 6 asking
## 11726 1992 155 7 you
## 11727 1992 155 8 to
## 11728 1992 155 9 cut
## 11729 1992 155 10 the
## 11730 1992 155 11 capital
## 11731 1992 155 12 gains
## 11732 1992 155 13 tax
## 11733 1992 155 14 to
## 11734 1992 155 15 a
## 11735 1992 155 16 maximum
## 11736 1992 155 17 of
## 11737 1992 155 18 15.4_percent
## 11738 1992 155 19 .
## 11739 1992 156 1 \n\n
## 11740 1992 156 2 I
## 11741 1992 156 3 'll
## 11742 1992 156 4 tell
## 11743 1992 156 5 you
## 11744 1992 156 6 ,
## 11745 1992 156 7 those
## 11746 1992 156 8 of
## 11747 1992 156 9 you
## 11748 1992 156 10 who
## 11749 1992 156 11 say
## 11750 1992 156 12 ,
## 11751 1992 156 13 "
## 11752 1992 156 14 Oh
## 11753 1992 156 15 ,
## 11754 1992 156 16 no
## 11755 1992 156 17 ,
## 11756 1992 156 18 someone
## 11757 1992 156 19 who
## 11758 1992 156 20 's
## 11759 1992 156 21 comfortable
## 11760 1992 156 22 may
## 11761 1992 156 23 benefit
## 11762 1992 156 24 from
## 11763 1992 156 25 that
## 11764 1992 156 26 ,
## 11765 1992 156 27 "
## 11766 1992 156 28 you
## 11767 1992 156 29 kind
## 11768 1992 156 30 of
## 11769 1992 156 31 remind
## 11770 1992 156 32 me
## 11771 1992 156 33 of
## 11772 1992 156 34 the
## 11773 1992 156 35 old
## 11774 1992 156 36 definition
## 11775 1992 156 37 of
## 11776 1992 156 38 the
## 11777 1992 156 39 Puritan
## 11778 1992 156 40 who
## 11779 1992 156 41 could
## 11780 1992 156 42 n't
## 11781 1992 156 43 sleep
## 11782 1992 156 44 at
## 11783 1992 156 45 night
## 11784 1992 156 46 ,
## 11785 1992 156 47 worrying
## 11786 1992 156 48 that
## 11787 1992 156 49 somehow
## 11788 1992 156 50 ,
## 11789 1992 156 51 someone
## 11790 1992 156 52 somewhere
## 11791 1992 156 53 was
## 11792 1992 156 54 out
## 11793 1992 156 55 having
## 11794 1992 156 56 a
## 11795 1992 156 57 good
## 11796 1992 156 58 time
## 11797 1992 156 59 .
## 11798 1992 157 1 [
## 11799 1992 157 2 Laughter
## 11800 1992 157 3 ]
## 11801 1992 158 1 The
## 11802 1992 158 2 opponents
## 11803 1992 158 3 of
## 11804 1992 158 4 this
## 11805 1992 158 5 measure
## 11806 1992 158 6 and
## 11807 1992 158 7 those
## 11808 1992 158 8 who
## 11809 1992 158 9 have
## 11810 1992 158 10 authored
## 11811 1992 158 11 various
## 11812 1992 158 12 so
## 11813 1992 158 13 -
## 11814 1992 158 14 called
## 11815 1992 158 15 soak
## 11816 1992 158 16 -
## 11817 1992 158 17 the
## 11818 1992 158 18 -
## 11819 1992 158 19 rich
## 11820 1992 158 20 bills
## 11821 1992 158 21 that
## 11822 1992 158 22 are
## 11823 1992 158 23 floating
## 11824 1992 158 24 around
## 11825 1992 158 25 this
## 11826 1992 158 26 Chamber
## 11827 1992 158 27 should
## 11828 1992 158 28 be
## 11829 1992 158 29 reminded
## 11830 1992 158 30 of
## 11831 1992 158 31 something
## 11832 1992 158 32 :
## 11833 1992 158 33 When
## 11834 1992 158 34 they
## 11835 1992 158 35 aim
## 11836 1992 158 36 at
## 11837 1992 158 37 the
## 11838 1992 158 38 big
## 11839 1992 158 39 guy
## 11840 1992 158 40 ,
## 11841 1992 158 41 they
## 11842 1992 158 42 usually
## 11843 1992 158 43 hit
## 11844 1992 158 44 the
## 11845 1992 158 45 little
## 11846 1992 158 46 guy
## 11847 1992 158 47 .
## 11848 1992 159 1 And
## 11849 1992 159 2 maybe
## 11850 1992 159 3 it
## 11851 1992 159 4 's
## 11852 1992 159 5 time
## 11853 1992 159 6 that
## 11854 1992 159 7 stopped
## 11855 1992 159 8 .
## 11856 1992 160 1 \n\n
## 11857 1992 160 2 This
## 11858 1992 160 3 ,
## 11859 1992 160 4 then
## 11860 1992 160 5 ,
## 11861 1992 160 6 is
## 11862 1992 160 7 my
## 11863 1992 160 8 short
## 11864 1992 160 9 -
## 11865 1992 160 10 term
## 11866 1992 160 11 plan
## 11867 1992 160 12 .
## 11868 1992 161 1 Your
## 11869 1992 161 2 part
## 11870 1992 161 3 ,
## 11871 1992 161 4 Members
## 11872 1992 161 5 of
## 11873 1992 161 6 Congress
## 11874 1992 161 7 ,
## 11875 1992 161 8 requires
## 11876 1992 161 9 enactment
## 11877 1992 161 10 of
## 11878 1992 161 11 these
## 11879 1992 161 12 commonsense
## 11880 1992 161 13 proposals
## 11881 1992 161 14 that
## 11882 1992 161 15 will
## 11883 1992 161 16 have
## 11884 1992 161 17 a
## 11885 1992 161 18 strong
## 11886 1992 161 19 effect
## 11887 1992 161 20 on
## 11888 1992 161 21 the
## 11889 1992 161 22 economy
## 11890 1992 161 23 without
## 11891 1992 161 24 breaking
## 11892 1992 161 25 the
## 11893 1992 161 26 budget
## 11894 1992 161 27 agreement
## 11895 1992 161 28 and
## 11896 1992 161 29 without
## 11897 1992 161 30 raising
## 11898 1992 161 31 tax
## 11899 1992 161 32 rates
## 11900 1992 161 33 .
## 11901 1992 162 1 \n\n
## 11902 1992 162 2 While
## 11903 1992 162 3 my
## 11904 1992 162 4 plan
## 11905 1992 162 5 is
## 11906 1992 162 6 being
## 11907 1992 162 7 passed
## 11908 1992 162 8 and
## 11909 1992 162 9 kicking
## 11910 1992 162 10 in
## 11911 1992 162 11 ,
## 11912 1992 162 12 we
## 11913 1992 162 13 've
## 11914 1992 162 14 got
## 11915 1992 162 15 to
## 11916 1992 162 16 care
## 11917 1992 162 17 for
## 11918 1992 162 18 those
## 11919 1992 162 19 in
## 11920 1992 162 20 trouble
## 11921 1992 162 21 today
## 11922 1992 162 22 .
## 11923 1992 163 1 I
## 11924 1992 163 2 have
## 11925 1992 163 3 provided
## 11926 1992 163 4 for
## 11927 1992 163 5 up_to_$_4.4_billion
## 11928 1992 163 6 in
## 11929 1992 163 7 my
## 11930 1992 163 8 budget
## 11931 1992 163 9 to
## 11932 1992 163 10 extend
## 11933 1992 163 11 Federal
## 11934 1992 163 12 unemployment
## 11935 1992 163 13 benefits
## 11936 1992 163 14 .
## 11937 1992 164 1 And
## 11938 1992 164 2 I
## 11939 1992 164 3 ask
## 11940 1992 164 4 for
## 11941 1992 164 5 congressional
## 11942 1992 164 6 action
## 11943 1992 164 7 right
## 11944 1992 164 8 away
## 11945 1992 164 9 .
## 11946 1992 165 1 And
## 11947 1992 165 2 I
## 11948 1992 165 3 thank
## 11949 1992 165 4 the
## 11950 1992 165 5 committee
## 11951 1992 165 6 .
## 11952 1992 166 1 [
## 11953 1992 166 2 Applause
## 11954 1992 166 3 ]
## 11955 1992 167 1 Well
## 11956 1992 167 2 ,
## 11957 1992 167 3 at
## 11958 1992 167 4 last
## 11959 1992 167 5 .
## 11960 1992 168 1 \n\n
## 11961 1992 168 2 Let
## 11962 1992 168 3 's
## 11963 1992 168 4 be
## 11964 1992 168 5 frank
## 11965 1992 168 6 .
## 11966 1992 169 1 Let
## 11967 1992 169 2 's
## 11968 1992 169 3 be
## 11969 1992 169 4 frank
## 11970 1992 169 5 .
## 11971 1992 170 1 Let
## 11972 1992 170 2 me
## 11973 1992 170 3 level
## 11974 1992 170 4 with
## 11975 1992 170 5 you
## 11976 1992 170 6 .
## 11977 1992 171 1 I
## 11978 1992 171 2 know
## 11979 1992 172 1 and
## 11980 1992 172 2 you
## 11981 1992 172 3 know
## 11982 1992 172 4 that
## 11983 1992 172 5 my
## 11984 1992 172 6 plan
## 11985 1992 172 7 is
## 11986 1992 172 8 unveiled
## 11987 1992 172 9 in
## 11988 1992 172 10 a_political_season
## 11989 1992 172 11 .
## 11990 1992 173 1 [
## 11991 1992 173 2 Laughter
## 11992 1992 173 3 ]
## 11993 1992 174 1 I
## 11994 1992 174 2 know
## 11995 1992 175 1 and
## 11996 1992 175 2 you
## 11997 1992 175 3 know
## 11998 1992 175 4 that
## 11999 1992 175 5 everything
## 12000 1992 175 6 I
## 12001 1992 175 7 propose
## 12002 1992 175 8 will
## 12003 1992 175 9 be
## 12004 1992 175 10 viewed
## 12005 1992 175 11 by
## 12006 1992 175 12 some
## 12007 1992 175 13 in
## 12008 1992 175 14 merely
## 12009 1992 175 15 partisan
## 12010 1992 175 16 terms
## 12011 1992 175 17 .
## 12012 1992 176 1 But
## 12013 1992 176 2 I
## 12014 1992 176 3 ask
## 12015 1992 176 4 you
## 12016 1992 176 5 to
## 12017 1992 176 6 know
## 12018 1992 176 7 what
## 12019 1992 176 8 is
## 12020 1992 176 9 in
## 12021 1992 176 10 my
## 12022 1992 176 11 heart
## 12023 1992 176 12 .
## 12024 1992 177 1 And
## 12025 1992 177 2 my
## 12026 1992 177 3 aim
## 12027 1992 177 4 is
## 12028 1992 177 5 to
## 12029 1992 177 6 increase
## 12030 1992 177 7 our
## 12031 1992 177 8 Nation
## 12032 1992 177 9 's
## 12033 1992 177 10 good
## 12034 1992 177 11 .
## 12035 1992 178 1 I
## 12036 1992 178 2 'm
## 12037 1992 178 3 doing
## 12038 1992 178 4 what
## 12039 1992 178 5 I
## 12040 1992 178 6 think
## 12041 1992 178 7 is
## 12042 1992 178 8 right
## 12043 1992 178 9 ,
## 12044 1992 178 10 and
## 12045 1992 178 11 I
## 12046 1992 178 12 am
## 12047 1992 178 13 proposing
## 12048 1992 178 14 what
## 12049 1992 178 15 I
## 12050 1992 178 16 know
## 12051 1992 178 17 will
## 12052 1992 178 18 help
## 12053 1992 178 19 .
## 12054 1992 179 1 \n\n
## 12055 1992 179 2 I
## 12056 1992 179 3 pride
## 12057 1992 179 4 myself
## 12058 1992 179 5 that
## 12059 1992 179 6 I
## 12060 1992 179 7 'm
## 12061 1992 179 8 a
## 12062 1992 179 9 prudent
## 12063 1992 179 10 man
## 12064 1992 179 11 ,
## 12065 1992 179 12 and
## 12066 1992 179 13 I
## 12067 1992 179 14 believe
## 12068 1992 179 15 that
## 12069 1992 179 16 patience
## 12070 1992 179 17 is
## 12071 1992 179 18 a
## 12072 1992 179 19 virtue
## 12073 1992 179 20 .
## 12074 1992 180 1 But
## 12075 1992 180 2 I
## 12076 1992 180 3 understand
## 12077 1992 180 4 that
## 12078 1992 180 5 politics
## 12079 1992 180 6 is
## 12080 1992 180 7 ,
## 12081 1992 180 8 for
## 12082 1992 180 9 some
## 12083 1992 180 10 ,
## 12084 1992 180 11 a
## 12085 1992 180 12 game
## 12086 1992 180 13 and
## 12087 1992 180 14 that
## 12088 1992 180 15 sometimes
## 12089 1992 180 16 the
## 12090 1992 180 17 game
## 12091 1992 180 18 is
## 12092 1992 180 19 to
## 12093 1992 180 20 stop
## 12094 1992 180 21 all
## 12095 1992 180 22 progress
## 12096 1992 180 23 and
## 12097 1992 180 24 then
## 12098 1992 180 25 decry
## 12099 1992 180 26 the
## 12100 1992 180 27 lack
## 12101 1992 180 28 of
## 12102 1992 180 29 improvement
## 12103 1992 180 30 .
## 12104 1992 181 1 [
## 12105 1992 181 2 Laughter
## 12106 1992 181 3 ]
## 12107 1992 182 1 But
## 12108 1992 182 2 let
## 12109 1992 182 3 me
## 12110 1992 182 4 tell
## 12111 1992 182 5 you
## 12112 1992 182 6 :
## 12113 1992 182 7 Far
## 12114 1992 182 8 more
## 12115 1992 182 9 important
## 12116 1992 182 10 than
## 12117 1992 182 11 my
## 12118 1992 182 12 political
## 12119 1992 182 13 future
## 12120 1992 182 14 and
## 12121 1992 182 15 far
## 12122 1992 182 16 more
## 12123 1992 182 17 important
## 12124 1992 182 18 than
## 12125 1992 182 19 yours
## 12126 1992 182 20 is
## 12127 1992 182 21 the
## 12128 1992 182 22 well
## 12129 1992 182 23 -
## 12130 1992 182 24 being
## 12131 1992 182 25 of
## 12132 1992 182 26 our
## 12133 1992 182 27 country
## 12134 1992 182 28 .
## 12135 1992 183 1 Members
## 12136 1992 183 2 of
## 12137 1992 183 3 this
## 12138 1992 183 4 Chamber
## 12139 1992 183 5 are
## 12140 1992 183 6 practical
## 12141 1992 183 7 people
## 12142 1992 183 8 ,
## 12143 1992 183 9 and
## 12144 1992 183 10 I
## 12145 1992 183 11 know
## 12146 1992 183 12 you
## 12147 1992 183 13 wo
## 12148 1992 183 14 n't
## 12149 1992 183 15 resent
## 12150 1992 183 16 some
## 12151 1992 183 17 practical
## 12152 1992 183 18 advice
## 12153 1992 183 19 .
## 12154 1992 184 1 When
## 12155 1992 184 2 people
## 12156 1992 184 3 put
## 12157 1992 184 4 their
## 12158 1992 184 5 party
## 12159 1992 184 6 's
## 12160 1992 184 7 fortunes
## 12161 1992 184 8 ,
## 12162 1992 184 9 whatever
## 12163 1992 184 10 the
## 12164 1992 184 11 party
## 12165 1992 184 12 ,
## 12166 1992 184 13 whatever
## 12167 1992 184 14 side
## 12168 1992 184 15 of
## 12169 1992 184 16 this
## 12170 1992 184 17 aisle
## 12171 1992 184 18 ,
## 12172 1992 184 19 before
## 12173 1992 184 20 the
## 12174 1992 184 21 public
## 12175 1992 184 22 good
## 12176 1992 184 23 ,
## 12177 1992 184 24 they
## 12178 1992 184 25 court
## 12179 1992 184 26 defeat
## 12180 1992 184 27 not
## 12181 1992 184 28 only
## 12182 1992 184 29 for
## 12183 1992 184 30 their
## 12184 1992 184 31 country
## 12185 1992 184 32 but
## 12186 1992 184 33 for
## 12187 1992 184 34 themselves
## 12188 1992 184 35 .
## 12189 1992 185 1 And
## 12190 1992 185 2 they
## 12191 1992 185 3 will
## 12192 1992 185 4 certainly
## 12193 1992 185 5 deserve
## 12194 1992 185 6 it
## 12195 1992 185 7 .
## 12196 1992 186 1 \n\n
## 12197 1992 186 2 I
## 12198 1992 186 3 submit
## 12199 1992 186 4 my
## 12200 1992 186 5 plan
## 12201 1992 186 6 tomorrow
## 12202 1992 186 7 ,
## 12203 1992 186 8 and
## 12204 1992 186 9 I
## 12205 1992 186 10 'm
## 12206 1992 186 11 asking
## 12207 1992 186 12 you
## 12208 1992 186 13 to
## 12209 1992 186 14 pass
## 12210 1992 186 15 it
## 12211 1992 186 16 by
## 12212 1992 186 17 March_20th
## 12213 1992 186 18 .
## 12214 1992 187 1 And
## 12215 1992 187 2 I
## 12216 1992 187 3 ask
## 12217 1992 187 4 the
## 12218 1992 187 5 American
## 12219 1992 187 6 people
## 12220 1992 187 7 to
## 12221 1992 187 8 let
## 12222 1992 187 9 you
## 12223 1992 187 10 know
## 12224 1992 187 11 they
## 12225 1992 187 12 want
## 12226 1992 187 13 this
## 12227 1992 187 14 action
## 12228 1992 187 15 by
## 12229 1992 187 16 March_20th
## 12230 1992 187 17 .
## 12231 1992 188 1 From
## 12232 1992 188 2 the_day
## 12233 1992 188 3 after
## 12234 1992 188 4 that
## 12235 1992 188 5 ,
## 12236 1992 188 6 if
## 12237 1992 188 7 it
## 12238 1992 188 8 must
## 12239 1992 188 9 be
## 12240 1992 188 10 ,
## 12241 1992 188 11 the
## 12242 1992 188 12 battle
## 12243 1992 188 13 is
## 12244 1992 188 14 joined
## 12245 1992 188 15 .
## 12246 1992 189 1 And
## 12247 1992 189 2 you
## 12248 1992 189 3 know
## 12249 1992 189 4 ,
## 12250 1992 189 5 when
## 12251 1992 189 6 principle
## 12252 1992 189 7 is
## 12253 1992 189 8 at
## 12254 1992 189 9 stake
## 12255 1992 189 10 I
## 12256 1992 189 11 relish
## 12257 1992 189 12 a
## 12258 1992 189 13 good
## 12259 1992 189 14 ,
## 12260 1992 189 15 fair
## 12261 1992 189 16 fight
## 12262 1992 189 17 .
## 12263 1992 190 1 \n\n
## 12264 1992 190 2 I
## 12265 1992 190 3 said
## 12266 1992 190 4 my
## 12267 1992 190 5 plan
## 12268 1992 190 6 has
## 12269 1992 190 7 two
## 12270 1992 190 8 parts
## 12271 1992 190 9 ,
## 12272 1992 190 10 and
## 12273 1992 190 11 it
## 12274 1992 190 12 does
## 12275 1992 190 13 .
## 12276 1992 191 1 And
## 12277 1992 191 2 it
## 12278 1992 191 3 's
## 12279 1992 191 4 the
## 12280 1992 191 5 second
## 12281 1992 191 6 part
## 12282 1992 191 7 that
## 12283 1992 191 8 is
## 12284 1992 191 9 the
## 12285 1992 191 10 heart
## 12286 1992 191 11 of
## 12287 1992 191 12 the
## 12288 1992 191 13 matter
## 12289 1992 191 14 .
## 12290 1992 192 1 For
## 12291 1992 192 2 it
## 12292 1992 192 3 's
## 12293 1992 192 4 not
## 12294 1992 192 5 enough
## 12295 1992 192 6 to
## 12296 1992 192 7 get
## 12297 1992 192 8 an
## 12298 1992 192 9 immediate
## 12299 1992 192 10 burst
## 12300 1992 192 11 .
## 12301 1992 193 1 We
## 12302 1992 193 2 need
## 12303 1992 193 3 long
## 12304 1992 193 4 -
## 12305 1992 193 5 term
## 12306 1992 193 6 improvement
## 12307 1992 193 7 in
## 12308 1992 193 8 our
## 12309 1992 193 9 economic
## 12310 1992 193 10 position
## 12311 1992 193 11 .
## 12312 1992 194 1 We
## 12313 1992 194 2 all
## 12314 1992 194 3 know
## 12315 1992 194 4 that
## 12316 1992 194 5 the
## 12317 1992 194 6 key
## 12318 1992 194 7 to
## 12319 1992 194 8 our
## 12320 1992 194 9 economic
## 12321 1992 194 10 future
## 12322 1992 194 11 is
## 12323 1992 194 12 to
## 12324 1992 194 13 ensure
## 12325 1992 194 14 that
## 12326 1992 194 15 America
## 12327 1992 194 16 continues
## 12328 1992 194 17 as
## 12329 1992 194 18 an
## 12330 1992 194 19 economic
## 12331 1992 194 20 leader
## 12332 1992 194 21 of
## 12333 1992 194 22 the
## 12334 1992 194 23 world
## 12335 1992 194 24 .
## 12336 1992 195 1 We
## 12337 1992 195 2 have
## 12338 1992 195 3 that
## 12339 1992 195 4 in
## 12340 1992 195 5 our
## 12341 1992 195 6 power
## 12342 1992 195 7 .
## 12343 1992 196 1 Here
## 12344 1992 196 2 ,
## 12345 1992 196 3 then
## 12346 1992 196 4 ,
## 12347 1992 196 5 is
## 12348 1992 196 6 my
## 12349 1992 196 7 long
## 12350 1992 196 8 -
## 12351 1992 196 9 term
## 12352 1992 196 10 plan
## 12353 1992 196 11 to
## 12354 1992 196 12 guarantee
## 12355 1992 196 13 our
## 12356 1992 196 14 future
## 12357 1992 196 15 .
## 12358 1992 197 1 \n\n
## 12359 1992 197 2 First
## 12360 1992 197 3 ,
## 12361 1992 197 4 trade
## 12362 1992 197 5 :
## 12363 1992 197 6 We
## 12364 1992 197 7 will
## 12365 1992 197 8 work
## 12366 1992 197 9 to
## 12367 1992 197 10 break
## 12368 1992 197 11 down
## 12369 1992 197 12 the
## 12370 1992 197 13 walls
## 12371 1992 197 14 that
## 12372 1992 197 15 stop
## 12373 1992 197 16 world
## 12374 1992 197 17 trade
## 12375 1992 197 18 .
## 12376 1992 198 1 We
## 12377 1992 198 2 will
## 12378 1992 198 3 work
## 12379 1992 198 4 to
## 12380 1992 198 5 open
## 12381 1992 198 6 markets
## 12382 1992 198 7 everywhere
## 12383 1992 198 8 .
## 12384 1992 199 1 And
## 12385 1992 199 2 in
## 12386 1992 199 3 our
## 12387 1992 199 4 major
## 12388 1992 199 5 trade
## 12389 1992 199 6 negotiations
## 12390 1992 199 7 ,
## 12391 1992 199 8 I
## 12392 1992 199 9 will
## 12393 1992 199 10 continue
## 12394 1992 199 11 pushing
## 12395 1992 199 12 to
## 12396 1992 199 13 eliminate
## 12397 1992 199 14 tariffs
## 12398 1992 199 15 and
## 12399 1992 199 16 subsidies
## 12400 1992 199 17 that
## 12401 1992 199 18 damage
## 12402 1992 199 19 America
## 12403 1992 199 20 's
## 12404 1992 199 21 farmers
## 12405 1992 199 22 and
## 12406 1992 199 23 workers
## 12407 1992 199 24 .
## 12408 1992 200 1 And
## 12409 1992 200 2 we
## 12410 1992 200 3 'll
## 12411 1992 200 4 get
## 12412 1992 200 5 more
## 12413 1992 200 6 good
## 12414 1992 200 7 American
## 12415 1992 200 8 jobs
## 12416 1992 200 9 within
## 12417 1992 200 10 our
## 12418 1992 200 11 own
## 12419 1992 200 12 hemisphere
## 12420 1992 200 13 through
## 12421 1992 200 14 the
## 12422 1992 200 15 North_American
## 12423 1992 200 16 free
## 12424 1992 200 17 trade
## 12425 1992 200 18 agreement
## 12426 1992 200 19 and
## 12427 1992 200 20 through
## 12428 1992 200 21 the
## 12429 1992 200 22 Enterprise
## 12430 1992 200 23 for
## 12431 1992 200 24 the
## 12432 1992 200 25 Americas
## 12433 1992 200 26 Initiative
## 12434 1992 200 27 .
## 12435 1992 201 1 \n\n
## 12436 1992 201 2 But
## 12437 1992 201 3 changes
## 12438 1992 201 4 are
## 12439 1992 201 5 here
## 12440 1992 201 6 ,
## 12441 1992 201 7 and
## 12442 1992 201 8 more
## 12443 1992 201 9 are
## 12444 1992 201 10 coming
## 12445 1992 201 11 .
## 12446 1992 202 1 The
## 12447 1992 202 2 workplace
## 12448 1992 202 3 of
## 12449 1992 202 4 the
## 12450 1992 202 5 future
## 12451 1992 202 6 will
## 12452 1992 202 7 demand
## 12453 1992 202 8 more
## 12454 1992 202 9 highly
## 12455 1992 202 10 skilled
## 12456 1992 202 11 workers
## 12457 1992 202 12 than
## 12458 1992 202 13 ever
## 12459 1992 202 14 ,
## 12460 1992 202 15 more
## 12461 1992 202 16 people
## 12462 1992 202 17 who
## 12463 1992 202 18 are
## 12464 1992 202 19 computer
## 12465 1992 202 20 -
## 12466 1992 202 21 literate
## 12467 1992 202 22 ,
## 12468 1992 202 23 highly
## 12469 1992 202 24 educated
## 12470 1992 202 25 .
## 12471 1992 203 1 We
## 12472 1992 203 2 must
## 12473 1992 203 3 be
## 12474 1992 203 4 the
## 12475 1992 203 5 world
## 12476 1992 203 6 's
## 12477 1992 203 7 leader
## 12478 1992 203 8 in
## 12479 1992 203 9 education
## 12480 1992 203 10 .
## 12481 1992 204 1 And
## 12482 1992 204 2 we
## 12483 1992 204 3 must
## 12484 1992 204 4 revolutionize
## 12485 1992 204 5 America
## 12486 1992 204 6 's
## 12487 1992 204 7 schools
## 12488 1992 204 8 .
## 12489 1992 205 1 My
## 12490 1992 205 2 America_2000
## 12491 1992 205 3 strategy
## 12492 1992 205 4 will
## 12493 1992 205 5 help
## 12494 1992 205 6 us
## 12495 1992 205 7 reach
## 12496 1992 205 8 that
## 12497 1992 205 9 goal
## 12498 1992 205 10 .
## 12499 1992 206 1 My
## lemma pos tag entity_type
## 1 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2 Mr. PROPN NNP
## 3 President PROPN NNP
## 4 , PUNCT ,
## 5 Mr. PROPN NNP
## 7 , PUNCT ,
## 8 Members PROPN NNP
## 9 of ADP IN
## 10 the_United_States ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 11 Congress PROPN NNP
## 12 : PUNCT :
## 13 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 14 I PRON PRP
## 15 return VERB VBP
## 16 as ADP IN
## 17 a DET DT
## 18 former ADJ JJ
## 19 President PROPN NNP
## 20 of ADP IN
## 21 the DET DT
## 23 and CCONJ CC
## 24 a DET DT
## 25 former ADJ JJ
## 26 Member PROPN NNP
## 27 of ADP IN
## 28 this DET DT
## 29 great ADJ JJ
## 31 . PUNCT .
## 32 and CCONJ CC
## 33 now ADV RB
## 34 , PUNCT ,
## 35 as ADP IN
## 36 President PROPN NNP
## 37 , PUNCT ,
## 38 it PRON PRP
## 39 be AUX VBZ
## 40 my PRON PRP$
## 41 privilege NOUN NN
## 42 to PART TO
## 43 report VERB VB
## 44 to ADP IN
## 45 you PRON PRP
## 46 on ADP IN
## 47 the DET DT
## 48 state NOUN NN
## 49 of ADP IN
## 50 the DET DT
## 51 Union PROPN NNP
## 52 . PUNCT .
## 53 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 54 tonight NOUN NN
## 55 I PRON PRP
## 56 come VERB VBP
## 57 not PART RB
## 58 to PART TO
## 59 speak VERB VB
## 60 about ADP IN
## 61 the DET DT
## 62 state NOUN NN
## 63 of ADP IN
## 64 the DET DT
## 65 Government PROPN NNP
## 66 , PUNCT ,
## 67 not PART RB
## 68 to PART TO
## 69 detail VERB VB
## 70 every DET DT
## 71 new ADJ JJ
## 72 initiative NOUN NN
## 73 we PRON PRP
## 74 plan VERB VBP
## 75 for ADP IN
## 76 the_coming_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 77 nor CCONJ CC
## 78 to PART TO
## 79 describe VERB VB
## 80 every DET DT
## 81 line NOUN NN
## 82 in ADP IN
## 83 the DET DT
## 84 budget NOUN NN
## 85 . PUNCT .
## 86 I PRON PRP
## 87 be AUX VBP
## 88 here ADV RB
## 89 to PART TO
## 90 speak VERB VB
## 91 to ADP IN
## 92 you PRON PRP
## 93 and CCONJ CC
## 94 to ADP IN
## 95 the DET DT
## 96 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 97 people NOUN NNS
## 98 about ADP IN
## 99 the DET DT
## 100 state NOUN NN
## 101 of ADP IN
## 102 the DET DT
## 103 Union PROPN NNP
## 104 , PUNCT ,
## 105 about ADP IN
## 106 our PRON PRP$
## 107 world NOUN NN
## 108 -- PUNCT :
## 109 the DET DT
## 110 change NOUN NNS
## 111 we PRON PRP
## 112 've AUX VBP
## 113 see VERB VBN
## 114 , PUNCT ,
## 115 the DET DT
## 116 challenge NOUN NNS
## 117 we PRON PRP
## 118 face VERB VBP
## 119 -- PUNCT :
## 120 and CCONJ CC
## 121 what PRON WP
## 122 that PRON DT
## 123 mean VERB VBZ
## 124 for ADP IN
## 125 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 126 . PUNCT .
## 127 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 128 there PRON EX
## 129 be VERB VBP
## 130 singular ADJ JJ
## 131 moment NOUN NNS
## 132 in ADP IN
## 133 history NOUN NN
## 134 , PUNCT ,
## 135 date VERB VBZ
## 136 that PRON WDT
## 137 divide VERB VBP
## 138 all DET PDT
## 139 that PRON WDT
## 140 go VERB VBZ
## 141 before ADV RB
## 142 from ADP IN
## 143 all PRON DT
## 144 that PRON WDT
## 145 come VERB VBZ
## 146 after ADV RB
## 147 . PUNCT .
## 148 and CCONJ CC
## 149 many ADJ JJ
## 150 of ADP IN
## 151 we PRON PRP
## 152 in ADP IN
## 153 this DET DT
## 154 Chamber ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 155 have AUX VBP
## 156 live VERB VBN
## 157 much ADJ JJ
## 158 of ADP IN
## 159 our PRON PRP$
## 160 life NOUN NNS
## 161 in ADP IN
## 162 a DET DT
## 163 world NOUN NN
## 164 whose DET WP$
## 165 fundamental ADJ JJ
## 166 feature NOUN NNS
## 167 be AUX VBD
## 168 define VERB VBN
## 169 in ADP IN
## 171 ; PUNCT :
## 172 and CCONJ CC
## 173 the DET DT
## 174 event NOUN NNS
## 175 of ADP IN
## 176 that_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 177 decree VERB VBD
## 178 the DET DT
## 179 shape NOUN NN
## 180 of ADP IN
## 181 nation NOUN NNS
## 182 , PUNCT ,
## 183 the DET DT
## 184 pace NOUN NN
## 185 of ADP IN
## 186 progress NOUN NN
## 187 , PUNCT ,
## 188 freedom NOUN NN
## 189 or CCONJ CC
## 190 oppression NOUN NN
## 191 for ADP IN
## 193 of ADP IN
## 194 people NOUN NNS
## 195 around ADP IN
## 196 the DET DT
## 197 world NOUN NN
## 198 . PUNCT .
## 199 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 200 nineteen NUM CD
## 201 forty_-_five ENTITY ENTITY CARDINAL
## 202 provide VERB VBD
## 203 the DET DT
## 204 common ADJ JJ
## 205 frame NOUN NN
## 206 of ADP IN
## 207 reference NOUN NN
## 208 , PUNCT ,
## 209 the DET DT
## 210 compass NOUN NN
## 211 point NOUN NNS
## 212 of ADP IN
## 213 the DET DT
## 214 postwar ADJ JJ
## 215 era NOUN NN
## 216 we PRON PRP
## 217 've AUX VBP
## 218 rely VERB VBN
## 219 upon SCONJ IN
## 220 to PART TO
## 221 understand VERB VB
## 222 ourselves PRON PRP
## 223 . PUNCT .
## 224 and CCONJ CC
## 225 that PRON DT
## 226 be AUX VBD
## 227 our PRON PRP$
## 228 world NOUN NN
## 229 , PUNCT ,
## 230 until ADP IN
## 231 now ADV RB
## 232 . PUNCT .
## 233 the DET DT
## 234 event NOUN NNS
## 235 of ADP IN
## 236 the_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 237 just ADV RB
## 238 end VERB VBD
## 239 , PUNCT ,
## 240 the DET DT
## 241 Revolution PROPN NNP
## 242 of ADP IN
## 243 ' NUM CD
## 244 89 NUM CD
## 245 , PUNCT ,
## 246 have AUX VBP
## 247 be AUX VBN
## 248 a DET DT
## 249 chain NOUN NN
## 250 reaction NOUN NN
## 251 , PUNCT ,
## 252 change NOUN NNS
## 253 so ADV RB
## 254 strike VERB VBG
## 255 that SCONJ IN
## 256 it PRON PRP
## 257 mark VERB VBZ
## 258 the DET DT
## 259 beginning NOUN NN
## 260 of ADP IN
## 261 a DET DT
## 262 new ADJ JJ
## 263 era NOUN NN
## 264 in ADP IN
## 265 the DET DT
## 266 world NOUN NN
## 267 's PART POS
## 268 affair NOUN NNS
## 269 . PUNCT .
## 270 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 271 think VERB VBP
## 272 back ADV RB
## 273 -- PUNCT :
## 274 think VERB VB
## 275 back ADV RB
## 276 just ADV RB
## 277 12_short_month_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 278 to ADP IN
## 279 the DET DT
## 280 world NOUN NN
## 281 we PRON PRP
## 282 know VERB VBD
## 283 as ADP IN
## 285 begin VERB VBD
## 286 . PUNCT .
## 287 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 288 one NUM CD
## 289 year NOUN NN
## 290 -- PUNCT :
## 291 one_year_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 292 , PUNCT ,
## 293 the DET DT
## 294 people NOUN NNS
## 295 of ADP IN
## 297 live VERB VBD
## 298 in ADP IN
## 299 fear NOUN NN
## 300 , PUNCT ,
## 301 under ADP IN
## 302 the DET DT
## 303 thumb NOUN NN
## 304 of ADP IN
## 305 a DET DT
## 306 dictator NOUN NN
## 307 . PUNCT .
## 309 democracy NOUN NN
## 310 be AUX VBZ
## 311 restore VERB VBN
## 312 ; PUNCT :
## 314 be AUX VBZ
## 315 free ADJ JJ
## 316 . PUNCT .
## 317 operation NOUN NN
## 318 just ADV RB
## 319 Cause PROPN NNP
## 320 have AUX VBZ
## 321 achieve VERB VBN
## 322 its PRON PRP$
## 323 objective NOUN NN
## 324 . PUNCT .
## 325 the DET DT
## 326 number NOUN NN
## 327 of ADP IN
## 328 military ADJ JJ
## 329 personnel NOUN NNS
## 330 in ADP IN
## 332 be AUX VBZ
## 333 now ADV RB
## 334 very ADV RB
## 335 close ADJ JJ
## 336 to ADP IN
## 337 what PRON WP
## 338 it PRON PRP
## 339 be AUX VBD
## 340 before SCONJ IN
## 341 the DET DT
## 342 operation NOUN NN
## 343 begin VERB VBD
## 344 . PUNCT .
## 345 and CCONJ CC
## 346 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 347 I PRON PRP
## 348 be AUX VBP
## 349 announce VERB VBG
## 350 that SCONJ IN
## 351 well ADV RB
## 352 before ADP IN
## 353 the_end_of_February ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 354 , PUNCT ,
## 355 the DET DT
## 356 additional ADJ JJ
## 357 number NOUN NNS
## 358 of ADP IN
## 359 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 360 troop NOUN NNS
## 361 , PUNCT ,
## 362 the DET DT
## 363 brave ADJ JJ
## 364 man NOUN NNS
## 365 and CCONJ CC
## 366 woman NOUN NNS
## 367 of ADP IN
## 368 our PRON PRP$
## 369 Armed PROPN NNP
## 370 Forces PROPN NNPS
## 371 who PRON WP
## 372 make VERB VBD
## 373 this DET DT
## 374 mission NOUN NN
## 375 a DET DT
## 376 success NOUN NN
## 377 , PUNCT ,
## 378 will AUX MD
## 379 be AUX VB
## 380 back ADV RB
## 381 home ADV RB
## 382 . PUNCT .
## 383 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 384 a_year_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 385 in ADP IN
## 387 , PUNCT ,
## 389 declare VERB VBD
## 390 that SCONJ IN
## 391 he PRON PRP
## 392 be AUX VBD
## 393 ready ADJ JJ
## 394 to PART TO
## 395 open VERB VB
## 396 a DET DT
## 397 dialog NOUN NN
## 398 with ADP IN
## 399 the DET DT
## 400 communist ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 401 ruler NOUN NNS
## 402 of ADP IN
## 403 that DET DT
## 404 country NOUN NN
## 405 ; PUNCT :
## 406 and CCONJ CC
## 408 , PUNCT ,
## 409 with ADP IN
## 410 the DET DT
## 411 future NOUN NN
## 412 of ADP IN
## 413 a DET DT
## 414 free ADJ JJ
## 416 in ADP IN
## 417 their PRON PRP$
## 418 own ADJ JJ
## 419 hand NOUN NNS
## 420 , PUNCT ,
## 421 member NOUN NNS
## 422 of ADP IN
## 423 Solidarity ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 424 lead VERB VBP
## 425 the_Polish_Government ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 426 . PUNCT .
## 427 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 428 a_year_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 429 , PUNCT ,
## 430 freedom ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 431 's PART POS
## 432 playwright NOUN NN
## 433 , PUNCT ,
## 434 Vaclav_Havel ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 435 , PUNCT ,
## 436 languish VERB VBD
## 437 as ADP IN
## 438 a DET DT
## 439 prisoner NOUN NN
## 440 in ADP IN
## 442 . PUNCT .
## 443 and CCONJ CC
## 445 it PRON PRP
## 446 be AUX VBZ
## 447 Vaclav_Havel ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 448 , PUNCT ,
## 449 President PROPN NNP
## 450 of ADP IN
## 451 Czechoslovakia ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 452 . PUNCT .
## 453 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 454 and CCONJ CC
## 455 1_year_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 456 , PUNCT ,
## 457 Erich_Honecker ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 458 of ADP IN
## 459 East_Germany ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 460 claim VERB VBD
## 461 history NOUN NN
## 462 as ADP IN
## 463 his PRON PRP$
## 464 guide NOUN NN
## 465 , PUNCT ,
## 466 and CCONJ CC
## 467 he PRON PRP
## 468 predict VERB VBD
## 469 the_Berlin_Wall ENTITY ENTITY FAC
## 470 would AUX MD
## 471 last VERB VB
## 472 another_hundred_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 473 . PUNCT .
## 474 and CCONJ CC
## 476 , PUNCT ,
## 477 less_than_1_year_later ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 478 , PUNCT ,
## 479 it PRON PRP
## 480 be AUX VBZ
## 481 the DET DT
## 482 Wall PROPN NNP
## 483 that PRON WDT
## 484 be AUX VBZ
## 485 history NOUN NN
## 486 . PUNCT .
## 487 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 488 remarkable ADJ JJ
## 489 event NOUN NNS
## 490 -- PUNCT :
## 491 event NOUN NNS
## 492 that PRON WDT
## 493 fulfill VERB VBP
## 494 the DET DT
## 495 long ADV RB
## 496 - PUNCT HYPH
## 497 hold VERB VBN
## 498 hope NOUN NNS
## 499 of ADP IN
## 500 the DET DT
## 501 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 502 people NOUN NNS
## 503 ; PUNCT :
## 504 event NOUN NNS
## 505 that PRON WDT
## 506 validate VERB VBP
## 507 the DET DT
## 508 longstanding ADJ JJ
## 509 goal NOUN NNS
## 510 of ADP IN
## 511 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 512 policy NOUN NN
## 513 , PUNCT ,
## 514 a DET DT
## 515 policy NOUN NN
## 516 base VERB VBN
## 517 on ADP IN
## 518 a DET DT
## 519 single ADJ JJ
## 520 , PUNCT ,
## 521 shine VERB VBG
## 522 principle NOUN NN
## 523 : PUNCT :
## 524 the DET DT
## 525 cause NOUN NN
## 526 of ADP IN
## 527 freedom NOUN NN
## 528 . PUNCT .
## 529 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 530 America PROPN NNP
## 531 , PUNCT ,
## 532 not PART RB
## 533 just ADV RB
## 534 the DET DT
## 535 nation NOUN NN
## 536 but CCONJ CC
## 537 an DET DT
## 538 idea NOUN NN
## 539 , PUNCT ,
## 540 alive ADJ JJ
## 541 in ADP IN
## 542 the DET DT
## 543 mind NOUN NNS
## 544 of ADP IN
## 545 people NOUN NNS
## 546 everywhere ADV RB
## 547 . PUNCT .
## 548 as SCONJ IN
## 549 this DET DT
## 550 new ADJ JJ
## 551 world NOUN NN
## 552 take VERB VBZ
## 553 shape NOUN NN
## 554 , PUNCT ,
## 555 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 556 stand VERB VBZ
## 557 at ADP IN
## 558 the DET DT
## 559 center NOUN NN
## 560 of ADP IN
## 561 a DET DT
## 562 widen VERB VBG
## 563 circle NOUN NN
## 564 of ADP IN
## 565 freedom NOUN NN
## 566 -- PUNCT :
## 568 , PUNCT ,
## 569 tomorrow ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 570 , PUNCT ,
## 571 and CCONJ CC
## 572 into ADP IN
## 573 the_next_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 574 . PUNCT .
## 575 our PRON PRP$
## 576 nation NOUN NN
## 577 be AUX VBZ
## 578 the DET DT
## 579 endure VERB VBG
## 580 dream NOUN NN
## 581 of ADP IN
## 582 every DET DT
## 583 immigrant NOUN NN
## 584 who PRON WP
## 585 ever ADV RB
## 586 set VERB VBD
## 587 foot NOUN NN
## 588 on ADP IN
## 589 these DET DT
## 590 shore NOUN NNS
## 591 , PUNCT ,
## 592 and CCONJ CC
## 593 the DET DT
## 595 still ADV RB
## 596 struggle VERB VBG
## 597 to PART TO
## 598 be AUX VB
## 599 free ADJ JJ
## 600 . PUNCT .
## 601 this DET DT
## 602 nation NOUN NN
## 603 , PUNCT ,
## 604 this DET DT
## 605 idea NOUN NN
## 606 call VERB VBN
## 607 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 608 , PUNCT ,
## 609 be AUX VBD
## 610 and CCONJ CC
## 611 always ADV RB
## 612 will AUX MD
## 613 be AUX VB
## 614 a DET DT
## 615 new ADJ JJ
## 616 world NOUN NN
## 617 -- PUNCT :
## 618 our PRON PRP$
## 619 new ADJ JJ
## 620 world NOUN NN
## 621 . PUNCT .
## 622 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 623 at ADP IN
## 624 a DET DT
## 625 worker NOUN NNS
## 626 ' PART POS
## 627 rally NOUN NN
## 628 , PUNCT ,
## 629 in ADP IN
## 630 a DET DT
## 631 place NOUN NN
## 632 call VERB VBN
## 634 on ADP IN
## 635 the DET DT
## 636 outskirt NOUN NNS
## 637 of ADP IN
## 639 , PUNCT ,
## 640 the DET DT
## 641 idea NOUN NN
## 642 call VERB VBN
## 643 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 644 be AUX VBZ
## 645 alive ADJ JJ
## 646 . PUNCT .
## 647 a DET DT
## 648 worker NOUN NN
## 649 , PUNCT ,
## 650 dress VERB VBN
## 651 in ADP IN
## 652 grimy ADJ JJ
## 653 overall NOUN NNS
## 654 , PUNCT ,
## 655 rise VERB VBZ
## 656 to PART TO
## 657 speak VERB VB
## 658 at ADP IN
## 659 the DET DT
## 660 factory NOUN NN
## 661 gate NOUN NNS
## 662 . PUNCT .
## 663 he PRON PRP
## 664 begin VERB VBZ
## 665 his PRON PRP$
## 666 speech NOUN NN
## 667 to ADP IN
## 668 his PRON PRP$
## 669 fellow ADJ JJ
## 670 citizen NOUN NNS
## 671 with ADP IN
## 672 these DET DT
## 673 word NOUN NNS
## 674 , PUNCT ,
## 675 word NOUN NNS
## 676 of ADP IN
## 677 a DET DT
## 678 distant ADJ JJ
## 679 revolution NOUN NN
## 680 : PUNCT :
## 681 " PUNCT ``
## 682 we PRON PRP
## 683 hold VERB VBP
## 684 these DET DT
## 685 truth NOUN NNS
## 686 to PART TO
## 687 be AUX VB
## 688 self NOUN NN
## 689 - PUNCT HYPH
## 690 evident ADJ JJ
## 691 , PUNCT ,
## 692 that SCONJ IN
## 693 all DET DT
## 694 man NOUN NNS
## 695 be AUX VBP
## 696 create VERB VBN
## 697 equal ADJ JJ
## 698 , PUNCT ,
## 699 that SCONJ IN
## 700 they PRON PRP
## 701 be AUX VBP
## 702 endow VERB VBN
## 703 by ADP IN
## 704 their PRON PRP$
## 705 Creator PROPN NNP
## 706 with ADP IN
## 707 certain ADJ JJ
## 708 unalienable ADJ JJ
## 709 Rights PROPN NNPS
## 710 , PUNCT ,
## 711 and CCONJ CC
## 712 that SCONJ IN
## 713 among ADP IN
## 714 these PRON DT
## 715 be AUX VBP
## 716 Life PROPN NNP
## 717 , PUNCT ,
## 718 Liberty PROPN NNP
## 719 and CCONJ CC
## 720 the DET DT
## 721 pursuit NOUN NN
## 722 of ADP IN
## 723 Happiness ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 724 . PUNCT .
## 725 " PUNCT ''
## 726 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 727 it PRON PRP
## 728 be AUX VBZ
## 729 no DET DT
## 730 secret NOUN NN
## 731 that SCONJ IN
## 732 here ADV RB
## 733 at ADP IN
## 734 home NOUN NN
## 735 freedom NOUN NN
## 736 's PART POS
## 737 door NOUN NN
## 738 open VERB VBD
## 739 long ADV RB
## 740 ago ADV RB
## 741 . PUNCT .
## 742 the DET DT
## 743 cornerstone NOUN NNS
## 744 of ADP IN
## 745 this DET DT
## 746 free ADJ JJ
## 747 society NOUN NN
## 748 have AUX VBP
## 749 already ADV RB
## 750 be AUX VBN
## 751 set VERB VBN
## 752 in ADP IN
## 753 place NOUN NN
## 754 : PUNCT :
## 755 democracy NOUN NN
## 756 , PUNCT ,
## 757 competition NOUN NN
## 758 , PUNCT ,
## 759 opportunity NOUN NN
## 760 , PUNCT ,
## 761 private ADJ JJ
## 762 investment NOUN NN
## 763 , PUNCT ,
## 764 stewardship NOUN NN
## 765 , PUNCT ,
## 766 and CCONJ CC
## 767 of ADP IN
## 768 course NOUN NN
## 769 leadership NOUN NN
## 770 . PUNCT .
## 771 and CCONJ CC
## 772 our PRON PRP$
## 773 challenge NOUN NN
## 775 be AUX VBZ
## 776 to PART TO
## 777 take VERB VB
## 778 this DET DT
## 779 democratic ADJ JJ
## 780 system NOUN NN
## 781 of ADP IN
## 782 ours PRON PRP
## 783 , PUNCT ,
## 784 a DET DT
## 785 system NOUN NN
## 787 to ADP IN
## 788 none NOUN NN
## 789 , PUNCT ,
## 790 and CCONJ CC
## 791 make VERB VB
## 792 it PRON PRP
## 793 well ADJ JJR
## 794 : PUNCT :
## 795 a DET DT
## 796 well ADJ JJR
## 797 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 798 , PUNCT ,
## 799 where SCONJ WRB
## 800 there PRON EX
## 801 be VERB VBZ
## 802 a DET DT
## 803 job NOUN NN
## 804 for ADP IN
## 805 everyone PRON NN
## 806 who PRON WP
## 807 want VERB VBZ
## 808 one NUM CD
## 809 ; PUNCT :
## 810 where SCONJ WRB
## 811 woman NOUN NNS
## 812 work VERB VBG
## 813 outside ADP IN
## 814 the DET DT
## 815 home NOUN NN
## 816 can AUX MD
## 817 be AUX VB
## 818 confident ADJ JJ
## 819 their PRON PRP$
## 820 child NOUN NNS
## 821 be AUX VBP
## 822 in ADP IN
## 823 safe ADJ JJ
## 824 and CCONJ CC
## 825 love VERB VBG
## 826 care NOUN NN
## 827 and CCONJ CC
## 828 where SCONJ WRB
## 829 government NOUN NN
## 830 work VERB VBZ
## 831 to PART TO
## 832 expand VERB VB
## 833 child NOUN NN
## 834 - PUNCT HYPH
## 835 care NOUN NN
## 836 alternative NOUN NNS
## 837 for ADP IN
## 838 parent NOUN NNS
## 839 ; PUNCT :
## 840 where SCONJ WRB
## 841 we PRON PRP
## 842 reconcile VERB VBP
## 843 the DET DT
## 844 need NOUN NNS
## 845 of ADP IN
## 846 a DET DT
## 847 clean ADJ JJ
## 848 environment NOUN NN
## 849 and CCONJ CC
## 850 a DET DT
## 851 strong ADJ JJ
## 852 economy NOUN NN
## 853 ; PUNCT :
## 854 where SCONJ WRB
## 855 " PUNCT ``
## 856 make VERB VBN
## 857 in ADP IN
## 858 the DET DT
## 860 " PUNCT ''
## 861 be AUX VBZ
## 862 recognize VERB VBN
## 863 around ADP IN
## 864 the DET DT
## 865 world NOUN NN
## 866 as ADP IN
## 867 the DET DT
## 868 symbol NOUN NN
## 869 of ADP IN
## 870 quality NOUN NN
## 871 and CCONJ CC
## 872 progress NOUN NN
## 873 ; PUNCT :
## 874 where SCONJ WRB
## 875 every DET DT
## 876 one NUM CD
## 877 of ADP IN
## 878 we PRON PRP
## 879 enjoy VERB VBZ
## 880 the DET DT
## 881 same ADJ JJ
## 882 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 883 to PART TO
## 884 live VERB VB
## 885 , PUNCT ,
## 886 to PART TO
## 887 work VERB VB
## 888 , PUNCT ,
## 889 and CCONJ CC
## 890 to PART TO
## 891 contribute VERB VB
## 892 to ADP IN
## 893 society NOUN NN
## 894 and CCONJ CC
## 895 where SCONJ WRB
## 896 , PUNCT ,
## 897 for ADP IN
## 898 the DET DT
## 900 time NOUN NN
## 901 , PUNCT ,
## 902 the DET DT
## 903 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 904 mainstream NOUN NN
## 905 include VERB VBZ
## 906 all PRON DT
## 907 of ADP IN
## 908 our PRON PRP$
## 909 disabled ADJ JJ
## 910 citizen NOUN NNS
## 911 ; PUNCT :
## 912 where SCONJ WRB
## 913 everyone PRON NN
## 914 have VERB VBZ
## 915 a DET DT
## 916 roof NOUN NN
## 917 over ADP IN
## 918 his PRON PRP$
## 919 head NOUN NN
## 920 and CCONJ CC
## 921 where SCONJ WRB
## 922 the DET DT
## 923 homeless NOUN NN
## 924 get VERB VBP
## 925 the DET DT
## 926 help NOUN NN
## 927 they PRON PRP
## 928 need VERB VBP
## 929 to PART TO
## 930 live VERB VB
## 931 in ADP IN
## 932 dignity NOUN NN
## 933 ; PUNCT :
## 934 where SCONJ WRB
## 935 our PRON PRP$
## 936 school NOUN NNS
## 937 challenge NOUN NN
## 938 and CCONJ CC
## 939 support VERB VB
## 940 our PRON PRP$
## 941 kid NOUN NNS
## 942 and CCONJ CC
## 943 our PRON PRP$
## 944 teacher NOUN NNS
## 945 and CCONJ CC
## 946 where SCONJ WRB
## 947 all PRON DT
## 948 of ADP IN
## 949 they PRON PRP
## 950 make VERB VBP
## 951 the DET DT
## 952 grade NOUN NN
## 953 ; PUNCT :
## 954 where SCONJ WRB
## 955 every DET DT
## 956 street NOUN NN
## 957 , PUNCT ,
## 958 every DET DT
## 959 city NOUN NN
## 960 , PUNCT ,
## 961 every DET DT
## 962 school NOUN NN
## 963 , PUNCT ,
## 964 and CCONJ CC
## 965 every DET DT
## 966 child NOUN NN
## 967 be AUX VBZ
## 968 drug NOUN NN
## 969 - PUNCT HYPH
## 970 free ADJ JJ
## 971 ; PUNCT :
## 972 and CCONJ CC
## 973 finally ADV RB
## 974 , PUNCT ,
## 975 where SCONJ WRB
## 976 no DET DT
## 977 American ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 978 be AUX VBZ
## 979 forget VERB VBN
## 980 -- PUNCT :
## 981 our PRON PRP$
## 982 heart NOUN NNS
## 983 go VERB VBP
## 984 out ADP RP
## 985 to ADP IN
## 986 our PRON PRP$
## 987 hostage NOUN NNS
## 988 who PRON WP
## 989 be AUX VBP
## 990 ceaselessly ADV RB
## 991 on ADP IN
## 992 our PRON PRP$
## 993 mind NOUN NNS
## 994 and CCONJ CC
## 995 in ADP IN
## 996 our PRON PRP$
## 997 effort NOUN NNS
## 998 . PUNCT .
## 999 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1000 that PRON DT
## 1001 be AUX VBZ
## 1002 part NOUN NN
## 1003 of ADP IN
## 1004 the DET DT
## 1005 future NOUN NN
## 1006 we PRON PRP
## 1007 want VERB VBP
## 1008 to PART TO
## 1009 see VERB VB
## 1010 , PUNCT ,
## 1011 the DET DT
## 1012 future NOUN NN
## 1013 we PRON PRP
## 1014 can AUX MD
## 1015 make VERB VB
## 1016 for ADP IN
## 1017 ourselves PRON PRP
## 1018 , PUNCT ,
## 1019 but CCONJ CC
## 1020 dream NOUN NNS
## 1021 alone ADV RB
## 1022 will AUX MD
## 1023 not PART RB
## 1024 get VERB VB
## 1025 we PRON PRP
## 1026 there ADV RB
## 1027 . PUNCT .
## 1028 we PRON PRP
## 1029 need VERB VBP
## 1030 to PART TO
## 1031 extend VERB VB
## 1032 our PRON PRP$
## 1033 horizon NOUN NN
## 1034 , PUNCT ,
## 1035 commit VERB VB
## 1036 to ADP IN
## 1037 the DET DT
## 1038 long ADJ JJ
## 1039 view NOUN NN
## 1040 . PUNCT .
## 1041 and CCONJ CC
## 1042 our PRON PRP$
## 1043 mission NOUN NN
## 1044 for ADP IN
## 1045 the DET DT
## 1046 future ADJ JJ
## 1047 start VERB VBZ
## 1048 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 1049 . PUNCT .
## 1050 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1051 in ADP IN
## 1052 the DET DT
## 1053 tough ADJ JJ
## 1054 competitive ADJ JJ
## 1055 market NOUN NNS
## 1056 around ADP IN
## 1057 the DET DT
## 1058 world NOUN NN
## 1059 , PUNCT ,
## 1060 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 1061 face VERB VBZ
## 1062 the DET DT
## 1063 great ADJ JJ
## 1064 challenge NOUN NNS
## 1065 and CCONJ CC
## 1066 great ADJ JJ
## 1067 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 1068 . PUNCT .
## 1069 and CCONJ CC
## 1070 we PRON PRP
## 1071 know VERB VBP
## 1072 that SCONJ IN
## 1073 we PRON PRP
## 1074 can AUX MD
## 1075 succeed VERB VB
## 1076 in ADP IN
## 1077 the DET DT
## 1078 global ADJ JJ
## 1079 economic ADJ JJ
## 1080 arena NOUN NN
## 1081 of ADP IN
## 1082 the_ninety ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 1083 , PUNCT ,
## 1084 but CCONJ CC
## 1085 to PART TO
## 1086 meet VERB VB
## 1087 that DET DT
## 1088 challenge NOUN NN
## 1089 , PUNCT ,
## 1090 we PRON PRP
## 1091 must AUX MD
## 1092 make VERB VB
## 1093 some DET DT
## 1094 fundamental ADJ JJ
## 1095 change NOUN NNS
## 1096 -- PUNCT :
## 1097 some DET DT
## 1098 crucial ADJ JJ
## 1099 investment NOUN NN
## 1100 in ADP IN
## 1101 ourselves PRON PRP
## 1102 . PUNCT .
## 1103 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1104 yes INTJ UH
## 1105 , PUNCT ,
## 1106 we PRON PRP
## 1107 be AUX VBP
## 1108 go VERB VBG
## 1109 to PART TO
## 1110 invest VERB VB
## 1111 in ADP IN
## 1112 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 1113 . PUNCT .
## 1114 this DET DT
## 1115 administration NOUN NN
## 1116 be AUX VBZ
## 1117 determined ADJ JJ
## 1118 to PART TO
## 1119 encourage VERB VB
## 1120 the DET DT
## 1121 creation NOUN NN
## 1122 of ADP IN
## 1123 capital NOUN NN
## 1124 , PUNCT ,
## 1125 capital NOUN NN
## 1126 of ADP IN
## 1127 all DET DT
## 1128 kind NOUN NNS
## 1129 : PUNCT :
## 1130 physical ADJ JJ
## 1131 capital NOUN NN
## 1132 -- PUNCT :
## 1133 everything PRON NN
## 1134 from ADP IN
## 1135 our PRON PRP$
## 1136 farm NOUN NNS
## 1137 and CCONJ CC
## 1138 factory NOUN NNS
## 1139 to ADP IN
## 1140 our PRON PRP$
## 1141 workshop NOUN NNS
## 1142 and CCONJ CC
## 1143 production NOUN NN
## 1144 line NOUN NNS
## 1145 , PUNCT ,
## 1146 all PRON DT
## 1147 that PRON WDT
## 1148 be AUX VBZ
## 1149 need VERB VBN
## 1150 to PART TO
## 1151 produce VERB VB
## 1152 and CCONJ CC
## 1153 deliver VERB VB
## 1154 quality NOUN NN
## 1155 good NOUN NNS
## 1156 and CCONJ CC
## 1157 quality NOUN NN
## 1158 service NOUN NNS
## 1159 ; PUNCT :
## 1160 intellectual ADJ JJ
## 1161 capital NOUN NN
## 1162 -- PUNCT :
## 1163 the DET DT
## 1164 source NOUN NN
## 1165 of ADP IN
## 1166 idea NOUN NNS
## 1167 that PRON WDT
## 1168 spark VERB VBP
## 1169 tomorrow ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 1170 's PART POS
## 1171 product NOUN NNS
## 1172 ; PUNCT :
## 1173 and CCONJ CC
## 1174 of ADP IN
## 1175 course NOUN NN
## 1176 our PRON PRP$
## 1177 human ADJ JJ
## 1178 capital NOUN NN
## 1179 -- PUNCT :
## 1180 the DET DT
## 1181 talented ADJ JJ
## 1182 work NOUN NN
## 1183 force NOUN NN
## 1184 that SCONJ IN
## 1185 we PRON PRP
## 1186 will AUX MD
## 1187 need VERB VB
## 1188 to PART TO
## 1189 compete VERB VB
## 1190 in ADP IN
## 1191 the DET DT
## 1192 global ADJ JJ
## 1193 market NOUN NN
## 1194 . PUNCT .
## 1195 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1196 let VERB VB
## 1197 I PRON PRP
## 1198 tell VERB VB
## 1199 you PRON PRP
## 1200 , PUNCT ,
## 1201 if SCONJ IN
## 1202 we PRON PRP
## 1203 ignore VERB VBP
## 1204 human ADJ JJ
## 1205 capital NOUN NN
## 1206 , PUNCT ,
## 1207 if SCONJ IN
## 1208 we PRON PRP
## 1209 lose VERB VBP
## 1210 the DET DT
## 1211 spirit NOUN NN
## 1212 of ADP IN
## 1213 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 1214 ingenuity NOUN NN
## 1215 , PUNCT ,
## 1216 the DET DT
## 1217 spirit NOUN NN
## 1218 that PRON WDT
## 1219 be AUX VBZ
## 1220 the DET DT
## 1221 hallmark NOUN NN
## 1222 of ADP IN
## 1223 the DET DT
## 1224 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 1225 worker NOUN NN
## 1226 , PUNCT ,
## 1227 that PRON WDT
## 1228 would AUX MD
## 1229 be AUX VB
## 1230 bad ADJ JJ
## 1231 . PUNCT .
## 1232 the DET DT
## 1233 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 1234 worker NOUN NN
## 1235 be AUX VBZ
## 1236 the DET DT
## 1237 most ADV RBS
## 1238 productive ADJ JJ
## 1239 worker NOUN NN
## 1240 in ADP IN
## 1241 the DET DT
## 1242 world NOUN NN
## 1243 . PUNCT .
## 1244 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1245 we PRON PRP
## 1246 need VERB VBP
## 1247 to PART TO
## 1248 save VERB VB
## 1249 more ADJ JJR
## 1250 . PUNCT .
## 1251 we PRON PRP
## 1252 need VERB VBP
## 1253 to PART TO
## 1254 expand VERB VB
## 1255 the DET DT
## 1256 pool NOUN NN
## 1257 of ADP IN
## 1258 capital NOUN NN
## 1259 for ADP IN
## 1260 new ADJ JJ
## 1261 investment NOUN NNS
## 1262 that PRON WDT
## 1263 need VERB VBP
## 1264 more ADJ JJR
## 1265 job NOUN NNS
## 1266 and CCONJ CC
## 1267 more ADJ JJR
## 1268 growth NOUN NN
## 1269 . PUNCT .
## 1270 and CCONJ CC
## 1271 that PRON DT
## 1272 be AUX VBZ
## 1273 the DET DT
## 1274 idea NOUN NN
## 1275 behind ADP IN
## 1276 a DET DT
## 1277 new ADJ JJ
## 1278 initiative NOUN NN
## 1279 I PRON PRP
## 1280 call VERB VBP
## 1281 the DET DT
## 1282 Family PROPN NNP
## 1283 Savings PROPN NNP
## 1284 Plan PROPN NNP
## 1285 , PUNCT ,
## 1286 which PRON WDT
## 1287 I PRON PRP
## 1288 will AUX MD
## 1289 send VERB VB
## 1290 to ADP IN
## 1291 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 1292 tomorrow ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 1293 . PUNCT .
## 1294 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1295 we PRON PRP
## 1296 need VERB VBP
## 1297 to PART TO
## 1298 cut VERB VB
## 1299 the DET DT
## 1300 tax NOUN NN
## 1301 on ADP IN
## 1302 capital NOUN NN
## 1303 gain NOUN NNS
## 1304 , PUNCT ,
## 1305 encourage VERB VBP
## 1306 risktaker NOUN NNS
## 1307 , PUNCT ,
## 1308 especially ADV RB
## 1309 those PRON DT
## 1310 in ADP IN
## 1311 our PRON PRP$
## 1312 small ADJ JJ
## 1313 business NOUN NNS
## 1314 , PUNCT ,
## 1315 to PART TO
## 1316 take VERB VB
## 1317 those DET DT
## 1318 step NOUN NNS
## 1319 that PRON WDT
## 1320 translate VERB VBP
## 1321 into ADP IN
## 1322 economic ADJ JJ
## 1323 reward NOUN NN
## 1324 , PUNCT ,
## 1325 job NOUN NNS
## 1326 , PUNCT ,
## 1327 and CCONJ CC
## 1328 a DET DT
## 1329 well ADJ JJR
## 1330 life NOUN NN
## 1331 for ADP IN
## 1332 all PRON DT
## 1333 of ADP IN
## 1334 we PRON PRP
## 1335 . PUNCT .
## 1336 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1337 we PRON PRP
## 1338 will AUX MD
## 1339 do VERB VB
## 1340 what PRON WP
## 1341 it PRON PRP
## 1342 take VERB VBZ
## 1343 to PART TO
## 1344 invest VERB VB
## 1345 in ADP IN
## 1346 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 1347 's PART POS
## 1348 future NOUN NN
## 1349 . PUNCT .
## 1350 the DET DT
## 1351 budget NOUN NN
## 1352 commitment NOUN NN
## 1353 be AUX VBZ
## 1354 there ADV RB
## 1355 . PUNCT .
## 1356 the DET DT
## 1357 money NOUN NN
## 1358 be AUX VBZ
## 1359 there ADV RB
## 1360 . PUNCT .
## 1361 it PRON PRP
## 1362 be AUX VBZ
## 1363 there ADV RB
## 1364 for ADP IN
## 1365 research NOUN NN
## 1366 and CCONJ CC
## 1367 development NOUN NN
## 1368 , PUNCT ,
## 1369 r&d NOUN NN
## 1370 -- PUNCT :
## 1371 a DET DT
## 1372 record NOUN NN
## 1373 high NOUN NN
## 1374 . PUNCT .
## 1375 it PRON PRP
## 1376 be AUX VBZ
## 1377 there ADV RB
## 1378 for ADP IN
## 1379 our PRON PRP$
## 1380 housing NOUN NN
## 1381 initiative NOUN NN
## 1382 -- PUNCT :
## 1384 -- PUNCT :
## 1385 to PART TO
## 1386 help VERB VB
## 1387 everyone PRON NN
## 1388 from ADP IN
## 1390 - PUNCT HYPH
## 1391 time NOUN NN
## 1392 homebuyer NOUN NNS
## 1393 to ADP IN
## 1394 the DET DT
## 1395 homeless NOUN NN
## 1396 . PUNCT .
## 1397 the DET DT
## 1398 money NOUN NN
## 1399 be AUX VBZ
## 1400 there ADV RB
## 1401 to PART TO
## 1402 keep VERB VB
## 1403 our PRON PRP$
## 1404 kid NOUN NNS
## 1405 drug NOUN NN
## 1406 - PUNCT HYPH
## 1407 free ADJ JJ
## 1408 -- PUNCT :
## 1409 70_percent ENTITY ENTITY PERCENT
## 1410 more ADJ JJR
## 1411 than ADP IN
## 1412 when SCONJ WRB
## 1413 I PRON PRP
## 1414 take VERB VBD
## 1415 office NOUN NN
## 1416 in ADP IN
## 1418 . PUNCT .
## 1419 it PRON PRP
## 1420 be AUX VBZ
## 1421 there ADV RB
## 1422 for ADP IN
## 1423 space NOUN NN
## 1424 exploration NOUN NN
## 1425 . PUNCT .
## 1426 and CCONJ CC
## 1427 it PRON PRP
## 1428 be AUX VBZ
## 1429 there ADV RB
## 1430 for ADP IN
## 1431 education NOUN NN
## 1432 -- PUNCT :
## 1433 another DET DT
## 1434 record NOUN NN
## 1435 high NOUN NN
## 1436 . PUNCT .
## 1437 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1438 and CCONJ CC
## 1440 more ADJ JJR
## 1441 thing NOUN NN
## 1442 : PUNCT :
## 1443 last_fall ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 1444 at ADP IN
## 1445 the DET DT
## 1446 education NOUN NN
## 1447 summit NOUN NN
## 1448 , PUNCT ,
## 1449 the DET DT
## 1450 Governors PROPN NNPS
## 1451 and CCONJ CC
## 1452 I PRON PRP
## 1453 agree VERB VBD
## 1454 to PART TO
## 1455 look VERB VB
## 1456 for ADP IN
## 1457 way NOUN NNS
## 1458 to PART TO
## 1459 help VERB VB
## 1460 make VERB VB
## 1461 sure ADJ JJ
## 1462 that SCONJ IN
## 1463 our PRON PRP$
## 1464 kid NOUN NNS
## 1465 be AUX VBP
## 1466 ready ADJ JJ
## 1467 to PART TO
## 1468 learn VERB VB
## 1469 the_very_first_day ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 1470 they PRON PRP
## 1471 walk VERB VBP
## 1472 into ADP IN
## 1473 the DET DT
## 1474 classroom NOUN NN
## 1475 . PUNCT .
## 1476 and CCONJ CC
## 1477 I PRON PRP
## 1478 've AUX VBP
## 1479 make VERB VBN
## 1480 good ADJ JJ
## 1481 on ADP IN
## 1482 that DET DT
## 1483 commitment NOUN NN
## 1484 by ADP IN
## 1485 propose VERB VBG
## 1486 a DET DT
## 1487 record ADJ JJ
## 1488 increase NOUN NN
## 1489 in ADP IN
## 1490 fund NOUN NNS
## 1491 -- PUNCT :
## 1492 an_extra_half_-_a_-_billion_dollar ENTITY ENTITY CARDINAL
## 1493 -- PUNCT :
## 1494 for ADP IN
## 1495 something PRON NN
## 1496 near ADJ JJ
## 1497 and CCONJ CC
## 1498 dear ADJ JJ
## 1499 to ADP IN
## 1500 all PRON DT
## 1501 of ADP IN
## 1502 we PRON PRP
## 1503 : PUNCT :
## 1504 Head PROPN NNP
## 1505 Start PROPN NNP
## 1506 . PUNCT .
## 1507 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1508 education NOUN NN
## 1509 be AUX VBZ
## 1510 the DET DT
## 1512 investment NOUN NN
## 1513 that PRON WDT
## 1514 mean VERB VBZ
## 1515 more ADJ JJR
## 1516 for ADP IN
## 1517 our PRON PRP$
## 1518 future NOUN NN
## 1519 because SCONJ IN
## 1520 it PRON PRP
## 1521 mean VERB VBZ
## 1522 the DET DT
## 1523 most ADJ JJS
## 1524 for ADP IN
## 1525 our PRON PRP$
## 1526 child NOUN NNS
## 1527 . PUNCT .
## 1528 real ADJ JJ
## 1529 improvement NOUN NN
## 1530 in ADP IN
## 1531 our PRON PRP$
## 1532 school NOUN NNS
## 1533 be AUX VBZ
## 1534 not PART RB
## 1535 simply ADV RB
## 1536 a DET DT
## 1537 matter NOUN NN
## 1538 of ADP IN
## 1539 spend VERB VBG
## 1540 more ADV RBR
## 1541 : PUNCT :
## 1542 it PRON PRP
## 1543 be AUX VBZ
## 1544 a DET DT
## 1545 matter NOUN NN
## 1546 of ADP IN
## 1547 ask VERB VBG
## 1548 more ADJ JJR
## 1549 -- PUNCT :
## 1550 expect VERB VBG
## 1551 more ADJ JJR
## 1552 -- PUNCT :
## 1553 of ADP IN
## 1554 our PRON PRP$
## 1555 school NOUN NNS
## 1556 , PUNCT ,
## 1557 our PRON PRP$
## 1558 teacher NOUN NNS
## 1559 , PUNCT ,
## 1560 of ADP IN
## 1561 our PRON PRP$
## 1562 kid NOUN NNS
## 1563 , PUNCT ,
## 1564 of ADP IN
## 1565 our PRON PRP$
## 1566 parent NOUN NNS
## 1567 , PUNCT ,
## 1568 and CCONJ CC
## 1569 ourselves PRON PRP
## 1570 . PUNCT .
## 1571 and CCONJ CC
## 1572 that PRON DT
## 1573 be AUX VBZ
## 1574 why SCONJ WRB
## 1575 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 1576 I PRON PRP
## 1577 be AUX VBP
## 1578 announce VERB VBG
## 1579 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 1580 's PART POS
## 1581 education NOUN NN
## 1582 goal NOUN NNS
## 1583 , PUNCT ,
## 1584 goal NOUN NNS
## 1585 develop VERB VBN
## 1586 with ADP IN
## 1587 enormous ADJ JJ
## 1588 cooperation NOUN NN
## 1589 from ADP IN
## 1590 the_Nation_'s_Governors ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 1591 . PUNCT .
## 1592 and CCONJ CC
## 1593 if SCONJ IN
## 1594 I PRON PRP
## 1595 might AUX MD
## 1596 , PUNCT ,
## 1597 I PRON PRP
## 1598 would AUX MD
## 1599 like VERB VB
## 1600 to PART TO
## 1601 say VERB VB
## 1602 I PRON PRP
## 1603 be AUX VBP
## 1604 very ADV RB
## 1605 pleased ADJ JJ
## 1606 that SCONJ IN
## 1607 Governor PROPN NNP
## 1609 [ X XX
## 1610 Washington ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 1611 ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 1612 and CCONJ CC
## 1613 Governor PROPN NNP
## 1615 [ X XX
## 1616 Arkansas ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 1617 ] X XX
## 1618 , PUNCT ,
## 1619 Governor PROPN NNP
## 1621 [ X XX
## 1623 ] X XX
## 1624 , PUNCT ,
## 1625 Governor PROPN NNP
## 1627 [ X XX
## 1628 South_Carolina ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 1629 ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 1630 , PUNCT ,
## 1631 all PRON DT
## 1632 of ADP IN
## 1633 whom PRON WP
## 1634 be AUX VBD
## 1635 very ADV RB
## 1636 key ADJ JJ
## 1637 in ADP IN
## 1638 these DET DT
## 1639 discussion NOUN NNS
## 1640 , PUNCT ,
## 1641 these DET DT
## 1642 deliberation NOUN NNS
## 1643 , PUNCT ,
## 1644 be AUX VBP
## 1645 with ADP IN
## 1646 we PRON PRP
## 1647 here ADV RB
## 1648 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 1649 . PUNCT .
## 1650 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1651 by ADP IN
## 1652 the_year_2000 ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 1653 , PUNCT ,
## 1654 every DET DT
## 1655 child NOUN NN
## 1656 must AUX MD
## 1657 start VERB VB
## 1658 school NOUN NN
## 1659 ready ADJ JJ
## 1660 to PART TO
## 1661 learn VERB VB
## 1662 . PUNCT .
## 1663 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1664 the_United_States ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 1665 must AUX MD
## 1666 increase VERB VB
## 1667 the DET DT
## 1668 high ADJ JJ
## 1669 school NOUN NN
## 1670 graduation NOUN NN
## 1671 rate NOUN NN
## 1672 to ADP IN
## 1673 no_less_than_90_percent ENTITY ENTITY PERCENT
## 1674 . PUNCT .
## 1675 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1676 and CCONJ CC
## 1677 we PRON PRP
## 1678 be AUX VBP
## 1679 go VERB VBG
## 1680 to PART TO
## 1681 make VERB VB
## 1682 sure ADJ JJ
## 1683 our PRON PRP$
## 1684 school NOUN NNS
## 1685 ' PART POS
## 1686 diploma NOUN NNS
## 1687 mean VERB VBP
## 1688 something PRON NN
## 1689 . PUNCT .
## 1690 in ADP IN
## 1691 critical ADJ JJ
## 1692 subject NOUN NNS
## 1693 -- PUNCT :
## 1694 at ADP IN
## 1695 the DET DT
## 1697 , PUNCT ,
## 1699 , PUNCT ,
## 1700 and CCONJ CC
## 1702 grade NOUN NNS
## 1703 -- PUNCT :
## 1704 we PRON PRP
## 1705 must AUX MD
## 1706 assess VERB VB
## 1707 our PRON PRP$
## 1708 student NOUN NNS
## 1709 ' PART POS
## 1710 performance NOUN NN
## 1711 . PUNCT .
## 1712 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1713 by ADP IN
## 1714 the_year_2000 ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 1715 , PUNCT ,
## 1717 student NOUN NNS
## 1718 must AUX MD
## 1719 be AUX VB
## 1721 in ADP IN
## 1722 the DET DT
## 1723 world NOUN NN
## 1724 in ADP IN
## 1725 math NOUN NN
## 1726 and CCONJ CC
## 1727 science NOUN NN
## 1728 achievement NOUN NN
## 1729 . PUNCT .
## 1730 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1731 every DET DT
## 1732 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 1733 adult NOUN NN
## 1734 must AUX MD
## 1735 be AUX VB
## 1736 a DET DT
## 1737 skilled ADJ JJ
## 1738 , PUNCT ,
## 1739 literate ADJ JJ
## 1740 worker NOUN NN
## 1741 and CCONJ CC
## 1742 citizen NOUN NN
## 1743 . PUNCT .
## 1744 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1745 every DET DT
## 1746 school NOUN NN
## 1747 must AUX MD
## 1748 offer VERB VB
## 1749 the DET DT
## 1750 kind NOUN NN
## 1751 of ADP IN
## 1752 discipline VERB VBN
## 1753 environment NOUN NN
## 1754 that PRON WDT
## 1755 make VERB VBZ
## 1756 it PRON PRP
## 1757 possible ADJ JJ
## 1758 for SCONJ IN
## 1759 our PRON PRP$
## 1760 kid NOUN NNS
## 1761 to PART TO
## 1762 learn VERB VB
## 1763 . PUNCT .
## 1764 and CCONJ CC
## 1765 every DET DT
## 1766 school NOUN NN
## 1767 in ADP IN
## 1768 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 1769 must AUX MD
## 1770 be AUX VB
## 1771 drug NOUN NN
## 1772 - PUNCT HYPH
## 1773 free ADJ JJ
## 1774 . PUNCT .
## 1775 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1776 ambitious ADJ JJ
## 1777 aim VERB VBZ
## 1778 ? PUNCT .
## 1779 of ADV RB
## 1780 course ADV RB
## 1781 . PUNCT .
## 1782 easy ADJ JJ
## 1783 to PART TO
## 1784 do VERB VB
## 1785 ? PUNCT .
## 1786 far ADV RB
## 1787 from ADP IN
## 1788 it PRON PRP
## 1789 . PUNCT .
## 1790 but CCONJ CC
## 1791 the DET DT
## 1792 future NOUN NN
## 1793 's PART POS
## 1794 at ADP IN
## 1795 stake NOUN NN
## 1796 . PUNCT .
## 1797 the DET DT
## 1798 nation NOUN NN
## 1799 will AUX MD
## 1800 not PART RB
## 1801 accept VERB VB
## 1802 anything PRON NN
## 1803 less ADJ JJR
## 1804 than ADP IN
## 1805 excellence NOUN NN
## 1806 in ADP IN
## 1807 education NOUN NN
## 1808 . PUNCT .
## 1809 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1810 these DET DT
## 1811 investment NOUN NNS
## 1812 will AUX MD
## 1813 keep VERB VB
## 1814 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 1815 competitive ADJ JJ
## 1816 . PUNCT .
## 1817 and CCONJ CC
## 1818 I PRON PRP
## 1819 know VERB VBP
## 1820 this PRON DT
## 1821 about ADP IN
## 1822 the DET DT
## 1823 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 1824 people NOUN NNS
## 1825 : PUNCT :
## 1826 we PRON PRP
## 1827 welcome VERB VBP
## 1828 competition NOUN NN
## 1829 . PUNCT .
## 1830 we PRON PRP
## 1831 will AUX MD
## 1832 match VERB VB
## 1833 our PRON PRP$
## 1834 ingenuity NOUN NN
## 1835 , PUNCT ,
## 1836 our PRON PRP$
## 1837 energy NOUN NN
## 1838 , PUNCT ,
## 1839 our PRON PRP$
## 1840 experience NOUN NN
## 1841 and CCONJ CC
## 1842 technology NOUN NN
## 1843 , PUNCT ,
## 1844 our PRON PRP$
## 1845 spirit NOUN NN
## 1846 and CCONJ CC
## 1847 enterprise NOUN NN
## 1848 against ADP IN
## 1849 anyone PRON NN
## 1850 . PUNCT .
## 1851 but CCONJ CC
## 1852 let VERB VB
## 1853 the DET DT
## 1854 competition NOUN NN
## 1855 be AUX VB
## 1856 free ADJ JJ
## 1857 , PUNCT ,
## 1858 but CCONJ CC
## 1859 let VERB VB
## 1860 it PRON PRP
## 1861 also ADV RB
## 1862 be AUX VB
## 1863 fair ADJ JJ
## 1864 . PUNCT .
## 1865 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 1866 be AUX VBZ
## 1867 ready ADJ JJ
## 1868 . PUNCT .
## 1869 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1870 since SCONJ IN
## 1871 we PRON PRP
## 1872 really ADV RB
## 1873 mean VERB VBP
## 1874 it PRON PRP
## 1875 and CCONJ CC
## 1876 since SCONJ IN
## 1877 we PRON PRP
## 1878 be AUX VBP
## 1879 serious ADJ JJ
## 1880 about ADP IN
## 1881 be AUX VBG
## 1882 ready ADJ JJ
## 1883 to PART TO
## 1884 meet VERB VB
## 1885 that DET DT
## 1886 challenge NOUN NN
## 1887 , PUNCT ,
## 1888 we PRON PRP
## 1889 be AUX VBP
## 1890 get VERB VBG
## 1891 our PRON PRP$
## 1892 own ADJ JJ
## 1893 house NOUN NN
## 1894 in ADP IN
## 1895 order NOUN NN
## 1896 . PUNCT .
## 1897 we PRON PRP
## 1898 have AUX VBP
## 1899 make VERB VBN
## 1900 real ADJ JJ
## 1901 progress NOUN NN
## 1902 . PUNCT .
## 1903 seven_year_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 1904 , PUNCT ,
## 1905 the DET DT
## 1906 federal ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 1907 deficit NOUN NN
## 1908 be AUX VBD
## 1909 6_percent ENTITY ENTITY PERCENT
## 1910 of ADP IN
## 1911 our PRON PRP$
## 1912 gross ADJ JJ
## 1913 national ADJ JJ
## 1914 product NOUN NN
## 1915 -- PUNCT :
## 1916 6_percent ENTITY ENTITY PERCENT
## 1917 . PUNCT .
## 1918 in ADP IN
## 1919 the DET DT
## 1920 new ADJ JJ
## 1921 budget NOUN NN
## 1922 I PRON PRP
## 1923 send VERB VBD
## 1924 up ADP RP
## 1925 2_day_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 1926 , PUNCT ,
## 1927 the DET DT
## 1928 deficit NOUN NN
## 1929 be AUX VBZ
## 1930 down ADV RB
## 1931 to ADP IN
## 1932 1_percent ENTITY ENTITY PERCENT
## 1933 of ADP IN
## 1934 gross ADJ JJ
## 1935 national ADJ JJ
## 1936 product NOUN NN
## 1937 . PUNCT .
## 1938 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1939 that DET DT
## 1940 budget NOUN NN
## 1941 bring VERB VBZ
## 1942 Federal PROPN NNP
## 1943 spending NOUN NN
## 1944 under ADP IN
## 1945 control NOUN NN
## 1946 . PUNCT .
## 1947 it PRON PRP
## 1948 meet VERB VBZ
## 1949 the DET DT
## 1950 Gramm_-_Rudman ENTITY ENTITY LAW
## 1951 target NOUN NN
## 1952 . PUNCT .
## 1953 it PRON PRP
## 1954 bring VERB VBZ
## 1955 that DET DT
## 1956 deficit NOUN NN
## 1957 down ADP RP
## 1958 far ADV RB
## 1959 and CCONJ CC
## 1960 balance VERB VBZ
## 1961 the DET DT
## 1962 budget NOUN NN
## 1963 by ADP IN
## 1965 with ADP IN
## 1966 no DET DT
## 1967 new ADJ JJ
## 1968 taxis NOUN NNS
## 1969 . PUNCT .
## 1970 and CCONJ CC
## 1971 let VERB VB
## 1972 I PRON PRP
## 1973 tell VERB VB
## 1974 you PRON PRP
## 1975 , PUNCT ,
## 1976 there PRON EX
## 1977 be VERB VBZ
## 1978 still ADV RB
## 1979 more ADJ JJR
## 1980 than ADP IN
## 1981 enough ADJ JJ
## 1982 federal ADJ JJ
## 1983 spending NOUN NN
## 1984 . PUNCT .
## 1985 for ADP IN
## 1986 most ADJ JJS
## 1987 of ADP IN
## 1988 we PRON PRP
## 1989 , PUNCT ,
## 1990 $_1.2_trillion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 1991 be AUX VBZ
## 1992 still ADV RB
## 1993 a DET DT
## 1994 lot NOUN NN
## 1995 of ADP IN
## 1996 money NOUN NN
## 1997 . PUNCT .
## 1998 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 1999 and CCONJ CC
## 2000 once SCONJ IN
## 2001 the DET DT
## 2002 budget NOUN NN
## 2003 be AUX VBZ
## 2004 balance VERB VBN
## 2005 , PUNCT ,
## 2006 we PRON PRP
## 2007 can AUX MD
## 2008 operate VERB VB
## 2009 the DET DT
## 2010 way NOUN NN
## 2011 every DET DT
## 2012 family NOUN NN
## 2013 must AUX MD
## 2014 when SCONJ WRB
## 2015 it PRON PRP
## 2016 have VERB VBZ
## 2017 bill NOUN NNS
## 2018 to PART TO
## 2019 pay VERB VB
## 2020 . PUNCT .
## 2021 we PRON PRP
## 2022 will AUX MD
## 2023 not PART RB
## 2024 leave VERB VB
## 2025 it PRON PRP
## 2026 to ADP IN
## 2027 our PRON PRP$
## 2028 child NOUN NNS
## 2029 and CCONJ CC
## 2030 our PRON PRP$
## 2031 grandchild NOUN NNS
## 2032 . PUNCT .
## 2033 once SCONJ IN
## 2034 it PRON PRP
## 2035 be AUX VBZ
## 2036 balance VERB VBN
## 2037 , PUNCT ,
## 2038 we PRON PRP
## 2039 will AUX MD
## 2040 start VERB VB
## 2041 pay VERB VBG
## 2042 off ADP RP
## 2043 the DET DT
## 2044 national ADJ JJ
## 2045 debt NOUN NN
## 2046 . PUNCT .
## 2047 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2048 and CCONJ CC
## 2049 there PRON EX
## 2050 be VERB VBZ
## 2051 something PRON NN
## 2052 more ADJ JJR
## 2053 we PRON PRP
## 2054 owe VERB VBP
## 2055 the DET DT
## 2056 generation NOUN NNS
## 2057 of ADP IN
## 2058 the DET DT
## 2059 future NOUN NN
## 2060 : PUNCT :
## 2061 stewardship NOUN NN
## 2062 , PUNCT ,
## 2063 the DET DT
## 2064 safekeeping NOUN NN
## 2065 of ADP IN
## 2066 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 2067 's PART POS
## 2068 precious ADJ JJ
## 2069 environmental ADJ JJ
## 2070 inheritance NOUN NN
## 2071 . PUNCT .
## 2072 it PRON PRP
## 2073 be AUX VBZ
## 2074 just ADV RB
## 2076 sign NOUN NN
## 2077 of ADP IN
## 2078 how SCONJ WRB
## 2079 serious ADJ JJ
## 2080 we PRON PRP
## 2081 be AUX VBP
## 2082 . PUNCT .
## 2083 we PRON PRP
## 2084 will AUX MD
## 2085 elevate VERB VB
## 2086 the_Environmental_Protection_Agency ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 2087 to ADP IN
## 2088 Cabinet ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 2089 rank NOUN NN
## 2090 -- PUNCT :
## 2091 not PART RB
## 2092 more ADJ JJR
## 2093 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 2094 , PUNCT ,
## 2095 not PART RB
## 2096 more ADV RBR
## 2097 red ADJ JJ
## 2098 - PUNCT HYPH
## 2099 tape NOUN NN
## 2100 , PUNCT ,
## 2101 but CCONJ CC
## 2102 the DET DT
## 2103 certainty NOUN NN
## 2104 that SCONJ IN
## 2105 here ADV RB
## 2106 at ADP IN
## 2107 home NOUN NN
## 2108 , PUNCT ,
## 2109 and CCONJ CC
## 2110 especially ADV RB
## 2111 in ADP IN
## 2112 our PRON PRP$
## 2113 dealing NOUN NNS
## 2114 with ADP IN
## 2115 other ADJ JJ
## 2116 nation NOUN NNS
## 2117 , PUNCT ,
## 2118 environmental ADJ JJ
## 2119 issue NOUN NNS
## 2120 have AUX VBP
## 2121 the DET DT
## 2122 status NOUN NN
## 2123 they PRON PRP
## 2124 deserve VERB VBP
## 2125 . PUNCT .
## 2126 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2127 this DET DT
## 2129 's PART POS
## 2130 budget NOUN NN
## 2131 provide VERB VBZ
## 2132 over_$_2_billion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 2133 in ADP IN
## 2134 new ADJ JJ
## 2135 spending NOUN NN
## 2136 to PART TO
## 2137 protect VERB VB
## 2138 our PRON PRP$
## 2139 environment NOUN NN
## 2140 , PUNCT ,
## 2141 with ADP IN
## 2142 over_$_1_billion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 2143 for ADP IN
## 2144 global ADJ JJ
## 2145 change NOUN NN
## 2146 research NOUN NN
## 2147 , PUNCT ,
## 2148 and CCONJ CC
## 2149 a DET DT
## 2150 new ADJ JJ
## 2151 initiative NOUN NN
## 2152 I PRON PRP
## 2153 call VERB VBP
## 2154 America PROPN NNP
## 2155 the DET DT
## 2156 Beautiful PROPN NNP
## 2157 to PART TO
## 2158 expand VERB VB
## 2159 our PRON PRP$
## 2160 national ADJ JJ
## 2161 park NOUN NNS
## 2162 and CCONJ CC
## 2163 wildlife NOUN NN
## 2164 preserve VERB VBZ
## 2165 that PRON WDT
## 2166 improve VERB VBP
## 2167 recreational ADJ JJ
## 2168 facility NOUN NNS
## 2169 on ADP IN
## 2170 public ADJ JJ
## 2171 land NOUN NNS
## 2172 , PUNCT ,
## 2173 and CCONJ CC
## 2174 something PRON NN
## 2175 else ADV RB
## 2176 , PUNCT ,
## 2177 something PRON NN
## 2178 that PRON WDT
## 2179 will AUX MD
## 2180 help VERB VB
## 2181 keep VERB VB
## 2182 this DET DT
## 2183 country NOUN NN
## 2184 clean ADJ JJ
## 2185 from ADP IN
## 2186 our PRON PRP$
## 2187 forestland NOUN NN
## 2188 to ADP IN
## 2189 the DET DT
## 2190 inner ADJ JJ
## 2191 city NOUN NNS
## 2192 and CCONJ CC
## 2193 keep VERB VB
## 2194 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 2195 beautiful ADJ JJ
## 2196 for SCONJ IN
## 2197 generation NOUN NNS
## 2198 to PART TO
## 2199 come VERB VB
## 2200 : PUNCT :
## 2201 the DET DT
## 2202 money NOUN NN
## 2203 to PART TO
## 2204 plant VERB VB
## 2205 a DET DT
## 2206 billion NUM CD
## 2207 tree NOUN NNS
## 2208 a DET DT
## 2209 year NOUN NN
## 2210 . PUNCT .
## 2211 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2212 and CCONJ CC
## 2213 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 2214 let VERB VBD
## 2215 I PRON PRP
## 2216 say VERB VB
## 2217 again ADV RB
## 2218 to ADP IN
## 2219 all DET PDT
## 2220 the DET DT
## 2221 member NOUN NNS
## 2222 of ADP IN
## 2223 the DET DT
## 2224 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 2225 : PUNCT :
## 2226 the DET DT
## 2227 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 2228 people NOUN NNS
## 2229 do AUX VBD
## 2230 not PART RB
## 2231 send VERB VB
## 2232 we PRON PRP
## 2233 here ADV RB
## 2234 to ADP IN
## 2235 bicker NOUN NN
## 2236 . PUNCT .
## 2237 there PRON EX
## 2238 be VERB VBZ
## 2239 work NOUN NN
## 2240 to PART TO
## 2241 do VERB VB
## 2242 , PUNCT ,
## 2243 and CCONJ CC
## 2244 they PRON PRP
## 2245 send VERB VBD
## 2246 we PRON PRP
## 2247 here ADV RB
## 2248 to PART TO
## 2249 get VERB VB
## 2250 it PRON PRP
## 2251 do VERB VBN
## 2252 . PUNCT .
## 2253 and CCONJ CC
## 2254 once ADV RB
## 2255 again ADV RB
## 2256 , PUNCT ,
## 2257 in ADP IN
## 2258 the DET DT
## 2259 spirit NOUN NN
## 2260 of ADP IN
## 2261 cooperation NOUN NN
## 2262 , PUNCT ,
## 2263 I PRON PRP
## 2264 offer VERB VBP
## 2265 my PRON PRP$
## 2266 hand NOUN NN
## 2267 to ADP IN
## 2268 all PRON DT
## 2269 of ADP IN
## 2270 you PRON PRP
## 2271 . PUNCT .
## 2272 let VERB VB
## 2273 us PRON PRP
## 2274 work VERB VB
## 2275 together ADV RB
## 2276 to PART TO
## 2277 do VERB VB
## 2278 the DET DT
## 2279 will NOUN NN
## 2280 of ADP IN
## 2281 the DET DT
## 2282 people NOUN NNS
## 2283 : PUNCT :
## 2284 clean ADJ JJ
## 2285 air NOUN NN
## 2286 , PUNCT ,
## 2287 child NOUN NN
## 2288 care NOUN NN
## 2289 , PUNCT ,
## 2290 the_Educational_Excellence_Act ENTITY ENTITY LAW
## 2291 , PUNCT ,
## 2292 crime NOUN NN
## 2293 , PUNCT ,
## 2294 and CCONJ CC
## 2295 drug NOUN NNS
## 2296 . PUNCT .
## 2297 it PRON PRP
## 2298 be AUX VBZ
## 2299 time NOUN NN
## 2300 to PART TO
## 2301 act VERB VB
## 2302 . PUNCT .
## 2303 the DET DT
## 2304 farm NOUN NN
## 2305 bill NOUN NN
## 2306 , PUNCT ,
## 2307 transportation NOUN NN
## 2308 policy NOUN NN
## 2309 , PUNCT ,
## 2310 product NOUN NN
## 2311 - PUNCT HYPH
## 2312 liability NOUN NN
## 2313 reform NOUN NN
## 2314 , PUNCT ,
## 2315 enterprise NOUN NN
## 2316 zone NOUN NNS
## 2317 -- PUNCT :
## 2318 it PRON PRP
## 2319 be AUX VBZ
## 2320 time NOUN NN
## 2321 to PART TO
## 2322 act VERB VB
## 2323 together ADV RB
## 2324 . PUNCT .
## 2325 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2326 and CCONJ CC
## 2327 there PRON EX
## 2328 be VERB VBZ
## 2329 one NUM CD
## 2330 thing NOUN NN
## 2331 I PRON PRP
## 2332 hope VERB VBP
## 2333 we PRON PRP
## 2334 will AUX MD
## 2335 be AUX VB
## 2336 able ADJ JJ
## 2337 to PART TO
## 2338 agree VERB VB
## 2339 on ADP IN
## 2340 . PUNCT .
## 2341 it PRON PRP
## 2342 be AUX VBZ
## 2343 about ADP IN
## 2344 our PRON PRP$
## 2345 commitment NOUN NNS
## 2346 . PUNCT .
## 2347 I PRON PRP
## 2348 be AUX VBP
## 2349 talk VERB VBG
## 2350 about ADP IN
## 2351 Social_Security ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 2352 . PUNCT .
## 2353 to ADP IN
## 2354 every DET DT
## 2355 American ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 2356 out ADV RB
## 2357 there ADV RB
## 2358 on ADP IN
## 2359 Social_Security ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 2360 , PUNCT ,
## 2361 to ADP IN
## 2362 every DET DT
## 2363 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 2364 support VERB VBG
## 2365 that DET DT
## 2366 system NOUN NN
## 2367 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 2368 , PUNCT ,
## 2369 and CCONJ CC
## 2370 to ADP IN
## 2371 everyone PRON NN
## 2372 count VERB VBG
## 2373 on ADP IN
## 2374 it PRON PRP
## 2375 when SCONJ WRB
## 2376 they PRON PRP
## 2377 retire VERB VBP
## 2378 , PUNCT ,
## 2379 we PRON PRP
## 2380 make VERB VBD
## 2381 a DET DT
## 2382 promise NOUN NN
## 2383 to ADP IN
## 2384 you PRON PRP
## 2385 , PUNCT ,
## 2386 and CCONJ CC
## 2387 we PRON PRP
## 2388 be AUX VBP
## 2389 go VERB VBG
## 2390 to PART TO
## 2391 keep VERB VB
## 2392 it PRON PRP
## 2393 . PUNCT .
## 2394 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2395 we PRON PRP
## 2396 rescue VERB VBD
## 2397 the DET DT
## 2398 system NOUN NN
## 2399 in ADP IN
## 2401 , PUNCT ,
## 2402 and CCONJ CC
## 2403 it PRON PRP
## 2404 be AUX VBZ
## 2405 sound ADJ JJ
## 2406 again ADV RB
## 2407 -- PUNCT :
## 2408 bipartisan ADJ JJ
## 2409 arrangement NOUN NN
## 2410 . PUNCT .
## 2411 our PRON PRP$
## 2412 budget NOUN NN
## 2413 fully ADV RB
## 2414 fund VERB VBZ
## 2415 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 2416 's PART POS
## 2417 benefit NOUN NNS
## 2418 , PUNCT ,
## 2419 and CCONJ CC
## 2420 it PRON PRP
## 2421 assure VERB VBZ
## 2422 that SCONJ IN
## 2423 future ADJ JJ
## 2424 benefit NOUN NNS
## 2425 will AUX MD
## 2426 be AUX VB
## 2427 fund VERB VBN
## 2428 as ADV RB
## 2429 well ADV RB
## 2430 . PUNCT .
## 2431 the DET DT
## 2432 last ADJ JJ
## 2433 thing NOUN NN
## 2434 we PRON PRP
## 2435 need VERB VBP
## 2436 to PART TO
## 2437 do VERB VB
## 2438 be AUX VBZ
## 2439 mess VERB VB
## 2440 around ADV RB
## 2441 with ADP IN
## 2442 Social_Security ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 2443 . PUNCT .
## 2444 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2445 there PRON EX
## 2446 be VERB VBZ
## 2448 more ADJ JJR
## 2449 problem NOUN NN
## 2450 we PRON PRP
## 2451 need VERB VBP
## 2452 to PART TO
## 2453 address VERB VB
## 2454 . PUNCT .
## 2455 we PRON PRP
## 2456 must AUX MD
## 2457 give VERB VB
## 2458 careful ADJ JJ
## 2459 consideration NOUN NN
## 2460 to ADP IN
## 2461 the DET DT
## 2462 recommendation NOUN NNS
## 2463 of ADP IN
## 2464 the DET DT
## 2465 health NOUN NN
## 2466 - PUNCT HYPH
## 2467 care NOUN NN
## 2468 study NOUN NNS
## 2469 underway ADJ JJ
## 2470 now ADV RB
## 2471 . PUNCT .
## 2472 that PRON DT
## 2473 be AUX VBZ
## 2474 why SCONJ WRB
## 2475 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 2476 I PRON PRP
## 2477 be AUX VBP
## 2478 ask VERB VBG
## 2479 Dr. PROPN NNP
## 2481 , PUNCT ,
## 2482 Lou_Sullivan ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 2483 , PUNCT ,
## 2484 Secretary PROPN NNP
## 2485 of ADP IN
## 2486 Health_and_Human_Services ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 2487 , PUNCT ,
## 2488 to PART TO
## 2489 lead VERB VB
## 2490 a DET DT
## 2491 Domestic_Policy_Council ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 2492 review NOUN NN
## 2493 of ADP IN
## 2494 recommendation NOUN NNS
## 2495 on ADP IN
## 2496 the DET DT
## 2497 quality NOUN NN
## 2498 , PUNCT ,
## 2499 accessibility NOUN NN
## 2500 , PUNCT ,
## 2501 and CCONJ CC
## 2502 cost NOUN NN
## 2503 of ADP IN
## 2504 our PRON PRP$
## 2505 nation NOUN NN
## 2506 's PART POS
## 2507 health NOUN NN
## 2508 - PUNCT HYPH
## 2509 care NOUN NN
## 2510 system NOUN NN
## 2511 . PUNCT .
## 2512 I PRON PRP
## 2513 be AUX VBP
## 2514 commit VERB VBN
## 2515 to PART TO
## 2516 bring VERB VB
## 2517 the DET DT
## 2518 staggering ADJ JJ
## 2519 cost NOUN NNS
## 2520 of ADP IN
## 2521 health NOUN NN
## 2522 care NOUN NN
## 2523 under ADP IN
## 2524 control NOUN NN
## 2525 . PUNCT .
## 2526 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2527 the DET DT
## 2528 state NOUN NN
## 2529 of ADP IN
## 2530 the DET DT
## 2531 Government PROPN NNP
## 2532 do AUX VBZ
## 2533 indeed ADV RB
## 2534 depend VERB VB
## 2535 on ADP IN
## 2536 many ADJ JJ
## 2537 of ADP IN
## 2538 we PRON PRP
## 2539 in ADP IN
## 2540 this DET DT
## 2541 very ADJ JJ
## 2542 chamber NOUN NN
## 2543 . PUNCT .
## 2544 but CCONJ CC
## 2545 the DET DT
## 2546 state NOUN NN
## 2547 of ADP IN
## 2548 the DET DT
## 2549 Union PROPN NNP
## 2550 depend VERB VBZ
## 2551 on ADP IN
## 2552 all DET DT
## 2553 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 2554 . PUNCT .
## 2555 we PRON PRP
## 2556 must AUX MD
## 2557 maintain VERB VB
## 2558 the DET DT
## 2559 democratic ADJ JJ
## 2560 decency NOUN NN
## 2561 that PRON WDT
## 2562 make VERB VBZ
## 2563 a DET DT
## 2564 nation NOUN NN
## 2565 out ADP IN
## 2566 of ADP IN
## 2568 of ADP IN
## 2569 individual NOUN NNS
## 2570 . PUNCT .
## 2571 I PRON PRP
## 2572 've AUX VBP
## 2573 be AUX VBN
## 2574 appal VERB VBN
## 2575 at ADP IN
## 2576 the DET DT
## 2577 recent ADJ JJ
## 2578 mail NOUN NN
## 2579 bombing NOUN NNS
## 2580 across ADP IN
## 2581 this DET DT
## 2582 country NOUN NN
## 2583 . PUNCT .
## 2584 every DET DT
## 2585 one NUM CD
## 2586 of ADP IN
## 2587 we PRON PRP
## 2588 must AUX MD
## 2589 confront VERB VB
## 2590 and CCONJ CC
## 2591 condemn VERB VB
## 2592 racism NOUN NN
## 2593 , PUNCT ,
## 2594 anti ADJ JJ
## 2595 - PROPN NNP
## 2596 semitism ADJ JJ
## 2597 , PUNCT ,
## 2598 bigotry NOUN NN
## 2599 , PUNCT ,
## 2600 and CCONJ CC
## 2601 hate NOUN NN
## 2602 , PUNCT ,
## 2603 not PART RB
## 2604 next_week ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 2605 , PUNCT ,
## 2606 not PART RB
## 2607 tomorrow ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 2608 , PUNCT ,
## 2609 but CCONJ CC
## 2610 right ADV RB
## 2611 now ADV RB
## 2612 -- PUNCT :
## 2613 every DET DT
## 2614 single ADJ JJ
## 2615 one NUM CD
## 2616 of ADP IN
## 2617 we PRON PRP
## 2618 . PUNCT .
## 2619 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2620 the DET DT
## 2621 state NOUN NN
## 2622 of ADP IN
## 2623 the DET DT
## 2624 Union PROPN NNP
## 2625 depend VERB VBZ
## 2626 on ADP IN
## 2627 whether SCONJ IN
## 2628 we PRON PRP
## 2629 help VERB VBP
## 2630 our PRON PRP$
## 2631 neighbor NOUN NN
## 2632 -- PUNCT :
## 2633 claim VERB VBP
## 2634 the DET DT
## 2635 problem NOUN NNS
## 2636 of ADP IN
## 2637 our PRON PRP$
## 2638 community NOUN NN
## 2639 as ADP IN
## 2640 our PRON PRP$
## 2641 own ADJ JJ
## 2642 . PUNCT .
## 2643 we PRON PRP
## 2644 've AUX VBP
## 2645 get VERB VBN
## 2646 to PART TO
## 2647 step VERB VB
## 2648 forward ADV RB
## 2649 when SCONJ WRB
## 2650 there PRON EX
## 2651 be VERB VBZ
## 2652 trouble NOUN NN
## 2653 , PUNCT ,
## 2654 lend VERB VBP
## 2655 a DET DT
## 2656 hand NOUN NN
## 2657 , PUNCT ,
## 2658 be AUX VB
## 2659 what PRON WP
## 2660 I PRON PRP
## 2661 call VERB VBP
## 2662 a DET DT
## 2663 point NOUN NN
## 2664 of ADP IN
## 2665 light NOUN NN
## 2666 to ADP IN
## 2667 a DET DT
## 2668 stranger NOUN NN
## 2669 in ADP IN
## 2670 need NOUN NN
## 2671 . PUNCT .
## 2672 we PRON PRP
## 2673 've AUX VBP
## 2674 get VERB VBN
## 2675 to PART TO
## 2676 take VERB VB
## 2677 the DET DT
## 2678 time NOUN NN
## 2679 after ADP IN
## 2680 a DET DT
## 2681 busy ADJ JJ
## 2682 day NOUN NN
## 2683 to PART TO
## 2684 sit VERB VB
## 2685 down ADP RP
## 2686 and CCONJ CC
## 2687 read VERB VBD
## 2688 with ADP IN
## 2689 our PRON PRP$
## 2690 kid NOUN NNS
## 2691 , PUNCT ,
## 2692 help VERB VB
## 2693 they PRON PRP
## 2694 with ADP IN
## 2695 their PRON PRP$
## 2696 homework NOUN NN
## 2697 , PUNCT ,
## 2698 pass VERB VB
## 2699 along ADP RP
## 2700 the DET DT
## 2701 value NOUN NNS
## 2702 we PRON PRP
## 2703 learn VERB VBD
## 2704 as ADP IN
## 2705 child NOUN NNS
## 2706 . PUNCT .
## 2707 that PRON DT
## 2708 be AUX VBZ
## 2709 how SCONJ WRB
## 2710 we PRON PRP
## 2711 sustain VERB VBP
## 2712 the DET DT
## 2713 state NOUN NN
## 2714 of ADP IN
## 2715 the DET DT
## 2716 Union PROPN NNP
## 2717 . PUNCT .
## 2718 every DET DT
## 2719 effort NOUN NN
## 2720 be AUX VBZ
## 2721 important ADJ JJ
## 2722 . PUNCT .
## 2723 it PRON PRP
## 2724 all PRON DT
## 2725 add VERB VBZ
## 2726 up ADP RP
## 2727 . PUNCT .
## 2728 it PRON PRP
## 2729 be AUX VBZ
## 2730 do VERB VBG
## 2731 the DET DT
## 2732 thing NOUN NNS
## 2733 that PRON WDT
## 2734 give VERB VBP
## 2735 democracy NOUN NN
## 2736 meaning NOUN NN
## 2737 . PUNCT .
## 2738 it PRON PRP
## 2739 all PRON DT
## 2740 add VERB VBZ
## 2741 up ADP RP
## 2742 to ADP IN
## 2743 who PRON WP
## 2744 we PRON PRP
## 2745 be AUX VBP
## 2746 and CCONJ CC
## 2747 who PRON WP
## 2748 we PRON PRP
## 2749 will AUX MD
## 2750 be AUX VB
## 2751 . PUNCT .
## 2752 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2753 let VERB VB
## 2754 I PRON PRP
## 2755 say VERB VB
## 2756 that SCONJ IN
## 2757 so ADV RB
## 2758 long ADV RB
## 2759 as SCONJ IN
## 2760 we PRON PRP
## 2761 remember VERB VBP
## 2762 the DET DT
## 2763 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 2764 idea NOUN NN
## 2765 , PUNCT ,
## 2766 so ADV RB
## 2767 long ADV RB
## 2768 as SCONJ IN
## 2769 we PRON PRP
## 2770 live VERB VBP
## 2771 up ADP RP
## 2772 to ADP IN
## 2773 the DET DT
## 2774 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 2775 ideal NOUN NN
## 2776 , PUNCT ,
## 2777 the DET DT
## 2778 state NOUN NN
## 2779 of ADP IN
## 2780 the DET DT
## 2781 Union PROPN NNP
## 2782 will AUX MD
## 2783 remain VERB VB
## 2784 sound ADJ JJ
## 2785 and CCONJ CC
## 2786 strong ADJ JJ
## 2787 . PUNCT .
## 2788 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2789 and CCONJ CC
## 2790 to ADP IN
## 2791 those PRON DT
## 2792 who PRON WP
## 2793 worry VERB VBP
## 2794 that SCONJ IN
## 2795 we PRON PRP
## 2796 've AUX VBP
## 2797 lose VERB VBN
## 2798 our PRON PRP$
## 2799 way NOUN NN
## 2800 -- PUNCT :
## 2801 well INTJ UH
## 2802 , PUNCT ,
## 2803 I PRON PRP
## 2804 want VERB VBP
## 2805 you PRON PRP
## 2806 to PART TO
## 2807 listen VERB VB
## 2808 to ADP IN
## 2809 part NOUN NNS
## 2810 of ADP IN
## 2811 a DET DT
## 2812 letter NOUN NN
## 2813 write VERB VBN
## 2814 by ADP IN
## 2815 Private_First_Class_James_Markwell ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 2816 , PUNCT ,
## 2817 a DET DT
## 2818 20_-_year_-_old ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 2820 medic NOUN NN
## 2821 of ADP IN
## 2822 the_1st_Battalion ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 2823 , PUNCT ,
## 2824 75th_ranger ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 2825 . PUNCT .
## 2826 it PRON PRP
## 2827 be AUX VBZ
## 2828 date VERB VBN
## 2829 December_18th ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 2830 , PUNCT ,
## 2831 the DET DT
## 2832 night NOUN NN
## 2833 before SCONJ IN
## 2834 our PRON PRP$
## 2835 armed ADJ JJ
## 2836 force NOUN NNS
## 2837 go VERB VBD
## 2838 into ADP IN
## 2839 action NOUN NN
## 2840 in ADP IN
## 2841 Panama ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 2842 . PUNCT .
## 2843 it PRON PRP
## 2844 be AUX VBZ
## 2845 a DET DT
## 2846 letter NOUN NN
## 2847 servicemen NOUN NN
## 2848 write VERB VB
## 2849 and CCONJ CC
## 2850 hope VERB VBP
## 2851 will AUX MD
## 2852 never ADV RB
## 2853 be AUX VB
## 2854 send VERB VBN
## 2855 . PUNCT .
## 2856 and CCONJ CC
## 2857 sadly ADV RB
## 2858 , PUNCT ,
## 2859 Private_Markwell_'s ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 2860 mother NOUN NN
## 2861 do AUX VBD
## 2862 receive VERB VB
## 2863 this DET DT
## 2864 letter NOUN NN
## 2865 . PUNCT .
## 2866 she PRON PRP
## 2867 pass VERB VBD
## 2868 it PRON PRP
## 2869 along ADP RP
## 2870 to ADP IN
## 2871 I PRON PRP
## 2872 out ADV RB
## 2873 there ADV RB
## 2874 in ADP IN
## 2875 Cincinnati ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 2876 . PUNCT .
## 2877 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 2878 and CCONJ CC
## 2879 here ADV RB
## 2880 be AUX VBZ
## 2881 some PRON DT
## 2882 of ADP IN
## 2883 what PRON WP
## 2884 he PRON PRP
## 2885 write VERB VBD
## 2886 : PUNCT :
## 2887 " PUNCT ``
## 2888 I PRON PRP
## 2889 've AUX VBP
## 2890 never ADV RB
## 2891 be AUX VBN
## 2892 afraid ADJ JJ
## 2893 of ADP IN
## 2894 death NOUN NN
## 2895 , PUNCT ,
## 2896 but CCONJ CC
## 2897 I PRON PRP
## 2898 know VERB VBP
## 2899 he PRON PRP
## 2900 be AUX VBZ
## 2901 wait VERB VBG
## 2902 at ADP IN
## 2903 the DET DT
## 2904 corner NOUN NN
## 2905 . PUNCT .
## 2906 I PRON PRP
## 2907 've AUX VBP
## 2908 be AUX VBN
## 2909 train VERB VBN
## 2910 to PART TO
## 2911 kill VERB VB
## 2912 and CCONJ CC
## 2913 to PART TO
## 2914 save VERB VB
## 2915 , PUNCT ,
## 2916 and CCONJ CC
## 2917 so ADV RB
## 2918 have VERB VBZ
## 2919 everyone PRON NN
## 2920 else ADV RB
## 2921 . PUNCT .
## 2922 I PRON PRP
## 2923 be AUX VBP
## 2924 frightened ADJ JJ
## 2925 what PRON WP
## 2926 lay VERB VBZ
## 2927 beyond ADP IN
## 2928 the DET DT
## 2929 fog NOUN NN
## 2930 , PUNCT ,
## 2931 and CCONJ CC
## 2932 yet ADV RB
## 2933 do AUX VBP
## 2934 not PART RB
## 2935 mourn VERB VB
## 2936 for ADP IN
## 2937 I PRON PRP
## 2938 . PUNCT .
## 2939 revel NOUN NN
## 2940 in ADP IN
## 2941 the DET DT
## 2942 life NOUN NN
## 2943 that PRON WDT
## 2944 I PRON PRP
## 2945 have AUX VBP
## 2946 die VERB VBN
## 2947 to PART TO
## 2948 give VERB VB
## 2949 you PRON PRP
## 2950 . PUNCT .
## 2951 but CCONJ CC
## 2952 most ADJ JJS
## 2953 of ADP IN
## 2954 all PRON DT
## 2955 , PUNCT ,
## 2956 do AUX VBP
## 2957 not PART RB
## 2958 forget VERB VB
## 2959 the DET DT
## 2961 be AUX VBD
## 2962 my PRON PRP$
## 2963 choice NOUN NN
## 2964 . PUNCT .
## 2965 something PRON NN
## 2966 that PRON WDT
## 2967 I PRON PRP
## 2968 want VERB VBD
## 2969 to PART TO
## 2970 do VERB VB
## 2971 . PUNCT .
## 2972 remember VERB VB
## 2973 I PRON PRP
## 2974 join VERB VBD
## 2975 the DET DT
## 2977 to PART TO
## 2978 serve VERB VB
## 2979 my PRON PRP$
## 2980 country NOUN NN
## 2981 and CCONJ CC
## 2982 ensure VERB VB
## 2983 that SCONJ IN
## 2984 you PRON PRP
## 2985 be AUX VBP
## 2986 free ADJ JJ
## 2987 to PART TO
## 2988 do VERB VB
## 2989 what PRON WP
## 2990 you PRON PRP
## 2991 want VERB VBP
## 2992 and CCONJ CC
## 2993 live VERB VB
## 2994 your PRON PRP$
## 2995 life NOUN NNS
## 2996 freely ADV RB
## 2997 . PUNCT .
## 2998 " PUNCT ''
## 2999 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3000 let VERB VBP
## 3001 I PRON PRP
## 3002 add VERB VB
## 3003 that SCONJ IN
## 3004 private ADJ JJ
## 3005 Markwell PROPN NNP
## 3006 be AUX VBD
## 3007 among ADP IN
## 3008 the DET DT
## 3010 to PART TO
## 3011 see VERB VB
## 3012 battle NOUN NN
## 3013 in ADP IN
## 3014 Panama ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 3015 , PUNCT ,
## 3016 and CCONJ CC
## 3018 of ADP IN
## 3019 the DET DT
## 3021 to PART TO
## 3022 fall VERB VB
## 3023 . PUNCT .
## 3024 but CCONJ CC
## 3025 he PRON PRP
## 3026 know VERB VBD
## 3027 what PRON WP
## 3028 he PRON PRP
## 3029 believe VERB VBD
## 3030 in ADP RP
## 3031 . PUNCT .
## 3032 he PRON PRP
## 3033 carry VERB VBD
## 3034 the DET DT
## 3035 idea NOUN NN
## 3036 we PRON PRP
## 3037 call VERB VBP
## 3038 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 3039 in ADP IN
## 3040 his PRON PRP$
## 3041 heart NOUN NN
## 3042 . PUNCT .
## 3043 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3044 I PRON PRP
## 3045 begin VERB VBD
## 3046 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 3047 speak VERB VBG
## 3048 about ADP IN
## 3049 the DET DT
## 3050 change NOUN NNS
## 3051 we PRON PRP
## 3052 've AUX VBP
## 3053 see VERB VBN
## 3054 this_past_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3055 . PUNCT .
## 3056 there PRON EX
## 3057 be VERB VBZ
## 3058 a DET DT
## 3059 new ADJ JJ
## 3060 world NOUN NN
## 3061 of ADP IN
## 3062 challenge NOUN NNS
## 3063 and CCONJ CC
## 3064 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 3065 before ADP IN
## 3066 we PRON PRP
## 3067 , PUNCT ,
## 3068 and CCONJ CC
## 3069 there PRON EX
## 3070 be VERB VBZ
## 3071 a DET DT
## 3072 need NOUN NN
## 3073 for ADP IN
## 3074 leadership NOUN NN
## 3075 that SCONJ IN
## 3076 only ADV RB
## 3077 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 3078 can AUX MD
## 3079 provide VERB VB
## 3080 . PUNCT .
## 3081 nearly_40_year_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3082 , PUNCT ,
## 3083 in ADP IN
## 3084 his PRON PRP$
## 3085 last ADJ JJ
## 3086 address NOUN NN
## 3087 to ADP IN
## 3088 the DET DT
## 3089 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 3090 , PUNCT ,
## 3091 President PROPN NNP
## 3092 Harry_Truman ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 3093 predict VERB VBD
## 3094 such DET PDT
## 3095 a DET DT
## 3096 time NOUN NN
## 3097 would AUX MD
## 3098 come VERB VB
## 3099 . PUNCT .
## 3100 he PRON PRP
## 3101 say VERB VBD
## 3102 : PUNCT :
## 3103 " PUNCT ``
## 3104 as SCONJ IN
## 3105 our PRON PRP$
## 3106 world NOUN NN
## 3107 grow VERB VBZ
## 3108 strong ADJ JJR
## 3109 , PUNCT ,
## 3110 more ADV RBR
## 3111 united ADJ JJ
## 3112 , PUNCT ,
## 3113 more ADV RBR
## 3114 attractive ADJ JJ
## 3115 to ADP IN
## 3116 man NOUN NNS
## 3117 on ADP IN
## 3118 both DET DT
## 3119 side NOUN NNS
## 3120 of ADP IN
## 3121 the DET DT
## 3122 Iron PROPN NNP
## 3123 Curtain PROPN NNP
## 3124 , PUNCT ,
## 3125 then ADV RB
## 3126 inevitably ADV RB
## 3127 there PRON EX
## 3128 will AUX MD
## 3129 come VERB VB
## 3130 a DET DT
## 3131 time NOUN NN
## 3132 of ADP IN
## 3133 change NOUN NN
## 3134 within ADP IN
## 3135 the DET DT
## 3136 communist ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 3137 world NOUN NN
## 3138 . PUNCT .
## 3139 " PUNCT ''
## 3140 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3141 , PUNCT ,
## 3142 that DET DT
## 3143 change NOUN NN
## 3144 be AUX VBZ
## 3145 take VERB VBG
## 3146 place NOUN NN
## 3147 . PUNCT .
## 3148 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3149 for ADP IN
## 3150 more_than_40_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3151 , PUNCT ,
## 3152 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 3153 and CCONJ CC
## 3154 its PRON PRP$
## 3155 ally NOUN NNS
## 3156 hold VERB VBD
## 3157 communism NOUN NN
## 3158 in ADP IN
## 3159 check NOUN NN
## 3160 and CCONJ CC
## 3161 ensure VERB VBD
## 3162 that SCONJ IN
## 3163 democracy NOUN NN
## 3164 would AUX MD
## 3165 continue VERB VB
## 3166 to PART TO
## 3167 exist VERB VB
## 3168 . PUNCT .
## 3169 and CCONJ CC
## 3170 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3171 , PUNCT ,
## 3172 with ADP IN
## 3173 communism NOUN NN
## 3174 crumble VERB VBG
## 3175 , PUNCT ,
## 3176 our PRON PRP$
## 3177 aim NOUN NN
## 3178 must AUX MD
## 3179 be AUX VB
## 3180 to PART TO
## 3181 ensure VERB VB
## 3182 democracy NOUN NN
## 3183 's PART POS
## 3184 advance NOUN NN
## 3185 , PUNCT ,
## 3186 to PART TO
## 3187 take VERB VB
## 3188 the DET DT
## 3189 lead NOUN NN
## 3190 in ADP IN
## 3191 forge VERB VBG
## 3192 peace NOUN NN
## 3193 and CCONJ CC
## 3194 freedom NOUN NN
## 3195 's PART POS
## 3196 good ADJ JJS
## 3197 hope NOUN NN
## 3198 : PUNCT :
## 3199 a DET DT
## 3200 great ADJ JJ
## 3201 and CCONJ CC
## 3202 grow VERB VBG
## 3203 commonwealth NOUN NN
## 3204 of ADP IN
## 3205 free ADJ JJ
## 3206 nation NOUN NNS
## 3207 . PUNCT .
## 3208 and CCONJ CC
## 3209 to ADP IN
## 3210 the DET DT
## 3211 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 3212 and CCONJ CC
## 3213 to ADP IN
## 3214 all DET DT
## 3215 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 3216 , PUNCT ,
## 3217 I PRON PRP
## 3218 say VERB VBP
## 3219 it PRON PRP
## 3220 be AUX VBZ
## 3221 time NOUN NN
## 3222 to PART TO
## 3223 acclaim VERB VB
## 3224 a DET DT
## 3225 new ADJ JJ
## 3226 consensus NOUN NN
## 3227 at ADP IN
## 3228 home NOUN NN
## 3229 and CCONJ CC
## 3230 abroad ADV RB
## 3231 , PUNCT ,
## 3232 a DET DT
## 3233 common ADJ JJ
## 3234 vision NOUN NN
## 3235 of ADP IN
## 3236 the DET DT
## 3237 peaceful ADJ JJ
## 3238 world NOUN NN
## 3239 we PRON PRP
## 3240 want VERB VBP
## 3241 to PART TO
## 3242 see VERB VB
## 3243 . PUNCT .
## 3244 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3245 here ADV RB
## 3246 in ADP IN
## 3247 our PRON PRP$
## 3248 own ADJ JJ
## 3249 hemisphere NOUN NN
## 3250 , PUNCT ,
## 3251 it PRON PRP
## 3252 be AUX VBZ
## 3253 time NOUN NN
## 3254 for ADP IN
## 3255 all DET PDT
## 3256 the DET DT
## 3257 people NOUN NNS
## 3258 of ADP IN
## 3259 the DET DT
## 3260 Americas ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3261 , PUNCT ,
## 3263 and CCONJ CC
## 3265 , PUNCT ,
## 3266 to PART TO
## 3267 live VERB VB
## 3268 in ADP IN
## 3269 freedom NOUN NN
## 3270 . PUNCT .
## 3271 in ADP IN
## 3272 the_Far_East ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3273 and CCONJ CC
## 3274 Africa ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3275 , PUNCT ,
## 3276 it PRON PRP
## 3277 be AUX VBZ
## 3278 time NOUN NN
## 3279 for ADP IN
## 3280 the DET DT
## 3281 full ADJ JJ
## 3282 flowering NOUN NN
## 3283 of ADP IN
## 3284 free ADJ JJ
## 3285 government NOUN NNS
## 3286 and CCONJ CC
## 3287 free ADJ JJ
## 3288 market NOUN NNS
## 3289 that PRON WDT
## 3290 have AUX VBP
## 3291 serve VERB VBN
## 3292 as ADP IN
## 3293 the DET DT
## 3294 engine NOUN NN
## 3295 of ADP IN
## 3296 progress NOUN NN
## 3297 . PUNCT .
## 3298 it PRON PRP
## 3299 be AUX VBZ
## 3300 time NOUN NN
## 3301 to PART TO
## 3302 offer VERB VB
## 3303 our PRON PRP$
## 3304 hand NOUN NN
## 3305 to ADP IN
## 3306 the DET DT
## 3307 emerge VERB VBG
## 3308 democracy NOUN NNS
## 3309 of ADP IN
## 3310 Eastern_Europe ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3311 so SCONJ IN
## 3312 that DET DT
## 3313 continent NOUN NN
## 3314 -- PUNCT :
## 3315 for ADP IN
## 3316 too ADV RB
## 3317 long ADV RB
## 3318 a DET DT
## 3319 continent NOUN NN
## 3320 divide VERB VBN
## 3321 -- PUNCT :
## 3322 can AUX MD
## 3323 see VERB VB
## 3324 a DET DT
## 3325 future NOUN NN
## 3326 whole ADJ JJ
## 3327 and CCONJ CC
## 3328 free ADJ JJ
## 3329 . PUNCT .
## 3330 it PRON PRP
## 3331 be AUX VBZ
## 3332 time NOUN NN
## 3333 to PART TO
## 3334 build VERB VB
## 3335 on ADP IN
## 3336 our PRON PRP$
## 3337 new ADJ JJ
## 3338 relationship NOUN NN
## 3339 with ADP IN
## 3340 the_Soviet_Union ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 3341 , PUNCT ,
## 3342 to PART TO
## 3343 endorse VERB VB
## 3344 and CCONJ CC
## 3345 encourage VERB VB
## 3346 a DET DT
## 3347 peaceful ADJ JJ
## 3348 process NOUN NN
## 3349 of ADP IN
## 3350 internal ADJ JJ
## 3351 change NOUN NN
## 3352 toward ADP IN
## 3353 democracy NOUN NN
## 3354 and CCONJ CC
## 3355 economic ADJ JJ
## 3356 opportunity NOUN NN
## 3357 . PUNCT .
## 3358 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3359 we PRON PRP
## 3360 be AUX VBP
## 3361 in ADP IN
## 3362 a DET DT
## 3363 period NOUN NN
## 3364 of ADP IN
## 3365 great ADJ JJ
## 3366 transition NOUN NN
## 3367 , PUNCT ,
## 3368 great ADJ JJ
## 3369 hope NOUN NN
## 3370 , PUNCT ,
## 3371 and CCONJ CC
## 3372 yet ADV RB
## 3373 great ADJ JJ
## 3374 uncertainty NOUN NN
## 3375 . PUNCT .
## 3376 we PRON PRP
## 3377 recognize VERB VBP
## 3378 that SCONJ IN
## 3379 the DET DT
## 3380 soviet ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 3381 military ADJ JJ
## 3382 threat NOUN NN
## 3383 in ADP IN
## 3384 Europe ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3385 be AUX VBZ
## 3386 diminish VERB VBG
## 3387 , PUNCT ,
## 3388 but CCONJ CC
## 3389 we PRON PRP
## 3390 see VERB VBP
## 3391 little ADJ JJ
## 3392 change NOUN NN
## 3393 in ADP IN
## 3394 soviet ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 3395 strategic ADJ JJ
## 3396 modernization NOUN NN
## 3397 . PUNCT .
## 3398 therefore ADV RB
## 3399 , PUNCT ,
## 3400 we PRON PRP
## 3401 must AUX MD
## 3402 sustain VERB VB
## 3403 our PRON PRP$
## 3404 own ADJ JJ
## 3405 strategic ADJ JJ
## 3406 offense NOUN NN
## 3407 modernization NOUN NN
## 3408 and CCONJ CC
## 3409 the DET DT
## 3410 Strategic PROPN NNP
## 3411 Defense PROPN NNP
## 3412 Initiative PROPN NNP
## 3413 . PUNCT .
## 3414 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3415 but CCONJ CC
## 3416 the DET DT
## 3417 time NOUN NN
## 3418 be AUX VBZ
## 3419 right ADJ JJ
## 3420 to PART TO
## 3421 move VERB VB
## 3422 forward ADV RB
## 3423 on ADP IN
## 3424 a DET DT
## 3425 conventional ADJ JJ
## 3426 arm NOUN NNS
## 3427 control NOUN NN
## 3428 agreement NOUN NN
## 3429 to PART TO
## 3430 move VERB VB
## 3431 we PRON PRP
## 3432 to ADP IN
## 3433 more ADV RBR
## 3434 appropriate ADJ JJ
## 3435 level NOUN NNS
## 3436 of ADP IN
## 3437 military ADJ JJ
## 3438 force NOUN NNS
## 3439 in ADP IN
## 3440 Europe ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3441 , PUNCT ,
## 3442 a DET DT
## 3443 coherent ADJ JJ
## 3444 defense NOUN NN
## 3445 program NOUN NN
## 3446 that PRON WDT
## 3447 ensure VERB VBZ
## 3448 the DET DT
## 3450 will AUX MD
## 3451 continue VERB VB
## 3452 to PART TO
## 3453 be AUX VB
## 3454 a DET DT
## 3455 catalyst NOUN NN
## 3456 for ADP IN
## 3457 peaceful ADJ JJ
## 3458 change NOUN NN
## 3459 in ADP IN
## 3460 Europe ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3461 . PUNCT .
## 3462 and CCONJ CC
## 3463 I PRON PRP
## 3464 've AUX VBP
## 3465 consult VERB VBN
## 3466 with ADP IN
## 3467 leader NOUN NNS
## 3468 of ADP IN
## 3470 . PUNCT .
## 3471 in ADP IN
## 3472 fact NOUN NN
## 3473 , PUNCT ,
## 3474 I PRON PRP
## 3475 speak VERB VBD
## 3476 by ADP IN
## 3477 phone NOUN NN
## 3478 with ADP IN
## 3479 President PROPN NNP
## 3480 Gorbachev ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 3481 just ADV RB
## 3482 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3483 . PUNCT .
## 3484 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3485 I PRON PRP
## 3486 agree VERB VBP
## 3487 with ADP IN
## 3488 our PRON PRP$
## 3489 european ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 3490 ally NOUN NNS
## 3491 that PRON WDT
## 3492 an DET DT
## 3493 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 3494 military ADJ JJ
## 3495 presence NOUN NN
## 3496 in ADP IN
## 3497 Europe ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3498 be AUX VBZ
## 3499 essential ADJ JJ
## 3500 and CCONJ CC
## 3501 that SCONJ IN
## 3502 it PRON PRP
## 3503 should AUX MD
## 3504 not PART RB
## 3505 be AUX VB
## 3506 tie VERB VBN
## 3507 solely ADV RB
## 3508 to ADP IN
## 3509 the DET DT
## 3510 soviet ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 3511 military ADJ JJ
## 3512 presence NOUN NN
## 3513 in ADP IN
## 3514 Eastern_Europe ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3515 . PUNCT .
## 3516 but CCONJ CC
## 3517 our PRON PRP$
## 3518 troop NOUN NN
## 3519 level NOUN NNS
## 3520 can AUX MD
## 3521 still ADV RB
## 3522 be AUX VB
## 3523 low ADJ JJR
## 3524 . PUNCT .
## 3525 and CCONJ CC
## 3526 so ADV RB
## 3527 , PUNCT ,
## 3528 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 3529 I PRON PRP
## 3530 be AUX VBP
## 3531 announce VERB VBG
## 3532 a DET DT
## 3533 major ADJ JJ
## 3534 new ADJ JJ
## 3535 step NOUN NN
## 3536 for ADP IN
## 3537 a DET DT
## 3538 further ADJ JJ
## 3539 reduction NOUN NN
## 3540 in ADP IN
## 3542 and CCONJ CC
## 3544 manpower NOUN NN
## 3545 in ADP IN
## 3546 Central_and_Eastern_Europe ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3547 to ADP IN
## 3549 on ADP IN
## 3550 each DET DT
## 3551 side NOUN NN
## 3552 . PUNCT .
## 3553 this DET DT
## 3554 level NOUN NN
## 3555 reflect VERB VBZ
## 3556 the DET DT
## 3557 advice NOUN NN
## 3558 of ADP IN
## 3559 our PRON PRP$
## 3560 senior ADJ JJ
## 3561 military ADJ JJ
## 3562 adviser NOUN NNS
## 3563 . PUNCT .
## 3564 it PRON PRP
## 3565 be AUX VBZ
## 3566 design VERB VBN
## 3567 to PART TO
## 3568 protect VERB VB
## 3569 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 3570 and CCONJ CC
## 3571 european ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 3572 interest NOUN NNS
## 3573 and CCONJ CC
## 3574 sustain VERB VB
## 3576 's PART POS
## 3577 defense NOUN NN
## 3578 strategy NOUN NN
## 3579 . PUNCT .
## 3580 a DET DT
## 3581 swift ADJ JJ
## 3582 conclusion NOUN NN
## 3583 to ADP IN
## 3584 our PRON PRP$
## 3585 arm NOUN NNS
## 3586 control NOUN NN
## 3587 talk NOUN NNS
## 3588 -- PUNCT :
## 3589 conventional ADJ JJ
## 3590 , PUNCT ,
## 3591 chemical NOUN NN
## 3592 , PUNCT ,
## 3593 and CCONJ CC
## 3594 strategic ADJ JJ
## 3595 -- PUNCT :
## 3596 must AUX MD
## 3597 now ADV RB
## 3598 be AUX VB
## 3599 our PRON PRP$
## 3600 goal NOUN NN
## 3601 . PUNCT .
## 3602 and CCONJ CC
## 3603 that DET DT
## 3604 time NOUN NN
## 3605 have AUX VBZ
## 3606 come VERB VBN
## 3607 . PUNCT .
## 3608 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3609 still ADV RB
## 3610 , PUNCT ,
## 3611 we PRON PRP
## 3612 must AUX MD
## 3613 recognize VERB VB
## 3614 an DET DT
## 3615 unfortunate ADJ JJ
## 3616 fact NOUN NN
## 3617 : PUNCT :
## 3618 in ADP IN
## 3619 many ADJ JJ
## 3620 region NOUN NNS
## 3621 of ADP IN
## 3622 the DET DT
## 3623 world NOUN NN
## 3624 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 3625 , PUNCT ,
## 3626 the DET DT
## 3627 reality NOUN NN
## 3628 be AUX VBZ
## 3629 conflict NOUN NN
## 3630 , PUNCT ,
## 3631 not PART RB
## 3632 peace NOUN NN
## 3633 . PUNCT .
## 3634 Enduring PROPN NNP
## 3635 animosity NOUN NNS
## 3636 and CCONJ CC
## 3637 oppose VERB VBG
## 3638 interest NOUN NNS
## 3639 remain VERB VBP
## 3640 . PUNCT .
## 3641 and CCONJ CC
## 3642 thus ADV RB
## 3643 , PUNCT ,
## 3644 the DET DT
## 3645 cause NOUN NN
## 3646 of ADP IN
## 3647 peace NOUN NN
## 3648 must AUX MD
## 3649 be AUX VB
## 3650 serve VERB VBN
## 3651 by ADP IN
## 3652 an DET DT
## 3653 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 3654 strong ADJ JJ
## 3655 enough ADV RB
## 3656 and CCONJ CC
## 3657 sure ADJ JJ
## 3658 enough ADV RB
## 3659 to PART TO
## 3660 defend VERB VB
## 3661 our PRON PRP$
## 3662 interest NOUN NNS
## 3663 and CCONJ CC
## 3664 our PRON PRP$
## 3665 ideal NOUN NNS
## 3666 . PUNCT .
## 3667 it PRON PRP
## 3668 be AUX VBZ
## 3669 this DET DT
## 3670 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 3671 idea NOUN NN
## 3672 that SCONJ IN
## 3673 for ADP IN
## 3674 the_past_four_decade ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3675 helped AUX VBD
## 3676 inspire VERB VB
## 3677 this DET DT
## 3678 Revolution PROPN NNP
## 3679 of ADP IN
## 3680 ' NUM CD
## 3681 89 NUM CD
## 3682 . PUNCT .
## 3683 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3684 here ADV RB
## 3685 at ADP IN
## 3686 home NOUN NN
## 3687 and CCONJ CC
## 3688 in ADP IN
## 3689 the DET DT
## 3690 world NOUN NN
## 3691 , PUNCT ,
## 3692 there PRON EX
## 3693 be VERB VBZ
## 3694 history NOUN NN
## 3695 in ADP IN
## 3696 the DET DT
## 3697 making NOUN NN
## 3698 , PUNCT ,
## 3699 history NOUN NN
## 3700 to PART TO
## 3701 be AUX VB
## 3702 make VERB VBN
## 3703 . PUNCT .
## 3704 six_month_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3705 , PUNCT ,
## 3706 early ADV RB
## 3707 in ADP IN
## 3708 this_season ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3709 of ADP IN
## 3710 change NOUN NN
## 3711 , PUNCT ,
## 3712 I PRON PRP
## 3713 stand VERB VBD
## 3714 at ADP IN
## 3715 the DET DT
## 3716 gate NOUN NNS
## 3717 of ADP IN
## 3718 the DET DT
## 3719 Gdansk PROPN NNP
## 3720 shipyard NOUN NN
## 3721 in ADP IN
## 3722 Poland ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 3723 at ADP IN
## 3724 the DET DT
## 3725 monument NOUN NN
## 3726 to ADP IN
## 3727 the DET DT
## 3728 fall VERB VBN
## 3729 worker NOUN NNS
## 3730 of ADP IN
## 3731 Solidarity ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 3732 . PUNCT .
## 3733 it PRON PRP
## 3734 be AUX VBZ
## 3735 a DET DT
## 3736 monument NOUN NN
## 3737 of ADP IN
## 3738 simple ADJ JJ
## 3739 majesty NOUN NN
## 3740 . PUNCT .
## 3742 tall ADJ JJ
## 3743 crosse NOUN NNS
## 3744 rise VERB VBP
## 3745 up ADP RP
## 3746 from ADP IN
## 3747 the DET DT
## 3748 stone NOUN NNS
## 3749 , PUNCT ,
## 3750 and CCONJ CC
## 3751 atop ADP IN
## 3752 each DET DT
## 3753 cross NOUN NN
## 3754 , PUNCT ,
## 3755 an DET DT
## 3756 anchor NOUN NN
## 3757 -- PUNCT :
## 3758 an DET DT
## 3759 ancient ADJ JJ
## 3760 symbol NOUN NN
## 3761 of ADP IN
## 3762 hope NOUN NN
## 3763 . PUNCT .
## 3764 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3765 the DET DT
## 3766 anchor NOUN NN
## 3767 in ADP IN
## 3768 our PRON PRP$
## 3769 world NOUN NN
## 3770 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3771 be AUX VBZ
## 3772 freedom NOUN NN
## 3773 , PUNCT ,
## 3774 hold VERB VBG
## 3775 we PRON PRP
## 3776 steady ADJ JJ
## 3777 in ADP IN
## 3778 time NOUN NNS
## 3779 of ADP IN
## 3780 change NOUN NN
## 3781 , PUNCT ,
## 3782 a DET DT
## 3783 symbol NOUN NN
## 3784 of ADP IN
## 3785 hope NOUN NN
## 3786 to ADP IN
## 3787 all DET PDT
## 3788 the DET DT
## 3789 world NOUN NN
## 3790 . PUNCT .
## 3791 and CCONJ CC
## 3792 freedom NOUN NN
## 3793 be AUX VBZ
## 3794 at ADP IN
## 3795 the DET DT
## 3796 very ADJ JJ
## 3797 heart NOUN NN
## 3798 of ADP IN
## 3799 the DET DT
## 3800 idea NOUN NN
## 3801 that PRON WDT
## 3802 be AUX VBZ
## 3803 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 3804 . PUNCT .
## 3805 give VERB VBG
## 3806 life NOUN NN
## 3807 to ADP IN
## 3808 that DET DT
## 3809 idea NOUN NN
## 3810 depend VERB VBZ
## 3811 on ADP IN
## 3812 every DET DT
## 3813 one NUM CD
## 3814 of ADP IN
## 3815 we PRON PRP
## 3816 . PUNCT .
## 3817 our PRON PRP$
## 3818 anchor NOUN NN
## 3819 have AUX VBZ
## 3820 always ADV RB
## 3821 be AUX VBN
## 3822 faith NOUN NN
## 3823 and CCONJ CC
## 3824 family NOUN NN
## 3825 . PUNCT .
## 3826 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3827 in ADP IN
## 3828 the_last_few_day ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3829 of ADP IN
## 3830 this_past_momentous_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3831 , PUNCT ,
## 3832 our PRON PRP$
## 3833 family NOUN NN
## 3834 be AUX VBD
## 3835 bless VERB VBN
## 3836 once ADV RB
## 3837 more ADV RBR
## 3838 , PUNCT ,
## 3839 celebrate VERB VBG
## 3840 the DET DT
## 3841 joy NOUN NN
## 3842 of ADP IN
## 3843 life NOUN NN
## 3844 when SCONJ WRB
## 3845 a DET DT
## 3846 little ADJ JJ
## 3847 boy NOUN NN
## 3848 become VERB VBD
## 3849 our PRON PRP$
## 3851 grandchild NOUN NN
## 3852 . PUNCT .
## 3853 when SCONJ WRB
## 3854 I PRON PRP
## 3855 hold VERB VBD
## 3856 the DET DT
## 3857 little ADJ JJ
## 3858 guy NOUN NN
## 3859 for ADP IN
## 3860 the DET DT
## 3862 time NOUN NN
## 3863 , PUNCT ,
## 3864 the DET DT
## 3865 trouble NOUN NNS
## 3866 at ADP IN
## 3867 home NOUN NN
## 3868 and CCONJ CC
## 3869 abroad ADV RB
## 3870 seem VERB VBD
## 3871 manageable ADJ JJ
## 3872 and CCONJ CC
## 3873 totally ADV RB
## 3874 in ADP IN
## 3875 perspective NOUN NN
## 3876 . PUNCT .
## 3877 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 3878 now ADV RB
## 3879 , PUNCT ,
## 3880 I PRON PRP
## 3881 know VERB VBP
## 3882 you PRON PRP
## 3883 be AUX VBP
## 3884 probably ADV RB
## 3885 think VERB VBG
## 3886 , PUNCT ,
## 3887 well INTJ UH
## 3888 , PUNCT ,
## 3889 that PRON DT
## 3890 be AUX VBZ
## 3891 just ADV RB
## 3892 a DET DT
## 3893 grandfather NOUN NN
## 3894 talking NOUN NN
## 3895 . PUNCT .
## 3896 well INTJ UH
## 3897 , PUNCT ,
## 3898 maybe ADV RB
## 3899 you PRON PRP
## 3900 be AUX VBP
## 3901 right ADJ JJ
## 3902 . PUNCT .
## 3903 but CCONJ CC
## 3904 I PRON PRP
## 3905 've AUX VBP
## 3906 meet VERB VBN
## 3907 a DET DT
## 3908 lot NOUN NN
## 3909 of ADP IN
## 3910 child NOUN NNS
## 3911 this_past_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3912 across ADP IN
## 3913 this DET DT
## 3914 country NOUN NN
## 3915 , PUNCT ,
## 3916 as SCONJ IN
## 3917 all PRON DT
## 3918 of ADP IN
## 3919 you PRON PRP
## 3920 have VERB VBP
## 3921 , PUNCT ,
## 3922 everywhere ADV RB
## 3923 from ADP IN
## 3924 the_Far_East ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3925 to ADP IN
## 3926 Eastern_Europe ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 3927 . PUNCT .
## 3928 and CCONJ CC
## 3929 all DET DT
## 3930 kid NOUN NNS
## 3931 be AUX VBP
## 3932 unique ADJ JJ
## 3933 , PUNCT ,
## 3934 and CCONJ CC
## 3935 yet ADV RB
## 3936 all DET DT
## 3937 kid NOUN NNS
## 3938 be AUX VBP
## 3939 alike ADV RB
## 3940 -- PUNCT :
## 3941 the DET DT
## 3942 bud VERB VBG
## 3943 young ADJ JJ
## 3944 environmentalist NOUN NNS
## 3945 I PRON PRP
## 3946 meet VERB VBD
## 3947 this_month ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 3948 who PRON WP
## 3949 join VERB VBD
## 3950 I PRON PRP
## 3951 in ADP IN
## 3952 explore VERB VBG
## 3953 the_Florida_Everglades ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 3954 ; PUNCT :
## 3955 the DET DT
## 3956 little ADJ JJ
## 3957 leaguer NOUN NNS
## 3958 I PRON PRP
## 3959 play VERB VBD
## 3960 catch VERB VB
## 3961 with ADP IN
## 3962 in ADP IN
## 3963 Poland ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 3964 , PUNCT ,
## 3965 ready ADJ JJ
## 3966 to PART TO
## 3967 go VERB VB
## 3968 from ADP IN
## 3969 Warsaw ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 3970 to ADP IN
## 3971 the_World_Series ENTITY ENTITY EVENT
## 3972 ; PUNCT :
## 3973 and CCONJ CC
## 3974 even ADV RB
## 3975 the DET DT
## 3976 kid NOUN NNS
## 3977 who PRON WP
## 3978 be AUX VBP
## 3979 ill ADJ JJ
## 3980 or CCONJ CC
## 3981 alone ADJ JJ
## 3982 -- PUNCT :
## 3983 and CCONJ CC
## 3984 God PROPN NNP
## 3985 bless VERB VBP
## 3986 those DET DT
## 3987 boarder NOUN NN
## 3988 baby NOUN NNS
## 3989 , PUNCT ,
## 3990 bear VERB VBN
## 3991 addict VERB VBN
## 3992 to ADP IN
## 3993 drug NOUN NNS
## 3994 and CCONJ CC
## 3996 and CCONJ CC
## 3997 cope VERB VBG
## 3998 with ADP IN
## 3999 problem NOUN NNS
## 4000 no DET DT
## 4001 child NOUN NN
## 4002 should AUX MD
## 4003 have VERB VB
## 4004 to PART TO
## 4005 face VERB VB
## 4006 . PUNCT .
## 4007 but CCONJ CC
## 4008 you PRON PRP
## 4009 know VERB VBP
## 4010 , PUNCT ,
## 4011 when SCONJ WRB
## 4012 it PRON PRP
## 4013 come VERB VBZ
## 4014 to ADP IN
## 4015 hope VERB VB
## 4016 and CCONJ CC
## 4017 the DET DT
## 4018 future NOUN NN
## 4019 , PUNCT ,
## 4020 every DET DT
## 4021 kid NOUN NN
## 4022 be AUX VBZ
## 4023 the DET DT
## 4024 same ADJ JJ
## 4025 -- PUNCT :
## 4026 full ADJ JJ
## 4027 of ADP IN
## 4028 dream NOUN NNS
## 4029 , PUNCT ,
## 4030 ready ADJ JJ
## 4031 to PART TO
## 4032 take VERB VB
## 4033 on ADP RP
## 4034 the DET DT
## 4035 world NOUN NN
## 4036 -- PUNCT :
## 4037 all DET DT
## 4038 special ADJ JJ
## 4039 , PUNCT ,
## 4040 because SCONJ IN
## 4041 they PRON PRP
## 4042 be AUX VBP
## 4043 the DET DT
## 4044 very ADV RB
## 4045 future NOUN NN
## 4046 of ADP IN
## 4047 freedom NOUN NN
## 4048 . PUNCT .
## 4049 and CCONJ CC
## 4050 to ADP IN
## 4051 they PRON PRP
## 4052 belong VERB VBZ
## 4053 this DET DT
## 4054 new ADJ JJ
## 4055 world NOUN NN
## 4056 I PRON PRP
## 4057 've AUX VBP
## 4058 be AUX VBN
## 4059 speak VERB VBG
## 4060 about ADP IN
## 4061 . PUNCT .
## 4062 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4063 and CCONJ CC
## 4064 so ADV RB
## 4065 , PUNCT ,
## 4066 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 4067 I PRON PRP
## 4068 be AUX VBP
## 4069 go VERB VBG
## 4070 to PART TO
## 4071 ask VERB VB
## 4072 something PRON NN
## 4073 of ADP IN
## 4074 every DET DT
## 4075 one NUM CD
## 4076 of ADP IN
## 4077 you PRON PRP
## 4078 . PUNCT .
## 4079 now ADV RB
## 4080 , PUNCT ,
## 4081 let VERB VB
## 4082 I PRON PRP
## 4083 start VERB VB
## 4084 with ADP IN
## 4085 my PRON PRP$
## 4086 generation NOUN NN
## 4087 , PUNCT ,
## 4088 with ADP IN
## 4089 the DET DT
## 4090 grandparent NOUN NNS
## 4091 out ADV RB
## 4092 there ADV RB
## 4093 . PUNCT .
## 4094 you PRON PRP
## 4095 be AUX VBP
## 4096 our PRON PRP$
## 4097 living NOUN NN
## 4098 link NOUN NN
## 4099 to ADP IN
## 4100 the DET DT
## 4101 past NOUN NN
## 4102 . PUNCT .
## 4103 tell VERB VB
## 4104 your PRON PRP$
## 4105 grandchild NOUN NNS
## 4106 the DET DT
## 4107 story NOUN NN
## 4108 of ADP IN
## 4109 struggle NOUN NNS
## 4110 wage VERB VBD
## 4111 at ADP IN
## 4112 home NOUN NN
## 4113 and CCONJ CC
## 4114 abroad ADV RB
## 4115 , PUNCT ,
## 4116 of ADP IN
## 4117 sacrifice NOUN NNS
## 4118 freely ADV RB
## 4119 make VERB VBN
## 4120 for ADP IN
## 4121 freedom NOUN NN
## 4122 's PART POS
## 4123 sake NOUN NN
## 4124 . PUNCT .
## 4125 and CCONJ CC
## 4126 tell VERB VB
## 4127 they PRON PRP
## 4128 your PRON PRP$
## 4129 own ADJ JJ
## 4130 story NOUN NN
## 4131 as ADV RB
## 4132 well ADV RB
## 4133 , PUNCT ,
## 4134 because SCONJ IN
## 4135 every DET DT
## 4136 American ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4137 have VERB VBZ
## 4138 a DET DT
## 4139 story NOUN NN
## 4140 to PART TO
## 4141 tell VERB VB
## 4142 . PUNCT .
## 4143 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4144 and CCONJ CC
## 4145 , PUNCT ,
## 4146 parent NOUN NNS
## 4147 , PUNCT ,
## 4148 your PRON PRP$
## 4149 child NOUN NNS
## 4150 look VERB VBP
## 4151 to ADP IN
## 4152 you PRON PRP
## 4153 for ADP IN
## 4154 direction NOUN NN
## 4155 and CCONJ CC
## 4156 guidance NOUN NN
## 4157 . PUNCT .
## 4158 tell VERB VB
## 4159 they PRON PRP
## 4160 of ADP IN
## 4161 faith NOUN NN
## 4162 and CCONJ CC
## 4163 family NOUN NN
## 4164 . PUNCT .
## 4165 tell VERB VB
## 4166 they PRON PRP
## 4167 we PRON PRP
## 4168 be AUX VBP
## 4170 nation NOUN NN
## 4171 under ADP IN
## 4172 God PROPN NNP
## 4173 . PUNCT .
## 4174 teach VERB VB
## 4175 they PRON PRP
## 4176 that PRON DT
## 4177 of ADP IN
## 4178 all DET PDT
## 4179 the DET DT
## 4180 many ADJ JJ
## 4181 gift NOUN NNS
## 4182 they PRON PRP
## 4183 can AUX MD
## 4184 receive VERB VB
## 4185 liberty NOUN NN
## 4186 be AUX VBZ
## 4187 their PRON PRP$
## 4188 most ADV RBS
## 4189 precious ADJ JJ
## 4190 legacy NOUN NN
## 4191 , PUNCT ,
## 4192 and CCONJ CC
## 4193 of ADP IN
## 4194 all DET PDT
## 4195 the DET DT
## 4196 gift NOUN NNS
## 4197 they PRON PRP
## 4198 can AUX MD
## 4199 give VERB VB
## 4200 the DET DT
## 4201 great ADJ JJS
## 4202 be AUX VBZ
## 4203 help VERB VBG
## 4204 other NOUN NNS
## 4205 . PUNCT .
## 4206 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4207 and CCONJ CC
## 4208 to ADP IN
## 4209 the DET DT
## 4210 child NOUN NNS
## 4211 and CCONJ CC
## 4212 young ADJ JJ
## 4213 people NOUN NNS
## 4214 out ADV RB
## 4215 there ADV RB
## 4216 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 4217 : PUNCT :
## 4218 with SCONJ IN
## 4219 you PRON PRP
## 4220 rest VERB VBZ
## 4221 our PRON PRP$
## 4222 hope NOUN NN
## 4223 , PUNCT ,
## 4224 all PRON DT
## 4225 that PRON WDT
## 4226 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 4227 will AUX MD
## 4228 mean VERB VB
## 4229 in ADP IN
## 4230 the_year_and ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 4231 decade ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 4232 ahead ADV RB
## 4233 . PUNCT .
## 4234 fix VERB VB
## 4235 your PRON PRP$
## 4236 vision NOUN NN
## 4237 on ADP IN
## 4238 a_new_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 4239 -- PUNCT :
## 4240 your PRON PRP$
## 4241 century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 4242 , PUNCT ,
## 4243 on ADP IN
## 4244 dream NOUN NNS
## 4245 we PRON PRP
## 4246 can AUX MD
## 4247 not PART RB
## 4248 see VERB VB
## 4249 , PUNCT ,
## 4250 on ADP IN
## 4251 the DET DT
## 4252 destiny NOUN NN
## 4253 that PRON WDT
## 4254 be AUX VBZ
## 4255 yours PRON PRP$
## 4256 and CCONJ CC
## 4257 your NOUN NNS
## 4258 alone ADV RB
## 4259 . PUNCT .
## 4260 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4261 and CCONJ CC
## 4262 finally ADV RB
## 4263 , PUNCT ,
## 4264 let VERB VB
## 4265 all DET DT
## 4266 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4267 -- PUNCT :
## 4268 all PRON DT
## 4269 of ADP IN
## 4270 we PRON PRP
## 4271 together ADV RB
## 4272 here ADV RB
## 4273 in ADP IN
## 4274 this DET DT
## 4275 Chamber ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 4276 , PUNCT ,
## 4277 the DET DT
## 4278 symbolic ADJ JJ
## 4279 center NOUN NN
## 4280 of ADP IN
## 4281 democracy NOUN NN
## 4282 -- PUNCT :
## 4283 affirm VERB VB
## 4284 our PRON PRP$
## 4285 allegiance NOUN NN
## 4286 to ADP IN
## 4287 this DET DT
## 4288 idea NOUN NN
## 4289 we PRON PRP
## 4290 call VERB VBP
## 4291 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 4292 . PUNCT .
## 4293 and CCONJ CC
## 4294 let VERB VB
## 4295 we PRON PRP
## 4296 remember VERB VB
## 4297 that SCONJ IN
## 4298 the DET DT
## 4299 state NOUN NN
## 4300 of ADP IN
## 4301 the DET DT
## 4302 Union PROPN NNP
## 4303 depend VERB VBZ
## 4304 on ADP IN
## 4305 each PRON DT
## 4306 and CCONJ CC
## 4307 every DET DT
## 4308 one NUM CD
## 4309 of ADP IN
## 4310 we PRON PRP
## 4311 . PUNCT .
## 4312 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4313 God PROPN NNP
## 4314 bless VERB VBP
## 4315 all PRON DT
## 4316 of ADP IN
## 4317 you PRON PRP
## 4318 , PUNCT ,
## 4319 and CCONJ CC
## 4320 may AUX MD
## 4322 bless VERB VB
## 4323 this DET DT
## 4324 great ADJ JJ
## 4325 nation NOUN NN
## 4326 , PUNCT ,
## 4327 the_United_States_of_America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 4328 . PUNCT .
## 4329 \n SPACE _SP
## 4330 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4331 Mr. PROPN NNP
## 4332 President PROPN NNP
## 4333 and CCONJ CC
## 4334 Mr. PROPN NNP
## 4336 and CCONJ CC
## 4337 Members PROPN NNP
## 4338 of ADP IN
## 4339 the_United_States ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 4340 Congress PROPN NNP
## 4341 : PUNCT :
## 4342 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4343 I PRON PRP
## 4344 come VERB VBP
## 4345 to ADP IN
## 4346 this DET DT
## 4348 of ADP IN
## 4349 the DET DT
## 4350 people NOUN NNS
## 4351 to PART TO
## 4352 speak VERB VB
## 4353 to ADP IN
## 4354 you PRON PRP
## 4355 and CCONJ CC
## 4356 all DET DT
## 4357 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4358 , PUNCT ,
## 4359 certain ADJ JJ
## 4360 that SCONJ IN
## 4361 we PRON PRP
## 4362 stand VERB VBP
## 4363 at ADP IN
## 4364 a_defining_hour ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 4365 . PUNCT .
## 4366 halfway ADV RB
## 4367 around ADP IN
## 4368 the DET DT
## 4369 world NOUN NN
## 4370 , PUNCT ,
## 4371 we PRON PRP
## 4372 be AUX VBP
## 4373 engage VERB VBN
## 4374 in ADP IN
## 4375 a DET DT
## 4376 great ADJ JJ
## 4377 struggle NOUN NN
## 4378 in ADP IN
## 4379 the DET DT
## 4380 sky NOUN NNS
## 4381 and CCONJ CC
## 4382 on ADP IN
## 4383 the DET DT
## 4384 sea NOUN NNS
## 4385 and CCONJ CC
## 4386 sand NOUN NNS
## 4387 . PUNCT .
## 4388 we PRON PRP
## 4389 know VERB VBP
## 4390 why SCONJ WRB
## 4391 we PRON PRP
## 4392 be AUX VBP
## 4393 there ADV RB
## 4394 : PUNCT :
## 4395 we PRON PRP
## 4396 be AUX VBP
## 4397 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4398 , PUNCT ,
## 4399 part NOUN NN
## 4400 of ADP IN
## 4401 something PRON NN
## 4402 large ADJ JJR
## 4403 than ADP IN
## 4404 ourselves PRON PRP
## 4405 . PUNCT .
## 4406 for ADP IN
## 4407 two_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 4408 , PUNCT ,
## 4409 we PRON PRP
## 4410 've AUX VBP
## 4411 do VERB VBN
## 4412 the DET DT
## 4413 hard ADJ JJ
## 4414 work NOUN NN
## 4415 of ADP IN
## 4416 freedom NOUN NN
## 4417 . PUNCT .
## 4418 and CCONJ CC
## 4419 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 4420 , PUNCT ,
## 4421 we PRON PRP
## 4422 lead VERB VBP
## 4423 the DET DT
## 4424 world NOUN NN
## 4425 in ADP IN
## 4426 face VERB VBG
## 4427 down ADP RP
## 4428 a DET DT
## 4429 threat NOUN NN
## 4430 to ADP IN
## 4431 decency NOUN NN
## 4432 and CCONJ CC
## 4433 humanity NOUN NN
## 4434 . PUNCT .
## 4435 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4436 what PRON WP
## 4437 be AUX VBZ
## 4438 at ADP IN
## 4439 stake NOUN NN
## 4440 be AUX VBZ
## 4441 more_than_one ENTITY ENTITY CARDINAL
## 4442 small ADJ JJ
## 4443 country NOUN NN
## 4444 ; PUNCT :
## 4445 it PRON PRP
## 4446 be AUX VBZ
## 4447 a DET DT
## 4448 big ADJ JJ
## 4449 idea NOUN NN
## 4450 : PUNCT :
## 4451 a DET DT
## 4452 new ADJ JJ
## 4453 world NOUN NN
## 4454 order NOUN NN
## 4455 , PUNCT ,
## 4456 where SCONJ WRB
## 4457 diverse ADJ JJ
## 4458 nation NOUN NNS
## 4459 be AUX VBP
## 4460 draw VERB VBN
## 4461 together ADV RB
## 4462 in ADP IN
## 4463 common ADJ JJ
## 4464 cause NOUN NN
## 4465 to PART TO
## 4466 achieve VERB VB
## 4467 the DET DT
## 4468 universal ADJ JJ
## 4469 aspiration NOUN NNS
## 4470 of ADP IN
## 4471 mankind NOUN NN
## 4472 -- PUNCT :
## 4473 peace NOUN NN
## 4474 and CCONJ CC
## 4475 security NOUN NN
## 4476 , PUNCT ,
## 4477 freedom NOUN NN
## 4478 , PUNCT ,
## 4479 and CCONJ CC
## 4480 the DET DT
## 4481 rule NOUN NN
## 4482 of ADP IN
## 4483 law NOUN NN
## 4484 . PUNCT .
## 4485 such ADJ JJ
## 4486 be AUX VBZ
## 4487 a DET DT
## 4488 world NOUN NN
## 4489 worthy ADJ JJ
## 4490 of ADP IN
## 4491 our PRON PRP$
## 4492 struggle NOUN NN
## 4493 and CCONJ CC
## 4494 worthy ADJ JJ
## 4495 of ADP IN
## 4496 our PRON PRP$
## 4497 child NOUN NNS
## 4498 's PART POS
## 4499 future NOUN NN
## 4500 . PUNCT .
## 4501 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4502 the DET DT
## 4503 community NOUN NN
## 4504 of ADP IN
## 4505 nation NOUN NNS
## 4506 have AUX VBZ
## 4507 resolutely ADV RB
## 4508 gather VERB VBN
## 4509 to PART TO
## 4510 condemn VERB VB
## 4511 and CCONJ CC
## 4512 repel VERB VB
## 4513 lawless ADJ JJ
## 4514 aggression NOUN NN
## 4515 . PUNCT .
## 4516 Saddam_Hussein_'s ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 4517 unprovoked ADJ JJ
## 4518 invasion NOUN NN
## 4519 -- PUNCT :
## 4520 his PRON PRP$
## 4521 ruthless ADJ JJ
## 4522 , PUNCT ,
## 4523 systematic ADJ JJ
## 4524 rape NOUN NN
## 4525 of ADP IN
## 4526 a DET DT
## 4527 peaceful ADJ JJ
## 4528 neighbor NOUN NN
## 4529 -- PUNCT :
## 4530 violate VERB VBD
## 4531 everything PRON NN
## 4532 the DET DT
## 4533 community NOUN NN
## 4534 of ADP IN
## 4535 nation NOUN NNS
## 4536 hold VERB VBZ
## 4537 dear ADJ JJ
## 4538 . PUNCT .
## 4539 the DET DT
## 4540 world NOUN NN
## 4541 have AUX VBZ
## 4542 say VERB VBN
## 4543 this DET DT
## 4544 aggression NOUN NN
## 4545 would AUX MD
## 4546 not PART RB
## 4547 stand VERB VB
## 4548 , PUNCT ,
## 4549 and CCONJ CC
## 4550 it PRON PRP
## 4551 will AUX MD
## 4552 not PART RB
## 4553 stand VERB VB
## 4554 . PUNCT .
## 4555 together ADV RB
## 4556 , PUNCT ,
## 4557 we PRON PRP
## 4558 have AUX VBP
## 4559 resist VERB VBN
## 4560 the DET DT
## 4561 trap NOUN NN
## 4562 of ADP IN
## 4563 appeasement NOUN NN
## 4564 , PUNCT ,
## 4565 cynicism NOUN NN
## 4566 , PUNCT ,
## 4567 and CCONJ CC
## 4568 isolation NOUN NN
## 4569 that PRON WDT
## 4570 give VERB VBZ
## 4571 temptation NOUN NN
## 4572 to ADP IN
## 4573 tyrant NOUN NNS
## 4574 . PUNCT .
## 4575 the DET DT
## 4576 world NOUN NN
## 4577 have AUX VBZ
## 4578 answer VERB VBN
## 4580 's PART POS
## 4581 invasion NOUN NN
## 4582 with ADP IN
## 4584 United_Nations ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 4585 resolution NOUN NNS
## 4586 , PUNCT ,
## 4587 start VERB VBG
## 4588 with ADP IN
## 4589 a DET DT
## 4590 demand NOUN NN
## 4591 for ADP IN
## 4593 's PART POS
## 4594 immediate ADJ JJ
## 4595 and CCONJ CC
## 4596 unconditional ADJ JJ
## 4597 withdrawal NOUN NN
## 4598 , PUNCT ,
## 4599 and CCONJ CC
## 4600 back VERB VBD
## 4601 up ADP RP
## 4602 by ADP IN
## 4603 force NOUN NNS
## 4604 from ADP IN
## 4606 country NOUN NNS
## 4607 of ADP IN
## 4609 continent NOUN NNS
## 4610 . PUNCT .
## 4611 with ADP IN
## 4612 few ADJ JJ
## 4613 exception NOUN NNS
## 4614 , PUNCT ,
## 4615 the DET DT
## 4616 world NOUN NN
## 4617 now ADV RB
## 4618 stand VERB VBZ
## 4619 as ADP IN
## 4620 one NUM CD
## 4621 . PUNCT .
## 4622 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4623 the DET DT
## 4624 end NOUN NN
## 4625 of ADP IN
## 4626 the DET DT
## 4627 cold ADJ JJ
## 4628 war NOUN NN
## 4629 have AUX VBZ
## 4630 be AUX VBN
## 4631 a DET DT
## 4632 victory NOUN NN
## 4633 for ADP IN
## 4634 all DET DT
## 4635 humanity NOUN NN
## 4636 . PUNCT .
## 4637 a_year_and_a_half_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 4638 , PUNCT ,
## 4639 in ADP IN
## 4640 Germany ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 4641 , PUNCT ,
## 4642 I PRON PRP
## 4643 say VERB VBD
## 4644 that SCONJ IN
## 4645 our PRON PRP$
## 4646 goal NOUN NN
## 4647 be AUX VBD
## 4648 a DET DT
## 4649 Europe ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 4650 whole ADJ JJ
## 4651 and CCONJ CC
## 4652 free ADJ JJ
## 4653 . PUNCT .
## 4654 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 4655 , PUNCT ,
## 4656 Germany ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 4657 be AUX VBZ
## 4658 united ADJ JJ
## 4659 . PUNCT .
## 4660 Europe ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 4661 have AUX VBZ
## 4662 become VERB VBN
## 4663 whole ADJ JJ
## 4664 and CCONJ CC
## 4665 free ADJ JJ
## 4666 , PUNCT ,
## 4667 and CCONJ CC
## 4668 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 4669 's PART POS
## 4670 leadership NOUN NN
## 4671 be AUX VBD
## 4672 instrumental ADJ JJ
## 4673 in ADP IN
## 4674 make VERB VBG
## 4675 it PRON PRP
## 4676 possible ADJ JJ
## 4677 . PUNCT .
## 4678 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4679 our PRON PRP$
## 4680 relationship NOUN NN
## 4681 to ADP IN
## 4682 the_Soviet_Union ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 4683 be AUX VBZ
## 4684 important ADJ JJ
## 4685 , PUNCT ,
## 4686 not PART RB
## 4687 only ADV RB
## 4688 to ADP IN
## 4689 we PRON PRP
## 4690 but CCONJ CC
## 4691 to ADP IN
## 4692 the DET DT
## 4693 world NOUN NN
## 4694 . PUNCT .
## 4695 that DET DT
## 4696 relationship NOUN NN
## 4697 have AUX VBZ
## 4698 help VERB VBN
## 4699 to PART TO
## 4700 shape VERB VB
## 4701 these PRON DT
## 4702 and CCONJ CC
## 4703 other ADJ JJ
## 4704 historic ADJ JJ
## 4705 change NOUN NNS
## 4706 . PUNCT .
## 4707 but CCONJ CC
## 4708 like ADP IN
## 4709 many ADJ JJ
## 4710 other ADJ JJ
## 4711 nation NOUN NNS
## 4712 , PUNCT ,
## 4713 we PRON PRP
## 4714 have AUX VBP
## 4715 be AUX VBN
## 4716 deeply ADV RB
## 4717 concern VERB VBN
## 4718 by ADP IN
## 4719 the DET DT
## 4720 violence NOUN NN
## 4721 in ADP IN
## 4722 the DET DT
## 4723 Baltics ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 4724 , PUNCT ,
## 4725 and CCONJ CC
## 4726 we PRON PRP
## 4727 have AUX VBP
## 4728 communicate VERB VBN
## 4729 that DET DT
## 4730 concern NOUN NN
## 4731 to ADP IN
## 4732 the DET DT
## 4733 soviet ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4734 leadership NOUN NN
## 4735 . PUNCT .
## 4736 the DET DT
## 4737 principle NOUN NN
## 4738 that PRON WDT
## 4739 have AUX VBZ
## 4740 guide VERB VBN
## 4741 we PRON PRP
## 4742 be AUX VBZ
## 4743 simple ADJ JJ
## 4744 : PUNCT :
## 4745 our PRON PRP$
## 4746 objective NOUN NN
## 4747 be AUX VBZ
## 4748 to PART TO
## 4749 help VERB VB
## 4750 the DET DT
## 4751 baltic ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4752 people NOUN NNS
## 4753 achieve VERB VBP
## 4754 their PRON PRP$
## 4755 aspiration NOUN NNS
## 4756 , PUNCT ,
## 4757 not PART RB
## 4758 to PART TO
## 4759 punish VERB VB
## 4760 the_Soviet_Union ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 4761 . PUNCT .
## 4762 in ADP IN
## 4763 our PRON PRP$
## 4764 recent ADJ JJ
## 4765 discussion NOUN NNS
## 4766 with ADP IN
## 4767 the DET DT
## 4768 soviet ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4769 leadership NOUN NN
## 4770 we PRON PRP
## 4771 have AUX VBP
## 4772 be AUX VBN
## 4773 give VERB VBN
## 4774 representation NOUN NNS
## 4775 which PRON WDT
## 4776 , PUNCT ,
## 4777 if SCONJ IN
## 4778 fulfil VERB VBN
## 4779 , PUNCT ,
## 4780 would AUX MD
## 4781 result VERB VB
## 4782 in ADP IN
## 4783 the DET DT
## 4784 withdrawal NOUN NN
## 4785 of ADP IN
## 4786 some DET DT
## 4787 soviet ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4788 force NOUN NNS
## 4789 , PUNCT ,
## 4790 a DET DT
## 4791 reopening NOUN NN
## 4792 of ADP IN
## 4793 dialog NOUN NN
## 4794 with ADP IN
## 4795 the DET DT
## 4796 Republics ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 4797 , PUNCT ,
## 4798 and CCONJ CC
## 4799 a DET DT
## 4800 move NOUN NN
## 4801 away ADV RB
## 4802 from ADP IN
## 4803 violence NOUN NN
## 4804 . PUNCT .
## 4805 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4806 we PRON PRP
## 4807 will AUX MD
## 4808 watch VERB VB
## 4809 carefully ADV RB
## 4810 as SCONJ IN
## 4811 the DET DT
## 4812 situation NOUN NN
## 4813 develop VERB VBZ
## 4814 . PUNCT .
## 4815 and CCONJ CC
## 4816 we PRON PRP
## 4817 will AUX MD
## 4818 maintain VERB VB
## 4819 our PRON PRP$
## 4820 contact NOUN NN
## 4821 with ADP IN
## 4822 the DET DT
## 4823 soviet ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4824 leadership NOUN NN
## 4825 to PART TO
## 4826 encourage VERB VB
## 4827 continued ADJ JJ
## 4828 commitment NOUN NN
## 4829 to ADP IN
## 4830 democratization NOUN NN
## 4831 and CCONJ CC
## 4832 reform NOUN NN
## 4833 . PUNCT .
## 4834 if SCONJ IN
## 4835 it PRON PRP
## 4836 be AUX VBZ
## 4837 possible ADJ JJ
## 4838 , PUNCT ,
## 4839 I PRON PRP
## 4840 want VERB VBP
## 4841 to PART TO
## 4842 continue VERB VB
## 4843 to PART TO
## 4844 build VERB VB
## 4845 a DET DT
## 4846 lasting ADJ JJ
## 4847 basis NOUN NN
## 4848 for ADP IN
## 4849 U.S.-Soviet ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 4850 cooperation NOUN NN
## 4851 -- PUNCT :
## 4852 for ADP IN
## 4853 a DET DT
## 4854 more ADV RBR
## 4855 peaceful ADJ JJ
## 4856 future NOUN NN
## 4857 for ADP IN
## 4858 all DET DT
## 4859 mankind NOUN NN
## 4860 . PUNCT .
## 4861 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4862 the DET DT
## 4863 triumph NOUN NN
## 4864 of ADP IN
## 4865 democratic ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4866 idea NOUN NNS
## 4867 in ADP IN
## 4868 Eastern_Europe ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 4869 and CCONJ CC
## 4870 Latin_America ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 4871 and CCONJ CC
## 4872 the DET DT
## 4873 continue VERB VBG
## 4874 struggle NOUN NN
## 4875 for ADP IN
## 4876 freedom NOUN NN
## 4877 elsewhere ADV RB
## 4878 all ADV RB
## 4879 around ADP IN
## 4880 the DET DT
## 4881 world NOUN NN
## 4882 all PRON DT
## 4883 confirm VERB VBP
## 4884 the DET DT
## 4885 wisdom NOUN NN
## 4886 of ADP IN
## 4887 our PRON PRP$
## 4888 nation NOUN NN
## 4889 's PART POS
## 4890 founder NOUN NNS
## 4891 . PUNCT .
## 4892 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 4893 , PUNCT ,
## 4894 we PRON PRP
## 4895 work VERB VBP
## 4896 to PART TO
## 4897 achieve VERB VB
## 4898 another DET DT
## 4899 victory NOUN NN
## 4900 , PUNCT ,
## 4901 a DET DT
## 4902 victory NOUN NN
## 4903 over ADP IN
## 4904 tyranny NOUN NN
## 4905 and CCONJ CC
## 4906 savage ADJ JJ
## 4907 aggression NOUN NN
## 4908 . PUNCT .
## 4909 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 4910 we PRON PRP
## 4911 in ADP IN
## 4912 this DET DT
## 4913 Union PROPN NNP
## 4914 enter VERB VBP
## 4915 the_last_decade ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 4916 of ADP IN
## 4917 the_20th_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 4918 thankful ADJ JJ
## 4919 for ADP IN
## 4920 our PRON PRP$
## 4921 blessing NOUN NNS
## 4922 , PUNCT ,
## 4923 steadfast ADJ JJ
## 4924 in ADP IN
## 4925 our PRON PRP$
## 4926 purpose NOUN NN
## 4927 , PUNCT ,
## 4928 aware ADJ JJ
## 4929 of ADP IN
## 4930 our PRON PRP$
## 4931 difficulty NOUN NNS
## 4932 , PUNCT ,
## 4933 and CCONJ CC
## 4934 responsive ADJ JJ
## 4935 to ADP IN
## 4936 our PRON PRP$
## 4937 duty NOUN NNS
## 4938 at ADP IN
## 4939 home NOUN NN
## 4940 and CCONJ CC
## 4941 around ADP IN
## 4942 the DET DT
## 4943 world NOUN NN
## 4944 . PUNCT .
## 4945 for ADP IN
## 4946 two_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 4947 , PUNCT ,
## 4948 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 4949 have AUX VBZ
## 4950 serve VERB VBN
## 4951 the DET DT
## 4952 world NOUN NN
## 4953 as ADP IN
## 4954 an DET DT
## 4955 inspiring ADJ JJ
## 4956 example NOUN NN
## 4957 of ADP IN
## 4958 freedom NOUN NN
## 4959 and CCONJ CC
## 4960 democracy NOUN NN
## 4961 . PUNCT .
## 4962 for ADP IN
## 4963 generation NOUN NNS
## 4964 , PUNCT ,
## 4965 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 4966 have AUX VBZ
## 4967 lead VERB VBN
## 4968 the DET DT
## 4969 struggle NOUN NN
## 4970 to PART TO
## 4971 preserve VERB VB
## 4972 and CCONJ CC
## 4973 extend VERB VB
## 4974 the DET DT
## 4975 blessing NOUN NNS
## 4976 of ADP IN
## 4977 liberty NOUN NN
## 4978 . PUNCT .
## 4979 and CCONJ CC
## 4980 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 4981 , PUNCT ,
## 4982 in ADP IN
## 4983 a DET DT
## 4984 rapidly ADV RB
## 4985 change VERB VBG
## 4986 world NOUN NN
## 4987 , PUNCT ,
## 4988 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4989 leadership NOUN NN
## 4990 be AUX VBZ
## 4991 indispensable ADJ JJ
## 4992 . PUNCT .
## 4993 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 4994 know VERB VBP
## 4995 that SCONJ IN
## 4996 leadership NOUN NN
## 4997 bring VERB VBZ
## 4998 burden NOUN NNS
## 4999 and CCONJ CC
## 5000 sacrifice NOUN NNS
## 5001 . PUNCT .
## 5002 but CCONJ CC
## 5003 we PRON PRP
## 5004 also ADV RB
## 5005 know VERB VBP
## 5006 why SCONJ WRB
## 5007 the DET DT
## 5008 hope NOUN NNS
## 5009 of ADP IN
## 5010 humanity NOUN NN
## 5011 turn VERB VB
## 5012 to ADP IN
## 5013 we PRON PRP
## 5014 . PUNCT .
## 5015 we PRON PRP
## 5016 be AUX VBP
## 5017 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 5018 ; PUNCT :
## 5019 we PRON PRP
## 5020 have VERB VBP
## 5021 a DET DT
## 5022 unique ADJ JJ
## 5023 responsibility NOUN NN
## 5024 to PART TO
## 5025 do AUX VB
## 5026 the DET DT
## 5027 hard ADJ JJ
## 5028 work NOUN NN
## 5029 of ADP IN
## 5030 freedom NOUN NN
## 5031 . PUNCT .
## 5032 and CCONJ CC
## 5033 when SCONJ WRB
## 5034 we PRON PRP
## 5035 do VERB VBP
## 5036 , PUNCT ,
## 5037 freedom NOUN NN
## 5038 work VERB VBZ
## 5039 . PUNCT .
## 5040 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5041 the DET DT
## 5042 conviction NOUN NN
## 5043 and CCONJ CC
## 5044 courage NOUN NN
## 5045 we PRON PRP
## 5046 see VERB VBP
## 5047 in ADP IN
## 5048 the_Persian_Gulf ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 5049 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 5050 be AUX VBZ
## 5051 simply ADV RB
## 5052 the DET DT
## 5053 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 5054 character NOUN NN
## 5055 in ADP IN
## 5056 action NOUN NN
## 5057 . PUNCT .
## 5058 the DET DT
## 5059 indomitable ADJ JJ
## 5060 spirit NOUN NN
## 5061 that PRON WDT
## 5062 be AUX VBZ
## 5063 contribute VERB VBG
## 5064 to ADP IN
## 5065 this DET DT
## 5066 victory NOUN NN
## 5067 for ADP IN
## 5068 world NOUN NN
## 5069 peace NOUN NN
## 5070 and CCONJ CC
## 5071 justice NOUN NN
## 5072 be AUX VBZ
## 5073 the DET DT
## 5074 same ADJ JJ
## 5075 spirit NOUN NN
## 5076 that PRON WDT
## 5077 give VERB VBZ
## 5078 we PRON PRP
## 5079 the DET DT
## 5080 power NOUN NN
## 5081 and CCONJ CC
## 5082 the DET DT
## 5083 potential NOUN NN
## 5084 to PART TO
## 5085 meet VERB VB
## 5086 our PRON PRP$
## 5087 tough ADJ JJS
## 5088 challenge NOUN NNS
## 5089 at ADP IN
## 5090 home NOUN NN
## 5091 . PUNCT .
## 5092 we PRON PRP
## 5093 be AUX VBP
## 5094 resolute ADJ JJ
## 5095 and CCONJ CC
## 5096 resourceful ADJ JJ
## 5097 . PUNCT .
## 5098 if SCONJ IN
## 5099 we PRON PRP
## 5100 can AUX MD
## 5101 selflessly ADV RB
## 5102 confront VERB VB
## 5103 the DET DT
## 5104 evil NOUN NN
## 5105 for ADP IN
## 5106 the DET DT
## 5107 sake NOUN NN
## 5108 of ADP IN
## 5109 good ADJ JJ
## 5110 in ADP IN
## 5111 a DET DT
## 5112 land NOUN NN
## 5113 so ADV RB
## 5114 far ADV RB
## 5115 away ADV RB
## 5116 , PUNCT ,
## 5117 then ADV RB
## 5118 surely ADV RB
## 5119 we PRON PRP
## 5120 can AUX MD
## 5121 make VERB VB
## 5122 this DET DT
## 5123 land NOUN NN
## 5124 all DET PDT
## 5125 that PRON WDT
## 5126 it PRON PRP
## 5127 should AUX MD
## 5128 be AUX VB
## 5129 . PUNCT .
## 5130 if SCONJ IN
## 5131 anyone PRON NN
## 5132 tell VERB VBZ
## 5133 you PRON PRP
## 5134 that SCONJ IN
## 5135 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 5136 's PART POS
## 5137 good ADJ JJS
## 5138 day NOUN NNS
## 5139 be AUX VBP
## 5140 behind ADP IN
## 5141 she PRON PRP
## 5142 , PUNCT ,
## 5143 they PRON PRP
## 5144 be AUX VBP
## 5145 look VERB VBG
## 5146 the DET DT
## 5147 wrong ADJ JJ
## 5148 way NOUN NN
## 5149 . PUNCT .
## 5150 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5151 tonight NOUN NN
## 5152 I PRON PRP
## 5153 come VERB VBP
## 5154 before ADP IN
## 5155 this DET DT
## 5157 and CCONJ CC
## 5158 the DET DT
## 5159 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 5160 people NOUN NNS
## 5161 with ADP IN
## 5162 an DET DT
## 5163 appeal NOUN NN
## 5164 for ADP IN
## 5165 renewal NOUN NN
## 5166 . PUNCT .
## 5167 this PRON DT
## 5168 be AUX VBZ
## 5169 not PART RB
## 5170 merely ADV RB
## 5171 a DET DT
## 5172 call NOUN NN
## 5173 for ADP IN
## 5174 new ADJ JJ
## 5175 government NOUN NN
## 5176 initiative NOUN NNS
## 5177 ; PUNCT :
## 5178 it PRON PRP
## 5179 be AUX VBZ
## 5180 a DET DT
## 5181 call NOUN NN
## 5182 for ADP IN
## 5183 new ADJ JJ
## 5184 initiative NOUN NNS
## 5185 in ADP IN
## 5186 government NOUN NN
## 5187 , PUNCT ,
## 5188 in ADP IN
## 5189 our PRON PRP$
## 5190 community NOUN NNS
## 5191 , PUNCT ,
## 5192 and CCONJ CC
## 5193 from ADP IN
## 5194 every DET DT
## 5195 American ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 5196 to PART TO
## 5197 prepare VERB VB
## 5198 for ADP IN
## 5199 the_next_american_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 5200 . PUNCT .
## 5201 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5202 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 5203 have AUX VBZ
## 5204 always ADV RB
## 5205 lead VERB VBN
## 5206 by ADP IN
## 5207 example NOUN NN
## 5208 . PUNCT .
## 5209 so ADV RB
## 5210 , PUNCT ,
## 5211 who PRON WP
## 5212 among ADP IN
## 5213 we PRON PRP
## 5214 will AUX MD
## 5215 set VERB VB
## 5216 the DET DT
## 5217 example NOUN NN
## 5218 ? PUNCT .
## 5219 which PRON WDT
## 5220 of ADP IN
## 5221 our PRON PRP$
## 5222 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5223 will AUX MD
## 5224 lead VERB VB
## 5225 we PRON PRP
## 5226 in ADP IN
## 5227 this_next_american_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 5228 ? PUNCT .
## 5229 everyone PRON NN
## 5230 who PRON WP
## 5231 step VERB VBZ
## 5232 forward ADV RB
## 5233 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 5234 -- PUNCT :
## 5235 to PART TO
## 5236 get VERB VB
## 5238 addict NOUN NN
## 5239 off ADP IN
## 5240 drug NOUN NNS
## 5241 , PUNCT ,
## 5242 to PART TO
## 5243 convince VERB VB
## 5245 troubled ADJ JJ
## 5246 teenager NOUN NN
## 5247 not PART RB
## 5248 to PART TO
## 5249 give VERB VB
## 5250 up ADP RP
## 5251 on ADP IN
## 5252 life NOUN NN
## 5253 , PUNCT ,
## 5254 to PART TO
## 5255 comfort VERB VB
## 5258 patient NOUN NN
## 5259 , PUNCT ,
## 5260 to PART TO
## 5261 help VERB VB
## 5263 hungry ADJ JJ
## 5264 child NOUN NN
## 5265 . PUNCT .
## 5266 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5267 we PRON PRP
## 5268 have VERB VBP
## 5269 within ADP IN
## 5270 our PRON PRP$
## 5271 reach NOUN NN
## 5272 the DET DT
## 5273 promise NOUN NN
## 5274 of ADP IN
## 5275 a DET DT
## 5276 renew VERB VBN
## 5277 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 5278 . PUNCT .
## 5279 we PRON PRP
## 5280 can AUX MD
## 5281 find VERB VB
## 5282 meaning NOUN NN
## 5283 and CCONJ CC
## 5284 reward VERB VB
## 5285 by ADP IN
## 5286 serve VERB VBG
## 5287 some DET DT
## 5288 high ADJ JJR
## 5289 purpose NOUN NN
## 5290 than ADP IN
## 5291 ourselves PRON PRP
## 5292 , PUNCT ,
## 5293 a DET DT
## 5294 shine VERB VBG
## 5295 purpose NOUN NN
## 5296 , PUNCT ,
## 5297 the DET DT
## 5298 illumination NOUN NN
## 5299 of ADP IN
## 5300 a_Thousand_Points_of_Light ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 5301 . PUNCT .
## 5302 and CCONJ CC
## 5303 it PRON PRP
## 5304 be AUX VBZ
## 5305 express VERB VBN
## 5306 by ADP IN
## 5307 all PRON DT
## 5308 who PRON WP
## 5309 know VERB VBP
## 5310 the DET DT
## 5311 irresistible ADJ JJ
## 5312 force NOUN NN
## 5313 of ADP IN
## 5314 a DET DT
## 5315 child NOUN NN
## 5316 's PART POS
## 5317 hand NOUN NN
## 5318 , PUNCT ,
## 5319 of ADP IN
## 5320 a DET DT
## 5321 friend NOUN NN
## 5322 who PRON WP
## 5323 stand VERB VBZ
## 5324 by ADP IN
## 5325 you PRON PRP
## 5326 and CCONJ CC
## 5327 stay VERB VBZ
## 5328 there ADV RB
## 5329 , PUNCT ,
## 5330 a DET DT
## 5331 volunteer NOUN NN
## 5332 's PART POS
## 5333 generous ADJ JJ
## 5334 gesture NOUN NN
## 5335 , PUNCT ,
## 5336 an DET DT
## 5337 idea NOUN NN
## 5338 that PRON WDT
## 5339 be AUX VBZ
## 5340 simply ADV RB
## 5341 right ADJ JJ
## 5342 . PUNCT .
## 5343 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5344 the DET DT
## 5345 problem NOUN NNS
## 5346 before ADP IN
## 5347 we PRON PRP
## 5348 may AUX MD
## 5349 be AUX VB
## 5350 different ADJ JJ
## 5351 , PUNCT ,
## 5352 but CCONJ CC
## 5353 the DET DT
## 5354 key NOUN NN
## 5355 to ADP IN
## 5356 solve VERB VBG
## 5357 they PRON PRP
## 5358 remain VERB VBZ
## 5359 the DET DT
## 5360 same ADJ JJ
## 5361 . PUNCT .
## 5362 it PRON PRP
## 5363 be AUX VBZ
## 5364 the DET DT
## 5365 individual NOUN NN
## 5366 -- PUNCT :
## 5367 the DET DT
## 5368 individual NOUN NN
## 5369 who PRON WP
## 5370 step VERB VBZ
## 5371 forward ADV RB
## 5372 . PUNCT .
## 5373 and CCONJ CC
## 5374 the DET DT
## 5375 state NOUN NN
## 5376 of ADP IN
## 5377 our PRON PRP$
## 5378 Union PROPN NNP
## 5379 be AUX VBZ
## 5380 the DET DT
## 5381 union NOUN NN
## 5382 of ADP IN
## 5383 each PRON DT
## 5384 of ADP IN
## 5385 we PRON PRP
## 5386 , PUNCT ,
## 5387 one NUM CD
## 5388 to ADP IN
## 5389 the DET DT
## 5390 other ADJ JJ
## 5391 -- PUNCT :
## 5392 the DET DT
## 5393 sum NOUN NN
## 5394 of ADP IN
## 5395 our PRON PRP$
## 5396 friendship NOUN NNS
## 5397 , PUNCT ,
## 5398 marriage NOUN NNS
## 5399 , PUNCT ,
## 5400 family NOUN NNS
## 5401 , PUNCT ,
## 5402 and CCONJ CC
## 5403 community NOUN NNS
## 5404 . PUNCT .
## 5405 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5406 we PRON PRP
## 5407 all PRON DT
## 5408 have VERB VBP
## 5409 something PRON NN
## 5410 to PART TO
## 5411 give VERB VB
## 5412 . PUNCT .
## 5413 so ADV RB
## 5414 , PUNCT ,
## 5415 if SCONJ IN
## 5416 you PRON PRP
## 5417 know VERB VBP
## 5418 how SCONJ WRB
## 5419 to PART TO
## 5420 read VERB VB
## 5421 , PUNCT ,
## 5422 find VERB VB
## 5423 someone PRON NN
## 5424 who PRON WP
## 5425 can AUX MD
## 5426 not PART RB
## 5427 . PUNCT .
## 5428 if SCONJ IN
## 5429 you PRON PRP
## 5430 've AUX VBP
## 5431 get VERB VBN
## 5432 a DET DT
## 5433 hammer NOUN NN
## 5434 , PUNCT ,
## 5435 find VERB VBP
## 5436 a DET DT
## 5437 nail NOUN NN
## 5438 . PUNCT .
## 5439 if SCONJ IN
## 5440 you PRON PRP
## 5441 be AUX VBP
## 5442 not PART RB
## 5443 hungry ADJ JJ
## 5444 , PUNCT ,
## 5445 not PART RB
## 5446 lonely ADJ JJ
## 5447 , PUNCT ,
## 5448 not PART RB
## 5449 in ADP IN
## 5450 trouble NOUN NN
## 5451 , PUNCT ,
## 5452 seek VERB VB
## 5453 out ADP RP
## 5454 someone PRON NN
## 5455 who PRON WP
## 5456 be AUX VBZ
## 5457 . PUNCT .
## 5458 join VERB VB
## 5459 the DET DT
## 5460 community NOUN NN
## 5461 of ADP IN
## 5462 conscience NOUN NN
## 5463 . PUNCT .
## 5464 do VERB VB
## 5465 the DET DT
## 5466 hard ADJ JJ
## 5467 work NOUN NN
## 5468 of ADP IN
## 5469 freedom NOUN NN
## 5470 . PUNCT .
## 5471 and CCONJ CC
## 5472 that PRON DT
## 5473 will AUX MD
## 5474 define VERB VB
## 5475 the DET DT
## 5476 state NOUN NN
## 5477 of ADP IN
## 5478 our PRON PRP$
## 5479 Union PROPN NNP
## 5480 . PUNCT .
## 5481 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5482 since SCONJ IN
## 5483 the DET DT
## 5484 birth NOUN NN
## 5485 of ADP IN
## 5486 our PRON PRP$
## 5487 nation NOUN NN
## 5488 , PUNCT ,
## 5489 " PUNCT ``
## 5490 we_the_People ENTITY ENTITY WORK
## 5491 " PUNCT ''
## 5492 have AUX VBZ
## 5493 be AUX VBN
## 5494 the DET DT
## 5495 source NOUN NN
## 5496 of ADP IN
## 5497 our PRON PRP$
## 5498 strength NOUN NN
## 5499 . PUNCT .
## 5500 what PRON WP
## 5501 government NOUN NN
## 5502 can AUX MD
## 5503 do AUX VB
## 5504 alone ADV RB
## 5505 be AUX VBZ
## 5506 limited ADJ JJ
## 5507 , PUNCT ,
## 5508 but CCONJ CC
## 5509 the DET DT
## 5510 potential NOUN NN
## 5511 of ADP IN
## 5512 the DET DT
## 5513 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 5514 people NOUN NNS
## 5515 know VERB VBZ
## 5516 no DET DT
## 5517 limit NOUN NNS
## 5518 . PUNCT .
## 5519 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5520 we PRON PRP
## 5521 be AUX VBP
## 5522 a DET DT
## 5523 nation NOUN NN
## 5524 of ADP IN
## 5525 rock NOUN NN
## 5526 - PUNCT HYPH
## 5527 solid ADJ JJ
## 5528 realism NOUN NN
## 5529 and CCONJ CC
## 5530 clear ADJ JJ
## 5531 - PUNCT HYPH
## 5532 eyed ADJ JJ
## 5533 idealism NOUN NN
## 5534 . PUNCT .
## 5535 we PRON PRP
## 5536 be AUX VBP
## 5537 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 5538 . PUNCT .
## 5539 we PRON PRP
## 5540 be AUX VBP
## 5541 the DET DT
## 5542 nation NOUN NN
## 5543 that PRON WDT
## 5544 believe VERB VBZ
## 5545 in ADP IN
## 5546 the DET DT
## 5547 future NOUN NN
## 5548 . PUNCT .
## 5549 we PRON PRP
## 5550 be AUX VBP
## 5551 the DET DT
## 5552 nation NOUN NN
## 5553 that PRON WDT
## 5554 can AUX MD
## 5555 shape VERB VB
## 5556 the DET DT
## 5557 future NOUN NN
## 5558 . PUNCT .
## 5559 and CCONJ CC
## 5560 we PRON PRP
## 5561 've AUX VBP
## 5562 begin VERB VBN
## 5563 to PART TO
## 5564 do VERB VB
## 5565 just ADV RB
## 5566 that PRON DT
## 5567 , PUNCT ,
## 5568 by ADP IN
## 5569 strengthen VERB VBG
## 5570 the DET DT
## 5571 power NOUN NN
## 5572 and CCONJ CC
## 5573 choice NOUN NN
## 5574 of ADP IN
## 5575 individual NOUN NNS
## 5576 and CCONJ CC
## 5577 family NOUN NNS
## 5578 . PUNCT .
## 5579 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5580 together ADV RB
## 5581 , PUNCT ,
## 5582 these_last_2_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 5583 , PUNCT ,
## 5584 we PRON PRP
## 5585 've AUX VBP
## 5586 put VERB VBN
## 5587 dollar NOUN NNS
## 5588 for ADP IN
## 5589 child NOUN NN
## 5590 care NOUN NN
## 5591 directly ADV RB
## 5592 in ADP IN
## 5593 the DET DT
## 5594 hand NOUN NNS
## 5595 of ADP IN
## 5596 parent NOUN NNS
## 5597 instead ADV RB
## 5598 of ADP IN
## 5599 bureaucracy NOUN NNS
## 5600 ; PUNCT :
## 5601 unshackle VERB VBD
## 5602 the DET DT
## 5603 potential NOUN NN
## 5604 of ADP IN
## 5605 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 5606 with ADP IN
## 5607 disability NOUN NNS
## 5608 ; PUNCT :
## 5609 apply VERB VBD
## 5610 the DET DT
## 5611 creativity NOUN NN
## 5612 of ADP IN
## 5613 the DET DT
## 5614 marketplace NOUN NN
## 5615 in ADP IN
## 5616 the DET DT
## 5617 service NOUN NN
## 5618 of ADP IN
## 5619 the DET DT
## 5620 environment NOUN NN
## 5621 , PUNCT ,
## 5622 for ADP IN
## 5623 clean ADJ JJ
## 5624 air NOUN NN
## 5625 ; PUNCT :
## 5626 and CCONJ CC
## 5627 make VERB VBD
## 5628 home NOUN NN
## 5629 ownership NOUN NN
## 5630 possible ADJ JJ
## 5631 for ADP IN
## 5632 more ADJ JJR
## 5633 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 5634 . PUNCT .
## 5635 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5636 the DET DT
## 5637 strength NOUN NN
## 5638 of ADP IN
## 5639 a DET DT
## 5640 democracy NOUN NN
## 5641 be AUX VBZ
## 5642 not PART RB
## 5643 in ADP IN
## 5644 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 5645 . PUNCT .
## 5646 it PRON PRP
## 5647 be AUX VBZ
## 5648 in ADP IN
## 5649 the DET DT
## 5650 people NOUN NNS
## 5651 and CCONJ CC
## 5652 their PRON PRP$
## 5653 community NOUN NNS
## 5654 . PUNCT .
## 5655 in ADP IN
## 5656 everything PRON NN
## 5657 we PRON PRP
## 5658 do VERB VBP
## 5659 , PUNCT ,
## 5660 let VERB VB
## 5661 we PRON PRP
## 5662 unleash VERB VB
## 5663 the DET DT
## 5664 potential NOUN NN
## 5665 of ADP IN
## 5666 our PRON PRP$
## 5667 most ADV RBS
## 5668 precious ADJ JJ
## 5669 resource NOUN NN
## 5670 -- PUNCT :
## 5671 our PRON PRP$
## 5672 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5673 , PUNCT ,
## 5674 our PRON PRP$
## 5675 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5676 themselves PRON PRP
## 5677 . PUNCT .
## 5678 we PRON PRP
## 5679 must AUX MD
## 5680 return VERB VB
## 5681 to ADP IN
## 5682 family NOUN NNS
## 5683 , PUNCT ,
## 5684 community NOUN NNS
## 5685 , PUNCT ,
## 5686 county NOUN NNS
## 5687 , PUNCT ,
## 5688 city NOUN NNS
## 5689 , PUNCT ,
## 5690 States ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 5691 , PUNCT ,
## 5692 and CCONJ CC
## 5693 institution NOUN NNS
## 5694 of ADP IN
## 5695 every DET DT
## 5696 kind NOUN NN
## 5697 the DET DT
## 5698 power NOUN NN
## 5699 to PART TO
## 5700 chart VERB VB
## 5701 their PRON PRP$
## 5702 own ADJ JJ
## 5703 destiny NOUN NN
## 5704 and CCONJ CC
## 5705 the DET DT
## 5706 freedom NOUN NN
## 5707 and CCONJ CC
## 5708 opportunity NOUN NN
## 5709 provide VERB VBN
## 5710 by ADP IN
## 5711 strong ADJ JJ
## 5712 economic ADJ JJ
## 5713 growth NOUN NN
## 5714 . PUNCT .
## 5715 and CCONJ CC
## 5716 that PRON DT
## 5717 be AUX VBZ
## 5718 what PRON WP
## 5719 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 5720 be AUX VBZ
## 5721 all ADV RB
## 5722 about ADP IN
## 5723 . PUNCT .
## 5724 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5725 I PRON PRP
## 5726 know VERB VBP
## 5727 that SCONJ IN
## 5728 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 5729 , PUNCT ,
## 5730 in ADP IN
## 5731 some DET DT
## 5732 region NOUN NNS
## 5733 of ADP IN
## 5734 our PRON PRP$
## 5735 country NOUN NN
## 5736 , PUNCT ,
## 5737 people NOUN NNS
## 5738 be AUX VBP
## 5739 in ADP IN
## 5740 genuine ADJ JJ
## 5741 economic ADJ JJ
## 5742 distress NOUN NN
## 5743 . PUNCT .
## 5744 and CCONJ CC
## 5745 I PRON PRP
## 5746 hear VERB VBP
## 5747 they PRON PRP
## 5748 . PUNCT .
## 5749 early_this_month ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 5750 , PUNCT ,
## 5751 Kathy_Blackwell ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 5752 , PUNCT ,
## 5753 of ADP IN
## 5754 Massachusetts ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 5755 , PUNCT ,
## 5756 write VERB VBD
## 5757 I PRON PRP
## 5758 about ADP IN
## 5759 what PRON WP
## 5760 can AUX MD
## 5761 happen VERB VB
## 5762 when SCONJ WRB
## 5763 the DET DT
## 5764 economy NOUN NN
## 5765 slow VERB VBZ
## 5766 down ADP RP
## 5767 , PUNCT ,
## 5768 say VERB VBG
## 5769 , PUNCT ,
## 5770 " PUNCT ``
## 5771 my PRON PRP$
## 5772 heart NOUN NN
## 5773 be AUX VBZ
## 5774 ache VERB VBG
## 5775 , PUNCT ,
## 5776 and CCONJ CC
## 5777 I PRON PRP
## 5778 think VERB VBP
## 5779 that SCONJ IN
## 5780 you PRON PRP
## 5781 should AUX MD
## 5782 know VERB VB
## 5783 your PRON PRP$
## 5784 people NOUN NNS
## 5785 out ADP RP
## 5786 here ADV RB
## 5787 be AUX VBP
## 5788 hurt VERB VBG
## 5789 badly ADV RB
## 5790 . PUNCT .
## 5791 " PUNCT ''
## 5792 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5793 I PRON PRP
## 5794 understand VERB VBP
## 5795 , PUNCT ,
## 5796 and CCONJ CC
## 5797 I PRON PRP
## 5798 be AUX VBP
## 5799 not PART RB
## 5800 unrealistic ADJ JJ
## 5801 about ADP IN
## 5802 the DET DT
## 5803 future NOUN NN
## 5804 . PUNCT .
## 5805 but CCONJ CC
## 5806 there PRON EX
## 5807 be VERB VBP
## 5808 reason NOUN NNS
## 5809 to PART TO
## 5810 be AUX VB
## 5811 optimistic ADJ JJ
## 5812 about ADP IN
## 5813 our PRON PRP$
## 5814 economy NOUN NN
## 5815 . PUNCT .
## 5817 , PUNCT ,
## 5818 we PRON PRP
## 5819 do AUX VBP
## 5820 not PART RB
## 5821 have VERB VB
## 5822 to PART TO
## 5823 fight VERB VB
## 5824 double ADJ JJ
## 5825 - PUNCT HYPH
## 5826 digit NOUN NN
## 5827 inflation NOUN NN
## 5828 . PUNCT .
## 5830 , PUNCT ,
## 5831 most ADJ JJS
## 5832 industry NOUN NNS
## 5833 will AUX MD
## 5834 not PART RB
## 5835 have VERB VB
## 5836 to PART TO
## 5837 make VERB VB
## 5838 big ADJ JJ
## 5839 cut NOUN NNS
## 5840 in ADP IN
## 5841 production NOUN NN
## 5842 because SCONJ IN
## 5843 they PRON PRP
## 5844 do AUX VBP
## 5845 not PART RB
## 5846 have VERB VB
## 5847 big ADJ JJ
## 5848 inventory NOUN NNS
## 5849 pile VERB VBN
## 5850 up ADP RP
## 5851 . PUNCT .
## 5852 and CCONJ CC
## 5854 , PUNCT ,
## 5855 our PRON PRP$
## 5856 export NOUN NNS
## 5857 be AUX VBP
## 5858 run VERB VBG
## 5859 solid ADJ JJ
## 5860 and CCONJ CC
## 5861 strong ADJ JJ
## 5862 . PUNCT .
## 5863 in ADP IN
## 5864 fact NOUN NN
## 5865 , PUNCT ,
## 5866 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 5867 business NOUN NNS
## 5868 be AUX VBP
## 5869 export VERB VBG
## 5870 at ADP IN
## 5871 a DET DT
## 5872 record NOUN NN
## 5873 rate NOUN NN
## 5874 . PUNCT .
## 5875 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5876 so ADV RB
## 5877 , PUNCT ,
## 5878 let VERB VB
## 5879 us PRON PRP
## 5880 put VERB VB
## 5881 these DET DT
## 5882 time NOUN NNS
## 5883 in ADP IN
## 5884 perspective NOUN NN
## 5885 . PUNCT .
## 5886 together ADV RB
## 5887 , PUNCT ,
## 5888 since SCONJ IN
## 5890 , PUNCT ,
## 5891 we PRON PRP
## 5892 've AUX VBP
## 5893 create VERB VBN
## 5894 almost_20_million ENTITY ENTITY CARDINAL
## 5895 job NOUN NNS
## 5896 , PUNCT ,
## 5897 cut VERB VBD
## 5898 inflation NOUN NN
## 5899 in ADP IN
## 5901 , PUNCT ,
## 5902 and CCONJ CC
## 5903 cut VERB VBD
## 5904 interest NOUN NN
## 5905 rate NOUN NNS
## 5906 in ADP IN
## 5908 . PUNCT .
## 5909 and CCONJ CC
## 5910 yes INTJ UH
## 5911 , PUNCT ,
## 5912 the DET DT
## 5913 large ADJ JJS
## 5914 peacetime NOUN NN
## 5915 economic ADJ JJ
## 5916 expansion NOUN NN
## 5917 in ADP IN
## 5918 history NOUN NN
## 5919 have AUX VBZ
## 5920 be AUX VBN
## 5921 temporarily ADV RB
## 5922 interrupt VERB VBN
## 5923 . PUNCT .
## 5924 but CCONJ CC
## 5925 our PRON PRP$
## 5926 economy NOUN NN
## 5927 be AUX VBZ
## 5928 still ADV RB
## 5929 over ADV RB
## 5930 twice ADV RB
## 5931 as ADV RB
## 5932 large ADJ JJ
## 5933 as ADP IN
## 5934 our PRON PRP$
## 5935 close ADJ JJS
## 5936 competitor NOUN NN
## 5937 . PUNCT .
## 5938 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 5939 we PRON PRP
## 5940 will AUX MD
## 5941 get VERB VB
## 5942 this DET DT
## 5943 recession NOUN NN
## 5944 behind ADP IN
## 5945 we PRON PRP
## 5946 and CCONJ CC
## 5947 return VERB VB
## 5948 to ADP IN
## 5949 growth NOUN NN
## 5950 soon ADV RB
## 5951 . PUNCT .
## 5952 we PRON PRP
## 5953 will AUX MD
## 5954 get VERB VB
## 5955 on ADP IN
## 5956 our PRON PRP$
## 5957 way NOUN NN
## 5958 to ADP IN
## 5959 a DET DT
## 5960 new ADJ JJ
## 5961 record NOUN NN
## 5962 of ADP IN
## 5963 expansion NOUN NN
## 5964 and CCONJ CC
## 5965 achieve VERB VB
## 5966 the DET DT
## 5967 competitive ADJ JJ
## 5968 strength NOUN NN
## 5969 that PRON WDT
## 5970 will AUX MD
## 5971 carry VERB VB
## 5972 we PRON PRP
## 5973 into ADP IN
## 5974 the_next_american_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 5975 . PUNCT .
## 5976 we PRON PRP
## 5977 should AUX MD
## 5978 focus VERB VB
## 5979 our PRON PRP$
## 5980 effort NOUN NNS
## 5981 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 5982 on ADP IN
## 5983 encourage VERB VBG
## 5984 economic ADJ JJ
## 5985 growth NOUN NN
## 5986 , PUNCT ,
## 5987 invest VERB VBG
## 5988 in ADP IN
## 5989 the DET DT
## 5990 future NOUN NN
## 5991 , PUNCT ,
## 5992 and CCONJ CC
## 5993 give VERB VBG
## 5994 power NOUN NN
## 5995 and CCONJ CC
## 5996 opportunity NOUN NN
## 5997 to ADP IN
## 5998 the DET DT
## 5999 individual NOUN NN
## 6000 . PUNCT .
## 6001 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6002 we PRON PRP
## 6003 must AUX MD
## 6004 begin VERB VB
## 6005 with ADP IN
## 6006 control NOUN NN
## 6007 of ADP IN
## 6008 federal ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 6009 spending NOUN NN
## 6010 . PUNCT .
## 6011 that PRON DT
## 6012 be AUX VBZ
## 6013 why SCONJ WRB
## 6014 I PRON PRP
## 6015 be AUX VBP
## 6016 submit VERB VBG
## 6017 a DET DT
## 6018 budget NOUN NN
## 6019 that PRON WDT
## 6020 hold VERB VBZ
## 6021 the DET DT
## 6022 growth NOUN NN
## 6023 in ADP IN
## 6024 spending NOUN NN
## 6025 to ADP IN
## 6026 less ADJ JJR
## 6027 than ADP IN
## 6028 the DET DT
## 6029 rate NOUN NN
## 6030 of ADP IN
## 6031 inflation NOUN NN
## 6032 . PUNCT .
## 6033 and CCONJ CC
## 6034 that PRON DT
## 6035 be AUX VBZ
## 6036 why SCONJ WRB
## 6037 , PUNCT ,
## 6038 amid ADP IN
## 6039 all DET PDT
## 6040 the DET DT
## 6041 sound NOUN NN
## 6042 and CCONJ CC
## 6043 fury NOUN NN
## 6044 of ADP IN
## 6045 last_year_'s ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 6046 budget NOUN NN
## 6047 debate NOUN NN
## 6048 , PUNCT ,
## 6049 we PRON PRP
## 6050 put VERB VBD
## 6051 into ADP IN
## 6052 law NOUN NN
## 6053 new ADJ JJ
## 6054 , PUNCT ,
## 6055 enforceable ADJ JJ
## 6056 spending NOUN NN
## 6057 cap NOUN NNS
## 6058 , PUNCT ,
## 6059 so SCONJ IN
## 6060 that SCONJ IN
## 6061 future ADJ JJ
## 6062 spending NOUN NN
## 6063 debate NOUN NNS
## 6064 will AUX MD
## 6065 mean VERB VB
## 6066 a DET DT
## 6067 battle NOUN NN
## 6068 of ADP IN
## 6069 idea NOUN NNS
## 6070 , PUNCT ,
## 6071 not PART RB
## 6072 a DET DT
## 6073 bidding NOUN NN
## 6074 war NOUN NN
## 6075 . PUNCT .
## 6076 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6077 though SCONJ IN
## 6078 controversial ADJ JJ
## 6079 , PUNCT ,
## 6080 the DET DT
## 6081 budget NOUN NN
## 6082 agreement NOUN NN
## 6083 finally ADV RB
## 6084 put VERB VB
## 6085 the_Federal_Government ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 6086 on ADP IN
## 6087 a DET DT
## 6088 pay VERB VB
## 6089 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6090 as ADP IN
## 6091 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6092 you PRON PRP
## 6093 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6094 go VERB VB
## 6095 plan NOUN NN
## 6096 and CCONJ CC
## 6097 cut VERB VB
## 6098 the DET DT
## 6099 growth NOUN NN
## 6100 of ADP IN
## 6101 debt NOUN NN
## 6102 by ADP IN
## 6103 nearly_$_500_billion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 6104 . PUNCT .
## 6105 and CCONJ CC
## 6106 that PRON DT
## 6107 free VERB VBZ
## 6108 fund NOUN NNS
## 6109 for ADP IN
## 6110 saving NOUN NN
## 6111 and CCONJ CC
## 6112 job NOUN NN
## 6113 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6114 create VERB VBG
## 6115 investment NOUN NN
## 6116 . PUNCT .
## 6117 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6118 now ADV RB
## 6119 , PUNCT ,
## 6120 let VERB VB
## 6121 us PRON PRP
## 6122 do VERB VB
## 6123 more ADJ JJR
## 6124 . PUNCT .
## 6125 my PRON PRP$
## 6126 budget NOUN NN
## 6127 again ADV RB
## 6128 include VERB VBZ
## 6129 tax NOUN NN
## 6130 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6131 free ADJ JJ
## 6132 family NOUN NN
## 6133 saving NOUN NNS
## 6134 account NOUN NNS
## 6135 ; PUNCT :
## 6136 penalty NOUN NN
## 6137 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6138 free ADJ JJ
## 6139 withdrawal NOUN NNS
## 6140 from ADP IN
## 6142 's PART POS
## 6143 for ADP IN
## 6145 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6146 time NOUN NN
## 6147 home NOUN NN
## 6148 buyer NOUN NNS
## 6149 ; PUNCT :
## 6150 and CCONJ CC
## 6151 to PART TO
## 6152 increase VERB VB
## 6153 job NOUN NNS
## 6154 and CCONJ CC
## 6155 growth NOUN NN
## 6156 , PUNCT ,
## 6157 a DET DT
## 6158 reduce VERB VBN
## 6159 tax NOUN NN
## 6160 for ADP IN
## 6161 long ADJ JJ
## 6162 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6163 term NOUN NN
## 6164 capital NOUN NN
## 6165 gain NOUN NNS
## 6166 . PUNCT .
## 6167 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6168 I PRON PRP
## 6169 know VERB VBP
## 6170 there PRON EX
## 6171 be VERB VBP
## 6172 difference NOUN NNS
## 6173 among ADP IN
## 6174 we PRON PRP
## 6175 -- PUNCT .
## 6176 [ X XX
## 6177 laughter X XX
## 6178 ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 6179 -- PUNCT :
## 6180 about ADP IN
## 6181 the DET DT
## 6182 impact NOUN NN
## 6183 and CCONJ CC
## 6184 the DET DT
## 6185 effect NOUN NNS
## 6186 of ADP IN
## 6187 a DET DT
## 6188 capital NOUN NN
## 6189 gain NOUN NNS
## 6190 incentive NOUN NN
## 6191 . PUNCT .
## 6192 so ADV RB
## 6193 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 6194 , PUNCT ,
## 6195 I PRON PRP
## 6196 be AUX VBP
## 6197 ask VERB VBG
## 6198 the DET DT
## 6199 congressional ADJ JJ
## 6200 leader NOUN NNS
## 6201 and CCONJ CC
## 6202 the_Federal_Reserve ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 6203 to PART TO
## 6204 cooperate VERB VB
## 6205 with ADP IN
## 6206 we PRON PRP
## 6207 in ADP IN
## 6208 a DET DT
## 6209 study NOUN NN
## 6210 , PUNCT ,
## 6211 lead VERB VBN
## 6212 by ADP IN
## 6213 Chairman PROPN NNP
## 6214 Alan_Greenspan ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 6215 , PUNCT ,
## 6216 to PART TO
## 6217 sort VERB VB
## 6218 out ADP RP
## 6219 our PRON PRP$
## 6220 technical ADJ JJ
## 6221 difference NOUN NNS
## 6222 so SCONJ IN
## 6223 that SCONJ IN
## 6224 we PRON PRP
## 6225 can AUX MD
## 6226 avoid VERB VB
## 6227 a DET DT
## 6228 return NOUN NN
## 6229 to ADP IN
## 6230 unproductive ADJ JJ
## 6231 partisan ADJ JJ
## 6232 bickering NOUN NN
## 6233 . PUNCT .
## 6234 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6235 but CCONJ CC
## 6236 just ADV RB
## 6237 as SCONJ IN
## 6238 our PRON PRP$
## 6239 effort NOUN NNS
## 6240 will AUX MD
## 6241 bring VERB VB
## 6242 economic ADJ JJ
## 6243 growth NOUN NN
## 6244 now ADV RB
## 6245 and CCONJ CC
## 6246 in ADP IN
## 6247 the DET DT
## 6248 future NOUN NN
## 6249 , PUNCT ,
## 6250 they PRON PRP
## 6251 must AUX MD
## 6252 also ADV RB
## 6253 be AUX VB
## 6254 match VERB VBN
## 6255 by ADP IN
## 6256 long ADJ JJ
## 6257 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6258 term NOUN NN
## 6259 investment NOUN NNS
## 6260 for ADP IN
## 6261 the_next_american_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 6262 . PUNCT .
## 6263 that PRON DT
## 6264 require VERB VBZ
## 6265 a DET DT
## 6266 forward ADV RB
## 6267 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6268 look VERB VBG
## 6269 plan NOUN NN
## 6270 of ADP IN
## 6271 action NOUN NN
## 6272 , PUNCT ,
## 6273 and CCONJ CC
## 6274 that PRON DT
## 6275 be AUX VBZ
## 6276 exactly ADV RB
## 6277 what PRON WP
## 6278 we PRON PRP
## 6279 will AUX MD
## 6280 be AUX VB
## 6281 send VERB VBG
## 6282 to ADP IN
## 6283 the DET DT
## 6284 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 6285 . PUNCT .
## 6286 we PRON PRP
## 6287 've AUX VBP
## 6288 prepare VERB VBN
## 6289 a DET DT
## 6290 detailed ADJ JJ
## 6291 series NOUN NN
## 6292 of ADP IN
## 6293 proposal NOUN NNS
## 6294 that PRON WDT
## 6295 include VERB VBP
## 6296 : PUNCT :
## 6297 a DET DT
## 6298 budget NOUN NN
## 6299 that PRON WDT
## 6300 promote VERB VBZ
## 6301 investment NOUN NN
## 6302 in ADP IN
## 6303 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 6304 's PART POS
## 6305 future NOUN NN
## 6306 -- PUNCT :
## 6307 in ADP IN
## 6308 child NOUN NNS
## 6309 , PUNCT ,
## 6310 education NOUN NN
## 6311 , PUNCT ,
## 6312 infrastructure NOUN NN
## 6313 , PUNCT ,
## 6314 space NOUN NN
## 6315 , PUNCT ,
## 6316 and CCONJ CC
## 6317 high ADJ JJ
## 6318 technology NOUN NN
## 6319 ; PUNCT :
## 6320 legislation NOUN NN
## 6321 to PART TO
## 6322 achieve VERB VB
## 6323 excellence NOUN NN
## 6324 in ADP IN
## 6325 education NOUN NN
## 6326 , PUNCT ,
## 6327 build VERB VBG
## 6328 on ADP IN
## 6329 the DET DT
## 6330 partnership NOUN NN
## 6331 forge VERB VBN
## 6332 with ADP IN
## 6333 the_50_Governors ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 6334 at ADP IN
## 6335 the DET DT
## 6336 education NOUN NN
## 6337 summit NOUN NN
## 6338 , PUNCT ,
## 6339 enable VERB VBG
## 6340 parent NOUN NNS
## 6341 to PART TO
## 6342 choose VERB VB
## 6343 their PRON PRP$
## 6344 child NOUN NNS
## 6345 's PART POS
## 6346 school NOUN NNS
## 6347 and CCONJ CC
## 6348 help VERB VBG
## 6349 to PART TO
## 6350 make VERB VB
## 6351 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 6352 number NOUN NN
## 6354 in ADP IN
## 6355 math NOUN NN
## 6356 and CCONJ CC
## 6357 science NOUN NN
## 6358 ; PUNCT :
## 6359 a DET DT
## 6360 blueprint NOUN NN
## 6361 for ADP IN
## 6362 a DET DT
## 6363 new ADJ JJ
## 6364 national ADJ JJ
## 6365 highway NOUN NN
## 6366 system NOUN NN
## 6367 , PUNCT ,
## 6368 a DET DT
## 6369 critical ADJ JJ
## 6370 investment NOUN NN
## 6371 in ADP IN
## 6372 our PRON PRP$
## 6373 transportation NOUN NN
## 6374 infrastructure NOUN NN
## 6375 ; PUNCT :
## 6376 a DET DT
## 6377 research NOUN NN
## 6378 and CCONJ CC
## 6379 development NOUN NN
## 6380 agenda NOUN NN
## 6381 that PRON WDT
## 6382 include VERB VBZ
## 6383 record NOUN NN
## 6384 level NOUN NNS
## 6385 of ADP IN
## 6386 federal ADJ JJ
## 6387 investment NOUN NN
## 6388 , PUNCT ,
## 6389 and CCONJ CC
## 6390 a DET DT
## 6391 permanent ADJ JJ
## 6392 tax NOUN NN
## 6393 credit NOUN NN
## 6394 to PART TO
## 6395 strengthen VERB VB
## 6396 private ADJ JJ
## 6397 r&d NOUN NN
## 6398 and CCONJ CC
## 6399 to PART TO
## 6400 create VERB VB
## 6401 job NOUN NNS
## 6402 ; PUNCT :
## 6403 a DET DT
## 6404 comprehensive ADJ JJ
## 6405 national ADJ JJ
## 6406 energy NOUN NN
## 6407 strategy NOUN NN
## 6408 that PRON WDT
## 6409 call VERB VBZ
## 6410 for ADP IN
## 6411 energy NOUN NN
## 6412 conservation NOUN NN
## 6413 and CCONJ CC
## 6414 efficiency NOUN NN
## 6415 , PUNCT ,
## 6416 increase VERB VBD
## 6417 development NOUN NN
## 6418 , PUNCT ,
## 6419 and CCONJ CC
## 6420 great ADJ JJR
## 6421 use NOUN NN
## 6422 of ADP IN
## 6423 alternative ADJ JJ
## 6424 fuel NOUN NNS
## 6425 ; PUNCT :
## 6426 a DET DT
## 6427 banking NOUN NN
## 6428 reform NOUN NN
## 6429 plan NOUN NN
## 6430 to PART TO
## 6431 bring VERB VB
## 6432 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 6433 's PART POS
## 6434 financial ADJ JJ
## 6435 system NOUN NN
## 6436 into ADP IN
## 6437 the_21st_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 6438 so SCONJ IN
## 6439 that SCONJ IN
## 6440 our PRON PRP$
## 6441 bank NOUN NNS
## 6442 remain VERB VBP
## 6443 safe ADJ JJ
## 6444 and CCONJ CC
## 6445 secure ADJ JJ
## 6446 and CCONJ CC
## 6447 can AUX MD
## 6448 continue VERB VB
## 6449 to PART TO
## 6450 make VERB VB
## 6451 job NOUN NN
## 6452 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6453 create VERB VBG
## 6454 loan NOUN NNS
## 6455 for ADP IN
## 6456 our PRON PRP$
## 6457 factory NOUN NNS
## 6458 , PUNCT ,
## 6459 our PRON PRP$
## 6460 business NOUN NNS
## 6461 , PUNCT ,
## 6462 and CCONJ CC
## 6463 home NOUN NN
## 6464 buyer NOUN NNS
## 6465 . PUNCT .
## 6466 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6467 you PRON PRP
## 6468 know VERB VBP
## 6469 , PUNCT ,
## 6470 I PRON PRP
## 6471 do AUX VBP
## 6472 think VERB VB
## 6473 there PRON EX
## 6474 have AUX VBZ
## 6475 be AUX VBN
## 6476 too ADV RB
## 6477 much ADJ JJ
## 6478 pessimism NOUN NN
## 6479 . PUNCT .
## 6480 sound ADJ JJ
## 6481 bank NOUN NNS
## 6482 should AUX MD
## 6483 be AUX VB
## 6484 make VERB VBG
## 6485 sound ADJ JJ
## 6486 loan NOUN NNS
## 6487 now ADV RB
## 6488 , PUNCT ,
## 6489 and CCONJ CC
## 6490 interest NOUN NN
## 6491 rate NOUN NNS
## 6492 should AUX MD
## 6493 be AUX VB
## 6494 low ADJ JJR
## 6495 , PUNCT ,
## 6496 now ADV RB
## 6497 . PUNCT .
## 6498 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6499 in ADP IN
## 6500 addition NOUN NN
## 6501 to ADP IN
## 6502 these DET DT
## 6503 proposal NOUN NNS
## 6504 , PUNCT ,
## 6505 we PRON PRP
## 6506 must AUX MD
## 6507 recognize VERB VB
## 6508 that SCONJ IN
## 6509 our PRON PRP$
## 6510 economic ADJ JJ
## 6511 strength NOUN NN
## 6512 depend VERB VBZ
## 6513 on ADP IN
## 6514 be AUX VBG
## 6515 competitive ADJ JJ
## 6516 in ADP IN
## 6517 world NOUN NN
## 6518 market NOUN NNS
## 6519 . PUNCT .
## 6520 we PRON PRP
## 6521 must AUX MD
## 6522 continue VERB VB
## 6523 to PART TO
## 6524 expand VERB VB
## 6525 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 6526 export NOUN NNS
## 6527 . PUNCT .
## 6528 a DET DT
## 6529 successful ADJ JJ
## 6530 Uruguay ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 6531 round NOUN NN
## 6532 of ADP IN
## 6533 world NOUN NN
## 6534 trade NOUN NN
## 6535 negotiation NOUN NNS
## 6536 will AUX MD
## 6537 create VERB VB
## 6538 more ADJ JJR
## 6539 real ADJ JJ
## 6540 job NOUN NNS
## 6541 and CCONJ CC
## 6542 more ADJ JJR
## 6543 real ADJ JJ
## 6544 growth NOUN NN
## 6545 for ADP IN
## 6546 all DET DT
## 6547 nation NOUN NNS
## 6548 . PUNCT .
## 6549 you PRON PRP
## 6550 and CCONJ CC
## 6551 I PRON PRP
## 6552 know VERB VBP
## 6553 that SCONJ IN
## 6554 if SCONJ IN
## 6555 the DET DT
## 6556 play VERB VBG
## 6557 field NOUN NN
## 6558 be AUX VBZ
## 6559 level ADJ JJ
## 6560 , PUNCT ,
## 6561 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 6562 's PART POS
## 6563 worker NOUN NNS
## 6564 and CCONJ CC
## 6565 farmer NOUN NNS
## 6566 can AUX MD
## 6567 out ADV RB
## 6568 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6569 work NOUN NN
## 6570 , PUNCT ,
## 6571 out ADV RB
## 6572 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6573 produce VERB VBP
## 6574 anyone PRON NN
## 6575 , PUNCT ,
## 6576 anytime ADV RB
## 6577 , PUNCT ,
## 6578 anywhere ADV RB
## 6579 . PUNCT .
## 6580 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6581 and CCONJ CC
## 6582 with ADP IN
## 6583 a DET DT
## 6584 mexican ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 6585 free ADJ JJ
## 6586 trade NOUN NN
## 6587 agreement NOUN NN
## 6588 and CCONJ CC
## 6589 our PRON PRP$
## 6590 Enterprise PROPN NNP
## 6591 for ADP IN
## 6592 the DET DT
## 6593 Americas PROPN NNP
## 6594 Initiative PROPN NNP
## 6595 , PUNCT ,
## 6596 we PRON PRP
## 6597 can AUX MD
## 6598 help VERB VB
## 6599 our PRON PRP$
## 6600 partner NOUN NNS
## 6601 strengthen VERB VB
## 6602 their PRON PRP$
## 6603 economy NOUN NNS
## 6604 and CCONJ CC
## 6605 move VERB VB
## 6606 toward ADP IN
## 6607 a DET DT
## 6608 free ADJ JJ
## 6609 trade NOUN NN
## 6610 zone NOUN NN
## 6611 throughout ADP IN
## 6612 this DET DT
## 6613 entire ADJ JJ
## 6614 hemisphere NOUN NN
## 6615 . PUNCT .
## 6616 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6617 the DET DT
## 6618 budget NOUN NN
## 6619 also ADV RB
## 6620 include VERB VBZ
## 6621 a DET DT
## 6622 plan NOUN NN
## 6623 of ADP IN
## 6624 action NOUN NN
## 6625 right ADV RB
## 6626 here ADV RB
## 6627 at ADP IN
## 6628 home NOUN NN
## 6629 to PART TO
## 6630 put VERB VB
## 6631 more ADJ JJR
## 6632 power NOUN NN
## 6633 and CCONJ CC
## 6634 opportunity NOUN NN
## 6635 in ADP IN
## 6636 the DET DT
## 6637 hand NOUN NNS
## 6638 of ADP IN
## 6639 the DET DT
## 6640 individual NOUN NN
## 6641 . PUNCT .
## 6642 and CCONJ CC
## 6643 that PRON DT
## 6644 mean VERB VBZ
## 6645 new ADJ JJ
## 6646 incentive NOUN NNS
## 6647 to PART TO
## 6648 create VERB VB
## 6649 job NOUN NNS
## 6650 in ADP IN
## 6651 our PRON PRP$
## 6652 inner ADJ JJ
## 6653 city NOUN NNS
## 6654 by ADP IN
## 6655 encourage VERB VBG
## 6656 investment NOUN NN
## 6657 through ADP IN
## 6658 enterprise NOUN NN
## 6659 zone NOUN NNS
## 6660 . PUNCT .
## 6661 it PRON PRP
## 6662 also ADV RB
## 6663 mean VERB VBZ
## 6664 tenant NOUN NN
## 6665 control NOUN NN
## 6666 and CCONJ CC
## 6667 ownership NOUN NN
## 6668 of ADP IN
## 6669 public ADJ JJ
## 6670 housing NOUN NN
## 6671 . PUNCT .
## 6672 freedom NOUN NN
## 6673 and CCONJ CC
## 6674 the DET DT
## 6675 power NOUN NN
## 6676 to PART TO
## 6677 choose VERB VB
## 6678 should AUX MD
## 6679 not PART RB
## 6680 be AUX VB
## 6681 the DET DT
## 6682 privilege NOUN NN
## 6683 of ADP IN
## 6684 wealth NOUN NN
## 6685 . PUNCT .
## 6686 they PRON PRP
## 6687 be AUX VBP
## 6688 the DET DT
## 6689 birthright NOUN NN
## 6690 of ADP IN
## 6691 every DET DT
## 6692 American ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 6693 . PUNCT .
## 6694 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6695 civil ADJ JJ
## 6696 right NOUN NNS
## 6697 be AUX VBP
## 6698 also ADV RB
## 6699 crucial ADJ JJ
## 6700 to ADP IN
## 6701 protect VERB VBG
## 6702 equal ADJ JJ
## 6703 opportunity NOUN NN
## 6704 . PUNCT .
## 6705 every DET DT
## 6706 one NUM CD
## 6707 of ADP IN
## 6708 we PRON PRP
## 6709 have VERB VBZ
## 6710 a DET DT
## 6711 responsibility NOUN NN
## 6712 to PART TO
## 6713 speak VERB VB
## 6714 out ADP RP
## 6715 against ADP IN
## 6716 racism NOUN NN
## 6717 , PUNCT ,
## 6718 bigotry NOUN NN
## 6719 , PUNCT ,
## 6720 and CCONJ CC
## 6721 hate NOUN NN
## 6722 . PUNCT .
## 6723 we PRON PRP
## 6724 will AUX MD
## 6725 continue VERB VB
## 6726 our PRON PRP$
## 6727 vigorous ADJ JJ
## 6728 enforcement NOUN NN
## 6729 of ADP IN
## 6730 exist VERB VBG
## 6731 statute NOUN NNS
## 6732 , PUNCT ,
## 6733 and CCONJ CC
## 6734 I PRON PRP
## 6735 will AUX MD
## 6736 once ADV RB
## 6737 again ADV RB
## 6738 press VERB VB
## 6739 the DET DT
## 6740 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 6741 to PART TO
## 6742 strengthen VERB VB
## 6743 the DET DT
## 6744 law NOUN NNS
## 6745 against ADP IN
## 6746 employment NOUN NN
## 6747 discrimination NOUN NN
## 6748 without ADP IN
## 6749 resort VERB VBG
## 6750 to ADP IN
## 6751 the DET DT
## 6752 use NOUN NN
## 6753 of ADP IN
## 6754 unfair ADJ JJ
## 6755 preference NOUN NNS
## 6756 . PUNCT .
## 6757 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6758 we PRON PRP
## 6759 be AUX VBP
## 6760 determined ADJ JJ
## 6761 to PART TO
## 6762 protect VERB VB
## 6763 another DET DT
## 6764 fundamental ADJ JJ
## 6765 civil ADJ JJ
## 6766 right NOUN NN
## 6767 : PUNCT :
## 6768 freedom NOUN NN
## 6769 from ADP IN
## 6770 crime NOUN NN
## 6771 and CCONJ CC
## 6772 the DET DT
## 6773 fear NOUN NN
## 6774 that PRON WDT
## 6775 stalk VERB VBZ
## 6776 our PRON PRP$
## 6777 city NOUN NNS
## 6778 . PUNCT .
## 6779 the DET DT
## 6780 Attorney PROPN NNP
## 6781 General PROPN NNP
## 6782 will AUX MD
## 6783 soon ADV RB
## 6784 convene VERB VB
## 6785 a DET DT
## 6786 crime NOUN NN
## 6787 summit NOUN NN
## 6788 of ADP IN
## 6789 our PRON PRP$
## 6790 nation NOUN NN
## 6791 's PART POS
## 6792 law NOUN NN
## 6793 enforcement NOUN NN
## 6794 official NOUN NNS
## 6795 . PUNCT .
## 6796 and CCONJ CC
## 6797 to PART TO
## 6798 help VERB VB
## 6799 we PRON PRP
## 6800 support VERB VB
## 6801 they PRON PRP
## 6802 , PUNCT ,
## 6803 we PRON PRP
## 6804 need VERB VBP
## 6805 tough ADJ JJ
## 6806 crime NOUN NN
## 6807 control NOUN NN
## 6808 legislation NOUN NN
## 6809 , PUNCT ,
## 6810 and CCONJ CC
## 6811 we PRON PRP
## 6812 need VERB VBP
## 6813 it PRON PRP
## 6814 now ADV RB
## 6815 . PUNCT .
## 6816 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6817 and CCONJ CC
## 6818 as SCONJ IN
## 6819 we PRON PRP
## 6820 fight VERB VBP
## 6821 crime NOUN NN
## 6822 , PUNCT ,
## 6823 we PRON PRP
## 6824 will AUX MD
## 6825 fully ADV RB
## 6826 implement VERB VB
## 6827 our PRON PRP$
## 6828 national ADJ JJ
## 6829 strategy NOUN NN
## 6830 for ADP IN
## 6831 combat VERB VBG
## 6832 drug NOUN NN
## 6833 abuse NOUN NN
## 6834 . PUNCT .
## 6835 recent ADJ JJ
## 6836 datum NOUN NNS
## 6837 show VERB VBP
## 6838 that SCONJ IN
## 6839 we PRON PRP
## 6840 be AUX VBP
## 6841 make VERB VBG
## 6842 progress NOUN NN
## 6843 , PUNCT ,
## 6844 but CCONJ CC
## 6845 much ADJ JJ
## 6846 remain VERB VBZ
## 6847 to PART TO
## 6848 be AUX VB
## 6849 do VERB VBN
## 6850 . PUNCT .
## 6851 we PRON PRP
## 6852 will AUX MD
## 6853 not PART RB
## 6854 rest VERB VB
## 6855 until SCONJ IN
## 6856 the_day ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 6857 of ADP IN
## 6858 the DET DT
## 6859 dealer NOUN NN
## 6860 be AUX VBZ
## 6861 over ADV RB
## 6862 , PUNCT ,
## 6863 forever ADV RB
## 6864 . PUNCT .
## 6865 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6866 good ADJ JJ
## 6867 health NOUN NN
## 6868 care NOUN NN
## 6869 be AUX VBZ
## 6870 every DET DT
## 6871 American ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 6872 's PART POS
## 6873 right NOUN NN
## 6874 and CCONJ CC
## 6875 every DET DT
## 6876 American ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 6877 's PART POS
## 6878 responsibility NOUN NN
## 6879 . PUNCT .
## 6880 and CCONJ CC
## 6881 so ADV RB
## 6882 , PUNCT ,
## 6883 we PRON PRP
## 6884 be AUX VBP
## 6885 propose VERB VBG
## 6886 an DET DT
## 6887 aggressive ADJ JJ
## 6888 program NOUN NN
## 6889 of ADP IN
## 6890 new ADJ JJ
## 6891 prevention NOUN NN
## 6892 initiative NOUN NNS
## 6893 -- PUNCT :
## 6894 for ADP IN
## 6895 infant NOUN NNS
## 6896 , PUNCT ,
## 6897 for ADP IN
## 6898 child NOUN NNS
## 6899 , PUNCT ,
## 6900 for ADP IN
## 6901 adult NOUN NNS
## 6902 , PUNCT ,
## 6903 and CCONJ CC
## 6904 for ADP IN
## 6905 the DET DT
## 6906 elderly ADJ JJ
## 6907 -- PUNCT :
## 6908 to PART TO
## 6909 promote VERB VB
## 6910 a DET DT
## 6911 healthy ADJ JJR
## 6912 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 6913 and CCONJ CC
## 6914 to PART TO
## 6915 help VERB VB
## 6916 keep VERB VB
## 6917 cost NOUN NNS
## 6918 from ADP IN
## 6919 spiral VERB VBG
## 6920 . PUNCT .
## 6921 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 6922 it PRON PRP
## 6923 be AUX VBZ
## 6924 time NOUN NN
## 6925 to PART TO
## 6926 give VERB VB
## 6927 people NOUN NNS
## 6928 more ADJ JJR
## 6929 choice NOUN NN
## 6930 in ADP IN
## 6931 government NOUN NN
## 6932 by ADP IN
## 6933 revive VERB VBG
## 6934 the DET DT
## 6935 ideal NOUN NN
## 6936 of ADP IN
## 6937 the DET DT
## 6938 citizen NOUN NN
## 6939 politician NOUN NN
## 6940 who PRON WP
## 6941 come VERB VBZ
## 6942 not PART RB
## 6943 to PART TO
## 6944 stay VERB VB
## 6945 but CCONJ CC
## 6946 to PART TO
## 6947 serve VERB VB
## 6948 . PUNCT .
## 6949 and CCONJ CC
## 6951 of ADP IN
## 6952 the DET DT
## 6953 reason NOUN NNS
## 6954 that PRON WDT
## 6955 there PRON EX
## 6956 be VERB VBZ
## 6957 so ADV RB
## 6958 much ADJ JJ
## 6959 support NOUN NN
## 6960 across ADP IN
## 6961 this DET DT
## 6962 country NOUN NN
## 6963 for ADP IN
## 6964 term NOUN NN
## 6965 limitation NOUN NNS
## 6966 be AUX VBZ
## 6967 that SCONJ IN
## 6968 the DET DT
## 6969 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 6970 people NOUN NNS
## 6971 be AUX VBP
## 6972 increasingly ADV RB
## 6973 concerned ADJ JJ
## 6974 about ADP IN
## 6975 big ADJ JJ
## 6976 - PUNCT HYPH
## 6977 money NOUN NN
## 6978 influence NOUN NN
## 6979 in ADP IN
## 6980 politic NOUN NNS
## 6981 . PUNCT .
## 6982 so ADV RB
## 6983 , PUNCT ,
## 6984 we PRON PRP
## 6985 must AUX MD
## 6986 look VERB VB
## 6987 beyond ADP IN
## 6988 the DET DT
## 6989 next ADJ JJ
## 6990 election NOUN NN
## 6991 to ADP IN
## 6992 the DET DT
## 6993 next ADJ JJ
## 6994 generation NOUN NN
## 6995 . PUNCT .
## 6996 and CCONJ CC
## 6997 the DET DT
## 6998 time NOUN NN
## 6999 have AUX VBZ
## 7000 come VERB VBN
## 7001 to PART TO
## 7002 put VERB VB
## 7003 the DET DT
## 7004 national ADJ JJ
## 7005 interest NOUN NN
## 7006 above ADP IN
## 7007 the DET DT
## 7008 special ADJ JJ
## 7009 interest NOUN NN
## 7010 and CCONJ CC
## 7011 to PART TO
## 7012 totally ADV RB
## 7013 eliminate VERB VB
## 7014 political ADJ JJ
## 7015 action NOUN NN
## 7016 committee NOUN NNS
## 7017 . PUNCT .
## 7018 and CCONJ CC
## 7019 that PRON DT
## 7020 would AUX MD
## 7021 truly ADV RB
## 7022 put VERB VB
## 7023 more ADJ JJR
## 7024 competition NOUN NN
## 7025 in ADP IN
## 7026 election NOUN NNS
## 7027 and CCONJ CC
## 7028 more ADJ JJR
## 7029 power NOUN NN
## 7030 in ADP IN
## 7031 the DET DT
## 7032 hand NOUN NNS
## 7033 of ADP IN
## 7034 individual NOUN NNS
## 7035 . PUNCT .
## 7036 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7037 and CCONJ CC
## 7038 where SCONJ WRB
## 7039 power NOUN NN
## 7040 can AUX MD
## 7041 not PART RB
## 7042 be AUX VB
## 7043 put VERB VBN
## 7044 directly ADV RB
## 7045 in ADP IN
## 7046 the DET DT
## 7047 hand NOUN NNS
## 7048 of ADP IN
## 7049 the DET DT
## 7050 individual NOUN NN
## 7051 , PUNCT ,
## 7052 it PRON PRP
## 7053 should AUX MD
## 7054 be AUX VB
## 7055 move VERB VBN
## 7056 close ADV RBR
## 7057 to ADP IN
## 7058 the DET DT
## 7059 people NOUN NNS
## 7060 , PUNCT ,
## 7061 away ADV RB
## 7062 from ADP IN
## 7063 Washington ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7064 . PUNCT .
## 7065 the_Federal_Government ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 7066 too ADV RB
## 7067 often ADV RB
## 7068 treat VERB VBZ
## 7069 government NOUN NN
## 7070 program NOUN NNS
## 7071 as SCONJ IN
## 7072 if SCONJ IN
## 7073 they PRON PRP
## 7074 be AUX VBP
## 7075 of ADP IN
## 7076 Washington ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7077 , PUNCT ,
## 7078 by ADP IN
## 7079 Washington ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7080 , PUNCT ,
## 7081 and CCONJ CC
## 7082 for ADP IN
## 7083 Washington ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7084 . PUNCT .
## 7085 once ADV RB
## 7086 establish VERB VBN
## 7087 , PUNCT ,
## 7088 federal ADJ JJ
## 7089 program NOUN NNS
## 7090 seem VERB VBP
## 7091 to PART TO
## 7092 become VERB VB
## 7093 immortal ADJ JJ
## 7094 . PUNCT .
## 7095 it PRON PRP
## 7096 be AUX VBZ
## 7097 time NOUN NN
## 7098 for ADP IN
## 7099 a DET DT
## 7100 more ADV RBR
## 7101 dynamic ADJ JJ
## 7102 program NOUN NN
## 7103 life NOUN NN
## 7104 cycle NOUN NN
## 7105 . PUNCT .
## 7106 some DET DT
## 7107 program NOUN NNS
## 7108 should AUX MD
## 7109 increase VERB VB
## 7110 . PUNCT .
## 7111 some PRON DT
## 7112 should AUX MD
## 7113 decrease VERB VB
## 7114 . PUNCT .
## 7115 some PRON DT
## 7116 should AUX MD
## 7117 be AUX VB
## 7118 terminate VERB VBN
## 7119 . PUNCT .
## 7120 and CCONJ CC
## 7121 some PRON DT
## 7122 should AUX MD
## 7123 be AUX VB
## 7124 consolidate VERB VBN
## 7125 and CCONJ CC
## 7126 turn VERB VBD
## 7127 over ADP RP
## 7128 to ADP IN
## 7129 the DET DT
## 7130 States ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7131 . PUNCT .
## 7132 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7133 my PRON PRP$
## 7134 budget NOUN NN
## 7135 include VERB VBZ
## 7136 a DET DT
## 7137 list NOUN NN
## 7138 of ADP IN
## 7139 program NOUN NNS
## 7140 for ADP IN
## 7141 potential ADJ JJ
## 7142 turnover NOUN NN
## 7143 total VERB VBG
## 7144 more_than_$_20_billion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 7145 . PUNCT .
## 7146 work VERB VBG
## 7147 with ADP IN
## 7148 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 7149 and CCONJ CC
## 7150 the DET DT
## 7151 Governors PROPN NNPS
## 7152 , PUNCT ,
## 7153 I PRON PRP
## 7154 propose VERB VBP
## 7155 we PRON PRP
## 7156 select VERB VBP
## 7157 at_least_$_15_billion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 7158 in ADP IN
## 7159 such ADJ JJ
## 7160 program NOUN NNS
## 7161 and CCONJ CC
## 7162 turn VERB VB
## 7163 they PRON PRP
## 7164 over ADP RP
## 7165 to ADP IN
## 7166 the DET DT
## 7167 States PROPN NNP
## 7168 in ADP IN
## 7169 a DET DT
## 7170 single ADJ JJ
## 7171 consolidated ADJ JJ
## 7172 grant NOUN NN
## 7173 , PUNCT ,
## 7174 fully ADV RB
## 7175 fund VERB VBN
## 7176 , PUNCT ,
## 7177 for ADP IN
## 7178 flexible ADJ JJ
## 7179 management NOUN NN
## 7180 by ADP IN
## 7181 the DET DT
## 7182 States ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7183 . PUNCT .
## 7184 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7185 the DET DT
## 7186 value NOUN NN
## 7187 , PUNCT ,
## 7188 the DET DT
## 7189 value NOUN NN
## 7190 of ADP IN
## 7191 this DET DT
## 7192 turnover NOUN NN
## 7193 approach NOUN NN
## 7194 be AUX VBZ
## 7195 straightforward ADJ JJ
## 7196 . PUNCT .
## 7197 it PRON PRP
## 7198 allow VERB VBZ
## 7199 the_Federal_Government ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 7200 to PART TO
## 7201 reduce VERB VB
## 7202 overhead ADV RB
## 7203 . PUNCT .
## 7204 it PRON PRP
## 7205 allow VERB VBZ
## 7206 States ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7207 to PART TO
## 7208 manage VERB VB
## 7209 more ADV RBR
## 7210 flexibly ADV RB
## 7211 and CCONJ CC
## 7212 more ADV RBR
## 7213 efficiently ADV RB
## 7214 . PUNCT .
## 7215 it PRON PRP
## 7216 move VERB VBZ
## 7217 power NOUN NN
## 7218 and CCONJ CC
## 7219 decisionmake VERB VBG
## 7220 close ADV RBR
## 7221 to ADP IN
## 7222 the DET DT
## 7223 people NOUN NNS
## 7224 . PUNCT .
## 7225 and CCONJ CC
## 7226 it PRON PRP
## 7227 reinforce VERB VBZ
## 7228 a DET DT
## 7229 theme NOUN NN
## 7230 of ADP IN
## 7231 this DET DT
## 7232 administration NOUN NN
## 7233 : PUNCT :
## 7234 appreciation NOUN NN
## 7235 and CCONJ CC
## 7236 encouragement NOUN NN
## 7237 of ADP IN
## 7238 the DET DT
## 7239 innovative ADJ JJ
## 7240 power NOUN NNS
## 7241 of ADP IN
## 7242 States ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7243 as ADP IN
## 7244 laboratory NOUN NNS
## 7245 . PUNCT .
## 7246 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7247 this DET DT
## 7248 nation NOUN NN
## 7249 be AUX VBD
## 7250 found VERB VBN
## 7251 by ADP IN
## 7252 leader NOUN NNS
## 7253 who PRON WP
## 7254 understand VERB VBD
## 7255 that SCONJ IN
## 7256 power NOUN NN
## 7257 belong VERB VBZ
## 7258 in ADP IN
## 7259 the DET DT
## 7260 hand NOUN NNS
## 7261 of ADP IN
## 7262 people NOUN NNS
## 7263 . PUNCT .
## 7264 and CCONJ CC
## 7265 they PRON PRP
## 7266 plan VERB VBD
## 7267 for ADP IN
## 7268 the DET DT
## 7269 future NOUN NN
## 7270 . PUNCT .
## 7271 and CCONJ CC
## 7272 so ADV RB
## 7273 must AUX MD
## 7274 we PRON PRP
## 7275 , PUNCT ,
## 7276 here ADV RB
## 7277 and CCONJ CC
## 7278 all ADV RB
## 7279 around ADP IN
## 7280 the DET DT
## 7281 world NOUN NN
## 7282 . PUNCT .
## 7283 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7284 as ADP IN
## 7285 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 7286 , PUNCT ,
## 7287 we PRON PRP
## 7288 know VERB VBP
## 7289 that SCONJ IN
## 7290 there PRON EX
## 7291 be VERB VBP
## 7292 time NOUN NNS
## 7293 when SCONJ WRB
## 7294 we PRON PRP
## 7295 must AUX MD
## 7296 step VERB VB
## 7297 forward ADV RB
## 7298 and CCONJ CC
## 7299 accept VERB VB
## 7300 our PRON PRP$
## 7301 responsibility NOUN NN
## 7302 to PART TO
## 7303 lead VERB VB
## 7304 the DET DT
## 7305 world NOUN NN
## 7306 away ADV RB
## 7307 from ADP IN
## 7308 the DET DT
## 7309 dark ADJ JJ
## 7310 chaos NOUN NN
## 7311 of ADP IN
## 7312 dictator NOUN NNS
## 7313 , PUNCT ,
## 7314 toward ADP IN
## 7315 the DET DT
## 7316 bright ADJ JJR
## 7317 promise NOUN NN
## 7318 of ADP IN
## 7319 a DET DT
## 7320 well ADJ JJR
## 7321 day NOUN NN
## 7322 . PUNCT .
## 7323 almost_50_year_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 7324 we PRON PRP
## 7325 begin VERB VBD
## 7326 a DET DT
## 7327 long ADJ JJ
## 7328 struggle NOUN NN
## 7329 against ADP IN
## 7330 aggressive ADJ JJ
## 7331 totalitarianism NOUN NN
## 7332 . PUNCT .
## 7333 now ADV RB
## 7334 we PRON PRP
## 7335 face VERB VBP
## 7336 another_defining_hour ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 7337 for ADP IN
## 7338 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7339 and CCONJ CC
## 7340 the DET DT
## 7341 world NOUN NN
## 7342 . PUNCT .
## 7343 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7344 there PRON EX
## 7345 be VERB VBZ
## 7346 no DET DT
## 7347 one NOUN NN
## 7348 more ADV RBR
## 7349 devoted ADJ JJ
## 7350 , PUNCT ,
## 7351 more ADV RBR
## 7352 committed ADJ JJ
## 7353 to ADP IN
## 7354 the DET DT
## 7355 hard ADJ JJ
## 7356 work NOUN NN
## 7357 of ADP IN
## 7358 freedom NOUN NN
## 7359 than ADP IN
## 7360 every DET DT
## 7361 soldier NOUN NN
## 7362 and CCONJ CC
## 7363 sailor NOUN NN
## 7364 , PUNCT ,
## 7365 every DET DT
## 7366 marine ADJ JJ
## 7367 , PUNCT ,
## 7368 airman NOUN NN
## 7369 , PUNCT ,
## 7370 and CCONJ CC
## 7371 coastguardsman PROPN NNP
## 7372 , PUNCT ,
## 7373 every DET DT
## 7374 man NOUN NN
## 7375 and CCONJ CC
## 7376 woman NOUN NN
## 7377 now ADV RB
## 7378 serve VERB VBG
## 7379 in ADP IN
## 7380 the_Persian_Gulf ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 7381 . PUNCT .
## 7382 oh INTJ UH
## 7383 , PUNCT ,
## 7384 how SCONJ WRB
## 7385 they PRON PRP
## 7386 deserve VERB VBP
## 7387 -- PUNCT .
## 7388 [ X XX
## 7389 applause X XX
## 7390 ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 7391 -- PUNCT :
## 7392 and CCONJ CC
## 7393 what PRON WP
## 7394 a DET DT
## 7395 fitting ADJ JJ
## 7396 tribute NOUN NN
## 7397 to ADP IN
## 7398 they PRON PRP
## 7399 . PUNCT .
## 7400 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7401 you PRON PRP
## 7402 see VERB VBP
## 7403 -- PUNCT :
## 7404 what DET WDT
## 7405 a DET DT
## 7406 wonderful ADJ JJ
## 7407 , PUNCT ,
## 7408 fitting ADJ JJ
## 7409 tribute NOUN NN
## 7410 to ADP IN
## 7411 they PRON PRP
## 7412 . PUNCT .
## 7413 each PRON DT
## 7414 of ADP IN
## 7415 they PRON PRP
## 7416 have AUX VBZ
## 7417 volunteer VERB VBN
## 7418 , PUNCT ,
## 7419 volunteer VERB VBD
## 7420 to PART TO
## 7421 provide VERB VB
## 7422 for ADP IN
## 7423 this DET DT
## 7424 nation NOUN NN
## 7425 's PART POS
## 7426 defense NOUN NN
## 7427 , PUNCT ,
## 7428 and CCONJ CC
## 7429 now ADV RB
## 7430 they PRON PRP
## 7431 bravely ADV RB
## 7432 struggle VERB VBP
## 7433 to PART TO
## 7434 earn VERB VB
## 7435 for ADP IN
## 7436 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7437 , PUNCT ,
## 7438 for ADP IN
## 7439 the DET DT
## 7440 world NOUN NN
## 7441 , PUNCT ,
## 7442 and CCONJ CC
## 7443 for ADP IN
## 7444 future ADJ JJ
## 7445 generation NOUN NNS
## 7446 a DET DT
## 7447 just ADV RB
## 7448 and CCONJ CC
## 7449 last VERB VBG
## 7450 peace NOUN NN
## 7451 . PUNCT .
## 7452 our PRON PRP$
## 7453 commitment NOUN NN
## 7454 to ADP IN
## 7455 they PRON PRP
## 7456 must AUX MD
## 7457 be AUX VB
## 7458 equal ADJ JJ
## 7459 to ADP IN
## 7460 their PRON PRP$
## 7461 commitment NOUN NN
## 7462 to ADP IN
## 7463 their PRON PRP$
## 7464 country NOUN NN
## 7465 . PUNCT .
## 7466 they PRON PRP
## 7467 be AUX VBP
## 7468 truly ADV RB
## 7469 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7470 's PART POS
## 7471 fine ADJ JJS
## 7472 . PUNCT .
## 7473 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7474 the DET DT
## 7475 war NOUN NN
## 7476 in ADP IN
## 7477 the DET DT
## 7479 be AUX VBZ
## 7480 not PART RB
## 7481 a DET DT
## 7482 war NOUN NN
## 7483 we PRON PRP
## 7484 want VERB VBD
## 7485 . PUNCT .
## 7486 we PRON PRP
## 7487 work VERB VBD
## 7488 hard ADV RB
## 7489 to PART TO
## 7490 avoid VERB VB
## 7491 war NOUN NN
## 7492 . PUNCT .
## 7493 for ADP IN
## 7494 more_than_5_month ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 7495 we PRON PRP
## 7496 -- PUNCT :
## 7497 along ADP IN
## 7498 with ADP IN
## 7499 the_Arab_League ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 7500 , PUNCT ,
## 7501 the_European_Community ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 7502 , PUNCT ,
## 7503 the_United_Nations ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 7504 -- PUNCT :
## 7505 try VERB VBD
## 7506 every DET DT
## 7507 diplomatic ADJ JJ
## 7508 avenue NOUN NN
## 7509 . PUNCT .
## 7511 Secretary PROPN NNP
## 7512 - PUNCT HYPH
## 7513 General PROPN NNP
## 7514 Perez_de_Cuellar ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 7515 ; PUNCT :
## 7516 president_Gorbachev ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 7517 , PUNCT ,
## 7518 Mitterrand ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7519 , PUNCT ,
## 7521 , PUNCT ,
## 7523 , PUNCT ,
## 7524 and CCONJ CC
## 7525 Bendjedid PROPN NNP
## 7526 ; PUNCT :
## 7527 king_Fahd ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 7528 and CCONJ CC
## 7530 ; PUNCT :
## 7531 Prime PROPN NNP
## 7532 Ministers PROPN NNP
## 7533 Major PROPN NNP
## 7534 and CCONJ CC
## 7535 Andreotti ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 7536 -- PUNCT :
## 7537 just ADV RB
## 7538 to PART TO
## 7539 name VERB VB
## 7540 a DET DT
## 7541 few ADJ JJ
## 7542 -- PUNCT :
## 7543 all PRON DT
## 7544 work VERB VBD
## 7545 for ADP IN
## 7546 a DET DT
## 7547 solution NOUN NN
## 7548 . PUNCT .
## 7549 but CCONJ CC
## 7550 time NOUN NN
## 7551 and CCONJ CC
## 7552 again ADV RB
## 7553 , PUNCT ,
## 7554 Saddam_Hussein ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 7555 flatly ADV RB
## 7556 reject VERB VBD
## 7557 the DET DT
## 7558 path NOUN NN
## 7559 of ADP IN
## 7560 diplomacy NOUN NN
## 7561 and CCONJ CC
## 7562 peace NOUN NN
## 7563 . PUNCT .
## 7564 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7565 the DET DT
## 7566 world NOUN NN
## 7567 well ADV RB
## 7568 know VERB VBZ
## 7569 how SCONJ WRB
## 7570 this DET DT
## 7571 conflict NOUN NN
## 7572 begin VERB VBD
## 7573 and CCONJ CC
## 7574 when SCONJ WRB
## 7575 : PUNCT :
## 7576 it PRON PRP
## 7577 begin VERB VBD
## 7578 on ADP IN
## 7580 2d PROPN NNP
## 7581 , PUNCT ,
## 7582 when SCONJ WRB
## 7584 invade VERB VBD
## 7585 and CCONJ CC
## 7586 sack VERB VBD
## 7587 a DET DT
## 7588 small ADJ JJ
## 7589 , PUNCT ,
## 7590 defenseless ADJ JJ
## 7591 neighbor NOUN NN
## 7592 . PUNCT .
## 7593 and CCONJ CC
## 7594 I PRON PRP
## 7595 be AUX VBP
## 7596 certain ADJ JJ
## 7597 of ADP IN
## 7598 how SCONJ WRB
## 7599 it PRON PRP
## 7600 will AUX MD
## 7601 end VERB VB
## 7602 . PUNCT .
## 7603 so ADV RB
## 7604 that DET DT
## 7605 peace NOUN NN
## 7606 can AUX MD
## 7607 prevail VERB VB
## 7608 , PUNCT ,
## 7609 we PRON PRP
## 7610 will AUX MD
## 7611 prevail VERB VB
## 7612 . PUNCT .
## 7613 [ X XX
## 7614 applause X XX
## 7615 ] X XX
## 7616 thank VERB VBP
## 7617 you PRON PRP
## 7618 . PUNCT .
## 7619 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7620 tonight NOUN NN
## 7621 I PRON PRP
## 7622 be AUX VBP
## 7623 pleased ADJ JJ
## 7624 to PART TO
## 7625 report VERB VB
## 7626 that SCONJ IN
## 7627 we PRON PRP
## 7628 be AUX VBP
## 7629 on ADP IN
## 7630 course NOUN NN
## 7631 . PUNCT .
## 7633 's PART POS
## 7634 capacity NOUN NN
## 7635 to PART TO
## 7636 sustain VERB VB
## 7637 war NOUN NN
## 7638 be AUX VBZ
## 7639 be AUX VBG
## 7640 destroy VERB VBN
## 7641 . PUNCT .
## 7642 our PRON PRP$
## 7643 investment NOUN NN
## 7644 , PUNCT ,
## 7645 our PRON PRP$
## 7646 training NOUN NN
## 7647 , PUNCT ,
## 7648 our PRON PRP$
## 7649 planning NOUN NN
## 7650 -- PUNCT :
## 7651 all PRON DT
## 7652 be AUX VBP
## 7653 pay VERB VBG
## 7654 off ADP RP
## 7655 . PUNCT .
## 7656 time ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 7657 will AUX MD
## 7658 not PART RB
## 7659 be AUX VB
## 7661 's PART POS
## 7662 salvation NOUN NN
## 7663 . PUNCT .
## 7664 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7665 our PRON PRP$
## 7666 purpose NOUN NN
## 7667 in ADP IN
## 7668 the_Persian_Gulf ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 7669 remain VERB VBZ
## 7670 constant ADJ JJ
## 7671 : PUNCT :
## 7672 to PART TO
## 7673 drive VERB VB
## 7675 out ADP IN
## 7676 of ADP IN
## 7677 Kuwait ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7678 , PUNCT ,
## 7679 to PART TO
## 7680 restore VERB VB
## 7681 Kuwait ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 7682 's PART POS
## 7683 legitimate ADJ JJ
## 7684 government NOUN NN
## 7685 , PUNCT ,
## 7686 and CCONJ CC
## 7687 to PART TO
## 7688 ensure VERB VB
## 7689 the DET DT
## 7690 stability NOUN NN
## 7691 and CCONJ CC
## 7692 security NOUN NN
## 7693 of ADP IN
## 7694 this DET DT
## 7695 critical ADJ JJ
## 7696 region NOUN NN
## 7697 . PUNCT .
## 7698 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7699 let VERB VB
## 7700 I PRON PRP
## 7701 make VERB VB
## 7702 clear ADJ JJ
## 7703 what PRON WP
## 7704 I PRON PRP
## 7705 mean VERB VBP
## 7706 by ADP IN
## 7707 the DET DT
## 7708 region NOUN NN
## 7709 's PART POS
## 7710 stability NOUN NN
## 7711 and CCONJ CC
## 7712 security NOUN NN
## 7713 . PUNCT .
## 7714 we PRON PRP
## 7715 do AUX VBP
## 7716 not PART RB
## 7717 seek VERB VB
## 7718 the DET DT
## 7719 destruction NOUN NN
## 7720 of ADP IN
## 7722 , PUNCT ,
## 7723 its PRON PRP$
## 7724 culture NOUN NN
## 7725 , PUNCT ,
## 7726 or CCONJ CC
## 7727 its PRON PRP$
## 7728 people NOUN NNS
## 7729 . PUNCT .
## 7730 rather ADV RB
## 7731 , PUNCT ,
## 7732 we PRON PRP
## 7733 seek VERB VBP
## 7734 an DET DT
## 7736 that PRON WDT
## 7737 use VERB VBZ
## 7738 its PRON PRP$
## 7739 great ADJ JJ
## 7740 resource NOUN NNS
## 7741 not PART RB
## 7742 to PART TO
## 7743 destroy VERB VB
## 7744 , PUNCT ,
## 7745 not PART RB
## 7746 to PART TO
## 7747 serve VERB VB
## 7748 the DET DT
## 7749 ambition NOUN NNS
## 7750 of ADP IN
## 7751 a DET DT
## 7752 tyrant NOUN NN
## 7753 , PUNCT ,
## 7754 but CCONJ CC
## 7755 to PART TO
## 7756 build VERB VB
## 7757 a DET DT
## 7758 well ADJ JJR
## 7759 life NOUN NN
## 7760 for ADP IN
## 7761 itself PRON PRP
## 7762 and CCONJ CC
## 7763 its PRON PRP$
## 7764 neighbor NOUN NNS
## 7765 . PUNCT .
## 7766 we PRON PRP
## 7767 seek VERB VBP
## 7768 a_Persian_Gulf ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 7769 where SCONJ WRB
## 7770 conflict NOUN NN
## 7771 be AUX VBZ
## 7772 no ADV RB
## 7773 long ADV RBR
## 7774 the DET DT
## 7775 rule NOUN NN
## 7776 , PUNCT ,
## 7777 where SCONJ WRB
## 7778 the DET DT
## 7779 strong ADJ JJ
## 7780 be AUX VBP
## 7781 neither CCONJ CC
## 7782 tempt VERB VBN
## 7783 nor CCONJ CC
## 7784 able ADJ JJ
## 7785 to PART TO
## 7786 intimidate VERB VB
## 7787 the DET DT
## 7788 weak ADJ JJ
## 7789 . PUNCT .
## 7790 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7791 Most ADJ JJS
## 7792 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 7793 know VERB VBP
## 7794 instinctively ADV RB
## 7795 why SCONJ WRB
## 7796 we PRON PRP
## 7797 be AUX VBP
## 7798 in ADP IN
## 7799 the DET DT
## 7801 . PUNCT .
## 7802 they PRON PRP
## 7803 know VERB VBP
## 7804 we PRON PRP
## 7805 have VERB VBD
## 7806 to PART TO
## 7807 stop VERB VB
## 7809 now ADV RB
## 7810 , PUNCT ,
## 7811 not PART RB
## 7812 later ADV RB
## 7813 . PUNCT .
## 7814 they PRON PRP
## 7815 know VERB VBP
## 7816 that SCONJ IN
## 7817 this DET DT
## 7818 brutal ADJ JJ
## 7819 dictator NOUN NN
## 7820 will AUX MD
## 7821 do VERB VB
## 7822 anything PRON NN
## 7823 , PUNCT ,
## 7824 will AUX MD
## 7825 use VERB VB
## 7826 any DET DT
## 7827 weapon NOUN NN
## 7828 , PUNCT ,
## 7829 will AUX MD
## 7830 commit VERB VB
## 7831 any DET DT
## 7832 outrage NOUN NN
## 7833 , PUNCT ,
## 7834 no ADV RB
## 7835 matter ADV RB
## 7836 how SCONJ WRB
## 7837 many ADJ JJ
## 7838 innocent NOUN NNS
## 7839 suffer VERB VBP
## 7840 . PUNCT .
## 7841 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7842 they PRON PRP
## 7843 know VERB VBP
## 7844 we PRON PRP
## 7845 must AUX MD
## 7846 make VERB VB
## 7847 sure ADJ JJ
## 7848 that SCONJ IN
## 7849 control NOUN NN
## 7850 of ADP IN
## 7851 the DET DT
## 7852 world NOUN NN
## 7853 's PART POS
## 7854 oil NOUN NN
## 7855 resource NOUN NNS
## 7856 do AUX VBZ
## 7857 not PART RB
## 7858 fall VERB VB
## 7859 into ADP IN
## 7860 his PRON PRP$
## 7861 hand NOUN NNS
## 7862 , PUNCT ,
## 7863 only ADV RB
## 7864 to PART TO
## 7865 finance VERB VB
## 7866 further ADJ JJ
## 7867 aggression NOUN NN
## 7868 . PUNCT .
## 7869 they PRON PRP
## 7870 know VERB VBP
## 7871 that SCONJ IN
## 7872 we PRON PRP
## 7873 need VERB VBP
## 7874 to PART TO
## 7875 build VERB VB
## 7876 a DET DT
## 7877 new ADJ JJ
## 7878 , PUNCT ,
## 7879 endure VERB VBG
## 7880 peace NOUN NN
## 7881 , PUNCT ,
## 7882 base VERB VBN
## 7883 not PART RB
## 7884 on ADP IN
## 7885 arm NOUN NNS
## 7886 race NOUN NNS
## 7887 and CCONJ CC
## 7888 confrontation NOUN NN
## 7889 but CCONJ CC
## 7890 on ADP IN
## 7891 share VERB VBN
## 7892 principle NOUN NNS
## 7893 and CCONJ CC
## 7894 the DET DT
## 7895 rule NOUN NN
## 7896 of ADP IN
## 7897 law NOUN NN
## 7898 . PUNCT .
## 7899 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7900 and CCONJ CC
## 7901 we PRON PRP
## 7902 all PRON DT
## 7903 realize VERB VBP
## 7904 that SCONJ IN
## 7905 our PRON PRP$
## 7906 responsibility NOUN NN
## 7907 to PART TO
## 7908 be AUX VB
## 7909 the DET DT
## 7910 catalyst NOUN NN
## 7911 for ADP IN
## 7912 peace NOUN NN
## 7913 in ADP IN
## 7914 the DET DT
## 7915 region NOUN NN
## 7916 do AUX VBZ
## 7917 not PART RB
## 7918 end VERB VB
## 7919 with ADP IN
## 7920 the DET DT
## 7921 successful ADJ JJ
## 7922 conclusion NOUN NN
## 7923 of ADP IN
## 7924 this DET DT
## 7925 war NOUN NN
## 7926 . PUNCT .
## 7927 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7928 democracy NOUN NN
## 7929 bring VERB VBZ
## 7930 the DET DT
## 7931 undeniable ADJ JJ
## 7932 value NOUN NN
## 7933 of ADP IN
## 7934 thoughtful ADJ JJ
## 7935 dissent NOUN NN
## 7936 , PUNCT ,
## 7937 and CCONJ CC
## 7938 we PRON PRP
## 7939 've AUX VBP
## 7940 hear VERB VBN
## 7941 some DET DT
## 7942 dissent VERB VBG
## 7943 voice NOUN NNS
## 7944 here ADV RB
## 7945 at ADP IN
## 7946 home NOUN NN
## 7947 -- PUNCT :
## 7948 some PRON DT
## 7949 , PUNCT ,
## 7950 a DET DT
## 7951 handful ADJ JJ
## 7952 , PUNCT ,
## 7953 reckless ADJ JJ
## 7954 ; PUNCT :
## 7955 most ADV RBS
## 7956 responsible ADJ JJ
## 7957 . PUNCT .
## 7958 but CCONJ CC
## 7959 the DET DT
## 7960 fact NOUN NN
## 7961 that SCONJ IN
## 7962 all DET DT
## 7963 voice NOUN NNS
## 7964 have AUX VBP
## 7965 the DET DT
## 7966 right NOUN NN
## 7967 to PART TO
## 7968 speak VERB VB
## 7969 out ADP RP
## 7970 be AUX VBZ
## 7971 one NUM CD
## 7972 of ADP IN
## 7973 the DET DT
## 7974 reason NOUN NNS
## 7975 we PRON PRP
## 7976 've AUX VBP
## 7977 be AUX VBN
## 7978 unite VERB VBN
## 7979 in ADP IN
## 7980 purpose NOUN NN
## 7981 and CCONJ CC
## 7982 principle NOUN NN
## 7983 for ADP IN
## 7984 200_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 7985 . PUNCT .
## 7986 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 7987 our PRON PRP$
## 7988 progress NOUN NN
## 7989 in ADP IN
## 7990 this DET DT
## 7991 great ADJ JJ
## 7992 struggle NOUN NN
## 7993 be AUX VBZ
## 7994 the DET DT
## 7995 result NOUN NN
## 7996 of ADP IN
## 7998 of ADP IN
## 7999 vigilance NOUN NN
## 8000 and CCONJ CC
## 8001 a DET DT
## 8002 steadfast ADJ JJ
## 8003 commitment NOUN NN
## 8004 to ADP IN
## 8005 a DET DT
## 8006 strong ADJ JJ
## 8007 defense NOUN NN
## 8008 . PUNCT .
## 8009 now ADV RB
## 8010 , PUNCT ,
## 8011 with ADP IN
## 8012 remarkable ADJ JJ
## 8013 technological ADJ JJ
## 8014 advance NOUN NNS
## 8015 like ADP IN
## 8016 the DET DT
## 8018 missile NOUN NN
## 8019 , PUNCT ,
## 8020 we PRON PRP
## 8021 can AUX MD
## 8022 defend VERB VB
## 8023 against ADP IN
## 8024 ballistic ADJ JJ
## 8025 missile NOUN NN
## 8026 attack NOUN NNS
## 8027 aim VERB VBN
## 8028 at ADP IN
## 8029 innocent ADJ JJ
## 8030 civilian NOUN NNS
## 8031 . PUNCT .
## 8032 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8033 look VERB VBG
## 8034 forward ADV RB
## 8035 , PUNCT ,
## 8036 I PRON PRP
## 8037 have AUX VBP
## 8038 direct VERB VBN
## 8039 that SCONJ IN
## 8040 the DET DT
## 8042 program NOUN NN
## 8043 be AUX VB
## 8044 refocus VERB VBN
## 8045 on ADP IN
## 8046 provide VERB VBG
## 8047 protection NOUN NN
## 8048 from ADP IN
## 8049 limited ADJ JJ
## 8050 ballistic ADJ JJ
## 8051 missile NOUN NN
## 8052 strike NOUN NNS
## 8053 , PUNCT ,
## 8054 whatever PRON WDT
## 8055 their PRON PRP$
## 8056 source NOUN NN
## 8057 . PUNCT .
## 8058 let VERB VB
## 8059 we PRON PRP
## 8060 pursue VERB VB
## 8061 an DET DT
## 8063 program NOUN NN
## 8064 that PRON WDT
## 8065 can AUX MD
## 8066 deal VERB VB
## 8067 with ADP IN
## 8068 any DET DT
## 8069 future ADJ JJ
## 8070 threat NOUN NN
## 8071 to ADP IN
## 8072 the_United_States ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 8073 , PUNCT ,
## 8074 to ADP IN
## 8075 our PRON PRP$
## 8076 force NOUN NNS
## 8077 overseas ADV RB
## 8078 , PUNCT ,
## 8079 and CCONJ CC
## 8080 to ADP IN
## 8081 our PRON PRP$
## 8082 friend NOUN NNS
## 8083 and CCONJ CC
## 8084 ally NOUN NNS
## 8085 . PUNCT .
## 8086 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8087 the DET DT
## 8088 quality NOUN NN
## 8089 of ADP IN
## 8090 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 8091 technology NOUN NN
## 8092 , PUNCT ,
## 8093 thank NOUN NNS
## 8094 to ADP IN
## 8095 the DET DT
## 8096 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 8097 worker NOUN NN
## 8098 , PUNCT ,
## 8099 have AUX VBZ
## 8100 enable VERB VBN
## 8101 we PRON PRP
## 8102 to PART TO
## 8103 successfully ADV RB
## 8104 deal VERB VB
## 8105 with ADP IN
## 8106 difficult ADJ JJ
## 8107 military ADJ JJ
## 8108 condition NOUN NNS
## 8109 and CCONJ CC
## 8110 help VERB VB
## 8111 minimize VERB VB
## 8112 precious ADJ JJ
## 8113 loss NOUN NN
## 8114 of ADP IN
## 8115 life NOUN NN
## 8116 . PUNCT .
## 8117 we PRON PRP
## 8118 have AUX VBP
## 8119 give VERB VBN
## 8120 our PRON PRP$
## 8121 man NOUN NNS
## 8122 and CCONJ CC
## 8123 woman NOUN NNS
## 8124 the DET DT
## 8125 very ADV RB
## 8126 good ADJ JJS
## 8127 . PUNCT .
## 8128 and CCONJ CC
## 8129 they PRON PRP
## 8130 deserve VERB VBP
## 8131 it PRON PRP
## 8132 . PUNCT .
## 8133 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8134 we PRON PRP
## 8135 all PRON DT
## 8136 have VERB VBP
## 8137 a DET DT
## 8138 special ADJ JJ
## 8139 place NOUN NN
## 8140 in ADP IN
## 8141 our PRON PRP$
## 8142 heart NOUN NNS
## 8143 for ADP IN
## 8144 the DET DT
## 8145 family NOUN NNS
## 8146 of ADP IN
## 8147 our PRON PRP$
## 8148 man NOUN NNS
## 8149 and CCONJ CC
## 8150 woman NOUN NNS
## 8151 serve VERB VBG
## 8152 in ADP IN
## 8153 the DET DT
## 8155 . PUNCT .
## 8156 they PRON PRP
## 8157 be AUX VBP
## 8158 represent VERB VBN
## 8159 here ADV RB
## 8160 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 8161 by ADP IN
## 8162 Mrs. PROPN NNP
## 8163 Norman_Schwarzkopf ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 8164 . PUNCT .
## 8165 we PRON PRP
## 8166 be AUX VBP
## 8167 all PRON DT
## 8168 very ADV RB
## 8169 grateful ADJ JJ
## 8170 to ADP IN
## 8171 General PROPN NNP
## 8172 Schwarzkopf ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 8173 and CCONJ CC
## 8174 to ADP IN
## 8175 all DET PDT
## 8176 those PRON DT
## 8177 serve VERB VBG
## 8178 with ADP IN
## 8179 he PRON PRP
## 8180 . PUNCT .
## 8181 and CCONJ CC
## 8182 I PRON PRP
## 8183 might AUX MD
## 8184 also ADV RB
## 8185 recognize VERB VB
## 8186 one NUM CD
## 8187 who PRON WP
## 8188 come VERB VBD
## 8189 with ADP IN
## 8190 Mrs. PROPN NNP
## 8191 Schwarzkopf ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 8192 : PUNCT :
## 8193 Alma_Powell ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 8194 , PUNCT ,
## 8195 the DET DT
## 8196 wife NOUN NN
## 8197 of ADP IN
## 8198 the DET DT
## 8199 distinguished ADJ JJ
## 8200 Chairman PROPN NNP
## 8201 of ADP IN
## 8202 the DET DT
## 8203 Joint PROPN NNP
## 8204 Chiefs PROPN NNPS
## 8205 . PUNCT .
## 8206 and CCONJ CC
## 8207 to ADP IN
## 8208 the DET DT
## 8209 family NOUN NNS
## 8210 , PUNCT ,
## 8211 let VERB VB
## 8212 I PRON PRP
## 8213 say VERB VB
## 8214 our PRON PRP$
## 8215 force NOUN NNS
## 8216 in ADP IN
## 8217 the DET DT
## 8219 will AUX MD
## 8220 not PART RB
## 8221 stay VERB VB
## 8222 there ADV RB
## 8223 one_day ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 8224 long ADV RBR
## 8225 than SCONJ IN
## 8226 be AUX VBZ
## 8227 necessary ADJ JJ
## 8228 to PART TO
## 8229 complete VERB VB
## 8230 their PRON PRP$
## 8231 mission NOUN NN
## 8232 . PUNCT .
## 8233 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8234 the DET DT
## 8235 courage NOUN NN
## 8236 and CCONJ CC
## 8237 success NOUN NN
## 8238 of ADP IN
## 8239 the DET DT
## 8241 pilot NOUN NNS
## 8242 , PUNCT ,
## 8243 of ADP IN
## 8244 the DET DT
## 8245 Kuwaiti ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 8246 , PUNCT ,
## 8248 , PUNCT ,
## 8250 , PUNCT ,
## 8251 the DET DT
## 8252 Canadians ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 8253 , PUNCT ,
## 8254 the DET DT
## 8255 Italians ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 8256 , PUNCT ,
## 8257 the DET DT
## 8258 pilot NOUN NNS
## 8259 of ADP IN
## 8261 and CCONJ CC
## 8262 Bahrain ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 8263 -- PUNCT :
## 8264 all PRON DT
## 8265 be AUX VBP
## 8266 proof NOUN NN
## 8267 that SCONJ IN
## 8268 for ADP IN
## 8269 the DET DT
## 8271 time NOUN NN
## 8272 since SCONJ IN
## 8274 , PUNCT ,
## 8275 the DET DT
## 8276 international ADJ JJ
## 8277 community NOUN NN
## 8278 be AUX VBZ
## 8279 united ADJ JJ
## 8280 . PUNCT .
## 8281 the DET DT
## 8282 leadership NOUN NN
## 8283 of ADP IN
## 8284 the_United_Nations ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 8285 , PUNCT ,
## 8286 once ADV RB
## 8287 only ADV RB
## 8288 a DET DT
## 8289 hope VERB VBN
## 8290 - PUNCT HYPH
## 8291 for ADP RP
## 8292 ideal NOUN NN
## 8293 , PUNCT ,
## 8294 be AUX VBZ
## 8295 now ADV RB
## 8296 confirm VERB VBG
## 8297 its PRON PRP$
## 8298 founder NOUN NNS
## 8299 ' PART POS
## 8300 vision NOUN NN
## 8301 . PUNCT .
## 8302 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8303 I PRON PRP
## 8304 be AUX VBP
## 8305 hearten VERB VBN
## 8306 that SCONJ IN
## 8307 we PRON PRP
## 8308 be AUX VBP
## 8309 not PART RB
## 8310 be AUX VBG
## 8311 ask VERB VBN
## 8312 to PART TO
## 8313 bear VERB VB
## 8314 alone ADV RB
## 8315 the DET DT
## 8316 financial ADJ JJ
## 8317 burden NOUN NNS
## 8318 of ADP IN
## 8319 this DET DT
## 8320 struggle NOUN NN
## 8321 . PUNCT .
## 8322 last_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 8323 , PUNCT ,
## 8324 our PRON PRP$
## 8325 friend NOUN NNS
## 8326 and CCONJ CC
## 8327 ally NOUN NNS
## 8328 provide VERB VBD
## 8329 the DET DT
## 8330 bulk NOUN NN
## 8331 of ADP IN
## 8332 the DET DT
## 8333 economic ADJ JJ
## 8334 cost NOUN NNS
## 8335 of ADP IN
## 8336 Desert_Shield ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 8337 . PUNCT .
## 8338 and CCONJ CC
## 8339 now ADV RB
## 8340 , PUNCT ,
## 8341 having AUX VBG
## 8342 receive VERB VBN
## 8343 commitment NOUN NNS
## 8344 of ADP IN
## 8345 over_$_40_billion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 8346 for ADP IN
## 8347 the_first_3_month_of_1991 ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 8348 , PUNCT ,
## 8349 I PRON PRP
## 8350 be AUX VBP
## 8351 confident ADJ JJ
## 8352 they PRON PRP
## 8353 will AUX MD
## 8354 do VERB VB
## 8355 no ADV RB
## 8356 less ADV RBR
## 8357 as SCONJ IN
## 8358 we PRON PRP
## 8359 move VERB VBP
## 8360 through ADP IN
## 8361 Desert_Storm ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 8362 . PUNCT .
## 8363 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8364 but CCONJ CC
## 8365 the DET DT
## 8366 world NOUN NN
## 8367 have VERB VBZ
## 8368 to PART TO
## 8369 wonder VERB VB
## 8370 what PRON WP
## 8371 the DET DT
## 8372 dictator NOUN NN
## 8373 of ADP IN
## 8375 be AUX VBZ
## 8376 think VERB VBG
## 8377 . PUNCT .
## 8378 if SCONJ IN
## 8379 he PRON PRP
## 8380 think VERB VBZ
## 8381 that SCONJ IN
## 8382 by ADP IN
## 8383 target VERB VBG
## 8384 innocent ADJ JJ
## 8385 civilian NOUN NNS
## 8386 in ADP IN
## 8387 Israel ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 8388 and CCONJ CC
## 8389 Saudi_Arabia ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 8390 , PUNCT ,
## 8391 that SCONJ IN
## 8392 he PRON PRP
## 8393 will AUX MD
## 8394 gain VERB VB
## 8395 advantage NOUN NN
## 8396 , PUNCT ,
## 8397 he PRON PRP
## 8398 be AUX VBZ
## 8399 dead ADV RB
## 8400 wrong ADJ JJ
## 8401 . PUNCT .
## 8402 if SCONJ IN
## 8403 he PRON PRP
## 8404 think VERB VBZ
## 8405 that SCONJ IN
## 8406 he PRON PRP
## 8407 will AUX MD
## 8408 advance VERB VB
## 8409 his PRON PRP$
## 8410 cause NOUN NN
## 8411 through ADP IN
## 8412 tragic ADJ JJ
## 8413 and CCONJ CC
## 8414 despicable ADJ JJ
## 8415 environmental ADJ JJ
## 8416 terrorism NOUN NN
## 8417 , PUNCT ,
## 8418 he PRON PRP
## 8419 be AUX VBZ
## 8420 dead ADV RB
## 8421 wrong ADJ JJ
## 8422 . PUNCT .
## 8423 and CCONJ CC
## 8424 if SCONJ IN
## 8425 he PRON PRP
## 8426 think VERB VBZ
## 8427 that SCONJ IN
## 8428 by ADP IN
## 8429 abuse VERB VBG
## 8430 the DET DT
## 8431 coalition NOUN NN
## 8432 prisoner NOUN NNS
## 8433 of ADP IN
## 8434 war NOUN NN
## 8435 he PRON PRP
## 8436 will AUX MD
## 8437 benefit VERB VB
## 8438 , PUNCT ,
## 8439 he PRON PRP
## 8440 be AUX VBZ
## 8441 dead ADV RB
## 8442 wrong ADJ JJ
## 8443 . PUNCT .
## 8444 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8445 we PRON PRP
## 8446 will AUX MD
## 8447 succeed VERB VB
## 8448 in ADP IN
## 8449 the DET DT
## 8451 . PUNCT .
## 8452 and CCONJ CC
## 8453 when SCONJ WRB
## 8454 we PRON PRP
## 8455 do VERB VBP
## 8456 , PUNCT ,
## 8457 the DET DT
## 8458 world NOUN NN
## 8459 community NOUN NN
## 8460 will AUX MD
## 8461 have AUX VB
## 8462 send VERB VBN
## 8463 an DET DT
## 8464 endure VERB VBG
## 8465 warning NOUN NN
## 8466 to ADP IN
## 8467 any DET DT
## 8468 dictator NOUN NN
## 8469 or CCONJ CC
## 8470 despot NOUN NN
## 8471 , PUNCT ,
## 8472 present ADJ JJ
## 8473 or CCONJ CC
## 8474 future NOUN NN
## 8475 , PUNCT ,
## 8476 who PRON WP
## 8477 contemplate VERB VBZ
## 8478 outlaw NOUN NN
## 8479 aggression NOUN NN
## 8480 . PUNCT .
## 8481 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8482 the DET DT
## 8483 world NOUN NN
## 8484 can AUX MD
## 8485 , PUNCT ,
## 8486 therefore ADV RB
## 8487 , PUNCT ,
## 8488 seize VERB VB
## 8489 this DET DT
## 8490 opportunity NOUN NN
## 8491 to PART TO
## 8492 fulfill VERB VB
## 8493 the DET DT
## 8494 long ADV RB
## 8495 - PUNCT HYPH
## 8496 hold VERB VBN
## 8497 promise NOUN NN
## 8498 of ADP IN
## 8499 a DET DT
## 8500 new ADJ JJ
## 8501 world NOUN NN
## 8502 order NOUN NN
## 8503 , PUNCT ,
## 8504 where SCONJ WRB
## 8505 brutality NOUN NN
## 8506 will AUX MD
## 8507 go VERB VB
## 8508 unrewarded ADJ JJ
## 8509 and CCONJ CC
## 8510 aggression NOUN NN
## 8511 will AUX MD
## 8512 meet VERB VB
## 8513 collective ADJ JJ
## 8514 resistance NOUN NN
## 8515 . PUNCT .
## 8516 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8517 yes INTJ UH
## 8518 , PUNCT ,
## 8519 the_United_States ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 8520 bear VERB VBZ
## 8521 a DET DT
## 8522 major ADJ JJ
## 8523 share NOUN NN
## 8524 of ADP IN
## 8525 leadership NOUN NN
## 8526 in ADP IN
## 8527 this DET DT
## 8528 effort NOUN NN
## 8529 . PUNCT .
## 8530 among ADP IN
## 8531 the DET DT
## 8532 nation NOUN NNS
## 8533 of ADP IN
## 8534 the DET DT
## 8535 world NOUN NN
## 8536 , PUNCT ,
## 8537 only ADV RB
## 8538 the_United_States_of_America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 8539 have VERB VBZ
## 8540 both CCONJ CC
## 8541 the DET DT
## 8542 moral ADJ JJ
## 8543 standing NOUN NN
## 8544 and CCONJ CC
## 8545 the DET DT
## 8546 mean NOUN NNS
## 8547 to PART TO
## 8548 back VERB VB
## 8549 it PRON PRP
## 8550 up ADP RP
## 8551 . PUNCT .
## 8552 we PRON PRP
## 8553 be AUX VBP
## 8554 the DET DT
## 8555 only ADJ JJ
## 8556 nation NOUN NN
## 8557 on ADP IN
## 8558 this DET DT
## 8560 that PRON WDT
## 8561 could AUX MD
## 8562 assemble VERB VB
## 8563 the DET DT
## 8564 force NOUN NNS
## 8565 of ADP IN
## 8566 peace NOUN NN
## 8567 . PUNCT .
## 8568 this PRON DT
## 8569 be AUX VBZ
## 8570 the DET DT
## 8571 burden NOUN NN
## 8572 of ADP IN
## 8573 leadership NOUN NN
## 8574 and CCONJ CC
## 8575 the DET DT
## 8576 strength NOUN NN
## 8577 that PRON WDT
## 8578 have AUX VBZ
## 8579 make VERB VBN
## 8580 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 8581 the DET DT
## 8582 beacon NOUN NN
## 8583 of ADP IN
## 8584 freedom NOUN NN
## 8585 in ADP IN
## 8586 a DET DT
## 8587 search VERB VBG
## 8588 world NOUN NN
## 8589 . PUNCT .
## 8590 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8591 this DET DT
## 8592 nation NOUN NN
## 8593 have AUX VBZ
## 8594 never ADV RB
## 8595 find VERB VBN
## 8596 glory NOUN NN
## 8597 in ADP IN
## 8598 war NOUN NN
## 8599 . PUNCT .
## 8600 our PRON PRP$
## 8601 people NOUN NNS
## 8602 have AUX VBP
## 8603 never ADV RB
## 8604 want VERB VBN
## 8605 to PART TO
## 8606 abandon VERB VB
## 8607 the DET DT
## 8608 blessing NOUN NNS
## 8609 of ADP IN
## 8610 home NOUN NN
## 8611 and CCONJ CC
## 8612 work VERB VB
## 8613 for ADP IN
## 8614 distant ADJ JJ
## 8615 land NOUN NNS
## 8616 and CCONJ CC
## 8617 deadly ADJ JJ
## 8618 conflict NOUN NN
## 8619 . PUNCT .
## 8620 if SCONJ IN
## 8621 we PRON PRP
## 8622 fight VERB VBP
## 8623 in ADP IN
## 8624 anger NOUN NN
## 8625 , PUNCT ,
## 8626 it PRON PRP
## 8627 be AUX VBZ
## 8628 only ADV RB
## 8629 because SCONJ IN
## 8630 we PRON PRP
## 8631 have VERB VBP
## 8632 to PART TO
## 8633 fight VERB VB
## 8634 at ADV RB
## 8635 all ADV RB
## 8636 . PUNCT .
## 8637 and CCONJ CC
## 8638 all PRON DT
## 8639 of ADP IN
## 8640 we PRON PRP
## 8641 yearn VERB VBP
## 8642 for ADP IN
## 8643 a DET DT
## 8644 world NOUN NN
## 8645 where SCONJ WRB
## 8646 we PRON PRP
## 8647 will AUX MD
## 8648 never ADV RB
## 8649 have VERB VB
## 8650 to PART TO
## 8651 fight VERB VB
## 8652 again ADV RB
## 8653 . PUNCT .
## 8654 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8655 each PRON DT
## 8656 of ADP IN
## 8657 we PRON PRP
## 8658 will AUX MD
## 8659 measure VERB VB
## 8660 within ADP IN
## 8661 ourselves PRON PRP
## 8662 the DET DT
## 8663 value NOUN NN
## 8664 of ADP IN
## 8665 this DET DT
## 8666 great ADJ JJ
## 8667 struggle NOUN NN
## 8668 . PUNCT .
## 8669 any DET DT
## 8670 cost NOUN NN
## 8671 in ADP IN
## 8672 life NOUN NNS
## 8673 -- PUNCT :
## 8674 any DET DT
## 8675 cost NOUN NN
## 8676 -- PUNCT :
## 8677 be AUX VBZ
## 8678 beyond ADP IN
## 8679 our PRON PRP$
## 8680 power NOUN NN
## 8681 to PART TO
## 8682 measure VERB VB
## 8683 . PUNCT .
## 8684 but CCONJ CC
## 8685 the DET DT
## 8686 cost NOUN NN
## 8687 of ADP IN
## 8688 close VERB VBG
## 8689 our PRON PRP$
## 8690 eye NOUN NNS
## 8691 to ADP IN
## 8692 aggression NOUN NN
## 8693 be AUX VBZ
## 8694 beyond ADP IN
## 8695 mankind NOUN NN
## 8696 's PART POS
## 8697 power NOUN NN
## 8698 to PART TO
## 8699 imagine VERB VB
## 8700 . PUNCT .
## 8701 this PRON DT
## 8702 we PRON PRP
## 8703 do AUX VBP
## 8704 know VERB VB
## 8705 : PUNCT :
## 8706 our PRON PRP$
## 8707 cause NOUN NN
## 8708 be AUX VBZ
## 8709 just ADV RB
## 8710 ; PUNCT :
## 8711 our PRON PRP$
## 8712 cause NOUN NN
## 8713 be AUX VBZ
## 8714 moral ADJ JJ
## 8715 ; PUNCT :
## 8716 our PRON PRP$
## 8717 cause NOUN NN
## 8718 be AUX VBZ
## 8719 right ADJ JJ
## 8720 . PUNCT .
## 8721 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8722 let VERB VBP
## 8723 future ADJ JJ
## 8724 generation NOUN NNS
## 8725 understand VERB VBP
## 8726 the DET DT
## 8727 burden NOUN NN
## 8728 and CCONJ CC
## 8729 the DET DT
## 8730 blessing NOUN NNS
## 8731 of ADP IN
## 8732 freedom NOUN NN
## 8733 . PUNCT .
## 8734 let VERB VB
## 8735 they PRON PRP
## 8736 say VERB VB
## 8737 we PRON PRP
## 8738 stand VERB VBD
## 8739 where SCONJ WRB
## 8740 duty NOUN NN
## 8741 require VERB VBD
## 8742 we PRON PRP
## 8743 to PART TO
## 8744 stand VERB VB
## 8745 . PUNCT .
## 8746 let VERB VB
## 8747 they PRON PRP
## 8748 know VERB VB
## 8749 that SCONJ IN
## 8750 , PUNCT ,
## 8751 together ADV RB
## 8752 , PUNCT ,
## 8753 we PRON PRP
## 8754 affirm VERB VBD
## 8755 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 8756 and CCONJ CC
## 8757 the DET DT
## 8758 world NOUN NN
## 8759 as ADP IN
## 8760 a DET DT
## 8761 community NOUN NN
## 8762 of ADP IN
## 8763 conscience NOUN NN
## 8764 . PUNCT .
## 8765 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8766 the DET DT
## 8767 wind NOUN NNS
## 8768 of ADP IN
## 8769 change NOUN NN
## 8770 be AUX VBP
## 8771 with ADP IN
## 8772 we PRON PRP
## 8773 now ADV RB
## 8774 . PUNCT .
## 8775 the DET DT
## 8776 force NOUN NNS
## 8777 of ADP IN
## 8778 freedom NOUN NN
## 8779 be AUX VBP
## 8780 together ADV RB
## 8781 , PUNCT ,
## 8782 united PROPN NNP
## 8783 . PUNCT .
## 8784 we PRON PRP
## 8785 move VERB VBP
## 8786 toward ADP IN
## 8787 the_next_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 8788 more ADV RBR
## 8789 confident ADJ JJ
## 8790 than ADP IN
## 8791 ever ADV RB
## 8792 that SCONJ IN
## 8793 we PRON PRP
## 8794 have VERB VBP
## 8795 the DET DT
## 8796 will NOUN NN
## 8797 at ADP IN
## 8798 home NOUN NN
## 8799 and CCONJ CC
## 8800 abroad ADV RB
## 8801 to PART TO
## 8802 do VERB VB
## 8803 what PRON WP
## 8804 must AUX MD
## 8805 be AUX VB
## 8806 do VERB VBN
## 8807 -- PUNCT :
## 8808 the DET DT
## 8809 hard ADJ JJ
## 8810 work NOUN NN
## 8811 of ADP IN
## 8812 freedom NOUN NN
## 8813 . PUNCT .
## 8814 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8815 may AUX MD
## 8817 bless VERB VB
## 8818 the_United_States_of_America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 8819 . PUNCT .
## 8820 thank VERB VBP
## 8821 you PRON PRP
## 8822 very ADV RB
## 8823 , PUNCT ,
## 8824 very ADV RB
## 8825 much ADV RB
## 8826 . PUNCT .
## 8827 \n SPACE _SP
## 8828 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8829 Mr. PROPN NNP
## 8831 and CCONJ CC
## 8832 Mr. PROPN NNP
## 8833 President PROPN NNP
## 8834 , PUNCT ,
## 8835 distinguished ADJ JJ
## 8836 member NOUN NNS
## 8837 of ADP IN
## 8838 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 8839 , PUNCT ,
## 8840 honor VERB VBN
## 8841 guest NOUN NNS
## 8842 , PUNCT ,
## 8843 and CCONJ CC
## 8844 fellow ADJ JJ
## 8845 citizen NOUN NNS
## 8846 : PUNCT :
## 8847 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8848 thank VERB VBP
## 8849 you PRON PRP
## 8850 very ADV RB
## 8851 much ADV RB
## 8852 for ADP IN
## 8853 that DET DT
## 8854 warm ADJ JJ
## 8855 reception NOUN NN
## 8856 . PUNCT .
## 8857 you PRON PRP
## 8858 know VERB VBP
## 8859 , PUNCT ,
## 8860 with ADP IN
## 8861 the DET DT
## 8862 big ADJ JJ
## 8863 buildup NOUN NN
## 8864 this DET DT
## 8865 address NOUN NN
## 8866 have AUX VBZ
## 8867 have VERB VBN
## 8868 , PUNCT ,
## 8869 I PRON PRP
## 8870 want VERB VBD
## 8871 to PART TO
## 8872 make VERB VB
## 8873 sure ADJ JJ
## 8874 it PRON PRP
## 8875 would AUX MD
## 8876 be AUX VB
## 8877 a DET DT
## 8878 big ADJ JJ
## 8879 hit NOUN NN
## 8880 , PUNCT ,
## 8881 but CCONJ CC
## 8882 I PRON PRP
## 8883 could AUX MD
## 8884 not PART RB
## 8885 convince VERB VB
## 8887 to PART TO
## 8888 deliver VERB VB
## 8889 it PRON PRP
## 8890 for ADP IN
## 8891 I PRON PRP
## 8892 . PUNCT .
## 8893 [ X XX
## 8894 laughter X XX
## 8895 ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 8896 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8897 I PRON PRP
## 8898 see VERB VBP
## 8899 the DET DT
## 8900 Speaker PROPN NNP
## 8901 and CCONJ CC
## 8902 the DET DT
## 8903 Vice PROPN NNP
## 8904 President PROPN NNP
## 8905 be AUX VBP
## 8906 laugh VERB VBG
## 8907 . PUNCT .
## 8908 they PRON PRP
## 8909 see VERB VBD
## 8910 what PRON WP
## 8911 I PRON PRP
## 8912 do VERB VBD
## 8913 in ADP IN
## 8915 , PUNCT ,
## 8916 and CCONJ CC
## 8917 they PRON PRP
## 8918 be AUX VBP
## 8919 just ADV RB
## 8920 happy ADJ JJ
## 8921 they PRON PRP
## 8922 be AUX VBP
## 8923 sit VERB VBG
## 8924 behind ADP IN
## 8925 I PRON PRP
## 8926 . PUNCT .
## 8927 [ X XX
## 8928 laughter X XX
## 8929 ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 8930 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8931 I PRON PRP
## 8932 mean VERB VBP
## 8933 to PART TO
## 8934 speak VERB VB
## 8935 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 8936 of ADP IN
## 8937 big ADJ JJ
## 8938 thing NOUN NNS
## 8939 , PUNCT ,
## 8940 of ADP IN
## 8941 big ADJ JJ
## 8942 change NOUN NNS
## 8943 and CCONJ CC
## 8944 the DET DT
## 8945 promise NOUN NNS
## 8946 they PRON PRP
## 8947 hold VERB VBP
## 8948 , PUNCT ,
## 8949 and CCONJ CC
## 8950 of ADP IN
## 8951 some DET DT
## 8952 big ADJ JJ
## 8953 problem NOUN NNS
## 8954 and CCONJ CC
## 8955 how SCONJ WRB
## 8956 , PUNCT ,
## 8957 together ADV RB
## 8958 , PUNCT ,
## 8959 we PRON PRP
## 8960 can AUX MD
## 8961 solve VERB VB
## 8962 they PRON PRP
## 8963 and CCONJ CC
## 8964 move VERB VB
## 8965 our PRON PRP$
## 8966 country NOUN NN
## 8967 forward ADV RB
## 8968 as ADP IN
## 8969 the DET DT
## 8970 undisputed ADJ JJ
## 8971 leader NOUN NN
## 8972 of ADP IN
## 8973 the DET DT
## 8974 age NOUN NN
## 8975 . PUNCT .
## 8976 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 8977 we PRON PRP
## 8978 gather VERB VBP
## 8979 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 8980 at ADP IN
## 8981 a DET DT
## 8982 dramatic ADJ JJ
## 8983 and CCONJ CC
## 8984 deeply ADV RB
## 8985 promising ADJ JJ
## 8986 time NOUN NN
## 8987 in ADP IN
## 8988 our PRON PRP$
## 8989 history NOUN NN
## 8990 and CCONJ CC
## 8991 in ADP IN
## 8992 the DET DT
## 8993 history NOUN NN
## 8994 of ADP IN
## 8995 man NOUN NN
## 8996 on ADP IN
## 8998 . PUNCT .
## 8999 for ADP IN
## 9000 in ADP IN
## 9001 the_past_12_month ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9002 , PUNCT ,
## 9003 the DET DT
## 9004 world NOUN NN
## 9005 have AUX VBZ
## 9006 know VERB VBN
## 9007 change NOUN NNS
## 9008 of ADP IN
## 9009 almost ADV RB
## 9010 biblical ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 9011 proportion NOUN NNS
## 9012 . PUNCT .
## 9013 and CCONJ CC
## 9014 even ADV RB
## 9015 now ADV RB
## 9016 , PUNCT ,
## 9017 month ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9018 after ADP IN
## 9019 the DET DT
## 9020 fail VERB VBN
## 9021 coup NOUN NN
## 9022 that PRON WDT
## 9023 doom VERB VBD
## 9024 a DET DT
## 9025 failed ADJ JJ
## 9026 system NOUN NN
## 9027 , PUNCT ,
## 9028 I PRON PRP
## 9029 be AUX VBP
## 9030 not PART RB
## 9031 sure ADJ JJ
## 9032 we PRON PRP
## 9033 've AUX VBP
## 9034 absorb VERB VBN
## 9035 the DET DT
## 9036 full ADJ JJ
## 9037 impact NOUN NN
## 9038 , PUNCT ,
## 9039 the DET DT
## 9040 full ADJ JJ
## 9041 import NOUN NN
## 9042 of ADP IN
## 9043 what PRON WP
## 9044 happen VERB VBD
## 9045 . PUNCT .
## 9046 but CCONJ CC
## 9047 communism NOUN NN
## 9048 die VERB VBD
## 9049 this_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9050 . PUNCT .
## 9051 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 9052 even ADV RB
## 9053 as ADP IN
## 9054 President PROPN NNP
## 9055 , PUNCT ,
## 9056 with ADP IN
## 9057 the DET DT
## 9058 most ADV RBS
## 9059 fascinating ADJ JJ
## 9060 possible ADJ JJ
## 9061 vantage NOUN NN
## 9062 point NOUN NN
## 9063 , PUNCT ,
## 9064 there PRON EX
## 9065 be VERB VBD
## 9066 time NOUN NNS
## 9067 when SCONJ WRB
## 9068 I PRON PRP
## 9069 be AUX VBD
## 9070 so ADV RB
## 9071 busy ADJ JJ
## 9072 manage VERB VBG
## 9073 progress NOUN NN
## 9074 and CCONJ CC
## 9075 help VERB VBG
## 9076 to PART TO
## 9077 lead VERB VB
## 9078 change NOUN NN
## 9079 that PRON WDT
## 9080 I PRON PRP
## 9081 do AUX VBD
## 9082 not PART RB
## 9083 always ADV RB
## 9084 show VERB VB
## 9085 the DET DT
## 9086 joy NOUN NN
## 9087 that PRON WDT
## 9088 be AUX VBD
## 9089 in ADP IN
## 9090 my PRON PRP$
## 9091 heart NOUN NN
## 9092 . PUNCT .
## 9093 but CCONJ CC
## 9094 the DET DT
## 9095 big ADJ JJS
## 9096 thing NOUN NN
## 9097 that PRON WDT
## 9098 have AUX VBZ
## 9099 happen VERB VBN
## 9100 in ADP IN
## 9101 the DET DT
## 9102 world NOUN NN
## 9103 in ADP IN
## 9104 my PRON PRP$
## 9105 life NOUN NN
## 9106 , PUNCT ,
## 9107 in ADP IN
## 9108 our PRON PRP$
## 9109 life NOUN NNS
## 9110 , PUNCT ,
## 9111 be AUX VBZ
## 9112 this PRON DT
## 9113 : PUNCT :
## 9114 by ADP IN
## 9115 the DET DT
## 9116 grace NOUN NN
## 9117 of ADP IN
## 9118 God PROPN NNP
## 9119 , PUNCT ,
## 9120 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 9121 win VERB VBD
## 9122 the_cold_war ENTITY ENTITY EVENT
## 9123 . PUNCT .
## 9124 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 9125 I PRON PRP
## 9126 mean VERB VBP
## 9127 to PART TO
## 9128 speak VERB VB
## 9129 this_evening ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 9130 of ADP IN
## 9131 the DET DT
## 9132 change NOUN NNS
## 9133 that PRON WDT
## 9134 can AUX MD
## 9135 take VERB VB
## 9136 place NOUN NN
## 9137 in ADP IN
## 9138 our PRON PRP$
## 9139 country NOUN NN
## 9140 , PUNCT ,
## 9141 now ADV RB
## 9142 that SCONJ IN
## 9143 we PRON PRP
## 9144 can AUX MD
## 9145 stop VERB VB
## 9146 make VERB VBG
## 9147 the DET DT
## 9148 sacrifice NOUN NNS
## 9149 we PRON PRP
## 9150 have VERB VBD
## 9151 to PART TO
## 9152 make VERB VB
## 9153 when SCONJ WRB
## 9154 we PRON PRP
## 9155 have VERB VBD
## 9156 an DET DT
## 9157 avowed ADJ JJ
## 9158 enemy NOUN NN
## 9159 that PRON WDT
## 9160 be AUX VBD
## 9161 a DET DT
## 9162 superpower NOUN NN
## 9163 . PUNCT .
## 9164 now ADV RB
## 9165 we PRON PRP
## 9166 can AUX MD
## 9167 look VERB VB
## 9168 homeward ADJ JJ
## 9169 even ADV RB
## 9170 more ADV RBR
## 9171 and CCONJ CC
## 9172 move VERB VB
## 9173 to PART TO
## 9174 set VERB VB
## 9175 right ADV RB
## 9176 what PRON WP
## 9177 need VERB VBZ
## 9178 to PART TO
## 9179 be AUX VB
## 9180 set VERB VBN
## 9181 right ADV RB
## 9182 . PUNCT .
## 9183 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 9184 I PRON PRP
## 9185 will AUX MD
## 9186 speak VERB VB
## 9187 of ADP IN
## 9188 those DET DT
## 9189 thing NOUN NNS
## 9190 . PUNCT .
## 9191 but CCONJ CC
## 9192 let VERB VB
## 9193 I PRON PRP
## 9194 tell VERB VB
## 9195 you PRON PRP
## 9196 something PRON NN
## 9197 I PRON PRP
## 9198 've AUX VBP
## 9199 be AUX VBN
## 9200 think VERB VBG
## 9201 these_past_few_month ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9202 . PUNCT .
## 9203 it PRON PRP
## 9204 be AUX VBZ
## 9205 a DET DT
## 9206 kind NOUN NN
## 9207 of ADP IN
## 9208 rollcall NOUN NN
## 9209 of ADP IN
## 9210 honor NOUN NN
## 9211 . PUNCT .
## 9212 for SCONJ IN
## 9213 the DET DT
## 9214 cold ADJ JJ
## 9215 war NOUN NN
## 9216 do AUX VBD
## 9217 not PART RB
## 9218 end VERB VB
## 9219 ; PUNCT :
## 9220 it PRON PRP
## 9221 be AUX VBD
## 9222 win VERB VBN
## 9223 . PUNCT .
## 9224 and CCONJ CC
## 9225 I PRON PRP
## 9226 think VERB VBP
## 9227 of ADP IN
## 9228 those PRON DT
## 9229 who PRON WP
## 9230 win VERB VBD
## 9231 it PRON PRP
## 9232 , PUNCT ,
## 9233 in ADP IN
## 9234 place NOUN NNS
## 9235 like ADP IN
## 9237 and CCONJ CC
## 9238 Vietnam ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 9239 . PUNCT .
## 9240 and CCONJ CC
## 9241 some PRON DT
## 9242 of ADP IN
## 9243 they PRON PRP
## 9244 do AUX VBD
## 9245 not PART RB
## 9246 come VERB VB
## 9247 back ADV RB
## 9248 . PUNCT .
## 9249 back ADV RB
## 9250 then ADV RB
## 9251 they PRON PRP
## 9252 be AUX VBD
## 9253 hero NOUN NNS
## 9254 , PUNCT ,
## 9255 but CCONJ CC
## 9256 this_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9257 they PRON PRP
## 9258 be AUX VBD
## 9259 victor NOUN NNS
## 9260 . PUNCT .
## 9261 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 9262 the DET DT
## 9263 long ADJ JJ
## 9264 rollcall NOUN NN
## 9265 , PUNCT ,
## 9266 all DET PDT
## 9267 the DET DT
## 9268 G.I. PROPN NNP
## 9269 Joes PROPN NNPS
## 9270 and CCONJ CC
## 9271 Janes PROPN NNP
## 9272 , PUNCT ,
## 9273 all DET PDT
## 9274 the DET DT
## 9275 one NOUN NNS
## 9276 who PRON WP
## 9277 fight VERB VBD
## 9278 faithfully ADV RB
## 9279 for ADP IN
## 9280 freedom NOUN NN
## 9281 , PUNCT ,
## 9282 who PRON WP
## 9283 hit VERB VBD
## 9284 the DET DT
## 9285 ground NOUN NN
## 9286 and CCONJ CC
## 9287 suck VERB VBD
## 9288 the DET DT
## 9289 dust NOUN NN
## 9290 and CCONJ CC
## 9291 know VERB VBD
## 9292 their PRON PRP$
## 9293 share NOUN NN
## 9294 of ADP IN
## 9295 horror NOUN NN
## 9296 . PUNCT .
## 9297 this PRON DT
## 9298 may AUX MD
## 9299 seem VERB VB
## 9300 frivolous ADJ JJ
## 9301 , PUNCT ,
## 9302 and CCONJ CC
## 9303 I PRON PRP
## 9304 do AUX VBP
## 9305 not PART RB
## 9306 mean VERB VB
## 9307 it PRON PRP
## 9308 so ADV RB
## 9309 , PUNCT ,
## 9310 but CCONJ CC
## 9311 it PRON PRP
## 9312 be AUX VBZ
## 9313 move VERB VBG
## 9314 to ADP IN
## 9315 I PRON PRP
## 9316 how SCONJ WRB
## 9317 the DET DT
## 9318 world NOUN NN
## 9319 see VERB VBD
## 9320 they PRON PRP
## 9321 . PUNCT .
## 9322 the DET DT
## 9323 world NOUN NN
## 9324 see VERB VBD
## 9325 not PART RB
## 9326 only ADV RB
## 9327 their PRON PRP$
## 9328 special ADJ JJ
## 9329 valor NOUN NN
## 9330 but CCONJ CC
## 9331 their PRON PRP$
## 9332 special ADJ JJ
## 9333 style NOUN NN
## 9334 : PUNCT :
## 9335 their PRON PRP$
## 9336 rambunctious ADJ JJ
## 9337 , PUNCT ,
## 9338 optimistic ADJ JJ
## 9339 bravery NOUN NN
## 9340 , PUNCT ,
## 9341 their PRON PRP$
## 9342 do AUX VB
## 9343 - PUNCT HYPH
## 9344 or CCONJ CC
## 9345 - PUNCT HYPH
## 9346 die VERB VB
## 9347 unity NOUN NN
## 9348 unhampere VERB VBN
## 9349 by ADP IN
## 9350 class NOUN NN
## 9351 or CCONJ CC
## 9352 race NOUN NN
## 9353 or CCONJ CC
## 9354 region NOUN NN
## 9355 . PUNCT .
## 9356 what PRON WP
## 9357 a DET DT
## 9358 group NOUN NN
## 9359 we PRON PRP
## 9360 've AUX VBP
## 9361 put VERB VBN
## 9362 forth ADV RB
## 9363 , PUNCT ,
## 9364 for ADP IN
## 9365 generation NOUN NNS
## 9366 now ADV RB
## 9367 , PUNCT ,
## 9368 from ADP IN
## 9369 the DET DT
## 9370 one NOUN NNS
## 9371 who PRON WP
## 9372 write VERB VBD
## 9373 " PUNCT ``
## 9375 be AUX VBD
## 9376 here ADV RB
## 9377 " PUNCT ''
## 9378 on ADP IN
## 9379 the DET DT
## 9380 wall NOUN NNS
## 9381 of ADP IN
## 9382 the DET DT
## 9383 german ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 9384 stalag NOUN NNS
## 9385 to ADP IN
## 9386 those PRON DT
## 9387 who PRON WP
## 9388 leave VERB VBD
## 9389 sign NOUN NNS
## 9390 in ADP IN
## 9391 the DET DT
## 9392 iraqi ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 9393 desert NOUN NN
## 9394 that PRON WDT
## 9395 say VERB VBD
## 9396 , PUNCT ,
## 9397 " PUNCT ``
## 9398 I_see_Elvis ENTITY ENTITY WORK
## 9399 . PUNCT .
## 9400 " PUNCT ''
## 9401 what PRON WP
## 9402 a DET DT
## 9403 group NOUN NN
## 9404 of ADP IN
## 9405 kid NOUN NNS
## 9406 we PRON PRP
## 9407 've AUX VBP
## 9408 send VERB VBN
## 9409 out ADP RP
## 9410 into ADP IN
## 9411 the DET DT
## 9412 world NOUN NN
## 9413 . PUNCT .
## 9414 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 9415 and CCONJ CC
## 9416 there PRON EX
## 9417 be VERB VBZ
## 9418 another PRON DT
## 9419 to PART TO
## 9420 be AUX VB
## 9421 single VERB VBN
## 9422 out ADP RP
## 9423 , PUNCT ,
## 9424 though SCONJ IN
## 9425 it PRON PRP
## 9426 may AUX MD
## 9427 seem VERB VB
## 9428 inelegant ADJ JJ
## 9429 , PUNCT ,
## 9430 and CCONJ CC
## 9431 I PRON PRP
## 9432 mean VERB VBP
## 9433 a DET DT
## 9434 mass NOUN NN
## 9435 of ADP IN
## 9436 people NOUN NNS
## 9437 call VERB VBN
## 9438 the DET DT
## 9439 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 9440 taxpayer NOUN NN
## 9441 . PUNCT .
## 9442 no DET DT
## 9443 one NOUN NN
## 9444 ever ADV RB
## 9445 think VERB VBZ
## 9446 to PART TO
## 9447 thank VERB VB
## 9448 the DET DT
## 9449 people NOUN NNS
## 9450 who PRON WP
## 9451 pay VERB VBP
## 9452 a DET DT
## 9453 country NOUN NN
## 9454 's PART POS
## 9455 bill NOUN NN
## 9456 or CCONJ CC
## 9457 an DET DT
## 9458 alliance NOUN NN
## 9459 's PART POS
## 9460 bill NOUN NN
## 9461 . PUNCT .
## 9462 but CCONJ CC
## 9463 for ADP IN
## 9464 half_a_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9465 now ADV RB
## 9466 , PUNCT ,
## 9467 the DET DT
## 9468 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 9469 people NOUN NNS
## 9470 have AUX VBP
## 9471 shoulder VERB VBN
## 9472 the DET DT
## 9473 burden NOUN NN
## 9474 and CCONJ CC
## 9475 pay VERB VBD
## 9476 taxis NOUN NNS
## 9477 that PRON WDT
## 9478 be AUX VBD
## 9479 high ADJ JJR
## 9480 than SCONJ IN
## 9481 they PRON PRP
## 9482 would AUX MD
## 9483 have AUX VB
## 9484 be AUX VBN
## 9485 to PART TO
## 9486 support VERB VB
## 9487 a DET DT
## 9488 defense NOUN NN
## 9489 that PRON WDT
## 9490 be AUX VBD
## 9491 big ADJ JJR
## 9492 than SCONJ IN
## 9493 it PRON PRP
## 9494 would AUX MD
## 9495 have AUX VB
## 9496 be AUX VBN
## 9497 if SCONJ IN
## 9498 imperial ADJ JJ
## 9499 communism NOUN NN
## 9500 have AUX VBD
## 9501 never ADV RB
## 9502 exist VERB VBN
## 9503 . PUNCT .
## 9504 but CCONJ CC
## 9505 it PRON PRP
## 9506 do VERB VBD
## 9507 ; PUNCT :
## 9508 do AUX VBZ
## 9509 not PART RB
## 9510 anymore ADV RB
## 9511 . PUNCT .
## 9512 and CCONJ CC
## 9513 here ADV RB
## 9514 be AUX VBZ
## 9515 a DET DT
## 9516 fact NOUN NN
## 9517 I PRON PRP
## 9518 would AUX MD
## 9519 not PART RB
## 9520 mind VERB VB
## 9521 the DET DT
## 9522 world NOUN NN
## 9523 acknowledging NOUN NN
## 9524 : PUNCT :
## 9525 the DET DT
## 9526 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 9527 taxpayer NOUN NN
## 9528 bear VERB VBD
## 9529 the DET DT
## 9530 brunt NOUN NN
## 9531 of ADP IN
## 9532 the DET DT
## 9533 burden NOUN NN
## 9534 and CCONJ CC
## 9535 deserve VERB VBZ
## 9536 a DET DT
## 9537 hunk NOUN NN
## 9538 of ADP IN
## 9539 the DET DT
## 9540 glory NOUN NN
## 9541 . PUNCT .
## 9542 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 9543 so ADV RB
## 9544 now ADV RB
## 9545 , PUNCT ,
## 9546 for ADP IN
## 9547 the DET DT
## 9549 time NOUN NN
## 9550 in ADP IN
## 9551 35_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9552 , PUNCT ,
## 9553 our PRON PRP$
## 9554 strategic ADJ JJ
## 9555 bomber NOUN NNS
## 9556 stand VERB VBP
## 9557 down ADP RP
## 9558 . PUNCT .
## 9559 no ADV RB
## 9560 long ADV RBR
## 9561 be AUX VBP
## 9562 they PRON PRP
## 9563 on ADP IN
## 9564 ' PUNCT ``
## 9565 round ADJ JJ
## 9566 - PUNCT HYPH
## 9567 the DET DT
## 9568 - PUNCT HYPH
## 9569 clock NOUN NN
## 9570 alert NOUN NN
## 9571 . PUNCT .
## 9572 tomorrow ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9573 our PRON PRP$
## 9574 child NOUN NNS
## 9575 will AUX MD
## 9576 go VERB VB
## 9577 to ADP IN
## 9578 school NOUN NN
## 9579 and CCONJ CC
## 9580 study VERB VB
## 9581 history NOUN NN
## 9582 and CCONJ CC
## 9583 how SCONJ WRB
## 9584 plant NOUN NNS
## 9585 grow VERB VBP
## 9586 . PUNCT .
## 9587 and CCONJ CC
## 9588 they PRON PRP
## 9589 will AUX MD
## 9590 not PART RB
## 9591 have VERB VB
## 9592 , PUNCT ,
## 9593 as SCONJ IN
## 9594 my PRON PRP$
## 9595 child NOUN NNS
## 9596 do VERB VBD
## 9597 , PUNCT ,
## 9598 air NOUN NN
## 9599 raid NOUN NN
## 9600 drill NOUN NNS
## 9601 in ADP IN
## 9602 which PRON WDT
## 9603 they PRON PRP
## 9604 crawl VERB VBP
## 9605 under ADP IN
## 9606 their PRON PRP$
## 9607 desk NOUN NNS
## 9608 and CCONJ CC
## 9609 cover VERB VB
## 9610 their PRON PRP$
## 9611 head NOUN NNS
## 9612 in ADP IN
## 9613 case NOUN NN
## 9614 of ADP IN
## 9615 nuclear ADJ JJ
## 9616 war NOUN NN
## 9617 . PUNCT .
## 9618 my PRON PRP$
## 9619 grandchild NOUN NNS
## 9620 do AUX VBP
## 9621 not PART RB
## 9622 have VERB VB
## 9623 to PART TO
## 9624 do VERB VB
## 9625 that PRON DT
## 9626 and CCONJ CC
## 9627 will AUX MD
## 9628 not PART RB
## 9629 have VERB VB
## 9630 the DET DT
## 9631 bad ADJ JJ
## 9632 dream NOUN NNS
## 9633 child NOUN NNS
## 9634 have VERB VBD
## 9635 once ADV RB
## 9636 , PUNCT ,
## 9637 in ADP IN
## 9638 decade ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9639 past ADJ JJ
## 9640 . PUNCT .
## 9641 there PRON EX
## 9642 be VERB VBP
## 9643 still ADV RB
## 9644 threat NOUN NNS
## 9645 . PUNCT .
## 9646 but CCONJ CC
## 9647 the DET DT
## 9648 long ADJ JJ
## 9649 , PUNCT ,
## 9650 draw VERB VBN
## 9651 - PUNCT HYPH
## 9652 out ADP RP
## 9653 dread NOUN NN
## 9654 be AUX VBZ
## 9655 over ADV RB
## 9656 . PUNCT .
## 9657 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 9658 a_year_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9659 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 9660 , PUNCT ,
## 9661 I PRON PRP
## 9662 speak VERB VBD
## 9663 to ADP IN
## 9664 you PRON PRP
## 9665 at ADP IN
## 9666 a DET DT
## 9667 moment NOUN NN
## 9668 of ADP IN
## 9669 high ADJ JJ
## 9670 peril NOUN NN
## 9671 . PUNCT .
## 9672 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 9673 force NOUN NNS
## 9674 have AUX VBD
## 9675 just ADV RB
## 9676 unleash VERB VBN
## 9677 Operation_Desert_Storm ENTITY ENTITY EVENT
## 9678 . PUNCT .
## 9679 and CCONJ CC
## 9680 after ADP IN
## 9681 40_day ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9682 in ADP IN
## 9683 the DET DT
## 9684 desert NOUN NN
## 9685 sky NOUN NNS
## 9686 and CCONJ CC
## 9687 4_day ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9688 on ADP IN
## 9689 the DET DT
## 9690 ground NOUN NN
## 9691 , PUNCT ,
## 9692 the DET DT
## 9693 man NOUN NNS
## 9694 and CCONJ CC
## 9695 woman NOUN NNS
## 9696 of ADP IN
## 9697 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 9698 's PART POS
## 9699 Armed_Forces ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 9700 and CCONJ CC
## 9701 our PRON PRP$
## 9702 ally NOUN NNS
## 9703 accomplish VERB VBD
## 9704 the DET DT
## 9705 goal NOUN NNS
## 9706 that PRON WDT
## 9707 I PRON PRP
## 9708 declare VERB VBD
## 9709 and CCONJ CC
## 9710 that SCONJ IN
## 9711 you PRON PRP
## 9712 endorse VERB VBD
## 9713 : PUNCT :
## 9714 we PRON PRP
## 9715 liberate VERB VBD
## 9716 Kuwait ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 9717 . PUNCT .
## 9718 soon ADV RB
## 9719 after ADV RB
## 9720 , PUNCT ,
## 9721 the DET DT
## 9723 world NOUN NN
## 9724 and CCONJ CC
## 9725 Israel ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 9726 sit VERB VBD
## 9727 down ADP RP
## 9728 to PART TO
## 9729 talk VERB VB
## 9730 seriously ADV RB
## 9731 and CCONJ CC
## 9732 comprehensively ADV RB
## 9733 about ADP IN
## 9734 peace NOUN NN
## 9735 , PUNCT ,
## 9736 an DET DT
## 9737 historic ADJ JJ
## 9739 . PUNCT .
## 9740 and CCONJ CC
## 9741 soon ADV RB
## 9742 after ADP IN
## 9743 that PRON DT
## 9744 , PUNCT ,
## 9745 at ADP IN
## 9746 Christmas ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9747 , PUNCT ,
## 9748 the DET DT
## 9749 last ADJ JJ
## 9750 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 9751 hostage NOUN NNS
## 9752 come VERB VBD
## 9753 home ADV RB
## 9754 . PUNCT .
## 9755 our PRON PRP$
## 9756 policy NOUN NNS
## 9757 be AUX VBD
## 9758 vindicate VERB VBN
## 9759 . PUNCT .
## 9760 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 9761 much ADJ JJ
## 9762 good ADJ JJ
## 9763 can AUX MD
## 9764 come VERB VB
## 9765 from ADP IN
## 9766 the DET DT
## 9767 prudent ADJ JJ
## 9768 use NOUN NN
## 9769 of ADP IN
## 9770 power NOUN NN
## 9771 . PUNCT .
## 9772 and CCONJ CC
## 9773 much ADJ JJ
## 9774 good ADJ JJ
## 9775 can AUX MD
## 9776 come VERB VB
## 9777 of ADP IN
## 9778 this PRON DT
## 9779 : PUNCT :
## 9780 a DET DT
## 9781 world NOUN NN
## 9782 once ADV RB
## 9783 divide VERB VBD
## 9784 into ADP IN
## 9786 armed ADJ JJ
## 9787 camp NOUN NNS
## 9788 now ADV RB
## 9789 recognize VERB VBZ
## 9791 sole ADJ JJ
## 9792 and CCONJ CC
## 9793 preeminent ADJ JJ
## 9794 power NOUN NN
## 9795 , PUNCT ,
## 9796 the_United_States_of_America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 9797 . PUNCT .
## 9798 and CCONJ CC
## 9799 they PRON PRP
## 9800 regard VERB VBP
## 9801 this PRON DT
## 9802 with ADP IN
## 9803 no DET DT
## 9804 dread NOUN NN
## 9805 . PUNCT .
## 9806 for SCONJ IN
## 9807 the DET DT
## 9808 world NOUN NN
## 9809 trust VERB VBZ
## 9810 we PRON PRP
## 9811 with ADP IN
## 9812 power NOUN NN
## 9813 , PUNCT ,
## 9814 and CCONJ CC
## 9815 the DET DT
## 9816 world NOUN NN
## 9817 be AUX VBZ
## 9818 right ADJ JJ
## 9819 . PUNCT .
## 9820 they PRON PRP
## 9821 trust VERB VBP
## 9822 we PRON PRP
## 9823 to PART TO
## 9824 be AUX VB
## 9825 fair ADJ JJ
## 9826 and CCONJ CC
## 9827 restrained ADJ JJ
## 9828 . PUNCT .
## 9829 they PRON PRP
## 9830 trust VERB VBP
## 9831 we PRON PRP
## 9832 to PART TO
## 9833 be AUX VB
## 9834 on ADP IN
## 9835 the DET DT
## 9836 side NOUN NN
## 9837 of ADP IN
## 9838 decency NOUN NN
## 9839 . PUNCT .
## 9840 they PRON PRP
## 9841 trust VERB VBP
## 9842 we PRON PRP
## 9843 to PART TO
## 9844 do VERB VB
## 9845 what PRON WP
## 9846 be AUX VBZ
## 9847 right ADJ JJ
## 9848 . PUNCT .
## 9849 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 9850 I PRON PRP
## 9851 use VERB VBP
## 9852 those DET DT
## 9853 word NOUN NNS
## 9854 advisedly ADV RB
## 9855 . PUNCT .
## 9856 a_few_day ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 9857 after SCONJ IN
## 9858 the DET DT
## 9859 war NOUN NN
## 9860 begin VERB VBD
## 9861 , PUNCT ,
## 9862 I PRON PRP
## 9863 receive VERB VBD
## 9864 a DET DT
## 9865 telegram NOUN NN
## 9866 from ADP IN
## 9867 Joanne_Speicher ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 9868 , PUNCT ,
## 9869 the DET DT
## 9870 wife NOUN NN
## 9871 of ADP IN
## 9872 the DET DT
## 9874 pilot NOUN NN
## 9875 kill VERB VBN
## 9876 in ADP IN
## 9877 the DET DT
## 9879 , PUNCT ,
## 9880 Lieutenant PROPN NNP
## 9881 Commander PROPN NNP
## 9882 Scott_Speicher ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 9883 . PUNCT .
## 9884 even ADV RB
## 9885 in ADP IN
## 9886 her PRON PRP$
## 9887 grief NOUN NN
## 9888 , PUNCT ,
## 9889 she PRON PRP
## 9890 want VERB VBD
## 9891 I PRON PRP
## 9892 to PART TO
## 9893 know VERB VB
## 9894 that SCONJ IN
## 9895 some DET DT
## 9896 day NOUN NN
## 9897 when SCONJ WRB
## 9898 her PRON PRP$
## 9899 child NOUN NNS
## 9900 be AUX VBD
## 9901 old ADJ JJ
## 9902 enough ADV RB
## 9903 , PUNCT ,
## 9904 she PRON PRP
## 9905 would AUX MD
## 9906 tell VERB VB
## 9907 they PRON PRP
## 9908 " PUNCT ``
## 9909 that SCONJ IN
## 9910 their PRON PRP$
## 9911 father NOUN NN
## 9912 go VERB VBD
## 9913 away ADV RB
## 9914 to ADP IN
## 9915 war NOUN NN
## 9916 because SCONJ IN
## 9917 it PRON PRP
## 9918 be AUX VBD
## 9919 the DET DT
## 9920 right ADJ JJ
## 9921 thing NOUN NN
## 9922 to PART TO
## 9923 do VERB VB
## 9924 . PUNCT .
## 9925 " PUNCT ''
## 9926 and CCONJ CC
## 9927 she PRON PRP
## 9928 say VERB VBD
## 9929 it PRON PRP
## 9930 all PRON DT
## 9931 : PUNCT :
## 9932 it PRON PRP
## 9933 be AUX VBD
## 9934 the DET DT
## 9935 right ADJ JJ
## 9936 thing NOUN NN
## 9937 to PART TO
## 9938 do VERB VB
## 9939 . PUNCT .
## 9940 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 9941 and CCONJ CC
## 9942 we PRON PRP
## 9943 do VERB VBD
## 9944 it PRON PRP
## 9945 together ADV RB
## 9946 . PUNCT .
## 9947 there PRON EX
## 9948 be VERB VBD
## 9949 honest ADJ JJ
## 9950 difference NOUN NNS
## 9951 right ADV RB
## 9952 here ADV RB
## 9953 in ADP IN
## 9954 this DET DT
## 9955 Chamber ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 9956 . PUNCT .
## 9957 but CCONJ CC
## 9958 when SCONJ WRB
## 9959 the DET DT
## 9960 war NOUN NN
## 9961 begin VERB VBD
## 9962 , PUNCT ,
## 9963 you PRON PRP
## 9964 put VERB VBD
## 9965 partisanship NOUN NN
## 9966 aside ADV RB
## 9967 , PUNCT ,
## 9968 and CCONJ CC
## 9969 we PRON PRP
## 9970 support VERB VBD
## 9971 our PRON PRP$
## 9972 troop NOUN NNS
## 9973 . PUNCT .
## 9974 this PRON DT
## 9975 be AUX VBZ
## 9976 still ADV RB
## 9977 a DET DT
## 9978 time NOUN NN
## 9979 for ADP IN
## 9980 pride NOUN NN
## 9981 , PUNCT ,
## 9982 but CCONJ CC
## 9983 this PRON DT
## 9984 be AUX VBZ
## 9985 no DET DT
## 9986 time NOUN NN
## 9987 to PART TO
## 9988 boast VERB VB
## 9989 . PUNCT .
## 9990 for ADP IN
## 9991 problem NOUN NNS
## 9992 face VERB VBP
## 9993 we PRON PRP
## 9994 , PUNCT ,
## 9995 and CCONJ CC
## 9996 we PRON PRP
## 9997 must AUX MD
## 9998 stand VERB VB
## 9999 together ADV RB
## 10000 once ADV RB
## 10001 again ADV RB
## 10002 and CCONJ CC
## 10003 solve VERB VB
## 10004 they PRON PRP
## 10005 and CCONJ CC
## 10006 not PART RB
## 10007 let VERB VB
## 10008 our PRON PRP$
## 10009 country NOUN NN
## 10010 down ADP RP
## 10011 . PUNCT .
## 10012 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 10013 two_year_ago ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 10014 , PUNCT ,
## 10015 I PRON PRP
## 10016 begin VERB VBD
## 10017 plan VERB VBG
## 10018 cut NOUN NNS
## 10019 in ADP IN
## 10020 military ADJ JJ
## 10021 spending NOUN NN
## 10022 that PRON WDT
## 10023 reflect VERB VBD
## 10024 the DET DT
## 10025 change NOUN NNS
## 10026 of ADP IN
## 10027 the DET DT
## 10028 new ADJ JJ
## 10029 era NOUN NN
## 10030 . PUNCT .
## 10031 but CCONJ CC
## 10032 now ADV RB
## 10033 , PUNCT ,
## 10034 this_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 10035 , PUNCT ,
## 10036 with SCONJ IN
## 10037 imperial ADJ JJ
## 10038 communism NOUN NN
## 10039 gone VERB VB
## 10040 , PUNCT ,
## 10041 that DET DT
## 10042 process NOUN NN
## 10043 can AUX MD
## 10044 be AUX VB
## 10045 accelerate VERB VBN
## 10046 . PUNCT .
## 10047 tonight ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 10048 I PRON PRP
## 10049 can AUX MD
## 10050 tell VERB VB
## 10051 you PRON PRP
## 10052 of ADP IN
## 10053 dramatic ADJ JJ
## 10054 change NOUN NNS
## 10055 in ADP IN
## 10056 our PRON PRP$
## 10057 strategic ADJ JJ
## 10058 nuclear ADJ JJ
## 10059 force NOUN NN
## 10060 . PUNCT .
## 10061 these PRON DT
## 10062 be AUX VBP
## 10063 action NOUN NNS
## 10064 we PRON PRP
## 10065 be AUX VBP
## 10066 take VERB VBG
## 10067 on ADP RP
## 10068 our PRON PRP$
## 10069 own ADJ JJ
## 10070 because SCONJ IN
## 10071 they PRON PRP
## 10072 be AUX VBP
## 10073 the DET DT
## 10074 right ADJ JJ
## 10075 thing NOUN NN
## 10076 to PART TO
## 10077 do VERB VB
## 10078 . PUNCT .
## 10079 after ADP IN
## 10080 complete VERB VBG
## 10082 plane NOUN NNS
## 10083 for ADP IN
## 10084 which PRON WDT
## 10085 we PRON PRP
## 10086 have AUX VBP
## 10087 begin VERB VBN
## 10088 procurement NOUN NN
## 10089 , PUNCT ,
## 10090 we PRON PRP
## 10091 will AUX MD
## 10092 shut VERB VB
## 10093 down ADP RP
## 10094 further ADJ JJ
## 10095 production NOUN NN
## 10096 of ADP IN
## 10097 the_b_-_2 ENTITY ENTITY LOC
## 10098 bomber NOUN NNS
## 10099 . PUNCT .
## 10100 we PRON PRP
## 10101 will AUX MD
## 10102 cancel VERB VB
## 10103 the DET DT
## 10104 small ADJ JJ
## 10105 icbm NOUN NN
## 10106 program NOUN NN
## 10107 . PUNCT .
## 10108 we PRON PRP
## 10109 will AUX MD
## 10110 cease VERB VB
## 10111 production NOUN NN
## 10112 of ADP IN
## 10113 new ADJ JJ
## 10114 warhead NOUN NNS
## 10115 for ADP IN
## 10116 our PRON PRP$
## 10117 sea NOUN NN
## 10118 - PUNCT HYPH
## 10119 base VERB VBN
## 10120 ballistic ADJ JJ
## 10121 missile NOUN NNS
## 10122 . PUNCT .
## 10123 we PRON PRP
## 10124 will AUX MD
## 10125 stop VERB VB
## 10126 all DET DT
## 10127 new ADJ JJ
## 10128 production NOUN NN
## 10129 of ADP IN
## 10130 the DET DT
## 10131 Peacekeeper ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 10132 missile NOUN NN
## 10133 . PUNCT .
## 10134 and CCONJ CC
## 10135 we PRON PRP
## 10136 will AUX MD
## 10137 not PART RB
## 10138 purchase VERB VB
## 10139 any DET DT
## 10140 more ADV RBR
## 10141 advanced ADJ JJ
## 10142 cruise NOUN NN
## 10143 missile NOUN NNS
## 10144 . PUNCT .
## 10145 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 10146 this DET DT
## 10147 weekend NOUN NN
## 10148 I PRON PRP
## 10149 will AUX MD
## 10150 meet VERB VB
## 10151 at ADP IN
## 10152 Camp_David ENTITY ENTITY FAC
## 10153 with ADP IN
## 10154 Boris_Yeltsin ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 10155 of ADP IN
## 10156 the_Russian_Federation ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 10157 . PUNCT .
## 10158 I PRON PRP
## 10159 've AUX VBP
## 10160 inform VERB VBN
## 10161 President PROPN NNP
## 10163 that SCONJ IN
## 10164 if SCONJ IN
## 10165 the DET DT
## 10166 Commonwealth ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 10167 , PUNCT ,
## 10168 the DET DT
## 10169 former ADJ JJ
## 10170 Soviet_Union ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 10171 , PUNCT ,
## 10172 will AUX MD
## 10173 eliminate VERB VB
## 10174 all DET DT
## 10175 land NOUN NN
## 10176 - PUNCT HYPH
## 10177 base VERB VBN
## 10178 multiple ADJ JJ
## 10179 - PUNCT HYPH
## 10180 warhead ADJ JJ
## 10181 ballistic ADJ JJ
## 10182 missile NOUN NNS
## 10183 , PUNCT ,
## 10184 I PRON PRP
## 10185 will AUX MD
## 10186 do VERB VB
## 10187 the DET DT
## 10188 following NOUN NN
## 10189 : PUNCT :
## 10190 we PRON PRP
## 10191 will AUX MD
## 10192 eliminate VERB VB
## 10193 all DET DT
## 10194 peacekeeper ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 10195 missile NOUN NNS
## 10196 . PUNCT .
## 10197 we PRON PRP
## 10198 will AUX MD
## 10199 reduce VERB VB
## 10200 the DET DT
## 10201 number NOUN NN
## 10202 of ADP IN
## 10203 warhead NOUN NNS
## 10204 on ADP IN
## 10205 Minuteman ENTITY ENTITY PRODUCT
## 10206 missile NOUN NNS
## 10207 to ADP IN
## 10208 one NUM CD
## 10209 and CCONJ CC
## 10210 reduce VERB VB
## 10211 the DET DT
## 10212 number NOUN NN
## 10213 of ADP IN
## 10214 warhead NOUN NNS
## 10215 on ADP IN
## 10216 our PRON PRP$
## 10217 sea NOUN NN
## 10218 - PUNCT HYPH
## 10219 base VERB VBN
## 10220 missile NOUN NNS
## 10221 by ADP IN
## 10222 about_one_-_third ENTITY ENTITY CARDINAL
## 10223 . PUNCT .
## 10224 and CCONJ CC
## 10225 we PRON PRP
## 10226 will AUX MD
## 10227 convert VERB VB
## 10228 a DET DT
## 10229 substantial ADJ JJ
## 10230 portion NOUN NN
## 10231 of ADP IN
## 10232 our PRON PRP$
## 10233 strategic ADJ JJ
## 10234 bomber NOUN NNS
## 10235 to ADP IN
## 10236 primarily ADV RB
## 10237 conventional ADJ JJ
## 10238 use NOUN NN
## 10239 . PUNCT .
## 10240 President PROPN NNP
## 10242 's PART POS
## 10243 early ADJ JJ
## 10244 response NOUN NN
## 10245 have AUX VBZ
## 10246 be AUX VBN
## 10247 very ADV RB
## 10248 positive ADJ JJ
## 10249 , PUNCT ,
## 10250 and CCONJ CC
## 10251 I PRON PRP
## 10252 expect VERB VBP
## 10253 our PRON PRP$
## 10254 talk NOUN NNS
## 10255 at ADP IN
## 10256 Camp_David ENTITY ENTITY FAC
## 10257 to PART TO
## 10258 be AUX VB
## 10259 fruitful ADJ JJ
## 10260 . PUNCT .
## 10261 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 10262 I PRON PRP
## 10263 want VERB VBP
## 10264 you PRON PRP
## 10265 to PART TO
## 10266 know VERB VB
## 10267 that SCONJ IN
## 10268 for ADP IN
## 10269 half_a_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 10270 , PUNCT ,
## 10271 american_president ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 10272 have AUX VBP
## 10273 long VERB VBN
## 10274 to PART TO
## 10275 make VERB VB
## 10276 such ADJ JJ
## 10277 decision NOUN NNS
## 10278 and CCONJ CC
## 10279 say VERB VB
## 10280 such ADJ JJ
## 10281 word NOUN NNS
## 10282 . PUNCT .
## 10283 but CCONJ CC
## 10284 even ADV RB
## 10285 in ADP IN
## 10286 the DET DT
## 10287 midst NOUN NN
## 10288 of ADP IN
## 10289 celebration NOUN NN
## 10290 , PUNCT ,
## 10291 we PRON PRP
## 10292 must AUX MD
## 10293 keep VERB VB
## 10294 caution NOUN NN
## 10295 as ADP IN
## 10296 a DET DT
## 10297 friend NOUN NN
## 10298 . PUNCT .
## 10299 for ADP IN
## 10300 the DET DT
## 10301 world NOUN NN
## 10302 be AUX VBZ
## 10303 still ADV RB
## 10304 a DET DT
## 10305 dangerous ADJ JJ
## 10306 place NOUN NN
## 10307 . PUNCT .
## 10308 only ADV RB
## 10309 the DET DT
## 10310 dead NOUN NNS
## 10311 have AUX VBP
## 10312 see VERB VBN
## 10313 the DET DT
## 10314 end NOUN NN
## 10315 of ADP IN
## 10316 conflict NOUN NN
## 10317 . PUNCT .
## 10318 and CCONJ CC
## 10319 though SCONJ IN
## 10320 yesterday ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 10321 's PART POS
## 10322 challenge NOUN NNS
## 10323 be AUX VBP
## 10324 behind ADP IN
## 10325 we PRON PRP
## 10326 , PUNCT ,
## 10327 tomorrow ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 10328 's PART POS
## 10329 be AUX VBP
## 10330 be AUX VBG
## 10331 bear VERB VBN
## 10332 . PUNCT .
## 10333 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 10334 the DET DT
## 10335 Secretary PROPN NNP
## 10336 of ADP IN
## 10337 Defense ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 10338 recommend VERB VBD
## 10339 these DET DT
## 10340 cut NOUN NNS
## 10341 after ADP IN
## 10342 consultation NOUN NN
## 10343 with ADP IN
## 10344 the_Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 10345 . PUNCT .
## 10346 and CCONJ CC
## 10347 I PRON PRP
## 10348 make VERB VBP
## 10349 they PRON PRP
## 10350 with ADP IN
## 10351 confidence NOUN NN
## 10352 . PUNCT .
## 10353 but CCONJ CC
## 10354 do AUX VB
## 10355 not PART RB
## 10356 misunderstand VERB VB
## 10357 I PRON PRP
## 10358 . PUNCT .
## 10359 the DET DT
## 10360 reduction NOUN NNS
## 10361 I PRON PRP
## 10362 have AUX VBP
## 10363 approve VERB VBN
## 10364 will AUX MD
## 10365 save VERB VB
## 10366 we PRON PRP
## 10367 an_additional_$_50_billion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 10368 over ADP IN
## 10369 the_next_5_year ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 10370 . PUNCT .
## 10371 by ADP IN
## 10372 1997 ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 10373 , PUNCT ,
## 10374 we PRON PRP
## 10375 will AUX MD
## 10376 have AUX VB
## 10377 cut VERB VBN
## 10378 defense NOUN NN
## 10379 by ADP IN
## 10380 30_percent ENTITY ENTITY PERCENT
## 10381 since SCONJ IN
## 10382 I PRON PRP
## 10383 take VERB VBD
## 10384 office NOUN NN
## 10385 . PUNCT .
## 10386 these DET DT
## 10387 cut NOUN NNS
## 10388 be AUX VBP
## 10389 deep ADJ JJ
## 10390 , PUNCT ,
## 10391 and CCONJ CC
## 10392 you PRON PRP
## 10393 must AUX MD
## 10394 know VERB VB
## 10395 my PRON PRP$
## 10396 resolve NOUN NN
## 10397 : PUNCT :
## 10398 this PRON DT
## 10399 deep ADJ JJ
## 10400 , PUNCT ,
## 10401 and CCONJ CC
## 10402 no PRON DT
## 10403 deep ADJ JJR
## 10404 . PUNCT .
## 10405 to PART TO
## 10406 do AUX VB
## 10407 less ADJ JJR
## 10408 would AUX MD
## 10409 be AUX VB
## 10410 insensible ADJ JJ
## 10411 to PART TO
## 10412 progress VERB VB
## 10413 , PUNCT ,
## 10414 but CCONJ CC
## 10415 to PART TO
## 10416 do AUX VB
## 10417 more ADJ JJR
## 10418 would AUX MD
## 10419 be AUX VB
## 10420 ignorant ADJ JJ
## 10421 of ADP IN
## 10422 history NOUN NN
## 10423 . PUNCT .
## 10424 we PRON PRP
## 10425 must AUX MD
## 10426 not PART RB
## 10427 go VERB VB
## 10428 back ADV RB
## 10429 to ADP IN
## 10430 the DET DT
## 10431 day NOUN NNS
## 10432 of ADP IN
## 10433 " PUNCT ``
## 10434 the DET DT
## 10435 hollow ADJ JJ
## 10436 army NOUN NN
## 10437 . PUNCT .
## 10438 " PUNCT ''
## 10439 we PRON PRP
## 10440 can AUX MD
## 10441 not PART RB
## 10442 repeat VERB VB
## 10443 the DET DT
## 10444 mistake NOUN NNS
## 10445 make VERB VBN
## 10446 twice ADV RB
## 10447 in ADP IN
## 10448 this_century ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 10449 when SCONJ WRB
## 10450 armistice NOUN NN
## 10451 be AUX VBD
## 10452 follow VERB VBN
## 10453 by ADP IN
## 10454 recklessness NOUN NN
## 10455 and CCONJ CC
## 10456 defense NOUN NN
## 10457 be AUX VBD
## 10458 purge VERB VBN
## 10459 as SCONJ IN
## 10460 if SCONJ IN
## 10461 the DET DT
## 10462 world NOUN NN
## 10463 be AUX VBD
## 10464 permanently ADV RB
## 10465 safe ADJ JJ
## 10466 . PUNCT .
## 10467 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 10468 I PRON PRP
## 10469 remind VERB VBP
## 10470 you PRON PRP
## 10471 this_evening ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 10472 that SCONJ IN
## 10473 I PRON PRP
## 10474 have AUX VBP
## 10475 ask VERB VBN
## 10476 for ADP IN
## 10477 your PRON PRP$
## 10478 support NOUN NN
## 10479 in ADP IN
## 10480 fund VERB VBG
## 10481 a DET DT
## 10482 program NOUN NN
## 10483 to PART TO
## 10484 protect VERB VB
## 10485 our PRON PRP$
## 10486 country NOUN NN
## 10487 from ADP IN
## 10488 limited ADJ JJ
## 10489 nuclear ADJ JJ
## 10490 missile NOUN NN
## 10491 attack NOUN NN
## 10492 . PUNCT .
## 10493 we PRON PRP
## 10494 must AUX MD
## 10495 have VERB VB
## 10496 this DET DT
## 10497 protection NOUN NN
## 10498 because SCONJ IN
## 10499 too ADV RB
## 10500 many ADJ JJ
## 10501 people NOUN NNS
## 10502 in ADP IN
## 10503 too ADV RB
## 10504 many ADJ JJ
## 10505 country NOUN NNS
## 10506 have VERB VBP
## 10507 access NOUN NN
## 10508 to ADP IN
## 10509 nuclear ADJ JJ
## 10510 arm NOUN NNS
## 10511 . PUNCT .
## 10512 and CCONJ CC
## 10513 I PRON PRP
## 10514 urge VERB VBP
## 10515 you PRON PRP
## 10516 again ADV RB
## 10517 to PART TO
## 10518 pass VERB VB
## 10519 the DET DT
## 10520 Strategic PROPN NNP
## 10521 Defense PROPN NNP
## 10522 Initiative PROPN NNP
## 10523 , PUNCT ,
## 10524 SDI PROPN NNP
## 10525 . PUNCT .
## 10526 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 10527 there PRON EX
## 10528 be VERB VBP
## 10529 those PRON DT
## 10530 who PRON WP
## 10531 say VERB VBP
## 10532 that SCONJ IN
## 10533 now ADV RB
## 10534 we PRON PRP
## 10535 can AUX MD
## 10536 turn VERB VB
## 10537 away ADV RB
## 10538 from ADP IN
## 10539 the DET DT
## 10540 world NOUN NN
## 10541 , PUNCT ,
## 10542 that SCONJ IN
## 10543 we PRON PRP
## 10544 have VERB VBP
## 10545 no DET DT
## 10546 special ADJ JJ
## 10547 role NOUN NN
## 10548 , PUNCT ,
## 10549 no DET DT
## 10550 special ADJ JJ
## 10551 place NOUN NN
## 10552 . PUNCT .
## 10553 but CCONJ CC
## 10554 we PRON PRP
## 10555 be AUX VBP
## 10556 the_United_States_of_America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 10557 , PUNCT ,
## 10558 the DET DT
## 10559 leader NOUN NN
## 10560 of ADP IN
## 10561 the DET DT
## 10563 that PRON WDT
## 10564 have AUX VBZ
## 10565 become VERB VBN
## 10566 the DET DT
## 10567 leader NOUN NN
## 10568 of ADP IN
## 10569 the DET DT
## 10570 world NOUN NN
## 10571 . PUNCT .
## 10572 and CCONJ CC
## 10573 as ADV RB
## 10574 long ADV RB
## 10575 as SCONJ IN
## 10576 I PRON PRP
## 10577 be AUX VBP
## 10578 President PROPN NNP
## 10579 , PUNCT ,
## 10580 I PRON PRP
## 10581 will AUX MD
## 10582 continue VERB VB
## 10583 to PART TO
## 10584 lead VERB VB
## 10585 in ADP IN
## 10586 support NOUN NN
## 10587 of ADP IN
## 10588 freedom NOUN NN
## 10589 everywhere ADV RB
## 10590 , PUNCT ,
## 10591 not PART RB
## 10592 out ADP IN
## 10593 of ADP IN
## 10594 arrogance NOUN NN
## 10595 , PUNCT ,
## 10596 not PART RB
## 10597 out ADP IN
## 10598 of ADP IN
## 10599 altruism NOUN NN
## 10600 , PUNCT ,
## 10601 but CCONJ CC
## 10602 for ADP IN
## 10603 the DET DT
## 10604 safety NOUN NN
## 10605 and CCONJ CC
## 10606 security NOUN NN
## 10607 of ADP IN
## 10608 our PRON PRP$
## 10609 child NOUN NNS
## 10610 . PUNCT .
## 10611 this PRON DT
## 10612 be AUX VBZ
## 10613 a DET DT
## 10614 fact NOUN NN
## 10615 : PUNCT :
## 10616 strength NOUN NN
## 10617 in ADP IN
## 10618 the DET DT
## 10619 pursuit NOUN NN
## 10620 of ADP IN
## 10621 peace NOUN NN
## 10622 be AUX VBZ
## 10623 no DET DT
## 10624 vice NOUN NN
## 10625 ; PUNCT :
## 10626 isolationism NOUN NN
## 10627 in ADP IN
## 10628 the DET DT
## 10629 pursuit NOUN NN
## 10630 of ADP IN
## 10631 security NOUN NN
## 10632 be AUX VBZ
## 10633 no DET DT
## 10634 virtue NOUN NN
## 10635 . PUNCT .
## 10636 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 10637 and CCONJ CC
## 10638 now ADV RB
## 10639 to ADP IN
## 10640 our PRON PRP$
## 10641 trouble NOUN NNS
## 10642 at ADP IN
## 10643 home NOUN NN
## 10644 . PUNCT .
## 10645 they PRON PRP
## 10646 be AUX VBP
## 10647 not PART RB
## 10648 all ADV RB
## 10649 economic ADJ JJ
## 10650 ; PUNCT :
## 10651 the DET DT
## 10652 primary ADJ JJ
## 10653 problem NOUN NN
## 10654 be AUX VBZ
## 10655 our PRON PRP$
## 10656 economy NOUN NN
## 10657 . PUNCT .
## 10658 there PRON EX
## 10659 be VERB VBP
## 10660 some DET DT
## 10661 good ADJ JJ
## 10662 sign NOUN NNS
## 10663 . PUNCT .
## 10664 inflation NOUN NN
## 10665 , PUNCT ,
## 10666 that DET DT
## 10667 thief NOUN NN
## 10668 , PUNCT ,
## 10669 be AUX VBZ
## 10670 down ADV RB
## 10671 . PUNCT .
## 10672 and CCONJ CC
## 10673 interest NOUN NN
## 10674 rate NOUN NNS
## 10675 be AUX VBP
## 10676 down ADV RB
## 10677 . PUNCT .
## 10678 but CCONJ CC
## 10679 unemployment NOUN NN
## 10680 be AUX VBZ
## 10681 too ADV RB
## 10682 high ADJ JJ
## 10683 , PUNCT ,
## 10684 some DET DT
## 10685 industry NOUN NNS
## 10686 be AUX VBP
## 10687 in ADP IN
## 10688 trouble NOUN NN
## 10689 , PUNCT ,
## 10690 and CCONJ CC
## 10691 growth NOUN NN
## 10692 be AUX VBZ
## 10693 not PART RB
## 10694 what PRON WP
## 10695 it PRON PRP
## 10696 should AUX MD
## 10697 be AUX VB
## 10698 . PUNCT .
## 10699 let VERB VB
## 10700 I PRON PRP
## 10701 tell VERB VB
## 10702 you PRON PRP
## 10703 right ADV RB
## 10704 from ADP IN
## 10705 the DET DT
## 10706 start NOUN NN
## 10707 and CCONJ CC
## 10708 right ADV RB
## 10709 from ADP IN
## 10710 the DET DT
## 10711 heart NOUN NN
## 10712 , PUNCT ,
## 10713 I PRON PRP
## 10714 know VERB VBP
## 10715 we PRON PRP
## 10716 be AUX VBP
## 10717 in ADP IN
## 10718 hard ADJ JJ
## 10719 time NOUN NNS
## 10720 . PUNCT .
## 10721 but CCONJ CC
## 10722 I PRON PRP
## 10723 know VERB VBP
## 10724 something PRON NN
## 10725 else ADV RB
## 10726 : PUNCT :
## 10727 this PRON DT
## 10728 will AUX MD
## 10729 not PART RB
## 10730 stand VERB VB
## 10731 . PUNCT .
## 10732 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 10733 in ADP IN
## 10734 this DET DT
## 10735 Chamber ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 10736 , PUNCT ,
## 10737 in ADP IN
## 10738 this DET DT
## 10739 Chamber PROPN NNP
## 10740 we PRON PRP
## 10741 can AUX MD
## 10742 bring VERB VB
## 10743 the DET DT
## 10744 same ADJ JJ
## 10745 courage NOUN NN
## 10746 and CCONJ CC
## 10747 sense NOUN NN
## 10748 of ADP IN
## 10749 common ADJ JJ
## 10750 purpose NOUN NN
## 10751 to ADP IN
## 10752 the DET DT
## 10753 economy NOUN NN
## 10754 that PRON WDT
## 10755 we PRON PRP
## 10756 bring VERB VBD
## 10757 to ADP IN
## 10758 Desert_Storm ENTITY ENTITY PERSON
## 10759 . PUNCT .
## 10760 and CCONJ CC
## 10761 we PRON PRP
## 10762 can AUX MD
## 10763 defeat VERB VB
## 10764 hard ADJ JJ
## 10765 time NOUN NNS
## 10766 together ADV RB
## 10767 . PUNCT .
## 10768 I PRON PRP
## 10769 believe VERB VBP
## 10770 you PRON PRP
## 10771 will AUX MD
## 10772 help VERB VB
## 10773 . PUNCT .
## 10775 reason NOUN NN
## 10776 be AUX VBZ
## 10777 that SCONJ IN
## 10778 you PRON PRP
## 10779 be AUX VBP
## 10780 patriot NOUN NNS
## 10781 , PUNCT ,
## 10782 and CCONJ CC
## 10783 you PRON PRP
## 10784 want VERB VBP
## 10785 the DET DT
## 10786 good ADJ JJS
## 10787 for ADP IN
## 10788 your PRON PRP$
## 10789 country NOUN NN
## 10790 . PUNCT .
## 10791 and CCONJ CC
## 10792 I PRON PRP
## 10793 believe VERB VBP
## 10794 that SCONJ IN
## 10795 in ADP IN
## 10796 your PRON PRP$
## 10797 heart NOUN NNS
## 10798 you PRON PRP
## 10799 want VERB VBP
## 10800 to PART TO
## 10801 put VERB VB
## 10802 partisanship NOUN NN
## 10803 aside ADV RB
## 10804 and CCONJ CC
## 10805 get VERB VB
## 10806 the DET DT
## 10807 job NOUN NN
## 10808 do VERB VBN
## 10809 because SCONJ IN
## 10810 it PRON PRP
## 10811 be AUX VBZ
## 10812 the DET DT
## 10813 right ADJ JJ
## 10814 thing NOUN NN
## 10815 to PART TO
## 10816 do VERB VB
## 10817 . PUNCT .
## 10818 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 10819 the DET DT
## 10820 power NOUN NN
## 10821 of ADP IN
## 10822 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 10823 rest VERB VBZ
## 10824 in ADP IN
## 10825 a DET DT
## 10826 stirring ADJ JJ
## 10827 but CCONJ CC
## 10828 simple ADJ JJ
## 10829 idea NOUN NN
## 10830 , PUNCT ,
## 10831 that SCONJ IN
## 10832 people NOUN NNS
## 10833 will AUX MD
## 10834 do AUX VB
## 10835 great ADJ JJ
## 10836 thing NOUN NNS
## 10837 if SCONJ IN
## 10838 only ADV RB
## 10839 you PRON PRP
## 10840 set VERB VBD
## 10841 they PRON PRP
## 10842 free ADJ JJ
## 10843 . PUNCT .
## 10844 well INTJ UH
## 10845 , PUNCT ,
## 10846 we PRON PRP
## 10847 be AUX VBP
## 10848 go VERB VBG
## 10849 to PART TO
## 10850 set VERB VB
## 10851 the DET DT
## 10852 economy NOUN NN
## 10853 free ADJ JJ
## 10854 . PUNCT .
## 10855 for ADP IN
## 10856 if SCONJ IN
## 10857 this DET DT
## 10858 age NOUN NN
## 10859 of ADP IN
## 10860 miracle NOUN NNS
## 10861 and CCONJ CC
## 10862 wonder NOUN NNS
## 10863 have AUX VBZ
## 10864 teach VERB VBN
## 10865 we PRON PRP
## 10866 anything PRON NN
## 10867 , PUNCT ,
## 10868 it PRON PRP
## 10869 be AUX VBZ
## 10870 that SCONJ IN
## 10871 if SCONJ IN
## 10872 we PRON PRP
## 10873 can AUX MD
## 10874 change VERB VB
## 10875 the DET DT
## 10876 world NOUN NN
## 10877 we PRON PRP
## 10878 can AUX MD
## 10879 change VERB VB
## 10880 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 10881 . PUNCT .
## 10882 we PRON PRP
## 10883 must AUX MD
## 10884 encourage VERB VB
## 10885 investment NOUN NN
## 10886 . PUNCT .
## 10887 we PRON PRP
## 10888 must AUX MD
## 10889 make VERB VB
## 10890 it PRON PRP
## 10891 easy ADJ JJR
## 10892 for SCONJ IN
## 10893 people NOUN NNS
## 10894 to PART TO
## 10895 invest VERB VB
## 10896 money NOUN NN
## 10897 and CCONJ CC
## 10898 create VERB VB
## 10899 new ADJ JJ
## 10900 product NOUN NNS
## 10901 , PUNCT ,
## 10902 new ADJ JJ
## 10903 industry NOUN NNS
## 10904 , PUNCT ,
## 10905 and CCONJ CC
## 10906 new ADJ JJ
## 10907 job NOUN NNS
## 10908 . PUNCT .
## 10909 we PRON PRP
## 10910 must AUX MD
## 10911 clear VERB VB
## 10912 away ADV RB
## 10913 the DET DT
## 10914 obstacle NOUN NNS
## 10915 to ADP IN
## 10916 growth NOUN NN
## 10917 : PUNCT :
## 10918 high ADJ JJ
## 10919 taxis NOUN NNS
## 10920 , PUNCT ,
## 10921 high ADJ JJ
## 10922 regulation NOUN NN
## 10923 , PUNCT ,
## 10924 redtape NOUN NN
## 10925 , PUNCT ,
## 10926 and CCONJ CC
## 10927 yes INTJ UH
## 10928 , PUNCT ,
## 10929 wasteful ADJ JJ
## 10930 government NOUN NN
## 10931 spending NOUN NN
## 10932 . PUNCT .
## 10933 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 10934 none NOUN NN
## 10935 of ADP IN
## 10936 this PRON DT
## 10937 will AUX MD
## 10938 happen VERB VB
## 10939 with ADP IN
## 10940 a DET DT
## 10941 snap NOUN NN
## 10942 of ADP IN
## 10943 the DET DT
## 10944 finger NOUN NNS
## 10945 , PUNCT ,
## 10946 but CCONJ CC
## 10947 it PRON PRP
## 10948 will AUX MD
## 10949 happen VERB VB
## 10950 . PUNCT .
## 10951 and CCONJ CC
## 10952 the DET DT
## 10953 test NOUN NN
## 10954 of ADP IN
## 10955 a DET DT
## 10956 plan NOUN NN
## 10957 be AUX VBZ
## 10958 not PART RB
## 10959 whether SCONJ IN
## 10960 it PRON PRP
## 10961 be AUX VBZ
## 10962 call VERB VBN
## 10963 new ADJ JJ
## 10964 or CCONJ CC
## 10965 dazzling ADJ JJ
## 10966 . PUNCT .
## 10967 the DET DT
## 10968 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 10969 people NOUN NNS
## 10970 be AUX VBP
## 10971 not PART RB
## 10972 impress VERB VBN
## 10973 by ADP IN
## 10974 gimmick NOUN NNS
## 10975 ; PUNCT :
## 10976 they PRON PRP
## 10977 be AUX VBP
## 10978 smart ADJ JJR
## 10979 on ADP IN
## 10980 this DET DT
## 10981 score NOUN NN
## 10982 than ADP IN
## 10983 all PRON DT
## 10984 of ADP IN
## 10985 we PRON PRP
## 10986 in ADP IN
## 10987 this DET DT
## 10988 room NOUN NN
## 10989 . PUNCT .
## 10990 the DET DT
## 10991 only ADJ JJ
## 10992 test NOUN NN
## 10993 of ADP IN
## 10994 a DET DT
## 10995 plan NOUN NN
## 10996 be AUX VBZ
## 10997 : PUNCT :
## 10998 be AUX VBZ
## 10999 it PRON PRP
## 11000 sound ADJ JJ
## 11001 , PUNCT ,
## 11002 and CCONJ CC
## 11003 will AUX MD
## 11004 it PRON PRP
## 11005 work VERB VB
## 11006 ? PUNCT .
## 11007 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11008 we PRON PRP
## 11009 must AUX MD
## 11010 have VERB VB
## 11011 a DET DT
## 11012 short ADJ JJ
## 11013 - PUNCT HYPH
## 11014 term NOUN NN
## 11015 plan NOUN NN
## 11016 to PART TO
## 11017 address VERB VB
## 11018 our PRON PRP$
## 11019 immediate ADJ JJ
## 11020 need NOUN NNS
## 11021 and CCONJ CC
## 11022 heat VERB VB
## 11023 up ADP RP
## 11024 the DET DT
## 11025 economy NOUN NN
## 11026 . PUNCT .
## 11027 and CCONJ CC
## 11028 then ADV RB
## 11029 we PRON PRP
## 11030 need VERB VBP
## 11031 a DET DT
## 11032 long ADJ JJR
## 11033 term NOUN NN
## 11034 plan NOUN NN
## 11035 to PART TO
## 11036 keep VERB VB
## 11037 combustion NOUN NN
## 11038 go VERB VBG
## 11039 and CCONJ CC
## 11040 to PART TO
## 11041 guarantee VERB VB
## 11042 our PRON PRP$
## 11043 place NOUN NN
## 11044 in ADP IN
## 11045 the DET DT
## 11046 world NOUN NN
## 11047 economy NOUN NN
## 11048 . PUNCT .
## 11049 there PRON EX
## 11050 be VERB VBP
## 11051 certain ADJ JJ
## 11052 thing NOUN NNS
## 11053 that PRON WDT
## 11054 a DET DT
## 11055 President PROPN NNP
## 11056 can AUX MD
## 11057 do VERB VB
## 11058 without ADP IN
## 11059 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 11060 , PUNCT ,
## 11061 and CCONJ CC
## 11062 I PRON PRP
## 11063 be AUX VBP
## 11064 go VERB VBG
## 11065 to PART TO
## 11066 do VERB VB
## 11067 they PRON PRP
## 11068 . PUNCT .
## 11069 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11070 I PRON PRP
## 11071 have AUX VBP
## 11072 , PUNCT ,
## 11073 this_evening ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 11074 , PUNCT ,
## 11075 ask VERB VBD
## 11076 major ADJ JJ
## 11077 Cabinet ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 11078 department NOUN NNS
## 11079 and CCONJ CC
## 11080 federal ADJ JJ
## 11081 agency NOUN NNS
## 11082 to PART TO
## 11083 institute VERB VB
## 11084 a DET DT
## 11085 90_-_day ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 11086 moratorium NOUN NN
## 11087 on ADP IN
## 11088 any DET DT
## 11089 new ADJ JJ
## 11090 federal ADJ JJ
## 11091 regulation NOUN NNS
## 11092 that PRON WDT
## 11093 could AUX MD
## 11094 hinder VERB VB
## 11095 growth NOUN NN
## 11096 . PUNCT .
## 11097 in ADP IN
## 11098 those_90_day ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 11099 , PUNCT ,
## 11100 major ADJ JJ
## 11101 department NOUN NNS
## 11102 and CCONJ CC
## 11103 agency NOUN NNS
## 11104 will AUX MD
## 11105 carry VERB VB
## 11106 out ADP RP
## 11107 a DET DT
## 11108 top ADJ JJ
## 11109 - PUNCT HYPH
## 11110 to ADP IN
## 11111 - PUNCT HYPH
## 11112 bottom NOUN NN
## 11113 review NOUN NN
## 11114 of ADP IN
## 11115 all DET DT
## 11116 regulation NOUN NNS
## 11117 , PUNCT ,
## 11118 old ADJ JJ
## 11119 and CCONJ CC
## 11120 new ADJ JJ
## 11121 , PUNCT ,
## 11122 to PART TO
## 11123 stop VERB VB
## 11124 the DET DT
## 11125 one NOUN NNS
## 11126 that PRON WDT
## 11127 will AUX MD
## 11128 hurt VERB VB
## 11129 growth NOUN NN
## 11130 and CCONJ CC
## 11131 speed VERB VB
## 11132 up ADP RP
## 11133 those PRON DT
## 11134 that PRON WDT
## 11135 will AUX MD
## 11136 help VERB VB
## 11137 growth NOUN NN
## 11138 . PUNCT .
## 11139 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11140 far ADV RB
## 11141 , PUNCT ,
## 11142 for ADP IN
## 11143 the DET DT
## 11144 untold ADJ JJ
## 11145 number NOUN NN
## 11146 of ADP IN
## 11147 hard ADV RB
## 11148 - PUNCT HYPH
## 11149 work VERB VBG
## 11150 , PUNCT ,
## 11151 responsible ADJ JJ
## 11152 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 11153 worker NOUN NNS
## 11154 and CCONJ CC
## 11155 business NOUN NN
## 11156 man NOUN NNS
## 11157 and CCONJ CC
## 11158 woman NOUN NNS
## 11159 who PRON WP
## 11160 've AUX VBP
## 11161 be AUX VBN
## 11162 force VERB VBN
## 11163 to PART TO
## 11164 go VERB VB
## 11165 without ADP IN
## 11166 need VERB VBN
## 11167 bank NOUN NN
## 11168 loan NOUN NNS
## 11169 , PUNCT ,
## 11170 the DET DT
## 11171 banking NOUN NN
## 11172 credit NOUN NN
## 11173 crunch PROPN NNP
## 11174 must AUX MD
## 11175 end VERB VB
## 11176 . PUNCT .
## 11177 I PRON PRP
## 11178 will AUX MD
## 11179 not PART RB
## 11180 neglect VERB VB
## 11181 my PRON PRP$
## 11182 responsibility NOUN NN
## 11183 for ADP IN
## 11184 sound ADJ JJ
## 11185 regulation NOUN NNS
## 11186 that PRON WDT
## 11187 serve VERB VBP
## 11188 the DET DT
## 11189 public ADJ JJ
## 11190 good NOUN NN
## 11191 , PUNCT ,
## 11192 but CCONJ CC
## 11193 regulatory ADJ JJ
## 11194 overkill NOUN NN
## 11195 must AUX MD
## 11196 be AUX VB
## 11197 stop VERB VBN
## 11198 . PUNCT .
## 11199 and CCONJ CC
## 11200 I PRON PRP
## 11201 've AUX VBP
## 11202 instruct VERB VBN
## 11203 our PRON PRP$
## 11204 Government PROPN NNP
## 11205 regulator NOUN NNS
## 11206 to PART TO
## 11207 stop VERB VB
## 11208 it PRON PRP
## 11209 . PUNCT .
## 11210 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11211 I PRON PRP
## 11212 have AUX VBP
## 11213 direct VERB VBN
## 11214 Cabinet ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 11215 department NOUN NNS
## 11216 and CCONJ CC
## 11217 federal ADJ JJ
## 11218 agency NOUN NNS
## 11219 to PART TO
## 11220 speed VERB VB
## 11221 up ADP RP
## 11222 progrowth NOUN NN
## 11223 expenditure NOUN NNS
## 11224 as ADV RB
## 11225 quickly ADV RB
## 11226 as ADP IN
## 11227 possible ADJ JJ
## 11228 . PUNCT .
## 11229 this PRON DT
## 11230 should AUX MD
## 11231 put VERB VB
## 11232 an_extra_$_10_billion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 11233 into ADP IN
## 11234 the DET DT
## 11235 economy NOUN NN
## 11236 in ADP IN
## 11237 the_next_6_month ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 11238 . PUNCT .
## 11239 and CCONJ CC
## 11240 our PRON PRP$
## 11241 new ADJ JJ
## 11242 transportation NOUN NN
## 11243 bill NOUN NN
## 11244 provide VERB VBZ
## 11245 more_than_$_150_billion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 11246 for ADP IN
## 11247 construction NOUN NN
## 11248 and CCONJ CC
## 11249 maintenance NOUN NN
## 11250 project NOUN NNS
## 11251 that PRON WDT
## 11252 be AUX VBP
## 11253 vital ADJ JJ
## 11254 to ADP IN
## 11255 our PRON PRP$
## 11256 growth NOUN NN
## 11257 and CCONJ CC
## 11258 well ADV RB
## 11259 - PUNCT HYPH
## 11260 being NOUN NN
## 11261 . PUNCT .
## 11262 and CCONJ CC
## 11263 that PRON DT
## 11264 mean VERB VBZ
## 11265 job NOUN NNS
## 11266 build VERB VBG
## 11267 road NOUN NNS
## 11268 , PUNCT ,
## 11269 job NOUN NNS
## 11270 building NOUN NN
## 11271 bridge NOUN NNS
## 11272 , PUNCT ,
## 11273 and CCONJ CC
## 11274 job NOUN NNS
## 11275 building NOUN NN
## 11276 railway NOUN NNS
## 11277 . PUNCT .
## 11278 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11279 and CCONJ CC
## 11280 I PRON PRP
## 11281 have AUX VBP
## 11282 , PUNCT ,
## 11283 this_evening ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 11284 , PUNCT ,
## 11285 direct VERB VBD
## 11286 the DET DT
## 11287 Secretary PROPN NNP
## 11288 of ADP IN
## 11289 the DET DT
## 11290 Treasury ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 11291 to PART TO
## 11292 change VERB VB
## 11293 the DET DT
## 11294 federal ADJ JJ
## 11295 tax NOUN NN
## 11296 withholding NOUN NN
## 11297 table NOUN NNS
## 11298 . PUNCT .
## 11299 with ADP IN
## 11300 this DET DT
## 11301 change NOUN NN
## 11302 , PUNCT ,
## 11304 of ADP IN
## 11305 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 11306 from ADP IN
## 11307 whom PRON WP
## 11308 the DET DT
## 11309 Government PROPN NNP
## 11310 withhold VERB VBZ
## 11311 more ADJ JJR
## 11312 than ADP IN
## 11313 necessary ADJ JJ
## 11314 can AUX MD
## 11315 now ADV RB
## 11316 choose VERB VB
## 11317 to PART TO
## 11318 have VERB VB
## 11319 the DET DT
## 11320 Government PROPN NNP
## 11321 withhold VERB VB
## 11322 less ADV RBR
## 11323 from ADP IN
## 11324 their PRON PRP$
## 11325 paycheck NOUN NNS
## 11326 . PUNCT .
## 11327 something PRON NN
## 11328 tell VERB VBZ
## 11329 I PRON PRP
## 11330 a DET DT
## 11331 number NOUN NN
## 11332 of ADP IN
## 11333 taxpayer NOUN NNS
## 11334 may AUX MD
## 11335 take VERB VB
## 11336 we PRON PRP
## 11337 up ADP RP
## 11338 on ADP IN
## 11339 this DET DT
## 11340 one NOUN NN
## 11341 . PUNCT .
## 11342 this DET DT
## 11343 initiative NOUN NN
## 11344 could AUX MD
## 11345 return VERB VB
## 11346 about_$_25_billion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 11347 back ADV RB
## 11348 into ADP IN
## 11349 our PRON PRP$
## 11350 economy NOUN NN
## 11351 over ADP IN
## 11352 the_next_12_month ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 11353 , PUNCT ,
## 11354 money NOUN NN
## 11355 people NOUN NNS
## 11356 can AUX MD
## 11357 use VERB VB
## 11358 to PART TO
## 11359 help VERB VB
## 11360 pay VERB VB
## 11361 for ADP IN
## 11362 clothing NOUN NN
## 11363 , PUNCT ,
## 11364 college NOUN NN
## 11365 , PUNCT ,
## 11366 or CCONJ CC
## 11367 to PART TO
## 11368 get VERB VB
## 11369 a DET DT
## 11370 new ADJ JJ
## 11371 car NOUN NN
## 11372 . PUNCT .
## 11373 finally ADV RB
## 11374 , PUNCT ,
## 11375 work VERB VBG
## 11376 with ADP IN
## 11377 the_Federal_Reserve ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 11378 , PUNCT ,
## 11379 we PRON PRP
## 11380 will AUX MD
## 11381 continue VERB VB
## 11382 to PART TO
## 11383 support VERB VB
## 11384 monetary ADJ JJ
## 11385 policy NOUN NN
## 11386 that PRON WDT
## 11387 keep VERB VBZ
## 11388 both DET DT
## 11389 interest NOUN NN
## 11390 rate NOUN NNS
## 11391 and CCONJ CC
## 11392 inflation NOUN NN
## 11393 down ADV RB
## 11394 . PUNCT .
## 11395 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11396 now ADV RB
## 11397 , PUNCT ,
## 11398 these PRON DT
## 11399 be AUX VBP
## 11400 the DET DT
## 11401 thing NOUN NNS
## 11402 I PRON PRP
## 11403 can AUX MD
## 11404 do VERB VB
## 11405 . PUNCT .
## 11406 and CCONJ CC
## 11407 now ADV RB
## 11408 , PUNCT ,
## 11409 Members PROPN NNP
## 11410 of ADP IN
## 11411 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 11412 , PUNCT ,
## 11413 let VERB VB
## 11414 I PRON PRP
## 11415 tell VERB VB
## 11416 you PRON PRP
## 11417 what PRON WP
## 11418 you PRON PRP
## 11419 can AUX MD
## 11420 do VERB VB
## 11421 for ADP IN
## 11422 your PRON PRP$
## 11423 country NOUN NN
## 11424 . PUNCT .
## 11425 you PRON PRP
## 11426 must AUX MD
## 11427 pass VERB VB
## 11428 the DET DT
## 11429 other ADJ JJ
## 11430 element NOUN NNS
## 11431 of ADP IN
## 11432 my PRON PRP$
## 11433 plan NOUN NN
## 11434 to PART TO
## 11435 meet VERB VB
## 11436 our PRON PRP$
## 11437 economic ADJ JJ
## 11438 need NOUN NNS
## 11439 . PUNCT .
## 11440 everyone PRON NN
## 11441 know VERB VBZ
## 11442 that SCONJ IN
## 11443 investment NOUN NN
## 11444 spur VERB VBZ
## 11445 recovery NOUN NN
## 11446 . PUNCT .
## 11447 I PRON PRP
## 11448 be AUX VBP
## 11449 propose VERB VBG
## 11450 this_evening ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 11451 a DET DT
## 11452 change NOUN NN
## 11453 in ADP IN
## 11454 the DET DT
## 11455 alternative ADJ JJ
## 11456 minimum ADJ JJ
## 11457 tax NOUN NN
## 11458 and CCONJ CC
## 11459 the DET DT
## 11460 creation NOUN NN
## 11461 of ADP IN
## 11462 a DET DT
## 11463 new ADJ JJ
## 11464 15_-_percent ENTITY ENTITY PERCENT
## 11465 investment NOUN NN
## 11466 tax NOUN NN
## 11467 allowance NOUN NN
## 11468 . PUNCT .
## 11469 this PRON DT
## 11470 will AUX MD
## 11471 encourage VERB VB
## 11472 business NOUN NNS
## 11473 to PART TO
## 11474 accelerate VERB VB
## 11475 investment NOUN NN
## 11476 and CCONJ CC
## 11477 bring VERB VB
## 11478 people NOUN NNS
## 11479 back ADV RB
## 11480 to ADP IN
## 11481 work NOUN NN
## 11482 . PUNCT .
## 11483 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11484 real ADJ JJ
## 11485 estate NOUN NN
## 11486 have AUX VBZ
## 11487 lead VERB VBN
## 11488 our PRON PRP$
## 11489 economy NOUN NN
## 11490 out ADP IN
## 11491 of ADP IN
## 11492 almost ADV RB
## 11493 all DET PDT
## 11494 the DET DT
## 11495 tough ADJ JJ
## 11496 time NOUN NNS
## 11497 we PRON PRP
## 11498 've AUX VBP
## 11499 ever ADV RB
## 11500 have VERB VBN
## 11501 . PUNCT .
## 11502 once SCONJ IN
## 11503 building NOUN NN
## 11504 start NOUN NNS
## 11505 , PUNCT ,
## 11506 carpenter NOUN NNS
## 11507 and CCONJ CC
## 11508 plumber NOUN NNS
## 11509 work VERB VBP
## 11510 ; PUNCT :
## 11511 people NOUN NNS
## 11512 buy VERB VBP
## 11513 home NOUN NNS
## 11514 and CCONJ CC
## 11515 take VERB VB
## 11516 out ADP RP
## 11517 mortgage NOUN NNS
## 11518 . PUNCT .
## 11519 my PRON PRP$
## 11520 plan NOUN NN
## 11521 would AUX MD
## 11522 modify VERB VB
## 11523 the DET DT
## 11524 passive ADJ JJ
## 11525 loss NOUN NN
## 11526 rule NOUN NN
## 11527 for ADP IN
## 11528 active ADJ JJ
## 11529 real ADJ JJ
## 11530 estate NOUN NN
## 11531 developer NOUN NNS
## 11532 . PUNCT .
## 11533 and CCONJ CC
## 11534 it PRON PRP
## 11535 would AUX MD
## 11536 make VERB VB
## 11537 it PRON PRP
## 11538 easy ADJ JJR
## 11539 for ADP IN
## 11540 pension NOUN NN
## 11541 plan NOUN NNS
## 11542 to PART TO
## 11543 purchase VERB VB
## 11544 real ADJ JJ
## 11545 estate NOUN NN
## 11546 . PUNCT .
## 11547 for ADP IN
## 11548 those DET DT
## 11549 Americans ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 11550 who PRON WP
## 11551 dream VERB VBP
## 11552 of ADP IN
## 11553 buy VERB VBG
## 11554 a DET DT
## 11556 home NOUN NN
## 11557 but CCONJ CC
## 11558 who PRON WP
## 11559 can AUX MD
## 11560 not PART RB
## 11561 quite ADV RB
## 11562 afford VERB VB
## 11563 it PRON PRP
## 11564 , PUNCT ,
## 11565 my PRON PRP$
## 11566 plan NOUN NN
## 11567 would AUX MD
## 11568 allow VERB VB
## 11570 - PUNCT HYPH
## 11571 time NOUN NN
## 11572 homebuyer NOUN NNS
## 11573 to PART TO
## 11574 withdraw VERB VB
## 11575 saving NOUN NNS
## 11576 from ADP IN
## 11578 's PART POS
## 11579 without ADP IN
## 11580 penalty NOUN NN
## 11581 and CCONJ CC
## 11582 provide VERB VB
## 11583 a DET DT
## 11584 $ SYM $
## 11585 5,000 ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 11586 tax NOUN NN
## 11587 credit NOUN NN
## 11588 for ADP IN
## 11589 the DET DT
## 11591 purchase NOUN NN
## 11592 of ADP IN
## 11593 that DET DT
## 11594 home NOUN NN
## 11595 . PUNCT .
## 11596 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11597 and CCONJ CC
## 11598 finally ADV RB
## 11599 , PUNCT ,
## 11600 my PRON PRP$
## 11601 immediate ADJ JJ
## 11602 plan NOUN NN
## 11603 call VERB VBZ
## 11604 on ADP IN
## 11605 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 11606 to PART TO
## 11607 give VERB VB
## 11608 crucial ADJ JJ
## 11609 help NOUN NN
## 11610 to ADP IN
## 11611 people NOUN NNS
## 11612 who PRON WP
## 11613 own VERB VBP
## 11614 a DET DT
## 11615 home NOUN NN
## 11616 , PUNCT ,
## 11617 to ADP IN
## 11618 everyone PRON NN
## 11619 who PRON WP
## 11620 have VERB VBZ
## 11621 a DET DT
## 11622 business NOUN NN
## 11623 or CCONJ CC
## 11624 a DET DT
## 11625 farm NOUN NN
## 11626 or CCONJ CC
## 11627 a DET DT
## 11628 single ADJ JJ
## 11629 investment NOUN NN
## 11630 . PUNCT .
## 11631 this DET DT
## 11632 time NOUN NN
## 11633 , PUNCT ,
## 11634 at ADP IN
## 11635 this_hour ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 11636 , PUNCT ,
## 11637 I PRON PRP
## 11638 can AUX MD
## 11639 not PART RB
## 11640 take VERB VB
## 11641 no NOUN NN
## 11642 for ADP IN
## 11643 an DET DT
## 11644 answer NOUN NN
## 11645 . PUNCT .
## 11646 you PRON PRP
## 11647 must AUX MD
## 11648 cut VERB VB
## 11649 the DET DT
## 11650 capital NOUN NN
## 11651 gain NOUN NNS
## 11652 tax NOUN NN
## 11653 on ADP IN
## 11654 the DET DT
## 11655 people NOUN NNS
## 11656 of ADP IN
## 11657 our PRON PRP$
## 11658 country NOUN NN
## 11659 . PUNCT .
## 11660 never ADV RB
## 11661 have VERB VBZ
## 11662 an DET DT
## 11663 issue NOUN NN
## 11664 be AUX VBN
## 11665 more ADV RBR
## 11666 demagogue VERB VBN
## 11667 by ADP IN
## 11668 its PRON PRP$
## 11669 opponent NOUN NNS
## 11670 . PUNCT .
## 11671 but CCONJ CC
## 11672 the DET DT
## 11673 demagog NOUN NNS
## 11674 be AUX VBP
## 11675 wrong ADJ JJ
## 11676 . PUNCT .
## 11677 they PRON PRP
## 11678 be AUX VBP
## 11679 wrong ADJ JJ
## 11680 , PUNCT ,
## 11681 and CCONJ CC
## 11682 they PRON PRP
## 11683 know VERB VBP
## 11684 it PRON PRP
## 11685 . PUNCT .
## 11686 sixty_percent ENTITY ENTITY PERCENT
## 11687 of ADP IN
## 11688 the DET DT
## 11689 people NOUN NNS
## 11690 who PRON WP
## 11691 benefit VERB VBP
## 11692 from ADP IN
## 11693 low ADJ JJR
## 11694 capital NOUN NN
## 11695 gain NOUN NNS
## 11696 have VERB VBP
## 11697 income NOUN NNS
## 11698 under ADP IN
## 11699 $ SYM $
## 11700 50,000 ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 11701 . PUNCT .
## 11702 a DET DT
## 11703 cut NOUN NN
## 11704 in ADP IN
## 11705 the DET DT
## 11706 capital NOUN NN
## 11707 gain NOUN NNS
## 11708 tax NOUN NN
## 11709 increase NOUN NNS
## 11710 job NOUN NNS
## 11711 and CCONJ CC
## 11712 help VERB VBZ
## 11713 just ADV RB
## 11714 about ADP IN
## 11715 everyone PRON NN
## 11716 in ADP IN
## 11717 our PRON PRP$
## 11718 country NOUN NN
## 11719 . PUNCT .
## 11720 and CCONJ CC
## 11721 so ADV RB
## 11722 , PUNCT ,
## 11723 I PRON PRP
## 11724 be AUX VBP
## 11725 ask VERB VBG
## 11726 you PRON PRP
## 11727 to PART TO
## 11728 cut VERB VB
## 11729 the DET DT
## 11730 capital NOUN NN
## 11731 gain NOUN NNS
## 11732 tax NOUN NN
## 11733 to ADP IN
## 11734 a DET DT
## 11735 maximum NOUN NN
## 11736 of ADP IN
## 11737 15.4_percent ENTITY ENTITY PERCENT
## 11738 . PUNCT .
## 11739 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11740 I PRON PRP
## 11741 will AUX MD
## 11742 tell VERB VB
## 11743 you PRON PRP
## 11744 , PUNCT ,
## 11745 those PRON DT
## 11746 of ADP IN
## 11747 you PRON PRP
## 11748 who PRON WP
## 11749 say VERB VBP
## 11750 , PUNCT ,
## 11751 " PUNCT ``
## 11752 oh INTJ UH
## 11753 , PUNCT ,
## 11754 no INTJ UH
## 11755 , PUNCT ,
## 11756 someone PRON NN
## 11757 who PRON WP
## 11758 be AUX VBZ
## 11759 comfortable ADJ JJ
## 11760 may AUX MD
## 11761 benefit VERB VB
## 11762 from ADP IN
## 11763 that PRON DT
## 11764 , PUNCT ,
## 11765 " PUNCT ''
## 11766 you PRON PRP
## 11767 kind ADV RB
## 11768 of ADV RB
## 11769 remind VERB VB
## 11770 I PRON PRP
## 11771 of ADP IN
## 11772 the DET DT
## 11773 old ADJ JJ
## 11774 definition NOUN NN
## 11775 of ADP IN
## 11776 the DET DT
## 11777 Puritan PROPN NNP
## 11778 who PRON WP
## 11779 could AUX MD
## 11780 not PART RB
## 11781 sleep VERB VB
## 11782 at ADP IN
## 11783 night ENTITY ENTITY TIME
## 11784 , PUNCT ,
## 11785 worry VERB VBG
## 11786 that SCONJ IN
## 11787 somehow ADV RB
## 11788 , PUNCT ,
## 11789 someone PRON NN
## 11790 somewhere ADV RB
## 11791 be AUX VBD
## 11792 out ADP RP
## 11793 have VERB VBG
## 11794 a DET DT
## 11795 good ADJ JJ
## 11796 time NOUN NN
## 11797 . PUNCT .
## 11798 [ X XX
## 11799 laughter X XX
## 11800 ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 11801 the DET DT
## 11802 opponent NOUN NNS
## 11803 of ADP IN
## 11804 this DET DT
## 11805 measure NOUN NN
## 11806 and CCONJ CC
## 11807 those PRON DT
## 11808 who PRON WP
## 11809 have AUX VBP
## 11810 author VERB VBN
## 11811 various ADJ JJ
## 11812 so ADV RB
## 11813 - PUNCT HYPH
## 11814 call VERB VBN
## 11815 soak VERB VB
## 11816 - PUNCT HYPH
## 11817 the DET DT
## 11818 - PUNCT HYPH
## 11819 rich ADJ JJ
## 11820 bill NOUN NNS
## 11821 that PRON WDT
## 11822 be AUX VBP
## 11823 float VERB VBG
## 11824 around ADP IN
## 11825 this DET DT
## 11826 Chamber PROPN NNP
## 11827 should AUX MD
## 11828 be AUX VB
## 11829 remind VERB VBN
## 11830 of ADP IN
## 11831 something PRON NN
## 11832 : PUNCT :
## 11833 when SCONJ WRB
## 11834 they PRON PRP
## 11835 aim VERB VBP
## 11836 at ADP IN
## 11837 the DET DT
## 11838 big ADJ JJ
## 11839 guy NOUN NN
## 11840 , PUNCT ,
## 11841 they PRON PRP
## 11842 usually ADV RB
## 11843 hit VERB VBD
## 11844 the DET DT
## 11845 little ADJ JJ
## 11846 guy NOUN NN
## 11847 . PUNCT .
## 11848 and CCONJ CC
## 11849 maybe ADV RB
## 11850 it PRON PRP
## 11851 be AUX VBZ
## 11852 time NOUN NN
## 11853 that PRON WDT
## 11854 stop VERB VBD
## 11855 . PUNCT .
## 11856 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11857 this PRON DT
## 11858 , PUNCT ,
## 11859 then ADV RB
## 11860 , PUNCT ,
## 11861 be AUX VBZ
## 11862 my PRON PRP$
## 11863 short ADJ JJ
## 11864 - PUNCT HYPH
## 11865 term NOUN NN
## 11866 plan NOUN NN
## 11867 . PUNCT .
## 11868 your PRON PRP$
## 11869 part NOUN NN
## 11870 , PUNCT ,
## 11871 Members PROPN NNP
## 11872 of ADP IN
## 11873 Congress ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 11874 , PUNCT ,
## 11875 require VERB VBZ
## 11876 enactment NOUN NN
## 11877 of ADP IN
## 11878 these DET DT
## 11879 commonsense NOUN NN
## 11880 proposal NOUN NNS
## 11881 that PRON WDT
## 11882 will AUX MD
## 11883 have VERB VB
## 11884 a DET DT
## 11885 strong ADJ JJ
## 11886 effect NOUN NN
## 11887 on ADP IN
## 11888 the DET DT
## 11889 economy NOUN NN
## 11890 without ADP IN
## 11891 break VERB VBG
## 11892 the DET DT
## 11893 budget NOUN NN
## 11894 agreement NOUN NN
## 11895 and CCONJ CC
## 11896 without ADP IN
## 11897 raise VERB VBG
## 11898 tax NOUN NN
## 11899 rate NOUN NNS
## 11900 . PUNCT .
## 11901 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11902 while SCONJ IN
## 11903 my PRON PRP$
## 11904 plan NOUN NN
## 11905 be AUX VBZ
## 11906 be AUX VBG
## 11907 pass VERB VBN
## 11908 and CCONJ CC
## 11909 kick VERB VBG
## 11910 in ADP RP
## 11911 , PUNCT ,
## 11912 we PRON PRP
## 11913 've AUX VBP
## 11914 get VERB VBN
## 11915 to PART TO
## 11916 care VERB VB
## 11917 for ADP IN
## 11918 those PRON DT
## 11919 in ADP IN
## 11920 trouble NOUN NN
## 11921 today ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 11922 . PUNCT .
## 11923 I PRON PRP
## 11924 have AUX VBP
## 11925 provide VERB VBN
## 11926 for ADP IN
## 11927 up_to_$_4.4_billion ENTITY ENTITY MONEY
## 11928 in ADP IN
## 11929 my PRON PRP$
## 11930 budget NOUN NN
## 11931 to PART TO
## 11932 extend VERB VB
## 11933 Federal PROPN NNP
## 11934 unemployment NOUN NN
## 11935 benefit NOUN NNS
## 11936 . PUNCT .
## 11937 and CCONJ CC
## 11938 I PRON PRP
## 11939 ask VERB VBP
## 11940 for ADP IN
## 11941 congressional ADJ JJ
## 11942 action NOUN NN
## 11943 right ADV RB
## 11944 away ADV RB
## 11945 . PUNCT .
## 11946 and CCONJ CC
## 11947 I PRON PRP
## 11948 thank VERB VBP
## 11949 the DET DT
## 11950 committee NOUN NN
## 11951 . PUNCT .
## 11952 [ X XX
## 11953 applause X XX
## 11954 ] X XX
## 11955 well INTJ UH
## 11956 , PUNCT ,
## 11957 at ADP IN
## 11958 last ADJ JJ
## 11959 . PUNCT .
## 11960 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 11961 let VERB VB
## 11962 us PRON PRP
## 11963 be AUX VB
## 11964 frank ADJ JJ
## 11965 . PUNCT .
## 11966 let VERB VB
## 11967 us PRON PRP
## 11968 be AUX VB
## 11969 frank ADJ JJ
## 11970 . PUNCT .
## 11971 let VERB VB
## 11972 I PRON PRP
## 11973 level VERB VB
## 11974 with ADP IN
## 11975 you PRON PRP
## 11976 . PUNCT .
## 11977 I PRON PRP
## 11978 know VERB VBP
## 11979 and CCONJ CC
## 11980 you PRON PRP
## 11981 know VERB VBP
## 11982 that SCONJ IN
## 11983 my PRON PRP$
## 11984 plan NOUN NN
## 11985 be AUX VBZ
## 11986 unveil VERB VBN
## 11987 in ADP IN
## 11988 a_political_season ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 11989 . PUNCT .
## 11990 [ X XX
## 11991 laughter X XX
## 11992 ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 11993 I PRON PRP
## 11994 know VERB VBP
## 11995 and CCONJ CC
## 11996 you PRON PRP
## 11997 know VERB VBP
## 11998 that SCONJ IN
## 11999 everything PRON NN
## 12000 I PRON PRP
## 12001 propose VERB VBP
## 12002 will AUX MD
## 12003 be AUX VB
## 12004 view VERB VBN
## 12005 by ADP IN
## 12006 some PRON DT
## 12007 in ADP IN
## 12008 merely ADV RB
## 12009 partisan ADJ JJ
## 12010 term NOUN NNS
## 12011 . PUNCT .
## 12012 but CCONJ CC
## 12013 I PRON PRP
## 12014 ask VERB VBP
## 12015 you PRON PRP
## 12016 to PART TO
## 12017 know VERB VB
## 12018 what PRON WP
## 12019 be AUX VBZ
## 12020 in ADP IN
## 12021 my PRON PRP$
## 12022 heart NOUN NN
## 12023 . PUNCT .
## 12024 and CCONJ CC
## 12025 my PRON PRP$
## 12026 aim NOUN NN
## 12027 be AUX VBZ
## 12028 to PART TO
## 12029 increase VERB VB
## 12030 our PRON PRP$
## 12031 nation NOUN NN
## 12032 's PART POS
## 12033 good NOUN NN
## 12034 . PUNCT .
## 12035 I PRON PRP
## 12036 be AUX VBP
## 12037 do VERB VBG
## 12038 what PRON WP
## 12039 I PRON PRP
## 12040 think VERB VBP
## 12041 be AUX VBZ
## 12042 right ADJ JJ
## 12043 , PUNCT ,
## 12044 and CCONJ CC
## 12045 I PRON PRP
## 12046 be AUX VBP
## 12047 propose VERB VBG
## 12048 what PRON WP
## 12049 I PRON PRP
## 12050 know VERB VBP
## 12051 will AUX MD
## 12052 help VERB VB
## 12053 . PUNCT .
## 12054 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 12055 I PRON PRP
## 12056 pride VERB VBP
## 12057 myself PRON PRP
## 12058 that SCONJ IN
## 12059 I PRON PRP
## 12060 be AUX VBP
## 12061 a DET DT
## 12062 prudent ADJ JJ
## 12063 man NOUN NN
## 12064 , PUNCT ,
## 12065 and CCONJ CC
## 12066 I PRON PRP
## 12067 believe VERB VBP
## 12068 that SCONJ IN
## 12069 patience NOUN NN
## 12070 be AUX VBZ
## 12071 a DET DT
## 12072 virtue NOUN NN
## 12073 . PUNCT .
## 12074 but CCONJ CC
## 12075 I PRON PRP
## 12076 understand VERB VBP
## 12077 that SCONJ IN
## 12078 politics NOUN NN
## 12079 be AUX VBZ
## 12080 , PUNCT ,
## 12081 for ADP IN
## 12082 some PRON DT
## 12083 , PUNCT ,
## 12084 a DET DT
## 12085 game NOUN NN
## 12086 and CCONJ CC
## 12087 that SCONJ IN
## 12088 sometimes ADV RB
## 12089 the DET DT
## 12090 game NOUN NN
## 12091 be AUX VBZ
## 12092 to PART TO
## 12093 stop VERB VB
## 12094 all DET DT
## 12095 progress NOUN NN
## 12096 and CCONJ CC
## 12097 then ADV RB
## 12098 decry VERB VB
## 12099 the DET DT
## 12100 lack NOUN NN
## 12101 of ADP IN
## 12102 improvement NOUN NN
## 12103 . PUNCT .
## 12104 [ X XX
## 12105 laughter X XX
## 12106 ] PUNCT -RRB-
## 12107 but CCONJ CC
## 12108 let VERB VB
## 12109 I PRON PRP
## 12110 tell VERB VB
## 12111 you PRON PRP
## 12112 : PUNCT :
## 12113 far ADV RB
## 12114 more ADV RBR
## 12115 important ADJ JJ
## 12116 than ADP IN
## 12117 my PRON PRP$
## 12118 political ADJ JJ
## 12119 future NOUN NN
## 12120 and CCONJ CC
## 12121 far ADV RB
## 12122 more ADV RBR
## 12123 important ADJ JJ
## 12124 than SCONJ IN
## 12125 yours PRON PRP
## 12126 be AUX VBZ
## 12127 the DET DT
## 12128 well ADV RB
## 12129 - PUNCT HYPH
## 12130 being NOUN NN
## 12131 of ADP IN
## 12132 our PRON PRP$
## 12133 country NOUN NN
## 12134 . PUNCT .
## 12135 member NOUN NNS
## 12136 of ADP IN
## 12137 this DET DT
## 12138 Chamber ENTITY ENTITY ORG
## 12139 be AUX VBP
## 12140 practical ADJ JJ
## 12141 people NOUN NNS
## 12142 , PUNCT ,
## 12143 and CCONJ CC
## 12144 I PRON PRP
## 12145 know VERB VBP
## 12146 you PRON PRP
## 12147 will AUX MD
## 12148 not PART RB
## 12149 resent VERB VB
## 12150 some DET DT
## 12151 practical ADJ JJ
## 12152 advice NOUN NN
## 12153 . PUNCT .
## 12154 when SCONJ WRB
## 12155 people NOUN NNS
## 12156 put VERB VBP
## 12157 their PRON PRP$
## 12158 party NOUN NN
## 12159 's PART POS
## 12160 fortune NOUN NNS
## 12161 , PUNCT ,
## 12162 whatever PRON WDT
## 12163 the DET DT
## 12164 party NOUN NN
## 12165 , PUNCT ,
## 12166 whatever DET WDT
## 12167 side NOUN NN
## 12168 of ADP IN
## 12169 this DET DT
## 12170 aisle NOUN NN
## 12171 , PUNCT ,
## 12172 before ADP IN
## 12173 the DET DT
## 12174 public ADJ JJ
## 12175 good NOUN NN
## 12176 , PUNCT ,
## 12177 they PRON PRP
## 12178 court VERB VBP
## 12179 defeat VERB VBP
## 12180 not PART RB
## 12181 only ADV RB
## 12182 for ADP IN
## 12183 their PRON PRP$
## 12184 country NOUN NN
## 12185 but CCONJ CC
## 12186 for ADP IN
## 12187 themselves PRON PRP
## 12188 . PUNCT .
## 12189 and CCONJ CC
## 12190 they PRON PRP
## 12191 will AUX MD
## 12192 certainly ADV RB
## 12193 deserve VERB VB
## 12194 it PRON PRP
## 12195 . PUNCT .
## 12196 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 12197 I PRON PRP
## 12198 submit VERB VBP
## 12199 my PRON PRP$
## 12200 plan NOUN NN
## 12201 tomorrow ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 12202 , PUNCT ,
## 12203 and CCONJ CC
## 12204 I PRON PRP
## 12205 be AUX VBP
## 12206 ask VERB VBG
## 12207 you PRON PRP
## 12208 to PART TO
## 12209 pass VERB VB
## 12210 it PRON PRP
## 12211 by ADP IN
## 12212 March_20th ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 12213 . PUNCT .
## 12214 and CCONJ CC
## 12215 I PRON PRP
## 12216 ask VERB VBP
## 12217 the DET DT
## 12218 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 12219 people NOUN NNS
## 12220 to PART TO
## 12221 let VERB VB
## 12222 you PRON PRP
## 12223 know VERB VB
## 12224 they PRON PRP
## 12225 want VERB VBP
## 12226 this DET DT
## 12227 action NOUN NN
## 12228 by ADP IN
## 12229 March_20th ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 12230 . PUNCT .
## 12231 from ADP IN
## 12232 the_day ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 12233 after ADP IN
## 12234 that PRON DT
## 12235 , PUNCT ,
## 12236 if SCONJ IN
## 12237 it PRON PRP
## 12238 must AUX MD
## 12239 be AUX VB
## 12240 , PUNCT ,
## 12241 the DET DT
## 12242 battle NOUN NN
## 12243 be AUX VBZ
## 12244 join VERB VBN
## 12245 . PUNCT .
## 12246 and CCONJ CC
## 12247 you PRON PRP
## 12248 know VERB VBP
## 12249 , PUNCT ,
## 12250 when SCONJ WRB
## 12251 principle NOUN NN
## 12252 be AUX VBZ
## 12253 at ADP IN
## 12254 stake NOUN NN
## 12255 I PRON PRP
## 12256 relish VERB VBP
## 12257 a DET DT
## 12258 good ADJ JJ
## 12259 , PUNCT ,
## 12260 fair ADJ JJ
## 12261 fight NOUN NN
## 12262 . PUNCT .
## 12263 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 12264 I PRON PRP
## 12265 say VERB VBD
## 12266 my PRON PRP$
## 12267 plan NOUN NN
## 12268 have VERB VBZ
## 12270 part NOUN NNS
## 12271 , PUNCT ,
## 12272 and CCONJ CC
## 12273 it PRON PRP
## 12274 do VERB VBZ
## 12275 . PUNCT .
## 12276 and CCONJ CC
## 12277 it PRON PRP
## 12278 be AUX VBZ
## 12279 the DET DT
## 12281 part NOUN NN
## 12282 that PRON WDT
## 12283 be AUX VBZ
## 12284 the DET DT
## 12285 heart NOUN NN
## 12286 of ADP IN
## 12287 the DET DT
## 12288 matter NOUN NN
## 12289 . PUNCT .
## 12290 for SCONJ IN
## 12291 it PRON PRP
## 12292 be AUX VBZ
## 12293 not PART RB
## 12294 enough ADJ JJ
## 12295 to PART TO
## 12296 get VERB VB
## 12297 an DET DT
## 12298 immediate ADJ JJ
## 12299 burst NOUN NN
## 12300 . PUNCT .
## 12301 we PRON PRP
## 12302 need VERB VBP
## 12303 long ADJ JJ
## 12304 - PUNCT HYPH
## 12305 term NOUN NN
## 12306 improvement NOUN NN
## 12307 in ADP IN
## 12308 our PRON PRP$
## 12309 economic ADJ JJ
## 12310 position NOUN NN
## 12311 . PUNCT .
## 12312 we PRON PRP
## 12313 all PRON DT
## 12314 know VERB VBP
## 12315 that SCONJ IN
## 12316 the DET DT
## 12317 key NOUN NN
## 12318 to ADP IN
## 12319 our PRON PRP$
## 12320 economic ADJ JJ
## 12321 future NOUN NN
## 12322 be AUX VBZ
## 12323 to PART TO
## 12324 ensure VERB VB
## 12325 that SCONJ IN
## 12326 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 12327 continue VERB VBZ
## 12328 as ADP IN
## 12329 an DET DT
## 12330 economic ADJ JJ
## 12331 leader NOUN NN
## 12332 of ADP IN
## 12333 the DET DT
## 12334 world NOUN NN
## 12335 . PUNCT .
## 12336 we PRON PRP
## 12337 have VERB VBP
## 12338 that PRON DT
## 12339 in ADP IN
## 12340 our PRON PRP$
## 12341 power NOUN NN
## 12342 . PUNCT .
## 12343 here ADV RB
## 12344 , PUNCT ,
## 12345 then ADV RB
## 12346 , PUNCT ,
## 12347 be AUX VBZ
## 12348 my PRON PRP$
## 12349 long ADJ JJ
## 12350 - PUNCT HYPH
## 12351 term NOUN NN
## 12352 plan NOUN NN
## 12353 to PART TO
## 12354 guarantee VERB VB
## 12355 our PRON PRP$
## 12356 future NOUN NN
## 12357 . PUNCT .
## 12358 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 12360 , PUNCT ,
## 12361 trade NOUN NN
## 12362 : PUNCT :
## 12363 we PRON PRP
## 12364 will AUX MD
## 12365 work VERB VB
## 12366 to PART TO
## 12367 break VERB VB
## 12368 down ADP RP
## 12369 the DET DT
## 12370 wall NOUN NNS
## 12371 that PRON WDT
## 12372 stop VERB VBP
## 12373 world NOUN NN
## 12374 trade NOUN NN
## 12375 . PUNCT .
## 12376 we PRON PRP
## 12377 will AUX MD
## 12378 work VERB VB
## 12379 to PART TO
## 12380 open VERB VB
## 12381 market NOUN NNS
## 12382 everywhere ADV RB
## 12383 . PUNCT .
## 12384 and CCONJ CC
## 12385 in ADP IN
## 12386 our PRON PRP$
## 12387 major ADJ JJ
## 12388 trade NOUN NN
## 12389 negotiation NOUN NNS
## 12390 , PUNCT ,
## 12391 I PRON PRP
## 12392 will AUX MD
## 12393 continue VERB VB
## 12394 push VERB VBG
## 12395 to PART TO
## 12396 eliminate VERB VB
## 12397 tariff NOUN NNS
## 12398 and CCONJ CC
## 12399 subsidy NOUN NNS
## 12400 that PRON WDT
## 12401 damage VERB VBP
## 12402 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 12403 's PART POS
## 12404 farmer NOUN NNS
## 12405 and CCONJ CC
## 12406 worker NOUN NNS
## 12407 . PUNCT .
## 12408 and CCONJ CC
## 12409 we PRON PRP
## 12410 will AUX MD
## 12411 get VERB VB
## 12412 more ADV RBR
## 12413 good ADJ JJ
## 12414 american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 12415 job NOUN NNS
## 12416 within ADP IN
## 12417 our PRON PRP$
## 12418 own ADJ JJ
## 12419 hemisphere NOUN NN
## 12420 through ADP IN
## 12421 the DET DT
## 12422 north_american ENTITY ENTITY NORP
## 12423 free ADJ JJ
## 12424 trade NOUN NN
## 12425 agreement NOUN NN
## 12426 and CCONJ CC
## 12427 through ADP IN
## 12428 the DET DT
## 12429 enterprise NOUN NN
## 12430 for ADP IN
## 12431 the DET DT
## 12432 Americas PROPN NNP
## 12433 Initiative PROPN NNP
## 12434 . PUNCT .
## 12435 \n\n SPACE _SP
## 12436 but CCONJ CC
## 12437 change NOUN NNS
## 12438 be AUX VBP
## 12439 here ADV RB
## 12440 , PUNCT ,
## 12441 and CCONJ CC
## 12442 more ADJ JJR
## 12443 be AUX VBP
## 12444 come VERB VBG
## 12445 . PUNCT .
## 12446 the DET DT
## 12447 workplace NOUN NN
## 12448 of ADP IN
## 12449 the DET DT
## 12450 future NOUN NN
## 12451 will AUX MD
## 12452 demand VERB VB
## 12453 more ADV RBR
## 12454 highly ADV RB
## 12455 skilled ADJ JJ
## 12456 worker NOUN NNS
## 12457 than ADP IN
## 12458 ever ADV RB
## 12459 , PUNCT ,
## 12460 more ADJ JJR
## 12461 people NOUN NNS
## 12462 who PRON WP
## 12463 be AUX VBP
## 12464 computer NOUN NN
## 12465 - PUNCT HYPH
## 12466 literate ADJ JJ
## 12467 , PUNCT ,
## 12468 highly ADV RB
## 12469 educate VERB VBN
## 12470 . PUNCT .
## 12471 we PRON PRP
## 12472 must AUX MD
## 12473 be AUX VB
## 12474 the DET DT
## 12475 world NOUN NN
## 12476 's PART POS
## 12477 leader NOUN NN
## 12478 in ADP IN
## 12479 education NOUN NN
## 12480 . PUNCT .
## 12481 and CCONJ CC
## 12482 we PRON PRP
## 12483 must AUX MD
## 12484 revolutionize VERB VB
## 12485 America ENTITY ENTITY GPE
## 12486 's PART POS
## 12487 school NOUN NNS
## 12488 . PUNCT .
## 12489 my PRON PRP$
## 12490 America_2000 ENTITY ENTITY DATE
## 12491 strategy NOUN NN
## 12492 will AUX MD
## 12493 help VERB VB
## 12494 we PRON PRP
## 12495 reach VERB VB
## 12496 that DET DT
## 12497 goal NOUN NN
## 12498 . PUNCT .
## 12499 my PRON PRP$
## [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 69325 rows ]
If you want to extract only nouns, you can simply filter them.
## Note: removing head_token_id, dep_rel for named entities
## doc_id sentence_id token_id token
## 1 1990 2 10 privilege
## 2 1990 2 17 state
## 3 1990 3 2 Tonight
## 4 1990 3 10 state
## 5 1990 3 20 initiative
## 6 1990 3 29 line
## 7 1990 3 32 budget
## 8 1990 4 12 people
## 9 1990 4 15 state
## 10 1990 4 22 world
## 11 1990 4 25 changes
## 12 1990 4 31 challenges
## 13 1990 5 5 moments
## 14 1990 5 7 history
## 15 1990 6 13 lives
## 16 1990 6 16 world
## 17 1990 6 19 features
## 18 1990 6 27 events
## 19 1990 6 32 shape
## 20 1990 6 34 nations
## 21 1990 6 37 pace
## 22 1990 6 39 progress
## 23 1990 6 41 freedom
## 24 1990 6 43 oppression
## 25 1990 6 47 people
## 26 1990 6 50 world
## 27 1990 7 7 frame
## 28 1990 7 9 reference
## 29 1990 7 12 compass
## 30 1990 7 13 points
## 31 1990 7 17 era
## 32 1990 8 5 world
## 33 1990 9 2 events
## 34 1990 9 17 chain
## 35 1990 9 18 reaction
## 36 1990 9 20 changes
## 37 1990 9 27 beginning
## 38 1990 9 31 era
## 39 1990 9 34 world
## 40 1990 9 36 affairs
## 41 1990 10 11 world
## 42 1990 11 3 year
## 43 1990 11 8 people
## 44 1990 11 13 fear
## 45 1990 11 17 thumb
## 46 1990 11 20 dictator
## 47 1990 12 2 democracy
## 48 1990 13 1 Operation
## 49 1990 13 7 objective
## 50 1990 14 2 number
## 51 1990 14 5 personnel
## 52 1990 14 18 operation
## 53 1990 15 13 numbers
## 54 1990 15 16 troops
## 55 1990 15 20 men
## 56 1990 15 22 women
## 57 1990 15 30 mission
## 58 1990 15 32 success
## 59 1990 16 15 dialog
## 60 1990 16 19 rulers
## 61 1990 16 22 country
## 62 1990 16 29 future
## 63 1990 16 37 hands
## 64 1990 16 39 members
## 65 1990 17 6 playwright
## 66 1990 17 13 prisoner
## 67 1990 19 9 history
## 68 1990 19 12 guide
## 69 1990 20 12 history
## 70 1990 21 3 events
## 71 1990 21 5 events
## 72 1990 21 12 hopes
## 73 1990 21 16 people
## 74 1990 21 18 events
## 75 1990 21 23 goals
## 76 1990 21 26 policy
## 77 1990 21 29 policy
## 78 1990 21 36 principle
## 79 1990 21 39 cause
## 80 1990 21 41 freedom
## 81 1990 22 7 nation
## 82 1990 22 10 idea
## 83 1990 22 15 minds
## 84 1990 22 17 people
## 85 1990 23 4 world
## 86 1990 23 6 shape
## 87 1990 23 12 center
## 88 1990 23 16 circle
## 89 1990 23 18 freedom
## 90 1990 24 2 nation
## 91 1990 24 6 dream
## 92 1990 24 9 immigrant
## 93 1990 24 13 foot
## 94 1990 24 16 shores
## 95 1990 25 2 nation
## 96 1990 25 5 idea
## 97 1990 25 16 world
## 98 1990 25 20 world
## 99 1990 26 4 workers
## 100 1990 26 6 rally
## 101 1990 26 10 place
## 102 1990 26 15 outskirts
## 103 1990 26 20 idea
## 104 1990 27 2 worker
## 105 1990 27 7 overalls
## 106 1990 27 14 factory
## 107 1990 27 15 gates
## 108 1990 28 4 speech
## 109 1990 28 8 citizens
## 110 1990 28 11 words
## 111 1990 28 13 words
## 112 1990 28 17 revolution
## 113 1990 28 23 truths
## 114 1990 28 26 self
## 115 1990 28 32 men
## 116 1990 28 59 pursuit
## 117 1990 29 5 secret
## 118 1990 29 9 home
## 119 1990 29 10 freedom
## 120 1990 29 12 door
## 121 1990 30 2 cornerstones
## 122 1990 30 6 society
## 123 1990 30 12 place
## 124 1990 30 14 democracy
## 125 1990 30 16 competition
## 126 1990 30 18 opportunity
## 127 1990 30 21 investment
## 128 1990 30 23 stewardship
## 129 1990 30 27 course
## 130 1990 30 28 leadership
## 131 1990 31 3 challenge
## 132 1990 31 10 system
## 133 1990 31 15 system
## 134 1990 31 18 none
## 135 1990 31 33 job
## 136 1990 31 41 women
## 137 1990 31 45 home
## 138 1990 31 50 children
## 139 1990 31 56 care
## 140 1990 31 59 government
## 141 1990 31 63 child
## 142 1990 31 65 care
## 143 1990 31 66 alternatives
## 144 1990 31 68 parents
## 145 1990 31 74 needs
## 146 1990 31 78 environment
## 147 1990 31 82 economy
## 148 1990 31 95 world
## 149 1990 31 98 symbol
## 150 1990 31 100 quality
## 151 1990 31 102 progress
## 152 1990 31 112 opportunities
## 153 1990 31 123 society
## 154 1990 31 130 time
## 155 1990 31 134 mainstream
## 156 1990 31 140 citizens
## 157 1990 31 146 roof
## 158 1990 31 149 head
## 159 1990 31 153 homeless
## 160 1990 31 156 help
## 161 1990 31 162 dignity
## 162 1990 31 166 schools
## 163 1990 31 167 challenge
## 164 1990 31 171 kids
## 165 1990 31 174 teachers
## 166 1990 31 182 grade
## 167 1990 31 186 street
## 168 1990 31 189 city
## 169 1990 31 192 school
## 170 1990 31 196 child
## 171 1990 31 198 drug
## 172 1990 31 212 hearts
## 173 1990 31 217 hostages
## 174 1990 31 223 minds
## 175 1990 31 227 efforts
## 176 1990 32 4 part
## 177 1990 32 7 future
## 178 1990 32 14 future
## 179 1990 32 22 dreams
## 180 1990 33 6 horizon
## 181 1990 33 12 view
## 182 1990 34 3 mission
## 183 1990 35 6 markets
## 184 1990 35 9 world
## 185 1990 35 15 challenges
## 186 1990 35 18 opportunities
## 187 1990 36 12 arena
## 188 1990 36 20 challenge
## 189 1990 36 27 changes
## 190 1990 36 31 investment
## 191 1990 38 2 administration
## 192 1990 38 8 creation
## 193 1990 38 10 capital
## 194 1990 38 12 capital
## 195 1990 38 15 kinds
## 196 1990 38 18 capital
## 197 1990 38 23 farms
## 198 1990 38 25 factories
## 199 1990 38 28 workshops
## 200 1990 38 30 production
## 201 1990 38 31 lines
## 202 1990 38 41 quality
## 203 1990 38 42 goods
## 204 1990 38 44 quality
## 205 1990 38 45 services
## 206 1990 38 48 capital
## 207 1990 38 51 source
## 208 1990 38 53 ideas
## 209 1990 38 58 products
## 210 1990 38 62 course
## 211 1990 38 65 capital
## 212 1990 38 69 work
## 213 1990 38 70 force
## 214 1990 38 80 market
## 215 1990 39 11 capital
## 216 1990 39 17 spirit
## 217 1990 39 20 ingenuity
## 218 1990 39 23 spirit
## 219 1990 39 27 hallmark
## 220 1990 39 31 worker
## 221 1990 40 3 worker
## 222 1990 40 8 worker
## 223 1990 40 11 world
## 224 1990 42 6 pool
## 225 1990 42 8 capital
## 226 1990 42 11 investments
## 227 1990 42 15 jobs
## 228 1990 42 18 growth
## 229 1990 43 5 idea
## 230 1990 43 9 initiative
## 231 1990 44 7 tax
## 232 1990 44 9 capital
## 233 1990 44 10 gains
## 234 1990 44 13 risktakers
## 235 1990 44 20 businesses
## 236 1990 44 25 steps
## 237 1990 44 30 reward
## 238 1990 44 32 jobs
## 239 1990 44 37 life
## 240 1990 45 13 future
## 241 1990 46 2 budget
## 242 1990 46 3 commitment
## 243 1990 47 2 money
## 244 1990 48 5 research
## 245 1990 48 7 development
## 246 1990 48 9 R&D
## 247 1990 48 12 record
## 248 1990 48 13 high
## 249 1990 49 6 housing
## 250 1990 49 7 initiative
## 251 1990 49 17 time
## 252 1990 49 18 homebuyers
## 253 1990 49 21 homeless
## 254 1990 50 2 money
## 255 1990 50 8 kids
## 256 1990 50 9 drug
## 257 1990 50 19 office
## 258 1990 51 5 space
## 259 1990 51 6 exploration
## 260 1990 52 6 education
## 261 1990 52 9 record
## 262 1990 52 10 high
## 263 1990 53 5 thing
## 264 1990 53 10 education
## 265 1990 53 11 summit
## 266 1990 53 21 ways
## 267 1990 53 28 kids
## 268 1990 53 38 classroom
## 269 1990 54 8 commitment
## 270 1990 54 13 increase
## 271 1990 54 15 funds
## 272 1990 55 2 Education
## 273 1990 55 6 investment
## 274 1990 55 12 future
## 275 1990 55 20 children
## 276 1990 56 2 improvement
## 277 1990 56 5 schools
## 278 1990 56 10 matter
## 279 1990 56 18 matter
## 280 1990 56 28 schools
## 281 1990 56 31 teachers
## 282 1990 56 35 kids
## 283 1990 56 39 parents
## 284 1990 57 11 education
## 285 1990 57 12 goals
## 286 1990 57 14 goals
## 287 1990 57 18 cooperation
## 288 1990 60 13 discussions
## 289 1990 60 16 deliberations
## 290 1990 61 6 child
## 291 1990 61 9 school
## 292 1990 62 7 school
## 293 1990 62 8 graduation
## 294 1990 62 9 rate
## 295 1990 63 10 schools
## 296 1990 63 12 diplomas
## 297 1990 64 3 subjects
## 298 1990 64 13 grades
## 299 1990 64 19 students
## 300 1990 64 21 performance
## 301 1990 65 6 students
## 302 1990 65 12 world
## 303 1990 65 14 math
## 304 1990 65 16 science
## 305 1990 65 17 achievement
## 306 1990 66 4 adult
## 307 1990 66 11 worker
## 308 1990 66 13 citizen
## 309 1990 67 3 school
## 310 1990 67 7 kind
## 311 1990 67 10 environment
## 312 1990 67 17 kids
## 313 1990 68 3 school
## 314 1990 68 8 drug
## 315 1990 73 3 future
## 316 1990 73 6 stake
## 317 1990 74 2 Nation
## 318 1990 74 9 excellence
## 319 1990 74 11 education
## 320 1990 75 3 investments
## 321 1990 76 8 people
## 322 1990 76 12 competition
## 323 1990 77 5 ingenuity
## 324 1990 77 8 energy
## 325 1990 77 11 experience
## 326 1990 77 13 technology
## 327 1990 77 16 spirit
## 328 1990 77 18 enterprise
## 329 1990 78 4 competition
## 330 1990 80 18 challenge
## 331 1990 80 25 house
## 332 1990 80 27 order
## 333 1990 81 5 progress
## 334 1990 82 5 deficit
## 335 1990 82 12 product
## 336 1990 83 4 budget
## 337 1990 83 11 deficit
## 338 1990 83 19 product
## 339 1990 84 3 budget
## 340 1990 84 6 spending
## 341 1990 84 8 control
## 342 1990 85 5 target
## 343 1990 86 4 deficit
## 344 1990 86 10 budget
## 345 1990 86 16 taxes
## 346 1990 87 14 spending
## 347 1990 88 10 lot
## 348 1990 88 12 money
## 349 1990 89 5 budget
## 350 1990 89 13 way
## 351 1990 89 15 family
## 352 1990 89 20 bills
## 353 1990 90 8 children
## 354 1990 90 11 grandchildren
## 355 1990 91 13 debt
## 356 1990 92 10 generations
## 357 1990 92 13 future
## 358 1990 92 15 stewardship
## 359 1990 92 18 safekeeping
## 360 1990 92 24 inheritance
## 361 1990 93 5 sign
## 362 1990 94 7 rank
## 363 1990 94 11 bureaucracy
## 364 1990 94 17 tape
## 365 1990 94 21 certainty
## 366 1990 94 25 home
## 367 1990 94 31 dealings
## 368 1990 94 34 nations
## 369 1990 94 37 issues
## 370 1990 94 40 status
## 371 1990 95 5 budget
## 372 1990 95 10 spending
## 373 1990 95 14 environment
## 374 1990 95 20 change
## 375 1990 95 21 research
## 376 1990 95 26 initiative
## 377 1990 95 36 parks
## 378 1990 95 38 wildlife
## 379 1990 95 43 facilities
## 380 1990 95 46 lands
## 381 1990 95 58 country
## 382 1990 95 62 forestland
## 383 1990 95 66 cities
## 384 1990 95 72 generations
## 385 1990 95 77 money
## 386 1990 95 82 trees
## 387 1990 95 84 year
## 388 1990 96 11 Members
## 389 1990 96 18 people
## 390 1990 96 25 bicker
## 391 1990 97 3 work
## 392 1990 98 7 spirit
## 393 1990 98 9 cooperation
## 394 1990 98 14 hand
## 395 1990 99 8 will
## 396 1990 99 11 people
## 397 1990 99 14 air
## 398 1990 99 16 child
## 399 1990 99 17 care
## 400 1990 99 21 crime
## 401 1990 99 24 drugs
## 402 1990 100 3 time
## 403 1990 101 2 farm
## 404 1990 101 3 bill
## 405 1990 101 5 transportation
## 406 1990 101 6 policy
## 407 1990 101 8 product
## 408 1990 101 10 liability
## 409 1990 101 11 reform
## 410 1990 101 13 enterprise
## 411 1990 101 14 zones
## 412 1990 101 18 time
## 413 1990 102 6 thing
## 414 1990 103 5 commitments
## 415 1990 105 14 system
## 416 1990 105 30 promise
## 417 1990 106 5 system
## 418 1990 106 16 arrangement
## 419 1990 107 2 budget
## 420 1990 107 7 benefits
## 421 1990 107 14 benefits
## 422 1990 108 3 thing
## 423 1990 109 6 problem
## 424 1990 110 5 consideration
## 425 1990 110 8 recommendations
## 426 1990 110 11 health
## 427 1990 110 13 care
## 428 1990 110 14 studies
## 429 1990 111 21 review
## 430 1990 111 23 recommendations
## 431 1990 111 26 quality
## 432 1990 111 28 accessibility
## 433 1990 111 31 cost
## 434 1990 111 34 nation
## 435 1990 111 36 health
## 436 1990 111 38 care
## 437 1990 111 39 system
## 438 1990 112 8 costs
## 439 1990 112 10 health
## 440 1990 112 11 care
## 441 1990 112 13 control
## 442 1990 113 3 state
## 443 1990 113 17 chamber
## 444 1990 114 3 state
## 445 1990 115 6 decency
## 446 1990 115 10 nation
## 447 1990 115 15 individuals
## 448 1990 116 8 mail
## 449 1990 116 9 bombings
## 450 1990 116 12 country
## 451 1990 117 9 racism
## 452 1990 117 15 bigotry
## 453 1990 117 18 hate
## 454 1990 118 3 state
## 455 1990 118 13 neighbor
## 456 1990 118 17 problems
## 457 1990 118 20 community
## 458 1990 119 10 trouble
## 459 1990 119 14 hand
## 460 1990 119 21 point
## 461 1990 119 23 light
## 462 1990 119 26 stranger
## 463 1990 119 28 need
## 464 1990 120 7 time
## 465 1990 120 11 day
## 466 1990 120 19 kids
## 467 1990 120 25 homework
## 468 1990 120 30 values
## 469 1990 120 34 children
## 470 1990 121 7 state
## 471 1990 122 2 effort
## 472 1990 124 5 things
## 473 1990 124 8 democracy
## 474 1990 124 9 meaning
## 475 1990 126 13 idea
## 476 1990 126 24 ideal
## 477 1990 126 27 state
## 478 1990 127 12 way
## 479 1990 127 22 parts
## 480 1990 127 25 letter
## 481 1990 127 33 medic
## 482 1990 128 7 night
## 483 1990 128 11 forces
## 484 1990 128 14 action
## 485 1990 129 4 letter
## 486 1990 129 5 servicemen
## 487 1990 130 5 mother
## 488 1990 130 9 letter
## 489 1990 132 18 death
## 490 1990 132 28 corner
## 491 1990 134 8 fog
## 492 1990 135 1 Revel
## 493 1990 135 4 life
## 494 1990 136 13 choice
## 495 1990 138 9 country
## 496 1990 138 24 lives
## 497 1990 139 14 battle
## 498 1990 141 4 idea
## 499 1990 141 10 heart
## 500 1990 142 8 changes
## 501 1990 143 5 world
## 502 1990 143 7 challenges
## 503 1990 143 9 opportunities
## 504 1990 143 17 need
## 505 1990 143 19 leadership
## 506 1990 144 6 address
## 507 1990 144 16 time
## 508 1990 145 7 world
## 509 1990 145 17 men
## 510 1990 145 20 sides
## 511 1990 145 32 time
## 512 1990 145 34 change
## 513 1990 145 38 world
## 514 1990 146 4 change
## 515 1990 146 7 place
## 516 1990 147 8 allies
## 517 1990 147 10 communism
## 518 1990 147 12 check
## 519 1990 147 16 democracy
## 520 1990 148 5 communism
## 521 1990 148 9 aim
## 522 1990 148 14 democracy
## 523 1990 148 16 advance
## 524 1990 148 21 lead
## 525 1990 148 24 peace
## 526 1990 148 26 freedom
## 527 1990 148 29 hope
## 528 1990 148 35 commonwealth
## 529 1990 148 38 nations
## 530 1990 149 14 time
## 531 1990 149 19 consensus
## 532 1990 149 21 home
## 533 1990 149 27 vision
## 534 1990 149 31 world
## 535 1990 150 6 hemisphere
## 536 1990 150 10 time
## 537 1990 150 14 peoples
## 538 1990 150 26 freedom
## 539 1990 151 8 time
## 540 1990 151 12 flowering
## 541 1990 151 15 governments
## 542 1990 151 18 markets
## 543 1990 151 24 engine
## 544 1990 151 26 progress
## 545 1990 152 3 time
## 546 1990 152 7 hand
## 547 1990 152 11 democracies
## 548 1990 152 16 continent
## 549 1990 152 22 continent
## 550 1990 152 28 future
## 551 1990 153 3 time
## 552 1990 153 9 relationship
## 553 1990 153 19 process
## 554 1990 153 22 change
## 555 1990 153 24 democracy
## 556 1990 153 27 opportunity
## 557 1990 154 6 period
## 558 1990 154 9 transition
## 559 1990 154 12 hope
## 560 1990 154 17 uncertainty
## 561 1990 155 7 threat
## 562 1990 155 17 change
## 563 1990 155 21 modernization
## 564 1990 156 9 offense
## 565 1990 156 10 modernization
## 566 1990 157 4 time
## 567 1990 157 13 arms
## 568 1990 157 14 control
## 569 1990 157 15 agreement
## 570 1990 157 22 levels
## 571 1990 157 25 forces
## 572 1990 157 31 defense
## 573 1990 157 32 program
## 574 1990 157 42 catalyst
## 575 1990 157 45 change
## 576 1990 158 6 leaders
## 577 1990 159 2 fact
## 578 1990 159 7 phone
## 579 1990 160 7 allies
## 580 1990 160 12 presence
## 581 1990 160 29 presence
## 582 1990 161 3 troop
## 583 1990 161 4 levels
## 584 1990 162 11 step
## 585 1990 162 15 reduction
## 586 1990 162 20 manpower
## 587 1990 162 27 side
## 588 1990 163 2 level
## 589 1990 163 5 advice
## 590 1990 163 10 advisers
## 591 1990 164 9 interests
## 592 1990 164 14 defense
## 593 1990 164 15 strategy
## 594 1990 165 3 conclusion
## 595 1990 165 6 arms
## 596 1990 165 7 control
## 597 1990 165 8 talks
## 598 1990 165 12 chemical
## 599 1990 165 21 goal
## 600 1990 166 3 time
## 601 1990 167 9 fact
## 602 1990 167 13 regions
## 603 1990 167 16 world
## 604 1990 167 20 reality
## 605 1990 167 22 conflict
## 606 1990 167 25 peace
## 607 1990 168 2 animosities
## 608 1990 168 5 interests
## 609 1990 169 5 cause
## 610 1990 169 7 peace
## 611 1990 169 22 interests
## 612 1990 169 25 ideals
## 613 1990 170 5 idea
## 614 1990 171 4 home
## 615 1990 171 8 world
## 616 1990 171 12 history
## 617 1990 171 15 making
## 618 1990 171 17 history
## 619 1990 172 7 change
## 620 1990 172 13 gates
## 621 1990 172 17 shipyard
## 622 1990 172 22 monument
## 623 1990 172 26 workers
## 624 1990 173 4 monument
## 625 1990 173 7 majesty
## 626 1990 174 3 crosses
## 627 1990 174 8 stones
## 628 1990 174 13 cross
## 629 1990 174 16 anchor
## 630 1990 174 20 symbol
## 631 1990 174 22 hope
## 632 1990 175 3 anchor
## 633 1990 175 6 world
## 634 1990 175 9 freedom
## 635 1990 175 15 times
## 636 1990 175 17 change
## 637 1990 175 20 symbol
## 638 1990 175 22 hope
## 639 1990 175 26 world
## 640 1990 176 2 freedom
## 641 1990 176 7 heart
## 642 1990 176 10 idea
## 643 1990 177 2 life
## 644 1990 177 5 idea
## 645 1990 178 2 anchor
## 646 1990 178 6 faith
## 647 1990 178 8 family
## 648 1990 179 8 family
## 649 1990 179 16 joy
## 650 1990 179 18 life
## 651 1990 179 22 boy
## 652 1990 179 26 grandchild
## 653 1990 180 6 guy
## 654 1990 180 10 time
## 655 1990 180 13 troubles
## 656 1990 180 15 home
## 657 1990 180 23 perspective
## 658 1990 181 17 grandfather
## 659 1990 181 18 talking
## 660 1990 183 6 lot
## 661 1990 183 8 children
## 662 1990 183 12 country
## 663 1990 184 3 kids
## 664 1990 184 10 kids
## 665 1990 184 17 environmentalists
## 666 1990 184 30 leaguers
## 667 1990 184 49 kids
## 668 1990 184 60 boarder
## 669 1990 184 61 babies
## 670 1990 184 66 drugs
## 671 1990 184 72 problems
## 672 1990 184 74 child
## 673 1990 185 12 future
## 674 1990 185 15 kid
## 675 1990 185 22 dreams
## 676 1990 185 29 world
## 677 1990 185 39 future
## 678 1990 185 41 freedom
## 679 1990 186 7 world
## 680 1990 188 8 generation
## 681 1990 188 12 grandparents
## 682 1990 189 4 living
## 683 1990 189 5 link
## 684 1990 189 8 past
## 685 1990 190 3 grandchildren
## 686 1990 190 5 story
## 687 1990 190 7 struggles
## 688 1990 190 10 home
## 689 1990 190 15 sacrifices
## 690 1990 190 19 freedom
## 691 1990 190 21 sake
## 692 1990 191 6 story
## 693 1990 191 15 story
## 694 1990 192 4 parents
## 695 1990 192 7 children
## 696 1990 192 12 direction
## 697 1990 192 14 guidance
## 698 1990 193 4 faith
## 699 1990 193 6 family
## 700 1990 194 6 nation
## 701 1990 195 8 gifts
## 702 1990 195 12 liberty
## 703 1990 195 17 legacy
## 704 1990 195 23 gifts
## 705 1990 195 31 others
## 706 1990 196 5 children
## 707 1990 196 8 people
## 708 1990 196 17 hope
## 709 1990 197 3 vision
## 710 1990 197 11 dreams
## 711 1990 197 19 destiny
## 712 1990 197 24 yours
## 713 1990 198 20 center
## 714 1990 198 22 democracy
## 715 1990 198 26 allegiance
## 716 1990 198 29 idea
## 717 1990 199 7 state
## 718 1990 200 14 nation
## 719 1991 1 21 people
## 720 1991 2 4 world
## 721 1991 2 12 struggle
## 722 1991 2 15 skies
## 723 1991 2 19 seas
## 724 1991 2 21 sands
## 725 1991 3 12 part
## 726 1991 4 9 work
## 727 1991 4 11 freedom
## 728 1991 5 7 world
## 729 1991 5 12 threat
## 730 1991 5 14 decency
## 731 1991 5 16 humanity
## 732 1991 6 5 stake
## 733 1991 6 9 country
## 734 1991 6 15 idea
## 735 1991 6 19 world
## 736 1991 6 20 order
## 737 1991 6 24 nations
## 738 1991 6 30 cause
## 739 1991 6 35 aspirations
## 740 1991 6 37 mankind
## 741 1991 6 39 peace
## 742 1991 6 41 security
## 743 1991 6 43 freedom
## 744 1991 6 47 rule
## 745 1991 6 49 law
## 746 1991 7 4 world
## 747 1991 7 8 struggle
## 748 1991 7 13 children
## 749 1991 7 15 future
## 750 1991 8 3 community
## 751 1991 8 5 nations
## 752 1991 8 14 aggression
## 753 1991 9 3 invasion
## 754 1991 9 9 rape
## 755 1991 9 13 neighbor
## 756 1991 9 18 community
## 757 1991 9 20 nations
## 758 1991 10 2 world
## 759 1991 10 6 aggression
## 760 1991 11 7 trap
## 761 1991 11 9 appeasement
## 762 1991 11 11 cynicism
## 763 1991 11 14 isolation
## 764 1991 11 17 temptation
## 765 1991 11 19 tyrants
## 766 1991 12 2 world
## 767 1991 12 7 invasion
## 768 1991 12 11 resolutions
## 769 1991 12 16 demand
## 770 1991 12 23 withdrawal
## 771 1991 12 29 forces
## 772 1991 12 32 countries
## 773 1991 12 35 continents
## 774 1991 13 3 exceptions
## 775 1991 13 6 world
## 776 1991 14 3 end
## 777 1991 14 7 war
## 778 1991 14 11 victory
## 779 1991 14 14 humanity
## 780 1991 15 10 goal
## 781 1991 17 11 leadership
## 782 1991 18 3 relationship
## 783 1991 18 16 world
## 784 1991 19 2 relationship
## 785 1991 19 11 changes
## 786 1991 20 5 nations
## 787 1991 20 14 violence
## 788 1991 20 24 concern
## 789 1991 20 28 leadership
## 790 1991 21 2 principle
## 791 1991 21 11 objective
## 792 1991 21 17 peoples
## 793 1991 21 20 aspirations
## 794 1991 22 4 discussions
## 795 1991 22 8 leadership
## 796 1991 22 13 representations
## 797 1991 22 23 withdrawal
## 798 1991 22 27 forces
## 799 1991 22 30 reopening
## 800 1991 22 32 dialog
## 801 1991 22 39 move
## 802 1991 22 42 violence
## 803 1991 23 8 situation
## 804 1991 24 6 contact
## 805 1991 24 10 leadership
## 806 1991 24 14 commitment
## 807 1991 24 16 democratization
## 808 1991 24 18 reform
## 809 1991 25 14 basis
## 810 1991 25 17 cooperation
## 811 1991 25 23 future
## 812 1991 25 26 mankind
## 813 1991 26 3 triumph
## 814 1991 26 6 ideas
## 815 1991 26 14 struggle
## 816 1991 26 16 freedom
## 817 1991 26 21 world
## 818 1991 26 25 wisdom
## 819 1991 26 28 nation
## 820 1991 26 30 founders
## 821 1991 27 8 victory
## 822 1991 27 11 victory
## 823 1991 27 13 tyranny
## 824 1991 27 16 aggression
## 825 1991 28 13 blessings
## 826 1991 28 18 purpose
## 827 1991 28 23 difficulties
## 828 1991 28 29 duties
## 829 1991 28 31 home
## 830 1991 28 35 world
## 831 1991 29 8 world
## 832 1991 29 12 example
## 833 1991 29 14 freedom
## 834 1991 29 16 democracy
## 835 1991 30 2 generations
## 836 1991 30 8 struggle
## 837 1991 30 14 blessings
## 838 1991 30 16 liberty
## 839 1991 31 8 world
## 840 1991 31 11 leadership
## 841 1991 32 4 leadership
## 842 1991 32 6 burdens
## 843 1991 32 8 sacrifices
## 844 1991 33 7 hopes
## 845 1991 33 9 humanity
## 846 1991 34 9 responsibility
## 847 1991 34 14 work
## 848 1991 34 16 freedom
## 849 1991 35 6 freedom
## 850 1991 36 3 conviction
## 851 1991 36 5 courage
## 852 1991 36 15 character
## 853 1991 36 17 action
## 854 1991 37 3 spirit
## 855 1991 37 9 victory
## 856 1991 37 11 world
## 857 1991 37 12 peace
## 858 1991 37 14 justice
## 859 1991 37 18 spirit
## 860 1991 37 23 power
## 861 1991 37 26 potential
## 862 1991 37 31 challenges
## 863 1991 37 33 home
## 864 1991 39 7 evil
## 865 1991 39 10 sake
## 866 1991 39 15 land
## 867 1991 39 26 land
## 868 1991 40 9 days
## 869 1991 40 19 way
## 870 1991 41 2 Tonight
## 871 1991 41 11 people
## 872 1991 41 14 appeal
## 873 1991 41 16 renewal
## 874 1991 42 6 call
## 875 1991 42 9 government
## 876 1991 42 10 initiatives
## 877 1991 42 15 call
## 878 1991 42 18 initiatives
## 879 1991 42 20 government
## 880 1991 42 24 communities
## 881 1991 43 7 example
## 882 1991 44 9 example
## 883 1991 45 4 citizens
## 884 1991 46 10 addict
## 885 1991 46 12 drugs
## 886 1991 46 18 teenager
## 887 1991 46 24 life
## 888 1991 46 30 patient
## 889 1991 46 36 child
## 890 1991 47 6 reach
## 891 1991 47 8 promise
## 892 1991 48 4 meaning
## 893 1991 48 11 purpose
## 894 1991 48 17 purpose
## 895 1991 48 20 illumination
## 896 1991 49 11 force
## 897 1991 49 14 child
## 898 1991 49 16 hand
## 899 1991 49 20 friend
## 900 1991 49 30 volunteer
## 901 1991 49 33 gesture
## 902 1991 49 36 idea
## 903 1991 50 3 problems
## 904 1991 50 12 key
## 905 1991 51 4 individual
## 906 1991 51 7 individual
## 907 1991 52 3 state
## 908 1991 52 9 union
## 909 1991 52 21 sum
## 910 1991 52 24 friendships
## 911 1991 52 26 marriages
## 912 1991 52 28 families
## 913 1991 52 31 communities
## 914 1991 55 6 hammer
## 915 1991 55 10 nail
## 916 1991 56 12 trouble
## 917 1991 57 3 community
## 918 1991 57 5 conscience
## 919 1991 58 4 work
## 920 1991 58 6 freedom
## 921 1991 59 6 state
## 922 1991 60 4 birth
## 923 1991 60 7 nation
## 924 1991 60 15 source
## 925 1991 60 18 strength
## 926 1991 61 2 government
## 927 1991 61 11 potential
## 928 1991 61 15 people
## 929 1991 61 18 limits
## 930 1991 62 5 nation
## 931 1991 62 7 rock
## 932 1991 62 10 realism
## 933 1991 62 15 idealism
## 934 1991 64 4 Nation
## 935 1991 64 9 future
## 936 1991 65 4 Nation
## 937 1991 65 9 future
## 938 1991 66 13 power
## 939 1991 66 15 choice
## 940 1991 66 17 individuals
## 941 1991 66 19 families
## 942 1991 67 9 dollars
## 943 1991 67 11 child
## 944 1991 67 12 care
## 945 1991 67 16 hands
## 946 1991 67 18 parents
## 947 1991 67 21 bureaucracies
## 948 1991 67 25 potential
## 949 1991 67 29 disabilities
## 950 1991 67 33 creativity
## 951 1991 67 36 marketplace
## 952 1991 67 39 service
## 953 1991 67 42 environment
## 954 1991 67 46 air
## 955 1991 67 50 home
## 956 1991 67 51 ownership
## 957 1991 68 3 strength
## 958 1991 68 6 democracy
## 959 1991 68 10 bureaucracy
## 960 1991 69 5 people
## 961 1991 69 8 communities
## 962 1991 70 10 potential
## 963 1991 70 15 resource
## 964 1991 70 18 citizens
## 965 1991 70 21 citizens
## 966 1991 71 5 families
## 967 1991 71 7 communities
## 968 1991 71 9 counties
## 969 1991 71 11 cities
## 970 1991 71 16 institutions
## 971 1991 71 19 kind
## 972 1991 71 21 power
## 973 1991 71 26 destiny
## 974 1991 71 29 freedom
## 975 1991 71 31 opportunity
## 976 1991 71 36 growth
## 977 1991 73 9 regions
## 978 1991 73 12 country
## 979 1991 73 14 people
## 980 1991 73 19 distress
## 981 1991 75 16 economy
## 982 1991 75 24 heart
## 983 1991 75 36 people
## 984 1991 76 12 future
## 985 1991 77 4 reasons
## 986 1991 77 10 economy
## 987 1991 78 11 digit
## 988 1991 78 12 inflation
## 989 1991 79 4 industries
## 990 1991 79 11 cuts
## 991 1991 79 13 production
## 992 1991 79 20 inventories
## 993 1991 80 5 exports
## 994 1991 81 2 fact
## 995 1991 81 5 businesses
## 996 1991 81 10 record
## 997 1991 81 11 rate
## 998 1991 82 8 times
## 999 1991 82 10 perspective
## 1000 1991 83 10 jobs
## 1001 1991 83 13 inflation
## 1002 1991 83 19 interest
## 1003 1991 83 20 rates
## 1004 1991 84 6 peacetime
## 1005 1991 84 8 expansion
## 1006 1991 84 10 history
## 1007 1991 85 3 economy
## 1008 1991 85 13 competitor
## 1009 1991 86 6 recession
## 1010 1991 86 12 growth
## 1011 1991 87 6 way
## 1012 1991 87 10 record
## 1013 1991 87 12 expansion
## 1014 1991 87 17 strength
## 1015 1991 88 5 efforts
## 1016 1991 88 10 growth
## 1017 1991 88 15 future
## 1018 1991 88 19 power
## 1019 1991 88 21 opportunity
## 1020 1991 88 24 individual
## 1021 1991 89 6 control
## 1022 1991 89 9 spending
## 1023 1991 90 8 budget
## 1024 1991 90 12 growth
## 1025 1991 90 14 spending
## 1026 1991 90 19 rate
## 1027 1991 90 21 inflation
## 1028 1991 91 9 sound
## 1029 1991 91 11 fury
## 1030 1991 91 14 budget
## 1031 1991 91 15 debate
## 1032 1991 91 20 law
## 1033 1991 91 24 spending
## 1034 1991 91 25 caps
## 1035 1991 91 30 spending
## 1036 1991 91 31 debates
## 1037 1991 91 35 battle
## 1038 1991 91 37 ideas
## 1039 1991 91 41 bidding
## 1040 1991 91 42 war
## 1041 1991 92 6 budget
## 1042 1991 92 7 agreement
## 1043 1991 92 20 plan
## 1044 1991 92 24 growth
## 1045 1991 92 26 debt
## 1046 1991 93 4 funds
## 1047 1991 93 6 saving
## 1048 1991 93 8 job
## 1049 1991 93 11 investment
## 1050 1991 95 2 budget
## 1051 1991 95 5 tax
## 1052 1991 95 8 family
## 1053 1991 95 9 savings
## 1054 1991 95 10 accounts
## 1055 1991 95 12 penalty
## 1056 1991 95 15 withdrawals
## 1057 1991 95 22 time
## 1058 1991 95 23 home
## 1059 1991 95 24 buyers
## 1060 1991 95 29 jobs
## 1061 1991 95 31 growth
## 1062 1991 95 35 tax
## 1063 1991 95 39 term
## 1064 1991 95 40 capital
## 1065 1991 95 41 gains
## 1066 1991 96 6 differences
## 1067 1991 97 7 impact
## 1068 1991 97 10 effects
## 1069 1991 97 13 capital
## 1070 1991 97 14 gains
## 1071 1991 97 15 incentive
## 1072 1991 98 9 leaders
## 1073 1991 98 18 study
## 1074 1991 98 30 differences
## 1075 1991 98 37 return
## 1076 1991 98 41 bickering
## 1077 1991 99 6 efforts
## 1078 1991 99 10 growth
## 1079 1991 99 15 future
## 1080 1991 99 25 term
## 1081 1991 99 26 investments
## 1082 1991 100 7 plan
## 1083 1991 100 9 action
## 1084 1991 101 6 series
## 1085 1991 101 8 proposals
## 1086 1991 101 13 budget
## 1087 1991 101 16 investment
## 1088 1991 101 20 future
## 1089 1991 101 23 children
## 1090 1991 101 25 education
## 1091 1991 101 27 infrastructure
## 1092 1991 101 29 space
## 1093 1991 101 33 technology
## 1094 1991 101 35 legislation
## 1095 1991 101 38 excellence
## 1096 1991 101 40 education
## 1097 1991 101 45 partnership
## 1098 1991 101 51 education
## 1099 1991 101 52 summit
## 1100 1991 101 55 parents
## 1101 1991 101 59 children
## 1102 1991 101 61 schools
## 1103 1991 101 67 number
## 1104 1991 101 70 math
## 1105 1991 101 72 science
## 1106 1991 101 75 blueprint
## 1107 1991 101 80 highway
## 1108 1991 101 81 system
## 1109 1991 101 85 investment
## 1110 1991 101 88 transportation
## 1111 1991 101 89 infrastructure
## 1112 1991 101 92 research
## 1113 1991 101 94 development
## 1114 1991 101 95 agenda
## 1115 1991 101 98 record
## 1116 1991 101 99 levels
## 1117 1991 101 102 investment
## 1118 1991 101 107 tax
## 1119 1991 101 108 credit
## 1120 1991 101 112 R&D
## 1121 1991 101 116 jobs
## 1122 1991 101 121 energy
## 1123 1991 101 122 strategy
## 1124 1991 101 126 energy
## 1125 1991 101 127 conservation
## 1126 1991 101 129 efficiency
## 1127 1991 101 132 development
## 1128 1991 101 136 use
## 1129 1991 101 139 fuels
## 1130 1991 101 142 banking
## 1131 1991 101 143 reform
## 1132 1991 101 144 plan
## 1133 1991 101 150 system
## 1134 1991 101 156 banks
## 1135 1991 101 166 job
## 1136 1991 101 169 loans
## 1137 1991 101 172 factories
## 1138 1991 101 175 businesses
## 1139 1991 101 178 home
## 1140 1991 101 179 buyers
## 1141 1991 102 13 pessimism
## 1142 1991 103 2 banks
## 1143 1991 103 7 loans
## 1144 1991 103 11 interest
## 1145 1991 103 12 rates
## 1146 1991 104 3 addition
## 1147 1991 104 6 proposals
## 1148 1991 104 14 strength
## 1149 1991 104 20 world
## 1150 1991 104 21 markets
## 1151 1991 105 7 exports
## 1152 1991 106 4 round
## 1153 1991 106 6 world
## 1154 1991 106 7 trade
## 1155 1991 106 8 negotiations
## 1156 1991 106 13 jobs
## 1157 1991 106 17 growth
## 1158 1991 106 20 nations
## 1159 1991 107 9 field
## 1160 1991 107 15 workers
## 1161 1991 107 17 farmers
## 1162 1991 107 21 work
## 1163 1991 108 7 trade
## 1164 1991 108 8 agreement
## 1165 1991 108 21 partners
## 1166 1991 108 24 economies
## 1167 1991 108 30 trade
## 1168 1991 108 31 zone
## 1169 1991 108 35 hemisphere
## 1170 1991 109 3 budget
## 1171 1991 109 7 plan
## 1172 1991 109 9 action
## 1173 1991 109 13 home
## 1174 1991 109 17 power
## 1175 1991 109 19 opportunity
## 1176 1991 109 22 hands
## 1177 1991 109 25 individual
## 1178 1991 110 5 incentives
## 1179 1991 110 8 jobs
## 1180 1991 110 12 cities
## 1181 1991 110 15 investment
## 1182 1991 110 17 enterprise
## 1183 1991 110 18 zones
## 1184 1991 111 4 tenant
## 1185 1991 111 5 control
## 1186 1991 111 7 ownership
## 1187 1991 111 10 housing
## 1188 1991 112 1 Freedom
## 1189 1991 112 4 power
## 1190 1991 112 11 privilege
## 1191 1991 112 13 wealth
## 1192 1991 113 4 birthright
## 1193 1991 114 3 rights
## 1194 1991 114 10 opportunity
## 1195 1991 115 7 responsibility
## 1196 1991 115 12 racism
## 1197 1991 115 14 bigotry
## 1198 1991 115 17 hate
## 1199 1991 116 6 enforcement
## 1200 1991 116 9 statutes
## 1201 1991 116 22 laws
## 1202 1991 116 24 employment
## 1203 1991 116 25 discrimination
## 1204 1991 116 30 use
## 1205 1991 116 33 preferences
## 1206 1991 117 10 right
## 1207 1991 117 12 freedom
## 1208 1991 117 14 crime
## 1209 1991 117 17 fear
## 1210 1991 117 21 cities
## 1211 1991 118 8 crime
## 1212 1991 118 9 summit
## 1213 1991 118 12 nation
## 1214 1991 118 14 law
## 1215 1991 118 15 enforcement
## 1216 1991 118 16 officials
## 1217 1991 119 11 crime
## 1218 1991 119 12 control
## 1219 1991 119 13 legislation
## 1220 1991 120 6 crime
## 1221 1991 120 14 strategy
## 1222 1991 120 17 drug
## 1223 1991 120 18 abuse
## 1224 1991 121 2 data
## 1225 1991 121 8 progress
## 1226 1991 122 9 dealer
## 1227 1991 123 3 health
## 1228 1991 123 4 care
## 1229 1991 123 9 right
## 1230 1991 123 14 responsibility
## 1231 1991 124 9 program
## 1232 1991 124 12 prevention
## 1233 1991 124 13 initiatives
## 1234 1991 124 16 infants
## 1235 1991 124 19 children
## 1236 1991 124 22 adults
## 1237 1991 124 38 costs
## 1238 1991 125 4 time
## 1239 1991 125 7 people
## 1240 1991 125 9 choice
## 1241 1991 125 11 government
## 1242 1991 125 15 ideal
## 1243 1991 125 18 citizen
## 1244 1991 125 19 politician
## 1245 1991 126 5 reasons
## 1246 1991 126 11 support
## 1247 1991 126 14 country
## 1248 1991 126 16 term
## 1249 1991 126 17 limitations
## 1250 1991 126 22 people
## 1251 1991 126 29 money
## 1252 1991 126 30 influence
## 1253 1991 126 32 politics
## 1254 1991 127 9 election
## 1255 1991 127 13 generation
## 1256 1991 128 3 time
## 1257 1991 128 10 interest
## 1258 1991 128 14 interest
## 1259 1991 128 20 action
## 1260 1991 128 21 committees
## 1261 1991 129 7 competition
## 1262 1991 129 9 elections
## 1263 1991 129 12 power
## 1264 1991 129 15 hands
## 1265 1991 129 17 individuals
## 1266 1991 130 4 power
## 1267 1991 130 12 hands
## 1268 1991 130 15 individual
## 1269 1991 130 24 people
## 1270 1991 131 5 government
## 1271 1991 131 6 programs
## 1272 1991 132 5 programs
## 1273 1991 133 3 time
## 1274 1991 133 8 program
## 1275 1991 133 9 life
## 1276 1991 133 10 cycle
## 1277 1991 134 2 programs
## 1278 1991 138 3 budget
## 1279 1991 138 6 list
## 1280 1991 138 8 programs
## 1281 1991 138 11 turnover
## 1282 1991 139 15 programs
## 1283 1991 139 27 grant
## 1284 1991 139 34 management
## 1285 1991 140 3 value
## 1286 1991 140 6 value
## 1287 1991 140 9 turnover
## 1288 1991 140 10 approach
## 1289 1991 143 3 power
## 1290 1991 143 9 people
## 1291 1991 144 5 theme
## 1292 1991 144 8 administration
## 1293 1991 144 10 appreciation
## 1294 1991 144 12 encouragement
## 1295 1991 144 16 powers
## 1296 1991 144 20 laboratories
## 1297 1991 145 3 nation
## 1298 1991 145 7 leaders
## 1299 1991 145 11 power
## 1300 1991 145 15 hands
## 1301 1991 145 17 people
## 1302 1991 146 6 future
## 1303 1991 147 11 world
## 1304 1991 148 10 times
## 1305 1991 148 19 responsibility
## 1306 1991 148 23 world
## 1307 1991 148 28 chaos
## 1308 1991 148 30 dictators
## 1309 1991 148 35 promise
## 1310 1991 148 39 day
## 1311 1991 149 6 struggle
## 1312 1991 149 9 totalitarianism
## 1313 1991 150 9 world
## 1314 1991 151 5 one
## 1315 1991 151 14 work
## 1316 1991 151 16 freedom
## 1317 1991 151 19 soldier
## 1318 1991 151 21 sailor
## 1319 1991 151 26 airman
## 1320 1991 151 32 man
## 1321 1991 151 34 woman
## 1322 1991 153 9 tribute
## 1323 1991 154 10 tribute
## 1324 1991 155 12 nation
## 1325 1991 155 14 defense
## 1326 1991 155 28 world
## 1327 1991 155 33 generations
## 1328 1991 155 38 peace
## 1329 1991 156 2 commitment
## 1330 1991 156 10 commitment
## 1331 1991 156 13 country
## 1332 1991 158 3 war
## 1333 1991 158 10 war
## 1334 1991 159 6 war
## 1335 1991 160 16 avenue
## 1336 1991 161 38 solution
## 1337 1991 162 2 time
## 1338 1991 162 10 path
## 1339 1991 162 12 diplomacy
## 1340 1991 162 14 peace
## 1341 1991 163 3 world
## 1342 1991 163 8 conflict
## 1343 1991 163 28 neighbor
## 1344 1991 165 3 peace
## 1345 1991 167 2 Tonight
## 1346 1991 167 12 course
## 1347 1991 168 3 capacity
## 1348 1991 168 6 war
## 1349 1991 169 2 investment
## 1350 1991 169 5 training
## 1351 1991 169 8 planning
## 1352 1991 170 7 salvation
## 1353 1991 171 3 purpose
## 1354 1991 171 21 government
## 1355 1991 171 27 stability
## 1356 1991 171 29 security
## 1357 1991 171 33 region
## 1358 1991 172 11 region
## 1359 1991 172 13 stability
## 1360 1991 172 15 security
## 1361 1991 173 6 destruction
## 1362 1991 173 11 culture
## 1363 1991 173 15 people
## 1364 1991 174 11 resources
## 1365 1991 174 20 ambitions
## 1366 1991 174 23 tyrant
## 1367 1991 174 30 life
## 1368 1991 174 35 neighbors
## 1369 1991 175 5 conflict
## 1370 1991 175 10 rule
## 1371 1991 178 6 dictator
## 1372 1991 178 14 weapon
## 1373 1991 178 19 outrage
## 1374 1991 178 25 innocents
## 1375 1991 179 9 control
## 1376 1991 179 12 world
## 1377 1991 179 14 oil
## 1378 1991 179 15 resources
## 1379 1991 179 21 hands
## 1380 1991 179 27 aggression
## 1381 1991 180 12 peace
## 1382 1991 180 17 arms
## 1383 1991 180 18 races
## 1384 1991 180 20 confrontation
## 1385 1991 180 24 principles
## 1386 1991 180 27 rule
## 1387 1991 180 29 law
## 1388 1991 181 8 responsibility
## 1389 1991 181 12 catalyst
## 1390 1991 181 14 peace
## 1391 1991 181 17 region
## 1392 1991 181 24 conclusion
## 1393 1991 181 27 war
## 1394 1991 182 2 Democracy
## 1395 1991 182 6 value
## 1396 1991 182 9 dissent
## 1397 1991 182 17 voices
## 1398 1991 182 20 home
## 1399 1991 183 3 fact
## 1400 1991 183 6 voices
## 1401 1991 183 9 right
## 1402 1991 183 17 reasons
## 1403 1991 183 23 purpose
## 1404 1991 183 25 principle
## 1405 1991 184 3 progress
## 1406 1991 184 7 struggle
## 1407 1991 184 10 result
## 1408 1991 184 14 vigilance
## 1409 1991 184 18 commitment
## 1410 1991 184 22 defense
## 1411 1991 185 6 advances
## 1412 1991 185 10 missile
## 1413 1991 185 17 missile
## 1414 1991 185 18 attacks
## 1415 1991 185 22 civilians
## 1416 1991 186 11 program
## 1417 1991 186 16 protection
## 1418 1991 186 20 missile
## 1419 1991 186 21 strikes
## 1420 1991 186 25 source
## 1421 1991 187 6 program
## 1422 1991 187 13 threat
## 1423 1991 187 19 forces
## 1424 1991 187 25 friends
## 1425 1991 187 27 allies
## 1426 1991 188 3 quality
## 1427 1991 188 6 technology
## 1428 1991 188 8 thanks
## 1429 1991 188 12 worker
## 1430 1991 188 23 conditions
## 1431 1991 188 28 loss
## 1432 1991 188 30 life
## 1433 1991 189 5 men
## 1434 1991 189 7 women
## 1435 1991 191 7 place
## 1436 1991 191 10 hearts
## 1437 1991 191 13 families
## 1438 1991 191 16 men
## 1439 1991 191 18 women
## 1440 1991 194 16 wife
## 1441 1991 195 4 families
## 1442 1991 195 10 forces
## 1443 1991 195 26 mission
## 1444 1991 196 3 courage
## 1445 1991 196 5 success
## 1446 1991 196 9 pilots
## 1447 1991 196 26 pilots
## 1448 1991 196 34 proof
## 1449 1991 196 39 time
## 1450 1991 196 45 community
## 1451 1991 197 2 leadership
## 1452 1991 197 12 ideal
## 1453 1991 197 18 founders
## 1454 1991 197 20 vision
## 1455 1991 198 16 burdens
## 1456 1991 198 19 struggle
## 1457 1991 199 4 friends
## 1458 1991 199 6 allies
## 1459 1991 199 9 bulk
## 1460 1991 199 13 costs
## 1461 1991 200 6 commitments
## 1462 1991 201 4 world
## 1463 1991 201 10 dictator
## 1464 1991 202 8 civilians
## 1465 1991 202 18 advantage
## 1466 1991 203 9 cause
## 1467 1991 203 15 terrorism
## 1468 1991 204 9 coalition
## 1469 1991 204 10 prisoners
## 1470 1991 204 12 war
## 1471 1991 206 7 world
## 1472 1991 206 8 community
## 1473 1991 206 14 warning
## 1474 1991 206 17 dictator
## 1475 1991 206 19 despot
## 1476 1991 206 23 future
## 1477 1991 206 27 outlaw
## 1478 1991 206 28 aggression
## 1479 1991 207 3 world
## 1480 1991 207 10 opportunity
## 1481 1991 207 17 promise
## 1482 1991 207 21 world
## 1483 1991 207 22 order
## 1484 1991 207 25 brutality
## 1485 1991 207 30 aggression
## 1486 1991 207 34 resistance
## 1487 1991 208 8 share
## 1488 1991 208 10 leadership
## 1489 1991 208 13 effort
## 1490 1991 209 3 nations
## 1491 1991 209 6 world
## 1492 1991 209 14 standing
## 1493 1991 209 17 means
## 1494 1991 210 5 nation
## 1495 1991 210 13 forces
## 1496 1991 210 15 peace
## 1497 1991 211 4 burden
## 1498 1991 211 6 leadership
## 1499 1991 211 9 strength
## 1500 1991 211 15 beacon
## 1501 1991 211 17 freedom
## 1502 1991 211 21 world
## 1503 1991 212 3 nation
## 1504 1991 212 7 glory
## 1505 1991 212 9 war
## 1506 1991 213 2 people
## 1507 1991 213 9 blessings
## 1508 1991 213 11 home
## 1509 1991 213 16 lands
## 1510 1991 213 19 conflict
## 1511 1991 214 5 anger
## 1512 1991 215 8 world
## 1513 1991 216 10 value
## 1514 1991 216 14 struggle
## 1515 1991 217 2 cost
## 1516 1991 217 4 lives
## 1517 1991 217 7 cost
## 1518 1991 217 12 power
## 1519 1991 218 3 cost
## 1520 1991 218 7 eyes
## 1521 1991 218 9 aggression
## 1522 1991 218 12 mankind
## 1523 1991 218 14 power
## 1524 1991 219 7 cause
## 1525 1991 219 12 cause
## 1526 1991 219 17 cause
## 1527 1991 220 4 generations
## 1528 1991 220 7 burden
## 1529 1991 220 10 blessings
## 1530 1991 220 12 freedom
## 1531 1991 221 7 duty
## 1532 1991 222 13 world
## 1533 1991 222 16 community
## 1534 1991 222 18 conscience
## 1535 1991 223 3 winds
## 1536 1991 223 5 change
## 1537 1991 224 2 forces
## 1538 1991 224 4 freedom
## 1539 1991 225 13 will
## 1540 1991 225 15 home
## 1541 1991 225 27 work
## 1542 1991 225 29 freedom
## 1543 1992 1 9 Members
## 1544 1992 1 14 guests
## 1545 1992 1 18 citizens
## 1546 1992 1 28 reception
## 1547 1992 2 7 buildup
## 1548 1992 2 9 address
## 1549 1992 2 23 hit
## 1550 1992 5 12 things
## 1551 1992 5 16 changes
## 1552 1992 5 19 promises
## 1553 1992 5 27 problems
## 1554 1992 5 40 country
## 1555 1992 5 45 leader
## 1556 1992 5 48 age
## 1557 1992 6 11 time
## 1558 1992 6 14 history
## 1559 1992 6 18 history
## 1560 1992 6 20 man
## 1561 1992 7 6 world
## 1562 1992 7 9 changes
## 1563 1992 7 13 proportions
## 1564 1992 8 9 coup
## 1565 1992 8 14 system
## 1566 1992 8 25 impact
## 1567 1992 8 29 import
## 1568 1992 9 2 communism
## 1569 1992 10 11 vantage
## 1570 1992 10 12 point
## 1571 1992 10 16 times
## 1572 1992 10 23 progress
## 1573 1992 10 28 change
## 1574 1992 10 36 joy
## 1575 1992 10 41 heart
## 1576 1992 11 4 thing
## 1577 1992 11 10 world
## 1578 1992 11 13 life
## 1579 1992 11 17 lives
## 1580 1992 11 24 grace
## 1581 1992 12 9 changes
## 1582 1992 12 13 place
## 1583 1992 12 16 country
## 1584 1992 12 25 sacrifices
## 1585 1992 12 35 enemy
## 1586 1992 12 39 superpower
## 1587 1992 14 7 things
## 1588 1992 16 4 kind
## 1589 1992 16 6 rollcall
## 1590 1992 16 8 honor
## 1591 1992 17 4 war
## 1592 1992 18 11 places
## 1593 1992 20 5 heroes
## 1594 1992 20 11 victors
## 1595 1992 21 4 rollcall
## 1596 1992 21 15 ones
## 1597 1992 21 20 freedom
## 1598 1992 21 25 ground
## 1599 1992 21 29 dust
## 1600 1992 21 33 share
## 1601 1992 21 35 horror
## 1602 1992 22 22 world
## 1603 1992 23 2 world
## 1604 1992 23 8 valor
## 1605 1992 23 12 style
## 1606 1992 23 18 bravery
## 1607 1992 23 26 unity
## 1608 1992 23 29 class
## 1609 1992 23 31 race
## 1610 1992 23 33 region
## 1611 1992 24 3 group
## 1612 1992 24 10 generations
## 1613 1992 24 15 ones
## 1614 1992 24 25 walls
## 1615 1992 24 29 stalags
## 1616 1992 24 34 signs
## 1617 1992 24 38 desert
## 1618 1992 25 3 group
## 1619 1992 25 5 kids
## 1620 1992 25 12 world
## 1621 1992 26 21 mass
## 1622 1992 26 23 people
## 1623 1992 26 27 taxpayer
## 1624 1992 27 2 one
## 1625 1992 27 8 people
## 1626 1992 27 12 country
## 1627 1992 27 14 bill
## 1628 1992 27 17 alliance
## 1629 1992 27 19 bill
## 1630 1992 28 8 people
## 1631 1992 28 12 burden
## 1632 1992 28 15 taxes
## 1633 1992 28 27 defense
## 1634 1992 28 38 communism
## 1635 1992 30 5 fact
## 1636 1992 30 11 world
## 1637 1992 30 12 acknowledging
## 1638 1992 31 3 taxpayer
## 1639 1992 31 6 brunt
## 1640 1992 31 9 burden
## 1641 1992 31 13 hunk
## 1642 1992 31 16 glory
## 1643 1992 32 8 time
## 1644 1992 32 14 bombers
## 1645 1992 33 11 clock
## 1646 1992 33 12 alert
## 1647 1992 34 3 children
## 1648 1992 34 7 school
## 1649 1992 34 10 history
## 1650 1992 34 13 plants
## 1651 1992 35 9 children
## 1652 1992 35 12 air
## 1653 1992 35 13 raid
## 1654 1992 35 14 drills
## 1655 1992 35 21 desks
## 1656 1992 35 25 heads
## 1657 1992 35 27 case
## 1658 1992 35 30 war
## 1659 1992 36 2 grandchildren
## 1660 1992 36 15 dreams
## 1661 1992 36 16 children
## 1662 1992 37 4 threats
## 1663 1992 38 8 dread
## 1664 1992 39 11 moment
## 1665 1992 39 14 peril
## 1666 1992 40 2 forces
## 1667 1992 41 6 desert
## 1668 1992 41 7 skies
## 1669 1992 41 12 ground
## 1670 1992 41 15 men
## 1671 1992 41 17 women
## 1672 1992 41 24 allies
## 1673 1992 41 27 goals
## 1674 1992 42 6 world
## 1675 1992 42 17 peace
## 1676 1992 43 12 hostages
## 1677 1992 44 2 policies
## 1678 1992 45 9 use
## 1679 1992 45 11 power
## 1680 1992 46 10 world
## 1681 1992 46 16 camps
## 1682 1992 46 23 power
## 1683 1992 47 7 dread
## 1684 1992 48 3 world
## 1685 1992 48 7 power
## 1686 1992 48 11 world
## 1687 1992 50 8 side
## 1688 1992 50 10 decency
## 1689 1992 52 5 words
## 1690 1992 53 4 war
## 1691 1992 53 10 telegram
## 1692 1992 53 15 wife
## 1693 1992 53 19 pilot
## 1694 1992 54 4 grief
## 1695 1992 54 13 day
## 1696 1992 54 16 children
## 1697 1992 54 28 father
## 1698 1992 54 32 war
## 1699 1992 54 38 thing
## 1700 1992 55 11 thing
## 1701 1992 57 4 differences
## 1702 1992 58 4 war
## 1703 1992 58 9 partisanship
## 1704 1992 58 16 troops
## 1705 1992 59 5 time
## 1706 1992 59 7 pride
## 1707 1992 59 13 time
## 1708 1992 60 2 problems
## 1709 1992 60 20 country
## 1710 1992 61 7 cuts
## 1711 1992 61 10 spending
## 1712 1992 61 14 changes
## 1713 1992 61 18 era
## 1714 1992 62 8 communism
## 1715 1992 62 12 process
## 1716 1992 63 8 changes
## 1717 1992 63 13 force
## 1718 1992 64 3 actions
## 1719 1992 64 15 thing
## 1720 1992 65 4 planes
## 1721 1992 65 10 procurement
## 1722 1992 65 17 production
## 1723 1992 65 20 bombers
## 1724 1992 66 6 ICBM
## 1725 1992 66 7 program
## 1726 1992 67 4 production
## 1727 1992 67 7 warheads
## 1728 1992 67 10 sea
## 1729 1992 67 14 missiles
## 1730 1992 68 6 production
## 1731 1992 68 10 missile
## 1732 1992 69 9 cruise
## 1733 1992 69 10 missiles
## 1734 1992 70 3 weekend
## 1735 1992 71 18 land
## 1736 1992 71 25 missiles
## 1737 1992 71 31 following
## 1738 1992 71 38 missiles
## 1739 1992 72 5 number
## 1740 1992 72 7 warheads
## 1741 1992 72 10 missiles
## 1742 1992 72 16 number
## 1743 1992 72 18 warheads
## 1744 1992 72 21 sea
## 1745 1992 72 24 missiles
## 1746 1992 73 7 portion
## 1747 1992 73 11 bombers
## 1748 1992 73 15 use
## 1749 1992 74 5 response
## 1750 1992 74 15 talks
## 1751 1992 75 17 decisions
## 1752 1992 75 21 words
## 1753 1992 76 5 midst
## 1754 1992 76 7 celebration
## 1755 1992 76 12 caution
## 1756 1992 76 15 friend
## 1757 1992 77 3 world
## 1758 1992 77 8 place
## 1759 1992 78 3 dead
## 1760 1992 78 7 end
## 1761 1992 78 9 conflict
## 1762 1992 79 5 challenges
## 1763 1992 80 8 cuts
## 1764 1992 80 10 consultation
## 1765 1992 81 6 confidence
## 1766 1992 83 2 reductions
## 1767 1992 84 8 defense
## 1768 1992 84 14 office
## 1769 1992 85 2 cuts
## 1770 1992 85 11 resolve
## 1771 1992 86 18 history
## 1772 1992 87 8 days
## 1773 1992 87 13 army
## 1774 1992 88 6 mistakes
## 1775 1992 88 12 armistice
## 1776 1992 88 16 recklessness
## 1777 1992 88 18 defense
## 1778 1992 88 24 world
## 1779 1992 89 12 support
## 1780 1992 89 16 program
## 1781 1992 89 20 country
## 1782 1992 89 24 missile
## 1783 1992 89 25 attack
## 1784 1992 90 5 protection
## 1785 1992 90 9 people
## 1786 1992 90 13 countries
## 1787 1992 90 15 access
## 1788 1992 90 18 arms
## 1789 1992 92 15 world
## 1790 1992 92 22 role
## 1791 1992 92 26 place
## 1792 1992 93 7 leader
## 1793 1992 93 15 leader
## 1794 1992 93 18 world
## 1795 1992 94 15 support
## 1796 1992 94 17 freedom
## 1797 1992 94 23 arrogance
## 1798 1992 94 28 altruism
## 1799 1992 94 33 safety
## 1800 1992 94 35 security
## 1801 1992 94 38 children
## 1802 1992 95 4 fact
## 1803 1992 95 6 Strength
## 1804 1992 95 9 pursuit
## 1805 1992 95 11 peace
## 1806 1992 95 14 vice
## 1807 1992 95 16 isolationism
## 1808 1992 95 19 pursuit
## 1809 1992 95 21 security
## 1810 1992 95 24 virtue
## 1811 1992 96 6 troubles
## 1812 1992 96 8 home
## 1813 1992 97 9 problem
## 1814 1992 97 12 economy
## 1815 1992 98 5 signs
## 1816 1992 99 1 Inflation
## 1817 1992 99 4 thief
## 1818 1992 100 2 interest
## 1819 1992 100 3 rates
## 1820 1992 101 2 unemployment
## 1821 1992 101 8 industries
## 1822 1992 101 11 trouble
## 1823 1992 101 14 growth
## 1824 1992 102 8 start
## 1825 1992 102 13 heart
## 1826 1992 102 21 times
## 1827 1992 104 14 courage
## 1828 1992 104 16 sense
## 1829 1992 104 19 purpose
## 1830 1992 104 22 economy
## 1831 1992 105 6 times
## 1832 1992 107 2 reason
## 1833 1992 107 7 patriots
## 1834 1992 107 16 country
## 1835 1992 108 7 hearts
## 1836 1992 108 12 partisanship
## 1837 1992 108 17 job
## 1838 1992 108 24 thing
## 1839 1992 109 3 power
## 1840 1992 109 12 idea
## 1841 1992 109 15 people
## 1842 1992 109 19 things
## 1843 1992 110 9 economy
## 1844 1992 111 4 age
## 1845 1992 111 6 miracles
## 1846 1992 111 8 wonders
## 1847 1992 111 22 world
## 1848 1992 112 4 investment
## 1849 1992 113 7 people
## 1850 1992 113 10 money
## 1851 1992 113 14 products
## 1852 1992 113 17 industries
## 1853 1992 113 21 jobs
## 1854 1992 114 6 obstacles
## 1855 1992 114 8 growth
## 1856 1992 114 11 taxes
## 1857 1992 114 14 regulation
## 1858 1992 114 16 redtape
## 1859 1992 114 22 Government
## 1860 1992 114 23 spending
## 1861 1992 115 2 None
## 1862 1992 115 9 snap
## 1863 1992 115 12 fingers
## 1864 1992 116 3 test
## 1865 1992 116 6 plan
## 1866 1992 117 3 people
## 1867 1992 117 8 gimmicks
## 1868 1992 117 15 score
## 1869 1992 117 22 room
## 1870 1992 118 3 test
## 1871 1992 118 6 plan
## 1872 1992 119 8 term
## 1873 1992 119 9 plan
## 1874 1992 119 14 needs
## 1875 1992 119 19 economy
## 1876 1992 120 7 term
## 1877 1992 120 8 plan
## 1878 1992 120 11 combustion
## 1879 1992 120 17 place
## 1880 1992 120 20 world
## 1881 1992 120 21 economy
## 1882 1992 121 4 things
## 1883 1992 122 10 departments
## 1884 1992 122 13 agencies
## 1885 1992 122 18 moratorium
## 1886 1992 122 23 regulations
## 1887 1992 122 27 growth
## 1888 1992 123 5 departments
## 1889 1992 123 7 agencies
## 1890 1992 123 16 bottom
## 1891 1992 123 17 review
## 1892 1992 123 20 regulations
## 1893 1992 123 29 ones
## 1894 1992 123 33 growth
## 1895 1992 123 41 growth
## 1896 1992 124 7 number
## 1897 1992 124 15 workers
## 1898 1992 124 17 business
## 1899 1992 124 18 men
## 1900 1992 124 20 women
## 1901 1992 124 29 bank
## 1902 1992 124 30 loans
## 1903 1992 124 33 banking
## 1904 1992 124 34 credit
## 1905 1992 125 6 responsibility
## 1906 1992 125 9 regulations
## 1907 1992 125 14 good
## 1908 1992 125 18 overkill
## 1909 1992 126 7 regulators
## 1910 1992 127 6 departments
## 1911 1992 127 9 agencies
## 1912 1992 127 13 progrowth
## 1913 1992 127 14 expenditures
## 1914 1992 128 7 economy
## 1915 1992 129 4 transportation
## 1916 1992 129 5 bill
## 1917 1992 129 9 construction
## 1918 1992 129 11 maintenance
## 1919 1992 129 12 projects
## 1920 1992 129 18 growth
## 1921 1992 129 22 being
## 1922 1992 130 4 jobs
## 1923 1992 130 6 roads
## 1924 1992 130 8 jobs
## 1925 1992 130 9 building
## 1926 1992 130 10 bridges
## 1927 1992 130 13 jobs
## 1928 1992 130 14 building
## 1929 1992 130 15 railways
## 1930 1992 131 18 tax
## 1931 1992 131 19 withholding
## 1932 1992 131 20 tables
## 1933 1992 132 3 change
## 1934 1992 132 27 paychecks
## 1935 1992 133 5 number
## 1936 1992 133 7 taxpayers
## 1937 1992 133 14 one
## 1938 1992 134 2 initiative
## 1939 1992 134 9 economy
## 1940 1992 134 13 money
## 1941 1992 134 14 people
## 1942 1992 134 21 clothing
## 1943 1992 134 23 college
## 1944 1992 134 30 car
## 1945 1992 135 13 policy
## 1946 1992 135 17 interest
## 1947 1992 135 18 rates
## 1948 1992 135 20 inflation
## 1949 1992 136 7 things
## 1950 1992 137 18 country
## 1951 1992 138 6 elements
## 1952 1992 138 9 plan
## 1953 1992 138 14 needs
## 1954 1992 139 4 investment
## 1955 1992 139 6 recovery
## 1956 1992 140 6 change
## 1957 1992 140 11 tax
## 1958 1992 140 14 creation
## 1959 1992 140 19 investment
## 1960 1992 140 20 tax
## 1961 1992 140 21 allowance
## 1962 1992 141 4 businesses
## 1963 1992 141 7 investment
## 1964 1992 141 10 people
## 1965 1992 141 13 work
## 1966 1992 142 3 estate
## 1967 1992 142 7 economy
## 1968 1992 142 14 times
## 1969 1992 143 2 building
## 1970 1992 143 3 starts
## 1971 1992 143 5 carpenters
## 1972 1992 143 7 plumbers
## 1973 1992 143 10 people
## 1974 1992 143 12 homes
## 1975 1992 143 16 mortgages
## 1976 1992 144 2 plan
## 1977 1992 144 7 loss
## 1978 1992 144 8 rule
## 1979 1992 144 12 estate
## 1980 1992 144 13 developers
## 1981 1992 145 8 pension
## 1982 1992 145 9 plans
## 1983 1992 145 13 estate
## 1984 1992 146 10 home
## 1985 1992 146 20 plan
## 1986 1992 146 25 time
## 1987 1992 146 26 homebuyers
## 1988 1992 146 29 savings
## 1989 1992 146 34 penalty
## 1990 1992 146 40 tax
## 1991 1992 146 41 credit
## 1992 1992 146 45 purchase
## 1993 1992 146 48 home
## 1994 1992 147 7 plan
## 1995 1992 147 14 help
## 1996 1992 147 16 people
## 1997 1992 147 20 home
## 1998 1992 147 27 business
## 1999 1992 147 30 farm
## 2000 1992 147 34 investment
## 2001 1992 148 2 time
## 2002 1992 148 11 no
## 2003 1992 148 14 answer
## 2004 1992 149 5 capital
## 2005 1992 149 6 gains
## 2006 1992 149 7 tax
## 2007 1992 149 10 people
## 2008 1992 149 13 country
## 2009 1992 150 4 issue
## 2010 1992 150 10 opponents
## 2011 1992 151 3 demagogs
## 2012 1992 153 4 people
## 2013 1992 153 9 capital
## 2014 1992 153 10 gains
## 2015 1992 153 12 incomes
## 2016 1992 154 2 cut
## 2017 1992 154 5 capital
## 2018 1992 154 6 gains
## 2019 1992 154 7 tax
## 2020 1992 154 8 increases
## 2021 1992 154 9 jobs
## 2022 1992 154 17 country
## 2023 1992 155 11 capital
## 2024 1992 155 12 gains
## 2025 1992 155 13 tax
## 2026 1992 155 16 maximum
## 2027 1992 156 36 definition
## 2028 1992 156 58 time
## 2029 1992 158 2 opponents
## 2030 1992 158 5 measure
## 2031 1992 158 20 bills
## 2032 1992 158 39 guy
## 2033 1992 158 46 guy
## 2034 1992 159 5 time
## 2035 1992 160 10 term
## 2036 1992 160 11 plan
## 2037 1992 161 2 part
## 2038 1992 161 9 enactment
## 2039 1992 161 12 commonsense
## 2040 1992 161 13 proposals
## 2041 1992 161 19 effect
## 2042 1992 161 22 economy
## 2043 1992 161 26 budget
## 2044 1992 161 27 agreement
## 2045 1992 161 31 tax
## 2046 1992 161 32 rates
## 2047 1992 162 4 plan
## 2048 1992 162 20 trouble
## 2049 1992 163 8 budget
## 2050 1992 163 12 unemployment
## 2051 1992 163 13 benefits
## 2052 1992 164 6 action
## 2053 1992 165 5 committee
## 2054 1992 172 6 plan
## 2055 1992 175 16 terms
## 2056 1992 176 11 heart
## 2057 1992 177 3 aim
## 2058 1992 177 8 Nation
## 2059 1992 177 10 good
## 2060 1992 179 10 man
## 2061 1992 179 16 patience
## 2062 1992 179 19 virtue
## 2063 1992 180 5 politics
## 2064 1992 180 12 game
## 2065 1992 180 17 game
## 2066 1992 180 22 progress
## 2067 1992 180 27 lack
## 2068 1992 180 29 improvement
## 2069 1992 182 13 future
## 2070 1992 182 24 being
## 2071 1992 182 27 country
## 2072 1992 183 1 Members
## 2073 1992 183 7 people
## 2074 1992 183 18 advice
## 2075 1992 184 2 people
## 2076 1992 184 5 party
## 2077 1992 184 7 fortunes
## 2078 1992 184 11 party
## 2079 1992 184 14 side
## 2080 1992 184 17 aisle
## 2081 1992 184 22 good
## 2082 1992 184 31 country
## 2083 1992 186 5 plan
## 2084 1992 187 6 people
## 2085 1992 187 14 action
## 2086 1992 188 12 battle
## 2087 1992 189 6 principle
## 2088 1992 189 9 stake
## 2089 1992 189 16 fight
## 2090 1992 190 5 plan
## 2091 1992 190 8 parts
## 2092 1992 191 6 part
## 2093 1992 191 10 heart
## 2094 1992 191 13 matter
## 2095 1992 192 10 burst
## 2096 1992 193 5 term
## 2097 1992 193 6 improvement
## 2098 1992 193 10 position
## 2099 1992 194 6 key
## 2100 1992 194 10 future
## 2101 1992 194 20 leader
## 2102 1992 194 23 world
## 2103 1992 195 6 power
## 2104 1992 196 9 term
## 2105 1992 196 10 plan
## 2106 1992 196 14 future
## 2107 1992 197 4 trade
## 2108 1992 197 13 walls
## 2109 1992 197 16 world
## 2110 1992 197 17 trade
## 2111 1992 198 6 markets
## 2112 1992 199 5 trade
## 2113 1992 199 6 negotiations
## 2114 1992 199 14 tariffs
## 2115 1992 199 16 subsidies
## 2116 1992 199 21 farmers
## 2117 1992 199 23 workers
## 2118 1992 200 8 jobs
## 2119 1992 200 12 hemisphere
## 2120 1992 200 17 trade
## 2121 1992 200 18 agreement
## 2122 1992 200 22 Enterprise
## 2123 1992 201 3 changes
## 2124 1992 202 2 workplace
## 2125 1992 202 5 future
## 2126 1992 202 11 workers
## 2127 1992 202 16 people
## 2128 1992 202 19 computer
## 2129 1992 203 5 world
## 2130 1992 203 7 leader
## 2131 1992 203 9 education
## 2132 1992 204 7 schools
## 2133 1992 205 3 strategy
## 2134 1992 205 9 goal
## 2135 1992 206 2 plan
## 2136 1992 206 5 parents
## 2137 1992 206 7 choice
## 2138 1992 206 10 teachers
## 2139 1992 206 12 flexibility
## 2140 1992 206 16 communities
## 2141 1992 206 20 schools
## 2142 1992 207 10 programs
## 2143 1992 208 3 cities
## 2144 1992 208 5 towns
## 2145 1992 209 7 movement
## 2146 1992 209 11 proposals
## 2147 1992 209 15 schools
## 2148 1992 210 8 term
## 2149 1992 210 9 proposal
## 2150 1992 210 20 commonsense
## 2151 1992 210 21 investments
## 2152 1992 210 30 term
## 2153 1992 210 34 marketplace
## 2154 1992 211 4 research
## 2155 1992 211 6 development
## 2156 1992 212 2 plan
## 2157 1992 212 7 R&D
## 2158 1992 212 8 tax
## 2159 1992 212 9 credit
## 2160 1992 212 14 record
## 2161 1992 212 15 levels
## 2162 1992 212 17 support
## 2163 1992 212 25 people
## 2164 1992 212 30 promise
## 2165 1992 212 33 technologies
## 2166 1992 213 9 crime
## 2167 1992 213 11 drugs
## 2168 1992 214 3 time
## 2169 1992 214 9 investment
## 2170 1992 214 13 street
## 2171 1992 214 14 crime
## 2172 1992 215 4 strength
## 2173 1992 215 8 faith
## 2174 1992 215 11 society
## 2175 1992 215 15 future
## 2176 1992 216 4 woman
## 2177 1992 216 7 way
## 2178 1992 216 14 subway
## 2179 1992 216 17 right
## 2180 1992 217 13 life
## 2181 1992 217 16 crime
## 2182 1992 217 33 parks
## 2183 1992 217 40 people
## 2184 1992 217 47 right
## 2185 1992 218 3 time
## 2186 1992 219 6 crime
## 2187 1992 219 7 bill
## 2188 1992 220 5 criminals
## 2189 1992 220 9 police
## 2190 1992 220 19 halls
## 2191 1992 222 3 country
## 2192 1992 223 12 housing
## 2193 1992 223 13 proposal
## 2194 1992 223 18 enterprise
## 2195 1992 223 19 zone
## 2196 1992 223 20 legislation
## 2197 1992 223 24 businesses
## 2198 1992 223 28 city
## 2199 1992 224 8 pride
## 2200 1992 224 14 home
## 2201 1992 224 18 job
## 2202 1992 224 22 part
## 2203 1992 224 24 things
## 2204 1992 225 2 plan
## 2205 1992 225 6 estate
## 2206 1992 225 7 construction
## 2207 1992 225 10 tax
## 2208 1992 225 11 incentives
## 2209 1992 225 13 mortgage
## 2210 1992 225 14 revenue
## 2211 1992 225 15 bonds
## 2212 1992 225 19 income
## 2213 1992 225 20 housing
## 2214 1992 226 6 record
## 2215 1992 226 7 expenditures
## 2216 1992 226 10 program
## 2217 1992 226 13 children
## 2218 1992 226 17 move
## 2219 1992 226 19 excellence
## 2220 1992 227 9 health
## 2221 1992 227 10 care
## 2222 1992 227 11 system
## 2223 1992 228 16 world
## 2224 1992 229 2 health
## 2225 1992 229 3 costs
## 2226 1992 230 2 year
## 2227 1992 230 8 health
## 2228 1992 232 2 cost
## 2229 1992 232 4 health
## 2230 1992 232 5 care
## 2231 1992 232 12 family
## 2232 1992 232 13 budget
## 2233 1992 232 17 price
## 2234 1992 233 2 health
## 2235 1992 233 3 coverage
## 2236 1992 233 6 fellow
## 2237 1992 233 9 assembly
## 2238 1992 233 10 line
## 2239 1992 233 15 cost
## 2240 1992 233 19 products
## 2241 1992 233 27 bill
## 2242 1992 234 6 choice
## 2243 1992 235 10 ways
## 2244 1992 236 13 approach
## 2245 1992 237 5 taxes
## 2246 1992 237 8 jobs
## 2247 1992 237 13 system
## 2248 1992 237 17 control
## 2249 1992 238 7 options
## 2250 1992 239 8 system
## 2251 1992 239 11 system
## 2252 1992 239 16 choice
## 2253 1992 239 20 doctor
## 2254 1992 239 26 ration
## 2255 1992 239 27 services
## 2256 1992 240 7 patients
## 2257 1992 240 10 lines
## 2258 1992 240 13 service
## 2259 1992 240 19 tax
## 2260 1992 240 20 burden
## 2261 1992 241 8 health
## 2262 1992 241 9 care
## 2263 1992 241 10 system
## 2264 1992 241 20 flaws
## 2265 1992 241 24 quality
## 2266 1992 241 25 health
## 2267 1992 241 26 care
## 2268 1992 241 29 world
## 2269 1992 242 9 strengths
## 2270 1992 243 2 plan
## 2271 1992 243 4 insurance
## 2272 1992 243 5 security
## 2273 1992 243 14 idea
## 2274 1992 243 16 choice
## 2275 1992 244 4 health
## 2276 1992 244 5 insurance
## 2277 1992 244 11 income
## 2278 1992 244 12 people
## 2279 1992 244 24 health
## 2280 1992 244 25 insurance
## 2281 1992 244 26 tax
## 2282 1992 244 27 credit
## 2283 1992 244 34 income
## 2284 1992 244 35 family
## 2285 1992 245 4 class
## 2286 1992 245 6 help
## 2287 1992 246 5 health
## 2288 1992 246 6 insurance
## 2289 1992 246 7 market
## 2290 1992 246 10 plan
## 2291 1992 246 16 access
## 2292 1992 246 19 health
## 2293 1992 246 20 insurance
## 2294 1992 246 25 jobs
## 2295 1992 246 29 health
## 2296 1992 246 30 problems
## 2297 1992 247 4 costs
## 2298 1992 247 6 control
## 2299 1992 247 9 quality
## 2300 1992 247 12 choice
## 2301 1992 247 17 people
## 2302 1992 247 21 worry
## 2303 1992 247 23 health
## 2304 1992 247 24 insurance
## 2305 1992 248 2 plan
## 2306 1992 248 5 details
## 2307 1992 249 9 deficit
## 2308 1992 249 11 control
## 2309 1992 250 6 law
## 2310 1992 250 9 spending
## 2311 1992 250 10 caps
## 2312 1992 250 13 requirement
## 2313 1992 250 19 programs
## 2314 1992 251 10 discipline
## 2315 1992 253 3 plan
## 2316 1992 253 9 budget
## 2317 1992 253 10 authority
## 2318 1992 254 13 caps
## 2319 1992 254 16 growth
## 2320 1992 254 19 spending
## 2321 1992 255 8 Government
## 2322 1992 255 9 employment
## 2323 1992 256 4 help
## 2324 1992 256 9 plan
## 2325 1992 256 15 programs
## 2326 1992 256 21 funding
## 2327 1992 257 6 titles
## 2328 1992 257 9 none
## 2329 1992 259 7 time
## 2330 1992 259 11 home
## 2331 1992 259 12 truth
## 2332 1992 259 15 people
## 2333 1992 259 21 Government
## 2334 1992 260 9 measure
## 2335 1992 260 15 end
## 2336 1992 260 19 ritual
## 2337 1992 260 23 budget
## 2338 1992 260 25 pork
## 2339 1992 260 26 barrel
## 2340 1992 260 27 appropriations
## 2341 1992 261 4 press
## 2342 1992 261 7 field
## 2343 1992 261 8 day
## 2344 1992 261 10 fun
## 2345 1992 261 13 examples
## 2346 1992 261 17 museum
## 2347 1992 261 19 research
## 2348 1992 261 20 grants
## 2349 1992 261 23 endive
## 2350 1992 262 6 things
## 2351 1992 262 10 budget
## 2352 1992 264 5 thing
## 2353 1992 264 7 Governors
## 2354 1992 264 11 line
## 2355 1992 264 13 item
## 2356 1992 264 14 veto
## 2357 1992 265 6 end
## 2358 1992 266 4 requirements
## 2359 1992 266 9 cities
## 2360 1992 266 11 counties
## 2361 1992 266 18 money
## 2362 1992 267 5 mandate
## 2363 1992 267 18 cost
## 2364 1992 267 20 savings
## 2365 1992 268 5 mandate
## 2366 1992 268 11 burden
## 2367 1992 268 17 taxes
## 2368 1992 268 23 level
## 2369 1992 269 10 reform
## 2370 1992 269 11 proposals
## 2371 1992 269 17 action
## 2372 1992 269 19 bank
## 2373 1992 269 20 reform
## 2374 1992 269 23 justice
## 2375 1992 269 24 reform
## 2376 1992 269 26 tort
## 2377 1992 269 27 reform
## 2378 1992 269 32 energy
## 2379 1992 269 33 strategy
## 2380 1992 270 9 family
## 2381 1992 270 14 family
## 2382 1992 270 19 bearing
## 2383 1992 270 22 future
## 2384 1992 271 6 baby
## 2385 1992 271 9 arms
## 2386 1992 271 13 children
## 2387 1992 271 20 person
## 2388 1992 271 23 country
## 2389 1992 271 25 Family
## 2390 1992 274 6 mayors
## 2391 1992 274 10 mayors
## 2392 1992 274 17 day
## 2393 1992 275 16 thing
## 2394 1992 275 21 cause
## 2395 1992 275 24 problems
## 2396 1992 275 27 cities
## 2397 1992 275 30 dissolution
## 2398 1992 275 33 family
## 2399 1992 276 16 time
## 2400 1992 276 25 families
## 2401 1992 276 30 sound
## 2402 1992 277 5 thing
## 2403 1992 277 14 burden
## 2404 1992 277 18 child
## 2405 1992 278 9 exemption
## 2406 1992 278 14 child
## 2407 1992 278 17 family
## 2408 1992 279 3 family
## 2409 1992 279 6 kids
## 2410 1992 279 11 increase
## 2411 1992 280 5 start
## 2412 1992 280 9 direction
## 2413 1992 281 4 time
## 2414 1992 281 7 families
## 2415 1992 281 11 interest
## 2416 1992 281 15 student
## 2417 1992 281 16 loans
## 2418 1992 283 8 people
## 2419 1992 283 11 money
## 2420 1992 283 20 education
## 2421 1992 283 21 expenses
## 2422 1992 283 25 penalties
## 2423 1992 285 3 parents
## 2424 1992 285 9 things
## 2425 1992 285 14 country
## 2426 1992 285 17 chances
## 2427 1992 285 27 welfare
## 2428 1992 286 6 people
## 2429 1992 287 9 insight
## 2430 1992 287 21 welfare
## 2431 1992 287 22 program
## 2432 1992 287 38 destroyer
## 2433 1992 287 42 spirit
## 2434 1992 288 8 lifestyle
## 2435 1992 289 8 habit
## 2436 1992 290 9 generation
## 2437 1992 290 11 generation
## 2438 1992 290 14 legacy
## 2439 1992 291 3 time
## 2440 1992 291 7 assumptions
## 2441 1992 291 10 welfare
## 2442 1992 291 11 state
## 2443 1992 291 16 welfare
## 2444 1992 291 17 system
## 2445 1992 292 5 country
## 2446 1992 292 12 assumptions
## 2447 1992 292 18 people
## 2448 1992 292 20 Government
## 2449 1992 292 21 assistance
## 2450 1992 292 25 responsibilities
## 2451 1992 292 28 taxpayer
## 2452 1992 293 2 responsibility
## 2453 1992 293 5 work
## 2454 1992 293 7 education
## 2455 1992 293 10 job
## 2456 1992 293 11 training
## 2457 1992 293 14 responsibility
## 2458 1992 293 18 lives
## 2459 1992 293 20 order
## 2460 1992 293 23 responsibility
## 2461 1992 293 27 families
## 2462 1992 293 33 children
## 2463 1992 293 36 wedlock
## 2464 1992 293 40 responsibility
## 2465 1992 293 44 law
## 2466 1992 294 7 movement
## 2467 1992 295 4 reform
## 2468 1992 295 9 regulations
## 2469 1992 296 7 process
## 2470 1992 296 18 help
## 2471 1992 297 11 changes
## 2472 1992 297 19 system
## 2473 1992 297 23 intention
## 2474 1992 297 28 finger
## 2475 1992 297 30 pointing
## 2476 1992 298 5 papers
## 2477 1992 298 8 TV
## 2478 1992 298 16 rise
## 2479 1992 298 21 kind
## 2480 1992 298 23 ugliness
## 2481 1992 298 26 comments
## 2482 1992 298 34 sense
## 2483 1992 298 36 division
## 2484 1992 302 8 plan
## 2485 1992 303 7 things
## 2486 1992 303 14 heart
## 2487 1992 304 11 tradition
## 2488 1992 304 16 skepticism
## 2489 1992 304 20 institutions
## 2490 1992 305 8 process
## 2491 1992 305 18 way
## 2492 1992 307 4 friends
## 2493 1992 307 7 people
## 2494 1992 308 3 help
## 2495 1992 309 5 mood
## 2496 1992 310 1 People
## 2497 1992 311 4 talk
## 2498 1992 311 6 decline
## 2499 1992 312 5 workers
## 2500 1992 314 8 moon
## 2501 1992 315 3 men
## 2502 1992 315 5 women
## 2503 1992 316 4 farmer
## 2504 1992 316 8 country
## 2505 1992 316 11 world
## 2506 1992 317 3 men
## 2507 1992 317 5 women
## 2508 1992 318 2 Moods
## 2509 1992 318 8 greatness
## 2510 1992 318 9 endures
## 2511 1992 320 5 moment
## 2512 1992 320 15 dailiness
## 2513 1992 320 18 lives
## 2514 1992 320 30 nation
## 2515 1992 320 36 nation
## 2516 1992 320 42 nation
## 2517 1992 321 8 occasion
## 2518 1992 322 12 times
## 2519 1992 322 13 inch
## 2520 1992 322 15 inch
## 2521 1992 322 17 day
## 2522 1992 322 19 day
## 2523 1992 322 29 step
## 2524 1992 323 6 times
## 2525 1992 323 12 vow
## 2526 1992 324 12 nation
## 2527 1992 324 18 miracle
## 2528 1992 324 26 hope
## 2529 1992 324 29 world
## 2530 1992 326 10 country
## 2531 1993 1 7 Members
## 2532 1993 1 19 visitors
## 2533 1993 2 8 excuse
## 2534 1993 2 13 speech
## 2535 1993 3 6 Presidents
## 2536 1993 3 12 Nation
## 2537 1993 3 15 podium
## 2538 1993 3 23 range
## 2539 1993 3 25 challenges
## 2540 1993 3 27 opportunities
## 2541 1993 4 7 time
## 2542 1993 4 14 tasks
## 2543 1993 4 18 attention
## 2544 1993 5 5 economy
## 2545 1993 6 8 task
## 2546 1993 6 16 economy
## 2547 1993 7 31 journey
## 2548 1993 7 38 bounty
## 2549 1993 7 40 today
## 2550 1993 7 48 one
## 2551 1993 8 3 individuals
## 2552 1993 8 5 nations
## 2553 1993 8 40 history
## 2554 1993 9 4 man
## 2555 1993 9 6 woman
## 2556 1993 9 8 nations
## 2557 1993 9 19 occasions
## 2558 1993 9 20 history
## 2559 1993 10 7 people
## 2560 1993 10 10 energy
## 2561 1993 10 13 spirit
## 2562 1993 11 5 moment
## 2563 1993 11 8 communism
## 2564 1993 11 13 freedom
## 2565 1993 11 18 world
## 2566 1993 11 23 economy
## 2567 1993 11 26 shape
## 2568 1993 11 29 eyes
## 2569 1993 11 35 change
## 2570 1993 12 12 room
## 2571 1993 13 3 Nation
## 2572 1993 13 7 direction
## 2573 1993 14 8 plan
## 2574 1993 14 12 Nation
## 2575 1993 14 16 course
## 2576 1993 15 8 direction
## 2577 1993 15 13 values
## 2578 1993 15 22 commitment
## 2579 1993 15 24 opportunity
## 2580 1993 15 28 responsibility
## 2581 1993 15 31 community
## 2582 1993 15 37 family
## 2583 1993 15 41 faith
## 2584 1993 16 6 habits
## 2585 1993 16 10 parties
## 2586 1993 17 3 conditions
## 2587 1993 17 9 nation
## 2588 1993 17 12 point
## 2589 1993 17 21 productivity
## 2590 1993 17 23 growth
## 2591 1993 17 27 wages
## 2592 1993 17 30 unemployment
## 2593 1993 17 38 deficits
## 2594 1993 17 41 investment
## 2595 1993 17 44 future
## 2596 1993 17 47 health
## 2597 1993 17 48 care
## 2598 1993 17 49 costs
## 2599 1993 17 51 lack
## 2600 1993 17 53 coverage
## 2601 1993 17 59 legions
## 2602 1993 17 62 children
## 2603 1993 17 64 education
## 2604 1993 17 66 job
## 2605 1993 17 67 training
## 2606 1993 17 68 opportunities
## 2607 1993 17 72 demands
## 2608 1993 17 78 economy
## 2609 1993 18 10 sense
## 2610 1993 18 12 purpose
## 2611 1993 18 14 responsibility
## 2612 1993 18 16 community
## 2613 1993 19 5 system
## 2614 1993 19 13 interest
## 2615 1993 19 14 groups
## 2616 1993 19 18 bickering
## 2617 1993 19 24 complexity
## 2618 1993 19 27 problems
## 2619 1993 20 12 nation
## 2620 1993 20 17 world
## 2621 1993 20 20 economy
## 2622 1993 20 23 world
## 2623 1993 20 27 superpower
## 2624 1993 21 5 vision
## 2625 1993 21 8 will
## 2626 1993 21 12 heart
## 2627 1993 21 16 changes
## 2628 1993 21 26 possibilities
## 2629 1993 21 28 parents
## 2630 1993 21 41 dream
## 2631 1993 21 47 generations
## 2632 1993 22 12 podium
## 2633 1993 22 19 people
## 2634 1993 22 24 debt
## 2635 1993 22 29 bills
## 2636 1993 22 32 stack
## 2637 1993 22 37 space
## 2638 1993 23 5 stack
## 2639 1993 24 8 blame
## 2640 1993 24 11 problem
## 2641 1993 25 3 plenty
## 2642 1993 25 5 blame
## 2643 1993 25 11 branches
## 2644 1993 25 17 parties
## 2645 1993 26 2 time
## 2646 1993 26 7 blame
## 2647 1993 27 6 office
## 2648 1993 27 9 blame
## 2649 1993 28 7 responsibility
## 2650 1993 28 15 responsibility
## 2651 1993 29 8 country
## 2652 1993 29 17 credit
## 2653 1993 30 3 plan
## 2654 1993 30 10 components
## 2655 1993 31 6 emphasis
## 2656 1993 31 11 spending
## 2657 1993 31 13 consumption
## 2658 1993 31 15 investment
## 2659 1993 31 21 economy
## 2660 1993 31 25 term
## 2661 1993 31 30 people
## 2662 1993 31 33 jobs
## 2663 1993 31 37 incomes
## 2664 1993 31 41 run
## 2665 1993 32 6 rhetoric
## 2666 1993 32 9 past
## 2667 1993 32 12 actions
## 2668 1993 32 15 present
## 2669 1993 32 18 work
## 2670 1993 32 20 families
## 2671 1993 32 23 part
## 2672 1993 32 27 decision
## 2673 1993 32 29 making
## 2674 1993 33 8 deficit
## 2675 1993 33 16 beginning
## 2676 1993 33 20 estimates
## 2677 1993 33 23 revenues
## 2678 1993 33 30 branch
## 2679 1993 33 37 past
## 2680 1993 33 43 ones
## 2681 1993 34 9 trust
## 2682 1993 34 13 people
## 2683 1993 34 18 plans
## 2684 1993 34 21 cuts
## 2685 1993 34 24 waste
## 2686 1993 34 26 efficiency
## 2687 1993 34 31 cuts
## 2688 1993 34 34 gimmicks
## 2689 1993 34 38 spending
## 2690 1993 34 42 fairness
## 2691 1993 34 46 change
## 2692 1993 34 50 way
## 2693 1993 34 52 burdens
## 2694 1993 35 2 Tonight
## 2695 1993 36 9 engine
## 2696 1993 36 12 growth
## 2697 1993 36 15 country
## 2698 1993 36 19 sector
## 2699 1993 36 31 engine
## 2700 1993 36 33 growth
## 2701 1993 36 35 change
## 2702 1993 37 2 truth
## 2703 1993 37 9 opportunity
## 2704 1993 37 15 time
## 2705 1993 37 22 responsibility
## 2706 1993 37 24 turn
## 2707 1993 38 4 priority
## 2708 1993 38 9 jobs
## 2709 1993 38 12 jobs
## 2710 1993 39 2 people
## 2711 1993 39 12 recovery
## 2712 1993 40 10 recovery
## 2713 1993 40 19 jobs
## 2714 1993 41 5 recovery
## 2715 1993 41 8 salt
## 2716 1993 41 15 people
## 2717 1993 41 18 work
## 2718 1993 42 4 jobs
## 2719 1993 42 9 recovery
## 2720 1993 42 19 package
## 2721 1993 42 21 jobs
## 2722 1993 42 22 investments
## 2723 1993 42 27 people
## 2724 1993 42 35 jobs
## 2725 1993 42 37 jobs
## 2726 1993 42 41 highways
## 2727 1993 42 43 airports
## 2728 1993 42 47 housing
## 2729 1993 42 52 life
## 2730 1993 42 55 communities
## 2731 1993 42 59 hope
## 2732 1993 42 61 opportunity
## 2733 1993 42 64 Nation
## 2734 1993 42 66 youth
## 2735 1993 43 9 events
## 2736 1993 43 17 stories
## 2737 1993 43 19 despair
## 2738 1993 43 22 cities
## 2739 1993 43 28 communities
## 2740 1993 43 31 proposal
## 2741 1993 43 37 jobs
## 2742 1993 43 43 people
## 2743 1993 44 7 business
## 2744 1993 44 8 leaders
## 2745 1993 44 14 effort
## 2746 1993 44 24 summer
## 2747 1993 44 25 jobs
## 2748 1993 44 27 cities
## 2749 1993 44 31 areas
## 2750 1993 44 35 people
## 2751 1993 45 5 plan
## 2752 1993 45 10 business
## 2753 1993 45 11 cycle
## 2754 1993 45 14 aspirations
## 2755 1993 46 2 heart
## 2756 1993 46 5 plan
## 2757 1993 46 10 term
## 2758 1993 47 4 investment
## 2759 1993 47 5 program
## 2760 1993 47 12 investment
## 2761 1993 47 14 areas
## 2762 1993 47 19 future
## 2763 1993 48 5 deficit
## 2764 1993 48 6 reduction
## 2765 1993 48 7 program
## 2766 1993 48 12 savings
## 2767 1993 48 17 sector
## 2768 1993 48 23 interest
## 2769 1993 48 24 rates
## 2770 1993 48 29 percentage
## 2771 1993 48 33 budget
## 2772 1993 48 36 interest
## 2773 1993 48 37 payments
## 2774 1993 48 42 risk
## 2775 1993 48 45 market
## 2776 1993 48 46 disruptions
## 2777 1993 48 52 economy
## 2778 1993 49 5 run
## 2779 1993 49 14 rate
## 2780 1993 49 17 growth
## 2781 1993 49 20 productivity
## 2782 1993 49 25 quality
## 2783 1993 49 26 jobs
## 2784 1993 49 33 position
## 2785 1993 49 36 world
## 2786 1993 50 2 order
## 2787 1993 50 7 investment
## 2788 1993 50 9 deficit
## 2789 1993 50 10 reduction
## 2790 1993 50 24 time
## 2791 1993 50 27 spending
## 2792 1993 50 32 taxes
## 2793 1993 51 3 spending
## 2794 1993 51 4 cuts
## 2795 1993 51 13 way
## 2796 1993 51 19 impact
## 2797 1993 51 24 peace
## 2798 1993 51 25 dividend
## 2799 1993 51 27 investment
## 2800 1993 51 28 purposes
## 2801 1993 51 34 balance
## 2802 1993 51 37 budget
## 2803 1993 51 39 consumption
## 2804 1993 51 42 investment
## 2805 1993 52 2 tax
## 2806 1993 52 3 increases
## 2807 1993 52 6 spending
## 2808 1993 52 7 cuts
## 2809 1993 52 15 cost
## 2810 1993 52 19 program
## 2811 1993 52 26 problems
## 2812 1993 53 2 plan
## 2813 1993 53 12 ways
## 2814 1993 53 19 health
## 2815 1993 53 22 business
## 2816 1993 53 25 interest
## 2817 1993 53 26 rates
## 2818 1993 53 29 incentives
## 2819 1993 53 36 workers
## 2820 1993 54 4 business
## 2821 1993 54 10 percentage
## 2822 1993 54 15 jobs
## 2823 1993 54 18 Nation
## 2824 1993 54 23 plan
## 2825 1993 54 28 incentives
## 2826 1993 54 31 business
## 2827 1993 54 33 history
## 2828 1993 55 5 investment
## 2829 1993 55 6 tax
## 2830 1993 55 7 credit
## 2831 1993 55 11 firms
## 2832 1993 55 14 country
## 2833 1993 55 17 revenues
## 2834 1993 56 6 firms
## 2835 1993 56 14 work
## 2836 1993 56 15 force
## 2837 1993 56 20 majority
## 2838 1993 56 25 jobs
## 2839 1993 57 5 rewards
## 2840 1993 57 7 entrepreneurs
## 2841 1993 57 11 risks
## 2842 1993 58 6 business
## 2843 1993 58 7 access
## 2844 1993 58 12 technologies
## 2845 1993 58 15 time
## 2846 1993 59 7 credit
## 2847 1993 59 8 crunch
## 2848 1993 59 13 business
## 2849 1993 59 15 credit
## 2850 1993 60 5 network
## 2851 1993 60 7 community
## 2852 1993 60 8 development
## 2853 1993 60 9 banks
## 2854 1993 60 15 dream
## 2855 1993 60 17 enterprise
## 2856 1993 60 18 zones
## 2857 1993 60 26 hope
## 2858 1993 60 29 jobs
## 2859 1993 60 31 storefronts
## 2860 1993 60 33 factories
## 2861 1993 61 2 plan
## 2862 1993 61 6 roads
## 2863 1993 61 9 bridges
## 2864 1993 61 12 transit
## 2865 1993 61 13 systems
## 2866 1993 61 18 speed
## 2867 1993 61 19 railways
## 2868 1993 61 23 tech
## 2869 1993 61 24 information
## 2870 1993 61 25 systems
## 2871 1993 62 8 cleanup
## 2872 1993 62 10 partnership
## 2873 1993 62 15 government
## 2874 1993 62 18 time
## 2875 1993 62 22 people
## 2876 1993 62 29 environment
## 2877 1993 62 32 future
## 2878 1993 63 8 edge
## 2879 1993 63 16 growth
## 2880 1993 63 25 markets
## 2881 1993 63 30 volume
## 2882 1993 63 32 world
## 2883 1993 63 33 trade
## 2884 1993 64 9 trade
## 2885 1993 64 10 rules
## 2886 1993 64 13 markets
## 2887 1993 64 16 part
## 2888 1993 64 21 strategy
## 2889 1993 64 24 trade
## 2890 1993 64 29 completion
## 2891 1993 64 33 round
## 2892 1993 64 35 world
## 2893 1993 64 36 trade
## 2894 1993 64 37 talks
## 2895 1993 64 41 completion
## 2896 1993 64 47 safeguards
## 2897 1993 64 50 workers
## 2898 1993 64 54 environment
## 2899 1993 65 13 parties
## 2900 1993 65 21 people
## 2901 1993 65 24 listening-;it
## 2902 1993 65 31 budget
## 2903 1993 65 37 trade
## 2904 1993 65 38 agreement
## 2905 1993 66 2 world
## 2906 1993 66 14 attempts
## 2907 1993 66 20 wage
## 2908 1993 66 21 jobs
## 2909 1993 66 24 future
## 2910 1993 67 6 competitors
## 2911 1993 68 5 attention
## 2912 1993 68 9 industries
## 2913 1993 68 21 trouble
## 2914 1993 68 27 aerospace
## 2915 1993 69 5 assistance
## 2916 1993 69 7 areas
## 2917 1993 69 10 workers
## 2918 1993 69 13 cuts
## 2919 1993 69 16 defense
## 2920 1993 69 17 budget
## 2921 1993 69 23 dislocations
## 2922 1993 71 14 business
## 2923 1993 71 16 labor
## 2924 1993 71 18 Government
## 2925 1993 71 23 change
## 2926 1993 72 6 efforts
## 2927 1993 72 10 economy
## 2928 1993 72 26 efforts
## 2929 1993 72 30 economy
## 2930 1993 72 50 steps
## 2931 1993 72 54 health
## 2932 1993 72 55 care
## 2933 1993 72 56 system
## 2934 1993 73 10 income
## 2935 1993 73 12 health
## 2936 1993 73 13 care
## 2937 1993 73 20 country
## 2938 1993 73 23 world
## 2939 1993 73 32 nation
## 2940 1993 73 39 package
## 2941 1993 73 41 health
## 2942 1993 73 42 care
## 2943 1993 73 43 benefits
## 2944 1993 73 48 citizens
## 2945 1993 74 6 pattern
## 2946 1993 74 11 growth
## 2947 1993 74 14 deficit
## 2948 1993 74 19 health
## 2949 1993 74 20 care
## 2950 1993 74 21 costs
## 2951 1993 75 6 income
## 2952 1993 75 10 health
## 2953 1993 75 11 care
## 2954 1993 76 2 families
## 2955 1993 76 9 businesses
## 2956 1993 76 17 Government
## 2957 1993 76 28 health
## 2958 1993 76 29 care
## 2959 1993 76 30 crisis
## 2960 1993 78 3 combination
## 2961 1993 78 7 cost
## 2962 1993 78 9 care
## 2963 1993 78 12 lack
## 2964 1993 78 14 care
## 2965 1993 78 17 fear
## 2966 1993 78 20 care
## 2967 1993 78 24 security
## 2968 1993 78 28 lives
## 2969 1993 78 33 people
## 2970 1993 79 6 economy
## 2971 1993 79 8 day
## 2972 1993 80 2 health
## 2973 1993 80 3 care
## 2974 1993 80 4 costs
## 2975 1993 80 11 investment
## 2976 1993 80 13 growth
## 2977 1993 80 15 jobs
## 2978 1993 81 2 health
## 2979 1993 81 3 costs
## 2980 1993 81 5 line
## 2981 1993 81 7 inflation
## 2982 1993 81 14 sector
## 2983 1993 81 17 country
## 2984 1993 81 20 tax
## 2985 1993 81 21 cut
## 2986 1993 81 27 spending
## 2987 1993 81 28 program
## 2988 1993 82 2 health
## 2989 1993 82 3 care
## 2990 1993 82 7 run
## 2991 1993 82 16 deficit
## 2992 1993 82 20 investment
## 2993 1993 83 12 people
## 2994 1993 83 20 country
## 2995 1993 83 23 work
## 2996 1993 83 32 plan
## 2997 1993 83 34 health
## 2998 1993 83 35 care
## 2999 1993 83 36 reform
## 3000 1993 83 41 costs
## 3001 1993 83 43 control
## 3002 1993 83 46 security
## 3003 1993 83 51 families
## 3004 1993 83 56 one
## 3005 1993 83 61 coverage
## 3006 1993 84 6 future
## 3007 1993 85 7 fraud
## 3008 1993 85 9 overcharges
## 3009 1993 85 14 paperwork
## 3010 1993 85 19 doctor
## 3011 1993 86 9 standards
## 3012 1993 86 12 right
## 3013 1993 86 17 system
## 3014 1993 86 21 world
## 3015 1993 87 6 choices
## 3016 1993 88 8 people
## 3017 1993 88 10 quality
## 3018 1993 88 17 system
## 3019 1993 88 23 country
## 3020 1993 88 30 agony
## 3021 1993 90 7 issue
## 3022 1993 92 8 chance
## 3023 1993 92 16 taxes
## 3024 1993 92 18 spending
## 3025 1993 92 26 thing
## 3026 1993 92 35 numbers
## 3027 1993 92 42 people
## 3028 1993 92 44 truth
## 3029 1993 93 7 patterns
## 3030 1993 93 12 dollars
## 3031 1993 93 14 health
## 3032 1993 93 15 care
## 3033 1993 93 23 year
## 3034 1993 96 6 change
## 3035 1993 96 9 direction
## 3036 1993 96 15 focus
## 3037 1993 96 18 future
## 3038 1993 96 21 investment
## 3039 1993 96 27 children
## 3040 1993 97 2 day
## 3041 1993 97 8 commitment
## 3042 1993 97 11 children
## 3043 1993 97 15 cost
## 3044 1993 98 7 country
## 3045 1993 98 13 immunizations
## 3046 1993 98 18 diseases
## 3047 1993 99 2 plan
## 3048 1993 99 9 child
## 3049 1993 100 21 childhood
## 3050 1993 100 22 diseases
## 3051 1993 101 5 investment
## 3052 1993 102 6 women
## 3053 1993 102 8 infants
## 3054 1993 102 11 children
## 3055 1993 102 13 nutrition
## 3056 1993 102 14 program
## 3057 1993 102 21 mother
## 3058 1993 102 25 help
## 3059 1993 103 8 program
## 3060 1993 103 11 children
## 3061 1993 103 13 school
## 3062 1993 103 17 success
## 3063 1993 103 18 story
## 3064 1993 104 7 money
## 3065 1993 105 13 children
## 3066 1993 106 3 plan
## 3067 1993 106 7 child
## 3068 1993 106 14 head
## 3069 1993 106 15 start
## 3070 1993 107 7 thing
## 3071 1993 107 15 thing
## 3072 1993 108 3 dollar
## 3073 1993 111 12 schools
## 3074 1993 111 15 students
## 3075 1993 111 18 teachers
## 3076 1993 111 21 principals
## 3077 1993 111 24 parents
## 3078 1993 112 8 resources
## 3079 1993 112 14 standards
## 3080 1993 112 22 authority
## 3081 1993 112 25 influence
## 3082 1993 112 28 funding
## 3083 1993 112 33 strategies
## 3084 1993 112 38 learning
## 3085 1993 113 1 Money
## 3086 1993 114 13 schools
## 3087 1993 115 11 school
## 3088 1993 115 12 graduates
## 3089 1993 115 16 education
## 3090 1993 115 18 order
## 3091 1993 115 25 economy
## 3092 1993 116 7 partnership
## 3093 1993 116 9 businesses
## 3094 1993 116 11 education
## 3095 1993 116 16 apprenticeship
## 3096 1993 116 17 programs
## 3097 1993 116 23 country
## 3098 1993 116 27 people
## 3099 1993 116 29 skills
## 3100 1993 117 2 learning
## 3101 1993 117 9 school
## 3102 1993 117 10 graduates
## 3103 1993 117 12 workers
## 3104 1993 117 18 career
## 3105 1993 118 7 jobs
## 3106 1993 118 9 times
## 3107 1993 118 12 lifetime
## 3108 1993 119 5 lot
## 3109 1993 119 8 country
## 3110 1993 119 10 worker
## 3111 1993 119 11 training
## 3112 1993 119 17 system
## 3113 1993 120 12 worker
## 3114 1993 120 14 training
## 3115 1993 120 15 program
## 3116 1993 120 18 workers
## 3117 1993 120 21 training
## 3118 1993 120 30 jobs
## 3119 1993 122 8 program
## 3120 1993 122 13 response
## 3121 1993 122 17 people
## 3122 1993 122 21 country
## 3123 1993 122 25 program
## 3124 1993 122 28 service
## 3125 1993 122 31 college
## 3126 1993 122 32 loans
## 3127 1993 122 44 time
## 3128 1993 122 51 country
## 3129 1993 122 53 teachers
## 3130 1993 122 55 police
## 3131 1993 122 56 officers
## 3132 1993 122 58 community
## 3133 1993 122 59 service
## 3134 1993 122 60 workers
## 3135 1993 122 66 option
## 3136 1993 122 70 loans
## 3137 1993 122 75 tax
## 3138 1993 122 76 time
## 3139 1993 122 83 bill
## 3140 1993 122 97 country
## 3141 1993 122 102 country
## 3142 1993 122 108 benefit
## 3143 1993 122 111 knowledge
## 3144 1993 123 3 generation
## 3145 1993 123 17 character
## 3146 1993 123 21 generation
## 3147 1993 123 27 people
## 3148 1993 123 30 world
## 3149 1993 124 4 service
## 3150 1993 124 5 program
## 3151 1993 124 15 slots
## 3152 1993 124 17 people
## 3153 1993 124 22 college
## 3154 1993 124 27 service
## 3155 1993 125 2 program
## 3156 1993 125 7 generation
## 3157 1993 125 9 Members
## 3158 1993 125 14 land
## 3159 1993 125 16 college
## 3160 1993 125 17 act
## 3161 1993 125 23 bill
## 3162 1993 125 27 Congressmen
## 3163 1993 126 3 future
## 3164 1993 126 5 historians
## 3165 1993 126 9 education
## 3166 1993 126 13 service
## 3167 1993 126 14 loan
## 3168 1993 126 28 lease
## 3169 1993 126 30 life
## 3170 1993 126 36 challenge
## 3171 1993 127 6 jobs
## 3172 1993 127 11 learning
## 3173 1993 127 18 work
## 3174 1993 128 7 values
## 3175 1993 128 19 dignity
## 3176 1993 128 22 work
## 3177 1993 128 28 dignity
## 3178 1993 128 31 workers
## 3179 1993 129 7 sick
## 3180 1993 129 12 children
## 3181 1993 129 21 jobs
## 3182 1993 129 25 direction
## 3183 1993 129 31 solemn
## 3184 1993 129 34 commitment
## 3185 1993 129 42 income
## 3186 1993 129 43 tax
## 3187 1993 129 44 credit
## 3188 1993 129 49 history
## 3189 1993 130 5 work
## 3190 1993 130 15 principle
## 3191 1993 130 22 week
## 3192 1993 130 28 child
## 3193 1993 130 31 house
## 3194 1993 130 39 poverty
## 3195 1993 131 8 plan
## 3196 1993 131 11 welfare
## 3197 1993 132 6 issue
## 3198 1993 132 10 part
## 3199 1993 133 6 conversations
## 3200 1993 133 9 people
## 3201 1993 133 12 one
## 3202 1993 133 15 one
## 3203 1993 133 20 welfare
## 3204 1993 133 21 system
## 3205 1993 134 6 people
## 3206 1993 134 8 welfare
## 3207 1993 134 10 education
## 3208 1993 134 13 training
## 3209 1993 134 16 child
## 3210 1993 134 17 care
## 3211 1993 134 20 health
## 3212 1993 134 21 care
## 3213 1993 134 29 feet
## 3214 1993 134 40 work
## 3215 1993 134 46 business
## 3216 1993 134 52 service
## 3217 1993 135 5 welfare
## 3218 1993 135 8 way
## 3219 1993 135 10 life
## 3220 1993 135 15 path
## 3221 1993 135 17 independence
## 3222 1993 135 19 dignity
## 3223 1993 136 5 goal
## 3224 1993 136 11 families
## 3225 1993 137 12 step
## 3226 1993 137 17 time
## 3227 1993 138 2 plan
## 3228 1993 138 6 country
## 3229 1993 138 9 child
## 3230 1993 138 10 support
## 3231 1993 138 11 enforcement
## 3232 1993 138 12 system
## 3233 1993 139 3 time
## 3234 1993 139 7 people
## 3235 1993 139 9 responsibility
## 3236 1993 139 12 children
## 3237 1993 139 17 world
## 3238 1993 140 11 families
## 3239 1993 140 15 crime
## 3240 1993 140 19 people
## 3241 1993 140 24 communities
## 3242 1993 141 6 crime
## 3243 1993 141 7 bill
## 3244 1993 142 6 bill
## 3245 1993 142 17 desk
## 3246 1993 142 22 initiative
## 3247 1993 142 27 police
## 3248 1993 142 28 officers
## 3249 1993 142 31 street
## 3250 1993 142 35 boot
## 3251 1993 142 36 camps
## 3252 1993 142 40 time
## 3253 1993 142 42 offenders
## 3254 1993 142 45 space
## 3255 1993 142 49 criminals
## 3256 1993 142 51 jail
## 3257 1993 143 5 initiative
## 3258 1993 143 13 guns
## 3259 1993 143 17 hands
## 3260 1993 143 19 criminals
## 3261 1993 145 6 bargain
## 3262 1993 145 14 bill
## 3263 1993 146 13 parts
## 3264 1993 147 18 parties
## 3265 1993 147 22 confidence
## 3266 1993 147 25 people
## 3267 1993 147 29 bills
## 3268 1993 147 32 institutions
## 3269 1993 149 7 Government
## 3270 1993 149 8 work
## 3271 1993 149 11 taxpayers
## 3272 1993 149 17 interest
## 3273 1993 149 18 groups
## 3274 1993 150 3 beginning
## 3275 1993 150 9 reform
## 3276 1993 151 9 campaign
## 3277 1993 151 10 finance
## 3278 1993 151 11 reform
## 3279 1993 151 12 bill
## 3280 1993 152 7 participation
## 3281 1993 152 11 people
## 3282 1993 152 15 motor
## 3283 1993 152 16 voter
## 3284 1993 152 17 bill
## 3285 1993 153 9 influence
## 3286 1993 153 12 interests
## 3287 1993 153 16 bill
## 3288 1993 153 20 tax
## 3289 1993 153 21 deduction
## 3290 1993 153 23 lobbying
## 3291 1993 153 32 people
## 3292 1993 153 39 lobbyists
## 3293 1993 153 44 registration
## 3294 1993 153 45 bill
## 3295 1993 154 10 section
## 3296 1993 154 12 home
## 3297 1993 155 3 lobby
## 3298 1993 155 4 reform
## 3299 1993 155 6 campaign
## 3300 1993 155 7 finance
## 3301 1993 155 8 reform
## 3302 1993 155 12 path
## 3303 1993 155 15 popularity
## 3304 1993 155 26 voters
## 3305 1993 157 5 hands
## 3306 1993 157 13 money
## 3307 1993 158 16 means
## 3308 1993 158 24 top
## 3309 1993 159 7 cut
## 3310 1993 159 11 staff
## 3311 1993 160 5 cuts
## 3312 1993 160 7 budgets
## 3313 1993 160 9 agencies
## 3314 1993 160 11 departments
## 3315 1993 161 6 bureaucracy
## 3316 1993 161 15 positions
## 3317 1993 161 20 savings
## 3318 1993 162 3 time
## 3319 1993 162 11 condition
## 3320 1993 162 24 household
## 3321 1993 164 4 announcement
## 3322 1993 164 7 leadership
## 3323 1993 164 14 steps
## 3324 1993 164 18 costs
## 3325 1993 166 9 signal
## 3326 1993 166 13 people
## 3327 1993 167 9 spending
## 3328 1993 168 10 board
## 3329 1993 168 11 freeze
## 3330 1993 168 14 salaries
## 3331 1993 169 7 period
## 3332 1993 169 12 salaries
## 3333 1993 169 16 point
## 3334 1993 169 20 cost
## 3335 1993 169 23 allowance
## 3336 1993 169 28 pay
## 3337 1993 169 29 increases
## 3338 1993 170 11 budget
## 3339 1993 170 12 cuts
## 3340 1993 171 9 friends
## 3341 1993 171 12 sides
## 3342 1993 171 15 aisle
## 3343 1993 171 24 Government
## 3344 1993 171 32 way
## 3345 1993 172 11 way
## 3346 1993 172 17 ways
## 3347 1993 172 20 lots
## 3348 1993 172 22 money
## 3349 1993 172 25 taxpayers
## 3350 1993 172 31 ways
## 3351 1993 172 37 advantage
## 3352 1993 172 39 technology
## 3353 1993 172 44 things
## 3354 1993 172 47 business
## 3355 1993 172 54 taxpayers
## 3356 1993 172 56 money
## 3357 1993 173 9 spirit
## 3358 1993 173 11 innovation
## 3359 1993 174 5 education
## 3360 1993 174 6 reform
## 3361 1993 174 17 money
## 3362 1993 175 2 things
## 3363 1993 175 7 things
## 3364 1993 176 7 things
## 3365 1993 176 13 things
## 3366 1993 177 11 pollution
## 3367 1993 177 14 change
## 3368 1993 177 19 lawyers
## 3369 1993 178 4 aftermath
## 3370 1993 178 8 difficulties
## 3371 1993 178 11 savings
## 3372 1993 178 13 loans
## 3373 1993 178 19 bank
## 3374 1993 178 20 regulators
## 3375 1993 178 24 security
## 3376 1993 178 26 safety
## 3377 1993 178 30 institutions
## 3378 1993 178 41 credit
## 3379 1993 178 42 crunch
## 3380 1993 178 46 people
## 3381 1993 178 50 loans
## 3382 1993 179 11 welfare
## 3383 1993 179 12 reform
## 3384 1993 179 18 focus
## 3385 1993 179 23 programs
## 3386 1993 179 26 people
## 3387 1993 179 32 entitlement
## 3388 1993 179 33 programs
## 3389 1993 179 35 empowerment
## 3390 1993 179 36 programs
## 3391 1993 180 3 end
## 3392 1993 180 6 people
## 3393 1993 182 5 end
## 3394 1993 182 13 deficit
## 3395 1993 183 7 lot
## 3396 1993 183 9 talk
## 3397 1993 183 16 efforts
## 3398 1993 184 12 numbers
## 3399 1993 185 5 plan
## 3400 1993 185 11 budget
## 3401 1993 185 12 deficit
## 3402 1993 185 18 term
## 3403 1993 186 4 place
## 3404 1993 186 9 deficit
## 3405 1993 186 10 reductions
## 3406 1993 186 16 changes
## 3407 1993 186 19 priorities
## 3408 1993 186 22 consumption
## 3409 1993 186 24 investment
## 3410 1993 186 28 history
## 3411 1993 186 31 country
## 3412 1993 186 35 time
## 3413 1993 187 8 people
## 3414 1993 187 17 questions
## 3415 1993 187 25 country
## 3416 1993 187 33 past
## 3417 1993 187 40 deficit
## 3418 1993 187 43 experts
## 3419 1993 187 48 thing
## 3420 1993 187 57 merit
## 3421 1993 188 6 deficit
## 3422 1993 188 15 debt
## 3423 1993 188 19 tax
## 3424 1993 188 20 dollars
## 3425 1993 188 26 jobs
## 3426 1993 188 28 education
## 3427 1993 188 31 future
## 3428 1993 188 34 country
## 3429 1993 189 4 money
## 3430 1993 189 10 pool
## 3431 1993 189 13 savings
## 3432 1993 189 20 people
## 3433 1993 189 24 sector
## 3434 1993 189 27 money
## 3435 1993 189 30 interest
## 3436 1993 189 31 rates
## 3437 1993 189 34 college
## 3438 1993 189 35 loan
## 3439 1993 189 38 children
## 3440 1993 189 42 home
## 3441 1993 189 43 mortgage
## 3442 1993 189 50 business
## 3443 1993 190 11 debt
## 3444 1993 190 19 activities
## 3445 1993 190 31 people
## 3446 1993 191 4 deficit
## 3447 1993 191 8 children
## 3448 1993 191 15 home
## 3449 1993 191 20 companies
## 3450 1993 191 25 future
## 3451 1993 191 30 workers
## 3452 1993 191 35 Government
## 3453 1993 191 39 kinds
## 3454 1993 191 41 investments
## 3455 1993 191 52 nation
## 3456 1993 192 17 Government
## 3457 1993 193 8 trends
## 3458 1993 193 15 deficit
## 3459 1993 193 20 year
## 3460 1993 193 27 product
## 3461 1993 194 3 interest
## 3462 1993 194 6 debt
## 3463 1993 194 11 Government
## 3464 1993 194 12 program
## 3465 1993 195 6 world
## 3466 1993 195 9 debtor
## 3467 1993 196 3 Members
## 3468 1993 196 16 dollar
## 3469 1993 196 18 interest
## 3470 1993 196 19 payments
## 3471 1993 196 24 budget
## 3472 1993 196 26 health
## 3473 1993 196 27 care
## 3474 1993 196 31 entitlements
## 3475 1993 197 16 dollar
## 3476 1993 197 23 problems
## 3477 1993 198 9 independence
## 3478 1993 198 15 future
## 3479 1993 199 9 funds
## 3480 1993 199 13 portion
## 3481 1993 199 16 investment
## 3482 1993 200 3 budget
## 3483 1993 200 4 plan
## 3484 1993 200 7 contrast
## 3485 1993 200 19 deficit
## 3486 1993 200 23 spending
## 3487 1993 200 24 cut
## 3488 1993 200 28 revenue
## 3489 1993 200 29 increase
## 3490 1993 200 33 deficit
## 3491 1993 200 34 reduction
## 3492 1993 200 39 numbers
## 3493 1993 202 34 Presidents
## 3494 1993 203 11 priorities
## 3495 1993 203 15 set
## 3496 1993 203 17 numbers
## 3497 1993 204 14 way
## 3498 1993 204 18 difficulty
## 3499 1993 205 14 revenues
## 3500 1993 205 22 recovery
## 3501 1993 205 28 things
## 3502 1993 205 40 people
## 3503 1993 206 7 differences
## 3504 1993 206 10 revenue
## 3505 1993 206 11 estimates
## 3506 1993 206 19 parties
## 3507 1993 206 23 elbow
## 3508 1993 206 24 room
## 3509 1993 206 26 irresponsibility
## 3510 1993 207 5 rein
## 3511 1993 208 9 set
## 3512 1993 208 11 numbers
## 3513 1993 208 15 people
## 3514 1993 209 8 recommendation
## 3515 1993 209 12 reductions
## 3516 1993 209 17 spending
## 3517 1993 209 20 total
## 3518 1993 210 4 programs
## 3519 1993 210 14 power
## 3520 1993 210 15 research
## 3521 1993 210 17 development
## 3522 1993 211 4 subsidies
## 3523 1993 211 8 projects
## 3524 1993 212 5 programs
## 3525 1993 212 10 time
## 3526 1993 212 14 lot
## 3527 1993 212 23 reductions
## 3528 1993 212 29 ones
## 3529 1993 213 6 interest
## 3530 1993 213 7 subsidies
## 3531 1993 214 5 thing
## 3532 1993 215 10 things
## 3533 1993 215 19 experience
## 3534 1993 215 28 things
## 3535 1993 216 10 cows
## 3536 1993 216 15 interest
## 3537 1993 216 19 people
## 3538 1993 217 17 building
## 3539 1993 217 18 programs
## 3540 1993 218 2 time
## 3541 1993 218 9 people
## 3542 1993 218 23 things
## 3543 1993 218 30 things
## 3544 1993 219 4 defense
## 3545 1993 219 5 budget
## 3546 1993 219 10 hope
## 3547 1993 219 13 caution
## 3548 1993 220 6 forces
## 3549 1993 220 11 threats
## 3550 1993 220 18 war
## 3551 1993 220 19 world
## 3552 1993 220 30 defense
## 3553 1993 220 31 budget
## 3554 1993 221 8 range
## 3555 1993 221 10 reductions
## 3556 1993 221 36 men
## 3557 1993 221 38 women
## 3558 1993 221 44 flag
## 3559 1993 221 59 force
## 3560 1993 221 62 world
## 3561 1993 222 10 pledge
## 3562 1993 223 4 responsibilities
## 3563 1993 223 7 world
## 3564 1993 224 4 world
## 3565 1993 224 7 superpower
## 3566 1993 225 8 time
## 3567 1993 225 16 people
## 3568 1993 225 18 uniform
## 3569 1993 225 29 defense
## 3570 1993 225 33 interests
## 3571 1993 225 35 needs
## 3572 1993 226 6 defense
## 3573 1993 226 10 economy
## 3574 1993 226 13 Nation
## 3575 1993 226 20 world
## 3576 1993 226 28 conflict
## 3577 1993 226 32 proliferation
## 3578 1993 226 34 weapons
## 3579 1993 226 37 destruction
## 3580 1993 226 44 challenges
## 3581 1993 226 47 health
## 3582 1993 226 51 environment
## 3583 1993 227 6 plan
## 3584 1993 227 20 greatness
## 3585 1993 228 13 Government
## 3586 1993 228 28 past
## 3587 1993 229 10 year
## 3588 1993 229 23 raise
## 3589 1993 229 27 rate
## 3590 1993 229 30 income
## 3591 1993 229 31 taxes
## 3592 1993 230 7 incomes
## 3593 1993 230 11 year
## 3594 1993 230 18 loopholes
## 3595 1993 230 22 people
## 3596 1993 230 28 tax
## 3597 1993 231 3 businesses
## 3598 1993 231 6 incomes
## 3599 1993 231 8 excess
## 3600 1993 231 15 raise
## 3601 1993 231 19 tax
## 3602 1993 231 20 rate
## 3603 1993 231 30 cut
## 3604 1993 231 33 deduction
## 3605 1993 231 35 business
## 3606 1993 231 36 entertainment
## 3607 1993 231 37 expenses
## 3608 1993 232 2 plan
## 3609 1993 232 6 tax
## 3610 1993 232 7 subsidies
## 3611 1993 232 11 companies
## 3612 1993 232 16 operations
## 3613 1993 233 10 companies
## 3614 1993 233 18 world
## 3615 1993 233 27 investment
## 3616 1993 233 30 companies
## 3617 1993 234 7 preference
## 3618 1993 234 10 companies
## 3619 1993 234 21 cases
## 3620 1993 235 11 tax
## 3621 1993 235 12 enforcement
## 3622 1993 235 15 corporations
## 3623 1993 235 19 money
## 3624 1993 235 26 taxes
## 3625 1993 235 29 companies
## 3626 1993 235 34 income
## 3627 1993 236 4 class
## 3628 1993 236 11 deal
## 3629 1993 236 20 contribution
## 3630 1993 237 33 past
## 3631 1993 238 6 facts
## 3632 1993 238 9 plan
## 3633 1993 238 15 families
## 3634 1993 238 19 increase
## 3635 1993 238 22 income
## 3636 1993 238 23 tax
## 3637 1993 238 24 rates
## 3638 1993 238 29 top
## 3639 1993 239 13 cuts
## 3640 1993 239 15 benefits
## 3641 1993 240 9 explosion
## 3642 1993 240 11 health
## 3643 1993 240 12 care
## 3644 1993 240 13 costs
## 3645 1993 240 26 growth
## 3646 1993 240 29 deficit
## 3647 1993 240 36 cuts
## 3648 1993 240 38 payments
## 3649 1993 240 40 providers
## 3650 1993 240 43 doctors
## 3651 1993 240 46 hospitals
## 3652 1993 240 49 labs
## 3653 1993 240 53 way
## 3654 1993 240 56 health
## 3655 1993 240 57 care
## 3656 1993 240 58 costs
## 3657 1993 241 8 stopgap
## 3658 1993 241 15 health
## 3659 1993 241 16 care
## 3660 1993 241 17 system
## 3661 1993 242 15 providers
## 3662 1993 242 19 consumers
## 3663 1993 242 21 health
## 3664 1993 242 22 care
## 3665 1993 243 13 lot
## 3666 1993 243 18 sides
## 3667 1993 243 21 aisle
## 3668 1993 244 2 plan
## 3669 1993 244 7 recommendation
## 3670 1993 244 10 cuts
## 3671 1993 244 13 benefits
## 3672 1993 244 16 beneficiary
## 3673 1993 245 6 change
## 3674 1993 246 2 plan
## 3675 1993 246 9 incomes
## 3676 1993 247 2 plan
## 3677 1993 247 9 recipients
## 3678 1993 247 14 taxes
## 3679 1993 248 6 tax
## 3680 1993 248 16 plan
## 3681 1993 249 3 plan
## 3682 1993 249 10 tax
## 3683 1993 249 12 energy
## 3684 1993 249 32 idea
## 3685 1993 250 8 tax
## 3686 1993 250 11 heat
## 3687 1993 250 12 content
## 3688 1993 250 14 energy
## 3689 1993 250 18 way
## 3690 1993 250 23 revenue
## 3691 1993 250 27 deficit
## 3692 1993 250 32 pollution
## 3693 1993 250 35 energy
## 3694 1993 250 36 efficiency
## 3695 1993 250 40 independence
## 3696 1993 250 46 country
## 3697 1993 250 54 debt
## 3698 1993 250 64 area
## 3699 1993 251 3 carbon
## 3700 1993 251 4 tax
## 3701 1993 251 13 coal
## 3702 1993 251 18 gas
## 3703 1993 251 19 tax
## 3704 1993 251 27 people
## 3705 1993 251 32 way
## 3706 1993 251 38 ad
## 3707 1993 251 39 valorem
## 3708 1993 251 40 tax
## 3709 1993 251 49 price
## 3710 1993 251 52 energy
## 3711 1993 251 53 source
## 3712 1993 253 7 future
## 3713 1993 253 13 present
## 3714 1993 253 16 deficit
## 3715 1993 254 6 measures
## 3716 1993 254 11 family
## 3717 1993 254 14 income
## 3718 1993 254 18 year
## 3719 1993 254 21 month
## 3720 1993 255 5 families
## 3721 1993 255 7 incomes
## 3722 1993 255 15 programs
## 3723 1993 255 25 income
## 3724 1993 255 26 tax
## 3725 1993 255 27 credit
## 3726 1993 256 7 determination
## 3727 1993 256 11 deficit
## 3728 1993 256 17 things
## 3729 1993 256 23 continuation
## 3730 1993 256 31 election
## 3731 1993 257 4 election
## 3732 1993 257 19 others
## 3733 1993 257 28 favor
## 3734 1993 257 32 deficit
## 3735 1993 257 33 reduction
## 3736 1993 257 34 plan
## 3737 1993 257 36 interest
## 3738 1993 257 37 rates
## 3739 1993 257 44 term
## 3740 1993 258 7 class
## 3741 1993 258 19 credit
## 3742 1993 258 20 needs
## 3743 1993 258 22 demands
## 3744 1993 258 26 energy
## 3745 1993 258 27 costs
## 3746 1993 258 35 interest
## 3747 1993 258 36 costs
## 3748 1993 258 38 mortgages
## 3749 1993 258 40 consumer
## 3750 1993 258 41 loans
## 3751 1993 258 43 credit
## 3752 1993 258 44 cards
## 3753 1993 259 6 investment
## 3754 1993 259 11 country
## 3755 1993 260 10 people
## 3756 1993 260 25 country
## 3757 1993 260 30 distances
## 3758 1993 260 37 burdens
## 3759 1993 260 39 energy
## 3760 1993 260 44 country
## 3761 1993 261 7 burdens
## 3762 1993 261 9 energy
## 3763 1993 261 14 country
## 3764 1993 262 10 attempts
## 3765 1993 262 16 cost
## 3766 1993 262 20 families
## 3767 1993 262 22 incomes
## 3768 1993 262 29 costs
## 3769 1993 262 39 income
## 3770 1993 262 40 groups
## 3771 1993 262 43 income
## 3772 1993 262 44 taxes
## 3773 1993 263 18 tax
## 3774 1993 263 19 program
## 3775 1993 263 26 spending
## 3776 1993 263 27 cuts
## 3777 1993 263 31 cost
## 3778 1993 264 3 numbers
## 3779 1993 265 22 year
## 3780 1993 265 23 deficit
## 3781 1993 266 18 income
## 3782 1993 266 22 health
## 3783 1993 266 23 care
## 3784 1993 266 32 country
## 3785 1993 266 35 face
## 3786 1993 266 38 globe
## 3787 1993 267 15 dollar
## 3788 1993 267 23 debt
## 3789 1993 268 6 courage
## 3790 1993 268 12 future
## 3791 1993 268 26 stagnation
## 3792 1993 268 30 recessions
## 3793 1993 268 34 growth
## 3794 1993 268 36 jobs
## 3795 1993 268 41 growth
## 3796 1993 268 43 income
## 3797 1993 268 47 debt
## 3798 1993 268 51 disappointment
## 3799 1993 269 10 investment
## 3800 1993 269 14 debt
## 3801 1993 269 17 productivity
## 3802 1993 269 24 jobs
## 3803 1993 269 26 incomes
## 3804 1993 269 33 children
## 3805 1993 269 36 children
## 3806 1993 269 38 children
## 3807 1993 269 42 life
## 3808 1993 270 8 living
## 3809 1993 270 9 standards
## 3810 1993 271 3 productivity
## 3811 1993 271 4 rates
## 3812 1993 271 12 living
## 3813 1993 271 13 standards
## 3814 1993 271 17 grandchildren
## 3815 1993 271 19 grandchildren
## 3816 1993 273 5 people
## 3817 1993 274 9 tomorrow
## 3818 1993 274 16 weeks
## 3819 1993 274 24 fortitude
## 3820 1993 274 28 changes
## 3821 1993 274 33 way
## 3822 1993 275 17 interest
## 3823 1993 275 18 groups
## 3824 1993 275 23 force
## 3825 1993 275 29 piece
## 3826 1993 275 32 plan
## 3827 1993 275 37 forces
## 3828 1993 275 40 wisdom
## 3829 1993 275 45 reasons
## 3830 1993 276 3 people
## 3831 1993 276 21 issue
## 3832 1993 276 32 business
## 3833 1993 277 5 walls
## 3834 1993 277 8 people
## 3835 1993 277 10 scepticisms
## 3836 1993 277 15 words
## 3837 1993 277 19 deeds
## 3838 1993 278 4 years
## 3839 1993 278 6 gridlock
## 3840 1993 278 8 indecision
## 3841 1993 278 14 beginnings
## 3842 1993 278 19 results
## 3843 1993 278 23 people
## 3844 1993 278 31 judgments
## 3845 1993 278 42 moment
## 3846 1993 279 4 plan
## 3847 1993 280 3 package
## 3848 1993 281 8 whole
## 3849 1993 282 11 temptation
## 3850 1993 282 18 spending
## 3851 1993 282 27 investment
## 3852 1993 283 5 tax
## 3853 1993 283 6 increases
## 3854 1993 283 12 face
## 3855 1993 283 13 facts
## 3856 1993 284 5 administrations
## 3857 1993 284 8 parties
## 3858 1993 284 10 incomes
## 3859 1993 284 14 debt
## 3860 1993 284 18 productivity
## 3861 1993 285 6 reality
## 3862 1993 285 9 condition
## 3863 1993 286 7 hand
## 3864 1993 287 3 fellow
## 3865 1993 287 7 test
## 3866 1993 287 10 plan
## 3867 1993 289 17 jobs
## 3868 1993 289 21 work
## 3869 1993 289 26 families
## 3870 1993 289 31 Government
## 3871 1993 289 37 country
## 3872 1993 289 39 fortunes
## 3873 1993 290 2 Tonight
## 3874 1993 290 17 heart
## 3875 1993 290 23 hopes
## 3876 1993 290 29 imagination
## 3877 1993 291 9 possibility
## 3878 1993 291 13 excitement
## 3879 1993 291 16 country
## 3880 1993 291 27 leaders
## 3881 1993 291 31 legacy
## 3882 1993 291 36 prosperity
## 3883 1993 291 38 progress
## 3884 1993 292 7 direction
## 3885 1993 293 5 courage
## 3886 1994 2 7 Members
## 3887 1994 2 10 103d
## 3888 1994 2 25 speech
## 3889 1994 2 30 tonight-;[laughter]-;but
## 3890 1994 3 8 state
## 3891 1994 4 10 memory
## 3892 1994 4 13 giant
## 3893 1994 4 21 force
## 3894 1994 4 23 grace
## 3895 1994 5 9 man
## 3896 1994 7 8 man
## 3897 1994 7 11 people
## 3898 1994 7 14 bricklayer
## 3899 1994 7 16 son
## 3900 1994 7 25 class
## 3901 1994 9 11 time
## 3902 1994 9 16 gallery
## 3903 1994 10 4 honor
## 3904 1994 11 14 principle
## 3905 1994 11 21 people
## 3906 1994 11 23 opportunity
## 3907 1994 11 25 quality
## 3908 1994 11 26 education
## 3909 1994 11 31 shot
## 3910 1994 11 35 dream
## 3911 1994 11 41 things
## 3912 1994 12 7 world
## 3913 1994 12 9 changes
## 3914 1994 12 16 nations
## 3915 1994 13 3 heritage
## 3916 1994 13 10 change
## 3917 1994 13 17 opportunity
## 3918 1994 13 19 home
## 3919 1994 13 22 leadership
## 3920 1994 14 9 ways
## 3921 1994 14 12 heritage
## 3922 1994 14 18 country
## 3923 1994 15 5 family
## 3924 1994 15 6 life
## 3925 1994 16 5 wages
## 3926 1994 16 8 people
## 3927 1994 17 4 trickle
## 3928 1994 17 7 economics
## 3929 1994 17 13 prosperity
## 3930 1994 17 17 base
## 3931 1994 17 21 debt
## 3932 1994 18 8 growth
## 3933 1994 19 4 families
## 3934 1994 19 9 parents
## 3935 1994 19 15 dream
## 3936 1994 20 7 people
## 3937 1994 21 12 responsibility
## 3938 1994 21 15 future
## 3939 1994 21 18 country
## 3940 1994 23 3 drift
## 3941 1994 23 5 deadlock
## 3942 1994 23 7 renewal
## 3943 1994 23 9 reform
## 3944 1994 24 15 people
## 3945 1994 24 19 gridlock
## 3946 1994 24 27 teamwork
## 3947 1994 25 6 budget
## 3948 1994 25 10 deficit
## 3949 1994 25 15 spending
## 3950 1994 25 19 income
## 3951 1994 25 20 taxes
## 3952 1994 26 4 tax
## 3953 1994 26 5 relief
## 3954 1994 26 11 income
## 3955 1994 26 12 workers
## 3956 1994 26 15 work
## 3957 1994 26 17 welfare
## 3958 1994 28 5 bill
## 3959 1994 28 10 law
## 3960 1994 29 16 sir
## 3961 1994 30 5 tax
## 3962 1994 30 6 cuts
## 3963 1994 30 10 taxes
## 3964 1994 30 17 businesses
## 3965 1994 30 21 money
## 3966 1994 30 28 jobs
## 3967 1994 31 4 research
## 3968 1994 31 6 treatment
## 3969 1994 31 11 childhood
## 3970 1994 31 12 immunizations
## 3971 1994 31 15 support
## 3972 1994 31 17 women
## 3973 1994 31 19 health
## 3974 1994 31 20 research
## 3975 1994 31 24 college
## 3976 1994 31 25 loans
## 3977 1994 31 29 class
## 3978 1994 31 34 service
## 3979 1994 31 35 program
## 3980 1994 31 46 country
## 3981 1994 31 49 communities
## 3982 1994 31 52 education
## 3983 1994 31 56 increase
## 3984 1994 31 60 tech
## 3985 1994 31 61 investments
## 3986 1994 31 67 defense
## 3987 1994 31 73 tech
## 3988 1994 31 74 economy
## 3989 1994 32 6 law
## 3990 1994 32 9 motor
## 3991 1994 32 10 voter
## 3992 1994 32 11 bill
## 3993 1994 32 17 people
## 3994 1994 33 3 family
## 3995 1994 33 6 leave
## 3996 1994 34 7 law
## 3997 1994 34 12 veto
## 3998 1994 35 3 accomplishments
## 3999 1994 35 6 commitments
## 4000 1994 35 13 office
## 4001 1994 36 3 fairness
## 4002 1994 37 8 credit
## 4003 1994 37 12 people
## 4004 1994 37 21 salaries
## 4005 1994 37 26 feet
## 4006 1994 37 29 fire
## 4007 1994 38 12 lives
## 4008 1994 39 7 example
## 4009 1994 40 7 family
## 4010 1994 40 10 leave
## 4011 1994 40 11 law
## 4012 1994 40 16 father
## 4013 1994 41 7 family
## 4014 1994 41 18 wife
## 4015 1994 41 22 children
## 4016 1994 41 30 wheelchair
## 4017 1994 42 10 picture
## 4018 1994 42 16 visit
## 4019 1994 42 24 man
## 4020 1994 42 29 arm
## 4021 1994 43 3 girl
## 4022 1994 45 5 family
## 4023 1994 45 7 law
## 4024 1994 45 14 time
## 4025 1994 45 24 time
## 4026 1994 45 30 life
## 4027 1994 45 35 job
## 4028 1994 45 39 rest
## 4029 1994 45 42 family
## 4030 1994 47 4 people
## 4031 1994 47 16 difference
## 4032 1994 49 7 difference
## 4033 1994 49 10 work
## 4034 1994 50 8 impact
## 4035 1994 51 2 recovery
## 4036 1994 51 8 community
## 4037 1994 51 12 jobs
## 4038 1994 52 1 Incomes
## 4039 1994 53 6 violence
## 4040 1994 53 10 hope
## 4041 1994 53 14 places
## 4042 1994 54 5 democracies
## 4043 1994 54 14 times
## 4044 1994 54 20 leadership
## 4045 1994 55 11 journey
## 4046 1994 55 13 renewal
## 4047 1994 55 20 jobs
## 4048 1994 55 24 health
## 4049 1994 55 25 security
## 4050 1994 55 31 work
## 4051 1994 55 33 welfare
## 4052 1994 55 37 democracy
## 4053 1994 55 46 streets
## 4054 1994 55 49 crime
## 4055 1994 55 51 drugs
## 4056 1994 55 53 gangs
## 4057 1994 55 60 community
## 4058 1994 56 8 house
## 4059 1994 56 10 order
## 4060 1994 56 14 budget
## 4061 1994 56 15 deficit
## 4062 1994 56 21 bankruptcy
## 4063 1994 57 5 spending
## 4064 1994 57 8 entitlements
## 4065 1994 57 13 budget
## 4066 1994 57 14 items
## 4067 1994 58 4 spending
## 4068 1994 58 8 budget
## 4069 1994 58 9 numbers
## 4070 1994 59 11 campaign
## 4071 1994 60 3 staff
## 4072 1994 60 6 perks
## 4073 1994 60 11 fleet
## 4074 1994 60 14 limousines
## 4075 1994 61 4 leaders
## 4076 1994 61 6 rhetoric
## 4077 1994 61 8 bureaucracy
## 4078 1994 61 11 action
## 4079 1994 61 22 people
## 4080 1994 62 3 time
## 4081 1994 62 10 bureaucracy
## 4082 1994 62 16 point
## 4083 1994 63 4 deficit
## 4084 1994 63 13 tax
## 4085 1994 63 14 cuts
## 4086 1994 63 32 deficit
## 4087 1994 64 7 people
## 4088 1994 64 11 truth
## 4089 1994 64 18 taxes
## 4090 1994 65 23 income
## 4091 1994 65 24 tax
## 4092 1994 65 25 rates
## 4093 1994 66 14 income
## 4094 1994 66 15 tax
## 4095 1994 66 16 rates
## 4096 1994 66 20 one
## 4097 1994 67 5 truth
## 4098 1994 68 13 politics
## 4099 1994 68 15 naysayers
## 4100 1994 68 19 plan
## 4101 1994 70 7 experts
## 4102 1994 70 11 deficit
## 4103 1994 71 8 people
## 4104 1994 71 12 deficit
## 4105 1994 72 4 program
## 4106 1994 72 11 core
## 4107 1994 72 12 inflation
## 4108 1994 72 13 rate
## 4109 1994 72 17 interest
## 4110 1994 72 18 rates
## 4111 1994 73 4 interest
## 4112 1994 73 5 rates
## 4113 1994 73 9 business
## 4114 1994 73 10 investment
## 4115 1994 73 12 equipment
## 4116 1994 73 17 times
## 4117 1994 73 19 rate
## 4118 1994 74 1 Auto
## 4119 1994 74 2 sales
## 4120 1994 75 1 Home
## 4121 1994 75 2 sales
## 4122 1994 75 7 high
## 4123 1994 76 7 homes
## 4124 1994 77 3 economy
## 4125 1994 77 8 sector
## 4126 1994 77 9 jobs
## 4127 1994 78 3 people
## 4128 1994 78 8 plan
## 4129 1994 78 15 results
## 4130 1994 80 3 month
## 4131 1994 80 12 budgets
## 4132 1994 81 4 spending
## 4133 1994 81 7 programs
## 4134 1994 81 12 programs
## 4135 1994 81 17 ways
## 4136 1994 81 20 governments
## 4137 1994 81 22 goods
## 4138 1994 81 24 services
## 4139 1994 82 8 choices
## 4140 1994 82 14 spending
## 4141 1994 82 15 ceilings
## 4142 1994 84 8 deficit
## 4143 1994 84 13 recovery
## 4144 1994 84 17 seniors
## 4145 1994 84 21 class
## 4146 1994 84 28 security
## 4147 1994 84 30 risk
## 4148 1994 85 7 plan
## 4149 1994 85 15 deficits
## 4150 1994 85 19 time
## 4151 1994 86 6 buck
## 4152 1994 87 4 plan
## 4153 1994 87 8 strength
## 4154 1994 87 11 credibility
## 4155 1994 87 14 world
## 4156 1994 88 5 deficit
## 4157 1994 88 9 steel
## 4158 1994 88 14 edge
## 4159 1994 88 17 world
## 4160 1994 88 21 sound
## 4161 1994 88 24 trade
## 4162 1994 88 25 barriers
## 4163 1994 89 12 efforts
## 4164 1994 89 18 export
## 4165 1994 89 19 strategy
## 4166 1994 89 26 world
## 4167 1994 89 27 markets
## 4168 1994 89 30 products
## 4169 1994 89 34 time
## 4170 1994 89 39 generations
## 4171 1994 90 4 jobs
## 4172 1994 90 7 living
## 4173 1994 90 8 standards
## 4174 1994 90 12 people
## 4175 1994 90 15 deficits
## 4176 1994 90 18 inflation
## 4177 1994 90 21 interest
## 4178 1994 90 22 rates
## 4179 1994 90 25 trade
## 4180 1994 90 26 barriers
## 4181 1994 90 30 investments
## 4182 1994 91 4 building
## 4183 1994 91 5 blocks
## 4184 1994 91 8 recovery
## 4185 1994 92 8 advantage
## 4186 1994 92 11 opportunities
## 4187 1994 92 17 economy
## 4188 1994 93 5 defense
## 4189 1994 93 6 spending
## 4190 1994 93 16 technologies
## 4191 1994 94 1 Defense
## 4192 1994 94 2 conversion
## 4193 1994 94 10 jobs
## 4194 1994 94 13 people
## 4195 1994 94 16 home
## 4196 1994 95 5 environment
## 4197 1994 95 13 technologies
## 4198 1994 95 16 future
## 4199 1994 95 20 jobs
## 4200 1994 96 21 program
## 4201 1994 97 15 sector
## 4202 1994 97 19 classroom
## 4203 1994 97 22 clinic
## 4204 1994 97 25 library
## 4205 1994 97 28 hospital
## 4206 1994 97 34 information
## 4207 1994 97 35 superhighway
## 4208 1994 98 6 access
## 4209 1994 98 8 information
## 4210 1994 98 11 productivity
## 4211 1994 98 18 children
## 4212 1994 99 6 care
## 4213 1994 100 4 jobs
## 4214 1994 101 9 legislation
## 4215 1994 101 13 information
## 4216 1994 101 14 superhighway
## 4217 1994 102 5 opportunity
## 4218 1994 102 8 jobs
## 4219 1994 102 11 one
## 4220 1994 103 7 lending
## 4221 1994 103 10 housing
## 4222 1994 103 14 rights
## 4223 1994 103 15 laws
## 4224 1994 103 25 renewal
## 4225 1994 103 31 bounty
## 4226 1994 104 17 house
## 4227 1994 104 19 order
## 4228 1994 104 22 world
## 4229 1994 104 23 trade
## 4230 1994 104 27 jobs
## 4231 1994 104 30 future
## 4232 1994 104 45 strategy
## 4233 1994 104 55 people
## 4234 1994 104 57 education
## 4235 1994 104 59 training
## 4236 1994 104 62 skills
## 4237 1994 104 68 opportunities
## 4238 1994 105 7 world
## 4239 1994 105 9 class
## 4240 1994 105 13 standards
## 4241 1994 105 17 children
## 4242 1994 105 21 teachers
## 4243 1994 105 23 students
## 4244 1994 105 25 tools
## 4245 1994 106 4 proposal
## 4246 1994 106 8 school
## 4247 1994 106 9 districts
## 4248 1994 106 13 ideas
## 4249 1994 106 17 schools
## 4250 1994 106 23 corporations
## 4251 1994 106 28 school
## 4252 1994 106 29 choice
## 4253 1994 106 44 school
## 4254 1994 106 48 standard
## 4255 1994 106 52 children
## 4256 1994 106 66 economy
## 4257 1994 107 1 Goals
## 4258 1994 107 3 links
## 4259 1994 107 4 world
## 4260 1994 107 6 class
## 4261 1994 107 7 standards
## 4262 1994 107 10 reforms
## 4263 1994 108 9 delay
## 4264 1994 109 3 school
## 4265 1994 109 7 work
## 4266 1994 109 8 initiative
## 4267 1994 109 13 time
## 4268 1994 109 14 link
## 4269 1994 109 15 school
## 4270 1994 109 18 world
## 4271 1994 109 20 work
## 4272 1994 109 25 apprenticeship
## 4273 1994 109 28 school
## 4274 1994 110 7 people
## 4275 1994 110 16 future
## 4276 1994 110 21 college
## 4277 1994 111 3 time
## 4278 1994 112 8 unemployment
## 4279 1994 112 9 system
## 4280 1994 112 13 reemployment
## 4281 1994 112 14 system
## 4282 1994 113 3 unemployment
## 4283 1994 113 4 system
## 4284 1994 113 17 job
## 4285 1994 114 8 system
## 4286 1994 114 11 people
## 4287 1994 114 16 jobs
## 4288 1994 114 23 jobs
## 4289 1994 115 7 way
## 4290 1994 115 11 job
## 4291 1994 115 12 security
## 4292 1994 115 15 future
## 4293 1994 115 21 job
## 4294 1994 115 25 income
## 4295 1994 115 31 skills
## 4296 1994 115 34 ability
## 4297 1994 115 38 ones
## 4298 1994 116 9 patchwork
## 4299 1994 116 11 training
## 4300 1994 116 12 programs
## 4301 1994 116 17 source
## 4302 1994 116 20 skills
## 4303 1994 116 23 people
## 4304 1994 116 27 jobs
## 4305 1994 117 4 unemployment
## 4306 1994 117 9 centerpiece
## 4307 1994 117 13 renewal
## 4308 1994 118 9 session
## 4309 1994 119 9 unemployment
## 4310 1994 119 10 system
## 4311 1994 119 18 welfare
## 4312 1994 119 19 system
## 4313 1994 121 4 values
## 4314 1994 121 7 nation
## 4315 1994 122 4 work
## 4316 1994 122 11 system
## 4317 1994 122 14 welfare
## 4318 1994 122 18 work
## 4319 1994 122 20 people
## 4320 1994 122 26 health
## 4321 1994 122 27 care
## 4322 1994 123 4 responsibility
## 4323 1994 123 13 child
## 4324 1994 123 14 support
## 4325 1994 123 16 parents
## 4326 1994 123 24 parents
## 4327 1994 123 28 care
## 4328 1994 123 31 children
## 4329 1994 124 5 families
## 4330 1994 124 12 system
## 4331 1994 125 6 child
## 4332 1994 125 10 child
## 4333 1994 125 13 money
## 4334 1994 125 26 parent
## 4335 1994 125 29 grandparent
## 4336 1994 126 6 policy
## 4337 1994 128 6 problem
## 4338 1994 128 19 Members
## 4339 1994 128 24 parties
## 4340 1994 128 29 administration
## 4341 1994 128 32 party
## 4342 1994 129 6 people
## 4343 1994 129 10 welfare
## 4344 1994 129 12 lots
## 4345 1994 130 14 issue
## 4346 1994 131 2 people
## 4347 1994 131 9 system
## 4348 1994 131 12 people
## 4349 1994 132 6 welfare
## 4350 1994 133 7 work
## 4351 1994 134 8 kids
## 4352 1994 135 6 hearing
## 4353 1994 135 17 people
## 4354 1994 135 19 welfare
## 4355 1994 135 28 way
## 4356 1994 136 2 woman
## 4357 1994 136 11 question
## 4358 1994 136 17 thing
## 4359 1994 136 21 welfare
## 4360 1994 136 25 job
## 4361 1994 137 5 eye
## 4362 1994 137 11 Governors
## 4363 1994 137 20 boy
## 4364 1994 137 23 school
## 4365 1994 137 32 mother
## 4366 1994 137 36 living
## 4367 1994 138 5 answer
## 4368 1994 139 2 people
## 4369 1994 139 6 system
## 4370 1994 141 6 power
## 4371 1994 141 14 lot
## 4372 1994 141 17 ideas
## 4373 1994 142 7 step
## 4374 1994 143 4 people
## 4375 1994 143 7 incomes
## 4376 1994 143 9 poverty
## 4377 1994 143 17 way
## 4378 1994 143 20 poverty
## 4379 1994 143 27 income
## 4380 1994 143 28 tax
## 4381 1994 143 29 credit
## 4382 1994 144 6 families
## 4383 1994 144 9 poverty
## 4384 1994 144 12 work
## 4385 1994 144 14 welfare
## 4386 1994 144 20 people
## 4387 1994 144 24 workers
## 4388 1994 144 27 parents
## 4389 1994 145 5 welfare
## 4390 1994 145 6 reform
## 4391 1994 147 8 welfare
## 4392 1994 147 9 reform
## 4393 1994 147 10 bill
## 4394 1994 147 21 values
## 4395 1994 147 23 work
## 4396 1994 147 25 responsibility
## 4397 1994 148 5 teenagers
## 4398 1994 148 12 child
## 4399 1994 148 15 wedlock
## 4400 1994 148 24 check
## 4401 1994 148 30 household
## 4402 1994 149 3 families
## 4403 1994 149 12 parents
## 4404 1994 149 18 child
## 4405 1994 149 19 support
## 4406 1994 149 29 children
## 4407 1994 149 35 wages
## 4408 1994 149 39 license
## 4409 1994 149 45 lines
## 4410 1994 150 1 People
## 4411 1994 150 4 children
## 4412 1994 150 7 world
## 4413 1994 151 8 welfare
## 4414 1994 151 16 compact
## 4415 1994 152 5 support
## 4416 1994 152 8 job
## 4417 1994 152 9 training
## 4418 1994 152 12 child
## 4419 1994 153 15 sector
## 4420 1994 153 20 community
## 4421 1994 153 21 service
## 4422 1994 154 5 way
## 4423 1994 154 10 welfare
## 4424 1994 154 19 chance
## 4425 1994 154 23 way
## 4426 1994 154 25 life
## 4427 1994 155 10 welfare
## 4428 1994 155 11 reform
## 4429 1994 155 17 time
## 4430 1994 155 20 health
## 4431 1994 155 21 care
## 4432 1994 157 6 people
## 4433 1994 157 9 welfare
## 4434 1994 157 10 today
## 4435 1994 157 16 way
## 4436 1994 157 20 health
## 4437 1994 157 21 care
## 4438 1994 157 22 coverage
## 4439 1994 157 25 children
## 4440 1994 158 6 welfare
## 4441 1994 158 8 jobs
## 4442 1994 158 10 health
## 4443 1994 158 11 benefits
## 4444 1994 158 15 entry
## 4445 1994 158 17 level
## 4446 1994 158 18 jobs
## 4447 1994 158 22 health
## 4448 1994 158 23 benefits
## 4449 1994 158 30 position
## 4450 1994 158 33 taxes
## 4451 1994 158 39 health
## 4452 1994 158 40 care
## 4453 1994 158 41 coverage
## 4454 1994 158 48 choice
## 4455 1994 158 53 welfare
## 4456 1994 159 2 wonder
## 4457 1994 159 3 people
## 4458 1994 159 5 work
## 4459 1994 159 10 welfare
## 4460 1994 159 13 health
## 4461 1994 159 14 care
## 4462 1994 159 15 coverage
## 4463 1994 160 7 health
## 4464 1994 160 8 care
## 4465 1994 160 9 problem
## 4466 1994 160 13 welfare
## 4467 1994 160 14 reform
## 4468 1994 161 8 history
## 4469 1994 161 12 health
## 4470 1994 161 13 care
## 4471 1994 161 14 system
## 4472 1994 162 15 servants
## 4473 1994 162 20 issue
## 4474 1994 162 23 people
## 4475 1994 162 29 politicians
## 4476 1994 163 8 party
## 4477 1994 163 16 truth
## 4478 1994 164 12 letters
## 4479 1994 164 14 people
## 4480 1994 164 21 walks
## 4481 1994 164 23 life
## 4482 1994 166 9 job
## 4483 1994 166 15 health
## 4484 1994 166 16 insurance
## 4485 1994 167 3 wife
## 4486 1994 167 10 aneurysm
## 4487 1994 168 6 hospital
## 4488 1994 168 13 care
## 4489 1994 169 4 bills
## 4490 1994 170 9 work
## 4491 1994 170 14 hour
## 4492 1994 170 17 bills
## 4493 1994 170 30 bankruptcy
## 4494 1994 171 13 one
## 4495 1994 171 27 lives
## 4496 1994 172 19 others
## 4497 1994 172 29 health
## 4498 1994 172 30 care
## 4499 1994 172 31 reform
## 4500 1994 172 32 issue
## 4501 1994 173 5 thanks
## 4502 1994 173 8 action
## 4503 1994 174 6 people
## 4504 1994 174 13 health
## 4505 1994 174 14 care
## 4506 1994 174 15 crisis
## 4507 1994 176 10 coverage
## 4508 1994 176 15 time
## 4509 1994 177 10 conditions
## 4510 1994 178 2 folks
## 4511 1994 178 12 insurance
## 4512 1994 178 23 jobs
## 4513 1994 178 30 family
## 4514 1994 178 36 conditions
## 4515 1994 179 6 businesses
## 4516 1994 179 11 cost
## 4517 1994 179 13 insurance
## 4518 1994 180 3 businesses
## 4519 1994 180 6 employees
## 4520 1994 180 16 premiums
## 4521 1994 180 19 businesses
## 4522 1994 180 21 Government
## 4523 1994 181 16 policies
## 4524 1994 181 18 lifetime
## 4525 1994 181 19 limits
## 4526 1994 181 30 coverage
## 4527 1994 182 10 crisis
## 4528 1994 182 17 people
## 4529 1994 183 5 people
## 4530 1994 183 12 impact
## 4531 1994 183 15 problem
## 4532 1994 183 17 people
## 4533 1994 183 19 lives
## 4534 1994 185 10 district
## 4535 1994 185 13 country
## 4536 1994 186 7 independents
## 4537 1994 186 14 lick
## 4538 1994 186 18 party
## 4539 1994 188 4 time
## 4540 1994 189 8 health
## 4541 1994 189 9 care
## 4542 1994 189 10 initiative
## 4543 1994 189 21 health
## 4544 1994 189 22 care
## 4545 1994 189 23 system
## 4546 1994 189 26 world
## 4547 1994 189 29 health
## 4548 1994 189 30 care
## 4549 1994 189 31 professionals
## 4550 1994 189 33 cutting
## 4551 1994 189 35 edge
## 4552 1994 189 36 research
## 4553 1994 189 39 research
## 4554 1994 189 40 institutions
## 4555 1994 190 1 None
## 4556 1994 190 5 none
## 4557 1994 190 12 risk
## 4558 1994 191 9 money
## 4559 1994 191 14 care
## 4560 1994 192 11 doctors
## 4561 1994 193 2 year
## 4562 1994 193 3 doctors
## 4563 1994 193 5 nurses
## 4564 1994 193 8 time
## 4565 1994 193 10 paperwork
## 4566 1994 193 13 time
## 4567 1994 193 15 patients
## 4568 1994 193 21 nightmare
## 4569 1994 193 24 system
## 4570 1994 194 2 system
## 4571 1994 194 6 inefficiency
## 4572 1994 194 9 abuse
## 4573 1994 194 12 fraud
## 4574 1994 195 4 health
## 4575 1994 195 5 care
## 4576 1994 195 6 system
## 4577 1994 195 8 insurance
## 4578 1994 195 9 companies
## 4579 1994 195 12 shots
## 4580 1994 197 6 benefits
## 4581 1994 197 11 coverage
## 4582 1994 198 4 charge
## 4583 1994 200 4 night
## 4584 1994 200 13 bed
## 4585 1994 200 16 illness
## 4586 1994 200 19 accident
## 4587 1994 200 24 slip
## 4588 1994 200 29 coverage
## 4589 1994 200 32 ruin
## 4590 1994 201 4 morning
## 4591 1994 201 13 health
## 4592 1994 201 14 insurance
## 4593 1994 201 20 workers
## 4594 1994 201 25 country
## 4595 1994 201 28 world
## 4596 1994 202 5 year
## 4597 1994 202 12 people
## 4598 1994 202 19 doctor
## 4599 1994 202 22 boss
## 4600 1994 202 29 plan
## 4601 1994 203 3 others
## 4602 1994 203 7 jobs
## 4603 1994 203 16 job
## 4604 1994 203 22 health
## 4605 1994 203 23 insurance
## 4606 1994 204 6 health
## 4607 1994 204 7 care
## 4608 1994 204 8 system
## 4609 1994 204 14 country
## 4610 1994 204 17 people
## 4611 1994 204 20 care
## 4612 1994 204 23 choices
## 4613 1994 204 27 bills
## 4614 1994 205 5 approach
## 4615 1994 205 8 quality
## 4616 1994 205 10 care
## 4617 1994 205 12 people
## 4618 1994 205 14 choices
## 4619 1994 206 10 sector
## 4620 1994 206 14 employer
## 4621 1994 206 17 coverage
## 4622 1994 206 22 insurance
## 4623 1994 207 6 employer
## 4624 1994 207 10 insurance
## 4625 1994 208 5 idea
## 4626 1994 208 13 idea
## 4627 1994 209 8 insurance
## 4628 1994 210 8 people
## 4629 1994 210 11 insurance
## 4630 1994 210 16 employers
## 4631 1994 212 4 employer
## 4632 1994 212 8 benefits
## 4633 1994 212 11 prices
## 4634 1994 214 3 goal
## 4635 1994 214 5 health
## 4636 1994 214 6 insurance
## 4637 1994 214 13 benefits
## 4638 1994 214 17 care
## 4639 1994 214 19 prescription
## 4640 1994 214 20 drugs
## 4641 1994 214 22 health
## 4642 1994 214 23 premiums
## 4643 1994 214 39 power
## 4644 1994 214 46 business
## 4645 1994 214 52 insurance
## 4646 1994 214 57 rates
## 4647 1994 214 58 governments
## 4648 1994 214 61 business
## 4649 1994 214 67 form
## 4650 1994 214 69 people
## 4651 1994 214 80 freedom
## 4652 1994 214 84 plan
## 4653 1994 214 87 right
## 4654 1994 214 92 doctor
## 4655 1994 215 3 approach
## 4656 1994 216 2 plan
## 4657 1994 216 10 growth
## 4658 1994 217 2 difference
## 4659 1994 217 9 savings
## 4660 1994 217 15 health
## 4661 1994 217 16 care
## 4662 1994 217 19 citizens
## 4663 1994 218 10 prescription
## 4664 1994 218 11 drugs
## 4665 1994 218 19 steps
## 4666 1994 218 24 term
## 4667 1994 218 25 care
## 4668 1994 219 9 seniors
## 4669 1994 219 14 solution
## 4670 1994 219 18 squeeze
## 4671 1994 219 21 class
## 4672 1994 219 23 people
## 4673 1994 219 25 health
## 4674 1994 219 26 care
## 4675 1994 219 32 squeeze
## 4676 1994 219 35 class
## 4677 1994 219 37 people
## 4678 1994 219 39 health
## 4679 1994 219 40 care
## 4680 1994 222 1 Insurance
## 4681 1994 222 15 price
## 4682 1994 222 17 security
## 4683 1994 222 25 health
## 4684 1994 222 26 care
## 4685 1994 223 5 guarantee
## 4686 1994 223 7 health
## 4687 1994 223 8 security
## 4688 1994 223 22 responsibility
## 4689 1994 223 25 part
## 4690 1994 223 35 system
## 4691 1994 224 1 People
## 4692 1994 224 6 kids
## 4693 1994 225 5 advantage
## 4694 1994 225 8 care
## 4695 1994 226 9 violence
## 4696 1994 226 13 emergency
## 4697 1994 226 14 rooms
## 4698 1994 227 6 health
## 4699 1994 227 7 habits
## 4700 1994 227 15 system
## 4701 1994 228 7 insurance
## 4702 1994 228 10 approach
## 4703 1994 228 13 coverage
## 4704 1994 229 2 minority
## 4705 1994 229 4 businesses
## 4706 1994 229 8 insurance
## 4707 1994 229 18 cost
## 4708 1994 229 21 care
## 4709 1994 229 24 employees
## 4710 1994 229 26 others
## 4711 1994 230 1 People
## 4712 1994 230 9 pack
## 4713 1994 230 11 cigarettes
## 4714 1994 231 11 health
## 4715 1994 231 12 care
## 4716 1994 231 13 crisis
## 4717 1994 234 20 health
## 4718 1994 234 21 care
## 4719 1994 234 22 system
## 4720 1994 234 26 market
## 4721 1994 234 30 costs
## 4722 1994 234 35 health
## 4723 1994 234 36 security
## 4724 1994 235 6 history
## 4725 1994 235 13 country
## 4726 1994 235 18 health
## 4727 1994 235 19 care
## 4728 1994 240 2 time
## 4729 1994 240 5 interests
## 4730 1994 241 4 time
## 4731 1994 242 9 interests
## 4732 1994 242 12 courage
## 4733 1994 243 5 questions
## 4734 1994 243 8 way
## 4735 1994 243 12 campaigns
## 4736 1994 243 15 lobbyists
## 4737 1994 243 18 influence
## 4738 1994 244 2 work
## 4739 1994 244 4 change
## 4740 1994 244 17 influence
## 4741 1994 244 22 interests
## 4742 1994 244 28 system
## 4743 1994 245 12 job
## 4744 1994 245 22 campaign
## 4745 1994 245 23 finance
## 4746 1994 245 24 reform
## 4747 1994 245 26 lobby
## 4748 1994 245 27 reform
## 4749 1994 245 28 legislation
## 4750 1994 246 13 test
## 4751 1994 247 3 people
## 4752 1994 247 10 service
## 4753 1994 247 13 health
## 4754 1994 247 14 care
## 4755 1994 247 15 benefits
## 4756 1994 247 18 costs
## 4757 1994 248 3 health
## 4758 1994 248 4 care
## 4759 1994 249 12 tax
## 4760 1994 249 18 health
## 4761 1994 249 19 care
## 4762 1994 249 20 security
## 4763 1994 251 14 ideas
## 4764 1994 251 17 Members
## 4765 1994 251 20 parties
## 4766 1994 252 5 brief
## 4767 1994 252 9 approach
## 4768 1994 252 15 bill
## 4769 1994 252 24 legislation
## 4770 1994 252 32 health
## 4771 1994 252 33 insurance
## 4772 1994 252 48 pen
## 4773 1994 252 52 legislation
## 4774 1994 256 12 health
## 4775 1994 256 13 care
## 4776 1994 256 18 health
## 4777 1994 256 19 care
## 4778 1994 256 31 year
## 4779 1994 256 35 time
## 4780 1994 256 40 people
## 4781 1994 257 6 steps
## 4782 1994 257 11 strength
## 4783 1994 257 13 home
## 4784 1994 257 22 obligation
## 4785 1994 257 26 leadership
## 4786 1994 258 5 moment
## 4787 1994 259 4 agreements
## 4788 1994 259 16 missiles
## 4789 1994 260 4 weapons
## 4790 1994 260 6 space
## 4791 1994 260 9 scientists
## 4792 1994 260 17 space
## 4793 1994 260 18 station
## 4794 1994 261 8 dangers
## 4795 1994 261 11 world
## 4796 1994 261 14 arms
## 4797 1994 261 15 proliferation
## 4798 1994 261 19 conflicts
## 4799 1994 261 24 tensions
## 4800 1994 261 28 democracies
## 4801 1994 261 32 degradation
## 4802 1994 261 34 world
## 4803 1994 261 38 fanatics
## 4804 1994 261 44 world
## 4805 1994 261 46 cities
## 4806 1994 261 48 terror
## 4807 1994 262 3 world
## 4808 1994 262 6 power
## 4809 1994 262 15 defenses
## 4810 1994 262 18 responsibilities
## 4811 1994 263 6 indictments
## 4812 1994 263 8 terrorists
## 4813 1994 263 10 sanctions
## 4814 1994 264 8 growth
## 4815 1994 265 3 agreements
## 4816 1994 265 17 arsenal
## 4817 1994 266 11 weapons
## 4818 1994 267 5 ratification
## 4819 1994 267 8 treaty
## 4820 1994 267 12 weapons
## 4821 1994 268 9 nations
## 4822 1994 268 12 negotiations
## 4823 1994 268 16 ban
## 4824 1994 268 21 testing
## 4825 1994 269 11 security
## 4826 1994 269 14 Nation
## 4827 1994 270 4 contributions
## 4828 1994 270 15 air
## 4829 1994 270 16 lift
## 4830 1994 270 18 history
## 4831 1994 270 27 mission
## 4832 1994 270 34 comrades
## 4833 1994 270 38 lives
## 4834 1994 271 2 forces
## 4835 1994 271 6 military
## 4836 1994 272 28 fighting
## 4837 1994 272 29 force
## 4838 1994 272 32 face
## 4839 1994 273 6 defense
## 4840 1994 273 7 plan
## 4841 1994 273 15 war
## 4842 1994 273 16 security
## 4843 1994 273 20 cost
## 4844 1994 274 3 people
## 4845 1994 274 9 defense
## 4846 1994 274 10 spending
## 4847 1994 274 17 programs
## 4848 1994 276 2 budget
## 4849 1994 276 9 line
## 4850 1994 276 12 defense
## 4851 1994 276 13 cuts
## 4852 1994 277 4 readiness
## 4853 1994 277 6 quality
## 4854 1994 277 9 forces
## 4855 1994 278 5 strategy
## 4856 1994 279 5 defense
## 4857 1994 280 7 regard
## 4858 1994 280 9 party
## 4859 1994 280 14 position
## 4860 1994 281 6 strategy
## 4861 1994 281 10 security
## 4862 1994 281 16 peace
## 4863 1994 281 21 advance
## 4864 1994 281 23 democracy
## 4865 1994 282 1 Democracies
## 4866 1994 283 4 trading
## 4867 1994 283 5 partners
## 4868 1994 283 7 partners
## 4869 1994 283 9 diplomacy
## 4870 1994 284 14 reformers
## 4871 1994 284 21 states
## 4872 1994 284 26 bloc
## 4873 1994 285 5 support
## 4874 1994 285 12 initiatives
## 4875 1994 285 22 states
## 4876 1994 285 26 transformations
## 4877 1994 286 3 support
## 4878 1994 286 5 reform
## 4879 1994 286 8 patience
## 4880 1994 286 11 enormity
## 4881 1994 286 14 task
## 4882 1994 286 16 vigilance
## 4883 1994 286 20 interest
## 4884 1994 286 22 values
## 4885 1994 287 10 states
## 4886 1994 287 16 reforms
## 4887 1994 288 12 problems
## 4888 1994 288 19 troops
## 4889 1994 288 22 neighboring
## 4890 1994 288 23 states
## 4891 1994 288 31 states
## 4892 1994 288 35 presence
## 4893 1994 288 39 accord
## 4894 1994 288 42 standards
## 4895 1994 289 9 nations
## 4896 1994 289 28 people
## 4897 1994 289 34 market
## 4898 1994 289 35 reforms
## 4899 1994 289 42 bloc
## 4900 1994 290 2 policy
## 4901 1994 290 8 move
## 4902 1994 290 15 policy
## 4903 1994 292 16 partners
## 4904 1994 292 26 countries
## 4905 1994 292 33 possibility
## 4906 1994 292 40 time
## 4907 1994 292 44 history
## 4908 1994 292 48 history
## 4909 1994 292 54 commitments
## 4910 1994 292 57 nations
## 4911 1994 292 61 democracy
## 4912 1994 292 65 markets
## 4913 1994 292 72 borders
## 4914 1994 293 4 allies
## 4915 1994 293 14 states
## 4916 1994 293 19 bloc
## 4917 1994 293 23 members
## 4918 1994 293 30 cooperation
## 4919 1994 294 6 leaders
## 4920 1994 294 13 men
## 4921 1994 294 17 lives
## 4922 1994 294 20 line
## 4923 1994 294 22 freedom
## 4924 1994 294 29 security
## 4925 1994 294 32 region
## 4926 1994 294 37 country
## 4927 1994 294 39 security
## 4928 1994 295 11 renewal
## 4929 1994 295 14 rights
## 4930 1994 295 17 development
## 4931 1994 295 21 world
## 4932 1994 296 10 accord
## 4933 1994 297 11 way
## 4934 1994 297 19 transition
## 4935 1994 297 21 democracy
## 4936 1994 298 5 summit
## 4937 1994 298 9 leaders
## 4938 1994 298 14 tip
## 4939 1994 299 9 restoration
## 4940 1994 299 12 democracy
## 4941 1994 300 8 relationship
## 4942 1994 300 19 signs
## 4943 1994 300 21 improvement
## 4944 1994 300 24 nation
## 4945 1994 300 27 rights
## 4946 1994 300 28 record
## 4947 1994 301 8 progress
## 4948 1994 301 12 peace
## 4949 1994 302 3 world
## 4950 1994 302 15 handshake
## 4951 1994 302 17 reconciliation
## 4952 1994 303 8 road
## 4953 1994 304 4 road
## 4954 1994 304 12 administration
## 4955 1994 304 24 peace
## 4956 1994 304 28 peoples
## 4957 1994 304 31 region
## 4958 1994 305 9 country
## 4959 1994 305 16 war
## 4960 1994 305 22 back
## 4961 1994 305 25 rest
## 4962 1994 305 28 world
## 4963 1994 306 4 world
## 4964 1994 307 5 office
## 4965 1994 307 8 pledge
## 4966 1994 307 13 tinge
## 4967 1994 307 18 Nation
## 4968 1994 307 25 rest
## 4969 1994 307 28 world
## 4970 1994 308 7 work
## 4971 1994 308 15 military
## 4972 1994 308 21 democracy
## 4973 1994 308 29 leadership
## 4974 1994 308 33 engagement
## 4975 1994 309 4 result
## 4976 1994 309 8 people
## 4977 1994 310 9 threats
## 4978 1994 310 20 ways
## 4979 1994 310 26 threats
## 4980 1994 310 29 home
## 4981 1994 311 2 day
## 4982 1994 311 5 peace
## 4983 1994 311 9 crime
## 4984 1994 312 8 slumber
## 4985 1994 312 9 party
## 4986 1994 312 11 way
## 4987 1994 312 14 tragedy
## 4988 1994 312 17 family
## 4989 1994 313 3 train
## 4990 1994 313 4 ride
## 4991 1994 313 10 hail
## 4992 1994 313 14 millimeter
## 4993 1994 313 15 rounds
## 4994 1994 314 2 tourist
## 4995 1994 314 10 bigots
## 4996 1994 315 5 Nation
## 4997 1994 315 12 man
## 4998 1994 315 17 policeman
## 4999 1994 315 20 son
## 5000 1994 315 22 grandson
## 5001 1994 315 24 policemen
## 5002 1994 316 2 crime
## 5003 1994 316 5 fear
## 5004 1994 316 11 society
## 5005 1994 316 15 freedom
## 5006 1994 316 20 ties
## 5007 1994 317 3 crime
## 5008 1994 317 4 bill
## 5009 1994 317 10 chance
## 5010 1994 317 18 chance
## 5011 1994 319 9 lot
## 5012 1994 319 12 issue
## 5013 1994 320 9 life
## 5014 1994 320 14 attorney
## 5015 1994 320 15 general
## 5016 1994 322 9 laws
## 5017 1994 322 11 penalties
## 5018 1994 322 16 prison
## 5019 1994 322 17 cells
## 5020 1994 322 23 death
## 5021 1994 322 24 penalty
## 5022 1994 323 4 issue
## 5023 1994 324 7 thing
## 5024 1994 325 10 crimes
## 5025 1994 325 16 percentage
## 5026 1994 325 18 criminals
## 5027 1994 325 24 laws
## 5028 1994 325 30 parole
## 5029 1994 326 5 crimes
## 5030 1994 327 7 crimes
## 5031 1994 327 19 crime
## 5032 1994 327 34 strikes
## 5033 1994 328 2 Second
## 5034 1994 328 8 steps
## 5035 1994 328 11 violence
## 5036 1994 328 14 crime
## 5037 1994 328 19 police
## 5038 1994 328 20 officers
## 5039 1994 328 23 community
## 5040 1994 329 6 police
## 5041 1994 329 10 streets
## 5042 1994 329 14 folks
## 5043 1994 329 18 respect
## 5044 1994 329 21 neighborhood
## 5045 1994 329 22 kids
## 5046 1994 329 27 crime
## 5047 1994 329 28 areas
## 5048 1994 329 39 crime
## 5049 1994 329 43 catch
## 5050 1994 329 44 criminals
## 5051 1994 330 4 experience
## 5052 1994 330 10 crime
## 5053 1994 330 11 rate
## 5054 1994 330 18 approach
## 5055 1994 331 8 community
## 5056 1994 331 9 policemen
## 5057 1994 331 15 detective
## 5058 1994 331 20 beat
## 5059 1994 331 23 blocks
## 5060 1994 331 29 neighborhoods
## 5061 1994 332 5 sanity
## 5062 1994 332 7 safety
## 5063 1994 332 10 sense
## 5064 1994 332 12 values
## 5065 1994 332 14 connections
## 5066 1994 332 17 people
## 5067 1994 332 19 lives
## 5068 1994 334 4 sir
## 5069 1994 335 7 chance
## 5070 1994 335 11 children
## 5071 1994 335 14 country
## 5072 1994 335 17 law
## 5073 1994 335 21 people
## 5074 1994 335 32 neighborhoods
## 5075 1994 335 35 country
## 5076 1994 335 40 crime
## 5077 1994 335 41 neighborhoods
## 5078 1994 335 44 country
## 5079 1994 335 48 majority
## 5080 1994 335 50 people
## 5081 1994 335 54 day
## 5082 1994 335 58 law
## 5083 1994 335 62 taxes
## 5084 1994 335 70 kids
## 5085 1994 336 3 people
## 5086 1994 337 9 chance
## 5087 1994 337 14 people
## 5088 1994 339 6 crime
## 5089 1994 339 7 legislation
## 5090 1994 339 12 police
## 5091 1994 339 13 corps
## 5092 1994 339 17 people
## 5093 1994 339 21 education
## 5094 1994 339 29 police
## 5095 1994 339 30 officers
## 5096 1994 339 36 personnel
## 5097 1994 339 40 police
## 5098 1994 339 41 forces
## 5099 1994 339 45 resource
## 5100 1994 339 48 country
## 5101 1994 339 55 schools
## 5102 1994 339 56 provision
## 5103 1994 339 62 people
## 5104 1994 339 64 chance
## 5105 1994 339 68 school
## 5106 1994 339 70 safety
## 5107 1994 339 75 school
## 5108 1994 339 77 safety
## 5109 1994 339 81 bullets
## 5110 1994 340 4 things
## 5111 1994 341 4 thing
## 5112 1994 341 15 bill
## 5113 1994 341 19 law
## 5114 1994 341 24 steps
## 5115 1994 341 27 guns
## 5116 1994 341 31 hands
## 5117 1994 341 33 criminals
## 5118 1994 342 8 issue
## 5119 1994 343 1 Hunters
## 5120 1994 344 1 Law
## 5121 1994 344 4 adults
## 5122 1994 344 11 guns
## 5123 1994 344 15 homes
## 5124 1994 345 4 part
## 5125 1994 345 7 culture
## 5126 1994 346 7 sportsmen
## 5127 1994 346 9 others
## 5128 1994 346 13 guns
## 5129 1994 346 19 campaign
## 5130 1994 346 22 gun
## 5131 1994 346 23 violence
## 5132 1994 347 13 problem
## 5133 1994 347 19 help
## 5134 1994 348 4 sporting
## 5135 1994 348 5 purpose
## 5136 1994 348 14 assault
## 5137 1994 348 15 weapons
## 5138 1994 348 19 gun
## 5139 1994 348 20 police
## 5140 1994 348 24 children
## 5141 1994 349 8 drugs
## 5142 1994 349 11 factor
## 5143 1994 349 15 percentage
## 5144 1994 349 17 crimes
## 5145 1994 350 2 studies
## 5146 1994 350 8 drug
## 5147 1994 350 9 use
## 5148 1994 350 13 rise
## 5149 1994 350 18 people
## 5150 1994 351 2 crime
## 5151 1994 351 3 bill
## 5152 1994 351 6 crime
## 5153 1994 351 7 bills
## 5154 1994 351 11 money
## 5155 1994 351 13 drug
## 5156 1994 351 14 treatment
## 5157 1994 351 17 addicts
## 5158 1994 351 19 boot
## 5159 1994 351 20 camps
## 5160 1994 351 23 offenders
## 5161 1994 351 26 incentives
## 5162 1994 351 30 drugs
## 5163 1994 351 35 drugs
## 5164 1994 352 2 administration
## 5165 1994 352 4 budget
## 5166 1994 352 9 cuts
## 5167 1994 352 14 increase
## 5168 1994 352 16 funding
## 5169 1994 352 18 drug
## 5170 1994 352 19 treatment
## 5171 1994 352 21 drug
## 5172 1994 352 22 education
## 5173 1994 355 3 fellow
## 5174 1994 355 7 problem
## 5175 1994 355 9 violence
## 5176 1994 355 13 problem
## 5177 1994 356 7 element
## 5178 1994 357 8 ways
## 5179 1994 357 17 differences
## 5180 1994 357 26 crime
## 5181 1994 357 27 bill
## 5182 1994 358 15 penalties
## 5183 1994 358 20 violence
## 5184 1994 358 32 point
## 5185 1994 359 4 neighborhoods
## 5186 1994 359 9 streets
## 5187 1994 359 15 areas
## 5188 1994 359 24 breakdown
## 5189 1994 359 26 community
## 5190 1994 359 28 family
## 5191 1994 359 31 work
## 5192 1994 359 34 heart
## 5193 1994 359 36 soul
## 5194 1994 359 39 society
## 5195 1994 360 6 vacuum
## 5196 1994 360 12 violence
## 5197 1994 360 14 drugs
## 5198 1994 360 16 gangs
## 5199 1994 361 14 crime
## 5200 1994 361 19 people
## 5201 1994 361 24 people
## 5202 1994 362 5 initiatives
## 5203 1994 362 8 job
## 5204 1994 362 9 training
## 5205 1994 362 11 welfare
## 5206 1994 362 12 reform
## 5207 1994 362 14 health
## 5208 1994 362 15 care
## 5209 1994 362 18 service
## 5210 1994 362 25 communities
## 5211 1994 362 29 families
## 5212 1994 362 33 work
## 5213 1994 363 3 needs
## 5214 1994 364 5 community
## 5215 1994 364 6 empowerment
## 5216 1994 364 7 agenda
## 5217 1994 364 13 businesses
## 5218 1994 364 17 investment
## 5219 1994 364 20 zones
## 5220 1994 364 23 banks
## 5221 1994 364 26 loans
## 5222 1994 364 30 communities
## 5223 1994 364 32 deposits
## 5224 1994 364 37 legislation
## 5225 1994 364 41 power
## 5226 1994 364 43 capital
## 5227 1994 364 45 community
## 5228 1994 364 46 development
## 5229 1994 364 47 banks
## 5230 1994 364 50 jobs
## 5231 1994 364 52 opportunity
## 5232 1994 365 11 problem
## 5233 1994 365 20 heads
## 5234 1994 365 26 armor
## 5235 1994 365 33 ideas
## 5236 1994 366 15 problems
## 5237 1994 366 20 reach
## 5238 1994 366 22 Government
## 5239 1994 367 6 loss
## 5240 1994 367 8 values
## 5241 1994 367 12 disappearance
## 5242 1994 367 14 work
## 5243 1994 367 18 breakdown
## 5244 1994 367 21 families
## 5245 1994 367 24 communities
## 5246 1994 368 3 fellow
## 5247 1994 368 10 deficit
## 5248 1994 368 13 jobs
## 5249 1994 368 16 democracy
## 5250 1994 368 19 world
## 5251 1994 368 22 welfare
## 5252 1994 368 23 reform
## 5253 1994 368 25 health
## 5254 1994 368 26 care
## 5255 1994 368 31 crime
## 5256 1994 368 32 bill
## 5257 1994 368 34 history
## 5258 1994 368 43 people
## 5259 1994 369 3 people
## 5260 1994 369 19 work
## 5261 1994 369 21 family
## 5262 1994 369 23 community
## 5263 1994 370 6 country
## 5264 1994 370 13 children
## 5265 1994 370 18 families
## 5266 1994 370 24 marriage
## 5267 1994 371 6 country
## 5268 1994 371 9 boys
## 5269 1994 371 12 weapons
## 5270 1994 371 17 kicks
## 5271 1994 372 6 country
## 5272 1994 372 8 children
## 5273 1994 372 11 children
## 5274 1994 372 14 fathers
## 5275 1994 372 20 kids
## 5276 1994 373 6 country
## 5277 1994 373 9 businesses
## 5278 1994 373 14 investments
## 5279 1994 373 17 customers
## 5280 1994 373 22 people
## 5281 1994 373 26 home
## 5282 1994 373 34 jobs
## 5283 1994 373 40 products
## 5284 1994 373 45 money
## 5285 1994 374 6 country
## 5286 1994 374 15 us-
## 5287 1994 374 22 churches
## 5288 1994 374 27 citizens
## 5289 1994 374 29 people
## 5290 1994 374 33 ministers
## 5291 1994 374 40 years
## 5292 1994 374 43 priests
## 5293 1994 374 46 nuns
## 5294 1994 374 53 Help
## 5295 1994 374 55 east
## 5296 1994 374 60 friend
## 5297 1994 374 72 people
## 5298 1994 374 76 people
## 5299 1994 374 80 kids
## 5300 1994 374 83 schools
## 5301 1994 374 86 streets
## 5302 1994 376 6 country
## 5303 1994 376 11 governments
## 5304 1994 376 15 children
## 5305 1994 376 17 parents
## 5306 1994 377 2 Parents
## 5307 1994 377 6 children
## 5308 1994 377 8 teachers
## 5309 1994 377 13 television
## 5310 1994 377 18 homework
## 5311 1994 377 22 kids
## 5312 1994 377 25 wrong
## 5313 1994 377 28 kinds
## 5314 1994 377 30 parents
## 5315 1994 377 35 difference
## 5316 1994 379 13 fingers
## 5317 1994 379 16 kids
## 5318 1994 379 20 future
## 5319 1994 379 24 hands
## 5320 1994 380 2 country
## 5321 1994 381 13 children
## 5322 1994 381 15 future
## 5323 1994 382 6 guns
## 5324 1994 382 10 books
## 5325 1994 383 5 despair
## 5326 1994 383 10 hope
## 5327 1994 384 6 example
## 5328 1994 384 13 law
## 5329 1994 384 17 neighbors
## 5330 1994 384 22 values
## 5331 1994 385 6 threads
## 5332 1994 385 11 community
## 5333 1994 385 20 forces
## 5334 1994 385 22 despair
## 5335 1994 385 24 evil
## 5336 1994 385 29 chance
## 5337 1994 386 7 naysayers
## 5338 1994 386 18 challenges
## 5339 1994 386 21 time
## 5340 1994 387 5 history
## 5341 1994 387 8 heritage
## 5342 1994 388 4 headlines
## 5343 1994 388 8 things
## 5344 1994 388 18 challenge
## 5345 1994 389 4 earth
## 5346 1994 389 7 fires
## 5347 1994 389 17 deluge
## 5348 1994 389 19 farmlands
## 5349 1994 389 26 flood
## 5350 1994 389 45 world
## 5351 1994 389 52 seams
## 5352 1994 390 4 people
## 5353 1994 391 5 occasion
## 5354 1994 391 7 neighbor
## 5355 1994 391 9 neighbor
## 5356 1994 391 11 strangers
## 5357 1994 391 13 life
## 5358 1994 391 15 limb
## 5359 1994 391 19 strangers
## 5360 1994 391 24 angels
## 5361 1994 391 27 nature
## 5362 1994 392 8 angels
## 5363 1994 392 12 disasters
## 5364 1994 392 20 problems
## 5365 1994 392 24 fighting
## 5366 1994 393 8 spirit
## 5367 1994 393 11 facts
## 5368 1994 393 17 hope
## 5369 1994 394 14 question
## 5370 1994 394 25 state
## 5371 1994 396 3 help
## 5372 1994 396 7 help
## 5373 1995 1 7 Members
## 5374 1995 1 23 sanctuary
## 5375 1995 1 25 democracy
## 5376 1995 1 31 democracy
## 5377 1995 3 16 people
## 5378 1995 3 20 change
## 5379 1995 5 16 singing
## 5380 1995 7 8 jobs
## 5381 1995 8 5 keepers
## 5382 1995 8 9 trust
## 5383 1995 8 24 era
## 5384 1995 9 6 Founders
## 5385 1995 9 10 course
## 5386 1995 9 13 history
## 5387 1995 9 21 country
## 5388 1995 9 27 idea
## 5389 1995 9 33 truths
## 5390 1995 9 36 self
## 5391 1995 9 42 men
## 5392 1995 10 19 pursuit
## 5393 1995 11 7 generation
## 5394 1995 11 13 idea
## 5395 1995 11 17 idea
## 5396 1995 11 25 meaning
## 5397 1995 11 30 times
## 5398 1995 11 45 slavery
## 5399 1995 11 54 abuses
## 5400 1995 11 56 excesses
## 5401 1995 11 60 revolution
## 5402 1995 11 65 leadership
## 5403 1995 11 68 world
## 5404 1995 11 75 failure
## 5405 1995 11 77 pain
## 5406 1995 11 84 country
## 5407 1995 11 87 struggle
## 5408 1995 11 89 fascism
## 5409 1995 11 95 Presidents
## 5410 1995 11 101 war
## 5411 1995 12 12 war
## 5412 1995 12 14 partnership
## 5413 1995 12 19 majority
## 5414 1995 12 24 party
## 5415 1995 12 34 prosperity
## 5416 1995 12 36 home
## 5417 1995 12 41 architecture
## 5418 1995 12 63 twilight
## 5419 1995 12 64 struggle
## 5420 1995 12 66 communism
## 5421 1995 13 4 time
## 5422 1995 13 6 change
## 5423 1995 13 8 challenge
## 5424 1995 13 13 honor
## 5425 1995 13 28 war
## 5426 1995 13 29 era
## 5427 1995 13 32 era
## 5428 1995 13 37 economy
## 5429 1995 13 40 information
## 5430 1995 13 41 revolution
## 5431 1995 13 44 change
## 5432 1995 13 46 opportunity
## 5433 1995 13 48 insecurity
## 5434 1995 13 52 people
## 5435 1995 14 10 mission
## 5436 1995 14 16 dream
## 5437 1995 14 20 people
## 5438 1995 14 33 force
## 5439 1995 14 35 freedom
## 5440 1995 14 37 democracy
## 5441 1995 14 41 world
## 5442 1995 15 9 problems
## 5443 1995 16 3 effort
## 5444 1995 16 14 mistakes
## 5445 1995 16 22 importance
## 5446 1995 16 24 humility
## 5447 1995 16 28 endeavor
## 5448 1995 17 11 country
## 5449 1995 19 2 Record
## 5450 1995 19 3 numbers
## 5451 1995 19 12 economy
## 5452 1995 20 4 peace
## 5453 1995 20 10 force
## 5454 1995 20 12 peace
## 5455 1995 20 14 freedom
## 5456 1995 20 17 world
## 5457 1995 21 5 jobs
## 5458 1995 21 17 rate
## 5459 1995 21 19 unemployment
## 5460 1995 21 21 inflation
## 5461 1995 22 2 businesses
## 5462 1995 23 9 deficit
## 5463 1995 23 14 trade
## 5464 1995 23 19 police
## 5465 1995 23 22 streets
## 5466 1995 23 27 citizens
## 5467 1995 23 31 tools
## 5468 1995 23 37 education
## 5469 1995 23 43 communities
## 5470 1995 24 5 tide
## 5471 1995 24 10 boats
## 5472 1995 25 3 Nation
## 5473 1995 25 6 peace
## 5474 1995 25 8 prosperity
## 5475 1995 25 14 people
## 5476 1995 26 3 businesses
## 5477 1995 26 17 people
## 5478 1995 26 26 job
## 5479 1995 27 6 material
## 5480 1995 27 7 riches
## 5481 1995 27 11 things
## 5482 1995 27 19 children
## 5483 1995 27 22 families
## 5484 1995 27 25 values
## 5485 1995 28 4 life
## 5486 1995 29 1 Citizens
## 5487 1995 30 3 bonds
## 5488 1995 30 5 community
## 5489 1995 30 11 strength
## 5490 1995 30 14 country
## 5491 1995 30 18 beginning
## 5492 1995 32 5 years
## 5493 1995 32 10 dawn
## 5494 1995 32 14 era
## 5495 1995 32 20 Nation
## 5496 1995 32 24 conditions
## 5497 1995 32 27 requirements
## 5498 1995 33 5 proposition
## 5499 1995 33 18 Nation
## 5500 1995 33 20 prosperity
## 5501 1995 33 24 relationship
## 5502 1995 33 27 people
## 5503 1995 33 30 Government
## 5504 1995 34 3 approach
## 5505 1995 34 7 time
## 5506 1995 35 10 time
## 5507 1995 35 14 conditions
## 5508 1995 36 7 age
## 5509 1995 36 10 gears
## 5510 1995 36 12 sweat
## 5511 1995 36 15 information
## 5512 1995 36 16 age
## 5513 1995 36 18 skills
## 5514 1995 36 20 learning
## 5515 1995 36 22 flexibility
## 5516 1995 37 2 Government
## 5517 1995 37 6 champion
## 5518 1995 37 9 purpose
## 5519 1995 37 22 interests
## 5520 1995 37 26 burdens
## 5521 1995 37 29 citizens
## 5522 1995 38 2 values
## 5523 1995 39 10 compact
## 5524 1995 39 14 challenges
## 5525 1995 39 17 time
## 5526 1995 40 6 era
## 5527 1995 40 12 set
## 5528 1995 40 14 understandings
## 5529 1995 44 11 idea
## 5530 1995 44 20 right
## 5531 1995 44 24 responsibility
## 5532 1995 44 34 talents
## 5533 1995 44 36 determination
## 5534 1995 44 47 communities
## 5535 1995 44 50 country
## 5536 1995 44 52 return
## 5537 1995 45 1 Opportunity
## 5538 1995 45 3 responsibility
## 5539 1995 45 7 hand
## 5540 1995 45 9 hand
## 5541 1995 47 4 community
## 5542 1995 48 8 set
## 5543 1995 48 10 understandings
## 5544 1995 48 17 people
## 5545 1995 48 21 challenges
## 5546 1995 48 25 economy
## 5547 1995 48 32 way
## 5548 1995 48 40 time
## 5549 1995 48 53 bonds
## 5550 1995 48 56 society
## 5551 1995 48 63 purpose
## 5552 1995 49 5 change
## 5553 1995 49 8 economy
## 5554 1995 49 11 Government
## 5555 1995 50 3 fellow
## 5556 1995 50 7 regard
## 5557 1995 50 9 party
## 5558 1995 50 16 occasion
## 5559 1995 51 5 partisanship
## 5560 1995 51 7 pettiness
## 5561 1995 51 9 pride
## 5562 1995 52 7 course
## 5563 1995 52 13 country
## 5564 1995 52 20 party
## 5565 1995 52 21 label
## 5566 1995 53 5 test
## 5567 1995 53 13 one
## 5568 1995 53 21 people
## 5569 1995 54 16 citizens
## 5570 1995 54 22 servants
## 5571 1995 55 5 start
## 5572 1995 55 9 law
## 5573 1995 55 16 laws
## 5574 1995 55 22 sector
## 5575 1995 56 5 lot
## 5576 1995 56 10 people
## 5577 1995 56 14 way
## 5578 1995 56 15 things
## 5579 1995 57 2 times
## 5580 1995 57 5 lobbyists
## 5581 1995 57 9 streets
## 5582 1995 57 11 corridors
## 5583 1995 58 3 people
## 5584 1995 58 13 city
## 5585 1995 58 27 system
## 5586 1995 58 31 interests
## 5587 1995 58 34 citizens
## 5588 1995 59 8 doors
## 5589 1995 59 10 lobbyists
## 5590 1995 59 14 business
## 5591 1995 59 19 gifts
## 5592 1995 59 22 trips
## 5593 1995 59 26 things
## 5594 1995 59 28 people
## 5595 1995 60 5 opportunities
## 5596 1995 60 9 practices
## 5597 1995 61 6 considerations
## 5598 1995 61 9 votes
## 5599 1995 61 23 friends
## 5600 1995 61 26 time
## 5601 1995 61 28 time
## 5602 1995 61 38 law
## 5603 1995 62 11 lobbyists
## 5604 1995 62 13 perks
## 5605 1995 64 8 legislation
## 5606 1995 64 15 signal
## 5607 1995 64 19 people
## 5608 1995 64 21 things
## 5609 1995 65 12 lobby
## 5610 1995 65 13 reform
## 5611 1995 65 14 bill
## 5612 1995 66 5 lobbyists
## 5613 1995 66 9 people
## 5614 1995 67 6 role
## 5615 1995 67 9 money
## 5616 1995 67 11 elections
## 5617 1995 67 15 cost
## 5618 1995 67 17 campaigns
## 5619 1995 67 21 influence
## 5620 1995 68 15 airwaves
## 5621 1995 68 22 instrument
## 5622 1995 68 24 democracy
## 5623 1995 68 28 weapon
## 5624 1995 68 30 destruction
## 5625 1995 68 35 TV
## 5626 1995 68 36 time
## 5627 1995 68 38 candidates
## 5628 1995 68 41 office
## 5629 1995 69 8 reform
## 5630 1995 69 16 press
## 5631 1995 69 19 lobbyists
## 5632 1995 69 28 building
## 5633 1995 70 7 folks
## 5634 1995 70 9 home
## 5635 1995 71 16 way
## 5636 1995 73 9 time
## 5637 1995 73 10 doctrine
## 5638 1995 74 8 approach
## 5639 1995 74 18 way
## 5640 1995 74 21 computer
## 5641 1995 74 26 typewriter
## 5642 1995 75 3 way
## 5643 1995 75 10 interests
## 5644 1995 76 7 interests
## 5645 1995 76 10 people
## 5646 1995 77 3 way
## 5647 1995 77 7 interest
## 5648 1995 77 9 constituency
## 5649 1995 77 12 class
## 5650 1995 78 4 way
## 5651 1995 78 11 vision
## 5652 1995 78 18 country
## 5653 1995 79 3 way
## 5654 1995 79 5 services
## 5655 1995 79 14 bureaucracies
## 5656 1995 80 4 way
## 5657 1995 80 8 resources
## 5658 1995 80 12 bureaucrats
## 5659 1995 80 14 citizens
## 5660 1995 80 17 choice
## 5661 1995 80 19 competition
## 5662 1995 80 22 responsibility
## 5663 1995 80 25 policy
## 5664 1995 81 3 way
## 5665 1995 81 12 failure
## 5666 1995 82 4 way
## 5667 1995 82 10 incentives
## 5668 1995 82 13 success
## 5669 1995 83 3 way
## 5670 1995 84 4 way
## 5671 1995 84 7 hold
## 5672 1995 84 10 communities
## 5673 1995 86 3 job
## 5674 1995 86 8 opportunity
## 5675 1995 86 11 bureaucracy
## 5676 1995 86 15 people
## 5677 1995 86 23 lives
## 5678 1995 86 29 security
## 5679 1995 86 32 home
## 5680 1995 88 8 partner
## 5681 1995 89 14 matters
## 5682 1995 89 22 discussion
## 5683 1995 89 25 illusion
## 5684 1995 89 31 program
## 5685 1995 89 34 problem
## 5686 1995 89 39 hand
## 5687 1995 89 44 illusion
## 5688 1995 89 50 source
## 5689 1995 89 53 problem
## 5690 1995 90 2 job
## 5691 1995 90 10 Government
## 5692 1995 90 15 people
## 5693 1995 90 23 needs
## 5694 1995 92 14 others
## 5695 1995 94 8 spending
## 5696 1995 94 12 programs
## 5697 1995 94 15 positions
## 5698 1995 94 19 bureaucracy
## 5699 1995 95 3 decisions
## 5700 1995 95 12 total
## 5701 1995 95 18 positions
## 5702 1995 95 36 time
## 5703 1995 96 4 leadership
## 5704 1995 96 11 initiatives
## 5705 1995 96 15 taxpayers
## 5706 1995 97 2 age
## 5707 1995 97 7 hammer
## 5708 1995 97 10 ashtray
## 5709 1995 98 1 Deadwood
## 5710 1995 98 2 programs
## 5711 1995 98 5 mohair
## 5712 1995 98 6 subsidies
## 5713 1995 99 10 offices
## 5714 1995 100 6 business
## 5715 1995 100 7 loan
## 5716 1995 100 8 form
## 5717 1995 100 11 inch
## 5718 1995 100 16 page
## 5719 1995 101 9 personnel
## 5720 1995 101 10 manual
## 5721 1995 102 10 ways
## 5722 1995 102 21 disaster
## 5723 1995 102 24 people
## 5724 1995 102 26 disasters
## 5725 1995 103 5 farmers
## 5726 1995 103 11 flood
## 5727 1995 103 15 people
## 5728 1995 103 22 floods
## 5729 1995 103 24 earthquakes
## 5730 1995 103 26 fires
## 5731 1995 104 1 Government
## 5732 1995 104 2 workers
## 5733 1995 104 5 hand
## 5734 1995 104 7 hand
## 5735 1995 104 10 business
## 5736 1995 104 17 freeways
## 5737 1995 104 19 record
## 5738 1995 104 20 time
## 5739 1995 104 23 budget
## 5740 1995 105 13 schools
## 5741 1995 105 17 earthquake
## 5742 1995 105 21 business
## 5743 1995 106 7 lot
## 5744 1995 106 10 things
## 5745 1995 108 1 University
## 5746 1995 108 2 administrators
## 5747 1995 108 6 country
## 5748 1995 108 19 time
## 5749 1995 108 25 college
## 5750 1995 108 26 loan
## 5751 1995 108 27 program
## 5752 1995 108 31 college
## 5753 1995 108 32 loans
## 5754 1995 108 39 repayment
## 5755 1995 108 40 terms
## 5756 1995 108 42 students
## 5757 1995 108 46 Government
## 5758 1995 108 52 paperwork
## 5759 1995 108 54 bureaucracy
## 5760 1995 108 61 universities
## 5761 1995 109 6 program
## 5762 1995 110 5 college
## 5763 1995 110 9 opportunity
## 5764 1995 110 13 part
## 5765 1995 111 4 programs
## 5766 1995 111 6 dust
## 5767 1995 112 3 Government
## 5768 1995 112 4 report
## 5769 1995 112 7 results
## 5770 1995 114 8 round
## 5771 1995 114 11 Government
## 5772 1995 115 7 spending
## 5773 1995 115 10 departments
## 5774 1995 115 14 freeze
## 5775 1995 115 17 spending
## 5776 1995 115 22 housing
## 5777 1995 115 23 programs
## 5778 1995 115 33 programs
## 5779 1995 116 10 regulations
## 5780 1995 117 2 programs
## 5781 1995 117 4 regulations
## 5782 1995 117 9 usefulness
## 5783 1995 118 7 Government
## 5784 1995 118 13 problems
## 5785 1995 119 7 Government
## 5786 1995 119 11 people
## 5787 1995 120 6 programs
## 5788 1995 120 10 point
## 5789 1995 120 14 communities
## 5790 1995 120 17 citizens
## 5791 1995 120 21 sector
## 5792 1995 120 26 job
## 5793 1995 122 7 way
## 5794 1995 123 2 power
## 5795 1995 123 6 bureaucracies
## 5796 1995 123 12 communities
## 5797 1995 123 14 individuals
## 5798 1995 124 4 time
## 5799 1995 124 15 cost
## 5800 1995 124 17 decisions
## 5801 1995 125 7 differences
## 5802 1995 125 10 details
## 5803 1995 125 14 mandates
## 5804 1995 125 15 legislation
## 5805 1995 125 31 bill
## 5806 1995 125 37 interests
## 5807 1995 125 41 relief
## 5808 1995 126 9 budget
## 5809 1995 126 10 scores
## 5810 1995 126 13 spending
## 5811 1995 126 14 projects
## 5812 1995 127 4 difference
## 5813 1995 128 7 stress
## 5814 1995 128 9 plants
## 5815 1995 128 14 tick
## 5816 1995 128 15 removal
## 5817 1995 128 16 program
## 5818 1995 129 6 ticks
## 5819 1995 132 13 line
## 5820 1995 132 15 item
## 5821 1995 132 16 veto
## 5822 1995 132 25 spending
## 5823 1995 133 23 responsibilities
## 5824 1995 134 3 people-;we
## 5825 1995 134 14 people
## 5826 1995 134 17 future
## 5827 1995 134 20 hands
## 5828 1995 135 5 debt
## 5829 1995 135 8 veterans
## 5830 1995 136 4 citizens
## 5831 1995 137 4 budget
## 5832 1995 137 7 lot
## 5833 1995 138 4 education
## 5834 1995 138 6 veterans
## 5835 1995 138 21 thing
## 5836 1995 140 7 flexibility
## 5837 1995 140 21 needs
## 5838 1995 140 38 Immunization
## 5839 1995 140 40 childhood
## 5840 1995 140 41 disease
## 5841 1995 140 43 school
## 5842 1995 140 44 lunches
## 5843 1995 140 48 schools
## 5844 1995 140 53 care
## 5845 1995 140 55 nutrition
## 5846 1995 140 58 women
## 5847 1995 140 60 infants
## 5848 1995 140 64 things
## 5849 1995 140 68 things
## 5850 1995 140 73 interest
## 5851 1995 141 5 desire
## 5852 1995 141 13 regulations
## 5853 1995 142 11 action
## 5854 1995 142 15 interest
## 5855 1995 142 21 food
## 5856 1995 142 24 families
## 5857 1995 142 27 toys
## 5858 1995 142 30 children
## 5859 1995 142 33 nursing
## 5860 1995 142 34 homes
## 5861 1995 142 37 parents
## 5862 1995 142 40 cars
## 5863 1995 142 42 highways
## 5864 1995 142 46 workplaces
## 5865 1995 142 49 air
## 5866 1995 142 53 water
## 5867 1995 143 5 sense
## 5868 1995 143 7 fairness
## 5869 1995 143 10 regulations
## 5870 1995 145 6 sense
## 5871 1995 145 12 drinking
## 5872 1995 145 13 water
## 5873 1995 146 4 fairness
## 5874 1995 146 10 dumps
## 5875 1995 147 6 deficit
## 5876 1995 148 4 course
## 5877 1995 150 9 way
## 5878 1995 150 15 recovery
## 5879 1995 150 21 people
## 5880 1995 151 13 budget
## 5881 1995 151 14 amendment
## 5882 1995 152 7 budget
## 5883 1995 153 2 administration
## 5884 1995 153 9 budget
## 5885 1995 153 14 money
## 5886 1995 153 23 time
## 5887 1995 154 6 amendment
## 5888 1995 154 10 thing
## 5889 1995 154 23 people
## 5890 1995 155 4 right
## 5891 1995 156 5 things
## 5892 1995 156 8 open
## 5893 1995 157 2 example
## 5894 1995 157 10 proposal
## 5895 1995 159 9 sense
## 5896 1995 159 12 responsibility
## 5897 1995 159 16 welfare
## 5898 1995 159 17 system
## 5899 1995 160 6 problems
## 5900 1995 161 3 welfare
## 5901 1995 161 5 work
## 5902 1995 162 3 family
## 5903 1995 162 4 values
## 5904 1995 163 5 parents
## 5905 1995 163 11 child
## 5906 1995 163 12 support
## 5907 1995 164 5 minority
## 5908 1995 164 9 minority
## 5909 1995 164 12 people
## 5910 1995 164 14 welfare
## 5911 1995 164 22 time
## 5912 1995 165 7 problem
## 5913 1995 165 11 time
## 5914 1995 166 8 honor
## 5915 1995 166 14 administration
## 5916 1995 166 19 welfare
## 5917 1995 166 20 reform
## 5918 1995 166 21 bill
## 5919 1995 167 8 start
## 5920 1995 167 12 work
## 5921 1995 167 14 welfare
## 5922 1995 167 15 reform
## 5923 1995 168 2 administration
## 5924 1995 168 7 right
## 5925 1995 168 12 rules
## 5926 1995 168 14 regulations
## 5927 1995 168 19 welfare
## 5928 1995 168 20 systems
## 5929 1995 168 26 work
## 5930 1995 168 28 responsibility
## 5931 1995 168 30 welfare
## 5932 1995 168 32 dependency
## 5933 1995 169 8 welfare
## 5934 1995 169 9 reform
## 5935 1995 169 10 plan
## 5936 1995 169 15 administration
## 5937 1995 170 5 welfare
## 5938 1995 170 15 chance
## 5939 1995 170 19 way
## 5940 1995 170 21 life
## 5941 1995 171 7 welfare
## 5942 1995 171 8 move
## 5943 1995 171 18 child
## 5944 1995 171 19 care
## 5945 1995 171 23 skills
## 5946 1995 172 13 rule
## 5947 1995 173 3 parent
## 5948 1995 173 7 child
## 5949 1995 173 8 support
## 5950 1995 174 4 drivers
## 5951 1995 174 6 license
## 5952 1995 174 12 lines
## 5953 1995 176 1 Governments
## 5954 1995 176 5 children
## 5955 1995 176 7 people
## 5956 1995 177 3 parents
## 5957 1995 177 6 responsibility
## 5958 1995 177 9 children
## 5959 1995 177 14 world
## 5960 1995 178 16 welfare
## 5961 1995 178 17 reform
## 5962 1995 179 3 goal
## 5963 1995 179 8 people
## 5964 1995 179 14 dependence
## 5965 1995 179 16 independence
## 5966 1995 179 19 welfare
## 5967 1995 179 21 work
## 5968 1995 179 25 childbearing
## 5969 1995 179 28 parenting
## 5970 1995 180 2 goal
## 5971 1995 181 8 work
## 5972 1995 181 11 responsibility
## 5973 1995 182 6 people
## 5974 1995 183 4 responsibility
## 5975 1995 183 8 mothers
## 5976 1995 183 12 home
## 5977 1995 183 15 parents
## 5978 1995 183 20 settings
## 5979 1995 183 27 school
## 5980 1995 184 9 children
## 5981 1995 184 13 street
## 5982 1995 185 6 arguments
## 5983 1995 185 23 time
## 5984 1995 186 10 conscience
## 5985 1995 186 13 children
## 5986 1995 186 16 mistakes
## 5987 1995 186 19 parents
## 5988 1995 187 3 fellow
## 5989 1995 187 8 survey
## 5990 1995 187 14 people
## 5991 1995 187 19 regard
## 5992 1995 187 21 party
## 5993 1995 187 23 race
## 5994 1995 187 25 region
## 5995 1995 188 7 year
## 5996 1995 188 10 welfare
## 5997 1995 189 7 year
## 5998 1995 189 17 issue
## 5999 1995 190 2 one
## 6000 1995 190 8 welfare-
## 6001 1995 191 2 applause]-;I
## 6002 1995 191 13 opportunity
## 6003 1995 191 18 welfare
## 6004 1995 191 19 office
## 6005 1995 191 28 people
## 6006 1995 191 30 welfare
## 6007 1995 192 8 people
## 6008 1995 193 8 education
## 6009 1995 193 10 work
## 6010 1995 193 13 parenting
## 6011 1995 194 4 problem
## 6012 1995 194 8 behavior
## 6013 1995 194 11 refusal
## 6014 1995 194 15 worker
## 6015 1995 194 18 student
## 6016 1995 194 22 parent
## 6017 1995 195 8 poverty
## 6018 1995 195 11 mistakes
## 6019 1995 196 7 mistakes
## 6020 1995 196 10 none
## 6021 1995 196 16 yesterdays
## 6022 1995 197 9 tomorrows
## 6023 1995 198 5 example
## 6024 1995 198 15 way
## 6025 1995 198 17 welfare
## 6026 1995 198 21 Congresswoman
## 6027 1995 199 5 Members
## 6028 1995 199 12 crime
## 6029 1995 199 18 citizens
## 6030 1995 199 21 country
## 6031 1995 200 12 crime
## 6032 1995 200 13 bill
## 6033 1995 200 16 sentences
## 6034 1995 200 20 strikes
## 6035 1995 200 29 capital
## 6036 1995 200 30 punishment
## 6037 1995 200 31 offenses
## 6038 1995 200 34 prisons
## 6039 1995 200 37 prevention
## 6040 1995 200 41 police
## 6041 1995 201 10 size
## 6042 1995 201 14 bureaucracy
## 6043 1995 201 18 money
## 6044 1995 201 22 communities
## 6045 1995 201 26 crime
## 6046 1995 201 27 rate
## 6047 1995 202 6 things
## 6048 1995 202 14 crime
## 6049 1995 202 20 crime
## 6050 1995 202 27 rate
## 6051 1995 204 9 things
## 6052 1995 204 17 work
## 6053 1995 204 22 work
## 6054 1995 204 26 law
## 6055 1995 204 27 enforcement
## 6056 1995 204 28 officers
## 6057 1995 204 36 thing
## 6058 1995 204 40 community
## 6059 1995 204 41 leaders
## 6060 1995 204 52 crime
## 6061 1995 204 53 rate
## 6062 1995 205 6 experience
## 6063 1995 205 9 cities
## 6064 1995 205 13 areas
## 6065 1995 205 16 crime
## 6066 1995 205 17 rate
## 6067 1995 205 24 people
## 6068 1995 206 9 decline
## 6069 1995 206 12 crime
## 6070 1995 206 13 rate-
## 6071 1995 208 7 years
## 6072 1995 208 9 work
## 6073 1995 209 10 atmosphere
## 6074 1995 209 13 room
## 6075 1995 209 17 country
## 6076 1995 209 26 issue
## 6077 1995 209 30 body
## 6078 1995 210 8 bill
## 6079 1995 210 13 crime
## 6080 1995 210 14 bill
## 6081 1995 210 17 ban
## 6082 1995 210 20 assault
## 6083 1995 210 21 weapons
## 6084 1995 211 8 secret
## 6085 1995 211 13 room
## 6086 1995 211 16 Members
## 6087 1995 212 22 pressure
## 6088 1995 214 3 Members
## 6089 1995 214 10 bill
## 6090 1995 215 11 right
## 6091 1995 215 16 arms
## 6092 1995 215 25 sporting
## 6093 1995 215 26 activities
## 6094 1995 216 9 boy
## 6095 1995 217 3 lot
## 6096 1995 217 5 people
## 6097 1995 217 9 seats
## 6098 1995 217 14 police
## 6099 1995 217 15 officers
## 6100 1995 217 17 kids
## 6101 1995 217 25 lives
## 6102 1995 217 28 hail
## 6103 1995 217 30 assault
## 6104 1995 217 31 weapon
## 6105 1995 217 32 attack
## 6106 1995 219 9 couple
## 6107 1995 219 12 issues
## 6108 1995 220 7 spending
## 6109 1995 220 16 Government
## 6110 1995 220 17 programs
## 6111 1995 220 26 economy
## 6112 1995 220 29 responsibility
## 6113 1995 220 36 grassroots
## 6114 1995 220 42 bureaucracy
## 6115 1995 221 4 example
## 6116 1995 221 10 service
## 6117 1995 221 11 corps
## 6118 1995 222 6 support
## 6119 1995 223 21 country
## 6120 1995 223 24 people
## 6121 1995 223 25 person
## 6122 1995 223 29 person
## 6123 1995 223 33 volunteer
## 6124 1995 223 34 groups
## 6125 1995 223 37 problems
## 6126 1995 223 42 process
## 6127 1995 223 45 money
## 6128 1995 223 48 education
## 6129 1995 224 3 citizenship
## 6130 1995 225 7 members
## 6131 1995 225 15 rest
## 6132 1995 226 4 essence
## 6133 1995 227 16 place
## 6134 1995 227 19 country
## 6135 1995 227 27 numbers
## 6136 1995 227 30 aliens
## 6137 1995 227 33 country
## 6138 1995 228 2 jobs
## 6139 1995 228 10 citizens
## 6140 1995 228 13 immigrants
## 6141 1995 229 3 service
## 6142 1995 229 7 burdens
## 6143 1995 229 10 taxpayers
## 6144 1995 230 5 administration
## 6145 1995 230 12 borders
## 6146 1995 230 17 record
## 6147 1995 230 18 number
## 6148 1995 230 21 border
## 6149 1995 230 22 guards
## 6150 1995 230 30 aliens
## 6151 1995 230 40 hiring
## 6152 1995 230 44 welfare
## 6153 1995 230 45 benefits
## 6154 1995 230 48 aliens
## 6155 1995 231 3 budget
## 6156 1995 231 19 deportation
## 6157 1995 231 22 aliens
## 6158 1995 231 27 crimes
## 6159 1995 231 33 aliens
## 6160 1995 231 36 workplace
## 6161 1995 231 41 commission
## 6162 1995 231 45 Congresswoman
## 6163 1995 232 4 nation
## 6164 1995 232 6 immigrants
## 6165 1995 233 6 nation
## 6166 1995 233 8 laws
## 6167 1995 234 6 self
## 6168 1995 234 11 nation
## 6169 1995 234 13 immigrants
## 6170 1995 234 17 kind
## 6171 1995 234 19 abuse
## 6172 1995 234 22 immigration
## 6173 1995 234 23 laws
## 6174 1995 235 5 job
## 6175 1995 235 12 era
## 6176 1995 235 18 people
## 6177 1995 235 24 economy
## 6178 1995 236 6 land
## 6179 1995 236 8 opportunity
## 6180 1995 236 11 land
## 6181 1995 237 7 class
## 6182 1995 237 8 country
## 6183 1995 238 2 class
## 6184 1995 238 3 values
## 6185 1995 239 6 class
## 6186 1995 239 11 class
## 6187 1995 239 23 millions
## 6188 1995 239 33 economy
## 6189 1995 240 7 world
## 6190 1995 240 11 power
## 6191 1995 240 15 jobs
## 6192 1995 240 19 exports
## 6193 1995 240 22 inflation
## 6194 1995 241 3 wage
## 6195 1995 241 4 jobs
## 6196 1995 242 2 record
## 6197 1995 242 3 number
## 6198 1995 242 6 entrepreneurs
## 6199 1995 242 11 dream
## 6200 1995 243 8 way
## 6201 1995 243 16 Nation
## 6202 1995 243 22 benefits
## 6203 1995 244 2 Today
## 6204 1995 244 8 people
## 6205 1995 246 4 security
## 6206 1995 246 7 income
## 6207 1995 246 10 certainty
## 6208 1995 246 17 vacation
## 6209 1995 246 21 college
## 6210 1995 246 24 kids
## 6211 1995 246 26 retirement
## 6212 1995 248 8 economy
## 6213 1995 248 23 income
## 6214 1995 248 24 growth
## 6215 1995 248 33 top
## 6216 1995 248 37 scale
## 6217 1995 248 40 people
## 6218 1995 248 44 middle
## 6219 1995 248 48 growth
## 6220 1995 248 51 people
## 6221 1995 248 60 bottom
## 6222 1995 249 8 Government
## 6223 1995 249 14 partner
## 6224 1995 249 19 economy
## 6225 1995 249 25 people
## 6226 1995 249 28 Government
## 6227 1995 249 40 education
## 6228 1995 249 45 opportunity
## 6229 1995 249 49 skills
## 6230 1995 250 11 opportunities
## 6231 1995 250 20 schools
## 6232 1995 250 23 apprenticeships
## 6233 1995 250 26 people
## 6234 1995 250 32 college
## 6235 1995 250 36 college
## 6236 1995 250 37 loans
## 6237 1995 251 5 thing
## 6238 1995 252 9 people
## 6239 1995 252 13 skills
## 6240 1995 253 4 thing
## 6241 1995 253 12 people
## 6242 1995 253 15 incomes
## 6243 1995 253 20 taxes
## 6244 1995 254 5 step
## 6245 1995 254 11 family
## 6246 1995 254 12 tax
## 6247 1995 254 13 cut
## 6248 1995 254 16 families
## 6249 1995 254 18 incomes
## 6250 1995 254 24 tax
## 6251 1995 254 25 cut
## 6252 1995 254 32 family
## 6253 1995 255 5 tax
## 6254 1995 255 6 reductions
## 6255 1995 255 12 businesses
## 6256 1995 256 16 deficit
## 6257 1995 256 26 growth
## 6258 1995 258 6 taxes
## 6259 1995 258 11 way
## 6260 1995 259 2 tax
## 6261 1995 259 3 cuts
## 6262 1995 259 10 obligation
## 6263 1995 259 15 citizens
## 6264 1995 259 17 education
## 6265 1995 259 19 training
## 6266 1995 259 27 lives
## 6267 1995 260 2 spotlight
## 6268 1995 260 11 choices
## 6269 1995 260 16 families
## 6270 1995 260 20 communities
## 6271 1995 261 7 class
## 6272 1995 261 8 bill
## 6273 1995 261 10 rights
## 6274 1995 261 18 bill
## 6275 1995 261 20 rights
## 6276 1995 261 22 responsibilities
## 6277 1995 261 25 provisions
## 6278 1995 261 37 children
## 6279 1995 262 8 tax
## 6280 1995 262 9 relief
## 6281 1995 262 12 incomes
## 6282 1995 262 17 run
## 6283 1995 262 21 run
## 6284 1995 262 24 way
## 6285 1995 263 5 provisions
## 6286 1995 264 4 tax
## 6287 1995 264 5 deduction
## 6288 1995 264 8 education
## 6289 1995 264 10 training
## 6290 1995 264 13 school
## 6291 1995 265 9 businesses
## 6292 1995 265 13 investment
## 6293 1995 265 17 individuals
## 6294 1995 265 20 interest
## 6295 1995 265 23 home
## 6296 1995 265 24 mortgages
## 6297 1995 265 29 education
## 6298 1995 265 37 well
## 6299 1995 265 39 being
## 6300 1995 265 43 country
## 6301 1995 265 47 things
## 6302 1995 268 7 taxes
## 6303 1995 268 11 families
## 6304 1995 268 13 children
## 6305 1995 269 8 savings
## 6306 1995 269 11 responsibility
## 6307 1995 269 14 people
## 6308 1995 269 19 retirement
## 6309 1995 269 20 account
## 6310 1995 269 26 tax
## 6311 1995 269 32 cost
## 6312 1995 269 34 education
## 6313 1995 269 36 health
## 6314 1995 269 37 care
## 6315 1995 269 41 time
## 6316 1995 269 42 homebuying
## 6317 1995 269 46 care
## 6318 1995 269 49 parent
## 6319 1995 270 10 bill
## 6320 1995 270 15 workers
## 6321 1995 271 7 programs
## 6322 1995 271 12 money
## 6323 1995 271 19 money
## 6324 1995 271 24 people
## 6325 1995 271 27 vouchers
## 6326 1995 271 48 wage
## 6327 1995 271 58 year
## 6328 1995 271 66 community
## 6329 1995 271 67 colleges
## 6330 1995 271 76 skills
## 6331 1995 271 82 lives
## 6332 1995 272 4 people
## 6333 1995 272 7 way
## 6334 1995 272 13 Government
## 6335 1995 272 17 workers
## 6336 1995 273 12 tax
## 6337 1995 273 13 cut
## 6338 1995 273 20 one
## 6339 1995 273 24 deficit
## 6340 1995 273 28 recovery
## 6341 1995 273 30 risk
## 6342 1995 274 7 tax
## 6343 1995 274 8 cuts
## 6344 1995 275 9 question
## 6345 1995 275 15 strength
## 6346 1995 275 19 deficit
## 6347 1995 276 1 Thanks
## 6348 1995 276 4 courage
## 6349 1995 276 7 people
## 6350 1995 276 24 deficit
## 6351 1995 277 6 others
## 6352 1995 278 4 deficit
## 6353 1995 278 11 family
## 6354 1995 278 14 country
## 6355 1995 279 9 time
## 6356 1995 280 4 budget
## 6357 1995 280 12 class
## 6358 1995 280 13 bill
## 6359 1995 280 15 rights
## 6360 1995 280 21 budget
## 6361 1995 280 22 cuts
## 6362 1995 280 24 bureaucracy
## 6363 1995 280 28 programs
## 6364 1995 280 33 interest
## 6365 1995 280 34 subsidies
## 6366 1995 281 3 spending
## 6367 1995 281 4 cuts
## 6368 1995 281 10 tax
## 6369 1995 281 11 cuts
## 6370 1995 282 2 budget
## 6371 1995 282 7 class
## 6372 1995 282 8 bill
## 6373 1995 282 10 rights
## 6374 1995 282 13 cuts
## 6375 1995 283 6 attempts
## 6376 1995 283 10 tax
## 6377 1995 283 11 cuts
## 6378 1995 283 14 cuts
## 6379 1995 284 6 thing
## 6380 1995 285 6 lot
## 6381 1995 285 12 ideas
## 6382 1995 285 14 tax
## 6383 1995 285 15 relief
## 6384 1995 287 2 test
## 6385 1995 287 5 proposals
## 6386 1995 287 12 jobs
## 6387 1995 287 14 raise
## 6388 1995 287 15 incomes
## 6389 1995 287 21 families
## 6390 1995 287 25 children
## 6391 1995 287 37 class
## 6392 1995 287 42 class
## 6393 1995 290 3 goal
## 6394 1995 290 8 class
## 6395 1995 290 13 class
## 6396 1995 290 24 minimum
## 6397 1995 290 25 wage
## 6398 1995 291 3 work
## 6399 1995 292 8 women
## 6400 1995 292 10 children
## 6401 1995 292 21 hour
## 6402 1995 293 2 terms
## 6403 1995 293 5 buying
## 6404 1995 293 6 power
## 6405 1995 293 11 minimum
## 6406 1995 293 12 wage
## 6407 1995 293 18 low
## 6408 1995 294 5 idea
## 6409 1995 294 10 economy
## 6410 1995 295 8 arguments
## 6411 1995 295 11 evidence
## 6412 1995 295 16 minimum
## 6413 1995 295 17 wage
## 6414 1995 295 18 increase
## 6415 1995 296 4 weight
## 6416 1995 296 7 evidence
## 6417 1995 296 12 increase
## 6418 1995 296 16 jobs
## 6419 1995 296 21 people
## 6420 1995 296 25 job
## 6421 1995 296 26 market
## 6422 1995 297 5 thing
## 6423 1995 297 13 living
## 6424 1995 297 18 hour
## 6425 1995 297 24 children
## 6426 1995 297 30 families
## 6427 1995 297 31 tax
## 6428 1995 297 32 cut
## 6429 1995 298 3 past
## 6430 1995 298 6 minimum
## 6431 1995 298 7 wage
## 6432 1995 298 12 issue
## 6433 1995 299 10 hearings
## 6434 1995 299 21 way
## 6435 1995 299 25 minimum
## 6436 1995 299 26 wage
## 6437 1995 299 28 living
## 6438 1995 299 29 wage
## 6439 1995 300 2 Members
## 6440 1995 300 29 salary
## 6441 1995 300 33 wage
## 6442 1995 300 34 worker
## 6443 1995 301 23 health
## 6444 1995 301 24 care
## 6445 1995 302 8 blows
## 6446 1995 302 10 health
## 6447 1995 302 11 care
## 6448 1995 303 6 fact
## 6449 1995 303 23 families
## 6450 1995 303 27 health
## 6451 1995 303 28 care
## 6452 1995 304 6 fact
## 6453 1995 304 15 farmers
## 6454 1995 304 18 business
## 6455 1995 304 19 people
## 6456 1995 304 21 self
## 6457 1995 304 24 people
## 6458 1995 304 29 premiums
## 6459 1995 304 30 skyrocket
## 6460 1995 304 33 copays
## 6461 1995 304 35 deductibles
## 6462 1995 305 5 bunch
## 6463 1995 305 7 people
## 6464 1995 305 10 country
## 6465 1995 305 14 statistics
## 6466 1995 305 16 health
## 6467 1995 305 17 insurance
## 6468 1995 305 26 piece
## 6469 1995 305 28 paper
## 6470 1995 305 36 home
## 6471 1995 306 8 country
## 6472 1995 306 15 health
## 6473 1995 306 16 security
## 6474 1995 306 20 family
## 6475 1995 307 9 evidence
## 6476 1995 309 7 step
## 6477 1995 311 7 insurance
## 6478 1995 311 8 reform
## 6479 1995 311 13 risks
## 6480 1995 311 15 coverage
## 6481 1995 311 19 prices
## 6482 1995 311 25 coverage
## 6483 1995 311 30 prices
## 6484 1995 311 33 insurance
## 6485 1995 311 37 jobs
## 6486 1995 311 41 job
## 6487 1995 311 44 family
## 6488 1995 311 45 member
## 6489 1995 312 14 interest
## 6490 1995 312 26 time
## 6491 1995 312 31 leaders
## 6492 1995 312 40 commitment
## 6493 1995 312 42 health
## 6494 1995 312 43 care
## 6495 1995 312 44 reform
## 6496 1995 312 49 proposals
## 6497 1995 312 52 area
## 6498 1995 313 7 self
## 6499 1995 313 10 people
## 6500 1995 313 13 businesses
## 6501 1995 313 16 insurance
## 6502 1995 313 20 rates
## 6503 1995 313 23 purchasing
## 6504 1995 313 24 pools
## 6505 1995 314 5 families
## 6506 1995 314 9 term
## 6507 1995 314 10 care
## 6508 1995 314 14 parent
## 6509 1995 314 18 child
## 6510 1995 315 6 workers
## 6511 1995 315 10 jobs
## 6512 1995 315 15 health
## 6513 1995 315 16 insurance
## 6514 1995 315 17 coverage
## 6515 1995 315 24 work
## 6516 1995 316 10 time
## 6517 1995 316 22 children
## 6518 1995 316 24 health
## 6519 1995 316 25 care
## 6520 1995 317 10 room
## 6521 1995 317 13 regard
## 6522 1995 317 15 party
## 6523 1995 317 22 fact
## 6524 1995 317 25 country
## 6525 1995 317 31 world
## 6526 1995 317 35 economy
## 6527 1995 317 39 time
## 6528 1995 318 9 fact
## 6529 1995 318 16 country
## 6530 1995 318 19 world
## 6531 1995 318 24 percentage
## 6532 1995 318 27 work
## 6533 1995 318 28 force
## 6534 1995 318 31 children
## 6535 1995 318 33 health
## 6536 1995 318 34 insurance
## 6537 1995 318 43 time
## 6538 1995 318 49 economy
## 6539 1995 318 52 world
## 6540 1995 320 6 politics
## 6541 1995 321 7 people
## 6542 1995 322 2 lot
## 6543 1995 322 4 people
## 6544 1995 322 8 security
## 6545 1995 322 9 concerns
## 6546 1995 322 18 borders
## 6547 1995 323 5 security
## 6548 1995 323 8 jobs
## 6549 1995 323 11 homes
## 6550 1995 323 14 incomes
## 6551 1995 323 17 children
## 6552 1995 323 20 streets
## 6553 1995 323 23 health
## 6554 1995 323 28 borders
## 6555 1995 324 5 war
## 6556 1995 324 17 security
## 6557 1995 324 18 issues
## 6558 1995 324 23 exception
## 6559 1995 324 25 trade
## 6560 1995 324 30 home
## 6561 1995 326 2 security
## 6562 1995 326 8 world
## 6563 1995 326 9 leadership
## 6564 1995 326 11 peace
## 6565 1995 326 13 freedom
## 6566 1995 326 15 democracy
## 6567 1995 327 8 home
## 6568 1995 328 4 crisis
## 6569 1995 328 9 case
## 6570 1995 328 11 point
## 6571 1995 329 22 people
## 6572 1995 329 26 sake
## 6573 1995 329 33 livelihoods
## 6574 1995 329 39 wellbeing
## 6575 1995 330 7 jobs
## 6576 1995 330 11 exports
## 6577 1995 330 16 borders
## 6578 1995 330 23 stabilization
## 6579 1995 330 24 program
## 6580 1995 330 32 track
## 6581 1995 332 5 loan
## 6582 1995 333 5 aid
## 6583 1995 334 5 bailout
## 6584 1995 335 6 guarantee
## 6585 1995 335 10 note
## 6586 1995 335 14 collateral
## 6587 1995 335 19 risks
## 6588 1995 336 2 legislation
## 6589 1995 336 6 thing
## 6590 1995 337 6 leadership
## 6591 1995 339 5 interest
## 6592 1995 339 15 people
## 6593 1995 339 26 way
## 6594 1995 340 20 beginning
## 6595 1995 340 24 war
## 6596 1995 340 30 missile
## 6597 1995 340 35 children
## 6598 1995 341 11 way
## 6599 1995 341 15 missiles
## 6600 1995 341 18 bombers
## 6601 1995 341 23 warheads
## 6602 1995 342 14 war
## 6603 1995 342 15 world
## 6604 1995 342 23 decline
## 6605 1995 342 27 threat
## 6606 1995 344 3 year
## 6607 1995 344 15 weapons
## 6608 1995 344 20 warheads
## 6609 1995 345 5 charge
## 6610 1995 345 16 test
## 6611 1995 345 17 ban
## 6612 1995 345 23 weapons
## 6613 1995 346 10 program
## 6614 1995 346 18 agreement
## 6615 1995 346 24 nation
## 6616 1995 349 4 deal
## 6617 1995 349 8 inspection
## 6618 1995 349 10 safeguards
## 6619 1995 349 13 allies
## 6620 1995 350 3 year
## 6621 1995 350 10 legislation
## 6622 1995 350 14 hand
## 6623 1995 350 17 terrorists
## 6624 1995 350 23 home
## 6625 1995 351 3 cowards
## 6626 1995 351 11 country
## 6627 1995 351 15 terrorists
## 6628 1995 351 20 justice
## 6629 1995 352 7 act
## 6630 1995 352 14 scores
## 6631 1995 353 2 behalf
## 6632 1995 353 6 people
## 6633 1995 353 16 sympathy
## 6634 1995 353 19 families
## 6635 1995 353 22 victims
## 6636 1995 354 6 face
## 6637 1995 354 9 evil
## 6638 1995 354 16 people
## 6639 1995 355 3 terrorists
## 6640 1995 355 6 past
## 6641 1995 355 10 future
## 6642 1995 356 9 peace
## 6643 1995 356 15 neighbors
## 6644 1995 357 9 order
## 6645 1995 357 14 assets
## 6646 1995 357 19 organizations
## 6647 1995 357 25 peace
## 6648 1995 357 26 process
## 6649 1995 358 4 transactions
## 6650 1995 358 7 groups
## 6651 1995 359 8 allies
## 6652 1995 359 10 peace
## 6653 1995 359 13 nations
## 6654 1995 359 16 world
## 6655 1995 359 22 fervor
## 6656 1995 359 26 effort
## 6657 1995 359 29 terrorism
## 6658 1995 360 6 future
## 6659 1995 360 11 terror
## 6660 1995 360 13 fear
## 6661 1995 360 15 paralysis
## 6662 1995 361 4 day
## 6663 1995 361 8 oath
## 6664 1995 361 10 office
## 6665 1995 361 29 military
## 6666 1995 363 6 downsizing
## 6667 1995 363 9 forces
## 6668 1995 363 13 war
## 6669 1995 363 16 skill
## 6670 1995 363 18 spirit
## 6671 1995 364 6 military
## 6672 1995 364 10 action
## 6673 1995 364 15 pay
## 6674 1995 364 18 quality
## 6675 1995 364 20 life
## 6676 1995 364 22 military
## 6677 1995 364 25 families
## 6678 1995 364 37 defense
## 6679 1995 364 38 spending
## 6680 1995 365 6 bases
## 6681 1995 365 8 home
## 6682 1995 365 12 world
## 6683 1995 366 5 request
## 6684 1995 366 8 conviction
## 6685 1995 367 6 deal
## 6686 1995 368 7 number
## 6687 1995 369 9 places
## 6688 1995 370 5 service
## 6689 1995 370 10 ways
## 6690 1995 371 8 families
## 6691 1995 371 11 times
## 6692 1995 372 7 troops
## 6693 1995 372 24 people
## 6694 1995 372 30 lightning
## 6695 1995 372 31 speed
## 6696 1995 372 36 threat
## 6697 1995 372 41 freedom
## 6698 1995 372 43 democracy
## 6699 1995 372 47 people
## 6700 1995 373 5 peace
## 6701 1995 373 7 prosperity
## 6702 1995 373 9 freedom
## 6703 1995 374 3 endeavors
## 6704 1995 374 8 places
## 6705 1995 374 14 future
## 6706 1995 375 11 agenda
## 6707 1995 375 15 future
## 6708 1995 375 18 opportunity
## 6709 1995 375 21 bureaucracy
## 6710 1995 375 24 security
## 6711 1995 375 26 home
## 6712 1995 375 32 people
## 6713 1995 375 40 lives
## 6714 1995 377 7 ideas
## 6715 1995 377 11 world
## 6716 1995 377 20 economy
## 6717 1995 377 25 Government
## 6718 1995 377 40 changes
## 6719 1995 377 50 sector
## 6720 1995 377 53 outside
## 6721 1995 378 3 fortunes
## 6722 1995 378 6 posterity
## 6723 1995 378 11 ability
## 6724 1995 378 15 questions
## 6725 1995 378 21 values
## 6726 1995 378 23 voices
## 6727 1995 378 28 hearts
## 6728 1995 378 33 heads
## 6729 1995 378 35 voices
## 6730 1995 378 46 responsibility
## 6731 1995 378 51 families
## 6732 1995 378 55 communities
## 6733 1995 378 63 citizens
## 6734 1995 379 4 families
## 6735 1995 379 7 communities
## 6736 1995 379 11 country
## 6737 1995 379 20 ground
## 6738 1995 380 5 town
## 6739 1995 380 6 hall
## 6740 1995 380 7 meeting
## 6741 1995 380 10 ball
## 6742 1995 380 18 lot
## 6743 1995 380 21 parents
## 6744 1995 380 25 time
## 6745 1995 380 27 space
## 6746 1995 380 30 things
## 6747 1995 380 34 bonds
## 6748 1995 380 36 trust
## 6749 1995 380 38 cooperation
## 6750 1995 381 5 children
## 6751 1995 381 10 parents
## 6752 1995 381 12 grandparents
## 6753 1995 381 18 experiences
## 6754 1995 381 26 character
## 6755 1995 381 29 sense
## 6756 1995 381 31 identity
## 6757 1995 382 15 difference
## 6758 1995 382 18 things
## 6759 1995 382 23 differences
## 6760 1995 382 30 citizens
## 6761 1995 382 47 regard
## 6762 1995 382 49 party
## 6763 1995 383 8 softball
## 6764 1995 383 9 park
## 6765 1995 383 15 daughter
## 6766 1995 383 17 league
## 6767 1995 383 19 people
## 6768 1995 383 26 fathers
## 6769 1995 383 28 mothers
## 6770 1995 383 42 idea
## 6771 1995 384 5 relief
## 6772 1995 384 6 centers
## 6773 1995 384 9 floods
## 6774 1995 384 19 woman
## 6775 1995 386 2 Laughter
## 6776 1995 387 6 disasters
## 6777 1995 387 10 way
## 6778 1995 388 6 person
## 6779 1995 389 3 lot
## 6780 1995 389 5 people
## 6781 1995 389 9 lot
## 6782 1995 389 11 chances
## 6783 1995 391 6 business
## 6784 1995 391 7 leaders
## 6785 1995 391 19 deficit
## 6786 1995 391 24 markets
## 6787 1995 391 29 success
## 6788 1995 391 33 way
## 6789 1995 392 5 obligation
## 6790 1995 392 13 jobs
## 6791 1995 392 16 communities
## 6792 1995 392 20 workers
## 6793 1995 392 23 share
## 6794 1995 392 26 prosperity
## 6795 1995 393 3 people
## 6796 1995 393 6 entertainment
## 6797 1995 393 7 industry
## 6798 1995 393 10 country
## 6799 1995 393 15 creativity
## 6800 1995 393 19 success
## 6801 1995 393 25 freedom
## 6802 1995 393 27 expression
## 6803 1995 394 6 responsibility
## 6804 1995 394 10 impact
## 6805 1995 394 13 work
## 6806 1995 394 18 damage
## 6807 1995 394 28 violence
## 6808 1995 394 31 conduct
## 6809 1995 394 35 media
## 6810 1995 394 38 time
## 6811 1995 395 8 community
## 6812 1995 395 9 leaders
## 6813 1995 395 12 kinds
## 6814 1995 395 14 organizations
## 6815 1995 395 23 problem
## 6816 1995 395 26 epidemic
## 6817 1995 395 28 teen
## 6818 1995 395 29 pregnancies
## 6819 1995 395 31 births
## 6820 1995 395 36 marriage
## 6821 1995 396 7 plan
## 6822 1995 396 10 schools
## 6823 1995 396 14 country
## 6824 1995 396 16 antipregnancy
## 6825 1995 396 17 programs
## 6826 1995 398 5 parents
## 6827 1995 398 7 leaders
## 6828 1995 398 11 country
## 6829 1995 398 18 campaign
## 6830 1995 398 21 pregnancy
## 6831 1995 398 25 difference
## 6832 1995 400 10 word
## 6833 1995 400 14 leaders
## 6834 1995 401 9 fact
## 6835 1995 401 13 houses
## 6836 1995 401 15 worship
## 6837 1995 401 17 capita
## 6838 1995 401 20 country
## 6839 1995 401 23 world
## 6840 1995 402 2 people
## 6841 1995 402 6 houses
## 6842 1995 402 8 worship
## 6843 1995 402 12 congregations
## 6844 1995 402 16 faith
## 6845 1995 402 18 action
## 6846 1995 402 27 children
## 6847 1995 402 33 people
## 6848 1995 402 35 distress
## 6849 1995 402 45 breakdown
## 6850 1995 403 13 inside
## 6851 1995 403 18 leaders
## 6852 1995 403 21 congregations
## 6853 1995 403 26 difference
## 6854 1995 403 31 role
## 6855 1995 404 6 responsibility
## 6856 1995 404 11 citizens
## 6857 1995 405 7 lot
## 6858 1995 405 9 people
## 6859 1995 405 14 kids
## 6860 1995 405 16 trouble
## 6861 1995 405 20 streets
## 6862 1995 405 23 school
## 6863 1995 406 4 lot
## 6864 1995 406 6 people
## 6865 1995 406 13 houses
## 6866 1995 406 20 lapel
## 6867 1995 406 21 pin
## 6868 1995 407 4 lot
## 6869 1995 407 6 people
## 6870 1995 407 10 people
## 6871 1995 407 11 power
## 6872 1995 407 17 organizations
## 6873 1995 407 20 country
## 6874 1995 407 24 communities
## 6875 1995 407 35 kids
## 6876 1995 408 4 parent
## 6877 1995 408 8 children
## 6878 1995 408 10 difference
## 6879 1995 408 14 wrong
## 6880 1995 408 30 things
## 6881 1995 409 20 stress
## 6882 1995 409 25 things
## 6883 1995 410 2 lot
## 6884 1995 410 5 people
## 6885 1995 410 10 time
## 6886 1995 410 14 stress
## 6887 1995 410 22 work
## 6888 1995 410 24 citizenship
## 6889 1995 411 6 politics
## 6890 1995 412 8 citizens
## 6891 1995 412 12 consumers
## 6892 1995 412 14 spectators
## 6893 1995 412 19 couch
## 6894 1995 412 20 potatoes
## 6895 1995 412 27 TV
## 6896 1995 412 28 ads
## 6897 1995 412 39 fears
## 6898 1995 412 41 frustrations
## 6899 1995 413 7 citizens
## 6900 1995 413 13 information
## 6901 1995 413 19 ways
## 6902 1995 413 28 conversations
## 6903 1995 414 3 truth
## 6904 1995 414 15 enemies
## 6905 1995 414 21 views
## 6906 1995 415 8 beginning
## 6907 1995 415 11 country
## 6908 1995 415 15 strength
## 6909 1995 415 33 ability
## 6910 1995 415 37 people
## 6911 1995 415 50 ground
## 6912 1995 416 8 responsibility
## 6913 1995 417 8 tornado
## 6914 1995 417 11 fire
## 6915 1995 417 15 flood
## 6916 1995 418 12 folks
## 6917 1995 418 28 about-;citizens
## 6918 1995 419 4 idea
## 6919 1995 419 7 party
## 6920 1995 419 8 affiliation
## 6921 1995 419 18 election
## 6922 1995 421 5 graders
## 6923 1995 423 4 mother
## 6924 1995 424 5 service
## 6925 1995 424 12 school
## 6926 1995 424 13 equivalency
## 6927 1995 425 8 teenager-;stand
## 6928 1995 426 8 teenager
## 6929 1995 427 4 children
## 6930 1995 428 4 time
## 6931 1995 428 8 people
## 6932 1995 428 14 school
## 6933 1995 428 15 equivalency
## 6934 1995 428 25 money
## 6935 1995 428 30 college
## 6936 1995 429 6 police
## 6937 1995 429 7 chief
## 6938 1995 431 6 leader
## 6939 1995 431 10 police
## 6940 1995 431 12 community
## 6941 1995 431 13 policing
## 6942 1995 432 3 crime
## 6943 1995 432 4 rate
## 6944 1995 432 12 result
## 6945 1995 433 9 part
## 6946 1995 433 13 country
## 6947 1995 433 15 force
## 6948 1995 433 19 democracy
## 6949 1995 433 23 land
## 6950 1995 434 11 country
## 6951 1995 434 14 world
## 6952 1995 434 29 language
## 6953 1995 434 34 people
## 6954 1995 436 5 folks
## 6955 1995 436 10 honor
## 6956 1995 436 12 meeting
## 6957 1995 436 19 bit
## 6958 1995 439 6 Government
## 6959 1995 439 7 service
## 6960 1995 439 11 church
## 6961 1995 439 15 living
## 6962 1995 439 16 room
## 6963 1995 439 20 house
## 6964 1995 440 3 church
## 6965 1995 440 6 members
## 6966 1995 441 10 churches
## 6967 1995 442 6 month
## 6968 1995 444 4 focus
## 6969 1995 444 7 ministry
## 6970 1995 444 10 families
## 6971 1995 445 3 things
## 6972 1995 445 9 impression
## 6973 1995 446 4 church
## 6974 1995 446 15 sanctuary
## 6975 1995 446 23 line
## 6976 1995 446 27 crime
## 6977 1995 446 30 drug
## 6978 1995 446 31 rate
## 6979 1995 446 32 area
## 6980 1995 446 38 part
## 6981 1995 446 41 ministry
## 6982 1995 446 45 lives
## 6983 1995 446 48 people
## 6984 1995 447 3 thing
## 6985 1995 447 16 meeting
## 6986 1995 447 23 leaders
## 6987 1995 447 34 church
## 6988 1995 447 39 couples
## 6989 1995 447 47 church
## 6990 1995 447 63 marriages
## 6991 1995 447 69 kids
## 6992 1995 448 4 kind
## 6993 1995 448 6 work
## 6994 1995 448 8 citizens
## 6995 1995 450 4 person
## 6996 1995 452 5 sands
## 6997 1995 452 14 lessons
## 6998 1995 452 16 citizenship
## 6999 1995 453 9 buddies
## 7000 1995 453 12 enemy
## 7001 1995 453 15 grenades
## 7002 1995 453 18 feet
## 7003 1995 455 3 moment
## 7004 1995 455 8 lives
## 7005 1995 455 11 companions
## 7006 1995 455 18 instant
## 7007 1995 455 21 medic
## 7008 1995 455 24 life
## 7009 1995 456 4 foothold
## 7010 1995 456 6 freedom
## 7011 1995 456 14 year
## 7012 1995 456 18 grandson
## 7013 1995 456 29 son
## 7014 1995 456 35 graduate
## 7015 1995 456 47 history
## 7016 1995 456 51 soldier
## 7017 1995 457 3 years
## 7018 1995 457 15 day
## 7019 1995 458 6 country
## 7020 1995 460 5 heart
## 7021 1995 461 1 Responsibility
## 7022 1995 461 3 opportunity
## 7023 1995 461 6 citizenship
## 7024 1995 461 11 chapters
## 7025 1995 461 16 book
## 7026 1995 461 22 virtue
## 7027 1995 461 35 potential
## 7028 1995 461 46 promise
## 7029 1995 461 49 country
## 7030 1995 461 53 dream
## 7031 1995 461 60 covenant
## 7032 1995 462 4 person
## 7033 1995 462 7 country
## 7034 1995 462 21 right
## 7035 1995 462 23 life
## 7036 1995 462 25 liberty
## 7037 1995 462 28 pursuit
## 7038 1995 462 30 happiness
## 7039 1995 463 8 country
## 7040 1995 464 4 days
## 7041 1996 2 8 Members
## 7042 1996 2 15 guests
## 7043 1996 2 23 land
## 7044 1996 2 33 men
## 7045 1996 2 35 women
## 7046 1996 2 37 uniform
## 7047 1996 2 40 world
## 7048 1996 2 45 peace
## 7049 1996 2 47 root
## 7050 1996 2 53 families
## 7051 1996 4 3 duty
## 7052 1996 4 10 state
## 7053 1996 4 17 state
## 7054 1996 4 25 community
## 7055 1996 4 32 responsibilities
## 7056 1996 4 36 words
## 7057 1996 4 39 Founders
## 7058 1996 5 3 state
## 7059 1996 6 2 economy
## 7060 1996 7 6 rates
## 7061 1996 7 8 unemployment
## 7062 1996 7 10 inflation
## 7063 1996 8 7 jobs
## 7064 1996 8 14 industries
## 7065 1996 8 16 construction
## 7066 1996 8 18 automobiles
## 7067 1996 9 5 cars
## 7068 1996 9 11 time
## 7069 1996 10 10 number
## 7070 1996 10 13 businesses
## 7071 1996 10 17 country
## 7072 1996 11 3 leadership
## 7073 1996 11 6 world
## 7074 1996 11 12 hope
## 7075 1996 11 15 peace
## 7076 1996 12 9 ground
## 7077 1996 12 14 values
## 7078 1996 13 2 crime
## 7079 1996 13 3 rate
## 7080 1996 13 6 welfare
## 7081 1996 13 8 food
## 7082 1996 13 9 stamp
## 7083 1996 13 10 rolls
## 7084 1996 13 13 poverty
## 7085 1996 13 14 rate
## 7086 1996 13 19 pregnancy
## 7087 1996 13 20 rate
## 7088 1996 14 7 prospects
## 7089 1996 14 11 future
## 7090 1996 15 6 age
## 7091 1996 15 8 possibility
## 7092 1996 16 5 farm
## 7093 1996 16 7 factory
## 7094 1996 17 6 age
## 7095 1996 17 8 technology
## 7096 1996 17 10 information
## 7097 1996 17 14 competition
## 7098 1996 18 2 changes
## 7099 1996 18 7 opportunities
## 7100 1996 18 10 people
## 7101 1996 18 20 challenges
## 7102 1996 19 13 citizens
## 7103 1996 19 29 security
## 7104 1996 19 32 families
## 7105 1996 20 8 questions
## 7106 1996 20 18 dream
## 7107 1996 20 20 opportunity
## 7108 1996 20 24 reality
## 7109 1996 21 11 values
## 7110 1996 21 17 future
## 7111 1996 22 9 challenges
## 7112 1996 23 11 answers
## 7113 1996 24 7 program
## 7114 1996 24 10 problem
## 7115 1996 25 12 people
## 7116 1996 25 18 Government
## 7117 1996 26 8 people
## 7118 1996 26 9 one
## 7119 1996 26 14 means
## 7120 1996 27 2 era
## 7121 1996 28 9 time
## 7122 1996 28 12 citizens
## 7123 1996 29 13 nation
## 7124 1996 29 19 challenges
## 7125 1996 30 1 Self
## 7126 1996 30 3 reliance
## 7127 1996 30 5 teamwork
## 7128 1996 30 9 virtues
## 7129 1996 31 7 Government
## 7130 1996 31 16 way
## 7131 1996 31 23 citizens
## 7132 1996 31 28 governments
## 7133 1996 31 32 workplace
## 7134 1996 31 41 associations
## 7135 1996 32 2 goal
## 7136 1996 32 9 people
## 7137 1996 32 17 lives
## 7138 1996 32 21 families
## 7139 1996 32 25 opportunity
## 7140 1996 32 28 security
## 7141 1996 32 31 streets
## 7142 1996 32 35 environment
## 7143 1996 32 39 world
## 7144 1996 33 5 state
## 7145 1996 33 30 challenges
## 7146 1996 34 6 place
## 7147 1996 34 9 responsibility
## 7148 1996 34 14 budget
## 7149 1996 34 17 way
## 7150 1996 35 6 agreement
## 7151 1996 35 9 deficit
## 7152 1996 35 10 spending
## 7153 1996 35 15 end
## 7154 1996 36 5 leadership
## 7155 1996 36 8 membership
## 7156 1996 36 11 energy
## 7157 1996 36 13 determination
## 7158 1996 36 19 task
## 7159 1996 36 23 budget
## 7160 1996 37 10 deficit
## 7161 1996 37 11 reduction
## 7162 1996 37 12 plan
## 7163 1996 37 14 history
## 7164 1996 37 23 deficit
## 7165 1996 38 12 benefits
## 7166 1996 38 14 deficit
## 7167 1996 38 15 reduction
## 7168 1996 39 2 interest
## 7169 1996 39 3 rates
## 7170 1996 39 9 businesses
## 7171 1996 39 19 jobs
## 7172 1996 40 2 interest
## 7173 1996 40 3 rates
## 7174 1996 40 8 cost
## 7175 1996 40 10 home
## 7176 1996 40 11 mortgages
## 7177 1996 40 13 car
## 7178 1996 40 14 payments
## 7179 1996 40 17 credit
## 7180 1996 40 18 card
## 7181 1996 40 19 rates
## 7182 1996 40 22 citizens
## 7183 1996 41 4 time
## 7184 1996 41 8 job
## 7185 1996 41 12 budget
## 7186 1996 42 3 differences
## 7187 1996 42 13 total
## 7188 1996 42 17 savings
## 7189 1996 42 23 plans
## 7190 1996 42 31 numbers
## 7191 1996 42 39 budget
## 7192 1996 42 47 tax
## 7193 1996 42 48 cut
## 7194 1996 43 3 cuts
## 7195 1996 44 4 sacrifice
## 7196 1996 45 3 cuts
## 7197 1996 45 9 obligations
## 7198 1996 45 12 parents
## 7199 1996 45 15 children
## 7200 1996 45 19 future
## 7201 1996 45 26 education
## 7202 1996 45 29 environment
## 7203 1996 45 33 taxes
## 7204 1996 45 36 families
## 7205 1996 46 15 ideas
## 7206 1996 46 21 negotiations
## 7207 1996 47 5 lot
## 7208 1996 47 8 way
## 7209 1996 47 15 debate
## 7210 1996 48 5 lot
## 7211 1996 48 9 ideas
## 7212 1996 48 12 side
## 7213 1996 49 8 differences
## 7214 1996 52 14 savings
## 7215 1996 52 17 plans
## 7216 1996 52 25 people
## 7217 1996 52 28 budget
## 7218 1996 52 31 tax
## 7219 1996 52 32 cut
## 7220 1996 52 35 interest
## 7221 1996 52 36 rates
## 7222 1996 52 41 future
## 7223 1996 53 9 deficits
## 7224 1996 53 12 legacy
## 7225 1996 54 5 time
## 7226 1996 54 13 challenges
## 7227 1996 54 21 burdens
## 7228 1996 55 2 challenges
## 7229 1996 56 7 challenges
## 7230 1996 57 5 challenges
## 7231 1996 57 8 promises
## 7232 1996 59 4 key
## 7233 1996 60 3 dreams
## 7234 1996 60 10 efforts
## 7235 1996 61 2 Tonight
## 7236 1996 61 11 challenges
## 7237 1996 61 17 people
## 7238 1996 62 3 challenge
## 7239 1996 62 8 children
## 7240 1996 62 13 families
## 7241 1996 63 1 Family
## 7242 1996 63 4 foundation
## 7243 1996 63 7 life
## 7244 1996 64 5 families
## 7245 1996 65 14 moment
## 7246 1996 65 19 family
## 7247 1996 65 24 person
## 7248 1996 65 37 importance
## 7249 1996 65 39 families
## 7250 1996 65 41 children
## 7251 1996 65 45 wife
## 7252 1996 65 49 mother
## 7253 1996 67 4 families
## 7254 1996 67 9 responsibility
## 7255 1996 67 12 children
## 7256 1996 68 14 parent
## 7257 1996 68 25 child
## 7258 1996 69 9 parents
## 7259 1996 69 18 media
## 7260 1996 69 21 schools
## 7261 1996 69 24 teachers
## 7262 1996 69 27 communities
## 7263 1996 69 30 churches
## 7264 1996 69 32 synagogues
## 7265 1996 69 35 businesses
## 7266 1996 69 43 responsibility
## 7267 1996 69 47 children
## 7268 1996 69 58 lives
## 7269 1996 69 64 capacities
## 7270 1996 70 4 media
## 7271 1996 70 11 movies
## 7272 1996 70 13 CD
## 7273 1996 70 16 television
## 7274 1996 70 23 children
## 7275 1996 70 25 grandchildren
## 7276 1996 71 9 requirement
## 7277 1996 71 12 V
## 7278 1996 71 14 chip
## 7279 1996 71 16 TV
## 7280 1996 71 17 sets
## 7281 1996 71 20 parents
## 7282 1996 71 24 programs
## 7283 1996 71 31 children
## 7284 1996 72 2 parents
## 7285 1996 72 7 children
## 7286 1996 72 13 censorship
## 7287 1996 72 18 parents
## 7288 1996 72 23 responsibility
## 7289 1996 72 26 children
## 7290 1996 72 28 upbringing
## 7291 1996 74 2 Vchip
## 7292 1996 74 3 requirement
## 7293 1996 74 5 part
## 7294 1996 74 9 telecommunications
## 7295 1996 74 10 bill
## 7296 1996 75 4 support
## 7297 1996 76 5 V
## 7298 1996 76 7 chip
## 7299 1996 76 8 work
## 7300 1996 76 13 broadcast
## 7301 1996 76 14 industry
## 7302 1996 76 18 movies
## 7303 1996 76 25 program
## 7304 1996 76 27 ways
## 7305 1996 76 30 parents
## 7306 1996 76 34 children
## 7307 1996 77 5 leaders
## 7308 1996 77 8 media
## 7309 1996 77 9 corporations
## 7310 1996 77 12 entertainment
## 7311 1996 77 13 industry
## 7312 1996 77 26 way
## 7313 1996 77 29 ways
## 7314 1996 77 34 children
## 7315 1996 77 37 television
## 7316 1996 79 9 market
## 7317 1996 79 10 cigarettes
## 7318 1996 79 15 children
## 7319 1996 79 18 smoking
## 7320 1996 79 26 law
## 7321 1996 80 7 lives
## 7322 1996 80 11 result
## 7323 1996 81 2 administration
## 7324 1996 81 5 steps
## 7325 1996 81 10 marketing
## 7326 1996 81 11 campaigns
## 7327 1996 81 16 children
## 7328 1996 82 8 products
## 7329 1996 82 10 adults
## 7330 1996 82 19 line
## 7331 1996 82 21 children
## 7332 1996 83 9 welfare
## 7333 1996 83 20 welfare
## 7334 1996 83 24 time
## 7335 1996 83 30 welfare
## 7336 1996 83 31 system
## 7337 1996 83 35 values
## 7338 1996 83 37 family
## 7339 1996 83 39 work
## 7340 1996 84 7 agreement
## 7341 1996 84 10 welfare
## 7342 1996 84 11 reform
## 7343 1996 85 4 time
## 7344 1996 85 5 limits
## 7345 1996 85 8 work
## 7346 1996 85 9 requirements
## 7347 1996 85 15 child
## 7348 1996 85 16 support
## 7349 1996 85 17 enforcement
## 7350 1996 86 8 child
## 7351 1996 86 9 care
## 7352 1996 86 12 mothers
## 7353 1996 86 19 work
## 7354 1996 86 31 children
## 7355 1996 87 11 welfare
## 7356 1996 87 12 reform
## 7357 1996 87 13 bill
## 7358 1996 87 18 people
## 7359 1996 87 20 welfare
## 7360 1996 87 27 thing
## 7361 1996 87 30 children
## 7362 1996 89 9 problem
## 7363 1996 90 3 law
## 7364 1996 90 9 law
## 7365 1996 90 15 step
## 7366 1996 91 3 step
## 7367 1996 92 3 people
## 7368 1996 92 5 welfare
## 7369 1996 92 12 opportunity
## 7370 1996 92 14 independence
## 7371 1996 93 4 businesses
## 7372 1996 93 7 people
## 7373 1996 93 9 welfare
## 7374 1996 93 11 chance
## 7375 1996 93 16 work
## 7376 1996 93 17 force
## 7377 1996 94 4 work
## 7378 1996 94 7 groups
## 7379 1996 94 9 others
## 7380 1996 95 7 society
## 7381 1996 95 13 difficulty
## 7382 1996 95 16 task
## 7383 1996 95 25 position
## 7384 1996 97 5 way
## 7385 1996 97 10 welfare
## 7386 1996 97 11 reform
## 7387 1996 97 13 reality
## 7388 1996 97 16 lives
## 7389 1996 97 20 people
## 7390 1996 98 5 family
## 7391 1996 98 16 pregnancy
## 7392 1996 98 17 rate
## 7393 1996 101 9 group
## 7394 1996 101 17 challenge
## 7395 1996 101 21 organization
## 7396 1996 101 26 community
## 7397 1996 101 27 efforts
## 7398 1996 101 31 country
## 7399 1996 101 35 campaign
## 7400 1996 101 38 pregnancy
## 7401 1996 102 13 efforts
## 7402 1996 103 6 men
## 7403 1996 103 8 women
## 7404 1996 103 10 families
## 7405 1996 103 14 respect
## 7406 1996 104 6 scourge
## 7407 1996 104 9 violence
## 7408 1996 104 12 country
## 7409 1996 105 6 families
## 7410 1996 106 2 families
## 7411 1996 106 13 children
## 7412 1996 107 8 fathers
## 7413 1996 107 11 country
## 7414 1996 107 18 children
## 7415 1996 108 3 family
## 7416 1996 108 11 child
## 7417 1996 108 12 support
## 7418 1996 110 13 check
## 7419 1996 110 19 parent
## 7420 1996 110 21 love
## 7421 1996 110 23 guidance
## 7422 1996 111 8 decision
## 7423 1996 111 13 children
## 7424 1996 112 12 station
## 7425 1996 112 14 life
## 7426 1996 112 22 duty
## 7427 1996 112 29 job
## 7428 1996 112 37 ability
## 7429 1996 113 4 challenge
## 7430 1996 113 12 opportunities
## 7431 1996 114 3 schools
## 7432 1996 114 6 classroom
## 7433 1996 114 14 information
## 7434 1996 114 15 superhighway
## 7435 1996 114 18 computers
## 7436 1996 114 21 software
## 7437 1996 114 26 teachers
## 7438 1996 115 6 telecommunications
## 7439 1996 115 7 industry
## 7440 1996 115 9 educators
## 7441 1996 115 12 parents
## 7442 1996 115 19 classrooms
## 7443 1996 115 25 classroom
## 7444 1996 115 28 library
## 7445 1996 116 7 education
## 7446 1996 116 8 technology
## 7447 1996 116 9 initiative
## 7448 1996 116 18 partnership
## 7449 1996 117 3 diploma
## 7450 1996 118 4 community
## 7451 1996 118 7 school
## 7452 1996 118 15 standards
## 7453 1996 118 17 excellence
## 7454 1996 118 22 schools
## 7455 1996 118 26 standards
## 7456 1996 118 31 redtape
## 7457 1996 118 34 schools
## 7458 1996 118 36 teachers
## 7459 1996 118 39 flexibility
## 7460 1996 118 42 reform
## 7461 1996 118 50 results
## 7462 1996 119 7 initiative
## 7463 1996 120 8 parents
## 7464 1996 120 10 right
## 7465 1996 120 15 school
## 7466 1996 120 17 children
## 7467 1996 120 23 teachers
## 7468 1996 120 26 schools
## 7469 1996 120 29 charter
## 7470 1996 120 39 job
## 7471 1996 121 6 schools
## 7472 1996 121 9 character
## 7473 1996 121 10 education
## 7474 1996 121 15 values
## 7475 1996 121 18 citizenship
## 7476 1996 122 6 teenagers
## 7477 1996 122 13 designer
## 7478 1996 122 14 jackets
## 7479 1996 122 19 schools
## 7480 1996 122 26 students
## 7481 1996 122 29 school
## 7482 1996 122 30 uniforms
## 7483 1996 123 5 parents
## 7484 1996 123 9 children
## 7485 1996 123 12 teachers
## 7486 1996 124 4 TV
## 7487 1996 125 4 homework
## 7488 1996 126 4 children
## 7489 1996 126 6 classroom
## 7490 1996 127 2 program
## 7491 1996 127 5 teacher
## 7492 1996 127 8 one
## 7493 1996 128 3 fellow
## 7494 1996 128 7 education
## 7495 1996 129 6 student
## 7496 1996 129 7 loan
## 7497 1996 129 8 program
## 7498 1996 129 19 loans
## 7499 1996 129 27 student
## 7500 1996 129 28 loan
## 7501 1996 129 29 default
## 7502 1996 129 30 rate
## 7503 1996 131 7 service
## 7504 1996 131 8 program
## 7505 1996 131 12 people
## 7506 1996 131 15 college
## 7507 1996 131 16 money
## 7508 1996 131 21 communities
## 7509 1996 131 25 lives
## 7510 1996 131 28 friends
## 7511 1996 131 30 neighbors
## 7512 1996 132 3 initiatives
## 7513 1996 133 10 doors
## 7514 1996 133 12 college
## 7515 1996 134 6 work
## 7516 1996 134 8 study
## 7517 1996 134 16 way
## 7518 1996 134 18 college
## 7519 1996 134 27 merit
## 7520 1996 134 28 scholarship
## 7521 1996 134 34 graduates
## 7522 1996 134 38 school
## 7523 1996 134 45 grant
## 7524 1996 134 46 scholarships
## 7525 1996 134 51 students
## 7526 1996 134 58 year
## 7527 1996 134 60 college
## 7528 1996 134 61 tuition
## 7529 1996 134 62 tax
## 7530 1996 134 63 deductible
## 7531 1996 135 5 idea
## 7532 1996 136 4 challenge
## 7533 1996 136 19 security
## 7534 1996 136 23 age
## 7535 1996 137 1 People
## 7536 1996 137 7 support
## 7537 1996 137 14 economy
## 7538 1996 138 3 education
## 7539 1996 138 5 training
## 7540 1996 138 8 lifetime
## 7541 1996 139 4 support
## 7542 1996 139 6 families
## 7543 1996 139 8 children
## 7544 1996 140 3 retirement
## 7545 1996 140 4 security
## 7546 1996 141 3 access
## 7547 1996 141 5 health
## 7548 1996 141 6 care
## 7549 1996 142 9 education
## 7550 1996 142 12 childhood
## 7551 1996 142 18 lifetime
## 7552 1996 143 9 overlapping
## 7553 1996 143 12 job
## 7554 1996 143 13 training
## 7555 1996 143 14 programs
## 7556 1996 143 26 workers
## 7557 1996 143 33 community
## 7558 1996 143 34 college
## 7559 1996 143 35 tuition
## 7560 1996 143 38 training
## 7561 1996 144 6 bill
## 7562 1996 144 11 workers
## 7563 1996 145 11 raise
## 7564 1996 146 4 minimum
## 7565 1996 146 5 wage
## 7566 1996 147 5 minimum
## 7567 1996 147 6 wage
## 7568 1996 147 12 low
## 7569 1996 147 14 purchasing
## 7570 1996 147 15 power
## 7571 1996 148 5 hour
## 7572 1996 148 10 minimum
## 7573 1996 148 11 wage
## 7574 1996 148 19 children
## 7575 1996 149 7 minimum
## 7576 1996 149 8 wage
## 7577 1996 150 8 taxes
## 7578 1996 150 14 working
## 7579 1996 150 15 families
## 7580 1996 150 21 parents
## 7581 1996 150 25 time
## 7582 1996 150 31 children
## 7583 1996 150 33 poverty
## 7584 1996 150 37 people
## 7585 1996 150 41 welfare
## 7586 1996 151 5 income
## 7587 1996 151 6 tax
## 7588 1996 151 7 credit
## 7589 1996 151 13 year
## 7590 1996 151 16 family
## 7591 1996 152 2 budget
## 7592 1996 152 3 bill
## 7593 1996 152 10 achievement
## 7594 1996 152 13 taxes
## 7595 1996 152 18 people
## 7596 1996 155 8 people
## 7597 1996 155 14 initiative
## 7598 1996 155 21 country
## 7599 1996 155 30 job
## 7600 1996 155 33 children
## 7601 1996 155 36 work
## 7602 1996 156 7 tax
## 7603 1996 156 8 credit
## 7604 1996 156 11 families
## 7605 1996 156 13 children
## 7606 1996 157 6 things
## 7607 1996 158 10 majority
## 7608 1996 159 5 part
## 7609 1996 159 9 budget
## 7610 1996 159 10 agreement
## 7611 1996 160 7 business
## 7612 1996 160 15 pensions
## 7613 1996 160 18 employees
## 7614 1996 161 8 proposal
## 7615 1996 161 19 businesses
## 7616 1996 161 21 farmers
## 7617 1996 161 26 pension
## 7618 1996 161 27 plans
## 7619 1996 163 7 pension
## 7620 1996 163 8 plans
## 7621 1996 164 5 support
## 7622 1996 164 12 sides
## 7623 1996 164 15 aisle
## 7624 1996 164 22 pensions
## 7625 1996 164 26 people
## 7626 1996 164 31 pensions
## 7627 1996 165 6 companies
## 7628 1996 165 9 workers
## 7629 1996 165 11 pension
## 7630 1996 165 12 funds
## 7631 1996 166 4 proposal
## 7632 1996 166 8 ability
## 7633 1996 166 10 employers
## 7634 1996 166 13 money
## 7635 1996 166 16 pension
## 7636 1996 166 17 funds
## 7637 1996 166 20 purposes
## 7638 1996 166 23 money
## 7639 1996 166 34 economy
## 7640 1996 167 4 proposal
## 7641 1996 168 7 families
## 7642 1996 168 15 economy
## 7643 1996 168 23 health
## 7644 1996 168 24 insurance
## 7645 1996 168 25 policies
## 7646 1996 168 34 jobs
## 7647 1996 168 40 family
## 7648 1996 169 8 families
## 7649 1996 169 12 health
## 7650 1996 169 13 insurance
## 7651 1996 170 8 health
## 7652 1996 170 9 care
## 7653 1996 171 9 bill
## 7654 1996 171 20 insurance
## 7655 1996 171 21 companies
## 7656 1996 171 25 people
## 7657 1996 171 29 jobs
## 7658 1996 171 33 coverage
## 7659 1996 171 36 conditions
## 7660 1996 173 7 savings
## 7661 1996 173 10 programs
## 7662 1996 173 17 commitment
## 7663 1996 173 22 protections
## 7664 1996 173 35 people
## 7665 1996 173 38 families
## 7666 1996 173 41 children
## 7667 1996 173 43 people
## 7668 1996 173 45 disabilities
## 7669 1996 173 47 people
## 7670 1996 173 52 citizens
## 7671 1996 173 54 nursing
## 7672 1996 173 55 homes
## 7673 1996 174 11 health
## 7674 1996 174 12 care
## 7675 1996 174 13 fraud
## 7676 1996 174 15 abuse
## 7677 1996 177 8 obligations
## 7678 1996 177 11 people
## 7679 1996 179 5 bill
## 7680 1996 179 8 workers
## 7681 1996 179 10 tax
## 7682 1996 179 11 relief
## 7683 1996 179 13 education
## 7684 1996 179 15 childrearing
## 7685 1996 179 17 pension
## 7686 1996 179 18 availability
## 7687 1996 179 20 protection
## 7688 1996 179 22 access
## 7689 1996 179 24 health
## 7690 1996 179 25 care
## 7691 1996 179 27 preservation
## 7692 1996 179 34 things
## 7693 1996 179 44 things
## 7694 1996 179 51 families
## 7695 1996 179 59 lives
## 7696 1996 180 3 employers
## 7697 1996 180 5 employees
## 7698 1996 180 9 part
## 7699 1996 180 23 companies
## 7700 1996 180 32 term
## 7701 1996 180 33 prosperity
## 7702 1996 180 39 term
## 7703 1996 180 40 gain
## 7704 1996 181 2 workers
## 7705 1996 181 7 productivity
## 7706 1996 181 9 employers
## 7707 1996 181 16 skills
## 7708 1996 181 22 benefits
## 7709 1996 181 26 years
## 7710 1996 181 31 burdens
## 7711 1996 181 35 ones
## 7712 1996 182 2 companies
## 7713 1996 182 4 workers
## 7714 1996 182 8 team
## 7715 1996 183 5 challenge
## 7716 1996 183 10 streets
## 7717 1996 183 13 crime
## 7718 1996 183 15 gangs
## 7719 1996 183 17 drugs
## 7720 1996 184 9 way
## 7721 1996 184 12 crime
## 7722 1996 184 15 community
## 7723 1996 184 16 partnerships
## 7724 1996 184 19 police
## 7725 1996 184 20 forces
## 7726 1996 184 23 criminals
## 7727 1996 184 26 crime
## 7728 1996 185 2 strategy
## 7729 1996 185 5 community
## 7730 1996 185 6 policing
## 7731 1996 186 2 crime
## 7732 1996 187 4 murders
## 7733 1996 188 7 way
## 7734 1996 188 12 streets
## 7735 1996 188 17 people
## 7736 1996 188 21 fear
## 7737 1996 189 3 crime
## 7738 1996 189 4 bill
## 7739 1996 189 11 success
## 7740 1996 189 13 community
## 7741 1996 189 14 policing
## 7742 1996 190 3 funds
## 7743 1996 190 7 police
## 7744 1996 190 9 communities
## 7745 1996 190 12 sizes
## 7746 1996 191 5 third
## 7747 1996 191 8 way
## 7748 1996 192 9 job
## 7749 1996 193 6 strategy
## 7750 1996 193 13 crime
## 7751 1996 193 14 rate
## 7752 1996 194 3 policing
## 7753 1996 194 6 bonds
## 7754 1996 194 8 trust
## 7755 1996 194 10 citizens
## 7756 1996 194 12 police
## 7757 1996 195 10 law
## 7758 1996 195 11 enforcement
## 7759 1996 195 12 officers
## 7760 1996 196 4 police
## 7761 1996 196 10 children
## 7762 1996 196 14 role
## 7763 1996 196 15 models
## 7764 1996 196 17 heroes
## 7765 1996 198 4 bill
## 7766 1996 198 9 people
## 7767 1996 198 12 records
## 7768 1996 198 15 guns
## 7769 1996 199 2 assault
## 7770 1996 199 3 weapons
## 7771 1996 199 4 ban
## 7772 1996 199 8 kinds
## 7773 1996 199 10 assault
## 7774 1996 199 11 weapons
## 7775 1996 199 15 hands
## 7776 1996 199 18 gangs
## 7777 1996 200 8 laws
## 7778 1996 200 11 books
## 7779 1996 201 4 step
## 7780 1996 201 7 fight
## 7781 1996 201 9 crime
## 7782 1996 201 14 gangs
## 7783 1996 201 16 way
## 7784 1996 201 22 mob
## 7785 1996 202 9 agencies
## 7786 1996 202 12 gangs
## 7787 1996 202 15 juveniles
## 7788 1996 202 18 crime
## 7789 1996 202 23 authority
## 7790 1996 202 27 adults
## 7791 1996 202 28 teenagers
## 7792 1996 202 34 adults
## 7793 1996 203 6 housing
## 7794 1996 203 7 authorities
## 7795 1996 203 9 tenant
## 7796 1996 203 10 associations
## 7797 1996 203 13 gang
## 7798 1996 203 14 members
## 7799 1996 203 16 drug
## 7800 1996 203 17 dealers
## 7801 1996 203 21 lives
## 7802 1996 203 24 tenants
## 7803 1996 204 6 rule
## 7804 1996 204 8 residents
## 7805 1996 204 11 crime
## 7806 1996 204 13 peddle
## 7807 1996 204 14 drugs
## 7808 1996 204 19 strike
## 7809 1996 205 9 policy
## 7810 1996 205 15 criminals
## 7811 1996 205 20 sentence
## 7812 1996 206 3 police
## 7813 1996 206 5 punishment
## 7814 1996 207 10 people
## 7815 1996 207 13 trouble
## 7816 1996 207 16 prevention
## 7817 1996 207 17 strategies
## 7818 1996 207 25 communities
## 7819 1996 208 6 communities
## 7820 1996 208 11 adults
## 7821 1996 208 16 children
## 7822 1996 208 17 futures
## 7823 1996 209 9 crime
## 7824 1996 209 10 bill
## 7825 1996 209 12 support
## 7826 1996 209 16 prevention
## 7827 1996 209 17 efforts
## 7828 1996 210 6 crime
## 7829 1996 210 8 violence
## 7830 1996 210 14 drug
## 7831 1996 210 15 problem
## 7832 1996 211 2 challenge
## 7833 1996 211 6 homes
## 7834 1996 211 9 parents
## 7835 1996 211 13 children
## 7836 1996 212 4 churches
## 7837 1996 212 6 synagogues
## 7838 1996 212 9 youth
## 7839 1996 212 10 groups
## 7840 1996 212 13 schools
## 7841 1996 213 8 support
## 7842 1996 213 10 drug
## 7843 1996 213 13 schools
## 7844 1996 214 1 People
## 7845 1996 214 5 officers
## 7846 1996 214 10 impression
## 7847 1996 214 12 grade
## 7848 1996 214 14 school
## 7849 1996 214 15 children
## 7850 1996 214 21 strength
## 7851 1996 214 27 time
## 7852 1996 215 7 efforts
## 7853 1996 215 11 flow
## 7854 1996 215 13 drugs
## 7855 1996 216 5 man
## 7856 1996 216 13 lines
## 7857 1996 216 16 effort
## 7858 1996 217 8 hero
## 7859 1996 217 13 commander
## 7860 1996 217 15 chief
## 7861 1996 217 26 drug
## 7862 1996 217 27 czar
## 7863 1996 218 14 country
## 7864 1996 219 8 Nation
## 7865 1996 219 10 battle
## 7866 1996 219 12 drugs
## 7867 1996 219 14 home
## 7868 1996 220 7 force
## 7869 1996 222 7 role
## 7870 1996 222 12 team
## 7871 1996 223 13 country
## 7872 1996 223 16 time
## 7873 1996 224 4 challenge
## 7874 1996 224 9 environment
## 7875 1996 224 16 generation
## 7876 1996 225 4 generation
## 7877 1996 225 7 effort
## 7878 1996 225 12 water
## 7879 1996 225 14 air
## 7880 1996 225 16 lead
## 7881 1996 225 17 levels
## 7882 1996 225 19 children
## 7883 1996 225 21 blood
## 7884 1996 225 29 emissions
## 7885 1996 225 31 factories
## 7886 1996 226 11 resource
## 7887 1996 227 3 children
## 7888 1996 227 12 waste
## 7889 1996 227 13 dump
## 7890 1996 228 6 air
## 7891 1996 228 10 health
## 7892 1996 229 5 communities
## 7893 1996 229 7 water
## 7894 1996 231 9 enforcement
## 7895 1996 232 5 chemicals
## 7896 1996 232 8 water
## 7897 1996 232 11 smog
## 7898 1996 232 14 air
## 7899 1996 232 17 pesticides
## 7900 1996 232 20 food
## 7901 1996 233 1 Lobbyists
## 7902 1996 233 3 polluters
## 7903 1996 233 11 loopholes
## 7904 1996 233 13 bills
## 7905 1996 233 16 laws
## 7906 1996 233 20 health
## 7907 1996 233 22 safety
## 7908 1996 233 25 children
## 7909 1996 234 5 taxpayer
## 7910 1996 234 10 tab
## 7911 1996 234 13 waste
## 7912 1996 234 16 polluters
## 7913 1996 234 25 hook
## 7914 1996 235 7 policies
## 7915 1996 236 3 issue
## 7916 1996 236 9 issue
## 7917 1996 237 5 gains
## 7918 1996 239 7 things
## 7919 1996 240 8 economy
## 7920 1996 240 12 environment
## 7921 1996 242 8 jobs
## 7922 1996 242 12 run
## 7923 1996 242 16 environment
## 7924 1996 244 5 commitment
## 7925 1996 245 5 businesses
## 7926 1996 245 7 communities
## 7927 1996 245 11 initiative
## 7928 1996 245 15 environment
## 7929 1996 246 2 businesses
## 7930 1996 246 4 administration
## 7931 1996 246 17 way
## 7932 1996 246 19 Government
## 7933 1996 246 20 regulations
## 7934 1996 246 25 pollution
## 7935 1996 246 26 standards
## 7936 1996 247 2 communities
## 7937 1996 247 9 community
## 7938 1996 247 12 toknow
## 7939 1996 247 13 laws
## 7940 1996 247 15 polluters
## 7941 1996 247 19 emissions
## 7942 1996 247 27 information
## 7943 1996 247 31 business
## 7944 1996 247 34 pollution
## 7945 1996 248 1 People
## 7946 1996 248 5 right
## 7947 1996 248 10 air
## 7948 1996 248 13 water
## 7949 1996 249 4 challenge
## 7950 1996 249 10 leadership
## 7951 1996 249 13 fight
## 7952 1996 249 15 freedom
## 7953 1996 249 17 peace
## 7954 1996 249 20 world
## 7955 1996 250 4 leadership
## 7956 1996 250 7 people
## 7957 1996 250 11 live
## 7958 1996 250 15 peace
## 7959 1996 251 7 prosperity
## 7960 1996 251 9 security
## 7961 1996 252 4 thanks
## 7962 1996 252 8 veterans
## 7963 1996 253 12 others
## 7964 1996 253 24 others
## 7965 1996 253 27 sides
## 7966 1996 253 30 aisle
## 7967 1996 253 38 conflicts
## 7968 1996 253 44 service
## 7969 1996 253 51 people
## 7970 1996 254 5 world
## 7971 1996 254 11 people
## 7972 1996 254 24 blessings
## 7973 1996 254 26 peace
## 7974 1996 254 28 freedom
## 7975 1996 255 5 war
## 7976 1996 255 8 memory
## 7977 1996 255 10 voices
## 7978 1996 255 12 isolation
## 7979 1996 255 19 responsibilities
## 7980 1996 257 3 threats
## 7981 1996 257 11 nation
## 7982 1996 257 13 borders
## 7983 1996 258 5 terrorism
## 7984 1996 258 8 spread
## 7985 1996 258 10 weapons
## 7986 1996 258 13 destruction
## 7987 1996 258 16 crime
## 7988 1996 258 18 drug
## 7989 1996 258 19 trafficking
## 7990 1996 258 24 hatred
## 7991 1996 258 26 aggression
## 7992 1996 258 28 rogue
## 7993 1996 258 29 states
## 7994 1996 258 32 degradation
## 7995 1996 259 7 threats
## 7996 1996 259 14 consequences
## 7997 1996 259 18 tomorrows
## 7998 1996 262 4 interests
## 7999 1996 262 7 values
## 8000 1996 262 10 stake
## 8001 1996 262 18 difference
## 8002 1996 264 6 world
## 8003 1996 264 8 policeman
## 8004 1996 265 8 world
## 8005 1996 265 12 peacemaker
## 8006 1996 266 5 military
## 8007 1996 266 10 diplomacy
## 8008 1996 266 23 others
## 8009 1996 266 27 risk
## 8010 1996 266 30 cost
## 8011 1996 266 33 efforts
## 8012 1996 266 39 difference
## 8013 1996 266 41 people
## 8014 1996 266 46 world
## 8015 1996 267 4 time
## 8016 1996 267 7 dawn
## 8017 1996 267 10 nuclear
## 8018 1996 267 14 time
## 8019 1996 267 17 dawn
## 8020 1996 267 20 nuclear
## 8021 1996 267 27 missile
## 8022 1996 267 32 children
## 8023 1996 268 9 weapons
## 8024 1996 268 10 program
## 8025 1996 269 5 dictators
## 8026 1996 269 9 democracy
## 8027 1996 269 14 flow
## 8028 1996 269 17 refugees
## 8029 1996 269 20 shores
## 8030 1996 270 3 trade
## 8031 1996 270 4 deals
## 8032 1996 270 16 markets
## 8033 1996 270 21 exports
## 8034 1996 270 27 time
## 8035 1996 270 33 imports
## 8036 1996 270 38 jobs
## 8037 1996 271 7 risks
## 8038 1996 271 9 peace
## 8039 1996 271 18 children
## 8040 1996 271 22 parents
## 8041 1996 271 23 violence
## 8042 1996 271 44 knowledge
## 8043 1996 271 46 resources
## 8044 1996 271 49 dreams
## 8045 1996 272 7 peace
## 8046 1996 273 4 prisoners
## 8047 1996 273 7 mass
## 8048 1996 273 8 graves
## 8049 1996 273 11 campaign
## 8050 1996 273 13 rape
## 8051 1996 273 15 torture
## 8052 1996 273 19 lines
## 8053 1996 273 21 refugees
## 8054 1996 273 24 threat
## 8055 1996 273 28 war
## 8056 1996 274 3 threats
## 8057 1996 274 7 horrors
## 8058 1996 274 13 way
## 8059 1996 274 16 promise
## 8060 1996 274 18 peace
## 8061 1996 275 3 troops
## 8062 1996 275 13 partners
## 8063 1996 275 23 peace
## 8064 1996 275 26 hold
## 8065 1996 276 16 group
## 8066 1996 276 28 troops
## 8067 1996 276 34 pride
## 8068 1996 277 6 mission
## 8069 1996 277 9 world
## 8070 1996 278 4 efforts
## 8071 1996 278 10 security
## 8072 1996 278 14 people
## 8073 1996 278 19 mistake
## 8074 1996 278 24 challenges
## 8075 1996 279 5 treaty
## 8076 1996 279 12 stockpiles
## 8077 1996 281 5 race
## 8078 1996 281 10 weapons
## 8079 1996 281 17 test
## 8080 1996 281 18 ban
## 8081 1996 281 19 treaty
## 8082 1996 282 10 subway
## 8083 1996 282 15 poison
## 8084 1996 282 16 gas
## 8085 1996 283 5 fight
## 8086 1996 283 7 terrorists
## 8087 1996 283 10 criminals
## 8088 1996 283 19 antiterrorism
## 8089 1996 283 20 legislation
## 8090 1996 283 26 bombing
## 8091 1996 284 5 people
## 8092 1996 284 8 hatred
## 8093 1996 284 14 world
## 8094 1996 284 18 interest
## 8095 1996 284 24 means
## 8096 1996 284 28 world
## 8097 1996 284 30 leader
## 8098 1996 284 32 peace
## 8099 1996 285 3 fellow
## 8100 1996 285 8 challenges
## 8101 1996 286 3 challenge
## 8102 1996 286 8 challenge
## 8103 1996 286 22 Government
## 8104 1996 286 26 democracy
## 8105 1996 287 9 laws
## 8106 1996 288 4 gifts
## 8107 1996 288 6 meals
## 8108 1996 288 8 lobbyists
## 8109 1996 289 4 lobbyists
## 8110 1996 289 12 legislation
## 8111 1996 291 13 interest
## 8112 1996 291 14 influence
## 8113 1996 291 16 politics
## 8114 1996 291 23 campaign
## 8115 1996 291 24 finance
## 8116 1996 291 25 reform
## 8117 1996 291 26 bill
## 8118 1996 291 29 generation
## 8119 1996 292 12 people
## 8120 1996 292 17 spending
## 8121 1996 292 23 airwaves
## 8122 1996 292 26 candidates
## 8123 1996 293 10 line
## 8124 1996 293 11 item
## 8125 1996 293 12 veto
## 8126 1996 293 17 people
## 8127 1996 294 3 administration
## 8128 1996 294 11 people
## 8129 1996 294 13 Government
## 8130 1996 295 1 Thanks
## 8131 1996 295 4 work
## 8132 1996 295 14 pages
## 8133 1996 295 17 rules
## 8134 1996 295 19 regulations
## 8135 1996 295 33 communities
## 8136 1996 296 7 era
## 8137 1996 296 10 budgets
## 8138 1996 296 13 Government
## 8139 1996 296 20 ways
## 8140 1996 296 23 people
## 8141 1996 296 31 lives
## 8142 1996 297 6 communities
## 8143 1996 297 11 bureaucracy
## 8144 1996 297 15 opportunities
## 8145 1996 298 4 empowerment
## 8146 1996 298 5 zones
## 8147 1996 298 7 community
## 8148 1996 298 8 development
## 8149 1996 298 9 banks
## 8150 1996 298 14 people
## 8151 1996 298 17 jobs
## 8152 1996 298 21 businesses
## 8153 1996 299 3 tax
## 8154 1996 299 4 incentives
## 8155 1996 299 6 companies
## 8156 1996 299 12 property
## 8157 1996 299 17 jobs
## 8158 1996 299 20 places
## 8159 1996 300 6 areas
## 8160 1996 301 4 areas
## 8161 1996 301 7 problem
## 8162 1996 301 10 immigration
## 8163 1996 302 4 neglect
## 8164 1996 302 7 administration
## 8165 1996 302 12 stand
## 8166 1996 302 16 protection
## 8167 1996 302 19 borders
## 8168 1996 303 4 border
## 8169 1996 303 5 controls
## 8170 1996 304 4 inspections
## 8171 1996 304 8 hiring
## 8172 1996 304 11 immigrants
## 8173 1996 305 10 order
## 8174 1996 305 14 contracts
## 8175 1996 305 16 businesses
## 8176 1996 305 20 immigrants
## 8177 1996 306 14 nation
## 8178 1996 306 16 immigrants
## 8179 1996 307 6 immigrant
## 8180 1996 307 15 citizen
## 8181 1996 307 23 citizen
## 8182 1996 308 6 nation
## 8183 1996 308 8 laws
## 8184 1996 309 8 word
## 8185 1996 310 4 work
## 8186 1996 310 5 force
## 8187 1996 310 8 employees
## 8188 1996 310 14 day
## 8189 1996 310 17 office
## 8190 1996 313 6 reason-;a
## 8191 1996 313 8 reason
## 8192 1996 313 13 work
## 8193 1996 313 14 force
## 8194 1996 313 37 quality
## 8195 1996 313 40 services
## 8196 1996 314 9 example
## 8197 1996 315 2 name
## 8198 1996 316 6 veteran
## 8199 1996 317 6 work
## 8200 1996 317 13 blast
## 8201 1996 317 16 people
## 8202 1996 317 20 rubble
## 8203 1996 318 6 times
## 8204 1996 319 4 lives
## 8205 1996 319 7 women
## 8206 1996 320 19 service
## 8207 1996 320 24 heroism
## 8208 1996 321 3 story
## 8209 1996 322 9 office
## 8210 1996 323 4 time
## 8211 1996 323 13 recipients
## 8212 1996 323 20 pay
## 8213 1996 324 3 behalf
## 8214 1996 324 8 family
## 8215 1996 324 14 people
## 8216 1996 324 21 day
## 8217 1996 324 25 job
## 8218 1996 324 29 people
## 8219 1996 325 3 behalf
## 8220 1996 325 14 payments
## 8221 1996 325 27 faith
## 8222 1996 325 29 credit
## 8223 1996 325 36 obligations
## 8224 1996 325 40 Nation
## 8225 1996 325 50 partisanship
## 8226 1996 325 55 extension
## 8227 1996 325 58 debt
## 8228 1996 325 59 limit
## 8229 1996 325 62 people
## 8230 1996 325 66 word
## 8231 1996 326 6 evening
## 8232 1996 326 11 lot
## 8233 1996 327 12 homes
## 8234 1996 327 15 schools
## 8235 1996 327 18 churches
## 8236 1996 327 21 synagogues
## 8237 1996 327 25 groups
## 8238 1996 327 28 workplace
## 8239 1996 327 34 challenge
## 8240 1996 328 7 era
## 8241 1996 329 9 era
## 8242 1996 330 8 era
## 8243 1996 330 14 community
## 8244 1996 330 18 team
## 8245 1996 330 31 lines
## 8246 1996 330 35 division
## 8247 1996 330 38 discrimination
## 8248 1996 330 41 rancor-;we
## 8249 1996 330 50 ground
## 8250 1996 332 9 people
## 8251 1996 333 4 teacher
## 8252 1996 333 12 school
## 8253 1996 333 13 system
## 8254 1996 334 3 veteran
## 8255 1996 334 8 groups
## 8256 1996 334 13 city
## 8257 1996 334 14 children
## 8258 1996 334 18 gangs
## 8259 1996 334 21 futures
## 8260 1996 335 4 police
## 8261 1996 335 5 officer
## 8262 1996 336 10 citizens
## 8263 1996 336 14 rubble
## 8264 1996 336 20 tragedy
## 8265 1996 337 7 response
## 8266 1996 337 10 atrocity
## 8267 1996 337 12 people
## 8268 1996 337 22 sense
## 8269 1996 337 24 decency
## 8270 1996 337 26 community
## 8271 1996 339 5 honor
## 8272 1996 339 26 torch
## 8273 1996 339 30 journey
## 8274 1996 339 47 star
## 8275 1996 339 48 athletes
## 8276 1996 339 53 star
## 8277 1996 339 54 citizens
## 8278 1996 339 56 community
## 8279 1996 339 57 heroes
## 8280 1996 339 61 challenges
## 8281 1996 340 5 champions
## 8282 1996 342 10 torch
## 8283 1996 342 12 citizenship
## 8284 1996 342 16 lives
## 8285 1996 343 1 None
## 8286 1996 343 7 race
## 8287 1996 344 6 destiny
## 8288 1996 344 10 hand
## 8289 1996 344 13 generation
## 8290 1996 345 6 things
## 8291 1996 346 6 identity
## 8292 1996 346 15 point
## 8293 1996 346 17 view
## 8294 1996 346 23 point
## 8295 1996 346 26 planet
## 8296 1996 346 30 opinion
## 8297 1996 347 9 faith
## 8298 1996 347 14 doctrine
## 8299 1996 347 21 belief
## 8300 1996 347 23 progress
## 8301 1996 347 26 love
## 8302 1996 347 28 liberty
## 8303 1996 347 33 search
## 8304 1996 347 36 ground
## 8305 1996 348 11 challenge
## 8306 1996 350 6 age
## 8307 1996 350 8 possibility
## 8308 1996 351 3 country
## 8309 1996 351 13 nation
## 8310 1996 352 13 parts
## 8311 1997 1 8 Members
## 8312 1997 1 13 guests
## 8313 1997 1 27 thanks
## 8314 1997 2 8 challenge
## 8315 1997 2 15 peacetime
## 8316 1997 2 16 history
## 8317 1997 2 19 plan
## 8318 1997 2 21 action
## 8319 1997 2 25 challenge
## 8320 1997 2 30 people
## 8321 1997 2 35 world
## 8322 1997 4 4 growth
## 8323 1997 4 12 strength
## 8324 1997 4 15 economy
## 8325 1997 5 2 crime
## 8326 1997 5 4 welfare
## 8327 1997 5 5 rolls
## 8328 1997 5 13 optimism
## 8329 1997 5 17 faith
## 8330 1997 5 23 difficulty
## 8331 1997 6 4 war
## 8332 1997 6 8 commerce
## 8333 1997 6 10 record
## 8334 1997 6 11 levels
## 8335 1997 6 20 peace
## 8336 1997 6 22 prosperity
## 8337 1997 6 26 world
## 8338 1997 7 3 fellow
## 8339 1997 7 7 state
## 8340 1997 8 9 moment
## 8341 1997 8 14 nation
## 8342 1997 8 17 world
## 8343 1997 9 3 promise
## 8344 1997 9 7 economy
## 8345 1997 9 10 information
## 8346 1997 9 11 age
## 8347 1997 9 15 work
## 8348 1997 9 17 life
## 8349 1997 9 20 technology
## 8350 1997 10 4 honor
## 8351 1997 10 7 challenge
## 8352 1997 11 4 shapers
## 8353 1997 11 6 events
## 8354 1997 11 9 observers
## 8355 1997 11 19 moment
## 8356 1997 11 29 possibilities
## 8357 1997 11 32 future
## 8358 1997 12 6 threat
## 8359 1997 12 13 enemy
## 8360 1997 13 2 enemy
## 8361 1997 13 5 time
## 8362 1997 13 7 inaction
## 8363 1997 14 6 call
## 8364 1997 14 8 action
## 8365 1997 14 10 action
## 8366 1997 14 15 action
## 8367 1997 14 22 people
## 8368 1997 14 30 action
## 8369 1997 14 34 economy
## 8370 1997 14 37 democracy
## 8371 1997 14 44 people
## 8372 1997 14 46 action
## 8373 1997 14 49 education
## 8374 1997 14 53 forces
## 8375 1997 14 55 technology
## 8376 1997 14 57 science
## 8377 1997 14 59 action
## 8378 1997 14 63 families
## 8379 1997 14 66 communities
## 8380 1997 14 70 environment
## 8381 1997 14 72 action
## 8382 1997 14 77 world
## 8383 1997 14 80 force
## 8384 1997 14 82 peace
## 8385 1997 14 84 freedom
## 8386 1997 14 87 prosperity
## 8387 1997 14 93 action
## 8388 1997 14 102 home
## 8389 1997 15 3 spirit
## 8390 1997 15 8 work
## 8391 1997 15 13 difference
## 8392 1997 16 7 pursuit
## 8393 1997 16 9 opportunity
## 8394 1997 16 14 responsibility
## 8395 1997 16 21 community
## 8396 1997 17 9 kind
## 8397 1997 17 11 Government
## 8398 1997 17 18 problems
## 8399 1997 17 25 people
## 8400 1997 17 29 people
## 8401 1997 17 32 tools
## 8402 1997 17 42 lives
## 8403 1997 19 2 people
## 8404 1997 20 6 partners
## 8405 1997 20 9 partisans
## 8406 1997 21 10 boat
## 8407 1997 21 16 oars
## 8408 1997 22 6 direction
## 8409 1997 23 12 business
## 8410 1997 23 15 country
## 8411 1997 23 20 budget
## 8412 1997 23 24 democracy
## 8413 1997 23 29 job
## 8414 1997 23 31 welfare
## 8415 1997 23 32 reform
## 8416 1997 24 10 growth
## 8417 1997 24 15 people
## 8418 1997 24 19 exports
## 8419 1997 24 23 deficits
## 8420 1997 24 28 jobs
## 8421 1997 24 32 record
## 8422 1997 25 6 economy
## 8423 1997 25 11 world
## 8424 1997 26 7 opportunity
## 8425 1997 27 11 budget
## 8426 1997 29 9 plan
## 8427 1997 29 13 budget
## 8428 1997 30 2 plan
## 8429 1997 30 6 budget
## 8430 1997 30 11 people
## 8431 1997 30 18 education
## 8432 1997 30 22 environment
## 8433 1997 31 5 budget
## 8434 1997 31 13 efforts
## 8435 1997 31 17 Government
## 8436 1997 32 5 budget
## 8437 1997 32 9 class
## 8438 1997 32 10 tax
## 8439 1997 32 11 relief
## 8440 1997 32 15 education
## 8441 1997 32 17 health
## 8442 1997 32 18 care
## 8443 1997 32 25 child
## 8444 1997 32 32 home
## 8445 1997 33 4 budget
## 8446 1997 33 8 vote
## 8447 1997 33 11 signature
## 8448 1997 35 13 budget
## 8449 1997 35 14 amendment
## 8450 1997 35 19 country
## 8451 1997 35 21 time
## 8452 1997 35 24 crisis
## 8453 1997 35 28 results
## 8454 1997 35 32 judges
## 8455 1997 35 35 checks
## 8456 1997 35 38 taxes
## 8457 1997 36 13 measure
## 8458 1997 37 3 view
## 8459 1997 37 18 amendment
## 8460 1997 37 22 action
## 8461 1997 38 4 differences
## 8462 1997 38 10 budget
## 8463 1997 39 8 term
## 8464 1997 39 9 health
## 8465 1997 39 12 society
## 8466 1997 39 20 process
## 8467 1997 39 30 run
## 8468 1997 39 36 programs
## 8469 1997 39 43 children
## 8470 1997 39 49 parents
## 8471 1997 40 12 script
## 8472 1997 42 8 reasons
## 8473 1997 42 11 people
## 8474 1997 42 16 term
## 8475 1997 42 22 decisions
## 8476 1997 42 29 country
## 8477 1997 44 3 reason
## 8478 1997 44 15 regard
## 8479 1997 44 17 party
## 8480 1997 44 29 decisions
## 8481 1997 45 6 country
## 8482 1997 45 10 future
## 8483 1997 46 4 piece
## 8484 1997 46 7 business
## 8485 1997 46 17 eyes
## 8486 1997 46 25 campaign
## 8487 1997 46 26 finance
## 8488 1997 46 27 reform
## 8489 1997 47 12 party
## 8490 1997 47 13 lines
## 8491 1997 47 20 reform
## 8492 1997 48 2 proposal
## 8493 1997 48 5 spending
## 8494 1997 48 9 role
## 8495 1997 48 12 interests
## 8496 1997 48 17 playing
## 8497 1997 48 18 field
## 8498 1997 48 20 challengers
## 8499 1997 48 22 incumbents
## 8500 1997 48 26 contributions
## 8501 1997 48 28 noncitizens
## 8502 1997 48 32 sources
## 8503 1997 48 39 money
## 8504 1997 48 40 contributions
## 8505 1997 48 43 parties
## 8506 1997 52 5 delay
## 8507 1997 52 9 death
## 8508 1997 52 11 reform
## 8509 1997 53 7 deadline
## 8510 1997 54 8 campaign
## 8511 1997 54 9 finance
## 8512 1997 54 10 reform
## 8513 1997 54 12 law
## 8514 1997 54 18 day
## 8515 1997 54 22 birth
## 8516 1997 54 25 democracy
## 8517 1997 55 6 piece
## 8518 1997 55 9 business
## 8519 1997 56 7 record
## 8520 1997 56 9 people
## 8521 1997 56 12 welfare
## 8522 1997 56 13 rolls
## 8523 1997 57 6 landmark
## 8524 1997 57 7 welfare
## 8525 1997 57 8 reform
## 8526 1997 57 9 legislation
## 8527 1997 57 17 recipients
## 8528 1997 57 20 responsibility
## 8529 1997 57 24 welfare
## 8530 1997 58 12 responsibility
## 8531 1997 58 18 obligation
## 8532 1997 58 24 people
## 8533 1997 59 10 goal
## 8534 1997 59 14 people
## 8535 1997 59 17 welfare
## 8536 1997 59 18 rolls
## 8537 1997 60 4 plan
## 8538 1997 60 6 Tax
## 8539 1997 60 7 credits
## 8540 1997 60 10 incentives
## 8541 1997 60 12 businesses
## 8542 1997 60 15 people
## 8543 1997 60 17 welfare
## 8544 1997 60 19 incentives
## 8545 1997 60 21 job
## 8546 1997 60 22 placement
## 8547 1997 60 23 firms
## 8548 1997 60 29 jobs
## 8549 1997 60 31 welfare
## 8550 1997 60 32 recipients
## 8551 1997 60 34 training
## 8552 1997 60 36 transportation
## 8553 1997 60 39 child
## 8554 1997 60 43 people
## 8555 1997 60 46 work
## 8556 1997 61 6 State
## 8557 1997 61 10 welfare
## 8558 1997 61 11 checks
## 8559 1997 61 14 sector
## 8560 1997 61 15 paychecks
## 8561 1997 62 5 congregation
## 8562 1997 62 8 community
## 8563 1997 62 9 nonprofit
## 8564 1997 62 12 business
## 8565 1997 62 17 welfare
## 8566 1997 63 10 employer
## 8567 1997 63 13 country
## 8568 1997 63 19 welfare
## 8569 1997 63 20 system
## 8570 1997 63 28 system
## 8571 1997 65 4 part
## 8572 1997 66 4 welfare
## 8573 1997 66 6 chance
## 8574 1997 66 10 work
## 8575 1997 67 2 Tonight
## 8576 1997 67 11 corporations
## 8577 1997 67 34 effort
## 8578 1997 67 39 businesses
## 8579 1997 67 47 jobs
## 8580 1997 67 50 people
## 8581 1997 67 54 welfare
## 8582 1997 68 4 welfare
## 8583 1997 68 5 reform
## 8584 1997 70 3 one
## 8585 1997 70 13 conscience
## 8586 1997 70 21 job
## 8587 1997 71 28 health
## 8588 1997 71 30 disability
## 8589 1997 71 31 benefits
## 8590 1997 71 34 strikes
## 8591 1997 71 35 immigrants
## 8592 1997 71 40 country
## 8593 1997 71 48 taxes
## 8594 1997 71 53 law
## 8595 1997 72 10 nation
## 8596 1997 72 12 immigrants
## 8597 1997 73 9 step
## 8598 1997 73 15 threshold
## 8599 1997 73 18 future
## 8600 1997 73 26 number
## 8601 1997 73 28 priority
## 8602 1997 73 40 education
## 8603 1997 73 43 world
## 8604 1997 74 10 goals
## 8605 1997 74 30 Internet
## 8606 1997 74 40 college
## 8607 1997 74 44 adult
## 8608 1997 74 55 lifetime
## 8609 1997 75 4 budget
## 8610 1997 75 8 commitment
## 8611 1997 75 11 goals
## 8612 1997 76 5 money
## 8613 1997 77 4 plan
## 8614 1997 77 7 call
## 8615 1997 77 9 action
## 8616 1997 77 12 education
## 8617 1997 77 18 principles
## 8618 1997 77 25 crusade
## 8619 1997 77 27 education
## 8620 1997 77 28 standards
## 8621 1997 77 32 standards
## 8622 1997 77 35 standards
## 8623 1997 77 41 students
## 8624 1997 77 48 knowledge
## 8625 1997 77 49 economy
## 8626 1997 78 2 State
## 8627 1997 78 4 school
## 8628 1997 78 8 curriculum
## 8629 1997 78 12 standards
## 8630 1997 78 14 train
## 8631 1997 78 15 teachers
## 8632 1997 78 18 students
## 8633 1997 79 3 schools
## 8634 1997 79 6 standards
## 8635 1997 79 10 progress
## 8636 1997 79 16 effort
## 8637 1997 79 22 tests
## 8638 1997 79 24 student
## 8639 1997 79 25 achievement
## 8640 1997 79 27 reading
## 8641 1997 79 29 math
## 8642 1997 80 5 challenge
## 8643 1997 81 2 State
## 8644 1997 81 7 standards
## 8645 1997 81 19 grader
## 8646 1997 81 21 reading
## 8647 1997 81 25 grader
## 8648 1997 81 27 math
## 8649 1997 81 32 standards
## 8650 1997 82 3 standards
## 8651 1997 82 13 children
## 8652 1997 83 2 point
## 8653 1997 83 8 children
## 8654 1997 84 2 tests
## 8655 1997 84 8 help
## 8656 1997 84 13 teaching
## 8657 1997 84 19 schools
## 8658 1997 85 7 promotions
## 8659 1997 85 11 child
## 8660 1997 85 15 grade
## 8661 1997 85 16 school
## 8662 1997 85 25 school
## 8663 1997 86 19 grade
## 8664 1997 86 20 students
## 8665 1997 86 23 school
## 8666 1997 86 24 districts
## 8667 1997 86 28 project
## 8668 1997 87 4 test
## 8669 1997 87 8 world
## 8670 1997 87 10 class
## 8671 1997 87 11 standards
## 8672 1997 87 13 children
## 8673 1997 87 19 era
## 8674 1997 88 3 students
## 8675 1997 88 11 world
## 8676 1997 88 13 science
## 8677 1997 88 19 math
## 8678 1997 89 16 teacher
## 8679 1997 91 12 students
## 8680 1997 91 21 world
## 8681 1997 92 6 hand
## 8682 1997 94 8 schools
## 8683 1997 94 15 teachers
## 8684 1997 95 14 help
## 8685 1997 95 17 teachers
## 8686 1997 96 7 educators
## 8687 1997 96 25 credentials
## 8688 1997 96 27 excellence
## 8689 1997 96 29 teaching
## 8690 1997 97 4 teachers
## 8691 1997 98 2 budget
## 8692 1997 98 10 certification
## 8693 1997 98 12 master
## 8694 1997 98 13 teachers
## 8695 1997 99 8 teachers
## 8696 1997 100 10 people
## 8697 1997 100 13 teaching
## 8698 1997 100 16 career
## 8699 1997 101 12 children
## 8700 1997 103 11 initiative
## 8701 1997 103 16 citizen
## 8702 1997 103 17 army
## 8703 1997 103 20 volunteer
## 8704 1997 103 21 tutors
## 8705 1997 103 26 child
## 8706 1997 103 32 grade
## 8707 1997 104 7 volunteers
## 8708 1997 104 11 citizen
## 8709 1997 104 12 army
## 8710 1997 105 4 college
## 8711 1997 105 5 students
## 8712 1997 105 16 college
## 8713 1997 105 17 presidents
## 8714 1997 105 21 call
## 8715 1997 105 28 work
## 8716 1997 105 30 study
## 8717 1997 105 31 students
## 8718 1997 105 38 tutors
## 8719 1997 106 5 challenge
## 8720 1997 106 8 teacher
## 8721 1997 106 11 principal
## 8722 1997 106 17 tutors
## 8723 1997 106 20 students
## 8724 1997 107 6 challenge
## 8725 1997 107 9 parents
## 8726 1997 107 16 children
## 8727 1997 107 18 night
## 8728 1997 108 7 principle
## 8729 1997 108 14 life
## 8730 1997 109 1 Scientists
## 8731 1997 109 7 children
## 8732 1997 109 20 parents
## 8733 1997 109 32 infants
## 8734 1997 110 10 issue
## 8735 1997 111 11 conference
## 8736 1997 111 14 learning
## 8737 1997 111 17 brain
## 8738 1997 111 23 parents
## 8739 1997 111 25 educators
## 8740 1997 111 32 findings
## 8741 1997 112 9 children
## 8742 1997 112 13 school
## 8743 1997 113 6 budget
## 8744 1997 113 12 children
## 8745 1997 114 15 family
## 8746 1997 114 16 conference
## 8747 1997 114 27 parents
## 8748 1997 114 31 part
## 8749 1997 114 34 children
## 8750 1997 114 39 way
## 8751 1997 114 41 school
## 8752 1997 115 6 deal
## 8753 1997 115 10 importance
## 8754 1997 115 12 family
## 8755 1997 115 15 life
## 8756 1997 115 23 attention
## 8757 1997 115 27 parents
## 8758 1997 115 31 children
## 8759 1997 115 36 way
## 8760 1997 115 38 school
## 8761 1997 117 8 parents
## 8762 1997 117 10 power
## 8763 1997 117 16 school
## 8764 1997 117 19 children
## 8765 1997 118 2 right
## 8766 1997 118 7 competition
## 8767 1997 118 9 innovation
## 8768 1997 118 14 schools
## 8769 1997 119 9 parents
## 8770 1997 119 11 teachers
## 8771 1997 119 14 charter
## 8772 1997 119 15 schools
## 8773 1997 119 17 schools
## 8774 1997 119 24 standards
## 8775 1997 120 2 plan
## 8776 1997 120 11 charter
## 8777 1997 120 12 schools
## 8778 1997 120 18 times
## 8779 1997 120 24 country
## 8780 1997 120 29 parents
## 8781 1997 120 34 choices
## 8782 1997 120 38 children
## 8783 1997 120 42 schools
## 8784 1997 121 4 character
## 8785 1997 121 5 education
## 8786 1997 121 11 schools
## 8787 1997 122 5 children
## 8788 1997 122 9 citizens
## 8789 1997 123 7 order
## 8790 1997 123 9 discipline
## 8791 1997 123 12 communities
## 8792 1997 123 15 school
## 8793 1997 123 16 uniforms
## 8794 1997 123 19 curfews
## 8795 1997 123 22 truancy
## 8796 1997 123 23 laws
## 8797 1997 123 27 students
## 8798 1997 123 30 classroom
## 8799 1997 123 35 tolerance
## 8800 1997 123 37 guns
## 8801 1997 123 39 drugs
## 8802 1997 123 41 school
## 8803 1997 124 9 children
## 8804 1997 124 15 schools
## 8805 1997 125 3 student
## 8806 1997 125 4 population
## 8807 1997 125 9 time
## 8808 1997 125 12 record
## 8809 1997 125 13 numbers
## 8810 1997 125 15 school
## 8811 1997 125 16 buildings
## 8812 1997 125 19 disrepair
## 8813 1997 125 28 concern
## 8814 1997 126 4 budget
## 8815 1997 126 8 initiative
## 8816 1997 126 13 communities
## 8817 1997 126 17 school
## 8818 1997 126 18 construction
## 8819 1997 127 9 education
## 8820 1997 127 13 college
## 8821 1997 127 25 school
## 8822 1997 127 26 education
## 8823 1997 127 35 doors
## 8824 1997 127 37 college
## 8825 1997 128 10 scholarship
## 8826 1997 128 17 program
## 8827 1997 128 24 tax
## 8828 1997 128 25 credit
## 8829 1997 128 27 college
## 8830 1997 128 28 tuition
## 8831 1997 128 36 community
## 8832 1997 128 37 college
## 8833 1997 129 5 tax
## 8834 1997 129 6 deduction
## 8835 1997 129 10 year
## 8836 1997 129 13 tuition
## 8837 1997 129 16 school
## 8838 1997 129 25 tax
## 8839 1997 129 29 education
## 8840 1997 129 34 increase
## 8841 1997 129 37 grant
## 8842 1997 129 38 scholarships
## 8843 1997 130 4 plan
## 8844 1997 130 8 families
## 8845 1997 130 10 ability
## 8846 1997 130 14 taxes
## 8847 1997 130 16 money
## 8848 1997 130 20 college
## 8849 1997 130 21 tuition
## 8850 1997 131 15 chance
## 8851 1997 131 19 college
## 8852 1997 132 11 frontiers
## 8853 1997 132 16 lifetime
## 8854 1997 133 3 people
## 8855 1997 133 7 age
## 8856 1997 133 12 chance
## 8857 1997 133 16 skills
## 8858 1997 134 6 community
## 8859 1997 134 7 college
## 8860 1997 135 2 roads
## 8861 1997 135 9 paths
## 8862 1997 135 13 future
## 8863 1997 136 4 bill
## 8864 1997 136 9 workers
## 8865 1997 136 14 tangle
## 8866 1997 136 17 training
## 8867 1997 136 18 programs
## 8868 1997 136 22 skill
## 8869 1997 136 23 grant
## 8870 1997 136 29 workers
## 8871 1997 136 31 hands
## 8872 1997 137 6 bill
## 8873 1997 137 12 desk
## 8874 1997 137 15 action
## 8875 1997 139 7 workers
## 8876 1997 139 9 ability
## 8877 1997 139 17 lifetime
## 8878 1997 140 2 Tenth
## 8879 1997 140 8 power
## 8880 1997 140 11 information
## 8881 1997 140 12 age
## 8882 1997 140 16 schools
## 8883 1997 141 9 classroom
## 8884 1997 141 11 library
## 8885 1997 141 14 Internet
## 8886 1997 141 24 time
## 8887 1997 141 27 history
## 8888 1997 141 29 children
## 8889 1997 141 35 towns
## 8890 1997 141 40 suburbs
## 8891 1997 141 46 city
## 8892 1997 141 47 schools
## 8893 1997 141 53 access
## 8894 1997 141 57 universe
## 8895 1997 141 59 knowledge
## 8896 1997 142 5 plan
## 8897 1997 142 8 call
## 8898 1997 142 10 action
## 8899 1997 142 13 education
## 8900 1997 143 14 kind
## 8901 1997 143 16 attention
## 8902 1997 143 18 education
## 8903 1997 144 13 wife
## 8904 1997 144 19 subject
## 8905 1997 145 8 proposals
## 8906 1997 146 6 significance
## 8907 1997 146 9 endeavor
## 8908 1997 147 5 sources
## 8909 1997 147 8 strength
## 8910 1997 147 12 war
## 8911 1997 147 17 policy
## 8912 1997 148 3 future
## 8913 1997 148 6 stake
## 8914 1997 148 8 politics
## 8915 1997 148 12 water
## 8916 1997 148 14 edge
## 8917 1997 150 6 Nation
## 8918 1997 150 12 parents
## 8919 1997 150 14 teachers
## 8920 1997 150 17 citizens
## 8921 1997 150 25 commitment
## 8922 1997 150 27 education
## 8923 1997 150 30 education
## 8924 1997 150 35 security
## 8925 1997 150 36 issue
## 8926 1997 150 39 future
## 8927 1997 150 42 politics
## 8928 1997 150 47 schoolhouse
## 8929 1997 150 48 door
## 8930 1997 151 13 forces
## 8931 1997 151 15 science
## 8932 1997 151 17 technology
## 8933 1997 152 12 video
## 8934 1997 152 15 Internet
## 8935 1997 153 9 benefits
## 8936 1997 153 12 technology
## 8937 1997 153 13 revolution
## 8938 1997 153 19 birthright
## 8939 1997 153 22 citizen
## 8940 1997 154 3 effort
## 8941 1997 154 7 classroom
## 8942 1997 154 11 beginning
## 8943 1997 155 6 hospital
## 8944 1997 155 9 Internet
## 8945 1997 155 13 doctors
## 8946 1997 155 17 data
## 8947 1997 155 20 patients
## 8948 1997 155 24 specialists
## 8949 1997 155 27 field
## 8950 1997 156 6 sector
## 8951 1997 156 13 children
## 8952 1997 156 15 hospital
## 8953 1997 156 24 child
## 8954 1997 156 26 bed
## 8955 1997 156 30 touch
## 8956 1997 156 32 school
## 8957 1997 156 34 family
## 8958 1997 156 37 friends
## 8959 1997 157 3 child
## 8960 1997 157 9 child
## 8961 1997 158 7 generation
## 8962 1997 158 10 Internet
## 8963 1997 158 15 universities
## 8964 1997 158 18 laboratories
## 8965 1997 158 22 speeds
## 8966 1997 158 24 times
## 8967 1997 158 33 treatments
## 8968 1997 158 36 sources
## 8969 1997 158 38 energy
## 8970 1997 158 41 ways
## 8971 1997 160 3 Internet
## 8972 1997 160 7 town
## 8973 1997 160 11 computer
## 8974 1997 160 14 home
## 8975 1997 160 17 teacher
## 8976 1997 160 20 subjects
## 8977 1997 160 23 connection
## 8978 1997 160 26 cultures
## 8979 1997 160 34 dream
## 8980 1997 160 37 necessity
## 8981 1997 161 9 goal
## 8982 1997 162 8 heavens
## 8983 1997 162 15 probes
## 8984 1997 162 19 space
## 8985 1997 162 20 station
## 8986 1997 162 28 applications
## 8987 1997 162 32 living
## 8988 1997 163 7 advances
## 8989 1997 163 10 science
## 8990 1997 164 4 project
## 8991 1997 164 10 mysteries
## 8992 1997 164 12 life
## 8993 1997 165 2 scientists
## 8994 1997 165 5 genes
## 8995 1997 165 8 breast
## 8996 1997 165 9 cancer
## 8997 1997 165 12 cancer
## 8998 1997 165 14 medication
## 8999 1997 165 18 stroke
## 9000 1997 165 20 progress
## 9001 1997 165 26 effects
## 9002 1997 165 28 treatments
## 9003 1997 165 33 lives
## 9004 1997 165 35 people
## 9005 1997 166 5 office
## 9006 1997 166 7 funding
## 9007 1997 166 10 research
## 9008 1997 167 3 resources
## 9009 1997 167 12 discovery
## 9010 1997 167 13 engine
## 9011 1997 167 17 vaccine
## 9012 1997 167 22 scientists
## 9013 1997 167 27 threat
## 9014 1997 168 4 year-
## 9015 1997 168 11 discovery
## 9016 1997 168 15 vaccine
## 9017 1997 168 20 lives
## 9018 1997 168 23 world
## 9019 1997 169 5 commitment
## 9020 1997 169 8 science
## 9021 1997 170 12 families
## 9022 1997 171 5 family
## 9023 1997 171 8 leave
## 9024 1997 171 9 law
## 9025 1997 171 17 time
## 9026 1997 171 23 families
## 9027 1997 172 3 pressures
## 9028 1997 172 5 people
## 9029 1997 172 8 way
## 9030 1997 172 19 family
## 9031 1997 172 23 workers
## 9032 1997 172 26 time
## 9033 1997 172 29 teacher
## 9034 1997 172 30 conferences
## 9035 1997 172 33 child
## 9036 1997 172 36 checkup
## 9037 1997 173 4 flextime
## 9038 1997 173 7 workers
## 9039 1997 173 14 overtime
## 9040 1997 173 16 income
## 9041 1997 173 22 time
## 9042 1997 173 28 families
## 9043 1997 174 6 step
## 9044 1997 174 8 step
## 9045 1997 174 13 families
## 9046 1997 174 14 access
## 9047 1997 174 18 quality
## 9048 1997 174 19 health
## 9049 1997 174 20 care
## 9050 1997 175 5 health
## 9051 1997 175 6 insurance
## 9052 1997 176 2 children
## 9053 1997 176 5 health
## 9054 1997 176 6 insurance
## 9055 1997 176 13 parents
## 9056 1997 176 16 taxes
## 9057 1997 178 3 budget
## 9058 1997 178 6 health
## 9059 1997 178 7 coverage
## 9060 1997 178 12 children
## 9061 1997 179 5 children
## 9062 1997 179 9 insurance
## 9063 1997 179 14 parents
## 9064 1997 179 19 job
## 9065 1997 179 22 budget
## 9066 1997 179 27 people
## 9067 1997 179 32 jobs
## 9068 1997 179 39 health
## 9069 1997 179 40 insurance
## 9070 1997 180 2 child
## 9071 1997 180 7 doctor
## 9072 1997 180 11 parent
## 9073 1997 180 15 job
## 9074 1997 181 4 plan
## 9075 1997 181 10 life
## 9076 1997 181 17 support
## 9077 1997 181 19 respite
## 9078 1997 181 20 care
## 9079 1997 181 24 families
## 9080 1997 181 27 ones
## 9081 1997 181 37 time
## 9082 1997 181 45 mammograms
## 9083 1997 182 6 drive
## 9084 1997 182 9 deliveries
## 9085 1997 182 11 babies
## 9086 1997 182 22 practice
## 9087 1997 182 25 women
## 9088 1997 182 29 hospital
## 9089 1997 182 31 hours
## 9090 1997 182 34 mastectomy
## 9091 1997 183 4 support
## 9092 1997 183 7 legislation
## 9093 1997 183 12 woman
## 9094 1997 183 17 hospital
## 9095 1997 183 22 mastectomy
## 9096 1997 184 10 surgeon
## 9097 1997 184 12 outrage
## 9098 1997 184 15 practice
## 9099 1997 184 19 movement
## 9100 1997 184 23 legislation
## 9101 1997 185 14 efforts
## 9102 1997 187 8 child
## 9103 1997 187 9 support
## 9104 1997 187 10 collections
## 9105 1997 188 13 felony
## 9106 1997 188 16 parent
## 9107 1997 188 21 line
## 9108 1997 188 24 attempt
## 9109 1997 188 35 obligation
## 9110 1997 189 9 children
## 9111 1997 189 12 firm
## 9112 1997 189 15 determination
## 9113 1997 189 19 advertising
## 9114 1997 189 21 marketing
## 9115 1997 189 23 cigarettes
## 9116 1997 189 27 lives
## 9117 1997 190 12 communities
## 9118 1997 191 6 streets
## 9119 1997 192 2 crime
## 9120 1997 193 2 key
## 9121 1997 193 5 community
## 9122 1997 194 5 job
## 9123 1997 194 9 community
## 9124 1997 194 10 police
## 9125 1997 194 13 streets
## 9126 1997 195 5 victims
## 9127 1997 195 7 rights
## 9128 1997 195 8 amendment
## 9129 1997 196 10 scale
## 9130 1997 196 11 assault
## 9131 1997 196 14 crime
## 9132 1997 196 16 legislation
## 9133 1997 196 19 war
## 9134 1997 196 21 gangs
## 9135 1997 196 24 prosecutors
## 9136 1997 196 27 penalties
## 9137 1997 196 32 bill
## 9138 1997 196 35 teen
## 9139 1997 196 36 criminals
## 9140 1997 196 43 handguns
## 9141 1997 196 46 child
## 9142 1997 196 47 safety
## 9143 1997 196 48 locks
## 9144 1997 196 50 handguns
## 9145 1997 196 54 use
## 9146 1997 196 61 schools
## 9147 1997 196 76 people
## 9148 1997 196 79 someplace
## 9149 1997 197 4 budget
## 9150 1997 197 8 antidrug
## 9151 1997 197 9 effort
## 9152 1997 197 14 drugs
## 9153 1997 197 17 source
## 9154 1997 197 29 people
## 9155 1997 197 31 drugs
## 9156 1997 197 35 drugs
## 9157 1997 197 40 drugs
## 9158 1997 199 4 economy
## 9159 1997 199 13 neighborhoods
## 9160 1997 200 12 conditions
## 9161 1997 200 16 families
## 9162 1997 200 22 jobs
## 9163 1997 200 24 investment
## 9164 1997 200 26 business
## 9165 1997 200 28 loans
## 9166 1997 200 30 banks
## 9167 1997 201 5 number
## 9168 1997 201 8 zones
## 9169 1997 202 7 hope
## 9170 1997 202 9 communities
## 9171 1997 202 15 unemployment
## 9172 1997 202 16 rate
## 9173 1997 203 6 land
## 9174 1997 203 8 buildings
## 9175 1997 203 11 use
## 9176 1997 204 5 network
## 9177 1997 204 7 community
## 9178 1997 204 8 development
## 9179 1997 204 9 banks
## 9180 1997 205 13 approach
## 9181 1997 205 18 sector
## 9182 1997 205 19 tax
## 9183 1997 205 20 incentives
## 9184 1997 205 33 place
## 9185 1997 205 43 face
## 9186 1997 205 47 world
## 9187 1997 206 6 environment
## 9188 1997 206 9 community
## 9189 1997 207 9 waste
## 9190 1997 207 10 sites
## 9191 1997 208 12 children
## 9192 1997 208 17 parks
## 9193 1997 208 20 poison
## 9194 1997 209 7 proposal
## 9195 1997 209 11 polluters
## 9196 1997 209 16 rule
## 9197 1997 209 22 environment
## 9198 1997 210 8 Nation
## 9199 1997 210 11 food
## 9200 1997 210 14 drinking
## 9201 1997 210 15 water
## 9202 1997 210 16 laws
## 9203 1997 211 11 land
## 9204 1997 211 16 region
## 9205 1997 211 22 parks
## 9206 1997 211 26 desert
## 9207 1997 212 9 rivers
## 9208 1997 212 15 lands
## 9209 1997 213 14 communities
## 9210 1997 213 19 waterfronts
## 9211 1997 213 23 pollution
## 9212 1997 213 26 rivers
## 9213 1997 213 36 economy
## 9214 1997 213 41 environment
## 9215 1997 214 8 environment
## 9216 1997 214 16 chemicals
## 9217 1997 214 21 greenhouse
## 9218 1997 214 22 gases
## 9219 1997 214 26 health
## 9220 1997 214 32 climate
## 9221 1997 215 12 communities
## 9222 1997 215 17 children
## 9223 1997 215 32 homes
## 9224 1997 215 34 schools
## 9225 1997 215 36 neighborhoods
## 9226 1997 216 5 rest
## 9227 1997 216 16 children
## 9228 1997 217 24 Presidents
## 9229 1997 218 4 service
## 9230 1997 218 5 program
## 9231 1997 218 14 people
## 9232 1997 218 18 way
## 9233 1997 218 20 college
## 9234 1997 219 14 ways
## 9235 1997 220 1 Citizen
## 9236 1997 220 2 service
## 9237 1997 220 6 responsibility
## 9238 1997 220 17 support
## 9239 1997 220 20 endeavor
## 9240 1997 221 10 point
## 9241 1997 221 14 community
## 9242 1997 222 2 economy
## 9243 1997 222 6 numbers
## 9244 1997 222 8 statistics
## 9245 1997 223 4 worth
## 9246 1997 223 12 values
## 9247 1997 223 16 spirit
## 9248 1997 224 9 efforts
## 9249 1997 224 13 arts
## 9250 1997 224 15 humanities
## 9251 1997 224 27 artists
## 9252 1997 224 29 musicians
## 9253 1997 224 32 writers
## 9254 1997 224 36 museums
## 9255 1997 224 38 libraries
## 9256 1997 224 41 theaters
## 9257 1997 225 8 arts
## 9258 1997 225 10 humanities
## 9259 1997 225 16 citizens
## 9260 1997 225 22 celebration
## 9261 1997 225 26 spirit
## 9262 1997 225 29 community
## 9263 1997 225 32 celebration
## 9264 1997 225 36 culture
## 9265 1997 225 46 one
## 9266 1997 225 58 world
## 9267 1997 225 60 beacon
## 9268 1997 225 64 liberty
## 9269 1997 225 67 creativity
## 9270 1997 225 71 fireworks
## 9271 1997 226 12 forces
## 9272 1997 226 14 change
## 9273 1997 226 17 world
## 9274 1997 226 21 leadership
## 9275 1997 226 28 time
## 9276 1997 227 10 institutions
## 9277 1997 227 13 victory
## 9278 1997 227 20 world
## 9279 1997 227 21 economy
## 9280 1997 228 3 result
## 9281 1997 228 7 people
## 9282 1997 228 12 ideals
## 9283 1997 228 16 interests
## 9284 1997 229 8 blocs
## 9285 1997 229 10 barriers
## 9286 1997 229 14 parents
## 9287 1997 229 16 world
## 9288 1997 230 4 time
## 9289 1997 230 7 people
## 9290 1997 230 10 democracy
## 9291 1997 230 12 dictatorship
## 9292 1997 230 16 nation
## 9293 1997 230 20 hemisphere
## 9294 1997 230 26 day
## 9295 1997 231 7 moment
## 9296 1997 231 9 change
## 9297 1997 231 11 choice
## 9298 1997 231 14 time
## 9299 1997 231 24 years
## 9300 1997 231 26 security
## 9301 1997 231 28 prosperity
## 9302 1997 232 3 endeavor
## 9303 1997 232 7 task
## 9304 1997 232 18 time
## 9305 1997 233 10 peace
## 9306 1997 234 3 end
## 9307 1997 234 14 countries
## 9308 1997 234 19 adversaries
## 9309 1997 234 23 allies
## 9310 1997 235 5 summit
## 9311 1997 236 11 allies
## 9312 1997 237 7 partnership
## 9313 1997 238 15 democracies
## 9314 1997 238 18 future
## 9315 1997 238 21 terms
## 9316 1997 238 32 terms
## 9317 1997 238 41 good
## 9318 1997 238 44 kind
## 9319 1997 240 2 security
## 9320 1997 241 4 wars
## 9321 1997 242 2 prosperity
## 9322 1997 243 3 jobs
## 9323 1997 243 6 trade
## 9324 1997 244 14 community
## 9325 1997 244 16 cooperation
## 9326 1997 244 19 conflict
## 9327 1997 245 3 progress
## 9328 1997 245 8 peril
## 9329 1997 246 8 peace
## 9330 1997 246 9 talks
## 9331 1997 246 16 divide
## 9332 1997 247 9 share
## 9333 1997 247 12 agreement
## 9334 1997 247 25 weapons
## 9335 1997 247 26 program
## 9336 1997 248 7 dialog
## 9337 1997 248 12 sake
## 9338 1997 248 15 interests
## 9339 1997 248 18 ideals
## 9340 1997 249 15 role
## 9341 1997 249 18 world
## 9342 1997 250 31 way
## 9343 1997 250 37 challenges
## 9344 1997 250 41 testing
## 9345 1997 250 49 differences
## 9346 1997 250 52 rights
## 9347 1997 251 4 people
## 9348 1997 251 10 economy
## 9349 1997 252 8 trade
## 9350 1997 252 9 barriers
## 9351 1997 252 17 jobs
## 9352 1997 252 19 home
## 9353 1997 253 7 today
## 9354 1997 253 15 nation
## 9355 1997 253 18 number
## 9356 1997 253 20 exporter
## 9357 1997 253 23 world
## 9358 1997 254 9 exports
## 9359 1997 254 22 regions
## 9360 1997 254 33 economies
## 9361 1997 254 36 ties
## 9362 1997 254 39 nations
## 9363 1997 255 7 authority
## 9364 1997 255 12 trade
## 9365 1997 255 13 agreements
## 9366 1997 255 16 markets
## 9367 1997 255 19 goods
## 9368 1997 255 21 services
## 9369 1997 255 27 values
## 9370 1997 256 8 challenge
## 9371 1997 256 12 economy
## 9372 1997 257 8 workers
## 9373 1997 257 12 products
## 9374 1997 258 5 market
## 9375 1997 259 8 economics
## 9376 1997 260 3 trade
## 9377 1997 260 9 cause
## 9378 1997 260 11 freedom
## 9379 1997 260 13 democracy
## 9380 1997 260 16 world
## 9381 1997 261 5 example
## 9382 1997 261 8 truth
## 9383 1997 261 13 democracy
## 9384 1997 261 16 markets
## 9385 1997 261 20 march
## 9386 1997 262 10 spring
## 9387 1997 262 15 tie
## 9388 1997 263 11 effort
## 9389 1997 263 15 neighbor
## 9390 1997 263 20 crisis
## 9391 1997 264 15 schedule
## 9392 1997 264 19 profit
## 9393 1997 265 9 force
## 9394 1997 265 11 peace
## 9395 1997 266 3 risks
## 9396 1997 266 5 peace
## 9397 1997 266 15 conflicts
## 9398 1997 267 4 leadership
## 9399 1997 267 7 killing
## 9400 1997 268 3 habits
## 9401 1997 268 5 peace
## 9402 1997 268 8 hold
## 9403 1997 269 4 force
## 9404 1997 269 7 reconstruction
## 9405 1997 269 9 reconciliation
## 9406 1997 270 9 support
## 9407 1997 270 12 troops
## 9408 1997 271 6 job
## 9409 1997 272 10 threats
## 9410 1997 272 13 security
## 9411 1997 273 10 way
## 9412 1997 273 14 agreement
## 9413 1997 273 18 testing
## 9414 1997 274 8 arsenals
## 9415 1997 274 17 citizens
## 9416 1997 275 7 materials
## 9417 1997 275 13 hands
## 9418 1997 275 18 world
## 9419 1997 275 20 landmines
## 9420 1997 276 6 nations
## 9421 1997 276 9 intensity
## 9422 1997 276 12 drug
## 9423 1997 276 13 traffickers
## 9424 1997 276 17 terrorists
## 9425 1997 277 9 test
## 9426 1997 277 11 leadership
## 9427 1997 278 3 mistake
## 9428 1997 279 5 troops
## 9429 1997 279 8 chemical
## 9430 1997 279 9 attack
## 9431 1997 280 7 terrorism
## 9432 1997 281 6 obligations
## 9433 1997 281 11 wake
## 9434 1997 282 2 treaty
## 9435 1997 282 8 beginning
## 9436 1997 282 15 administrations
## 9437 1997 282 20 Members
## 9438 1997 282 28 nations
## 9439 1997 283 12 convention
## 9440 1997 283 15 force
## 9441 1997 283 25 chance
## 9442 1997 283 33 effort
## 9443 1997 284 9 law
## 9444 1997 284 20 poison
## 9445 1997 284 21 gas
## 9446 1997 285 8 tools
## 9447 1997 285 13 challenges
## 9448 1997 286 8 military
## 9449 1997 287 4 funding
## 9450 1997 287 6 weapons
## 9451 1997 287 7 modernization
## 9452 1997 287 16 care
## 9453 1997 287 19 men
## 9454 1997 287 21 women
## 9455 1997 287 23 uniform
## 9456 1997 288 4 world
## 9457 1997 289 7 commitment
## 9458 1997 289 11 diplomacy
## 9459 1997 289 15 debts
## 9460 1997 289 17 dues
## 9461 1997 289 21 institutions
## 9462 1997 290 2 dollar
## 9463 1997 290 7 conflicts
## 9464 1997 290 11 democracy
## 9465 1997 290 16 spread
## 9466 1997 290 18 disease
## 9467 1997 290 20 starvation
## 9468 1997 290 25 return
## 9469 1997 290 27 security
## 9470 1997 290 29 savings
## 9471 1997 291 3 affairs
## 9472 1997 291 4 spending
## 9473 1997 291 11 budget
## 9474 1997 291 15 fraction
## 9475 1997 291 21 diplomacy
## 9476 1997 291 24 leadership
## 9477 1997 291 26 escapism
## 9478 1997 291 29 start
## 9479 1997 291 33 war
## 9480 1997 292 9 world
## 9481 1997 292 20 will
## 9482 1997 292 24 way
## 9483 1997 293 7 world
## 9484 1997 293 11 place
## 9485 1997 295 9 words
## 9486 1997 295 13 ears
## 9487 1997 295 17 world
## 9488 1997 296 22 country
## 9489 1997 296 26 responsibilities
## 9490 1997 296 28 leadership
## 9491 1997 297 4 warning
## 9492 1997 297 18 peace
## 9493 1997 297 21 world
## 9494 1997 297 29 welfare
## 9495 1997 297 32 Nation
## 9496 1997 298 15 call
## 9497 1997 299 6 commitments
## 9498 1997 299 10 country
## 9499 1997 301 11 nation
## 9500 1997 302 4 end
## 9501 1997 302 12 world
## 9502 1997 302 13 leadership
## 9503 1997 302 18 power
## 9504 1997 302 21 example
## 9505 1997 302 24 home
## 9506 1997 302 29 ability
## 9507 1997 303 4 world
## 9508 1997 303 6 people
## 9509 1997 303 18 conflicts
## 9510 1997 303 20 fuel
## 9511 1997 303 21 fanaticism
## 9512 1997 303 23 terror
## 9513 1997 304 4 world
## 9514 1997 304 8 democracy
## 9515 1997 304 12 world
## 9516 1997 304 29 kinds
## 9517 1997 304 31 differences
## 9518 1997 305 7 nation
## 9519 1997 305 9 immigrants
## 9520 1997 306 3 start
## 9521 1997 306 7 stream
## 9522 1997 306 9 people
## 9523 1997 306 11 search
## 9524 1997 306 13 freedom
## 9525 1997 306 15 opportunity
## 9526 1997 306 20 lands
## 9527 1997 306 24 land
## 9528 1997 306 26 home
## 9529 1997 307 5 experiment
## 9530 1997 307 7 democracy
## 9531 1997 308 6 experiment
## 9532 1997 308 9 diversity
## 9533 1997 308 12 openness
## 9534 1997 308 14 promise
## 9535 1997 309 3 fellow
## 9536 1997 309 14 diversity
## 9537 1997 309 17 weakness
## 9538 1997 310 5 strength
## 9539 1997 311 4 language
## 9540 1997 311 8 country
## 9541 1997 312 1 People
## 9542 1997 312 4 continent
## 9543 1997 312 12 reflection
## 9544 1997 312 17 potential
## 9545 1997 312 34 citizens
## 9546 1997 312 38 background
## 9547 1997 312 41 opportunity
## 9548 1997 312 46 greatness
## 9549 1997 314 4 evidence
## 9550 1997 314 7 bigotry
## 9551 1997 314 9 intolerance
## 9552 1997 314 12 words
## 9553 1997 314 15 violence
## 9554 1997 314 19 churches
## 9555 1997 314 22 buildings
## 9556 1997 315 9 country
## 9557 1997 315 13 hearts
## 9558 1997 316 11 country
## 9559 1997 316 15 pastors
## 9560 1997 317 12 foundations
## 9561 1997 317 15 generations
## 9562 1997 317 23 repairer
## 9563 1997 317 26 breach
## 9564 1997 317 29 restorer
## 9565 1997 317 31 paths
## 9566 1997 318 4 hand
## 9567 1997 318 7 verse
## 9568 1997 318 12 oath
## 9569 1997 318 14 office
## 9570 1997 318 17 behalf
## 9571 1997 318 27 differences
## 9572 1997 318 30 faiths
## 9573 1997 318 33 backgrounds
## 9574 1997 318 36 politics
## 9575 1997 318 42 repairers
## 9576 1997 318 45 breach
## 9577 1997 319 7 word
## 9578 1997 320 11 family
## 9579 1997 322 15 country
## 9580 1997 323 13 future
## 9581 1997 324 6 service
## 9582 1997 324 11 mother
## 9583 1997 324 17 sister
## 9584 1997 326 18 history
## 9585 1997 326 21 country
## 9586 1997 327 5 son
## 9587 1997 327 15 immigrants
## 9588 1997 327 23 work
## 9589 1997 327 25 family
## 9590 1997 327 26 values
## 9591 1997 327 30 citizenship
## 9592 1997 328 4 future
## 9593 1997 331 28 roots
## 9594 1997 331 30 lives
## 9595 1997 332 7 past
## 9596 1997 332 16 future
## 9597 1997 333 8 mission
## 9598 1997 333 11 foundation
## 9599 1997 333 14 generations
## 9600 1997 333 18 strength
## 9601 1997 334 1 Money
## 9602 1997 335 1 Power
## 9603 1997 336 1 Technology
## 9604 1997 337 8 spirit
## 9605 1997 338 8 place
## 9606 1997 339 4 idea
## 9607 1997 339 9 idea
## 9608 1997 339 12 history
## 9609 1997 339 14 nations
## 9610 1997 340 13 bearers
## 9611 1997 340 16 idea
## 9612 1997 340 21 people
## 9613 1997 340 25 world
## 9614 1997 341 2 child
## 9615 1997 341 9 memory
## 9616 1997 342 3 child
## 9617 1997 343 7 moment
## 9618 1997 344 8 days
## 9619 1997 344 16 people
## 9620 1997 344 27 bridge
## 9621 1997 344 30 land
## 9622 1997 344 33 promise
## 9623 1997 345 7 work
## 9624 1998 2 8 Members
## 9625 1998 2 13 guests
## 9626 1998 2 22 time
## 9627 1998 2 31 patriots
## 9628 1998 2 35 servants
## 9629 1998 3 6 sides
## 9630 1998 3 9 aisle
## 9631 1998 3 17 love
## 9632 1998 3 24 commitment
## 9633 1998 3 28 lives
## 9634 1998 3 32 people
## 9635 1998 5 10 message
## 9636 1998 5 13 families
## 9637 1998 5 16 friends
## 9638 1998 5 21 lives
## 9639 1998 5 24 thanks
## 9640 1998 5 27 service
## 9641 1998 5 30 Nation
## 9642 1998 6 11 duty
## 9643 1998 6 18 state
## 9644 1998 7 5 work
## 9645 1998 7 8 purpose
## 9646 1998 7 12 people
## 9647 1998 7 17 times
## 9648 1998 8 7 jobs
## 9649 1998 8 11 unemployment
## 9650 1998 8 17 core
## 9651 1998 8 18 inflation
## 9652 1998 8 22 incomes
## 9653 1998 8 31 homeownership
## 9654 1998 8 33 history
## 9655 1998 9 1 Crime
## 9656 1998 9 9 welfare
## 9657 1998 9 10 rolls
## 9658 1998 9 15 levels
## 9659 1998 10 2 leadership
## 9660 1998 10 5 world
## 9661 1998 11 1 Ladies
## 9662 1998 11 3 gentlemen
## 9663 1998 11 6 state
## 9664 1998 12 13 time
## 9665 1998 13 4 time
## 9666 1998 13 13 reach
## 9667 1998 13 21 chance
## 9668 1998 13 27 work
## 9669 1998 13 31 citizen
## 9670 1998 13 37 community
## 9671 1998 13 40 families
## 9672 1998 13 44 schools
## 9673 1998 13 52 people
## 9674 1998 13 57 college
## 9675 1998 13 62 scientists
## 9676 1998 13 64 cures
## 9677 1998 13 66 diseases
## 9678 1998 13 68 diabetes
## 9679 1998 13 79 child
## 9680 1998 13 83 hand
## 9681 1998 13 86 keyboard
## 9682 1998 13 90 book
## 9683 1998 13 95 painting
## 9684 1998 13 100 symphony
## 9685 1998 13 105 government
## 9686 1998 13 107 opportunity
## 9687 1998 13 109 citizens
## 9688 1998 13 112 responsibility
## 9689 1998 13 119 communities
## 9690 1998 13 126 world
## 9691 1998 13 129 heights
## 9692 1998 13 131 peace
## 9693 1998 13 133 prosperity
## 9694 1998 14 20 children
## 9695 1998 14 28 work
## 9696 1998 14 30 hand
## 9697 1998 16 9 change
## 9698 1998 16 13 ways
## 9699 1998 16 18 time
## 9700 1998 17 5 gathering
## 9701 1998 17 6 force
## 9702 1998 17 9 ground
## 9703 1998 17 14 feet
## 9704 1998 17 21 information
## 9705 1998 17 22 age
## 9706 1998 17 26 economy
## 9707 1998 17 31 world
## 9708 1998 18 9 challenge
## 9709 1998 18 12 changes
## 9710 1998 18 19 turning
## 9711 1998 18 20 point
## 9712 1998 18 23 history
## 9713 1998 18 29 idea
## 9714 1998 18 35 circle
## 9715 1998 18 37 opportunity
## 9716 1998 18 41 meaning
## 9717 1998 18 44 freedom
## 9718 1998 19 6 kind
## 9719 1998 19 11 information
## 9720 1998 19 12 age
## 9721 1998 20 8 leadership
## 9722 1998 20 14 support
## 9723 1998 20 18 Government
## 9724 1998 20 27 catalyst
## 9725 1998 20 30 ideas
## 9726 1998 20 38 Government
## 9727 1998 20 43 people
## 9728 1998 20 45 tools
## 9729 1998 20 55 lives
## 9730 1998 21 8 debate
## 9731 1998 21 13 government
## 9732 1998 21 16 enemy
## 9733 1998 21 21 government
## 9734 1998 21 24 answer
## 9735 1998 22 10 way
## 9736 1998 23 5 Government
## 9737 1998 24 5 Government
## 9738 1998 24 10 Nation
## 9739 1998 25 14 economy
## 9740 1998 25 17 opportunity
## 9741 1998 25 20 society
## 9742 1998 25 23 responsibility
## 9743 1998 25 27 nation
## 9744 1998 25 32 community
## 9745 1998 26 11 Nation
## 9746 1998 26 16 strategy
## 9747 1998 26 18 prosperity
## 9748 1998 26 21 discipline
## 9749 1998 26 24 interest
## 9750 1998 26 25 rates
## 9751 1998 26 28 growth
## 9752 1998 26 30 investments
## 9753 1998 26 32 education
## 9754 1998 26 34 skills
## 9755 1998 26 37 science
## 9756 1998 26 39 technology
## 9757 1998 26 41 transportation
## 9758 1998 26 46 people
## 9759 1998 26 50 economy
## 9760 1998 26 53 markets
## 9761 1998 26 56 products
## 9762 1998 26 59 workers
## 9763 1998 27 5 office
## 9764 1998 27 8 deficit
## 9765 1998 28 4 deficit
## 9766 1998 29 5 Presidents
## 9767 1998 29 14 damage
## 9768 1998 29 15 deficits
## 9769 1998 29 19 Nation
## 9770 1998 30 11 deficit
## 9771 1998 31 11 budget
## 9772 1998 32 8 discipline
## 9773 1998 32 14 budget
## 9774 1998 32 18 schedule
## 9775 1998 33 13 sea
## 9776 1998 33 16 ink
## 9777 1998 33 21 miracle
## 9778 1998 34 4 product
## 9779 1998 34 7 work
## 9780 1998 34 11 people
## 9781 1998 34 16 actions
## 9782 1998 34 22 vote
## 9783 1998 34 29 cut
## 9784 1998 34 32 deficit
## 9785 1998 34 42 budget
## 9786 1998 34 43 agreement
## 9787 1998 35 6 news
## 9788 1998 35 12 resolve
## 9789 1998 35 18 budgets
## 9790 1998 35 23 eye
## 9791 1998 36 9 spending
## 9792 1998 36 12 tax
## 9793 1998 36 13 cuts
## 9794 1998 36 15 risk
## 9795 1998 36 18 deficit
## 9796 1998 37 8 tax
## 9797 1998 37 9 cuts
## 9798 1998 37 15 class
## 9799 1998 37 16 family
## 9800 1998 37 22 tax
## 9801 1998 37 23 rates
## 9802 1998 38 2 plan
## 9803 1998 38 6 budget
## 9804 1998 38 11 investments
## 9805 1998 38 14 tax
## 9806 1998 38 15 cuts
## 9807 1998 38 19 needs
## 9808 1998 38 22 families
## 9809 1998 38 25 education
## 9810 1998 38 28 child
## 9811 1998 38 29 care
## 9812 1998 38 33 environment
## 9813 1998 39 5 issue
## 9814 1998 39 7 tax
## 9815 1998 39 8 cuts
## 9816 1998 39 10 spending
## 9817 1998 39 20 test
## 9818 1998 39 25 priorities
## 9819 1998 39 34 dime
## 9820 1998 39 37 deficit
## 9821 1998 40 8 budget
## 9822 1998 40 22 surplus
## 9823 1998 41 8 surplus
## 9824 1998 42 7 word
## 9825 1998 42 8 answer
## 9826 1998 44 2 Tonight
## 9827 1998 44 11 surplus-;that
## 9828 1998 44 23 measures
## 9829 1998 44 28 system
## 9830 1998 46 5 commitment
## 9831 1998 48 11 people
## 9832 1998 48 24 discussion
## 9833 1998 48 29 issues
## 9834 1998 48 35 consensus
## 9835 1998 49 7 forums
## 9836 1998 49 10 region
## 9837 1998 49 13 country
## 9838 1998 49 19 lawmakers
## 9839 1998 49 22 parties
## 9840 1998 50 6 conference
## 9841 1998 51 8 leaders
## 9842 1998 51 16 legislation
## 9843 1998 51 20 landmark
## 9844 1998 51 23 generation
## 9845 1998 51 27 system
## 9846 1998 52 4 economy
## 9847 1998 52 7 opportunity
## 9848 1998 52 17 rewards
## 9849 1998 52 19 prosperity
## 9850 1998 53 3 times
## 9851 1998 53 16 step
## 9852 1998 53 21 workers
## 9853 1998 53 27 families
## 9854 1998 53 33 minimum
## 9855 1998 53 34 wage
## 9856 1998 54 3 information
## 9857 1998 54 4 age
## 9858 1998 54 12 education
## 9859 1998 54 13 age
## 9860 1998 54 17 education
## 9861 1998 54 21 birth
## 9862 1998 54 26 lifetime
## 9863 1998 55 5 podium
## 9864 1998 55 10 education
## 9865 1998 55 16 priority
## 9866 1998 56 6 plan
## 9867 1998 56 18 politics
## 9868 1998 56 22 schoolhouse
## 9869 1998 56 23 door
## 9870 1998 57 6 party
## 9871 1998 57 7 lines-
## 9872 1998 57 12 people
## 9873 1998 57 19 education
## 9874 1998 57 22 generation
## 9875 1998 57 26 school
## 9876 1998 57 27 choice
## 9877 1998 57 31 way
## 9878 1998 57 35 charter
## 9879 1998 57 36 schools
## 9880 1998 57 42 classroom
## 9881 1998 57 45 country
## 9882 1998 57 48 information
## 9883 1998 57 49 superhighway
## 9884 1998 57 59 children
## 9885 1998 57 68 college
## 9886 1998 57 69 students
## 9887 1998 57 73 schools
## 9888 1998 58 11 grant
## 9889 1998 58 12 scholarships
## 9890 1998 58 15 students
## 9891 1998 59 1 Student
## 9892 1998 59 2 loans
## 9893 1998 59 16 interest
## 9894 1998 60 1 Families
## 9895 1998 60 9 savings
## 9896 1998 60 12 tax
## 9897 1998 60 15 education
## 9898 1998 61 7 college
## 9899 1998 61 9 families
## 9900 1998 61 15 tax
## 9901 1998 61 18 scholarship
## 9902 1998 61 23 cost
## 9903 1998 61 26 community
## 9904 1998 61 27 college
## 9905 1998 61 28 tuition
## 9906 1998 62 7 graduate
## 9907 1998 62 8 school
## 9908 1998 62 11 job
## 9909 1998 62 12 training
## 9910 1998 62 17 lifetime
## 9911 1998 62 18 learning
## 9912 1998 62 19 credit
## 9913 1998 64 6 actions
## 9914 1998 64 15 family
## 9915 1998 65 2 children
## 9916 1998 65 7 college
## 9917 1998 66 5 child
## 9918 1998 66 9 family
## 9919 1998 66 23 college
## 9920 1998 67 6 couple
## 9921 1998 67 9 bills
## 9922 1998 67 20 children
## 9923 1998 67 22 college
## 9924 1998 67 32 children
## 9925 1998 67 37 college
## 9926 1998 68 12 end
## 9927 1998 68 13 job
## 9928 1998 68 21 classes
## 9929 1998 68 26 jobs
## 9930 1998 68 29 rest
## 9931 1998 68 32 life
## 9932 1998 68 46 college
## 9933 1998 69 4 things
## 9934 1998 69 13 college
## 9935 1998 69 20 school
## 9936 1998 70 3 friends
## 9937 1998 70 9 face
## 9938 1998 70 11 future
## 9939 1998 71 7 doors
## 9940 1998 71 10 world
## 9941 1998 71 13 system
## 9942 1998 71 16 education
## 9943 1998 72 10 schools
## 9944 1998 72 12 world
## 9945 1998 72 21 standards
## 9946 1998 72 24 expectations
## 9947 1998 72 28 accountability
## 9948 1998 73 1 Thanks
## 9949 1998 73 4 actions
## 9950 1998 73 19 time
## 9951 1998 73 24 test
## 9952 1998 73 28 standards
## 9953 1998 73 31 grade
## 9954 1998 73 32 reading
## 9955 1998 73 35 grade
## 9956 1998 73 36 math
## 9957 1998 74 1 Parents
## 9958 1998 74 4 right
## 9959 1998 74 9 children
## 9960 1998 74 13 basics
## 9961 1998 75 3 parent
## 9962 1998 75 10 teachers
## 9963 1998 75 13 classes
## 9964 1998 76 2 Tonight
## 9965 1998 76 9 effort
## 9966 1998 76 12 class
## 9967 1998 76 13 size
## 9968 1998 76 17 grades
## 9969 1998 77 3 budget
## 9970 1998 77 10 teachers
## 9971 1998 77 16 competency
## 9972 1998 77 17 test
## 9973 1998 78 5 teachers-;listen-;with
## 9974 1998 78 7 teachers
## 9975 1998 78 16 class
## 9976 1998 78 17 size
## 9977 1998 78 24 grades
## 9978 1998 78 27 average
## 9979 1998 78 30 students
## 9980 1998 78 32 class
## 9981 1998 79 7 math
## 9982 1998 79 8 right
## 9983 1998 79 11 teachers
## 9984 1998 79 14 classes
## 9985 1998 79 17 classrooms
## 9986 1998 80 6 school
## 9987 1998 80 7 construction
## 9988 1998 80 8 tax
## 9989 1998 80 9 cut
## 9990 1998 80 12 communities
## 9991 1998 80 17 schools
## 9992 1998 81 7 accountability
## 9993 1998 82 5 child
## 9994 1998 82 7 grade
## 9995 1998 82 9 grade
## 9996 1998 82 15 work
## 9997 1998 82 22 child
## 9998 1998 82 24 favors
## 9999 1998 83 3 time
## 10000 1998 83 7 promotion
## 10001 1998 83 11 schools
## 10002 1998 84 13 children
## 10003 1998 85 4 promotion
## 10004 1998 85 9 school
## 10005 1998 85 12 students
## 10006 1998 86 6 communities
## 10007 1998 86 10 lead
## 10008 1998 87 9 children
## 10009 1998 87 21 tools
## 10010 1998 88 10 efforts
## 10011 1998 88 13 colleges
## 10012 1998 88 15 universities
## 10013 1998 88 21 children
## 10014 1998 88 27 grade
## 10015 1998 88 35 guidance
## 10016 1998 88 56 college
## 10017 1998 89 9 economy
## 10018 1998 89 14 opportunity
## 10019 1998 89 18 home
## 10020 1998 89 23 markets
## 10021 1998 89 26 world
## 10022 1998 90 6 economy
## 10023 1998 91 8 way
## 10024 1998 91 12 markets
## 10025 1998 91 16 trade
## 10026 1998 91 17 agreements
## 10027 1998 91 21 barriers
## 10028 1998 91 23 products
## 10029 1998 91 27 stamp
## 10030 1998 92 5 exports
## 10031 1998 92 13 growth
## 10032 1998 93 12 way
## 10033 1998 93 25 world
## 10034 1998 94 9 views
## 10035 1998 94 19 opportunity
## 10036 1998 95 5 opposition
## 10037 1998 95 9 trade
## 10038 1998 95 10 agreements
## 10039 1998 96 11 opposition
## 10040 1998 96 16 fears
## 10041 1998 96 22 trading
## 10042 1998 96 23 partners
## 10043 1998 96 29 labor
## 10044 1998 96 30 standards
## 10045 1998 96 37 advantage
## 10046 1998 96 40 market
## 10047 1998 96 45 people
## 10048 1998 96 47 favors
## 10049 1998 96 54 business
## 10050 1998 96 65 trade
## 10051 1998 96 70 workers
## 10052 1998 96 74 jobs
## 10053 1998 97 8 worker
## 10054 1998 97 11 standards
## 10055 1998 97 14 world
## 10056 1998 98 12 part
## 10057 1998 98 15 trade
## 10058 1998 98 16 agenda
## 10059 1998 99 7 countries
## 10060 1998 99 9 decisions
## 10061 1998 99 15 message
## 10062 1998 99 22 trade
## 10063 1998 100 3 year
## 10064 1998 100 7 legislation
## 10065 1998 100 14 nations
## 10066 1998 100 24 labor
## 10067 1998 100 25 practice
## 10068 1998 100 30 child
## 10069 1998 100 31 labor
## 10070 1998 101 5 help
## 10071 1998 101 17 marketplace
## 10072 1998 101 21 march
## 10073 1998 101 23 technology
## 10074 1998 101 32 trade
## 10075 1998 102 9 funding
## 10076 1998 102 13 workers
## 10077 1998 103 5 budget
## 10078 1998 103 12 funding
## 10079 1998 104 15 workers
## 10080 1998 104 19 jobs
## 10081 1998 104 22 reason
## 10082 1998 105 7 communities
## 10083 1998 105 11 way
## 10084 1998 105 15 base
## 10085 1998 105 26 way
## 10086 1998 105 29 factory
## 10087 1998 106 11 work
## 10088 1998 106 15 tangle
## 10089 1998 106 17 training
## 10090 1998 106 18 programs
## 10091 1998 106 27 bill
## 10092 1998 106 30 workers
## 10093 1998 106 34 skills
## 10094 1998 106 35 grant
## 10095 1998 106 37 people
## 10096 1998 106 48 jobs
## 10097 1998 106 52 incomes
## 10098 1998 106 56 futures
## 10099 1998 107 8 way
## 10100 1998 107 10 life
## 10101 1998 107 12 change
## 10102 1998 107 40 benefits
## 10103 1998 108 5 picture
## 10104 1998 108 17 trade
## 10105 1998 108 18 agreements
## 10106 1998 108 27 jobs
## 10107 1998 109 8 partnerships
## 10108 1998 110 14 support
## 10109 1998 111 6 request
## 10110 1998 111 11 track
## 10111 1998 111 12 negotiating
## 10112 1998 111 13 authority
## 10113 1998 111 19 markets
## 10114 1998 111 24 jobs
## 10115 1998 112 13 ways
## 10116 1998 112 20 world
## 10117 1998 112 22 economies
## 10118 1998 113 5 crisis
## 10119 1998 113 9 economies
## 10120 1998 114 6 problems
## 10121 1998 116 4 countries
## 10122 1998 116 7 customers
## 10123 1998 117 5 recession
## 10124 1998 117 15 goods
## 10125 1998 118 7 competitors
## 10126 1998 119 4 currencies
## 10127 1998 119 7 value
## 10128 1998 119 14 price
## 10129 1998 119 17 goods
## 10130 1998 119 23 market
## 10131 1998 119 25 others
## 10132 1998 119 29 goods
## 10133 1998 119 35 lot
## 10134 1998 119 39 people
## 10135 1998 120 8 partners
## 10136 1998 121 2 stability
## 10137 1998 121 5 security
## 10138 1998 122 4 economy
## 10139 1998 122 17 way
## 10140 1998 123 4 turmoil
## 10141 1998 123 10 impact
## 10142 1998 123 14 world
## 10143 1998 123 16 economies
## 10144 1998 123 24 impact
## 10145 1998 123 32 thing
## 10146 1998 123 40 thing
## 10147 1998 123 46 world
## 10148 1998 124 3 policy
## 10149 1998 124 8 nation
## 10150 1998 125 3 nations
## 10151 1998 125 10 reform
## 10152 1998 126 10 commitment
## 10153 1998 127 10 people
## 10154 1998 127 24 storm
## 10155 1998 127 29 shores
## 10156 1998 127 36 thunder
## 10157 1998 127 39 clouds
## 10158 1998 128 4 nation
## 10159 1998 128 8 rock
## 10160 1998 128 10 responsibility
## 10161 1998 129 2 society
## 10162 1998 129 5 responsibility
## 10163 1998 129 10 value
## 10164 1998 129 12 work
## 10165 1998 129 15 welfare
## 10166 1998 130 9 fingerpointing
## 10167 1998 130 11 failure
## 10168 1998 130 18 welfare
## 10169 1998 130 19 system
## 10170 1998 131 6 welfare
## 10171 1998 131 7 checks
## 10172 1998 131 9 paychecks
## 10173 1998 132 8 decline
## 10174 1998 132 10 welfare
## 10175 1998 132 11 rolls
## 10176 1998 132 16 Nation
## 10177 1998 132 23 welfare
## 10178 1998 133 11 goal
## 10179 1998 133 16 schedule
## 10180 1998 134 6 achievement
## 10181 1998 134 9 sum
## 10182 1998 134 12 acts
## 10183 1998 134 15 courage
## 10184 1998 134 17 persistence
## 10185 1998 134 20 hope
## 10186 1998 135 14 welfare
## 10187 1998 136 9 van
## 10188 1998 136 10 company
## 10189 1998 137 5 money
## 10190 1998 137 9 family
## 10191 1998 137 13 neighborhood
## 10192 1998 137 20 welfare
## 10193 1998 137 21 recipients
## 10194 1998 137 24 work
## 10195 1998 138 10 heroes
## 10196 1998 138 13 welfare
## 10197 1998 138 14 revolution
## 10198 1998 143 6 lot
## 10199 1998 143 17 welfare
## 10200 1998 143 18 reform
## 10201 1998 143 20 success-;providing
## 10202 1998 143 21 child
## 10203 1998 143 22 care
## 10204 1998 143 25 families
## 10205 1998 143 30 jobs
## 10206 1998 143 34 companies
## 10207 1998 143 38 welfare
## 10208 1998 143 42 work
## 10209 1998 143 43 partnership
## 10210 1998 143 46 child
## 10211 1998 143 47 support
## 10212 1998 143 48 collections
## 10213 1998 143 51 parents
## 10214 1998 143 55 duty
## 10215 1998 143 60 children
## 10216 1998 144 12 benefits
## 10217 1998 144 14 immigrants
## 10218 1998 144 30 job
## 10219 1998 145 11 families
## 10220 1998 145 17 responsibilities
## 10221 1998 146 10 health
## 10222 1998 146 11 insurance
## 10223 1998 146 15 jobs
## 10224 1998 147 4 health
## 10225 1998 147 5 care
## 10226 1998 147 8 children
## 10227 1998 148 10 steps
## 10228 1998 149 6 citizens
## 10229 1998 149 10 care
## 10230 1998 149 11 plans
## 10231 1998 150 2 plans
## 10232 1998 150 4 money
## 10233 1998 150 10 care
## 10234 1998 151 3 decisions
## 10235 1998 151 10 doctors
## 10236 1998 151 13 insurance
## 10237 1998 151 14 company
## 10238 1998 151 15 accountants
## 10239 1998 152 9 aisle
## 10240 1998 152 13 law
## 10241 1998 152 15 consumer
## 10242 1998 152 16 bill
## 10243 1998 152 18 rights
## 10244 1998 152 26 right
## 10245 1998 152 32 options
## 10246 1998 153 4 right
## 10247 1998 153 8 doctor
## 10248 1998 153 13 care
## 10249 1998 154 4 right
## 10250 1998 154 6 emergency
## 10251 1998 154 7 room
## 10252 1998 154 8 care
## 10253 1998 155 4 right
## 10254 1998 155 9 records
## 10255 1998 156 2 care
## 10256 1998 156 5 care
## 10257 1998 156 10 quality
## 10258 1998 156 11 care
## 10259 1998 157 9 health
## 10260 1998 157 10 insurance
## 10261 1998 158 13 coverage
## 10262 1998 158 16 spouses
## 10263 1998 159 3 lifetime
## 10264 1998 159 5 work
## 10265 1998 160 15 system
## 10266 1998 161 6 dime
## 10267 1998 161 9 deficit
## 10268 1998 161 13 peace
## 10269 1998 161 15 mind
## 10270 1998 162 7 parents
## 10271 1998 162 10 children
## 10272 1998 162 14 health
## 10273 1998 162 15 threat
## 10274 1998 162 21 epidemic
## 10275 1998 162 24 smoking
## 10276 1998 162 29 marketing
## 10277 1998 162 30 campaigns
## 10278 1998 163 11 legislation
## 10279 1998 163 16 health
## 10280 1998 163 20 tobacco
## 10281 1998 163 21 farmers
## 10282 1998 163 26 way
## 10283 1998 163 27 tobacco
## 10284 1998 163 28 companies
## 10285 1998 163 30 business
## 10286 1998 164 9 teen
## 10287 1998 164 10 smoking
## 10288 1998 165 5 price
## 10289 1998 165 7 cigarettes
## 10290 1998 165 12 dollar
## 10291 1998 165 17 pack
## 10292 1998 165 22 penalties
## 10293 1998 165 25 tobacco
## 10294 1998 165 26 industry
## 10295 1998 165 33 children
## 10296 1998 166 7 children
## 10297 1998 166 19 result
## 10298 1998 167 12 lives
## 10299 1998 168 5 economy
## 10300 1998 168 8 parents
## 10301 1998 169 5 struggle
## 10302 1998 169 9 obligations
## 10303 1998 169 13 workers
## 10304 1998 169 19 obligations
## 10305 1998 169 23 parents
## 10306 1998 170 6 bill
## 10307 1998 170 13 law
## 10308 1998 171 5 people
## 10309 1998 171 8 advantage
## 10310 1998 171 17 lot
## 10311 1998 171 23 country
## 10312 1998 172 7 law
## 10313 1998 172 12 workers
## 10314 1998 172 16 parents
## 10315 1998 172 17 time
## 10316 1998 172 26 children
## 10317 1998 172 28 teachers
## 10318 1998 172 34 doctor
## 10319 1998 173 2 Child
## 10320 1998 173 3 care
## 10321 1998 173 7 frontier
## 10322 1998 173 13 people
## 10323 1998 173 17 home
## 10324 1998 173 20 work
## 10325 1998 174 13 experts
## 10326 1998 175 3 corners
## 10327 1998 175 11 message
## 10328 1998 175 14 regard
## 10329 1998 175 16 region
## 10330 1998 175 18 income
## 10331 1998 175 21 affiliation
## 10332 1998 175 29 quality
## 10333 1998 175 31 child
## 10334 1998 175 32 care
## 10335 1998 178 6 plan
## 10336 1998 178 9 families
## 10337 1998 178 13 child
## 10338 1998 178 14 care
## 10339 1998 178 19 children
## 10340 1998 178 21 scholarships
## 10341 1998 178 23 background
## 10342 1998 178 24 checks
## 10343 1998 178 26 child
## 10344 1998 178 27 care
## 10345 1998 178 28 workers
## 10346 1998 178 33 emphasis
## 10347 1998 178 36 learning
## 10348 1998 178 38 tax
## 10349 1998 178 39 credits
## 10350 1998 178 41 businesses
## 10351 1998 178 44 child
## 10352 1998 178 45 care
## 10353 1998 178 48 employees
## 10354 1998 178 53 child
## 10355 1998 178 54 care
## 10356 1998 178 55 tax
## 10357 1998 178 56 credit
## 10358 1998 178 59 families
## 10359 1998 179 7 plan
## 10360 1998 179 15 family
## 10361 1998 179 20 income
## 10362 1998 179 26 child
## 10363 1998 179 27 care
## 10364 1998 179 28 costs
## 10365 1998 179 36 income
## 10366 1998 179 37 tax
## 10367 1998 180 9 issue
## 10368 1998 180 17 experience
## 10369 1998 181 7 mother
## 10370 1998 181 14 widow
## 10371 1998 181 24 school
## 10372 1998 181 28 education
## 10373 1998 181 37 grandparents
## 10374 1998 181 44 care
## 10375 1998 183 4 families
## 10376 1998 183 10 opportunity
## 10377 1998 184 2 truth
## 10378 1998 184 10 answer
## 10379 1998 184 13 question
## 10380 1998 185 7 answer
## 10381 1998 185 15 family
## 10382 1998 185 23 job
## 10383 1998 185 28 child
## 10384 1998 186 3 society
## 10385 1998 186 6 responsibility
## 10386 1998 186 10 streets
## 10387 1998 186 13 schools
## 10388 1998 186 17 neighborhoods
## 10389 1998 187 4 strategy
## 10390 1998 187 7 police
## 10391 1998 187 10 punishment
## 10392 1998 187 13 prevention
## 10393 1998 187 17 partnerships
## 10394 1998 187 20 law
## 10395 1998 187 21 enforcement
## 10396 1998 187 23 citizen
## 10397 1998 187 24 groups
## 10398 1998 187 28 rubber
## 10399 1998 187 31 road
## 10400 1998 189 2 crime
## 10401 1998 189 6 robbery
## 10402 1998 189 10 assault
## 10403 1998 189 14 burglary
## 10404 1998 190 6 job
## 10405 1998 190 11 police
## 10406 1998 190 14 streets
## 10407 1998 191 11 crime
## 10408 1998 191 12 bill
## 10409 1998 191 16 prosecutors
## 10410 1998 191 18 probation
## 10411 1998 191 19 officers
## 10412 1998 191 25 gangs
## 10413 1998 191 27 guns
## 10414 1998 191 29 drugs
## 10415 1998 191 34 juveniles
## 10416 1998 191 37 guns
## 10417 1998 191 39 life
## 10418 1998 192 9 support
## 10419 1998 192 13 school
## 10420 1998 192 14 programs
## 10421 1998 193 10 crime
## 10422 1998 194 8 children
## 10423 1998 194 11 trouble
## 10424 1998 194 15 place
## 10425 1998 194 20 someplace
## 10426 1998 194 26 streets
## 10427 1998 195 2 Drug
## 10428 1998 195 3 use
## 10429 1998 195 7 decline
## 10430 1998 196 7 leadership
## 10431 1998 196 18 antidrug
## 10432 1998 196 19 budget
## 10433 1998 196 21 history
## 10434 1998 197 10 groundbreaking
## 10435 1998 197 11 effort
## 10436 1998 197 18 agents
## 10437 1998 197 27 technologies
## 10438 1998 197 32 door
## 10439 1998 197 34 drugs
## 10440 1998 197 37 borders
## 10441 1998 198 2 Police
## 10442 1998 198 4 prosecutors
## 10443 1998 198 7 prevention
## 10444 1998 198 8 programs
## 10445 1998 198 22 court
## 10446 1998 198 23 system
## 10447 1998 199 6 numbers
## 10448 1998 199 8 vacancies
## 10449 1998 199 12 courts
## 10450 1998 200 13 vacancies
## 10451 1998 200 20 levels
## 10452 1998 200 25 quality
## 10453 1998 200 27 justice
## 10454 1998 201 9 plea
## 10455 1998 201 11 vote
## 10456 1998 201 17 nominees
## 10457 1998 202 5 responsibility
## 10458 1998 202 9 home
## 10459 1998 202 13 world
## 10460 1998 203 3 eve
## 10461 1998 203 10 power
## 10462 1998 203 13 duty
## 10463 1998 203 18 era
## 10464 1998 203 20 peace
## 10465 1998 203 22 security
## 10466 1998 204 4 mistake
## 10467 1998 204 10 possibilities
## 10468 1998 204 15 guarantees
## 10469 1998 205 7 appeals
## 10470 1998 205 10 nationalism
## 10471 1998 206 6 axis
## 10472 1998 206 9 threats
## 10473 1998 206 11 terrorists
## 10474 1998 206 14 criminals
## 10475 1998 206 17 drug
## 10476 1998 206 18 traffickers
## 10477 1998 207 2 predators
## 10478 1998 207 5 technology
## 10479 1998 207 9 flow
## 10480 1998 207 11 information
## 10481 1998 207 13 ideas
## 10482 1998 207 15 people
## 10483 1998 208 10 weapons
## 10484 1998 208 13 destruction
## 10485 1998 208 17 hands
## 10486 1998 209 5 challenges
## 10487 1998 209 13 rules
## 10488 1998 209 16 road
## 10489 1998 209 25 family
## 10490 1998 209 27 nations
## 10491 1998 210 11 advice
## 10492 1998 210 13 consent
## 10493 1998 210 24 members
## 10494 1998 211 6 communism
## 10495 1998 212 7 countries
## 10496 1998 212 12 democracy
## 10497 1998 213 13 allies
## 10498 1998 214 5 members
## 10499 1998 214 11 partners
## 10500 1998 214 27 stronghold
## 10501 1998 214 29 peace
## 10502 1998 215 11 support
## 10503 1998 215 14 troops
## 10504 1998 215 17 mission
## 10505 1998 216 18 delegation
## 10506 1998 217 3 children
## 10507 1998 217 7 streets
## 10508 1998 217 15 snipers
## 10509 1998 217 17 shells
## 10510 1998 218 2 shops
## 10511 1998 218 6 food
## 10512 1998 218 9 cafes
## 10513 1998 218 13 conversation
## 10514 1998 219 2 progress
## 10515 1998 220 4 root
## 10516 1998 220 9 peace
## 10517 1998 220 13 support
## 10518 1998 220 18 troops
## 10519 1998 220 23 mission
## 10520 1998 222 14 football
## 10521 1998 222 15 game
## 10522 1998 223 5 time
## 10523 1998 223 10 field
## 10524 1998 223 14 victory
## 10525 1998 224 11 troops
## 10526 1998 226 5 soldiers
## 10527 1998 227 2 father
## 10528 1998 227 7 vet
## 10529 1998 228 2 college
## 10530 1998 229 5 infantry
## 10531 1998 229 6 unit
## 10532 1998 229 10 mob
## 10533 1998 229 12 extremists
## 10534 1998 229 17 radio
## 10535 1998 229 18 station
## 10536 1998 229 22 voice
## 10537 1998 229 24 democracy
## 10538 1998 229 26 tolerance
## 10539 1998 232 7 world
## 10540 1998 232 10 men
## 10541 1998 232 12 women
## 10542 1998 232 14 uniform
## 10543 1998 232 18 mission
## 10544 1998 233 2 mission
## 10545 1998 233 15 quality
## 10546 1998 233 17 life
## 10547 1998 233 23 weapons
## 10548 1998 233 29 enemy
## 10549 1998 234 12 agenda
## 10550 1998 234 17 threat
## 10551 1998 234 19 weapons
## 10552 1998 234 22 destruction
## 10553 1998 235 16 test
## 10554 1998 235 17 ban
## 10555 1998 235 20 reach
## 10556 1998 236 4 testing
## 10557 1998 236 12 development
## 10558 1998 236 18 weapons
## 10559 1998 236 28 states
## 10560 1998 237 15 Staff-;Generals
## 10561 1998 237 27 treaty
## 10562 1998 239 9 hazards
## 10563 1998 239 11 chemical
## 10564 1998 239 14 weapons
## 10565 1998 239 17 outlaw
## 10566 1998 239 18 states
## 10567 1998 239 20 terrorists
## 10568 1998 239 24 criminals
## 10569 1998 240 6 part
## 10570 1998 240 13 nation
## 10571 1998 240 15 wealth
## 10572 1998 240 22 people
## 10573 1998 240 28 chemical
## 10574 1998 240 32 weapons
## 10575 1998 240 35 missiles
## 10576 1998 241 2 weapons
## 10577 1998 241 3 inspectors
## 10578 1998 241 9 job
## 10579 1998 241 10 finding
## 10580 1998 241 17 arsenal
## 10581 1998 242 10 mission
## 10582 1998 243 10 chamber
## 10583 1998 243 28 will
## 10584 1998 243 31 world
## 10585 1998 243 45 weapons
## 10586 1998 243 48 destruction
## 10587 1998 244 8 capacity
## 10588 1998 245 10 soldiers
## 10589 1998 245 12 citizens
## 10590 1998 245 14 poison
## 10591 1998 245 15 gas
## 10592 1998 246 8 use
## 10593 1998 246 10 disease
## 10594 1998 246 13 weapon
## 10595 1998 246 15 war
## 10596 1998 246 17 terror
## 10597 1998 247 5 effect
## 10598 1998 248 2 rules
## 10599 1998 248 8 enforcement
## 10600 1998 249 9 inspection
## 10601 1998 249 10 system
## 10602 1998 249 15 cheating
## 10603 1998 250 9 security
## 10604 1998 250 10 strategy
## 10605 1998 250 13 allies
## 10606 1998 250 20 partners
## 10607 1998 251 19 peace
## 10608 1998 252 8 time
## 10609 1998 252 14 debt
## 10610 1998 253 10 nations
## 10611 1998 253 14 goals
## 10612 1998 254 15 example
## 10613 1998 255 9 allies
## 10614 1998 255 13 goals
## 10615 1998 255 18 burdens
## 10616 1998 256 4 era
## 10617 1998 256 7 freedom
## 10618 1998 256 9 independence
## 10619 1998 256 20 interdependence
## 10620 1998 256 23 nations
## 10621 1998 257 7 part
## 10622 1998 258 3 Founders
## 10623 1998 258 9 course
## 10624 1998 259 11 journey
## 10625 1998 259 21 community
## 10626 1998 260 10 Government
## 10627 1998 260 13 instrument
## 10628 1998 260 17 community
## 10629 1998 261 3 elections
## 10630 1998 261 11 fundraising
## 10631 1998 261 12 arms
## 10632 1998 261 13 race
## 10633 1998 262 16 campaign
## 10634 1998 262 17 finance
## 10635 1998 262 18 reform
## 10636 1998 263 7 vote
## 10637 1998 263 12 vote
## 10638 1998 263 15 money
## 10639 1998 263 19 status
## 10640 1998 263 20 quo
## 10641 1998 264 7 democracy
## 10642 1998 264 10 campaign
## 10643 1998 264 11 finance
## 10644 1998 264 12 reform
## 10645 1998 265 13 reason
## 10646 1998 265 16 explosion
## 10647 1998 265 18 campaign
## 10648 1998 265 19 costs
## 10649 1998 265 23 cost
## 10650 1998 265 25 media
## 10651 1998 265 26 advertising
## 10652 1998 266 5 point
## 10653 1998 266 7 audience
## 10654 1998 266 8 members
## 10655 1998 268 3 folks
## 10656 1998 268 6 home
## 10657 1998 268 11 groans
## 10658 1998 268 13 pain
## 10659 1998 268 16 audience
## 10660 1998 269 17 cost
## 10661 1998 269 18 television
## 10662 1998 269 19 time
## 10663 1998 269 21 candidates
## 10664 1998 269 24 spending
## 10665 1998 269 25 limits
## 10666 1998 270 2 airwaves
## 10667 1998 270 6 trust
## 10668 1998 270 9 broadcasters
## 10669 1998 270 17 effort
## 10670 1998 270 21 democracy
## 10671 1998 271 4 leadership
## 10672 1998 271 15 payroll
## 10673 1998 271 18 workers
## 10674 1998 271 22 pages
## 10675 1998 271 24 regulation
## 10676 1998 271 29 programs
## 10677 1998 271 34 operations
## 10678 1998 271 39 agency
## 10679 1998 273 3 taxpayer
## 10680 1998 273 10 reports
## 10681 1998 273 12 abuses
## 10682 1998 274 4 changes
## 10683 1998 274 9 advocacy
## 10684 1998 274 10 panels
## 10685 1998 274 14 taxpayer
## 10686 1998 274 15 advocate
## 10687 1998 274 17 phone
## 10688 1998 274 18 lines
## 10689 1998 274 22 day
## 10690 1998 274 24 relief
## 10691 1998 274 27 taxpayers
## 10692 1998 275 7 margin
## 10693 1998 275 13 reforms
## 10694 1998 276 2 bill
## 10695 1998 277 14 package
## 10696 1998 277 18 order
## 10697 1998 277 20 business
## 10698 1998 278 5 goodness
## 10699 1998 278 29 trouble
## 10700 1998 279 6 nation
## 10701 1998 279 11 community
## 10702 1998 279 16 communities
## 10703 1998 280 10 spark
## 10704 1998 280 13 enterprise
## 10705 1998 280 16 city
## 10706 1998 280 20 areas
## 10707 1998 280 23 community
## 10708 1998 280 24 development
## 10709 1998 280 25 banks
## 10710 1998 280 29 loans
## 10711 1998 280 33 neighborhoods
## 10712 1998 280 35 cleanup
## 10713 1998 280 38 sites
## 10714 1998 280 40 development
## 10715 1998 281 4 leadership
## 10716 1998 281 15 number
## 10717 1998 281 18 zones
## 10718 1998 281 21 business
## 10719 1998 281 22 incentives
## 10720 1998 281 27 areas
## 10721 1998 282 6 families
## 10722 1998 282 8 help
## 10723 1998 282 12 homes
## 10724 1998 282 21 tax
## 10725 1998 282 22 cuts
## 10726 1998 282 26 construction
## 10727 1998 282 31 income
## 10728 1998 282 32 housing
## 10729 1998 283 8 action
## 10730 1998 284 5 resolve
## 10731 1998 284 12 city
## 10732 1998 285 2 cities
## 10733 1998 285 6 hubs
## 10734 1998 285 10 areas
## 10735 1998 286 5 gateways
## 10736 1998 286 8 immigrants
## 10737 1998 286 11 continent
## 10738 1998 286 22 dreams
## 10739 1998 287 5 cities
## 10740 1998 287 16 part
## 10741 1998 287 19 future
## 10742 1998 288 3 communities
## 10743 1998 288 10 air
## 10744 1998 288 12 children
## 10745 1998 288 16 water
## 10746 1998 289 5 place
## 10747 1998 289 10 controls
## 10748 1998 289 12 smog
## 10749 1998 289 14 soot
## 10750 1998 290 8 Everglades
## 10751 1998 291 4 community
## 10752 1998 291 6 right
## 10753 1998 291 11 toxins
## 10754 1998 291 15 children
## 10755 1998 292 4 food
## 10756 1998 292 5 safety
## 10757 1998 292 6 plan
## 10758 1998 292 8 effect
## 10759 1998 292 12 science
## 10760 1998 292 15 consumers
## 10761 1998 292 17 dangers
## 10762 1998 292 20 coli
## 10763 1998 292 22 salmonella
## 10764 1998 293 2 Tonight
## 10765 1998 293 14 water
## 10766 1998 293 21 effort
## 10767 1998 293 25 rivers
## 10768 1998 293 28 lakes
## 10769 1998 293 33 waters
## 10770 1998 293 36 children
## 10771 1998 294 5 challenge
## 10772 1998 294 10 problem
## 10773 1998 294 12 climate
## 10774 1998 294 13 change
## 10775 1998 294 16 warming
## 10776 1998 294 19 gathering
## 10777 1998 294 20 crisis
## 10778 1998 294 24 action
## 10779 1998 295 3 majority
## 10780 1998 295 5 scientists
## 10781 1998 295 16 emission
## 10782 1998 295 18 greenhouse
## 10783 1998 295 19 gases
## 10784 1998 295 23 point
## 10785 1998 295 31 climate
## 10786 1998 295 35 children
## 10787 1998 295 37 grandchildren
## 10788 1998 295 39 risk
## 10789 1998 296 6 world
## 10790 1998 296 11 agreement
## 10791 1998 296 14 Nation
## 10792 1998 296 17 greenhouse
## 10793 1998 296 18 gas
## 10794 1998 296 19 emissions
## 10795 1998 296 21 market
## 10796 1998 296 22 forces
## 10797 1998 296 25 technologies
## 10798 1998 296 27 energy
## 10799 1998 296 28 efficiency
## 10800 1998 297 6 power
## 10801 1998 298 5 tax
## 10802 1998 298 6 cuts
## 10803 1998 298 8 research
## 10804 1998 298 10 development
## 10805 1998 298 13 innovation
## 10806 1998 298 16 energy
## 10807 1998 298 18 fuel
## 10808 1998 298 21 cars
## 10809 1998 298 23 energy
## 10810 1998 298 26 homes
## 10811 1998 299 3 time
## 10812 1998 299 10 environment
## 10813 1998 299 12 pessimists
## 10814 1998 299 20 economy
## 10815 1998 300 6 economy
## 10816 1998 300 12 generation
## 10817 1998 300 16 environment
## 10818 1998 300 22 generation
## 10819 1998 301 6 way
## 10820 1998 301 10 environment
## 10821 1998 301 14 economy
## 10822 1998 301 18 time
## 10823 1998 302 7 warming
## 10824 1998 303 4 community
## 10825 1998 303 11 value
## 10826 1998 303 14 ideal
## 10827 1998 303 19 world
## 10828 1998 304 3 history
## 10829 1998 304 11 ideal
## 10830 1998 305 9 differences
## 10831 1998 307 9 day
## 10832 1998 307 11 generation
## 10833 1998 309 8 nation
## 10834 1998 310 2 answer
## 10835 1998 310 10 differences
## 10836 1998 310 17 values
## 10837 1998 311 4 family
## 10838 1998 311 6 faith
## 10839 1998 311 8 freedom
## 10840 1998 311 10 responsibility
## 10841 1998 312 5 children
## 10842 1998 312 11 world
## 10843 1998 312 14 talents
## 10844 1998 312 19 opportunities
## 10845 1998 313 7 initiative
## 10846 1998 313 9 race
## 10847 1998 313 16 interests
## 10848 1998 313 21 opportunity
## 10849 1998 313 22 gaps
## 10850 1998 315 1 Discrimination
## 10851 1998 316 6 laws
## 10852 1998 317 4 help
## 10853 1998 317 8 backlog
## 10854 1998 318 5 citizens
## 10855 1998 318 9 line
## 10856 1998 318 11 justice
## 10857 1998 318 21 wait
## 10858 1998 319 9 progress
## 10859 1998 319 20 progress
## 10860 1998 319 28 regard
## 10861 1998 319 30 race
## 10862 1998 320 5 doors
## 10863 1998 320 7 college
## 10864 1998 320 17 streets
## 10865 1998 320 19 crime
## 10866 1998 320 24 jobs
## 10867 1998 320 27 people
## 10868 1998 320 31 neighborhoods
## 10869 1998 320 38 parents
## 10870 1998 320 41 child
## 10871 1998 320 42 care
## 10872 1998 320 52 nation
## 10873 1998 321 10 Government
## 10874 1998 321 22 challenge
## 10875 1998 322 11 citizens
## 10876 1998 322 19 home
## 10877 1998 322 20 watching
## 10878 1998 322 28 cause
## 10879 1998 324 3 forge
## 10880 1998 324 6 enterprise
## 10881 1998 324 11 backgrounds
## 10882 1998 324 17 identity
## 10883 1998 325 8 military
## 10884 1998 326 2 people
## 10885 1998 326 5 races
## 10886 1998 326 7 backgrounds
## 10887 1998 326 13 endeavor
## 10888 1998 326 18 chance
## 10889 1998 327 3 values
## 10890 1998 327 6 opportunities
## 10891 1998 327 9 communication
## 10892 1998 327 11 citizen
## 10893 1998 327 19 people
## 10894 1998 327 21 freedom
## 10895 1998 327 24 respect
## 10896 1998 329 4 spirit
## 10897 1998 329 10 eyes
## 10898 1998 330 6 passage
## 10899 1998 332 11 creativity
## 10900 1998 332 13 innovation
## 10901 1998 332 19 heritage
## 10902 1998 332 21 culture
## 10903 1998 333 2 culture
## 10904 1998 333 6 community
## 10905 1998 333 10 community
## 10906 1998 333 12 places
## 10907 1998 333 15 value
## 10908 1998 333 19 stories
## 10909 1998 335 8 partnership
## 10910 1998 335 12 arts
## 10911 1998 335 14 humanities
## 10912 1998 335 23 treasures
## 10913 1998 336 7 past
## 10914 1998 336 13 future
## 10915 1998 337 9 store
## 10916 1998 337 12 knowledge
## 10917 1998 338 6 scientists
## 10918 1998 338 9 gene
## 10919 1998 338 12 fibrosis
## 10920 1998 339 2 scientists
## 10921 1998 339 5 gene
## 10922 1998 339 10 disease
## 10923 1998 340 5 gene
## 10924 1998 340 6 chips
## 10925 1998 340 11 roadmap
## 10926 1998 340 13 prevention
## 10927 1998 340 15 illnesses
## 10928 1998 340 18 lifetime
## 10929 1998 341 10 phone
## 10930 1998 341 11 calls
## 10931 1998 341 15 Day
## 10932 1998 341 19 strand
## 10933 1998 341 21 fiber
## 10934 1998 341 23 width
## 10935 1998 341 27 hair
## 10936 1998 342 2 child
## 10937 1998 343 5 part
## 10938 1998 343 8 gift
## 10939 1998 343 15 research
## 10940 1998 343 16 fund
## 10941 1998 343 20 inquiry
## 10942 1998 343 24 funding
## 10943 1998 343 25 increase
## 10944 1998 343 27 history
## 10945 1998 344 5 genes
## 10946 1998 344 7 breast
## 10947 1998 344 8 cancer
## 10948 1998 344 10 diabetes
## 10949 1998 345 7 initiative
## 10950 1998 345 9 ours
## 10951 1998 345 13 generation
## 10952 1998 345 18 war
## 10953 1998 345 20 cancer
## 10954 1998 345 24 revolution
## 10955 1998 345 27 fight
## 10956 1998 345 31 diseases
## 10957 1998 346 8 progress
## 10958 1998 346 17 science
## 10959 1998 346 19 humanity
## 10960 1998 346 24 way
## 10961 1998 347 5 misuse
## 10962 1998 347 8 tests
## 10963 1998 348 7 consensus
## 10964 1998 348 13 communities
## 10965 1998 348 17 cloning
## 10966 1998 348 20 beings
## 10967 1998 349 7 world
## 10968 1998 349 9 people
## 10969 1998 349 14 reaches
## 10970 1998 349 16 cyberspace
## 10971 1998 350 7 time
## 10972 1998 350 15 speech
## 10973 1998 350 21 handful
## 10974 1998 350 23 physicists
## 10975 1998 350 32 handful
## 10976 1998 350 34 people
## 10977 1998 351 4 schools
## 10978 1998 351 7 libraries
## 10979 1998 351 9 homes
## 10980 1998 351 12 businesses
## 10981 1998 351 19 Net
## 10982 1998 351 21 day
## 10983 1998 352 4 parents
## 10984 1998 352 6 tools
## 10985 1998 352 13 children
## 10986 1998 352 16 material
## 10987 1998 352 19 Internet
## 10988 1998 352 34 potential
## 10989 1998 352 37 Internet
## 10990 1998 353 5 kinds
## 10991 1998 353 7 things
## 10992 1998 353 17 kids
## 10993 1998 354 3 thing
## 10994 1998 354 11 support
## 10995 1998 354 16 generation
## 10996 1998 354 17 Internet
## 10997 1998 355 14 generation
## 10998 1998 355 15 Internet
## 10999 1998 355 19 speeds
## 11000 1998 355 21 times
## 11001 1998 356 8 space
## 11002 1998 356 18 frontiers
## 11003 1998 356 21 space
## 11004 1998 357 3 history
## 11005 1998 357 5 humankind
## 11006 1998 357 10 place
## 11007 1998 357 13 home
## 11008 1998 357 16 planet
## 11009 1998 358 6 men
## 11010 1998 358 8 women
## 11011 1998 358 11 countries
## 11012 1998 358 15 foothold
## 11013 1998 358 18 heavens
## 11014 1998 358 22 space
## 11015 1998 358 23 station
## 11016 1998 359 4 expanses
## 11017 1998 359 6 scientists
## 11018 1998 359 8 engineers
## 11019 1998 359 12 sail
## 11020 1998 359 16 sea
## 11021 1998 359 19 mystery
## 11022 1998 359 22 potential
## 11023 1998 360 8 hero
## 11024 1998 360 12 pilot
## 11025 1998 360 15 combat
## 11026 1998 360 16 missions
## 11027 1998 360 19 space
## 11028 1998 360 20 flight
## 11029 1998 360 24 world
## 11030 1998 360 30 heavens
## 11031 1998 362 11 hopes
## 11032 1998 363 4 uniform
## 11033 1998 363 14 flag
## 11034 1998 363 19 connection
## 11035 1998 363 22 deeds
## 11036 1998 363 26 past
## 11037 1998 363 29 daring
## 11038 1998 363 33 future
## 11039 1998 364 6 flag
## 11040 1998 364 10 stripes
## 11041 1998 364 13 stars
## 11042 1998 364 18 smoke
## 11043 1998 364 22 battle
## 11044 1998 364 30 words
## 11045 1998 364 33 back
## 11046 1998 364 36 envelope
## 11047 1998 364 39 words
## 11048 1998 364 44 anthem
## 11049 1998 365 18 display
## 11050 1998 365 22 walk
## 11051 1998 366 5 treasures
## 11052 1998 366 15 ages
## 11053 1998 367 9 project
## 11054 1998 367 14 treasures
## 11055 1998 367 18 generations
## 11056 1998 367 26 images
## 11057 1998 367 29 words
## 11058 1998 367 36 glory
## 11059 1998 367 49 age
## 11060 1998 367 53 challenge
## 11061 1998 367 56 people
## 11062 1998 367 59 works
## 11063 1998 367 62 possibilities
## 11064 1998 367 71 wisdom
## 11065 1998 367 73 strength
## 11066 1998 367 79 nation
## 11067 1998 367 83 circle
## 11068 1998 367 85 opportunity
## 11069 1998 367 90 meaning
## 11070 1998 367 93 freedom
## 11071 1998 368 5 gift
## 11072 1999 1 13 guests
## 11073 1999 1 23 honor
## 11074 1999 2 21 invitation
## 11075 1999 2 24 guests
## 11076 1999 2 28 gallery
## 11077 1999 2 39 widows
## 11078 1999 2 45 police
## 11079 1999 2 46 officers
## 11080 1999 2 50 lives
## 11081 1999 2 53 freedom
## 11082 1999 2 55 house
## 11083 1999 3 7 swearing
## 11084 1999 3 20 spirit
## 11085 1999 3 22 civility
## 11086 1999 3 24 bipartisanship
## 11087 1999 5 2 Tonight
## 11088 1999 5 15 peacetime
## 11089 1999 5 17 expansion
## 11090 1999 5 20 history
## 11091 1999 5 24 jobs
## 11092 1999 5 26 wages
## 11093 1999 5 33 rate
## 11094 1999 5 35 inflation
## 11095 1999 5 39 homeownership
## 11096 1999 5 41 history
## 11097 1999 5 45 welfare
## 11098 1999 5 46 rolls
## 11099 1999 5 53 peacetime
## 11100 1999 5 54 unemployment
## 11101 1999 6 5 time
## 11102 1999 6 10 budget
## 11103 1999 7 3 deficit
## 11104 1999 7 12 surplus
## 11105 1999 8 6 course
## 11106 1999 8 8 budget
## 11107 1999 8 9 surpluses
## 11108 1999 9 2 Thanks
## 11109 1999 9 6 leadership
## 11110 1999 9 17 crime
## 11111 1999 9 18 rate
## 11112 1999 9 24 environment
## 11113 1999 10 5 force
## 11114 1999 10 7 peace
## 11115 1999 11 2 Thanks
## 11116 1999 11 5 leadership
## 11117 1999 11 14 Government
## 11118 1999 11 17 information
## 11119 1999 11 18 age
## 11120 1999 11 24 Government
## 11121 1999 11 29 instrument
## 11122 1999 11 39 values
## 11123 1999 11 41 opportunity
## 11124 1999 11 43 responsibility
## 11125 1999 11 46 community
## 11126 1999 11 51 responsibility
## 11127 1999 11 57 people
## 11128 1999 11 59 tools
## 11129 1999 11 69 lives
## 11130 1999 12 1 century-;a
## 11131 1999 12 3 century
## 11132 1999 12 4 Government
## 11133 1999 13 3 fellow
## 11134 1999 13 15 state
## 11135 1999 15 2 promise
## 11136 1999 15 5 future
## 11137 1999 16 7 promise
## 11138 1999 16 12 hum
## 11139 1999 16 15 prosperity
## 11140 1999 16 20 complacency
## 11141 1999 17 6 nation
## 11142 1999 17 17 nation
## 11143 1999 18 4 budget
## 11144 1999 18 5 surplus
## 11145 1999 18 6 growing
## 11146 1999 18 9 economy
## 11147 1999 18 13 confidence
## 11148 1999 18 19 moment
## 11149 1999 18 22 generation
## 11150 1999 18 27 responsibility
## 11151 1999 19 4 discipline
## 11152 1999 19 9 opportunity
## 11153 1999 19 15 challenge
## 11154 1999 19 18 aging
## 11155 1999 20 3 number
## 11156 1999 20 14 baby
## 11157 1999 20 15 boom
## 11158 1999 20 20 boom
## 11159 1999 23 16 woman
## 11160 1999 23 21 terror
## 11161 1999 23 27 age
## 11162 1999 24 16 poverty
## 11163 1999 25 2 Today
## 11164 1999 26 5 payroll
## 11165 1999 26 6 taxes
## 11166 1999 26 15 payments
## 11167 1999 27 17 benefits
## 11168 1999 28 4 way
## 11169 1999 28 10 guarantee
## 11170 1999 28 16 cuts
## 11171 1999 28 18 benefits
## 11172 1999 28 23 payroll
## 11173 1999 28 24 tax
## 11174 1999 28 25 rates
## 11175 1999 28 30 resources
## 11176 1999 28 35 name
## 11177 1999 29 10 decision
## 11178 1999 29 14 surplus
## 11179 1999 30 12 budget
## 11180 1999 30 13 surplus
## 11181 1999 30 22 portion
## 11182 1999 30 26 sector
## 11183 1999 30 34 pension
## 11184 1999 31 6 return
## 11185 1999 31 10 sound
## 11186 1999 33 7 sound
## 11187 1999 33 8 footing
## 11188 1999 34 4 poverty
## 11189 1999 34 7 women
## 11190 1999 34 21 seniors
## 11191 1999 35 6 limits
## 11192 1999 35 9 seniors
## 11193 1999 36 5 changes
## 11194 1999 36 12 choices
## 11195 1999 36 18 dedication
## 11196 1999 36 21 surplus
## 11197 1999 37 8 basis
## 11198 1999 39 13 hand
## 11199 1999 39 24 parties
## 11200 1999 39 37 people
## 11201 1999 40 11 surplus
## 11202 1999 42 2 things
## 11203 1999 43 14 obligation
## 11204 1999 44 7 life
## 11205 1999 45 15 surplus
## 11206 1999 45 21 soundness
## 11207 1999 47 10 way
## 11208 1999 47 15 ideas
## 11209 1999 47 20 report
## 11210 1999 48 17 need
## 11211 1999 48 19 seniors
## 11212 1999 48 22 prescription
## 11213 1999 48 23 drugs
## 11214 1999 49 14 job
## 11215 1999 49 24 wealth
## 11216 1999 50 3 beginning
## 11217 1999 50 11 pensions
## 11218 1999 50 13 savings
## 11219 1999 51 6 people
## 11220 1999 53 5 addition
## 11221 1999 53 16 pension
## 11222 1999 53 17 initiative
## 11223 1999 53 19 retirement
## 11224 1999 53 20 security
## 11225 1999 54 9 surplus
## 11226 1999 54 13 savings
## 11227 1999 55 1 accounts-;to
## 11228 1999 56 5 means
## 11229 1999 57 4 accounts
## 11230 1999 57 14 funds
## 11231 1999 57 18 portion
## 11232 1999 57 21 savings
## 11233 1999 57 25 help
## 11234 1999 58 2 accounts
## 11235 1999 58 11 Nation
## 11236 1999 58 13 wealth
## 11237 1999 58 20 retirement
## 11238 1999 60 10 term
## 11239 1999 60 11 care
## 11240 1999 61 4 tax
## 11241 1999 61 5 credit
## 11242 1999 61 19 families
## 11243 1999 62 3 term
## 11244 1999 62 4 care
## 11245 1999 62 11 challenge
## 11246 1999 62 14 aging
## 11247 1999 62 26 families
## 11248 1999 63 11 baby
## 11249 1999 63 12 boom
## 11250 1999 64 10 concerns
## 11251 1999 64 13 generation
## 11252 1999 64 17 determination
## 11253 1999 64 24 place
## 11254 1999 64 27 burden
## 11255 1999 64 30 children
## 11256 1999 64 33 ability
## 11257 1999 64 37 grandchildren
## 11258 1999 65 3 success
## 11259 1999 65 7 discipline
## 11260 1999 65 12 opportunity
## 11261 1999 65 16 burden
## 11262 1999 65 19 shoulders
## 11263 1999 66 9 accounts
## 11264 1999 66 15 way
## 11265 1999 66 19 surplus
## 11266 1999 67 4 so-;if
## 11267 1999 67 11 resources
## 11268 1999 67 15 needs
## 11269 1999 67 17 education
## 11270 1999 67 19 defense
## 11271 1999 68 9 proposal
## 11272 1999 69 12 surplus
## 11273 1999 69 24 saving
## 11274 1999 69 29 level
## 11275 1999 69 33 debt
## 11276 1999 70 15 accounts
## 11277 1999 70 20 term
## 11278 1999 70 29 generation
## 11279 1999 70 32 responsibility
## 11280 1999 70 36 security
## 11281 1999 70 39 seniors
## 11282 1999 71 7 children
## 11283 1999 71 11 backgrounds
## 11284 1999 71 15 schools
## 11285 1999 71 19 time
## 11286 1999 71 22 history
## 11287 1999 72 2 education
## 11288 1999 72 6 knowledge
## 11289 1999 72 10 creativity
## 11290 1999 72 16 Nation
## 11291 1999 72 22 economy
## 11292 1999 73 2 Today
## 11293 1999 73 14 tax
## 11294 1999 73 15 credits
## 11295 1999 73 19 student
## 11296 1999 73 20 loans
## 11297 1999 73 24 work
## 11298 1999 73 26 study
## 11299 1999 73 27 grants
## 11300 1999 73 31 grants
## 11301 1999 73 34 education
## 11302 1999 73 41 scholarship
## 11303 1999 73 42 tax
## 11304 1999 73 43 cut
## 11305 1999 73 56 doors
## 11306 1999 73 58 college
## 11307 1999 74 4 support
## 11308 1999 74 13 standards
## 11309 1999 74 16 schools
## 11310 1999 74 22 test
## 11311 1999 74 29 progress
## 11312 1999 74 32 students
## 11313 1999 75 4 discounts
## 11314 1999 75 13 way
## 11315 1999 75 16 goal
## 11316 1999 75 20 classroom
## 11317 1999 75 22 library
## 11318 1999 75 25 Internet
## 11319 1999 76 7 proposal
## 11320 1999 76 13 teachers
## 11321 1999 76 16 class
## 11322 1999 76 17 size
## 11323 1999 76 21 grades
## 11324 1999 77 8 job
## 11325 1999 78 6 children
## 11326 1999 79 2 scores
## 11327 1999 79 6 math
## 11328 1999 79 7 scores
## 11329 1999 79 13 grades
## 11330 1999 80 5 problem
## 11331 1999 81 4 graders
## 11332 1999 81 7 peers
## 11333 1999 81 10 countries
## 11334 1999 81 12 math
## 11335 1999 81 14 science
## 11336 1999 81 18 graders
## 11337 1999 81 26 graders
## 11338 1999 81 30 bottom
## 11339 1999 83 10 schools
## 11340 1999 84 7 way
## 11341 1999 84 11 money
## 11342 1999 85 12 plan
## 11343 1999 85 18 time
## 11344 1999 85 23 school
## 11345 1999 85 24 districts
## 11346 1999 85 27 progress
## 11347 1999 85 32 results
## 11348 1999 86 10 school
## 11349 1999 86 11 district
## 11350 1999 86 14 help
## 11351 1999 86 20 steps
## 11352 1999 87 5 schools
## 11353 1999 87 9 promotion
## 11354 1999 88 2 child
## 11355 1999 88 7 school
## 11356 1999 88 10 diploma
## 11357 1999 89 4 children
## 11358 1999 89 14 grade
## 11359 1999 89 16 grade
## 11360 1999 89 20 material
## 11361 1999 90 7 students
## 11362 1999 90 11 system
## 11363 1999 91 4 budget
## 11364 1999 91 7 funding
## 11365 1999 91 10 school
## 11366 1999 91 14 school
## 11367 1999 91 15 programs
## 11368 1999 91 21 children
## 11369 1999 92 19 promotion
## 11370 1999 92 23 school
## 11371 1999 92 24 mandatory
## 11372 1999 92 32 basics
## 11373 1999 93 3 reading
## 11374 1999 93 4 scores
## 11375 1999 93 15 gains
## 11376 1999 93 21 neighborhoods
## 11377 1999 95 7 school
## 11378 1999 95 8 districts
## 11379 1999 95 15 schools
## 11380 1999 96 4 policy
## 11381 1999 97 5 gains
## 11382 1999 97 7 test
## 11383 1999 97 8 scores
## 11384 1999 98 2 budget
## 11385 1999 98 13 schools
## 11386 1999 99 7 school
## 11387 1999 99 8 districts
## 11388 1999 99 15 quality
## 11389 1999 99 18 teachers
## 11390 1999 100 3 majority
## 11391 1999 100 6 teachers
## 11392 1999 100 10 job
## 11393 1999 101 5 schools
## 11394 1999 101 7 teachers
## 11395 1999 101 11 college
## 11396 1999 101 12 majors
## 11397 1999 101 15 minors
## 11398 1999 101 18 subjects
## 11399 1999 102 2 teachers
## 11400 1999 102 8 performance
## 11401 1999 102 9 exams
## 11402 1999 102 13 teachers
## 11403 1999 102 17 subjects
## 11404 1999 103 5 budget
## 11405 1999 103 7 resources
## 11406 1999 103 13 standards
## 11407 1999 104 7 teachers
## 11408 1999 104 11 assignments
## 11409 1999 104 17 increase
## 11410 1999 104 20 program
## 11411 1999 104 22 college
## 11412 1999 104 23 scholarships
## 11413 1999 104 25 students
## 11414 1999 104 33 cities
## 11415 1999 104 37 areas
## 11416 1999 104 41 communities
## 11417 1999 105 4 excellence
## 11418 1999 105 7 part
## 11419 1999 106 7 parents
## 11420 1999 106 10 information
## 11421 1999 106 13 choices
## 11422 1999 107 4 communities
## 11423 1999 107 11 information
## 11424 1999 107 14 quality
## 11425 1999 107 18 restaurants
## 11426 1999 107 22 quality
## 11427 1999 107 26 schools
## 11428 1999 108 2 school
## 11429 1999 108 3 district
## 11430 1999 108 6 report
## 11431 1999 108 7 cards
## 11432 1999 108 10 school
## 11433 1999 109 2 parents
## 11434 1999 109 7 choices
## 11435 1999 109 12 school
## 11436 1999 110 12 charter
## 11437 1999 110 13 school
## 11438 1999 111 3 support
## 11439 1999 111 8 basis
## 11440 1999 112 2 budget
## 11441 1999 113 8 classrooms
## 11442 1999 113 11 places
## 11443 1999 113 13 learning
## 11444 1999 113 19 teachers
## 11445 1999 113 36 school
## 11446 1999 113 37 districts
## 11447 1999 113 44 discipline
## 11448 1999 113 45 policies
## 11449 1999 114 9 thing
## 11450 1999 114 12 children
## 11451 1999 115 5 schools
## 11452 1999 115 19 students
## 11453 1999 115 23 trailers
## 11454 1999 116 6 opportunity
## 11455 1999 117 5 children
## 11456 1999 117 8 schools
## 11457 1999 117 15 opportunity
## 11458 1999 118 7 communities
## 11459 1999 118 12 schools
## 11460 1999 119 8 promotion
## 11461 1999 119 13 schools
## 11462 1999 119 17 ones
## 11463 1999 119 21 teachers
## 11464 1999 119 24 innovation
## 11465 1999 119 26 competition
## 11466 1999 119 35 generation
## 11467 1999 119 38 responsibility
## 11468 1999 119 42 schools
## 11469 1999 120 15 parents
## 11470 1999 120 21 day
## 11471 1999 120 23 home
## 11472 1999 120 26 work
## 11473 1999 121 4 tool
## 11474 1999 121 10 income
## 11475 1999 122 6 minimum
## 11476 1999 122 7 wage
## 11477 1999 122 10 dollar
## 11478 1999 122 12 hour
## 11479 1999 123 7 women
## 11480 1999 123 9 men
## 11481 1999 123 12 pay
## 11482 1999 123 15 work
## 11483 1999 123 18 enforcement
## 11484 1999 123 21 pay
## 11485 1999 123 22 laws
## 11486 1999 125 2 Laughter
## 11487 1999 126 4 balance
## 11488 1999 126 7 seesaw
## 11489 1999 128 6 hand
## 11490 1999 130 3 parents
## 11491 1999 130 6 quality
## 11492 1999 130 7 child
## 11493 1999 130 8 care
## 11494 1999 131 11 plan
## 11495 1999 131 13 tax
## 11496 1999 131 14 credits
## 11497 1999 131 16 subsidies
## 11498 1999 131 19 families
## 11499 1999 131 23 safety
## 11500 1999 131 25 quality
## 11501 1999 131 31 school
## 11502 1999 131 32 programs
## 11503 1999 132 3 plan
## 11504 1999 132 8 tax
## 11505 1999 132 9 credit
## 11506 1999 132 13 home
## 11507 1999 132 14 parents
## 11508 1999 133 3 support
## 11509 1999 134 2 Parents
## 11510 1999 134 12 children
## 11511 1999 134 15 work
## 11512 1999 135 8 bill
## 11513 1999 135 12 law
## 11514 1999 135 29 baby
## 11515 1999 135 33 relative
## 11516 1999 135 37 jobs
## 11517 1999 136 5 time
## 11518 1999 136 10 evidence
## 11519 1999 136 19 employers
## 11520 1999 136 23 family
## 11521 1999 136 32 companies
## 11522 1999 138 5 matter
## 11523 1999 138 7 work
## 11524 1999 138 9 parents
## 11525 1999 138 15 discrimination
## 11526 1999 138 18 workplace
## 11527 1999 139 9 companies
## 11528 1999 139 16 workers
## 11529 1999 139 21 children
## 11530 1999 141 4 families
## 11531 1999 141 7 world
## 11532 1999 141 11 care
## 11533 1999 142 1 Thanks
## 11534 1999 142 5 support
## 11535 1999 142 8 research
## 11536 1999 142 15 verge
## 11537 1999 142 18 treatments
## 11538 1999 142 22 delay
## 11539 1999 142 23 diseases
## 11540 1999 142 32 arthritis
## 11541 1999 142 34 cancer
## 11542 1999 143 6 advances
## 11543 1999 143 9 science
## 11544 1999 143 17 system
## 11545 1999 144 2 care
## 11546 1999 144 6 medicine
## 11547 1999 144 12 costs
## 11548 1999 144 18 quality
## 11549 1999 145 16 right
## 11550 1999 145 22 options
## 11551 1999 146 5 specialist
## 11552 1999 146 11 right
## 11553 1999 147 4 right
## 11554 1999 147 8 emergency
## 11555 1999 147 9 care
## 11556 1999 147 15 accident
## 11557 1999 148 3 things
## 11558 1999 149 13 right
## 11559 1999 149 17 doctor
## 11560 1999 149 20 period
## 11561 1999 149 22 treatment
## 11562 1999 149 28 pregnancy
## 11563 1999 149 31 chemotherapy
## 11564 1999 149 32 treatment
## 11565 1999 151 8 rights
## 11566 1999 151 25 health
## 11567 1999 151 26 programs
## 11568 1999 152 7 Patients
## 11569 1999 153 8 opportunity
## 11570 1999 153 16 opportunity
## 11571 1999 154 3 sake
## 11572 1999 154 6 families
## 11573 1999 154 15 party
## 11574 1999 154 16 lines
## 11575 1999 154 23 Patients
## 11576 1999 155 7 records
## 11577 1999 155 13 threats
## 11578 1999 155 17 privacy
## 11579 1999 155 18 increase
## 11580 1999 156 7 authority
## 11581 1999 156 20 way
## 11582 1999 156 31 people
## 11583 1999 156 38 privacy
## 11584 1999 156 41 records
## 11585 1999 157 8 health
## 11586 1999 157 9 coverage
## 11587 1999 157 12 children
## 11588 1999 159 8 businesses
## 11589 1999 159 11 health
## 11590 1999 159 12 insurance
## 11591 1999 160 4 people
## 11592 1999 160 9 health
## 11593 1999 160 10 insurance
## 11594 1999 160 12 chance
## 11595 1999 161 7 access
## 11596 1999 161 9 family
## 11597 1999 161 10 planning
## 11598 1999 162 3 one
## 11599 1999 162 10 health
## 11600 1999 162 11 care
## 11601 1999 162 15 job
## 11602 1999 163 11 hands
## 11603 1999 163 15 landmark
## 11604 1999 163 17 legislation
## 11605 1999 163 31 people
## 11606 1999 163 33 disabilities
## 11607 1999 163 37 health
## 11608 1999 163 38 insurance
## 11609 1999 163 43 work
## 11610 1999 164 8 hospitals
## 11611 1999 164 11 community
## 11612 1999 164 14 university
## 11613 1999 164 15 health
## 11614 1999 164 16 centers
## 11615 1999 164 22 care
## 11616 1999 164 29 families
## 11617 1999 164 35 insurance
## 11618 1999 165 4 lot
## 11619 1999 166 4 budget
## 11620 1999 166 8 downpayment
## 11621 1999 166 11 goal
## 11622 1999 167 11 provision
## 11623 1999 168 10 efforts
## 11624 1999 168 16 illness
## 11625 1999 169 7 address
## 11626 1999 169 9 disease
## 11627 1999 171 2 sensitivity
## 11628 1999 171 4 commitment
## 11629 1999 171 7 passion
## 11630 1999 171 13 efforts
## 11631 1999 174 7 children
## 11632 1999 174 9 targets
## 11633 1999 174 13 media
## 11634 1999 174 14 campaign
## 11635 1999 174 19 cigarettes
## 11636 1999 175 10 tobacco
## 11637 1999 175 11 lobby
## 11638 1999 175 18 authority
## 11639 1999 175 22 children
## 11640 1999 175 24 tobacco
## 11641 1999 175 29 tobacco
## 11642 1999 175 30 companies
## 11643 1999 175 34 tobacco
## 11644 1999 175 35 farmers
## 11645 1999 176 2 Smoking
## 11646 1999 176 5 taxpayers
## 11647 1999 176 11 programs
## 11648 1999 177 12 Taxpayers
## 11649 1999 177 18 cost
## 11650 1999 177 20 lung
## 11651 1999 177 21 cancer
## 11652 1999 177 28 illnesses
## 11653 1999 177 31 tobacco
## 11654 1999 177 32 companies
## 11655 1999 178 10 litigation
## 11656 1999 178 11 plan
## 11657 1999 178 15 tobacco
## 11658 1999 178 16 companies
## 11659 1999 178 18 court
## 11660 1999 178 23 funds
## 11661 1999 179 10 wage
## 11662 1999 179 12 family
## 11663 1999 179 13 leave
## 11664 1999 179 15 child
## 11665 1999 179 16 care
## 11666 1999 179 18 health
## 11667 1999 179 19 care
## 11668 1999 179 22 safety
## 11669 1999 179 25 children-;then
## 11670 1999 179 32 generation
## 11671 1999 179 35 responsibility
## 11672 1999 179 39 families
## 11673 1999 180 2 Today
## 11674 1999 180 12 job
## 11675 1999 180 15 economy
## 11676 1999 180 17 history
## 11677 1999 181 11 economy
## 11678 1999 182 2 Today
## 11679 1999 182 4 income
## 11680 1999 182 5 gap
## 11681 1999 182 9 skills
## 11682 1999 182 10 gap
## 11683 1999 183 7 law
## 11684 1999 183 9 workers
## 11685 1999 183 13 skills
## 11686 1999 183 14 grant
## 11687 1999 183 18 training
## 11688 1999 184 10 part
## 11689 1999 185 7 commitment
## 11690 1999 185 11 system
## 11691 1999 185 22 training
## 11692 1999 185 23 opportunities
## 11693 1999 185 30 jobs
## 11694 1999 185 34 response
## 11695 1999 185 35 teams
## 11696 1999 185 39 towns
## 11697 1999 185 46 businesses
## 11698 1999 187 7 support
## 11699 1999 187 11 increase
## 11700 1999 187 14 support
## 11701 1999 187 16 adult
## 11702 1999 187 17 literacy
## 11703 1999 187 23 campaign
## 11704 1999 187 30 people
## 11705 1999 187 37 grade
## 11706 1999 187 38 level
## 11707 1999 189 6 news
## 11708 1999 189 15 welfare
## 11709 1999 189 16 rolls
## 11710 1999 191 5 podium
## 11711 1999 191 10 companies
## 11712 1999 191 15 effort
## 11713 1999 191 18 people
## 11714 1999 191 20 welfare
## 11715 1999 192 10 companies
## 11716 1999 192 16 people
## 11717 1999 193 4 budget
## 11718 1999 193 9 people
## 11719 1999 193 13 dignity
## 11720 1999 193 15 pride
## 11721 1999 193 17 work
## 11722 1999 195 9 spark
## 11723 1999 195 12 enterprise
## 11724 1999 195 15 corner
## 11725 1999 195 22 bridge
## 11726 1999 195 33 communities
## 11727 1999 195 37 support
## 11728 1999 195 39 community
## 11729 1999 195 40 development
## 11730 1999 195 41 banks
## 11731 1999 195 45 zones
## 11732 1999 195 50 vouchers
## 11733 1999 195 53 housing
## 11734 1999 196 10 plan
## 11735 1999 196 13 businesses
## 11736 1999 196 18 sector
## 11737 1999 196 19 capital
## 11738 1999 196 22 jobs
## 11739 1999 196 24 opportunities
## 11740 1999 196 28 cities
## 11741 1999 196 31 areas
## 11742 1999 196 33 tax
## 11743 1999 196 34 credits
## 11744 1999 196 36 loan
## 11745 1999 196 37 guarantees
## 11746 1999 197 22 markets
## 11747 1999 198 5 markets
## 11748 1999 198 15 home
## 11749 1999 200 9 prosperity
## 11750 1999 200 13 family
## 11751 1999 200 14 farm
## 11752 1999 201 9 prices
## 11753 1999 201 12 loss
## 11754 1999 201 15 markets
## 11755 1999 201 20 family
## 11756 1999 201 21 farms
## 11757 1999 202 7 assistance
## 11758 1999 202 13 disaster
## 11759 1999 202 16 agriculture
## 11760 1999 203 8 lawmakers
## 11761 1999 203 11 parties
## 11762 1999 203 15 farm
## 11763 1999 203 16 safety
## 11764 1999 203 17 net
## 11765 1999 203 21 crop
## 11766 1999 203 22 insurance
## 11767 1999 203 23 reform
## 11768 1999 203 25 farm
## 11769 1999 203 26 income
## 11770 1999 203 27 assistance
## 11771 1999 205 7 issue
## 11772 1999 206 6 problem
## 11773 1999 206 22 means
## 11774 1999 207 6 lead
## 11775 1999 207 8 technology
## 11776 1999 208 3 Government
## 11777 1999 208 4 investment
## 11778 1999 208 9 creation
## 11779 1999 208 12 Internet
## 11780 1999 209 5 increase
## 11781 1999 209 9 term
## 11782 1999 209 11 research
## 11783 1999 210 12 moment
## 11784 1999 210 21 computer
## 11785 1999 210 22 problem
## 11786 1999 213 7 ratio
## 11787 1999 213 12 home
## 11788 1999 213 15 front
## 11789 1999 213 18 television
## 11790 1999 213 19 sets
## 11791 1999 214 10 problem
## 11792 1999 216 10 checks
## 11793 1999 216 14 time
## 11794 1999 217 6 folks
## 11795 1999 217 8 home
## 11796 1999 217 21 government
## 11797 1999 217 24 business
## 11798 1999 217 41 computer
## 11799 1999 217 42 bug
## 11800 1999 217 49 headache
## 11801 1999 217 56 crisis
## 11802 1999 218 5 prosperity
## 11803 1999 218 11 growth
## 11804 1999 219 8 third
## 11805 1999 219 12 growth
## 11806 1999 219 15 exports
## 11807 1999 220 6 turmoil
## 11808 1999 220 11 growth
## 11809 1999 220 13 risk
## 11810 1999 221 6 world
## 11811 1999 221 9 recession
## 11812 1999 222 7 crisis
## 11813 1999 223 8 nations
## 11814 1999 223 11 interest
## 11815 1999 223 12 rates
## 11816 1999 224 4 turmoil
## 11817 1999 224 16 nations
## 11818 1999 225 5 time
## 11819 1999 225 17 term
## 11820 1999 225 18 project
## 11821 1999 225 24 system
## 11822 1999 225 29 prosperity
## 11823 1999 225 33 cycle
## 11824 1999 225 35 boom
## 11825 1999 225 37 bust
## 11826 1999 226 7 world
## 11827 1999 226 8 leaders
## 11828 1999 226 13 purpose
## 11829 1999 226 24 endeavors
## 11830 1999 227 13 trading
## 11831 1999 227 14 system
## 11832 1999 228 16 parties
## 11833 1999 229 3 trade
## 11834 1999 230 8 ground
## 11835 1999 230 11 business
## 11836 1999 230 13 workers
## 11837 1999 230 15 environmentalists
## 11838 1999 230 17 farmers
## 11839 1999 231 6 things
## 11840 1999 233 9 barriers
## 11841 1999 233 12 markets
## 11842 1999 233 16 trade
## 11843 1999 234 5 time
## 11844 1999 234 12 citizens
## 11845 1999 234 15 countries
## 11846 1999 234 19 trade
## 11847 1999 234 22 trade
## 11848 1999 234 26 dignity
## 11849 1999 234 28 work
## 11850 1999 234 31 rights
## 11851 1999 234 33 workers
## 11852 1999 234 37 environment
## 11853 1999 235 6 trade
## 11854 1999 235 7 organizations
## 11855 1999 235 13 scrutiny
## 11856 1999 235 20 things
## 11857 1999 235 24 criticism
## 11858 1999 236 12 world
## 11859 1999 236 13 economy
## 11860 1999 236 27 world
## 11861 1999 236 33 part
## 11862 1999 236 39 home
## 11863 1999 237 8 face
## 11864 1999 237 12 economy
## 11865 1999 238 6 trade
## 11866 1999 238 7 laws
## 11867 1999 238 9 imports
## 11868 1999 238 13 Nation
## 11869 1999 239 12 nation
## 11870 1999 239 15 surge
## 11871 1999 239 17 steel
## 11872 1999 239 18 imports
## 11873 1999 239 21 country
## 11874 1999 240 6 manufacturers
## 11875 1999 240 12 crisis
## 11876 1999 240 14 loan
## 11877 1999 240 15 guarantees
## 11878 1999 240 18 incentives
## 11879 1999 240 22 exports
## 11880 1999 241 12 consensus
## 11881 1999 241 14 trade
## 11882 1999 241 19 principles
## 11883 1999 242 13 approach
## 11884 1999 242 20 trade
## 11885 1999 242 21 authority
## 11886 1999 242 32 prosperity
## 11887 1999 243 2 Tonight
## 11888 1999 243 6 call
## 11889 1999 243 9 nations
## 11890 1999 243 12 world
## 11891 1999 243 19 round
## 11892 1999 243 22 trade
## 11893 1999 243 23 negotiations
## 11894 1999 243 26 exports
## 11895 1999 243 28 services
## 11896 1999 243 30 manufactures
## 11897 1999 243 33 farm
## 11898 1999 243 34 products
## 11899 1999 244 12 initiative
## 11900 1999 244 15 labor
## 11901 1999 244 16 standards
## 11902 1999 244 19 world
## 11903 1999 245 9 community
## 11904 1999 245 13 treaty
## 11905 1999 245 17 child
## 11906 1999 245 18 labor
## 11907 1999 245 22 world
## 11908 1999 246 9 people
## 11909 1999 246 12 communities
## 11910 1999 246 15 technology
## 11911 1999 246 30 responsibility
## 11912 1999 246 34 prosperity
## 11913 1999 247 6 nation
## 11914 1999 247 8 history
## 11915 1999 247 12 opportunity
## 11916 1999 247 15 responsibility
## 11917 1999 247 22 world
## 11918 1999 248 8 leadership
## 11919 1999 248 12 peace
## 11920 1999 249 8 leadership
## 11921 1999 249 14 path
## 11922 1999 249 16 peace
## 11923 1999 250 5 allies
## 11924 1999 250 15 repression
## 11925 1999 250 24 justice
## 11926 1999 250 30 people
## 11927 1999 250 34 self
## 11928 1999 250 36 government
## 11929 1999 251 9 leadership
## 11930 1999 251 11 hope
## 11931 1999 251 14 peace
## 11932 1999 252 15 call
## 11933 1999 252 18 destruction
## 11934 1999 253 7 resources
## 11935 1999 253 11 parties
## 11936 1999 253 16 agreement
## 11937 1999 253 21 security
## 11938 1999 253 27 economy
## 11939 1999 253 32 friends
## 11940 1999 256 6 peace
## 11941 1999 256 12 threats
## 11942 1999 256 15 Nation
## 11943 1999 256 17 security
## 11944 1999 256 21 dangers
## 11945 1999 256 23 outlaw
## 11946 1999 256 24 nations
## 11947 1999 256 26 terrorism
## 11948 1999 257 5 security
## 11949 1999 257 21 network
## 11950 1999 257 23 terror
## 11951 1999 258 2 bombing
## 11952 1999 258 15 risks
## 11953 1999 258 18 day
## 11954 1999 258 26 world
## 11955 1999 259 7 support
## 11956 1999 259 14 workplaces
## 11957 1999 259 18 resources
## 11958 1999 260 7 terrorists
## 11959 1999 260 10 computer
## 11960 1999 260 11 networks
## 11961 1999 261 7 communities
## 11962 1999 261 12 emergencies
## 11963 1999 261 16 research
## 11964 1999 261 18 vaccines
## 11965 1999 261 20 treatments
## 11966 1999 262 6 efforts
## 11967 1999 262 10 spread
## 11968 1999 262 13 weapons
## 11969 1999 262 15 missiles
## 11970 1999 263 5 work
## 11971 1999 263 15 nations
## 11972 1999 263 19 materials
## 11973 1999 263 21 technology
## 11974 1999 263 29 hands
## 11975 1999 264 3 budget
## 11976 1999 264 6 funding
## 11977 1999 264 10 efforts
## 11978 1999 265 12 arsenals
## 11979 1999 266 4 treaty
## 11980 1999 266 7 framework
## 11981 1999 266 24 war
## 11982 1999 266 25 height
## 11983 1999 268 8 thing
## 11984 1999 268 11 nations
## 11985 1999 269 9 step
## 11986 1999 269 13 treaty
## 11987 1999 269 22 nations
## 11988 1999 269 26 arms
## 11989 1999 269 36 testing
## 11990 1999 270 9 obligations
## 11991 1999 270 13 weapons
## 11992 1999 270 15 terror
## 11993 1999 270 18 missiles
## 11994 1999 271 22 people
## 11995 1999 272 7 action
## 11996 1999 272 12 troops
## 11997 1999 273 2 mission
## 11998 1999 273 14 bravery
## 11999 1999 273 17 skill
## 12000 1999 274 6 veteran
## 12001 1999 274 13 bomber
## 12002 1999 274 21 war
## 12003 1999 274 22 machine
## 12004 1999 276 14 men
## 12005 1999 276 16 women
## 12006 1999 278 4 time
## 12007 1999 278 8 decline
## 12008 1999 278 10 defense
## 12009 1999 278 11 spending
## 12010 1999 279 13 readiness
## 12011 1999 280 3 budget
## 12012 1999 280 8 increase
## 12013 1999 280 12 readiness
## 12014 1999 280 15 modernization
## 12015 1999 280 19 pay
## 12016 1999 280 21 benefits
## 12017 1999 280 24 troops
## 12018 1999 280 27 families
## 12019 1999 281 4 heirs
## 12020 1999 281 7 legacy
## 12021 1999 281 9 bravery
## 12022 1999 281 13 community
## 12023 1999 281 20 veterans
## 12024 1999 282 3 defenders
## 12025 1999 282 10 moment
## 12026 1999 282 12 notice
## 12027 1999 282 16 comforts
## 12028 1999 282 20 dangers
## 12029 1999 282 33 one
## 12030 1999 285 4 century
## 12031 1999 285 7 partnerships
## 12032 1999 285 9 peace
## 12033 1999 285 11 security
## 12034 1999 286 5 role
## 12035 1999 286 8 allies
## 12036 1999 286 10 burdens
## 12037 1999 287 19 dues
## 12038 1999 287 22 debts
## 12039 1999 288 7 security
## 12040 1999 288 9 stability
## 12041 1999 288 21 missions
## 12042 1999 288 25 alliance
## 12043 1999 288 36 allies
## 12044 1999 289 11 leaders
## 12045 1999 289 14 people
## 12046 1999 289 24 Stability
## 12047 1999 289 32 expense
## 12048 1999 289 34 liberty
## 12049 1999 290 12 people
## 12050 1999 291 8 world
## 12051 1999 291 13 world
## 12052 1999 291 16 change
## 12053 1999 291 18 freedom
## 12054 1999 292 17 democracy
## 12055 1999 292 19 reform
## 12056 1999 292 26 violence
## 12057 1999 292 28 disease
## 12058 1999 293 5 democracy
## 12059 1999 293 7 peace
## 12060 1999 293 14 transition
## 12061 1999 293 16 democracy
## 12062 1999 293 21 place
## 12063 1999 294 8 ties
## 12064 1999 294 18 work
## 12065 1999 294 21 children
## 12066 1999 294 24 drugs
## 12067 1999 294 27 democracy
## 12068 1999 294 30 trade
## 12069 1999 295 3 hemisphere
## 12070 1999 295 6 government
## 12071 1999 295 14 people
## 12072 1999 296 12 blessings
## 12073 1999 296 14 liberty
## 12074 1999 297 4 people
## 12075 1999 297 8 hearts
## 12076 1999 297 11 arms
## 12077 1999 297 17 neighbors
## 12078 1999 297 26 hurricanes
## 12079 1999 299 9 region
## 12080 1999 299 16 troops
## 12081 1999 299 21 volunteers
## 12082 1999 300 10 hospital
## 12083 1999 300 20 side
## 12084 1999 300 22 side
## 12085 1999 301 13 relief
## 12086 1999 301 14 efforts
## 12087 1999 302 4 sports
## 12088 1999 302 5 records
## 12089 1999 303 4 people
## 12090 1999 303 6 lives
## 12091 1999 303 11 children
## 12092 1999 303 14 meaning
## 12093 1999 303 16 brotherhood
## 12094 1999 304 7 baseball
## 12095 1999 304 14 hero
## 12096 1999 304 17 countries
## 12097 1999 307 18 peace
## 12098 1999 307 21 terrorism
## 12099 1999 307 25 strength
## 12100 1999 307 29 alliances-;we
## 12101 1999 307 35 generation
## 12102 1999 307 38 responsibility
## 12103 1999 307 51 world
## 12104 1999 308 4 world
## 12105 1999 308 12 communities
## 12106 1999 310 7 goal
## 12107 1999 310 10 community
## 12108 1999 310 11 police
## 12109 1999 310 12 officers
## 12110 1999 310 15 schedule
## 12111 1999 310 18 budget
## 12112 1999 311 3 bill
## 12113 1999 311 8 fugitives
## 12114 1999 311 11 stalkers
## 12115 1999 311 14 handguns
## 12116 1999 312 5 murder
## 12117 1999 312 6 rate
## 12118 1999 312 14 crime
## 12119 1999 312 15 rate
## 12120 1999 313 6 crime
## 12121 1999 313 7 bill
## 12122 1999 313 12 technologies
## 12123 1999 313 14 tactics
## 12124 1999 313 18 communities
## 12125 1999 314 3 budget
## 12126 1999 314 9 police
## 12127 1999 314 12 street
## 12128 1999 314 15 areas
## 12129 1999 314 19 crime
## 12130 1999 314 27 tools
## 12131 1999 314 30 crime
## 12132 1999 314 32 mapping
## 12133 1999 314 33 computers
## 12134 1999 314 36 mug
## 12135 1999 314 37 shots
## 12136 1999 315 7 cycle
## 12137 1999 315 9 drugs
## 12138 1999 315 11 crime
## 12139 1999 316 2 budget
## 12140 1999 316 4 support
## 12141 1999 316 6 drug
## 12142 1999 316 7 testing
## 12143 1999 316 9 treatment
## 12144 1999 316 13 prisoners
## 12145 1999 316 19 drugs
## 12146 1999 316 26 bars
## 12147 1999 316 32 parole
## 12148 1999 316 40 freedom
## 12149 1999 316 47 drugs
## 12150 1999 317 10 period
## 12151 1999 317 14 handgun
## 12152 1999 317 19 bill
## 12153 1999 317 22 juveniles
## 12154 1999 317 26 crimes
## 12155 1999 317 30 gun
## 12156 1999 318 9 schools
## 12157 1999 318 12 places
## 12158 1999 318 15 communities
## 12159 1999 319 12 killings
## 12160 1999 320 8 parents
## 12161 1999 320 13 guns
## 12162 1999 320 17 hands
## 12163 1999 320 19 children
## 12164 1999 320 24 efforts
## 12165 1999 320 28 parents
## 12166 1999 320 36 loss
## 12167 1999 321 6 daughter
## 12168 1999 321 21 plea
## 12169 1999 322 11 sake
## 12170 1999 322 14 children
## 12171 1999 322 19 guns
## 12172 1999 323 11 town
## 12173 1999 324 4 message
## 12174 1999 326 9 courage
## 12175 1999 326 12 commitment
## 12176 1999 328 3 memory
## 12177 1999 328 7 children
## 12178 1999 328 11 lives
## 12179 1999 328 13 school
## 12180 1999 328 14 violence
## 12181 1999 328 25 legislation
## 12182 1999 328 28 child
## 12183 1999 328 29 trigger
## 12184 1999 328 30 locks
## 12185 1999 328 39 children
## 12186 1999 329 12 task
## 12187 1999 329 18 land
## 12188 1999 329 22 land
## 12189 1999 329 25 descendants
## 12190 1999 330 14 rock
## 12191 1999 330 15 canyons
## 12192 1999 330 22 redwoods
## 12193 1999 330 26 coasts
## 12194 1999 331 6 challenge
## 12195 1999 331 9 threat
## 12196 1999 331 12 warming
## 12197 1999 331 18 year
## 12198 1999 332 2 heat
## 12199 1999 332 3 waves
## 12200 1999 332 5 floods
## 12201 1999 332 8 storms
## 12202 1999 332 12 hint
## 12203 1999 332 16 generations
## 12204 1999 333 2 Tonight
## 12205 1999 333 8 air
## 12206 1999 333 9 fund
## 12207 1999 333 12 communities
## 12208 1999 333 14 greenhouse
## 12209 1999 333 17 pollution
## 12210 1999 333 20 tax
## 12211 1999 333 21 incentives
## 12212 1999 333 23 investments
## 12213 1999 333 27 energy
## 12214 1999 333 28 technology
## 12215 1999 334 7 Members
## 12216 1999 334 12 parties
## 12217 1999 334 15 companies
## 12218 1999 334 21 action
## 12219 1999 334 24 greenhouse
## 12220 1999 334 25 gases
## 12221 1999 335 4 communities
## 12222 1999 335 7 preservation
## 12223 1999 335 8 challenge
## 12224 1999 335 15 space
## 12225 1999 335 16 shrinks
## 12226 1999 336 3 farmland
## 12227 1999 336 6 space
## 12228 1999 337 2 response
## 12229 1999 337 8 initiatives
## 12230 1999 338 5 livability
## 12231 1999 338 6 agenda
## 12232 1999 338 9 communities
## 12233 1999 338 12 space
## 12234 1999 338 15 traffic
## 12235 1999 338 16 congestion
## 12236 1999 338 21 ways
## 12237 1999 338 25 citizen
## 12238 1999 338 27 quality
## 12239 1999 338 29 life
## 12240 1999 338 36 lands
## 12241 1999 338 37 legacy
## 12242 1999 338 38 initiative
## 12243 1999 338 41 places
## 12244 1999 338 44 beauty
## 12245 1999 338 53 wilderness
## 12246 1999 338 57 city
## 12247 1999 338 58 park
## 12248 1999 339 6 initiatives
## 12249 1999 339 17 leadership
## 12250 1999 339 33 commitment
## 12251 1999 340 11 community
## 12252 1999 341 10 service
## 12253 1999 341 11 program
## 12254 1999 341 16 generation
## 12255 1999 341 18 chance
## 12256 1999 341 22 communities
## 12257 1999 341 25 money
## 12258 1999 341 27 college
## 12259 1999 342 15 income
## 12260 1999 342 16 homes
## 12261 1999 342 25 children
## 12262 1999 342 27 churches
## 12263 1999 342 35 burden
## 12264 1999 342 38 disasters
## 12265 1999 342 44 acts
## 12266 1999 342 46 service
## 12267 1999 343 10 chance
## 12268 1999 343 14 lead
## 12269 1999 344 11 community
## 12270 1999 345 7 campaign
## 12271 1999 345 8 finance
## 12272 1999 345 9 reform
## 12273 1999 345 10 legislation
## 12274 1999 346 4 minority
## 12275 1999 346 9 reform
## 12276 1999 349 11 democracy
## 12277 1999 350 6 initiative
## 12278 1999 350 8 race
## 12279 1999 350 14 divides
## 12280 1999 350 19 people
## 12281 1999 351 3 report
## 12282 1999 351 7 initiative
## 12283 1999 351 10 board
## 12284 1999 351 20 people
## 12285 1999 351 24 lines
## 12286 1999 352 9 journey
## 12287 1999 353 10 beginning
## 12288 1999 353 16 others
## 12289 1999 353 23 others
## 12290 1999 354 13 sense
## 12291 1999 354 16 journey
## 12292 1999 354 22 woman
## 12293 1999 354 29 bus
## 12294 1999 358 8 problems
## 12295 1999 358 15 initiative
## 12296 1999 358 19 opportunity
## 12297 1999 358 20 gaps
## 12298 1999 359 2 initiative
## 12299 1999 360 6 discrimination
## 12300 1999 360 7 gap
## 12301 1999 361 1 Discrimination
## 12302 1999 361 3 violence
## 12303 1999 361 6 race
## 12304 1999 361 8 religion
## 12305 1999 361 10 ancestry
## 12306 1999 361 12 gender
## 12307 1999 361 14 disability
## 12308 1999 361 17 orientation
## 12309 1999 362 18 law
## 12310 1999 362 21 land
## 12311 1999 363 6 person
## 12312 1999 364 4 census
## 12313 1999 364 9 methods
## 12314 1999 365 4 immigrants
## 12315 1999 365 7 part
## 12316 1999 366 8 cities
## 12317 1999 366 14 culture
## 12318 1999 366 21 economy
## 12319 1999 367 4 responsibility
## 12320 1999 367 15 responsibility
## 12321 1999 367 19 mainstream
## 12322 1999 367 22 life
## 12323 1999 368 10 system
## 12324 1999 368 12 government
## 12325 1999 369 5 waiting
## 12326 1999 369 6 lines
## 12327 1999 369 8 immigrants
## 12328 1999 370 4 budget
## 12329 1999 370 8 efforts
## 12330 1999 370 14 responsibility
## 12331 1999 372 4 ancestors
## 12332 1999 372 12 slave
## 12333 1999 372 13 ships
## 12334 1999 372 32 land
## 12335 1999 372 37 challenge
## 12336 1999 372 44 way
## 12337 1999 373 7 challenges
## 12338 1999 374 11 bridge
## 12339 1999 375 4 moment
## 12340 1999 375 17 past
## 12341 1999 375 21 future
## 12342 1999 377 13 children
## 12343 1999 377 23 role
## 12344 1999 377 27 Nation
## 12345 1999 377 31 ideals
## 12346 1999 377 33 home
## 12347 1999 378 10 citizen
## 12348 1999 378 18 treasures
## 12349 1999 379 7 country
## 12350 1999 379 10 recognition
## 12351 1999 379 12 support
## 12352 1999 379 15 places
## 12353 1999 379 18 invention
## 12354 1999 379 19 factory
## 12355 1999 379 22 home
## 12356 1999 380 7 treasures
## 12357 1999 380 10 community
## 12358 1999 381 13 town
## 12359 1999 381 16 city
## 12360 1999 381 19 community
## 12361 1999 381 26 millennium
## 12362 1999 381 27 community
## 12363 1999 381 31 projects
## 12364 1999 381 35 history
## 12365 1999 381 39 arts
## 12366 1999 381 41 humanities
## 12367 1999 381 45 children
## 12368 1999 382 5 response
## 12369 1999 383 8 word
## 12370 1999 383 10 thanks
## 12371 1999 383 14 sector
## 12372 1999 383 15 partners
## 12373 1999 383 23 parties
## 12374 1999 383 26 support
## 12375 1999 384 3 example
## 12376 1999 384 19 ages
## 12377 1999 385 2 ways
## 12378 1999 385 12 millennium
## 12379 1999 385 23 fire
## 12380 1999 385 25 liberty
## 12381 1999 386 7 office
## 12382 1999 386 10 time
## 12383 1999 386 12 doubt
## 12384 1999 386 18 economy
## 12385 1999 386 22 deficit
## 12386 1999 386 26 people
## 12387 1999 387 7 days
## 12388 1999 388 4 country
## 12389 1999 388 8 neighborhoods
## 12390 1999 388 17 pain
## 12391 1999 388 19 uncertainty
## 12392 1999 388 21 recession
## 12393 1999 388 25 heart
## 12394 1999 388 27 character
## 12395 1999 389 10 country
## 12396 1999 390 9 State
## 12397 1999 390 18 one
## 12398 1999 390 22 world
## 12399 1999 390 27 resolve
## 12400 1999 390 30 capacity
## 12401 1999 390 34 people
## 12402 1999 390 46 Founders
## 12403 1999 390 48 dream
## 12404 1999 391 8 generation
## 12405 1999 391 10 generation
## 12406 1999 391 15 call
## 12407 1999 391 17 greatness
## 12408 1999 391 20 depression
## 12409 1999 391 29 barriers
## 12410 1999 391 32 prejudice
## 12411 1999 391 38 class
## 12412 1999 391 40 history
## 12413 1999 391 49 twilight
## 12414 1999 391 50 struggle
## 12415 1999 391 54 war
## 12416 1999 392 10 achievement
## 12417 1999 392 13 forebears
## 12418 1999 393 7 press
## 12419 1999 393 9 events
## 12420 1999 393 13 clash
## 12421 1999 393 15 controversy
## 12422 1999 393 23 time
## 12423 1999 393 32 dawn
## 12424 1999 394 13 place
## 12425 1999 394 15 report
## 12426 1999 394 18 state
## 12427 1999 395 1 He-;or
## 12428 1999 396 12 ways
## 12429 1999 396 15 decisions
## 12430 1999 397 17 time
## 12431 1999 397 21 time
## 12432 1999 397 30 ideals
## 12433 1999 397 37 divisions
## 12434 1999 397 42 healing
## 12435 1999 397 44 hopefulness
## 12436 1999 397 55 land
## 12437 1999 398 3 fellow
## 12438 1999 398 9 moment
## 12439 1999 399 5 eyes
## 12440 1999 399 8 Nation
## 12441 1999 399 13 mountaintop
## 12442 1999 399 27 blessing
## 12443 1999 399 30 endeavors
## 12444 1999 399 35 country
## 12445 2000 1 13 guests
## 12446 2000 1 28 moment
## 12447 2000 1 30 history
## 12448 2000 2 13 prosperity
## 12449 2000 2 16 progress
## 12450 2000 2 21 crisis
## 12451 2000 2 26 threats
## 12452 2000 3 9 opportunity
## 12453 2000 3 17 obligation
## 12454 2000 3 26 Founders
## 12455 2000 3 28 dreams
## 12456 2000 4 8 jobs
## 12457 2000 4 13 growth
## 12458 2000 4 19 unemployment
## 12459 2000 4 20 rates
## 12460 2000 4 26 poverty
## 12461 2000 4 27 rates
## 12462 2000 4 36 unemployment
## 12463 2000 4 37 rates
## 12464 2000 4 39 record
## 12465 2000 4 43 back
## 12466 2000 4 48 surpluses
## 12467 2000 4 60 period
## 12468 2000 4 63 growth
## 12469 2000 4 67 history
## 12470 2000 5 6 economy
## 12471 2000 6 5 revolution
## 12472 2000 6 11 revival
## 12473 2000 6 15 spirit
## 12474 2000 6 17 crime
## 12475 2000 6 25 level
## 12476 2000 6 29 teen
## 12477 2000 6 30 births
## 12478 2000 6 34 adoptions
## 12479 2000 6 39 welfare
## 12480 2000 6 40 rolls
## 12481 2000 6 48 levels
## 12482 2000 7 3 fellow
## 12483 2000 7 7 state
## 12484 2000 8 7 credit
## 12485 2000 8 12 people
## 12486 2000 9 2 gratitude
## 12487 2000 9 19 progress
## 12488 2000 9 21 partisanship
## 12489 2000 11 8 distress
## 12490 2000 11 11 decline
## 12491 2000 11 14 gridlock
## 12492 2000 12 2 title
## 12493 2000 12 8 book
## 12494 2000 13 5 traditions
## 12495 2000 13 14 things
## 12496 2000 14 5 center
## 12497 2000 14 9 ideologies
## 12498 2000 14 13 vision
## 12499 2000 14 19 values
## lemma pos tag entity_type
## 1 privilege NOUN NN
## 2 state NOUN NN
## 3 tonight NOUN NN
## 4 state NOUN NN
## 5 initiative NOUN NN
## 6 line NOUN NN
## 7 budget NOUN NN
## 8 people NOUN NNS
## 9 state NOUN NN
## 10 world NOUN NN
## 11 change NOUN NNS
## 12 challenge NOUN NNS
## 13 moment NOUN NNS
## 14 history NOUN NN
## 15 life NOUN NNS
## 16 world NOUN NN
## 17 feature NOUN NNS
## 18 event NOUN NNS
## 19 shape NOUN NN
## 20 nation NOUN NNS
## 21 pace NOUN NN
## 22 progress NOUN NN
## 23 freedom NOUN NN
## 24 oppression NOUN NN
## 25 people NOUN NNS
## 26 world NOUN NN
## 27 frame NOUN NN
## 28 reference NOUN NN
## 29 compass NOUN NN
## 30 point NOUN NNS
## 31 era NOUN NN
## 32 world NOUN NN
## 33 event NOUN NNS
## 34 chain NOUN NN
## 35 reaction NOUN NN
## 36 change NOUN NNS
## 37 beginning NOUN NN
## 38 era NOUN NN
## 39 world NOUN NN
## 40 affair NOUN NNS
## 41 world NOUN NN
## 42 year NOUN NN
## 43 people NOUN NNS
## 44 fear NOUN NN
## 45 thumb NOUN NN
## 46 dictator NOUN NN
## 47 democracy NOUN NN
## 48 operation NOUN NN
## 49 objective NOUN NN
## 50 number NOUN NN
## 51 personnel NOUN NNS
## 52 operation NOUN NN
## 53 number NOUN NNS
## 54 troop NOUN NNS
## 55 man NOUN NNS
## 56 woman NOUN NNS
## 57 mission NOUN NN
## 58 success NOUN NN
## 59 dialog NOUN NN
## 60 ruler NOUN NNS
## 61 country NOUN NN
## 62 future NOUN NN
## 63 hand NOUN NNS
## 64 member NOUN NNS
## 65 playwright NOUN NN
## 66 prisoner NOUN NN
## 67 history NOUN NN
## 68 guide NOUN NN
## 69 history NOUN NN
## 70 event NOUN NNS
## 71 event NOUN NNS
## 72 hope NOUN NNS
## 73 people NOUN NNS
## 74 event NOUN NNS
## 75 goal NOUN NNS
## 76 policy NOUN NN
## 77 policy NOUN NN
## 78 principle NOUN NN
## 79 cause NOUN NN
## 80 freedom NOUN NN
## 81 nation NOUN NN
## 82 idea NOUN NN
## 83 mind NOUN NNS
## 84 people NOUN NNS
## 85 world NOUN NN
## 86 shape NOUN NN
## 87 center NOUN NN
## 88 circle NOUN NN
## 89 freedom NOUN NN
## 90 nation NOUN NN
## 91 dream NOUN NN
## 92 immigrant NOUN NN
## 93 foot NOUN NN
## 94 shore NOUN NNS
## 95 nation NOUN NN
## 96 idea NOUN NN
## 97 world NOUN NN
## 98 world NOUN NN
## 99 worker NOUN NNS
## 100 rally NOUN NN
## 101 place NOUN NN
## 102 outskirt NOUN NNS
## 103 idea NOUN NN
## 104 worker NOUN NN
## 105 overall NOUN NNS
## 106 factory NOUN NN
## 107 gate NOUN NNS
## 108 speech NOUN NN
## 109 citizen NOUN NNS
## 110 word NOUN NNS
## 111 word NOUN NNS
## 112 revolution NOUN NN
## 113 truth NOUN NNS
## 114 self NOUN NN
## 115 man NOUN NNS
## 116 pursuit NOUN NN
## 117 secret NOUN NN
## 118 home NOUN NN
## 119 freedom NOUN NN
## 120 door NOUN NN
## 121 cornerstone NOUN NNS
## 122 society NOUN NN
## 123 place NOUN NN
## 124 democracy NOUN NN
## 125 competition NOUN NN
## 126 opportunity NOUN NN
## 127 investment NOUN NN
## 128 stewardship NOUN NN
## 129 course NOUN NN
## 130 leadership NOUN NN
## 131 challenge NOUN NN
## 132 system NOUN NN
## 133 system NOUN NN
## 134 none NOUN NN
## 135 job NOUN NN
## 136 woman NOUN NNS
## 137 home NOUN NN
## 138 child NOUN NNS
## 139 care NOUN NN
## 140 government NOUN NN
## 141 child NOUN NN
## 142 care NOUN NN
## 143 alternative NOUN NNS
## 144 parent NOUN NNS
## 145 need NOUN NNS
## 146 environment NOUN NN
## 147 economy NOUN NN
## 148 world NOUN NN
## 149 symbol NOUN NN
## 150 quality NOUN NN
## 151 progress NOUN NN
## 152 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 153 society NOUN NN
## 154 time NOUN NN
## 155 mainstream NOUN NN
## 156 citizen NOUN NNS
## 157 roof NOUN NN
## 158 head NOUN NN
## 159 homeless NOUN NN
## 160 help NOUN NN
## 161 dignity NOUN NN
## 162 school NOUN NNS
## 163 challenge NOUN NN
## 164 kid NOUN NNS
## 165 teacher NOUN NNS
## 166 grade NOUN NN
## 167 street NOUN NN
## 168 city NOUN NN
## 169 school NOUN NN
## 170 child NOUN NN
## 171 drug NOUN NN
## 172 heart NOUN NNS
## 173 hostage NOUN NNS
## 174 mind NOUN NNS
## 175 effort NOUN NNS
## 176 part NOUN NN
## 177 future NOUN NN
## 178 future NOUN NN
## 179 dream NOUN NNS
## 180 horizon NOUN NN
## 181 view NOUN NN
## 182 mission NOUN NN
## 183 market NOUN NNS
## 184 world NOUN NN
## 185 challenge NOUN NNS
## 186 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 187 arena NOUN NN
## 188 challenge NOUN NN
## 189 change NOUN NNS
## 190 investment NOUN NN
## 191 administration NOUN NN
## 192 creation NOUN NN
## 193 capital NOUN NN
## 194 capital NOUN NN
## 195 kind NOUN NNS
## 196 capital NOUN NN
## 197 farm NOUN NNS
## 198 factory NOUN NNS
## 199 workshop NOUN NNS
## 200 production NOUN NN
## 201 line NOUN NNS
## 202 quality NOUN NN
## 203 good NOUN NNS
## 204 quality NOUN NN
## 205 service NOUN NNS
## 206 capital NOUN NN
## 207 source NOUN NN
## 208 idea NOUN NNS
## 209 product NOUN NNS
## 210 course NOUN NN
## 211 capital NOUN NN
## 212 work NOUN NN
## 213 force NOUN NN
## 214 market NOUN NN
## 215 capital NOUN NN
## 216 spirit NOUN NN
## 217 ingenuity NOUN NN
## 218 spirit NOUN NN
## 219 hallmark NOUN NN
## 220 worker NOUN NN
## 221 worker NOUN NN
## 222 worker NOUN NN
## 223 world NOUN NN
## 224 pool NOUN NN
## 225 capital NOUN NN
## 226 investment NOUN NNS
## 227 job NOUN NNS
## 228 growth NOUN NN
## 229 idea NOUN NN
## 230 initiative NOUN NN
## 231 tax NOUN NN
## 232 capital NOUN NN
## 233 gain NOUN NNS
## 234 risktaker NOUN NNS
## 235 business NOUN NNS
## 236 step NOUN NNS
## 237 reward NOUN NN
## 238 job NOUN NNS
## 239 life NOUN NN
## 240 future NOUN NN
## 241 budget NOUN NN
## 242 commitment NOUN NN
## 243 money NOUN NN
## 244 research NOUN NN
## 245 development NOUN NN
## 246 r&d NOUN NN
## 247 record NOUN NN
## 248 high NOUN NN
## 249 housing NOUN NN
## 250 initiative NOUN NN
## 251 time NOUN NN
## 252 homebuyer NOUN NNS
## 253 homeless NOUN NN
## 254 money NOUN NN
## 255 kid NOUN NNS
## 256 drug NOUN NN
## 257 office NOUN NN
## 258 space NOUN NN
## 259 exploration NOUN NN
## 260 education NOUN NN
## 261 record NOUN NN
## 262 high NOUN NN
## 263 thing NOUN NN
## 264 education NOUN NN
## 265 summit NOUN NN
## 266 way NOUN NNS
## 267 kid NOUN NNS
## 268 classroom NOUN NN
## 269 commitment NOUN NN
## 270 increase NOUN NN
## 271 fund NOUN NNS
## 272 education NOUN NN
## 273 investment NOUN NN
## 274 future NOUN NN
## 275 child NOUN NNS
## 276 improvement NOUN NN
## 277 school NOUN NNS
## 278 matter NOUN NN
## 279 matter NOUN NN
## 280 school NOUN NNS
## 281 teacher NOUN NNS
## 282 kid NOUN NNS
## 283 parent NOUN NNS
## 284 education NOUN NN
## 285 goal NOUN NNS
## 286 goal NOUN NNS
## 287 cooperation NOUN NN
## 288 discussion NOUN NNS
## 289 deliberation NOUN NNS
## 290 child NOUN NN
## 291 school NOUN NN
## 292 school NOUN NN
## 293 graduation NOUN NN
## 294 rate NOUN NN
## 295 school NOUN NNS
## 296 diploma NOUN NNS
## 297 subject NOUN NNS
## 298 grade NOUN NNS
## 299 student NOUN NNS
## 300 performance NOUN NN
## 301 student NOUN NNS
## 302 world NOUN NN
## 303 math NOUN NN
## 304 science NOUN NN
## 305 achievement NOUN NN
## 306 adult NOUN NN
## 307 worker NOUN NN
## 308 citizen NOUN NN
## 309 school NOUN NN
## 310 kind NOUN NN
## 311 environment NOUN NN
## 312 kid NOUN NNS
## 313 school NOUN NN
## 314 drug NOUN NN
## 315 future NOUN NN
## 316 stake NOUN NN
## 317 nation NOUN NN
## 318 excellence NOUN NN
## 319 education NOUN NN
## 320 investment NOUN NNS
## 321 people NOUN NNS
## 322 competition NOUN NN
## 323 ingenuity NOUN NN
## 324 energy NOUN NN
## 325 experience NOUN NN
## 326 technology NOUN NN
## 327 spirit NOUN NN
## 328 enterprise NOUN NN
## 329 competition NOUN NN
## 330 challenge NOUN NN
## 331 house NOUN NN
## 332 order NOUN NN
## 333 progress NOUN NN
## 334 deficit NOUN NN
## 335 product NOUN NN
## 336 budget NOUN NN
## 337 deficit NOUN NN
## 338 product NOUN NN
## 339 budget NOUN NN
## 340 spending NOUN NN
## 341 control NOUN NN
## 342 target NOUN NN
## 343 deficit NOUN NN
## 344 budget NOUN NN
## 345 taxis NOUN NNS
## 346 spending NOUN NN
## 347 lot NOUN NN
## 348 money NOUN NN
## 349 budget NOUN NN
## 350 way NOUN NN
## 351 family NOUN NN
## 352 bill NOUN NNS
## 353 child NOUN NNS
## 354 grandchild NOUN NNS
## 355 debt NOUN NN
## 356 generation NOUN NNS
## 357 future NOUN NN
## 358 stewardship NOUN NN
## 359 safekeeping NOUN NN
## 360 inheritance NOUN NN
## 361 sign NOUN NN
## 362 rank NOUN NN
## 363 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 364 tape NOUN NN
## 365 certainty NOUN NN
## 366 home NOUN NN
## 367 dealing NOUN NNS
## 368 nation NOUN NNS
## 369 issue NOUN NNS
## 370 status NOUN NN
## 371 budget NOUN NN
## 372 spending NOUN NN
## 373 environment NOUN NN
## 374 change NOUN NN
## 375 research NOUN NN
## 376 initiative NOUN NN
## 377 park NOUN NNS
## 378 wildlife NOUN NN
## 379 facility NOUN NNS
## 380 land NOUN NNS
## 381 country NOUN NN
## 382 forestland NOUN NN
## 383 city NOUN NNS
## 384 generation NOUN NNS
## 385 money NOUN NN
## 386 tree NOUN NNS
## 387 year NOUN NN
## 388 member NOUN NNS
## 389 people NOUN NNS
## 390 bicker NOUN NN
## 391 work NOUN NN
## 392 spirit NOUN NN
## 393 cooperation NOUN NN
## 394 hand NOUN NN
## 395 will NOUN NN
## 396 people NOUN NNS
## 397 air NOUN NN
## 398 child NOUN NN
## 399 care NOUN NN
## 400 crime NOUN NN
## 401 drug NOUN NNS
## 402 time NOUN NN
## 403 farm NOUN NN
## 404 bill NOUN NN
## 405 transportation NOUN NN
## 406 policy NOUN NN
## 407 product NOUN NN
## 408 liability NOUN NN
## 409 reform NOUN NN
## 410 enterprise NOUN NN
## 411 zone NOUN NNS
## 412 time NOUN NN
## 413 thing NOUN NN
## 414 commitment NOUN NNS
## 415 system NOUN NN
## 416 promise NOUN NN
## 417 system NOUN NN
## 418 arrangement NOUN NN
## 419 budget NOUN NN
## 420 benefit NOUN NNS
## 421 benefit NOUN NNS
## 422 thing NOUN NN
## 423 problem NOUN NN
## 424 consideration NOUN NN
## 425 recommendation NOUN NNS
## 426 health NOUN NN
## 427 care NOUN NN
## 428 study NOUN NNS
## 429 review NOUN NN
## 430 recommendation NOUN NNS
## 431 quality NOUN NN
## 432 accessibility NOUN NN
## 433 cost NOUN NN
## 434 nation NOUN NN
## 435 health NOUN NN
## 436 care NOUN NN
## 437 system NOUN NN
## 438 cost NOUN NNS
## 439 health NOUN NN
## 440 care NOUN NN
## 441 control NOUN NN
## 442 state NOUN NN
## 443 chamber NOUN NN
## 444 state NOUN NN
## 445 decency NOUN NN
## 446 nation NOUN NN
## 447 individual NOUN NNS
## 448 mail NOUN NN
## 449 bombing NOUN NNS
## 450 country NOUN NN
## 451 racism NOUN NN
## 452 bigotry NOUN NN
## 453 hate NOUN NN
## 454 state NOUN NN
## 455 neighbor NOUN NN
## 456 problem NOUN NNS
## 457 community NOUN NN
## 458 trouble NOUN NN
## 459 hand NOUN NN
## 460 point NOUN NN
## 461 light NOUN NN
## 462 stranger NOUN NN
## 463 need NOUN NN
## 464 time NOUN NN
## 465 day NOUN NN
## 466 kid NOUN NNS
## 467 homework NOUN NN
## 468 value NOUN NNS
## 469 child NOUN NNS
## 470 state NOUN NN
## 471 effort NOUN NN
## 472 thing NOUN NNS
## 473 democracy NOUN NN
## 474 meaning NOUN NN
## 475 idea NOUN NN
## 476 ideal NOUN NN
## 477 state NOUN NN
## 478 way NOUN NN
## 479 part NOUN NNS
## 480 letter NOUN NN
## 481 medic NOUN NN
## 482 night NOUN NN
## 483 force NOUN NNS
## 484 action NOUN NN
## 485 letter NOUN NN
## 486 servicemen NOUN NN
## 487 mother NOUN NN
## 488 letter NOUN NN
## 489 death NOUN NN
## 490 corner NOUN NN
## 491 fog NOUN NN
## 492 revel NOUN NN
## 493 life NOUN NN
## 494 choice NOUN NN
## 495 country NOUN NN
## 496 life NOUN NNS
## 497 battle NOUN NN
## 498 idea NOUN NN
## 499 heart NOUN NN
## 500 change NOUN NNS
## 501 world NOUN NN
## 502 challenge NOUN NNS
## 503 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 504 need NOUN NN
## 505 leadership NOUN NN
## 506 address NOUN NN
## 507 time NOUN NN
## 508 world NOUN NN
## 509 man NOUN NNS
## 510 side NOUN NNS
## 511 time NOUN NN
## 512 change NOUN NN
## 513 world NOUN NN
## 514 change NOUN NN
## 515 place NOUN NN
## 516 ally NOUN NNS
## 517 communism NOUN NN
## 518 check NOUN NN
## 519 democracy NOUN NN
## 520 communism NOUN NN
## 521 aim NOUN NN
## 522 democracy NOUN NN
## 523 advance NOUN NN
## 524 lead NOUN NN
## 525 peace NOUN NN
## 526 freedom NOUN NN
## 527 hope NOUN NN
## 528 commonwealth NOUN NN
## 529 nation NOUN NNS
## 530 time NOUN NN
## 531 consensus NOUN NN
## 532 home NOUN NN
## 533 vision NOUN NN
## 534 world NOUN NN
## 535 hemisphere NOUN NN
## 536 time NOUN NN
## 537 people NOUN NNS
## 538 freedom NOUN NN
## 539 time NOUN NN
## 540 flowering NOUN NN
## 541 government NOUN NNS
## 542 market NOUN NNS
## 543 engine NOUN NN
## 544 progress NOUN NN
## 545 time NOUN NN
## 546 hand NOUN NN
## 547 democracy NOUN NNS
## 548 continent NOUN NN
## 549 continent NOUN NN
## 550 future NOUN NN
## 551 time NOUN NN
## 552 relationship NOUN NN
## 553 process NOUN NN
## 554 change NOUN NN
## 555 democracy NOUN NN
## 556 opportunity NOUN NN
## 557 period NOUN NN
## 558 transition NOUN NN
## 559 hope NOUN NN
## 560 uncertainty NOUN NN
## 561 threat NOUN NN
## 562 change NOUN NN
## 563 modernization NOUN NN
## 564 offense NOUN NN
## 565 modernization NOUN NN
## 566 time NOUN NN
## 567 arm NOUN NNS
## 568 control NOUN NN
## 569 agreement NOUN NN
## 570 level NOUN NNS
## 571 force NOUN NNS
## 572 defense NOUN NN
## 573 program NOUN NN
## 574 catalyst NOUN NN
## 575 change NOUN NN
## 576 leader NOUN NNS
## 577 fact NOUN NN
## 578 phone NOUN NN
## 579 ally NOUN NNS
## 580 presence NOUN NN
## 581 presence NOUN NN
## 582 troop NOUN NN
## 583 level NOUN NNS
## 584 step NOUN NN
## 585 reduction NOUN NN
## 586 manpower NOUN NN
## 587 side NOUN NN
## 588 level NOUN NN
## 589 advice NOUN NN
## 590 adviser NOUN NNS
## 591 interest NOUN NNS
## 592 defense NOUN NN
## 593 strategy NOUN NN
## 594 conclusion NOUN NN
## 595 arm NOUN NNS
## 596 control NOUN NN
## 597 talk NOUN NNS
## 598 chemical NOUN NN
## 599 goal NOUN NN
## 600 time NOUN NN
## 601 fact NOUN NN
## 602 region NOUN NNS
## 603 world NOUN NN
## 604 reality NOUN NN
## 605 conflict NOUN NN
## 606 peace NOUN NN
## 607 animosity NOUN NNS
## 608 interest NOUN NNS
## 609 cause NOUN NN
## 610 peace NOUN NN
## 611 interest NOUN NNS
## 612 ideal NOUN NNS
## 613 idea NOUN NN
## 614 home NOUN NN
## 615 world NOUN NN
## 616 history NOUN NN
## 617 making NOUN NN
## 618 history NOUN NN
## 619 change NOUN NN
## 620 gate NOUN NNS
## 621 shipyard NOUN NN
## 622 monument NOUN NN
## 623 worker NOUN NNS
## 624 monument NOUN NN
## 625 majesty NOUN NN
## 626 crosse NOUN NNS
## 627 stone NOUN NNS
## 628 cross NOUN NN
## 629 anchor NOUN NN
## 630 symbol NOUN NN
## 631 hope NOUN NN
## 632 anchor NOUN NN
## 633 world NOUN NN
## 634 freedom NOUN NN
## 635 time NOUN NNS
## 636 change NOUN NN
## 637 symbol NOUN NN
## 638 hope NOUN NN
## 639 world NOUN NN
## 640 freedom NOUN NN
## 641 heart NOUN NN
## 642 idea NOUN NN
## 643 life NOUN NN
## 644 idea NOUN NN
## 645 anchor NOUN NN
## 646 faith NOUN NN
## 647 family NOUN NN
## 648 family NOUN NN
## 649 joy NOUN NN
## 650 life NOUN NN
## 651 boy NOUN NN
## 652 grandchild NOUN NN
## 653 guy NOUN NN
## 654 time NOUN NN
## 655 trouble NOUN NNS
## 656 home NOUN NN
## 657 perspective NOUN NN
## 658 grandfather NOUN NN
## 659 talking NOUN NN
## 660 lot NOUN NN
## 661 child NOUN NNS
## 662 country NOUN NN
## 663 kid NOUN NNS
## 664 kid NOUN NNS
## 665 environmentalist NOUN NNS
## 666 leaguer NOUN NNS
## 667 kid NOUN NNS
## 668 boarder NOUN NN
## 669 baby NOUN NNS
## 670 drug NOUN NNS
## 671 problem NOUN NNS
## 672 child NOUN NN
## 673 future NOUN NN
## 674 kid NOUN NN
## 675 dream NOUN NNS
## 676 world NOUN NN
## 677 future NOUN NN
## 678 freedom NOUN NN
## 679 world NOUN NN
## 680 generation NOUN NN
## 681 grandparent NOUN NNS
## 682 living NOUN NN
## 683 link NOUN NN
## 684 past NOUN NN
## 685 grandchild NOUN NNS
## 686 story NOUN NN
## 687 struggle NOUN NNS
## 688 home NOUN NN
## 689 sacrifice NOUN NNS
## 690 freedom NOUN NN
## 691 sake NOUN NN
## 692 story NOUN NN
## 693 story NOUN NN
## 694 parent NOUN NNS
## 695 child NOUN NNS
## 696 direction NOUN NN
## 697 guidance NOUN NN
## 698 faith NOUN NN
## 699 family NOUN NN
## 700 nation NOUN NN
## 701 gift NOUN NNS
## 702 liberty NOUN NN
## 703 legacy NOUN NN
## 704 gift NOUN NNS
## 705 other NOUN NNS
## 706 child NOUN NNS
## 707 people NOUN NNS
## 708 hope NOUN NN
## 709 vision NOUN NN
## 710 dream NOUN NNS
## 711 destiny NOUN NN
## 712 your NOUN NNS
## 713 center NOUN NN
## 714 democracy NOUN NN
## 715 allegiance NOUN NN
## 716 idea NOUN NN
## 717 state NOUN NN
## 718 nation NOUN NN
## 719 people NOUN NNS
## 720 world NOUN NN
## 721 struggle NOUN NN
## 722 sky NOUN NNS
## 723 sea NOUN NNS
## 724 sand NOUN NNS
## 725 part NOUN NN
## 726 work NOUN NN
## 727 freedom NOUN NN
## 728 world NOUN NN
## 729 threat NOUN NN
## 730 decency NOUN NN
## 731 humanity NOUN NN
## 732 stake NOUN NN
## 733 country NOUN NN
## 734 idea NOUN NN
## 735 world NOUN NN
## 736 order NOUN NN
## 737 nation NOUN NNS
## 738 cause NOUN NN
## 739 aspiration NOUN NNS
## 740 mankind NOUN NN
## 741 peace NOUN NN
## 742 security NOUN NN
## 743 freedom NOUN NN
## 744 rule NOUN NN
## 745 law NOUN NN
## 746 world NOUN NN
## 747 struggle NOUN NN
## 748 child NOUN NNS
## 749 future NOUN NN
## 750 community NOUN NN
## 751 nation NOUN NNS
## 752 aggression NOUN NN
## 753 invasion NOUN NN
## 754 rape NOUN NN
## 755 neighbor NOUN NN
## 756 community NOUN NN
## 757 nation NOUN NNS
## 758 world NOUN NN
## 759 aggression NOUN NN
## 760 trap NOUN NN
## 761 appeasement NOUN NN
## 762 cynicism NOUN NN
## 763 isolation NOUN NN
## 764 temptation NOUN NN
## 765 tyrant NOUN NNS
## 766 world NOUN NN
## 767 invasion NOUN NN
## 768 resolution NOUN NNS
## 769 demand NOUN NN
## 770 withdrawal NOUN NN
## 771 force NOUN NNS
## 772 country NOUN NNS
## 773 continent NOUN NNS
## 774 exception NOUN NNS
## 775 world NOUN NN
## 776 end NOUN NN
## 777 war NOUN NN
## 778 victory NOUN NN
## 779 humanity NOUN NN
## 780 goal NOUN NN
## 781 leadership NOUN NN
## 782 relationship NOUN NN
## 783 world NOUN NN
## 784 relationship NOUN NN
## 785 change NOUN NNS
## 786 nation NOUN NNS
## 787 violence NOUN NN
## 788 concern NOUN NN
## 789 leadership NOUN NN
## 790 principle NOUN NN
## 791 objective NOUN NN
## 792 people NOUN NNS
## 793 aspiration NOUN NNS
## 794 discussion NOUN NNS
## 795 leadership NOUN NN
## 796 representation NOUN NNS
## 797 withdrawal NOUN NN
## 798 force NOUN NNS
## 799 reopening NOUN NN
## 800 dialog NOUN NN
## 801 move NOUN NN
## 802 violence NOUN NN
## 803 situation NOUN NN
## 804 contact NOUN NN
## 805 leadership NOUN NN
## 806 commitment NOUN NN
## 807 democratization NOUN NN
## 808 reform NOUN NN
## 809 basis NOUN NN
## 810 cooperation NOUN NN
## 811 future NOUN NN
## 812 mankind NOUN NN
## 813 triumph NOUN NN
## 814 idea NOUN NNS
## 815 struggle NOUN NN
## 816 freedom NOUN NN
## 817 world NOUN NN
## 818 wisdom NOUN NN
## 819 nation NOUN NN
## 820 founder NOUN NNS
## 821 victory NOUN NN
## 822 victory NOUN NN
## 823 tyranny NOUN NN
## 824 aggression NOUN NN
## 825 blessing NOUN NNS
## 826 purpose NOUN NN
## 827 difficulty NOUN NNS
## 828 duty NOUN NNS
## 829 home NOUN NN
## 830 world NOUN NN
## 831 world NOUN NN
## 832 example NOUN NN
## 833 freedom NOUN NN
## 834 democracy NOUN NN
## 835 generation NOUN NNS
## 836 struggle NOUN NN
## 837 blessing NOUN NNS
## 838 liberty NOUN NN
## 839 world NOUN NN
## 840 leadership NOUN NN
## 841 leadership NOUN NN
## 842 burden NOUN NNS
## 843 sacrifice NOUN NNS
## 844 hope NOUN NNS
## 845 humanity NOUN NN
## 846 responsibility NOUN NN
## 847 work NOUN NN
## 848 freedom NOUN NN
## 849 freedom NOUN NN
## 850 conviction NOUN NN
## 851 courage NOUN NN
## 852 character NOUN NN
## 853 action NOUN NN
## 854 spirit NOUN NN
## 855 victory NOUN NN
## 856 world NOUN NN
## 857 peace NOUN NN
## 858 justice NOUN NN
## 859 spirit NOUN NN
## 860 power NOUN NN
## 861 potential NOUN NN
## 862 challenge NOUN NNS
## 863 home NOUN NN
## 864 evil NOUN NN
## 865 sake NOUN NN
## 866 land NOUN NN
## 867 land NOUN NN
## 868 day NOUN NNS
## 869 way NOUN NN
## 870 tonight NOUN NN
## 871 people NOUN NNS
## 872 appeal NOUN NN
## 873 renewal NOUN NN
## 874 call NOUN NN
## 875 government NOUN NN
## 876 initiative NOUN NNS
## 877 call NOUN NN
## 878 initiative NOUN NNS
## 879 government NOUN NN
## 880 community NOUN NNS
## 881 example NOUN NN
## 882 example NOUN NN
## 883 citizen NOUN NNS
## 884 addict NOUN NN
## 885 drug NOUN NNS
## 886 teenager NOUN NN
## 887 life NOUN NN
## 888 patient NOUN NN
## 889 child NOUN NN
## 890 reach NOUN NN
## 891 promise NOUN NN
## 892 meaning NOUN NN
## 893 purpose NOUN NN
## 894 purpose NOUN NN
## 895 illumination NOUN NN
## 896 force NOUN NN
## 897 child NOUN NN
## 898 hand NOUN NN
## 899 friend NOUN NN
## 900 volunteer NOUN NN
## 901 gesture NOUN NN
## 902 idea NOUN NN
## 903 problem NOUN NNS
## 904 key NOUN NN
## 905 individual NOUN NN
## 906 individual NOUN NN
## 907 state NOUN NN
## 908 union NOUN NN
## 909 sum NOUN NN
## 910 friendship NOUN NNS
## 911 marriage NOUN NNS
## 912 family NOUN NNS
## 913 community NOUN NNS
## 914 hammer NOUN NN
## 915 nail NOUN NN
## 916 trouble NOUN NN
## 917 community NOUN NN
## 918 conscience NOUN NN
## 919 work NOUN NN
## 920 freedom NOUN NN
## 921 state NOUN NN
## 922 birth NOUN NN
## 923 nation NOUN NN
## 924 source NOUN NN
## 925 strength NOUN NN
## 926 government NOUN NN
## 927 potential NOUN NN
## 928 people NOUN NNS
## 929 limit NOUN NNS
## 930 nation NOUN NN
## 931 rock NOUN NN
## 932 realism NOUN NN
## 933 idealism NOUN NN
## 934 nation NOUN NN
## 935 future NOUN NN
## 936 nation NOUN NN
## 937 future NOUN NN
## 938 power NOUN NN
## 939 choice NOUN NN
## 940 individual NOUN NNS
## 941 family NOUN NNS
## 942 dollar NOUN NNS
## 943 child NOUN NN
## 944 care NOUN NN
## 945 hand NOUN NNS
## 946 parent NOUN NNS
## 947 bureaucracy NOUN NNS
## 948 potential NOUN NN
## 949 disability NOUN NNS
## 950 creativity NOUN NN
## 951 marketplace NOUN NN
## 952 service NOUN NN
## 953 environment NOUN NN
## 954 air NOUN NN
## 955 home NOUN NN
## 956 ownership NOUN NN
## 957 strength NOUN NN
## 958 democracy NOUN NN
## 959 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 960 people NOUN NNS
## 961 community NOUN NNS
## 962 potential NOUN NN
## 963 resource NOUN NN
## 964 citizen NOUN NNS
## 965 citizen NOUN NNS
## 966 family NOUN NNS
## 967 community NOUN NNS
## 968 county NOUN NNS
## 969 city NOUN NNS
## 970 institution NOUN NNS
## 971 kind NOUN NN
## 972 power NOUN NN
## 973 destiny NOUN NN
## 974 freedom NOUN NN
## 975 opportunity NOUN NN
## 976 growth NOUN NN
## 977 region NOUN NNS
## 978 country NOUN NN
## 979 people NOUN NNS
## 980 distress NOUN NN
## 981 economy NOUN NN
## 982 heart NOUN NN
## 983 people NOUN NNS
## 984 future NOUN NN
## 985 reason NOUN NNS
## 986 economy NOUN NN
## 987 digit NOUN NN
## 988 inflation NOUN NN
## 989 industry NOUN NNS
## 990 cut NOUN NNS
## 991 production NOUN NN
## 992 inventory NOUN NNS
## 993 export NOUN NNS
## 994 fact NOUN NN
## 995 business NOUN NNS
## 996 record NOUN NN
## 997 rate NOUN NN
## 998 time NOUN NNS
## 999 perspective NOUN NN
## 1000 job NOUN NNS
## 1001 inflation NOUN NN
## 1002 interest NOUN NN
## 1003 rate NOUN NNS
## 1004 peacetime NOUN NN
## 1005 expansion NOUN NN
## 1006 history NOUN NN
## 1007 economy NOUN NN
## 1008 competitor NOUN NN
## 1009 recession NOUN NN
## 1010 growth NOUN NN
## 1011 way NOUN NN
## 1012 record NOUN NN
## 1013 expansion NOUN NN
## 1014 strength NOUN NN
## 1015 effort NOUN NNS
## 1016 growth NOUN NN
## 1017 future NOUN NN
## 1018 power NOUN NN
## 1019 opportunity NOUN NN
## 1020 individual NOUN NN
## 1021 control NOUN NN
## 1022 spending NOUN NN
## 1023 budget NOUN NN
## 1024 growth NOUN NN
## 1025 spending NOUN NN
## 1026 rate NOUN NN
## 1027 inflation NOUN NN
## 1028 sound NOUN NN
## 1029 fury NOUN NN
## 1030 budget NOUN NN
## 1031 debate NOUN NN
## 1032 law NOUN NN
## 1033 spending NOUN NN
## 1034 cap NOUN NNS
## 1035 spending NOUN NN
## 1036 debate NOUN NNS
## 1037 battle NOUN NN
## 1038 idea NOUN NNS
## 1039 bidding NOUN NN
## 1040 war NOUN NN
## 1041 budget NOUN NN
## 1042 agreement NOUN NN
## 1043 plan NOUN NN
## 1044 growth NOUN NN
## 1045 debt NOUN NN
## 1046 fund NOUN NNS
## 1047 saving NOUN NN
## 1048 job NOUN NN
## 1049 investment NOUN NN
## 1050 budget NOUN NN
## 1051 tax NOUN NN
## 1052 family NOUN NN
## 1053 saving NOUN NNS
## 1054 account NOUN NNS
## 1055 penalty NOUN NN
## 1056 withdrawal NOUN NNS
## 1057 time NOUN NN
## 1058 home NOUN NN
## 1059 buyer NOUN NNS
## 1060 job NOUN NNS
## 1061 growth NOUN NN
## 1062 tax NOUN NN
## 1063 term NOUN NN
## 1064 capital NOUN NN
## 1065 gain NOUN NNS
## 1066 difference NOUN NNS
## 1067 impact NOUN NN
## 1068 effect NOUN NNS
## 1069 capital NOUN NN
## 1070 gain NOUN NNS
## 1071 incentive NOUN NN
## 1072 leader NOUN NNS
## 1073 study NOUN NN
## 1074 difference NOUN NNS
## 1075 return NOUN NN
## 1076 bickering NOUN NN
## 1077 effort NOUN NNS
## 1078 growth NOUN NN
## 1079 future NOUN NN
## 1080 term NOUN NN
## 1081 investment NOUN NNS
## 1082 plan NOUN NN
## 1083 action NOUN NN
## 1084 series NOUN NN
## 1085 proposal NOUN NNS
## 1086 budget NOUN NN
## 1087 investment NOUN NN
## 1088 future NOUN NN
## 1089 child NOUN NNS
## 1090 education NOUN NN
## 1091 infrastructure NOUN NN
## 1092 space NOUN NN
## 1093 technology NOUN NN
## 1094 legislation NOUN NN
## 1095 excellence NOUN NN
## 1096 education NOUN NN
## 1097 partnership NOUN NN
## 1098 education NOUN NN
## 1099 summit NOUN NN
## 1100 parent NOUN NNS
## 1101 child NOUN NNS
## 1102 school NOUN NNS
## 1103 number NOUN NN
## 1104 math NOUN NN
## 1105 science NOUN NN
## 1106 blueprint NOUN NN
## 1107 highway NOUN NN
## 1108 system NOUN NN
## 1109 investment NOUN NN
## 1110 transportation NOUN NN
## 1111 infrastructure NOUN NN
## 1112 research NOUN NN
## 1113 development NOUN NN
## 1114 agenda NOUN NN
## 1115 record NOUN NN
## 1116 level NOUN NNS
## 1117 investment NOUN NN
## 1118 tax NOUN NN
## 1119 credit NOUN NN
## 1120 r&d NOUN NN
## 1121 job NOUN NNS
## 1122 energy NOUN NN
## 1123 strategy NOUN NN
## 1124 energy NOUN NN
## 1125 conservation NOUN NN
## 1126 efficiency NOUN NN
## 1127 development NOUN NN
## 1128 use NOUN NN
## 1129 fuel NOUN NNS
## 1130 banking NOUN NN
## 1131 reform NOUN NN
## 1132 plan NOUN NN
## 1133 system NOUN NN
## 1134 bank NOUN NNS
## 1135 job NOUN NN
## 1136 loan NOUN NNS
## 1137 factory NOUN NNS
## 1138 business NOUN NNS
## 1139 home NOUN NN
## 1140 buyer NOUN NNS
## 1141 pessimism NOUN NN
## 1142 bank NOUN NNS
## 1143 loan NOUN NNS
## 1144 interest NOUN NN
## 1145 rate NOUN NNS
## 1146 addition NOUN NN
## 1147 proposal NOUN NNS
## 1148 strength NOUN NN
## 1149 world NOUN NN
## 1150 market NOUN NNS
## 1151 export NOUN NNS
## 1152 round NOUN NN
## 1153 world NOUN NN
## 1154 trade NOUN NN
## 1155 negotiation NOUN NNS
## 1156 job NOUN NNS
## 1157 growth NOUN NN
## 1158 nation NOUN NNS
## 1159 field NOUN NN
## 1160 worker NOUN NNS
## 1161 farmer NOUN NNS
## 1162 work NOUN NN
## 1163 trade NOUN NN
## 1164 agreement NOUN NN
## 1165 partner NOUN NNS
## 1166 economy NOUN NNS
## 1167 trade NOUN NN
## 1168 zone NOUN NN
## 1169 hemisphere NOUN NN
## 1170 budget NOUN NN
## 1171 plan NOUN NN
## 1172 action NOUN NN
## 1173 home NOUN NN
## 1174 power NOUN NN
## 1175 opportunity NOUN NN
## 1176 hand NOUN NNS
## 1177 individual NOUN NN
## 1178 incentive NOUN NNS
## 1179 job NOUN NNS
## 1180 city NOUN NNS
## 1181 investment NOUN NN
## 1182 enterprise NOUN NN
## 1183 zone NOUN NNS
## 1184 tenant NOUN NN
## 1185 control NOUN NN
## 1186 ownership NOUN NN
## 1187 housing NOUN NN
## 1188 freedom NOUN NN
## 1189 power NOUN NN
## 1190 privilege NOUN NN
## 1191 wealth NOUN NN
## 1192 birthright NOUN NN
## 1193 right NOUN NNS
## 1194 opportunity NOUN NN
## 1195 responsibility NOUN NN
## 1196 racism NOUN NN
## 1197 bigotry NOUN NN
## 1198 hate NOUN NN
## 1199 enforcement NOUN NN
## 1200 statute NOUN NNS
## 1201 law NOUN NNS
## 1202 employment NOUN NN
## 1203 discrimination NOUN NN
## 1204 use NOUN NN
## 1205 preference NOUN NNS
## 1206 right NOUN NN
## 1207 freedom NOUN NN
## 1208 crime NOUN NN
## 1209 fear NOUN NN
## 1210 city NOUN NNS
## 1211 crime NOUN NN
## 1212 summit NOUN NN
## 1213 nation NOUN NN
## 1214 law NOUN NN
## 1215 enforcement NOUN NN
## 1216 official NOUN NNS
## 1217 crime NOUN NN
## 1218 control NOUN NN
## 1219 legislation NOUN NN
## 1220 crime NOUN NN
## 1221 strategy NOUN NN
## 1222 drug NOUN NN
## 1223 abuse NOUN NN
## 1224 datum NOUN NNS
## 1225 progress NOUN NN
## 1226 dealer NOUN NN
## 1227 health NOUN NN
## 1228 care NOUN NN
## 1229 right NOUN NN
## 1230 responsibility NOUN NN
## 1231 program NOUN NN
## 1232 prevention NOUN NN
## 1233 initiative NOUN NNS
## 1234 infant NOUN NNS
## 1235 child NOUN NNS
## 1236 adult NOUN NNS
## 1237 cost NOUN NNS
## 1238 time NOUN NN
## 1239 people NOUN NNS
## 1240 choice NOUN NN
## 1241 government NOUN NN
## 1242 ideal NOUN NN
## 1243 citizen NOUN NN
## 1244 politician NOUN NN
## 1245 reason NOUN NNS
## 1246 support NOUN NN
## 1247 country NOUN NN
## 1248 term NOUN NN
## 1249 limitation NOUN NNS
## 1250 people NOUN NNS
## 1251 money NOUN NN
## 1252 influence NOUN NN
## 1253 politic NOUN NNS
## 1254 election NOUN NN
## 1255 generation NOUN NN
## 1256 time NOUN NN
## 1257 interest NOUN NN
## 1258 interest NOUN NN
## 1259 action NOUN NN
## 1260 committee NOUN NNS
## 1261 competition NOUN NN
## 1262 election NOUN NNS
## 1263 power NOUN NN
## 1264 hand NOUN NNS
## 1265 individual NOUN NNS
## 1266 power NOUN NN
## 1267 hand NOUN NNS
## 1268 individual NOUN NN
## 1269 people NOUN NNS
## 1270 government NOUN NN
## 1271 program NOUN NNS
## 1272 program NOUN NNS
## 1273 time NOUN NN
## 1274 program NOUN NN
## 1275 life NOUN NN
## 1276 cycle NOUN NN
## 1277 program NOUN NNS
## 1278 budget NOUN NN
## 1279 list NOUN NN
## 1280 program NOUN NNS
## 1281 turnover NOUN NN
## 1282 program NOUN NNS
## 1283 grant NOUN NN
## 1284 management NOUN NN
## 1285 value NOUN NN
## 1286 value NOUN NN
## 1287 turnover NOUN NN
## 1288 approach NOUN NN
## 1289 power NOUN NN
## 1290 people NOUN NNS
## 1291 theme NOUN NN
## 1292 administration NOUN NN
## 1293 appreciation NOUN NN
## 1294 encouragement NOUN NN
## 1295 power NOUN NNS
## 1296 laboratory NOUN NNS
## 1297 nation NOUN NN
## 1298 leader NOUN NNS
## 1299 power NOUN NN
## 1300 hand NOUN NNS
## 1301 people NOUN NNS
## 1302 future NOUN NN
## 1303 world NOUN NN
## 1304 time NOUN NNS
## 1305 responsibility NOUN NN
## 1306 world NOUN NN
## 1307 chaos NOUN NN
## 1308 dictator NOUN NNS
## 1309 promise NOUN NN
## 1310 day NOUN NN
## 1311 struggle NOUN NN
## 1312 totalitarianism NOUN NN
## 1313 world NOUN NN
## 1314 one NOUN NN
## 1315 work NOUN NN
## 1316 freedom NOUN NN
## 1317 soldier NOUN NN
## 1318 sailor NOUN NN
## 1319 airman NOUN NN
## 1320 man NOUN NN
## 1321 woman NOUN NN
## 1322 tribute NOUN NN
## 1323 tribute NOUN NN
## 1324 nation NOUN NN
## 1325 defense NOUN NN
## 1326 world NOUN NN
## 1327 generation NOUN NNS
## 1328 peace NOUN NN
## 1329 commitment NOUN NN
## 1330 commitment NOUN NN
## 1331 country NOUN NN
## 1332 war NOUN NN
## 1333 war NOUN NN
## 1334 war NOUN NN
## 1335 avenue NOUN NN
## 1336 solution NOUN NN
## 1337 time NOUN NN
## 1338 path NOUN NN
## 1339 diplomacy NOUN NN
## 1340 peace NOUN NN
## 1341 world NOUN NN
## 1342 conflict NOUN NN
## 1343 neighbor NOUN NN
## 1344 peace NOUN NN
## 1345 tonight NOUN NN
## 1346 course NOUN NN
## 1347 capacity NOUN NN
## 1348 war NOUN NN
## 1349 investment NOUN NN
## 1350 training NOUN NN
## 1351 planning NOUN NN
## 1352 salvation NOUN NN
## 1353 purpose NOUN NN
## 1354 government NOUN NN
## 1355 stability NOUN NN
## 1356 security NOUN NN
## 1357 region NOUN NN
## 1358 region NOUN NN
## 1359 stability NOUN NN
## 1360 security NOUN NN
## 1361 destruction NOUN NN
## 1362 culture NOUN NN
## 1363 people NOUN NNS
## 1364 resource NOUN NNS
## 1365 ambition NOUN NNS
## 1366 tyrant NOUN NN
## 1367 life NOUN NN
## 1368 neighbor NOUN NNS
## 1369 conflict NOUN NN
## 1370 rule NOUN NN
## 1371 dictator NOUN NN
## 1372 weapon NOUN NN
## 1373 outrage NOUN NN
## 1374 innocent NOUN NNS
## 1375 control NOUN NN
## 1376 world NOUN NN
## 1377 oil NOUN NN
## 1378 resource NOUN NNS
## 1379 hand NOUN NNS
## 1380 aggression NOUN NN
## 1381 peace NOUN NN
## 1382 arm NOUN NNS
## 1383 race NOUN NNS
## 1384 confrontation NOUN NN
## 1385 principle NOUN NNS
## 1386 rule NOUN NN
## 1387 law NOUN NN
## 1388 responsibility NOUN NN
## 1389 catalyst NOUN NN
## 1390 peace NOUN NN
## 1391 region NOUN NN
## 1392 conclusion NOUN NN
## 1393 war NOUN NN
## 1394 democracy NOUN NN
## 1395 value NOUN NN
## 1396 dissent NOUN NN
## 1397 voice NOUN NNS
## 1398 home NOUN NN
## 1399 fact NOUN NN
## 1400 voice NOUN NNS
## 1401 right NOUN NN
## 1402 reason NOUN NNS
## 1403 purpose NOUN NN
## 1404 principle NOUN NN
## 1405 progress NOUN NN
## 1406 struggle NOUN NN
## 1407 result NOUN NN
## 1408 vigilance NOUN NN
## 1409 commitment NOUN NN
## 1410 defense NOUN NN
## 1411 advance NOUN NNS
## 1412 missile NOUN NN
## 1413 missile NOUN NN
## 1414 attack NOUN NNS
## 1415 civilian NOUN NNS
## 1416 program NOUN NN
## 1417 protection NOUN NN
## 1418 missile NOUN NN
## 1419 strike NOUN NNS
## 1420 source NOUN NN
## 1421 program NOUN NN
## 1422 threat NOUN NN
## 1423 force NOUN NNS
## 1424 friend NOUN NNS
## 1425 ally NOUN NNS
## 1426 quality NOUN NN
## 1427 technology NOUN NN
## 1428 thank NOUN NNS
## 1429 worker NOUN NN
## 1430 condition NOUN NNS
## 1431 loss NOUN NN
## 1432 life NOUN NN
## 1433 man NOUN NNS
## 1434 woman NOUN NNS
## 1435 place NOUN NN
## 1436 heart NOUN NNS
## 1437 family NOUN NNS
## 1438 man NOUN NNS
## 1439 woman NOUN NNS
## 1440 wife NOUN NN
## 1441 family NOUN NNS
## 1442 force NOUN NNS
## 1443 mission NOUN NN
## 1444 courage NOUN NN
## 1445 success NOUN NN
## 1446 pilot NOUN NNS
## 1447 pilot NOUN NNS
## 1448 proof NOUN NN
## 1449 time NOUN NN
## 1450 community NOUN NN
## 1451 leadership NOUN NN
## 1452 ideal NOUN NN
## 1453 founder NOUN NNS
## 1454 vision NOUN NN
## 1455 burden NOUN NNS
## 1456 struggle NOUN NN
## 1457 friend NOUN NNS
## 1458 ally NOUN NNS
## 1459 bulk NOUN NN
## 1460 cost NOUN NNS
## 1461 commitment NOUN NNS
## 1462 world NOUN NN
## 1463 dictator NOUN NN
## 1464 civilian NOUN NNS
## 1465 advantage NOUN NN
## 1466 cause NOUN NN
## 1467 terrorism NOUN NN
## 1468 coalition NOUN NN
## 1469 prisoner NOUN NNS
## 1470 war NOUN NN
## 1471 world NOUN NN
## 1472 community NOUN NN
## 1473 warning NOUN NN
## 1474 dictator NOUN NN
## 1475 despot NOUN NN
## 1476 future NOUN NN
## 1477 outlaw NOUN NN
## 1478 aggression NOUN NN
## 1479 world NOUN NN
## 1480 opportunity NOUN NN
## 1481 promise NOUN NN
## 1482 world NOUN NN
## 1483 order NOUN NN
## 1484 brutality NOUN NN
## 1485 aggression NOUN NN
## 1486 resistance NOUN NN
## 1487 share NOUN NN
## 1488 leadership NOUN NN
## 1489 effort NOUN NN
## 1490 nation NOUN NNS
## 1491 world NOUN NN
## 1492 standing NOUN NN
## 1493 mean NOUN NNS
## 1494 nation NOUN NN
## 1495 force NOUN NNS
## 1496 peace NOUN NN
## 1497 burden NOUN NN
## 1498 leadership NOUN NN
## 1499 strength NOUN NN
## 1500 beacon NOUN NN
## 1501 freedom NOUN NN
## 1502 world NOUN NN
## 1503 nation NOUN NN
## 1504 glory NOUN NN
## 1505 war NOUN NN
## 1506 people NOUN NNS
## 1507 blessing NOUN NNS
## 1508 home NOUN NN
## 1509 land NOUN NNS
## 1510 conflict NOUN NN
## 1511 anger NOUN NN
## 1512 world NOUN NN
## 1513 value NOUN NN
## 1514 struggle NOUN NN
## 1515 cost NOUN NN
## 1516 life NOUN NNS
## 1517 cost NOUN NN
## 1518 power NOUN NN
## 1519 cost NOUN NN
## 1520 eye NOUN NNS
## 1521 aggression NOUN NN
## 1522 mankind NOUN NN
## 1523 power NOUN NN
## 1524 cause NOUN NN
## 1525 cause NOUN NN
## 1526 cause NOUN NN
## 1527 generation NOUN NNS
## 1528 burden NOUN NN
## 1529 blessing NOUN NNS
## 1530 freedom NOUN NN
## 1531 duty NOUN NN
## 1532 world NOUN NN
## 1533 community NOUN NN
## 1534 conscience NOUN NN
## 1535 wind NOUN NNS
## 1536 change NOUN NN
## 1537 force NOUN NNS
## 1538 freedom NOUN NN
## 1539 will NOUN NN
## 1540 home NOUN NN
## 1541 work NOUN NN
## 1542 freedom NOUN NN
## 1543 member NOUN NNS
## 1544 guest NOUN NNS
## 1545 citizen NOUN NNS
## 1546 reception NOUN NN
## 1547 buildup NOUN NN
## 1548 address NOUN NN
## 1549 hit NOUN NN
## 1550 thing NOUN NNS
## 1551 change NOUN NNS
## 1552 promise NOUN NNS
## 1553 problem NOUN NNS
## 1554 country NOUN NN
## 1555 leader NOUN NN
## 1556 age NOUN NN
## 1557 time NOUN NN
## 1558 history NOUN NN
## 1559 history NOUN NN
## 1560 man NOUN NN
## 1561 world NOUN NN
## 1562 change NOUN NNS
## 1563 proportion NOUN NNS
## 1564 coup NOUN NN
## 1565 system NOUN NN
## 1566 impact NOUN NN
## 1567 import NOUN NN
## 1568 communism NOUN NN
## 1569 vantage NOUN NN
## 1570 point NOUN NN
## 1571 time NOUN NNS
## 1572 progress NOUN NN
## 1573 change NOUN NN
## 1574 joy NOUN NN
## 1575 heart NOUN NN
## 1576 thing NOUN NN
## 1577 world NOUN NN
## 1578 life NOUN NN
## 1579 life NOUN NNS
## 1580 grace NOUN NN
## 1581 change NOUN NNS
## 1582 place NOUN NN
## 1583 country NOUN NN
## 1584 sacrifice NOUN NNS
## 1585 enemy NOUN NN
## 1586 superpower NOUN NN
## 1587 thing NOUN NNS
## 1588 kind NOUN NN
## 1589 rollcall NOUN NN
## 1590 honor NOUN NN
## 1591 war NOUN NN
## 1592 place NOUN NNS
## 1593 hero NOUN NNS
## 1594 victor NOUN NNS
## 1595 rollcall NOUN NN
## 1596 one NOUN NNS
## 1597 freedom NOUN NN
## 1598 ground NOUN NN
## 1599 dust NOUN NN
## 1600 share NOUN NN
## 1601 horror NOUN NN
## 1602 world NOUN NN
## 1603 world NOUN NN
## 1604 valor NOUN NN
## 1605 style NOUN NN
## 1606 bravery NOUN NN
## 1607 unity NOUN NN
## 1608 class NOUN NN
## 1609 race NOUN NN
## 1610 region NOUN NN
## 1611 group NOUN NN
## 1612 generation NOUN NNS
## 1613 one NOUN NNS
## 1614 wall NOUN NNS
## 1615 stalag NOUN NNS
## 1616 sign NOUN NNS
## 1617 desert NOUN NN
## 1618 group NOUN NN
## 1619 kid NOUN NNS
## 1620 world NOUN NN
## 1621 mass NOUN NN
## 1622 people NOUN NNS
## 1623 taxpayer NOUN NN
## 1624 one NOUN NN
## 1625 people NOUN NNS
## 1626 country NOUN NN
## 1627 bill NOUN NN
## 1628 alliance NOUN NN
## 1629 bill NOUN NN
## 1630 people NOUN NNS
## 1631 burden NOUN NN
## 1632 taxis NOUN NNS
## 1633 defense NOUN NN
## 1634 communism NOUN NN
## 1635 fact NOUN NN
## 1636 world NOUN NN
## 1637 acknowledging NOUN NN
## 1638 taxpayer NOUN NN
## 1639 brunt NOUN NN
## 1640 burden NOUN NN
## 1641 hunk NOUN NN
## 1642 glory NOUN NN
## 1643 time NOUN NN
## 1644 bomber NOUN NNS
## 1645 clock NOUN NN
## 1646 alert NOUN NN
## 1647 child NOUN NNS
## 1648 school NOUN NN
## 1649 history NOUN NN
## 1650 plant NOUN NNS
## 1651 child NOUN NNS
## 1652 air NOUN NN
## 1653 raid NOUN NN
## 1654 drill NOUN NNS
## 1655 desk NOUN NNS
## 1656 head NOUN NNS
## 1657 case NOUN NN
## 1658 war NOUN NN
## 1659 grandchild NOUN NNS
## 1660 dream NOUN NNS
## 1661 child NOUN NNS
## 1662 threat NOUN NNS
## 1663 dread NOUN NN
## 1664 moment NOUN NN
## 1665 peril NOUN NN
## 1666 force NOUN NNS
## 1667 desert NOUN NN
## 1668 sky NOUN NNS
## 1669 ground NOUN NN
## 1670 man NOUN NNS
## 1671 woman NOUN NNS
## 1672 ally NOUN NNS
## 1673 goal NOUN NNS
## 1674 world NOUN NN
## 1675 peace NOUN NN
## 1676 hostage NOUN NNS
## 1677 policy NOUN NNS
## 1678 use NOUN NN
## 1679 power NOUN NN
## 1680 world NOUN NN
## 1681 camp NOUN NNS
## 1682 power NOUN NN
## 1683 dread NOUN NN
## 1684 world NOUN NN
## 1685 power NOUN NN
## 1686 world NOUN NN
## 1687 side NOUN NN
## 1688 decency NOUN NN
## 1689 word NOUN NNS
## 1690 war NOUN NN
## 1691 telegram NOUN NN
## 1692 wife NOUN NN
## 1693 pilot NOUN NN
## 1694 grief NOUN NN
## 1695 day NOUN NN
## 1696 child NOUN NNS
## 1697 father NOUN NN
## 1698 war NOUN NN
## 1699 thing NOUN NN
## 1700 thing NOUN NN
## 1701 difference NOUN NNS
## 1702 war NOUN NN
## 1703 partisanship NOUN NN
## 1704 troop NOUN NNS
## 1705 time NOUN NN
## 1706 pride NOUN NN
## 1707 time NOUN NN
## 1708 problem NOUN NNS
## 1709 country NOUN NN
## 1710 cut NOUN NNS
## 1711 spending NOUN NN
## 1712 change NOUN NNS
## 1713 era NOUN NN
## 1714 communism NOUN NN
## 1715 process NOUN NN
## 1716 change NOUN NNS
## 1717 force NOUN NN
## 1718 action NOUN NNS
## 1719 thing NOUN NN
## 1720 plane NOUN NNS
## 1721 procurement NOUN NN
## 1722 production NOUN NN
## 1723 bomber NOUN NNS
## 1724 icbm NOUN NN
## 1725 program NOUN NN
## 1726 production NOUN NN
## 1727 warhead NOUN NNS
## 1728 sea NOUN NN
## 1729 missile NOUN NNS
## 1730 production NOUN NN
## 1731 missile NOUN NN
## 1732 cruise NOUN NN
## 1733 missile NOUN NNS
## 1734 weekend NOUN NN
## 1735 land NOUN NN
## 1736 missile NOUN NNS
## 1737 following NOUN NN
## 1738 missile NOUN NNS
## 1739 number NOUN NN
## 1740 warhead NOUN NNS
## 1741 missile NOUN NNS
## 1742 number NOUN NN
## 1743 warhead NOUN NNS
## 1744 sea NOUN NN
## 1745 missile NOUN NNS
## 1746 portion NOUN NN
## 1747 bomber NOUN NNS
## 1748 use NOUN NN
## 1749 response NOUN NN
## 1750 talk NOUN NNS
## 1751 decision NOUN NNS
## 1752 word NOUN NNS
## 1753 midst NOUN NN
## 1754 celebration NOUN NN
## 1755 caution NOUN NN
## 1756 friend NOUN NN
## 1757 world NOUN NN
## 1758 place NOUN NN
## 1759 dead NOUN NNS
## 1760 end NOUN NN
## 1761 conflict NOUN NN
## 1762 challenge NOUN NNS
## 1763 cut NOUN NNS
## 1764 consultation NOUN NN
## 1765 confidence NOUN NN
## 1766 reduction NOUN NNS
## 1767 defense NOUN NN
## 1768 office NOUN NN
## 1769 cut NOUN NNS
## 1770 resolve NOUN NN
## 1771 history NOUN NN
## 1772 day NOUN NNS
## 1773 army NOUN NN
## 1774 mistake NOUN NNS
## 1775 armistice NOUN NN
## 1776 recklessness NOUN NN
## 1777 defense NOUN NN
## 1778 world NOUN NN
## 1779 support NOUN NN
## 1780 program NOUN NN
## 1781 country NOUN NN
## 1782 missile NOUN NN
## 1783 attack NOUN NN
## 1784 protection NOUN NN
## 1785 people NOUN NNS
## 1786 country NOUN NNS
## 1787 access NOUN NN
## 1788 arm NOUN NNS
## 1789 world NOUN NN
## 1790 role NOUN NN
## 1791 place NOUN NN
## 1792 leader NOUN NN
## 1793 leader NOUN NN
## 1794 world NOUN NN
## 1795 support NOUN NN
## 1796 freedom NOUN NN
## 1797 arrogance NOUN NN
## 1798 altruism NOUN NN
## 1799 safety NOUN NN
## 1800 security NOUN NN
## 1801 child NOUN NNS
## 1802 fact NOUN NN
## 1803 strength NOUN NN
## 1804 pursuit NOUN NN
## 1805 peace NOUN NN
## 1806 vice NOUN NN
## 1807 isolationism NOUN NN
## 1808 pursuit NOUN NN
## 1809 security NOUN NN
## 1810 virtue NOUN NN
## 1811 trouble NOUN NNS
## 1812 home NOUN NN
## 1813 problem NOUN NN
## 1814 economy NOUN NN
## 1815 sign NOUN NNS
## 1816 inflation NOUN NN
## 1817 thief NOUN NN
## 1818 interest NOUN NN
## 1819 rate NOUN NNS
## 1820 unemployment NOUN NN
## 1821 industry NOUN NNS
## 1822 trouble NOUN NN
## 1823 growth NOUN NN
## 1824 start NOUN NN
## 1825 heart NOUN NN
## 1826 time NOUN NNS
## 1827 courage NOUN NN
## 1828 sense NOUN NN
## 1829 purpose NOUN NN
## 1830 economy NOUN NN
## 1831 time NOUN NNS
## 1832 reason NOUN NN
## 1833 patriot NOUN NNS
## 1834 country NOUN NN
## 1835 heart NOUN NNS
## 1836 partisanship NOUN NN
## 1837 job NOUN NN
## 1838 thing NOUN NN
## 1839 power NOUN NN
## 1840 idea NOUN NN
## 1841 people NOUN NNS
## 1842 thing NOUN NNS
## 1843 economy NOUN NN
## 1844 age NOUN NN
## 1845 miracle NOUN NNS
## 1846 wonder NOUN NNS
## 1847 world NOUN NN
## 1848 investment NOUN NN
## 1849 people NOUN NNS
## 1850 money NOUN NN
## 1851 product NOUN NNS
## 1852 industry NOUN NNS
## 1853 job NOUN NNS
## 1854 obstacle NOUN NNS
## 1855 growth NOUN NN
## 1856 taxis NOUN NNS
## 1857 regulation NOUN NN
## 1858 redtape NOUN NN
## 1859 government NOUN NN
## 1860 spending NOUN NN
## 1861 none NOUN NN
## 1862 snap NOUN NN
## 1863 finger NOUN NNS
## 1864 test NOUN NN
## 1865 plan NOUN NN
## 1866 people NOUN NNS
## 1867 gimmick NOUN NNS
## 1868 score NOUN NN
## 1869 room NOUN NN
## 1870 test NOUN NN
## 1871 plan NOUN NN
## 1872 term NOUN NN
## 1873 plan NOUN NN
## 1874 need NOUN NNS
## 1875 economy NOUN NN
## 1876 term NOUN NN
## 1877 plan NOUN NN
## 1878 combustion NOUN NN
## 1879 place NOUN NN
## 1880 world NOUN NN
## 1881 economy NOUN NN
## 1882 thing NOUN NNS
## 1883 department NOUN NNS
## 1884 agency NOUN NNS
## 1885 moratorium NOUN NN
## 1886 regulation NOUN NNS
## 1887 growth NOUN NN
## 1888 department NOUN NNS
## 1889 agency NOUN NNS
## 1890 bottom NOUN NN
## 1891 review NOUN NN
## 1892 regulation NOUN NNS
## 1893 one NOUN NNS
## 1894 growth NOUN NN
## 1895 growth NOUN NN
## 1896 number NOUN NN
## 1897 worker NOUN NNS
## 1898 business NOUN NN
## 1899 man NOUN NNS
## 1900 woman NOUN NNS
## 1901 bank NOUN NN
## 1902 loan NOUN NNS
## 1903 banking NOUN NN
## 1904 credit NOUN NN
## 1905 responsibility NOUN NN
## 1906 regulation NOUN NNS
## 1907 good NOUN NN
## 1908 overkill NOUN NN
## 1909 regulator NOUN NNS
## 1910 department NOUN NNS
## 1911 agency NOUN NNS
## 1912 progrowth NOUN NN
## 1913 expenditure NOUN NNS
## 1914 economy NOUN NN
## 1915 transportation NOUN NN
## 1916 bill NOUN NN
## 1917 construction NOUN NN
## 1918 maintenance NOUN NN
## 1919 project NOUN NNS
## 1920 growth NOUN NN
## 1921 being NOUN NN
## 1922 job NOUN NNS
## 1923 road NOUN NNS
## 1924 job NOUN NNS
## 1925 building NOUN NN
## 1926 bridge NOUN NNS
## 1927 job NOUN NNS
## 1928 building NOUN NN
## 1929 railway NOUN NNS
## 1930 tax NOUN NN
## 1931 withholding NOUN NN
## 1932 table NOUN NNS
## 1933 change NOUN NN
## 1934 paycheck NOUN NNS
## 1935 number NOUN NN
## 1936 taxpayer NOUN NNS
## 1937 one NOUN NN
## 1938 initiative NOUN NN
## 1939 economy NOUN NN
## 1940 money NOUN NN
## 1941 people NOUN NNS
## 1942 clothing NOUN NN
## 1943 college NOUN NN
## 1944 car NOUN NN
## 1945 policy NOUN NN
## 1946 interest NOUN NN
## 1947 rate NOUN NNS
## 1948 inflation NOUN NN
## 1949 thing NOUN NNS
## 1950 country NOUN NN
## 1951 element NOUN NNS
## 1952 plan NOUN NN
## 1953 need NOUN NNS
## 1954 investment NOUN NN
## 1955 recovery NOUN NN
## 1956 change NOUN NN
## 1957 tax NOUN NN
## 1958 creation NOUN NN
## 1959 investment NOUN NN
## 1960 tax NOUN NN
## 1961 allowance NOUN NN
## 1962 business NOUN NNS
## 1963 investment NOUN NN
## 1964 people NOUN NNS
## 1965 work NOUN NN
## 1966 estate NOUN NN
## 1967 economy NOUN NN
## 1968 time NOUN NNS
## 1969 building NOUN NN
## 1970 start NOUN NNS
## 1971 carpenter NOUN NNS
## 1972 plumber NOUN NNS
## 1973 people NOUN NNS
## 1974 home NOUN NNS
## 1975 mortgage NOUN NNS
## 1976 plan NOUN NN
## 1977 loss NOUN NN
## 1978 rule NOUN NN
## 1979 estate NOUN NN
## 1980 developer NOUN NNS
## 1981 pension NOUN NN
## 1982 plan NOUN NNS
## 1983 estate NOUN NN
## 1984 home NOUN NN
## 1985 plan NOUN NN
## 1986 time NOUN NN
## 1987 homebuyer NOUN NNS
## 1988 saving NOUN NNS
## 1989 penalty NOUN NN
## 1990 tax NOUN NN
## 1991 credit NOUN NN
## 1992 purchase NOUN NN
## 1993 home NOUN NN
## 1994 plan NOUN NN
## 1995 help NOUN NN
## 1996 people NOUN NNS
## 1997 home NOUN NN
## 1998 business NOUN NN
## 1999 farm NOUN NN
## 2000 investment NOUN NN
## 2001 time NOUN NN
## 2002 no NOUN NN
## 2003 answer NOUN NN
## 2004 capital NOUN NN
## 2005 gain NOUN NNS
## 2006 tax NOUN NN
## 2007 people NOUN NNS
## 2008 country NOUN NN
## 2009 issue NOUN NN
## 2010 opponent NOUN NNS
## 2011 demagog NOUN NNS
## 2012 people NOUN NNS
## 2013 capital NOUN NN
## 2014 gain NOUN NNS
## 2015 income NOUN NNS
## 2016 cut NOUN NN
## 2017 capital NOUN NN
## 2018 gain NOUN NNS
## 2019 tax NOUN NN
## 2020 increase NOUN NNS
## 2021 job NOUN NNS
## 2022 country NOUN NN
## 2023 capital NOUN NN
## 2024 gain NOUN NNS
## 2025 tax NOUN NN
## 2026 maximum NOUN NN
## 2027 definition NOUN NN
## 2028 time NOUN NN
## 2029 opponent NOUN NNS
## 2030 measure NOUN NN
## 2031 bill NOUN NNS
## 2032 guy NOUN NN
## 2033 guy NOUN NN
## 2034 time NOUN NN
## 2035 term NOUN NN
## 2036 plan NOUN NN
## 2037 part NOUN NN
## 2038 enactment NOUN NN
## 2039 commonsense NOUN NN
## 2040 proposal NOUN NNS
## 2041 effect NOUN NN
## 2042 economy NOUN NN
## 2043 budget NOUN NN
## 2044 agreement NOUN NN
## 2045 tax NOUN NN
## 2046 rate NOUN NNS
## 2047 plan NOUN NN
## 2048 trouble NOUN NN
## 2049 budget NOUN NN
## 2050 unemployment NOUN NN
## 2051 benefit NOUN NNS
## 2052 action NOUN NN
## 2053 committee NOUN NN
## 2054 plan NOUN NN
## 2055 term NOUN NNS
## 2056 heart NOUN NN
## 2057 aim NOUN NN
## 2058 nation NOUN NN
## 2059 good NOUN NN
## 2060 man NOUN NN
## 2061 patience NOUN NN
## 2062 virtue NOUN NN
## 2063 politics NOUN NN
## 2064 game NOUN NN
## 2065 game NOUN NN
## 2066 progress NOUN NN
## 2067 lack NOUN NN
## 2068 improvement NOUN NN
## 2069 future NOUN NN
## 2070 being NOUN NN
## 2071 country NOUN NN
## 2072 member NOUN NNS
## 2073 people NOUN NNS
## 2074 advice NOUN NN
## 2075 people NOUN NNS
## 2076 party NOUN NN
## 2077 fortune NOUN NNS
## 2078 party NOUN NN
## 2079 side NOUN NN
## 2080 aisle NOUN NN
## 2081 good NOUN NN
## 2082 country NOUN NN
## 2083 plan NOUN NN
## 2084 people NOUN NNS
## 2085 action NOUN NN
## 2086 battle NOUN NN
## 2087 principle NOUN NN
## 2088 stake NOUN NN
## 2089 fight NOUN NN
## 2090 plan NOUN NN
## 2091 part NOUN NNS
## 2092 part NOUN NN
## 2093 heart NOUN NN
## 2094 matter NOUN NN
## 2095 burst NOUN NN
## 2096 term NOUN NN
## 2097 improvement NOUN NN
## 2098 position NOUN NN
## 2099 key NOUN NN
## 2100 future NOUN NN
## 2101 leader NOUN NN
## 2102 world NOUN NN
## 2103 power NOUN NN
## 2104 term NOUN NN
## 2105 plan NOUN NN
## 2106 future NOUN NN
## 2107 trade NOUN NN
## 2108 wall NOUN NNS
## 2109 world NOUN NN
## 2110 trade NOUN NN
## 2111 market NOUN NNS
## 2112 trade NOUN NN
## 2113 negotiation NOUN NNS
## 2114 tariff NOUN NNS
## 2115 subsidy NOUN NNS
## 2116 farmer NOUN NNS
## 2117 worker NOUN NNS
## 2118 job NOUN NNS
## 2119 hemisphere NOUN NN
## 2120 trade NOUN NN
## 2121 agreement NOUN NN
## 2122 enterprise NOUN NN
## 2123 change NOUN NNS
## 2124 workplace NOUN NN
## 2125 future NOUN NN
## 2126 worker NOUN NNS
## 2127 people NOUN NNS
## 2128 computer NOUN NN
## 2129 world NOUN NN
## 2130 leader NOUN NN
## 2131 education NOUN NN
## 2132 school NOUN NNS
## 2133 strategy NOUN NN
## 2134 goal NOUN NN
## 2135 plan NOUN NN
## 2136 parent NOUN NNS
## 2137 choice NOUN NN
## 2138 teacher NOUN NNS
## 2139 flexibility NOUN NN
## 2140 community NOUN NNS
## 2141 school NOUN NNS
## 2142 program NOUN NNS
## 2143 city NOUN NNS
## 2144 town NOUN NNS
## 2145 movement NOUN NN
## 2146 proposal NOUN NNS
## 2147 school NOUN NNS
## 2148 term NOUN NN
## 2149 proposal NOUN NN
## 2150 commonsense NOUN NN
## 2151 investment NOUN NNS
## 2152 term NOUN NN
## 2153 marketplace NOUN NN
## 2154 research NOUN NN
## 2155 development NOUN NN
## 2156 plan NOUN NN
## 2157 r&d NOUN NN
## 2158 tax NOUN NN
## 2159 credit NOUN NN
## 2160 record NOUN NN
## 2161 level NOUN NNS
## 2162 support NOUN NN
## 2163 people NOUN NNS
## 2164 promise NOUN NN
## 2165 technology NOUN NNS
## 2166 crime NOUN NN
## 2167 drug NOUN NNS
## 2168 time NOUN NN
## 2169 investment NOUN NN
## 2170 street NOUN NN
## 2171 crime NOUN NN
## 2172 strength NOUN NN
## 2173 faith NOUN NN
## 2174 society NOUN NN
## 2175 future NOUN NN
## 2176 woman NOUN NN
## 2177 way NOUN NN
## 2178 subway NOUN NN
## 2179 right NOUN NN
## 2180 life NOUN NN
## 2181 crime NOUN NN
## 2182 park NOUN NNS
## 2183 people NOUN NNS
## 2184 right NOUN NN
## 2185 time NOUN NN
## 2186 crime NOUN NN
## 2187 bill NOUN NN
## 2188 criminal NOUN NNS
## 2189 police NOUN NNS
## 2190 hall NOUN NNS
## 2191 country NOUN NN
## 2192 housing NOUN NN
## 2193 proposal NOUN NN
## 2194 enterprise NOUN NN
## 2195 zone NOUN NN
## 2196 legislation NOUN NN
## 2197 business NOUN NNS
## 2198 city NOUN NN
## 2199 pride NOUN NN
## 2200 home NOUN NN
## 2201 job NOUN NN
## 2202 part NOUN NN
## 2203 thing NOUN NNS
## 2204 plan NOUN NN
## 2205 estate NOUN NN
## 2206 construction NOUN NN
## 2207 tax NOUN NN
## 2208 incentive NOUN NNS
## 2209 mortgage NOUN NN
## 2210 revenue NOUN NN
## 2211 bond NOUN NNS
## 2212 income NOUN NN
## 2213 housing NOUN NN
## 2214 record NOUN NN
## 2215 expenditure NOUN NNS
## 2216 program NOUN NN
## 2217 child NOUN NNS
## 2218 move NOUN NN
## 2219 excellence NOUN NN
## 2220 health NOUN NN
## 2221 care NOUN NN
## 2222 system NOUN NN
## 2223 world NOUN NN
## 2224 health NOUN NN
## 2225 cost NOUN NNS
## 2226 year NOUN NN
## 2227 health NOUN NN
## 2228 cost NOUN NN
## 2229 health NOUN NN
## 2230 care NOUN NN
## 2231 family NOUN NN
## 2232 budget NOUN NN
## 2233 price NOUN NN
## 2234 health NOUN NN
## 2235 coverage NOUN NN
## 2236 fellow NOUN NN
## 2237 assembly NOUN NN
## 2238 line NOUN NN
## 2239 cost NOUN NN
## 2240 product NOUN NNS
## 2241 bill NOUN NN
## 2242 choice NOUN NN
## 2243 way NOUN NNS
## 2244 approach NOUN NN
## 2245 taxis NOUN NNS
## 2246 job NOUN NNS
## 2247 system NOUN NN
## 2248 control NOUN NN
## 2249 option NOUN NNS
## 2250 system NOUN NN
## 2251 system NOUN NN
## 2252 choice NOUN NN
## 2253 doctor NOUN NN
## 2254 ration NOUN NN
## 2255 service NOUN NNS
## 2256 patient NOUN NNS
## 2257 line NOUN NNS
## 2258 service NOUN NN
## 2259 tax NOUN NN
## 2260 burden NOUN NN
## 2261 health NOUN NN
## 2262 care NOUN NN
## 2263 system NOUN NN
## 2264 flaw NOUN NNS
## 2265 quality NOUN NN
## 2266 health NOUN NN
## 2267 care NOUN NN
## 2268 world NOUN NN
## 2269 strength NOUN NNS
## 2270 plan NOUN NN
## 2271 insurance NOUN NN
## 2272 security NOUN NN
## 2273 idea NOUN NN
## 2274 choice NOUN NN
## 2275 health NOUN NN
## 2276 insurance NOUN NN
## 2277 income NOUN NN
## 2278 people NOUN NNS
## 2279 health NOUN NN
## 2280 insurance NOUN NN
## 2281 tax NOUN NN
## 2282 credit NOUN NN
## 2283 income NOUN NN
## 2284 family NOUN NN
## 2285 class NOUN NN
## 2286 help NOUN NN
## 2287 health NOUN NN
## 2288 insurance NOUN NN
## 2289 market NOUN NN
## 2290 plan NOUN NN
## 2291 access NOUN NN
## 2292 health NOUN NN
## 2293 insurance NOUN NN
## 2294 job NOUN NNS
## 2295 health NOUN NN
## 2296 problem NOUN NNS
## 2297 cost NOUN NNS
## 2298 control NOUN NN
## 2299 quality NOUN NN
## 2300 choice NOUN NN
## 2301 people NOUN NNS
## 2302 worry NOUN NN
## 2303 health NOUN NN
## 2304 insurance NOUN NN
## 2305 plan NOUN NN
## 2306 detail NOUN NNS
## 2307 deficit NOUN NN
## 2308 control NOUN NN
## 2309 law NOUN NN
## 2310 spending NOUN NN
## 2311 cap NOUN NNS
## 2312 requirement NOUN NN
## 2313 program NOUN NNS
## 2314 discipline NOUN NN
## 2315 plan NOUN NN
## 2316 budget NOUN NN
## 2317 authority NOUN NN
## 2318 cap NOUN NNS
## 2319 growth NOUN NN
## 2320 spending NOUN NN
## 2321 government NOUN NN
## 2322 employment NOUN NN
## 2323 help NOUN NN
## 2324 plan NOUN NN
## 2325 program NOUN NNS
## 2326 funding NOUN NN
## 2327 title NOUN NNS
## 2328 none NOUN NN
## 2329 time NOUN NN
## 2330 home NOUN NN
## 2331 truth NOUN NN
## 2332 people NOUN NNS
## 2333 government NOUN NN
## 2334 measure NOUN NN
## 2335 end NOUN NN
## 2336 ritual NOUN NN
## 2337 budget NOUN NN
## 2338 pork NOUN NN
## 2339 barrel NOUN NN
## 2340 appropriation NOUN NNS
## 2341 press NOUN NN
## 2342 field NOUN NN
## 2343 day NOUN NN
## 2344 fun NOUN NN
## 2345 example NOUN NNS
## 2346 museum NOUN NN
## 2347 research NOUN NN
## 2348 grant NOUN NNS
## 2349 endive NOUN NN
## 2350 thing NOUN NNS
## 2351 budget NOUN NN
## 2352 thing NOUN NN
## 2353 governor NOUN NNS
## 2354 line NOUN NN
## 2355 item NOUN NN
## 2356 veto NOUN NN
## 2357 end NOUN NN
## 2358 requirement NOUN NNS
## 2359 city NOUN NNS
## 2360 county NOUN NNS
## 2361 money NOUN NN
## 2362 mandate NOUN NN
## 2363 cost NOUN NN
## 2364 saving NOUN NNS
## 2365 mandate NOUN NN
## 2366 burden NOUN NN
## 2367 taxis NOUN NNS
## 2368 level NOUN NN
## 2369 reform NOUN NN
## 2370 proposal NOUN NNS
## 2371 action NOUN NN
## 2372 bank NOUN NN
## 2373 reform NOUN NN
## 2374 justice NOUN NN
## 2375 reform NOUN NN
## 2376 tort NOUN NN
## 2377 reform NOUN NN
## 2378 energy NOUN NN
## 2379 strategy NOUN NN
## 2380 family NOUN NN
## 2381 family NOUN NN
## 2382 bearing NOUN NN
## 2383 future NOUN NN
## 2384 baby NOUN NN
## 2385 arm NOUN NNS
## 2386 child NOUN NNS
## 2387 person NOUN NN
## 2388 country NOUN NN
## 2389 family NOUN NN
## 2390 mayor NOUN NNS
## 2391 mayor NOUN NNS
## 2392 day NOUN NN
## 2393 thing NOUN NN
## 2394 cause NOUN NN
## 2395 problem NOUN NNS
## 2396 city NOUN NNS
## 2397 dissolution NOUN NN
## 2398 family NOUN NN
## 2399 time NOUN NN
## 2400 family NOUN NNS
## 2401 sound NOUN NN
## 2402 thing NOUN NN
## 2403 burden NOUN NN
## 2404 child NOUN NN
## 2405 exemption NOUN NN
## 2406 child NOUN NN
## 2407 family NOUN NN
## 2408 family NOUN NN
## 2409 kid NOUN NNS
## 2410 increase NOUN NN
## 2411 start NOUN NN
## 2412 direction NOUN NN
## 2413 time NOUN NN
## 2414 family NOUN NNS
## 2415 interest NOUN NN
## 2416 student NOUN NN
## 2417 loan NOUN NNS
## 2418 people NOUN NNS
## 2419 money NOUN NN
## 2420 education NOUN NN
## 2421 expense NOUN NNS
## 2422 penalty NOUN NNS
## 2423 parent NOUN NNS
## 2424 thing NOUN NNS
## 2425 country NOUN NN
## 2426 chance NOUN NNS
## 2427 welfare NOUN NN
## 2428 people NOUN NNS
## 2429 insight NOUN NN
## 2430 welfare NOUN NN
## 2431 program NOUN NN
## 2432 destroyer NOUN NN
## 2433 spirit NOUN NN
## 2434 lifestyle NOUN NN
## 2435 habit NOUN NN
## 2436 generation NOUN NN
## 2437 generation NOUN NN
## 2438 legacy NOUN NN
## 2439 time NOUN NN
## 2440 assumption NOUN NNS
## 2441 welfare NOUN NN
## 2442 state NOUN NN
## 2443 welfare NOUN NN
## 2444 system NOUN NN
## 2445 country NOUN NN
## 2446 assumption NOUN NNS
## 2447 people NOUN NNS
## 2448 government NOUN NN
## 2449 assistance NOUN NN
## 2450 responsibility NOUN NNS
## 2451 taxpayer NOUN NN
## 2452 responsibility NOUN NN
## 2453 work NOUN NN
## 2454 education NOUN NN
## 2455 job NOUN NN
## 2456 training NOUN NN
## 2457 responsibility NOUN NN
## 2458 life NOUN NNS
## 2459 order NOUN NN
## 2460 responsibility NOUN NN
## 2461 family NOUN NNS
## 2462 child NOUN NNS
## 2463 wedlock NOUN NN
## 2464 responsibility NOUN NN
## 2465 law NOUN NN
## 2466 movement NOUN NN
## 2467 reform NOUN NN
## 2468 regulation NOUN NNS
## 2469 process NOUN NN
## 2470 help NOUN NN
## 2471 change NOUN NNS
## 2472 system NOUN NN
## 2473 intention NOUN NN
## 2474 finger NOUN NN
## 2475 pointing NOUN NN
## 2476 paper NOUN NNS
## 2477 tv NOUN NN
## 2478 rise NOUN NN
## 2479 kind NOUN NN
## 2480 ugliness NOUN NN
## 2481 comment NOUN NNS
## 2482 sense NOUN NN
## 2483 division NOUN NN
## 2484 plan NOUN NN
## 2485 thing NOUN NNS
## 2486 heart NOUN NN
## 2487 tradition NOUN NN
## 2488 skepticism NOUN NN
## 2489 institution NOUN NNS
## 2490 process NOUN NN
## 2491 way NOUN NN
## 2492 friend NOUN NNS
## 2493 people NOUN NNS
## 2494 help NOUN NN
## 2495 mood NOUN NN
## 2496 People NOUN NNS
## 2497 talk NOUN NN
## 2498 decline NOUN NN
## 2499 worker NOUN NNS
## 2500 moon NOUN NN
## 2501 man NOUN NNS
## 2502 woman NOUN NNS
## 2503 farmer NOUN NN
## 2504 country NOUN NN
## 2505 world NOUN NN
## 2506 man NOUN NNS
## 2507 woman NOUN NNS
## 2508 mood NOUN NNS
## 2509 greatness NOUN NN
## 2510 endure NOUN NNS
## 2511 moment NOUN NN
## 2512 dailiness NOUN NN
## 2513 life NOUN NNS
## 2514 nation NOUN NN
## 2515 nation NOUN NN
## 2516 nation NOUN NN
## 2517 occasion NOUN NN
## 2518 time NOUN NNS
## 2519 inch NOUN NN
## 2520 inch NOUN NN
## 2521 day NOUN NN
## 2522 day NOUN NN
## 2523 step NOUN NN
## 2524 time NOUN NNS
## 2525 vow NOUN NN
## 2526 nation NOUN NN
## 2527 miracle NOUN NN
## 2528 hope NOUN NN
## 2529 world NOUN NN
## 2530 country NOUN NN
## 2531 member NOUN NNS
## 2532 visitor NOUN NNS
## 2533 excuse NOUN NN
## 2534 speech NOUN NN
## 2535 president NOUN NNS
## 2536 nation NOUN NN
## 2537 podium NOUN NN
## 2538 range NOUN NN
## 2539 challenge NOUN NNS
## 2540 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 2541 time NOUN NN
## 2542 task NOUN NNS
## 2543 attention NOUN NN
## 2544 economy NOUN NN
## 2545 task NOUN NN
## 2546 economy NOUN NN
## 2547 journey NOUN NN
## 2548 bounty NOUN NN
## 2549 today NOUN NN
## 2550 one NOUN NN
## 2551 individual NOUN NNS
## 2552 nation NOUN NNS
## 2553 history NOUN NN
## 2554 man NOUN NN
## 2555 woman NOUN NN
## 2556 nation NOUN NNS
## 2557 occasion NOUN NNS
## 2558 history NOUN NN
## 2559 people NOUN NNS
## 2560 energy NOUN NN
## 2561 spirit NOUN NN
## 2562 moment NOUN NN
## 2563 communism NOUN NN
## 2564 freedom NOUN NN
## 2565 world NOUN NN
## 2566 economy NOUN NN
## 2567 shape NOUN NN
## 2568 eye NOUN NNS
## 2569 change NOUN NN
## 2570 room NOUN NN
## 2571 nation NOUN NN
## 2572 direction NOUN NN
## 2573 plan NOUN NN
## 2574 nation NOUN NN
## 2575 course NOUN NN
## 2576 direction NOUN NN
## 2577 value NOUN NNS
## 2578 commitment NOUN NN
## 2579 opportunity NOUN NN
## 2580 responsibility NOUN NN
## 2581 community NOUN NN
## 2582 family NOUN NN
## 2583 faith NOUN NN
## 2584 habit NOUN NNS
## 2585 party NOUN NNS
## 2586 condition NOUN NNS
## 2587 nation NOUN NN
## 2588 point NOUN NN
## 2589 productivity NOUN NN
## 2590 growth NOUN NN
## 2591 wage NOUN NNS
## 2592 unemployment NOUN NN
## 2593 deficit NOUN NNS
## 2594 investment NOUN NN
## 2595 future NOUN NN
## 2596 health NOUN NN
## 2597 care NOUN NN
## 2598 cost NOUN NNS
## 2599 lack NOUN NN
## 2600 coverage NOUN NN
## 2601 legion NOUN NNS
## 2602 child NOUN NNS
## 2603 education NOUN NN
## 2604 job NOUN NN
## 2605 training NOUN NN
## 2606 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 2607 demand NOUN NNS
## 2608 economy NOUN NN
## 2609 sense NOUN NN
## 2610 purpose NOUN NN
## 2611 responsibility NOUN NN
## 2612 community NOUN NN
## 2613 system NOUN NN
## 2614 interest NOUN NN
## 2615 group NOUN NNS
## 2616 bickering NOUN NN
## 2617 complexity NOUN NN
## 2618 problem NOUN NNS
## 2619 nation NOUN NN
## 2620 world NOUN NN
## 2621 economy NOUN NN
## 2622 world NOUN NN
## 2623 superpower NOUN NN
## 2624 vision NOUN NN
## 2625 will NOUN NN
## 2626 heart NOUN NN
## 2627 change NOUN NNS
## 2628 possibility NOUN NNS
## 2629 parent NOUN NNS
## 2630 dream NOUN NN
## 2631 generation NOUN NNS
## 2632 podium NOUN NN
## 2633 people NOUN NNS
## 2634 debt NOUN NN
## 2635 bill NOUN NNS
## 2636 stack NOUN NN
## 2637 space NOUN NN
## 2638 stack NOUN NN
## 2639 blame NOUN NN
## 2640 problem NOUN NN
## 2641 plenty NOUN NN
## 2642 blame NOUN NN
## 2643 branch NOUN NNS
## 2644 party NOUN NNS
## 2645 time NOUN NN
## 2646 blame NOUN NN
## 2647 office NOUN NN
## 2648 blame NOUN NN
## 2649 responsibility NOUN NN
## 2650 responsibility NOUN NN
## 2651 country NOUN NN
## 2652 credit NOUN NN
## 2653 plan NOUN NN
## 2654 component NOUN NNS
## 2655 emphasis NOUN NN
## 2656 spending NOUN NN
## 2657 consumption NOUN NN
## 2658 investment NOUN NN
## 2659 economy NOUN NN
## 2660 term NOUN NN
## 2661 people NOUN NNS
## 2662 job NOUN NNS
## 2663 income NOUN NNS
## 2664 run NOUN NN
## 2665 rhetoric NOUN NN
## 2666 past NOUN NN
## 2667 action NOUN NNS
## 2668 present NOUN NN
## 2669 work NOUN NN
## 2670 family NOUN NNS
## 2671 part NOUN NN
## 2672 decision NOUN NN
## 2673 making NOUN NN
## 2674 deficit NOUN NN
## 2675 beginning NOUN NN
## 2676 estimate NOUN NNS
## 2677 revenue NOUN NNS
## 2678 branch NOUN NN
## 2679 past NOUN NN
## 2680 one NOUN NNS
## 2681 trust NOUN NN
## 2682 people NOUN NNS
## 2683 plan NOUN NNS
## 2684 cut NOUN NNS
## 2685 waste NOUN NN
## 2686 efficiency NOUN NN
## 2687 cut NOUN NNS
## 2688 gimmick NOUN NNS
## 2689 spending NOUN NN
## 2690 fairness NOUN NN
## 2691 change NOUN NN
## 2692 way NOUN NN
## 2693 burden NOUN NNS
## 2694 tonight NOUN NN
## 2695 engine NOUN NN
## 2696 growth NOUN NN
## 2697 country NOUN NN
## 2698 sector NOUN NN
## 2699 engine NOUN NN
## 2700 growth NOUN NN
## 2701 change NOUN NN
## 2702 truth NOUN NN
## 2703 opportunity NOUN NN
## 2704 time NOUN NN
## 2705 responsibility NOUN NN
## 2706 turn NOUN NN
## 2707 priority NOUN NN
## 2708 job NOUN NNS
## 2709 job NOUN NNS
## 2710 people NOUN NNS
## 2711 recovery NOUN NN
## 2712 recovery NOUN NN
## 2713 job NOUN NNS
## 2714 recovery NOUN NN
## 2715 salt NOUN NN
## 2716 people NOUN NNS
## 2717 work NOUN NN
## 2718 job NOUN NNS
## 2719 recovery NOUN NN
## 2720 package NOUN NN
## 2721 job NOUN NNS
## 2722 investment NOUN NNS
## 2723 people NOUN NNS
## 2724 job NOUN NNS
## 2725 job NOUN NNS
## 2726 highway NOUN NNS
## 2727 airport NOUN NNS
## 2728 housing NOUN NN
## 2729 life NOUN NN
## 2730 community NOUN NNS
## 2731 hope NOUN NN
## 2732 opportunity NOUN NN
## 2733 nation NOUN NN
## 2734 youth NOUN NN
## 2735 event NOUN NNS
## 2736 story NOUN NNS
## 2737 despair NOUN NN
## 2738 city NOUN NNS
## 2739 community NOUN NNS
## 2740 proposal NOUN NN
## 2741 job NOUN NNS
## 2742 people NOUN NNS
## 2743 business NOUN NN
## 2744 leader NOUN NNS
## 2745 effort NOUN NN
## 2746 summer NOUN NN
## 2747 job NOUN NNS
## 2748 city NOUN NNS
## 2749 area NOUN NNS
## 2750 people NOUN NNS
## 2751 plan NOUN NN
## 2752 business NOUN NN
## 2753 cycle NOUN NN
## 2754 aspiration NOUN NNS
## 2755 heart NOUN NN
## 2756 plan NOUN NN
## 2757 term NOUN NN
## 2758 investment NOUN NN
## 2759 program NOUN NN
## 2760 investment NOUN NN
## 2761 area NOUN NNS
## 2762 future NOUN NN
## 2763 deficit NOUN NN
## 2764 reduction NOUN NN
## 2765 program NOUN NN
## 2766 saving NOUN NNS
## 2767 sector NOUN NN
## 2768 interest NOUN NN
## 2769 rate NOUN NNS
## 2770 percentage NOUN NN
## 2771 budget NOUN NN
## 2772 interest NOUN NN
## 2773 payment NOUN NNS
## 2774 risk NOUN NN
## 2775 market NOUN NN
## 2776 disruption NOUN NNS
## 2777 economy NOUN NN
## 2778 run NOUN NN
## 2779 rate NOUN NN
## 2780 growth NOUN NN
## 2781 productivity NOUN NN
## 2782 quality NOUN NN
## 2783 job NOUN NNS
## 2784 position NOUN NN
## 2785 world NOUN NN
## 2786 order NOUN NN
## 2787 investment NOUN NN
## 2788 deficit NOUN NN
## 2789 reduction NOUN NN
## 2790 time NOUN NN
## 2791 spending NOUN NN
## 2792 taxis NOUN NNS
## 2793 spending NOUN NN
## 2794 cut NOUN NNS
## 2795 way NOUN NN
## 2796 impact NOUN NN
## 2797 peace NOUN NN
## 2798 dividend NOUN NN
## 2799 investment NOUN NN
## 2800 purpose NOUN NNS
## 2801 balance NOUN NN
## 2802 budget NOUN NN
## 2803 consumption NOUN NN
## 2804 investment NOUN NN
## 2805 tax NOUN NN
## 2806 increase NOUN NNS
## 2807 spending NOUN NN
## 2808 cut NOUN NNS
## 2809 cost NOUN NN
## 2810 program NOUN NN
## 2811 problem NOUN NNS
## 2812 plan NOUN NN
## 2813 way NOUN NNS
## 2814 health NOUN NN
## 2815 business NOUN NN
## 2816 interest NOUN NN
## 2817 rate NOUN NNS
## 2818 incentive NOUN NNS
## 2819 worker NOUN NNS
## 2820 business NOUN NN
## 2821 percentage NOUN NN
## 2822 job NOUN NNS
## 2823 nation NOUN NN
## 2824 plan NOUN NN
## 2825 incentive NOUN NNS
## 2826 business NOUN NN
## 2827 history NOUN NN
## 2828 investment NOUN NN
## 2829 tax NOUN NN
## 2830 credit NOUN NN
## 2831 firm NOUN NNS
## 2832 country NOUN NN
## 2833 revenue NOUN NNS
## 2834 firm NOUN NNS
## 2835 work NOUN NN
## 2836 force NOUN NN
## 2837 majority NOUN NN
## 2838 job NOUN NNS
## 2839 reward NOUN NNS
## 2840 entrepreneur NOUN NNS
## 2841 risk NOUN NNS
## 2842 business NOUN NN
## 2843 access NOUN NN
## 2844 technology NOUN NNS
## 2845 time NOUN NN
## 2846 credit NOUN NN
## 2847 crunch NOUN NN
## 2848 business NOUN NN
## 2849 credit NOUN NN
## 2850 network NOUN NN
## 2851 community NOUN NN
## 2852 development NOUN NN
## 2853 bank NOUN NNS
## 2854 dream NOUN NN
## 2855 enterprise NOUN NN
## 2856 zone NOUN NNS
## 2857 hope NOUN NN
## 2858 job NOUN NNS
## 2859 storefront NOUN NNS
## 2860 factory NOUN NNS
## 2861 plan NOUN NN
## 2862 road NOUN NNS
## 2863 bridge NOUN NNS
## 2864 transit NOUN NN
## 2865 system NOUN NNS
## 2866 speed NOUN NN
## 2867 railway NOUN NNS
## 2868 tech NOUN NN
## 2869 information NOUN NN
## 2870 system NOUN NNS
## 2871 cleanup NOUN NN
## 2872 partnership NOUN NN
## 2873 government NOUN NN
## 2874 time NOUN NN
## 2875 people NOUN NNS
## 2876 environment NOUN NN
## 2877 future NOUN NN
## 2878 edge NOUN NN
## 2879 growth NOUN NN
## 2880 market NOUN NNS
## 2881 volume NOUN NN
## 2882 world NOUN NN
## 2883 trade NOUN NN
## 2884 trade NOUN NN
## 2885 rule NOUN NNS
## 2886 market NOUN NNS
## 2887 part NOUN NN
## 2888 strategy NOUN NN
## 2889 trade NOUN NN
## 2890 completion NOUN NN
## 2891 round NOUN NN
## 2892 world NOUN NN
## 2893 trade NOUN NN
## 2894 talk NOUN NNS
## 2895 completion NOUN NN
## 2896 safeguard NOUN NNS
## 2897 worker NOUN NNS
## 2898 environment NOUN NN
## 2899 party NOUN NNS
## 2900 people NOUN NNS
## 2901 listening-;it NOUN NN
## 2902 budget NOUN NN
## 2903 trade NOUN NN
## 2904 agreement NOUN NN
## 2905 world NOUN NN
## 2906 attempt NOUN NNS
## 2907 wage NOUN NN
## 2908 job NOUN NNS
## 2909 future NOUN NN
## 2910 competitor NOUN NNS
## 2911 attention NOUN NN
## 2912 industry NOUN NNS
## 2913 trouble NOUN NN
## 2914 aerospace NOUN NN
## 2915 assistance NOUN NN
## 2916 area NOUN NNS
## 2917 worker NOUN NNS
## 2918 cut NOUN NNS
## 2919 defense NOUN NN
## 2920 budget NOUN NN
## 2921 dislocation NOUN NNS
## 2922 business NOUN NN
## 2923 labor NOUN NN
## 2924 government NOUN NN
## 2925 change NOUN NN
## 2926 effort NOUN NNS
## 2927 economy NOUN NN
## 2928 effort NOUN NNS
## 2929 economy NOUN NN
## 2930 step NOUN NNS
## 2931 health NOUN NN
## 2932 care NOUN NN
## 2933 system NOUN NN
## 2934 income NOUN NN
## 2935 health NOUN NN
## 2936 care NOUN NN
## 2937 country NOUN NN
## 2938 world NOUN NN
## 2939 nation NOUN NN
## 2940 package NOUN NN
## 2941 health NOUN NN
## 2942 care NOUN NN
## 2943 benefit NOUN NNS
## 2944 citizen NOUN NNS
## 2945 pattern NOUN NN
## 2946 growth NOUN NN
## 2947 deficit NOUN NN
## 2948 health NOUN NN
## 2949 care NOUN NN
## 2950 cost NOUN NNS
## 2951 income NOUN NN
## 2952 health NOUN NN
## 2953 care NOUN NN
## 2954 family NOUN NNS
## 2955 business NOUN NNS
## 2956 government NOUN NN
## 2957 health NOUN NN
## 2958 care NOUN NN
## 2959 crisis NOUN NN
## 2960 combination NOUN NN
## 2961 cost NOUN NN
## 2962 care NOUN NN
## 2963 lack NOUN NN
## 2964 care NOUN NN
## 2965 fear NOUN NN
## 2966 care NOUN NN
## 2967 security NOUN NN
## 2968 life NOUN NNS
## 2969 people NOUN NNS
## 2970 economy NOUN NN
## 2971 day NOUN NN
## 2972 health NOUN NN
## 2973 care NOUN NN
## 2974 cost NOUN NNS
## 2975 investment NOUN NN
## 2976 growth NOUN NN
## 2977 job NOUN NNS
## 2978 health NOUN NN
## 2979 cost NOUN NNS
## 2980 line NOUN NN
## 2981 inflation NOUN NN
## 2982 sector NOUN NN
## 2983 country NOUN NN
## 2984 tax NOUN NN
## 2985 cut NOUN NN
## 2986 spending NOUN NN
## 2987 program NOUN NN
## 2988 health NOUN NN
## 2989 care NOUN NN
## 2990 run NOUN NN
## 2991 deficit NOUN NN
## 2992 investment NOUN NN
## 2993 people NOUN NNS
## 2994 country NOUN NN
## 2995 work NOUN NN
## 2996 plan NOUN NN
## 2997 health NOUN NN
## 2998 care NOUN NN
## 2999 reform NOUN NN
## 3000 cost NOUN NNS
## 3001 control NOUN NN
## 3002 security NOUN NN
## 3003 family NOUN NNS
## 3004 one NOUN NN
## 3005 coverage NOUN NN
## 3006 future NOUN NN
## 3007 fraud NOUN NN
## 3008 overcharge NOUN NNS
## 3009 paperwork NOUN NN
## 3010 doctor NOUN NN
## 3011 standard NOUN NNS
## 3012 right NOUN NN
## 3013 system NOUN NN
## 3014 world NOUN NN
## 3015 choice NOUN NNS
## 3016 people NOUN NNS
## 3017 quality NOUN NN
## 3018 system NOUN NN
## 3019 country NOUN NN
## 3020 agony NOUN NN
## 3021 issue NOUN NN
## 3022 chance NOUN NN
## 3023 taxis NOUN NNS
## 3024 spending NOUN NN
## 3025 thing NOUN NN
## 3026 number NOUN NNS
## 3027 people NOUN NNS
## 3028 truth NOUN NN
## 3029 pattern NOUN NNS
## 3030 dollar NOUN NNS
## 3031 health NOUN NN
## 3032 care NOUN NN
## 3033 year NOUN NN
## 3034 change NOUN NN
## 3035 direction NOUN NN
## 3036 focus NOUN NN
## 3037 future NOUN NN
## 3038 investment NOUN NN
## 3039 child NOUN NNS
## 3040 day NOUN NN
## 3041 commitment NOUN NN
## 3042 child NOUN NNS
## 3043 cost NOUN NN
## 3044 country NOUN NN
## 3045 immunization NOUN NNS
## 3046 disease NOUN NNS
## 3047 plan NOUN NN
## 3048 child NOUN NN
## 3049 childhood NOUN NN
## 3050 disease NOUN NNS
## 3051 investment NOUN NN
## 3052 woman NOUN NNS
## 3053 infant NOUN NNS
## 3054 child NOUN NNS
## 3055 nutrition NOUN NN
## 3056 program NOUN NN
## 3057 mother NOUN NN
## 3058 help NOUN NN
## 3059 program NOUN NN
## 3060 child NOUN NNS
## 3061 school NOUN NN
## 3062 success NOUN NN
## 3063 story NOUN NN
## 3064 money NOUN NN
## 3065 child NOUN NNS
## 3066 plan NOUN NN
## 3067 child NOUN NN
## 3068 head NOUN NN
## 3069 start NOUN NN
## 3070 thing NOUN NN
## 3071 thing NOUN NN
## 3072 dollar NOUN NN
## 3073 school NOUN NNS
## 3074 student NOUN NNS
## 3075 teacher NOUN NNS
## 3076 principal NOUN NNS
## 3077 parent NOUN NNS
## 3078 resource NOUN NNS
## 3079 standard NOUN NNS
## 3080 authority NOUN NN
## 3081 influence NOUN NN
## 3082 funding NOUN NN
## 3083 strategy NOUN NNS
## 3084 learning NOUN NN
## 3085 money NOUN NN
## 3086 school NOUN NNS
## 3087 school NOUN NN
## 3088 graduate NOUN NNS
## 3089 education NOUN NN
## 3090 order NOUN NN
## 3091 economy NOUN NN
## 3092 partnership NOUN NN
## 3093 business NOUN NNS
## 3094 education NOUN NN
## 3095 apprenticeship NOUN NN
## 3096 program NOUN NNS
## 3097 country NOUN NN
## 3098 people NOUN NNS
## 3099 skill NOUN NNS
## 3100 learning NOUN NN
## 3101 school NOUN NN
## 3102 graduate NOUN NNS
## 3103 worker NOUN NNS
## 3104 career NOUN NN
## 3105 job NOUN NNS
## 3106 time NOUN NNS
## 3107 lifetime NOUN NN
## 3108 lot NOUN NN
## 3109 country NOUN NN
## 3110 worker NOUN NN
## 3111 training NOUN NN
## 3112 system NOUN NN
## 3113 worker NOUN NN
## 3114 training NOUN NN
## 3115 program NOUN NN
## 3116 worker NOUN NNS
## 3117 training NOUN NN
## 3118 job NOUN NNS
## 3119 program NOUN NN
## 3120 response NOUN NN
## 3121 people NOUN NNS
## 3122 country NOUN NN
## 3123 program NOUN NN
## 3124 service NOUN NN
## 3125 college NOUN NN
## 3126 loan NOUN NNS
## 3127 time NOUN NN
## 3128 country NOUN NN
## 3129 teacher NOUN NNS
## 3130 police NOUN NN
## 3131 officer NOUN NNS
## 3132 community NOUN NN
## 3133 service NOUN NN
## 3134 worker NOUN NNS
## 3135 option NOUN NN
## 3136 loan NOUN NNS
## 3137 tax NOUN NN
## 3138 time NOUN NN
## 3139 bill NOUN NN
## 3140 country NOUN NN
## 3141 country NOUN NN
## 3142 benefit NOUN NN
## 3143 knowledge NOUN NN
## 3144 generation NOUN NN
## 3145 character NOUN NN
## 3146 generation NOUN NN
## 3147 people NOUN NNS
## 3148 world NOUN NN
## 3149 service NOUN NN
## 3150 program NOUN NN
## 3151 slot NOUN NNS
## 3152 people NOUN NNS
## 3153 college NOUN NN
## 3154 service NOUN NN
## 3155 program NOUN NN
## 3156 generation NOUN NN
## 3157 member NOUN NNS
## 3158 land NOUN NN
## 3159 college NOUN NN
## 3160 act NOUN NN
## 3161 bill NOUN NN
## 3162 congressman NOUN NNS
## 3163 future NOUN NN
## 3164 historian NOUN NNS
## 3165 education NOUN NN
## 3166 service NOUN NN
## 3167 loan NOUN NN
## 3168 lease NOUN NN
## 3169 life NOUN NN
## 3170 challenge NOUN NN
## 3171 job NOUN NNS
## 3172 learning NOUN NN
## 3173 work NOUN NN
## 3174 value NOUN NNS
## 3175 dignity NOUN NN
## 3176 work NOUN NN
## 3177 dignity NOUN NN
## 3178 worker NOUN NNS
## 3179 sick NOUN NN
## 3180 child NOUN NNS
## 3181 job NOUN NNS
## 3182 direction NOUN NN
## 3183 solemn NOUN NN
## 3184 commitment NOUN NN
## 3185 income NOUN NN
## 3186 tax NOUN NN
## 3187 credit NOUN NN
## 3188 history NOUN NN
## 3189 work NOUN NN
## 3190 principle NOUN NN
## 3191 week NOUN NN
## 3192 child NOUN NN
## 3193 house NOUN NN
## 3194 poverty NOUN NN
## 3195 plan NOUN NN
## 3196 welfare NOUN NN
## 3197 issue NOUN NN
## 3198 part NOUN NN
## 3199 conversation NOUN NNS
## 3200 people NOUN NNS
## 3201 one NOUN NN
## 3202 one NOUN NN
## 3203 welfare NOUN NN
## 3204 system NOUN NN
## 3205 people NOUN NNS
## 3206 welfare NOUN NN
## 3207 education NOUN NN
## 3208 training NOUN NN
## 3209 child NOUN NN
## 3210 care NOUN NN
## 3211 health NOUN NN
## 3212 care NOUN NN
## 3213 foot NOUN NNS
## 3214 work NOUN NN
## 3215 business NOUN NN
## 3216 service NOUN NN
## 3217 welfare NOUN NN
## 3218 way NOUN NN
## 3219 life NOUN NN
## 3220 path NOUN NN
## 3221 independence NOUN NN
## 3222 dignity NOUN NN
## 3223 goal NOUN NN
## 3224 family NOUN NNS
## 3225 step NOUN NN
## 3226 time NOUN NN
## 3227 plan NOUN NN
## 3228 country NOUN NN
## 3229 child NOUN NN
## 3230 support NOUN NN
## 3231 enforcement NOUN NN
## 3232 system NOUN NN
## 3233 time NOUN NN
## 3234 people NOUN NNS
## 3235 responsibility NOUN NN
## 3236 child NOUN NNS
## 3237 world NOUN NN
## 3238 family NOUN NNS
## 3239 crime NOUN NN
## 3240 people NOUN NNS
## 3241 community NOUN NNS
## 3242 crime NOUN NN
## 3243 bill NOUN NN
## 3244 bill NOUN NN
## 3245 desk NOUN NN
## 3246 initiative NOUN NN
## 3247 police NOUN NN
## 3248 officer NOUN NNS
## 3249 street NOUN NN
## 3250 boot NOUN NN
## 3251 camp NOUN NNS
## 3252 time NOUN NN
## 3253 offender NOUN NNS
## 3254 space NOUN NN
## 3255 criminal NOUN NNS
## 3256 jail NOUN NN
## 3257 initiative NOUN NN
## 3258 gun NOUN NNS
## 3259 hand NOUN NNS
## 3260 criminal NOUN NNS
## 3261 bargain NOUN NN
## 3262 bill NOUN NN
## 3263 part NOUN NNS
## 3264 party NOUN NNS
## 3265 confidence NOUN NN
## 3266 people NOUN NNS
## 3267 bill NOUN NNS
## 3268 institution NOUN NNS
## 3269 government NOUN NN
## 3270 work NOUN NN
## 3271 taxpayer NOUN NNS
## 3272 interest NOUN NN
## 3273 group NOUN NNS
## 3274 beginning NOUN NN
## 3275 reform NOUN NN
## 3276 campaign NOUN NN
## 3277 finance NOUN NN
## 3278 reform NOUN NN
## 3279 bill NOUN NN
## 3280 participation NOUN NN
## 3281 people NOUN NNS
## 3282 motor NOUN NN
## 3283 voter NOUN NN
## 3284 bill NOUN NN
## 3285 influence NOUN NN
## 3286 interest NOUN NNS
## 3287 bill NOUN NN
## 3288 tax NOUN NN
## 3289 deduction NOUN NN
## 3290 lobbying NOUN NN
## 3291 people NOUN NNS
## 3292 lobbyist NOUN NNS
## 3293 registration NOUN NN
## 3294 bill NOUN NN
## 3295 section NOUN NN
## 3296 home NOUN NN
## 3297 lobby NOUN NN
## 3298 reform NOUN NN
## 3299 campaign NOUN NN
## 3300 finance NOUN NN
## 3301 reform NOUN NN
## 3302 path NOUN NN
## 3303 popularity NOUN NN
## 3304 voter NOUN NNS
## 3305 hand NOUN NNS
## 3306 money NOUN NN
## 3307 mean NOUN NNS
## 3308 top NOUN NN
## 3309 cut NOUN NN
## 3310 staff NOUN NN
## 3311 cut NOUN NNS
## 3312 budget NOUN NNS
## 3313 agency NOUN NNS
## 3314 department NOUN NNS
## 3315 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 3316 position NOUN NNS
## 3317 saving NOUN NNS
## 3318 time NOUN NN
## 3319 condition NOUN NN
## 3320 household NOUN NN
## 3321 announcement NOUN NN
## 3322 leadership NOUN NN
## 3323 step NOUN NNS
## 3324 cost NOUN NNS
## 3325 signal NOUN NN
## 3326 people NOUN NNS
## 3327 spending NOUN NN
## 3328 board NOUN NN
## 3329 freeze NOUN NN
## 3330 salary NOUN NNS
## 3331 period NOUN NN
## 3332 salary NOUN NNS
## 3333 point NOUN NN
## 3334 cost NOUN NN
## 3335 allowance NOUN NN
## 3336 pay NOUN NN
## 3337 increase NOUN NNS
## 3338 budget NOUN NN
## 3339 cut NOUN NNS
## 3340 friend NOUN NNS
## 3341 side NOUN NNS
## 3342 aisle NOUN NN
## 3343 government NOUN NN
## 3344 way NOUN NN
## 3345 way NOUN NN
## 3346 way NOUN NNS
## 3347 lot NOUN NNS
## 3348 money NOUN NN
## 3349 taxpayer NOUN NNS
## 3350 way NOUN NNS
## 3351 advantage NOUN NN
## 3352 technology NOUN NN
## 3353 thing NOUN NNS
## 3354 business NOUN NN
## 3355 taxpayer NOUN NNS
## 3356 money NOUN NN
## 3357 spirit NOUN NN
## 3358 innovation NOUN NN
## 3359 education NOUN NN
## 3360 reform NOUN NN
## 3361 money NOUN NN
## 3362 thing NOUN NNS
## 3363 thing NOUN NNS
## 3364 thing NOUN NNS
## 3365 thing NOUN NNS
## 3366 pollution NOUN NN
## 3367 change NOUN NN
## 3368 lawyer NOUN NNS
## 3369 aftermath NOUN NN
## 3370 difficulty NOUN NNS
## 3371 saving NOUN NNS
## 3372 loan NOUN NNS
## 3373 bank NOUN NN
## 3374 regulator NOUN NNS
## 3375 security NOUN NN
## 3376 safety NOUN NN
## 3377 institution NOUN NNS
## 3378 credit NOUN NN
## 3379 crunch NOUN NN
## 3380 people NOUN NNS
## 3381 loan NOUN NNS
## 3382 welfare NOUN NN
## 3383 reform NOUN NN
## 3384 focus NOUN NN
## 3385 program NOUN NNS
## 3386 people NOUN NNS
## 3387 entitlement NOUN NN
## 3388 program NOUN NNS
## 3389 empowerment NOUN NN
## 3390 program NOUN NNS
## 3391 end NOUN NN
## 3392 people NOUN NNS
## 3393 end NOUN NN
## 3394 deficit NOUN NN
## 3395 lot NOUN NN
## 3396 talk NOUN NN
## 3397 effort NOUN NNS
## 3398 number NOUN NNS
## 3399 plan NOUN NN
## 3400 budget NOUN NN
## 3401 deficit NOUN NN
## 3402 term NOUN NN
## 3403 place NOUN NN
## 3404 deficit NOUN NN
## 3405 reduction NOUN NNS
## 3406 change NOUN NNS
## 3407 priority NOUN NNS
## 3408 consumption NOUN NN
## 3409 investment NOUN NN
## 3410 history NOUN NN
## 3411 country NOUN NN
## 3412 time NOUN NN
## 3413 people NOUN NNS
## 3414 question NOUN NNS
## 3415 country NOUN NN
## 3416 past NOUN NN
## 3417 deficit NOUN NN
## 3418 expert NOUN NNS
## 3419 thing NOUN NN
## 3420 merit NOUN NN
## 3421 deficit NOUN NN
## 3422 debt NOUN NN
## 3423 tax NOUN NN
## 3424 dollar NOUN NNS
## 3425 job NOUN NNS
## 3426 education NOUN NN
## 3427 future NOUN NN
## 3428 country NOUN NN
## 3429 money NOUN NN
## 3430 pool NOUN NN
## 3431 saving NOUN NNS
## 3432 people NOUN NNS
## 3433 sector NOUN NN
## 3434 money NOUN NN
## 3435 interest NOUN NN
## 3436 rate NOUN NNS
## 3437 college NOUN NN
## 3438 loan NOUN NN
## 3439 child NOUN NNS
## 3440 home NOUN NN
## 3441 mortgage NOUN NN
## 3442 business NOUN NN
## 3443 debt NOUN NN
## 3444 activity NOUN NNS
## 3445 people NOUN NNS
## 3446 deficit NOUN NN
## 3447 child NOUN NNS
## 3448 home NOUN NN
## 3449 company NOUN NNS
## 3450 future NOUN NN
## 3451 worker NOUN NNS
## 3452 government NOUN NN
## 3453 kind NOUN NNS
## 3454 investment NOUN NNS
## 3455 nation NOUN NN
## 3456 government NOUN NN
## 3457 trend NOUN NNS
## 3458 deficit NOUN NN
## 3459 year NOUN NN
## 3460 product NOUN NN
## 3461 interest NOUN NN
## 3462 debt NOUN NN
## 3463 government NOUN NN
## 3464 program NOUN NN
## 3465 world NOUN NN
## 3466 debtor NOUN NN
## 3467 member NOUN NNS
## 3468 dollar NOUN NN
## 3469 interest NOUN NN
## 3470 payment NOUN NNS
## 3471 budget NOUN NN
## 3472 health NOUN NN
## 3473 care NOUN NN
## 3474 entitlement NOUN NNS
## 3475 dollar NOUN NN
## 3476 problem NOUN NNS
## 3477 independence NOUN NN
## 3478 future NOUN NN
## 3479 fund NOUN NNS
## 3480 portion NOUN NN
## 3481 investment NOUN NN
## 3482 budget NOUN NN
## 3483 plan NOUN NN
## 3484 contrast NOUN NN
## 3485 deficit NOUN NN
## 3486 spending NOUN NN
## 3487 cut NOUN NN
## 3488 revenue NOUN NN
## 3489 increase NOUN NN
## 3490 deficit NOUN NN
## 3491 reduction NOUN NN
## 3492 number NOUN NNS
## 3493 president NOUN NNS
## 3494 priority NOUN NNS
## 3495 set NOUN NN
## 3496 number NOUN NNS
## 3497 way NOUN NN
## 3498 difficulty NOUN NN
## 3499 revenue NOUN NNS
## 3500 recovery NOUN NN
## 3501 thing NOUN NNS
## 3502 people NOUN NNS
## 3503 difference NOUN NNS
## 3504 revenue NOUN NN
## 3505 estimate NOUN NNS
## 3506 party NOUN NNS
## 3507 elbow NOUN NN
## 3508 room NOUN NN
## 3509 irresponsibility NOUN NN
## 3510 rein NOUN NN
## 3511 set NOUN NN
## 3512 number NOUN NNS
## 3513 people NOUN NNS
## 3514 recommendation NOUN NN
## 3515 reduction NOUN NNS
## 3516 spending NOUN NN
## 3517 total NOUN NN
## 3518 program NOUN NNS
## 3519 power NOUN NN
## 3520 research NOUN NN
## 3521 development NOUN NN
## 3522 subsidy NOUN NNS
## 3523 project NOUN NNS
## 3524 program NOUN NNS
## 3525 time NOUN NN
## 3526 lot NOUN NN
## 3527 reduction NOUN NNS
## 3528 one NOUN NNS
## 3529 interest NOUN NN
## 3530 subsidy NOUN NNS
## 3531 thing NOUN NN
## 3532 thing NOUN NNS
## 3533 experience NOUN NN
## 3534 thing NOUN NNS
## 3535 cow NOUN NNS
## 3536 interest NOUN NN
## 3537 people NOUN NNS
## 3538 building NOUN NN
## 3539 program NOUN NNS
## 3540 time NOUN NN
## 3541 people NOUN NNS
## 3542 thing NOUN NNS
## 3543 thing NOUN NNS
## 3544 defense NOUN NN
## 3545 budget NOUN NN
## 3546 hope NOUN NN
## 3547 caution NOUN NN
## 3548 force NOUN NNS
## 3549 threat NOUN NNS
## 3550 war NOUN NN
## 3551 world NOUN NN
## 3552 defense NOUN NN
## 3553 budget NOUN NN
## 3554 range NOUN NN
## 3555 reduction NOUN NNS
## 3556 man NOUN NNS
## 3557 woman NOUN NNS
## 3558 flag NOUN NN
## 3559 force NOUN NN
## 3560 world NOUN NN
## 3561 pledge NOUN NN
## 3562 responsibility NOUN NNS
## 3563 world NOUN NN
## 3564 world NOUN NN
## 3565 superpower NOUN NN
## 3566 time NOUN NN
## 3567 people NOUN NNS
## 3568 uniform NOUN NN
## 3569 defense NOUN NN
## 3570 interest NOUN NNS
## 3571 need NOUN NNS
## 3572 defense NOUN NN
## 3573 economy NOUN NN
## 3574 nation NOUN NN
## 3575 world NOUN NN
## 3576 conflict NOUN NN
## 3577 proliferation NOUN NN
## 3578 weapon NOUN NNS
## 3579 destruction NOUN NN
## 3580 challenge NOUN NNS
## 3581 health NOUN NN
## 3582 environment NOUN NN
## 3583 plan NOUN NN
## 3584 greatness NOUN NN
## 3585 government NOUN NN
## 3586 past NOUN NN
## 3587 year NOUN NN
## 3588 raise NOUN NN
## 3589 rate NOUN NN
## 3590 income NOUN NN
## 3591 taxis NOUN NNS
## 3592 income NOUN NNS
## 3593 year NOUN NN
## 3594 loophole NOUN NNS
## 3595 people NOUN NNS
## 3596 tax NOUN NN
## 3597 business NOUN NNS
## 3598 income NOUN NNS
## 3599 excess NOUN NN
## 3600 raise NOUN NN
## 3601 tax NOUN NN
## 3602 rate NOUN NN
## 3603 cut NOUN NN
## 3604 deduction NOUN NN
## 3605 business NOUN NN
## 3606 entertainment NOUN NN
## 3607 expense NOUN NNS
## 3608 plan NOUN NN
## 3609 tax NOUN NN
## 3610 subsidy NOUN NNS
## 3611 company NOUN NNS
## 3612 operation NOUN NNS
## 3613 company NOUN NNS
## 3614 world NOUN NN
## 3615 investment NOUN NN
## 3616 company NOUN NNS
## 3617 preference NOUN NN
## 3618 company NOUN NNS
## 3619 case NOUN NNS
## 3620 tax NOUN NN
## 3621 enforcement NOUN NN
## 3622 corporation NOUN NNS
## 3623 money NOUN NN
## 3624 taxis NOUN NNS
## 3625 company NOUN NNS
## 3626 income NOUN NN
## 3627 class NOUN NN
## 3628 deal NOUN NN
## 3629 contribution NOUN NN
## 3630 past NOUN NN
## 3631 fact NOUN NNS
## 3632 plan NOUN NN
## 3633 family NOUN NNS
## 3634 increase NOUN NN
## 3635 income NOUN NN
## 3636 tax NOUN NN
## 3637 rate NOUN NNS
## 3638 top NOUN NN
## 3639 cut NOUN NNS
## 3640 benefit NOUN NNS
## 3641 explosion NOUN NN
## 3642 health NOUN NN
## 3643 care NOUN NN
## 3644 cost NOUN NNS
## 3645 growth NOUN NN
## 3646 deficit NOUN NN
## 3647 cut NOUN NNS
## 3648 payment NOUN NNS
## 3649 provider NOUN NNS
## 3650 doctor NOUN NNS
## 3651 hospital NOUN NNS
## 3652 lab NOUN NNS
## 3653 way NOUN NN
## 3654 health NOUN NN
## 3655 care NOUN NN
## 3656 cost NOUN NNS
## 3657 stopgap NOUN NN
## 3658 health NOUN NN
## 3659 care NOUN NN
## 3660 system NOUN NN
## 3661 provider NOUN NNS
## 3662 consumer NOUN NNS
## 3663 health NOUN NN
## 3664 care NOUN NN
## 3665 lot NOUN NN
## 3666 side NOUN NNS
## 3667 aisle NOUN NN
## 3668 plan NOUN NN
## 3669 recommendation NOUN NN
## 3670 cut NOUN NNS
## 3671 benefit NOUN NNS
## 3672 beneficiary NOUN NN
## 3673 change NOUN NN
## 3674 plan NOUN NN
## 3675 income NOUN NNS
## 3676 plan NOUN NN
## 3677 recipient NOUN NNS
## 3678 taxis NOUN NNS
## 3679 tax NOUN NN
## 3680 plan NOUN NN
## 3681 plan NOUN NN
## 3682 tax NOUN NN
## 3683 energy NOUN NN
## 3684 idea NOUN NN
## 3685 tax NOUN NN
## 3686 heat NOUN NN
## 3687 content NOUN NN
## 3688 energy NOUN NN
## 3689 way NOUN NN
## 3690 revenue NOUN NN
## 3691 deficit NOUN NN
## 3692 pollution NOUN NN
## 3693 energy NOUN NN
## 3694 efficiency NOUN NN
## 3695 independence NOUN NN
## 3696 country NOUN NN
## 3697 debt NOUN NN
## 3698 area NOUN NN
## 3699 carbon NOUN NN
## 3700 tax NOUN NN
## 3701 coal NOUN NN
## 3702 gas NOUN NN
## 3703 tax NOUN NN
## 3704 people NOUN NNS
## 3705 way NOUN NN
## 3706 ad NOUN NN
## 3707 valorem NOUN NN
## 3708 tax NOUN NN
## 3709 price NOUN NN
## 3710 energy NOUN NN
## 3711 source NOUN NN
## 3712 future NOUN NN
## 3713 present NOUN NN
## 3714 deficit NOUN NN
## 3715 measure NOUN NNS
## 3716 family NOUN NN
## 3717 income NOUN NN
## 3718 year NOUN NN
## 3719 month NOUN NN
## 3720 family NOUN NNS
## 3721 income NOUN NNS
## 3722 program NOUN NNS
## 3723 income NOUN NN
## 3724 tax NOUN NN
## 3725 credit NOUN NN
## 3726 determination NOUN NN
## 3727 deficit NOUN NN
## 3728 thing NOUN NNS
## 3729 continuation NOUN NN
## 3730 election NOUN NN
## 3731 election NOUN NN
## 3732 other NOUN NNS
## 3733 favor NOUN NN
## 3734 deficit NOUN NN
## 3735 reduction NOUN NN
## 3736 plan NOUN NN
## 3737 interest NOUN NN
## 3738 rate NOUN NNS
## 3739 term NOUN NN
## 3740 class NOUN NN
## 3741 credit NOUN NN
## 3742 need NOUN NNS
## 3743 demand NOUN NNS
## 3744 energy NOUN NN
## 3745 cost NOUN NNS
## 3746 interest NOUN NN
## 3747 cost NOUN NNS
## 3748 mortgage NOUN NNS
## 3749 consumer NOUN NN
## 3750 loan NOUN NNS
## 3751 credit NOUN NN
## 3752 card NOUN NNS
## 3753 investment NOUN NN
## 3754 country NOUN NN
## 3755 people NOUN NNS
## 3756 country NOUN NN
## 3757 distance NOUN NNS
## 3758 burden NOUN NNS
## 3759 energy NOUN NN
## 3760 country NOUN NN
## 3761 burden NOUN NNS
## 3762 energy NOUN NN
## 3763 country NOUN NN
## 3764 attempt NOUN NNS
## 3765 cost NOUN NN
## 3766 family NOUN NNS
## 3767 income NOUN NNS
## 3768 cost NOUN NNS
## 3769 income NOUN NN
## 3770 group NOUN NNS
## 3771 income NOUN NN
## 3772 taxis NOUN NNS
## 3773 tax NOUN NN
## 3774 program NOUN NN
## 3775 spending NOUN NN
## 3776 cut NOUN NNS
## 3777 cost NOUN NN
## 3778 number NOUN NNS
## 3779 year NOUN NN
## 3780 deficit NOUN NN
## 3781 income NOUN NN
## 3782 health NOUN NN
## 3783 care NOUN NN
## 3784 country NOUN NN
## 3785 face NOUN NN
## 3786 globe NOUN NN
## 3787 dollar NOUN NN
## 3788 debt NOUN NN
## 3789 courage NOUN NN
## 3790 future NOUN NN
## 3791 stagnation NOUN NN
## 3792 recession NOUN NNS
## 3793 growth NOUN NN
## 3794 job NOUN NNS
## 3795 growth NOUN NN
## 3796 income NOUN NN
## 3797 debt NOUN NN
## 3798 disappointment NOUN NN
## 3799 investment NOUN NN
## 3800 debt NOUN NN
## 3801 productivity NOUN NN
## 3802 job NOUN NNS
## 3803 income NOUN NNS
## 3804 child NOUN NNS
## 3805 child NOUN NNS
## 3806 child NOUN NNS
## 3807 life NOUN NN
## 3808 living NOUN NN
## 3809 standard NOUN NNS
## 3810 productivity NOUN NN
## 3811 rate NOUN NNS
## 3812 living NOUN NN
## 3813 standard NOUN NNS
## 3814 grandchild NOUN NNS
## 3815 grandchild NOUN NNS
## 3816 people NOUN NNS
## 3817 tomorrow NOUN NN
## 3818 week NOUN NNS
## 3819 fortitude NOUN NN
## 3820 change NOUN NNS
## 3821 way NOUN NN
## 3822 interest NOUN NN
## 3823 group NOUN NNS
## 3824 force NOUN NN
## 3825 piece NOUN NN
## 3826 plan NOUN NN
## 3827 force NOUN NNS
## 3828 wisdom NOUN NN
## 3829 reason NOUN NNS
## 3830 people NOUN NNS
## 3831 issue NOUN NN
## 3832 business NOUN NN
## 3833 wall NOUN NNS
## 3834 people NOUN NNS
## 3835 scepticism NOUN NNS
## 3836 word NOUN NNS
## 3837 deed NOUN NNS
## 3838 year NOUN NNS
## 3839 gridlock NOUN NN
## 3840 indecision NOUN NN
## 3841 beginning NOUN NNS
## 3842 result NOUN NNS
## 3843 people NOUN NNS
## 3844 judgment NOUN NNS
## 3845 moment NOUN NN
## 3846 plan NOUN NN
## 3847 package NOUN NN
## 3848 whole NOUN NN
## 3849 temptation NOUN NN
## 3850 spending NOUN NN
## 3851 investment NOUN NN
## 3852 tax NOUN NN
## 3853 increase NOUN NNS
## 3854 face NOUN NN
## 3855 fact NOUN NNS
## 3856 administration NOUN NNS
## 3857 party NOUN NNS
## 3858 income NOUN NNS
## 3859 debt NOUN NN
## 3860 productivity NOUN NN
## 3861 reality NOUN NN
## 3862 condition NOUN NN
## 3863 hand NOUN NN
## 3864 fellow NOUN NN
## 3865 test NOUN NN
## 3866 plan NOUN NN
## 3867 job NOUN NNS
## 3868 work NOUN NN
## 3869 family NOUN NNS
## 3870 government NOUN NN
## 3871 country NOUN NN
## 3872 fortune NOUN NNS
## 3873 tonight NOUN NN
## 3874 heart NOUN NN
## 3875 hope NOUN NNS
## 3876 imagination NOUN NN
## 3877 possibility NOUN NN
## 3878 excitement NOUN NN
## 3879 country NOUN NN
## 3880 leader NOUN NNS
## 3881 legacy NOUN NN
## 3882 prosperity NOUN NN
## 3883 progress NOUN NN
## 3884 direction NOUN NN
## 3885 courage NOUN NN
## 3886 member NOUN NNS
## 3887 103d NOUN NNS
## 3888 speech NOUN NN
## 3889 tonight-;[laughter]-;but NOUN NN
## 3890 state NOUN NN
## 3891 memory NOUN NN
## 3892 giant NOUN NN
## 3893 force NOUN NN
## 3894 grace NOUN NN
## 3895 man NOUN NN
## 3896 man NOUN NN
## 3897 people NOUN NNS
## 3898 bricklayer NOUN NN
## 3899 son NOUN NN
## 3900 class NOUN NN
## 3901 time NOUN NN
## 3902 gallery NOUN NN
## 3903 honor NOUN NN
## 3904 principle NOUN NN
## 3905 people NOUN NNS
## 3906 opportunity NOUN NN
## 3907 quality NOUN NN
## 3908 education NOUN NN
## 3909 shot NOUN NN
## 3910 dream NOUN NN
## 3911 thing NOUN NNS
## 3912 world NOUN NN
## 3913 change NOUN NNS
## 3914 nation NOUN NNS
## 3915 heritage NOUN NN
## 3916 change NOUN NN
## 3917 opportunity NOUN NN
## 3918 home NOUN NN
## 3919 leadership NOUN NN
## 3920 way NOUN NNS
## 3921 heritage NOUN NN
## 3922 country NOUN NN
## 3923 family NOUN NN
## 3924 life NOUN NN
## 3925 wage NOUN NNS
## 3926 people NOUN NNS
## 3927 trickle NOUN NN
## 3928 economic NOUN NNS
## 3929 prosperity NOUN NN
## 3930 base NOUN NN
## 3931 debt NOUN NN
## 3932 growth NOUN NN
## 3933 family NOUN NNS
## 3934 parent NOUN NNS
## 3935 dream NOUN NN
## 3936 people NOUN NNS
## 3937 responsibility NOUN NN
## 3938 future NOUN NN
## 3939 country NOUN NN
## 3940 drift NOUN NN
## 3941 deadlock NOUN NN
## 3942 renewal NOUN NN
## 3943 reform NOUN NN
## 3944 people NOUN NNS
## 3945 gridlock NOUN NN
## 3946 teamwork NOUN NN
## 3947 budget NOUN NN
## 3948 deficit NOUN NN
## 3949 spending NOUN NN
## 3950 income NOUN NN
## 3951 taxis NOUN NNS
## 3952 tax NOUN NN
## 3953 relief NOUN NN
## 3954 income NOUN NN
## 3955 worker NOUN NNS
## 3956 work NOUN NN
## 3957 welfare NOUN NN
## 3958 bill NOUN NN
## 3959 law NOUN NN
## 3960 sir NOUN NN
## 3961 tax NOUN NN
## 3962 cut NOUN NNS
## 3963 taxis NOUN NNS
## 3964 business NOUN NNS
## 3965 money NOUN NN
## 3966 job NOUN NNS
## 3967 research NOUN NN
## 3968 treatment NOUN NN
## 3969 childhood NOUN NN
## 3970 immunization NOUN NNS
## 3971 support NOUN NN
## 3972 woman NOUN NNS
## 3973 health NOUN NN
## 3974 research NOUN NN
## 3975 college NOUN NN
## 3976 loan NOUN NNS
## 3977 class NOUN NN
## 3978 service NOUN NN
## 3979 program NOUN NN
## 3980 country NOUN NN
## 3981 community NOUN NNS
## 3982 education NOUN NN
## 3983 increase NOUN NN
## 3984 tech NOUN NN
## 3985 investment NOUN NNS
## 3986 defense NOUN NN
## 3987 tech NOUN NN
## 3988 economy NOUN NN
## 3989 law NOUN NN
## 3990 motor NOUN NN
## 3991 voter NOUN NN
## 3992 bill NOUN NN
## 3993 people NOUN NNS
## 3994 family NOUN NN
## 3995 leave NOUN NN
## 3996 law NOUN NN
## 3997 veto NOUN NN
## 3998 accomplishment NOUN NNS
## 3999 commitment NOUN NNS
## 4000 office NOUN NN
## 4001 fairness NOUN NN
## 4002 credit NOUN NN
## 4003 people NOUN NNS
## 4004 salary NOUN NNS
## 4005 foot NOUN NNS
## 4006 fire NOUN NN
## 4007 life NOUN NNS
## 4008 example NOUN NN
## 4009 family NOUN NN
## 4010 leave NOUN NN
## 4011 law NOUN NN
## 4012 father NOUN NN
## 4013 family NOUN NN
## 4014 wife NOUN NN
## 4015 child NOUN NNS
## 4016 wheelchair NOUN NN
## 4017 picture NOUN NN
## 4018 visit NOUN NN
## 4019 man NOUN NN
## 4020 arm NOUN NN
## 4021 girl NOUN NN
## 4022 family NOUN NN
## 4023 law NOUN NN
## 4024 time NOUN NN
## 4025 time NOUN NN
## 4026 life NOUN NN
## 4027 job NOUN NN
## 4028 rest NOUN NN
## 4029 family NOUN NN
## 4030 people NOUN NNS
## 4031 difference NOUN NN
## 4032 difference NOUN NN
## 4033 work NOUN NN
## 4034 impact NOUN NN
## 4035 recovery NOUN NN
## 4036 community NOUN NN
## 4037 job NOUN NNS
## 4038 income NOUN NNS
## 4039 violence NOUN NN
## 4040 hope NOUN NN
## 4041 place NOUN NNS
## 4042 democracy NOUN NNS
## 4043 time NOUN NNS
## 4044 leadership NOUN NN
## 4045 journey NOUN NN
## 4046 renewal NOUN NN
## 4047 job NOUN NNS
## 4048 health NOUN NN
## 4049 security NOUN NN
## 4050 work NOUN NN
## 4051 welfare NOUN NN
## 4052 democracy NOUN NN
## 4053 street NOUN NNS
## 4054 crime NOUN NN
## 4055 drug NOUN NNS
## 4056 gang NOUN NNS
## 4057 community NOUN NN
## 4058 house NOUN NN
## 4059 order NOUN NN
## 4060 budget NOUN NN
## 4061 deficit NOUN NN
## 4062 bankruptcy NOUN NN
## 4063 spending NOUN NN
## 4064 entitlement NOUN NNS
## 4065 budget NOUN NN
## 4066 item NOUN NNS
## 4067 spending NOUN NN
## 4068 budget NOUN NN
## 4069 number NOUN NNS
## 4070 campaign NOUN NN
## 4071 staff NOUN NN
## 4072 perk NOUN NNS
## 4073 fleet NOUN NN
## 4074 limousine NOUN NNS
## 4075 leader NOUN NNS
## 4076 rhetoric NOUN NN
## 4077 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 4078 action NOUN NN
## 4079 people NOUN NNS
## 4080 time NOUN NN
## 4081 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 4082 point NOUN NN
## 4083 deficit NOUN NN
## 4084 tax NOUN NN
## 4085 cut NOUN NNS
## 4086 deficit NOUN NN
## 4087 people NOUN NNS
## 4088 truth NOUN NN
## 4089 taxis NOUN NNS
## 4090 income NOUN NN
## 4091 tax NOUN NN
## 4092 rate NOUN NNS
## 4093 income NOUN NN
## 4094 tax NOUN NN
## 4095 rate NOUN NNS
## 4096 one NOUN NN
## 4097 truth NOUN NN
## 4098 politic NOUN NNS
## 4099 naysayer NOUN NNS
## 4100 plan NOUN NN
## 4101 expert NOUN NNS
## 4102 deficit NOUN NN
## 4103 people NOUN NNS
## 4104 deficit NOUN NN
## 4105 program NOUN NN
## 4106 core NOUN NN
## 4107 inflation NOUN NN
## 4108 rate NOUN NN
## 4109 interest NOUN NN
## 4110 rate NOUN NNS
## 4111 interest NOUN NN
## 4112 rate NOUN NNS
## 4113 business NOUN NN
## 4114 investment NOUN NN
## 4115 equipment NOUN NN
## 4116 time NOUN NNS
## 4117 rate NOUN NN
## 4118 auto NOUN NN
## 4119 sale NOUN NNS
## 4120 home NOUN NN
## 4121 sale NOUN NNS
## 4122 high NOUN NN
## 4123 home NOUN NNS
## 4124 economy NOUN NN
## 4125 sector NOUN NN
## 4126 job NOUN NNS
## 4127 people NOUN NNS
## 4128 plan NOUN NN
## 4129 result NOUN NNS
## 4130 month NOUN NN
## 4131 budget NOUN NNS
## 4132 spending NOUN NN
## 4133 program NOUN NNS
## 4134 program NOUN NNS
## 4135 way NOUN NNS
## 4136 government NOUN NNS
## 4137 good NOUN NNS
## 4138 service NOUN NNS
## 4139 choice NOUN NNS
## 4140 spending NOUN NN
## 4141 ceiling NOUN NNS
## 4142 deficit NOUN NN
## 4143 recovery NOUN NN
## 4144 senior NOUN NNS
## 4145 class NOUN NN
## 4146 security NOUN NN
## 4147 risk NOUN NN
## 4148 plan NOUN NN
## 4149 deficit NOUN NNS
## 4150 time NOUN NN
## 4151 buck NOUN NN
## 4152 plan NOUN NN
## 4153 strength NOUN NN
## 4154 credibility NOUN NN
## 4155 world NOUN NN
## 4156 deficit NOUN NN
## 4157 steel NOUN NN
## 4158 edge NOUN NN
## 4159 world NOUN NN
## 4160 sound NOUN NN
## 4161 trade NOUN NN
## 4162 barrier NOUN NNS
## 4163 effort NOUN NNS
## 4164 export NOUN NN
## 4165 strategy NOUN NN
## 4166 world NOUN NN
## 4167 market NOUN NNS
## 4168 product NOUN NNS
## 4169 time NOUN NN
## 4170 generation NOUN NNS
## 4171 job NOUN NNS
## 4172 living NOUN NN
## 4173 standard NOUN NNS
## 4174 people NOUN NNS
## 4175 deficit NOUN NNS
## 4176 inflation NOUN NN
## 4177 interest NOUN NN
## 4178 rate NOUN NNS
## 4179 trade NOUN NN
## 4180 barrier NOUN NNS
## 4181 investment NOUN NNS
## 4182 building NOUN NN
## 4183 block NOUN NNS
## 4184 recovery NOUN NN
## 4185 advantage NOUN NN
## 4186 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 4187 economy NOUN NN
## 4188 defense NOUN NN
## 4189 spending NOUN NN
## 4190 technology NOUN NNS
## 4191 defense NOUN NN
## 4192 conversion NOUN NN
## 4193 job NOUN NNS
## 4194 people NOUN NNS
## 4195 home NOUN NN
## 4196 environment NOUN NN
## 4197 technology NOUN NNS
## 4198 future NOUN NN
## 4199 job NOUN NNS
## 4200 program NOUN NN
## 4201 sector NOUN NN
## 4202 classroom NOUN NN
## 4203 clinic NOUN NN
## 4204 library NOUN NN
## 4205 hospital NOUN NN
## 4206 information NOUN NN
## 4207 superhighway NOUN NN
## 4208 access NOUN NN
## 4209 information NOUN NN
## 4210 productivity NOUN NN
## 4211 child NOUN NNS
## 4212 care NOUN NN
## 4213 job NOUN NNS
## 4214 legislation NOUN NN
## 4215 information NOUN NN
## 4216 superhighway NOUN NN
## 4217 opportunity NOUN NN
## 4218 job NOUN NNS
## 4219 one NOUN NN
## 4220 lending NOUN NN
## 4221 housing NOUN NN
## 4222 right NOUN NNS
## 4223 law NOUN NNS
## 4224 renewal NOUN NN
## 4225 bounty NOUN NN
## 4226 house NOUN NN
## 4227 order NOUN NN
## 4228 world NOUN NN
## 4229 trade NOUN NN
## 4230 job NOUN NNS
## 4231 future NOUN NN
## 4232 strategy NOUN NN
## 4233 people NOUN NNS
## 4234 education NOUN NN
## 4235 training NOUN NN
## 4236 skill NOUN NNS
## 4237 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 4238 world NOUN NN
## 4239 class NOUN NN
## 4240 standard NOUN NNS
## 4241 child NOUN NNS
## 4242 teacher NOUN NNS
## 4243 student NOUN NNS
## 4244 tool NOUN NNS
## 4245 proposal NOUN NN
## 4246 school NOUN NN
## 4247 district NOUN NNS
## 4248 idea NOUN NNS
## 4249 school NOUN NNS
## 4250 corporation NOUN NNS
## 4251 school NOUN NN
## 4252 choice NOUN NN
## 4253 school NOUN NN
## 4254 standard NOUN NN
## 4255 child NOUN NNS
## 4256 economy NOUN NN
## 4257 goal NOUN NNS
## 4258 link NOUN NNS
## 4259 world NOUN NN
## 4260 class NOUN NN
## 4261 standard NOUN NNS
## 4262 reform NOUN NNS
## 4263 delay NOUN NN
## 4264 school NOUN NN
## 4265 work NOUN NN
## 4266 initiative NOUN NN
## 4267 time NOUN NN
## 4268 link NOUN NN
## 4269 school NOUN NN
## 4270 world NOUN NN
## 4271 work NOUN NN
## 4272 apprenticeship NOUN NN
## 4273 school NOUN NN
## 4274 people NOUN NNS
## 4275 future NOUN NN
## 4276 college NOUN NN
## 4277 time NOUN NN
## 4278 unemployment NOUN NN
## 4279 system NOUN NN
## 4280 reemployment NOUN NN
## 4281 system NOUN NN
## 4282 unemployment NOUN NN
## 4283 system NOUN NN
## 4284 job NOUN NN
## 4285 system NOUN NN
## 4286 people NOUN NNS
## 4287 job NOUN NNS
## 4288 job NOUN NNS
## 4289 way NOUN NN
## 4290 job NOUN NN
## 4291 security NOUN NN
## 4292 future NOUN NN
## 4293 job NOUN NN
## 4294 income NOUN NN
## 4295 skill NOUN NNS
## 4296 ability NOUN NN
## 4297 one NOUN NNS
## 4298 patchwork NOUN NN
## 4299 training NOUN NN
## 4300 program NOUN NNS
## 4301 source NOUN NN
## 4302 skill NOUN NNS
## 4303 people NOUN NNS
## 4304 job NOUN NNS
## 4305 unemployment NOUN NN
## 4306 centerpiece NOUN NN
## 4307 renewal NOUN NN
## 4308 session NOUN NN
## 4309 unemployment NOUN NN
## 4310 system NOUN NN
## 4311 welfare NOUN NN
## 4312 system NOUN NN
## 4313 value NOUN NNS
## 4314 nation NOUN NN
## 4315 work NOUN NN
## 4316 system NOUN NN
## 4317 welfare NOUN NN
## 4318 work NOUN NN
## 4319 people NOUN NNS
## 4320 health NOUN NN
## 4321 care NOUN NN
## 4322 responsibility NOUN NN
## 4323 child NOUN NN
## 4324 support NOUN NN
## 4325 parent NOUN NNS
## 4326 parent NOUN NNS
## 4327 care NOUN NN
## 4328 child NOUN NNS
## 4329 family NOUN NNS
## 4330 system NOUN NN
## 4331 child NOUN NN
## 4332 child NOUN NN
## 4333 money NOUN NN
## 4334 parent NOUN NN
## 4335 grandparent NOUN NN
## 4336 policy NOUN NN
## 4337 problem NOUN NN
## 4338 member NOUN NNS
## 4339 party NOUN NNS
## 4340 administration NOUN NN
## 4341 party NOUN NN
## 4342 people NOUN NNS
## 4343 welfare NOUN NN
## 4344 lot NOUN NNS
## 4345 issue NOUN NN
## 4346 people NOUN NNS
## 4347 system NOUN NN
## 4348 people NOUN NNS
## 4349 welfare NOUN NN
## 4350 work NOUN NN
## 4351 kid NOUN NNS
## 4352 hearing NOUN NN
## 4353 people NOUN NNS
## 4354 welfare NOUN NN
## 4355 way NOUN NN
## 4356 woman NOUN NN
## 4357 question NOUN NN
## 4358 thing NOUN NN
## 4359 welfare NOUN NN
## 4360 job NOUN NN
## 4361 eye NOUN NN
## 4362 governor NOUN NNS
## 4363 boy NOUN NN
## 4364 school NOUN NN
## 4365 mother NOUN NN
## 4366 living NOUN NN
## 4367 answer NOUN NN
## 4368 people NOUN NNS
## 4369 system NOUN NN
## 4370 power NOUN NN
## 4371 lot NOUN NN
## 4372 idea NOUN NNS
## 4373 step NOUN NN
## 4374 people NOUN NNS
## 4375 income NOUN NNS
## 4376 poverty NOUN NN
## 4377 way NOUN NN
## 4378 poverty NOUN NN
## 4379 income NOUN NN
## 4380 tax NOUN NN
## 4381 credit NOUN NN
## 4382 family NOUN NNS
## 4383 poverty NOUN NN
## 4384 work NOUN NN
## 4385 welfare NOUN NN
## 4386 people NOUN NNS
## 4387 worker NOUN NNS
## 4388 parent NOUN NNS
## 4389 welfare NOUN NN
## 4390 reform NOUN NN
## 4391 welfare NOUN NN
## 4392 reform NOUN NN
## 4393 bill NOUN NN
## 4394 value NOUN NNS
## 4395 work NOUN NN
## 4396 responsibility NOUN NN
## 4397 teenager NOUN NNS
## 4398 child NOUN NN
## 4399 wedlock NOUN NN
## 4400 check NOUN NN
## 4401 household NOUN NN
## 4402 family NOUN NNS
## 4403 parent NOUN NNS
## 4404 child NOUN NN
## 4405 support NOUN NN
## 4406 child NOUN NNS
## 4407 wage NOUN NNS
## 4408 license NOUN NN
## 4409 line NOUN NNS
## 4410 People NOUN NNS
## 4411 child NOUN NNS
## 4412 world NOUN NN
## 4413 welfare NOUN NN
## 4414 compact NOUN NN
## 4415 support NOUN NN
## 4416 job NOUN NN
## 4417 training NOUN NN
## 4418 child NOUN NN
## 4419 sector NOUN NN
## 4420 community NOUN NN
## 4421 service NOUN NN
## 4422 way NOUN NN
## 4423 welfare NOUN NN
## 4424 chance NOUN NN
## 4425 way NOUN NN
## 4426 life NOUN NN
## 4427 welfare NOUN NN
## 4428 reform NOUN NN
## 4429 time NOUN NN
## 4430 health NOUN NN
## 4431 care NOUN NN
## 4432 people NOUN NNS
## 4433 welfare NOUN NN
## 4434 today NOUN NN
## 4435 way NOUN NN
## 4436 health NOUN NN
## 4437 care NOUN NN
## 4438 coverage NOUN NN
## 4439 child NOUN NNS
## 4440 welfare NOUN NN
## 4441 job NOUN NNS
## 4442 health NOUN NN
## 4443 benefit NOUN NNS
## 4444 entry NOUN NN
## 4445 level NOUN NN
## 4446 job NOUN NNS
## 4447 health NOUN NN
## 4448 benefit NOUN NNS
## 4449 position NOUN NN
## 4450 taxis NOUN NNS
## 4451 health NOUN NN
## 4452 care NOUN NN
## 4453 coverage NOUN NN
## 4454 choice NOUN NN
## 4455 welfare NOUN NN
## 4456 wonder NOUN NN
## 4457 people NOUN NNS
## 4458 work NOUN NN
## 4459 welfare NOUN NN
## 4460 health NOUN NN
## 4461 care NOUN NN
## 4462 coverage NOUN NN
## 4463 health NOUN NN
## 4464 care NOUN NN
## 4465 problem NOUN NN
## 4466 welfare NOUN NN
## 4467 reform NOUN NN
## 4468 history NOUN NN
## 4469 health NOUN NN
## 4470 care NOUN NN
## 4471 system NOUN NN
## 4472 servant NOUN NNS
## 4473 issue NOUN NN
## 4474 people NOUN NNS
## 4475 politician NOUN NNS
## 4476 party NOUN NN
## 4477 truth NOUN NN
## 4478 letter NOUN NNS
## 4479 people NOUN NNS
## 4480 walk NOUN NNS
## 4481 life NOUN NN
## 4482 job NOUN NN
## 4483 health NOUN NN
## 4484 insurance NOUN NN
## 4485 wife NOUN NN
## 4486 aneurysm NOUN NN
## 4487 hospital NOUN NN
## 4488 care NOUN NN
## 4489 bill NOUN NNS
## 4490 work NOUN NN
## 4491 hour NOUN NN
## 4492 bill NOUN NNS
## 4493 bankruptcy NOUN NN
## 4494 one NOUN NN
## 4495 life NOUN NNS
## 4496 other NOUN NNS
## 4497 health NOUN NN
## 4498 care NOUN NN
## 4499 reform NOUN NN
## 4500 issue NOUN NN
## 4501 thank NOUN NNS
## 4502 action NOUN NN
## 4503 people NOUN NNS
## 4504 health NOUN NN
## 4505 care NOUN NN
## 4506 crisis NOUN NN
## 4507 coverage NOUN NN
## 4508 time NOUN NN
## 4509 condition NOUN NNS
## 4510 folk NOUN NNS
## 4511 insurance NOUN NN
## 4512 job NOUN NNS
## 4513 family NOUN NN
## 4514 condition NOUN NNS
## 4515 business NOUN NNS
## 4516 cost NOUN NN
## 4517 insurance NOUN NN
## 4518 business NOUN NNS
## 4519 employee NOUN NNS
## 4520 premium NOUN NNS
## 4521 business NOUN NNS
## 4522 government NOUN NN
## 4523 policy NOUN NNS
## 4524 lifetime NOUN NN
## 4525 limit NOUN NNS
## 4526 coverage NOUN NN
## 4527 crisis NOUN NN
## 4528 people NOUN NNS
## 4529 people NOUN NNS
## 4530 impact NOUN NN
## 4531 problem NOUN NN
## 4532 people NOUN NNS
## 4533 life NOUN NNS
## 4534 district NOUN NN
## 4535 country NOUN NN
## 4536 independent NOUN NNS
## 4537 lick NOUN NN
## 4538 party NOUN NN
## 4539 time NOUN NN
## 4540 health NOUN NN
## 4541 care NOUN NN
## 4542 initiative NOUN NN
## 4543 health NOUN NN
## 4544 care NOUN NN
## 4545 system NOUN NN
## 4546 world NOUN NN
## 4547 health NOUN NN
## 4548 care NOUN NN
## 4549 professional NOUN NNS
## 4550 cutting NOUN NN
## 4551 edge NOUN NN
## 4552 research NOUN NN
## 4553 research NOUN NN
## 4554 institution NOUN NNS
## 4555 none NOUN NN
## 4556 none NOUN NN
## 4557 risk NOUN NN
## 4558 money NOUN NN
## 4559 care NOUN NN
## 4560 doctor NOUN NNS
## 4561 year NOUN NN
## 4562 doctor NOUN NNS
## 4563 nurse NOUN NNS
## 4564 time NOUN NN
## 4565 paperwork NOUN NN
## 4566 time NOUN NN
## 4567 patient NOUN NNS
## 4568 nightmare NOUN NN
## 4569 system NOUN NN
## 4570 system NOUN NN
## 4571 inefficiency NOUN NN
## 4572 abuse NOUN NN
## 4573 fraud NOUN NN
## 4574 health NOUN NN
## 4575 care NOUN NN
## 4576 system NOUN NN
## 4577 insurance NOUN NN
## 4578 company NOUN NNS
## 4579 shot NOUN NNS
## 4580 benefit NOUN NNS
## 4581 coverage NOUN NN
## 4582 charge NOUN NN
## 4583 night NOUN NN
## 4584 bed NOUN NN
## 4585 illness NOUN NN
## 4586 accident NOUN NN
## 4587 slip NOUN NN
## 4588 coverage NOUN NN
## 4589 ruin NOUN NN
## 4590 morning NOUN NN
## 4591 health NOUN NN
## 4592 insurance NOUN NN
## 4593 worker NOUN NNS
## 4594 country NOUN NN
## 4595 world NOUN NN
## 4596 year NOUN NN
## 4597 people NOUN NNS
## 4598 doctor NOUN NN
## 4599 boss NOUN NN
## 4600 plan NOUN NN
## 4601 other NOUN NNS
## 4602 job NOUN NNS
## 4603 job NOUN NN
## 4604 health NOUN NN
## 4605 insurance NOUN NN
## 4606 health NOUN NN
## 4607 care NOUN NN
## 4608 system NOUN NN
## 4609 country NOUN NN
## 4610 people NOUN NNS
## 4611 care NOUN NN
## 4612 choice NOUN NNS
## 4613 bill NOUN NNS
## 4614 approach NOUN NN
## 4615 quality NOUN NN
## 4616 care NOUN NN
## 4617 people NOUN NNS
## 4618 choice NOUN NNS
## 4619 sector NOUN NN
## 4620 employer NOUN NN
## 4621 coverage NOUN NN
## 4622 insurance NOUN NN
## 4623 employer NOUN NN
## 4624 insurance NOUN NN
## 4625 idea NOUN NN
## 4626 idea NOUN NN
## 4627 insurance NOUN NN
## 4628 people NOUN NNS
## 4629 insurance NOUN NN
## 4630 employer NOUN NNS
## 4631 employer NOUN NN
## 4632 benefit NOUN NNS
## 4633 price NOUN NNS
## 4634 goal NOUN NN
## 4635 health NOUN NN
## 4636 insurance NOUN NN
## 4637 benefit NOUN NNS
## 4638 care NOUN NN
## 4639 prescription NOUN NN
## 4640 drug NOUN NNS
## 4641 health NOUN NN
## 4642 premium NOUN NNS
## 4643 power NOUN NN
## 4644 business NOUN NN
## 4645 insurance NOUN NN
## 4646 rate NOUN NNS
## 4647 government NOUN NNS
## 4648 business NOUN NN
## 4649 form NOUN NN
## 4650 people NOUN NNS
## 4651 freedom NOUN NN
## 4652 plan NOUN NN
## 4653 right NOUN NN
## 4654 doctor NOUN NN
## 4655 approach NOUN NN
## 4656 plan NOUN NN
## 4657 growth NOUN NN
## 4658 difference NOUN NN
## 4659 saving NOUN NNS
## 4660 health NOUN NN
## 4661 care NOUN NN
## 4662 citizen NOUN NNS
## 4663 prescription NOUN NN
## 4664 drug NOUN NNS
## 4665 step NOUN NNS
## 4666 term NOUN NN
## 4667 care NOUN NN
## 4668 senior NOUN NNS
## 4669 solution NOUN NN
## 4670 squeeze NOUN NN
## 4671 class NOUN NN
## 4672 people NOUN NNS
## 4673 health NOUN NN
## 4674 care NOUN NN
## 4675 squeeze NOUN NN
## 4676 class NOUN NN
## 4677 people NOUN NNS
## 4678 health NOUN NN
## 4679 care NOUN NN
## 4680 insurance NOUN NN
## 4681 price NOUN NN
## 4682 security NOUN NN
## 4683 health NOUN NN
## 4684 care NOUN NN
## 4685 guarantee NOUN NN
## 4686 health NOUN NN
## 4687 security NOUN NN
## 4688 responsibility NOUN NN
## 4689 part NOUN NN
## 4690 system NOUN NN
## 4691 People NOUN NNS
## 4692 kid NOUN NNS
## 4693 advantage NOUN NN
## 4694 care NOUN NN
## 4695 violence NOUN NN
## 4696 emergency NOUN NN
## 4697 room NOUN NNS
## 4698 health NOUN NN
## 4699 habit NOUN NNS
## 4700 system NOUN NN
## 4701 insurance NOUN NN
## 4702 approach NOUN NN
## 4703 coverage NOUN NN
## 4704 minority NOUN NN
## 4705 business NOUN NNS
## 4706 insurance NOUN NN
## 4707 cost NOUN NN
## 4708 care NOUN NN
## 4709 employee NOUN NNS
## 4710 other NOUN NNS
## 4711 People NOUN NNS
## 4712 pack NOUN NN
## 4713 cigarette NOUN NNS
## 4714 health NOUN NN
## 4715 care NOUN NN
## 4716 crisis NOUN NN
## 4717 health NOUN NN
## 4718 care NOUN NN
## 4719 system NOUN NN
## 4720 market NOUN NN
## 4721 cost NOUN NNS
## 4722 health NOUN NN
## 4723 security NOUN NN
## 4724 history NOUN NN
## 4725 country NOUN NN
## 4726 health NOUN NN
## 4727 care NOUN NN
## 4728 time NOUN NN
## 4729 interest NOUN NNS
## 4730 time NOUN NN
## 4731 interest NOUN NNS
## 4732 courage NOUN NN
## 4733 question NOUN NNS
## 4734 way NOUN NN
## 4735 campaign NOUN NNS
## 4736 lobbyist NOUN NNS
## 4737 influence NOUN NN
## 4738 work NOUN NN
## 4739 change NOUN NN
## 4740 influence NOUN NN
## 4741 interest NOUN NNS
## 4742 system NOUN NN
## 4743 job NOUN NN
## 4744 campaign NOUN NN
## 4745 finance NOUN NN
## 4746 reform NOUN NN
## 4747 lobby NOUN NN
## 4748 reform NOUN NN
## 4749 legislation NOUN NN
## 4750 test NOUN NN
## 4751 people NOUN NNS
## 4752 service NOUN NN
## 4753 health NOUN NN
## 4754 care NOUN NN
## 4755 benefit NOUN NNS
## 4756 cost NOUN NNS
## 4757 health NOUN NN
## 4758 care NOUN NN
## 4759 tax NOUN NN
## 4760 health NOUN NN
## 4761 care NOUN NN
## 4762 security NOUN NN
## 4763 idea NOUN NNS
## 4764 member NOUN NNS
## 4765 party NOUN NNS
## 4766 brief NOUN NN
## 4767 approach NOUN NN
## 4768 bill NOUN NN
## 4769 legislation NOUN NN
## 4770 health NOUN NN
## 4771 insurance NOUN NN
## 4772 pen NOUN NN
## 4773 legislation NOUN NN
## 4774 health NOUN NN
## 4775 care NOUN NN
## 4776 health NOUN NN
## 4777 care NOUN NN
## 4778 year NOUN NN
## 4779 time NOUN NN
## 4780 people NOUN NNS
## 4781 step NOUN NNS
## 4782 strength NOUN NN
## 4783 home NOUN NN
## 4784 obligation NOUN NN
## 4785 leadership NOUN NN
## 4786 moment NOUN NN
## 4787 agreement NOUN NNS
## 4788 missile NOUN NNS
## 4789 weapon NOUN NNS
## 4790 space NOUN NN
## 4791 scientist NOUN NNS
## 4792 space NOUN NN
## 4793 station NOUN NN
## 4794 danger NOUN NNS
## 4795 world NOUN NN
## 4796 arm NOUN NNS
## 4797 proliferation NOUN NN
## 4798 conflict NOUN NNS
## 4799 tension NOUN NNS
## 4800 democracy NOUN NNS
## 4801 degradation NOUN NN
## 4802 world NOUN NN
## 4803 fanatic NOUN NNS
## 4804 world NOUN NN
## 4805 city NOUN NNS
## 4806 terror NOUN NN
## 4807 world NOUN NN
## 4808 power NOUN NN
## 4809 defense NOUN NNS
## 4810 responsibility NOUN NNS
## 4811 indictment NOUN NNS
## 4812 terrorist NOUN NNS
## 4813 sanction NOUN NNS
## 4814 growth NOUN NN
## 4815 agreement NOUN NNS
## 4816 arsenal NOUN NN
## 4817 weapon NOUN NNS
## 4818 ratification NOUN NN
## 4819 treaty NOUN NN
## 4820 weapon NOUN NNS
## 4821 nation NOUN NNS
## 4822 negotiation NOUN NNS
## 4823 ban NOUN NN
## 4824 testing NOUN NN
## 4825 security NOUN NN
## 4826 nation NOUN NN
## 4827 contribution NOUN NNS
## 4828 air NOUN NN
## 4829 lift NOUN NN
## 4830 history NOUN NN
## 4831 mission NOUN NN
## 4832 comrade NOUN NNS
## 4833 life NOUN NNS
## 4834 force NOUN NNS
## 4835 military NOUN NN
## 4836 fighting NOUN NN
## 4837 force NOUN NN
## 4838 face NOUN NN
## 4839 defense NOUN NN
## 4840 plan NOUN NN
## 4841 war NOUN NN
## 4842 security NOUN NN
## 4843 cost NOUN NN
## 4844 people NOUN NNS
## 4845 defense NOUN NN
## 4846 spending NOUN NN
## 4847 program NOUN NNS
## 4848 budget NOUN NN
## 4849 line NOUN NN
## 4850 defense NOUN NN
## 4851 cut NOUN NNS
## 4852 readiness NOUN NN
## 4853 quality NOUN NN
## 4854 force NOUN NNS
## 4855 strategy NOUN NN
## 4856 defense NOUN NN
## 4857 regard NOUN NN
## 4858 party NOUN NN
## 4859 position NOUN NN
## 4860 strategy NOUN NN
## 4861 security NOUN NN
## 4862 peace NOUN NN
## 4863 advance NOUN NN
## 4864 democracy NOUN NN
## 4865 democracy NOUN NNS
## 4866 trading NOUN NN
## 4867 partner NOUN NNS
## 4868 partner NOUN NNS
## 4869 diplomacy NOUN NN
## 4870 reformer NOUN NNS
## 4871 state NOUN NNS
## 4872 bloc NOUN NN
## 4873 support NOUN NN
## 4874 initiative NOUN NNS
## 4875 state NOUN NNS
## 4876 transformation NOUN NNS
## 4877 support NOUN NN
## 4878 reform NOUN NN
## 4879 patience NOUN NN
## 4880 enormity NOUN NN
## 4881 task NOUN NN
## 4882 vigilance NOUN NN
## 4883 interest NOUN NN
## 4884 value NOUN NNS
## 4885 state NOUN NNS
## 4886 reform NOUN NNS
## 4887 problem NOUN NNS
## 4888 troop NOUN NNS
## 4889 neighboring NOUN NN
## 4890 state NOUN NNS
## 4891 state NOUN NNS
## 4892 presence NOUN NN
## 4893 accord NOUN NN
## 4894 standard NOUN NNS
## 4895 nation NOUN NNS
## 4896 people NOUN NNS
## 4897 market NOUN NN
## 4898 reform NOUN NNS
## 4899 bloc NOUN NN
## 4900 policy NOUN NN
## 4901 move NOUN NN
## 4902 policy NOUN NN
## 4903 partner NOUN NNS
## 4904 country NOUN NNS
## 4905 possibility NOUN NN
## 4906 time NOUN NN
## 4907 history NOUN NN
## 4908 history NOUN NN
## 4909 commitment NOUN NNS
## 4910 nation NOUN NNS
## 4911 democracy NOUN NN
## 4912 market NOUN NNS
## 4913 border NOUN NNS
## 4914 ally NOUN NNS
## 4915 state NOUN NNS
## 4916 bloc NOUN NN
## 4917 member NOUN NNS
## 4918 cooperation NOUN NN
## 4919 leader NOUN NNS
## 4920 man NOUN NNS
## 4921 life NOUN NNS
## 4922 line NOUN NN
## 4923 freedom NOUN NN
## 4924 security NOUN NN
## 4925 region NOUN NN
## 4926 country NOUN NN
## 4927 security NOUN NN
## 4928 renewal NOUN NN
## 4929 right NOUN NNS
## 4930 development NOUN NN
## 4931 world NOUN NN
## 4932 accord NOUN NN
## 4933 way NOUN NN
## 4934 transition NOUN NN
## 4935 democracy NOUN NN
## 4936 summit NOUN NN
## 4937 leader NOUN NNS
## 4938 tip NOUN NN
## 4939 restoration NOUN NN
## 4940 democracy NOUN NN
## 4941 relationship NOUN NN
## 4942 sign NOUN NNS
## 4943 improvement NOUN NN
## 4944 nation NOUN NN
## 4945 right NOUN NNS
## 4946 record NOUN NN
## 4947 progress NOUN NN
## 4948 peace NOUN NN
## 4949 world NOUN NN
## 4950 handshake NOUN NN
## 4951 reconciliation NOUN NN
## 4952 road NOUN NN
## 4953 road NOUN NN
## 4954 administration NOUN NN
## 4955 peace NOUN NN
## 4956 people NOUN NNS
## 4957 region NOUN NN
## 4958 country NOUN NN
## 4959 war NOUN NN
## 4960 back NOUN NN
## 4961 rest NOUN NN
## 4962 world NOUN NN
## 4963 world NOUN NN
## 4964 office NOUN NN
## 4965 pledge NOUN NN
## 4966 tinge NOUN NN
## 4967 nation NOUN NN
## 4968 rest NOUN NN
## 4969 world NOUN NN
## 4970 work NOUN NN
## 4971 military NOUN NN
## 4972 democracy NOUN NN
## 4973 leadership NOUN NN
## 4974 engagement NOUN NN
## 4975 result NOUN NN
## 4976 people NOUN NNS
## 4977 threat NOUN NNS
## 4978 way NOUN NNS
## 4979 threat NOUN NNS
## 4980 home NOUN NN
## 4981 day NOUN NN
## 4982 peace NOUN NN
## 4983 crime NOUN NN
## 4984 slumber NOUN NN
## 4985 party NOUN NN
## 4986 way NOUN NN
## 4987 tragedy NOUN NN
## 4988 family NOUN NN
## 4989 train NOUN NN
## 4990 ride NOUN NN
## 4991 hail NOUN NN
## 4992 millimeter NOUN NN
## 4993 round NOUN NNS
## 4994 tourist NOUN NN
## 4995 bigot NOUN NNS
## 4996 nation NOUN NN
## 4997 man NOUN NN
## 4998 policeman NOUN NN
## 4999 son NOUN NN
## 5000 grandson NOUN NN
## 5001 policeman NOUN NNS
## 5002 crime NOUN NN
## 5003 fear NOUN NN
## 5004 society NOUN NN
## 5005 freedom NOUN NN
## 5006 tie NOUN NNS
## 5007 crime NOUN NN
## 5008 bill NOUN NN
## 5009 chance NOUN NN
## 5010 chance NOUN NN
## 5011 lot NOUN NN
## 5012 issue NOUN NN
## 5013 life NOUN NN
## 5014 attorney NOUN NN
## 5015 general NOUN NN
## 5016 law NOUN NNS
## 5017 penalty NOUN NNS
## 5018 prison NOUN NN
## 5019 cell NOUN NNS
## 5020 death NOUN NN
## 5021 penalty NOUN NN
## 5022 issue NOUN NN
## 5023 thing NOUN NN
## 5024 crime NOUN NNS
## 5025 percentage NOUN NN
## 5026 criminal NOUN NNS
## 5027 law NOUN NNS
## 5028 parole NOUN NN
## 5029 crime NOUN NNS
## 5030 crime NOUN NNS
## 5031 crime NOUN NN
## 5032 strike NOUN NNS
## 5033 second NOUN NN
## 5034 step NOUN NNS
## 5035 violence NOUN NN
## 5036 crime NOUN NN
## 5037 police NOUN NN
## 5038 officer NOUN NNS
## 5039 community NOUN NN
## 5040 police NOUN NNS
## 5041 street NOUN NNS
## 5042 folk NOUN NNS
## 5043 respect NOUN NN
## 5044 neighborhood NOUN NN
## 5045 kid NOUN NNS
## 5046 crime NOUN NN
## 5047 area NOUN NNS
## 5048 crime NOUN NN
## 5049 catch NOUN NN
## 5050 criminal NOUN NNS
## 5051 experience NOUN NN
## 5052 crime NOUN NN
## 5053 rate NOUN NN
## 5054 approach NOUN NN
## 5055 community NOUN NN
## 5056 policeman NOUN NNS
## 5057 detective NOUN NN
## 5058 beat NOUN NN
## 5059 block NOUN NNS
## 5060 neighborhood NOUN NNS
## 5061 sanity NOUN NN
## 5062 safety NOUN NN
## 5063 sense NOUN NN
## 5064 value NOUN NNS
## 5065 connection NOUN NNS
## 5066 people NOUN NNS
## 5067 life NOUN NNS
## 5068 sir NOUN NN
## 5069 chance NOUN NN
## 5070 child NOUN NNS
## 5071 country NOUN NN
## 5072 law NOUN NN
## 5073 people NOUN NNS
## 5074 neighborhood NOUN NNS
## 5075 country NOUN NN
## 5076 crime NOUN NN
## 5077 neighborhood NOUN NNS
## 5078 country NOUN NN
## 5079 majority NOUN NN
## 5080 people NOUN NNS
## 5081 day NOUN NN
## 5082 law NOUN NN
## 5083 taxis NOUN NNS
## 5084 kid NOUN NNS
## 5085 people NOUN NNS
## 5086 chance NOUN NN
## 5087 people NOUN NNS
## 5088 crime NOUN NN
## 5089 legislation NOUN NN
## 5090 police NOUN NN
## 5091 corps NOUN NN
## 5092 people NOUN NNS
## 5093 education NOUN NN
## 5094 police NOUN NN
## 5095 officer NOUN NNS
## 5096 personnel NOUN NNS
## 5097 police NOUN NN
## 5098 force NOUN NNS
## 5099 resource NOUN NN
## 5100 country NOUN NN
## 5101 school NOUN NNS
## 5102 provision NOUN NN
## 5103 people NOUN NNS
## 5104 chance NOUN NN
## 5105 school NOUN NN
## 5106 safety NOUN NN
## 5107 school NOUN NN
## 5108 safety NOUN NN
## 5109 bullet NOUN NNS
## 5110 thing NOUN NNS
## 5111 thing NOUN NN
## 5112 bill NOUN NN
## 5113 law NOUN NN
## 5114 step NOUN NNS
## 5115 gun NOUN NNS
## 5116 hand NOUN NNS
## 5117 criminal NOUN NNS
## 5118 issue NOUN NN
## 5119 hunter NOUN NNS
## 5120 law NOUN NN
## 5121 adult NOUN NNS
## 5122 gun NOUN NNS
## 5123 home NOUN NNS
## 5124 part NOUN NN
## 5125 culture NOUN NN
## 5126 sportsman NOUN NNS
## 5127 other NOUN NNS
## 5128 gun NOUN NNS
## 5129 campaign NOUN NN
## 5130 gun NOUN NN
## 5131 violence NOUN NN
## 5132 problem NOUN NN
## 5133 help NOUN NN
## 5134 sporting NOUN NN
## 5135 purpose NOUN NN
## 5136 assault NOUN NN
## 5137 weapon NOUN NNS
## 5138 gun NOUN NN
## 5139 police NOUN NNS
## 5140 child NOUN NNS
## 5141 drug NOUN NNS
## 5142 factor NOUN NN
## 5143 percentage NOUN NN
## 5144 crime NOUN NNS
## 5145 study NOUN NNS
## 5146 drug NOUN NN
## 5147 use NOUN NN
## 5148 rise NOUN NN
## 5149 people NOUN NNS
## 5150 crime NOUN NN
## 5151 bill NOUN NN
## 5152 crime NOUN NN
## 5153 bill NOUN NNS
## 5154 money NOUN NN
## 5155 drug NOUN NN
## 5156 treatment NOUN NN
## 5157 addict NOUN NNS
## 5158 boot NOUN NN
## 5159 camp NOUN NNS
## 5160 offender NOUN NNS
## 5161 incentive NOUN NNS
## 5162 drug NOUN NNS
## 5163 drug NOUN NNS
## 5164 administration NOUN NN
## 5165 budget NOUN NN
## 5166 cut NOUN NNS
## 5167 increase NOUN NN
## 5168 funding NOUN NN
## 5169 drug NOUN NN
## 5170 treatment NOUN NN
## 5171 drug NOUN NN
## 5172 education NOUN NN
## 5173 fellow NOUN NN
## 5174 problem NOUN NN
## 5175 violence NOUN NN
## 5176 problem NOUN NN
## 5177 element NOUN NN
## 5178 way NOUN NNS
## 5179 difference NOUN NNS
## 5180 crime NOUN NN
## 5181 bill NOUN NN
## 5182 penalty NOUN NNS
## 5183 violence NOUN NN
## 5184 point NOUN NN
## 5185 neighborhood NOUN NNS
## 5186 street NOUN NNS
## 5187 area NOUN NNS
## 5188 breakdown NOUN NN
## 5189 community NOUN NN
## 5190 family NOUN NN
## 5191 work NOUN NN
## 5192 heart NOUN NN
## 5193 soul NOUN NN
## 5194 society NOUN NN
## 5195 vacuum NOUN NN
## 5196 violence NOUN NN
## 5197 drug NOUN NNS
## 5198 gang NOUN NNS
## 5199 crime NOUN NN
## 5200 people NOUN NNS
## 5201 people NOUN NNS
## 5202 initiative NOUN NNS
## 5203 job NOUN NN
## 5204 training NOUN NN
## 5205 welfare NOUN NN
## 5206 reform NOUN NN
## 5207 health NOUN NN
## 5208 care NOUN NN
## 5209 service NOUN NN
## 5210 community NOUN NNS
## 5211 family NOUN NNS
## 5212 work NOUN NN
## 5213 need NOUN NNS
## 5214 community NOUN NN
## 5215 empowerment NOUN NN
## 5216 agenda NOUN NN
## 5217 business NOUN NNS
## 5218 investment NOUN NN
## 5219 zone NOUN NNS
## 5220 bank NOUN NNS
## 5221 loan NOUN NNS
## 5222 community NOUN NNS
## 5223 deposit NOUN NNS
## 5224 legislation NOUN NN
## 5225 power NOUN NN
## 5226 capital NOUN NN
## 5227 community NOUN NN
## 5228 development NOUN NN
## 5229 bank NOUN NNS
## 5230 job NOUN NNS
## 5231 opportunity NOUN NN
## 5232 problem NOUN NN
## 5233 head NOUN NNS
## 5234 armor NOUN NN
## 5235 idea NOUN NNS
## 5236 problem NOUN NNS
## 5237 reach NOUN NN
## 5238 government NOUN NN
## 5239 loss NOUN NN
## 5240 value NOUN NNS
## 5241 disappearance NOUN NN
## 5242 work NOUN NN
## 5243 breakdown NOUN NN
## 5244 family NOUN NNS
## 5245 community NOUN NNS
## 5246 fellow NOUN NN
## 5247 deficit NOUN NN
## 5248 job NOUN NNS
## 5249 democracy NOUN NN
## 5250 world NOUN NN
## 5251 welfare NOUN NN
## 5252 reform NOUN NN
## 5253 health NOUN NN
## 5254 care NOUN NN
## 5255 crime NOUN NN
## 5256 bill NOUN NN
## 5257 history NOUN NN
## 5258 people NOUN NNS
## 5259 people NOUN NNS
## 5260 work NOUN NN
## 5261 family NOUN NN
## 5262 community NOUN NN
## 5263 country NOUN NN
## 5264 child NOUN NNS
## 5265 family NOUN NNS
## 5266 marriage NOUN NN
## 5267 country NOUN NN
## 5268 boy NOUN NNS
## 5269 weapon NOUN NNS
## 5270 kick NOUN NNS
## 5271 country NOUN NN
## 5272 child NOUN NNS
## 5273 child NOUN NNS
## 5274 father NOUN NNS
## 5275 kid NOUN NNS
## 5276 country NOUN NN
## 5277 business NOUN NNS
## 5278 investment NOUN NNS
## 5279 customer NOUN NNS
## 5280 people NOUN NNS
## 5281 home NOUN NN
## 5282 job NOUN NNS
## 5283 product NOUN NNS
## 5284 money NOUN NN
## 5285 country NOUN NN
## 5286 us- NOUN NN
## 5287 church NOUN NNS
## 5288 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5289 people NOUN NNS
## 5290 minister NOUN NNS
## 5291 year NOUN NNS
## 5292 priest NOUN NNS
## 5293 nun NOUN NNS
## 5294 help NOUN NN
## 5295 east NOUN NN
## 5296 friend NOUN NN
## 5297 people NOUN NNS
## 5298 people NOUN NNS
## 5299 kid NOUN NNS
## 5300 school NOUN NNS
## 5301 street NOUN NNS
## 5302 country NOUN NN
## 5303 government NOUN NNS
## 5304 child NOUN NNS
## 5305 parent NOUN NNS
## 5306 parent NOUN NNS
## 5307 child NOUN NNS
## 5308 teacher NOUN NNS
## 5309 television NOUN NN
## 5310 homework NOUN NN
## 5311 kid NOUN NNS
## 5312 wrong NOUN NN
## 5313 kind NOUN NNS
## 5314 parent NOUN NNS
## 5315 difference NOUN NN
## 5316 finger NOUN NNS
## 5317 kid NOUN NNS
## 5318 future NOUN NN
## 5319 hand NOUN NNS
## 5320 country NOUN NN
## 5321 child NOUN NNS
## 5322 future NOUN NN
## 5323 gun NOUN NNS
## 5324 book NOUN NNS
## 5325 despair NOUN NN
## 5326 hope NOUN NN
## 5327 example NOUN NN
## 5328 law NOUN NN
## 5329 neighbor NOUN NNS
## 5330 value NOUN NNS
## 5331 thread NOUN NNS
## 5332 community NOUN NN
## 5333 force NOUN NNS
## 5334 despair NOUN NN
## 5335 evil NOUN NN
## 5336 chance NOUN NN
## 5337 naysayer NOUN NNS
## 5338 challenge NOUN NNS
## 5339 time NOUN NN
## 5340 history NOUN NN
## 5341 heritage NOUN NN
## 5342 headline NOUN NNS
## 5343 thing NOUN NNS
## 5344 challenge NOUN NN
## 5345 earth NOUN NN
## 5346 fire NOUN NNS
## 5347 deluge NOUN NN
## 5348 farmland NOUN NNS
## 5349 flood NOUN NN
## 5350 world NOUN NN
## 5351 seam NOUN NNS
## 5352 people NOUN NNS
## 5353 occasion NOUN NN
## 5354 neighbor NOUN NN
## 5355 neighbor NOUN NN
## 5356 stranger NOUN NNS
## 5357 life NOUN NN
## 5358 limb NOUN NN
## 5359 stranger NOUN NNS
## 5360 angel NOUN NNS
## 5361 nature NOUN NN
## 5362 angel NOUN NNS
## 5363 disaster NOUN NNS
## 5364 problem NOUN NNS
## 5365 fighting NOUN NN
## 5366 spirit NOUN NN
## 5367 fact NOUN NNS
## 5368 hope NOUN NN
## 5369 question NOUN NN
## 5370 state NOUN NN
## 5371 help NOUN NN
## 5372 help NOUN NN
## 5373 member NOUN NNS
## 5374 sanctuary NOUN NN
## 5375 democracy NOUN NN
## 5376 democracy NOUN NN
## 5377 people NOUN NNS
## 5378 change NOUN NN
## 5379 singing NOUN NN
## 5380 job NOUN NNS
## 5381 keeper NOUN NNS
## 5382 trust NOUN NN
## 5383 era NOUN NN
## 5384 founder NOUN NNS
## 5385 course NOUN NN
## 5386 history NOUN NN
## 5387 country NOUN NN
## 5388 idea NOUN NN
## 5389 truth NOUN NNS
## 5390 self NOUN NN
## 5391 man NOUN NNS
## 5392 pursuit NOUN NN
## 5393 generation NOUN NN
## 5394 idea NOUN NN
## 5395 idea NOUN NN
## 5396 meaning NOUN NN
## 5397 time NOUN NNS
## 5398 slavery NOUN NN
## 5399 abuse NOUN NNS
## 5400 excess NOUN NNS
## 5401 revolution NOUN NN
## 5402 leadership NOUN NN
## 5403 world NOUN NN
## 5404 failure NOUN NN
## 5405 pain NOUN NN
## 5406 country NOUN NN
## 5407 struggle NOUN NN
## 5408 fascism NOUN NN
## 5409 president NOUN NNS
## 5410 war NOUN NN
## 5411 war NOUN NN
## 5412 partnership NOUN NN
## 5413 majority NOUN NN
## 5414 party NOUN NN
## 5415 prosperity NOUN NN
## 5416 home NOUN NN
## 5417 architecture NOUN NN
## 5418 twilight NOUN NN
## 5419 struggle NOUN NN
## 5420 communism NOUN NN
## 5421 time NOUN NN
## 5422 change NOUN NN
## 5423 challenge NOUN NN
## 5424 honor NOUN NN
## 5425 war NOUN NN
## 5426 era NOUN NN
## 5427 era NOUN NN
## 5428 economy NOUN NN
## 5429 information NOUN NN
## 5430 revolution NOUN NN
## 5431 change NOUN NN
## 5432 opportunity NOUN NN
## 5433 insecurity NOUN NN
## 5434 people NOUN NNS
## 5435 mission NOUN NN
## 5436 dream NOUN NN
## 5437 people NOUN NNS
## 5438 force NOUN NN
## 5439 freedom NOUN NN
## 5440 democracy NOUN NN
## 5441 world NOUN NN
## 5442 problem NOUN NNS
## 5443 effort NOUN NN
## 5444 mistake NOUN NNS
## 5445 importance NOUN NN
## 5446 humility NOUN NN
## 5447 endeavor NOUN NN
## 5448 country NOUN NN
## 5449 record NOUN NN
## 5450 number NOUN NNS
## 5451 economy NOUN NN
## 5452 peace NOUN NN
## 5453 force NOUN NN
## 5454 peace NOUN NN
## 5455 freedom NOUN NN
## 5456 world NOUN NN
## 5457 job NOUN NNS
## 5458 rate NOUN NN
## 5459 unemployment NOUN NN
## 5460 inflation NOUN NN
## 5461 business NOUN NNS
## 5462 deficit NOUN NN
## 5463 trade NOUN NN
## 5464 police NOUN NNS
## 5465 street NOUN NNS
## 5466 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5467 tool NOUN NNS
## 5468 education NOUN NN
## 5469 community NOUN NNS
## 5470 tide NOUN NN
## 5471 boat NOUN NNS
## 5472 nation NOUN NN
## 5473 peace NOUN NN
## 5474 prosperity NOUN NN
## 5475 people NOUN NNS
## 5476 business NOUN NNS
## 5477 people NOUN NNS
## 5478 job NOUN NN
## 5479 material NOUN NN
## 5480 rich NOUN NNS
## 5481 thing NOUN NNS
## 5482 child NOUN NNS
## 5483 family NOUN NNS
## 5484 value NOUN NNS
## 5485 life NOUN NN
## 5486 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5487 bond NOUN NNS
## 5488 community NOUN NN
## 5489 strength NOUN NN
## 5490 country NOUN NN
## 5491 beginning NOUN NN
## 5492 year NOUN NNS
## 5493 dawn NOUN NN
## 5494 era NOUN NN
## 5495 nation NOUN NN
## 5496 condition NOUN NNS
## 5497 requirement NOUN NNS
## 5498 proposition NOUN NN
## 5499 nation NOUN NN
## 5500 prosperity NOUN NN
## 5501 relationship NOUN NN
## 5502 people NOUN NNS
## 5503 government NOUN NN
## 5504 approach NOUN NN
## 5505 time NOUN NN
## 5506 time NOUN NN
## 5507 condition NOUN NNS
## 5508 age NOUN NN
## 5509 gear NOUN NNS
## 5510 sweat NOUN NN
## 5511 information NOUN NN
## 5512 age NOUN NN
## 5513 skill NOUN NNS
## 5514 learning NOUN NN
## 5515 flexibility NOUN NN
## 5516 government NOUN NN
## 5517 champion NOUN NN
## 5518 purpose NOUN NN
## 5519 interest NOUN NNS
## 5520 burden NOUN NNS
## 5521 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5522 value NOUN NNS
## 5523 compact NOUN NN
## 5524 challenge NOUN NNS
## 5525 time NOUN NN
## 5526 era NOUN NN
## 5527 set NOUN NN
## 5528 understanding NOUN NNS
## 5529 idea NOUN NN
## 5530 right NOUN NN
## 5531 responsibility NOUN NN
## 5532 talent NOUN NNS
## 5533 determination NOUN NN
## 5534 community NOUN NNS
## 5535 country NOUN NN
## 5536 return NOUN NN
## 5537 opportunity NOUN NN
## 5538 responsibility NOUN NN
## 5539 hand NOUN NN
## 5540 hand NOUN NN
## 5541 community NOUN NN
## 5542 set NOUN NN
## 5543 understanding NOUN NNS
## 5544 people NOUN NNS
## 5545 challenge NOUN NNS
## 5546 economy NOUN NN
## 5547 way NOUN NN
## 5548 time NOUN NN
## 5549 bond NOUN NNS
## 5550 society NOUN NN
## 5551 purpose NOUN NN
## 5552 change NOUN NN
## 5553 economy NOUN NN
## 5554 government NOUN NN
## 5555 fellow NOUN NN
## 5556 regard NOUN NN
## 5557 party NOUN NN
## 5558 occasion NOUN NN
## 5559 partisanship NOUN NN
## 5560 pettiness NOUN NN
## 5561 pride NOUN NN
## 5562 course NOUN NN
## 5563 country NOUN NN
## 5564 party NOUN NN
## 5565 label NOUN NN
## 5566 test NOUN NN
## 5567 one NOUN NN
## 5568 people NOUN NNS
## 5569 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5570 servant NOUN NNS
## 5571 start NOUN NN
## 5572 law NOUN NN
## 5573 law NOUN NNS
## 5574 sector NOUN NN
## 5575 lot NOUN NN
## 5576 people NOUN NNS
## 5577 way NOUN NN
## 5578 thing NOUN NNS
## 5579 time NOUN NNS
## 5580 lobbyist NOUN NNS
## 5581 street NOUN NNS
## 5582 corridor NOUN NNS
## 5583 people NOUN NNS
## 5584 city NOUN NN
## 5585 system NOUN NN
## 5586 interest NOUN NNS
## 5587 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5588 door NOUN NNS
## 5589 lobbyist NOUN NNS
## 5590 business NOUN NN
## 5591 gift NOUN NNS
## 5592 trip NOUN NNS
## 5593 thing NOUN NNS
## 5594 people NOUN NNS
## 5595 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 5596 practice NOUN NNS
## 5597 consideration NOUN NNS
## 5598 vote NOUN NNS
## 5599 friend NOUN NNS
## 5600 time NOUN NN
## 5601 time NOUN NN
## 5602 law NOUN NN
## 5603 lobbyist NOUN NNS
## 5604 perk NOUN NNS
## 5605 legislation NOUN NN
## 5606 signal NOUN NN
## 5607 people NOUN NNS
## 5608 thing NOUN NNS
## 5609 lobby NOUN NN
## 5610 reform NOUN NN
## 5611 bill NOUN NN
## 5612 lobbyist NOUN NNS
## 5613 people NOUN NNS
## 5614 role NOUN NN
## 5615 money NOUN NN
## 5616 election NOUN NNS
## 5617 cost NOUN NN
## 5618 campaign NOUN NNS
## 5619 influence NOUN NN
## 5620 airwave NOUN NNS
## 5621 instrument NOUN NN
## 5622 democracy NOUN NN
## 5623 weapon NOUN NN
## 5624 destruction NOUN NN
## 5625 tv NOUN NN
## 5626 time NOUN NN
## 5627 candidate NOUN NNS
## 5628 office NOUN NN
## 5629 reform NOUN NN
## 5630 press NOUN NN
## 5631 lobbyist NOUN NNS
## 5632 building NOUN NN
## 5633 folk NOUN NNS
## 5634 home NOUN NN
## 5635 way NOUN NN
## 5636 time NOUN NN
## 5637 doctrine NOUN NN
## 5638 approach NOUN NN
## 5639 way NOUN NN
## 5640 computer NOUN NN
## 5641 typewriter NOUN NN
## 5642 way NOUN NN
## 5643 interest NOUN NNS
## 5644 interest NOUN NNS
## 5645 people NOUN NNS
## 5646 way NOUN NN
## 5647 interest NOUN NN
## 5648 constituency NOUN NN
## 5649 class NOUN NN
## 5650 way NOUN NN
## 5651 vision NOUN NN
## 5652 country NOUN NN
## 5653 way NOUN NN
## 5654 service NOUN NNS
## 5655 bureaucracy NOUN NNS
## 5656 way NOUN NN
## 5657 resource NOUN NNS
## 5658 bureaucrat NOUN NNS
## 5659 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5660 choice NOUN NN
## 5661 competition NOUN NN
## 5662 responsibility NOUN NN
## 5663 policy NOUN NN
## 5664 way NOUN NN
## 5665 failure NOUN NN
## 5666 way NOUN NN
## 5667 incentive NOUN NNS
## 5668 success NOUN NN
## 5669 way NOUN NN
## 5670 way NOUN NN
## 5671 hold NOUN NN
## 5672 community NOUN NNS
## 5673 job NOUN NN
## 5674 opportunity NOUN NN
## 5675 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 5676 people NOUN NNS
## 5677 life NOUN NNS
## 5678 security NOUN NN
## 5679 home NOUN NN
## 5680 partner NOUN NN
## 5681 matter NOUN NNS
## 5682 discussion NOUN NN
## 5683 illusion NOUN NN
## 5684 program NOUN NN
## 5685 problem NOUN NN
## 5686 hand NOUN NN
## 5687 illusion NOUN NN
## 5688 source NOUN NN
## 5689 problem NOUN NN
## 5690 job NOUN NN
## 5691 government NOUN NN
## 5692 people NOUN NNS
## 5693 need NOUN NNS
## 5694 other NOUN NNS
## 5695 spending NOUN NN
## 5696 program NOUN NNS
## 5697 position NOUN NNS
## 5698 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 5699 decision NOUN NNS
## 5700 total NOUN NN
## 5701 position NOUN NNS
## 5702 time NOUN NN
## 5703 leadership NOUN NN
## 5704 initiative NOUN NNS
## 5705 taxpayer NOUN NNS
## 5706 age NOUN NN
## 5707 hammer NOUN NN
## 5708 ashtray NOUN NN
## 5709 deadwood NOUN NN
## 5710 program NOUN NNS
## 5711 mohair NOUN NN
## 5712 subsidy NOUN NNS
## 5713 office NOUN NNS
## 5714 business NOUN NN
## 5715 loan NOUN NN
## 5716 form NOUN NN
## 5717 inch NOUN NN
## 5718 page NOUN NN
## 5719 personnel NOUN NNS
## 5720 manual NOUN NN
## 5721 way NOUN NNS
## 5722 disaster NOUN NN
## 5723 people NOUN NNS
## 5724 disaster NOUN NNS
## 5725 farmer NOUN NNS
## 5726 flood NOUN NN
## 5727 people NOUN NNS
## 5728 flood NOUN NNS
## 5729 earthquake NOUN NNS
## 5730 fire NOUN NNS
## 5731 government NOUN NN
## 5732 worker NOUN NNS
## 5733 hand NOUN NN
## 5734 hand NOUN NN
## 5735 business NOUN NN
## 5736 freeway NOUN NNS
## 5737 record NOUN NN
## 5738 time NOUN NN
## 5739 budget NOUN NN
## 5740 school NOUN NNS
## 5741 earthquake NOUN NN
## 5742 business NOUN NN
## 5743 lot NOUN NN
## 5744 thing NOUN NNS
## 5745 university NOUN NN
## 5746 administrator NOUN NNS
## 5747 country NOUN NN
## 5748 time NOUN NN
## 5749 college NOUN NN
## 5750 loan NOUN NN
## 5751 program NOUN NN
## 5752 college NOUN NN
## 5753 loan NOUN NNS
## 5754 repayment NOUN NN
## 5755 term NOUN NNS
## 5756 student NOUN NNS
## 5757 government NOUN NN
## 5758 paperwork NOUN NN
## 5759 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 5760 university NOUN NNS
## 5761 program NOUN NN
## 5762 college NOUN NN
## 5763 opportunity NOUN NN
## 5764 part NOUN NN
## 5765 program NOUN NNS
## 5766 dust NOUN NN
## 5767 government NOUN NN
## 5768 report NOUN NN
## 5769 result NOUN NNS
## 5770 round NOUN NN
## 5771 government NOUN NN
## 5772 spending NOUN NN
## 5773 department NOUN NNS
## 5774 freeze NOUN NN
## 5775 spending NOUN NN
## 5776 housing NOUN NN
## 5777 program NOUN NNS
## 5778 program NOUN NNS
## 5779 regulation NOUN NNS
## 5780 program NOUN NNS
## 5781 regulation NOUN NNS
## 5782 usefulness NOUN NN
## 5783 government NOUN NN
## 5784 problem NOUN NNS
## 5785 government NOUN NN
## 5786 people NOUN NNS
## 5787 program NOUN NNS
## 5788 point NOUN NN
## 5789 community NOUN NNS
## 5790 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5791 sector NOUN NN
## 5792 job NOUN NN
## 5793 way NOUN NN
## 5794 power NOUN NN
## 5795 bureaucracy NOUN NNS
## 5796 community NOUN NNS
## 5797 individual NOUN NNS
## 5798 time NOUN NN
## 5799 cost NOUN NN
## 5800 decision NOUN NNS
## 5801 difference NOUN NNS
## 5802 detail NOUN NNS
## 5803 mandate NOUN NNS
## 5804 legislation NOUN NN
## 5805 bill NOUN NN
## 5806 interest NOUN NNS
## 5807 relief NOUN NN
## 5808 budget NOUN NN
## 5809 score NOUN NNS
## 5810 spending NOUN NN
## 5811 project NOUN NNS
## 5812 difference NOUN NN
## 5813 stress NOUN NN
## 5814 plant NOUN NNS
## 5815 tick NOUN NN
## 5816 removal NOUN NN
## 5817 program NOUN NN
## 5818 tick NOUN NNS
## 5819 line NOUN NN
## 5820 item NOUN NN
## 5821 veto NOUN NN
## 5822 spending NOUN NN
## 5823 responsibility NOUN NNS
## 5824 people-;we NOUN NN
## 5825 people NOUN NNS
## 5826 future NOUN NN
## 5827 hand NOUN NNS
## 5828 debt NOUN NN
## 5829 veteran NOUN NNS
## 5830 citizen NOUN NNS
## 5831 budget NOUN NN
## 5832 lot NOUN NN
## 5833 education NOUN NN
## 5834 veteran NOUN NNS
## 5835 thing NOUN NN
## 5836 flexibility NOUN NN
## 5837 need NOUN NNS
## 5838 immunization NOUN NN
## 5839 childhood NOUN NN
## 5840 disease NOUN NN
## 5841 school NOUN NN
## 5842 lunch NOUN NNS
## 5843 school NOUN NNS
## 5844 care NOUN NN
## 5845 nutrition NOUN NN
## 5846 woman NOUN NNS
## 5847 infant NOUN NNS
## 5848 thing NOUN NNS
## 5849 thing NOUN NNS
## 5850 interest NOUN NN
## 5851 desire NOUN NN
## 5852 regulation NOUN NNS
## 5853 action NOUN NN
## 5854 interest NOUN NN
## 5855 food NOUN NN
## 5856 family NOUN NNS
## 5857 toy NOUN NNS
## 5858 child NOUN NNS
## 5859 nursing NOUN NN
## 5860 home NOUN NNS
## 5861 parent NOUN NNS
## 5862 car NOUN NNS
## 5863 highway NOUN NNS
## 5864 workplace NOUN NNS
## 5865 air NOUN NN
## 5866 water NOUN NN
## 5867 sense NOUN NN
## 5868 fairness NOUN NN
## 5869 regulation NOUN NNS
## 5870 sense NOUN NN
## 5871 drinking NOUN NN
## 5872 water NOUN NN
## 5873 fairness NOUN NN
## 5874 dump NOUN NNS
## 5875 deficit NOUN NN
## 5876 course NOUN NN
## 5877 way NOUN NN
## 5878 recovery NOUN NN
## 5879 people NOUN NNS
## 5880 budget NOUN NN
## 5881 amendment NOUN NN
## 5882 budget NOUN NN
## 5883 administration NOUN NN
## 5884 budget NOUN NN
## 5885 money NOUN NN
## 5886 time NOUN NN
## 5887 amendment NOUN NN
## 5888 thing NOUN NN
## 5889 people NOUN NNS
## 5890 right NOUN NN
## 5891 thing NOUN NNS
## 5892 open NOUN NN
## 5893 example NOUN NN
## 5894 proposal NOUN NN
## 5895 sense NOUN NN
## 5896 responsibility NOUN NN
## 5897 welfare NOUN NN
## 5898 system NOUN NN
## 5899 problem NOUN NNS
## 5900 welfare NOUN NN
## 5901 work NOUN NN
## 5902 family NOUN NN
## 5903 value NOUN NNS
## 5904 parent NOUN NNS
## 5905 child NOUN NN
## 5906 support NOUN NN
## 5907 minority NOUN NN
## 5908 minority NOUN NN
## 5909 people NOUN NNS
## 5910 welfare NOUN NN
## 5911 time NOUN NN
## 5912 problem NOUN NN
## 5913 time NOUN NN
## 5914 honor NOUN NN
## 5915 administration NOUN NN
## 5916 welfare NOUN NN
## 5917 reform NOUN NN
## 5918 bill NOUN NN
## 5919 start NOUN NN
## 5920 work NOUN NN
## 5921 welfare NOUN NN
## 5922 reform NOUN NN
## 5923 administration NOUN NN
## 5924 right NOUN NN
## 5925 rule NOUN NNS
## 5926 regulation NOUN NNS
## 5927 welfare NOUN NN
## 5928 system NOUN NNS
## 5929 work NOUN NN
## 5930 responsibility NOUN NN
## 5931 welfare NOUN NN
## 5932 dependency NOUN NN
## 5933 welfare NOUN NN
## 5934 reform NOUN NN
## 5935 plan NOUN NN
## 5936 administration NOUN NN
## 5937 welfare NOUN NN
## 5938 chance NOUN NN
## 5939 way NOUN NN
## 5940 life NOUN NN
## 5941 welfare NOUN NN
## 5942 move NOUN NN
## 5943 child NOUN NN
## 5944 care NOUN NN
## 5945 skill NOUN NNS
## 5946 rule NOUN NN
## 5947 parent NOUN NN
## 5948 child NOUN NN
## 5949 support NOUN NN
## 5950 driver NOUN NNS
## 5951 license NOUN NN
## 5952 line NOUN NNS
## 5953 government NOUN NNS
## 5954 child NOUN NNS
## 5955 people NOUN NNS
## 5956 parent NOUN NNS
## 5957 responsibility NOUN NN
## 5958 child NOUN NNS
## 5959 world NOUN NN
## 5960 welfare NOUN NN
## 5961 reform NOUN NN
## 5962 goal NOUN NN
## 5963 people NOUN NNS
## 5964 dependence NOUN NN
## 5965 independence NOUN NN
## 5966 welfare NOUN NN
## 5967 work NOUN NN
## 5968 childbearing NOUN NN
## 5969 parenting NOUN NN
## 5970 goal NOUN NN
## 5971 work NOUN NN
## 5972 responsibility NOUN NN
## 5973 people NOUN NNS
## 5974 responsibility NOUN NN
## 5975 mother NOUN NNS
## 5976 home NOUN NN
## 5977 parent NOUN NNS
## 5978 setting NOUN NNS
## 5979 school NOUN NN
## 5980 child NOUN NNS
## 5981 street NOUN NN
## 5982 argument NOUN NNS
## 5983 time NOUN NN
## 5984 conscience NOUN NN
## 5985 child NOUN NNS
## 5986 mistake NOUN NNS
## 5987 parent NOUN NNS
## 5988 fellow NOUN NN
## 5989 survey NOUN NN
## 5990 people NOUN NNS
## 5991 regard NOUN NN
## 5992 party NOUN NN
## 5993 race NOUN NN
## 5994 region NOUN NN
## 5995 year NOUN NN
## 5996 welfare NOUN NN
## 5997 year NOUN NN
## 5998 issue NOUN NN
## 5999 one NOUN NN
## 6000 welfare- NOUN NN
## 6001 applause]-;I NOUN NNS
## 6002 opportunity NOUN NN
## 6003 welfare NOUN NN
## 6004 office NOUN NN
## 6005 people NOUN NNS
## 6006 welfare NOUN NN
## 6007 people NOUN NNS
## 6008 education NOUN NN
## 6009 work NOUN NN
## 6010 parenting NOUN NN
## 6011 problem NOUN NN
## 6012 behavior NOUN NN
## 6013 refusal NOUN NN
## 6014 worker NOUN NN
## 6015 student NOUN NN
## 6016 parent NOUN NN
## 6017 poverty NOUN NN
## 6018 mistake NOUN NNS
## 6019 mistake NOUN NNS
## 6020 none NOUN NN
## 6021 yesterday NOUN NNS
## 6022 tomorrow NOUN NNS
## 6023 example NOUN NN
## 6024 way NOUN NN
## 6025 welfare NOUN NN
## 6026 congresswoman NOUN NN
## 6027 member NOUN NNS
## 6028 crime NOUN NN
## 6029 citizen NOUN NNS
## 6030 country NOUN NN
## 6031 crime NOUN NN
## 6032 bill NOUN NN
## 6033 sentence NOUN NNS
## 6034 strike NOUN NNS
## 6035 capital NOUN NN
## 6036 punishment NOUN NN
## 6037 offense NOUN NNS
## 6038 prison NOUN NNS
## 6039 prevention NOUN NN
## 6040 police NOUN NNS
## 6041 size NOUN NN
## 6042 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 6043 money NOUN NN
## 6044 community NOUN NNS
## 6045 crime NOUN NN
## 6046 rate NOUN NN
## 6047 thing NOUN NNS
## 6048 crime NOUN NN
## 6049 crime NOUN NN
## 6050 rate NOUN NN
## 6051 thing NOUN NNS
## 6052 work NOUN NN
## 6053 work NOUN NN
## 6054 law NOUN NN
## 6055 enforcement NOUN NN
## 6056 officer NOUN NNS
## 6057 thing NOUN NN
## 6058 community NOUN NN
## 6059 leader NOUN NNS
## 6060 crime NOUN NN
## 6061 rate NOUN NN
## 6062 experience NOUN NN
## 6063 city NOUN NNS
## 6064 area NOUN NNS
## 6065 crime NOUN NN
## 6066 rate NOUN NN
## 6067 people NOUN NNS
## 6068 decline NOUN NN
## 6069 crime NOUN NN
## 6070 rate- NOUN NN
## 6071 year NOUN NNS
## 6072 work NOUN NN
## 6073 atmosphere NOUN NN
## 6074 room NOUN NN
## 6075 country NOUN NN
## 6076 issue NOUN NN
## 6077 body NOUN NN
## 6078 bill NOUN NN
## 6079 crime NOUN NN
## 6080 bill NOUN NN
## 6081 ban NOUN NN
## 6082 assault NOUN NN
## 6083 weapon NOUN NNS
## 6084 secret NOUN NN
## 6085 room NOUN NN
## 6086 member NOUN NNS
## 6087 pressure NOUN NN
## 6088 member NOUN NNS
## 6089 bill NOUN NN
## 6090 right NOUN NN
## 6091 arm NOUN NNS
## 6092 sporting NOUN NN
## 6093 activity NOUN NNS
## 6094 boy NOUN NN
## 6095 lot NOUN NN
## 6096 people NOUN NNS
## 6097 seat NOUN NNS
## 6098 police NOUN NN
## 6099 officer NOUN NNS
## 6100 kid NOUN NNS
## 6101 life NOUN NNS
## 6102 hail NOUN NN
## 6103 assault NOUN NN
## 6104 weapon NOUN NN
## 6105 attack NOUN NN
## 6106 couple NOUN NN
## 6107 issue NOUN NNS
## 6108 spending NOUN NN
## 6109 government NOUN NN
## 6110 program NOUN NNS
## 6111 economy NOUN NN
## 6112 responsibility NOUN NN
## 6113 grassroot NOUN NNS
## 6114 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 6115 example NOUN NN
## 6116 service NOUN NN
## 6117 corps NOUN NN
## 6118 support NOUN NN
## 6119 country NOUN NN
## 6120 people NOUN NNS
## 6121 person NOUN NN
## 6122 person NOUN NN
## 6123 volunteer NOUN NN
## 6124 group NOUN NNS
## 6125 problem NOUN NNS
## 6126 process NOUN NN
## 6127 money NOUN NN
## 6128 education NOUN NN
## 6129 citizenship NOUN NN
## 6130 member NOUN NNS
## 6131 rest NOUN NN
## 6132 essence NOUN NN
## 6133 place NOUN NN
## 6134 country NOUN NN
## 6135 number NOUN NNS
## 6136 alien NOUN NNS
## 6137 country NOUN NN
## 6138 job NOUN NNS
## 6139 citizen NOUN NNS
## 6140 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 6141 service NOUN NN
## 6142 burden NOUN NNS
## 6143 taxpayer NOUN NNS
## 6144 administration NOUN NN
## 6145 border NOUN NNS
## 6146 record NOUN NN
## 6147 number NOUN NN
## 6148 border NOUN NN
## 6149 guard NOUN NNS
## 6150 alien NOUN NNS
## 6151 hiring NOUN NN
## 6152 welfare NOUN NN
## 6153 benefit NOUN NNS
## 6154 alien NOUN NNS
## 6155 budget NOUN NN
## 6156 deportation NOUN NN
## 6157 alien NOUN NNS
## 6158 crime NOUN NNS
## 6159 alien NOUN NNS
## 6160 workplace NOUN NN
## 6161 commission NOUN NN
## 6162 congresswoman NOUN NN
## 6163 nation NOUN NN
## 6164 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 6165 nation NOUN NN
## 6166 law NOUN NNS
## 6167 self NOUN NN
## 6168 nation NOUN NN
## 6169 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 6170 kind NOUN NN
## 6171 abuse NOUN NN
## 6172 immigration NOUN NN
## 6173 law NOUN NNS
## 6174 job NOUN NN
## 6175 era NOUN NN
## 6176 people NOUN NNS
## 6177 economy NOUN NN
## 6178 land NOUN NN
## 6179 opportunity NOUN NN
## 6180 land NOUN NN
## 6181 class NOUN NN
## 6182 country NOUN NN
## 6183 class NOUN NN
## 6184 value NOUN NNS
## 6185 class NOUN NN
## 6186 class NOUN NN
## 6187 million NOUN NNS
## 6188 economy NOUN NN
## 6189 world NOUN NN
## 6190 power NOUN NN
## 6191 job NOUN NNS
## 6192 export NOUN NNS
## 6193 inflation NOUN NN
## 6194 wage NOUN NN
## 6195 job NOUN NNS
## 6196 record NOUN NN
## 6197 number NOUN NN
## 6198 entrepreneur NOUN NNS
## 6199 dream NOUN NN
## 6200 way NOUN NN
## 6201 nation NOUN NN
## 6202 benefit NOUN NNS
## 6203 today NOUN NN
## 6204 people NOUN NNS
## 6205 security NOUN NN
## 6206 income NOUN NN
## 6207 certainty NOUN NN
## 6208 vacation NOUN NN
## 6209 college NOUN NN
## 6210 kid NOUN NNS
## 6211 retirement NOUN NN
## 6212 economy NOUN NN
## 6213 income NOUN NN
## 6214 growth NOUN NN
## 6215 top NOUN NN
## 6216 scale NOUN NN
## 6217 people NOUN NNS
## 6218 middle NOUN NN
## 6219 growth NOUN NN
## 6220 people NOUN NNS
## 6221 bottom NOUN NN
## 6222 government NOUN NN
## 6223 partner NOUN NN
## 6224 economy NOUN NN
## 6225 people NOUN NNS
## 6226 government NOUN NN
## 6227 education NOUN NN
## 6228 opportunity NOUN NN
## 6229 skill NOUN NNS
## 6230 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 6231 school NOUN NNS
## 6232 apprenticeship NOUN NNS
## 6233 people NOUN NNS
## 6234 college NOUN NN
## 6235 college NOUN NN
## 6236 loan NOUN NNS
## 6237 thing NOUN NN
## 6238 people NOUN NNS
## 6239 skill NOUN NNS
## 6240 thing NOUN NN
## 6241 people NOUN NNS
## 6242 income NOUN NNS
## 6243 taxis NOUN NNS
## 6244 step NOUN NN
## 6245 family NOUN NN
## 6246 tax NOUN NN
## 6247 cut NOUN NN
## 6248 family NOUN NNS
## 6249 income NOUN NNS
## 6250 tax NOUN NN
## 6251 cut NOUN NN
## 6252 family NOUN NN
## 6253 tax NOUN NN
## 6254 reduction NOUN NNS
## 6255 business NOUN NNS
## 6256 deficit NOUN NN
## 6257 growth NOUN NN
## 6258 taxis NOUN NNS
## 6259 way NOUN NN
## 6260 tax NOUN NN
## 6261 cut NOUN NNS
## 6262 obligation NOUN NN
## 6263 citizen NOUN NNS
## 6264 education NOUN NN
## 6265 training NOUN NN
## 6266 life NOUN NNS
## 6267 spotlight NOUN NN
## 6268 choice NOUN NNS
## 6269 family NOUN NNS
## 6270 community NOUN NNS
## 6271 class NOUN NN
## 6272 bill NOUN NN
## 6273 right NOUN NNS
## 6274 bill NOUN NN
## 6275 right NOUN NNS
## 6276 responsibility NOUN NNS
## 6277 provision NOUN NNS
## 6278 child NOUN NNS
## 6279 tax NOUN NN
## 6280 relief NOUN NN
## 6281 income NOUN NNS
## 6282 run NOUN NN
## 6283 run NOUN NN
## 6284 way NOUN NN
## 6285 provision NOUN NNS
## 6286 tax NOUN NN
## 6287 deduction NOUN NN
## 6288 education NOUN NN
## 6289 training NOUN NN
## 6290 school NOUN NN
## 6291 business NOUN NNS
## 6292 investment NOUN NN
## 6293 individual NOUN NNS
## 6294 interest NOUN NN
## 6295 home NOUN NN
## 6296 mortgage NOUN NNS
## 6297 education NOUN NN
## 6298 well NOUN NN
## 6299 being NOUN NN
## 6300 country NOUN NN
## 6301 thing NOUN NNS
## 6302 taxis NOUN NNS
## 6303 family NOUN NNS
## 6304 child NOUN NNS
## 6305 saving NOUN NNS
## 6306 responsibility NOUN NN
## 6307 people NOUN NNS
## 6308 retirement NOUN NN
## 6309 account NOUN NN
## 6310 tax NOUN NN
## 6311 cost NOUN NN
## 6312 education NOUN NN
## 6313 health NOUN NN
## 6314 care NOUN NN
## 6315 time NOUN NN
## 6316 homebuying NOUN NN
## 6317 care NOUN NN
## 6318 parent NOUN NN
## 6319 bill NOUN NN
## 6320 worker NOUN NNS
## 6321 program NOUN NNS
## 6322 money NOUN NN
## 6323 money NOUN NN
## 6324 people NOUN NNS
## 6325 voucher NOUN NNS
## 6326 wage NOUN NN
## 6327 year NOUN NN
## 6328 community NOUN NN
## 6329 college NOUN NNS
## 6330 skill NOUN NNS
## 6331 life NOUN NNS
## 6332 people NOUN NNS
## 6333 way NOUN NN
## 6334 government NOUN NN
## 6335 worker NOUN NNS
## 6336 tax NOUN NN
## 6337 cut NOUN NN
## 6338 one NOUN NN
## 6339 deficit NOUN NN
## 6340 recovery NOUN NN
## 6341 risk NOUN NN
## 6342 tax NOUN NN
## 6343 cut NOUN NNS
## 6344 question NOUN NN
## 6345 strength NOUN NN
## 6346 deficit NOUN NN
## 6347 thank NOUN NNS
## 6348 courage NOUN NN
## 6349 people NOUN NNS
## 6350 deficit NOUN NN
## 6351 other NOUN NNS
## 6352 deficit NOUN NN
## 6353 family NOUN NN
## 6354 country NOUN NN
## 6355 time NOUN NN
## 6356 budget NOUN NN
## 6357 class NOUN NN
## 6358 bill NOUN NN
## 6359 right NOUN NNS
## 6360 budget NOUN NN
## 6361 cut NOUN NNS
## 6362 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 6363 program NOUN NNS
## 6364 interest NOUN NN
## 6365 subsidy NOUN NNS
## 6366 spending NOUN NN
## 6367 cut NOUN NNS
## 6368 tax NOUN NN
## 6369 cut NOUN NNS
## 6370 budget NOUN NN
## 6371 class NOUN NN
## 6372 bill NOUN NN
## 6373 right NOUN NNS
## 6374 cut NOUN NNS
## 6375 attempt NOUN NNS
## 6376 tax NOUN NN
## 6377 cut NOUN NNS
## 6378 cut NOUN NNS
## 6379 thing NOUN NN
## 6380 lot NOUN NN
## 6381 idea NOUN NNS
## 6382 tax NOUN NN
## 6383 relief NOUN NN
## 6384 test NOUN NN
## 6385 proposal NOUN NNS
## 6386 job NOUN NNS
## 6387 raise NOUN NN
## 6388 income NOUN NNS
## 6389 family NOUN NNS
## 6390 child NOUN NNS
## 6391 class NOUN NN
## 6392 class NOUN NN
## 6393 goal NOUN NN
## 6394 class NOUN NN
## 6395 class NOUN NN
## 6396 minimum NOUN NN
## 6397 wage NOUN NN
## 6398 work NOUN NN
## 6399 woman NOUN NNS
## 6400 child NOUN NNS
## 6401 hour NOUN NN
## 6402 term NOUN NNS
## 6403 buying NOUN NN
## 6404 power NOUN NN
## 6405 minimum NOUN NN
## 6406 wage NOUN NN
## 6407 low NOUN NN
## 6408 idea NOUN NN
## 6409 economy NOUN NN
## 6410 argument NOUN NNS
## 6411 evidence NOUN NN
## 6412 minimum NOUN NN
## 6413 wage NOUN NN
## 6414 increase NOUN NN
## 6415 weight NOUN NN
## 6416 evidence NOUN NN
## 6417 increase NOUN NN
## 6418 job NOUN NNS
## 6419 people NOUN NNS
## 6420 job NOUN NN
## 6421 market NOUN NN
## 6422 thing NOUN NN
## 6423 living NOUN NN
## 6424 hour NOUN NN
## 6425 child NOUN NNS
## 6426 family NOUN NNS
## 6427 tax NOUN NN
## 6428 cut NOUN NN
## 6429 past NOUN NN
## 6430 minimum NOUN NN
## 6431 wage NOUN NN
## 6432 issue NOUN NN
## 6433 hearing NOUN NNS
## 6434 way NOUN NN
## 6435 minimum NOUN NN
## 6436 wage NOUN NN
## 6437 living NOUN NN
## 6438 wage NOUN NN
## 6439 member NOUN NNS
## 6440 salary NOUN NN
## 6441 wage NOUN NN
## 6442 worker NOUN NN
## 6443 health NOUN NN
## 6444 care NOUN NN
## 6445 blow NOUN NNS
## 6446 health NOUN NN
## 6447 care NOUN NN
## 6448 fact NOUN NN
## 6449 family NOUN NNS
## 6450 health NOUN NN
## 6451 care NOUN NN
## 6452 fact NOUN NN
## 6453 farmer NOUN NNS
## 6454 business NOUN NN
## 6455 people NOUN NNS
## 6456 self NOUN NN
## 6457 people NOUN NNS
## 6458 premium NOUN NNS
## 6459 skyrocket NOUN NN
## 6460 copay NOUN NNS
## 6461 deductible NOUN NNS
## 6462 bunch NOUN NN
## 6463 people NOUN NNS
## 6464 country NOUN NN
## 6465 statistic NOUN NNS
## 6466 health NOUN NN
## 6467 insurance NOUN NN
## 6468 piece NOUN NN
## 6469 paper NOUN NN
## 6470 home NOUN NN
## 6471 country NOUN NN
## 6472 health NOUN NN
## 6473 security NOUN NN
## 6474 family NOUN NN
## 6475 evidence NOUN NN
## 6476 step NOUN NN
## 6477 insurance NOUN NN
## 6478 reform NOUN NN
## 6479 risk NOUN NNS
## 6480 coverage NOUN NN
## 6481 price NOUN NNS
## 6482 coverage NOUN NN
## 6483 price NOUN NNS
## 6484 insurance NOUN NN
## 6485 job NOUN NNS
## 6486 job NOUN NN
## 6487 family NOUN NN
## 6488 member NOUN NN
## 6489 interest NOUN NN
## 6490 time NOUN NN
## 6491 leader NOUN NNS
## 6492 commitment NOUN NN
## 6493 health NOUN NN
## 6494 care NOUN NN
## 6495 reform NOUN NN
## 6496 proposal NOUN NNS
## 6497 area NOUN NN
## 6498 self NOUN NN
## 6499 people NOUN NNS
## 6500 business NOUN NNS
## 6501 insurance NOUN NN
## 6502 rate NOUN NNS
## 6503 purchasing NOUN NN
## 6504 pool NOUN NNS
## 6505 family NOUN NNS
## 6506 term NOUN NN
## 6507 care NOUN NN
## 6508 parent NOUN NN
## 6509 child NOUN NN
## 6510 worker NOUN NNS
## 6511 job NOUN NNS
## 6512 health NOUN NN
## 6513 insurance NOUN NN
## 6514 coverage NOUN NN
## 6515 work NOUN NN
## 6516 time NOUN NN
## 6517 child NOUN NNS
## 6518 health NOUN NN
## 6519 care NOUN NN
## 6520 room NOUN NN
## 6521 regard NOUN NN
## 6522 party NOUN NN
## 6523 fact NOUN NN
## 6524 country NOUN NN
## 6525 world NOUN NN
## 6526 economy NOUN NN
## 6527 time NOUN NN
## 6528 fact NOUN NN
## 6529 country NOUN NN
## 6530 world NOUN NN
## 6531 percentage NOUN NN
## 6532 work NOUN NN
## 6533 force NOUN NN
## 6534 child NOUN NNS
## 6535 health NOUN NN
## 6536 insurance NOUN NN
## 6537 time NOUN NN
## 6538 economy NOUN NN
## 6539 world NOUN NN
## 6540 politic NOUN NNS
## 6541 people NOUN NNS
## 6542 lot NOUN NN
## 6543 people NOUN NNS
## 6544 security NOUN NN
## 6545 concern NOUN NNS
## 6546 border NOUN NNS
## 6547 security NOUN NN
## 6548 job NOUN NNS
## 6549 home NOUN NNS
## 6550 income NOUN NNS
## 6551 child NOUN NNS
## 6552 street NOUN NNS
## 6553 health NOUN NN
## 6554 border NOUN NNS
## 6555 war NOUN NN
## 6556 security NOUN NN
## 6557 issue NOUN NNS
## 6558 exception NOUN NN
## 6559 trade NOUN NN
## 6560 home NOUN NN
## 6561 security NOUN NN
## 6562 world NOUN NN
## 6563 leadership NOUN NN
## 6564 peace NOUN NN
## 6565 freedom NOUN NN
## 6566 democracy NOUN NN
## 6567 home NOUN NN
## 6568 crisis NOUN NN
## 6569 case NOUN NN
## 6570 point NOUN NN
## 6571 people NOUN NNS
## 6572 sake NOUN NN
## 6573 livelihood NOUN NNS
## 6574 wellbeing NOUN NN
## 6575 job NOUN NNS
## 6576 export NOUN NNS
## 6577 border NOUN NNS
## 6578 stabilization NOUN NN
## 6579 program NOUN NN
## 6580 track NOUN NN
## 6581 loan NOUN NN
## 6582 aid NOUN NN
## 6583 bailout NOUN NN
## 6584 guarantee NOUN NN
## 6585 note NOUN NN
## 6586 collateral NOUN NN
## 6587 risk NOUN NNS
## 6588 legislation NOUN NN
## 6589 thing NOUN NN
## 6590 leadership NOUN NN
## 6591 interest NOUN NN
## 6592 people NOUN NNS
## 6593 way NOUN NN
## 6594 beginning NOUN NN
## 6595 war NOUN NN
## 6596 missile NOUN NN
## 6597 child NOUN NNS
## 6598 way NOUN NN
## 6599 missile NOUN NNS
## 6600 bomber NOUN NNS
## 6601 warhead NOUN NNS
## 6602 war NOUN NN
## 6603 world NOUN NN
## 6604 decline NOUN NN
## 6605 threat NOUN NN
## 6606 year NOUN NN
## 6607 weapon NOUN NNS
## 6608 warhead NOUN NNS
## 6609 charge NOUN NN
## 6610 test NOUN NN
## 6611 ban NOUN NN
## 6612 weapon NOUN NNS
## 6613 program NOUN NN
## 6614 agreement NOUN NN
## 6615 nation NOUN NN
## 6616 deal NOUN NN
## 6617 inspection NOUN NN
## 6618 safeguard NOUN NNS
## 6619 ally NOUN NNS
## 6620 year NOUN NN
## 6621 legislation NOUN NN
## 6622 hand NOUN NN
## 6623 terrorist NOUN NNS
## 6624 home NOUN NN
## 6625 coward NOUN NNS
## 6626 country NOUN NN
## 6627 terrorist NOUN NNS
## 6628 justice NOUN NN
## 6629 act NOUN NN
## 6630 score NOUN NNS
## 6631 behalf NOUN NN
## 6632 people NOUN NNS
## 6633 sympathy NOUN NN
## 6634 family NOUN NNS
## 6635 victim NOUN NNS
## 6636 face NOUN NN
## 6637 evil NOUN NN
## 6638 people NOUN NNS
## 6639 terrorist NOUN NNS
## 6640 past NOUN NN
## 6641 future NOUN NN
## 6642 peace NOUN NN
## 6643 neighbor NOUN NNS
## 6644 order NOUN NN
## 6645 asset NOUN NNS
## 6646 organization NOUN NNS
## 6647 peace NOUN NN
## 6648 process NOUN NN
## 6649 transaction NOUN NNS
## 6650 group NOUN NNS
## 6651 ally NOUN NNS
## 6652 peace NOUN NN
## 6653 nation NOUN NNS
## 6654 world NOUN NN
## 6655 fervor NOUN NN
## 6656 effort NOUN NN
## 6657 terrorism NOUN NN
## 6658 future NOUN NN
## 6659 terror NOUN NN
## 6660 fear NOUN NN
## 6661 paralysis NOUN NN
## 6662 day NOUN NN
## 6663 oath NOUN NN
## 6664 office NOUN NN
## 6665 military NOUN NN
## 6666 downsizing NOUN NN
## 6667 force NOUN NNS
## 6668 war NOUN NN
## 6669 skill NOUN NN
## 6670 spirit NOUN NN
## 6671 military NOUN NN
## 6672 action NOUN NN
## 6673 pay NOUN NN
## 6674 quality NOUN NN
## 6675 life NOUN NN
## 6676 military NOUN NN
## 6677 family NOUN NNS
## 6678 defense NOUN NN
## 6679 spending NOUN NN
## 6680 basis NOUN NNS
## 6681 home NOUN NN
## 6682 world NOUN NN
## 6683 request NOUN NN
## 6684 conviction NOUN NN
## 6685 deal NOUN NN
## 6686 number NOUN NN
## 6687 place NOUN NNS
## 6688 service NOUN NN
## 6689 way NOUN NNS
## 6690 family NOUN NNS
## 6691 time NOUN NNS
## 6692 troop NOUN NNS
## 6693 people NOUN NNS
## 6694 lightning NOUN NN
## 6695 speed NOUN NN
## 6696 threat NOUN NN
## 6697 freedom NOUN NN
## 6698 democracy NOUN NN
## 6699 people NOUN NNS
## 6700 peace NOUN NN
## 6701 prosperity NOUN NN
## 6702 freedom NOUN NN
## 6703 endeavor NOUN NNS
## 6704 place NOUN NNS
## 6705 future NOUN NN
## 6706 agenda NOUN NN
## 6707 future NOUN NN
## 6708 opportunity NOUN NN
## 6709 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 6710 security NOUN NN
## 6711 home NOUN NN
## 6712 people NOUN NNS
## 6713 life NOUN NNS
## 6714 idea NOUN NNS
## 6715 world NOUN NN
## 6716 economy NOUN NN
## 6717 government NOUN NN
## 6718 change NOUN NNS
## 6719 sector NOUN NN
## 6720 outside NOUN NN
## 6721 fortune NOUN NNS
## 6722 posterity NOUN NN
## 6723 ability NOUN NN
## 6724 question NOUN NNS
## 6725 value NOUN NNS
## 6726 voice NOUN NNS
## 6727 heart NOUN NNS
## 6728 head NOUN NNS
## 6729 voice NOUN NNS
## 6730 responsibility NOUN NN
## 6731 family NOUN NNS
## 6732 community NOUN NNS
## 6733 citizen NOUN NNS
## 6734 family NOUN NNS
## 6735 community NOUN NNS
## 6736 country NOUN NN
## 6737 ground NOUN NN
## 6738 town NOUN NN
## 6739 hall NOUN NN
## 6740 meeting NOUN NN
## 6741 ball NOUN NN
## 6742 lot NOUN NN
## 6743 parent NOUN NNS
## 6744 time NOUN NN
## 6745 space NOUN NN
## 6746 thing NOUN NNS
## 6747 bond NOUN NNS
## 6748 trust NOUN NN
## 6749 cooperation NOUN NN
## 6750 child NOUN NNS
## 6751 parent NOUN NNS
## 6752 grandparent NOUN NNS
## 6753 experience NOUN NNS
## 6754 character NOUN NN
## 6755 sense NOUN NN
## 6756 identity NOUN NN
## 6757 difference NOUN NN
## 6758 thing NOUN NNS
## 6759 difference NOUN NNS
## 6760 citizen NOUN NNS
## 6761 regard NOUN NN
## 6762 party NOUN NN
## 6763 softball NOUN NN
## 6764 park NOUN NN
## 6765 daughter NOUN NN
## 6766 league NOUN NN
## 6767 people NOUN NNS
## 6768 father NOUN NNS
## 6769 mother NOUN NNS
## 6770 idea NOUN NN
## 6771 relief NOUN NN
## 6772 center NOUN NNS
## 6773 flood NOUN NNS
## 6774 woman NOUN NN
## 6775 laughter NOUN NN
## 6776 disaster NOUN NNS
## 6777 way NOUN NN
## 6778 person NOUN NN
## 6779 lot NOUN NN
## 6780 people NOUN NNS
## 6781 lot NOUN NN
## 6782 chance NOUN NNS
## 6783 business NOUN NN
## 6784 leader NOUN NNS
## 6785 deficit NOUN NN
## 6786 market NOUN NNS
## 6787 success NOUN NN
## 6788 way NOUN NN
## 6789 obligation NOUN NN
## 6790 job NOUN NNS
## 6791 community NOUN NNS
## 6792 worker NOUN NNS
## 6793 share NOUN NN
## 6794 prosperity NOUN NN
## 6795 people NOUN NNS
## 6796 entertainment NOUN NN
## 6797 industry NOUN NN
## 6798 country NOUN NN
## 6799 creativity NOUN NN
## 6800 success NOUN NN
## 6801 freedom NOUN NN
## 6802 expression NOUN NN
## 6803 responsibility NOUN NN
## 6804 impact NOUN NN
## 6805 work NOUN NN
## 6806 damage NOUN NN
## 6807 violence NOUN NN
## 6808 conduct NOUN NN
## 6809 medium NOUN NNS
## 6810 time NOUN NN
## 6811 community NOUN NN
## 6812 leader NOUN NNS
## 6813 kind NOUN NNS
## 6814 organization NOUN NNS
## 6815 problem NOUN NN
## 6816 epidemic NOUN NN
## 6817 teen NOUN NN
## 6818 pregnancy NOUN NNS
## 6819 birth NOUN NNS
## 6820 marriage NOUN NN
## 6821 plan NOUN NN
## 6822 school NOUN NNS
## 6823 country NOUN NN
## 6824 antipregnancy NOUN NN
## 6825 program NOUN NNS
## 6826 parent NOUN NNS
## 6827 leader NOUN NNS
## 6828 country NOUN NN
## 6829 campaign NOUN NN
## 6830 pregnancy NOUN NN
## 6831 difference NOUN NN
## 6832 word NOUN NN
## 6833 leader NOUN NNS
## 6834 fact NOUN NN
## 6835 house NOUN NNS
## 6836 worship NOUN NN
## 6837 capita NOUN NN
## 6838 country NOUN NN
## 6839 world NOUN NN
## 6840 people NOUN NNS
## 6841 house NOUN NNS
## 6842 worship NOUN NN
## 6843 congregation NOUN NNS
## 6844 faith NOUN NN
## 6845 action NOUN NN
## 6846 child NOUN NNS
## 6847 people NOUN NNS
## 6848 distress NOUN NN
## 6849 breakdown NOUN NN
## 6850 inside NOUN NN
## 6851 leader NOUN NNS
## 6852 congregation NOUN NNS
## 6853 difference NOUN NN
## 6854 role NOUN NN
## 6855 responsibility NOUN NN
## 6856 citizen NOUN NNS
## 6857 lot NOUN NN
## 6858 people NOUN NNS
## 6859 kid NOUN NNS
## 6860 trouble NOUN NN
## 6861 street NOUN NNS
## 6862 school NOUN NN
## 6863 lot NOUN NN
## 6864 people NOUN NNS
## 6865 house NOUN NNS
## 6866 lapel NOUN NN
## 6867 pin NOUN NN
## 6868 lot NOUN NN
## 6869 people NOUN NNS
## 6870 people NOUN NNS
## 6871 power NOUN NN
## 6872 organization NOUN NNS
## 6873 country NOUN NN
## 6874 community NOUN NNS
## 6875 kid NOUN NNS
## 6876 parent NOUN NN
## 6877 child NOUN NNS
## 6878 difference NOUN NN
## 6879 wrong NOUN NN
## 6880 thing NOUN NNS
## 6881 stress NOUN NN
## 6882 thing NOUN NNS
## 6883 lot NOUN NN
## 6884 people NOUN NNS
## 6885 time NOUN NN
## 6886 stress NOUN NN
## 6887 work NOUN NN
## 6888 citizenship NOUN NN
## 6889 politic NOUN NNS
## 6890 citizen NOUN NNS
## 6891 consumer NOUN NNS
## 6892 spectator NOUN NNS
## 6893 couch NOUN NN
## 6894 potato NOUN NNS
## 6895 tv NOUN NN
## 6896 ad NOUN NNS
## 6897 fear NOUN NNS
## 6898 frustration NOUN NNS
## 6899 citizen NOUN NNS
## 6900 information NOUN NN
## 6901 way NOUN NNS
## 6902 conversation NOUN NNS
## 6903 truth NOUN NN
## 6904 enemy NOUN NNS
## 6905 view NOUN NNS
## 6906 beginning NOUN NN
## 6907 country NOUN NN
## 6908 strength NOUN NN
## 6909 ability NOUN NN
## 6910 people NOUN NNS
## 6911 ground NOUN NN
## 6912 responsibility NOUN NN
## 6913 tornado NOUN NN
## 6914 fire NOUN NN
## 6915 flood NOUN NN
## 6916 folk NOUN NNS
## 6917 about-;citizen NOUN NNS
## 6918 idea NOUN NN
## 6919 party NOUN NN
## 6920 affiliation NOUN NN
## 6921 election NOUN NN
## 6922 grader NOUN NNS
## 6923 mother NOUN NN
## 6924 service NOUN NN
## 6925 school NOUN NN
## 6926 equivalency NOUN NN
## 6927 teenager-;stand NOUN NN
## 6928 teenager NOUN NN
## 6929 child NOUN NNS
## 6930 time NOUN NN
## 6931 people NOUN NNS
## 6932 school NOUN NN
## 6933 equivalency NOUN NN
## 6934 money NOUN NN
## 6935 college NOUN NN
## 6936 police NOUN NN
## 6937 chief NOUN NN
## 6938 leader NOUN NN
## 6939 police NOUN NNS
## 6940 community NOUN NN
## 6941 policing NOUN NN
## 6942 crime NOUN NN
## 6943 rate NOUN NN
## 6944 result NOUN NN
## 6945 part NOUN NN
## 6946 country NOUN NN
## 6947 force NOUN NN
## 6948 democracy NOUN NN
## 6949 land NOUN NN
## 6950 country NOUN NN
## 6951 world NOUN NN
## 6952 language NOUN NN
## 6953 people NOUN NNS
## 6954 folk NOUN NNS
## 6955 honor NOUN NN
## 6956 meeting NOUN NN
## 6957 bit NOUN NN
## 6958 government NOUN NN
## 6959 service NOUN NN
## 6960 church NOUN NN
## 6961 living NOUN NN
## 6962 room NOUN NN
## 6963 house NOUN NN
## 6964 church NOUN NN
## 6965 member NOUN NNS
## 6966 church NOUN NNS
## 6967 month NOUN NN
## 6968 focus NOUN NN
## 6969 ministry NOUN NN
## 6970 family NOUN NNS
## 6971 thing NOUN NNS
## 6972 impression NOUN NN
## 6973 church NOUN NN
## 6974 sanctuary NOUN NN
## 6975 line NOUN NN
## 6976 crime NOUN NN
## 6977 drug NOUN NN
## 6978 rate NOUN NN
## 6979 area NOUN NN
## 6980 part NOUN NN
## 6981 ministry NOUN NN
## 6982 life NOUN NNS
## 6983 people NOUN NNS
## 6984 thing NOUN NN
## 6985 meeting NOUN NN
## 6986 leader NOUN NNS
## 6987 church NOUN NN
## 6988 couple NOUN NNS
## 6989 church NOUN NN
## 6990 marriage NOUN NNS
## 6991 kid NOUN NNS
## 6992 kind NOUN NN
## 6993 work NOUN NN
## 6994 citizen NOUN NNS
## 6995 person NOUN NN
## 6996 sand NOUN NNS
## 6997 lesson NOUN NNS
## 6998 citizenship NOUN NN
## 6999 buddy NOUN NNS
## 7000 enemy NOUN NN
## 7001 grenade NOUN NNS
## 7002 foot NOUN NNS
## 7003 moment NOUN NN
## 7004 life NOUN NNS
## 7005 companion NOUN NNS
## 7006 instant NOUN NN
## 7007 medic NOUN NN
## 7008 life NOUN NN
## 7009 foothold NOUN NN
## 7010 freedom NOUN NN
## 7011 year NOUN NN
## 7012 grandson NOUN NN
## 7013 son NOUN NN
## 7014 graduate NOUN NN
## 7015 history NOUN NN
## 7016 soldier NOUN NN
## 7017 year NOUN NNS
## 7018 day NOUN NN
## 7019 country NOUN NN
## 7020 heart NOUN NN
## 7021 responsibility NOUN NN
## 7022 opportunity NOUN NN
## 7023 citizenship NOUN NN
## 7024 chapter NOUN NNS
## 7025 book NOUN NN
## 7026 virtue NOUN NN
## 7027 potential NOUN NN
## 7028 promise NOUN NN
## 7029 country NOUN NN
## 7030 dream NOUN NN
## 7031 covenant NOUN NN
## 7032 person NOUN NN
## 7033 country NOUN NN
## 7034 right NOUN NN
## 7035 life NOUN NN
## 7036 liberty NOUN NN
## 7037 pursuit NOUN NN
## 7038 happiness NOUN NN
## 7039 country NOUN NN
## 7040 day NOUN NNS
## 7041 member NOUN NNS
## 7042 guest NOUN NNS
## 7043 land NOUN NN
## 7044 man NOUN NNS
## 7045 woman NOUN NNS
## 7046 uniform NOUN NN
## 7047 world NOUN NN
## 7048 peace NOUN NN
## 7049 root NOUN NN
## 7050 family NOUN NNS
## 7051 duty NOUN NN
## 7052 state NOUN NN
## 7053 state NOUN NN
## 7054 community NOUN NN
## 7055 responsibility NOUN NNS
## 7056 word NOUN NNS
## 7057 founder NOUN NNS
## 7058 state NOUN NN
## 7059 economy NOUN NN
## 7060 rate NOUN NNS
## 7061 unemployment NOUN NN
## 7062 inflation NOUN NN
## 7063 job NOUN NNS
## 7064 industry NOUN NNS
## 7065 construction NOUN NN
## 7066 automobile NOUN NNS
## 7067 car NOUN NNS
## 7068 time NOUN NN
## 7069 number NOUN NN
## 7070 business NOUN NNS
## 7071 country NOUN NN
## 7072 leadership NOUN NN
## 7073 world NOUN NN
## 7074 hope NOUN NN
## 7075 peace NOUN NN
## 7076 ground NOUN NN
## 7077 value NOUN NNS
## 7078 crime NOUN NN
## 7079 rate NOUN NN
## 7080 welfare NOUN NN
## 7081 food NOUN NN
## 7082 stamp NOUN NN
## 7083 roll NOUN NNS
## 7084 poverty NOUN NN
## 7085 rate NOUN NN
## 7086 pregnancy NOUN NN
## 7087 rate NOUN NN
## 7088 prospect NOUN NNS
## 7089 future NOUN NN
## 7090 age NOUN NN
## 7091 possibility NOUN NN
## 7092 farm NOUN NN
## 7093 factory NOUN NN
## 7094 age NOUN NN
## 7095 technology NOUN NN
## 7096 information NOUN NN
## 7097 competition NOUN NN
## 7098 change NOUN NNS
## 7099 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 7100 people NOUN NNS
## 7101 challenge NOUN NNS
## 7102 citizen NOUN NNS
## 7103 security NOUN NN
## 7104 family NOUN NNS
## 7105 question NOUN NNS
## 7106 dream NOUN NN
## 7107 opportunity NOUN NN
## 7108 reality NOUN NN
## 7109 value NOUN NNS
## 7110 future NOUN NN
## 7111 challenge NOUN NNS
## 7112 answer NOUN NNS
## 7113 program NOUN NN
## 7114 problem NOUN NN
## 7115 people NOUN NNS
## 7116 government NOUN NN
## 7117 people NOUN NNS
## 7118 one NOUN NN
## 7119 mean NOUN NNS
## 7120 era NOUN NN
## 7121 time NOUN NN
## 7122 citizen NOUN NNS
## 7123 nation NOUN NN
## 7124 challenge NOUN NNS
## 7125 self NOUN NN
## 7126 reliance NOUN NN
## 7127 teamwork NOUN NN
## 7128 virtue NOUN NNS
## 7129 government NOUN NN
## 7130 way NOUN NN
## 7131 citizen NOUN NNS
## 7132 government NOUN NNS
## 7133 workplace NOUN NN
## 7134 association NOUN NNS
## 7135 goal NOUN NN
## 7136 people NOUN NNS
## 7137 life NOUN NNS
## 7138 family NOUN NNS
## 7139 opportunity NOUN NN
## 7140 security NOUN NN
## 7141 street NOUN NNS
## 7142 environment NOUN NN
## 7143 world NOUN NN
## 7144 state NOUN NN
## 7145 challenge NOUN NNS
## 7146 place NOUN NN
## 7147 responsibility NOUN NN
## 7148 budget NOUN NN
## 7149 way NOUN NN
## 7150 agreement NOUN NN
## 7151 deficit NOUN NN
## 7152 spending NOUN NN
## 7153 end NOUN NN
## 7154 leadership NOUN NN
## 7155 membership NOUN NN
## 7156 energy NOUN NN
## 7157 determination NOUN NN
## 7158 task NOUN NN
## 7159 budget NOUN NN
## 7160 deficit NOUN NN
## 7161 reduction NOUN NN
## 7162 plan NOUN NN
## 7163 history NOUN NN
## 7164 deficit NOUN NN
## 7165 benefit NOUN NNS
## 7166 deficit NOUN NN
## 7167 reduction NOUN NN
## 7168 interest NOUN NN
## 7169 rate NOUN NNS
## 7170 business NOUN NNS
## 7171 job NOUN NNS
## 7172 interest NOUN NN
## 7173 rate NOUN NNS
## 7174 cost NOUN NN
## 7175 home NOUN NN
## 7176 mortgage NOUN NNS
## 7177 car NOUN NN
## 7178 payment NOUN NNS
## 7179 credit NOUN NN
## 7180 card NOUN NN
## 7181 rate NOUN NNS
## 7182 citizen NOUN NNS
## 7183 time NOUN NN
## 7184 job NOUN NN
## 7185 budget NOUN NN
## 7186 difference NOUN NNS
## 7187 total NOUN NN
## 7188 saving NOUN NNS
## 7189 plan NOUN NNS
## 7190 number NOUN NNS
## 7191 budget NOUN NN
## 7192 tax NOUN NN
## 7193 cut NOUN NN
## 7194 cut NOUN NNS
## 7195 sacrifice NOUN NN
## 7196 cut NOUN NNS
## 7197 obligation NOUN NNS
## 7198 parent NOUN NNS
## 7199 child NOUN NNS
## 7200 future NOUN NN
## 7201 education NOUN NN
## 7202 environment NOUN NN
## 7203 taxis NOUN NNS
## 7204 family NOUN NNS
## 7205 idea NOUN NNS
## 7206 negotiation NOUN NNS
## 7207 lot NOUN NN
## 7208 way NOUN NN
## 7209 debate NOUN NN
## 7210 lot NOUN NN
## 7211 idea NOUN NNS
## 7212 side NOUN NN
## 7213 difference NOUN NNS
## 7214 saving NOUN NNS
## 7215 plan NOUN NNS
## 7216 people NOUN NNS
## 7217 budget NOUN NN
## 7218 tax NOUN NN
## 7219 cut NOUN NN
## 7220 interest NOUN NN
## 7221 rate NOUN NNS
## 7222 future NOUN NN
## 7223 deficit NOUN NNS
## 7224 legacy NOUN NN
## 7225 time NOUN NN
## 7226 challenge NOUN NNS
## 7227 burden NOUN NNS
## 7228 challenge NOUN NNS
## 7229 challenge NOUN NNS
## 7230 challenge NOUN NNS
## 7231 promise NOUN NNS
## 7232 key NOUN NN
## 7233 dream NOUN NNS
## 7234 effort NOUN NNS
## 7235 tonight NOUN NN
## 7236 challenge NOUN NNS
## 7237 people NOUN NNS
## 7238 challenge NOUN NN
## 7239 child NOUN NNS
## 7240 family NOUN NNS
## 7241 family NOUN NN
## 7242 foundation NOUN NN
## 7243 life NOUN NN
## 7244 family NOUN NNS
## 7245 moment NOUN NN
## 7246 family NOUN NN
## 7247 person NOUN NN
## 7248 importance NOUN NN
## 7249 family NOUN NNS
## 7250 child NOUN NNS
## 7251 wife NOUN NN
## 7252 mother NOUN NN
## 7253 family NOUN NNS
## 7254 responsibility NOUN NN
## 7255 child NOUN NNS
## 7256 parent NOUN NN
## 7257 child NOUN NN
## 7258 parent NOUN NNS
## 7259 medium NOUN NNS
## 7260 school NOUN NNS
## 7261 teacher NOUN NNS
## 7262 community NOUN NNS
## 7263 church NOUN NNS
## 7264 synagogue NOUN NNS
## 7265 business NOUN NNS
## 7266 responsibility NOUN NN
## 7267 child NOUN NNS
## 7268 life NOUN NNS
## 7269 capacity NOUN NNS
## 7270 medium NOUN NNS
## 7271 movie NOUN NNS
## 7272 cd NOUN NN
## 7273 television NOUN NN
## 7274 child NOUN NNS
## 7275 grandchild NOUN NNS
## 7276 requirement NOUN NN
## 7277 v NOUN NN
## 7278 chip NOUN NN
## 7279 tv NOUN NN
## 7280 set NOUN NNS
## 7281 parent NOUN NNS
## 7282 program NOUN NNS
## 7283 child NOUN NNS
## 7284 parent NOUN NNS
## 7285 child NOUN NNS
## 7286 censorship NOUN NN
## 7287 parent NOUN NNS
## 7288 responsibility NOUN NN
## 7289 child NOUN NNS
## 7290 upbringing NOUN NN
## 7291 vchip NOUN NN
## 7292 requirement NOUN NN
## 7293 part NOUN NN
## 7294 telecommunications NOUN NN
## 7295 bill NOUN NN
## 7296 support NOUN NN
## 7297 v NOUN NN
## 7298 chip NOUN NN
## 7299 work NOUN NN
## 7300 broadcast NOUN NN
## 7301 industry NOUN NN
## 7302 movie NOUN NNS
## 7303 program NOUN NN
## 7304 way NOUN NNS
## 7305 parent NOUN NNS
## 7306 child NOUN NNS
## 7307 leader NOUN NNS
## 7308 medium NOUN NNS
## 7309 corporation NOUN NNS
## 7310 entertainment NOUN NN
## 7311 industry NOUN NN
## 7312 way NOUN NN
## 7313 way NOUN NNS
## 7314 child NOUN NNS
## 7315 television NOUN NN
## 7316 market NOUN NN
## 7317 cigarette NOUN NNS
## 7318 child NOUN NNS
## 7319 smoking NOUN NN
## 7320 law NOUN NN
## 7321 life NOUN NNS
## 7322 result NOUN NN
## 7323 administration NOUN NN
## 7324 step NOUN NNS
## 7325 marketing NOUN NN
## 7326 campaign NOUN NNS
## 7327 child NOUN NNS
## 7328 product NOUN NNS
## 7329 adult NOUN NNS
## 7330 line NOUN NN
## 7331 child NOUN NNS
## 7332 welfare NOUN NN
## 7333 welfare NOUN NN
## 7334 time NOUN NN
## 7335 welfare NOUN NN
## 7336 system NOUN NN
## 7337 value NOUN NNS
## 7338 family NOUN NN
## 7339 work NOUN NN
## 7340 agreement NOUN NN
## 7341 welfare NOUN NN
## 7342 reform NOUN NN
## 7343 time NOUN NN
## 7344 limit NOUN NNS
## 7345 work NOUN NN
## 7346 requirement NOUN NNS
## 7347 child NOUN NN
## 7348 support NOUN NN
## 7349 enforcement NOUN NN
## 7350 child NOUN NN
## 7351 care NOUN NN
## 7352 mother NOUN NNS
## 7353 work NOUN NN
## 7354 child NOUN NNS
## 7355 welfare NOUN NN
## 7356 reform NOUN NN
## 7357 bill NOUN NN
## 7358 people NOUN NNS
## 7359 welfare NOUN NN
## 7360 thing NOUN NN
## 7361 child NOUN NNS
## 7362 problem NOUN NN
## 7363 law NOUN NN
## 7364 law NOUN NN
## 7365 step NOUN NN
## 7366 step NOUN NN
## 7367 people NOUN NNS
## 7368 welfare NOUN NN
## 7369 opportunity NOUN NN
## 7370 independence NOUN NN
## 7371 business NOUN NNS
## 7372 people NOUN NNS
## 7373 welfare NOUN NN
## 7374 chance NOUN NN
## 7375 work NOUN NN
## 7376 force NOUN NN
## 7377 work NOUN NN
## 7378 group NOUN NNS
## 7379 other NOUN NNS
## 7380 society NOUN NN
## 7381 difficulty NOUN NN
## 7382 task NOUN NN
## 7383 position NOUN NN
## 7384 way NOUN NN
## 7385 welfare NOUN NN
## 7386 reform NOUN NN
## 7387 reality NOUN NN
## 7388 life NOUN NNS
## 7389 people NOUN NNS
## 7390 family NOUN NN
## 7391 pregnancy NOUN NN
## 7392 rate NOUN NN
## 7393 group NOUN NN
## 7394 challenge NOUN NN
## 7395 organization NOUN NN
## 7396 community NOUN NN
## 7397 effort NOUN NNS
## 7398 country NOUN NN
## 7399 campaign NOUN NN
## 7400 pregnancy NOUN NN
## 7401 effort NOUN NNS
## 7402 man NOUN NNS
## 7403 woman NOUN NNS
## 7404 family NOUN NNS
## 7405 respect NOUN NN
## 7406 scourge NOUN NN
## 7407 violence NOUN NN
## 7408 country NOUN NN
## 7409 family NOUN NNS
## 7410 family NOUN NNS
## 7411 child NOUN NNS
## 7412 father NOUN NNS
## 7413 country NOUN NN
## 7414 child NOUN NNS
## 7415 family NOUN NN
## 7416 child NOUN NN
## 7417 support NOUN NN
## 7418 check NOUN NN
## 7419 parent NOUN NN
## 7420 love NOUN NN
## 7421 guidance NOUN NN
## 7422 decision NOUN NN
## 7423 child NOUN NNS
## 7424 station NOUN NN
## 7425 life NOUN NN
## 7426 duty NOUN NN
## 7427 job NOUN NN
## 7428 ability NOUN NN
## 7429 challenge NOUN NN
## 7430 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 7431 school NOUN NNS
## 7432 classroom NOUN NN
## 7433 information NOUN NN
## 7434 superhighway NOUN NN
## 7435 computer NOUN NNS
## 7436 software NOUN NN
## 7437 teacher NOUN NNS
## 7438 telecommunications NOUN NN
## 7439 industry NOUN NN
## 7440 educator NOUN NNS
## 7441 parent NOUN NNS
## 7442 classroom NOUN NNS
## 7443 classroom NOUN NN
## 7444 library NOUN NN
## 7445 education NOUN NN
## 7446 technology NOUN NN
## 7447 initiative NOUN NN
## 7448 partnership NOUN NN
## 7449 diploma NOUN NN
## 7450 community NOUN NN
## 7451 school NOUN NN
## 7452 standard NOUN NNS
## 7453 excellence NOUN NN
## 7454 school NOUN NNS
## 7455 standard NOUN NNS
## 7456 redtape NOUN NN
## 7457 school NOUN NNS
## 7458 teacher NOUN NNS
## 7459 flexibility NOUN NN
## 7460 reform NOUN NN
## 7461 result NOUN NNS
## 7462 initiative NOUN NN
## 7463 parent NOUN NNS
## 7464 right NOUN NN
## 7465 school NOUN NN
## 7466 child NOUN NNS
## 7467 teacher NOUN NNS
## 7468 school NOUN NNS
## 7469 charter NOUN NN
## 7470 job NOUN NN
## 7471 school NOUN NNS
## 7472 character NOUN NN
## 7473 education NOUN NN
## 7474 value NOUN NNS
## 7475 citizenship NOUN NN
## 7476 teenager NOUN NNS
## 7477 designer NOUN NN
## 7478 jacket NOUN NNS
## 7479 school NOUN NNS
## 7480 student NOUN NNS
## 7481 school NOUN NN
## 7482 uniform NOUN NNS
## 7483 parent NOUN NNS
## 7484 child NOUN NNS
## 7485 teacher NOUN NNS
## 7486 tv NOUN NN
## 7487 homework NOUN NN
## 7488 child NOUN NNS
## 7489 classroom NOUN NN
## 7490 program NOUN NN
## 7491 teacher NOUN NN
## 7492 one NOUN NN
## 7493 fellow NOUN NN
## 7494 education NOUN NN
## 7495 student NOUN NN
## 7496 loan NOUN NN
## 7497 program NOUN NN
## 7498 loan NOUN NNS
## 7499 student NOUN NN
## 7500 loan NOUN NN
## 7501 default NOUN NN
## 7502 rate NOUN NN
## 7503 service NOUN NN
## 7504 program NOUN NN
## 7505 people NOUN NNS
## 7506 college NOUN NN
## 7507 money NOUN NN
## 7508 community NOUN NNS
## 7509 life NOUN NNS
## 7510 friend NOUN NNS
## 7511 neighbor NOUN NNS
## 7512 initiative NOUN NNS
## 7513 door NOUN NNS
## 7514 college NOUN NN
## 7515 work NOUN NN
## 7516 study NOUN NN
## 7517 way NOUN NN
## 7518 college NOUN NN
## 7519 merit NOUN NN
## 7520 scholarship NOUN NN
## 7521 graduate NOUN NNS
## 7522 school NOUN NN
## 7523 grant NOUN NN
## 7524 scholarship NOUN NNS
## 7525 student NOUN NNS
## 7526 year NOUN NN
## 7527 college NOUN NN
## 7528 tuition NOUN NN
## 7529 tax NOUN NN
## 7530 deductible NOUN NN
## 7531 idea NOUN NN
## 7532 challenge NOUN NN
## 7533 security NOUN NN
## 7534 age NOUN NN
## 7535 People NOUN NNS
## 7536 support NOUN NN
## 7537 economy NOUN NN
## 7538 education NOUN NN
## 7539 training NOUN NN
## 7540 lifetime NOUN NN
## 7541 support NOUN NN
## 7542 family NOUN NNS
## 7543 child NOUN NNS
## 7544 retirement NOUN NN
## 7545 security NOUN NN
## 7546 access NOUN NN
## 7547 health NOUN NN
## 7548 care NOUN NN
## 7549 education NOUN NN
## 7550 childhood NOUN NN
## 7551 lifetime NOUN NN
## 7552 overlapping NOUN NN
## 7553 job NOUN NN
## 7554 training NOUN NN
## 7555 program NOUN NNS
## 7556 worker NOUN NNS
## 7557 community NOUN NN
## 7558 college NOUN NN
## 7559 tuition NOUN NN
## 7560 training NOUN NN
## 7561 bill NOUN NN
## 7562 worker NOUN NNS
## 7563 raise NOUN NN
## 7564 minimum NOUN NN
## 7565 wage NOUN NN
## 7566 minimum NOUN NN
## 7567 wage NOUN NN
## 7568 low NOUN NN
## 7569 purchasing NOUN NN
## 7570 power NOUN NN
## 7571 hour NOUN NN
## 7572 minimum NOUN NN
## 7573 wage NOUN NN
## 7574 child NOUN NNS
## 7575 minimum NOUN NN
## 7576 wage NOUN NN
## 7577 taxis NOUN NNS
## 7578 working NOUN NN
## 7579 family NOUN NNS
## 7580 parent NOUN NNS
## 7581 time NOUN NN
## 7582 child NOUN NNS
## 7583 poverty NOUN NN
## 7584 people NOUN NNS
## 7585 welfare NOUN NN
## 7586 income NOUN NN
## 7587 tax NOUN NN
## 7588 credit NOUN NN
## 7589 year NOUN NN
## 7590 family NOUN NN
## 7591 budget NOUN NN
## 7592 bill NOUN NN
## 7593 achievement NOUN NN
## 7594 taxis NOUN NNS
## 7595 people NOUN NNS
## 7596 people NOUN NNS
## 7597 initiative NOUN NN
## 7598 country NOUN NN
## 7599 job NOUN NN
## 7600 child NOUN NNS
## 7601 work NOUN NN
## 7602 tax NOUN NN
## 7603 credit NOUN NN
## 7604 family NOUN NNS
## 7605 child NOUN NNS
## 7606 thing NOUN NNS
## 7607 majority NOUN NN
## 7608 part NOUN NN
## 7609 budget NOUN NN
## 7610 agreement NOUN NN
## 7611 business NOUN NN
## 7612 pension NOUN NNS
## 7613 employee NOUN NNS
## 7614 proposal NOUN NN
## 7615 business NOUN NNS
## 7616 farmer NOUN NNS
## 7617 pension NOUN NN
## 7618 plan NOUN NNS
## 7619 pension NOUN NN
## 7620 plan NOUN NNS
## 7621 support NOUN NN
## 7622 side NOUN NNS
## 7623 aisle NOUN NN
## 7624 pension NOUN NNS
## 7625 people NOUN NNS
## 7626 pension NOUN NNS
## 7627 company NOUN NNS
## 7628 worker NOUN NNS
## 7629 pension NOUN NN
## 7630 fund NOUN NNS
## 7631 proposal NOUN NN
## 7632 ability NOUN NN
## 7633 employer NOUN NNS
## 7634 money NOUN NN
## 7635 pension NOUN NN
## 7636 fund NOUN NNS
## 7637 purpose NOUN NNS
## 7638 money NOUN NN
## 7639 economy NOUN NN
## 7640 proposal NOUN NN
## 7641 family NOUN NNS
## 7642 economy NOUN NN
## 7643 health NOUN NN
## 7644 insurance NOUN NN
## 7645 policy NOUN NNS
## 7646 job NOUN NNS
## 7647 family NOUN NN
## 7648 family NOUN NNS
## 7649 health NOUN NN
## 7650 insurance NOUN NN
## 7651 health NOUN NN
## 7652 care NOUN NN
## 7653 bill NOUN NN
## 7654 insurance NOUN NN
## 7655 company NOUN NNS
## 7656 people NOUN NNS
## 7657 job NOUN NNS
## 7658 coverage NOUN NN
## 7659 condition NOUN NNS
## 7660 saving NOUN NNS
## 7661 program NOUN NNS
## 7662 commitment NOUN NN
## 7663 protection NOUN NNS
## 7664 people NOUN NNS
## 7665 family NOUN NNS
## 7666 child NOUN NNS
## 7667 people NOUN NNS
## 7668 disability NOUN NNS
## 7669 people NOUN NNS
## 7670 citizen NOUN NNS
## 7671 nursing NOUN NN
## 7672 home NOUN NNS
## 7673 health NOUN NN
## 7674 care NOUN NN
## 7675 fraud NOUN NN
## 7676 abuse NOUN NN
## 7677 obligation NOUN NNS
## 7678 people NOUN NNS
## 7679 bill NOUN NN
## 7680 worker NOUN NNS
## 7681 tax NOUN NN
## 7682 relief NOUN NN
## 7683 education NOUN NN
## 7684 childrearing NOUN NN
## 7685 pension NOUN NN
## 7686 availability NOUN NN
## 7687 protection NOUN NN
## 7688 access NOUN NN
## 7689 health NOUN NN
## 7690 care NOUN NN
## 7691 preservation NOUN NN
## 7692 thing NOUN NNS
## 7693 thing NOUN NNS
## 7694 family NOUN NNS
## 7695 life NOUN NNS
## 7696 employer NOUN NNS
## 7697 employee NOUN NNS
## 7698 part NOUN NN
## 7699 company NOUN NNS
## 7700 term NOUN NN
## 7701 prosperity NOUN NN
## 7702 term NOUN NN
## 7703 gain NOUN NN
## 7704 worker NOUN NNS
## 7705 productivity NOUN NN
## 7706 employer NOUN NNS
## 7707 skill NOUN NNS
## 7708 benefit NOUN NNS
## 7709 year NOUN NNS
## 7710 burden NOUN NNS
## 7711 one NOUN NNS
## 7712 company NOUN NNS
## 7713 worker NOUN NNS
## 7714 team NOUN NN
## 7715 challenge NOUN NN
## 7716 street NOUN NNS
## 7717 crime NOUN NN
## 7718 gang NOUN NNS
## 7719 drug NOUN NNS
## 7720 way NOUN NN
## 7721 crime NOUN NN
## 7722 community NOUN NN
## 7723 partnership NOUN NNS
## 7724 police NOUN NN
## 7725 force NOUN NNS
## 7726 criminal NOUN NNS
## 7727 crime NOUN NN
## 7728 strategy NOUN NN
## 7729 community NOUN NN
## 7730 policing NOUN NN
## 7731 crime NOUN NN
## 7732 murder NOUN NNS
## 7733 way NOUN NN
## 7734 street NOUN NNS
## 7735 people NOUN NNS
## 7736 fear NOUN NN
## 7737 crime NOUN NN
## 7738 bill NOUN NN
## 7739 success NOUN NN
## 7740 community NOUN NN
## 7741 policing NOUN NN
## 7742 fund NOUN NNS
## 7743 police NOUN NNS
## 7744 community NOUN NNS
## 7745 size NOUN NNS
## 7746 third NOUN NN
## 7747 way NOUN NN
## 7748 job NOUN NN
## 7749 strategy NOUN NN
## 7750 crime NOUN NN
## 7751 rate NOUN NN
## 7752 policing NOUN NN
## 7753 bond NOUN NNS
## 7754 trust NOUN NN
## 7755 citizen NOUN NNS
## 7756 police NOUN NNS
## 7757 law NOUN NN
## 7758 enforcement NOUN NN
## 7759 officer NOUN NNS
## 7760 police NOUN NN
## 7761 child NOUN NNS
## 7762 role NOUN NN
## 7763 model NOUN NNS
## 7764 hero NOUN NNS
## 7765 bill NOUN NN
## 7766 people NOUN NNS
## 7767 record NOUN NNS
## 7768 gun NOUN NNS
## 7769 assault NOUN NN
## 7770 weapon NOUN NNS
## 7771 ban NOUN NN
## 7772 kind NOUN NNS
## 7773 assault NOUN NN
## 7774 weapon NOUN NNS
## 7775 hand NOUN NNS
## 7776 gang NOUN NNS
## 7777 law NOUN NNS
## 7778 book NOUN NNS
## 7779 step NOUN NN
## 7780 fight NOUN NN
## 7781 crime NOUN NN
## 7782 gang NOUN NNS
## 7783 way NOUN NN
## 7784 mob NOUN NN
## 7785 agency NOUN NNS
## 7786 gang NOUN NNS
## 7787 juvenile NOUN NNS
## 7788 crime NOUN NN
## 7789 authority NOUN NN
## 7790 adult NOUN NNS
## 7791 teenager NOUN NNS
## 7792 adult NOUN NNS
## 7793 housing NOUN NN
## 7794 authority NOUN NNS
## 7795 tenant NOUN NN
## 7796 association NOUN NNS
## 7797 gang NOUN NN
## 7798 member NOUN NNS
## 7799 drug NOUN NN
## 7800 dealer NOUN NNS
## 7801 life NOUN NNS
## 7802 tenant NOUN NNS
## 7803 rule NOUN NN
## 7804 resident NOUN NNS
## 7805 crime NOUN NN
## 7806 peddle NOUN NN
## 7807 drug NOUN NNS
## 7808 strike NOUN NN
## 7809 policy NOUN NN
## 7810 criminal NOUN NNS
## 7811 sentence NOUN NN
## 7812 police NOUN NNS
## 7813 punishment NOUN NN
## 7814 people NOUN NNS
## 7815 trouble NOUN NN
## 7816 prevention NOUN NN
## 7817 strategy NOUN NNS
## 7818 community NOUN NNS
## 7819 community NOUN NNS
## 7820 adult NOUN NNS
## 7821 child NOUN NNS
## 7822 future NOUN NNS
## 7823 crime NOUN NN
## 7824 bill NOUN NN
## 7825 support NOUN NN
## 7826 prevention NOUN NN
## 7827 effort NOUN NNS
## 7828 crime NOUN NN
## 7829 violence NOUN NN
## 7830 drug NOUN NN
## 7831 problem NOUN NN
## 7832 challenge NOUN NN
## 7833 home NOUN NNS
## 7834 parent NOUN NNS
## 7835 child NOUN NNS
## 7836 church NOUN NNS
## 7837 synagogue NOUN NNS
## 7838 youth NOUN NN
## 7839 group NOUN NNS
## 7840 school NOUN NNS
## 7841 support NOUN NN
## 7842 drug NOUN NN
## 7843 school NOUN NNS
## 7844 People NOUN NNS
## 7845 officer NOUN NNS
## 7846 impression NOUN NN
## 7847 grade NOUN NN
## 7848 school NOUN NN
## 7849 child NOUN NNS
## 7850 strength NOUN NN
## 7851 time NOUN NN
## 7852 effort NOUN NNS
## 7853 flow NOUN NN
## 7854 drug NOUN NNS
## 7855 man NOUN NN
## 7856 line NOUN NNS
## 7857 effort NOUN NN
## 7858 hero NOUN NN
## 7859 commander NOUN NN
## 7860 chief NOUN NN
## 7861 drug NOUN NN
## 7862 czar NOUN NN
## 7863 country NOUN NN
## 7864 nation NOUN NN
## 7865 battle NOUN NN
## 7866 drug NOUN NNS
## 7867 home NOUN NN
## 7868 force NOUN NN
## 7869 role NOUN NN
## 7870 team NOUN NN
## 7871 country NOUN NN
## 7872 time NOUN NN
## 7873 challenge NOUN NN
## 7874 environment NOUN NN
## 7875 generation NOUN NN
## 7876 generation NOUN NN
## 7877 effort NOUN NN
## 7878 water NOUN NN
## 7879 air NOUN NN
## 7880 lead NOUN NN
## 7881 level NOUN NNS
## 7882 child NOUN NNS
## 7883 blood NOUN NN
## 7884 emission NOUN NNS
## 7885 factory NOUN NNS
## 7886 resource NOUN NN
## 7887 child NOUN NNS
## 7888 waste NOUN NN
## 7889 dump NOUN NN
## 7890 air NOUN NN
## 7891 health NOUN NN
## 7892 community NOUN NNS
## 7893 water NOUN NN
## 7894 enforcement NOUN NN
## 7895 chemical NOUN NNS
## 7896 water NOUN NN
## 7897 smog NOUN NN
## 7898 air NOUN NN
## 7899 pesticide NOUN NNS
## 7900 food NOUN NN
## 7901 lobbyist NOUN NNS
## 7902 polluter NOUN NNS
## 7903 loophole NOUN NNS
## 7904 bill NOUN NNS
## 7905 law NOUN NNS
## 7906 health NOUN NN
## 7907 safety NOUN NN
## 7908 child NOUN NNS
## 7909 taxpayer NOUN NN
## 7910 tab NOUN NN
## 7911 waste NOUN NN
## 7912 polluter NOUN NNS
## 7913 hook NOUN NN
## 7914 policy NOUN NNS
## 7915 issue NOUN NN
## 7916 issue NOUN NN
## 7917 gain NOUN NNS
## 7918 thing NOUN NNS
## 7919 economy NOUN NN
## 7920 environment NOUN NN
## 7921 job NOUN NNS
## 7922 run NOUN NN
## 7923 environment NOUN NN
## 7924 commitment NOUN NN
## 7925 business NOUN NNS
## 7926 community NOUN NNS
## 7927 initiative NOUN NN
## 7928 environment NOUN NN
## 7929 business NOUN NNS
## 7930 administration NOUN NN
## 7931 way NOUN NN
## 7932 government NOUN NN
## 7933 regulation NOUN NNS
## 7934 pollution NOUN NN
## 7935 standard NOUN NNS
## 7936 community NOUN NNS
## 7937 community NOUN NN
## 7938 toknow NOUN NN
## 7939 law NOUN NNS
## 7940 polluter NOUN NNS
## 7941 emission NOUN NNS
## 7942 information NOUN NN
## 7943 business NOUN NN
## 7944 pollution NOUN NN
## 7945 People NOUN NNS
## 7946 right NOUN NN
## 7947 air NOUN NN
## 7948 water NOUN NN
## 7949 challenge NOUN NN
## 7950 leadership NOUN NN
## 7951 fight NOUN NN
## 7952 freedom NOUN NN
## 7953 peace NOUN NN
## 7954 world NOUN NN
## 7955 leadership NOUN NN
## 7956 people NOUN NNS
## 7957 live NOUN NN
## 7958 peace NOUN NN
## 7959 prosperity NOUN NN
## 7960 security NOUN NN
## 7961 thank NOUN NNS
## 7962 veteran NOUN NNS
## 7963 other NOUN NNS
## 7964 other NOUN NNS
## 7965 side NOUN NNS
## 7966 aisle NOUN NN
## 7967 conflict NOUN NNS
## 7968 service NOUN NN
## 7969 people NOUN NNS
## 7970 world NOUN NN
## 7971 people NOUN NNS
## 7972 blessing NOUN NNS
## 7973 peace NOUN NN
## 7974 freedom NOUN NN
## 7975 war NOUN NN
## 7976 memory NOUN NN
## 7977 voice NOUN NNS
## 7978 isolation NOUN NN
## 7979 responsibility NOUN NNS
## 7980 threat NOUN NNS
## 7981 nation NOUN NN
## 7982 border NOUN NNS
## 7983 terrorism NOUN NN
## 7984 spread NOUN NN
## 7985 weapon NOUN NNS
## 7986 destruction NOUN NN
## 7987 crime NOUN NN
## 7988 drug NOUN NN
## 7989 trafficking NOUN NN
## 7990 hatred NOUN NN
## 7991 aggression NOUN NN
## 7992 rogue NOUN NN
## 7993 state NOUN NNS
## 7994 degradation NOUN NN
## 7995 threat NOUN NNS
## 7996 consequence NOUN NNS
## 7997 tomorrow NOUN NNS
## 7998 interest NOUN NNS
## 7999 value NOUN NNS
## 8000 stake NOUN NN
## 8001 difference NOUN NN
## 8002 world NOUN NN
## 8003 policeman NOUN NN
## 8004 world NOUN NN
## 8005 peacemaker NOUN NN
## 8006 military NOUN NN
## 8007 diplomacy NOUN NN
## 8008 other NOUN NNS
## 8009 risk NOUN NN
## 8010 cost NOUN NN
## 8011 effort NOUN NNS
## 8012 difference NOUN NN
## 8013 people NOUN NNS
## 8014 world NOUN NN
## 8015 time NOUN NN
## 8016 dawn NOUN NN
## 8017 nuclear NOUN NN
## 8018 time NOUN NN
## 8019 dawn NOUN NN
## 8020 nuclear NOUN NN
## 8021 missile NOUN NN
## 8022 child NOUN NNS
## 8023 weapon NOUN NNS
## 8024 program NOUN NN
## 8025 dictator NOUN NNS
## 8026 democracy NOUN NN
## 8027 flow NOUN NN
## 8028 refugee NOUN NNS
## 8029 shore NOUN NNS
## 8030 trade NOUN NN
## 8031 deal NOUN NNS
## 8032 market NOUN NNS
## 8033 export NOUN NNS
## 8034 time NOUN NN
## 8035 import NOUN NNS
## 8036 job NOUN NNS
## 8037 risk NOUN NNS
## 8038 peace NOUN NN
## 8039 child NOUN NNS
## 8040 parent NOUN NNS
## 8041 violence NOUN NN
## 8042 knowledge NOUN NN
## 8043 resource NOUN NNS
## 8044 dream NOUN NNS
## 8045 peace NOUN NN
## 8046 prisoner NOUN NNS
## 8047 mass NOUN NN
## 8048 grave NOUN NNS
## 8049 campaign NOUN NN
## 8050 rape NOUN NN
## 8051 torture NOUN NN
## 8052 line NOUN NNS
## 8053 refugee NOUN NNS
## 8054 threat NOUN NN
## 8055 war NOUN NN
## 8056 threat NOUN NNS
## 8057 horror NOUN NNS
## 8058 way NOUN NN
## 8059 promise NOUN NN
## 8060 peace NOUN NN
## 8061 troop NOUN NNS
## 8062 partner NOUN NNS
## 8063 peace NOUN NN
## 8064 hold NOUN NN
## 8065 group NOUN NN
## 8066 troop NOUN NNS
## 8067 pride NOUN NN
## 8068 mission NOUN NN
## 8069 world NOUN NN
## 8070 effort NOUN NNS
## 8071 security NOUN NN
## 8072 people NOUN NNS
## 8073 mistake NOUN NN
## 8074 challenge NOUN NNS
## 8075 treaty NOUN NN
## 8076 stockpile NOUN NNS
## 8077 race NOUN NN
## 8078 weapon NOUN NNS
## 8079 test NOUN NN
## 8080 ban NOUN NN
## 8081 treaty NOUN NN
## 8082 subway NOUN NN
## 8083 poison NOUN NN
## 8084 gas NOUN NN
## 8085 fight NOUN NN
## 8086 terrorist NOUN NNS
## 8087 criminal NOUN NNS
## 8088 antiterrorism NOUN NN
## 8089 legislation NOUN NN
## 8090 bombing NOUN NN
## 8091 people NOUN NNS
## 8092 hatred NOUN NN
## 8093 world NOUN NN
## 8094 interest NOUN NN
## 8095 mean NOUN NNS
## 8096 world NOUN NN
## 8097 leader NOUN NN
## 8098 peace NOUN NN
## 8099 fellow NOUN NN
## 8100 challenge NOUN NNS
## 8101 challenge NOUN NN
## 8102 challenge NOUN NN
## 8103 government NOUN NN
## 8104 democracy NOUN NN
## 8105 law NOUN NNS
## 8106 gift NOUN NNS
## 8107 meal NOUN NNS
## 8108 lobbyist NOUN NNS
## 8109 lobbyist NOUN NNS
## 8110 legislation NOUN NN
## 8111 interest NOUN NN
## 8112 influence NOUN NN
## 8113 politic NOUN NNS
## 8114 campaign NOUN NN
## 8115 finance NOUN NN
## 8116 reform NOUN NN
## 8117 bill NOUN NN
## 8118 generation NOUN NN
## 8119 people NOUN NNS
## 8120 spending NOUN NN
## 8121 airwave NOUN NNS
## 8122 candidate NOUN NNS
## 8123 line NOUN NN
## 8124 item NOUN NN
## 8125 veto NOUN NN
## 8126 people NOUN NNS
## 8127 administration NOUN NN
## 8128 people NOUN NNS
## 8129 government NOUN NN
## 8130 thank NOUN NNS
## 8131 work NOUN NN
## 8132 page NOUN NNS
## 8133 rule NOUN NNS
## 8134 regulation NOUN NNS
## 8135 community NOUN NNS
## 8136 era NOUN NN
## 8137 budget NOUN NNS
## 8138 government NOUN NN
## 8139 way NOUN NNS
## 8140 people NOUN NNS
## 8141 life NOUN NNS
## 8142 community NOUN NNS
## 8143 bureaucracy NOUN NN
## 8144 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 8145 empowerment NOUN NN
## 8146 zone NOUN NNS
## 8147 community NOUN NN
## 8148 development NOUN NN
## 8149 bank NOUN NNS
## 8150 people NOUN NNS
## 8151 job NOUN NNS
## 8152 business NOUN NNS
## 8153 tax NOUN NN
## 8154 incentive NOUN NNS
## 8155 company NOUN NNS
## 8156 property NOUN NN
## 8157 job NOUN NNS
## 8158 place NOUN NNS
## 8159 area NOUN NNS
## 8160 area NOUN NNS
## 8161 problem NOUN NN
## 8162 immigration NOUN NN
## 8163 neglect NOUN NN
## 8164 administration NOUN NN
## 8165 stand NOUN NN
## 8166 protection NOUN NN
## 8167 border NOUN NNS
## 8168 border NOUN NN
## 8169 control NOUN NNS
## 8170 inspection NOUN NNS
## 8171 hiring NOUN NN
## 8172 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 8173 order NOUN NN
## 8174 contract NOUN NNS
## 8175 business NOUN NNS
## 8176 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 8177 nation NOUN NN
## 8178 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 8179 immigrant NOUN NN
## 8180 citizen NOUN NN
## 8181 citizen NOUN NN
## 8182 nation NOUN NN
## 8183 law NOUN NNS
## 8184 word NOUN NN
## 8185 work NOUN NN
## 8186 force NOUN NN
## 8187 employee NOUN NNS
## 8188 day NOUN NN
## 8189 office NOUN NN
## 8190 reason-;a NOUN NN
## 8191 reason NOUN NN
## 8192 work NOUN NN
## 8193 force NOUN NN
## 8194 quality NOUN NN
## 8195 service NOUN NNS
## 8196 example NOUN NN
## 8197 name NOUN NN
## 8198 veteran NOUN NN
## 8199 work NOUN NN
## 8200 blast NOUN NN
## 8201 people NOUN NNS
## 8202 rubble NOUN NN
## 8203 time NOUN NNS
## 8204 life NOUN NNS
## 8205 woman NOUN NNS
## 8206 service NOUN NN
## 8207 heroism NOUN NN
## 8208 story NOUN NN
## 8209 office NOUN NN
## 8210 time NOUN NN
## 8211 recipient NOUN NNS
## 8212 pay NOUN NN
## 8213 behalf NOUN NN
## 8214 family NOUN NN
## 8215 people NOUN NNS
## 8216 day NOUN NN
## 8217 job NOUN NN
## 8218 people NOUN NNS
## 8219 behalf NOUN NN
## 8220 payment NOUN NNS
## 8221 faith NOUN NN
## 8222 credit NOUN NN
## 8223 obligation NOUN NNS
## 8224 nation NOUN NN
## 8225 partisanship NOUN NN
## 8226 extension NOUN NN
## 8227 debt NOUN NN
## 8228 limit NOUN NN
## 8229 people NOUN NNS
## 8230 word NOUN NN
## 8231 evening NOUN NN
## 8232 lot NOUN NN
## 8233 home NOUN NNS
## 8234 school NOUN NNS
## 8235 church NOUN NNS
## 8236 synagogue NOUN NNS
## 8237 group NOUN NNS
## 8238 workplace NOUN NN
## 8239 challenge NOUN NN
## 8240 era NOUN NN
## 8241 era NOUN NN
## 8242 era NOUN NN
## 8243 community NOUN NN
## 8244 team NOUN NN
## 8245 line NOUN NNS
## 8246 division NOUN NN
## 8247 discrimination NOUN NN
## 8248 rancor-;we NOUN NN
## 8249 ground NOUN NN
## 8250 people NOUN NNS
## 8251 teacher NOUN NN
## 8252 school NOUN NN
## 8253 system NOUN NN
## 8254 veteran NOUN NN
## 8255 group NOUN NNS
## 8256 city NOUN NN
## 8257 child NOUN NNS
## 8258 gang NOUN NNS
## 8259 future NOUN NNS
## 8260 police NOUN NN
## 8261 officer NOUN NN
## 8262 citizen NOUN NNS
## 8263 rubble NOUN NN
## 8264 tragedy NOUN NN
## 8265 response NOUN NN
## 8266 atrocity NOUN NN
## 8267 people NOUN NNS
## 8268 sense NOUN NN
## 8269 decency NOUN NN
## 8270 community NOUN NN
## 8271 honor NOUN NN
## 8272 torch NOUN NN
## 8273 journey NOUN NN
## 8274 star NOUN NN
## 8275 athlete NOUN NNS
## 8276 star NOUN NN
## 8277 citizen NOUN NNS
## 8278 community NOUN NN
## 8279 hero NOUN NNS
## 8280 challenge NOUN NNS
## 8281 champion NOUN NNS
## 8282 torch NOUN NN
## 8283 citizenship NOUN NN
## 8284 life NOUN NNS
## 8285 none NOUN NN
## 8286 race NOUN NN
## 8287 destiny NOUN NN
## 8288 hand NOUN NN
## 8289 generation NOUN NN
## 8290 thing NOUN NNS
## 8291 identity NOUN NN
## 8292 point NOUN NN
## 8293 view NOUN NN
## 8294 point NOUN NN
## 8295 planet NOUN NN
## 8296 opinion NOUN NN
## 8297 faith NOUN NN
## 8298 doctrine NOUN NN
## 8299 belief NOUN NN
## 8300 progress NOUN NN
## 8301 love NOUN NN
## 8302 liberty NOUN NN
## 8303 search NOUN NN
## 8304 ground NOUN NN
## 8305 challenge NOUN NN
## 8306 age NOUN NN
## 8307 possibility NOUN NN
## 8308 country NOUN NN
## 8309 nation NOUN NN
## 8310 part NOUN NNS
## 8311 member NOUN NNS
## 8312 guest NOUN NNS
## 8313 thank NOUN NNS
## 8314 challenge NOUN NN
## 8315 peacetime NOUN NN
## 8316 history NOUN NN
## 8317 plan NOUN NN
## 8318 action NOUN NN
## 8319 challenge NOUN NN
## 8320 people NOUN NNS
## 8321 world NOUN NN
## 8322 growth NOUN NN
## 8323 strength NOUN NN
## 8324 economy NOUN NN
## 8325 crime NOUN NN
## 8326 welfare NOUN NN
## 8327 roll NOUN NNS
## 8328 optimism NOUN NN
## 8329 faith NOUN NN
## 8330 difficulty NOUN NN
## 8331 war NOUN NN
## 8332 commerce NOUN NN
## 8333 record NOUN NN
## 8334 level NOUN NNS
## 8335 peace NOUN NN
## 8336 prosperity NOUN NN
## 8337 world NOUN NN
## 8338 fellow NOUN NN
## 8339 state NOUN NN
## 8340 moment NOUN NN
## 8341 nation NOUN NN
## 8342 world NOUN NN
## 8343 promise NOUN NN
## 8344 economy NOUN NN
## 8345 information NOUN NN
## 8346 age NOUN NN
## 8347 work NOUN NN
## 8348 life NOUN NN
## 8349 technology NOUN NN
## 8350 honor NOUN NN
## 8351 challenge NOUN NN
## 8352 shaper NOUN NNS
## 8353 event NOUN NNS
## 8354 observer NOUN NNS
## 8355 moment NOUN NN
## 8356 possibility NOUN NNS
## 8357 future NOUN NN
## 8358 threat NOUN NN
## 8359 enemy NOUN NN
## 8360 enemy NOUN NN
## 8361 time NOUN NN
## 8362 inaction NOUN NN
## 8363 call NOUN NN
## 8364 action NOUN NN
## 8365 action NOUN NN
## 8366 action NOUN NN
## 8367 people NOUN NNS
## 8368 action NOUN NN
## 8369 economy NOUN NN
## 8370 democracy NOUN NN
## 8371 people NOUN NNS
## 8372 action NOUN NN
## 8373 education NOUN NN
## 8374 force NOUN NNS
## 8375 technology NOUN NN
## 8376 science NOUN NN
## 8377 action NOUN NN
## 8378 family NOUN NNS
## 8379 community NOUN NNS
## 8380 environment NOUN NN
## 8381 action NOUN NN
## 8382 world NOUN NN
## 8383 force NOUN NN
## 8384 peace NOUN NN
## 8385 freedom NOUN NN
## 8386 prosperity NOUN NN
## 8387 action NOUN NN
## 8388 home NOUN NN
## 8389 spirit NOUN NN
## 8390 work NOUN NN
## 8391 difference NOUN NN
## 8392 pursuit NOUN NN
## 8393 opportunity NOUN NN
## 8394 responsibility NOUN NN
## 8395 community NOUN NN
## 8396 kind NOUN NN
## 8397 government NOUN NN
## 8398 problem NOUN NNS
## 8399 people NOUN NNS
## 8400 people NOUN NNS
## 8401 tool NOUN NNS
## 8402 life NOUN NNS
## 8403 people NOUN NNS
## 8404 partner NOUN NNS
## 8405 partisan NOUN NNS
## 8406 boat NOUN NN
## 8407 oar NOUN NNS
## 8408 direction NOUN NN
## 8409 business NOUN NN
## 8410 country NOUN NN
## 8411 budget NOUN NN
## 8412 democracy NOUN NN
## 8413 job NOUN NN
## 8414 welfare NOUN NN
## 8415 reform NOUN NN
## 8416 growth NOUN NN
## 8417 people NOUN NNS
## 8418 export NOUN NNS
## 8419 deficit NOUN NNS
## 8420 job NOUN NNS
## 8421 record NOUN NN
## 8422 economy NOUN NN
## 8423 world NOUN NN
## 8424 opportunity NOUN NN
## 8425 budget NOUN NN
## 8426 plan NOUN NN
## 8427 budget NOUN NN
## 8428 plan NOUN NN
## 8429 budget NOUN NN
## 8430 people NOUN NNS
## 8431 education NOUN NN
## 8432 environment NOUN NN
## 8433 budget NOUN NN
## 8434 effort NOUN NNS
## 8435 government NOUN NN
## 8436 budget NOUN NN
## 8437 class NOUN NN
## 8438 tax NOUN NN
## 8439 relief NOUN NN
## 8440 education NOUN NN
## 8441 health NOUN NN
## 8442 care NOUN NN
## 8443 child NOUN NN
## 8444 home NOUN NN
## 8445 budget NOUN NN
## 8446 vote NOUN NN
## 8447 signature NOUN NN
## 8448 budget NOUN NN
## 8449 amendment NOUN NN
## 8450 country NOUN NN
## 8451 time NOUN NN
## 8452 crisis NOUN NN
## 8453 result NOUN NNS
## 8454 judge NOUN NNS
## 8455 check NOUN NNS
## 8456 taxis NOUN NNS
## 8457 measure NOUN NN
## 8458 view NOUN NN
## 8459 amendment NOUN NN
## 8460 action NOUN NN
## 8461 difference NOUN NNS
## 8462 budget NOUN NN
## 8463 term NOUN NN
## 8464 health NOUN NN
## 8465 society NOUN NN
## 8466 process NOUN NN
## 8467 run NOUN NN
## 8468 program NOUN NNS
## 8469 child NOUN NNS
## 8470 parent NOUN NNS
## 8471 script NOUN NN
## 8472 reason NOUN NNS
## 8473 people NOUN NNS
## 8474 term NOUN NN
## 8475 decision NOUN NNS
## 8476 country NOUN NN
## 8477 reason NOUN NN
## 8478 regard NOUN NN
## 8479 party NOUN NN
## 8480 decision NOUN NNS
## 8481 country NOUN NN
## 8482 future NOUN NN
## 8483 piece NOUN NN
## 8484 business NOUN NN
## 8485 eye NOUN NNS
## 8486 campaign NOUN NN
## 8487 finance NOUN NN
## 8488 reform NOUN NN
## 8489 party NOUN NN
## 8490 line NOUN NNS
## 8491 reform NOUN NN
## 8492 proposal NOUN NN
## 8493 spending NOUN NN
## 8494 role NOUN NN
## 8495 interest NOUN NNS
## 8496 playing NOUN NN
## 8497 field NOUN NN
## 8498 challenger NOUN NNS
## 8499 incumbent NOUN NNS
## 8500 contribution NOUN NNS
## 8501 noncitizen NOUN NNS
## 8502 source NOUN NNS
## 8503 money NOUN NN
## 8504 contribution NOUN NNS
## 8505 party NOUN NNS
## 8506 delay NOUN NN
## 8507 death NOUN NN
## 8508 reform NOUN NN
## 8509 deadline NOUN NN
## 8510 campaign NOUN NN
## 8511 finance NOUN NN
## 8512 reform NOUN NN
## 8513 law NOUN NN
## 8514 day NOUN NN
## 8515 birth NOUN NN
## 8516 democracy NOUN NN
## 8517 piece NOUN NN
## 8518 business NOUN NN
## 8519 record NOUN NN
## 8520 people NOUN NNS
## 8521 welfare NOUN NN
## 8522 roll NOUN NNS
## 8523 landmark NOUN NN
## 8524 welfare NOUN NN
## 8525 reform NOUN NN
## 8526 legislation NOUN NN
## 8527 recipient NOUN NNS
## 8528 responsibility NOUN NN
## 8529 welfare NOUN NN
## 8530 responsibility NOUN NN
## 8531 obligation NOUN NN
## 8532 people NOUN NNS
## 8533 goal NOUN NN
## 8534 people NOUN NNS
## 8535 welfare NOUN NN
## 8536 roll NOUN NNS
## 8537 plan NOUN NN
## 8538 tax NOUN NN
## 8539 credit NOUN NNS
## 8540 incentive NOUN NNS
## 8541 business NOUN NNS
## 8542 people NOUN NNS
## 8543 welfare NOUN NN
## 8544 incentive NOUN NNS
## 8545 job NOUN NN
## 8546 placement NOUN NN
## 8547 firm NOUN NNS
## 8548 job NOUN NNS
## 8549 welfare NOUN NN
## 8550 recipient NOUN NNS
## 8551 training NOUN NN
## 8552 transportation NOUN NN
## 8553 child NOUN NN
## 8554 people NOUN NNS
## 8555 work NOUN NN
## 8556 state NOUN NN
## 8557 welfare NOUN NN
## 8558 check NOUN NNS
## 8559 sector NOUN NN
## 8560 paycheck NOUN NNS
## 8561 congregation NOUN NN
## 8562 community NOUN NN
## 8563 nonprofit NOUN NN
## 8564 business NOUN NN
## 8565 welfare NOUN NN
## 8566 employer NOUN NN
## 8567 country NOUN NN
## 8568 welfare NOUN NN
## 8569 system NOUN NN
## 8570 system NOUN NN
## 8571 part NOUN NN
## 8572 welfare NOUN NN
## 8573 chance NOUN NN
## 8574 work NOUN NN
## 8575 tonight NOUN NN
## 8576 corporation NOUN NNS
## 8577 effort NOUN NN
## 8578 business NOUN NNS
## 8579 job NOUN NNS
## 8580 people NOUN NNS
## 8581 welfare NOUN NN
## 8582 welfare NOUN NN
## 8583 reform NOUN NN
## 8584 one NOUN NN
## 8585 conscience NOUN NN
## 8586 job NOUN NN
## 8587 health NOUN NN
## 8588 disability NOUN NN
## 8589 benefit NOUN NNS
## 8590 strike NOUN NNS
## 8591 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 8592 country NOUN NN
## 8593 taxis NOUN NNS
## 8594 law NOUN NN
## 8595 nation NOUN NN
## 8596 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 8597 step NOUN NN
## 8598 threshold NOUN NN
## 8599 future NOUN NN
## 8600 number NOUN NN
## 8601 priority NOUN NN
## 8602 education NOUN NN
## 8603 world NOUN NN
## 8604 goal NOUN NNS
## 8605 internet NOUN NN
## 8606 college NOUN NN
## 8607 adult NOUN NN
## 8608 lifetime NOUN NN
## 8609 budget NOUN NN
## 8610 commitment NOUN NN
## 8611 goal NOUN NNS
## 8612 money NOUN NN
## 8613 plan NOUN NN
## 8614 call NOUN NN
## 8615 action NOUN NN
## 8616 education NOUN NN
## 8617 principle NOUN NNS
## 8618 crusade NOUN NN
## 8619 education NOUN NN
## 8620 standard NOUN NNS
## 8621 standard NOUN NNS
## 8622 standard NOUN NNS
## 8623 student NOUN NNS
## 8624 knowledge NOUN NN
## 8625 economy NOUN NN
## 8626 state NOUN NN
## 8627 school NOUN NN
## 8628 curriculum NOUN NN
## 8629 standard NOUN NNS
## 8630 train NOUN NN
## 8631 teacher NOUN NNS
## 8632 student NOUN NNS
## 8633 school NOUN NNS
## 8634 standard NOUN NNS
## 8635 progress NOUN NN
## 8636 effort NOUN NN
## 8637 test NOUN NNS
## 8638 student NOUN NN
## 8639 achievement NOUN NN
## 8640 reading NOUN NN
## 8641 math NOUN NN
## 8642 challenge NOUN NN
## 8643 state NOUN NN
## 8644 standard NOUN NNS
## 8645 grader NOUN NN
## 8646 reading NOUN NN
## 8647 grader NOUN NN
## 8648 math NOUN NN
## 8649 standard NOUN NNS
## 8650 standard NOUN NNS
## 8651 child NOUN NNS
## 8652 point NOUN NN
## 8653 child NOUN NNS
## 8654 test NOUN NNS
## 8655 help NOUN NN
## 8656 teaching NOUN NN
## 8657 school NOUN NNS
## 8658 promotion NOUN NNS
## 8659 child NOUN NN
## 8660 grade NOUN NN
## 8661 school NOUN NN
## 8662 school NOUN NN
## 8663 grade NOUN NN
## 8664 student NOUN NNS
## 8665 school NOUN NN
## 8666 district NOUN NNS
## 8667 project NOUN NN
## 8668 test NOUN NN
## 8669 world NOUN NN
## 8670 class NOUN NN
## 8671 standard NOUN NNS
## 8672 child NOUN NNS
## 8673 era NOUN NN
## 8674 student NOUN NNS
## 8675 world NOUN NN
## 8676 science NOUN NN
## 8677 math NOUN NN
## 8678 teacher NOUN NN
## 8679 student NOUN NNS
## 8680 world NOUN NN
## 8681 hand NOUN NN
## 8682 school NOUN NNS
## 8683 teacher NOUN NNS
## 8684 help NOUN NN
## 8685 teacher NOUN NNS
## 8686 educator NOUN NNS
## 8687 credential NOUN NNS
## 8688 excellence NOUN NN
## 8689 teaching NOUN NN
## 8690 teacher NOUN NNS
## 8691 budget NOUN NN
## 8692 certification NOUN NN
## 8693 master NOUN NN
## 8694 teacher NOUN NNS
## 8695 teacher NOUN NNS
## 8696 people NOUN NNS
## 8697 teaching NOUN NN
## 8698 career NOUN NN
## 8699 child NOUN NNS
## 8700 initiative NOUN NN
## 8701 citizen NOUN NN
## 8702 army NOUN NN
## 8703 volunteer NOUN NN
## 8704 tutor NOUN NNS
## 8705 child NOUN NN
## 8706 grade NOUN NN
## 8707 volunteer NOUN NNS
## 8708 citizen NOUN NN
## 8709 army NOUN NN
## 8710 college NOUN NN
## 8711 student NOUN NNS
## 8712 college NOUN NN
## 8713 president NOUN NNS
## 8714 call NOUN NN
## 8715 work NOUN NN
## 8716 study NOUN NN
## 8717 student NOUN NNS
## 8718 tutor NOUN NNS
## 8719 challenge NOUN NN
## 8720 teacher NOUN NN
## 8721 principal NOUN NN
## 8722 tutor NOUN NNS
## 8723 student NOUN NNS
## 8724 challenge NOUN NN
## 8725 parent NOUN NNS
## 8726 child NOUN NNS
## 8727 night NOUN NN
## 8728 principle NOUN NN
## 8729 life NOUN NN
## 8730 scientist NOUN NNS
## 8731 child NOUN NNS
## 8732 parent NOUN NNS
## 8733 infant NOUN NNS
## 8734 issue NOUN NN
## 8735 conference NOUN NN
## 8736 learning NOUN NN
## 8737 brain NOUN NN
## 8738 parent NOUN NNS
## 8739 educator NOUN NNS
## 8740 finding NOUN NNS
## 8741 child NOUN NNS
## 8742 school NOUN NN
## 8743 budget NOUN NN
## 8744 child NOUN NNS
## 8745 family NOUN NN
## 8746 conference NOUN NN
## 8747 parent NOUN NNS
## 8748 part NOUN NN
## 8749 child NOUN NNS
## 8750 way NOUN NN
## 8751 school NOUN NN
## 8752 deal NOUN NN
## 8753 importance NOUN NN
## 8754 family NOUN NN
## 8755 life NOUN NN
## 8756 attention NOUN NN
## 8757 parent NOUN NNS
## 8758 child NOUN NNS
## 8759 way NOUN NN
## 8760 school NOUN NN
## 8761 parent NOUN NNS
## 8762 power NOUN NN
## 8763 school NOUN NN
## 8764 child NOUN NNS
## 8765 right NOUN NN
## 8766 competition NOUN NN
## 8767 innovation NOUN NN
## 8768 school NOUN NNS
## 8769 parent NOUN NNS
## 8770 teacher NOUN NNS
## 8771 charter NOUN NN
## 8772 school NOUN NNS
## 8773 school NOUN NNS
## 8774 standard NOUN NNS
## 8775 plan NOUN NN
## 8776 charter NOUN NN
## 8777 school NOUN NNS
## 8778 time NOUN NNS
## 8779 country NOUN NN
## 8780 parent NOUN NNS
## 8781 choice NOUN NNS
## 8782 child NOUN NNS
## 8783 school NOUN NNS
## 8784 character NOUN NN
## 8785 education NOUN NN
## 8786 school NOUN NNS
## 8787 child NOUN NNS
## 8788 citizen NOUN NNS
## 8789 order NOUN NN
## 8790 discipline NOUN NN
## 8791 community NOUN NNS
## 8792 school NOUN NN
## 8793 uniform NOUN NNS
## 8794 curfew NOUN NNS
## 8795 truancy NOUN NN
## 8796 law NOUN NNS
## 8797 student NOUN NNS
## 8798 classroom NOUN NN
## 8799 tolerance NOUN NN
## 8800 gun NOUN NNS
## 8801 drug NOUN NNS
## 8802 school NOUN NN
## 8803 child NOUN NNS
## 8804 school NOUN NNS
## 8805 student NOUN NN
## 8806 population NOUN NN
## 8807 time NOUN NN
## 8808 record NOUN NN
## 8809 number NOUN NNS
## 8810 school NOUN NN
## 8811 building NOUN NNS
## 8812 disrepair NOUN NN
## 8813 concern NOUN NN
## 8814 budget NOUN NN
## 8815 initiative NOUN NN
## 8816 community NOUN NNS
## 8817 school NOUN NN
## 8818 construction NOUN NN
## 8819 education NOUN NN
## 8820 college NOUN NN
## 8821 school NOUN NN
## 8822 education NOUN NN
## 8823 door NOUN NNS
## 8824 college NOUN NN
## 8825 scholarship NOUN NN
## 8826 program NOUN NN
## 8827 tax NOUN NN
## 8828 credit NOUN NN
## 8829 college NOUN NN
## 8830 tuition NOUN NN
## 8831 community NOUN NN
## 8832 college NOUN NN
## 8833 tax NOUN NN
## 8834 deduction NOUN NN
## 8835 year NOUN NN
## 8836 tuition NOUN NN
## 8837 school NOUN NN
## 8838 tax NOUN NN
## 8839 education NOUN NN
## 8840 increase NOUN NN
## 8841 grant NOUN NN
## 8842 scholarship NOUN NNS
## 8843 plan NOUN NN
## 8844 family NOUN NNS
## 8845 ability NOUN NN
## 8846 taxis NOUN NNS
## 8847 money NOUN NN
## 8848 college NOUN NN
## 8849 tuition NOUN NN
## 8850 chance NOUN NN
## 8851 college NOUN NN
## 8852 frontier NOUN NNS
## 8853 lifetime NOUN NN
## 8854 people NOUN NNS
## 8855 age NOUN NN
## 8856 chance NOUN NN
## 8857 skill NOUN NNS
## 8858 community NOUN NN
## 8859 college NOUN NN
## 8860 road NOUN NNS
## 8861 path NOUN NNS
## 8862 future NOUN NN
## 8863 bill NOUN NN
## 8864 worker NOUN NNS
## 8865 tangle NOUN NN
## 8866 training NOUN NN
## 8867 program NOUN NNS
## 8868 skill NOUN NN
## 8869 grant NOUN NN
## 8870 worker NOUN NNS
## 8871 hand NOUN NNS
## 8872 bill NOUN NN
## 8873 desk NOUN NN
## 8874 action NOUN NN
## 8875 worker NOUN NNS
## 8876 ability NOUN NN
## 8877 lifetime NOUN NN
## 8878 tenth NOUN NN
## 8879 power NOUN NN
## 8880 information NOUN NN
## 8881 age NOUN NN
## 8882 school NOUN NNS
## 8883 classroom NOUN NN
## 8884 library NOUN NN
## 8885 internet NOUN NN
## 8886 time NOUN NN
## 8887 history NOUN NN
## 8888 child NOUN NNS
## 8889 town NOUN NNS
## 8890 suburb NOUN NNS
## 8891 city NOUN NN
## 8892 school NOUN NNS
## 8893 access NOUN NN
## 8894 universe NOUN NN
## 8895 knowledge NOUN NN
## 8896 plan NOUN NN
## 8897 call NOUN NN
## 8898 action NOUN NN
## 8899 education NOUN NN
## 8900 kind NOUN NN
## 8901 attention NOUN NN
## 8902 education NOUN NN
## 8903 wife NOUN NN
## 8904 subject NOUN NN
## 8905 proposal NOUN NNS
## 8906 significance NOUN NN
## 8907 endeavor NOUN NN
## 8908 source NOUN NNS
## 8909 strength NOUN NN
## 8910 war NOUN NN
## 8911 policy NOUN NN
## 8912 future NOUN NN
## 8913 stake NOUN NN
## 8914 politic NOUN NNS
## 8915 water NOUN NN
## 8916 edge NOUN NN
## 8917 nation NOUN NN
## 8918 parent NOUN NNS
## 8919 teacher NOUN NNS
## 8920 citizen NOUN NNS
## 8921 commitment NOUN NN
## 8922 education NOUN NN
## 8923 education NOUN NN
## 8924 security NOUN NN
## 8925 issue NOUN NN
## 8926 future NOUN NN
## 8927 politic NOUN NNS
## 8928 schoolhouse NOUN NN
## 8929 door NOUN NN
## 8930 force NOUN NNS
## 8931 science NOUN NN
## 8932 technology NOUN NN
## 8933 video NOUN NN
## 8934 internet NOUN NN
## 8935 benefit NOUN NNS
## 8936 technology NOUN NN
## 8937 revolution NOUN NN
## 8938 birthright NOUN NN
## 8939 citizen NOUN NN
## 8940 effort NOUN NN
## 8941 classroom NOUN NN
## 8942 beginning NOUN NN
## 8943 hospital NOUN NN
## 8944 internet NOUN NN
## 8945 doctor NOUN NNS
## 8946 datum NOUN NNS
## 8947 patient NOUN NNS
## 8948 specialist NOUN NNS
## 8949 field NOUN NN
## 8950 sector NOUN NN
## 8951 child NOUN NNS
## 8952 hospital NOUN NN
## 8953 child NOUN NN
## 8954 bed NOUN NN
## 8955 touch NOUN NN
## 8956 school NOUN NN
## 8957 family NOUN NN
## 8958 friend NOUN NNS
## 8959 child NOUN NN
## 8960 child NOUN NN
## 8961 generation NOUN NN
## 8962 internet NOUN NN
## 8963 university NOUN NNS
## 8964 laboratory NOUN NNS
## 8965 speed NOUN NNS
## 8966 time NOUN NNS
## 8967 treatment NOUN NNS
## 8968 source NOUN NNS
## 8969 energy NOUN NN
## 8970 way NOUN NNS
## 8971 internet NOUN NN
## 8972 town NOUN NN
## 8973 computer NOUN NN
## 8974 home NOUN NN
## 8975 teacher NOUN NN
## 8976 subject NOUN NNS
## 8977 connection NOUN NN
## 8978 culture NOUN NNS
## 8979 dream NOUN NN
## 8980 necessity NOUN NN
## 8981 goal NOUN NN
## 8982 heaven NOUN NNS
## 8983 probe NOUN NNS
## 8984 space NOUN NN
## 8985 station NOUN NN
## 8986 application NOUN NNS
## 8987 living NOUN NN
## 8988 advance NOUN NNS
## 8989 science NOUN NN
## 8990 project NOUN NN
## 8991 mystery NOUN NNS
## 8992 life NOUN NN
## 8993 scientist NOUN NNS
## 8994 gene NOUN NNS
## 8995 breast NOUN NN
## 8996 cancer NOUN NN
## 8997 cancer NOUN NN
## 8998 medication NOUN NN
## 8999 stroke NOUN NN
## 9000 progress NOUN NN
## 9001 effect NOUN NNS
## 9002 treatment NOUN NNS
## 9003 life NOUN NNS
## 9004 people NOUN NNS
## 9005 office NOUN NN
## 9006 funding NOUN NN
## 9007 research NOUN NN
## 9008 resource NOUN NNS
## 9009 discovery NOUN NN
## 9010 engine NOUN NN
## 9011 vaccine NOUN NN
## 9012 scientist NOUN NNS
## 9013 threat NOUN NN
## 9014 year- NOUN NN
## 9015 discovery NOUN NN
## 9016 vaccine NOUN NN
## 9017 life NOUN NNS
## 9018 world NOUN NN
## 9019 commitment NOUN NN
## 9020 science NOUN NN
## 9021 family NOUN NNS
## 9022 family NOUN NN
## 9023 leave NOUN NN
## 9024 law NOUN NN
## 9025 time NOUN NN
## 9026 family NOUN NNS
## 9027 pressure NOUN NNS
## 9028 people NOUN NNS
## 9029 way NOUN NN
## 9030 family NOUN NN
## 9031 worker NOUN NNS
## 9032 time NOUN NN
## 9033 teacher NOUN NN
## 9034 conference NOUN NNS
## 9035 child NOUN NN
## 9036 checkup NOUN NNS
## 9037 flextime NOUN NN
## 9038 worker NOUN NNS
## 9039 overtime NOUN NN
## 9040 income NOUN NN
## 9041 time NOUN NN
## 9042 family NOUN NNS
## 9043 step NOUN NN
## 9044 step NOUN NN
## 9045 family NOUN NNS
## 9046 access NOUN NN
## 9047 quality NOUN NN
## 9048 health NOUN NN
## 9049 care NOUN NN
## 9050 health NOUN NN
## 9051 insurance NOUN NN
## 9052 child NOUN NNS
## 9053 health NOUN NN
## 9054 insurance NOUN NN
## 9055 parent NOUN NNS
## 9056 taxis NOUN NNS
## 9057 budget NOUN NN
## 9058 health NOUN NN
## 9059 coverage NOUN NN
## 9060 child NOUN NNS
## 9061 child NOUN NNS
## 9062 insurance NOUN NN
## 9063 parent NOUN NNS
## 9064 job NOUN NN
## 9065 budget NOUN NN
## 9066 people NOUN NNS
## 9067 job NOUN NNS
## 9068 health NOUN NN
## 9069 insurance NOUN NN
## 9070 child NOUN NN
## 9071 doctor NOUN NN
## 9072 parent NOUN NN
## 9073 job NOUN NN
## 9074 plan NOUN NN
## 9075 life NOUN NN
## 9076 support NOUN NN
## 9077 respite NOUN NN
## 9078 care NOUN NN
## 9079 family NOUN NNS
## 9080 one NOUN NNS
## 9081 time NOUN NN
## 9082 mammogram NOUN NNS
## 9083 drive NOUN NN
## 9084 delivery NOUN NNS
## 9085 baby NOUN NNS
## 9086 practice NOUN NN
## 9087 woman NOUN NNS
## 9088 hospital NOUN NN
## 9089 hour NOUN NNS
## 9090 mastectomy NOUN NN
## 9091 support NOUN NN
## 9092 legislation NOUN NN
## 9093 woman NOUN NN
## 9094 hospital NOUN NN
## 9095 mastectomy NOUN NN
## 9096 surgeon NOUN NN
## 9097 outrage NOUN NN
## 9098 practice NOUN NN
## 9099 movement NOUN NN
## 9100 legislation NOUN NN
## 9101 effort NOUN NNS
## 9102 child NOUN NN
## 9103 support NOUN NN
## 9104 collection NOUN NNS
## 9105 felony NOUN NN
## 9106 parent NOUN NN
## 9107 line NOUN NN
## 9108 attempt NOUN NN
## 9109 obligation NOUN NN
## 9110 child NOUN NNS
## 9111 firm NOUN NN
## 9112 determination NOUN NN
## 9113 advertising NOUN NN
## 9114 marketing NOUN NN
## 9115 cigarette NOUN NNS
## 9116 life NOUN NNS
## 9117 community NOUN NNS
## 9118 street NOUN NNS
## 9119 crime NOUN NN
## 9120 key NOUN NN
## 9121 community NOUN NN
## 9122 job NOUN NN
## 9123 community NOUN NN
## 9124 police NOUN NNS
## 9125 street NOUN NNS
## 9126 victim NOUN NNS
## 9127 right NOUN NNS
## 9128 amendment NOUN NN
## 9129 scale NOUN NN
## 9130 assault NOUN NN
## 9131 crime NOUN NN
## 9132 legislation NOUN NN
## 9133 war NOUN NN
## 9134 gang NOUN NNS
## 9135 prosecutor NOUN NNS
## 9136 penalty NOUN NNS
## 9137 bill NOUN NN
## 9138 teen NOUN NN
## 9139 criminal NOUN NNS
## 9140 handgun NOUN NNS
## 9141 child NOUN NN
## 9142 safety NOUN NN
## 9143 lock NOUN NNS
## 9144 handgun NOUN NNS
## 9145 use NOUN NN
## 9146 school NOUN NNS
## 9147 people NOUN NNS
## 9148 someplace NOUN NN
## 9149 budget NOUN NN
## 9150 antidrug NOUN NN
## 9151 effort NOUN NN
## 9152 drug NOUN NNS
## 9153 source NOUN NN
## 9154 people NOUN NNS
## 9155 drug NOUN NNS
## 9156 drug NOUN NNS
## 9157 drug NOUN NNS
## 9158 economy NOUN NN
## 9159 neighborhood NOUN NNS
## 9160 condition NOUN NNS
## 9161 family NOUN NNS
## 9162 job NOUN NNS
## 9163 investment NOUN NN
## 9164 business NOUN NN
## 9165 loan NOUN NNS
## 9166 bank NOUN NNS
## 9167 number NOUN NN
## 9168 zone NOUN NNS
## 9169 hope NOUN NN
## 9170 community NOUN NNS
## 9171 unemployment NOUN NN
## 9172 rate NOUN NN
## 9173 land NOUN NN
## 9174 building NOUN NNS
## 9175 use NOUN NN
## 9176 network NOUN NN
## 9177 community NOUN NN
## 9178 development NOUN NN
## 9179 bank NOUN NNS
## 9180 approach NOUN NN
## 9181 sector NOUN NN
## 9182 tax NOUN NN
## 9183 incentive NOUN NNS
## 9184 place NOUN NN
## 9185 face NOUN NN
## 9186 world NOUN NN
## 9187 environment NOUN NN
## 9188 community NOUN NN
## 9189 waste NOUN NN
## 9190 site NOUN NNS
## 9191 child NOUN NNS
## 9192 park NOUN NNS
## 9193 poison NOUN NN
## 9194 proposal NOUN NN
## 9195 polluter NOUN NNS
## 9196 rule NOUN NN
## 9197 environment NOUN NN
## 9198 nation NOUN NN
## 9199 food NOUN NN
## 9200 drinking NOUN NN
## 9201 water NOUN NN
## 9202 law NOUN NNS
## 9203 land NOUN NN
## 9204 region NOUN NN
## 9205 park NOUN NNS
## 9206 desert NOUN NN
## 9207 river NOUN NNS
## 9208 land NOUN NNS
## 9209 community NOUN NNS
## 9210 waterfront NOUN NNS
## 9211 pollution NOUN NN
## 9212 river NOUN NNS
## 9213 economy NOUN NN
## 9214 environment NOUN NN
## 9215 environment NOUN NN
## 9216 chemical NOUN NNS
## 9217 greenhouse NOUN NN
## 9218 gas NOUN NNS
## 9219 health NOUN NN
## 9220 climate NOUN NN
## 9221 community NOUN NNS
## 9222 child NOUN NNS
## 9223 home NOUN NNS
## 9224 school NOUN NNS
## 9225 neighborhood NOUN NNS
## 9226 rest NOUN NN
## 9227 child NOUN NNS
## 9228 president NOUN NNS
## 9229 service NOUN NN
## 9230 program NOUN NN
## 9231 people NOUN NNS
## 9232 way NOUN NN
## 9233 college NOUN NN
## 9234 way NOUN NNS
## 9235 citizen NOUN NN
## 9236 service NOUN NN
## 9237 responsibility NOUN NN
## 9238 support NOUN NN
## 9239 endeavor NOUN NN
## 9240 point NOUN NN
## 9241 community NOUN NN
## 9242 economy NOUN NN
## 9243 number NOUN NNS
## 9244 statistic NOUN NNS
## 9245 worth NOUN NN
## 9246 value NOUN NNS
## 9247 spirit NOUN NN
## 9248 effort NOUN NNS
## 9249 art NOUN NNS
## 9250 humanity NOUN NNS
## 9251 artist NOUN NNS
## 9252 musician NOUN NNS
## 9253 writer NOUN NNS
## 9254 museum NOUN NNS
## 9255 library NOUN NNS
## 9256 theater NOUN NNS
## 9257 art NOUN NNS
## 9258 humanity NOUN NNS
## 9259 citizen NOUN NNS
## 9260 celebration NOUN NN
## 9261 spirit NOUN NN
## 9262 community NOUN NN
## 9263 celebration NOUN NN
## 9264 culture NOUN NN
## 9265 one NOUN NN
## 9266 world NOUN NN
## 9267 beacon NOUN NN
## 9268 liberty NOUN NN
## 9269 creativity NOUN NN
## 9270 firework NOUN NNS
## 9271 force NOUN NNS
## 9272 change NOUN NN
## 9273 world NOUN NN
## 9274 leadership NOUN NN
## 9275 time NOUN NN
## 9276 institution NOUN NNS
## 9277 victory NOUN NN
## 9278 world NOUN NN
## 9279 economy NOUN NN
## 9280 result NOUN NN
## 9281 people NOUN NNS
## 9282 ideal NOUN NNS
## 9283 interest NOUN NNS
## 9284 bloc NOUN NNS
## 9285 barrier NOUN NNS
## 9286 parent NOUN NNS
## 9287 world NOUN NN
## 9288 time NOUN NN
## 9289 people NOUN NNS
## 9290 democracy NOUN NN
## 9291 dictatorship NOUN NN
## 9292 nation NOUN NN
## 9293 hemisphere NOUN NN
## 9294 day NOUN NN
## 9295 moment NOUN NN
## 9296 change NOUN NN
## 9297 choice NOUN NN
## 9298 time NOUN NN
## 9299 year NOUN NNS
## 9300 security NOUN NN
## 9301 prosperity NOUN NN
## 9302 endeavor NOUN NN
## 9303 task NOUN NN
## 9304 time NOUN NN
## 9305 peace NOUN NN
## 9306 end NOUN NN
## 9307 country NOUN NNS
## 9308 adversary NOUN NNS
## 9309 ally NOUN NNS
## 9310 summit NOUN NN
## 9311 ally NOUN NNS
## 9312 partnership NOUN NN
## 9313 democracy NOUN NNS
## 9314 future NOUN NN
## 9315 term NOUN NNS
## 9316 term NOUN NNS
## 9317 good NOUN NN
## 9318 kind NOUN NN
## 9319 security NOUN NN
## 9320 war NOUN NNS
## 9321 prosperity NOUN NN
## 9322 job NOUN NNS
## 9323 trade NOUN NN
## 9324 community NOUN NN
## 9325 cooperation NOUN NN
## 9326 conflict NOUN NN
## 9327 progress NOUN NN
## 9328 peril NOUN NN
## 9329 peace NOUN NN
## 9330 talk NOUN NNS
## 9331 divide NOUN NN
## 9332 share NOUN NN
## 9333 agreement NOUN NN
## 9334 weapon NOUN NNS
## 9335 program NOUN NN
## 9336 dialog NOUN NN
## 9337 sake NOUN NN
## 9338 interest NOUN NNS
## 9339 ideal NOUN NNS
## 9340 role NOUN NN
## 9341 world NOUN NN
## 9342 way NOUN NN
## 9343 challenge NOUN NNS
## 9344 testing NOUN NN
## 9345 difference NOUN NNS
## 9346 right NOUN NNS
## 9347 people NOUN NNS
## 9348 economy NOUN NN
## 9349 trade NOUN NN
## 9350 barrier NOUN NNS
## 9351 job NOUN NNS
## 9352 home NOUN NN
## 9353 today NOUN NN
## 9354 nation NOUN NN
## 9355 number NOUN NN
## 9356 exporter NOUN NN
## 9357 world NOUN NN
## 9358 export NOUN NNS
## 9359 region NOUN NNS
## 9360 economy NOUN NNS
## 9361 tie NOUN NNS
## 9362 nation NOUN NNS
## 9363 authority NOUN NN
## 9364 trade NOUN NN
## 9365 agreement NOUN NNS
## 9366 market NOUN NNS
## 9367 good NOUN NNS
## 9368 service NOUN NNS
## 9369 value NOUN NNS
## 9370 challenge NOUN NN
## 9371 economy NOUN NN
## 9372 worker NOUN NNS
## 9373 product NOUN NNS
## 9374 market NOUN NN
## 9375 economic NOUN NNS
## 9376 trade NOUN NN
## 9377 cause NOUN NN
## 9378 freedom NOUN NN
## 9379 democracy NOUN NN
## 9380 world NOUN NN
## 9381 example NOUN NN
## 9382 truth NOUN NN
## 9383 democracy NOUN NN
## 9384 market NOUN NNS
## 9385 march NOUN NN
## 9386 spring NOUN NN
## 9387 tie NOUN NN
## 9388 effort NOUN NN
## 9389 neighbor NOUN NN
## 9390 crisis NOUN NN
## 9391 schedule NOUN NN
## 9392 profit NOUN NN
## 9393 force NOUN NN
## 9394 peace NOUN NN
## 9395 risk NOUN NNS
## 9396 peace NOUN NN
## 9397 conflict NOUN NNS
## 9398 leadership NOUN NN
## 9399 killing NOUN NN
## 9400 habit NOUN NNS
## 9401 peace NOUN NN
## 9402 hold NOUN NN
## 9403 force NOUN NN
## 9404 reconstruction NOUN NN
## 9405 reconciliation NOUN NN
## 9406 support NOUN NN
## 9407 troop NOUN NNS
## 9408 job NOUN NN
## 9409 threat NOUN NNS
## 9410 security NOUN NN
## 9411 way NOUN NN
## 9412 agreement NOUN NN
## 9413 testing NOUN NN
## 9414 arsenal NOUN NNS
## 9415 citizen NOUN NNS
## 9416 material NOUN NNS
## 9417 hand NOUN NNS
## 9418 world NOUN NN
## 9419 landmine NOUN NNS
## 9420 nation NOUN NNS
## 9421 intensity NOUN NN
## 9422 drug NOUN NN
## 9423 trafficker NOUN NNS
## 9424 terrorist NOUN NNS
## 9425 test NOUN NN
## 9426 leadership NOUN NN
## 9427 mistake NOUN NN
## 9428 troop NOUN NNS
## 9429 chemical NOUN NN
## 9430 attack NOUN NN
## 9431 terrorism NOUN NN
## 9432 obligation NOUN NNS
## 9433 wake NOUN NN
## 9434 treaty NOUN NN
## 9435 beginning NOUN NN
## 9436 administration NOUN NNS
## 9437 member NOUN NNS
## 9438 nation NOUN NNS
## 9439 convention NOUN NN
## 9440 force NOUN NN
## 9441 chance NOUN NN
## 9442 effort NOUN NN
## 9443 law NOUN NN
## 9444 poison NOUN NN
## 9445 gas NOUN NN
## 9446 tool NOUN NNS
## 9447 challenge NOUN NNS
## 9448 military NOUN NN
## 9449 funding NOUN NN
## 9450 weapon NOUN NNS
## 9451 modernization NOUN NN
## 9452 care NOUN NN
## 9453 man NOUN NNS
## 9454 woman NOUN NNS
## 9455 uniform NOUN NN
## 9456 world NOUN NN
## 9457 commitment NOUN NN
## 9458 diplomacy NOUN NN
## 9459 debt NOUN NNS
## 9460 due NOUN NNS
## 9461 institution NOUN NNS
## 9462 dollar NOUN NN
## 9463 conflict NOUN NNS
## 9464 democracy NOUN NN
## 9465 spread NOUN NN
## 9466 disease NOUN NN
## 9467 starvation NOUN NN
## 9468 return NOUN NN
## 9469 security NOUN NN
## 9470 saving NOUN NNS
## 9471 affair NOUN NNS
## 9472 spending NOUN NN
## 9473 budget NOUN NN
## 9474 fraction NOUN NN
## 9475 diplomacy NOUN NN
## 9476 leadership NOUN NN
## 9477 escapism NOUN NN
## 9478 start NOUN NN
## 9479 war NOUN NN
## 9480 world NOUN NN
## 9481 will NOUN NN
## 9482 way NOUN NN
## 9483 world NOUN NN
## 9484 place NOUN NN
## 9485 word NOUN NNS
## 9486 ear NOUN NNS
## 9487 world NOUN NN
## 9488 country NOUN NN
## 9489 responsibility NOUN NNS
## 9490 leadership NOUN NN
## 9491 warning NOUN NN
## 9492 peace NOUN NN
## 9493 world NOUN NN
## 9494 welfare NOUN NN
## 9495 nation NOUN NN
## 9496 call NOUN NN
## 9497 commitment NOUN NNS
## 9498 country NOUN NN
## 9499 nation NOUN NN
## 9500 end NOUN NN
## 9501 world NOUN NN
## 9502 leadership NOUN NN
## 9503 power NOUN NN
## 9504 example NOUN NN
## 9505 home NOUN NN
## 9506 ability NOUN NN
## 9507 world NOUN NN
## 9508 people NOUN NNS
## 9509 conflict NOUN NNS
## 9510 fuel NOUN NN
## 9511 fanaticism NOUN NN
## 9512 terror NOUN NN
## 9513 world NOUN NN
## 9514 democracy NOUN NN
## 9515 world NOUN NN
## 9516 kind NOUN NNS
## 9517 difference NOUN NNS
## 9518 nation NOUN NN
## 9519 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 9520 start NOUN NN
## 9521 stream NOUN NN
## 9522 people NOUN NNS
## 9523 search NOUN NN
## 9524 freedom NOUN NN
## 9525 opportunity NOUN NN
## 9526 land NOUN NNS
## 9527 land NOUN NN
## 9528 home NOUN NN
## 9529 experiment NOUN NN
## 9530 democracy NOUN NN
## 9531 experiment NOUN NN
## 9532 diversity NOUN NN
## 9533 openness NOUN NN
## 9534 promise NOUN NN
## 9535 fellow NOUN NN
## 9536 diversity NOUN NN
## 9537 weakness NOUN NN
## 9538 strength NOUN NN
## 9539 language NOUN NN
## 9540 country NOUN NN
## 9541 People NOUN NNS
## 9542 continent NOUN NN
## 9543 reflection NOUN NN
## 9544 potential NOUN NN
## 9545 citizen NOUN NNS
## 9546 background NOUN NN
## 9547 opportunity NOUN NN
## 9548 greatness NOUN NN
## 9549 evidence NOUN NN
## 9550 bigotry NOUN NN
## 9551 intolerance NOUN NN
## 9552 word NOUN NNS
## 9553 violence NOUN NN
## 9554 church NOUN NNS
## 9555 building NOUN NNS
## 9556 country NOUN NN
## 9557 heart NOUN NNS
## 9558 country NOUN NN
## 9559 pastor NOUN NNS
## 9560 foundation NOUN NNS
## 9561 generation NOUN NNS
## 9562 repairer NOUN NN
## 9563 breach NOUN NN
## 9564 restorer NOUN NN
## 9565 path NOUN NNS
## 9566 hand NOUN NN
## 9567 verse NOUN NN
## 9568 oath NOUN NN
## 9569 office NOUN NN
## 9570 behalf NOUN NN
## 9571 difference NOUN NNS
## 9572 faith NOUN NNS
## 9573 background NOUN NNS
## 9574 politic NOUN NNS
## 9575 repairer NOUN NNS
## 9576 breach NOUN NN
## 9577 word NOUN NN
## 9578 family NOUN NN
## 9579 country NOUN NN
## 9580 future NOUN NN
## 9581 service NOUN NN
## 9582 mother NOUN NN
## 9583 sister NOUN NN
## 9584 history NOUN NN
## 9585 country NOUN NN
## 9586 son NOUN NN
## 9587 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 9588 work NOUN NN
## 9589 family NOUN NN
## 9590 value NOUN NNS
## 9591 citizenship NOUN NN
## 9592 future NOUN NN
## 9593 root NOUN NNS
## 9594 life NOUN NNS
## 9595 past NOUN NN
## 9596 future NOUN NN
## 9597 mission NOUN NN
## 9598 foundation NOUN NN
## 9599 generation NOUN NNS
## 9600 strength NOUN NN
## 9601 money NOUN NN
## 9602 power NOUN NN
## 9603 technology NOUN NN
## 9604 spirit NOUN NN
## 9605 place NOUN NN
## 9606 idea NOUN NN
## 9607 idea NOUN NN
## 9608 history NOUN NN
## 9609 nation NOUN NNS
## 9610 bearer NOUN NNS
## 9611 idea NOUN NN
## 9612 people NOUN NNS
## 9613 world NOUN NN
## 9614 child NOUN NN
## 9615 memory NOUN NN
## 9616 child NOUN NN
## 9617 moment NOUN NN
## 9618 day NOUN NNS
## 9619 people NOUN NNS
## 9620 bridge NOUN NN
## 9621 land NOUN NN
## 9622 promise NOUN NN
## 9623 work NOUN NN
## 9624 member NOUN NNS
## 9625 guest NOUN NNS
## 9626 time NOUN NN
## 9627 patriot NOUN NNS
## 9628 servant NOUN NNS
## 9629 side NOUN NNS
## 9630 aisle NOUN NN
## 9631 love NOUN NN
## 9632 commitment NOUN NN
## 9633 life NOUN NNS
## 9634 people NOUN NNS
## 9635 message NOUN NN
## 9636 family NOUN NNS
## 9637 friend NOUN NNS
## 9638 life NOUN NNS
## 9639 thank NOUN NNS
## 9640 service NOUN NN
## 9641 nation NOUN NN
## 9642 duty NOUN NN
## 9643 state NOUN NN
## 9644 work NOUN NN
## 9645 purpose NOUN NN
## 9646 people NOUN NNS
## 9647 time NOUN NNS
## 9648 job NOUN NNS
## 9649 unemployment NOUN NN
## 9650 core NOUN NN
## 9651 inflation NOUN NN
## 9652 income NOUN NNS
## 9653 homeownership NOUN NN
## 9654 history NOUN NN
## 9655 crime NOUN NN
## 9656 welfare NOUN NN
## 9657 roll NOUN NNS
## 9658 level NOUN NNS
## 9659 leadership NOUN NN
## 9660 world NOUN NN
## 9661 lady NOUN NNS
## 9662 gentleman NOUN NNS
## 9663 state NOUN NN
## 9664 time NOUN NN
## 9665 time NOUN NN
## 9666 reach NOUN NN
## 9667 chance NOUN NN
## 9668 work NOUN NN
## 9669 citizen NOUN NN
## 9670 community NOUN NN
## 9671 family NOUN NNS
## 9672 school NOUN NNS
## 9673 people NOUN NNS
## 9674 college NOUN NN
## 9675 scientist NOUN NNS
## 9676 cure NOUN NNS
## 9677 disease NOUN NNS
## 9678 diabetes NOUN NN
## 9679 child NOUN NN
## 9680 hand NOUN NN
## 9681 keyboard NOUN NN
## 9682 book NOUN NN
## 9683 painting NOUN NN
## 9684 symphony NOUN NN
## 9685 government NOUN NN
## 9686 opportunity NOUN NN
## 9687 citizen NOUN NNS
## 9688 responsibility NOUN NN
## 9689 community NOUN NNS
## 9690 world NOUN NN
## 9691 height NOUN NNS
## 9692 peace NOUN NN
## 9693 prosperity NOUN NN
## 9694 child NOUN NNS
## 9695 work NOUN NN
## 9696 hand NOUN NN
## 9697 change NOUN NN
## 9698 way NOUN NNS
## 9699 time NOUN NN
## 9700 gathering NOUN NN
## 9701 force NOUN NN
## 9702 ground NOUN NN
## 9703 foot NOUN NNS
## 9704 information NOUN NN
## 9705 age NOUN NN
## 9706 economy NOUN NN
## 9707 world NOUN NN
## 9708 challenge NOUN NN
## 9709 change NOUN NNS
## 9710 turning NOUN NN
## 9711 point NOUN NN
## 9712 history NOUN NN
## 9713 idea NOUN NN
## 9714 circle NOUN NN
## 9715 opportunity NOUN NN
## 9716 meaning NOUN NN
## 9717 freedom NOUN NN
## 9718 kind NOUN NN
## 9719 information NOUN NN
## 9720 age NOUN NN
## 9721 leadership NOUN NN
## 9722 support NOUN NN
## 9723 government NOUN NN
## 9724 catalyst NOUN NN
## 9725 idea NOUN NNS
## 9726 government NOUN NN
## 9727 people NOUN NNS
## 9728 tool NOUN NNS
## 9729 life NOUN NNS
## 9730 debate NOUN NN
## 9731 government NOUN NN
## 9732 enemy NOUN NN
## 9733 government NOUN NN
## 9734 answer NOUN NN
## 9735 way NOUN NN
## 9736 government NOUN NN
## 9737 government NOUN NN
## 9738 nation NOUN NN
## 9739 economy NOUN NN
## 9740 opportunity NOUN NN
## 9741 society NOUN NN
## 9742 responsibility NOUN NN
## 9743 nation NOUN NN
## 9744 community NOUN NN
## 9745 nation NOUN NN
## 9746 strategy NOUN NN
## 9747 prosperity NOUN NN
## 9748 discipline NOUN NN
## 9749 interest NOUN NN
## 9750 rate NOUN NNS
## 9751 growth NOUN NN
## 9752 investment NOUN NNS
## 9753 education NOUN NN
## 9754 skill NOUN NNS
## 9755 science NOUN NN
## 9756 technology NOUN NN
## 9757 transportation NOUN NN
## 9758 people NOUN NNS
## 9759 economy NOUN NN
## 9760 market NOUN NNS
## 9761 product NOUN NNS
## 9762 worker NOUN NNS
## 9763 office NOUN NN
## 9764 deficit NOUN NN
## 9765 deficit NOUN NN
## 9766 president NOUN NNS
## 9767 damage NOUN NN
## 9768 deficit NOUN NNS
## 9769 nation NOUN NN
## 9770 deficit NOUN NN
## 9771 budget NOUN NN
## 9772 discipline NOUN NN
## 9773 budget NOUN NN
## 9774 schedule NOUN NN
## 9775 sea NOUN NN
## 9776 ink NOUN NN
## 9777 miracle NOUN NN
## 9778 product NOUN NN
## 9779 work NOUN NN
## 9780 people NOUN NNS
## 9781 action NOUN NNS
## 9782 vote NOUN NN
## 9783 cut NOUN NN
## 9784 deficit NOUN NN
## 9785 budget NOUN NN
## 9786 agreement NOUN NN
## 9787 news NOUN NN
## 9788 resolve NOUN NN
## 9789 budget NOUN NNS
## 9790 eye NOUN NN
## 9791 spending NOUN NN
## 9792 tax NOUN NN
## 9793 cut NOUN NNS
## 9794 risk NOUN NN
## 9795 deficit NOUN NN
## 9796 tax NOUN NN
## 9797 cut NOUN NNS
## 9798 class NOUN NN
## 9799 family NOUN NN
## 9800 tax NOUN NN
## 9801 rate NOUN NNS
## 9802 plan NOUN NN
## 9803 budget NOUN NN
## 9804 investment NOUN NNS
## 9805 tax NOUN NN
## 9806 cut NOUN NNS
## 9807 need NOUN NNS
## 9808 family NOUN NNS
## 9809 education NOUN NN
## 9810 child NOUN NN
## 9811 care NOUN NN
## 9812 environment NOUN NN
## 9813 issue NOUN NN
## 9814 tax NOUN NN
## 9815 cut NOUN NNS
## 9816 spending NOUN NN
## 9817 test NOUN NN
## 9818 priority NOUN NNS
## 9819 dime NOUN NN
## 9820 deficit NOUN NN
## 9821 budget NOUN NN
## 9822 surplus NOUN NN
## 9823 surplus NOUN NN
## 9824 word NOUN NN
## 9825 answer NOUN NN
## 9826 tonight NOUN NN
## 9827 surplus-;that NOUN NN
## 9828 measure NOUN NNS
## 9829 system NOUN NN
## 9830 commitment NOUN NN
## 9831 people NOUN NNS
## 9832 discussion NOUN NN
## 9833 issue NOUN NNS
## 9834 consensus NOUN NN
## 9835 forum NOUN NNS
## 9836 region NOUN NN
## 9837 country NOUN NN
## 9838 lawmaker NOUN NNS
## 9839 party NOUN NNS
## 9840 conference NOUN NN
## 9841 leader NOUN NNS
## 9842 legislation NOUN NN
## 9843 landmark NOUN NN
## 9844 generation NOUN NN
## 9845 system NOUN NN
## 9846 economy NOUN NN
## 9847 opportunity NOUN NN
## 9848 reward NOUN NNS
## 9849 prosperity NOUN NN
## 9850 time NOUN NNS
## 9851 step NOUN NN
## 9852 worker NOUN NNS
## 9853 family NOUN NNS
## 9854 minimum NOUN NN
## 9855 wage NOUN NN
## 9856 information NOUN NN
## 9857 age NOUN NN
## 9858 education NOUN NN
## 9859 age NOUN NN
## 9860 education NOUN NN
## 9861 birth NOUN NN
## 9862 lifetime NOUN NN
## 9863 podium NOUN NN
## 9864 education NOUN NN
## 9865 priority NOUN NN
## 9866 plan NOUN NN
## 9867 politic NOUN NNS
## 9868 schoolhouse NOUN NN
## 9869 door NOUN NN
## 9870 party NOUN NN
## 9871 lines- NOUN NN
## 9872 people NOUN NNS
## 9873 education NOUN NN
## 9874 generation NOUN NN
## 9875 school NOUN NN
## 9876 choice NOUN NN
## 9877 way NOUN NN
## 9878 charter NOUN NN
## 9879 school NOUN NNS
## 9880 classroom NOUN NN
## 9881 country NOUN NN
## 9882 information NOUN NN
## 9883 superhighway NOUN NN
## 9884 child NOUN NNS
## 9885 college NOUN NN
## 9886 student NOUN NNS
## 9887 school NOUN NNS
## 9888 grant NOUN NN
## 9889 scholarship NOUN NNS
## 9890 student NOUN NNS
## 9891 student NOUN NN
## 9892 loan NOUN NNS
## 9893 interest NOUN NN
## 9894 family NOUN NNS
## 9895 saving NOUN NNS
## 9896 tax NOUN NN
## 9897 education NOUN NN
## 9898 college NOUN NN
## 9899 family NOUN NNS
## 9900 tax NOUN NN
## 9901 scholarship NOUN NN
## 9902 cost NOUN NN
## 9903 community NOUN NN
## 9904 college NOUN NN
## 9905 tuition NOUN NN
## 9906 graduate NOUN NN
## 9907 school NOUN NN
## 9908 job NOUN NN
## 9909 training NOUN NN
## 9910 lifetime NOUN NN
## 9911 learning NOUN NN
## 9912 credit NOUN NN
## 9913 action NOUN NNS
## 9914 family NOUN NN
## 9915 child NOUN NNS
## 9916 college NOUN NN
## 9917 child NOUN NN
## 9918 family NOUN NN
## 9919 college NOUN NN
## 9920 couple NOUN NN
## 9921 bill NOUN NNS
## 9922 child NOUN NNS
## 9923 college NOUN NN
## 9924 child NOUN NNS
## 9925 college NOUN NN
## 9926 end NOUN NN
## 9927 job NOUN NN
## 9928 class NOUN NNS
## 9929 job NOUN NNS
## 9930 rest NOUN NN
## 9931 life NOUN NN
## 9932 college NOUN NN
## 9933 thing NOUN NNS
## 9934 college NOUN NN
## 9935 school NOUN NN
## 9936 friend NOUN NNS
## 9937 face NOUN NN
## 9938 future NOUN NN
## 9939 door NOUN NNS
## 9940 world NOUN NN
## 9941 system NOUN NN
## 9942 education NOUN NN
## 9943 school NOUN NNS
## 9944 world NOUN NN
## 9945 standard NOUN NNS
## 9946 expectation NOUN NNS
## 9947 accountability NOUN NN
## 9948 thank NOUN NNS
## 9949 action NOUN NNS
## 9950 time NOUN NN
## 9951 test NOUN NN
## 9952 standard NOUN NNS
## 9953 grade NOUN NN
## 9954 reading NOUN NN
## 9955 grade NOUN NN
## 9956 math NOUN NN
## 9957 parent NOUN NNS
## 9958 right NOUN NN
## 9959 child NOUN NNS
## 9960 basic NOUN NNS
## 9961 parent NOUN NN
## 9962 teacher NOUN NNS
## 9963 class NOUN NNS
## 9964 tonight NOUN NN
## 9965 effort NOUN NN
## 9966 class NOUN NN
## 9967 size NOUN NN
## 9968 grade NOUN NNS
## 9969 budget NOUN NN
## 9970 teacher NOUN NNS
## 9971 competency NOUN NN
## 9972 test NOUN NN
## 9973 teachers-;listen-;with NOUN NN
## 9974 teacher NOUN NNS
## 9975 class NOUN NN
## 9976 size NOUN NN
## 9977 grade NOUN NNS
## 9978 average NOUN NN
## 9979 student NOUN NNS
## 9980 class NOUN NN
## 9981 math NOUN NN
## 9982 right NOUN NN
## 9983 teacher NOUN NNS
## 9984 class NOUN NNS
## 9985 classroom NOUN NNS
## 9986 school NOUN NN
## 9987 construction NOUN NN
## 9988 tax NOUN NN
## 9989 cut NOUN NN
## 9990 community NOUN NNS
## 9991 school NOUN NNS
## 9992 accountability NOUN NN
## 9993 child NOUN NN
## 9994 grade NOUN NN
## 9995 grade NOUN NN
## 9996 work NOUN NN
## 9997 child NOUN NN
## 9998 favor NOUN NNS
## 9999 time NOUN NN
## 10000 promotion NOUN NN
## 10001 school NOUN NNS
## 10002 child NOUN NNS
## 10003 promotion NOUN NN
## 10004 school NOUN NN
## 10005 student NOUN NNS
## 10006 community NOUN NNS
## 10007 lead NOUN NN
## 10008 child NOUN NNS
## 10009 tool NOUN NNS
## 10010 effort NOUN NNS
## 10011 college NOUN NNS
## 10012 university NOUN NNS
## 10013 child NOUN NNS
## 10014 grade NOUN NN
## 10015 guidance NOUN NN
## 10016 college NOUN NN
## 10017 economy NOUN NN
## 10018 opportunity NOUN NN
## 10019 home NOUN NN
## 10020 market NOUN NNS
## 10021 world NOUN NN
## 10022 economy NOUN NN
## 10023 way NOUN NN
## 10024 market NOUN NNS
## 10025 trade NOUN NN
## 10026 agreement NOUN NNS
## 10027 barrier NOUN NNS
## 10028 product NOUN NNS
## 10029 stamp NOUN NN
## 10030 export NOUN NNS
## 10031 growth NOUN NN
## 10032 way NOUN NN
## 10033 world NOUN NN
## 10034 view NOUN NNS
## 10035 opportunity NOUN NN
## 10036 opposition NOUN NN
## 10037 trade NOUN NN
## 10038 agreement NOUN NNS
## 10039 opposition NOUN NN
## 10040 fear NOUN NNS
## 10041 trading NOUN NN
## 10042 partner NOUN NNS
## 10043 labor NOUN NN
## 10044 standard NOUN NNS
## 10045 advantage NOUN NN
## 10046 market NOUN NN
## 10047 people NOUN NNS
## 10048 favor NOUN NNS
## 10049 business NOUN NN
## 10050 trade NOUN NN
## 10051 worker NOUN NNS
## 10052 job NOUN NNS
## 10053 worker NOUN NN
## 10054 standard NOUN NNS
## 10055 world NOUN NN
## 10056 part NOUN NN
## 10057 trade NOUN NN
## 10058 agenda NOUN NN
## 10059 country NOUN NNS
## 10060 decision NOUN NNS
## 10061 message NOUN NN
## 10062 trade NOUN NN
## 10063 year NOUN NN
## 10064 legislation NOUN NN
## 10065 nation NOUN NNS
## 10066 labor NOUN NN
## 10067 practice NOUN NN
## 10068 child NOUN NN
## 10069 labor NOUN NN
## 10070 help NOUN NN
## 10071 marketplace NOUN NN
## 10072 march NOUN NN
## 10073 technology NOUN NN
## 10074 trade NOUN NN
## 10075 funding NOUN NN
## 10076 worker NOUN NNS
## 10077 budget NOUN NN
## 10078 funding NOUN NN
## 10079 worker NOUN NNS
## 10080 job NOUN NNS
## 10081 reason NOUN NN
## 10082 community NOUN NNS
## 10083 way NOUN NN
## 10084 base NOUN NN
## 10085 way NOUN NN
## 10086 factory NOUN NN
## 10087 work NOUN NN
## 10088 tangle NOUN NN
## 10089 training NOUN NN
## 10090 program NOUN NNS
## 10091 bill NOUN NN
## 10092 worker NOUN NNS
## 10093 skill NOUN NNS
## 10094 grant NOUN NN
## 10095 people NOUN NNS
## 10096 job NOUN NNS
## 10097 income NOUN NNS
## 10098 future NOUN NNS
## 10099 way NOUN NN
## 10100 life NOUN NN
## 10101 change NOUN NN
## 10102 benefit NOUN NNS
## 10103 picture NOUN NN
## 10104 trade NOUN NN
## 10105 agreement NOUN NNS
## 10106 job NOUN NNS
## 10107 partnership NOUN NNS
## 10108 support NOUN NN
## 10109 request NOUN NN
## 10110 track NOUN NN
## 10111 negotiating NOUN NN
## 10112 authority NOUN NN
## 10113 market NOUN NNS
## 10114 job NOUN NNS
## 10115 way NOUN NNS
## 10116 world NOUN NN
## 10117 economy NOUN NNS
## 10118 crisis NOUN NN
## 10119 economy NOUN NNS
## 10120 problem NOUN NNS
## 10121 country NOUN NNS
## 10122 customer NOUN NNS
## 10123 recession NOUN NN
## 10124 good NOUN NNS
## 10125 competitor NOUN NNS
## 10126 currency NOUN NNS
## 10127 value NOUN NN
## 10128 price NOUN NN
## 10129 good NOUN NNS
## 10130 market NOUN NN
## 10131 other NOUN NNS
## 10132 good NOUN NNS
## 10133 lot NOUN NN
## 10134 people NOUN NNS
## 10135 partner NOUN NNS
## 10136 stability NOUN NN
## 10137 security NOUN NN
## 10138 economy NOUN NN
## 10139 way NOUN NN
## 10140 turmoil NOUN NN
## 10141 impact NOUN NN
## 10142 world NOUN NN
## 10143 economy NOUN NNS
## 10144 impact NOUN NN
## 10145 thing NOUN NN
## 10146 thing NOUN NN
## 10147 world NOUN NN
## 10148 policy NOUN NN
## 10149 nation NOUN NN
## 10150 nation NOUN NNS
## 10151 reform NOUN NN
## 10152 commitment NOUN NN
## 10153 people NOUN NNS
## 10154 storm NOUN NN
## 10155 shore NOUN NNS
## 10156 thunder NOUN NN
## 10157 cloud NOUN NNS
## 10158 nation NOUN NN
## 10159 rock NOUN NN
## 10160 responsibility NOUN NN
## 10161 society NOUN NN
## 10162 responsibility NOUN NN
## 10163 value NOUN NN
## 10164 work NOUN NN
## 10165 welfare NOUN NN
## 10166 fingerpointing NOUN NN
## 10167 failure NOUN NN
## 10168 welfare NOUN NN
## 10169 system NOUN NN
## 10170 welfare NOUN NN
## 10171 check NOUN NNS
## 10172 paycheck NOUN NNS
## 10173 decline NOUN NN
## 10174 welfare NOUN NN
## 10175 roll NOUN NNS
## 10176 nation NOUN NN
## 10177 welfare NOUN NN
## 10178 goal NOUN NN
## 10179 schedule NOUN NN
## 10180 achievement NOUN NN
## 10181 sum NOUN NN
## 10182 act NOUN NNS
## 10183 courage NOUN NN
## 10184 persistence NOUN NN
## 10185 hope NOUN NN
## 10186 welfare NOUN NN
## 10187 van NOUN NN
## 10188 company NOUN NN
## 10189 money NOUN NN
## 10190 family NOUN NN
## 10191 neighborhood NOUN NN
## 10192 welfare NOUN NN
## 10193 recipient NOUN NNS
## 10194 work NOUN NN
## 10195 hero NOUN NNS
## 10196 welfare NOUN NN
## 10197 revolution NOUN NN
## 10198 lot NOUN NN
## 10199 welfare NOUN NN
## 10200 reform NOUN NN
## 10201 success-;providing NOUN NN
## 10202 child NOUN NN
## 10203 care NOUN NN
## 10204 family NOUN NNS
## 10205 job NOUN NNS
## 10206 company NOUN NNS
## 10207 welfare NOUN NN
## 10208 work NOUN NN
## 10209 partnership NOUN NN
## 10210 child NOUN NN
## 10211 support NOUN NN
## 10212 collection NOUN NNS
## 10213 parent NOUN NNS
## 10214 duty NOUN NN
## 10215 child NOUN NNS
## 10216 benefit NOUN NNS
## 10217 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 10218 job NOUN NN
## 10219 family NOUN NNS
## 10220 responsibility NOUN NNS
## 10221 health NOUN NN
## 10222 insurance NOUN NN
## 10223 job NOUN NNS
## 10224 health NOUN NN
## 10225 care NOUN NN
## 10226 child NOUN NNS
## 10227 step NOUN NNS
## 10228 citizen NOUN NNS
## 10229 care NOUN NN
## 10230 plan NOUN NNS
## 10231 plan NOUN NNS
## 10232 money NOUN NN
## 10233 care NOUN NN
## 10234 decision NOUN NNS
## 10235 doctor NOUN NNS
## 10236 insurance NOUN NN
## 10237 company NOUN NN
## 10238 accountant NOUN NNS
## 10239 aisle NOUN NN
## 10240 law NOUN NN
## 10241 consumer NOUN NN
## 10242 bill NOUN NN
## 10243 right NOUN NNS
## 10244 right NOUN NN
## 10245 option NOUN NNS
## 10246 right NOUN NN
## 10247 doctor NOUN NN
## 10248 care NOUN NN
## 10249 right NOUN NN
## 10250 emergency NOUN NN
## 10251 room NOUN NN
## 10252 care NOUN NN
## 10253 right NOUN NN
## 10254 record NOUN NNS
## 10255 care NOUN NN
## 10256 care NOUN NN
## 10257 quality NOUN NN
## 10258 care NOUN NN
## 10259 health NOUN NN
## 10260 insurance NOUN NN
## 10261 coverage NOUN NN
## 10262 spouse NOUN NNS
## 10263 lifetime NOUN NN
## 10264 work NOUN NN
## 10265 system NOUN NN
## 10266 dime NOUN NN
## 10267 deficit NOUN NN
## 10268 peace NOUN NN
## 10269 mind NOUN NN
## 10270 parent NOUN NNS
## 10271 child NOUN NNS
## 10272 health NOUN NN
## 10273 threat NOUN NN
## 10274 epidemic NOUN NN
## 10275 smoking NOUN NN
## 10276 marketing NOUN NN
## 10277 campaign NOUN NNS
## 10278 legislation NOUN NN
## 10279 health NOUN NN
## 10280 tobacco NOUN NN
## 10281 farmer NOUN NNS
## 10282 way NOUN NN
## 10283 tobacco NOUN NN
## 10284 company NOUN NNS
## 10285 business NOUN NN
## 10286 teen NOUN NN
## 10287 smoking NOUN NN
## 10288 price NOUN NN
## 10289 cigarette NOUN NNS
## 10290 dollar NOUN NN
## 10291 pack NOUN NN
## 10292 penalty NOUN NNS
## 10293 tobacco NOUN NN
## 10294 industry NOUN NN
## 10295 child NOUN NNS
## 10296 child NOUN NNS
## 10297 result NOUN NN
## 10298 life NOUN NNS
## 10299 economy NOUN NN
## 10300 parent NOUN NNS
## 10301 struggle NOUN NN
## 10302 obligation NOUN NNS
## 10303 worker NOUN NNS
## 10304 obligation NOUN NNS
## 10305 parent NOUN NNS
## 10306 bill NOUN NN
## 10307 law NOUN NN
## 10308 people NOUN NNS
## 10309 advantage NOUN NN
## 10310 lot NOUN NN
## 10311 country NOUN NN
## 10312 law NOUN NN
## 10313 worker NOUN NNS
## 10314 parent NOUN NNS
## 10315 time NOUN NN
## 10316 child NOUN NNS
## 10317 teacher NOUN NNS
## 10318 doctor NOUN NN
## 10319 child NOUN NN
## 10320 care NOUN NN
## 10321 frontier NOUN NN
## 10322 people NOUN NNS
## 10323 home NOUN NN
## 10324 work NOUN NN
## 10325 expert NOUN NNS
## 10326 corner NOUN NNS
## 10327 message NOUN NN
## 10328 regard NOUN NN
## 10329 region NOUN NN
## 10330 income NOUN NN
## 10331 affiliation NOUN NN
## 10332 quality NOUN NN
## 10333 child NOUN NN
## 10334 care NOUN NN
## 10335 plan NOUN NN
## 10336 family NOUN NNS
## 10337 child NOUN NN
## 10338 care NOUN NN
## 10339 child NOUN NNS
## 10340 scholarship NOUN NNS
## 10341 background NOUN NN
## 10342 check NOUN NNS
## 10343 child NOUN NN
## 10344 care NOUN NN
## 10345 worker NOUN NNS
## 10346 emphasis NOUN NN
## 10347 learning NOUN NN
## 10348 tax NOUN NN
## 10349 credit NOUN NNS
## 10350 business NOUN NNS
## 10351 child NOUN NN
## 10352 care NOUN NN
## 10353 employee NOUN NNS
## 10354 child NOUN NN
## 10355 care NOUN NN
## 10356 tax NOUN NN
## 10357 credit NOUN NN
## 10358 family NOUN NNS
## 10359 plan NOUN NN
## 10360 family NOUN NN
## 10361 income NOUN NN
## 10362 child NOUN NN
## 10363 care NOUN NN
## 10364 cost NOUN NNS
## 10365 income NOUN NN
## 10366 tax NOUN NN
## 10367 issue NOUN NN
## 10368 experience NOUN NN
## 10369 mother NOUN NN
## 10370 widow NOUN NN
## 10371 school NOUN NN
## 10372 education NOUN NN
## 10373 grandparent NOUN NNS
## 10374 care NOUN NN
## 10375 family NOUN NNS
## 10376 opportunity NOUN NN
## 10377 truth NOUN NN
## 10378 answer NOUN NN
## 10379 question NOUN NN
## 10380 answer NOUN NN
## 10381 family NOUN NN
## 10382 job NOUN NN
## 10383 child NOUN NN
## 10384 society NOUN NN
## 10385 responsibility NOUN NN
## 10386 street NOUN NNS
## 10387 school NOUN NNS
## 10388 neighborhood NOUN NNS
## 10389 strategy NOUN NN
## 10390 police NOUN NNS
## 10391 punishment NOUN NN
## 10392 prevention NOUN NN
## 10393 partnership NOUN NNS
## 10394 law NOUN NN
## 10395 enforcement NOUN NN
## 10396 citizen NOUN NN
## 10397 group NOUN NNS
## 10398 rubber NOUN NN
## 10399 road NOUN NN
## 10400 crime NOUN NN
## 10401 robbery NOUN NN
## 10402 assault NOUN NN
## 10403 burglary NOUN NN
## 10404 job NOUN NN
## 10405 police NOUN NNS
## 10406 street NOUN NNS
## 10407 crime NOUN NN
## 10408 bill NOUN NN
## 10409 prosecutor NOUN NNS
## 10410 probation NOUN NN
## 10411 officer NOUN NNS
## 10412 gang NOUN NNS
## 10413 gun NOUN NNS
## 10414 drug NOUN NNS
## 10415 juvenile NOUN NNS
## 10416 gun NOUN NNS
## 10417 life NOUN NN
## 10418 support NOUN NN
## 10419 school NOUN NN
## 10420 program NOUN NNS
## 10421 crime NOUN NN
## 10422 child NOUN NNS
## 10423 trouble NOUN NN
## 10424 place NOUN NN
## 10425 someplace NOUN NN
## 10426 street NOUN NNS
## 10427 drug NOUN NN
## 10428 use NOUN NN
## 10429 decline NOUN NN
## 10430 leadership NOUN NN
## 10431 antidrug NOUN NN
## 10432 budget NOUN NN
## 10433 history NOUN NN
## 10434 groundbreaking NOUN NN
## 10435 effort NOUN NN
## 10436 agent NOUN NNS
## 10437 technology NOUN NNS
## 10438 door NOUN NN
## 10439 drug NOUN NNS
## 10440 border NOUN NNS
## 10441 Police NOUN NNS
## 10442 prosecutor NOUN NNS
## 10443 prevention NOUN NN
## 10444 program NOUN NNS
## 10445 court NOUN NN
## 10446 system NOUN NN
## 10447 number NOUN NNS
## 10448 vacancy NOUN NNS
## 10449 court NOUN NNS
## 10450 vacancy NOUN NNS
## 10451 level NOUN NNS
## 10452 quality NOUN NN
## 10453 justice NOUN NN
## 10454 plea NOUN NN
## 10455 vote NOUN NN
## 10456 nominee NOUN NNS
## 10457 responsibility NOUN NN
## 10458 home NOUN NN
## 10459 world NOUN NN
## 10460 eve NOUN NN
## 10461 power NOUN NN
## 10462 duty NOUN NN
## 10463 era NOUN NN
## 10464 peace NOUN NN
## 10465 security NOUN NN
## 10466 mistake NOUN NN
## 10467 possibility NOUN NNS
## 10468 guarantee NOUN NNS
## 10469 appeal NOUN NNS
## 10470 nationalism NOUN NN
## 10471 axis NOUN NN
## 10472 threat NOUN NNS
## 10473 terrorist NOUN NNS
## 10474 criminal NOUN NNS
## 10475 drug NOUN NN
## 10476 trafficker NOUN NNS
## 10477 predator NOUN NNS
## 10478 technology NOUN NN
## 10479 flow NOUN NN
## 10480 information NOUN NN
## 10481 idea NOUN NNS
## 10482 people NOUN NNS
## 10483 weapon NOUN NNS
## 10484 destruction NOUN NN
## 10485 hand NOUN NNS
## 10486 challenge NOUN NNS
## 10487 rule NOUN NNS
## 10488 road NOUN NN
## 10489 family NOUN NN
## 10490 nation NOUN NNS
## 10491 advice NOUN NN
## 10492 consent NOUN NN
## 10493 member NOUN NNS
## 10494 communism NOUN NN
## 10495 country NOUN NNS
## 10496 democracy NOUN NN
## 10497 ally NOUN NNS
## 10498 member NOUN NNS
## 10499 partner NOUN NNS
## 10500 stronghold NOUN NN
## 10501 peace NOUN NN
## 10502 support NOUN NN
## 10503 troop NOUN NNS
## 10504 mission NOUN NN
## 10505 delegation NOUN NN
## 10506 child NOUN NNS
## 10507 street NOUN NNS
## 10508 sniper NOUN NNS
## 10509 shell NOUN NNS
## 10510 shop NOUN NNS
## 10511 food NOUN NN
## 10512 cafe NOUN NNS
## 10513 conversation NOUN NN
## 10514 progress NOUN NN
## 10515 root NOUN NN
## 10516 peace NOUN NN
## 10517 support NOUN NN
## 10518 troop NOUN NNS
## 10519 mission NOUN NN
## 10520 football NOUN NN
## 10521 game NOUN NN
## 10522 time NOUN NN
## 10523 field NOUN NN
## 10524 victory NOUN NN
## 10525 troop NOUN NNS
## 10526 soldier NOUN NNS
## 10527 father NOUN NN
## 10528 vet NOUN NN
## 10529 college NOUN NN
## 10530 infantry NOUN NN
## 10531 unit NOUN NN
## 10532 mob NOUN NN
## 10533 extremist NOUN NNS
## 10534 radio NOUN NN
## 10535 station NOUN NN
## 10536 voice NOUN NN
## 10537 democracy NOUN NN
## 10538 tolerance NOUN NN
## 10539 world NOUN NN
## 10540 man NOUN NNS
## 10541 woman NOUN NNS
## 10542 uniform NOUN NN
## 10543 mission NOUN NN
## 10544 mission NOUN NN
## 10545 quality NOUN NN
## 10546 life NOUN NN
## 10547 weapon NOUN NNS
## 10548 enemy NOUN NN
## 10549 agenda NOUN NN
## 10550 threat NOUN NN
## 10551 weapon NOUN NNS
## 10552 destruction NOUN NN
## 10553 test NOUN NN
## 10554 ban NOUN NN
## 10555 reach NOUN NN
## 10556 testing NOUN NN
## 10557 development NOUN NN
## 10558 weapon NOUN NNS
## 10559 state NOUN NNS
## 10560 staff-;general NOUN NNS
## 10561 treaty NOUN NN
## 10562 hazard NOUN NNS
## 10563 chemical NOUN NN
## 10564 weapon NOUN NNS
## 10565 outlaw NOUN NN
## 10566 state NOUN NNS
## 10567 terrorist NOUN NNS
## 10568 criminal NOUN NNS
## 10569 part NOUN NN
## 10570 nation NOUN NN
## 10571 wealth NOUN NN
## 10572 people NOUN NNS
## 10573 chemical NOUN NN
## 10574 weapon NOUN NNS
## 10575 missile NOUN NNS
## 10576 weapon NOUN NNS
## 10577 inspector NOUN NNS
## 10578 job NOUN NN
## 10579 finding NOUN NN
## 10580 arsenal NOUN NN
## 10581 mission NOUN NN
## 10582 chamber NOUN NN
## 10583 will NOUN NN
## 10584 world NOUN NN
## 10585 weapon NOUN NNS
## 10586 destruction NOUN NN
## 10587 capacity NOUN NN
## 10588 soldier NOUN NNS
## 10589 citizen NOUN NNS
## 10590 poison NOUN NN
## 10591 gas NOUN NN
## 10592 use NOUN NN
## 10593 disease NOUN NN
## 10594 weapon NOUN NN
## 10595 war NOUN NN
## 10596 terror NOUN NN
## 10597 effect NOUN NN
## 10598 rule NOUN NNS
## 10599 enforcement NOUN NN
## 10600 inspection NOUN NN
## 10601 system NOUN NN
## 10602 cheating NOUN NN
## 10603 security NOUN NN
## 10604 strategy NOUN NN
## 10605 ally NOUN NNS
## 10606 partner NOUN NNS
## 10607 peace NOUN NN
## 10608 time NOUN NN
## 10609 debt NOUN NN
## 10610 nation NOUN NNS
## 10611 goal NOUN NNS
## 10612 example NOUN NN
## 10613 ally NOUN NNS
## 10614 goal NOUN NNS
## 10615 burden NOUN NNS
## 10616 era NOUN NN
## 10617 freedom NOUN NN
## 10618 independence NOUN NN
## 10619 interdependence NOUN NN
## 10620 nation NOUN NNS
## 10621 part NOUN NN
## 10622 founder NOUN NNS
## 10623 course NOUN NN
## 10624 journey NOUN NN
## 10625 community NOUN NN
## 10626 government NOUN NN
## 10627 instrument NOUN NN
## 10628 community NOUN NN
## 10629 election NOUN NNS
## 10630 fundraising NOUN NN
## 10631 arm NOUN NNS
## 10632 race NOUN NN
## 10633 campaign NOUN NN
## 10634 finance NOUN NN
## 10635 reform NOUN NN
## 10636 vote NOUN NN
## 10637 vote NOUN NN
## 10638 money NOUN NN
## 10639 status NOUN NN
## 10640 quo NOUN NN
## 10641 democracy NOUN NN
## 10642 campaign NOUN NN
## 10643 finance NOUN NN
## 10644 reform NOUN NN
## 10645 reason NOUN NN
## 10646 explosion NOUN NN
## 10647 campaign NOUN NN
## 10648 cost NOUN NNS
## 10649 cost NOUN NN
## 10650 medium NOUN NNS
## 10651 advertising NOUN NN
## 10652 point NOUN NN
## 10653 audience NOUN NN
## 10654 member NOUN NNS
## 10655 folk NOUN NNS
## 10656 home NOUN NN
## 10657 groan NOUN NNS
## 10658 pain NOUN NN
## 10659 audience NOUN NN
## 10660 cost NOUN NN
## 10661 television NOUN NN
## 10662 time NOUN NN
## 10663 candidate NOUN NNS
## 10664 spending NOUN NN
## 10665 limit NOUN NNS
## 10666 airwave NOUN NNS
## 10667 trust NOUN NN
## 10668 broadcaster NOUN NNS
## 10669 effort NOUN NN
## 10670 democracy NOUN NN
## 10671 leadership NOUN NN
## 10672 payroll NOUN NN
## 10673 worker NOUN NNS
## 10674 page NOUN NNS
## 10675 regulation NOUN NN
## 10676 program NOUN NNS
## 10677 operation NOUN NNS
## 10678 agency NOUN NN
## 10679 taxpayer NOUN NN
## 10680 report NOUN NNS
## 10681 abuse NOUN NNS
## 10682 change NOUN NNS
## 10683 advocacy NOUN NN
## 10684 panel NOUN NNS
## 10685 taxpayer NOUN NN
## 10686 advocate NOUN NN
## 10687 phone NOUN NN
## 10688 line NOUN NNS
## 10689 day NOUN NN
## 10690 relief NOUN NN
## 10691 taxpayer NOUN NNS
## 10692 margin NOUN NN
## 10693 reform NOUN NNS
## 10694 bill NOUN NN
## 10695 package NOUN NN
## 10696 order NOUN NN
## 10697 business NOUN NN
## 10698 goodness NOUN NN
## 10699 trouble NOUN NN
## 10700 nation NOUN NN
## 10701 community NOUN NN
## 10702 community NOUN NNS
## 10703 spark NOUN NN
## 10704 enterprise NOUN NN
## 10705 city NOUN NN
## 10706 area NOUN NNS
## 10707 community NOUN NN
## 10708 development NOUN NN
## 10709 bank NOUN NNS
## 10710 loan NOUN NNS
## 10711 neighborhood NOUN NNS
## 10712 cleanup NOUN NN
## 10713 site NOUN NNS
## 10714 development NOUN NN
## 10715 leadership NOUN NN
## 10716 number NOUN NN
## 10717 zone NOUN NNS
## 10718 business NOUN NN
## 10719 incentive NOUN NNS
## 10720 area NOUN NNS
## 10721 family NOUN NNS
## 10722 help NOUN NN
## 10723 home NOUN NNS
## 10724 tax NOUN NN
## 10725 cut NOUN NNS
## 10726 construction NOUN NN
## 10727 income NOUN NN
## 10728 housing NOUN NN
## 10729 action NOUN NN
## 10730 resolve NOUN NN
## 10731 city NOUN NN
## 10732 city NOUN NNS
## 10733 hub NOUN NNS
## 10734 area NOUN NNS
## 10735 gateway NOUN NNS
## 10736 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 10737 continent NOUN NN
## 10738 dream NOUN NNS
## 10739 city NOUN NNS
## 10740 part NOUN NN
## 10741 future NOUN NN
## 10742 community NOUN NNS
## 10743 air NOUN NN
## 10744 child NOUN NNS
## 10745 water NOUN NN
## 10746 place NOUN NN
## 10747 control NOUN NNS
## 10748 smog NOUN NN
## 10749 soot NOUN NN
## 10750 everglade NOUN NNS
## 10751 community NOUN NN
## 10752 right NOUN NN
## 10753 toxin NOUN NNS
## 10754 child NOUN NNS
## 10755 food NOUN NN
## 10756 safety NOUN NN
## 10757 plan NOUN NN
## 10758 effect NOUN NN
## 10759 science NOUN NN
## 10760 consumer NOUN NNS
## 10761 danger NOUN NNS
## 10762 coli NOUN NN
## 10763 salmonella NOUN NN
## 10764 tonight NOUN NN
## 10765 water NOUN NN
## 10766 effort NOUN NN
## 10767 river NOUN NNS
## 10768 lake NOUN NNS
## 10769 water NOUN NNS
## 10770 child NOUN NNS
## 10771 challenge NOUN NN
## 10772 problem NOUN NN
## 10773 climate NOUN NN
## 10774 change NOUN NN
## 10775 warming NOUN NN
## 10776 gathering NOUN NN
## 10777 crisis NOUN NN
## 10778 action NOUN NN
## 10779 majority NOUN NN
## 10780 scientist NOUN NNS
## 10781 emission NOUN NN
## 10782 greenhouse NOUN NN
## 10783 gas NOUN NNS
## 10784 point NOUN NN
## 10785 climate NOUN NN
## 10786 child NOUN NNS
## 10787 grandchild NOUN NNS
## 10788 risk NOUN NN
## 10789 world NOUN NN
## 10790 agreement NOUN NN
## 10791 nation NOUN NN
## 10792 greenhouse NOUN NN
## 10793 gas NOUN NN
## 10794 emission NOUN NNS
## 10795 market NOUN NN
## 10796 force NOUN NNS
## 10797 technology NOUN NNS
## 10798 energy NOUN NN
## 10799 efficiency NOUN NN
## 10800 power NOUN NN
## 10801 tax NOUN NN
## 10802 cut NOUN NNS
## 10803 research NOUN NN
## 10804 development NOUN NN
## 10805 innovation NOUN NN
## 10806 energy NOUN NN
## 10807 fuel NOUN NN
## 10808 car NOUN NNS
## 10809 energy NOUN NN
## 10810 home NOUN NNS
## 10811 time NOUN NN
## 10812 environment NOUN NN
## 10813 pessimist NOUN NNS
## 10814 economy NOUN NN
## 10815 economy NOUN NN
## 10816 generation NOUN NN
## 10817 environment NOUN NN
## 10818 generation NOUN NN
## 10819 way NOUN NN
## 10820 environment NOUN NN
## 10821 economy NOUN NN
## 10822 time NOUN NN
## 10823 warming NOUN NN
## 10824 community NOUN NN
## 10825 value NOUN NN
## 10826 ideal NOUN NN
## 10827 world NOUN NN
## 10828 history NOUN NN
## 10829 ideal NOUN NN
## 10830 difference NOUN NNS
## 10831 day NOUN NN
## 10832 generation NOUN NN
## 10833 nation NOUN NN
## 10834 answer NOUN NN
## 10835 difference NOUN NNS
## 10836 value NOUN NNS
## 10837 family NOUN NN
## 10838 faith NOUN NN
## 10839 freedom NOUN NN
## 10840 responsibility NOUN NN
## 10841 child NOUN NNS
## 10842 world NOUN NN
## 10843 talent NOUN NNS
## 10844 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 10845 initiative NOUN NN
## 10846 race NOUN NN
## 10847 interest NOUN NNS
## 10848 opportunity NOUN NN
## 10849 gap NOUN NNS
## 10850 discrimination NOUN NN
## 10851 law NOUN NNS
## 10852 help NOUN NN
## 10853 backlog NOUN NN
## 10854 citizen NOUN NNS
## 10855 line NOUN NN
## 10856 justice NOUN NN
## 10857 wait NOUN NN
## 10858 progress NOUN NN
## 10859 progress NOUN NN
## 10860 regard NOUN NN
## 10861 race NOUN NN
## 10862 door NOUN NNS
## 10863 college NOUN NN
## 10864 street NOUN NNS
## 10865 crime NOUN NN
## 10866 job NOUN NNS
## 10867 people NOUN NNS
## 10868 neighborhood NOUN NNS
## 10869 parent NOUN NNS
## 10870 child NOUN NN
## 10871 care NOUN NN
## 10872 nation NOUN NN
## 10873 government NOUN NN
## 10874 challenge NOUN NN
## 10875 citizen NOUN NNS
## 10876 home NOUN NN
## 10877 watching NOUN NN
## 10878 cause NOUN NN
## 10879 forge NOUN NN
## 10880 enterprise NOUN NN
## 10881 background NOUN NNS
## 10882 identity NOUN NN
## 10883 military NOUN NN
## 10884 people NOUN NNS
## 10885 race NOUN NNS
## 10886 background NOUN NNS
## 10887 endeavor NOUN NN
## 10888 chance NOUN NN
## 10889 value NOUN NNS
## 10890 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 10891 communication NOUN NN
## 10892 citizen NOUN NN
## 10893 people NOUN NNS
## 10894 freedom NOUN NN
## 10895 respect NOUN NN
## 10896 spirit NOUN NN
## 10897 eye NOUN NNS
## 10898 passage NOUN NN
## 10899 creativity NOUN NN
## 10900 innovation NOUN NN
## 10901 heritage NOUN NN
## 10902 culture NOUN NN
## 10903 culture NOUN NN
## 10904 community NOUN NN
## 10905 community NOUN NN
## 10906 place NOUN NNS
## 10907 value NOUN NN
## 10908 story NOUN NNS
## 10909 partnership NOUN NN
## 10910 art NOUN NNS
## 10911 humanity NOUN NNS
## 10912 treasure NOUN NNS
## 10913 past NOUN NN
## 10914 future NOUN NN
## 10915 store NOUN NN
## 10916 knowledge NOUN NN
## 10917 scientist NOUN NNS
## 10918 gene NOUN NN
## 10919 fibrosis NOUN NN
## 10920 scientist NOUN NNS
## 10921 gene NOUN NN
## 10922 disease NOUN NN
## 10923 gene NOUN NN
## 10924 chip NOUN NNS
## 10925 roadmap NOUN NN
## 10926 prevention NOUN NN
## 10927 illness NOUN NNS
## 10928 lifetime NOUN NN
## 10929 phone NOUN NN
## 10930 call NOUN NNS
## 10931 day NOUN NN
## 10932 strand NOUN NN
## 10933 fiber NOUN NN
## 10934 width NOUN NN
## 10935 hair NOUN NN
## 10936 child NOUN NN
## 10937 part NOUN NN
## 10938 gift NOUN NN
## 10939 research NOUN NN
## 10940 fund NOUN NN
## 10941 inquiry NOUN NN
## 10942 funding NOUN NN
## 10943 increase NOUN NN
## 10944 history NOUN NN
## 10945 gene NOUN NNS
## 10946 breast NOUN NN
## 10947 cancer NOUN NN
## 10948 diabetes NOUN NN
## 10949 initiative NOUN NN
## 10950 our NOUN NNS
## 10951 generation NOUN NN
## 10952 war NOUN NN
## 10953 cancer NOUN NN
## 10954 revolution NOUN NN
## 10955 fight NOUN NN
## 10956 disease NOUN NNS
## 10957 progress NOUN NN
## 10958 science NOUN NN
## 10959 humanity NOUN NN
## 10960 way NOUN NN
## 10961 misuse NOUN NN
## 10962 test NOUN NNS
## 10963 consensus NOUN NN
## 10964 community NOUN NNS
## 10965 cloning NOUN NN
## 10966 being NOUN NNS
## 10967 world NOUN NN
## 10968 people NOUN NNS
## 10969 reach NOUN NNS
## 10970 cyberspace NOUN NN
## 10971 time NOUN NN
## 10972 speech NOUN NN
## 10973 handful NOUN NN
## 10974 physicist NOUN NNS
## 10975 handful NOUN NN
## 10976 people NOUN NNS
## 10977 school NOUN NNS
## 10978 library NOUN NNS
## 10979 home NOUN NNS
## 10980 business NOUN NNS
## 10981 net NOUN NN
## 10982 day NOUN NN
## 10983 parent NOUN NNS
## 10984 tool NOUN NNS
## 10985 child NOUN NNS
## 10986 material NOUN NN
## 10987 internet NOUN NN
## 10988 potential NOUN NN
## 10989 internet NOUN NN
## 10990 kind NOUN NNS
## 10991 thing NOUN NNS
## 10992 kid NOUN NNS
## 10993 thing NOUN NN
## 10994 support NOUN NN
## 10995 generation NOUN NN
## 10996 internet NOUN NN
## 10997 generation NOUN NN
## 10998 internet NOUN NN
## 10999 speed NOUN NNS
## 11000 time NOUN NNS
## 11001 space NOUN NN
## 11002 frontier NOUN NNS
## 11003 space NOUN NN
## 11004 history NOUN NN
## 11005 humankind NOUN NN
## 11006 place NOUN NN
## 11007 home NOUN NN
## 11008 planet NOUN NN
## 11009 man NOUN NNS
## 11010 woman NOUN NNS
## 11011 country NOUN NNS
## 11012 foothold NOUN NN
## 11013 heaven NOUN NNS
## 11014 space NOUN NN
## 11015 station NOUN NN
## 11016 expanse NOUN NNS
## 11017 scientist NOUN NNS
## 11018 engineer NOUN NNS
## 11019 sail NOUN NN
## 11020 sea NOUN NN
## 11021 mystery NOUN NN
## 11022 potential NOUN NN
## 11023 hero NOUN NN
## 11024 pilot NOUN NN
## 11025 combat NOUN NN
## 11026 mission NOUN NNS
## 11027 space NOUN NN
## 11028 flight NOUN NN
## 11029 world NOUN NN
## 11030 heaven NOUN NNS
## 11031 hope NOUN NNS
## 11032 uniform NOUN NN
## 11033 flag NOUN NN
## 11034 connection NOUN NN
## 11035 deed NOUN NNS
## 11036 past NOUN NN
## 11037 daring NOUN NN
## 11038 future NOUN NN
## 11039 flag NOUN NN
## 11040 stripe NOUN NNS
## 11041 star NOUN NNS
## 11042 smoke NOUN NN
## 11043 battle NOUN NN
## 11044 word NOUN NNS
## 11045 back NOUN NN
## 11046 envelope NOUN NN
## 11047 word NOUN NNS
## 11048 anthem NOUN NN
## 11049 display NOUN NN
## 11050 walk NOUN NN
## 11051 treasure NOUN NNS
## 11052 age NOUN NNS
## 11053 project NOUN NN
## 11054 treasure NOUN NNS
## 11055 generation NOUN NNS
## 11056 image NOUN NNS
## 11057 word NOUN NNS
## 11058 glory NOUN NN
## 11059 age NOUN NN
## 11060 challenge NOUN NN
## 11061 people NOUN NNS
## 11062 work NOUN NNS
## 11063 possibility NOUN NNS
## 11064 wisdom NOUN NN
## 11065 strength NOUN NN
## 11066 nation NOUN NN
## 11067 circle NOUN NN
## 11068 opportunity NOUN NN
## 11069 meaning NOUN NN
## 11070 freedom NOUN NN
## 11071 gift NOUN NN
## 11072 guest NOUN NNS
## 11073 honor NOUN NN
## 11074 invitation NOUN NN
## 11075 guest NOUN NNS
## 11076 gallery NOUN NN
## 11077 widow NOUN NNS
## 11078 police NOUN NN
## 11079 officer NOUN NNS
## 11080 life NOUN NNS
## 11081 freedom NOUN NN
## 11082 house NOUN NN
## 11083 swearing NOUN NN
## 11084 spirit NOUN NN
## 11085 civility NOUN NN
## 11086 bipartisanship NOUN NN
## 11087 tonight NOUN NN
## 11088 peacetime NOUN NN
## 11089 expansion NOUN NN
## 11090 history NOUN NN
## 11091 job NOUN NNS
## 11092 wage NOUN NNS
## 11093 rate NOUN NN
## 11094 inflation NOUN NN
## 11095 homeownership NOUN NN
## 11096 history NOUN NN
## 11097 welfare NOUN NN
## 11098 roll NOUN NNS
## 11099 peacetime NOUN NN
## 11100 unemployment NOUN NN
## 11101 time NOUN NN
## 11102 budget NOUN NN
## 11103 deficit NOUN NN
## 11104 surplus NOUN NN
## 11105 course NOUN NN
## 11106 budget NOUN NN
## 11107 surplus NOUN NNS
## 11108 thank NOUN NNS
## 11109 leadership NOUN NN
## 11110 crime NOUN NN
## 11111 rate NOUN NN
## 11112 environment NOUN NN
## 11113 force NOUN NN
## 11114 peace NOUN NN
## 11115 thank NOUN NNS
## 11116 leadership NOUN NN
## 11117 government NOUN NN
## 11118 information NOUN NN
## 11119 age NOUN NN
## 11120 government NOUN NN
## 11121 instrument NOUN NN
## 11122 value NOUN NNS
## 11123 opportunity NOUN NN
## 11124 responsibility NOUN NN
## 11125 community NOUN NN
## 11126 responsibility NOUN NN
## 11127 people NOUN NNS
## 11128 tool NOUN NNS
## 11129 life NOUN NNS
## 11130 century-;a NOUN NN
## 11131 century NOUN NN
## 11132 government NOUN NN
## 11133 fellow NOUN NN
## 11134 state NOUN NN
## 11135 promise NOUN NN
## 11136 future NOUN NN
## 11137 promise NOUN NN
## 11138 hum NOUN NN
## 11139 prosperity NOUN NN
## 11140 complacency NOUN NN
## 11141 nation NOUN NN
## 11142 nation NOUN NN
## 11143 budget NOUN NN
## 11144 surplus NOUN NN
## 11145 growing NOUN NN
## 11146 economy NOUN NN
## 11147 confidence NOUN NN
## 11148 moment NOUN NN
## 11149 generation NOUN NN
## 11150 responsibility NOUN NN
## 11151 discipline NOUN NN
## 11152 opportunity NOUN NN
## 11153 challenge NOUN NN
## 11154 aging NOUN NN
## 11155 number NOUN NN
## 11156 baby NOUN NN
## 11157 boom NOUN NN
## 11158 boom NOUN NN
## 11159 woman NOUN NN
## 11160 terror NOUN NN
## 11161 age NOUN NN
## 11162 poverty NOUN NN
## 11163 today NOUN NN
## 11164 payroll NOUN NN
## 11165 taxis NOUN NNS
## 11166 payment NOUN NNS
## 11167 benefit NOUN NNS
## 11168 way NOUN NN
## 11169 guarantee NOUN NN
## 11170 cut NOUN NNS
## 11171 benefit NOUN NNS
## 11172 payroll NOUN NN
## 11173 tax NOUN NN
## 11174 rate NOUN NNS
## 11175 resource NOUN NNS
## 11176 name NOUN NN
## 11177 decision NOUN NN
## 11178 surplus NOUN NN
## 11179 budget NOUN NN
## 11180 surplus NOUN NN
## 11181 portion NOUN NN
## 11182 sector NOUN NN
## 11183 pension NOUN NN
## 11184 return NOUN NN
## 11185 sound NOUN NN
## 11186 sound NOUN NN
## 11187 footing NOUN NN
## 11188 poverty NOUN NN
## 11189 woman NOUN NNS
## 11190 senior NOUN NNS
## 11191 limit NOUN NNS
## 11192 senior NOUN NNS
## 11193 change NOUN NNS
## 11194 choice NOUN NNS
## 11195 dedication NOUN NN
## 11196 surplus NOUN NN
## 11197 basis NOUN NN
## 11198 hand NOUN NN
## 11199 party NOUN NNS
## 11200 people NOUN NNS
## 11201 surplus NOUN NN
## 11202 thing NOUN NNS
## 11203 obligation NOUN NN
## 11204 life NOUN NN
## 11205 surplus NOUN NN
## 11206 soundness NOUN NN
## 11207 way NOUN NN
## 11208 idea NOUN NNS
## 11209 report NOUN NN
## 11210 need NOUN NN
## 11211 senior NOUN NNS
## 11212 prescription NOUN NN
## 11213 drug NOUN NNS
## 11214 job NOUN NN
## 11215 wealth NOUN NN
## 11216 beginning NOUN NN
## 11217 pension NOUN NNS
## 11218 saving NOUN NNS
## 11219 people NOUN NNS
## 11220 addition NOUN NN
## 11221 pension NOUN NN
## 11222 initiative NOUN NN
## 11223 retirement NOUN NN
## 11224 security NOUN NN
## 11225 surplus NOUN NN
## 11226 saving NOUN NNS
## 11227 accounts-;to NOUN NNS
## 11228 mean NOUN NNS
## 11229 account NOUN NNS
## 11230 fund NOUN NNS
## 11231 portion NOUN NN
## 11232 saving NOUN NNS
## 11233 help NOUN NN
## 11234 account NOUN NNS
## 11235 nation NOUN NN
## 11236 wealth NOUN NN
## 11237 retirement NOUN NN
## 11238 term NOUN NN
## 11239 care NOUN NN
## 11240 tax NOUN NN
## 11241 credit NOUN NN
## 11242 family NOUN NNS
## 11243 term NOUN NN
## 11244 care NOUN NN
## 11245 challenge NOUN NN
## 11246 aging NOUN NN
## 11247 family NOUN NNS
## 11248 baby NOUN NN
## 11249 boom NOUN NN
## 11250 concern NOUN NNS
## 11251 generation NOUN NN
## 11252 determination NOUN NN
## 11253 place NOUN NN
## 11254 burden NOUN NN
## 11255 child NOUN NNS
## 11256 ability NOUN NN
## 11257 grandchild NOUN NNS
## 11258 success NOUN NN
## 11259 discipline NOUN NN
## 11260 opportunity NOUN NN
## 11261 burden NOUN NN
## 11262 shoulder NOUN NNS
## 11263 account NOUN NNS
## 11264 way NOUN NN
## 11265 surplus NOUN NN
## 11266 so-;if NOUN NN
## 11267 resource NOUN NNS
## 11268 need NOUN NNS
## 11269 education NOUN NN
## 11270 defense NOUN NN
## 11271 proposal NOUN NN
## 11272 surplus NOUN NN
## 11273 saving NOUN NN
## 11274 level NOUN NN
## 11275 debt NOUN NN
## 11276 account NOUN NNS
## 11277 term NOUN NN
## 11278 generation NOUN NN
## 11279 responsibility NOUN NN
## 11280 security NOUN NN
## 11281 senior NOUN NNS
## 11282 child NOUN NNS
## 11283 background NOUN NNS
## 11284 school NOUN NNS
## 11285 time NOUN NN
## 11286 history NOUN NN
## 11287 education NOUN NN
## 11288 knowledge NOUN NN
## 11289 creativity NOUN NN
## 11290 nation NOUN NN
## 11291 economy NOUN NN
## 11292 today NOUN NN
## 11293 tax NOUN NN
## 11294 credit NOUN NNS
## 11295 student NOUN NN
## 11296 loan NOUN NNS
## 11297 work NOUN NN
## 11298 study NOUN NN
## 11299 grant NOUN NNS
## 11300 grant NOUN NNS
## 11301 education NOUN NN
## 11302 scholarship NOUN NN
## 11303 tax NOUN NN
## 11304 cut NOUN NN
## 11305 door NOUN NNS
## 11306 college NOUN NN
## 11307 support NOUN NN
## 11308 standard NOUN NNS
## 11309 school NOUN NNS
## 11310 test NOUN NN
## 11311 progress NOUN NN
## 11312 student NOUN NNS
## 11313 discount NOUN NNS
## 11314 way NOUN NN
## 11315 goal NOUN NN
## 11316 classroom NOUN NN
## 11317 library NOUN NN
## 11318 internet NOUN NN
## 11319 proposal NOUN NN
## 11320 teacher NOUN NNS
## 11321 class NOUN NN
## 11322 size NOUN NN
## 11323 grade NOUN NNS
## 11324 job NOUN NN
## 11325 child NOUN NNS
## 11326 score NOUN NNS
## 11327 math NOUN NN
## 11328 score NOUN NNS
## 11329 grade NOUN NNS
## 11330 problem NOUN NN
## 11331 grader NOUN NNS
## 11332 peer NOUN NNS
## 11333 country NOUN NNS
## 11334 math NOUN NN
## 11335 science NOUN NN
## 11336 grader NOUN NNS
## 11337 grader NOUN NNS
## 11338 bottom NOUN NN
## 11339 school NOUN NNS
## 11340 way NOUN NN
## 11341 money NOUN NN
## 11342 plan NOUN NN
## 11343 time NOUN NN
## 11344 school NOUN NN
## 11345 district NOUN NNS
## 11346 progress NOUN NN
## 11347 result NOUN NNS
## 11348 school NOUN NN
## 11349 district NOUN NN
## 11350 help NOUN NN
## 11351 step NOUN NNS
## 11352 school NOUN NNS
## 11353 promotion NOUN NN
## 11354 child NOUN NN
## 11355 school NOUN NN
## 11356 diploma NOUN NN
## 11357 child NOUN NNS
## 11358 grade NOUN NN
## 11359 grade NOUN NN
## 11360 material NOUN NN
## 11361 student NOUN NNS
## 11362 system NOUN NN
## 11363 budget NOUN NN
## 11364 funding NOUN NN
## 11365 school NOUN NN
## 11366 school NOUN NN
## 11367 program NOUN NNS
## 11368 child NOUN NNS
## 11369 promotion NOUN NN
## 11370 school NOUN NN
## 11371 mandatory NOUN NN
## 11372 basic NOUN NNS
## 11373 reading NOUN NN
## 11374 score NOUN NNS
## 11375 gain NOUN NNS
## 11376 neighborhood NOUN NNS
## 11377 school NOUN NN
## 11378 district NOUN NNS
## 11379 school NOUN NNS
## 11380 policy NOUN NN
## 11381 gain NOUN NNS
## 11382 test NOUN NN
## 11383 score NOUN NNS
## 11384 budget NOUN NN
## 11385 school NOUN NNS
## 11386 school NOUN NN
## 11387 district NOUN NNS
## 11388 quality NOUN NN
## 11389 teacher NOUN NNS
## 11390 majority NOUN NN
## 11391 teacher NOUN NNS
## 11392 job NOUN NN
## 11393 school NOUN NNS
## 11394 teacher NOUN NNS
## 11395 college NOUN NN
## 11396 major NOUN NNS
## 11397 minor NOUN NNS
## 11398 subject NOUN NNS
## 11399 teacher NOUN NNS
## 11400 performance NOUN NN
## 11401 exam NOUN NNS
## 11402 teacher NOUN NNS
## 11403 subject NOUN NNS
## 11404 budget NOUN NN
## 11405 resource NOUN NNS
## 11406 standard NOUN NNS
## 11407 teacher NOUN NNS
## 11408 assignment NOUN NNS
## 11409 increase NOUN NN
## 11410 program NOUN NN
## 11411 college NOUN NN
## 11412 scholarship NOUN NNS
## 11413 student NOUN NNS
## 11414 city NOUN NNS
## 11415 area NOUN NNS
## 11416 community NOUN NNS
## 11417 excellence NOUN NN
## 11418 part NOUN NN
## 11419 parent NOUN NNS
## 11420 information NOUN NN
## 11421 choice NOUN NNS
## 11422 community NOUN NNS
## 11423 information NOUN NN
## 11424 quality NOUN NN
## 11425 restaurant NOUN NNS
## 11426 quality NOUN NN
## 11427 school NOUN NNS
## 11428 school NOUN NN
## 11429 district NOUN NN
## 11430 report NOUN NN
## 11431 card NOUN NNS
## 11432 school NOUN NN
## 11433 parent NOUN NNS
## 11434 choice NOUN NNS
## 11435 school NOUN NN
## 11436 charter NOUN NN
## 11437 school NOUN NN
## 11438 support NOUN NN
## 11439 basis NOUN NN
## 11440 budget NOUN NN
## 11441 classroom NOUN NNS
## 11442 place NOUN NNS
## 11443 learning NOUN NN
## 11444 teacher NOUN NNS
## 11445 school NOUN NN
## 11446 district NOUN NNS
## 11447 discipline NOUN NN
## 11448 policy NOUN NNS
## 11449 thing NOUN NN
## 11450 child NOUN NNS
## 11451 school NOUN NNS
## 11452 student NOUN NNS
## 11453 trailer NOUN NNS
## 11454 opportunity NOUN NN
## 11455 child NOUN NNS
## 11456 school NOUN NNS
## 11457 opportunity NOUN NN
## 11458 community NOUN NNS
## 11459 school NOUN NNS
## 11460 promotion NOUN NN
## 11461 school NOUN NNS
## 11462 one NOUN NNS
## 11463 teacher NOUN NNS
## 11464 innovation NOUN NN
## 11465 competition NOUN NN
## 11466 generation NOUN NN
## 11467 responsibility NOUN NN
## 11468 school NOUN NNS
## 11469 parent NOUN NNS
## 11470 day NOUN NN
## 11471 home NOUN NN
## 11472 work NOUN NN
## 11473 tool NOUN NN
## 11474 income NOUN NN
## 11475 minimum NOUN NN
## 11476 wage NOUN NN
## 11477 dollar NOUN NN
## 11478 hour NOUN NN
## 11479 woman NOUN NNS
## 11480 man NOUN NNS
## 11481 pay NOUN NN
## 11482 work NOUN NN
## 11483 enforcement NOUN NN
## 11484 pay NOUN NN
## 11485 law NOUN NNS
## 11486 laughter NOUN NN
## 11487 balance NOUN NN
## 11488 seesaw NOUN NN
## 11489 hand NOUN NN
## 11490 parent NOUN NNS
## 11491 quality NOUN NN
## 11492 child NOUN NN
## 11493 care NOUN NN
## 11494 plan NOUN NN
## 11495 tax NOUN NN
## 11496 credit NOUN NNS
## 11497 subsidy NOUN NNS
## 11498 family NOUN NNS
## 11499 safety NOUN NN
## 11500 quality NOUN NN
## 11501 school NOUN NN
## 11502 program NOUN NNS
## 11503 plan NOUN NN
## 11504 tax NOUN NN
## 11505 credit NOUN NN
## 11506 home NOUN NN
## 11507 parent NOUN NNS
## 11508 support NOUN NN
## 11509 parent NOUN NNS
## 11510 child NOUN NNS
## 11511 work NOUN NN
## 11512 bill NOUN NN
## 11513 law NOUN NN
## 11514 baby NOUN NN
## 11515 relative NOUN NN
## 11516 job NOUN NNS
## 11517 time NOUN NN
## 11518 evidence NOUN NN
## 11519 employer NOUN NNS
## 11520 family NOUN NN
## 11521 company NOUN NNS
## 11522 matter NOUN NN
## 11523 work NOUN NN
## 11524 parent NOUN NNS
## 11525 discrimination NOUN NN
## 11526 workplace NOUN NN
## 11527 company NOUN NNS
## 11528 worker NOUN NNS
## 11529 child NOUN NNS
## 11530 family NOUN NNS
## 11531 world NOUN NN
## 11532 care NOUN NN
## 11533 thank NOUN NNS
## 11534 support NOUN NN
## 11535 research NOUN NN
## 11536 verge NOUN NN
## 11537 treatment NOUN NNS
## 11538 delay NOUN NN
## 11539 disease NOUN NNS
## 11540 arthritis NOUN NN
## 11541 cancer NOUN NN
## 11542 advance NOUN NNS
## 11543 science NOUN NN
## 11544 system NOUN NN
## 11545 care NOUN NN
## 11546 medicine NOUN NN
## 11547 cost NOUN NNS
## 11548 quality NOUN NN
## 11549 right NOUN NN
## 11550 option NOUN NNS
## 11551 specialist NOUN NN
## 11552 right NOUN NN
## 11553 right NOUN NN
## 11554 emergency NOUN NN
## 11555 care NOUN NN
## 11556 accident NOUN NN
## 11557 thing NOUN NNS
## 11558 right NOUN NN
## 11559 doctor NOUN NN
## 11560 period NOUN NN
## 11561 treatment NOUN NN
## 11562 pregnancy NOUN NN
## 11563 chemotherapy NOUN NN
## 11564 treatment NOUN NN
## 11565 right NOUN NNS
## 11566 health NOUN NN
## 11567 program NOUN NNS
## 11568 patient NOUN NNS
## 11569 opportunity NOUN NN
## 11570 opportunity NOUN NN
## 11571 sake NOUN NN
## 11572 family NOUN NNS
## 11573 party NOUN NN
## 11574 line NOUN NNS
## 11575 patient NOUN NNS
## 11576 record NOUN NNS
## 11577 threat NOUN NNS
## 11578 privacy NOUN NN
## 11579 increase NOUN NN
## 11580 authority NOUN NN
## 11581 way NOUN NN
## 11582 people NOUN NNS
## 11583 privacy NOUN NN
## 11584 record NOUN NNS
## 11585 health NOUN NN
## 11586 coverage NOUN NN
## 11587 child NOUN NNS
## 11588 business NOUN NNS
## 11589 health NOUN NN
## 11590 insurance NOUN NN
## 11591 people NOUN NNS
## 11592 health NOUN NN
## 11593 insurance NOUN NN
## 11594 chance NOUN NN
## 11595 access NOUN NN
## 11596 family NOUN NN
## 11597 planning NOUN NN
## 11598 one NOUN NN
## 11599 health NOUN NN
## 11600 care NOUN NN
## 11601 job NOUN NN
## 11602 hand NOUN NNS
## 11603 landmark NOUN NN
## 11604 legislation NOUN NN
## 11605 people NOUN NNS
## 11606 disability NOUN NNS
## 11607 health NOUN NN
## 11608 insurance NOUN NN
## 11609 work NOUN NN
## 11610 hospital NOUN NNS
## 11611 community NOUN NN
## 11612 university NOUN NN
## 11613 health NOUN NN
## 11614 center NOUN NNS
## 11615 care NOUN NN
## 11616 family NOUN NNS
## 11617 insurance NOUN NN
## 11618 lot NOUN NN
## 11619 budget NOUN NN
## 11620 downpayment NOUN NN
## 11621 goal NOUN NN
## 11622 provision NOUN NN
## 11623 effort NOUN NNS
## 11624 illness NOUN NN
## 11625 address NOUN NN
## 11626 disease NOUN NN
## 11627 sensitivity NOUN NN
## 11628 commitment NOUN NN
## 11629 passion NOUN NN
## 11630 effort NOUN NNS
## 11631 child NOUN NNS
## 11632 target NOUN NNS
## 11633 medium NOUN NNS
## 11634 campaign NOUN NN
## 11635 cigarette NOUN NNS
## 11636 tobacco NOUN NN
## 11637 lobby NOUN NN
## 11638 authority NOUN NN
## 11639 child NOUN NNS
## 11640 tobacco NOUN NN
## 11641 tobacco NOUN NN
## 11642 company NOUN NNS
## 11643 tobacco NOUN NN
## 11644 farmer NOUN NNS
## 11645 smoking NOUN NN
## 11646 taxpayer NOUN NNS
## 11647 program NOUN NNS
## 11648 taxpayer NOUN NNS
## 11649 cost NOUN NN
## 11650 lung NOUN NN
## 11651 cancer NOUN NN
## 11652 illness NOUN NNS
## 11653 tobacco NOUN NN
## 11654 company NOUN NNS
## 11655 litigation NOUN NN
## 11656 plan NOUN NN
## 11657 tobacco NOUN NN
## 11658 company NOUN NNS
## 11659 court NOUN NN
## 11660 fund NOUN NNS
## 11661 wage NOUN NN
## 11662 family NOUN NN
## 11663 leave NOUN NN
## 11664 child NOUN NN
## 11665 care NOUN NN
## 11666 health NOUN NN
## 11667 care NOUN NN
## 11668 safety NOUN NN
## 11669 children-;then NOUN NN
## 11670 generation NOUN NN
## 11671 responsibility NOUN NN
## 11672 family NOUN NNS
## 11673 today NOUN NN
## 11674 job NOUN NN
## 11675 economy NOUN NN
## 11676 history NOUN NN
## 11677 economy NOUN NN
## 11678 today NOUN NN
## 11679 income NOUN NN
## 11680 gap NOUN NN
## 11681 skill NOUN NNS
## 11682 gap NOUN NN
## 11683 law NOUN NN
## 11684 worker NOUN NNS
## 11685 skill NOUN NNS
## 11686 grant NOUN NN
## 11687 training NOUN NN
## 11688 part NOUN NN
## 11689 commitment NOUN NN
## 11690 system NOUN NN
## 11691 training NOUN NN
## 11692 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 11693 job NOUN NNS
## 11694 response NOUN NN
## 11695 team NOUN NNS
## 11696 town NOUN NNS
## 11697 business NOUN NNS
## 11698 support NOUN NN
## 11699 increase NOUN NN
## 11700 support NOUN NN
## 11701 adult NOUN NN
## 11702 literacy NOUN NN
## 11703 campaign NOUN NN
## 11704 people NOUN NNS
## 11705 grade NOUN NN
## 11706 level NOUN NN
## 11707 news NOUN NN
## 11708 welfare NOUN NN
## 11709 roll NOUN NNS
## 11710 podium NOUN NN
## 11711 company NOUN NNS
## 11712 effort NOUN NN
## 11713 people NOUN NNS
## 11714 welfare NOUN NN
## 11715 company NOUN NNS
## 11716 people NOUN NNS
## 11717 budget NOUN NN
## 11718 people NOUN NNS
## 11719 dignity NOUN NN
## 11720 pride NOUN NN
## 11721 work NOUN NN
## 11722 spark NOUN NN
## 11723 enterprise NOUN NN
## 11724 corner NOUN NN
## 11725 bridge NOUN NN
## 11726 community NOUN NNS
## 11727 support NOUN NN
## 11728 community NOUN NN
## 11729 development NOUN NN
## 11730 bank NOUN NNS
## 11731 zone NOUN NNS
## 11732 voucher NOUN NNS
## 11733 housing NOUN NN
## 11734 plan NOUN NN
## 11735 business NOUN NNS
## 11736 sector NOUN NN
## 11737 capital NOUN NN
## 11738 job NOUN NNS
## 11739 opportunity NOUN NNS
## 11740 city NOUN NNS
## 11741 area NOUN NNS
## 11742 tax NOUN NN
## 11743 credit NOUN NNS
## 11744 loan NOUN NN
## 11745 guarantee NOUN NNS
## 11746 market NOUN NNS
## 11747 market NOUN NNS
## 11748 home NOUN NN
## 11749 prosperity NOUN NN
## 11750 family NOUN NN
## 11751 farm NOUN NN
## 11752 price NOUN NNS
## 11753 loss NOUN NN
## 11754 market NOUN NNS
## 11755 family NOUN NN
## 11756 farm NOUN NNS
## 11757 assistance NOUN NN
## 11758 disaster NOUN NN
## 11759 agriculture NOUN NN
## 11760 lawmaker NOUN NNS
## 11761 party NOUN NNS
## 11762 farm NOUN NN
## 11763 safety NOUN NN
## 11764 net NOUN NN
## 11765 crop NOUN NN
## 11766 insurance NOUN NN
## 11767 reform NOUN NN
## 11768 farm NOUN NN
## 11769 income NOUN NN
## 11770 assistance NOUN NN
## 11771 issue NOUN NN
## 11772 problem NOUN NN
## 11773 mean NOUN NNS
## 11774 lead NOUN NN
## 11775 technology NOUN NN
## 11776 government NOUN NN
## 11777 investment NOUN NN
## 11778 creation NOUN NN
## 11779 internet NOUN NN
## 11780 increase NOUN NN
## 11781 term NOUN NN
## 11782 research NOUN NN
## 11783 moment NOUN NN
## 11784 computer NOUN NN
## 11785 problem NOUN NN
## 11786 ratio NOUN NN
## 11787 home NOUN NN
## 11788 front NOUN NN
## 11789 television NOUN NN
## 11790 set NOUN NNS
## 11791 problem NOUN NN
## 11792 check NOUN NNS
## 11793 time NOUN NN
## 11794 folk NOUN NNS
## 11795 home NOUN NN
## 11796 government NOUN NN
## 11797 business NOUN NN
## 11798 computer NOUN NN
## 11799 bug NOUN NN
## 11800 headache NOUN NN
## 11801 crisis NOUN NN
## 11802 prosperity NOUN NN
## 11803 growth NOUN NN
## 11804 third NOUN NN
## 11805 growth NOUN NN
## 11806 export NOUN NNS
## 11807 turmoil NOUN NN
## 11808 growth NOUN NN
## 11809 risk NOUN NN
## 11810 world NOUN NN
## 11811 recession NOUN NN
## 11812 crisis NOUN NN
## 11813 nation NOUN NNS
## 11814 interest NOUN NN
## 11815 rate NOUN NNS
## 11816 turmoil NOUN NN
## 11817 nation NOUN NNS
## 11818 time NOUN NN
## 11819 term NOUN NN
## 11820 project NOUN NN
## 11821 system NOUN NN
## 11822 prosperity NOUN NN
## 11823 cycle NOUN NN
## 11824 boom NOUN NN
## 11825 bust NOUN NN
## 11826 world NOUN NN
## 11827 leader NOUN NNS
## 11828 purpose NOUN NN
## 11829 endeavor NOUN NNS
## 11830 trading NOUN NN
## 11831 system NOUN NN
## 11832 party NOUN NNS
## 11833 trade NOUN NN
## 11834 ground NOUN NN
## 11835 business NOUN NN
## 11836 worker NOUN NNS
## 11837 environmentalist NOUN NNS
## 11838 farmer NOUN NNS
## 11839 thing NOUN NNS
## 11840 barrier NOUN NNS
## 11841 market NOUN NNS
## 11842 trade NOUN NN
## 11843 time NOUN NN
## 11844 citizen NOUN NNS
## 11845 country NOUN NNS
## 11846 trade NOUN NN
## 11847 trade NOUN NN
## 11848 dignity NOUN NN
## 11849 work NOUN NN
## 11850 right NOUN NNS
## 11851 worker NOUN NNS
## 11852 environment NOUN NN
## 11853 trade NOUN NN
## 11854 organization NOUN NNS
## 11855 scrutiny NOUN NN
## 11856 thing NOUN NNS
## 11857 criticism NOUN NN
## 11858 world NOUN NN
## 11859 economy NOUN NN
## 11860 world NOUN NN
## 11861 part NOUN NN
## 11862 home NOUN NN
## 11863 face NOUN NN
## 11864 economy NOUN NN
## 11865 trade NOUN NN
## 11866 law NOUN NNS
## 11867 import NOUN NNS
## 11868 nation NOUN NN
## 11869 nation NOUN NN
## 11870 surge NOUN NN
## 11871 steel NOUN NN
## 11872 import NOUN NNS
## 11873 country NOUN NN
## 11874 manufacturer NOUN NNS
## 11875 crisis NOUN NN
## 11876 loan NOUN NN
## 11877 guarantee NOUN NNS
## 11878 incentive NOUN NNS
## 11879 export NOUN NNS
## 11880 consensus NOUN NN
## 11881 trade NOUN NN
## 11882 principle NOUN NNS
## 11883 approach NOUN NN
## 11884 trade NOUN NN
## 11885 authority NOUN NN
## 11886 prosperity NOUN NN
## 11887 tonight NOUN NN
## 11888 call NOUN NN
## 11889 nation NOUN NNS
## 11890 world NOUN NN
## 11891 round NOUN NN
## 11892 trade NOUN NN
## 11893 negotiation NOUN NNS
## 11894 export NOUN NNS
## 11895 service NOUN NNS
## 11896 manufacture NOUN NNS
## 11897 farm NOUN NN
## 11898 product NOUN NNS
## 11899 initiative NOUN NN
## 11900 labor NOUN NN
## 11901 standard NOUN NNS
## 11902 world NOUN NN
## 11903 community NOUN NN
## 11904 treaty NOUN NN
## 11905 child NOUN NN
## 11906 labor NOUN NN
## 11907 world NOUN NN
## 11908 people NOUN NNS
## 11909 community NOUN NNS
## 11910 technology NOUN NN
## 11911 responsibility NOUN NN
## 11912 prosperity NOUN NN
## 11913 nation NOUN NN
## 11914 history NOUN NN
## 11915 opportunity NOUN NN
## 11916 responsibility NOUN NN
## 11917 world NOUN NN
## 11918 leadership NOUN NN
## 11919 peace NOUN NN
## 11920 leadership NOUN NN
## 11921 path NOUN NN
## 11922 peace NOUN NN
## 11923 ally NOUN NNS
## 11924 repression NOUN NN
## 11925 justice NOUN NN
## 11926 people NOUN NNS
## 11927 self NOUN NN
## 11928 government NOUN NN
## 11929 leadership NOUN NN
## 11930 hope NOUN NN
## 11931 peace NOUN NN
## 11932 call NOUN NN
## 11933 destruction NOUN NN
## 11934 resource NOUN NNS
## 11935 party NOUN NNS
## 11936 agreement NOUN NN
## 11937 security NOUN NN
## 11938 economy NOUN NN
## 11939 friend NOUN NNS
## 11940 peace NOUN NN
## 11941 threat NOUN NNS
## 11942 nation NOUN NN
## 11943 security NOUN NN
## 11944 danger NOUN NNS
## 11945 outlaw NOUN NN
## 11946 nation NOUN NNS
## 11947 terrorism NOUN NN
## 11948 security NOUN NN
## 11949 network NOUN NN
## 11950 terror NOUN NN
## 11951 bombing NOUN NN
## 11952 risk NOUN NNS
## 11953 day NOUN NN
## 11954 world NOUN NN
## 11955 support NOUN NN
## 11956 workplace NOUN NNS
## 11957 resource NOUN NNS
## 11958 terrorist NOUN NNS
## 11959 computer NOUN NN
## 11960 network NOUN NNS
## 11961 community NOUN NNS
## 11962 emergency NOUN NNS
## 11963 research NOUN NN
## 11964 vaccine NOUN NNS
## 11965 treatment NOUN NNS
## 11966 effort NOUN NNS
## 11967 spread NOUN NN
## 11968 weapon NOUN NNS
## 11969 missile NOUN NNS
## 11970 work NOUN NN
## 11971 nation NOUN NNS
## 11972 material NOUN NNS
## 11973 technology NOUN NN
## 11974 hand NOUN NNS
## 11975 budget NOUN NN
## 11976 funding NOUN NN
## 11977 effort NOUN NNS
## 11978 arsenal NOUN NNS
## 11979 treaty NOUN NN
## 11980 framework NOUN NN
## 11981 war NOUN NN
## 11982 height NOUN NN
## 11983 thing NOUN NN
## 11984 nation NOUN NNS
## 11985 step NOUN NN
## 11986 treaty NOUN NN
## 11987 nation NOUN NNS
## 11988 arm NOUN NNS
## 11989 testing NOUN NN
## 11990 obligation NOUN NNS
## 11991 weapon NOUN NNS
## 11992 terror NOUN NN
## 11993 missile NOUN NNS
## 11994 people NOUN NNS
## 11995 action NOUN NN
## 11996 troop NOUN NNS
## 11997 mission NOUN NN
## 11998 bravery NOUN NN
## 11999 skill NOUN NN
## 12000 veteran NOUN NN
## 12001 bomber NOUN NN
## 12002 war NOUN NN
## 12003 machine NOUN NN
## 12004 man NOUN NNS
## 12005 woman NOUN NNS
## 12006 time NOUN NN
## 12007 decline NOUN NN
## 12008 defense NOUN NN
## 12009 spending NOUN NN
## 12010 readiness NOUN NN
## 12011 budget NOUN NN
## 12012 increase NOUN NN
## 12013 readiness NOUN NN
## 12014 modernization NOUN NN
## 12015 pay NOUN NN
## 12016 benefit NOUN NNS
## 12017 troop NOUN NNS
## 12018 family NOUN NNS
## 12019 heir NOUN NNS
## 12020 legacy NOUN NN
## 12021 bravery NOUN NN
## 12022 community NOUN NN
## 12023 veteran NOUN NNS
## 12024 defender NOUN NNS
## 12025 moment NOUN NN
## 12026 notice NOUN NN
## 12027 comfort NOUN NNS
## 12028 danger NOUN NNS
## 12029 one NOUN NN
## 12030 century NOUN NN
## 12031 partnership NOUN NNS
## 12032 peace NOUN NN
## 12033 security NOUN NN
## 12034 role NOUN NN
## 12035 ally NOUN NNS
## 12036 burden NOUN NNS
## 12037 due NOUN NNS
## 12038 debt NOUN NNS
## 12039 security NOUN NN
## 12040 stability NOUN NN
## 12041 mission NOUN NNS
## 12042 alliance NOUN NN
## 12043 ally NOUN NNS
## 12044 leader NOUN NNS
## 12045 people NOUN NNS
## 12046 stability NOUN NN
## 12047 expense NOUN NN
## 12048 liberty NOUN NN
## 12049 people NOUN NNS
## 12050 world NOUN NN
## 12051 world NOUN NN
## 12052 change NOUN NN
## 12053 freedom NOUN NN
## 12054 democracy NOUN NN
## 12055 reform NOUN NN
## 12056 violence NOUN NN
## 12057 disease NOUN NN
## 12058 democracy NOUN NN
## 12059 peace NOUN NN
## 12060 transition NOUN NN
## 12061 democracy NOUN NN
## 12062 place NOUN NN
## 12063 tie NOUN NNS
## 12064 work NOUN NN
## 12065 child NOUN NNS
## 12066 drug NOUN NNS
## 12067 democracy NOUN NN
## 12068 trade NOUN NN
## 12069 hemisphere NOUN NN
## 12070 government NOUN NN
## 12071 people NOUN NNS
## 12072 blessing NOUN NNS
## 12073 liberty NOUN NN
## 12074 people NOUN NNS
## 12075 heart NOUN NNS
## 12076 arm NOUN NNS
## 12077 neighbor NOUN NNS
## 12078 hurricane NOUN NNS
## 12079 region NOUN NN
## 12080 troop NOUN NNS
## 12081 volunteer NOUN NNS
## 12082 hospital NOUN NN
## 12083 side NOUN NN
## 12084 side NOUN NN
## 12085 relief NOUN NN
## 12086 effort NOUN NNS
## 12087 sport NOUN NNS
## 12088 record NOUN NNS
## 12089 people NOUN NNS
## 12090 life NOUN NNS
## 12091 child NOUN NNS
## 12092 meaning NOUN NN
## 12093 brotherhood NOUN NN
## 12094 baseball NOUN NN
## 12095 hero NOUN NN
## 12096 country NOUN NNS
## 12097 peace NOUN NN
## 12098 terrorism NOUN NN
## 12099 strength NOUN NN
## 12100 alliances-;we NOUN NN
## 12101 generation NOUN NN
## 12102 responsibility NOUN NN
## 12103 world NOUN NN
## 12104 world NOUN NN
## 12105 community NOUN NNS
## 12106 goal NOUN NN
## 12107 community NOUN NN
## 12108 police NOUN NN
## 12109 officer NOUN NNS
## 12110 schedule NOUN NN
## 12111 budget NOUN NN
## 12112 bill NOUN NN
## 12113 fugitive NOUN NNS
## 12114 stalker NOUN NNS
## 12115 handgun NOUN NNS
## 12116 murder NOUN NN
## 12117 rate NOUN NN
## 12118 crime NOUN NN
## 12119 rate NOUN NN
## 12120 crime NOUN NN
## 12121 bill NOUN NN
## 12122 technology NOUN NNS
## 12123 tactic NOUN NNS
## 12124 community NOUN NNS
## 12125 budget NOUN NN
## 12126 police NOUN NNS
## 12127 street NOUN NN
## 12128 area NOUN NNS
## 12129 crime NOUN NN
## 12130 tool NOUN NNS
## 12131 crime NOUN NN
## 12132 mapping NOUN NN
## 12133 computer NOUN NNS
## 12134 mug NOUN NN
## 12135 shot NOUN NNS
## 12136 cycle NOUN NN
## 12137 drug NOUN NNS
## 12138 crime NOUN NN
## 12139 budget NOUN NN
## 12140 support NOUN NN
## 12141 drug NOUN NN
## 12142 testing NOUN NN
## 12143 treatment NOUN NN
## 12144 prisoner NOUN NNS
## 12145 drug NOUN NNS
## 12146 bar NOUN NNS
## 12147 parole NOUN NN
## 12148 freedom NOUN NN
## 12149 drug NOUN NNS
## 12150 period NOUN NN
## 12151 handgun NOUN NN
## 12152 bill NOUN NN
## 12153 juvenile NOUN NNS
## 12154 crime NOUN NNS
## 12155 gun NOUN NN
## 12156 school NOUN NNS
## 12157 place NOUN NNS
## 12158 community NOUN NNS
## 12159 killing NOUN NNS
## 12160 parent NOUN NNS
## 12161 gun NOUN NNS
## 12162 hand NOUN NNS
## 12163 child NOUN NNS
## 12164 effort NOUN NNS
## 12165 parent NOUN NNS
## 12166 loss NOUN NN
## 12167 daughter NOUN NN
## 12168 plea NOUN NN
## 12169 sake NOUN NN
## 12170 child NOUN NNS
## 12171 gun NOUN NNS
## 12172 town NOUN NN
## 12173 message NOUN NN
## 12174 courage NOUN NN
## 12175 commitment NOUN NN
## 12176 memory NOUN NN
## 12177 child NOUN NNS
## 12178 life NOUN NNS
## 12179 school NOUN NN
## 12180 violence NOUN NN
## 12181 legislation NOUN NN
## 12182 child NOUN NN
## 12183 trigger NOUN NN
## 12184 lock NOUN NNS
## 12185 child NOUN NNS
## 12186 task NOUN NN
## 12187 land NOUN NN
## 12188 land NOUN NN
## 12189 descendant NOUN NNS
## 12190 rock NOUN NN
## 12191 canyon NOUN NNS
## 12192 redwood NOUN NNS
## 12193 coast NOUN NNS
## 12194 challenge NOUN NN
## 12195 threat NOUN NN
## 12196 warming NOUN NN
## 12197 year NOUN NN
## 12198 heat NOUN NN
## 12199 wave NOUN NNS
## 12200 flood NOUN NNS
## 12201 storm NOUN NNS
## 12202 hint NOUN NN
## 12203 generation NOUN NNS
## 12204 tonight NOUN NN
## 12205 air NOUN NN
## 12206 fund NOUN NN
## 12207 community NOUN NNS
## 12208 greenhouse NOUN NN
## 12209 pollution NOUN NN
## 12210 tax NOUN NN
## 12211 incentive NOUN NNS
## 12212 investment NOUN NNS
## 12213 energy NOUN NN
## 12214 technology NOUN NN
## 12215 member NOUN NNS
## 12216 party NOUN NNS
## 12217 company NOUN NNS
## 12218 action NOUN NN
## 12219 greenhouse NOUN NN
## 12220 gas NOUN NNS
## 12221 community NOUN NNS
## 12222 preservation NOUN NN
## 12223 challenge NOUN NN
## 12224 space NOUN NN
## 12225 shrink NOUN NNS
## 12226 farmland NOUN NN
## 12227 space NOUN NN
## 12228 response NOUN NN
## 12229 initiative NOUN NNS
## 12230 livability NOUN NN
## 12231 agenda NOUN NN
## 12232 community NOUN NNS
## 12233 space NOUN NN
## 12234 traffic NOUN NN
## 12235 congestion NOUN NN
## 12236 way NOUN NNS
## 12237 citizen NOUN NN
## 12238 quality NOUN NN
## 12239 life NOUN NN
## 12240 land NOUN NNS
## 12241 legacy NOUN NN
## 12242 initiative NOUN NN
## 12243 place NOUN NNS
## 12244 beauty NOUN NN
## 12245 wilderness NOUN NN
## 12246 city NOUN NN
## 12247 park NOUN NN
## 12248 initiative NOUN NNS
## 12249 leadership NOUN NN
## 12250 commitment NOUN NN
## 12251 community NOUN NN
## 12252 service NOUN NN
## 12253 program NOUN NN
## 12254 generation NOUN NN
## 12255 chance NOUN NN
## 12256 community NOUN NNS
## 12257 money NOUN NN
## 12258 college NOUN NN
## 12259 income NOUN NN
## 12260 home NOUN NNS
## 12261 child NOUN NNS
## 12262 church NOUN NNS
## 12263 burden NOUN NN
## 12264 disaster NOUN NNS
## 12265 act NOUN NNS
## 12266 service NOUN NN
## 12267 chance NOUN NN
## 12268 lead NOUN NN
## 12269 community NOUN NN
## 12270 campaign NOUN NN
## 12271 finance NOUN NN
## 12272 reform NOUN NN
## 12273 legislation NOUN NN
## 12274 minority NOUN NN
## 12275 reform NOUN NN
## 12276 democracy NOUN NN
## 12277 initiative NOUN NN
## 12278 race NOUN NN
## 12279 divide NOUN NNS
## 12280 people NOUN NNS
## 12281 report NOUN NN
## 12282 initiative NOUN NN
## 12283 board NOUN NN
## 12284 people NOUN NNS
## 12285 line NOUN NNS
## 12286 journey NOUN NN
## 12287 beginning NOUN NN
## 12288 other NOUN NNS
## 12289 other NOUN NNS
## 12290 sense NOUN NN
## 12291 journey NOUN NN
## 12292 woman NOUN NN
## 12293 bus NOUN NN
## 12294 problem NOUN NNS
## 12295 initiative NOUN NN
## 12296 opportunity NOUN NN
## 12297 gap NOUN NNS
## 12298 initiative NOUN NN
## 12299 discrimination NOUN NN
## 12300 gap NOUN NN
## 12301 discrimination NOUN NN
## 12302 violence NOUN NN
## 12303 race NOUN NN
## 12304 religion NOUN NN
## 12305 ancestry NOUN NN
## 12306 gender NOUN NN
## 12307 disability NOUN NN
## 12308 orientation NOUN NN
## 12309 law NOUN NN
## 12310 land NOUN NN
## 12311 person NOUN NN
## 12312 census NOUN NN
## 12313 method NOUN NNS
## 12314 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 12315 part NOUN NN
## 12316 city NOUN NNS
## 12317 culture NOUN NN
## 12318 economy NOUN NN
## 12319 responsibility NOUN NN
## 12320 responsibility NOUN NN
## 12321 mainstream NOUN NN
## 12322 life NOUN NN
## 12323 system NOUN NN
## 12324 government NOUN NN
## 12325 waiting NOUN NN
## 12326 line NOUN NNS
## 12327 immigrant NOUN NNS
## 12328 budget NOUN NN
## 12329 effort NOUN NNS
## 12330 responsibility NOUN NN
## 12331 ancestor NOUN NNS
## 12332 slave NOUN NN
## 12333 ship NOUN NNS
## 12334 land NOUN NN
## 12335 challenge NOUN NN
## 12336 way NOUN NN
## 12337 challenge NOUN NNS
## 12338 bridge NOUN NN
## 12339 moment NOUN NN
## 12340 past NOUN NN
## 12341 future NOUN NN
## 12342 child NOUN NNS
## 12343 role NOUN NN
## 12344 nation NOUN NN
## 12345 ideal NOUN NNS
## 12346 home NOUN NN
## 12347 citizen NOUN NN
## 12348 treasure NOUN NNS
## 12349 country NOUN NN
## 12350 recognition NOUN NN
## 12351 support NOUN NN
## 12352 place NOUN NNS
## 12353 invention NOUN NN
## 12354 factory NOUN NN
## 12355 home NOUN NN
## 12356 treasure NOUN NNS
## 12357 community NOUN NN
## 12358 town NOUN NN
## 12359 city NOUN NN
## 12360 community NOUN NN
## 12361 millennium NOUN NN
## 12362 community NOUN NN
## 12363 project NOUN NNS
## 12364 history NOUN NN
## 12365 art NOUN NNS
## 12366 humanity NOUN NNS
## 12367 child NOUN NNS
## 12368 response NOUN NN
## 12369 word NOUN NN
## 12370 thank NOUN NNS
## 12371 sector NOUN NN
## 12372 partner NOUN NNS
## 12373 party NOUN NNS
## 12374 support NOUN NN
## 12375 example NOUN NN
## 12376 age NOUN NNS
## 12377 way NOUN NNS
## 12378 millennium NOUN NN
## 12379 fire NOUN NN
## 12380 liberty NOUN NN
## 12381 office NOUN NN
## 12382 time NOUN NN
## 12383 doubt NOUN NN
## 12384 economy NOUN NN
## 12385 deficit NOUN NN
## 12386 people NOUN NNS
## 12387 day NOUN NNS
## 12388 country NOUN NN
## 12389 neighborhood NOUN NNS
## 12390 pain NOUN NN
## 12391 uncertainty NOUN NN
## 12392 recession NOUN NN
## 12393 heart NOUN NN
## 12394 character NOUN NN
## 12395 country NOUN NN
## 12396 state NOUN NN
## 12397 one NOUN NN
## 12398 world NOUN NN
## 12399 resolve NOUN NN
## 12400 capacity NOUN NN
## 12401 people NOUN NNS
## 12402 founder NOUN NNS
## 12403 dream NOUN NN
## 12404 generation NOUN NN
## 12405 generation NOUN NN
## 12406 call NOUN NN
## 12407 greatness NOUN NN
## 12408 depression NOUN NN
## 12409 barrier NOUN NNS
## 12410 prejudice NOUN NN
## 12411 class NOUN NN
## 12412 history NOUN NN
## 12413 twilight NOUN NN
## 12414 struggle NOUN NN
## 12415 war NOUN NN
## 12416 achievement NOUN NN
## 12417 forebear NOUN NNS
## 12418 press NOUN NN
## 12419 event NOUN NNS
## 12420 clash NOUN NN
## 12421 controversy NOUN NN
## 12422 time NOUN NN
## 12423 dawn NOUN NN
## 12424 place NOUN NN
## 12425 report NOUN NN
## 12426 state NOUN NN
## 12427 he-;or NOUN NN
## 12428 way NOUN NNS
## 12429 decision NOUN NNS
## 12430 time NOUN NN
## 12431 time NOUN NN
## 12432 ideal NOUN NNS
## 12433 division NOUN NNS
## 12434 healing NOUN NN
## 12435 hopefulness NOUN NN
## 12436 land NOUN NN
## 12437 fellow NOUN NN
## 12438 moment NOUN NN
## 12439 eye NOUN NNS
## 12440 nation NOUN NN
## 12441 mountaintop NOUN NN
## 12442 blessing NOUN NN
## 12443 endeavor NOUN NNS
## 12444 country NOUN NN
## 12445 guest NOUN NNS
## 12446 moment NOUN NN
## 12447 history NOUN NN
## 12448 prosperity NOUN NN
## 12449 progress NOUN NN
## 12450 crisis NOUN NN
## 12451 threat NOUN NNS
## 12452 opportunity NOUN NN
## 12453 obligation NOUN NN
## 12454 founder NOUN NNS
## 12455 dream NOUN NNS
## 12456 job NOUN NNS
## 12457 growth NOUN NN
## 12458 unemployment NOUN NN
## 12459 rate NOUN NNS
## 12460 poverty NOUN NN
## 12461 rate NOUN NNS
## 12462 unemployment NOUN NN
## 12463 rate NOUN NNS
## 12464 record NOUN NN
## 12465 back NOUN NN
## 12466 surplus NOUN NNS
## 12467 period NOUN NN
## 12468 growth NOUN NN
## 12469 history NOUN NN
## 12470 economy NOUN NN
## 12471 revolution NOUN NN
## 12472 revival NOUN NN
## 12473 spirit NOUN NN
## 12474 crime NOUN NN
## 12475 level NOUN NN
## 12476 teen NOUN NN
## 12477 birth NOUN NNS
## 12478 adoption NOUN NNS
## 12479 welfare NOUN NN
## 12480 roll NOUN NNS
## 12481 level NOUN NNS
## 12482 fellow NOUN NN
## 12483 state NOUN NN
## 12484 credit NOUN NN
## 12485 people NOUN NNS
## 12486 gratitude NOUN NN
## 12487 progress NOUN NN
## 12488 partisanship NOUN NN
## 12489 distress NOUN NN
## 12490 decline NOUN NN
## 12491 gridlock NOUN NN
## 12492 title NOUN NN
## 12493 book NOUN NN
## 12494 tradition NOUN NNS
## 12495 thing NOUN NNS
## 12496 center NOUN NN
## 12497 ideology NOUN NNS
## 12498 vision NOUN NN
## 12499 value NOUN NNS
## [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 1721 rows ]
However, a better way is to extract the “complete” noun phrases:
## doc_id sentence_id
## 1 1990 1
## 2 1990 1
## 3 1990 1
## 4 1990 1
## 5 1990 1
## 6 1990 1
## 7 1990 1
## 8 1990 1
## 9 1990 1
## 10 1990 2
## 11 1990 2
## 12 1990 2
## 13 1990 2
## 14 1990 2
## 15 1990 2
## 16 1990 3
## 17 1990 3
## 18 1990 3
## 19 1990 3
## 20 1990 3
## 21 1990 3
## 22 1990 3
## 23 1990 3
## 24 1990 4
## 25 1990 4
## 26 1990 4
## 27 1990 4
## 28 1990 4
## 29 1990 4
## 30 1990 4
## 31 1990 4
## 32 1990 4
## 33 1990 4
## 34 1990 4
## 35 1990 4
## 36 1990 4
## 37 1990 5
## 38 1990 5
## 39 1990 5
## 40 1990 5
## 41 1990 5
## 42 1990 5
## 43 1990 6
## 44 1990 6
## 45 1990 6
## 46 1990 6
## 47 1990 6
## 48 1990 6
## 49 1990 6
## 50 1990 6
## 51 1990 6
## 52 1990 6
## 53 1990 6
## 54 1990 6
## 55 1990 6
## 56 1990 6
## 57 1990 6
## 58 1990 6
## 59 1990 7
## 60 1990 7
## 61 1990 7
## 62 1990 7
## 63 1990 7
## 64 1990 7
## 65 1990 8
## 66 1990 8
## 67 1990 9
## 68 1990 9
## 69 1990 9
## 70 1990 9
## 71 1990 9
## 72 1990 9
## 73 1990 9
## 74 1990 9
## 75 1990 10
## 76 1990 10
## 77 1990 11
## 78 1990 11
## 79 1990 11
## 80 1990 11
## 81 1990 11
## 82 1990 12
## 83 1990 12
## 84 1990 13
## 85 1990 13
## 86 1990 13
## 87 1990 14
## 88 1990 14
## 89 1990 14
## 90 1990 14
## 91 1990 14
## 92 1990 14
## 93 1990 15
## 94 1990 15
## 95 1990 15
## 96 1990 15
## 97 1990 15
## 98 1990 15
## 99 1990 15
## 100 1990 15
## 101 1990 15
## 102 1990 15
## 103 1990 15
## 104 1990 16
## 105 1990 16
## 106 1990 16
## 107 1990 16
## 108 1990 16
## 109 1990 16
## 110 1990 16
## 111 1990 16
## 112 1990 16
## 113 1990 16
## 114 1990 16
## 115 1990 16
## 116 1990 17
## 117 1990 17
## 118 1990 17
## 119 1990 17
## 120 1990 18
## 121 1990 18
## 122 1990 18
## 123 1990 18
## 124 1990 19
## 125 1990 19
## 126 1990 19
## 127 1990 19
## 128 1990 19
## 129 1990 19
## 130 1990 19
## 131 1990 20
## 132 1990 20
## 133 1990 20
## 134 1990 20
## 135 1990 21
## 136 1990 21
## 137 1990 21
## 138 1990 21
## 139 1990 21
## 140 1990 21
## 141 1990 21
## 142 1990 21
## 143 1990 21
## 144 1990 21
## 145 1990 21
## 146 1990 21
## 147 1990 22
## 148 1990 22
## 149 1990 22
## 150 1990 22
## 151 1990 22
## 152 1990 23
## 153 1990 23
## 154 1990 23
## 155 1990 23
## 156 1990 23
## 157 1990 23
## 158 1990 23
## 159 1990 23
## 160 1990 24
## 161 1990 24
## 162 1990 24
## 163 1990 24
## 164 1990 24
## 165 1990 24
## 166 1990 24
## 167 1990 25
## 168 1990 25
## 169 1990 25
## 170 1990 25
## 171 1990 25
## 172 1990 26
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## 174 1990 26
## 175 1990 26
## 176 1990 26
## 177 1990 26
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## nounphrase
## 1 Mr._President
## 2 Mr._Speaker
## 3 Members
## 4 the_United_States_Congress
## 5 I
## 6 a_former_President
## 7 the_Senate
## 8 a_former_Member
## 9 this_great_House
## 10 President
## 11 it
## 12 my_privilege
## 13 you
## 14 the_state
## 15 the_Union
## 16 I
## 17 the_state
## 18 the_Government
## 19 every_new_initiative
## 20 we
## 21 the_coming_year
## 22 every_line
## 23 the_budget
## 24 I
## 25 you
## 26 the_American_people
## 27 the_state
## 28 the_Union
## 29 our_world
## 30 the_changes
## 31 we
## 32 the_challenges
## 33 we
## 34 what
## 35 that
## 36 America
## 37 singular_moments
## 38 history
## 39 that
## 40 that
## 41 all
## 42 that
## 43 us
## 44 this_Chamber
## 45 our_lives
## 46 a_world
## 47 whose_fundamental_features
## 48 the_events
## 49 that_year
## 50 the_shape
## 51 nations
## 52 the_pace
## 53 progress
## 54 freedom
## 55 oppression
## 56 millions
## 57 people
## 58 the_world
## 59 the_common_frame
## 60 reference
## 61 the_compass_points
## 62 the_postwar_era
## 63 we
## 64 ourselves
## 65 that
## 66 our_world
## 67 The_events
## 68 the_year
## 69 ,_the_Revolution
## 70 a_chain_reaction
## 71 it
## 72 the_beginning
## 73 a_new_era
## 74 the_world's_affairs
## 75 the_world
## 76 we
## 77 the_people
## 78 Panama
## 79 fear
## 80 the_thumb
## 81 a_dictator
## 82 democracy
## 83 Panama
## 84 Operation
## 85 Just_Cause
## 86 its_objective
## 87 The_number
## 88 military_personnel
## 89 Panama
## 90 what
## 91 it
## 92 the_operation
## 93 I
## 94 the_end
## 95 February
## 96 the_additional_numbers
## 97 American_troops
## 98 the_brave_men
## 99 women
## 100 our_Armed_Forces
## 101 who
## 102 this_mission
## 103 a_success
## 104 Poland
## 105 Lech_Walesa
## 106 he
## 107 a_dialog
## 108 the_Communist_rulers
## 109 that_country
## 110 the_future
## 111 a_free_Poland
## 112 their_own_hands
## 113 members
## 114 Solidarity
## 115 the_Polish_Government
## 116 freedom's_playwright
## 117 Vaclav_Havel
## 118 a_prisoner
## 119 Prague
## 120 it
## 121 Vaclav_Havel
## 122 President
## 123 Czechoslovakia
## 124 Erich_Honecker
## 125 East_Germany
## 126 history
## 127 his_guide
## 128 he
## 129 the_Berlin_Wall
## 130 another_hundred_years
## 131 it
## 132 the_Wall
## 133 that
## 134 history
## 135 \n\nRemarkable_events
## 136 events
## 137 that
## 138 the_long-held_hopes
## 139 the_American_people
## 140 that
## 141 the_longstanding_goals
## 142 American_policy
## 143 a_policy
## 144 a_single,_shining_principle
## 145 the_cause
## 146 freedom
## 147 America
## 148 not_just_the_nation
## 149 an_idea
## 150 the_minds
## 151 people
## 152 this_new_world
## 153 shape
## 154 America
## 155 the_center
## 156 a_widening_circle
## 157 freedom
## 158 tomorrow
## 159 the_next_century
## 160 Our_nation
## 161 the_enduring_dream
## 162 every_immigrant
## 163 who
## 164 foot
## 165 these_shores
## 166 the_millions
## 167 This_nation
## 168 this_idea
## 169 America
## 170 a_new_world
## 171 our_new_world
## 172 a_workers'_rally
## 173 a_place
## 174 Branik
## 175 the_outskirts
## 176 Prague
## 177 the_idea
## 178 America
## 179 A_worker
## 180 grimy_overalls
## 181 the_factory_gates
## 182 He
## 183 his_speech
## 184 his_fellow_citizens
## 185 these_words
## 186 words
## 187 a_distant_revolution
## 188 We
## 189 these_truths
## 190 all_men
## 191 they
## 192 their_Creator
## 193 certain_unalienable_Rights
## 194 these
## 195 Life
## 196 Liberty
## 197 the_pursuit
## 198 Happiness
## 199 It
## 200 no_secret
## 201 home_freedom's_door
## 202 The_cornerstones
## 203 this_free_society
## 204 place
## 205 course_leadership
## 206 our_challenge
## 207 this_democratic_system
## 208 ours
## 209 a_system
## 210 none
## 211 it
## 212 a_job
## 213 everyone
## 214 who
## 215 women
## 216 the_home
## 217 their_children
## 218 safe_and_loving_care
## 219 government
## 220 child-care_alternatives
## 221 parents
## 222 we
## 223 the_needs
## 224 a_clean_environment
## 225 a_strong_economy
## 226 the_USA
## 227 the_world
## 228 the_symbol
## 229 quality
## 230 progress
## 231 us
## 232 the_same_opportunities
## 233 society
## 234 the_first_time
## 235 the_American_mainstream
## 236 all
## 237 our_disabled_citizens
## 238 everyone
## 239 a_roof
## 240 his_head
## 241 the_homeless
## 242 the_help
## 243 they
## 244 dignity
## 245 our_schools
## 246 our_kids
## 247 our_teachers
## 248 all
## 249 them
## 250 the_grade
## 251 every_street
## 252 every_city
## 253 every_school
## 254 every_child
## 255 no_American
## 256 our_hearts
## 257 our_hostages
## 258 who
## 259 our_minds
## 260 our_efforts
## 261 That
## 262 part
## 263 the_future
## 264 we
## 265 the_future
## 266 we
## 267 ourselves
## 268 dreams
## 269 us
## 270 We
## 271 our_horizon
## 272 the_long_view
## 273 And_our_mission
## 274 the_tough_competitive_markets
## 275 the_world
## 276 America
## 277 the_great_challenges
## 278 great_opportunities
## 279 we
## 280 we
## 281 the_global_economic_arena
## 282 the_nineties
## 283 that_challenge
## 284 we
## 285 some_fundamental_changes
## 286 some_crucial_investment
## 287 ourselves
## 288 we
## 289 America
## 290 This_administration
## 291 the_creation
## 292 capital
## 293 capital
## 294 all_kinds
## 295 physical_capital
## 296 everything
## 297 our_farms
## 298 factories
## 299 our_workshops
## 300 production_lines
## 301 that
## 302 quality_goods
## 303 quality_services
## 304 the_source
## 305 ideas
## 306 that
## 307 tomorrow's_products
## 308 course
## 309 the_talented_work_force
## 310 we
## 311 the_global_market
## 312 me
## 313 you
## 314 we
## 315 human_capital
## 316 we
## 317 the_spirit
## 318 American_ingenuity
## 319 the_spirit
## 320 that
## 321 the_hallmark
## 322 the_American_worker
## 323 that
## 324 The_American_worker
## 325 the_most_productive_worker
## 326 the_world
## 327 We
## 328 We
## 329 the_pool
## 330 capital
## 331 new_investments
## 332 that
## 333 more_jobs
## 334 more_growth
## 335 that
## 336 the_idea
## 337 a_new_initiative
## 338 I
## 339 the_Family_Savings_Plan
## 340 which
## 341 I
## 342 Congress
## 343 We
## 344 the_tax
## 345 capital_gains
## 346 risktakers
## 347 especially_those
## 348 our_small_businesses
## 349 those_steps
## 350 that
## 351 economic_reward
## 352 jobs
## 353 a_better_life
## 354 all
## 355 us
## 356 We
## 357 what
## 358 it
## 359 America's_future
## 360 The_budget_commitment
## 361 The_money
## 362 It
## 363 research
## 364 development
## 365 R&D
## 366 a_record_high
## 367 It
## 368 our_housing_initiative
## 369 HOPE
## 370 everyone
## 371 first-time_homebuyers
## 372 the_homeless
## 373 The_money
## 374 our_kids
## 375 I
## 376 office
## 377 It
## 378 space_exploration
## 379 it
## 380 education
## 381 another_record_high
## 382 the_education_summit
## 383 the_Governors
## 384 I
## 385 ways
## 386 our_kids
## 387 the_very_first_day
## 388 they
## 389 the_classroom
## 390 I
## 391 that_commitment
## 392 a_record_increase
## 393 funds
## 394 an_extra_half-a-billion_dollars
## 395 something
## 396 all
## 397 us
## 398 Education
## 399 the_one_investment
## 400 that
## 401 our_future
## 402 it
## 403 our_children
## 404 Real_improvement
## 405 our_schools
## 406 a_matter
## 407 It
## 408 a_matter
## 409 our_schools
## 410 our_teachers
## 411 our_kids
## 412 our_parents
## 413 ourselves
## 414 that
## 415 I
## 416 America's_education_goals
## 417 goals
## 418 enormous_cooperation
## 419 the_Nation's_Governors
## 420 I
## 421 I
## 422 I
## 423 [Arkansas
## 424 [Iowa
## 425 [South_Carolina
## 426 all
## 427 whom
## 428 these_discussions
## 429 these_deliberations
## 430 us
## 431 the_year
## 432 every_child
## 433 school
## 434 The_United_States
## 435 the_high_school_graduation_rate
## 436 no_less_than_90_percent
## 437 we
## 438 our_schools'_diplomas
## 439 something
## 440 critical_subjects
## 441 the_4th,_8th,_and_12th_grades
## 442 we
## 443 our_students'_performance
## 444 the_year
## 445 U.S._students
## 446 the_world
## 447 math
## 448 science_achievement
## 449 Every_American_adult
## 450 a_skilled,_literate_worker
## 451 citizen
## 452 Every_school
## 453 the_kind
## 454 disciplined_environment
## 455 that
## 456 it
## 457 our_kids
## 458 every_school
## 459 America
## 460 it
## 461 But_the_future
## 462 stake
## 463 The_Nation
## 464 anything
## 465 excellence
## 466 education
## 467 These_investments
## 468 America
## 469 I
## 470 this
## 471 the_American_people
## 472 We
## 473 competition
## 474 We
## 475 our_ingenuity
## 476 our_energy
## 477 our_experience
## 478 technology
## 479 our_spirit
## 480 enterprise
## 481 anyone
## 482 the_competition
## 483 it
## 484 America
## 485 we
## 486 it
## 487 we
## 488 that_challenge
## 489 we
## 490 our_own_house
## 491 order
## 492 We
## 493 real_progress
## 494 the_Federal_deficit
## 495 6_percent
## 496 our_gross_national_product
## 497 6_percent
## 498 the_new_budget
## 499 I
## 500 the_deficit
## 501 down_to_1_percent
## 502 gross_national_product
## 503 That_budget
## 504 Federal_spending
## 505 control
## 506 It
## 507 the_Gramm-Rudman_target
## 508 It
## 509 that_deficit
## 510 the_budget
## 511 no_new_taxes
## 512 me
## 513 you
## 514 more_than_enough_Federal_spending
## 515 us
## 516 a_lot
## 517 money
## 518 the_budget
## 519 we
## 520 the_way
## 521 every_family
## 522 it
## 523 bills
## 524 We
## 525 it
## 526 our_children
## 527 our_grandchildren
## 528 it
## 529 we
## 530 the_national_debt
## 531 something
## 532 we
## 533 the_generations
## 534 the_future
## 535 stewardship
## 536 the_safekeeping
## 537 America's_precious_environmental_inheritance
## 538 It
## 539 just_one_sign
## 540 we
## 541 We
## 542 the_Environmental_Protection_Agency
## 543 Cabinet_rank
## 544 not_more_bureaucracy
## 545 not_more_red-tape
## 546 the_certainty
## 547 home
## 548 our_dealings
## 549 other_nations
## 550 environmental_issues
## 551 the_status
## 552 they
## 553 This_year's_budget
## 554 new_spending
## 555 our_environment
## 556 global_change_research
## 557 a_new_initiative
## 558 I
## 559 America
## 560 the_Beautiful
## 561 our_national_parks
## 562 wildlife
## 563 that
## 564 recreational_facilities
## 565 public_lands
## 566 something
## 567 something
## 568 that
## 569 this_country
## 570 our_forestland
## 571 the_inner_cities
## 572 America
## 573 generations
## 574 the_money
## 575 a_billion_trees
## 576 me
## 577 all_the_Members
## 578 the_Congress
## 579 The_American_people
## 580 us
## 581 bicker
## 582 work
## 583 they
## 584 us
## 585 it
## 586 the_spirit
## 587 cooperation
## 588 I
## 589 my_hand
## 590 all
## 591 you
## 592 's
## 593 the_will
## 594 the_people
## 595 clean_air
## 596 child_care
## 597 the_Educational_Excellence_Act
## 598 crime
## 599 drugs
## 600 It
## 601 time
## 602 The_farm_bill
## 603 transportation_policy
## 604 product-liability_reform
## 605 enterprise_zones
## 606 it
## 607 time
## 608 one_thing
## 609 I
## 610 we
## 611 It
## 612 our_commitments
## 613 I
## 614 Social_Security
## 615 every_American
## 616 Social_Security
## 617 that_system
## 618 everyone
## 619 it
## 620 they
## 621 we
## 622 a_promise
## 623 you
## 624 we
## 625 it
## 626 We
## 627 the_system
## 628 it
## 629 bipartisan_arrangement
## 630 Our_budget
## 631 today's_benefits
## 632 it
## 633 future_benefits
## 634 The_last_thing
## 635 we
## 636 Social_Security
## 637 one_more_problem
## 638 we
## 639 We
## 640 careful_consideration
## 641 the_recommendations
## 642 the_health-care_studies
## 643 That
## 644 I
## 645 Dr._Sullivan
## 646 Lou_Sullivan
## 647 Secretary
## 648 Health
## 649 Human_Services
## 650 a_Domestic_Policy_Council_review
## 651 recommendations
## 652 the_quality
## 653 accessibility
## 654 cost
## 655 our_nation's_health-care_system
## 656 I
## 657 the_staggering_costs
## 658 health_care
## 659 control
## 660 The_state
## 661 the_Government
## 662 us
## 663 this_very_chamber
## 664 the_state
## 665 the_Union
## 666 all_Americans
## 667 We
## 668 the_democratic_decency
## 669 that
## 670 a_nation
## 671 millions
## 672 individuals
## 673 I
## 674 the_recent_mail_bombings
## 675 this_country
## 676 us
## 677 racism
## 678 -
## 679 bigotry
## 680 hate
## 681 us
## 682 The_state
## 683 the_Union
## 684 we
## 685 our_neighbor
## 686 the_problems
## 687 our_community
## 688 We
## 689 trouble
## 690 a_hand
## 691 what
## 692 I
## 693 a_point
## 694 light
## 695 a_stranger
## 696 need
## 697 We
## 698 the_time
## 699 a_busy_day
## 700 our_kids
## 701 them
## 702 their_homework
## 703 the_values
## 704 we
## 705 children
## 706 That
## 707 we
## 708 the_state
## 709 the_Union
## 710 Every_effort
## 711 It
## 712 all
## 713 It
## 714 the_things
## 715 that
## 716 democracy
## 717 meaning
## 718 It
## 719 all
## 720 who
## 721 we
## 722 who
## 723 we
## 724 me
## 725 we
## 726 the_American_idea
## 727 we
## 728 the_American_ideal
## 729 the_state
## 730 the_Union
## 731 those
## 732 who
## 733 we
## 734 our_way
## 735 I
## 736 you
## 737 parts
## 738 a_letter
## 739 Private_First_Class_James_Markwell
## 740 a_20-year-old_Army_medic
## 741 the_1st_Battalion
## 742 75th_Rangers
## 743 It
## 744 December_18th
## 745 our_armed_forces
## 746 action
## 747 Panama
## 748 It
## 749 a_letter
## 750 servicemen
## 751 Private_Markwell's_mother
## 752 this_letter
## 753 She
## 754 it
## 755 me
## 756 Cincinnati
## 757 some
## 758 what
## 759 he
## 760 I
## 761 death
## 762 I
## 763 he
## 764 the_corner
## 765 I
## 766 everyone
## 767 I
## 768 what
## 769 the_fog
## 770 me
## 771 Revel
## 772 the_life
## 773 that
## 774 I
## 775 you
## 776 all
## 777 the_Army
## 778 my_choice
## 779 Something
## 780 that
## 781 I
## 782 I
## 783 the_Army
## 784 my_country
## 785 you
## 786 what
## 787 you
## 788 your_lives
## 789 me
## 790 Private_Markwell
## 791 battle
## 792 Panama
## 793 he
## 794 what
## 795 he
## 796 He
## 797 the_idea
## 798 we
## 799 America
## 800 his_heart
## 801 I
## 802 the_changes
## 803 we
## 804 a_new_world
## 805 challenges
## 806 opportunities
## 807 us
## 808 a_need
## 809 leadership
## 810 America
## 811 his_last_address
## 812 the_Congress
## 813 President_Harry_Truman
## 814 such_a_time
## 815 He
## 816 our_world
## 817 men
## 818 both_sides
## 819 the_Iron_Curtain
## 820 a_time
## 821 change
## 822 the_Communist_world
## 823 that_change
## 824 place
## 825 more_than_40_years
## 826 America
## 827 its_allies
## 828 communism
## 829 check
## 830 democracy
## 831 communism
## 832 our_aim
## 833 democracy's_advance
## 834 the_lead
## 835 peace
## 836 freedom's_best_hope
## 837 a_great_and_growing_commonwealth
## 838 free_nations
## 839 the_Congress
## 840 all_Americans
## 841 I
## 842 it
## 843 time
## 844 a_new_consensus
## 845 home
## 846 a_common_vision
## 847 the_peaceful_world
## 848 we
## 849 our_own_hemisphere
## 850 it
## 851 time
## 852 all_the_peoples
## 853 the_Americas
## 854 North
## 855 South
## 856 freedom
## 857 the_Far_East
## 858 Africa
## 859 it
## 860 time
## 861 the_full_flowering
## 862 free_governments
## 863 free_markets
## 864 that
## 865 the_engine
## 866 progress
## 867 It
## 868 time
## 869 our_hand
## 870 the_emerging_democracies
## 871 Eastern_Europe
## 872 that_continent
## 873 a_continent
## 874 a_future
## 875 It
## 876 time
## 877 our_new_relationship
## 878 the_Soviet_Union
## 879 a_peaceful_process
## 880 internal_change
## 881 democracy
## 882 economic_opportunity
## 883 We
## 884 a_period
## 885 great_transition
## 886 great_hope
## 887 yet_great_uncertainty
## 888 We
## 889 the_Soviet_military_threat
## 890 Europe
## 891 we
## 892 little_change
## 893 Soviet_strategic_modernization
## 894 we
## 895 our_own_strategic_offense_modernization
## 896 the_Strategic_Defense_Initiative
## 897 the_time
## 898 a_conventional_arms_control_agreement
## 899 us
## 900 more_appropriate_levels
## 901 military_forces
## 902 Europe
## 903 a_coherent_defense_program
## 904 that
## 905 the_U.S.
## 906 a_catalyst
## 907 peaceful_change
## 908 Europe
## 909 I
## 910 leaders
## 911 NATO
## 912 fact
## 913 I
## 914 phone
## 915 President_Gorbachev
## 916 I
## 917 our_European_allies
## 918 an_American_military_presence
## 919 Europe
## 920 it
## 921 the_Soviet_military_presence
## 922 Eastern_Europe
## 923 our_troop_levels
## 924 I
## 925 a_major_new_step
## 926 a_further_reduction
## 927 U.S._and_Soviet_manpower
## 928 Central
## 929 Eastern_Europe
## 930 each_side
## 931 This_level
## 932 the_advice
## 933 our_senior_military_advisers
## 934 It
## 935 American_and_European_interests
## 936 NATO's_defense_strategy
## 937 A_swift_conclusion
## 938 our_arms_control_talks
## 939 our_goal
## 940 that_time
## 941 we
## 942 an_unfortunate_fact
## 943 many_regions
## 944 the_world
## 945 the_reality
## 946 conflict
## 947 peace
## 948 Enduring_animosities
## 949 opposing_interests
## 950 the_cause
## 951 peace
## 952 an_America
## 953 our_interests
## 954 our_ideals
## 955 It
## 956 this_American_idea
## 957 the_past_four_decades
## 958 this_Revolution
## 959 home
## 960 the_world
## 961 history
## 962 the_making
## 963 history
## 964 this_season
## 965 change
## 966 I
## 967 the_gates
## 968 the_Gdansk_shipyard
## 969 Poland
## 970 the_monument
## 971 the_fallen_workers
## 972 Solidarity
## 973 It
## 974 a_monument
## 975 simple_majesty
## 976 Three_tall_crosses
## 977 the_stones
## 978 each_cross
## 979 an_anchor
## 980 an_ancient_symbol
## 981 hope
## 982 The_anchor
## 983 our_world
## 984 freedom
## 985 us
## 986 times
## 987 change
## 988 a_symbol
## 989 hope
## 990 all_the_world
## 991 freedom
## 992 the_very_heart
## 993 the_idea
## 994 that
## 995 America
## 996 life
## 997 that_idea
## 998 us
## 999 Our_anchor
## 1000 faith
## 1001 family
## 1002 the_last_few_days
## 1003 this_past_momentous_year
## 1004 our_family
## 1005 the_joy
## 1006 life
## 1007 a_little_boy
## 1008 our_12th_grandchild
## 1009 I
## 1010 the_little_guy
## 1011 the_first_time
## 1012 the_troubles
## 1013 home
## 1014 perspective
## 1015 I
## 1016 you
## 1017 that
## 1018 just_a_grandfather
## 1019 talking
## 1020 you
## 1021 I
## 1022 a_lot
## 1023 children
## 1024 this_country
## 1025 all
## 1026 you
## 1027 the_Far_East
## 1028 Eastern_Europe
## 1029 all_kids
## 1030 all_kids
## 1031 the_budding_young_environmentalists
## 1032 I
## 1033 who
## 1034 me
## 1035 the_Florida_Everglades
## 1036 the_little_leaguers
## 1037 I
## 1038 Poland
## 1039 Warsaw
## 1040 the_World_Series
## 1041 even_the_kids
## 1042 who
## 1043 God
## 1044 those_boarder_babies
## 1045 drugs
## 1046 AIDS
## 1047 problems
## 1048 no_child
## 1049 you
## 1050 it
## 1051 the_future
## 1052 every_kid
## 1053 dreams
## 1054 the_world
## 1055 they
## 1056 the_very_future
## 1057 freedom
## 1058 them
## 1059 this_new_world
## 1060 I
## 1061 I
## 1062 something
## 1063 you
## 1064 me
## 1065 my_generation
## 1066 the_grandparents
## 1067 You
## 1068 our_living_link
## 1069 the_past
## 1070 your_grandchildren
## 1071 the_story
## 1072 struggles
## 1073 home
## 1074 sacrifices
## 1075 freedom's_sake
## 1076 them
## 1077 your_own_story
## 1078 every_American
## 1079 a_story
## 1080 parents
## 1081 your_children
## 1082 you
## 1083 direction
## 1084 guidance
## 1085 them
## 1086 faith
## 1087 family
## 1088 them
## 1089 we
## 1090 one_nation
## 1091 God
## 1092 them
## 1093 all_the_many_gifts
## 1094 they
## 1095 liberty
## 1096 their_most_precious_legacy
## 1097 all_the_gifts
## 1098 they
## 1099 others
## 1100 the_children
## 1101 young_people
## 1102 you
## 1103 our_hope
## 1104 that
## 1105 America
## 1106 the_years
## 1107 decades
## 1108 your_vision
## 1109 a_new_century
## 1110 dreams
## 1111 we
## 1112 the_destiny
## 1113 that
## 1114 yours
## 1115 yours
## 1116 all_Americans
## 1117 all
## 1118 us
## 1119 this_Chamber
## 1120 the_symbolic_center
## 1121 democracy
## 1122 our_allegiance
## 1123 this_idea
## 1124 we
## 1125 America
## 1126 us
## 1127 the_state
## 1128 the_Union
## 1129 each
## 1130 us
## 1131 God
## 1132 all
## 1133 you
## 1134 God
## 1135 this_great_nation
## 1136 the_United_States
## 1137 America
## 1138 Mr._President
## 1139 Mr._Speaker
## 1140 Members
## 1141 the_United_States_Congress
## 1142 I
## 1143 this_House
## 1144 the_people
## 1145 you
## 1146 all_Americans
## 1147 we
## 1148 a_defining_hour
## 1149 the_world
## 1150 we
## 1151 a_great_struggle
## 1152 the_skies
## 1153 the_seas
## 1154 sands
## 1155 We
## 1156 we
## 1157 We
## 1158 Americans
## 1159 part
## 1160 something
## 1161 ourselves
## 1162 two_centuries
## 1163 we
## 1164 the_hard_work
## 1165 freedom
## 1166 we
## 1167 the_world
## 1168 a_threat
## 1169 decency
## 1170 humanity
## 1171 What
## 1172 stake
## 1173 more_than_one_small_country
## 1174 it
## 1175 a_big_idea
## 1176 a_new_world_order
## 1177 diverse_nations
## 1178 common_cause
## 1179 the_universal_aspirations
## 1180 mankind
## 1181 peace
## 1182 security
## 1183 freedom
## 1184 the_rule
## 1185 law
## 1186 a_world
## 1187 our_struggle
## 1188 our_children's_future
## 1189 The_community
## 1190 nations
## 1191 lawless_aggression
## 1192 Saddam_Hussein's_unprovoked_invasion
## 1193 his_ruthless,_systematic_rape
## 1194 a_peaceful_neighbor
## 1195 everything
## 1196 the_community
## 1197 nations
## 1198 The_world
## 1199 this_aggression
## 1200 it
## 1201 we
## 1202 the_trap
## 1203 appeasement
## 1204 cynicism
## 1205 isolation
## 1206 that
## 1207 temptation
## 1208 tyrants
## 1209 The_world
## 1210 Saddam's_invasion
## 1211 12_United_Nations_resolutions
## 1212 a_demand
## 1213 Iraq's_immediate_and_unconditional_withdrawal
## 1214 forces
## 1215 28_countries
## 1216 6_continents
## 1217 few_exceptions
## 1218 the_world
## 1219 The_end
## 1220 the_cold_war
## 1221 a_victory
## 1222 all_humanity
## 1223 Germany
## 1224 I
## 1225 our_goal
## 1226 Germany
## 1227 Europe
## 1228 America's_leadership
## 1229 it
## 1230 Our_relationship
## 1231 the_Soviet_Union
## 1232 us
## 1233 the_world
## 1234 That_relationship
## 1235 these
## 1236 other_historic_changes
## 1237 many_other_nations
## 1238 we
## 1239 the_violence
## 1240 the_Baltics
## 1241 we
## 1242 that_concern
## 1243 the_Soviet_leadership
## 1244 The_principle
## 1245 that
## 1246 us
## 1247 Our_objective
## 1248 the_Baltic_peoples
## 1249 their_aspirations
## 1250 the_Soviet_Union
## 1251 our_recent_discussions
## 1252 the_Soviet_leadership
## 1253 we
## 1254 representations
## 1255 which
## 1256 the_withdrawal
## 1257 some_Soviet_forces
## 1258 a_reopening
## 1259 dialog
## 1260 the_Republics
## 1261 a_move
## 1262 violence
## 1263 We
## 1264 the_situation
## 1265 we
## 1266 our_contact
## 1267 the_Soviet_leadership
## 1268 continued_commitment
## 1269 democratization
## 1270 reform
## 1271 it
## 1272 I
## 1273 a_lasting_basis
## 1274 U.S.-Soviet_cooperation
## 1275 a_more_peaceful_future
## 1276 all_mankind
## 1277 The_triumph
## 1278 democratic_ideas
## 1279 Eastern_Europe
## 1280 Latin_America
## 1281 the_continuing_struggle
## 1282 freedom
## 1283 the_world
## 1284 all
## 1285 the_wisdom
## 1286 our_nation's_founders
## 1287 we
## 1288 another_victory
## 1289 a_victory
## 1290 tyranny_and_savage_aggression
## 1291 We
## 1292 this_Union
## 1293 the_last_decade
## 1294 our_blessings
## 1295 our_purpose
## 1296 our_difficulties
## 1297 our_duties
## 1298 home
## 1299 the_world
## 1300 two_centuries
## 1301 America
## 1302 the_world
## 1303 an_inspiring_example
## 1304 freedom
## 1305 democracy
## 1306 generations
## 1307 America
## 1308 the_struggle
## 1309 the_blessings
## 1310 liberty
## 1311 a_rapidly_changing_world
## 1312 American_leadership
## 1313 Americans
## 1314 leadership
## 1315 burdens
## 1316 sacrifices
## 1317 we
## 1318 the_hopes
## 1319 humanity
## 1320 us
## 1321 We
## 1322 Americans
## 1323 we
## 1324 a_unique_responsibility
## 1325 the_hard_work
## 1326 freedom
## 1327 we
## 1328 freedom
## 1329 The_conviction
## 1330 courage
## 1331 we
## 1332 the_Persian_Gulf
## 1333 the_American_character
## 1334 action
## 1335 The_indomitable_spirit
## 1336 that
## 1337 this_victory
## 1338 world_peace
## 1339 justice
## 1340 the_same_spirit
## 1341 that
## 1342 us
## 1343 the_power
## 1344 the_potential
## 1345 our_toughest_challenges
## 1346 home
## 1347 We
## 1348 we
## 1349 the_evil
## 1350 the_sake
## 1351 a_land
## 1352 we
## 1353 this_land
## 1354 that
## 1355 it
## 1356 anyone
## 1357 you
## 1358 America's_best_days
## 1359 her
## 1360 they
## 1361 I
## 1362 this_House
## 1363 the_American_people
## 1364 an_appeal
## 1365 renewal
## 1366 This
## 1367 a_call
## 1368 new_government_initiatives
## 1369 it
## 1370 a_call
## 1371 new_initiatives
## 1372 government
## 1373 our_communities
## 1374 every_American
## 1375 the_next_American_century
## 1376 America
## 1377 example
## 1378 who
## 1379 us
## 1380 the_example
## 1381 Which
## 1382 our_citizens
## 1383 us
## 1384 this_next_American_century
## 1385 Everyone
## 1386 who
## 1387 one_addict
## 1388 drugs
## 1389 one_troubled_teenager
## 1390 life
## 1391 one_AIDS_patient
## 1392 one_hungry_child
## 1393 We
## 1394 our_reach
## 1395 the_promise
## 1396 a_renewed_America
## 1397 We
## 1398 meaning
## 1399 some_higher_purpose
## 1400 ourselves
## 1401 a_shining_purpose
## 1402 the_illumination
## 1403 a_Thousand_Points
## 1404 Light
## 1405 it
## 1406 all
## 1407 who
## 1408 the_irresistible_force
## 1409 a_child's_hand
## 1410 a_friend
## 1411 who
## 1412 you
## 1413 a_volunteer's_generous_gesture
## 1414 an_idea
## 1415 that
## 1416 The_problems
## 1417 us
## 1418 the_key
## 1419 them
## 1420 It
## 1421 the_individual
## 1422 the_individual
## 1423 who
## 1424 the_state
## 1425 our_Union
## 1426 the_union
## 1427 each
## 1428 us
## 1429 the_sum
## 1430 our_friendships
## 1431 marriages
## 1432 families
## 1433 communities
## 1434 We
## 1435 all
## 1436 something
## 1437 you
## 1438 someone
## 1439 who
## 1440 you
## 1441 a_hammer
## 1442 a_nail
## 1443 you
## 1444 trouble
## 1445 someone
## 1446 who
## 1447 the_community
## 1448 conscience
## 1449 the_hard_work
## 1450 freedom
## 1451 that
## 1452 the_state
## 1453 our_Union
## 1454 the_birth
## 1455 our_nation
## 1456 We
## 1457 the_People
## 1458 the_source
## 1459 our_strength
## 1460 What_government
## 1461 the_potential
## 1462 the_American_people
## 1463 no_limits
## 1464 We
## 1465 a_nation
## 1466 rock-solid_realism
## 1467 clear-eyed_idealism
## 1468 We
## 1469 Americans
## 1470 We
## 1471 the_Nation
## 1472 that
## 1473 the_future
## 1474 We
## 1475 the_Nation
## 1476 that
## 1477 the_future
## 1478 we
## 1479 just_that
## 1480 the_power
## 1481 choice
## 1482 individuals
## 1483 families
## 1484 these_last_2_years
## 1485 we
## 1486 dollars
## 1487 child_care
## 1488 the_hands
## 1489 parents
## 1490 bureaucracies
## 1491 the_potential
## 1492 Americans
## 1493 disabilities
## 1494 the_creativity
## 1495 the_marketplace
## 1496 the_service
## 1497 the_environment
## 1498 clean_air
## 1499 home_ownership
## 1500 more_Americans
## 1501 The_strength
## 1502 a_democracy
## 1503 bureaucracy
## 1504 It
## 1505 the_people
## 1506 their_communities
## 1507 everything
## 1508 we
## 1509 us
## 1510 the_potential
## 1511 our_most_precious_resource
## 1512 our_citizens
## 1513 our_citizens
## 1514 themselves
## 1515 We
## 1516 families
## 1517 communities
## 1518 counties
## 1519 cities
## 1520 States
## 1521 institutions
## 1522 every_kind
## 1523 the_power
## 1524 their_own_destiny
## 1525 the_freedom
## 1526 opportunity
## 1527 strong_economic_growth
## 1528 that
## 1529 what
## 1530 America
## 1531 I
## 1532 some_regions
## 1533 our_country
## 1534 people
## 1535 genuine_economic_distress
## 1536 I
## 1537 them
## 1538 Kathy_Blackwell
## 1539 Massachusetts
## 1540 me
## 1541 what
## 1542 the_economy
## 1543 My_heart
## 1544 I
## 1545 you
## 1546 your_people
## 1547 I
## 1548 I
## 1549 the_future
## 1550 reasons
## 1551 our_economy
## 1552 we
## 1553 double-digit_inflation
## 1554 most_industries
## 1555 big_cuts
## 1556 production
## 1557 they
## 1558 big_inventories
## 1559 our_exports
## 1560 fact
## 1561 American_businesses
## 1562 a_record_rate
## 1563 's
## 1564 these_times
## 1565 perspective
## 1566 we
## 1567 almost_20_million_jobs
## 1568 inflation
## 1569 half
## 1570 interest_rates
## 1571 half
## 1572 the_largest_peacetime_economic_expansion
## 1573 history
## 1574 our_economy
## 1575 our_closest_competitor
## 1576 We
## 1577 this_recession
## 1578 us
## 1579 growth
## 1580 We
## 1581 our_way
## 1582 a_new_record
## 1583 expansion
## 1584 the_competitive_strength
## 1585 that
## 1586 us
## 1587 the_next_American_century
## 1588 We
## 1589 our_efforts
## 1590 economic_growth
## 1591 the_future
## 1592 power
## 1593 opportunity
## 1594 the_individual
## 1595 We
## 1596 control
## 1597 Federal_spending
## 1598 That
## 1599 I
## 1600 a_budget
## 1601 that
## 1602 the_growth
## 1603 spending
## 1604 the_rate
## 1605 inflation
## 1606 that
## 1607 all_the_sound
## 1608 fury
## 1609 last_year's_budget_debate
## 1610 we
## 1611 law
## 1612 new,_enforceable_spending_caps
## 1613 future_spending_debates
## 1614 a_battle
## 1615 ideas
## 1616 a_bidding_war
## 1617 the_budget_agreement
## 1618 the_Federal_Government
## 1619 you
## 1620 the_growth
## 1621 debt
## 1622 that
## 1623 funds
## 1624 saving_and_job-creating_investment
## 1625 's
## 1626 My_budget
## 1627 tax-free_family_savings_accounts
## 1628 penalty-free_withdrawals
## 1629 IRA
## 1630 first-time_home_buyers
## 1631 jobs
## 1632 growth
## 1633 a_reduced_tax
## 1634 long-term_capital_gains
## 1635 I
## 1636 differences
## 1637 us
## 1638 the_impact
## 1639 the_effects
## 1640 a_capital_gains_incentive
## 1641 I
## 1642 the_congressional_leaders
## 1643 the_Federal_Reserve
## 1644 us
## 1645 a_study
## 1646 Chairman_Alan_Greenspan
## 1647 our_technical_differences
## 1648 we
## 1649 a_return
## 1650 unproductive_partisan_bickering
## 1651 our_efforts
## 1652 economic_growth
## 1653 the_future
## 1654 they
## 1655 long-term_investments
## 1656 the_next_American_century
## 1657 That
## 1658 a_forward-looking_plan
## 1659 action
## 1660 that
## 1661 exactly_what
## 1662 we
## 1663 the_Congress
## 1664 We
## 1665 a_detailed_series
## 1666 proposals
## 1667 that
## 1668 a_budget
## 1669 that
## 1670 investment
## 1671 America's_future
## 1672 children
## 1673 education
## 1674 infrastructure
## 1675 space
## 1676 high_technology
## 1677 legislation
## 1678 excellence
## 1679 education
## 1680 the_partnership
## 1681 the_50_Governors
## 1682 the_education_summit
## 1683 parents
## 1684 their_children's_schools
## 1685 America
## 1686 math
## 1687 science
## 1688 a_blueprint
## 1689 a_new_national_highway_system
## 1690 a_critical_investment
## 1691 our_transportation_infrastructure
## 1692 a_research_and_development_agenda
## 1693 that
## 1694 record_levels
## 1695 Federal_investment
## 1696 a_permanent_tax_credit
## 1697 private_R&D
## 1698 jobs
## 1699 a_comprehensive_national_energy_strategy
## 1700 that
## 1701 energy_conservation
## 1702 efficiency
## 1703 increased_development
## 1704 greater_use
## 1705 alternative_fuels
## 1706 America's_financial_system
## 1707 the_21st_century
## 1708 our_banks
## 1709 job-creating_loans
## 1710 our_factories
## 1711 our_businesses
## 1712 home_buyers
## 1713 You
## 1714 I
## 1715 too_much_pessimism
## 1716 Sound_banks
## 1717 sound_loans
## 1718 interest_rates
## 1719 addition
## 1720 these_proposals
## 1721 we
## 1722 our_economic_strength
## 1723 world_markets
## 1724 We
## 1725 American_exports
## 1726 A_successful_Uruguay_round
## 1727 world_trade_negotiations
## 1728 more_real_jobs
## 1729 more_real_growth
## 1730 all_nations
## 1731 You
## 1732 I
## 1733 the_playing_field
## 1734 America's_workers
## 1735 farmers
## 1736 anyone
## 1737 a_Mexican_free_trade_agreement
## 1738 our_Enterprise
## 1739 the_Americas_Initiative
## 1740 we
## 1741 our_partners
## 1742 their_economies
## 1743 a_free_trade_zone
## 1744 this_entire_hemisphere
## 1745 The_budget
## 1746 a_plan
## 1747 action
## 1748 home
## 1749 more_power
## 1750 opportunity
## 1751 the_hands
## 1752 the_individual
## 1753 that
## 1754 new_incentives
## 1755 jobs
## 1756 our_inner_cities
## 1757 investment
## 1758 enterprise_zones
## 1759 It
## 1760 tenant_control
## 1761 ownership
## 1762 public_housing
## 1763 Freedom
## 1764 the_power
## 1765 the_privilege
## 1766 wealth
## 1767 They
## 1768 the_birthright
## 1769 every_American
## 1770 Civil_rights
## 1771 equal_opportunity
## 1772 us
## 1773 a_responsibility
## 1774 racism
## 1775 bigotry
## 1776 hate
## 1777 We
## 1778 our_vigorous_enforcement
## 1779 existing_statutes
## 1780 I
## 1781 the_Congress
## 1782 the_laws
## 1783 employment_discrimination
## 1784 the_use
## 1785 unfair_preferences
## 1786 We
## 1787 another_fundamental_civil_right
## 1788 freedom
## 1789 crime
## 1790 the_fear
## 1791 that
## 1792 our_cities
## 1793 The_Attorney_General
## 1794 a_crime_summit
## 1795 our_nation's_law_enforcement_officials
## 1796 us
## 1797 them
## 1798 we
## 1799 tough_crime_control_legislation
## 1800 we
## 1801 it
## 1802 we
## 1803 crime
## 1804 we
## 1805 our_national_strategy
## 1806 drug_abuse
## 1807 Recent_data
## 1808 we
## 1809 progress
## 1810 We
## 1811 the_day
## 1812 the_dealer
## 1813 Good_health_care
## 1814 every_American's_right
## 1815 every_American's_responsibility
## 1816 we
## 1817 an_aggressive_program
## 1818 new_prevention_initiatives
## 1819 infants
## 1820 children
## 1821 adults
## 1822 a_healthier_America
## 1823 costs
## 1824 It
## 1825 time
## 1826 people
## 1827 more_choice
## 1828 government
## 1829 the_ideal
## 1830 the_citizen_politician
## 1831 who
## 1832 the_reasons
## 1833 so_much_support
## 1834 this_country
## 1835 term_limitations
## 1836 the_American_people
## 1837 big-money_influence
## 1838 politics
## 1839 we
## 1840 the_next_election
## 1841 the_next_generation
## 1842 the_time
## 1843 the_national_interest
## 1844 the_special_interest
## 1845 political_action_committees
## 1846 that
## 1847 more_competition
## 1848 elections
## 1849 more_power
## 1850 the_hands
## 1851 individuals
## 1852 power
## 1853 the_hands
## 1854 the_individual
## 1855 it
## 1856 the_people
## 1857 Washington
## 1858 The_Federal_Government
## 1859 government_programs
## 1860 they
## 1861 Washington
## 1862 Washington
## 1863 Washington
## 1864 Federal_programs
## 1865 It
## 1866 time
## 1867 a_more_dynamic_program_life_cycle
## 1868 Some_programs
## 1869 Some
## 1870 Some
## 1871 some
## 1872 the_States
## 1873 My_budget
## 1874 a_list
## 1875 programs
## 1876 potential_turnover
## 1877 Congress
## 1878 the_Governors
## 1879 I
## 1880 we
## 1881 such_programs
## 1882 them
## 1883 the_States
## 1884 a_single_consolidated_grant
## 1885 flexible_management
## 1886 the_States
## 1887 The_value
## 1888 the_value
## 1889 this_turnover_approach
## 1890 It
## 1891 the_Federal_Government
## 1892 It
## 1893 States
## 1894 It
## 1895 power
## 1896 the_people
## 1897 it
## 1898 a_theme
## 1899 this_administration
## 1900 appreciation
## 1901 encouragement
## 1902 the_innovative_powers
## 1903 States
## 1904 laboratories
## 1905 This_nation
## 1906 leaders
## 1907 who
## 1908 power
## 1909 the_hands
## 1910 people
## 1911 they
## 1912 the_future
## 1913 we
## 1914 the_world
## 1915 Americans
## 1916 we
## 1917 times
## 1918 we
## 1919 our_responsibility
## 1920 the_world
## 1921 the_dark_chaos
## 1922 dictators
## 1923 the_brighter_promise
## 1924 a_better_day
## 1925 we
## 1926 a_long_struggle
## 1927 aggressive_totalitarianism
## 1928 we
## 1929 another_defining_hour
## 1930 America
## 1931 the_world
## 1932 the_hard_work
## 1933 freedom
## 1934 every_soldier
## 1935 sailor
## 1936 every_man
## 1937 woman
## 1938 the_Persian_Gulf
## 1939 they
## 1940 what_a_fitting_tribute
## 1941 them
## 1942 You
## 1943 what_a_wonderful,_fitting_tribute
## 1944 them
## 1945 Each
## 1946 them
## 1947 this_nation's_defense
## 1948 they
## 1949 America
## 1950 the_world
## 1951 future_generations
## 1952 Our_commitment
## 1953 them
## 1954 their_commitment
## 1955 their_country
## 1956 They
## 1957 The_war
## 1958 the_Gulf
## 1959 a_war
## 1960 we
## 1961 We
## 1962 war
## 1963 more_than_5_months
## 1964 we
## 1965 the_Arab_League
## 1966 the_European_Community
## 1967 the_United_Nations
## 1968 every_diplomatic_avenue
## 1969 U.N._Secretary-General_Perez_de_Cuellar
## 1970 Presidents_Gorbachev
## 1971 Mitterrand
## 1972 Ozal
## 1973 Mubarak
## 1974 Bendjedid
## 1975 Kings_Fahd
## 1976 Hassan
## 1977 Prime_Ministers_Major
## 1978 Andreotti
## 1979 all
## 1980 a_solution
## 1981 Saddam_Hussein
## 1982 the_path
## 1983 diplomacy
## 1984 peace
## 1985 this_conflict
## 1986 It
## 1987 August_2d
## 1988 Saddam
## 1989 a_small,_defenseless_neighbor
## 1990 I
## 1991 it
## 1992 that_peace
## 1993 we
## 1994 you
## 1995 I
## 1996 we
## 1997 course
## 1998 Iraq's_capacity
## 1999 war
## 2000 Our_investment
## 2001 our_training
## 2002 our_planning
## 2003 all
## 2004 Time
## 2005 Saddam's_salvation
## 2006 Our_purpose
## 2007 the_Persian_Gulf
## 2008 Iraq
## 2009 Kuwait
## 2010 Kuwait's_legitimate_government
## 2011 the_stability
## 2012 security
## 2013 this_critical_region
## 2014 me
## 2015 what
## 2016 I
## 2017 the_region's_stability
## 2018 security
## 2019 We
## 2020 the_destruction
## 2021 Iraq
## 2022 its_culture
## 2023 its_people
## 2024 we
## 2025 an_Iraq
## 2026 that
## 2027 its_great_resources
## 2028 the_ambitions
## 2029 a_tyrant
## 2030 a_better_life
## 2031 itself
## 2032 its_neighbors
## 2033 We
## 2034 a_Persian_Gulf
## 2035 conflict
## 2036 the_rule
## 2037 Most_Americans
## 2038 we
## 2039 the_Gulf
## 2040 They
## 2041 we
## 2042 Saddam
## 2043 They
## 2044 this_brutal_dictator
## 2045 anything
## 2046 any_weapon
## 2047 any_outrage
## 2048 how_many_innocents
## 2049 They
## 2050 we
## 2051 control
## 2052 the_world's_oil_resources
## 2053 his_hands
## 2054 further_aggression
## 2055 They
## 2056 we
## 2057 a_new,_enduring_peace
## 2058 arms_races
## 2059 confrontation
## 2060 shared_principles
## 2061 the_rule
## 2062 law
## 2063 we
## 2064 all
## 2065 our_responsibility
## 2066 the_catalyst
## 2067 peace
## 2068 the_region
## 2069 the_successful_conclusion
## 2070 this_war
## 2071 Democracy
## 2072 the_undeniable_value
## 2073 thoughtful_dissent
## 2074 we
## 2075 some_dissenting_voices
## 2076 home
## 2077 some
## 2078 the_fact
## 2079 all_voices
## 2080 the_right
## 2081 the_reasons
## 2082 we
## 2083 purpose
## 2084 principle
## 2085 200_years
## 2086 Our_progress
## 2087 this_great_struggle
## 2088 the_result
## 2089 years
## 2090 vigilance
## 2091 a_steadfast_commitment
## 2092 a_strong_defense
## 2093 remarkable_technological_advances
## 2094 the_Patriot_missile
## 2095 we
## 2096 ballistic_missile_attacks
## 2097 innocent_civilians
## 2098 I
## 2099 the_SDI_program
## 2100 protection
## 2101 limited_ballistic_missile_strikes
## 2102 whatever
## 2103 their_source
## 2104 us
## 2105 an_SDI_program
## 2106 that
## 2107 any_future_threat
## 2108 the_United_States
## 2109 our_forces
## 2110 our_friends
## 2111 allies
## 2112 The_quality
## 2113 American_technology
## 2114 the_American_worker
## 2115 us
## 2116 difficult_military_conditions
## 2117 precious_loss
## 2118 life
## 2119 We
## 2120 our_men
## 2121 women
## 2122 they
## 2123 it
## 2124 We
## 2125 all
## 2126 a_special_place
## 2127 our_hearts
## 2128 the_families
## 2129 our_men
## 2130 women
## 2131 the_Gulf
## 2132 They
## 2133 Mrs._Norman_Schwarzkopf
## 2134 We
## 2135 General_Schwarzkopf
## 2136 all_those
## 2137 him
## 2138 I
## 2139 who
## 2140 Mrs._Schwarzkopf
## 2141 Alma_Powell
## 2142 the_wife
## 2143 the_distinguished_Chairman
## 2144 the_Joint_Chiefs
## 2145 the_families
## 2146 me
## 2147 our_forces
## 2148 the_Gulf
## 2149 their_mission
## 2150 The_courage
## 2151 success
## 2152 the_RAF_pilots
## 2153 the_Kuwaiti
## 2154 Saudi
## 2155 French
## 2156 the_Canadians
## 2157 the_Italians
## 2158 the_pilots
## 2159 Qatar
## 2160 Bahrain
## 2161 all
## 2162 proof
## 2163 the_first_time
## 2164 World_War_II
## 2165 the_international_community
## 2166 The_leadership
## 2167 the_United_Nations
## 2168 its_founders'_vision
## 2169 I
## 2170 we
## 2171 the_financial_burdens
## 2172 this_struggle
## 2173 our_friends
## 2174 allies
## 2175 the_bulk
## 2176 the_economic_costs
## 2177 Desert_Shield
## 2178 commitments
## 2179 the_first_3_months
## 2180 I
## 2181 they
## 2182 we
## 2183 Desert_Storm
## 2184 the_world
## 2185 what
## 2186 the_dictator
## 2187 Iraq
## 2188 he
## 2189 innocent_civilians
## 2190 Israel
## 2191 Saudi_Arabia
## 2192 he
## 2193 advantage
## 2194 he
## 2195 he
## 2196 he
## 2197 his_cause
## 2198 tragic_and_despicable_environmental_terrorism
## 2199 he
## 2200 he
## 2201 the_coalition_prisoners
## 2202 war
## 2203 he
## 2204 he
## 2205 We
## 2206 the_Gulf
## 2207 we
## 2208 the_world_community
## 2209 an_enduring_warning
## 2210 any_dictator
## 2211 despot
## 2212 who
## 2213 outlaw_aggression
## 2214 The_world
## 2215 this_opportunity
## 2216 the_long-held_promise
## 2217 a_new_world_order
## 2218 brutality
## 2219 aggression
## 2220 collective_resistance
## 2221 the_United_States
## 2222 a_major_share
## 2223 leadership
## 2224 this_effort
## 2225 the_nations
## 2226 the_world
## 2227 only_the_United_States
## 2228 America
## 2229 both_the_moral_standing
## 2230 the_means
## 2231 it
## 2232 We
## 2233 the_only_nation
## 2234 this_Earth
## 2235 that
## 2236 the_forces
## 2237 peace
## 2238 This
## 2239 the_burden
## 2240 leadership
## 2241 the_strength
## 2242 that
## 2243 America
## 2244 freedom
## 2245 a_searching_world
## 2246 This_nation
## 2247 glory
## 2248 war
## 2249 Our_people
## 2250 the_blessings
## 2251 home
## 2252 distant_lands
## 2253 deadly_conflict
## 2254 we
## 2255 anger
## 2256 it
## 2257 we
## 2258 all
## 2259 us
## 2260 a_world
## 2261 we
## 2262 Each
## 2263 us
## 2264 ourselves
## 2265 the_value
## 2266 this_great_struggle
## 2267 Any_cost
## 2268 lives
## 2269 any_cost
## 2270 our_power
## 2271 the_cost
## 2272 our_eyes
## 2273 aggression
## 2274 mankind's_power
## 2275 This
## 2276 we
## 2277 Our_cause
## 2278 our_cause
## 2279 our_cause
## 2280 future_generations
## 2281 the_burden
## 2282 the_blessings
## 2283 freedom
## 2284 them
## 2285 we
## 2286 duty
## 2287 us
## 2288 them
## 2289 we
## 2290 America
## 2291 the_world
## 2292 a_community
## 2293 conscience
## 2294 The_winds
## 2295 change
## 2296 us
## 2297 The_forces
## 2298 freedom
## 2299 united
## 2300 We
## 2301 the_next_century
## 2302 we
## 2303 the_will
## 2304 home
## 2305 what
## 2306 the_hard_work
## 2307 freedom
## 2308 God
## 2309 the_United_States
## 2310 America
## 2311 you
## 2312 Mr._Speaker_and_Mr._President,_distinguished_Members
## 2313 Congress
## 2314 honored_guests
## 2315 fellow_citizens
## 2316 you
## 2317 that_warm_reception
## 2318 You
## 2319 the_big_buildup
## 2320 this_address
## 2321 I
## 2322 it
## 2323 a_big_hit
## 2324 I
## 2325 Barbara
## 2326 it
## 2327 me
## 2328 I
## 2329 the_Speaker
## 2330 the_Vice_President
## 2331 They
## 2332 what
## 2333 I
## 2334 Japan
## 2335 they
## 2336 they
## 2337 me
## 2338 I
## 2339 big_things
## 2340 big_changes
## 2341 the_promises
## 2342 they
## 2343 some_big_problems
## 2344 we
## 2345 them
## 2346 our_country
## 2347 the_undisputed_leader
## 2348 the_age
## 2349 We
## 2350 a_dramatic_and_deeply_promising_time
## 2351 our_history
## 2352 the_history
## 2353 man
## 2354 Earth
## 2355 the_past_12_months
## 2356 the_world
## 2357 changes
## 2358 almost_Biblical_proportions
## 2359 the_failed_coup
## 2360 that
## 2361 a_failed_system
## 2362 I
## 2363 we
## 2364 the_full_impact
## 2365 the_full_import
## 2366 what
## 2367 communism
## 2368 President
## 2369 the_most_fascinating_possible_vantage_point
## 2370 times
## 2371 I
## 2372 progress
## 2373 change
## 2374 I
## 2375 the_joy
## 2376 that
## 2377 my_heart
## 2378 the_biggest_thing
## 2379 that
## 2380 the_world
## 2381 my_life
## 2382 our_lives
## 2383 this
## 2384 the_grace
## 2385 God
## 2386 America
## 2387 the_cold_war
## 2388 I
## 2389 this_evening
## 2390 the_changes
## 2391 that
## 2392 place
## 2393 our_country
## 2394 we
## 2395 the_sacrifices
## 2396 we
## 2397 we
## 2398 an_avowed_enemy
## 2399 that
## 2400 a_superpower
## 2401 we
## 2402 what
## 2403 I
## 2404 those_things
## 2405 me
## 2406 you
## 2407 something
## 2408 I
## 2409 It
## 2410 a_kind
## 2411 rollcall
## 2412 honor
## 2413 the_cold_war
## 2414 it
## 2415 I
## 2416 those
## 2417 who
## 2418 it
## 2419 places
## 2420 Korea
## 2421 Vietnam
## 2422 some
## 2423 them
## 2424 they
## 2425 heroes
## 2426 they
## 2427 victors
## 2428 \n\nThe_long_rollcall
## 2429 all_the_G.I._Joes
## 2430 Janes
## 2431 all_the_ones
## 2432 who
## 2433 freedom
## 2434 who
## 2435 the_ground
## 2436 the_dust
## 2437 their_share
## 2438 horror
## 2439 This
## 2440 I
## 2441 it
## 2442 it
## 2443 me
## 2444 the_world
## 2445 them
## 2446 The_world
## 2447 not_only_their_special_valor
## 2448 their_special_style
## 2449 their_rambunctious,_optimistic_bravery
## 2450 their_do-or-die_unity
## 2451 class
## 2452 race
## 2453 region
## 2454 What_a_group
## 2455 we
## 2456 generations
## 2457 the_ones
## 2458 who
## 2459 Kilroy
## 2460 the_walls
## 2461 the_German_stalags
## 2462 those
## 2463 who
## 2464 signs
## 2465 the_Iraqi_desert
## 2466 that
## 2467 I
## 2468 Elvis
## 2469 What_a_group
## 2470 kids
## 2471 we
## 2472 the_world
## 2473 another
## 2474 it
## 2475 I
## 2476 a_mass
## 2477 people
## 2478 the_American_taxpayer
## 2479 No_one
## 2480 the_people
## 2481 who
## 2482 a_country's_bill
## 2483 an_alliance's_bill
## 2484 half_a_century
## 2485 the_American_people
## 2486 the_burden
## 2487 taxes
## 2488 that
## 2489 they
## 2490 a_defense
## 2491 that
## 2492 it
## 2493 imperial_communism
## 2494 it
## 2495 a_fact
## 2496 I
## 2497 the_world_acknowledging
## 2498 The_American_taxpayer
## 2499 the_brunt
## 2500 the_burden
## 2501 a_hunk
## 2502 the_glory
## 2503 the_first_time
## 2504 35_years
## 2505 our_strategic_bombers
## 2506 they
## 2507 the-clock
## 2508 our_children
## 2509 school
## 2510 history
## 2511 plants
## 2512 they
## 2513 my_children
## 2514 air_raid_drills
## 2515 which
## 2516 they
## 2517 their_desks
## 2518 their_heads
## 2519 case
## 2520 nuclear_war
## 2521 My_grandchildren
## 2522 that
## 2523 the_bad_dreams
## 2524 children
## 2525 decades
## 2526 threats
## 2527 the_long,_drawn-out_dread
## 2528 I
## 2529 you
## 2530 a_moment
## 2531 high_peril
## 2532 American_forces
## 2533 Operation_Desert_Storm
## 2534 40_days
## 2535 the_desert_skies
## 2536 4_days
## 2537 the_ground
## 2538 the_men
## 2539 women
## 2540 America's_Armed_Forces
## 2541 our_allies
## 2542 the_goals
## 2543 that
## 2544 I
## 2545 you
## 2546 We
## 2547 Kuwait
## 2548 the_Arab_world
## 2549 Israel
## 2550 peace
## 2551 an_historic_first
## 2552 that
## 2553 Christmas
## 2554 the_last_American_hostages
## 2555 Our_policies
## 2556 the_prudent_use
## 2557 power
## 2558 this
## 2559 A_world
## 2560 two_armed_camps
## 2561 one_sole_and_preeminent_power
## 2562 the_United_States
## 2563 America
## 2564 they
## 2565 this
## 2566 no_dread
## 2567 the_world
## 2568 us
## 2569 power
## 2570 the_world
## 2571 They
## 2572 us
## 2573 They
## 2574 us
## 2575 the_side
## 2576 decency
## 2577 They
## 2578 us
## 2579 what
## 2580 I
## 2581 those_words
## 2582 the_war
## 2583 I
## 2584 a_telegram
## 2585 Joanne_Speicher
## 2586 the_wife
## 2587 the_first_pilot
## 2588 the_Gulf
## 2589 Lieutenant_Commander
## 2590 Scott_Speicher
## 2591 her_grief
## 2592 she
## 2593 me
## 2594 her_children
## 2595 she
## 2596 them
## 2597 their_father
## 2598 war
## 2599 it
## 2600 the_right_thing
## 2601 she
## 2602 it
## 2603 all
## 2604 It
## 2605 the_right_thing
## 2606 we
## 2607 it
## 2608 honest_differences
## 2609 this_Chamber
## 2610 the_war
## 2611 you
## 2612 partisanship
## 2613 we
## 2614 our_troops
## 2615 This
## 2616 a_time
## 2617 pride
## 2618 this
## 2619 no_time
## 2620 problems
## 2621 us
## 2622 we
## 2623 them
## 2624 our_country
## 2625 I
## 2626 cuts
## 2627 military_spending
## 2628 that
## 2629 the_changes
## 2630 the_new_era
## 2631 imperial_communism
## 2632 that_process
## 2633 I
## 2634 you
## 2635 dramatic_changes
## 2636 our_strategic_nuclear_force
## 2637 These
## 2638 actions
## 2639 we
## 2640 they
## 2641 the_right_thing
## 2642 20_planes
## 2643 which
## 2644 we
## 2645 we
## 2646 further_production
## 2647 the_B_-_2_bombers
## 2648 We
## 2649 the_small_ICBM_program
## 2650 We
## 2651 production
## 2652 new_warheads
## 2653 our_sea-based_ballistic_missiles
## 2654 We
## 2655 all_new_production
## 2656 the_Peacekeeper_missile
## 2657 we
## 2658 any_more_advanced_cruise_missiles
## 2659 I
## 2660 Camp_David
## 2661 Boris_Yeltsin
## 2662 the_Russian_Federation
## 2663 I
## 2664 President_Yeltsin
## 2665 the_Commonwealth
## 2666 the_former_Soviet_Union
## 2667 all_land-based_multiple-warhead_ballistic_missiles
## 2668 I
## 2669 the_following
## 2670 We
## 2671 all_Peacekeeper_missiles
## 2672 We
## 2673 the_number
## 2674 warheads
## 2675 Minuteman_missiles
## 2676 the_number
## 2677 warheads
## 2678 our_sea-based_missiles
## 2679 about_one-third
## 2680 we
## 2681 a_substantial_portion
## 2682 our_strategic_bombers
## 2683 primarily_conventional_use
## 2684 President_Yeltsin's_early_response
## 2685 I
## 2686 our_talks
## 2687 Camp_David
## 2688 I
## 2689 you
## 2690 half_a_century
## 2691 American_Presidents
## 2692 such_decisions
## 2693 such_words
## 2694 the_midst
## 2695 celebration
## 2696 we
## 2697 caution
## 2698 a_friend
## 2699 the_world
## 2700 a_dangerous_place
## 2701 Only_the_dead
## 2702 the_end
## 2703 conflict
## 2704 yesterday's_challenges
## 2705 us
## 2706 tomorrow
## 2707 The_Secretary
## 2708 Defense
## 2709 these_cuts
## 2710 consultation
## 2711 the_Joint_Chiefs
## 2712 Staff
## 2713 I
## 2714 them
## 2715 confidence
## 2716 me
## 2717 The_reductions
## 2718 I
## 2719 us
## 2720 the_next_5_years
## 2721 we
## 2722 defense
## 2723 30_percent
## 2724 I
## 2725 office
## 2726 These_cuts
## 2727 you
## 2728 my_resolve
## 2729 history
## 2730 We
## 2731 the_days
## 2732 the_hollow_army
## 2733 We
## 2734 the_mistakes
## 2735 this_century
## 2736 armistice
## 2737 recklessness
## 2738 defense
## 2739 the_world
## 2740 I
## 2741 you
## 2742 I
## 2743 your_support
## 2744 a_program
## 2745 our_country
## 2746 limited_nuclear_missile_attack
## 2747 We
## 2748 this_protection
## 2749 too_many_people
## 2750 too_many_countries
## 2751 access
## 2752 nuclear_arms
## 2753 I
## 2754 you
## 2755 the_Strategic_Defense_Initiative
## 2756 SDI
## 2757 those
## 2758 who
## 2759 we
## 2760 the_world
## 2761 we
## 2762 no_special_role
## 2763 no_special_place
## 2764 we
## 2765 the_United_States
## 2766 America
## 2767 the_leader
## 2768 the_West
## 2769 that
## 2770 the_leader
## 2771 the_world
## 2772 I
## 2773 President
## 2774 I
## 2775 support
## 2776 freedom
## 2777 arrogance
## 2778 altruism
## 2779 the_safety
## 2780 security
## 2781 our_children
## 2782 This
## 2783 a_fact
## 2784 Strength
## 2785 the_pursuit
## 2786 peace
## 2787 no_vice
## 2788 isolationism
## 2789 the_pursuit
## 2790 security
## 2791 no_virtue
## 2792 our_troubles
## 2793 home
## 2794 They
## 2795 the_primary_problem
## 2796 our_economy
## 2797 some_good_signs
## 2798 Inflation
## 2799 that_thief
## 2800 interest_rates
## 2801 unemployment
## 2802 some_industries
## 2803 trouble
## 2804 growth
## 2805 what
## 2806 it
## 2807 me
## 2808 you
## 2809 the_start
## 2810 the_heart
## 2811 I
## 2812 we
## 2813 hard_times
## 2814 I
## 2815 something
## 2816 This
## 2817 this_Chamber
## 2818 this_Chamber
## 2819 we
## 2820 the_same_courage
## 2821 sense
## 2822 common_purpose
## 2823 the_economy
## 2824 that
## 2825 we
## 2826 Desert_Storm
## 2827 we
## 2828 hard_times
## 2829 I
## 2830 you
## 2831 One_reason
## 2832 you
## 2833 patriots
## 2834 you
## 2835 your_country
## 2836 I
## 2837 your_hearts
## 2838 you
## 2839 partisanship
## 2840 the_job
## 2841 it
## 2842 the_right_thing
## 2843 The_power
## 2844 America
## 2845 a_stirring_but_simple_idea
## 2846 people
## 2847 great_things
## 2848 only_you
## 2849 them
## 2850 we
## 2851 the_economy
## 2852 this_age
## 2853 miracles
## 2854 wonders
## 2855 us
## 2856 anything
## 2857 it
## 2858 we
## 2859 the_world
## 2860 we
## 2861 America
## 2862 We
## 2863 investment
## 2864 We
## 2865 it
## 2866 people
## 2867 money
## 2868 new_products
## 2869 new_industries
## 2870 new_jobs
## 2871 We
## 2872 the_obstacles
## 2873 growth
## 2874 high_taxes
## 2875 high_regulation
## 2876 redtape
## 2877 ,_wasteful_Government_spending
## 2878 None
## 2879 this
## 2880 a_snap
## 2881 the_fingers
## 2882 it
## 2883 the_test
## 2884 a_plan
## 2885 it
## 2886 The_American_people
## 2887 gimmicks
## 2888 they
## 2889 this_score
## 2890 all
## 2891 us
## 2892 this_room
## 2893 The_only_test
## 2894 a_plan
## 2895 it
## 2896 it
## 2897 We
## 2898 a_short-term_plan
## 2899 our_immediate_needs
## 2900 the_economy
## 2901 we
## 2902 a_longer_term_plan
## 2903 combustion
## 2904 our_place
## 2905 the_world_economy
## 2906 certain_things
## 2907 that
## 2908 a_President
## 2909 Congress
## 2910 I
## 2911 them
## 2912 I
## 2913 major_Cabinet_departments
## 2914 Federal_agencies
## 2915 a_90-day_moratorium
## 2916 any_new_Federal_regulations
## 2917 that
## 2918 growth
## 2919 those_90_days
## 2920 major_departments
## 2921 agencies
## 2922 bottom
## 2923 all_regulations
## 2924 the_ones
## 2925 that
## 2926 growth
## 2927 those
## 2928 that
## 2929 growth
## 2930 the_untold_number
## 2931 hard-working,_responsible_American_workers
## 2932 business_men
## 2933 women
## 2934 who
## 2935 needed_bank_loans
## 2936 the_banking_credit_crunch
## 2937 I
## 2938 my_responsibility
## 2939 sound_regulations
## 2940 that
## 2941 the_public_good
## 2942 regulatory_overkill
## 2943 I
## 2944 our_Government_regulators
## 2945 it
## 2946 I
## 2947 Cabinet_departments
## 2948 Federal_agencies
## 2949 progrowth_expenditures
## 2950 This
## 2951 the_economy
## 2952 the_next_6_months
## 2953 our_new_transportation_bill
## 2954 construction_and_maintenance_projects
## 2955 that
## 2956 our_growth
## 2957 well-being
## 2958 that
## 2959 roads
## 2960 jobs_building_railways
## 2961 I
## 2962 the_Secretary
## 2963 the_Treasury
## 2964 the_Federal_tax_withholding_tables
## 2965 this_change
## 2966 millions
## 2967 Americans
## 2968 whom
## 2969 the_Government
## 2970 the_Government
## 2971 their_paychecks
## 2972 Something
## 2973 me
## 2974 a_number
## 2975 taxpayers
## 2976 us
## 2977 this_one
## 2978 This_initiative
## 2979 our_economy
## 2980 the_next_12_months
## 2981 money_people
## 2982 clothing
## 2983 college
## 2984 a_new_car
## 2985 the_Federal_Reserve
## 2986 we
## 2987 monetary_policy
## 2988 that
## 2989 both_interest_rates
## 2990 inflation
## 2991 these
## 2992 the_things
## 2993 I
## 2994 Members
## 2995 Congress
## 2996 me
## 2997 you
## 2998 what
## 2999 you
## 3000 your_country
## 3001 You
## 3002 the_other_elements
## 3003 my_plan
## 3004 our_economic_needs
## 3005 Everyone
## 3006 investment
## 3007 recovery
## 3008 I
## 3009 a_change
## 3010 the_alternative_minimum_tax
## 3011 the_creation
## 3012 a_new_15-percent_investment_tax_allowance
## 3013 This
## 3014 businesses
## 3015 investment
## 3016 people
## 3017 work
## 3018 Real_estate
## 3019 our_economy
## 3020 almost_all_the_tough_times
## 3021 we
## 3022 building
## 3023 carpenters
## 3024 plumbers
## 3025 people
## 3026 homes
## 3027 mortgages
## 3028 My_plan
## 3029 the_passive_loss_rule
## 3030 active_real_estate_developers
## 3031 it
## 3032 it
## 3033 pension_plans
## 3034 real_estate
## 3035 those_Americans
## 3036 who
## 3037 a_first_home
## 3038 who
## 3039 it
## 3040 my_plan
## 3041 first-time_homebuyers
## 3042 savings
## 3043 IRA
## 3044 penalty
## 3045 a_$5,000_tax_credit
## 3046 the_first_purchase
## 3047 that_home
## 3048 my_immediate_plan
## 3049 Congress
## 3050 crucial_help
## 3051 people
## 3052 who
## 3053 a_home
## 3054 everyone
## 3055 who
## 3056 a_business
## 3057 a_farm
## 3058 a_single_investment
## 3059 this_hour
## 3060 I
## 3061 no
## 3062 an_answer
## 3063 You
## 3064 the_capital_gains_tax
## 3065 the_people
## 3066 our_country
## 3067 an_issue
## 3068 its_opponents
## 3069 the_demagogs
## 3070 They
## 3071 they
## 3072 it
## 3073 Sixty_percent
## 3074 the_people
## 3075 who
## 3076 lower_capital_gains
## 3077 incomes
## 3078 A_cut
## 3079 the_capital_gains_tax_increases
## 3080 everyone
## 3081 our_country
## 3082 I
## 3083 you
## 3084 the_capital_gains_tax
## 3085 a_maximum
## 3086 15.4_percent
## 3087 I
## 3088 you
## 3089 those
## 3090 you
## 3091 who
## 3092 someone
## 3093 who
## 3094 that
## 3095 you
## 3096 me
## 3097 the_old_definition
## 3098 the_Puritan
## 3099 who
## 3100 night
## 3101 someone
## 3102 a_good_time
## 3103 The_opponents
## 3104 this_measure
## 3105 those
## 3106 who
## 3107 various_so-called_soak-the-rich_bills
## 3108 that
## 3109 this_Chamber
## 3110 something
## 3111 they
## 3112 the_big_guy
## 3113 they
## 3114 the_little_guy
## 3115 it
## 3116 time
## 3117 that
## 3118 This
## 3119 my_short-term_plan
## 3120 Your_part
## 3121 Members
## 3122 Congress
## 3123 enactment
## 3124 these_commonsense_proposals
## 3125 that
## 3126 a_strong_effect
## 3127 the_economy
## 3128 the_budget_agreement
## 3129 tax_rates
## 3130 my_plan
## 3131 we
## 3132 those
## 3133 trouble
## 3134 I
## 3135 my_budget
## 3136 Federal_unemployment_benefits
## 3137 I
## 3138 congressional_action
## 3139 I
## 3140 the_committee
## 3141 's
## 3142 's
## 3143 me
## 3144 you
## 3145 I
## 3146 you
## 3147 my_plan
## 3148 a_political_season
## 3149 I
## 3150 you
## 3151 everything
## 3152 I
## 3153 some
## 3154 merely_partisan_terms
## 3155 I
## 3156 you
## 3157 what
## 3158 my_heart
## 3159 my_aim
## 3160 our_Nation's_good
## 3161 I
## 3162 what
## 3163 I
## 3164 I
## 3165 what
## 3166 I
## 3167 I
## 3168 myself
## 3169 I
## 3170 a_prudent_man
## 3171 I
## 3172 patience
## 3173 a_virtue
## 3174 I
## 3175 politics
## 3176 some
## 3177 a_game
## 3178 the_game
## 3179 all_progress
## 3180 the_lack
## 3181 improvement
## 3182 me
## 3183 you
## 3184 my_political_future
## 3185 yours
## 3186 the_well-being
## 3187 our_country
## 3188 Members
## 3189 this_Chamber
## 3190 practical_people
## 3191 I
## 3192 you
## 3193 some_practical_advice
## 3194 people
## 3195 their_party's_fortunes
## 3196 the_party
## 3197 whatever_side
## 3198 this_aisle
## 3199 the_public_good
## 3200 they
## 3201 their_country
## 3202 themselves
## 3203 they
## 3204 it
## 3205 I
## 3206 my_plan
## 3207 I
## 3208 you
## 3209 it
## 3210 March_20th
## 3211 I
## 3212 the_American_people
## 3213 you
## 3214 they
## 3215 this_action
## 3216 March_20th
## 3217 the_day
## 3218 that
## 3219 it
## 3220 the_battle
## 3221 you
## 3222 principle
## 3223 stake
## 3224 I
## 3225 a_good,_fair_fight
## 3226 I
## 3227 my_plan
## 3228 two_parts
## 3229 it
## 3230 it
## 3231 the_second_part
## 3232 that
## 3233 the_heart
## 3234 the_matter
## 3235 it
## 3236 an_immediate_burst
## 3237 We
## 3238 long-term_improvement
## 3239 our_economic_position
## 3240 We
## 3241 all
## 3242 the_key
## 3243 our_economic_future
## 3244 America
## 3245 an_economic_leader
## 3246 the_world
## 3247 We
## 3248 that
## 3249 our_power
## 3250 my_long-term_plan
## 3251 our_future
## 3252 We
## 3253 the_walls
## 3254 that
## 3255 world_trade
## 3256 We
## 3257 markets
## 3258 our_major_trade_negotiations
## 3259 I
## 3260 tariffs
## 3261 subsidies
## 3262 that
## 3263 America's_farmers
## 3264 workers
## 3265 we
## 3266 more_good_American_jobs
## 3267 our_own_hemisphere
## 3268 the_North_American_free_trade_agreement
## 3269 the_Enterprise
## 3270 the_Americas_Initiative
## 3271 changes
## 3272 The_workplace
## 3273 the_future
## 3274 more_highly_skilled_workers
## 3275 more_people
## 3276 who
## 3277 We
## 3278 the_world's_leader
## 3279 education
## 3280 we
## 3281 America's_schools
## 3282 My_America_2000_strategy
## 3283 us
## 3284 that_goal
## 3285 My_plan
## 3286 parents
## 3287 more_choice
## 3288 teachers
## 3289 more_flexibility
## 3290 communities
## 3291 new_American_schools
## 3292 Thirty_States
## 3293 the_Nation
## 3294 America_2000_programs
## 3295 Hundreds
## 3296 cities
## 3297 towns
## 3298 Congress
## 3299 this_great_movement
## 3300 my_proposals
## 3301 new_American_schools
## 3302 That
## 3303 my_second_long-term_proposal
## 3304 my_third
## 3305 We
## 3306 commonsense_investments
## 3307 that
## 3308 us
## 3309 the_marketplace
## 3310 We
## 3311 research
## 3312 development
## 3313 My_plan
## 3314 the_R&D_tax_credit
## 3315 record_levels
## 3316 support
## 3317 people
## 3318 who
## 3319 the_promise
## 3320 emerging_technologies
## 3321 we
## 3322 something
## 3323 crime
## 3324 drugs
## 3325 It
## 3326 time
## 3327 a_major,_renewed_investment
## 3328 violent_street_crime
## 3329 It
## 3330 our_strength
## 3331 our_faith
## 3332 our_society
## 3333 our_future
## 3334 a_tired_woman
## 3335 her_way
## 3336 the_morning
## 3337 a_subway
## 3338 the_right
## 3339 it
## 3340 everyone
## 3341 who
## 3342 his_or_her_life
## 3343 crime
## 3344 those
## 3345 night
## 3346 those
## 3347 the_parks
## 3348 they
## 3349 these_people
## 3350 a_basic_civil_right
## 3351 It
## 3352 time
## 3353 it
## 3354 Congress
## 3355 my_comprehensive_crime_bill
## 3356 It
## 3357 criminals
## 3358 police
## 3359 it
## 3360 these_hallowed_halls
## 3361 years
## 3362 it
## 3363 your_country
## 3364 I
## 3365 you
## 3366 our_HOPE_housing_proposal
## 3367 my_enterprise_zone_legislation
## 3368 which
## 3369 businesses
## 3370 the_inner_city
## 3371 We
## 3372 the_pride
## 3373 that
## 3374 a_home
## 3375 a_job
## 3376 a_part
## 3377 things
## 3378 My_plan
## 3379 real_estate_construction
## 3380 tax_incentives
## 3381 mortgage_revenue_bonds
## 3382 low-income_housing
## 3383 I
## 3384 record_expenditures
## 3385 the_program
## 3386 that
## 3387 children
## 3388 want_move
## 3389 excellence
## 3390 we
## 3391 our_health_care_system
## 3392 this
## 3393 we
## 3394 the_world
## 3395 American_health_costs
## 3396 America
## 3397 health
## 3398 that
## 3399 the_end
## 3400 the_decade
## 3401 We
## 3402 this
## 3403 The_cost
## 3404 health_care
## 3405 your_family_budget
## 3406 the_price
## 3407 everything
## 3408 we
## 3409 we
## 3410 health_coverage
## 3411 a_fellow
## 3412 an_assembly_line
## 3413 thousands
## 3414 dollars
## 3415 the_cost
## 3416 the_products
## 3417 he
## 3418 you
## 3419 the_bill
## 3420 We
## 3421 a_choice
## 3422 some
## 3423 we
## 3424 it
## 3425 They
## 3426 it
## 3427 that_expensive_approach
## 3428 It
## 3429 higher_taxes
## 3430 fewer_jobs
## 3431 eventually_a_system
## 3432 complete_Government_control
## 3433 only_two_options
## 3434 we
## 3435 a_nationalized_system
## 3436 a_system
## 3437 which
## 3438 patient_choice
## 3439 a_doctor
## 3440 the_Government
## 3441 ration_services
## 3442 what
## 3443 we
## 3444 patients
## 3445 long_lines
## 3446 indifferent_service
## 3447 a_huge_new_tax_burden
## 3448 we
## 3449 our_own_private_health_care_system
## 3450 which
## 3451 us
## 3452 all_its_flaws
## 3453 the_best_quality_health_care
## 3454 the_world
## 3455 's
## 3456 our_strengths
## 3457 My_plan
## 3458 insurance_security
## 3459 all_Americans
## 3460 the_idea
## 3461 choice
## 3462 We
## 3463 basic_health_insurance
## 3464 all_low-income_people
## 3465 we
## 3466 it
## 3467 a_health_insurance_tax_credit
## 3468 each_low-income_family
## 3469 the_middle_class
## 3470 help
## 3471 the_health_insurance_market
## 3472 my_plan
## 3473 Americans
## 3474 access
## 3475 basic_health_insurance
## 3476 they
## 3477 jobs
## 3478 serious_health_problems
## 3479 We
## 3480 costs
## 3481 control
## 3482 quality
## 3483 preserve_choice
## 3484 the_people's_nagging_daily_worry
## 3485 health_insurance
## 3486 My_plan
## 3487 the_details
## 3488 which
## 3489 I
## 3490 just_that
## 3491 we
## 3492 the_Federal_deficit
## 3493 control
## 3494 We
## 3495 law
## 3496 enforceable_spending_caps
## 3497 a_requirement
## 3498 that
## 3499 we
## 3500 the_programs
## 3501 we
## 3502 those
## 3503 Congress
## 3504 who
## 3505 that_discipline
## 3506 I
## 3507 them
## 3508 it
## 3509 I
## 3510 My_plan
## 3511 all_domestic_discretionary_budget_authority
## 3512 which
## 3513 this_year
## 3514 I
## 3515 Social_Security
## 3516 I
## 3517 real_caps
## 3518 the_growth
## 3519 uncontrolled_spending
## 3520 I
## 3521 Federal_domestic_Government_employment
## 3522 the_help
## 3523 Congress
## 3524 my_plan
## 3525 246_programs
## 3526 that
## 3527 Federal_funding
## 3528 Some
## 3529 them
## 3530 noble_titles
## 3531 none
## 3532 them
## 3533 We
## 3534 each
## 3535 them
## 3536 You
## 3537 it
## 3538 time
## 3539 we
## 3540 a_home_truth
## 3541 the_American_people
## 3542 This_Government
## 3543 I
## 3544 Congress
## 3545 a_measure
## 3546 that
## 3547 an_end
## 3548 the_annual_ritual
## 3549 the_budget
## 3550 pork_barrel_appropriations
## 3551 the_press
## 3552 a_field_day
## 3553 fun
## 3554 outrageous_examples
## 3555 a_Lawrence_Welk_museum
## 3556 research_grants
## 3557 Belgian_endive
## 3558 We
## 3559 all
## 3560 these_things
## 3561 the_budget
## 3562 you
## 3563 someone
## 3564 you
## 3565 I
## 3566 it
## 3567 I
## 3568 what
## 3569 I
## 3570 it
## 3571 me
## 3572 the_same_thing
## 3573 43_Governors
## 3574 the_line-item_veto
## 3575 me
## 3576 you
## 3577 We
## 3578 an_end
## 3579 These
## 3580 the_requirements
## 3581 Congress
## 3582 our_cities
## 3583 counties
## 3584 States
## 3585 the_money
## 3586 Congress
## 3587 a_mandate
## 3588 it
## 3589 it
## 3590 the_cost
## 3591 savings
## 3592 a_mandate
## 3593 someone_else's_burden
## 3594 that
## 3595 higher_taxes
## 3596 the_State_and_local_level
## 3597 Step
## 3598 Congress
## 3599 the_bold_reform_proposals
## 3600 that
## 3601 congressional_action
## 3602 bank_reform
## 3603 civil_justice_reform
## 3604 tort_reform
## 3605 my_national_energy_strategy
## 3606 we
## 3607 the_family
## 3608 it
## 3609 the_family
## 3610 that
## 3611 the_greatest_bearing
## 3612 our_future
## 3613 Barbara
## 3614 an_AIDS_baby
## 3615 her_arms
## 3616 children
## 3617 she
## 3618 every_person
## 3619 this_country
## 3620 Family
## 3621 I
## 3622 a_new_Commission
## 3623 America's_Urban_Families
## 3624 I
## 3625 Missouri's_Governor_John_Ashcroft
## 3626 Chairman
## 3627 former_Dallas_Mayor_Annette_Strauss
## 3628 Cochair
## 3629 You
## 3630 I
## 3631 mayors
## 3632 the_leading_mayors
## 3633 the_League
## 3634 Cities
## 3635 the_other_day
## 3636 the_White_House
## 3637 they
## 3638 me
## 3639 something
## 3640 They
## 3641 them
## 3642 Republican
## 3643 Democrat
## 3644 one_thing
## 3645 the_major_cause
## 3646 the_problems
## 3647 the_cities
## 3648 the_dissolution
## 3649 the_family
## 3650 They
## 3651 this_Commission
## 3652 they
## 3653 it
## 3654 time
## 3655 what
## 3656 we
## 3657 families
## 3658 sound
## 3659 one_thing
## 3660 we
## 3661 the_burden
## 3662 a_child
## 3663 I
## 3664 you
## 3665 the_personal_exemption
## 3666 child
## 3667 every_family
## 3668 a_family
## 3669 four_kids
## 3670 that
## 3671 an_increase
## 3672 This
## 3673 a_good_start
## 3674 the_right_direction
## 3675 it
## 3676 what
## 3677 we
## 3678 It
## 3679 time
## 3680 families
## 3681 the_interest
## 3682 they
## 3683 student_loans
## 3684 I
## 3685 you
## 3686 just_that
## 3687 I
## 3688 you
## 3689 people
## 3690 money
## 3691 their_IRA
## 3692 medical_and_education_expenses
## 3693 penalties
## 3694 I
## 3695 American_parents
## 3696 what
## 3697 they
## 3698 things
## 3699 our_country
## 3700 chances
## 3701 they
## 3702 welfare
## 3703 Americans
## 3704 the_most_generous_people
## 3705 Earth
## 3706 we
## 3707 the_insight
## 3708 Franklin_Roosevelt
## 3709 who
## 3710 he
## 3711 what
## 3712 the_welfare_program
## 3713 it
## 3714 a_"subtle_destroyer
## 3715 the_spirit
## 3716 Welfare
## 3717 a_lifestyle
## 3718 It
## 3719 a_habit
## 3720 It
## 3721 generation
## 3722 generation
## 3723 a_legacy
## 3724 It
## 3725 time
## 3726 the_assumptions
## 3727 the_welfare_state
## 3728 the_welfare_system
## 3729 States
## 3730 the_country
## 3731 new_assumptions
## 3732 able-bodied_people
## 3733 Government_assistance
## 3734 they
## 3735 responsibilities
## 3736 the_taxpayer
## 3737 A_responsibility
## 3738 work
## 3739 education
## 3740 job_training
## 3741 a_responsibility
## 3742 their_lives
## 3743 order
## 3744 a_responsibility
## 3745 their_families
## 3746 children
## 3747 wedlock
## 3748 a_responsibility
## 3749 the_law
## 3750 We
## 3751 this_movement
## 3752 State_reform
## 3753 certain_Federal_regulations
## 3754 I
## 3755 that_process
## 3756 every_State
## 3757 that
## 3758 our_help
## 3759 I
## 3760 we
## 3761 these_changes
## 3762 we
## 3763 this_system
## 3764 our_intention
## 3765 you
## 3766 the_papers
## 3767 TV
## 3768 you
## 3769 a_rise
## 3770 a_certain_kind
## 3771 ugliness
## 3772 racist_comments
## 3773 -
## 3774 Semitism
## 3775 an_increased_sense
## 3776 division
## 3777 this
## 3778 us
## 3779 This
## 3780 who
## 3781 we
## 3782 this
## 3783 you
## 3784 my_plan
## 3785 America
## 3786 I
## 3787 big_things
## 3788 I
## 3789 my_heart
## 3790 you
## 3791 what
## 3792 You
## 3793 it
## 3794 kind_of_an_American_tradition
## 3795 a_certain_skepticism
## 3796 our_democratic_institutions
## 3797 I
## 3798 myself
## 3799 the_aging_process
## 3800 it
## 3801 its_way
## 3802 Congress
## 3803 You
## 3804 you
## 3805 that
## 3806 the_people
## 3807 They
## 3808 help
## 3809 a_mood
## 3810 us
## 3811 People
## 3812 talk
## 3813 decline
## 3814 Someone
## 3815 our_workers
## 3816 I
## 3817 You
## 3818 Neil_Armstrong
## 3819 the_moon
## 3820 the_men
## 3821 women
## 3822 who
## 3823 him
## 3824 the_American_farmer
## 3825 who
## 3826 his_country
## 3827 the_world
## 3828 the_men
## 3829 women
## 3830 Desert_Storm
## 3831 Moods
## 3832 greatness_endures
## 3833 Ours
## 3834 a_moment
## 3835 it
## 3836 the_dailiness
## 3837 our_lives
## 3838 we
## 3839 We
## 3840 ever_the_freest_nation
## 3841 Earth
## 3842 the_kindest_nation
## 3843 Earth
## 3844 the_strongest_nation
## 3845 Earth
## 3846 we
## 3847 the_occasion
## 3848 we
## 3849 this_Nation
## 3850 hard_times_inch
## 3851 inch
## 3852 day
## 3853 day
## 3854 those
## 3855 who
## 3856 us
## 3857 better_step
## 3858 I
## 3859 hard_times
## 3860 I
## 3861 this_vow
## 3862 This
## 3863 we
## 3864 the_once_and_future_miracle
## 3865 that
## 3866 the_hope
## 3867 the_world
## 3868 you
## 3869 God
## 3870 you
## 3871 God
## 3872 our_beloved_country
## 3873 you
## 3874 Mr._President
## 3875 Mr._Speaker
## 3876 Members
## 3877 the_House
## 3878 the_Senate
## 3879 Americans
## 3880 visitors
## 3881 this_Chamber
## 3882 I.
## 3883 It
## 3884 a_fresh_excuse
## 3885 a_long_speech
## 3886 Presidents
## 3887 Congress
## 3888 the_Nation
## 3889 this_podium
## 3890 they
## 3891 the_full_range
## 3892 challenges
## 3893 opportunities
## 3894 that
## 3895 the_United_States
## 3896 this
## 3897 an_ordinary_time
## 3898 all_the_many_tasks
## 3899 that
## 3900 our_attention
## 3901 I
## 3902 us
## 3903 that
## 3904 our_economy
## 3905 anything
## 3906 Americans
## 3907 our_economy
## 3908 me
## 3909 it
## 3910 a_President
## 3911 Americans
## 3912 him
## 3913 a_great_national_journey
## 3914 the_bounty
## 3915 today
## 3916 a_much_greater_one
## 3917 individuals
## 3918 nations
## 3919 they
## 3920 themselves
## 3921 they
## 3922 those
## 3923 whom
## 3924 they
## 3925 they
## 3926 history
## 3927 every_individual_man
## 3928 woman
## 3929 nations
## 3930 they
## 3931 the_occasions
## 3932 history
## 3933 them
## 3934 We
## 3935 a_people
## 3936 youthful_energy
## 3937 daring_spirit
## 3938 this_historic_moment
## 3939 communism
## 3940 freedom
## 3941 the_world
## 3942 a_global_economy
## 3943 shape
## 3944 our_eyes
## 3945 Americans
## 3946 change
## 3947 it
## 3948 those
## 3949 us
## 3950 this_room
## 3951 them
## 3952 Our_Nation
## 3953 a_new_direction
## 3954 I
## 3955 you
## 3956 a_comprehensive_plan
## 3957 our_Nation
## 3958 that_new_course
## 3959 I
## 3960 we
## 3961 our_new_direction
## 3962 the_basic_old_values
## 3963 that
## 3964 us
## 3965 the_last_two_centuries
## 3966 a_commitment
## 3967 opportunity
## 3968 individual_responsibility
## 3969 community
## 3970 family
## 3971 faith
## 3972 We
## 3973 the_habits
## 3974 both_political_parties
## 3975 no_more_something
## 3976 nothing
## 3977 we
## 3978 this
## 3979 The_conditions
## 3980 which
## 3981 us
## 3982 a_nation
## 3983 this_point
## 3984 well-known:_two_decades
## 3985 low_productivity
## 3986 growth
## 3987 stagnant_wages
## 3988 persistent_unemployment
## 3989 years
## 3990 huge_Government_deficits
## 3991 declining_investment
## 3992 our_future
## 3993 health_care_costs
## 3994 lack
## 3995 coverage
## 3996 millions
## 3997 Americans
## 3998 legions
## 3999 poor_children
## 4000 education
## 4001 job_training_opportunities
## 4002 the_demands
## 4003 this_tough,_global_economy
## 4004 we
## 4005 a_strong_sense
## 4006 purpose
## 4007 responsibility
## 4008 community
## 4009 special_interest_groups
## 4010 partisan_bickering
## 4011 the_sheer_complexity
## 4012 our_problems
## 4013 I
## 4014 we
## 4015 we
## 4016 the_greatest_nation
## 4017 Earth
## 4018 the_world's_strongest_economy
## 4019 the_world's_only_military_superpower
## 4020 we
## 4021 the_vision
## 4022 the_heart
## 4023 the_changes
## 4024 we
## 4025 we
## 4026 the_21st_century
## 4027 possibilities
## 4028 our_parents
## 4029 it
## 4030 the_American_dream
## 4031 ourselves
## 4032 future_generations
## 4033 I
## 4034 President_Reagan
## 4035 this_very_podium
## 4036 you
## 4037 the_American_people
## 4038 our_national_debt
## 4039 thousand-dollar_bills
## 4040 the_stack
## 4041 67_miles
## 4042 space
## 4043 that_stack
## 4044 267_miles
## 4045 I
## 4046 you
## 4047 this
## 4048 blame
## 4049 this_problem
## 4050 plenty
## 4051 blame
## 4052 both_branches
## 4053 the_Government
## 4054 both_parties
## 4055 The_time
## 4056 the_blame
## 4057 I
## 4058 this_office
## 4059 blame
## 4060 I
## 4061 responsibility
## 4062 I
## 4063 you
## 4064 responsibility
## 4065 me
## 4066 we
## 4067 this_country
## 4068 I
## 4069 who
## 4070 the_credit
## 4071 it
## 4072 The_plan
## 4073 I
## 4074 you
## 4075 four_fundamental_components
## 4076 it
## 4077 our_emphasis
## 4078 public_and_private_spending
## 4079 consumption
## 4080 investment
## 4081 the_economy
## 4082 the_short_term
## 4083 our_people
## 4084 their_jobs
## 4085 their_incomes
## 4086 the_long_run
## 4087 it
## 4088 the_rhetoric
## 4089 the_past
## 4090 the_actions
## 4091 the_present
## 4092 work
## 4093 families
## 4094 every_part
## 4095 our_public_decision-making
## 4096 it
## 4097 the_Federal_deficit
## 4098 the_beginning
## 4099 the_most_conservative_estimates
## 4100 Government_revenues
## 4101 the_executive_branch
## 4102 the_past
## 4103 the_most_optimistic_ones
## 4104 it
## 4105 the_trust
## 4106 the_American_people
## 4107 these_plans
## 4108 cuts
## 4109 Government_waste
## 4110 efficiency
## 4111 cuts
## 4112 gimmicks
## 4113 Government_spending
## 4114 fairness
## 4115 a_change
## 4116 the_way
## 4117 additional_burdens
## 4118 I
## 4119 you
## 4120 what
## 4121 Government
## 4122 I
## 4123 Government
## 4124 me
## 4125 the_real_engine
## 4126 economic_growth
## 4127 this_country
## 4128 the_private_sector
## 4129 each
## 4130 us
## 4131 an_engine
## 4132 growth
## 4133 change
## 4134 The_truth
## 4135 Government
## 4136 more_opportunity
## 4137 this_new_and_different_time
## 4138 we
## 4139 more_responsibility
## 4140 turn
## 4141 Our_immediate_priority
## 4142 jobs
## 4143 jobs
## 4144 Some_people
## 4145 we
## 4146 a_recovery
## 4147 we
## 4148 that
## 4149 we
## 4150 all
## 4151 we
## 4152 a_recovery
## 4153 we
## 4154 new_jobs
## 4155 no_recovery
## 4156 that
## 4157 the_American_people
## 4158 work
## 4159 jobs
## 4160 a_strong_recovery
## 4161 I
## 4162 Congress
## 4163 an_immediate_package
## 4164 jobs_investments
## 4165 people
## 4166 a_half_a_million_jobs
## 4167 our_highways
## 4168 airports
## 4169 housing
## 4170 new_life
## 4171 rural_communities
## 4172 hope
## 4173 opportunity
## 4174 our_Nation's_youth
## 4175 I
## 4176 the_events
## 4177 last_year
## 4178 Los_Angeles
## 4179 the_countless_stories
## 4180 despair
## 4181 our_cities
## 4182 our_poor_rural_communities
## 4183 this_proposal
## 4184 almost_700,000_new_summer_jobs
## 4185 displaced,_unemployed_young_people
## 4186 I
## 4187 America's_business_leaders
## 4188 us
## 4189 this_effort
## 4190 we
## 4191 over_one_million_summer_jobs
## 4192 cities
## 4193 poor_rural_areas
## 4194 our_young_people
## 4195 our_plan
## 4196 today's_business_cycle
## 4197 our_aspirations
## 4198 the_next_century
## 4199 The_heart
## 4200 this_plan
## 4201 the_long_term
## 4202 It
## 4203 an_investment_program
## 4204 public_and_private_investment
## 4205 areas
## 4206 our_economic_future
## 4207 it
## 4208 a_deficit_reduction_program
## 4209 that
## 4210 the_savings
## 4211 the_private_sector
## 4212 interest_rates
## 4213 the_percentage
## 4214 the_Federal_budget
## 4215 interest_payments
## 4216 the_risk
## 4217 financial_market_disruptions
## 4218 that
## 4219 our_economy
## 4220 the_long_run
## 4221 all_this
## 4222 us
## 4223 a_higher_rate
## 4224 economic_growth
## 4225 improved_productivity
## 4226 more_high-quality_jobs
## 4227 an_improved_economic_competitive_position
## 4228 the_world
## 4229 order
## 4230 both_increased_investment_and_deficit_reduction
## 4231 no_American_Government
## 4232 the_same_time
## 4233 spending
## 4234 taxes
## 4235 The_spending_cuts
## 4236 I
## 4237 a_way
## 4238 any_adverse_economic_impact
## 4239 the_peace_dividend
## 4240 investment_purposes
## 4241 the_balance
## 4242 the_budget
## 4243 consumption
## 4244 more_investment
## 4245 The_tax_increases
## 4246 the_spending_cuts
## 4247 the_cost
## 4248 this_historic_program
## 4249 our_problems
## 4250 those
## 4251 who
## 4252 it
## 4253 Our_plan
## 4254 some_ways
## 4255 the_health
## 4256 American_business
## 4257 lower_interest_rates
## 4258 more_incentives
## 4259 small_business
## 4260 such_a_high_percentage
## 4261 all_the_new_jobs
## 4262 our_Nation
## 4263 the_last_10_or_15_years
## 4264 our_plan
## 4265 the_boldest_targeted_incentives
## 4266 small_business
## 4267 history
## 4268 We
## 4269 a_permanent_investment_tax_credit
## 4270 the_smallest_firms
## 4271 this_country
## 4272 revenues
## 4273 That
## 4274 about_90_percent
## 4275 the_firms
## 4276 America
## 4277 about_40_percent
## 4278 the_work_force
## 4279 a_big_majority
## 4280 the_net_new_jobs
## 4281 more_than_a_decade
## 4282 we
## 4283 new_rewards
## 4284 entrepreneurs
## 4285 who
## 4286 new_risks
## 4287 We
## 4288 small_business_access
## 4289 all_the_new_technologies
## 4290 our_time
## 4291 we
## 4292 this_credit_crunch
## 4293 which
## 4294 small_business
## 4295 the_credit
## 4296 they
## 4297 a_new_network
## 4298 community_development_banks
## 4299 the_dream
## 4300 enterprise_zones
## 4301 we
## 4302 new_hope
## 4303 new_jobs
## 4304 storefronts
## 4305 factories
## 4306 south_Boston
## 4307 south_Texas
## 4308 south_central_Los_Angeles
## 4309 This_plan
## 4310 our_roads
## 4311 our_bridges
## 4312 our_transit_systems
## 4313 high-speed_railways
## 4314 high-tech_information_systems
## 4315 it
## 4316 the_most_ambitious_environmental_cleanup
## 4317 partnership
## 4318 State_and_local_government
## 4319 our_time
## 4320 people
## 4321 the_environment
## 4322 our_future
## 4323 we
## 4324 the_edge
## 4325 a_new_century
## 4326 we
## 4327 economic_growth
## 4328 new_markets
## 4329 the_volume
## 4330 world_trade
## 4331 we
## 4332 fair_trade_rules
## 4333 international_markets
## 4334 a_part
## 4335 a_national_economic_strategy
## 4336 trade
## 4337 the_successful_completion
## 4338 the_latest_round
## 4339 world_trade_talks
## 4340 the_successful_completion
## 4341 a_North_American_Free_Trade_Agreement
## 4342 appropriate_safeguards
## 4343 our_workers
## 4344 the_environment
## 4345 the_same_time-;and
## 4346 I
## 4347 this
## 4348 you
## 4349 both_parties
## 4350 America
## 4351 all_the_people
## 4352 who
## 4353 listening-;it
## 4354 a_budget
## 4355 a_trade_agreement
## 4356 This_world
## 4357 we
## 4358 aggressive,_targeted_attempts
## 4359 the_high-wage_jobs
## 4360 the_future
## 4361 That
## 4362 what
## 4363 all_our_competitors
## 4364 We
## 4365 special_attention
## 4366 those_critical_industries
## 4367 that
## 4368 the_21st_century
## 4369 that
## 4370 trouble
## 4371 America
## 4372 aerospace
## 4373 We
## 4374 special_assistance
## 4375 areas
## 4376 workers
## 4377 cuts
## 4378 the_defense_budget
## 4379 other_unavoidable_economic_dislocations
## 4380 I
## 4381 we
## 4382 this
## 4383 I
## 4384 you
## 4385 I
## 4386 business
## 4387 labor
## 4388 Government
## 4389 a_change
## 4390 all
## 4391 our_efforts
## 4392 the_economy
## 4393 me
## 4394 this
## 4395 I
## 4396 this-;all
## 4397 our_efforts
## 4398 the_economy
## 4399 we
## 4400 our_health_care_system
## 4401 we
## 4402 14_percent
## 4403 our_income
## 4404 health_care
## 4405 any_other_country
## 4406 the_world
## 4407 we
## 4408 the_only_advanced_nation
## 4409 that
## 4410 a_basic_package
## 4411 health_care_benefits
## 4412 all
## 4413 its_citizens
## 4414 we
## 4415 the_present_pattern
## 4416 50_percent
## 4417 the_growth
## 4418 the_deficit
## 4419 now_and_the_year
## 4420 health_care_costs
## 4421 the_year
## 4422 almost_20_percent
## 4423 our_income
## 4424 health_care
## 4425 Our_families
## 4426 our_businesses
## 4427 our_Government
## 4428 we
## 4429 the_health_care_crisis
## 4430 We
## 4431 it
## 4432 The_combination
## 4433 the_rising_cost
## 4434 care
## 4435 the_lack
## 4436 care
## 4437 the_fear
## 4438 care
## 4439 the_security
## 4440 the_very_lives
## 4441 millions
## 4442 our_people
## 4443 they
## 4444 our_economy
## 4445 health_care_costs
## 4446 hundreds_of_billions
## 4447 dollars
## 4448 new_investment
## 4449 growth
## 4450 jobs
## 4451 health_costs
## 4452 line
## 4453 inflation
## 4454 the_private_sector
## 4455 this_country
## 4456 any_tax_cut
## 4457 we
## 4458 any_spending_program
## 4459 we
## 4460 health_care
## 4461 the_long_run
## 4462 not_only_our_deficit
## 4463 investment
## 4464 America
## 4465 the_First_Lady
## 4466 the_many_good_people
## 4467 who
## 4468 her
## 4469 the_country
## 4470 their_work
## 4471 I
## 4472 Congress
## 4473 a_comprehensive_plan
## 4474 health_care_reform
## 4475 that
## 4476 costs
## 4477 control
## 4478 security
## 4479 all
## 4480 our_families
## 4481 no_one
## 4482 the_coverage
## 4483 they
## 4484 our_economic_future
## 4485 We
## 4486 fraud
## 4487 overcharges
## 4488 paperwork
## 4489 your_doctor
## 4490 We
## 4491 the_highest_American_standards
## 4492 the_right
## 4493 a_system
## 4494 that
## 4495 all_those
## 4496 who
## 4497 it
## 4498 we
## 4499 choices
## 4500 We
## 4501 the_American_people
## 4502 the_quality
## 4503 they
## 4504 a_system
## 4505 that
## 4506 the_country
## 4507 more_Americans
## 4508 agony
## 4509 me
## 4510 I
## 4511 all
## 4512 you
## 4513 this
## 4514 I
## 4515 this
## 4516 a_complicated_issue
## 4517 we
## 4518 it
## 4519 I
## 4520 any_chance
## 4521 Republicans
## 4522 Democrats
## 4523 who
## 4524 taxes
## 4525 spending
## 4526 anything
## 4527 one_thing
## 4528 we
## 4529 these_numbers
## 4530 our_people
## 4531 the_truth
## 4532 We
## 4533 these_spending_patterns
## 4534 public_or_private_dollars
## 4535 health_care
## 4536 less_and_less_and_less_every_year
## 4537 We
## 4538 I
## 4539 Perhaps_the_most_fundamental_change
## 4540 the_new_direction
## 4541 I
## 4542 its_focus
## 4543 the_future
## 4544 its_investment
## 4545 which
## 4546 I
## 4547 our_children
## 4548 we
## 4549 a_commitment
## 4550 our_children
## 4551 a_dear_cost
## 4552 Half
## 4553 the_2-year-olds
## 4554 this_country
## 4555 the_immunizations
## 4556 they
## 4557 deadly_diseases
## 4558 Our_plan
## 4559 them
## 4560 every_eligible_child
## 4561 we
## 4562 we
## 4563 we
## 4564 preventable_childhood_diseases
## 4565 That
## 4566 a_good_investment
## 4567 you
## 4568 it
## 4569 I
## 4570 the_women
## 4571 infants
## 4572 children's_nutrition_program
## 4573 every_expectant_mother
## 4574 who
## 4575 the_help
## 4576 it
## 4577 We
## 4578 all
## 4579 Head_Start
## 4580 a_program
## 4581 that
## 4582 children
## 4583 school
## 4584 a_success_story
## 4585 We
## 4586 all
## 4587 it
## 4588 money
## 4589 it
## 4590 barely_over_one-third
## 4591 all_the_eligible_children
## 4592 this_plan
## 4593 every_eligible_child
## 4594 a_head_start
## 4595 This
## 4596 just_the_right_thing
## 4597 it
## 4598 the_smart_thing
## 4599 every_dollar
## 4600 we
## 4601 we
## 4602 We
## 4603 tomorrow
## 4604 I
## 4605 We
## 4606 our_schools
## 4607 our_students
## 4608 our_teachers
## 4609 our_principals
## 4610 our_parents
## 4611 we
## 4612 them
## 4613 the_resources
## 4614 they
## 4615 high_standards
## 4616 we
## 4617 the_authority
## 4618 the_influence
## 4619 the_funding
## 4620 the_Education_Department
## 4621 strategies
## 4622 that
## 4623 learning
## 4624 Money
## 4625 We
## 4626 what
## 4627 our_schools
## 4628 We
## 4629 all
## 4630 our_high_school_graduates
## 4631 some_further_education
## 4632 order
## 4633 this_global_economy
## 4634 we
## 4635 a_partnership
## 4636 businesses
## 4637 education
## 4638 the_Government
## 4639 apprenticeship_programs
## 4640 every_State
## 4641 this_country
## 4642 our_people
## 4643 the_skills
## 4644 they
## 4645 Lifelong_learning
## 4646 young_high_school_graduates
## 4647 workers
## 4648 their_career
## 4649 The_average_18-year-old_today
## 4650 jobs
## 4651 a_lifetime
## 4652 We
## 4653 a_lot
## 4654 this_country
## 4655 worker_training
## 4656 the_last_few_years
## 4657 the_system
## 4658 We
## 4659 a_unified,_simplified,_sensible,_streamlined_worker-training_program
## 4660 workers
## 4661 the_training
## 4662 they
## 4663 they
## 4664 their_jobs
## 4665 they
## 4666 something
## 4667 them
## 4668 We
## 4669 this
## 4670 I
## 4671 a_program
## 4672 that
## 4673 a_great_response
## 4674 the_American_people
## 4675 this_country
## 4676 a_program
## 4677 national_service
## 4678 college_loans
## 4679 all_Americans
## 4680 them
## 4681 the_same_time
## 4682 something
## 4683 their_country
## 4684 teachers
## 4685 police_officers
## 4686 community_service_workers
## 4687 them
## 4688 the_option
## 4689 the_loans
## 4690 tax_time
## 4691 they
## 4692 the_bill
## 4693 them
## 4694 it
## 4695 their_country
## 4696 their_country
## 4697 us
## 4698 the_benefit
## 4699 their_knowledge
## 4700 President_Kennedy
## 4701 the_United_States_Congress
## 4702 the_Peace_Corps
## 4703 it
## 4704 the_character
## 4705 a_whole_generation
## 4706 Americans
## 4707 people
## 4708 the_world
## 4709 this_national_service_program
## 4710 we
## 4711 more_than_twice_as_many_slots
## 4712 people
## 4713 they
## 4714 college
## 4715 national_service
## 4716 the_Peace_Corps
## 4717 This_program
## 4718 this_generation
## 4719 Members
## 4720 Congress
## 4721 what
## 4722 the_land
## 4723 what
## 4724 the_GI_bill
## 4725 former_Congressmen
## 4726 the_future
## 4727 historians
## 4728 who
## 4729 their_education
## 4730 the_national_service_loan
## 4731 you
## 4732 you
## 4733 America
## 4734 a_new_lease
## 4735 life
## 4736 you
## 4737 this_challenge
## 4738 we
## 4739 jobs
## 4740 we
## 4741 learning
## 4742 we
## 4743 rewarding_work
## 4744 we
## 4745 the_values
## 4746 that
## 4747 America
## 4748 we
## 4749 dignity
## 4750 all_work
## 4751 dignity
## 4752 all_workers
## 4753 those
## 4754 who
## 4755 our_sick
## 4756 who
## 4757 our_children
## 4758 who
## 4759 our_most_difficult_and_tiring_jobs
## 4760 the_new_direction
## 4761 I
## 4762 the_refundable_earned-income_tax_credit
## 4763 we
## 4764 history
## 4765 We
## 4766 the_work
## 4767 millions
## 4768 poor_Americans
## 4769 the_principle
## 4770 you
## 4771 you
## 4772 a_child
## 4773 the_house
## 4774 you
## 4775 poverty
## 4776 we
## 4777 a_plan
## 4778 welfare
## 4779 we
## 4780 it
## 4781 I
## 4782 this_issue
## 4783 the_better_part
## 4784 a_decade
## 4785 I
## 4786 personal_conversations
## 4787 many_people
## 4788 no_one
## 4789 the_welfare_system
## 4790 those
## 4791 who
## 4792 it
## 4793 I
## 4794 the_people
## 4795 welfare
## 4796 the_education
## 4797 the_training
## 4798 the_child_care
## 4799 the_health_care
## 4800 they
## 4801 their_feet
## 4802 2_years
## 4803 they
## 4804 work
## 4805 private_business
## 4806 public_service
## 4807 We
## 4808 welfare
## 4809 a_way
## 4810 life
## 4811 it
## 4812 independence
## 4813 dignity
## 4814 Our_next_great_goal
## 4815 our_families
## 4816 I
## 4817 the_Congress
## 4818 the_Family_and_Medical_Leave_Act
## 4819 a_good_first_step
## 4820 it
## 4821 time
## 4822 This_plan
## 4823 this_country
## 4824 the_toughest_child_support_enforcement_system
## 4825 it
## 4826 It
## 4827 time
## 4828 people
## 4829 responsibility
## 4830 the_children
## 4831 they
## 4832 this_world
## 4833 I
## 4834 you
## 4835 our_families
## 4836 the_violent_crime
## 4837 which
## 4838 our_people
## 4839 which
## 4840 our_communities
## 4841 We
## 4842 a_tough_crime_bill
## 4843 I
## 4844 not_only_the_bill
## 4845 which
## 4846 it
## 4847 the_President's_desk
## 4848 an_initiative
## 4849 100,000_more_police_officers
## 4850 the_street
## 4851 boot_camps
## 4852 first-time_nonviolent_offenders
## 4853 more_space
## 4854 the_hardened_criminals
## 4855 jail
## 4856 I
## 4857 an_initiative
## 4858 what
## 4859 we
## 4860 guns
## 4861 the_hands
## 4862 criminals
## 4863 me
## 4864 this
## 4865 I
## 4866 you
## 4867 you
## 4868 the_Brady_bill
## 4869 I
## 4870 it
## 4871 me
## 4872 we
## 4873 the_harder_parts
## 4874 I
## 4875 it
## 4876 every_American
## 4877 every_Member
## 4878 Congress
## 4879 both_parties
## 4880 the_confidence
## 4881 the_people
## 4882 who
## 4883 our_bills
## 4884 our_institutions
## 4885 Washington
## 4886 We
## 4887 it
## 4888 We
## 4889 ordinary_taxpayers
## 4890 organized_interest_groups
## 4891 that_beginning
## 4892 real_political_reform
## 4893 I
## 4894 the_United_States_Congress
## 4895 a_real_campaign_finance_reform_bill
## 4896 I
## 4897 you
## 4898 the_participation
## 4899 the_American_people
## 4900 the_motor_voter_bill
## 4901 I
## 4902 you
## 4903 the_undue_influence
## 4904 special_interests
## 4905 a_bill
## 4906 the_tax_deduction
## 4907 lobbying
## 4908 all_the_people
## 4909 who
## 4910 you
## 4911 lobbyists
## 4912 the_lobbying_registration_bill
## 4913 me
## 4914 they
## 4915 that_last_section
## 4916 home
## 4917 I
## 4918 lobby_reform
## 4919 campaign_finance_reform
## 4920 a_sure_path
## 4921 increased_popularity
## 4922 Republicans
## 4923 Democrats
## 4924 it
## 4925 the_voters
## 4926 This
## 4927 your_House
## 4928 This
## 4929 your_Senate
## 4930 We
## 4931 your_hired_hands
## 4932 every_penny
## 4933 we
## 4934 your_money
## 4935 Government
## 4936 we
## 4937 we
## 4938 our_means
## 4939 that
## 4940 the_top
## 4941 the_White_House
## 4942 the_last_few_days
## 4943 I
## 4944 a_cut
## 4945 the_White_House_staff
## 4946 25_percent
## 4947 I
## 4948 administrative_cuts
## 4949 budgets
## 4950 agencies
## 4951 departments
## 4952 I
## 4953 the_Federal_bureaucracy
## 4954 the_next_4_years
## 4955 approximately_100,000_positions
## 4956 a_combined_savings
## 4957 It
## 4958 time
## 4959 Government
## 4960 the_condition
## 4961 we
## 4962 we
## 4963 any_household
## 4964 America
## 4965 that
## 4966 I
## 4967 the_Congress
## 4968 I
## 4969 the_announcement
## 4970 the_leadership
## 4971 Congress
## 4972 similar_steps
## 4973 its_costs
## 4974 I
## 4975 that
## 4976 I
## 4977 it
## 4978 a_very_clear_signal
## 4979 the_American_people
## 4980 we
## 4981 spending
## 4982 we
## 4983 some
## 4984 it
## 4985 I
## 4986 the-board
## 4987 Federal_Government_salaries
## 4988 one_year
## 4989 this_4-year_period
## 4990 I
## 4991 salaries
## 4992 the_cost
## 4993 living_allowance
## 4994 Federal_pay_increases
## 4995 I
## 4996 we
## 4997 150_specific_budget_cuts
## 4998 you
## 4999 all_those
## 5000 who
## 5001 we
## 5002 I
## 5003 me
## 5004 my_friends
## 5005 both_sides
## 5006 the_aisle
## 5007 it
## 5008 Government
## 5009 we
## 5010 the_whole_way
## 5011 it
## 5012 I
## 5013 President
## 5014 I
## 5015 just_the_way
## 5016 the_White_House
## 5017 ways
## 5018 that
## 5019 lots
## 5020 money
## 5021 what
## 5022 taxpayers
## 5023 ,_outmoded_ways
## 5024 that
## 5025 maximum_advantage
## 5026 technology
## 5027 things
## 5028 that
## 5029 any_business
## 5030 taxpayers'_money
## 5031 I
## 5032 a_new_spirit
## 5033 innovation
## 5034 every_Government_Department
## 5035 I
## 5036 education_reform
## 5037 I
## 5038 more_money
## 5039 Some_things
## 5040 some_things
## 5041 We
## 5042 the_things
## 5043 that
## 5044 the_things
## 5045 that
## 5046 I
## 5047 that_Superfund
## 5048 pollution
## 5049 a_change
## 5050 lawyers
## 5051 the_aftermath
## 5052 all_the_difficulties
## 5053 the_savings
## 5054 loans
## 5055 we
## 5056 Federal_bank_regulators
## 5057 the_security
## 5058 safety
## 5059 our_financial_institutions
## 5060 they
## 5061 the_credit_crunch
## 5062 people
## 5063 sensible_loans
## 5064 I
## 5065 us
## 5066 welfare_reform
## 5067 the_whole_focus
## 5068 all
## 5069 our_programs
## 5070 that
## 5071 people
## 5072 them
## 5073 entitlement_programs
## 5074 empowerment_programs
## 5075 the_end
## 5076 we
## 5077 people
## 5078 us
## 5079 I
## 5080 that
## 5081 the_end
## 5082 we
## 5083 the_deficit
## 5084 years
## 5085 a_lot
## 5086 talk
## 5087 it
## 5088 very_few_credible_efforts
## 5089 it
## 5090 I
## 5091 the_real_numbers
## 5092 4_weeks
## 5093 I
## 5094 this_plan
## 5095 it
## 5096 the_budget_deficit
## 5097 the_long_term
## 5098 It
## 5099 place
## 5100 the_biggest_deficit_reductions
## 5101 the_biggest_changes
## 5102 Federal_priorities
## 5103 consumption
## 5104 investment
## 5105 the_history
## 5106 this_country
## 5107 the_same_time
## 5108 the_next_4_years
## 5109 me
## 5110 all_the_people
## 5111 us
## 5112 who
## 5113 me
## 5114 these_questions
## 5115 I
## 5116 the_country
## 5117 who
## 5118 it
## 5119 the_past
## 5120 We
## 5121 the_deficit
## 5122 experts
## 5123 it
## 5124 the_thing
## 5125 it
## 5126 some_intrinsic_merit
## 5127 We
## 5128 the_deficit
## 5129 we
## 5130 the_debt
## 5131 we
## 5132 jobs
## 5133 education
## 5134 the_future
## 5135 this_country
## 5136 we
## 5137 the_pool
## 5138 available_savings
## 5139 it
## 5140 people
## 5141 the_private_sector
## 5142 money
## 5143 affordable_interest_rates
## 5144 a_college_loan
## 5145 their_children
## 5146 a_home_mortgage
## 5147 a_new_business
## 5148 That
## 5149 we
## 5150 the_debt
## 5151 it
## 5152 other_activities
## 5153 that
## 5154 we
## 5155 the_American_people
## 5156 We
## 5157 the_deficit
## 5158 our_children
## 5159 a_home
## 5160 our_companies
## 5161 the_future
## 5162 their_workers
## 5163 our_Government
## 5164 the_kinds
## 5165 investments
## 5166 we
## 5167 a_stronger_and_smarter_and_safer_nation
## 5168 we
## 5169 you
## 5170 I
## 5171 this_Government
## 5172 we
## 5173 the_same_trends
## 5174 the_last_4_years
## 5175 the_end
## 5176 the_decade
## 5177 the_deficit
## 5178 almost_80_percent
## 5179 our_gross_domestic_product
## 5180 interest
## 5181 that_debt
## 5182 the_costliest_Government_program
## 5183 all
## 5184 We
## 5185 the_world's_largest_debtor
## 5186 Members
## 5187 Congress
## 5188 they
## 5189 over_20_cents
## 5190 the_dollar
## 5191 interest_payments
## 5192 the_budget
## 5193 health_care
## 5194 other_entitlements
## 5195 you
## 5196 6_or_7_cents
## 5197 the_dollar
## 5198 what
## 5199 America's_problems
## 5200 We
## 5201 the_independence
## 5202 we
## 5203 the_future
## 5204 we
## 5205 we
## 5206 foreign_funds
## 5207 a_large_portion
## 5208 our_investment
## 5209 This_budget_plan
## 5210 contrast
## 5211 that_year
## 5212 the_deficit
## 5213 a_real_spending_cut
## 5214 a_real_revenue_increase
## 5215 a_real_deficit_reduction
## 5216 the_independent_numbers
## 5217 the_Congressional_Budget_Office
## 5218 you
## 5219 I
## 5220 the_Congressional_Budget_Office
## 5221 what
## 5222 previous_Presidents
## 5223 I
## 5224 this
## 5225 we
## 5226 priorities
## 5227 the_same_set
## 5228 numbers
## 5229 I
## 5230 this
## 5231 no_one
## 5232 I
## 5233 my_way
## 5234 this_difficulty
## 5235 I
## 5236 this
## 5237 we
## 5238 the_most_prudent_revenues
## 5239 we
## 5240 the_recovery
## 5241 we
## 5242 right_things
## 5243 it
## 5244 the_American_people
## 5245 we
## 5246 the_last_12_years
## 5247 differences
## 5248 the_revenue_estimates
## 5249 you
## 5250 I
## 5251 both_parties
## 5252 greater_elbow_room
## 5253 irresponsibility
## 5254 This
## 5255 the_rein
## 5256 the_Democrats
## 5257 the_Republicans
## 5258 's
## 5259 the_same_set
## 5260 numbers
## 5261 the_American_people
## 5262 we
## 5263 them
## 5264 I
## 5265 my_recommendation
## 5266 more_than_150_difficult_reductions
## 5267 the_Federal_spending
## 5268 a_total
## 5269 We
## 5270 programs
## 5271 that
## 5272 nuclear_power_research
## 5273 development
## 5274 We
## 5275 subsidies
## 5276 wasteful_projects
## 5277 these_programs
## 5278 their_time
## 5279 a_lot
## 5280 them
## 5281 me
## 5282 reductions
## 5283 some_really_tough_ones
## 5284 me
## 5285 I
## 5286 we
## 5287 interest_subsidies
## 5288 the_Rural_Electric_Administration
## 5289 That
## 5290 a_difficult_thing
## 5291 me
## 5292 I
## 5293 I
## 5294 the_things
## 5295 that
## 5296 my_State
## 5297 my_experience
## 5298 I
## 5299 you
## 5300 things
## 5301 that
## 5302 you
## 5303 We
## 5304 no_sacred_cows
## 5305 the_fundamental_abiding_interest
## 5306 the_American_people
## 5307 I
## 5308 we
## 5309 all
## 5310 our_Government
## 5311 building_programs
## 5312 The_time
## 5313 the_American_people
## 5314 we
## 5315 them
## 5316 we
## 5317 things
## 5318 we
## 5319 things
## 5320 the_defense_budget
## 5321 I
## 5322 a_hope
## 5323 a_caution
## 5324 we
## 5325 our_military_forces
## 5326 the_new_threats
## 5327 the_post-cold-war_world
## 5328 it
## 5329 we
## 5330 our_defense_budget
## 5331 we
## 5332 what
## 5333 that_range
## 5334 reductions
## 5335 me
## 5336 I
## 5337 President
## 5338 I
## 5339 everything
## 5340 I
## 5341 the_men
## 5342 women
## 5343 who
## 5344 the_American_flag
## 5345 the_best_equipped_fighting_force
## 5346 the_world
## 5347 you
## 5348 We
## 5349 responsibilities
## 5350 the_world
## 5351 We
## 5352 the_world's_only_superpower
## 5353 This
## 5354 a_dangerous_and_uncertain_time
## 5355 we
## 5356 it
## 5357 the_people
## 5358 uniform
## 5359 we
## 5360 the_national_defense
## 5361 their_interests
## 5362 needs
## 5363 an_effective_national_defense
## 5364 a_stronger_economy
## 5365 our_Nation
## 5366 a_world
## 5367 it
## 5368 ethnic_conflict
## 5369 the_proliferation
## 5370 weapons
## 5371 mass_destruction
## 5372 the_global_democratic_revolution
## 5373 challenges
## 5374 the_health
## 5375 our_global_environment
## 5376 I
## 5377 this_economic_plan
## 5378 I
## 5379 it
## 5380 the_continued_greatness
## 5381 the_United_States
## 5382 I
## 5383 it
## 5384 Government
## 5385 those
## 5386 who
## 5387 the_past
## 5388 more_Americans
## 5389 all
## 5390 us
## 5391 year
## 5392 I
## 5393 you
## 5394 all
## 5395 who
## 5396 a_raise
## 5397 the_top_rate
## 5398 Federal_income_taxes
## 5399 31_to_36_percent
## 5400 We
## 5401 incomes
## 5402 we
## 5403 some_loopholes
## 5404 that
## 5405 some_people
## 5406 any_tax
## 5407 businesses
## 5408 taxable_incomes
## 5409 excess
## 5410 we
## 5411 a_raise
## 5412 the_corporate_tax_rate
## 5413 36_percent
## 5414 a_cut
## 5415 the_deduction
## 5416 business_entertainment_expenses
## 5417 Our_plan
## 5418 tax_subsidies
## 5419 that
## 5420 companies
## 5421 their_operations
## 5422 them
## 5423 America
## 5424 I
## 5425 someone
## 5426 who
## 5427 American_companies
## 5428 the_world
## 5429 a_former_Governor
## 5430 who
## 5431 investment
## 5432 foreign_companies
## 5433 my_State
## 5434 the_Tax_Code
## 5435 a_preference
## 5436 American_companies
## 5437 it
## 5438 particular_cases
## 5439 We
## 5440 effective_tax_enforcement
## 5441 foreign_corporations
## 5442 who
## 5443 money
## 5444 America
## 5445 the_same_taxes
## 5446 that
## 5447 American_companies
## 5448 the_same_income
## 5449 middle_class_Americans
## 5450 who
## 5451 a_great_deal
## 5452 the_last_12_years
## 5453 whom
## 5454 I
## 5455 a_contribution
## 5456 I
## 5457 I
## 5458 Monday_night
## 5459 You
## 5460 you
## 5461 you
## 5462 you
## 5463 the_past
## 5464 I
## 5465 the_facts
## 5466 this_plan
## 5467 98.8_percent
## 5468 America's_families
## 5469 no_increase
## 5470 their_income_tax_rates
## 5471 the_top
## 5472 me
## 5473 no_new_cuts
## 5474 benefits
## 5475 Medicare
## 5476 we
## 5477 the_4th_year
## 5478 the_explosion
## 5479 health_care_costs
## 5480 I
## 5481 50_percent
## 5482 the_growth
## 5483 the_deficit
## 5484 now_and_the_year
## 5485 ,_there_must_be_planned_cuts
## 5486 payments
## 5487 providers
## 5488 doctors
## 5489 hospitals
## 5490 labs
## 5491 a_way
## 5492 health_care_costs
## 5493 I
## 5494 these
## 5495 a_stopgap
## 5496 we
## 5497 the_entire_health_care_system
## 5498 you
## 5499 me
## 5500 that
## 5501 we
## 5502 the_providers
## 5503 the_consumers
## 5504 health_care
## 5505 me
## 5506 this
## 5507 I
## 5508 it
## 5509 a_lot
## 5510 you
## 5511 both_sides
## 5512 the_aisle
## 5513 This_plan
## 5514 a_recommendation
## 5515 new_cuts
## 5516 Medicare_benefits
## 5517 any_beneficiary
## 5518 the_only_change
## 5519 we
## 5520 Social_Security
## 5521 that
## 5522 The_plan
## 5523 older_Americans
## 5524 higher_incomes
## 5525 who
## 5526 Social_Security
## 5527 This_plan
## 5528 the_80_percent
## 5529 Social_Security_recipients
## 5530 who
## 5531 taxes
## 5532 Social_Security
## 5533 Those
## 5534 who
## 5535 tax
## 5536 Social_Security
## 5537 this_plan
## 5538 Our_plan
## 5539 a_broad-based_tax
## 5540 energy
## 5541 I
## 5542 you
## 5543 I
## 5544 this
## 5545 I
## 5546 it
## 5547 a_good_idea
## 5548 I
## 5549 we
## 5550 a_Btu_tax
## 5551 the_heat_content
## 5552 energy
## 5553 the_best_way
## 5554 us
## 5555 revenue
## 5556 the_deficit
## 5557 it
## 5558 pollution
## 5559 energy_efficiency
## 5560 the_independence
## 5561 this_country
## 5562 the_debt
## 5563 it
## 5564 any_area
## 5565 a_carbon_tax
## 5566 that
## 5567 the_coal_States
## 5568 a_gas_tax
## 5569 that
## 5570 people
## 5571 who
## 5572 a_long_way
## 5573 an_ad_valorem_tax
## 5574 it
## 5575 the_price
## 5576 an_energy_source
## 5577 it
## 5578 It
## 5579 us
## 5580 the_future
## 5581 the_present
## 5582 the_deficit
## 5583 these_measures
## 5584 an_American_family
## 5585 an_income
## 5586 It
## 5587 American_families
## 5588 incomes
## 5589 nothing
## 5590 other_programs
## 5591 we
## 5592 principally_those
## 5593 the_earned-income_tax_credit
## 5594 our_publicly_stated_determination
## 5595 the_deficit
## 5596 we
## 5597 these_things
## 5598 we
## 5599 the_continuation
## 5600 what
## 5601 the_election
## 5602 the_election
## 5603 the_Secretary
## 5604 the_Treasury
## 5605 the_Director
## 5606 the_Office
## 5607 Management
## 5608 Budget
## 5609 others
## 5610 who
## 5611 favor
## 5612 a_tough_deficit_reduction_plan
## 5613 interest_rates
## 5614 long-term
## 5615 That
## 5616 the_middle_class
## 5617 who
## 5618 something
## 5619 they
## 5620 any_credit_needs
## 5621 demands
## 5622 their_increased_energy_costs
## 5623 lower_interest_costs
## 5624 mortgages
## 5625 consumer_loans
## 5626 credit_cards
## 5627 This
## 5628 a_wise_investment
## 5629 them
## 5630 their_country
## 5631 I
## 5632 what
## 5633 the_American_people
## 5634 that
## 5635 we
## 5636 a_big,_vast_country
## 5637 we
## 5638 long_distances
## 5639 we
## 5640 far_lower_burdens
## 5641 energy
## 5642 any_other_advanced_country
## 5643 We
## 5644 far_lower_burdens
## 5645 energy
## 5646 any_other_advanced_country
## 5647 these
## 5648 real_attempts
## 5649 no_cost
## 5650 families
## 5651 incomes
## 5652 the_costs
## 5653 you
## 5654 the_higher_income_groups
## 5655 the_income_taxes
## 5656 I
## 5657 all
## 5658 you
## 5659 this
## 5660 Whatever
## 5661 you
## 5662 the_tax_program
## 5663 whatever
## 5664 you
## 5665 the_spending_cuts
## 5666 the_cost
## 5667 the_numbers
## 5668 that
## 5669 you
## 5670 all
## 5671 we
## 5672 what
## 5673 we
## 5674 the_end
## 5675 the_decade
## 5676 we
## 5677 a_$650-billion-a-year_deficit
## 5678 we
## 5679 what
## 5680 we
## 5681 the_end
## 5682 the_decade
## 5683 20_percent
## 5684 our_national_income
## 5685 health_care
## 5686 any_other_country
## 5687 the_face
## 5688 the_globe
## 5689 we
## 5690 what
## 5691 we
## 5692 over_20_cents
## 5693 the_dollar
## 5694 the_debt
## 5695 we
## 5696 the_courage
## 5697 our_future
## 5698 it
## 5699 we
## 5700 ourselves
## 5701 years
## 5702 stagnation
## 5703 occasional_recessions
## 5704 growth
## 5705 jobs
## 5706 no_more_growth
## 5707 income
## 5708 more_debt
## 5709 more_disappointment
## 5710 we
## 5711 we
## 5712 investment
## 5713 the_debt
## 5714 productivity
## 5715 we
## 5716 both_jobs
## 5717 incomes
## 5718 we
## 5719 our_children
## 5720 our_children's_children
## 5721 a_lesser_life
## 5722 we
## 5723 Americans
## 5724 their_living_standards
## 5725 present_productivity_rates
## 5726 it
## 5727 100_years
## 5728 double_living_standards
## 5729 our_grandchildren's_grandchildren
## 5730 I
## 5731 that
## 5732 the_American_people
## 5733 we
## 5734 they
## 5735 me
## 5736 all
## 5737 you
## 5738 the_weeks
## 5739 months
## 5740 we
## 5741 the_fortitude
## 5742 the_changes
## 5743 the_right_way
## 5744 They
## 5745 I
## 5746 this_Chamber
## 5747 you
## 5748 various_interest_groups
## 5749 force
## 5750 this
## 5751 this_plan
## 5752 the_forces
## 5753 conventional_wisdom
## 5754 a_thousand_reasons
## 5755 we
## 5756 this
## 5757 we
## 5758 it
## 5759 Our_people
## 5760 you
## 5761 me
## 5762 a_particular_issue
## 5763 this
## 5764 business
## 5765 a_real_new_day
## 5766 we
## 5767 ourselves
## 5768 we
## 5769 we
## 5770 them
## 5771 We
## 5772 the_walls
## 5773 the_people's_scepticisms
## 5774 our_words
## 5775 our_deeds
## 5776 so_many_years
## 5777 gridlock
## 5778 indecision
## 5779 so_many_hopeful_beginnings
## 5780 so_few_promising_results
## 5781 the_American_people
## 5782 their_judgments
## 5783 all
## 5784 us
## 5785 we
## 5786 this_moment
## 5787 This_economic_plan
## 5788 everybody
## 5789 the_package
## 5790 something
## 5791 that
## 5792 each
## 5793 us
## 5794 anybody
## 5795 it
## 5796 a_whole
## 5797 it
## 5798 all
## 5799 us
## 5800 I
## 5801 you
## 5802 all
## 5803 the_temptation
## 5804 a_particular_spending
## 5805 you
## 5806 some_particular_investment
## 5807 that
## 5808 nobody
## 5809 the_tax_increases
## 5810 's
## 5811 facts
## 5812 20_years
## 5813 administrations
## 5814 both_parties
## 5815 incomes
## 5816 debt
## 5817 productivity
## 5818 it
## 5819 We
## 5820 the_reality
## 5821 our_condition
## 5822 We
## 5823 the_hand
## 5824 we
## 5825 it
## 5826 we
## 5827 My_fellow_Americans
## 5828 the_test
## 5829 this_plan
## 5830 what
## 5831 it
## 5832 me
## 5833 It
## 5834 what
## 5835 it
## 5836 us
## 5837 we
## 5838 we
## 5839 we
## 5840 ourselves
## 5841 jobs
## 5842 rewarding_work
## 5843 our_families
## 5844 our_Government
## 5845 we
## 5846 our_country's_fortunes
## 5847 I
## 5848 everyone
## 5849 this_Chamber
## 5850 every_American
## 5851 your_heart
## 5852 your_own_hopes
## 5853 your_own_imagination
## 5854 so_much_good,_so_much_possibility
## 5855 so_much_excitement
## 5856 this_country
## 5857 we
## 5858 leaders
## 5859 our_legacy
## 5860 prosperity
## 5861 progress
## 5862 This
## 5863 America's_new_direction
## 5864 us
## 5865 the_courage
## 5866 it
## 5867 you
## 5868 God
## 5869 America
## 5870 you
## 5871 Mr._Speaker
## 5872 Mr._President
## 5873 Members
## 5874 the_103d
## 5875 Congress
## 5876 my_fellow_Americans
## 5877 I
## 5878 what_speech
## 5879 the_TelePrompter
## 5880 I
## 5881 we
## 5882 the_state
## 5883 the_Union
## 5884 I
## 5885 you
## 5886 the_memory
## 5887 the_giant
## 5888 who
## 5889 this_Chamber
## 5890 such_force
## 5891 grace
## 5892 Tip_O'Neill
## 5893 himself
## 5894 a_man
## 5895 the_House
## 5896 he
## 5897 that
## 5898 he
## 5899 a_man
## 5900 the_people
## 5901 a_bricklayer's_son
## 5902 who
## 5903 the_great_American_middle_class
## 5904 Tip_O'Neill
## 5905 who
## 5906 he
## 5907 he
## 5908 who
## 5909 him
## 5910 he
## 5911 us
## 5912 the_first_time
## 5913 the_Lord's_gallery
## 5914 his_honor
## 5915 we
## 5916 who
## 5917 we
## 5918 we
## 5919 who
## 5920 us
## 5921 we
## 5922 we
## 5923 the_principle
## 5924 we
## 5925 ordinary_people
## 5926 equal_opportunity
## 5927 quality_education
## 5928 a_fair_shot
## 5929 the_American_dream
## 5930 they
## 5931 extraordinary_things
## 5932 We
## 5933 a_world
## 5934 changes
## 5935 all_nations
## 5936 Our_American_heritage
## 5937 such_change
## 5938 it
## 5939 opportunity
## 5940 home
## 5941 our_leadership
## 5942 too_many_ways
## 5943 that_heritage
## 5944 our_country
## 5945 30_years
## 5946 family_life
## 5947 America
## 5948 20_years
## 5949 the_wages
## 5950 working_people
## 5951 the_12_years
## 5952 trickle-down_economics
## 5953 we
## 5954 a_false_prosperity
## 5955 a_hollow_base
## 5956 our_national_debt
## 5957 we
## 5958 the_slowest_growth
## 5959 a_half_century
## 5960 too_many_families
## 5961 both_parents
## 5962 the_American_dream
## 5963 the_American_people
## 5964 we
## 5965 I
## 5966 all
## 5967 you
## 5968 me
## 5969 responsibility
## 5970 the_future
## 5971 our_country
## 5972 we
## 5973 We
## 5974 drift
## 5975 deadlock
## 5976 renewal
## 5977 reform
## 5978 I
## 5979 you
## 5980 who
## 5981 the_American_people
## 5982 who
## 5983 gridlock
## 5984 who
## 5985 them
## 5986 the_most_successful_teamwork
## 5987 a_President
## 5988 a_Congress
## 5989 30_years
## 5990 This_Congress
## 5991 a_budget
## 5992 that
## 5993 the_deficit
## 5994 half_a_trillion_dollars
## 5995 spending
## 5996 income_taxes
## 5997 only_the_wealthiest_Americans
## 5998 This_Congress
## 5999 tax_relief
## 6000 millions
## 6001 low-income_workers
## 6002 work
## 6003 welfare
## 6004 It
## 6005 NAFTA
## 6006 It
## 6007 the_Brady_bill
## 6008 the_Brady_law
## 6009 you
## 6010 God
## 6011 you
## 6012 This_Congress
## 6013 tax_cuts
## 6014 the_taxes
## 6015 of_10_small_businesses
## 6016 who
## 6017 the_money
## 6018 more_jobs
## 6019 It
## 6020 more_research
## 6021 treatment
## 6022 AIDS
## 6023 more_childhood_immunizations
## 6024 more_support
## 6025 women's_health_research
## 6026 ,_more_affordable_college_loans
## 6027 the_middle_class
## 6028 a_new_national_service_program
## 6029 those
## 6030 who
## 6031 something
## 6032 their_country
## 6033 their_communities
## 6034 higher_education
## 6035 a_dramatic_increase
## 6036 high-tech_investments
## 6037 us
## 6038 a_defense
## 6039 a_domestic_high-tech_economy
## 6040 This_Congress
## 6041 a_new_law
## 6042 the_motor_voter_bill
## 6043 millions
## 6044 people
## 6045 It
## 6046 family
## 6047 medical_leave
## 6048 All
## 6049 all
## 6050 law
## 6051 not_one_single_veto
## 6052 These_accomplishments
## 6053 commitments
## 6054 I
## 6055 I
## 6056 this_office
## 6057 fairness
## 6058 they
## 6059 all
## 6060 you
## 6061 this_Congress
## 6062 I
## 6063 the_real_credit
## 6064 the_people
## 6065 who
## 6066 us
## 6067 who
## 6068 our_salaries
## 6069 who
## 6070 our_feet
## 6071 the_fire
## 6072 what
## 6073 we
## 6074 lives
## 6075 me
## 6076 you
## 6077 one_example
## 6078 I
## 6079 what
## 6080 the_family_and_medical_leave_law
## 6081 just_one_father
## 6082 I
## 6083 the_White_House
## 6084 It
## 6085 a_family
## 6086 he
## 6087 his_wife
## 6088 his_three_children
## 6089 them
## 6090 a_wheelchair
## 6091 I
## 6092 we
## 6093 our_picture
## 6094 a_little_visit
## 6095 I
## 6096 that_man
## 6097 me
## 6098 the_arm
## 6099 he
## 6100 Mr._President
## 6101 me
## 6102 you
## 6103 something
## 6104 My_little_girl
## 6105 She
## 6106 it
## 6107 the_family
## 6108 law
## 6109 I
## 6110 time
## 6111 her
## 6112 I
## 6113 my_life
## 6114 my_job
## 6115 the_rest
## 6116 my_family
## 6117 It
## 6118 me
## 6119 I
## 6120 you
## 6121 people
## 6122 what
## 6123 you
## 6124 a_difference
## 6125 It
## 6126 we
## 6127 a_difference
## 6128 our_work
## 6129 Many_Americans
## 6130 the_impact
## 6131 what
## 6132 we
## 6133 The_recovery
## 6134 every_community
## 6135 enough_jobs
## 6136 Incomes
## 6137 too_much_violence
## 6138 not_enough_hope
## 6139 too_many_places
## 6140 the_young_democracies
## 6141 we
## 6142 very_difficult_times
## 6143 us
## 6144 leadership
## 6145 us
## 6146 the_journey
## 6147 renewal
## 6148 more_and_better_jobs
## 6149 health_security
## 6150 all
## 6151 work
## 6152 welfare
## 6153 democracy
## 6154 our_streets
## 6155 violent_crime
## 6156 drugs
## 6157 gangs
## 6158 our_own_American_community
## 6159 we
## 6160 our_house
## 6161 order
## 6162 the_budget_deficit
## 6163 that
## 6164 us
## 6165 bankruptcy
## 6166 We
## 6167 spending
## 6168 entitlements
## 6169 over_340_separate_budget_items
## 6170 We
## 6171 domestic_spending
## 6172 honest_budget_numbers
## 6173 the_Vice_President
## 6174 we
## 6175 a_campaign
## 6176 Government
## 6177 We
## 6178 staff
## 6179 perks
## 6180 the_fleet
## 6181 Federal_limousines
## 6182 years
## 6183 leaders
## 6184 whose_rhetoric
## 6185 bureaucracy
## 6186 whose_action
## 6187 it
## 6188 we
## 6189 it
## 6190 252,000_people
## 6191 the_next_5_years
## 6192 the_time
## 6193 we
## 6194 the_Federal_bureaucracy
## 6195 its_lowest_point
## 6196 30_years
## 6197 the_deficit
## 6198 they
## 6199 tax_cuts
## 6200 we
## 6201 the_wealthiest_Americans
## 6202 the_deficit
## 6203 April_15th
## 6204 the_American_people
## 6205 the_truth
## 6206 what
## 6207 we
## 6208 taxes
## 6209 Only_the_top_1-;[applause]-;yes
## 6210 Americans
## 6211 I
## 6212 higher_income_tax_rates
## 6213 me
## 6214 Only_the_wealthiest_1.2_percent
## 6215 Americans
## 6216 higher_income_tax_rates
## 6217 no_one
## 6218 that
## 6219 the_truth
## 6220 politics
## 6221 naysayers
## 6222 who
## 6223 this_plan
## 6224 they
## 6225 I
## 6226 President
## 6227 the_experts
## 6228 next_year's_deficit
## 6229 we
## 6230 those_same_people
## 6231 the_deficit
## 6232 Our_economic_program
## 6233 the_lowest_core_inflation_rate
## 6234 the_lowest_interest_rates
## 6235 20_years
## 6236 those_interest_rates
## 6237 business_investment
## 6238 equipment
## 6239 7_times_the_rate
## 6240 the_previous_4_years
## 6241 Auto_sales
## 6242 Home_sales
## 6243 a_record_high
## 6244 Millions
## 6245 Americans
## 6246 their_homes
## 6247 our_economy
## 6248 1.6_million_private_sector_jobs
## 6249 the_previous_4_years
## 6250 The_people
## 6251 who
## 6252 this_economic_plan
## 6253 its_early_results
## 6254 everyone
## 6255 this_Chamber
## 6256 I
## 6257 you
## 6258 the_toughest_budgets
## 6259 Congress
## 6260 It
## 6261 spending
## 6262 more_than_300_programs
## 6263 100_domestic_programs
## 6264 the_ways
## 6265 which
## 6266 governments
## 6267 goods
## 6268 services
## 6269 we
## 6270 the_hard_choices
## 6271 the_hard_spending_ceilings
## 6272 we
## 6273 We
## 6274 it
## 6275 We
## 6276 we
## 6277 the_deficit
## 6278 recovery
## 6279 seniors
## 6280 the_middle_class
## 6281 our_national_security
## 6282 risk
## 6283 you
## 6284 this_plan
## 6285 we
## 6286 3_consecutive_years
## 6287 declining_deficits
## 6288 the_first_time
## 6289 Harry_Truman
## 6290 the_White_House
## 6291 the_buck
## 6292 Our_economic_plan
## 6293 our_strength
## 6294 our_credibility
## 6295 the_world
## 6296 we
## 6297 the_deficit
## 6298 the_steel
## 6299 our_competitive_edge
## 6300 the_world
## 6301 the_sound
## 6302 falling_trade_barriers
## 6303 one_year
## 6304 NAFTA
## 6305 GATT
## 6306 our_efforts
## 6307 Asia
## 6308 the_national_export_strategy
## 6309 we
## 6310 world_markets
## 6311 American_products
## 6312 any_time
## 6313 the_last_two_generations
## 6314 That
## 6315 more_jobs
## 6316 rising_living_standards
## 6317 the_American_people
## 6318 low_deficits
## 6319 low_inflation
## 6320 low_interest_rates
## 6321 low_trade_barriers
## 6322 high_investments
## 6323 These
## 6324 the_building_blocks
## 6325 our_recovery
## 6326 we
## 6327 full_advantage
## 6328 the_opportunities
## 6329 us
## 6330 the_global_economy
## 6331 you
## 6332 all
## 6333 we
## 6334 we
## 6335 defense_spending
## 6336 I
## 6337 Congress
## 6338 the_technologies
## 6339 tomorrow
## 6340 Defense_conversion
## 6341 us
## 6342 jobs
## 6343 our_people
## 6344 home
## 6345 we
## 6346 our_environment
## 6347 we
## 6348 the_environmental_technologies
## 6349 the_future
## 6350 which
## 6351 jobs
## 6352 we
## 6353 a_revitalized_Clean_Water_Act
## 6354 a_Safe_Drinking_Water_Act
## 6355 a_reformed_Superfund_program
## 6356 the_Vice_President
## 6357 we
## 6358 the_private_sector
## 6359 every_classroom
## 6360 every_clinic
## 6361 every_library
## 6362 every_hospital
## 6363 America
## 6364 a_national_information_superhighway
## 6365 the_year
## 6366 it
## 6367 Instant_access
## 6368 information
## 6369 productivity
## 6370 our_children
## 6371 It
## 6372 better_medical_care
## 6373 It
## 6374 jobs
## 6375 I
## 6376 the_Congress
## 6377 legislation
## 6378 that_information_superhighway
## 6379 we
## 6380 opportunity
## 6381 jobs
## 6382 no_one
## 6383 We
## 6384 fair_lending_and_fair_housing_and_all_civil_rights_laws
## 6385 America
## 6386 its_renewal
## 6387 everyone
## 6388 its_bounty
## 6389 we
## 6390 all
## 6391 we
## 6392 all_these_things-;put
## 6393 our_economic_house
## 6394 order
## 6395 world_trade
## 6396 the_jobs
## 6397 the_future
## 6398 we
## 6399 we
## 6400 this_strategy
## 6401 we
## 6402 our_people
## 6403 the_education
## 6404 training
## 6405 skills
## 6406 they
## 6407 the_opportunities
## 6408 tomorrow
## 6409 We
## 6410 tough,_world-class_academic_and_occupational_standards
## 6411 all_our_children
## 6412 our_teachers
## 6413 students
## 6414 the_tools
## 6415 they
## 6416 them
## 6417 Our_Goals_2000_proposal
## 6418 individual_school_districts
## 6419 ideas
## 6420 their_schools
## 6421 private_corporations
## 6422 more_public_school_choice
## 6423 whatever
## 6424 they
## 6425 we
## 6426 every_school
## 6427 one_high_standard
## 6428 our_children
## 6429 what
## 6430 they
## 6431 the_global_economy
## 6432 Goals_2000_links
## 6433 world-class_standards
## 6434 grassroots_reforms
## 6435 I
## 6436 Congress
## 6437 it
## 6438 delay
## 6439 work
## 6440 the_first_time_link_school
## 6441 the_world
## 6442 work
## 6443 at_least_one_year
## 6444 apprenticeship
## 6445 high_school
## 6446 the_people
## 6447 we
## 6448 our_economic_future
## 6449 college
## 6450 It
## 6451 time
## 6452 them
## 6453 them
## 6454 We
## 6455 our_outdated_unemployment_system
## 6456 a_new_reemployment_system
## 6457 The_old_unemployment_system
## 6458 you
## 6459 you
## 6460 your_old_job
## 6461 We
## 6462 a_new_system
## 6463 people
## 6464 new_and_better_jobs
## 6465 those_old_jobs
## 6466 we
## 6467 the_only_way
## 6468 real_job_security
## 6469 the_future
## 6470 a_good_job
## 6471 a_growing_income
## 6472 real_skills
## 6473 the_ability
## 6474 new_ones
## 6475 we
## 6476 today's_patchwork
## 6477 training_programs
## 6478 them
## 6479 new_skills
## 6480 our_people
## 6481 who
## 6482 their_jobs
## 6483 Reemployment,_not_unemployment
## 6484 the_centerpiece
## 6485 our_economic_renewal
## 6486 I
## 6487 you
## 6488 it
## 6489 this_session
## 6490 Congress
## 6491 we
## 6492 our_unemployment_system
## 6493 we
## 6494 our_welfare_system
## 6495 It
## 6496 It
## 6497 our_values
## 6498 a_nation
## 6499 we
## 6500 work
## 6501 we
## 6502 a_system
## 6503 that
## 6504 welfare
## 6505 work
## 6506 people
## 6507 their_health_care
## 6508 we
## 6509 responsibility
## 6510 we
## 6511 child_support
## 6512 absent_parents
## 6513 millions
## 6514 parents
## 6515 who
## 6516 care
## 6517 their_children
## 6518 we
## 6519 strong_families
## 6520 we
## 6521 a_system
## 6522 that
## 6523 those
## 6524 who
## 6525 you
## 6526 a_child
## 6527 who
## 6528 a_child
## 6529 more_money
## 6530 the_Government
## 6531 a_parent
## 6532 a_grandparent
## 6533 That
## 6534 just_bad_policy
## 6535 it
## 6536 we
## 6537 it
## 6538 I
## 6539 this_problem
## 6540 years
## 6541 I
## 6542 President
## 6543 other_Governors
## 6544 Members
## 6545 Congress
## 6546 both_parties
## 6547 the_previous_administration
## 6548 another_party
## 6549 I
## 6550 it
## 6551 people
## 6552 who
## 6553 welfare
## 6554 lots
## 6555 them
## 6556 I
## 6557 something
## 6558 everybody
## 6559 who
## 6560 this_issue
## 6561 The_people
## 6562 who
## 6563 this_system
## 6564 the_people
## 6565 who
## 6566 it
## 6567 They
## 6568 welfare
## 6569 They
## 6570 work
## 6571 They
## 6572 their_kids
## 6573 I
## 6574 a_hearing
## 6575 I
## 6576 a_Governor
## 6577 I
## 6578 people
## 6579 welfare
## 6580 America
## 6581 who
## 6582 their_way
## 6583 The_woman
## 6584 my_State
## 6585 who
## 6586 this_question
## 6587 What
## 6588 the_best_thing
## 6589 welfare
## 6590 a_job
## 6591 an_eye
## 6592 she
## 6593 40_Governors
## 6594 she
## 6595 my_boy
## 6596 school
## 6597 they
## 6598 What
## 6599 your_mother
## 6600 a_living
## 6601 he
## 6602 an_answer
## 6603 These_people
## 6604 a_better_system
## 6605 we
## 6606 it
## 6607 them
## 6608 we
## 6609 this
## 6610 We
## 6611 the_States
## 6612 more_power
## 6613 we
## 6614 a_lot
## 6615 great_ideas
## 6616 Washington
## 6617 many_States
## 6618 it
## 6619 this_Congress
## 6620 a_dramatic_step
## 6621 people
## 6622 modest_incomes
## 6623 poverty
## 6624 we
## 6625 them
## 6626 their_way
## 6627 poverty
## 6628 the_earned-income_tax_credit
## 6629 It
## 6630 15_million_working_families
## 6631 poverty
## 6632 welfare
## 6633 it
## 6634 people
## 6635 successful_workers
## 6636 successful_parents
## 6637 that
## 6638 real_welfare_reform
## 6639 I
## 6640 you
## 6641 a_comprehensive_welfare_reform_bill
## 6642 that
## 6643 the_Family_Support_Act
## 6644 the_basic_values
## 6645 work
## 6646 responsibility
## 6647 We
## 6648 teenagers
## 6649 you
## 6650 a_child
## 6651 wedlock
## 6652 we
## 6653 you
## 6654 a_check
## 6655 a_separate_household
## 6656 We
## 6657 families
## 6658 absent_parents
## 6659 who
## 6660 their_child_support
## 6661 you
## 6662 your_children
## 6663 we
## 6664 your_wages
## 6665 your_license
## 6666 you
## 6667 State_lines
## 6668 some
## 6669 you
## 6670 what
## 6671 you
## 6672 People
## 6673 who
## 6674 children
## 6675 this_world
## 6676 them
## 6677 all_those
## 6678 who
## 6679 welfare
## 6680 we
## 6681 a_simple_compact
## 6682 We
## 6683 the_support
## 6684 the_job_training
## 6685 you
## 6686 up_to_2_years
## 6687 that
## 6688 who
## 6689 the_private_sector
## 6690 community_service
## 6691 That
## 6692 the_only_way
## 6693 we
## 6694 welfare
## 6695 what
## 6696 it
## 6697 a_second_chance
## 6698 a_way
## 6699 life
## 6700 I
## 6701 it
## 6702 welfare_reform
## 6703 the_same_time
## 6704 we
## 6705 health_care
## 6706 me
## 6707 I
## 6708 it
## 6709 It
## 6710 one_million_people
## 6711 welfare
## 6712 it
## 6713 the_only_way
## 6714 they
## 6715 health_care_coverage
## 6716 their_children
## 6717 Those
## 6718 who
## 6719 welfare
## 6720 jobs
## 6721 health_benefits
## 6722 many_entry-level_jobs
## 6723 health_benefits
## 6724 themselves
## 6725 the_incredible_position
## 6726 taxes
## 6727 that
## 6728 health_care_coverage
## 6729 those
## 6730 who
## 6731 the_other_choice
## 6732 welfare
## 6733 No_wonder
## 6734 people
## 6735 work
## 6736 welfare
## 6737 health_care_coverage
## 6738 We
## 6739 the_health_care_problem
## 6740 real_welfare_reform
## 6741 we
## 6742 history
## 6743 the_health_care_system
## 6744 I
## 6745 you
## 6746 you
## 6747 my_fellow_public_servants
## 6748 this
## 6749 another_issue
## 6750 the_people
## 6751 the_politicians
## 6752 That
## 6753 either_party
## 6754 it
## 6755 the_truth
## 6756 You
## 6757 the_First_Lady
## 6758 almost_a_million_letters
## 6759 people
## 6760 America
## 6761 all_walks
## 6762 life
## 6763 I
## 6764 them
## 6765 you
## 6766 Richard_Anderson
## 6767 Reno
## 6768 Nevada
## 6769 his_job
## 6770 it
## 6771 his_wife
## 6772 Judy
## 6773 a_cerebral_aneurysm
## 6774 He
## 6775 her
## 6776 the_hospital
## 6777 she
## 6778 intensive_care
## 6779 21_days
## 6780 The_Andersons'_bills
## 6781 Judy
## 6782 work
## 6783 the_bills
## 6784 them
## 6785 they
## 6786 bankruptcy
## 6787 he
## 6788 Hillary
## 6789 no_one
## 6790 the_United_States
## 6791 America
## 6792 everything
## 6793 they
## 6794 all_their_lives
## 6795 they
## 6796 It
## 6797 the_Richard_and_Judy_Andersons
## 6798 America
## 6799 the_First_Lady
## 6800 so_many_others
## 6801 this_health_care_reform_issue
## 6802 We
## 6803 them
## 6804 our_thanks
## 6805 our_action
## 6806 I
## 6807 people
## 6808 who
## 6809 no_health_care_crisis
## 6810 it
## 6811 Richard
## 6812 Judy_Anderson
## 6813 it
## 6814 the_58_million_Americans
## 6815 who
## 6816 no_coverage
## 6817 some_time
## 6818 it
## 6819 the_81_million_Americans
## 6820 those_preexisting_conditions
## 6821 Those_folks
## 6822 they
## 6823 insurance
## 6824 they
## 6825 their_jobs
## 6826 they
## 6827 someone
## 6828 their_family
## 6829 those_preexisting_conditions
## 6830 it
## 6831 the_small_businesses
## 6832 the_skyrocketing_cost
## 6833 insurance
## 6834 Most_small_businesses
## 6835 their_employees
## 6836 they
## 6837 premiums
## 6838 big_businesses
## 6839 Government
## 6840 it
## 6841 the_76_percent
## 6842 insured_Americans
## 6843 whose_policies
## 6844 lifetime_limits
## 6845 that
## 6846 they
## 6847 themselves
## 6848 any_coverage
## 6849 they
## 6850 it
## 6851 any
## 6852 you
## 6853 no_crisis
## 6854 you
## 6855 it
## 6856 those_people
## 6857 I
## 6858 some_people
## 6859 who
## 6860 the_impact
## 6861 this_problem
## 6862 people's_lives
## 6863 all
## 6864 you
## 6865 them
## 6866 them
## 6867 any_congressional_district
## 6868 this_country
## 6869 They
## 6870 Republicans
## 6871 Democrats
## 6872 independents
## 6873 it
## 6874 a_lick
## 6875 party
## 6876 They
## 6877 we
## 6878 it
## 6879 it
## 6880 time
## 6881 we
## 6882 them
## 6883 we
## 6884 it
## 6885 the_day
## 6886 we
## 6887 our_health_care_initiative
## 6888 what
## 6889 our_health_care_system
## 6890 the_world's_best_health_care_professionals
## 6891 cutting-edge_research
## 6892 wonderful_research_institutions
## 6893 Medicare
## 6894 older_Americans
## 6895 None
## 6896 this
## 6897 none
## 6898 it
## 6899 risk
## 6900 we
## 6901 more_and_more_money
## 6902 less_and_less_care
## 6903 Every_year_fewer_and_fewer_Americans
## 6904 their_doctors
## 6905 doctors
## 6906 nurses
## 6907 more_time
## 6908 paperwork
## 6909 less_time
## 6910 patients
## 6911 the_absolute_bureaucratic_nightmare
## 6912 the_present_system
## 6913 This_system
## 6914 inefficiency
## 6915 abuse
## 6916 fraud
## 6917 everybody
## 6918 it
## 6919 today's_health_care_system
## 6920 insurance_companies
## 6921 the_shots
## 6922 They
## 6923 whom
## 6924 they
## 6925 they
## 6926 them
## 6927 They
## 6928 your_benefits
## 6929 you
## 6930 your_coverage
## 6931 They
## 6932 charge
## 6933 What
## 6934 it
## 6935 It
## 6936 millions
## 6937 well-insured_Americans
## 6938 bed
## 6939 no_coverage
## 6940 financial_ruin
## 6941 It
## 6942 millions
## 6943 Americans
## 6944 any_health_insurance
## 6945 the_workers
## 6946 no_other_advanced_country
## 6947 the_world
## 6948 It
## 6949 more_and_more_hard-working_people
## 6950 a_new_doctor
## 6951 their_boss
## 6952 a_new_plan
## 6953 countless_others
## 6954 better_jobs
## 6955 they
## 6956 they
## 6957 the_better_job
## 6958 they
## 6959 their_health_insurance
## 6960 we
## 6961 the_health_care_system
## 6962 our_country
## 6963 people
## 6964 less_care
## 6965 fewer_choices
## 6966 higher_bills
## 6967 our_approach
## 6968 the_quality
## 6969 care
## 6970 people's_choices
## 6971 It
## 6972 what
## 6973 the_private_sector
## 6974 employer-based_coverage
## 6975 private_insurance
## 6976 every_American
## 6977 I
## 6978 employer-based_private_insurance
## 6979 every_American
## 6980 President_Richard_Nixon
## 6981 the_United_States_Congress
## 6982 It
## 6983 a_good_idea
## 6984 it
## 6985 a_better_idea
## 6986 we
## 6987 guaranteed_private_insurance
## 6988 9_out_of_10_people
## 6989 who
## 6990 insurance
## 6991 it
## 6992 their_employers
## 6993 that
## 6994 your_employer
## 6995 good_benefits
## 6996 reasonable_prices
## 6997 that
## 6998 That
## 6999 the_Congress
## 7000 the_President
## 7001 Our_goal
## 7002 health_insurance
## 7003 everybody
## 7004 comprehensive_benefits
## 7005 that
## 7006 preventive_care_and_prescription_drugs
## 7007 health_premiums
## 7008 that
## 7009 you
## 7010 you
## 7011 the_power
## 7012 your_business
## 7013 dependable_insurance
## 7014 the_same_competitive_rates_governments
## 7015 big_business
## 7016 one_simple_form
## 7017 people
## 7018 who
## 7019 all
## 7020 ,_the_freedom
## 7021 a_plan
## 7022 the_right
## 7023 your_own_doctor
## 7024 Our_approach
## 7025 older_Americans
## 7026 Every_plan
## 7027 the_Congress
## 7028 the_growth
## 7029 Medicare
## 7030 The_difference
## 7031 this
## 7032 We
## 7033 those_savings
## 7034 health_care
## 7035 senior_citizens
## 7036 Medicare
## 7037 it
## 7038 prescription_drugs
## 7039 we
## 7040 the_first_steps
## 7041 long-term_care
## 7042 those
## 7043 who
## 7044 Medicare
## 7045 seniors
## 7046 I
## 7047 the_solution
## 7048 today's_squeeze
## 7049 middle_class
## 7050 people's_health_care
## 7051 the_squeeze
## 7052 middle_class_retired_people's_health_care
## 7053 We
## 7054 that
## 7055 it
## 7056 it
## 7057 me
## 7058 Insurance
## 7059 what
## 7060 it
## 7061 You
## 7062 a_fair_price
## 7063 security
## 7064 you
## 7065 health_care
## 7066 the_guarantee
## 7067 health_security
## 7068 we
## 7069 all
## 7070 more_responsibility
## 7071 the_part
## 7072 all
## 7073 us
## 7074 we
## 7075 this_system
## 7076 People
## 7077 their_kids
## 7078 We
## 7079 advantage
## 7080 preventive_care
## 7081 We
## 7082 the_violence
## 7083 that
## 7084 our_emergency_rooms
## 7085 We
## 7086 better_health_habits
## 7087 we
## 7088 the_system
## 7089 those
## 7090 who
## 7091 insurance
## 7092 our_approach
## 7093 coverage
## 7094 they
## 7095 something
## 7096 it
## 7097 The_minority
## 7098 businesses
## 7099 that
## 7100 no_insurance
## 7101 the_cost
## 7102 the_care
## 7103 their_employees
## 7104 others
## 7105 something
## 7106 People
## 7107 who
## 7108 a_pack
## 7109 cigarettes
## 7110 Everybody
## 7111 something
## 7112 we
## 7113 the_health_care_crisis
## 7114 any_more_something
## 7115 nothing
## 7116 It
## 7117 it
## 7118 the_coming_months
## 7119 I
## 7120 both_Democrats
## 7121 Republicans
## 7122 a_health_care_system
## 7123 the_market
## 7124 costs
## 7125 lasting_health_security
## 7126 you
## 7127 history
## 7128 we
## 7129 60_years
## 7130 this_country
## 7131 health_care
## 7132 President_Roosevelt
## 7133 President_Truman
## 7134 President_Nixon
## 7135 President_Carter
## 7136 the_special_interests
## 7137 them
## 7138 But_not_this_time
## 7139 I
## 7140 these_interests
## 7141 courage
## 7142 It
## 7143 critical_questions
## 7144 the_way
## 7145 we
## 7146 our_campaigns
## 7147 lobbyists
## 7148 their_influence
## 7149 The_work
## 7150 change
## 7151 we
## 7152 the_influence
## 7153 well-financed_interests
## 7154 who
## 7155 this_current_system
## 7156 I
## 7157 you
## 7158 the_job
## 7159 both_Houses
## 7160 tough_and_meaningful_campaign_finance_reform
## 7161 lobby_reform_legislation
## 7162 You
## 7163 this
## 7164 a_test
## 7165 all
## 7166 us
## 7167 The_American_people
## 7168 those
## 7169 us
## 7170 Government_service
## 7171 terrific_health_care_benefits
## 7172 reasonable_costs
## 7173 We
## 7174 health_care
## 7175 that
## 7176 I
## 7177 we
## 7178 every_hard-working,_tax-paying_American
## 7179 the_same_health_care_security
## 7180 they
## 7181 us
## 7182 I
## 7183 this
## 7184 I
## 7185 I
## 7186 the_best_ideas
## 7187 concerned_Members
## 7188 both_parties
## 7189 I
## 7190 no_special_brief
## 7191 any_specific_approach
## 7192 our_own_bill
## 7193 this
## 7194 you
## 7195 me
## 7196 legislation
## 7197 that
## 7198 every_American_private_health_insurance
## 7199 that
## 7200 you
## 7201 me
## 7202 this_pen
## 7203 the_legislation
## 7204 we
## 7205 I
## 7206 that
## 7207 I
## 7208 we
## 7209 I
## 7210 you
## 7211 you
## 7212 every_American
## 7213 the_same_health_care
## 7214 that
## 7215 you
## 7216 health_care
## 7217 that
## 7218 now-;not_next_year
## 7219 the_year
## 7220 after-;now
## 7221 the_time
## 7222 the_people
## 7223 who
## 7224 us
## 7225 we
## 7226 these_steps
## 7227 our_strength
## 7228 home
## 7229 we
## 7230 our_obligation
## 7231 our_leadership
## 7232 This
## 7233 a_promising_moment
## 7234 the_agreements
## 7235 we
## 7236 Russia's_strategic_nuclear_missiles
## 7237 the_United_States
## 7238 we
## 7239 ours
## 7240 them
## 7241 weapons
## 7242 space
## 7243 Russian_scientists
## 7244 us
## 7245 the_international_space_station
## 7246 dangers
## 7247 the_world
## 7248 rampant_arms_proliferation
## 7249 bitter_regional_conflicts
## 7250 ethnic_and_nationalist_tensions
## 7251 many_new_democracies
## 7252 severe_environmental_degradation
## 7253 the_world
## 7254 fanatics
## 7255 who
## 7256 the_world's_cities
## 7257 terror
## 7258 the_world's_greatest_power
## 7259 we
## 7260 our_defenses
## 7261 our_responsibilities
## 7262 we
## 7263 indictments
## 7264 terrorists
## 7265 sanctions
## 7266 those
## 7267 who
## 7268 them
## 7269 We
## 7270 environmentally_sustainable_economic_growth
## 7271 We
## 7272 agreements
## 7273 Ukraine
## 7274 Belarus
## 7275 Kazahkstan
## 7276 their_nuclear_arsenal
## 7277 We
## 7278 a_Korean_Peninsula
## 7279 nuclear_weapons
## 7280 We
## 7281 early_ratification
## 7282 a_treaty
## 7283 chemical_weapons
## 7284 we
## 7285 over_30_nations
## 7286 negotiations
## 7287 a_comprehensive_ban
## 7288 all_nuclear_testing
## 7289 nothing
## 7290 our_security
## 7291 our_Nation's_Armed_Forces
## 7292 We
## 7293 their_contributions
## 7294 those
## 7295 who
## 7296 the_longest_humanitarian_air_lift
## 7297 history
## 7298 Bosnia
## 7299 those
## 7300 who
## 7301 their_mission
## 7302 Somalia
## 7303 their_brave_comrades
## 7304 who
## 7305 their_lives
## 7306 Our_forces
## 7307 the_finest_military
## 7308 our_Nation
## 7309 I
## 7310 I
## 7311 President
## 7312 they
## 7313 the_best_prepared_fighting_force
## 7314 the_face
## 7315 the_Earth
## 7316 I
## 7317 a_defense_plan
## 7318 that
## 7319 our_post-cold-war_security
## 7320 a_lower_cost
## 7321 many_people
## 7322 me
## 7323 our_defense_spending
## 7324 other_Government_programs
## 7325 I
## 7326 The_budget
## 7327 I
## 7328 Congress
## 7329 the_line
## 7330 further_defense_cuts
## 7331 It
## 7332 the_readiness
## 7333 quality
## 7334 our_forces
## 7335 the_best_strategy
## 7336 that
## 7337 We
## 7338 defense
## 7339 I
## 7340 the_Congress
## 7341 regard
## 7342 party
## 7343 that_position
## 7344 the_best_strategy
## 7345 our_security
## 7346 a_durable_peace
## 7347 the_advance
## 7348 democracy
## 7349 Democracies
## 7350 They
## 7351 better_trading_partners
## 7352 partners
## 7353 diplomacy
## 7354 That
## 7355 we
## 7356 Russia
## 7357 the_other_states
## 7358 the_former_Soviet_bloc
## 7359 I
## 7360 the_bipartisan_support
## 7361 this_Congress
## 7362 our_initiatives
## 7363 Russia
## 7364 Ukraine
## 7365 the_other_states
## 7366 their_epic_transformations
## 7367 Our_support
## 7368 reform
## 7369 patience
## 7370 the_enormity
## 7371 the_task
## 7372 vigilance
## 7373 our_fundamental_interest
## 7374 values
## 7375 We
## 7376 Russia
## 7377 the_other_states
## 7378 economic_reforms
## 7379 we
## 7380 Russia
## 7381 regional_problems
## 7382 Russian_troops
## 7383 neighboring_states
## 7384 they
## 7385 those_states
## 7386 their_presence
## 7387 strict_accord
## 7388 international_standards
## 7389 we
## 7390 these_nations
## 7391 their_own_futures-;and
## 7392 they
## 7393 their_own_futures-;how_much_more_secure_and_more_prosperous_our_own_people
## 7394 democratic_and_market_reforms
## 7395 the_former_Communist_bloc
## 7396 Our_policy
## 7397 that_move
## 7398 that
## 7399 the_policy
## 7400 the_Congress
## 7401 We
## 7402 it
## 7403 That
## 7404 I
## 7405 Europe
## 7406 our_European_partners
## 7407 all_the_former_Communist_countries
## 7408 a_Europe
## 7409 that
## 7410 a_possibility
## 7411 the_first_time
## 7412 its_entire_history
## 7413 its_entire_history
## 7414 the_simple_commitments
## 7415 all_nations
## 7416 Europe
## 7417 democracy
## 7418 free_markets
## 7419 existing_borders
## 7420 our_allies
## 7421 we
## 7422 a_Partnership
## 7423 Peace
## 7424 that
## 7425 states
## 7426 the_former_Soviet_bloc
## 7427 other_non-NATO_members
## 7428 NATO
## 7429 military_cooperation
## 7430 I
## 7431 Central_Europe's_leaders
## 7432 Lech_Walesa
## 7433 Vaclav_Havel
## 7434 men
## 7435 who
## 7436 their_lives
## 7437 the_line
## 7438 freedom
## 7439 I
## 7440 them
## 7441 the_security
## 7442 their_region
## 7443 our_country's_security
## 7444 we
## 7445 democratic_renewal
## 7446 human_rights
## 7447 sustainable_development
## 7448 the_world
## 7449 We
## 7450 Congress
## 7451 the_new_GATT_accord
## 7452 We
## 7453 South_Africa
## 7454 it
## 7455 its_way
## 7456 its_bold_and_hopeful_and_difficult_transition
## 7457 democracy
## 7458 We
## 7459 a_summit
## 7460 the_Western_Hemisphere's_democratic_leaders
## 7461 Canada
## 7462 the_tip
## 7463 South_America
## 7464 we
## 7465 the_restoration
## 7466 true_democracy
## 7467 Haiti
## 7468 we
## 7469 a_more_constructive_relationship
## 7470 China
## 7471 we
## 7472 clear_signs
## 7473 improvement
## 7474 that_nation's_human_rights_record
## 7475 We
## 7476 new_progress
## 7477 the_Middle_East_peace
## 7478 the_world
## 7479 Yitzhak_Rabin
## 7480 Yasser_Arafat
## 7481 the_White_House
## 7482 they
## 7483 their_historic_handshake
## 7484 reconciliation
## 7485 a_long,_hard_road
## 7486 that_road
## 7487 I
## 7488 I
## 7489 our_administration
## 7490 all
## 7491 we
## 7492 a_comprehensive_and_lasting_peace
## 7493 all_the_peoples
## 7494 the_region
## 7495 some
## 7496 our_country
## 7497 who
## 7498 the_cold_war
## 7499 America
## 7500 its_back
## 7501 the_rest
## 7502 the_world
## 7503 the_world
## 7504 we
## 7505 just_that
## 7506 I
## 7507 this_office
## 7508 a_pledge
## 7509 that
## 7510 no_partisan_tinge
## 7511 our_Nation
## 7512 the_rest
## 7513 the_world
## 7514 our_work
## 7515 NAFTA
## 7516 our_military
## 7517 democracy
## 7518 we
## 7519 America's_leadership
## 7520 America's_engagement
## 7521 a_result
## 7522 the_American_people
## 7523 they
## 7524 Americans
## 7525 threats
## 7526 I
## 7527 we
## 7528 all
## 7529 many_ways
## 7530 we
## 7531 threats
## 7532 home
## 7533 the_national_peace
## 7534 crime
## 7535 Petaluma
## 7536 California
## 7537 an_innocent_slumber_party
## 7538 way
## 7539 agonizing_tragedy
## 7540 the_family
## 7541 Polly_Klaas
## 7542 An_ordinary_train_ride
## 7543 Long_Island
## 7544 a_hail
## 7545 9-millimeter_rounds
## 7546 A_tourist
## 7547 Florida
## 7548 bigots
## 7549 he
## 7550 our_Nation's_Capital
## 7551 a_brave_young_man
## 7552 Jason_White
## 7553 a_policeman
## 7554 the_son
## 7555 grandson
## 7556 policemen
## 7557 Violent_crime
## 7558 the_fear
## 7559 it
## 7560 our_society
## 7561 personal_freedom
## 7562 the_ties
## 7563 that
## 7564 us
## 7565 The_crime_bill
## 7566 Congress
## 7567 you
## 7568 a_chance
## 7569 something
## 7570 it
## 7571 a_chance
## 7572 What
## 7573 that
## 7574 me
## 7575 I
## 7576 a_lot
## 7577 this_issue
## 7578 I
## 7579 public_life
## 7580 I
## 7581 the_attorney_general
## 7582 my_State
## 7583 I
## 7584 a_Governor
## 7585 a_dozen_years
## 7586 I
## 7587 what
## 7588 it
## 7589 laws
## 7590 penalties
## 7591 more_prison_cells
## 7592 the_death_penalty
## 7593 I
## 7594 this_issue
## 7595 it
## 7596 a_simple_thing
## 7597 we
## 7598 most_violent_crimes
## 7599 a_small_percentage
## 7600 criminals
## 7601 who
## 7602 the_laws
## 7603 they
## 7604 parole
## 7605 those
## 7606 who
## 7607 crimes
## 7608 those
## 7609 who
## 7610 repeated_violent_crimes
## 7611 you
## 7612 a_third_violent_crime
## 7613 you
## 7614 you
## 7615 we
## 7616 serious_steps
## 7617 violence
## 7618 crime
## 7619 more_police_officers
## 7620 We
## 7621 police
## 7622 who
## 7623 the_streets
## 7624 the_folks
## 7625 the_respect
## 7626 the_neighborhood_kids
## 7627 high_crime_areas
## 7628 we
## 7629 they
## 7630 crime
## 7631 catch_criminals
## 7632 the_experience
## 7633 Houston
## 7634 the_crime_rate
## 7635 one_year
## 7636 that_approach
## 7637 those_community_policemen
## 7638 a_brave,_young_detective
## 7639 Kevin_Jett
## 7640 whose_beat
## 7641 eight_square_blocks
## 7642 the_toughest_neighborhoods
## 7643 New_York
## 7644 he
## 7645 some_sanity
## 7646 safety
## 7647 a_sense
## 7648 values
## 7649 connections
## 7650 the_people
## 7651 whose_lives
## 7652 he
## 7653 I
## 7654 him
## 7655 you
## 7656 You
## 7657 a_chance
## 7658 the_children
## 7659 this_country
## 7660 the_law-abiding_working_people
## 7661 this_country-;and
## 7662 the_toughest_neighborhoods
## 7663 this_country
## 7664 the_highest_crime_neighborhoods
## 7665 this_country
## 7666 the_vast_majority
## 7667 people
## 7668 the_law
## 7669 their_taxes
## 7670 their_kids
## 7671 They
## 7672 people
## 7673 Kevin_Jett
## 7674 you
## 7675 a_chance
## 7676 the_American_people
## 7677 them
## 7678 I
## 7679 you
## 7680 it
## 7681 You
## 7682 you
## 7683 crime_legislation
## 7684 which
## 7685 a_police_corps
## 7686 young_people
## 7687 an_education
## 7688 it
## 7689 police_officers
## 7690 which
## 7691 retiring_military_personnel
## 7692 police_forces
## 7693 an_inordinate_resource
## 7694 our_country
## 7695 which
## 7696 a_safe_schools_provision
## 7697 which
## 7698 our_young_people
## 7699 the_chance
## 7700 school
## 7701 safety
## 7702 school
## 7703 safety
## 7704 bullets
## 7705 These
## 7706 important_things
## 7707 The_third_thing
## 7708 we
## 7709 the_Brady_bill
## 7710 the_Brady_law
## 7711 further_steps
## 7712 guns
## 7713 the_hands
## 7714 criminals
## 7715 I
## 7716 something
## 7717 this_issue
## 7718 Hunters
## 7719 Law-abiding_adults
## 7720 guns
## 7721 their_homes
## 7722 I
## 7723 that_part
## 7724 our_culture
## 7725 I
## 7726 it
## 7727 I
## 7728 the_sportsmen
## 7729 others
## 7730 who
## 7731 guns
## 7732 us
## 7733 this_campaign
## 7734 gun_violence
## 7735 I
## 7736 you
## 7737 I
## 7738 you
## 7739 this_problem
## 7740 we
## 7741 your_help
## 7742 it
## 7743 no_sporting_purpose
## 7744 Earth
## 7745 that
## 7746 the_United_States_Congress
## 7747 assault_weapons
## 7748 that
## 7749 children
## 7750 we
## 7751 drugs
## 7752 a_factor
## 7753 an_enormous_percentage
## 7754 crimes
## 7755 Recent_studies
## 7756 drug_use
## 7757 the_rise
## 7758 our_young_people
## 7759 The_crime_bill
## 7760 more_money
## 7761 drug_treatment
## 7762 criminal_addicts
## 7763 boot_camps
## 7764 youthful_offenders
## 7765 that
## 7766 incentives
## 7767 drugs
## 7768 drugs
## 7769 Our_administration's_budget
## 7770 all_its_cuts
## 7771 a_large_increase
## 7772 funding
## 7773 drug_treatment_and_drug_education
## 7774 You
## 7775 them
## 7776 both
## 7777 We
## 7778 them
## 7779 My_fellow_Americans
## 7780 the_problem
## 7781 violence
## 7782 an_American_problem
## 7783 It
## 7784 no_partisan_or_philosophical_element
## 7785 I
## 7786 you
## 7787 ways
## 7788 partisan_differences
## 7789 a_strong,_smart,_tough_crime_bill
## 7790 I
## 7791 you
## 7792 this
## 7793 you
## 7794 tougher_penalties
## 7795 those
## 7796 who
## 7797 violence
## 7798 us
## 7799 we
## 7800 this_sad_point
## 7801 our_toughest_neighborhoods
## 7802 our_meanest_streets
## 7803 our_poorest_rural_areas
## 7804 we
## 7805 a_stunning_and_simultaneous_breakdown
## 7806 community
## 7807 family
## 7808 work
## 7809 the_heart
## 7810 soul
## 7811 civilized_society
## 7812 This
## 7813 a_vast_vacuum
## 7814 which
## 7815 violence
## 7816 drugs
## 7817 gangs
## 7818 I
## 7819 you
## 7820 we
## 7821 crime
## 7822 we
## 7823 people
## 7824 especially_our_young_people
## 7825 something
## 7826 our_initiatives
## 7827 job_training
## 7828 reform
## 7829 health_care
## 7830 national_service
## 7831 distressed_communities
## 7832 families
## 7833 work
## 7834 But_more_needs
## 7835 That
## 7836 what
## 7837 our_community_empowerment_agenda
## 7838 challenging_businesses
## 7839 more_investment
## 7840 empowerment_zones
## 7841 banks
## 7842 loans
## 7843 the_same_communities
## 7844 their_deposits
## 7845 legislation
## 7846 the_power
## 7847 capital
## 7848 community_development_banks
## 7849 jobs
## 7850 opportunity
## 7851 they
## 7852 I
## 7853 you
## 7854 this_problem
## 7855 we
## 7856 our_heads
## 7857 our_ideological_armor
## 7858 some_new_ideas
## 7859 's
## 7860 we
## 7861 all
## 7862 something
## 7863 Our_problems
## 7864 the_reach
## 7865 Government
## 7866 They
## 7867 the_loss
## 7868 values
## 7869 the_disappearance
## 7870 work
## 7871 the_breakdown
## 7872 our_families
## 7873 our_communities
## 7874 we
## 7875 the_deficit
## 7876 jobs
## 7877 democracy
## 7878 the_world
## 7879 welfare_reform
## 7880 health_care
## 7881 the_toughest_crime_bill
## 7882 history
## 7883 our_people
## 7884 The_American_people
## 7885 we
## 7886 work
## 7887 family
## 7888 community
## 7889 We
## 7890 our_country
## 7891 a_decade_more_than_half
## 7892 the_children
## 7893 families
## 7894 no_marriage
## 7895 We
## 7896 this_country
## 7897 13-year-old_boys
## 7898 semiautomatic_weapons
## 7899 9-year-olds
## 7900 kicks
## 7901 We
## 7902 our_country
## 7903 children
## 7904 children
## 7905 the_fathers
## 7906 the_kids
## 7907 anything
## 7908 We
## 7909 the_country
## 7910 our_businesses
## 7911 new_investments
## 7912 new_customers
## 7913 those_people
## 7914 home
## 7915 who
## 7916 anything
## 7917 their_jobs
## 7918 their_products
## 7919 they
## 7920 the_money
## 7921 it
## 7922 We
## 7923 our_country
## 7924 us-
## 7925 the_churches
## 7926 the_other_good_citizens
## 7927 all_the-;like_ministers
## 7928 I
## 7929 the_years
## 7930 the_priests
## 7931 the_nuns
## 7932 I
## 7933 Our_Lady
## 7934 Help
## 7935 east_Los_Angeles
## 7936 my_good_friend
## 7937 Tony_Campollo
## 7938 Philadelphia
## 7939 we
## 7940 people
## 7941 that
## 7942 people
## 7943 who
## 7944 kids
## 7945 schools
## 7946 streets
## 7947 All
## 7948 us
## 7949 that
## 7950 We
## 7951 our_country
## 7952 we
## 7953 governments
## 7954 children
## 7955 parents
## 7956 Parents
## 7957 who
## 7958 their_children's_teachers
## 7959 the_television
## 7960 the_homework
## 7961 their_kids
## 7962 those_kinds
## 7963 parents
## 7964 all_the_difference
## 7965 I
## 7966 I
## 7967 I
## 7968 you
## 7969 we
## 7970 our_fingers
## 7971 these_kids
## 7972 who
## 7973 no_future
## 7974 our_hands
## 7975 them
## 7976 Our_country
## 7977 it
## 7978 we
## 7979 it
## 7980 they
## 7981 it
## 7982 I
## 7983 you
## 7984 's
## 7985 our_children
## 7986 a_future
## 7987 us
## 7988 their_guns
## 7989 them
## 7990 books
## 7991 us
## 7992 their_despair
## 7993 it
## 7994 hope
## 7995 us
## 7996 our_example
## 7997 them
## 7998 the_law
## 7999 our_neighbors
## 8000 our_values
## 8001 us
## 8002 these_sturdy_threads
## 8003 a_new_American_community
## 8004 that
## 8005 the_forces
## 8006 despair
## 8007 evil
## 8008 everybody
## 8009 a_chance
## 8010 a_better_tomorrow
## 8011 naysayers
## 8012 who
## 8013 we
## 8014 the_challenges
## 8015 this_time
## 8016 they
## 8017 our_history
## 8018 our_heritage
## 8019 all_those_things
## 8020 us
## 8021 we
## 8022 we
## 8023 any_challenge
## 8024 the_earth
## 8025 California
## 8026 I
## 8027 the_Mississippi_deluge
## 8028 the_farmlands
## 8029 the_Midwest
## 8030 a_500-year_flood
## 8031 North_Dakota
## 8032 Newport_News
## 8033 it
## 8034 the_world
## 8035 itself
## 8036 the_seams
## 8037 the_American_people
## 8038 they
## 8039 They
## 8040 the_occasion
## 8041 neighbor_helping_neighbor
## 8042 life
## 8043 limb
## 8044 total_strangers
## 8045 the_better_angels
## 8046 our_nature
## 8047 us
## 8048 the_better_angels
## 8049 natural_disasters
## 8050 our_deepest_and_most_profound_problems
## 8051 petty_political_fighting
## 8052 us
## 8053 our_spirit
## 8054 facts
## 8055 hope
## 8056 we
## 8057 a_question
## 8058 the_Republic
## 8059 itself
## 8060 What
## 8061 the_state
## 8062 our_Union
## 8063 It
## 8064 it
## 8065 your_help
## 8066 God's_help
## 8067 it
## 8068 you
## 8069 God
## 8070 America
## 8071 Mr._Speaker
## 8072 Members
## 8073 Congress
## 8074 my_fellow_Americans
## 8075 we
## 8076 the_sanctuary
## 8077 democracy
## 8078 our_democracy
## 8079 me
## 8080 all
## 8081 you
## 8082 Congress
## 8083 you
## 8084 we
## 8085 nothing
## 8086 we
## 8087 the_American_people
## 8088 change
## 8089 I
## 8090 you
## 8091 I
## 8092 some
## 8093 you
## 8094 I
## 8095 both_years
## 8096 we
## 8097 America_singing
## 8098 we
## 8099 America
## 8100 all
## 8101 us
## 8102 Republicans
## 8103 Democrats
## 8104 We
## 8105 you
## 8106 We
## 8107 the_jobs
## 8108 you
## 8109 us
## 8110 we
## 8111 the_keepers
## 8112 a_sacred_trust
## 8113 we
## 8114 it
## 8115 this_new_and_very_demanding_era
## 8116 our_Founders
## 8117 the_entire_course
## 8118 human_history
## 8119 a_new_country
## 8120 a_single_powerful_idea
## 8121 We
## 8122 these_truths
## 8123 all_men
## 8124 their_Creator
## 8125 certain_unalienable_Rights
## 8126 these
## 8127 Life
## 8128 Liberty
## 8129 the_pursuit
## 8130 Happiness
## 8131 It
## 8132 every_generation
## 8133 that_idea
## 8134 the_American_idea
## 8135 its_meaning
## 8136 new_and_different_times
## 8137 Lincoln
## 8138 his_Congress
## 8139 the_Union
## 8140 slavery
## 8141 Theodore_Roosevelt
## 8142 Woodrow_Wilson
## 8143 the_abuses
## 8144 excesses
## 8145 the_industrial_revolution
## 8146 our_leadership
## 8147 the_world
## 8148 Franklin_Roosevelt
## 8149 the_failure
## 8150 pain
## 8151 the_Great_Depression
## 8152 our_country's_great_struggle
## 8153 fascism
## 8154 all_our_Presidents
## 8155 the_cold_war
## 8156 I
## 8157 who
## 8158 that_cold_war
## 8159 partnership
## 8160 Congresses
## 8161 the_majority
## 8162 a_different_party
## 8163 Harry_Truman
## 8164 who
## 8165 us
## 8166 unparalleled_prosperity
## 8167 home
## 8168 who
## 8169 the_architecture
## 8170 the_cold_war
## 8171 Ronald_Reagan
## 8172 whom
## 8173 we
## 8174 who
## 8175 us
## 8176 the_twilight_struggle
## 8177 communism
## 8178 another_time
## 8179 change
## 8180 challenge
## 8181 I
## 8182 the_honor
## 8183 the_first_President
## 8184 the_post-cold-war_era
## 8185 an_era
## 8186 the_global_economy
## 8187 the_information_revolution
## 8188 unparalleled_change
## 8189 opportunity
## 8190 insecurity
## 8191 the_American_people
## 8192 I
## 8193 this_hallowed_Chamber
## 8194 a_mission
## 8195 the_American_dream
## 8196 all_our_people
## 8197 we
## 8198 the_21st_century
## 8199 still_the_strongest_force
## 8200 freedom
## 8201 democracy
## 8202 the_entire_world
## 8203 I
## 8204 the_tough_problems
## 8205 this_effort
## 8206 I
## 8207 I
## 8208 my_mistakes
## 8209 I
## 8210 the_importance
## 8211 humility
## 8212 all_human_endeavor
## 8213 I
## 8214 our_country
## 8215 it
## 8216 you
## 8217 Record_numbers
## 8218 Americans
## 8219 the_new_global_economy
## 8220 We
## 8221 peace
## 8222 we
## 8223 a_force
## 8224 peace
## 8225 freedom
## 8226 the_world
## 8227 We
## 8228 almost_6_million_new_jobs
## 8229 I
## 8230 President
## 8231 we
## 8232 the_lowest_combined_rate
## 8233 unemployment
## 8234 inflation
## 8235 25_years
## 8236 Our_businesses
## 8237 we
## 8238 the_deficit
## 8239 trade
## 8240 more_police
## 8241 our_streets
## 8242 our_citizens
## 8243 the_tools
## 8244 they
## 8245 an_education
## 8246 their_own_communities
## 8247 the_rising_tide
## 8248 all_boats
## 8249 our_Nation
## 8250 peace
## 8251 prosperity
## 8252 our_people
## 8253 our_businesses
## 8254 our_people
## 8255 a_job
## 8256 even_next_month
## 8257 our_material_riches
## 8258 us
## 8259 our_children
## 8260 our_families
## 8261 our_values
## 8262 Our_civil_life
## 8263 America
## 8264 Citizens
## 8265 The_common_bonds
## 8266 community
## 8267 which
## 8268 the_great_strength
## 8269 our_country
## 8270 its_very_beginning
## 8271 What
## 8272 we
## 8273 it
## 8274 the_dawn
## 8275 another_new_era
## 8276 President_Roosevelt
## 8277 our_Nation
## 8278 New_conditions
## 8279 new_requirements
## 8280 Government
## 8281 those
## 8282 who
## 8283 Government
## 8284 that_simple_proposition
## 8285 he
## 8286 the_New_Deal
## 8287 which
## 8288 our_Nation
## 8289 prosperity
## 8290 the_relationship
## 8291 our_people
## 8292 their_Government
## 8293 half_a_century
## 8294 That_approach
## 8295 its_time
## 8296 we
## 8297 we
## 8298 a_very_different_time
## 8299 very_different_conditions
## 8300 We
## 8301 an_industrial_age
## 8302 gears
## 8303 sweat
## 8304 an_information_age
## 8305 skills
## 8306 learning
## 8307 flexibility
## 8308 Our_Government
## 8309 once_a_champion
## 8310 national_purpose
## 8311 narrow_interests
## 8312 more_burdens
## 8313 our_citizens
## 8314 them
## 8315 The_values
## 8316 that
## 8317 us
## 8318 all
## 8319 we
## 8320 a_new_social_compact
## 8321 the_challenges
## 8322 this_time
## 8323 we
## 8324 a_new_era
## 8325 we
## 8326 a_new_set
## 8327 understandings
## 8328 Government
## 8329 Americans
## 8330 That
## 8331 what
## 8332 I
## 8333 you
## 8334 tonight
## 8335 I
## 8336 it
## 8337 the_New_Covenant
## 8338 it
## 8339 a_very,_very_old_idea
## 8340 all_Americans
## 8341 just_a_right
## 8342 but_a_solemn_responsibility
## 8343 their_God-given_talents
## 8344 determination
## 8345 them
## 8346 something
## 8347 their_communities
## 8348 their_country
## 8349 return
## 8350 They
## 8351 hand
## 8352 We
## 8353 our_national_community
## 8354 both
## 8355 Our_New_Covenant
## 8356 a_new_set
## 8357 understandings
## 8358 we
## 8359 our_people
## 8360 the_challenges
## 8361 a_new_economy
## 8362 we
## 8363 the_way
## 8364 our_Government
## 8365 a_different_time
## 8366 all
## 8367 we
## 8368 the_damaged_bonds
## 8369 our_society
## 8370 our_common_purpose
## 8371 We
## 8372 dramatic_change
## 8373 our_economy
## 8374 our_Government
## 8375 ourselves
## 8376 My_fellow_Americans
## 8377 regard
## 8378 party
## 8379 us
## 8380 the_occasion
## 8381 us
## 8382 partisanship
## 8383 pettiness
## 8384 pride
## 8385 we
## 8386 this_new_course
## 8387 us
## 8388 our_country
## 8389 party_label
## 8390 we
## 8391 Americans
## 8392 the_final_test
## 8393 everything
## 8394 we
## 8395 a_simple_one
## 8396 it
## 8397 the_American_people
## 8398 me
## 8399 we
## 8400 Americans
## 8401 better_citizens
## 8402 we
## 8403 better_servants
## 8404 You
## 8405 a_good_start
## 8406 that_law
## 8407 which
## 8408 Congress
## 8409 you
## 8410 the_private_sector
## 8411 I
## 8412 it
## 8413 we
## 8414 a_lot
## 8415 people
## 8416 the_way
## 8417 things
## 8418 as_many_lobbyists
## 8419 the_streets
## 8420 corridors
## 8421 Washington
## 8422 The_American_people
## 8423 their_Capital
## 8424 they
## 8425 a_city
## 8426 the_system
## 8427 the_interests
## 8428 ordinary_citizens
## 8429 the_new_Congress
## 8430 its_doors
## 8431 lobbyists
## 8432 business
## 8433 the_gifts
## 8434 the_trips
## 8435 all_the_things
## 8436 that
## 8437 people
## 8438 you
## 8439 opportunities
## 8440 these_practices
## 8441 I
## 8442 other_considerations
## 8443 those_votes
## 8444 I
## 8445 something
## 8446 that
## 8447 I
## 8448 my_Republican_friends
## 8449 time
## 8450 time
## 8451 a_law
## 8452 everything
## 8453 I
## 8454 you
## 8455 the_lobbyists'_perks
## 8456 We
## 8457 legislation
## 8458 a_strong_signal
## 8459 the_American_people
## 8460 things
## 8461 I
## 8462 you
## 8463 me
## 8464 the_strongest_possible_lobby_reform_bill
## 8465 I
## 8466 We
## 8467 lobbyists
## 8468 the_people
## 8469 whom
## 8470 they
## 8471 what
## 8472 they
## 8473 what
## 8474 they
## 8475 We
## 8476 the_role
## 8477 big_money
## 8478 elections
## 8479 the_cost
## 8480 campaigns
## 8481 the_influence
## 8482 PAC
## 8483 I
## 8484 3_years
## 8485 we
## 8486 the_airwaves
## 8487 they
## 8488 an_instrument
## 8489 democracy
## 8490 a_weapon
## 8491 destruction
## 8492 free_TV_time
## 8493 candidates
## 8494 public_office
## 8495 the_last_Congress
## 8496 political_reform
## 8497 it
## 8498 the_press
## 8499 the_lobbyists
## 8500 the_Halls
## 8501 this_sacred_building
## 8502 's
## 8503 the_folks
## 8504 home
## 8505 something
## 8506 I
## 8507 we
## 8508 all
## 8509 we
## 8510 the_way
## 8511 the_Government
## 8512 's
## 8513 it
## 8514 I
## 8515 the_Speaker
## 8516 the_equal_time_doctrine
## 8517 The_New_Covenant_approach
## 8518 the_old_bureaucratic_way
## 8519 the_computer
## 8520 the_manual_typewriter
## 8521 The_old_way
## 8522 organized_interests
## 8523 We
## 8524 the_interests
## 8525 ordinary_people
## 8526 The_old_way
## 8527 us
## 8528 interest
## 8529 constituency
## 8530 class
## 8531 The_New_Covenant_way
## 8532 us
## 8533 a_common_vision
## 8534 what
## 8535 our_country
## 8536 The_old_way
## 8537 services
## 8538 large,_top-down,_inflexible_bureaucracies
## 8539 The_New_Covenant_way
## 8540 these_resources
## 8541 bureaucrats
## 8542 citizens
## 8543 choice
## 8544 competition
## 8545 individual_responsibility
## 8546 national_policy
## 8547 The_old_way
## 8548 failure
## 8549 The_New_Covenant_way
## 8550 incentives
## 8551 success
## 8552 The_old_way
## 8553 Washington
## 8554 The_New_Covenant_way
## 8555 hold
## 8556 the_communities
## 8557 America
## 8558 we
## 8559 them
## 8560 that
## 8561 Our_job
## 8562 opportunity
## 8563 bureaucracy
## 8564 people
## 8565 their_own_lives
## 8566 our_security
## 8567 home
## 8568 We
## 8569 Government
## 8570 what
## 8571 we
## 8572 ourselves
## 8573 We
## 8574 Government
## 8575 a_partner
## 8576 us
## 8577 ourselves
## 8578 I
## 8579 we
## 8580 these_specific_and_exciting_matters
## 8581 we
## 8582 the_sterile_discussion
## 8583 the_illusion
## 8584 a_program
## 8585 every_problem
## 8586 the_one_hand
## 8587 the_Government
## 8588 a_source
## 8589 every_problem
## 8590 we
## 8591 Our_job
## 8592 yesterday's_Government
## 8593 our_own_people
## 8594 today's_and_tomorrow's_needs
## 8595 we
## 8596 it
## 8597 You
## 8598 years
## 8599 I
## 8600 President
## 8601 I
## 8602 others
## 8603 they
## 8604 Government
## 8605 it
## 8606 We
## 8607 it
## 8608 We
## 8609 a_quarter
## 8610 a_trillion_dollars
## 8611 spending
## 8612 more_than_300_domestic_programs
## 8613 more_than_100,000_positions
## 8614 the_Federal_bureaucracy
## 8615 the_last_2_years
## 8616 decisions
## 8617 we
## 8618 a_total
## 8619 more_than_a_quarter
## 8620 a_million_positions
## 8621 the_Federal_Government
## 8622 it
## 8623 it
## 8624 John_Kennedy
## 8625 President
## 8626 the_time
## 8627 I
## 8628 the_leadership
## 8629 Vice_President_Gore
## 8630 our_initiatives
## 8631 taxpayers
## 8632 The_age
## 8633 the_$500_hammer
## 8634 the_ashtray
## 8635 you
## 8636 David_Letterman
## 8637 Deadwood_programs
## 8638 mohair_subsidies
## 8639 We
## 8640 the_Agriculture_Department
## 8641 it
## 8642 more_than_1,200_offices
## 8643 We
## 8644 the_small_business_loan_form
## 8645 an_inch
## 8646 a_single_page
## 8647 We
## 8648 the_Government's_10,000page_personnel_manual
## 8649 the_Government
## 8650 important_ways
## 8651 FEMA
## 8652 the_Federal_Emergency_Management_Agency
## 8653 a_disaster
## 8654 people
## 8655 disasters
## 8656 You
## 8657 the_farmers
## 8658 the_Middle_West
## 8659 who
## 8660 the_flood
## 8661 the_people
## 8662 California
## 8663 who
## 8664 floods
## 8665 earthquakes
## 8666 fires
## 8667 they
## 8668 you
## 8669 that
## 8670 Government_workers
## 8671 working_hand
## 8672 hand
## 8673 private_business
## 8674 southern_California's_fractured_freeways
## 8675 record_time
## 8676 budget
## 8677 the_Federal_Government
## 8678 all
## 8679 the_5,600_schools
## 8680 the_earthquake
## 8681 business
## 8682 a_lot
## 8683 other_things
## 8684 that
## 8685 I
## 8686 I
## 8687 it
## 8688 the_next_few_weeks
## 8689 University_administrators
## 8690 the_country
## 8691 me
## 8692 they
## 8693 weeks
## 8694 weeks
## 8695 bureaucratic_time
## 8696 our_direct_college_loan_program
## 8697 which
## 8698 college_loans
## 8699 better_repayment_terms
## 8700 students
## 8701 the_Government
## 8702 paperwork
## 8703 bureaucracy
## 8704 the_Government
## 8705 the_universities
## 8706 We
## 8707 that_program
## 8708 We
## 8709 every_college
## 8710 America
## 8711 the_opportunity
## 8712 a_part
## 8713 it
## 8714 Previous_Government_programs
## 8715 dust
## 8716 The_reinventing_Government_report
## 8717 results
## 8718 we
## 8719 a_second_round
## 8720 Government
## 8721 We
## 8722 spending
## 8723 shrinking_departments
## 8724 our_freeze
## 8725 domestic_spending
## 8726 60_public_housing_programs
## 8727 over_100_programs
## 8728 we
## 8729 the_Interstate_Commerce_Commission
## 8730 the_Helium_Reserve_Program
## 8731 we
## 8732 unnecessary_regulations
## 8733 them
## 8734 The_programs
## 8735 regulations
## 8736 that
## 8737 their_usefulness
## 8738 We
## 8739 yesterday's_Government
## 8740 tomorrow's_problems
## 8741 we
## 8742 Government
## 8743 the_people
## 8744 it
## 8745 We
## 8746 programs
## 8747 the_point
## 8748 States
## 8749 communities
## 8750 private_citizens
## 8751 the_private_sector
## 8752 a_better_job
## 8753 they
## 8754 it
## 8755 we
## 8756 them
## 8757 it
## 8758 We
## 8759 the_way
## 8760 them
## 8761 what
## 8762 they
## 8763 power
## 8764 Federal_bureaucracies
## 8765 it
## 8766 communities
## 8767 individuals
## 8768 something
## 8769 everyone
## 8770 It
## 8771 time
## 8772 Congress
## 8773 the_States
## 8774 the_cost
## 8775 decisions
## 8776 we
## 8777 Washington
## 8778 I
## 8779 serious_differences
## 8780 the_details
## 8781 the_unfunded_mandates_legislation
## 8782 I
## 8783 you
## 8784 we
## 8785 a_reasonable_bill
## 8786 which
## 8787 the_national_interests
## 8788 justified_relief
## 8789 we
## 8790 it
## 8791 years
## 8792 Congress
## 8793 the_budget_scores
## 8794 pet_spending_projects
## 8795 no_difference
## 8796 stress
## 8797 plants
## 8798 a_tick_removal_program
## 8799 that
## 8800 It
## 8801 ticks
## 8802 Those
## 8803 us
## 8804 who
## 8805 them
## 8806 I
## 8807 you
## 8808 something
## 8809 you
## 8810 me
## 8811 line-item_veto
## 8812 I
## 8813 some
## 8814 that_unnecessary_spending
## 8815 I
## 8816 we
## 8817 almost_all
## 8818 us
## 8819 Government
## 8820 important_responsibilities
## 8821 Our_young_people-;we
## 8822 this
## 8823 we
## 8824 our_young_people
## 8825 our_future
## 8826 their_hands
## 8827 We
## 8828 a_debt
## 8829 our_veterans
## 8830 our_senior_citizens
## 8831 us
## 8832 what
## 8833 we
## 8834 my_budget
## 8835 a_lot
## 8836 it
## 8837 education
## 8838 veterans
## 8839 Social_Security
## 8840 Medicare
## 8841 I
## 8842 you
## 8843 the_same_thing
## 8844 You
## 8845 I
## 8846 you
## 8847 we
## 8848 more_flexibility
## 8849 the_States
## 8850 us
## 8851 certain_fundamental_national_needs
## 8852 that
## 8853 every_State
## 8854 North
## 8855 South
## 8856 East
## 8857 West
## 8858 childhood_disease
## 8859 all_our_schools
## 8860 Head_Start
## 8861 medical_care
## 8862 nutrition
## 8863 pregnant_women
## 8864 infants
## 8865 all_these_things
## 8866 all_these_things
## 8867 the_national_interest
## 8868 I
## 8869 your_desire
## 8870 costly_and_unnecessary_regulations
## 8871 we
## 8872 's
## 8873 what
## 8874 national_action
## 8875 the_national_interest
## 8876 us
## 8877 safer_food
## 8878 our_families
## 8879 safer_toys
## 8880 our_children
## 8881 safer_nursing_homes
## 8882 our_parents
## 8883 safer_cars
## 8884 highways
## 8885 safer_workplaces
## 8886 cleaner_air
## 8887 cleaner_water
## 8888 we
## 8889 common_sense
## 8890 fairness
## 8891 our_regulations
## 8892 You
## 8893 we
## 8894 we
## 8895 common_sense
## 8896 safe_drinking_water
## 8897 We
## 8898 fairness
## 8899 toxic_dumps
## 8900 we
## 8901 it
## 8902 we
## 8903 the_deficit
## 8904 course
## 8905 we
## 8906 we
## 8907 we
## 8908 it
## 8909 a_way
## 8910 that
## 8911 our_economic_recovery
## 8912 people
## 8913 who
## 8914 I
## 8915 you
## 8916 this_Chamber
## 8917 the_balanced_budget_amendment
## 8918 I
## 8919 the_budget
## 8920 Our_administration
## 8921 the_budget
## 8922 money
## 8923 any
## 8924 a_very,_very_long_time
## 8925 you
## 8926 this_amendment
## 8927 the_right_thing
## 8928 you
## 8929 the_American_people
## 8930 They
## 8931 a_right
## 8932 what
## 8933 you
## 8934 you
## 8935 it
## 8936 them
## 8937 We
## 8938 things
## 8939 the_open
## 8940 example
## 8941 everybody
## 8942 this_proposal
## 8943 Social_Security
## 8944 I
## 8945 that
## 8946 I
## 8947 most_Americans
## 8948 Nothing
## 8949 our_sense
## 8950 common_responsibility
## 8951 our_failed_welfare_system
## 8952 This
## 8953 the_problems
## 8954 we
## 8955 Washington
## 8956 our_New_Covenant
## 8957 It
## 8958 welfare
## 8959 work
## 8960 It
## 8961 family_values
## 8962 It
## 8963 millions
## 8964 parents
## 8965 their_child_support
## 8966 It
## 8967 a_minority
## 8968 a_significant_minority
## 8969 the_people
## 8970 welfare
## 8971 it
## 8972 a_very_long_time
## 8973 I
## 8974 this_problem
## 8975 a_long_time
## 8976 a_Governor
## 8977 I
## 8978 the_honor
## 8979 the_Reagan_administration
## 8980 the_last_welfare_reform_bill
## 8981 the_last_2_years
## 8982 we
## 8983 a_good_start
## 8984 the_work
## 8985 welfare_reform
## 8986 Our_administration
## 8987 two_dozen_States
## 8988 the_right
## 8989 Federal_rules
## 8990 regulations
## 8991 their_own_welfare_systems
## 8992 work
## 8993 responsibility
## 8994 welfare
## 8995 dependency
## 8996 I
## 8997 the_most_sweeping_welfare_reform_plan
## 8998 an_administration
## 8999 We
## 9000 welfare
## 9001 what
## 9002 it
## 9003 a_second_chance
## 9004 a_way
## 9005 life
## 9006 We
## 9007 those
## 9008 welfare_move
## 9009 child_care
## 9010 them
## 9011 skills
## 9012 that
## 9013 what
## 9014 they
## 9015 up_to_2_years
## 9016 that
## 9017 a_simple,_hard_rule
## 9018 Anyone
## 9019 who
## 9020 a_parent
## 9021 child_support
## 9022 they
## 9023 We
## 9024 drivers'_license
## 9025 them
## 9026 State_lines
## 9027 them
## 9028 what
## 9029 they
## 9030 That
## 9031 what
## 9032 we
## 9033 Governments
## 9034 children
## 9035 people
## 9036 the_parents
## 9037 responsibility
## 9038 the_children
## 9039 they
## 9040 this_world
## 9041 I
## 9042 you
## 9043 all
## 9044 you
## 9045 welfare_reform
## 9046 our_goal
## 9047 people
## 9048 them
## 9049 dependence
## 9050 independence
## 9051 welfare
## 9052 work
## 9053 mere_childbearing
## 9054 responsible_parenting
## 9055 Our_goal
## 9056 them
## 9057 they
## 9058 We
## 9059 we
## 9060 work
## 9061 mutual_responsibility
## 9062 we
## 9063 people
## 9064 they
## 9065 they
## 9066 they
## 9067 We
## 9068 responsibility
## 9069 young_mothers
## 9070 home
## 9071 their_parents
## 9072 other_supervised_settings
## 9073 them
## 9074 school
## 9075 we
## 9076 them
## 9077 their_children
## 9078 the_street
## 9079 I
## 9080 all_the_arguments
## 9081 I
## 9082 this
## 9083 a_long_time
## 9084 I
## 9085 we
## 9086 good_conscience
## 9087 poor_children
## 9088 the_mistakes
## 9089 their_parents
## 9090 My_fellow_Americans
## 9091 every_single_survey
## 9092 all_the_American_people
## 9093 this
## 9094 regard
## 9095 party
## 9096 race
## 9097 region
## 9098 this
## 9099 the_year
## 9100 we
## 9101 welfare
## 9102 we
## 9103 it
## 9104 this
## 9105 the_year
## 9106 we
## 9107 this_issue
## 9108 America
## 9109 No_one
## 9110 welfare-
## 9111 applause]-;I
## 9112 the_only_President
## 9113 who
## 9114 the_opportunity
## 9115 a_welfare_office
## 9116 who
## 9117 hours
## 9118 hours
## 9119 people
## 9120 welfare
## 9121 I
## 9122 you
## 9123 the_people
## 9124 who
## 9125 it
## 9126 it
## 9127 they
## 9128 we
## 9129 education
## 9130 work
## 9131 good_parenting
## 9132 I
## 9133 no_problem
## 9134 bad_behavior
## 9135 the_refusal
## 9136 a_worker
## 9137 a_student
## 9138 a_responsible_parent
## 9139 I
## 9140 poverty
## 9141 past_mistakes
## 9142 All
## 9143 us
## 9144 our_mistakes
## 9145 none
## 9146 us
## 9147 our_yesterdays
## 9148 us
## 9149 our_tomorrows
## 9150 America's_best_example
## 9151 that
## 9152 Lynn_Woolsey
## 9153 who
## 9154 her_way
## 9155 welfare
## 9156 a_Congresswoman
## 9157 the_State
## 9158 California
## 9159 I
## 9160 the_Members
## 9161 this_Congress
## 9162 crime
## 9163 all_the_citizens
## 9164 our_country
## 9165 I
## 9166 you
## 9167 we
## 9168 a_very_tough_crime_bill
## 9169 three_strikes
## 9170 you
## 9171 almost_60_new_capital_punishment_offenses
## 9172 ,_more_prisons
## 9173 more_prevention
## 9174 100,000_more_police
## 9175 we
## 9176 it
## 9177 all
## 9178 the_size
## 9179 the_Federal_bureaucracy
## 9180 the_money
## 9181 local_communities
## 9182 the_crime_rate
## 9183 other_things
## 9184 we
## 9185 crime
## 9186 crime
## 9187 that_rate
## 9188 's
## 9189 them
## 9190 's
## 9191 them
## 9192 's
## 9193 the_things
## 9194 that
## 9195 we
## 9196 we
## 9197 work
## 9198 we
## 9199 work
## 9200 the_local_law_enforcement_officers
## 9201 us
## 9202 we
## 9203 the_right_thing
## 9204 local_community_leaders
## 9205 who
## 9206 years
## 9207 years
## 9208 the_crime_rate
## 9209 us
## 9210 they
## 9211 's
## 9212 the_experience
## 9213 our_cities
## 9214 our_rural_areas
## 9215 the_crime_rate
## 9216 the_people
## 9217 who
## 9218 it
## 9219 they
## 9220 it
## 9221 what
## 9222 we
## 9223 the_decline
## 9224 the_crime_rate-
## 9225 I
## 9226 it
## 9227 us
## 9228 it
## 9229 's
## 9230 it
## 9231 it
## 9232 We
## 9233 4_more_hard_years
## 9234 work
## 9235 that
## 9236 I
## 9237 the_good_atmosphere
## 9238 the_room
## 9239 the_country
## 9240 I
## 9241 one_issue
## 9242 that
## 9243 this_body
## 9244 The_last_Congress
## 9245 the_Brady_bill
## 9246 the_crime_bill
## 9247 the_ban
## 9248 19_assault_weapons
## 9249 I
## 9250 it
## 9251 a_secret
## 9252 anybody
## 9253 this_room
## 9254 several_Members
## 9255 the_last_Congress
## 9256 who
## 9257 that
## 9258 they
## 9259 it
## 9260 I
## 9261 some
## 9262 you
## 9263 who
## 9264 they
## 9265 it
## 9266 enormous_pressure
## 9267 it
## 9268 I
## 9269 you
## 9270 I
## 9271 it
## 9272 The_Members
## 9273 Congress
## 9274 who
## 9275 that_bill
## 9276 I
## 9277 anything
## 9278 the_right
## 9279 arms
## 9280 other_appropriate_sporting_activities
## 9281 I
## 9282 it
## 9283 I
## 9284 a_boy
## 9285 I
## 9286 it
## 9287 I
## 9288 it
## 9289 a_lot
## 9290 people
## 9291 their_seats
## 9292 Congress
## 9293 police_officers
## 9294 kids
## 9295 their_lives
## 9296 a_hail
## 9297 assault_weapon_attack
## 9298 I
## 9299 that
## 9300 I
## 9301 it
## 9302 I
## 9303 about_a_couple
## 9304 other_issues
## 9305 we
## 9306 I
## 9307 us
## 9308 more_spending
## 9309 I
## 9310 we
## 9311 Government_programs
## 9312 that
## 9313 us
## 9314 the_new_economy
## 9315 responsibility
## 9316 the_grassroots
## 9317 Federal_bureaucracy
## 9318 The_very_best_example
## 9319 this
## 9320 the_national_service_corps
## 9321 AmeriCorps
## 9322 It
## 9323 strong_bipartisan_support
## 9324 20,000_Americans
## 9325 one_year
## 9326 the_Peace_Corps
## 9327 this_country
## 9328 people
## 9329 person
## 9330 local_grassroots_volunteer_groups
## 9331 problems
## 9332 the_process
## 9333 some_money
## 9334 their_education
## 9335 This
## 9336 citizenship
## 9337 It
## 9338 the_AmeriCorps_members
## 9339 it
## 9340 the_rest
## 9341 us
## 9342 It
## 9343 the_essence
## 9344 the_New_Covenant
## 9345 we
## 9346 it
## 9347 All_Americans
## 9348 the_States
## 9349 every_place
## 9350 this_country
## 9351 the_large_numbers
## 9352 illegal_aliens
## 9353 our_country
## 9354 The_jobs
## 9355 they
## 9356 citizens
## 9357 legal_immigrants
## 9358 The_public_service
## 9359 they
## 9360 burdens
## 9361 our_taxpayers
## 9362 That
## 9363 our_administration
## 9364 our_borders
## 9365 a_record_number
## 9366 new_border_guards
## 9367 twice_as_many_criminal_aliens
## 9368 illegal_hiring
## 9369 welfare_benefits
## 9370 illegal_aliens
## 9371 the_budget
## 9372 I
## 9373 you
## 9374 we
## 9375 the_deportation
## 9376 illegal_aliens
## 9377 who
## 9378 crimes
## 9379 illegal_aliens
## 9380 the_workplace
## 9381 the_commission
## 9382 former_Congresswoman_Barbara_Jordan
## 9383 We
## 9384 a_nation
## 9385 immigrants
## 9386 we
## 9387 a_nation
## 9388 laws
## 9389 It
## 9390 a_nation
## 9391 immigrants
## 9392 the_kind
## 9393 abuse
## 9394 our_immigration_laws
## 9395 we
## 9396 recent_years
## 9397 we
## 9398 it
## 9399 The_most_important_job
## 9400 our_Government
## 9401 this_new_era
## 9402 the_American_people
## 9403 the_global_economy
## 9404 America
## 9405 a_land
## 9406 opportunity
## 9407 a_land
## 9408 you
## 9409 you
## 9410 We
## 9411 a_great_middle_class_country
## 9412 Middle_class_values
## 9413 us
## 9414 We
## 9415 that_middle_class
## 9416 the_under_class
## 9417 we
## 9418 everything
## 9419 we
## 9420 the_millions
## 9421 Americans
## 9422 who
## 9423 the_new_economy
## 9424 America
## 9425 the_world's_strongest_economic_power
## 9426 almost_6_million_new_jobs
## 9427 the_last_2_years
## 9428 exports
## 9429 High-wage_jobs
## 9430 A_record_number
## 9431 American_entrepreneurs
## 9432 the_American_dream
## 9433 we
## 9434 it
## 9435 those
## 9436 who
## 9437 our_Nation
## 9438 its_benefits
## 9439 those_people
## 9440 They
## 9441 They
## 9442 less_security
## 9443 less_income
## 9444 less_certainty
## 9445 they
## 9446 a_vacation
## 9447 much_less_college
## 9448 their_kids
## 9449 retirement
## 9450 themselves
## 9451 We
## 9452 this
## 9453 we
## 9454 our_economy
## 9455 what
## 9456 it
## 9457 the_income_growth
## 9458 those
## 9459 the_very_top
## 9460 our_economic_scale
## 9461 the_people
## 9462 the_vast_middle
## 9463 very_little_growth
## 9464 people
## 9465 who
## 9466 the_bottom
## 9467 the_years
## 9468 they
## 9469 We
## 9470 a_Government
## 9471 that
## 9472 a_real_partner
## 9473 this_new_economy
## 9474 all
## 9475 our_people
## 9476 a_Government
## 9477 that
## 9478 each
## 9479 us
## 9480 an_education
## 9481 the_opportunity
## 9482 our_skills
## 9483 That
## 9484 we
## 9485 educational_opportunities
## 9486 the_last_2_years
## 9487 Head_Start
## 9488 public_schools
## 9489 apprenticeships
## 9490 young_people
## 9491 who
## 9492 college
## 9493 college_loans
## 9494 That
## 9495 the_first_thing
## 9496 we
## 9497 We
## 9498 something
## 9499 people
## 9500 their_skills
## 9501 The_second_thing
## 9502 we
## 9503 people
## 9504 their_incomes
## 9505 their_taxes
## 9506 We
## 9507 the_first_step
## 9508 a_working_family_tax_cut
## 9509 15_million_families
## 9510 incomes
## 9511 a_tax_cut
## 9512 we
## 9513 tax_reductions
## 9514 most_small_and_new_businesses
## 9515 we
## 9516 that
## 9517 we
## 9518 the_deficit
## 9519 we
## 9520 we
## 9521 economic_growth
## 9522 we
## 9523 both
## 9524 we
## 9525 taxes
## 9526 a_more_comprehensive_way
## 9527 tax_cuts
## 9528 our_first_obligation
## 9529 our_citizens
## 9530 education
## 9531 training
## 9532 their_own_lives
## 9533 The_spotlight
## 9534 those
## 9535 who
## 9536 the_right_choices
## 9537 themselves
## 9538 their_families
## 9539 their_communities
## 9540 I
## 9541 the_middle_class_bill
## 9542 rights
## 9543 which
## 9544 the_bill
## 9545 rights
## 9546 responsibilities
## 9547 its_provisions
## 9548 those
## 9549 who
## 9550 their_children
## 9551 themselves
## 9552 It
## 9553 tax_relief
## 9554 incomes
## 9555 both_the_short_run
## 9556 the_long_run
## 9557 a_way
## 9558 that
## 9559 all
## 9560 us
## 9561 four_provisions
## 9562 First,_a_tax_deduction
## 9563 all_education
## 9564 training
## 9565 high_school
## 9566 you
## 9567 it
## 9568 we
## 9569 businesses
## 9570 their_investment
## 9571 we
## 9572 individuals
## 9573 interest
## 9574 their_home_mortgages
## 9575 an_education
## 9576 the_economic_well-being
## 9577 our_whole_country
## 9578 even_those_things
## 9579 We
## 9580 everything
## 9581 we
## 9582 it
## 9583 I
## 9584 you
## 9585 it
## 9586 we
## 9587 taxes
## 9588 families
## 9589 children
## 9590 we
## 9591 more_savings
## 9592 personal_responsibility
## 9593 people
## 9594 an_individual_retirement_account
## 9595 it
## 9596 the_cost
## 9597 education
## 9598 health_care
## 9599 first-time_homebuying
## 9600 the_care
## 9601 a_parent
## 9602 we
## 9603 a_"GI_bill
## 9604 America's_workers
## 9605 We
## 9606 nearly_70_Federal_programs
## 9607 the_money
## 9608 the_States
## 9609 the_money
## 9610 the_American_people
## 9611 vouchers
## 9612 them
## 9613 they
## 9614 they
## 9615 a_very_low_wage
## 9616 up_to_2_years
## 9617 their_local_community_colleges
## 9618 they
## 9619 the_skills
## 9620 they
## 9621 their_lives
## 9622 's
## 9623 people
## 9624 this_way
## 9625 it
## 9626 the_Government
## 9627 the_workers
## 9628 America
## 9629 us
## 9630 a_tax_cut
## 9631 I
## 9632 one
## 9633 that
## 9634 the_deficit
## 9635 our_recovery
## 9636 risk
## 9637 We
## 9638 our_tax_cuts
## 9639 it
## 9640 an_open_question
## 9641 we
## 9642 the_strength
## 9643 the_deficit
## 9644 the_courage
## 9645 the_people
## 9646 who
## 9647 whom
## 9648 we
## 9649 the_deficit
## 9650 We
## 9651 what
## 9652 others
## 9653 We
## 9654 the_deficit
## 9655 every_family
## 9656 this_country
## 9657 It
## 9658 a_row
## 9659 the_first_time
## 9660 Mr._Truman
## 9661 President
## 9662 I
## 9663 anybody
## 9664 America
## 9665 us
## 9666 it
## 9667 the_budget
## 9668 I
## 9669 you
## 9670 the_middle_class_bill
## 9671 rights
## 9672 budget_cuts
## 9673 bureaucracy
## 9674 programs
## 9675 special_interest_subsidies
## 9676 the_spending_cuts
## 9677 My_budget
## 9678 the_middle_class_bill
## 9679 rights
## 9680 any_cuts
## 9681 Medicare
## 9682 I
## 9683 any_attempts
## 9684 tax_cuts
## 9685 Medicare_cuts
## 9686 That
## 9687 the_right_thing
## 9688 I
## 9689 a_lot
## 9690 you
## 9691 your_own_ideas
## 9692 tax_relief
## 9693 them
## 9694 I
## 9695 I
## 9696 all
## 9697 you
## 9698 My_test
## 9699 our_proposals
## 9700 it
## 9701 jobs
## 9702 raise_incomes
## 9703 it
## 9704 our_families
## 9705 our_children
## 9706 it
## 9707 it
## 9708 the_middle_class
## 9709 the
## 9710 class
## 9711 it
## 9712 I
## 9713 it
## 9714 it
## 9715 I
## 9716 The_goal
## 9717 the_middle_class
## 9718 the_under_class
## 9719 I
## 9720 you
## 9721 the_minimum_wage
## 9722 It
## 9723 work
## 9724 Two_and_a_half_million_Americans
## 9725 two_and_a_half_million_Americans
## 9726 often_women
## 9727 children
## 9728 terms
## 9729 real_buying_power
## 9730 next_year
## 9731 minimum_wage
## 9732 a_40-year_low
## 9733 That
## 9734 my_idea
## 9735 the_new_economy
## 9736 I
## 9737 the_arguments
## 9738 the_evidence
## 9739 a_minimum_wage_increase
## 9740 I
## 9741 the_weight
## 9742 the_evidence
## 9743 a_modest_increase
## 9744 jobs
## 9745 people
## 9746 the_job_market
## 9747 the_most_important_thing
## 9748 you
## 9749 a_living
## 9750 you
## 9751 children
## 9752 the_working_families_tax_cut
## 9753 we
## 9754 the_past
## 9755 the_minimum_wage
## 9756 a_bipartisan_issue
## 9757 I
## 9758 it
## 9759 I
## 9760 you
## 9761 honest_hearings
## 9762 this
## 9763 a_way
## 9764 the_minimum_wage
## 9765 Members
## 9766 Congress
## 9767 a_month
## 9768 the_end
## 9769 the_week
## 9770 28_days
## 9771 the_new_year
## 9772 every_Member
## 9773 Congress
## 9774 congressional_salary
## 9775 a_minimum_wage_worker
## 9776 Everybody
## 9777 the_President
## 9778 something
## 9779 too_many_Americans
## 9780 that
## 9781 health_care
## 9782 we
## 9783 blows
## 9784 health_care
## 9785 we
## 9786 anything
## 9787 the_cold,_hard_fact
## 9788 last_year
## 9789 I
## 9790 another_1.1_million_Americans
## 9791 working_families
## 9792 their_health_care
## 9793 the_cold,_hard_fact
## 9794 that_many_millions
## 9795 them
## 9796 small_business_people
## 9797 self-employed_people
## 9798 their_premiums
## 9799 their_copays
## 9800 deductibles
## 9801 a_whole_bunch
## 9802 people
## 9803 this_country
## 9804 the_statistics
## 9805 health_insurance
## 9806 what
## 9807 they
## 9808 a_piece
## 9809 paper
## 9810 that
## 9811 they
## 9812 their_home
## 9813 they
## 9814 I
## 9815 our_country
## 9816 health_security
## 9817 every_American_family
## 9818 I
## 9819 the_evidence
## 9820 we
## 9821 we
## 9822 I
## 9823 you
## 9824 we
## 9825 's
## 9826 it
## 9827 step
## 9828 's
## 9829 whatever
## 9830 we
## 9831 something
## 9832 's
## 9833 meaningful_insurance_reform
## 9834 no_American_risks
## 9835 coverage
## 9836 skyrocketing_prices
## 9837 nobody
## 9838 their_coverage
## 9839 they
## 9840 high_prices
## 9841 unavailable_insurance
## 9842 they
## 9843 jobs
## 9844 a_job
## 9845 a_family_member
## 9846 I
## 9847 all
## 9848 you
## 9849 who
## 9850 an_interest
## 9851 this
## 9852 the_Democrats
## 9853 who
## 9854 it
## 9855 the_Republican_leaders
## 9856 Senator_Dole
## 9857 who
## 9858 a_longtime_commitment
## 9859 health_care_reform
## 9860 some_constructive_proposals
## 9861 this_area
## 9862 We
## 9863 self-employed_people
## 9864 small_businesses
## 9865 insurance
## 9866 more_affordable_rates
## 9867 voluntary_purchasing_pools
## 9868 We
## 9869 families
## 9870 long-term_care
## 9871 a_sick_parent
## 9872 a_disabled_child
## 9873 We
## 9874 workers
## 9875 who
## 9876 their_jobs
## 9877 their_health_insurance_coverage
## 9878 a_year
## 9879 they
## 9880 work
## 9881 we
## 9882 a_way-;it
## 9883 some_time
## 9884 we
## 9885 a_way-;to
## 9886 our_children
## 9887 health_care
## 9888 You
## 9889 I
## 9890 everybody
## 9891 this_room
## 9892 regard
## 9893 party
## 9894 the_fact
## 9895 our_country
## 9896 the_world's_most_productive_economy
## 9897 the_first_time
## 9898 nearly_a_decade
## 9899 we
## 9900 the_fact
## 9901 we
## 9902 the_only_wealthy_country
## 9903 the_world
## 9904 that
## 9905 a_smaller_percentage
## 9906 the_work_force
## 9907 their_children
## 9908 health_insurance
## 9909 we
## 9910 we
## 9911 the_most_productive_economy
## 9912 the_world
## 9913 's
## 9914 this
## 9915 It
## 9916 politics
## 9917 what
## 9918 the_American_people
## 9919 tonight
## 9920 what
## 9921 we
## 9922 A_lot
## 9923 people
## 9924 the_security_concerns
## 9925 America
## 9926 our_borders
## 9927 They
## 9928 the_security
## 9929 our_jobs
## 9930 our_homes
## 9931 our_incomes
## 9932 our_children
## 9933 our_streets
## 9934 our_health
## 9935 those_borders
## 9936 the_cold_war
## 9937 it
## 9938 all_the_security_issues
## 9939 the_possible_exception
## 9940 trade
## 9941 home
## 9942 it
## 9943 Our_security
## 9944 our_continued_world_leadership
## 9945 peace
## 9946 freedom
## 9947 democracy
## 9948 We
## 9949 home
## 9950 we
## 9951 The_financial_crisis
## 9952 Mexico
## 9953 a_case
## 9954 point
## 9955 I
## 9956 it
## 9957 it
## 9958 we
## 9959 the_Mexican_people
## 9960 the_sake
## 9961 the_millions
## 9962 Americans
## 9963 whose_livelihoods
## 9964 Mexico's_wellbeing
## 9965 we
## 9966 American_jobs
## 9967 American_exports
## 9968 America's_borders
## 9969 we
## 9970 the_stabilization_program
## 9971 Mexico
## 9972 track
## 9973 me
## 9974 It
## 9975 a_loan
## 9976 It
## 9977 foreign_aid
## 9978 It
## 9979 a_bailout
## 9980 We
## 9981 a_guarantee
## 9982 a_note
## 9983 good_collateral
## 9984 that
## 9985 our_risks
## 9986 This_legislation
## 9987 the_right_thing
## 9988 America
## 9989 That
## 9990 the_bipartisan_leadership
## 9991 it
## 9992 I
## 9993 you
## 9994 Congress
## 9995 it
## 9996 It
## 9997 our_interest
## 9998 we
## 9999 it
## 10000 the_American_people
## 10001 we
## 10002 it
## 10003 the_right_way
## 10004 You
## 10005 this
## 10006 the_first_State
## 10007 the_Union_Address
## 10008 the_beginning
## 10009 the_cold_war
## 10010 not_a_single_Russian_missile
## 10011 the_children
## 10012 America
## 10013 the_Russians
## 10014 we
## 10015 our_way
## 10016 the_missiles
## 10017 the_bombers
## 10018 that
## 10019 9,000_nuclear_warheads
## 10020 We
## 10021 this_post-cold-war_world
## 10022 it
## 10023 the_decline
## 10024 the_nuclear_threat
## 10025 it
## 10026 we
## 10027 I
## 10028 the_Senate
## 10029 START_II
## 10030 weapons
## 10031 that
## 10032 5,000_more_warheads
## 10033 The_United_States
## 10034 the_charge
## 10035 the_Nuclear_Non-Proliferation_Treaty
## 10036 a_comprehensive_nuclear_test_ban
## 10037 chemical_weapons
## 10038 North_Korea's_potentially_deadly_nuclear_program
## 10039 we
## 10040 the_agreement
## 10041 we
## 10042 that_nation
## 10043 It
## 10044 It
## 10045 It
## 10046 a_deal
## 10047 continuing_inspection
## 10048 safeguards
## 10049 our_allies
## 10050 ourselves
## 10051 I
## 10052 Congress_comprehensive_legislation
## 10053 our_hand
## 10054 terrorists
## 10055 they
## 10056 home
## 10057 the_cowards
## 10058 who
## 10059 the_World_Trade_Center
## 10060 this_country
## 10061 terrorists
## 10062 them
## 10063 justice
## 10064 another_horrendous_terrorist_act
## 10065 Israel
## 10066 19_and_injured_scores
## 10067 behalf
## 10068 the_American_people
## 10069 all
## 10070 you
## 10071 I
## 10072 our_deepest_sympathy
## 10073 the_families
## 10074 the_victims
## 10075 I
## 10076 the_face
## 10077 such_evil
## 10078 it
## 10079 the_people
## 10080 the_Middle_East
## 10081 the_terrorists
## 10082 the_past
## 10083 not_the_future
## 10084 We
## 10085 we
## 10086 a_comprehensive_peace
## 10087 Israel
## 10088 all_her_neighbors
## 10089 the_Middle_East
## 10090 I
## 10091 an_Executive_order
## 10092 that
## 10093 the_assets
## 10094 the_United_States
## 10095 terrorist_organizations
## 10096 that
## 10097 the_peace_process
## 10098 It
## 10099 financial_transactions
## 10100 these_groups
## 10101 I
## 10102 all_our_allies
## 10103 peace-loving_nations
## 10104 the_world
## 10105 us
## 10106 renewed_fervor
## 10107 a_global_effort
## 10108 terrorism
## 10109 We
## 10110 the_future
## 10111 terror
## 10112 fear
## 10113 paralysis
## 10114 the_day
## 10115 I
## 10116 the_oath
## 10117 office
## 10118 I
## 10119 our_Nation
## 10120 the_best_equipped,_best_trained,_and_best_prepared_military
## 10121 Earth
## 10122 We
## 10123 they
## 10124 They
## 10125 the_dramatic_downsizing
## 10126 our_forces
## 10127 the_cold_war
## 10128 remarkable_skill
## 10129 spirit
## 10130 our_military
## 10131 action
## 10132 the_pay
## 10133 the_quality
## 10134 life
## 10135 the_military
## 10136 their_families
## 10137 I
## 10138 the_Congress
## 10139 defense_spending
## 10140 the_next_6_years
## 10141 I
## 10142 many_bases
## 10143 home
## 10144 the_world
## 10145 I
## 10146 President
## 10147 I
## 10148 that_request
## 10149 renewed_conviction
## 10150 We
## 10151 a_very_great_deal
## 10152 our_Armed_Forces
## 10153 they
## 10154 number
## 10155 we
## 10156 them
## 10157 They
## 10158 more_different_places
## 10159 They
## 10160 many,_many_ways
## 10161 we
## 10162 them
## 10163 their_families
## 10164 what
## 10165 the_times
## 10166 what
## 10167 they
## 10168 what
## 10169 our_troops
## 10170 the_last_year
## 10171 America
## 10172 hundreds_of_thousands
## 10173 people
## 10174 Rwanda
## 10175 lightning_speed
## 10176 another_threat
## 10177 Kuwait
## 10178 freedom
## 10179 democracy
## 10180 the_people
## 10181 Haiti
## 10182 We
## 10183 peace
## 10184 prosperity
## 10185 freedom
## 10186 South_Africa
## 10187 Northern_Ireland
## 10188 Central
## 10189 Eastern_Europe
## 10190 Asia
## 10191 Latin_America
## 10192 the_Middle_East
## 10193 All_these_endeavors
## 10194 those_places
## 10195 they
## 10196 our_future
## 10197 that
## 10198 my_agenda
## 10199 America's_future
## 10200 opportunity
## 10201 not_bureaucracy
## 10202 security
## 10203 home
## 10204 our_people
## 10205 their_own_lives
## 10206 It
## 10207 it
## 10208 We
## 10209 new_ideas
## 10210 the_world
## 10211 Americans
## 10212 the_new_economy
## 10213 a_Government
## 10214 that
## 10215 all
## 10216 the_changes
## 10217 we
## 10218 Government
## 10219 the_private_sector
## 10220 the_outside
## 10221 Our_fortunes
## 10222 our_posterity
## 10223 our_ability
## 10224 some_questions
## 10225 the_values
## 10226 voices
## 10227 that
## 10228 our_hearts
## 10229 our_heads
## 10230 voices
## 10231 that
## 10232 us
## 10233 we
## 10234 responsibility
## 10235 ourselves
## 10236 our_families
## 10237 our_communities
## 10238 our_fellow_citizens
## 10239 We
## 10240 our_families
## 10241 our_communities
## 10242 this_country
## 10243 we
## 10244 the_common_ground
## 10245 us
## 10246 the_town_hall_meeting
## 10247 the_ball_park
## 10248 it
## 10249 a_lot
## 10250 overworked_parents
## 10251 the_time
## 10252 space
## 10253 those_things
## 10254 that
## 10255 the_bonds
## 10256 trust
## 10257 cooperation
## 10258 our_children
## 10259 parents
## 10260 grandparents
## 10261 who
## 10262 them
## 10263 those_experiences
## 10264 they
## 10265 their_own_character
## 10266 their_sense
## 10267 identity
## 10268 We
## 10269 all
## 10270 we
## 10271 this_Chamber
## 10272 a_difference
## 10273 those_things
## 10274 the_real_differences
## 10275 our_fellow_citizens
## 10276 they
## 10277 they
## 10278 it
## 10279 regard
## 10280 party
## 10281 I
## 10282 the_softball_park
## 10283 Little_Rock
## 10284 my_daughter's_league
## 10285 people
## 10286 me
## 10287 me
## 10288 I
## 10289 I
## 10290 no_idea
## 10291 90_percent
## 10292 them
## 10293 Republicans
## 10294 Democrats
## 10295 I
## 10296 the_relief_centers
## 10297 the_floods
## 10298 California
## 10299 a_woman
## 10300 me
## 10301 something
## 10302 that
## 10303 you
## 10304 She
## 10305 me
## 10306 I
## 10307 a_Republican
## 10308 I
## 10309 you
## 10310 We
## 10311 disasters
## 10312 the_way
## 10313 we
## 10314 we
## 10315 this_next_century
## 10316 everybody
## 10317 We
## 10318 a_person
## 10319 a_lot
## 10320 people
## 10321 a_lot
## 10322 chances
## 10323 That
## 10324 we
## 10325 a_New_Covenant
## 10326 everybody
## 10327 our_corporate_and_business_leaders
## 10328 we
## 10329 the_deficit
## 10330 markets
## 10331 their_success
## 10332 every_possible_way
## 10333 they
## 10334 an_obligation
## 10335 they
## 10336 jobs
## 10337 our_communities
## 10338 their_workers
## 10339 a_fair_share
## 10340 the_prosperity
## 10341 they
## 10342 people
## 10343 the_entertainment_industry
## 10344 this_country
## 10345 we
## 10346 your_creativity
## 10347 your_worldwide_success
## 10348 we
## 10349 your_freedom
## 10350 expression
## 10351 you
## 10352 a_responsibility
## 10353 the_impact
## 10354 your_work
## 10355 the_damage
## 10356 that
## 10357 the_incessant,_repetitive,_mindless_violence
## 10358 irresponsible_conduct
## 10359 that
## 10360 our_media
## 10361 We
## 10362 our_community_leaders
## 10363 all_kinds
## 10364 organizations
## 10365 us
## 10366 our_most_serious_social_problem
## 10367 teen_pregnancies
## 10368 no_marriage
## 10369 I
## 10370 Congress
## 10371 a_plan
## 10372 schools
## 10373 this_country
## 10374 antipregnancy_programs
## 10375 that
## 10376 Government
## 10377 I
## 10378 parents
## 10379 leaders
## 10380 this_country
## 10381 a_national_campaign
## 10382 teen_pregnancy
## 10383 a_difference
## 10384 We
## 10385 this
## 10386 we
## 10387 I
## 10388 a_special_word
## 10389 our_religious_leaders
## 10390 You
## 10391 I
## 10392 the_fact
## 10393 the_United_States
## 10394 more_houses
## 10395 worship
## 10396 capita
## 10397 any_country
## 10398 the_world
## 10399 These_people
## 10400 who
## 10401 our_houses
## 10402 worship
## 10403 their_congregations
## 10404 their_faith
## 10405 action
## 10406 all
## 10407 our_children
## 10408 all
## 10409 the_people
## 10410 distress
## 10411 those
## 10412 who
## 10413 the_breakdown
## 10414 all
## 10415 we
## 10416 what
## 10417 the_inside
## 10418 our_religious_leaders
## 10419 their_congregations
## 10420 all_the_difference
## 10421 they
## 10422 a_role
## 10423 the_New_Covenant
## 10424 more_responsibility
## 10425 all
## 10426 our_citizens
## 10427 You
## 10428 it
## 10429 a_lot
## 10430 people
## 10431 all_the_kids
## 10432 trouble
## 10433 the_streets
## 10434 school
## 10435 It
## 10436 a_lot
## 10437 people
## 10438 Humanity
## 10439 that
## 10440 the_Speaker
## 10441 his_lapel_pin
## 10442 It
## 10443 a_lot
## 10444 people
## 10445 the_people_power
## 10446 all
## 10447 the_civic_organizations
## 10448 this_country
## 10449 that
## 10450 our_communities
## 10451 us
## 10452 we
## 10453 kids
## 10454 It
## 10455 every_parent
## 10456 the_children
## 10457 the_difference
## 10458 wrong
## 10459 them
## 10460 the_wrong_things
## 10461 they
## 10462 whatever
## 10463 they
## 10464 I
## 10465 it
## 10466 you
## 10467 you
## 10468 great_stress
## 10469 these_things
## 10470 A_lot
## 10471 our_people
## 10472 the_time
## 10473 the_emotional_stress
## 10474 they
## 10475 the_work
## 10476 citizenship
## 10477 us
## 10478 politics
## 10479 years
## 10480 we
## 10481 citizens
## 10482 they
## 10483 consumers
## 10484 spectators
## 10485 political_couch_potatoes
## 10486 who
## 10487 the_TV_ads
## 10488 them
## 10489 something
## 10490 nothing
## 10491 their_fears
## 10492 frustrations
## 10493 our_citizens
## 10494 their_information
## 10495 very_negative_and_aggressive_ways
## 10496 that
## 10497 honest_and_open_conversations
## 10498 the_truth
## 10499 we
## 10500 enemies
## 10501 we
## 10502 different_views
## 10503 you
## 10504 the_beginning
## 10505 this_country
## 10506 America
## 10507 de_Tocqueville
## 10508 he
## 10509 our_ability
## 10510 people
## 10511 who
## 10512 ourselves
## 10513 common_ground
## 10514 this_day
## 10515 everybody
## 10516 a_responsibility
## 10517 that
## 10518 We
## 10519 a_tornado
## 10520 a_fire
## 10521 a_flood
## 10522 Americans
## 10523 I
## 10524 some_folks
## 10525 that
## 10526 the_First_Lady
## 10527 that
## 10528 what
## 10529 I
## 10530 I
## 10531 no_idea
## 10532 what
## 10533 their_party_affiliation
## 10534 who
## 10535 they
## 10536 the_last_election
## 10537 they
## 10538 what
## 10539 we
## 10540 Cindy_Perry
## 10541 second_graders
## 10542 AmeriCorps
## 10543 rural_Kentucky
## 10544 She
## 10545 she
## 10546 She
## 10547 a_mother
## 10548 She
## 10549 her_service
## 10550 her
## 10551 her_high_school_equivalency
## 10552 She
## 10553 she
## 10554 a_teenager-;stand
## 10555 She
## 10556 she
## 10557 a_teenager
## 10558 She
## 10559 four_children
## 10560 she
## 10561 time
## 10562 other_people
## 10563 her_high_school_equivalency
## 10564 she
## 10565 her_AmeriCorps_money
## 10566 college
## 10567 Chief_Stephen_Bishop
## 10568 the_police_chief
## 10569 Kansas_City
## 10570 He
## 10571 He
## 10572 a_national_leader
## 10573 more_police
## 10574 community_policing
## 10575 he
## 10576 AmeriCorps
## 10577 it
## 10578 the_crime_rate
## 10579 Kansas_City
## 10580 a_result
## 10581 what
## 10582 he
## 10583 Corporal_Gregory_Depestre
## 10584 Haiti
## 10585 part
## 10586 his_adopted_country's_force
## 10587 democracy
## 10588 his_native_land
## 10589 I
## 10590 we
## 10591 the_only_country
## 10592 the_world
## 10593 that
## 10594 Haiti
## 10595 Haitian-Americans
## 10596 who
## 10597 the_language
## 10598 the_people
## 10599 he
## 10600 them
## 10601 we
## 10602 him
## 10603 The_next_two_folks
## 10604 I
## 10605 the_honor
## 10606 meeting
## 10607 a_little_bit
## 10608 the_Reverend_John
## 10609 the_Reverend_Diana_Cherry
## 10610 the_A.M.E._Zion_Church
## 10611 Temple_Hills
## 10612 Maryland
## 10613 I
## 10614 them
## 10615 I
## 10616 you
## 10617 them
## 10618 the_early_eighties
## 10619 they
## 10620 Government_service
## 10621 a_church
## 10622 a_small_living_room
## 10623 a_small_house
## 10624 the_early_eighties
## 10625 that_church
## 10626 17,000_members
## 10627 It
## 10628 the_three_or_four_biggest_churches
## 10629 the_entire_United_States
## 10630 It
## 10631 They
## 10632 it
## 10633 the_special_focus
## 10634 their_ministry
## 10635 families
## 10636 Two_things
## 10637 they
## 10638 a_big_impression
## 10639 me
## 10640 I
## 10641 their_church
## 10642 I
## 10643 they
## 10644 a_new_sanctuary
## 10645 DC
## 10646 a_higher_crime
## 10647 higher_drug_rate_area
## 10648 they
## 10649 it
## 10650 part
## 10651 their_ministry
## 10652 the_lives
## 10653 the_people
## 10654 who
## 10655 them
## 10656 The_second_thing
## 10657 I
## 10658 Reverend_Cherry
## 10659 a_meeting
## 10660 the_White_House
## 10661 some_other_religious_leaders
## 10662 he
## 10663 this_church
## 10664 150_couples
## 10665 that
## 10666 he
## 10667 his_church
## 10668 America
## 10669 them
## 10670 their_marriages
## 10671 their_kids
## 10672 This
## 10673 the_kind
## 10674 work
## 10675 that
## 10676 citizens
## 10677 America
## 10678 We
## 10679 it
## 10680 it
## 10681 The_last_person
## 10682 I
## 10683 Jack_Lucas
## 10684 Hattiesburg
## 10685 Mississippi
## 10686 you
## 10687 the_sands
## 10688 Iwo_Jima
## 10689 Jack_Lucas
## 10690 the_lessons
## 10691 citizenship
## 10692 February_20th
## 10693 he
## 10694 his_buddies
## 10695 the_enemy
## 10696 two_grenades
## 10697 their_feet
## 10698 Jack_Lucas
## 10699 himself
## 10700 both
## 10701 them
## 10702 that_moment
## 10703 he
## 10704 the_lives
## 10705 his_companions
## 10706 the_next_instant
## 10707 a_medic
## 10708 his_life
## 10709 He
## 10710 a_foothold
## 10711 freedom
## 10712 the_age
## 10713 his_grandson
## 10714 who
## 10715 him
## 10716 his_son
## 10717 who
## 10718 a_West_Point_graduate
## 10719 a_veteran-;at
## 10720 Jack_Lucas
## 10721 the_youngest_Marine
## 10722 history
## 10723 the_youngest_soldier
## 10724 this_century
## 10725 the_Congressional_Medal
## 10726 Honor
## 10727 what
## 10728 he
## 10729 that_day
## 10730 It
## 10731 you
## 10732 who
## 10733 you
## 10734 you
## 10735 You
## 10736 it
## 10737 your_country
## 10738 We
## 10739 all
## 10740 we
## 10741 we
## 10742 what
## 10743 we
## 10744 That
## 10745 the_heart
## 10746 this_New_Covenant
## 10747 stale_chapters
## 10748 some_remote_civic_book
## 10749 they
## 10750 the_virtue
## 10751 which
## 10752 we
## 10753 ourselves
## 10754 our_God-given_potential
## 10755 them
## 10756 the_eternal_promise
## 10757 this_country
## 10758 the_enduring_dream
## 10759 that_first_and_most_sacred_covenant
## 10760 I
## 10761 every_person
## 10762 this_country
## 10763 we
## 10764 our_Creator
## 10765 the_right
## 10766 life
## 10767 liberty
## 10768 the_pursuit
## 10769 happiness
## 10770 This
## 10771 a_very,_very_great_country
## 10772 our_best_days
## 10773 you
## 10774 God
## 10775 you
## 10776 all
## 10777 you
## 10778 Mr._Speaker
## 10779 Mr._Vice_President
## 10780 Members
## 10781 Congress
## 10782 distinguished_guests
## 10783 my_fellow_Americans
## 10784 our_land
## 10785 me
## 10786 our_men
## 10787 women
## 10788 uniform
## 10789 the_world
## 10790 especially_those
## 10791 peace
## 10792 root
## 10793 Bosnia
## 10794 their_families
## 10795 I
## 10796 you
## 10797 America
## 10798 you
## 10799 My_duty
## 10800 the_state
## 10801 the_Union
## 10802 the_state
## 10803 our_Government
## 10804 our_American_community
## 10805 our_responsibilities
## 10806 the_words
## 10807 our_Founders
## 10808 a_more_perfect_Union
## 10809 The_state
## 10810 the_Union
## 10811 Our_economy
## 10812 it
## 10813 three_decades
## 10814 We
## 10815 the_lowest_combined_rates
## 10816 unemployment
## 10817 inflation
## 10818 27_years
## 10819 We
## 10820 nearly_8_million_new_jobs
## 10821 them
## 10822 basic_industries
## 10823 construction
## 10824 automobiles
## 10825 America
## 10826 more_cars
## 10827 Japan
## 10828 the_first_time
## 10829 the_1970
## 10830 3_years
## 10831 a_row
## 10832 we
## 10833 a_record_number
## 10834 new_businesses
## 10835 our_country
## 10836 Our_leadership
## 10837 the_world
## 10838 hope
## 10839 new_peace
## 10840 we
## 10841 ground
## 10842 our_fundamental_values
## 10843 The_crime_rate
## 10844 the_welfare_and_food_stamp_rolls
## 10845 the_poverty_rate
## 10846 the_teen_pregnancy_rate
## 10847 they
## 10848 prospects
## 10849 America's_future
## 10850 We
## 10851 an_age
## 10852 possibility
## 10853 we
## 10854 farm
## 10855 factory
## 10856 we
## 10857 an_age
## 10858 technology
## 10859 information
## 10860 global_competition
## 10861 These_changes
## 10862 vast_new_opportunities
## 10863 our_people
## 10864 they
## 10865 them
## 10866 stiff_challenges
## 10867 more_Americans
## 10868 our_fellow_citizens
## 10869 they
## 10870 the_security
## 10871 their_families
## 10872 We
## 10873 three_fundamental_questions
## 10874 we
## 10875 the_American_dream
## 10876 opportunity
## 10877 all_a_reality
## 10878 all_Americans
## 10879 who
## 10880 it
## 10881 we
## 10882 our_old_and_enduring_values
## 10883 we
## 10884 the_future
## 10885 we
## 10886 these_challenges
## 10887 one_America
## 10888 We
## 10889 big_Government
## 10890 all_the_answers
## 10891 We
## 10892 a_program
## 10893 every_problem
## 10894 We
## 10895 we
## 10896 the_American_people
## 10897 a_smaller,_less_bureaucratic_Government
## 10898 Washington
## 10899 we
## 10900 the_American_people
## 10901 one
## 10902 that
## 10903 its_means
## 10904 The_era
## 10905 big_Government
## 10906 we
## 10907 the_time
## 10908 our_citizens
## 10909 themselves
## 10910 we
## 10911 one_America
## 10912 one_nation
## 10913 the_challenges
## 10914 we
## 10915 Self-reliance
## 10916 teamwork
## 10917 virtues
## 10918 we
## 10919 both
## 10920 I
## 10921 our_new,_smaller_Government
## 10922 an_old-fashioned_American_way
## 10923 all
## 10924 our_citizens
## 10925 State_and_local_governments
## 10926 the_workplace
## 10927 religious,_charitable,_and_civic_associations
## 10928 Our_goal
## 10929 all_our_people
## 10930 their_own_lives
## 10931 stronger_families
## 10932 more_educational_opportunity
## 10933 economic_security
## 10934 safer_streets
## 10935 a_cleaner_environment
## 10936 a_safer_world
## 10937 the_state
## 10938 our_Union
## 10939 we
## 10940 ourselves
## 10941 we
## 10942 we
## 10943 our_challenges
## 10944 this_place
## 10945 our_responsibility
## 10946 the_budget
## 10947 a_way
## 10948 that
## 10949 all_Americans
## 10950 broad_bipartisan_agreement
## 10951 that
## 10952 permanent_deficit_spending
## 10953 an_end
## 10954 I
## 10955 the_Republican_leadership
## 10956 the_membership
## 10957 the_energy
## 10958 determination
## 10959 you
## 10960 this_task
## 10961 the_budget
## 10962 I
## 10963 the_Democrats
## 10964 the_largest_deficit_reduction_plan
## 10965 history
## 10966 which
## 10967 the_deficit
## 10968 half
## 10969 3_years
## 10970 we
## 10971 the_benefits
## 10972 deficit_reduction
## 10973 Lower_interest_rates
## 10974 it
## 10975 businesses
## 10976 new_jobs
## 10977 Lower_interest_rates
## 10978 the_cost
## 10979 home_mortgages
## 10980 car_payments
## 10981 credit_card_rates
## 10982 ordinary_citizens
## 10983 it
## 10984 time
## 10985 the_job
## 10986 the_budget
## 10987 differences
## 10988 us
## 10989 which
## 10990 the_combined_total
## 10991 the_proposed_savings
## 10992 that
## 10993 both_plans
## 10994 the_numbers
## 10995 your_Congressional_Budget_Office
## 10996 the_budget
## 10997 7_years
## 10998 a_modest_tax_cut
## 10999 These_cuts
## 11000 They
## 11001 sacrifice
## 11002 everyone
## 11003 these_cuts
## 11004 our_fundamental_obligations
## 11005 our_parents
## 11006 our_children
## 11007 our_future
## 11008 Medicare
## 11009 Medicaid
## 11010 education
## 11011 the_environment
## 11012 taxes
## 11013 working_families
## 11014 I
## 11015 me
## 11016 many_good_ideas
## 11017 our_negotiations
## 11018 I
## 11019 a_lot
## 11020 the_way
## 11021 both_Republicans
## 11022 Democrats
## 11023 the_debate
## 11024 us
## 11025 I
## 11026 a_lot
## 11027 the_good_ideas
## 11028 that
## 11029 each_side
## 11030 we
## 11031 We
## 11032 our_remaining_differences
## 11033 I
## 11034 them
## 11035 I
## 11036 I
## 11037 you
## 11038 we
## 11039 these_savings
## 11040 both_plans
## 11041 the_American_people
## 11042 their_balanced_budget
## 11043 a_tax_cut
## 11044 lower_interest_rates
## 11045 a_brighter_future
## 11046 We
## 11047 that
## 11048 permanent_deficits
## 11049 it
## 11050 time
## 11051 us
## 11052 the_challenges
## 11053 today
## 11054 tomorrow
## 11055 the_burdens
## 11056 yesterday
## 11057 The_challenges
## 11058 our_Nation
## 11059 challenges
## 11060 America
## 11061 challenges
## 11062 we
## 11063 them
## 11064 we
## 11065 That
## 11066 the_key
## 11067 a_more_perfect_Union
## 11068 Our_individual_dreams
## 11069 our_common_efforts
## 11070 I
## 11071 you
## 11072 the_challenges
## 11073 we
## 11074 all
## 11075 a_people
## 11076 Our_first_challenge
## 11077 our_children
## 11078 America's_families
## 11079 Family
## 11080 the_foundation
## 11081 American_life
## 11082 we
## 11083 stronger_families
## 11084 we
## 11085 a_stronger_America
## 11086 I
## 11087 I
## 11088 just_a_moment
## 11089 my_own_family
## 11090 the_person
## 11091 who
## 11092 me
## 11093 anyone
## 11094 over_25_years
## 11095 the_importance
## 11096 families
## 11097 children
## 11098 a_wonderful_wife
## 11099 a_magnificent_mother
## 11100 a_great_First_Lady
## 11101 you
## 11102 All_strong_families
## 11103 more_responsibility
## 11104 our_children
## 11105 I
## 11106 Mrs._Gore
## 11107 it
## 11108 a_parent
## 11109 it
## 11110 a_child
## 11111 all
## 11112 us
## 11113 parents
## 11114 all
## 11115 us
## 11116 our_other_roles-;our_media
## 11117 our_schools
## 11118 our_teachers
## 11119 our_communities
## 11120 our_churches
## 11121 synagogues
## 11122 our_businesses
## 11123 our_governments-;all
## 11124 us
## 11125 a_responsibility
## 11126 our_children
## 11127 it
## 11128 their_lives
## 11129 their_God-given_capacities
## 11130 the_media
## 11131 I
## 11132 you
## 11133 movies
## 11134 CD
## 11135 television
## 11136 you
## 11137 your_own_children
## 11138 grandchildren
## 11139 I
## 11140 Congress
## 11141 the_requirement
## 11142 a_V-chip
## 11143 TV_sets
## 11144 parents
## 11145 programs
## 11146 they
## 11147 their_children
## 11148 parents
## 11149 what
## 11150 their_young_children
## 11151 that
## 11152 censorship
## 11153 that
## 11154 parents
## 11155 more_personal_responsibility
## 11156 their_children's_upbringing
## 11157 I
## 11158 them
## 11159 it
## 11160 The_Vchip_requirement
## 11161 part
## 11162 the_important_telecommunications_bill
## 11163 this_Congress
## 11164 It
## 11165 bipartisan_support
## 11166 I
## 11167 you
## 11168 it
## 11169 the_V-chip_work
## 11170 I
## 11171 the_broadcast_industry
## 11172 what
## 11173 movies
## 11174 your_program
## 11175 ways
## 11176 that
## 11177 parents
## 11178 their_children
## 11179 I
## 11180 the_leaders
## 11181 major_media_corporations
## 11182 the_entertainment_industry
## 11183 the_White_House
## 11184 us
## 11185 a_positive_way
## 11186 concrete_ways
## 11187 what
## 11188 our_children
## 11189 television
## 11190 I
## 11191 you
## 11192 I
## 11193 those
## 11194 who
## 11195 a_million_children
## 11196 smoking
## 11197 it
## 11198 the_law
## 11199 them
## 11200 their_lives
## 11201 a_result
## 11202 Our_administration
## 11203 steps
## 11204 the_massive_marketing_campaigns
## 11205 that
## 11206 our_children
## 11207 We
## 11208 your_products
## 11209 adults
## 11210 you
## 11211 the_line
## 11212 children
## 11213 I
## 11214 those
## 11215 who
## 11216 welfare
## 11217 those
## 11218 who
## 11219 welfare
## 11220 a_long_time
## 11221 our_welfare_system
## 11222 the_values
## 11223 family
## 11224 work
## 11225 them
## 11226 The_Congress
## 11227 I
## 11228 agreement
## 11229 sweeping_welfare_reform
## 11230 We
## 11231 time_limits
## 11232 tough_work_requirements
## 11233 the_toughest_possible_child_support_enforcement
## 11234 I
## 11235 we
## 11236 child_care
## 11237 mothers
## 11238 who
## 11239 work
## 11240 what
## 11241 their_children
## 11242 I
## 11243 this_Congress
## 11244 me
## 11245 a_bipartisan_welfare_reform_bill
## 11246 that
## 11247 people
## 11248 welfare
## 11249 the_right_thing
## 11250 our_children
## 11251 I
## 11252 it
## 11253 us
## 11254 this_difficult_problem
## 11255 a_law
## 11256 even_the_best_possible_law
## 11257 only_a_first_step
## 11258 The_next_step
## 11259 it
## 11260 I
## 11261 people
## 11262 welfare
## 11263 this_opportunity
## 11264 independence
## 11265 I
## 11266 American_businesses
## 11267 people
## 11268 welfare
## 11269 the_chance
## 11270 the_work_force
## 11271 I
## 11272 the_work
## 11273 religious_groups
## 11274 others
## 11275 who
## 11276 anyone
## 11277 our_society
## 11278 they
## 11279 the_true_difficulty
## 11280 the_task
## 11281 us
## 11282 they
## 11283 a_position
## 11284 us
## 11285 them
## 11286 That
## 11287 the_only_way
## 11288 we
## 11289 real_welfare_reform
## 11290 a_reality
## 11291 the_lives
## 11292 the_American_people
## 11293 the_family
## 11294 we
## 11295 everything
## 11296 we
## 11297 the_teen_pregnancy_rate
## 11298 I
## 11299 I
## 11300 all_Americans
## 11301 it
## 11302 2_years
## 11303 a_row
## 11304 we
## 11305 all
## 11306 it
## 11307 I
## 11308 a_group
## 11309 prominent_Americans
## 11310 that_challenge
## 11311 an_organization
## 11312 that
## 11313 grassroots_community_efforts
## 11314 our_country
## 11315 a_national_campaign
## 11316 teen_pregnancy
## 11317 I
## 11318 all
## 11319 us
## 11320 every_American
## 11321 their_efforts
## 11322 I
## 11323 American_men
## 11324 women
## 11325 families
## 11326 greater_respect
## 11327 We
## 11328 the_deadly_scourge
## 11329 domestic_violence
## 11330 our_country
## 11331 I
## 11332 America's_families
## 11333 families
## 11334 who
## 11335 their_children
## 11336 I
## 11337 the_fathers
## 11338 this_country
## 11339 their_children
## 11340 your_family
## 11341 you
## 11342 your_child_support
## 11343 We
## 11344 you
## 11345 we
## 11346 's
## 11347 all
## 11348 something
## 11349 that
## 11350 A_check
## 11351 a_parent's_love
## 11352 guidance
## 11353 you
## 11354 the_decision
## 11355 your_children
## 11356 who
## 11357 you
## 11358 how_low_or_high_your_station
## 11359 life
## 11360 it
## 11361 the_most_basic_human_duty
## 11362 every_American
## 11363 that_job
## 11364 his_or_her_ability
## 11365 Our_second_challenge
## 11366 Americans
## 11367 the_educational_opportunities
## 11368 we
## 11369 this_new_century
## 11370 our_schools
## 11371 every_classroom
## 11372 America
## 11373 the_information_superhighway
## 11374 computers
## 11375 good_software
## 11376 well-trained_teachers
## 11377 We
## 11378 the_telecommunications_industry
## 11379 educators
## 11380 parents
## 11381 20_percent
## 11382 California's_classrooms
## 11383 this_spring
## 11384 every_classroom
## 11385 every_library
## 11386 the_entire_United_States
## 11387 the_year
## 11388 I
## 11389 Congress
## 11390 this_education_technology_initiative
## 11391 we
## 11392 this_national_partnership
## 11393 Every_diploma
## 11394 something
## 11395 I
## 11396 every_community
## 11397 every_school
## 11398 every_State
## 11399 national_standards
## 11400 excellence
## 11401 schools
## 11402 those_standards
## 11403 bureaucratic_redtape
## 11404 schools
## 11405 teachers
## 11406 more_flexibility
## 11407 grassroots_reform
## 11408 them
## 11409 results
## 11410 That
## 11411 what
## 11412 our_Goals_2000_initiative
## 11413 I
## 11414 every_State
## 11415 all_parents
## 11416 the_right
## 11417 which_public_school
## 11418 their_children
## 11419 teachers
## 11420 new_schools
## 11421 a_charter
## 11422 they
## 11423 they
## 11424 a_good_job
## 11425 I
## 11426 all_our_schools
## 11427 character_education
## 11428 good_values
## 11429 good_citizenship
## 11430 it
## 11431 teenagers
## 11432 designer_jackets
## 11433 our_public_schools
## 11434 their_students
## 11435 school_uniforms
## 11436 I
## 11437 our_parents
## 11438 their_children's_first_teachers
## 11439 the_TV
## 11440 the_homework
## 11441 your_children's_classroom
## 11442 No_program
## 11443 no_teacher
## 11444 no_one
## 11445 that
## 11446 you
## 11447 My_fellow_Americans
## 11448 higher_education
## 11449 We
## 11450 a_new_student_loan_program
## 11451 that
## 11452 it
## 11453 those_loans
## 11454 we
## 11455 the_student_loan_default_rate
## 11456 That
## 11457 something
## 11458 we
## 11459 it
## 11460 AmeriCorps
## 11461 our_national_service_program
## 11462 25,000_young_people
## 11463 college_money
## 11464 their_local_communities
## 11465 the_lives
## 11466 their_friends
## 11467 neighbors
## 11468 These_initiatives
## 11469 America
## 11470 we
## 11471 them
## 11472 we
## 11473 the_doors
## 11474 college
## 11475 I
## 11476 Congress
## 11477 work-study
## 11478 one_million_young_Americans
## 11479 their_way
## 11480 college
## 11481 the_year
## 11482 a_$1,000_merit_scholarship
## 11483 the_top_5_percent
## 11484 graduates
## 11485 every_high_school
## 11486 the_United_States
## 11487 Pell_grant_scholarships
## 11488 deserving_and_needy_students
## 11489 college_tuition_tax_deductible
## 11490 It
## 11491 a_good_idea
## 11492 America
## 11493 Our_third_challenge
## 11494 every_American
## 11495 who
## 11496 it
## 11497 economic_security
## 11498 this_new_age
## 11499 People
## 11500 who
## 11501 support
## 11502 the_new_economy
## 11503 They
## 11504 education
## 11505 training
## 11506 a_lifetime
## 11507 They
## 11508 more_support
## 11509 families
## 11510 children
## 11511 They
## 11512 retirement_security
## 11513 They
## 11514 access
## 11515 health_care
## 11516 More_and_more_Americans
## 11517 the_education
## 11518 their_childhood
## 11519 I
## 11520 Congress
## 11521 70_overlapping
## 11522 antiquated_job_training_programs
## 11523 unemployed_or_underemployed_workers
## 11524 they
## 11525 community_college_tuition
## 11526 other_training
## 11527 This
## 11528 a_"GI_bill
## 11529 America's_workers
## 11530 we
## 11531 More_and_more_Americans
## 11532 a_raise
## 11533 Congress
## 11534 the_minimum_wage
## 11535 a_year
## 11536 the_minimum_wage
## 11537 a_40-year_low
## 11538 purchasing_power
## 11539 Four_dollars
## 11540 25_cents
## 11541 a_minimum_wage
## 11542 millions
## 11543 Americans
## 11544 their_children
## 11545 it
## 11546 I
## 11547 you
## 11548 their_minimum_wage
## 11549 Congress
## 11550 the_taxes
## 11551 15_million_hard-pressed_working_families
## 11552 no_parents
## 11553 who
## 11554 their_children
## 11555 poverty
## 11556 people
## 11557 welfare
## 11558 This_expanded_earned-income_tax_credit
## 11559 a_family
## 11560 The_budget_bill
## 11561 I
## 11562 this_achievement
## 11563 taxes
## 11564 these_people
## 11565 We
## 11566 that
## 11567 We
## 11568 that
## 11569 I
## 11570 the_people
## 11571 who
## 11572 this_initiative
## 11573 all_those
## 11574 our_country
## 11575 who
## 11576 a_good_job
## 11577 their_children
## 11578 work
## 11579 I
## 11580 we
## 11581 a_tax_credit
## 11582 working_families
## 11583 children
## 11584 That
## 11585 the_things
## 11586 us
## 11587 this_Chamber
## 11588 I
## 11589 I
## 11590 it
## 11591 the_Republican_majority
## 11592 it
## 11593 part
## 11594 any_final_budget_agreement
## 11595 I
## 11596 every_business
## 11597 that
## 11598 it
## 11599 pensions
## 11600 your_employees
## 11601 I
## 11602 Congress
## 11603 a_proposal
## 11604 the_White_House_Conference
## 11605 Small_Business
## 11606 that
## 11607 it
## 11608 small_businesses
## 11609 farmers
## 11610 their_own_pension_plans
## 11611 That
## 11612 something
## 11613 we
## 11614 We
## 11615 existing_pension_plans
## 11616 bipartisan_support
## 11617 that
## 11618 both_sides
## 11619 the_aisle
## 11620 we
## 11621 the_pensions
## 11622 8_million_working_people
## 11623 the_pensions
## 11624 Congress
## 11625 companies
## 11626 those_workers'_pension_funds
## 11627 I
## 11628 the_proposal
## 11629 the_ability
## 11630 employers
## 11631 money
## 11632 pension_funds
## 11633 other_purposes
## 11634 money
## 11635 the_Treasury
## 11636 I
## 11637 it
## 11638 false_economy
## 11639 I
## 11640 that_proposal
## 11641 I
## 11642 our_working_families
## 11643 the_new_economy
## 11644 they
## 11645 health_insurance_policies
## 11646 that
## 11647 they
## 11648 they
## 11649 jobs
## 11650 someone
## 11651 their_family
## 11652 the_past_2_years
## 11653 over_one_million_Americans
## 11654 working_families
## 11655 their_health_insurance
## 11656 We
## 11657 health_care
## 11658 every_American
## 11659 Congress
## 11660 the_bipartisan_bill
## 11661 Senator_Kennedy
## 11662 Senator_Kassebaum
## 11663 that
## 11664 insurance_companies
## 11665 people
## 11666 they
## 11667 jobs
## 11668 coverage
## 11669 preexisting_conditions
## 11670 's
## 11671 all
## 11672 that
## 11673 we
## 11674 savings
## 11675 these_programs
## 11676 we
## 11677 a_common_commitment
## 11678 the_basic_protections
## 11679 Medicare
## 11680 Medicaid
## 11681 people
## 11682 working_families
## 11683 children
## 11684 people
## 11685 disabilities
## 11686 people
## 11687 AIDS
## 11688 senior_citizens
## 11689 nursing_homes
## 11690 the_past_3_years
## 11691 we
## 11692 health_care_fraud
## 11693 abuse
## 11694 We
## 11695 We
## 11696 the_Medicare_Trust_Fund
## 11697 we
## 11698 our_fundamental_obligations
## 11699 the_people
## 11700 who
## 11701 Medicare
## 11702 Medicaid
## 11703 America
## 11704 they
## 11705 The_"GI_bill
## 11706 workers
## 11707 tax_relief
## 11708 education
## 11709 childrearing
## 11710 pension_availability
## 11711 protection
## 11712 access
## 11713 health_care
## 11714 preservation
## 11715 Medicare
## 11716 Medicaid
## 11717 these_things
## 11718 the_Family_and_Medical_Leave_Act
## 11719 these_things
## 11720 American_families
## 11721 their_own_lives
## 11722 their_part
## 11723 they
## 11724 our_finest_companies
## 11725 the_long-term_prosperity
## 11726 the_short-term_gain
## 11727 workers
## 11728 their_hours
## 11729 their_productivity
## 11730 employers
## 11731 they
## 11732 the_skills
## 11733 they
## 11734 the_benefits
## 11735 the_good_years
## 11736 the_burdens
## 11737 the_bad_ones
## 11738 companies
## 11739 workers
## 11740 a_team
## 11741 they
## 11742 America
## 11743 Our_fourth_great_challenge
## 11744 our_streets
## 11745 crime
## 11746 gangs
## 11747 drugs
## 11748 we
## 11749 a_way
## 11750 crime
## 11751 community_partnerships
## 11752 local_police_forces
## 11753 criminals
## 11754 crime
## 11755 This_strategy
## 11756 community_policing
## 11757 Violent_crime
## 11758 America
## 11759 New_York_City
## 11760 murders
## 11761 St._Louis
## 11762 18_percent
## 11763 Seattle
## 11764 we
## 11765 a_long_way
## 11766 our_streets
## 11767 our_people
## 11768 fear
## 11769 The_crime_bill
## 11770 the_success
## 11771 community_policing
## 11772 It
## 11773 funds
## 11774 100,000_new_police
## 11775 communities
## 11776 all_sizes
## 11777 We
## 11778 a_third
## 11779 the_way
## 11780 I
## 11781 the_Congress
## 11782 the_job
## 11783 us
## 11784 a_strategy
## 11785 that
## 11786 the_crime_rate
## 11787 Community_policing
## 11788 bonds
## 11789 trust
## 11790 citizens
## 11791 police
## 11792 I
## 11793 all_Americans
## 11794 our_law_enforcement_officers
## 11795 our_police
## 11796 I
## 11797 our_children
## 11798 you
## 11799 role_models
## 11800 heroes
## 11801 them
## 11802 The_Brady_bill
## 11803 44,000_people
## 11804 criminal_records
## 11805 guns
## 11806 The_assault_weapons_ban
## 11807 19_kinds
## 11808 assault_weapons
## 11809 the_hands
## 11810 violent_gangs
## 11811 I
## 11812 the_Congress
## 11813 those_laws
## 11814 the_books
## 11815 Our_next_step
## 11816 the_fight
## 11817 crime
## 11818 gangs
## 11819 we
## 11820 the_mob
## 11821 I
## 11822 the_FBI
## 11823 other_investigative_agencies
## 11824 gangs
## 11825 that
## 11826 juveniles
## 11827 violent_crime
## 11828 authority
## 11829 adults_teenagers
## 11830 who
## 11831 adults
## 11832 I
## 11833 local_housing_authorities
## 11834 tenant_associations
## 11835 Criminal_gang_members
## 11836 drug_dealers
## 11837 the_lives
## 11838 decent_tenants
## 11839 the_rule
## 11840 residents
## 11841 who
## 11842 crime
## 11843 drugs
## 11844 one_strike
## 11845 you
## 11846 I
## 11847 every_State
## 11848 Federal_policy
## 11849 serious_violent_criminals
## 11850 at_least_85_percent
## 11851 their_sentence
## 11852 More_police
## 11853 punishment
## 11854 they
## 11855 We
## 11856 our_young_people
## 11857 trouble
## 11858 prevention_strategies
## 11859 Washington
## 11860 communities
## 11861 I
## 11862 all
## 11863 our_communities
## 11864 our_adults
## 11865 our_children
## 11866 futures
## 11867 I
## 11868 Congress
## 11869 the_crime_bill's_support
## 11870 these_grassroots_prevention_efforts
## 11871 crime
## 11872 violence
## 11873 we
## 11874 the_drug_problem
## 11875 The_challenge
## 11876 our_homes
## 11877 parents
## 11878 their_children
## 11879 It
## 11880 our_churches
## 11881 synagogues
## 11882 our_youth_groups
## 11883 our_schools
## 11884 I
## 11885 Congress
## 11886 our_support
## 11887 drug-free_schools
## 11888 People
## 11889 the_D.A.R.E._officers
## 11890 a_real_impression
## 11891 grade-school_children
## 11892 that
## 11893 them
## 11894 the_strength
## 11895 the_time
## 11896 we
## 11897 our_efforts
## 11898 the_flow
## 11899 drugs
## 11900 America
## 11901 the_last_2_years
## 11902 one_man
## 11903 the_front_lines
## 11904 that_effort
## 11905 I
## 11906 him
## 11907 a_hero
## 11908 the_Persian_Gulf_war
## 11909 the_commander
## 11910 chief
## 11911 the_United_States_Military_Southern_Command
## 11912 General_Barry_McCaffrey
## 11913 America's_new_drug_czar
## 11914 General_McCaffrey
## 11915 three_Purple_Hearts
## 11916 two_Silver_Stars
## 11917 this_country
## 11918 I
## 11919 he
## 11920 our_Nation's_battle
## 11921 drugs
## 11922 home
## 11923 he
## 11924 a_force
## 11925 he
## 11926 He
## 11927 all
## 11928 us
## 11929 us
## 11930 a_role
## 11931 this_team
## 11932 you
## 11933 your_country
## 11934 \n\nOur_fifth_challenge
## 11935 our_environment
## 11936 the_next_generation
## 11937 a_generation
## 11938 bipartisan_effort
## 11939 we
## 11940 cleaner_water
## 11941 air
## 11942 lead_levels
## 11943 children's_blood
## 11944 70_percent
## 11945 toxic_emissions
## 11946 factories
## 11947 half
## 11948 Lake_Erie
## 11949 it
## 11950 a_thriving_resource
## 11951 10_million_children
## 11952 4_miles
## 11953 a_toxic_waste_dump
## 11954 A_third
## 11955 us
## 11956 air
## 11957 that
## 11958 our_health
## 11959 too_many_communities
## 11960 the_water
## 11961 We
## 11962 Congress
## 11963 environmental_enforcement
## 11964 25_percent
## 11965 That
## 11966 more_toxic_chemicals
## 11967 our_water
## 11968 more_smog
## 11969 our_air
## 11970 more_pesticides
## 11971 our_food
## 11972 Lobbyists
## 11973 polluters
## 11974 their_own_loopholes
## 11975 bills
## 11976 laws
## 11977 that
## 11978 the_health
## 11979 safety
## 11980 our_children
## 11981 Some
## 11982 the_taxpayer
## 11983 the_tab
## 11984 toxic_waste
## 11985 polluters
## 11986 who
## 11987 it
## 11988 the_hook
## 11989 I
## 11990 Congress
## 11991 those_policies
## 11992 them
## 11993 This_issue
## 11994 a_partisan_issue
## 11995 The_most_significant_environmental_gains
## 11996 the_last_30_years
## 11997 a_Democratic_Congress
## 11998 President_Richard_Nixon
## 11999 We
## 12000 We
## 12001 some_basic_things
## 12002 you
## 12003 we
## 12004 the_economy
## 12005 the_environment
## 12006 I
## 12007 you
## 12008 we
## 12009 more_jobs
## 12010 the_long_run
## 12011 the_environment
## 12012 I
## 12013 we
## 12014 That
## 12015 our_commitment
## 12016 We
## 12017 businesses
## 12018 communities
## 12019 more_initiative
## 12020 the_environment
## 12021 we
## 12022 it
## 12023 them
## 12024 it
## 12025 businesses
## 12026 this_administration
## 12027 you
## 12028 a_cheaper,_more_efficient_way
## 12029 Government_regulations
## 12030 tough_pollution_standards
## 12031 it
## 12032 you
## 12033 it
## 12034 communities
## 12035 we
## 12036 we
## 12037 community_right-toknow_laws
## 12038 polluters
## 12039 their_emissions
## 12040 you
## 12041 the_information
## 12042 business
## 12043 pollution
## 12044 People
## 12045 a_right
## 12046 their_air
## 12047 their_water
## 12048 Our_sixth_challenge
## 12049 America's_leadership
## 12050 the_fight
## 12051 freedom
## 12052 peace
## 12053 the_world
## 12054 American_leadership
## 12055 ever_before_live
## 12056 peace
## 12057 Americans
## 12058 50_years
## 12059 prosperity
## 12060 security
## 12061 We
## 12062 thanks
## 12063 our_veterans
## 12064 World_War_II
## 12065 I
## 12066 Senator_Bob_Dole
## 12067 all_others
## 12068 this_Chamber
## 12069 who
## 12070 World_War_II
## 12071 all_others
## 12072 both_sides
## 12073 the_aisle
## 12074 who
## 12075 all_our_conflicts
## 12076 I
## 12077 your_service
## 12078 the_American_people
## 12079 the_world
## 12080 the_cold_war
## 12081 people
## 12082 us
## 12083 us
## 12084 them
## 12085 the_blessings
## 12086 peace
## 12087 freedom
## 12088 the_cold_war
## 12089 memory
## 12090 voices
## 12091 isolation
## 12092 America
## 12093 its_responsibilities
## 12094 I
## 12095 they
## 12096 The_threats
## 12097 we
## 12098 Americans
## 12099 no_nation's_borders
## 12100 them
## 12101 terrorism
## 12102 the_spread
## 12103 weapons
## 12104 mass_destruction
## 12105 organized_crime
## 12106 drug_trafficking
## 12107 ethnic_and_religious_hatred
## 12108 aggression
## 12109 rogue_states
## 12110 environmental_degradation
## 12111 we
## 12112 these_threats
## 12113 we
## 12114 the_consequences
## 12115 all_our_tomorrows
## 12116 we
## 12117 we
## 12118 everything
## 12119 our_interests
## 12120 our_values
## 12121 stake
## 12122 we
## 12123 a_difference
## 12124 America
## 12125 We
## 12126 We
## 12127 the_world's_policeman
## 12128 we
## 12129 the_world's_very_best_peacemaker
## 12130 our_military
## 12131 diplomacy
## 12132 we
## 12133 we
## 12134 others
## 12135 the_risk
## 12136 the_cost
## 12137 our_efforts
## 12138 America
## 12139 a_difference
## 12140 people
## 12141 the_world
## 12142 the_first_time
## 12143 the_dawn
## 12144 the_nuclear
## 12145 the_first_time
## 12146 the_dawn
## 12147 the_nuclear
## 12148 age-;there
## 12149 a_single_Russian_missile
## 12150 America's_children
## 12151 North_Korea
## 12152 its_dangerous_nuclear_weapons_program
## 12153 Haiti
## 12154 the_dictators
## 12155 democracy
## 12156 a_new_day
## 12157 the_flow
## 12158 desperate_refugees
## 12159 our_shores
## 12160 tougher_trade_deals
## 12161 America
## 12162 them
## 12163 we
## 12164 markets
## 12165 exports
## 12166 imports
## 12167 good_American_jobs
## 12168 We
## 12169 those
## 12170 risks
## 12171 peace
## 12172 Northern_Ireland
## 12173 Catholic_and_Protestant_children
## 12174 their_parents_violence
## 12175 the_Middle_East
## 12176 Arabs
## 12177 Jews
## 12178 who
## 12179 knowledge
## 12180 resources
## 12181 even_dreams
## 12182 we
## 12183 peace
## 12184 Bosnia
## 12185 the_skeletal_prisoners
## 12186 the_mass_graves
## 12187 the_campaign
## 12188 the_endless_lines
## 12189 refugees
## 12190 the_threat
## 12191 a_spreading_war
## 12192 all_these_horrors
## 12193 way
## 12194 the_promise
## 12195 peace
## 12196 our_troops
## 12197 a_strong_NATO
## 12198 our_new_partners
## 12199 central_Europe
## 12200 that_peace
## 12201 hold
## 12202 all
## 12203 you
## 12204 I
## 12205 a_bipartisan_congressional_group
## 12206 I
## 12207 what
## 12208 our_troops
## 12209 the_pride
## 12210 they
## 12211 what
## 12212 they
## 12213 They
## 12214 what
## 12215 America's_mission
## 12216 this_world
## 12217 they
## 12218 it
## 12219 these_efforts
## 12220 we
## 12221 the_security
## 12222 the_American_people
## 12223 no_mistake
## 12224 it
## 12225 Important_challenges
## 12226 The_START_II_treaty
## 12227 Russia
## 12228 our_nuclear_stockpiles
## 12229 another_25_percent
## 12230 I
## 12231 the_Senate
## 12232 it
## 12233 We
## 12234 the_race
## 12235 new_nuclear_weapons
## 12236 a_truly_comprehensive_nuclear_test_ban_treaty
## 12237 we
## 12238 what
## 12239 the_Japanese_subway
## 12240 we
## 12241 poison_gas
## 12242 the_Senate
## 12243 the_Chemical_Weapons_Convention
## 12244 We
## 12245 the_fight
## 12246 terrorists
## 12247 organized_criminals
## 12248 Congress
## 12249 the_antiterrorism_legislation
## 12250 I
## 12251 the_Oklahoma_City_bombing
## 12252 We
## 12253 more_people
## 12254 hatred
## 12255 the_world
## 12256 our_own_interest
## 12257 Congress
## 12258 us
## 12259 the_means
## 12260 the_world's_leader
## 12261 peace
## 12262 My_fellow_Americans
## 12263 the_six_challenges
## 12264 I
## 12265 all
## 12266 us
## 12267 Our_seventh_challenge
## 12268 America's_challenge
## 12269 those
## 12270 us
## 12271 this_hallowed_Hall
## 12272 our_Government
## 12273 our_democracy
## 12274 them
## 12275 this_Congress
## 12276 itself
## 12277 the_laws
## 12278 it
## 12279 everyone
## 12280 This_Congress
## 12281 gifts
## 12282 meals
## 12283 lobbyists
## 12284 This_Congress
## 12285 lobbyists
## 12286 who
## 12287 them
## 12288 what_legislation
## 12289 they
## 12290 This_Congress
## 12291 that
## 12292 I
## 12293 you
## 12294 it
## 12295 I
## 12296 Congress
## 12297 special_interest_influence
## 12298 politics
## 12299 the_first_truly_bipartisan_campaign_finance_reform_bill
## 12300 a_generation
## 12301 You
## 12302 Republicans
## 12303 Democrats
## 12304 the_American_people
## 12305 we
## 12306 spending
## 12307 we
## 12308 the_airwaves
## 12309 all_candidates
## 12310 I
## 12311 Congress
## 12312 the_line_item_veto
## 12313 you
## 12314 the_American_people
## 12315 Our_administration
## 12316 the_American_people
## 12317 a_Government
## 12318 that
## 12319 the_work
## 12320 Vice_President_Gore
## 12321 we
## 12322 16,000_pages
## 12323 unnecessary_rules
## 12324 regulations
## 12325 Washington
## 12326 States
## 12327 local_communities
## 12328 we
## 12329 the_era
## 12330 balanced_budgets
## 12331 smaller_Government
## 12332 we
## 12333 new_ways
## 12334 people
## 12335 their_own_lives
## 12336 We
## 12337 America's_communities
## 12338 more_bureaucracy
## 12339 more_opportunities
## 12340 our_successful_empowerment_zones
## 12341 community_development_banks
## 12342 we
## 12343 people
## 12344 jobs
## 12345 businesses
## 12346 tax_incentives
## 12347 companies
## 12348 that
## 12349 abandoned_industrial_property
## 12350 we
## 12351 jobs
## 12352 places
## 12353 them
## 12354 some_areas
## 12355 that
## 12356 the_Federal_Government
## 12357 these_areas
## 12358 the_problem
## 12359 illegal_immigration
## 12360 years
## 12361 neglect
## 12362 this_administration
## 12363 a_strong_stand
## 12364 the_protection
## 12365 our_borders
## 12366 We
## 12367 border_controls
## 12368 50_percent
## 12369 We
## 12370 inspections
## 12371 the_hiring
## 12372 illegal_immigrants
## 12373 I
## 12374 I
## 12375 an_Executive_order
## 12376 Federal_contracts
## 12377 businesses
## 12378 that
## 12379 illegal_immigrants
## 12380 me
## 12381 this
## 12382 We
## 12383 a_nation
## 12384 immigrants
## 12385 we
## 12386 it
## 12387 We
## 12388 every_legal_immigrant
## 12389 a_good_citizen
## 12390 a_new_citizen
## 12391 we
## 12392 a_nation
## 12393 laws
## 12394 I
## 12395 a_special_word
## 12396 those
## 12397 who
## 12398 our_Federal_Government
## 12399 the_Federal_work_force
## 12400 it
## 12401 the_day
## 12402 I
## 12403 office
## 12404 President
## 12405 Our_Federal_Government
## 12406 it
## 12407 30_years
## 12408 it
## 12409 our_fellow_Americans
## 12410 that
## 12411 a_good_reason-;a_good_reason
## 12412 The_remaining_Federal_work_force
## 12413 hard-working_Americans
## 12414 who
## 12415 the_quality
## 12416 our_services
## 12417 I
## 12418 you
## 12419 one_example
## 12420 His_name
## 12421 Richard_Dean
## 12422 He
## 12423 a_49-year-old_Vietnam_veteran
## 12424 who
## 12425 the_Social_Security_Administration
## 12426 22_years
## 12427 he
## 12428 work
## 12429 the_Federal_Building
## 12430 Oklahoma_City
## 12431 the_blast
## 12432 169_people
## 12433 the_rubble
## 12434 him
## 12435 He
## 12436 four_times
## 12437 He
## 12438 the_lives
## 12439 three_women
## 12440 He
## 12441 us
## 12442 I
## 12443 Richard
## 12444 both_his_public_service
## 12445 his_extraordinary_personal_heroism
## 12446 Richard_Dean's_story
## 12447 he
## 12448 his_office
## 12449 the_Government
## 12450 And_the_second_time
## 12451 the_Government
## 12452 he
## 12453 Social_Security_recipients
## 12454 he
## 12455 pay
## 12456 behalf
## 12457 Richard_Dean
## 12458 his_family
## 12459 all_the_other_people
## 12460 who
## 12461 a_good_job
## 12462 the_American_people
## 12463 I
## 12464 all
## 12465 you
## 12466 this_Chamber
## 12467 's
## 12468 the_Federal_Government
## 12469 behalf
## 12470 all_Americans
## 12471 especially_those
## 12472 who
## 12473 their_Social_Security_payments
## 12474 the_beginning
## 12475 March
## 12476 I
## 12477 the_Congress
## 12478 the_full_faith
## 12479 credit
## 12480 the_United_States
## 12481 the_obligations
## 12482 this_great_Nation
## 12483 we
## 12484 220_years
## 12485 partisanship
## 12486 a_straightforward_extension
## 12487 the_debt_limit
## 12488 people
## 12489 America
## 12490 its_word
## 12491 I
## 12492 I
## 12493 a_lot
## 12494 Congress
## 12495 America
## 12496 I
## 12497 Americans
## 12498 their_homes
## 12499 their_churches
## 12500 their_synagogues
## 12501 their_civic_groups
## 12502 their_workplace
## 12503 they
## 12504 any_challenge
## 12505 I
## 12506 the_era
## 12507 big_Government
## 12508 we
## 12509 the_era
## 12510 yourself
## 12511 We
## 12512 the_era
## 12513 a_community
## 12514 a_team
## 12515 one_America
## 12516 all
## 12517 us
## 12518 these_lines
## 12519 that
## 12520 us-;the_division
## 12521 the_discrimination
## 12522 the_rancor-;we
## 12523 it
## 12524 common_ground
## 12525 We
## 12526 we
## 12527 America
## 12528 I
## 12529 you
## 12530 two_more_people
## 12531 who
## 12532 just_that
## 12533 Lucius_Wright
## 12534 a_teacher
## 12535 Mississippi
## 12536 A_Vietnam_veteran
## 12537 he
## 12538 groups
## 12539 inner-city_children
## 12540 gangs
## 12541 futures
## 12542 they
## 12543 Sergeant_Jennifer_Rodgers
## 12544 a_police_officer
## 12545 Oklahoma_City
## 12546 Richard_Dean
## 12547 she
## 12548 her_fellow_citizens
## 12549 the_rubble
## 12550 that_awful_tragedy
## 12551 She
## 12552 us
## 12553 their_response
## 12554 that_atrocity
## 12555 the_people
## 12556 Oklahoma_City
## 12557 all
## 12558 us
## 12559 their_basic_sense
## 12560 decency
## 12561 community
## 12562 Lucius_Wright
## 12563 Jennifer_Rodgers
## 12564 special_Americans
## 12565 I
## 12566 the_honor
## 12567 they
## 12568 several_thousand_Americans
## 12569 who
## 12570 the_Olympic_torch
## 12571 its_long_journey
## 12572 Los_Angeles
## 12573 the_centennial
## 12574 the_modern_Olympics
## 12575 Atlanta
## 12576 they
## 12577 star_athletes
## 12578 they
## 12579 star_citizens
## 12580 community_heroes
## 12581 America's_challenges
## 12582 They
## 12583 our_real_champions
## 12584 each
## 12585 us
## 12586 the_torch
## 12587 citizenship
## 12588 our_own_lives
## 12589 None
## 12590 us
## 12591 the_race
## 12592 We
## 12593 our_destiny
## 12594 one_generation
## 12595 one_American
## 12596 another
## 12597 things
## 12598 we
## 12599 we
## 12600 which
## 12601 we
## 12602 We_Americans
## 12603 our_identity
## 12604 our_very_Union
## 12605 the_very_point
## 12606 view
## 12607 we
## 12608 every_point
## 12609 the_planet
## 12610 every_different_opinion
## 12611 we
## 12612 a_faith
## 12613 any_doctrine
## 12614 that
## 12615 us
## 12616 our_belief
## 12617 progress
## 12618 our_love
## 12619 liberty
## 12620 our_relentless_search
## 12621 common_ground
## 12622 America
## 12623 every_challenge
## 12624 Who
## 12625 we
## 12626 Who
## 12627 this_age
## 12628 possibility
## 12629 all_Americans
## 12630 Our_country
## 12631 a_great_and_good_nation
## 12632 we
## 12633 all
## 12634 our_parts
## 12635 you
## 12636 God
## 12637 you
## 12638 God
## 12639 the_United_States
## 12640 America
## 12641 you
## 12642 Mr._Vice_President
## 12643 Members
## 12644 the_105th_Congress
## 12645 distinguished_guests
## 12646 my_fellow_Americans
## 12647 I
## 12648 I
## 12649 thanks
## 12650 me
## 12651 I
## 12652 you
## 12653 a_challenge
## 12654 any
## 12655 our_peacetime_history
## 12656 a_plan
## 12657 action
## 12658 that_challenge
## 12659 our_people
## 12660 the_bold_new_world
## 12661 the_21st_century
## 12662 We
## 12663 4_years
## 12664 growth
## 12665 we
## 12666 the_basic_strength
## 12667 our_economy
## 12668 crime_and_welfare_rolls
## 12669 we
## 12670 our_optimism
## 12671 the_enduring_faith
## 12672 that
## 12673 we
## 12674 any_difficulty
## 12675 the_cold_war
## 12676 global_commerce
## 12677 record_levels
## 12678 we
## 12679 an_unrivaled_peace
## 12680 prosperity
## 12681 the_world
## 12682 My_fellow_Americans
## 12683 the_state
## 12684 our_Union
## 12685 we
## 12686 the_decisive_moment
## 12687 a_nation
## 12688 a_world
## 12689 any
## 12690 we
## 12691 The_new_promise
## 12692 the_global_economy
## 12693 the_information_age
## 12694 new_work,_life-enhancing_technology
## 12695 all_these
## 12696 That
## 12697 our_honor
## 12698 our_challenge
## 12699 We
## 12700 shapers
## 12701 events
## 12702 observers
## 12703 we
## 12704 the_moment
## 12705 we
## 12706 the_best_possibilities
## 12707 our_future
## 12708 We
## 12709 no_imminent_threat
## 12710 we
## 12711 an_enemy
## 12712 The_enemy
## 12713 our_time
## 12714 inaction
## 12715 I
## 12716 a_call
## 12717 action
## 12718 action
## 12719 this_Congress
## 12720 action
## 12721 our_States
## 12722 our_people
## 12723 America
## 12724 the_21st_century
## 12725 our_economy
## 12726 our_democracy
## 12727 all_our_people
## 12728 action
## 12729 education
## 12730 the_forces
## 12731 technology
## 12732 science
## 12733 action
## 12734 stronger_families
## 12735 stronger_communities
## 12736 a_safer_environment
## 12737 action
## 12738 America
## 12739 the_world's_strongest_force
## 12740 peace
## 12741 freedom
## 12742 prosperity
## 12743 all
## 12744 a_more_perfect_Union
## 12745 home
## 12746 The_spirit
## 12747 we
## 12748 our_work
## 12749 all_the_difference
## 12750 We
## 12751 the_pursuit
## 12752 opportunity
## 12753 all_Americans
## 12754 all_Americans
## 12755 a_community
## 12756 all_Americans
## 12757 we
## 12758 a_new_kind
## 12759 Government
## 12760 all_our_problems
## 12761 us
## 12762 our_people
## 12763 all_our_people
## 12764 the_tools
## 12765 they
## 12766 their_own_lives
## 12767 we
## 12768 The_people
## 12769 this_Nation
## 12770 us
## 12771 all
## 12772 They
## 12773 us
## 12774 partners
## 12775 partisans
## 12776 They
## 12777 us
## 12778 all
## 12779 the_same_boat
## 12780 they
## 12781 us
## 12782 all_oars
## 12783 they
## 12784 us
## 12785 the_direction
## 12786 I
## 12787 we
## 12788 we
## 12789 the_unfinished_business
## 12790 our_country
## 12791 the_budget
## 12792 our_democracy
## 12793 the_job
## 12794 welfare_reform
## 12795 the_last_4_years
## 12796 we
## 12797 new_economic_growth
## 12798 our_people
## 12799 our_exports
## 12800 our_deficits
## 12801 over_11_million_new_jobs
## 12802 a_4-year_record
## 12803 we
## 12804 our_economy
## 12805 the_world
## 12806 We
## 12807 an_historic_opportunity
## 12808 this_Congress
## 12809 the_Congress
## 12810 that
## 12811 the_budget
## 12812 you
## 12813 2_days
## 12814 I
## 12815 a_detailed_plan
## 12816 the_budget
## 12817 This_plan
## 12818 the_budget
## 12819 our_people
## 12820 Medicare
## 12821 Medicaid
## 12822 education
## 12823 the_environment
## 12824 It
## 12825 the_budget
## 12826 the_Vice_President's_efforts
## 12827 our_Government
## 12828 it
## 12829 It
## 12830 the_budget
## 12831 middle_class_tax_relief
## 12832 education
## 12833 health_care
## 12834 a_child
## 12835 a_home
## 12836 the_budget
## 12837 only_your_vote
## 12838 my_signature
## 12839 It
## 12840 us
## 12841 our_Constitution
## 12842 I
## 12843 it
## 12844 a_balanced_budget_amendment
## 12845 that
## 12846 our_country
## 12847 time
## 12848 economic_crisis
## 12849 unwanted_results
## 12850 judges
## 12851 Social_Security_checks
## 12852 taxes
## 12853 us
## 12854 we
## 12855 any_measure-;no_measure
## 12856 that
## 12857 Social_Security
## 12858 Whatever
## 12859 your_view
## 12860 that
## 12861 we
## 12862 all
## 12863 We
## 12864 a_constitutional_amendment
## 12865 we
## 12866 action
## 12867 our_differences
## 12868 we
## 12869 the_budget
## 12870 the_long-term_health
## 12871 our_society
## 12872 we
## 12873 a_bipartisan_process
## 12874 Social_Security
## 12875 Medicare
## 12876 the_long_run
## 12877 these_fundamental_programs
## 12878 our_children
## 12879 they
## 12880 our_parents
## 12881 me
## 12882 something
## 12883 that
## 12884 my_script
## 12885 I
## 12886 this
## 12887 I
## 12888 the_reasons
## 12889 the_American_people
## 12890 me
## 12891 a_second_term
## 12892 the_tough_decisions
## 12893 the_next_4_years
## 12894 that
## 12895 our_country
## 12896 the_next_50_years
## 12897 I
## 12898 it
## 12899 me
## 12900 you
## 12901 another_reason
## 12902 I
## 12903 all
## 12904 you
## 12905 regard
## 12906 party
## 12907 you
## 12908 what
## 12909 these_decisions
## 12910 We
## 12911 it
## 12912 our_country
## 12913 our_future
## 12914 Our_second_piece
## 12915 unfinished_business
## 12916 us
## 12917 ourselves
## 12918 the_eyes
## 12919 America
## 12920 bipartisan_campaign_finance_reform
## 12921 Senators_McCain
## 12922 Feingold
## 12923 Representatives_Shays
## 12924 Meehan
## 12925 party_lines
## 12926 tough_and_fair_reform
## 12927 Their_proposal
## 12928 spending
## 12929 the_role
## 12930 special_interests
## 12931 a_level_playing_field
## 12932 challengers
## 12933 incumbents
## 12934 contributions
## 12935 noncitizens
## 12936 all_corporate_sources
## 12937 the_other_large_soft_money_contributions
## 12938 that
## 12939 both_parties
## 12940 You
## 12941 I
## 12942 this
## 12943 you
## 12944 I
## 12945 the_delay
## 12946 the_death
## 12947 reform
## 12948 's
## 12949 our_own_deadline
## 12950 's
## 12951 bipartisan_campaign_finance_reform
## 12952 law
## 12953 McCain-Feingold
## 12954 the_day
## 12955 we
## 12956 the_birth
## 12957 our_democracy
## 12958 a_third_piece
## 12959 unfinished_business
## 12960 the_last_4_years
## 12961 we
## 12962 a_record_2_1/4_million_people
## 12963 the_welfare_rolls
## 12964 Congress
## 12965 landmark_welfare_reform_legislation
## 12966 all_able-bodied_recipients
## 12967 the_responsibility
## 12968 welfare
## 12969 each
## 12970 us
## 12971 our_responsibility
## 12972 our_moral_obligation
## 12973 people
## 12974 who
## 12975 we
## 12976 a_new_goal
## 12977 2_million_more_people
## 12978 the_welfare_rolls
## 12979 the_year
## 12980 my_plan
## 12981 Tax_credits
## 12982 other_incentives
## 12983 businesses
## 12984 that
## 12985 people
## 12986 welfare
## 12987 incentives
## 12988 job_placement_firms
## 12989 States
## 12990 more_jobs
## 12991 welfare_recipients
## 12992 training
## 12993 transportation
## 12994 people
## 12995 work
## 12996 I
## 12997 every_State
## 12998 those_welfare_checks
## 12999 private_sector_paychecks
## 13000 I
## 13001 every_religious_congregation
## 13002 every_community_nonprofit
## 13003 every_business
## 13004 someone
## 13005 welfare
## 13006 I
## 13007 every_employer
## 13008 our_country
## 13009 who
## 13010 the_old_welfare_system
## 13011 you
## 13012 that_old_system
## 13013 We
## 13014 it
## 13015 your_part
## 13016 someone
## 13017 welfare
## 13018 the_chance
## 13019 work
## 13020 I
## 13021 five_major_corporations
## 13022 Sprint
## 13023 Monsanto
## 13024 UPS
## 13025 Burger_King
## 13026 United_Airlines
## 13027 a_new_national_effort
## 13028 America's_businesses
## 13029 jobs
## 13030 people
## 13031 welfare
## 13032 We
## 13033 welfare_reform
## 13034 All
## 13035 you
## 13036 I
## 13037 we
## 13038 it
## 13039 no_one
## 13040 this_Chamber
## 13041 a_clear_conscience
## 13042 you
## 13043 the_job
## 13044 we
## 13045 something
## 13046 something
## 13047 both_Republican_and_Democratic_Governors
## 13048 us
## 13049 basic_health_and_disability_benefits
## 13050 who
## 13051 this_country
## 13052 who
## 13053 taxes
## 13054 the_law
## 13055 a_great_nation
## 13056 immigrants
## 13057 the_greatest_step
## 13058 all
## 13059 the_high_threshold
## 13060 the_future
## 13061 we
## 13062 my_number_one_priority
## 13063 the_next_4_years
## 13064 all_Americans
## 13065 the_best_education
## 13066 the_world
## 13067 's
## 13068 these_three_goals
## 13069 the_Internet
## 13070 college
## 13071 every_adult
## 13072 American
## 13073 a_lifetime
## 13074 My_balanced_budget
## 13075 an_unprecedented_commitment
## 13076 these_goals
## 13077 money
## 13078 I
## 13079 a_plan
## 13080 a_call
## 13081 action
## 13082 American_education
## 13083 these_10_principles
## 13084 a_national_crusade
## 13085 education_standards
## 13086 Federal_Government_standards
## 13087 national_standards
## 13088 what
## 13089 all_our_students
## 13090 the_knowledge_economy
## 13091 the_21st_century
## 13092 Every_State
## 13093 school
## 13094 the_curriculum
## 13095 these_standards
## 13096 train_teachers
## 13097 students
## 13098 them
## 13099 schools
## 13100 the_standards
## 13101 their_progress
## 13102 we
## 13103 an_effort
## 13104 the_next_2_years
## 13105 national_tests
## 13106 student_achievement
## 13107 reading
## 13108 math
## 13109 I
## 13110 a_challenge
## 13111 the_Nation
## 13112 Every_State
## 13113 high_national_standards
## 13114 every_State
## 13115 every_fourth_grader
## 13116 reading
## 13117 every_eighth_grader
## 13118 math
## 13119 these_standards
## 13120 standards
## 13121 some
## 13122 our_children
## 13123 them
## 13124 The_point
## 13125 our_children
## 13126 them
## 13127 Good_tests
## 13128 us
## 13129 who
## 13130 help
## 13131 what
## 13132 teaching
## 13133 which_schools
## 13134 They
## 13135 us
## 13136 social_promotions
## 13137 no_child
## 13138 grade_school
## 13139 high_school
## 13140 he
## 13141 she
## 13142 our_Secretary
## 13143 Education
## 13144 Dick_Riley
## 13145 I
## 13146 northern_Illinois
## 13147 eighth-grade_students
## 13148 20_school_districts
## 13149 a_project
## 13150 the_World
## 13151 the_Third_International_Math_and_Science_Study
## 13152 That
## 13153 a_test
## 13154 that
## 13155 the_world-class_standards
## 13156 our_children
## 13157 the_new_era
## 13158 those_students
## 13159 Illinois
## 13160 the_world
## 13161 science
## 13162 math
## 13163 them
## 13164 Kristen_Tanner
## 13165 Chris_Getsler
## 13166 their_teacher
## 13167 They
## 13168 the_First_Lady
## 13169 they
## 13170 we
## 13171 our_students
## 13172 they
## 13173 the_world
## 13174 's
## 13175 them
## 13176 a_hand
## 13177 the_best_schools
## 13178 we
## 13179 the_best_teachers
## 13180 us
## 13181 this_Chamber
## 13182 the_help
## 13183 those_teachers
## 13184 I
## 13185 I
## 13186 years
## 13187 our_educators
## 13188 North_Carolina's_Governor_Jim_Hunt
## 13189 the_National_Board
## 13190 Professional_Teaching_Standards
## 13191 nationally_accepted_credentials
## 13192 excellence
## 13193 teaching
## 13194 these_teachers
## 13195 My_budget
## 13196 national_certification
## 13197 master_teachers
## 13198 We
## 13199 our_best_teachers
## 13200 we
## 13201 them
## 13202 we
## 13203 who
## 13204 we
## 13205 our_finest_young_people
## 13206 teaching
## 13207 a_career
## 13208 we
## 13209 all_our_children
## 13210 Forty_percent-;40
## 13211 our_8-year-olds
## 13212 That
## 13213 we
## 13214 the_America_Reads_initiative
## 13215 a_citizen_army
## 13216 one_million_volunteer_tutors
## 13217 every_child
## 13218 the_end
## 13219 the_third_grade
## 13220 We
## 13221 thousands
## 13222 AmeriCorps_volunteers
## 13223 this_citizen_army
## 13224 We
## 13225 at_least_100,000_college_students
## 13226 I
## 13227 60_college_presidents
## 13228 my_call
## 13229 thousands
## 13230 their_work-study_students
## 13231 one_year
## 13232 tutors
## 13233 This
## 13234 a_challenge
## 13235 every_teacher
## 13236 every_principal
## 13237 You
## 13238 these_tutors
## 13239 students
## 13240 it
## 13241 a_challenge
## 13242 our_parents
## 13243 You
## 13244 your_children
## 13245 This
## 13246 the_fourth_principle
## 13247 the_first_days
## 13248 life
## 13249 Scientists
## 13250 young_children
## 13251 their_very_first_days
## 13252 it
## 13253 parents
## 13254 their_infants
## 13255 The_First_Lady
## 13256 years
## 13257 this_issue
## 13258 it
## 13259 she
## 13260 I
## 13261 a_White_House_conference
## 13262 early_learning
## 13263 the_brain
## 13264 parents
## 13265 educators
## 13266 these_startling_new_findings
## 13267 We
## 13268 we
## 13269 children
## 13270 they
## 13271 school
## 13272 That
## 13273 this_balanced_budget
## 13274 Head_Start
## 13275 one_million_children
## 13276 that
## 13277 the_Vice_President
## 13278 Mrs._Gore
## 13279 their_annual_family_conference
## 13280 what
## 13281 we
## 13282 parents
## 13283 an_active_part
## 13284 school
## 13285 They
## 13286 a_great_deal
## 13287 the_importance
## 13288 family
## 13289 our_life
## 13290 they
## 13291 their_attention
## 13292 more_parents
## 13293 school
## 13294 I
## 13295 you
## 13296 I
## 13297 you
## 13298 what
## 13299 you
## 13300 every_State
## 13301 parents
## 13302 the_power
## 13303 the_right_public_school
## 13304 their_children
## 13305 Their_right
## 13306 competition
## 13307 innovation
## 13308 that
## 13309 public_schools
## 13310 We
## 13311 it
## 13312 more_parents
## 13313 teachers
## 13314 charter_schools
## 13315 schools
## 13316 that
## 13317 the_highest_standards
## 13318 they
## 13319 Our_plan
## 13320 America
## 13321 these_charter_schools
## 13322 the_next_century
## 13323 the_country
## 13324 parents
## 13325 even_more_choices
## 13326 their_children
## 13327 the_best_schools
## 13328 Sixth
## 13329 character_education
## 13330 our_schools
## 13331 We
## 13332 our_children
## 13333 good_citizens
## 13334 we
## 13335 order
## 13336 discipline
## 13337 communities
## 13338 that
## 13339 school_uniforms
## 13340 curfews
## 13341 truancy_laws
## 13342 disruptive_students
## 13343 the_classroom
## 13344 zero_tolerance
## 13345 guns
## 13346 drugs
## 13347 school
## 13348 we
## 13349 our_children
## 13350 themselves
## 13351 schools
## 13352 that
## 13353 the_student_population
## 13354 an_all-time_high_and_record_numbers
## 13355 school_buildings
## 13356 disrepair
## 13357 this
## 13358 a_serious_national_concern
## 13359 my_budget
## 13360 a_new_initiative
## 13361 communities
## 13362 school_construction
## 13363 the_next_4_years
## 13364 we
## 13365 the_13th_and_14th_years
## 13366 education
## 13367 at_least_2_years
## 13368 college
## 13369 America
## 13370 the_21st_century
## 13371 a_high_school_education
## 13372 we
## 13373 the_doors
## 13374 college
## 13375 all_Americans
## 13376 that
## 13377 I
## 13378 America's_HOPE_scholarship
## 13379 Georgia's_pioneering_program
## 13380 2_years
## 13381 a_$1,500_tax_credit
## 13382 college_tuition
## 13383 the_typical_community_college
## 13384 I
## 13385 a_tax_deduction
## 13386 all_tuition
## 13387 high_school
## 13388 an_expanded_IRA
## 13389 you
## 13390 education
## 13391 the_largest_increase
## 13392 Pell
## 13393 scholarships
## 13394 20_years
## 13395 this_plan
## 13396 most_families
## 13397 the_ability
## 13398 no_taxes
## 13399 money
## 13400 they
## 13401 college_tuition
## 13402 I
## 13403 you
## 13404 it
## 13405 every_American
## 13406 who
## 13407 the_chance
## 13408 college
## 13409 the_21st_century
## 13410 we
## 13411 the_frontiers
## 13412 a_lifetime
## 13413 All_our_people
## 13414 whatever_age
## 13415 the_chance
## 13416 new_skills
## 13417 Most_Americans
## 13418 a_community_college
## 13419 The_roads
## 13420 that
## 13421 them
## 13422 paths
## 13423 a_better_future
## 13424 My_"GI_bill
## 13425 America's_workers
## 13426 the_confusing_tangle
## 13427 Federal_training_programs
## 13428 a_simple_skill_grant
## 13429 eligible_workers'_hands
## 13430 this_bill
## 13431 that_desk
## 13432 action
## 13433 I
## 13434 you
## 13435 it
## 13436 's
## 13437 our_workers
## 13438 the_ability
## 13439 a_lifetime
## 13440 we
## 13441 the_power
## 13442 the_information_age
## 13443 all_our_schools
## 13444 I
## 13445 America
## 13446 every_classroom
## 13447 library
## 13448 the_Internet
## 13449 the_year
## 13450 the_first_time
## 13451 our_history
## 13452 children
## 13453 the_most_isolated_rural_towns
## 13454 the_most_comfortable_suburbs
## 13455 the_poorest_inner-city_schools
## 13456 the_same_access
## 13457 the_same_universe
## 13458 knowledge
## 13459 That
## 13460 my_plan
## 13461 a_call
## 13462 action
## 13463 American_education
## 13464 Some
## 13465 it
## 13466 a_President
## 13467 this_kind
## 13468 attention
## 13469 education
## 13470 Some
## 13471 it
## 13472 the_President
## 13473 his_wonderful_wife
## 13474 this_subject
## 13475 more_years
## 13476 they
## 13477 That
## 13478 what
## 13479 these_proposals
## 13480 We
## 13481 the_significance
## 13482 this_endeavor
## 13483 the_greatest_sources
## 13484 our_strength
## 13485 the_cold_war
## 13486 a_bipartisan_foreign_policy
## 13487 our_future
## 13488 stake
## 13489 politics
## 13490 the_water's_edge
## 13491 I
## 13492 you
## 13493 I
## 13494 all_our_Nation's_Governors
## 13495 I
## 13496 parents
## 13497 teachers
## 13498 citizens
## 13499 America
## 13500 a_new_nonpartisan_commitment
## 13501 education
## 13502 education
## 13503 a_critical_national_security_issue
## 13504 our_future
## 13505 politics
## 13506 the_schoolhouse_door
## 13507 America
## 13508 the_21st_century
## 13509 we
## 13510 the_powerful_forces
## 13511 science
## 13512 technology
## 13513 all_Americans
## 13514 This
## 13515 the_first_State
## 13516 the_Union
## 13517 video
## 13518 the_Internet
## 13519 we
## 13520 the_benefits
## 13521 a_technology_revolution
## 13522 that
## 13523 the_modern_birthright
## 13524 every_citizen
## 13525 Our_effort
## 13526 every_classroom
## 13527 just_the_beginning
## 13528 we
## 13529 every_hospital
## 13530 the_Internet
## 13531 doctors
## 13532 data
## 13533 their_patients
## 13534 the_best_specialists
## 13535 the_field
## 13536 I
## 13537 the_private_sector
## 13538 every_children's_hospital
## 13539 a_child
## 13540 bed
## 13541 touch
## 13542 school
## 13543 family
## 13544 friends
## 13545 A_sick_child
## 13546 a_child
## 13547 We
## 13548 the_second_generation
## 13549 the_Internet
## 13550 our_leading_universities
## 13551 national_laboratories
## 13552 speeds
## 13553 today
## 13554 new_medical_treatments
## 13555 new_sources
## 13556 energy
## 13557 new_ways
## 13558 we
## 13559 the_Internet
## 13560 our_new_town_square
## 13561 a_computer
## 13562 every_home
## 13563 a_teacher
## 13564 all_subjects
## 13565 a_connection
## 13566 all_cultures
## 13567 this
## 13568 a_dream
## 13569 a_necessity
## 13570 the_next_decade
## 13571 that
## 13572 our_goal
## 13573 We
## 13574 the_heavens
## 13575 the_Mars_probes
## 13576 the_international_space_station
## 13577 both
## 13578 which
## 13579 practical_applications
## 13580 our_everyday_living
## 13581 We
## 13582 the_remarkable_advances
## 13583 medical_science
## 13584 The_human_genome_project
## 13585 the_genetic_mysteries
## 13586 life
## 13587 American_scientists
## 13588 genes
## 13589 breast_cancer
## 13590 ovarian_cancer
## 13591 medication
## 13592 that
## 13593 a_stroke
## 13594 progress
## 13595 its_effects
## 13596 treatments
## 13597 that
## 13598 the_lives
## 13599 people
## 13600 HIV
## 13601 AIDS
## 13602 I
## 13603 office
## 13604 funding
## 13605 AIDS_research
## 13606 the_National_Institutes
## 13607 Health
## 13608 new_resources
## 13609 NIH
## 13610 the_most_powerful_discovery_engine
## 13611 an_AIDS_vaccine
## 13612 other_scientists
## 13613 the_threat
## 13614 AIDS
## 13615 the_discovery
## 13616 an_AIDS_vaccine
## 13617 millions
## 13618 lives
## 13619 the_world
## 13620 We
## 13621 our_commitment
## 13622 medical_science
## 13623 America
## 13624 the_21st_century
## 13625 we
## 13626 stronger_families
## 13627 the_past_4_years
## 13628 the_family_and_medical_leave_law
## 13629 millions
## 13630 Americans
## 13631 time
## 13632 their_families
## 13633 new_pressures
## 13634 people
## 13635 the_way
## 13636 they
## 13637 I
## 13638 we
## 13639 family
## 13640 workers
## 13641 time
## 13642 teacher_conferences
## 13643 a_child's_medical_checkup
## 13644 We
## 13645 flextime
## 13646 workers
## 13647 overtime
## 13648 income
## 13649 it
## 13650 time
## 13651 their_families
## 13652 We
## 13653 step
## 13654 more_families_access
## 13655 affordable,_quality_health_care
## 13656 Forty_million_Americans
## 13657 health_insurance
## 13658 Ten_million_children
## 13659 health_insurance
## 13660 80_percent
## 13661 them
## 13662 parents
## 13663 who
## 13664 taxes
## 13665 That
## 13666 My_balanced_budget
## 13667 health_coverage
## 13668 those_children
## 13669 nearly_half
## 13670 all_children
## 13671 who
## 13672 their_insurance
## 13673 their_parents
## 13674 a_job
## 13675 my_budget
## 13676 people
## 13677 who
## 13678 their_jobs
## 13679 their_health_insurance
## 13680 No_child
## 13681 a_doctor
## 13682 a_parent
## 13683 a_job
## 13684 My_Medicare_plan
## 13685 Medicare
## 13686 the_life
## 13687 the_Trust_Fund
## 13688 10_years
## 13689 support
## 13690 respite_care
## 13691 the_many_families
## 13692 loved_ones
## 13693 Alzheimer
## 13694 the_first_time
## 13695 it
## 13696 annual_mammograms
## 13697 we
## 13698 drive-through_deliveries
## 13699 babies
## 13700 we
## 13701 the_dangerous_and_demeaning_practice
## 13702 women
## 13703 the_hospital
## 13704 a_mastectomy
## 13705 I
## 13706 your_support
## 13707 bipartisan_legislation
## 13708 a_woman
## 13709 the_hospital
## 13710 48_hours
## 13711 a_mastectomy
## 13712 us
## 13713 Dr._Kristen_Zarfos
## 13714 a_Connecticut_surgeon
## 13715 whose_outrage
## 13716 this_practice
## 13717 a_national_movement
## 13718 this_legislation
## 13719 I
## 13720 her
## 13721 we
## 13722 her
## 13723 her_efforts
## 13724 you
## 13725 the_last_4_years
## 13726 we
## 13727 child_support_collections
## 13728 50_percent
## 13729 we
## 13730 it
## 13731 any_parent
## 13732 a_State_line
## 13733 an_attempt
## 13734 this
## 13735 his_or_her_most_sacred_obligation
## 13736 we
## 13737 our_children
## 13738 firm
## 13739 our_determination
## 13740 the_advertising
## 13741 marketing
## 13742 cigarettes
## 13743 that
## 13744 their_lives
## 13745 America
## 13746 the_21st_century
## 13747 we
## 13748 stronger_communities
## 13749 We
## 13750 safe_streets
## 13751 Serious_crime
## 13752 a_row
## 13753 The_key
## 13754 We
## 13755 the_job
## 13756 100,000_community_police
## 13757 the_streets
## 13758 the_United_States
## 13759 We
## 13760 the_victims'_rights_amendment
## 13761 the_Constitution
## 13762 I
## 13763 you
## 13764 a_full-scale_assault
## 13765 juvenile_crime
## 13766 legislation
## 13767 that
## 13768 war
## 13769 gangs
## 13770 new_prosecutors
## 13771 tougher_penalties
## 13772 the_Brady_bill
## 13773 so_violent_teen_criminals
## 13774 handguns
## 13775 child_safety_locks
## 13776 handguns
## 13777 unauthorized_use
## 13778 our_schools
## 13779 hours
## 13780 weekends
## 13781 the_summer
## 13782 our_young_people
## 13783 someplace
## 13784 something
## 13785 This_balanced_budget
## 13786 the_largest_antidrug_effort
## 13787 drugs
## 13788 their_source
## 13789 those
## 13790 who
## 13791 them
## 13792 our_young_people
## 13793 drugs
## 13794 drugs
## 13795 drugs
## 13796 them
## 13797 I
## 13798 you
## 13799 it
## 13800 Our_growing_economy
## 13801 poor_urban_and_rural_neighborhoods
## 13802 we
## 13803 them
## 13804 the_conditions
## 13805 which
## 13806 all_families
## 13807 jobs
## 13808 investment
## 13809 business
## 13810 loans
## 13811 banks
## 13812 We
## 13813 the_number
## 13814 empowerment_zones
## 13815 They
## 13816 so_much_hope
## 13817 communities
## 13818 Detroit
## 13819 the_unemployment_rate
## 13820 half
## 13821 4_years
## 13822 We
## 13823 urban_land
## 13824 buildings
## 13825 productive_use
## 13826 We
## 13827 the_network
## 13828 community_development_banks
## 13829 we
## 13830 we
## 13831 this_empowerment_approach
## 13832 private-sector_tax_incentives
## 13833 our_Capital_City
## 13834 Washington
## 13835 a_great_place
## 13836 the_proud_face
## 13837 America
## 13838 the_world
## 13839 We
## 13840 our_environment
## 13841 every_community
## 13842 the_last_4_years
## 13843 we
## 13844 250_toxic_waste_sites
## 13845 we
## 13846 our_children
## 13847 parks
## 13848 I
## 13849 you
## 13850 my_proposal
## 13851 big_polluters
## 13852 a_simple_rule
## 13853 you
## 13854 our_environment
## 13855 you
## 13856 it
## 13857 the_last_4_years
## 13858 we
## 13859 our_Nation's_safe_food
## 13860 drinking_water_laws
## 13861 We
## 13862 some
## 13863 America's_rarest,_most_beautiful_land
## 13864 Utah's_Red_Rocks_region
## 13865 three_new_national_parks
## 13866 the_California_desert
## 13867 the_Florida_Everglades
## 13868 we
## 13869 our_rivers
## 13870 we
## 13871 our_lands
## 13872 I
## 13873 I
## 13874 10_American_Heritage_Rivers
## 13875 communities
## 13876 them
## 13877 their_waterfronts
## 13878 pollution
## 13879 the_rivers
## 13880 we
## 13881 the_economy
## 13882 we
## 13883 the_environment
## 13884 We
## 13885 our_global_environment
## 13886 the_worst_toxic_chemicals
## 13887 the_greenhouse_gases
## 13888 that
## 13889 our_health
## 13890 they
## 13891 our_climate
## 13892 we
## 13893 all
## 13894 all
## 13895 our_communities
## 13896 some
## 13897 our_children
## 13898 what
## 13899 they
## 13900 their_own_homes
## 13901 schools
## 13902 neighborhoods
## 13903 that
## 13904 the_rest
## 13905 us
## 13906 they
## 13907 our_children
## 13908 That
## 13909 President_Bush
## 13910 General_Colin_Powell
## 13911 former_Housing_Secretary_Henry_Cisneros
## 13912 the_Vice_President
## 13913 me
## 13914 the_Presidents'_Summit
## 13915 Service
## 13916 Philadelphia
## 13917 April
## 13918 Our_national_service_program
## 13919 AmeriCorps
## 13920 70,000_young_people
## 13921 their_way
## 13922 college
## 13923 they
## 13924 America
## 13925 we
## 13926 millions
## 13927 Americans
## 13928 thousands
## 13929 ways
## 13930 Citizen_service
## 13931 an_American_responsibility
## 13932 which
## 13933 all_Americans
## 13934 I
## 13935 your_support
## 13936 that_endeavor
## 13937 I
## 13938 just_one_last_point
## 13939 our_national_community
## 13940 Our_economy
## 13941 numbers
## 13942 statistics
## 13943 it
## 13944 the_enduring_worth
## 13945 our_Nation
## 13946 our_shared_values
## 13947 our_soaring_spirit
## 13948 our_modest_efforts
## 13949 the_arts
## 13950 humanities
## 13951 I
## 13952 we
## 13953 them
## 13954 our_artists
## 13955 musicians
## 13956 writers
## 13957 our_museums
## 13958 libraries
## 13959 theaters
## 13960 We
## 13961 all_Americans
## 13962 the_arts
## 13963 humanities
## 13964 our_fellow_citizens
## 13965 the_year
## 13966 a_national_celebration
## 13967 the_American_spirit
## 13968 every_community
## 13969 a_celebration
## 13970 our_common_culture
## 13971 the_century
## 13972 that
## 13973 the_new_one
## 13974 the_new_millennium
## 13975 we
## 13976 the_world's_beacon
## 13977 liberty
## 13978 creativity
## 13979 the_fireworks
## 13980 America
## 13981 the_21st_century
## 13982 we
## 13983 the_forces
## 13984 change
## 13985 the_world
## 13986 American_leadership
## 13987 an_uncharted_time
## 13988 a_farsighted_America
## 13989 the_institutions
## 13990 that
## 13991 victory
## 13992 the_cold_war
## 13993 a_growing_world_economy
## 13994 a_result
## 13995 our_ideals
## 13996 our_interests
## 13997 we
## 13998 the_blocs
## 13999 barriers
## 14000 that
## 14001 our_parents'_world
## 14002 the_first_time
## 14003 more_people
## 14004 democracy
## 14005 dictatorship
## 14006 every_nation
## 14007 our_own_hemisphere
## 14008 we
## 14009 another_moment
## 14010 change
## 14011 choice
## 14012 another_time
## 14013 America
## 14014 50_more_years
## 14015 security
## 14016 prosperity
## 14017 this_endeavor
## 14018 our_first_task
## 14019 the_very_first_time
## 14020 an_undivided,_democratic_Europe
## 14021 Europe
## 14022 peace
## 14023 America
## 14024 that_end
## 14025 we
## 14026 NATO
## 14027 countries
## 14028 that
## 14029 our_adversaries
## 14030 our_allies
## 14031 the_special_NATO_summit
## 14032 that
## 14033 what
## 14034 we
## 14035 We
## 14036 NATO's_Partnership
## 14037 Peace
## 14038 non-member_allies
## 14039 we
## 14040 a_stable_partnership
## 14041 NATO
## 14042 a_democratic_Russia
## 14043 An_expanded_NATO
## 14044 America
## 14045 a_Europe
## 14046 which
## 14047 all_democracies
## 14048 their_future
## 14049 terms
## 14050 what
## 14051 they
## 14052 terms
## 14053 what
## 14054 they
## 14055 the_good
## 14056 all-;that_kind
## 14057 Europe
## 14058 America
## 14059 America
## 14060 the_East
## 14061 the_West
## 14062 Our_security
## 14063 it
## 14064 Americans
## 14065 three_wars
## 14066 Asia
## 14067 this_century
## 14068 Our_prosperity
## 14069 it
## 14070 More_than_2_million_American_jobs
## 14071 trade
## 14072 Asia
## 14073 we
## 14074 an_Asia-Pacific_community
## 14075 cooperation
## 14076 not_conflict
## 14077 our_progress
## 14078 the_peril
## 14079 that
## 14080 South_Korea
## 14081 we
## 14082 peace_talks
## 14083 North_Korea
## 14084 the_cold_war's_last_divide
## 14085 I
## 14086 Congress
## 14087 our_share
## 14088 the_agreement
## 14089 which
## 14090 North_Korea
## 14091 its_nuclear_weapons_program
## 14092 We
## 14093 a_deeper_dialog
## 14094 China
## 14095 the_sake
## 14096 our_interests
## 14097 our_ideals
## 14098 An_isolated_China
## 14099 America
## 14100 a_China
## 14101 its_proper_role
## 14102 the_world
## 14103 I
## 14104 China
## 14105 I
## 14106 China's_President
## 14107 we
## 14108 everything
## 14109 China
## 14110 the_best_way
## 14111 our_common_challenges
## 14112 nuclear_testing
## 14113 our_fundamental_differences
## 14114 human_rights
## 14115 The_American_people
## 14116 the_global_economy
## 14117 We
## 14118 trade_barriers
## 14119 we
## 14120 good_jobs
## 14121 home
## 14122 I
## 14123 America
## 14124 the_most_competitive_nation
## 14125 the_number_one_exporter
## 14126 the_world
## 14127 we
## 14128 our_exports
## 14129 Asia
## 14130 Latin_America
## 14131 the_fastest_growing_regions
## 14132 Earth
## 14133 these_emerging_economies
## 14134 new_ties
## 14135 other_nations
## 14136 That
## 14137 we
## 14138 the_authority
## 14139 new_trade_agreements
## 14140 that
## 14141 markets
## 14142 our_goods
## 14143 services
## 14144 we
## 14145 our_values
## 14146 We
## 14147 the_challenge
## 14148 the_global_economy
## 14149 we
## 14150 the_best_workers
## 14151 the_best_products
## 14152 a_truly_open_market
## 14153 we
## 14154 anyone
## 14155 Earth
## 14156 this
## 14157 economics
## 14158 trade
## 14159 we
## 14160 the_cause
## 14161 freedom
## 14162 democracy
## 14163 the_world
## 14164 no_better_example
## 14165 this_truth
## 14166 Latin_America
## 14167 democracy
## 14168 open_markets
## 14169 the_march
## 14170 That
## 14171 I
## 14172 the_spring
## 14173 our_important_tie
## 14174 We
## 14175 America
## 14176 the_effort
## 14177 our_neighbor
## 14178 Mexico
## 14179 its_economic_crisis
## 14180 we
## 14181 Mexico
## 14182 the_United_States
## 14183 schedule
## 14184 half_a_billion_dollar_profit
## 14185 us
## 14186 America
## 14187 an_unrelenting_force
## 14188 peace
## 14189 the_Middle_East
## 14190 Haiti
## 14191 Northern_Ireland
## 14192 Africa
## 14193 reasonable_risks
## 14194 peace
## 14195 us
## 14196 far_more_costly_conflicts
## 14197 American_leadership
## 14198 the_killing
## 14199 Bosnia
## 14200 the_habits
## 14201 peace
## 14202 hold
## 14203 The_new_NATO_force
## 14204 reconstruction
## 14205 reconciliation
## 14206 I
## 14207 Congress
## 14208 its_strong_support
## 14209 our_troops
## 14210 They
## 14211 a_remarkable_job
## 14212 America
## 14213 America
## 14214 them
## 14215 we
## 14216 new_threats
## 14217 our_security
## 14218 the_past_4_years
## 14219 we
## 14220 the_way
## 14221 a_worldwide_agreement
## 14222 nuclear_testing
## 14223 Russia
## 14224 we
## 14225 nuclear_arsenals
## 14226 we
## 14227 each_other's_citizens
## 14228 We
## 14229 nuclear_materials
## 14230 the_wrong_hands
## 14231 the_world
## 14232 landmines
## 14233 We
## 14234 other_nations
## 14235 renewed_intensity
## 14236 drug_traffickers
## 14237 terrorists
## 14238 they
## 14239 them
## 14240 they
## 14241 we
## 14242 a_new_test
## 14243 leadership
## 14244 the_Chemical_Weapons_Convention
## 14245 no_mistake
## 14246 it
## 14247 It
## 14248 our_troops
## 14249 chemical_attack
## 14250 It
## 14251 us
## 14252 terrorism
## 14253 We
## 14254 no_more_important_obligations
## 14255 the_wake
## 14256 what
## 14257 we
## 14258 the_Gulf_war
## 14259 This_treaty
## 14260 the_beginning
## 14261 Republican_and_Democratic_administrations
## 14262 Republican_and_Democratic_Members
## 14263 Congress
## 14264 68_nations
## 14265 we
## 14266 April_29th
## 14267 this_convention
## 14268 force
## 14269 us
## 14270 we
## 14271 the_chance
## 14272 Americans
## 14273 this_effort
## 14274 we
## 14275 the_Chemical_Weapons_Convention_law
## 14276 we
## 14277 poison_gas
## 14278 the_Earth
## 14279 we
## 14280 the_tools
## 14281 all_these_challenges
## 14282 We
## 14283 a_strong_and_ready_military
## 14284 We
## 14285 funding
## 14286 weapons_modernization
## 14287 the_year
## 14288 we
## 14289 good_care
## 14290 our_men
## 14291 women
## 14292 uniform
## 14293 They
## 14294 the_world
## 14295 We
## 14296 our_commitment
## 14297 America's_diplomacy
## 14298 our_debts
## 14299 dues
## 14300 international_financial_institutions
## 14301 the_World_Bank
## 14302 a_reforming_United_Nations
## 14303 Every_dollar
## 14304 we
## 14305 conflicts
## 14306 democracy
## 14307 the_spread
## 14308 disease
## 14309 starvation
## 14310 a_sure_return
## 14311 security
## 14312 savings
## 14313 international_affairs_spending
## 14314 just_one_percent
## 14315 the_Federal_budget
## 14316 a_small_fraction
## 14317 what
## 14318 America
## 14319 diplomacy
## 14320 leadership
## 14321 escapism
## 14322 the_start
## 14323 the_cold_war
## 14324 America
## 14325 the_world
## 14326 we
## 14327 who
## 14328 America
## 14329 the_will
## 14330 our_way
## 14331 A_farsighted_America
## 14332 the_world
## 14333 a_better_place
## 14334 these_last_50_years
## 14335 it
## 14336 another_50_years
## 14337 a_shortsighted_America
## 14338 its_words
## 14339 deaf_ears
## 14340 the_world
## 14341 the_first_winter
## 14342 the_cold_war
## 14343 President_Truman
## 14344 a_Republican_Congress
## 14345 our_country
## 14346 its_responsibilities
## 14347 leadership
## 14348 This
## 14349 his_warning
## 14350 he
## 14351 we
## 14352 we
## 14353 the_peace
## 14354 the_world
## 14355 we
## 14356 the_welfare
## 14357 this_Nation
## 14358 Congress
## 14359 Republicans
## 14360 Senator_Arthur_Vandenberg
## 14361 President_Truman's_call
## 14362 they
## 14363 the_commitments
## 14364 that
## 14365 our_country
## 14366 50_years
## 14367 us
## 14368 us
## 14369 what
## 14370 it
## 14371 the_indispensable_nation
## 14372 America
## 14373 another_50_years
## 14374 the_end
## 14375 anything
## 14376 our_world_leadership
## 14377 the_power
## 14378 our_example
## 14379 home
## 14380 our_ability
## 14381 one_America
## 14382 the_world
## 14383 people
## 14384 racial,_ethnic,_and_religious_conflicts
## 14385 that_fuel_fanaticism
## 14386 terror
## 14387 We
## 14388 the_world's_most_diverse_democracy
## 14389 the_world
## 14390 us
## 14391 it
## 14392 those_kinds
## 14393 differences
## 14394 America
## 14395 a_nation
## 14396 immigrants
## 14397 the_start
## 14398 a_steady_stream
## 14399 people
## 14400 search
## 14401 freedom
## 14402 opportunity
## 14403 their_own_lands
## 14404 this_land
## 14405 We
## 14406 an_experiment
## 14407 democracy
## 14408 Europeans
## 14409 We
## 14410 an_experiment
## 14411 democratic_diversity
## 14412 openness
## 14413 promise
## 14414 we
## 14415 our_diversity
## 14416 a_weakness
## 14417 It
## 14418 our_greatest_strength
## 14419 Americans
## 14420 every_language
## 14421 every_country
## 14422 People
## 14423 every_continent
## 14424 us
## 14425 the_reflection
## 14426 their_own_great_potential
## 14427 they
## 14428 we
## 14429 all
## 14430 our_citizens
## 14431 their_background
## 14432 an_opportunity
## 14433 their_own_greatness
## 14434 We
## 14435 We
## 14436 evidence
## 14437 abiding_bigotry
## 14438 intolerance
## 14439 ugly_words
## 14440 awful_violence
## 14441 burned_churches
## 14442 buildings
## 14443 We
## 14444 this
## 14445 our_country
## 14446 our_hearts
## 14447 my_second_Inauguration
## 14448 our_country's_best_known_pastors
## 14449 Reverend_Robert_Schuller
## 14450 I
## 14451 Isaiah
## 14452 what
## 14453 it
## 14454 the_foundations
## 14455 many_generations
## 14456 thou_shalt
## 14457 the_repairer
## 14458 the_breach
## 14459 the_restorer
## 14460 paths
## 14461 I
## 14462 my_hand
## 14463 that_verse
## 14464 I
## 14465 the_oath
## 14466 office
## 14467 behalf
## 14468 all_Americans
## 14469 what
## 14470 our_faiths
## 14471 our_backgrounds
## 14472 our_politics
## 14473 we
## 14474 repairers
## 14475 the_breach
## 14476 I
## 14477 a_word
## 14478 two_other_Americans
## 14479 who
## 14480 us
## 14481 Congressman_Frank_Tejeda
## 14482 whose_family
## 14483 Mexico
## 14484 He
## 14485 He
## 14486 the_Silver_Star
## 14487 the_Bronze_Star
## 14488 the_Purple_Heart
## 14489 his_country
## 14490 Vietnam
## 14491 he
## 14492 Texas
## 14493 America
## 14494 our_future
## 14495 this_Chamber
## 14496 We
## 14497 his_service
## 14498 his_mother
## 14499 Lillie_Tejeda
## 14500 his_sister
## 14501 Mary_Alice
## 14502 Texas
## 14503 us
## 14504 we
## 14505 you
## 14506 Gary_Locke
## 14507 the_newly_elected_Governor
## 14508 Washington_State
## 14509 the_first_Chinese-American_Governor
## 14510 the_history
## 14511 our_country
## 14512 He
## 14513 the_proud_son
## 14514 the_millions
## 14515 Asian-American_immigrants
## 14516 who
## 14517 America
## 14518 their_hard_work
## 14519 family_values
## 14520 good_citizenship
## 14521 He
## 14522 the_future
## 14523 we
## 14524 you
## 14525 Kristen_Tanner
## 14526 Chris_Getsler
## 14527 Sue_Winski
## 14528 Dr._Kristen_Zarfos
## 14529 they
## 14530 Americans
## 14531 different_roots
## 14532 whose_lives
## 14533 what
## 14534 we
## 14535 we
## 14536 one_America
## 14537 We
## 14538 a_common_past
## 14539 we
## 14540 a_common_future
## 14541 America
## 14542 our_most_important_mission
## 14543 the_foundation
## 14544 many_generations
## 14545 every_other_strength
## 14546 we
## 14547 this_new_century
## 14548 Money
## 14549 it
## 14550 Power
## 14551 it
## 14552 Technology
## 14553 it
## 14554 It
## 14555 the_human_spirit
## 14556 America
## 14557 a_place
## 14558 It
## 14559 an_idea
## 14560 the_most_powerful_idea
## 14561 the_history
## 14562 nations
## 14563 us
## 14564 this_Chamber
## 14565 we
## 14566 the_bearers
## 14567 that_idea
## 14568 a_great_people
## 14569 a_new_world
## 14570 A_child
## 14571 almost_no_memory
## 14572 the_20th_century
## 14573 Everything
## 14574 that_child
## 14575 America
## 14576 what
## 14577 we
## 14578 a_new_century
## 14579 We
## 14580 a_moment
## 14581 just_over_1,000_days
## 14582 the_year
## 14583 our_people
## 14584 1,000_days
## 14585 1,000_days
## 14586 a_bridge
## 14587 a_land
## 14588 new_promise
## 14589 we
## 14590 work
## 14591 us
## 14592 those_days
## 14593 the_century
## 14594 you
## 14595 God
## 14596 you
## 14597 God
## 14598 America
## 14599 The_President
## 14600 Mr._Speaker
## 14601 Mr._Vice_President
## 14602 Members
## 14603 the_105th_Congress
## 14604 distinguished_guests
## 14605 my_fellow_Americans
## 14606 the_last_time
## 14607 we
## 14608 this_Chamber
## 14609 America
## 14610 two_patriots
## 14611 fine_public_servants
## 14612 they
## 14613 opposite_sides
## 14614 the_aisle
## 14615 Representatives_Walter_Capps
## 14616 Sonny_Bono
## 14617 a_deep_love
## 14618 this_House
## 14619 an_unshakable_commitment
## 14620 the_lives
## 14621 all_our_people
## 14622 the_past_few_weeks
## 14623 they
## 14624 I
## 14625 we
## 14626 a_message
## 14627 their_families
## 14628 their_friends
## 14629 we
## 14630 their_lives
## 14631 thanks
## 14632 their_service
## 14633 our_Nation
## 14634 209_years
## 14635 it
## 14636 the_President's_duty
## 14637 you
## 14638 the_state
## 14639 the_Union
## 14640 the_hard_work
## 14641 high_purpose
## 14642 the_American_people
## 14643 these
## 14644 good_times
## 14645 America
## 14646 We
## 14647 more_than_14_million_new_jobs
## 14648 the_lowest_unemployment
## 14649 24_years
## 14650 the_lowest_core_inflation
## 14651 30_years
## 14652 incomes
## 14653 we
## 14654 the_highest_homeownership
## 14655 history
## 14656 Crime
## 14657 a_record_5_years
## 14658 a_row
## 14659 the_welfare_rolls
## 14660 their_lowest_levels
## 14661 27_years
## 14662 Our_leadership
## 14663 the_world
## 14664 the_state
## 14665 our_Union
## 14666 barely_700_days
## 14667 the_20th_century
## 14668 this
## 14669 a_time
## 14670 It
## 14671 a_time
## 14672 the_America
## 14673 reach
## 14674 an_America
## 14675 everybody
## 14676 a_chance
## 14677 hard_work
## 14678 every_citizen
## 14679 a_safe_community
## 14680 families
## 14681 schools
## 14682 all_our_young_people
## 14683 college
## 14684 scientists
## 14685 cures
## 14686 diseases
## 14687 diabetes
## 14688 Alzheimer
## 14689 AIDS
## 14690 every_child
## 14691 a_hand
## 14692 a_keyboard
## 14693 every_book
## 14694 every_painting
## 14695 government
## 14696 opportunity
## 14697 citizens
## 14698 the_responsibility
## 14699 something
## 14700 their_communities
## 14701 an_America
## 14702 which
## 14703 the_world
## 14704 new_heights
## 14705 peace
## 14706 prosperity
## 14707 This
## 14708 the_America
## 14709 we
## 14710 this
## 14711 the_America
## 14712 we
## 14713 our_children
## 14714 we
## 14715 the_work
## 14716 hand
## 14717 us
## 14718 our_Nation
## 14719 the_21st_century
## 14720 Americans
## 14721 so_much_change
## 14722 so_many_ways
## 14723 gathering_force
## 14724 the_ground
## 14725 our_feet
## 14726 we
## 14727 an_information_age
## 14728 a_global_economy
## 14729 a_truly_new_world
## 14730 5_years
## 14731 we
## 14732 the_challenge
## 14733 these_changes
## 14734 Americans
## 14735 every_turning_point
## 14736 our_history
## 14737 the_very_idea
## 14738 America
## 14739 the_circle
## 14740 opportunity
## 14741 the_meaning
## 14742 our_freedom
## 14743 a_more_perfect_Union
## 14744 We
## 14745 a_new_kind
## 14746 Government
## 14747 the_information_age
## 14748 I
## 14749 the_Vice_President
## 14750 his_leadership
## 14751 the_Congress
## 14752 its_support
## 14753 a_Government
## 14754 that
## 14755 a_catalyst
## 14756 new_ideas
## 14757 all
## 14758 a_Government
## 14759 that
## 14760 the_American_people
## 14761 the_tools
## 14762 they
## 14763 their_own_lives
## 14764 We
## 14765 the_sterile_debate
## 14766 those
## 14767 who
## 14768 government
## 14769 the_enemy
## 14770 those
## 14771 who
## 14772 government
## 14773 the_answer
## 14774 we
## 14775 a_third_way
## 14776 We
## 14777 the_smallest_Government
## 14778 35_years
## 14779 We
## 14780 a_smaller_Government
## 14781 a_stronger_Nation
## 14782 We
## 14783 an_even_stronger_America
## 14784 the_21st_century
## 14785 an_economy
## 14786 that
## 14787 opportunity
## 14788 a_society
## 14789 responsibility
## 14790 a_nation
## 14791 that
## 14792 a_community
## 14793 Americans
## 14794 this_Chamber
## 14795 our_Nation
## 14796 a_new_strategy
## 14797 prosperity
## 14798 fiscal_discipline
## 14799 interest_rates
## 14800 growth
## 14801 education
## 14802 skills
## 14803 science
## 14804 technology
## 14805 transportation
## 14806 our_people
## 14807 the_new_economy
## 14808 American_products
## 14809 American_workers
## 14810 I
## 14811 office
## 14812 the_deficit
## 14813 our_deficit
## 14814 three_decades
## 14815 six_Presidents
## 14816 you
## 14817 the_damage_deficits
## 14818 our_Nation
## 14819 I
## 14820 you
## 14821 the_Federal_deficit
## 14822 it
## 14823 11_zeros
## 14824 I
## 14825 Congress
## 14826 the_first_balanced_budget
## 14827 30_years
## 14828 we
## 14829 fiscal_discipline
## 14830 we
## 14831 the_budget
## 14832 schedule
## 14833 You
## 14834 that
## 14835 a_sea
## 14836 red_ink
## 14837 no_miracle
## 14838 It
## 14839 the_product
## 14840 hard_work
## 14841 the_American_people
## 14842 two_visionary_actions
## 14843 Congress
## 14844 the_courageous_vote
## 14845 that
## 14846 a_cut
## 14847 the_deficit
## 14848 90_percent
## 14849 the_truly_historic_bipartisan_balanced_budget_agreement
## 14850 this_Congress
## 14851 the_really_good_news
## 14852 we
## 14853 our_resolve
## 14854 we
## 14855 balanced_budgets
## 14856 the_eye
## 14857 We
## 14858 unwise_spending
## 14859 untargeted_tax_cuts
## 14860 that
## 14861 the_deficit
## 14862 we
## 14863 targeted_tax_cuts
## 14864 the_typical_middle_class_family
## 14865 the_lowest_tax_rates
## 14866 20_years
## 14867 My_plan
## 14868 the_budget
## 14869 both_new_investments
## 14870 new_tax_cuts
## 14871 the_needs
## 14872 working_families
## 14873 education
## 14874 child_care
## 14875 the_environment
## 14876 the_issue
## 14877 tax_cuts
## 14878 spending
## 14879 I
## 14880 all
## 14881 you
## 14882 this_test
## 14883 only_those_priorities
## 14884 that
## 14885 a_dime
## 14886 the_deficit
## 14887 we
## 14888 the_budget
## 14889 next_year
## 14890 it
## 14891 we
## 14892 a_sizable_surplus
## 14893 the_years
## 14894 that
## 14895 What
## 14896 we
## 14897 this_projected_surplus
## 14898 I
## 14899 a_simple_four-word_answer
## 14900 Save
## 14901 Social_Security
## 14902 I
## 14903 we
## 14904 100_percent
## 14905 the_surplus-;that
## 14906 every_penny
## 14907 we
## 14908 all_the_necessary_measures
## 14909 the_Social_Security_system
## 14910 the_21st_century
## 14911 us
## 14912 all_Americans
## 14913 you
## 14914 you
## 14915 the_system-;Social_Security
## 14916 you
## 14917 it
## 14918 us
## 14919 this_commitment
## 14920 Social_Security
## 14921 's
## 14922 that
## 14923 I
## 14924 all_the_American_people
## 14925 who
## 14926 us
## 14927 this_discussion
## 14928 these_issues
## 14929 a_true_consensus
## 14930 we
## 14931 We
## 14932 nonpartisan_forums
## 14933 every_region
## 14934 the_country
## 14935 I
## 14936 lawmakers
## 14937 both_parties
## 14938 We
## 14939 a_White_House_conference
## 14940 Social_Security
## 14941 December
## 14942 I
## 14943 the_leaders
## 14944 Congress
## 14945 historic,_bipartisan_legislation
## 14946 a_landmark
## 14947 our_generation
## 14948 a_Social_Security_system
## 14949 that
## 14950 the_21st_century
## 14951 an_economy
## 14952 that
## 14953 opportunity
## 14954 all_Americans
## 14955 the_rewards
## 14956 prosperity
## 14957 these_times
## 14958 we
## 14959 one_simple,_sensible_step
## 14960 millions
## 14961 workers
## 14962 their_families
## 14963 We
## 14964 the_minimum_wage
## 14965 The_information_age
## 14966 an_education_age
## 14967 which
## 14968 education
## 14969 birth
## 14970 a_lifetime
## 14971 this_podium
## 14972 I
## 14973 education
## 14974 our_highest_priority
## 14975 I
## 14976 a_10point_plan
## 14977 us
## 14978 all
## 14979 us
## 14980 politics
## 14981 the_schoolhouse_door
## 14982 this_Congress-;across_party_lines-
## 14983 the_American_people
## 14984 the_most_important_year
## 14985 education
## 14986 a_generation
## 14987 public_school_choice
## 14988 the_way
## 14989 3,000_new_charter_schools
## 14990 every_classroom
## 14991 the_country
## 14992 the_information_superhighway
## 14993 Head_Start
## 14994 a_million_children
## 14995 America_Reads
## 14996 literally_thousands
## 14997 college_students
## 14998 our_elementary_schools
## 14999 all_our_8-year-olds
## 15000 I
## 15001 you
## 15002 220,000_new_Pell_grant_scholarships
## 15003 deserving_students
## 15004 Student_loans
## 15005 you
## 15006 the_interest
## 15007 Families
## 15008 America
## 15009 their_savings
## 15010 new_tax-free_education_IRA
## 15011 the_first_2_years
## 15012 college
## 15013 families
## 15014 a_$1,500_tax_credit-;a_HOPE_scholarship
## 15015 that
## 15016 the_cost
## 15017 most_community_college_tuition
## 15018 junior_and_senior_year
## 15019 a_lifetime_learning_credit
## 15020 You
## 15021 that
## 15022 you
## 15023 it
## 15024 these_actions
## 15025 I
## 15026 something
## 15027 every_family
## 15028 us
## 15029 Your_children
## 15030 college
## 15031 you
## 15032 a_child
## 15033 a_poor_family
## 15034 her
## 15035 she
## 15036 college
## 15037 you
## 15038 a_young_couple
## 15039 bills
## 15040 they
## 15041 their_children
## 15042 college
## 15043 them
## 15044 their_children
## 15045 college
## 15046 you
## 15047 somebody
## 15048 who
## 15049 a_dead-end_job
## 15050 he
## 15051 the_classes
## 15052 better_jobs
## 15053 the_rest
## 15054 his_life
## 15055 him
## 15056 he
## 15057 college
## 15058 the_things
## 15059 that
## 15060 we
## 15061 college
## 15062 the_21st_century
## 15063 high_school
## 15064 that
## 15065 the_face
## 15066 future
## 15067 America
## 15068 We
## 15069 the_doors
## 15070 the_world's_best_system
## 15071 higher_education
## 15072 we
## 15073 our_public_elementary_and_secondary_schools
## 15074 standards
## 15075 expectations
## 15076 accountability
## 15077 the_actions
## 15078 this_Congress
## 15079 we
## 15080 the_very_first_time
## 15081 a_voluntary_national_test
## 15082 national_standards
## 15083 fourth_grade_reading
## 15084 eighth_grade_math
## 15085 Parents
## 15086 a_right
## 15087 their_children
## 15088 the_basics
## 15089 every_parent
## 15090 the_key:_good_teachers
## 15091 small_classes
## 15092 I
## 15093 the_first_ever_national_effort
## 15094 class_size
## 15095 the_early_grades
## 15096 My_balanced_budget
## 15097 100,000_new_teachers
## 15098 who
## 15099 a_State_competency_test
## 15100 these_teachers-;listen-;with
## 15101 we
## 15102 class_size
## 15103 the_first,_second,_and_third_grades
## 15104 an_average
## 15105 18_students
## 15106 America
## 15107 I
## 15108 the_math_right
## 15109 more_teachers
## 15110 smaller_classes
## 15111 more_classrooms
## 15112 I
## 15113 a_school_construction_tax_cut
## 15114 communities
## 15115 5,000_schools
## 15116 We
## 15117 greater_accountability
## 15118 we
## 15119 a_child
## 15120 grade
## 15121 grade
## 15122 who
## 15123 the_work
## 15124 we
## 15125 that_child
## 15126 any_favors
## 15127 It
## 15128 time
## 15129 social_promotion
## 15130 America's_schools
## 15131 Chicago
## 15132 they
## 15133 that_decision-;not
## 15134 our_children
## 15135 them
## 15136 Chicago
## 15137 social_promotion
## 15138 mandatory_summer_school
## 15139 students
## 15140 who
## 15141 I
## 15142 other_communities
## 15143 Chicago's_lead
## 15144 's
## 15145 them
## 15146 children
## 15147 who
## 15148 we
## 15149 you
## 15150 the_tools
## 15151 they
## 15152 I
## 15153 this_Congress
## 15154 our_efforts
## 15155 colleges
## 15156 universities
## 15157 disadvantaged_children
## 15158 the_sixth_grade
## 15159 they
## 15160 the_guidance
## 15161 they
## 15162 they
## 15163 they
## 15164 college
## 15165 we
## 15166 the_21st_century
## 15167 the_global_economy
## 15168 us
## 15169 opportunity
## 15170 home
## 15171 all_the_markets
## 15172 the_world
## 15173 We
## 15174 this_global_economy
## 15175 it
## 15176 the_last_5_years
## 15177 we
## 15178 the_way
## 15179 new_markets
## 15180 240_trade_agreements
## 15181 that
## 15182 foreign_barriers
## 15183 products
## 15184 the_proud_stamp
## 15185 the_USA
## 15186 record_high_exports
## 15187 our_economic_growth
## 15188 I
## 15189 them
## 15190 that
## 15191 the_way
## 15192 America
## 15193 a_safer,_more_stable_world
## 15194 All
## 15195 you
## 15196 whatever
## 15197 your_views
## 15198 I
## 15199 this
## 15200 a_great_opportunity
## 15201 America
## 15202 I
## 15203 opposition
## 15204 more_comprehensive_trade_agreements
## 15205 I
## 15206 I
## 15207 the_opposition
## 15208 two_fears
## 15209 our_trading_partners
## 15210 lower_environmental_and_labor_standards
## 15211 which
## 15212 them
## 15213 an_unfair_advantage
## 15214 our_market
## 15215 their_own_people
## 15216 no_favors
## 15217 more_business
## 15218 we
## 15219 more_trade
## 15220 our_workers
## 15221 their_jobs
## 15222 I
## 15223 we
## 15224 worker
## 15225 environmental_standards
## 15226 the_world
## 15227 I
## 15228 it
## 15229 it
## 15230 a_part
## 15231 our_trade_agenda
## 15232 we
## 15233 other_countries'_decisions
## 15234 we
## 15235 them
## 15236 a_message
## 15237 that
## 15238 we
## 15239 trade
## 15240 them
## 15241 I
## 15242 legislation
## 15243 Congress
## 15244 other_nations
## 15245 us
## 15246 the_most_intolerable_labor_practice
## 15247 all
## 15248 :_abusive_child_labor
## 15249 We
## 15250 help
## 15251 those_Americans
## 15252 the_global_marketplace
## 15253 the_march
## 15254 technology
## 15255 which
## 15256 nothing
## 15257 trade
## 15258 That
## 15259 we
## 15260 funding
## 15261 dislocated_workers
## 15262 my_new_budget
## 15263 we
## 15264 That
## 15265 we
## 15266 workers
## 15267 who
## 15268 their_jobs
## 15269 whatever_reason
## 15270 You
## 15271 we
## 15272 communities
## 15273 a_special_way
## 15274 their_military_base
## 15275 we
## 15276 them
## 15277 the_same_way
## 15278 their_factory
## 15279 I
## 15280 the_Congress
## 15281 its_bipartisan_work
## 15282 the_tangle
## 15283 training_programs
## 15284 we
## 15285 one_single_"GI_bill
## 15286 workers
## 15287 a_simple_skills_grant
## 15288 people
## 15289 new_jobs
## 15290 higher_incomes
## 15291 brighter_futures
## 15292 We
## 15293 all
## 15294 every_way
## 15295 life
## 15296 change
## 15297 we
## 15298 we
## 15299 it
## 15300 it
## 15301 its_benefits
## 15302 the_big_picture
## 15303 we
## 15304 hundreds
## 15305 new_trade_agreements
## 15306 we
## 15307 millions
## 15308 new_jobs
## 15309 we
## 15310 new_partnerships
## 15311 Latin_America
## 15312 Asia
## 15313 Europe
## 15314 we
## 15315 the_new_"African_Trade_Act
## 15316 it
## 15317 bipartisan_support
## 15318 I
## 15319 my_request
## 15320 the_fast-track_negotiating_authority
## 15321 more_new_markets
## 15322 more_new_jobs
## 15323 which
## 15324 every_President
## 15325 two_decades
## 15326 You
## 15327 we
## 15328 it
## 15329 ways
## 15330 that
## 15331 the_world's_economies
## 15332 an_economic_crisis
## 15333 economies
## 15334 Recent_months
## 15335 serious_financial_problems
## 15336 Thailand
## 15337 Indonesia
## 15338 South_Korea
## 15339 Americans
## 15340 this
## 15341 these_countries
## 15342 our_customers
## 15343 they
## 15344 recession
## 15345 they
## 15346 the_goods
## 15347 we
## 15348 them
## 15349 they
## 15350 our_competitors
## 15351 their_currencies
## 15352 their_value
## 15353 the_price
## 15354 their_goods
## 15355 our_market
## 15356 others
## 15357 much_cheaper_goods
## 15358 which
## 15359 it
## 15360 our_people
## 15361 they
## 15362 our_strategic_partners
## 15363 Their_stability
## 15364 our_security
## 15365 The_American_economy
## 15366 I
## 15367 it
## 15368 the_turmoil
## 15369 Asia
## 15370 an_impact
## 15371 all_the_world's_economies
## 15372 ours
## 15373 that_negative_impact
## 15374 the_right_thing
## 15375 America
## 15376 the_right_thing
## 15377 a_safer_world
## 15378 Our_policy
## 15379 No_nation
## 15380 it
## 15381 itself
## 15382 nations
## 15383 serious_economic_reform
## 15384 we
## 15385 them
## 15386 it
## 15387 I
## 15388 Congress
## 15389 America's_commitment
## 15390 the_International_Monetary_Fund
## 15391 I
## 15392 we
## 15393 all_the_people
## 15394 we
## 15395 a_far-off_storm
## 15396 that
## 15397 our_shores
## 15398 the_thunder
## 15399 the_clouds
## 15400 A_strong_nation
## 15401 the_rock
## 15402 responsibility
## 15403 A_society
## 15404 responsibility
## 15405 the_value
## 15406 work
## 15407 not_welfare
## 15408 We
## 15409 decades
## 15410 fingerpointing
## 15411 failure
## 15412 we
## 15413 the_old_welfare_system
## 15414 we
## 15415 welfare_checks
## 15416 paychecks
## 15417 a_record_4-year_decline
## 15418 welfare_rolls
## 15419 I
## 15420 our_Nation
## 15421 2_million_more_Americans
## 15422 welfare
## 15423 the_year
## 15424 I
## 15425 we
## 15426 that_goal
## 15427 schedule
## 15428 This
## 15429 a_grand_achievement
## 15430 the_sum
## 15431 many_acts
## 15432 individual_courage
## 15433 persistence
## 15434 hope
## 15435 13_years
## 15436 Elaine_Kinslow
## 15437 Indianapolis
## 15438 Indiana
## 15439 welfare
## 15440 she
## 15441 a_van_company
## 15442 She
## 15443 enough_money
## 15444 her_family
## 15445 a_good_neighborhood
## 15446 she
## 15447 other_welfare_recipients
## 15448 work
## 15449 Elaine_Kinslow
## 15450 all_those
## 15451 her
## 15452 the_real_heroes
## 15453 the_welfare_revolution
## 15454 millions
## 15455 her
## 15456 America
## 15457 I
## 15458 she
## 15459 the_First_Lady
## 15460 we
## 15461 you
## 15462 We
## 15463 all
## 15464 us
## 15465 welfare_reform
## 15466 families
## 15467 available_jobs
## 15468 more_companies
## 15469 work
## 15470 child_support_collections
## 15471 deadbeat_parents
## 15472 who
## 15473 a_duty
## 15474 their_own_children
## 15475 I
## 15476 Congress
## 15477 some
## 15478 the_benefits
## 15479 immigrants
## 15480 who
## 15481 I
## 15482 you
## 15483 that_job
## 15484 We
## 15485 it
## 15486 all_hardworking_families
## 15487 their_most_important_responsibilities
## 15488 we
## 15489 Americans
## 15490 their_health_insurance
## 15491 they
## 15492 jobs
## 15493 we
## 15494 health_care
## 15495 up_to_5_million_children
## 15496 I
## 15497 Congress
## 15498 the_next_historic_steps
## 15499 our_fellow_citizens
## 15500 managed_care_plans
## 15501 These_plans
## 15502 money
## 15503 they
## 15504 care
## 15505 medical_decisions
## 15506 medical_doctors
## 15507 insurance_company_accountants
## 15508 I
## 15509 this_Congress
## 15510 the_aisle
## 15511 law
## 15512 a_consumer_bill
## 15513 rights
## 15514 that
## 15515 this
## 15516 You
## 15517 the_right
## 15518 all_your_medical_options
## 15519 You
## 15520 the_right
## 15521 the_doctor
## 15522 you
## 15523 the_care
## 15524 you
## 15525 You
## 15526 the_right
## 15527 emergency_room_care
## 15528 you
## 15529 it
## 15530 You
## 15531 the_right
## 15532 your_medical_records
## 15533 every_American
## 15534 quality_care
## 15535 Millions
## 15536 Americans
## 15537 the_ages
## 15538 their_health_insurance
## 15539 Some
## 15540 some
## 15541 some
## 15542 their_coverage
## 15543 their_spouses
## 15544 a_lifetime
## 15545 work
## 15546 they
## 15547 I
## 15548 the_Congress
## 15549 these_hardworking_Americans
## 15550 the_Medicare_system
## 15551 It
## 15552 a_dime
## 15553 the_deficit
## 15554 the_peace
## 15555 mind
## 15556 it
## 15557 we
## 15558 parents
## 15559 their_children
## 15560 the_gravest_health_threat
## 15561 that
## 15562 they
## 15563 an_epidemic
## 15564 teen_smoking
## 15565 multimillion-dollar_marketing_campaigns
## 15566 I
## 15567 Congress
## 15568 's
## 15569 bipartisan,_comprehensive_legislation
## 15570 that
## 15571 public_health
## 15572 our_tobacco_farmers
## 15573 the_way
## 15574 tobacco_companies
## 15575 business
## 15576 's
## 15577 what
## 15578 it
## 15579 teen_smoking
## 15580 's
## 15581 the_price
## 15582 cigarettes
## 15583 a_dollar
## 15584 the_next_10_years
## 15585 penalties
## 15586 the_tobacco_industry
## 15587 it
## 15588 our_children
## 15589 every_day
## 15590 3,000_children
## 15591 a_result
## 15592 this_Congress
## 15593 the_Congress
## 15594 that
## 15595 their_lives
## 15596 the_new_economy
## 15597 most_parents
## 15598 They
## 15599 a_constant_struggle
## 15600 their_obligations
## 15601 good_workers
## 15602 their_even_more_important_obligations
## 15603 good_parents
## 15604 The_Family_and_Medical_Leave_Act
## 15605 the_very_first_bill
## 15606 I
## 15607 law
## 15608 President
## 15609 about_15_million_people
## 15610 advantage
## 15611 it
## 15612 I
## 15613 a_lot
## 15614 them
## 15615 this_country
## 15616 I
## 15617 you
## 15618 that_law
## 15619 10_million_more_workers
## 15620 parents
## 15621 time
## 15622 they
## 15623 their_children's_teachers
## 15624 them
## 15625 the_doctor
## 15626 Child_care
## 15627 the_next_frontier
## 15628 we
## 15629 people
## 15630 home
## 15631 work
## 15632 I
## 15633 the_very_first_White_House_Conference
## 15634 Child_Care
## 15635 our_foremost_experts
## 15636 America's_First_Lady
## 15637 all_corners
## 15638 America
## 15639 we
## 15640 the_same_message
## 15641 regard
## 15642 region
## 15643 income
## 15644 political_affiliation
## 15645 We
## 15646 the_quality
## 15647 child_care
## 15648 We
## 15649 it
## 15650 We
## 15651 it
## 15652 my_plan
## 15653 families
## 15654 child_care
## 15655 a_million_more_children
## 15656 child_care_workers
## 15657 early_learning
## 15658 tax_credits
## 15659 businesses
## 15660 that
## 15661 child_care
## 15662 their_employees
## 15663 a_larger_child_care_tax_credit
## 15664 working_families
## 15665 you
## 15666 my_plan
## 15667 what
## 15668 this
## 15669 a_family
## 15670 an_income
## 15671 $35,000_and_high_child_care_costs
## 15672 a_single_penny
## 15673 Federal_income_tax
## 15674 I
## 15675 this
## 15676 such_a_big_issue
## 15677 me
## 15678 my_own_personal_experience
## 15679 I
## 15680 she
## 15681 a_young_widow
## 15682 school
## 15683 an_education
## 15684 me
## 15685 my_grandparents
## 15686 care
## 15687 me
## 15688 She
## 15689 I
## 15690 How_many_other_families
## 15691 that_same_opportunity
## 15692 The_truth
## 15693 we
## 15694 the_answer
## 15695 that_question
## 15696 we
## 15697 what
## 15698 the_answer
## 15699 Not_a_single_American_family
## 15700 the_job
## 15701 they
## 15702 the_child
## 15703 they
## 15704 A_society
## 15705 responsibility
## 15706 safe_streets
## 15707 safe_schools
## 15708 safe_neighborhoods
## 15709 We
## 15710 a_strategy
## 15711 more_police
## 15712 tougher_punishment
## 15713 smarter_prevention
## 15714 crimefighting_partnerships
## 15715 local_law_enforcement
## 15716 citizen_groups
## 15717 the_rubber
## 15718 the_road
## 15719 I
## 15720 you
## 15721 it
## 15722 Violent_crime
## 15723 robbery
## 15724 assault
## 15725 burglary
## 15726 down-;for
## 15727 5_years
## 15728 a_row
## 15729 America
## 15730 We
## 15731 the_job
## 15732 100,000_more_police
## 15733 our_streets
## 15734 I
## 15735 Congress
## 15736 a_juvenile_crime_bill
## 15737 that
## 15738 more_prosecutors
## 15739 probation_officers
## 15740 gangs
## 15741 guns
## 15742 drugs
## 15743 violent_juveniles
## 15744 guns
## 15745 life
## 15746 I
## 15747 you
## 15748 our_support
## 15749 school
## 15750 I
## 15751 every_American
## 15752 most_juvenile_crime
## 15753 the_hours
## 15754 the_afternoon
## 15755 night
## 15756 We
## 15757 our_children
## 15758 trouble
## 15759 the_first_place
## 15760 we
## 15761 them
## 15762 someplace
## 15763 the_streets
## 15764 we
## 15765 it
## 15766 Drug_use
## 15767 the_decline
## 15768 I
## 15769 General_McCaffrey
## 15770 his_leadership
## 15771 I
## 15772 this_Congress
## 15773 the_largest_antidrug_budget
## 15774 history
## 15775 I
## 15776 you
## 15777 me
## 15778 a_groundbreaking_effort
## 15779 1,000_new_Border_Patrol_agents
## 15780 the_most_sophisticated_available_new_technologies
## 15781 the_door
## 15782 drugs
## 15783 our_borders
## 15784 Police
## 15785 prosecutors
## 15786 prevention_programs
## 15787 they
## 15788 they
## 15789 our_court_system
## 15790 large_numbers
## 15791 vacancies
## 15792 our_Federal_courts
## 15793 what
## 15794 the_Chief_Justice
## 15795 the_United_States
## 15796 Judicial_vacancies
## 15797 such_high_levels
## 15798 the_quality
## 15799 justice
## 15800 I
## 15801 the_United_States_Senate
## 15802 this_plea
## 15803 vote
## 15804 the_highly_qualified_judicial_nominees
## 15805 you
## 15806 We
## 15807 responsibility
## 15808 home
## 15809 the_world
## 15810 the_eve
## 15811 a_new_century
## 15812 we
## 15813 the_power
## 15814 the_duty
## 15815 a_new_era
## 15816 peace
## 15817 security
## 15818 no_mistake
## 15819 it
## 15820 today's_possibilities
## 15821 tomorrow's_guarantees
## 15822 America
## 15823 the_poisoned_appeals
## 15824 extreme_nationalism
## 15825 We
## 15826 an_unholy_axis
## 15827 new_threats
## 15828 terrorists
## 15829 international_criminals
## 15830 drug_traffickers
## 15831 These_21st_century_predators
## 15832 technology
## 15833 the_free_flow
## 15834 information
## 15835 ideas
## 15836 people
## 15837 they
## 15838 weapons
## 15839 mass_destruction
## 15840 their_hands
## 15841 these_challenges
## 15842 we
## 15843 international_rules
## 15844 the_road
## 15845 the_21st_century
## 15846 those
## 15847 who
## 15848 the_family
## 15849 nations
## 15850 those
## 15851 who
## 15852 days
## 15853 I
## 15854 the_Senate
## 15855 its_advice
## 15856 consent
## 15857 Hungary
## 15858 Poland
## 15859 the_Czech_Republic
## 15860 the_newest_members
## 15861 NATO
## 15862 50_years
## 15863 NATO
## 15864 communism
## 15865 America
## 15866 Europe
## 15867 these_three_formerly_Communist_countries
## 15868 democracy
## 15869 I
## 15870 the_Senate
## 15871 them
## 15872 our_new_allies
## 15873 new_members
## 15874 new_partners
## 15875 Russia
## 15876 Ukraine
## 15877 NATO
## 15878 Europe
## 15879 a_stronghold
## 15880 peace
## 15881 the_21st_century
## 15882 I
## 15883 Congress
## 15884 its_support
## 15885 our_troops
## 15886 their_mission
## 15887 Bosnia
## 15888 This_Christmas
## 15889 Hillary
## 15890 I
## 15891 Sarajevo
## 15892 Senator_and_Mrs._Dole
## 15893 a_bipartisan_congressional_delegation
## 15894 We
## 15895 children
## 15896 the_streets
## 15897 they
## 15898 snipers
## 15899 shells
## 15900 The_shops
## 15901 food
## 15902 the_cafes
## 15903 conversation
## 15904 The_progress
## 15905 it
## 15906 firm_root
## 15907 Bosnia's_fragile_peace
## 15908 the_support
## 15909 American_and_allied_troops
## 15910 the_current_NATO_mission
## 15911 June
## 15912 I
## 15913 Senator_Dole
## 15914 it
## 15915 He
## 15916 This
## 15917 the_fourth_quarter
## 15918 a_football_game
## 15919 the_time
## 15920 the_field
## 15921 the_victory
## 15922 I
## 15923 all
## 15924 you
## 15925 our_troops
## 15926 Tuzla
## 15927 They
## 15928 what
## 15929 they
## 15930 Bosnia
## 15931 we
## 15932 them
## 15933 those_brave_soldiers
## 15934 the_First_Lady
## 15935 Army_Sergeant_Michael_Tolbert
## 15936 His_father
## 15937 a_decorated_Vietnam_vet
## 15938 college
## 15939 Colorado
## 15940 he
## 15941 the_Army
## 15942 he
## 15943 an_infantry_unit
## 15944 that
## 15945 a_mob
## 15946 extremists
## 15947 a_radio_station
## 15948 that
## 15949 a_voice
## 15950 democracy
## 15951 tolerance
## 15952 Bosnia
## 15953 you
## 15954 what
## 15955 you
## 15956 Bosnia
## 15957 the_world
## 15958 our_men
## 15959 women
## 15960 uniform
## 15961 their_mission
## 15962 Our_mission
## 15963 them
## 15964 their_quality
## 15965 life
## 15966 the_21st_century_weapons
## 15967 they
## 15968 any_enemy
## 15969 I
## 15970 Congress
## 15971 me
## 15972 an_ambitious_agenda
## 15973 the_serious_threat
## 15974 weapons
## 15975 mass_destruction
## 15976 it
## 15977 President_Eisenhower
## 15978 a_comprehensive_nuclear_test_ban
## 15979 reach
## 15980 nuclear_testing
## 15981 we
## 15982 the_development
## 15983 new_and_more_dangerous_weapons
## 15984 it
## 15985 non-nuclear_states
## 15986 them
## 15987 I
## 15988 four_former_Chairmen
## 15989 the_Joint_Chiefs
## 15990 Staff-;Generals_John_Shalikashvili
## 15991 Colin_Powell
## 15992 David_Jones
## 15993 Admiral_William
## 15994 this_treaty
## 15995 I
## 15996 the_Senate
## 15997 it
## 15998 we
## 15999 the_new_hazards
## 16000 chemical_and_biological_weapons
## 16001 the_outlaw_states
## 16002 terrorists
## 16003 organized_criminals
## 16004 them
## 16005 Saddam_Hussein
## 16006 the_better_part
## 16007 this_decade
## 16008 his_nation's_wealth
## 16009 the_Iraqi_people
## 16010 chemical
## 16011 biological_weapons
## 16012 the_missiles
## 16013 them
## 16014 The_United_Nations_weapons_inspectors
## 16015 a_truly_remarkable_job_finding
## 16016 Iraq's_arsenal
## 16017 the_entire_Gulf_war
## 16018 Saddam_Hussein
## 16019 them
## 16020 their_mission
## 16021 I
## 16022 I
## 16023 everyone
## 16024 this_chamber
## 16025 Republicans
## 16026 Democrats
## 16027 I
## 16028 Saddam_Hussein
## 16029 You
## 16030 the_will
## 16031 the_world
## 16032 I
## 16033 him
## 16034 You
## 16035 weapons
## 16036 mass_destruction
## 16037 We
## 16038 you
## 16039 the_capacity
## 16040 them
## 16041 the_Senate
## 16042 the_Chemical_Weapons_Convention
## 16043 our_soldiers
## 16044 citizens
## 16045 poison_gas
## 16046 we
## 16047 the_use
## 16048 disease
## 16049 a_weapon
## 16050 war
## 16051 terror
## 16052 The_Biological_Weapons_Convention
## 16053 effect
## 16054 23_years
## 16055 The_rules
## 16056 the_enforcement
## 16057 We
## 16058 it
## 16059 a_new_international_inspection_system
## 16060 cheating
## 16061 the_months
## 16062 I
## 16063 our_security_strategy
## 16064 old_allies
## 16065 Asia
## 16066 Europe
## 16067 new_partners
## 16068 Africa
## 16069 India
## 16070 Pakistan
## 16071 South_America
## 16072 China
## 16073 Belfast
## 16074 Korea
## 16075 the_Middle_East
## 16076 America
## 16077 those
## 16078 who
## 16079 peace
## 16080 it
## 16081 long_past_time
## 16082 our_debt
## 16083 the_United_Nations
## 16084 we
## 16085 other_nations
## 16086 common_goals
## 16087 we
## 16088 America
## 16089 we
## 16090 a_good_example
## 16091 we
## 16092 Bosnia
## 16093 allies
## 16094 who
## 16095 our_goals
## 16096 our_burdens
## 16097 this_new_era
## 16098 our_freedom
## 16099 independence
## 16100 our_increasing_interdependence
## 16101 other_nations
## 16102 we
## 16103 our_part
## 16104 Our_Founders
## 16105 America
## 16106 a_permanent_course
## 16107 a_more_perfect_Union
## 16108 all
## 16109 you
## 16110 I
## 16111 it
## 16112 a_journey
## 16113 we
## 16114 one_community
## 16115 we
## 16116 our_Government
## 16117 the_instrument
## 16118 our_national_community
## 16119 Everyone
## 16120 elections
## 16121 a_fundraising_arms_race
## 16122 March_6th
## 16123 the_Senate
## 16124 bipartisan_campaign_finance_reform
## 16125 Senators_McCain
## 16126 Feingold
## 16127 's
## 16128 A_vote
## 16129 McCain-Feingold
## 16130 a_vote
## 16131 soft_money
## 16132 the_status_quo
## 16133 I
## 16134 you
## 16135 our_democracy
## 16136 campaign_finance_reform
## 16137 we
## 16138 the_real_reason
## 16139 the_explosion
## 16140 campaign_costs
## 16141 media_advertising
## 16142 this_point
## 16143 audience_members
## 16144 \n\nThe_President
## 16145 the_folks
## 16146 home
## 16147 those
## 16148 the_groans
## 16149 pain
## 16150 the_audience
## 16151 I
## 16152 free_or_reduced-cost_television_time
## 16153 candidates
## 16154 who
## 16155 spending_limits
## 16156 The_airwaves
## 16157 a_public_trust
## 16158 broadcasters
## 16159 us
## 16160 this_effort
## 16161 our_democracy
## 16162 the_leadership
## 16163 Vice_President_Gore
## 16164 we
## 16165 the_Federal_payroll
## 16166 300,000_workers
## 16167 16,000_pages
## 16168 regulation
## 16169 hundreds
## 16170 programs
## 16171 the_operations
## 16172 virtually_every_Government_agency
## 16173 we
## 16174 every_taxpayer
## 16175 I
## 16176 the_reports
## 16177 abuses
## 16178 the_IRS
## 16179 We
## 16180 some_changes
## 16181 new_citizen_advocacy_panels
## 16182 a_stronger_taxpayer_advocate
## 16183 phone_lines
## 16184 innocent_taxpayers
## 16185 an_overwhelming_bipartisan_margin
## 16186 the_House
## 16187 Representatives
## 16188 sweeping_IRS_reforms
## 16189 This_bill
## 16190 the_Senate
## 16191 I
## 16192 the_Senate
## 16193 the_House
## 16194 the_bipartisan_package
## 16195 your_first_order
## 16196 business
## 16197 I
## 16198 goodness
## 16199 I
## 16200 I
## 16201 something
## 16202 the_Senate
## 16203 I
## 16204 trouble
## 16205 A_nation
## 16206 that
## 16207 a_community
## 16208 all_its_communities
## 16209 the_past_5_years
## 16210 we
## 16211 the_spark
## 16212 private_enterprise
## 16213 inner_city
## 16214 poor_rural_areas
## 16215 community_development_banks
## 16216 more_commercial_loans
## 16217 the_poor_neighborhoods
## 16218 cleanup
## 16219 polluted_sites
## 16220 development
## 16221 the_continued_leadership
## 16222 the_Vice_President
## 16223 we
## 16224 the_number
## 16225 empowerment_zones
## 16226 business_incentives
## 16227 those_areas
## 16228 We
## 16229 poor_families
## 16230 more_help
## 16231 homes
## 16232 we
## 16233 tax_cuts
## 16234 the_construction
## 16235 more_low-income_housing
## 16236 this_Congress
## 16237 strong_action
## 16238 the_District
## 16239 Columbia
## 16240 us
## 16241 our_resolve
## 16242 our_Capital_City
## 16243 all
## 16244 who
## 16245 Our_cities
## 16246 the_vibrant_hubs
## 16247 great_metropolitan_areas
## 16248 They
## 16249 the_gateways
## 16250 new_immigrants
## 16251 every_continent
## 16252 who
## 16253 their_own_American_dreams
## 16254 's
## 16255 our_cities
## 16256 the_21st_century
## 16257 they
## 16258 a_very_important_part
## 16259 our_future
## 16260 Our_communities
## 16261 the_air
## 16262 our_children
## 16263 they
## 16264 the_Earth
## 16265 they
## 16266 we
## 16267 place
## 16268 the_toughest-ever_controls
## 16269 smog
## 16270 soot
## 16271 We
## 16272 Yellowstone
## 16273 the_Everglades
## 16274 Lake_Tahoe
## 16275 We
## 16276 every_community's_right
## 16277 the_toxins
## 16278 that
## 16279 their_children
## 16280 our_food_safety_plan
## 16281 effect
## 16282 new_science
## 16283 consumers
## 16284 dangers
## 16285 E._coli
## 16286 salmonella
## 16287 I
## 16288 you
## 16289 me
## 16290 a_new_clean_water_initiative
## 16291 a_far-reaching_effort
## 16292 our_rivers
## 16293 our_lakes
## 16294 our_coastal_waters
## 16295 our_children
## 16296 Our_overriding_environmental_challenge
## 16297 the_worldwide_problem
## 16298 climate_change
## 16299 global_warming
## 16300 the_gathering_crisis
## 16301 that
## 16302 worldwide_action
## 16303 The_vast_majority
## 16304 scientists
## 16305 we
## 16306 the_emission
## 16307 greenhouse_gases
## 16308 some_point
## 16309 the_next_century
## 16310 we
## 16311 our_climate
## 16312 our_children
## 16313 grandchildren
## 16314 risk
## 16315 America
## 16316 the_world
## 16317 a_historic_agreement
## 16318 our_Nation
## 16319 greenhouse_gas_emissions
## 16320 market_forces
## 16321 new_technologies
## 16322 energy_efficiency
## 16323 We
## 16324 it
## 16325 our_power
## 16326 I
## 16327 tax_cuts
## 16328 research
## 16329 development
## 16330 innovation,_renewable_energy,_fuel-efficient_cars,_energy-efficient_homes
## 16331 we
## 16332 our_environment
## 16333 pessimists
## 16334 us
## 16335 it
## 16336 the_economy
## 16337 our_economy
## 16338 a_generation
## 16339 our_environment
## 16340 a_generation
## 16341 We
## 16342 a_way
## 16343 the_environment
## 16344 the_economy
## 16345 the_same_time
## 16346 it
## 16347 global_warming
## 16348 we
## 16349 it
## 16350 community
## 16351 the_defining_American_value
## 16352 the_ideal
## 16353 the_world
## 16354 we
## 16355 our_history
## 16356 we
## 16357 that_ideal
## 16358 we
## 16359 it
## 16360 it
## 16361 our_differences
## 16362 what
## 16363 we
## 16364 It
## 16365 it
## 16366 What
## 16367 we
## 16368 our_day
## 16369 generation
## 16370 America
## 16371 we
## 16372 We
## 16373 you
## 16374 we
## 16375 one_nation
## 16376 The_answer
## 16377 our_differences
## 16378 our_shared_values
## 16379 We
## 16380 all_cherish_family
## 16381 faith
## 16382 freedom
## 16383 responsibility
## 16384 We
## 16385 all
## 16386 our_children
## 16387 a_world
## 16388 their_talents
## 16389 their_opportunities
## 16390 I
## 16391 this_national_initiative
## 16392 race
## 16393 us
## 16394 our_common_interests
## 16395 the_opportunity_gaps
## 16396 that
## 16397 us
## 16398 one_America
## 16399 us
## 16400 what
## 16401 we
## 16402 Discrimination
## 16403 any_American
## 16404 We
## 16405 the_laws
## 16406 that
## 16407 it
## 16408 I
## 16409 your_help
## 16410 the_backlog
## 16411 the_Equal_Employment_Opportunity_Commission
## 16412 our_fellow_citizens
## 16413 line
## 16414 justice
## 16415 we
## 16416 their_wait
## 16417 We
## 16418 we
## 16419 America
## 16420 the_progress
## 16421 we
## 16422 all_Americans
## 16423 regard
## 16424 race
## 16425 we
## 16426 the_doors
## 16427 college
## 16428 all_Americans
## 16429 we
## 16430 all_our_streets
## 16431 crime
## 16432 jobs
## 16433 people
## 16434 all_our_neighborhoods
## 16435 we
## 16436 all_parents
## 16437 the_child_care
## 16438 they
## 16439 we
## 16440 one_nation
## 16441 We
## 16442 this_Chamber
## 16443 this_Government
## 16444 all
## 16445 we
## 16446 the_continuing_American_challenge
## 16447 one_America
## 16448 we
## 16449 all_our_fellow_citizens
## 16450 you
## 16451 home
## 16452 watching
## 16453 this_cause
## 16454 We
## 16455 the_forge
## 16456 common_enterprise
## 16457 Americans
## 16458 all_backgrounds
## 16459 a_common_identity
## 16460 We
## 16461 it
## 16462 the_United_States_military
## 16463 the_Peace_Corps
## 16464 AmeriCorps
## 16465 people
## 16466 all_races
## 16467 backgrounds
## 16468 a_shared_endeavor
## 16469 a_fair_chance
## 16470 we
## 16471 shared_values
## 16472 meaningful_opportunities
## 16473 honest_communication
## 16474 citizen_service
## 16475 we
## 16476 a_diverse_people
## 16477 freedom
## 16478 mutual_respect
## 16479 We
## 16480 we
## 16481 that_spirit
## 16482 us
## 16483 our_eyes
## 16484 the_new_millennium
## 16485 we
## 16486 that_passage
## 16487 It
## 16488 Hillary
## 16489 I
## 16490 the_White_House_Millennium_Program
## 16491 America's_creativity
## 16492 innovation
## 16493 our_heritage
## 16494 culture
## 16495 the_21st_century
## 16496 Our_culture
## 16497 every_community
## 16498 every_community
## 16499 places
## 16500 historic_value
## 16501 that
## 16502 our_stories
## 16503 Americans
## 16504 We
## 16505 them
## 16506 I
## 16507 a_public-private_partnership
## 16508 our_arts
## 16509 humanities
## 16510 the_millennium
## 16511 American's_treasures
## 16512 we
## 16513 the_past
## 16514 us
## 16515 the_future
## 16516 this
## 16517 The_entire_store
## 16518 human_knowledge
## 16519 every_5_years
## 16520 scientists
## 16521 the_gene
## 16522 cystic_fibrosis
## 16523 it
## 16524 9_years
## 16525 scientists
## 16526 the_gene
## 16527 that
## 16528 Parkinson's_disease
## 16529 only_9_days
## 16530 a_decade
## 16531 gene_chips
## 16532 a_roadmap
## 16533 prevention
## 16534 illnesses
## 16535 a_lifetime
## 16536 we
## 16537 all_the_phone_calls
## 16538 Mother's_Day
## 16539 a_single_strand
## 16540 fiber
## 16541 the_width
## 16542 a_human_hair
## 16543 A_child
## 16544 the_22d_century
## 16545 part
## 16546 our_gift
## 16547 the_millennium
## 16548 I
## 16549 a_21st_century_research_fund
## 16550 scientific_inquiry
## 16551 the_largest_funding_increase
## 16552 history
## 16553 the_National_Institutes
## 16554 Health
## 16555 the_National_Science_Foundation
## 16556 the_National_Cancer_Institute
## 16557 We
## 16558 genes
## 16559 breast_cancer
## 16560 diabetes
## 16561 I
## 16562 you
## 16563 this_initiative
## 16564 ours
## 16565 the_generation
## 16566 that
## 16567 the_war
## 16568 cancer
## 16569 a_revolution
## 16570 our_fight
## 16571 all_deadly_diseases
## 16572 all_this_scientific_progress
## 16573 we
## 16574 science
## 16575 humanity
## 16576 We
## 16577 the_misuse
## 16578 genetic_tests
## 16579 any_American
## 16580 we
## 16581 the_ethical_consensus
## 16582 the_scientific_and_religious_communities
## 16583 the_cloning
## 16584 human_beings
## 16585 We
## 16586 all_the_world's_people
## 16587 the_far_reaches
## 16588 cyberspace
## 16589 this
## 16590 I
## 16591 a_State
## 16592 the_Union_speech
## 16593 you
## 16594 only_a_handful
## 16595 physicists
## 16596 the_World_Wide_Web-;literally
## 16597 just_a_handful
## 16598 people
## 16599 schools
## 16600 libraries
## 16601 homes
## 16602 businesses
## 16603 millions
## 16604 millions
## 16605 Americans
## 16606 the_Net
## 16607 We
## 16608 parents
## 16609 the_tools
## 16610 they
## 16611 their_children
## 16612 inappropriate_material
## 16613 the_Internet
## 16614 we
## 16615 we
## 16616 the_exploding_global_commercial_potential
## 16617 the_Internet
## 16618 We
## 16619 the_kinds
## 16620 things
## 16621 that
## 16622 we
## 16623 our_kids
## 16624 one_thing
## 16625 I
## 16626 Congress
## 16627 support
## 16628 the_next_generation_Internet
## 16629 It
## 16630 you
## 16631 the_next_generation
## 16632 Internet
## 16633 speeds
## 16634 today
## 16635 we
## 16636 this_inner_space
## 16637 the_new_millennium
## 16638 we
## 16639 new_frontiers
## 16640 outer_space
## 16641 all_history
## 16642 humankind
## 16643 only_one_place
## 16644 home
## 16645 our_planet
## 16646 Earth
## 16647 men
## 16648 women
## 16649 16_countries
## 16650 a_foothold
## 16651 the_heavens
## 16652 the_international_space_station
## 16653 its_vast_expanses
## 16654 scientists
## 16655 engineers
## 16656 sail
## 16657 an_uncharted_sea
## 16658 limitless_mystery
## 16659 unlimited_potential
## 16660 a_true_American_hero
## 16661 a_veteran_pilot
## 16662 149_combat_missions
## 16663 one_5-hour_space_flight
## 16664 that
## 16665 the_world
## 16666 the_heavens
## 16667 Godspeed
## 16668 John_Glenn
## 16669 you
## 16670 you
## 16671 America's_hopes
## 16672 your_uniform
## 16673 you
## 16674 America's_flag
## 16675 the_unbroken_connection
## 16676 the_deeds
## 16677 America's_past
## 16678 the_daring
## 16679 America's_future
## 16680 its_broad_stripes
## 16681 bright_stars
## 16682 the_smoke
## 16683 a_fierce_battle
## 16684 Francis_Scott_Key
## 16685 a_few_words
## 16686 the_back
## 16687 an_envelope
## 16688 that
## 16689 our_national_anthem
## 16690 that_Star-Spangled_Banner
## 16691 the_Declaration
## 16692 Independence
## 16693 the_Constitution
## 16694 the_Bill
## 16695 Rights
## 16696 display
## 16697 just_a_short_walk
## 16698 They
## 16699 America's_treasures
## 16700 we
## 16701 them
## 16702 the_ages
## 16703 I
## 16704 all_Americans
## 16705 our_project
## 16706 all_our_treasures
## 16707 the_generations
## 16708 the_21st_century
## 16709 themselves
## 16710 the_images
## 16711 the_words
## 16712 that
## 16713 the_old_and_continuing_glory
## 16714 America
## 16715 an_America
## 16716 that
## 16717 every_age
## 16718 every_challenge
## 16719 a_people
## 16720 great_works
## 16721 greater_possibilities
## 16722 who
## 16723 the_wisdom
## 16724 strength
## 16725 one_nation
## 16726 the_circle
## 16727 opportunity
## 16728 the_meaning
## 16729 our_freedom
## 16730 that_more_perfect_Union
## 16731 that
## 16732 our_gift
## 16733 the_21st_century
## 16734 God
## 16735 you
## 16736 God
## 16737 the_United_States
## 16738 Mr._Vice_President
## 16739 Members
## 16740 Congress
## 16741 honored_guests
## 16742 my_fellow_Americans
## 16743 I
## 16744 the_honor
## 16745 you
## 16746 the_State
## 16747 the_Union
## 16748 me
## 16749 the_new_Speaker
## 16750 the_House
## 16751 him
## 16752 an_invitation
## 16753 two_guests
## 16754 the_gallery
## 16755 Mrs._Hastert
## 16756 Lyn_Gibson
## 16757 Wenling_Chestnut
## 16758 the_widows
## 16759 the_two_brave_Capitol_Hill_police_officers
## 16760 who
## 16761 their_lives
## 16762 freedom's_house
## 16763 Mr._Speaker
## 16764 your_swearing
## 16765 you
## 16766 us
## 16767 all
## 16768 a_spirit
## 16769 civility
## 16770 bipartisanship
## 16771 Mr._Speaker
## 16772 's
## 16773 exactly_that
## 16774 I
## 16775 you
## 16776 America
## 16777 the_longest_peacetime_economic_expansion
## 16778 our_history
## 16779 nearly_18_million_new_jobs
## 16780 wages
## 16781 more_than_twice_the_rate
## 16782 inflation
## 16783 history
## 16784 the_smallest_welfare_rolls
## 16785 30_years
## 16786 the_lowest_peacetime_unemployment
## 16787 the_first_time
## 16788 three_decades
## 16789 the_budget
## 16790 a_deficit
## 16791 we
## 16792 a_surplus
## 16793 we
## 16794 course
## 16795 budget_surpluses
## 16796 the_next_25_years
## 16797 the_pioneering_leadership
## 16798 all
## 16799 you
## 16800 we
## 16801 the_lowest_violent_crime_rate
## 16802 a_quarter_century
## 16803 the_cleanest_environment
## 16804 a_quarter_century
## 16805 America
## 16806 a_strong_force
## 16807 peace
## 16808 Northern_Ireland
## 16809 Bosnia
## 16810 the_Middle_East
## 16811 the_leadership
## 16812 Vice_President_Gore
## 16813 we
## 16814 a_Government
## 16815 the_information_age
## 16816 a_Government
## 16817 that
## 16818 a_progressive_instrument
## 16819 the_common_good-
## 16820 our_oldest_values
## 16821 opportunity
## 16822 responsibility
## 16823 community
## 16824 fiscal_responsibility
## 16825 our_people
## 16826 the_tools
## 16827 they
## 16828 their_own_lives
## 16829 century-;a_21st_century_Government
## 16830 21st_century
## 16831 I
## 16832 you
## 16833 the_state
## 16834 our_Union
## 16835 America
## 16836 The_promise
## 16837 our_future
## 16838 we
## 16839 that_promise
## 16840 we
## 16841 the_hum
## 16842 our_prosperity
## 16843 us
## 16844 complacency
## 16845 we
## 16846 a_nation
## 16847 the_21st_century
## 16848 what
## 16849 we
## 16850 a_nation
## 16851 our_budget_surplus_growing
## 16852 our_economy
## 16853 our_confidence
## 16854 the_moment
## 16855 this_generation
## 16856 our_historic_responsibility
## 16857 the_21st_century
## 16858 Our_fiscal_discipline
## 16859 us
## 16860 an_unsurpassed_opportunity
## 16861 a_remarkable_new_challenge
## 16862 the_aging
## 16863 America
## 16864 the_number
## 16865 elderly_Americans
## 16866 the_baby_boom
## 16867 a_senior_boom
## 16868 all
## 16869 we
## 16870 Social_Security
## 16871 the_21st_century
## 16872 this_century
## 16873 President_Roosevelt
## 16874 Social_Security
## 16875 thousands
## 16876 him
## 16877 what
## 16878 one_woman
## 16879 "the_stark_terror
## 16880 penniless,_helpless_old_age
## 16881 Social_Security
## 16882 poverty
## 16883 Social_Security
## 16884 payroll_taxes
## 16885 monthly_payments
## 16886 the_Trust_Fund
## 16887 Social_Security
## 16888 the_full_benefits
## 16889 older_Americans
## 16890 The_best_way
## 16891 Social_Security
## 16892 a_rocksolid_guarantee
## 16893 drastic_cuts
## 16894 benefits
## 16895 payroll_tax_rates
## 16896 resources
## 16897 Social_Security
## 16898 the_name
## 16899 it
## 16900 I
## 16901 we
## 16902 the_historic_decision
## 16903 the_surplus
## 16904 Social_Security
## 16905 I
## 16906 we
## 16907 60_percent
## 16908 the_budget_surplus
## 16909 the_next_15_years
## 16910 Social_Security
## 16911 a_small_portion
## 16912 the_private_sector
## 16913 any_private_or_State_Government_pension
## 16914 This
## 16915 a_higher_return
## 16916 Social_Security_sound
## 16917 55_years
## 16918 we
## 16919 We
## 16920 Social_Security
## 16921 a_sound_footing
## 16922 the_next_75_years
## 16923 We
## 16924 poverty
## 16925 elderly_women
## 16926 who
## 16927 our_other_seniors
## 16928 we
## 16929 the_limits
## 16930 what
## 16931 seniors
## 16932 Social_Security
## 16933 these_changes
## 16934 difficult_but_fully_achievable_choices
## 16935 the_dedication
## 16936 the_surplus
## 16937 They
## 16938 a_bipartisan_basis
## 16939 They
## 16940 me
## 16941 you
## 16942 I
## 16943 my_hand
## 16944 all
## 16945 you
## 16946 both_Houses
## 16947 both_parties
## 16948 we
## 16949 the_American_people
## 16950 We
## 16951 Social_Security
## 16952 we
## 16953 all
## 16954 the_surplus
## 16955 we
## 16956 what
## 16957 it
## 16958 Social_Security
## 16959 I
## 16960 we
## 16961 any
## 16962 it
## 16963 not_any
## 16964 it
## 16965 Social_Security
## 16966 First_things
## 16967 we
## 16968 Social_Security
## 16969 we
## 16970 our_obligation
## 16971 Medicare
## 16972 we
## 16973 the_life
## 16974 the_Medicare_Trust_Fund
## 16975 10_years
## 16976 we
## 16977 it
## 16978 at_least_another_decade
## 16979 I
## 16980 we
## 16981 the_surplus
## 16982 the_next_15_years
## 16983 the_soundness
## 16984 Medicare
## 16985 the_year
## 16986 we
## 16987 We
## 16988 a_bipartisan_way
## 16989 new_ideas
## 16990 the_upcoming_report
## 16991 the_bipartisan_Medicare_Commission
## 16992 we
## 16993 we
## 16994 Medicare
## 16995 the_next_two_decades
## 16996 the_greatest_growing_need
## 16997 seniors
## 16998 affordable_prescription_drugs
## 16999 we
## 17000 all_Americans
## 17001 their_first_day
## 17002 the_job
## 17003 wealth
## 17004 its_beginning
## 17005 Americans
## 17006 Social_Security
## 17007 private_pensions
## 17008 savings
## 17009 millions
## 17010 people
## 17011 Social_Security
## 17012 Americans
## 17013 addition
## 17014 Social_Security
## 17015 Medicare
## 17016 I
## 17017 a_new_pension_initiative
## 17018 retirement_security
## 17019 the_21st_century
## 17020 I
## 17021 we
## 17022 a_little_over_11_percent
## 17023 the_surplus
## 17024 universal_savings
## 17025 accounts-;to
## 17026 all_Americans
## 17027 the_means
## 17028 these_new_accounts
## 17029 Americans
## 17030 they
## 17031 funds
## 17032 a_portion
## 17033 their_savings
## 17034 extra_help
## 17035 those
## 17036 USA_accounts
## 17037 all_Americans
## 17038 our_Nation's_wealth
## 17039 a_more_secure_retirement
## 17040 I
## 17041 you
## 17042 them
## 17043 we
## 17044 long-term_care
## 17045 I
## 17046 a_tax_credit
## 17047 the_families
## 17048 who
## 17049 them
## 17050 Long-term_care
## 17051 a_bigger_and_bigger_challenge
## 17052 the_aging
## 17053 America
## 17054 we
## 17055 our_families
## 17056 it
## 17057 I
## 17058 the_baby_boom
## 17059 I
## 17060 you
## 17061 the_greatest_concerns
## 17062 our_generation
## 17063 our_absolute_determination
## 17064 our_growing_old_place
## 17065 our_children
## 17066 our_grandchildren
## 17067 Our_economic_success
## 17068 our_fiscal_discipline
## 17069 us
## 17070 an_opportunity
## 17071 that_burden
## 17072 their_shoulders
## 17073 we
## 17074 it
## 17075 Social_Security
## 17076 Medicare
## 17077 USA_accounts
## 17078 this
## 17079 the_right_way
## 17080 the_surplus
## 17081 we
## 17082 so-;if
## 17083 we
## 17084 resources
## 17085 critical_needs
## 17086 education
## 17087 defense
## 17088 I
## 17089 this_proposal
## 17090 this
## 17091 we
## 17092 60_percent
## 17093 the_surplus
## 17094 Social_Security
## 17095 16_percent
## 17096 Medicare
## 17097 the_next_15_years
## 17098 saving
## 17099 the_lowest_level
## 17100 publicly_held_debt
## 17101 World_War_I
## 17102 these_four_measures-;saving_Social_Security
## 17103 Medicare
## 17104 the_USA_accounts
## 17105 we
## 17106 our_generation's_historic_responsibility
## 17107 true_security
## 17108 21st_century_seniors
## 17109 more_children
## 17110 more_diverse_backgrounds
## 17111 our_public_schools
## 17112 any_time
## 17113 our_history
## 17114 Their_education
## 17115 the_knowledge
## 17116 the_creativity
## 17117 that
## 17118 our_entire_Nation
## 17119 the_new_economy
## 17120 we
## 17121 something
## 17122 we
## 17123 tax_credits
## 17124 more_affordable_student_loans
## 17125 more_work-study_grants
## 17126 more_Pell_grants
## 17127 education_IRA
## 17128 the_new_HOPE_scholarship_tax_cut
## 17129 more_than_5_million_Americans
## 17130 we
## 17131 the_doors
## 17132 college
## 17133 all_Americans
## 17134 our_support
## 17135 nearly_every_State
## 17136 higher_academic_standards
## 17137 public_schools
## 17138 a_voluntary_national_test
## 17139 the_progress
## 17140 our_students
## 17141 discounts
## 17142 we
## 17143 our_way
## 17144 our_goal
## 17145 every_classroom
## 17146 library
## 17147 the_Internet
## 17148 you
## 17149 our_proposal
## 17150 100,000_new_teachers
## 17151 class_size
## 17152 the_early_grades
## 17153 I
## 17154 you
## 17155 the_job
## 17156 You
## 17157 our_children
## 17158 SAT_scores
## 17159 math_scores
## 17160 nearly_all_grades
## 17161 a_problem
## 17162 our_fourth_graders
## 17163 their_peers
## 17164 other_countries
## 17165 math
## 17166 science
## 17167 our_eighth_graders
## 17168 our_twelfth_graders
## 17169 the_bottom
## 17170 We
## 17171 the_National_Government
## 17172 our_public_schools
## 17173 I
## 17174 we
## 17175 the_way
## 17176 we
## 17177 that_money
## 17178 what
## 17179 what
## 17180 I
## 17181 Congress
## 17182 a_plan
## 17183 that
## 17184 the_first_time
## 17185 States_and_school_districts
## 17186 progress
## 17187 them
## 17188 results
## 17189 My_"Education_Accountability_Act
## 17190 every_school_district
## 17191 Federal_help
## 17192 the_following_five_steps
## 17193 all_schools
## 17194 social_promotion
## 17195 No_child
## 17196 high_school
## 17197 a_diploma
## 17198 he
## 17199 she
## 17200 We
## 17201 our_children
## 17202 we
## 17203 them
## 17204 grade
## 17205 grade
## 17206 the_material
## 17207 we
## 17208 students
## 17209 the_system
## 17210 them
## 17211 my_balanced_budget
## 17212 the_funding
## 17213 summer_school
## 17214 school
## 17215 a_million_children
## 17216 you
## 17217 this
## 17218 Chicago
## 17219 which
## 17220 social_promotion
## 17221 summer_school_mandatory
## 17222 those
## 17223 who
## 17224 the_basics
## 17225 Math
## 17226 reading
## 17227 scores
## 17228 some
## 17229 the_biggest_gains
## 17230 some
## 17231 the_poorest_neighborhoods
## 17232 It
## 17233 we
## 17234 it
## 17235 all_States
## 17236 school_districts
## 17237 their_worst_performing_schools
## 17238 them
## 17239 That
## 17240 the_policy
## 17241 North_Carolina
## 17242 Governor_Jim_Hunt
## 17243 North_Carolina
## 17244 the_biggest_gains
## 17245 test_scores
## 17246 the_Nation
## 17247 Our_budget
## 17248 States
## 17249 their_own_failing_schools
## 17250 all_States
## 17251 school_districts
## 17252 the_quality
## 17253 their_teachers
## 17254 The_great_majority
## 17255 our_teachers
## 17256 a_fine_job
## 17257 too_many_schools
## 17258 teachers
## 17259 college_majors
## 17260 even_minors
## 17261 the_subjects
## 17262 they
## 17263 New_teachers
## 17264 performance_exams
## 17265 all_teachers
## 17266 the_subjects
## 17267 they
## 17268 This_year's_balanced_budget
## 17269 resources
## 17270 them
## 17271 higher_standards
## 17272 talented_young_teachers
## 17273 the_toughest_assignments
## 17274 I
## 17275 a_sixfold_increase
## 17276 our_program
## 17277 college_scholarships
## 17278 students
## 17279 who
## 17280 the_inner_cities
## 17281 Indian_communities
## 17282 us
## 17283 excellence
## 17284 every_part
## 17285 America
## 17286 we
## 17287 parents
## 17288 more_information
## 17289 more_choices
## 17290 too_many_communities
## 17291 it
## 17292 information
## 17293 the_quality
## 17294 the_local_restaurants
## 17295 the_quality
## 17296 the_local_schools
## 17297 Every_school_district
## 17298 report_cards
## 17299 every_school
## 17300 parents
## 17301 more_choices
## 17302 their_public_school
## 17303 I
## 17304 President
## 17305 just_one_independent_public_charter_school
## 17306 all_America
## 17307 our_support
## 17308 a_bipartisan_basis
## 17309 My_budget
## 17310 the_next_century
## 17311 our_classrooms
## 17312 places
## 17313 learning
## 17314 what
## 17315 teachers
## 17316 us
## 17317 years
## 17318 we
## 17319 all_States
## 17320 school_districts
## 17321 sensible_discipline_policies
## 17322 's
## 17323 one_more_thing
## 17324 our_children
## 17325 too_many_schools
## 17326 they
## 17327 so_over-crowded_students
## 17328 trailers
## 17329 Congress
## 17330 the_opportunity
## 17331 that
## 17332 53_million_children
## 17333 our_schools
## 17334 Congress
## 17335 that_opportunity
## 17336 I
## 17337 you
## 17338 our_communities
## 17339 5,000_schools
## 17340 we
## 17341 these_things-;end_social_promotion
## 17342 failing_schools
## 17343 modern_ones
## 17344 qualified_teachers
## 17345 innovation
## 17346 competition
## 17347 we
## 17348 our_generation's_historic_responsibility
## 17349 21st_century_schools
## 17350 we
## 17351 the_millions
## 17352 parents
## 17353 who
## 17354 their_all_every_day
## 17355 home
## 17356 work
## 17357 The_most_basic_tool
## 17358 all
## 17359 a_decent_income
## 17360 's
## 17361 the_minimum_wage
## 17362 a_dollar
## 17363 the_next_2_years
## 17364 's
## 17365 women
## 17366 men
## 17367 equal_pay
## 17368 equal_work
## 17369 enforcement
## 17370 equal_pay_laws
## 17371 That
## 17372 you
## 17373 [Laughter
## 17374 more_balance
## 17375 the_seesaw
## 17376 I
## 17377 that
## 17378 's
## 17379 them
## 17380 a_hand
## 17381 That
## 17382 Working_parents
## 17383 quality_child_care
## 17384 I
## 17385 Congress
## 17386 our_plan
## 17387 tax_credits
## 17388 subsidies
## 17389 working_families
## 17390 improved_safety
## 17391 quality
## 17392 school
## 17393 our_plan
## 17394 a_new_tax_credit
## 17395 stayat-home_parents
## 17396 They
## 17397 support
## 17398 Parents
## 17399 their_children
## 17400 their_work
## 17401 the_Family_and_Medical_Leave_Act
## 17402 the_very_first_bill
## 17403 I
## 17404 law
## 17405 millions
## 17406 millions
## 17407 Americans
## 17408 a_newborn_baby
## 17409 an_ailing_relative
## 17410 their_jobs
## 17411 I
## 17412 it
## 17413 time
## 17414 all_the_evidence
## 17415 it
## 17416 employers
## 17417 family
## 17418 10_million_more_Americans
## 17419 smaller_companies
## 17420 I
## 17421 you
## 17422 it
## 17423 the_matter
## 17424 work
## 17425 parents
## 17426 discrimination
## 17427 the_workplace
## 17428 I
## 17429 Congress
## 17430 companies
## 17431 workers
## 17432 they
## 17433 children
## 17434 That
## 17435 America's_families
## 17436 the_world's_best_medical_care
## 17437 bipartisan_Federal_support
## 17438 medical_research
## 17439 we
## 17440 the_verge
## 17441 new_treatments
## 17442 diseases
## 17443 Parkinson
## 17444 Alzheimer
## 17445 cancer
## 17446 we
## 17447 our_advances
## 17448 medical_science
## 17449 we
## 17450 our_medical_system
## 17451 Managed_care
## 17452 medicine
## 17453 America
## 17454 costs
## 17455 quality
## 17456 I
## 17457 we
## 17458 every_American
## 17459 You
## 17460 the_right
## 17461 all_your_medical_options
## 17462 you
## 17463 a_specialist
## 17464 you
## 17465 a_right
## 17466 You
## 17467 a_right
## 17468 the_nearest_emergency_care
## 17469 you
## 17470 an_accident
## 17471 These
## 17472 things
## 17473 that
## 17474 we
## 17475 I
## 17476 we
## 17477 You
## 17478 a_right
## 17479 your_doctor
## 17480 a_period
## 17481 treatment
## 17482 it
## 17483 a_pregnancy
## 17484 a_chemotherapy_treatment
## 17485 anything
## 17486 I
## 17487 this
## 17488 I
## 17489 these_rights
## 17490 the_85_million_Americans
## 17491 Medicare
## 17492 Medicaid
## 17493 other_Federal_health_programs
## 17494 Congress
## 17495 a_Patients'_Bill
## 17496 Rights
## 17497 all_Americans
## 17498 Congress
## 17499 that_opportunity
## 17500 we
## 17501 that_opportunity
## 17502 the_sake
## 17503 our_families
## 17504 I
## 17505 us
## 17506 party_lines
## 17507 a_strong,_enforceable_Patients'_Bill
## 17508 Rights
## 17509 our_medical_records
## 17510 all_our_privacy_increase
## 17511 Congress
## 17512 me
## 17513 the_authority
## 17514 it
## 17515 August
## 17516 we
## 17517 the_American_people
## 17518 We
## 17519 the_privacy
## 17520 medical_records
## 17521 we
## 17522 it
## 17523 the_Congress
## 17524 health_coverage
## 17525 up_to_5_million_children
## 17526 we
## 17527 that
## 17528 We
## 17529 it
## 17530 small_businesses
## 17531 health_insurance
## 17532 We
## 17533 people
## 17534 the_ages
## 17535 who
## 17536 their_health_insurance
## 17537 the_chance
## 17538 Medicare
## 17539 we
## 17540 access
## 17541 family_planning
## 17542 No_one
## 17543 health_care
## 17544 a_job
## 17545 I
## 17546 you
## 17547 hands
## 17548 the_landmark_bipartisan_legislation
## 17549 Senators_Kennedy
## 17550 Jeffords
## 17551 Roth
## 17552 Moynihan
## 17553 people
## 17554 disabilities
## 17555 their_health_insurance
## 17556 they
## 17557 work
## 17558 We
## 17559 our_public_hospitals
## 17560 our_community
## 17561 our_university_health_centers
## 17562 basic,_affordable_care
## 17563 all_the_millions
## 17564 working_families
## 17565 who
## 17566 any_insurance
## 17567 They
## 17568 a_lot
## 17569 that
## 17570 my_balanced_budget
## 17571 a_good_downpayment
## 17572 that_goal
## 17573 I
## 17574 you
## 17575 them
## 17576 that_provision
## 17577 me
## 17578 we
## 17579 our_efforts
## 17580 mental_illness
## 17581 No_American
## 17582 afraid-;ever-;to_address
## 17583 this_disease
## 17584 we
## 17585 a_White_House_Conference
## 17586 Mental_Health
## 17587 sensitivity
## 17588 commitment
## 17589 passion
## 17590 Tipper_Gore
## 17591 our_efforts
## 17592 I
## 17593 her
## 17594 what
## 17595 she
## 17596 you
## 17597 you
## 17598 everyone
## 17599 our_children
## 17600 targets
## 17601 a_massive_media_campaign
## 17602 them
## 17603 cigarettes
## 17604 I
## 17605 this_Congress
## 17606 the_tobacco_lobby
## 17607 the_FDA's_authority
## 17608 our_children
## 17609 tobacco
## 17610 tobacco_companies
## 17611 tobacco_farmers
## 17612 Smoking
## 17613 taxpayers
## 17614 hundreds
## 17615 billions
## 17616 dollars
## 17617 Medicare
## 17618 other_programs
## 17619 You
## 17620 the_States
## 17621 this
## 17622 Taxpayers
## 17623 the_cost
## 17624 lung_cancer
## 17625 emphysema
## 17626 other_smokingrelated_illnesses
## 17627 the_tobacco_companies
## 17628 I
## 17629 the_Justice_Department
## 17630 a_litigation_plan
## 17631 the_tobacco_companies
## 17632 court
## 17633 the_funds
## 17634 we
## 17635 Medicare
## 17636 we
## 17637 these_areas-;minimum_wage
## 17638 family
## 17639 the_safety
## 17640 our_children-;then
## 17641 we
## 17642 our_generation's_historic_responsibility
## 17643 our_families
## 17644 the_21st_century
## 17645 America
## 17646 the_most_dynamic,_competitive,_job-creating_economy
## 17647 history
## 17648 we
## 17649 a_21st_century_economy
## 17650 that
## 17651 all_Americans
## 17652 Today's_income_gap
## 17653 a_skills_gap
## 17654 the_Congress
## 17655 a_law_enabling_workers
## 17656 a_skills_grant
## 17657 the_training
## 17658 they
## 17659 I
## 17660 all
## 17661 you
## 17662 who
## 17663 part
## 17664 that
## 17665 I
## 17666 a_5-year_commitment
## 17667 the_new_system
## 17668 we
## 17669 the_next_5_years
## 17670 appropriate_training_opportunities
## 17671 all_Americans
## 17672 who
## 17673 their_jobs
## 17674 rapid_response_teams
## 17675 all_towns
## 17676 which
## 17677 businesses
## 17678 I
## 17679 you
## 17680 this
## 17681 I
## 17682 your_support
## 17683 a_dramatic_increase
## 17684 Federal_support
## 17685 adult_literacy
## 17686 a_national_campaign
## 17687 the_millions
## 17688 millions
## 17689 working_people
## 17690 who
## 17691 a_fifth_grade_level
## 17692 We
## 17693 this
## 17694 some_good_news
## 17695 the_past_6_years
## 17696 we
## 17697 the_welfare_rolls
## 17698 half
## 17699 You
## 17700 that
## 17701 this_podium
## 17702 I
## 17703 five_companies
## 17704 a_national_effort
## 17705 people
## 17706 welfare
## 17707 our_Welfare
## 17708 Work_Partnership
## 17709 10,000_companies
## 17710 who
## 17711 hundreds_of_thousands
## 17712 people
## 17713 our_balanced_budget
## 17714 another_200,000_people
## 17715 the_dignity
## 17716 pride
## 17717 work
## 17718 I
## 17719 you
## 17720 it
## 17721 We
## 17722 the_spark
## 17723 private_enterprise
## 17724 every_corner
## 17725 America
## 17726 a_bridge
## 17727 Wall_Street
## 17728 Appalachia
## 17729 the_Mississippi_Delta
## 17730 our_Native_American_communities
## 17731 more_support
## 17732 community_development_banks
## 17733 empowerment_zones
## 17734 100,000_more_vouchers
## 17735 affordable_housing
## 17736 I
## 17737 Congress
## 17738 our_bold_new_plan
## 17739 businesses
## 17740 private_sector_capital
## 17741 jobs
## 17742 opportunities
## 17743 our_inner_cities
## 17744 rural_areas
## 17745 tax_credits
## 17746 loan_guarantees
## 17747 the_new_"American_Private_Investment_Company
## 17748 the_Overseas_Private_Investment_Company
## 17749 years
## 17750 years
## 17751 years
## 17752 we
## 17753 this_OPIC
## 17754 this_Overseas_Private_Investment_Corporation
## 17755 we
## 17756 we
## 17757 untapped_markets
## 17758 our_greatest_untapped_markets
## 17759 they
## 17760 home
## 17761 we
## 17762 them
## 17763 We
## 17764 prosperity
## 17765 the_family_farm
## 17766 this_Congress
## 17767 prices
## 17768 the_loss
## 17769 foreign_markets
## 17770 too_many_family_farms
## 17771 the_Congress
## 17772 substantial_assistance
## 17773 a_disaster
## 17774 American_agriculture
## 17775 I
## 17776 lawmakers
## 17777 both_parties
## 17778 a_farm_safety_net
## 17779 that
## 17780 crop_insurance_reform
## 17781 farm_income_assistance
## 17782 I
## 17783 you
## 17784 me
## 17785 this
## 17786 This
## 17787 a_political_issue
## 17788 Everyone
## 17789 what
## 17790 an_economic_problem
## 17791 rural_America
## 17792 we
## 17793 an_appropriate_means
## 17794 it
## 17795 We
## 17796 our_lead
## 17797 technology
## 17798 It
## 17799 Government_investment
## 17800 that
## 17801 the_creation
## 17802 the_Internet
## 17803 I
## 17804 a_28-percent_increase
## 17805 long-term_computing_research
## 17806 We
## 17807 the_21st_century
## 17808 its_very_first_moment
## 17809 the_so-called_Y2K_computer_problem
## 17810 We
## 17811 one_Member
## 17812 Congress
## 17813 we
## 17814 that_ratio
## 17815 home
## 17816 front
## 17817 their_television_sets
## 17818 this
## 17819 a_big,_big_problem
## 17820 we
## 17821 it
## 17822 we
## 17823 the_Social_Security_checks
## 17824 time
## 17825 I
## 17826 all_the_folks
## 17827 home
## 17828 this
## 17829 we
## 17830 every_State_and_local_government
## 17831 every_business
## 17832 us
## 17833 this_Y2K_computer_bug
## 17834 the_last_headache
## 17835 the_20th_century
## 17836 the_first_crisis
## 17837 the_21st
## 17838 our_own_prosperity
## 17839 we
## 17840 economic_growth
## 17841 You
## 17842 a_third
## 17843 our_economic_growth
## 17844 exports
## 17845 the_past_year
## 17846 financial_turmoil
## 17847 that_growth
## 17848 risk
## 17849 the_world
## 17850 recession
## 17851 Asia
## 17852 This
## 17853 the_most_serious_financial_crisis
## 17854 half_a_century
## 17855 it
## 17856 the_United_States
## 17857 other_nations
## 17858 interest_rates
## 17859 the_International_Monetary_Fund
## 17860 the_turmoil
## 17861 we
## 17862 other_nations
## 17863 it
## 17864 the_same_time
## 17865 we
## 17866 the_long-term_project
## 17867 a_global_financial_system
## 17868 the_21st_century
## 17869 that
## 17870 prosperity
## 17871 the_cycle
## 17872 boom
## 17873 bust
## 17874 that
## 17875 Asia
## 17876 I
## 17877 other_world_leaders
## 17878 this_historic_purpose
## 17879 I
## 17880 all
## 17881 you
## 17882 our_endeavors
## 17883 I
## 17884 you
## 17885 a_freer_and_fairer_trading_system
## 17886 21st_century
## 17887 I
## 17888 something
## 17889 everyone
## 17890 this_Chamber
## 17891 both_parties
## 17892 I
## 17893 trade
## 17894 us
## 17895 this_Chamber
## 17896 we
## 17897 a_common_ground
## 17898 which
## 17899 business
## 17900 workers
## 17901 environmentalists
## 17902 farmers
## 17903 Government
## 17904 I
## 17905 these
## 17906 the_things
## 17907 we
## 17908 me
## 17909 we
## 17910 barriers
## 17911 open_markets
## 17912 trade
## 17913 the_same_time
## 17914 we
## 17915 ordinary_citizens
## 17916 all_countries
## 17917 trade
## 17918 a_trade
## 17919 that
## 17920 the_dignity
## 17921 work
## 17922 the_rights
## 17923 workers
## 17924 the_environment
## 17925 We
## 17926 international_trade_organizations
## 17927 public_scrutiny
## 17928 mysterious,_secret_things
## 17929 wild_criticism
## 17930 you
## 17931 it
## 17932 the_world_economy
## 17933 we
## 17934 the_world
## 17935 what
## 17936 we
## 17937 the_better_part
## 17938 this_century
## 17939 home
## 17940 We
## 17941 a_human_face
## 17942 the_global_economy
## 17943 We
## 17944 our_trade_laws
## 17945 imports
## 17946 our_Nation
## 17947 I
## 17948 the_Government
## 17949 Japan
## 17950 that_nation's_sudden_surge
## 17951 steel_imports
## 17952 our_country
## 17953 America
## 17954 We
## 17955 all_manufacturers
## 17956 the_present_crisis
## 17957 loan_guarantees
## 17958 other_incentives
## 17959 American_exports
## 17960 I
## 17961 we
## 17962 a_new_consensus
## 17963 trade
## 17964 these_principles
## 17965 I
## 17966 the_Congress
## 17967 me
## 17968 this_common_approach
## 17969 the_President
## 17970 the_trade_authority
## 17971 our_prosperity
## 17972 the_21st_century
## 17973 I
## 17974 a_call
## 17975 the_nations
## 17976 the_world
## 17977 the_United_States
## 17978 a_new_round
## 17979 global_trade_negotiations
## 17980 exports
## 17981 services
## 17982 manufactures
## 17983 farm_products
## 17984 I
## 17985 we
## 17986 the_International_Labor_Organization
## 17987 a_new_initiative
## 17988 labor_standards
## 17989 the_world
## 17990 we
## 17991 the_international_community
## 17992 a_treaty
## 17993 abusive_child_labor
## 17994 the_world
## 17995 we
## 17996 our_people
## 17997 our_technology
## 17998 we
## 17999 our_historic_responsibility
## 18000 a_21st_century_prosperity
## 18001 America
## 18002 You
## 18003 no_nation
## 18004 history
## 18005 the_opportunity
## 18006 the_responsibility
## 18007 we
## 18008 a_world
## 18009 that
## 18010 All_Americans
## 18011 our_leadership
## 18012 peace
## 18013 Northern_Ireland
## 18014 All_Americans
## 18015 our_leadership
## 18016 Bosnia
## 18017 the_path
## 18018 peace
## 18019 our_NATO_allies
## 18020 we
## 18021 the_Serbian_Government
## 18022 its_brutal_repression
## 18023 Kosovo
## 18024 those
## 18025 justice
## 18026 the_people
## 18027 Kosovo
## 18028 the_self-government
## 18029 they
## 18030 All_Americans
## 18031 our_leadership
## 18032 hope
## 18033 lasting_peace
## 18034 the_Middle_East
## 18035 Some
## 18036 you
## 18037 me
## 18038 we
## 18039 the_Palestinian_National_Council
## 18040 its_call
## 18041 the_destruction
## 18042 Israel
## 18043 I
## 18044 Congress
## 18045 resources
## 18046 all_parties
## 18047 the_Wye_agreement
## 18048 Israel's_security
## 18049 the_Palestinian_economy
## 18050 our_friends
## 18051 Jordan
## 18052 We
## 18053 them
## 18054 I
## 18055 you
## 18056 we
## 18057 peace
## 18058 we
## 18059 threats
## 18060 our_Nation's_security
## 18061 increased_dangers
## 18062 outlaw_nations
## 18063 terrorism
## 18064 We
## 18065 our_security
## 18066 we
## 18067 we
## 18068 this_summer
## 18069 we
## 18070 Usama_bin_Ladin's_network
## 18071 terror
## 18072 The_bombing
## 18073 our_Embassies
## 18074 Kenya
## 18075 Tanzania
## 18076 us
## 18077 the_risks
## 18078 those
## 18079 who
## 18080 America
## 18081 the_world
## 18082 's
## 18083 them
## 18084 the_support
## 18085 they
## 18086 the_safest_possible_workplaces
## 18087 the_resources
## 18088 they
## 18089 America
## 18090 We
## 18091 terrorists
## 18092 computer_networks
## 18093 We
## 18094 local_communities
## 18095 biological_and_chemical_emergencies
## 18096 research
## 18097 vaccines
## 18098 treatments
## 18099 We
## 18100 our_efforts
## 18101 the_spread
## 18102 nuclear_weapons
## 18103 missiles
## 18104 Korea
## 18105 India
## 18106 Pakistan
## 18107 We
## 18108 our_work
## 18109 Russia
## 18110 Ukraine
## 18111 other_former_Soviet_nations
## 18112 nuclear_materials
## 18113 technology
## 18114 they
## 18115 the_wrong_hands
## 18116 Our_balanced_budget
## 18117 funding
## 18118 these_critical_efforts
## 18119 almost_two-thirds
## 18120 the_next_5_years
## 18121 Russia
## 18122 we
## 18123 our_nuclear_arsenals
## 18124 The_START_II_treaty
## 18125 the_framework
## 18126 we
## 18127 START_III
## 18128 them
## 18129 80_percent
## 18130 their_cold_war_height
## 18131 It
## 18132 2_years
## 18133 I
## 18134 the_Comprehensive_Test_Ban_Treaty
## 18135 we
## 18136 the_right_thing
## 18137 other_nations
## 18138 I
## 18139 the_Senate
## 18140 this_vital_step
## 18141 the_treaty
## 18142 it
## 18143 other_nations
## 18144 nuclear_arms
## 18145 we
## 18146 nuclear_testing
## 18147 nearly_a_decade
## 18148 Iraq
## 18149 its_obligations
## 18150 its_weapons
## 18151 terror
## 18152 the_missiles
## 18153 them
## 18154 America
## 18155 Saddam
## 18156 we
## 18157 the_day
## 18158 Iraq
## 18159 a_Government
## 18160 its_people
## 18161 our_action
## 18162 Iraq
## 18163 our_troops
## 18164 Their_mission
## 18165 we
## 18166 the_bravery
## 18167 the_skill
## 18168 it
## 18169 Captain_Jeff_Taliaferro
## 18170 a_10-year_veteran
## 18171 the_Air_Force
## 18172 a_B-1B_bomber
## 18173 Iraq
## 18174 we
## 18175 Saddam's_war_machine
## 18176 He
## 18177 us
## 18178 I
## 18179 you
## 18180 him
## 18181 all_the_33,000_men
## 18182 women
## 18183 Operation_Desert_Fox
## 18184 Captain_Taliaferro
## 18185 It
## 18186 time
## 18187 the_decline
## 18188 defense_spending
## 18189 that
## 18190 April
## 18191 we
## 18192 our_military_readiness
## 18193 My_balanced_budget
## 18194 a_sustained_increase
## 18195 the_next_6_years
## 18196 readiness
## 18197 modernization
## 18198 pay
## 18199 benefits
## 18200 our_troops
## 18201 their_families
## 18202 We
## 18203 the_heirs
## 18204 a_legacy
## 18205 bravery
## 18206 every_community
## 18207 America
## 18208 millions
## 18209 our_veterans
## 18210 America's_defenders
## 18211 a_moment's_notice
## 18212 comforts
## 18213 what
## 18214 no_one
## 18215 They
## 18216 America
## 18217 We
## 18218 them
## 18219 The_new_century
## 18220 new_partnerships
## 18221 peace
## 18222 security
## 18223 The_United_Nations
## 18224 a_crucial_role
## 18225 allies
## 18226 burdens
## 18227 America
## 18228 America
## 18229 a_strong_and_effective_U.N.
## 18230 I
## 18231 this_new_Congress
## 18232 our_dues
## 18233 our_debts
## 18234 We
## 18235 security
## 18236 stability
## 18237 Europe
## 18238 Asia
## 18239 NATO
## 18240 its_new_missions
## 18241 our_alliance
## 18242 Japan
## 18243 Korea
## 18244 our_other_Asian_allies
## 18245 China
## 18246 China
## 18247 I
## 18248 the_leaders
## 18249 the_people
## 18250 what
## 18251 I
## 18252 Stability
## 18253 the_expense
## 18254 liberty
## 18255 I
## 18256 the_American_people
## 18257 It
## 18258 China
## 18259 we
## 18260 China
## 18261 the_world
## 18262 the_world
## 18263 change
## 18264 freedom
## 18265 China
## 18266 some
## 18267 you
## 18268 I
## 18269 Africa
## 18270 I
## 18271 democracy
## 18272 reform
## 18273 violence
## 18274 disease
## 18275 We
## 18276 African_democracy
## 18277 peace
## 18278 Radio_Democracy
## 18279 Africa
## 18280 the_transition
## 18281 democracy
## 18282 place
## 18283 Nigeria
## 18284 the_"African_Trade_and_Development_Act
## 18285 We
## 18286 our_ties
## 18287 the_Americas
## 18288 the_Caribbean
## 18289 our_common_work
## 18290 children
## 18291 drugs
## 18292 democracy
## 18293 trade
## 18294 this_hemisphere
## 18295 every_government
## 18296 its_people
## 18297 We
## 18298 Cuba
## 18299 the_blessings
## 18300 liberty
## 18301 The_American_people
## 18302 their_hearts
## 18303 their_arms
## 18304 our_Central_American_and_Caribbean_neighbors
## 18305 who
## 18306 the_recent_hurricanes
## 18307 Congress
## 18308 I
## 18309 them
## 18310 the_First_Lady
## 18311 Tipper_Gore
## 18312 the_region
## 18313 they
## 18314 thousands
## 18315 our_troops
## 18316 thousands
## 18317 American_volunteers
## 18318 the_Dominican_Republic
## 18319 Hillary
## 18320 a_hospital
## 18321 that
## 18322 Dominicans
## 18323 Americans
## 18324 side
## 18325 her
## 18326 someone
## 18327 who
## 18328 the_relief_efforts
## 18329 You
## 18330 sports_records
## 18331 they
## 18332 other_people's_lives
## 18333 our_children
## 18334 the_true_meaning
## 18335 brotherhood
## 18336 that
## 18337 baseball
## 18338 you
## 18339 a_hero
## 18340 two_countries
## 18341 you
## 18342 I
## 18343 all
## 18344 you
## 18345 we
## 18346 these_things-
## 18347 we
## 18348 peace
## 18349 terrorism
## 18350 our_strength
## 18351 our_alliances-;we
## 18352 our_generation's_historic_responsibility
## 18353 a_stronger_21st_century
## 18354 America
## 18355 a_freer,_more_peaceful_world
## 18356 the_world
## 18357 our_own_communities
## 18358 We
## 18359 them
## 18360 we
## 18361 our_goal
## 18362 100,000_community_police_officers
## 18363 schedule
## 18364 budget
## 18365 The_Brady_bill
## 18366 a_quarter_million_felons
## 18367 fugitives
## 18368 stalkers
## 18369 handguns
## 18370 the_murder_rate
## 18371 30_years
## 18372 the_crime_rate
## 18373 6_straight_years
## 18374 I
## 18375 a_21st_century_crime_bill
## 18376 the_latest_technologies
## 18377 tactics
## 18378 our_communities
## 18379 Our_balanced_budget
## 18380 to_50,000_more_police
## 18381 the_street
## 18382 the_areas
## 18383 crime
## 18384 them
## 18385 new_tools
## 18386 crime-mapping_computers
## 18387 digital_mug_shots
## 18388 We
## 18389 the_deadly_cycle
## 18390 drugs
## 18391 crime
## 18392 Our_budget
## 18393 support
## 18394 drug_testing
## 18395 treatment
## 18396 prisoners
## 18397 you
## 18398 drugs
## 18399 you
## 18400 bars
## 18401 those
## 18402 parole
## 18403 you
## 18404 your_freedom
## 18405 you
## 18406 drugs
## 18407 I
## 18408 Congress
## 18409 the_5-day_waiting_period
## 18410 a_handgun
## 18411 the_Brady_bill
## 18412 juveniles
## 18413 who
## 18414 violent_crimes
## 18415 a_gun
## 18416 We
## 18417 our_schools
## 18418 the_safest_places
## 18419 our_communities
## 18420 every_American
## 18421 the_tragic_killings
## 18422 Jonesboro
## 18423 Paducah
## 18424 Pearl
## 18425 Edinboro
## 18426 Springfield
## 18427 We
## 18428 the_courageous_parents
## 18429 guns
## 18430 the_hands
## 18431 children
## 18432 other_efforts
## 18433 other_parents
## 18434 their_loss
## 18435 she
## 18436 her_daughter
## 18437 Suzann_Wilson
## 18438 Jonesboro
## 18439 Arkansas
## 18440 the_White_House
## 18441 a_powerful_plea
## 18442 She
## 18443 the_sake
## 18444 your_children
## 18445 your_guns
## 18446 what
## 18447 Jonesboro
## 18448 your_town
## 18449 It
## 18450 a_message
## 18451 she
## 18452 Suzann
## 18453 us
## 18454 the_First_Lady
## 18455 I
## 18456 her
## 18457 her_courage
## 18458 her_commitment
## 18459 you
## 18460 memory
## 18461 all_the_children
## 18462 who
## 18463 their_lives
## 18464 school_violence
## 18465 I
## 18466 you
## 18467 the_Safe_and_Drug-Free_School_Act
## 18468 legislation
## 18469 child_trigger_locks
## 18470 everything
## 18471 our_children
## 18472 President_Theodore_Roosevelt
## 18473 our_"great,_central_task
## 18474 this_land
## 18475 even_a_better_land
## 18476 our_descendants
## 18477 it
## 18478 us
## 18479 we
## 18480 the_Florida_Everglades
## 18481 Yellowstone
## 18482 the_red_rock_canyons
## 18483 Utah
## 18484 California's_redwoods
## 18485 our_precious_coasts
## 18486 our_most_fateful_new_challenge
## 18487 the_threat
## 18488 global_warming
## 18489 the_warmest_year
## 18490 Last_year's_heat_waves
## 18491 floods
## 18492 storms
## 18493 a_hint
## 18494 what
## 18495 future_generations
## 18496 we
## 18497 I
## 18498 a_new_clean_air_fund
## 18499 communities
## 18500 greenhouse
## 18501 other_pollution
## 18502 tax_incentives
## 18503 investments
## 18504 clean_energy_technology
## 18505 I
## 18506 Members
## 18507 Congress
## 18508 both_parties
## 18509 companies
## 18510 that
## 18511 early,_voluntary_action
## 18512 greenhouse_gases
## 18513 All_our_communities
## 18514 a_preservation_challenge
## 18515 they
## 18516 Seven_thousand_acres
## 18517 farmland
## 18518 open_space
## 18519 response
## 18520 I
## 18521 two_major_initiatives
## 18522 communities
## 18523 open_space
## 18524 traffic_congestion
## 18525 ways
## 18526 that
## 18527 every_citizen's_quality
## 18528 life
## 18529 a_$1-billion_lands_legacy_initiative
## 18530 places
## 18531 natural_beauty
## 18532 America
## 18533 the_most_remote_wilderness
## 18534 the_nearest_city_park
## 18535 These
## 18536 landmark_initiatives
## 18537 which
## 18538 the_visionary_leadership
## 18539 the_Vice_President
## 18540 I
## 18541 him
## 18542 his_commitment
## 18543 your_community
## 18544 you
## 18545 something
## 18546 That
## 18547 we
## 18548 AmeriCorps
## 18549 our_national_service_program
## 18550 that
## 18551 today's_generation
## 18552 a_chance
## 18553 their_communities
## 18554 money
## 18555 college
## 18556 just_4_years
## 18557 100,000_young_Americans
## 18558 low-income_homes
## 18559 Habitat
## 18560 Humanity
## 18561 children
## 18562 churches
## 18563 FEMA
## 18564 the_burden
## 18565 natural_disasters
## 18566 countless_other_acts
## 18567 service
## 18568 that
## 18569 America
## 18570 I
## 18571 Congress
## 18572 more_young_Americans
## 18573 the_chance
## 18574 their_lead
## 18575 America
## 18576 AmeriCorps
## 18577 we
## 18578 our_national_community
## 18579 the_21st_century
## 18580 the_House
## 18581 the_bipartisan_campaign_finance_reform_legislation
## 18582 Representatives_Shays
## 18583 Meehan_and_Senators_McCain
## 18584 Feingold
## 18585 a_partisan_minority
## 18586 the_Senate
## 18587 reform
## 18588 I
## 18589 the_House
## 18590 it
## 18591 I
## 18592 the_Senate
## 18593 I
## 18594 you
## 18595 a_stronger_American_democracy
## 18596 the_year
## 18597 our_initiative
## 18598 race
## 18599 the_divides
## 18600 our_people
## 18601 its_report
## 18602 the_initiative's_advisory_board
## 18603 Americans
## 18604 our_people
## 18605 racial_lines
## 18606 We
## 18607 it
## 18608 a_long_journey
## 18609 some
## 18610 it
## 18611 the_beginning
## 18612 our_Republic
## 18613 others
## 18614 the_Civil_War
## 18615 others
## 18616 the_20th_century
## 18617 us
## 18618 a_very_real_sense
## 18619 this_journey
## 18620 a_woman
## 18621 Rosa_Parks
## 18622 a_bus
## 18623 Alabama
## 18624 She
## 18625 the_First_Lady
## 18626 she
## 18627 she
## 18628 We
## 18629 her
## 18630 you
## 18631 We
## 18632 our_continuing_racial_problems
## 18633 the_Presidential_initiative
## 18634 opportunity_gaps
## 18635 The_initiative
## 18636 I
## 18637 them
## 18638 we
## 18639 the_discrimination_gap
## 18640 Discrimination
## 18641 violence
## 18642 race
## 18643 religion
## 18644 ancestry
## 18645 gender
## 18646 disability
## 18647 sexual_orientation
## 18648 it
## 18649 I
## 18650 Congress
## 18651 the_"Employment_Non-Discrimination_Act
## 18652 the_"Hate_Crimes_Prevention_Act
## 18653 the_law
## 18654 the_land
## 18655 every_person
## 18656 America
## 18657 every_American
## 18658 We
## 18659 a_census
## 18660 that
## 18661 modern_scientific_methods
## 18662 that
## 18663 Our_new_immigrants
## 18664 part
## 18665 our_One_America
## 18666 they
## 18667 our_cities
## 18668 they
## 18669 our_culture
## 18670 they
## 18671 our_economy
## 18672 We
## 18673 a_responsibility
## 18674 them
## 18675 they
## 18676 a_responsibility
## 18677 the_mainstream
## 18678 American_life
## 18679 That
## 18680 English
## 18681 our_democratic_system
## 18682 government
## 18683 long_waiting_lines
## 18684 immigrants
## 18685 that
## 18686 just_that
## 18687 our_budget
## 18688 our_efforts
## 18689 them
## 18690 their_responsibility
## 18691 I
## 18692 you
## 18693 it
## 18694 our_ancestors
## 18695 the_Mayflower
## 18696 slave_ships
## 18697 they
## 18698 Ellis_Island
## 18699 LAX
## 18700 Los_Angeles
## 18701 they
## 18702 this_land
## 18703 our_great_challenge
## 18704 the_21st_century
## 18705 a_way
## 18706 one_America
## 18707 We
## 18708 all_the_other_challenges
## 18709 we
## 18710 one_America
## 18711 You
## 18712 we
## 18713 that_bridge
## 18714 the_new_millennium
## 18715 This
## 18716 a_moment
## 18717 the_First_Lady
## 18718 the_past
## 18719 the_future
## 18720 I
## 18721 just_a_minute
## 18722 her
## 18723 our_Millennium_Project
## 18724 all
## 18725 she
## 18726 our_children
## 18727 all
## 18728 she
## 18729 her_historic_role
## 18730 our_Nation
## 18731 our_best_ideals
## 18732 home
## 18733 I
## 18734 her
## 18735 I
## 18736 Congress
## 18737 every_citizen
## 18738 the_millennium
## 18739 America's_treasures
## 18740 Hillary
## 18741 the_country
## 18742 recognition
## 18743 support
## 18744 places
## 18745 Thomas_Edison's_invention_factory
## 18746 Harriet_Tubman's_home
## 18747 we
## 18748 our_treasures
## 18749 every_community
## 18750 I
## 18751 I
## 18752 every_town
## 18753 every_city
## 18754 every_community
## 18755 a_nationally_recognized_"millennium_community
## 18756 projects
## 18757 that
## 18758 our_history
## 18759 our_arts
## 18760 humanities
## 18761 our_children
## 18762 the_21st_century
## 18763 the_response
## 18764 I
## 18765 a_special_word
## 18766 thanks
## 18767 our_private_sector_partners
## 18768 Members
## 18769 Congress
## 18770 both_parties
## 18771 their_support
## 18772 Just_one_example
## 18773 you
## 18774 the_Star-Spangled_Banner
## 18775 the_ages
## 18776 ways
## 18777 we
## 18778 the_millennium
## 18779 we
## 18780 what
## 18781 George_Washington
## 18782 "the_sacred_fire
## 18783 liberty
## 18784 I
## 18785 office
## 18786 a_time
## 18787 doubt
## 18788 America
## 18789 our_economy
## 18790 our_deficit
## 18791 our_people
## 18792 Some
## 18793 our_best_days
## 18794 us
## 18795 this_country
## 18796 a_thousand_neighborhoods
## 18797 I
## 18798 the_pain
## 18799 uncertainty
## 18800 recession
## 18801 the_real_heart
## 18802 character
## 18803 America
## 18804 I
## 18805 we
## 18806 Americans
## 18807 this_country
## 18808 I
## 18809 the_last_State
## 18810 the_Union_Address
## 18811 the_20th_century
## 18812 no_one
## 18813 the_world
## 18814 the_enduring_resolve
## 18815 boundless_capacity
## 18816 the_American_people
## 18817 that_"more_perfect_Union
## 18818 our_Founders'_dream
## 18819 We
## 18820 the_end
## 18821 a_century
## 18822 generation
## 18823 generation
## 18824 Americans
## 18825 the_call
## 18826 greatness
## 18827 depression
## 18828 barriers
## 18829 racial_prejudice
## 18830 the_largest_middle_class
## 18831 history
## 18832 two_World_Wars
## 18833 the_long_twilight_struggle
## 18834 the_cold_war
## 18835 We
## 18836 the_magnificent_achievement
## 18837 our_forebears
## 18838 this_century
## 18839 the_daily_press
## 18840 events
## 18841 the_clash
## 18842 controversy
## 18843 we
## 18844 our_own_time
## 18845 what
## 18846 it
## 18847 a_new_dawn
## 18848 America
## 18849 tonight
## 18850 another_American_President
## 18851 this_place
## 18852 report
## 18853 the_state
## 18854 the_Union
## 18855 He-;or
## 18856 she
## 18857 a_21st_century
## 18858 so_many_ways
## 18859 the_decisions
## 18860 we
## 18861 it
## 18862 us
## 18863 we
## 18864 our_time
## 18865 their_time
## 18866 we
## 18867 our_ideals
## 18868 we
## 18869 our_divisions
## 18870 a_new_hour
## 18871 healing
## 18872 hopefulness
## 18873 we
## 18874 the_land
## 18875 we
## 18876 this
## 18877 our_moment
## 18878 us
## 18879 our_eyes
## 18880 one_Nation
## 18881 the_mountaintop
## 18882 this_American_Century
## 18883 God's_blessing
## 18884 our_endeavors
## 18885 our_beloved_country
## 18886 you
## 18887 good_evening
## 18888 Mr._Speaker
## 18889 Mr._Vice_President
## 18890 Members
## 18891 Congress
## 18892 honored_guests
## 18893 my_fellow_Americans
## 18894 We
## 18895 this_moment
## 18896 history
## 18897 our_Nation
## 18898 so_little_internal_crisis
## 18899 so_few_external_threats
## 18900 we
## 18901 such_a_blessed_opportunity
## 18902 the_more_perfect_Union
## 18903 our_Founders'_dreams
## 18904 We
## 18905 the_new_century
## 18906 over_20_million_new_jobs
## 18907 the_fastest_economic_growth
## 18908 more_than_30_years
## 18909 the_lowest_unemployment_rates
## 18910 30_years
## 18911 the_lowest_poverty_rates
## 18912 20_years
## 18913 the_lowest_African-American_and_Hispanic_unemployment_rates
## 18914 record
## 18915 the_first_back-to-back_surpluses
## 18916 42_years
## 18917 next_month
## 18918 America
## 18919 the_longest_period
## 18920 economic_growth
## 18921 our_entire_history
## 18922 We
## 18923 a_new_economy
## 18924 our_economic_revolution
## 18925 a_revival
## 18926 the_American_spirit
## 18927 20_percent
## 18928 its_lowest_level
## 18929 25_years
## 18930 a_row
## 18931 adoptions
## 18932 30_percent
## 18933 welfare_rolls
## 18934 half
## 18935 their_lowest_levels
## 18936 30_years
## 18937 My_fellow_Americans
## 18938 the_state
## 18939 our_Union
## 18940 it
## 18941 the_real_credit
## 18942 the_American_people
## 18943 My_gratitude
## 18944 those
## 18945 you
## 18946 this_Chamber
## 18947 who
## 18948 us
## 18949 progress
## 18950 partisanship
## 18951 it
## 18952 most_Americans
## 18953 the_year
## 18954 our_Nation
## 18955 economic_distress
## 18956 social_decline
## 18957 political_gridlock
## 18958 The_title
## 18959 a_best-selling_book
## 18960 America
## 18961 What
## 18962 the_best_traditions
## 18963 our_Nation
## 18964 Americans
## 18965 things
## 18966 We
## 18967 the_vital_center
## 18968 outmoded_ideologies
## 18969 a_new_vision
## 18970 basic,_enduring_values
## 18971 all
## 18972 all
## 18973 a_community
## 18974 all_Americans
## 18975 We
## 18976 Government
## 18977 it
## 18978 a_catalyst
## 18979 new_ideas
## 18980 that
## 18981 both_opportunity
## 18982 responsibility
## 18983 our_people
## 18984 the_tools
## 18985 they
## 18986 their_own_problems
## 18987 the_smallest_Federal_work_force
## 18988 40_years
## 18989 we
## 18990 record_deficits
## 18991 record_surpluses
## 18992 our_investment
## 18993 education
## 18994 We
## 18995 crime
## 18996 100,000_community_police
## 18997 the_Brady_law
## 18998 which
## 18999 guns
## 19000 the_hands
## 19001 half_a_million_criminals
## 19002 We
## 19003 welfare
## 19004 we
## 19005 it
## 19006 work
## 19007 health_care
## 19008 nutrition
## 19009 children
## 19010 child_care
## 19011 transportation
## 19012 housing
## 19013 their_parents
## 19014 work
## 19015 We
## 19016 parents
## 19017 home
## 19018 work
## 19019 family_leave
## 19020 which
## 19021 20_million_Americans
## 19022 a_newborn_child
## 19023 a_sick_loved_one
## 19024 We
## 19025 150,000_young_Americans
## 19026 citizen_service
## 19027 AmeriCorps
## 19028 them
## 19029 money
## 19030 college
## 19031 we
## 19032 a_roadmap
## 19033 we
## 19034 results
## 19035 America
## 19036 the_confidence
## 19037 big_dreams
## 19038 we
## 19039 this_confidence
## 19040 complacency
## 19041 we
## 19042 all
## 19043 us
## 19044 the_dreams
## 19045 deeds
## 19046 we
## 19047 our_children
## 19048 that_score
## 19049 we
## 19050 a_high_standard
## 19051 our_chance
## 19052 good
## 19053 we
## 19054 the_bridge
## 19055 we
## 19056 the_21st_century
## 19057 we
## 19058 a_21st_century_American_revolution
## 19059 opportunity
## 19060 responsibility
## 19061 community
## 19062 We
## 19063 we
## 19064 the_beginning
## 19065 the_dawn
## 19066 the_last_century
## 19067 Theodore_Roosevelt
## 19068 foresight
## 19069 it
## 19070 the_growing_Nation
## 19071 a_future
## 19072 that
## 19073 the_long_look
## 19074 us
## 19075 our_long_look
## 19076 great_goals
## 19077 our_Nation
## 19078 21st_century
## 19079 America
## 19080 us
## 19081 these_things
## 19082 Every_child
## 19083 school
## 19084 Every_family
## 19085 home
## 19086 work
## 19087 no_child
## 19088 poverty
## 19089 We
## 19090 the_challenge
## 19091 the_aging
## 19092 America
## 19093 We
## 19094 quality,_affordable_health_care
## 19095 all_Americans
## 19096 We
## 19097 America
## 19098 Earth
## 19099 We
## 19100 our_national_debt
## 19101 the_first_time
## 19102 We
## 19103 prosperity
## 19104 every_American_community
## 19105 We
## 19106 the_course
## 19107 climate_change
## 19108 a_safer,_cleaner_planet
## 19109 America
## 19110 the_world
## 19111 shared_peace
## 19112 prosperity
## 19113 the_far_frontiers
## 19114 science
## 19115 technology
## 19116 we
## 19117 what
## 19118 our_Founders
## 19119 us
## 19120 One_Nation
## 19121 God
## 19122 liberty
## 19123 justice
## 19124 all
## 19125 These
## 19126 great_goals
## 19127 a_great_nation
## 19128 We
## 19129 them
## 19130 this_decade
## 19131 we
## 19132 them
## 19133 us
## 19134 the_first_American_Revolution
## 19135 a_single_shot
## 19136 the_continent
## 19137 a_single_year
## 19138 The_lesson
## 19139 our_history
## 19140 the_lesson
## 19141 the_last_7_years
## 19142 great_goals
## 19143 step
## 19144 step
## 19145 our_progress
## 19146 ground
## 19147 you
## 19148 ground
## 19149 you
## 19150 this_Congress
## 19151 some
## 19152 our_most_pressing_national_priorities
## 19153 's
## 19154 them
## 19155 I
## 19156 you
## 19157 a_real_Patients'_Bill
## 19158 Rights
## 19159 I
## 19160 you
## 19161 commonsense_gun_safety_legislation
## 19162 I
## 19163 you
## 19164 campaign_finance_reform
## 19165 I
## 19166 you
## 19167 judicial_nominations
## 19168 other_important_appointees
## 19169 I
## 19170 you-;I
## 19171 you
## 19172 the_minimum_wage
## 19173 me
## 19174 the_seesaw
## 19175 we
## 19176 party_lines
## 19177 our_first_balanced_budget
## 19178 I
## 19179 we
## 19180 our_responsibility
## 19181 the_next_generation
## 19182 our_fiscal_discipline
## 19183 we
## 19184 that_path
## 19185 we
## 19186 something
## 19187 that
## 19188 We
## 19189 the_national_debt
## 19190 we
## 19191 this_path
## 19192 we
## 19193 the_debt
## 19194 just_13_years
## 19195 America
## 19196 the_first_time
## 19197 Andrew_Jackson
## 19198 President
## 19199 we
## 19200 our_fiscal_house
## 19201 order
## 19202 the_Deficit_Reduction_Act
## 19203 you
## 19204 passages
## 19205 both_Houses
## 19206 just_a_single_vote
## 19207 Your_former_colleague
## 19208 my_first_Secretary
## 19209 the_Treasury
## 19210 that_effort
## 19211 our_long_boom
## 19212 He
## 19213 us
## 19214 you
## 19215 America
## 19216 we
## 19217 you
## 19218 the_debt
## 19219 we
## 19220 the_benefits
## 19221 debt_reduction
## 19222 the_most_important_guarantees
## 19223 we
## 19224 Social_Security
## 19225 Medicare
## 19226 I
## 19227 you
## 19228 me
## 19229 a_bipartisan_downpayment
## 19230 Social_Security_reform
## 19231 the_interest_savings
## 19232 debt_reduction
## 19233 the_Social_Security_Trust_Fund
## 19234 it
## 19235 the_next_50_years
## 19236 this
## 19237 just_the_start
## 19238 our_journey
## 19239 We
## 19240 the_right_steps
## 19241 our_great_goals
## 19242 we
## 19243 a_21st_century_revolution
## 19244 education
## 19245 our_faith
## 19246 that
## 19247 every_single_child
## 19248 education
## 19249 our_children's_future
## 19250 we
## 19251 all_our_children
## 19252 that_key
## 19253 That
## 19254 quality_preschool
## 19255 afterschool
## 19256 the_best_trained_teachers
## 19257 the_classroom
## 19258 college_opportunities
## 19259 all_our_children
## 19260 7_years
## 19261 we
## 19262 our_schools
## 19263 opportunity
## 19264 responsibility
## 19265 turn
## 19266 Reading,_math,_college_entrance_scores
## 19267 Some
## 19268 the_most_impressive_gains
## 19269 schools
## 19270 very_poor_neighborhoods
## 19271 all_successful_schools
## 19272 the_same_proven_formula
## 19273 higher_standards
## 19274 more_accountability
## 19275 extra_help
## 19276 children
## 19277 who
## 19278 it
## 19279 it
## 19280 those_standards
## 19281 I
## 19282 Congress
## 19283 a_reform_plan
## 19284 that_formula
## 19285 It
## 19286 States_and_school_districts
## 19287 progress
## 19288 them
## 19289 results
## 19290 our_National_Government
## 19291 our_schools
## 19292 It
## 19293 time
## 19294 what
## 19295 what
## 19296 we
## 19297 our_schools
## 19298 we
## 19299 our_schools
## 19300 's
## 19301 our_investment
## 19302 States
## 19303 districts
## 19304 their_worst_performing_schools
## 19305 them
## 19306 's
## 19307 our_investments
## 19308 school
## 19309 summer
## 19310 which
## 19311 achievement
## 19312 people
## 19313 the_streets
## 19314 trouble
## 19315 we
## 19316 this
## 19317 we
## 19318 every_single_child
## 19319 every_failing_school
## 19320 America-;everyone-;the_chance
## 19321 high_standards
## 19322 we
## 19323 our_investment
## 19324 Head_Start
## 19325 its_quality
## 19326 I
## 19327 you
## 19328 Head_Start
## 19329 the_largest_increase
## 19330 the_history
## 19331 the_program
## 19332 We
## 19333 children
## 19334 smaller_classes
## 19335 good_teachers
## 19336 2_years
## 19337 a_row
## 19338 Congress
## 19339 my_plan
## 19340 100,000_new_qualified_teachers
## 19341 class_size
## 19342 the_early_grades
## 19343 I
## 19344 you
## 19345 that
## 19346 I
## 19347 you
## 19348 it
## 19349 a_row
## 19350 all_teachers
## 19351 the_subjects
## 19352 they
## 19353 I
## 19354 a_new_teacher_quality_initiative
## 19355 more_talented_people
## 19356 the_classroom
## 19357 good_teachers
## 19358 all_teachers
## 19359 the_training
## 19360 they
## 19361 We
## 19362 charter_schools
## 19363 real_public_school_choice
## 19364 I
## 19365 President
## 19366 just_one_independent_public_charter_school
## 19367 all_America
## 19368 you
## 19369 I
## 19370 you
## 19371 us
## 19372 our_goal
## 19373 3,000_charter_schools
## 19374 next_year
## 19375 We
## 19376 we
## 19377 all_our_classrooms
## 19378 the_Internet
## 19379 we
## 19380 only_3_percent
## 19381 our_classrooms
## 19382 the_help
## 19383 the_Vice_President's_E-rate_program
## 19384 more_than_half
## 19385 them
## 19386 90_percent
## 19387 our_schools
## 19388 at_least_one_Internet_connection
## 19389 we
## 19390 the_job
## 19391 a_third
## 19392 all_our_schools
## 19393 serious_disrepair
## 19394 them
## 19395 walls
## 19396 wires
## 19397 they
## 19398 the_Internet
## 19399 I
## 19400 5,000_schools
## 19401 immediate_and_urgent_repairs
## 19402 students
## 19403 trailers
## 19404 high-tech_classrooms
## 19405 I
## 19406 all
## 19407 you
## 19408 me
## 19409 our_bipartisan_GEAR_UP_program
## 19410 which
## 19411 mentors
## 19412 disadvantaged_young_people
## 19413 we
## 19414 it
## 19415 we
## 19416 mentors
## 19417 them
## 19418 's
## 19419 these_kids
## 19420 disadvantaged_backgrounds
## 19421 the_same_chance
## 19422 the_same_college_test-prep_courses
## 19423 wealthier_students
## 19424 their_test_scores
## 19425 the_American_dream
## 19426 all
## 19427 we
## 19428 college
## 19429 all
## 19430 7_years
## 19431 a_bipartisan_basis
## 19432 we
## 19433 action
## 19434 that_goal
## 19435 larger_Pell_grants
## 19436 more_affordable_student_loans
## 19437 education_IRA
## 19438 our_HOPE_scholarships
## 19439 which
## 19440 5_million_young_people
## 19441 67_percent
## 19442 high_school_graduates
## 19443 college
## 19444 That
## 19445 millions
## 19446 families
## 19447 college_tuition
## 19448 They
## 19449 help
## 19450 I
## 19451 a_landmark_$30_billion_college_opportunity_tax_cut
## 19452 a_middle_class_tax_deduction
## 19453 college_tuition_costs
## 19454 The_previous_actions
## 19455 this_Congress
## 19456 2_years
## 19457 college
## 19458 all
## 19459 It
## 19460 time
## 19461 4_years
## 19462 college
## 19463 all
## 19464 we
## 19465 all_these_steps
## 19466 we
## 19467 a_long_way
## 19468 every_child
## 19469 school
## 19470 We
## 19471 a_21st_century_revolution
## 19472 work
## 19473 families
## 19474 every_parent
## 19475 the_tools
## 19476 work
## 19477 the_most_important_work
## 19478 all
## 19479 children
## 19480 That
## 19481 every_family
## 19482 health_care
## 19483 the_support
## 19484 aging_parents
## 19485 the_tools
## 19486 their_children
## 19487 no_child
## 19488 poverty
## 19489 my_first_days
## 19490 President
## 19491 we
## 19492 families
## 19493 better_access
## 19494 better_health_care
## 19495 we
## 19496 workers
## 19497 who
## 19498 coverage
## 19499 their_employers
## 19500 it
## 19501 their_children
## 19502 we
## 19503 2_million_children
## 19504 We
## 19505 our_way
## 19506 our_goal
## 19507 our_fellow_Americans
## 19508 health_insurance
## 19509 I
## 19510 we
## 19511 Vice_President_Gore's_suggestion
## 19512 low_income_parents
## 19513 the_insurance
## 19514 that
## 19515 their_children
## 19516 our_children's_initiative-;think
## 19517 our_children's_initiative
## 19518 this_action
## 19519 us
## 19520 nearly_a_quarter
## 19521 all_the_uninsured_people
## 19522 America
## 19523 I
## 19524 you
## 19525 people
## 19526 the_ages
## 19527 the_fastest_growing_group
## 19528 uninsured
## 19529 Medicare
## 19530 I
## 19531 them
## 19532 a_tax_credit
## 19533 that_choice
## 19534 I
## 19535 you
## 19536 that
## 19537 the_baby_boomers
## 19538 Medicare
## 19539 our_citizens
## 19540 it
## 19541 My_generation
## 19542 our_children's_generation
## 19543 our_burden
## 19544 We
## 19545 Medicare
## 19546 My_budget
## 19547 a_comprehensive_plan
## 19548 Medicare
## 19549 it
## 19550 it
## 19551 our_budget_surplus
## 19552 Medicare_solvent
## 19553 it
## 19554 funds
## 19555 a_voluntary_choice
## 19556 affordable_coverage
## 19557 prescription_drugs
## 19558 drugs
## 19559 an_indispensable_part
## 19560 modern_medicine
## 19561 No_one
## 19562 a_Medicare_program
## 19563 coverage
## 19564 prescription_drugs
## 19565 our_seniors
## 19566 dependable_drug_coverage
## 19567 which
## 19568 their_lives
## 19569 Millions
## 19570 older_Americans
## 19571 who
## 19572 prescription_drugs
## 19573 the_highest_prices
## 19574 them
## 19575 good_conscience
## 19576 we
## 19577 another_year
## 19578 all_our_seniors
## 19579 this_lifeline
## 19580 affordable_prescription_drugs
## 19581 Record_numbers
## 19582 Americans
## 19583 ailing_loved_ones
## 19584 home
## 19585 It
## 19586 a_loving
## 19587 a_difficult_and_often_very_expensive_choice
## 19588 I
## 19589 a_$1,000_tax_credit
## 19590 long-term_care
## 19591 it
## 19592 's
## 19593 it
## 19594 's
## 19595 it
## 19596 We
## 19597 needed_investments
## 19598 access
## 19599 mental_health_care
## 19600 I
## 19601 a_moment
## 19602 the_person
## 19603 who
## 19604 our_first_White_House_Conference
## 19605 Mental_Health
## 19606 who
## 19607 7_years
## 19608 all_our_efforts
## 19609 the_barriers
## 19610 decent_treatment
## 19611 people
## 19612 mental_illness
## 19613 you
## 19614 these_proposals
## 19615 the_largest_investment
## 19616 health_care
## 19617 the_35_years
## 19618 Medicare
## 19619 created-;the_largest_investment
## 19620 35_years
## 19621 That
## 19622 a_big_step
## 19623 quality_health_care
## 19624 all_Americans
## 19625 I
## 19626 you
## 19627 them
## 19628 them
## 19629 We
## 19630 investments
## 19631 that
## 19632 work
## 19633 support_families
## 19634 Nothing
## 19635 that
## 19636 the_earned-income_tax_credit
## 19637 the_EITC
## 19638 The_"E
## 19639 the_EITC
## 19640 responsibility
## 19641 it
## 19642 my_very_first_address
## 19643 you
## 19644 I
## 19645 Congress
## 19646 this_credit
## 19647 you
## 19648 a_result
## 19649 the_EITC
## 19650 more_than_4.3_million_Americans
## 19651 their_way
## 19652 poverty
## 19653 the_middle_class
## 19654 That
## 19655 double_the_number
## 19656 I
## 19657 another_major_expansion
## 19658 the_EITC
## 19659 the_marriage_penalty
## 19660 it
## 19661 marriage
## 19662 it
## 19663 work
## 19664 the_tax_credit
## 19665 families
## 19666 that
## 19667 more_than_two_children
## 19668 It
## 19669 people
## 19670 more_than_two_children
## 19671 Our_proposal
## 19672 families
## 19673 three_or_more_children
## 19674 tax_relief
## 19675 These
## 19676 families
## 19677 their_children
## 19678 poverty
## 19679 We
## 19680 work
## 19681 family
## 19682 men
## 19683 women
## 19684 equal_pay
## 19685 equal_work
## 19686 the_female_unemployment_rate
## 19687 it
## 19688 46_years
## 19689 women
## 19690 about_75_cents
## 19691 every_dollar_men
## 19692 We
## 19693 the_resources
## 19694 present_equal_pay_laws
## 19695 more_women
## 19696 high-paying,_high-tech_jobs
## 19697 the_"Paycheck_Fairness_Act
## 19698 Many_working_parents
## 19699 a_quarter-;a_quarter-;of
## 19700 their_income
## 19701 child_care
## 19702 we
## 19703 parents
## 19704 child_care
## 19705 about_2_million_children
## 19706 My_child_care_initiative
## 19707 you
## 19708 funds
## 19709 welfare_reform
## 19710 child
## 19711 another_400,000_children
## 19712 I
## 19713 you
## 19714 that
## 19715 They
## 19716 it
## 19717 hard-pressed_middle_income_families
## 19718 we
## 19719 the_child_care_tax_credit
## 19720 I
## 19721 we
## 19722 the_next_big_step
## 19723 that_tax_credit
## 19724 low_income_families
## 19725 people
## 19726 that
## 19727 child_care_costs
## 19728 You
## 19729 we
## 19730 all
## 19731 we
## 19732 this_proposal
## 19733 it
## 19734 Ten_of_millions
## 19735 Americans
## 19736 paycheck
## 19737 paycheck
## 19738 they
## 19739 they
## 19740 the_opportunity
## 19741 use
## 19742 IRA's_and_401k_plans
## 19743 We
## 19744 all_working_families
## 19745 wealth
## 19746 That
## 19747 the_idea
## 19748 the_Individual_Development_Accounts
## 19749 the_IDA
## 19750 I
## 19751 you
## 19752 that_idea
## 19753 a_new_level
## 19754 new_retirement_savings_accounts
## 19755 that
## 19756 every_low_and_moderate_income_family
## 19757 America
## 19758 retirement
## 19759 a_first_home
## 19760 a_medical_emergency
## 19761 a_college_education
## 19762 I
## 19763 their_contributions
## 19764 however_small,_dollar
## 19765 dollar
## 19766 they
## 19767 I
## 19768 a_major_new_tax_credit
## 19769 any_small_business
## 19770 that
## 19771 a_meaningful_pension
## 19772 its_workers
## 19773 Those_people
## 19774 retirement
## 19775 the_rest
## 19776 us
## 19777 three_American_children
## 19778 a_father
## 19779 These_children
## 19780 poverty
## 19781 children
## 19782 both_parents
## 19783 home
## 19784 responsible_fatherhood
## 19785 all_our_children
## 19786 poverty
## 19787 We
## 19788 child_support_collections
## 19789 I
## 19790 you
## 19791 new_measures
## 19792 still_more_fathers
## 19793 we
## 19794 a_lot
## 19795 fathers
## 19796 their_children
## 19797 help
## 19798 it
## 19799 Carlos_Rosas
## 19800 St._Paul
## 19801 Minnesota
## 19802 his_son
## 19803 he
## 19804 the_help
## 19805 it
## 19806 he
## 19807 a_good_job
## 19808 he
## 19809 his_little_boy
## 19810 My_budget
## 19811 40,000_more_fathers
## 19812 the_same_choices
## 19813 Carlos_Rosas
## 19814 I
## 19815 him
## 19816 you
## 19817 any_single_issue
## 19818 which
## 19819 we
## 19820 party_lines
## 19821 it
## 19822 our_common_commitment
## 19823 work
## 19824 families
## 19825 what
## 19826 we
## 19827 We
## 19828 people
## 19829 disabilities
## 19830 their_health_insurance
## 19831 they
## 19832 work
## 19833 I
## 19834 you
## 19835 that
## 19836 overwhelming_bipartisan_support
## 19837 this_Congress
## 19838 we
## 19839 foster_care
## 19840 We
## 19841 those_young_people
## 19842 who
## 19843 it
## 19844 they
## 19845 we
## 19846 the_number
## 19847 foster_care_children
## 19848 adoptive_homes
## 19849 I
## 19850 all
## 19851 you
## 19852 all
## 19853 that
## 19854 I
## 19855 the_person
## 19856 who
## 19857 our_efforts
## 19858 the_beginning
## 19859 who
## 19860 children
## 19861 families
## 19862 30_years
## 19863 my_wife
## 19864 Hillary
## 19865 I
## 19866 her
## 19867 we
## 19868 the_steps
## 19869 we
## 19870 parents
## 19871 home
## 19872 work
## 19873 no_child
## 19874 poverty
## 19875 We
## 19876 these_vital_investments
## 19877 health_care
## 19878 education
## 19879 working_families
## 19880 tax_cuts
## 19881 college
## 19882 retirement
## 19883 aging_parents
## 19884 the_marriage_penalty
## 19885 We
## 19886 these_things
## 19887 the_path
## 19888 fiscal_discipline
## 19889 that
## 19890 us
## 19891 this_point
## 19892 we
## 19893 these_investments
## 19894 these_tax_cuts
## 19895 the_context
## 19896 a_balanced_budget
## 19897 that
## 19898 the_life
## 19899 Social_Security
## 19900 Medicare
## 19901 the_national_debt
## 19902 Crime
## 19903 America
## 19904 years-;that
## 19905 the_longest_decline
## 19906 record-
## 19907 a_national_consensus
## 19908 we
## 19909 community_police
## 19910 sensible_gun_safety_laws
## 19911 effective_prevention
## 19912 nobody
## 19913 America
## 19914 we
## 19915 I
## 19916 you
## 19917 a_higher_goal
## 19918 's
## 19919 this_country
## 19920 the_world
## 19921 Congress
## 19922 my_plan
## 19923 addition
## 19924 the_100,000_community_police
## 19925 we
## 19926 high-crime_neighborhoods
## 19927 I
## 19928 your_continued_support
## 19929 that
## 19930 the_Columbine_tragedy
## 19931 Congress
## 19932 commonsense_gun_legislation
## 19933 Brady_background_checks
## 19934 the_gun_shows
## 19935 child_safety_locks
## 19936 new_handguns
## 19937 a_ban
## 19938 the_importation
## 19939 large_capacity_ammunition_clips
## 19940 courage
## 19941 a_tie-breaking_vote
## 19942 the_Vice
## 19943 President-;[laughter]-;the_Senate
## 19944 the_gun_lobby
## 19945 the_American_people
## 19946 this_legislation
## 19947 the_House
## 19948 suit
## 19949 we
## 19950 what
## 19951 guns
## 19952 the_wrong_hands
## 19953 Daniel_Mauser
## 19954 he
## 19955 Columbine
## 19956 He
## 19957 an_amazing_kid
## 19958 a_straight-A_student
## 19959 a_good_skier
## 19960 all_parents
## 19961 who
## 19962 their_children
## 19963 his_father
## 19964 Tom
## 19965 unimaginable_grief
## 19966 he
## 19967 the_strength
## 19968 his_son
## 19969 his_grief
## 19970 action
## 19971 he
## 19972 a_leave
## 19973 absence
## 19974 his_job
## 19975 tougher_gun_safety_laws
## 19976 I
## 19977 his_courage
## 19978 wisdom
## 19979 this_Congress
## 19980 commonsense_gun_legislation
## 19981 the_very_next_order
## 19982 business
## 19983 Tom_Mauser
## 19984 We
## 19985 you
## 19986 Tom
## 19987 you
## 19988 We
## 19989 our_gun_laws
## 19990 those
## 19991 the_books
## 19992 Federal_gun_crime_prosecutions
## 19993 I
## 19994 office
## 19995 we
## 19996 I
## 19997 more_Federal_and_local_gun_prosecutors
## 19998 more_ATF_agents
## 19999 illegal_gun_traffickers
## 20000 bad-apple_dealers
## 20001 we
## 20002 them
## 20003 the_enforcement_tools
## 20004 that
## 20005 they
## 20006 tools
## 20007 every_gun
## 20008 every_bullet
## 20009 every_gun_crime
## 20010 the_United_States
## 20011 I
## 20012 you
## 20013 us
## 20014 that
## 20015 Every_State
## 20016 this_country
## 20017 hunters
## 20018 automobile_drivers
## 20019 a_license
## 20020 I
## 20021 they
## 20022 the_same_thing
## 20023 handgun_purchases
## 20024 I
## 20025 a_plan
## 20026 all_new_handgun_buyers
## 20027 a_photo_license
## 20028 their_State
## 20029 they
## 20030 the_Brady_background_check
## 20031 a_gun_safety_course
## 20032 they
## 20033 the_gun
## 20034 I
## 20035 you
## 20036 me
## 20037 that
## 20038 this_Congress
## 20039 this
## 20040 The_accidental_gun
## 20041 rate-;the_accidental_gun_death_rate
## 20042 children
## 20043 the_United_States
## 20044 the_other_25_industrialized_countries
## 20045 technologies
## 20046 that
## 20047 guns
## 20048 that
## 20049 the_adults
## 20050 who
## 20051 them
## 20052 I
## 20053 Congress
## 20054 research
## 20055 smart_gun_technology
## 20056 these_children's_lives
## 20057 I
## 20058 responsible_leaders
## 20059 the_gun_industry
## 20060 us
## 20061 smart_guns
## 20062 other_steps
## 20063 guns
## 20064 the_wrong_hands
## 20065 our_children
## 20066 You
## 20067 I
## 20068 worries
## 20069 the_impact
## 20070 violence
## 20071 the_media
## 20072 their_children
## 20073 I
## 20074 the_entertainment_industry
## 20075 my_challenge
## 20076 voluntary_ratings
## 20077 TV_programs
## 20078 video_and_Internet_games
## 20079 the_ratings
## 20080 parents
## 20081 I
## 20082 the_industry
## 20083 the_First_Lady's_challenge
## 20084 a_single_voluntary_rating_system
## 20085 all_children's_entertainment
## 20086 that
## 20087 parents
## 20088 The_steps
## 20089 I
## 20090 us
## 20091 our_way
## 20092 America
## 20093 the_world
## 20094 our_historic_economic_expansion
## 20095 a_lot
## 20096 discussion
## 20097 this_community
## 20098 others
## 20099 I
## 20100 we
## 20101 a_21st_century_revolution
## 20102 new_markets
## 20103 new_businesses
## 20104 new_workers
## 20105 America
## 20106 our_inner_cities
## 20107 poor_rural_areas
## 20108 Native_American_reservations
## 20109 Our_Nation's_prosperity
## 20110 these_places
## 20111 the_last_6_months
## 20112 I
## 20113 a_lot
## 20114 them
## 20115 you
## 20116 many_far-sighted_business_people
## 20117 a_spotlight
## 20118 the_enormous_potential
## 20119 communities
## 20120 Appalachia
## 20121 the_Mississippi_Delta
## 20122 Watts
## 20123 the_Pine_Ridge_Reservation
## 20124 I
## 20125 I
## 20126 talented_people
## 20127 opportunity
## 20128 I
## 20129 you
## 20130 's
## 20131 them
## 20132 business
## 20133 it
## 20134 the_smart_thing
## 20135 America
## 20136 it
## 20137 the_right_thing
## 20138 me
## 20139 you
## 20140 something
## 20141 we
## 20142 this
## 20143 the_wide_world
## 20144 we
## 20145 it
## 20146 I
## 20147 Congress
## 20148 businesses
## 20149 the_same_incentives
## 20150 America's_new_markets
## 20151 they
## 20152 markets
## 20153 I
## 20154 a_large_new_markets_tax_credit
## 20155 other_incentives
## 20156 private-sector_capital
## 20157 new_businesses
## 20158 new_investments
## 20159 our_inner_cities
## 20160 rural_areas
## 20161 empowerment_zones
## 20162 these_opportunities
## 20163 5_years
## 20164 I
## 20165 you
## 20166 incentives
## 20167 them
## 20168 them
## 20169 me
## 20170 all
## 20171 you
## 20172 what
## 20173 I
## 20174 every_turn
## 20175 This
## 20176 a_Republican_issue
## 20177 people
## 20178 a_chance
## 20179 their_dreams
## 20180 an_American_issue
## 20181 Mr._Speaker
## 20182 it
## 20183 a_powerful_moment
## 20184 you
## 20185 Reverend_Jesse_Jackson
## 20186 me
## 20187 your_home
## 20188 State
## 20189 Illinois
## 20190 our_common_goal
## 20191 the_best_ideas
## 20192 both_sides
## 20193 the_aisle
## 20194 I
## 20195 you
## 20196 you
## 20197 I
## 20198 you
## 20199 This
## 20200 a_worthy_joint_endeavor
## 20201 you
## 20202 I
## 20203 you
## 20204 special_efforts
## 20205 the_areas
## 20206 our_Nation
## 20207 the_highest_rates
## 20208 poverty
## 20209 our_Native_American_reservations
## 20210 the_Mississippi_Delta
## 20211 My_budget
## 20212 a_$110_million_initiative
## 20213 economic_development
## 20214 the_Delta
## 20215 a_billion_dollars
## 20216 economic_opportunity
## 20217 health_care
## 20218 education
## 20219 law_enforcement
## 20220 our_Native_American_communities
## 20221 We
## 20222 this_new_century
## 20223 our_historic_responsibility
## 20224 the_first_Americans
## 20225 I
## 20226 the_leaders
## 20227 the_members
## 20228 both_parties
## 20229 who
## 20230 me
## 20231 an_interest
## 20232 us
## 20233 these_efforts
## 20234 They
## 20235 another_part
## 20236 our_American_community
## 20237 trouble
## 20238 our_family_farmers
## 20239 I
## 20240 the_farm_bill
## 20241 I
## 20242 great_danger
## 20243 it
## 20244 good_times
## 20245 droughts
## 20246 floods
## 20247 historically_low_prices
## 20248 these_times
## 20249 the_farmers
## 20250 We
## 20251 the_farm_safety_net
## 20252 land_conservation
## 20253 some_new_markets
## 20254 them
## 20255 our_programs
## 20256 bio-based_fuels
## 20257 products
## 20258 they
## 20259 help
## 20260 's
## 20261 it
## 20262 Opportunity
## 20263 all
## 20264 something
## 20265 access
## 20266 a_computer
## 20267 it
## 20268 That
## 20269 we
## 20270 the_digital_divide
## 20271 those
## 20272 who
## 20273 the_tools
## 20274 those
## 20275 who
## 20276 Connecting_classrooms
## 20277 libraries
## 20278 the_Internet
## 20279 it
## 20280 just_a_start
## 20281 My_budget
## 20282 all_new_teachers
## 20283 21st_century_skills
## 20284 it
## 20285 technology_centers
## 20286 1,000_communities
## 20287 adults
## 20288 I
## 20289 high-tech_leaders
## 20290 me
## 20291 another_new_markets_tour
## 20292 the_digital_divide
## 20293 open_opportunity
## 20294 our_people
## 20295 I
## 20296 the_high-tech_companies
## 20297 that
## 20298 this_area
## 20299 I
## 20300 the_new_tax_incentives
## 20301 I
## 20302 all_the_rest
## 20303 them
## 20304 us
## 20305 This
## 20306 a_national_crusade
## 20307 We
## 20308 this
## 20309 it
## 20310 I
## 20311 you
## 20312 these
## 20313 steps
## 20314 step
## 20315 we
## 20316 our_goal
## 20317 opportunity
## 20318 every_community
## 20319 the_full_possibilities
## 20320 this_economy
## 20321 we
## 20322 our_own_borders
## 20323 the_revolution
## 20324 that
## 20325 barriers
## 20326 new_networks
## 20327 nations
## 20328 individuals
## 20329 economies
## 20330 cultures
## 20331 globalization
## 20332 It
## 20333 the_central_reality
## 20334 our_time
## 20335 this_profound
## 20336 people
## 20337 no_turning
## 20338 our_open,_creative_society
## 20339 we
## 20340 the_realities
## 20341 interdependence
## 20342 We
## 20343 the_center
## 20344 every_vital_global_network
## 20345 a_good_neighbor
## 20346 a_good_partner
## 20347 We
## 20348 we
## 20349 our_future
## 20350 others
## 20351 theirs
## 20352 The_first_thing
## 20353 we
## 20354 a_new_consensus
## 20355 trade
## 20356 us
## 20357 who
## 20358 the_power
## 20359 open_trade
## 20360 we
## 20361 it
## 20362 both_our_living_standards
## 20363 our_values
## 20364 abusive_child_labor
## 20365 a_race
## 20366 the_bottom
## 20367 the_environment
## 20368 worker_protection
## 20369 others
## 20370 open_markets
## 20371 rule-based_trade
## 20372 the_best_engines
## 20373 we
## 20374 living_standards
## 20375 global_poverty
## 20376 destruction
## 20377 the_free_flow
## 20378 ideas
## 20379 I
## 20380 I
## 20381 the_first_day
## 20382 I
## 20383 the_only_direction
## 20384 America
## 20385 trade-;the_only_direction
## 20386 America
## 20387 trade
## 20388 I
## 20389 you
## 20390 me
## 20391 that_consensus
## 20392 We
## 20393 developing_economies
## 20394 prosperity
## 20395 That
## 20396 I
## 20397 you
## 20398 our_groundbreaking_African_and_Caribbean_Basin_trade_initiatives
## 20399 globalization
## 20400 economics
## 20401 Our_purpose
## 20402 the_world
## 20403 freedom
## 20404 democracy
## 20405 peace
## 20406 those
## 20407 who
## 20408 it
## 20409 the_fundamental_challenges
## 20410 I
## 20411 America
## 20412 the_21st_century_world
## 20413 we
## 20414 our_former_adversaries
## 20415 Russia
## 20416 China
## 20417 stable,_prosperous,_democratic_nations
## 20418 Both
## 20419 their_full_potential
## 20420 the_legacy
## 20421 communism
## 20422 an_economy
## 20423 turmoil
## 20424 a_cruel_and_self-defeating_war
## 20425 Chechnya
## 20426 the_illusion
## 20427 it
## 20428 stability
## 20429 the_expense
## 20430 freedom
## 20431 the_past_decade
## 20432 5,000_former_Soviet_nuclear_weapons
## 20433 commission
## 20434 Russian_soldiers
## 20435 ours
## 20436 the_Balkans
## 20437 Russian_people
## 20438 their_leaders
## 20439 the_first_time
## 20440 1,000_years
## 20441 China
## 20442 an_economy
## 20443 the_world
## 20444 no_one
## 20445 not_a_single_person
## 20446 this_Chamber
## 20447 what_direction
## 20448 these_great_nations
## 20449 we
## 20450 we
## 20451 what
## 20452 we
## 20453 we
## 20454 everything
## 20455 our_power
## 20456 the_chance
## 20457 they
## 20458 constructive_members
## 20459 our_global_community
## 20460 That
## 20461 we
## 20462 those_Russians
## 20463 who
## 20464 a_democratic,_prosperous_future
## 20465 both_our_nuclear_arsenals
## 20466 Russia
## 20467 weapons
## 20468 materials
## 20469 that
## 20470 that
## 20471 I
## 20472 Congress
## 20473 the_agreement
## 20474 we
## 20475 China
## 20476 the_WTO
## 20477 permanent_normal_trade_relations
## 20478 China
## 20479 I
## 20480 you
## 20481 it
## 20482 two_reasons
## 20483 all
## 20484 our_markets
## 20485 China
## 20486 this_agreement
## 20487 China's_markets
## 20488 us
## 20489 it
## 20490 the_cause
## 20491 peace
## 20492 Asia
## 20493 the_cause
## 20494 change
## 20495 China
## 20496 we
## 20497 it
## 20498 All
## 20499 we
## 20500 what
## 20501 we
## 20502 all
## 20503 we
## 20504 we
## 20505 everything
## 20506 we
## 20507 the_chance
## 20508 China
## 20509 the_right_future
## 20510 A_second_challenge
## 20511 we
## 20512 our_own_security
## 20513 conflicts
## 20514 that
## 20515 the_risk
## 20516 wider_war
## 20517 our_common_humanity
## 20518 We
## 20519 every_conflict
## 20520 every_outrage
## 20521 our_interests
## 20522 stake
## 20523 we
## 20524 a_difference
## 20525 we
## 20526 we
## 20527 peacemakers
## 20528 We
## 20529 our_role
## 20530 the_Middle_East
## 20531 a_lasting_peace
## 20532 peace
## 20533 Northern_Ireland
## 20534 peace
## 20535 East_Timor
## 20536 Africa
## 20537 reconciliation
## 20538 Greece
## 20539 Turkey
## 20540 Cyprus
## 20541 these_crises
## 20542 India
## 20543 Pakistan
## 20544 human_rights
## 20545 religious_freedom
## 20546 we
## 20547 the_men
## 20548 women
## 20549 our_Armed_Forces
## 20550 those
## 20551 our_allies
## 20552 who
## 20553 the_ethnic_cleansing
## 20554 Kosovo
## 20555 a_million_people
## 20556 their_homes
## 20557 Slobodan_Milosevic
## 20558 his_terror
## 20559 Kosovo
## 20560 Captain_John_Cherrey
## 20561 the_brave_airmen
## 20562 who
## 20563 the_tide
## 20564 another_American_plane
## 20565 Serbia
## 20566 he
## 20567 the_teeth
## 20568 enemy_air_defenses
## 20569 his_fellow_pilot_home
## 20570 our_Armed_Forces'_skill
## 20571 bravery
## 20572 we
## 20573 Kosovo
## 20574 a_single_American
## 20575 combat
## 20576 I
## 20577 Captain_Cherrey
## 20578 you
## 20579 We
## 20580 Captain_Cherrey
## 20581 we
## 20582 you
## 20583 we
## 20584 the_job
## 20585 you
## 20586 we
## 20587 you
## 20588 A_third_challenge
## 20589 we
## 20590 this_inexorable_march
## 20591 technology
## 20592 terrorists
## 20593 potentially_hostile_nations
## 20594 the_means
## 20595 our_defenses
## 20596 mind
## 20597 the_same_technological_advances
## 20598 that
## 20599 cell_phones
## 20600 the_palms
## 20601 our_hands
## 20602 weapons
## 20603 terror
## 20604 We
## 20605 this_threat
## 20606 effective_agreements
## 20607 nuclear_and_missile_programs
## 20608 North_Korea
## 20609 the_flow
## 20610 lethal_technology
## 20611 Iran
## 20612 Iraq
## 20613 its_neighbors
## 20614 our_preparedness
## 20615 chemical_and_biological_attack
## 20616 our_vital_computer_systems
## 20617 hackers
## 20618 criminals
## 20619 a_system
## 20620 new_missile_threats
## 20621 our_ABM_missile_treaty
## 20622 Russia
## 20623 We
## 20624 all_these_things
## 20625 I
## 20626 you
## 20627 us
## 20628 the_next_10_to_20_years
## 20629 the_major_security_threat
## 20630 this_country
## 20631 the_enemies
## 20632 the_nation-state
## 20633 the_narcotraffickers
## 20634 the_terrorists
## 20635 the_organized_criminals
## 20636 who
## 20637 increasing_access
## 20638 ever_more_sophisticated_chemical_and_biological_weapons
## 20639 I
## 20640 the_Pentagon
## 20641 others
## 20642 what
## 20643 they
## 20644 us
## 20645 that
## 20646 our_defenses
## 20647 I
## 20648 your_support
## 20649 they
## 20650 I
## 20651 you
## 20652 a_constructive_bipartisan_dialog
## 20653 a_consensus
## 20654 which
## 20655 I
## 20656 the_ratification
## 20657 the_Comprehensive_Nuclear-Test-Ban_Treaty
## 20658 I
## 20659 we
## 20660 a_constructive_effort
## 20661 the_challenge
## 20662 that
## 20663 our_planet
## 20664 the_huge_gulf
## 20665 We
## 20666 a_world
## 20667 which
## 20668 part
## 20669 humanity
## 20670 the_cutting_edge
## 20671 a_new_economy
## 20672 the_rest
## 20673 the_bare_edge
## 20674 survival
## 20675 I
## 20676 we
## 20677 our_part
## 20678 that
## 20679 expanded_trade
## 20680 expanded_aid
## 20681 the_expansion
## 20682 freedom
## 20683 This
## 20684 Nigeria
## 20685 Indonesia
## 20686 more_people
## 20687 the_right
## 20688 their_leaders
## 20689 the_Berlin_Wall
## 20690 We
## 20691 these_democracies
## 20692 which
## 20693 narcotraffickers
## 20694 its_own_people's_lives
## 20695 our_children's_lives
## 20696 I
## 20697 a_strong_2-year_package
## 20698 Colombia
## 20699 this_fight
## 20700 I
## 20701 the_leaders
## 20702 both_parties
## 20703 both_Houses
## 20704 me
## 20705 the_President
## 20706 Colombia
## 20707 it
## 20708 We
## 20709 this
## 20710 I
## 20711 your_help
## 20712 A_lot
## 20713 it
## 20714 it
## 20715 the_long-term_stability
## 20716 our_country
## 20717 what
## 20718 Latin_America
## 20719 I
## 20720 you
## 20721 I
## 20722 you
## 20723 new_legislation
## 20724 what
## 20725 these_drug_barons
## 20726 their_money
## 20727 I
## 20728 you
## 20729 that
## 20730 a_world
## 20731 over_a_billion_people
## 20732 a_dollar
## 20733 we
## 20734 our_part
## 20735 the_global_endeavor
## 20736 the_debts
## 20737 the_poorest_countries
## 20738 they
## 20739 education
## 20740 health_care
## 20741 economic_growth
## 20742 That
## 20743 what
## 20744 the_Pope
## 20745 other_religious_leaders
## 20746 us
## 20747 Congress
## 20748 a_downpayment
## 20749 America's_share
## 20750 I
## 20751 you
## 20752 that
## 20753 I
## 20754 you
## 20755 what
## 20756 you
## 20757 you
## 20758 the_course
## 20759 I
## 20760 America
## 20761 more_nations
## 20762 the_bonds
## 20763 disease
## 20764 Africa
## 20765 as_many_people
## 20766 AIDS
## 20767 wars-;10_times
## 20768 The_budget
## 20769 I
## 20770 you
## 20771 the_fight
## 20772 this
## 20773 other_infectious_killers
## 20774 I
## 20775 a_tax_credit
## 20776 the_development
## 20777 vaccines
## 20778 diseases
## 20779 malaria
## 20780 TB
## 20781 AIDS
## 20782 I
## 20783 the_private_sector
## 20784 our_partners
## 20785 the_world
## 20786 us
## 20787 this_cause
## 20788 We
## 20789 millions
## 20790 lives
## 20791 we
## 20792 it
## 20793 I
## 20794 our_final_challenge
## 20795 which
## 20796 I
## 20797 you
## 20798 a_national_security_budget
## 20799 that
## 20800 our_military
## 20801 the_world
## 20802 heightened_readiness
## 20803 21st_century_weapons
## 20804 which
## 20805 salaries
## 20806 our_service_men
## 20807 women
## 20808 which
## 20809 our_veterans
## 20810 which
## 20811 the_diplomacy
## 20812 that
## 20813 our_soldiers
## 20814 war
## 20815 which
## 20816 our_commitment
## 20817 our_U.N._dues
## 20818 arrears
## 20819 I
## 20820 you
## 20821 this_budget
## 20822 I
## 20823 something
## 20824 I
## 20825 The_American_people
## 20826 us
## 20827 home
## 20828 the_help
## 20829 all_the_commentators
## 20830 who
## 20831 who
## 20832 who
## 20833 who
## 20834 modest_differences
## 20835 opinion
## 20836 this_room
## 20837 I
## 20838 you
## 20839 something
## 20840 you
## 20841 I
## 20842 you
## 20843 the_extraordinary_support
## 20844 you
## 20845 Republicans
## 20846 Democrats
## 20847 our_men
## 20848 women
## 20849 uniform
## 20850 I
## 20851 you
## 20852 that
## 20853 I
## 20854 two_people
## 20855 I
## 20856 our_Secretary
## 20857 Defense
## 20858 Bill_Cohen
## 20859 our_bipartisan_commitment
## 20860 national_security
## 20861 you
## 20862 I
## 20863 his_wife
## 20864 Janet
## 20865 who
## 20866 any_other_American_citizen
## 20867 this_world
## 20868 the_support
## 20869 we
## 20870 all
## 20871 our_troops
## 20872 you
## 20873 I
## 20874 that
## 20875 you
## 20876 These
## 20877 the_challenges
## 20878 we
## 20879 we
## 20880 the_world
## 20881 peace
## 20882 freedom
## 20883 an_era
## 20884 globalization
## 20885 I
## 20886 you
## 20887 I
## 20888 many_things
## 20889 President
## 20890 the_things
## 20891 I
## 20892 the_opportunity
## 20893 the_Vice_President
## 20894 I
## 20895 the_bogus_idea
## 20896 you
## 20897 the_economy
## 20898 the_environment
## 20899 the_same_time
## 20900 our_economy
## 20901 we
## 20902 more_than_500_neighborhoods
## 20903 toxic_waste
## 20904 cleaner_air
## 20905 water
## 20906 millions
## 20907 people
## 20908 the_past_3_months
## 20909 we
## 20910 40_million_acres
## 20911 roadless_lands
## 20912 the_national_forests
## 20913 three_new_national_monuments
## 20914 our_communities
## 20915 our_commitment
## 20916 conservation
## 20917 I
## 20918 a_permanent_conservation_fund
## 20919 wildlife
## 20920 coastlines
## 20921 natural_treasures
## 20922 the_California
## 20923 the_Florida_Everglades
## 20924 legacy_endowment
## 20925 the_most_enduring_investment
## 20926 land_preservation
## 20927 this_House
## 20928 I
## 20929 we
## 20930 all_the_people
## 20931 different_ideas
## 20932 this
## 20933 This
## 20934 a_gift
## 20935 we
## 20936 our_children
## 20937 our_grandchildren
## 20938 all_time
## 20939 party_lines
## 20940 We
## 20941 an_agreement
## 20942 this
## 20943 the_Vice_President
## 20944 a_new_effort
## 20945 communities
## 20946 I
## 20947 I
## 20948 a_punchline
## 20949 That
## 20950 this_year's_agenda
## 20951 last_year
## 20952 That
## 20953 what
## 20954 Senator_Lott
## 20955 the_commentary
## 20956 our_communities
## 20957 This
## 20958 big_business
## 20959 This
## 20960 a_big_issue
## 20961 What
## 20962 that
## 20963 You
## 20964 anybody
## 20965 that
## 20966 an_unlivable_community
## 20967 they
## 20968 you
## 20969 They
## 20970 their_kids
## 20971 parks
## 20972 lots
## 20973 the_parents
## 20974 all_their_time
## 20975 traffic
## 20976 they
## 20977 their_children
## 20978 I
## 20979 you
## 20980 new_funding
## 20981 the_following_things
## 20982 American_communities
## 20983 I
## 20984 this_speech
## 20985 I
## 20986 that
## 20987 I
## 20988 you
## 20989 us
## 20990 three_things
## 20991 We
## 20992 more_funding
## 20993 advanced_transit_systems
## 20994 We
## 20995 more_funding
## 20996 open_spaces
## 20997 places
## 20998 heavy_development
## 20999 we
## 21000 funding-;this
## 21001 more_funding
## 21002 major_cities
## 21003 the_Great_Lakes
## 21004 their_waterways
## 21005 their_quality
## 21006 life
## 21007 We
## 21008 these_things
## 21009 I
## 21010 you
## 21011 us
## 21012 The_greatest_environmental_challenge
## 21013 the_new_century
## 21014 global_warming
## 21015 The_scientists
## 21016 us
## 21017 the_hottest_decade
## 21018 the_entire_millennium
## 21019 we
## 21020 the_emission
## 21021 greenhouse_gases
## 21022 deadly_heat_waves
## 21023 droughts
## 21024 coastal_areas
## 21025 economies
## 21026 That
## 21027 we
## 21028 Many_people
## 21029 the_United_States
## 21030 some_people
## 21031 this_Chamber
## 21032 lots
## 21033 folks
## 21034 the_world
## 21035 you
## 21036 greenhouse_gas_emissions
## 21037 economic_growth
## 21038 the_industrial_age
## 21039 that
## 21040 this_digital_economy
## 21041 it
## 21042 New_technologies
## 21043 it
## 21044 harmful_emissions
## 21045 even_more_growth
## 21046 example
## 21047 automakers
## 21048 cars
## 21049 that
## 21050 70_to_80_miles
## 21051 the_fruits
## 21052 a_unique_research_partnership
## 21053 Government
## 21054 industry
## 21055 you
## 21056 it
## 21057 efficient_production
## 21058 bio
## 21059 -
## 21060 fuels
## 21061 us
## 21062 the_equivalent
## 21063 hundreds
## 21064 miles
## 21065 a_gallon
## 21066 gasoline
## 21067 innovation
## 21068 these_kind
## 21069 technologies
## 21070 I
## 21071 we
## 21072 a_major_tax_incentive
## 21073 business
## 21074 the_production
## 21075 clean_energy
## 21076 families
## 21077 energy-saving_homes
## 21078 appliances
## 21079 superefficient_cars
## 21080 they
## 21081 the_showroom_floor
## 21082 I
## 21083 the_auto_industry
## 21084 the_available_technologies
## 21085 all_new_cars
## 21086 I
## 21087 this_Congress
## 21088 something
## 21089 us
## 21090 our_clean_energy_technology
## 21091 the_developing_world
## 21092 That
## 21093 cleaner_growth
## 21094 a_lot_more_new_jobs
## 21095 the_United_States
## 21096 America
## 21097 the_new_century
## 21098 innovations
## 21099 science
## 21100 technology
## 21101 the_health
## 21102 the_environment
## 21103 miraculous_improvements
## 21104 the_quality
## 21105 our_lives
## 21106 advances
## 21107 the_economy
## 21108 researchers
## 21109 the_first_draft
## 21110 the_entire_human_genome
## 21111 the_very_blueprint
## 21112 life
## 21113 It
## 21114 all_our_fellow_Americans
## 21115 Federal_tax_dollars
## 21116 this_research
## 21117 this
## 21118 other_wise_investments
## 21119 science
## 21120 a_revolution
## 21121 our_ability
## 21122 disease
## 21123 example
## 21124 researchers
## 21125 genes
## 21126 that
## 21127 Parkinson
## 21128 diabetes
## 21129 certain_kinds
## 21130 cancer
## 21131 They
## 21132 precision_therapies
## 21133 that
## 21134 the_harmful_effect
## 21135 these_genes
## 21136 Researchers
## 21137 this_new_technique
## 21138 cells
## 21139 that
## 21140 breast_cancer
## 21141 we
## 21142 it
## 21143 the_onset
## 21144 Alzheimer
## 21145 Scientists
## 21146 an_artificial_retina
## 21147 many_blind_people
## 21148 this-;microchips
## 21149 that
## 21150 damaged_spinal_cords
## 21151 a_way
## 21152 that
## 21153 people
## 21154 These_kinds
## 21155 innovations
## 21156 our_remarkable_prosperity
## 21157 Information_technology
## 21158 8_percent
## 21159 our_employment
## 21160 a_third
## 21161 our_economic_growth
## 21162 jobs
## 21163 that
## 21164 the_way
## 21165 the_private_sector_average
## 21166 we
## 21167 mind
## 21168 Government-funded_research
## 21169 supercomputers
## 21170 the_Internet
## 21171 communications_satellites
## 21172 being
## 21173 researchers
## 21174 us
## 21175 devices
## 21176 that
## 21177 foreign_languages
## 21178 you
## 21179 steel
## 21180 a_fraction
## 21181 the_weight
## 21182 and-
## 21183 this
## 21184 me-;molecular_computers
## 21185 the_size
## 21186 a_teardrop
## 21187 the_power
## 21188 today's_fastest_supercomputers
## 21189 the_march
## 21190 discovery
## 21191 all_these_disciplines
## 21192 science
## 21193 technology
## 21194 I
## 21195 you
## 21196 my_recommendation
## 21197 the_21st_century_research_fund
## 21198 the_largest_increase
## 21199 civilian_research
## 21200 a_generation
## 21201 We
## 21202 it
## 21203 our_future
## 21204 these_new_breakthroughs
## 21205 ways
## 21206 that
## 21207 our_values
## 21208 we
## 21209 our_citizens'_privacy
## 21210 we
## 21211 every_citizen's_medical_record
## 21212 we
## 21213 those_rules
## 21214 We
## 21215 the_first_steps
## 21216 the_privacy
## 21217 bank_and_credit_card_records
## 21218 other_financial_statements
## 21219 I
## 21220 legislation
## 21221 you
## 21222 that_job
## 21223 We
## 21224 any_genetic_discrimination
## 21225 employers
## 21226 insurers
## 21227 I
## 21228 you
## 21229 that
## 21230 These_steps
## 21231 us
## 21232 the_far_frontiers
## 21233 science
## 21234 technology
## 21235 They
## 21236 our_health
## 21237 the_environment
## 21238 the_economy
## 21239 ways
## 21240 we
## 21241 we
## 21242 all
## 21243 a_time
## 21244 science
## 21245 technology
## 21246 the_forces
## 21247 globalization
## 21248 so_many_changes
## 21249 all_our_lives
## 21250 it
## 21251 we
## 21252 the_bonds
## 21253 that
## 21254 us
## 21255 our_local_communities
## 21256 our_national_community
## 21257 No_tie
## 21258 different_people
## 21259 citizen_service
## 21260 a_new_spirit
## 21261 service
## 21262 America
## 21263 a_movement
## 21264 we
## 21265 AmeriCorps
## 21266 Peace_Corps
## 21267 unprecedented_new_partnerships
## 21268 businesses
## 21269 foundations
## 21270 community_groups
## 21271 partnerships
## 21272 example
## 21273 the_one
## 21274 that
## 21275 12,000_companies
## 21276 which
## 21277 our_fellow_citizens
## 21278 welfare
## 21279 work
## 21280 partnerships
## 21281 drug_abuse
## 21282 AIDS
## 21283 young_people
## 21284 America's_treasures
## 21285 the_arts
## 21286 teen_pregnancy
## 21287 violence
## 21288 young_people
## 21289 racial_healing
## 21290 The_American_people
## 21291 we
## 21292 Americans
## 21293 we
## 21294 organizations
## 21295 poverty_and_drug_abuse
## 21296 people
## 21297 the_right_track
## 21298 initiatives
## 21299 Second_Chance_Homes
## 21300 that
## 21301 teen_mothers
## 21302 we
## 21303 Americans
## 21304 who
## 21305 charities
## 21306 a_tax_deduction
## 21307 it
## 21308 I
## 21309 new_tax_incentives
## 21310 that
## 21311 low_and_middle_income_citizens
## 21312 who
## 21313 that_deduction
## 21314 It
## 21315 nothing
## 21316 it
## 21317 more_people
## 21318 We
## 21319 new_immigrants
## 21320 our_community
## 21321 That
## 21322 I
## 21323 them
## 21324 civics
## 21325 English
## 21326 everybody
## 21327 our_community_counts
## 21328 we
## 21329 everyone
## 21330 this_year's_census
## 21331 years-;there
## 21332 no_majority_race
## 21333 our_largest_State
## 21334 California
## 21335 a_little_more_than_50_years
## 21336 no_majority_race
## 21337 America
## 21338 a_more_interconnected_world
## 21339 this_diversity
## 21340 our_greatest_strength
## 21341 this_Chamber
## 21342 We
## 21343 Members
## 21344 this_Congress
## 21345 virtually_every_racial,_ethnic,_and_religious_background
## 21346 I
## 21347 you
## 21348 America
## 21349 it
## 21350 You
## 21351 that_all_those_differences
## 21352 you
## 21353 hatred
## 21354 division
## 21355 home
## 21356 the_last_couple
## 21357 years
## 21358 we
## 21359 a_man
## 21360 death
## 21361 Texas
## 21362 he
## 21363 We
## 21364 a_young_man
## 21365 Wyoming
## 21366 he
## 21367 we
## 21368 the_shootings
## 21369 African-Americans
## 21370 Asian-Americans
## 21371 Jewish_children
## 21372 who
## 21373 they
## 21374 This
## 21375 the_American_way
## 21376 we
## 21377 the_line
## 21378 I
## 21379 you
## 21380 that_line
## 21381 the_"Hate_Crimes_Prevention_Act
## 21382 the_"Employment_Non-Discrimination_Act
## 21383 I
## 21384 you
## 21385 the_Violence
## 21386 Women_Act
## 21387 I
## 21388 the_largest_ever_investment
## 21389 our_civil_rights_laws
## 21390 enforcement
## 21391 no_American
## 21392 discrimination
## 21393 a_home
## 21394 a_job
## 21395 school
## 21396 a_loan
## 21397 Protections
## 21398 law
## 21399 protections
## 21400 fact
## 21401 I
## 21402 this
## 21403 I
## 21404 the_White_House_Office
## 21405 One_America
## 21406 racial_reconciliation
## 21407 That
## 21408 my_personal_heroes
## 21409 all_his_life
## 21410 his_days
## 21411 our_all-time_home_run_king
## 21412 his_recent_acts
## 21413 healing
## 21414 he
## 21415 people
## 21416 We
## 21417 his_example
## 21418 we
## 21419 him
## 21420 us
## 21421 I
## 21422 one_more_thing
## 21423 this
## 21424 I
## 21425 you
## 21426 this
## 21427 you
## 21428 your_colleagues
## 21429 the_other_side
## 21430 the_aisle
## 21431 the_White_House
## 21432 Hillary
## 21433 her_millennium_dinners
## 21434 we
## 21435 this_very_distinguished_scientist
## 21436 who
## 21437 an_expert
## 21438 this_whole_work
## 21439 the_human_genome
## 21440 he
## 21441 we
## 21442 race
## 21443 you
## 21444 you
## 21445 it
## 21446 We
## 21447 this
## 21448 you
## 21449 it
## 21450 Modern_science
## 21451 what_ancient_faiths
## 21452 the_most_important_fact
## 21453 life
## 21454 our_common_humanity
## 21455 we
## 21456 our_diversity
## 21457 we
## 21458 it
## 21459 it
## 21460 every_time
## 21461 I
## 21462 the_State
## 21463 the_Union
## 21464 I
## 21465 it
## 21466 hope
## 21467 expectation
## 21468 excitement
## 21469 our_Nation
## 21470 tonight
## 21471 we
## 21472 the_mountaintop
## 21473 a_new_millennium
## 21474 us
## 21475 we
## 21476 the_great_expanse
## 21477 American_achievement
## 21478 us
## 21479 we
## 21480 even_greater,_grander_frontiers
## 21481 possibility
## 21482 We
## 21483 all
## 21484 us
## 21485 gratitude
## 21486 humility
## 21487 our_present_progress
## 21488 prosperity
## 21489 We
## 21490 awe
## 21491 joy
## 21492 what
## 21493 the_horizon
## 21494 we
## 21495 absolute_determination
## 21496 it
## 21497 You
## 21498 the_Framers
## 21499 our_Constitution
## 21500 Philadelphia
## 21501 Benjamin_Franklin
## 21502 Independence_Hall
## 21503 he
## 21504 the_carving
## 21505 the_Sun
## 21506 that
## 21507 the_back
## 21508 a_chair
## 21509 he
## 21510 The_Sun
## 21511 the_horizon
## 21512 he
## 21513 this-;he
## 21514 I
## 21515 Sun
## 21516 Franklin
## 21517 I
## 21518 the_happiness
## 21519 it
## 21520 a_rising_Sun
## 21521 each
## 21522 generation
## 21523 Americans
## 21524 the_fire
## 21525 freedom
## 21526 those_frontiers
## 21527 possibility
## 21528 we
## 21529 all
## 21530 the_glow
## 21531 the_warmth
## 21532 Mr._Franklin's_rising_Sun
## 21533 224_years
## 21534 the_American_revolution
## 21535 We
## 21536 a_new_nation
## 21537 our_dreams
## 21538 our_memories
## 21539 America
## 21540 That
## 21541 our_destiny
## 21542 this
## 21543 our_moment
## 21544 you
## 21545 God
## 21546 you
## 21547 God
## 21548 America
Usually, entities and noun phrases can give you a good idea of what texts are about. Therefore, you might want to only extract them without parsing the entire text.
## doc_id text ent_type start_id length
## 1 1990 Speaker PERSON 6 1
## 2 1990 the United States ORG 10 3
## 3 1990 Senate ORG 24 1
## 4 1990 House ORG 32 1
## 5 1990 the coming year DATE 78 3
## 6 1990 American NORP 100 1
## 7 1990 America GPE 129 1
## 8 1990 Chamber ORG 158 1
## 9 1990 1945 DATE 174 1
## 10 1990 that year DATE 180 2
## 11 1990 millions CARDINAL 197 1
## 12 1990 forty-five CARDINAL 206 3
## 13 1990 the year DATE 243 2
## 14 1990 12 short months ago DATE 285 4
## 15 1990 1989 DATE 295 1
## 16 1990 one year ago DATE 302 3
## 17 1990 Panama GPE 309 1
## 18 1990 Today DATE 321 1
## 19 1990 Panama GPE 326 1
## 20 1990 Panama GPE 344 1
## 21 1990 tonight TIME 359 1
## 22 1990 the end of February DATE 366 4
## 23 1990 American NORP 375 1
## 24 1990 A year ago DATE 400 3
## 25 1990 Poland GPE 404 1
## 26 1990 Lech Walesa PERSON 406 2
## 27 1990 Communist NORP 419 1
## 28 1990 today DATE 426 1
## 29 1990 Poland GPE 434 1
## 30 1990 Solidarity ORG 442 1
## 31 1990 the Polish Government ORG 444 3
## 32 1990 A year ago DATE 449 3
## 33 1990 freedom ORG 453 1
## 34 1990 Vaclav Havel PERSON 457 2
## 35 1990 Prague GPE 465 1
## 36 1990 today DATE 468 1
## 37 1990 Vaclav Havel PERSON 471 2
## 38 1990 Czechoslovakia GPE 476 1
## 39 1990 1 year ago DATE 480 3
## 40 1990 Erich Honecker PERSON 484 2
## 41 1990 East Germany GPE 487 2
## 42 1990 the Berlin Wall FAC 498 3
## 43 1990 another hundred years DATE 503 3
## 44 1990 today DATE 508 1
## 45 1990 less than 1 year later DATE 510 5
## 46 1990 American NORP 538 1
## 47 1990 American NORP 548 1
## 48 1990 America GPE 592 1
## 49 1990 today DATE 604 1
## 50 1990 tomorrow DATE 606 1
## 51 1990 the next century DATE 610 3
## 52 1990 millions CARDINAL 633 1
## 53 1990 America GPE 646 1
## 54 1990 Branik PERSON 672 1
## 55 1990 Prague GPE 677 1
## 56 1990 America GPE 682 1
## 57 1990 Happiness ORG 762 1
## 58 1990 today DATE 813 1
## 59 1990 second ORDINAL 825 1
## 60 1990 America GPE 836 1
## 61 1990 USA GPE 898 1
## 62 1990 first ORDINAL 938 1
## 63 1990 American NORP 942 1
## 64 1990 American NORP 1016 1
## 65 1990 today DATE 1087 1
## 66 1990 America GPE 1099 1
## 67 1990 the nineties DATE 1121 2
## 68 1990 America GPE 1152 1
## 69 1990 tomorrow DATE 1209 1
## 70 1990 American NORP 1253 1
## 71 1990 American NORP 1264 1
## 72 1990 American NORP 1273 1
## 73 1990 Congress ORG 1331 1
## 74 1990 tomorrow DATE 1332 1
## 75 1990 America GPE 1386 1
## 76 1990 first ORDINAL 1429 1
## 77 1990 70 percent PERCENT 1449 2
## 78 1990 1989 DATE 1458 1
## 79 1990 one CARDINAL 1480 1
## 80 1990 Last fall DATE 1484 2
## 81 1990 the very first day DATE 1511 4
## 82 1990 an extra half-a-billion dollars CARDINAL 1537 8
## 83 1990 one CARDINAL 1563 1
## 84 1990 tonight TIME 1627 1
## 85 1990 America GPE 1631 1
## 86 1990 the Nation's Governors ORG 1642 4
## 87 1990 Gardner PERSON 1663 1
## 88 1990 Washington GPE 1665 1
## 89 1990 Clinton PERSON 1669 1
## 90 1990 Arkansas GPE 1671 1
## 91 1990 Branstad PERSON 1675 1
## 92 1990 Iowa GPE 1677 1
## 93 1990 Campbell PERSON 1681 1
## 94 1990 South Carolina GPE 1683 2
## 95 1990 tonight TIME 1704 1
## 96 1990 the year 2000 DATE 1708 3
## 97 1990 The United States GPE 1722 3
## 98 1990 no less than 90 percent PERCENT 1733 5
## 99 1990 4th ORDINAL 1760 1
## 100 1990 8th ORDINAL 1762 1
## 101 1990 12th ORDINAL 1765 1
## 102 1990 the year 2000 DATE 1778 3
## 103 1990 U.S. GPE 1782 1
## 104 1990 first ORDINAL 1786 1
## 105 1990 American NORP 1798 1
## 106 1990 America GPE 1834 1
## 107 1990 America GPE 1880 1
## 108 1990 American NORP 1889 1
## 109 1990 America GPE 1931 1
## 110 1990 Seven years ago DATE 1969 3
## 111 1990 Federal ORG 1974 1
## 112 1990 6 percent PERCENT 1977 2
## 113 1990 6 percent PERCENT 1985 2
## 114 1990 2 days ago DATE 1995 3
## 115 1990 1 percent PERCENT 2004 2
## 116 1990 Gramm-Rudman LAW 2023 3
## 117 1990 1993 DATE 2039 1
## 118 1990 $1.2 trillion MONEY 2065 3
## 119 1990 America GPE 2143 1
## 120 1990 one CARDINAL 2152 1
## 121 1990 the Environmental Protection Agency ORG 2163 4
## 122 1990 Cabinet ORG 2168 1
## 123 1990 year DATE 2208 1
## 124 1990 over $2 billion MONEY 2212 4
## 125 1990 over $1 billion MONEY 2225 4
## 126 1990 America GPE 2280 1
## 127 1990 tonight TIME 2299 1
## 128 1990 Congress ORG 2310 1
## 129 1990 American NORP 2313 1
## 130 1990 the Educational Excellence Act LAW 2376 4
## 131 1990 Social Security ORG 2440 2
## 132 1990 American NORP 2445 1
## 133 1990 Social Security ORG 2449 2
## 134 1990 American NORP 2454 1
## 135 1990 today DATE 2458 1
## 136 1990 1983 DATE 2491 1
## 137 1990 today DATE 2506 1
## 138 1990 Social Security ORG 2533 2
## 139 1990 one CARDINAL 2539 1
## 140 1990 tonight TIME 2567 1
## 141 1990 Sullivan PERSON 2572 1
## 142 1990 Lou Sullivan PERSON 2574 2
## 143 1990 Health and Human Services ORG 2579 4
## 144 1990 Domestic Policy Council ORG 2587 3
## 145 1990 Americans NORP 2651 1
## 146 1990 millions CARDINAL 2665 1
## 147 1990 next week DATE 2702 2
## 148 1990 tomorrow DATE 2706 1
## 149 1990 American NORP 2862 1
## 150 1990 American NORP 2873 1
## 151 1990 Private First Class James Markwell ORG 2914 5
## 152 1990 20-year-old DATE 2921 5
## 153 1990 Army ORG 2926 1
## 154 1990 the 1st Battalion ORG 2929 3
## 155 1990 75th Rangers PERSON 2933 2
## 156 1990 December 18th DATE 2939 2
## 157 1990 Panama GPE 2952 1
## 158 1990 Private Markwell's ORG 2970 3
## 159 1990 Cincinnati GPE 2988 1
## 160 1990 Army ORG 3073 1
## 161 1990 Army ORG 3089 1
## 162 1990 first ORDINAL 3122 1
## 163 1990 Panama GPE 3127 1
## 164 1990 one CARDINAL 3130 1
## 165 1990 first ORDINAL 3133 1
## 166 1990 America GPE 3151 1
## 167 1990 tonight TIME 3159 1
## 168 1990 this past year DATE 3167 3
## 169 1990 America GPE 3192 1
## 170 1990 Nearly 40 years ago DATE 3196 4
## 171 1990 Congress ORG 3207 1
## 172 1990 Harry Truman PERSON 3210 2
## 173 1990 Communist NORP 3255 1
## 174 1990 Today DATE 3259 1
## 175 1990 more than 40 years DATE 3269 4
## 176 1990 America GPE 3274 1
## 177 1990 today DATE 3292 1
## 178 1990 Congress ORG 3333 1
## 179 1990 Americans NORP 3337 1
## 180 1990 Americas LOC 3382 1
## 181 1990 North GPE 3384 1
## 182 1990 South LOC 3386 1
## 183 1990 the Far East LOC 3394 3
## 184 1990 Africa LOC 3398 1
## 185 1990 Eastern Europe LOC 3434 2
## 186 1990 the Soviet Union GPE 3465 3
## 187 1990 Soviet NORP 3507 1
## 188 1990 Europe LOC 3511 1
## 189 1990 Soviet NORP 3521 1
## 190 1990 Europe LOC 3567 1
## 191 1990 U.S. GPE 3576 1
## 192 1990 Europe LOC 3587 1
## 193 1990 NATO ORG 3596 1
## 194 1990 Gorbachev PERSON 3607 1
## 195 1990 today DATE 3609 1
## 196 1990 European NORP 3616 1
## 197 1990 American NORP 3620 1
## 198 1990 Europe LOC 3624 1
## 199 1990 Soviet NORP 3637 1
## 200 1990 Eastern Europe LOC 3641 2
## 201 1990 tonight TIME 3656 1
## 202 1990 U.S. GPE 3669 1
## 203 1990 Soviet NORP 3671 1
## 204 1990 Central and Eastern Europe LOC 3674 4
## 205 1990 195,000 CARDINAL 3679 1
## 206 1990 American NORP 3700 1
## 207 1990 European NORP 3702 1
## 208 1990 NATO ORG 3706 1
## 209 1990 tonight TIME 3755 1
## 210 1990 America GPE 3784 1
## 211 1990 American NORP 3801 1
## 212 1990 the past four decades DATE 3805 4
## 213 1990 Six months ago DATE 3838 3
## 214 1990 this season DATE 3844 2
## 215 1990 Poland GPE 3859 1
## 216 1990 Solidarity ORG 3868 1
## 217 1990 Three CARDINAL 3878 1
## 218 1990 today DATE 3907 1
## 219 1990 America GPE 3940 1
## 220 1990 the last few days DATE 3965 4
## 221 1990 this past momentous year DATE 3970 4
## 222 1990 12th ORDINAL 3993 1
## 223 1990 first ORDINAL 4004 1
## 224 1990 this past year DATE 4054 3
## 225 1990 the Far East LOC 4069 3
## 226 1990 Eastern Europe LOC 4073 2
## 227 1990 this month DATE 4095 2
## 228 1990 the Florida Everglades ORG 4102 3
## 229 1990 Poland GPE 4114 1
## 230 1990 Warsaw GPE 4120 1
## 231 1990 the World Series EVENT 4122 3
## 232 1990 tonight TIME 4219 1
## 233 1990 American NORP 4289 1
## 234 1990 one CARDINAL 4322 1
## 235 1990 tonight TIME 4369 1
## 236 1990 America GPE 4379 1
## 237 1990 the years and DATE 4383 3
## 238 1990 decades DATE 4386 1
## 239 1990 a new century DATE 4393 3
## 240 1990 century DATE 4398 1
## 241 1990 Americans NORP 4423 1
## 242 1990 Chamber ORG 4432 1
## 243 1990 America GPE 4448 1
## 244 1990 God PERSON 4478 1
## 245 1990 the United States of America GPE 4484 5
## 246 1991 Speaker PERSON 6 1
## 247 1991 the United States ORG 10 3
## 248 1991 House ORG 20 1
## 249 1991 Americans NORP 30 1
## 250 1991 a defining hour TIME 37 3
## 251 1991 Americans NORP 72 1
## 252 1991 two centuries DATE 82 2
## 253 1991 tonight TIME 95 1
## 254 1991 more than one CARDINAL 117 3
## 255 1991 Saddam Hussein's PERSON 194 3
## 256 1991 Saddam PERSON 259 1
## 257 1991 12 CARDINAL 263 1
## 258 1991 United Nations ORG 264 2
## 259 1991 Iraq GPE 273 1
## 260 1991 28 CARDINAL 286 1
## 261 1991 6 CARDINAL 289 1
## 262 1991 A year and a half ago DATE 318 6
## 263 1991 Germany GPE 326 1
## 264 1991 Europe LOC 335 1
## 265 1991 Tonight TIME 340 1
## 266 1991 Germany GPE 342 1
## 267 1991 Europe LOC 346 1
## 268 1991 America GPE 354 1
## 269 1991 the Soviet Union GPE 368 3
## 270 1991 Baltics LOC 411 1
## 271 1991 Soviet NORP 421 1
## 272 1991 Baltic NORP 439 1
## 273 1991 the Soviet Union GPE 448 3
## 274 1991 Soviet NORP 458 1
## 275 1991 Soviet NORP 477 1
## 276 1991 Republics GPE 486 1
## 277 1991 Soviet NORP 513 1
## 278 1991 U.S.-Soviet ORG 539 1
## 279 1991 democratic NORP 555 1
## 280 1991 Eastern Europe LOC 558 2
## 281 1991 Latin America LOC 561 2
## 282 1991 Tonight TIME 584 1
## 283 1991 the last decade DATE 607 3
## 284 1991 the 20th century DATE 611 3
## 285 1991 two centuries DATE 642 2
## 286 1991 America GPE 645 1
## 287 1991 America GPE 662 1
## 288 1991 today DATE 677 1
## 289 1991 American NORP 685 1
## 290 1991 Americans NORP 690 1
## 291 1991 Americans NORP 714 1
## 292 1991 the Persian Gulf LOC 745 3
## 293 1991 today DATE 748 1
## 294 1991 American NORP 752 1
## 295 1991 America GPE 834 1
## 296 1991 House ORG 855 1
## 297 1991 American NORP 858 1
## 298 1991 American NORP 894 1
## 299 1991 the next American century DATE 898 4
## 300 1991 America GPE 904 1
## 301 1991 this next American century DATE 929 4
## 302 1991 today DATE 938 1
## 303 1991 one CARDINAL 942 1
## 304 1991 one CARDINAL 949 1
## 305 1991 one CARDINAL 961 1
## 306 1991 one CARDINAL 967 1
## 307 1991 America GPE 982 1
## 308 1991 a Thousand Points of Light ORG 1005 5
## 309 1991 We the People WORK_OF_ART 1199 3
## 310 1991 American NORP 1224 1
## 311 1991 Americans NORP 1248 1
## 312 1991 these last 2 years DATE 1293 4
## 313 1991 Americans NORP 1319 1
## 314 1991 Americans NORP 1347 1
## 315 1991 States GPE 1404 1
## 316 1991 America GPE 1433 1
## 317 1991 tonight TIME 1442 1
## 318 1991 Earlier this month DATE 1463 3
## 319 1991 Kathy Blackwell PERSON 1467 2
## 320 1991 Massachusetts GPE 1471 1
## 321 1991 First ORDINAL 1533 1
## 322 1991 Second ORDINAL 1546 1
## 323 1991 third ORDINAL 1570 1
## 324 1991 American NORP 1583 1
## 325 1991 1981 DATE 1606 1
## 326 1991 almost 20 million CARDINAL 1611 3
## 327 1991 half CARDINAL 1619 1
## 328 1991 half CARDINAL 1626 1
## 329 1991 the next American century DATE 1693 4
## 330 1991 today DATE 1703 1
## 331 1991 Federal ORG 1730 1
## 332 1991 last year's DATE 1767 3
## 333 1991 the Federal Government ORG 1809 3
## 334 1991 nearly $500 billion MONEY 1829 4
## 335 1991 first ORDINAL 1873 1
## 336 1991 tonight TIME 1922 1
## 337 1991 the Federal Reserve ORG 1931 3
## 338 1991 Alan Greenspan PERSON 1945 2
## 339 1991 the next American century DATE 1993 4
## 340 1991 Congress ORG 2019 1
## 341 1991 America GPE 2038 1
## 342 1991 the 50 Governors ORG 2068 3
## 343 1991 America GPE 2088 1
## 344 1991 one CARDINAL 2090 1
## 345 1991 America GPE 2169 1
## 346 1991 the 21st century DATE 2174 3
## 347 1991 American NORP 2264 1
## 348 1991 Uruguay GPE 2269 1
## 349 1991 America GPE 2300 1
## 350 1991 Mexican NORP 2323 1
## 351 1991 American NORP 2431 1
## 352 1991 Congress ORG 2479 1
## 353 1991 the day DATE 2595 2
## 354 1991 American NORP 2611 1
## 355 1991 American NORP 2616 1
## 356 1991 America GPE 2652 1
## 357 1991 one CARDINAL 2690 1
## 358 1991 American NORP 2709 1
## 359 1991 Washington GPE 2803 1
## 360 1991 The Federal Government ORG 2805 3
## 361 1991 Washington GPE 2818 1
## 362 1991 Washington GPE 2821 1
## 363 1991 Washington GPE 2825 1
## 364 1991 States GPE 2872 1
## 365 1991 more than $20 billion MONEY 2886 5
## 366 1991 Congress ORG 2894 1
## 367 1991 at least $15 billion MONEY 2903 5
## 368 1991 States GPE 2932 1
## 369 1991 the Federal Government ORG 2949 3
## 370 1991 States GPE 2958 1
## 371 1991 States GPE 2994 1
## 372 1991 Americans NORP 3037 1
## 373 1991 Almost 50 years ago DATE 3075 4
## 374 1991 another defining hour TIME 3091 3
## 375 1991 America GPE 3095 1
## 376 1991 the Persian Gulf LOC 3137 3
## 377 1991 America GPE 3195 1
## 378 1991 America GPE 3228 1
## 379 1991 Gulf LOC 3237 1
## 380 1991 more than 5 months DATE 3253 4
## 381 1991 the Arab League ORG 3261 3
## 382 1991 the European Community ORG 3265 3
## 383 1991 the United Nations ORG 3269 3
## 384 1991 U.N. ORG 3278 1
## 385 1991 Perez de Cuellar PERSON 3282 3
## 386 1991 Presidents Gorbachev PERSON 3286 2
## 387 1991 Mitterrand GPE 3289 1
## 388 1991 Ozal GPE 3291 1
## 389 1991 Mubarak PERSON 3293 1
## 390 1991 Kings Fahd PERSON 3298 2
## 391 1991 Hassan PERSON 3301 1
## 392 1991 Andreotti LOC 3307 1
## 393 1991 Saddam Hussein PERSON 3326 2
## 394 1991 August DATE 3352 1
## 395 1991 Saddam PERSON 3356 1
## 396 1991 Iraq GPE 3405 1
## 397 1991 Time ORG 3429 1
## 398 1991 Saddam PERSON 3433 1
## 399 1991 the Persian Gulf LOC 3441 3
## 400 1991 Iraq GPE 3449 1
## 401 1991 Kuwait GPE 3452 1
## 402 1991 Kuwait GPE 3456 1
## 403 1991 Iraq GPE 3496 1
## 404 1991 Iraq GPE 3510 1
## 405 1991 a Persian Gulf LOC 3543 3
## 406 1991 Americans NORP 3569 1
## 407 1991 Gulf LOC 3577 1
## 408 1991 Saddam PERSON 3585 1
## 409 1991 200 years DATE 3761 2
## 410 1991 years DATE 3775 1
## 411 1991 Patriot PERSON 3795 1
## 412 1991 the United States GPE 3850 3
## 413 1991 American NORP 3870 1
## 414 1991 American NORP 3876 1
## 415 1991 Gulf LOC 3934 1
## 416 1991 tonight TIME 3940 1
## 417 1991 Norman Schwarzkopf PERSON 3943 2
## 418 1991 Schwarzkopf PERSON 3953 1
## 419 1991 Schwarzkopf PERSON 3972 1
## 420 1991 Alma Powell PERSON 3974 2
## 421 1991 Gulf LOC 4000 1
## 422 1991 one day DATE 4005 2
## 423 1991 RAF ORG 4023 1
## 424 1991 Kuwaiti GPE 4028 1
## 425 1991 Saudi NORP 4030 1
## 426 1991 French NORP 4032 1
## 427 1991 Canadians NORP 4035 1
## 428 1991 Italians NORP 4038 1
## 429 1991 Qatar GPE 4043 1
## 430 1991 Bahrain GPE 4045 1
## 431 1991 first ORDINAL 4053 1
## 432 1991 World War II EVENT 4056 3
## 433 1991 the United Nations ORG 4069 3
## 434 1991 Last year DATE 4109 2
## 435 1991 Desert Shield PERSON 4124 2
## 436 1991 over $40 billion MONEY 4134 4
## 437 1991 the first 3 months of 1991 DATE 4139 6
## 438 1991 Desert Storm PERSON 4158 2
## 439 1991 Iraq GPE 4172 1
## 440 1991 Israel GPE 4185 1
## 441 1991 Saudi Arabia GPE 4187 2
## 442 1991 Gulf LOC 4249 1
## 443 1991 the United States GPE 4318 3
## 444 1991 the United States of America GPE 4339 5
## 445 1991 Earth LOC 4364 1
## 446 1991 America GPE 4385 1
## 447 1991 America GPE 4560 1
## 448 1991 the next century DATE 4592 3
## 449 1991 God PERSON 4623 1
## 450 1991 the United States of America GPE 4625 5
## 451 1992 Speaker PERSON 3 1
## 452 1992 Congress ORG 11 1
## 453 1992 Barbara PERSON 59 1
## 454 1992 Japan GPE 87 1
## 455 1992 tonight TIME 108 1
## 456 1992 tonight TIME 152 1
## 457 1992 Earth LOC 170 1
## 458 1992 the past 12 months DATE 174 4
## 459 1992 Biblical ORG 186 1
## 460 1992 months DATE 193 1
## 461 1992 this year DATE 225 2
## 462 1992 America GPE 297 1
## 463 1992 the cold war EVENT 299 3
## 464 1992 this evening TIME 308 2
## 465 1992 these past few months DATE 381 4
## 466 1992 Korea GPE 419 1
## 467 1992 Vietnam GPE 421 1
## 468 1992 this year DATE 439 2
## 469 1992 Kilroy PERSON 558 1
## 470 1992 German NORP 567 1
## 471 1992 Iraqi NORP 576 1
## 472 1992 I saw Elvis WORK_OF_ART 582 3
## 473 1992 American NORP 625 1
## 474 1992 half a century DATE 650 3
## 475 1992 American NORP 656 1
## 476 1992 American NORP 714 1
## 477 1992 first ORDINAL 736 1
## 478 1992 35 years DATE 739 2
## 479 1992 Tomorrow DATE 761 1
## 480 1992 decades DATE 827 1
## 481 1992 A year ago DATE 847 3
## 482 1992 tonight TIME 850 1
## 483 1992 American NORP 863 1
## 484 1992 Operation Desert Storm EVENT 868 3
## 485 1992 40 days DATE 874 2
## 486 1992 4 days DATE 881 2
## 487 1992 America GPE 892 1
## 488 1992 Armed Forces ORG 894 2
## 489 1992 Kuwait GPE 912 1
## 490 1992 Arab NORP 918 1
## 491 1992 Israel GPE 921 1
## 492 1992 first ORDINAL 934 1
## 493 1992 Christmas DATE 942 1
## 494 1992 American NORP 946 1
## 495 1992 two CARDINAL 981 1
## 496 1992 one CARDINAL 986 1
## 497 1992 the United States of America GPE 992 5
## 498 1992 A few days DATE 1056 3
## 499 1992 Joanne Speicher PERSON 1069 2
## 500 1992 first ORDINAL 1076 1
## 501 1992 Gulf LOC 1081 1
## 502 1992 Scott Speicher PERSON 1085 2
## 503 1992 Chamber ORG 1159 1
## 504 1992 Two years ago DATE 1217 3
## 505 1992 this year DATE 1240 2
## 506 1992 Tonight TIME 1254 1
## 507 1992 20 CARDINAL 1288 1
## 508 1992 the B - 2 LOC 1304 4
## 509 1992 Peacekeeper ORG 1341 1
## 510 1992 Camp David FAC 1362 2
## 511 1992 Boris Yeltsin PERSON 1365 2
## 512 1992 the Russian Federation GPE 1368 3
## 513 1992 Yeltsin PERSON 1376 1
## 514 1992 Commonwealth ORG 1380 1
## 515 1992 Soviet Union GPE 1384 2
## 516 1992 Peacekeeper ORG 1409 1
## 517 1992 Minuteman PRODUCT 1420 1
## 518 1992 about one-third CARDINAL 1437 4
## 519 1992 Yeltsin PERSON 1459 1
## 520 1992 Camp David FAC 1474 2
## 521 1992 half a century DATE 1488 3
## 522 1992 American Presidents ORG 1492 2
## 523 1992 yesterday DATE 1542 1
## 524 1992 tomorrow DATE 1549 1
## 525 1992 Defense ORG 1559 1
## 526 1992 the Joint Chiefs of Staff ORG 1566 5
## 527 1992 an additional $50 billion MONEY 1593 5
## 528 1992 the next 5 years DATE 1599 4
## 529 1992 1997 DATE 1605 1
## 530 1992 30 percent PERCENT 1613 2
## 531 1992 this century DATE 1682 2
## 532 1992 this evening TIME 1706 2
## 533 1992 the United States of America GPE 1792 5
## 534 1992 West LOC 1802 1
## 535 1992 Chamber ORG 1975 1
## 536 1992 Desert Storm PERSON 1998 2
## 537 1992 One CARDINAL 2015 1
## 538 1992 America GPE 2063 1
## 539 1992 America GPE 2121 1
## 540 1992 American NORP 2209 1
## 541 1992 Congress ORG 2300 1
## 542 1992 this evening TIME 2314 2
## 543 1992 Cabinet ORG 2319 1
## 544 1992 90-day DATE 2327 3
## 545 1992 those 90 days DATE 2342 3
## 546 1992 American NORP 2398 1
## 547 1992 Cabinet ORG 2460 1
## 548 1992 an extra $10 billion MONEY 2478 5
## 549 1992 the next 6 months DATE 2487 4
## 550 1992 more than $150 billion MONEY 2498 5
## 551 1992 this evening TIME 2540 2
## 552 1992 Treasury ORG 2548 1
## 553 1992 millions CARDINAL 2561 1
## 554 1992 Americans NORP 2563 1
## 555 1992 about $25 billion MONEY 2604 4
## 556 1992 the next 12 months DATE 2613 4
## 557 1992 the Federal Reserve ORG 2641 3
## 558 1992 Congress ORG 2677 1
## 559 1992 this evening TIME 2716 2
## 560 1992 15-percent PERCENT 2731 3
## 561 1992 Americans NORP 2818 1
## 562 1992 first ORDINAL 2824 1
## 563 1992 first ORDINAL 2838 1
## 564 1992 IRA ORG 2846 1
## 565 1992 5,000 MONEY 2854 1
## 566 1992 first ORDINAL 2859 1
## 567 1992 Congress ORG 2874 1
## 568 1992 this hour TIME 2904 2
## 569 1992 Sixty percent PERCENT 2956 2
## 570 1992 50,000 MONEY 2971 1
## 571 1992 15.4 percent PERCENT 3008 2
## 572 1992 night TIME 3055 1
## 573 1992 Congress ORG 3145 1
## 574 1992 today DATE 3193 1
## 575 1992 up to $4.4 billion MONEY 3199 5
## 576 1992 a political season DATE 3264 3
## 577 1992 Chamber ORG 3416 1
## 578 1992 tomorrow DATE 3479 1
## 579 1992 March 20th DATE 3490 2
## 580 1992 American NORP 3497 1
## 581 1992 March 20th DATE 3508 2
## 582 1992 the day DATE 3512 2
## 583 1992 two CARDINAL 3550 1
## 584 1992 second ORDINAL 3561 1
## 585 1992 America GPE 3607 1
## 586 1992 First ORDINAL 3640 1
## 587 1992 America GPE 3683 1
## 588 1992 American NORP 3695 1
## 589 1992 North American NORP 3703 2
## 590 1992 America GPE 3767 1
## 591 1992 America 2000 DATE 3772 2
## 592 1992 American NORP 3800 1
## 593 1992 Thirty CARDINAL 3803 1
## 594 1992 Hundreds CARDINAL 3814 1
## 595 1992 Congress ORG 3824 1
## 596 1992 American NORP 3836 1
## 597 1992 second ORDINAL 3843 1
## 598 1992 third ORDINAL 3853 1
## 599 1992 $76 billion MONEY 3900 3
## 600 1992 this year DATE 3903 2
## 601 1992 6 in the morning TIME 3972 4
## 602 1992 night TIME 4011 1
## 603 1992 Congress ORG 4042 1
## 604 1992 years DATE 4070 1
## 605 1992 tonight TIME 4086 1
## 606 1992 tonight TIME 4158 1
## 607 1992 Head Start PERSON 4175 2
## 608 1992 six CARDINAL 4180 1
## 609 1992 American NORP 4207 1
## 610 1992 America GPE 4216 1
## 611 1992 over $800 billion MONEY 4219 4
## 612 1992 1.6 trillion CARDINAL 4233 2
## 613 1992 the end of the decade DATE 4236 5
## 614 1992 thousands of dollars MONEY 4286 3
## 615 1992 only two CARDINAL 4362 2
## 616 1992 Americans NORP 4463 1
## 617 1992 up to $3,750 MONEY 4501 4
## 618 1992 Americans NORP 4533 1
## 619 1992 Congress ORG 4632 1
## 620 1992 next year DATE 4669 2
## 621 1992 this year DATE 4672 2
## 622 1992 Social Security ORG 4680 2
## 623 1992 Congress ORG 4711 1
## 624 1992 246 CARDINAL 4719 1
## 625 1992 American NORP 4767 1
## 626 1992 Congress ORG 4787 1
## 627 1992 annual DATE 4800 1
## 628 1992 Every year DATE 4811 2
## 629 1992 Lawrence Welk PERSON 4827 2
## 630 1992 Belgian NORP 4834 1
## 631 1992 43 CARDINAL 4882 1
## 632 1992 Federal Government ORG 4908 2
## 633 1992 Congress ORG 4916 1
## 634 1992 States GPE 4925 1
## 635 1992 Congress ORG 4932 1
## 636 1992 State ORG 4972 1
## 637 1992 eight CARDINAL 4979 1
## 638 1992 Congress ORG 4981 1
## 639 1992 Barbara PERSON 5035 1
## 640 1992 tonight TIME 5066 1
## 641 1992 Commission on America's Urban Families ORG 5069 6
## 642 1992 Missouri GPE 5079 1
## 643 1992 John Ashcroft PERSON 5082 2
## 644 1992 Dallas GPE 5089 1
## 645 1992 Annette Strauss PERSON 5091 2
## 646 1992 Cochair ORG 5095 1
## 647 1992 the League of Cities ORG 5108 4
## 648 1992 the White House FAC 5118 3
## 649 1992 Republican NORP 5137 1
## 650 1992 Democrat NORP 5139 1
## 651 1992 one CARDINAL 5143 1
## 652 1992 one CARDINAL 5197 1
## 653 1992 tonight TIME 5216 1
## 654 1992 500 MONEY 5224 1
## 655 1992 four CARDINAL 5235 1
## 656 1992 2,000 MONEY 5244 1
## 657 1992 American NORP 5325 1
## 658 1992 Americans NORP 5352 1
## 659 1992 Earth LOC 5359 1
## 660 1992 Franklin Roosevelt PERSON 5371 2
## 661 1992 State ORG 5540 1
## 662 1992 State ORG 5560 1
## 663 1992 these days DATE 5614 2
## 664 1992 America GPE 5665 1
## 665 1992 American NORP 5697 1
## 666 1992 Congress ORG 5728 1
## 667 1992 Neil Armstrong PERSON 5801 2
## 668 1992 American NORP 5820 1
## 669 1992 Desert Storm PERSON 5836 2
## 670 1992 Earth LOC 5883 1
## 671 1992 Earth LOC 5889 1
## 672 1992 Earth LOC 5895 1
## 673 1992 Nation PERSON 5913 1
## 674 1992 this night TIME 5977 2
## 675 1992 God PERSON 5989 1
## doc_id text
## 1 1990 Mr. President
## 2 1990 Mr. Speaker
## 3 1990 Members
## 4 1990 the United States Congress
## 5 1990 I
## 6 1990 a former President
## 7 1990 the Senate
## 8 1990 a former Member
## 9 1990 this great House
## 10 1990 President
## 11 1990 it
## 12 1990 my privilege
## 13 1990 you
## 14 1990 the state
## 15 1990 the Union
## 16 1990 I
## 17 1990 the state
## 18 1990 the Government
## 19 1990 every new initiative
## 20 1990 we
## 21 1990 the coming year
## 22 1990 every line
## 23 1990 the budget
## 24 1990 I
## 25 1990 you
## 26 1990 the American people
## 27 1990 the state
## 28 1990 the Union
## 29 1990 our world
## 30 1990 the changes
## 31 1990 we
## 32 1990 the challenges
## 33 1990 we
## 34 1990 what
## 35 1990 that
## 36 1990 America
## 37 1990 singular moments
## 38 1990 history
## 39 1990 that
## 40 1990 that
## 41 1990 all
## 42 1990 that
## 43 1990 us
## 44 1990 this Chamber
## 45 1990 our lives
## 46 1990 a world
## 47 1990 whose fundamental features
## 48 1990 the events
## 49 1990 that year
## 50 1990 the shape
## 51 1990 nations
## 52 1990 the pace
## 53 1990 progress
## 54 1990 freedom
## 55 1990 oppression
## 56 1990 millions
## 57 1990 people
## 58 1990 the world
## 59 1990 the common frame
## 60 1990 reference
## 61 1990 the compass points
## 62 1990 the postwar era
## 63 1990 we
## 64 1990 ourselves
## 65 1990 that
## 66 1990 our world
## 67 1990 The events
## 68 1990 the year
## 69 1990 , the Revolution
## 70 1990 a chain reaction
## 71 1990 it
## 72 1990 the beginning
## 73 1990 a new era
## 74 1990 the world's affairs
## 75 1990 the world
## 76 1990 we
## 77 1990 the people
## 78 1990 Panama
## 79 1990 fear
## 80 1990 the thumb
## 81 1990 a dictator
## 82 1990 democracy
## 83 1990 Panama
## 84 1990 Operation
## 85 1990 Just Cause
## 86 1990 its objective
## 87 1990 The number
## 88 1990 military personnel
## 89 1990 Panama
## 90 1990 what
## 91 1990 it
## 92 1990 the operation
## 93 1990 I
## 94 1990 the end
## 95 1990 February
## 96 1990 the additional numbers
## 97 1990 American troops
## 98 1990 the brave men
## 99 1990 women
## 100 1990 our Armed Forces
## 101 1990 who
## 102 1990 this mission
## 103 1990 a success
## 104 1990 Poland
## 105 1990 Lech Walesa
## 106 1990 he
## 107 1990 a dialog
## 108 1990 the Communist rulers
## 109 1990 that country
## 110 1990 the future
## 111 1990 a free Poland
## 112 1990 their own hands
## 113 1990 members
## 114 1990 Solidarity
## 115 1990 the Polish Government
## 116 1990 freedom's playwright
## 117 1990 Vaclav Havel
## 118 1990 a prisoner
## 119 1990 Prague
## 120 1990 it
## 121 1990 Vaclav Havel
## 122 1990 President
## 123 1990 Czechoslovakia
## 124 1990 Erich Honecker
## 125 1990 East Germany
## 126 1990 history
## 127 1990 his guide
## 128 1990 he
## 129 1990 the Berlin Wall
## 130 1990 another hundred years
## 131 1990 it
## 132 1990 the Wall
## 133 1990 that
## 134 1990 history
## 135 1990 \n\nRemarkable events
## 136 1990 events
## 137 1990 that
## 138 1990 the long-held hopes
## 139 1990 the American people
## 140 1990 that
## 141 1990 the longstanding goals
## 142 1990 American policy
## 143 1990 a policy
## 144 1990 a single, shining principle
## 145 1990 the cause
## 146 1990 freedom
## 147 1990 America
## 148 1990 not just the nation
## 149 1990 an idea
## 150 1990 the minds
## 151 1990 people
## 152 1990 this new world
## 153 1990 shape
## 154 1990 America
## 155 1990 the center
## 156 1990 a widening circle
## 157 1990 freedom
## 158 1990 tomorrow
## 159 1990 the next century
## 160 1990 Our nation
## 161 1990 the enduring dream
## 162 1990 every immigrant
## 163 1990 who
## 164 1990 foot
## 165 1990 these shores
## 166 1990 the millions
## 167 1990 This nation
## 168 1990 this idea
## 169 1990 America
## 170 1990 a new world
## 171 1990 our new world
## 172 1990 a workers' rally
## 173 1990 a place
## 174 1990 Branik
## 175 1990 the outskirts
## 176 1990 Prague
## 177 1990 the idea
## 178 1990 America
## 179 1990 A worker
## 180 1990 grimy overalls
## 181 1990 the factory gates
## 182 1990 He
## 183 1990 his speech
## 184 1990 his fellow citizens
## 185 1990 these words
## 186 1990 words
## 187 1990 a distant revolution
## 188 1990 We
## 189 1990 these truths
## 190 1990 all men
## 191 1990 they
## 192 1990 their Creator
## 193 1990 certain unalienable Rights
## 194 1990 these
## 195 1990 Life
## 196 1990 Liberty
## 197 1990 the pursuit
## 198 1990 Happiness
## 199 1990 It
## 200 1990 no secret
## 201 1990 home freedom's door
## 202 1990 The cornerstones
## 203 1990 this free society
## 204 1990 place
## 205 1990 course leadership
## 206 1990 our challenge
## 207 1990 this democratic system
## 208 1990 ours
## 209 1990 a system
## 210 1990 none
## 211 1990 it
## 212 1990 a job
## 213 1990 everyone
## 214 1990 who
## 215 1990 women
## 216 1990 the home
## 217 1990 their children
## 218 1990 safe and loving care
## 219 1990 government
## 220 1990 child-care alternatives
## 221 1990 parents
## 222 1990 we
## 223 1990 the needs
## 224 1990 a clean environment
## 225 1990 a strong economy
## 226 1990 the USA
## 227 1990 the world
## 228 1990 the symbol
## 229 1990 quality
## 230 1990 progress
## 231 1990 us
## 232 1990 the same opportunities
## 233 1990 society
## 234 1990 the first time
## 235 1990 the American mainstream
## 236 1990 all
## 237 1990 our disabled citizens
## 238 1990 everyone
## 239 1990 a roof
## 240 1990 his head
## 241 1990 the homeless
## 242 1990 the help
## 243 1990 they
## 244 1990 dignity
## 245 1990 our schools
## 246 1990 our kids
## 247 1990 our teachers
## 248 1990 all
## 249 1990 them
## 250 1990 the grade
## 251 1990 every street
## 252 1990 every city
## 253 1990 every school
## 254 1990 every child
## 255 1990 no American
## 256 1990 our hearts
## 257 1990 our hostages
## 258 1990 who
## 259 1990 our minds
## 260 1990 our efforts
## 261 1990 That
## 262 1990 part
## 263 1990 the future
## 264 1990 we
## 265 1990 the future
## 266 1990 we
## 267 1990 ourselves
## 268 1990 dreams
## 269 1990 us
## 270 1990 We
## 271 1990 our horizon
## 272 1990 the long view
## 273 1990 And our mission
## 274 1990 the tough competitive markets
## 275 1990 the world
## 276 1990 America
## 277 1990 the great challenges
## 278 1990 great opportunities
## 279 1990 we
## 280 1990 we
## 281 1990 the global economic arena
## 282 1990 the nineties
## 283 1990 that challenge
## 284 1990 we
## 285 1990 some fundamental changes
## 286 1990 some crucial investment
## 287 1990 ourselves
## 288 1990 we
## 289 1990 America
## 290 1990 This administration
## 291 1990 the creation
## 292 1990 capital
## 293 1990 capital
## 294 1990 all kinds
## 295 1990 physical capital
## 296 1990 everything
## 297 1990 our farms
## 298 1990 factories
## 299 1990 our workshops
## 300 1990 production lines
## 301 1990 that
## 302 1990 quality goods
## 303 1990 quality services
## 304 1990 the source
## 305 1990 ideas
## 306 1990 that
## 307 1990 tomorrow's products
## 308 1990 course
## 309 1990 the talented work force
## 310 1990 we
## 311 1990 the global market
## 312 1990 me
## 313 1990 you
## 314 1990 we
## 315 1990 human capital
## 316 1990 we
## 317 1990 the spirit
## 318 1990 American ingenuity
## 319 1990 the spirit
## 320 1990 that
## 321 1990 the hallmark
## 322 1990 the American worker
## 323 1990 that
## 324 1990 The American worker
## 325 1990 the most productive worker
## 326 1990 the world
## 327 1990 We
## 328 1990 We
## 329 1990 the pool
## 330 1990 capital
## 331 1990 new investments
## 332 1990 that
## 333 1990 more jobs
## 334 1990 more growth
## 335 1990 that
## 336 1990 the idea
## 337 1990 a new initiative
## 338 1990 I
## 339 1990 the Family Savings Plan
## 340 1990 which
## 341 1990 I
## 342 1990 Congress
## 343 1990 We
## 344 1990 the tax
## 345 1990 capital gains
## 346 1990 risktakers
## 347 1990 especially those
## 348 1990 our small businesses
## 349 1990 those steps
## 350 1990 that
## 351 1990 economic reward
## 352 1990 jobs
## 353 1990 a better life
## 354 1990 all
## 355 1990 us
## 356 1990 We
## 357 1990 what
## 358 1990 it
## 359 1990 America's future
## 360 1990 The budget commitment
## 361 1990 The money
## 362 1990 It
## 363 1990 research
## 364 1990 development
## 365 1990 R&D
## 366 1990 a record high
## 367 1990 It
## 368 1990 our housing initiative
## 369 1990 HOPE
## 370 1990 everyone
## 371 1990 first-time homebuyers
## 372 1990 the homeless
## 373 1990 The money
## 374 1990 our kids
## 375 1990 I
## 376 1990 office
## 377 1990 It
## 378 1990 space exploration
## 379 1990 it
## 380 1990 education
## 381 1990 another record high
## 382 1990 the education summit
## 383 1990 the Governors
## 384 1990 I
## 385 1990 ways
## 386 1990 our kids
## 387 1990 the very first day
## 388 1990 they
## 389 1990 the classroom
## 390 1990 I
## 391 1990 that commitment
## 392 1990 a record increase
## 393 1990 funds
## 394 1990 an extra half-a-billion dollars
## 395 1990 something
## 396 1990 all
## 397 1990 us
## 398 1990 Education
## 399 1990 the one investment
## 400 1990 that
## 401 1990 our future
## 402 1990 it
## 403 1990 our children
## 404 1990 Real improvement
## 405 1990 our schools
## 406 1990 a matter
## 407 1990 It
## 408 1990 a matter
## 409 1990 our schools
## 410 1990 our teachers
## 411 1990 our kids
## 412 1990 our parents
## 413 1990 ourselves
## 414 1990 that
## 415 1990 I
## 416 1990 America's education goals
## 417 1990 goals
## 418 1990 enormous cooperation
## 419 1990 the Nation's Governors
## 420 1990 I
## 421 1990 I
## 422 1990 I
## 423 1990 [Arkansas
## 424 1990 [Iowa
## 425 1990 [South Carolina
## 426 1990 all
## 427 1990 whom
## 428 1990 these discussions
## 429 1990 these deliberations
## 430 1990 us
## 431 1990 the year
## 432 1990 every child
## 433 1990 school
## 434 1990 The United States
## 435 1990 the high school graduation rate
## 436 1990 no less than 90 percent
## 437 1990 we
## 438 1990 our schools' diplomas
## 439 1990 something
## 440 1990 critical subjects
## 441 1990 the 4th, 8th, and 12th grades
## 442 1990 we
## 443 1990 our students' performance
## 444 1990 the year
## 445 1990 U.S. students
## 446 1990 the world
## 447 1990 math
## 448 1990 science achievement
## 449 1990 Every American adult
## 450 1990 a skilled, literate worker
## 451 1990 citizen
## 452 1990 Every school
## 453 1990 the kind
## 454 1990 disciplined environment
## 455 1990 that
## 456 1990 it
## 457 1990 our kids
## 458 1990 every school
## 459 1990 America
## 460 1990 it
## 461 1990 But the future
## 462 1990 stake
## 463 1990 The Nation
## 464 1990 anything
## 465 1990 excellence
## 466 1990 education
## 467 1990 These investments
## 468 1990 America
## 469 1990 I
## 470 1990 this
## 471 1990 the American people
## 472 1990 We
## 473 1990 competition
## 474 1990 We
## 475 1990 our ingenuity
## 476 1990 our energy
## 477 1990 our experience
## 478 1990 technology
## 479 1990 our spirit
## 480 1990 enterprise
## 481 1990 anyone
## 482 1990 the competition
## 483 1990 it
## 484 1990 America
## 485 1990 we
## 486 1990 it
## 487 1990 we
## 488 1990 that challenge
## 489 1990 we
## 490 1990 our own house
## 491 1990 order
## 492 1990 We
## 493 1990 real progress
## 494 1990 the Federal deficit
## 495 1990 6 percent
## 496 1990 our gross national product
## 497 1990 6 percent
## 498 1990 the new budget
## 499 1990 I
## 500 1990 the deficit
## 501 1990 down to 1 percent
## 502 1990 gross national product
## 503 1990 That budget
## 504 1990 Federal spending
## 505 1990 control
## 506 1990 It
## 507 1990 the Gramm-Rudman target
## 508 1990 It
## 509 1990 that deficit
## 510 1990 the budget
## 511 1990 no new taxes
## 512 1990 me
## 513 1990 you
## 514 1990 more than enough Federal spending
## 515 1990 us
## 516 1990 a lot
## 517 1990 money
## 518 1990 the budget
## 519 1990 we
## 520 1990 the way
## 521 1990 every family
## 522 1990 it
## 523 1990 bills
## 524 1990 We
## 525 1990 it
## 526 1990 our children
## 527 1990 our grandchildren
## 528 1990 it
## 529 1990 we
## 530 1990 the national debt
## 531 1990 something
## 532 1990 we
## 533 1990 the generations
## 534 1990 the future
## 535 1990 stewardship
## 536 1990 the safekeeping
## 537 1990 America's precious environmental inheritance
## 538 1990 It
## 539 1990 just one sign
## 540 1990 we
## 541 1990 We
## 542 1990 the Environmental Protection Agency
## 543 1990 Cabinet rank
## 544 1990 not more bureaucracy
## 545 1990 not more red-tape
## 546 1990 the certainty
## 547 1990 home
## 548 1990 our dealings
## 549 1990 other nations
## 550 1990 environmental issues
## 551 1990 the status
## 552 1990 they
## 553 1990 This year's budget
## 554 1990 new spending
## 555 1990 our environment
## 556 1990 global change research
## 557 1990 a new initiative
## 558 1990 I
## 559 1990 America
## 560 1990 the Beautiful
## 561 1990 our national parks
## 562 1990 wildlife
## 563 1990 that
## 564 1990 recreational facilities
## 565 1990 public lands
## 566 1990 something
## 567 1990 something
## 568 1990 that
## 569 1990 this country
## 570 1990 our forestland
## 571 1990 the inner cities
## 572 1990 America
## 573 1990 generations
## 574 1990 the money
## 575 1990 a billion trees
## 576 1990 me
## 577 1990 all the Members
## 578 1990 the Congress
## 579 1990 The American people
## 580 1990 us
## 581 1990 bicker
## 582 1990 work
## 583 1990 they
## 584 1990 us
## 585 1990 it
## 586 1990 the spirit
## 587 1990 cooperation
## 588 1990 I
## 589 1990 my hand
## 590 1990 all
## 591 1990 you
## 592 1990 's
## 593 1990 the will
## 594 1990 the people
## 595 1990 clean air
## 596 1990 child care
## 597 1990 the Educational Excellence Act
## 598 1990 crime
## 599 1990 drugs
## 600 1990 It
## 601 1990 time
## 602 1990 The farm bill
## 603 1990 transportation policy
## 604 1990 product-liability reform
## 605 1990 enterprise zones
## 606 1990 it
## 607 1990 time
## 608 1990 one thing
## 609 1990 I
## 610 1990 we
## 611 1990 It
## 612 1990 our commitments
## 613 1990 I
## 614 1990 Social Security
## 615 1990 every American
## 616 1990 Social Security
## 617 1990 that system
## 618 1990 everyone
## 619 1990 it
## 620 1990 they
## 621 1990 we
## 622 1990 a promise
## 623 1990 you
## 624 1990 we
## 625 1990 it
## 626 1990 We
## 627 1990 the system
## 628 1990 it
## 629 1990 bipartisan arrangement
## 630 1990 Our budget
## 631 1990 today's benefits
## 632 1990 it
## 633 1990 future benefits
## 634 1990 The last thing
## 635 1990 we
## 636 1990 Social Security
## 637 1990 one more problem
## 638 1990 we
## 639 1990 We
## 640 1990 careful consideration
## 641 1990 the recommendations
## 642 1990 the health-care studies
## 643 1990 That
## 644 1990 I
## 645 1990 Dr. Sullivan
## 646 1990 Lou Sullivan
## 647 1990 Secretary
## 648 1990 Health
## 649 1990 Human Services
## 650 1990 a Domestic Policy Council review
## 651 1990 recommendations
## 652 1990 the quality
## 653 1990 accessibility
## 654 1990 cost
## 655 1990 our nation's health-care system
## 656 1990 I
## 657 1990 the staggering costs
## 658 1990 health care
## 659 1990 control
## 660 1990 The state
## 661 1990 the Government
## 662 1990 us
## 663 1990 this very chamber
## 664 1990 the state
## 665 1990 the Union
## 666 1990 all Americans
## 667 1990 We
## 668 1990 the democratic decency
## 669 1990 that
## 670 1990 a nation
## 671 1990 millions
## 672 1990 individuals
## 673 1990 I
## 674 1990 the recent mail bombings
## 675 1990 this country
## 676 1990 us
## 677 1990 racism
## 678 1990 -
## 679 1990 bigotry
## 680 1990 hate
## 681 1990 us
## 682 1990 The state
## 683 1990 the Union
## 684 1990 we
## 685 1990 our neighbor
## 686 1990 the problems
## 687 1990 our community
## 688 1990 We
## 689 1990 trouble
## 690 1990 a hand
## 691 1990 what
## 692 1990 I
## 693 1990 a point
## 694 1990 light
## 695 1990 a stranger
## 696 1990 need
## 697 1990 We
## 698 1990 the time
## 699 1990 a busy day
## 700 1990 our kids
## 701 1990 them
## 702 1990 their homework
## 703 1990 the values
## 704 1990 we
## 705 1990 children
## 706 1990 That
## 707 1990 we
## 708 1990 the state
## 709 1990 the Union
## 710 1990 Every effort
## 711 1990 It
## 712 1990 all
## 713 1990 It
## 714 1990 the things
## 715 1990 that
## 716 1990 democracy
## 717 1990 meaning
## 718 1990 It
## 719 1990 all
## 720 1990 who
## 721 1990 we
## 722 1990 who
## 723 1990 we
## 724 1990 me
## 725 1990 we
## 726 1990 the American idea
## 727 1990 we
## 728 1990 the American ideal
## 729 1990 the state
## 730 1990 the Union
## 731 1990 those
## 732 1990 who
## 733 1990 we
## 734 1990 our way
## 735 1990 I
## 736 1990 you
## 737 1990 parts
## 738 1990 a letter
## 739 1990 Private First Class James Markwell
## 740 1990 a 20-year-old Army medic
## 741 1990 the 1st Battalion
## 742 1990 75th Rangers
## 743 1990 It
## 744 1990 December 18th
## 745 1990 our armed forces
## 746 1990 action
## 747 1990 Panama
## 748 1990 It
## 749 1990 a letter
## 750 1990 servicemen
## 751 1990 Private Markwell's mother
## 752 1990 this letter
## 753 1990 She
## 754 1990 it
## 755 1990 me
## 756 1990 Cincinnati
## 757 1990 some
## 758 1990 what
## 759 1990 he
## 760 1990 I
## 761 1990 death
## 762 1990 I
## 763 1990 he
## 764 1990 the corner
## 765 1990 I
## 766 1990 everyone
## 767 1990 I
## 768 1990 what
## 769 1990 the fog
## 770 1990 me
## 771 1990 Revel
## 772 1990 the life
## 773 1990 that
## 774 1990 I
## 775 1990 you
## 776 1990 all
## 777 1990 the Army
## 778 1990 my choice
## 779 1990 Something
## 780 1990 that
## 781 1990 I
## 782 1990 I
## 783 1990 the Army
## 784 1990 my country
## 785 1990 you
## 786 1990 what
## 787 1990 you
## 788 1990 your lives
## 789 1990 me
## 790 1990 Private Markwell
## 791 1990 battle
## 792 1990 Panama
## 793 1990 he
## 794 1990 what
## 795 1990 he
## 796 1990 He
## 797 1990 the idea
## 798 1990 we
## 799 1990 America
## 800 1990 his heart
## 801 1990 I
## 802 1990 the changes
## 803 1990 we
## 804 1990 a new world
## 805 1990 challenges
## 806 1990 opportunities
## 807 1990 us
## 808 1990 a need
## 809 1990 leadership
## 810 1990 America
## 811 1990 his last address
## 812 1990 the Congress
## 813 1990 President Harry Truman
## 814 1990 such a time
## 815 1990 He
## 816 1990 our world
## 817 1990 men
## 818 1990 both sides
## 819 1990 the Iron Curtain
## 820 1990 a time
## 821 1990 change
## 822 1990 the Communist world
## 823 1990 that change
## 824 1990 place
## 825 1990 more than 40 years
## 826 1990 America
## 827 1990 its allies
## 828 1990 communism
## 829 1990 check
## 830 1990 democracy
## 831 1990 communism
## 832 1990 our aim
## 833 1990 democracy's advance
## 834 1990 the lead
## 835 1990 peace
## 836 1990 freedom's best hope
## 837 1990 a great and growing commonwealth
## 838 1990 free nations
## 839 1990 the Congress
## 840 1990 all Americans
## 841 1990 I
## 842 1990 it
## 843 1990 time
## 844 1990 a new consensus
## 845 1990 home
## 846 1990 a common vision
## 847 1990 the peaceful world
## 848 1990 we
## 849 1990 our own hemisphere
## 850 1990 it
## 851 1990 time
## 852 1990 all the peoples
## 853 1990 the Americas
## 854 1990 North
## 855 1990 South
## 856 1990 freedom
## 857 1990 the Far East
## 858 1990 Africa
## 859 1990 it
## 860 1990 time
## 861 1990 the full flowering
## 862 1990 free governments
## 863 1990 free markets
## 864 1990 that
## 865 1990 the engine
## 866 1990 progress
## 867 1990 It
## 868 1990 time
## 869 1990 our hand
## 870 1990 the emerging democracies
## 871 1990 Eastern Europe
## 872 1990 that continent
## 873 1990 a continent
## 874 1990 a future
## 875 1990 It
## 876 1990 time
## 877 1990 our new relationship
## 878 1990 the Soviet Union
## 879 1990 a peaceful process
## 880 1990 internal change
## 881 1990 democracy
## 882 1990 economic opportunity
## 883 1990 We
## 884 1990 a period
## 885 1990 great transition
## 886 1990 great hope
## 887 1990 yet great uncertainty
## 888 1990 We
## 889 1990 the Soviet military threat
## 890 1990 Europe
## 891 1990 we
## 892 1990 little change
## 893 1990 Soviet strategic modernization
## 894 1990 we
## 895 1990 our own strategic offense modernization
## 896 1990 the Strategic Defense Initiative
## 897 1990 the time
## 898 1990 a conventional arms control agreement
## 899 1990 us
## 900 1990 more appropriate levels
## 901 1990 military forces
## 902 1990 Europe
## 903 1990 a coherent defense program
## 904 1990 that
## 905 1990 the U.S.
## 906 1990 a catalyst
## 907 1990 peaceful change
## 908 1990 Europe
## 909 1990 I
## 910 1990 leaders
## 911 1990 NATO
## 912 1990 fact
## 913 1990 I
## 914 1990 phone
## 915 1990 President Gorbachev
## 916 1990 I
## 917 1990 our European allies
## 918 1990 an American military presence
## 919 1990 Europe
## 920 1990 it
## 921 1990 the Soviet military presence
## 922 1990 Eastern Europe
## 923 1990 our troop levels
## 924 1990 I
## 925 1990 a major new step
## 926 1990 a further reduction
## 927 1990 U.S. and Soviet manpower
## 928 1990 Central
## 929 1990 Eastern Europe
## 930 1990 each side
## 931 1990 This level
## 932 1990 the advice
## 933 1990 our senior military advisers
## 934 1990 It
## 935 1990 American and European interests
## 936 1990 NATO's defense strategy
## 937 1990 A swift conclusion
## 938 1990 our arms control talks
## 939 1990 our goal
## 940 1990 that time
## 941 1990 we
## 942 1990 an unfortunate fact
## 943 1990 many regions
## 944 1990 the world
## 945 1990 the reality
## 946 1990 conflict
## 947 1990 peace
## 948 1990 Enduring animosities
## 949 1990 opposing interests
## 950 1990 the cause
## 951 1990 peace
## 952 1990 an America
## 953 1990 our interests
## 954 1990 our ideals
## 955 1990 It
## 956 1990 this American idea
## 957 1990 the past four decades
## 958 1990 this Revolution
## 959 1990 home
## 960 1990 the world
## 961 1990 history
## 962 1990 the making
## 963 1990 history
## 964 1990 this season
## 965 1990 change
## 966 1990 I
## 967 1990 the gates
## 968 1990 the Gdansk shipyard
## 969 1990 Poland
## 970 1990 the monument
## 971 1990 the fallen workers
## 972 1990 Solidarity
## 973 1990 It
## 974 1990 a monument
## 975 1990 simple majesty
## 976 1990 Three tall crosses
## 977 1990 the stones
## 978 1990 each cross
## 979 1990 an anchor
## 980 1990 an ancient symbol
## 981 1990 hope
## 982 1990 The anchor
## 983 1990 our world
## 984 1990 freedom
## 985 1990 us
## 986 1990 times
## 987 1990 change
## 988 1990 a symbol
## 989 1990 hope
## 990 1990 all the world
## 991 1990 freedom
## 992 1990 the very heart
## 993 1990 the idea
## 994 1990 that
## 995 1990 America
## 996 1990 life
## 997 1990 that idea
## 998 1990 us
## 999 1990 Our anchor
## 1000 1990 faith
## 1001 1990 family
## 1002 1990 the last few days
## 1003 1990 this past momentous year
## 1004 1990 our family
## 1005 1990 the joy
## 1006 1990 life
## 1007 1990 a little boy
## 1008 1990 our 12th grandchild
## 1009 1990 I
## 1010 1990 the little guy
## 1011 1990 the first time
## 1012 1990 the troubles
## 1013 1990 home
## 1014 1990 perspective
## 1015 1990 I
## 1016 1990 you
## 1017 1990 that
## 1018 1990 just a grandfather
## 1019 1990 talking
## 1020 1990 you
## 1021 1990 I
## 1022 1990 a lot
## 1023 1990 children
## 1024 1990 this country
## 1025 1990 all
## 1026 1990 you
## 1027 1990 the Far East
## 1028 1990 Eastern Europe
## 1029 1990 all kids
## 1030 1990 all kids
## 1031 1990 the budding young environmentalists
## 1032 1990 I
## 1033 1990 who
## 1034 1990 me
## 1035 1990 the Florida Everglades
## 1036 1990 the little leaguers
## 1037 1990 I
## 1038 1990 Poland
## 1039 1990 Warsaw
## 1040 1990 the World Series
## 1041 1990 even the kids
## 1042 1990 who
## 1043 1990 God
## 1044 1990 those boarder babies
## 1045 1990 drugs
## 1046 1990 AIDS
## 1047 1990 problems
## 1048 1990 no child
## 1049 1990 you
## 1050 1990 it
## 1051 1990 the future
## 1052 1990 every kid
## 1053 1990 dreams
## 1054 1990 the world
## 1055 1990 they
## 1056 1990 the very future
## 1057 1990 freedom
## 1058 1990 them
## 1059 1990 this new world
## 1060 1990 I
## 1061 1990 I
## 1062 1990 something
## 1063 1990 you
## 1064 1990 me
## 1065 1990 my generation
## 1066 1990 the grandparents
## 1067 1990 You
## 1068 1990 our living link
## 1069 1990 the past
## 1070 1990 your grandchildren
## 1071 1990 the story
## 1072 1990 struggles
## 1073 1990 home
## 1074 1990 sacrifices
## 1075 1990 freedom's sake
## 1076 1990 them
## 1077 1990 your own story
## 1078 1990 every American
## 1079 1990 a story
## 1080 1990 parents
## 1081 1990 your children
## 1082 1990 you
## 1083 1990 direction
## 1084 1990 guidance
## 1085 1990 them
## 1086 1990 faith
## 1087 1990 family
## 1088 1990 them
## 1089 1990 we
## 1090 1990 one nation
## 1091 1990 God
## 1092 1990 them
## 1093 1990 all the many gifts
## 1094 1990 they
## 1095 1990 liberty
## 1096 1990 their most precious legacy
## 1097 1990 all the gifts
## 1098 1990 they
## 1099 1990 others
## 1100 1990 the children
## 1101 1990 young people
## 1102 1990 you
## 1103 1990 our hope
## 1104 1990 that
## 1105 1990 America
## 1106 1990 the years
## 1107 1990 decades
## 1108 1990 your vision
## 1109 1990 a new century
## 1110 1990 dreams
## 1111 1990 we
## 1112 1990 the destiny
## 1113 1990 that
## 1114 1990 yours
## 1115 1990 yours
## 1116 1990 all Americans
## 1117 1990 all
## 1118 1990 us
## 1119 1990 this Chamber
## 1120 1990 the symbolic center
## 1121 1990 democracy
## 1122 1990 our allegiance
## 1123 1990 this idea
## 1124 1990 we
## 1125 1990 America
## 1126 1990 us
## 1127 1990 the state
## 1128 1990 the Union
## 1129 1990 each
## 1130 1990 us
## 1131 1990 God
## 1132 1990 all
## 1133 1990 you
## 1134 1990 God
## 1135 1990 this great nation
## 1136 1990 the United States
## 1137 1990 America
## 1138 1991 Mr. President
## 1139 1991 Mr. Speaker
## 1140 1991 Members
## 1141 1991 the United States Congress
## 1142 1991 I
## 1143 1991 this House
## 1144 1991 the people
## 1145 1991 you
## 1146 1991 all Americans
## 1147 1991 we
## 1148 1991 a defining hour
## 1149 1991 the world
## 1150 1991 we
## 1151 1991 a great struggle
## 1152 1991 the skies
## 1153 1991 the seas
## 1154 1991 sands
## 1155 1991 We
## 1156 1991 we
## 1157 1991 We
## 1158 1991 Americans
## 1159 1991 part
## 1160 1991 something
## 1161 1991 ourselves
## 1162 1991 two centuries
## 1163 1991 we
## 1164 1991 the hard work
## 1165 1991 freedom
## 1166 1991 we
## 1167 1991 the world
## 1168 1991 a threat
## 1169 1991 decency
## 1170 1991 humanity
## 1171 1991 What
## 1172 1991 stake
## 1173 1991 more than one small country
## 1174 1991 it
## 1175 1991 a big idea
## 1176 1991 a new world order
## 1177 1991 diverse nations
## 1178 1991 common cause
## 1179 1991 the universal aspirations
## 1180 1991 mankind
## 1181 1991 peace
## 1182 1991 security
## 1183 1991 freedom
## 1184 1991 the rule
## 1185 1991 law
## 1186 1991 a world
## 1187 1991 our struggle
## 1188 1991 our children's future
## 1189 1991 The community
## 1190 1991 nations
## 1191 1991 lawless aggression
## 1192 1991 Saddam Hussein's unprovoked invasion
## 1193 1991 his ruthless, systematic rape
## 1194 1991 a peaceful neighbor
## 1195 1991 everything
## 1196 1991 the community
## 1197 1991 nations
## 1198 1991 The world
## 1199 1991 this aggression
## 1200 1991 it
## 1201 1991 we
## 1202 1991 the trap
## 1203 1991 appeasement
## 1204 1991 cynicism
## 1205 1991 isolation
## 1206 1991 that
## 1207 1991 temptation
## 1208 1991 tyrants
## 1209 1991 The world
## 1210 1991 Saddam's invasion
## 1211 1991 12 United Nations resolutions
## 1212 1991 a demand
## 1213 1991 Iraq's immediate and unconditional withdrawal
## 1214 1991 forces
## 1215 1991 28 countries
## 1216 1991 6 continents
## 1217 1991 few exceptions
## 1218 1991 the world
## 1219 1991 The end
## 1220 1991 the cold war
## 1221 1991 a victory
## 1222 1991 all humanity
## 1223 1991 Germany
## 1224 1991 I
## 1225 1991 our goal
## 1226 1991 Germany
## 1227 1991 Europe
## 1228 1991 America's leadership
## 1229 1991 it
## 1230 1991 Our relationship
## 1231 1991 the Soviet Union
## 1232 1991 us
## 1233 1991 the world
## 1234 1991 That relationship
## 1235 1991 these
## 1236 1991 other historic changes
## 1237 1991 many other nations
## 1238 1991 we
## 1239 1991 the violence
## 1240 1991 the Baltics
## 1241 1991 we
## 1242 1991 that concern
## 1243 1991 the Soviet leadership
## 1244 1991 The principle
## 1245 1991 that
## 1246 1991 us
## 1247 1991 Our objective
## 1248 1991 the Baltic peoples
## 1249 1991 their aspirations
## 1250 1991 the Soviet Union
## 1251 1991 our recent discussions
## 1252 1991 the Soviet leadership
## 1253 1991 we
## 1254 1991 representations
## 1255 1991 which
## 1256 1991 the withdrawal
## 1257 1991 some Soviet forces
## 1258 1991 a reopening
## 1259 1991 dialog
## 1260 1991 the Republics
## 1261 1991 a move
## 1262 1991 violence
## 1263 1991 We
## 1264 1991 the situation
## 1265 1991 we
## 1266 1991 our contact
## 1267 1991 the Soviet leadership
## 1268 1991 continued commitment
## 1269 1991 democratization
## 1270 1991 reform
## 1271 1991 it
## 1272 1991 I
## 1273 1991 a lasting basis
## 1274 1991 U.S.-Soviet cooperation
## 1275 1991 a more peaceful future
## 1276 1991 all mankind
## 1277 1991 The triumph
## 1278 1991 democratic ideas
## 1279 1991 Eastern Europe
## 1280 1991 Latin America
## 1281 1991 the continuing struggle
## 1282 1991 freedom
## 1283 1991 the world
## 1284 1991 all
## 1285 1991 the wisdom
## 1286 1991 our nation's founders
## 1287 1991 we
## 1288 1991 another victory
## 1289 1991 a victory
## 1290 1991 tyranny and savage aggression
## 1291 1991 We
## 1292 1991 this Union
## 1293 1991 the last decade
## 1294 1991 our blessings
## 1295 1991 our purpose
## 1296 1991 our difficulties
## 1297 1991 our duties
## 1298 1991 home
## 1299 1991 the world
## 1300 1991 two centuries
## 1301 1991 America
## 1302 1991 the world
## 1303 1991 an inspiring example
## 1304 1991 freedom
## 1305 1991 democracy
## 1306 1991 generations
## 1307 1991 America
## 1308 1991 the struggle
## 1309 1991 the blessings
## 1310 1991 liberty
## 1311 1991 a rapidly changing world
## 1312 1991 American leadership
## 1313 1991 Americans
## 1314 1991 leadership
## 1315 1991 burdens
## 1316 1991 sacrifices
## 1317 1991 we
## 1318 1991 the hopes
## 1319 1991 humanity
## 1320 1991 us
## 1321 1991 We
## 1322 1991 Americans
## 1323 1991 we
## 1324 1991 a unique responsibility
## 1325 1991 the hard work
## 1326 1991 freedom
## 1327 1991 we
## 1328 1991 freedom
## 1329 1991 The conviction
## 1330 1991 courage
## 1331 1991 we
## 1332 1991 the Persian Gulf
## 1333 1991 the American character
## 1334 1991 action
## 1335 1991 The indomitable spirit
## 1336 1991 that
## 1337 1991 this victory
## 1338 1991 world peace
## 1339 1991 justice
## 1340 1991 the same spirit
## 1341 1991 that
## 1342 1991 us
## 1343 1991 the power
## 1344 1991 the potential
## 1345 1991 our toughest challenges
## 1346 1991 home
## 1347 1991 We
## 1348 1991 we
## 1349 1991 the evil
## 1350 1991 the sake
## 1351 1991 a land
## 1352 1991 we
## 1353 1991 this land
## 1354 1991 that
## 1355 1991 it
## 1356 1991 anyone
## 1357 1991 you
## 1358 1991 America's best days
## 1359 1991 her
## 1360 1991 they
## 1361 1991 I
## 1362 1991 this House
## 1363 1991 the American people
## 1364 1991 an appeal
## 1365 1991 renewal
## 1366 1991 This
## 1367 1991 a call
## 1368 1991 new government initiatives
## 1369 1991 it
## 1370 1991 a call
## 1371 1991 new initiatives
## 1372 1991 government
## 1373 1991 our communities
## 1374 1991 every American
## 1375 1991 the next American century
## 1376 1991 America
## 1377 1991 example
## 1378 1991 who
## 1379 1991 us
## 1380 1991 the example
## 1381 1991 Which
## 1382 1991 our citizens
## 1383 1991 us
## 1384 1991 this next American century
## 1385 1991 Everyone
## 1386 1991 who
## 1387 1991 one addict
## 1388 1991 drugs
## 1389 1991 one troubled teenager
## 1390 1991 life
## 1391 1991 one AIDS patient
## 1392 1991 one hungry child
## 1393 1991 We
## 1394 1991 our reach
## 1395 1991 the promise
## 1396 1991 a renewed America
## 1397 1991 We
## 1398 1991 meaning
## 1399 1991 some higher purpose
## 1400 1991 ourselves
## 1401 1991 a shining purpose
## 1402 1991 the illumination
## 1403 1991 a Thousand Points
## 1404 1991 Light
## 1405 1991 it
## 1406 1991 all
## 1407 1991 who
## 1408 1991 the irresistible force
## 1409 1991 a child's hand
## 1410 1991 a friend
## 1411 1991 who
## 1412 1991 you
## 1413 1991 a volunteer's generous gesture
## 1414 1991 an idea
## 1415 1991 that
## 1416 1991 The problems
## 1417 1991 us
## 1418 1991 the key
## 1419 1991 them
## 1420 1991 It
## 1421 1991 the individual
## 1422 1991 the individual
## 1423 1991 who
## 1424 1991 the state
## 1425 1991 our Union
## 1426 1991 the union
## 1427 1991 each
## 1428 1991 us
## 1429 1991 the sum
## 1430 1991 our friendships
## 1431 1991 marriages
## 1432 1991 families
## 1433 1991 communities
## 1434 1991 We
## 1435 1991 all
## 1436 1991 something
## 1437 1991 you
## 1438 1991 someone
## 1439 1991 who
## 1440 1991 you
## 1441 1991 a hammer
## 1442 1991 a nail
## 1443 1991 you
## 1444 1991 trouble
## 1445 1991 someone
## 1446 1991 who
## 1447 1991 the community
## 1448 1991 conscience
## 1449 1991 the hard work
## 1450 1991 freedom
## 1451 1991 that
## 1452 1991 the state
## 1453 1991 our Union
## 1454 1991 the birth
## 1455 1991 our nation
## 1456 1991 We
## 1457 1991 the People
## 1458 1991 the source
## 1459 1991 our strength
## 1460 1991 What government
## 1461 1991 the potential
## 1462 1991 the American people
## 1463 1991 no limits
## 1464 1991 We
## 1465 1991 a nation
## 1466 1991 rock-solid realism
## 1467 1991 clear-eyed idealism
## 1468 1991 We
## 1469 1991 Americans
## 1470 1991 We
## 1471 1991 the Nation
## 1472 1991 that
## 1473 1991 the future
## 1474 1991 We
## 1475 1991 the Nation
## 1476 1991 that
## 1477 1991 the future
## 1478 1991 we
## 1479 1991 just that
## 1480 1991 the power
## 1481 1991 choice
## 1482 1991 individuals
## 1483 1991 families
## 1484 1991 these last 2 years
## 1485 1991 we
## 1486 1991 dollars
## 1487 1991 child care
## 1488 1991 the hands
## 1489 1991 parents
## 1490 1991 bureaucracies
## 1491 1991 the potential
## 1492 1991 Americans
## 1493 1991 disabilities
## 1494 1991 the creativity
## 1495 1991 the marketplace
## 1496 1991 the service
## 1497 1991 the environment
## 1498 1991 clean air
## 1499 1991 home ownership
## 1500 1991 more Americans
## 1501 1991 The strength
## 1502 1991 a democracy
## 1503 1991 bureaucracy
## 1504 1991 It
## 1505 1991 the people
## 1506 1991 their communities
## 1507 1991 everything
## 1508 1991 we
## 1509 1991 us
## 1510 1991 the potential
## 1511 1991 our most precious resource
## 1512 1991 our citizens
## 1513 1991 our citizens
## 1514 1991 themselves
## 1515 1991 We
## 1516 1991 families
## 1517 1991 communities
## 1518 1991 counties
## 1519 1991 cities
## 1520 1991 States
## 1521 1991 institutions
## 1522 1991 every kind
## 1523 1991 the power
## 1524 1991 their own destiny
## 1525 1991 the freedom
## 1526 1991 opportunity
## 1527 1991 strong economic growth
## 1528 1991 that
## 1529 1991 what
## 1530 1991 America
## 1531 1991 I
## 1532 1991 some regions
## 1533 1991 our country
## 1534 1991 people
## 1535 1991 genuine economic distress
## 1536 1991 I
## 1537 1991 them
## 1538 1991 Kathy Blackwell
## 1539 1991 Massachusetts
## 1540 1991 me
## 1541 1991 what
## 1542 1991 the economy
## 1543 1991 My heart
## 1544 1991 I
## 1545 1991 you
## 1546 1991 your people
## 1547 1991 I
## 1548 1991 I
## 1549 1991 the future
## 1550 1991 reasons
## 1551 1991 our economy
## 1552 1991 we
## 1553 1991 double-digit inflation
## 1554 1991 most industries
## 1555 1991 big cuts
## 1556 1991 production
## 1557 1991 they
## 1558 1991 big inventories
## 1559 1991 our exports
## 1560 1991 fact
## 1561 1991 American businesses
## 1562 1991 a record rate
## 1563 1991 's
## 1564 1991 these times
## 1565 1991 perspective
## 1566 1991 we
## 1567 1991 almost 20 million jobs
## 1568 1991 inflation
## 1569 1991 half
## 1570 1991 interest rates
## 1571 1991 half
## 1572 1991 the largest peacetime economic expansion
## 1573 1991 history
## 1574 1991 our economy
## 1575 1991 our closest competitor
## 1576 1991 We
## 1577 1991 this recession
## 1578 1991 us
## 1579 1991 growth
## 1580 1991 We
## 1581 1991 our way
## 1582 1991 a new record
## 1583 1991 expansion
## 1584 1991 the competitive strength
## 1585 1991 that
## 1586 1991 us
## 1587 1991 the next American century
## 1588 1991 We
## 1589 1991 our efforts
## 1590 1991 economic growth
## 1591 1991 the future
## 1592 1991 power
## 1593 1991 opportunity
## 1594 1991 the individual
## 1595 1991 We
## 1596 1991 control
## 1597 1991 Federal spending
## 1598 1991 That
## 1599 1991 I
## 1600 1991 a budget
## 1601 1991 that
## 1602 1991 the growth
## 1603 1991 spending
## 1604 1991 the rate
## 1605 1991 inflation
## 1606 1991 that
## 1607 1991 all the sound
## 1608 1991 fury
## 1609 1991 last year's budget debate
## 1610 1991 we
## 1611 1991 law
## 1612 1991 new, enforceable spending caps
## 1613 1991 future spending debates
## 1614 1991 a battle
## 1615 1991 ideas
## 1616 1991 a bidding war
## 1617 1991 the budget agreement
## 1618 1991 the Federal Government
## 1619 1991 you
## 1620 1991 the growth
## 1621 1991 debt
## 1622 1991 that
## 1623 1991 funds
## 1624 1991 saving and job-creating investment
## 1625 1991 's
## 1626 1991 My budget
## 1627 1991 tax-free family savings accounts
## 1628 1991 penalty-free withdrawals
## 1629 1991 IRA
## 1630 1991 first-time home buyers
## 1631 1991 jobs
## 1632 1991 growth
## 1633 1991 a reduced tax
## 1634 1991 long-term capital gains
## 1635 1991 I
## 1636 1991 differences
## 1637 1991 us
## 1638 1991 the impact
## 1639 1991 the effects
## 1640 1991 a capital gains incentive
## 1641 1991 I
## 1642 1991 the congressional leaders
## 1643 1991 the Federal Reserve
## 1644 1991 us
## 1645 1991 a study
## 1646 1991 Chairman Alan Greenspan
## 1647 1991 our technical differences
## 1648 1991 we
## 1649 1991 a return
## 1650 1991 unproductive partisan bickering
## 1651 1991 our efforts
## 1652 1991 economic growth
## 1653 1991 the future
## 1654 1991 they
## 1655 1991 long-term investments
## 1656 1991 the next American century
## 1657 1991 That
## 1658 1991 a forward-looking plan
## 1659 1991 action
## 1660 1991 that
## 1661 1991 exactly what
## 1662 1991 we
## 1663 1991 the Congress
## 1664 1991 We
## 1665 1991 a detailed series
## 1666 1991 proposals
## 1667 1991 that
## 1668 1991 a budget
## 1669 1991 that
## 1670 1991 investment
## 1671 1991 America's future
## 1672 1991 children
## 1673 1991 education
## 1674 1991 infrastructure
## 1675 1991 space
## 1676 1991 high technology
## 1677 1991 legislation
## 1678 1991 excellence
## 1679 1991 education
## 1680 1991 the partnership
## 1681 1991 the 50 Governors
## 1682 1991 the education summit
## 1683 1991 parents
## 1684 1991 their children's schools
## 1685 1991 America
## 1686 1991 math
## 1687 1991 science
## 1688 1991 a blueprint
## 1689 1991 a new national highway system
## 1690 1991 a critical investment
## 1691 1991 our transportation infrastructure
## 1692 1991 a research and development agenda
## 1693 1991 that
## 1694 1991 record levels
## 1695 1991 Federal investment
## 1696 1991 a permanent tax credit
## 1697 1991 private R&D
## 1698 1991 jobs
## 1699 1991 a comprehensive national energy strategy
## 1700 1991 that
## 1701 1991 energy conservation
## 1702 1991 efficiency
## 1703 1991 increased development
## 1704 1991 greater use
## 1705 1991 alternative fuels
## 1706 1991 America's financial system
## 1707 1991 the 21st century
## 1708 1991 our banks
## 1709 1991 job-creating loans
## 1710 1991 our factories
## 1711 1991 our businesses
## 1712 1991 home buyers
## 1713 1991 You
## 1714 1991 I
## 1715 1991 too much pessimism
## 1716 1991 Sound banks
## 1717 1991 sound loans
## 1718 1991 interest rates
## 1719 1991 addition
## 1720 1991 these proposals
## 1721 1991 we
## 1722 1991 our economic strength
## 1723 1991 world markets
## 1724 1991 We
## 1725 1991 American exports
## 1726 1991 A successful Uruguay round
## 1727 1991 world trade negotiations
## 1728 1991 more real jobs
## 1729 1991 more real growth
## 1730 1991 all nations
## 1731 1991 You
## 1732 1991 I
## 1733 1991 the playing field
## 1734 1991 America's workers
## 1735 1991 farmers
## 1736 1991 anyone
## 1737 1991 a Mexican free trade agreement
## 1738 1991 our Enterprise
## 1739 1991 the Americas Initiative
## 1740 1991 we
## 1741 1991 our partners
## 1742 1991 their economies
## 1743 1991 a free trade zone
## 1744 1991 this entire hemisphere
## 1745 1991 The budget
## 1746 1991 a plan
## 1747 1991 action
## 1748 1991 home
## 1749 1991 more power
## 1750 1991 opportunity
## 1751 1991 the hands
## 1752 1991 the individual
## 1753 1991 that
## 1754 1991 new incentives
## 1755 1991 jobs
## 1756 1991 our inner cities
## 1757 1991 investment
## 1758 1991 enterprise zones
## 1759 1991 It
## 1760 1991 tenant control
## 1761 1991 ownership
## 1762 1991 public housing
## 1763 1991 Freedom
## 1764 1991 the power
## 1765 1991 the privilege
## 1766 1991 wealth
## 1767 1991 They
## 1768 1991 the birthright
## 1769 1991 every American
## 1770 1991 Civil rights
## 1771 1991 equal opportunity
## 1772 1991 us
## 1773 1991 a responsibility
## 1774 1991 racism
## 1775 1991 bigotry
## 1776 1991 hate
## 1777 1991 We
## 1778 1991 our vigorous enforcement
## 1779 1991 existing statutes
## 1780 1991 I
## 1781 1991 the Congress
## 1782 1991 the laws
## 1783 1991 employment discrimination
## 1784 1991 the use
## 1785 1991 unfair preferences
## 1786 1991 We
## 1787 1991 another fundamental civil right
## 1788 1991 freedom
## 1789 1991 crime
## 1790 1991 the fear
## 1791 1991 that
## 1792 1991 our cities
## 1793 1991 The Attorney General
## 1794 1991 a crime summit
## 1795 1991 our nation's law enforcement officials
## 1796 1991 us
## 1797 1991 them
## 1798 1991 we
## 1799 1991 tough crime control legislation
## 1800 1991 we
## 1801 1991 it
## 1802 1991 we
## 1803 1991 crime
## 1804 1991 we
## 1805 1991 our national strategy
## 1806 1991 drug abuse
## 1807 1991 Recent data
## 1808 1991 we
## 1809 1991 progress
## 1810 1991 We
## 1811 1991 the day
## 1812 1991 the dealer
## 1813 1991 Good health care
## 1814 1991 every American's right
## 1815 1991 every American's responsibility
## 1816 1991 we
## 1817 1991 an aggressive program
## 1818 1991 new prevention initiatives
## 1819 1991 infants
## 1820 1991 children
## 1821 1991 adults
## 1822 1991 a healthier America
## 1823 1991 costs
## 1824 1991 It
## 1825 1991 time
## 1826 1991 people
## 1827 1991 more choice
## 1828 1991 government
## 1829 1991 the ideal
## 1830 1991 the citizen politician
## 1831 1991 who
## 1832 1991 the reasons
## 1833 1991 so much support
## 1834 1991 this country
## 1835 1991 term limitations
## 1836 1991 the American people
## 1837 1991 big-money influence
## 1838 1991 politics
## 1839 1991 we
## 1840 1991 the next election
## 1841 1991 the next generation
## 1842 1991 the time
## 1843 1991 the national interest
## 1844 1991 the special interest
## 1845 1991 political action committees
## 1846 1991 that
## 1847 1991 more competition
## 1848 1991 elections
## 1849 1991 more power
## 1850 1991 the hands
## 1851 1991 individuals
## 1852 1991 power
## 1853 1991 the hands
## 1854 1991 the individual
## 1855 1991 it
## 1856 1991 the people
## 1857 1991 Washington
## 1858 1991 The Federal Government
## 1859 1991 government programs
## 1860 1991 they
## 1861 1991 Washington
## 1862 1991 Washington
## 1863 1991 Washington
## 1864 1991 Federal programs
## 1865 1991 It
## 1866 1991 time
## 1867 1991 a more dynamic program life cycle
## 1868 1991 Some programs
## 1869 1991 Some
## 1870 1991 Some
## 1871 1991 some
## 1872 1991 the States
## 1873 1991 My budget
## 1874 1991 a list
## 1875 1991 programs
## 1876 1991 potential turnover
## 1877 1991 Congress
## 1878 1991 the Governors
## 1879 1991 I
## 1880 1991 we
## 1881 1991 such programs
## 1882 1991 them
## 1883 1991 the States
## 1884 1991 a single consolidated grant
## 1885 1991 flexible management
## 1886 1991 the States
## 1887 1991 The value
## 1888 1991 the value
## 1889 1991 this turnover approach
## 1890 1991 It
## 1891 1991 the Federal Government
## 1892 1991 It
## 1893 1991 States
## 1894 1991 It
## 1895 1991 power
## 1896 1991 the people
## 1897 1991 it
## 1898 1991 a theme
## 1899 1991 this administration
## 1900 1991 appreciation
## 1901 1991 encouragement
## 1902 1991 the innovative powers
## 1903 1991 States
## 1904 1991 laboratories
## 1905 1991 This nation
## 1906 1991 leaders
## 1907 1991 who
## 1908 1991 power
## 1909 1991 the hands
## 1910 1991 people
## 1911 1991 they
## 1912 1991 the future
## 1913 1991 we
## 1914 1991 the world
## 1915 1991 Americans
## 1916 1991 we
## 1917 1991 times
## 1918 1991 we
## 1919 1991 our responsibility
## 1920 1991 the world
## 1921 1991 the dark chaos
## 1922 1991 dictators
## 1923 1991 the brighter promise
## 1924 1991 a better day
## 1925 1991 we
## 1926 1991 a long struggle
## 1927 1991 aggressive totalitarianism
## 1928 1991 we
## 1929 1991 another defining hour
## 1930 1991 America
## 1931 1991 the world
## 1932 1991 the hard work
## 1933 1991 freedom
## 1934 1991 every soldier
## 1935 1991 sailor
## 1936 1991 every man
## 1937 1991 woman
## 1938 1991 the Persian Gulf
## 1939 1991 they
## 1940 1991 what a fitting tribute
## 1941 1991 them
## 1942 1991 You
## 1943 1991 what a wonderful, fitting tribute
## 1944 1991 them
## 1945 1991 Each
## 1946 1991 them
## 1947 1991 this nation's defense
## 1948 1991 they
## 1949 1991 America
## 1950 1991 the world
## 1951 1991 future generations
## 1952 1991 Our commitment
## 1953 1991 them
## 1954 1991 their commitment
## 1955 1991 their country
## 1956 1991 They
## 1957 1991 The war
## 1958 1991 the Gulf
## 1959 1991 a war
## 1960 1991 we
## 1961 1991 We
## 1962 1991 war
## 1963 1991 more than 5 months
## 1964 1991 we
## 1965 1991 the Arab League
## 1966 1991 the European Community
## 1967 1991 the United Nations
## 1968 1991 every diplomatic avenue
## 1969 1991 U.N. Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar
## 1970 1991 Presidents Gorbachev
## 1971 1991 Mitterrand
## 1972 1991 Ozal
## 1973 1991 Mubarak
## 1974 1991 Bendjedid
## 1975 1991 Kings Fahd
## 1976 1991 Hassan
## 1977 1991 Prime Ministers Major
## 1978 1991 Andreotti
## 1979 1991 all
## 1980 1991 a solution
## 1981 1991 Saddam Hussein
## 1982 1991 the path
## 1983 1991 diplomacy
## 1984 1991 peace
## 1985 1991 this conflict
## 1986 1991 It
## 1987 1991 August 2d
## 1988 1991 Saddam
## 1989 1991 a small, defenseless neighbor
## 1990 1991 I
## 1991 1991 it
## 1992 1991 that peace
## 1993 1991 we
## 1994 1991 you
## 1995 1991 I
## 1996 1991 we
## 1997 1991 course
## 1998 1991 Iraq's capacity
## 1999 1991 war
## 2000 1991 Our investment
## 2001 1991 our training
## 2002 1991 our planning
## 2003 1991 all
## 2004 1991 Time
## 2005 1991 Saddam's salvation
## 2006 1991 Our purpose
## 2007 1991 the Persian Gulf
## 2008 1991 Iraq
## 2009 1991 Kuwait
## 2010 1991 Kuwait's legitimate government
## 2011 1991 the stability
## 2012 1991 security
## 2013 1991 this critical region
## 2014 1991 me
## 2015 1991 what
## 2016 1991 I
## 2017 1991 the region's stability
## 2018 1991 security
## 2019 1991 We
## 2020 1991 the destruction
## 2021 1991 Iraq
## 2022 1991 its culture
## 2023 1991 its people
## 2024 1991 we
## 2025 1991 an Iraq
## 2026 1991 that
## 2027 1991 its great resources
## 2028 1991 the ambitions
## 2029 1991 a tyrant
## 2030 1991 a better life
## 2031 1991 itself
## 2032 1991 its neighbors
## 2033 1991 We
## 2034 1991 a Persian Gulf
## 2035 1991 conflict
## 2036 1991 the rule
## 2037 1991 Most Americans
## 2038 1991 we
## 2039 1991 the Gulf
## 2040 1991 They
## 2041 1991 we
## 2042 1991 Saddam
## 2043 1991 They
## 2044 1991 this brutal dictator
## 2045 1991 anything
## 2046 1991 any weapon
## 2047 1991 any outrage
## 2048 1991 how many innocents
## 2049 1991 They
## 2050 1991 we
## 2051 1991 control
## 2052 1991 the world's oil resources
## 2053 1991 his hands
## 2054 1991 further aggression
## 2055 1991 They
## 2056 1991 we
## 2057 1991 a new, enduring peace
## 2058 1991 arms races
## 2059 1991 confrontation
## 2060 1991 shared principles
## 2061 1991 the rule
## 2062 1991 law
## 2063 1991 we
## 2064 1991 all
## 2065 1991 our responsibility
## 2066 1991 the catalyst
## 2067 1991 peace
## 2068 1991 the region
## 2069 1991 the successful conclusion
## 2070 1991 this war
## 2071 1991 Democracy
## 2072 1991 the undeniable value
## 2073 1991 thoughtful dissent
## 2074 1991 we
## 2075 1991 some dissenting voices
## 2076 1991 home
## 2077 1991 some
## 2078 1991 the fact
## 2079 1991 all voices
## 2080 1991 the right
## 2081 1991 the reasons
## 2082 1991 we
## 2083 1991 purpose
## 2084 1991 principle
## 2085 1991 200 years
## 2086 1991 Our progress
## 2087 1991 this great struggle
## 2088 1991 the result
## 2089 1991 years
## 2090 1991 vigilance
## 2091 1991 a steadfast commitment
## 2092 1991 a strong defense
## 2093 1991 remarkable technological advances
## 2094 1991 the Patriot missile
## 2095 1991 we
## 2096 1991 ballistic missile attacks
## 2097 1991 innocent civilians
## 2098 1991 I
## 2099 1991 the SDI program
## 2100 1991 protection
## 2101 1991 limited ballistic missile strikes
## 2102 1991 whatever
## 2103 1991 their source
## 2104 1991 us
## 2105 1991 an SDI program
## 2106 1991 that
## 2107 1991 any future threat
## 2108 1991 the United States
## 2109 1991 our forces
## 2110 1991 our friends
## 2111 1991 allies
## 2112 1991 The quality
## 2113 1991 American technology
## 2114 1991 the American worker
## 2115 1991 us
## 2116 1991 difficult military conditions
## 2117 1991 precious loss
## 2118 1991 life
## 2119 1991 We
## 2120 1991 our men
## 2121 1991 women
## 2122 1991 they
## 2123 1991 it
## 2124 1991 We
## 2125 1991 all
## 2126 1991 a special place
## 2127 1991 our hearts
## 2128 1991 the families
## 2129 1991 our men
## 2130 1991 women
## 2131 1991 the Gulf
## 2132 1991 They
## 2133 1991 Mrs. Norman Schwarzkopf
## 2134 1991 We
## 2135 1991 General Schwarzkopf
## 2136 1991 all those
## 2137 1991 him
## 2138 1991 I
## 2139 1991 who
## 2140 1991 Mrs. Schwarzkopf
## 2141 1991 Alma Powell
## 2142 1991 the wife
## 2143 1991 the distinguished Chairman
## 2144 1991 the Joint Chiefs
## 2145 1991 the families
## 2146 1991 me
## 2147 1991 our forces
## 2148 1991 the Gulf
## 2149 1991 their mission
## 2150 1991 The courage
## 2151 1991 success
## 2152 1991 the RAF pilots
## 2153 1991 the Kuwaiti
## 2154 1991 Saudi
## 2155 1991 French
## 2156 1991 the Canadians
## 2157 1991 the Italians
## 2158 1991 the pilots
## 2159 1991 Qatar
## 2160 1991 Bahrain
## 2161 1991 all
## 2162 1991 proof
## 2163 1991 the first time
## 2164 1991 World War II
## 2165 1991 the international community
## 2166 1991 The leadership
## 2167 1991 the United Nations
## 2168 1991 its founders' vision
## 2169 1991 I
## 2170 1991 we
## 2171 1991 the financial burdens
## 2172 1991 this struggle
## 2173 1991 our friends
## 2174 1991 allies
## 2175 1991 the bulk
## 2176 1991 the economic costs
## 2177 1991 Desert Shield
## 2178 1991 commitments
## 2179 1991 the first 3 months
## 2180 1991 I
## 2181 1991 they
## 2182 1991 we
## 2183 1991 Desert Storm
## 2184 1991 the world
## 2185 1991 what
## 2186 1991 the dictator
## 2187 1991 Iraq
## 2188 1991 he
## 2189 1991 innocent civilians
## 2190 1991 Israel
## 2191 1991 Saudi Arabia
## 2192 1991 he
## 2193 1991 advantage
## 2194 1991 he
## 2195 1991 he
## 2196 1991 he
## 2197 1991 his cause
## 2198 1991 tragic and despicable environmental terrorism
## 2199 1991 he
## 2200 1991 he
## 2201 1991 the coalition prisoners
## 2202 1991 war
## 2203 1991 he
## 2204 1991 he
## 2205 1991 We
## 2206 1991 the Gulf
## 2207 1991 we
## 2208 1991 the world community
## 2209 1991 an enduring warning
## 2210 1991 any dictator
## 2211 1991 despot
## 2212 1991 who
## 2213 1991 outlaw aggression
## 2214 1991 The world
## 2215 1991 this opportunity
## 2216 1991 the long-held promise
## 2217 1991 a new world order
## 2218 1991 brutality
## 2219 1991 aggression
## 2220 1991 collective resistance
## 2221 1991 the United States
## 2222 1991 a major share
## 2223 1991 leadership
## 2224 1991 this effort
## 2225 1991 the nations
## 2226 1991 the world
## 2227 1991 only the United States
## 2228 1991 America
## 2229 1991 both the moral standing
## 2230 1991 the means
## 2231 1991 it
## 2232 1991 We
## 2233 1991 the only nation
## 2234 1991 this Earth
## 2235 1991 that
## 2236 1991 the forces
## 2237 1991 peace
## 2238 1991 This
## 2239 1991 the burden
## 2240 1991 leadership
## 2241 1991 the strength
## 2242 1991 that
## 2243 1991 America
## 2244 1991 freedom
## 2245 1991 a searching world
## 2246 1991 This nation
## 2247 1991 glory
## 2248 1991 war
## 2249 1991 Our people
## 2250 1991 the blessings
## 2251 1991 home
## 2252 1991 distant lands
## 2253 1991 deadly conflict
## 2254 1991 we
## 2255 1991 anger
## 2256 1991 it
## 2257 1991 we
## 2258 1991 all
## 2259 1991 us
## 2260 1991 a world
## 2261 1991 we
## 2262 1991 Each
## 2263 1991 us
## 2264 1991 ourselves
## 2265 1991 the value
## 2266 1991 this great struggle
## 2267 1991 Any cost
## 2268 1991 lives
## 2269 1991 any cost
## 2270 1991 our power
## 2271 1991 the cost
## 2272 1991 our eyes
## 2273 1991 aggression
## 2274 1991 mankind's power
## 2275 1991 This
## 2276 1991 we
## 2277 1991 Our cause
## 2278 1991 our cause
## 2279 1991 our cause
## 2280 1991 future generations
## 2281 1991 the burden
## 2282 1991 the blessings
## 2283 1991 freedom
## 2284 1991 them
## 2285 1991 we
## 2286 1991 duty
## 2287 1991 us
## 2288 1991 them
## 2289 1991 we
## 2290 1991 America
## 2291 1991 the world
## 2292 1991 a community
## 2293 1991 conscience
## 2294 1991 The winds
## 2295 1991 change
## 2296 1991 us
## 2297 1991 The forces
## 2298 1991 freedom
## 2299 1991 united
## 2300 1991 We
## 2301 1991 the next century
## 2302 1991 we
## 2303 1991 the will
## 2304 1991 home
## 2305 1991 what
## 2306 1991 the hard work
## 2307 1991 freedom
## 2308 1991 God
## 2309 1991 the United States
## 2310 1991 America
## 2311 1991 you
## 2312 1992 Mr. Speaker and Mr. President, distinguished Members
## 2313 1992 Congress
## 2314 1992 honored guests
## 2315 1992 fellow citizens
## 2316 1992 you
## 2317 1992 that warm reception
## 2318 1992 You
## 2319 1992 the big buildup
## 2320 1992 this address
## 2321 1992 I
## 2322 1992 it
## 2323 1992 a big hit
## 2324 1992 I
## 2325 1992 Barbara
## 2326 1992 it
## 2327 1992 me
## 2328 1992 I
## 2329 1992 the Speaker
## 2330 1992 the Vice President
## 2331 1992 They
## 2332 1992 what
## 2333 1992 I
## 2334 1992 Japan
## 2335 1992 they
## 2336 1992 they
## 2337 1992 me
## 2338 1992 I
## 2339 1992 big things
## 2340 1992 big changes
## 2341 1992 the promises
## 2342 1992 they
## 2343 1992 some big problems
## 2344 1992 we
## 2345 1992 them
## 2346 1992 our country
## 2347 1992 the undisputed leader
## 2348 1992 the age
## 2349 1992 We
## 2350 1992 a dramatic and deeply promising time
## 2351 1992 our history
## 2352 1992 the history
## 2353 1992 man
## 2354 1992 Earth
## 2355 1992 the past 12 months
## 2356 1992 the world
## 2357 1992 changes
## 2358 1992 almost Biblical proportions
## 2359 1992 the failed coup
## 2360 1992 that
## 2361 1992 a failed system
## 2362 1992 I
## 2363 1992 we
## 2364 1992 the full impact
## 2365 1992 the full import
## 2366 1992 what
## 2367 1992 communism
## 2368 1992 President
## 2369 1992 the most fascinating possible vantage point
## 2370 1992 times
## 2371 1992 I
## 2372 1992 progress
## 2373 1992 change
## 2374 1992 I
## 2375 1992 the joy
## 2376 1992 that
## 2377 1992 my heart
## 2378 1992 the biggest thing
## 2379 1992 that
## 2380 1992 the world
## 2381 1992 my life
## 2382 1992 our lives
## 2383 1992 this
## 2384 1992 the grace
## 2385 1992 God
## 2386 1992 America
## 2387 1992 the cold war
## 2388 1992 I
## 2389 1992 this evening
## 2390 1992 the changes
## 2391 1992 that
## 2392 1992 place
## 2393 1992 our country
## 2394 1992 we
## 2395 1992 the sacrifices
## 2396 1992 we
## 2397 1992 we
## 2398 1992 an avowed enemy
## 2399 1992 that
## 2400 1992 a superpower
## 2401 1992 we
## 2402 1992 what
## 2403 1992 I
## 2404 1992 those things
## 2405 1992 me
## 2406 1992 you
## 2407 1992 something
## 2408 1992 I
## 2409 1992 It
## 2410 1992 a kind
## 2411 1992 rollcall
## 2412 1992 honor
## 2413 1992 the cold war
## 2414 1992 it
## 2415 1992 I
## 2416 1992 those
## 2417 1992 who
## 2418 1992 it
## 2419 1992 places
## 2420 1992 Korea
## 2421 1992 Vietnam
## 2422 1992 some
## 2423 1992 them
## 2424 1992 they
## 2425 1992 heroes
## 2426 1992 they
## 2427 1992 victors
## 2428 1992 \n\nThe long rollcall
## 2429 1992 all the G.I. Joes
## 2430 1992 Janes
## 2431 1992 all the ones
## 2432 1992 who
## 2433 1992 freedom
## 2434 1992 who
## 2435 1992 the ground
## 2436 1992 the dust
## 2437 1992 their share
## 2438 1992 horror
## 2439 1992 This
## 2440 1992 I
## 2441 1992 it
## 2442 1992 it
## 2443 1992 me
## 2444 1992 the world
## 2445 1992 them
## 2446 1992 The world
## 2447 1992 not only their special valor
## 2448 1992 their special style
## 2449 1992 their rambunctious, optimistic bravery
## 2450 1992 their do-or-die unity
## 2451 1992 class
## 2452 1992 race
## 2453 1992 region
## 2454 1992 What a group
## 2455 1992 we
## 2456 1992 generations
## 2457 1992 the ones
## 2458 1992 who
## 2459 1992 Kilroy
## 2460 1992 the walls
## 2461 1992 the German stalags
## 2462 1992 those
## 2463 1992 who
## 2464 1992 signs
## 2465 1992 the Iraqi desert
## 2466 1992 that
## 2467 1992 I
## 2468 1992 Elvis
## 2469 1992 What a group
## 2470 1992 kids
## 2471 1992 we
## 2472 1992 the world
## 2473 1992 another
## 2474 1992 it
## 2475 1992 I
## 2476 1992 a mass
## 2477 1992 people
## 2478 1992 the American taxpayer
## 2479 1992 No one
## 2480 1992 the people
## 2481 1992 who
## 2482 1992 a country's bill
## 2483 1992 an alliance's bill
## 2484 1992 half a century
## 2485 1992 the American people
## 2486 1992 the burden
## 2487 1992 taxes
## 2488 1992 that
## 2489 1992 they
## 2490 1992 a defense
## 2491 1992 that
## 2492 1992 it
## 2493 1992 imperial communism
## 2494 1992 it
## 2495 1992 a fact
## 2496 1992 I
## 2497 1992 the world acknowledging
## 2498 1992 The American taxpayer
## 2499 1992 the brunt
## 2500 1992 the burden
## 2501 1992 a hunk
## 2502 1992 the glory
## 2503 1992 the first time
## 2504 1992 35 years
## 2505 1992 our strategic bombers
## 2506 1992 they
## 2507 1992 the-clock
## 2508 1992 our children
## 2509 1992 school
## 2510 1992 history
## 2511 1992 plants
## 2512 1992 they
## 2513 1992 my children
## 2514 1992 air raid drills
## 2515 1992 which
## 2516 1992 they
## 2517 1992 their desks
## 2518 1992 their heads
## 2519 1992 case
## 2520 1992 nuclear war
## 2521 1992 My grandchildren
## 2522 1992 that
## 2523 1992 the bad dreams
## 2524 1992 children
## 2525 1992 decades
## 2526 1992 threats
## 2527 1992 the long, drawn-out dread
## 2528 1992 I
## 2529 1992 you
## 2530 1992 a moment
## 2531 1992 high peril
## 2532 1992 American forces
## 2533 1992 Operation Desert Storm
## 2534 1992 40 days
## 2535 1992 the desert skies
## 2536 1992 4 days
## 2537 1992 the ground
## 2538 1992 the men
## 2539 1992 women
## 2540 1992 America's Armed Forces
## 2541 1992 our allies
## 2542 1992 the goals
## 2543 1992 that
## 2544 1992 I
## 2545 1992 you
## 2546 1992 We
## 2547 1992 Kuwait
## 2548 1992 the Arab world
## 2549 1992 Israel
## 2550 1992 peace
## 2551 1992 an historic first
## 2552 1992 that
## 2553 1992 Christmas
## 2554 1992 the last American hostages
## 2555 1992 Our policies
## 2556 1992 the prudent use
## 2557 1992 power
## 2558 1992 this
## 2559 1992 A world
## 2560 1992 two armed camps
## 2561 1992 one sole and preeminent power
## 2562 1992 the United States
## 2563 1992 America
## 2564 1992 they
## 2565 1992 this
## 2566 1992 no dread
## 2567 1992 the world
## 2568 1992 us
## 2569 1992 power
## 2570 1992 the world
## 2571 1992 They
## 2572 1992 us
## 2573 1992 They
## 2574 1992 us
## 2575 1992 the side
## 2576 1992 decency
## 2577 1992 They
## 2578 1992 us
## 2579 1992 what
## 2580 1992 I
## 2581 1992 those words
## 2582 1992 the war
## 2583 1992 I
## 2584 1992 a telegram
## 2585 1992 Joanne Speicher
## 2586 1992 the wife
## 2587 1992 the first pilot
## 2588 1992 the Gulf
## 2589 1992 Lieutenant Commander
## 2590 1992 Scott Speicher
## 2591 1992 her grief
## 2592 1992 she
## 2593 1992 me
## 2594 1992 her children
## 2595 1992 she
## 2596 1992 them
## 2597 1992 their father
## 2598 1992 war
## 2599 1992 it
## 2600 1992 the right thing
## 2601 1992 she
## 2602 1992 it
## 2603 1992 all
## 2604 1992 It
## 2605 1992 the right thing
## 2606 1992 we
## 2607 1992 it
## 2608 1992 honest differences
## 2609 1992 this Chamber
## 2610 1992 the war
## 2611 1992 you
## 2612 1992 partisanship
## 2613 1992 we
## 2614 1992 our troops
## 2615 1992 This
## 2616 1992 a time
## 2617 1992 pride
## 2618 1992 this
## 2619 1992 no time
## 2620 1992 problems
## 2621 1992 us
## 2622 1992 we
## 2623 1992 them
## 2624 1992 our country
## 2625 1992 I
## 2626 1992 cuts
## 2627 1992 military spending
## 2628 1992 that
## 2629 1992 the changes
## 2630 1992 the new era
## 2631 1992 imperial communism
## 2632 1992 that process
## 2633 1992 I
## 2634 1992 you
## 2635 1992 dramatic changes
## 2636 1992 our strategic nuclear force
## 2637 1992 These
## 2638 1992 actions
## 2639 1992 we
## 2640 1992 they
## 2641 1992 the right thing
## 2642 1992 20 planes
## 2643 1992 which
## 2644 1992 we
## 2645 1992 we
## 2646 1992 further production
## 2647 1992 the B - 2 bombers
## 2648 1992 We
## 2649 1992 the small ICBM program
## 2650 1992 We
## 2651 1992 production
## 2652 1992 new warheads
## 2653 1992 our sea-based ballistic missiles
## 2654 1992 We
## 2655 1992 all new production
## 2656 1992 the Peacekeeper missile
## 2657 1992 we
## 2658 1992 any more advanced cruise missiles
## 2659 1992 I
## 2660 1992 Camp David
## 2661 1992 Boris Yeltsin
## 2662 1992 the Russian Federation
## 2663 1992 I
## 2664 1992 President Yeltsin
## 2665 1992 the Commonwealth
## 2666 1992 the former Soviet Union
## 2667 1992 all land-based multiple-warhead ballistic missiles
## 2668 1992 I
## 2669 1992 the following
## 2670 1992 We
## 2671 1992 all Peacekeeper missiles
## 2672 1992 We
## 2673 1992 the number
## 2674 1992 warheads
## 2675 1992 Minuteman missiles
## 2676 1992 the number
## 2677 1992 warheads
## 2678 1992 our sea-based missiles
## 2679 1992 about one-third
## 2680 1992 we
## 2681 1992 a substantial portion
## 2682 1992 our strategic bombers
## 2683 1992 primarily conventional use
## 2684 1992 President Yeltsin's early response
## 2685 1992 I
## 2686 1992 our talks
## 2687 1992 Camp David
## 2688 1992 I
## 2689 1992 you
## 2690 1992 half a century
## 2691 1992 American Presidents
## 2692 1992 such decisions
## 2693 1992 such words
## 2694 1992 the midst
## 2695 1992 celebration
## 2696 1992 we
## 2697 1992 caution
## 2698 1992 a friend
## 2699 1992 the world
## 2700 1992 a dangerous place
## 2701 1992 Only the dead
## 2702 1992 the end
## 2703 1992 conflict
## 2704 1992 yesterday's challenges
## 2705 1992 us
## 2706 1992 tomorrow
## 2707 1992 The Secretary
## 2708 1992 Defense
## 2709 1992 these cuts
## 2710 1992 consultation
## 2711 1992 the Joint Chiefs
## 2712 1992 Staff
## 2713 1992 I
## 2714 1992 them
## 2715 1992 confidence
## 2716 1992 me
## 2717 1992 The reductions
## 2718 1992 I
## 2719 1992 us
## 2720 1992 the next 5 years
## 2721 1992 we
## 2722 1992 defense
## 2723 1992 30 percent
## 2724 1992 I
## 2725 1992 office
## 2726 1992 These cuts
## 2727 1992 you
## 2728 1992 my resolve
## 2729 1992 history
## 2730 1992 We
## 2731 1992 the days
## 2732 1992 the hollow army
## 2733 1992 We
## 2734 1992 the mistakes
## 2735 1992 this century
## 2736 1992 armistice
## 2737 1992 recklessness
## 2738 1992 defense
## 2739 1992 the world
## 2740 1992 I
## 2741 1992 you
## 2742 1992 I
## 2743 1992 your support
## 2744 1992 a program
## 2745 1992 our country
## 2746 1992 limited nuclear missile attack
## 2747 1992 We
## 2748 1992 this protection
## 2749 1992 too many people
## 2750 1992 too many countries
## 2751 1992 access
## 2752 1992 nuclear arms
## 2753 1992 I
## 2754 1992 you
## 2755 1992 the Strategic Defense Initiative
## 2756 1992 SDI
## 2757 1992 those
## 2758 1992 who
## 2759 1992 we
## 2760 1992 the world
## 2761 1992 we
## 2762 1992 no special role
## 2763 1992 no special place
## 2764 1992 we
## 2765 1992 the United States
## 2766 1992 America
## 2767 1992 the leader
## 2768 1992 the West
## 2769 1992 that
## 2770 1992 the leader
## 2771 1992 the world
## 2772 1992 I
## 2773 1992 President
## 2774 1992 I
## 2775 1992 support
## 2776 1992 freedom
## 2777 1992 arrogance
## 2778 1992 altruism
## 2779 1992 the safety
## 2780 1992 security
## 2781 1992 our children
## 2782 1992 This
## 2783 1992 a fact
## 2784 1992 Strength
## 2785 1992 the pursuit
## 2786 1992 peace
## 2787 1992 no vice
## 2788 1992 isolationism
## 2789 1992 the pursuit
## 2790 1992 security
## 2791 1992 no virtue
## 2792 1992 our troubles
## 2793 1992 home
## 2794 1992 They
## 2795 1992 the primary problem
## 2796 1992 our economy
## 2797 1992 some good signs
## 2798 1992 Inflation
## 2799 1992 that thief
## 2800 1992 interest rates
## 2801 1992 unemployment
## 2802 1992 some industries
## 2803 1992 trouble
## 2804 1992 growth
## 2805 1992 what
## 2806 1992 it
## 2807 1992 me
## 2808 1992 you
## 2809 1992 the start
## 2810 1992 the heart
## 2811 1992 I
## 2812 1992 we
## 2813 1992 hard times
## 2814 1992 I
## 2815 1992 something
## 2816 1992 This
## 2817 1992 this Chamber
## 2818 1992 this Chamber
## 2819 1992 we
## 2820 1992 the same courage
## 2821 1992 sense
## 2822 1992 common purpose
## 2823 1992 the economy
## 2824 1992 that
## 2825 1992 we
## 2826 1992 Desert Storm
## 2827 1992 we
## 2828 1992 hard times
## 2829 1992 I
## 2830 1992 you
## 2831 1992 One reason
## 2832 1992 you
## 2833 1992 patriots
## 2834 1992 you
## 2835 1992 your country
## 2836 1992 I
## 2837 1992 your hearts
## 2838 1992 you
## 2839 1992 partisanship
## 2840 1992 the job
## 2841 1992 it
## 2842 1992 the right thing
## 2843 1992 The power
## 2844 1992 America
## 2845 1992 a stirring but simple idea
## 2846 1992 people
## 2847 1992 great things
## 2848 1992 only you
## 2849 1992 them
## 2850 1992 we
## 2851 1992 the economy
## 2852 1992 this age
## 2853 1992 miracles
## 2854 1992 wonders
## 2855 1992 us
## 2856 1992 anything
## 2857 1992 it
## 2858 1992 we
## 2859 1992 the world
## 2860 1992 we
## 2861 1992 America
## 2862 1992 We
## 2863 1992 investment
## 2864 1992 We
## 2865 1992 it
## 2866 1992 people
## 2867 1992 money
## 2868 1992 new products
## 2869 1992 new industries
## 2870 1992 new jobs
## 2871 1992 We
## 2872 1992 the obstacles
## 2873 1992 growth
## 2874 1992 high taxes
## 2875 1992 high regulation
## 2876 1992 redtape
## 2877 1992 , wasteful Government spending
## 2878 1992 None
## 2879 1992 this
## 2880 1992 a snap
## 2881 1992 the fingers
## 2882 1992 it
## 2883 1992 the test
## 2884 1992 a plan
## 2885 1992 it
## 2886 1992 The American people
## 2887 1992 gimmicks
## 2888 1992 they
## 2889 1992 this score
## 2890 1992 all
## 2891 1992 us
## 2892 1992 this room
## 2893 1992 The only test
## 2894 1992 a plan
## 2895 1992 it
## 2896 1992 it
## 2897 1992 We
## 2898 1992 a short-term plan
## 2899 1992 our immediate needs
## 2900 1992 the economy
## 2901 1992 we
## 2902 1992 a longer term plan
## 2903 1992 combustion
## 2904 1992 our place
## 2905 1992 the world economy
## 2906 1992 certain things
## 2907 1992 that
## 2908 1992 a President
## 2909 1992 Congress
## 2910 1992 I
## 2911 1992 them
## 2912 1992 I
## 2913 1992 major Cabinet departments
## 2914 1992 Federal agencies
## 2915 1992 a 90-day moratorium
## 2916 1992 any new Federal regulations
## 2917 1992 that
## 2918 1992 growth
## 2919 1992 those 90 days
## 2920 1992 major departments
## 2921 1992 agencies
## 2922 1992 bottom
## 2923 1992 all regulations
## 2924 1992 the ones
## 2925 1992 that
## 2926 1992 growth
## 2927 1992 those
## 2928 1992 that
## 2929 1992 growth
## 2930 1992 the untold number
## 2931 1992 hard-working, responsible American workers
## 2932 1992 business men
## 2933 1992 women
## 2934 1992 who
## 2935 1992 needed bank loans
## 2936 1992 the banking credit crunch
## 2937 1992 I
## 2938 1992 my responsibility
## 2939 1992 sound regulations
## 2940 1992 that
## 2941 1992 the public good
## 2942 1992 regulatory overkill
## 2943 1992 I
## 2944 1992 our Government regulators
## 2945 1992 it
## 2946 1992 I
## 2947 1992 Cabinet departments
## 2948 1992 Federal agencies
## 2949 1992 progrowth expenditures
## 2950 1992 This
## 2951 1992 the economy
## 2952 1992 the next 6 months
## 2953 1992 our new transportation bill
## 2954 1992 construction and maintenance projects
## 2955 1992 that
## 2956 1992 our growth
## 2957 1992 well-being
## 2958 1992 that
## 2959 1992 roads
## 2960 1992 jobs building railways
## 2961 1992 I
## 2962 1992 the Secretary
## 2963 1992 the Treasury
## 2964 1992 the Federal tax withholding tables
## 2965 1992 this change
## 2966 1992 millions
## 2967 1992 Americans
## 2968 1992 whom
## 2969 1992 the Government
## 2970 1992 the Government
## 2971 1992 their paychecks
## 2972 1992 Something
## 2973 1992 me
## 2974 1992 a number
## 2975 1992 taxpayers
## 2976 1992 us
## 2977 1992 this one
## 2978 1992 This initiative
## 2979 1992 our economy
## 2980 1992 the next 12 months
## 2981 1992 money people
## 2982 1992 clothing
## 2983 1992 college
## 2984 1992 a new car
## 2985 1992 the Federal Reserve
## 2986 1992 we
## 2987 1992 monetary policy
## 2988 1992 that
## 2989 1992 both interest rates
## 2990 1992 inflation
## 2991 1992 these
## 2992 1992 the things
## 2993 1992 I
## 2994 1992 Members
## 2995 1992 Congress
## 2996 1992 me
## 2997 1992 you
## 2998 1992 what
## 2999 1992 you
## 3000 1992 your country
## 3001 1992 You
## 3002 1992 the other elements
## 3003 1992 my plan
## 3004 1992 our economic needs
## 3005 1992 Everyone
## 3006 1992 investment
## 3007 1992 recovery
## 3008 1992 I
## 3009 1992 a change
## 3010 1992 the alternative minimum tax
## 3011 1992 the creation
## 3012 1992 a new 15-percent investment tax allowance
## 3013 1992 This
## 3014 1992 businesses
## 3015 1992 investment
## 3016 1992 people
## 3017 1992 work
## 3018 1992 Real estate
## 3019 1992 our economy
## 3020 1992 almost all the tough times
## 3021 1992 we
## 3022 1992 building
## 3023 1992 carpenters
## 3024 1992 plumbers
## 3025 1992 people
## 3026 1992 homes
## 3027 1992 mortgages
## 3028 1992 My plan
## 3029 1992 the passive loss rule
## 3030 1992 active real estate developers
## 3031 1992 it
## 3032 1992 it
## 3033 1992 pension plans
## 3034 1992 real estate
## 3035 1992 those Americans
## 3036 1992 who
## 3037 1992 a first home
## 3038 1992 who
## 3039 1992 it
## 3040 1992 my plan
## 3041 1992 first-time homebuyers
## 3042 1992 savings
## 3043 1992 IRA
## 3044 1992 penalty
## 3045 1992 a $5,000 tax credit
## 3046 1992 the first purchase
## 3047 1992 that home
## 3048 1992 my immediate plan
## 3049 1992 Congress
## 3050 1992 crucial help
## 3051 1992 people
## 3052 1992 who
## 3053 1992 a home
## 3054 1992 everyone
## 3055 1992 who
## 3056 1992 a business
## 3057 1992 a farm
## 3058 1992 a single investment
## 3059 1992 this hour
## 3060 1992 I
## 3061 1992 no
## 3062 1992 an answer
## 3063 1992 You
## 3064 1992 the capital gains tax
## 3065 1992 the people
## 3066 1992 our country
## 3067 1992 an issue
## 3068 1992 its opponents
## 3069 1992 the demagogs
## 3070 1992 They
## 3071 1992 they
## 3072 1992 it
## 3073 1992 Sixty percent
## 3074 1992 the people
## 3075 1992 who
## 3076 1992 lower capital gains
## 3077 1992 incomes
## 3078 1992 A cut
## 3079 1992 the capital gains tax increases
## 3080 1992 everyone
## 3081 1992 our country
## 3082 1992 I
## 3083 1992 you
## 3084 1992 the capital gains tax
## 3085 1992 a maximum
## 3086 1992 15.4 percent
## 3087 1992 I
## 3088 1992 you
## 3089 1992 those
## 3090 1992 you
## 3091 1992 who
## 3092 1992 someone
## 3093 1992 who
## 3094 1992 that
## 3095 1992 you
## 3096 1992 me
## 3097 1992 the old definition
## 3098 1992 the Puritan
## 3099 1992 who
## 3100 1992 night
## 3101 1992 someone
## 3102 1992 a good time
## 3103 1992 The opponents
## 3104 1992 this measure
## 3105 1992 those
## 3106 1992 who
## 3107 1992 various so-called soak-the-rich bills
## 3108 1992 that
## 3109 1992 this Chamber
## 3110 1992 something
## 3111 1992 they
## 3112 1992 the big guy
## 3113 1992 they
## 3114 1992 the little guy
## 3115 1992 it
## 3116 1992 time
## 3117 1992 that
## 3118 1992 This
## 3119 1992 my short-term plan
## 3120 1992 Your part
## 3121 1992 Members
## 3122 1992 Congress
## 3123 1992 enactment
## 3124 1992 these commonsense proposals
## 3125 1992 that
## 3126 1992 a strong effect
## 3127 1992 the economy
## 3128 1992 the budget agreement
## 3129 1992 tax rates
## 3130 1992 my plan
## 3131 1992 we
## 3132 1992 those
## 3133 1992 trouble
## 3134 1992 I
## 3135 1992 my budget
## 3136 1992 Federal unemployment benefits
## 3137 1992 I
## 3138 1992 congressional action
## 3139 1992 I
## 3140 1992 the committee
## 3141 1992 's
## 3142 1992 's
## 3143 1992 me
## 3144 1992 you
## 3145 1992 I
## 3146 1992 you
## 3147 1992 my plan
## 3148 1992 a political season
## 3149 1992 I
## 3150 1992 you
## 3151 1992 everything
## 3152 1992 I
## 3153 1992 some
## 3154 1992 merely partisan terms
## 3155 1992 I
## 3156 1992 you
## 3157 1992 what
## 3158 1992 my heart
## 3159 1992 my aim
## 3160 1992 our Nation's good
## 3161 1992 I
## 3162 1992 what
## 3163 1992 I
## 3164 1992 I
## 3165 1992 what
## 3166 1992 I
## 3167 1992 I
## 3168 1992 myself
## 3169 1992 I
## 3170 1992 a prudent man
## 3171 1992 I
## 3172 1992 patience
## 3173 1992 a virtue
## 3174 1992 I
## 3175 1992 politics
## 3176 1992 some
## 3177 1992 a game
## 3178 1992 the game
## 3179 1992 all progress
## 3180 1992 the lack
## 3181 1992 improvement
## 3182 1992 me
## 3183 1992 you
## 3184 1992 my political future
## 3185 1992 yours
## 3186 1992 the well-being
## 3187 1992 our country
## 3188 1992 Members
## 3189 1992 this Chamber
## 3190 1992 practical people
## 3191 1992 I
## 3192 1992 you
## 3193 1992 some practical advice
## 3194 1992 people
## 3195 1992 their party's fortunes
## 3196 1992 the party
## 3197 1992 whatever side
## 3198 1992 this aisle
## 3199 1992 the public good
## 3200 1992 they
## 3201 1992 their country
## 3202 1992 themselves
## 3203 1992 they
## 3204 1992 it
## 3205 1992 I
## 3206 1992 my plan
## 3207 1992 I
## 3208 1992 you
## 3209 1992 it
## 3210 1992 March 20th
## 3211 1992 I
## 3212 1992 the American people
## 3213 1992 you
## 3214 1992 they
## 3215 1992 this action
## 3216 1992 March 20th
## 3217 1992 the day
## 3218 1992 that
## 3219 1992 it
## 3220 1992 the battle
## 3221 1992 you
## 3222 1992 principle
## 3223 1992 stake
## 3224 1992 I
## 3225 1992 a good, fair fight
## 3226 1992 I
## 3227 1992 my plan
## 3228 1992 two parts
## 3229 1992 it
## 3230 1992 it
## 3231 1992 the second part
## 3232 1992 that
## 3233 1992 the heart
## 3234 1992 the matter
## 3235 1992 it
## 3236 1992 an immediate burst
## 3237 1992 We
## 3238 1992 long-term improvement
## 3239 1992 our economic position
## 3240 1992 We
## 3241 1992 all
## 3242 1992 the key
## 3243 1992 our economic future
## 3244 1992 America
## 3245 1992 an economic leader
## 3246 1992 the world
## 3247 1992 We
## 3248 1992 that
## 3249 1992 our power
## 3250 1992 my long-term plan
## 3251 1992 our future
## 3252 1992 We
## 3253 1992 the walls
## 3254 1992 that
## 3255 1992 world trade
## 3256 1992 We
## 3257 1992 markets
## 3258 1992 our major trade negotiations
## 3259 1992 I
## 3260 1992 tariffs
## 3261 1992 subsidies
## 3262 1992 that
## 3263 1992 America's farmers
## 3264 1992 workers
## 3265 1992 we
## 3266 1992 more good American jobs
## 3267 1992 our own hemisphere
## 3268 1992 the North American free trade agreement
## 3269 1992 the Enterprise
## 3270 1992 the Americas Initiative
## 3271 1992 changes
## 3272 1992 The workplace
## 3273 1992 the future
## 3274 1992 more highly skilled workers
## 3275 1992 more people
## 3276 1992 who
## 3277 1992 We
## 3278 1992 the world's leader
## 3279 1992 education
## 3280 1992 we
## 3281 1992 America's schools
## 3282 1992 My America 2000 strategy
## 3283 1992 us
## 3284 1992 that goal
## 3285 1992 My plan
## 3286 1992 parents
## 3287 1992 more choice
## 3288 1992 teachers
## 3289 1992 more flexibility
## 3290 1992 communities
## 3291 1992 new American schools
## 3292 1992 Thirty States
## 3293 1992 the Nation
## 3294 1992 America 2000 programs
## 3295 1992 Hundreds
## 3296 1992 cities
## 3297 1992 towns
## 3298 1992 Congress
## 3299 1992 this great movement
## 3300 1992 my proposals
## 3301 1992 new American schools
## 3302 1992 That
## 3303 1992 my second long-term proposal
## 3304 1992 my third
## 3305 1992 We
## 3306 1992 commonsense investments
## 3307 1992 that
## 3308 1992 us
## 3309 1992 the marketplace
## 3310 1992 We
## 3311 1992 research
## 3312 1992 development
## 3313 1992 My plan
## 3314 1992 the R&D tax credit
## 3315 1992 record levels
## 3316 1992 support
## 3317 1992 people
## 3318 1992 who
## 3319 1992 the promise
## 3320 1992 emerging technologies
## 3321 1992 we
## 3322 1992 something
## 3323 1992 crime
## 3324 1992 drugs
## 3325 1992 It
## 3326 1992 time
## 3327 1992 a major, renewed investment
## 3328 1992 violent street crime
## 3329 1992 It
## 3330 1992 our strength
## 3331 1992 our faith
## 3332 1992 our society
## 3333 1992 our future
## 3334 1992 a tired woman
## 3335 1992 her way
## 3336 1992 the morning
## 3337 1992 a subway
## 3338 1992 the right
## 3339 1992 it
## 3340 1992 everyone
## 3341 1992 who
## 3342 1992 his or her life
## 3343 1992 crime
## 3344 1992 those
## 3345 1992 night
## 3346 1992 those
## 3347 1992 the parks
## 3348 1992 they
## 3349 1992 these people
## 3350 1992 a basic civil right
## 3351 1992 It
## 3352 1992 time
## 3353 1992 it
## 3354 1992 Congress
## 3355 1992 my comprehensive crime bill
## 3356 1992 It
## 3357 1992 criminals
## 3358 1992 police
## 3359 1992 it
## 3360 1992 these hallowed halls
## 3361 1992 years
## 3362 1992 it
## 3363 1992 your country
## 3364 1992 I
## 3365 1992 you
## 3366 1992 our HOPE housing proposal
## 3367 1992 my enterprise zone legislation
## 3368 1992 which
## 3369 1992 businesses
## 3370 1992 the inner city
## 3371 1992 We
## 3372 1992 the pride
## 3373 1992 that
## 3374 1992 a home
## 3375 1992 a job
## 3376 1992 a part
## 3377 1992 things
## 3378 1992 My plan
## 3379 1992 real estate construction
## 3380 1992 tax incentives
## 3381 1992 mortgage revenue bonds
## 3382 1992 low-income housing
## 3383 1992 I
## 3384 1992 record expenditures
## 3385 1992 the program
## 3386 1992 that
## 3387 1992 children
## 3388 1992 want move
## 3389 1992 excellence
## 3390 1992 we
## 3391 1992 our health care system
## 3392 1992 this
## 3393 1992 we
## 3394 1992 the world
## 3395 1992 American health costs
## 3396 1992 America
## 3397 1992 health
## 3398 1992 that
## 3399 1992 the end
## 3400 1992 the decade
## 3401 1992 We
## 3402 1992 this
## 3403 1992 The cost
## 3404 1992 health care
## 3405 1992 your family budget
## 3406 1992 the price
## 3407 1992 everything
## 3408 1992 we
## 3409 1992 we
## 3410 1992 health coverage
## 3411 1992 a fellow
## 3412 1992 an assembly line
## 3413 1992 thousands
## 3414 1992 dollars
## 3415 1992 the cost
## 3416 1992 the products
## 3417 1992 he
## 3418 1992 you
## 3419 1992 the bill
## 3420 1992 We
## 3421 1992 a choice
## 3422 1992 some
## 3423 1992 we
## 3424 1992 it
## 3425 1992 They
## 3426 1992 it
## 3427 1992 that expensive approach
## 3428 1992 It
## 3429 1992 higher taxes
## 3430 1992 fewer jobs
## 3431 1992 eventually a system
## 3432 1992 complete Government control
## 3433 1992 only two options
## 3434 1992 we
## 3435 1992 a nationalized system
## 3436 1992 a system
## 3437 1992 which
## 3438 1992 patient choice
## 3439 1992 a doctor
## 3440 1992 the Government
## 3441 1992 ration services
## 3442 1992 what
## 3443 1992 we
## 3444 1992 patients
## 3445 1992 long lines
## 3446 1992 indifferent service
## 3447 1992 a huge new tax burden
## 3448 1992 we
## 3449 1992 our own private health care system
## 3450 1992 which
## 3451 1992 us
## 3452 1992 all its flaws
## 3453 1992 the best quality health care
## 3454 1992 the world
## 3455 1992 's
## 3456 1992 our strengths
## 3457 1992 My plan
## 3458 1992 insurance security
## 3459 1992 all Americans
## 3460 1992 the idea
## 3461 1992 choice
## 3462 1992 We
## 3463 1992 basic health insurance
## 3464 1992 all low-income people
## 3465 1992 we
## 3466 1992 it
## 3467 1992 a health insurance tax credit
## 3468 1992 each low-income family
## 3469 1992 the middle class
## 3470 1992 help
## 3471 1992 the health insurance market
## 3472 1992 my plan
## 3473 1992 Americans
## 3474 1992 access
## 3475 1992 basic health insurance
## 3476 1992 they
## 3477 1992 jobs
## 3478 1992 serious health problems
## 3479 1992 We
## 3480 1992 costs
## 3481 1992 control
## 3482 1992 quality
## 3483 1992 preserve choice
## 3484 1992 the people's nagging daily worry
## 3485 1992 health insurance
## 3486 1992 My plan
## 3487 1992 the details
## 3488 1992 which
## 3489 1992 I
## 3490 1992 just that
## 3491 1992 we
## 3492 1992 the Federal deficit
## 3493 1992 control
## 3494 1992 We
## 3495 1992 law
## 3496 1992 enforceable spending caps
## 3497 1992 a requirement
## 3498 1992 that
## 3499 1992 we
## 3500 1992 the programs
## 3501 1992 we
## 3502 1992 those
## 3503 1992 Congress
## 3504 1992 who
## 3505 1992 that discipline
## 3506 1992 I
## 3507 1992 them
## 3508 1992 it
## 3509 1992 I
## 3510 1992 My plan
## 3511 1992 all domestic discretionary budget authority
## 3512 1992 which
## 3513 1992 this year
## 3514 1992 I
## 3515 1992 Social Security
## 3516 1992 I
## 3517 1992 real caps
## 3518 1992 the growth
## 3519 1992 uncontrolled spending
## 3520 1992 I
## 3521 1992 Federal domestic Government employment
## 3522 1992 the help
## 3523 1992 Congress
## 3524 1992 my plan
## 3525 1992 246 programs
## 3526 1992 that
## 3527 1992 Federal funding
## 3528 1992 Some
## 3529 1992 them
## 3530 1992 noble titles
## 3531 1992 none
## 3532 1992 them
## 3533 1992 We
## 3534 1992 each
## 3535 1992 them
## 3536 1992 You
## 3537 1992 it
## 3538 1992 time
## 3539 1992 we
## 3540 1992 a home truth
## 3541 1992 the American people
## 3542 1992 This Government
## 3543 1992 I
## 3544 1992 Congress
## 3545 1992 a measure
## 3546 1992 that
## 3547 1992 an end
## 3548 1992 the annual ritual
## 3549 1992 the budget
## 3550 1992 pork barrel appropriations
## 3551 1992 the press
## 3552 1992 a field day
## 3553 1992 fun
## 3554 1992 outrageous examples
## 3555 1992 a Lawrence Welk museum
## 3556 1992 research grants
## 3557 1992 Belgian endive
## 3558 1992 We
## 3559 1992 all
## 3560 1992 these things
## 3561 1992 the budget
## 3562 1992 you
## 3563 1992 someone
## 3564 1992 you
## 3565 1992 I
## 3566 1992 it
## 3567 1992 I
## 3568 1992 what
## 3569 1992 I
## 3570 1992 it
## 3571 1992 me
## 3572 1992 the same thing
## 3573 1992 43 Governors
## 3574 1992 the line-item veto
## 3575 1992 me
## 3576 1992 you
## 3577 1992 We
## 3578 1992 an end
## 3579 1992 These
## 3580 1992 the requirements
## 3581 1992 Congress
## 3582 1992 our cities
## 3583 1992 counties
## 3584 1992 States
## 3585 1992 the money
## 3586 1992 Congress
## 3587 1992 a mandate
## 3588 1992 it
## 3589 1992 it
## 3590 1992 the cost
## 3591 1992 savings
## 3592 1992 a mandate
## 3593 1992 someone else's burden
## 3594 1992 that
## 3595 1992 higher taxes
## 3596 1992 the State and local level
## 3597 1992 Step
## 3598 1992 Congress
## 3599 1992 the bold reform proposals
## 3600 1992 that
## 3601 1992 congressional action
## 3602 1992 bank reform
## 3603 1992 civil justice reform
## 3604 1992 tort reform
## 3605 1992 my national energy strategy
## 3606 1992 we
## 3607 1992 the family
## 3608 1992 it
## 3609 1992 the family
## 3610 1992 that
## 3611 1992 the greatest bearing
## 3612 1992 our future
## 3613 1992 Barbara
## 3614 1992 an AIDS baby
## 3615 1992 her arms
## 3616 1992 children
## 3617 1992 she
## 3618 1992 every person
## 3619 1992 this country
## 3620 1992 Family
## 3621 1992 I
## 3622 1992 a new Commission
## 3623 1992 America's Urban Families
## 3624 1992 I
## 3625 1992 Missouri's Governor John Ashcroft
## 3626 1992 Chairman
## 3627 1992 former Dallas Mayor Annette Strauss
## 3628 1992 Cochair
## 3629 1992 You
## 3630 1992 I
## 3631 1992 mayors
## 3632 1992 the leading mayors
## 3633 1992 the League
## 3634 1992 Cities
## 3635 1992 the other day
## 3636 1992 the White House
## 3637 1992 they
## 3638 1992 me
## 3639 1992 something
## 3640 1992 They
## 3641 1992 them
## 3642 1992 Republican
## 3643 1992 Democrat
## 3644 1992 one thing
## 3645 1992 the major cause
## 3646 1992 the problems
## 3647 1992 the cities
## 3648 1992 the dissolution
## 3649 1992 the family
## 3650 1992 They
## 3651 1992 this Commission
## 3652 1992 they
## 3653 1992 it
## 3654 1992 time
## 3655 1992 what
## 3656 1992 we
## 3657 1992 families
## 3658 1992 sound
## 3659 1992 one thing
## 3660 1992 we
## 3661 1992 the burden
## 3662 1992 a child
## 3663 1992 I
## 3664 1992 you
## 3665 1992 the personal exemption
## 3666 1992 child
## 3667 1992 every family
## 3668 1992 a family
## 3669 1992 four kids
## 3670 1992 that
## 3671 1992 an increase
## 3672 1992 This
## 3673 1992 a good start
## 3674 1992 the right direction
## 3675 1992 it
## 3676 1992 what
## 3677 1992 we
## 3678 1992 It
## 3679 1992 time
## 3680 1992 families
## 3681 1992 the interest
## 3682 1992 they
## 3683 1992 student loans
## 3684 1992 I
## 3685 1992 you
## 3686 1992 just that
## 3687 1992 I
## 3688 1992 you
## 3689 1992 people
## 3690 1992 money
## 3691 1992 their IRA
## 3692 1992 medical and education expenses
## 3693 1992 penalties
## 3694 1992 I
## 3695 1992 American parents
## 3696 1992 what
## 3697 1992 they
## 3698 1992 things
## 3699 1992 our country
## 3700 1992 chances
## 3701 1992 they
## 3702 1992 welfare
## 3703 1992 Americans
## 3704 1992 the most generous people
## 3705 1992 Earth
## 3706 1992 we
## 3707 1992 the insight
## 3708 1992 Franklin Roosevelt
## 3709 1992 who
## 3710 1992 he
## 3711 1992 what
## 3712 1992 the welfare program
## 3713 1992 it
## 3714 1992 a "subtle destroyer
## 3715 1992 the spirit
## 3716 1992 Welfare
## 3717 1992 a lifestyle
## 3718 1992 It
## 3719 1992 a habit
## 3720 1992 It
## 3721 1992 generation
## 3722 1992 generation
## 3723 1992 a legacy
## 3724 1992 It
## 3725 1992 time
## 3726 1992 the assumptions
## 3727 1992 the welfare state
## 3728 1992 the welfare system
## 3729 1992 States
## 3730 1992 the country
## 3731 1992 new assumptions
## 3732 1992 able-bodied people
## 3733 1992 Government assistance
## 3734 1992 they
## 3735 1992 responsibilities
## 3736 1992 the taxpayer
## 3737 1992 A responsibility
## 3738 1992 work
## 3739 1992 education
## 3740 1992 job training
## 3741 1992 a responsibility
## 3742 1992 their lives
## 3743 1992 order
## 3744 1992 a responsibility
## 3745 1992 their families
## 3746 1992 children
## 3747 1992 wedlock
## 3748 1992 a responsibility
## 3749 1992 the law
## 3750 1992 We
## 3751 1992 this movement
## 3752 1992 State reform
## 3753 1992 certain Federal regulations
## 3754 1992 I
## 3755 1992 that process
## 3756 1992 every State
## 3757 1992 that
## 3758 1992 our help
## 3759 1992 I
## 3760 1992 we
## 3761 1992 these changes
## 3762 1992 we
## 3763 1992 this system
## 3764 1992 our intention
## 3765 1992 you
## 3766 1992 the papers
## 3767 1992 TV
## 3768 1992 you
## 3769 1992 a rise
## 3770 1992 a certain kind
## 3771 1992 ugliness
## 3772 1992 racist comments
## 3773 1992 -
## 3774 1992 Semitism
## 3775 1992 an increased sense
## 3776 1992 division
## 3777 1992 this
## 3778 1992 us
## 3779 1992 This
## 3780 1992 who
## 3781 1992 we
## 3782 1992 this
## 3783 1992 you
## 3784 1992 my plan
## 3785 1992 America
## 3786 1992 I
## 3787 1992 big things
## 3788 1992 I
## 3789 1992 my heart
## 3790 1992 you
## 3791 1992 what
## 3792 1992 You
## 3793 1992 it
## 3794 1992 kind of an American tradition
## 3795 1992 a certain skepticism
## 3796 1992 our democratic institutions
## 3797 1992 I
## 3798 1992 myself
## 3799 1992 the aging process
## 3800 1992 it
## 3801 1992 its way
## 3802 1992 Congress
## 3803 1992 You
## 3804 1992 you
## 3805 1992 that
## 3806 1992 the people
## 3807 1992 They
## 3808 1992 help
## 3809 1992 a mood
## 3810 1992 us
## 3811 1992 People
## 3812 1992 talk
## 3813 1992 decline
## 3814 1992 Someone
## 3815 1992 our workers
## 3816 1992 I
## 3817 1992 You
## 3818 1992 Neil Armstrong
## 3819 1992 the moon
## 3820 1992 the men
## 3821 1992 women
## 3822 1992 who
## 3823 1992 him
## 3824 1992 the American farmer
## 3825 1992 who
## 3826 1992 his country
## 3827 1992 the world
## 3828 1992 the men
## 3829 1992 women
## 3830 1992 Desert Storm
## 3831 1992 Moods
## 3832 1992 greatness endures
## 3833 1992 Ours
## 3834 1992 a moment
## 3835 1992 it
## 3836 1992 the dailiness
## 3837 1992 our lives
## 3838 1992 we
## 3839 1992 We
## 3840 1992 ever the freest nation
## 3841 1992 Earth
## 3842 1992 the kindest nation
## 3843 1992 Earth
## 3844 1992 the strongest nation
## 3845 1992 Earth
## 3846 1992 we
## 3847 1992 the occasion
## 3848 1992 we
## 3849 1992 this Nation
## 3850 1992 hard times inch
## 3851 1992 inch
## 3852 1992 day
## 3853 1992 day
## 3854 1992 those
## 3855 1992 who
## 3856 1992 us
## 3857 1992 better step
## 3858 1992 I
## 3859 1992 hard times
## 3860 1992 I
## 3861 1992 this vow
## 3862 1992 This
## 3863 1992 we
## 3864 1992 the once and future miracle
## 3865 1992 that
## 3866 1992 the hope
## 3867 1992 the world
## 3868 1992 you
## 3869 1992 God
## 3870 1992 you
## 3871 1992 God
## 3872 1992 our beloved country
## 3873 1992 you
## root_text start_id root_id length
## 1 President 2 3 2
## 2 Speaker 5 6 2
## 3 Members 8 8 1
## 4 Congress 10 13 4
## 5 I 16 16 1
## 6 President 19 21 3
## 7 Senate 23 24 2
## 8 Member 26 28 3
## 9 House 30 32 3
## 10 President 38 38 1
## 11 it 40 40 1
## 12 privilege 42 43 2
## 13 you 47 47 1
## 14 state 49 50 2
## 15 Union 52 53 2
## 16 I 57 57 1
## 17 state 63 64 2
## 18 Government 66 67 2
## 19 initiative 72 74 3
## 20 we 75 75 1
## 21 year 78 80 3
## 22 line 84 85 2
## 23 budget 87 88 2
## 24 I 90 90 1
## 25 you 96 96 1
## 26 people 99 101 3
## 27 state 103 104 2
## 28 Union 106 107 2
## 29 world 110 111 2
## 30 changes 113 114 2
## 31 we 115 115 1
## 32 challenges 119 120 2
## 33 we 121 121 1
## 34 what 125 125 1
## 35 that 126 126 1
## 36 America 129 129 1
## 37 moments 134 135 2
## 38 history 137 137 1
## 39 that 140 140 1
## 40 that 143 143 1
## 41 all 147 147 1
## 42 that 148 148 1
## 43 us 155 155 1
## 44 Chamber 157 158 2
## 45 lives 163 164 2
## 46 world 166 167 2
## 47 features 168 170 3
## 48 events 177 178 2
## 49 year 180 181 2
## 50 shape 183 184 2
## 51 nations 186 186 1
## 52 pace 188 189 2
## 53 progress 191 191 1
## 54 freedom 193 193 1
## 55 oppression 195 195 1
## 56 millions 197 197 1
## 57 people 199 199 1
## 58 world 201 202 2
## 59 frame 210 212 3
## 60 reference 214 214 1
## 61 points 216 218 3
## 62 era 220 222 3
## 63 we 223 223 1
## 64 ourselves 229 229 1
## 65 that 232 232 1
## 66 world 234 235 2
## 67 events 240 241 2
## 68 year 243 244 2
## 69 Revolution 247 249 3
## 70 reaction 256 258 3
## 71 it 264 264 1
## 72 beginning 266 267 2
## 73 era 269 271 3
## 74 affairs 273 276 4
## 75 world 290 291 2
## 76 we 292 292 1
## 77 people 306 307 2
## 78 Panama 309 309 1
## 79 fear 312 312 1
## 80 thumb 315 316 2
## 81 dictator 318 319 2
## 82 democracy 322 322 1
## 83 Panama 326 326 1
## 84 Operation 330 330 1
## 85 Cause 331 332 2
## 86 objective 335 336 2
## 87 number 338 339 2
## 88 personnel 341 342 2
## 89 Panama 344 344 1
## 90 what 350 350 1
## 91 it 351 351 1
## 92 operation 354 355 2
## 93 I 360 360 1
## 94 end 366 367 2
## 95 February 369 369 1
## 96 numbers 371 373 3
## 97 troops 375 376 2
## 98 men 378 380 3
## 99 women 382 382 1
## 100 Forces 384 386 3
## 101 who 387 387 1
## 102 mission 389 390 2
## 103 success 391 392 2
## 104 Poland 404 404 1
## 105 Walesa 406 407 2
## 106 he 410 410 1
## 107 dialog 415 416 2
## 108 rulers 418 420 3
## 109 country 422 423 2
## 110 future 429 430 2
## 111 Poland 432 434 3
## 112 hands 436 438 3
## 113 members 440 440 1
## 114 Solidarity 442 442 1
## 115 Government 444 446 3
## 116 playwright 453 455 3
## 117 Havel 457 458 2
## 118 prisoner 462 463 2
## 119 Prague 465 465 1
## 120 it 469 469 1
## 121 Havel 471 472 2
## 122 President 474 474 1
## 123 Czechoslovakia 476 476 1
## 124 Honecker 484 485 2
## 125 Germany 487 488 2
## 126 history 490 490 1
## 127 guide 492 493 2
## 128 he 496 496 1
## 129 Wall 498 500 3
## 130 years 503 505 3
## 131 it 516 516 1
## 132 Wall 518 519 2
## 133 that 520 520 1
## 134 history 522 522 1
## 135 events 524 526 3
## 136 events 528 528 1
## 137 that 529 529 1
## 138 hopes 531 535 5
## 139 people 537 539 3
## 140 that 542 542 1
## 141 goals 544 546 3
## 142 policy 548 549 2
## 143 policy 551 552 2
## 144 principle 555 559 5
## 145 cause 561 562 2
## 146 freedom 564 564 1
## 147 America 567 567 1
## 148 nation 569 572 4
## 149 idea 574 575 2
## 150 minds 579 580 2
## 151 people 582 582 1
## 152 world 586 588 3
## 153 shape 590 590 1
## 154 America 592 592 1
## 155 center 595 596 2
## 156 circle 598 600 3
## 157 freedom 602 602 1
## 158 tomorrow 606 606 1
## 159 century 610 612 3
## 160 nation 614 615 2
## 161 dream 617 619 3
## 162 immigrant 621 622 2
## 163 who 623 623 1
## 164 foot 626 626 1
## 165 shores 628 629 2
## 166 millions 632 633 2
## 167 nation 640 641 2
## 168 idea 643 644 2
## 169 America 646 646 1
## 170 world 653 655 3
## 171 world 657 659 3
## 172 rally 663 666 4
## 173 place 669 670 2
## 174 Branik 672 672 1
## 175 outskirts 674 675 2
## 176 Prague 677 677 1
## 177 idea 679 680 2
## 178 America 682 682 1
## 179 worker 686 687 2
## 180 overalls 691 692 2
## 181 gates 698 700 3
## 182 He 702 702 1
## 183 speech 704 705 2
## 184 citizens 707 709 3
## 185 words 711 712 2
## 186 words 714 714 1
## 187 revolution 716 718 3
## 188 We 721 721 1
## 189 truths 723 724 2
## 190 men 732 733 2
## 191 they 739 739 1
## 192 Creator 743 744 2
## 193 Rights 746 748 3
## 194 these 753 753 1
## 195 Life 755 755 1
## 196 Liberty 757 757 1
## 197 pursuit 759 760 2
## 198 Happiness 762 762 1
## 199 It 766 766 1
## 200 secret 768 769 2
## 201 door 773 776 4
## 202 cornerstones 781 782 2
## 203 society 784 786 3
## 204 place 792 792 1
## 205 leadership 807 808 2
## 206 challenge 811 812 2
## 207 system 817 819 3
## 208 ours 821 821 1
## 209 system 823 824 2
## 210 none 827 827 1
## 211 it 831 831 1
## 212 job 841 842 2
## 213 everyone 844 844 1
## 214 who 845 845 1
## 215 women 850 850 1
## 216 home 853 854 2
## 217 children 858 859 2
## 218 care 862 865 4
## 219 government 868 868 1
## 220 alternatives 872 875 4
## 221 parents 877 877 1
## 222 we 880 880 1
## 223 needs 882 883 2
## 224 environment 885 887 3
## 225 economy 889 891 3
## 226 USA 897 898 2
## 227 world 903 904 2
## 228 symbol 906 907 2
## 229 quality 909 909 1
## 230 progress 911 911 1
## 231 us 917 917 1
## 232 opportunities 919 921 3
## 233 society 932 932 1
## 234 time 937 939 3
## 235 mainstream 941 943 3
## 236 all 945 945 1
## 237 citizens 947 949 3
## 238 everyone 952 952 1
## 239 roof 954 955 2
## 240 head 957 958 2
## 241 homeless 961 962 2
## 242 help 964 965 2
## 243 they 966 966 1
## 244 dignity 971 971 1
## 245 schools 974 975 2
## 246 kids 979 980 2
## 247 teachers 982 983 2
## 248 all 986 986 1
## 249 them 988 988 1
## 250 grade 990 991 2
## 251 street 994 995 2
## 252 city 997 998 2
## 253 school 1000 1001 2
## 254 child 1004 1005 2
## 255 American 1015 1016 2
## 256 hearts 1020 1021 2
## 257 hostages 1025 1026 2
## 258 who 1027 1027 1
## 259 minds 1031 1032 2
## 260 efforts 1035 1036 2
## 261 That 1039 1039 1
## 262 part 1041 1041 1
## 263 future 1043 1044 2
## 264 we 1045 1045 1
## 265 future 1050 1051 2
## 266 we 1052 1052 1
## 267 ourselves 1056 1056 1
## 268 dreams 1059 1059 1
## 269 us 1064 1064 1
## 270 We 1067 1067 1
## 271 horizon 1071 1072 2
## 272 view 1076 1078 3
## 273 mission 1080 1082 3
## 274 markets 1091 1094 4
## 275 world 1096 1097 2
## 276 America 1099 1099 1
## 277 challenges 1101 1103 3
## 278 opportunities 1105 1106 2
## 279 we 1109 1109 1
## 280 we 1112 1112 1
## 281 arena 1116 1119 4
## 282 nineties 1121 1122 2
## 283 challenge 1127 1128 2
## 284 we 1130 1130 1
## 285 changes 1133 1135 3
## 286 investment 1137 1139 3
## 287 ourselves 1141 1141 1
## 288 we 1146 1146 1
## 289 America 1152 1152 1
## 290 administration 1154 1155 2
## 291 creation 1160 1161 2
## 292 capital 1163 1163 1
## 293 capital 1165 1165 1
## 294 kinds 1167 1168 2
## 295 capital 1170 1171 2
## 296 everything 1173 1173 1
## 297 farms 1175 1176 2
## 298 factories 1178 1178 1
## 299 workshops 1180 1181 2
## 300 lines 1183 1184 2
## 301 that 1187 1187 1
## 302 goods 1194 1195 2
## 303 services 1197 1198 2
## 304 source 1203 1204 2
## 305 ideas 1206 1206 1
## 306 that 1207 1207 1
## 307 products 1209 1211 3
## 308 course 1215 1215 1
## 309 force 1220 1223 4
## 310 we 1225 1225 1
## 311 market 1231 1233 3
## 312 me 1237 1237 1
## 313 you 1239 1239 1
## 314 we 1242 1242 1
## 315 capital 1244 1245 2
## 316 we 1248 1248 1
## 317 spirit 1250 1251 2
## 318 ingenuity 1253 1254 2
## 319 spirit 1256 1257 2
## 320 that 1258 1258 1
## 321 hallmark 1260 1261 2
## 322 worker 1263 1265 3
## 323 that 1267 1267 1
## 324 worker 1272 1274 3
## 325 worker 1276 1279 4
## 326 world 1281 1282 2
## 327 We 1285 1285 1
## 328 We 1291 1291 1
## 329 pool 1295 1296 2
## 330 capital 1298 1298 1
## 331 investments 1300 1301 2
## 332 that 1302 1302 1
## 333 jobs 1304 1305 2
## 334 growth 1307 1308 2
## 335 that 1311 1311 1
## 336 idea 1313 1314 2
## 337 initiative 1316 1318 3
## 338 I 1319 1319 1
## 339 Plan 1321 1324 4
## 340 which 1326 1326 1
## 341 I 1327 1327 1
## 342 Congress 1331 1331 1
## 343 We 1335 1335 1
## 344 tax 1339 1340 2
## 345 gains 1342 1343 2
## 346 risktakers 1346 1346 1
## 347 those 1348 1349 2
## 348 businesses 1351 1353 3
## 349 steps 1357 1358 2
## 350 that 1359 1359 1
## 351 reward 1362 1363 2
## 352 jobs 1365 1365 1
## 353 life 1368 1370 3
## 354 all 1372 1372 1
## 355 us 1374 1374 1
## 356 We 1377 1377 1
## 357 what 1380 1380 1
## 358 it 1381 1381 1
## 359 future 1386 1388 3
## 360 commitment 1390 1392 3
## 361 money 1396 1397 2
## 362 It 1401 1401 1
## 363 research 1405 1405 1
## 364 development 1407 1407 1
## 365 R&D 1409 1409 1
## 366 high 1411 1413 3
## 367 It 1415 1415 1
## 368 initiative 1419 1421 3
## 369 HOPE 1423 1423 1
## 370 everyone 1427 1427 1
## 371 homebuyers 1429 1432 4
## 372 homeless 1434 1435 2
## 373 money 1437 1438 2
## 374 kids 1443 1444 2
## 375 I 1454 1454 1
## 376 office 1456 1456 1
## 377 It 1460 1460 1
## 378 exploration 1464 1465 2
## 379 it 1468 1468 1
## 380 education 1472 1472 1
## 381 high 1474 1476 3
## 382 summit 1487 1489 3
## 383 Governors 1491 1492 2
## 384 I 1494 1494 1
## 385 ways 1499 1499 1
## 386 kids 1505 1506 2
## 387 day 1511 1514 4
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## 390 I 1522 1522 1
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## 394 dollars 1537 1544 8
## 395 something 1547 1547 1
## 396 all 1552 1552 1
## 397 us 1554 1554 1
## 398 Education 1560 1560 1
## 399 investment 1562 1564 3
## 400 that 1565 1565 1
## 401 future 1569 1570 2
## 402 it 1572 1572 1
## 403 children 1577 1578 2
## 404 improvement 1580 1581 2
## 405 schools 1583 1584 2
## 406 matter 1588 1589 2
## 407 It 1594 1594 1
## 408 matter 1596 1597 2
## 409 schools 1606 1607 2
## 410 teachers 1609 1610 2
## 411 kids 1613 1614 2
## 412 parents 1617 1618 2
## 413 ourselves 1621 1621 1
## 414 that 1624 1624 1
## 415 I 1628 1628 1
## 416 goals 1631 1634 4
## 417 goals 1636 1636 1
## 418 cooperation 1639 1640 2
## 419 Governors 1642 1645 4
## 420 I 1649 1649 1
## 421 I 1652 1652 1
## 422 I 1657 1657 1
## 423 Arkansas 1670 1671 2
## 424 Iowa 1676 1677 2
## 425 Carolina 1682 1684 3
## 426 all 1687 1687 1
## 427 whom 1689 1689 1
## 428 discussions 1694 1695 2
## 429 deliberations 1697 1698 2
## 430 us 1702 1702 1
## 431 year 1708 1709 2
## 432 child 1712 1713 2
## 433 school 1716 1716 1
## 434 States 1722 1724 3
## 435 rate 1727 1731 5
## 436 percent 1733 1737 5
## 437 we 1741 1741 1
## 438 diplomas 1747 1750 4
## 439 something 1752 1752 1
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## 441 grades 1759 1766 8
## 442 we 1768 1768 1
## 443 performance 1771 1774 4
## 444 year 1778 1779 2
## 445 students 1782 1783 2
## 446 world 1788 1789 2
## 447 math 1791 1791 1
## 448 achievement 1793 1794 2
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## 450 worker 1802 1806 5
## 451 citizen 1808 1808 1
## 452 school 1811 1812 2
## 453 kind 1815 1816 2
## 454 environment 1818 1819 2
## 455 that 1820 1820 1
## 456 it 1822 1822 1
## 457 kids 1825 1826 2
## 458 school 1831 1832 2
## 459 America 1834 1834 1
## 460 it 1854 1854 1
## 461 future 1856 1858 3
## 462 stake 1861 1861 1
## 463 Nation 1863 1864 2
## 464 anything 1868 1868 1
## 465 excellence 1871 1871 1
## 466 education 1873 1873 1
## 467 investments 1876 1877 2
## 468 America 1880 1880 1
## 469 I 1884 1884 1
## 470 this 1886 1886 1
## 471 people 1888 1890 3
## 472 We 1892 1892 1
## 473 competition 1894 1894 1
## 474 We 1896 1896 1
## 475 ingenuity 1899 1900 2
## 476 energy 1902 1903 2
## 477 experience 1905 1906 2
## 478 technology 1908 1908 1
## 479 spirit 1910 1911 2
## 480 enterprise 1913 1913 1
## 481 anyone 1915 1915 1
## 482 competition 1919 1920 2
## 483 it 1926 1926 1
## 484 America 1931 1931 1
## 485 we 1937 1937 1
## 486 it 1940 1940 1
## 487 we 1943 1943 1
## 488 challenge 1951 1952 2
## 489 we 1954 1954 1
## 490 house 1957 1959 3
## 491 order 1961 1961 1
## 492 We 1963 1963 1
## 493 progress 1966 1967 2
## 494 deficit 1973 1975 3
## 495 percent 1977 1978 2
## 496 product 1980 1983 4
## 497 percent 1985 1986 2
## 498 budget 1989 1991 3
## 499 I 1992 1992 1
## 500 deficit 1999 2000 2
## 501 percent 2002 2005 4
## 502 product 2007 2009 3
## 503 budget 2012 2013 2
## 504 spending 2015 2016 2
## 505 control 2018 2018 1
## 506 It 2020 2020 1
## 507 target 2022 2026 5
## 508 It 2028 2028 1
## 509 deficit 2030 2031 2
## 510 budget 2036 2037 2
## 511 taxes 2041 2043 3
## 512 me 2047 2047 1
## 513 you 2049 2049 1
## 514 spending 2054 2058 5
## 515 us 2063 2063 1
## 516 lot 2070 2071 2
## 517 money 2073 2073 1
## 518 budget 2078 2079 2
## 519 we 2083 2083 1
## 520 way 2086 2087 2
## 521 family 2088 2089 2
## 522 it 2092 2092 1
## 523 bills 2094 2094 1
## 524 We 2098 2098 1
## 525 it 2102 2102 1
## 526 children 2104 2105 2
## 527 grandchildren 2107 2108 2
## 528 it 2111 2111 1
## 529 we 2115 2115 1
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## 533 generations 2132 2133 2
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## 535 stewardship 2138 2138 1
## 536 safekeeping 2140 2141 2
## 537 inheritance 2143 2147 5
## 538 It 2149 2149 1
## 539 sign 2151 2153 3
## 540 we 2157 2157 1
## 541 We 2160 2160 1
## 542 Agency 2163 2166 4
## 543 rank 2168 2169 2
## 544 bureaucracy 2171 2173 3
## 545 tape 2175 2179 5
## 546 certainty 2182 2183 2
## 547 home 2187 2187 1
## 548 dealings 2192 2193 2
## 549 nations 2195 2196 2
## 550 issues 2198 2199 2
## 551 status 2201 2202 2
## 552 they 2203 2203 1
## 553 budget 2207 2210 4
## 554 spending 2217 2218 2
## 555 environment 2221 2222 2
## 556 research 2230 2232 3
## 557 initiative 2235 2237 3
## 558 I 2238 2238 1
## 559 America 2240 2240 1
## 560 Beautiful 2241 2242 2
## 561 parks 2245 2247 3
## 562 wildlife 2249 2249 1
## 563 that 2251 2251 1
## 564 facilities 2253 2254 2
## 565 lands 2256 2257 2
## 566 something 2260 2260 1
## 567 something 2263 2263 1
## 568 that 2264 2264 1
## 569 country 2268 2269 2
## 570 forestland 2272 2273 2
## 571 cities 2275 2277 3
## 572 America 2280 2280 1
## 573 generations 2283 2283 1
## 574 money 2287 2288 2
## 575 trees 2291 2293 3
## 576 me 2301 2301 1
## 577 Members 2305 2307 3
## 578 Congress 2309 2310 2
## 579 people 2312 2314 3
## 580 us 2318 2318 1
## 581 bicker 2321 2321 1
## 582 work 2325 2325 1
## 583 they 2330 2330 1
## 584 us 2332 2332 1
## 585 it 2336 2336 1
## 586 spirit 2344 2345 2
## 587 cooperation 2347 2347 1
## 588 I 2349 2349 1
## 589 hand 2351 2352 2
## 590 all 2354 2354 1
## 591 you 2356 2356 1
## 592 's 2359 2359 1
## 593 will 2364 2365 2
## 594 people 2367 2368 2
## 595 air 2370 2371 2
## 596 care 2373 2374 2
## 597 Act 2376 2379 4
## 598 crime 2381 2381 1
## 599 drugs 2384 2384 1
## 600 It 2386 2386 1
## 601 time 2388 2388 1
## 602 bill 2392 2394 3
## 603 policy 2396 2397 2
## 604 reform 2399 2402 4
## 605 zones 2404 2405 2
## 606 it 2407 2407 1
## 607 time 2409 2409 1
## 608 thing 2418 2419 2
## 609 I 2420 2420 1
## 610 we 2422 2422 1
## 611 It 2430 2430 1
## 612 commitments 2433 2434 2
## 613 I 2436 2436 1
## 614 Security 2440 2441 2
## 615 American 2444 2445 2
## 616 Security 2449 2450 2
## 617 system 2456 2457 2
## 618 everyone 2462 2462 1
## 619 it 2465 2465 1
## 620 they 2467 2467 1
## 621 we 2470 2470 1
## 622 promise 2472 2473 2
## 623 you 2475 2475 1
## 624 we 2478 2478 1
## 625 it 2483 2483 1
## 626 We 2486 2486 1
## 627 system 2488 2489 2
## 628 it 2494 2494 1
## 629 arrangement 2499 2500 2
## 630 budget 2502 2503 2
## 631 benefits 2506 2508 3
## 632 it 2511 2511 1
## 633 benefits 2514 2515 2
## 634 thing 2522 2524 3
## 635 we 2525 2525 1
## 636 Security 2533 2534 2
## 637 problem 2539 2541 3
## 638 we 2542 2542 1
## 639 We 2547 2547 1
## 640 consideration 2550 2551 2
## 641 recommendations 2553 2554 2
## 642 studies 2556 2560 5
## 643 That 2564 2564 1
## 644 I 2568 2568 1
## 645 Sullivan 2571 2572 2
## 646 Sullivan 2574 2575 2
## 647 Secretary 2577 2577 1
## 648 Health 2579 2579 1
## 649 Services 2581 2582 2
## 650 review 2586 2590 5
## 651 recommendations 2592 2592 1
## 652 quality 2594 2595 2
## 653 accessibility 2597 2597 1
## 654 cost 2600 2600 1
## 655 system 2602 2608 7
## 656 I 2610 2610 1
## 657 costs 2615 2617 3
## 658 care 2619 2620 2
## 659 control 2622 2622 1
## 660 state 2625 2626 2
## 661 Government 2628 2629 2
## 662 us 2636 2636 1
## 663 chamber 2638 2640 3
## 664 state 2643 2644 2
## 665 Union 2646 2647 2
## 666 Americans 2650 2651 2
## 667 We 2653 2653 1
## 668 decency 2656 2658 3
## 669 that 2659 2659 1
## 670 nation 2661 2662 2
## 671 millions 2665 2665 1
## 672 individuals 2667 2667 1
## 673 I 2669 2669 1
## 674 bombings 2674 2677 4
## 675 country 2679 2680 2
## 676 us 2685 2685 1
## 677 racism 2690 2690 1
## 678 - 2693 2693 1
## 679 bigotry 2696 2696 1
## 680 hate 2699 2699 1
## 681 us 2716 2716 1
## 682 state 2719 2720 2
## 683 Union 2722 2723 2
## 684 we 2727 2727 1
## 685 neighbor 2729 2730 2
## 686 problems 2733 2734 2
## 687 community 2736 2737 2
## 688 We 2742 2742 1
## 689 trouble 2751 2751 1
## 690 hand 2754 2755 2
## 691 what 2758 2758 1
## 692 I 2759 2759 1
## 693 point 2761 2762 2
## 694 light 2764 2764 1
## 695 stranger 2766 2767 2
## 696 need 2769 2769 1
## 697 We 2771 2771 1
## 698 time 2776 2777 2
## 699 day 2779 2781 3
## 700 kids 2788 2789 2
## 701 them 2792 2792 1
## 702 homework 2794 2795 2
## 703 values 2799 2800 2
## 704 we 2801 2801 1
## 705 children 2804 2804 1
## 706 That 2806 2806 1
## 707 we 2809 2809 1
## 708 state 2811 2812 2
## 709 Union 2814 2815 2
## 710 effort 2817 2818 2
## 711 It 2822 2822 1
## 712 all 2823 2823 1
## 713 It 2827 2827 1
## 714 things 2830 2831 2
## 715 that 2832 2832 1
## 716 democracy 2834 2834 1
## 717 meaning 2835 2835 1
## 718 It 2837 2837 1
## 719 all 2838 2838 1
## 720 who 2842 2842 1
## 721 we 2843 2843 1
## 722 who 2846 2846 1
## 723 we 2847 2847 1
## 724 me 2853 2853 1
## 725 we 2859 2859 1
## 726 idea 2861 2863 3
## 727 we 2868 2868 1
## 728 ideal 2872 2874 3
## 729 state 2876 2877 2
## 730 Union 2879 2880 2
## 731 those 2890 2890 1
## 732 who 2891 2891 1
## 733 we 2894 2894 1
## 734 way 2897 2898 2
## 735 I 2902 2902 1
## 736 you 2904 2904 1
## 737 parts 2908 2908 1
## 738 letter 2910 2911 2
## 739 Markwell 2914 2918 5
## 740 medic 2920 2927 8
## 741 Battalion 2929 2931 3
## 742 Rangers 2933 2934 2
## 743 It 2936 2936 1
## 744 18th 2939 2940 2
## 745 forces 2945 2947 3
## 746 action 2950 2950 1
## 747 Panama 2952 2952 1
## 748 It 2954 2954 1
## 749 letter 2956 2957 2
## 750 servicemen 2958 2958 1
## 751 mother 2970 2973 4
## 752 letter 2976 2977 2
## 753 She 2979 2979 1
## 754 it 2981 2981 1
## 755 me 2984 2984 1
## 756 Cincinnati 2988 2988 1
## 757 some 2994 2994 1
## 758 what 2996 2996 1
## 759 he 2997 2997 1
## 760 I 3001 3001 1
## 761 death 3007 3007 1
## 762 I 3010 3010 1
## 763 he 3012 3012 1
## 764 corner 3016 3017 2
## 765 I 3019 3019 1
## 766 everyone 3032 3032 1
## 767 I 3035 3035 1
## 768 what 3038 3038 1
## 769 fog 3041 3042 2
## 770 me 3050 3050 1
## 771 Revel 3052 3052 1
## 772 life 3054 3055 2
## 773 that 3056 3056 1
## 774 I 3057 3057 1
## 775 you 3062 3062 1
## 776 all 3067 3067 1
## 777 Army 3072 3073 2
## 778 choice 3075 3076 2
## 779 Something 3078 3078 1
## 780 that 3079 3079 1
## 781 I 3080 3080 1
## 782 I 3086 3086 1
## 783 Army 3088 3089 2
## 784 country 3092 3093 2
## 785 you 3097 3097 1
## 786 what 3102 3102 1
## 787 you 3103 3103 1
## 788 lives 3107 3108 2
## 789 me 3114 3114 1
## 790 Markwell 3117 3118 2
## 791 battle 3125 3125 1
## 792 Panama 3127 3127 1
## 793 he 3138 3138 1
## 794 what 3140 3140 1
## 795 he 3141 3141 1
## 796 He 3145 3145 1
## 797 idea 3147 3148 2
## 798 we 3149 3149 1
## 799 America 3151 3151 1
## 800 heart 3153 3154 2
## 801 I 3157 3157 1
## 802 changes 3162 3163 2
## 803 we 3164 3164 1
## 804 world 3173 3175 3
## 805 challenges 3177 3177 1
## 806 opportunities 3179 3179 1
## 807 us 3181 3181 1
## 808 need 3186 3187 2
## 809 leadership 3189 3189 1
## 810 America 3192 3192 1
## 811 address 3202 3204 3
## 812 Congress 3206 3207 2
## 813 Truman 3209 3211 3
## 814 time 3213 3215 3
## 815 He 3219 3219 1
## 816 world 3224 3225 2
## 817 men 3235 3235 1
## 818 sides 3237 3238 2
## 819 Curtain 3240 3242 3
## 820 time 3249 3250 2
## 821 change 3252 3252 1
## 822 world 3254 3256 3
## 823 change 3261 3262 2
## 824 place 3265 3265 1
## 825 years 3269 3272 4
## 826 America 3274 3274 1
## 827 allies 3276 3277 2
## 828 communism 3279 3279 1
## 829 check 3281 3281 1
## 830 democracy 3285 3285 1
## 831 communism 3295 3295 1
## 832 aim 3298 3299 2
## 833 advance 3304 3306 3
## 834 lead 3310 3311 2
## 835 peace 3314 3314 1
## 836 hope 3316 3319 4
## 837 commonwealth 3321 3325 5
## 838 nations 3327 3328 2
## 839 Congress 3332 3333 2
## 840 Americans 3336 3337 2
## 841 I 3339 3339 1
## 842 it 3341 3341 1
## 843 time 3343 3343 1
## 844 consensus 3346 3348 3
## 845 home 3350 3350 1
## 846 vision 3354 3356 3
## 847 world 3358 3360 3
## 848 we 3361 3361 1
## 849 hemisphere 3369 3371 3
## 850 it 3373 3373 1
## 851 time 3375 3375 1
## 852 peoples 3377 3379 3
## 853 Americas 3381 3382 2
## 854 North 3384 3384 1
## 855 South 3386 3386 1
## 856 freedom 3391 3391 1
## 857 East 3394 3396 3
## 858 Africa 3398 3398 1
## 859 it 3400 3400 1
## 860 time 3402 3402 1
## 861 flowering 3404 3406 3
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## 863 markets 3411 3412 2
## 864 that 3413 3413 1
## 865 engine 3417 3418 2
## 866 progress 3420 3420 1
## 867 It 3422 3422 1
## 868 time 3424 3424 1
## 869 hand 3427 3428 2
## 870 democracies 3430 3432 3
## 871 Europe 3434 3435 2
## 872 continent 3437 3438 2
## 873 continent 3443 3444 2
## 874 future 3449 3450 2
## 875 It 3455 3455 1
## 876 time 3457 3457 1
## 877 relationship 3461 3463 3
## 878 Union 3465 3467 3
## 879 process 3473 3475 3
## 880 change 3477 3478 2
## 881 democracy 3480 3480 1
## 882 opportunity 3482 3483 2
## 883 We 3486 3486 1
## 884 period 3489 3490 2
## 885 transition 3492 3493 2
## 886 hope 3495 3496 2
## 887 uncertainty 3499 3501 3
## 888 We 3503 3503 1
## 889 threat 3506 3509 4
## 890 Europe 3511 3511 1
## 891 we 3516 3516 1
## 892 change 3518 3519 2
## 893 modernization 3521 3523 3
## 894 we 3527 3527 1
## 895 modernization 3530 3534 5
## 896 Initiative 3536 3539 4
## 897 time 3543 3544 2
## 898 agreement 3551 3555 5
## 899 us 3558 3558 1
## 900 levels 3560 3562 3
## 901 forces 3564 3565 2
## 902 Europe 3567 3567 1
## 903 program 3569 3572 4
## 904 that 3573 3573 1
## 905 U.S. 3575 3576 2
## 906 catalyst 3581 3582 2
## 907 change 3584 3585 2
## 908 Europe 3587 3587 1
## 909 I 3590 3590 1
## 910 leaders 3594 3594 1
## 911 NATO 3596 3596 1
## 912 fact 3599 3599 1
## 913 I 3601 3601 1
## 914 phone 3604 3604 1
## 915 Gorbachev 3606 3607 2
## 916 I 3612 3612 1
## 917 allies 3615 3617 3
## 918 presence 3619 3622 4
## 919 Europe 3624 3624 1
## 920 it 3629 3629 1
## 921 presence 3636 3639 4
## 922 Europe 3641 3642 2
## 923 levels 3645 3647 3
## 924 I 3657 3657 1
## 925 step 3660 3663 4
## 926 reduction 3665 3667 3
## 927 manpower 3669 3672 4
## 928 Central 3674 3674 1
## 929 Europe 3676 3677 2
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## 931 level 3684 3685 2
## 932 advice 3687 3688 2
## 933 advisers 3690 3693 4
## 934 It 3695 3695 1
## 935 interests 3700 3703 4
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## 940 time 3734 3735 2
## 941 we 3742 3742 1
## 942 fact 3745 3747 3
## 943 regions 3750 3751 2
## 944 world 3753 3754 2
## 945 reality 3757 3758 2
## 946 conflict 3760 3760 1
## 947 peace 3763 3763 1
## 948 animosities 3765 3766 2
## 949 interests 3768 3769 2
## 950 cause 3775 3776 2
## 951 peace 3778 3778 1
## 952 America 3783 3784 2
## 953 interests 3792 3793 2
## 954 ideals 3795 3796 2
## 955 It 3798 3798 1
## 956 idea 3800 3802 3
## 957 decades 3805 3808 4
## 958 Revolution 3811 3812 2
## 959 home 3820 3820 1
## 960 world 3823 3824 2
## 961 history 3828 3828 1
## 962 making 3830 3831 2
## 963 history 3833 3833 1
## 964 season 3844 3845 2
## 965 change 3847 3847 1
## 966 I 3849 3849 1
## 967 gates 3852 3853 2
## 968 shipyard 3855 3857 3
## 969 Poland 3859 3859 1
## 970 monument 3861 3862 2
## 971 workers 3864 3866 3
## 972 Solidarity 3868 3868 1
## 973 It 3870 3870 1
## 974 monument 3872 3873 2
## 975 majesty 3875 3876 2
## 976 crosses 3878 3880 3
## 977 stones 3884 3885 2
## 978 cross 3889 3890 2
## 979 anchor 3892 3893 2
## 980 symbol 3895 3897 3
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## 982 anchor 3902 3903 2
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## 984 freedom 3909 3909 1
## 985 us 3912 3912 1
## 986 times 3915 3915 1
## 987 change 3917 3917 1
## 988 symbol 3919 3920 2
## 989 hope 3922 3922 1
## 990 world 3924 3926 3
## 991 freedom 3929 3929 1
## 992 heart 3932 3934 3
## 993 idea 3936 3937 2
## 994 that 3938 3938 1
## 995 America 3940 3940 1
## 996 life 3943 3943 1
## 997 idea 3945 3946 2
## 998 us 3952 3952 1
## 999 anchor 3954 3955 2
## 1000 faith 3959 3959 1
## 1001 family 3961 3961 1
## 1002 days 3965 3968 4
## 1003 year 3970 3973 4
## 1004 family 3975 3976 2
## 1005 joy 3983 3984 2
## 1006 life 3986 3986 1
## 1007 boy 3988 3990 3
## 1008 grandchild 3992 3994 3
## 1009 I 3997 3997 1
## 1010 guy 3999 4001 3
## 1011 time 4003 4005 3
## 1012 troubles 4007 4008 2
## 1013 home 4010 4010 1
## 1014 perspective 4018 4018 1
## 1015 I 4023 4023 1
## 1016 you 4025 4025 1
## 1017 that 4032 4032 1
## 1018 grandfather 4034 4036 3
## 1019 talking 4037 4037 1
## 1020 you 4042 4042 1
## 1021 I 4047 4047 1
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## 1023 children 4053 4053 1
## 1024 country 4058 4059 2
## 1025 all 4062 4062 1
## 1026 you 4064 4064 1
## 1027 East 4069 4071 3
## 1028 Europe 4073 4074 2
## 1029 kids 4077 4078 2
## 1030 kids 4084 4085 2
## 1031 environmentalists 4089 4092 4
## 1032 I 4093 4093 1
## 1033 who 4097 4097 1
## 1034 me 4099 4099 1
## 1035 Everglades 4102 4104 3
## 1036 leaguers 4106 4108 3
## 1037 I 4109 4109 1
## 1038 Poland 4114 4114 1
## 1039 Warsaw 4120 4120 1
## 1040 Series 4122 4124 3
## 1041 kids 4127 4129 3
## 1042 who 4130 4130 1
## 1043 God 4137 4137 1
## 1044 babies 4139 4141 3
## 1045 drugs 4146 4146 1
## 1046 AIDS 4148 4148 1
## 1047 problems 4152 4152 1
## 1048 child 4153 4154 2
## 1049 you 4161 4161 1
## 1050 it 4165 4165 1
## 1051 future 4170 4171 2
## 1052 kid 4173 4174 2
## 1053 dreams 4181 4181 1
## 1054 world 4187 4188 2
## 1055 they 4194 4194 1
## 1056 future 4196 4198 3
## 1057 freedom 4200 4200 1
## 1058 them 4204 4204 1
## 1059 world 4206 4208 3
## 1060 I 4209 4209 1
## 1061 I 4220 4220 1
## 1062 something 4225 4225 1
## 1063 you 4230 4230 1
## 1064 me 4235 4235 1
## 1065 generation 4238 4239 2
## 1066 grandparents 4242 4243 2
## 1067 You 4247 4247 1
## 1068 link 4249 4251 3
## 1069 past 4253 4254 2
## 1070 grandchildren 4257 4258 2
## 1071 story 4259 4260 2
## 1072 struggles 4262 4262 1
## 1073 home 4265 4265 1
## 1074 sacrifices 4270 4270 1
## 1075 sake 4274 4276 3
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## 1078 American 4288 4289 2
## 1079 story 4291 4292 2
## 1080 parents 4299 4299 1
## 1081 children 4301 4302 2
## 1082 you 4305 4305 1
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## 1084 guidance 4309 4309 1
## 1085 them 4312 4312 1
## 1086 faith 4314 4314 1
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## 1088 them 4319 4319 1
## 1089 we 4320 4320 1
## 1090 nation 4322 4323 2
## 1091 God 4325 4325 1
## 1092 them 4328 4328 1
## 1093 gifts 4331 4334 4
## 1094 they 4335 4335 1
## 1095 liberty 4338 4338 1
## 1096 legacy 4340 4343 4
## 1097 gifts 4347 4349 3
## 1098 they 4350 4350 1
## 1099 others 4357 4357 1
## 1100 children 4362 4363 2
## 1101 people 4365 4366 2
## 1102 you 4372 4372 1
## 1103 hope 4374 4375 2
## 1104 that 4378 4378 1
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## 1106 years 4383 4384 2
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## 1109 century 4393 4395 3
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## 1111 we 4402 4402 1
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## 1115 yours 4414 4414 1
## 1116 Americans 4422 4423 2
## 1117 all 4425 4425 1
## 1118 us 4427 4427 1
## 1119 Chamber 4431 4432 2
## 1120 center 4434 4436 3
## 1121 democracy 4438 4438 1
## 1122 allegiance 4441 4442 2
## 1123 idea 4444 4445 2
## 1124 we 4446 4446 1
## 1125 America 4448 4448 1
## 1126 us 4452 4452 1
## 1127 state 4455 4456 2
## 1128 Union 4458 4459 2
## 1129 each 4462 4462 1
## 1130 us 4467 4467 1
## 1131 God 4470 4470 1
## 1132 all 4472 4472 1
## 1133 you 4474 4474 1
## 1134 God 4478 4478 1
## 1135 nation 4480 4482 3
## 1136 States 4484 4486 3
## 1137 America 4488 4488 1
## 1138 President 2 3 2
## 1139 Speaker 5 6 2
## 1140 Members 8 8 1
## 1141 Congress 10 13 4
## 1142 I 16 16 1
## 1143 House 19 20 2
## 1144 people 22 23 2
## 1145 you 27 27 1
## 1146 Americans 29 30 2
## 1147 we 34 34 1
## 1148 hour 37 39 3
## 1149 world 43 44 2
## 1150 we 46 46 1
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## 1152 skies 54 55 2
## 1153 seas 58 59 2
## 1154 sands 61 61 1
## 1155 We 63 63 1
## 1156 we 66 66 1
## 1157 We 70 70 1
## 1158 Americans 72 72 1
## 1159 part 74 74 1
## 1160 something 76 76 1
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## 1162 centuries 82 83 2
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## 1166 we 97 97 1
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## 1168 threat 104 105 2
## 1169 decency 107 107 1
## 1170 humanity 109 109 1
## 1171 What 112 112 1
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## 1173 country 117 121 5
## 1174 it 123 123 1
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## 1176 order 129 132 4
## 1177 nations 135 136 2
## 1178 cause 141 142 2
## 1179 aspirations 145 147 3
## 1180 mankind 149 149 1
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## 1186 world 165 166 2
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## 1188 future 174 177 4
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## 1194 neighbor 206 208 3
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## 1196 community 212 213 2
## 1197 nations 215 215 1
## 1198 world 219 220 2
## 1199 aggression 223 224 2
## 1200 it 230 230 1
## 1201 we 237 237 1
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## 1205 isolation 248 248 1
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## 1217 exceptions 293 294 2
## 1218 world 296 297 2
## 1219 end 304 305 2
## 1220 war 307 309 3
## 1221 victory 312 313 2
## 1222 humanity 315 316 2
## 1223 Germany 326 326 1
## 1224 I 328 328 1
## 1225 goal 331 332 2
## 1226 Germany 342 342 1
## 1227 Europe 346 346 1
## 1228 leadership 354 356 3
## 1229 it 361 361 1
## 1230 relationship 365 366 2
## 1231 Union 368 370 3
## 1232 us 377 377 1
## 1233 world 380 381 2
## 1234 relationship 383 384 2
## 1235 these 389 389 1
## 1236 changes 391 393 3
## 1237 nations 397 399 3
## 1238 we 401 401 1
## 1239 violence 407 408 2
## 1240 Baltics 410 411 2
## 1241 we 414 414 1
## 1242 concern 417 418 2
## 1243 leadership 420 422 3
## 1244 principle 424 425 2
## 1245 that 426 426 1
## 1246 us 429 429 1
## 1247 objective 433 434 2
## 1248 peoples 438 440 3
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## 1250 Union 448 450 3
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## 1253 we 460 460 1
## 1254 representations 464 464 1
## 1255 which 465 465 1
## 1256 withdrawal 473 474 2
## 1257 forces 476 478 3
## 1258 reopening 480 481 2
## 1259 dialog 483 483 1
## 1260 Republics 485 486 2
## 1261 move 489 490 2
## 1262 violence 493 493 1
## 1263 We 496 496 1
## 1264 situation 501 502 2
## 1265 we 506 506 1
## 1266 contact 509 510 2
## 1267 leadership 512 514 3
## 1268 commitment 517 518 2
## 1269 democratization 520 520 1
## 1270 reform 522 522 1
## 1271 it 525 525 1
## 1272 I 529 529 1
## 1273 basis 535 537 3
## 1274 cooperation 539 540 2
## 1275 future 543 546 4
## 1276 mankind 548 549 2
## 1277 triumph 552 553 2
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## 1279 Europe 558 559 2
## 1280 America 561 562 2
## 1281 struggle 564 566 3
## 1282 freedom 568 568 1
## 1283 world 572 573 2
## 1284 all 574 574 1
## 1285 wisdom 576 577 2
## 1286 founders 579 582 4
## 1287 we 586 586 1
## 1288 victory 590 591 2
## 1289 victory 593 594 2
## 1290 aggression 596 599 4
## 1291 We 602 602 1
## 1292 Union 604 605 2
## 1293 decade 607 609 3
## 1294 blessings 616 617 2
## 1295 purpose 621 622 2
## 1296 difficulties 626 627 2
## 1297 duties 632 633 2
## 1298 home 635 635 1
## 1299 world 638 639 2
## 1300 centuries 642 643 2
## 1301 America 645 645 1
## 1302 world 648 649 2
## 1303 example 651 653 3
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## 1307 America 662 662 1
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## 1310 liberty 674 674 1
## 1311 world 680 683 4
## 1312 leadership 685 686 2
## 1313 Americans 690 690 1
## 1314 leadership 693 693 1
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## 1316 sacrifices 697 697 1
## 1317 we 700 700 1
## 1318 hopes 704 705 2
## 1319 humanity 707 707 1
## 1320 us 710 710 1
## 1321 We 712 712 1
## 1322 Americans 714 714 1
## 1323 we 716 716 1
## 1324 responsibility 718 720 3
## 1325 work 723 725 3
## 1326 freedom 727 727 1
## 1327 we 731 731 1
## 1328 freedom 734 734 1
## 1329 conviction 738 739 2
## 1330 courage 741 741 1
## 1331 we 742 742 1
## 1332 Gulf 745 747 3
## 1333 character 751 753 3
## 1334 action 755 755 1
## 1335 spirit 757 759 3
## 1336 that 760 760 1
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## 1338 peace 767 768 2
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## 1340 spirit 772 774 3
## 1341 that 775 775 1
## 1342 us 777 777 1
## 1343 power 778 779 2
## 1344 potential 781 782 2
## 1345 challenges 785 787 3
## 1346 home 789 789 1
## 1347 We 791 791 1
## 1348 we 798 798 1
## 1349 evil 802 803 2
## 1350 sake 805 806 2
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## 1352 we 818 818 1
## 1353 land 821 822 2
## 1354 that 824 824 1
## 1355 it 825 825 1
## 1356 anyone 830 830 1
## 1357 you 832 832 1
## 1358 days 834 837 4
## 1359 her 840 840 1
## 1360 they 842 842 1
## 1361 I 851 851 1
## 1362 House 854 855 2
## 1363 people 857 859 3
## 1364 appeal 861 862 2
## 1365 renewal 864 864 1
## 1366 This 866 866 1
## 1367 call 870 871 2
## 1368 initiatives 873 875 3
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## 1370 call 879 880 2
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## 1372 government 885 885 1
## 1373 communities 888 889 2
## 1374 American 893 894 2
## 1375 century 898 901 4
## 1376 America 904 904 1
## 1377 example 909 909 1
## 1378 who 913 913 1
## 1379 us 915 915 1
## 1380 example 918 919 2
## 1381 Which 921 921 1
## 1382 citizens 923 924 2
## 1383 us 927 927 1
## 1384 century 929 932 4
## 1385 Everyone 934 934 1
## 1386 who 935 935 1
## 1387 addict 942 943 2
## 1388 drugs 945 945 1
## 1389 teenager 949 951 3
## 1390 life 957 957 1
## 1391 patient 961 963 3
## 1392 child 967 969 3
## 1393 We 972 972 1
## 1394 reach 975 976 2
## 1395 promise 977 978 2
## 1396 America 980 982 3
## 1397 We 984 984 1
## 1398 meaning 987 987 1
## 1399 purpose 992 994 3
## 1400 ourselves 996 996 1
## 1401 purpose 998 1000 3
## 1402 illumination 1002 1003 2
## 1403 Points 1005 1007 3
## 1404 Light 1009 1009 1
## 1405 it 1012 1012 1
## 1406 all 1016 1016 1
## 1407 who 1017 1017 1
## 1408 force 1019 1021 3
## 1409 hand 1023 1026 4
## 1410 friend 1029 1030 2
## 1411 who 1031 1031 1
## 1412 you 1034 1034 1
## 1413 gesture 1039 1043 5
## 1414 idea 1045 1046 2
## 1415 that 1047 1047 1
## 1416 problems 1053 1054 2
## 1417 us 1056 1056 1
## 1418 key 1062 1063 2
## 1419 them 1066 1066 1
## 1420 It 1071 1071 1
## 1421 individual 1073 1074 2
## 1422 individual 1076 1077 2
## 1423 who 1078 1078 1
## 1424 state 1083 1084 2
## 1425 Union 1086 1087 2
## 1426 union 1089 1090 2
## 1427 each 1092 1092 1
## 1428 us 1094 1094 1
## 1429 sum 1101 1102 2
## 1430 friendships 1104 1105 2
## 1431 marriages 1107 1107 1
## 1432 families 1109 1109 1
## 1433 communities 1112 1112 1
## 1434 We 1115 1115 1
## 1435 all 1116 1116 1
## 1436 something 1118 1118 1
## 1437 you 1125 1125 1
## 1438 someone 1132 1132 1
## 1439 who 1133 1133 1
## 1440 you 1138 1138 1
## 1441 hammer 1141 1142 2
## 1442 nail 1145 1146 2
## 1443 you 1149 1149 1
## 1444 trouble 1159 1159 1
## 1445 someone 1163 1163 1
## 1446 who 1164 1164 1
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## 1448 conscience 1171 1171 1
## 1449 work 1174 1176 3
## 1450 freedom 1178 1178 1
## 1451 that 1181 1181 1
## 1452 state 1184 1185 2
## 1453 Union 1187 1188 2
## 1454 birth 1192 1193 2
## 1455 nation 1195 1196 2
## 1456 We 1199 1199 1
## 1457 People 1200 1201 2
## 1458 source 1205 1206 2
## 1459 strength 1208 1209 2
## 1460 government 1211 1212 2
## 1461 potential 1220 1221 2
## 1462 people 1223 1225 3
## 1463 limits 1227 1228 2
## 1464 We 1231 1231 1
## 1465 nation 1233 1234 2
## 1466 realism 1236 1239 4
## 1467 idealism 1241 1244 4
## 1468 We 1246 1246 1
## 1469 Americans 1248 1248 1
## 1470 We 1250 1250 1
## 1471 Nation 1252 1253 2
## 1472 that 1254 1254 1
## 1473 future 1257 1258 2
## 1474 We 1260 1260 1
## 1475 Nation 1262 1263 2
## 1476 that 1264 1264 1
## 1477 future 1267 1268 2
## 1478 we 1271 1271 1
## 1479 that 1276 1277 2
## 1480 power 1281 1282 2
## 1481 choice 1284 1284 1
## 1482 individuals 1286 1286 1
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## 1484 years 1293 1296 4
## 1485 we 1298 1298 1
## 1486 dollars 1301 1301 1
## 1487 care 1303 1304 2
## 1488 hands 1307 1308 2
## 1489 parents 1310 1310 1
## 1490 bureaucracies 1313 1313 1
## 1491 potential 1316 1317 2
## 1492 Americans 1319 1319 1
## 1493 disabilities 1321 1321 1
## 1494 creativity 1324 1325 2
## 1495 marketplace 1327 1328 2
## 1496 service 1330 1331 2
## 1497 environment 1333 1334 2
## 1498 air 1337 1338 2
## 1499 ownership 1342 1343 2
## 1500 Americans 1346 1347 2
## 1501 strength 1350 1351 2
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## 1503 bureaucracy 1358 1358 1
## 1504 It 1360 1360 1
## 1505 people 1363 1364 2
## 1506 communities 1366 1367 2
## 1507 everything 1370 1370 1
## 1508 we 1371 1371 1
## 1509 us 1375 1375 1
## 1510 potential 1377 1378 2
## 1511 resource 1380 1383 4
## 1512 citizens 1385 1386 2
## 1513 citizens 1388 1389 2
## 1514 themselves 1390 1390 1
## 1515 We 1392 1392 1
## 1516 families 1396 1396 1
## 1517 communities 1398 1398 1
## 1518 counties 1400 1400 1
## 1519 cities 1402 1402 1
## 1520 States 1404 1404 1
## 1521 institutions 1407 1407 1
## 1522 kind 1409 1410 2
## 1523 power 1411 1412 2
## 1524 destiny 1415 1417 3
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## 1526 opportunity 1422 1422 1
## 1527 growth 1425 1427 3
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## 1529 what 1432 1432 1
## 1530 America 1433 1433 1
## 1531 I 1439 1439 1
## 1532 regions 1445 1446 2
## 1533 country 1448 1449 2
## 1534 people 1451 1451 1
## 1535 distress 1454 1456 3
## 1536 I 1459 1459 1
## 1537 them 1461 1461 1
## 1538 Blackwell 1467 1468 2
## 1539 Massachusetts 1471 1471 1
## 1540 me 1474 1474 1
## 1541 what 1476 1476 1
## 1542 economy 1480 1481 2
## 1543 heart 1488 1489 2
## 1544 I 1494 1494 1
## 1545 you 1497 1497 1
## 1546 people 1500 1501 2
## 1547 I 1510 1510 1
## 1548 I 1514 1514 1
## 1549 future 1519 1520 2
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## 1552 we 1535 1535 1
## 1553 inflation 1541 1544 4
## 1554 industries 1548 1549 2
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## 1556 production 1558 1558 1
## 1557 they 1560 1560 1
## 1558 inventories 1564 1565 2
## 1559 exports 1572 1573 2
## 1560 fact 1581 1581 1
## 1561 businesses 1583 1584 2
## 1562 rate 1588 1590 3
## 1563 's 1596 1596 1
## 1564 times 1598 1599 2
## 1565 perspective 1601 1601 1
## 1566 we 1608 1608 1
## 1567 jobs 1611 1614 4
## 1568 inflation 1617 1617 1
## 1569 half 1619 1619 1
## 1570 rates 1623 1624 2
## 1571 half 1626 1626 1
## 1572 expansion 1631 1635 5
## 1573 history 1637 1637 1
## 1574 economy 1644 1645 2
## 1575 competitor 1653 1655 3
## 1576 We 1658 1658 1
## 1577 recession 1661 1662 2
## 1578 us 1664 1664 1
## 1579 growth 1668 1668 1
## 1580 We 1671 1671 1
## 1581 way 1675 1676 2
## 1582 record 1678 1680 3
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## 1584 strength 1685 1687 3
## 1585 that 1688 1688 1
## 1586 us 1691 1691 1
## 1587 century 1693 1696 4
## 1588 We 1698 1698 1
## 1589 efforts 1701 1702 2
## 1590 growth 1706 1707 2
## 1591 future 1711 1712 2
## 1592 power 1716 1716 1
## 1593 opportunity 1718 1718 1
## 1594 individual 1720 1721 2
## 1595 We 1724 1724 1
## 1596 control 1728 1728 1
## 1597 spending 1730 1731 2
## 1598 That 1733 1733 1
## 1599 I 1736 1736 1
## 1600 budget 1739 1740 2
## 1601 that 1741 1741 1
## 1602 growth 1743 1744 2
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## 1604 rate 1750 1751 2
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## 1607 sound 1761 1763 3
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## 1610 we 1773 1773 1
## 1611 law 1776 1776 1
## 1612 caps 1777 1781 5
## 1613 debates 1785 1787 3
## 1614 battle 1790 1791 2
## 1615 ideas 1793 1793 1
## 1616 war 1796 1798 3
## 1617 agreement 1804 1806 3
## 1618 Government 1809 1811 3
## 1619 you 1818 1818 1
## 1620 growth 1824 1825 2
## 1621 debt 1827 1827 1
## 1622 that 1835 1835 1
## 1623 funds 1837 1837 1
## 1624 investment 1839 1844 6
## 1625 's 1850 1850 1
## 1626 budget 1854 1855 2
## 1627 accounts 1858 1863 6
## 1628 withdrawals 1865 1868 4
## 1629 IRA 1870 1870 1
## 1630 buyers 1873 1877 5
## 1631 jobs 1882 1882 1
## 1632 growth 1884 1884 1
## 1633 tax 1886 1888 3
## 1634 gains 1890 1894 5
## 1635 I 1897 1897 1
## 1636 differences 1901 1901 1
## 1637 us 1903 1903 1
## 1638 impact 1910 1911 2
## 1639 effects 1913 1914 2
## 1640 incentive 1916 1919 4
## 1641 I 1924 1924 1
## 1642 leaders 1927 1929 3
## 1643 Reserve 1931 1933 3
## 1644 us 1937 1937 1
## 1645 study 1939 1940 2
## 1646 Greenspan 1944 1946 3
## 1647 differences 1951 1953 3
## 1648 we 1956 1956 1
## 1649 return 1959 1960 2
## 1650 bickering 1962 1964 3
## 1651 efforts 1970 1971 2
## 1652 growth 1974 1975 2
## 1653 future 1979 1980 2
## 1654 they 1982 1982 1
## 1655 investments 1988 1991 4
## 1656 century 1993 1996 4
## 1657 That 1998 1998 1
## 1658 plan 2000 2004 5
## 1659 action 2006 2006 1
## 1660 that 2009 2009 1
## 1661 what 2011 2012 2
## 1662 we 2013 2013 1
## 1663 Congress 2018 2019 2
## 1664 We 2021 2021 1
## 1665 series 2024 2026 3
## 1666 proposals 2028 2028 1
## 1667 that 2029 2029 1
## 1668 budget 2032 2033 2
## 1669 that 2034 2034 1
## 1670 investment 2036 2036 1
## 1671 future 2038 2040 3
## 1672 children 2043 2043 1
## 1673 education 2045 2045 1
## 1674 infrastructure 2047 2047 1
## 1675 space 2049 2049 1
## 1676 technology 2052 2053 2
## 1677 legislation 2055 2055 1
## 1678 excellence 2058 2058 1
## 1679 education 2060 2060 1
## 1680 partnership 2064 2065 2
## 1681 Governors 2068 2070 3
## 1682 summit 2072 2074 3
## 1683 parents 2077 2077 1
## 1684 schools 2080 2083 4
## 1685 America 2088 2088 1
## 1686 math 2092 2092 1
## 1687 science 2094 2094 1
## 1688 blueprint 2096 2097 2
## 1689 system 2099 2103 5
## 1690 investment 2105 2107 3
## 1691 infrastructure 2109 2111 3
## 1692 agenda 2113 2117 5
## 1693 that 2118 2118 1
## 1694 levels 2120 2121 2
## 1695 investment 2123 2124 2
## 1696 credit 2127 2130 4
## 1697 R&D 2133 2134 2
## 1698 jobs 2138 2138 1
## 1699 strategy 2140 2144 5
## 1700 that 2145 2145 1
## 1701 conservation 2148 2149 2
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## 1703 development 2153 2154 2
## 1704 use 2157 2158 2
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## 1706 system 2169 2172 4
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## 1709 loans 2190 2193 4
## 1710 factories 2195 2196 2
## 1711 businesses 2198 2199 2
## 1712 buyers 2202 2203 2
## 1713 You 2206 2206 1
## 1714 I 2209 2209 1
## 1715 pessimism 2215 2217 3
## 1716 banks 2219 2220 2
## 1717 loans 2224 2225 2
## 1718 rates 2229 2230 2
## 1719 addition 2239 2239 1
## 1720 proposals 2241 2242 2
## 1721 we 2244 2244 1
## 1722 strength 2248 2250 3
## 1723 markets 2256 2257 2
## 1724 We 2259 2259 1
## 1725 exports 2264 2265 2
## 1726 round 2267 2270 4
## 1727 negotiations 2272 2274 3
## 1728 jobs 2277 2279 3
## 1729 growth 2281 2283 3
## 1730 nations 2285 2286 2
## 1731 You 2288 2288 1
## 1732 I 2290 2290 1
## 1733 field 2294 2296 3
## 1734 workers 2300 2302 3
## 1735 farmers 2304 2304 1
## 1736 anyone 2313 2313 1
## 1737 agreement 2322 2326 5
## 1738 Enterprise 2328 2329 2
## 1739 Initiative 2331 2333 3
## 1740 we 2335 2335 1
## 1741 partners 2338 2339 2
## 1742 economies 2341 2342 2
## 1743 zone 2346 2349 4
## 1744 hemisphere 2351 2353 3
## 1745 budget 2356 2357 2
## 1746 plan 2360 2361 2
## 1747 action 2363 2363 1
## 1748 home 2367 2367 1
## 1749 power 2370 2371 2
## 1750 opportunity 2373 2373 1
## 1751 hands 2375 2376 2
## 1752 individual 2378 2379 2
## 1753 that 2382 2382 1
## 1754 incentives 2384 2385 2
## 1755 jobs 2388 2388 1
## 1756 cities 2390 2392 3
## 1757 investment 2395 2395 1
## 1758 zones 2397 2398 2
## 1759 It 2400 2400 1
## 1760 control 2403 2404 2
## 1761 ownership 2406 2406 1
## 1762 housing 2408 2409 2
## 1763 Freedom 2411 2411 1
## 1764 power 2413 2414 2
## 1765 privilege 2420 2421 2
## 1766 wealth 2423 2423 1
## 1767 They 2425 2425 1
## 1768 birthright 2427 2428 2
## 1769 American 2430 2431 2
## 1770 rights 2434 2435 2
## 1771 opportunity 2441 2442 2
## 1772 us 2447 2447 1
## 1773 responsibility 2449 2450 2
## 1774 racism 2455 2455 1
## 1775 bigotry 2457 2457 1
## 1776 hate 2460 2460 1
## 1777 We 2462 2462 1
## 1778 enforcement 2465 2467 3
## 1779 statutes 2469 2470 2
## 1780 I 2473 2473 1
## 1781 Congress 2478 2479 2
## 1782 laws 2482 2483 2
## 1783 discrimination 2485 2486 2
## 1784 use 2490 2491 2
## 1785 preferences 2493 2494 2
## 1786 We 2497 2497 1
## 1787 right 2502 2505 4
## 1788 freedom 2507 2507 1
## 1789 crime 2509 2509 1
## 1790 fear 2511 2512 2
## 1791 that 2513 2513 1
## 1792 cities 2515 2516 2
## 1793 General 2518 2520 3
## 1794 summit 2524 2526 3
## 1795 officials 2528 2533 6
## 1796 us 2538 2538 1
## 1797 them 2540 2540 1
## 1798 we 2542 2542 1
## 1799 legislation 2544 2547 4
## 1800 we 2550 2550 1
## 1801 it 2552 2552 1
## 1802 we 2558 2558 1
## 1803 crime 2560 2560 1
## 1804 we 2562 2562 1
## 1805 strategy 2566 2568 3
## 1806 abuse 2571 2572 2
## 1807 data 2574 2575 2
## 1808 we 2578 2578 1
## 1809 progress 2581 2581 1
## 1810 We 2590 2590 1
## 1811 day 2595 2596 2
## 1812 dealer 2598 2599 2
## 1813 care 2606 2608 3
## 1814 right 2610 2613 4
## 1815 responsibility 2615 2618 4
## 1816 we 2623 2623 1
## 1817 program 2626 2628 3
## 1818 initiatives 2630 2632 3
## 1819 infants 2635 2635 1
## 1820 children 2638 2638 1
## 1821 adults 2641 2641 1
## 1822 America 2650 2652 3
## 1823 costs 2657 2657 1
## 1824 It 2662 2662 1
## 1825 time 2664 2664 1
## 1826 people 2667 2667 1
## 1827 choice 2668 2669 2
## 1828 government 2671 2671 1
## 1829 ideal 2674 2675 2
## 1830 politician 2677 2679 3
## 1831 who 2680 2680 1
## 1832 reasons 2692 2693 2
## 1833 support 2697 2699 3
## 1834 country 2701 2702 2
## 1835 limitations 2704 2705 2
## 1836 people 2708 2710 3
## 1837 influence 2715 2718 4
## 1838 politics 2720 2720 1
## 1839 we 2724 2724 1
## 1840 election 2728 2730 3
## 1841 generation 2732 2734 3
## 1842 time 2737 2738 2
## 1843 interest 2743 2745 3
## 1844 interest 2747 2749 3
## 1845 committees 2754 2756 3
## 1846 that 2759 2759 1
## 1847 competition 2763 2764 2
## 1848 elections 2766 2766 1
## 1849 power 2768 2769 2
## 1850 hands 2771 2772 2
## 1851 individuals 2774 2774 1
## 1852 power 2779 2779 1
## 1853 hands 2786 2787 2
## 1854 individual 2789 2790 2
## 1855 it 2792 2792 1
## 1856 people 2798 2799 2
## 1857 Washington 2803 2803 1
## 1858 Government 2805 2807 3
## 1859 programs 2811 2812 2
## 1860 they 2815 2815 1
## 1861 Washington 2818 2818 1
## 1862 Washington 2821 2821 1
## 1863 Washington 2825 2825 1
## 1864 programs 2830 2831 2
## 1865 It 2837 2837 1
## 1866 time 2839 2839 1
## 1867 cycle 2841 2846 6
## 1868 programs 2848 2849 2
## 1869 Some 2853 2853 1
## 1870 Some 2857 2857 1
## 1871 some 2863 2863 1
## 1872 States 2871 2872 2
## 1873 budget 2875 2876 2
## 1874 list 2878 2879 2
## 1875 programs 2881 2881 1
## 1876 turnover 2883 2884 2
## 1877 Congress 2894 2894 1
## 1878 Governors 2896 2897 2
## 1879 I 2899 2899 1
## 1880 we 2901 2901 1
## 1881 programs 2909 2910 2
## 1882 them 2913 2913 1
## 1883 States 2916 2917 2
## 1884 grant 2919 2922 4
## 1885 management 2928 2929 2
## 1886 States 2931 2932 2
## 1887 value 2935 2936 2
## 1888 value 2938 2939 2
## 1889 approach 2941 2943 3
## 1890 It 2947 2947 1
## 1891 Government 2949 2951 3
## 1892 It 2956 2956 1
## 1893 States 2958 2958 1
## 1894 It 2967 2967 1
## 1895 power 2969 2969 1
## 1896 people 2974 2975 2
## 1897 it 2978 2978 1
## 1898 theme 2980 2981 2
## 1899 administration 2983 2984 2
## 1900 appreciation 2986 2986 1
## 1901 encouragement 2988 2988 1
## 1902 powers 2990 2992 3
## 1903 States 2994 2994 1
## 1904 laboratories 2996 2996 1
## 1905 nation 2999 3000 2
## 1906 leaders 3004 3004 1
## 1907 who 3005 3005 1
## 1908 power 3008 3008 1
## 1909 hands 3011 3012 2
## 1910 people 3014 3014 1
## 1911 they 3017 3017 1
## 1912 future 3020 3021 2
## 1913 we 3026 3026 1
## 1914 world 3032 3033 2
## 1915 Americans 3037 3037 1
## 1916 we 3039 3039 1
## 1917 times 3044 3044 1
## 1918 we 3046 3046 1
## 1919 responsibility 3052 3053 2
## 1920 world 3056 3057 2
## 1921 chaos 3060 3062 3
## 1922 dictators 3064 3064 1
## 1923 promise 3067 3069 3
## 1924 day 3071 3073 3
## 1925 we 3079 3079 1
## 1926 struggle 3081 3083 3
## 1927 totalitarianism 3085 3086 2
## 1928 we 3089 3089 1
## 1929 hour 3091 3093 3
## 1930 America 3095 3095 1
## 1931 world 3097 3098 2
## 1932 work 3111 3113 3
## 1933 freedom 3115 3115 1
## 1934 soldier 3117 3118 2
## 1935 sailor 3120 3120 1
## 1936 man 3130 3131 2
## 1937 woman 3133 3133 1
## 1938 Gulf 3137 3139 3
## 1939 they 3144 3144 1
## 1940 tribute 3152 3155 4
## 1941 them 3157 3157 1
## 1942 You 3160 3160 1
## 1943 tribute 3163 3168 6
## 1944 them 3170 3170 1
## 1945 Each 3172 3172 1
## 1946 them 3174 3174 1
## 1947 defense 3182 3185 4
## 1948 they 3189 3189 1
## 1949 America 3195 3195 1
## 1950 world 3198 3199 2
## 1951 generations 3203 3204 2
## 1952 commitment 3211 3212 2
## 1953 them 3214 3214 1
## 1954 commitment 3219 3220 2
## 1955 country 3222 3223 2
## 1956 They 3225 3225 1
## 1957 war 3233 3234 2
## 1958 Gulf 3236 3237 2
## 1959 war 3240 3241 2
## 1960 we 3242 3242 1
## 1961 We 3245 3245 1
## 1962 war 3250 3250 1
## 1963 months 3253 3256 4
## 1964 we 3257 3257 1
## 1965 League 3261 3263 3
## 1966 Community 3265 3267 3
## 1967 Nations 3269 3271 3
## 1968 avenue 3274 3276 3
## 1969 Cuellar 3278 3284 7
## 1970 Gorbachev 3286 3287 2
## 1971 Mitterrand 3289 3289 1
## 1972 Ozal 3291 3291 1
## 1973 Mubarak 3293 3293 1
## 1974 Bendjedid 3296 3296 1
## 1975 Fahd 3298 3299 2
## 1976 Hassan 3301 3301 1
## 1977 Major 3303 3305 3
## 1978 Andreotti 3307 3307 1
## 1979 all 3315 3315 1
## 1980 solution 3318 3319 2
## 1981 Hussein 3326 3327 2
## 1982 path 3330 3331 2
## 1983 diplomacy 3333 3333 1
## 1984 peace 3335 3335 1
## 1985 conflict 3343 3344 2
## 1986 It 3349 3349 1
## 1987 2d 3352 3353 2
## 1988 Saddam 3356 3356 1
## 1989 neighbor 3360 3364 5
## 1990 I 3367 3367 1
## 1991 it 3372 3372 1
## 1992 peace 3377 3378 2
## 1993 we 3382 3382 1
## 1994 you 3390 3390 1
## 1995 I 3394 3394 1
## 1996 we 3400 3400 1
## 1997 course 3403 3403 1
## 1998 capacity 3405 3407 3
## 1999 war 3410 3410 1
## 2000 investment 3415 3416 2
## 2001 training 3418 3419 2
## 2002 planning 3421 3422 2
## 2003 all 3424 3424 1
## 2004 Time 3429 3429 1
## 2005 salvation 3433 3435 3
## 2006 purpose 3438 3439 2
## 2007 Gulf 3441 3443 3
## 2008 Iraq 3449 3449 1
## 2009 Kuwait 3452 3452 1
## 2010 government 3456 3459 4
## 2011 stability 3464 3465 2
## 2012 security 3467 3467 1
## 2013 region 3469 3471 3
## 2014 me 3475 3475 1
## 2015 what 3478 3478 1
## 2016 I 3479 3479 1
## 2017 stability 3482 3485 4
## 2018 security 3487 3487 1
## 2019 We 3489 3489 1
## 2020 destruction 3493 3494 2
## 2021 Iraq 3496 3496 1
## 2022 culture 3498 3499 2
## 2023 people 3502 3503 2
## 2024 we 3507 3507 1
## 2025 Iraq 3509 3510 2
## 2026 that 3511 3511 1
## 2027 resources 3513 3515 3
## 2028 ambitions 3523 3524 2
## 2029 tyrant 3526 3527 2
## 2030 life 3532 3534 3
## 2031 itself 3536 3536 1
## 2032 neighbors 3538 3539 2
## 2033 We 3541 3541 1
## 2034 Gulf 3543 3545 3
## 2035 conflict 3547 3547 1
## 2036 rule 3551 3552 2
## 2037 Americans 3568 3569 2
## 2038 we 3573 3573 1
## 2039 Gulf 3576 3577 2
## 2040 They 3579 3579 1
## 2041 we 3581 3581 1
## 2042 Saddam 3585 3585 1
## 2043 They 3591 3591 1
## 2044 dictator 3594 3596 3
## 2045 anything 3599 3599 1
## 2046 weapon 3603 3604 2
## 2047 outrage 3608 3609 2
## 2048 innocents 3613 3615 3
## 2049 They 3619 3619 1
## 2050 we 3621 3621 1
## 2051 control 3626 3626 1
## 2052 resources 3628 3632 5
## 2053 hands 3637 3638 2
## 2054 aggression 3643 3644 2
## 2055 They 3646 3646 1
## 2056 we 3649 3649 1
## 2057 peace 3653 3657 5
## 2058 races 3662 3663 2
## 2059 confrontation 3665 3665 1
## 2060 principles 3668 3669 2
## 2061 rule 3671 3672 2
## 2062 law 3674 3674 1
## 2063 we 3678 3678 1
## 2064 all 3679 3679 1
## 2065 responsibility 3682 3683 2
## 2066 catalyst 3686 3687 2
## 2067 peace 3689 3689 1
## 2068 region 3691 3692 2
## 2069 conclusion 3697 3699 3
## 2070 war 3701 3702 2
## 2071 Democracy 3705 3705 1
## 2072 value 3707 3709 3
## 2073 dissent 3711 3712 2
## 2074 we 3715 3715 1
## 2075 voices 3718 3720 3
## 2076 home 3723 3723 1
## 2077 some 3725 3725 1
## 2078 fact 3736 3737 2
## 2079 voices 3739 3740 2
## 2080 right 3742 3743 2
## 2081 reasons 3750 3751 2
## 2082 we 3752 3752 1
## 2083 purpose 3757 3757 1
## 2084 principle 3759 3759 1
## 2085 years 3761 3762 2
## 2086 progress 3765 3766 2
## 2087 struggle 3768 3770 3
## 2088 result 3772 3773 2
## 2089 years 3775 3775 1
## 2090 vigilance 3777 3777 1
## 2091 commitment 3779 3781 3
## 2092 defense 3783 3785 3
## 2093 advances 3790 3792 3
## 2094 missile 3794 3796 3
## 2095 we 3798 3798 1
## 2096 attacks 3802 3804 3
## 2097 civilians 3807 3808 2
## 2098 I 3814 3814 1
## 2099 program 3818 3820 3
## 2100 protection 3825 3825 1
## 2101 strikes 3827 3830 4
## 2102 whatever 3832 3832 1
## 2103 source 3833 3834 2
## 2104 us 3837 3837 1
## 2105 program 3839 3841 3
## 2106 that 3842 3842 1
## 2107 threat 3846 3848 3
## 2108 States 3850 3852 3
## 2109 forces 3855 3856 2
## 2110 friends 3861 3862 2
## 2111 allies 3864 3864 1
## 2112 quality 3867 3868 2
## 2113 technology 3870 3871 2
## 2114 worker 3875 3877 3
## 2115 us 3881 3881 1
## 2116 conditions 3886 3888 3
## 2117 loss 3892 3893 2
## 2118 life 3895 3895 1
## 2119 We 3897 3897 1
## 2120 men 3900 3901 2
## 2121 women 3903 3903 1
## 2122 they 3909 3909 1
## 2123 it 3911 3911 1
## 2124 We 3914 3914 1
## 2125 all 3915 3915 1
## 2126 place 3917 3919 3
## 2127 hearts 3921 3922 2
## 2128 families 3924 3925 2
## 2129 men 3927 3928 2
## 2130 women 3930 3930 1
## 2131 Gulf 3933 3934 2
## 2132 They 3936 3936 1
## 2133 Schwarzkopf 3942 3944 3
## 2134 We 3946 3946 1
## 2135 Schwarzkopf 3952 3953 2
## 2136 those 3956 3957 2
## 2137 him 3960 3960 1
## 2138 I 3963 3963 1
## 2139 who 3968 3968 1
## 2140 Schwarzkopf 3971 3972 2
## 2141 Powell 3974 3975 2
## 2142 wife 3977 3978 2
## 2143 Chairman 3980 3982 3
## 2144 Chiefs 3984 3986 3
## 2145 families 3990 3991 2
## 2146 me 3994 3994 1
## 2147 forces 3996 3997 2
## 2148 Gulf 3999 4000 2
## 2149 mission 4013 4014 2
## 2150 courage 4017 4018 2
## 2151 success 4020 4020 1
## 2152 pilots 4022 4024 3
## 2153 Kuwaiti 4027 4028 2
## 2154 Saudi 4030 4030 1
## 2155 French 4032 4032 1
## 2156 Canadians 4034 4035 2
## 2157 Italians 4037 4038 2
## 2158 pilots 4040 4041 2
## 2159 Qatar 4043 4043 1
## 2160 Bahrain 4045 4045 1
## 2161 all 4047 4047 1
## 2162 proof 4049 4049 1
## 2163 time 4052 4054 3
## 2164 II 4056 4058 3
## 2165 community 4060 4062 3
## 2166 leadership 4066 4067 2
## 2167 Nations 4069 4071 3
## 2168 vision 4084 4087 4
## 2169 I 4090 4090 1
## 2170 we 4094 4094 1
## 2171 burdens 4102 4104 3
## 2172 struggle 4106 4107 2
## 2173 friends 4112 4113 2
## 2174 allies 4115 4115 1
## 2175 bulk 4117 4118 2
## 2176 costs 4120 4122 3
## 2177 Shield 4124 4125 2
## 2178 commitments 4132 4132 1
## 2179 months 4139 4142 4
## 2180 I 4146 4146 1
## 2181 they 4149 4149 1
## 2182 we 4155 4155 1
## 2183 Storm 4158 4159 2
## 2184 world 4163 4164 2
## 2185 what 4168 4168 1
## 2186 dictator 4169 4170 2
## 2187 Iraq 4172 4172 1
## 2188 he 4177 4177 1
## 2189 civilians 4182 4183 2
## 2190 Israel 4185 4185 1
## 2191 Arabia 4187 4188 2
## 2192 he 4191 4191 1
## 2193 advantage 4194 4194 1
## 2194 he 4196 4196 1
## 2195 he 4202 4202 1
## 2196 he 4205 4205 1
## 2197 cause 4208 4209 2
## 2198 terrorism 4211 4215 5
## 2199 he 4217 4217 1
## 2200 he 4224 4224 1
## 2201 prisoners 4229 4231 3
## 2202 war 4233 4233 1
## 2203 he 4234 4234 1
## 2204 he 4238 4238 1
## 2205 We 4244 4244 1
## 2206 Gulf 4248 4249 2
## 2207 we 4253 4253 1
## 2208 community 4256 4258 3
## 2209 warning 4262 4264 3
## 2210 dictator 4266 4267 2
## 2211 despot 4269 4269 1
## 2212 who 4275 4275 1
## 2213 aggression 4277 4278 2
## 2214 world 4281 4282 2
## 2215 opportunity 4288 4289 2
## 2216 promise 4292 4296 5
## 2217 order 4298 4301 4
## 2218 brutality 4304 4304 1
## 2219 aggression 4309 4309 1
## 2220 resistance 4312 4313 2
## 2221 States 4318 4320 3
## 2222 share 4322 4324 3
## 2223 leadership 4326 4326 1
## 2224 effort 4328 4329 2
## 2225 nations 4332 4333 2
## 2226 world 4335 4336 2
## 2227 States 4338 4341 4
## 2228 America 4343 4343 1
## 2229 standing 4345 4348 4
## 2230 means 4350 4351 2
## 2231 it 4354 4354 1
## 2232 We 4357 4357 1
## 2233 nation 4359 4361 3
## 2234 Earth 4363 4364 2
## 2235 that 4365 4365 1
## 2236 forces 4368 4369 2
## 2237 peace 4371 4371 1
## 2238 This 4373 4373 1
## 2239 burden 4375 4376 2
## 2240 leadership 4378 4378 1
## 2241 strength 4380 4381 2
## 2242 that 4382 4382 1
## 2243 America 4385 4385 1
## 2244 freedom 4389 4389 1
## 2245 world 4391 4393 3
## 2246 nation 4396 4397 2
## 2247 glory 4401 4401 1
## 2248 war 4403 4403 1
## 2249 people 4405 4406 2
## 2250 blessings 4412 4413 2
## 2251 home 4415 4415 1
## 2252 lands 4419 4420 2
## 2253 conflict 4422 4423 2
## 2254 we 4426 4426 1
## 2255 anger 4429 4429 1
## 2256 it 4431 4431 1
## 2257 we 4435 4435 1
## 2258 all 4443 4443 1
## 2259 us 4445 4445 1
## 2260 world 4448 4449 2
## 2261 we 4451 4451 1
## 2262 Each 4460 4460 1
## 2263 us 4462 4462 1
## 2264 ourselves 4466 4466 1
## 2265 value 4467 4468 2
## 2266 struggle 4470 4472 3
## 2267 cost 4474 4475 2
## 2268 lives 4477 4477 1
## 2269 cost 4479 4480 2
## 2270 power 4484 4485 2
## 2271 cost 4490 4491 2
## 2272 eyes 4494 4495 2
## 2273 aggression 4497 4497 1
## 2274 power 4500 4502 3
## 2275 This 4506 4506 1
## 2276 we 4507 4507 1
## 2277 cause 4511 4512 2
## 2278 cause 4516 4517 2
## 2279 cause 4521 4522 2
## 2280 generations 4528 4529 2
## 2281 burden 4531 4532 2
## 2282 blessings 4534 4535 2
## 2283 freedom 4537 4537 1
## 2284 them 4540 4540 1
## 2285 we 4542 4542 1
## 2286 duty 4545 4545 1
## 2287 us 4547 4547 1
## 2288 them 4552 4552 1
## 2289 we 4558 4558 1
## 2290 America 4560 4560 1
## 2291 world 4562 4563 2
## 2292 community 4565 4566 2
## 2293 conscience 4568 4568 1
## 2294 winds 4571 4572 2
## 2295 change 4574 4574 1
## 2296 us 4577 4577 1
## 2297 forces 4580 4581 2
## 2298 freedom 4583 4583 1
## 2299 united 4587 4587 1
## 2300 We 4589 4589 1
## 2301 century 4592 4594 3
## 2302 we 4600 4600 1
## 2303 will 4602 4603 2
## 2304 home 4605 4605 1
## 2305 what 4610 4610 1
## 2306 work 4615 4617 3
## 2307 freedom 4619 4619 1
## 2308 God 4623 4623 1
## 2309 States 4625 4627 3
## 2310 America 4629 4629 1
## 2311 you 4632 4632 1
## 2312 Members 2 9 8
## 2313 Congress 11 11 1
## 2314 guests 13 14 2
## 2315 citizens 17 18 2
## 2316 you 22 22 1
## 2317 reception 26 28 3
## 2318 You 30 30 1
## 2319 buildup 34 36 3
## 2320 address 37 38 2
## 2321 I 42 42 1
## 2322 it 47 47 1
## 2323 hit 50 52 3
## 2324 I 55 55 1
## 2325 Barbara 59 59 1
## 2326 it 62 62 1
## 2327 me 64 64 1
## 2328 I 70 70 1
## 2329 Speaker 72 73 2
## 2330 President 75 77 3
## 2331 They 81 81 1
## 2332 what 83 83 1
## 2333 I 84 84 1
## 2334 Japan 87 87 1
## 2335 they 90 90 1
## 2336 they 94 94 1
## 2337 me 98 98 1
## 2338 I 104 104 1
## 2339 things 110 111 2
## 2340 changes 114 115 2
## 2341 promises 117 118 2
## 2342 they 119 119 1
## 2343 problems 124 126 3
## 2344 we 132 132 1
## 2345 them 135 135 1
## 2346 country 138 139 2
## 2347 leader 142 144 3
## 2348 age 146 147 2
## 2349 We 150 150 1
## 2350 time 154 159 6
## 2351 history 161 162 2
## 2352 history 165 166 2
## 2353 man 168 168 1
## 2354 Earth 170 170 1
## 2355 months 174 177 4
## 2356 world 179 180 2
## 2357 changes 183 183 1
## 2358 proportions 185 187 3
## 2359 coup 195 197 3
## 2360 that 198 198 1
## 2361 system 200 202 3
## 2362 I 204 204 1
## 2363 we 208 208 1
## 2364 impact 211 213 3
## 2365 import 215 217 3
## 2366 what 219 219 1
## 2367 communism 223 223 1
## 2368 President 231 231 1
## 2369 point 234 239 6
## 2370 times 243 243 1
## 2371 I 245 245 1
## 2372 progress 250 250 1
## 2373 change 255 255 1
## 2374 I 257 257 1
## 2375 joy 262 263 2
## 2376 that 264 264 1
## 2377 heart 267 268 2
## 2378 thing 271 273 3
## 2379 that 274 274 1
## 2380 world 278 279 2
## 2381 life 281 282 2
## 2382 lives 285 286 2
## 2383 this 289 289 1
## 2384 grace 292 293 2
## 2385 God 295 295 1
## 2386 America 297 297 1
## 2387 war 299 301 3
## 2388 I 304 304 1
## 2389 evening 308 309 2
## 2390 changes 311 312 2
## 2391 that 313 313 1
## 2392 place 316 316 1
## 2393 country 318 319 2
## 2394 we 323 323 1
## 2395 sacrifices 327 328 2
## 2396 we 329 329 1
## 2397 we 334 334 1
## 2398 enemy 336 338 3
## 2399 that 339 339 1
## 2400 superpower 341 342 2
## 2401 we 345 345 1
## 2402 what 356 356 1
## 2403 I 364 364 1
## 2404 things 368 369 2
## 2405 me 373 373 1
## 2406 you 375 375 1
## 2407 something 376 376 1
## 2408 I 377 377 1
## 2409 It 386 386 1
## 2410 kind 388 389 2
## 2411 rollcall 391 391 1
## 2412 honor 393 393 1
## 2413 war 396 398 3
## 2414 it 403 403 1
## 2415 I 408 408 1
## 2416 those 411 411 1
## 2417 who 412 412 1
## 2418 it 414 414 1
## 2419 places 417 417 1
## 2420 Korea 419 419 1
## 2421 Vietnam 421 421 1
## 2422 some 424 424 1
## 2423 them 426 426 1
## 2424 they 434 434 1
## 2425 heroes 436 436 1
## 2426 they 441 441 1
## 2427 victors 443 443 1
## 2428 rollcall 445 448 4
## 2429 Joes 450 453 4
## 2430 Janes 455 455 1
## 2431 ones 457 459 3
## 2432 who 460 460 1
## 2433 freedom 464 464 1
## 2434 who 466 466 1
## 2435 ground 468 469 2
## 2436 dust 472 473 2
## 2437 share 476 477 2
## 2438 horror 479 479 1
## 2439 This 481 481 1
## 2440 I 487 487 1
## 2441 it 491 491 1
## 2442 it 495 495 1
## 2443 me 499 499 1
## 2444 world 501 502 2
## 2445 them 504 504 1
## 2446 world 506 507 2
## 2447 valor 509 513 5
## 2448 style 515 517 3
## 2449 bravery 519 523 5
## 2450 unity 525 531 7
## 2451 class 534 534 1
## 2452 race 536 536 1
## 2453 region 538 538 1
## 2454 group 540 542 3
## 2455 we 543 543 1
## 2456 generations 549 549 1
## 2457 ones 553 554 2
## 2458 who 555 555 1
## 2459 Kilroy 558 558 1
## 2460 walls 563 564 2
## 2461 stalags 566 568 3
## 2462 those 570 570 1
## 2463 who 571 571 1
## 2464 signs 573 573 1
## 2465 desert 575 577 3
## 2466 that 578 578 1
## 2467 I 582 582 1
## 2468 Elvis 584 584 1
## 2469 group 587 589 3
## 2470 kids 591 591 1
## 2471 we 592 592 1
## 2472 world 597 598 2
## 2473 another 604 604 1
## 2474 it 611 611 1
## 2475 I 617 617 1
## 2476 mass 619 620 2
## 2477 people 622 622 1
## 2478 taxpayer 624 626 3
## 2479 one 628 629 2
## 2480 people 634 635 2
## 2481 who 636 636 1
## 2482 bill 638 641 4
## 2483 bill 643 646 4
## 2484 century 650 652 3
## 2485 people 655 657 3
## 2486 burden 660 661 2
## 2487 taxes 664 664 1
## 2488 that 665 665 1
## 2489 they 669 669 1
## 2490 defense 675 676 2
## 2491 that 677 677 1
## 2492 it 681 681 1
## 2493 communism 686 687 2
## 2494 it 693 693 1
## 2495 fact 703 704 2
## 2496 I 705 705 1
## 2497 acknowledging 709 711 3
## 2498 taxpayer 713 715 3
## 2499 brunt 717 718 2
## 2500 burden 720 721 2
## 2501 hunk 724 725 2
## 2502 glory 727 728 2
## 2503 time 735 737 3
## 2504 years 739 740 2
## 2505 bombers 742 744 3
## 2506 they 751 751 1
## 2507 clock 756 758 3
## 2508 children 762 763 2
## 2509 school 767 767 1
## 2510 history 770 770 1
## 2511 plants 773 773 1
## 2512 they 777 777 1
## 2513 children 783 784 2
## 2514 drills 787 789 3
## 2515 which 791 791 1
## 2516 they 792 792 1
## 2517 desks 795 796 2
## 2518 heads 799 800 2
## 2519 case 802 802 1
## 2520 war 804 805 2
## 2521 grandchildren 807 808 2
## 2522 that 814 814 1
## 2523 dreams 819 821 3
## 2524 children 822 822 1
## 2525 decades 827 827 1
## 2526 threats 833 833 1
## 2527 dread 836 842 7
## 2528 I 852 852 1
## 2529 you 855 855 1
## 2530 moment 857 858 2
## 2531 peril 860 861 2
## 2532 forces 863 864 2
## 2533 Storm 868 870 3
## 2534 days 874 875 2
## 2535 skies 877 879 3
## 2536 days 881 882 2
## 2537 ground 884 885 2
## 2538 men 887 888 2
## 2539 women 890 890 1
## 2540 Forces 892 895 4
## 2541 allies 897 898 2
## 2542 goals 900 901 2
## 2543 that 902 902 1
## 2544 I 903 903 1
## 2545 you 907 907 1
## 2546 We 910 910 1
## 2547 Kuwait 912 912 1
## 2548 world 917 919 3
## 2549 Israel 921 921 1
## 2550 peace 930 930 1
## 2551 first 932 934 3
## 2552 that 939 939 1
## 2553 Christmas 942 942 1
## 2554 hostages 944 947 4
## 2555 policies 951 952 2
## 2556 use 962 964 3
## 2557 power 966 966 1
## 2558 this 974 974 1
## 2559 world 976 977 2
## 2560 camps 981 983 3
## 2561 power 986 990 5
## 2562 States 992 994 3
## 2563 America 996 996 1
## 2564 they 999 999 1
## 2565 this 1001 1001 1
## 2566 dread 1003 1004 2
## 2567 world 1007 1008 2
## 2568 us 1010 1010 1
## 2569 power 1012 1012 1
## 2570 world 1015 1016 2
## 2571 They 1020 1020 1
## 2572 us 1022 1022 1
## 2573 They 1029 1029 1
## 2574 us 1031 1031 1
## 2575 side 1035 1036 2
## 2576 decency 1038 1038 1
## 2577 They 1040 1040 1
## 2578 us 1042 1042 1
## 2579 what 1045 1045 1
## 2580 I 1050 1050 1
## 2581 words 1052 1053 2
## 2582 war 1060 1061 2
## 2583 I 1064 1064 1
## 2584 telegram 1066 1067 2
## 2585 Speicher 1069 1070 2
## 2586 wife 1072 1073 2
## 2587 pilot 1075 1077 3
## 2588 Gulf 1080 1081 2
## 2589 Commander 1083 1084 2
## 2590 Speicher 1085 1086 2
## 2591 grief 1090 1091 2
## 2592 she 1093 1093 1
## 2593 me 1095 1095 1
## 2594 children 1102 1103 2
## 2595 she 1108 1108 1
## 2596 them 1111 1111 1
## 2597 father 1114 1115 2
## 2598 war 1119 1119 1
## 2599 it 1121 1121 1
## 2600 thing 1123 1125 3
## 2601 she 1131 1131 1
## 2602 it 1133 1133 1
## 2603 all 1134 1134 1
## 2604 It 1136 1136 1
## 2605 thing 1138 1140 3
## 2606 we 1146 1146 1
## 2607 it 1148 1148 1
## 2608 differences 1153 1154 2
## 2609 Chamber 1158 1159 2
## 2610 war 1163 1164 2
## 2611 you 1167 1167 1
## 2612 partisanship 1169 1169 1
## 2613 we 1173 1173 1
## 2614 troops 1175 1176 2
## 2615 This 1178 1178 1
## 2616 time 1181 1182 2
## 2617 pride 1184 1184 1
## 2618 this 1187 1187 1
## 2619 time 1189 1190 2
## 2620 problems 1195 1195 1
## 2621 us 1197 1197 1
## 2622 we 1200 1200 1
## 2623 them 1208 1208 1
## 2624 country 1212 1213 2
## 2625 I 1221 1221 1
## 2626 cuts 1224 1224 1
## 2627 spending 1226 1227 2
## 2628 that 1228 1228 1
## 2629 changes 1230 1231 2
## 2630 era 1233 1235 3
## 2631 communism 1244 1245 2
## 2632 process 1248 1249 2
## 2633 I 1255 1255 1
## 2634 you 1258 1258 1
## 2635 changes 1260 1261 2
## 2636 force 1263 1266 4
## 2637 These 1268 1268 1
## 2638 actions 1270 1270 1
## 2639 we 1271 1271 1
## 2640 they 1278 1278 1
## 2641 thing 1280 1282 3
## 2642 planes 1288 1289 2
## 2643 which 1291 1291 1
## 2644 we 1292 1292 1
## 2645 we 1297 1297 1
## 2646 production 1301 1302 2
## 2647 bombers 1304 1308 5
## 2648 We 1310 1310 1
## 2649 program 1313 1316 4
## 2650 We 1318 1318 1
## 2651 production 1321 1321 1
## 2652 warheads 1323 1324 2
## 2653 missiles 1326 1331 6
## 2654 We 1333 1333 1
## 2655 production 1336 1338 3
## 2656 missile 1340 1342 3
## 2657 we 1345 1345 1
## 2658 missiles 1349 1353 5
## 2659 I 1358 1358 1
## 2660 David 1362 1363 2
## 2661 Yeltsin 1365 1366 2
## 2662 Federation 1368 1370 3
## 2663 I 1372 1372 1
## 2664 Yeltsin 1375 1376 2
## 2665 Commonwealth 1379 1380 2
## 2666 Union 1382 1385 4
## 2667 missiles 1389 1397 9
## 2668 I 1399 1399 1
## 2669 following 1402 1403 2
## 2670 We 1405 1405 1
## 2671 missiles 1408 1410 3
## 2672 We 1412 1412 1
## 2673 number 1415 1416 2
## 2674 warheads 1418 1418 1
## 2675 missiles 1420 1421 2
## 2676 number 1426 1427 2
## 2677 warheads 1429 1429 1
## 2678 missiles 1431 1435 5
## 2679 third 1437 1440 4
## 2680 we 1443 1443 1
## 2681 portion 1446 1448 3
## 2682 bombers 1450 1452 3
## 2683 use 1454 1456 3
## 2684 response 1458 1462 5
## 2685 I 1469 1469 1
## 2686 talks 1471 1472 2
## 2687 David 1474 1475 2
## 2688 I 1481 1481 1
## 2689 you 1483 1483 1
## 2690 century 1488 1490 3
## 2691 Presidents 1492 1493 2
## 2692 decisions 1498 1499 2
## 2693 words 1502 1503 2
## 2694 midst 1508 1509 2
## 2695 celebration 1511 1511 1
## 2696 we 1513 1513 1
## 2697 caution 1516 1516 1
## 2698 friend 1518 1519 2
## 2699 world 1522 1523 2
## 2700 place 1526 1528 3
## 2701 dead 1530 1532 3
## 2702 end 1535 1536 2
## 2703 conflict 1538 1538 1
## 2704 challenges 1542 1544 3
## 2705 us 1547 1547 1
## 2706 tomorrow 1549 1549 1
## 2707 Secretary 1556 1557 2
## 2708 Defense 1559 1559 1
## 2709 cuts 1561 1562 2
## 2710 consultation 1564 1564 1
## 2711 Chiefs 1566 1568 3
## 2712 Staff 1570 1570 1
## 2713 I 1573 1573 1
## 2714 them 1575 1575 1
## 2715 confidence 1577 1577 1
## 2716 me 1583 1583 1
## 2717 reductions 1585 1586 2
## 2718 I 1587 1587 1
## 2719 us 1592 1592 1
## 2720 years 1599 1602 4
## 2721 we 1607 1607 1
## 2722 defense 1611 1611 1
## 2723 percent 1613 1614 2
## 2724 I 1616 1616 1
## 2725 office 1618 1618 1
## 2726 cuts 1620 1621 2
## 2727 you 1626 1626 1
## 2728 resolve 1629 1630 2
## 2729 history 1656 1656 1
## 2730 We 1658 1658 1
## 2731 days 1664 1665 2
## 2732 army 1668 1670 3
## 2733 We 1673 1673 1
## 2734 mistakes 1677 1678 2
## 2735 century 1682 1683 2
## 2736 armistice 1685 1685 1
## 2737 recklessness 1689 1689 1
## 2738 defense 1691 1691 1
## 2739 world 1696 1697 2
## 2740 I 1703 1703 1
## 2741 you 1705 1705 1
## 2742 I 1709 1709 1
## 2743 support 1713 1714 2
## 2744 program 1717 1718 2
## 2745 country 1721 1722 2
## 2746 attack 1724 1727 4
## 2747 We 1729 1729 1
## 2748 protection 1732 1733 2
## 2749 people 1735 1737 3
## 2750 countries 1739 1741 3
## 2751 access 1743 1743 1
## 2752 arms 1745 1746 2
## 2753 I 1749 1749 1
## 2754 you 1751 1751 1
## 2755 Initiative 1755 1758 4
## 2756 SDI 1760 1760 1
## 2757 those 1765 1765 1
## 2758 who 1766 1766 1
## 2759 we 1770 1770 1
## 2760 world 1775 1776 2
## 2761 we 1779 1779 1
## 2762 role 1781 1783 3
## 2763 place 1785 1787 3
## 2764 we 1790 1790 1
## 2765 States 1792 1794 3
## 2766 America 1796 1796 1
## 2767 leader 1798 1799 2
## 2768 West 1801 1802 2
## 2769 that 1803 1803 1
## 2770 leader 1806 1807 2
## 2771 world 1809 1810 2
## 2772 I 1816 1816 1
## 2773 President 1818 1818 1
## 2774 I 1820 1820 1
## 2775 support 1826 1826 1
## 2776 freedom 1828 1828 1
## 2777 arrogance 1834 1834 1
## 2778 altruism 1839 1839 1
## 2779 safety 1843 1844 2
## 2780 security 1846 1846 1
## 2781 children 1848 1849 2
## 2782 This 1851 1851 1
## 2783 fact 1853 1854 2
## 2784 Strength 1856 1856 1
## 2785 pursuit 1858 1859 2
## 2786 peace 1861 1861 1
## 2787 vice 1863 1864 2
## 2788 isolationism 1866 1866 1
## 2789 pursuit 1868 1869 2
## 2790 security 1871 1871 1
## 2791 virtue 1873 1874 2
## 2792 troubles 1880 1881 2
## 2793 home 1883 1883 1
## 2794 They 1885 1885 1
## 2795 problem 1891 1893 3
## 2796 economy 1895 1896 2
## 2797 signs 1900 1902 3
## 2798 Inflation 1904 1904 1
## 2799 thief 1906 1907 2
## 2800 rates 1913 1914 2
## 2801 unemployment 1919 1919 1
## 2802 industries 1924 1925 2
## 2803 trouble 1928 1928 1
## 2804 growth 1931 1931 1
## 2805 what 1934 1934 1
## 2806 it 1935 1935 1
## 2807 me 1940 1940 1
## 2808 you 1942 1942 1
## 2809 start 1945 1946 2
## 2810 heart 1950 1951 2
## 2811 I 1953 1953 1
## 2812 we 1955 1955 1
## 2813 times 1958 1959 2
## 2814 I 1962 1962 1
## 2815 something 1964 1964 1
## 2816 This 1967 1967 1
## 2817 Chamber 1974 1975 2
## 2818 Chamber 1978 1979 2
## 2819 we 1980 1980 1
## 2820 courage 1983 1985 3
## 2821 sense 1987 1987 1
## 2822 purpose 1989 1990 2
## 2823 economy 1992 1993 2
## 2824 that 1994 1994 1
## 2825 we 1995 1995 1
## 2826 Storm 1998 1999 2
## 2827 we 2002 2002 1
## 2828 times 2005 2006 2
## 2829 I 2009 2009 1
## 2830 you 2011 2011 1
## 2831 reason 2015 2016 2
## 2832 you 2019 2019 1
## 2833 patriots 2021 2021 1
## 2834 you 2024 2024 1
## 2835 country 2029 2030 2
## 2836 I 2033 2033 1
## 2837 hearts 2037 2038 2
## 2838 you 2039 2039 1
## 2839 partisanship 2043 2043 1
## 2840 job 2047 2048 2
## 2841 it 2051 2051 1
## 2842 thing 2053 2055 3
## 2843 power 2060 2061 2
## 2844 America 2063 2063 1
## 2845 idea 2066 2070 5
## 2846 people 2073 2073 1
## 2847 things 2076 2077 2
## 2848 you 2079 2080 2
## 2849 them 2082 2082 1
## 2850 we 2087 2087 1
## 2851 economy 2092 2093 2
## 2852 age 2098 2099 2
## 2853 miracles 2101 2101 1
## 2854 wonders 2103 2103 1
## 2855 us 2106 2106 1
## 2856 anything 2107 2107 1
## 2857 it 2109 2109 1
## 2858 we 2113 2113 1
## 2859 world 2116 2117 2
## 2860 we 2118 2118 1
## 2861 America 2121 2121 1
## 2862 We 2123 2123 1
## 2863 investment 2126 2126 1
## 2864 We 2128 2128 1
## 2865 it 2131 2131 1
## 2866 people 2134 2134 1
## 2867 money 2137 2137 1
## 2868 products 2140 2141 2
## 2869 industries 2143 2144 2
## 2870 jobs 2147 2148 2
## 2871 We 2150 2150 1
## 2872 obstacles 2154 2155 2
## 2873 growth 2157 2157 1
## 2874 taxes 2159 2160 2
## 2875 regulation 2162 2163 2
## 2876 redtape 2165 2165 1
## 2877 spending 2169 2172 4
## 2878 None 2175 2175 1
## 2879 this 2177 2177 1
## 2880 snap 2181 2182 2
## 2881 fingers 2184 2185 2
## 2882 it 2188 2188 1
## 2883 test 2193 2194 2
## 2884 plan 2196 2197 2
## 2885 it 2201 2201 1
## 2886 people 2208 2210 3
## 2887 gimmicks 2215 2215 1
## 2888 they 2217 2217 1
## 2889 score 2221 2222 2
## 2890 all 2224 2224 1
## 2891 us 2226 2226 1
## 2892 room 2228 2229 2
## 2893 test 2231 2233 3
## 2894 plan 2235 2236 2
## 2895 it 2240 2240 1
## 2896 it 2245 2245 1
## 2897 We 2249 2249 1
## 2898 plan 2252 2256 5
## 2899 needs 2259 2261 3
## 2900 economy 2265 2266 2
## 2901 we 2270 2270 1
## 2902 plan 2272 2275 4
## 2903 combustion 2278 2278 1
## 2904 place 2283 2284 2
## 2905 economy 2286 2288 3
## 2906 things 2292 2293 2
## 2907 that 2294 2294 1
## 2908 President 2295 2296 2
## 2909 Congress 2300 2300 1
## 2910 I 2303 2303 1
## 2911 them 2308 2308 1
## 2912 I 2311 2311 1
## 2913 departments 2318 2320 3
## 2914 agencies 2322 2323 2
## 2915 moratorium 2326 2330 5
## 2916 regulations 2332 2335 4
## 2917 that 2336 2336 1
## 2918 growth 2339 2339 1
## 2919 days 2342 2344 3
## 2920 departments 2346 2347 2
## 2921 agencies 2349 2349 1
## 2922 bottom 2358 2358 1
## 2923 regulations 2361 2362 2
## 2924 ones 2370 2371 2
## 2925 that 2372 2372 1
## 2926 growth 2375 2375 1
## 2927 those 2379 2379 1
## 2928 that 2380 2380 1
## 2929 growth 2383 2383 1
## 2930 number 2389 2391 3
## 2931 workers 2393 2399 7
## 2932 men 2401 2402 2
## 2933 women 2404 2404 1
## 2934 who 2405 2405 1
## 2935 loans 2412 2414 3
## 2936 crunch 2416 2419 4
## 2937 I 2423 2423 1
## 2938 responsibility 2427 2428 2
## 2939 regulations 2430 2431 2
## 2940 that 2432 2432 1
## 2941 good 2434 2436 3
## 2942 overkill 2439 2440 2
## 2943 I 2446 2446 1
## 2944 regulators 2449 2451 3
## 2945 it 2454 2454 1
## 2946 I 2457 2457 1
## 2947 departments 2460 2461 2
## 2948 agencies 2463 2464 2
## 2949 expenditures 2468 2469 2
## 2950 This 2475 2475 1
## 2951 economy 2484 2485 2
## 2952 months 2487 2490 4
## 2953 bill 2493 2496 4
## 2954 projects 2504 2507 4
## 2955 that 2508 2508 1
## 2956 growth 2512 2513 2
## 2957 being 2515 2517 3
## 2958 that 2520 2520 1
## 2959 roads 2524 2524 1
## 2960 railways 2531 2533 3
## 2961 I 2537 2537 1
## 2962 Secretary 2544 2545 2
## 2963 Treasury 2547 2548 2
## 2964 tables 2551 2555 5
## 2965 change 2558 2559 2
## 2966 millions 2561 2561 1
## 2967 Americans 2563 2563 1
## 2968 whom 2565 2565 1
## 2969 Government 2566 2567 2
## 2970 Government 2577 2578 2
## 2971 paychecks 2582 2583 2
## 2972 Something 2585 2585 1
## 2973 me 2587 2587 1
## 2974 number 2588 2589 2
## 2975 taxpayers 2591 2591 1
## 2976 us 2594 2594 1
## 2977 one 2597 2598 2
## 2978 initiative 2600 2601 2
## 2979 economy 2610 2611 2
## 2980 months 2613 2616 4
## 2981 people 2618 2619 2
## 2982 clothing 2626 2626 1
## 2983 college 2628 2628 1
## 2984 car 2633 2635 3
## 2985 Reserve 2641 2643 3
## 2986 we 2645 2645 1
## 2987 policy 2650 2651 2
## 2988 that 2652 2652 1
## 2989 rates 2654 2656 3
## 2990 inflation 2658 2658 1
## 2991 these 2664 2664 1
## 2992 things 2666 2667 2
## 2993 I 2668 2668 1
## 2994 Members 2675 2675 1
## 2995 Congress 2677 2677 1
## 2996 me 2680 2680 1
## 2997 you 2682 2682 1
## 2998 what 2683 2683 1
## 2999 you 2684 2684 1
## 3000 country 2688 2689 2
## 3001 You 2691 2691 1
## 3002 elements 2694 2696 3
## 3003 plan 2698 2699 2
## 3004 needs 2702 2704 3
## 3005 Everyone 2706 2706 1
## 3006 investment 2709 2709 1
## 3007 recovery 2711 2711 1
## 3008 I 2713 2713 1
## 3009 change 2718 2719 2
## 3010 tax 2721 2724 4
## 3011 creation 2726 2727 2
## 3012 allowance 2729 2736 8
## 3013 This 2738 2738 1
## 3014 businesses 2741 2741 1
## 3015 investment 2744 2744 1
## 3016 people 2747 2747 1
## 3017 work 2750 2750 1
## 3018 estate 2753 2754 2
## 3019 economy 2757 2758 2
## 3020 times 2761 2765 5
## 3021 we 2766 2766 1
## 3022 building 2772 2772 1
## 3023 carpenters 2775 2775 1
## 3024 plumbers 2777 2777 1
## 3025 people 2780 2780 1
## 3026 homes 2782 2782 1
## 3027 mortgages 2786 2786 1
## 3028 plan 2788 2789 2
## 3029 rule 2792 2795 4
## 3030 developers 2797 2800 4
## 3031 it 2803 2803 1
## 3032 it 2806 2806 1
## 3033 plans 2809 2810 2
## 3034 estate 2813 2814 2
## 3035 Americans 2817 2818 2
## 3036 who 2819 2819 1
## 3037 home 2823 2825 3
## 3038 who 2827 2827 1
## 3039 it 2832 2832 1
## 3040 plan 2834 2835 2
## 3041 homebuyers 2838 2841 4
## 3042 savings 2844 2844 1
## 3043 IRA 2846 2846 1
## 3044 penalty 2849 2849 1
## 3045 credit 2852 2856 5
## 3046 purchase 2858 2860 3
## 3047 home 2862 2863 2
## 3048 plan 2869 2871 3
## 3049 Congress 2874 2874 1
## 3050 help 2877 2878 2
## 3051 people 2880 2880 1
## 3052 who 2881 2881 1
## 3053 home 2883 2884 2
## 3054 everyone 2887 2887 1
## 3055 who 2888 2888 1
## 3056 business 2890 2891 2
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## 3058 investment 2896 2898 3
## 3059 hour 2904 2905 2
## 3060 I 2907 2907 1
## 3061 no 2911 2911 1
## 3062 answer 2913 2914 2
## 3063 You 2916 2916 1
## 3064 tax 2919 2922 4
## 3065 people 2924 2925 2
## 3066 country 2927 2928 2
## 3067 issue 2932 2933 2
## 3068 opponents 2938 2939 2
## 3069 demagogs 2942 2943 2
## 3070 They 2947 2947 1
## 3071 they 2952 2952 1
## 3072 it 2954 2954 1
## 3073 percent 2956 2957 2
## 3074 people 2959 2960 2
## 3075 who 2961 2961 1
## 3076 gains 2964 2966 3
## 3077 incomes 2968 2968 1
## 3078 cut 2973 2974 2
## 3079 increases 2976 2980 5
## 3080 everyone 2986 2986 1
## 3081 country 2988 2989 2
## 3082 I 2994 2994 1
## 3083 you 2997 2997 1
## 3084 tax 3000 3003 4
## 3085 maximum 3005 3006 2
## 3086 percent 3008 3009 2
## 3087 I 3012 3012 1
## 3088 you 3015 3015 1
## 3089 those 3017 3017 1
## 3090 you 3019 3019 1
## 3091 who 3020 3020 1
## 3092 someone 3028 3028 1
## 3093 who 3029 3029 1
## 3094 that 3035 3035 1
## 3095 you 3038 3038 1
## 3096 me 3042 3042 1
## 3097 definition 3044 3046 3
## 3098 Puritan 3048 3049 2
## 3099 who 3050 3050 1
## 3100 night 3055 3055 1
## 3101 someone 3061 3061 1
## 3102 time 3066 3068 3
## 3103 opponents 3073 3074 2
## 3104 measure 3076 3077 2
## 3105 those 3079 3079 1
## 3106 who 3080 3080 1
## 3107 bills 3083 3092 10
## 3108 that 3093 3093 1
## 3109 Chamber 3097 3098 2
## 3110 something 3103 3103 1
## 3111 they 3106 3106 1
## 3112 guy 3109 3111 3
## 3113 they 3113 3113 1
## 3114 guy 3116 3118 3
## 3115 it 3122 3122 1
## 3116 time 3124 3124 1
## 3117 that 3125 3125 1
## 3118 This 3129 3129 1
## 3119 plan 3134 3138 5
## 3120 part 3140 3141 2
## 3121 Members 3143 3143 1
## 3122 Congress 3145 3145 1
## 3123 enactment 3148 3148 1
## 3124 proposals 3150 3152 3
## 3125 that 3153 3153 1
## 3126 effect 3156 3158 3
## 3127 economy 3160 3161 2
## 3128 agreement 3164 3166 3
## 3129 rates 3170 3171 2
## 3130 plan 3175 3176 2
## 3131 we 3184 3184 1
## 3132 those 3190 3190 1
## 3133 trouble 3192 3192 1
## 3134 I 3195 3195 1
## 3135 budget 3205 3206 2
## 3136 benefits 3209 3211 3
## 3137 I 3214 3214 1
## 3138 action 3217 3218 2
## 3139 I 3223 3223 1
## 3140 committee 3225 3226 2
## 3141 's 3238 3238 1
## 3142 's 3243 3243 1
## 3143 me 3248 3248 1
## 3144 you 3251 3251 1
## 3145 I 3253 3253 1
## 3146 you 3256 3256 1
## 3147 plan 3259 3260 2
## 3148 season 3264 3266 3
## 3149 I 3271 3271 1
## 3150 you 3274 3274 1
## 3151 everything 3277 3277 1
## 3152 I 3278 3278 1
## 3153 some 3284 3284 1
## 3154 terms 3286 3288 3
## 3155 I 3291 3291 1
## 3156 you 3293 3293 1
## 3157 what 3296 3296 1
## 3158 heart 3299 3300 2
## 3159 aim 3303 3304 2
## 3160 good 3308 3311 4
## 3161 I 3313 3313 1
## 3162 what 3316 3316 1
## 3163 I 3317 3317 1
## 3164 I 3323 3323 1
## 3165 what 3326 3326 1
## 3166 I 3327 3327 1
## 3167 I 3333 3333 1
## 3168 myself 3335 3335 1
## 3169 I 3337 3337 1
## 3170 man 3339 3341 3
## 3171 I 3344 3344 1
## 3172 patience 3347 3347 1
## 3173 virtue 3349 3350 2
## 3174 I 3353 3353 1
## 3175 politics 3356 3356 1
## 3176 some 3360 3360 1
## 3177 game 3362 3363 2
## 3178 game 3367 3368 2
## 3179 progress 3372 3373 2
## 3180 lack 3377 3378 2
## 3181 improvement 3380 3380 1
## 3182 me 3387 3387 1
## 3183 you 3389 3389 1
## 3184 future 3395 3397 3
## 3185 yours 3403 3403 1
## 3186 being 3405 3408 4
## 3187 country 3410 3411 2
## 3188 Members 3413 3413 1
## 3189 Chamber 3415 3416 2
## 3190 people 3418 3419 2
## 3191 I 3422 3422 1
## 3192 you 3424 3424 1
## 3193 advice 3428 3430 3
## 3194 people 3433 3433 1
## 3195 fortunes 3435 3438 4
## 3196 party 3441 3442 2
## 3197 side 3444 3445 2
## 3198 aisle 3447 3448 2
## 3199 good 3451 3453 3
## 3200 they 3455 3455 1
## 3201 country 3461 3462 2
## 3202 themselves 3465 3465 1
## 3203 they 3468 3468 1
## 3204 it 3472 3472 1
## 3205 I 3475 3475 1
## 3206 plan 3477 3478 2
## 3207 I 3482 3482 1
## 3208 you 3485 3485 1
## 3209 it 3488 3488 1
## 3210 20th 3490 3491 2
## 3211 I 3494 3494 1
## 3212 people 3496 3498 3
## 3213 you 3501 3501 1
## 3214 they 3503 3503 1
## 3215 action 3505 3506 2
## 3216 20th 3508 3509 2
## 3217 day 3512 3513 2
## 3218 that 3515 3515 1
## 3219 it 3518 3518 1
## 3220 battle 3522 3523 2
## 3221 you 3528 3528 1
## 3222 principle 3532 3532 1
## 3223 stake 3535 3535 1
## 3224 I 3536 3536 1
## 3225 fight 3538 3542 5
## 3226 I 3545 3545 1
## 3227 plan 3547 3548 2
## 3228 parts 3550 3551 2
## 3229 it 3554 3554 1
## 3230 it 3558 3558 1
## 3231 part 3560 3562 3
## 3232 that 3563 3563 1
## 3233 heart 3565 3566 2
## 3234 matter 3568 3569 2
## 3235 it 3572 3572 1
## 3236 burst 3578 3580 3
## 3237 We 3582 3582 1
## 3238 improvement 3584 3587 4
## 3239 position 3589 3591 3
## 3240 We 3593 3593 1
## 3241 all 3594 3594 1
## 3242 key 3597 3598 2
## 3243 future 3600 3602 3
## 3244 America 3607 3607 1
## 3245 leader 3610 3612 3
## 3246 world 3614 3615 2
## 3247 We 3617 3617 1
## 3248 that 3619 3619 1
## 3249 power 3621 3622 2
## 3250 plan 3629 3633 5
## 3251 future 3636 3637 2
## 3252 We 3644 3644 1
## 3253 walls 3650 3651 2
## 3254 that 3652 3652 1
## 3255 trade 3654 3655 2
## 3256 We 3657 3657 1
## 3257 markets 3662 3662 1
## 3258 negotiations 3667 3670 4
## 3259 I 3672 3672 1
## 3260 tariffs 3678 3678 1
## 3261 subsidies 3680 3680 1
## 3262 that 3681 3681 1
## 3263 farmers 3683 3685 3
## 3264 workers 3687 3687 1
## 3265 we 3690 3690 1
## 3266 jobs 3693 3696 4
## 3267 hemisphere 3698 3700 3
## 3268 agreement 3702 3707 6
## 3269 Enterprise 3710 3711 2
## 3270 Initiative 3713 3715 3
## 3271 changes 3719 3719 1
## 3272 workplace 3728 3729 2
## 3273 future 3731 3732 2
## 3274 workers 3735 3738 4
## 3275 people 3742 3743 2
## 3276 who 3744 3744 1
## 3277 We 3753 3753 1
## 3278 leader 3756 3759 4
## 3279 education 3761 3761 1
## 3280 we 3764 3764 1
## 3281 schools 3767 3769 3
## 3282 strategy 3771 3774 4
## 3283 us 3777 3777 1
## 3284 goal 3779 3780 2
## 3285 plan 3782 3783 2
## 3286 parents 3786 3786 1
## 3287 choice 3787 3788 2
## 3288 teachers 3791 3791 1
## 3289 flexibility 3792 3793 2
## 3290 communities 3797 3797 1
## 3291 schools 3799 3801 3
## 3292 States 3803 3804 2
## 3293 Nation 3806 3807 2
## 3294 programs 3810 3812 3
## 3295 Hundreds 3814 3814 1
## 3296 cities 3816 3816 1
## 3297 towns 3818 3818 1
## 3298 Congress 3824 3824 1
## 3299 movement 3827 3829 3
## 3300 proposals 3832 3833 2
## 3301 schools 3835 3837 3
## 3302 That 3840 3840 1
## 3303 proposal 3842 3847 6
## 3304 third 3852 3853 2
## 3305 We 3855 3855 1
## 3306 investments 3858 3859 2
## 3307 that 3860 3860 1
## 3308 us 3863 3863 1
## 3309 marketplace 3871 3872 2
## 3310 We 3874 3874 1
## 3311 research 3877 3877 1
## 3312 development 3879 3879 1
## 3313 plan 3881 3882 2
## 3314 credit 3886 3889 4
## 3315 levels 3894 3895 2
## 3316 support 3897 3897 1
## 3317 people 3908 3908 1
## 3318 who 3909 3909 1
## 3319 promise 3912 3913 2
## 3320 technologies 3915 3916 2
## 3321 we 3921 3921 1
## 3322 something 3924 3924 1
## 3323 crime 3926 3926 1
## 3324 drugs 3928 3928 1
## 3325 It 3930 3930 1
## 3326 time 3932 3932 1
## 3327 investment 3934 3938 5
## 3328 crime 3941 3943 3
## 3329 It 3945 3945 1
## 3330 strength 3947 3948 2
## 3331 faith 3951 3952 2
## 3332 society 3954 3955 2
## 3333 future 3958 3959 2
## 3334 woman 3963 3965 3
## 3335 way 3967 3968 2
## 3336 morning 3974 3975 2
## 3337 subway 3977 3978 2
## 3338 right 3980 3981 2
## 3339 it 3989 3989 1
## 3340 everyone 3993 3993 1
## 3341 who 3994 3994 1
## 3342 life 3996 3999 4
## 3343 crime 4002 4002 1
## 3344 those 4005 4005 1
## 3345 night 4011 4011 1
## 3346 those 4013 4013 1
## 3347 parks 4018 4019 2
## 3348 they 4020 4020 1
## 3349 people 4025 4026 2
## 3350 right 4030 4033 4
## 3351 It 4035 4035 1
## 3352 time 4037 4037 1
## 3353 it 4040 4040 1
## 3354 Congress 4042 4042 1
## 3355 bill 4045 4048 4
## 3356 It 4050 4050 1
## 3357 criminals 4054 4054 1
## 3358 police 4058 4058 1
## 3359 it 4061 4061 1
## 3360 halls 4066 4068 3
## 3361 years 4070 4070 1
## 3362 it 4074 4074 1
## 3363 country 4077 4078 2
## 3364 I 4083 4083 1
## 3365 you 4085 4085 1
## 3366 proposal 4089 4092 4
## 3367 legislation 4096 4099 4
## 3368 which 4100 4100 1
## 3369 businesses 4103 4103 1
## 3370 city 4105 4107 3
## 3371 We 4109 4109 1
## 3372 pride 4115 4116 2
## 3373 that 4117 4117 1
## 3374 home 4121 4122 2
## 3375 job 4125 4126 2
## 3376 part 4129 4130 2
## 3377 things 4132 4132 1
## 3378 plan 4134 4135 2
## 3379 construction 4138 4140 3
## 3380 incentives 4143 4144 2
## 3381 bonds 4146 4148 3
## 3382 housing 4150 4153 4
## 3383 I 4156 4156 1
## 3384 expenditures 4160 4161 2
## 3385 program 4163 4164 2
## 3386 that 4165 4165 1
## 3387 children 4167 4167 1
## 3388 move 4170 4171 2
## 3389 excellence 4173 4173 1
## 3390 we 4182 4182 1
## 3391 system 4185 4188 4
## 3392 this 4191 4191 1
## 3393 we 4200 4200 1
## 3394 world 4204 4205 2
## 3395 costs 4207 4209 3
## 3396 America 4216 4216 1
## 3397 health 4224 4224 1
## 3398 that 4227 4227 1
## 3399 end 4236 4237 2
## 3400 decade 4239 4240 2
## 3401 We 4242 4242 1
## 3402 this 4247 4247 1
## 3403 cost 4249 4250 2
## 3404 care 4252 4253 2
## 3405 budget 4259 4261 3
## 3406 price 4264 4265 2
## 3407 everything 4267 4267 1
## 3408 we 4268 4268 1
## 3409 we 4272 4272 1
## 3410 coverage 4276 4277 2
## 3411 fellow 4279 4280 2
## 3412 line 4282 4284 3
## 3413 thousands 4286 4286 1
## 3414 dollars 4288 4288 1
## 3415 cost 4290 4291 2
## 3416 products 4294 4295 2
## 3417 he 4296 4296 1
## 3418 you 4300 4300 1
## 3419 bill 4302 4303 2
## 3420 We 4306 4306 1
## 3421 choice 4309 4310 2
## 3422 some 4314 4314 1
## 3423 we 4316 4316 1
## 3424 it 4319 4319 1
## 3425 They 4323 4323 1
## 3426 it 4325 4325 1
## 3427 approach 4333 4335 3
## 3428 It 4339 4339 1
## 3429 taxes 4342 4343 2
## 3430 jobs 4345 4346 2
## 3431 system 4349 4351 3
## 3432 control 4353 4355 3
## 3433 options 4362 4364 3
## 3434 we 4367 4367 1
## 3435 system 4371 4373 3
## 3436 system 4375 4376 2
## 3437 which 4377 4377 1
## 3438 choice 4380 4381 2
## 3439 doctor 4384 4385 2
## 3440 Government 4388 4389 2
## 3441 services 4391 4392 2
## 3442 what 4396 4396 1
## 3443 we 4397 4397 1
## 3444 patients 4401 4401 1
## 3445 lines 4403 4404 2
## 3446 service 4406 4407 2
## 3447 burden 4410 4414 5
## 3448 we 4417 4417 1
## 3449 system 4420 4425 6
## 3450 which 4427 4427 1
## 3451 us 4430 4430 1
## 3452 flaws 4433 4435 3
## 3453 care 4437 4441 5
## 3454 world 4443 4444 2
## 3455 's 4450 4450 1
## 3456 strengths 4453 4454 2
## 3457 plan 4456 4457 2
## 3458 security 4459 4460 2
## 3459 Americans 4462 4463 2
## 3460 idea 4468 4469 2
## 3461 choice 4471 4471 1
## 3462 We 4473 4473 1
## 3463 insurance 4475 4477 3
## 3464 people 4480 4484 5
## 3465 we 4490 4490 1
## 3466 it 4492 4492 1
## 3467 credit 4495 4499 5
## 3468 family 4506 4510 5
## 3469 class 4513 4515 3
## 3470 help 4517 4517 1
## 3471 market 4524 4527 4
## 3472 plan 4529 4530 2
## 3473 Americans 4533 4533 1
## 3474 access 4536 4536 1
## 3475 insurance 4538 4540 3
## 3476 they 4543 4543 1
## 3477 jobs 4545 4545 1
## 3478 problems 4548 4550 3
## 3479 We 4552 4552 1
## 3480 costs 4555 4555 1
## 3481 control 4557 4557 1
## 3482 quality 4560 4560 1
## 3483 choice 4562 4563 2
## 3484 worry 4567 4572 6
## 3485 insurance 4574 4575 2
## 3486 plan 4577 4578 2
## 3487 details 4580 4581 2
## 3488 which 4583 4583 1
## 3489 I 4584 4584 1
## 3490 that 4591 4592 2
## 3491 we 4597 4597 1
## 3492 deficit 4600 4602 3
## 3493 control 4604 4604 1
## 3494 We 4606 4606 1
## 3495 law 4611 4611 1
## 3496 caps 4613 4615 3
## 3497 requirement 4617 4618 2
## 3498 that 4619 4619 1
## 3499 we 4620 4620 1
## 3500 programs 4623 4624 2
## 3501 we 4625 4625 1
## 3502 those 4630 4630 1
## 3503 Congress 4632 4632 1
## 3504 who 4633 4633 1
## 3505 discipline 4636 4637 2
## 3506 I 4641 4641 1
## 3507 them 4645 4645 1
## 3508 it 4647 4647 1
## 3509 I 4650 4650 1
## 3510 plan 4655 4656 2
## 3511 authority 4659 4663 5
## 3512 which 4665 4665 1
## 3513 year 4672 4673 2
## 3514 I 4675 4675 1
## 3515 Security 4680 4681 2
## 3516 I 4684 4684 1
## 3517 caps 4687 4688 2
## 3518 growth 4690 4691 2
## 3519 spending 4693 4694 2
## 3520 I 4697 4697 1
## 3521 employment 4701 4704 4
## 3522 help 4708 4709 2
## 3523 Congress 4711 4711 1
## 3524 plan 4713 4714 2
## 3525 programs 4719 4720 2
## 3526 that 4721 4721 1
## 3527 funding 4725 4726 2
## 3528 Some 4728 4728 1
## 3529 them 4730 4730 1
## 3530 titles 4732 4733 2
## 3531 none 4736 4736 1
## 3532 them 4738 4738 1
## 3533 We 4742 4742 1
## 3534 each 4747 4747 1
## 3535 them 4752 4752 1
## 3536 You 4755 4755 1
## 3537 it 4758 4758 1
## 3538 time 4760 4760 1
## 3539 we 4761 4761 1
## 3540 truth 4763 4765 3
## 3541 people 4766 4768 3
## 3542 Government 4773 4774 2
## 3543 I 4784 4784 1
## 3544 Congress 4787 4787 1
## 3545 measure 4790 4791 2
## 3546 that 4792 4792 1
## 3547 end 4796 4797 2
## 3548 ritual 4799 4801 3
## 3549 budget 4804 4805 2
## 3550 appropriations 4807 4809 3
## 3551 press 4814 4815 2
## 3552 day 4817 4819 3
## 3553 fun 4821 4821 1
## 3554 examples 4823 4824 2
## 3555 museum 4826 4829 4
## 3556 grants 4831 4832 2
## 3557 endive 4834 4835 2
## 3558 We 4837 4837 1
## 3559 all 4838 4838 1
## 3560 things 4841 4842 2
## 3561 budget 4845 4846 2
## 3562 you 4850 4850 1
## 3563 someone 4852 4852 1
## 3564 you 4855 4855 1
## 3565 I 4859 4859 1
## 3566 it 4864 4864 1
## 3567 I 4867 4867 1
## 3568 what 4869 4869 1
## 3569 I 4870 4870 1
## 3570 it 4874 4874 1
## 3571 me 4878 4878 1
## 3572 thing 4879 4881 3
## 3573 Governors 4882 4883 2
## 3574 veto 4886 4890 5
## 3575 me 4894 4894 1
## 3576 you 4896 4896 1
## 3577 We 4901 4901 1
## 3578 end 4904 4905 2
## 3579 These 4912 4912 1
## 3580 requirements 4914 4915 2
## 3581 Congress 4916 4916 1
## 3582 cities 4919 4920 2
## 3583 counties 4922 4922 1
## 3584 States 4925 4925 1
## 3585 money 4928 4929 2
## 3586 Congress 4932 4932 1
## 3587 mandate 4934 4935 2
## 3588 it 4937 4937 1
## 3589 it 4944 4944 1
## 3590 cost 4947 4948 2
## 3591 savings 4950 4950 1
## 3592 mandate 4956 4957 2
## 3593 burden 4960 4963 4
## 3594 that 4966 4966 1
## 3595 taxes 4968 4969 2
## 3596 level 4971 4975 5
## 3597 Step 4978 4978 1
## 3598 Congress 4981 4981 1
## 3599 proposals 4984 4987 4
## 3600 that 4988 4988 1
## 3601 action 4992 4993 2
## 3602 reform 4995 4996 2
## 3603 reform 4998 5000 3
## 3604 reform 5002 5003 2
## 3605 strategy 5006 5009 4
## 3606 we 5015 5015 1
## 3607 family 5018 5019 2
## 3608 it 5021 5021 1
## 3609 family 5023 5024 2
## 3610 that 5025 5025 1
## 3611 bearing 5027 5029 3
## 3612 future 5031 5032 2
## 3613 Barbara 5035 5035 1
## 3614 baby 5037 5039 3
## 3615 arms 5041 5042 2
## 3616 children 5046 5046 1
## 3617 she 5048 5048 1
## 3618 person 5052 5053 2
## 3619 country 5055 5056 2
## 3620 Family 5058 5058 1
## 3621 I 5063 5063 1
## 3622 Commission 5067 5069 3
## 3623 Families 5071 5074 4
## 3624 I 5076 5076 1
## 3625 Ashcroft 5079 5083 5
## 3626 Chairman 5086 5086 1
## 3627 Strauss 5088 5092 5
## 3628 Cochair 5095 5095 1
## 3629 You 5097 5097 1
## 3630 I 5100 5100 1
## 3631 mayors 5102 5102 1
## 3632 mayors 5104 5106 3
## 3633 League 5108 5109 2
## 3634 Cities 5111 5111 1
## 3635 day 5114 5116 3
## 3636 House 5118 5120 3
## 3637 they 5123 5123 1
## 3638 me 5125 5125 1
## 3639 something 5126 5126 1
## 3640 They 5129 5129 1
## 3641 them 5135 5135 1
## 3642 Republican 5137 5137 1
## 3643 Democrat 5139 5139 1
## 3644 thing 5143 5144 2
## 3645 cause 5147 5149 3
## 3646 problems 5151 5152 2
## 3647 cities 5154 5155 2
## 3648 dissolution 5157 5158 2
## 3649 family 5160 5161 2
## 3650 They 5163 5163 1
## 3651 Commission 5166 5167 2
## 3652 they 5170 5170 1
## 3653 it 5176 5176 1
## 3654 time 5178 5178 1
## 3655 what 5181 5181 1
## 3656 we 5182 5182 1
## 3657 families 5187 5187 1
## 3658 sound 5192 5192 1
## 3659 thing 5197 5198 2
## 3660 we 5199 5199 1
## 3661 burden 5206 5207 2
## 3662 child 5210 5211 2
## 3663 I 5213 5213 1
## 3664 you 5215 5215 1
## 3665 exemption 5219 5221 3
## 3666 child 5226 5226 1
## 3667 family 5228 5229 2
## 3668 family 5232 5233 2
## 3669 kids 5235 5236 2
## 3670 that 5238 5238 1
## 3671 increase 5240 5241 2
## 3672 This 5246 5246 1
## 3673 start 5248 5250 3
## 3674 direction 5252 5254 3
## 3675 it 5257 5257 1
## 3676 what 5259 5259 1
## 3677 we 5260 5260 1
## 3678 It 5265 5265 1
## 3679 time 5267 5267 1
## 3680 families 5270 5270 1
## 3681 interest 5273 5274 2
## 3682 they 5275 5275 1
## 3683 loans 5278 5279 2
## 3684 I 5281 5281 1
## 3685 you 5284 5284 1
## 3686 that 5287 5288 2
## 3687 I 5291 5291 1
## 3688 you 5294 5294 1
## 3689 people 5297 5297 1
## 3690 money 5300 5300 1
## 3691 IRA 5302 5303 2
## 3692 expenses 5307 5310 4
## 3693 penalties 5314 5314 1
## 3694 I 5318 5318 1
## 3695 parents 5325 5326 2
## 3696 what 5327 5327 1
## 3697 they 5328 5328 1
## 3698 things 5332 5332 1
## 3699 country 5336 5337 2
## 3700 chances 5340 5340 1
## 3701 they 5346 5346 1
## 3702 welfare 5350 5350 1
## 3703 Americans 5352 5352 1
## 3704 people 5354 5357 4
## 3705 Earth 5359 5359 1
## 3706 we 5362 5362 1
## 3707 insight 5368 5369 2
## 3708 Roosevelt 5371 5372 2
## 3709 who 5373 5373 1
## 3710 he 5376 5376 1
## 3711 what 5379 5379 1
## 3712 program 5381 5383 3
## 3713 it 5387 5387 1
## 3714 destroyer 5396 5399 4
## 3715 spirit 5402 5403 2
## 3716 Welfare 5405 5405 1
## 3717 lifestyle 5411 5412 2
## 3718 It 5414 5414 1
## 3719 habit 5420 5421 2
## 3720 It 5423 5423 1
## 3721 generation 5431 5431 1
## 3722 generation 5433 5433 1
## 3723 legacy 5435 5436 2
## 3724 It 5438 5438 1
## 3725 time 5440 5440 1
## 3726 assumptions 5443 5444 2
## 3727 state 5446 5448 3
## 3728 system 5452 5454 3
## 3729 States 5457 5457 1
## 3730 country 5459 5460 2
## 3731 assumptions 5466 5467 2
## 3732 people 5470 5473 4
## 3733 assistance 5475 5476 2
## 3734 they 5478 5478 1
## 3735 responsibilities 5480 5480 1
## 3736 taxpayer 5482 5483 2
## 3737 responsibility 5485 5486 2
## 3738 work 5489 5489 1
## 3739 education 5491 5491 1
## 3740 training 5494 5495 2
## 3741 responsibility 5497 5498 2
## 3742 lives 5501 5502 2
## 3743 order 5504 5504 1
## 3744 responsibility 5506 5507 2
## 3745 families 5510 5511 2
## 3746 children 5517 5517 1
## 3747 wedlock 5520 5520 1
## 3748 responsibility 5523 5524 2
## 3749 law 5527 5528 2
## 3750 We 5530 5530 1
## 3751 movement 5535 5536 2
## 3752 reform 5540 5541 2
## 3753 regulations 5544 5546 3
## 3754 I 5548 5548 1
## 3755 process 5553 5554 2
## 3756 State 5559 5560 2
## 3757 that 5561 5561 1
## 3758 help 5564 5565 2
## 3759 I 5568 5568 1
## 3760 we 5574 5574 1
## 3761 changes 5576 5577 2
## 3762 we 5579 5579 1
## 3763 system 5584 5585 2
## 3764 intention 5588 5589 2
## 3765 you 5599 5599 1
## 3766 papers 5601 5602 2
## 3767 TV 5605 5605 1
## 3768 you 5607 5607 1
## 3769 rise 5612 5613 2
## 3770 kind 5617 5619 3
## 3771 ugliness 5621 5621 1
## 3772 comments 5623 5624 2
## 3773 - 5627 5627 1
## 3774 Semitism 5628 5628 1
## 3775 sense 5630 5632 3
## 3776 division 5634 5634 1
## 3777 this 5638 5638 1
## 3778 us 5641 5641 1
## 3779 This 5643 5643 1
## 3780 who 5646 5646 1
## 3781 we 5647 5647 1
## 3782 this 5651 5651 1
## 3783 you 5660 5660 1
## 3784 plan 5662 5663 2
## 3785 America 5665 5665 1
## 3786 I 5668 5668 1
## 3787 things 5672 5673 2
## 3788 I 5676 5676 1
## 3789 heart 5679 5680 2
## 3790 you 5681 5681 1
## 3791 what 5684 5684 1
## 3792 You 5689 5689 1
## 3793 it 5692 5692 1
## 3794 tradition 5694 5698 5
## 3795 skepticism 5701 5703 3
## 3796 institutions 5705 5707 3
## 3797 I 5709 5709 1
## 3798 myself 5710 5710 1
## 3799 process 5714 5716 3
## 3800 it 5721 5721 1
## 3801 way 5725 5726 2
## 3802 Congress 5728 5728 1
## 3803 You 5733 5733 1
## 3804 you 5738 5738 1
## 3805 that 5743 5743 1
## 3806 people 5752 5753 2
## 3807 They 5758 5758 1
## 3808 help 5760 5760 1
## 3809 mood 5766 5767 2
## 3810 us 5769 5769 1
## 3811 People 5771 5771 1
## 3812 talk 5778 5778 1
## 3813 decline 5780 5780 1
## 3814 Someone 5782 5782 1
## 3815 workers 5785 5786 2
## 3816 I 5793 5793 1
## 3817 You 5798 5798 1
## 3818 Armstrong 5801 5802 2
## 3819 moon 5805 5806 2
## 3820 men 5809 5810 2
## 3821 women 5812 5812 1
## 3822 who 5813 5813 1
## 3823 him 5815 5815 1
## 3824 farmer 5819 5821 3
## 3825 who 5822 5822 1
## 3826 country 5824 5825 2
## 3827 world 5827 5828 2
## 3828 men 5831 5832 2
## 3829 women 5834 5834 1
## 3830 Storm 5836 5837 2
## 3831 Moods 5840 5840 1
## 3832 endures 5846 5847 2
## 3833 Ours 5849 5849 1
## 3834 moment 5855 5856 2
## 3835 it 5857 5857 1
## 3836 dailiness 5865 5866 2
## 3837 lives 5868 5869 2
## 3838 we 5871 5871 1
## 3839 We 5874 5874 1
## 3840 nation 5878 5881 4
## 3841 Earth 5883 5883 1
## 3842 nation 5885 5887 3
## 3843 Earth 5889 5889 1
## 3844 nation 5891 5893 3
## 3845 Earth 5895 5895 1
## 3846 we 5898 5898 1
## 3847 occasion 5903 5904 2
## 3848 we 5907 5907 1
## 3849 Nation 5912 5913 2
## 3850 inch 5916 5918 3
## 3851 inch 5920 5920 1
## 3852 day 5922 5922 1
## 3853 day 5924 5924 1
## 3854 those 5927 5927 1
## 3855 who 5928 5928 1
## 3856 us 5931 5931 1
## 3857 step 5933 5934 2
## 3858 I 5938 5938 1
## 3859 times 5941 5942 2
## 3860 I 5945 5945 1
## 3861 vow 5947 5948 2
## 3862 This 5950 5950 1
## 3863 we 5959 5959 1
## 3864 miracle 5968 5972 5
## 3865 that 5973 5973 1
## 3866 hope 5980 5981 2
## 3867 world 5983 5984 2
## 3868 you 5987 5987 1
## 3869 God 5989 5989 1
## 3870 you 5991 5991 1
## 3871 God 5994 5994 1
## 3872 country 5996 5998 3
## 3873 you 6001 6001 1
5.3 First analyses
A common task in the quantitative analysis of text is to determine how documents differ from each other concerning word usage. This is usually achieved by identifying words that are particular for one document but not for another. These words are referred to by Monroe, Colaresi, and Quinn (2008) as fighting words or, by Grimmer, Roberts, and Stewart (2022), discriminating words. To use the techniques that will be presented today, an already existing organization of the documents is assumed.
The most simple approach to determine which words are more correlated to a certain group of documents is by merely counting them and determining their proportion in the document groups. For illustratory purposes, I use fairy tales from H.C. Andersen which are contained in the hcandersenr
fairytales <- hcandersen_en |>
filter(book %in% c("The princess and the pea",
"The little mermaid",
"The emperor's new suit"))
fairytales_tidy <- fairytales |>
unnest_tokens(token, text)
5.3.1 Counting words per document
For a first, naive analysis, I can merely count the times the terms appear in the texts. Since the text is in tidytext
format, I can do so using means from traditional tidyverse
packages. I will then visualize the results with a bar plot.
fairytales_top10 |>
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x = n, y = reorder_within(token, n, book))) +
scale_y_reordered() +
labs(y = "token") +
facet_wrap(vars(book), scales = "free") +
theme(strip.text.x = element_blank())
It is quite hard to draw inferences on which plot belongs to which book since the plots are crowded with stopwords. However, there are pre-made stopword lists I can harness to remove some of this “noise” and perhaps catch a bit more signal for determining the books.
# get_stopwords()
# stopwords_getsources()
# stopwords_getlanguages(source = "snowball")
fairytales_top10_nostop <- fairytales_tidy |>
anti_join(get_stopwords(), by = c("token" = "word")) |>
group_by(book) |>
count(token) |>
slice_max(n, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE)
fairytales_top10_nostop |>
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x = n, y = reorder_within(token, n, book))) +
scale_y_reordered() +
labs(y = "token") +
facet_wrap(vars(book), scales = "free_y") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks()) +
theme(strip.text.x = element_blank())
This already looks quite nice, it is quite easy to see which plot belongs to the respective book.
5.3.2 TF-IDF
A better definition of words that are particular to a group of documents is “the ones that appear often in one group but rarely in the other one(s)”. So far, the measure of term frequency only accounts for how often terms are used in the respective document. I can take into account how often it appears in other documents by including the inverse document frequency. The resulting measure is called tf-idf and describes “the frequency of a term adjusted for how rarely it is used.” (Silge and Robinson 2016: 31) If a term is rarely used overall but appears comparably often in a singular document, it might be safe to assume that it plays a bigger role in that document.
The tf-idf of a word in a document is commonly^[Note that multiple implementations exist, for an overview see, for instance, Manning, Raghavan, and Schütze (2008). One implementation is calculated as follows:
–> tfi,j: number of occurrences of term i in document j
–> dfi: number of documents containing i
–> N: total number of documents
Note that the ln is included so that words that appear in all documents – and do therefore not have discriminatory power – will automatically get a value of 0. This is because ln(1)=0. On the other hand, if a term appears in, say, 4 out of 20 documents, its ln(idf) is ln(20/4)=ln(5)=1.6.
The tidytext
package provides a neat implementation for calculating the tf-idf called bind_tfidf()
. It takes as input the columns containing the term
, the document
, and the document-term counts n
fairytales_top10_tfidf <- fairytales_tidy |>
group_by(book) |>
count(token) |>
bind_tf_idf(token, book, n) |>
slice_max(tf_idf, n = 10)
fairytales_top10_tfidf |>
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x = tf_idf, y = reorder_within(token, tf_idf, book))) +
scale_y_reordered() +
labs(y = "token") +
facet_wrap(vars(book), scales = "free") +
theme(strip.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
Pretty good already! All the fairytales can be clearly identified. A problem with this representation is that I cannot straightforwardly interpret the x-axis values (they can be removed by uncommenting the last four lines). A way to mitigate this is using odds.
Another shortcoming becomes visible when I take the terms with the highest TF-IDF as compared to all other fairytales.
tfidf_vs_full <- hcandersenr::hcandersen_en |>
unnest_tokens(output = token, input = text) |>
count(token, book) |>
bind_tf_idf(book, token, n) |>
filter(book %in% c("The princess and the pea",
"The little mermaid",
"The emperor's new suit"))
plot_tf_idf <- function(df, group_var){
df |>
group_by({{ group_var }}) |>
slice_max(tf_idf, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE) |>
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x = tf_idf, y = reorder_within(token, tf_idf, {{ group_var }}))) +
scale_y_reordered() +
labs(y = "token") +
facet_wrap(vars({{ group_var }}), scales = "free") +
#theme(strip.text.x = element_blank()) +
plot_tf_idf(tfidf_vs_full, book)
The tokens are far too specific to make any sense. Introducing a lower threshold (i.e., limiting the analysis to terms that appear at least x times in the document) might mitigate that. Yet, this threshold is of course arbitrary.
5.4 Converting between formats
While the tidytext
format lends itself nicely to “basic” operations and visualizations, you will have to use different representations of text data for other applications such as topic models or word embeddings. On the other hand, you might want to harness, for instance, the ggplot2
package for visualization. In this case, you will need to project the data into a tidy format. The former operations are performed using multiple cast_.*()
functions, the latter using the tidy()
function from the broom
package whose purpose is to bring data from foreign structures to tidy representations.
In the following, I will briefly explain common representations and the packages that use them. Thereby, I draw heavily on the chapter in Tidy Text Mining with R that is dedicated to the topic.
5.4.1 Document-term matrix
A document-term matrix contains rows that represent a document and columns that represent terms. The values usually correspond to how often the term appears in the respective document.
In R, a common implementation of DTMs is the DocumentTermMatrix
class in the tm
package. The topicmodels
package which we will use for performing LDA comes with a collection of example data.
## [1] "DocumentTermMatrix" "simple_triplet_matrix"
## <<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 2246, terms: 10473)>>
## Non-/sparse entries: 302031/23220327
## Sparsity : 99%
## Maximal term length: 18
## Weighting : term frequency (tf)
This data set contains 2246 Associated Press articles which consist of 10,473 different terms. Moreover, the matrix is 99% sparse, meaning that 99% of word-document pairs are zero. The weighting is by term frequency, hence the values correspond to the number of appearances a word has in an article.
## Terms
## Docs aaron abandon abandoned abandoning abbott abboud abc abcs abctvs abdomen
## [1,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## [2,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bringing these data into a tidy format is performed as follows:
## Rows: 302,031
## Columns: 3
## $ document <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1…
## $ term <chr> "adding", "adult", "ago", "alcohol", "allegedly", "allen", "a…
## $ count <dbl> 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1…
Transforming the data set into a DTM, the opposite operation, is achieved using cast_dtm(data, document, term, value)
associated_press_dfm <- associated_press_tidy |>
cast_dtm(document, term, count)
associated_press_dfm |>
head(2) |>
as.matrix() %>%
.[, 1:10]
## Terms
## Docs adding adult ago alcohol allegedly allen apparently appeared arrested
## 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
## 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
## Terms
## Docs assault
## 1 1
## 2 0
5.4.2 Document-feature matrix
The so-called document-feature matrix is the data format used in the quanteda
package. It is basically a document-term matrix, but the authors of the quanteda
package chose the term feature over term to be more accurate:
“We call them ‘features’ rather than terms, because features are more general than terms: they can be defined as raw terms, stemmed terms, the parts of speech of terms, terms after stopwords have been removed, or a dictionary class to which a term belongs. Features can be entirely general, such as ngrams or syntactic dependencies, and we leave this open-ended.”
data("data_corpus_inaugural", package = "quanteda")
inaug_dfm <- data_corpus_inaugural |>
quanteda::tokens() |>
quanteda::dfm(verbose = FALSE)
## Document-feature matrix of: 59 documents, 9,441 features (91.84% sparse) and 4 docvars.
## features
## docs fellow-citizens of the senate and house representatives :
## 1789-Washington 1 71 116 1 48 2 2 1
## 1793-Washington 0 11 13 0 2 0 0 1
## 1797-Adams 3 140 163 1 130 0 2 0
## 1801-Jefferson 2 104 130 0 81 0 0 1
## 1805-Jefferson 0 101 143 0 93 0 0 0
## 1809-Madison 1 69 104 0 43 0 0 0
## features
## docs among vicissitudes
## 1789-Washington 1 1
## 1793-Washington 0 0
## 1797-Adams 4 0
## 1801-Jefferson 1 0
## 1805-Jefferson 7 0
## 1809-Madison 0 0
## [ reached max_ndoc ... 53 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 9,431 more features ]
This, again, can just be tidy()
## Rows: 45,454
## Columns: 3
## $ document <chr> "1789-Washington", "1797-Adams", "1801-Jefferson", "1809-Madi…
## $ term <chr> "fellow-citizens", "fellow-citizens", "fellow-citizens", "fel…
## $ count <dbl> 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 5, 1, 11, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 71,…
Of course, the resulting tibble can now be cast back into the DFM format using cast_dfm(data, document, term, value)
. Here, the value corresponds to the number of appearances of the term in the respective document.
## Document-feature matrix of: 59 documents, 9,441 features (91.84% sparse) and 0 docvars.
## features
## docs fellow-citizens of the senate and house representatives :
## 1789-Washington 1 71 116 1 48 2 2 1
## 1797-Adams 3 140 163 1 130 0 2 0
## 1801-Jefferson 2 104 130 0 81 0 0 1
## 1809-Madison 1 69 104 0 43 0 0 0
## 1813-Madison 1 65 100 0 44 0 0 0
## 1817-Monroe 5 164 275 0 122 0 1 0
## features
## docs among vicissitudes
## 1789-Washington 1 1
## 1797-Adams 4 0
## 1801-Jefferson 1 0
## 1809-Madison 0 0
## 1813-Madison 1 0
## 1817-Monroe 3 0
## [ reached max_ndoc ... 53 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 9,431 more features ]
5.4.3 Corpus objects
Another common way of storing data is in so-called corpora. This is usually a collection of raw documents and metadata. An example would be the collection of State of the Union speeches we worked with earlier. The tm
package has a class for corpora.
## <<VCorpus>>
## Metadata: corpus specific: 0, document level (indexed): 0
## Content: documents: 50
It is basically a list containing different elements that refer to metadata or the content. This is a nice and effective framework for storing documents, yet it does not lend itself nicely for analysis with tidy tools. You can use tidy()
to clean it up a bit:
This results in a tibble that contains the relevant metadata and a text
column. A good point of departure for subsequent tidy analyses.
5.5 Further links
- Tidy text mining with R.
- A more general introduction by Christopher Bail.
- A guide to Using spacyr.
5.6 Exercises
5.6.1 Preprocessing
- Download Twitter timeline data (
timelines <- read_csv("") |> filter(!
. Let’s look at abortion-related tweets and how the language may differ between parties. Filter relevant tweets using a vector of keywords and a regular expression (hint:filter(str_detect(text, str_c(keywords, collapse = "|")))
). Preprocess the Tweets as follows:
- Unnest the tokens.
- Remove stop words.
- Perform stemming.
Solution. Click to expand!
keywords <- c("abortion", "prolife", " roe ", " wade ", "roevswade", "baby", "fetus", "womb", "prochoice", "leak")
preprocessed <- timelines |>
filter(str_detect(text, str_c(keywords, collapse = "|"))) |>
unnest_tokens(word, text) |>
anti_join(get_stopwords()) |>
mutate(stemmed = wordStem(word))
- Bonus: Perform the same steps, but using
. What works better, lemmatization or stemming?
Solution. Click to expand!
timelines_meta <- timelines |>
filter(str_detect(text, str_c(keywords, collapse = "|"))) |>
rowid_to_column("doc_id") |>
timelines_spacy <- timelines |>
filter(str_detect(text, str_c(keywords, collapse = "|"))) |>
select(text) |>
rowid_to_column("doc_id") |>
spacy_parse(entity = FALSE) |>
anti_join(get_stopwords(), by = c("token" = "word"))
- Count the terms per party.
- Do you see party-specific differences with regard to their ten most common terms (hint:
slice_max(tf_idf, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE)
Solution. Click to expand!
- Is there more words you should add to your stopwords list? Remove these terms using
and a regex.
Solution. Click to expand!
- Do the same thing but using the spacy output and filtering only
s andPROPN
Solution. Click to expand!
timelines_spacy |>
filter(pos %in% c("PROPN", "NOUN")) |>
left_join(timelines_meta |> mutate(doc_id = as.character(doc_id)), by = "doc_id") |>
count(token, party) |>
group_by(party) |>
slice_max(n, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE) |>
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x = n, y = reorder_within(token, n, party))) +
scale_y_reordered() +
labs(y = "token") +
facet_wrap(vars(party), scales = "free")
- Again, is there stuff to be removed? Do so using a Regex.
Solution. Click to expand!
timelines_spacy |>
filter(pos %in% c("PROPN", "NOUN"),
!str_detect(token, "^@|[^a-z]|^amp$")) |>
left_join(timelines_meta |> mutate(doc_id = as.character(doc_id)), by = "doc_id") |>
count(token, party) |>
group_by(party) |>
slice_max(n, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE) |>
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x = n, y = reorder_within(token, n, party))) +
scale_y_reordered() +
labs(y = "token") +
facet_wrap(vars(party), scales = "free")
- Do the same thing as in 3. but use TF-IDF instead of raw counts. How does this alter your results?
Solution. Click to expand!
df_tf_idf <- preprocessed |>
count(word, party) |>
bind_tf_idf(word, party, n) |>
group_by(party) |>
slice_max(tf_idf, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE)
df_tf_idf |>
group_by(party) |>
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x = tf_idf, y = reorder_within(word, tf_idf, party))) +
scale_y_reordered() +
labs(y = "token") +
facet_wrap(vars(party), scales = "free")
timelines_spacy |>
filter(pos %in% c("PROPN", "NOUN")) |>
left_join(timelines_meta |> mutate(doc_id = as.character(doc_id)), by = "doc_id") |>
count(token, party) |>
filter(str_detect(token, "[a-z]")) |>
filter(!str_detect(token, "^@")) |>
bind_tf_idf(token, party, n) |>
group_by(party) |>
slice_max(n, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE) |>
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x = tf_idf, y = reorder_within(token, tf_idf, party))) +
scale_y_reordered() +
labs(y = "token") +
facet_wrap(vars(party), scales = "free")
- What else could you have done in terms of pre-processing (think of the special characters and syntax Twitter uses here)?