Day 4 Text preprocessing

When working with data, a significant number of variables will be in some sort of text format. When you want to manipulate these variables, an easy approach would be exporting the data to MS Excel and then just performing those manipulations by hand. This is very time-consuming, though, and, hence, we rather recommend the R way which scales well and works fast for data sets of varying sizes.

Quick reminder: a string is an element of a character vector and can be created by simply wrapping some text in quotation marks:

string <- "Hi, how are you doing?"
vector_of_strings <- c("Hi, how are you doing?", "I'm doing well, HBY?", "Me too, thanks for asking.")

Note that you can either wrap your text in double quotation marks and use single ones in the string and vice versa:

single_ones <- "what's up"
double_ones <- 'he said: "I am fine"'

The stringr package (Wickham 2019) contains a multitude of commands (49 in total) that can be used to achieve a couple of things, mainly manipulating character vectors, and finding and matching patterns. These goals can also be achieved with base R functions, but stringr’s advantage is its consistency. The makers of stringr describe it as

A consistent, simple and easy-to-use set of wrappers around the fantastic stringi package. All function and argument names (and positions) are consistent, all functions deal with NA’s and zero-length vectors in the same way, and the output from one function is easy to feed into the input of another.

Every stringr function starts with str_ – which facilitates finding the proper command: just type str_ and RStudio’s auto-suggest function should take care of the rest (if it doesn’t pop up by itself, you can trigger it by hitting the tab key). Also, they take a vector of strings as their first argument, which facilitates using them in a %>%-pipeline and adding them to a mutate()-call.

One important component of stringr functions is regular expressions which will be introduced later as well.

4.1 Basic manipulations

In the following, we will introduce you to several different operations that can be performed on strings.

4.1.1 Changing the case of the words

A basic operation is changing words’ cases.

library(tidyverse) #stringr is part of the core tidyverse

## [1] "hi, how are you doing?"     "i'm doing well, hby?"      
## [3] "me too, thanks for asking."
## [1] "HI, HOW ARE YOU DOING?"     "I'M DOING WELL, HBY?"      
## [1] "Hi, How Are You Doing?"     "I'm Doing Well, Hby?"      
## [3] "Me Too, Thanks For Asking."
## [1] "Hi, how are you doing?"     "I'm doing well, hby?"      
## [3] "Me too, thanks for asking."

4.1.2 Determining a string’s length

Determining the string’s number of characters goes as follows:

## [1] 22 20 26

4.1.3 Extracting particular characters

Characters can be extracted (by position) using str_sub

str_sub(vector_of_strings, start = 1, end = 5) # extracting first to fifth character
## [1] "Hi, h" "I'm d" "Me to"
str_sub(vector_of_strings, start = -5, end = -1) # extracting fifth-to-last to last character
## [1] "oing?" " HBY?" "king."

You can also use str_sub() to replace strings. E.g., to replace the last character by a full stop, you can do the following:

str_sub(vector_of_strings, start = -1) <- "."
## [1] "Hi, how are you doing."     "I'm doing well, HBY."      
## [3] "Me too, thanks for asking."

However, in everyday use, you would probably go with str_replace() and regular expressions.

4.1.4 Concatenating strings

Similar to how c() puts together different elements (or vectors of length 1) and other vectors into a single vector, str_c() can be used to concatenate several strings into a single string. This can, for instance, be used to write some birthday invitations.

names <- c("Inger", "Peter", "Kalle", "Ingrid")

str_c("Hi", names, "I hope you're doing well. As per this letter, I invite you to my birthday party.")
## [1] "HiIngerI hope you're doing well. As per this letter, I invite you to my birthday party." 
## [2] "HiPeterI hope you're doing well. As per this letter, I invite you to my birthday party." 
## [3] "HiKalleI hope you're doing well. As per this letter, I invite you to my birthday party." 
## [4] "HiIngridI hope you're doing well. As per this letter, I invite you to my birthday party."

Well, this looks kind of ugly, as there are no spaces, and commas are lacking as well. You can fix that by determining a separator using the sep argument.

str_c("Hi", names, "I hope you're doing well. As per this letter, I invite you to my birthday party.", sep = ", ")
## [1] "Hi, Inger, I hope you're doing well. As per this letter, I invite you to my birthday party." 
## [2] "Hi, Peter, I hope you're doing well. As per this letter, I invite you to my birthday party." 
## [3] "Hi, Kalle, I hope you're doing well. As per this letter, I invite you to my birthday party." 
## [4] "Hi, Ingrid, I hope you're doing well. As per this letter, I invite you to my birthday party."

You could also collapse the strings contained in a vector together into one single string using the collapse argument.

str_c(names, collapse = ", ")
## [1] "Inger, Peter, Kalle, Ingrid"

This can also be achieved using the str_flatten() function.

str_flatten(names, collapse = ", ")
## [1] "Inger, Peter, Kalle, Ingrid"

4.1.5 Repetition

Repeating (or duplicating) strings is performed using str_dup(). The function takes two arguments: the string to be duplicated and the number of times.

str_dup("felix", 2)
## [1] "felixfelix"
str_dup("felix", 1:3)
## [1] "felix"           "felixfelix"      "felixfelixfelix"
str_dup(names, 2)
## [1] "IngerInger"   "PeterPeter"   "KalleKalle"   "IngridIngrid"
str_dup(names, 1:4)
## [1] "Inger"                    "PeterPeter"              
## [3] "KalleKalleKalle"          "IngridIngridIngridIngrid"

4.1.6 Removing unnecessary whitespaces

Often text contains unnecessary whitespaces.

unnecessary_whitespaces <- c("    on the left", "on the right    ", "    on both sides   ", "   literally    everywhere  ")

Removing the ones at the beginning of the end of a string can be accomplished using str_trim().

str_trim(unnecessary_whitespaces, side = "left")
## [1] "on the left"               "on the right    "         
## [3] "on both sides   "          "literally    everywhere  "
str_trim(unnecessary_whitespaces, side = "right")
## [1] "    on the left"            "on the right"              
## [3] "    on both sides"          "   literally    everywhere"
str_trim(unnecessary_whitespaces, side = "both") # the default option
## [1] "on the left"             "on the right"           
## [3] "on both sides"           "literally    everywhere"

str_trim() could not fix the last string though, where unnecessary whitespaces were also present in between words. Here, str_squish is more appropriate. It removes leading or trailing whitespaces as well as duplicated ones in between words.

## [1] "on the left"          "on the right"         "on both sides"       
## [4] "literally everywhere"

4.2 Regular expressions

Up to now, you have been introduced to the more basic functions of the stringr package. Those are useful, for sure, yet limited. However, to make use of the full potential of stringr, you will first have to acquaint yourself with regular expressions (also often abbreviated as “regex” with plural “regexes”).

Those regular expressions are patterns that can be used to describe certain strings. Exemplary use cases of regexes are the identification of phone numbers, email addresses, or whether a password you choose on a web page consists of enough characters, an uppercase character, and at least one special character. Hence, if you want to replace certain words with another one, you can write the proper regex and it will identify the strings you want to replace, and the stringr functions (i.e., str_replace()) will take care of the rest.

Before you dive into regexes, beware that they are quite complicated at the beginning5. Yet, mastering them is very rewarding and will pay off in the future.

4.2.1 Literal characters

The most basic regex patterns consist of literal characters only. str_view() tells you which parts of a string match a pattern is present in the element.

five_largest_cities <- c("Stockholm", "Göteborg", "Malmö", "Uppsala", "Västerås")

Note that regexes are case-sensitive.

str_view(five_largest_cities, "stockholm")
  • Stockholm
  • Göteborg
  • Malmö
  • Uppsala
  • Västerås
str_view(five_largest_cities, "Stockholm")
  • Stockholm
  • Göteborg
  • Malmö
  • Uppsala
  • Västerås

They also match parts of words:

str_view(five_largest_cities, "borg")
  • Stockholm
  • Göteborg
  • Malmö
  • Uppsala
  • Västerås

Moreover, they are “greedy,” they only match the first occurrence (in “Stockholm”):

str_view(five_largest_cities, "o")
  • Stockholm
  • Göteborg
  • Malmö
  • Uppsala
  • Västerås

This can be addressed in the stringr package by using str_._all() functions – but more on that later.

If you want to match multiple literal characters (or words, for that sake), you can connect them using the | meta character (more on meta characters later).

str_view(five_largest_cities, "Stockholm|Göteborg")
  • Stockholm
  • Göteborg
  • Malmö
  • Uppsala
  • Västerås

Every letter of the English alphabet (or number/or combination of those) can serve as a literal character. Those literal characters match themselves. This is, however, not the case with the other sort of characters, so-called meta characters.

4.2.2 Metacharacters

When using regexes, the following characters are considered meta characters and have a special meaning:

. \ | ( ) { } [ ] ^ $ - * + ? The wildcard

Did you notice how we used the dot to refer to the entirety of the str_._all() functions? This is basically what the . meta-character does: it matches every character except for a new line. The first call extracts all function names from the stringr package, the second one shows the matches (i.e., the elements of the vector where it can find the pattern).

stringr_functions <- ls("package:stringr")

str_detect(stringr_functions, "str_._all")

Well, as you can see, there are none. This is because the . can only replace one character. We need some sort of multiplier to find them. The ones available are:

  • ? – zero or one
  • * – zero or more
  • + – one or more
  • {n} – exactly n
  • {n,} – n or more
  • {n,m} – between n and m

In our case, the appropriate one is +:

str_detect(stringr_functions, "str_.+_all")

However, if you want to match the character “.”? This problem may arise when searching for clock time. A naive regex might look like this:

vectors_with_time <- c("13500", "13M00", "13.00")

str_detect(vectors_with_time, "13.00")

Yet, it matches everything. We need some sort of literal dot. Here, the metacharacter \ comes in handy. By putting it in front of the metacharacter, it no longer has its special meaning and is interpreted as a literal character. This procedure is referred to as “escaping.” Hence, \ is also referred to as the “escape character.” Note that you will need to escape \ as well, and therefore it will look like this: \\..

str_detect(vectors_with_time, "13\\.00")

4.2.3 Sets of characters

You can also define sets of multiple characters using the [ ] meta characters. This can be used to define multiple possible characters that can appear in the same place.

sp_ce <- c("spice", "space")

str_view(sp_ce, "sp[ai]ce")
  • spice
  • space

You can also define certain ranges of characters using the - metacharacter:

Same holds for numbers:

american_phone_number <- "(555) 555-1234"

str_view(american_phone_number, "\\([:digit:]{3}\\) [0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}")
  • (555) 555-1234

There are also predefined sets of characters, for instance, digits or letters, which are called character classes. You can find them on the stringr cheatsheet.

Furthermore, you can put almost every meta character inside the square brackets without escaping them. This does not apply to the caret (^) in the first position, the dash -, the closing square bracket ], and the backslash \.

str_view(vector_of_strings, "[.]")
  • Hi, how are you doing.
  • I'm doing well, HBY.
  • Me too, thanks for asking. Negating sets of characters

Sometimes you will also want to exclude certain sets of characters or words. To achieve this, you can use the ^ meta character at the beginning of the range or set you are defining.

str_view(sp_ce, "sp[^i]ce")
  • spice
  • space

4.2.4 Anchors

There is also a way to define whether you want the pattern to be present in the beginning ^ or at the end $ of a string. sentences are a couple of (i.e., 720) predefined example sentences. If we were now interested in the number of sentences that begin with a “the,” we could write the following regex:

shortened_sentences <- sentences[1:10]

str_view(shortened_sentences, "^The") 
  • The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks.
  • Glue the sheet to the dark blue background.
  • It's easy to tell the depth of a well.
  • These days a chicken leg is a rare dish.
  • Rice is often served in round bowls.
  • The juice of lemons makes fine punch.
  • The box was thrown beside the parked truck.
  • The hogs were fed chopped corn and garbage.
  • Four hours of steady work faced us.
  • Large size in stockings is hard to sell.

If we wanted to know how many start with a “The” and end with a full stop, we could do this one:

str_view(shortened_sentences, "^The.+\\.$") 
  • The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks.
  • Glue the sheet to the dark blue background.
  • It's easy to tell the depth of a well.
  • These days a chicken leg is a rare dish.
  • Rice is often served in round bowls.
  • The juice of lemons makes fine punch.
  • The box was thrown beside the parked truck.
  • The hogs were fed chopped corn and garbage.
  • Four hours of steady work faced us.
  • Large size in stockings is hard to sell. Boundaries

Note that right now, the regex also matches the sentence which starts with a “These.” To address this, we need to tell the machine that it should only accept a “The” if there starts a new word thereafter. In regex syntax, this is done using so-called boundaries. Those are defined as \b as a word boundary and \B as no word boundary. (Note that you will need an additional escape character as you will have to escape the escape character itself.)

In my example, we would include the former if we were to search for sentences that begin with a single “The” and the latter if we were to search for sentences that begin with a word that starts with a “The” but are not “The” – such as “These.”

str_view(shortened_sentences, "^The\\b.+\\.$") 
  • The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks.
  • Glue the sheet to the dark blue background.
  • It's easy to tell the depth of a well.
  • These days a chicken leg is a rare dish.
  • Rice is often served in round bowls.
  • The juice of lemons makes fine punch.
  • The box was thrown beside the parked truck.
  • The hogs were fed chopped corn and garbage.
  • Four hours of steady work faced us.
  • Large size in stockings is hard to sell.
str_view(shortened_sentences, "^The\\B.+\\.$") 
  • The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks.
  • Glue the sheet to the dark blue background.
  • It's easy to tell the depth of a well.
  • These days a chicken leg is a rare dish.
  • Rice is often served in round bowls.
  • The juice of lemons makes fine punch.
  • The box was thrown beside the parked truck.
  • The hogs were fed chopped corn and garbage.
  • Four hours of steady work faced us.
  • Large size in stockings is hard to sell. Lookarounds

A final common task is to extract certain words or values based on what comes before or after them. Look at the following example:

heights <- c("1m30cm", "2m01cm", "3m10cm")

Here, to identify the height in meters, the first task is to identify all the numbers that are followed by an “m”. The regex syntax for this looks like this: A(?=pattern) with A being the entity that is supposed to be found (hence, in this case, [0-9]+).

str_view(heights, "[0-9]+(?=m)")
  • 1m30cm
  • 2m01cm
  • 3m10cm

The second step now is to identify the centimeters. This could of course be achieved using the same regex and replacing m with cm. However, we can also harness a so-called negative look ahead A(?!pattern), a so-called look behind (?<=pattern)A. The negative counterpart, the negative look behind (?<!pattern)A could be used to extract the meters.

The negative lookahead returns everything that is not followed by the defined pattern. The look behind returns everything that is preceded by the pattern, the negative look behind returns everything that is not preceded by the pattern.

In the following, we demonstrate how you could extract the centimeters using negative look ahead and look behind.

str_view(heights, "[0-9]+(?!m)") # negative look ahead
  • 1m30cm
  • 2m01cm
  • 3m10cm
str_view(heights, "(?<=m)[0-9]+") # look behind
  • 1m30cm
  • 2m01cm
  • 3m10cm

4.3 More advanced string manipulation

Now that you have learned about regexes, you can unleash the full power of stringr.

The basic syntax of a stringr function looks as follows: str_.*(string, regex("")). Some stringr functions also have the suffix _all which implies that they operate not only on the first match (“greedy”) but on every match.

To demonstrate the different functions, we will again rely on the subset of example sentences.

4.3.1 Detect matches

str_detect can be used to determine whether a certain pattern is present in the string.

str_detect(shortened_sentences, "The\\b")

This also works very well in a dplyr::filter() call. Finding all action movies in the IMDB data set can be solved like this:

imdb_raw <- read_csv("")
## Rows: 1000 Columns: 12
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (5): Title, Genre, Description, Director, Actors
## dbl (7): Rank, Year, Runtime (Minutes), Rating, Votes, Revenue (Millions), M...
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
imdb_raw %>% 
  filter(str_detect(Genre, "Action"))
## # A tibble: 303 × 12
##     Rank Title   Genre Description Director Actors  Year `Runtime (Minu…` Rating
##    <dbl> <chr>   <chr> <chr>       <chr>    <chr>  <dbl>            <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1     1 Guardi… Acti… A group of… James G… Chris…  2014              121    8.1
##  2     5 Suicid… Acti… A secret g… David A… Will …  2016              123    6.2
##  3     6 The Gr… Acti… European m… Yimou Z… Matt …  2016              103    6.1
##  4     9 The Lo… Acti… A true-lif… James G… Charl…  2016              141    7.1
##  5    13 Rogue … Acti… The Rebel … Gareth … Felic…  2016              133    7.9
##  6    15 Coloss… Acti… Gloria is … Nacho V… Anne …  2016              109    6.4
##  7    18 Jason … Acti… The CIA's … Paul Gr… Matt …  2016              123    6.7
##  8    25 Indepe… Acti… Two decade… Roland … Liam …  2016              120    5.3
##  9    27 Bahuba… Acti… In ancient… S.S. Ra… Prabh…  2015              159    8.3
## 10    30 Assass… Acti… When Callu… Justin … Micha…  2016              115    5.9
## # … with 293 more rows, and 3 more variables: Votes <dbl>,
## #   `Revenue (Millions)` <dbl>, Metascore <dbl>

If you want to know whether there are multiple matches present in each string, you can use str_count. Here, it might be advisable to set the ignore_case option to TRUE:

str_count(shortened_sentences, regex("the\\b", ignore_case = TRUE))
##  [1] 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0

If you want to locate the match in the string, use str_locate. This returns a matrix, which is a vector of multiple dimensions.

str_locate(shortened_sentences, regex("The\\b", ignore_case = TRUE))
##       start end
##  [1,]     1   3
##  [2,]     6   8
##  [3,]    19  21
##  [4,]    NA  NA
##  [5,]    NA  NA
##  [6,]     1   3
##  [7,]     1   3
##  [8,]     1   3
##  [9,]    NA  NA
## [10,]    NA  NA

Moreover, this is a good example for the greediness of stringr functions. Hence, it is advisable to use str_locate_all which returns a list with one matrix for each element of the original vector:

str_locate_all(shortened_sentences, regex("The\\b", ignore_case = TRUE)) %>% .[1:3]
## [[1]]
##      start end
## [1,]     1   3
## [2,]    25  27
## [[2]]
##      start end
## [1,]     6   8
## [2,]    19  21
## [[3]]
##      start end
## [1,]    19  21

4.3.2 Mutating strings

Mutating strings usually implies the replacement of certain elements (e.g., words) with other elements (or removing them, which is a special case of replacing them with nothing). In stringr this is performed using str_replace(string, pattern, replacement) and str_replace_all(string, pattern, replacement).

If we wanted, for instance, to replace the first occurrence of “m” letters with “meters,” we would go about this the following way:

str_replace(heights, "m", "meters")
## [1] "1meters30cm" "2meters01cm" "3meters10cm"

Note that str_replace_all would have lead to the following outcome:

str_replace_all(heights, "m", "meters")
## [1] "1meters30cmeters" "2meters01cmeters" "3meters10cmeters"

However, we also want to replace the “cm” with “centimeters,” hence, we can harness another feature of str_replace_all(), providing multiple replacements:

str_replace_all(heights, c("m" = "meters", "cm" = "centimeters"))
## [1] "1meters30centimeterseters" "2meters01centimeterseters"
## [3] "3meters10centimeterseters"

What becomes obvious is that a “simple” regex containing just literal characters more often than not does not suffice. It will be your task to fix this. And while on it, you can also address the meter/meters problem – a “1” needs meter instead of meters. Another feature is that the replacements are performed in order. You can harness this for solving the problem.

Solution. Click to expand!


str_replace_all(heights, c("(?<=[2-9]{1})m" = "meters", "(?<=[0-9]{2})m" = "meters", "(?<=1)m" = "meter", "(?<=01)cm$" = "centimeter", "cm$" = "centimeters"))
## [1] "1meter30centimeters"  "2meters01centimeter"  "3meters10centimeters"

4.3.3 Extracting text

str_extract(_all)() can be used to extract matching strings. In the mtcars data set, the first word describes the car brand. Here, we harness another regex, the \\w which stands for any word character. Its opponent is \\W for any non-word character.

mtcars %>% 
  rownames_to_column(var = "car_model") %>% 
  transmute(manufacturer = str_extract(car_model, "^\\w+\\b")) %>% 
##   manufacturer
## 1        Mazda
## 2        Mazda
## 3       Datsun
## 4       Hornet
## 5       Hornet
## 6      Valiant

4.3.4 Split vectors

Another use case here would have been to split it into two columns: manufacturer and model. One approach would be to use str_split(). This function splits the string at every occurrence of the predefined pattern. In this example, we use a word boundary as the pattern:

manufacturer_model <- rownames(mtcars)
str_split(manufacturer_model, " ") %>% 
## [[1]]
## [1] "Mazda" "RX4"  
## [[2]]
## [1] "Mazda" "RX4"   "Wag"  
## [[3]]
## [1] "Datsun" "710"   
## [[4]]
## [1] "Hornet" "4"      "Drive" 
## [[5]]
## [1] "Hornet"     "Sportabout"
## [[6]]
## [1] "Valiant"

This outputs a list containing the different singular words/special characters. This doesn’t make sense in this case. Here, however, the structure of the string is always roughly the same: “manufacturermodeldescription”. Moreover, the manufacturer is only one word. Hence, the task can be fixed by splitting the string after the first word, which should indicate the manufacturer. This can be accomplished using str_split_fixed(). Fixed means that the number of splits is predefined. This returns a matrix that can easily become a tibble.

str_split_fixed(manufacturer_model, "(?<=\\w)\\b", n = 2) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  rename(manufacturer = V1,
         model = V2) %>% 
  mutate(model = str_squish(model))
## Warning: The `x` argument of `as_tibble.matrix()` must have unique column names if `.name_repair` is omitted as of tibble 2.0.0.
## Using compatibility `.name_repair`.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
## # A tibble: 32 × 2
##    manufacturer model       
##    <chr>        <chr>       
##  1 Mazda        "RX4"       
##  2 Mazda        "RX4 Wag"   
##  3 Datsun       "710"       
##  4 Hornet       "4 Drive"   
##  5 Hornet       "Sportabout"
##  6 Valiant      ""          
##  7 Duster       "360"       
##  8 Merc         "240D"      
##  9 Merc         "230"       
## 10 Merc         "280"       
## # … with 22 more rows

4.4 Featurization of text

After having learned about the basics of string manipulation, we are now turning to how you can turn your collection of documents, your corpus, into a representation that lends itself nicely to quantitative analyses of text. There are a couple of packages around which you can use for text mining, such as quanteda (Benoit et al. 2018), tm (Feinerer, Hornik, and Meyer 2008), and tidytext (Silge and Robinson 2016), the latter being probably the most recent addition to them. A larger overview of relevant packages can be found on this CRAN Task View.

As you could probably tell from its name, tidytext obeys the tidy data principles6. “Every observation is a row” translates here to “every token has its own row” – “token” not necessarily relating to a singular term, but also so-called n-grams. In the following, we will demonstrate what text mining using tidy principles can look like in R. For this, we will first cover the preprocessing of text using tidy data principles. Thereafter, we will delve into more advanced preprocessing such as the lemmatization of words and part-of-speech (POS) tagging using spaCy (Honnibal and Montani 2017). Finally, different R packages are using different representations of text data. Depending on the task at hand, you will therefore have to be able to transform the data into the proper format. This will be covered in the final part.

4.4.1 Pre-processing with tidytext

The sotu package contains all of the so-called “State of the Union” addresses – the president gives them to the congress annually – since 1790.


sotu_raw <- sotu_meta %>% 
  bind_cols(sotu_text) %>% 
  rename(text = `...6`) %>% 
  distinct(text, .keep_all = TRUE)

sotu_raw %>% glimpse()
## Rows: 236
## Columns: 6
## $ president    <chr> "George Washington", "George Washington", "George Washing…
## $ year         <int> 1790, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, 179…
## $ years_active <chr> "1789-1793", "1789-1793", "1789-1793", "1789-1793", "1793…
## $ party        <chr> "Nonpartisan", "Nonpartisan", "Nonpartisan", "Nonpartisan…
## $ sotu_type    <chr> "speech", "speech", "speech", "speech", "speech", "speech…
## $ text         <chr> "Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and House of Representativ…

Now that the data are read in, we need to put them into the proper format and clean them. For this purpose, we take a look at the first entry of the tibble.

sotu_raw %>% slice(1) %>% pull(text) %>% str_sub(1, 500)
## [1] "Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives: \n\nI embrace with great satisfaction the opportunity which now presents itself of congratulating you on the present favorable prospects of our public affairs. The recent accession of the important state of North Carolina to the Constitution of the United States (of which official information has been received), the rising credit and respectability of our country, the general and increasing good will toward the government of the Union, an" unnest_tokens()

we will focus on the 20th-century SOTUs. Here, the dplyr::between() function comes in handy.

sotu_20cent_raw <- sotu_raw %>% 
  filter(between(year, 1900, 2000))

In a first step, we bring the data into a form that facilitates manipulation: a tibble. For this, we use tidytext’s unnest_tokens() function. It breaks the corpus up into tokens – the respective words. In English, words are separated by whitespace. Therefore, tokenization could also be achieved doing str_split(sep = " "). `


toy_example <- tibble(
  text = "Look, this is a brief example for how tokenization works."

toy_example %>% 
  pull(text) %>% 
  str_split(pattern = " ") 
## [[1]]
##  [1] "Look,"        "this"         "is"           "a"            "brief"       
##  [6] "example"      "for"          "how"          "tokenization" "works."
toy_example %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = token, 
                input = text)
## # A tibble: 10 × 1
##    token       
##    <chr>       
##  1 look        
##  2 this        
##  3 is          
##  4 a           
##  5 brief       
##  6 example     
##  7 for         
##  8 how         
##  9 tokenization
## 10 works

Note that unnest_tokens() already reduces complexity for us by removing the comma and the full-stop and making everything lower-case.

is_equal <- function(x, y) x == y
  toy_example %>% 
    pull(text) %>% 
    str_split(pattern = " ") %>% 
    reduce(c) %>% 
    str_remove_all("[:punct:]") %>% 
  toy_example %>% 
    unnest_tokens(output = token, 
                  input = text) %>% 
sotu_20cent_tokenized <- sotu_20cent_raw %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = token, input = text)
## Rows: 911,321
## Columns: 6
## $ president    <chr> "William McKinley", "William McKinley", "William McKinley…
## $ year         <int> 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 190…
## $ years_active <chr> "1897-1901", "1897-1901", "1897-1901", "1897-1901", "1897…
## $ party        <chr> "Republican", "Republican", "Republican", "Republican", "…
## $ sotu_type    <chr> "written", "written", "written", "written", "written", "w…
## $ token        <chr> "to", "the", "senate", "and", "house", "of", "representat…

The new tibble consists of 911321 rows. Please note that usually, you have to put some sort of id column into your original tibble before tokenizing it, e.g., by giving each case – representing a document, or chapter, or whatever – a separate id (e.g., using tibble::rowid_to_column()). This does not apply here, because my original tibble came with a bunch of metadata (president, year, party) which serve as sufficient identifiers.

unnest_ngrams() can be used to split the text into ngrams.

sotu_20cent_raw %>% 
  unnest_ngrams(output = ngrams, input = text, n = 3L, n_min = 2L)
## # A tibble: 1,822,315 × 6
##    president         year years_active party      sotu_type ngrams              
##    <chr>            <int> <chr>        <chr>      <chr>     <chr>               
##  1 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   to the              
##  2 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   to the senate       
##  3 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   the senate          
##  4 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   the senate and      
##  5 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   senate and          
##  6 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   senate and house    
##  7 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   and house           
##  8 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   and house of        
##  9 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   house of            
## 10 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   house of representa…
## # … with 1,822,305 more rows Removal of unnecessary content

The next step is to remove stop words – they are not necessary for the analyses we want to perform. The stopwords (Benoit, Muhr, and Watanabe 2020) package has a nice list for English.


stopwords_vec <- stopwords(language = "en")
#stopwords(language = "de") # the german equivalent
#stopwords_getlanguages() # find the languages that are available

Removing the stop words now is straight-forward:

sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords <- sotu_20cent_tokenized %>% 
  filter(!token %in% stopwords_vec)

Another thing we forgot to remove are digits. They do not matter for the analyses either:

sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords_nonumbers <- sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords %>% 
  filter(!str_detect(token, "[:digit:]"))

The corpus now contains 19263 different tokens, the so-called “vocabulary.” 1848 tokens were removed from the vocuabulary. This translates to a signifiant reduction in corpus size though, the new tibble only consists of 464271 rows, basically a 50 percent reduction. Stemming

To decrease the complexity of the vocabulary even further, we can reduce the tokens to their stem using the SnowballC package and its function wordStem():


love_vec <- c("loves", "loved", "lover")
## [1] "love"  "love"  "lover"
sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords_nonumbers_stemmed <- sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords_nonumbers %>% 
  mutate(token_stemmed = wordStem(token, language = "en"))

#SnowballC::getStemLanguages() # if you want to know the abbreviations for other languages as well

Maybe we should also remove insignificant words, i.e., ones that appear less than 0.1 percent of the time.

sotu_20cent_tokenized_nostopwords_nonumbers_stemmed %>% 
  group_by(token) %>% 
  filter(n() > nrow(.)/10000)
## # A tibble: 355,225 × 7
## # Groups:   token [1,873]
##    president         year years_active party      sotu_type token  token_stemmed
##    <chr>            <int> <chr>        <chr>      <chr>     <chr>  <chr>        
##  1 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   senate senat        
##  2 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   house  hous         
##  3 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   repre… repres       
##  4 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   old    old          
##  5 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   new    new          
##  6 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   centu… centuri      
##  7 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   begin  begin        
##  8 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   last   last         
##  9 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   sessi… session      
## 10 William McKinley  1900 1897-1901    Republican written   fifty  fifti        
## # … with 355,215 more rows

These steps have brought down the vocabulary from 19263 to 19263. In a nutshell

Well, all those things could also be summarized in one nice cleaning pipeline:

sotu_20cent_clean <- sotu_raw %>% 
  filter(between(year, 1900, 2000)) %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = token, input = text) %>% 
  anti_join(get_stopwords(), by = c("token" = "word")) %>% 
  filter(!str_detect(token, "[:digit:]")) %>% 
  mutate(token = wordStem(token, language = "en")) %>% 
  group_by(token) %>% 
  filter(n() > nrow(.)/1000)

Now we have created a nice tibble containing the SOTU addresses of the 20th century in a tidy format. This is a great point of departure for subsequent analyses.

4.5 Preprocessing with spaCy

Similar things (and more!) can also be achieved with spaCy (Honnibal and Montani 2017). spacyr (Benoit and Matsuo 2020) is an R wrapper around the spaCy Python package and, therefore, a bit tricky to install at first, you can find instructions here.

The functionalities spacyr offers you are the following7:

  • parsing texts into tokens or sentences;
  • lemmatizing tokens;
  • parsing dependencies (to identify the grammatical structure of the sentence); and
  • identifying, extracting, or consolidating token sequences that form named entities or noun phrases.

In brief, preprocessing with spacyr is computationally more expensive than using, for instance, tidytext, but will give you more accurate lemmatization instead of “stupid,” rule-based stemming.. Also, it allows you to break up documents into smaller entities, sentences, which might be more suitable, e.g., as input for classifiers (since sentences tend to be about one topic, they allow for more fine-grained analyses). Part-of-speech (POS) tagging provides you with the functions of the different terms within the sentence. This might prove useful for tasks such as sentiment analysis. The final task spacyr can help you with is Named Entity Recognition (NER) which can be used for tasks such as sampling relevant documents. Since it is a wrapper for a Python package, it requires a Python environment that is correctly set up and connected to RStudio. Setting this up is usually a bit finicky, you can find the instructions online.

4.5.1 Initializing spacy

Before using spacyr, it needs to be initialized. What happens during this process is that R opens a connection to Python so that it can then run the spacyr functions in Python’s spaCy. Once you have set up everything properly, you can initialize it using spacy_initialize(model). Different language models can be specified and an overview can be found here. Note that a process of spaCy is started when you spacy_initialize() and continues running in the background. Hence, once you don’t need it anymore, or want to load a different model, you should spacy_finalize().


spacy_initialize(model = "en_core_web_sm")
## Found 'spacy_condaenv'. spacyr will use this environment
## successfully initialized (spaCy Version: 3.3.0, language model: en_core_web_sm)
## (python options: type = "condaenv", value = "spacy_condaenv")
# to download a new model -- here: French
#spacy_finalize() # closes the connection
#spacy_download_langmodel(model = "fr_core_news_sm")
#spacy_initialize(model = "fr_core_news_sm") #check that it has worked

#spacy_initialize(model = "de_core_web_sm") # for German

4.5.2 spacy_parse()

spacyr’s main function is spacy_parse(). It takes a character vector or TIF-compliant data frame. The latter is a tibble containing at least two columns, one named doc_id with unique document ids and one named text, containing the respective documents.


tif_toy_example <- tibble(
  doc_id = "doc1",
  text = "Look, this is a brief example for how tokenization works. This second sentence allows me to demonstrate another functionality of spacy."
## [1] TRUE
toy_example_vec <- tif_toy_example$text

The output of spacy_parse() looks as follows:

sotu_speeches_tif <- sotu_20cent_raw %>% 
  mutate(doc_id = str_c("sotu", year, sep = "_"))

sotu_parsed <- spacy_parse(sotu_speeches_tif %>% slice(1:3),
                           pos = TRUE,
                           tag = TRUE,
                           lemma = TRUE,
                           entity = TRUE,
                           dependency = TRUE,
                           nounphrase = TRUE,
                           multithread = TRUE)

sotu_parsed %>% head(10)
##       doc_id sentence_id token_id           token           lemma   pos  tag
## 1  sotu_1900           1        1           \n\n            \n\n  SPACE  _SP
## 2  sotu_1900           1        2              To              to   ADP   IN
## 3  sotu_1900           1        3             the             the   DET   DT
## 4  sotu_1900           1        4          Senate          Senate PROPN  NNP
## 5  sotu_1900           1        5             and             and CCONJ   CC
## 6  sotu_1900           1        6           House           House PROPN  NNP
## 7  sotu_1900           1        7              of              of   ADP   IN
## 8  sotu_1900           1        8 Representatives Representatives PROPN NNPS
## 9  sotu_1900           1        9               :               : PUNCT    :
## 10 sotu_1900           1       10            \n\n            \n\n SPACE  _SP
##    head_token_id dep_rel entity nounphrase whitespace
## 1              2     dep                        FALSE
## 2             25    prep                         TRUE
## 3              4     det               beg       TRUE
## 4              2    pobj  ORG_B   end_root       TRUE
## 5              4      cc                         TRUE
## 6              4    conj  ORG_B   beg_root       TRUE
## 7              6    prep  ORG_I                  TRUE
## 8              7    pobj  ORG_I   beg_root      FALSE
## 9              2   punct                         TRUE
## 10             2     dep                        FALSE

Note that this is already fairly similar to the output of tidytext’s unnest_tokens() function. The advantages are that the lemmas are more accurate, that we have a new sub-entity – sentences –, and that there is now more information on the type and meanings of the words.

4.5.3 POS tags, NER, and noun phrases

The abbreviations in the pos column follow the format of Universal POS tags. Entities can be extracted by passing the parsed object on to entity_extract().

entity_extract(sotu_parsed, type = "all") %>% head(10)
##       doc_id sentence_id                              entity entity_type
## 1  sotu_1900           1                              Senate         ORG
## 2  sotu_1900           1            House_of_Representatives         ORG
## 3  sotu_1900           1                     the_new_century        DATE
## 4  sotu_1900           1                       Fifty_-_sixth        DATE
## 5  sotu_1900           1                            Congress         ORG
## 6  sotu_1900           1                          Republican        NORP
## 7  sotu_1900           2                            American        NORP
## 8  sotu_1900           4                        Constitution         LAW
## 9  sotu_1900           6 one_hundred_and_twenty_-_four_years    CARDINAL
## 10 sotu_1900           7                               Sixth     ORDINAL

The following entities are recognized (overview taken from this article):

  • PERSON: People, including fictional.
  • NORP: Nationalities or religious or political groups.
  • FAC: Buildings, airports, highways, bridges, etc.
  • ORG: Companies, agencies, institutions, etc.
  • GPE: Countries, cities, states.
  • LOC: Non-GPE locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water.
  • PRODUCT: Objects, vehicles, foods, etc. (Not services.)
  • EVENT: Named hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc.
  • WORK_OF_ART: Titles of books, songs, etc.
  • LAW: Named documents made into laws.
  • LANGUAGE: Any named language.
  • DATE: Absolute or relative dates or periods.
  • TIME: Times smaller than a day.
  • PERCENT: Percentage, including “%”.
  • MONEY: Monetary values, including unit.
  • QUANTITY: Measurements, as of weight or distance.
  • ORDINAL: “first,” “second,” etc.
  • CARDINAL: Numerals that do not fall under another type.

To properly represent entities in our corpus, you can use entity_consolidate(). This collapses words that belong to the same entity into single tokens (e.g., “the” “white” “house” becomes “the_white_house”).

entity_consolidate(sotu_parsed) %>% head(10)
## Note: removing head_token_id, dep_rel for named entities
##       doc_id sentence_id token_id                    token
## 1  sotu_1900           1        1                    \n\n 
## 2  sotu_1900           1        2                       To
## 3  sotu_1900           1        3                      the
## 4  sotu_1900           1        4                   Senate
## 5  sotu_1900           1        5                      and
## 6  sotu_1900           1        6 House_of_Representatives
## 7  sotu_1900           1        7                        :
## 8  sotu_1900           1        8                     \n\n
## 9  sotu_1900           1        9                       At
## 10 sotu_1900           1       10                      the
##                       lemma    pos    tag entity_type
## 1                     \n\n   SPACE    _SP            
## 2                        to    ADP     IN            
## 3                       the    DET     DT            
## 4                    Senate ENTITY ENTITY         ORG
## 5                       and  CCONJ     CC            
## 6  House_of_Representatives ENTITY ENTITY         ORG
## 7                         :  PUNCT      :            
## 8                      \n\n  SPACE    _SP            
## 9                        at    ADP     IN            
## 10                      the    DET     DT

The same can be performed with noun phrases.

nounphrase_extract(sotu_parsed) %>% head(10)
##       doc_id sentence_id               nounphrase
## 1  sotu_1900           1               the_Senate
## 2  sotu_1900           1                    House
## 3  sotu_1900           1          Representatives
## 4  sotu_1900           1             the_outgoing
## 5  sotu_1900           1             the_incoming
## 6  sotu_1900           1          the_new_century
## 7  sotu_1900           1                      you
## 8  sotu_1900           1         the_last_session
## 9  sotu_1900           1 the_Fifty-sixth_Congress
## 10 sotu_1900           1                evidences

Usually, entities and noun phrases can give you a good idea of what texts are about. Therefore, you might want to only extract them without parsing the entire text.

spacy_extract_entity(sotu_speeches_tif %>% slice(1:3))
##         doc_id
## 1    sotu_1900
## 2    sotu_1900
## 3    sotu_1900
## 4    sotu_1900
## 5    sotu_1900
## 6    sotu_1900
## 7    sotu_1900
## 8    sotu_1900
## 9    sotu_1900
## 10   sotu_1900
## 11   sotu_1900
## 12   sotu_1900
## 13   sotu_1900
## 14   sotu_1900
## 15   sotu_1900
## 16   sotu_1900
## 17   sotu_1900
## 18   sotu_1900
## 19   sotu_1900
## 20   sotu_1900
## 21   sotu_1900
## 22   sotu_1900
## 23   sotu_1900
## 24   sotu_1900
## 25   sotu_1900
## 26   sotu_1900
## 27   sotu_1900
## 28   sotu_1900
## 29   sotu_1900
## 30   sotu_1900
## 31   sotu_1900
## 32   sotu_1900
## 33   sotu_1900
## 34   sotu_1900
## 35   sotu_1900
## 36   sotu_1900
## 37   sotu_1900
## 38   sotu_1900
## 39   sotu_1900
## 40   sotu_1900
## 41   sotu_1900
## 42   sotu_1900
## 43   sotu_1900
## 44   sotu_1900
## 45   sotu_1900
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## 47   sotu_1900
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## 1967 sotu_1902
##                                                                               text
## 1                                                                           Senate
## 2                                                         House of Representatives
## 3                                                                  the new century
## 4                                                                      Fifty-sixth
## 5                                                                         Congress
## 6                                                                       Republican
## 7                                                                         American
## 8                                                                     Constitution
## 9                                                one hundred and twenty-four years
## 10                                                                           Sixth
## 11                                                                        Congress
## 12                                                                  November, 1800
## 13                                                               the United States
## 14                                                                    5,308,483.It
## 15                                                                      76,304,799
## 16                                                                         sixteen
## 17                                                                      forty-five
## 18                                                            909,050 square miles
## 19                                                          3,846,595 square miles
## 20                                                                         Chinese
## 21                                                                           China
## 22                                                            the past three years
## 23                                                                         Chinese
## 24                                                                         Chinese
## 25                                                                           China
## 26                                                                    all quarters
## 27                                                                       centuries
## 28                                                                            year
## 29                                                                            year
## 30                                                                         Chinese
## 31                                                                   several years
## 32                                                                           daily
## 33                                                                        Imperial
## 34                                                                          German
## 35                                                                          Boxers
## 36                                                                    the Yang-Tse
## 37                                                                          Peking
## 38                                                                          Palace
## 39                                                              the Tsung-li Yamen
## 40                                                                           Boxer
## 41                                                                          Peking
## 42                                                                        Imperial
## 43                                                                           China
## 44                                                                          Empire
## 45                                                               The United States
## 46                                                               the earliest days
## 47                                                                           China
## 48                                                                         Chinese
## 49                                                                          Peking
## 50                                                         the Imperial Government
## 51                                                                           China
## 52                                                                           China
## 53                                                                            1899
## 54                                                                           China
## 55                                                                  March 20, 1900
## 56                                                                     a year past
## 57                                                         the Imperial Government
## 58                                                                        Imperial
## 59                                                                          Peking
## 60                                                              the autumn of 1899
## 61                                                                         Chinese
## 62                                                                          Boxers
## 63                                                                          Boxers
## 64                                                                        Imperial
## 65                                                                          Peking
## 66                                                                       Manchuria
## 67                                                                         Russian
## 68                                                                           China
## 69                                                   the early spring of this year
## 70                                                                         Chinese
## 71                                                          the Chinese Government
## 72                                                                          Boxers
## 73                                                               The United States
## 74                                                                     Philippines
## 75                                                                         Chinese
## 76                                                                            Taku
## 77                                                                          Peking
## 78                                                                        American
## 79                                                               some four hundred
## 80                                                                          Peking
## 81                                                                            Taku
## 82                                                                         Chinese
## 83                                                                        American
## 84                                                                           China
## 85                                                                          Boxers
## 86                                                                  Two days later
## 87                                                                            Taku
## 88                                                                          Peking
## 89                                                                          Peking
## 90                                                                      the Pei-Ho
## 91                                                                        Langfang
## 92                                                                        American
## 93                                                                         June 19
## 94                                                                          Peking
## 95                                                               twenty-four hours
## 96                                                                    the Tsung-li
## 97                                                                     the morning
## 98                                                                          German
## 99                                                              Baron von Ketteler
## 100                                                                        Chinese
## 101                                                                        British
## 102                                                                   Four hundred
## 103                                                                   Two thousand
## 104                                                                        June 20
## 105                                                                        July 17
## 106                                                                         Conger
## 107                                                                             11
## 108                                                               scarcely an hour
## 109                                                                      thousands
## 110                                                                         3-inch
## 111                                                                           five
## 112                                                                        Chinese
## 113                                                                        an hour
## 114                                                                       Austrian
## 115                                                                        Belgian
## 116                                                                        Italian
## 117                                                                          Dutch
## 118                                                                         Conger
## 119                                                                        British
## 120                                                                        British
## 121                                                               Claude MacDonald
## 122                                                                       American
## 123                                                                  E. G. Squiers
## 124                                                                        Chinese
## 125                                                                     fifty-five
## 126                                                                       American
## 127                                                                        British
## 128                                                                        Russian
## 129                                                                          Myers
## 130                                                 the United States Marine Corps
## 131                                                                       American
## 132                                                                             65
## 133                                                                            135
## 134                                                                              7
## 135                                                                        July 14
## 136                                                                          first
## 137                                                             the Tsung-li Yamen
## 138                                                                          three
## 139                                                         the Chinese Government
## 140                                                         the Chinese Government
## 141                                                                       Imperial
## 142                                                                        Jung Lu
## 143                                                                       Imperial
## 144                                                                         Boxers
## 145                                                                       Imperial
## 146                                                            the Empress Dowager
## 147                                                                   the Tsung-li
## 148                                                                 Chang Yen-hoon
## 149                                                                        Chinese
## 150                                                                     Washington
## 151                                                                        July 14
## 152                                                                        Chinese
## 153                                                                     Washington
## 154                                                                         Conger
## 155                                                                          State
## 156                                                                   Wu Ting-fang
## 157                                                                         Conger
## 158                                                                         Peking
## 159                                                                        July 18
## 160                                                                          first
## 161                                                                        a month
## 162                                                                           Taku
## 163                                                                    Governments
## 164                                                              The United States
## 165                                                                    Philippines
## 166                                                                     some 5,000
## 167                                                                          first
## 168                                                                General Chaffee
## 169                                                                the end of July
## 170                                                                       Tientsin
## 171                                                       the first days of August
## 172                                                                       Japanese
## 173                                                                        Russian
## 174                                                                        British
## 175                                                                       American
## 176                                                                       Yangtsun
## 177                                                                        Chinese
## 178                                                               A few days later
## 179                                                              the united forces
## 180                                                                      Tung Chow
## 181                                                                      August 14
## 182                                                              The United States
## 183                                                                       Imperial
## 184                                                              a few days before
## 185                                                                       Imperial
## 186                                                          the night of the 13th
## 187                                                                         Throne
## 188                                                                       Imperial
## 189                                                                         Chi-li
## 190                                                                       American
## 191                                                                       hundreds
## 192                                                              the United States
## 193                                                                         July 3
## 194                                                            the latter quarters
## 195                                                                        Chinese
## 196                                                                        Chinese
## 197                                                                       American
## 198                                                                          China
## 199                                            the Government of the United States
## 200                                                                          China
## 201                                                                        Chinese
## 202                                                                    Governments
## 203                                                                          China
## 204                                                                         Peking
## 205                                                            the Chinese Emperor
## 206                                                                        Russian
## 207                                                                       Imperial
## 208                                                                         Peking
## 209                                                                        Chinese
## 210                                                                       Imperial
## 211                                                                        Justice
## 212                                                                          China
## 213                                                                     October 18
## 214                                                                        Chinese
## 215                                                                        Majesty
## 216                                                                          China
## 217                                                                       Imperial
## 218                                                                        Earl Li
## 219                                                                     Hung Chang
## 220                                                                   Prince Ching
## 221                                                                   September 25
## 222                                                                         Conger
## 223                                                                       Rockhill
## 224                                                              the United States
## 225                                          the Government of the French Republic
## 226                                                       the Emperor's Government
## 227                                                                    Governments
## 228                                                                         Peking
## 229                                                                          China
## 230                                                                         Empire
## 231                                                                          China
## 232                                                                         Russia
## 233                                                       the Court of Arbitration
## 234                                                                      The Hague
## 235                                                                          China
## 236                                                         the Argentine Republic
## 237                                                                         June 2
## 238                                                                        Belgium
## 239                                          the International Convention of June,
## 240                                                                           1899
## 241                                                                         Africa
## 242                                                                         Senate
## 243                                                            the Western Pacific
## 244                                                                       Brussels
## 245                                                              December 11, 1900
## 246                                                                     Convention
## 247                                                                          Paris
## 248                                                                 March 20, 1883
## 249                                                                  South America
## 250                                                                  the past year
## 251                                                                            Two
## 252                                                                        Bolivia
## 253                                                                       April 24
## 254                                                     the Post-Office Department
## 255                                                                   the same day
## 256                                                                         Senate
## 257                                                                         Brazil
## 258                                                                        Bolivia
## 259                                                                           Acre
## 260                                                                       December
## 261                                                                           1899
## 262                                                                         Brazil
## 263                                                                      Brazilian
## 264                                                                     Convention
## 265                                                                   May 24, 1897
## 266                                                                           1893
## 267                                                           the Chilean Congress
## 268                                                    the supplemental Commission
## 269                                                                       Congress
## 270                                                                       Colombia
## 271                                                                           1899
## 272                                                                         August
## 273                                                                      Marroquin
## 274                                                                   San Clemente
## 275                                                              the United States
## 276                                                                   September 17
## 277                                                                     Costa Rica
## 278                                                                      Nicaragua
## 279                                                                      Cleveland
## 280                                                                           1888
## 281                                                                       American
## 282                                                                E. P. Alexander
## 283                                                         the Dominican Republic
## 284                                                         the close of last year
## 285                                                                        Jimenez
## 286                                                                        January
## 287                                                                       American
## 288                                                                          Ozama
## 289                                                                         France
## 290                                                           the past three years
## 291                                                                       American
## 292                                                                            One
## 293                                                                         French
## 294                                                                            one
## 295                                                                  more than one
## 296                                                                          Seine
## 297                                                                          Paris
## 298                                                              the United States
## 299                                                            one hundred and one
## 300                                                     one hundred and twenty-one
## 301                                                                         France
## 302                                                                       American
## 303                                                                   grand prizes
## 304                                                                            240
## 305                                                                            597
## 306                                                                            776
## 307                                                                            541
## 308                                                                            322
## 309                                                                          2,476
## 310                                                                         France
## 311                                                                          Paris
## 312                                                              the United States
## 313                                                                           Mint
## 314                                                                 Fourth of July
## 315                                                                         French
## 316                                                                        Prussia
## 317                                                                            One
## 318                                                                         Samoan
## 319                                                                        Tutuila
## 320                                                              the United States
## 321                                                                      Pago-Pago
## 322                                                                       Imperial
## 323                                                                        Germany
## 324                                                                         German
## 325                                                              the United States
## 326                                                              the German Empire
## 327                                                             the German Emperor
## 328                                                                  Great Britain
## 329                                                                Southern Africa
## 330                                                                            one
## 331                                                                Great Britain's
## 332                                                        Portuguese South Africa
## 333                                                                        British
## 334                                                                Southern Africa
## 335                                                                        British
## 336                                                                    Delagoa Bay
## 337                                                         the British Government
## 338                                                                       American
## 339                                                                     Lynn Canal
## 340                                                                        October
## 341                                                                           1899
## 342                                                                           July
## 343                                                        the Dominion Government
## 344                                                      the Russo-American treaty
## 345                                                                         Alaska
## 346                                                                        Alaskan
## 347                                                    one hundred and forty-first
## 348                                                                         Senate
## 349                                                                 some two years
## 350                                                             more than 700 feet
## 351                                                                      R. H. May
## 352                                                      the Guatemalan Government
## 353                                                            George F. B. Jenner
## 354                                                                        British
## 355                                                                      Guatemala
## 356                                                                     143,750.73
## 357                                                                       American
## 358                                                                          Haiti
## 359                                                     the Government of Honduras
## 360                                                                 Frank H. Pears
## 361                                                                       Honduras
## 362                                                                         10,000
## 363                                                                        Humbert
## 364                                                                        Italian
## 365                                                                           five
## 366                                                                       Italians
## 367                                                                       Tallulah
## 368                                                         the Federal Government
## 369                                                                      Louisiana
## 370                                                         the Italian Government
## 371                                                                          three
## 372                                                                          Italy
## 373                                                                       American
## 374                                                                      last year
## 375                                                                       Congress
## 376                                                         the Federal Government
## 377                                                                          House
## 378                                                                        Italian
## 379                                                                       Congress
## 380                                                                        Italian
## 381                                                              the United States
## 382                                                                          Japan
## 383                                                                  July 17, 1899
## 384                                                                       Japanese
## 385                                                                        Chinese
## 386                                                                          Japan
## 387                                                                         Peking
## 388                                                                          China
## 389                                                                          Japan
## 390                                                                   the Far East
## 391                                                                          Japan
## 392                                                        the Japanese Government
## 393                                                                         Oregon
## 394                                                                    last summer
## 395                                                                       Japanese
## 396                                                              the Pacific coast
## 397                                                                     California
## 398                                                                       Colorado
## 399                                                                         States
## 400                                                                         Mexico
## 401                                                                            two
## 402                                                                    Governments
## 403                                                              the Supreme Court
## 404                                                                    the La Abra
## 405                                                                           Weil
## 406                                                                          first
## 407                                                                     403,030.08
## 408                                                                         Mexico
## 409                                                                     Convention
## 410                                                              the United States
## 411                                                                      The Hague
## 412                                                                    September 4
## 413            the Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
## 414                                                                        sixteen
## 415                                                              the United States
## 416                                                                        Austria
## 417                                                                        Belgium
## 418                                                                        Denmark
## 419                                                                        England
## 420                                                                         France
## 421                                                                        Germany
## 422                                                                          Italy
## 423                                                                         Persia
## 424                                                                       Portugal
## 425                                                                       Roumania
## 426                                                                         Russia
## 427                                                                           Siam
## 428                                                                          Spain
## 429                                                                         Sweden
## 430                                                                         Norway
## 431                                                                    Netherlands
## 432                                                                          Japan
## 433                                                                     Convention
## 434               The Administrative Council of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
## 435                                           the International Arbitration Bureau
## 436                                                Article XXIII of the Convention
## 437                                                                          Court
## 438                                                                            Hon
## 439                                                              Benjamin Harrison
## 440                                                                        Indiana
## 441                                                              the United States
## 442                                                                            Hon
## 443                                                             Melville W. Fuller
## 444                                                                       Illinois
## 445                                                              the United States
## 446                                                                            Hon
## 447                                                                 John W. Griggs
## 448                                                                     New Jersey
## 449                                                              the United States
## 450                                                                            Hon
## 451                                                                    George Gray
## 452                                                                       Delaware
## 453                                                              the United States
## 454                                                                       Mosquito
## 455                                                                      Nicaragua
## 456                                                                           1899
## 457                                                                       American
## 458                                                                     Nicaraguan
## 459                                                                         second
## 460                                                                        British
## 461                                                                       San Juan
## 462                                                                            two
## 463                                                                    Governments
## 464                                                                          first
## 465                                                      the Nicaraguan Government
## 466                                                                        British
## 467                                                    the Central American States
## 468                                                     the Maritime Canal Company
## 469                                                                        October
## 470                                                                           1899
## 471                                                                      Nicaragua
## 472                                                                    Eyre-Cragin
## 473                                                           the State Department
## 474                                                      the Nicaraguan Government
## 475                                                              the United States
## 476                                                              the United States
## 477                                                                       Congress
## 478                                                                         Senate
## 479                                                                  Great Britain
## 480                                                                     Convention
## 481                                                                       Portugal
## 482                                                                    Bay Railway
## 483                                                                          Berne
## 484                                                                         London
## 485                                                                  Great Britain
## 486                                                                            two
## 487                                                      Convention of Extradition
## 488                                                                           Peru
## 489                                                                         Senate
## 490                                                          the Peruvian Congress
## 491                                                                         Russia
## 492                                                                       American
## 493                                                                     Bering Sea
## 494                                                                 T. M. C. Asser
## 495                                                                    Netherlands
## 496                                                the Imperial Russian Government
## 497                                                                        Siberia
## 498                                                                       American
## 499                                                                      Manchuria
## 500                                                                          Spain
## 501                                                                          Spain
## 502                                                                            two
## 503                                                            the Treaty of Peace
## 504                                                                     Philippine
## 505                                                                          Sulus
## 506                                                                        Spanish
## 507                                                                         Sibutd
## 508                                                                   Cagayan Sulu
## 509                                                                          Spain
## 510                                                                          third
## 511                                                                         Senate
## 512                                                                          Spain
## 513                                                                     Philippine
## 514                                                                          third
## 515                                                              the United States
## 516                                                                          Spain
## 517                                                                        100,000
## 518                                             Article VII of the Treaty of Peace
## 519                                                                          Spain
## 520                                                              the United States
## 521                                                                          Spain
## 522                                                                         Norway
## 523                                                              the United States
## 524                                                                        Germany
## 525                                                                  Great Britain
## 526                                                             the Samoan Islands
## 527                                                                           1899
## 528                                                                       American
## 529                                                                        Armenia
## 530                                                                        Majesty
## 531                                                                       American
## 532                                                                        Harpoot
## 533                                                                         Senate
## 534                                                                    Governments
## 535                                                                            one
## 536                                                                       Congress
## 537                                                                          third
## 538                                                                       Portugal
## 539                                                                          Italy
## 540                                                                        Germany
## 541                                                                         fourth
## 542                                                                      Nicaragua
## 543                                                                        Ecuador
## 544                                                         the Dominican Republic
## 545                                                                  Great Britain
## 546                                                                       Trinidad
## 547                                                                        Denmark
## 548                                                                      St. Croix
## 549                                                                         Senate
## 550                                                                    Governments
## 551                                                              the United States
## 552                                                                       Congress
## 553                                                                    Governments
## 554                                                                       American
## 555                                                                       Congress
## 556                                                         the Western Hemisphere
## 557                                                                        Buffalo
## 558                                                                      next year
## 559                                                              the United States
## 560                                                                 Latin-American
## 561                                                                       Congress
## 562                                                             the City of Mexico
## 563                                                                        Buffalo
## 564                                                         the Federal Government
## 565                                           The Bureau of the American Republics
## 566                                                              the United States
## 567                                                                 Latin-American
## 568                                                        the International Union
## 569                                                                         Bureau
## 570                                        another International American Congress
## 571                                                             the City of Mexico
## 572                                                                  October, 1901
## 573                                                                         Bureau
## 574                                                                      ten years
## 575                                                                       congress
## 576                                                                 Latin-American
## 577                                                                       American
## 578                                                 the Bureau of Foreign Commerce
## 579                                                               Consular Reports
## 580                                                                          daily
## 581                                                                  January, 1898
## 582                                            the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900
## 583                                                                  79,527,060.18
## 584                                                        the six preceding years
## 585                                                                           1894
## 586                                                                           1899
## 587                                                                 283,022,991.14
## 588                                                                       the year
## 589                                                                 567,240,851.89
## 590                                                                 487,713,791.71
## 591                                                             the preceding year
## 592                                                                  27,036,389.41
## 593                                                                 295,327,926.76
## 594                                                                  21,890,765.25
## 595                                                                           1899
## 596                                                                  38,748,053.97
## 597                                                                  36,394,976.92
## 598                                                              the previous year
## 599                                                                       the year
## 600                                                             The War Department
## 601                                                           the fiscal year 1900
## 602                                                                 134,774,767.78
## 603                                                                  95,066,486.69
## 604                                                                           1899
## 605                                                            the Navy Department
## 606                                                                  55,953,077.72
## 607                                                                  the year 1900
## 608                                                                  63,942,104.25
## 609                                                             the preceding year
## 610                                                                   7,989,026.53
## 611                                                                        Indians
## 612                                                                 1900 over 1899
## 613                                                                           1900
## 614                                                                  13,418,065.74
## 615                                                                       Treasury
## 616                                                                  56,544,556.06
## 617                                                                       Treasury
## 618                                                                       Treasury
## 619                                                        the current fiscal year
## 620                                                                    580,000,000
## 621                                                                    500,000,000
## 622                                                                     80,000,000
## 623                                                                       Treasury
## 624                                                                            one
## 625                                                                    November 30
## 626                                                                 139,303,794.50
## 627                                                                       March 14
## 628                                                                  United States
## 629                                                                    150,000,000
## 630                                                                 289,303,794.50
## 631                                                              November 30, 1899
## 632                                                                 296,495,301.55
## 633                                                                    November 30
## 634                                                                  70,090,073.15
## 635                                                                     22,957,300
## 636                                                     the Division of Redemption
## 637                                                                  93,047,373.15
## 638                                                                       Congress
## 639                                                                            two
## 640                                                                       Treasury
## 641                                                                the fiscal year
## 642                                                                           1891
## 643                                                                     2 per cent
## 644                                                                     25,364,500
## 645                                                                    November 30
## 646                                                                     23,458,100
## 647                                                                 March 14, 1900
## 648                                                                     2 per cent
## 649                                                                    thirty-year
## 650                                                                     3 per cent
## 651                                                                           1908
## 652                                                                              4
## 653                                                                           1907
## 654                                                                              5
## 655                                                                           1904
## 656                                                                    839,149,930
## 657                                               between March 14 and November 30
## 658                                                                    364,943,750
## 659                                                                      9,106,166
## 660                                                                       Treasury
## 661                                                               February 1, 1904
## 662                                                more than seven million dollars
## 663                                                                       annually
## 664                                                               February 1, 1904
## 665                                                                  July 1, 11907
## 666                                                                         annual
## 667                                                        more than five millions
## 668                                      the thirteen months ending August 1, 1908
## 669                                                              about one million
## 670                                                                       Treasury
## 671                                                                           1900
## 672                                                       the national banking act
## 673                                                              less than $25,000
## 674                                                                 three thousand
## 675                                                                    November 30
## 676                                                                            369
## 677                                                                            266
## 678                                                              less than $50,000
## 679                                                                            103
## 680                                                                         50,000
## 681                                                                           Iowa
## 682                                                                          first
## 683                                                                             30
## 684                                                                          Texas
## 685                                                                       Oklahoma
## 686                                                               Indian Territory
## 687                                                              the United States
## 688                                                        March 14 to November 30
## 689                                                                     77,889,570
## 690                                                                    all seasons
## 691                                                                          first
## 692                                                        two billions of dollars
## 693                                                           the fiscal year 1900
## 694                                                                  1,394,483,082
## 695                                                                           1899
## 696                                                                    167,459,780
## 697                                                                           1898
## 698                                                                    163,000,752
## 699                                                                           1897
## 700                                                                    343,489,526
## 701                                                                           1896
## 702                                                                    511,876,144
## 703                                                              the United States
## 704                                                              any previous year
## 705                                                                           1900
## 706                                                                    433,851,756
## 707                                                                    339,592,146
## 708                                                                           1899
## 709                                                                    28 per cent
## 710                                                                           1900
## 711                                                                           1899
## 712                                                                       the year
## 713                                                                    835,858,123
## 714                                                                    784,776,142
## 715                                                                           1899
## 716                                                                       the year
## 717                                                                    849,941,184
## 718                                                                           1899
## 719                                                                    152,792,695
## 720                                                              the United States
## 721                                                                           1900
## 722                                                                     79,768,972
## 723                                                                           1899
## 724                                                                           1900
## 725                                                                 15.17 per cent
## 726                                                                 15.54 per cent
## 727                                                                           1899
## 728                                                                 21.09 per cent
## 729                                                                           1896
## 730                                                                       Congress
## 731                                                                          Spain
## 732                                                     thirty millions of dollars
## 733                                                           the past three years
## 734                                                                        about 9
## 735                                                                       American
## 736                                                                           Navy
## 737                                                              the United States
## 738                                                                           6rst
## 739                                                                       Congress
## 740                                                                       American
## 741                                                                           1899
## 742                                                                           Navy
## 743                                                                       American
## 744                                                                       Congress
## 745                                                                       Treasury
## 746                                                                         annual
## 747                                                     the Revenue-Cutter Service
## 748                                                                       Congress
## 749                                                                       Congress
## 750                                                                          State
## 751                                                              the United States
## 752                                                                       Congress
## 753                                                                       Congress
## 754                                                                    Philippines
## 755                                              the Congress of the United States
## 756                                                              the United States
## 757                                                                       Congress
## 758                                                                   Constitution
## 759                                                              the United States
## 760                                                                       Congress
## 761                                                                       Congress
## 762                                                        the spring of this year
## 763                                                              the United States
## 764                                                                          March
## 765                                                                            Hon
## 766                                                                William H. Taft
## 767                                                                           Ohio
## 768                                                              Dean C. Worcester
## 769                                                                       Michigan
## 770                                                                            Hon
## 771                                                                 Luke I. Wright
## 772                                                                      Tennessee
## 773                                                                            Hon
## 774                                                                   Henry C. Ide
## 775                                                                        Vermont
## 776                                                                  Bernard Moses
## 777                                                                     California
## 778                                                                  April 7, 1900
## 779                                                                       Congress
## 780                                                                            5th
## 781                                                                       December
## 782                                                                           1899
## 783                                                                              1
## 784                                                                     Philippine
## 785                                                                             11
## 786                                                                            Hon
## 787                                                                William H. Taft
## 788                                                                           Ohio
## 789                                                              Dean C. Worcester
## 790                                                                       Michigan
## 791                                                                 Luke I. Wright
## 792                                                                      Tennessee
## 793                                                                            Hon
## 794                                                                   Henry C. Ide
## 795                                                                        Vermont
## 796                                                                  Bernard Moses
## 797                                                                     California
## 798                                                                     Philippine
## 799                                                                       Congress
## 800                                                                            Hon
## 801                                                                William H. Taft
## 802                                                           Executive Department
## 803                                                                     Commission
## 804                                                                            War
## 805                                                                         Manila
## 806                                                                     Philippine
## 807                                                                          first
## 808                                                 the 1st day of September, 1900
## 809                                                                            War
## 810                                                                     Philippine
## 811                                                                       Congress
## 812                                                                     Commission
## 813                                                                     Commission
## 814                                                                     Commission
## 815                                                                     Commission
## 816                                                                     Commission
## 817                                                                 August 8, 1899
## 818                                                               January 29, 1900
## 819                                                        Honor Cayetano Arellano
## 820                                                                      Audiencia
## 821                                                                         Negros
## 822                                                                  July 22, 1899
## 823                                                                    Philippines
## 824                                                        the previous Commission
## 825                                                                    Philippines
## 826                                                                     Commission
## 827                                   the National Government of the United States
## 828                                                                      Americans
## 829                                                              the United States
## 830                                                                     Commission
## 831                                                                     Philippine
## 832                                                                  Indispensable
## 833                                                                     Commission
## 834                                                                     Philippine
## 835                                                                    Philippines
## 836                                                                          Paris
## 837                                                              the United States
## 838                                                                     Commission
## 839                                                                          State
## 840                                                                          first
## 841                                                                          first
## 842                                                                        English
## 843                                                                        English
## 844                                                                              6
## 845                                                                     Commission
## 846                                                                       Congress
## 847                                                                 North American
## 848                                                                        Indians
## 849                                                              the United States
## 850                                                              the United States
## 851                                                                         Manila
## 852                                                       the 13th of August, 1898
## 853                                                              the American Army
## 854                                                              the United States
## 855                                                         the Philippine Islands
## 856                                                                     Philippine
## 857                                                                       American
## 858                                                                         Manila
## 859                                                              the United States
## 860                                                                     Commission
## 861                                                              General MacArthur
## 862                                                                    Philippines
## 863                                                                  June 21, 1900
## 864                                                                       Congress
## 865                                                                        Spanish
## 866                                                                      6,000,000
## 867                                                                     Commission
## 868                                                                      Filipinos
## 869                                                                       Congress
## 870                                                                     Philippine
## 871                                                                      Filipinos
## 872                                                                          first
## 873                                                                          Luzon
## 874                                                                       Mindanao
## 875                                                                         Negros
## 876                                                                      Filipinos
## 877                                                                    Puerto Rico
## 878                                                                       Congress
## 879                                                                 April 12, 1900
## 880                                                            the 6th of November
## 881                                                                    Legislature
## 882                                                   the first Monday of December
## 883                                                                       Congress
## 884                                                                       Interior
## 885                                                                    Puerto Rico
## 886                                                                    Puerto Rico
## 887                                                              the United States
## 888                                                         the 25th of July, 1900
## 889                                                                           Cuba
## 890                                                                       Military
## 891                                                              the United States
## 892                                                                 April 20, 1898
## 893                                                                           Cuba
## 894                                                                  United States
## 895                                                                           Cuba
## 896                                                                           Cuba
## 897                                                the third Saturday of September
## 898                                                      the year nineteen hundred
## 899                                                                         Havana
## 900                                                            twelve o'clock noon
## 901                                                   the first Monday of November
## 902                                                      the year nineteen hundred
## 903                                                                           Cuba
## 904                                                              the United States
## 905                                                                           Cuba
## 906                                                                 April 18, 1900
## 907                                                          the 15th of September
## 908                                                                            5th
## 909                                                                 November, 1900
## 910                                                                           Cuba
## 911                                                              the United States
## 912                                                                          first
## 913                                                                           Cuba
## 914                                                                           Cuba
## 915                                                              the United States
## 916                                                                           Cuba
## 917                                            the United States the Government of
## 918                                                              the United States
## 919                                                                            two
## 920                                                                           Cuba
## 921                                                                          Cuban
## 922                                                                       Congress
## 923                                                              February 10, 1899
## 924                                                              the United States
## 925                                                                         Hawaii
## 926                                                                         Manila
## 927                                                                       American
## 928                                                                        Asiatic
## 929                                                                         Orient
## 930                                                                 trans-Atlantic
## 931                                                                           Army
## 932                                                                        100,000
## 933                                                                         65,ooo
## 934                                                                         35,000
## 935                                                                  March 2, 1899
## 936                                                                           June
## 937                                                               the Regular Army
## 938                                                                          2,447
## 939                                                                         29,025
## 940                                                                           1888
## 941                                                              Board of Officers
## 942                                                                      Cleveland
## 943                                                                       Congress
## 944                                                             the War Department
## 945                                                                         18,420
## 946                                                                    fifty-eight
## 947                                                              the United States
## 948                                                                       Congress
## 949                                                          More than $22,000,000
## 950                                                               the Regular Army
## 951                                                                         26,000
## 952                                                                           Cuba
## 953                                                                5,000 and 6,000
## 954                                                                    Puerto Rico
## 955                                                                          1,636
## 956                                                                            879
## 957                                                         the Philippine Islands
## 958                                                               45,000 to 60,000
## 959                                                              the United States
## 960                                                                   about 60,000
## 961                                                                           Cuba
## 962                                                                    Philippines
## 963                                                                        100,000
## 964                                                                    Philippines
## 965                                                                         15,000
## 966                                                            the Taft Commission
## 967                                                                            War
## 968                                                                         annual
## 969                                                                       Congress
## 970                                                                    Philippines
## 971                                                                            War
## 972                                                                           Army
## 973                                                                       Adjutant
## 974                                                            Inspector-General's
## 975                                                     Quartermaster's Department
## 976                                                         Subsistence Department
## 977                                                                 Pay Department
## 978                                                            Ordnance Department
## 979                                                                   Signal Corps
## 980                                                                           Army
## 981                                                                  the last year
## 982                                    the beginning of the fiscal year 1899, 1900
## 983                                                                            391
## 984                                                        less than twelve months
## 985                                                     the 15th of November, 1900
## 986                                                                          2,614
## 987                                                                     forty-four
## 988                                                                      1,801,524
## 989                                                        the current fiscal year
## 990                                                                    about 4,ooo
## 991                                                                          daily
## 992                                                about three and a half millions
## 993                                                                         annual
## 994                                                         the Postmaster-General
## 995                                                                       Congress
## 996                                                                           Navy
## 997                                                                    Philippines
## 998                                                                          China
## 999                                                                           Navy
## 1000                                                                      Congress
## 1001                                                               David D. Porter
## 1002                                                                         Spain
## 1003                                                                      Congress
## 1004                                                                      Interior
## 1005                                             approximately 1,071,881,662 acres
## 1006                                                             917,135,880 acres
## 1007                                                             154,745,782 acres
## 1008                                                                      the year
## 1009                                                           13,453,887.96 acres
## 1010                                                               62,423.09 acres
## 1011                                                                        Indian
## 1012                                                                  4,271,474.80
## 1013                                                            the preceding year
## 1014                                                               the fiscal year
## 1015                                                                  4,379,758.10
## 1016                                                                  1,309,620.76
## 1017                                                            the preceding year
## 1018                                                                      Congress
## 1019                                                                 June 30, 1900
## 1020                                                                  thirty-seven
## 1021                                                                    section 24
## 1022                                                      the act of March 3, 1891
## 1023                                                              46,425,529 acres
## 1024                                                                 the past year
## 1025                                                           the Olympic Reserve
## 1026                                                                    Washington
## 1027                                                                 265,040 acres
## 1028                                                               1,923,840 acres
## 1029                                                          The Prescott Reserve
## 1030                                                                       Arizona
## 1031                                                                  10,240 acres
## 1032                                                                 423,680 acres
## 1033                                                          the Big Horn Reserve
## 1034                                                                       Wyoming
## 1035                                                               1,127,680 acres
## 1036                                                               1,180,800 acres
## 1037                                                                the Santa Ynez
## 1038                                                                    California
## 1039                                                                 145,000 acres
## 1040                                                                     this year
## 1041                                                              October 10, 1900
## 1042                                                 the Crow Creek Forest Reserve
## 1043                                                                       Wyoming
## 1044                                                                  56,320 acres
## 1045                                                    the end of the fiscal year
## 1046                                                                       993,529
## 1047                                                                         2,010
## 1048                                                          the fiscal year 1899
## 1049                                                                      the year
## 1050                                                                        45,344
## 1051                                                                          Army
## 1052                                                                      the year
## 1053                                                                134,700,597.24
## 1054                                                                          Navy
## 1055                                                                  3,761,533.41
## 1056                                                                138,462,130.65
## 1057                                                                  5,542,768.25
## 1058                                                                      Treasury
## 1059                                                           the previous year's
## 1060                                                                    107,077.70
## 1061                                                                           684
## 1062                                                                      the year
## 1063                                                                         first
## 1064                                                                   Fifty-sixth
## 1065                                                                      Congress
## 1066                                                                   May 9, 1900
## 1067                                                                           250
## 1068                                                                      Interior
## 1069                                             between $3,000,000 and $4,000,000
## 1070                                                                        26,540
## 1071                                           the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900
## 1072                                                                         1,660
## 1073                                                                           682
## 1074                                                                            93
## 1075                                                                        19,988
## 1076                                                                  1,358,228.35
## 1077                                                                  1,247,827.58
## 1078                                                                    110,400.77
## 1079                                                                      Congress
## 1080                                                                      Interior
## 1081                                                                        Alaska
## 1082                                                                  July 7, 1898
## 1083                                                                      Congress
## 1084                                                                April 30, 1900
## 1085                                                                     Territory
## 1086                                                                      Hawaiian
## 1087                                                                 the year 1896
## 1088                                                                       109,020
## 1089                                                                        31,019
## 1090                                                                     Americans
## 1091                                                                         8,485
## 1092                                                                     this year
## 1093                                                                       154,001
## 1094                                                                          1896
## 1095                                                                        44,981
## 1096                                                                 41.2 per cent
## 1097                                                                   Territorial
## 1098                                                                April 30, 1900
## 1099                                                                     section 7
## 1100                                        Chapter 34 Of the Civil Laws of Hawaii
## 1101                                                                        Hawaii
## 1102                                                                      Congress
## 1103                                                                      Interior
## 1104                                                            the Twelfth Census
## 1105                                                                      Congress
## 1106                                                                   each decade
## 1107                                                                        Bureau
## 1108                                                                          four
## 1109                                                      the law of March 3, 1899
## 1110                                                    the States and Territories
## 1111                                                                      Hawaiian
## 1112                                                                        Alaska
## 1113                                                               the last decade
## 1114                                                                     January 1
## 1115                                                         the Bureau of trained
## 1116                                                                      Congress
## 1117                                                                  Constitution
## 1118                                                 The Department of Agriculture
## 1119                                                                 the past year
## 1120                                                    the States and Territories
## 1121                                                             the United States
## 1122                                                                      the year
## 1123                                                    the States and Territories
## 1124                                                                         Paris
## 1125                                                              December 5, 1898
## 1126                                                                             1
## 1127                                                                    eight-hour
## 1128                                                                      Congress
## 1129                                                        the Philippine Islands
## 1130                                                             November 30, 1900
## 1131                                    The United States Civil Service Commission
## 1132                                                       the Civil Service Board
## 1133                                       the United States Philippine Commission
## 1134                                                        the Philippine Islands
## 1135                                                                    Philippine
## 1136                                                       the Civil Service Board
## 1137                                                                         Board
## 1138                                        United States Civil Service Commission
## 1139                                                  The Civil Service Commission
## 1140                                                                      Congress
## 1141                                                                    Washington
## 1142                                                                      annually
## 1143                                                                      Congress
## 1144                                                                      Congress
## 1145                                                  the American Bar Association
## 1146                                                             John Marshall Day
## 1147                                                              February 4, 1901
## 1148                                                                      Congress
## 1149                                                   the Capital of the Republic
## 1150                                                                          1800
## 1151                                                      the District of Columbia
## 1152                                                                        14,093
## 1153                                                                       278,718
## 1154                                                                    Washington
## 1155                                                                         3,210
## 1156                                                                       218,196
## 1157                                                                      Congress
## 1158 the Centennial Anniversary of the Establishment of the Seat of the Government
## 1159                                                      the District of Columbia
## 1160                                                    the 12th of December, 1900
## 1161                                                           the anniversary day
## 1162                                                                        Senate
## 1163                                                      House of Representatives
## 1164                                                      the District of Columbia
## 1165                                                         the Executive Mansion
## 1166                                                                        Senate
## 1167                                                      House of Representatives
## 1168                                      the Hall of the House of Representatives
## 1169                                                   the Corcoran Gallery of Art
## 1170                                                                      this era
## 1171                                                                        Senate
## 1172                                                      House of Representatives
## 1173                                                                      Congress
## 1174                                                                     this year
## 1175                                                        the sixth of September
## 1176                                                                      McKinley
## 1177                                                       Pan-American Exposition
## 1178                                                                       Buffalo
## 1179                                                  the fourteenth of that month
## 1180                                                                the last seven
## 1181                                                                      American
## 1182                                                                         third
## 1183                                                                      American
## 1184                                                                       Lincoln
## 1185                                                                      Garfield
## 1186                                                                       Lincoln
## 1187                                                                    four years
## 1188                                                                      Garfield
## 1189                                                                      McKinley
## 1190                                                                      McKinley
## 1191                                                             the United States
## 1192                                                                         first
## 1193                                                                      McKinley
## 1194                                                                          Army
## 1195                                                                           one
## 1196                                                                           one
## 1197                                                                      McKinley
## 1198                                                                       Lincoln
## 1199                                                                           one
## 1200                                                                    four years
## 1201                                                            another four years
## 1202                                                                      McKinley
## 1203                                                                   New England
## 1204                                                             the United States
## 1205                                                                           one
## 1206                                                                           one
## 1207                                                                           one
## 1208                                                                         State
## 1209                                                                      Congress
## 1210                                                                       Humbert
## 1211                                                                         Italy
## 1212                                                                      Congress
## 1213                                                                  Constitution
## 1214                                                        the Federal Government
## 1215                                                                      American
## 1216                                                           the last five years
## 1217                                     the latter half of the nineteenth century
## 1218                                                the beginning of the twentieth
## 1219                                                                        to-day
## 1220                                                                       America
## 1221                                                                           one
## 1222                                                                          1893
## 1223                                                                this very year
## 1224                                                                           two
## 1225                                                                      American
## 1226                                                                         first
## 1227                                                                         first
## 1228                                                                           one
## 1229                                                                         State
## 1230                                                                        States
## 1231                                                                         State
## 1232                                                                         State
## 1233                                                                         State
## 1234                                                                         State
## 1235                                                                        Nation
## 1236                                                       the National Government
## 1237                                                                         State
## 1238                                                                 Massachusetts
## 1239                                                                  Constitution
## 1240                                             the end of the eighteenth century
## 1241                                        the beginning of the twentieth century
## 1242                                                                       the day
## 1243                                                       the National Government
## 1244                                                   the Interstate-Commerce Act
## 1245                                                                      Congress
## 1246                                                                       Cabinet
## 1247                                                                      Commerce
## 1248                                                                    Industries
## 1249                                                                      Congress
## 1250                                                                           one
## 1251                                                             the United States
## 1252                                                                       Chinese
## 1253                                                       The National Government
## 1254                                                   the Interstate Commerce Law
## 1255                                                                    eight-hour
## 1256                                                  the United States Government
## 1257                                                               excessive hours
## 1258                                                      the District of Columbia
## 1259                                                                        Second
## 1260                                                                  Constitution
## 1261                                                                         State
## 1262                                                       the National Government
## 1263                                                                      American
## 1264                                                                         First
## 1265                                                                        second
## 1266                                                                      American
## 1267                                                                      American
## 1268                                                                      American
## 1269                                                                      American
## 1270                                                                      American
## 1271                                                                      American
## 1272                                                                         first
## 1273                                                                         first
## 1274                                                                        Senate
## 1275                                                                      American
## 1276                                                                      Congress
## 1277                                                                      American
## 1278                                                                          Navy
## 1279                                                                         Ships
## 1280                                                             the United States
## 1281                                                                      American
## 1282                                                                      American
## 1283                                                                      American
## 1284                                                                      fourteen
## 1285                                                                      American
## 1286                                                                      American
## 1287                                                                      American
## 1288                                                                March 14, 1900
## 1289                                                      the National Banking Law
## 1290                                                                      Congress
## 1291                                                                      Treasury
## 1292                                                                          1887
## 1293                                                   the Interstate Commerce Act
## 1294                                                                        Nation
## 1295                                                                      Congress
## 1296                                                 The Department of Agriculture
## 1297                                                        the past fifteen years
## 1298                                                                           two
## 1299                                                                      the year
## 1300                                                             the United States
## 1301                                                                          West
## 1302                                                       the General Land Office
## 1303                                           the United States Geological Survey
## 1304                                                        the Bureau of Forestry
## 1305                                                             the United States
## 1306                                                        the Bureau of Forestry
## 1307                                                 the Department of Agriculture
## 1308                                                 the Department of Agriculture
## 1309                                                                          Navy
## 1310                                                             the United States
## 1311                                                             the United States
## 1312                                                                           elk
## 1313                                                                   a few years
## 1314                                                                      hundreds
## 1315                                                       the National Government
## 1316                                                       the National Government
## 1317                                                                         State
## 1318                                                       the National Government
## 1319                                                                          Ohio
## 1320                                                                   Mississippi
## 1321                                                           the Atlantic States
## 1322                                                                          Asia
## 1323                                                                       Eastern
## 1324                                                     Over two hundred millions
## 1325                                                            many million acres
## 1326                                                                     arid land
## 1327                                                            the Western States
## 1328                                                                        awaken
## 1329                                                                         years
## 1330                                                                        Nation
## 1331                                                                        States
## 1332                                                                        Hawaii
## 1333                                                                      American
## 1334                                                                      American
## 1335                                                                   Puerto Rico
## 1336                                                                         State
## 1337                                                             the United States
## 1338                                                             the United States
## 1339                                                                      Congress
## 1340                                                                   Puerto Rico
## 1341                                                                          Cuba
## 1342                                                                      Congress
## 1343                                                                          Cuba
## 1344                                                                      Antilles
## 1345                                                                          Cuba
## 1346                                                                         Cuban
## 1347                                                             the United States
## 1348                                                                          Cuba
## 1349                                                                   Philippines
## 1350                                                                     Filipinos
## 1351                                                                   Philippines
## 1352                                                    more than a thousand years
## 1353                                                                        thirty
## 1354                                                        thirty generations ago
## 1355                                                                    Philippine
## 1356                                                                   Philippines
## 1357                                                                   Philippines
## 1358                                                                         first
## 1359                                                                 the Old World
## 1360                                                                       Indians
## 1361                                                                      the days
## 1362                                                                        Indian
## 1363                                                                        Indian
## 1364                                                                      Filipino
## 1365                                                                      Filipino
## 1366                                                                   Philippines
## 1367                                                                           one
## 1368                                                                   Philippines
## 1369                                                                      Congress
## 1370                                                                         years
## 1371                                                                   Philippines
## 1372                                                                        Hawaii
## 1373                                                                   Philippines
## 1374                                                                   Philippines
## 1375                                                                          Asia
## 1376                                                                      Congress
## 1377                                                                      American
## 1378                                                                       Isthmus
## 1379                                                       North and South America
## 1380                                                             the Pacific Coast
## 1381                                            the Gulf and South Atlantic States
## 1382                                                                 Great Britain
## 1383                                                                        Senate
## 1384                                                                      Isthmian
## 1385                                                                Clayton-Bulwer
## 1386                                                                      American
## 1387                                                             the United States
## 1388                                                                   any quarter
## 1389                                                                        Senate
## 1390                                                                      Congress
## 1391                                                                        Nation
## 1392                                                                  recent years
## 1393                                                                         Hague
## 1394                                                                           two
## 1395                                                                      Americas
## 1396                                                             the United States
## 1397                                                      Just seventy-eight years
## 1398                                                                        Monroe
## 1399                                                                      American
## 1400                                                                      European
## 1401                                                           the Monroe Doctrine
## 1402                                                                  non-American
## 1403                                                                      American
## 1404                                                                      American
## 1405                                                                 the Old World
## 1406                                                                           one
## 1407                                                                     New World
## 1408                                                              the past century
## 1409                                                                        Europe
## 1410                                                                     New World
## 1411                                                                      American
## 1412                                                                      Americas
## 1413                                                                      American
## 1414                                                                  non-American
## 1415                                                                          Cuba
## 1416                                                                      Americas
## 1417                                                                          Navy
## 1418                                                                   Philippines
## 1419                                                                   Puerto Rico
## 1420                                                            the Isthmian Canal
## 1421                                                                          Navy
## 1422                                                                      American
## 1423                                                            the Isthmian Canal
## 1424                                                                          Navy
## 1425                                                                          navy
## 1426                                                                      American
## 1427                                                           the Monroe Doctrine
## 1428                                                        the Western Hemisphere
## 1429                                                                          Navy
## 1430                                                                          Navy
## 1431                                                                         years
## 1432                                                                         Spain
## 1433                                                                        Manila
## 1434                                                                      Santiago
## 1435                                                         two to fourteen years
## 1436                                                                          Navy
## 1437                                                                          1882
## 1438                                                                          Navy
## 1439                                                                      Hamilcar
## 1440                                                               Tromp and Blake
## 1441                                                                      Congress
## 1442                                                                          Navy
## 1443                                                                          Navy
## 1444                                                                         Spain
## 1445                                                                          Navy
## 1446                                                              the Spanish Navy
## 1447                                                                       Spanish
## 1448                                                                   Philippines
## 1449                                                                          Cuba
## 1450                                                                    Department
## 1451                                                                      Congress
## 1452                                                   the Secretaries of the Navy
## 1453                                                                        Manila
## 1454                                                                      Santiago
## 1455                                                                      American
## 1456                                                                          1898
## 1457                                                                          Navy
## 1458                                                                     this year
## 1459                                                                        Battle
## 1460                                                                          Navy
## 1461                                                                         years
## 1462                                                                 Four thousand
## 1463                                                                  one thousand
## 1464                                                                     Annapolis
## 1465                                                                     Annapolis
## 1466                                                                          Navy
## 1467                                                                     seventeen
## 1468                                                                          nine
## 1469                                                                         eight
## 1470                                                             two to four years
## 1471                                                             the Naval Academy
## 1472                                                             the General Board
## 1473                                                                          Navy
## 1474                                                            This General Board
## 1475                                                                         first
## 1476                                                                        second
## 1477                                                             The Naval Militia
## 1478                                                                         State
## 1479                                                        the General Government
## 1480                                                      a National Naval Reserve
## 1481                                                           the Navy Department
## 1482                                                             the Naval Academy
## 1483                                                             the Naval Militia
## 1484                                                                     schooners
## 1485                                                                      American
## 1486                                                                          Army
## 1487                                                                          Army
## 1488                                                                      American
## 1489                                                                          Army
## 1490                                                                 the Civil War
## 1491                                                                          Army
## 1492                                                                          Navy
## 1493                                                                          Army
## 1494                                                                          Navy
## 1495                                                            the War Department
## 1496                                                                          Army
## 1497                                                                          Army
## 1498                                                                          Army
## 1499                                                                          Navy
## 1500                                                                          Army
## 1501                                                                      Congress
## 1502                                                                        a year
## 1503                                                                the Gulf Coast
## 1504                                                                       Pacific
## 1505                                                                      Atlantic
## 1506                                                               the Great Lakes
## 1507                                                             a couple of days'
## 1508                                                                          Army
## 1509                                                                          Navy
## 1510                                                                      American
## 1511                                                                      Congress
## 1512                                                                        second
## 1513                                                                          Army
## 1514                                                              the present year
## 1515                                                                         three
## 1516                                                                         first
## 1517                                                                     four-year
## 1518                                                                        second
## 1519                                                                         third
## 1520                                                                          Army
## 1521                                                                          Army
## 1522                                                                         three
## 1523                                                                   Philippines
## 1524                                                            the War Department
## 1525                                                            the National Guard
## 1526                                                                    West Point
## 1527                                                                      American
## 1528                                      the National Guard of the several States
## 1529                                                                      Congress
## 1530                                                                         first
## 1531                                                                          Army
## 1532                                                          the last three years
## 1533                                                                   Philippines
## 1534                                                                          Cuba
## 1535                                                                   Puerto Rico
## 1536                                                                           one
## 1537                                                                 united Nation
## 1538                                                                           one
## 1539                                                                           one
## 1540                                                                         North
## 1541                                                                         South
## 1542                                                          the last three years
## 1543                                                                          East
## 1544                                                                          Asia
## 1545                                                             the United States
## 1546                                                                 the Civil War
## 1547                                                                     Americans
## 1548                                                                    democratic
## 1549                                                                      American
## 1550                                                      the District of Columbia
## 1551                                                         the Civil Service Law
## 1552                                                                   Philippines
## 1553                                                                   Puerto Rico
## 1554                                                                          Army
## 1555                                                                          Navy
## 1556                                                                   Philippines
## 1557                                                                   Puerto Rico
## 1558                                                                           one
## 1559                                                                          1856
## 1560                                                                  recent years
## 1561                                                                      Congress
## 1562                                                                      American
## 1563                                                                      Congress
## 1564                                                                        Indian
## 1565                                                                sixty thousand
## 1566                                                                       Indians
## 1567                                                             the United States
## 1568                                                                       Indians
## 1569                                                                        Indian
## 1570                                                                       Indians
## 1571                                                                       Indians
## 1572                                                                        Indian
## 1573                                                                        Indian
## 1574                                                                       Indians
## 1575                                                                        Indian
## 1576                                                                        Indian
## 1577                                                                      Congress
## 1578                                                      the St. Louis Exposition
## 1579                                                        the Western Hemisphere
## 1580                                                                           one
## 1581                                                                         three
## 1582                                                                     St. Louis
## 1583                                                                      Missouri
## 1584                                                                    Exposition
## 1585                                                       The National Government
## 1586                                                                    Charleston
## 1587                                                                    Exposition
## 1588                                                                      Congress
## 1589                                                                    Exposition
## 1590                                                     the Charleston Exposition
## 1591                                                                       Cabinet
## 1592                                                                       Buffalo
## 1593                                                                    Charleston
## 1594                                                                      Congress
## 1595                                                       Pan-American Exposition
## 1596                                                                       Buffalo
## 1597                                                                    Exposition
## 1598                                                                       Buffalo
## 1599                                                             the United States
## 1600                                                                    Exposition
## 1601                                                        the Western Hemisphere
## 1602                                                                      American
## 1603                                                             the United States
## 1604                                                   the Smithsonian Institution
## 1605                                                                      Congress
## 1606                                                                   Institution
## 1607                                                                   Institution
## 1608                                                                North American
## 1609                                                  the National Zoological Park
## 1610                                                           the National Museum
## 1611                                                                      Congress
## 1612                                                          the past fifty years
## 1613                                                            over five thousand
## 1614                                                             the United States
## 1615                                                                       Federal
## 1616                                                                      Congress
## 1617                                                                           one
## 1618                                                             the United States
## 1619                                                        the Western Hemisphere
## 1620                                                                      American
## 1621                                                             the Census Office
## 1622                                                                  twelve years
## 1623                                                                        annual
## 1624                                                                    11,411,779
## 1625                                                                          1897
## 1626                                                                     3,923,727
## 1627                                                                          1901
## 1628                                                                         6,009
## 1629                                                                   three years
## 1630                                                                         6,000
## 1631                                                       the current fiscal year
## 1632                                                                         8,600
## 1633                                                                         daily
## 1634                                                                     5,700,000
## 1635                                                                     one-third
## 1636                                                                        second
## 1637                                                                        second
## 1638                                                           nearly three-fifths
## 1639                                                          the last fiscal year
## 1640                                                               only $4,294,445
## 1641                                                                   111,631,193
## 1642                                                                      Congress
## 1643                                                                      one-half
## 1644                                                                        second
## 1645                                                                only one-third
## 1646                                                                   one-quarter
## 1647                                                    The Post-Office Department
## 1648                                                                       Pacific
## 1649                                                                         China
## 1650                                                                         China
## 1651                                                                          1900
## 1652                                                                         China
## 1653                                                                      December
## 1654                                                        the Chinese Government
## 1655                                                                       Chinese
## 1656                                                     the 7th of last September
## 1657                                                                         China
## 1658                                                                      Congress
## 1659                                                             the United States
## 1660                                                    William Woodville Rockhill
## 1661                                                                         China
## 1662                                                                         China
## 1663                                                                    five years
## 1664                                                                        Peking
## 1665                                                                     a quarter
## 1666                                                          the Emperor of China
## 1667                                                                     two years
## 1668                                                                         China
## 1669                                                                         China
## 1670                                                                December, 1900
## 1671                                                                         China
## 1672                                                        The Chinese Government
## 1673                                                                      Shanghai
## 1674                                                                      Tientsin
## 1675                                                                         China
## 1676                                                        the Chinese Government
## 1677                                                            the Shanghai River
## 1678                                                             the United States
## 1679                                                                         China
## 1680                                                                        Empire
## 1681                                                                         China
## 1682                                                                         China
## 1683                                                                         China
## 1684                                                                        Empire
## 1685                                                                  Pan-American
## 1686                                                                      Congress
## 1687                                                                        Mexico
## 1688                                                                       Mexican
## 1689                                                             the United States
## 1690                                                                      American
## 1691                                                                      Congress
## 1692                                                                          Weil
## 1693                                                                        Mexico
## 1694                                                                      Congress
## 1695                                                                         State
## 1696                                                                        Mexico
## 1697                                                                        Mexico
## 1698                                                                      Congress
## 1699                                                                        Mexico
## 1700                                                                Queen Victoria
## 1701                                                             the United States
## 1702                                                                      McKinley
## 1703                                                                 every quarter
## 1704                                                                       British
## 1705                                                                     Frederick
## 1706                                                                       Germany
## 1707                                                                      American
## 1708                                                                       Germany
## 1709                                                                 every quarter
## 1710                                                                        Senate
## 1711                                                      House of Representatives
## 1712                                                                           two
## 1713                                                           the last four years
## 1714                                                                 the Civil War
## 1715                                                         the twentieth century
## 1716                                                                      the days
## 1717                                                                    Washington
## 1718                                                                       Lincoln
## 1719                                                                over a century
## 1720                                                                      Congress
## 1721                                                                         first
## 1722                                                                 the past year
## 1723                                                                         State
## 1724                                                                      Congress
## 1725                                                                      Congress
## 1726                                                                  Constitution
## 1727                                                                      Congress
## 1728                                                                      Congress
## 1729                                                                      Congress
## 1730                                                                      Congress
## 1731                                                                  Constitution
## 1732                                                                      Congress
## 1733                                                     the Department of Justice
## 1734                                                                      Congress
## 1735                                                                           One
## 1736                                                                         first
## 1737                                                                      American
## 1738                                                                      American
## 1739                                                                           One
## 1740                                                                      Congress
## 1741                                                                      Congress
## 1742                                                                     a century
## 1743                                                                         first
## 1744                                                                      Congress
## 1745                                                                         House
## 1746                                                                        Nation
## 1747                                                       the National Government
## 1748                                                                        Nation
## 1749                                                                       Cabinet
## 1750                                                                        Senate
## 1751                                                                      Congress
## 1752                                                                        Senate
## 1753                                                                          Cuba
## 1754                                                                        May 20
## 1755                                                                 United States
## 1756                                                                         Cuban
## 1757                                                                          Cuba
## 1758                                                                         first
## 1759                                                                          Cuba
## 1760                                                                          Cuba
## 1761                                                                          Cuba
## 1762                                                                          Cuba
## 1763                                                                         Cuban
## 1764                                                        the American Continent
## 1765                                                                 Great Britain
## 1766                                                                        Senate
## 1767                                                             the United States
## 1768                                                                         State
## 1769                                                                        Blaine
## 1770                                                              The last century
## 1771                                                                     The Hague
## 1772                                                             the United States
## 1773                                                                        Mexico
## 1774                                                                         first
## 1775                                                               The Hague Court
## 1776                                                                   last summer
## 1777                                                                         first
## 1778                                                             the United States
## 1779                                                                     The Hague
## 1780                                                                      Congress
## 1781                                                                      Hawaiian
## 1782                                                                      Congress
## 1783                                                                        Panama
## 1784                                                                        French
## 1785                                                                      Colombia
## 1786                                                         the twentieth century
## 1787                                                                Administration
## 1788                                                                       America
## 1789                                                                       America
## 1790                                                                       America
## 1791                                                             the United States
## 1792                                                              the fall of 1901
## 1793                                                                         State
## 1794                                                                    California
## 1795                                                        the Philippine Islands
## 1796                                                                        Hawaii
## 1797                                                                      Congress
## 1798                                                                 Pacific-cable
## 1799                                                                      Congress
## 1800                                                                 several years
## 1801                                                                      Congress
## 1802                                                                         first
## 1803                                                                      Congress
## 1804                                                                      Congress
## 1805                                          the Commercial Pacific Cable Company
## 1806                                                             the U. S. S. Nero
## 1807                                                                      Congress
## 1808                                                                         China
## 1809                                                                         Grant
## 1810                                                                         first
## 1811                                                                        French
## 1812                                                                      Congress
## 1813                                                                      December
## 1814                                                                          1875
## 1815                                                                          1879
## 1816                                                                        second
## 1817                                                                        French
## 1818                                                                         Brest
## 1819                                                                    St. Pierre
## 1820                                                                      Cape Cod
## 1821                                                        the Philippine Islands
## 1822                                                                         China
## 1823                                                                       British
## 1824                                                                        Manila
## 1825                                                                      Hongkong
## 1826                                                                       Pacific
## 1827                                                                      Honolulu
## 1828                                                        the Philippine Islands
## 1829                                                                  a few months
## 1830                                                                      Congress
## 1831                                                                    Porto Rico
## 1832                                                                        July 4
## 1833                                                  one hundred and twenty-sixth
## 1834                                                        the Philippine Islands
## 1835                                                              Mohammedan Moros
## 1836                                                                     Filipinos
## 1837                                                                      Filipino
## 1838                                                                      Japanese
## 1839                                                                    Philippine
## 1840                                                                      American
## 1841                                                                   Philippines
## 1842                                                                          Army
## 1843                                                                   Philippines
## 1844                                                                      thousand
## 1845                                                     over one hundred thousand
## 1846                                                        the Philippine Islands
## 1847                                                                          Army
## 1848                                                        the Philippine Islands
## 1849                                                                     Filipinos
## 1850                                                                          Army
## 1851                                                                        Nation
## 1852                                                                          Army
## 1853                                                                           War
## 1854                                                                     last year
## 1855                                                                          Army
## 1856                                                                    West Point
## 1857                                                            the National Guard
## 1858                                                                         House
## 1859                                                            the National Guard
## 1860                                                             the United States
## 1861                                                                           War
## 1862                                                                         first
## 1863                                                                          Navy
## 1864                                                                          Navy
## 1865                                                                          Navy
## 1866                                                                          Navy
## 1867                                                                    every year
## 1868                                                                          Army
## 1869                                                                         first
## 1870                                                                         first
## 1871                                                                          Navy
## 1872                                                                          Navy
## 1873                                                                      American
## 1874                                                                          Navy
## 1875                                                                    a thousand
## 1876                                                              the Naval School
## 1877                                                                     Annapolis
## 1878                                                                     Annapolis
## 1879                                                        Post-Office Department
## 1880                                                    the Post-Office Department
## 1881                                                the fiscal year ending June 30
## 1882                                                                121,848,047.26
## 1883                                                                 10,216,853.87
## 1884                                                            the preceding year
## 1885                                                                 the year 1860
## 1886                                                                     8,518,067
## 1887                                                                      Congress
## 1888                                                                  ten per cent
## 1889                                                              November 1, 1902
## 1890                                                                        11,650
## 1891                                                               about one-third
## 1892                                                             the United States
## 1893                                                                    Department
## 1894                                                                        10,748
## 1895                                                                      Congress
## 1896                                                                      Congress
## 1897                                                                  recent years
## 1898                                                                          West
## 1899                                                                          West
## 1900                                                                   One hundred
## 1901                                                   one hundred and sixty acres
## 1902                                                                     ten acres
## 1903                                                                      Congress
## 1904                                                                      Congress
## 1905                                                                      Congress
## 1906                                                                        Alaska
## 1907                                                                        Alaska
## 1908                                                             thirty-five years
## 1909                                                                        Alaska
## 1910                                                                        Alaska
## 1911                                                                       Alaskan
## 1912                                          the Commission of Fish and Fisheries
## 1913                                                                        Alaska
## 1914                                                                      Congress
## 1915                                                                 Congressional
## 1916                                                                        Alaska
## 1917                                                                       Indians
## 1918                                                                        Indian
## 1919                                                                       Indians
## 1920                                                                        Indian
## 1921                                                                        Indian
## 1922                                                                       Indians
## 1923                                                                         first
## 1924                                                                        Indian
## 1925                                                                       Indians
## 1926                                                                        Indian
## 1927                                                                canoe building
## 1928                                                                        Indian
## 1929                                                                       English
## 1930                                                                       Indians
## 1931                                                                  recent years
## 1932                                                                        annual
## 1933                                                               only ten inches
## 1934                                                                     Louisiana
## 1935                                                                         Texas
## 1936                                                                         South
## 1937                                                                         North
## 1938                                                                          East
## 1939                                                                      Congress
## 1940                                                   the Smithsonian Institution
## 1941                                                                        Museum
## 1942                                                       the National Government
## 1943                                                                    Washington
## 1944                                                                    Washington
## 1945                                                                      District
## 1946                                                                      Congress
## 1947                                                                    Washington
## 1948                                                      the District of Columbia
## 1949                                                                      District
## 1950                                                                          1893
## 1951                                                                August 1, 1901
## 1952                                                                     thousands
## 1953                                                                        Senate
## 1954                                                                   Departments
## 1955                                                                      Congress
## 1956                                                                      the year
## 1957                                                      the District of Columbia
## 1958                                                                      Congress
## 1959                                                               the White House
## 1960                                                                    Washington
## 1961                                                    the University of Virginia
## 1962                                                                     Jefferson
## 1963                                                               The White House
## 1964                                                                  Mount Vernon
## 1965                                                                        Nation
## 1966                                                                      Congress
## 1967                                                            THEODORE ROOSEVELT
##      ent_type start_id length
## 1         ORG        4      1
## 2         ORG        6      3
## 3        DATE       21      3
## 4        DATE       31      3
## 5         ORG       34      1
## 6        NORP       58      1
## 7        NORP       70      1
## 8         LAW      126      1
## 9    CARDINAL      164      7
## 10    ORDINAL      200      1
## 11        ORG      201      1
## 12       DATE      204      3
## 13        GPE      211      3
## 14   CARDINAL      215      1
## 15   CARDINAL      218      1
## 16   CARDINAL      223      1
## 17   CARDINAL      229      3
## 18   QUANTITY      238      3
## 19   QUANTITY      245      3
## 20       NORP      330      1
## 21        GPE      350      1
## 22       DATE      358      4
## 23       NORP      379      1
## 24       NORP      396      1
## 25        GPE      411      1
## 26       DATE      421      2
## 27       DATE      457      1
## 28       DATE      488      1
## 29       DATE      490      1
## 30       NORP      499      1
## 31       DATE      532      2
## 32       DATE      630      1
## 33        ORG      639      1
## 34       NORP      706      1
## 35        ORG      761      1
## 36        GPE      770      4
## 37        GPE      830      1
## 38        ORG      858      1
## 39        FAC      865      5
## 40     PERSON      875      1
## 41        ORG      879      1
## 42        ORG      901      1
## 43        GPE      935      1
## 44        GPE      948      1
## 45        GPE      974      3
## 46       DATE      978      3
## 47        GPE      985      1
## 48       NORP     1054      1
## 49        GPE     1088      1
## 50        ORG     1099      3
## 51        GPE     1107      1
## 52        GPE     1142      1
## 53       DATE     1147      1
## 54        GPE     1179      1
## 55       DATE     1260      4
## 56       DATE     1282      3
## 57        ORG     1292      3
## 58        ORG     1337      1
## 59        GPE     1361      1
## 60       DATE     1363      4
## 61       NORP     1406      1
## 62     PERSON     1420      1
## 63        ORG     1452      1
## 64        ORG     1457      1
## 65        LOC     1465      1
## 66        GPE     1472      1
## 67       NORP     1476      1
## 68        GPE     1489      1
## 69       DATE     1542      6
## 70       NORP     1565      1
## 71        ORG     1579      3
## 72        ORG     1592      1
## 73        GPE     1595      3
## 74        GPE     1611      1
## 75       NORP     1622      1
## 76        GPE     1633      1
## 77        GPE     1637      1
## 78       NORP     1643      1
## 79   CARDINAL     1653      3
## 80        GPE     1682      1
## 81        GPE     1726      1
## 82       NORP     1734      1
## 83       NORP     1748      1
## 84        GPE     1767      1
## 85     PERSON     1781      1
## 86       DATE     1789      3
## 87        GPE     1793      1
## 88        ORG     1806      1
## 89        LOC     1821      1
## 90        ORG     1823      4
## 91        GPE     1831      1
## 92       NORP     1926      1
## 93       DATE     1961      2
## 94        GPE     1981      1
## 95       TIME     1989      4
## 96        ORG     2016      4
## 97       TIME     2032      2
## 98       NORP     2038      1
## 99     PERSON     2041      3
## 100      NORP     2077      1
## 101      NORP     2106      1
## 102  CARDINAL     2122      2
## 103  CARDINAL     2132      2
## 104      DATE     2175      2
## 105      DATE     2178      2
## 106    PERSON     2183      1
## 107      DATE     2185      1
## 108      TIME     2188      3
## 109  CARDINAL     2243      1
## 110  QUANTITY     2245      3
## 111  CARDINAL     2279      1
## 112      NORP     2282      1
## 113      TIME     2287      2
## 114      NORP     2320      1
## 115      NORP     2322      1
## 116      NORP     2324      1
## 117      NORP     2327      1
## 118    PERSON     2355      1
## 119      NORP     2361      1
## 120      NORP     2370      1
## 121    PERSON     2374      2
## 122      NORP     2390      1
## 123    PERSON     2394      3
## 124      NORP     2418      1
## 125  CARDINAL     2440      3
## 126      NORP     2443      1
## 127      NORP     2445      1
## 128      NORP     2448      1
## 129    PERSON     2453      1
## 130       ORG     2456      5
## 131      NORP     2478      1
## 132  CARDINAL     2513      1
## 133  CARDINAL     2516      1
## 134  CARDINAL     2520      1
## 135      DATE     2531      2
## 136   ORDINAL     2537      1
## 137       ORG     2540      5
## 138  CARDINAL     2612      1
## 139       ORG     2625      3
## 140       ORG     2666      3
## 141       ORG     2691      1
## 142    PERSON     2707      2
## 143       ORG     2711      1
## 144       ORG     2719      1
## 145       ORG     2725      1
## 146       ORG     2741      3
## 147       ORG     2752      4
## 148    PERSON     2785      4
## 149      NORP     2791      1
## 150       GPE     2794      1
## 151      DATE     2805      2
## 152      NORP     2819      1
## 153       GPE     2822      1
## 154    PERSON     2833      1
## 155       ORG     2843      1
## 156    PERSON     2850      4
## 157    PERSON     2856      1
## 158       LOC     2862      1
## 159      DATE     2864      2
## 160   ORDINAL     2877      1
## 161      DATE     2913      2
## 162       GPE     2919      1
## 163       ORG     2932      1
## 164       GPE     2937      3
## 165       GPE     2946      1
## 166  CARDINAL     2955      2
## 167   ORDINAL     2963      1
## 168       ORG     2972      2
## 169      DATE     2977      4
## 170       GPE     2990      1
## 171      DATE     3025      5
## 172      NORP     3037      1
## 173      NORP     3039      1
## 174      NORP     3041      1
## 175      NORP     3044      1
## 176       GPE     3058      1
## 177      NORP     3063      1
## 178      DATE     3071      4
## 179       ORG     3091      3
## 180       GPE     3099      2
## 181      DATE     3110      2
## 182       GPE     3134      3
## 183       ORG     3189      1
## 184      DATE     3196      4
## 185       ORG     3210      1
## 186      TIME     3215      5
## 187       LOC     3323      1
## 188       ORG     3342      1
## 189    PERSON     3406      3
## 190      NORP     3424      1
## 191  CARDINAL     3430      1
## 192       GPE     3452      3
## 193      DATE     3475      2
## 194      DATE     3513      3
## 195      NORP     3519      1
## 196      NORP     3540      1
## 197      NORP     3568      1
## 198       GPE     3573      1
## 199       ORG     3596      6
## 200       GPE     3616      1
## 201      NORP     3619      1
## 202       ORG     3681      1
## 203       GPE     3695      1
## 204       GPE     3736      1
## 205       ORG     3761      3
## 206      NORP     3771      1
## 207       ORG     3779      1
## 208       GPE     3782      1
## 209      NORP     3827      1
## 210       ORG     3883      1
## 211       ORG     3906      1
## 212       GPE     3919      1
## 213      DATE     3930      2
## 214      NORP     3934      1
## 215    PERSON     3958      1
## 216       GPE     3994      1
## 217       ORG     4024      1
## 218    PERSON     4027      2
## 219    PERSON     4029      2
## 220    PERSON     4032      2
## 221      DATE     4044      2
## 222    PERSON     4076      1
## 223    PERSON     4081      1
## 224       GPE     4091      3
## 225       ORG     4102      6
## 226       ORG     4147      4
## 227    PERSON     4159      1
## 228       GPE     4180      1
## 229       GPE     4303      1
## 230       GPE     4324      1
## 231       GPE     4361      1
## 232       GPE     4388      1
## 233       ORG     4414      4
## 234       GPE     4419      2
## 235       GPE     4449      1
## 236       GPE     4466      3
## 237      DATE     4472      2
## 238       GPE     4565      1
## 239       LAW     4568      6
## 240      DATE     4574      1
## 241       LOC     4593      1
## 242       ORG     4610      1
## 243       LOC     4661      3
## 244       GPE     4672      1
## 245      DATE     4673      4
## 246       ORG     4680      1
## 247       GPE     4690      1
## 248      DATE     4691      4
## 249       LOC     4775      2
## 250      DATE     4783      3
## 251  CARDINAL     4800      1
## 252       GPE     4806      1
## 253      DATE     4808      2
## 254       ORG     4826      5
## 255      DATE     4851      3
## 256       ORG     4858      1
## 257       GPE     4865      1
## 258       GPE     4867      1
## 259       GPE     4872      1
## 260      DATE     4886      1
## 261      DATE     4888      1
## 262       GPE     4909      1
## 263      NORP     4929      1
## 264       ORG     4981      1
## 265      DATE     4983      4
## 266      DATE     5004      1
## 267       ORG     5011      3
## 268       ORG     5015      3
## 269       ORG     5027      1
## 270       GPE     5044      1
## 271      DATE     5050      1
## 272      DATE     5073      1
## 273    PERSON     5082      1
## 274    PERSON     5094      2
## 275       GPE     5117      3
## 276      DATE     5130      2
## 277       GPE     5144      2
## 278       GPE     5147      1
## 279       GPE     5155      1
## 280      DATE     5157      1
## 281      NORP     5166      1
## 282    PERSON     5170      3
## 283       GPE     5198      3
## 284      DATE     5202      5
## 285    PERSON     5213      1
## 286      DATE     5221      1
## 287      NORP     5232      1
## 288       GPE     5238      1
## 289       GPE     5263      1
## 290      DATE     5313      4
## 291      NORP     5337      1
## 292  CARDINAL     5491      1
## 293      NORP     5572      1
## 294  CARDINAL     5633      1
## 295  CARDINAL     5640      3
## 296       ORG     5663      1
## 297       GPE     5670      1
## 298       GPE     5694      3
## 299  CARDINAL     5724      4
## 300  CARDINAL     5730      6
## 301       GPE     5761      1
## 302      NORP     5804      1
## 303       GPE     5813      2
## 304  CARDINAL     5816      1
## 305  CARDINAL     5821      1
## 306  CARDINAL     5826      1
## 307  CARDINAL     5831      1
## 308  CARDINAL     5837      1
## 309  CARDINAL     5839      1
## 310       GPE     5895      1
## 311       GPE     5979      1
## 312       GPE     5991      3
## 313       ORG     6004      1
## 314      DATE     6028      3
## 315      NORP     6036      1
## 316       GPE     6073      1
## 317  CARDINAL     6078      1
## 318      NORP     6105      1
## 319       GPE     6132      1
## 320       GPE     6160      3
## 321       ORG     6166      3
## 322       ORG     6172      1
## 323       GPE     6180      1
## 324      NORP     6209      1
## 325       GPE     6262      3
## 326       GPE     6266      3
## 327       ORG     6284      3
## 328       GPE     6293      2
## 329       GPE     6300      2
## 330  CARDINAL     6317      1
## 331       GPE     6352      3
## 332       GPE     6371      3
## 333      NORP     6393      1
## 334       GPE     6408      2
## 335      NORP     6420      1
## 336    PERSON     6441      2
## 337       ORG     6466      3
## 338      NORP     6483      1
## 339    PERSON     6551      2
## 340      DATE     6561      1
## 341      DATE     6563      1
## 342      DATE     6572      1
## 343       ORG     6586      3
## 344       LAW     6688      5
## 345       GPE     6697      1
## 346      NORP     6714      1
## 347  CARDINAL     6720      6
## 348       ORG     6737      1
## 349      DATE     6739      3
## 350  QUANTITY     6809      4
## 351    PERSON     6818      3
## 352       ORG     6822      3
## 353    PERSON     6832      4
## 354      NORP     6837      1
## 355       GPE     6840      1
## 356     MONEY     6852      1
## 357      NORP     6861      1
## 358       GPE     6864      1
## 359       ORG     6884      4
## 360    PERSON     6898      3
## 361       GPE     6902      1
## 362     MONEY     6909      1
## 363    PERSON     6924      1
## 364      NORP     6946      1
## 365  CARDINAL     6975      1
## 366      NORP     6976      1
## 367       GPE     6978      1
## 368       ORG     6984      3
## 369       GPE     7019      1
## 370       ORG     7037      3
## 371  CARDINAL     7075      1
## 372       GPE     7079      1
## 373      NORP     7121      1
## 374      DATE     7137      2
## 375       ORG     7141      1
## 376       ORG     7160      3
## 377       ORG     7185      1
## 378      NORP     7254      1
## 379       ORG     7306      1
## 380      NORP     7314      1
## 381       GPE     7354      3
## 382       GPE     7437      1
## 383      DATE     7459      4
## 384      NORP     7475      1
## 385      NORP     7492      1
## 386       GPE     7494      1
## 387       GPE     7520      1
## 388       GPE     7538      1
## 389       GPE     7540      1
## 390       LOC     7583      3
## 391       GPE     7589      1
## 392       ORG     7604      3
## 393       GPE     7614      1
## 394      DATE     7623      2
## 395      NORP     7634      1
## 396       LOC     7636      3
## 397       GPE     7646      1
## 398       GPE     7648      1
## 399       GPE     7655      1
## 400       GPE     7699      1
## 401  CARDINAL     7706      1
## 402       ORG     7707      1
## 403       ORG     7727      3
## 404     EVENT     7739      3
## 405    PERSON     7743      1
## 406   ORDINAL     7755      1
## 407     MONEY     7759      1
## 408       GPE     7765      1
## 409       ORG     7783      1
## 410       GPE     7792      3
## 411       GPE     7822      2
## 412      DATE     7826      2
## 413       ORG     7835      9
## 414  CARDINAL     7845      1
## 415       GPE     7850      3
## 416       GPE     7854      1
## 417       GPE     7856      1
## 418       GPE     7858      1
## 419       GPE     7860      1
## 420       GPE     7862      1
## 421       GPE     7864      1
## 422       GPE     7866      1
## 423       GPE     7868      1
## 424       GPE     7870      1
## 425       GPE     7872      1
## 426       GPE     7874      1
## 427       GPE     7876      1
## 428       GPE     7878      1
## 429       GPE     7880      1
## 430       GPE     7882      1
## 431       GPE     7886      1
## 432       GPE     7888      1
## 433       ORG     7894      1
## 434       ORG     7897      9
## 435       ORG     7919      4
## 436       LAW     7927      5
## 437       ORG     7960      1
## 438       ORG     7962      1
## 439    PERSON     7964      2
## 440       GPE     7968      1
## 441       GPE     7974      3
## 442       ORG     7978      1
## 443    PERSON     7980      3
## 444       GPE     7985      1
## 445       GPE     7990      3
## 446       ORG     7994      1
## 447    PERSON     7996      3
## 448       GPE     8001      2
## 449       GPE     8007      3
## 450       ORG     8012      1
## 451    PERSON     8014      2
## 452       GPE     8018      1
## 453       GPE     8027      3
## 454      DATE     8041      1
## 455       GPE     8044      1
## 456      DATE     8047      1
## 457      NORP     8053      1
## 458      NORP     8065      1
## 459   ORDINAL     8116      1
## 460      NORP     8122      1
## 461       GPE     8125      2
## 462  CARDINAL     8133      1
## 463       ORG     8134      1
## 464   ORDINAL     8139      1
## 465       ORG     8169      3
## 466      NORP     8175      1
## 467       LOC     8191      4
## 468       ORG     8239      4
## 469      DATE     8251      1
## 470      DATE     8253      1
## 471       GPE     8258      1
## 472       ORG     8269      3
## 473       ORG     8291      3
## 474       ORG     8306      3
## 475       GPE     8326      3
## 476       GPE     8354      3
## 477       ORG     8369      1
## 478       ORG     8414      1
## 479       GPE     8418      2
## 480       ORG     8439      1
## 481       GPE     8455      1
## 482    PERSON     8465      2
## 483       ORG     8483      1
## 484       GPE     8501      1
## 485       GPE     8512      2
## 486  CARDINAL     8525      1
## 487       LAW     8532      3
## 488       GPE     8536      1
## 489       ORG     8541      1
## 490       ORG     8546      3
## 491       GPE     8573      1
## 492      NORP     8581      1
## 493       LOC     8586      2
## 494    PERSON     8592      4
## 495       GPE     8604      1
## 496       ORG     8611      4
## 497       LOC     8625      1
## 498      NORP     8627      1
## 499       GPE     8631      1
## 500       GPE     8651      1
## 501       GPE     8714      1
## 502  CARDINAL     8738      1
## 503       ORG     8746      4
## 504      NORP     8755      1
## 505   PRODUCT     8770      1
## 506      NORP     8779      1
## 507       GPE     8785      1
## 508    PERSON     8787      2
## 509       GPE     8800      1
## 510   ORDINAL     8834      1
## 511       ORG     8853      1
## 512       GPE     8856      1
## 513      NORP     8879      1
## 514   ORDINAL     8888      1
## 515       GPE     8924      3
## 516       GPE     8931      1
## 517     MONEY     8936      1
## 518       LAW     8963      7
## 519       GPE     8971      1
## 520       GPE     8975      3
## 521       GPE     8990      1
## 522       GPE     9009      1
## 523       GPE     9016      3
## 524       GPE     9020      1
## 525       GPE     9023      2
## 526       LOC     9034      3
## 527      DATE     9049      1
## 528      NORP     9066      1
## 529       GPE     9069      1
## 530    PERSON     9081      1
## 531      NORP     9100      1
## 532       ORG     9103      1
## 533       ORG     9112      1
## 534       ORG     9195      1
## 535  CARDINAL     9203      1
## 536       ORG     9224      1
## 537   ORDINAL     9233      1
## 538       GPE     9243      1
## 539       GPE     9246      1
## 540       GPE     9250      1
## 541   ORDINAL     9260      1
## 542       GPE     9270      1
## 543       GPE     9273      1
## 544       GPE     9276      3
## 545       GPE     9281      2
## 546       GPE     9289      1
## 547       GPE     9293      1
## 548       GPE     9300      2
## 549       ORG     9310      1
## 550       ORG     9315      1
## 551       GPE     9353      3
## 552       ORG     9368      1
## 553    PERSON     9414      1
## 554      NORP     9436      1
## 555       ORG     9448      1
## 556       LOC     9474      3
## 557       GPE     9481      1
## 558      DATE     9482      2
## 559       GPE     9490      3
## 560      NORP     9505      3
## 561       ORG     9522      1
## 562       GPE     9527      4
## 563       GPE     9545      1
## 564       ORG     9573      3
## 565       ORG     9598      6
## 566       GPE     9621      3
## 567      NORP     9626      3
## 568       ORG     9639      3
## 569       ORG     9644      1
## 570       ORG     9654      4
## 571       GPE     9664      4
## 572      DATE     9669      3
## 573       ORG     9674      1
## 574      DATE     9681      2
## 575       ORG     9692      1
## 576      NORP     9716      3
## 577      NORP     9884      1
## 578       ORG     9894      5
## 579       ORG     9972      2
## 580      DATE     9974      1
## 581      DATE     9992      3
## 582      DATE    10016      8
## 583     MONEY    10027      1
## 584      DATE    10030      4
## 585      DATE    10044      1
## 586      DATE    10046      1
## 587     MONEY    10053      1
## 588      DATE    10058      2
## 589     MONEY    10071      1
## 590     MONEY    10090      1
## 591      DATE    10103      3
## 592     MONEY    10108      1
## 593     MONEY    10117      1
## 594     MONEY    10123      1
## 595      DATE    10125      1
## 596     MONEY    10134      1
## 597     MONEY    10139      1
## 598      DATE    10141      3
## 599      DATE    10154      2
## 600       ORG    10168      3
## 601      DATE    10173      4
## 602     MONEY    10179      1
## 603     MONEY    10185      1
## 604      DATE    10189      1
## 605       ORG    10192      3
## 606     MONEY    10199      1
## 607      DATE    10201      3
## 608     MONEY    10208      1
## 609      DATE    10210      3
## 610     MONEY    10218      1
## 611      NORP    10226      1
## 612      DATE    10232      3
## 613      DATE    10247      1
## 614     MONEY    10254      1
## 615       ORG    10269      1
## 616     MONEY    10287      1
## 617       ORG    10306      1
## 618       ORG    10318      1
## 619      DATE    10324      4
## 620     MONEY    10331      1
## 621     MONEY    10336      1
## 622     MONEY    10347      1
## 623       ORG    10354      1
## 624  CARDINAL    10356      1
## 625      DATE    10365      2
## 626     MONEY    10369      1
## 627      DATE    10382      2
## 628       GPE    10405      2
## 629     MONEY    10426      1
## 630     MONEY    10431      1
## 631      DATE    10435      4
## 632     MONEY    10442      1
## 633      DATE    10463      2
## 634     MONEY    10467      1
## 635     MONEY    10480      1
## 636       ORG    10494      4
## 637     MONEY    10513      1
## 638       ORG    10532      1
## 639  CARDINAL    10550      1
## 640       ORG    10570      1
## 641      DATE    10575      3
## 642  CARDINAL    10585      1
## 643     MONEY    10588      3
## 644     MONEY    10597      1
## 645      DATE    10602      2
## 646     MONEY    10606      1
## 647      DATE    10643      4
## 648     MONEY    10652      3
## 649      DATE    10655      3
## 650     MONEY    10684      3
## 651      DATE    10689      1
## 652  CARDINAL    10692      1
## 653      DATE    10695      1
## 654  CARDINAL    10699      1
## 655      DATE    10702      1
## 656     MONEY    10716      1
## 657      DATE    10728      6
## 658     MONEY    10739      1
## 659     MONEY    10752      1
## 660       ORG    10774      1
## 661      DATE    10786      4
## 662     MONEY    10795      5
## 663      DATE    10800      1
## 664      DATE    10803      4
## 665      DATE    10809      4
## 666      DATE    10815      1
## 667     MONEY    10825      4
## 668      DATE    10832      8
## 669  CARDINAL    10842      3
## 670       ORG    10863      1
## 671      DATE    10874      1
## 672       ORG    10885      4
## 673     MONEY    10907      4
## 674  CARDINAL    10915      2
## 675      DATE    10956      2
## 676  CARDINAL    10959      1
## 677  CARDINAL    10965      1
## 678     MONEY    10969      4
## 679  CARDINAL    10975      1
## 680     MONEY    10980      1
## 681       GPE    11016      1
## 682   ORDINAL    11018      1
## 683  CARDINAL    11021      1
## 684       GPE    11029      1
## 685       GPE    11031      1
## 686       ORG    11033      2
## 687       GPE    11089      3
## 688      DATE    11115      5
## 689     MONEY    11122      1
## 690      DATE    11148      2
## 691   ORDINAL    11177      1
## 692     MONEY    11186      4
## 693      DATE    11205      4
## 694     MONEY    11211      1
## 695      DATE    11216      1
## 696     MONEY    11219      1
## 697      DATE    11224      1
## 698     MONEY    11227      1
## 699      DATE    11230      1
## 700     MONEY    11233      1
## 701      DATE    11238      1
## 702     MONEY    11241      1
## 703       GPE    11249      3
## 704      DATE    11266      3
## 705      DATE    11273      1
## 706     MONEY    11276      1
## 707     MONEY    11280      1
## 708      DATE    11282      1
## 709     MONEY    11287      3
## 710      DATE    11298      1
## 711      DATE    11304      1
## 712      DATE    11309      2
## 713     MONEY    11313      1
## 714     MONEY    11317      1
## 715      DATE    11319      1
## 716      DATE    11325      2
## 717     MONEY    11330      1
## 718      DATE    11335      1
## 719     MONEY    11338      1
## 720       GPE    11360      3
## 721      DATE    11373      1
## 722     MONEY    11380      1
## 723      DATE    11384      1
## 724      DATE    11410      1
## 725     MONEY    11412      3
## 726     MONEY    11421      3
## 727      DATE    11425      1
## 728     MONEY    11427      3
## 729      DATE    11431      1
## 730       ORG    11438      1
## 731       GPE    11458      1
## 732     MONEY    11464      4
## 733      DATE    11531      4
## 734  CARDINAL    11537      2
## 735      NORP    11560      1
## 736       ORG    11587      1
## 737       GPE    11594      3
## 738  CARDINAL    11599      1
## 739       ORG    11698      1
## 740      NORP    11703      1
## 741      DATE    11732      1
## 742       ORG    11781      1
## 743      NORP    11798      1
## 744       ORG    11811      1
## 745       ORG    11822      1
## 746      DATE    11825      1
## 747       ORG    11832      5
## 748       ORG    11852      1
## 749       ORG    11964      1
## 750       ORG    11981      1
## 751       GPE    11992      3
## 752       ORG    12047      1
## 753       ORG    12077      1
## 754       GPE    12097      1
## 755       ORG    12118      6
## 756       GPE    12145      3
## 757       ORG    12172      1
## 758       LAW    12192      1
## 759       GPE    12201      3
## 760       ORG    12241      1
## 761       ORG    12256      1
## 762      DATE    12434      5
## 763       GPE    12450      3
## 764      DATE    12486      1
## 765       ORG    12494      1
## 766    PERSON    12496      3
## 767       GPE    12501      1
## 768    PERSON    12504      3
## 769       GPE    12509      1
## 770       ORG    12512      1
## 771    PERSON    12514      3
## 772       GPE    12519      1
## 773       ORG    12522      1
## 774    PERSON    12524      3
## 775       GPE    12529      1
## 776    PERSON    12533      2
## 777       GPE    12537      1
## 778      DATE    12558      4
## 779       ORG    12582      1
## 780   ORDINAL    12585      1
## 781      DATE    12587      1
## 782      DATE    12589      1
## 783  CARDINAL    12591      1
## 784      NORP    12597      1
## 785  CARDINAL    12600      1
## 786       ORG    12703      1
## 787    PERSON    12705      3
## 788       GPE    12710      1
## 789    PERSON    12713      3
## 790       GPE    12718      1
## 791    PERSON    12722      3
## 792       GPE    12727      1
## 793       ORG    12729      1
## 794    PERSON    12731      3
## 795       GPE    12736      1
## 796    PERSON    12740      2
## 797       GPE    12744      1
## 798      NORP    12749      1
## 799       ORG    12778      1
## 800       ORG    12797      1
## 801    PERSON    12799      3
## 802       ORG    12878      2
## 803       ORG    12882      1
## 804     EVENT    12890      1
## 805       GPE    12917      1
## 806      NORP    12936      1
## 807   ORDINAL    12997      1
## 808      DATE    13208      7
## 809     EVENT    13230      1
## 810      NORP    13241      1
## 811       ORG    13310      1
## 812       ORG    13428      1
## 813       ORG    13506      1
## 814       ORG    13623      1
## 815       ORG    13650      1
## 816       ORG    13679      1
## 817      DATE    13777      4
## 818      DATE    13798      4
## 819    PERSON    13816      3
## 820    PERSON    13823      1
## 821       GPE    13876      1
## 822      DATE    13898      4
## 823       GPE    13948      1
## 824       ORG    13966      3
## 825       GPE    13971      1
## 826       ORG    13985      1
## 827       ORG    14081      7
## 828      NORP    14268      1
## 829       GPE    14328      3
## 830       ORG    14383      1
## 831      NORP    14425      1
## 832       ORG    14459      1
## 833       ORG    14473      1
## 834      NORP    14625      1
## 835       GPE    14659      1
## 836       GPE    15071      1
## 837       GPE    15073      3
## 838       ORG    15166      1
## 839       ORG    15279      1
## 840   ORDINAL    15333      1
## 841   ORDINAL    15380      1
## 842  LANGUAGE    15440      1
## 843  LANGUAGE    15467      1
## 844  CARDINAL    15592      1
## 845       ORG    15713      1
## 846       ORG    15721      1
## 847      NORP    15728      2
## 848      NORP    15730      1
## 849       GPE    15814      3
## 850       GPE    15868      3
## 851       GPE    15888      1
## 852      DATE    15890      6
## 853       ORG    15940      3
## 854       GPE    15967      3
## 855       LOC    16003      3
## 856      NORP    16044      1
## 857      NORP    16061      1
## 858       GPE    16064      1
## 859       GPE    16079      3
## 860       ORG    16090      1
## 861       ORG    16100      2
## 862       GPE    16108      1
## 863      DATE    16111      4
## 864       ORG    16209      1
## 865      NORP    16264      1
## 866     MONEY    16282      1
## 867       ORG    16328      1
## 868      NORP    16345      1
## 869       ORG    16382      1
## 870      NORP    16393      1
## 871      NORP    16452      1
## 872   ORDINAL    16479      1
## 873       LOC    16513      1
## 874       GPE    16519      1
## 875       GPE    16521      1
## 876      NORP    16552      1
## 877       GPE    16611      2
## 878       ORG    16620      1
## 879      DATE    16622      4
## 880      DATE    16655      4
## 881       ORG    16671      1
## 882      DATE    16683      5
## 883       ORG    16698      1
## 884       ORG    16705      1
## 885       GPE    16712      2
## 886       GPE    16744      2
## 887       GPE    16747      3
## 888      DATE    16777      6
## 889       GPE    16795      1
## 890       GPE    16823      1
## 891       GPE    16834      3
## 892      DATE    16843      4
## 893       GPE    16859      1
## 894       GPE    16877      2
## 895       GPE    16933      1
## 896       GPE    17005      1
## 897      DATE    17007      5
## 898      DATE    17014      4
## 899       GPE    17031      1
## 900      TIME    17033      3
## 901      DATE    17037      5
## 902      DATE    17044      4
## 903       GPE    17059      1
## 904       GPE    17075      3
## 905       GPE    17090      1
## 906      DATE    17144      4
## 907      DATE    17159      4
## 908   ORDINAL    17170      1
## 909      DATE    17172      3
## 910       GPE    17194      1
## 911       GPE    17211      3
## 912   ORDINAL    17229      1
## 913       GPE    17238      1
## 914       GPE    17259      1
## 915       GPE    17261      3
## 916       GPE    17297      1
## 917       GPE    17299      6
## 918       GPE    17305      3
## 919  CARDINAL    17330      1
## 920       GPE    17344      1
## 921      NORP    17386      1
## 922       ORG    17497      1
## 923      DATE    17529      4
## 924       GPE    17542      3
## 925       GPE    17546      1
## 926       GPE    17551      1
## 927      NORP    17581      1
## 928       LOC    17608      1
## 929       LOC    17627      1
## 930       LOC    17634      3
## 931       ORG    17659      1
## 932  CARDINAL    17661      1
## 933  CARDINAL    17664      1
## 934  CARDINAL    17667      1
## 935      DATE    17674      4
## 936      DATE    17683      1
## 937       ORG    17693      3
## 938  CARDINAL    17700      1
## 939  CARDINAL    17703      1
## 940      DATE    17709      1
## 941       ORG    17711      3
## 942       GPE    17717      1
## 943       ORG    17746      1
## 944       ORG    17826      3
## 945  CARDINAL    17837      1
## 946  CARDINAL    17842      3
## 947       GPE    17850      3
## 948       ORG    17873      1
## 949     MONEY    17875      4
## 950       ORG    17895      3
## 951  CARDINAL    17920      1
## 952       GPE    17948      1
## 953  CARDINAL    17950      3
## 954       GPE    18006      2
## 955  CARDINAL    18014      1
## 956  CARDINAL    18018      1
## 957       LOC    18042      3
## 958  CARDINAL    18065      3
## 959       GPE    18088      3
## 960  CARDINAL    18111      2
## 961       GPE    18120      1
## 962       GPE    18123      1
## 963  CARDINAL    18138      1
## 964       GPE    18154      1
## 965  CARDINAL    18157      1
## 966       ORG    18160      3
## 967     EVENT    18194      1
## 968      DATE    18197      1
## 969       ORG    18219      1
## 970       GPE    18240      1
## 971     EVENT    18264      1
## 972       ORG    18275      1
## 973      NORP    18281      1
## 974       ORG    18287      4
## 975       ORG    18293      3
## 976       ORG    18297      2
## 977       ORG    18300      2
## 978       ORG    18303      2
## 979       ORG    18307      2
## 980       ORG    18312      1
## 981      DATE    18384      3
## 982      DATE    18389      9
## 983  CARDINAL    18406      1
## 984      DATE    18415      4
## 985      DATE    18421      6
## 986  CARDINAL    18433      1
## 987      DATE    18437      3
## 988  CARDINAL    18449      1
## 989      DATE    18476      4
## 990  CARDINAL    18480      2
## 991      DATE    18491      1
## 992  CARDINAL    18500      6
## 993      DATE    18616      1
## 994       ORG    18619      4
## 995       ORG    18635      1
## 996       ORG    18682      1
## 997       GPE    18690      1
## 998       GPE    18696      1
## 999       ORG    18759      1
## 1000      ORG    18771      1
## 1001   PERSON    18789      3
## 1002      GPE    18843      1
## 1003      ORG    18852      1
## 1004      ORG    18868      1
## 1005 QUANTITY    18870      3
## 1006 QUANTITY    18876      2
## 1007 QUANTITY    18882      2
## 1008     DATE    18897      2
## 1009 QUANTITY    18901      2
## 1010 QUANTITY    18905      2
## 1011     NORP    18908      1
## 1012 CARDINAL    18914      1
## 1013     DATE    18916      3
## 1014     DATE    18930      3
## 1015    MONEY    18935      1
## 1016    MONEY    18941      1
## 1017     DATE    18943      3
## 1018      ORG    18976      1
## 1019     DATE    18986      4
## 1020 CARDINAL    18993      3
## 1021      LAW    19004      2
## 1022     DATE    19007      7
## 1023 QUANTITY    19019      2
## 1024     DATE    19024      3
## 1025      ORG    19027      3
## 1026      GPE    19035      1
## 1027 QUANTITY    19039      2
## 1028 QUANTITY    19047      2
## 1029      ORG    19050      3
## 1030      GPE    19055      1
## 1031 QUANTITY    19060      2
## 1032 QUANTITY    19063      2
## 1033      ORG    19067      4
## 1034      GPE    19073      1
## 1035 QUANTITY    19078      2
## 1036 QUANTITY    19081      2
## 1037      ORG    19088      3
## 1038      GPE    19093      1
## 1039 QUANTITY    19099      2
## 1040     DATE    19105      2
## 1041     DATE    19109      4
## 1042      ORG    19114      5
## 1043      GPE    19121      1
## 1044 QUANTITY    19130      2
## 1045     DATE    19135      6
## 1046 CARDINAL    19147      1
## 1047 CARDINAL    19154      1
## 1048     DATE    19156      4
## 1049     DATE    19168      2
## 1050 CARDINAL    19171      1
## 1051      ORG    19177      1
## 1052     DATE    19180      2
## 1053    MONEY    19184      1
## 1054      ORG    19187      1
## 1055    MONEY    19190      1
## 1056    MONEY    19196      1
## 1057    MONEY    19204      1
## 1058      ORG    19210      1
## 1059     DATE    19217      4
## 1060    MONEY    19224      1
## 1061 CARDINAL    19228      1
## 1062     DATE    19235      2
## 1063  ORDINAL    19243      1
## 1064     DATE    19247      3
## 1065      ORG    19250      1
## 1066     DATE    19256      4
## 1067    MONEY    19278      1
## 1068      ORG    19286      1
## 1069    MONEY    19313      6
## 1070 CARDINAL    19350      1
## 1071     DATE    19361      8
## 1072 CARDINAL    19370      1
## 1073 CARDINAL    19373      1
## 1074 CARDINAL    19377      1
## 1075 CARDINAL    19388      1
## 1076    MONEY    19397      1
## 1077    MONEY    19403      1
## 1078    MONEY    19410      1
## 1079      ORG    19416      1
## 1080      ORG    19427      1
## 1081      GPE    19441      1
## 1082     DATE    19477      4
## 1083      ORG    19493      1
## 1084     DATE    19501      4
## 1085      ORG    19519      1
## 1086     NORP    19527      1
## 1087     DATE    19532      3
## 1088 CARDINAL    19541      1
## 1089 CARDINAL    19545      1
## 1090     NORP    19553      1
## 1091 CARDINAL    19556      1
## 1092     DATE    19566      2
## 1093 CARDINAL    19578      1
## 1094     DATE    19587      1
## 1095 CARDINAL    19589      1
## 1096    MONEY    19592      3
## 1097      ORG    19618      1
## 1098     DATE    19621      4
## 1099      LAW    19626      2
## 1100      LAW    19632      8
## 1101      GPE    19663      1
## 1102      ORG    19695      1
## 1103      ORG    19715      1
## 1104      ORG    19730      3
## 1105      ORG    19744      1
## 1106     DATE    19745      2
## 1107      ORG    19818      1
## 1108 CARDINAL    19822      1
## 1109     DATE    19849      7
## 1110      GPE    19878      4
## 1111     NORP    19885      1
## 1112      GPE    19888      1
## 1113     DATE    19899      3
## 1114     DATE    19966      2
## 1115      ORG    20094      4
## 1116      ORG    20114      1
## 1117      LAW    20129      1
## 1118      ORG    20132      4
## 1119     DATE    20142      3
## 1120      GPE    20162      4
## 1121      GPE    20271      3
## 1122     DATE    20286      2
## 1123      GPE    20303      4
## 1124      GPE    20329      1
## 1125     DATE    20419      4
## 1126 CARDINAL    20424      1
## 1127     TIME    20450      3
## 1128      ORG    20478      1
## 1129      LOC    20491      3
## 1130     DATE    20502      4
## 1131      ORG    20511      6
## 1132      ORG    20528      4
## 1133      ORG    20538      5
## 1134      LOC    20557      3
## 1135     NORP    20574      1
## 1136      ORG    20581      4
## 1137      ORG    20600      1
## 1138      ORG    20604      5
## 1139      ORG    20610      4
## 1140      ORG    20655      1
## 1141      GPE    20732      1
## 1142     DATE    20840      1
## 1143      ORG    20879      1
## 1144      ORG    20892      1
## 1145      ORG    20901      4
## 1146   PERSON    20910      3
## 1147     DATE    20914      4
## 1148      ORG    20935      1
## 1149      ORG    20978      5
## 1150     DATE    20996      1
## 1151      GPE    21000      4
## 1152 CARDINAL    21005      1
## 1153 CARDINAL    21012      1
## 1154      GPE    21020      1
## 1155 CARDINAL    21023      1
## 1156 CARDINAL    21030      1
## 1157      ORG    21034      1
## 1158    EVENT    21044     12
## 1159      GPE    21057      4
## 1160     DATE    21073      6
## 1161     DATE    21086      3
## 1162      ORG    21109      1
## 1163      ORG    21111      3
## 1164      GPE    21134      4
## 1165      ORG    21152      3
## 1166      ORG    21165      1
## 1167      ORG    21167      3
## 1168      ORG    21171      7
## 1169      FAC    21186      5
## 1170     DATE    21258      2
## 1171      ORG        3      1
## 1172      ORG        5      3
## 1173      ORG       11      1
## 1174     DATE       13      2
## 1175     DATE       24      4
## 1176   PERSON       30      1
## 1177      ORG       39      4
## 1178      GPE       44      1
## 1179     DATE       52      5
## 1180     DATE       60      3
## 1181     NORP       91      1
## 1182  ORDINAL      102      1
## 1183     NORP      106      1
## 1184   PERSON      117      1
## 1185   PERSON      120      1
## 1186   PERSON      134      1
## 1187     DATE      144      2
## 1188   PERSON      152      1
## 1189   PERSON      165      1
## 1190   PERSON      249      1
## 1191      GPE      261      3
## 1192  ORDINAL      296      1
## 1193   PERSON      476      1
## 1194      ORG      511      1
## 1195 CARDINAL      573      1
## 1196 CARDINAL      604      1
## 1197   PERSON      628      1
## 1198      ORG      645      1
## 1199 CARDINAL      666      1
## 1200     DATE      740      2
## 1201     DATE      776      3
## 1202   PERSON     1218      1
## 1203      LOC     1239      2
## 1204      GPE     1347      3
## 1205 CARDINAL     1353      1
## 1206 CARDINAL     1512      1
## 1207 CARDINAL     1547      1
## 1208      ORG     1613      1
## 1209      ORG     1742      1
## 1210   PERSON     1799      1
## 1211      GPE     1801      1
## 1212      ORG     1872      1
## 1213      LAW     1899      1
## 1214      ORG     2007      3
## 1215     NORP     2278      1
## 1216     DATE     2301      4
## 1217     DATE     2531      7
## 1218     DATE     2545      5
## 1219     DATE     3027      3
## 1220      GPE     3094      1
## 1221 CARDINAL     3204      1
## 1222     DATE     3343      1
## 1223     DATE     3357      3
## 1224 CARDINAL     3494      1
## 1225     NORP     3770      1
## 1226  ORDINAL     4084      1
## 1227  ORDINAL     4182      1
## 1228 CARDINAL     4264      1
## 1229      ORG     4265      1
## 1230      GPE     4272      1
## 1231      ORG     4281      1
## 1232      ORG     4295      1
## 1233      ORG     4303      1
## 1234      ORG     4326      1
## 1235      ORG     4340      1
## 1236      ORG     4437      3
## 1237      ORG     4460      1
## 1238      GPE     4462      1
## 1239      LAW     4474      1
## 1240     DATE     4479      6
## 1241     DATE     4508      6
## 1242     DATE     4553      2
## 1243      ORG     4581      3
## 1244      ORG     4604      5
## 1245      ORG     4618      1
## 1246      ORG     4650      1
## 1247      ORG     4659      1
## 1248      ORG     4661      1
## 1249      ORG     4675      1
## 1250 CARDINAL     4717      1
## 1251      GPE     4869      3
## 1252     NORP     5014      1
## 1253      ORG     5032      3
## 1254      ORG     5066      4
## 1255     TIME     5117      3
## 1256      ORG     5134      4
## 1257     TIME     5145      2
## 1258      GPE     5221      4
## 1259  ORDINAL     5452      1
## 1260      LAW     5559      1
## 1261      ORG     5570      1
## 1262      ORG     5588      3
## 1263     NORP     5760      1
## 1264  ORDINAL     5838      1
## 1265  ORDINAL     5914      1
## 1266     NORP     5940      1
## 1267     NORP     5946      1
## 1268     NORP     6038      1
## 1269     NORP     6052      1
## 1270     NORP     6063      1
## 1271     NORP     6088      1
## 1272  ORDINAL     6195      1
## 1273  ORDINAL     6358      1
## 1274      ORG     6841      1
## 1275     NORP     6858      1
## 1276      ORG     6872      1
## 1277     NORP     6968      1
## 1278      ORG     6979      1
## 1279      ORG     6981      1
## 1280      GPE     7028      3
## 1281     NORP     7055      1
## 1282     NORP     7058      1
## 1283     NORP     7066      1
## 1284 CARDINAL     7095      1
## 1285     NORP     7137      1
## 1286     NORP     7151      1
## 1287     NORP     7210      1
## 1288     DATE     7224      4
## 1289      ORG     7311      4
## 1290      ORG     7451      1
## 1291      ORG     7456      1
## 1292     DATE     7575      1
## 1293      ORG     7590      4
## 1294   PERSON     7890      1
## 1295      ORG     7932      1
## 1296      ORG     7935      4
## 1297     DATE     7940      4
## 1298 CARDINAL     7987      1
## 1299     DATE     8104      2
## 1300      GPE     8115      3
## 1301      LOC     8329      1
## 1302      ORG     8388      4
## 1303      GPE     8401      5
## 1304      ORG     8417      4
## 1305      GPE     8434      3
## 1306      ORG     8445      4
## 1307      ORG     8505      4
## 1308      ORG     8527      4
## 1309      ORG     8550      1
## 1310      GPE     8610      3
## 1311      GPE     8655      3
## 1312      ORG     8713      1
## 1313     DATE     8822      3
## 1314 CARDINAL     8841      1
## 1315      ORG     9126      3
## 1316      ORG     9389      3
## 1317      ORG     9449      1
## 1318      ORG     9465      3
## 1319      GPE     9533      1
## 1320      GPE     9535      1
## 1321      GPE     9540      3
## 1322      LOC     9563      1
## 1323      ORG     9576      1
## 1324 CARDINAL     9866      4
## 1325 QUANTITY     9885      3
## 1326      ORG     9889      2
## 1327      LOC    10202      3
## 1328   PERSON    10313      1
## 1329     DATE    10378      1
## 1330      ORG    10476      1
## 1331      GPE    10479      1
## 1332      GPE    10528      1
## 1333     NORP    10540      1
## 1334     NORP    10561      1
## 1335      GPE    10643      2
## 1336      ORG    10649      1
## 1337      GPE    10686      3
## 1338      GPE    10738      3
## 1339      ORG    10748      1
## 1340      GPE    10759      2
## 1341      GPE    10764      1
## 1342      ORG    10789      1
## 1343      GPE    10798      1
## 1344  PRODUCT    10814      1
## 1345      GPE    10848      1
## 1346     NORP    10902      1
## 1347      GPE    10905      3
## 1348      GPE    10909      1
## 1349      GPE    10970      1
## 1350     NORP    11042      1
## 1351      GPE    11082      1
## 1352     DATE    11127      5
## 1353 CARDINAL    11153      1
## 1354     DATE    11190      3
## 1355     NORP    11198      1
## 1356      GPE    11334      1
## 1357      GPE    11473      1
## 1358  ORDINAL    11602      1
## 1359      ORG    11807      3
## 1360     NORP    11829      1
## 1361     DATE    11831      2
## 1362     NORP    11837      1
## 1363     NORP    11849      1
## 1364 LANGUAGE    11912      1
## 1365 LANGUAGE    11925      1
## 1366      GPE    12022      1
## 1367 CARDINAL    12069      1
## 1368      GPE    12086      1
## 1369      ORG    12119      1
## 1370     DATE    12142      1
## 1371      GPE    12181      1
## 1372      GPE    12347      1
## 1373      GPE    12350      1
## 1374      GPE    12357      1
## 1375      LOC    12361      1
## 1376      ORG    12396      1
## 1377     NORP    12460      1
## 1378      GPE    12470      1
## 1379      LOC    12472      4
## 1380      LOC    12530      3
## 1381      LOC    12534      6
## 1382      GPE    12634      2
## 1383      ORG    12663      1
## 1384     NORP    12677      1
## 1385   PERSON    12708      3
## 1386     NORP    12730      1
## 1387      GPE    12741      3
## 1388     DATE    12782      2
## 1389      ORG    12795      1
## 1390      ORG    12801      1
## 1391      ORG    12842      1
## 1392     DATE    12860      2
## 1393      GPE    12982      1
## 1394 CARDINAL    13042      1
## 1395      LOC    13043      1
## 1396      GPE    13049      3
## 1397     DATE    13053      5
## 1398   PERSON    13062      1
## 1399     NORP    13071      1
## 1400     NORP    13086      1
## 1401      ORG    13094      3
## 1402     NORP    13109      3
## 1403     NORP    13118      1
## 1404     NORP    13121      1
## 1405      LOC    13136      3
## 1406 CARDINAL    13152      1
## 1407      ORG    13153      2
## 1408     DATE    13195      3
## 1409      LOC    13211      1
## 1410      ORG    13235      2
## 1411     NORP    13252      1
## 1412      LOC    13286      1
## 1413     NORP    13303      1
## 1414     NORP    13334      3
## 1415      GPE    13343      1
## 1416      LOC    13463      1
## 1417      ORG    13486      1
## 1418      GPE    13560      1
## 1419      GPE    13562      2
## 1420      FAC    13572      3
## 1421      ORG    13582      1
## 1422     NORP    13644      1
## 1423      FAC    13670      3
## 1424      ORG    13694      1
## 1425      ORG    13735      1
## 1426     NORP    13866      1
## 1427   PERSON    13876      3
## 1428      LOC    13894      3
## 1429      ORG    13899      1
## 1430      ORG    14038      1
## 1431     DATE    14067      1
## 1432      GPE    14096      1
## 1433      GPE    14105      1
## 1434   PERSON    14107      1
## 1435     DATE    14112      4
## 1436      ORG    14161      1
## 1437     DATE    14165      1
## 1438      ORG    14171      1
## 1439      ORG    14197      1
## 1440      ORG    14204      3
## 1441      ORG    14233      1
## 1442      ORG    14246      1
## 1443      ORG    14259      1
## 1444      GPE    14321      1
## 1445      ORG    14337      1
## 1446      ORG    14340      3
## 1447     NORP    14363      1
## 1448      GPE    14368      1
## 1449      GPE    14371      1
## 1450      ORG    14423      1
## 1451      ORG    14437      1
## 1452      ORG    14441      5
## 1453      GPE    14498      1
## 1454      GPE    14500      1
## 1455     NORP    14509      1
## 1456     DATE    14533      1
## 1457      ORG    14610      1
## 1458     DATE    14648      2
## 1459      ORG    14653      1
## 1460      ORG    14685      1
## 1461     DATE    14767      1
## 1462 CARDINAL    14793      2
## 1463 CARDINAL    14798      2
## 1464      ORG    14824      1
## 1465      ORG    14838      1
## 1466      ORG    15030      1
## 1467 CARDINAL    15168      1
## 1468 CARDINAL    15176      1
## 1469 CARDINAL    15189      1
## 1470     DATE    15195      4
## 1471      ORG    15323      3
## 1472      ORG    15350      3
## 1473      ORG    15380      1
## 1474      ORG    15386      3
## 1475  ORDINAL    15431      1
## 1476  ORDINAL    15439      1
## 1477      ORG    15445      3
## 1478      ORG    15450      1
## 1479      ORG    15480      3
## 1480      ORG    15494      4
## 1481      ORG    15506      3
## 1482      ORG    15562      3
## 1483      ORG    15568      3
## 1484     DATE    15582      1
## 1485     NORP    15609      1
## 1486      ORG    15681      1
## 1487      ORG    15715      1
## 1488     NORP    15942      1
## 1489      ORG    16072      1
## 1490    EVENT    16125      3
## 1491      ORG    16133      1
## 1492      ORG    16158      1
## 1493      ORG    16233      1
## 1494      ORG    16235      1
## 1495      ORG    16243      3
## 1496      ORG    16330      1
## 1497      ORG    16387      1
## 1498      ORG    16420      1
## 1499      ORG    16425      1
## 1500      ORG    16466      1
## 1501      ORG    16542      1
## 1502     DATE    16574      2
## 1503      LOC    16591      3
## 1504      LOC    16596      1
## 1505      LOC    16598      1
## 1506      FAC    16607      3
## 1507     DATE    16635      5
## 1508      ORG    16704      1
## 1509      ORG    16706      1
## 1510     NORP    16756      1
## 1511      ORG    16805      1
## 1512  ORDINAL    16815      1
## 1513      ORG    16845      1
## 1514     DATE    16850      3
## 1515 CARDINAL    16855      1
## 1516  ORDINAL    16869      1
## 1517     DATE    16874      3
## 1518  ORDINAL    16892      1
## 1519  ORDINAL    16908      1
## 1520      ORG    16920      1
## 1521      ORG    16935      1
## 1522 CARDINAL    16938      1
## 1523      GPE    16968      1
## 1524      ORG    16971      3
## 1525      ORG    17045      3
## 1526      GPE    17085      2
## 1527     NORP    17137      1
## 1528      ORG    17206      7
## 1529      ORG    17224      1
## 1530  ORDINAL    17310      1
## 1531      ORG    17364      1
## 1532     DATE    17378      4
## 1533      GPE    17385      1
## 1534      GPE    17387      1
## 1535      GPE    17390      2
## 1536 CARDINAL    17439      1
## 1537      ORG    17501      2
## 1538 CARDINAL    17530      1
## 1539 CARDINAL    17533      1
## 1540      LOC    17591      1
## 1541      LOC    17597      1
## 1542     DATE    17612      4
## 1543      LOC    17622      1
## 1544      LOC    17632      1
## 1545      GPE    17646      3
## 1546    EVENT    17685      3
## 1547     NORP    17691      1
## 1548     NORP    17725      1
## 1549     NORP    17727      1
## 1550      GPE    17949      4
## 1551      LAW    17988      4
## 1552      GPE    18029      1
## 1553      GPE    18031      2
## 1554      ORG    18112      1
## 1555      ORG    18114      1
## 1556      GPE    18126      1
## 1557      GPE    18128      2
## 1558 CARDINAL    18185      1
## 1559     DATE    18235      1
## 1560     DATE    18279      2
## 1561      ORG    18285      1
## 1562     NORP    18359      1
## 1563      ORG    18438      1
## 1564     NORP    18466      1
## 1565 CARDINAL    18509      2
## 1566     NORP    18511      1
## 1567      GPE    18517      3
## 1568     NORP    18592      1
## 1569     NORP    18606      1
## 1570     NORP    18622      1
## 1571     NORP    18654      1
## 1572     NORP    18680      1
## 1573     NORP    18702      1
## 1574     NORP    18729      1
## 1575     NORP    18774      1
## 1576     NORP    18871      1
## 1577      ORG    18917      1
## 1578      ORG    18922      4
## 1579      LOC    18968      3
## 1580 CARDINAL    18974      1
## 1581 CARDINAL    18976      1
## 1582      GPE    19015      2
## 1583      GPE    19019      1
## 1584      ORG    19059      1
## 1585      ORG    19081      3
## 1586      GPE    19100      1
## 1587      ORG    19113      1
## 1588      ORG    19125      1
## 1589      ORG    19131      1
## 1590      ORG    19154      3
## 1591      ORG    19160      1
## 1592      GPE    19172      1
## 1593      GPE    19201      1
## 1594      ORG    19230      1
## 1595      ORG    19244      4
## 1596      GPE    19249      1
## 1597      ORG    19263      1
## 1598      GPE    19277      1
## 1599      GPE    19280      3
## 1600      ORG    19302      1
## 1601      LOC    19329      3
## 1602     NORP    19352      1
## 1603      GPE    19384      3
## 1604      ORG    19391      3
## 1605      ORG    19414      1
## 1606      ORG    19433      1
## 1607      ORG    19448      1
## 1608     NORP    19470      2
## 1609      ORG    19474      4
## 1610      ORG    19483      3
## 1611      ORG    19494      1
## 1612     DATE    19504      4
## 1613 CARDINAL    19529      3
## 1614      GPE    19535      3
## 1615      ORG    19613      1
## 1616      ORG    19623      1
## 1617 CARDINAL    19631      1
## 1618      GPE    19635      3
## 1619      LOC    19647      3
## 1620     NORP    19689      1
## 1621      ORG    19800      3
## 1622     DATE    19869      2
## 1623     DATE    19900      1
## 1624    MONEY    19908      1
## 1625     DATE    19910      1
## 1626    MONEY    19913      1
## 1627     DATE    19915      1
## 1628 CARDINAL    19982      1
## 1629     DATE    19988      2
## 1630 CARDINAL    19994      1
## 1631     DATE    20011      4
## 1632 CARDINAL    20017      1
## 1633     DATE    20024      1
## 1634 CARDINAL    20030      1
## 1635 CARDINAL    20044      3
## 1636  ORDINAL    20108      1
## 1637  ORDINAL    20127      1
## 1638 CARDINAL    20132      4
## 1639     DATE    20147      4
## 1640    MONEY    20151      3
## 1641    MONEY    20161      1
## 1642      ORG    20184      1
## 1643 CARDINAL    20290      3
## 1644  ORDINAL    20298      1
## 1645 CARDINAL    20306      4
## 1646     DATE    20311      3
## 1647      ORG    20323      5
## 1648      LOC    20371      1
## 1649      GPE    20376      1
## 1650      GPE    20404      1
## 1651     DATE    20406      1
## 1652      GPE    20417      1
## 1653     DATE    20426      1
## 1654      ORG    20433      3
## 1655     NORP    20455      1
## 1656     DATE    20458      5
## 1657      GPE    20470      1
## 1658      ORG    20493      1
## 1659      GPE    20504      3
## 1660   PERSON    20509      3
## 1661      GPE    20568      1
## 1662      GPE    20578      1
## 1663     DATE    20621      2
## 1664      LOC    20676      1
## 1665 CARDINAL    20684      2
## 1666      ORG    20739      4
## 1667     DATE    20745      2
## 1668      GPE    20754      1
## 1669      GPE    20756      1
## 1670     DATE    20806      3
## 1671      GPE    20810      1
## 1672      ORG    20845      3
## 1673      GPE    20862      1
## 1674   PERSON    20865      1
## 1675      GPE    20876      1
## 1676      ORG    20886      3
## 1677      LOC    20900      3
## 1678      GPE    20951      3
## 1679      GPE    21021      1
## 1680      GPE    21032      1
## 1681      GPE    21110      1
## 1682      GPE    21161      1
## 1683      GPE    21174      1
## 1684      GPE    21219      1
## 1685      ORG    21249      3
## 1686      ORG    21252      1
## 1687      GPE    21259      1
## 1688     NORP    21266      1
## 1689      GPE    21272      3
## 1690     NORP    21296      1
## 1691      ORG    21327      1
## 1692      GPE    21332      1
## 1693      GPE    21338      1
## 1694      ORG    21373      1
## 1695      ORG    21384      1
## 1696      GPE    21392      1
## 1697      GPE    21402      1
## 1698      ORG    21429      1
## 1699      GPE    21433      1
## 1700   PERSON    21451      2
## 1701      GPE    21457      3
## 1702   PERSON    21475      1
## 1703     DATE    21484      2
## 1704     NORP    21488      1
## 1705   PERSON    21505      1
## 1706      GPE    21507      1
## 1707     NORP    21515      1
## 1708      GPE    21525      1
## 1709     DATE    21535      2
## 1710      ORG        4      1
## 1711      ORG        6      3
## 1712 CARDINAL       91      1
## 1713     DATE      191      4
## 1714    EVENT      288      3
## 1715     DATE      365      3
## 1716     DATE      414      2
## 1717      GPE      417      1
## 1718      ORG      429      1
## 1719     DATE      480      3
## 1720      ORG      865      1
## 1721  ORDINAL      868      1
## 1722     DATE      906      3
## 1723      ORG     1061      1
## 1724      ORG     1455      1
## 1725      ORG     1518      1
## 1726      LAW     1539      1
## 1727      ORG     1542      1
## 1728      ORG     1603      1
## 1729      ORG     1671      1
## 1730      ORG     1715      1
## 1731      LAW     1782      1
## 1732      ORG     1795      1
## 1733      ORG     1821      4
## 1734      ORG     1841      1
## 1735 CARDINAL     1864      1
## 1736  ORDINAL     2416      1
## 1737     NORP     2446      1
## 1738     NORP     2537      1
## 1739 CARDINAL     2543      1
## 1740      ORG     2816      1
## 1741      ORG     2852      1
## 1742     DATE     3196      2
## 1743  ORDINAL     3335      1
## 1744      ORG     3340      1
## 1745      ORG     3350      1
## 1746   PERSON     3875      1
## 1747      ORG     3979      3
## 1748      ORG     3992      1
## 1749      ORG     4026      1
## 1750      ORG     4123      1
## 1751      ORG     4168      1
## 1752      ORG     4196      1
## 1753      GPE     4201      1
## 1754     DATE     4204      2
## 1755      GPE     4208      2
## 1756     NORP     4219      1
## 1757      GPE     4223      1
## 1758  ORDINAL     4235      1
## 1759      GPE     4243      1
## 1760      GPE     4280      1
## 1761      GPE     4299      1
## 1762      GPE     4436      1
## 1763     NORP     4450      1
## 1764      ORG     4491      3
## 1765      GPE     4516      2
## 1766      ORG     4530      1
## 1767      GPE     4540      3
## 1768      ORG     4558      1
## 1769   PERSON     4561      1
## 1770     DATE     4594      3
## 1771      GPE     4686      2
## 1772      GPE     4743      3
## 1773      GPE     4747      1
## 1774  ORDINAL     4752      1
## 1775      ORG     4759      3
## 1776     DATE     4766      2
## 1777  ORDINAL     4795      1
## 1778      GPE     4809      3
## 1779      GPE     4825      2
## 1780      ORG     4837      1
## 1781     NORP     4839      1
## 1782      ORG     4857      1
## 1783      GPE     4874      1
## 1784     NORP     4890      1
## 1785      GPE     4900      1
## 1786     DATE     4922      3
## 1787      ORG     4956      1
## 1788      GPE     4990      1
## 1789      GPE     5026      1
## 1790      GPE     5081      1
## 1791      GPE     5090      3
## 1792     DATE     5175      4
## 1793      ORG     5187      1
## 1794      GPE     5210      1
## 1795      LOC     5213      3
## 1796      GPE     5219      1
## 1797      ORG     5246      1
## 1798      ORG     5253      3
## 1799      ORG     5265      1
## 1800     DATE     5267      2
## 1801      ORG     5283      1
## 1802  ORDINAL     5285      1
## 1803      ORG     5292      1
## 1804      ORG     5313      1
## 1805      ORG     5321      5
## 1806      ORG     5352      5
## 1807      ORG     5483      1
## 1808      GPE     5503      1
## 1809   PERSON     5534      1
## 1810  ORDINAL     5542      1
## 1811     NORP     5543      1
## 1812      ORG     5549      1
## 1813     DATE     5555      1
## 1814     DATE     5557      1
## 1815     DATE     5564      1
## 1816  ORDINAL     5567      1
## 1817     NORP     5568      1
## 1818      ORG     5571      1
## 1819   PERSON     5573      2
## 1820      GPE     5580      2
## 1821      LOC     5607      3
## 1822      GPE     5611      1
## 1823     NORP     5624      1
## 1824      GPE     5627      1
## 1825      GPE     5629      1
## 1826      LOC     5677      1
## 1827      GPE     5687      1
## 1828      LOC     5689      3
## 1829     DATE     5702      3
## 1830      ORG     5722      1
## 1831   PERSON     5744      2
## 1832     DATE     5789      2
## 1833 CARDINAL     5795      6
## 1834      LOC     5815      3
## 1835   PERSON     5830      2
## 1836     NORP     5838      1
## 1837 LANGUAGE     5856      1
## 1838     NORP     5927      1
## 1839     NORP     5961      1
## 1840     NORP     6002      1
## 1841      GPE     6017      1
## 1842      ORG     6055      1
## 1843      GPE     6063      1
## 1844 CARDINAL     6145      1
## 1845 CARDINAL     6154      4
## 1846      LOC     6286      3
## 1847      ORG     6321      1
## 1848      LOC     6355      3
## 1849     NORP     6366      1
## 1850      ORG     6400      1
## 1851      ORG     6420      1
## 1852      ORG     6474      1
## 1853      GPE     6688      1
## 1854     DATE     6689      2
## 1855      ORG     6698      1
## 1856      GPE     6700      2
## 1857      ORG     6766      3
## 1858      ORG     6775      1
## 1859      ORG     6793      3
## 1860      GPE     6803      3
## 1861      GPE     6838      1
## 1862  ORDINAL     6907      1
## 1863      ORG     6930      1
## 1864      ORG     6943      1
## 1865      ORG     6969      1
## 1866      ORG     7070      1
## 1867     DATE     7073      2
## 1868      ORG     7104      1
## 1869  ORDINAL     7114      1
## 1870  ORDINAL     7134      1
## 1871      ORG     7149      1
## 1872      ORG     7152      1
## 1873     NORP     7196      1
## 1874      ORG     7255      1
## 1875 CARDINAL     7473      2
## 1876      ORG     7494      3
## 1877      ORG     7498      1
## 1878      ORG     7636      1
## 1879      ORG     7861      4
## 1880      ORG     7887      5
## 1881     DATE     7893      6
## 1882    MONEY     7903      1
## 1883    MONEY     7909      1
## 1884     DATE     7911      3
## 1885     DATE     7944      3
## 1886    MONEY     7951      1
## 1887      ORG     7983      1
## 1888    MONEY     8056      3
## 1889     DATE     8062      4
## 1890 CARDINAL     8067      1
## 1891 CARDINAL     8082      4
## 1892      GPE     8090      3
## 1893      ORG     8109      1
## 1894 CARDINAL     8117      1
## 1895      ORG     8239      1
## 1896      ORG     8270      1
## 1897     DATE     8272      2
## 1898      LOC     8564      1
## 1899      LOC     8581      1
## 1900 CARDINAL     8663      2
## 1901 CARDINAL     8701      5
## 1902 QUANTITY     8723      2
## 1903      ORG     8833      1
## 1904      ORG     8838      1
## 1905      ORG     8882      1
## 1906      GPE     8889      1
## 1907      GPE     8901      1
## 1908     DATE     8908      4
## 1909      GPE     8978      1
## 1910      GPE     9059      1
## 1911     NORP     9112      1
## 1912      ORG     9144      6
## 1913      GPE     9151      1
## 1914      ORG     9158      1
## 1915     NORP     9166      1
## 1916      GPE     9170      1
## 1917     NORP     9184      1
## 1918     NORP     9249      1
## 1919     NORP     9369      1
## 1920     NORP     9397      1
## 1921     NORP     9403      1
## 1922     NORP     9446      1
## 1923  ORDINAL     9450      1
## 1924     NORP     9460      1
## 1925     NORP     9483      1
## 1926     NORP     9540      1
## 1927      ORG     9569      2
## 1928     NORP     9583      1
## 1929 LANGUAGE     9594      1
## 1930     NORP     9637      1
## 1931     DATE     9709      2
## 1932     DATE     9848      1
## 1933 QUANTITY     9851      3
## 1934      GPE     9868      1
## 1935      GPE     9870      1
## 1936      LOC     9890      1
## 1937      LOC     9906      1
## 1938      LOC     9918      1
## 1939      ORG     9956      1
## 1940      ORG     9960      3
## 1941      ORG     9966      1
## 1942      ORG    10043      3
## 1943      GPE    10100      1
## 1944      GPE    10141      1
## 1945      GPE    10167      1
## 1946      ORG    10176      1
## 1947      GPE    10198      1
## 1948      GPE    10252      4
## 1949      GPE    10273      1
## 1950     DATE    10309      1
## 1951     DATE    10316      4
## 1952 CARDINAL    10326      1
## 1953      ORG    10353      1
## 1954      ORG    10436      1
## 1955      ORG    10447      1
## 1956     DATE    10514      2
## 1957      GPE    10538      4
## 1958      ORG    10579      1
## 1959      ORG    10584      3
## 1960      GPE    10610      1
## 1961      ORG    10647      4
## 1962   PERSON    10656      1
## 1963      ORG    10658      3
## 1964   PERSON    10694      2
## 1965   PERSON    10756      1
## 1966      ORG    10771      1
## 1967   PERSON    10776      2
spacy_extract_nounphrases(sotu_speeches_tif %>% slice(1:3))
##          doc_id
## 1     sotu_1900
## 2     sotu_1900
## 3     sotu_1900
## 4     sotu_1900
## 5     sotu_1900
## 6     sotu_1900
## 7     sotu_1900
## 8     sotu_1900
## 9     sotu_1900
## 10    sotu_1900
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##                                                                          text
## 1                                                                  the Senate
## 2                                                                       House
## 3                                                             Representatives
## 4                                                                the outgoing
## 5                                                                the incoming
## 6                                                             the new century
## 7                                                                         you
## 8                                                            the last session
## 9                                                    the Fifty-sixth Congress
## 10                                                                  evidences
## 11                                                                 every hand
## 12                                                        national prosperity
## 13                                                                      proof
## 14                                                       the growing strength
## 15                                                           increasing power
## 16                                                                       good
## 17                                                    Republican institutions
## 18                                                            Your countrymen
## 19                                                                        you
## 20                                                               felicitation
## 21                                                           American liberty
## 22                                                                       that
## 23                                                                         it
## 24                                                          the determination
## 25                                                                         it
## 26                                                          any former period
## 27                                                                our history
## 28                                                               The Republic
## 29                                                                 the hearts
## 30                                                                 the people
## 31                                                           The Constitution
## 32                                                             few amendments
## 33                                                                         it
## 34                                                                  the hands
## 35                                                                its authors
## 36                                                              The additions
## 37                                                                      which
## 38                                                                         it
## 39                                                             larger freedom
## 40                                                  more extended citizenship
## 41                                                         Popular government
## 42                                      its one hundred and twenty-four years
## 43                                                                      trial
## 44                                                              its stability
## 45                                                                   security
## 46                                                             its efficiency
## 47                                                        the best instrument
## 48                                                       national development
## 49                                                         the best safeguard
## 50                                                               human rights
## 51                                                         the Sixth Congress
## 52                                                                   November
## 53                                                             the population
## 54                                                          the United States
## 55                                                                         we
## 56                                                             sixteen States
## 57                                                                         we
## 58                                                              our territory
## 59                                                       909,050 square miles
## 60                                                                         It
## 61                                                     3,846,595 square miles
## 62                                                                  Education
## 63                                                                   religion
## 64                                                                   morality
## 65                                                                       pace
## 66                                                            our advancement
## 67                                                           other directions
## 68                                                                  its power
## 69                                                             the Government
## 70                                                  its foundation principles
## 71                                                                       none
## 72                                                                       them
## 73                                                            our new peoples
## 74                                                                possessions
## 75                                                                   A nation
## 76                                                                   reverent
## 77                                                                     thanks
## 78                                                                        God
## 79                                                               His guidance
## 80                                                            the continuance
## 81                                                                   His care
## 82                                                                      favor
## 83                                                    our foreign intercourse
## 84                                                      the dominant question
## 85                                                              the treatment
## 86                                                        the Chinese problem
## 87                                                                       this
## 88                                                              our relations
## 89                                                                 the powers
## 90                                                        The recent troubles
## 91                                                                      China
## 92                                                  the antiforeign agitation
## 93                                                                      which
## 94                                                       the past three years
## 95                                                                   strength
## 96                                                     the northern provinces
## 97                                                               Their origin
## 98                                                              the character
## 99                                                          the Chinese races
## 100                                                            the traditions
## 101                                                          their Government
## 102                                                     The Taiping rebellion
## 103                                                               the opening
## 104                                                             Chinese ports
## 105                                                             foreign trade
## 106                                                                settlement
## 107                                                           the homogeneity
## 108                                                             the seclusion
## 109                                                                     China
## 110                                                          foreign activity
## 111                                                                    itself
## 112                                                              all quarters
## 113                                                                 the coast
## 114                                                  the great river arteries
## 115                                                     the remoter districts
## 116                                                                 new ideas
## 117                                                          new associations
## 118                                                        a primitive people
## 119                                                                     which
## 120                                                                 centuries
## 121                                                         a national policy
## 122                                                                 isolation
## 123                                                             The telegraph
## 124                                                               the railway
## 125                                                                their land
## 126                                                              the steamers
## 127                                                           their waterways
## 128                                                              the merchant
## 129                                                the missionary penetrating
## 130                                                                      year
## 131                                                              the interior
## 132                                                    the Chinese mind types
## 133                                                         an alien invasion
## 134                                                                the course
## 135                                                       their national life
## 136                                                         vague forebodings
## 137                                                                  disaster
## 138                                                             their beliefs
## 139                                                        their self-control
## 140                                                             several years
## 141                                                      the present troubles
## 142                                                         all the resources
## 143                                                         foreign diplomacy
## 144                                                      moral demonstrations
## 145                                                        the physical force
## 146                                                                    fleets
## 147                                                                      arms
## 148                                                               due respect
## 149                                                         the treaty rights
## 150                                                                foreigners
## 151                                                              satisfaction
## 152                                               the responsible authorities
## 153                                                     the sporadic outrages
## 154                                                               the persons
## 155                                                                  property
## 156                                                    unoffending sojourners
## 157                                                                     which
## 158                                                                      time
## 159                                                                      time
## 160                                                   widely separated points
## 161                                                    the northern provinces
## 162                                                                  the case
## 163                                                             the outbreaks
## 164                                                                 Sze-chuen
## 165                                                                 Shan-tung
## 166                                                                   Posting
## 167                                                               antiforeign
## 168                                                                  placards
## 169                                                        a daily occurrence
## 170                                                                     which
## 171                                                  the repeated reprobation
## 172                                                        the Imperial power
## 173                                                             the ignorance
## 174                                                              superstition
## 175                                                                the masses
## 176                                                         their accusations
## 177                                                              their spirit
## 178                                                           cumulative harm
## 179                                                                      They
## 180                                                       no particular class
## 181                                                                foreigners
## 182                                                                      they
## 183                                                                everything
## 184                                                               An outbreak
## 185                                                                 Shan-tung
## 186                                                                     which
## 187                                                       German missionaries
## 188                                                    the too natural result
## 189                                                these malevolent teachings
## 190                                                               The posting
## 191                                                        seditious placards
## 192                                                     the utter destruction
## 193                                                                foreigners
## 194                                                       every foreign thing
## 195                                                    Hostile demonstrations
## 196                                                              the stranger
## 197                                                                  strength
## 198                                                              organization
## 199                                                                  The sect
## 200                                                                the Boxers
## 201                                                             the provinces
## 202                                                              the Yang-Tse
## 203                                                             the collusion
## 204                                                    many notable officials
## 205                                                                      some
## 206                                                    the immediate councils
## 207                                                                the Throne
## 208                                                                    itself
## 209                                                       No foreigner's life
## 210                                                the protected treaty ports
## 211                                                       No foreign interest
## 212                                                                spoliation
## 213                                            The diplomatic representatives
## 214                                                                the powers
## 215                                                                    Peking
## 216                                                                      vain
## 217                                                             this movement
## 218                                                                   Protest
## 219                                                                    demand
## 220                                                                    demand
## 221                                                           renewed protest
## 222                                                        perfunctory edicts
## 223                                                                the Palace
## 224                                             evasive and futile assurances
## 225                                                        the Tsung-li Yamen
## 226                                                                The circle
## 227                                                       the Boxer influence
## 228                                                                    Peking
## 229                                                                        it
## 230                                                                its spirit
## 231                                                               the capital
## 232                                                                    itself
## 233                                                       the Imperial forces
## 234                                                             its doctrines
## 235                                                  the immediate counselors
## 236                                                       the Empress Dowager
## 237                                                             full sympathy
## 238                                                  the antiforeign movement
## 239                                                    The increasing gravity
## 240                                                            the conditions
## 241                                                                     China
## 242                                                             the imminence
## 243                                                                     peril
## 244                                             our own diversified interests
## 245                                                                the Empire
## 246                                                                     those
## 247                                          all the other treaty governments
## 248                                                           this Government
## 249                                                                        it
## 250                                                         The United States
## 251                                                         the earliest days
## 252                                                       foreign intercourse
## 253                                                                     China
## 254                                                                  a policy
## 255                                                                     peace
## 256                                                              no occasions
## 257                                                             the extension
## 258                                                              lawful trade
## 259                                                           the sovereignty
## 260                                                            its Government
## 261                                                       the fullest measure
## 262                                                                protection
## 263                                                                 the lives
## 264                                                                  property
## 265                                                  our law-abiding citizens
## 266                                                              the exercise
## 267                                                 their beneficent callings
## 268                                                        the Chinese people
## 269                                                                      this
## 270                                                                        it
## 271                                                              our purposes
## 272                                                                     favor
## 273                                                               such course
## 274                                                             united action
## 275                                                                the powers
## 276                                                                    Peking
## 277                                                the administrative reforms
## 278                                                   the Imperial Government
## 279                                                             the integrity
## 280                                                                     China
## 281                                                                     which
## 282                                                                        we
## 283                                                   the whole western world
## 284                                                                these ends
## 285                                                                         I
## 286                                                        the several powers
## 287                                                                 territory
## 288                                                                   spheres
## 289                                                                 influence
## 290                                                                     China
## 291                                                    the circular proposals
## 292                                                                      them
## 293                                                              declarations
## 294                                                          their intentions
## 296                                                          the desirability
## 297                                                              the adoption
## 298                                                                  measures
## 299                                                              the benefits
## 300                                                                  equality
## 301                                                                 treatment
## 302                                                         all foreign trade
## 303                                                                     China
## 304                                                      gratifying unanimity
## 305                                                             the responses
## 306                                                        this common policy
## 307                                                                        me
## 308                                                the successful termination
## 309                                                  these negotiations proof
## 310                                                       the friendly spirit
## 311                                                                     which
## 312                                                        the various powers
## 313                                               the untrammeled development
## 314                                                                  commerce
## 315                                                                  industry
## 316                                                        the Chinese Empire
## 317                                                                  a source
## 318                                                              vast benefit
## 319                                                the whole commercial world
## 320                                                           this conclusion
## 321                                                                     which
## 322                                                                         I
## 323                                                         the gratification
## 324                                                    a completed engagement
## 325                                                     the interested powers
## 326                                                                     March
## 327                                                                         I
## 328                                                        a potential factor
## 329                                                             the abatement
## 330                                                              the distrust
## 331                                                          foreign purposes
## 332                                                                     which
## 333                                                               a year past
## 334                                                                the policy
## 335                                                   the Imperial Government
## 336                                                    the effective exertion
## 337                                                                        it
## 338                                                                     power
## 339                                                                 authority
## 340                                         the critical antiforeign movement
## 341                                                    the northern provinces
## 342                                                      the Manchu sentiment
## 343                                                                confidence
## 344                                                           the willingness
## 345                                                                   ability
## 346                                               the Imperial administration
## 347                                                                the wrongs
## 348                                                                 the evils
## 349                                                                        we
## 350                                                          the marine guard
## 351                                                                     which
## 352                                                                    Peking
## 353                                                                the autumn
## 354                                                            the protection
## 355                                                              the legation
## 356                                           the earliest practicable moment
## 357                                                     all pending questions
## 358                                                                        we
## 359                                                      the ordinary resorts
## 360                                                    diplomatic intercourse
## 361                                                    The Chinese Government
## 362                                                       the rising strength
## 363                                                                the Boxers
## 364                                                                    a prey
## 365                                                      internal dissensions
## 366                                                       the unequal contest
## 367                                                the antiforeign influences
## 368                                                            the ascendancy
## 369                                                            the leadership
## 370                                                               Prince Tuan
## 371                                                          Organized armies
## 372                                                                    Boxers
## 373                                                                     which
## 374                                                       the Imperial forces
## 375                                                               the country
## 376                                                                    Peking
## 377                                                                 the coast
## 378                                                                 Manchuria
## 379                                                       the Russian borders
## 380                                                          their emissaries
## 381                                                            northern China
## 382                                                                   Attacks
## 383                                                                foreigners
## 384                                                               destruction
## 385                                                            their property
## 386                                                                 slaughter
## 387                                                           native converts
## 388                                                                 all sides
## 389                                                        The Tsung-li Yamen
## 390                                                        hostile sympathies
## 391                                                     no effective response
## 392                                                               the appeals
## 393                                                             the legations
## 394                                                    this critical juncture
## 395                                                          the early spring
## 396                                                                 this year
## 397                                                                a proposal
## 398                                                          the other powers
## 399                                                          a combined fleet
## 400                                                            Chinese waters
## 401                                                     a moral demonstration
## 402                                                                     cover
## 403                                                                     which
## 404                                            the Chinese Government respect
## 405                                                     foreign treaty rights
## 406                                                           the suppression
## 407                                                                the Boxers
## 408                                                         The United States
## 409                                                   the joint demonstration
## 410                                                           the Philippines
## 411                                                                 all ships
## 412                                                                      that
## 413                                                                   service
## 414                                                         the Chinese coast
## 415                                                             A small force
## 416                                                                   marines
## 417                                                                      Taku
## 418                                                                    Peking
## 419                                                            the protection
## 420                                                     the American legation
## 421                                                              Other powers
## 422                                                            similar action
## 423                                                     some four hundred men
## 424                                                               the capital
## 425                                                           legation guards
## 426                                                                 the peril
## 427                                                             The legations
## 428                                                           the development
## 429                                                    the seditious movement
## 430                                                                    Peking
## 431                                                                  the need
## 432                                                       increased provision
## 433                                                                   defense
## 434                                                                        it
## 435                                                              preparations
## 436                                                                  progress
## 437                                                       a larger expedition
## 438                                                       the legation guards
## 439                                                                an attempt
## 440                                                         the foreign ships
## 441                                                                 a landing
## 442                                                                      Taku
## 443                                                                    a fire
## 444                                                         the Chinese forts
## 445                                                                 The forts
## 446                                                       the foreign vessels
## 447                                                                   no part
## 448                                                                the attack
## 449                                                                the ground
## 450                                                                        we
## 451                                                                       war
## 452                                                                     China
## 453                                                   a hostile demonstration
## 454                                                  the antiforeign elements
## 455                                                                the Boxers
## 456                                                      the relieving column
## 457                                                            the Taku forts
## 458                                                     a sanguinary conflict
## 459                                                                 Severance
## 460                                                             communication
## 461                                                                    Peking
## 462                                                          a combined force
## 463                                                         additional guards
## 464                                                                     which
## 465                                                                    Peking
## 466                                                                the Pei-Ho
## 467                                                                  Langfang
## 468                                                             The isolation
## 469                                                             the legations
## 470                                                                 The siege
## 471                                                                the relief
## 472                                                             the legations
## 473                                                           undying history
## 474                                                  all the stirring chapter
## 475                                                                     which
## 476                                                               the heroism
## 477                                                          the devoted band
## 478                                                                  the face
## 479                                                                   despair
## 480                                                                      that
## 481                                                           their relievers
## 482                                                                    battle
## 483                                                                 suffering
## 484                                                                  the goal
## 485                                                                        it
## 486                                                                  a memory
## 487                                                                     which
## 488                                                             my countrymen
## 489                                                                 the honor
## 490                                                                  our flag
## 491                                                                 the siege
## 492                                                                the rescue
## 493                                                     stout American hearts
## 494                                                         fervent emulation
## 495                                                                  true men
## 496                                                                other race
## 497                                                                  language
## 498                                                                      that
## 499                                                                 the cause
## 500                                                                     right
## 501                                                                   justice
## 502                                                                      June
## 503                                                             the legations
## 504                                                         An identical note
## 505                                                                       the
## 506                                                                     Yamen
## 507                                                             each minister
## 508                                                                    Peking
## 509                                                         a promised escort
## 510                                                         twenty-four hours
## 511                                                                      time
## 512                                                                      they
## 513                                                              prolongation
## 514                                                                  the time
## 515                                                                     which
## 516                                                              an interview
## 517                                                        the Tsung-li Yamen
## 518                                                         the following day
## 519                                                                  No reply
## 520                                                               the morning
## 521                                                                  the 2oth
## 522                                                       the German minister
## 523                                                        Baron von Ketteler
## 524                                                                 the Yamen
## 525                                                                a response
## 526                                                                       oil
## 527                                                                An attempt
## 528                                                        the legation guard
## 529                                                                  his body
## 530                                                               the Chinese
## 531                                                              Armed forces
## 532                                                             the legations
## 533                                                            Their quarters
## 534                                                     The mission compounds
## 535                                                             their inmates
## 536                                                                    refuge
## 537                                                      the British legation
## 538                                                   all the other legations
## 539                                                                    guards
## 540                                                    more effective defense
## 541                                                      Four hundred persons
## 542                                                        its narrow compass
## 543                                              Two thousand native converts
## 544                                                           a nearby palace
## 545                                                                protection
## 546                                                            the foreigners
## 547                                                                     Lines
## 548                                                                   defense
## 549                                                              trenches dug
## 550                                                                barricades
## 551                                                              preparations
## 552                                                                   a siege
## 553                                                                     which
## 554                                                                      June
## 555                                                                      July
## 556                                                           Minister Conger
## 557                                                          scarcely an hour
## 558                                                                     which
## 559                                                                 some part
## 560                                                                 our lines
## 561                                                                      some
## 562                                                             the legations
## 563                                                             a single shot
## 564                                           a general and continuous attack
## 565                                                            the whole line
## 566                                                                 Artillery
## 567                                                             the legations
## 568                                             the over-looking palace walls
## 569                                                                 thousands
## 570                                                               3-inch shot
## 571                                                                     shell
## 572                                                            some buildings
## 573                                                                       all
## 574                                                                 the balls
## 575                                                            the ammunition
## 576                                                               five quarts
## 577                                                           Chinese bullets
## 578                                                                   an hour
## 579                                                              one compound
## 580                                                                    recast
## 581                                                                  Attempts
## 582                                                             the legations
## 583                                                        neighboring houses
## 584                                                                      fire
## 585                                                                the flames
## 586                                                           Dutch legations
## 587                                                                   the aid
## 588                                                       the native converts
## 589                                                          the missionaries
## 590                                                          whose helpful co
## 591                                                                         -
## 592                                                      operation Mr. Conger
## 593                                                          unstinted praise
## 594                                                      the British legation
## 595                                                      a veritable fortress
## 596                                                      The British minister
## 597                                                      Sir Claude MacDonald
## 598                                                         general commander
## 599                                                               the defense
## 600                                                             the secretary
## 601                                                     the American legation
## 602                                                                     chief
## 603                                                                     staff
## 604                                                                      life
## 605                                                                ammunition
## 606                                                        the incessant fire
## 607                                                      the Chinese soldiery
## 608                                                                    attack
## 609                                           an occasional successful sortie
## 610                                                       strategic advantage
## 611                                                                      that
## 612                         fifty-five American, British, and Russian marines
## 613                                                             Captain Myers
## 614                                            the United States Marine Corps
## 615                                                                     which
## 616                                                               the capture
## 617                                                    a formidable barricade
## 618                                                                  the wall
## 619                                                                      that
## 620                                                     the American position
## 621                                                                        It
## 622                                                 an invaluable acquisition
## 623                                                            the water gate
## 624                                                                     which
## 625                                                         the relief column
## 626                                                                 the siege
## 627                                                             the defenders
## 628                                                                   disease
## 629                                                                      July
## 630                                                 their first communication
## 631                                                        the Tsung-li Yamen
## 632                                                                      whom
## 633                                                                 a message
## 634                                                              a conference
## 635                                                                     which
## 636                                                            Correspondence
## 637                                                                    a sort
## 638                                                                 armistice
## 639                                                                     which
## 640                                                           the bombardment
## 641                                                            the rifle fire
## 642                                                                    a time
## 643                                                             no protection
## 644                                                                  whatever
## 645                                                                   any aid
## 646                                                             the legations
## 647                                                            a small supply
## 648                                                                     fruit
## 649                                                               three sacks
## 650                                                                     flour
## 651                                                    the only communication
## 652                                                    the Chinese Government
## 653                                                   the occasional delivery
## 654                                                                  dispatch
## 655                                                                a telegram
## 656                                                               the demands
## 657                                                        the Tsung-li Yamen
## 658                                                            the withdrawal
## 659                                                             the legations
## 660                                                                 the coast
## 661                                                                    escort
## 662                                                         the protestations
## 663                                                    the Chinese Government
## 664                                                                        it
## 665                                                             the legations
## 666                                                        irresistible proof
## 667                                                               the attacks
## 668                                                                      them
## 669                                                           Imperial troops
## 670                                                               the command
## 671                                                                   Jung Lu
## 672                                                    the Imperial commander
## 673                                                                     chief
## 674                                                                   Decrees
## 675                                                                the Boxers
## 676                                                                      them
## 677                                        tinder prominent Imperial officers
## 678                                                                      them
## 679                                                                      them
## 680                                                                large sums
## 681                                                                  the name
## 682                                                       the Empress Dowager
## 683                                                                   Members
## 684                                                        the Tsung-li Yamen
## 685                                                                       who
## 686                                                                protection
## 687                                                            the foreigners
## 688                                                 the distant provinces men
## 689                                                          foreign sympathy
## 690                                                                     death
## 691                                                                     these
## 692                                                            Chang Yen-hoon
## 693                                                 formerly Chinese minister
## 694                                                                Washington
## 695                                                           the negotiation
## 696                                                     the partial armistice
## 697                                                                      July
## 698                                                              a proceeding
## 699                                                                     which
## 700                                                       the representations
## 701                                                         the Chinese envoy
## 702                                                                Washington
## 703                                                                   the way
## 704                                                            the conveyance
## 705                                                                Mr. Conger
## 706                                                            a test message
## 707                                                             the Secretary
## 708                                                                     State
## 709                                                          the kind offices
## 710                                                     Minister Wu Ting-fang
## 711                                                        Mr. Conger's reply
## 712                                                                    Peking
## 713                                                                      July
## 714                                                          the same channel
## 715                                                         the outside world
## 716                                                         the first tidings
## 717                                                               the inmates
## 718                                                             the legations
## 719                                                                    succor
## 720                                                                 This news
## 721                                                          the preparations
## 722                                                 a joint relief expedition
## 723                                                                   numbers
## 724                                                            the resistance
## 725                                                                     which
## 726                                                                   a month
## 727                                                                      Taku
## 728                                                               the capital
## 729                                                            Reinforcements
## 730                                          all the co-operating Governments
## 731                                              The United States contingent
## 732                                                           the Philippines
## 733                                                              this country
## 734                                                            some 5,000 men
## 735                                                          the able command
## 736                                              the lamented Colonel Liscurn
## 737                                                           General Chaffee
## 738                                                                   the end
## 739                                                                      July
## 740                                                              the movement
## 741                                                         A severe conflict
## 742                                                                  Tientsin
## 743                                                                     which
## 744                                                           Colonel Liscurn
## 745                                                                  The city
## 746                                                               Its capture
## 747                                                                  the base
## 748                                                                operations
## 749                                                                     which
## 750                                                         the final advance
## 751                                                                     which
## 752                                                            the first days
## 753                                                                    August
## 754                                                            the expedition
## 755                           Japanese, Russian, British, and American troops
## 756                                                                the outset
## 757                                                            Another battle
## 758                                                                  Yangtsun
## 759                                           the disheartened Chinese troops
## 760                                                               little show
## 761                                                                resistance
## 762                                                    the important position
## 763                                                                 Ho-si-woo
## 764                                                             A rapid march
## 765                                                         the united forces
## 766                                                         the populous city
## 767                                                                 Tung Chow
## 768                                                                     which
## 769                                                                 a contest
## 770                                                                    August
## 771                                                               the capital
## 772                                                          a brief conflict
## 773                                                                 the walls
## 774                                                         the relief column
## 775                                                             the legations
## 776                                                The United States soldiers
## 777                                                                   sailors
## 778                                                                   marines
## 779                                                                  officers
## 780                                                                       men
## 781                                                      those distant climes
## 782                                                      unusual surroundings
## 783                                                            the same valor
## 784                                                                discipline
## 785                                                              good conduct
## 786                                                                     proof
## 787                                                      the same high degree
## 788                                                              intelligence
## 789                                                                efficiency
## 790                                                                     which
## 791                                                                      them
## 792                                                           every emergency
## 793                                                       The Imperial family
## 794                                                            the Government
## 795                                                                  The city
## 796                                                           visible control
## 797                                           The remaining Imperial soldiery
## 798                                                                 the night
## 799                                                                  the 13th
## 800                                                            a last attempt
## 801                                                                     which
## 802                                                                        It
## 803                                                      the occupying forces
## 804                                                                     order
## 805                                              a provisional administration
## 806                                                    the acute disturbances
## 807                                                    the northern provinces
## 808                                                                        It
## 809                                                                  a relief
## 810                                                                a pleasure
## 811                                                         the loyal conduct
## 812                                                              the viceroys
## 813                                                         local authorities
## 814                                        the southern and eastern provinces
## 815                                                             Their efforts
## 816                                                       the pacific control
## 817                                                      the vast populations
## 818                                                                their rule
## 819                                                 the scrupulous observance
## 820                                                     foreign treaty rights
## 821                                                          critical moments
## 822                                                                      they
## 823                                                                the Throne
## 824                                                            the protection
## 825                                                             the legations
## 826                                                           the restoration
## 827                                                             communication
## 828                                                             the assertion
## 829                                                    the Imperial authority
## 830                                                   the subversive elements
## 831                                                                      They
## 832                                                       excellent relations
## 833                                              the official representatives
## 834                                                            foreign powers
## 835                                                  their kindly disposition
## 836                                                               the success
## 837                                                               the consuls
## 838                                                          the missionaries
## 839                                                              the interior
## 840                                                                    places
## 841                                                                    safety
## 842                                                             this relation
## 843                                                                the action
## 844                                                               the consuls
## 845                                                                 Shan-tung
## 846                                                            eastern Chi-li
## 847                                                                  the task
## 848                                                              their energy
## 849                                                           the cooperation
## 850                                     American and foreign naval commanders
## 851                                                                  hundreds
## 852                                                                foreigners
## 853                                                                     those
## 854                                                       other nationalities
## 855                                                                      ours
## 856                                                            imminent peril
## 857                                                                The policy
## 858                                                         the United States
## 859                                                    all this trying period
## 860                                                           A circular note
## 861                                                                the powers
## 862                                                              our attitude
## 863                                                             the condition
## 864                                                                 the north
## 865                                                           virtual anarchy
## 866                                                                     which
## 867                                                       the great provinces
## 868                                                                 the south
## 869                                                                 southeast
## 870                                                                  no share
## 871                                                                        we
## 872                                                     the local authorities
## 873                                                       the latter quarters
## 874                                                        the Chinese people
## 875                                                                      whom
## 876                                                                        we
## 877                                                                     peace
## 878                                                                friendship
## 879                                                         Our declared aims
## 880                                                                    no war
## 881                                                        the Chinese nation
## 882                                                                        We
## 883                                                     the legitimate office
## 884                                                    the imperiled legation
## 885                                                                   redress
## 886                                                                    wrongs
## 887                                                                the safety
## 888                                                             American life
## 889                                                                  property
## 890                                                                     China
## 891                                                                  a spread
## 892                                                             the disorders
## 893                                                          their recurrence
## 894                                                                The policy
## 895                                                            the Government
## 896                                                         the United States
## 897                                                                a solution
## 898                                                                     which
## 899                                                          permanent safety
## 900                                                                     peace
## 901                                                                     China
## 902                             Chinese territorial and administrative entity
## 903                                                                all rights
## 904                                                           friendly powers
## 905                                                                    treaty
## 906                                                         international law
## 907                                                                 the world
## 908                                                             the principle
## 909                                                 equal and impartial trade
## 910                                                                 all parts
## 911                                                        the Chinese Empire
## 912                                                         those professions
## 913                                                                     which
## 914                                                                        it
## 915                                                                 the views
## 916                                                                  purposes
## 917                                        the other co-operating Governments
## 918                                                           all our efforts
## 919                                                   the anomalous situation
## 920                                                                     China
## 921                                                              negotiations
## 922                                                              a settlement
## 923                                              the earliest possible moment
## 924                                                           the sacred duty
## 925                                                              our legation
## 926                                                            its dependents
## 927                                                                        we
## 928                                                        active hostilities
## 929                                                              our legation
## 930                                                         an adequate guard
## 931                                                                    Peking
## 932                                                                 a channel
## 933                                                               negotiation
## 934                                                                settlement
## 935                                                                    others
## 936                                                     the interested powers
## 937                                                                 Overtures
## 938                                             the empowered representatives
## 939                                                       the Chinese Emperor
## 940                                                   The Russian proposition
## 941                                                           the restoration
## 942                                                        the Imperial power
## 943                                                                    Peking
## 944                                                           full consonance
## 945                                                           our own desires
## 946                                                                        we
## 947                                                 that effective reparation
## 948                                                                    wrongs
## 949                                                    an enduring settlement
## 950                                                                      that
## 951                                                          their recurrence
## 952                                                              an authority
## 953                                                                     which
## 954                                                        the Chinese nation
## 955                                                                        we
## 956                                                                    no jot
## 957                                                       our undoubted right
## 958                                        exemplary and deterrent punishment
## 959                                                   the responsible authors
## 960                                                                  abettors
## 961                                                         the criminal acts
## 962                                                                        we
## 963                                                             other nations
## 964                                                           grievous injury
## 965                                                         the real culprits
## 966                                                       the evil counselors
## 967                                                                       who
## 968                                                     the Imperial judgment
## 969                                                   the sovereign authority
## 970                                                     their own guilty ends
## 971                                                            full expiation
## 972                                                       the rational limits
## 973                                                       retributive Justice
## 974                                                                      this
## 975                                                     the initial condition
## 976                                                  an acceptable settlement
## 977                                                                     China
## 978                                                                the powers
## 979                                                                         I
## 980                                                                my message
## 981                                                                   October
## 982                                                       the Chinese Emperor
## 983                                                                         I
## 984                                                              negotiations
## 985                                                                        we
## 986                                                               Governments
## 987                                                    Your Majesty's ability
## 988                                                                     power
## 989                                                   the principal offenders
## 990                                                                       who
## 991                                                            the foreigners
## 992                                                              Your Majesty
## 993                                                                whose rule
## 994                                                               the purpose
## 995                                                                     China
## 996                                                                   concord
## 997                                                                 the world
## 998                                                                  hitherto
## 999                                                                expression
## 1000                                                              the welcome
## 1001                                                               protection
## 1002                                                                strangers
## 1003                                                                  a point
## 1004                                                                departure
## 1005                                                       the Imperial edict
## 1006                                                       Earl Li Hung Chang
## 1007                                                             Prince Ching
## 1008                                                        plenipotentiaries
## 1009                                                             a settlement
## 1010                                                                the edict
## 1011                                                                September
## 1012                                                   certain high officials
## 1013                                                               punishment
## 1014                                                          this Government
## 1015                                                                  concert
## 1016                                                         the other powers
## 1017                                                              the opening
## 1018                                                             negotiations
## 1019                                                                    which
## 1020                                                               Mr. Conger
## 1021                                                             Mr. Rockhill
## 1022                                                                   behalf
## 1023                                                        the United States
## 1024                                                            General bases
## 1025                                                              negotiation
## 1026                                                           the Government
## 1027                                                      the French Republic
## 1028                                                     certain reservations
## 1029                                                                  details
## 1030                                                    our own circumstances
## 1031                                                     similar reservations
## 1032                                                             other powers
## 1033                                                               discussion
## 1034                                                             the progress
## 1035                                                         the negotiations
## 1036                                                          The disposition
## 1037                                                 the Emperor's Government
## 1038                                                                liability
## 1039                                                                   wrongs
## 1040                                                      foreign Governments
## 1041                                                          their nationals
## 1042                                              such additional designation
## 1043                                                       the guilty persons
## 1044                                                    the foreign ministers
## 1045                                                                   Peking
## 1046                                                               a position
## 1047                                                                     hope
## 1048                                                    a complete settlement
## 1049                                                            all questions
## 1050                                                           foreign rights
## 1051                                                                residence
## 1052                                                              intercourse
## 1053                                                                    terms
## 1054                                                                 equality
## 1055                                                            all the world
## 1056                                                                        I
## 1057                                                    the essential factors
## 1058                                                     a durable adjustment
## 1059                                                           the securement
## 1060                                                      adequate guarantees
## 1061                                                                  liberty
## 1062                                                                    faith
## 1063                                                               insecurity
## 1064                                                            those natives
## 1065                                                                      who
## 1066                                                             alien creeds
## 1067                                        a scarcely less effectual assault
## 1068                                                               the rights
## 1069                                                          foreign worship
## 1070                                                                 teaching
## 1071                                                      the direct invasion
## 1072                                                               The matter
## 1073                                                                indemnity
## 1074                                                     our wronged citizens
## 1075                                                               a question
## 1076                                                            grave concern
## 1077                                                                    money
## 1078                                                  a sufficient reparation
## 1079                                                              the ability
## 1080                                                                    China
## 1081                                                           All the powers
## 1082                                                     emphatic disclaimers
## 1083                                                              any purpose
## 1084                                                           aggrandizement
## 1085                                                        the dismemberment
## 1086                                                               the Empire
## 1087                                                                        I
## 1088                                                         due compensation
## 1089                                                                     part
## 1090                                                     increased guarantees
## 1091                                                                 security
## 1092                                                           foreign rights
## 1093                                                               immunities
## 1094                                                                      all
## 1095                                                              the opening
## 1096                                                                    China
## 1097                                                       the equal commerce
## 1098                                                            all the world
## 1099                                                              These views
## 1100                                                      our representatives
## 1101                                                           The Government
## 1102                                                                   Russia
## 1103                                                             a suggestion
## 1104                                                                the event
## 1105                                                    protracted divergence
## 1107                                                                   regard
## 1108                                                              indemnities
## 1109                                                               the matter
## 1110                                                                the Court
## 1111                                                              Arbitration
## 1112                                                                The Hague
## 1113                                                                        I
## 1114                                                                     this
## 1115                                                            high tribunal
## 1116                                                               a solution
## 1117                                                            the stability
## 1118                                                               prosperity
## 1119                                                                    China
## 1120                                                                   itself
## 1121                                                               the powers
## 1122                                                            Ratifications
## 1123                                                                 a treaty
## 1124                                                              extradition
## 1125                                                   the Argentine Republic
## 1126                                                                     June
## 1127                                          the Austro-Hungarian Government
## 1128                                                           the many cases
## 1129                                                                     that
## 1130                                                               the arrest
## 1131                                                 our naturalized citizens
## 1132                                                          alleged evasion
## 1133                                                         military service
## 1134                                                           the provisions
## 1135                                                               the treaty
## 1136                                                             such persons
## 1137                                                     military obligations
## 1138                                                                       it
## 1139                                                           some instances
## 1140                                                                    those
## 1141                                                           whose presence
## 1142                                                            the community
## 1143                                                             their origin
## 1144                                                   a pernicious influence
## 1145                                                          Representations
## 1146                                                              this course
## 1147                                                             its adoption
## 1148                                                                       We
## 1149                                                                  Belgium
## 1150                                             the International Convention
## 1151                                                                     June
## 1152                                                               amendatory
## 1153                                                  the previous Convention
## 1154                                                                  respect
## 1155                                                           the regulation
## 1156                                                         the liquor trade
## 1157                                                                   Africa
## 1158                                                               Compliance
## 1159                                                              the absence
## 1160                                                               the advice
## 1161                                                                  consent
## 1162                                                       the Senate thereto
## 1163                                                            The principle
## 1164                                                     the cordial sympathy
## 1165                                                          this Government
## 1166                                                                    which
## 1167                                            the reversionary negotiations
## 1168                                                    more drastic measures
## 1169                                                                        I
## 1170                                                            its extension
## 1171                                                  international agreement
## 1172                                                          the restriction
## 1173                                                       the liquor traffic
## 1174                                                                      all
## 1175                                                      uncivilized peoples
## 1176                                                      the Western Pacific
## 1177                                                             A conference
## 1178                                                                 Brussels
## 1179                                                           the Convention
## 1180                                                           the protection
## 1181                                                      industrial property
## 1182                                                                    Paris
## 1183                                                                    which
## 1184                                                                delegates
## 1185                                                             this country
## 1186                                                            Any lessening
## 1187                                                         the difficulties
## 1188                                                                     that
## 1189                                                            our inventors
## 1190                                                                  patents
## 1191                                                         their inventions
## 1192                                                              our farmers
## 1193                                                            manufacturers
## 1194                                                                merchants
## 1195                                                           the protection
## 1196                                                        their trade-marks
## 1197                                                    careful consideration
## 1198                                                           your attention
## 1199                                                              the results
## 1200                                                           the conference
## 1201                                                          the proper time
## 1202                                                             the interest
## 1203                                                                    trade
## 1204                                                             this country
## 1205                                                            South America
## 1206                                                                  efforts
## 1207                                                            the past year
## 1208                                                              conventions
## 1209                                                   the southern republics
## 1210                                                          the enlargement
## 1211                                                        postal facilities
## 1212                                                      Two such agreements
## 1213                                                                  Bolivia
## 1214                                                                    April
## 1215                                                                    which
## 1216                                                   the money-order system
## 1217                                                          certain changes
## 1218                                               the Post-Office Department
## 1219                                                          this Government
## 1220                                                                 A treaty
## 1221                                                              extradition
## 1222                                                             that country
## 1223                                                             the same day
## 1224                                                               the Senate
## 1225                                                       A boundary dispute
## 1226                                                                   Brazil
## 1227                                                                  Bolivia
## 1228                                                            the territory
## 1229                                                                     Acre
## 1230                                                               a fair way
## 1231                                                      friendly adjustment
## 1232                                                                 December
## 1233                                                      a definite frontier
## 1234                                                          its demarcation
## 1235                                                       a joint commission
## 1236                                                               Conditions
## 1237                                                                   Brazil
## 1238                                                         our export trade
## 1239                                                             that country
## 1240                                                          marked contrast
## 1241                                                 the favorable conditions
## 1242                                                                    which
## 1243                                                       Brazilian products
## 1244                                                              our markets
## 1245                                                   Urgent representations
## 1246                                                          that Government
## 1247                                                              the subject
## 1248                                                        some amelioration
## 1249                                                                       We
## 1250                                                   the reciprocal justice
## 1251                                                                good will
## 1252                                                          that Government
## 1253                                                                       us
## 1254                                                    a further improvement
## 1255                                                 our commercial relations
## 1256                                                           The Convention
## 1257                                                                      May
## 1258                                                     the final settlement
## 1259                                                                   claims
## 1260                                                                 abeyance
## 1261                                                          the dissolution
## 1262                                                           the Commission
## 1263                                                                   length
## 1264                                                     the Chilean Congress
## 1265                                              the supplemental Commission
## 1266                                                                       It
## 1267                                                             the Congress
## 1268                                                   the necessary expenses
## 1269                                                           the Commission
## 1270                                             The insurrectionary movement
## 1271                                                                    which
## 1272                                                                 Colombia
## 1273                                                          the latter part
## 1274                                                               guerrillas
## 1275                                                         some departments
## 1276                                                      The executive power
## 1277                                                            that Republic
## 1278                                                                    hands
## 1279                                                                   August
## 1280                                                                  the act
## 1281                                                 Vice-President Marroquin
## 1282                                                                the reins
## 1283                                                               government
## 1284                                                              the absence
## 1285                                                   President San Clemente
## 1286                                                              the capital
## 1287                                                               The change
## 1288                                                    no serious opposition
## 1289                                                           the precedents
## 1290                                                               such cases
## 1291                                               the United States minister
## 1292                                                                relations
## 1293                                               the new defacto Government
## 1294                                                                September
## 1295                                                                       It
## 1296                                                   the residual questions
## 1297                                                               Costa Rica
## 1298                                                                Nicaragua
## 1299                                                                the Award
## 1300                                                      President Cleveland
## 1301                                                               the choice
## 1302                                                     an American engineer
## 1303                                                  General E. P. Alexander
## 1304                                                                   umpire
## 1305                                                        the disputed line
## 1306                                                                 His task
## 1307                                                         the satisfaction
## 1308                                                         both contestants
## 1309                                                             A revolution
## 1310                                                   the Dominican Republic
## 1311                                                                the close
## 1312                                                                last year
## 1313                                                         the installation
## 1314                                                        President Jimenez
## 1315                                                         whose Government
## 1316                                                                  January
## 1317                                                            final payment
## 1318                                                       the American claim
## 1319                                                                   regard
## 1320                                                         the Ozama bridge
## 1321                                                                 The year
## 1322                                                           the exposition
## 1323                                                                occasions
## 1324                                                            the good will
## 1325                                                                     that
## 1326                                                             this country
## 1327                                                                   France
## 1328                                                   This great competition
## 1329                                                             every nation
## 1330                                                      natural productions
## 1331                                                                 industry
## 1332                                                                  science
## 1333                                                                 the arts
## 1334                                                         generous rivalry
## 1335                                                               a judgment
## 1336                                                             that rivalry
## 1337                                               The extraordinary increase
## 1338                                                             exportations
## 1339                                                             this country
## 1340                                                     the past three years
## 1341                                                             the activity
## 1342                                                                    which
## 1343                                                           our inventions
## 1344                                                                    wares
## 1345                                                              new markets
## 1346                                                            much interest
## 1347                                                     the American exhibit
## 1348                                                      every encouragement
## 1349                                                                  the way
## 1350                                                                    space
## 1351                                                               facilities
## 1352                                                                  a whole
## 1353                                                               every part
## 1354                                                                       It
## 1355                                                         not an easy task
## 1356                                                                 exhibits
## 1357                                                                     that
## 1358                                                our diversified resources
## 1359                                                             manufactures
## 1360                                                  our national prosperity
## 1361                                                            the incentive
## 1362                                                               The dealer
## 1363                                                            raw materials
## 1364                                                                 the user
## 1365                                                                      him
## 1366                                                      the great factories
## 1367                                                    the phenomenal demand
## 1368                                                             their output
## 1369                                                                     home
## 1370                                                                    merit
## 1371                                                       a profitable trade
## 1372                                                                  Appeals
## 1373                                                           the patriotism
## 1374                                                               exhibitors
## 1375                                                                     them
## 1376                                                                  outlays
## 1377                                                      no immediate return
## 1378                                                                     This
## 1379                                                      especially the case
## 1380                                                                       it
## 1381                                                   an industrial sequence
## 1382                                                                  a class
## 1383                                                                processes
## 1384                                                         One manufacturer
## 1385                                                                  another
## 1386                                                                    times
## 1387                                                                a promise
## 1388                                                     a particular section
## 1389                                                                       it
## 1390                                                                 pressure
## 1391                                                             trade orders
## 1392                                                              a new quest
## 1393                                                         The installation
## 1394                                                                 exhibits
## 1395                                                           many obstacles
## 1396                                                          unexpected cost
## 1397                                                           The exposition
## 1398                                                                 the date
## 1399                                                              its opening
## 1400                                          The French transportation lines
## 1401                                                          offered freight
## 1402                                                            Belated goods
## 1403                                                      unfinished quarters
## 1404                                                           whatever labor
## 1405                                                 the prevailing confusion
## 1406                                                                 the task
## 1407                                                           the Commission
## 1408                                                                 the fact
## 1409                                                               the scheme
## 1410                                                           classification
## 1411                                                                       it
## 1412                                                       the entire exhibit
## 1413                                                          any one country
## 1414                                                        the same building
## 1415                                                      more than one group
## 1416                                                                 exhibits
## 1417                                                            the same part
## 1418                                                             any building
## 1419                                                        Our installations
## 1420                                                               both sides
## 1421                                                                the Seine
## 1422                                                    widely remote suburbs
## 1423                                                                    Paris
## 1424                                                    additional assistants
## 1425                                                                 the work
## 1426                                                              supervision
## 1427                                                              arrangement
## 1428                                                      all these drawbacks
## 1429                                                         the contribution
## 1430                                                        the United States
## 1431                                              the largest foreign display
## 1432                                                                    place
## 1433                                                              arrangement
## 1434                                                             Our exhibits
## 1435                                    of one hundred and twenty-one classes
## 1436                                                the entire classification
## 1437                                                                    those
## 1438                                                         any other nation
## 1439                                                             total number
## 1440                                                                     they
## 1441                                                                    those
## 1442                                                                   France
## 1443                                                      the attractive form
## 1444                                                                    which
## 1445                                                                     they
## 1446                                                secured general attention
## 1447                                                              A criterion
## 1448                                                               the extent
## 1449                                                                  success
## 1450                                                        our participation
## 1451                                                         the thoroughness
## 1452                                                                    which
## 1453                                                             our exhibits
## 1454                                                               the awards
## 1455                                                      American exhibitors
## 1456                                                   the international jury
## 1457                                                     namely, grand prizes
## 1458                                                              gold medals
## 1459                                                            silver medals
## 1460                                                            bronze medals
## 1461                                                       honorable mentions
## 1462                                                                      all
## 1463                                                the greatest total number
## 1464                                                              the exhibit
## 1465                                                    any exhibiting nation
## 1466                                                       the largest number
## 1467                                                               each grade
## 1468                                             This significant recognition
## 1469                                                                    merit
## 1470                                                              competition
## 1471                                                      the chosen exhibits
## 1472                                                        all other nations
## 1473                                                                the hands
## 1474                                                                   juries
## 1475                                                                      tip
## 1476                                                          representatives
## 1477                                                                   France
## 1478                                                other competing countries
## 1479                                                                       it
## 1480                                                                       us
## 1481                                                                the front
## 1482                                                  international questions
## 1483                                                                   supply
## 1484                                                                   demand
## 1485                                                     the large proportion
## 1486                                                                   awards
## 1487                                                              the classes
## 1488                                                                      art
## 1489                                                    artistic manufactures
## 1490                                                         unexpected proof
## 1491                                                          the stimulation
## 1492                                                         national culture
## 1493                                                           the prosperity
## 1494                                                                     that
## 1495                                                   natural productiveness
## 1496                                                    industrial excellence
## 1497                                                           the exposition
## 1498                                                       international good
## 1499                                                         The inauguration
## 1500                                                                    Paris
## 1501                                                   the Lafayette Monument
## 1502                                                      the school children
## 1503                                                        the United States
## 1504                                                            the designing
## 1505                                                     a commemorative coin
## 1506                                                                 our Mint
## 1507                                                         the presentation
## 1508                                                          the first piece
## 1509                                                            the President
## 1510                                                             the Republic
## 1511                                                   appropriate ceremonies
## 1512                                                               the Fourth
## 1513                                                                     July
## 1514                                                       the French capital
## 1515                                                                     Good
## 1516                                                            our relations
## 1517                                                        the German Empire
## 1518                                                   An amicable adjustment
## 1519                                                the long-pending question
## 1520                                                            the admission
## 1521                                             our life-insurance companies
## 1522                                                                 business
## 1523                                                                  Prussia
## 1524                                                  the principal companies
## 1525                                                                  the way
## 1526                                                               the others
## 1527                                                            the privilege
## 1528                                                           The settlement
## 1529                                                       the Samoan problem
## 1530                                                                    which
## 1531                                                                        I
## 1532                                                          my last message
## 1533                                                             good results
## 1534                                                                    Peace
## 1535                                                              the islands
## 1536                                                                  Tutuila
## 1537                                              a convenient administration
## 1538                                                                     that
## 1539                                                           the confidence
## 1540                                                                   esteem
## 1541                                              the kindly disposed natives
## 1542                                                            the direction
## 1543                                                            the commander
## 1544                                          the United States naval station
## 1545                                                                Pago-Pago
## 1546                                          An Imperial meat inspection law
## 1547                                                                  Germany
## 1548                                                                       it
## 1549                                                          the inspections
## 1550                                                                       it
## 1551                                                         certain products
## 1552                                                        great uncertainty
## 1553                                  our well-nigh extinguished German trade
## 1554                                                            meat products
## 1555                                                                   tinder
## 1556                                                          its new burdens
## 1557                                                              regulations
## 1558                                                                    which
## 1559                                                                       we
## 1560                                                      the discriminations
## 1561                                                                    which
## 1562                                                          the enforcement
## 1563                                                         the old statutes
## 1564                                                       The remaining link
## 1565                                                            the new lines
## 1566                                         direct telegraphic communication
## 1567                                                        the United States
## 1568                                                        the German Empire
## 1569                                                    a gratifying occasion
## 1570                                                                 exchange
## 1571                                                 friendly congratulations
## 1572                                                       the German Emperor
## 1573                                                   Our friendly relations
## 1574                                                            Great Britain
## 1575                                                                  The war
## 1576                                                          Southern Africa
## 1577                                                      important questions
## 1578                                                              A condition
## 1579                                                       international wars
## 1580                                                                     that
## 1581                                                          one belligerent
## 1582                                                                  control
## 1583                                                                 the seas
## 1584                                                                 no ports
## 1585                                                                 shipping
## 1586                                                             direct trade
## 1587                                                            the territory
## 1588                                                      Vexatious questions
## 1589                                                   Great Britain's action
## 1590                                                                  respect
## 1591                                                          neutral cargoes
## 1592                                                         their own nature
## 1593                                                  Portuguese South Africa
## 1594                                                                the score
## 1595                               probable or suspected ultimate destination
## 1596                                                          the Boer States
## 1597                                                        Such consignments
## 1598                                                            British ships
## 1599                                                                    which
## 1600                                                       alone direct trade
## 1601                                                                our ports
## 1602                                                          Southern Africa
## 1603                                                              application
## 1604                                                          a municipal law
## 1605                                                          British vessels
## 1606                                                                the enemy
## 1607                                                                   regard
## 1608                                                 any contraband character
## 1609                                                                the goods
## 1610                                                              Delagoa Bay
## 1611                                                          neutral bottoms
## 1612                                                               the ground
## 1613                                                      alleged destination
## 1614                                                          enemy's country
## 1615                                              Appropriate representations
## 1616                                                                 our part
## 1617                                                   the British Government
## 1618                                                           all such goods
## 1619                                                      the actual property
## 1620                                                        American citizens
## 1621                                                             the incident
## 1622                                                         the satisfaction
## 1623                                       the immediately interested parties
## 1624                                                       a broad settlement
## 1625                                                             the question
## 1626                                                        a neutral's right
## 1627                                                                    goods
## 1628                                                           a neutral port
## 1629                                                       a belligerent area
## 1630                                                                 The work
## 1631                                      certain provisional boundary points
## 1632                                                              convenience
## 1633                                                           administration
## 1634                                                                 the head
## 1635                                                               Lynn Canal
## 1636                                                               accordance
## 1637                                                the temporary arrangement
## 1638                                                                  October
## 1639                                                           a joint survey
## 1640                                                                     July
## 1641                                                        The modus vivendi
## 1642                                                                 friction
## 1643                                                  the Dominion Government
## 1644                                                                    rules
## 1645                                                              regulations
## 1646                                                             our citizens
## 1647                                                              the benefit
## 1648                                               the reciprocal stipulation
## 1649                                                             the citizens
## 1650                                                                 subjects
## 1651                                                             either power
## 1652                                                         that arrangement
## 1653                                               the temporary jurisdiction
## 1654                                                            no diminution
## 1655                                                               the rights
## 1656                                                               privileges
## 1657                                                                     they
## 1658                                                                 hitherto
## 1659                                                        such an expedient
## 1660                                                    the grave emergencies
## 1661                                                            the situation
## 1662                                                                       it
## 1663                                  at best but an unsatisfactory makeshift
## 1664                                                                    which
## 1665                                    the speedy and complete establishment
## 1666                                                        the frontier line
## 1667                                                                    which
## 1668                                                                       we
## 1669                                                the Russo-American treaty
## 1670                                                              the cession
## 1671                                                                   Alaska
## 1672                                                            this relation
## 1673                                                                        I
## 1674                                                                 the need
## 1675                                                     the Alaskan boundary
## 1676                                                                       it
## 1677                                 the one hundred and forty-first meridian
## 1678                                                             A convention
## 1679                                                                 that end
## 1680                                                               the Senate
## 1681                                                           some two years
## 1682                                                                no action
## 1683                                                                        I
## 1684                                                         a new convention
## 1685                                                    a joint determination
## 1686                                                             the meridian
## 1687                                                 telegraphic observations
## 1688                                                                    These
## 1689                                                                       it
## 1690                                 more accurate and unquestionable results
## 1691                                                     the sidereal methods
## 1692                                                                    which
## 1693                                                               discrepant
## 1694                                                           several points
## 1695                                                                 the line
## 1696                                                                any place
## 1697                                                       more than 700 feet
## 1698                                                        The pending claim
## 1699                                                                R. H. May
## 1700                                                the Guatemalan Government
## 1701                                                              arbitration
## 1702                                                  Mr. George F. B. Jenner
## 1703                                                         British minister
## 1704                                                                Guatemala
## 1705                                                                      who
## 1706                                                          sole arbitrator
## 1707                                                                     gold
## 1708                                                             the claimant
## 1709                                                  Various American claims
## 1710                                                                    Haiti
## 1711                                                               the resort
## 1712                                                              arbitration
## 1713                                                               the result
## 1714                                                             negotiations
## 1715                                                           the Government
## 1716                                                                 Honduras
## 1717                                                                   regard
## 1718                                                            the indemnity
## 1719                                                               the murder
## 1720                                                           Frank H. Pears
## 1721                                                                 Honduras
## 1722                                                               Government
## 1723                                                               settlement
## 1724                                                                the claim
## 1725                                                                the heirs
## 1726                                                        The assassination
## 1727                                                             King Humbert
## 1728                                                      sincere expressions
## 1729                                                                   sorrow
## 1730                                                          this Government
## 1731                                                                   people
## 1732                                                                 occasion
## 1733                                                       the Italian nation
## 1734                                                          the high regard
## 1735                                                               the memory
## 1736                                                       the lamented ruler
## 1737                                                          my last message
## 1738                                                                        I
## 1739                                                      considerable length
## 1740                                                             the lynching
## 1741                                                            five Italians
## 1742                                                                 Tallulah
## 1743                                                              the efforts
## 1744                                                   the Federal Government
## 1745                                                           the production
## 1746                                                                 evidence
## 1747                                                              the authors
## 1748                                                    this grievous offense
## 1749                                                         our civilization
## 1750                                                    the repeated inquests
## 1751                                                                     foot
## 1752                                                          the authorities
## 1753                                                                the State
## 1754                                                                Louisiana
## 1755                                                           no punishments
## 1756                                                  Successive grand juries
## 1757                                                      The representations
## 1758                                                   the Italian Government
## 1759                                                                 the face
## 1760                                                         this miscarriage
## 1761                                                            the principle
## 1762                                                                    issue
## 1763                                                        all consideration
## 1764                                         merely pecuniary indemnification
## 1765                                                          this Government
## 1766                                                 the three previous cases
## 1767                                                                    Italy
## 1768                                                              the pledges
## 1769                                                          existing treaty
## 1770                                                              the justice
## 1771                                                                    which
## 1772                                                                      she
## 1773                                                                   regard
## 1774                                               her unfortunate countrymen
## 1775                                                            our territory
## 1776                                                    the same full measure
## 1777                                                                      she
## 1778                                                                  herself
## 1779                                                             any American
## 1780                                             his reciprocal treaty rights
## 1781                                                                        I
## 1782                                               the urgent recommendations
## 1783                                                                        I
## 1784                                                             the Congress
## 1785                                          the Federal courts jurisdiction
## 1786                                                               this class
## 1787                                                      international cases
## 1788                                              the ultimate responsibility
## 1789                                                   the Federal Government
## 1790                                                                        I
## 1791                                                                   action
## 1792                                                                the bills
## 1793                                                                     this
## 1794                                                                    which
## 1795                                                                 the Sen.
## 1796                                                                    House
## 1797                                                                       It
## 1798                                                                       us
## 1799                                                   the statutory omission
## 1800                                                                    which
## 1801                                                    such untoward results
## 1802                                                                        I
## 1803                                                            the necessity
## 1804                                                            the precedent
## 1805                                                              legislation
## 1806                                                           this character
## 1807                                                            Its enactment
## 1808                                                         a simple measure
## 1809                                                        previsory justice
## 1810                                                              the nations
## 1811                                                                    which
## 1812                                                                       we
## 1813                                                                 treaties
## 1814                                                    reciprocal observance
## 1815                                                   the Italian Government
## 1816                                                              such action
## 1817                                                              the primary
## 1818                                               the most essential element
## 1819                                                             the disposal
## 1820                                                    the Tallulah incident
## 1821                                                                        I
## 1822                                                               accordance
## 1823                                                                precedent
## 1824                                                                     view
## 1825                                                        the improbability
## 1826                                                     that particular case
## 1827                                                                 the bill
## 1828                                                                 Congress
## 1829                                                       gracious provision
## 1830                                                                indemnity
## 1831                                                    the Italian sufferers
## 1832                                                            the same form
## 1833                                                               proportion
## 1834                                                     my inaugural address
## 1835                                                                        I
## 1836                                                      the general subject
## 1837                                                              these words
## 1838                                            a great and civilized country
## 1839                                                        the United States
## 1840                                                                   courts
## 1841                                                                     mobs
## 1842                                                            the penalties
## 1843                                                                  the law
## 1844                                                         The preservation
## 1845                                                             public order
## 1846                                                                the right
## 1847                                                               discussion
## 1848                                                            the integrity
## 1849                                                                   courts
## 1850                                               the orderly administration
## 1851                                                                  justice
## 1852                                                                 the rock
## 1853                                                                   safety
## 1854                                                                    which
## 1855                                                           our Government
## 1856                                                                     This
## 1857                                                                        I
## 1858                                                            the attention
## 1859                                                            my countrymen
## 1860                                                            this reproach
## 1861                                                         our civilization
## 1862                                                         The closing year
## 1863                                                  a decided strengthening
## 1864                                                        Japan's relations
## 1865                                                             other states
## 1866                                                          The development
## 1867                    her independent judicial and administrative functions
## 1868                                                             the treaties
## 1869                                                                    which
## 1870                                                                   effect
## 1871                                                   international friction
## 1872                                                           the competence
## 1873                                                             the Japanese
## 1874                                                         a foremost place
## 1875                                                           modern peoples
## 1876                                                            the treatment
## 1877                                           the difficult Chinese problems
## 1878                                                                    Japan
## 1879                                                       harmonious concert
## 1880                                                         the other powers
## 1881                                                         the joint relief
## 1882                                                the beleaguered legations
## 1883                                                                   Peking
## 1884                                                         an understanding
## 1885                                                             a settlement
## 1886                                                               the issues
## 1887                                                               the powers
## 1888                                                                    China
## 1889                                                     Japan's declarations
## 1890                                                                    favor
## 1891                                                            the integrity
## 1892                                                       the Chinese Empire
## 1893                                                         the conservation
## 1894                                               open world trade therewith
## 1895                                                                 a factor
## 1896                                                    the general interests
## 1897                                                                    peace
## 1898                                                                    order
## 1899                                                            fair commerce
## 1900                                                             the Far East
## 1901                                                            the influence
## 1902                                                                    Japan
## 1903                                                         The valuable aid
## 1904                                                        kindly courtesies
## 1905                                                  the Japanese Government
## 1906                                                           naval officers
## 1907                                                          the battle ship
## 1908                                                                   Oregon
## 1909                                                                Complaint
## 1910                                           the discriminatory enforcement
## 1911                                                     a bubonic quarantine
## 1912                                                                 Japanese
## 1913                                                        the Pacific coast
## 1914                                                             interference
## 1915                                                             their travel
## 1916                                                               California
## 1917                                                                 Colorado
## 1918                                                          the health laws
## 1919                                                             those States
## 1920                                                  The latter restrictions
## 1921                                                          a Federal court
## 1922                                                            No recurrence
## 1923                                                             either cause
## 1924                                                                complaint
## 1925                                                   No noteworthy incident
## 1926                                                            our relations
## 1927                                          our important southern neighbor
## 1928                                                   Commercial intercourse
## 1929                                                                   Mexico
## 1930                                                      the two Governments
## 1931                                                           no opportunity
## 1932                                                   their mutual interests
## 1933                                                     all practicable ways
## 1934                                                          the declaration
## 1935                                                        the Supreme Court
## 1936                                                               the awards
## 1937                                                the late joint Commission
## 1938                                              the La Abra and Weil claims
## 1939                                                                    fraud
## 1940                                                                  the sum
## 1941                                                           the first case
## 1942                                                                   Mexico
## 1943                                                               the amount
## 1944                                                           the Weil award
## 1945                                                                   manner
## 1946                                                             A Convention
## 1947                                                                 the time
## 1948                                                               the labors
## 1949                                                        the United States
## 1950                                                                   (Water
## 1951                                                                       It
## 1952                                                             satisfaction
## 1953                                                                        I
## 1954                                                  the formal notification
## 1955                                                                The Hague
## 1956                                                                September
## 1957                                                              the deposit
## 1958                                                            ratifications
## 1959                                                           the Convention
## 1960                                                   the Pacific Settlement
## 1961                                                   International Disputes
## 1962                                                           sixteen powers
## 1963                                                        the United States
## 1964                                                                  Austria
## 1965                                                                  Belgium
## 1966                                                                  Denmark
## 1967                                                                  England
## 1968                                                                   France
## 1969                                                                  Germany
## 1970                                                                    Italy
## 1971                                                                   Persia
## 1972                                                                 Portugal
## 1973                                                                 Roumania
## 1974                                                                   Russia
## 1975                                                                     Siam
## 1976                                                                    Spain
## 1977                                                                   Sweden
## 1978                                                                   Norway
## 1979                                                          the Netherlands
## 1980                                                                    Japan
## 1981                                                           the Convention
## 1982                                               The Administrative Council
## 1983                                                      the Permanent Court
## 1984                                                              Arbitration
## 1985                                                                    rules
## 1986                                                                    order
## 1987                                                           a constitution
## 1988                                     the International Arbitration Bureau
## 1989                                                               accordance
## 1990                                                           the Convention
## 1991                                                          the appointment
## 1992                                                     each signatory power
## 1993                                                                  persons
## 1994                                                         known competency
## 1995                                                                questions
## 1996                                                        international law
## 1997                                                              arbitrators
## 1998                                                                        I
## 1999                                                                  members
## 2000                                                          this Court, Hon
## 2001                                                        Benjamin Harrison
## 2002                                                                  Indiana
## 2003                                                                       ex
## 2004                                                                        -
## 2005                                                                President
## 2006                                                        the United States
## 2007                                                                      Hon
## 2008                                                       Melville W. Fuller
## 2009                                                                 Illinois
## 2010                                                            Chief justice
## 2011                                                        the United States
## 2012                                                                      Hon
## 2013                                                           John W. Griggs
## 2014                                                               New Jersey
## 2015                                                         Attorney General
## 2016                                                        the United States
## 2017                                                                      Hon
## 2018                                                              George Gray
## 2019                                                                 Delaware
## 2020                                                                  a judge
## 2021                                                        the circuit court
## 2022                                                        the United States
## 2023                                                              an incident
## 2024                                                     the brief revolution
## 2025                                                    the Mosquito district
## 2026                                                                Nicaragua
## 2027                                                           the insurgents
## 2028                                                American merchants duties
## 2029                                                                  imports
## 2030                                                          the restoration
## 2031                                                                    order
## 2032                                               the Nicaraguan authorities
## 2033                                                         a second payment
## 2034                                                              such duties
## 2035                                                               the ground
## 2036                                                                     they
## 2037                                                   the titular Government
## 2038                                                          their diversion
## 2039                                                               the revolt
## 2040                                                            This position
## 2041                                                                       us
## 2042                                                     prolonged discussion
## 2043                                                             a compromise
## 2044                                                                    which
## 2045                                                               the amount
## 2046                                                      the second payments
## 2047                                                       the British consul
## 2048                                                       San Juan del Norte
## 2049                                                                    trust
## 2050                                                      the two Governments
## 2051                                                       the first payments
## 2052                                                               compulsion
## 2053                                                     a de facto authority
## 2054                                                                Agreement
## 2055                                                                     this
## 2056                                                                the point
## 2057                                                                  the act
## 2058                                                the Nicaraguan Government
## 2059                                                       the British consul
## 2060                                                             the deposits
## 2061                                                            the merchants
## 2062                                                              differences
## 2063                                              the Central American States
## 2064                                                            our ministers
## 2065                                                             good offices
## 2066                                                         an understanding
## 2067                                                 The all-important matter
## 2068                                                    an interoceanic canal
## 2069                                                              a new phase
## 2070                                                              its refusal
## 2071                                                             the question
## 2072                                                           the forfeiture
## 2073                                                             the contract
## 2074                                               the Maritime Canal Company
## 2075                                                                    which
## 2076                                                     alleged nonexecution
## 2077                                                                  October
## 2078                                                           the Government
## 2079                                                                Nicaragua
## 2080                                                              that action
## 2081                                    the so styled Eyre-Cragin option void
## 2082                                                               nonpayment
## 2083                                                   the stipulated advance
## 2084                                                                 Protests
## 2085                                                                 relation
## 2086                                                               these acts
## 2087                                                     the State Department
## 2088                                                            consideration
## 2089                                                                   itself
## 2090                                                     existing engagements
## 2091                                                the Nicaraguan Government
## 2092                                                            a disposition
## 2093                                                       the canal question
## 2094                                                                  the way
## 2095                                                             negotiations
## 2096                                                        the United States
## 2097                                                                 measures
## 2098                                                             the waterway
## 2099                                                                Overtures
## 2100                                                             a convention
## 2101                                                             the building
## 2102                                                                  a canal
## 2103                                                             the auspices
## 2104                                                        the United States
## 2105                                                            consideration
## 2106                                                             the meantime
## 2107                                                                the views
## 2108                                                             the Congress
## 2109                                                      the general subject
## 2110                                                                the light
## 2111                                                               the report
## 2112                                                           the Commission
## 2113                                                   the comparative merits
## 2114                           the various trans-Isthmian ship-canal projects
## 2115                                                                        I
## 2116                                                      the early attention
## 2117                                                               the Senate
## 2118                                                           the Convention
## 2119                                                            Great Britain
## 2120                                                         the construction
## 2121                                                             such a canal
## 2122                                                            any objection
## 2123                                                                    which
## 2124                                                           the Convention
## 2125                                                the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
## 2126                                             The long-standing contention
## 2127                                                                 Portugal
## 2128                                                              the seizure
## 2129                                                  the Delagoa Bay Railway
## 2130                                                        a favorable award
## 2131                                                             the tribunal
## 2132                                                              arbitration
## 2133                                                                    Berne
## 2134                                                                    which
## 2135                                                                       it
## 2136                                                               The amount
## 2137                                                                the award
## 2138                                                                    which
## 2139                                                                   London
## 2140                                                             arrangements
## 2141                                                          the Governments
## 2142                                                        the United States
## 2143                                                            Great Britain
## 2144                                                             its disposal
## 2145                                                      the two Governments
## 2146                                               A lately signed Convention
## 2147                                                              Extradition
## 2148                                                                     Peru
## 2149                                                               the Senate
## 2150                                                    the Peruvian Congress
## 2151                                                     Another illustration
## 2152                                                               the policy
## 2153                                                          this Government
## 2154                                                   international disputes
## 2155                                                    impartial arbitration
## 2156                                                            the agreement
## 2157                                                                   Russia
## 2158                                                               the claims
## 2159                                                                   behalf
## 2160                                                 American sealing vessels
## 2161                                                               Bering Sea
## 2162                                                            determination
## 2163                                                       Mr. T. M. C. Asser
## 2164                                                a distinguished statesman
## 2165                                                                   jurist
## 2166                                                          the Netherlands
## 2167                                                                   Thanks
## 2168                                          the Imperial Russian Government
## 2169                                                           the kindly aid
## 2170                                                          its authorities
## 2171                                                          eastern Siberia
## 2172                                                    American missionaries
## 2173                                                                Manchuria
## 2174                                                    Satisfactory progress
## 2175                                                           the conclusion
## 2176                                                         a general treaty
## 2177                                                               friendship
## 2178                                                              intercourse
## 2179                                                                    Spain
## 2180                                                              replacement
## 2181                                                           the old treaty
## 2182                                                                    which
## 2183                                                                 abeyance
## 2184                                                                   reason
## 2185                                                             the late war
## 2186                                                         A new convention
## 2187                                                              extradition
## 2188                                                               completion
## 2189                                                                        I
## 2190                                                 a commercial arrangement
## 2191                                                                        I
## 2192                                                                       we
## 2193                                                          any opportunity
## 2194                                                         the cordial ties
## 2195                                                                     that
## 2196                                                                       us
## 2197                                                                    Spain
## 2198                                                                 the time
## 2199                                                our earliest independence
## 2200                                                      the mutual benefits
## 2201                                              that commercial intercourse
## 2202                                                                    which
## 2203                                                        the two countries
## 2204                                                                the terms
## 2205                                                               the Treaty
## 2206                                                                    Peace
## 2207                                                                 the line
## 2208                                               the ceded Philippine group
## 2209                                                            the southwest
## 2210                                                    several small islands
## 2211                                                                the Sulus
## 2212                                                                    which
## 2213                                                          Spanish control
## 2214                                                           The occupation
## 2215                                                                   Sibutd
## 2216                                                             Cagayan Sulu
## 2217                                                         our naval forces
## 2218                                                                  a claim
## 2219                                                                 the part
## 2220                                                                    Spain
## 2221                                                     the essential equity
## 2222                                                                    which
## 2223                                                                    order
## 2224                                                               the defect
## 2225                                                               the treaty
## 2226                                                      all possible ground
## 2227                                                  future misunderstanding
## 2228                                                       the interpretation
## 2229                                                        its third article
## 2230                                                                        I
## 2231                                                          the negotiation
## 2232                                                   a supplementary treaty
## 2233                                                                    which
## 2234                                                               the Senate
## 2235                                                                    Spain
## 2236                                                                all title
## 2237                                                                    claim
## 2238                                                                    title
## 2239                                                              the islands
## 2240                                                                      any
## 2241                                                              all islands
## 2242                                               the Philippine Archipelago
## 2243                                                                the lines
## 2244                                                       said third article
## 2245                                                         all such islands
## 2246                                                              the cession
## 2247                                                          the archipelago
## 2248                                                                     they
## 2249                                                              those lines
## 2250                                                            consideration
## 2251                                                             this cession
## 2252                                                        the United States
## 2253                                                                    Spain
## 2254                                                                  the sum
## 2255                                                                   A bill
## 2256                                                       the recommendation
## 2257                                                   my last annual message
## 2258                                                  appropriate legislation
## 2259                                                                execution
## 2260                                                              Article VII
## 2261                                                               the Treaty
## 2262                                                                    Peace
## 2263                                                                    Spain
## 2264                                                                    which
## 2265                                                        the United States
## 2266                                                              the payment
## 2267                                                           certain claims
## 2268                                                                indemnity
## 2269                                                             its citizens
## 2270                                                                    Spain
## 2271                                                                        I
## 2272                                                                   action
## 2273                                                          this obligation
## 2274                                                                 The King
## 2275                                                                   Sweden
## 2276                                                                   Norway
## 2277                                                     the joint invitation
## 2278                                                        the United States
## 2279                                                                  Germany
## 2280                                                            Great Britain
## 2281                                                                   claims
## 2282                                                                   losses
## 2283                                                       the Samoan Islands
## 2284                                                               the course
## 2285                                                      military operations
## 2286                                                         the disturbances
## 2287                                                               Our claims
## 2288                                                           the Government
## 2289                                                               the Sultan
## 2290                                                               reparation
## 2291                                                                 injuries
## 2292                                                        American citizens
## 2293                                                                  Armenia
## 2294                                                                  promise
## 2295                                        early and satisfactory settlement
## 2296                                           His Majesty's good disposition
## 2297                                                              this regard
## 2298                                                             the issuance
## 2299                                                                 an irade
## 2300                                                     the American college
## 2301                                                                  Harpoot
## 2302                                                              The failure
## 2303                                                                   action
## 2304                                                               the Senate
## 2305                                                         its last session
## 2306                                               the commercial conventions
## 2307                                                        its consideration
## 2308                                                                 approval
## 2309                                                       the great pressure
## 2310                                               other legislative business
## 2311                                                      much disappointment
## 2312                                the agricultural and industrial interests
## 2313                                                              the country
## 2314                                                                    which
## 2315                                                         their provisions
## 2316                                                       their ratification
## 2317                                                                       it
## 2318                                                      additional articles
## 2319                                                                 the time
## 2320                                                             that purpose
## 2321                                                                     This
## 2322                                                                 our part
## 2323                                                    the other Governments
## 2324                                                            the exception
## 2325                                                           one convention
## 2326                                                                  respect
## 2327                                                                    which
## 2328                                                          no formal reply
## 2329                                                    my last communication
## 2330                                                             the Congress
## 2331                               this subject special commercial agreements
## 2332                                                        the third section
## 2333                                                           the tariff act
## 2334                                                                 Portugal
## 2335                                                                    Italy
## 2336                                                                  Germany
## 2337                                                   Commercial conventions
## 2338                                                  the general limitations
## 2339                                                       the fourth section
## 2340                                                             the same act
## 2341                                                                Nicaragua
## 2342                                                                  Ecuador
## 2343                                                   the Dominican Republic
## 2344                                                            Great Britain
## 2345                                                                   behalf
## 2346                                                               the island
## 2347                                                                 Trinidad
## 2348                                                                  Denmark
## 2349                                                                   behalf
## 2350                                                               the island
## 2351                                                                St. Croix
## 2352                                                                    These
## 2353                                                               the Senate
## 2354                                                             Negotiations
## 2355                                                        other Governments
## 2356                                                                 progress
## 2357                                                          the improvement
## 2358                                                                 security
## 2359                                                 our commercial relations
## 2360                                                               The policy
## 2361                                                              reciprocity
## 2362                                                           the principles
## 2363                                                     international equity
## 2364                                                               the people
## 2365                                                        the United States
## 2366                                                            no hesitation
## 2367                                                            either branch
## 2368                                                             the Congress
## 2369                                                                       it
## 2370                                                              full effect
## 2371                                              \n\nThis Government desires
## 2372                          the most just and amicable commercial relations
## 2373                                                    all foreign countries
## 2374                                                 the industrial rivalries
## 2375                                                            the expansion
## 2376                                                      international trade
## 2377                                                                       It
## 2378                                                  the foreign Governments
## 2379                                                         the same purpose
## 2380                                                           some instances
## 2381                                                        clamorous demands
## 2382                                                                     them
## 2383                                                              legislation
## 2384                                                       American interests
## 2385                                                            these demands
## 2386                                                                        I
## 2387                                                             the Congress
## 2388                                                                 the view
## 2389                                                         such legislation
## 2390                                                            the emergency
## 2391                                                           The exposition
## 2392                                                            the resources
## 2393                                                                 products
## 2394                                                   the Western Hemisphere
## 2395                                                                  Buffalo
## 2396                                                        important results
## 2397                                                        the United States
## 2398                                        the other participating countries
## 2399                                                                       It
## 2400                                                the Latin-American States
## 2401                                                   the liveliest interest
## 2402                                                                 the fact
## 2403                                       an International American Congress
## 2404                                                                 the City
## 2405                                                                   Mexico
## 2406                                                           the exposition
## 2407                                                                 progress
## 2408                                                                 the hope
## 2409                                                         a larger display
## 2410                                                                  Buffalo
## 2411                                                                 The work
## 2412                                                               an exhibit
## 2413                                                   our national resources
## 2414                                                    satisfactory progress
## 2415                                                            the direction
## 2416                                                      different officials
## 2417                                                   the Federal Government
## 2418                                                       the various States
## 2419                                                                the Union
## 2420                                                            a disposition
## 2421                                           the most liberal participation
## 2422                                                           the enterprise
## 2423                                                               The Bureau
## 2424                                                   the American Republics
## 2425                                                     the happiest results
## 2426                                                       the important work
## 2427                                                        cordial relations
## 2428                                                        the United States
## 2429                                             the Latin-American countries
## 2430                                                                      all
## 2431                                                                    which
## 2432                                                           active members
## 2433                                                  the International Union
## 2434                                                               The Bureau
## 2435                                                            the agreement
## 2436                                  another International American Congress
## 2437                                                                    which
## 2438                                                                 the City
## 2439                                                                   Mexico
## 2440                                                                  October
## 2441                                                      The Bureau's future
## 2442                                                             another term
## 2443                                                                ten years
## 2444                                                the international compact
## 2445                                                             the congress
## 2446                                                                new lines
## 2447                                                                     work
## 2448                                                         a general policy
## 2449                                                           Its usefulness
## 2450                                                            the interests
## 2451                                                     Latin-American trade
## 2452                                                 a gratifying development
## 2453                                                    The practical utility
## 2454                                                     the consular service
## 2455                                                             a wide range
## 2456                                                              information
## 2457                                                           the industries
## 2458                                                                 commerce
## 2459                                                          other countries
## 2460                                                        the opportunities
## 2461                                                                 the sale
## 2462                                                                our goods
## 2463                                                                  advance
## 2464                                                    the notable expansion
## 2465                                                        our foreign trade
## 2466                                                        abundant evidence
## 2467                                                                     home
## 2468                                                                 the fact
## 2469                                                     the Consular Reports
## 2470                                           our diplomatic representatives
## 2471                                                    a considerable extent
## 2472                                                                     ways
## 2473                                                                    means
## 2474                                                          a great variety
## 2475                                                       manufactured goods
## 2476                                                                    which
## 2477                                                                     sale
## 2478                                                                Testimony
## 2479                                                        foreign observers
## 2480                                                the commercial efficiency
## 2481                                                       the consular corps
## 2482                                                    our own manufacturers
## 2483                                                                exporters
## 2484                                                                the value
## 2485                                                             the services
## 2486                                                      the printed reports
## 2487                                                   the individual efforts
## 2488                                                        consular officers
## 2489                                                           American trade
## 2490                                                       An increasing part
## 2491                                                                 the work
## 2492                                                               the Bureau
## 2493                                                         Foreign Commerce
## 2494                                                       whose primary duty
## 2495                                                                       it
## 2496                                                              the reports
## 2497                                                                inquiries
## 2498                                                      trade organizations
## 2499                                                          business houses
## 2500                                                               conditions
## 2501                                                            various parts
## 2502                                                                the world
## 2503                                                            the smallness
## 2504                                                                the force
## 2505                                                                 the work
## 2506                                                                responses
## 2507                                                         such promptitude
## 2508                                                                 accuracy
## 2509                                                     flattering encomiums
## 2510                                                           The experiment
## 2511                                                     the Consular Reports
## 2512                                                            immediate use
## 2513                                                             trade bodies
## 2514                                                                exporters
## 2515                                                                the press
## 2516                                                                    which
## 2517                                                                  January
## 2518                                                     general satisfaction
## 2519                                                                       It
## 2520                                                     the surplus revenues
## 2521                                                          the fiscal year
## 2522                                                  the six preceding years
## 2523                                                                       we
## 2524                                                            only deficits
## 2525                                                            the aggregate
## 2526                                                                    which
## 2527                                                             The receipts
## 2528                                                                 the year
## 2529                                                              all sources
## 2530                                                          postal revenues
## 2531                                                             expenditures
## 2532                                                             all purposes
## 2533                                                       the administration
## 2534                                                    the postal department
## 2535                                                             The receipts
## 2536                                                                  customs
## 2537                                                              an increase
## 2538                                                       the preceding year
## 2539                                                             The receipts
## 2540                                                         internal revenue
## 2541                                                              an increase
## 2542                                                             The receipts
## 2543                                                    miscellaneous sources
## 2544                                                        the previous year
## 2545                                                                       It
## 2546                                                                 the year
## 2547                                                 a considerable reduction
## 2548                                                         the expenditures
## 2549                                                           the Government
## 2550                                          The War Department expenditures
## 2551                                                          the fiscal year
## 2552                                                              a reduction
## 2553                                                                    those
## 2554                                                      the Navy Department
## 2555                                                         the expenditures
## 2556                                                                 the year
## 2557                                                       the preceding year
## 2558                                                               a decrease
## 2559                                                         the expenditures
## 2560                                                                  account
## 2561                                                                  Indians
## 2562                                                               a decrease
## 2563                                     the civil and miscellaneous expenses
## 2564                                                              a reduction
## 2565                                                               the excess
## 2566                                                                 revenues
## 2567                                                             expenditures
## 2568                                                            the Secretary
## 2569                                                             the Treasury
## 2570                                                                    bonds
## 2571                                                         other securities
## 2572                                                         the sinking fund
## 2573                                                               the amount
## 2574                                                              The details
## 2575                                                         the sinking fund
## 2576                                                               the report
## 2577                                                            the Secretary
## 2578                                                             the Treasury
## 2579                                                                    which
## 2580                                                                        I
## 2581                                                            The Secretary
## 2582                                                             the Treasury
## 2583                                                             the receipts
## 2584                                                  the current fiscal year
## 2585                                                                an excess
## 2586                                                                 revenues
## 2587                                                             expenditures
## 2588                                                    The present condition
## 2589                                                             the Treasury
## 2590                                                       undoubted strength
## 2591                                               The available cash balance
## 2592                                                                 November
## 2593                                                                 the form
## 2594                                                                statement
## 2595                                                        the financial law
## 2596                                                                    March
## 2597                                                            the statement
## 2598                                                 available cash gold coin
## 2599                                                                  bullion
## 2600                                                           the redemption
## 2601                                                                this form
## 2602                                                         the cash balance
## 2603                                                 the present gold reserve
## 2604                                                             Such balance
## 2605                                                         the general fund
## 2606                                                                    which
## 2607                                              the reserve and trust funds
## 2608                                                                 November
## 2609                                                                gold coin
## 2610                                                                  bullion
## 2611                                                                    which
## 2612                                                        gold certificates
## 2613                                                                    issue
## 2614                                                                    which
## 2615                                                               Redemption
## 2616                                                                  bullion
## 2617                                                          a total holding
## 2618                                                                free gold
## 2619                                                                       It
## 2620                                                                 the duty
## 2621                                                                        I
## 2622                                                                       it
## 2623                                                          the disposition
## 2624                                                             the Congress
## 2625                                             whatever further legislation
## 2626                                                     the continued parity
## 2627                                                           all conditions
## 2628                                                            our two forms
## 2629                                                           metallic money
## 2630                                                                   silver
## 2631                                                                     gold
## 2632                                                     Our surplus revenues
## 2633                                                            the Secretary
## 2634                                                             the Treasury
## 2635                                                                the close
## 2636                                                          the fiscal year
## 2637                                                          the funded loan
## 2638                                                                     cent
## 2639                                                                  the sum
## 2640                                                                 November
## 2641                                                              these bonds
## 2642                                                               the amount
## 2643                                                                    which
## 2644                                                      further redemptions
## 2645                                                                 the call
## 2646                                                         the sinking fund
## 2647                                                                  The law
## 2648                                                                    March
## 2649                                             2 per cent thirty-year bonds
## 2650                                                                gold coin
## 2651                                               the present standard value
## 2652                                                             that portion
## 2653                                                          the public debt
## 2654                                                                     cent
## 2655                                                           the 4 percents
## 2656                                                           the 5 percents
## 2657                                                                    which
## 2658                                                                 the date
## 2659                                                                      law
## 2660                                                              The holders
## 2661                                                            the old bonds
## 2662                                                                     them
## 2663                                                                 exchange
## 2664                                                                    March
## 2665                                                                 November
## 2666                                                               the amount
## 2667                                                           The net saving
## 2668                                                           the Government
## 2669                                                       these transactions
## 2670                                                           Another effect
## 2671                                                            the operation
## 2672                                                            the Secretary
## 2673                                                               the charge
## 2674                                                             the Treasury
## 2675                                                              the payment
## 2676                                                                 interest
## 2677                                                                the dates
## 2678                                                                refunding
## 2679                                                                 February
## 2680                                                                  the sum
## 2681                                          more than seven million dollars
## 2682                                                                 February
## 2683                                                                     July
## 2684                                               the annual interest charge
## 2685                                                                  the sum
## 2686                                                  more than five millions
## 2687                                                      the thirteen months
## 2688                                                         The full details
## 2689                                                            the refunding
## 2690                                                        the annual report
## 2691                                                            the Secretary
## 2692                                                             the Treasury
## 2693                                                    The beneficial effect
## 2694                                                        the financial act
## 2695                                                                       it
## 2696                                                           a modification
## 2697                                                 the national banking act
## 2698                                                            The provision
## 2699                                                        the incorporation
## 2700                                                           national banks
## 2701                                                                a capital
## 2702                                                                   places
## 2703                                               three thousand inhabitants
## 2704                                                            the extension
## 2705                                                       banking facilities
## 2706                                          many small communities hitherto
## 2707                                                               themselves
## 2708                                                     banking institutions
## 2709                                                      the national system
## 2710                                                            the enactment
## 2711                                                                  the law
## 2712                                                                 November
## 2713                                                       369 national banks
## 2714                                                                    which
## 2715                                                                  capital
## 2716                                                                  capital
## 2717                                                                       It
## 2718                                                       the greater number
## 2719                                                                    banks
## 2720                                                              the new law
## 2721                                                                 sections
## 2722                                                                 the need
## 2723                                                       banking facilities
## 2724                                                                     Iowa
## 2725                                                                 30 banks
## 2726                                                        the smaller class
## 2727                                                                    Texas
## 2728                                                                 Oklahoma
## 2729                                                         Indian Territory
## 2730                                          the middle and western sections
## 2731                                                              the country
## 2732                                                               themselves
## 2733                                                           the privileges
## 2734                                                              the new law
## 2735                                                         A large increase
## 2736                                           national bank-note circulation
## 2737                                                            the provision
## 2738                                                                  the act
## 2739                                                                    which
## 2740                                                           national banks
## 2741                                                        circulating notes
## 2742                                                            the par value
## 2743                                                  the United States bonds
## 2744                                                                        .
## 2745                                                                 security
## 2746                                                                     cent
## 2747                                                             The increase
## 2748                                                        circulating notes
## 2749                                                                    March
## 2750                                                                 November
## 2751                                                                The party
## 2752                                                                    power
## 2753                                                         such legislation
## 2754                                                             the currency
## 2755                                                        the varying needs
## 2756                                                                 business
## 2757                                                              all seasons
## 2758                                                             all sections
## 2759                                                        Our foreign trade
## 2760                                                      a remarkable record
## 2761                                       commercial and industrial progress
## 2762                                                                The total
## 2763                                                                  imports
## 2764                                                                  exports
## 2765                                                           the first time
## 2766                                                              the history
## 2767                                                              the country
## 2768                                                             two billions
## 2769                                                                  dollars
## 2770                                                              The exports
## 2771                                                                     they
## 2772                                                                the total
## 2773                                                          the fiscal year
## 2774                                                              an increase
## 2775                                                              an increase
## 2776                                                               The growth
## 2777                                                             manufactures
## 2778                                                        the United States
## 2779                                                                 the fact
## 2780                                                                  exports
## 2781                                                    manufactured products
## 2782                                                                    those
## 2783                                                        any previous year
## 2784                                                              their value
## 2785                                                              an increase
## 2786                                                              28 per cent
## 2787                                                \n\nAgricultural products
## 2788                                                           greater volume
## 2789                                                                the total
## 2790                                                                 the year
## 2791                                                              The imports
## 2792                                                                 the year
## 2793                                                              an increase
## 2794                                                            This increase
## 2795                                                                materials
## 2796                                                              manufacture
## 2797                                                                 response
## 2798                                                    the rapid development
## 2799                                                            manufacturing
## 2800                                                        the United States
## 2801                                                                      use
## 2802                                                             manufactures
## 2803                                                            1900 material
## 2804                                                                the value
## 2805                                                                   excess
## 2806                                                                       it
## 2807                                                               a tendency
## 2808                                                                 decrease
## 2809                                                          the importation
## 2810                                                                 articles
## 2811                                                              consumption
## 2812                                                                    which
## 2813                                                                     cent
## 2814                                                        the total imports
## 2815                                                                     cent
## 2816                                                                     cent
## 2817                                                                        I
## 2818                                                             the Congress
## 2819                                                      its present session
## 2820                                               the internal-revenue taxes
## 2821                                                             the expenses
## 2822                                                                  the war
## 2823                                                                    Spain
## 2824                                                                  the sum
## 2825                                                          thirty millions
## 2826                                                                  dollars
## 2827                                                           This reduction
## 2828                                                            the remission
## 2829                                                              those taxes
## 2830                                                         which experience
## 2831                                                           the industries
## 2832                                                               the people
## 2833                                                                        I
## 2834                                                       whatever reduction
## 2835                                                           the legacy tax
## 2836                                                                 bequests
## 2837                                                              public uses
## 2838                         a literary, educational, or charitable character
## 2839                                                     \n\nAmerican vessels
## 2840                                                     the past three years
## 2841                                                                     cent
## 2842                                                              our exports
## 2843                                                                  imports
## 2844                                                            Foreign ships
## 2845                                                                     part
## 2846                                                           American trade
## 2847                                                    The remarkable growth
## 2848                                                     our steel industries
## 2849                                                             the progress
## 2850                                                             shipbuilding
## 2851                                                       the domestic trade
## 2852                                     our steadily maintained expenditures
## 2853                                                                 the Navy
## 2854                                                           an opportunity
## 2855                                                        the United States
## 2856                                                            the 6rst rank
## 2857                                               commercial maritime powers
## 2858                                             a proper national aspiration
## 2859                                                                     this
## 2860                                                        the establishment
## 2861                                                           healthy growth
## 2862                                                           all our coasts
## 2863                                          a distinctive national industry
## 2864                                                                the field
## 2865                                                the profitable employment
## 2866                                                                    labor
## 2867                                                                  capital
## 2868                                                                       It
## 2869                                            the transportation facilities
## 2870                                                          freight charges
## 2871                                                          the vast volume
## 2872                                                                 products
## 2873                                                             the interior
## 2874                                                             the seaboard
## 2875                                                                   export
## 2876                                                                   an arm
## 2877                                                     the national defense
## 2878                                                                    which
## 2879                                                             the founders
## 2880                                                           the Government
## 2881                                                         their successors
## 2882                                                         immediate action
## 2883                                                             the Congress
## 2884                                                                 measures
## 2885                                                        American shipping
## 2886                                                            foreign trade
## 2887                                                                        I
## 2888                                                                attention
## 2889                                                      the recommendations
## 2890                                                              the subject
## 2891                                                        previous messages
## 2892                                                              the opinion
## 2893                                                              the message
## 2894                                                                        I
## 2895                                                             the judgment
## 2896                                                              the country
## 2897                                                               the policy
## 2898                                                                      aid
## 2899                                                      our merchant marine
## 2900                                                                    which
## 2901                                                             our commerce
## 2902                                                                  markets
## 2903                                                our sea-carrying capacity
## 2904                                                             the products
## 2905                                                              agriculture
## 2906                                                              manufacture
## 2907                                                                    which
## 2908                                                             the increase
## 2909                                                                 our Navy
## 2910                                                                more work
## 2911                                                                    wages
## 2912                                                           our countrymen
## 2913                                                              a safeguard
## 2914                                                       American interests
## 2915                                                               every part
## 2916                                                                the world
## 2917                                                            The attention
## 2918                                                             the Congress
## 2919                                                       the recommendation
## 2920                                                            the Secretary
## 2921                                                             the Treasury
## 2922                                                        his annual report
## 2923                                                              legislation
## 2924                                                                   behalf
## 2925                                               the Revenue-Cutter Service
## 2926                                                         favorable action
## 2927                                                   my last annual message
## 2928                                                             the Congress
## 2929                                                                        I
## 2930                                                                attention
## 2931                                                            the necessity
## 2932                                                             early action
## 2933                                                               such evils
## 2934                                                               connection
## 2935                                                             combinations
## 2936                                                                  capital
## 2937                                                                   trusts
## 2938                                                                attention
## 2939                                                            my discussion
## 2940                                                              the subject
## 2941                                                                that time
## 2942                                                                    which
## 2943                                                              these words
## 2944                                                                       It
## 2945                                                               uniformity
## 2946                                                              legislation
## 2947                                                             this subject
## 2948                                                       the several States
## 2949                                                                       It
## 2950                                                          such uniformity
## 2951                                           a wise and just discrimination
## 2952                                                                     what
## 2953                                                                     what
## 2954                                                      business operations
## 2955                                                                     that
## 2956                                                             the Congress
## 2957                                                          the limitations
## 2958                                                 its constitutional power
## 2959                                                        an effective code
## 2960                                                        State legislation
## 2961                                                        a complete system
## 2962                                                                     laws
## 2963                                                        the United States
## 2964                                                     a general observance
## 2965                                                       the salutary rules
## 2966                                                                    which
## 2967                                                                        I
## 2968                                                       The whole question
## 2969                                                                        I
## 2970                                                                  no part
## 2971                                                                       it
## 2972                                                              every phase
## 2973                                                                       it
## 2974                                                 the studied deliberation
## 2975                                                             the Congress
## 2976                                                wise and judicious action
## 2977                                                        such combinations
## 2978                                                                    which
## 2979                                                     Federal jurisdiction
## 2980                                                             the Congress
## 2981                                                   my last annual message
## 2982                                                                        I
## 2983                                                              some length
## 2984                                                            the condition
## 2985                                                                  affairs
## 2986                                                          the Philippines
## 2987                                                                      you
## 2988                                                 the grave responsibility
## 2989                                                    the future government
## 2990                                                            those islands
## 2991                                                             the Congress
## 2992                                                        the United States
## 2993                                                                        I
## 2994                                                                that time
## 2995                                                a specific and final form
## 2996                                                               government
## 2997                                                            the territory
## 2998                                                 the United States forces
## 2999                                                                    which
## 3000                                                             insurrection
## 3001                                                         the military arm
## 3002                                                                        I
## 3003                                                               my purpose
## 3004                                                             the Congress
## 3005                                                    the formal expression
## 3006                                                                 its will
## 3007                                                            the authority
## 3008                                                                       me
## 3009                                                         the Constitution
## 3010                                                             the statutes
## 3011                                                          the sovereignty
## 3012                                                        the United States
## 3013                                                    those distant islands
## 3014                                                         all other places
## 3015                                                                 our flag
## 3016                                                                 that end
## 3017                                                             the disposal
## 3018                                                                 the army
## 3019                                                                     navy
## 3020                                                            all the means
## 3021                                                                    which
## 3022                                                           the liberality
## 3023                                                             the Congress
## 3024                                                               the people
## 3025                                                   No contrary expression
## 3026                                                                 the will
## 3027                                                             the Congress
## 3028                                                                        I
## 3029                                                              the purpose
## 3030                                                            the civil arm
## 3031                                                       the accomplishment
## 3032                                                             pacification
## 3033                                                          the institution
## 3034                                                        local governments
## 3035                                                                the lines
## 3036                                                                authority
## 3037                                                                      law
## 3038                                                                 Progress
## 3039                                                  the hoped-for direction
## 3040                                                               Our forces
## 3041                                                         the greater part
## 3042                                                              the islands
## 3043                                                     the organized forces
## 3044                                                           the insurgents
## 3045                                                                    order
## 3046                                                administrative regularity
## 3047                                                             all quarters
## 3048                                                          What opposition
## 3049                                                            the most part
## 3050                                                        no concerted plan
## 3051                                                         strategic action
## 3052                                                              the methods
## 3053                                                           the traditions
## 3054                                                        guerrilla warfare
## 3055                                                                    which
## 3056                                                      the general control
## 3057                                                               insecurity
## 3058                                                          the populations
## 3059                                                                     that
## 3060                                                         the good results
## 3061                                                              our control
## 3062                                                           the conferment
## 3063                                                                     them
## 3064                                                      the fuller measures
## 3065                                                    local self-government
## 3066                                                                education
## 3067                                  industrial and agricultural development
## 3068                                                                    which
## 3069                                                                       we
## 3070                                                                     them
## 3071                                                               the spring
## 3072                                                                this year
## 3073                                                 the effective opposition
## 3074                                                  the dissatisfied Tagals
## 3075                                                            the authority
## 3076                                                        the United States
## 3077                                                                 the door
## 3078                                                            the extension
## 3079                                                  a stable administration
## 3080                                                            the territory
## 3081                                                          the Archipelago
## 3082                                                                     this
## 3083                                                                        I
## 3084                                                                    March
## 3085                                                  last a civil Commission
## 3086                                                                  the Hon
## 3087                                                          William H. Taft
## 3088                                                                     Ohio
## 3089                                                  Prof. Dean C. Worcester
## 3090                                                                 Michigan
## 3091                                                                  the Hon
## 3092                                                           Luke I. Wright
## 3093                                                                Tennessee
## 3094                                                                  the Hon
## 3095                                                             Henry C. Ide
## 3096                                                                  Vermont
## 3097                                                      Prof. Bernard Moses
## 3098                                                               California
## 3099                                                                 The aims
## 3100                                                            their mission
## 3101                                                                the scope
## 3102                                                          their authority
## 3103                                                          my instructions
## 3104                                                                    April
## 3105                                                            the Secretary
## 3106                                                                      War
## 3107                                                                     them
## 3108                                                              the message
## 3109                                                             the Congress
## 3110                                                                  the 5th
## 3111                                                                 December
## 3112                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 3113                                                         the insurrection
## 3114                                                         the military arm
## 3115                                                                no reason
## 3116                                                                    steps
## 3117                                                                     time
## 3118                                                                     time
## 3119                                                              governments
## 3120                                                               their form
## 3121                                                                territory
## 3122                                                               our troops
## 3123                                                                 this end
## 3124                                                                        I
## 3125                                                         the advisability
## 3126                                                               the return
## 3127                                                           the Commission
## 3128                                                              the members
## 3129                                                 the existing authorities
## 3130                                                                this work
## 3131                                                              the islands
## 3132                                                                   effect
## 3133                                                            the intention
## 3134                                                                        I
## 3135                                                                      Hon
## 3136                                                          William H. Taft
## 3137                                                                     Ohio
## 3138                                                  Prof. Dean C. Worcester
## 3139                                                                 Michigan
## 3140                                                      Non. Luke I. Wright
## 3141                                                                Tennessee
## 3142                                                                      Hon
## 3143                                                             Henry C. Ide
## 3144                                                                  Vermont
## 3145                                                      Prof. Bernard Moses
## 3146                                                               California
## 3147                                                            Commissioners
## 3148                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 3149                                                                 the work
## 3150                                                         civil government
## 3151                                                 the military authorities
## 3152                                                             all respects
## 3153                                                                 any laws
## 3154                                                                    which
## 3155                                                                 Congress
## 3156                                                        The Commissioners
## 3157                                                                  a board
## 3158                                                                  the Hon
## 3159                                                        William H. Taft t
## 3160                                                                president
## 3161                                                                the board
## 3162                                                                       It
## 3163                                                             the transfer
## 3164                                                                authority
## 3165                                                      military commanders
## 3166                                                           civil officers
## 3167                                                    a considerable period
## 3168                                            Its successful accomplishment
## 3169                                                          the maintenance
## 3170                                                                    peace
## 3171                                                                    order
## 3172                                                             the meantime
## 3173                                                      the most perfect co
## 3174                                                                        -
## 3175                                                                operation
## 3176                                       the civil and military authorities
## 3177                                                              the islands
## 3178                                                                     both
## 3179                                                    the transition period
## 3180                                            the same Executive Department
## 3181                                                           The Commission
## 3182                                                            the Secretary
## 3183                                                                      War
## 3184                                                         all their action
## 3185                                                            your approval
## 3186                                                                  control
## 3187                                                                      You
## 3188                                                           the Commission
## 3189                                                                 the city
## 3190                                                                   Manila
## 3191                                                                     they
## 3192                                                   their principal office
## 3193                                                    the Military Governor
## 3194                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 3195                                                                     whom
## 3196                                                                      you
## 3197                                                            the same time
## 3198                                                                     them
## 3199                                                         every assistance
## 3200                                                                his power
## 3201                                                          the performance
## 3202                                                             their duties
## 3203                                                                     them
## 3204                                                too specific instructions
## 3205                                                                     they
## 3206                                                               themselves
## 3207                                                           the conditions
## 3208                                                                    needs
## 3209                                                              the country
## 3210                                                          their attention
## 3211                                                       the first instance
## 3212                                                        the establishment
## 3213                                                    municipal governments
## 3214                                                                    which
## 3215                                                              the natives
## 3216                                                              the islands
## 3217                                                               the cities
## 3218                                                    the rural communities
## 3219                                                          the opportunity
## 3220                                                  their own local affairs
## 3221                                                       the fullest extent
## 3222                                                                    which
## 3223                                                                     they
## 3224                                                         the least degree
## 3225                                                              supervision
## 3226                                                                  control
## 3227                                                                    which
## 3228                                                         their capacities
## 3229                                                              observation
## 3230                                                             the workings
## 3231                                                      native control show
## 3232                                                          the maintenance
## 3233                                                                      law
## 3234                                                                    order
## 3235                                                                  loyalty
## 3236                                                         The next subject
## 3237                                                                    order
## 3238                                                               importance
## 3239                                                         the organization
## 3240                                                               government
## 3241                                      the larger administrative divisions
## 3242                                                                 counties
## 3243                                                              departments
## 3244                                                                provinces
## 3245                                                                    which
## 3246                                                     the common interests
## 3247                                           many or several municipalities
## 3248                                                    the same tribal lines
## 3249                                     the same natural geographical limits
## 3250                                                  a common administration
## 3251                                                           the Commission
## 3252                                                              the opinion
## 3253                                                            the condition
## 3254                                                                  affairs
## 3255                                                              the islands
## 3256                                               the central administration
## 3257                                                                 military
## 3258                                                            civil control
## 3259                                                                     they
## 3260                                                          that conclusion
## 3261                                                                      you
## 3262                                                    their recommendations
## 3263                                                                 the form
## 3264                                                       central government
## 3265                                                              the purpose
## 3266                                                              the control
## 3267                                                              the 1st day
## 3268                                                                September
## 3269                                                            the authority
## 3270                                                              my approval
## 3271                                                            the Secretary
## 3272                                                                      War
## 3273                                                                that part
## 3274                                                                the power
## 3275                                                               government
## 3276                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 3277                                                                    which
## 3278                                                     a legislative nature
## 3279                                                    the Military Governor
## 3280                                                              the islands
## 3281                                                          this Commission
## 3282                                                                     them
## 3283                                                                the place
## 3284                                                                    stead
## 3285                                                    the Military Governor
## 3286                                                               such rules
## 3287                                                              regulations
## 3288                                                                      you
## 3289                                                        the establishment
## 3290                                             the civil central government
## 3291                                                              the islands
## 3292                                             the last foregoing paragraph
## 3293                                                                 Congress
## 3294                                                                 Exercise
## 3295                                               this legislative authority
## 3296                                                               the making
## 3297                                                                    rules
## 3298                                                                   orders
## 3299                                                               the effect
## 3300                                                                      law
## 3301                                                              the raising
## 3302                                                                  revenue
## 3303                                                                    taxes
## 3304                                                           customs duties
## 3305                                                                  imposts
## 3306                                                             public funds
## 3307                                                              the islands
## 3308                                                    an educational system
## 3309                                                             t1he islands
## 3310                                                                 a system
## 3311                                               an efficient civil service
## 3312                                                                   courts
## 3313                                   municipal and departmental governments
## 3314                                                           a civil nature
## 3315                                                                    which
## 3316                                                    the Military Governor
## 3317                                                                    rules
## 3318                                                                   orders
## 3319                                                  a legislative character
## 3320                                                           The Commission
## 3321                                                                    power
## 3322                                                          the same period
## 3323                                                            such officers
## 3324                     the judicial, educational, and civil-service systems
## 3325                               the municipal and departmental governments
## 3326                                                    the complete transfer
## 3327                                                                  control
## 3328                                                    the Military Governor
## 3329                                                 the chief executive head
## 3330                                                           the government
## 3331                                                              the islands
## 3332                                                  the executive authority
## 3333                                                                      him
## 3334                                                           the Commission
## 3335                                                                the rules
## 3336                                                                   orders
## 3337                                                           the Commission
## 3338                                                             the exercise
## 3339                                                   the legislative powers
## 3340                                                                     them
## 3341                                                             the meantime
## 3342                               the municipal and departmental governments
## 3343                                                    the Military Governor
## 3344                                           his administrative supervision
## 3345                                                                  control
## 3346                                                           your direction
## 3347                                                         that supervision
## 3348                                                                  control
## 3349                                                     the narrowest limits
## 3350                                                          the requirement
## 3351                                                               the powers
## 3352                                                               government
## 3353                                                       the municipalities
## 3354                                                              departments
## 3355                                                                      law
## 3356                                                                    order
## 3357                                                       individual freedom
## 3358                                                    All legislative rules
## 3359                                                                   orders
## 3360                                                           establishments
## 3361                                                               government
## 3362                                                             appointments
## 3363                                                           the Commission
## 3364                                                                   effect
## 3365                                                               such times
## 3366                                                                     they
## 3367                                                            your approval
## 3368                                                                   action
## 3369                                                 the Commission's reports
## 3370                                                                    which
## 3371                                                                     time
## 3372                                                                     time
## 3373                                                             their action
## 3374                                                        civil governments
## 3375                                                            the direction
## 3376                                                           the Commission
## 3377                                                      such military posts
## 3378                                                                garrisons
## 3379                                                                   forces
## 3380                                                          the suppression
## 3381                                                             insurrection
## 3382                                                               brigandage
## 3383                                                          the maintenance
## 3384                                                                      law
## 3385                                                                    order
## 3386                                                   the Military Commander
## 3387                                                      the military forces
## 3388                                                                all times
## 3389                                                               his orders
## 3390                                                                 the call
## 3391                                                    the civil authorities
## 3392                                                          the maintenance
## 3393                                                                      law
## 3394                                                                    order
## 3395                                                          the enforcement
## 3396                                                          their authority
## 3397                                                        the establishment
## 3398                                                    municipal governments
## 3399                                                           the Commission
## 3400                                                                the basis
## 3401                                                               their work
## 3402                                                          the governments
## 3403                                                    the Military Governor
## 3404                                                                his order
## 3405                                                                   August
## 3406                                                               the report
## 3407                                                                the board
## 3408                                                    the Military Governor
## 3409                                                                his order
## 3410                                                                  January
## 3411                                                                   a plan
## 3412                                                     municipal government
## 3413                                                                    which
## 3414                                              His Honor Cayetano Arellano
## 3415                                                                President
## 3416                                                            the Audiencia
## 3417                                                                 chairman
## 3418                                                                     they
## 3419                                                          the conclusions
## 3420                                                               that board
## 3421                                                               the weight
## 3422                                                            consideration
## 3423                                                                    which
## 3424                                                       the high character
## 3425                                                  distinguished abilities
## 3426                                                              its members
## 3427                                                         the constitution
## 3428                                   departmental or provincial governments
## 3429                                                                     they
## 3430                                                       especial attention
## 3431                                                  the existing government
## 3432                                                               the island
## 3433                                                                   Negros
## 3434                                                             the approval
## 3435                                                               the people
## 3436                                                              that island
## 3437                                                                the order
## 3438                                                    the Military Governor
## 3439                                                                     July
## 3440                                                                verifying
## 3441                                                              the reports
## 3442                                                   the successful working
## 3443                                                          that government
## 3444                                                                     they
## 3445                                                           the experience
## 3446                                                                       it
## 3447                                                            the condition
## 3448                                                           other portions
## 3449                                                          the Philippines
## 3450                                                                     They
## 3451                                                               themselves
## 3452                                                       the fullest degree
## 3453                                                          the conclusions
## 3454                                                  the previous Commission
## 3455                                                          the Philippines
## 3456                                                         the distribution
## 3457                                                                   powers
## 3458                                                          the governments
## 3459                                                           the Commission
## 3460                                                          the presumption
## 3461                                                                    favor
## 3462                                                  the smaller subdivision
## 3463                                                           all the powers
## 3464                                                                    which
## 3465                                                 the municipal government
## 3466                                                          that government
## 3467                                                           all the powers
## 3468                                                 a more general character
## 3469                                                                    which
## 3470                                              the departmental government
## 3471                                                          that government
## 3472                                                  the governmental system
## 3473                                                                    which
## 3474                                                               the result
## 3475                                                              the process
## 3476                                                   the central government
## 3477                                                              the islands
## 3478                                                              the example
## 3479                                                         the distribution
## 3480                                                               the powers
## 3481                                                               the States
## 3482                                                  the National Government
## 3483                                                        the United States
## 3484                                                 no direct administration
## 3485                                                                  matters
## 3486                                                   purely general concern
## 3487                                                    only such supervision
## 3488                                                                  control
## 3489                                                        local governments
## 3490                                    faithful and efficient administration
## 3491                                                           local officers
## 3492                                               The many Different degrees
## 3493                                                             civilization
## 3494                                                                varieties
## 3495                                                                   custom
## 3496                                                                 capacity
## 3497                                                               the people
## 3498                                                    the different islands
## 3499                                                very definite instruction
## 3500                                                                 the part
## 3501                                                                    which
## 3502                                                               the people
## 3503                                                            the selection
## 3504                                                       their own officers
## 3505                                                      these general rules
## 3506                                                                all cases
## 3507                                                   the municipal officers
## 3508                                                                      who
## 3509                                                        the local affairs
## 3510                                                               the people
## 3511                                                               the people
## 3512                                                                 officers
## 3513                                               more extended jurisdiction
## 3514                                                                  any way
## 3515                                                                  natives
## 3516                                                              the islands
## 3517                                                                     they
## 3518                                                               the duties
## 3519                                                                     they
## 3520                                                              the offices
## 3521                                                               preference
## 3522                                                               any others
## 3523                                                                       It
## 3524                                                             some offices
## 3525                                                              the present
## 3526                                                                Americans
## 3527                                                                    which
## 3528                                                                   a time
## 3529                                                                  natives
## 3530                                                              the islands
## 3531                                                                 a system
## 3532                                                                the merit
## 3533                                                                  fitness
## 3534                                                               candidates
## 3535                                                             civil office
## 3536                                                                    force
## 3537                                           An indispensable qualification
## 3538                                                              all offices
## 3539                                                                positions
## 3540                                                                    trust
## 3541                                                                authority
## 3542                                                              the islands
## 3543                                       absolute and unconditional loyalty
## 3544                                                        the United States
## 3545                                        absolute and unhampered authority
## 3546                                                                    power
## 3547                                                              any officer
## 3548                                                            that standard
## 3549                                                                all times
## 3550                                                                the bands
## 3551                                                    the central authority
## 3552                                                              the islands
## 3553                                                            all the forms
## 3554                                 government and administrative provisions
## 3555                                                                    which
## 3556                                                                     they
## 3557                                                           the Commission
## 3558                                                                     mind
## 3559                                                           the government
## 3560                                                                    which
## 3561                                                                     they
## 3562                                                         our satisfaction
## 3563                                                           the expression
## 3564                                                    our theoretical views
## 3565                                                            the happiness
## 3566                                                                    peace
## 3567                                                               prosperity
## 3568                                                              tile people
## 3569                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 3570                                                             the measures
## 3571                                                            their customs
## 3572                                                             their habits
## 3573                                                     even heir prejudices
## 3574                                                       the fullest extent
## 3575                                                       the accomplishment
## 3576                                             the Indispensable requisites
## 3577                                            just and effective government
## 3578                                                            the same time
## 3579                                                           the Commission
## 3580                                                                     mind
## 3581                                                               the people
## 3582                                                              the islands
## 3583                                                 certain great principles
## 3584                                                               government
## 3585                                                                    which
## 3586                                                                the basis
## 3587                                                  our governmental system
## 3588                                                                    which
## 3589                                                                       we
## 3590                                                                 the rule
## 3591                                                                      law
## 3592                                                          the maintenance
## 3593                                                       individual freedom
## 3594                                                                    which
## 3595                                                                     they
## 3596                                                           the experience
## 3597                                                                       us
## 3598                                                  certain practical rules
## 3599                                                               government
## 3600                                                                    which
## 3601                                                                       we
## 3602                                                         the preservation
## 3603                                                   these great principles
## 3604                                                                  liberty
## 3605                                                                      law
## 3606                                                         these principles
## 3607                                                              these rules
## 3608                                                               government
## 3609                                                            their islands
## 3610                                                                 the sake
## 3611                                                            their liberty
## 3612                                                                happiness
## 3613                                                                     they
## 3614                                                              the customs
## 3615                                                                     laws
## 3616                                                                procedure
## 3617                                                                    which
## 3618                                                                     they
## 3619                                                                       It
## 3620                                             the most enlightened thought
## 3621                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 3622                                                           the importance
## 3623                                                         these principles
## 3624                                                                    rules
## 3625                                                                     they
## 3626                                                             a short time
## 3627                                                           every division
## 3628                                                                   branch
## 3629                                                           the government
## 3630                                                          the Philippines
## 3631                                                   these inviolable rules
## 3632                                                                no person
## 3633                                                                     life
## 3634                                                                  liberty
## 3635                                                                 property
## 3636                                                              due process
## 3637                                                                      law
## 3638                                                         private property
## 3639                                                               public use
## 3640                                                        just compensation
## 3641                                                all criminal prosecutions
## 3642                                                                the right
## 3643                                                a speedy and public trial
## 3644                                                               the nature
## 3645                                                                    cause
## 3646                                                           the accusation
## 3647                                                            the witnesses
## 3648                                                                      him
## 3649                                                       compulsory process
## 3650                                                                witnesses
## 3651                                                                his favor
## 3652                                                           the assistance
## 3653                                                                  counsel
## 3654                                                              his defense
## 3655                                                           excessive bail
## 3656                                                          excessive fines
## 3657                                             cruel and unusual punishment
## 3658                                                                no person
## 3659                                                                 jeopardy
## 3660                                                         the same offense
## 3661                                                        any criminal case
## 3662                                                                a witness
## 3663                                                                  himself
## 3664                                                                the right
## 3665                                                    unreasonable searches
## 3666                                                                 seizures
## 3667                                                          neither slavery
## 3668                                                    involuntary servitude
## 3669                                                             a punishment
## 3670                                                                    crime
## 3671                                                                  no bill
## 3672                                                                attainder
## 3673                                                                        -
## 3674                                                           post facto law
## 3675                                                                   no law
## 3676                                                              the freedom
## 3677                                                                   speech
## 3678                                                                the press
## 3679                                                               the rights
## 3680                                                               the people
## 3681                                                           the Government
## 3682                                                                a redress
## 3683                                                               grievances
## 3684                                                                   no law
## 3685                                                         an establishment
## 3686                                                                 religion
## 3687                                                        the free exercise
## 3688                                                        the free exercise
## 3689                                                                enjoyment
## 3690                                                     religious profession
## 3691                                                           discrimination
## 3692                                                               preference
## 3693                                                                       It
## 3694                                                                 the duty
## 3695                                                           the Commission
## 3696                                                 a thorough investigation
## 3697                                                               the titles
## 3698                                                         the large tracts
## 3699                                                                     land
## 3700                                                              individuals
## 3701                                                         religious orders
## 3702                                                              the justice
## 3703                                                               the claims
## 3704                                                               complaints
## 3705                                                        Stich landholders
## 3706                                                               the people
## 3707                                                               the island
## 3708                                                                 any part
## 3709                                                               the people
## 3710                                              wise and peaceable measures
## 3711                                                        a just settlement
## 3712                                                        the controversies
## 3713                                                                  redress
## 3714                                                                   wrongs
## 3715                                                                    which
## 3716                                                                   strife
## 3717                                                                bloodshed
## 3718                                                                 the past
## 3719                                                          the performance
## 3720                                                                this duty
## 3721                                                           the Commission
## 3722                                                             no injustice
## 3723                                                       substantial rights
## 3724                                                                   equity
## 3725                                            , disregarding technicalities
## 3726                                                substantial right permits
## 3727                                                      the following rules
## 3728                                                               the Treaty
## 3729                                                                    Paris
## 3730                                                        the United States
## 3731                                                           the protection
## 3732                                                               all rights
## 3733                                                                 property
## 3734                                                              the islands
## 3735                                                            the principle
## 3736                                                       our own Government
## 3737                                                                    which
## 3738                                                               the taking
## 3739                                                         private property
## 3740                                                              due process
## 3741                                                                      law
## 3742                                                              the welfare
## 3743                                                               the people
## 3744                                                              the islands
## 3745                                                                    which
## 3746                                                a paramount consideration
## 3747                                                                this rule
## 3748                                                           property right
## 3749                                                                       it
## 3750                                                      the public interest
## 3751                                                               the people
## 3752                                                              the islands
## 3753                                                                   claims
## 3754                                                                 property
## 3755                                                                    which
## 3756                                                           the Commission
## 3757                                                              disposition
## 3758                                                      due legal procedure
## 3759                                                                    which
## 3760                                                         full opportunity
## 3761                                               fair and impartial hearing
## 3762                                                                 judgment
## 3763                                                the same public interests
## 3764                                                       the extinguishment
## 3765                                                          property rights
## 3766                                                         due compensation
## 3767                                                      the public treasury
## 3768                                                                  no form
## 3769                                                                 religion
## 3770                                                              no minister
## 3771                                                                 religion
## 3772                                                            any community
## 3773                                                              any citizen
## 3774                                                              the islands
## 3775                                                           the other hand
## 3776                                                              no minister
## 3777                                                                 religion
## 3778                                                              his calling
## 3779                                                           the separation
## 3780                                                                    State
## 3781                                                                   Church
## 3782                                                                       It
## 3783                                                                 the duty
## 3784                                                           the Commission
## 3785                                                                     they
## 3786                                                                 occasion
## 3787                                                               the system
## 3788                                                                education
## 3789                                                 the military authorities
## 3790                                                                     this
## 3791                                                                     they
## 3792                                                         first importance
## 3793                                                            the extension
## 3794                                                                 a system
## 3795                                                        primary education
## 3796                                                                    which
## 3797                                                                      all
## 3798                                                                    which
## 3799                                                               the people
## 3800                                                               the duties
## 3801                                                              citizenship
## 3802                                                  the ordinary avocations
## 3803                                                    a civilized community
## 3804                                                         This instruction
## 3805                                                       the first instance
## 3806                                                               every part
## 3807                                                              the islands
## 3808                                                             the language
## 3809                                                               the people
## 3810                                                                     view
## 3811                                                         the great number
## 3812                                                                languages
## 3813                                                     the different tribes
## 3814                                                                       it
## 3815                                                           the prosperity
## 3816                                                              the islands
## 3817                                                          a common medium
## 3818                                                            communication
## 3819                                                                       it
## 3820                                                              this medium
## 3821                                                     the English language
## 3822                                                       Especial attention
## 3823                                                         full opportunity
## 3824                                                           all the people
## 3825                                                              the islands
## 3826                                                                  the use
## 3827                                                     the English language
## 3828                                                                       It
## 3829                                                         the main changes
## 3830                                                                    which
## 3831                                                               the system
## 3832                                                                 taxation
## 3833                                                                 the body
## 3834                                                                 the laws
## 3835                                                                    which
## 3836                                                               the people
## 3837                                                             such changes
## 3838                                                  the military government
## 3839                                                     the civil government
## 3840                                                                    which
## 3841                                                             the auspices
## 3842                                                           the Commission
## 3843                                                                       It
## 3844                                                                 the duty
## 3845                                                           the Commission
## 3846                                                      any further changes
## 3847                                                                    which
## 3848                                                                     they
## 3849                                                             such changes
## 3850                                                            your approval
## 3851                                                                     they
## 3852                                                                     mind
## 3853                                                                    taxes
## 3854                                                                    which
## 3855                                                               6 penalize
## 3856                                                         repress industry
## 3857                                                               enterprise
## 3858                                                               provisions
## 3859                                                                 taxation
## 3860                                                                     they
## 3861                                                               the people
## 3862                                                                     they
## 3863                                          the fewest practicable subjects
## 3864                                                                 taxation
## 3865                                                                    which
## 3866                                                 the general distribution
## 3867                                                               the burden
## 3868                                                            The main body
## 3869                                                                 the laws
## 3870                                                                    which
## 3871                                                               the rights
## 3872                                                              obligations
## 3873                                                               the people
## 3874                                                   as little interference
## 3875                                                                  Changes
## 3876                                                                procedure
## 3877                                                        the criminal laws
## 3878                                              speedy and impartial trials
## 3879                                                            the same time
## 3880                                                                  respect
## 3881                                                        individual rights
## 3882                                                   the uncivilized tribes
## 3883                                                              the islands
## 3884                                                           the Commission
## 3885                                                          the same course
## 3886                                                                 Congress
## 3887                                                               the tribes
## 3888                                               our North American Indians
## 3889                                                their tribal organization
## 3890                                                               government
## 3891                                                                    which
## 3892                                                             those tribes
## 3893                                                                    peace
## 3894                                                           a civilization
## 3895                                                                    which
## 3896                                                                     they
## 3897                                                  Such tribal governments
## 3898                                                 wise and firm regulation
## 3899                  undue or petty interference, constant and active effort
## 3900                                                      barbarous practices
## 3901                                                        civilized customs
## 3902                                                             all officers
## 3903                                                                employees
## 3904                                                        the United States
## 3905                                                                 military
## 3906                                                                  a sense
## 3907                                                                 the duty
## 3908                                                  not merely the material
## 3909                                           the personal and social rights
## 3910                                                               the people
## 3911                                                              the islands
## 3912                                                                     them
## 3913                                                        the same courtesy
## 3914                                                                  respect
## 3915                                                   their personal dignity
## 3916                                                                    which
## 3917                                                        the United States
## 3918                                                             The articles
## 3919                                                             capitulation
## 3920                                                                 the city
## 3921                                                                   Manila
## 3922                                                                 the 13th
## 3923                                                                   August
## 3924                                                              these words
## 3925                                                                This city
## 3926                                                          its inhabitants
## 3927                                                             its churches
## 3928                                                        religious worship
## 3929                                           its educational establishments
## 3930                                                     its private property
## 3931                                                         all descriptions
## 3932                                                    the special safeguard
## 3933                                                                the faith
## 3934                                                                    honor
## 3935                                                        the American Army
## 3936                                                                        I
## 3937                                                              this pledge
## 3938                                                            an obligation
## 3939                                                           the Government
## 3940                                                        the United States
## 3941                                                               protection
## 3942                                                                 property
## 3943                                                                     life
## 3944                                                                  freedom
## 3945                                                                 guidance
## 3946                                                                the paths
## 3947                                                                    peace
## 3948                                                               prosperity
## 3949                                                           all the people
## 3950                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 3951                                                                        I
## 3952                                                          this Commission
## 3953                                                     the full performance
## 3954                                                          this obligation
## 3955                                                                    which
## 3956                                                                the honor
## 3957                                                               conscience
## 3958                                                            their country
## 3959                                                         in the firm hope
## 3960                                                             their labors
## 3961                                                      all the inhabitants
## 3962                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 3963                                                                gratitude
## 3964                                                                  the day
## 3965                                                                      God
## 3966                                                                  victory
## 3967                                                            American arms
## 3968                                                                   Manila
## 3969                                                               their land
## 3970                                                          the sovereignty
## 3971                                                           the protection
## 3972                                                               the people
## 3973                                                        the United States
## 3974                                                             the entrance
## 3975                                                           the Commission
## 3976                                                               its labors
## 3977                                                                        I
## 3978                                                        General MacArthur
## 3979                                                    the Military Governor
## 3980                                                          the Philippines
## 3981                                                                     June
## 3982                                                           a proclamation
## 3983                                                                  amnesty
## 3984                                                           generous terms
## 3985                                                                    which
## 3986                                                           the insurgents
## 3987                                                                advantage
## 3988                                                                     them
## 3989                                                        important leaders
## 3990                                                          This Commission
## 3991                                                         eminent citizens
## 3992                         the diverse geographical and political interests
## 3993                                                              the country
## 3994                                                               their task
## 3995                                                          the ripe fruits
## 3996                                             long and intelligent service
## 3997                        educational, administrative, and judicial careers
## 3998                                                           great progress
## 3999                                                               the outset
## 4000                                                                   August
## 4001                                                                       it
## 4002                                                     a preliminary report
## 4003                                                                    which
## 4004                                                             the Congress
## 4005                                                                    which
## 4006                                                                       it
## 4007                                                         the good effects
## 4008                                                          returning order
## 4009                                                            that business
## 4010                                                              hostilities
## 4011                                                            a larger area
## 4012                                                        sugar cultivation
## 4013                                                     the customs revenues
## 4014                                                                 any time
## 4015                                                         the Spanish rule
## 4016                                                                  economy
## 4017                                                               efficiency
## 4018                                              the military administration
## 4019                                                           a surplus fund
## 4020                                               needed public improvements
## 4021                                            a stringent civil-service law
## 4022                                                              preparation
## 4023                                                  railroad communications
## 4024                                                           rich districts
## 4025                                                   a comprehensive scheme
## 4026                                                                education
## 4027                                                           the Commission
## 4028                                                 more encouraging advance
## 4029                                                             the benefits
## 4030                                                                  liberty
## 4031                                                          good government
## 4032                                                            the Filipinos
## 4033                                                             the interest
## 4034                                                                 humanity
## 4035                                                                  the aim
## 4036           an enduring, self-supporting, and self-administering community
## 4037                                                   those far eastern seas
## 4038                                                                        I
## 4039                                                             the Congress
## 4040                                                     whatever legislation
## 4041                                                                  respect
## 4042                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 4043                                                     these generous lines
## 4044                                                              The fortune
## 4045                                                                      war
## 4046                                                              this nation
## 4047                                                        an unsought trust
## 4048                                                                    which
## 4049                                                          this Government
## 4050                               a moral as well as material responsibility
## 4051                                                           these millions
## 4052                                                                     whom
## 4053                                                                       we
## 4054                                                       an oppressive yoke
## 4055                                                                        I
## 4056                                                         another occasion
## 4057                                                            the Filipinos
## 4058                                                                the wards
## 4059                                                               the nation
## 4060                                                                 guardian
## 4061                                                                       it
## 4062                                                                      all
## 4063                                                                    those
## 4064                                                                      who
## 4065                                                       our fostering care
## 4066                                                                       It
## 4067                                                                 our duty
## 4068                                                                     them
## 4069                                                                 our flag
## 4070                                                            the mountains
## 4071                                                                    Luzon
## 4072                                                        the fertile zones
## 4073                                                                 Mindanao
## 4074                                                                   Negros
## 4075                                                                       it
## 4076                                                                     home
## 4077                                                                       it
## 4078                                                       the revered symbol
## 4079                                                                  liberty
## 4080                                                            enlightenment
## 4081                                                                 progress
## 4082                                                             every avenue
## 4083                                                              development
## 4084                                                            The Filipinos
## 4085                                                                   a race
## 4086                                                                knowledge
## 4087                                                                       He
## 4088                                                                      who
## 4089                                                            the teachings
## 4090                                                  contemporaneous history
## 4091                                                                     view
## 4092                                                                  a limit
## 4093                                                               the degree
## 4094                                                                  culture
## 4095                                                              advancement
## 4096                                                                the reach
## 4097                                                             these people
## 4098                                                                 our duty
## 4099                                                                     them
## 4100                                                     The civil government
## 4101                                                              Puerto Rico
## 4102                                                                  the act
## 4103                                                             the Congress
## 4104                                                     successful operation
## 4105                                                               The courts
## 4106                                                             The Governor
## 4107                                                           his associates
## 4108                                                      Commendable success
## 4109                                                                  the 6th
## 4110                                                                 November
## 4111                                                       a general election
## 4112                                                               the island
## 4113                                                                  members
## 4114                                                          the Legislature
## 4115                                                                 the body
## 4116                                                         the first Monday
## 4117                                                                 December
## 4118                                                                        I
## 4119                                                         that legislation
## 4120                                                             the Congress
## 4121                                                            the Secretary
## 4122                                                 the Interior supervision
## 4123                                                         the public lands
## 4124                                                              Puerto Rico
## 4125                                                                       he
## 4126                                                             the location
## 4127                                                                 quantity
## 4128                                                                    lands
## 4129                                                                the title
## 4130                                                                    which
## 4131                                                                the Crown
## 4132                                                                    Spain
## 4133                                                                 the date
## 4134                                                                  cession
## 4135                                                              Puerto Rico
## 4136                                                        the United States
## 4137                                                                  surveys
## 4138                                                              the methods
## 4139                                                          the disposition
## 4140                                                               such lands
## 4141                                                                      law
## 4142                                                                 the 25th
## 4143                                                                     July
## 4144                                                                        I
## 4145                                                                   a call
## 4146                                                              an election
## 4147                                                                     Cuba
## 4148                                                                  members
## 4149                                              a constitutional convention
## 4150                                                           a constitution
## 4151                                                                  a basis
## 4152                                      a stable and independent government
## 4153                                                               the island
## 4154                                                                pursuance
## 4155                                                    the Military Governor
## 4156                                               the following instructions
## 4157                                                             the Congress
## 4158                                                        the United States
## 4159                                                     its joint resolution
## 4160                                                                    April
## 4161                                                               the people
## 4162                                                               the island
## 4163                                                                     Cuba
## 4164                                                                    right
## 4165                                                        the United States
## 4166                                                          any disposition
## 4167                                                                intention
## 4168                                                              sovereignty
## 4169                                                             jurisdiction
## 4170                                                                  control
## 4171                                                         the pacification
## 4172                                                        its determination
## 4173                                                                     that
## 4174                                                           the government
## 4175                                                                  control
## 4176                                                               the island
## 4177                                                               its people
## 4178                                                               the people
## 4179                                                                     Cuba
## 4180                                                    municipal governments
## 4181                                                          their authority
## 4182                                                            the suffrages
## 4183                                                               the people
## 4184                                                                     laws
## 4185                                                                   manner
## 4186                                                        the establishment
## 4187                                                     a general government
## 4188                                                                    which
## 4189                                                              sovereignty
## 4190                                                             jurisdiction
## 4191                                                               the island
## 4192                                                                       it
## 4193                                                       a general election
## 4194                                                               the island
## 4195                                                                     Cuba
## 4196                                                       the third Saturday
## 4197                                                                September
## 4198                                                                 the year
## 4199                                                                delegates
## 4200                                                             a convention
## 4201                                                                 the city
## 4202                                                                   Havana
## 4203                                                           twelve o'clock
## 4204                                                         the first Monday
## 4205                                                                 November
## 4206                                                                 the year
## 4207                                                           a constitution
## 4208                                                               the people
## 4209                                                                     Cuba
## 4210                                                                   a part
## 4211                                                           the Government
## 4212                                                        the United States
## 4213                                                            the relations
## 4214                                                          that Government
## 4215                                                           the Government
## 4216                                                                     Cuba
## 4217                                                             the election
## 4218                                                               the people
## 4219                                                                 officers
## 4220                                                        such constitution
## 4221                                                             the transfer
## 4222                                                               government
## 4223                                                             the officers
## 4224                                                             The election
## 4225                                             the several voting precincts
## 4226                                                               the island
## 4227                                              pursuant to, the provisions
## 4228                                                        the electoral law
## 4229                                                                    April
## 4230                                                           the amendments
## 4231                                                             The election
## 4232                                                                 the 15th
## 4233                                                                September
## 4234                                                           the convention
## 4235                                                                  the 5th
## 4236                                                                 November
## 4237                                                                  session
## 4238                                                           the convention
## 4239                                                    the Military Governor
## 4240                                                                     Cuba
## 4241                                                  the following statement
## 4242                                                        Military Governor
## 4243                                                               the island
## 4244                                                            the President
## 4245                                                        the United States
## 4246                                                                        I
## 4247                                                          this convention
## 4248                                                                       It
## 4249                                                                your duty
## 4250                                                           a constitution
## 4251                                                                     Cuba
## 4252                                                                     that
## 4253                                                                     what
## 4254                                                             your opinion
## 4255                                                            the relations
## 4256                                                                     Cuba
## 4257                                                        the United States
## 4258                                                         The constitution
## 4259                                   a stable, orderly, and free government
## 4260                                                                      you
## 4261                                                            the relations
## 4262                                                                    which
## 4263                                                             your opinion
## 4264                                                                     Cuba
## 4265                                                        the United States
## 4266                                                           the Government
## 4267                                                        the United States
## 4268                                                              such action
## 4269                                                                 its part
## 4270                                      a final and authoritative agreement
## 4271                                                               the people
## 4272                                                        the two countries
## 4273                                                            the promotion
## 4274                                                   their common interests
## 4275                                                              All friends
## 4276                                                                     Cuba
## 4277                                                       your deliberations
## 4278                                                     the deepest interest
## 4279                                                                      you
## 4280                                                         just conclusions
## 4281                                                              the dignity
## 4282                                                                    which
## 4283                                                         your proceedings
## 4284                                                             the capacity
## 4285                                                         the Cuban people
## 4286                                                representative government
## 4287                                              The fundamental distinction
## 4288                                           true representative government
## 4289                                                             dictatorship
## 4290                                          the former every representative
## 4291                                                               the people
## 4292                                                          whatever office
## 4293                                                                  himself
## 4294                                                               the limits
## 4295                                                       his defined powers
## 4296                                                           such restraint
## 4297                                        no free constitutional government
## 4298                                                                the order
## 4299                                                                    which
## 4300                                                                      you
## 4301                                                                      you
## 4302                                                                  no duty
## 4303                                                             no authority
## 4304                                                                     part
## 4305                                                   the present government
## 4306                                                               the island
## 4307                                                              Your powers
## 4308                                                                the terms
## 4309                                                               that order
## 4310                                                           the convention
## 4311                                                               its labors
## 4312                                                                        I
## 4313                                                             the Congress
## 4314                                                         the constitution
## 4315                                                           the convention
## 4316                                                        its consideration
## 4317                                                              such action
## 4318                                                                       it
## 4319                                                                        I
## 4320                                                       the recommendation
## 4321                                                       my special message
## 4322                                                                 February
## 4323                                                            the necessity
## 4324                                                      cable communication
## 4325                                                        the United States
## 4326                                                                   Hawaii
## 4327                                                                extension
## 4328                                                                   Manila
## 4329                                                            circumstances
## 4330                                                                this need
## 4331                                                                  Surveys
## 4332                                                   the entire feasibility
## 4333                                                                  a chain
## 4334                                                                   cables
## 4335                                                                    which
## 4336                                                      each stopping place
## 4337                                                       American territory
## 4338                                                               the system
## 4339                                                 our own complete control
## 4340                                                                   Manila
## 4341                                                        telegraphic reach
## 4342                                                               connection
## 4343                                                              the systems
## 4344                                                        the Asiatic coast
## 4345                                   increased and profitable opportunities
## 4346                                                a more direct cable route
## 4347                                                               our shores
## 4348                                                               the Orient
## 4349                                                                the trans
## 4350                                                                        -
## 4351                                                                        I
## 4352                                                                attention
## 4353                                                    this important matter
## 4354                                                     The present strength
## 4355                                                                 the Army
## 4356                                                              100,000 men
## 4357                                                          65,ooo regulars
## 4358                                                        35,000 volunteers
## 4359                                                                  the act
## 4360                                                                    March
## 4361                                                                     June
## 4362                                              the present volunteer force
## 4363                                                         the Regular Army
## 4364                                                           2,447 officers
## 4365                                                      29,025 enlisted men
## 4366                                                                  a Board
## 4367                                                                 Officers
## 4368                                                      President Cleveland
## 4369                                                   a comprehensive scheme
## 4370                                             coast-defense fortifications
## 4371                                                                    which
## 4372                                                               the outlay
## 4373                                                                something
## 4374                                         over one hundred million dollars
## 4375                                                                This plan
## 4376                                                             the approval
## 4377                                                             the Congress
## 4378                                                   regular appropriations
## 4379                                                                 the work
## 4380                                                            fortification
## 4381                                                 More than sixty millions
## 4382                                                                  dollars
## 4383                                                           a great number
## 4384                                                                    forts
## 4385                                                                     guns
## 4386                             all the complicated and scientific machinery
## 4387                                                    electrical appliances
## 4388                                                                their use
## 4389                                                          The proper care
## 4390                                                 this defensive machinery
## 4391                                                                      men
## 4392                                                                  its use
## 4393                                                               The number
## 4394                                                                      men
## 4395                                                                this duty
## 4396                                                       the War Department
## 4397                                                      a minimum allowance
## 4398                                       fifty-eight or more military posts
## 4399                                                        the United States
## 4400                                         the coast-defense fortifications
## 4401                                                               The number
## 4402                                                              these posts
## 4403                                                             the Congress
## 4404                                                                 building
## 4405                                                                equipment
## 4406                                                                     they
## 4407                                                         the Regular Army
## 4408                                                                The posts
## 4409                                                                existence
## 4410                                                                   others
## 4411                                                                  provide
## 4412                                                           accommodations
## 4413                                                                  require
## 4414                                                            26,000 troops
## 4415                                                              these posts
## 4416                                                             our frontier
## 4417                                               important strategic points
## 4418                                                           the occupation
## 4419                                                                    which
## 4420                                                                       We
## 4421                                                                     Cuba
## 4422                                                   5,000 and 6,000 troops
## 4423                                                               our troops
## 4424                                                              that island
## 4425                                                           the conclusion
## 4426                                                               the labors
## 4427                                            the constitutional convention
## 4428                                                                  session
## 4429                                                             a government
## 4430                                                     the new constitution
## 4431                                                            its stability
## 4432                                                              Puerto Rico
## 4433                                                                       we
## 4434                                                            the garrisons
## 4435                                                                    which
## 4436                                                        879 native troops
## 4437                                                                  no room
## 4438                                                        further reduction
## 4439                                                                       We
## 4440                                                     a considerable force
## 4441                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 4442                                                                some time
## 4443                                                     the best information
## 4444                                                                       we
## 4445                                                     the immediate future
## 4446                                                     45,000 to 60,000 men
## 4447                                                                        I
## 4448                                                               the number
## 4449                                                           the insurgents
## 4450                                                            the authority
## 4451                                                        the United States
## 4452                                                                    which
## 4453                                                              indications
## 4454                                                                       It
## 4455                                                                       we
## 4456                                                                  an army
## 4457                                                       present conditions
## 4458                                                                     Cuba
## 4459                                                          the Philippines
## 4460                                                            the President
## 4461                                                                authority
## 4462                                                                the force
## 4463                                                       the present number
## 4464                                                    this number authority
## 4465                                                            native troops
## 4466                                                          the Philippines
## 4467                                                                    which
## 4468                                                      the Taft Commission
## 4469                                                               guerrillas
## 4470                                                                assassins
## 4471                                                                 ladrones
## 4472                                                         our own soldiers
## 4473                                                      The full discussion
## 4474                                                             this subject
## 4475                                                            the Secretary
## 4476                                                                      War
## 4477                                                        his annual report
## 4478                                                   your earnest attention
## 4479                                                                        I
## 4480                                                       the recommendation
## 4481                                                   my last annual message
## 4482                                                             the Congress
## 4483                                                          a special medal
## 4484                                                                    honor
## 4485                                                           the volunteers
## 4486                                                                 regulars
## 4487                                                                  sailors
## 4488                                                                  marines
## 4489                                                                     duty
## 4490                                                          the Philippines
## 4491                                                                      who
## 4492                                                              the service
## 4493                                                              their terms
## 4494                                                               enlistment
## 4495                                                                        I
## 4496                                                       the recommendation
## 4497                                                            the Secretary
## 4498                                                                      War
## 4499                                                               the detail
## 4500                                                             oil officers
## 4501                                                                 the line
## 4502                                                                 the Army
## 4503                                                                vacancies
## 4504                                        the Adjutant-General's Department
## 4505                                           Inspector-General's Department
## 4506                                               Quartermaster's Department
## 4507                                                   Subsistence Department
## 4508                                                           Pay Department
## 4509                                                      Ordnance Department
## 4510                                                             Signal Corps
## 4511                                                                 The Army
## 4512                                       its faithful and effective service
## 4513                                               active military operations
## 4514                                                                the field
## 4515                                                       the difficult work
## 4516                                                     civil administration
## 4517                                           The continued and rapid growth
## 4518                                                       the postal service
## 4519                                                             a sure index
## 4520                               the great and increasing business activity
## 4521                                                              the country
## 4522                                        Its most striking new development
## 4523                                                            the extension
## 4524                                                      rural free delivery
## 4525                                                                     This
## 4526                                                            the last year
## 4527                                                            the beginning
## 4528                                                          the fiscal year
## 4529                                                               the number
## 4530                                                                   routes
## 4531                                                                operation
## 4532                                                                    these
## 4533                                                                 the 15th
## 4534                                                                 November
## 4535                                                               the number
## 4536                                                        forty-four States
## 4537                                                              Territories
## 4538                                                             a population
## 4539                                                               The number
## 4540                                                             applications
## 4541                                                                   action
## 4542                                                                all those
## 4543                                                         the present time
## 4544                                                                the close
## 4545                                                  the current fiscal year
## 4546                                                       about 4,ooo routes
## 4547                                                       the daily delivery
## 4548                                                                    mails
## 4549                                                      the scattered homes
## 4550                                          about three and a half millions
## 4551                                                         rural population
## 4552                                                             This service
## 4553                                                            the isolation
## 4554                                                                farm life
## 4555                                                               good roads
## 4556                                                        the dissemination
## 4557                                                      general information
## 4558                                                               Experience
## 4559                                                         the apprehension
## 4560                                                                       it
## 4561                                                     its general adoption
## 4562                                                                       it
## 4563                                                   Its actual application
## 4564                                                                       it
## 4565                                                          postal receipts
## 4566                                                               reductions
## 4567                                                           other branches
## 4568                                                              the service
## 4569                                                   the augmented revenues
## 4570                                                 the accomplished savings
## 4571                                                             the net cost
## 4572                                                            The evidences
## 4573                                                        these conclusions
## 4574                                                                   detail
## 4575                                                        the annual report
## 4576                                                   the Postmaster-General
## 4577                                                                    which
## 4578                                                      its recommendations
## 4579                                                        the consideration
## 4580                                                             the Congress
## 4581                                                     The full development
## 4582                                                     this special service
## 4583                                                      such a large outlay
## 4584                                                                    money
## 4585                                                                       it
## 4586                                                          a careful study
## 4587                                                   thorough understanding
## 4588                                                                      all
## 4589                                                                     that
## 4590                                                                       it
## 4591                                               \n\nVery efficient service
## 4592                                                                 the Navy
## 4593                                                               connection
## 4594                                                         the insurrection
## 4595                                                          the Philippines
## 4596                                                   the recent disturbance
## 4597                                                                    China
## 4598                                           A very satisfactory settlement
## 4599                                                the long-pending question
## 4600                                                          the manufacture
## 4601                                                              armor plate
## 4602                                                       A reasonable price
## 4603                                                            the necessity
## 4604                                                 a Government armor plant
## 4605                                                                        I
## 4606                                                      the recommendations
## 4607                                                            the Secretary
## 4608                                                              new vessels
## 4609                                                      additional officers
## 4610                                                                      men
## 4611                                                                    which
## 4612                                                    the required increase
## 4613                                                                 the Navy
## 4614                                                                        I
## 4615                                                     the favorable action
## 4616                                                             the Congress
## 4617                                                              the measure
## 4618                                                             the erection
## 4619                                                                 a statue
## 4620                                                               the memory
## 4621                                         the late Admiral David D. Porter
## 4622                                                                        I
## 4623                                                        the establishment
## 4624                                                 a national naval reserve
## 4625                                                                the grade
## 4626                                                                     vice
## 4627                                                                        -
## 4628                                                                Provision
## 4629                                                            the Secretary
## 4630                                                         suitable rewards
## 4631                                                            special merit
## 4632                                                            Many officers
## 4633                                                                      who
## 4634                                           the most distinguished service
## 4635                                                           the recent war
## 4636                                                                    Spain
## 4637                                                                   return
## 4638                                                           no recognition
## 4639                                                             the Congress
## 4640                                                           The total area
## 4641                                                             public lands
## 4642                                                            the Secretary
## 4643                                                             the Interior
## 4644                                        approximately 1,071,881,662 acres
## 4645                                                                    which
## 4646                                                        917,135,880 acres
## 4647                                                        154,745,782 acres
## 4648                                                         various purposes
## 4649                                                         The public lands
## 4650                                                          the year amount
## 4651                                                      13,453,887.96 acres
## 4652                                                          62,423.09 acres
## 4653                                                             Indian lands
## 4654                                                              an increase
## 4655                                                             4,271,474.80
## 4656                                                       the preceding year
## 4657                                                       The total receipts
## 4658                                                                 the sale
## 4659                                                             public lands
## 4660                                                          the fiscal year
## 4661                                                              an increase
## 4662                                                       the preceding year
## 4663                                                              The results
## 4664                                                        our forest policy
## 4665                                                               its wisdom
## 4666                                                            the necessity
## 4667                                                             the interest
## 4668                                                               the public
## 4669                                                          its continuance
## 4670                                                 increased appropriations
## 4671                                                             the Congress
## 4672                                                             the carrying
## 4673                                                                 the work
## 4674                                                                     June
## 4675                                             thirty-seven forest reserves
## 4676                                               Presidential proclamations
## 4677                                                                  section
## 4678                                                                  the act
## 4679                                                                    March
## 4680                                                                  an area
## 4681                                                         46,425,529 acres
## 4682                                                            the past year
## 4683                                                      the Olympic Reserve
## 4684                                                                the State
## 4685                                                               Washington
## 4686                                                            265,040 acres
## 4687                                                         its present area
## 4688                                                          1,923,840 acres
## 4689                                                     The Prescott Reserve
## 4690                                                                  Arizona
## 4691                                                             10,240 acres
## 4692                                                            423,680 acres
## 4693                                                     the Big Horn Reserve
## 4694                                                                  Wyoming
## 4695                                                          1,127,680 acres
## 4696                                                          1,180,800 acres
## 4697                                                            A new reserve
## 4698                                                           the Santa Ynez
## 4699                                                               California
## 4700                                                                  an area
## 4701                                                            145,000 acres
## 4702                                                                this year
## 4703                                                                  October
## 4704                                            the Crow Creek Forest Reserve
## 4705                                                                  Wyoming
## 4706                                                                  an area
## 4707                                                             56,320 acres
## 4708                                                                  the end
## 4709                                                          the fiscal year
## 4710                                           the pension roll 993,529 names
## 4711                                                           a net increase
## 4712                                                          the fiscal year
## 4713                                                               The number
## 4714                                                                the rolls
## 4715                                                                 the year
## 4716                                                               The amount
## 4717                                                            Army pensions
## 4718                                                                 the year
## 4719                                                            Navy pensions
## 4720                                                                  a total
## 4721                                                    an unexpended balance
## 4722                                                             the Treasury
## 4723                                                                    which
## 4724                                                              an increase
## 4725                                          the previous year's expenditure
## 4726                                                                684 names
## 4727                                                                the rolls
## 4728                                                                 the year
## 4729                                                             special acts
## 4730                                                        the first session
## 4731                                                 the Fifty-sixth Congress
## 4732                                                                  The act
## 4733                                                                      May
## 4734                                                             other things
## 4735                                                             an extension
## 4736                                                                   income
## 4737                                                                   widows
## 4738                                                                    annum
## 4739                                                            The Secretary
## 4740                                                             the Interior
## 4741                                                           the operations
## 4742                                                                 this act
## 4743                                                               the number
## 4744                                                                  persons
## 4745                                                                       it
## 4746                                             the increased annual payment
## 4747                                                                 pensions
## 4748                                                           The Government
## 4749                                                             the services
## 4750                                                             its soldiers
## 4751                                                                  sailors
## 4752                                                         pension payments
## 4753                                                                precedent
## 4754                                                                     them
## 4755                                                             their widows
## 4756                                                                  orphans
## 4757                                                    26,540 letters patent
## 4758                                                                 reissues
## 4759                                                                  designs
## 4760                                                          the fiscal year
## 4761                                                               The number
## 4762                                                                  patents
## 4763                                                                    which
## 4764                                                       The total receipts
## 4765                                                                  patents
## 4766                                                            $1,358,228.35
## 4767                                                         The expenditures
## 4768                                                                a surplus
## 4769                                                            The attention
## 4770                                                             the Congress
## 4771                                                               the report
## 4772                                                            the Secretary
## 4773                                                             the Interior
## 4774                                                            the necessity
## 4775                                                the further establishment
## 4776                                                                  schools
## 4777                                                            the Territory
## 4778                                                                   Alaska
## 4779                                                         favorable action
## 4780                                             Much interesting information
## 4781                                                               the report
## 4782                                                             the Governor
## 4783                                                                   Hawaii
## 4784                                                             the progress
## 4785                                                              development
## 4786                                                              the islands
## 4787                                                               the period
## 4788                                                                     July
## 4789                                                                 the date
## 4790                                                             the approval
## 4791                                                     the joint resolution
## 4792                                                             the Congress
## 4793                                                         their annexation
## 4794                                                                    April
## 4795                                                                 the date
## 4796                                                             the approval
## 4797                                                                  the act
## 4798                                                             a government
## 4799                                                            the Territory
## 4800                                                 The last Hawaiian census
## 4801                                                                 the year
## 4802                                                       a total population
## 4803                                                                    Which
## 4804                                                         native Hawaiians
## 4805                                                               The number
## 4806                                                                Americans
## 4807                                                              The results
## 4808                                                       the Federal census
## 4809                                                              the islands
## 4810                                                       a total population
## 4811                                                              an increase
## 4812                                                                     that
## 4813                                                                     cent
## 4814                                                                 progress
## 4815                  the educational, agricultural, and railroad development
## 4816                                                              the islands
## 4817                                                      the Territorial act
## 4818                                                                    April
## 4819                                                                  section
## 4820                                                      act repeals Chapter
## 4821                                                           the Civil Laws
## 4822                                                                   Hawaii
## 4823                                                           the Government
## 4824                                               the agricultural resources
## 4825                                                             the Republic
## 4826                                                             The Governor
## 4827                                                                   Hawaii
## 4828                                                              legislation
## 4829                                                          the development
## 4830                                                        such water supply
## 4831                                                         the public lands
## 4832                                                                   a view
## 4833                                                          land settlement
## 4834                                                The earnest consideration
## 4835                                                             the Congress
## 4836                                            this important recommendation
## 4837                                                                   others
## 4838                                                               the report
## 4839                                                            the Secretary
## 4840                                                             the Interior
## 4841                                                             The Director
## 4842                                                               the Census
## 4843                                                                 the work
## 4844                                                               connection
## 4845                                                       the Twelfth Census
## 4846                                                This national undertaking
## 4847                                                             the Congress
## 4848                                                           the collection
## 4849                                                           an aggregation
## 4850                                                        statistical facts
## 4851                                                    the industrial growth
## 4852                                                              the country
## 4853                               its manufacturing and mechanical resources
## 4854                                                             its richness
## 4855                                                                    mines
## 4856                                                                  forests
## 4857                                                       its agriculturists
## 4858                                                  sociological conditions
## 4859                                                               The labors
## 4860                                                            the officials
## 4861                                                                   charge
## 4862                                                               the Bureau
## 4863                             the four important and most desired subjects
## 4864            population, agricultural, manufacturing, and vital statistics
## 4865                                                                the limit
## 4866                                                                  the law
## 4867                                                                    March
## 4868                                                  The field work incident
## 4869                                                      the above inquiries
## 4870                                                                 a result
## 4871                                                           the population
## 4872                                                               the States
## 4873                                                              Territories
## 4874                                                     the Hawaiian Islands
## 4875                                                                   Alaska
## 4876                                                               The growth
## 4877                                                               population
## 4878                                                          the last decade
## 4879                                             a greater numerical increase
## 4880                                                      any previous census
## 4881                                                              the history
## 4882                                                              the country
## 4883                                                                Bulletins
## 4884                                                           the population
## 4885                                                                   States
## 4886                                                              Territories
## 4887                                                    minor civil divisions
## 4888                                                    Several announcements
## 4889                                                                this kind
## 4890                                                                       it
## 4891                                                                 the list
## 4892                                                                  January
## 4893                                                          Other bulletins
## 4894                                                              the results
## 4895                             the manufacturing and agricultural inquiries
## 4896                                                               the public
## 4897                                                            circumstances
## 4898                                                             The Director
## 4899                                                              his ability
## 4900                                                   the different branches
## 4901                                                          the undertaking
## 4902                                                        the allotted time
## 4903                                                                  himself
## 4904                                                                 the lack
## 4905                                                          a trained force
## 4906                                                         statistical work
## 4907                                                             the question
## 4908                                                             the interest
## 4909                                                                  economy
## 4910                                                     a thorough execution
## 4911                                                          the census work
## 4912                                                           the Government
## 4913                                                         a certain number
## 4914                                                                  experts
## 4915                                             the preliminary organization
## 4916                                                               the taking
## 4917                                                     the decennial census
## 4918                                                                 addition
## 4919                                                            the advantage
## 4920                                                the field and office work
## 4921                                                               the Bureau
## 4922                                                       trained assistants
## 4923                                                     the early completion
## 4924                                                this enormous undertaking
## 4925                                                                        I
## 4926                             its present session apportion representation
## 4927                                                       the several States
## 4928                                                         the Constitution
## 4929                                                           The Department
## 4930                                                              Agriculture
## 4931                                                                 its work
## 4932                                                            the past year
## 4933                                                            new varieties
## 4934                                                                    seeds
## 4935                                                                   plants
## 4936                                                               the States
## 4937                                                              Territories
## 4938                                                                 research
## 4939                                                             useful lines
## 4940                                                                 progress
## 4941                                                      meteorological work
## 4942                                                                    lines
## 4943                                                      wireless telegraphy
## 4944                                                      ocean-going vessels
## 4945                                                       continuing inquiry
## 4946                                                           animal disease
## 4947                                                               the extent
## 4948                                                                character
## 4949                                                        food adulteration
## 4950                                                                    plans
## 4951                                                                 the care
## 4952                                                             preservation
## 4953                                                   intelligent harvesting
## 4954                                                            our woodlands
## 4955                                                                    soils
## 4956                                                                     that
## 4957                                                                producers
## 4958                                                         better knowledge
## 4959                                                               conditions
## 4960                                                            desert places
## 4961                                                                  grasses
## 4962                                                                      our
## 4963                                                                  regions
## 4964                                                   Our island possessions
## 4965                                                            their peoples
## 4966                                                    the tropical products
## 4967                                                        the United States
## 4968                                                                  Inquiry
## 4969                                                                  methods
## 4970                                                                our roads
## 4971                                                                 the year
## 4972                                                                     help
## 4973                                                          many localities
## 4974                                                 scientific investigation
## 4975                                                                 material
## 4976                                                               the States
## 4977                                                              Territories
## 4978                                                      Irrigation problems
## 4979                                                     our semiarid regions
## 4980                                      careful and increased consideration
## 4981                                                     An extensive exhibit
## 4982                                                                    Paris
## 4983                                                             the products
## 4984                                                              agriculture
## 4985                                                              the peoples
## 4986                                                           many countries
## 4987                                                      the varied products
## 4988                                                               our fields
## 4989                                             their comparative excellence
## 4990                                                           The collection
## 4991                                                               statistics
## 4992                                                                our crops
## 4993                                                                  sources
## 4994                                                              information
## 4995                                                                  the end
## 4996                                                                producers
## 4997                                                     the earliest advices
## 4998                                                          crop conditions
## 4999                                                                   a time
## 5000                                                                    those
## 5001                                                                     whom
## 5002                                                                       it
## 5003                                                        more appreciation
## 5004                                                             the services
## 5005                                                           the Department
## 5006                                                        my annual message
## 5007                                                                 December
## 5008                                                                attention
## 5009                                                            the necessity
## 5010                                                           some amendment
## 5011                                                   the alien contract law
## 5012                                                       important features
## 5013                                                 the rightful application
## 5014                                                       the eight-hour law
## 5015                                                              the benefit
## 5016                                                                    labor
## 5017                                                            the principle
## 5018                                                              arbitration
## 5019                                                                        I
## 5020                                                           these subjects
## 5021                                                    the careful attention
## 5022                                                             the Congress
## 5023                                                         the best service
## 5024                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 5025                                                                        I
## 5026                                                                     date
## 5027                                                                 November
## 5028                                                      the following order
## 5029                               The United States Civil Service Commission
## 5030                                                          such assistance
## 5031                                                  the Civil Service Board
## 5032                                                                  the act
## 5033                                  the United States Philippine Commission
## 5034                                                        the establishment
## 5035                                                              maintenance
## 5036                                    an honest and efficient civil service
## 5037                                                   the Philippine Islands
## 5038                                                             that purpose
## 5039                                                             examinations
## 5040                                                        the civil service
## 5041                                                   the Philippine islands
## 5042                                                              the request
## 5043                                                  the Civil Service Board
## 5044                                                             said islands
## 5045                                                         such regulations
## 5046                                                           the said Board
## 5047                                                                      the
## 5048                                   United States Civil Service Commission
## 5049                                             The Civil Service Commission
## 5050                                                                 its work
## 5051                                                                     want
## 5052                                              an adequate permanent force
## 5053                                            clerical and other assistance
## 5054                                                                Its needs
## 5055                                                               its report
## 5056                                                                        I
## 5057                                                                attention
## 5058                                                               the report
## 5059                                                             the Congress
## 5060                                                    this important bureau
## 5061                                                       the public service
## 5062                                                                    which
## 5063                                                       the qualifications
## 5064                                                                character
## 5065                                                        so large a number
## 5066                                                             the officers
## 5067                                                                employees
## 5068                                                           the Government
## 5069                                                all needed appropriations
## 5070                                                               promptness
## 5071                                                               efficiency
## 5072                                                                        I
## 5073                                                            the statement
## 5074                                                                the heads
## 5075                                                      all the Departments
## 5076                                                     the urgent necessity
## 5077                                                                   a hall
## 5078                                                           public records
## 5079                                              every departmental building
## 5080                                                               Washington
## 5081                                                                        I
## 5082                                                                the space
## 5083                                                         official records
## 5084                                                                the walls
## 5085                                                                    rooms
## 5086                                                                  shelves
## 5087                                                   the middle floor space
## 5088                                                               many rooms
## 5089                                                               tile cases
## 5090                                                                  garrets
## 5091                                                                basements
## 5092                                                                    which
## 5093                                                      their accommodation
## 5094                                                                     them
## 5095                                                        the inconvenience
## 5096                                                             great danger
## 5097                                                                     fire
## 5098                                                               the weight
## 5099                                                            these records
## 5100                                                                  timbers
## 5101                                                            their support
## 5102                                                      a separate building
## 5103                                                              the purpose
## 5104                                       the annually accumulating archives
## 5105                                        the several Executive Departments
## 5106                                                              Such a hall
## 5107                                                       a costly structure
## 5108                                                              enlargement
## 5109                                                                     time
## 5110                                                                     time
## 5111                                                                        I
## 5112                                                             the Congress
## 5113                                                             early action
## 5114                                                              this matter
## 5115                                                                        I
## 5116                                                             the Congress
## 5117                                                             a resolution
## 5118                                                         a recent meeting
## 5119                                             the American Bar Association
## 5120                                                 the proposed celebration
## 5121                                                        John Marshall Day
## 5122                                                                 February
## 5123                                                        Fitting exercises
## 5124                                                                       it
## 5125                                                            the committee
## 5126                                                             the Congress
## 5127                                                            this movement
## 5128                                                               the memory
## 5129                                                         the great jurist
## 5130                                                             The transfer
## 5131                                                           the Government
## 5132                                                                this city
## 5133                                                                   a fact
## 5134                                                great historical interest
## 5135                                                               the people
## 5136                                                                a feeling
## 5137                                                            genuine pride
## 5138                                                              the Capital
## 5139                                                             the Republic
## 5140                                                                       It
## 5141                                                                 a matter
## 5142                                                                 interest
## 5143                                                          this connection
## 5144                                                           the population
## 5145                                                             the District
## 5146                                                                 Columbia
## 5147                                                                      day
## 5148                                                                       it
## 5149                                                           The population
## 5150                                                                 the city
## 5151                                                               Washington
## 5152                                                                      day
## 5153                                                                       it
## 5154                                                             The Congress
## 5155                                      an appropriate national celebration
## 5156                                               the Centennial Anniversary
## 5157                                                        the Establishment
## 5158                                                                 the Seat
## 5159                                                           the Government
## 5160                                                             the District
## 5161                                                                 Columbia
## 5162                                                           the committees
## 5163                                                                       it
## 5164                                                              a programme
## 5165                                                                 the 12th
## 5166                                                                 December
## 5167                                                               which date
## 5168                                                      the anniversary day
## 5169                                                            Deep interest
## 5170                                                         the arrangements
## 5171                                                          the celebration
## 5172                                                              the members
## 5173                                                           the committees
## 5174                                                               the Senate
## 5175                                                                    House
## 5176                                                          Representatives
## 5177                                                            the committee
## 5178                                                                Governors
## 5179                                                            the President
## 5180                                                           the committees
## 5181                                                             the citizens
## 5182                                                              inhabitants
## 5183                                                             the District
## 5184                                                                 Columbia
## 5185                                                            The programme
## 5186                                                                 addition
## 5187                                                              a reception
## 5188                                                          other exercises
## 5189                                                    the Executive Mansion
## 5190                                                  commemorative exercises
## 5191                                                               the Senate
## 5192                                                                    House
## 5193                                                          Representatives
## 5194                                                                 the Hall
## 5195                                                                the House
## 5196                                                          Representatives
## 5197                                                              a reception
## 5198                                                              the evening
## 5199                                                     the Corcoran Gallery
## 5200                                                                      Art
## 5201                                                                    honor
## 5202                                                            the Governors
## 5203                                                               the States
## 5204                                                              Territories
## 5205                                                     our great prosperity
## 5206                                                                       we
## 5207                                                               the danger
## 5208                                                                       it
## 5209                                                             extravagance
## 5210                                                  Government expenditures
## 5211                                                           appropriations
## 5212                                               the chosen representatives
## 5213                                                               the people
## 5214                                                                        I
## 5215                                                               an example
## 5216                                                        their legislation
## 5217                                                        that wise economy
## 5218                                                                    which
## 5219                                                                 a season
## 5220                                                          plenty husbands
## 5221                                                               the future
## 5222                                                                 this era
## 5223                                                  great business activity
## 5224                                                      opportunity caution
## 5225                                                                       It
## 5226                                                   strengthen, confidence
## 5227                                                                       It
## 5228                           legitimate industrial and commercial expansion
## 5229                                                        Our growing power
## 5230                                                                       it
## 5231                                                              temptations
## 5232                                                                   perils
## 5233                                                       constant vigilance
## 5234                                                                       It
## 5235                                                                conflicts
## 5236                                                               oppression
## 5237                                           the more effective maintenance
## 5238                                                         those principles
## 5239                                                                 equality
## 5240                                                                  justice
## 5241                                                                    which
## 5242                                                         our institutions
## 5243                                                                happiness
## 5244                                                                       us
## 5245                                                                     mind
## 5246                                                           the foundation
## 5247                                                           our Government
## 5248                                                                  liberty
## 5249                                                         WILLIAM MCKINLEY
## 5250                                                               the Senate
## 5251                                                                    House
## 5252                                                          Representatives
## 5253                                                             The Congress
## 5254                                                               the shadow
## 5255                                                         a great calamity
## 5256                                                                the sixth
## 5257                                                                September
## 5258                                                       President McKinley
## 5259                                                             an anarchist
## 5260                                              the Pan-American Exposition
## 5261                                                                  Buffalo
## 5262                                                                that city
## 5263                                                           the fourteenth
## 5264                                                               that month
## 5265                                        the last seven elected Presidents
## 5266                                                                       he
## 5267                                                                      who
## 5268                                                         the bare recital
## 5269                                                                this fact
## 5270                                                              grave alarm
## 5271                                              all loyal American citizens
## 5272                                                        the circumstances
## 5273                                                                     this
## 5274                                                  the third assassination
## 5275                                                    an American President
## 5276                                       a peculiarly sinister significance
## 5277                                                   Both President Lincoln
## 5278                                                       President Garfield
## 5279                                                                assassins
## 5280                                                                    types
## 5281                                                                  history
## 5282                                                        President Lincoln
## 5283                                                                 a victim
## 5284                                                    the terrible passions
## 5285                                                               four years
## 5286                                                                civil war
## 5287                                                       President Garfield
## 5288                                                    the revengeful vanity
## 5289                                             a disappointed office-seeker
## 5290                                                       President McKinley
## 5291                                             an utterly depraved criminal
## 5292                                                                that body
## 5293                                                                criminals
## 5294                                                                      who
## 5295                                                          all governments
## 5296                                                                      who
## 5297                                                                 any form
## 5298                                                          popular liberty
## 5299                                                                       it
## 5300                                      even the most just and liberal laws
## 5301                                                                      who
## 5302                                                     the upright exponent
## 5303                                               a free people's sober will
## 5304                                  the tyrannical and irresponsible despot
## 5305                                                                       It
## 5306                                                                 the time
## 5307                                               President McKinley's death
## 5308                                                                       he
## 5309                                                the most widely loved man
## 5310                                                    all the United States
## 5311                                                                       we
## 5312                                                           any public man
## 5313                                                             his position
## 5314                                                                      who
## 5315                                          the bitter animosities incident
## 5316                                                              public life
## 5317                                                  His political opponents
## 5318                                                            the heartiest
## 5319                                                    most generous tribute
## 5320                                                     the broad kindliness
## 5321                                                                   nature
## 5322                                                            the sweetness
## 5323                                                               gentleness
## 5324                                                                character
## 5325                                                                    which
## 5326                                                                      him
## 5327                                                     his close associates
## 5328                                                               a standard
## 5329                                                          lofty integrity
## 5330                                                              public life
## 5331                                                                       he
## 5332                                                    the tender affections
## 5333                                                             home virtues
## 5334                                                                    which
## 5335                                                              the make-up
## 5336                                                       national character
## 5337                                                            the great war
## 5338                                                                the Union
## 5339                                                                       he
## 5340                                                               an example
## 5341                                                           all our people
## 5342                                                              his conduct
## 5343                           the most sacred and intimate of home relations
## 5344                                                       no personal hatred
## 5345                                                                      him
## 5346                                                                       he
## 5347                                                                    aught
## 5348                                                            consideration
## 5349                                                              the welfare
## 5350                                                                   others
## 5351                                                                   No one
## 5352                                                                      him
## 5353                                                                      who
## 5354                                                                      him
## 5355                                                   public or private life
## 5356                                                            The defenders
## 5357                                                those murderous criminals
## 5358                                                                      who
## 5359                                                        their criminality
## 5360                                                                       it
## 5361                                                           political ends
## 5362                                                                   wealth
## 5363                                                      irresponsible power
## 5364                                                       this assassination
## 5365                                                   even this base apology
## 5366                                                       President McKinley
## 5367                                                                    a man
## 5368                                                           moderate means
## 5369                                                                    a man
## 5370                                                              whose stock
## 5371                                                       the sturdy tillers
## 5372                                                                 the soil
## 5373                                                                      who
## 5374                                                                  himself
## 5375                                                         the wage-workers
## 5376                                                                      who
## 5377                                                                 the Army
## 5378                                                        a private soldier
## 5379                                                                   Wealth
## 5380                                                            the President
## 5381                                                          the honest toil
## 5382                                                                    which
## 5383                                                           moderate gains
## 5384                                                               a lifetime
## 5385                                                        unremitting labor
## 5386                                                              the service
## 5387                                                               the public
## 5388                                                                    power
## 5389                                                                the sense
## 5390                                                                    power
## 5391                                                                the hands
## 5392                                                       any one individual
## 5393                                                                 The blow
## 5394                                                                  tyranny
## 5395                                                                   wealth
## 5396                                                                       It
## 5397                                                  the strongest champions
## 5398                                                          the wage-worker
## 5399                                        the most faithful representatives
## 5400                                                               the system
## 5401                                                            public rights
## 5402                                                representative government
## 5403                                                                      who
## 5404                                                            public office
## 5405                                                       President McKinley
## 5406                                                    that political office
## 5407                                                                    which
## 5408                                                        the entire people
## 5409                                                             no President
## 5410                                                         not even Lincoln
## 5411                                                                  himself
## 5412                                              the well thought-out wishes
## 5413                                                               the people
## 5414                                                          his one anxiety
## 5415                                                             every crisis
## 5416                                                            closest touch
## 5417                                                               the people
## 5418                                                                     what
## 5419                                                                     they
## 5420                                                               expression
## 5421                                                            their thought
## 5422                                                                   aright
## 5423                                                                       He
## 5424                                                           the Presidency
## 5425                                                             the majority
## 5426                                                             our citizens
## 5427                                                             the majority
## 5428                                                              our farmers
## 5429                                                             wage-workers
## 5430                                                                       he
## 5431                                                          their interests
## 5432                                                               four years
## 5433                                                                     They
## 5434                                                               themselves
## 5435                                                 close and intimate touch
## 5436                                                                      him
## 5437                                                                     They
## 5438                                                                       he
## 5439                                                         all their ideals
## 5440                                                              aspirations
## 5441                                                                     that
## 5442                                                                     they
## 5443                                                                      him
## 5444                                                       another four years
## 5445                                                                     them
## 5446                                                                     this
## 5447                                                                  the man
## 5448                                                                     whom
## 5449                                                             the assassin
## 5450                                                                  nothing
## 5451                                                    the Judas-like infamy
## 5452                                                                  his act
## 5453                                                                       he
## 5454                                                                advantage
## 5455                                                              an occasion
## 5456                                                            the President
## 5457                                                               the people
## 5458                                                                 the hand
## 5459                                                                      him
## 5460                                          kindly and brotherly fellowship
## 5461                                                                       he
## 5462                                        the noble and generous confidence
## 5463                                                               the victim
## 5464                                                           an opportunity
## 5465                                                           the fatal blow
## 5466                                                            no baser deed
## 5467                                                           all the annals
## 5468                                                                    crime
## 5469                                                                The shock
## 5470                                                                the grief
## 5471                                                              the country
## 5472                                                                the minds
## 5473                                                                      all
## 5474                                                                      who
## 5475                                                            the dark days
## 5476                                                            the President
## 5477                                                                     life
## 5478                                                                    death
## 5479                                                                the light
## 5480                                                          the kindly eyes
## 5481                                                               the breath
## 5482                                                                 the lips
## 5483                                                                     that
## 5484                                                             mortal agony
## 5485                                                                 no words
## 5486                                                              forgiveness
## 5487                                                             his murderer
## 5488                                                                     love
## 5489                                                              his friends
## 5490                                                                    trust
## 5491                                                                 the will
## 5492                                                             Such a death
## 5493                                                                the glory
## 5494                                                              such a life
## 5495                                                                       us
## 5496                                                          infinite sorrow
## 5497                                                               such pride
## 5498                                                                     what
## 5499                                                                       he
## 5500                                               his own personal character
## 5501                                                                       we
## 5502                                                                 the blow
## 5503                                                                      him
## 5504                                                               the Nation
## 5505                                                                       We
## 5506                                               a good and great President
## 5507                                                                      who
## 5508                                                                       we
## 5509                                                                       we
## 5510                                                the splendid achievements
## 5511                                                                 his life
## 5512                                                        the grand heroism
## 5513                                                                    which
## 5514                                                                       he
## 5515                                                                his death
## 5516                                                                       we
## 5517                                                                  the man
## 5518                                                               the Nation
## 5519                                                                 the harm
## 5520                                                our gravest apprehensions
## 5521                                      our wisest and most resolute action
## 5522                                                            This criminal
## 5523                                                    a professed anarchist
## 5524                                                            the teachings
## 5525                                                     professed anarchists
## 5526                                                  the reckless utterances
## 5527                                                                    those
## 5528                                                                      who
## 5529                                                                the stump
## 5530                                                         the public press
## 5531                                                the dark and evil spirits
## 5532                                                                   malice
## 5533                                                                    greed
## 5534                                                                     envy
## 5535                                                            sullen hatred
## 5536                                                                 The wind
## 5537                                                                  the men
## 5538                                                                      who
## 5539                                                           such doctrines
## 5540                                                                     they
## 5541                                                              their share
## 5542                                                           responsibility
## 5543                                                            the whirlwind
## 5544                                                                     that
## 5545                                                                     This
## 5546                                                 the deliberate demagogue
## 5547                                                            the exploiter
## 5548                                                           sensationalism
## 5549                                          the crude and foolish visionary
## 5550                                                                      who
## 5551                                                          whatever reason
## 5552                                                                    crime
## 5553                                                       aimless discontent
## 5554                                                                 The blow
## 5555                                                           this President
## 5556                                                           all Presidents
## 5557                                                             every symbol
## 5558                                                               government
## 5559                                                       President McKinley
## 5560                                                           the embodiment
## 5561                                                         the popular will
## 5562                                                               the Nation
## 5563                                                                the forms
## 5564                                                                      law
## 5565                                               a New England town meeting
## 5566                                                          similar fashion
## 5567                                                           the embodiment
## 5568                                                  the law-abiding purpose
## 5569                                                                 practice
## 5570                                                               the people
## 5571                                                                 the town
## 5572                                                    no conceivable theory
## 5573                                                               the murder
## 5574                                                            the President
## 5575                                                             inequalities
## 5576                                                         the social order
## 5577                                                               the murder
## 5578                                                          all the freemen
## 5579                                                           a town meeting
## 5580                                                                a protest
## 5581                                                   that social inequality
## 5582                                                                    which
## 5583                                                             a malefactor
## 5584                                                                     jail
## 5585                                                                  Anarchy
## 5586                                                            an expression
## 5587                                                       "social discontent
## 5588                                                                  pockets
## 5589                                                             wife-beating
## 5590                                                            The anarchist
## 5591                                                 especially the anarchist
## 5592                                                        the United States
## 5593                                                          merely one type
## 5594                                                                       he
## 5595                                                       the same depravity
## 5596                                                         a greater degree
## 5597                                                                  The man
## 5598                                                                      who
## 5599                                                                  anarchy
## 5600                                                                any shape
## 5601                                                                  fashion
## 5602                                                                  the man
## 5603                                                                      who
## 5604                                                               anarchists
## 5605                                                              their deeds
## 5606                                                                  himself
## 5607                                                                 the fact
## 5608                                                            The anarchist
## 5609                                                               a criminal
## 5610                                                whose perverted instincts
## 5611                                                                      him
## 5612                                                                confusion
## 5613                                                                    chaos
## 5614                                                 the most beneficent form
## 5615                                                             social order
## 5616                                                              His protest
## 5617                                                                  concern
## 5618                                                               workingmen
## 5619                                                     its impudent falsity
## 5620                                               the political institutions
## 5621                                                             this country
## 5622                                                              opportunity
## 5623                                         every honest and intelligent son
## 5624                                                                     toil
## 5625                                                                 the door
## 5626                                                                     hope
## 5627                                                                      him
## 5628                                                            The anarchist
## 5629                                                     not merely the enemy
## 5630                                                                   system
## 5631                                                                 progress
## 5632                                                           the deadly foe
## 5633                                                                  liberty
## 5634                                                             ever anarchy
## 5635                                                              its triumph
## 5636                                                           one red moment
## 5637                                                                     ages
## 5638                                                         the gloomy night
## 5639                                                                despotism
## 5640                                                            the anarchist
## 5641                                                                  himself
## 5642                                                                       he
## 5643                                                            his doctrines
## 5644                                                                       we
## 5645                                                one particle more concern
## 5646                                                    any ordinary murderer
## 5647                                                                       He
## 5648                                                               the victim
## 5649                                            social or political injustice
## 5650                                                                no wrongs
## 5651                                                                 his case
## 5652                                                                The cause
## 5653                                                          his criminality
## 5654                                                    his own evil passions
## 5655                                                         the evil conduct
## 5656                                                                    those
## 5657                                                                      who
## 5658                                                                      him
## 5659                                                              any failure
## 5660                                                                   others
## 5661                                                                the State
## 5662                                                                  justice
## 5663                                                                      him
## 5664                                                                      his
## 5665                                                                       He
## 5666                                                             a malefactor
## 5667                                                                  nothing
## 5668                                                                       He
## 5669                                                                 no sense
## 5670                                                                 no shape
## 5671                                                                      way
## 5672                                                               a "product
## 5673                                                        social conditions
## 5674                                                             a highwayman
## 5675                                                                 the fact
## 5676                                                           an unarmed man
## 5677                                                                  a purse
## 5678                                                                       It
## 5679                                                               a travesty
## 5680                                                 the great and holy names
## 5681                                                                  liberty
## 5682                                                                  freedom
## 5683                                                                     them
## 5684                                                             such a cause
## 5685                                                                   No man
## 5686                                                                     body
## 5687                                                                      men
## 5688                                                    anarchistic doctrines
## 5689                                                               the murder
## 5690                                        some specified private individual
## 5691                                                     Anarchistic speeches
## 5692                                                                 writings
## 5693                                                                 meetings
## 5694                                                                        I
## 5695                                                             the Congress
## 5696                                                             the exercise
## 5697                                                      its wise discretion
## 5698                                                                       it
## 5699                                                            consideration
## 5700                                                               the coming
## 5701                                                             this country
## 5702                                                               anarchists
## 5703                                                                  persons
## 5704                                                               principles
## 5705                                                           all government
## 5706                                                               the murder
## 5707                                                                    those
## 5708                                                                authority
## 5709                                                         Such individuals
## 5710                                                                    those
## 5711                                                                      who
## 5712                                                             open meeting
## 5713                                                               the murder
## 5714                                                             King Humbert
## 5715                                                                    Italy
## 5716                                                                  a crime
## 5717                                                                  the law
## 5718                                                their rigorous punishment
## 5719                                                                     They
## 5720                                                                    those
## 5721                                                                     them
## 5722                                                             this country
## 5723                                                                     they
## 5724                                                              the country
## 5725                                                                     they
## 5726                                                                provision
## 5727                                                           the punishment
## 5728                                                                    those
## 5729                                                                      who
## 5730                                                                No matter
## 5731                                                       the wisest thought
## 5732                                                             the Congress
## 5733                                                       The Federal courts
## 5734                                                             jurisdiction
## 5735                                                                  any man
## 5736                                                                      who
## 5737                                                            the President
## 5738                                                                  any man
## 5739                                                                      who
## 5740                                                         the Constitution
## 5741                                                                      law
## 5742                                                                     line
## 5743                                                               succession
## 5744                                                           the Presidency
## 5745                                                           the punishment
## 5746                                                  an unsuccessful attempt
## 5747                                                             the enormity
## 5748                                                              the offense
## 5749                                                         our institutions
## 5750                                                                  Anarchy
## 5751                                                                  a crime
## 5752                                                     the whole human race
## 5753                                                              all mankind
## 5754                                                            the anarchist
## 5755                                                                His crime
## 5756                                                               an offense
## 5757                                                                  the law
## 5758                                                                  nations
## 5759                                                                   piracy
## 5760                                                                that form
## 5761                                                             man-stealing
## 5762                                                          the slave trade
## 5763                                                                       it
## 5764                                                       far blacker infamy
## 5765                                                                       It
## 5766                                                                 treaties
## 5767                                                     all civilized powers
## 5768                                                            Such treaties
## 5769                                                   the Federal Government
## 5770                                                                the power
## 5771                                                                the crime
## 5772                                                        A grim commentary
## 5773                                                                the folly
## 5774                                                   the anarchist position
## 5775                                                             the attitude
## 5776                                                                  the law
## 5777                                                                      who
## 5778                                                                 the life
## 5779                                                            the President
## 5780                                                               The people
## 5781                                                                      him
## 5782                                                                     limb
## 5783                                                                     limb
## 5784                                                                       it
## 5785                                                                  the law
## 5786                                                                       he
## 5787                                                               his behalf
## 5788                                                                 his deed
## 5789                                                                   behalf
## 5790                                                               the people
## 5791                                                           the Government
## 5792                                                           the Government
## 5793                                                    its full police power
## 5794                                                                      him
## 5795                                                            instant death
## 5796                                                                the hands
## 5797                                                               the people
## 5798                                                                 his deed
## 5799                                            not the slightest dislocation
## 5800                                                  our governmental system
## 5801                                                             a recurrence
## 5802                                                               such deeds
## 5803                                                                       it
## 5804                                                            the direction
## 5805                                                                harshness
## 5806                                                               the forces
## 5807                                                                    order
## 5808                                                                   No man
## 5809                                                                President
## 5810                                                                 any fear
## 5811                                                      his personal safety
## 5812                                                                 the risk
## 5813                                                     the President's life
## 5814                                                                       it
## 5815                                                               the office
## 5816                                                                      men
## 5817                                                                 a spirit
## 5818                                                                    which
## 5819                                                                     them
## 5820                                                             every friend
## 5821                                                                 disorder
## 5822                                                       This great country
## 5823                                                                  anarchy
## 5824                                                               anarchists
## 5825                                                         a serious menace
## 5826                                                         its institutions
## 5827                                                                     they
## 5828                                                           their own ruin
## 5829                                      every active or passive sympathizer
## 5830                                                          their doctrines
## 5831                                                      The American people
## 5832                                                                    wrath
## 5833                                                              their wrath
## 5834                                                                       it
## 5835                                                        a consuming flame
## 5836                                                      the last five years
## 5837                                                      business confidence
## 5838                                                               the nation
## 5839                                         its present abounding prosperity
## 5840                                                          Such prosperity
## 5841                                                                      law
## 5842                                                                       it
## 5843                                                                       it
## 5844                                                         mischievous laws
## 5845                                                                 the hand
## 5846                                                                 the Lord
## 5847                                                              any country
## 5848                                                                    flood
## 5849                                                                  drought
## 5850                                                             human wisdom
## 5851                                                             the calamity
## 5852                                                                   no law
## 5853                                                                       us
## 5854                                                         the consequences
## 5855                                                            our own folly
## 5856                                                                  The men
## 5857                                                                      who
## 5858                                                                  the men
## 5859                                                                      who
## 5860                                                                    gains
## 5861                                                             genuine work
## 5862                                                                     head
## 5863                                                                     hand
## 5864                                                                 any form
## 5865                                                                 a source
## 5866                                                                   menace
## 5867                                                               themselves
## 5868                                                                   others
## 5869                                                       the business world
## 5870                                                                 its head
## 5871                                                                       it
## 5872                                                                     what
## 5873                                                              legislation
## 5874                                                Fundamentally the welfare
## 5875                                                             each citizen
## 5876                                                    therefore the welfare
## 5877                                                            the aggregate
## 5878                                                                 citizens
## 5879                                                                    which
## 5880                                                               the nation
## 5881                                                        individual thrift
## 5882                                                                   energy
## 5883                                                               resolution
## 5884                                                             intelligence
## 5885                                                                  Nothing
## 5886                                                                the place
## 5887                                                 this individual capacity
## 5888                                                         wise legislation
## 5889                                    honest and intelligent administration
## 5890                                                                       it
## 5891                                                        the fullest scope
## 5892                                                  the largest opportunity
## 5893                                                              good effect
## 5894                 The tremendous and highly complex industrial development
## 5895                                                                    which
## 5896                                                ever accelerated rapidity
## 5897                                                          the latter half
## 5898                                                   the nineteenth century
## 5899                                                                       us
## 5900                                                                     face
## 5901                                                                     face
## 5902                                                            the beginning
## 5903                                                            the twentieth
## 5904                                             very serious social problems
## 5905                                                             The old laws
## 5906                                                          the old customs
## 5907                                                                    which
## 5908                                                 almost the binding force
## 5909                                                                      law
## 5910                                                         the accumulation
## 5911                                                             distribution
## 5912                                                                   wealth
## 5913                                                   the industrial changes
## 5914                                                                    which
## 5915                                                     the productive power
## 5916                                                                  mankind
## 5917                                                                     they
## 5918                                                               The growth
## 5919                                                                   cities
## 5920                                                               comparison
## 5921                                                               the growth
## 5922                                                              the country
## 5923                                                           the upbuilding
## 5924                                             the great industrial centers
## 5925                                                     a startling increase
## 5926                                                            the aggregate
## 5927                                                                   wealth
## 5928                                                               the number
## 5929                                                    very large individual
## 5930                                           very large corporate, fortunes
## 5931                                                             The creation
## 5932                                           these great corporate fortunes
## 5933                                                               the tariff
## 5934                                            any other governmental action
## 5935                                                           natural causes
## 5936                                                       the business world
## 5937                                                          other countries
## 5938                                                                     they
## 5939                                                              The process
## 5940                                                          much antagonism
## 5941                                                             a great part
## 5942                                                                    which
## 5943                                                                  warrant
## 5944                                                                       It
## 5945                                                             the contrary
## 5946                                                          the average man
## 5947                                                          the wage-worker
## 5948                                                               the farmer
## 5949                                                         the small trader
## 5950                                                             this country
## 5951                                                         the present time
## 5952                                                                   abuses
## 5953                                                         the accumulation
## 5954                                                                   wealth
## 5955                                                                       it
## 5956                                                                a fortune
## 5957                                                      legitimate business
## 5958                                                               the person
## 5959                                                                condition
## 5960                                              immense incidental benefits
## 5961                                                                   others
## 5962                                                    Successful enterprise
## 5963                                                                 the type
## 5964                                                                    which
## 5965                                                              all mankind
## 5966                                                           the conditions
## 5967                                                             great prizes
## 5968                                                              the rewards
## 5969                                                                  success
## 5970                                                             The captains
## 5971                                                                 industry
## 5972                                                                      who
## 5973                                                      the railway systems
## 5974                                                           this continent
## 5975                                                                      who
## 5976                                                             our commerce
## 5977                                                                      who
## 5978                                                         our manufactures
## 5979                                                                the whole
## 5980                                                               great good
## 5981                                                               our people
## 5982                                                                     them
## 5983                                                 the material development
## 5984                                                                    which
## 5985                                                                       we
## 5986                                                                    place
## 5987                                                                       we
## 5988                                                   the immense importance
## 5989                                                this material development
## 5990                                                          the public good
## 5991                                              the strong and forceful men
## 5992                                                                     whom
## 5993                                                              the success
## 5994                                                      business operations
## 5995                                                      The slightest study
## 5996                                                      business conditions
## 5997                                                                   anyone
## 5998                                                               a judgment
## 5999                                                    the personal equation
## 6000                                                the most important factor
## 6001                                                     a business operation
## 6002                                                     the business ability
## 6003                                                                  the man
## 6004                                                                 the head
## 6005                                                     any business concern
## 6006                                                               the factor
## 6007                                                                    which
## 6008                                                                 the gulf
## 6009                                                         striking success
## 6010                                                         hopeless failure
## 6011                                                     An additional reason
## 6012                                                                  caution
## 6013                                                             corporations
## 6014                                  the international commercial conditions
## 6015                                                                      day
## 6016                                             The same business conditions
## 6017                                                                    which
## 6018                                                   the great aggregations
## 6019                                          corporate and individual wealth
## 6020                                                                     them
## 6021                                     international Commercial competition
## 6022                                                        Business concerns
## 6023                                                                    which
## 6024                                                        the largest means
## 6025                                                           their disposal
## 6026                                                           the ablest men
## 6027                                                                    those
## 6028                                                                    which
## 6029                                                                 the lead
## 6030                                                               the strife
## 6031                                                     commercial supremacy
## 6032                                                              the nations
## 6033                                                                the world
## 6034                                                                  America
## 6035                                                 that commanding position
## 6036                                         the international business world
## 6037                                                                    which
## 6038                                                                       we
## 6039                                                                     hers
## 6040                                                                       It
## 6041                                                    the utmost importance
## 6042                                                            this position
## 6043                                                                   a time
## 6044                                                the overflowing abundance
## 6045                                                our own natural resources
## 6046                                                                the skill
## 6047                                                          business energy
## 6048                                                      mechanical aptitude
## 6049                                                               our people
## 6050                                                          foreign markets
## 6051                                                          such conditions
## 6052                                                                       it
## 6053                                                                    cramp
## 6054                                                    the youthful strength
## 6055                                                               our Nation
## 6056                                                                       it
## 6057                                                        ignorant violence
## 6058                                                            the interests
## 6059                                                                  one set
## 6060                                                                      men
## 6061                                                            the interests
## 6062                                                                      all
## 6063                                                     The fundamental rule
## 6064                                                        our national life
## 6065                                                               --the rule
## 6066                                                                    which
## 6067                                                               all others
## 6068                                                                the whole
## 6069                                                             the long run
## 6070                                                                       we
## 6071                                                               exceptions
## 6072                                                                    times
## 6073                                                               prosperity
## 6074                                                                     some
## 6075                                                                    times
## 6076                                                                adversity
## 6077                                                                     some
## 6078                                                                   others
## 6079                                                                 a period
## 6080                                                               good times
## 6081                                                                      all
## 6082                                                                     them
## 6083                                                                 a period
## 6084                                                               hard times
## 6085                                                                      all
## 6086                                                               the stress
## 6087                                                 a greater or less degree
## 6088                                                                       It
## 6089                                                                any proof
## 6090                                                           this statement
## 6091                                                               the memory
## 6092                                                           the lean years
## 6093                                                                    which
## 6094                                                                       we
## 6095                                                                     them
## 6096                                                           the conditions
## 6097                                                           this very year
## 6098                                                                    which
## 6099                                                                 Disaster
## 6100                                               great business enterprises
## 6101                                                              its effects
## 6102                                                                  the men
## 6103                                                                  the top
## 6104                                                                       It
## 6105                                                                       it
## 6106                                                                everybody
## 6107                                                                       it
## 6108                                                           The capitalist
## 6109                                                             his luxuries
## 6110                                                          the wage-worker
## 6111                                                    even bare necessities
## 6112                                                            The mechanism
## 6113                                                          modern business
## 6114                                                             extreme care
## 6115                                                                       it
## 6116                                                                 a spirit
## 6117                                                                 rashness
## 6118                                                                ignorance
## 6119                                                                    those
## 6120                                                                      who
## 6121                                                                       it
## 6122                                        the great industrial combinations
## 6123                                                                    which
## 6124                                                     technical inaccuracy
## 6125                                                                   trusts
## 6126                                                                   hatred
## 6127                                                                     fear
## 6128                                                                    These
## 6129                                               precisely the two emotions
## 6130                                                                ignorance
## 6131                                                                    which
## 6132                                                                      men
## 6133                                                             the exercise
## 6134                                                 cool and steady judgment
## 6135                                                new industrial conditions
## 6136                                                        the whole history
## 6137                                                                the world
## 6138                                                              legislation
## 6139                                                             calm inquiry
## 6140                                                     sober self-restraint
## 6141                                                          the legislation
## 6142                                                               the trusts
## 6143                                                                       it
## 6144                                                               accordance
## 6145                                            a well-known sociological law
## 6146                                        the ignorant or reckless agitator
## 6147                                              the really effective friend
## 6148                                                                the evils
## 6149                                                                    which
## 6150                                                                       he
## 6151                                                       business interests
## 6152                                                           the Government
## 6153                                     crude and ill-considered legislation
## 6154                                                                     what
## 6155                                                                 the risk
## 6156                                      such far-reaching national disaster
## 6157                                                                       it
## 6158                                                                  nothing
## 6159                                                                  The men
## 6160                                                                      who
## 6161                                                    the undesirable serve
## 6162                                                               the allies
## 6163                                                               the forces
## 6164                                                                    which
## 6165                                                                     they
## 6166                                                                      war
## 6167                                                                     they
## 6168                                                                    those
## 6169                                                                      who
## 6170                                                         rational fashion
## 6171                                                                     what
## 6172                                                               the wrongs
## 6173                                                              what extent
## 6174                                                              what manner
## 6175                                                                       it
## 6176                                                                 remedies
## 6177                                                                 All this
## 6178                                                                       it
## 6179                                                     real and grave evils
## 6180                                                                the chief
## 6181                                                      over-capitalization
## 6182                                            its many baleful consequences
## 6183                                          a resolute and practical effort
## 6184                                                              these evils
## 6185                                                  a widespread conviction
## 6186                                                                the minds
## 6187                                                      the American people
## 6188                                                   the great corporations
## 6189                                                                   trusts
## 6190                                                           their features
## 6191                                                               tendencies
## 6192                                                      the general welfare
## 6193                                                             This springs
## 6194                                                                no spirit
## 6195                                                                     envy
## 6196                                                                     lack
## 6197                                                                    pride
## 6198                                        the great industrial achievements
## 6199                                                                     that
## 6200                                                             this country
## 6201                                                                 the head
## 6202                                                              the nations
## 6203                                                     commercial supremacy
## 6204                                                                       It
## 6205                                                                   a lack
## 6206                                                 intelligent appreciation
## 6207                                                            the necessity
## 6208                                                                  meeting
## 6209                                                               conditions
## 6210                                                                    trade
## 6211                                                              new methods
## 6212                                                                ignorance
## 6213                                                                 the fact
## 6214                                                              combination
## 6215                                                                  capital
## 6216                                                               the effort
## 6217                                                             great things
## 6218                                                     the world's progress
## 6219                                                             great things
## 6220                                                                       It
## 6221                                                       sincere conviction
## 6222                                                              combination
## 6223                                                            concentration
## 6224                                                        reasonable limits
## 6225                                                              my judgment
## 6226                                                          this conviction
## 6227                                                                       It
## 6228                                                            no limitation
## 6229                                                          property rights
## 6230                                                                  freedom
## 6231                                                                 contract
## 6232                                                                      men
## 6233                                                               Government
## 6234                                                            the privilege
## 6235                                                                 business
## 6236                                                           corporate form
## 6237                                                                    which
## 6238                                                                     them
## 6239                                                individual responsibility
## 6240                                                                     them
## 6241                                                        their enterprises
## 6242                                                              the capital
## 6243                                                               the public
## 6244                                                                     they
## 6245                                      absolutely truthful representations
## 6246                                                                the value
## 6247                                                             the property
## 6248                                                                    which
## 6249                                                              the capital
## 6250                                                             Corporations
## 6251                                                      interstate commerce
## 6252                                                                     they
## 6253                                                                a license
## 6254                                                        the public injury
## 6255                                                                       It
## 6256                                                                  the aim
## 6257                                                                    those
## 6258                                                                      who
## 6259                                                       social- betterment
## 6260                                                       the business world
## 6261                                                                   crimes
## 6262                                                                  cunning
## 6263                                                  the entire body politic
## 6264                                                                   crimes
## 6265                                                                 violence
## 6266                                                       Great corporations
## 6267                                                                     they
## 6268                                                         our institutions
## 6269                                                                       it
## 6270                                                                our right
## 6271                                                                 our duty
## 6272                                                                     they
## 6273                                                                  harmony
## 6274                                                       these institutions
## 6275                                        the great industrial combinations
## 6276                                                                knowledge
## 6277                                                                the facts
## 6278                                                                publicity
## 6279                                                             the interest
## 6280                                                               the public
## 6281                                                           the Government
## 6282                                                                the right
## 6283                                                             the workings
## 6284                                                   the great corporations
## 6285                                                      interstate business
## 6286                                                                Publicity
## 6287                                                     the only sure remedy
## 6288                                                                    which
## 6289                                                                       we
## 6290                                                    What further remedies
## 6291                                                                  the way
## 6292                                                  governmental regulation
## 6293                                                                 taxation
## 6294                                                                publicity
## 6295                                                                  process
## 6296                                                                      law
## 6297                                                               the course
## 6298                                                           administration
## 6299                                                      The first requisite
## 6300                                                                knowledge
## 6301                                                                knowledge
## 6302                                                                    which
## 6303                                                                the world
## 6304                                                    \n\nArtificial bodies
## 6305                                                             corporations
## 6306                                                              joint stock
## 6307                                                       other associations
## 6308                                                        any statutory law
## 6309                                                          their existence
## 6310                                                               privileges
## 6311                                          proper governmental supervision
## 6312                                            full and accurate information
## 6313                                                         their operations
## 6314                                                     reasonable intervals
## 6315                                                   The large corporations
## 6316                                                                   trusts
## 6317                                                                one State
## 6318                                                                 business
## 6319                                                              many States
## 6320                                                     very little business
## 6321                                                                the State
## 6322                                                                     they
## 6323                                                               utter lack
## 6324                                                               uniformity
## 6325                                                           the State laws
## 6326                                                                     them
## 6327                                                                 no State
## 6328                                                   any exclusive interest
## 6329                                                                    power
## 6330                                                               their acts
## 6331                                                                       it
## 6332                                                                 practice
## 6333                                                      adequate regulation
## 6334                                                             State action
## 6335                                                             the interest
## 6336                                                         the whole people
## 6337                                                               the Nation
## 6338                                                                the power
## 6339                                                               the States
## 6340                                                               the matter
## 6341                                                                   itself
## 6342                                                                    power
## 6343                                                              supervision
## 6344                                                               regulation
## 6345                                                         all corporations
## 6346                                                   an interstate business
## 6347                                                                     This
## 6348                                                          the corporation
## 6349                                                                a portion
## 6350                                                               its wealth
## 6351                                                            the existence
## 6352                                                some monopolistic element
## 6353                                                                 tendency
## 6354                                                             its business
## 6355                                                              no hardship
## 6356                                                         such supervision
## 6357                                                                    banks
## 6358                                                                       it
## 6359                                                               their case
## 6360                                                                       it
## 6361                                                          a simple matter
## 6362                                                                   course
## 6363                                                                       it
## 6364                                                              supervision
## 6365                                                             corporations
## 6366                                                  the National Government
## 6367                                                                 the case
## 6368                                                          the supervision
## 6369                                                                     them
## 6370                                                                  a State
## 6371                                                            Massachusetts
## 6372                                                                    order
## 6373                                                        excellent results
## 6374                                                         the Constitution
## 6375                                                                  the end
## 6376                                                   the eighteenth century
## 6377                                                          no human wisdom
## 6378                                                     the sweeping changes
## 6379                                      industrial and political conditions
## 6380                                                                    which
## 6381                                                                    place
## 6382                                                            the beginning
## 6383                                                    the twentieth century
## 6384                                                                that time
## 6385                                                                       it
## 6386                                                                 a matter
## 6387                                                                   course
## 6388                                                       the several States
## 6389                                                   the proper authorities
## 6390  the comparatively insignificant and strictly localized corporate bodies
## 6391                                                                  the day
## 6392                                                           The conditions
## 6393                             wholly different and wholly different action
## 6394                                                                        I
## 6395                                                                    a law
## 6396                                                                    which
## 6397                                                  the National Government
## 6398                                                                  control
## 6399                                                                the lines
## 6400                                                           the experience
## 6401                                                              the passage
## 6402                                                           administration
## 6403                                              the Interstate-Commerce Act
## 6404                                                             the judgment
## 6405                                                             the Congress
## 6406                                                                       it
## 6407                                                 the constitutional power
## 6408                                                              such an act
## 6409                                               a constitutional amendment
## 6410                                                                the power
## 6411                                                        a Cabinet officer
## 6412                                                                Secretary
## 6413                                                                 Commerce
## 6414                                                               Industries
## 6415                                                                 the bill
## 6416                                                         the last session
## 6417                                                             the Congress
## 6418                                                                       It
## 6419                                                             his province
## 6420                                                                 commerce
## 6421                                                       its broadest sense
## 6422                                                        many other things
## 6423                                                                 whatever
## 6424                                                                    labor
## 6425                                                              all matters
## 6426                                          the great business corporations
## 6427                                                      our merchant marine
## 6428                                                               The course
## 6429                                                                one phase
## 6430                                                                     what
## 6431                                  a comprehensive and far-reaching scheme
## 6432                                               constructive statesmanship
## 6433                                                              the purpose
## 6434                                                              our markets
## 6435                                                   our business interests
## 6436                                                             a safe basis
## 6437                                                         our new position
## 6438                                       the international industrial world
## 6439                                                               the rights
## 6440                                                              wage-worker
## 6441                                                               capitalist
## 6442                                                                 investor
## 6443                                                          private citizen
## 6444                                                                   equity
## 6445                                                                      man
## 6446                                                                      man
## 6447                                                            this Republic
## 6448                                                       the sole exception
## 6449                                                     the farming interest
## 6450                                                            no one matter
## 6451                                                        such vital moment
## 6452                                                         our whole people
## 6453                                                              the welfare
## 6454                                                         the wage-workers
## 6455                                                               the farmer
## 6456                                                          the wage-worker
## 6457                                                                       it
## 6458                                                               all others
## 6459                                                                       It
## 6460                                                                 a matter
## 6461                                                    hearty congratulation
## 6462                                                          the whole wages
## 6463                                                                      day
## 6464                                                        the United States
## 6465                                                              our history
## 6466                                                        any other country
## 6467                                                             The standard
## 6468                                                                   living
## 6469                                                             Every effort
## 6470                                                               legislator
## 6471                                                            administrator
## 6472                                                           the permanency
## 6473                                                           this condition
## 6474                                                                   things
## 6475                                                          its improvement
## 6476                                                                our labor
## 6477                                                               the tariff
## 6478                                                                       it
## 6479                                                                       it
## 6480                                                             the presence
## 6481                                                             this country
## 6482                                                             any laborers
## 6483                                                                 contract
## 6484                                                                    those
## 6485                                                                      who
## 6486                                                               a standard
## 6487                                                                     they
## 6488                                                                  our men
## 6489                                                         the labor market
## 6490                                                                     them
## 6491                                                            a lower level
## 6492                                                                        I
## 6493                                                                       it
## 6494                                                                 this end
## 6495                                                                     view
## 6496                                                      immediately the law
## 6497                                                         Chinese laborers
## 6498                                                                       it
## 6499                                                                    order
## 6500                                                          its enforcement
## 6501                                                  The National Government
## 6502                                                      the highest quality
## 6503                                                                  service
## 6504                                                            its employees
## 6505                                                                   return
## 6506                                                                       it
## 6507                                                          a good employer
## 6508                                                     possible legislation
## 6509                                                               connection
## 6510                                              the Interstate Commerce Law
## 6511                                                                    which
## 6512                                                              the efforts
## 6513                                                         different States
## 6514                                                          the competition
## 6515                                                   convict contract labor
## 6516                                                    the open labor market
## 6517                                                           the conditions
## 6518                                                          Government work
## 6519                                                                provision
## 6520                                                          the enforcement
## 6521                                                       the eight-hour law
## 6522                                                           all industries
## 6523                                       the United States Government women
## 6524                                                                 children
## 6525                                                          excessive hours
## 6526                                                                    labor
## 6527                                                               night work
## 6528                                                                     work
## 6529                                                    unsanitary conditions
## 6530                                                           The Government
## 6531                                                            its contracts
## 6532                                                                 all work
## 6533                                                        "fair" conditions
## 6534                                                                 addition
## 6535                                                          a high standard
## 6536                                                                       it
## 6537                                                        proper inspection
## 6538                                                       the subcontractors
## 6539                                                           The Government
## 6540                                                           all night work
## 6541                                                                    women
## 6542                                                                 children
## 6543                                                       excessive overtime
## 6544                                                                 Columbia
## 6545                                                  a powerful indirect aid
## 6546                                                                such laws
## 6547                                                                provision
## 6548                                                     the inhabited alleys
## 6549                                                            the existence
## 6550                                                                    which
## 6551                                                               a reproach
## 6552                                                         our Capital city
## 6553                                                            minor streets
## 6554                                                          the inhabitants
## 6555                                                               conditions
## 6556                                                                   health
## 6557                                                                   morals
## 6558                                                    American wage-workers
## 6559                                                              their heads
## 6560                                                              their hands
## 6561                                                                     they
## 6562                                                             a keen pride
## 6563                                                                     what
## 6564                                                                     they
## 6565                                                               the reward
## 6566                                                                     they
## 6567                                                            a perfect job
## 6568                                                                     This
## 6569                                                         the great secret
## 6570                                                              our success
## 6571                                                              competition
## 6572                                                                the labor
## 6573                                                        foreign countries
## 6574                                                   The most vital problem
## 6575                                                                    which
## 6576                                                              that matter
## 6577                                                              the problem
## 6578                                                                    which
## 6579                                                                 one side
## 6580                                                           the betterment
## 6581                                                        social conditions
## 6582                                                             large cities
## 6583                                                             another side
## 6584                                                              that tangle
## 6585                                                   far-reaching questions
## 6586                                                                    which
## 6587                                                                       we
## 6588                                                                       we
## 6589                                                                    labor
## 6590                                                         The chief factor
## 6591                                                              the success
## 6592                                                                 each man
## 6593                                                              wage-worker
## 6594                                                                   farmer
## 6595                                                            the sum total
## 6596                                             his own individual qualities
## 6597                                                                abilities
## 6598                                                                     this
## 6599                                                                the power
## 6600                                                              combination
## 6601                                                              association
## 6602                                                                   others
## 6603                                                             associations
## 6604                                                                   unions
## 6605                                                             wage-workers
## 6606                                                              forethought
## 6607                                                                     they
## 6608                                                               insistence
## 6609                                                         their own rights
## 6610                                                      law-abiding respect
## 6611                                                               the rights
## 6612                                                                   others
## 6613                                                              The display
## 6614                                                          these qualities
## 6615                                                              such bodies
## 6616                                                                   a duty
## 6617                                                               the nation
## 6618                                                         the associations
## 6619                                                               themselves
## 6620                                                               many cases
## 6621                                                                   action
## 6622                                                           the Government
## 6623                                                                    order
## 6624                                                               the rights
## 6625                                                                interests
## 6626                                                                      all
## 6627                                                         our Constitution
## 6628                                                          much more scope
## 6629                                                              such action
## 6630                                                                the State
## 6631                                                         the municipality
## 6632                                                               the nation
## 6633                                                                   points
## 6634                                                                    those
## 6635                                                  the National Government
## 6636                                                                      all
## 6637                                                                 the rule
## 6638                                                              brotherhood
## 6639                                           the indispensable prerequisite
## 6640                                                                  success
## 6641                                                                 the kind
## 6642                                                            national life
## 6643                                                                    which
## 6644                                                                       we
## 6645                                                                 Each man
## 6646                                                                  himself
## 6647                                                                       he
## 6648                                                          no outside help
## 6649                                                                      him
## 6650                                                                 each man
## 6651                                                                       he
## 6652                                                     his brother's keeper
## 6653                                                                   no man
## 6654                                                                      who
## 6655                                                                advantage
## 6656                                                                  himself
## 6657                                                                   anyone
## 6658                                                                    times
## 6659                                                                     each
## 6660                                                                    times
## 6661                                                         the helping hand
## 6662                                                                      him
## 6663                                                                      aid
## 6664                                                                 the form
## 6665                                                                    a man
## 6666                                                                  himself
## 6667                                                                       we
## 6668                                                                ourselves
## 6669                                                                 the work
## 6670                                                                     that
## 6671                                                          common interest
## 6672                                                                      all
## 6673                                             Our present immigration laws
## 6674                                                                       We
## 6675                                     every honest and efficient immigrant
## 6676                                                      an American citizen
## 6677                                                          every immigrant
## 6678                                                                      who
## 6679                                                                      who
## 6680                                                            a strong body
## 6681                                                            a stout heart
## 6682                                                              a good head
## 6683                                                       a resolute purpose
## 6684                                                                 his duty
## 6685                                                                every way
## 6686                                                             his children
## 6687                                      law-abiding and God-fearing members
## 6688                                                            the community
## 6689                                                      a comprehensive law
## 6690                                                               the object
## 6691                                                  a threefold improvement
## 6692                                                       our present system
## 6693                                                                       we
## 6694                                          absolutely not only all persons
## 6695                                                                      who
## 6696                                                                believers
## 6697                                                   anarchistic principles
## 6698                                                                  members
## 6699                                                    anarchistic societies
## 6700                                                              all persons
## 6701                                                                      who
## 6702                                                     a low moral tendency
## 6703                                                      unsavory reputation
## 6704                                                                     This
## 6705                                                                       we
## 6706                                                   a more thorough system
## 6707                                                               inspection
## 6708                                                              examination
## 6709                                                    our immigration ports
## 6710                                                        The second object
## 6711                                                 a proper immigration law
## 6712                                                         educational test
## 6713                                                    American institutions
## 6714                                                        American citizens
## 6715                                                                     This
## 6716                                                           all anarchists
## 6717                                                                     them
## 6718                                           the intelligent criminal class
## 6719                                                                       it
## 6720                                                                     what
## 6721                                                                    point
## 6722                                                                  the sum
## 6723                                                                ignorance
## 6724                                                                 the envy
## 6725                                                                suspicion
## 6726                                                        malignant passion
## 6727                                                                   hatred
## 6728                                                                    order
## 6729                                              which anarchistic sentiment
## 6730                                                              all persons
## 6731                                                                      who
## 6732                                                       a certain standard
## 6733                                                         economic fitness
## 6734                                                     our industrial field
## 6735                                                              competitors
## 6736                                                           American labor
## 6737                                                             proper proof
## 6738                                                        personal capacity
## 6739                                                       an American living
## 6740                                                             enough money
## 6741                                                           a decent start
## 6742                                                      American conditions
## 6743                                                                     This
## 6744                                                               the influx
## 6745                                                              cheap labor
## 6746                                                the resulting competition
## 6747                                                                    which
## 6748                                                                     rise
## 6749                                                               bitterness
## 6750                                                 American industrial life
## 6751                                                                       it
## 6752                                                              the springs
## 6753                                       the pestilential social conditions
## 6754                                                         our great cities
## 6755                                                anarchistic organizations
## 6756                                               their greatest possibility
## 6757                                                                   growth
## 6758                              \n\nBoth the educational and economic tests
## 6759                                                   a wise immigration law
## 6760                                                 the general body politic
## 6761                                                 A very close supervision
## 6762                                                  the steamship companies
## 6763                                                                    which
## 6764                                                           the immigrants
## 6765                                                                     they
## 6766                                                  a strict accountability
## 6767                                                           any infraction
## 6768                                                                  the law
## 6769                                                     general acquiescence
## 6770                                                our present tariff system
## 6771                                                        a national policy
## 6772                                                      The first requisite
## 6773                                                           our prosperity
## 6774                                                           the continuity
## 6775                                                                stability
## 6776                                                     this economic policy
## 6777                                                                  Nothing
## 6778                                                   the business interests
## 6779                                                              the country
## 6780                                                any general tariff change
## 6781                                                                this time
## 6782                                                             apprehension
## 6783                                                              uncertainty
## 6784                                                                     what
## 6785                                                                       we
## 6786                                                             the interest
## 6787                                   our commercial and material well-being
## 6788                                                           Our experience
## 6789                                                                 the past
## 6790                                                       sweeping revisions
## 6791                                                               the tariff
## 6792                                                               conditions
## 6793                                                closely approaching panic
## 6794                                                       the business world
## 6795                                                                       it
## 6796                                                            the stability
## 6797                                                      our economic system
## 6798                                                   a supplementary system
## 6799                                                       reciprocal benefit
## 6800                                                               obligation
## 6801                                                            other nations
## 6802                                                         Such reciprocity
## 6803                                                              an incident
## 6804                                                                   result
## 6805                                                   the firm establishment
## 6806                                                             preservation
## 6807                                              our present economic policy
## 6808                                                                       It
## 6809                                                   the present tariff law
## 6810                                                              Reciprocity
## 6811                                                           the handmaiden
## 6812                                                               protection
## 6813                                                           Our first duty
## 6814                                                           the protection
## 6815                                                               the tariff
## 6816                                                               every case
## 6817                                                                       it
## 6818                                                         that reciprocity
## 6819                                                                       it
## 6820                                                                   injury
## 6821                                                      our home industries
## 6822                                                                     this
## 6823                                                      the individual case
## 6824                                                        every application
## 6825                                                        our tariff policy
## 6826                                              our shifting national needs
## 6827                                                        the cardinal fact
## 6828                                                               the duties
## 6829                                                                the point
## 6830                                                                     that
## 6831                                                           the difference
## 6832                                                           the labor cost
## 6833                                                           The well-being
## 6834                                                          the wage-worker
## 6835                                                    a prime consideration
## 6836                                                        our entire policy
## 6837                                                     economic legislation
## 6838                                                             this proviso
## 6839                                                    the proper protection
## 6840                                                our industrial well-being
## 6841                                                                     home
## 6842                                                            the principle
## 6843                                                              reciprocity
## 6844                                                       our hearty support
## 6845                                                    The phenomenal growth
## 6846                                                         our export trade
## 6847                                                              the urgency
## 6848                                                                 the need
## 6849                                                            wider markets
## 6850                                                         a liberal policy
## 6851                                                          foreign nations
## 6852                                                                 Whatever
## 6853                                                                  the way
## 6854                                                       trade restrictions
## 6855                                                            The customers
## 6856                                                                     whom
## 6857                                                                       we
## 6858                                                     our surplus products
## 6859                                                             the long run
## 6860                                                   those surplus products
## 6861                                                                       us
## 6862                                                                something
## 6863                                                                   return
## 6864                                                            Their ability
## 6865                                                             our products
## 6866                                                               our tariff
## 6867                                                                       us
## 6868                                                                     them
## 6869                                                           those products
## 6870                                                                    which
## 6871                                                                       we
## 6872                                                                     harm
## 6873                                                       our own industries
## 6874                                                                    labor
## 6875                                                                  the use
## 6876                                                                    which
## 6877                                                           marked benefit
## 6878                                                                       us
## 6879                                                                       It
## 6880                                                                       we
## 6881                                                           the high level
## 6882                                                   our present prosperity
## 6883                                                                       We
## 6884                                                                the point
## 6885                                                          the development
## 6886                                                            our interests
## 6887                                                                       we
## 6888                                                          our own markets
## 6889                                             a constantly growing surplus
## 6890                                                                    which
## 6891                                                                       we
## 6892                                                                  markets
## 6893                                                            these markets
## 6894                                                                       we
## 6895                                                          existing duties
## 6896                                                                 any case
## 6897                                                                     they
## 6898                                                              the purpose
## 6899                                                               protection
## 6900                                                                 any case
## 6901                                                              the article
## 6902                                                                 the duty
## 6903                                                                  revenue
## 6904                                                                       us
## 6905                                                                something
## 6906                                                                 exchange
## 6907                                                                     what
## 6908                                                                       we
## 6909                                                    The cordial relations
## 6910                                                            other nations
## 6911                                                                    which
## 6912                                                               the course
## 6913                                                        our own interests
## 6914                                                         The natural line
## 6915                                                              development
## 6916                                                                 a policy
## 6917                                                              reciprocity
## 6918                                                               connection
## 6919                                                                    those
## 6920                                                          our productions
## 6921                                                                    which
## 6922                                                                      all
## 6923                                                              the support
## 6924                                                                     them
## 6925                                                            a sound basis
## 6926                                                             those others
## 6927                                                          economic causes
## 6928                                                                       we
## 6929                                                                the reach
## 6930                                                   successful competition
## 6931                                                                        I
## 6932                                                            the attention
## 6933                                                               the Senate
## 6934                                                 the reciprocity treaties
## 6935                                                                       it
## 6936                                                           my predecessor
## 6937                                                            The condition
## 6938                                             the American merchant marine
## 6939                                                immediate remedial action
## 6940                                                             the Congress
## 6941                                                                       It
## 6942                                                                       us
## 6943                                                                 a Nation
## 6944                                                      our merchant marine
## 6945                                                               comparison
## 6946                                                                     that
## 6947                                                            other nations
## 6948                                                                    which
## 6949                                                                       we
## 6950                                                              other forms
## 6951                                                                 business
## 6952                                                                       We
## 6953                                                               conditions
## 6954                                                                    which
## 6955                                                  only a trifling portion
## 6956                                                       our great commerce
## 6957                                                            our own ships
## 6958                                                               this state
## 6959                                                                   things
## 6960                                                   our shipping interests
## 6961                                                                       it
## 6962                                                                  benefit
## 6963                                                                      all
## 6964                                                                      who
## 6965                                              the permanent establishment
## 6966                                                           a wider market
## 6967                                                        American products
## 6968                                                       an auxiliary force
## 6969                                                                 the Navy
## 6970                                                                    Ships
## 6971                                                      their own countries
## 6972                                                                railroads
## 6973                                                    their terminal points
## 6974                                                           Shipping lines
## 6975                                                  the principal countries
## 6976                                                                    which
## 6977                                                                       we
## 6978                                                                 dealings
## 6979                                  political as well as commercial benefit
## 6980                                                         every standpoint
## 6981                                                                       it
## 6982                                                        the United States
## 6983                                                                the ships
## 6984                                                        competing nations
## 6985                                                         the distribution
## 6986                                                                our goods
## 6987                                                                       It
## 6988                                                           American goods
## 6989                                                     American-built ships
## 6990                                                present American shipping
## 6991                                              certain great disadvantages
## 6992                                                              competition
## 6993                                                             the shipping
## 6994                                                        foreign countries
## 6995                                              the fast foreign steamships
## 6996                                                                  a speed
## 6997                                                           fourteen knots
## 6998                                                            all our ships
## 6999                                                          sailing vessels
## 7000                                                                 steamers
## 7001                                                           cargo carriers
## 7002                                             slow speed and mail carriers
## 7003                                                               high speed
## 7004                                                                 the fact
## 7005                                                        the original cost
## 7006                                                           American ships
## 7007                                                                 the case
## 7008                                                                the wages
## 7009                                                        American officers
## 7010                                                                   seamen
## 7011                                                                    those
## 7012                                                             the officers
## 7013                                                                   seamen
## 7014                                              foreign competing countries
## 7015                                                             the standard
## 7016                                                                our ships
## 7017                                                             the standard
## 7018                                                                the ships
## 7019                                                    our commercial rivals
## 7020                                                           Our Government
## 7021                                                              such action
## 7022                                                       these inequalities
## 7023                                             The American merchant marine
## 7024                                                                the ocean
## 7025                                                                  The Act
## 7026                                                                    March
## 7027                                                                     gold
## 7028                                                       the standard money
## 7029                                                                 a parity
## 7030                                                                all forms
## 7031                                                                    money
## 7032                                                                      use
## 7033                                                                       us
## 7034                                                                The price
## 7035                                                     our Government bonds
## 7036                                                       the world's market
## 7037                                                                the price
## 7038                                                      similar obligations
## 7039                                                            other nations
## 7040                                                     a flattering tribute
## 7041                                                        our public credit
## 7042                                                                       it
## 7043                                                 the National Banking Law
## 7044                                                       sufficient liberty
## 7045                                                      the proper exercise
## 7046                                                     the banking function
## 7047                                                                     need
## 7048                                                        better safeguards
## 7049                                                  the deranging influence
## 7050                                                        commercial crises
## 7051                                                         financial panics
## 7052                                                             the currency
## 7053                                                              the country
## 7054                                                              the demands
## 7055                                                       our domestic trade
## 7056                                                                 commerce
## 7057                                                          The collections
## 7058                                                                   duties
## 7059                                                                  imports
## 7060                                                           internal taxes
## 7061                                                the ordinary expenditures
## 7062                                                           the Government
## 7063                                            the reduced army expenditures
## 7064                                                          The utmost care
## 7065                                                             the revenues
## 7066                                                          any possibility
## 7067                                                                a deficit
## 7068                                                     any such contingency
## 7069                                                                    which
## 7070                                                             the revenues
## 7071                                                                the limit
## 7072                                                         our actual needs
## 7073                                                               his report
## 7074                                                             the Congress
## 7075                                                            the Secretary
## 7076                                                             the Treasury
## 7077                                                      all these questions
## 7078                                                                   length
## 7079                                                                        I
## 7080                                                           your attention
## 7081                                                               the report
## 7082                                                          recommendations
## 7083                                                                        I
## 7084                                                        special attention
## 7085                                                                 the need
## 7086                                                           strict economy
## 7087                                                             expenditures
## 7088                                                                 The fact
## 7089                                                       our national needs
## 7090                                                                       us
## 7091                                                                 whatever
## 7092                                                           our well-being
## 7093                                                                       us
## 7094                                                   our national resources
## 7095                                                                     each
## 7096                                                                       us
## 7097                                                    his private resources
## 7098                                                     scrupulous avoidance
## 7099                                                                 anything
## 7100                                         wasteful or reckless expenditure
## 7101                                                                avoidance
## 7102                                                                    money
## 7103                                                                     what
## 7104                                                                       we
## 7105                                                               our income
## 7106                                                                the point
## 7107                                                                our needs
## 7108                                                                     that
## 7109                                                                a measure
## 7110                                                           the regulation
## 7111                                                      interstate railways
## 7112                                              the Interstate Commerce Act
## 7113                                                  The cardinal provisions
## 7114                                                                 that act
## 7115                                                            railway rates
## 7116                                                             all shippers
## 7117                                                               localities
## 7118                                                              commodities
## 7119                                                          equal treatment
## 7120                                                             A commission
## 7121                                                                     what
## 7122                                                     the necessary powers
## 7123                                                           the provisions
## 7124                                                                 this act
## 7125                                                                 That law
## 7126                                                            an experiment
## 7127                                                               Experience
## 7128                                                               the wisdom
## 7129                                                             its purposes
## 7130                                                                     some
## 7131                                                         its requirements
## 7132                                                                the means
## 7133                                                          the enforcement
## 7134                                                           its provisions
## 7135                                                                    Those
## 7136                                                                      who
## 7137                                                           the management
## 7138                                                      the railways allege
## 7139                                                        established rates
## 7140                                                                  rebates
## 7141                                                          similar devices
## 7142                                                        these preferences
## 7143                                                                    favor
## 7144                                                        the large shipper
## 7145                                                                     they
## 7146                                                                 business
## 7147                                                   the smaller competitor
## 7148                                                               many rates
## 7149                                                              many others
## 7150                                                        gross preferences
## 7151                                                          both localities
## 7152                                                              commodities
## 7153                                                           the other hand
## 7154                                                             the railways
## 7155                                                                  the law
## 7156                                                           its very terms
## 7157                                                  these illegal practices
## 7158                                                       depriving carriers
## 7159                                                               that right
## 7160                                                         concerted action
## 7161                                                                    which
## 7162                                                                     they
## 7163                                                 non-discriminating rates
## 7164                                                                  The act
## 7165                                                              The railway
## 7166                                                         a public servant
## 7167                                                                Its rates
## 7168                                                             all shippers
## 7169                                                           The Government
## 7170                                                                       it
## 7171                                                         its jurisdiction
## 7172                                                                     this
## 7173                              a speedy, inexpensive, and effective remedy
## 7174                                                                 that end
## 7175                                                            the same time
## 7176                                                                       it
## 7177                                                             our railways
## 7178                                                             the arteries
## 7179                                                                    which
## 7180                                                 the commercial lifeblood
## 7181                                                              this Nation
## 7182                                                                  Nothing
## 7183                                                            the enactment
## 7184                                                              legislation
## 7185                                                                    which
## 7186                                                          the development
## 7187                                                                operation
## 7188                                                these commercial agencies
## 7189                                                              The subject
## 7190                                                         great importance
## 7191                                                    the earnest attention
## 7192                                                             the Congress
## 7193                                                           The Department
## 7194                                                              Agriculture
## 7195                                                   the past fifteen years
## 7196                                                                 its work
## 7197                                                           economic lines
## 7198                                                                  results
## 7199                                                               real value
## 7200                                               domestic and foreign trade
## 7201                                                                       It
## 7202                                                               new fields
## 7203                                                                       it
## 7204                                                                    touch
## 7205                                                             all sections
## 7206                                                              our country
## 7207                                                        the island groups
## 7208                                                                     that
## 7209                                                         our jurisdiction
## 7210                                                             whose people
## 7211                                                              agriculture
## 7212                                                             a livelihood
## 7213                                                                       It
## 7214                                                                the world
## 7215                                                                   grains
## 7216                                                                  grasses
## 7217                                                                   fruits
## 7218                                                               vegetables
## 7219                                                             introduction
## 7220                                                               localities
## 7221                                                       the several States
## 7222                                                              Territories
## 7223                                                                     they
## 7224                                                            our resources
## 7225                                                     scientific attention
## 7226                                                              soil survey
## 7227                                                       possible new crops
## 7228                                                                 breeding
## 7229                                                            new varieties
## 7230                                                                   plants
## 7231                                                   experimental shipments
## 7232                                                          animal industry
## 7233                                                        applied chemistry
## 7234                                                       very practical aid
## 7235                                  our farming and stock-growing interests
## 7236                                                             The products
## 7237                                                                 the farm
## 7238                                                   an unprecedented place
## 7239                                                         our export trade
## 7240                                                                 the year
## 7241                                                                     that
## 7242                                                           Public opinion
## 7243                                                        the United States
## 7244                                                      a just appreciation
## 7245                                                                the value
## 7246                                                                  forests
## 7247                                                           natural growth
## 7248                                                           The great part
## 7249                                                                     them
## 7250                                                             the creation
## 7251                                                              maintenance
## 7252                                                      the national wealth
## 7253                                                   Wise forest protection
## 7254                                                           the withdrawal
## 7255                                                         forest resources
## 7256                                                                     wood
## 7257                                                                    water
## 7258                                                                    grass
## 7259                                                         their full share
## 7260                                                              the welfare
## 7261                                                               the people
## 7262                                                             the contrary
## 7263                                                            the assurance
## 7264                                         larger and more certain supplies
## 7265                                                     The fundamental idea
## 7266                                                                 forestry
## 7267                                                         the perpetuation
## 7268                                                                  forests
## 7269                                                                      use
## 7270                                                        Forest protection
## 7271                                                                   an end
## 7272                                                                   itself
## 7273                                                                       it
## 7274                                                                  a means
## 7275                                                            the resources
## 7276                                                              our country
## 7277                                                           the industries
## 7278                                                                    which
## 7279                                                                     them
## 7280                                                         The preservation
## 7281                                                              our forests
## 7282                                         an imperative business necessity
## 7283                                                                       We
## 7284                                                                 whatever
## 7285                                                               the forest
## 7286                                                                      way
## 7287                                                              agriculture
## 7288                                                                 our well
## 7289                                                 The practical usefulness
## 7290                                             the national forest reserves
## 7291                                                               the mining
## 7292                                                                  grazing
## 7293                                                               irrigation
## 7294                                                          other interests
## 7295                                                              the regions
## 7296                                                                    which
## 7297                                                             the reserves
## 7298                                                      a widespread demand
## 7299                                                               the people
## 7300                                                                 the West
## 7301                                                         their protection
## 7302                                                                extension
## 7303                                                      The forest reserves
## 7304                                                        still greater use
## 7305                                                               the future
## 7306                                                                 the past
## 7307                                                                Additions
## 7308                                                                     them
## 7309                                                         their usefulness
## 7310                                    a thoroughly business-like management
## 7311                                                           the protection
## 7312                                                      the forest reserves
## 7313                                                  the General Land Office
## 7314                                                              the mapping
## 7315                                                              description
## 7316                                                             their timber
## 7317                                      the United States Geological Survey
## 7318                                                          the preparation
## 7319                                                                    plans
## 7320                                                   their conservative use
## 7321                                                               the Bureau
## 7322                                                                 Forestry
## 7323                                                                    which
## 7324                                                  the general advancement
## 7325                                                       practical forestry
## 7326                                                        the United States
## 7327                                                  These various functions
## 7328                                                               the Bureau
## 7329                                                                 Forestry
## 7330                                                                    which
## 7331                                                                     they
## 7332                                                    The present diffusion
## 7333                                                           responsibility
## 7334                                                         every standpoint
## 7335                                                                       It
## 7336                                                             effective co
## 7337                                                                        -
## 7338                                                                operation
## 7339                                                           the Government
## 7340                                                                  the men
## 7341                                                                      who
## 7342                                                            the resources
## 7343                                                             the reserves
## 7344                                                                    which
## 7345                                                            the interests
## 7346                                                                     both
## 7347                                                   The scientific bureaus
## 7348                                                           the Department
## 7349                                                              Agriculture
## 7350                                                            The President
## 7351                                                                      law
## 7352                                                                the power
## 7353                                                                    lands
## 7354                                                                      use
## 7355                                                          forest reserves
## 7356                                                           the Department
## 7357                                                              Agriculture
## 7358                                                                       He
## 7359                                                               such power
## 7360                                                                 the case
## 7361                                                                    lands
## 7362                                                          the Departments
## 7363                                                                      War
## 7364                                                                 the Navy
## 7365                                                  The wise administration
## 7366                                                      the forest reserves
## 7367                                                            the interests
## 7368                                                                    which
## 7369                                                                    water
## 7370                                                                    those
## 7371                                                                    which
## 7372                                                                     wood
## 7373                                                                    grass
## 7374                                                         The water supply
## 7375                                                                   itself
## 7376                                                               the forest
## 7377                                                          the arid region
## 7378                                                                       it
## 7379                                                                    water
## 7380                                                                     land
## 7381                                                                    which
## 7382                                                               production
## 7383                                                         The western half
## 7384                                                        the United States
## 7385                                                             a population
## 7386                                                                     that
## 7387                                                        our whole country
## 7388                                                                      day
## 7389                                                               the waters
## 7390                                                                     that
## 7391                                                                    waste
## 7392                                                               irrigation
## 7393                                            The forest and water problems
## 7394                                        the most vital internal questions
## 7395                                                        the United States
## 7396                                                      the forest reserves
## 7397                                                                preserves
## 7398                                                the wild forest creatures
## 7399                                                                      All
## 7400                                                             the reserves
## 7401                                                                    fires
## 7402                                                                     them
## 7403                                                       special protection
## 7404                                                         the great injury
## 7405                                                               live stock
## 7406                                                                    sheep
## 7407                                                             The increase
## 7408                                                                     deer
## 7409                                                                      elk
## 7410                                                            other animals
## 7411                                                     the Yellowstone Park
## 7412                                                                     what
## 7413                                                   other mountain forests
## 7414                                                                      law
## 7415                                                                     Some
## 7416                                                              these areas
## 7417                                                       surface vegetation
## 7418                                                the ground breeding birds
## 7419                                                                   grouse
## 7420                                                                    quail
## 7421                                                             many mammals
## 7422                                                                     deer
## 7423                                                            the same time
## 7424                                               the water-storing capacity
## 7425                                                              the surface
## 7426                                                                   floods
## 7427                                                                    times
## 7428                                                                     rain
## 7429                                                                 the flow
## 7430                                                                  streams
## 7431                                                                    rains
## 7432                                                                    cases
## 7433                                                       natural conditions
## 7434                                                              a few years
## 7435                                                               vegetation
## 7436                                                               the ground
## 7437                                                                    birds
## 7438                                                                     deer
## 7439                                                                 hundreds
## 7440                                                                  persons
## 7441                                               the immediate neighborhood
## 7442                                                            the privilege
## 7443                                                                  camping
## 7444                                                      the forest reserves
## 7445                                                     perpetual protection
## 7446                                                         the native fauna
## 7447                                                                    flora
## 7448                                                                   refuge
## 7449                                     our rapidly diminishing wild animals
## 7450                                                         the larger kinds
## 7451                                              the ever-increasing numbers
## 7452                                                                      men
## 7453                                                                    women
## 7454                                                                      who
## 7455                                                                     rest
## 7456                                                                   health
## 7457                                                               recreation
## 7458                                                     the splendid forests
## 7459                                                      flower-clad meadows
## 7460                                                            our mountains
## 7461                                                      The forest reserves
## 7462                                                                  the use
## 7463                                                                  benefit
## 7464                                                               our people
## 7465                                                                  a whole
## 7466                                                   the shortsighted greed
## 7467                                                              The forests
## 7468                                                       natural reservoirs
## 7469                                                              the streams
## 7470                                                                    flood
## 7471                                                                     them
## 7472                                                                  drought
## 7473                                                                     they
## 7474                                                                  the use
## 7475                                                                   waters
## 7476                                                                     They
## 7477                                                                 the soil
## 7478                                                                  washing
## 7479                                                   the storage reservoirs
## 7480                                                                     silt
## 7481                                                      Forest conservation
## 7482                                                   an essential condition
## 7483                                                       water conservation
## 7484                                                              The forests
## 7485                                                               the waters
## 7486                                                          the arid region
## 7487                                                      Great storage works
## 7488                                                                 the flow
## 7489                                                                  streams
## 7490                                                         the flood waters
## 7491                                                       Their construction
## 7492                                                           an undertaking
## 7493                                                           private effort
## 7494                                                                       it
## 7495                                                    the individual States
## 7496                                         Far-reaching interstate problems
## 7497                                                            the resources
## 7498                                                            single States
## 7499                                                                       It
## 7500                                                      a national function
## 7501                                                                     some
## 7502                                                             its features
## 7503                                                                       It
## 7504                                                  the National Government
## 7505                                                              the streams
## 7506                                                                   rivers
## 7507                                                          the arid region
## 7508                                                        engineering works
## 7509                                                            water storage
## 7510                                                         the humid region
## 7511                                                        engineering works
## 7512                                                             another kind
## 7513                                                              The storing
## 7514                                                               the floods
## 7515                                                               reservoirs
## 7516                                                           the headwaters
## 7517                                                               our rivers
## 7518                                                           an enlargement
## 7519                                                       our present policy
## 7520                                                            river control
## 7521                                                                    which
## 7522                                                                   levees
## 7523                                                        the lower reaches
## 7524                                                         the same streams
## 7525                                                           The Government
## 7526                                                         these reservoirs
## 7527                                                                       it
## 7528                                                       other public works
## 7529                                                            their purpose
## 7530                                                                 the flow
## 7531                                                                  streams
## 7532                                                                the water
## 7533                                                             the channels
## 7534                                                           the dry season
## 7535                                                          the same course
## 7536                                                            the same laws
## 7537                                                         the natural flow
## 7538                                                          The reclamation
## 7539                                          the unsettled arid public lands
## 7540                                                      a different problem
## 7541                                                                       it
## 7542                                                                 the flow
## 7543                                                                  streams
## 7544                                                               The object
## 7545                                                           the Government
## 7546                                                                 the land
## 7547                                                                 settlers
## 7548                                                                      who
## 7549                                                                    homes
## 7550                                                                       it
## 7551                                                        this object water
## 7552                                                              their reach
## 7553                                                     The pioneer settlers
## 7554                                                   the arid public domain
## 7555                                                              their homes
## 7556                                                                  streams
## 7557                                                                    which
## 7558                                                                     they
## 7559                                                               themselves
## 7560                                                                the water
## 7561                                                           their holdings
## 7562                                                       Such opportunities
## 7563                                                               vast areas
## 7564                                                              public land
## 7565                                                                    which
## 7566                                                     homestead settlement
## 7567                                                               reservoirs
## 7568                                                         main-line canals
## 7569                                                       private enterprise
## 7570                                                  the National Government
## 7571                                                                The lands
## 7572                                                                     them
## 7573                                                           the Government
## 7574                                                          actual settlers
## 7575                                                                 the cost
## 7576                                                             construction
## 7577                                                                 the land
## 7578                                                         The distribution
## 7579                                                                the water
## 7580                                                             the division
## 7581                                                              the streams
## 7582                                                               irrigators
## 7583                                                             the settlers
## 7584                                                               themselves
## 7585                                                               conformity
## 7586                                                               State laws
## 7587                                                             interference
## 7588                                                               those laws
## 7589                                                            vested fights
## 7590                                                               The policy
## 7591                                                  the National Government
## 7592                                                               irrigation
## 7593                                                       the several States
## 7594                                                              Territories
## 7595                                                              such manner
## 7596                                                               the people
## 7597                                                    the local communities
## 7598                                                               themselves
## 7599                                                           needed reforms
## 7600                                                           the State laws
## 7601                                                              regulations
## 7602                                                               irrigation
## 7603                                                          The reclamation
## 7604                                                               settlement
## 7605                                                           the arid lands
## 7606                                                            every portion
## 7607                                                              our country
## 7608                                                           the settlement
## 7609                                         the Ohio and Mississippi valleys
## 7610                                                               prosperity
## 7611                                                      the Atlantic States
## 7612                                                     The increased demand
## 7613                                                    manufactured articles
## 7614                                                    industrial production
## 7615                                                       wider home markets
## 7616                                                                the trade
## 7617                                                                     Asia
## 7618                                                 the larger food supplies
## 7619                                                      Western competition
## 7620                                                      Eastern agriculture
## 7621                                                             the products
## 7622                                                               irrigation
## 7623                                                 upbuilding local centers
## 7624                                              mining and other industries
## 7625                                                                    which
## 7626                                                                existence
## 7627                                                               Our people
## 7628                                                                  a whole
## 7629                                                   successful home-making
## 7630                                                             another name
## 7631                                                           the upbuilding
## 7632                                                               the nation
## 7633                                                 The necessary foundation
## 7634                                                         the inauguration
## 7635                                                               the policy
## 7636                                                                       It
## 7637                                                             a great deal
## 7638                                                                     what
## 7639                                                                     what
## 7640                                                        the early efforts
## 7641                                                                    which
## 7642                                                                necessity
## 7643                                                                character
## 7644                                                       the very beginning
## 7645                                                           the Government
## 7646                                                                   shadow
## 7647                                                                    doubt
## 7648                                                            its intention
## 7649                                                              this policy
## 7650                                                                    lines
## 7651                                             the broadest public interest
## 7652                                                             No reservoir
## 7653                                                                    canal
## 7654                                      selfish personal or local interests
## 7655                                                               accordance
## 7656                                                               the advice
## 7657                                                          trained experts
## 7658                                                       long investigation
## 7659                                                             the locality
## 7660                                                       all the conditions
## 7661                                                                 the work
## 7662                                                  the greatest usefulness
## 7663                                                            the community
## 7664                                                                  a whole
## 7665                                                          no extravagance
## 7666                                                            the believers
## 7667                                                                 the need
## 7668                                                               irrigation
## 7669                                                              their cause
## 7670                                                                       it
## 7671                                                                       it
## 7672                                                          the least taint
## 7673                                        excessive or reckless expenditure
## 7674                                                        the public moneys
## 7675                                                                 Whatever
## 7676                                                               the nation
## 7677                                                            the extension
## 7678                                                               irrigation
## 7679                                                            the condition
## 7680                                                                    those
## 7681                                                           irrigated land
## 7682                                                                       We
## 7683                                                       the starting point
## 7684                                                         this development
## 7685                                                Over two hundred millions
## 7686                                                          private capital
## 7687                                                         the construction
## 7688                                                         irrigation works
## 7689                                                       many million acres
## 7690                                                                arid land
## 7691                                                            A high degree
## 7692                                                               enterprise
## 7693                                                                  ability
## 7694                                                                 the work
## 7695                                                                   itself
## 7696                                                                reference
## 7697                                                                 the laws
## 7698                                                                  thereto
## 7699                                                             The security
## 7700                                                                    value
## 7701                                                                the homes
## 7702                                                            the stability
## 7703                                                                   titles
## 7704                                                                    water
## 7705                                                             the majority
## 7706                                                               these rest
## 7707                                                 the uncertain foundation
## 7708                                                          court decisions
## 7709                                                           ordinary suits
## 7710                                                                      law
## 7711                                              a few creditable exceptions
## 7712                                                          the arid States
## 7713                                            the certain and just division
## 7714                                                                  streams
## 7715                                                                    times
## 7716                                                                 scarcity
## 7717                                                                      Lax
## 7718                                                                     laws
## 7719                                                                       it
## 7720                                                                   rights
## 7721                                                                    water
## 7722                                                                   excess
## 7723                                                              actual uses
## 7724                                                              necessities
## 7725                                                             many streams
## 7726                                                        private ownership
## 7727                                                                a control
## 7728                                                                ownership
## 7729                                                                  Whoever
## 7730                                                                 a stream
## 7731                                                                 the land
## 7732                                                                       it
## 7733                                                             the doctrine
## 7734                                                        private ownership
## 7735                                                                    water
## 7736                                                                     land
## 7737                                                           enduring wrong
## 7738                                                          The recognition
## 7739                                                           such ownership
## 7740                                                                    which
## 7741                                                         the arid regions
## 7742                                                                      way
## 7743                                a more enlightened and larger recognition
## 7744                                                               the rights
## 7745                                                               the public
## 7746                                                              the control
## 7747                                                                 disposal
## 7748                                                the public water supplies
## 7749                                                                     Laws
## 7750                                                               conditions
## 7751                                                            humid regions
## 7752                                                                    water
## 7753                                                                       it
## 7754                                                    no proper application
## 7755                                                            a dry country
## 7756                                                          the arid States
## 7757                                                           the only right
## 7758                                                                    water
## 7759                                                                    which
## 7760                                                                     that
## 7761                                                                      use
## 7762                                                               irrigation
## 7763                                                               this right
## 7764                                                                 the land
## 7765                                                    inseparable therefrom
## 7766                                                   perpetual water rights
## 7767                                                                   others
## 7768                                                                    users
## 7769                                                             compensation
## 7770                                                               the public
## 7771                                                       all the objections
## 7772                                                                    which
## 7773                                                     perpetual franchises
## 7774                                                     the public utilities
## 7775                                                                   cities
## 7776                                                       the Western States
## 7777                                                                     this
## 7778                                                      their constitutions
## 7779                                                             the doctrine
## 7780                                                perpetual State ownership
## 7781                                                                    water
## 7782                                                             The benefits
## 7783                                                                    which
## 7784                                                  the unaided development
## 7785                                                                 the past
## 7786                                                         the nation's aid
## 7787                                                                       co
## 7788                                                                        -
## 7789                                                                operation
## 7790                                    the more difficult and important work
## 7791                                                                     Laws
## 7792                                                                    homes
## 7793                                                                    those
## 7794                                                                    which
## 7795                                                         the water supply
## 7796                                                                     they
## 7797                                                             the sanction
## 7798                                                           the irrigators
## 7799                                                                  reforms
## 7800                                                                     they
## 7801                                                        the enlightenment
## 7802                                                               the people
## 7803                                                   The larger development
## 7804                                                                    which
## 7805                                                               every arid
## 7806                                                                    State
## 7807                                                        the determination
## 7808                                                    its irrigation system
## 7809                                                                  justice
## 7810                                                            effectiveness
## 7811                                                                     that
## 7812                                                              any country
## 7813                                                      the civilized world
## 7814                                                                  Nothing
## 7815                                                     isolated communities
## 7816                                                               everything
## 7817                                                                     what
## 7818                                                                       We
## 7819                                             a new and momentous question
## 7820                                                       the pregnant years
## 7821                                                             institutions
## 7822                                                                     what
## 7823                                                                       we
## 7824                              not only the present but future generations
## 7825                                                                  Our aim
## 7826                                                         the largest area
## 7827                                                                     land
## 7828                                                                    homes
## 7829                                                       the largest number
## 7830                                                                   people
## 7831                                                        this new industry
## 7832                       the best possible social and industrial conditions
## 7833                                                                     this
## 7834                                                                       we
## 7835                                                   the existing situation
## 7836                                                                ourselves
## 7837                                                      the best experience
## 7838                                                                 the time
## 7839                                                             the solution
## 7840                                                             its problems
## 7841                                                          A careful study
## 7842                                                               the Nation
## 7843                                                               the States
## 7844                                                      the irrigation laws
## 7845                                                               conditions
## 7846                                                                       it
## 7847                                                               the Nation
## 7848                                                  the several arid States
## 7849                                                               proportion
## 7850                                                             these States
## 7851                                                        their legislation
## 7852                                                           administration
## 7853                                                               themselves
## 7854                                                                       it
## 7855                                                                   Hawaii
## 7856                                                                  our aim
## 7857                                                            the Territory
## 7858                                           the traditional American lines
## 7859                                                                       We
## 7860                                                                 a region
## 7861                                                            large estates
## 7862                                                              cheap labor
## 7863                                                                       we
## 7864                                             a healthy American community
## 7865                                                                      men
## 7866                                                                      who
## 7867                                                               themselves
## 7868                                                                the farms
## 7869                                                                     they
## 7870                                                      All our legislation
## 7871                                                              the islands
## 7872                                                                 this end
## 7873                                                                     view
## 7874                                                           the well-being
## 7875                                                   the average home-maker
## 7876                                                            the true test
## 7877                                                  the healthy development
## 7878                                                              the islands
## 7879                                                          The land policy
## 7880                                                     our homestead system
## 7881                                                                       It
## 7882                                                               a pleasure
## 7883                                                                       it
## 7884                                                              Puerto Rico
## 7885                                                                any State
## 7886                                                                Territory
## 7887                                                   our continental limits
## 7888                                                               The island
## 7889                                                                       it
## 7890                                                               Its people
## 7891                                                                  liberty
## 7892                                                                    order
## 7893                                                           the protection
## 7894                                                        the United States
## 7895                                                                this fact
## 7896                                                                       we
## 7897                                                                     them
## 7898                                                                ourselves
## 7899                                                   Their material welfare
## 7900                                                              the welfare
## 7901                                                        any other portion
## 7902                                                              our country
## 7903                                                                       We
## 7904                                                                     them
## 7905                                                           the great gift
## 7906                                                              free access
## 7907                                                           their products
## 7908                                                              the markets
## 7909                                                        the United States
## 7910                                                                        I
## 7911                                                            the attention
## 7912                                                             the Congress
## 7913                                                                 the need
## 7914                                                              legislation
## 7915                                                         the public lands
## 7916                                                              Puerto Rico
## 7917                                                                     Cuba
## 7918                                                            such progress
## 7919                                               the independent government
## 7920                                                               the island
## 7921                                                           a firm footing
## 7922                                                      the present session
## 7923                                                             the Congress
## 7924                                                                     this
## 7925                                                     an accomplished fact
## 7926                                                                     Cuba
## 7927                                                         her own mistress
## 7928                                                      the beautiful Queen
## 7929                                                             the Antilles
## 7930                                                                      she
## 7931                                                            this new page
## 7932                                                              her destiny
## 7933                                                                       we
## 7934                                                  our heartiest greetings
## 7935                                                              good wishes
## 7936                                                                        I
## 7937                                                             the question
## 7938                                                              reciprocity
## 7939                                                                 the case
## 7940                                                                     Cuba
## 7941                                                          weighty reasons
## 7942                                                                 morality
## 7943                                                        national interest
## 7944                                                               the policy
## 7945                                                   a peculiar application
## 7946                                                                        I
## 7947                                                           your attention
## 7948                                                               the wisdom
## 7949                                                           the vital need
## 7950                                                  a substantial reduction
## 7951                                                        the tariff duties
## 7952                                                            Cuban imports
## 7953                                                        the United States
## 7954                                                                     Cuba
## 7955                                                         her constitution
## 7956                                                                     what
## 7957                                                                       we
## 7958                                                                      she
## 7959                                                    international matters
## 7960                                       closer and more friendly relations
## 7961                                                                       us
## 7962                                                          any other power
## 7963                                                                       we
## 7964                                                      every consideration
## 7965                                                                    honor
## 7966                                                               expediency
## 7967                                                      commercial measures
## 7968                                                             the interest
## 7969                                                  her material well-being
## 7970                                                          the Philippines
## 7971                                                              our problem
## 7972                                                                     They
## 7973                                               very rich tropical islands
## 7974                                                      many varying tribes
## 7975                                                  widely different stages
## 7976                                                                 progress
## 7977                                                             civilization
## 7978                                                       Our earnest effort
## 7979                                                             these people
## 7980                                                           difficult path
## 7981                                                                     that
## 7982                                                          self-government
## 7983                                                                       We
## 7984                                                       our administration
## 7985                                                              the islands
## 7986                                                               our Nation
## 7987                                                                       it
## 7988                                                      the highest benefit
## 7989                                                            the Filipinos
## 7990                                                               themselves
## 7991                                                               an earnest
## 7992                                                                     what
## 7993                                                                       we
## 7994                                                                       we
## 7995                                                                     what
## 7996                                                                       we
## 7997                                                Already a greater measure
## 7998                                                      material prosperity
## 7999                                                     governmental honesty
## 8000                                                               efficiency
## 8001                                                          the Philippines
## 8002                                                            their history
## 8003                                                                       It
## 8004                                                            no light task
## 8005                                                                 a nation
## 8006                                              the temperamental qualities
## 8007                                                                    which
## 8008                                                         the institutions
## 8009                                                          free government
## 8010                                                         an empty mockery
## 8011                                                               Our people
## 8012                                                               themselves
## 8013                                               more than a thousand years
## 8014                                                                     they
## 8015                                                               themselves
## 8016                                                                 this end
## 8017                                                                     What
## 8018                                                                       us
## 8019                                                       thirty generations
## 8020                                                                       we
## 8021                                                             another race
## 8022                                                                     hand
## 8023                                                           large portions
## 8024                                                                that race
## 8025                                                                the point
## 8026                                                                    which
## 8027                                                            our ancestors
## 8028                                                    the Philippine people
## 8029                                                                       we
## 8030                                                            both patience
## 8031                                                                 strength
## 8032                                                              forbearance
## 8033                                                     steadfast resolution
## 8034                                                                  Our aim
## 8035                                                                       We
## 8036                                                            the islanders
## 8037                                                                     what
## 8038                                                           tropic peoples
## 8039                                        even the best foreign governments
## 8040                                                                       We
## 8041                                                                     them
## 8042                                                                     what
## 8043                                                               any people
## 8044                                                              the tropics
## 8045                                                                     them
## 8046                                                          self-government
## 8047                                                              the fashion
## 8048                                                  the really free nations
## 8049                                                                  History
## 8050                                                        a single instance
## 8051                                                                    which
## 8052                                                         a masterful race
## 8053                                                                     ours
## 8054                                                           the exigencies
## 8055                                                                      war
## 8056                                                               possession
## 8057                                                            an alien land
## 8058                                                          its inhabitants
## 8059                                                   the disinterested zeal
## 8060                                                           their progress
## 8061                                                               our people
## 8062                                                          the Philippines
## 8063                                                              the islands
## 8064                                                                this time
## 8065                                                                     they
## 8066                                                                 a welter
## 8067                                                        murderous anarchy
## 8068                                                           Such desertion
## 8069                                                                     duty
## 8070                                                                 our part
## 8071                                                                  a crime
## 8072                                                                 humanity
## 8073                                                            The character
## 8074                                                            Governor Taft
## 8075                                                           his associates
## 8076                                                             subordinates
## 8077                                                                  a proof
## 8078                                                            the sincerity
## 8079                                                               our effort
## 8080                                                            the islanders
## 8081                                          a constantly increasing measure
## 8082                                                          self-government
## 8083                                                                     they
## 8084                                                               themselves
## 8085                                                                       it
## 8086                                                     the civil government
## 8087                                                           an appointment
## 8088                                                              the islands
## 8089                                                            any reference
## 8090                                                           considerations
## 8091                                                      political influence
## 8092                                                                    aught
## 8093                                                              the fitness
## 8094                                                                  the man
## 8095                                                                the needs
## 8096                                                              the service
## 8097                                                              our anxiety
## 8098                                                              the welfare
## 8099                                                                 progress
## 8100                                                          the Philippines
## 8101                                                                       we
## 8102                                                                     them
## 8103                                                    local self-government
## 8104                                                                       It
## 8105                                                                this side
## 8106                                                                our error
## 8107                                                    No competent observer
## 8108                                                                the facts
## 8109                                                                 a desire
## 8110                                                              the welfare
## 8111                                                              the natives
## 8112                                                                       we
## 8113                                                                       We
## 8114                                                           the very verge
## 8115                                                                   safety
## 8116                                                                hastening
## 8117                                                              the process
## 8118                                                            a single step
## 8119                                                                  advance
## 8120                                                                    crime
## 8121                                                                       We
## 8122                                                              the natives
## 8123                                                                the power
## 8124                                                               themselves
## 8125                                                                       We
## 8126                                                              their sakes
## 8127                                                                       it
## 8128                                                                       us
## 8129                                                           a great burden
## 8130                                                       the slightest fear
## 8131                                                                      our
## 8132                                                                     them
## 8133                                                          all the liberty
## 8134                                                                    which
## 8135                                                                     they
## 8136                                                            The only fear
## 8137                                                                     test
## 8138                                                          our overanxiety
## 8139                                                                       we
## 8140                                                                     them
## 8141                                                                 a degree
## 8142                                                             independence
## 8143                                                                    which
## 8144                                                                     they
## 8145                                                                 reaction
## 8146                                                                 disaster
## 8147                                                      any reasonable hope
## 8148                                                         a given district
## 8149                                                               the people
## 8150                                                               themselves
## 8151                                                          self-government
## 8152                                                            that district
## 8153                                                               a locality
## 8154                                                          self-government
## 8155                                                                    which
## 8156                                                                       it
## 8157                                                                       it
## 8158                                                            certain cases
## 8159                                                                       it
## 8160                                                          the inhabitants
## 8161                                                               themselves
## 8162                                                                       it
## 8163                                                           such instances
## 8164                                                              other words
## 8165                                                     the slightest chance
## 8166                                       a sufficiently humanitarian spirit
## 8167                                                               The danger
## 8168                                                   the opposite direction
## 8169                                                                 troubles
## 8170                                                              the islands
## 8171                                                         The insurrection
## 8172                                                                an affair
## 8173                                                           local banditti
## 8174                                                                marauders
## 8175                                                                      who
## 8176                                                         no higher regard
## 8177                                                             the brigands
## 8178                                                                 portions
## 8179                                                            the Old World
## 8180                                                            Encouragement
## 8181                                                       these insurrectors
## 8182                                                         the same footing
## 8183                                                            encouragement
## 8184                                                          hostile Indians
## 8185                                                                 the days
## 8186                                                                       we
## 8187                                                              Indian wars
## 8188                                                                  our aim
## 8189                                                               the Indian
## 8190                                                                      who
## 8191                                    the fullest and amplest consideration
## 8192                                                                       it
## 8193                                                                       we
## 8194                                                              no weakness
## 8195                                                                       he
## 8196                                                              the warpath
## 8197                                                                       we
## 8198                                                                       it
## 8199                                                                       we
## 8200                                                       our own traditions
## 8201                                                              the demands
## 8202                                                             civilization
## 8203                                                                 humanity
## 8204                                                                       we
## 8205                                                               everything
## 8206                                                                our power
## 8207                                                             the Filipino
## 8208                                                                      who
## 8209                                                                       we
## 8210                                                    the sternest measures
## 8211                                                             the Filipino
## 8212                                                                      who
## 8213                                                                 the path
## 8214                                                           the insurrecto
## 8215                                                              the ladrone
## 8216                                                     The heartiest praise
## 8217                                                            large numbers
## 8218                                                              the natives
## 8219                                                              the islands
## 8220                                                  their steadfast loyalty
## 8221                                                            The Macabebes
## 8222                                                            their courage
## 8223                                                                 devotion
## 8224                                                                 the flag
## 8225                                                                        I
## 8226                                                            the Secretary
## 8227                                                                      War
## 8228                                                   some systematic action
## 8229                                                                  the way
## 8230                                                                    those
## 8231                                                                these men
## 8232                                                                      who
## 8233                                                              the service
## 8234                                                             the families
## 8235                                                                    those
## 8236                                                                      who
## 8237                                                                 The time
## 8238                                                   additional legislation
## 8239                                                          the Philippines
## 8240                                                                  Nothing
## 8241                                                              the islands
## 8242                                                   industrial enterprises
## 8243                                                                  Nothing
## 8244                                                                     them
## 8245                                                                     them
## 8246                                                   industrial development
## 8247                                                           The connection
## 8248                                                                 idleness
## 8249                                                                 mischief
## 8250                                                          the opportunity
## 8251                                                        remunerative work
## 8252                                                 the surest preventatives
## 8253                                                                      war
## 8254                                                          no business man
## 8255                                                          the Philippines
## 8256                                                                       it
## 8257                                                             his interest
## 8258                                                                       it
## 8259                                                             the interest
## 8260                                                              the islands
## 8261                                                                       he
## 8262                                                                       It
## 8263                                                             the Congress
## 8264                                                                     laws
## 8265                                                                    which
## 8266                                                            the resources
## 8267                                                              the islands
## 8268                                                               franchises
## 8269                                                            limited terms
## 8270                                                                    years
## 8271                                                                companies
## 8272                                                                 business
## 8273                                                                     them
## 8274                                                      every encouragement
## 8275                                                             the incoming
## 8276                                                             business men
## 8277                                                               every kind
## 8278                                                                     this
## 8279                                                                  a wrong
## 8280                                                          the Philippines
## 8281                                                           The franchises
## 8282                                                             the business
## 8283                                                              regulations
## 8284                                                                    which
## 8285                                                              the islands
## 8286                                                                 any kind
## 8287                                                    improper exploitation
## 8288                                                  the vast natural wealth
## 8289                                                              the islands
## 8290                                                              the capital
## 8291                                                                       it
## 8292                                                          the opportunity
## 8293                                                                The field
## 8294                                                    individual enterprise
## 8295                                                                    which
## 8296                                                          the real factor
## 8297                                                          the development
## 8298                                                             every region
## 8299                                                                    which
## 8300                                                                 our flag
## 8301                                                                       It
## 8302                                                            suitable laws
## 8303                                                   general transportation
## 8304                                                                   mining
## 8305                                                                  banking
## 8306                                                                 currency
## 8307                                                               homesteads
## 8308                                                                  the use
## 8309                                                                ownership
## 8310                                                                the lands
## 8311                                                                   timber
## 8312                                                               These laws
## 8313                                                                free play
## 8314                                                    industrial enterprise
## 8315                                               the commercial development
## 8316                                                                    which
## 8317                                                               the people
## 8318                                                              the islands
## 8319                                                          the best proofs
## 8320                                                            the sincerity
## 8321                                                               our desire
## 8322                                                                     them
## 8323                                                                        I
## 8324                                                           your attention
## 8325                                                          the crying need
## 8326                                                                  a cable
## 8327                                                                   Hawaii
## 8328                                                          the Philippines
## 8329                                                          the Philippines
## 8330                                                                     Asia
## 8331                                                                       We
## 8332                                                         the construction
## 8333                                                             such a cable
## 8334                                                                       It
## 8335                                    political and military considerations
## 8336                                                             the Congress
## 8337                                                         the construction
## 8338                                                       a Government cable
## 8339                                                           an arrangement
## 8340                                                                    which
## 8341                                                               advantages
## 8342                                                                    those
## 8343                                                       a Government cable
## 8344                                                           the Government
## 8345                                                                 contract
## 8346                                                  a private cable company
## 8347                                        \n\nNo single great material work
## 8348                                                                    which
## 8349                                                           this continent
## 8350                                                         such consequence
## 8351                                                      the American people
## 8352                                                             the building
## 8353                                                                  a canal
## 8354                                                              the Isthmus
## 8355                                                  North and South America
## 8356                                                           Its importance
## 8357                                                               the Nation
## 8358                                                                 no means
## 8359                                                     its material effects
## 8360                                                  our business prosperity
## 8361                                                                     view
## 8362                                                            these effects
## 8363                                                                       it
## 8364                                                          the last degree
## 8365                                                                       us
## 8366                                                                       it
## 8367                                                   its beneficial effects
## 8368                                                        the Pacific Coast
## 8369                                       the Gulf and South Atlantic States
## 8370                                                                       it
## 8371                                                           other sections
## 8372                                                                       It
## 8373                                                                   a work
## 8374                                                                    which
## 8375                                                                       it
## 8376                                                             the interest
## 8377                                                       the entire country
## 8378                                                                       it
## 8379                                                        those great works
## 8380                                                                    which
## 8381                                                      only a great nation
## 8382                                                                prospects
## 8383                                                                  success
## 8384                                                                    which
## 8385                                                         permanent assets
## 8386                                          the nation's material interests
## 8387                                                 its constructive ability
## 8388                                                                        I
## 8389                                                                      you
## 8390                                                         our negotiations
## 8391                                                             this subject
## 8392                                                            Great Britain
## 8393                                                               both sides
## 8394                                                                 a spirit
## 8395                                                             friendliness
## 8396                                                                     will
## 8397                                                               the Senate
## 8398                                                                 a treaty
## 8399                                                                    which
## 8400                                                                       us
## 8401                                                             preparations
## 8402                                                        an Isthmian canal
## 8403                                                                 any time
## 8404                                                                    which
## 8405                                                              this Nation
## 8406                                                                       it
## 8407                                                               connection
## 8408                                                                the canal
## 8409                                                              this treaty
## 8410                                            the old Clayton-Bulwer treaty
## 8411                                                                 the base
## 8412                                                         the construction
## 8413                                                              maintenance
## 8414                                        a necessarily American ship canal
## 8415                                                                       It
## 8416                                                        the United States
## 8417                                                                 the work
## 8418                                                                 building
## 8419                                                       the responsibility
## 8420                                                                the canal
## 8421                                                          its neutral use
## 8422                                                              all nations
## 8423                                                                    terms
## 8424                                                                 equality
## 8425                                                             the guaranty
## 8426                                                             interference
## 8427                                                       any outside nation
## 8428                                                              any quarter
## 8429                                                        The signed treaty
## 8430                                                               the Senate
## 8431                                                             the Congress
## 8432                                                                   effect
## 8433                                                           the advantages
## 8434                                                                       it
## 8435                                                                       us
## 8436                                                             the building
## 8437                                                                the canal
## 8438                                                             The true end
## 8439                                              every great and free people
## 8440                                                    self-respecting peace
## 8441                                                              this Nation
## 8442                                           sincere and cordial friendship
## 8443                                                               all others
## 8444                                                         the entire world
## 8445                                                             recent years
## 8446                                                                     wars
## 8447                                               the great civilized powers
## 8448                                                                     Wars
## 8449                                      barbarous or semi-barbarous peoples
## 8450                                           an entirely different category
## 8451               a most regrettable but necessary international police duty
## 8452                                                                    which
## 8453                                                                 the sake
## 8454                                                              the welfare
## 8455                                                                  mankind
## 8456                                                                    Peace
## 8457                                                                certainty
## 8458                                                               both sides
## 8459                                                                       it
## 8460                                      more and more the civilized peoples
## 8461                                                         the wicked folly
## 8462                                                                      war
## 8463                                                           that condition
## 8464                                              just and intelligent regard
## 8465                                                               the rights
## 8466                                                                   others
## 8467                                                                    which
## 8468                                                                  the end
## 8469                                                                       we
## 8470                                                         world-wide peace
## 8471                                                     The peace conference
## 8472                                                                The Hague
## 8473                                                      definite expression
## 8474                                                                this hope
## 8475                                                                   belief
## 8476                                                                 a stride
## 8477                                                         their attainment
## 8478                                           \n\nThis same peace conference
## 8479                                                            our statement
## 8480                                                      the Monroe Doctrine
## 8481                                                             the purposes
## 8482                                                                     aims
## 8483                                                           the conference
## 8484                                                      The Monroe Doctrine
## 8485                                                     the cardinal feature
## 8486                                                       the foreign policy
## 8487                                                          all the nations
## 8488                                                         the two Americas
## 8489                                                                       it
## 8490                                                        the United States
## 8491                                                 Just seventy-eight years
## 8492                                                         President Monroe
## 8493                                                       his Annual Message
## 8494                                                  The American continents
## 8495                                                                 subjects
## 8496                                                      future colonization
## 8497                                                       any European power
## 8498                                                              other words
## 8499                                                      the Monroe Doctrine
## 8500                                                            a declaration
## 8501                                            no territorial aggrandizement
## 8502                                                   any non-American power
## 8503                                                              the expense
## 8504                                                       any American power
## 8505                                                            American soil
## 8506                                                                       It
## 8507                                                                  no wise
## 8508                                                               any nation
## 8509                                                            the Old World
## 8510                                                                       it
## 8511                                                                    cover
## 8512                                                           any aggression
## 8513                                                      one New World power
## 8514                                                              the expense
## 8515                                                                       It
## 8516                                                                   a step
## 8517                                                              a long step
## 8518                                                      the universal peace
## 8519                                                                the world
## 8520                                                          the possibility
## 8521                                                          permanent peace
## 8522                                                          this hemisphere
## 8523                                                         the past century
## 8524                                                         other influences
## 8525                                                           the permanence
## 8526                                                             independence
## 8527                                                       the smaller states
## 8528                                                                   Europe
## 8529                                                      the Monroe Doctrine
## 8530                                                                       we
## 8531                                                             independence
## 8532                                                               permanence
## 8533                                                    the New World nations
## 8534                                                            This doctrine
## 8535                                                                  nothing
## 8536                                                 the commercial relations
## 8537                                                       any American power
## 8538                                                                       it
## 8539                                                                    truth
## 8540                                                                     each
## 8541                                                                     them
## 8542                                                                       it
## 8543                                                              other words
## 8544                                                                       it
## 8545                                                               a guaranty
## 8546                                              the commercial independence
## 8547                                                             the Americas
## 8548                                                                       We
## 8549                                                            this doctrine
## 8550                                        any exclusive commercial dealings
## 8551                                                 any other American state
## 8552                                                                       We
## 8553                                                                any state
## 8554                                                               punishment
## 8555                                                                       it
## 8556                                                                   itself
## 8557                                                          that punishment
## 8558                                                                 the form
## 8559                                                          the acquisition
## 8560                                                                territory
## 8561                                                   any non-American power
## 8562                                                             Our attitude
## 8563                                                                     Cuba
## 8564                                                    a sufficient guaranty
## 8565                                                       our own good faith
## 8566                                                                       We
## 8567                                                 not the slightest desire
## 8568                                                            any territory
## 8569                                                              the expense
## 8570                                                                      any
## 8571                                                            our neighbors
## 8572                                                                       We
## 8573                                                                     them
## 8574                                                                     hand
## 8575                                                                      all
## 8576                                                                       us
## 8577                                                                       we
## 8578                                                         the good fortune
## 8579                                                                      any
## 8580                                                                     them
## 8581                                                                       we
## 8582                                                their material prosperity
## 8583                                                      political stability
## 8584                                                                      any
## 8585                                                                     them
## 8586                                            industrial or political chaos
## 8587                                                                       We
## 8588                                             any Old World military power
## 8589                                                           this continent
## 8590                                                         a military power
## 8591                                                                ourselves
## 8592                                                              The peoples
## 8593                                                             the Americas
## 8594                                                      their own salvation
## 8595                                                            their own way
## 8596                                                                 The work
## 8597                                                                 the Navy
## 8598                                                             No one point
## 8599                                                               our policy
## 8600                                                                     this
## 8601                                                                the honor
## 8602                                                         material welfare
## 8603                                                                      all
## 8604                                                                the peace
## 8605                                                               our nation
## 8606                                                               the future
## 8607                                                                       we
## 8608                                                                       it
## 8609                                                                       we
## 8610                                                                       we
## 8611                                                     international duties
## 8612                                                     international rights
## 8613                                                                 our flag
## 8614                                                          the Philippines
## 8615                                                              Puerto Rico
## 8616                                                                       we
## 8617                                                       the Isthmian Canal
## 8618                                                                       we
## 8619                                                a thoroughly trained Navy
## 8620                                                            adequate size
## 8621                                                                 all time
## 8622                                                                 the idea
## 8623                                                               our nation
## 8624                                                                    those
## 8625                                                               whose sons
## 8626                                                                  the sea
## 8627                                                                    ships
## 8628                                                             our commerce
## 8629                                                          foreign bottoms
## 8630                                                                       we
## 8631                                                                war craft
## 8632                                                                       it
## 8633                                                                 Inasmuch
## 8634                                                      the American people
## 8635                                                               no thought
## 8636                                                                 the path
## 8637                                                                    which
## 8638                                                                     they
## 8639                                                                     view
## 8640                                                                 the fact
## 8641                                                             the building
## 8642                                                       the Isthmian Canal
## 8643                                                              the matters
## 8644                                                                    which
## 8645                                                         the whole people
## 8646                                                                       it
## 8647                                                                 our Navy
## 8648                                                        the highest state
## 8649                                                               efficiency
## 8650                                                        our growing needs
## 8651                                                                  any way
## 8652                                                            a provocation
## 8653                                                                      war
## 8654                                      an adequate and highly trained navy
## 8655                                                        the best guaranty
## 8656                                                                      war
## 8657                          the cheapest and most effective peace insurance
## 8658                                                                 The cost
## 8659                                                              such a navy
## 8660                                                the very lightest premium
## 8661                                                                    peace
## 8662                                                                    which
## 8663                                                              this nation
## 8664                                           Probably no other great nation
## 8665                                                                the world
## 8666                                                                    peace
## 8667                                                                       we
## 8668                                                 a single civilized power
## 8669                                                                    which
## 8670                                                                 anything
## 8671                                                                 whatever
## 8672                                                           aggressiveness
## 8673                                                                 our part
## 8674                                                                      All
## 8675                                                                       we
## 8676                                                                    peace
## 8677                                                                 this end
## 8678                                                                       we
## 8679                                                         the same respect
## 8680                                                               our rights
## 8681                                                                   others
## 8682                                                                    which
## 8683                                                                       we
## 8684                                                             their rights
## 8685                                                                   return
## 8686                                                           fair treatment
## 8687                                                                       us
## 8688                                                               the safety
## 8689                                                      the American people
## 8690                                                               Our people
## 8691                                                      the Monroe Doctrine
## 8692                                                                       it
## 8693                                                                the peace
## 8694                                                   the Western Hemisphere
## 8695                                                                 The Navy
## 8696                                                                       us
## 8697                                                           the only means
## 8698                                                           our insistence
## 8699                                                      the Monroe Doctrine
## 8700                                                                 anything
## 8701                                                                a subject
## 8702                                                                 derision
## 8703                                                          whatever nation
## 8704                                                                       it
## 8705                                                                       We
## 8706                                                                the peace
## 8707                                                                    which
## 8708                                                             the just man
## 8709                                                                the peace
## 8710                                                                    terms
## 8711                                                                 ignominy
## 8712                                                               the craven
## 8713                                                             the weakling
## 8714                                                                       It
## 8715                                                                   a navy
## 8716                                                                      war
## 8717                                                                The ships
## 8718                                                                  the men
## 8719                                                                  advance
## 8720                                                   Some auxiliary vessels
## 8721                                                               makeshifts
## 8722                                                                    which
## 8723                                                                  default
## 8724                                                           the minor work
## 8725                                                             a proportion
## 8726                                                                  raw men
## 8727                                                       their shortcomings
## 8728                                                                the skill
## 8729                                                            their fellows
## 8730                                             the efficient fighting force
## 8731                                                                 the Navy
## 8732                                                        an equal opponent
## 8733                                                            the war ships
## 8734                                                                     that
## 8735                                                             the officers
## 8736                                                                      men
## 8737                                                                      who
## 8738                                                                    years
## 8739                                                     faithful performance
## 8740                                                                 sea duty
## 8741                        their formidable but complex and delicate weapons
## 8742                                                   the highest efficiency
## 8743                                                             the late war
## 8744                                                                    Spain
## 8745                                                                the ships
## 8746                                                                     that
## 8747                                                       the decisive blows
## 8748                                                                   Manila
## 8749                                                                 Santiago
## 8750                                                    two to fourteen years
## 8751                                                                     they
## 8752                                                                     they
## 8753                                                                  the men
## 8754                                                       the conning towers
## 8755                                                          the gun turrets
## 8756                                                         the engine-rooms
## 8757                                                               long years
## 8758                                                                 practice
## 8759                                                                      sea
## 8760                                                               their duty
## 8761                                                         Our present Navy
## 8762                                                              that period
## 8763                                                                 our Navy
## 8764                                                             a collection
## 8765                                                  antiquated wooden ships
## 8766                                                                    place
## 8767                                                       modern war vessels
## 8768                                                              the galleys
## 8769                                                               Alcibiades
## 8770                                                                 Hamilcar
## 8771                                                                the ships
## 8772                                                                    Tromp
## 8773                                                                    Blake
## 8774                                                                that time
## 8775                                                                       we
## 8776                                                                      men
## 8777                                                             a modern man
## 8778                                                                      war
## 8779                                                     the wise legislation
## 8780                                                             the Congress
## 8781                                            the successful administration
## 8782                                                             a succession
## 8783                                                    patriotic Secretaries
## 8784                                                                 the Navy
## 8785                                                   both political parties
## 8786                                                                 the work
## 8787                                                                 the Navy
## 8788                                                                    ships
## 8789                                                                      any
## 8790                                                                the world
## 8791                                                               their kind
## 8792                                                                     what
## 8793                                                              these ships
## 8794                                                                      sea
## 8795                                                                squadrons
## 8796                                                                  the men
## 8797                                                                     them
## 8798                                                the best possible service
## 8799                                                                     them
## 8800                                                               The result
## 8801                                                            the short war
## 8802                                                                    Spain
## 8803                                                                    which
## 8804                                                            such rapidity
## 8805                                      the infinitely greater preparedness
## 8806                                                                 our Navy
## 8807                                                         the Spanish Navy
## 8808                                                        the fullest honor
## 8809                                                                  the men
## 8810                                                                      who
## 8811                                                                the ships
## 8812                                                                    which
## 8813                                                   the Spanish sea forces
## 8814                                                          the Philippines
## 8815                                                                     Cuba
## 8816                                                                       we
## 8817                                                            an equal meed
## 8818                                                                   praise
## 8819                                                                    those
## 8820                                                                     whom
## 8821                                                             neither blow
## 8822                                                          The Congressmen
## 8823                                                                      who
## 8824                                                                    years
## 8825                                                                  advance
## 8826                                                                the money
## 8827                                                                the ships
## 8828                                                                 the guns
## 8829                                                          the armor-plate
## 8830                                                 the Department officials
## 8831                                                         the business men
## 8832                                                             wage-workers
## 8833                                                                      who
## 8834                                                                     what
## 8835                                                             the Congress
## 8836                                                          the Secretaries
## 8837                                                                 the Navy
## 8838                                                                      who
## 8839                                                       the appropriations
## 8840                                                     finally the officers
## 8841                                                                      who
## 8842                                                             fair weather
## 8843                                                                     foul
## 8844                                                       actual sea service
## 8845                                                                the crews
## 8846                                                                the ships
## 8847                                                                   no war
## 8848                                                                    sight
## 8849                                                                      all
## 8850                                                             a full share
## 8851                                                                the glory
## 8852                                                                   Manila
## 8853                                                                 Santiago
## 8854                                                              the respect
## 8855                                                      every true American
## 8856                                                                    those
## 8857                                                                      who
## 8858                                                      such signal triumph
## 8859                                                              our country
## 8860                                                                       It
## 8861                                                                    which
## 8862                                                                       us
## 8863                                                 the overwhelming triumph
## 8864                                                                       we
## 8865                                                              forethought
## 8866                                                              preparation
## 8867                                                                 disaster
## 8868                                                                       us
## 8869                                                                  triumph
## 8870                                                                the fault
## 8871                                                                    those
## 8872                                                                     whom
## 8873                                                             the accident
## 8874                                                                   events
## 8875                                                          supreme command
## 8876                                                               the moment
## 8877                                                                    those
## 8878                                                                      who
## 8879                                                                  advance
## 8880                                                             no cessation
## 8881                                                                 the work
## 8882                                                                 our Navy
## 8883                                                         So far ingenuity
## 8884                                                             a substitute
## 8885                                                      the great war craft
## 8886                                                     whose hammering guns
## 8887                                                              the mastery
## 8888                                                            the high seas
## 8889                                                                       It
## 8890                                          several additional Battle ships
## 8891                                                   heavy armored cruisers
## 8892                                              auxiliary and lighter craft
## 8893                                                               proportion
## 8894                                                        the exact numbers
## 8895                                                                character
## 8896                                                                        I
## 8897                                                                      you
## 8898                                                               the report
## 8899                                                            the Secretary
## 8900                                                                 the Navy
## 8901                                                                something
## 8902                                                                       we
## 8903                                                         additional ships
## 8904                                                                     this
## 8905                                                      additional officers
## 8906                                                                      men
## 8907                                                             battle ships
## 8908                                                                 cruisers
## 8909                                                                     them
## 8910                                                          the expectation
## 8911                                                                     them
## 8912                                                                     they
## 8913                                                               actual war
## 8914                                                                    folly
## 8915                                                                       it
## 8916                                                                  a crime
## 8917                                                               the Nation
## 8918                                                             any war ship
## 8919                                                        a competent enemy
## 8920                                                                    those
## 8921                                                                       it
## 8922                                                                    years
## 8923                                                       actual sea service
## 8924                                               incessant gunnery practice
## 8925                                                          merely disaster
## 8926                                                      the bitterest shame
## 8927                                                              humiliation
## 8928                                          Four thousand additional seamen
## 8929                                          one thousand additional marines
## 8930                                                              an increase
## 8931                                                             the officers
## 8932                                                         a large addition
## 8933                                                              the classes
## 8934                                                                Annapolis
## 8935                                                         one small matter
## 8936                                                                    which
## 8937                                                               connection
## 8938                                                                Annapolis
## 8939                                      The pretentious and unmeaning title
## 8940                                                             "naval cadet
## 8941                                                                the title
## 8942                                                               midshipman
## 8943                                                     historic association
## 8944                                                                     time
## 8945                                                                    peace
## 8946                                                               a war ship
## 8947                                                                       it
## 8948                                                                       it
## 8949                                                            any emergency
## 8950                                                             The officers
## 8951                                                                      men
## 8952                                                               blue water
## 8953                                                                       it
## 8954                                                                     they
## 8955                                                             their duties
## 8956                                                                     they
## 8957                                                          The big vessels
## 8958                                                                squadrons
## 8959                                                             battle ships
## 8960                                                 the necessary proportion
## 8961                                                                 cruisers
## 8962                                                                   scouts
## 8963                                                        The torpedo boats
## 8964                                                     the younger officers
## 8965                                                              such manner
## 8966                                                           responsibility
## 8967                                                          the emergencies
## 8968                                                           actual warfare
## 8969                                                             Every detail
## 8970                                                                    which
## 8971                                                               a civilian
## 8972                                                              the officer
## 8973                                                         his special duty
## 8974                                                          the sea service
## 8975                                                                      all
## 8976                                                         gunnery practice
## 8977                                                                       It
## 8978                                                                 our Navy
## 8979                                                            adequate size
## 8980                                                                       it
## 8981                                                                that ship
## 8982                                                                     ship
## 8983                                                                       it
## 8984                                                               efficiency
## 8985                                                                 any navy
## 8986                                                                the world
## 8987                                                                     This
## 8988                                                     highly drilled crews
## 8989                                                                 officers
## 8990                                                                     this
## 8991                                                                     turn
## 8992                                   continuous and progressive instruction
## 8993                                                          target practice
## 8994                                                            ship handling
## 8995                                                         squadron tactics
## 8996                                                       general discipline
## 8997                                                                Our ships
## 8998                                                                squadrons
## 8999                                                                  harbors
## 9000                                                                   anchor
## 9001                                                       The resulting wear
## 9002                                                                  engines
## 9003                                                                    hulls
## 9004                                                            a battle ship
## 9005                                                            long training
## 9006                                                                 officers
## 9007                                                                      men
## 9008                                                              the results
## 9009                                                           the other hand
## 9010                                                  how excellent condition
## 9011                                                                       it
## 9012                                                                 the crew
## 9013                                                                       We
## 9014                                                   seventeen battle ships
## 9015                                                                    which
## 9016                                                           actual service
## 9017                                                        two to four years
## 9018                                                                       it
## 9019                                                       at least that time
## 9020                                                                  the men
## 9021                                                                     them
## 9022                                                                       It
## 9023                                                             vast concern
## 9024                                                                       we
## 9025                                                                    crews
## 9026                                                              the vessels
## 9027                                                                 the time
## 9028                                                                     they
## 9029                                                               Good ships
## 9030                                                                good guns
## 9031                                                             good weapons
## 9032                                                         the best weapons
## 9033                                                             useless save
## 9034                                                                the hands
## 9035                                                                      men
## 9036                                                                      who
## 9037                                                                     them
## 9038                                                                  The men
## 9039                                       a thorough and well-planned system
## 9040                                                  progressive instruction
## 9041                                                           the recruiting
## 9042                                                      still greater vigor
## 9043                                                             Every effort
## 9044                                                        the main function
## 9045                                                              the officer
## 9046                                                              the command
## 9047                                                                      men
## 9048                                                    The leading graduates
## 9049                                                        the Naval Academy
## 9050                                                   the combatant branches
## 9051                                                                 the line
## 9052                                                                  marines
## 9053                                                           the essentials
## 9054                                                                  success
## 9055                                                        the General Board
## 9056                                                                    which
## 9057                                                       the central office
## 9058                                                          a growing staff
## 9059                                                  a proper war efficiency
## 9060                                                      a proper efficiency
## 9061                                                           the whole Navy
## 9062                                                            the Secretary
## 9063                                                       This General Board
## 9064                                                             the creation
## 9065                                                          a general staff
## 9066                                                             the official
## 9067                                             then the general recognition
## 9068                                                   our altered conditions
## 9069                                                                 a Nation
## 9070                                                         the true meaning
## 9071                                                        a great war fleet
## 9072                                                                    which
## 9073                                                             the best men
## 9074                                                           the best ships
## 9075                                                 The Naval Militia forces
## 9076                                                      State organizations
## 9077                                                            coast service
## 9078                                                                    event
## 9079                                                                      war
## 9080                                                                     they
## 9081                                                           the inner line
## 9082                                                                  defense
## 9083                                                                     They
## 9084                                                     hearty encouragement
## 9085                                                   the General Government
## 9086                                                                 addition
## 9087                                                                       we
## 9088                                                 a National Naval Reserve
## 9089                                                            the direction
## 9090                                                      the Navy Department
## 9091                                                                 the call
## 9092                                                      the Chief Executive
## 9093                                                                      war
## 9094                                                                       It
## 9095                                                         a real auxiliary
## 9096                                   the naval seagoing peace establishment
## 9097                                                                 material
## 9098                                                                our ships
## 9099                                                                     time
## 9100                                                                      war
## 9101                                                                       It
## 9102                                                                graduates
## 9103                                                        the Naval Academy
## 9104                                                                graduates
## 9105                                                        the Naval Militia
## 9106                                                                 officers
## 9107                                                                    crews
## 9108                                                      coast-line steamers
## 9109                                                      longshore schooners
## 9110                                                          fishing vessels
## 9111                                                             steam yachts
## 9112                                                     the coast population
## 9113                                                             such centers
## 9114                                                                 stations
## 9115                                                             light-houses
## 9116                                                      The American people
## 9117                                                         an adequate navy
## 9118                                                              their minds
## 9119                                                     a secondary position
## 9120                                                    international affairs
## 9121                                                                       It
## 9122                                                             no surer way
## 9123                                                        national disaster
## 9124                                                                       It
## 9125                                                                 our Army
## 9126                                                         its present size
## 9127                                                                this time
## 9128                                                                       it
## 9129                                                                       it
## 9130                                                        the highest point
## 9131                                                               efficiency
## 9132                                                     The individual units
## 9133                                                                      who
## 9134                                                                 officers
## 9135                                                             enlisted men
## 9136                                                                this Army
## 9137                                                                       we
## 9138                                                              good reason
## 9139                                                                    those
## 9140                                                           any other army
## 9141                                                         the entire world
## 9142                                                                       It
## 9143                                                                 our duty
## 9144                                                           their training
## 9145                                                                   a kind
## 9146                                          the highest possible expression
## 9147                                                                    power
## 9148                                                              these units
## 9149                                                              combination
## 9150                                                           The conditions
## 9151                                                               modern war
## 9152                                             an infinitely heavier demand
## 9153                                                 the individual character
## 9154                                                                 capacity
## 9155                                                              the officer
## 9156                                                         the enlisted man
## 9157                                                                       it
## 9158                                                                      men
## 9159                                                                   effect
## 9160                                                             the fighting
## 9161                                                           extended order
## 9162                                                                    which
## 9163                                                                 each man
## 9164                                                                  himself
## 9165                                                        the same time act
## 9166                                                              combination
## 9167                                                                   others
## 9168                                                                     whom
## 9169                                                                       he
## 9170                                   the old-fashioned elbow-to-elbow touch
## 9171                                                          such conditions
## 9172                                                                a few men
## 9173                                                   the highest excellence
## 9174                                                                 many men
## 9175                                                        the special skill
## 9176                                                                    which
## 9177                                                               the result
## 9178                                                         special training
## 9179                                                                      men
## 9180                                                     exceptional physique
## 9181                                                                   morale
## 9182                                           the most valuable fighting man
## 9183                                                             the rifleman
## 9184                                                                      who
## 9185                                              a skillful and daring rider
## 9186                                                           The proportion
## 9187                                                    our cavalry regiments
## 9188                                                  The American cavalryman
## 9189                                                           equal facility
## 9190                                                                     foot
## 9191                                                                horseback
## 9192                                                            the best type
## 9193                                                                  soldier
## 9194                                                         general purposes
## 9195                                                                the world
## 9196                                                     The ideal cavalryman
## 9197                                                          the present day
## 9198                                                                    a man
## 9199                                                                      who
## 9200                                                                     foot
## 9201                                                     the best infantryman
## 9202                                                                      who
## 9203                                                                 addition
## 9204                                                                 the care
## 9205                                                               management
## 9206                                                                his horse
## 9207                                                              his ability
## 9208                                                                horseback
## 9209                                                          A general staff
## 9210                                 the present staff and supply departments
## 9211                                                                     they
## 9212                                                                  details
## 9213                                                                 the line
## 9214                                                                  the men
## 9215                                                                  a while
## 9216                                                        their line duties
## 9217                                                                       It
## 9218                                                        the senior grades
## 9219                                                                 the Army
## 9220                                                                      men
## 9221                                                                      who
## 9222                                                            the positions
## 9223                                                            the mere fact
## 9224                                                                seniority
## 9225                                                                 A system
## 9226                                                                    which
## 9227                                                     an elimination grade
## 9228                                                                    grade
## 9229                                                                    those
## 9230                                                                      who
## 9231                                                         the best service
## 9232                                                           the next grade
## 9233                                                                  Justice
## 9234                                                             the veterans
## 9235                                                            the Civil War
## 9236                                                                      who
## 9237                                                                 the Army
## 9238                                                               the matter
## 9239                                                              retirements
## 9240                                                                     they
## 9241                                                                      law
## 9242                                                      the same privileges
## 9243                                                           their comrades
## 9244                                                                 the Navy
## 9245                                                              The process
## 9246                                                              elimination
## 9247                                                            the least fit
## 9248                                                                 a manner
## 9249                                                                     that
## 9250                                                                       it
## 9251                                             political or social pressure
## 9252                                                                   behalf
## 9253                                                            any candidate
## 9254                                                                 each man
## 9255                                                           his own merits
## 9256                                                                 Pressure
## 9257                                                            the promotion
## 9258                                                          civil officials
## 9259                                                        political reasons
## 9260                                                                       it
## 9261                                                                   behalf
## 9262                                                                 officers
## 9263                                                                 the Army
## 9264                                                                     Navy
## 9265                                                          Every promotion
## 9266                                                             every detail
## 9267                                                       the War Department
## 9268                                                                   regard
## 9269                                                                 the good
## 9270                                                              the service
## 9271                                                             the capacity
## 9272                                                                    merit
## 9273                                                                  the man
## 9274                                                                  himself
## 9275                                                              No pressure
## 9276                                                                 any kind
## 9277                                                         the least effect
## 9278                                                             any question
## 9279                                                                promotion
## 9280                                                                   detail
## 9281                                                                   reason
## 9282                                                            such pressure
## 9283                                                          the instigation
## 9284                                                              the officer
## 9285                                                                       it
## 9286                                                                      him
## 9287                                                                 our Army
## 9288                                                                       we
## 9289                                                                  rewards
## 9290                                                                   duties
## 9291                                                        the simple ground
## 9292                                                                    those
## 9293                                                                      who
## 9294                                                         their own merits
## 9295                                                              the rewards
## 9296                                                                     them
## 9297                                                                    those
## 9298                                                                      who
## 9299                                                               the duties
## 9300                                                                     them
## 9301                                                             Every effort
## 9302                                                                 the Army
## 9303                                            a constantly increasing state
## 9304                                                               efficiency
## 9305                                                           actual service
## 9306                                                                  no work
## 9307                                                                     that
## 9308                                                                 the line
## 9309                                                             such service
## 9310                                                           The paper work
## 9311                                                                 the Army
## 9312                                                                 the Navy
## 9313                                                                     What
## 9314                                                             proved power
## 9315                                                                  command
## 9316                                                                 capacity
## 9317                                                                the field
## 9318                                                            Constant care
## 9319                                                                  dry rot
## 9320                            the transportation and commissary departments
## 9321                                                                 Our Army
## 9322                                                                       it
## 9323                                                      the higher officers
## 9324                                                       the lower officers
## 9325                                                         the enlisted men
## 9326                                                                 a chance
## 9327                                                               manoeuvres
## 9328                                                                     mass
## 9329                                              a comparatively large scale
## 9330                                                                     time
## 9331                                                                     need
## 9332                                                                no amount
## 9333                                                    individual excellence
## 9334                                                            the paralysis
## 9335                                                                    which
## 9336                                                                inability
## 9337                                                         a coherent whole
## 9338                                           skillful and daring leadership
## 9339                                                             The Congress
## 9340                                                                    means
## 9341                                                                       it
## 9342                                                          field exercises
## 9343                                                      at least a division
## 9344                                                                 regulars
## 9345                                              if possible also a division
## 9346                                                       national guardsmen
## 9347                                                          These exercises
## 9348                                                                 the form
## 9349                                                         field manoeuvres
## 9350                                                           the Gulf Coast
## 9351                                                              the Pacific
## 9352                                                      Atlantic Sea- board
## 9353                                                               the region
## 9354                                                          the Great Lakes
## 9355                                                           the army corps
## 9356                                                        some inland point
## 9357                                                               some point
## 9358                                                                the water
## 9359                                                                 a couple
## 9360                                                            days' journey
## 9361                                                         some other point
## 9362                                                          actual handling
## 9363                                                                      men
## 9364                                                                   masses
## 9365                                                                     they
## 9366                                                                       it
## 9367                                                      the higher officers
## 9368                                                             their duties
## 9369                                                             A great debt
## 9370                                                               the public
## 9371                                                                  the men
## 9372                                                                 the Army
## 9373                                                                     Navy
## 9374                                                                     They
## 9375                                                                     them
## 9376                                                        the highest point
## 9377                                                               efficiency
## 9378                                                                     they
## 9379                                                               any demand
## 9380                                                                     them
## 9381                                                            the interests
## 9382                                                               the Nation
## 9383                                                                the honor
## 9384                                                                 the flag
## 9385                                     The individual American enlisted man
## 9386                                           a more formidable fighting man
## 9387                                                              the regular
## 9388                                                           any other army
## 9389                                                      Every consideration
## 9390                                                                      him
## 9391                                                     the highest standard
## 9392                                                               usefulness
## 9393                                                                      him
## 9394                                                                       It
## 9395                                                             the Congress
## 9396                                                                  the pay
## 9397                                                             enlisted men
## 9398                                        second and subsequent enlistments
## 9399                                                      the increased value
## 9400                                                      the veteran soldier
## 9401                                                                  the act
## 9402                                                                 the Army
## 9403                                                         the present year
## 9404                                                  The three prime reforms
## 9405                                                                      all
## 9406                                                                     them
## 9407                                              literally inestimable value
## 9408                                                         the substitution
## 9409                                                        four-year details
## 9410                                                                 the line
## 9411                                                   permanent appointments
## 9412                                            the so-called staff divisions
## 9413                                                second, the establishment
## 9414                                                                  a corps
## 9415                                                                artillery
## 9416                                                                  a chief
## 9417                                                                 the head
## 9418                                                        the establishment
## 9419                                              a maximum and minimum limit
## 9420                                                                 the Army
## 9421                                                                       It
## 9422                                                          the improvement
## 9423                                                           the efficiency
## 9424                                                                 our Army
## 9425                                                                    which
## 9426                                                      these three reforms
## 9427                                                                     part
## 9428                                                       The reorganization
## 9429                                                                  the act
## 9430                                                  The improved conditions
## 9431                                                          the Philippines
## 9432                                                       the War Department
## 9433                                                      the military charge
## 9434                                                              our revenue
## 9435                                                               the number
## 9436                                                                 soldiers
## 9437                                                              this number
## 9438                                                              the minimum
## 9439                                                        the maximum limit
## 9440                                                                      law
## 9441                                                                     need
## 9442                                                supplementary legislation
## 9443                                              Thorough military education
## 9444                                                                 addition
## 9445                                                             the regulars
## 9446                                                           the advantages
## 9447                                                           this education
## 9448                                                             the officers
## 9449                                                       the National Guard
## 9450                                                                   others
## 9451                                                               civil life
## 9452                                                                      who
## 9453                                                               themselves
## 9454                                                   possible military duty
## 9455                                                             The officers
## 9456                                                               the chance
## 9457                                                               themselves
## 9458                                                                    study
## 9459                                                      the higher branches
## 9460                                                                 this art
## 9461                                                               West Point
## 9462                                                            the education
## 9463                                                                 the kind
## 9464                                                                      men
## 9465                                                                      who
## 9466                                                     actual field service
## 9467                                                          too much stress
## 9468                                                              mathematics
## 9469                                                                the right
## 9470                                                                    entry
## 9471                                                          a corps d'elite
## 9472                                             The typical American officer
## 9473                                                            the best kind
## 9474                                                     a good mathematician
## 9475                                                                       he
## 9476                                                                  himself
## 9477                                                                   others
## 9478                                                                 boldness
## 9479                                                                fertility
## 9480                                                                 resource
## 9481                                                          every emergency
## 9482                                                                   Action
## 9483                                                                reference
## 9484                                                              the militia
## 9485                                                              the raising
## 9486                                                         volunteer forces
## 9487                                                          Our militia law
## 9488                                                         The organization
## 9489                                                                 armament
## 9490                                                       the National Guard
## 9491                                                       the several States
## 9492                                                                    which
## 9493                                                                  militia
## 9494                                                       the appropriations
## 9495                                                             the Congress
## 9496                                                                    those
## 9497                                                       the regular forces
## 9498                                                          The obligations
## 9499                                                                   duties
## 9500                                                                the Guard
## 9501                                                                     time
## 9502                                                                      war
## 9503                                                                 a system
## 9504                                                                      law
## 9505                                                                    which
## 9506                                                               the method
## 9507                                                                procedure
## 9508                                                         volunteer forces
## 9509                                                                  advance
## 9510                                                                       It
## 9511                                                           the excitement
## 9512                                                                    haste
## 9513                                                            impending war
## 9514                                                                     this
## 9515                                                         the arrangements
## 9516                                                                Provision
## 9517                                        the first volunteer organizations
## 9518                                                             the training
## 9519                                                           those citizens
## 9520                                                                      who
## 9521                                                               experience
## 9522                                                                     arms
## 9523                                                            the selection
## 9524                                                                  advance
## 9525                                                             the officers
## 9526                                                                any force
## 9527                                                                    which
## 9528                                                        careful selection
## 9529                                                                 the kind
## 9530                                                             the outbreak
## 9531                                                                      war
## 9532                                                                 the Army
## 9533                                                        a mere instrument
## 9534                                                              destruction
## 9535                                                     the last three years
## 9536                                                          the Philippines
## 9537                                                                     Cuba
## 9538                                                              Puerto Rico
## 9539                                                                       it
## 9540                                                                   itself
## 9541                                                  a most potent implement
## 9542                                                           the upbuilding
## 9543                                                  a peaceful civilization
## 9544                                                        No other citizens
## 9545                                                             the Republic
## 9546                                                             the veterans
## 9547                                                            the survivors
## 9548                                                                    those
## 9549                                                                      who
## 9550                                                                the Union
## 9551                                                                     They
## 9552                                                             the one deed
## 9553                                                                    which
## 9554                                                              our history
## 9555                                                                  nothing
## 9556                                                  their steadfast prowess
## 9557                                                      the greatest crisis
## 9558                                                              our history
## 9559                                                           all our annals
## 9560                                                     our great experiment
## 9561                                                          popular freedom
## 9562                                                          self-government
## 9563                                                         a gloomy failure
## 9564                                                                     they
## 9565                                                                       us
## 9566                                                          a united Nation
## 9567                                                                     they
## 9568                                                                       us
## 9569                                                               a heritage
## 9570                                                               the memory
## 9571                                                         the mighty deeds
## 9572                                                                    which
## 9573                                                               the Nation
## 9574                                                                       We
## 9575                                                               one Nation
## 9576                                                                     fact
## 9577                                                                     name
## 9578                                                                       we
## 9579                                                             our devotion
## 9580                                                                 the flag
## 9581                                                                    which
## 9582                                                               the symbol
## 9583                                                       national greatness
## 9584                                                                    unity
## 9585                                                    the very completeness
## 9586                                                                our union
## 9587                                                                       us
## 9588                                                                      all
## 9589                                                               every part
## 9590                                                              the country
## 9591                                                                    glory
## 9592                                                                the valor
## 9593                                                                 the sons
## 9594                                                                the North
## 9595                                                                 the sons
## 9596                                                                the South
## 9597                                                                the times
## 9598                                                                     that
## 9599                                                              men's souls
## 9600                                                                  The men
## 9601                                                                      who
## 9602                                                     the last three years
## 9603                                                                 the East
## 9604                                                          the West Indies
## 9605                                                             the mainland
## 9606                                                                     Asia
## 9607                                                         this remembrance
## 9608                                                       any serious crisis
## 9609                                                        the United States
## 9610                                                           the great mass
## 9611                                                         its fighting men
## 9612                                                   the volunteer soldiery
## 9613                                                                      who
## 9614                                                   a permanent profession
## 9615                                                      the military career
## 9616                                                            such a crisis
## 9617                                                   the deathless memories
## 9618                                                            the Civil War
## 9619                                                                Americans
## 9620                                                                 the lift
## 9621                                                            lofty purpose
## 9622                                                                    which
## 9623                                                                    those
## 9624                                                            whose fathers
## 9625                                                            the forefront
## 9626                                                               the battle
## 9627                                                         The merit system
## 9628                                                             appointments
## 9629                                                              its essence
## 9630                                                 the common school system
## 9631                                                                   itself
## 9632                                                                       It
## 9633                                             clerical and other positions
## 9634                                                               the duties
## 9635                                                           all applicants
## 9636                                                             a fair field
## 9637                                                                 no favor
## 9638                                                                     each
## 9639                                                               his merits
## 9640                                                                       he
## 9641                                                                     them
## 9642                                                           practical test
## 9643                                         Written competitive examinations
## 9644                                                 the only available means
## 9645                                                               many cases
## 9646                                                              this system
## 9647                                                              other cases
## 9648                                                                 laborers
## 9649                                                                 a system
## 9650                                                             registration
## 9651                                                                   course
## 9652                                                                   places
## 9653                                      the written competitive examination
## 9654                                                                   others
## 9655                                                                       it
## 9656                                                                 no means
## 9657                                                        an ideal solution
## 9658                                            existing political conditions
## 9659                                                                       it
## 9660                                                             an imperfect
## 9661                                                   the best present means
## 9662                                                     satisfactory results
## 9663                                                           the conditions
## 9664                                                          the application
## 9665                                                         the merit system
## 9666                                             its fullest and widest sense
## 9667                                                                 the gain
## 9668                                                           the Government
## 9669                             The navy-yards and postal service illustrate
## 9670                                                       any other branches
## 9671                                                           the Government
## 9672                                                           the great gain
## 9673                                                                  economy
## 9674                                                               efficiency
## 9675                                                                  honesty
## 9676                                                          the enforcement
## 9677                                                           this principle
## 9678                                                                        I
## 9679                                                              the passage
## 9680                                                                    a law
## 9681                                                                    which
## 9682                                                   the classified service
## 9683                                                             the District
## 9684                                                                 Columbia
## 9685                                                            the President
## 9686                                                                       it
## 9687                                                              my judgment
## 9688                                                                 all laws
## 9689                                                 the temporary employment
## 9690                                                                   clerks
## 9691                                                              a provision
## 9692                                                                     they
## 9693                                                    the Civil Service Law
## 9694                                                                       It
## 9695                                                              this system
## 9696                                                                     home
## 9697                                                                       it
## 9698                                                                       it
## 9699                                                  our insular possessions
## 9700                                                            Not an office
## 9701                                                          the Philippines
## 9702                                                              Puerto Rico
## 9703                                                               any regard
## 9704                                          the man's partisan affiliations
## 9705                                                                 services
## 9706                                                               any regard
## 9707                             the political, social, or personal influence
## 9708                                                                    which
## 9709                                                                       he
## 9710                                                              his command
## 9711                                                                     heed
## 9712                                                       absolutely nothing
## 9713                                                  the man's own character
## 9714                                                                 capacity
## 9715                                                                the needs
## 9716                                                              the service
## 9717                                                       The administration
## 9718                                                            these islands
## 9719                                                            the suspicion
## 9720                                                        partisan politics
## 9721                                                       the administration
## 9722                                                                 the Army
## 9723                                                                     Navy
## 9724                                                                      All
## 9725                                                                     that
## 9726                                                                       we
## 9727                                                       the public servant
## 9728                                                          the Philippines
## 9729                                                              Puerto Rico
## 9730                                                                       he
## 9731                                                                    honor
## 9732                                                              his country
## 9733                                                                  the way
## 9734                                                                    which
## 9735                                                                       he
## 9736                                                      that country's rule
## 9737                                                              the peoples
## 9738                                                                      who
## 9739                                                                       it
## 9740                                                                     This
## 9741                                                                      all
## 9742                                                                     that
## 9743                                                                       we
## 9744                                                                       we
## 9745                                                         The merit system
## 9746                                                               one method
## 9747                                      honest and efficient administration
## 9748                                                           the Government
## 9749                                                             the long run
## 9750                                                   the sole justification
## 9751                                                                 any type
## 9752                                                               government
## 9753                                                              its proving
## 9754                                                                   itself
## 9755                                                     The consular service
## 9756                                                           the provisions
## 9757                                                                    a law
## 9758                                                                    which
## 9759                                                      existing conditions
## 9760                                                             The interest
## 9761                                                so many commercial bodies
## 9762                                                              the country
## 9763                                                       the reorganization
## 9764                                                              the service
## 9765                                                           your attention
## 9766                                                            Several bills
## 9767                                                   a new consular service
## 9768                                                             recent years
## 9769                                                             the Congress
## 9770                                                                     They
## 9771                                                       the just principle
## 9772                                                             appointments
## 9773                                                              the service
## 9774                                                         a practical test
## 9775                                                  the applicant's fitness
## 9776                                                               promotions
## 9777                                                          trustworthiness
## 9778                                                             adaptability
## 9779                                                                     zeal
## 9780                                                          the performance
## 9781                                                                     duty
## 9782                                                               the tenure
## 9783                                                                   office
## 9784                                                  partisan considerations
## 9785                                                         The guardianship
## 9786                                                         foreign commerce
## 9787                                                           the protection
## 9788                                                        American citizens
## 9789                                                        foreign countries
## 9790                                                           lawful pursuit
## 9791                                                            their affairs
## 9792                                                          the maintenance
## 9793                                                              the dignity
## 9794                                                               the nation
## 9795                                                                       it
## 9796                                                              our consuls
## 9797                                                                      men
## 9798                                                                character
## 9799                                                                knowledge
## 9800                                                               enterprise
## 9801                                                                       It
## 9802                                                              the service
## 9803                                                               a standard
## 9804                                                               excellence
## 9805                                                           the principles
## 9806                                                                the bills
## 9807                                                             the Congress
## 9808                                                             this subject
## 9809                                                                      law
## 9810                                                              my judgment
## 9811                                                                 the time
## 9812                                                                       we
## 9813                                                                our minds
## 9814                                                               the Indian
## 9815                                                            an individual
## 9816                                                                 a member
## 9817                                                                  a tribe
## 9818                                                The General Allotment Act
## 9819                                              a mighty pulverizing engine
## 9820                                                          the tribal mass
## 9821                                                                       It
## 9822                                                               the family
## 9823                                                           the individual
## 9824                                                           its provisions
## 9825                                              some sixty thousand Indians
## 9826                                                                 citizens
## 9827                                                        the United States
## 9828                                                                       We
## 9829                                                         the tribal funds
## 9830                                                                     them
## 9831                                                           what allotment
## 9832                                                         the tribal lands
## 9833                                                                     they
## 9834                                                      individual holdings
## 9835                                                      a transition period
## 9836                                                                    which
## 9837                                                                the funds
## 9838                                                               many cases
## 9839                                                                    trust
## 9840                                                                     This
## 9841                                                                 the case
## 9842                                                                the lands
## 9843                                                                   A stop
## 9844                                            the indiscriminate permission
## 9845                                                                  Indians
## 9846                                                         their allotments
## 9847                                                               The effort
## 9848                                                          the Indian work
## 9849                                                            any other man
## 9850                                                           his own ground
## 9851                                                        The marriage laws
## 9852                                                              the Indians
## 9853                                                                    those
## 9854                                                               the whites
## 9855                                                              the schools
## 9856                                                            the education
## 9857                                                                 The need
## 9858                                                         higher education
## 9859                                                              the Indians
## 9860                                                    the reservations care
## 9861                                                             the teaching
## 9862                                                                the needs
## 9863                                                    the particular Indian
## 9864                                                                   no use
## 9865                                                              agriculture
## 9866                                                                a country
## 9867                                                           cattle raising
## 9868                                                               the Indian
## 9869                                                           a stock grower
## 9870                                                        The ration system
## 9871                                                                    which
## 9872                                                   the reservation system
## 9873                                                              the Indians
## 9874                                                                       It
## 9875                                                                pauperism
## 9876                                                                 industry
## 9877                                                                       It
## 9878                                                     an effectual barrier
## 9879                                                                       It
## 9880                                                 a greater or less degree
## 9881                                                                   tribes
## 9882                                                             reservations
## 9883                                                               everything
## 9884                                                               The Indian
## 9885                                                            an individual
## 9886                                                            the white man
## 9887                                                               the change
## 9888                                                                treatment
## 9889                                                     inevitable hardships
## 9890                                                             every effort
## 9891                                                          these hardships
## 9892                                                                       we
## 9893                                                                     them
## 9894                                                               the change
## 9895                                                   a continuous reduction
## 9896                                                               the number
## 9897                                                                 agencies
## 9898                                                     the aboriginal races
## 9899                                                               few things
## 9900                                                                     them
## 9901                              the terrible physical and moral degradation
## 9902                                                       the liquor traffic
## 9903                                                                       We
## 9904                                                                      all
## 9905                                                                       we
## 9906                                                    our own Indian tribes
## 9907                                                                this evil
## 9908                                                  international agreement
## 9909                                                            this same end
## 9910                                                                    races
## 9911                                                                       we
## 9912                                                        exclusive control
## 9913                                                             every effort
## 9914                                                                       it
## 9915                                                                        I
## 9916                                                 the most cordial support
## 9917                                                             the Congress
## 9918                                                               the people
## 9919                                                 the St. Louis Exposition
## 9920                                            the One Hundredth Anniversary
## 9921                                                   the Louisiana Purchase
## 9922                                                            This purchase
## 9923                                                    the greatest instance
## 9924                                                                expansion
## 9925                                                              our history
## 9926                                                                       It
## 9927                                                                       we
## 9928                                             a great continental republic
## 9929                                                       the foremost power
## 9930                                                   the Western Hemisphere
## 9931                                                                       It
## 9932                                            three or four great landmarks
## 9933                                                              our history
## 9934                                                 the great turning points
## 9935                                                          our development
## 9936                                                                       It
## 9937                                                           all our people
## 9938                                                      heartiest good will
## 9939                                                                       it
## 9940                                                             the citizens
## 9941                                                                St. Louis
## 9942                                                                 Missouri
## 9943                                                  all the adjacent region
## 9944                                                                every aid
## 9945                                                          the celebration
## 9946                                                               our annals
## 9947                                                                       We
## 9948                                                          foreign nations
## 9949                                                        the deep interest
## 9950                                                              our country
## 9951                                                          this Exposition
## 9952                                                           its importance
## 9953                                                         every standpoint
## 9954                                                                     they
## 9955                                                              its success
## 9956                                                  The National Government
## 9957                                                  a full and complete set
## 9958                                                                 exhibits
## 9959                                                               The people
## 9960                                                               Charleston
## 9961                                                             great energy
## 9962                                                             civic spirit
## 9963                                                            an Exposition
## 9964                                                                    which
## 9965                                                      the present session
## 9966                                                             the Congress
## 9967                                                                        I
## 9968                                                          this Exposition
## 9969                                                            the good will
## 9970                                                               the people
## 9971                                                                       It
## 9972                                                    all the encouragement
## 9973                                                                     that
## 9974                                                                       it
## 9975                                                             The managers
## 9976                                                the Charleston Exposition
## 9977                                                     the Cabinet officers
## 9978                                                  the Government exhibits
## 9979                                                                    which
## 9980                                                                  Buffalo
## 9981                                                   the necessary expenses
## 9982                                                                        I
## 9983                                                       the responsibility
## 9984                                                                     this
## 9985                                                                        I
## 9986                                                                       it
## 9987                                                               Charleston
## 9988                                                                      her
## 9989                                                  her praiseworthy effort
## 9990                                                               my opinion
## 9991                                                           the management
## 9992                                                       all these expenses
## 9993                                                                        I
## 9994                                                             the Congress
## 9995                                                            the small sum
## 9996                                                             this purpose
## 9997                                              The Pan-American Exposition
## 9998                                                                  Buffalo
## 9999                                                  the artistic standpoint
## 10000                                                         this Exposition
## 10001                                                           a high degree
## 10002                                                                 Buffalo
## 10003                                                       the United States
## 10004                                                    The terrible tragedy
## 10005                                           the President's assassination
## 10006                                                                     its
## 10007                                                     a financial success
## 10008                                                          The Exposition
## 10009                                                                 harmony
## 10010                                                               the trend
## 10011                                                       our public policy
## 10012                                                                      it
## 10013                                                               an effort
## 10014                                                            closer touch
## 10015                                                         all the peoples
## 10016                                                  the Western Hemisphere
## 10017                                                                    them
## 10018                                                     an increasing sense
## 10019                                                                   unity
## 10020                                                          Such an effort
## 10021                                                       a genuine service
## 10022                                              the entire American public
## 10023                                                         The advancement
## 10024                                                   the highest interests
## 10025                                                        national science
## 10026                                                                learning
## 10027                                                             the custody
## 10028                                                                 objects
## 10029                                                                     art
## 10030                                                    the valuable results
## 10031                                                  scientific expeditions
## 10032                                                       the United States
## 10033                                             the Smithsonian Institution
## 10034                                                             furtherance
## 10035                                                    its declared purpose
## 10036                                                           the "increase
## 10037                                                               diffusion
## 10038                                                               knowledge
## 10039                                                                     men
## 10040                                                                Congress
## 10041                                                                    time
## 10042                                                                    time
## 10043                                                                      it
## 10044                                               other important functions
## 10045                                                             Such trusts
## 10046                                                         the Institution
## 10047                                                        notable fidelity
## 10048                                                                 no halt
## 10049                                                                the work
## 10050                                                         the Institution
## 10051                                                              accordance
## 10052                                                               the plans
## 10053                                                                   which
## 10054                                                           its Secretary
## 10055                                                        the preservation
## 10056                                                     the vanishing races
## 10057                                            great North American animals
## 10058                                            the National Zoological Park
## 10059                                                        The urgent needs
## 10060                                                     the National Museum
## 10061                                             the favorable consideration
## 10062                                                            the Congress
## 10063                    Perhaps the most characteristic educational movement
## 10064                                                    the past fifty years
## 10065                                                                    that
## 10066                                                                   which
## 10067                                               the modern public library
## 10068                                                                      it
## 10069                                                broad and active service
## 10070                                     over five thousand public libraries
## 10071                                                       the United States
## 10072                                                             the product
## 10073                                                             this period
## 10074                                                                addition
## 10075                                                                material
## 10076                                                                    they
## 10077                                                            organization
## 10078                                                             improvement
## 10079                                                                  method
## 10080                                                                      co
## 10081                                                                       -
## 10082                                                               operation
## 10083                                                      greater efficiency
## 10084                                                            the material
## 10085                                                                    they
## 10086                                                                      it
## 10087                                                               avoidance
## 10088                                                 unnecessary duplication
## 10089                                                                 process
## 10090                                                                the cost
## 10091                                                      its administration
## 10092                                                           these efforts
## 10093                                                                    they
## 10094                                                              assistance
## 10095                                                     the Federal library
## 10096                                                                   which
## 10097                                                       still the Library
## 10098                                                                Congress
## 10099                                                the one national library
## 10100                                                       the United States
## 10101                                                                   books
## 10102                                                  the Western Hemisphere
## 10103                                                                purchase
## 10104                                                                exchange
## 10105                                                           the operation
## 10106                                                       the copyright law
## 10107                                                            this library
## 10108                                                    a unique opportunity
## 10109                                                           the libraries
## 10110                                                            this country
## 10111                                                    American scholarship
## 10112                                                                 service
## 10113                                                  the highest importance
## 10114                                                                      It
## 10115                                                              a building
## 10116                                                                   which
## 10117                                                            library uses
## 10118                                                               Resources
## 10119                                                                   which
## 10120                                                          the collection
## 10121                                                                      it
## 10122                                                           the apparatus
## 10123                                                                 service
## 10124                                                       its effective use
## 10125                                                  its bibliographic work
## 10126                                                                      it
## 10127                                                         merely a center
## 10128                                                                research
## 10129                                                        the chief factor
## 10130                                              great co-operative efforts
## 10131                                                           the diffusion
## 10132                                                               knowledge
## 10133                                                         the advancement
## 10134                                                                the sake
## 10135                                                     good administration
## 10136                                                           sound economy
## 10137                                                         the advancement
## 10138                                                                 science
## 10139                                                       the Census Office
## 10140                                           a permanent Government bureau
## 10141                                                                    This
## 10142                             better, cheaper, and more satisfactory work
## 10143                                                            the interest
## 10144                                                            our business
## 10145                                 statistic, economic, and social science
## 10146                                                   The remarkable growth
## 10147                                                      the postal service
## 10148                                                                the fact
## 10149                                                            its revenues
## 10150                                                        its expenditures
## 10151                                                            twelve years
## 10152                                             Its progressive development
## 10153                                                                  outlay
## 10154                                                             this period
## 10155                                                         business energy
## 10156                                                              prosperity
## 10157                                                            its receipts
## 10158                                                            its expenses
## 10159                                                      the annual deficit
## 10160                                                             the success
## 10161                                                     rural free delivery
## 10162                                                       actual experience
## 10163                                                            its benefits
## 10164                                                              the demand
## 10165                                                           its extension
## 10166                                                                      It
## 10167                                       the great agricultural population
## 10168                                                         the improvement
## 10169                                                             the service
## 10170                                                              The number
## 10171                                                            rural routes
## 10172                                                               operation
## 10173                                                         practically all
## 10174                                                             three years
## 10175                                                      6,000 applications
## 10176                                                                  action
## 10177                                                                      It
## 10178                                                              the number
## 10179                                                               operation
## 10180                                                               the close
## 10181                                                 the current fiscal year
## 10182                                                                The mail
## 10183                                                               the doors
## 10184                                                              our people
## 10185                                                                     who
## 10186                                                         distant offices
## 10187                                                               one-third
## 10188                                                        all that portion
## 10189                                                             the country
## 10190                                                                   which
## 10191                                                                      it
## 10192                                                               this kind
## 10193                                                                 service
## 10194                                                        The full measure
## 10195                                                         postal progress
## 10196                                                                   which
## 10197                                                        the heavy burden
## 10198                                                          the Government
## 10199                               the intrenched and well-understood abuses
## 10200                                                                   which
## 10201                                                              connection
## 10202                                                second-class mail matter
## 10203                                                              The extent
## 10204                                                             this burden
## 10205                                                                      it
## 10206                                                 the second-class matter
## 10207                                                     nearly three-fifths
## 10208                                                              the weight
## 10209                                                            all the mail
## 10210                                                                      it
## 10211                                                    the last fiscal year
## 10212                                            the aggregate postal revenue
## 10213                                                          the pound rate
## 10214                                                                 postage
## 10215                                                                   which
## 10216                                                          the large loss
## 10217                                                                   which
## 10218                                                            the Congress
## 10219                                                             the purpose
## 10220                                                       the dissemination
## 10221                                                      public information
## 10222                                               the legitimate newspapers
## 10223                                                             periodicals
## 10224                                                                 the law
## 10225                                                       no just exception
## 10226                                                            That expense
## 10227                                        the recognized and accepted cost
## 10228                                                 a liberal public policy
## 10229                                                       a justifiable end
## 10230                                                              the matter
## 10231                                                                   which
## 10232                                                     the privileged rate
## 10233                                                              the intent
## 10234                                                                 the law
## 10235                                                               admission
## 10236                                                              an evasion
## 10237                                                             its require
## 10238                                                                  merits
## 10239                                                        lax construction
## 10240                                                          The proportion
## 10241                                            such wrongly included matter
## 10242                                                          postal experts
## 10243                                                                one-half
## 10244                                                        the whole volume
## 10245                                                       second-class mail
## 10246                                                                      it
## 10247                                                          only one-third
## 10248                                                             one-quarter
## 10249                                                           the magnitude
## 10250                                                              the burden
## 10251                                              The Post-Office Department
## 10252                                                              the abuses
## 10253                                                  a stricter application
## 10254                                                                 the law
## 10255                                                                      it
## 10256                                                              its effort
## 10257                                                        the rapid growth
## 10258                                                               our power
## 10259                                                           our interests
## 10260                                                             the Pacific
## 10261                                                                whatever
## 10262                                                                   China
## 10263                                            the keenest national concern
## 10264                                                                      us
## 10265                                                       The general terms
## 10266                                                          the settlement
## 10267                                                           the questions
## 10268                                               the antiforeign uprisings
## 10269                                                                   China
## 10270                                                            a joint note
## 10271                                                                   China
## 10272                                                     the representatives
## 10273                                                      the injured powers
## 10274                                                                December
## 10275                                                  the Chinese Government
## 10276                                                  protracted conferences
## 10277                                                   the plenipotentiaries
## 10278                                                      the several powers
## 10279                                                        a final protocol
## 10280                                           the Chinese plenipotentiaries
## 10281                                                                 the 7th
## 10282                                                          last September
## 10283                                                            the measures
## 10284                                                                   China
## 10285                                                              compliance
## 10286                                                             the demands
## 10287                                                          the joint note
## 10288                                            their satisfaction therewith
## 10289                                                                      It
## 10290                                                            the Congress
## 10291                                                                a report
## 10292                                                     the plenipotentiary
## 10293                                                                  behalf
## 10294                                                       the United States
## 10295                                                                    whom
## 10296                                                             high praise
## 10297                                                                the tact
## 10298                                                           good judgment
## 10299                                                                  energy
## 10300                                                                      he
## 10301                            an exceptionally difficult and delicate task
## 10302                                                           The agreement
## 10303                                                                disposes
## 10304                                                                a manner
## 10305                                                              the powers
## 10306                                                     the various grounds
## 10307                                                               complaint
## 10308                                                 better future relations
## 10309                                                                   China
## 10310                                                              the powers
## 10311                                                              Reparation
## 10312                                                                   China
## 10313                                                              the murder
## 10314                                                              foreigners
## 10315                                                            the uprising
## 10316                                                              punishment
## 10317                                                           the officials
## 10318                                                                    rank
## 10319                                                            the outbreak
## 10320                                                   Official examinations
## 10321                                                                a period
## 10322                                                              five years
## 10323                                                              all cities
## 10324                                                                   which
## 10325                                                              foreigners
## 10326                                                                  edicts
## 10327                                                           all officials
## 10328                                                       the future safety
## 10329                                                              foreigners
## 10330                                                         the suppression
## 10331                                                                violence
## 10332                                                                    them
## 10333                                                              Provisions
## 10334                                                       the future safety
## 10335                                             the foreign representatives
## 10336                                                                  Peking
## 10337                                                     their exclusive use
## 10338                                                               a quarter
## 10339                                                                the city
## 10340                                                                   which
## 10341                                                              the powers
## 10342                                                                   which
## 10343                                                                    they
## 10344                                               permanent military guards
## 10345                                                      the military works
## 10346                                                             the capital
## 10347                                                                 the sea
## 10348                                               the temporary maintenance
## 10349                                                  foreign military posts
## 10350                                                               this line
## 10351                                                                An edict
## 10352                                                             the Emperor
## 10353                                                                   China
## 10354                                                               two years
## 10355                                                         the importation
## 10356                                                                    arms
## 10357                                                              ammunition
## 10358                                                                   China
## 10359                                                                   China
## 10360                                                    adequate indemnities
## 10361                                                              the states
## 10362                                                               societies
## 10363                                                             individuals
## 10364                                                              the losses
## 10365                                                                    them
## 10366                                                            the expenses
## 10367                                                the military expeditions
## 10368                                                      the various powers
## 10369                                                                    life
## 10370                                                                   order
## 10371                                                          the provisions
## 10372                                                          the joint note
## 10373                                                                December
## 10374                                                                   China
## 10375                                                            the treaties
## 10376                                                                commerce
## 10377                                                              navigation
## 10378                                                        such other steps
## 10379                                                             the purpose
## 10380                                                           foreign trade
## 10381                                                      the foreign powers
## 10382                                                  The Chinese Government
## 10383                                                                the work
## 10384                                                               the water
## 10385                                                                Shanghai
## 10386                                                                Tientsin
## 10387                                                             the centers
## 10388                                                           foreign trade
## 10389                                              central and northern China
## 10390                                      an international conservancy board
## 10391                                                                   which
## 10392                                                  the Chinese Government
## 10393                                                         the improvement
## 10394                                                      the Shanghai River
## 10395                                                             the control
## 10396                                                          its navigation
## 10397                                                           the same line
## 10398                                                   commercial advantages
## 10399                                                              a revision
## 10400                                                      the present tariff
## 10401                                                                 imports
## 10402                                                             the purpose
## 10403                                                       ad valorem duties
## 10404                                                               an expert
## 10405                                                                the part
## 10406                                                       the United States
## 10407                                                               this work
## 10408                                                                  A list
## 10409                                                                articles
## 10410                                                                    duty
## 10411                                                                   flour
## 10412                                                                 cereals
## 10413                                                                    rice
## 10414                                                                    gold
## 10415                                                                    coin
## 10416                                                                 bullion
## 10417                                                          the settlement
## 10418                                                          these troubles
## 10419                                                          our Government
## 10420                                                              moderation
## 10421                                                           an adjustment
## 10422                                                                   which
## 10423                                                             the welfare
## 10424                                                                   China
## 10425                                           a more beneficial intercourse
## 10426                                                              the Empire
## 10427                                                        the modern world
## 10428                                                     the critical period
## 10429                                                                  revolt
## 10430                                                                massacre
## 10431                                                                      we
## 10432                                                          our full share
## 10433                                                      safe-guarding life
## 10434                                                                property
## 10435                                                   the national interest
## 10436                                                                   honor
## 10437                                                                      It
## 10438                                                                      us
## 10439                                                             these paths
## 10440                                                                    what
## 10441                                                               our power
## 10442                                                                feelings
## 10443                                                               good will
## 10444                                                               no effort
## 10445                                                        the great policy
## 10446                                               full and fair intercourse
## 10447                                                                   China
## 10448                                                             the nations
## 10449                                                               a footing
## 10450                                                            equal rights
## 10451                                                              advantages
## 10452                                                                     all
## 10453                                                                      We
## 10454                                                          the "open door
## 10455                                                                     all
## 10456                                                                    that
## 10457                                                                      it
## 10458                                              not merely the procurement
## 10459                                       enlarged commercial opportunities
## 10460                                                              the coasts
## 10461                                                                  access
## 10462                                                            the interior
## 10463                                                           the waterways
## 10464                                                                   which
## 10465                                                                   China
## 10466                                                              the people
## 10467                                                                   China
## 10468                                         peaceful and friendly community
## 10469                                                                   trade
## 10470                                                         all the peoples
## 10471                                                               the earth
## 10472                                                                the work
## 10473                                                                fruition
## 10474                                                          the attainment
## 10475                                                            this purpose
## 10476                                                                      we
## 10477                                                                  parity
## 10478                                                               treatment
## 10479                                                         the conventions
## 10480                                                              the Empire
## 10481                                                               our trade
## 10482                                                            our citizens
## 10483                                                                   those
## 10484                                                        all other powers
## 10485                                                                      We
## 10486                                                         lively interest
## 10487                                                              keen hopes
## 10488                                                      beneficial results
## 10489                                                         the proceedings
## 10490                                               the Pan-American Congress
## 10491                                                          the invitation
## 10492                                                                  Mexico
## 10493                                                     the Mexican capital
## 10494                                                           The delegates
## 10495                                                       the United States
## 10496                                           the most liberal instructions
## 10497                                                        their colleagues
## 10498                                                             all matters
## 10499                                                               advantage
## 10500                                                        the great family
## 10501                                                  American commonwealths
## 10502                                                         their relations
## 10503                                                              themselves
## 10504                                              their domestic advancement
## 10505                                                       their intercourse
## 10506                                                               the world
## 10507                                                          My predecessor
## 10508                                                            the Congress
## 10509                                                                the fact
## 10510                                             the Weil and La Abra awards
## 10511                                                                  Mexico
## 10512                                                      the highest courts
## 10513                                                             our country
## 10514                                                                   fraud
## 10515                                                                the part
## 10516                                                           the claimants
## 10517                                                              accordance
## 10518                                                                the acts
## 10519                                                            the Congress
## 10520                                                               the money
## 10521                                                               the hands
## 10522                                                           the Secretary
## 10523                                                                   State
## 10524                                                            these awards
## 10525                                                                  Mexico
## 10526                                                  A considerable portion
## 10527                                                               the money
## 10528                                                                  Mexico
## 10529                                                            these awards
## 10530                                                         this Government
## 10531                                                           the claimants
## 10532                                                            the decision
## 10533                                                              the courts
## 10534                                                             My judgment
## 10535                                                            the Congress
## 10536                                                                  Mexico
## 10537                                                               an amount
## 10538                                                                the sums
## 10539                                                           the claimants
## 10540                                                               The death
## 10541                                                          Queen Victoria
## 10542                                                              the people
## 10543                                                       the United States
## 10544                                                                   which
## 10545                                                          the Government
## 10546                                                      President McKinley
## 10547                                                              our Nation
## 10548                                                                    turn
## 10549                                                           every quarter
## 10550                                          the British Empire expressions
## 10551                                                                   grief
## 10552                                                                sympathy
## 10553                                                               The death
## 10554                                           the Empress Dowager Frederick
## 10555                                                                 Germany
## 10556                                                    the genuine sympathy
## 10557                                                     the American people
## 10558                                                           this sympathy
## 10559                                                                 Germany
## 10560                                                           the President
## 10561                                                           every quarter
## 10562                                                     the civilized world
## 10563                                                                      we
## 10564                                                                the time
## 10565                                                   the President's death
## 10566                                                              such grief
## 10567                                                                  regard
## 10568                                                              the hearts
## 10569                                                              our people
## 10570                                                               the midst
## 10571                                                          our affliction
## 10572                                                                      we
## 10573                                                            the Almighty
## 10574                                                                      we
## 10575                                                                   peace
## 10576                                                             the nations
## 10577                                                                 mankind
## 10578                                                                      we
## 10579                                                              our policy
## 10580                                           these international relations
## 10581                                                          mutual respect
## 10582                                                               good will
## 10583                                                      THEODORE ROOSEVELT
## 10584                                                              the Senate
## 10585                                                                   House
## 10586                                                         Representatives
## 10587                                                                      We
## 10588                                                                a period
## 10589                                                    unbounded prosperity
## 10590                                                         This prosperity
## 10591                                                            the creature
## 10592                                                                     law
## 10593                                                    undoubtedly the laws
## 10594                                                                   which
## 10595                                                                      we
## 10596                                                          the conditions
## 10597                                                                   which
## 10598                                                                      it
## 10599                                                      unwise legislation
## 10600                                                                      it
## 10601                                                                      it
## 10602                                                                 periods
## 10603                                                              depression
## 10604                                                                The wave
## 10605                                                                the tide
## 10606                                                             This Nation
## 10607                                                             a continent
## 10608                                                        two great oceans
## 10609                                                                      It
## 10610                                                                     men
## 10611                                                         the descendants
## 10612                                                                pioneers
## 10613                                                                 a sense
## 10614                                                              themselves
## 10615                                                                     men
## 10616                                                             the nations
## 10617                                                           the Old World
## 10618                                                              the energy
## 10619                                                                boldness
## 10620                                                                    love
## 10621                                                               adventure
## 10622                                                  their own eager hearts
## 10623                                                           Such a Nation
## 10624                                               will surely wrest success
## 10625                                                                 fortune
## 10626                                                                a people
## 10627                                                                      we
## 10628                                                            a large part
## 10629                                                               the world
## 10630                                                                      we
## 10631                                                              our future
## 10632                                                                the past
## 10633                                                              the events
## 10634                                                     the last four years
## 10635                                                                     woe
## 10636                                                                    weal
## 10637                                                               our place
## 10638                                                             the nations
## 10639                                                                      We
## 10640                                                                      we
## 10641                                                            the endeavor
## 10642                                                                   which
## 10643                                                    either great failure
## 10644                                                           great success
## 10645                                                                      we
## 10646                                                                      we
## 10647                                                            a small part
## 10648                                                                      we
## 10649                                                                     all
## 10650                                                                    that
## 10651                                                                      we
## 10652                                                            a large part
## 10653                                                                the sons
## 10654                                                                 the men
## 10655                                                           the Civil War
## 10656                                                                the sons
## 10657                                                                 the men
## 10658                                                                     who
## 10659                                                                    iron
## 10660                                                             their blood
## 10661                                                             the present
## 10662                                                                   heart
## 10663                                                                    will
## 10664                                                                    Ours
## 10665                                                               the creed
## 10666                                                            the weakling
## 10667                                                              the coward
## 10668                                                                    ours
## 10669                                                              the gospel
## 10670                                                                    hope
## 10671                                                     triumphant endeavor
## 10672                                                                      We
## 10673                                                            the struggle
## 10674                                                                      us
## 10675                                                           many problems
## 10676                                                                      us
## 10677                                                              the outset
## 10678                                                   the twentieth century
## 10679                                                          grave problems
## 10680                                                                    home
## 10681                                                                      we
## 10682                                                                      we
## 10683                                                                    them
## 10684                                                                    them
## 10685                                                                      we
## 10686                                                            the solution
## 10687                                                           the qualities
## 10688                                                                    head
## 10689                                                                   heart
## 10690                                                                   which
## 10691                                                                 the men
## 10692                                                                     who
## 10693                                                                the days
## 10694                                                              Washington
## 10695                                                         this Government
## 10696                                                                the days
## 10697                                                                 Lincoln
## 10698                                                                      it
## 10699                                                              No country
## 10700                                                          a higher plane
## 10701                                                     material well-being
## 10702                                                                    ours
## 10703                                                      the present moment
## 10704                                                         This well-being
## 10705                                          no sudden or accidental causes
## 10706                                                                the play
## 10707                                                     the economic forces
## 10708                                                            this country
## 10709                                                               a century
## 10710                                                                our laws
## 10711                                                               above all
## 10712                                             the high individual average
## 10713                                                         our citizenship
## 10714                                                          Great fortunes
## 10715                                                                   those
## 10716                                                                     who
## 10717                                                                the lead
## 10718                                  this phenomenal industrial development
## 10719                                                          these fortunes
## 10720                                                                    evil
## 10721                                                             an incident
## 10722                                                                  action
## 10723                                                                   which
## 10724                                                           the community
## 10725                                                                 a whole
## 10726                                                              well-being
## 10727                                                              our people
## 10728                                                          Great fortunes
## 10729                                                           the aggregate
## 10730                                                          these fortunes
## 10731                                                              the wealth
## 10732                                                              the people
## 10733                                                                 a whole
## 10734                                                        The plain people
## 10735                                                                    they
## 10736                                                 The insurance companies
## 10737                                                                   which
## 10738                                    practically mutual benefit societies
## 10739                                                                     men
## 10740                                                          moderate means
## 10741                                                           accumulations
## 10742                                                                 capital
## 10743                                                                   which
## 10744                                                            this country
## 10745                                                           more deposits
## 10746                                                       the savings banks
## 10747                                                             more owners
## 10748                                                                   farms
## 10749                                             more well-paid wage-workers
## 10750                                                            this country
## 10751                                                             our history
## 10752                                                          the conditions
## 10753                                                              the growth
## 10754                                                                    that
## 10755                                                                    they
## 10756                                                              the growth
## 10757                                                                    what
## 10758                                                                      It
## 10759                                                                      we
## 10760                                                               this evil
## 10761                                                                      us
## 10762                                                             a due sense
## 10763                                                              proportion
## 10764                                                                      us
## 10765                                                                our gaze
## 10766                                                         the lesser evil
## 10767                                                        the greater good
## 10768                                                               The evils
## 10769                                                                    some
## 10770                                                                    them
## 10771                                                                    they
## 10772                                                           the outgrowth
## 10773                                                                  misery
## 10774                                                               decadence
## 10775                                                              prosperity
## 10776                                                            the progress
## 10777                                     our gigantic industrial development
## 10778                                             This industrial development
## 10779                                                                    side
## 10780                                                                    side
## 10781                                                                      it
## 10782                                             such progressive regulation
## 10783                                                               the evils
## 10784                                                                      We
## 10785                                                                our duty
## 10786                                                                      we
## 10787                                                               the evils
## 10788                                                                      we
## 10789                                                                      we
## 10790                                                  practical common sense
## 10791                                                              resolution
## 10792                                                                the good
## 10793                                                              my Message
## 10794                                                    the present Congress
## 10795                                                       its first session
## 10796                                                                       I
## 10797                                                                  length
## 10798                                                            the question
## 10799                                                          the regulation
## 10800                                                  those big corporations
## 10801                                                  an interstate business
## 10802                                                           some tendency
## 10803                                                                   which
## 10804                                                                  trusts
## 10805                                                          The experience
## 10806                                                           the past year
## 10807                                                              my opinion
## 10808                                                               the steps
## 10809                                                                       I
## 10810                                                 A fundamental requisite
## 10811                                                       social efficiency
## 10812                                                         a high standard
## 10813                                                       individual energy
## 10814                                                              excellence
## 10815                                                                    this
## 10816                                                    no wise inconsistent
## 10817                                                                   power
## 10818                                                             combination
## 10819                                                                    aims
## 10820                                                                   which
## 10821                                                      A fundamental base
## 10822                                                            civilization
## 10823                                                       the inviolability
## 10824                                                                property
## 10825                                                                    this
## 10826                                                    no wise inconsistent
## 10827                                                               the right
## 10828                                                                 society
## 10829                                                            the exercise
## 10830                                                   the artificial powers
## 10831                                                                   which
## 10832                                                                      it
## 10833                                                              the owners
## 10834                                                                property
## 10835                                                                the name
## 10836                                                    corporate franchises
## 10837                                                              such a way
## 10838                                                              the misuse
## 10839                                                            these powers
## 10840                                                            Corporations
## 10841                                                 especially combinations
## 10842                                                            corporations
## 10843                                                       public regulation
## 10844                                                              Experience
## 10845                                                              our system
## 10846                                                              government
## 10847                                               the necessary supervision
## 10848                                                            State action
## 10849                                                                      It
## 10850                                                         national action
## 10851                                                                 Our aim
## 10852                                                            corporations
## 10853                                                            the contrary
## 10854                                                  these big aggregations
## 10855                                               an inevitable development
## 10856                                                    modern industrialism
## 10857                                                              the effort
## 10858                                                                    them
## 10859                                                                    ways
## 10860                                                                    that
## 10861                                                     the utmost mischief
## 10862                                                 the entire body politic
## 10863                                                                      We
## 10864                                                                 nothing
## 10865                                                                 the way
## 10866                                                      these corporations
## 10867                                                                      we
## 10868                                                               our minds
## 10869                                                                      we
## 10870                                                        the corporations
## 10871                                                                any evil
## 10872                                                                    them
## 10873                                                                      We
## 10874                                                                    them
## 10875                                                                      we
## 10876                                                                    they
## 10877                                                         the public good
## 10878                                                                      We
## 10879                                                                the line
## 10880                                                              misconduct
## 10881                                                                  wealth
## 10882                                                          The capitalist
## 10883                                                                     who
## 10884                                                             conjunction
## 10885                                                             his fellows
## 10886                                              some great industrial feat
## 10887                                                                   which
## 10888                                                                      he
## 10889                                                                   money
## 10890                                                              a welldoer
## 10891                                                         not a wrongdoer
## 10892                                                                 only he
## 10893                                             proper and legitimate lines
## 10894                                                                      We
## 10895                                                              such a man
## 10896                                                                      he
## 10897                                                                      We
## 10898                                                             his actions
## 10899                                                                     him
## 10900                                                               Publicity
## 10901                                                                 no harm
## 10902                                                  the honest corporation
## 10903                                                                      we
## 10904                                               the dishonest corporation
## 10905                                                        the combinations
## 10906                                                                 capital
## 10907                                                                   which
## 10908                                                              the public
## 10909                                                                      we
## 10910                                                   the great enterprises
## 10911                                                                   which
## 10912                                                                the cost
## 10913                                                              production
## 10914                                                               the place
## 10915                                                                   which
## 10916                                                             our country
## 10917                                                          the leadership
## 10918                                      the international industrial world
## 10919                                                                  wealth
## 10920                                                              the result
## 10921                                                       closing factories
## 10922                                                                   mines
## 10923                                                    the wage-worker idle
## 10924                                                             the streets
## 10925                                                              the farmer
## 10926                                                                a market
## 10927                                                                    what
## 10928                                                                      he
## 10929                                                              Insistence
## 10930                                              the impossible means delay
## 10931                                                          the other hand
## 10932                                                    the stubborn defense
## 10933                                                                    what
## 10934                                                                    what
## 10935                                                     the existing system
## 10936                                                     the resolute effort
## 10937                                                             any attempt
## 10938                                                              betterment
## 10939                                                               blindness
## 10940                                                      the historic truth
## 10941                                                          wise evolution
## 10942                                                      the sure safeguard
## 10943                                                              revolution
## 10944                                               No more important subject
## 10945                                                            the Congress
## 10946                                                                    this
## 10947                                                          the regulation
## 10948                                                     interstate business
## 10949                                                            This country
## 10950                                                                the plea
## 10951                                                     our peculiar system
## 10952                                                              government
## 10953                                                                      we
## 10954                                                            the presence
## 10955                                                      the new conditions
## 10956                                                                    them
## 10957                                                                whatever
## 10958                                                                    evil
## 10959                                                              connection
## 10960                                                                    them
## 10961                                                               The power
## 10962                                                            the Congress
## 10963                                                     interstate commerce
## 10964                                       an absolute and unqualified grant
## 10965                                                             limitations
## 10966                                                                   those
## 10967                                                        the Constitution
## 10968                                                            The Congress
## 10969                                                constitutional authority
## 10970                                                                all laws
## 10971                                                              this power
## 10972                                                                       I
## 10973                                                              this power
## 10974                                                         any legislation
## 10975                                                       the statute books
## 10976                                                                      It
## 10977                                                      commercial freedom
## 10978                                                               restraint
## 10979                                                       national commerce
## 10980                                                    the regulative power
## 10981                                                            the Congress
## 10982                                               a wise and reasonable law
## 10983                                         a necessary and proper exercise
## 10984                                                 Congressional authority
## 10985                                                                 the end
## 10986                                                              such evils
## 10987                                                                       I
## 10988                                                              monopolies
## 10989                                                  unjust discriminations
## 10990                                                                   which
## 10991                                                     trust organizations
## 10992                                                               practices
## 10993                                                                   which
## 10994                                                        interstate trade
## 10995                                                               the power
## 10996                                                            the Congress
## 10997                                                                commerce
## 10998                                                         foreign nations
## 10999                                                      the several States
## 11000                                                             regulations
## 11001                                                            requirements
## 11002                                                           such commerce
## 11003                                                                   those
## 11004                                                                       I
## 11005                                                            this subject
## 11006                                                       the consideration
## 11007                                                            the Congress
## 11008                                                                  a view
## 11009                                                             the passage
## 11010                                                                   a law
## 11011                                                          its provisions
## 11012                                                          its operations
## 11013                                                                   which
## 11014                                                           the questions
## 11015                                                                  doubts
## 11016                                                           the necessity
## 11017                                                constitutional amendment
## 11018                                                                      it
## 11019                                                            the purposes
## 11020                                                              such a law
## 11021                                                                      we
## 11022                                                        the Constitution
## 11023                                                            peradventure
## 11024                                                               the power
## 11025                                                            The Congress
## 11026                                                       any appropriation
## 11027                                                  the better enforcement
## 11028                                                       the antitrust law
## 11029                                                                      it
## 11030                                                          the Department
## 11031                                                                 Justice
## 11032                                                         the enforcement
## 11033                                                                this law
## 11034                                                            the Congress
## 11035                                                 a special appropriation
## 11036                                                            this purpose
## 11037                                                           the direction
## 11038                                                    the Attorney-General
## 11039                                                         One proposition
## 11040                                                           the reduction
## 11041                                                              the tariff
## 11042                                                                 a means
## 11043                                                               the evils
## 11044                                                              the trusts
## 11045                                                                   which
## 11046                                                            the category
## 11047                                                                       I
## 11048                                                                    this
## 11049                                                           the diversion
## 11050                                                             our efforts
## 11051                                                        such a direction
## 11052                                                         the abandonment
## 11053                                                 all intelligent attempt
## 11054                                                             these evils
## 11055                                                the largest corporations
## 11056                                                                   those
## 11057                                                                   which
## 11058                                                       any proper scheme
## 11059                                                              regulation
## 11060                                                    the slightest degree
## 11061                                                                a change
## 11062                                                              the tariff
## 11063                                                             such change
## 11064                                                  the general prosperity
## 11065                                                             the country
## 11066                                                       The only relation
## 11067                                                              the tariff
## 11068                                                        big corporations
## 11069                                                                 a whole
## 11070                                                              the tariff
## 11071                                                            manufactures
## 11072                                                       the tariff remedy
## 11073                                                                  effect
## 11074                                                            manufactures
## 11075                                                              the tariff
## 11076                                                      a punitive measure
## 11077                                                                  trusts
## 11078                                                                    ruin
## 11079                                                  the weaker competitors
## 11080                                                                     who
## 11081                                                                    them
## 11082                                                                 Our aim
## 11083                                                   unwise tariff changes
## 11084                                                        foreign products
## 11085                                                           the advantage
## 11086                                                       domestic products
## 11087                                                       proper regulation
## 11088                                                    domestic competition
## 11089                                                           a fair chance
## 11090                                                                this end
## 11091                                                      any tariff changes
## 11092                                                                   which
## 11093                                                all domestic competitors
## 11094                                                            The question
## 11095                                                              regulation
## 11096                                                              the trusts
## 11097                                                            the question
## 11098                                                         tariff revision
## 11099                                                               Stability
## 11100                                                         economic policy
## 11101                                                 the prime economic need
## 11102                                                            this country
## 11103                                                          This stability
## 11104                                                           fossilization
## 11105                                                             The country
## 11106                                                              the wisdom
## 11107                                         the protective-tariff principle
## 11108                                                                      It
## 11109                                                             this system
## 11110                                             violent and radical changes
## 11111                                                     Our past experience
## 11112                                                        great prosperity
## 11113                                                            this country
## 11114                                                     a protective tariff
## 11115                                                             the country
## 11116                                                   fitful tariff changes
## 11117                                                         short intervals
## 11118                                                      if the tariff laws
## 11119                                                            a whole work
## 11120                                                                business
## 11121                                                                    them
## 11122                                                                      it
## 11123                                                                  a time
## 11124                                                   slight inconveniences
## 11125                                                            inequalities
## 11126                                                          some schedules
## 11127                                                                business
## 11128                                       too quick and too radical changes
## 11129                                                                      It
## 11130                                                                      we
## 11131                                                              the tariff
## 11132                                                          the standpoint
## 11133                                                      our business needs
## 11134                                                                      It
## 11135                                                            partisanship
## 11136                                                           consideration
## 11137                                                             the subject
## 11138                                                                      it
## 11139                                                  the business interests
## 11140                                                             the country
## 11141                                                                    that
## 11142                                                           the interests
## 11143                                                              our people
## 11144                                                                 a whole
## 11145                                                these business interests
## 11146                                                                  fixity
## 11147                                                               principle
## 11148                                                              the tariff
## 11149                                                                      we
## 11150                                                                a system
## 11151                                                                   which
## 11152                                                                      us
## 11153                                                                    time
## 11154                                                                    time
## 11155                                             the necessary reapplication
## 11156                                                           the principle
## 11157                                             the shifting national needs
## 11158                                                                      We
## 11159                                                         scrupulous care
## 11160                                                       the reapplication
## 11161                                                              such a way
## 11162                                                                      it
## 11163                                                           a dislocation
## 11164                                                              our system
## 11165                                                         the mere threat
## 11166                                                                   which
## 11167                                                         the performance
## 11168                                                               paralysis
## 11169                                                   the business energies
## 11170                                                           the community
## 11171                                                 The first consideration
## 11172                                                           these changes
## 11173                                                                  course
## 11174                                                           the principle
## 11175                                                                   which
## 11176                                                 our whole tariff system
## 11177                                                           the principle
## 11178                                             American business interests
## 11179                                                         a full equality
## 11180                                                               interests
## 11181                                                       a sufficient rate
## 11182                                                                    duty
## 11183                                                          the difference
## 11184                                                          the labor cost
## 11185                                                          The well-being
## 11186                                                         the wage-worker
## 11187                                                          the well-being
## 11188                                                              the tiller
## 11189                                                                the soil
## 11190                                               our whole economic policy
## 11191                                                              any change
## 11192                                                                   which
## 11193                                                            the standard
## 11194                                                                 comfort
## 11195                                                            the standard
## 11196                                                                   wages
## 11197                                                the American wage-worker
## 11198                                                                 One way
## 11199                                                                   which
## 11200                                                        the readjustment
## 11201                                                    reciprocity treaties
## 11202                                                                      It
## 11203                                                           such treaties
## 11204                                                                    They
## 11205                                                             our markets
## 11206                                                         a greater field
## 11207                                                          the activities
## 11208                                                           our producers
## 11209                                                            the one hand
## 11210                                                          the other hand
## 11211                                                         practical shape
## 11212                                                            the lowering
## 11213                                                                  duties
## 11214                                                                    they
## 11215                                                              protection
## 11216                                                          our own people
## 11217                                                             the minimum
## 11218                                                                  damage
## 11219                                                                the sake
## 11220                                                             the maximum
## 11221                                                                      it
## 11222                                                    the pending treaties
## 11223                                                              no warrant
## 11224                                                            the endeavor
## 11225                                                                  others
## 11226                                                    the pending treaties
## 11227                                                                    they
## 11228                                                            the same end
## 11229                                                             reciprocity
## 11230                                                      direct legislation
## 11231                                                   the tariff conditions
## 11232                                                         a needed change
## 11233                                                               advantage
## 11234                                                         the application
## 11235                                                    the reciprocity idea
## 11236                                                                      it
## 11237                                                              a lowering
## 11238                                                                  duties
## 11239                                                         a given product
## 11240                                                             such change
## 11241                                               the fullest consideration
## 11242                                                       practical experts
## 11243                                                                     who
## 11244                                                             the subject
## 11245                                                   a business standpoint
## 11246                                                                    view
## 11247                                           both the particular interests
## 11248                                               the commercial well-being
## 11249                                                              the people
## 11250                                                                 a whole
## 11251                                                           The machinery
## 11252                                              such careful investigation
## 11253                                                The executive department
## 11254                                                    its disposal methods
## 11255                                                                   facts
## 11256                                                                 figures
## 11257                                                            the Congress
## 11258                                                additional consideration
## 11259                                                                    that
## 11260                                                                   which
## 11261                                                             the subject
## 11262                                                      its own committees
## 11263                                                            a commission
## 11264                                                        business experts
## 11265                                                              whose duty
## 11266                                                                      it
## 11267                                                                  action
## 11268                                                            the Congress
## 11269                                 a deliberate and scientific examination
## 11270                                                   the various schedules
## 11271                                                                    they
## 11272                                     the changed and changing conditions
## 11273                                       The unhurried and unbiased report
## 11274                                                         this commission
## 11275                                                            what changes
## 11276                                                   the various schedules
## 11277                                                           these changes
## 11278                                                    the great prosperity
## 11279                                                                   which
## 11280                                                            this country
## 11281                                               its fixed economic policy
## 11282                                                               The cases
## 11283                                                                   which
## 11284                                                              the tariff
## 11285                                                              a monopoly
## 11286                                                an inconsiderable factor
## 11287                                                            the question
## 11288                                                                  course
## 11289                                                                any case
## 11290                                                                      it
## 11291                                                            a given rate
## 11292                                                                    duty
## 11293                                                              a monopoly
## 11294                                                                   which
## 11295                                                        no protectionist
## 11296                                                          such reduction
## 11297                                                                the duty
## 11298                                                             competition
## 11299                                                             my judgment
## 11300                                                              the tariff
## 11301                                                         anthracite coal
## 11302                                                                      it
## 11303                                                           the free list
## 11304                                                                    This
## 11305                                                               no effect
## 11306                                                                  crises
## 11307                                                                  crises
## 11308                                                                      it
## 11309                                                                 service
## 11310                                                              the people
## 11311                                                          Interest rates
## 11312                                                         a potent factor
## 11313                                                       business activity
## 11314                                                                   order
## 11315                                                             these rates
## 11316                                                       the varying needs
## 11317                                                             the seasons
## 11318                                            widely separated communities
## 11319                                                          the recurrence
## 11320                                                  financial stringencies
## 11321                                                                   which
## 11322                                                     legitimate business
## 11323                                                                      it
## 11324                                                              an element
## 11325                                                              elasticity
## 11326                                                     our monetary system
## 11327                                                                   Banks
## 11328                                                    the natural servants
## 11329                                                                commerce
## 11330                                                                    them
## 11331                                                           a circulation
## 11332                                                               the needs
## 11333                                              our diversified industries
## 11334                                       our domestic and foreign commerce
## 11335                                                               the issue
## 11336                                                                    this
## 11337                                                     a sufficient supply
## 11338                                                  the business interests
## 11339                                                             the country
## 11340                                                                      It
## 11341                                                               this time
## 11342                                                    our financial system
## 11343                                                                   which
## 11344                                                              the growth
## 11345                                                               a century
## 11346                                             some additional legislation
## 11347                                                                       I
## 11348                                                        The mere outline
## 11349                                                                any plan
## 11350                                                      these requirements
## 11351                                                  the appropriate limits
## 11352                                                      this communication
## 11353                                                                      It
## 11354                                                  all future legislation
## 11355                                                             the subject
## 11356                                                                the view
## 11357                                                                 the use
## 11358                                                  such instrumentalities
## 11359                                                 every legitimate demand
## 11360                                                   productive industries
## 11361                                                                commerce
## 11362                                                              the amount
## 11363                                                           the character
## 11364                                                             circulation
## 11365                                                               all kinds
## 11366                                                                   money
## 11367                                                                the will
## 11368                                                              the holder
## 11369                                           the established gold standard
## 11370                                                                       I
## 11371                                                          your attention
## 11372                                                                the need
## 11373                                                a proper immigration law
## 11374                                                              the points
## 11375                                                              my Message
## 11376                                                                     you
## 11377                                                       the first session
## 11378                                                    the present Congress
## 11379                                                             such a bill
## 11380                                                               the House
## 11381                                                          fair treatment
## 11382                                                                   labor
## 11383                                                                 capital
## 11384                                                    the unscrupulous man
## 11385                                                                employer
## 11386                                                                employee
## 11387                                                   individual initiative
## 11388                                              the industrial development
## 11389                                                             the country
## 11390                                                               a problem
## 11391                                                      great difficulties
## 11392                                                                   which
## 11393                                                                      it
## 11394                                                  the highest importance
## 11395                                                                   lines
## 11396                                                                  sanity
## 11397                                                far-sighted common sense
## 11398                                                                devotion
## 11399                                                               the right
## 11400                                                                    This
## 11401                                                                  an era
## 11402                                                              federation
## 11403                                                             combination
## 11404                                                            business men
## 11405                                                                    they
## 11406                                                            corporations
## 11407                                                                      it
## 11408                                                     a constant tendency
## 11409                                                      these corporations
## 11410                                                                      it
## 11411                                                                     men
## 11412                                                             federations
## 11413                                                                   these
## 11414                                                       important factors
## 11415                                                  modern industrial life
## 11416                                                              Both kinds
## 11417                                                              federation
## 11418                                                                   labor
## 11419                                                   a necessary corollary
## 11420                                                                    they
## 11421                                                                    evil
## 11422                                                              Opposition
## 11423                                                               each kind
## 11424                                                            organization
## 11425                                                                the form
## 11426                                                              opposition
## 11427                                                                whatever
## 11428                                                             the conduct
## 11429                                                   any given corporation
## 11430                                                                   union
## 11431                                                                 attacks
## 11432                                                            corporations
## 11433                                                    such nor upon unions
## 11434                                                                    some
## 11435                                   the most far-reaching beneficent work
## 11436                                                              our people
## 11437                                                       both corporations
## 11438                                                                  unions
## 11439                                                                    Each
## 11440                                     arbitrary or tyrannous interference
## 11441                                                              the rights
## 11442                                                                  others
## 11443                                                       Organized capital
## 11444                                                         organized labor
## 11445                                                            the long run
## 11446                                                            the interest
## 11447                                                                    each
## 11448                                                                 harmony
## 11449                                                            the interest
## 11450                                                      the general public
## 11451                                                             the conduct
## 11452                                                                    each
## 11453                                                   the fundamental rules
## 11454                                                               obedience
## 11455                                                                 the law
## 11456                                                      individual freedom
## 11457                                                                 justice
## 11458                                                                     all
## 11459                                                                    Each
## 11460                                                                addition
## 11461                                                                   power
## 11462                                                                      it
## 11463                                                         the realization
## 11464                                     healthy, lofty, and generous ideals
## 11465                                                          Every employer
## 11466                                                       every wage-worker
## 11467                                                             his liberty
## 11468                                                               his right
## 11469                                                                      he
## 11470                                                            his property
## 11471                                                               his labor
## 11472                                                                      he
## 11473                                                              the rights
## 11474                                                                  others
## 11475                                                                      It
## 11476                                                  the highest importance
## 11477                                                                employer
## 11478                                                                employee
## 11479                                                      each the viewpoint
## 11480                                                       the sure disaster
## 11481                                                                    that
## 11482                                                            the long run
## 11483                                                 as habitual an attitude
## 11484                                                          sour hostility
## 11485                                                                distrust
## 11486                                                              Few people
## 11487                                                             the country
## 11488                                                   those representatives
## 11489                                                                    both
## 11490                                                                 capital
## 11491                                                                   labor
## 11492                                                                     who
## 11493                                                    a good understanding
## 11494                                                               this kind
## 11495                                                                  wisdom
## 11496                                               broad and kindly sympathy
## 11497                                                               employers
## 11498                                                                     all
## 11499                                                                      we
## 11500                                                                any kind
## 11501                                                         class animosity
## 11502                                                     the political world
## 11503                                                        national welfare
## 11504                                                                      We
## 11505                                                         good government
## 11506                                                               condition
## 11507                                                                      we
## 11508                                                          the principles
## 11509                                                                   which
## 11510                                                             this Nation
## 11511                                                                each man
## 11512                                                                  a part
## 11513                                                                 a class
## 11514                                                   his individual merits
## 11515                                                                     All
## 11516                                                                    that
## 11517                                                                      we
## 11518                                                                 any man
## 11519                                                                whatever
## 11520                                                               his creed
## 11521                                                          his occupation
## 11522                                                          his birthplace
## 11523                                                           his residence
## 11524                                                                      he
## 11525                                                            his neighbor
## 11526                                                             his country
## 11527                                                                      We
## 11528                                                            the rich man
## 11529                                                            the poor man
## 11530                                                                      we
## 11531                                                         the upright man
## 11532                                               the constitutional powers
## 11533                                                 the National Government
## 11534                                                           these matters
## 11535                                                general and vital moment
## 11536                                                              the Nation
## 11537                                                                    they
## 11538                                                              conformity
## 11539                                                          the principles
## 11540                                                                      It
## 11541                                                             a secretary
## 11542                                                                commerce
## 11543                                                                  a seat
## 11544                                                             the Cabinet
## 11545                                                The rapid multiplication
## 11546                                                               questions
## 11547                                                                   labor
## 11548                                                                 capital
## 11549                                                              the growth
## 11550                                                              complexity
## 11551                                                       the organizations
## 11552                                                                   which
## 11553                                                              both labor
## 11554                                                                 capital
## 11555                                                              expression
## 11556                                                     the steady tendency
## 11557                                                          the employment
## 11558                                                                 capital
## 11559                                                       huge corporations
## 11560                                                   the wonderful strides
## 11561                                                            this country
## 11562                                                              leadership
## 11563                                        the international business world
## 11564                                                        an urgent demand
## 11565                                                            the creation
## 11566                                                         such a position
## 11567                                       all the leading commercial bodies
## 11568                                                            this country
## 11569                                                            its creation
## 11570                                                                      It
## 11571                                                       some such measure
## 11572                                                                    that
## 11573                                                                   which
## 11574                                                              the Senate
## 11575                                                                     law
## 11576                                                            The creation
## 11577                                                       such a department
## 11578                                                                  itself
## 11579                                                              an advance
## 11580                                                             supervision
## 11581                                                       the whole subject
## 11582                                                  the great corporations
## 11583                                                  an interstate business
## 11584                                                                this end
## 11585                                                                    view
## 11586                                                            the Congress
## 11587                                                          the department
## 11588                                                            large powers
## 11589                                                                   which
## 11590                                                              experience
## 11591                                                                the need
## 11592                                                                       I
## 11593                                                              the Senate
## 11594                                                    a reciprocity treaty
## 11595                                                                    Cuba
## 11596                                                                     May
## 11597                                                       the United States
## 11598                                                             its promise
## 11599                                                              the island
## 11600                                                              Cuban soil
## 11601                                                                    Cuba
## 11602                                                                   those
## 11603                                                                    whom
## 11604                                                          her own people
## 11605                                                     the first officials
## 11606                                                        the new Republic
## 11607                                                                    Cuba
## 11608                                                               our doors
## 11609                                                                whatever
## 11610                                                                     her
## 11611                                                                      us
## 11612                                                              our people
## 11613                                                                    this
## 11614                                                     the Platt amendment
## 11615                                                                      we
## 11616                                                              the ground
## 11617                                                                    Cuba
## 11618                                              closer political relations
## 11619                                                                      us
## 11620                                                         any other power
## 11621                                                                 a sense
## 11622                                                                    Cuba
## 11623                                                                  a part
## 11624                                      our international political system
## 11625                                                                    This
## 11626                                                                      it
## 11627                                                                  return
## 11628                                                                     she
## 11629                                                                    some
## 11630                                                            the benefits
## 11631                                                                    part
## 11632                                                     our economic system
## 11633                                                                      It
## 11634                                                      our own standpoint
## 11635                                  a short-sighted and mischievous policy
## 11636                                                               this need
## 11637                                                                      it
## 11638                                            a mighty and generous nation
## 11639                                                                  itself
## 11640                               the greatest and most successful republic
## 11641                                                                 history
## 11642                                                          a helping hand
## 11643                                        a young and weak sister republic
## 11644                                                              its career
## 11645                                                            independence
## 11646                                                                      We
## 11647                                                              our rights
## 11648                                                                the face
## 11649                                                                      we
## 11650                                                                    hand
## 11651                                                       our generous duty
## 11652                                                                       I
## 11653                                                            the adoption
## 11654                                                             reciprocity
## 11655                                                                    Cuba
## 11656                                                                      it
## 11657                                                       our own interests
## 11658                                                        the Cuban market
## 11659                                                             every means
## 11660                                                           our supremacy
## 11661                                                      the tropical lands
## 11662                                                                  waters
## 11663                                                                      us
## 11664                                                                      we
## 11665                                                      the giant republic
## 11666                                                               the north
## 11667                                                  all our sister nations
## 11668                                                  the American Continent
## 11669                                                                    they
## 11670                                                                      it
## 11671                                                                      we
## 11672                                                               ourselves
## 11673                            disinterestedly and effectively their friend
## 11674                                                            A convention
## 11675                                                           Great Britain
## 11676                                                                   which
## 11677                                                              the Senate
## 11678                                                            ratification
## 11679                                           reciprocal trade arrangements
## 11680                                                       the United States
## 11681                                                            Newfoundland
## 11682                                                               the lines
## 11683                                                          the convention
## 11684                                                           the Secretary
## 11685                                                                   State
## 11686                                                              Mr. Blaine
## 11687                                                                       I
## 11688                                              reciprocal trade relations
## 11689                                                           the advantage
## 11690                                                          both countries
## 11691                                                            civilization
## 11692                                                                 warfare
## 11693                                      less and less the normal condition
## 11694                                                       foreign relations
## 11695                                                        The last century
## 11696                                                     a marked diminution
## 11697                                                                    wars
## 11698                                                        civilized powers
## 11699                                                                    wars
## 11700                                                      uncivilized powers
## 11701                                                    largely mere matters
## 11702                                               international police duty
## 11703                                                             the welfare
## 11704                                                               the world
## 11705                                                             arbitration
## 11706                                                     some similar method
## 11707                                                                    lieu
## 11708                                                                     war
## 11709                                                            difficulties
## 11710                                                       civilized nations
## 11711                                                               the world
## 11712                                                                      it
## 11713                                                             arbitration
## 11714                                                              every case
## 11715                                                           The formation
## 11716                                              the international tribunal
## 11717                                                                   which
## 11718                                                               The Hague
## 11719                                                                an event
## 11720                                                               good omen
## 11721                                                                   which
## 11722                                                      great consequences
## 11723                                                             the welfare
## 11724                                                             all mankind
## 11725                                                                      It
## 11726                                               such a permanent tribunal
## 11727                                                     special arbitrators
## 11728                                                         a given purpose
## 11729                                                                      It
## 11730                                                                a matter
## 11731                                                  sincere congratulation
## 11732                                                             our country
## 11733                                                       the United States
## 11734                                                                  Mexico
## 11735                                                        the good offices
## 11736                                                         The Hague Court
## 11737                                                                    This
## 11738                                               most satisfactory results
## 11739                                                                the case
## 11740                                                                 a claim
## 11741                                                                   issue
## 11742                                                                      us
## 11743                                                     our sister Republic
## 11744                                                                      It
## 11745                                                         this first case
## 11746                                                             a precedent
## 11747                                                                  others
## 11748                                                                   which
## 11749                                              not only the United States
## 11750                                                         foreign nations
## 11751                                                               advantage
## 11752                                                           the machinery
## 11753                                                               existence
## 11754                                                               The Hague
## 11755                                                                       I
## 11756                                             the favorable consideration
## 11757                                                            the Congress
## 11758                                                the Hawaiian fire claims
## 11759                                                                   which
## 11760                                                             the subject
## 11761                                                   careful investigation
## 11762                                                        the last session
## 11763                                                            The Congress
## 11764                                                                      we
## 11765                                                       an isthmian canal
## 11766                                                                  Panama
## 11767                                                    The Attorney-General
## 11768                                                                      we
## 11769                                                              good title
## 11770                                         the French Panama Canal Company
## 11771                                                            Negotiations
## 11772                                                                Colombia
## 11773                                                              her assent
## 11774                                                               the canal
## 11775                                                              This canal
## 11776                                          the greatest engineering feats
## 11777                                                   the twentieth century
## 11778                                              a greater engineering feat
## 11779                                                             the history
## 11780                                                                 mankind
## 11781                                                                The work
## 11782                                                     a continuing policy
## 11783                                                                  regard
## 11784                                                                  change
## 11785                                                          Administration
## 11786                                                                      it
## 11787                                                           circumstances
## 11788                                                                   which
## 11789                                                                      it
## 11790                                                                   pride
## 11791                                                     all Administrations
## 11792                                                              the policy
## 11793                                                               The canal
## 11794                                                           great benefit
## 11795                                                                 America
## 11796                                                              importance
## 11797                                                           all the world
## 11798                                                                      It
## 11799                                                               advantage
## 11800                                                                      us
## 11801                                                   our military position
## 11802                                                                      It
## 11803                                                               advantage
## 11804                                                           the countries
## 11805                                                        tropical America
## 11806                                                                      It
## 11807                                                                     all
## 11808                                                         these countries
## 11809                                                                    some
## 11810                                                                    them
## 11811                                                          signal success
## 11812                                                   their shores commerce
## 11813                                               their material conditions
## 11814                                                               stability
## 11815                                                                   order
## 11816                                                       the prerequisites
## 11817                                                  successful development
## 11818                                                   No independent nation
## 11819                                                                 America
## 11820                                                      the slightest fear
## 11821                                                              aggression
## 11822                                                       the United States
## 11823                                                                      It
## 11824                                                                each one
## 11825                                                                   order
## 11826                                                         its own borders
## 11827                                                    its just obligations
## 11828                                                              foreigners
## 11829                                                                    this
## 11830                                                                    they
## 11831                                                                    they
## 11832                                                                    they
## 11833                                                                 nothing
## 11834                                                    outside interference
## 11835                            More and more the increasing interdependence
## 11836                                                              complexity
## 11837                          international political and economic relations
## 11838                                                                      it
## 11839                                        all civilized and orderly powers
## 11840                                                     the proper policing
## 11841                                                               the world
## 11842                                                                the fall
## 11843                                                         a communication
## 11844                                                           the Secretary
## 11845                                                                   State
## 11846                                                              permission
## 11847                                                           the President
## 11848                                                           a corporation
## 11849                                                                 a cable
## 11850                                                                 a point
## 11851                                                    the California coast
## 11852                                                  the Philippine Islands
## 11853                                                                     way
## 11854                                                                  Hawaii
## 11855                                                             A statement
## 11856                                                              conditions
## 11857                                                                   terms
## 11858                                                                   which
## 11859                                                        such corporation
## 11860                                                                 a cable
## 11861                                                                Inasmuch
## 11862                                                            the Congress
## 11863                                               Pacific-cable legislation
## 11864                                                             the subject
## 11865                                                           consideration
## 11866                                                            the Congress
## 11867                                                           several years
## 11868                                                                      it
## 11869                                                                      me
## 11870                                                                  action
## 11871                                                         the application
## 11872                                                            the Congress
## 11873                                                    first an opportunity
## 11874                                                            The Congress
## 11875                                                              any action
## 11876                                                              the matter
## 11877                                              exactly the same condition
## 11878                                                                   which
## 11879                                                                      it
## 11880                                                            the Congress
## 11881                                                                      it
## 11882                                    the Commercial Pacific Cable Company
## 11883                                                            preparations
## 11884                                                               its cable
## 11885                                                                      It
## 11886                                                             application
## 11887                                                           the President
## 11888                                                                  access
## 11889                                                                     use
## 11890                                                               soundings
## 11891                                                       the U. S. S. Nero
## 11892                                                             the purpose
## 11893                                                     a practicable route
## 11894                                                   a trans-Pacific cable
## 11895                                                             the company
## 11896                                                                  access
## 11897                                                         these soundings
## 11898                                                                      it
## 11899                                                               its cable
## 11900                                                                      it
## 11901                                                               soundings
## 11902                                                         its own account
## 11903                                                   Pending consideration
## 11904                                                            this subject
## 11905                                                                      it
## 11906                                                      certain conditions
## 11907                                                          the permission
## 11908                                                           the soundings
## 11909                                                                      it
## 11910                                                             consequence
## 11911                                                       this solicitation
## 11912                                                       the cable company
## 11913                                                      certain conditions
## 11914                                                                   which
## 11915                                                           the President
## 11916                                                                  access
## 11917                                                         these soundings
## 11918                                                             the landing
## 11919                                                                  laying
## 11920                                                               the cable
## 11921                                                         any alterations
## 11922                                                               additions
## 11923                                                            the Congress
## 11924                                                                    This
## 11925                                                                      it
## 11926                                                      a cable connection
## 11927                                                               some kind
## 11928                                                                   China
## 11929                                                       a foreign country
## 11930                                                                  a part
## 11931                                                      the company's plan
## 11932                                                             This course
## 11933                                                              accordance
## 11934                                                                  a line
## 11935                                                              precedents
## 11936                                                President Grant's action
## 11937                                                                the case
## 11938                                                  the first French cable
## 11939                                                            the Congress
## 11940                                                      his Annual Message
## 11941                                                                December
## 11942                                                            the instance
## 11943                                                 the second French cable
## 11944                                                                   Brest
## 11945                                                              St. Pierre
## 11946                                                                a branch
## 11947                                                                Cape Cod
## 11948                                                        These conditions
## 11949                                                            other things
## 11950                                                          a maximum rate
## 11951                                                     commercial messages
## 11952                                                             the company
## 11953                                                                  a line
## 11954                                                  the Philippine Islands
## 11955                                                                   China
## 11956                                                                 present
## 11957                                                          a British line
## 11958                                                                  Manila
## 11959                                                                Hongkong
## 11960                                                     The representatives
## 11961                                                       the cable company
## 11962                                                        these conditions
## 11963                                                           consideration
## 11964                                                            the meantime
## 11965                                                               the cable
## 11966                                                                    They
## 11967                                                                  length
## 11968                                                                    them
## 11969                                                    an all-American line
## 11970                                                       our Pacific coast
## 11971                                                      the Chinese Empire
## 11972                                                                     way
## 11973                                                                Honolulu
## 11974                                                  the Philippine Islands
## 11975                                                            a few months
## 11976                                                                business
## 11977                                                          the conditions
## 11978                                                               the power
## 11979                                                            the Congress
## 11980                                                                     any
## 11981                                                                     all
## 11982                                                                    them
## 11983                                                                  A copy
## 11984                                                          the conditions
## 11985                                                              Porto Rico
## 11986                                                                      it
## 11987                                                          the prosperity
## 11988                                                              the island
## 11989                                                              the wisdom
## 11990                                                                   which
## 11991                                                                      it
## 11992                                                                      it
## 11993                                                              an example
## 11994                                                                     all
## 11995                                                                    that
## 11996                                                  insular administration
## 11997                                                                    July
## 11998                            the one hundred and twenty-sixth anniversary
## 11999                                                         the declaration
## 12000                                                        our independence
## 12001                                                                   peace
## 12002                                                                 amnesty
## 12003                                                  the Philippine Islands
## 12004                                                            Some trouble
## 12005                                                                    time
## 12006                                                                    time
## 12007                                                    the Mohammedan Moros
## 12008                                      the late insurrectionary Filipinos
## 12009                                                                 the war
## 12010                                                        Civil government
## 12011                                                           each Filipino
## 12012                                                             such rights
## 12013                                                                    life
## 12014                                                                 liberty
## 12015                                                             the pursuit
## 12016                                                               happiness
## 12017                                                                      he
## 12018                                                    the recorded history
## 12019                                                             the islands
## 12020                                                              the people
## 12021                                                                 a whole
## 12022                                                               a measure
## 12023                                                         self-government
## 12024                                                                    that
## 12025                                                     any other Orientals
## 12026                                                       any foreign power
## 12027                                                                    that
## 12028                                                     any other Orientals
## 12029                                                   their own governments
## 12030                                                            the Japanese
## 12031                                                                      We
## 12032                                                            these rights
## 12033                                                                 liberty
## 12034                                                         self-government
## 12035                                                                      we
## 12036                                                               the limit
## 12037                                                                    that
## 12038                                                           the interests
## 12039                                                   the Philippine people
## 12040                                                              themselves
## 12041                                                                      it
## 12042                                                                 matters
## 12043                                                                      we
## 12044                                                                calamity
## 12045                                                              the people
## 12046                                                             the islands
## 12047                                                               No policy
## 12048                                                     the American people
## 12049                                                                  itself
## 12050                                                      more signal manner
## 12051                                                              the policy
## 12052                                                         the Philippines
## 12053                                                             The triumph
## 12054                                                                our arms
## 12055                                                         all the triumph
## 12056                                                                our laws
## 12057                                                              principles
## 12058                                                                      we
## 12059                                                               any right
## 12060                                                         Too much praise
## 12061                                                                the Army
## 12062                                                                    what
## 12063                                                                      it
## 12064                                                         the Philippines
## 12065                                                                 warfare
## 12066                                            an administrative standpoint
## 12067                                                                 the way
## 12068                                                        civil government
## 12069                                                          similar credit
## 12070                                                   the civil authorities
## 12071                                                                 the way
## 12072                                                                   which
## 12073                                                                    they
## 12074                                                               the seeds
## 12075                                                         self-government
## 12076                                                              the ground
## 12077                                                                    them
## 12078                                                             The courage
## 12079                                               the unflinching endurance
## 12080                                           the high soldierly efficiency
## 12081                                            the general kind-heartedness
## 12082                                                                humanity
## 12083                                                              our troops
## 12084                                       only some fifteen thousand troops
## 12085                                                             the islands
## 12086                                                                     All
## 12087                                                    individual instances
## 12088                                                              wrongdoing
## 12089                                                                    them
## 12090                                                                    They
## 12091                                                    fearful difficulties
## 12092                                                                 climate
## 12093                                                            surroundings
## 12094                                                              the strain
## 12095                                               the terrible provocations
## 12096                                                                   which
## 12097                                                                    they
## 12098                                                              their foes
## 12099                                                    occasional instances
## 12100                                                       cruel retaliation
## 12101                                                            Every effort
## 12102                                                          such cruelties
## 12103                                                           these efforts
## 12104                                                            Every effort
## 12105                                                          the wrongdoers
## 12106                                                           all allowance
## 12107                                                          these misdeeds
## 12108                                                                      it
## 12109                                                           the instances
## 12110                                                                   which
## 12111                                                                     war
## 12112                                                       a civilized power
## 12113                                       semicivilized or barbarous forces
## 12114                                                    so little wrongdoing
## 12115                                                             the victors
## 12116                                                  the Philippine Islands
## 12117                                                          the other hand
## 12118                                                              the amount
## 12119                               difficult, important, and beneficent work
## 12120                                                                   which
## 12121                                                                the work
## 12122                                                                the Army
## 12123                                                   the civil authorities
## 12124                                                                      it
## 12125                                                            modern times
## 12126                                                               the world
## 12127                                                        a better example
## 12128                                         real constructive statesmanship
## 12129                                                              our people
## 12130                                                  the Philippine Islands
## 12131                                                             High praise
## 12132                                                         those Filipinos
## 12133                                                           the aggregate
## 12134                                                                     who
## 12135                                                      the new conditions
## 12136                                                     our representatives
## 12137                                                        hearty good will
## 12138                                                             the welfare
## 12139                                                             the islands
## 12140                                                                The Army
## 12141                                                             the minimum
## 12142                                                                     law
## 12143                                                                      It
## 12144                                                                the size
## 12145                                                              the Nation
## 12146                                                       the highest point
## 12147                                                              efficiency
## 12148                                                     The senior officers
## 12149                                                            scant chance
## 12150                                                     ordinary conditions
## 12151                                                                commands
## 12152                                                              their rank
## 12153                                                           circumstances
## 12154                                                                   which
## 12155                                                                    them
## 12156                                                              their duty
## 12157                                                                    time
## 12158                                                              actual war
## 12159                                                                A system
## 12160                                                                our Army
## 12161                                                                  bodies
## 12162                                                        some little size
## 12163                                                          such maneuvers
## 12164                                                                      it
## 12165                                                               the event
## 12166                                                             hostilities
## 12167                                                         any serious foe
## 12168                                                 even a small army corps
## 12169                                                               advantage
## 12170                                                       Both our officers
## 12171                                                            enlisted men
## 12172                                                                      we
## 12173                                                            hearty pride
## 12174                                                                    them
## 12175                                                      No better material
## 12176                                                                    they
## 12177                                                             individuals
## 12178                                                                the mass
## 12179                                                        The marksmanship
## 12180                                                                 the men
## 12181                                                       special attention
## 12182                                                       the circumstances
## 12183                                                          modern warfare
## 12184                                                                 the man
## 12185                                       his own individual responsibility
## 12186                                          the high individual efficiency
## 12187                                                                the unit
## 12188                                                   the utmost importance
## 12189                                                               this unit
## 12190                                                            the regiment
## 12191                                                                      it
## 12192                                                            the regiment
## 12193                                                      not even the troop
## 12194                                                                 company
## 12195                                                                      it
## 12196                                                  the individual soldier
## 12197                                                            Every effort
## 12198                                                       every workmanlike
## 12199                                                       soldierly quality
## 12200                                                        both the officer
## 12201                                                        the enlisted man
## 12202                                                                       I
## 12203                                                          your attention
## 12204                                                                the need
## 12205                                                                  a bill
## 12206                                                         a general staff
## 12207                                                      the reorganization
## 12208                                                  the supply departments
## 12209                                                               the lines
## 12210                                                                the bill
## 12211                                                           the Secretary
## 12212                                                                     War
## 12213                                                      the young officers
## 12214                                                                the Army
## 12215                                                              West Point
## 12216                                                                    they
## 12217                                                          their compeers
## 12218                                              any other military service
## 12219                                                            Every effort
## 12220                                                                training
## 12221                                                                  reward
## 12222                                                                   merit
## 12223                                                                scrutiny
## 12224                                                           their careers
## 12225                                                                capacity
## 12226                                                                    them
## 12227                                       the same high relative excellence
## 12228                                                           their careers
## 12229                                                             The measure
## 12230                                                      the reorganization
## 12231                                                      the militia system
## 12232                                                  the highest efficiency
## 12233                                                      the National Guard
## 12234                                                                   which
## 12235                                                               the House
## 12236                                                        prompt attention
## 12237                                                                  action
## 12238                                                                      It
## 12239                                                        great importance
## 12240                                                            the relation
## 12241                                                      the National Guard
## 12242                                                             the militia
## 12243                                                        volunteer forces
## 12244                                                       the United States
## 12245                                                                   place
## 12246                                               our present obsolete laws
## 12247                                        a practical and efficient system
## 12248                                                               Provision
## 12249                                                           the Secretary
## 12250                                                                     War
## 12251                                            cavalry and artillery horses
## 12252                                                                worn-out
## 12253                                                        long performance
## 12254                                                                    duty
## 12255                                                             Such horses
## 12256                                                                    them
## 12257                                                              the misery
## 12258                                                                    them
## 12259                                                                      it
## 12260                                                                    them
## 12261                                                              light work
## 12262                                                               the posts
## 12263                                                                    them
## 12264                                                                   death
## 12265                                                          the first time
## 12266                                             our history naval maneuvers
## 12267                                                           a large scale
## 12268                                                   the immediate command
## 12269                                                             the Admiral
## 12270                                                                the Navy
## 12271                                                               attention
## 12272                                                             the gunnery
## 12273                                                                the Navy
## 12274                                                                      it
## 12275                                                                    what
## 12276                                                                      it
## 12277                                                                       I
## 12278                                                            the increase
## 12279                                                           the Secretary
## 12280                                                                the Navy
## 12281                                                       the appropriation
## 12282                                                         the markmanship
## 12283                                                                  battle
## 12284                                                          the only shots
## 12285                                                                    that
## 12286                                                               the shots
## 12287                                                                    that
## 12288                                                                      It
## 12289                                                             ample funds
## 12290                                                                practice
## 12291                                                          the great guns
## 12292                                                                    time
## 12293                                                                   peace
## 12294                                                             These funds
## 12295                                                            the purchase
## 12296                                                             projectiles
## 12297                                                              allowances
## 12298                                                                  prizes
## 12299                                                           the gun crews
## 12300                                             especially the gun pointers
## 12301                                                   an intelligent system
## 12302                                                                   which
## 12303                                                                      it
## 12304                                                           good practice
## 12305                                                                 no halt
## 12306                                                                the work
## 12307                                                                the Navy
## 12308                                                              every year
## 12309                                               additional fighting craft
## 12310                                                                      We
## 12311                                                     a very rich country
## 12312                                                                  extent
## 12313                                                               territory
## 12314                                                              population
## 12315                                                                   which
## 12316                                                      an Army diminutive
## 12317                                                                    that
## 12318                                             any other first-class power
## 12319                                                                      We
## 12320                                        our own certain foreign policies
## 12321                                                                   which
## 12322                                                          the possession
## 12323                                                      a first-class navy
## 12324                                                      The isthmian canal
## 12325                                                          the efficiency
## 12326                                                                our Navy
## 12327                                                                the Navy
## 12328                                                         sufficient size
## 12329                                                                      we
## 12330                                                      an inadequate navy
## 12331                                                            the building
## 12332                                                               the canal
## 12333                                                               a hostage
## 12334                                                               any power
## 12335                                                       superior strength
## 12336                                                     The Monroe Doctrine
## 12337                                                    the cardinal feature
## 12338                                                 American foreign policy
## 12339                                                                      it
## 12340                                                                      it
## 12341                                                                      we
## 12342                                                                      it
## 12343                                                                      it
## 12344                                                  a thoroughly good navy
## 12345                                                             A good navy
## 12346                                                           a provocative
## 12347                                                                     war
## 12348                                                                      It
## 12349                                                     the surest guaranty
## 12350                                                                   peace
## 12351                                                    Each individual unit
## 12352                                                                our Navy
## 12353                                                                its kind
## 12354                                                           both material
## 12355                                                               personnel
## 12356                                                                    that
## 12357                                                               the world
## 12358                                                                       I
## 12359                                                  your special attention
## 12360                                                                the need
## 12361                                                             the manning
## 12362                                                               the ships
## 12363                                                         Serious trouble
## 12364                                                                      us
## 12365                                                                      we
## 12366                                                                      we
## 12367                                                                 regards
## 12368                                                            the services
## 12369                                                     a sufficient number
## 12370                                                        the highest type
## 12371                                                               sailormen
## 12372                                                           sea mechanics
## 12373                                                      The veteran seamen
## 12374                                                           our war ships
## 12375                                                          as high a type
## 12376                                                                any navy
## 12377                                                                   which
## 12378                                                              the waters
## 12379                                                               the world
## 12380                                                                    they
## 12381                                                              resolution
## 12382                                                               readiness
## 12383                                                      thorough knowledge
## 12384                                                        their profession
## 12385                                                                    They
## 12386                                                     every consideration
## 12387                                                                    that
## 12388                                                                    them
## 12389                                                                    them
## 12390                                                                      It
## 12391                                                                  a crew
## 12392                                                                      it
## 12393                                                              a war ship
## 12394                                                         the finest ship
## 12395                                                   the deadliest battery
## 12396                                                                      it
## 12397                                                              a raw crew
## 12398                                                                    they
## 12399                                                                disaster
## 12400                                                                   a foe
## 12401                                                        average capacity
## 12402                                                           Neither ships
## 12403                                                                     men
## 12404                                                                     war
## 12405                                                                      We
## 12406                                          a thousand additional officers
## 12407                                                                   order
## 12408                                                               the ships
## 12409                                                            construction
## 12410                                                             The classes
## 12411                                                        the Naval School
## 12412                                                               Annapolis
## 12413                                                           the same time
## 12414                                                                      we
## 12415                                                            the officers
## 12416                                                                      we
## 12417                                                                    them
## 12418                                                                      we
## 12419                                                          the retirement
## 12420                                                                   those
## 12421                                                                the head
## 12422                                                                the list
## 12423                                                        whose usefulness
## 12424                                                               Promotion
## 12425                                                             the service
## 12426                                                 The lamentable scarcity
## 12427                                                                officers
## 12428                                                        the large number
## 12429                                                                recruits
## 12430                                                           unskilled men
## 12431                                                         the new vessels
## 12432                                                                    they
## 12433                                                            our officers
## 12434                                                         the lieutenants
## 12435                                                           junior grades
## 12436                                                           unusual labor
## 12437                                                                 fatigue
## 12438                                                            their powers
## 12439                                                               endurance
## 12440                                                                    sign
## 12441                                                    any immediate let-up
## 12442                                                             this strain
## 12443                                                                      It
## 12444                                                           more officers
## 12445                                                               Annapolis
## 12446                                                            the recruits
## 12447                                                            their duties
## 12448                                                      these difficulties
## 12449                                                                incident
## 12450                                                         the development
## 12451                                                                 our war
## 12452                                                             the conduct
## 12453                                                        all our officers
## 12454                                                             the service
## 12455                                                         the lieutenants
## 12456                                                           junior grades
## 12457                                                              an ability
## 12458                                                a steadfast cheerfulness
## 12459                                                                   which
## 12460                                                                    them
## 12461                                                   the ungrudging thanks
## 12462                                                                     all
## 12463                                                                     who
## 12464                                                the disheartening trials
## 12465                                                                fatigues
## 12466                                                                   which
## 12467                                                                    they
## 12468                                                               necessity
## 12469                                                                 a cloud
## 12470                                                             the horizon
## 12471                                                                 present
## 12472                                                    the slightest chance
## 12473                                                                 trouble
## 12474                                                         a foreign power
## 12475                                                                      We
## 12476                                                              this state
## 12477                                                                  things
## 12478                                                                 the way
## 12479                                                         its continuance
## 12480                                             a thoroughly efficient navy
## 12481                                                             The refusal
## 12482                                                             such a navy
## 12483                                                                 trouble
## 12484                                                                 trouble
## 12485                                                                disaster
## 12486                                                Fatuous self-complacency
## 12487                                                                  vanity
## 12488                                                       short-sightedness
## 12489                                                                  danger
## 12490                                                           such a nation
## 12491                                                                    ours
## 12492                                                         past experience
## 12493                                                            such fatuity
## 12494                                                              any crisis
## 12495                                                                 advance
## 12496                                                             a mad panic
## 12497                                                         hysterical fear
## 12498                                                              the crisis
## 12499                                                   The striking increase
## 12500                                                            the revenues
## 12501                                              the Post-Office Department
## 12502                                                          the prosperity
## 12503                                                              our people
## 12504                                                 the increasing activity
## 12505                                                            the business
## 12506                                                             the country
## 12507                                                            The receipts
## 12508                                              the Post-Office Department
## 12509                                                         the fiscal year
## 12510                                                             an increase
## 12511                                                      the preceding year
## 12512                                                    the largest increase
## 12513                                                             the history
## 12514                                                      the postal service
## 12515                                                           The magnitude
## 12516                                                           this increase
## 12517                                                                the fact
## 12518                                              the entire postal receipts
## 12519                                                                the year
## 12520                                             Rural free-delivery service
## 12521                                                  the experimental stage
## 12522                                                                      it
## 12523                                                          a fixed policy
## 12524                                                             The results
## 12525                                                        its introduction
## 12526                                                            the Congress
## 12527                                                the large appropriations
## 12528                                                       its establishment
## 12529                                                               extension
## 12530                                             The average yearly increase
## 12531                                                    post-office receipts
## 12532                                                     the rural districts
## 12533                                                             the country
## 12534                                                                    cent
## 12535                                                                      We
## 12536                                                          actual results
## 12537                                             rural free-delivery service
## 12538                                                          such an extent
## 12539                                                                      us
## 12540                                                             comparisons
## 12541                                                     the yearly increase
## 12542                                                            ten per cent
## 12543                                                                November
## 12544                                       11,650 rural free-delivery routes
## 12545                                                               operation
## 12546                                                           the territory
## 12547                                                       the United States
## 12548                                             rural free-delivery service
## 12549                                                              the action
## 12550                                                the Department petitions
## 12551                                                            applications
## 12552                                                       the establishment
## 12553                                                10,748 additional routes
## 12554                                                                    This
## 12555                                                                the want
## 12556                                                                   which
## 12557                                                       the establishment
## 12558                                                             the service
## 12559                                                                the need
## 12560                                                                      it
## 12561                                                                      It
## 12562                                                   the financial results
## 12563                                                  the practical benefits
## 12564                                                    our rural population
## 12565                                                                      it
## 12566                                                                 the men
## 12567                                                                     who
## 12568                                                                the soil
## 12569                                                         close relations
## 12570                                               the active business world
## 12571                                                                      it
## 12572                                                              the farmer
## 12573                                                             daily touch
## 12574                                                             the markets
## 12575                                                                      it
## 12576                                           a potential educational force
## 12577                                                                      it
## 12578                                                               the value
## 12579                                                           farm property
## 12580                                                               farm life
## 12581                                                 the undesirable current
## 12582                                                                 country
## 12583                                                                    city
## 12584                                                                      It
## 12585                                                            the Congress
## 12586                                                  liberal appropriations
## 12587                                                         the continuance
## 12588                                                             the service
## 12589                                                   its further extension
## 12590                                                        \n\nFew subjects
## 12591                                                         more importance
## 12592                                                            the Congress
## 12593                                                            recent years
## 12594                                                        the inauguration
## 12595                                                              the system
## 12596                                             nationally-aided irrigation
## 12597                                                        the arid regions
## 12598                                                            the far West
## 12599                                                        A good beginning
## 12600                                                             this policy
## 12601                                                     national irrigation
## 12602                                                                the need
## 12603                               thorough and scientific forest protection
## 12604                                                  the public-land States
## 12605                                                             Legislation
## 12606                                                          the protection
## 12607                                                                the game
## 12608                                                      the wild creatures
## 12609                                                     the forest reserves
## 12610                                                 The senseless slaughter
## 12611                                                                    game
## 12612                                                                   which
## 12613                                                    judicious protection
## 12614                                                   our national reserves
## 12615                                                              the people
## 12616                                                                 a whole
## 12617                                                                      It
## 12618                                                                instance
## 12619                                                         a serious count
## 12620                                                 our national good sense
## 12621                                                    the present practice
## 12622                                   such a stately and beautiful creature
## 12623                                                                 the elk
## 12624                                                             its antlers
## 12625                                                                   tusks
## 12626                                                                    they
## 12627                                                             agriculture
## 12628                                                         whatever extent
## 12629                                                                    they
## 12630                                             the national irrigation law
## 12631                                              the remaining public lands
## 12632                                                        the home builder
## 12633                                                             the settler
## 12634                                                                     who
## 12635                                                                his land
## 12636                                                                  no one
## 12637                                                        their actual use
## 12638                                                     the desert-land law
## 12639                                                              the timber
## 12640                                                               stone law
## 12641                                                  the commutation clause
## 12642                                                       the homestead law
## 12643                                                           the intention
## 12644                                                                   which
## 12645                                                                    they
## 12646                                                         the acquisition
## 12647                                                             large areas
## 12648                                                       the public domain
## 12649                                                         actual settlers
## 12650                                               the consequent prevention
## 12651                                                              settlement
## 12652                                              the approaching exhaustion
## 12653                                                       the public ranges
## 12654                                                         much discussion
## 12655                                                         the best manner
## 12656                                                      these public lands
## 12657                                                                the West
## 12658                                                                   which
## 12659                                                                 grazing
## 12660                                        The sound and steady development
## 12661                                                                the West
## 12662                                                            the building
## 12663                                                                   homes
## 12664                                                          our prosperity
## 12665                                                                a nation
## 12666                                                           the operation
## 12667                                                       the homestead law
## 12668                                                          the other hand
## 12669                                                                      we
## 12670                                                                the fact
## 12671                                                      the grazing region
## 12672                                                                 the man
## 12673                                                                     who
## 12674                                                         the homesteader
## 12675                                                         the same amount
## 12676                                                            pasture land
## 12677                                                                    that
## 12678                                                             his brother
## 12679                                                         the homesteader
## 12680                                                             arable land
## 12681                                             One hundred and sixty acres
## 12682                                       fairly rich and well-watered soil
## 12683                                                   a much smaller amount
## 12684                                                          irrigated land
## 12685                                                                a family
## 12686                                                                  plenty
## 12687                                                                  no one
## 12688                                                                a living
## 12689                                             one hundred and sixty acres
## 12690                                                        dry pasture land
## 12691                                                           only one head
## 12692                                                                  cattle
## 12693                                                         every ten acres
## 12694                                                   the past great tracts
## 12695                                                       the public domain
## 12696                                                                 persons
## 12697                                                                no title
## 12698                                                         direct defiance
## 12699                                                                 the law
## 12700                                                         the maintenance
## 12701                                                            construction
## 12702                                             any such unlawful inclosure
## 12703                                                             public land
## 12704                                                         various reasons
## 12705                                                     little interference
## 12706                                                         such inclosures
## 12707                                                                the past
## 12708                                                            ample notice
## 12709                                                         the trespassers
## 12710                                                       all the resources
## 12711                                                             the command
## 12712                                                          the Government
## 12713                                                                  a stop
## 12714                                                        such trespassing
## 12715                                                                    view
## 12716                                                  the capital importance
## 12717                                                           these matters
## 12718                                                                       I
## 12719                                                                    them
## 12720                                               the earnest consideration
## 12721                                                            the Congress
## 12722                                                            the Congress
## 12723                                                              difficulty
## 12724                                                                    them
## 12725                                                                    lack
## 12726                                                      thorough knowledge
## 12727                                                             the subject
## 12728                                                                       I
## 12729                                                          that provision
## 12730                                                            a commission
## 12731                                                                 experts
## 12732                                               the complicated questions
## 12733                                                                       I
## 12734                                                            the Congress
## 12735                                                                the need
## 12736                                                        wise legislation
## 12737                                                                  Alaska
## 12738                                                                      It
## 12739                                                              our credit
## 12740                                                                a nation
## 12741                                                                  Alaska
## 12742                                                                   which
## 12743                                                       thirty-five years
## 12744                                                        as poor a system
## 12745                                                                    laws
## 12746                                                                the case
## 12747                                                              No country
## 12748                                            a more valuable possession--
## 12749                                                          mineral wealth
## 12750                                                               fisheries
## 12751                                                                    furs
## 12752                                                                 forests
## 12753                                                                    land
## 12754                                                           certain kinds
## 12755                                                                 farming
## 12756                                                            stockgrowing
## 12757                                                                      It
## 12758                                                             a territory
## 12759                                                              great size
## 12760                                                        varied resources
## 12761                                            a large permanent population
## 12762                                                                  Alaska
## 12763                                                         a good land law
## 12764                                                         such provisions
## 12765                                                              homesteads
## 12766                                                                     pre
## 12767                                                                       -
## 12768                                                                emptions
## 12769                                                    permanent settlement
## 12770                                                                      We
## 12771                                                             legislation
## 12772                                                                  a view
## 12773                                                           the territory
## 12774                                                            the building
## 12775                                                                   homes
## 12776                                                           The land laws
## 12777                                                                    type
## 12778                                                             inducements
## 12779                                                      the actual settler
## 12780                                                                    whom
## 12781                                                                      we
## 12782                                                              possession
## 12783                                                             the country
## 12784                                                             The forests
## 12785                                                                  Alaska
## 12786                                  a secondary but still important matter
## 12787                                                           the same time
## 12788                                                                      it
## 12789                                                            the settlers
## 12790                                                                  timber
## 12791                                                      proper regulations
## 12792                                                           their own use
## 12793                                                                    Laws
## 12794                                            the Alaskan salmon fisheries
## 12795                                                               the greed
## 12796                                                                   which
## 12797                                                                    them
## 12798                                                                    They
## 12799                                    a permanent industry and food supply
## 12800                                                        Their management
## 12801                                                                 control
## 12802                                                          the Commission
## 12803                                                                    Fish
## 12804                                                               Fisheries
## 12805                                                                  Alaska
## 12806                                                              a Delegate
## 12807                                                            the Congress
## 12808                                                                      It
## 12809                                               a Congressional committee
## 12810                                                                  Alaska
## 12811                                                               its needs
## 12812                                                              the ground
## 12813                                                             the Indians
## 12814                                                                 our aim
## 12815                                               their ultimate absorption
## 12816                                                                the body
## 12817                                                              our people
## 12818                                                              many cases
## 12819                                                         this absorption
## 12820                                                                portions
## 12821                                                    the Indian Territory
## 12822                                                             the mixture
## 12823                                                                   blood
## 12824                                                           the same time
## 12825                                                                progress
## 12826                                                                  wealth
## 12827                                                               education
## 12828                                                                  plenty
## 12829                                                                     men
## 12830                                                         varying degrees
## 12831                                                                  purity
## 12832                                                            Indian blood
## 12833                                                                     who
## 12834                                                                   point
## 12835                                 social, political, and economic ability
## 12836                                                  their white associates
## 12837                                                            other tribes
## 12838                                                                   which
## 12839                                                  no perceptible advance
## 12840                                                           such equality
## 12841                                                             such tribes
## 12842                                                                   their
## 12843                                                              the tribes
## 12844                                             widely different conditions
## 12845                                                                 a tribe
## 12846                                                    considerable advance
## 12847                                                    fertile farming soil
## 12848                                                                      it
## 12849                                                             the members
## 12850                                                               severalty
## 12851                                                                the case
## 12852                                                          white settlers
## 12853                                                            other tribes
## 12854                                                           such a course
## 12855                                                                 prairie
## 12856                                                              the effort
## 12857                                                             the Indians
## 12858                                                                pastoral
## 12859                                                      agricultural lives
## 12860                                                                    them
## 12861                                                                villages
## 12862                                                                    them
## 12863                                                               isolation
## 12864                                                The large Indian schools
## 12865                                                  any Indian reservation
## 12866                                             a special and peculiar work
## 12867                                                        great importance
## 12868                                                                   these
## 12869                                                       an immense amount
## 12870                                                         additional work
## 12871                                                        the reservations
## 12872                                                              themselves
## 12873                                                                     all
## 12874                                                      the young, Indians
## 12875                                       The first and most important step
## 12876                                                          the absorption
## 12877                                                              the Indian
## 12878                                                                     him
## 12879                                                              his living
## 12880                                                                      it
## 12881                                                          each community
## 12882                                                             all Indians
## 12883                                                          either tillers
## 12884                                               the soil or stock raisers
## 12885                                                        Their industries
## 12886                                                                   those
## 12887                                                                     who
## 12888                                                          special desire
## 12889                                                            adaptability
## 12890                                  industrial or even commercial pursuits
## 12891                                                       each his own bent
## 12892                                                            Every effort
## 12893                                                               the lines
## 12894                                                        natural aptitude
## 12895                                          the existing native industries
## 12896                                                          certain tribes
## 12897                                                       the various kinds
## 12898                                                          basket weaving
## 12899                                                          canoe building
## 12900                                                              smith work
## 12901                                                            blanket work
## 12902                                                                     all
## 12903                                                         the Indian boys
## 12904                                                                   girls
## 12905                                                       confident command
## 12906                                                      colloquial English
## 12907                                                     a vigorous struggle
## 12908                                                          the conditions
## 12909                                                                   which
## 12910                                                            their people
## 12911                                                    immediate absorption
## 12912                                    some more highly developed community
## 12913                                                           The officials
## 12914                                                                     who
## 12915                                                          the Government
## 12916                                                             the Indians
## 12917                                                         hard conditions
## 12918                                                              conditions
## 12919                                                                   which
## 12920                                                                      it
## 12921                                                                   wrong
## 12922                                                                    they
## 12923                                                            the one hand
## 12924                                                          the other hand
## 12925                                            a particularly high standard
## 12926                                                                 conduct
## 12927                                                                    them
## 12928                                                              misconduct
## 12929                                                          the punishment
## 12930                                                           no department
## 12931                                                       governmental work
## 12932                                                            recent years
## 12933                                                         greater success
## 12934                                                                    that
## 12935                                                          scientific aid
## 12936                                                  the farming population
## 12937                                                                    them
## 12938                                                              themselves
## 12939                                                                 no need
## 12940                                                          its importance
## 12941                                                             the welfare
## 12942                                                              the farmer
## 12943                                                             the welfare
## 12944                                                            the Republic
## 12945                                                                 a whole
## 12946                                                                addition
## 12947                                                               such work
## 12948                                                              quarantine
## 12949                                            animal and vegetable plagues
## 12950                                                                    them
## 12951                                                     much efficient help
## 12952                                                              the farmer
## 12953                                                        the introduction
## 12954                                                              new plants
## 12955                                                             cultivation
## 12956                                                 the peculiar conditions
## 12957                                                      different portions
## 12958                                                             the country
## 12959                                                             New cereals
## 12960                                                      the semi-arid West
## 12961                                                                instance
## 12962                                                      the practicability
## 12963                                                          the best types
## 12964                                                         macaroni wheats
## 12965                                                                 regions
## 12966                                                      an annual rainfall
## 12967                                                         only ten inches
## 12968                                                             thereabouts
## 12969                                                        the introduction
## 12970                                                               new rices
## 12971                                                               Louisiana
## 12972                                                                   Texas
## 12973                                                          the production
## 12974                                                                    rice
## 12975                                                            this country
## 12976                                                         the home demand
## 12977                                                          the South-west
## 12978                                                         the possibility
## 12979                                                 overstocked range lands
## 12980                                         the North many new forage crops
## 12981                                                                the East
## 12982                                                                      it
## 12983                                                                    some
## 12984                                                     our choicest fruits
## 12985                                                              such a way
## 12986                                                     a profitable market
## 12987                                                                       I
## 12988                                             the favorable consideration
## 12989                                                            the Congress
## 12990                                                               the plans
## 12991                                             the Smithsonian Institution
## 12992                                                              the Museum
## 12993                                                              its charge
## 12994                                                              the Nation
## 12995                                                    the National Capital
## 12996                                                     the vanishing races
## 12997                                                                     men
## 12998                                                             the animals
## 12999                                                          this continent
## 13000                                                                   which
## 13001                                                             the buffalo
## 13002                                                               specimens
## 13003                                                                   which
## 13004                                                   their representatives
## 13005                                                    their native regions
## 13006                                                                  safety
## 13007                                                            The District
## 13008                                                                Columbia
## 13009                                                           the only part
## 13010                                                           our territory
## 13011                                                                   which
## 13012                                                 the National Government
## 13013                                            local or municipal functions
## 13014                                                             consequence
## 13015                                                          the Government
## 13016                                                             a free hand
## 13017                                                               reference
## 13018                                                           certain types
## 13019                                         social and economic legislation
## 13020                                                                   which
## 13021                                                         their character
## 13022                                                          The Government
## 13023                                                                      it
## 13024                                                                instance
## 13025                                   the hygienic and sanitary legislation
## 13026                                                              Washington
## 13027                                                        a high character
## 13028                                                               The evils
## 13029                                                          slum dwellings
## 13030                                                               the shape
## 13031                          crowded and congested tenement-house districts
## 13032                                                     the back-alley type
## 13033                                                              Washington
## 13034                                                                The city
## 13035                                                                 a model
## 13036                                                           every respect
## 13037                                                          all the cities
## 13038                                                             the country
## 13039                                 The charitable and correctional systems
## 13040                                                            the District
## 13041                                                           consideration
## 13042                                                               the hands
## 13043                                                            the Congress
## 13044                                                                 the end
## 13045                                                                    they
## 13046                                                             the results
## 13047                                               the most advanced thought
## 13048                                                            these fields
## 13049                                                              Washington
## 13050                                                 a great industrial city
## 13051                                                      some industrialism
## 13052                                                   our labor legislation
## 13053                                                                      it
## 13054                                                                  itself
## 13055                                                                 a model
## 13056                                                                the rest
## 13057                                                              the Nation
## 13058                                                                      We
## 13059                                                                instance
## 13060                                         a wise employer's-liability act
## 13061                                                            the District
## 13062                                                                Columbia
## 13063                                                                      we
## 13064                                                             such an act
## 13065                                                          our navy-yards
## 13066                                                      Railroad companies
## 13067                                                            the District
## 13068                                                                     law
## 13069                                                             their frogs
## 13070                                                The safety-appliance law
## 13071                                                   the better protection
## 13072                                                               the lives
## 13073                                                                   limbs
## 13074                                                       railway employees
## 13075                                                                   which
## 13076                                                             full effect
## 13077                                                                  August
## 13078                                                                      It
## 13079                                                               thousands
## 13080                                                              casualties
## 13081                                                              Experience
## 13082                                                           the necessity
## 13083                                                  additional legislation
## 13084                                                                this law
## 13085                                                                  A bill
## 13086                                                                    this
## 13087                                                              the Senate
## 13088                                                        the last session
## 13089                                                                      It
## 13090                                                       some such measure
## 13091                                                                     law
## 13092                                                      a growing tendency
## 13093                                                         the publication
## 13094                                                                  masses
## 13095                                                               documents
## 13096                                                                   which
## 13097                                                        no public demand
## 13098                                                            the printing
## 13099                                                                   which
## 13100                                                       no real necessity
## 13101                                                           Large numbers
## 13102                                                                 volumes
## 13103                                         the Government printing presses
## 13104                                                                   which
## 13105                                                        no justification
## 13106                                                                 Nothing
## 13107                                                                     any
## 13108                                                         the Departments
## 13109                                                                      it
## 13110                                                               something
## 13111                                                         permanent value
## 13112                                                            the Congress
## 13113                                                               advantage
## 13114                                                        all the printing
## 13115                                                                   which
## 13116                                                                      it
## 13117                                                      The excessive cost
## 13118                                                     Government printing
## 13119                                                       a strong argument
## 13120                                                            the position
## 13121                                                                   those
## 13122                                                                     who
## 13123                                                        abstract grounds
## 13124                                                          the Government
## 13125                                                                any work
## 13126                                                                   which
## 13127                                                               propriety
## 13128                                                           private hands
## 13129                                                     Gratifying progress
## 13130                                                                the year
## 13131                                                           the extension
## 13132                                                        the merit system
## 13133                                                            appointments
## 13134                                                  the Government service
## 13135                                                                      It
## 13136                                                                     law
## 13137                                                            the District
## 13138                                                                Columbia
## 13139                                                                      It
## 13140                                                     our consular system
## 13141                                                                     law
## 13142                                                                 a basis
## 13143                                                             appointment
## 13144                                                               promotion
## 13145                                                             consequence
## 13146                                                          proved fitness
## 13147                                                        a wise provision
## 13148                                                            the Congress
## 13149                                                        its last session
## 13150                                                         the White House
## 13151                                                                   which
## 13152                                                   incongruous additions
## 13153                                                                 changes
## 13154                                                                    what
## 13155                                                                      it
## 13156                                                              Washington
## 13157                                                        the restorations
## 13158                                                         the utmost care
## 13159                                                         the early plans
## 13160                                                             these plans
## 13161                                                         a careful study
## 13162                                                          such buildings
## 13163                                                                    that
## 13164                                                          the University
## 13165                                                                Virginia
## 13166                                                                   which
## 13167                                                               Jefferson
## 13168                                                         The White House
## 13169                                                            the property
## 13170                                                              the Nation
## 13171                                                                      it
## 13172                                                                      it
## 13173                                                                 reasons
## 13174                                                                    that
## 13175                                                                      we
## 13176                                                            Mount Vernon
## 13177                                                                      it
## 13178                                                  The stately simplicity
## 13179                                                        its architecture
## 13180                                                           an expression
## 13181                                                           the character
## 13182                                                              the period
## 13183                                                                   which
## 13184                                                                      it
## 13185                                                                  accord
## 13186                                                            the purposes
## 13187                                                                      it
## 13188                                                                      It
## 13189                                                            a good thing
## 13190                                                          such buildings
## 13191                                                      historic monuments
## 13192                                                                   which
## 13193                                                               our sense
## 13194                                                              continuity
## 13195                                                       the Nation's past
## 13196                                                             The reports
## 13197                                       the several Executive Departments
## 13198                                                            the Congress
## 13199                                                      this communication
## 13200                                                      THEODORE ROOSEVELT
##               root_text start_id root_id length
## 1                Senate        3       4      2
## 2                 House        6       6      1
## 3       Representatives        8       8      1
## 4              outgoing       12      13      2
## 5              incoming       18      19      2
## 6               century       21      23      3
## 7                   you       24      24      1
## 8               session       26      28      3
## 9              Congress       30      34      5
## 10            evidences       36      36      1
## 11                 hand       38      39      2
## 12           prosperity       43      44      2
## 13                proof       47      47      1
## 14             strength       49      51      3
## 15                power       53      54      2
## 16                 good       56      56      1
## 17         institutions       58      59      2
## 18           countrymen       61      62      2
## 19                  you       66      66      1
## 20         felicitation       68      68      1
## 21              liberty       70      71      2
## 22                 that       81      81      1
## 23                   it       84      84      1
## 24        determination       86      87      2
## 25                   it       90      90      1
## 26               period       96      98      3
## 27              history      100     101      2
## 28             Republic      104     105      2
## 29               hearts      117     118      2
## 30               people      120     121      2
## 31         Constitution      125     126      2
## 32           amendments      129     130      2
## 33                   it      134     134      1
## 34                hands      136     137      2
## 35              authors      139     140      2
## 36            additions      142     143      2
## 37                which      144     144      1
## 38                   it      149     149      1
## 39              freedom      151     152      2
## 40          citizenship      154     156      3
## 41           government      158     159      2
## 42                years      163     170      8
## 43                trial      172     172      1
## 44            stability      174     175      2
## 45             security      177     177      1
## 46           efficiency      180     181      2
## 47           instrument      183     185      3
## 48          development      187     188      2
## 49            safeguard      190     192      3
## 50               rights      194     195      2
## 51             Congress      199     201      3
## 52             November      204     204      1
## 53           population      208     209      2
## 54               States      211     213      3
## 55                   we      221     221      1
## 56               States      223     224      2
## 57                   we      227     227      1
## 58            territory      234     235      2
## 59                miles      238     240      3
## 60                   It      242     242      1
## 61                miles      245     247      3
## 62            Education      249     249      1
## 63             religion      251     251      1
## 64             morality      254     254      1
## 65                 pace      257     257      1
## 66          advancement      259     260      2
## 67           directions      262     263      2
## 68                power      268     269      2
## 69           Government      270     271      2
## 70           principles      275     277      3
## 71                 none      280     280      1
## 72                 them      282     282      1
## 73              peoples      286     288      3
## 74          possessions      290     290      1
## 75               nation      292     293      2
## 76             reverent      299     299      1
## 77               thanks      300     300      1
## 78                  God      302     302      1
## 79             guidance      305     306      2
## 80          continuance      308     309      2
## 81                 care      311     312      2
## 82                favor      314     314      1
## 83          intercourse      318     320      3
## 84             question      321     323      3
## 85            treatment      326     327      2
## 86              problem      329     331      3
## 87                 this      335     335      1
## 88            relations      336     337      2
## 89               powers      339     340      2
## 90             troubles      346     348      3
## 91                China      350     350      1
## 92            agitation      353     355      3
## 93                which      356     356      1
## 94                years      358     361      4
## 95             strength      364     364      1
## 96            provinces      366     368      3
## 97               origin      370     371      2
## 98            character      375     376      2
## 99                races      378     380      3
## 100          traditions      383     384      2
## 101          Government      386     387      2
## 102           rebellion      389     391      3
## 103             opening      393     394      2
## 104               ports      396     397      2
## 105               trade      399     400      2
## 106          settlement      402     402      1
## 107         homogeneity      405     406      2
## 108           seclusion      408     409      2
## 109               China      411     411      1
## 110            activity      415     416      2
## 111              itself      418     418      1
## 112            quarters      421     422      2
## 113               coast      427     428      2
## 114            arteries      432     435      4
## 115           districts      438     440      3
## 116               ideas      443     444      2
## 117        associations      447     448      2
## 118              people      450     452      3
## 119               which      453     453      1
## 120           centuries      457     457      1
## 121              policy      458     460      3
## 122           isolation      462     462      1
## 123           telegraph      465     466      2
## 124             railway      468     469      2
## 125                land      472     473      2
## 126            steamers      475     476      2
## 127           waterways      479     480      2
## 128            merchant      482     483      2
## 129         penetrating      485     487      3
## 130                year      490     490      1
## 131            interior      493     494      2
## 132               types      498     501      4
## 133            invasion      503     505      3
## 134              course      508     509      2
## 135                life      511     513      3
## 136         forebodings      517     518      2
## 137            disaster      520     520      1
## 138             beliefs      522     523      2
## 139             control      525     528      4
## 140               years      532     533      2
## 141            troubles      535     537      3
## 142           resources      538     540      3
## 143           diplomacy      542     543      2
## 144      demonstrations      547     548      2
## 145               force      550     552      3
## 146              fleets      554     554      1
## 147                arms      556     556      1
## 148             respect      563     564      2
## 149              rights      566     568      3
## 150          foreigners      570     570      1
## 151        satisfaction      574     574      1
## 152         authorities      576     578      3
## 153            outrages      580     582      3
## 154             persons      584     585      2
## 155            property      587     587      1
## 156          sojourners      589     590      2
## 157               which      592     592      1
## 158                time      594     594      1
## 159                time      596     596      1
## 160              points      599     601      3
## 161           provinces      603     605      3
## 162                case      609     610      2
## 163           outbreaks      612     613      2
## 164               chuen      615     617      3
## 165                tung      619     621      3
## 166             Posting      624     624      1
## 167         antiforeign      626     626      1
## 168            placards      627     627      1
## 169          occurrence      629     631      3
## 170               which      633     633      1
## 171         reprobation      634     636      3
## 172               power      638     640      3
## 173           ignorance      651     652      2
## 174        superstition      654     654      1
## 175              masses      656     657      2
## 176         accusations      663     664      2
## 177              spirit      669     670      2
## 178                harm      676     677      2
## 179                They      679     679      1
## 180               class      682     684      3
## 181          foreigners      686     686      1
## 182                they      688     688      1
## 183          everything      693     693      1
## 184            outbreak      697     698      2
## 185                tung      700     702      3
## 186               which      705     705      1
## 187        missionaries      706     707      2
## 188              result      712     715      4
## 189           teachings      717     719      3
## 190             posting      722     723      2
## 191            placards      725     726      2
## 192         destruction      730     732      3
## 193          foreigners      734     734      1
## 194               thing      737     739      3
## 195      demonstrations      744     745      2
## 196            stranger      747     748      2
## 197            strength      750     750      1
## 198        organization      752     752      1
## 199                sect      755     756      2
## 200              Boxers      760     761      2
## 201           provinces      766     767      2
## 202                 Tse      770     773      4
## 203           collusion      777     778      2
## 204           officials      780     782      3
## 205                some      785     785      1
## 206            councils      787     789      3
## 207              Throne      791     792      2
## 208              itself      793     793      1
## 209                life      799     802      4
## 210               ports      806     809      4
## 211            interest      814     816      3
## 212          spoliation      820     820      1
## 213     representatives      823     825      3
## 214              powers      827     828      2
## 215              Peking      830     830      1
## 216                vain      833     833      1
## 217            movement      836     837      2
## 218             Protest      839     839      1
## 219              demand      843     843      1
## 220              demand      845     845      1
## 221             protest      847     848      2
## 222              edicts      854     855      2
## 223              Palace      857     858      2
## 224          assurances      860     863      4
## 225               Yamen      865     869      5
## 226              circle      871     872      2
## 227           influence      874     876      3
## 228              Peking      879     879      1
## 229                  it      888     888      1
## 230              spirit      892     893      2
## 231             capital      895     896      2
## 232              itself      897     897      1
## 233              forces      900     902      3
## 234           doctrines      906     907      2
## 235          counselors      911     913      3
## 236             Dowager      915     917      3
## 237            sympathy      920     921      2
## 238            movement      923     925      3
## 239             gravity      928     930      3
## 240          conditions      932     933      2
## 241               China      935     935      1
## 242           imminence      937     938      2
## 243               peril      940     940      1
## 244           interests      942     945      4
## 245              Empire      947     948      2
## 246               those      954     954      1
## 247         governments      956     960      5
## 248          Government      966     967      2
## 249                  it      970     970      1
## 250              States      974     976      3
## 251                days      978     980      3
## 252         intercourse      982     983      2
## 253               China      985     985      1
## 254              policy      988     989      2
## 255               peace      991     991      1
## 256           occasions      994     995      2
## 257           extension     1003    1004      2
## 258               trade     1006    1007      2
## 259         sovereignty     1011    1012      2
## 260          Government     1014    1015      2
## 261             measure     1028    1030      3
## 262          protection     1032    1032      1
## 263               lives     1034    1035      2
## 264            property     1037    1037      1
## 265            citizens     1039    1043      5
## 266            exercise     1046    1047      2
## 267            callings     1049    1051      3
## 268              people     1053    1055      3
## 269                this     1060    1060      1
## 270                  it     1062    1062      1
## 271            purposes     1069    1070      2
## 272               favor     1075    1075      1
## 273              course     1077    1078      2
## 274              action     1082    1083      2
## 275              powers     1085    1086      2
## 276              Peking     1088    1088      1
## 277             reforms     1091    1093      3
## 278          Government     1099    1101      3
## 279           integrity     1104    1105      2
## 280               China     1107    1107      1
## 281               which     1110    1110      1
## 282                  we     1111    1111      1
## 283               world     1113    1116      4
## 284                ends     1123    1124      2
## 285                   I     1125    1125      1
## 286              powers     1131    1133      3
## 287           territory     1135    1135      1
## 288             spheres     1138    1138      1
## 289           influence     1140    1140      1
## 290               China     1142    1142      1
## 291           proposals     1143    1145      3
## 292                them     1151    1151      1
## 293        declarations     1152    1152      1
## 294          intentions     1154    1155      2
## 295               views     1157    1157      1
## 296        desirability     1160    1161      2
## 297            adoption     1163    1164      2
## 298            measures     1166    1166      1
## 299            benefits     1168    1169      2
## 300            equality     1171    1171      1
## 301           treatment     1173    1173      1
## 302               trade     1175    1177      3
## 303               China     1179    1179      1
## 304           unanimity     1183    1184      2
## 305           responses     1185    1186      2
## 306              policy     1189    1191      3
## 307                  me     1194    1194      1
## 308         termination     1198    1200      3
## 309               proof     1202    1204      3
## 310              spirit     1206    1208      3
## 311               which     1209    1209      1
## 312              powers     1211    1213      3
## 313         development     1216    1218      3
## 314            commerce     1220    1220      1
## 315            industry     1222    1222      1
## 316              Empire     1224    1226      3
## 317              source     1228    1229      2
## 318             benefit     1231    1232      2
## 319               world     1234    1237      4
## 320          conclusion     1241    1242      2
## 321               which     1244    1244      1
## 322                   I     1245    1245      1
## 323       gratification     1247    1248      2
## 324          engagement     1252    1254      3
## 325              powers     1256    1258      3
## 326               March     1260    1260      1
## 327                   I     1265    1265      1
## 328              factor     1268    1270      3
## 329           abatement     1272    1273      2
## 330            distrust     1275    1276      2
## 331            purposes     1278    1279      2
## 332               which     1280    1280      1
## 333                past     1282    1284      3
## 334              policy     1289    1290      2
## 335          Government     1292    1294      3
## 336            exertion     1298    1300      3
## 337                  it     1302    1302      1
## 338               power     1304    1304      1
## 339           authority     1306    1306      1
## 340            movement     1309    1312      4
## 341           provinces     1314    1316      3
## 342           sentiment     1321    1323      3
## 343          confidence     1329    1329      1
## 344         willingness     1331    1332      2
## 345             ability     1334    1334      1
## 346      administration     1336    1338      3
## 347              wrongs     1341    1342      2
## 348               evils     1345    1346      2
## 349                  we     1347    1347      1
## 350               guard     1352    1354      3
## 351               which     1356    1356      1
## 352              Peking     1361    1361      1
## 353              autumn     1363    1364      2
## 354          protection     1368    1369      2
## 355            legation     1371    1372      2
## 356              moment     1377    1380      4
## 357           questions     1383    1385      3
## 358                  we     1392    1392      1
## 359             resorts     1397    1399      3
## 360         intercourse     1401    1402      2
## 361          Government     1405    1407      3
## 362            strength     1415    1417      3
## 363              Boxers     1419    1420      2
## 364                prey     1425    1426      2
## 365         dissensions     1428    1429      2
## 366             contest     1432    1434      3
## 367          influences     1435    1437      3
## 368          ascendancy     1440    1441      2
## 369          leadership     1443    1444      2
## 370                Tuan     1446    1447      2
## 371              armies     1449    1450      2
## 372              Boxers     1452    1452      1
## 373               which     1455    1455      1
## 374              forces     1456    1458      3
## 375             country     1462    1463      2
## 376              Peking     1465    1465      1
## 377               coast     1467    1468      2
## 378           Manchuria     1472    1472      1
## 379             borders     1475    1477      3
## 380          emissaries     1481    1482      2
## 381               China     1488    1489      2
## 382             Attacks     1492    1492      1
## 383          foreigners     1494    1494      1
## 384         destruction     1496    1496      1
## 385            property     1498    1499      2
## 386           slaughter     1502    1502      1
## 387            converts     1504    1505      2
## 388               sides     1509    1510      2
## 389               Yamen     1512    1516      5
## 390          sympathies     1521    1522      2
## 391            response     1526    1528      3
## 392             appeals     1530    1531      2
## 393           legations     1533    1534      2
## 394            juncture     1537    1539      3
## 395              spring     1542    1544      3
## 396                year     1546    1547      2
## 397            proposal     1549    1550      2
## 398              powers     1554    1556      3
## 399               fleet     1558    1560      3
## 400              waters     1565    1566      2
## 401       demonstration     1568    1570      3
## 402               cover     1573    1573      1
## 403               which     1575    1575      1
## 404             respect     1579    1582      4
## 405              rights     1584    1586      3
## 406         suppression     1588    1589      2
## 407              Boxers     1591    1592      2
## 408              States     1595    1597      3
## 409       demonstration     1603    1605      3
## 410         Philippines     1610    1611      2
## 411               ships     1612    1613      2
## 412                that     1614    1614      1
## 413             service     1619    1619      1
## 414               coast     1621    1623      3
## 415               force     1625    1627      3
## 416             marines     1629    1629      1
## 417                Taku     1633    1633      1
## 418              Peking     1637    1637      1
## 419          protection     1639    1640      2
## 420            legation     1642    1644      3
## 421              powers     1646    1647      2
## 422              action     1649    1650      2
## 423                 men     1653    1656      4
## 424             capital     1660    1661      2
## 425              guards     1663    1664      2
## 426               peril     1668    1669      2
## 427           legations     1672    1673      2
## 428         development     1675    1676      2
## 429            movement     1678    1680      3
## 430              Peking     1682    1682      1
## 431                need     1684    1685      2
## 432           provision     1687    1688      2
## 433             defense     1690    1690      1
## 434                  it     1692    1692      1
## 435        preparations     1695    1695      1
## 436            progress     1698    1698      1
## 437          expedition     1700    1702      3
## 438              guards     1706    1708      3
## 439             attempt     1715    1716      2
## 440               ships     1718    1720      3
## 441             landing     1723    1724      2
## 442                Taku     1726    1726      1
## 443                fire     1730    1731      2
## 444               forts     1733    1735      3
## 445               forts     1737    1738      2
## 446             vessels     1743    1745      3
## 447                part     1751    1752      2
## 448              attack     1754    1755      2
## 449              ground     1758    1759      2
## 450                  we     1761    1761      1
## 451                 war     1765    1765      1
## 452               China     1767    1767      1
## 453       demonstration     1770    1772      3
## 454            elements     1775    1777      3
## 455              Boxers     1780    1781      2
## 456              column     1784    1786      3
## 457               forts     1792    1794      3
## 458            conflict     1798    1800      3
## 459           Severance     1802    1802      1
## 460       communication     1804    1804      1
## 461              Peking     1806    1806      1
## 462               force     1810    1812      3
## 463              guards     1814    1815      2
## 464               which     1817    1817      1
## 465              Peking     1821    1821      1
## 466                  Ho     1823    1826      4
## 467            Langfang     1831    1831      1
## 468           isolation     1833    1834      2
## 469           legations     1836    1837      2
## 470               siege     1842    1843      2
## 471              relief     1845    1846      2
## 472           legations     1848    1849      2
## 473             history     1853    1854      2
## 474             chapter     1857    1860      4
## 475               which     1861    1861      1
## 476             heroism     1863    1864      2
## 477                band     1866    1868      3
## 478                face     1874    1875      2
## 479             despair     1877    1877      1
## 480                that     1883    1883      1
## 481           relievers     1885    1886      2
## 482              battle     1888    1888      1
## 483           suffering     1890    1890      1
## 484                goal     1892    1893      2
## 485                  it     1895    1895      1
## 486              memory     1897    1898      2
## 487               which     1900    1900      1
## 488          countrymen     1901    1902      2
## 489               honor     1908    1909      2
## 490                flag     1911    1912      2
## 491               siege     1917    1918      2
## 492              rescue     1920    1921      2
## 493              hearts     1925    1927      3
## 494           emulation     1934    1935      2
## 495                 men     1937    1938      2
## 496                race     1940    1941      2
## 497            language     1943    1943      1
## 498                that     1948    1948      1
## 499               cause     1952    1953      2
## 500               right     1955    1955      1
## 501             justice     1957    1957      1
## 502                June     1961    1961      1
## 503           legations     1963    1964      2
## 504                note     1969    1971      3
## 505                 the     1973    1973      1
## 506               Yamen     1975    1975      1
## 507            minister     1977    1978      2
## 508              Peking     1981    1981      1
## 509              escort     1984    1986      3
## 510               hours     1989    1992      4
## 511                time     1996    1996      1
## 512                they     1997    1997      1
## 513        prolongation     2001    2001      1
## 514                time     2003    2004      2
## 515               which     2006    2006      1
## 516           interview     2013    2014      2
## 517               Yamen     2016    2020      5
## 518                 day     2022    2024      3
## 519               reply     2026    2027      2
## 520             morning     2032    2033      2
## 521                2oth     2035    2036      2
## 522            minister     2037    2039      3
## 523            Ketteler     2041    2043      3
## 524               Yamen     2048    2049      2
## 525            response     2052    2053      2
## 526                 oil     2056    2056      1
## 527             attempt     2063    2064      2
## 528               guard     2066    2068      3
## 529                body     2071    2072      2
## 530             Chinese     2076    2077      2
## 531              forces     2079    2080      2
## 532           legations     2084    2085      2
## 533            quarters     2087    2088      2
## 534           compounds     2094    2096      3
## 535             inmates     2100    2101      2
## 536              refuge     2103    2103      1
## 537            legation     2105    2107      3
## 538           legations     2110    2113      4
## 539              guards     2115    2115      1
## 540             defense     2118    2120      3
## 541             persons     2122    2124      3
## 542             compass     2128    2130      3
## 543            converts     2132    2135      4
## 544              palace     2139    2141      3
## 545          protection     2143    2143      1
## 546          foreigners     2145    2146      2
## 547               Lines     2148    2148      1
## 548             defense     2150    2150      1
## 549                 dug     2154    2155      2
## 550          barricades     2157    2157      1
## 551        preparations     2161    2161      1
## 552               siege     2165    2166      2
## 553               which     2168    2168      1
## 554                June     2175    2175      1
## 555                July     2178    2178      1
## 556              Conger     2182    2183      2
## 557                hour     2188    2190      3
## 558               which     2192    2192      1
## 559                part     2198    2199      2
## 560               lines     2201    2202      2
## 561                some     2205    2205      1
## 562           legations     2207    2208      2
## 563                shot     2212    2214      3
## 564              attack     2216    2220      5
## 565                line     2222    2224      3
## 566           Artillery     2227    2227      1
## 567           legations     2231    2232      2
## 568               walls     2235    2240      6
## 569           thousands     2243    2243      1
## 570                shot     2245    2248      4
## 571               shell     2250    2250      1
## 572           buildings     2255    2256      2
## 573                 all     2259    2259      1
## 574               balls     2264    2265      2
## 575          ammunition     2271    2272      2
## 576              quarts     2279    2280      2
## 577             bullets     2282    2283      2
## 578                hour     2287    2288      2
## 579            compound     2290    2291      2
## 580              recast     2293    2293      1
## 581            Attempts     2296    2296      1
## 582           legations     2301    2302      2
## 583              houses     2305    2306      2
## 584                fire     2308    2308      1
## 585              flames     2311    2312      2
## 586           legations     2327    2328      2
## 587                 aid     2336    2337      2
## 588            converts     2339    2341      3
## 589        missionaries     2345    2346      2
## 590                  co     2349    2351      3
## 591                   -     2352    2352      1
## 592              Conger     2353    2355      3
## 593              praise     2357    2358      2
## 594            legation     2360    2362      3
## 595            fortress     2365    2367      3
## 596            minister     2369    2371      3
## 597           MacDonald     2373    2375      3
## 598           commander     2379    2380      2
## 599             defense     2382    2383      2
## 600           secretary     2386    2387      2
## 601            legation     2389    2391      3
## 602               chief     2399    2399      1
## 603               staff     2401    2401      1
## 604                life     2406    2406      1
## 605          ammunition     2408    2408      1
## 606                fire     2413    2415      3
## 607            soldiery     2417    2419      3
## 608              attack     2425    2425      1
## 609              sortie     2428    2431      4
## 610           advantage     2433    2434      2
## 611                that     2438    2438      1
## 612             marines     2440    2449     10
## 613               Myers     2452    2453      2
## 614               Corps     2456    2460      5
## 615               which     2462    2462      1
## 616             capture     2465    2466      2
## 617           barricade     2468    2470      3
## 618                wall     2472    2473      2
## 619                that     2474    2474      1
## 620            position     2477    2479      3
## 621                  It     2481    2481      1
## 622         acquisition     2490    2492      3
## 623                gate     2496    2498      3
## 624               which     2500    2500      1
## 625              column     2501    2503      3
## 626               siege     2508    2509      2
## 627           defenders     2510    2511      2
## 628             disease     2522    2522      1
## 629                July     2531    2531      1
## 630       communication     2536    2538      3
## 631               Yamen     2540    2544      5
## 632                whom     2547    2547      1
## 633             message     2548    2549      2
## 634          conference     2553    2554      2
## 635               which     2556    2556      1
## 636      Correspondence     2560    2560      1
## 637                sort     2566    2567      2
## 638           armistice     2569    2569      1
## 639               which     2574    2574      1
## 640         bombardment     2576    2577      2
## 641                fire     2580    2582      3
## 642                time     2584    2585      2
## 643          protection     2589    2590      2
## 644            whatever     2591    2591      1
## 645                 aid     2596    2597      2
## 646           legations     2604    2605      2
## 647              supply     2606    2608      3
## 648               fruit     2610    2610      1
## 649               sacks     2612    2613      2
## 650               flour     2615    2615      1
## 651       communication     2620    2622      3
## 652          Government     2625    2627      3
## 653            delivery     2630    2632      3
## 654            dispatch     2634    2634      1
## 655            telegram     2636    2637      2
## 656             demands     2640    2641      2
## 657               Yamen     2643    2647      5
## 658          withdrawal     2649    2650      2
## 659           legations     2652    2653      2
## 660               coast     2655    2656      2
## 661              escort     2658    2658      1
## 662       protestations     2663    2664      2
## 663          Government     2666    2668      3
## 664                  it     2670    2670      1
## 665           legations     2674    2675      2
## 666               proof     2680    2681      2
## 667             attacks     2684    2685      2
## 668                them     2687    2687      1
## 669              troops     2691    2692      2
## 670             command     2704    2705      2
## 671                  Lu     2707    2708      2
## 672           commander     2710    2712      3
## 673               chief     2714    2714      1
## 674             Decrees     2716    2716      1
## 675              Boxers     2718    2719      2
## 676                them     2722    2722      1
## 677            officers     2723    2726      4
## 678                them     2729    2729      1
## 679                them     2734    2734      1
## 680                sums     2735    2736      2
## 681                name     2738    2739      2
## 682             Dowager     2741    2743      3
## 683             Members     2750    2750      1
## 684               Yamen     2752    2756      5
## 685                 who     2757    2757      1
## 686          protection     2759    2759      1
## 687          foreigners     2761    2762      2
## 688                 men     2768    2771      4
## 689            sympathy     2774    2775      2
## 690               death     2779    2779      1
## 691               these     2783    2783      1
## 692                hoon     2785    2788      4
## 693            minister     2790    2792      3
## 694          Washington     2794    2794      1
## 695         negotiation     2798    2799      2
## 696           armistice     2801    2803      3
## 697                July     2805    2805      1
## 698          proceeding     2808    2809      2
## 699               which     2810    2810      1
## 700     representations     2815    2816      2
## 701               envoy     2818    2820      3
## 702          Washington     2822    2822      1
## 703                 way     2824    2825      2
## 704          conveyance     2829    2830      2
## 705              Conger     2832    2833      2
## 706             message     2835    2837      3
## 707           Secretary     2840    2841      2
## 708               State     2843    2843      1
## 709             offices     2845    2847      3
## 710                fang     2849    2853      5
## 711               reply     2855    2858      4
## 712              Peking     2862    2862      1
## 713                July     2864    2864      1
## 714             channel     2867    2869      3
## 715               world     2873    2875      3
## 716             tidings     2876    2878      3
## 717             inmates     2880    2881      2
## 718           legations     2883    2884      2
## 719              succor     2891    2891      1
## 720                news     2894    2895      2
## 721        preparations     2897    2898      2
## 722          expedition     2900    2903      4
## 723             numbers     2905    2905      1
## 724          resistance     2909    2910      2
## 725               which     2911    2911      1
## 726               month     2913    2914      2
## 727                Taku     2919    2919      1
## 728             capital     2921    2922      2
## 729      Reinforcements     2924    2924      1
## 730         Governments     2927    2932      6
## 731          contingent     2937    2940      4
## 732         Philippines     2945    2946      2
## 733             country     2950    2951      2
## 734                 men     2955    2957      3
## 735             command     2960    2962      3
## 736             Liscurn     2965    2968      4
## 737             Chaffee     2972    2973      2
## 738                 end     2977    2978      2
## 739                July     2980    2980      1
## 740            movement     2981    2982      2
## 741            conflict     2985    2987      3
## 742            Tientsin     2990    2990      1
## 743               which     2993    2993      1
## 744             Liscurn     2994    2995      2
## 745                city     2999    3000      2
## 746             capture     3007    3008      2
## 747                base     3010    3011      2
## 748          operations     3013    3013      1
## 749               which     3015    3015      1
## 750             advance     3018    3020      3
## 751               which     3022    3022      1
## 752                days     3025    3027      3
## 753              August     3029    3029      1
## 754          expedition     3031    3032      2
## 755              troops     3037    3045      9
## 756              outset     3047    3048      2
## 757              battle     3051    3052      2
## 758            Yangtsun     3058    3058      1
## 759              troops     3061    3064      4
## 760                show     3066    3067      2
## 761          resistance     3069    3069      1
## 762            position     3075    3077      3
## 763                 woo     3079    3083      5
## 764               march     3087    3089      3
## 765              forces     3091    3093      3
## 766                city     3095    3097      3
## 767                Chow     3099    3100      2
## 768               which     3102    3102      1
## 769             contest     3105    3106      2
## 770              August     3110    3110      1
## 771             capital     3112    3113      2
## 772            conflict     3118    3120      3
## 773               walls     3122    3123      2
## 774              column     3124    3126      3
## 775           legations     3129    3130      2
## 776            soldiers     3134    3137      4
## 777             sailors     3139    3139      1
## 778             marines     3142    3142      1
## 779            officers     3144    3144      1
## 780                 men     3146    3146      1
## 781              climes     3150    3152      3
## 782        surroundings     3154    3155      2
## 783               valor     3158    3160      3
## 784          discipline     3162    3162      1
## 785             conduct     3165    3166      2
## 786               proof     3169    3169      1
## 787              degree     3171    3174      4
## 788        intelligence     3176    3176      1
## 789          efficiency     3178    3178      1
## 790               which     3179    3179      1
## 791                them     3182    3182      1
## 792           emergency     3184    3185      2
## 793              family     3188    3190      3
## 794          Government     3192    3193      2
## 795                city     3201    3202      2
## 796             control     3205    3206      2
## 797            soldiery     3208    3211      4
## 798               night     3215    3216      2
## 799                13th     3218    3219      2
## 800             attempt     3220    3222      3
## 801               which     3228    3228      1
## 802                  It     3233    3233      1
## 803              forces     3236    3238      3
## 804               order     3241    3241      1
## 805      administration     3244    3246      3
## 806        disturbances     3250    3252      3
## 807           provinces     3256    3258      3
## 808                  It     3260    3260      1
## 809              relief     3262    3263      2
## 810            pleasure     3267    3268      2
## 811             conduct     3271    3273      3
## 812            viceroys     3275    3276      2
## 813         authorities     3278    3279      2
## 814           provinces     3281    3285      5
## 815             efforts     3287    3288      2
## 816             control     3293    3295      3
## 817         populations     3297    3299      3
## 818                rule     3301    3302      2
## 819          observance     3305    3307      3
## 820              rights     3309    3311      3
## 821             moments     3314    3315      2
## 822                they     3316    3316      1
## 823              Throne     3322    3323      2
## 824          protection     3326    3327      2
## 825           legations     3329    3330      2
## 826         restoration     3332    3333      2
## 827       communication     3335    3335      1
## 828           assertion     3338    3339      2
## 829           authority     3341    3343      3
## 830            elements     3345    3347      3
## 831                They     3349    3349      1
## 832           relations     3351    3352      2
## 833     representatives     3354    3356      3
## 834              powers     3358    3359      2
## 835         disposition     3362    3364      3
## 836             success     3368    3369      2
## 837             consuls     3371    3372      2
## 838        missionaries     3377    3378      2
## 839            interior     3380    3381      2
## 840              places     3383    3383      1
## 841              safety     3385    3385      1
## 842            relation     3388    3389      2
## 843              action     3390    3391      2
## 844             consuls     3393    3394      2
## 845                tung     3401    3403      3
## 846                  li     3405    3408      4
## 847                task     3409    3410      2
## 848              energy     3418    3419      2
## 849         cooperation     3421    3422      2
## 850          commanders     3424    3428      5
## 851            hundreds     3430    3430      1
## 852          foreigners     3432    3432      1
## 853               those     3435    3435      1
## 854       nationalities     3437    3438      2
## 855                ours     3440    3440      1
## 856               peril     3445    3446      2
## 857              policy     3449    3450      2
## 858              States     3452    3454      3
## 859              period     3456    3459      4
## 860                note     3468    3470      3
## 861              powers     3472    3473      2
## 862            attitude     3478    3479      2
## 863           condition     3482    3483      2
## 864               north     3485    3486      2
## 865             anarchy     3490    3491      2
## 866               which     3494    3494      1
## 867           provinces     3495    3497      3
## 868               south     3499    3500      2
## 869           southeast     3502    3502      1
## 870               share     3504    3505      2
## 871                  we     3507    3507      1
## 872         authorities     3509    3511      3
## 873            quarters     3513    3515      3
## 874              people     3518    3520      3
## 875                whom     3522    3522      1
## 876                  we     3523    3523      1
## 877               peace     3528    3528      1
## 878          friendship     3530    3530      1
## 879                aims     3532    3534      3
## 880                 war     3536    3537      2
## 881              nation     3539    3541      3
## 882                  We     3543    3543      1
## 883              office     3546    3548      3
## 884            legation     3551    3553      3
## 885             redress     3556    3556      1
## 886              wrongs     3558    3558      1
## 887              safety     3565    3566      2
## 888                life     3568    3569      2
## 889            property     3571    3571      1
## 890               China     3573    3573      1
## 891              spread     3577    3578      2
## 892           disorders     3580    3581      2
## 893          recurrence     3583    3584      2
## 894              policy     3593    3594      2
## 895          Government     3596    3597      2
## 896              States     3599    3601      3
## 897            solution     3605    3606      2
## 898               which     3607    3607      1
## 899              safety     3611    3612      2
## 900               peace     3614    3614      1
## 901               China     3616    3616      1
## 902              entity     3619    3623      5
## 903              rights     3626    3627      2
## 904              powers     3630    3631      2
## 905              treaty     3633    3633      1
## 906                 law     3635    3636      2
## 907               world     3641    3642      2
## 908           principle     3643    3644      2
## 909               trade     3646    3649      4
## 910               parts     3651    3652      2
## 911              Empire     3654    3656      3
## 912         professions     3662    3663      2
## 913               which     3664    3664      1
## 914                  it     3667    3667      1
## 915               views     3671    3672      2
## 916            purposes     3674    3674      1
## 917         Governments     3676    3681      6
## 918             efforts     3683    3685      3
## 919           situation     3691    3693      3
## 920               China     3695    3695      1
## 921        negotiations     3697    3697      1
## 922          settlement     3699    3700      2
## 923              moment     3702    3705      4
## 924                duty     3710    3712      3
## 925            legation     3715    3716      2
## 926          dependents     3718    3719      2
## 927                  we     3722    3722      1
## 928         hostilities     3725    3726      2
## 929            legation     3729    3730      2
## 930               guard     3732    3734      3
## 931              Peking     3736    3736      1
## 932             channel     3738    3739      2
## 933         negotiation     3741    3741      1
## 934          settlement     3743    3743      1
## 935              others     3749    3749      1
## 936              powers     3751    3753      3
## 937           Overtures     3755    3755      1
## 938     representatives     3757    3759      3
## 939             Emperor     3761    3763      3
## 940         proposition     3770    3772      3
## 941         restoration     3775    3776      2
## 942               power     3778    3780      3
## 943              Peking     3782    3782      1
## 944          consonance     3788    3789      2
## 945             desires     3791    3793      3
## 946                  we     3796    3796      1
## 947          reparation     3801    3803      3
## 948              wrongs     3805    3805      1
## 949          settlement     3808    3810      3
## 950                that     3811    3811      1
## 951          recurrence     3814    3815      2
## 952           authority     3823    3824      2
## 953               which     3825    3825      1
## 954              nation     3826    3828      3
## 955                  we     3836    3836      1
## 956                 jot     3838    3839      2
## 957               right     3841    3843      3
## 958          punishment     3846    3849      4
## 959             authors     3851    3853      3
## 960            abettors     3855    3855      1
## 961                acts     3857    3859      3
## 962                  we     3861    3861      1
## 963             nations     3863    3864      2
## 964              injury     3867    3868      2
## 965            culprits     3872    3874      3
## 966          counselors     3876    3878      3
## 967                 who     3879    3879      1
## 968            judgment     3882    3884      3
## 969           authority     3887    3889      3
## 970                ends     3891    3894      4
## 971           expiation     3896    3897      2
## 972              limits     3901    3903      3
## 973             Justice     3905    3906      2
## 974                this     3909    3909      1
## 975           condition     3911    3913      3
## 976          settlement     3915    3917      3
## 977               China     3919    3919      1
## 978              powers     3921    3922      2
## 979                   I     3924    3924      1
## 980             message     3927    3928      2
## 981             October     3930    3930      1
## 982             Emperor     3933    3935      3
## 983                   I     3937    3937      1
## 984        negotiations     3940    3940      1
## 985                  we     3946    3946      1
## 986         Governments     3951    3951      1
## 987             ability     3957    3960      4
## 988               power     3962    3962      1
## 989           offenders     3968    3970      3
## 990                 who     3972    3972      1
## 991          foreigners     3980    3981      2
## 992             Majesty     3985    3986      2
## 993                rule     3989    3990      2
## 994             purpose     3991    3992      2
## 995               China     3994    3994      1
## 996             concord     3998    3998      1
## 997               world     4000    4001      2
## 998            hitherto     4003    4003      1
## 999          expression     4005    4005      1
## 1000            welcome     4007    4008      2
## 1001         protection     4010    4010      1
## 1002          strangers     4013    4013      1
## 1003              point     4018    4019      2
## 1004          departure     4021    4021      1
## 1005              edict     4023    4025      3
## 1006              Chang     4027    4030      4
## 1007              Ching     4032    4033      2
## 1008  plenipotentiaries     4034    4034      1
## 1009         settlement     4037    4038      2
## 1010              edict     4041    4042      2
## 1011          September     4044    4044      1
## 1012          officials     4048    4050      3
## 1013         punishment     4054    4054      1
## 1014         Government     4056    4057      2
## 1015            concert     4062    4062      1
## 1016             powers     4064    4066      3
## 1017            opening     4069    4070      2
## 1018       negotiations     4072    4072      1
## 1019              which     4074    4074      1
## 1020             Conger     4075    4076      2
## 1021           Rockhill     4080    4081      2
## 1022             behalf     4089    4089      1
## 1023             States     4091    4093      3
## 1024              bases     4096    4097      2
## 1025        negotiation     4099    4099      1
## 1026         Government     4102    4103      2
## 1027           Republic     4105    4107      3
## 1028       reservations     4112    4113      2
## 1029            details     4116    4116      1
## 1030      circumstances     4121    4123      3
## 1031       reservations     4128    4129      2
## 1032             powers     4131    4132      2
## 1033         discussion     4136    4136      1
## 1034           progress     4138    4139      2
## 1035       negotiations     4141    4142      2
## 1036        disposition     4144    4145      2
## 1037         Government     4147    4150      4
## 1038          liability     4153    4153      1
## 1039             wrongs     4155    4155      1
## 1040        Governments     4158    4159      2
## 1041          nationals     4161    4162      2
## 1042        designation     4168    4170      3
## 1043            persons     4172    4174      3
## 1044          ministers     4176    4178      3
## 1045             Peking     4180    4180      1
## 1046           position     4184    4185      2
## 1047               hope     4190    4190      1
## 1048         settlement     4192    4194      3
## 1049          questions     4196    4197      2
## 1050             rights     4201    4202      2
## 1051          residence     4204    4204      1
## 1052        intercourse     4206    4206      1
## 1053              terms     4208    4208      1
## 1054           equality     4210    4210      1
## 1055              world     4212    4214      3
## 1056                  I     4217    4217      1
## 1057            factors     4222    4224      3
## 1058         adjustment     4226    4228      3
## 1059         securement     4229    4230      2
## 1060         guarantees     4232    4233      2
## 1061            liberty     4235    4235      1
## 1062              faith     4237    4237      1
## 1063         insecurity     4240    4240      1
## 1064            natives     4242    4243      2
## 1065                who     4244    4244      1
## 1066             creeds     4247    4248      2
## 1067            assault     4250    4254      5
## 1068             rights     4256    4257      2
## 1069            worship     4259    4260      2
## 1070           teaching     4262    4262      1
## 1071           invasion     4266    4268      3
## 1072             matter     4272    4273      2
## 1073          indemnity     4275    4275      1
## 1074           citizens     4277    4279      3
## 1075           question     4281    4282      2
## 1076            concern     4284    4285      2
## 1077              money     4289    4289      1
## 1078         reparation     4292    4294      3
## 1079            ability     4300    4301      2
## 1080              China     4303    4303      1
## 1081             powers     4307    4309      3
## 1082        disclaimers     4312    4313      2
## 1083            purpose     4315    4316      2
## 1084     aggrandizement     4318    4318      1
## 1085      dismemberment     4320    4321      2
## 1086             Empire     4323    4324      2
## 1087                  I     4326    4326      1
## 1088       compensation     4332    4333      2
## 1089               part     4338    4338      1
## 1090         guarantees     4340    4341      2
## 1091           security     4343    4343      1
## 1092             rights     4345    4346      2
## 1093         immunities     4348    4348      1
## 1094                all     4355    4355      1
## 1095            opening     4358    4359      2
## 1096              China     4361    4361      1
## 1097           commerce     4363    4365      3
## 1098              world     4367    4369      3
## 1099              views     4371    4372      2
## 1100    representatives     4381    4382      2
## 1101         Government     4385    4386      2
## 1102             Russia     4388    4388      1
## 1103         suggestion     4392    4393      2
## 1104              event     4397    4398      2
## 1105         divergence     4400    4401      2
## 1106              views     4403    4403      1
## 1107             regard     4405    4405      1
## 1108        indemnities     4407    4407      1
## 1109             matter     4408    4409      2
## 1110              Court     4414    4415      2
## 1111        Arbitration     4417    4417      1
## 1112              Hague     4419    4420      2
## 1113                  I     4422    4422      1
## 1114               this     4426    4426      1
## 1115           tribunal     4430    4431      2
## 1116           solution     4437    4438      2
## 1117          stability     4443    4444      2
## 1118         prosperity     4447    4447      1
## 1119              China     4449    4449      1
## 1120             itself     4450    4450      1
## 1121             powers     4455    4456      2
## 1122      Ratifications     4459    4459      1
## 1123             treaty     4461    4462      2
## 1124        extradition     4464    4464      1
## 1125           Republic     4466    4468      3
## 1126               June     4472    4472      1
## 1127         Government     4478    4482      5
## 1128              cases     4485    4487      3
## 1129               that     4488    4488      1
## 1130             arrest     4493    4494      2
## 1131           citizens     4496    4498      3
## 1132            evasion     4500    4501      2
## 1133            service     4503    4504      2
## 1134         provisions     4507    4508      2
## 1135             treaty     4510    4511      2
## 1136            persons     4514    4515      2
## 1137        obligations     4517    4518      2
## 1138                 it     4520    4520      1
## 1139          instances     4523    4524      2
## 1140              those     4526    4526      1
## 1141           presence     4527    4528      2
## 1142          community     4530    4531      2
## 1143             origin     4533    4534      2
## 1144          influence     4539    4541      3
## 1145    Representations     4543    4543      1
## 1146             course     4548    4549      2
## 1147           adoption     4551    4552      2
## 1148                 We     4559    4559      1
## 1149            Belgium     4565    4565      1
## 1150         Convention     4568    4570      3
## 1151               June     4572    4572      1
## 1152         amendatory     4576    4576      1
## 1153         Convention     4578    4580      3
## 1154            respect     4584    4584      1
## 1155         regulation     4586    4587      2
## 1156              trade     4589    4591      3
## 1157             Africa     4593    4593      1
## 1158         Compliance     4595    4595      1
## 1159            absence     4601    4602      2
## 1160             advice     4604    4605      2
## 1161            consent     4607    4607      1
## 1162            thereto     4609    4611      3
## 1163          principle     4613    4614      2
## 1164           sympathy     4617    4619      3
## 1165         Government     4621    4622      2
## 1166              which     4624    4624      1
## 1167       negotiations     4626    4628      3
## 1168           measures     4630    4632      3
## 1169                  I     4635    4635      1
## 1170          extension     4639    4640      2
## 1171          agreement     4643    4644      2
## 1172        restriction     4647    4648      2
## 1173            traffic     4650    4652      3
## 1174                all     4654    4654      1
## 1175            peoples     4656    4657      2
## 1176            Pacific     4661    4663      3
## 1177         conference     4666    4667      2
## 1178           Brussels     4672    4672      1
## 1179         Convention     4679    4680      2
## 1180         protection     4682    4683      2
## 1181           property     4685    4686      2
## 1182              Paris     4690    4690      1
## 1183              which     4697    4697      1
## 1184          delegates     4698    4698      1
## 1185            country     4700    4701      2
## 1186          lessening     4706    4707      2
## 1187       difficulties     4709    4710      2
## 1188               that     4711    4711      1
## 1189          inventors     4712    4713      2
## 1190            patents     4717    4717      1
## 1191         inventions     4720    4721      2
## 1192            farmers     4724    4725      2
## 1193      manufacturers     4727    4727      1
## 1194          merchants     4730    4730      1
## 1195         protection     4734    4735      2
## 1196              marks     4737    4740      4
## 1197      consideration     4744    4745      2
## 1198          attention     4748    4749      2
## 1199            results     4754    4755      2
## 1200         conference     4757    4758      2
## 1201               time     4760    4762      3
## 1202           interest     4766    4767      2
## 1203              trade     4770    4770      1
## 1204            country     4772    4773      2
## 1205            America     4775    4776      2
## 1206            efforts     4778    4778      1
## 1207               year     4783    4785      3
## 1208        conventions     4788    4788      1
## 1209          republics     4790    4792      3
## 1210        enlargement     4794    4795      2
## 1211         facilities     4797    4798      2
## 1212         agreements     4800    4802      3
## 1213            Bolivia     4806    4806      1
## 1214              April     4808    4808      1
## 1215              which     4812    4812      1
## 1216             system     4815    4819      5
## 1217            changes     4822    4823      2
## 1218         Department     4826    4830      5
## 1219         Government     4838    4839      2
## 1220             treaty     4841    4842      2
## 1221        extradition     4844    4844      1
## 1222            country     4846    4847      2
## 1223                day     4851    4853      3
## 1224             Senate     4857    4858      2
## 1225            dispute     4861    4863      3
## 1226             Brazil     4865    4865      1
## 1227            Bolivia     4867    4867      1
## 1228          territory     4869    4870      2
## 1229               Acre     4872    4872      1
## 1230                way     4875    4877      3
## 1231         adjustment     4879    4880      2
## 1232           December     4886    4886      1
## 1233           frontier     4893    4895      3
## 1234        demarcation     4899    4900      2
## 1235         commission     4902    4904      3
## 1236         Conditions     4907    4907      1
## 1237             Brazil     4909    4909      1
## 1238              trade     4914    4916      3
## 1239            country     4918    4919      2
## 1240           contrast     4921    4922      2
## 1241         conditions     4924    4926      3
## 1242              which     4928    4928      1
## 1243           products     4929    4930      2
## 1244            markets     4934    4935      2
## 1245    representations     4937    4938      2
## 1246         Government     4943    4944      2
## 1247            subject     4946    4947      2
## 1248       amelioration     4949    4950      2
## 1249                 We     4955    4955      1
## 1250            justice     4958    4960      3
## 1251               will     4962    4963      2
## 1252         Government     4965    4966      2
## 1253                 us     4970    4970      1
## 1254        improvement     4971    4973      3
## 1255          relations     4975    4977      3
## 1256         Convention     4980    4981      2
## 1257                May     4983    4983      1
## 1258         settlement     4989    4991      3
## 1259             claims     4993    4993      1
## 1260           abeyance     4996    4996      1
## 1261        dissolution     4998    4999      2
## 1262         Commission     5001    5002      2
## 1263             length     5008    5008      1
## 1264           Congress     5011    5013      3
## 1265         Commission     5015    5017      3
## 1266                 It     5023    5023      1
## 1267           Congress     5026    5027      2
## 1268           expenses     5031    5033      3
## 1269         Commission     5035    5036      2
## 1270           movement     5039    5041      3
## 1271              which     5042    5042      1
## 1272           Colombia     5044    5044      1
## 1273               part     5046    5048      3
## 1274         guerrillas     5057    5057      1
## 1275        departments     5061    5062      2
## 1276              power     5064    5066      3
## 1277           Republic     5068    5069      2
## 1278              hands     5071    5071      1
## 1279             August     5073    5073      1
## 1280                act     5076    5077      2
## 1281          Marroquin     5079    5082      4
## 1282              reins     5085    5086      2
## 1283         government     5088    5088      1
## 1284            absence     5090    5091      2
## 1285           Clemente     5093    5095      3
## 1286            capital     5097    5098      2
## 1287             change     5100    5101      2
## 1288         opposition     5104    5106      3
## 1289         precedents     5111    5112      2
## 1290              cases     5114    5115      2
## 1291           minister     5117    5120      4
## 1292          relations     5123    5123      1
## 1293         Government     5125    5128      4
## 1294          September     5130    5130      1
## 1295                 It     5134    5134      1
## 1296          questions     5140    5142      3
## 1297               Rica     5144    5145      2
## 1298          Nicaragua     5147    5147      1
## 1299              Award     5151    5152      2
## 1300          Cleveland     5154    5155      2
## 1301             choice     5162    5163      2
## 1302           engineer     5165    5167      3
## 1303          Alexander     5169    5172      4
## 1304             umpire     5175    5175      1
## 1305               line     5178    5180      3
## 1306               task     5182    5183      2
## 1307       satisfaction     5188    5189      2
## 1308        contestants     5191    5192      2
## 1309         revolution     5195    5196      2
## 1310           Republic     5198    5200      3
## 1311              close     5202    5203      2
## 1312               year     5205    5206      2
## 1313       installation     5209    5210      2
## 1314            Jimenez     5212    5213      2
## 1315         Government     5215    5216      2
## 1316            January     5221    5221      1
## 1317            payment     5225    5226      2
## 1318              claim     5231    5233      3
## 1319             regard     5235    5235      1
## 1320             bridge     5237    5239      3
## 1321               year     5242    5243      2
## 1322         exposition     5245    5246      2
## 1323          occasions     5251    5251      1
## 1324               will     5254    5256      3
## 1325               that     5257    5257      1
## 1326            country     5260    5261      2
## 1327             France     5263    5263      1
## 1328        competition     5265    5267      3
## 1329             nation     5271    5272      2
## 1330        productions     5276    5277      2
## 1331           industry     5279    5279      1
## 1332            science     5281    5281      1
## 1333               arts     5284    5285      2
## 1334            rivalry     5289    5290      2
## 1335           judgment     5292    5293      2
## 1336            rivalry     5301    5302      2
## 1337           increase     5304    5306      3
## 1338       exportations     5308    5308      1
## 1339            country     5310    5311      2
## 1340              years     5313    5316      4
## 1341           activity     5318    5319      2
## 1342              which     5321    5321      1
## 1343         inventions     5322    5323      2
## 1344              wares     5325    5325      1
## 1345            markets     5328    5329      2
## 1346           interest     5331    5332      2
## 1347            exhibit     5336    5338      3
## 1348      encouragement     5341    5342      2
## 1349                way     5346    5347      2
## 1350              space     5349    5349      1
## 1351         facilities     5351    5351      1
## 1352              whole     5359    5360      2
## 1353               part     5364    5365      2
## 1354                 It     5368    5368      1
## 1355               task     5373    5376      4
## 1356           exhibits     5379    5379      1
## 1357               that     5380    5380      1
## 1358          resources     5384    5386      3
## 1359       manufactures     5388    5388      1
## 1360         prosperity     5393    5395      3
## 1361          incentive     5398    5399      2
## 1362             dealer     5403    5404      2
## 1363          materials     5406    5407      2
## 1364               user     5410    5411      2
## 1365                him     5415    5415      1
## 1366          factories     5417    5419      3
## 1367             demand     5423    5425      3
## 1368             output     5427    5428      2
## 1369               home     5433    5433      1
## 1370              merit     5440    5440      1
## 1371              trade     5444    5446      3
## 1372            Appeals     5449    5449      1
## 1373         patriotism     5455    5456      2
## 1374         exhibitors     5458    5458      1
## 1375               them     5461    5461      1
## 1376            outlays     5464    5464      1
## 1377             return     5466    5468      3
## 1378               This     5470    5470      1
## 1379               case     5472    5474      3
## 1380                 it     5476    5476      1
## 1381           sequence     5481    5483      3
## 1382              class     5486    5487      2
## 1383          processes     5489    5489      1
## 1384       manufacturer     5491    5492      2
## 1385            another     5494    5494      1
## 1386              times     5504    5504      1
## 1387            promise     5507    5508      2
## 1388            section     5512    5514      3
## 1389                 it     5519    5519      1
## 1390           pressure     5526    5526      1
## 1391             orders     5528    5529      2
## 1392              quest     5532    5534      3
## 1393       installation     5542    5543      2
## 1394           exhibits     5545    5545      1
## 1395          obstacles     5550    5551      2
## 1396               cost     5554    5555      2
## 1397         exposition     5557    5558      2
## 1398               date     5564    5565      2
## 1399            opening     5568    5569      2
## 1400              lines     5571    5574      4
## 1401            freight     5578    5579      2
## 1402              goods     5581    5582      2
## 1403           quarters     5589    5590      2
## 1404              labor     5592    5593      2
## 1405          confusion     5598    5600      3
## 1406               task     5604    5605      2
## 1407         Commission     5607    5608      2
## 1408               fact     5611    5612      2
## 1409             scheme     5617    5618      2
## 1410     classification     5620    5620      1
## 1411                 it     5623    5623      1
## 1412            exhibit     5628    5630      3
## 1413            country     5632    5634      3
## 1414           building     5636    5638      3
## 1415              group     5640    5643      4
## 1416           exhibits     5645    5645      1
## 1417               part     5647    5649      3
## 1418           building     5651    5652      2
## 1419      installations     5654    5655      2
## 1420              sides     5659    5660      2
## 1421              Seine     5662    5663      2
## 1422            suburbs     5666    5668      3
## 1423              Paris     5670    5670      1
## 1424         assistants     5674    5675      2
## 1425               work     5679    5680      2
## 1426        supervision     5682    5682      1
## 1427        arrangement     5684    5684      1
## 1428          drawbacks     5688    5690      3
## 1429       contribution     5691    5692      2
## 1430             States     5694    5696      3
## 1431            display     5700    5703      4
## 1432              place     5711    5711      1
## 1433        arrangement     5717    5717      1
## 1434           exhibits     5719    5720      2
## 1435            classes     5729    5736      8
## 1436     classification     5742    5744      3
## 1437              those     5746    5746      1
## 1438             nation     5748    5750      3
## 1439             number     5753    5754      2
## 1440               they     5755    5755      1
## 1441              those     5759    5759      1
## 1442             France     5761    5761      1
## 1443               form     5764    5766      3
## 1444              which     5768    5768      1
## 1445               they     5769    5769      1
## 1446          attention     5772    5774      3
## 1447          criterion     5777    5778      2
## 1448             extent     5780    5781      2
## 1449            success     5783    5783      1
## 1450      participation     5785    5786      2
## 1451       thoroughness     5789    5790      2
## 1452              which     5792    5792      1
## 1453           exhibits     5793    5794      2
## 1454             awards     5800    5801      2
## 1455         exhibitors     5804    5805      2
## 1456               jury     5807    5809      3
## 1457             prizes     5811    5814      4
## 1458             medals     5818    5819      2
## 1459             medals     5823    5824      2
## 1460             medals     5828    5829      2
## 1461           mentions     5834    5835      2
## 1462                all     5841    5841      1
## 1463             number     5844    5847      4
## 1464            exhibit     5850    5851      2
## 1465             nation     5853    5855      3
## 1466             number     5860    5862      3
## 1467              grade     5864    5865      2
## 1468        recognition     5867    5869      3
## 1469              merit     5871    5871      1
## 1470        competition     5873    5873      1
## 1471           exhibits     5875    5877      3
## 1472            nations     5879    5881      3
## 1473              hands     5884    5885      2
## 1474             juries     5887    5887      1
## 1475                tip     5891    5891      1
## 1476    representatives     5893    5893      1
## 1477             France     5895    5895      1
## 1478          countries     5897    5899      3
## 1479                 it     5912    5912      1
## 1480                 us     5914    5914      1
## 1481              front     5916    5917      2
## 1482          questions     5919    5920      2
## 1483             supply     5922    5922      1
## 1484             demand     5924    5924      1
## 1485         proportion     5927    5929      3
## 1486             awards     5931    5931      1
## 1487            classes     5933    5934      2
## 1488                art     5936    5936      1
## 1489       manufactures     5938    5939      2
## 1490              proof     5941    5942      2
## 1491        stimulation     5944    5945      2
## 1492            culture     5947    5948      2
## 1493         prosperity     5950    5951      2
## 1494               that     5952    5952      1
## 1495     productiveness     5955    5956      2
## 1496         excellence     5959    5960      2
## 1497         exposition     5965    5966      2
## 1498               good     5971    5972      2
## 1499       inauguration     5976    5977      2
## 1500              Paris     5979    5979      1
## 1501           Monument     5981    5983      3
## 1502           children     5987    5989      3
## 1503             States     5991    5993      3
## 1504          designing     5996    5997      2
## 1505               coin     5999    6001      3
## 1506               Mint     6003    6004      2
## 1507       presentation     6006    6007      2
## 1508              piece     6009    6011      3
## 1509          President     6014    6015      2
## 1510           Republic     6017    6018      2
## 1511         ceremonies     6023    6024      2
## 1512             Fourth     6027    6028      2
## 1513               July     6030    6030      1
## 1514            capital     6035    6037      3
## 1515               Good     6040    6040      1
## 1516          relations     6044    6045      2
## 1517             Empire     6047    6049      3
## 1518         adjustment     6051    6053      3
## 1519           question     6055    6059      5
## 1520          admission     6061    6062      2
## 1521          companies     6064    6068      5
## 1522           business     6071    6071      1
## 1523            Prussia     6073    6073      1
## 1524          companies     6080    6082      3
## 1525                way     6088    6089      2
## 1526             others     6093    6094      2
## 1527          privilege     6097    6098      2
## 1528         settlement     6101    6102      2
## 1529            problem     6104    6106      3
## 1530              which     6109    6109      1
## 1531                  I     6110    6110      1
## 1532            message     6113    6115      3
## 1533            results     6119    6120      2
## 1534              Peace     6122    6122      1
## 1535            islands     6127    6128      2
## 1536            Tutuila     6132    6132      1
## 1537     administration     6135    6137      3
## 1538               that     6138    6138      1
## 1539         confidence     6141    6142      2
## 1540             esteem     6144    6144      1
## 1541            natives     6146    6149      4
## 1542          direction     6154    6155      2
## 1543          commander     6157    6158      2
## 1544            station     6160    6164      5
## 1545               Pago     6166    6168      3
## 1546                law     6171    6175      5
## 1547            Germany     6180    6180      1
## 1548                 it     6183    6183      1
## 1549        inspections     6186    6187      2
## 1550                 it     6189    6189      1
## 1551           products     6191    6192      2
## 1552        uncertainty     6199    6200      2
## 1553              trade     6204    6210      7
## 1554           products     6212    6213      2
## 1555             tinder     6216    6216      1
## 1556            burdens     6217    6219      3
## 1557        regulations     6225    6225      1
## 1558              which     6230    6230      1
## 1559                 we     6231    6231      1
## 1560    discriminations     6238    6239      2
## 1561              which     6240    6240      1
## 1562        enforcement     6242    6243      2
## 1563           statutes     6245    6247      3
## 1564               link     6250    6252      3
## 1565              lines     6254    6256      3
## 1566      communication     6258    6260      3
## 1567             States     6262    6264      3
## 1568             Empire     6266    6268      3
## 1569           occasion     6275    6277      3
## 1570           exchange     6279    6279      1
## 1571    congratulations     6281    6282      2
## 1572            Emperor     6284    6286      3
## 1573          relations     6289    6291      3
## 1574            Britain     6293    6294      2
## 1575                war     6297    6298      2
## 1576             Africa     6300    6301      2
## 1577          questions     6303    6304      2
## 1578          condition     6306    6307      2
## 1579               wars     6310    6311      2
## 1580               that     6315    6315      1
## 1581        belligerent     6317    6318      2
## 1582            control     6320    6320      1
## 1583               seas     6322    6323      2
## 1584              ports     6328    6329      2
## 1585           shipping     6331    6331      1
## 1586              trade     6334    6335      2
## 1587          territory     6342    6343      2
## 1588          questions     6348    6349      2
## 1589             action     6352    6355      4
## 1590            respect     6357    6357      1
## 1591            cargoes     6359    6360      2
## 1592             nature     6365    6367      3
## 1593             Africa     6371    6373      3
## 1594              score     6376    6377      2
## 1595        destination     6379    6383      5
## 1596             States     6385    6387      3
## 1597       consignments     6390    6391      2
## 1598              ships     6393    6394      2
## 1599              which     6397    6397      1
## 1600              trade     6398    6400      3
## 1601              ports     6405    6406      2
## 1602             Africa     6408    6409      2
## 1603        application     6414    6414      1
## 1604                law     6416    6418      3
## 1605            vessels     6420    6421      2
## 1606              enemy     6425    6426      2
## 1607             regard     6428    6428      1
## 1608          character     6430    6432      3
## 1609              goods     6434    6435      2
## 1610                Bay     6441    6442      2
## 1611            bottoms     6444    6445      2
## 1612             ground     6449    6450      2
## 1613        destination     6452    6453      2
## 1614            country     6455    6457      3
## 1615    representations     6459    6460      2
## 1616               part     6462    6463      2
## 1617         Government     6466    6468      3
## 1618              goods     6473    6475      3
## 1619           property     6479    6481      3
## 1620           citizens     6483    6484      2
## 1621           incident     6488    6489      2
## 1622       satisfaction     6491    6492      2
## 1623            parties     6494    6497      4
## 1624         settlement     6504    6506      3
## 1625           question     6508    6509      2
## 1626              right     6511    6514      4
## 1627              goods     6517    6517      1
## 1628               port     6523    6525      3
## 1629               area     6528    6530      3
## 1630               work     6533    6534      2
## 1631             points     6537    6540      4
## 1632        convenience     6543    6543      1
## 1633     administration     6545    6545      1
## 1634               head     6548    6549      2
## 1635              Canal     6551    6552      2
## 1636         accordance     6555    6555      1
## 1637        arrangement     6557    6559      3
## 1638            October     6561    6561      1
## 1639             survey     6568    6570      3
## 1640               July     6572    6572      1
## 1641            vivendi     6575    6577      3
## 1642           friction     6583    6583      1
## 1643         Government     6586    6588      3
## 1644              rules     6591    6591      1
## 1645        regulations     6593    6593      1
## 1646           citizens     6597    6598      2
## 1647            benefit     6599    6600      2
## 1648        stipulation     6602    6604      3
## 1649           citizens     6606    6607      2
## 1650           subjects     6609    6609      1
## 1651              power     6611    6612      2
## 1652        arrangement     6615    6616      2
## 1653       jurisdiction     6618    6620      3
## 1654         diminution     6626    6627      2
## 1655             rights     6629    6630      2
## 1656         privileges     6632    6632      1
## 1657               they     6633    6633      1
## 1658           hitherto     6635    6635      1
## 1659          expedient     6641    6643      3
## 1660        emergencies     6650    6652      3
## 1661          situation     6654    6655      2
## 1662                 it     6657    6657      1
## 1663          makeshift     6659    6664      6
## 1664              which     6666    6666      1
## 1665      establishment     6673    6677      5
## 1666               line     6679    6681      3
## 1667              which     6683    6683      1
## 1668                 we     6684    6684      1
## 1669             treaty     6688    6692      5
## 1670            cession     6694    6695      2
## 1671             Alaska     6697    6697      1
## 1672           relation     6701    6702      2
## 1673                  I     6703    6703      1
## 1674               need     6708    6709      2
## 1675           boundary     6713    6715      3
## 1676                 it     6717    6717      1
## 1677           meridian     6719    6726      8
## 1678         convention     6728    6729      2
## 1679                end     6731    6732      2
## 1680             Senate     6736    6737      2
## 1681              years     6739    6741      3
## 1682             action     6745    6746      2
## 1683                  I     6750    6750      1
## 1684         convention     6753    6755      3
## 1685      determination     6757    6759      3
## 1686           meridian     6761    6762      2
## 1687       observations     6764    6765      2
## 1688              These     6767    6767      1
## 1689                 it     6769    6769      1
## 1690            results     6775    6779      5
## 1691            methods     6781    6783      3
## 1692              which     6788    6788      1
## 1693         discrepant     6795    6795      1
## 1694             points     6797    6798      2
## 1695               line     6800    6801      2
## 1696              place     6807    6808      2
## 1697               feet     6809    6812      4
## 1698              claim     6814    6816      3
## 1699                May     6818    6820      3
## 1700         Government     6822    6824      3
## 1701        arbitration     6829    6829      1
## 1702             Jenner     6831    6835      5
## 1703           minister     6837    6838      2
## 1704          Guatemala     6840    6840      1
## 1705                who     6842    6842      1
## 1706         arbitrator     6846    6847      2
## 1707               gold     6854    6854      1
## 1708           claimant     6856    6857      2
## 1709             claims     6860    6862      3
## 1710              Haiti     6864    6864      1
## 1711             resort     6872    6873      2
## 1712        arbitration     6875    6875      1
## 1713             result     6879    6880      2
## 1714       negotiations     6882    6882      1
## 1715         Government     6884    6885      2
## 1716           Honduras     6887    6887      1
## 1717             regard     6889    6889      1
## 1718          indemnity     6891    6892      2
## 1719             murder     6895    6896      2
## 1720              Pears     6898    6900      3
## 1721           Honduras     6902    6902      1
## 1722         Government     6905    6905      1
## 1723         settlement     6911    6911      1
## 1724              claim     6913    6914      2
## 1725              heirs     6916    6917      2
## 1726      assassination     6920    6921      2
## 1727            Humbert     6923    6924      2
## 1728        expressions     6927    6928      2
## 1729             sorrow     6930    6930      1
## 1730         Government     6932    6933      2
## 1731             people     6935    6935      1
## 1732           occasion     6938    6938      1
## 1733             nation     6945    6947      3
## 1734             regard     6948    6950      3
## 1735             memory     6954    6955      2
## 1736              ruler     6957    6959      3
## 1737            message     6963    6965      3
## 1738                  I     6966    6966      1
## 1739             length     6969    6970      2
## 1740           lynching     6972    6973      2
## 1741           Italians     6975    6976      2
## 1742           Tallulah     6978    6978      1
## 1743            efforts     6981    6982      2
## 1744         Government     6984    6986      3
## 1745         production     6988    6989      2
## 1746           evidence     6991    6991      1
## 1747            authors     6995    6996      2
## 1748            offense     6998    7000      3
## 1749       civilization     7002    7003      2
## 1750           inquests     7006    7008      3
## 1751               foot     7011    7011      1
## 1752        authorities     7013    7014      2
## 1753              State     7016    7017      2
## 1754          Louisiana     7019    7019      1
## 1755        punishments     7021    7022      2
## 1756             juries     7026    7028      3
## 1757    representations     7034    7035      2
## 1758         Government     7037    7039      3
## 1759               face     7041    7042      2
## 1760        miscarriage     7044    7045      2
## 1761          principle     7055    7056      2
## 1762              issue     7058    7058      1
## 1763      consideration     7061    7062      2
## 1764    indemnification     7064    7066      3
## 1765         Government     7070    7071      2
## 1766              cases     7074    7077      4
## 1767              Italy     7079    7079      1
## 1768            pledges     7083    7084      2
## 1769             treaty     7086    7087      2
## 1770            justice     7091    7092      2
## 1771              which     7094    7094      1
## 1772                she     7095    7095      1
## 1773             regard     7102    7102      1
## 1774         countrymen     7104    7106      3
## 1775          territory     7108    7109      2
## 1776            measure     7111    7114      4
## 1777                she     7115    7115      1
## 1778            herself     7116    7116      1
## 1779           American     7120    7121      2
## 1780             rights     7123    7126      4
## 1781                  I     7130    7130      1
## 1782    recommendations     7132    7134      3
## 1783                  I     7135    7135      1
## 1784           Congress     7140    7141      2
## 1785       jurisdiction     7145    7148      4
## 1786              class     7150    7151      2
## 1787              cases     7153    7154      2
## 1788     responsibility     7156    7158      3
## 1789         Government     7160    7162      3
## 1790                  I     7168    7168      1
## 1791             action     7170    7170      1
## 1792              bills     7172    7173      2
## 1793               this     7176    7176      1
## 1794              which     7177    7177      1
## 1795               Sen.     7181    7182      2
## 1796              House     7185    7185      1
## 1797                 It     7187    7187      1
## 1798                 us     7191    7191      1
## 1799           omission     7194    7196      3
## 1800              which     7197    7197      1
## 1801            results     7207    7209      3
## 1802                  I     7211    7211      1
## 1803          necessity     7215    7216      2
## 1804          precedent     7218    7219      2
## 1805        legislation     7221    7221      1
## 1806          character     7223    7224      2
## 1807          enactment     7226    7227      2
## 1808            measure     7229    7231      3
## 1809            justice     7233    7234      2
## 1810            nations     7236    7237      2
## 1811              which     7239    7239      1
## 1812                 we     7240    7240      1
## 1813           treaties     7246    7246      1
## 1814         observance     7248    7249      2
## 1815         Government     7253    7255      3
## 1816             action     7258    7259      2
## 1817            primary     7261    7262      2
## 1818            element     7267    7270      4
## 1819           disposal     7272    7273      2
## 1820           incident     7275    7277      3
## 1821                  I     7279    7279      1
## 1822         accordance     7284    7284      1
## 1823          precedent     7286    7286      1
## 1824               view     7290    7290      1
## 1825      improbability     7292    7293      2
## 1826               case     7295    7297      3
## 1827               bill     7301    7302      2
## 1828           Congress     7306    7306      1
## 1829          provision     7308    7309      2
## 1830          indemnity     7311    7311      1
## 1831          sufferers     7313    7315      3
## 1832               form     7317    7319      3
## 1833         proportion     7321    7321      1
## 1834            address     7327    7329      3
## 1835                  I     7330    7330      1
## 1836            subject     7333    7335      3
## 1837              words     7339    7340      2
## 1838            country     7348    7352      5
## 1839             States     7354    7356      3
## 1840             courts     7358    7358      1
## 1841               mobs     7361    7361      1
## 1842          penalties     7365    7366      2
## 1843                law     7368    7369      2
## 1844       preservation     7371    7372      2
## 1845              order     7374    7375      2
## 1846              right     7377    7378      2
## 1847         discussion     7380    7380      1
## 1848          integrity     7382    7383      2
## 1849             courts     7385    7385      1
## 1850     administration     7388    7390      3
## 1851            justice     7392    7392      1
## 1852               rock     7396    7397      2
## 1853             safety     7399    7399      1
## 1854              which     7401    7401      1
## 1855         Government     7402    7403      2
## 1856               This     7407    7407      1
## 1857                  I     7408    7408      1
## 1858          attention     7415    7416      2
## 1859         countrymen     7418    7419      2
## 1860           reproach     7421    7422      2
## 1861       civilization     7424    7425      2
## 1862               year     7428    7430      3
## 1863      strengthening     7433    7435      3
## 1864          relations     7437    7439      3
## 1865             states     7441    7442      2
## 1866        development     7444    7445      2
## 1867          functions     7447    7452      6
## 1868           treaties     7454    7455      2
## 1869              which     7456    7456      1
## 1870             effect     7458    7458      1
## 1871           friction     7467    7468      2
## 1872         competence     7471    7472      2
## 1873           Japanese     7474    7475      2
## 1874              place     7478    7480      3
## 1875            peoples     7482    7483      2
## 1876          treatment     7487    7488      2
## 1877           problems     7490    7493      4
## 1878              Japan     7494    7494      1
## 1879            concert     7498    7499      2
## 1880             powers     7501    7503      3
## 1881             relief     7512    7514      3
## 1882          legations     7516    7518      3
## 1883             Peking     7520    7520      1
## 1884      understanding     7525    7526      2
## 1885         settlement     7529    7530      2
## 1886             issues     7532    7533      2
## 1887             powers     7535    7536      2
## 1888              China     7538    7538      1
## 1889       declarations     7540    7542      3
## 1890              favor     7544    7544      1
## 1891          integrity     7546    7547      2
## 1892             Empire     7549    7551      3
## 1893       conservation     7553    7554      2
## 1894          therewith     7556    7559      4
## 1895             factor     7567    7568      2
## 1896          interests     7571    7573      3
## 1897              peace     7575    7575      1
## 1898              order     7577    7577      1
## 1899           commerce     7580    7581      2
## 1900               East     7583    7585      3
## 1901          influence     7586    7587      2
## 1902              Japan     7589    7589      1
## 1903                aid     7596    7598      3
## 1904         courtesies     7600    7601      2
## 1905         Government     7604    7606      3
## 1906           officers     7608    7609      2
## 1907               ship     7611    7613      3
## 1908             Oregon     7614    7614      1
## 1909          Complaint     7620    7620      1
## 1910        enforcement     7626    7628      3
## 1911         quarantine     7630    7632      3
## 1912           Japanese     7634    7634      1
## 1913              coast     7636    7638      3
## 1914       interference     7641    7641      1
## 1915             travel     7643    7644      2
## 1916         California     7646    7646      1
## 1917           Colorado     7648    7648      1
## 1918               laws     7650    7652      3
## 1919             States     7654    7655      2
## 1920       restrictions     7657    7659      3
## 1921              court     7664    7666      3
## 1922         recurrence     7671    7672      2
## 1923              cause     7674    7675      2
## 1924          complaint     7677    7677      1
## 1925           incident     7682    7684      3
## 1926          relations     7688    7689      2
## 1927           neighbor     7691    7694      4
## 1928        intercourse     7696    7697      2
## 1929             Mexico     7699    7699      1
## 1930        Governments     7705    7707      3
## 1931        opportunity     7709    7710      2
## 1932          interests     7713    7715      3
## 1933               ways     7717    7719      3
## 1934        declaration     7724    7725      2
## 1935              Court     7727    7729      3
## 1936             awards     7731    7732      2
## 1937         Commission     7734    7737      4
## 1938             claims     7739    7744      6
## 1939              fraud     7748    7748      1
## 1940                sum     7750    7751      2
## 1941               case     7754    7756      3
## 1942             Mexico     7765    7765      1
## 1943             amount     7768    7769      2
## 1944              award     7771    7773      3
## 1945             manner     7779    7779      1
## 1946         Convention     7782    7783      2
## 1947               time     7786    7787      2
## 1948             labors     7789    7790      2
## 1949             States     7792    7794      3
## 1950              Water     7798    7799      2
## 1951                 It     7808    7808      1
## 1952       satisfaction     7811    7811      1
## 1953                  I     7813    7813      1
## 1954       notification     7818    7820      3
## 1955              Hague     7822    7823      2
## 1956          September     7826    7826      1
## 1957            deposit     7830    7831      2
## 1958      ratifications     7833    7833      1
## 1959         Convention     7835    7836      2
## 1960         Settlement     7838    7840      3
## 1961           Disputes     7842    7843      2
## 1962             powers     7845    7846      2
## 1963             States     7850    7852      3
## 1964            Austria     7854    7854      1
## 1965            Belgium     7856    7856      1
## 1966            Denmark     7858    7858      1
## 1967            England     7860    7860      1
## 1968             France     7862    7862      1
## 1969            Germany     7864    7864      1
## 1970              Italy     7866    7866      1
## 1971             Persia     7868    7868      1
## 1972           Portugal     7870    7870      1
## 1973           Roumania     7872    7872      1
## 1974             Russia     7874    7874      1
## 1975               Siam     7876    7876      1
## 1976              Spain     7878    7878      1
## 1977             Sweden     7880    7880      1
## 1978             Norway     7882    7882      1
## 1979        Netherlands     7885    7886      2
## 1980              Japan     7888    7888      1
## 1981         Convention     7893    7894      2
## 1982            Council     7897    7899      3
## 1983              Court     7901    7903      3
## 1984        Arbitration     7905    7905      1
## 1985              rules     7912    7912      1
## 1986              order     7914    7914      1
## 1987       constitution     7916    7917      2
## 1988             Bureau     7919    7922      4
## 1989         accordance     7925    7925      1
## 1990         Convention     7930    7931      2
## 1991        appointment     7934    7935      2
## 1992              power     7937    7939      3
## 1993            persons     7941    7941      1
## 1994         competency     7943    7944      2
## 1995          questions     7946    7946      1
## 1996                law     7948    7949      2
## 1997        arbitrators     7951    7951      1
## 1998                  I     7953    7953      1
## 1999            members     7957    7957      1
## 2000                Hon     7959    7962      4
## 2001           Harrison     7964    7965      2
## 2002            Indiana     7968    7968      1
## 2003                 ex     7970    7970      1
## 2004                  -     7971    7971      1
## 2005          President     7972    7972      1
## 2006             States     7974    7976      3
## 2007                Hon     7978    7978      1
## 2008             Fuller     7980    7982      3
## 2009           Illinois     7985    7985      1
## 2010            justice     7987    7988      2
## 2011             States     7990    7992      3
## 2012                Hon     7994    7994      1
## 2013             Griggs     7996    7998      3
## 2014             Jersey     8001    8002      2
## 2015            General     8004    8005      2
## 2016             States     8007    8009      3
## 2017                Hon     8012    8012      1
## 2018               Gray     8014    8015      2
## 2019           Delaware     8018    8018      1
## 2020              judge     8020    8021      2
## 2021              court     8023    8025      3
## 2022             States     8027    8029      3
## 2023           incident     8033    8034      2
## 2024         revolution     8036    8038      3
## 2025           district     8040    8042      3
## 2026          Nicaragua     8044    8044      1
## 2027         insurgents     8048    8049      2
## 2028             duties     8053    8055      3
## 2029            imports     8057    8057      1
## 2030        restoration     8060    8061      2
## 2031              order     8063    8063      1
## 2032        authorities     8064    8066      3
## 2033            payment     8068    8070      3
## 2034             duties     8072    8073      2
## 2035             ground     8075    8076      2
## 2036               they     8078    8078      1
## 2037         Government     8082    8084      3
## 2038          diversion     8087    8088      2
## 2039             revolt     8091    8092      2
## 2040           position     8095    8096      2
## 2041                 us     8101    8101      1
## 2042         discussion     8104    8105      2
## 2043         compromise     8106    8107      2
## 2044              which     8111    8111      1
## 2045             amount     8112    8113      2
## 2046           payments     8115    8117      3
## 2047             consul     8121    8123      3
## 2048              Norte     8125    8128      4
## 2049              trust     8130    8130      1
## 2050        Governments     8132    8134      3
## 2051           payments     8138    8140      3
## 2052         compulsion     8145    8145      1
## 2053          authority     8147    8150      4
## 2054          Agreement     8152    8152      1
## 2055               this     8155    8155      1
## 2056              point     8161    8162      2
## 2057                act     8166    8167      2
## 2058         Government     8169    8171      3
## 2059             consul     8174    8176      3
## 2060           deposits     8179    8180      2
## 2061          merchants     8182    8183      2
## 2062        differences     8187    8187      1
## 2063             States     8191    8194      4
## 2064          ministers     8199    8200      2
## 2065            offices     8202    8203      2
## 2066      understanding     8205    8206      2
## 2067             matter     8209    8213      5
## 2068              canal     8215    8217      3
## 2069              phase     8220    8222      3
## 2070            refusal     8226    8227      2
## 2071           question     8230    8231      2
## 2072         forfeiture     8233    8234      2
## 2073           contract     8236    8237      2
## 2074            Company     8239    8242      4
## 2075              which     8244    8244      1
## 2076       nonexecution     8248    8249      2
## 2077            October     8251    8251      1
## 2078         Government     8255    8256      2
## 2079          Nicaragua     8258    8258      1
## 2080             action     8262    8263      2
## 2081               void     8266    8273      8
## 2082         nonpayment     8275    8275      1
## 2083            advance     8277    8279      3
## 2084           Protests     8281    8281      1
## 2085           relation     8283    8283      1
## 2086               acts     8285    8286      2
## 2087         Department     8291    8293      3
## 2088      consideration     8297    8297      1
## 2089             itself     8300    8300      1
## 2090        engagements     8303    8304      2
## 2091         Government     8306    8308      3
## 2092        disposition     8310    8311      2
## 2093           question     8316    8318      3
## 2094                way     8321    8322      2
## 2095       negotiations     8324    8324      1
## 2096             States     8326    8328      3
## 2097           measures     8332    8332      1
## 2098           waterway     8335    8336      2
## 2099          Overtures     8339    8339      1
## 2100         convention     8341    8342      2
## 2101           building     8345    8346      2
## 2102              canal     8348    8349      2
## 2103           auspices     8351    8352      2
## 2104             States     8354    8356      3
## 2105      consideration     8359    8359      1
## 2106           meantime     8362    8363      2
## 2107              views     8365    8366      2
## 2108           Congress     8368    8369      2
## 2109            subject     8371    8373      3
## 2110              light     8376    8377      2
## 2111             report     8379    8380      2
## 2112         Commission     8382    8383      2
## 2113             merits     8387    8389      3
## 2114           projects     8391    8399      9
## 2115                  I     8406    8406      1
## 2116          attention     8409    8411      3
## 2117             Senate     8413    8414      2
## 2118         Convention     8415    8416      2
## 2119            Britain     8418    8419      2
## 2120       construction     8422    8423      2
## 2121              canal     8425    8427      3
## 2122          objection     8431    8432      2
## 2123              which     8433    8433      1
## 2124         Convention     8438    8439      2
## 2125             Treaty     8442    8446      5
## 2126         contention     8449    8453      5
## 2127           Portugal     8455    8455      1
## 2128            seizure     8460    8461      2
## 2129            Railway     8463    8466      4
## 2130              award     8474    8476      3
## 2131           tribunal     8478    8479      2
## 2132        arbitration     8481    8481      1
## 2133              Berne     8483    8483      1
## 2134              which     8486    8486      1
## 2135                 it     8487    8487      1
## 2136             amount     8491    8492      2
## 2137              award     8494    8495      2
## 2138              which     8497    8497      1
## 2139             London     8501    8501      1
## 2140       arrangements     8503    8503      1
## 2141        Governments     8505    8506      2
## 2142             States     8508    8510      3
## 2143            Britain     8512    8513      2
## 2144           disposal     8515    8516      2
## 2145        Governments     8524    8526      3
## 2146         Convention     8529    8532      4
## 2147        Extradition     8534    8534      1
## 2148               Peru     8536    8536      1
## 2149             Senate     8540    8541      2
## 2150           Congress     8546    8548      3
## 2151       illustration     8551    8552      2
## 2152             policy     8554    8555      2
## 2153         Government     8557    8558      2
## 2154           disputes     8561    8562      2
## 2155        arbitration     8564    8565      2
## 2156          agreement     8569    8570      2
## 2157             Russia     8573    8573      1
## 2158             claims     8576    8577      2
## 2159             behalf     8579    8579      1
## 2160            vessels     8581    8583      3
## 2161                Sea     8586    8587      2
## 2162      determination     8589    8589      1
## 2163              Asser     8591    8595      5
## 2164          statesman     8597    8599      3
## 2165             jurist     8601    8601      1
## 2166        Netherlands     8603    8604      2
## 2167             Thanks     8607    8607      1
## 2168         Government     8611    8614      4
## 2169                aid     8616    8618      3
## 2170        authorities     8621    8622      2
## 2171            Siberia     8624    8625      2
## 2172       missionaries     8627    8628      2
## 2173          Manchuria     8631    8631      1
## 2174           progress     8634    8635      2
## 2175         conclusion     8640    8641      2
## 2176             treaty     8643    8645      3
## 2177         friendship     8647    8647      1
## 2178        intercourse     8649    8649      1
## 2179              Spain     8651    8651      1
## 2180        replacement     8654    8654      1
## 2181             treaty     8656    8658      3
## 2182              which     8660    8660      1
## 2183           abeyance     8663    8663      1
## 2184             reason     8665    8665      1
## 2185                war     8667    8669      3
## 2186         convention     8671    8673      3
## 2187        extradition     8675    8675      1
## 2188         completion     8678    8678      1
## 2189                  I     8681    8681      1
## 2190        arrangement     8687    8689      3
## 2191                  I     8693    8693      1
## 2192                 we     8696    8696      1
## 2193        opportunity     8702    8703      2
## 2194               ties     8706    8708      3
## 2195               that     8709    8709      1
## 2196                 us     8712    8712      1
## 2197              Spain     8714    8714      1
## 2198               time     8716    8717      2
## 2199       independence     8719    8721      3
## 2200           benefits     8726    8728      3
## 2201        intercourse     8730    8732      3
## 2202              which     8733    8733      1
## 2203          countries     8737    8739      3
## 2204              terms     8743    8744      2
## 2205             Treaty     8746    8747      2
## 2206              Peace     8749    8749      1
## 2207               line     8750    8751      2
## 2208              group     8753    8756      4
## 2209          southwest     8758    8759      2
## 2210            islands     8763    8765      3
## 2211              Sulus     8769    8770      2
## 2212              which     8772    8772      1
## 2213            control     8779    8780      2
## 2214         occupation     8782    8783      2
## 2215             Sibutd     8785    8785      1
## 2216               Sulu     8787    8788      2
## 2217             forces     8790    8792      3
## 2218              claim     8794    8795      2
## 2219               part     8797    8798      2
## 2220              Spain     8800    8800      1
## 2221             equity     8802    8804      3
## 2222              which     8806    8806      1
## 2223              order     8813    8813      1
## 2224             defect     8816    8817      2
## 2225             treaty     8819    8820      2
## 2226             ground     8823    8825      3
## 2227   misunderstanding     8827    8828      2
## 2228     interpretation     8830    8831      2
## 2229            article     8833    8835      3
## 2230                  I     8837    8837      1
## 2231        negotiation     8839    8840      2
## 2232             treaty     8842    8844      3
## 2233              which     8846    8846      1
## 2234             Senate     8852    8853      2
## 2235              Spain     8856    8856      1
## 2236              title     8858    8859      2
## 2237              claim     8861    8861      1
## 2238              title     8863    8863      1
## 2239            islands     8865    8866      2
## 2240                any     8872    8872      1
## 2241            islands     8874    8875      2
## 2242        Archipelago     8878    8880      3
## 2243              lines     8883    8884      2
## 2244            article     8887    8889      3
## 2245            islands     8894    8896      3
## 2246            cession     8901    8902      2
## 2247        archipelago     8904    8905      2
## 2248               they     8910    8910      1
## 2249              lines     8916    8917      2
## 2250      consideration     8920    8920      1
## 2251            cession     8922    8923      2
## 2252             States     8924    8926      3
## 2253              Spain     8931    8931      1
## 2254                sum     8932    8933      2
## 2255               bill     8939    8940      2
## 2256     recommendation     8946    8947      2
## 2257            message     8950    8953      4
## 2258        legislation     8955    8956      2
## 2259          execution     8962    8962      1
## 2260                VII     8963    8964      2
## 2261             Treaty     8966    8967      2
## 2262              Peace     8969    8969      1
## 2263              Spain     8971    8971      1
## 2264              which     8974    8974      1
## 2265             States     8975    8977      3
## 2266            payment     8979    8980      2
## 2267             claims     8982    8983      2
## 2268          indemnity     8985    8985      1
## 2269           citizens     8987    8988      2
## 2270              Spain     8990    8990      1
## 2271                  I     8992    8992      1
## 2272             action     8995    8995      1
## 2273         obligation     9000    9001      2
## 2274               King     9004    9005      2
## 2275             Sweden     9007    9007      1
## 2276             Norway     9009    9009      1
## 2277         invitation     9012    9014      3
## 2278             States     9016    9018      3
## 2279            Germany     9020    9020      1
## 2280            Britain     9023    9024      2
## 2281             claims     9027    9027      1
## 2282             losses     9031    9031      1
## 2283            Islands     9034    9036      3
## 2284             course     9038    9039      2
## 2285         operations     9041    9042      2
## 2286       disturbances     9046    9047      2
## 2287             claims     9052    9053      2
## 2288         Government     9055    9056      2
## 2289             Sultan     9058    9059      2
## 2290         reparation     9061    9061      1
## 2291           injuries     9063    9063      1
## 2292           citizens     9066    9067      2
## 2293            Armenia     9069    9069      1
## 2294            promise     9073    9073      1
## 2295         settlement     9075    9078      4
## 2296        disposition     9080    9084      5
## 2297             regard     9086    9087      2
## 2298           issuance     9092    9093      2
## 2299              irade     9095    9096      2
## 2300            college     9099    9101      3
## 2301            Harpoot     9103    9103      1
## 2302            failure     9106    9107      2
## 2303             action     9109    9109      1
## 2304             Senate     9111    9112      2
## 2305            session     9114    9116      3
## 2306        conventions     9118    9120      3
## 2307      consideration     9124    9125      2
## 2308           approval     9127    9127      1
## 2309           pressure     9132    9134      3
## 2310           business     9136    9138      3
## 2311     disappointment     9142    9143      2
## 2312          interests     9145    9149      5
## 2313            country     9151    9152      2
## 2314              which     9154    9154      1
## 2315         provisions     9159    9160      2
## 2316       ratification     9166    9167      2
## 2317                 it     9171    9171      1
## 2318           articles     9176    9177      2
## 2319               time     9179    9180      2
## 2320            purpose     9182    9183      2
## 2321               This     9185    9185      1
## 2322               part     9189    9190      2
## 2323        Governments     9193    9195      3
## 2324          exception     9200    9201      2
## 2325         convention     9203    9204      2
## 2326            respect     9207    9207      1
## 2327              which     9209    9209      1
## 2328              reply     9210    9212      3
## 2329      communication     9219    9221      3
## 2330           Congress     9223    9224      2
## 2331         agreements     9226    9230      5
## 2332            section     9232    9234      3
## 2333                act     9236    9238      3
## 2334           Portugal     9243    9243      1
## 2335              Italy     9246    9246      1
## 2336            Germany     9250    9250      1
## 2337        conventions     9252    9253      2
## 2338        limitations     9255    9257      3
## 2339            section     9259    9261      3
## 2340                act     9263    9265      3
## 2341          Nicaragua     9270    9270      1
## 2342            Ecuador     9273    9273      1
## 2343           Republic     9276    9278      3
## 2344            Britain     9281    9282      2
## 2345             behalf     9284    9284      1
## 2346             island     9286    9287      2
## 2347           Trinidad     9289    9289      1
## 2348            Denmark     9293    9293      1
## 2349             behalf     9295    9295      1
## 2350             island     9297    9298      2
## 2351              Croix     9300    9301      2
## 2352              These     9303    9303      1
## 2353             Senate     9309    9310      2
## 2354       Negotiations     9312    9312      1
## 2355        Governments     9314    9315      2
## 2356           progress     9318    9318      1
## 2357        improvement     9320    9321      2
## 2358           security     9323    9323      1
## 2359          relations     9325    9327      3
## 2360             policy     9330    9331      2
## 2361        reciprocity     9333    9333      1
## 2362         principles     9338    9339      2
## 2363             equity     9341    9342      2
## 2364             people     9350    9351      2
## 2365             States     9353    9355      3
## 2366         hesitation     9361    9362      2
## 2367             branch     9364    9365      2
## 2368           Congress     9367    9368      2
## 2369                 it     9372    9372      1
## 2370             effect     9373    9374      2
## 2371            desires     9376    9379      4
## 2372          relations     9382    9388      7
## 2373          countries     9390    9392      3
## 2374          rivalries     9396    9398      3
## 2375          expansion     9402    9403      2
## 2376              trade     9405    9406      2
## 2377                 It     9408    9408      1
## 2378        Governments     9412    9414      3
## 2379            purpose     9417    9419      3
## 2380          instances     9423    9424      2
## 2381            demands     9427    9428      2
## 2382               them     9430    9430      1
## 2383        legislation     9432    9432      1
## 2384          interests     9436    9437      2
## 2385            demands     9440    9441      2
## 2386                  I     9443    9443      1
## 2387           Congress     9447    9448      2
## 2388               view     9450    9451      2
## 2389        legislation     9454    9455      2
## 2390          emergency     9462    9463      2
## 2391         exposition     9466    9467      2
## 2392          resources     9469    9470      2
## 2393           products     9472    9472      1
## 2394         Hemisphere     9474    9476      3
## 2395            Buffalo     9481    9481      1
## 2396            results     9485    9486      2
## 2397             States     9490    9492      3
## 2398          countries     9495    9498      4
## 2399                 It     9500    9500      1
## 2400             States     9504    9508      5
## 2401           interest     9511    9513      3
## 2402               fact     9516    9517      2
## 2403           Congress     9519    9522      4
## 2404               City     9527    9528      2
## 2405             Mexico     9530    9530      1
## 2406         exposition     9532    9533      2
## 2407           progress     9536    9536      1
## 2408               hope     9538    9539      2
## 2409            display     9541    9543      3
## 2410            Buffalo     9545    9545      1
## 2411               work     9552    9553      2
## 2412            exhibit     9556    9557      2
## 2413          resources     9559    9561      3
## 2414           progress     9564    9565      2
## 2415          direction     9567    9568      2
## 2416          officials     9570    9571      2
## 2417         Government     9573    9575      3
## 2418             States     9578    9580      3
## 2419              Union     9582    9583      2
## 2420        disposition     9586    9587      2
## 2421      participation     9589    9592      4
## 2422         enterprise     9594    9595      2
## 2423             Bureau     9598    9599      2
## 2424          Republics     9601    9603      3
## 2425            results     9609    9611      3
## 2426               work     9613    9615      3
## 2427          relations     9618    9619      2
## 2428             States     9621    9623      3
## 2429          countries     9625    9629      5
## 2430                all     9631    9631      1
## 2431              which     9633    9633      1
## 2432            members     9636    9637      2
## 2433              Union     9639    9641      3
## 2434             Bureau     9643    9644      2
## 2435          agreement     9651    9652      2
## 2436           Congress     9654    9657      4
## 2437              which     9659    9659      1
## 2438               City     9664    9665      2
## 2439             Mexico     9667    9667      1
## 2440            October     9669    9669      1
## 2441             future     9673    9676      4
## 2442               term     9678    9679      2
## 2443              years     9681    9682      2
## 2444            compact     9686    9688      3
## 2445           congress     9691    9692      2
## 2446              lines     9701    9702      2
## 2447               work     9704    9704      1
## 2448             policy     9706    9708      3
## 2449         usefulness     9710    9711      2
## 2450          interests     9713    9714      2
## 2451              trade     9716    9719      4
## 2452        development     9725    9727      3
## 2453            utility     9730    9732      3
## 2454            service     9734    9736      3
## 2455              range     9739    9741      3
## 2456        information     9743    9743      1
## 2457         industries     9746    9747      2
## 2458           commerce     9749    9749      1
## 2459          countries     9751    9752      2
## 2460      opportunities     9754    9755      2
## 2461               sale     9760    9761      2
## 2462              goods     9763    9764      2
## 2463            advance     9769    9769      1
## 2464          expansion     9771    9773      3
## 2465              trade     9775    9777      3
## 2466           evidence     9780    9781      2
## 2467               home     9788    9788      1
## 2468               fact     9793    9794      2
## 2469            Reports     9796    9798      3
## 2470    representatives     9803    9805      3
## 2471             extent     9809    9811      3
## 2472               ways     9814    9814      1
## 2473              means     9816    9816      1
## 2474            variety     9820    9822      3
## 2475              goods     9824    9825      2
## 2476              which     9826    9826      1
## 2477               sale     9832    9832      1
## 2478          Testimony     9836    9836      1
## 2479          observers     9838    9839      2
## 2480         efficiency     9841    9843      3
## 2481              corps     9845    9847      3
## 2482      manufacturers     9854    9856      3
## 2483          exporters     9858    9858      1
## 2484              value     9861    9862      2
## 2485           services     9864    9865      2
## 2486            reports     9870    9872      3
## 2487            efforts     9876    9878      3
## 2488           officers     9880    9881      2
## 2489              trade     9884    9885      2
## 2490               part     9887    9889      3
## 2491               work     9891    9892      2
## 2492             Bureau     9894    9895      2
## 2493           Commerce     9897    9898      2
## 2494               duty     9900    9902      3
## 2495                 it     9903    9903      1
## 2496            reports     9909    9910      2
## 2497          inquiries     9915    9915      1
## 2498      organizations     9917    9918      2
## 2499             houses     9920    9921      2
## 2500         conditions     9928    9928      1
## 2501              parts     9930    9931      2
## 2502              world     9933    9934      2
## 2503          smallness     9939    9940      2
## 2504              force     9942    9943      2
## 2505               work     9946    9947      2
## 2506          responses     9953    9953      1
## 2507        promptitude     9957    9958      2
## 2508           accuracy     9960    9960      1
## 2509          encomiums     9964    9965      2
## 2510         experiment     9967    9968      2
## 2511            Reports     9971    9973      3
## 2512                use     9976    9977      2
## 2513             bodies     9979    9980      2
## 2514          exporters     9982    9982      1
## 2515              press     9985    9986      2
## 2516              which     9988    9988      1
## 2517            January     9992    9992      1
## 2518       satisfaction     9999   10000      2
## 2519                 It    10003   10003      1
## 2520           revenues    10012   10014      3
## 2521               year    10016   10018      3
## 2522              years    10030   10033      4
## 2523                 we    10034   10034      1
## 2524           deficits    10036   10037      2
## 2525          aggregate    10039   10040      2
## 2526              which    10042   10042      1
## 2527           receipts    10055   10056      2
## 2528               year    10058   10059      2
## 2529            sources    10061   10062      2
## 2530           revenues    10066   10067      2
## 2531       expenditures    10074   10074      1
## 2532           purposes    10076   10077      2
## 2533     administration    10081   10082      2
## 2534         department    10084   10086      3
## 2535           receipts    10092   10093      2
## 2536            customs    10095   10095      1
## 2537           increase    10100   10101      2
## 2538               year    10103   10105      3
## 2539           receipts    10110   10111      2
## 2540            revenue    10113   10114      2
## 2541           increase    10119   10120      2
## 2542           receipts    10127   10128      2
## 2543            sources    10130   10131      2
## 2544               year    10141   10143      3
## 2545                 It    10146   10146      1
## 2546               year    10154   10155      2
## 2547          reduction    10156   10158      3
## 2548       expenditures    10162   10163      2
## 2549         Government    10165   10166      2
## 2550       expenditures    10168   10171      4
## 2551               year    10173   10175      3
## 2552          reduction    10181   10182      2
## 2553              those    10187   10187      1
## 2554         Department    10192   10194      3
## 2555       expenditures    10195   10196      2
## 2556               year    10201   10202      2
## 2557               year    10210   10212      3
## 2558           decrease    10214   10215      2
## 2559       expenditures    10221   10222      2
## 2560            account    10224   10224      1
## 2561            Indians    10226   10226      1
## 2562           decrease    10229   10230      2
## 2563           expenses    10241   10245      5
## 2564          reduction    10250   10251      2
## 2565             excess    10259   10260      2
## 2566           revenues    10262   10262      1
## 2567       expenditures    10264   10264      1
## 2568          Secretary    10265   10266      2
## 2569           Treasury    10268   10269      2
## 2570              bonds    10274   10274      1
## 2571         securities    10276   10277      2
## 2572               fund    10279   10281      3
## 2573             amount    10283   10284      2
## 2574            details    10289   10290      2
## 2575               fund    10292   10294      3
## 2576             report    10299   10300      2
## 2577          Secretary    10302   10303      2
## 2578           Treasury    10305   10306      2
## 2579              which    10309   10309      1
## 2580                  I    10310   10310      1
## 2581          Secretary    10314   10315      2
## 2582           Treasury    10317   10318      2
## 2583           receipts    10321   10322      2
## 2584               year    10324   10327      4
## 2585             excess    10339   10340      2
## 2586           revenues    10342   10342      1
## 2587       expenditures    10344   10344      1
## 2588          condition    10349   10351      3
## 2589           Treasury    10353   10354      2
## 2590           strength    10358   10359      2
## 2591            balance    10361   10364      4
## 2592           November    10365   10365      1
## 2593               form    10372   10373      2
## 2594          statement    10375   10375      1
## 2595                law    10378   10380      3
## 2596              March    10382   10382      1
## 2597          statement    10391   10392      2
## 2598               coin    10394   10397      4
## 2599            bullion    10399   10399      1
## 2600         redemption    10402   10403      2
## 2601               form    10411   10412      2
## 2602            balance    10416   10418      3
## 2603            reserve    10420   10423      4
## 2604            balance    10433   10434      2
## 2605               fund    10445   10447      3
## 2606              which    10449   10449      1
## 2607              funds    10454   10458      5
## 2608           November    10463   10463      1
## 2609               coin    10469   10470      2
## 2610            bullion    10472   10472      1
## 2611              which    10475   10475      1
## 2612       certificates    10482   10483      2
## 2613              issue    10486   10486      1
## 2614              which    10489   10489      1
## 2615         Redemption    10497   10497      1
## 2616            bullion    10501   10501      1
## 2617            holding    10504   10506      3
## 2618               gold    10508   10509      2
## 2619                 It    10516   10516      1
## 2620               duty    10519   10520      2
## 2621                  I    10522   10522      1
## 2622                 it    10525   10525      1
## 2623        disposition    10528   10529      2
## 2624           Congress    10531   10532      2
## 2625        legislation    10535   10537      3
## 2626             parity    10542   10544      3
## 2627         conditions    10546   10547      2
## 2628              forms    10549   10551      3
## 2629              money    10553   10554      2
## 2630             silver    10556   10556      1
## 2631               gold    10558   10558      1
## 2632           revenues    10561   10563      3
## 2633          Secretary    10566   10567      2
## 2634           Treasury    10569   10570      2
## 2635              close    10572   10573      2
## 2636               year    10575   10577      3
## 2637               loan    10581   10583      3
## 2638               cent    10590   10590      1
## 2639                sum    10593   10594      2
## 2640           November    10602   10602      1
## 2641              bonds    10608   10609      2
## 2642             amount    10619   10620      2
## 2643              which    10621   10621      1
## 2644        redemptions    10625   10626      2
## 2645               call    10628   10629      2
## 2646               fund    10635   10637      3
## 2647                law    10640   10641      2
## 2648              March    10643   10643      1
## 2649              bonds    10652   10658      7
## 2650               coin    10667   10668      2
## 2651              value    10670   10673      4
## 2652            portion    10675   10676      2
## 2653               debt    10678   10680      3
## 2654               cent    10686   10686      1
## 2655           percents    10691   10693      3
## 2656           percents    10698   10700      3
## 2657              which    10705   10705      1
## 2658               date    10710   10711      2
## 2659                law    10714   10714      1
## 2660            holders    10718   10719      2
## 2661              bonds    10721   10723      3
## 2662               them    10725   10725      1
## 2663           exchange    10727   10727      1
## 2664              March    10729   10729      1
## 2665           November    10732   10732      1
## 2666             amount    10735   10736      2
## 2667             saving    10741   10743      3
## 2668         Government    10745   10746      2
## 2669       transactions    10748   10749      2
## 2670             effect    10755   10756      2
## 2671          operation    10758   10759      2
## 2672          Secretary    10764   10765      2
## 2673             charge    10770   10771      2
## 2674           Treasury    10773   10774      2
## 2675            payment    10776   10777      2
## 2676           interest    10779   10779      1
## 2677              dates    10781   10782      2
## 2678          refunding    10784   10784      1
## 2679           February    10786   10786      1
## 2680                sum    10792   10793      2
## 2681            dollars    10795   10799      5
## 2682           February    10803   10803      1
## 2683               July    10809   10809      1
## 2684             charge    10814   10817      4
## 2685                sum    10822   10823      2
## 2686           millions    10825   10828      4
## 2687             months    10832   10834      3
## 2688            details    10846   10848      3
## 2689          refunding    10850   10851      2
## 2690             report    10855   10857      3
## 2691          Secretary    10859   10860      2
## 2692           Treasury    10862   10863      2
## 2693             effect    10866   10868      3
## 2694                act    10870   10872      3
## 2695                 it    10879   10879      1
## 2696       modification    10882   10883      2
## 2697                act    10885   10888      4
## 2698          provision    10894   10895      2
## 2699      incorporation    10897   10898      2
## 2700              banks    10900   10901      2
## 2701            capital    10903   10904      2
## 2702             places    10912   10912      1
## 2703        inhabitants    10915   10917      3
## 2704          extension    10921   10922      2
## 2705         facilities    10924   10925      2
## 2706           hitherto    10927   10930      4
## 2707         themselves    10934   10934      1
## 2708       institutions    10936   10937      2
## 2709             system    10939   10941      3
## 2710          enactment    10947   10948      2
## 2711                law    10950   10951      2
## 2712           November    10956   10956      1
## 2713              banks    10959   10961      3
## 2714              which    10964   10964      1
## 2715            capital    10968   10968      1
## 2716            capital    10977   10977      1
## 2717                 It    10985   10985      1
## 2718             number    10991   10993      3
## 2719              banks    10995   10995      1
## 2720                law    10999   11001      3
## 2721           sections    11004   11004      1
## 2722               need    11006   11007      2
## 2723         facilities    11009   11010      2
## 2724               Iowa    11016   11016      1
## 2725              banks    11021   11022      2
## 2726              class    11024   11026      3
## 2727              Texas    11029   11029      1
## 2728           Oklahoma    11031   11031      1
## 2729          Territory    11033   11034      2
## 2730           sections    11037   11041      5
## 2731            country    11043   11044      2
## 2732         themselves    11048   11048      1
## 2733         privileges    11051   11052      2
## 2734                law    11054   11056      3
## 2735           increase    11059   11061      3
## 2736        circulation    11063   11067      5
## 2737          provision    11071   11072      2
## 2738                act    11074   11075      2
## 2739              which    11076   11076      1
## 2740              banks    11078   11079      2
## 2741              notes    11082   11083      2
## 2742              value    11085   11087      3
## 2743              bonds    11089   11092      4
## 2744                  .    11094   11094      1
## 2745           security    11097   11097      1
## 2746               cent    11103   11103      1
## 2747           increase    11109   11110      2
## 2748              notes    11112   11113      2
## 2749              March    11115   11115      1
## 2750           November    11118   11118      1
## 2751              party    11125   11126      2
## 2752              power    11128   11128      1
## 2753        legislation    11132   11133      2
## 2754           currency    11138   11139      2
## 2755              needs    11142   11144      3
## 2756           business    11146   11146      1
## 2757            seasons    11148   11149      2
## 2758           sections    11152   11153      2
## 2759              trade    11156   11158      3
## 2760             record    11160   11162      3
## 2761           progress    11164   11167      4
## 2762              total    11169   11170      2
## 2763            imports    11172   11172      1
## 2764            exports    11174   11174      1
## 2765               time    11176   11178      3
## 2766            history    11180   11181      2
## 2767            country    11183   11184      2
## 2768           billions    11186   11187      2
## 2769            dollars    11189   11189      1
## 2770            exports    11191   11192      2
## 2771               they    11196   11196      1
## 2772              total    11202   11203      2
## 2773               year    11205   11207      3
## 2774           increase    11213   11214      2
## 2775           increase    11221   11222      2
## 2776             growth    11244   11245      2
## 2777       manufactures    11247   11247      1
## 2778             States    11249   11251      3
## 2779               fact    11255   11256      2
## 2780            exports    11258   11258      1
## 2781           products    11260   11261      2
## 2782              those    11264   11264      1
## 2783               year    11266   11268      3
## 2784              value    11270   11271      2
## 2785           increase    11284   11285      2
## 2786               cent    11287   11289      3
## 2787           products    11291   11293      3
## 2788             volume    11300   11301      2
## 2789              total    11306   11307      2
## 2790               year    11309   11310      2
## 2791            imports    11322   11323      2
## 2792               year    11325   11326      2
## 2793           increase    11332   11333      2
## 2794           increase    11340   11341      2
## 2795          materials    11345   11345      1
## 2796        manufacture    11347   11347      1
## 2797           response    11352   11352      1
## 2798        development    11354   11356      3
## 2799      manufacturing    11358   11358      1
## 2800             States    11360   11362      3
## 2801                use    11369   11369      1
## 2802       manufactures    11371   11371      1
## 2803           material    11373   11374      2
## 2804              value    11376   11377      2
## 2805             excess    11382   11382      1
## 2806                 it    11386   11386      1
## 2807           tendency    11394   11395      2
## 2808           decrease    11397   11397      1
## 2809        importation    11399   11400      2
## 2810           articles    11402   11402      1
## 2811        consumption    11406   11406      1
## 2812              which    11408   11408      1
## 2813               cent    11414   11414      1
## 2814            imports    11416   11418      3
## 2815               cent    11423   11423      1
## 2816               cent    11429   11429      1
## 2817                  I    11434   11434      1
## 2818           Congress    11437   11438      2
## 2819            session    11440   11442      3
## 2820              taxes    11444   11448      5
## 2821           expenses    11452   11453      2
## 2822                war    11455   11456      2
## 2823              Spain    11458   11458      1
## 2824                sum    11461   11462      2
## 2825           millions    11464   11465      2
## 2826            dollars    11467   11467      1
## 2827          reduction    11469   11470      2
## 2828          remission    11475   11476      2
## 2829              taxes    11478   11479      2
## 2830         experience    11480   11481      2
## 2831         industries    11490   11491      2
## 2832             people    11493   11494      2
## 2833                  I    11497   11497      1
## 2834          reduction    11505   11506      2
## 2835                tax    11509   11511      3
## 2836           bequests    11513   11513      1
## 2837               uses    11515   11516      2
## 2838          character    11518   11525      8
## 2839            vessels    11527   11529      3
## 2840              years    11531   11534      4
## 2841               cent    11540   11540      1
## 2842            exports    11542   11543      2
## 2843            imports    11545   11545      1
## 2844              ships    11547   11548      2
## 2845               part    11558   11558      1
## 2846              trade    11560   11561      2
## 2847             growth    11563   11565      3
## 2848         industries    11567   11569      3
## 2849           progress    11571   11572      2
## 2850       shipbuilding    11574   11574      1
## 2851              trade    11576   11578      3
## 2852       expenditures    11581   11584      4
## 2853               Navy    11586   11587      2
## 2854        opportunity    11590   11591      2
## 2855             States    11594   11596      3
## 2856               rank    11598   11600      3
## 2857             powers    11602   11604      3
## 2858         aspiration    11609   11612      4
## 2859               this    11613   11613      1
## 2860      establishment    11616   11617      2
## 2861             growth    11619   11620      2
## 2862             coasts    11622   11624      3
## 2863           industry    11626   11629      4
## 2864              field    11632   11633      2
## 2865         employment    11635   11637      3
## 2866              labor    11639   11639      1
## 2867            capital    11641   11641      1
## 2868                 It    11643   11643      1
## 2869         facilities    11646   11648      3
## 2870            charges    11651   11652      2
## 2871             volume    11654   11656      3
## 2872           products    11658   11658      1
## 2873           interior    11661   11662      2
## 2874           seaboard    11664   11665      2
## 2875             export    11667   11667      1
## 2876                arm    11672   11673      2
## 2877            defense    11675   11677      3
## 2878              which    11679   11679      1
## 2879           founders    11680   11681      2
## 2880         Government    11683   11684      2
## 2881         successors    11686   11687      2
## 2882             action    11694   11695      2
## 2883           Congress    11697   11698      2
## 2884           measures    11700   11700      1
## 2885           shipping    11703   11704      2
## 2886              trade    11706   11707      2
## 2887                  I    11709   11709      1
## 2888          attention    11711   11711      1
## 2889    recommendations    11713   11714      2
## 2890            subject    11716   11717      2
## 2891           messages    11719   11720      2
## 2892            opinion    11725   11726      2
## 2893            message    11729   11730      2
## 2894                  I    11734   11734      1
## 2895           judgment    11737   11738      2
## 2896            country    11740   11741      2
## 2897             policy    11743   11744      2
## 2898                aid    11746   11746      1
## 2899             marine    11748   11750      3
## 2900              which    11752   11752      1
## 2901           commerce    11755   11756      2
## 2902            markets    11758   11758      1
## 2903           capacity    11761   11765      5
## 2904           products    11767   11768      2
## 2905        agriculture    11770   11770      1
## 2906        manufacture    11772   11772      1
## 2907              which    11774   11774      1
## 2908           increase    11777   11778      2
## 2909               Navy    11780   11781      2
## 2910               work    11784   11785      2
## 2911              wages    11787   11787      1
## 2912         countrymen    11789   11790      2
## 2913          safeguard    11795   11796      2
## 2914          interests    11798   11799      2
## 2915               part    11801   11802      2
## 2916              world    11804   11805      2
## 2917          attention    11807   11808      2
## 2918           Congress    11810   11811      2
## 2919     recommendation    11815   11816      2
## 2920          Secretary    11818   11819      2
## 2921           Treasury    11821   11822      2
## 2922             report    11824   11826      3
## 2923        legislation    11828   11828      1
## 2924             behalf    11830   11830      1
## 2925            Service    11832   11836      5
## 2926             action    11839   11840      2
## 2927            message    11846   11849      4
## 2928           Congress    11851   11852      2
## 2929                  I    11853   11853      1
## 2930          attention    11855   11855      1
## 2931          necessity    11857   11858      2
## 2932             action    11860   11861      2
## 2933              evils    11864   11865      2
## 2934         connection    11873   11873      1
## 2935       combinations    11875   11875      1
## 2936            capital    11877   11877      1
## 2937             trusts    11880   11880      1
## 2938          attention    11885   11885      1
## 2939         discussion    11887   11888      2
## 2940            subject    11890   11891      2
## 2941               time    11893   11894      2
## 2942              which    11896   11896      1
## 2943              words    11899   11900      2
## 2944                 It    11902   11902      1
## 2945         uniformity    11906   11906      1
## 2946        legislation    11908   11908      1
## 2947            subject    11910   11911      2
## 2948             States    11913   11915      3
## 2949                 It    11922   11922      1
## 2950         uniformity    11928   11929      2
## 2951     discrimination    11933   11937      5
## 2952               what    11939   11939      1
## 2953               what    11943   11943      1
## 2954         operations    11949   11950      2
## 2955               that    11957   11957      1
## 2956           Congress    11963   11964      2
## 2957        limitations    11967   11968      2
## 2958              power    11970   11972      3
## 2959               code    11977   11979      3
## 2960        legislation    11981   11982      2
## 2961             system    11986   11988      3
## 2962               laws    11990   11990      1
## 2963             States    11992   11994      3
## 2964         observance    11998   12000      3
## 2965              rules    12002   12004      3
## 2966              which    12006   12006      1
## 2967                  I    12007   12007      1
## 2968           question    12012   12014      3
## 2969                  I    12023   12023      1
## 2970               part    12026   12027      2
## 2971                 it    12029   12029      1
## 2972              phase    12036   12037      2
## 2973                 it    12039   12039      1
## 2974       deliberation    12042   12044      3
## 2975           Congress    12046   12047      2
## 2976             action    12051   12054      4
## 2977       combinations    12058   12059      2
## 2978              which    12065   12065      1
## 2979       jurisdiction    12068   12069      2
## 2980           Congress    12076   12077      2
## 2981            message    12081   12084      4
## 2982                  I    12085   12085      1
## 2983             length    12088   12089      2
## 2984          condition    12091   12092      2
## 2985            affairs    12094   12094      1
## 2986        Philippines    12096   12097      2
## 2987                you    12104   12104      1
## 2988     responsibility    12106   12108      3
## 2989         government    12110   12112      3
## 2990            islands    12114   12115      2
## 2991           Congress    12118   12119      2
## 2992             States    12121   12123      3
## 2993                  I    12125   12125      1
## 2994               time    12130   12131      2
## 2995               form    12132   12136      5
## 2996         government    12138   12138      1
## 2997          territory    12140   12141      2
## 2998             forces    12145   12148      4
## 2999              which    12151   12151      1
## 3000       insurrection    12155   12155      1
## 3001                arm    12157   12159      3
## 3002                  I    12165   12165      1
## 3003            purpose    12167   12168      2
## 3004           Congress    12171   12172      2
## 3005         expression    12176   12178      3
## 3006               will    12180   12181      2
## 3007          authority    12185   12186      2
## 3008                 me    12189   12189      1
## 3009       Constitution    12191   12192      2
## 3010           statutes    12194   12195      2
## 3011        sovereignty    12198   12199      2
## 3012             States    12201   12203      3
## 3013            islands    12205   12207      3
## 3014             places    12210   12212      3
## 3015               flag    12214   12215      2
## 3016                end    12222   12223      2
## 3017           disposal    12226   12227      2
## 3018               army    12229   12230      2
## 3019               navy    12232   12232      1
## 3020              means    12233   12235      3
## 3021              which    12236   12236      1
## 3022         liberality    12237   12238      2
## 3023           Congress    12240   12241      2
## 3024             people    12243   12244      2
## 3025         expression    12248   12250      3
## 3026               will    12252   12253      2
## 3027           Congress    12255   12256      2
## 3028                  I    12261   12261      1
## 3029            purpose    12265   12266      2
## 3030                arm    12271   12273      3
## 3031     accomplishment    12277   12278      2
## 3032       pacification    12280   12280      1
## 3033        institution    12282   12283      2
## 3034        governments    12285   12286      2
## 3035              lines    12288   12289      2
## 3036          authority    12291   12291      1
## 3037                law    12293   12293      1
## 3038           Progress    12296   12296      1
## 3039          direction    12298   12302      5
## 3040             forces    12307   12308      2
## 3041               part    12312   12314      3
## 3042            islands    12316   12317      2
## 3043             forces    12320   12322      3
## 3044         insurgents    12324   12325      2
## 3045              order    12328   12328      1
## 3046         regularity    12330   12331      2
## 3047           quarters    12333   12334      2
## 3048         opposition    12336   12337      2
## 3049               part    12341   12343      3
## 3050               plan    12347   12349      3
## 3051             action    12351   12352      2
## 3052            methods    12357   12358      2
## 3053         traditions    12361   12362      2
## 3054            warfare    12364   12365      2
## 3055              which    12367   12367      1
## 3056            control    12373   12375      3
## 3057         insecurity    12384   12384      1
## 3058        populations    12386   12387      2
## 3059               that    12388   12388      1
## 3060            results    12391   12393      3
## 3061            control    12395   12396      2
## 3062         conferment    12400   12401      2
## 3063               them    12403   12403      1
## 3064           measures    12405   12407      3
## 3065         government    12409   12412      4
## 3066          education    12415   12415      1
## 3067        development    12419   12422      4
## 3068              which    12423   12423      1
## 3069                 we    12424   12424      1
## 3070               them    12430   12430      1
## 3071             spring    12434   12435      2
## 3072               year    12437   12438      2
## 3073         opposition    12439   12441      3
## 3074             Tagals    12443   12445      3
## 3075          authority    12447   12448      2
## 3076             States    12450   12452      3
## 3077               door    12459   12460      2
## 3078          extension    12462   12463      2
## 3079     administration    12465   12467      3
## 3080          territory    12471   12472      2
## 3081        Archipelago    12474   12475      2
## 3082               this    12480   12480      1
## 3083                  I    12483   12483      1
## 3084              March    12486   12486      1
## 3085         Commission    12487   12490      4
## 3086                Hon    12493   12494      2
## 3087               Taft    12496   12498      3
## 3088               Ohio    12501   12501      1
## 3089          Worcester    12503   12506      4
## 3090           Michigan    12509   12509      1
## 3091                Hon    12511   12512      2
## 3092             Wright    12514   12516      3
## 3093          Tennessee    12519   12519      1
## 3094                Hon    12521   12522      2
## 3095                Ide    12524   12526      3
## 3096            Vermont    12529   12529      1
## 3097              Moses    12532   12534      3
## 3098         California    12537   12537      1
## 3099               aims    12539   12540      2
## 3100            mission    12542   12543      2
## 3101              scope    12545   12546      2
## 3102          authority    12548   12549      2
## 3103       instructions    12555   12556      2
## 3104              April    12558   12558      1
## 3105          Secretary    12565   12566      2
## 3106                War    12568   12568      1
## 3107               them    12573   12573      1
## 3108            message    12577   12578      2
## 3109           Congress    12581   12582      2
## 3110                5th    12584   12585      2
## 3111           December    12587   12587      1
## 3112            Islands    12596   12598      3
## 3113       insurrection    12604   12605      2
## 3114                arm    12607   12609      3
## 3115             reason    12618   12619      2
## 3116              steps    12621   12621      1
## 3117               time    12627   12627      1
## 3118               time    12629   12629      1
## 3119        governments    12632   12632      1
## 3120               form    12636   12637      2
## 3121          territory    12641   12641      1
## 3122             troops    12647   12648      2
## 3123                end    12651   12652      2
## 3124                  I    12653   12653      1
## 3125       advisability    12656   12657      2
## 3126             return    12659   12660      2
## 3127         Commission    12662   12663      2
## 3128            members    12668   12669      2
## 3129        authorities    12678   12680      3
## 3130               work    12683   12684      2
## 3131            islands    12686   12687      2
## 3132             effect    12693   12693      1
## 3133          intention    12695   12696      2
## 3134                  I    12700   12700      1
## 3135                Hon    12703   12703      1
## 3136               Taft    12705   12707      3
## 3137               Ohio    12710   12710      1
## 3138          Worcester    12712   12715      4
## 3139           Michigan    12718   12718      1
## 3140             Wright    12720   12724      5
## 3141          Tennessee    12727   12727      1
## 3142                Hon    12729   12729      1
## 3143                Ide    12731   12733      3
## 3144            Vermont    12736   12736      1
## 3145              Moses    12739   12741      3
## 3146         California    12744   12744      1
## 3147      Commissioners    12746   12746      1
## 3148            Islands    12748   12750      3
## 3149               work    12755   12756      2
## 3150         government    12761   12762      2
## 3151        authorities    12766   12768      3
## 3152           respects    12772   12773      2
## 3153               laws    12775   12776      2
## 3154              which    12777   12777      1
## 3155           Congress    12778   12778      1
## 3156      Commissioners    12784   12785      2
## 3157              board    12792   12793      2
## 3158                Hon    12796   12797      2
## 3159                  t    12799   12802      4
## 3160          president    12806   12806      1
## 3161              board    12808   12809      2
## 3162                 It    12811   12811      1
## 3163           transfer    12815   12816      2
## 3164          authority    12818   12818      1
## 3165         commanders    12820   12821      2
## 3166           officers    12823   12824      2
## 3167             period    12831   12833      3
## 3168     accomplishment    12835   12837      3
## 3169        maintenance    12839   12840      2
## 3170              peace    12842   12842      1
## 3171              order    12844   12844      1
## 3172           meantime    12846   12847      2
## 3173                 co    12850   12853      4
## 3174                  -    12854   12854      1
## 3175          operation    12855   12855      1
## 3176        authorities    12857   12861      5
## 3177            islands    12863   12864      2
## 3178               both    12867   12867      1
## 3179             period    12872   12874      3
## 3180         Department    12876   12879      4
## 3181         Commission    12881   12882      2
## 3182          Secretary    12887   12888      2
## 3183                War    12890   12890      1
## 3184             action    12893   12895      3
## 3185           approval    12900   12901      2
## 3186            control    12903   12903      1
## 3187                You    12906   12906      1
## 3188         Commission    12909   12910      2
## 3189               city    12914   12915      2
## 3190             Manila    12917   12917      1
## 3191               they    12920   12920      1
## 3192             office    12923   12925      3
## 3193           Governor    12931   12933      3
## 3194            Islands    12935   12937      3
## 3195               whom    12939   12939      1
## 3196                you    12940   12940      1
## 3197               time    12943   12945      3
## 3198               them    12950   12950      1
## 3199         assistance    12951   12952      2
## 3200              power    12954   12955      2
## 3201        performance    12957   12958      2
## 3202             duties    12960   12961      2
## 3203               them    12965   12965      1
## 3204       instructions    12967   12969      3
## 3205               they    12971   12971      1
## 3206         themselves    12980   12980      1
## 3207         conditions    12983   12984      2
## 3208              needs    12986   12986      1
## 3209            country    12988   12989      2
## 3210          attention    12993   12994      2
## 3211           instance    12996   12998      3
## 3212      establishment    13000   13001      2
## 3213        governments    13003   13004      2
## 3214              which    13007   13007      1
## 3215            natives    13008   13009      2
## 3216            islands    13011   13012      2
## 3217             cities    13016   13017      2
## 3218        communities    13020   13022      3
## 3219        opportunity    13027   13028      2
## 3220            affairs    13031   13034      4
## 3221             extent    13036   13038      3
## 3222              which    13040   13040      1
## 3223               they    13041   13041      1
## 3224             degree    13047   13049      3
## 3225        supervision    13051   13051      1
## 3226            control    13053   13053      1
## 3227              which    13054   13054      1
## 3228         capacities    13059   13060      2
## 3229        observation    13062   13062      1
## 3230           workings    13064   13065      2
## 3231               show    13067   13069      3
## 3232        maintenance    13074   13075      2
## 3233                law    13077   13077      1
## 3234              order    13079   13079      1
## 3235            loyalty    13082   13082      1
## 3236            subject    13085   13087      3
## 3237              order    13089   13089      1
## 3238         importance    13091   13091      1
## 3239       organization    13094   13095      2
## 3240         government    13097   13097      1
## 3241          divisions    13099   13102      4
## 3242           counties    13105   13105      1
## 3243        departments    13107   13107      1
## 3244          provinces    13110   13110      1
## 3245              which    13113   13113      1
## 3246          interests    13114   13116      3
## 3247     municipalities    13118   13121      4
## 3248              lines    13124   13127      4
## 3249             limits    13130   13134      5
## 3250     administration    13141   13143      3
## 3251         Commission    13146   13147      2
## 3252            opinion    13150   13151      2
## 3253          condition    13153   13154      2
## 3254            affairs    13156   13156      1
## 3255            islands    13158   13159      2
## 3256     administration    13163   13165      3
## 3257           military    13171   13171      1
## 3258            control    13173   13174      2
## 3259               they    13175   13175      1
## 3260         conclusion    13178   13179      2
## 3261                you    13181   13181      1
## 3262    recommendations    13184   13185      2
## 3263               form    13188   13189      2
## 3264         government    13191   13192      2
## 3265            purpose    13197   13198      2
## 3266            control    13202   13203      2
## 3267                day    13208   13210      3
## 3268          September    13212   13212      1
## 3269          authority    13216   13217      2
## 3270           approval    13223   13224      2
## 3271          Secretary    13227   13228      2
## 3272                War    13230   13230      1
## 3273               part    13232   13233      2
## 3274              power    13235   13236      2
## 3275         government    13238   13238      1
## 3276            Islands    13240   13242      3
## 3277              which    13243   13243      1
## 3278             nature    13246   13248      3
## 3279           Governor    13254   13256      3
## 3280            islands    13258   13259      2
## 3281         Commission    13261   13262      2
## 3282               them    13269   13269      1
## 3283              place    13271   13272      2
## 3284              stead    13274   13274      1
## 3285           Governor    13276   13278      3
## 3286              rules    13281   13282      2
## 3287        regulations    13284   13284      1
## 3288                you    13286   13286      1
## 3289      establishment    13291   13292      2
## 3290         government    13294   13297      4
## 3291            islands    13299   13300      2
## 3292          paragraph    13303   13306      4
## 3293           Congress    13310   13310      1
## 3294           Exercise    13315   13315      1
## 3295          authority    13317   13319      3
## 3296             making    13322   13323      2
## 3297              rules    13325   13325      1
## 3298             orders    13327   13327      1
## 3299             effect    13330   13331      2
## 3300                law    13333   13333      1
## 3301            raising    13336   13337      2
## 3302            revenue    13339   13339      1
## 3303              taxes    13341   13341      1
## 3304             duties    13343   13344      2
## 3305            imposts    13347   13347      1
## 3306              funds    13354   13355      2
## 3307            islands    13357   13358      2
## 3308             system    13363   13365      3
## 3309            islands    13367   13368      2
## 3310             system    13373   13374      2
## 3311            service    13377   13380      4
## 3312             courts    13387   13387      1
## 3313        governments    13394   13397      4
## 3314             nature    13404   13406      3
## 3315              which    13408   13408      1
## 3316           Governor    13409   13411      3
## 3317              rules    13418   13418      1
## 3318             orders    13420   13420      1
## 3319          character    13422   13424      3
## 3320         Commission    13427   13428      2
## 3321              power    13432   13432      1
## 3322             period    13434   13436      3
## 3323           officers    13441   13442      2
## 3324            systems    13444   13453     10
## 3325        governments    13456   13460      5
## 3326           transfer    13468   13470      3
## 3327            control    13472   13472      1
## 3328           Governor    13473   13475      3
## 3329               head    13478   13481      4
## 3330         government    13483   13484      2
## 3331            islands    13486   13487      2
## 3332          authority    13492   13494      3
## 3333                him    13498   13498      1
## 3334         Commission    13505   13506      2
## 3335              rules    13513   13514      2
## 3336             orders    13516   13516      1
## 3337         Commission    13519   13520      2
## 3338           exercise    13522   13523      2
## 3339             powers    13525   13527      3
## 3340               them    13530   13530      1
## 3341           meantime    13533   13534      2
## 3342        governments    13535   13539      5
## 3343           Governor    13545   13547      3
## 3344        supervision    13552   13554      3
## 3345            control    13556   13556      1
## 3346          direction    13559   13560      2
## 3347        supervision    13563   13564      2
## 3348            control    13566   13566      1
## 3349             limits    13571   13573      3
## 3350        requirement    13576   13577      2
## 3351             powers    13579   13580      2
## 3352         government    13582   13582      1
## 3353     municipalities    13584   13585      2
## 3354        departments    13587   13587      1
## 3355                law    13596   13596      1
## 3356              order    13598   13598      1
## 3357            freedom    13600   13601      2
## 3358              rules    13607   13609      3
## 3359             orders    13611   13611      1
## 3360     establishments    13613   13613      1
## 3361         government    13615   13615      1
## 3362       appointments    13618   13618      1
## 3363         Commission    13622   13623      2
## 3364             effect    13626   13626      1
## 3365              times    13631   13632      2
## 3366               they    13634   13634      1
## 3367           approval    13640   13641      2
## 3368             action    13643   13643      1
## 3369            reports    13649   13652      4
## 3370              which    13654   13654      1
## 3371               time    13660   13660      1
## 3372               time    13662   13662      1
## 3373             action    13664   13665      2
## 3374        governments    13670   13671      2
## 3375          direction    13675   13676      2
## 3376         Commission    13678   13679      2
## 3377              posts    13680   13682      3
## 3378          garrisons    13684   13684      1
## 3379             forces    13687   13687      1
## 3380        suppression    13692   13693      2
## 3381       insurrection    13695   13695      1
## 3382         brigandage    13697   13697      1
## 3383        maintenance    13699   13700      2
## 3384                law    13702   13702      1
## 3385              order    13704   13704      1
## 3386          Commander    13706   13708      3
## 3387             forces    13714   13716      3
## 3388              times    13720   13721      2
## 3389             orders    13725   13726      2
## 3390               call    13729   13730      2
## 3391        authorities    13732   13734      3
## 3392        maintenance    13736   13737      2
## 3393                law    13739   13739      1
## 3394              order    13741   13741      1
## 3395        enforcement    13743   13744      2
## 3396          authority    13746   13747      2
## 3397      establishment    13751   13752      2
## 3398        governments    13754   13755      2
## 3399         Commission    13756   13757      2
## 3400              basis    13761   13762      2
## 3401               work    13764   13765      2
## 3402        governments    13766   13767      2
## 3403           Governor    13770   13772      3
## 3404              order    13774   13775      2
## 3405             August    13777   13777      1
## 3406             report    13784   13785      2
## 3407              board    13787   13788      2
## 3408           Governor    13791   13793      3
## 3409              order    13795   13796      2
## 3410            January    13798   13798      1
## 3411               plan    13807   13808      2
## 3412         government    13810   13811      2
## 3413              which    13814   13814      1
## 3414           Arellano    13815   13818      4
## 3415          President    13820   13820      1
## 3416          Audiencia    13822   13823      2
## 3417           chairman    13826   13826      1
## 3418               they    13829   13829      1
## 3419        conclusions    13833   13834      2
## 3420              board    13836   13837      2
## 3421             weight    13838   13839      2
## 3422      consideration    13841   13841      1
## 3423              which    13842   13842      1
## 3424          character    13843   13845      3
## 3425          abilities    13847   13848      2
## 3426            members    13850   13851      2
## 3427       constitution    13856   13857      2
## 3428        governments    13859   13862      4
## 3429               they    13863   13863      1
## 3430          attention    13866   13867      2
## 3431         government    13869   13871      3
## 3432             island    13873   13874      2
## 3433             Negros    13876   13876      1
## 3434           approval    13881   13882      2
## 3435             people    13884   13885      2
## 3436             island    13887   13888      2
## 3437              order    13891   13892      2
## 3438           Governor    13894   13896      3
## 3439               July    13898   13898      1
## 3440          verifying    13905   13905      1
## 3441            reports    13914   13915      2
## 3442            working    13917   13919      3
## 3443         government    13921   13922      2
## 3444               they    13923   13923      1
## 3445         experience    13928   13929      2
## 3446                 it    13935   13935      1
## 3447          condition    13940   13941      2
## 3448           portions    13944   13945      2
## 3449        Philippines    13947   13948      2
## 3450               They    13950   13950      1
## 3451         themselves    13953   13953      1
## 3452             degree    13956   13958      3
## 3453        conclusions    13962   13963      2
## 3454         Commission    13966   13968      3
## 3455        Philippines    13970   13971      2
## 3456       distribution    13975   13976      2
## 3457             powers    13978   13978      1
## 3458        governments    13980   13981      2
## 3459         Commission    13984   13985      2
## 3460        presumption    13987   13988      2
## 3461              favor    13994   13994      1
## 3462        subdivision    13996   13998      3
## 3463             powers    14002   14004      3
## 3464              which    14005   14005      1
## 3465         government    14011   14013      3
## 3466         government    14018   14019      2
## 3467             powers    14022   14024      3
## 3468          character    14026   14029      4
## 3469              which    14030   14030      1
## 3470         government    14035   14037      3
## 3471         government    14042   14043      2
## 3472             system    14049   14051      3
## 3473              which    14053   14053      1
## 3474             result    14055   14056      2
## 3475            process    14058   14059      2
## 3476         government    14061   14063      3
## 3477            islands    14065   14066      2
## 3478            example    14069   14070      2
## 3479       distribution    14072   14073      2
## 3480             powers    14075   14076      2
## 3481             States    14078   14079      2
## 3482         Government    14081   14083      3
## 3483             States    14085   14087      3
## 3484     administration    14091   14093      3
## 3485            matters    14096   14096      1
## 3486            concern    14098   14100      3
## 3487        supervision    14105   14107      3
## 3488            control    14109   14109      1
## 3489        governments    14111   14112      2
## 3490     administration    14121   14124      4
## 3491           officers    14126   14127      2
## 3492            degrees    14130   14133      4
## 3493       civilization    14135   14135      1
## 3494          varieties    14137   14137      1
## 3495             custom    14139   14139      1
## 3496           capacity    14141   14141      1
## 3497             people    14143   14144      2
## 3498            islands    14146   14148      3
## 3499        instruction    14150   14152      3
## 3500               part    14155   14156      2
## 3501              which    14157   14157      1
## 3502             people    14158   14159      2
## 3503          selection    14163   14164      2
## 3504           officers    14166   14168      3
## 3505              rules    14171   14173      3
## 3506              cases    14181   14182      2
## 3507           officers    14183   14185      3
## 3508                who    14187   14187      1
## 3509            affairs    14189   14191      3
## 3510             people    14193   14194      2
## 3511             people    14201   14202      2
## 3512           officers    14207   14207      1
## 3513       jurisdiction    14209   14211      3
## 3514                way    14217   14218      2
## 3515            natives    14220   14220      1
## 3516            islands    14222   14223      2
## 3517               they    14231   14231      1
## 3518             duties    14240   14241      2
## 3519               they    14243   14243      1
## 3520            offices    14247   14248      2
## 3521         preference    14250   14250      1
## 3522             others    14252   14253      2
## 3523                 It    14256   14256      1
## 3524            offices    14262   14263      2
## 3525            present    14265   14266      2
## 3526          Americans    14268   14268      1
## 3527              which    14269   14269      1
## 3528               time    14271   14272      2
## 3529            natives    14278   14278      1
## 3530            islands    14280   14281      2
## 3531             system    14287   14288      2
## 3532              merit    14291   14292      2
## 3533            fitness    14294   14294      1
## 3534         candidates    14296   14296      1
## 3535             office    14298   14299      2
## 3536              force    14304   14304      1
## 3537      qualification    14306   14308      3
## 3538            offices    14310   14311      2
## 3539          positions    14313   14313      1
## 3540              trust    14315   14315      1
## 3541          authority    14317   14317      1
## 3542            islands    14319   14320      2
## 3543            loyalty    14323   14326      4
## 3544             States    14328   14330      3
## 3545          authority    14333   14336      4
## 3546              power    14338   14338      1
## 3547            officer    14343   14344      2
## 3548           standard    14347   14348      2
## 3549              times    14351   14352      2
## 3550              bands    14356   14357      2
## 3551          authority    14359   14361      3
## 3552            islands    14363   14364      2
## 3553              forms    14368   14370      3
## 3554         provisions    14372   14375      4
## 3555              which    14376   14376      1
## 3556               they    14377   14377      1
## 3557         Commission    14382   14383      2
## 3558               mind    14387   14387      1
## 3559         government    14389   14390      2
## 3560              which    14391   14391      1
## 3561               they    14392   14392      1
## 3562       satisfaction    14399   14400      2
## 3563         expression    14404   14405      2
## 3564              views    14407   14409      3
## 3565          happiness    14413   14414      2
## 3566              peace    14416   14416      1
## 3567         prosperity    14419   14419      1
## 3568             people    14421   14422      2
## 3569            Islands    14424   14426      3
## 3570           measures    14429   14430      2
## 3571            customs    14438   14439      2
## 3572             habits    14441   14442      2
## 3573         prejudices    14445   14447      3
## 3574             extent    14450   14452      3
## 3575     accomplishment    14455   14456      2
## 3576         requisites    14458   14460      3
## 3577         government    14462   14465      4
## 3578               time    14469   14471      3
## 3579         Commission    14472   14473      2
## 3580               mind    14477   14477      1
## 3581             people    14480   14481      2
## 3582            islands    14483   14484      2
## 3583         principles    14495   14497      3
## 3584         government    14499   14499      1
## 3585              which    14500   14500      1
## 3586              basis    14504   14505      2
## 3587             system    14507   14509      3
## 3588              which    14510   14510      1
## 3589                 we    14511   14511      1
## 3590               rule    14515   14516      2
## 3591                law    14518   14518      1
## 3592        maintenance    14520   14521      2
## 3593            freedom    14523   14524      2
## 3594              which    14528   14528      1
## 3595               they    14529   14529      1
## 3596         experience    14536   14537      2
## 3597                 us    14540   14540      1
## 3598              rules    14546   14548      3
## 3599         government    14550   14550      1
## 3600              which    14551   14551      1
## 3601                 we    14552   14552      1
## 3602       preservation    14559   14560      2
## 3603         principles    14562   14564      3
## 3604            liberty    14566   14566      1
## 3605                law    14568   14568      1
## 3606         principles    14572   14573      2
## 3607              rules    14575   14576      2
## 3608         government    14578   14578      1
## 3609            islands    14585   14586      2
## 3610               sake    14588   14589      2
## 3611            liberty    14591   14592      2
## 3612          happiness    14594   14594      1
## 3613               they    14598   14598      1
## 3614            customs    14602   14603      2
## 3615               laws    14605   14605      1
## 3616          procedure    14607   14607      1
## 3617              which    14609   14609      1
## 3618               they    14610   14610      1
## 3619                 It    14615   14615      1
## 3620            thought    14619   14622      4
## 3621            Islands    14624   14626      3
## 3622         importance    14629   14630      2
## 3623         principles    14632   14633      2
## 3624              rules    14635   14635      1
## 3625               they    14638   14638      1
## 3626               time    14642   14644      3
## 3627           division    14650   14651      2
## 3628             branch    14653   14653      1
## 3629         government    14655   14656      2
## 3630        Philippines    14658   14659      2
## 3631              rules    14666   14668      3
## 3632             person    14672   14673      2
## 3633               life    14678   14678      1
## 3634            liberty    14680   14680      1
## 3635           property    14683   14683      1
## 3636            process    14685   14686      2
## 3637                law    14688   14688      1
## 3638           property    14691   14692      2
## 3639                use    14698   14699      2
## 3640       compensation    14701   14702      2
## 3641       prosecutions    14706   14708      3
## 3642              right    14713   14714      2
## 3643              trial    14716   14720      5
## 3644             nature    14726   14727      2
## 3645              cause    14729   14729      1
## 3646         accusation    14731   14732      2
## 3647          witnesses    14738   14739      2
## 3648                him    14741   14741      1
## 3649            process    14745   14746      2
## 3650          witnesses    14749   14749      1
## 3651              favor    14751   14752      2
## 3652         assistance    14757   14758      2
## 3653            counsel    14760   14760      1
## 3654            defense    14762   14763      2
## 3655               bail    14766   14767      2
## 3656              fines    14774   14775      2
## 3657         punishment    14779   14782      4
## 3658             person    14786   14787      2
## 3659           jeopardy    14793   14793      1
## 3660            offense    14795   14797      3
## 3661               case    14803   14805      3
## 3662            witness    14808   14809      2
## 3663            himself    14811   14811      1
## 3664              right    14814   14815      2
## 3665           searches    14820   14821      2
## 3666           seizures    14823   14823      1
## 3667            slavery    14830   14831      2
## 3668          servitude    14833   14834      2
## 3669         punishment    14839   14840      2
## 3670              crime    14842   14842      1
## 3671               bill    14845   14846      2
## 3672          attainder    14848   14848      1
## 3673                  -    14851   14851      1
## 3674                law    14852   14854      3
## 3675                law    14860   14861      2
## 3676            freedom    14866   14867      2
## 3677             speech    14869   14869      1
## 3678              press    14872   14873      2
## 3679             rights    14876   14877      2
## 3680             people    14879   14880      2
## 3681         Government    14886   14887      2
## 3682            redress    14889   14890      2
## 3683         grievances    14892   14892      1
## 3684                law    14895   14896      2
## 3685      establishment    14901   14902      2
## 3686           religion    14904   14904      1
## 3687           exercise    14908   14910      3
## 3688           exercise    14915   14917      3
## 3689          enjoyment    14919   14919      1
## 3690         profession    14921   14922      2
## 3691     discrimination    14926   14926      1
## 3692         preference    14928   14928      1
## 3693                 It    14935   14935      1
## 3694               duty    14938   14939      2
## 3695         Commission    14941   14942      2
## 3696      investigation    14945   14947      3
## 3697             titles    14949   14950      2
## 3698             tracts    14952   14954      3
## 3699               land    14956   14956      1
## 3700        individuals    14961   14961      1
## 3701             orders    14964   14965      2
## 3702            justice    14968   14969      2
## 3703             claims    14971   14972      2
## 3704         complaints    14974   14974      1
## 3705        landholders    14977   14978      2
## 3706             people    14980   14981      2
## 3707             island    14983   14984      2
## 3708               part    14986   14987      2
## 3709             people    14989   14990      2
## 3710           measures    14996   14999      4
## 3711         settlement    15000   15002      3
## 3712      controversies    15004   15005      2
## 3713            redress    15007   15007      1
## 3714             wrongs    15009   15009      1
## 3715              which    15010   15010      1
## 3716             strife    15013   15013      1
## 3717          bloodshed    15015   15015      1
## 3718               past    15017   15018      2
## 3719        performance    15021   15022      2
## 3720               duty    15024   15025      2
## 3721         Commission    15026   15027      2
## 3722          injustice    15033   15034      2
## 3723             rights    15042   15043      2
## 3724             equity    15045   15045      1
## 3725     technicalities    15046   15048      3
## 3726            permits    15052   15054      3
## 3727              rules    15059   15061      3
## 3728             Treaty    15068   15069      2
## 3729              Paris    15071   15071      1
## 3730             States    15073   15075      3
## 3731         protection    15077   15078      2
## 3732             rights    15080   15081      2
## 3733           property    15083   15083      1
## 3734            islands    15085   15086      2
## 3735          principle    15091   15092      2
## 3736         Government    15094   15096      3
## 3737              which    15097   15097      1
## 3738             taking    15099   15100      2
## 3739           property    15102   15103      2
## 3740            process    15105   15106      2
## 3741                law    15108   15108      1
## 3742            welfare    15116   15117      2
## 3743             people    15119   15120      2
## 3744            islands    15122   15123      2
## 3745              which    15125   15125      1
## 3746      consideration    15128   15130      3
## 3747               rule    15137   15138      2
## 3748              right    15140   15141      2
## 3749                 it    15145   15145      1
## 3750           interest    15149   15151      3
## 3751             people    15153   15154      2
## 3752            islands    15156   15157      2
## 3753             claims    15161   15161      1
## 3754           property    15163   15163      1
## 3755              which    15164   15164      1
## 3756         Commission    15165   15166      2
## 3757        disposition    15175   15175      1
## 3758          procedure    15181   15183      3
## 3759              which    15186   15186      1
## 3760        opportunity    15190   15191      2
## 3761            hearing    15193   15196      4
## 3762           judgment    15198   15198      1
## 3763          interests    15202   15205      4
## 3764     extinguishment    15207   15208      2
## 3765             rights    15210   15211      2
## 3766       compensation    15216   15217      2
## 3767           treasury    15223   15225      3
## 3768               form    15229   15230      2
## 3769           religion    15232   15232      1
## 3770           minister    15234   15235      2
## 3771           religion    15237   15237      1
## 3772          community    15242   15243      2
## 3773            citizen    15246   15247      2
## 3774            islands    15249   15250      2
## 3775               hand    15255   15257      3
## 3776           minister    15259   15260      2
## 3777           religion    15262   15262      1
## 3778            calling    15271   15272      2
## 3779         separation    15276   15277      2
## 3780              State    15279   15279      1
## 3781             Church    15281   15281      1
## 3782                 It    15292   15292      1
## 3783               duty    15295   15296      2
## 3784         Commission    15298   15299      2
## 3785               they    15308   15308      1
## 3786           occasion    15310   15310      1
## 3787             system    15314   15315      2
## 3788          education    15317   15317      1
## 3789        authorities    15321   15323      3
## 3790               this    15327   15327      1
## 3791               they    15328   15328      1
## 3792         importance    15333   15334      2
## 3793          extension    15335   15336      2
## 3794             system    15338   15339      2
## 3795          education    15341   15342      2
## 3796              which    15343   15343      1
## 3797                all    15348   15348      1
## 3798              which    15351   15351      1
## 3799             people    15356   15357      2
## 3800             duties    15359   15360      2
## 3801        citizenship    15362   15362      1
## 3802         avocations    15365   15367      3
## 3803          community    15369   15371      3
## 3804        instruction    15373   15374      2
## 3805           instance    15379   15381      3
## 3806               part    15383   15384      2
## 3807            islands    15386   15387      2
## 3808           language    15389   15390      2
## 3809             people    15392   15393      2
## 3810               view    15396   15396      1
## 3811             number    15398   15400      3
## 3812          languages    15402   15402      1
## 3813             tribes    15405   15407      3
## 3814                 it    15409   15409      1
## 3815         prosperity    15414   15415      2
## 3816            islands    15417   15418      2
## 3817             medium    15420   15422      3
## 3818      communication    15424   15424      1
## 3819                 it    15430   15430      1
## 3820             medium    15435   15436      2
## 3821           language    15439   15441      3
## 3822          attention    15443   15444      2
## 3823        opportunity    15452   15453      2
## 3824             people    15455   15457      3
## 3825            islands    15459   15460      2
## 3826                use    15463   15464      2
## 3827           language    15466   15468      3
## 3828                 It    15471   15471      1
## 3829            changes    15476   15478      3
## 3830              which    15479   15479      1
## 3831             system    15484   15485      2
## 3832           taxation    15487   15487      1
## 3833               body    15490   15491      2
## 3834               laws    15493   15494      2
## 3835              which    15496   15496      1
## 3836             people    15497   15498      2
## 3837            changes    15503   15504      2
## 3838         government    15511   15513      3
## 3839         government    15519   15521      3
## 3840              which    15522   15522      1
## 3841           auspices    15528   15529      2
## 3842         Commission    15531   15532      2
## 3843                 It    15534   15534      1
## 3844               duty    15540   15541      2
## 3845         Commission    15543   15544      2
## 3846            changes    15553   15555      3
## 3847              which    15556   15556      1
## 3848               they    15567   15567      1
## 3849            changes    15572   15573      2
## 3850           approval    15576   15577      2
## 3851               they    15582   15582      1
## 3852               mind    15587   15587      1
## 3853              taxes    15589   15589      1
## 3854              which    15590   15590      1
## 3855           penalize    15592   15593      2
## 3856           industry    15595   15596      2
## 3857         enterprise    15598   15598      1
## 3858         provisions    15605   15605      1
## 3859           taxation    15607   15607      1
## 3860               they    15614   15614      1
## 3861             people    15619   15620      2
## 3862               they    15623   15623      1
## 3863           subjects    15626   15629      4
## 3864           taxation    15631   15631      1
## 3865              which    15632   15632      1
## 3866       distribution    15636   15638      3
## 3867             burden    15640   15641      2
## 3868               body    15644   15646      3
## 3869               laws    15648   15649      2
## 3870              which    15650   15650      1
## 3871             rights    15652   15653      2
## 3872        obligations    15655   15655      1
## 3873             people    15657   15658      2
## 3874       interference    15663   15665      3
## 3875            Changes    15669   15669      1
## 3876          procedure    15675   15675      1
## 3877               laws    15679   15681      3
## 3878             trials    15684   15687      4
## 3879               time    15691   15693      3
## 3880            respect    15697   15697      1
## 3881             rights    15699   15700      2
## 3882             tribes    15706   15708      3
## 3883            islands    15710   15711      2
## 3884         Commission    15712   15713      2
## 3885             course    15716   15718      3
## 3886           Congress    15721   15721      1
## 3887             tribes    15724   15725      2
## 3888            Indians    15727   15730      4
## 3889       organization    15733   15735      3
## 3890         government    15737   15737      1
## 3891              which    15741   15741      1
## 3892             tribes    15744   15745      2
## 3893              peace    15750   15750      1
## 3894       civilization    15756   15757      2
## 3895              which    15759   15759      1
## 3896               they    15760   15760      1
## 3897        governments    15768   15770      3
## 3898         regulation    15778   15781      4
## 3899             effort    15786   15794      9
## 3900          practices    15800   15801      2
## 3901            customs    15804   15805      2
## 3902           officers    15809   15810      2
## 3903          employees    15812   15812      1
## 3904             States    15814   15816      3
## 3905           military    15821   15821      1
## 3906              sense    15826   15827      2
## 3907               duty    15829   15830      2
## 3908           material    15833   15836      4
## 3909             rights    15838   15842      5
## 3910             people    15844   15845      2
## 3911            islands    15847   15848      2
## 3912               them    15853   15853      1
## 3913           courtesy    15855   15857      3
## 3914            respect    15859   15859      1
## 3915            dignity    15861   15863      3
## 3916              which    15864   15864      1
## 3917             States    15868   15870      3
## 3918           articles    15880   15881      2
## 3919       capitulation    15883   15883      1
## 3920               city    15885   15886      2
## 3921             Manila    15888   15888      1
## 3922               13th    15890   15891      2
## 3923             August    15893   15893      1
## 3924              words    15899   15900      2
## 3925               city    15904   15905      2
## 3926        inhabitants    15907   15908      2
## 3927           churches    15910   15911      2
## 3928            worship    15913   15914      2
## 3929     establishments    15916   15918      3
## 3930           property    15921   15923      3
## 3931       descriptions    15925   15926      2
## 3932          safeguard    15931   15933      3
## 3933              faith    15935   15936      2
## 3934              honor    15938   15938      1
## 3935               Army    15940   15942      3
## 3936                  I    15946   15946      1
## 3937             pledge    15949   15950      2
## 3938         obligation    15960   15961      2
## 3939         Government    15964   15965      2
## 3940             States    15967   15969      3
## 3941         protection    15972   15972      1
## 3942           property    15974   15974      1
## 3943               life    15976   15976      1
## 3944            freedom    15981   15981      1
## 3945           guidance    15990   15990      1
## 3946              paths    15992   15993      2
## 3947              peace    15995   15995      1
## 3948         prosperity    15997   15997      1
## 3949             people    15999   16001      3
## 3950            Islands    16003   16005      3
## 3951                  I    16007   16007      1
## 3952         Commission    16009   16010      2
## 3953        performance    16014   16016      3
## 3954         obligation    16018   16019      2
## 3955              which    16021   16021      1
## 3956              honor    16023   16024      2
## 3957         conscience    16026   16026      1
## 3958            country    16028   16029      2
## 3959               hope    16031   16034      4
## 3960             labors    16037   16038      2
## 3961        inhabitants    16039   16041      3
## 3962            Islands    16043   16045      3
## 3963          gratitude    16052   16052      1
## 3964                day    16054   16055      2
## 3965                God    16057   16057      1
## 3966            victory    16059   16059      1
## 3967               arms    16061   16062      2
## 3968             Manila    16064   16064      1
## 3969               land    16067   16068      2
## 3970        sovereignty    16070   16071      2
## 3971         protection    16073   16074      2
## 3972             people    16076   16077      2
## 3973             States    16079   16081      3
## 3974           entrance    16086   16087      2
## 3975         Commission    16089   16090      2
## 3976             labors    16092   16093      2
## 3977                  I    16094   16094      1
## 3978          MacArthur    16100   16101      2
## 3979           Governor    16103   16105      3
## 3980        Philippines    16107   16108      2
## 3981               June    16111   16111      1
## 3982       proclamation    16116   16117      2
## 3983            amnesty    16119   16119      1
## 3984              terms    16121   16122      2
## 3985              which    16125   16125      1
## 3986         insurgents    16128   16129      2
## 3987          advantage    16131   16131      1
## 3988               them    16134   16134      1
## 3989            leaders    16138   16139      2
## 3990         Commission    16142   16143      2
## 3991           citizens    16147   16148      2
## 3992          interests    16150   16155      6
## 3993            country    16157   16158      2
## 3994               task    16163   16164      2
## 3995             fruits    16165   16167      3
## 3996            service    16169   16172      4
## 3997            careers    16174   16180      7
## 3998           progress    16183   16184      2
## 3999             outset    16186   16187      2
## 4000             August    16192   16192      1
## 4001                 it    16197   16197      1
## 4002             report    16199   16201      3
## 4003              which    16203   16203      1
## 4004           Congress    16208   16209      2
## 4005              which    16213   16213      1
## 4006                 it    16214   16214      1
## 4007            effects    16218   16220      3
## 4008              order    16222   16223      2
## 4009           business    16227   16228      2
## 4010        hostilities    16232   16232      1
## 4011               area    16241   16243      3
## 4012        cultivation    16246   16247      2
## 4013           revenues    16253   16255      3
## 4014               time    16260   16261      2
## 4015               rule    16263   16265      3
## 4016            economy    16268   16268      1
## 4017         efficiency    16270   16270      1
## 4018     administration    16272   16274      3
## 4019               fund    16277   16279      3
## 4020       improvements    16286   16288      3
## 4021                law    16291   16296      6
## 4022        preparation    16299   16299      1
## 4023     communications    16302   16303      2
## 4024          districts    16309   16310      2
## 4025             scheme    16314   16316      3
## 4026          education    16318   16318      1
## 4027         Commission    16327   16328      2
## 4028            advance    16331   16333      3
## 4029           benefits    16336   16337      2
## 4030            liberty    16339   16339      1
## 4031         government    16341   16342      2
## 4032          Filipinos    16344   16345      2
## 4033           interest    16348   16349      2
## 4034           humanity    16351   16351      1
## 4035                aim    16354   16355      2
## 4036          community    16359   16370     12
## 4037               seas    16372   16375      4
## 4038                  I    16377   16377      1
## 4039           Congress    16381   16382      2
## 4040        legislation    16384   16385      2
## 4041            respect    16390   16390      1
## 4042            Islands    16392   16394      3
## 4043              lines    16398   16400      3
## 4044            fortune    16402   16403      2
## 4045                war    16405   16405      1
## 4046             nation    16409   16410      2
## 4047              trust    16411   16413      3
## 4048              which    16414   16414      1
## 4049         Government    16423   16424      2
## 4050     responsibility    16425   16431      7
## 4051           millions    16433   16434      2
## 4052               whom    16435   16435      1
## 4053                 we    16436   16436      1
## 4054               yoke    16440   16442      3
## 4055                  I    16445   16445      1
## 4056           occasion    16448   16449      2
## 4057          Filipinos    16451   16452      2
## 4058              wards    16453   16454      2
## 4059             nation    16456   16457      2
## 4060           guardian    16463   16463      1
## 4061                 it    16469   16469      1
## 4062                all    16481   16481      1
## 4063              those    16484   16484      1
## 4064                who    16485   16485      1
## 4065               care    16489   16491      3
## 4066                 It    16493   16493      1
## 4067               duty    16495   16496      2
## 4068               them    16500   16500      1
## 4069               flag    16502   16503      2
## 4070          mountains    16510   16511      2
## 4071              Luzon    16513   16513      1
## 4072              zones    16515   16517      3
## 4073           Mindanao    16519   16519      1
## 4074             Negros    16521   16521      1
## 4075                 it    16523   16523      1
## 4076               home    16526   16526      1
## 4077                 it    16532   16532      1
## 4078             symbol    16535   16537      3
## 4079            liberty    16539   16539      1
## 4080      enlightenment    16541   16541      1
## 4081           progress    16544   16544      1
## 4082             avenue    16546   16547      2
## 4083        development    16549   16549      1
## 4084          Filipinos    16551   16552      2
## 4085               race    16554   16555      2
## 4086          knowledge    16563   16563      1
## 4087                 He    16564   16564      1
## 4088                who    16568   16568      1
## 4089          teachings    16571   16572      2
## 4090            history    16574   16575      2
## 4091               view    16577   16577      1
## 4092              limit    16581   16582      2
## 4093             degree    16584   16585      2
## 4094            culture    16587   16587      1
## 4095        advancement    16589   16589      1
## 4096              reach    16592   16593      2
## 4097             people    16595   16596      2
## 4098               duty    16598   16599      2
## 4099               them    16601   16601      1
## 4100         government    16607   16609      3
## 4101               Rico    16611   16612      2
## 4102                act    16616   16617      2
## 4103           Congress    16619   16620      2
## 4104          operation    16628   16629      2
## 4105             courts    16630   16631      2
## 4106           Governor    16636   16637      2
## 4107         associates    16639   16640      2
## 4108            success    16650   16651      2
## 4109                6th    16655   16656      2
## 4110           November    16658   16658      1
## 4111           election    16659   16661      3
## 4112             island    16665   16666      2
## 4113            members    16668   16668      1
## 4114        Legislature    16670   16671      2
## 4115               body    16674   16675      2
## 4116             Monday    16683   16685      3
## 4117           December    16687   16687      1
## 4118                  I    16690   16690      1
## 4119        legislation    16692   16693      2
## 4120           Congress    16697   16698      2
## 4121          Secretary    16701   16702      2
## 4122        supervision    16704   16706      3
## 4123              lands    16708   16710      3
## 4124               Rico    16712   16713      2
## 4125                 he    16717   16717      1
## 4126           location    16722   16723      2
## 4127           quantity    16725   16725      1
## 4128              lands    16727   16727      1
## 4129              title    16728   16729      2
## 4130              which    16731   16731      1
## 4131              Crown    16734   16735      2
## 4132              Spain    16737   16737      1
## 4133               date    16739   16740      2
## 4134            cession    16742   16742      1
## 4135               Rico    16744   16745      2
## 4136             States    16747   16749      3
## 4137            surveys    16756   16756      1
## 4138            methods    16762   16763      2
## 4139        disposition    16765   16766      2
## 4140              lands    16768   16769      2
## 4141                law    16773   16773      1
## 4142               25th    16777   16778      2
## 4143               July    16780   16780      1
## 4144                  I    16784   16784      1
## 4145               call    16787   16788      2
## 4146           election    16792   16793      2
## 4147               Cuba    16795   16795      1
## 4148            members    16797   16797      1
## 4149         convention    16799   16801      3
## 4150       constitution    16804   16805      2
## 4151              basis    16807   16808      2
## 4152         government    16810   16814      5
## 4153             island    16816   16817      2
## 4154          pursuance    16820   16820      1
## 4155           Governor    16822   16824      3
## 4156       instructions    16826   16828      3
## 4157           Congress    16831   16832      2
## 4158             States    16834   16836      3
## 4159         resolution    16839   16841      3
## 4160              April    16843   16843      1
## 4161             people    16853   16854      2
## 4162             island    16856   16857      2
## 4163               Cuba    16859   16859      1
## 4164              right    16864   16864      1
## 4165             States    16876   16878      3
## 4166        disposition    16881   16882      2
## 4167          intention    16884   16884      1
## 4168        sovereignty    16887   16887      1
## 4169       jurisdiction    16889   16889      1
## 4170            control    16892   16892      1
## 4171       pacification    16898   16899      2
## 4172      determination    16904   16905      2
## 4173               that    16908   16908      1
## 4174         government    16914   16915      2
## 4175            control    16917   16917      1
## 4176             island    16919   16920      2
## 4177             people    16922   16923      2
## 4178             people    16930   16931      2
## 4179               Cuba    16933   16933      1
## 4180        governments    16936   16937      2
## 4181          authority    16940   16941      2
## 4182          suffrages    16943   16944      2
## 4183             people    16946   16947      2
## 4184               laws    16954   16954      1
## 4185             manner    16963   16963      1
## 4186      establishment    16968   16969      2
## 4187         government    16971   16973      3
## 4188              which    16974   16974      1
## 4189        sovereignty    16979   16979      1
## 4190       jurisdiction    16981   16981      1
## 4191             island    16986   16987      2
## 4192                 it    16992   16992      1
## 4193           election    16996   16998      3
## 4194             island    17002   17003      2
## 4195               Cuba    17005   17005      1
## 4196           Saturday    17007   17009      3
## 4197          September    17011   17011      1
## 4198               year    17014   17015      2
## 4199          delegates    17021   17021      1
## 4200         convention    17023   17024      2
## 4201               city    17028   17029      2
## 4202             Havana    17031   17031      1
## 4203            o'clock    17033   17034      2
## 4204             Monday    17037   17039      3
## 4205           November    17041   17041      1
## 4206               year    17044   17045      2
## 4207       constitution    17053   17054      2
## 4208             people    17056   17057      2
## 4209               Cuba    17059   17059      1
## 4210               part    17063   17064      2
## 4211         Government    17072   17073      2
## 4212             States    17075   17077      3
## 4213          relations    17079   17080      2
## 4214         Government    17084   17085      2
## 4215         Government    17087   17088      2
## 4216               Cuba    17090   17090      1
## 4217           election    17096   17097      2
## 4218             people    17099   17100      2
## 4219           officers    17102   17102      1
## 4220       constitution    17104   17105      2
## 4221           transfer    17107   17108      2
## 4222         government    17110   17110      1
## 4223           officers    17112   17113      2
## 4224           election    17118   17119      2
## 4225          precincts    17124   17127      4
## 4226             island    17129   17130      2
## 4227         provisions    17134   17138      5
## 4228                law    17140   17142      3
## 4229              April    17144   17144      1
## 4230         amendments    17150   17151      2
## 4231           election    17154   17155      2
## 4232               15th    17159   17160      2
## 4233          September    17162   17162      1
## 4234         convention    17165   17166      2
## 4235                5th    17169   17170      2
## 4236           November    17172   17172      1
## 4237            session    17180   17180      1
## 4238         convention    17185   17186      2
## 4239           Governor    17190   17192      3
## 4240               Cuba    17194   17194      1
## 4241          statement    17196   17198      3
## 4242           Governor    17201   17202      2
## 4243             island    17204   17205      2
## 4244          President    17208   17209      2
## 4245             States    17211   17213      3
## 4246                  I    17215   17215      1
## 4247         convention    17217   17218      2
## 4248                 It    17223   17223      1
## 4249               duty    17226   17227      2
## 4250       constitution    17235   17236      2
## 4251               Cuba    17238   17238      1
## 4252               that    17243   17243      1
## 4253               what    17249   17249      1
## 4254            opinion    17251   17252      2
## 4255          relations    17256   17257      2
## 4256               Cuba    17259   17259      1
## 4257             States    17261   17263      3
## 4258       constitution    17266   17267      2
## 4259         government    17273   17280      8
## 4260                you    17284   17284      1
## 4261          relations    17287   17288      2
## 4262              which    17289   17289      1
## 4263            opinion    17291   17292      2
## 4264               Cuba    17297   17297      1
## 4265             States    17299   17301      3
## 4266         Government    17302   17303      2
## 4267             States    17305   17307      3
## 4268             action    17311   17312      2
## 4269               part    17314   17315      2
## 4270          agreement    17320   17324      5
## 4271             people    17326   17327      2
## 4272          countries    17329   17331      3
## 4273          promotion    17333   17334      2
## 4274          interests    17336   17338      3
## 4275            friends    17341   17342      2
## 4276               Cuba    17344   17344      1
## 4277      deliberations    17347   17348      2
## 4278           interest    17350   17352      3
## 4279                you    17357   17357      1
## 4280        conclusions    17360   17361      2
## 4281            dignity    17366   17367      2
## 4282              which    17377   17377      1
## 4283        proceedings    17380   17381      2
## 4284           capacity    17382   17383      2
## 4285             people    17385   17387      3
## 4286         government    17389   17390      2
## 4287        distinction    17397   17399      3
## 4288         government    17401   17403      3
## 4289       dictatorship    17405   17405      1
## 4290     representative    17409   17412      4
## 4291             people    17414   17415      2
## 4292             office    17418   17419      2
## 4293            himself    17422   17422      1
## 4294             limits    17425   17426      2
## 4295             powers    17428   17430      3
## 4296          restraint    17433   17434      2
## 4297         government    17438   17441      4
## 4298              order    17445   17446      2
## 4299              which    17449   17449      1
## 4300                you    17450   17450      1
## 4301                you    17456   17456      1
## 4302               duty    17458   17459      2
## 4303          authority    17461   17462      2
## 4304               part    17465   17465      1
## 4305         government    17467   17469      3
## 4306             island    17471   17472      2
## 4307             powers    17474   17475      2
## 4308              terms    17480   17481      2
## 4309              order    17483   17484      2
## 4310         convention    17487   17488      2
## 4311             labors    17490   17491      2
## 4312                  I    17492   17492      1
## 4313           Congress    17496   17497      2
## 4314       constitution    17498   17499      2
## 4315         convention    17503   17504      2
## 4316      consideration    17506   17507      2
## 4317             action    17510   17511      2
## 4318                 it    17513   17513      1
## 4319                  I    17519   17519      1
## 4320     recommendation    17521   17522      2
## 4321            message    17525   17527      3
## 4322           February    17529   17529      1
## 4323          necessity    17536   17537      2
## 4324      communication    17539   17540      2
## 4325             States    17542   17544      3
## 4326             Hawaii    17546   17546      1
## 4327          extension    17549   17549      1
## 4328             Manila    17551   17551      1
## 4329      circumstances    17555   17555      1
## 4330               need    17559   17560      2
## 4331            Surveys    17562   17562      1
## 4332        feasibility    17565   17567      3
## 4333              chain    17569   17570      2
## 4334             cables    17572   17572      1
## 4335              which    17573   17573      1
## 4336              place    17575   17577      3
## 4337          territory    17581   17582      2
## 4338             system    17586   17587      2
## 4339            control    17591   17594      4
## 4340             Manila    17596   17596      1
## 4341              reach    17599   17600      2
## 4342         connection    17602   17602      1
## 4343            systems    17604   17605      2
## 4344              coast    17607   17609      3
## 4345      opportunities    17612   17615      4
## 4346              route    17617   17621      5
## 4347             shores    17623   17624      2
## 4348             Orient    17626   17627      2
## 4349              trans    17633   17634      2
## 4350                  -    17635   17635      1
## 4351                  I    17646   17646      1
## 4352          attention    17648   17648      1
## 4353             matter    17650   17652      3
## 4354           strength    17654   17656      3
## 4355               Army    17658   17659      2
## 4356                men    17661   17662      2
## 4357           regulars    17664   17665      2
## 4358         volunteers    17667   17668      2
## 4359                act    17671   17672      2
## 4360              March    17674   17674      1
## 4361               June    17683   17683      1
## 4362              force    17685   17688      4
## 4363               Army    17693   17695      3
## 4364           officers    17700   17701      2
## 4365                men    17703   17705      3
## 4366              Board    17710   17711      2
## 4367           Officers    17713   17713      1
## 4368          Cleveland    17716   17717      2
## 4369             scheme    17719   17721      3
## 4370     fortifications    17723   17726      4
## 4371              which    17727   17727      1
## 4372             outlay    17729   17730      2
## 4373          something    17732   17732      1
## 4374            dollars    17733   17737      5
## 4375               plan    17739   17740      2
## 4376           approval    17742   17743      2
## 4377           Congress    17745   17746      2
## 4378     appropriations    17751   17752      2
## 4379               work    17757   17758      2
## 4380      fortification    17760   17760      1
## 4381           millions    17766   17769      4
## 4382            dollars    17771   17771      1
## 4383             number    17776   17778      3
## 4384              forts    17780   17780      1
## 4385               guns    17782   17782      1
## 4386          machinery    17785   17790      6
## 4387         appliances    17792   17793      2
## 4388                use    17796   17797      2
## 4389               care    17799   17801      3
## 4390          machinery    17803   17805      3
## 4391                men    17807   17807      1
## 4392                use    17810   17811      2
## 4393             number    17813   17814      2
## 4394                men    17816   17816      1
## 4395               duty    17820   17821      2
## 4396         Department    17826   17828      3
## 4397          allowance    17831   17833      3
## 4398              posts    17842   17848      7
## 4399             States    17850   17852      3
## 4400     fortifications    17855   17859      5
## 4401             number    17862   17863      2
## 4402              posts    17865   17866      2
## 4403           Congress    17872   17873      2
## 4404           building    17883   17883      1
## 4405          equipment    17885   17885      1
## 4406               they    17888   17888      1
## 4407               Army    17895   17897      3
## 4408              posts    17899   17900      2
## 4409          existence    17903   17903      1
## 4410             others    17905   17905      1
## 4411            provide    17909   17909      1
## 4412     accommodations    17911   17911      1
## 4413            require    17918   17918      1
## 4414             troops    17920   17921      2
## 4415              posts    17925   17926      2
## 4416           frontier    17929   17930      2
## 4417             points    17933   17935      3
## 4418         occupation    17937   17938      2
## 4419              which    17940   17940      1
## 4420                 We    17945   17945      1
## 4421               Cuba    17948   17948      1
## 4422             troops    17950   17953      4
## 4423             troops    17958   17959      2
## 4424             island    17961   17962      2
## 4425         conclusion    17975   17976      2
## 4426             labors    17978   17979      2
## 4427         convention    17981   17983      3
## 4428            session    17986   17986      1
## 4429         government    17988   17989      2
## 4430       constitution    17992   17994      3
## 4431          stability    18000   18001      2
## 4432               Rico    18006   18007      2
## 4433                 we    18008   18008      1
## 4434          garrisons    18011   18012      2
## 4435              which    18016   18016      1
## 4436             troops    18018   18020      3
## 4437               room    18024   18025      2
## 4438          reduction    18027   18028      2
## 4439                 We    18032   18032      1
## 4440              force    18038   18040      3
## 4441            Islands    18042   18044      3
## 4442               time    18046   18047      2
## 4443        information    18052   18054      3
## 4444                 we    18056   18056      1
## 4445             future    18061   18063      3
## 4446                men    18065   18068      4
## 4447                  I    18070   18070      1
## 4448             number    18073   18074      2
## 4449         insurgents    18079   18080      2
## 4450          authority    18085   18086      2
## 4451             States    18088   18090      3
## 4452              which    18093   18093      1
## 4453        indications    18097   18097      1
## 4454                 It    18100   18100      1
## 4455                 we    18105   18105      1
## 4456               army    18108   18109      2
## 4457         conditions    18117   18118      2
## 4458               Cuba    18120   18120      1
## 4459        Philippines    18122   18123      2
## 4460          President    18124   18125      2
## 4461          authority    18128   18128      1
## 4462              force    18131   18132      2
## 4463             number    18134   18136      3
## 4464          authority    18142   18144      3
## 4465             troops    18150   18151      2
## 4466        Philippines    18153   18154      2
## 4467              which    18159   18159      1
## 4468         Commission    18160   18162      3
## 4469         guerrillas    18172   18172      1
## 4470          assassins    18174   18174      1
## 4471           ladrones    18177   18177      1
## 4472           soldiers    18179   18181      3
## 4473         discussion    18184   18186      3
## 4474            subject    18188   18189      2
## 4475          Secretary    18191   18192      2
## 4476                War    18194   18194      1
## 4477             report    18196   18198      3
## 4478          attention    18202   18204      3
## 4479                  I    18207   18207      1
## 4480     recommendation    18209   18210      2
## 4481            message    18213   18216      4
## 4482           Congress    18218   18219      2
## 4483              medal    18221   18223      3
## 4484              honor    18225   18225      1
## 4485         volunteers    18227   18228      2
## 4486           regulars    18230   18230      1
## 4487            sailors    18232   18232      1
## 4488            marines    18235   18235      1
## 4489               duty    18237   18237      1
## 4490        Philippines    18239   18240      2
## 4491                who    18241   18241      1
## 4492            service    18245   18246      2
## 4493              terms    18248   18249      2
## 4494         enlistment    18251   18251      1
## 4495                  I    18256   18256      1
## 4496     recommendation    18258   18259      2
## 4497          Secretary    18261   18262      2
## 4498                War    18264   18264      1
## 4499             detail    18266   18267      2
## 4500           officers    18268   18269      2
## 4501               line    18271   18272      2
## 4502               Army    18274   18275      2
## 4503          vacancies    18277   18277      1
## 4504         Department    18280   18285      6
## 4505         Department    18287   18291      5
## 4506         Department    18293   18295      3
## 4507         Department    18297   18298      2
## 4508         Department    18300   18301      2
## 4509         Department    18303   18304      2
## 4510              Corps    18307   18308      2
## 4511               Army    18311   18312      2
## 4512            service    18320   18324      5
## 4513         operations    18326   18328      3
## 4514              field    18330   18331      2
## 4515               work    18333   18335      3
## 4516     administration    18337   18338      2
## 4517             growth    18341   18345      5
## 4518            service    18347   18349      3
## 4519              index    18351   18353      3
## 4520           activity    18355   18360      6
## 4521            country    18362   18363      2
## 4522        development    18365   18369      5
## 4523          extension    18371   18372      2
## 4524           delivery    18374   18376      3
## 4525               This    18378   18378      1
## 4526               year    18384   18386      3
## 4527          beginning    18389   18390      2
## 4528               year    18392   18394      3
## 4529             number    18398   18399      2
## 4530             routes    18401   18401      1
## 4531          operation    18403   18403      1
## 4532              these    18411   18411      1
## 4533               15th    18421   18422      2
## 4534           November    18424   18424      1
## 4535             number    18428   18429      2
## 4536             States    18437   18440      4
## 4537        Territories    18442   18442      1
## 4538         population    18446   18447      2
## 4539             number    18451   18452      2
## 4540       applications    18454   18454      1
## 4541             action    18459   18459      1
## 4542              those    18462   18463      2
## 4543               time    18467   18469      3
## 4544              close    18473   18474      2
## 4545               year    18476   18479      4
## 4546             routes    18480   18482      3
## 4547           delivery    18490   18492      3
## 4548              mails    18494   18494      1
## 4549              homes    18496   18498      3
## 4550           millions    18500   18505      6
## 4551         population    18507   18508      2
## 4552            service    18511   18512      2
## 4553          isolation    18514   18515      2
## 4554               life    18517   18518      2
## 4555              roads    18522   18523      2
## 4556      dissemination    18529   18530      2
## 4557        information    18532   18533      2
## 4558         Experience    18535   18535      1
## 4559       apprehension    18542   18543      2
## 4560                 it    18545   18545      1
## 4561           adoption    18553   18555      3
## 4562                 it    18558   18558      1
## 4563        application    18563   18565      3
## 4564                 it    18569   18569      1
## 4565           receipts    18571   18572      2
## 4566         reductions    18579   18579      1
## 4567           branches    18581   18582      2
## 4568            service    18584   18585      2
## 4569           revenues    18589   18591      3
## 4570            savings    18593   18595      3
## 4571               cost    18599   18601      3
## 4572          evidences    18603   18604      2
## 4573        conclusions    18608   18609      2
## 4574             detail    18613   18613      1
## 4575             report    18615   18617      3
## 4576            General    18619   18622      4
## 4577              which    18624   18624      1
## 4578    recommendations    18626   18627      2
## 4579      consideration    18631   18632      2
## 4580           Congress    18634   18635      2
## 4581        development    18637   18639      3
## 4582            service    18641   18643      3
## 4583             outlay    18648   18651      4
## 4584              money    18653   18653      1
## 4585                 it    18655   18655      1
## 4586              study    18661   18663      3
## 4587      understanding    18665   18666      2
## 4588                all    18668   18668      1
## 4589               that    18669   18669      1
## 4590                 it    18670   18670      1
## 4591            service    18673   18676      4
## 4592               Navy    18681   18682      2
## 4593         connection    18684   18684      1
## 4594       insurrection    18686   18687      2
## 4595        Philippines    18689   18690      2
## 4596        disturbance    18692   18694      3
## 4597              China    18696   18696      1
## 4598         settlement    18699   18702      4
## 4599           question    18707   18711      5
## 4600        manufacture    18713   18714      2
## 4601              plate    18716   18717      2
## 4602              price    18719   18721      3
## 4603          necessity    18726   18727      2
## 4604              plant    18729   18732      4
## 4605                  I    18736   18736      1
## 4606    recommendations    18739   18740      2
## 4607          Secretary    18742   18743      2
## 4608            vessels    18745   18746      2
## 4609           officers    18749   18750      2
## 4610                men    18752   18752      1
## 4611              which    18753   18753      1
## 4612           increase    18754   18756      3
## 4613               Navy    18758   18759      2
## 4614                  I    18763   18763      1
## 4615             action    18766   18768      3
## 4616           Congress    18770   18771      2
## 4617            measure    18772   18773      2
## 4618           erection    18777   18778      2
## 4619             statue    18780   18781      2
## 4620             memory    18783   18784      2
## 4621             Porter    18786   18791      6
## 4622                  I    18793   18793      1
## 4623      establishment    18796   18797      2
## 4624            reserve    18799   18802      4
## 4625              grade    18805   18806      2
## 4626               vice    18808   18808      1
## 4627                  -    18809   18809      1
## 4628          Provision    18812   18812      1
## 4629          Secretary    18820   18821      2
## 4630            rewards    18824   18825      2
## 4631              merit    18827   18828      2
## 4632           officers    18830   18831      2
## 4633                who    18832   18832      1
## 4634            service    18834   18837      4
## 4635                war    18839   18841      3
## 4636              Spain    18843   18843      1
## 4637             return    18847   18847      1
## 4638        recognition    18848   18849      2
## 4639           Congress    18851   18852      2
## 4640               area    18855   18857      3
## 4641              lands    18859   18860      2
## 4642          Secretary    18864   18865      2
## 4643           Interior    18867   18868      2
## 4644              acres    18870   18872      3
## 4645              which    18875   18875      1
## 4646              acres    18876   18877      2
## 4647              acres    18882   18883      2
## 4648           purposes    18888   18889      2
## 4649              lands    18891   18893      3
## 4650             amount    18897   18899      3
## 4651              acres    18901   18902      2
## 4652              acres    18905   18906      2
## 4653              lands    18908   18909      2
## 4654           increase    18911   18912      2
## 4655       4,271,474.80    18914   18914      1
## 4656               year    18916   18918      3
## 4657           receipts    18920   18922      3
## 4658               sale    18924   18925      2
## 4659              lands    18927   18928      2
## 4660               year    18930   18932      3
## 4661           increase    18937   18938      2
## 4662               year    18943   18945      3
## 4663            results    18948   18949      2
## 4664             policy    18952   18954      3
## 4665             wisdom    18957   18958      2
## 4666          necessity    18960   18961      2
## 4667           interest    18963   18964      2
## 4668             public    18966   18967      2
## 4669        continuance    18969   18970      2
## 4670     appropriations    18972   18973      2
## 4671           Congress    18975   18976      2
## 4672           carrying    18978   18979      2
## 4673               work    18982   18983      2
## 4674               June    18986   18986      1
## 4675           reserves    18993   18997      5
## 4676      proclamations    19001   19002      2
## 4677            section    19004   19004      1
## 4678                act    19007   19008      2
## 4679              March    19010   19010      1
## 4680               area    19016   19017      2
## 4681              acres    19019   19020      2
## 4682               year    19024   19026      3
## 4683            Reserve    19027   19029      3
## 4684              State    19032   19033      2
## 4685         Washington    19035   19035      1
## 4686              acres    19039   19040      2
## 4687               area    19043   19045      3
## 4688              acres    19047   19048      2
## 4689            Reserve    19050   19052      3
## 4690            Arizona    19055   19055      1
## 4691              acres    19060   19061      2
## 4692              acres    19063   19064      2
## 4693            Reserve    19067   19070      4
## 4694            Wyoming    19073   19073      1
## 4695              acres    19078   19079      2
## 4696              acres    19081   19082      2
## 4697            reserve    19084   19086      3
## 4698               Ynez    19088   19090      3
## 4699         California    19093   19093      1
## 4700               area    19096   19097      2
## 4701              acres    19099   19100      2
## 4702               year    19105   19106      2
## 4703            October    19109   19109      1
## 4704            Reserve    19114   19118      5
## 4705            Wyoming    19121   19121      1
## 4706               area    19127   19128      2
## 4707              acres    19130   19131      2
## 4708                end    19135   19136      2
## 4709               year    19138   19140      3
## 4710              names    19144   19148      5
## 4711           increase    19150   19152      3
## 4712               year    19156   19158      3
## 4713             number    19161   19162      2
## 4714              rolls    19165   19166      2
## 4715               year    19168   19169      2
## 4716             amount    19173   19174      2
## 4717           pensions    19177   19178      2
## 4718               year    19180   19181      2
## 4719           pensions    19187   19188      2
## 4720              total    19192   19193      2
## 4721            balance    19199   19201      3
## 4722           Treasury    19209   19210      2
## 4723              which    19212   19212      1
## 4724           increase    19214   19215      2
## 4725        expenditure    19217   19221      5
## 4726              names    19228   19229      2
## 4727              rolls    19232   19233      2
## 4728               year    19235   19236      2
## 4729               acts    19238   19239      2
## 4730            session    19242   19244      3
## 4731           Congress    19246   19250      5
## 4732                act    19253   19254      2
## 4733                May    19256   19256      1
## 4734             things    19262   19263      2
## 4735          extension    19266   19267      2
## 4736             income    19269   19269      1
## 4737             widows    19271   19271      1
## 4738              annum    19280   19280      1
## 4739          Secretary    19282   19283      2
## 4740           Interior    19285   19286      2
## 4741         operations    19290   19291      2
## 4742                act    19293   19294      2
## 4743             number    19295   19296      2
## 4744            persons    19298   19298      1
## 4745                 it    19301   19301      1
## 4746            payment    19305   19308      4
## 4747           pensions    19310   19310      1
## 4748         Government    19321   19322      2
## 4749           services    19325   19326      2
## 4750           soldiers    19328   19329      2
## 4751            sailors    19331   19331      1
## 4752           payments    19334   19335      2
## 4753          precedent    19338   19338      1
## 4754               them    19340   19340      1
## 4755             widows    19342   19343      2
## 4756            orphans    19345   19345      1
## 4757             patent    19350   19352      3
## 4758           reissues    19356   19356      1
## 4759            designs    19358   19358      1
## 4760               year    19361   19363      3
## 4761             number    19381   19382      2
## 4762            patents    19384   19384      1
## 4763              which    19385   19385      1
## 4764           receipts    19390   19392      3
## 4765            patents    19394   19394      1
## 4766       1,358,228.35    19396   19397      2
## 4767       expenditures    19399   19400      2
## 4768            surplus    19406   19407      2
## 4769          attention    19412   19413      2
## 4770           Congress    19415   19416      2
## 4771             report    19420   19421      2
## 4772          Secretary    19423   19424      2
## 4773           Interior    19426   19427      2
## 4774          necessity    19429   19430      2
## 4775      establishment    19432   19434      3
## 4776            schools    19436   19436      1
## 4777          Territory    19438   19439      2
## 4778             Alaska    19441   19441      1
## 4779             action    19444   19445      2
## 4780        information    19451   19453      3
## 4781             report    19457   19458      2
## 4782           Governor    19460   19461      2
## 4783             Hawaii    19463   19463      1
## 4784           progress    19466   19467      2
## 4785        development    19469   19469      1
## 4786            islands    19471   19472      2
## 4787             period    19474   19475      2
## 4788               July    19477   19477      1
## 4789               date    19482   19483      2
## 4790           approval    19485   19486      2
## 4791         resolution    19488   19490      3
## 4792           Congress    19492   19493      2
## 4793         annexation    19496   19497      2
## 4794              April    19501   19501      1
## 4795               date    19506   19507      2
## 4796           approval    19509   19510      2
## 4797                act    19512   19513      2
## 4798         government    19515   19516      2
## 4799          Territory    19518   19519      2
## 4800             census    19525   19528      4
## 4801               year    19532   19533      2
## 4802         population    19537   19539      3
## 4803              Which    19544   19544      1
## 4804          Hawaiians    19547   19548      2
## 4805             number    19550   19551      2
## 4806          Americans    19553   19553      1
## 4807            results    19558   19559      2
## 4808             census    19561   19563      3
## 4809            islands    19570   19571      2
## 4810         population    19574   19576      3
## 4811           increase    19581   19582      2
## 4812               that    19584   19584      1
## 4813               cent    19594   19594      1
## 4814           progress    19601   19601      1
## 4815        development    19603   19610      8
## 4816            islands    19612   19613      2
## 4817                act    19617   19619      3
## 4818              April    19621   19621      1
## 4819            section    19626   19626      1
## 4820            Chapter    19630   19632      3
## 4821               Laws    19635   19637      3
## 4822             Hawaii    19639   19639      1
## 4823         Government    19641   19642      2
## 4824          resources    19650   19652      3
## 4825           Republic    19654   19655      2
## 4826           Governor    19660   19661      2
## 4827             Hawaii    19663   19663      1
## 4828        legislation    19665   19665      1
## 4829        development    19668   19669      2
## 4830             supply    19671   19673      3
## 4831              lands    19678   19680      3
## 4832               view    19683   19684      2
## 4833         settlement    19687   19688      2
## 4834      consideration    19690   19692      3
## 4835           Congress    19694   19695      2
## 4836     recommendation    19699   19701      3
## 4837             others    19703   19703      1
## 4838             report    19708   19709      2
## 4839          Secretary    19711   19712      2
## 4840           Interior    19714   19715      2
## 4841           Director    19718   19719      2
## 4842             Census    19721   19722      2
## 4843               work    19725   19726      2
## 4844         connection    19728   19728      1
## 4845             Census    19730   19732      3
## 4846        undertaking    19737   19739      3
## 4847           Congress    19743   19744      2
## 4848         collection    19752   19753      2
## 4849        aggregation    19755   19756      2
## 4850              facts    19758   19759      2
## 4851             growth    19762   19764      3
## 4852            country    19766   19767      2
## 4853          resources    19769   19773      5
## 4854           richness    19775   19776      2
## 4855              mines    19778   19778      1
## 4856            forests    19780   19780      1
## 4857     agriculturists    19785   19786      2
## 4858         conditions    19805   19806      2
## 4859             labors    19809   19810      2
## 4860          officials    19812   19813      2
## 4861             charge    19815   19815      1
## 4862             Bureau    19817   19818      2
## 4863           subjects    19821   19827      7
## 4864         statistics    19831   19839      9
## 4865              limit    19845   19846      2
## 4866                law    19849   19850      2
## 4867              March    19852   19852      1
## 4868           incident    19858   19861      4
## 4869          inquiries    19863   19865      3
## 4870             result    19873   19874      2
## 4871         population    19875   19876      2
## 4872             States    19878   19879      2
## 4873        Territories    19881   19881      1
## 4874            Islands    19884   19886      3
## 4875             Alaska    19888   19888      1
## 4876             growth    19894   19895      2
## 4877         population    19897   19897      1
## 4878             decade    19899   19901      3
## 4879           increase    19907   19910      4
## 4880             census    19913   19915      3
## 4881            history    19917   19918      2
## 4882            country    19920   19921      2
## 4883          Bulletins    19924   19924      1
## 4884         population    19933   19934      2
## 4885             States    19936   19936      1
## 4886        Territories    19938   19938      1
## 4887          divisions    19941   19943      3
## 4888      announcements    19945   19946      2
## 4889               kind    19948   19949      2
## 4890                 it    19956   19956      1
## 4891               list    19960   19961      2
## 4892            January    19966   19966      1
## 4893          bulletins    19969   19970      2
## 4894            results    19972   19973      2
## 4895          inquiries    19975   19979      5
## 4896             public    19984   19985      2
## 4897      circumstances    19989   19989      1
## 4898           Director    19994   19995      2
## 4899            ability    20000   20001      2
## 4900           branches    20004   20006      3
## 4901        undertaking    20008   20009      2
## 4902               time    20011   20013      3
## 4903            himself    20016   20016      1
## 4904               lack    20019   20020      2
## 4905              force    20022   20024      3
## 4906               work    20028   20029      2
## 4907           question    20033   20034      2
## 4908           interest    20037   20038      2
## 4909            economy    20040   20040      1
## 4910          execution    20042   20044      3
## 4911               work    20046   20048      3
## 4912         Government    20055   20056      2
## 4913             number    20058   20060      3
## 4914            experts    20062   20062      1
## 4915       organization    20068   20070      3
## 4916             taking    20073   20074      2
## 4917             census    20076   20078      3
## 4918           addition    20082   20082      1
## 4919          advantage    20085   20086      2
## 4920               work    20088   20092      5
## 4921             Bureau    20094   20095      2
## 4922         assistants    20097   20098      2
## 4923         completion    20101   20103      3
## 4924        undertaking    20105   20107      3
## 4925                  I    20110   20110      1
## 4926     representation    20116   20120      5
## 4927             States    20122   20124      3
## 4928       Constitution    20128   20129      2
## 4929         Department    20132   20133      2
## 4930        Agriculture    20135   20135      1
## 4931               work    20139   20140      2
## 4932               year    20142   20144      3
## 4933          varieties    20149   20150      2
## 4934              seeds    20152   20152      1
## 4935             plants    20154   20154      1
## 4936             States    20162   20163      2
## 4937        Territories    20165   20165      1
## 4938           research    20167   20167      1
## 4939              lines    20169   20170      2
## 4940           progress    20173   20173      1
## 4941               work    20175   20176      2
## 4942              lines    20179   20179      1
## 4943         telegraphy    20181   20182      2
## 4944            vessels    20186   20189      4
## 4945            inquiry    20191   20192      2
## 4946            disease    20195   20196      2
## 4947             extent    20200   20201      2
## 4948          character    20203   20203      1
## 4949       adulteration    20205   20206      2
## 4950              plans    20209   20209      1
## 4951               care    20211   20212      2
## 4952       preservation    20214   20214      1
## 4953         harvesting    20217   20218      2
## 4954          woodlands    20220   20221      2
## 4955              soils    20224   20224      1
## 4956               that    20225   20225      1
## 4957          producers    20226   20226      1
## 4958          knowledge    20230   20231      2
## 4959         conditions    20233   20233      1
## 4960             places    20239   20240      2
## 4961            grasses    20242   20242      1
## 4962                our    20245   20245      1
## 4963            regions    20247   20247      1
## 4964        possessions    20249   20251      3
## 4965            peoples    20256   20257      2
## 4966           products    20263   20265      3
## 4967             States    20271   20273      3
## 4968            Inquiry    20275   20275      1
## 4969            methods    20277   20277      1
## 4970              roads    20280   20281      2
## 4971               year    20286   20287      2
## 4972               help    20289   20289      1
## 4973         localities    20294   20295      2
## 4974      investigation    20298   20299      2
## 4975           material    20301   20301      1
## 4976             States    20303   20304      2
## 4977        Territories    20306   20306      1
## 4978           problems    20311   20312      2
## 4979            regions    20314   20316      3
## 4980      consideration    20319   20322      4
## 4981            exhibit    20325   20327      3
## 4982              Paris    20329   20329      1
## 4983           products    20331   20332      2
## 4984        agriculture    20334   20334      1
## 4985            peoples    20337   20338      2
## 4986          countries    20340   20341      2
## 4987           products    20345   20347      3
## 4988             fields    20349   20350      2
## 4989         excellence    20352   20354      3
## 4990         collection    20357   20358      2
## 4991         statistics    20360   20360      1
## 4992              crops    20362   20363      2
## 4993            sources    20368   20368      1
## 4994        information    20370   20370      1
## 4995                end    20376   20377      2
## 4996          producers    20379   20379      1
## 4997            advices    20382   20384      3
## 4998         conditions    20386   20387      2
## 4999               time    20393   20394      2
## 5000              those    20396   20396      1
## 5001               whom    20398   20398      1
## 5002                 it    20399   20399      1
## 5003       appreciation    20404   20405      2
## 5004           services    20407   20408      2
## 5005         Department    20410   20411      2
## 5006            message    20415   20417      3
## 5007           December    20419   20419      1
## 5008          attention    20426   20426      1
## 5009          necessity    20428   20429      2
## 5010          amendment    20431   20432      2
## 5011                law    20434   20437      4
## 5012           features    20442   20443      2
## 5013        application    20445   20447      3
## 5014                law    20449   20453      5
## 5015            benefit    20455   20456      2
## 5016              labor    20458   20458      1
## 5017          principle    20461   20462      2
## 5018        arbitration    20464   20464      1
## 5019                  I    20467   20467      1
## 5020           subjects    20470   20471      2
## 5021          attention    20473   20475      3
## 5022           Congress    20477   20478      2
## 5023            service    20486   20488      3
## 5024            Islands    20491   20493      3
## 5025                  I    20495   20495      1
## 5026               date    20500   20500      1
## 5027           November    20502   20502      1
## 5028              order    20507   20509      3
## 5029         Commission    20511   20516      6
## 5030         assistance    20521   20522      2
## 5031              Board    20528   20531      4
## 5032                act    20535   20536      2
## 5033         Commission    20538   20542      5
## 5034      establishment    20545   20546      2
## 5035        maintenance    20548   20548      1
## 5036            service    20550   20555      6
## 5037            Islands    20557   20559      3
## 5038            purpose    20563   20564      2
## 5039       examinations    20567   20567      1
## 5040            service    20569   20571      3
## 5041            islands    20573   20575      3
## 5042            request    20578   20579      2
## 5043              Board    20581   20584      4
## 5044            islands    20586   20587      2
## 5045        regulations    20590   20591      2
## 5046              Board    20598   20600      3
## 5047                the    20602   20602      1
## 5048         Commission    20604   20608      5
## 5049         Commission    20610   20613      4
## 5050               work    20618   20619      2
## 5051               want    20621   20621      1
## 5052              force    20623   20626      4
## 5053         assistance    20628   20631      4
## 5054              needs    20633   20634      2
## 5055             report    20640   20641      2
## 5056                  I    20643   20643      1
## 5057          attention    20645   20645      1
## 5058             report    20647   20648      2
## 5059           Congress    20654   20655      2
## 5060             bureau    20657   20659      3
## 5061            service    20661   20663      3
## 5062              which    20665   20665      1
## 5063     qualifications    20668   20669      2
## 5064          character    20671   20671      1
## 5065             number    20673   20676      4
## 5066           officers    20678   20679      2
## 5067          employees    20681   20681      1
## 5068         Government    20683   20684      2
## 5069     appropriations    20690   20692      3
## 5070         promptness    20695   20695      1
## 5071         efficiency    20697   20697      1
## 5072                  I    20700   20700      1
## 5073          statement    20706   20707      2
## 5074              heads    20710   20711      2
## 5075        Departments    20713   20715      3
## 5076          necessity    20717   20719      3
## 5077               hall    20721   20722      2
## 5078            records    20724   20725      2
## 5079           building    20728   20730      3
## 5080         Washington    20732   20732      1
## 5081                  I    20737   20737      1
## 5082              space    20741   20742      2
## 5083            records    20744   20745      2
## 5084              walls    20752   20753      2
## 5085              rooms    20755   20755      1
## 5086            shelves    20759   20759      1
## 5087              space    20761   20764      4
## 5088              rooms    20766   20767      2
## 5089              cases    20771   20772      2
## 5090            garrets    20775   20775      1
## 5091          basements    20777   20777      1
## 5092              which    20779   20779      1
## 5093      accommodation    20787   20788      2
## 5094               them    20793   20793      1
## 5095      inconvenience    20797   20798      2
## 5096             danger    20801   20802      2
## 5097               fire    20807   20807      1
## 5098             weight    20811   20812      2
## 5099            records    20814   20815      2
## 5100            timbers    20817   20817      1
## 5101            support    20821   20822      2
## 5102           building    20827   20829      3
## 5103            purpose    20833   20834      2
## 5104           archives    20839   20842      4
## 5105        Departments    20844   20847      4
## 5106               hall    20849   20851      3
## 5107          structure    20855   20857      3
## 5108        enlargement    20868   20868      1
## 5109               time    20870   20870      1
## 5110               time    20872   20872      1
## 5111                  I    20874   20874      1
## 5112           Congress    20878   20879      2
## 5113             action    20881   20882      2
## 5114             matter    20884   20885      2
## 5115                  I    20888   20888      1
## 5116           Congress    20891   20892      2
## 5117         resolution    20893   20894      2
## 5118            meeting    20897   20899      3
## 5119        Association    20901   20904      4
## 5120        celebration    20906   20908      3
## 5121                Day    20910   20912      3
## 5122           February    20914   20914      1
## 5123          exercises    20919   20920      2
## 5124                 it    20926   20926      1
## 5125          committee    20931   20932      2
## 5126           Congress    20934   20935      2
## 5127           movement    20939   20940      2
## 5128             memory    20943   20944      2
## 5129             jurist    20946   20948      3
## 5130           transfer    20951   20952      2
## 5131         Government    20954   20955      2
## 5132               city    20957   20958      2
## 5133               fact    20960   20961      2
## 5134           interest    20963   20965      3
## 5135             people    20968   20969      2
## 5136            feeling    20972   20973      2
## 5137              pride    20975   20976      2
## 5138            Capital    20978   20979      2
## 5139           Republic    20981   20982      2
## 5140                 It    20985   20985      1
## 5141             matter    20987   20988      2
## 5142           interest    20990   20990      1
## 5143         connection    20992   20993      2
## 5144         population    20997   20998      2
## 5145           District    21000   21001      2
## 5146           Columbia    21003   21003      1
## 5147                day    21009   21009      1
## 5148                 it    21010   21010      1
## 5149         population    21014   21015      2
## 5150               city    21017   21018      2
## 5151         Washington    21020   21020      1
## 5152                day    21027   21027      1
## 5153                 it    21028   21028      1
## 5154           Congress    21033   21034      2
## 5155        celebration    21039   21042      4
## 5156        Anniversary    21044   21046      3
## 5157      Establishment    21048   21049      2
## 5158               Seat    21051   21052      2
## 5159         Government    21054   21055      2
## 5160           District    21057   21058      2
## 5161           Columbia    21060   21060      1
## 5162         committees    21063   21064      2
## 5163                 it    21067   21067      1
## 5164          programme    21070   21071      2
## 5165               12th    21073   21074      2
## 5166           December    21076   21076      1
## 5167               date    21080   21081      2
## 5168                day    21086   21088      3
## 5169           interest    21090   21091      2
## 5170       arrangements    21096   21097      2
## 5171        celebration    21099   21100      2
## 5172            members    21102   21103      2
## 5173         committees    21105   21106      2
## 5174             Senate    21108   21109      2
## 5175              House    21111   21111      1
## 5176    Representatives    21113   21113      1
## 5177          committee    21115   21116      2
## 5178          Governors    21118   21118      1
## 5179          President    21121   21122      2
## 5180         committees    21125   21126      2
## 5181           citizens    21129   21130      2
## 5182        inhabitants    21132   21132      1
## 5183           District    21134   21135      2
## 5184           Columbia    21137   21137      1
## 5185          programme    21140   21141      2
## 5186           addition    21144   21144      1
## 5187          reception    21146   21147      2
## 5188          exercises    21149   21150      2
## 5189            Mansion    21152   21154      3
## 5190          exercises    21157   21158      2
## 5191             Senate    21164   21165      2
## 5192              House    21167   21167      1
## 5193    Representatives    21169   21169      1
## 5194               Hall    21171   21172      2
## 5195              House    21174   21175      2
## 5196    Representatives    21177   21177      1
## 5197          reception    21180   21181      2
## 5198            evening    21183   21184      2
## 5199            Gallery    21186   21188      3
## 5200                Art    21190   21190      1
## 5201              honor    21192   21192      1
## 5202          Governors    21194   21195      2
## 5203             States    21197   21198      2
## 5204        Territories    21200   21200      1
## 5205         prosperity    21204   21206      3
## 5206                 we    21207   21207      1
## 5207             danger    21211   21212      2
## 5208                 it    21213   21213      1
## 5209       extravagance    21216   21216      1
## 5210       expenditures    21218   21219      2
## 5211     appropriations    21221   21221      1
## 5212    representatives    21224   21226      3
## 5213             people    21228   21229      2
## 5214                  I    21232   21232      1
## 5215            example    21237   21238      2
## 5216        legislation    21240   21241      2
## 5217            economy    21243   21245      3
## 5218              which    21246   21246      1
## 5219             season    21248   21249      2
## 5220           husbands    21251   21252      2
## 5221             future    21254   21255      2
## 5222                era    21258   21259      2
## 5223           activity    21261   21263      3
## 5224            caution    21265   21266      2
## 5225                 It    21271   21271      1
## 5226         confidence    21277   21279      3
## 5227                 It    21281   21281      1
## 5228          expansion    21289   21293      5
## 5229              power    21295   21297      3
## 5230                 it    21300   21300      1
## 5231        temptations    21301   21301      1
## 5232             perils    21303   21303      1
## 5233          vigilance    21305   21306      2
## 5234                 It    21310   21310      1
## 5235          conflicts    21317   21317      1
## 5236         oppression    21321   21321      1
## 5237        maintenance    21325   21328      4
## 5238         principles    21330   21331      2
## 5239           equality    21333   21333      1
## 5240            justice    21335   21335      1
## 5241              which    21337   21337      1
## 5242       institutions    21338   21339      2
## 5243          happiness    21341   21341      1
## 5244                 us    21345   21345      1
## 5245               mind    21349   21349      1
## 5246         foundation    21351   21352      2
## 5247         Government    21354   21355      2
## 5248            liberty    21357   21357      1
## 5249           MCKINLEY    21363   21364      2
## 5250             Senate        2       3      2
## 5251              House        5       5      1
## 5252    Representatives        7       7      1
## 5253           Congress       10      11      2
## 5254             shadow       16      17      2
## 5255           calamity       19      21      3
## 5256              sixth       24      25      2
## 5257          September       27      27      1
## 5258           McKinley       29      30      2
## 5259          anarchist       34      35      2
## 5260         Exposition       38      42      5
## 5261            Buffalo       44      44      1
## 5262               city       49      50      2
## 5263         fourteenth       52      53      2
## 5264              month       55      56      2
## 5265         Presidents       60      64      5
## 5266                 he       66      66      1
## 5267                who       70      70      1
## 5268            recital       76      78      3
## 5269               fact       80      81      2
## 5270              alarm       86      87      2
## 5271           citizens       89      92      4
## 5272      circumstances       96      97      2
## 5273               this       99      99      1
## 5274      assassination      101     103      3
## 5275          President      105     107      3
## 5276       significance      110     113      4
## 5277            Lincoln      115     117      3
## 5278           Garfield      119     120      2
## 5279          assassins      124     124      1
## 5280              types      126     126      1
## 5281            history      131     131      1
## 5282            Lincoln      133     134      2
## 5283             victim      136     137      2
## 5284           passions      139     141      3
## 5285              years      144     145      2
## 5286                war      147     148      2
## 5287           Garfield      151     152      2
## 5288             vanity      154     156      3
## 5289             seeker      158     162      5
## 5290           McKinley      164     165      2
## 5291           criminal      169     172      4
## 5292               body      175     176      2
## 5293          criminals      178     178      1
## 5294                who      179     179      1
## 5295        governments      182     183      2
## 5296                who      190     190      1
## 5297               form      193     194      2
## 5298            liberty      196     197      2
## 5299                 it      199     199      1
## 5300               laws      203     209      7
## 5301                who      212     212      1
## 5302           exponent      217     219      3
## 5303               will      221     226      6
## 5304             despot      229     233      5
## 5305                 It      236     236      1
## 5306               time      245     246      2
## 5307              death      248     251      4
## 5308                 he      252     252      1
## 5309                man      254     258      5
## 5310             States      260     263      4
## 5311                 we      266     266      1
## 5312                man      270     272      3
## 5313           position      274     275      2
## 5314                who      276     276      1
## 5315           incident      283     286      4
## 5316               life      288     289      2
## 5317          opponents      291     293      3
## 5318          heartiest      299     300      2
## 5319            tribute      302     304      3
## 5320         kindliness      306     308      3
## 5321             nature      310     310      1
## 5322          sweetness      312     313      2
## 5323         gentleness      315     315      1
## 5324          character      317     317      1
## 5325              which      318     318      1
## 5326                him      321     321      1
## 5327         associates      323     325      3
## 5328           standard      328     329      2
## 5329          integrity      331     332      2
## 5330               life      334     335      2
## 5331                 he      336     336      1
## 5332         affections      338     340      3
## 5333            virtues      342     343      2
## 5334              which      344     344      1
## 5335                 up      350     353      4
## 5336          character      355     356      2
## 5337                war      362     364      3
## 5338              Union      366     367      2
## 5339                 he      369     369      1
## 5340            example      373     374      2
## 5341             people      376     378      3
## 5342            conduct      381     382      2
## 5343          relations      384     391      8
## 5344             hatred      396     398      3
## 5345                him      400     400      1
## 5346                 he      403     403      1
## 5347              aught      407     407      1
## 5348      consideration      409     409      1
## 5349            welfare      411     412      2
## 5350             others      414     414      1
## 5351                one      416     417      2
## 5352                him      422     422      1
## 5353                who      423     423      1
## 5354                him      425     425      1
## 5355               life      427     430      4
## 5356          defenders      432     433      2
## 5357          criminals      435     437      3
## 5358                who      438     438      1
## 5359        criminality      442     443      2
## 5360                 it      447     447      1
## 5361               ends      451     452      2
## 5362             wealth      456     456      1
## 5363              power      458     459      2
## 5364      assassination      463     464      2
## 5365            apology      465     468      4
## 5366           McKinley      475     476      2
## 5367                man      478     479      2
## 5368              means      481     482      2
## 5369                man      484     485      2
## 5370              stock      486     487      2
## 5371            tillers      490     492      3
## 5372               soil      494     495      2
## 5373                who      497     497      1
## 5374            himself      499     499      1
## 5375            workers      502     505      4
## 5376                who      507     507      1
## 5377               Army      510     511      2
## 5378            soldier      513     515      3
## 5379             Wealth      517     517      1
## 5380          President      523     524      2
## 5381               toil      529     531      3
## 5382              which      532     532      1
## 5383              gains      536     537      2
## 5384           lifetime      539     540      2
## 5385              labor      542     543      2
## 5386            service      547     548      2
## 5387             public      550     551      2
## 5388              power      556     556      1
## 5389              sense      560     561      2
## 5390              power      563     563      1
## 5391              hands      569     570      2
## 5392         individual      572     574      3
## 5393               blow      576     577      2
## 5394            tyranny      582     582      1
## 5395             wealth      584     584      1
## 5396                 It      586     586      1
## 5397          champions      592     594      3
## 5398             worker      595     598      4
## 5399    representatives      606     609      4
## 5400             system      611     612      2
## 5401             rights      614     615      2
## 5402         government      617     618      2
## 5403                who      619     619      1
## 5404             office      624     625      2
## 5405           McKinley      627     628      2
## 5406             office      630     632      3
## 5407              which      634     634      1
## 5408             people      635     637      3
## 5409          President      641     642      2
## 5410            Lincoln      643     645      3
## 5411            himself      646     646      1
## 5412             wishes      655     660      6
## 5413             people      662     663      2
## 5414            anxiety      665     667      3
## 5415             crisis      669     670      2
## 5416              touch      675     676      2
## 5417             people      678     679      2
## 5418               what      684     684      1
## 5419               they      685     685      1
## 5420         expression      692     692      1
## 5421            thought      694     695      2
## 5422             aright      704     704      1
## 5423                 He      706     706      1
## 5424         Presidency      712     713      2
## 5425           majority      715     716      2
## 5426           citizens      718     719      2
## 5427           majority      721     722      2
## 5428            farmers      724     725      2
## 5429            workers      727     729      3
## 5430                 he      733     733      1
## 5431          interests      737     738      2
## 5432              years      740     741      2
## 5433               They      743     743      1
## 5434         themselves      745     745      1
## 5435              touch      747     750      4
## 5436                him      752     752      1
## 5437               They      754     754      1
## 5438                 he      757     757      1
## 5439             ideals      764     766      3
## 5440        aspirations      768     768      1
## 5441               that      769     769      1
## 5442               they      770     770      1
## 5443                him      772     772      1
## 5444              years      776     778      3
## 5445               them      781     781      1
## 5446               this      785     785      1
## 5447                man      787     788      2
## 5448               whom      790     790      1
## 5449           assassin      791     792      2
## 5450            nothing      799     799      1
## 5451             infamy      803     807      5
## 5452                act      809     810      2
## 5453                 he      812     812      1
## 5454          advantage      814     814      1
## 5455           occasion      816     817      2
## 5456          President      819     820      2
## 5457             people      823     824      2
## 5458               hand      833     834      2
## 5459                him      839     839      1
## 5460         fellowship      841     844      4
## 5461                 he      846     846      1
## 5462         confidence      848     852      5
## 5463             victim      854     855      2
## 5464        opportunity      857     858      2
## 5465               blow      861     863      3
## 5466               deed      867     869      3
## 5467             annals      871     873      3
## 5468              crime      875     875      1
## 5469              shock      878     879      2
## 5470              grief      881     882      2
## 5471            country      884     885      2
## 5472              minds      890     891      2
## 5473                all      893     893      1
## 5474                who      894     894      1
## 5475               days      896     898      3
## 5476          President      901     902      2
## 5477               life      906     906      1
## 5478              death      908     908      1
## 5479              light      912     913      2
## 5480               eyes      917     919      3
## 5481             breath      921     922      2
## 5482               lips      925     926      2
## 5483               that      927     927      1
## 5484              agony      930     931      2
## 5485              words      933     934      2
## 5486        forgiveness      937     937      1
## 5487           murderer      939     940      2
## 5488               love      943     943      1
## 5489            friends      945     946      2
## 5490              trust      951     951      1
## 5491               will      953     954      2
## 5492              death      960     962      3
## 5493              glory      965     966      2
## 5494               life      968     970      3
## 5495                 us      973     973      1
## 5496             sorrow      975     976      2
## 5497              pride      980     981      2
## 5498               what      983     983      1
## 5499                 he      984     984      1
## 5500          character      989     992      4
## 5501                 we      995     995      1
## 5502               blow      997     998      2
## 5503                him     1003    1003      1
## 5504             Nation     1009    1010      2
## 5505                 We     1011    1011      1
## 5506          President     1013    1017      5
## 5507                who     1018    1018      1
## 5508                 we     1024    1024      1
## 5509                 we     1026    1026      1
## 5510       achievements     1031    1033      3
## 5511               life     1035    1036      2
## 5512            heroism     1038    1040      3
## 5513              which     1042    1042      1
## 5514                 he     1043    1043      1
## 5515              death     1045    1046      2
## 5516                 we     1050    1050      1
## 5517                man     1053    1054      2
## 5518             Nation     1056    1057      2
## 5519               harm     1059    1060      2
## 5520      apprehensions     1068    1070      3
## 5521             action     1074    1079      6
## 5522           criminal     1081    1082      2
## 5523          anarchist     1084    1086      3
## 5524          teachings     1090    1091      2
## 5525         anarchists     1093    1094      2
## 5526         utterances     1100    1102      3
## 5527              those     1104    1104      1
## 5528                who     1105    1105      1
## 5529              stump     1108    1109      2
## 5530              press     1112    1114      3
## 5531            spirits     1118    1122      5
## 5532             malice     1124    1124      1
## 5533              greed     1126    1126      1
## 5534               envy     1128    1128      1
## 5535             hatred     1130    1131      2
## 5536               wind     1133    1134      2
## 5537                men     1138    1139      2
## 5538                who     1140    1140      1
## 5539          doctrines     1142    1143      2
## 5540               they     1146    1146      1
## 5541              share     1150    1151      2
## 5542     responsibility     1153    1153      1
## 5543          whirlwind     1155    1156      2
## 5544               that     1157    1157      1
## 5545               This     1161    1161      1
## 5546          demagogue     1165    1167      3
## 5547          exploiter     1170    1171      2
## 5548     sensationalism     1173    1173      1
## 5549          visionary     1177    1181      5
## 5550                who     1182    1182      1
## 5551             reason     1185    1186      2
## 5552              crime     1190    1190      1
## 5553         discontent     1193    1194      2
## 5554               blow     1197    1198      2
## 5555          President     1203    1204      2
## 5556         Presidents     1208    1209      2
## 5557             symbol     1212    1213      2
## 5558         government     1215    1215      1
## 5559           McKinley     1217    1218      2
## 5560         embodiment     1222    1223      2
## 5561               will     1225    1227      3
## 5562             Nation     1229    1230      2
## 5563              forms     1233    1234      2
## 5564                law     1236    1236      1
## 5565            meeting     1238    1242      5
## 5566            fashion     1245    1246      2
## 5567         embodiment     1247    1248      2
## 5568            purpose     1250    1254      5
## 5569           practice     1256    1256      1
## 5570             people     1258    1259      2
## 5571               town     1261    1262      2
## 5572             theory     1265    1267      3
## 5573             murder     1269    1270      2
## 5574          President     1272    1273      2
## 5575       inequalities     1282    1282      1
## 5576              order     1284    1286      3
## 5577             murder     1291    1292      2
## 5578            freemen     1294    1296      3
## 5579            meeting     1299    1301      3
## 5580            protest     1306    1307      2
## 5581         inequality     1309    1311      3
## 5582              which     1312    1312      1
## 5583         malefactor     1314    1315      2
## 5584               jail     1317    1317      1
## 5585            Anarchy     1319    1319      1
## 5586         expression     1323    1324      2
## 5587         discontent     1326    1328      3
## 5588            pockets     1332    1332      1
## 5589            beating     1334    1336      3
## 5590          anarchist     1339    1340      2
## 5591          anarchist     1343    1345      3
## 5592             States     1347    1349      3
## 5593               type     1352    1354      3
## 5594                 he     1364    1364      1
## 5595          depravity     1366    1368      3
## 5596             degree     1370    1372      3
## 5597                man     1374    1375      2
## 5598                who     1376    1376      1
## 5599            anarchy     1378    1378      1
## 5600              shape     1384    1385      2
## 5601            fashion     1387    1387      1
## 5602                man     1390    1391      2
## 5603                who     1392    1392      1
## 5604         anarchists     1395    1395      1
## 5605              deeds     1397    1398      2
## 5606            himself     1401    1401      1
## 5607               fact     1407    1408      2
## 5608          anarchist     1410    1411      2
## 5609           criminal     1413    1414      2
## 5610          instincts     1415    1417      3
## 5611                him     1419    1419      1
## 5612          confusion     1422    1422      1
## 5613              chaos     1424    1424      1
## 5614               form     1426    1429      4
## 5615              order     1431    1432      2
## 5616            protest     1434    1435      2
## 5617            concern     1437    1437      1
## 5618         workingmen     1439    1439      1
## 5619            falsity     1443    1445      3
## 5620       institutions     1449    1451      3
## 5621            country     1453    1454      2
## 5622        opportunity     1458    1458      1
## 5623                son     1460    1464      5
## 5624               toil     1466    1466      1
## 5625               door     1469    1470      2
## 5626               hope     1472    1472      1
## 5627                him     1477    1477      1
## 5628          anarchist     1479    1480      2
## 5629              enemy     1483    1486      4
## 5630             system     1488    1488      1
## 5631           progress     1491    1491      1
## 5632                foe     1494    1496      3
## 5633            liberty     1498    1498      1
## 5634            anarchy     1501    1502      2
## 5635            triumph     1506    1507      2
## 5636             moment     1512    1514      3
## 5637               ages     1521    1521      1
## 5638              night     1523    1525      3
## 5639          despotism     1527    1527      1
## 5640          anarchist     1531    1532      2
## 5641            himself     1533    1533      1
## 5642                 he     1536    1536      1
## 5643          doctrines     1540    1541      2
## 5644                 we     1543    1543      1
## 5645            concern     1547    1550      4
## 5646           murderer     1553    1555      3
## 5647                 He     1557    1557      1
## 5648             victim     1560    1561      2
## 5649          injustice     1563    1566      4
## 5650             wrongs     1570    1571      2
## 5651               case     1575    1576      2
## 5652              cause     1578    1579      2
## 5653        criminality     1581    1582      2
## 5654           passions     1588    1591      4
## 5655            conduct     1594    1596      3
## 5656              those     1598    1598      1
## 5657                who     1599    1599      1
## 5658                him     1601    1601      1
## 5659            failure     1606    1607      2
## 5660             others     1609    1609      1
## 5661              State     1612    1613      2
## 5662            justice     1616    1616      1
## 5663                him     1618    1618      1
## 5664                his     1620    1620      1
## 5665                 He     1622    1622      1
## 5666         malefactor     1624    1625      2
## 5667            nothing     1627    1627      1
## 5668                 He     1630    1630      1
## 5669              sense     1633    1634      2
## 5670              shape     1637    1638      2
## 5671                way     1640    1640      1
## 5672            product     1642    1644      3
## 5673         conditions     1646    1647      2
## 5674         highwayman     1652    1653      2
## 5675               fact     1659    1660      2
## 5676                man     1662    1664      3
## 5677              purse     1668    1669      2
## 5678                 It     1671    1671      1
## 5679           travesty     1673    1674      2
## 5680              names     1676    1680      5
## 5681            liberty     1682    1682      1
## 5682            freedom     1684    1684      1
## 5683               them     1687    1687      1
## 5684              cause     1692    1694      3
## 5685                man     1696    1697      2
## 5686               body     1699    1699      1
## 5687                men     1701    1701      1
## 5688          doctrines     1703    1704      2
## 5689             murder     1715    1716      2
## 5690         individual     1718    1721      4
## 5691           speeches     1723    1724      2
## 5692           writings     1726    1726      1
## 5693           meetings     1729    1729      1
## 5694                  I     1737    1737      1
## 5695           Congress     1741    1742      2
## 5696           exercise     1745    1746      2
## 5697         discretion     1748    1750      3
## 5698                 it     1751    1751      1
## 5699      consideration     1755    1755      1
## 5700             coming     1756    1757      2
## 5701            country     1759    1760      2
## 5702         anarchists     1762    1762      1
## 5703            persons     1764    1764      1
## 5704         principles     1766    1766      1
## 5705         government     1769    1770      2
## 5706             murder     1773    1774      2
## 5707              those     1776    1776      1
## 5708          authority     1779    1779      1
## 5709        individuals     1781    1782      2
## 5710              those     1784    1784      1
## 5711                who     1785    1785      1
## 5712            meeting     1791    1792      2
## 5713             murder     1795    1796      2
## 5714            Humbert     1798    1799      2
## 5715              Italy     1801    1801      1
## 5716              crime     1803    1804      2
## 5717                law     1807    1808      2
## 5718         punishment     1811    1813      3
## 5719               They     1815    1815      1
## 5720              those     1817    1817      1
## 5721               them     1819    1819      1
## 5722            country     1825    1826      2
## 5723               they     1832    1832      1
## 5724            country     1838    1839      2
## 5725               they     1841    1841      1
## 5726          provision     1849    1849      1
## 5727         punishment     1854    1855      2
## 5728              those     1857    1857      1
## 5729                who     1858    1858      1
## 5730             matter     1861    1862      2
## 5731            thought     1867    1869      3
## 5732           Congress     1871    1872      2
## 5733             courts     1875    1877      3
## 5734       jurisdiction     1881    1881      1
## 5735                man     1883    1884      2
## 5736                who     1885    1885      1
## 5737          President     1891    1892      2
## 5738                man     1894    1895      2
## 5739                who     1896    1896      1
## 5740       Constitution     1898    1899      2
## 5741                law     1902    1902      1
## 5742               line     1905    1905      1
## 5743         succession     1907    1907      1
## 5744         Presidency     1909    1910      2
## 5745         punishment     1913    1914      2
## 5746            attempt     1916    1918      3
## 5747           enormity     1923    1924      2
## 5748            offense     1926    1927      2
## 5749       institutions     1929    1930      2
## 5750            Anarchy     1933    1933      1
## 5751              crime     1935    1936      2
## 5752               race     1938    1941      4
## 5753            mankind     1944    1945      2
## 5754          anarchist     1949    1950      2
## 5755              crime     1952    1953      2
## 5756            offense     1957    1958      2
## 5757                law     1960    1961      2
## 5758            nations     1963    1963      1
## 5759             piracy     1966    1966      1
## 5760               form     1968    1969      2
## 5761           stealing     1971    1973      3
## 5762              trade     1976    1978      3
## 5763                 it     1981    1981      1
## 5764             infamy     1984    1986      3
## 5765                 It     1990    1990      1
## 5766           treaties     1996    1996      1
## 5767             powers     1998    2000      3
## 5768           treaties     2002    2003      2
## 5769         Government     2007    2009      3
## 5770              power     2010    2011      2
## 5771              crime     2015    2016      2
## 5772         commentary     2019    2021      3
## 5773              folly     2023    2024      2
## 5774           position     2026    2028      3
## 5775           attitude     2032    2033      2
## 5776                law     2035    2036      2
## 5777                who     2041    2041      1
## 5778               life     2045    2046      2
## 5779          President     2048    2049      2
## 5780             people     2051    2052      2
## 5781                him     2056    2056      1
## 5782               limb     2057    2057      1
## 5783               limb     2059    2059      1
## 5784                 it     2061    2061      1
## 5785                law     2066    2067      2
## 5786                 he     2068    2068      1
## 5787             behalf     2075    2076      2
## 5788               deed     2081    2082      2
## 5789             behalf     2086    2086      1
## 5790             people     2088    2089      2
## 5791         Government     2091    2092      2
## 5792         Government     2094    2095      2
## 5793              power     2102    2105      4
## 5794                him     2108    2108      1
## 5795              death     2110    2111      2
## 5796              hands     2113    2114      2
## 5797             people     2116    2117      2
## 5798               deed     2121    2122      2
## 5799        dislocation     2124    2127      4
## 5800             system     2129    2131      3
## 5801         recurrence     2137    2138      2
## 5802              deeds     2140    2141      2
## 5803                 it     2147    2147      1
## 5804          direction     2155    2156      2
## 5805          harshness     2161    2161      1
## 5806             forces     2163    2164      2
## 5807              order     2166    2166      1
## 5808                man     2168    2169      2
## 5809          President     2176    2176      1
## 5810               fear     2178    2179      2
## 5811             safety     2182    2184      3
## 5812               risk     2187    2188      2
## 5813               life     2190    2193      4
## 5814                 it     2197    2197      1
## 5815             office     2201    2202      2
## 5816                men     2212    2212      1
## 5817             spirit     2214    2215      2
## 5818              which     2216    2216      1
## 5819               them     2219    2219      1
## 5820             friend     2226    2227      2
## 5821           disorder     2229    2229      1
## 5822            country     2231    2233      3
## 5823            anarchy     2238    2238      1
## 5824         anarchists     2242    2242      1
## 5825             menace     2246    2248      3
## 5826       institutions     2250    2251      2
## 5827               they     2253    2253      1
## 5828               ruin     2265    2267      3
## 5829        sympathizer     2268    2272      5
## 5830          doctrines     2274    2275      2
## 5831             people     2277    2279      3
## 5832              wrath     2283    2283      1
## 5833              wrath     2287    2288      2
## 5834                 it     2292    2292      1
## 5835              flame     2295    2297      3
## 5836              years     2301    2304      4
## 5837         confidence     2305    2306      2
## 5838             nation     2312    2313      2
## 5839         prosperity     2320    2323      4
## 5840         prosperity     2325    2326      2
## 5841                law     2332    2332      1
## 5842                 it     2336    2336      1
## 5843                 it     2342    2342      1
## 5844               laws     2344    2345      2
## 5845               hand     2348    2349      2
## 5846               Lord     2351    2352      2
## 5847            country     2356    2357      2
## 5848              flood     2360    2360      1
## 5849            drought     2362    2362      1
## 5850             wisdom     2365    2366      2
## 5851           calamity     2371    2372      2
## 5852                law     2376    2377      2
## 5853                 us     2380    2380      1
## 5854       consequences     2382    2383      2
## 5855              folly     2385    2387      3
## 5856                men     2389    2390      2
## 5857                who     2391    2391      1
## 5858                men     2397    2398      2
## 5859                who     2399    2399      1
## 5860              gains     2401    2401      1
## 5861               work     2404    2405      2
## 5862               head     2407    2407      1
## 5863               hand     2409    2409      1
## 5864               form     2414    2415      2
## 5865             source     2419    2420      2
## 5866             menace     2422    2422      1
## 5867         themselves     2426    2426      1
## 5868             others     2429    2429      1
## 5869              world     2432    2434      3
## 5870               head     2436    2437      2
## 5871                 it     2439    2439      1
## 5872               what     2441    2441      1
## 5873        legislation     2442    2442      1
## 5874            welfare     2447    2449      3
## 5875            citizen     2451    2452      2
## 5876            welfare     2455    2457      3
## 5877          aggregate     2459    2460      2
## 5878           citizens     2462    2462      1
## 5879              which     2463    2463      1
## 5880             nation     2465    2466      2
## 5881             thrift     2471    2472      2
## 5882             energy     2474    2474      1
## 5883         resolution     2476    2476      1
## 5884       intelligence     2479    2479      1
## 5885            Nothing     2481    2481      1
## 5886              place     2484    2485      2
## 5887           capacity     2487    2489      3
## 5888        legislation     2492    2493      2
## 5889     administration     2495    2498      4
## 5890                 it     2501    2501      1
## 5891              scope     2502    2504      3
## 5892        opportunity     2506    2508      3
## 5893             effect     2512    2513      2
## 5894        development     2516    2522      7
## 5895              which     2523    2523      1
## 5896           rapidity     2527    2529      3
## 5897               half     2531    2533      3
## 5898            century     2535    2537      3
## 5899                 us     2539    2539      1
## 5900               face     2540    2540      1
## 5901               face     2542    2542      1
## 5902          beginning     2545    2546      2
## 5903          twentieth     2548    2549      2
## 5904           problems     2552    2555      4
## 5905               laws     2557    2559      3
## 5906            customs     2562    2564      3
## 5907              which     2565    2565      1
## 5908              force     2567    2570      4
## 5909                law     2572    2572      1
## 5910       accumulation     2580    2581      2
## 5911       distribution     2583    2583      1
## 5912             wealth     2585    2585      1
## 5913            changes     2588    2590      3
## 5914              which     2591    2591      1
## 5915              power     2596    2598      3
## 5916            mankind     2600    2600      1
## 5917               they     2602    2602      1
## 5918             growth     2609    2610      2
## 5919             cities     2612    2612      1
## 5920         comparison     2617    2617      1
## 5921             growth     2620    2621      2
## 5922            country     2623    2624      2
## 5923         upbuilding     2627    2628      2
## 5924            centers     2630    2633      4
## 5925           increase     2636    2638      3
## 5926          aggregate     2643    2644      2
## 5927             wealth     2646    2646      1
## 5928             number     2650    2651      2
## 5929         individual     2653    2655      3
## 5930           fortunes     2660    2664      5
## 5931           creation     2666    2667      2
## 5932           fortunes     2669    2672      4
## 5933             tariff     2678    2679      2
## 5934             action     2682    2685      4
## 5935             causes     2689    2690      2
## 5936              world     2692    2694      3
## 5937          countries     2698    2699      2
## 5938               they     2701    2701      1
## 5939            process     2708    2709      2
## 5940         antagonism     2712    2713      2
## 5941               part     2715    2717      3
## 5942              which     2719    2719      1
## 5943            warrant     2723    2723      1
## 5944                 It     2725    2725      1
## 5945           contrary     2743    2744      2
## 5946                man     2749    2751      3
## 5947             worker     2753    2756      4
## 5948             farmer     2758    2759      2
## 5949             trader     2761    2763      3
## 5950            country     2771    2772      2
## 5951               time     2775    2777      3
## 5952             abuses     2782    2782      1
## 5953       accumulation     2785    2786      2
## 5954             wealth     2788    2788      1
## 5955                 it     2791    2791      1
## 5956            fortune     2795    2796      2
## 5957           business     2799    2800      2
## 5958             person     2805    2806      2
## 5959          condition     2811    2811      1
## 5960           benefits     2814    2816      3
## 5961             others     2818    2818      1
## 5962         enterprise     2820    2821      2
## 5963               type     2824    2825      2
## 5964              which     2826    2826      1
## 5965            mankind     2828    2829      2
## 5966         conditions     2835    2836      2
## 5967             prizes     2842    2843      2
## 5968            rewards     2845    2846      2
## 5969            success     2848    2848      1
## 5970           captains     2851    2852      2
## 5971           industry     2854    2854      1
## 5972                who     2855    2855      1
## 5973            systems     2858    2860      3
## 5974          continent     2862    2863      2
## 5975                who     2865    2865      1
## 5976           commerce     2869    2870      2
## 5977                who     2872    2872      1
## 5978       manufactures     2875    2876      2
## 5979              whole     2880    2881      2
## 5980               good     2883    2884      2
## 5981             people     2886    2887      2
## 5982               them     2890    2890      1
## 5983        development     2891    2893      3
## 5984              which     2895    2895      1
## 5985                 we     2896    2896      1
## 5986              place     2905    2905      1
## 5987                 we     2909    2909      1
## 5988         importance     2912    2914      3
## 5989        development     2916    2918      3
## 5990               good     2927    2929      3
## 5991                men     2930    2934      5
## 5992               whom     2936    2936      1
## 5993            success     2937    2938      2
## 5994         operations     2940    2941      2
## 5995              study     2945    2947      3
## 5996         conditions     2949    2950      2
## 5997             anyone     2953    2953      1
## 5998           judgment     2957    2958      2
## 5999           equation     2960    2962      3
## 6000             factor     2964    2967      4
## 6001          operation     2969    2971      3
## 6002            ability     2974    2976      3
## 6003                man     2978    2979      2
## 6004               head     2981    2982      2
## 6005            concern     2984    2986      3
## 6006             factor     2994    2995      2
## 6007              which     2996    2996      1
## 6008               gulf     2998    2999      2
## 6009            success     3001    3002      2
## 6010            failure     3004    3005      2
## 6011             reason     3008    3010      3
## 6012            caution     3012    3012      1
## 6013       corporations     3016    3016      1
## 6014         conditions     3022    3025      4
## 6015                day     3029    3029      1
## 6016         conditions     3031    3034      4
## 6017              which     3035    3035      1
## 6018       aggregations     3038    3040      3
## 6019             wealth     3042    3045      4
## 6020               them     3048    3048      1
## 6021        competition     3053    3055      3
## 6022           concerns     3057    3058      2
## 6023              which     3059    3059      1
## 6024              means     3061    3063      3
## 6025           disposal     3065    3066      2
## 6026                men     3071    3073      3
## 6027              those     3076    3076      1
## 6028              which     3077    3077      1
## 6029               lead     3079    3080      2
## 6030             strife     3082    3083      2
## 6031          supremacy     3085    3086      2
## 6032            nations     3088    3089      2
## 6033              world     3091    3092      2
## 6034            America     3094    3094      1
## 6035           position     3101    3103      3
## 6036              world     3105    3108      4
## 6037              which     3109    3109      1
## 6038                 we     3110    3110      1
## 6039               hers     3117    3117      1
## 6040                 It     3119    3119      1
## 6041         importance     3122    3124      3
## 6042           position     3126    3127      2
## 6043               time     3134    3135      2
## 6044          abundance     3137    3139      3
## 6045          resources     3141    3144      4
## 6046              skill     3146    3147      2
## 6047             energy     3149    3150      2
## 6048           aptitude     3153    3154      2
## 6049             people     3156    3157      2
## 6050            markets     3159    3160      2
## 6051         conditions     3164    3165      2
## 6052                 it     3166    3166      1
## 6053              cramp     3172    3172      1
## 6054           strength     3176    3178      3
## 6055             Nation     3180    3181      2
## 6056                 it     3186    3186      1
## 6057           violence     3198    3199      2
## 6058          interests     3201    3202      2
## 6059                set     3204    3205      2
## 6060                men     3207    3207      1
## 6061          interests     3211    3212      2
## 6062                all     3214    3214      1
## 6063               rule     3216    3218      3
## 6064               life     3220    3222      3
## 6065               rule     3223    3224      2
## 6066              which     3225    3225      1
## 6067             others     3227    3228      2
## 6068              whole     3234    3235      2
## 6069                run     3239    3241      3
## 6070                 we     3243    3243      1
## 6071         exceptions     3253    3253      1
## 6072              times     3257    3257      1
## 6073         prosperity     3259    3259      1
## 6074               some     3260    3260      1
## 6075              times     3268    3268      1
## 6076          adversity     3270    3270      1
## 6077               some     3272    3272      1
## 6078             others     3279    3279      1
## 6079             period     3285    3286      2
## 6080              times     3288    3289      2
## 6081                all     3292    3292      1
## 6082               them     3298    3298      1
## 6083             period     3302    3303      2
## 6084              times     3305    3306      2
## 6085                all     3307    3307      1
## 6086             stress     3309    3310      2
## 6087             degree     3312    3316      5
## 6088                 It     3318    3318      1
## 6089              proof     3328    3329      2
## 6090          statement     3331    3332      2
## 6091             memory     3334    3335      2
## 6092              years     3337    3339      3
## 6093              which     3340    3340      1
## 6094                 we     3349    3349      1
## 6095               them     3352    3352      1
## 6096         conditions     3354    3355      2
## 6097               year     3357    3359      3
## 6098              which     3360    3360      1
## 6099           Disaster     3365    3365      1
## 6100        enterprises     3367    3369      3
## 6101            effects     3373    3374      2
## 6102                men     3377    3378      2
## 6103                top     3380    3381      2
## 6104                 It     3383    3383      1
## 6105                 it     3389    3389      1
## 6106          everybody     3393    3393      1
## 6107                 it     3395    3395      1
## 6108         capitalist     3403    3404      2
## 6109           luxuries     3409    3410      2
## 6110             worker     3413    3416      4
## 6111        necessities     3421    3423      3
## 6112          mechanism     3426    3427      2
## 6113           business     3429    3430      2
## 6114               care     3435    3436      2
## 6115                 it     3444    3444      1
## 6116             spirit     3446    3447      2
## 6117           rashness     3449    3449      1
## 6118          ignorance     3451    3451      1
## 6119              those     3455    3455      1
## 6120                who     3456    3456      1
## 6121                 it     3459    3459      1
## 6122       combinations     3464    3467      4
## 6123              which     3468    3468      1
## 6124         inaccuracy     3474    3475      2
## 6125             trusts     3480    3480      1
## 6126             hatred     3486    3486      1
## 6127               fear     3488    3488      1
## 6128              These     3490    3490      1
## 6129           emotions     3492    3495      4
## 6130          ignorance     3501    3501      1
## 6131              which     3503    3503      1
## 6132                men     3505    3505      1
## 6133           exercise     3507    3508      2
## 6134           judgment     3510    3513      4
## 6135         conditions     3517    3519      3
## 6136            history     3521    3523      3
## 6137              world     3525    3526      2
## 6138        legislation     3529    3529      1
## 6139            inquiry     3540    3541      2
## 6140          restraint     3544    3547      4
## 6141        legislation     3551    3552      2
## 6142             trusts     3555    3556      2
## 6143                 it     3563    3563      1
## 6144         accordance     3571    3571      1
## 6145                law     3573    3578      6
## 6146           agitator     3580    3584      5
## 6147             friend     3587    3590      4
## 6148              evils     3592    3593      2
## 6149              which     3594    3594      1
## 6150                 he     3595    3595      1
## 6151          interests     3604    3605      2
## 6152         Government     3608    3609      2
## 6153        legislation     3613    3618      6
## 6154               what     3621    3621      1
## 6155               risk     3633    3634      2
## 6156           disaster     3636    3641      6
## 6157                 it     3643    3643      1
## 6158            nothing     3649    3649      1
## 6159                men     3653    3654      2
## 6160                who     3655    3655      1
## 6161              serve     3660    3662      3
## 6162             allies     3664    3665      2
## 6163             forces     3667    3668      2
## 6164              which     3670    3670      1
## 6165               they     3671    3671      1
## 6166                war     3675    3675      1
## 6167               they     3678    3678      1
## 6168              those     3680    3680      1
## 6169                who     3681    3681      1
## 6170            fashion     3688    3689      2
## 6171               what     3690    3690      1
## 6172             wrongs     3691    3692      2
## 6173             extent     3697    3698      2
## 6174             manner     3701    3702      2
## 6175                 it     3703    3703      1
## 6176           remedies     3708    3708      1
## 6177               this     3711    3712      2
## 6178                 it     3718    3718      1
## 6179              evils     3725    3728      4
## 6180              chief     3732    3733      2
## 6181     capitalization     3735    3737      3
## 6182       consequences     3740    3743      4
## 6183             effort     3746    3750      5
## 6184              evils     3756    3757      2
## 6185         conviction     3762    3764      3
## 6186              minds     3766    3767      2
## 6187             people     3769    3771      3
## 6188       corporations     3773    3775      3
## 6189             trusts     3778    3778      1
## 6190           features     3783    3784      2
## 6191         tendencies     3786    3786      1
## 6192            welfare     3789    3791      3
## 6193            springs     3793    3794      2
## 6194             spirit     3796    3797      2
## 6195               envy     3799    3799      1
## 6196               lack     3804    3804      1
## 6197              pride     3806    3806      1
## 6198       achievements     3808    3811      4
## 6199               that     3812    3812      1
## 6200            country     3815    3816      2
## 6201               head     3818    3819      2
## 6202            nations     3821    3822      2
## 6203          supremacy     3825    3826      2
## 6204                 It     3828    3828      1
## 6205               lack     3833    3834      2
## 6206       appreciation     3836    3837      2
## 6207          necessity     3839    3840      2
## 6208            meeting     3842    3842      1
## 6209         conditions     3846    3846      1
## 6210              trade     3848    3848      1
## 6211            methods     3850    3851      2
## 6212          ignorance     3855    3855      1
## 6213               fact     3857    3858      2
## 6214        combination     3860    3860      1
## 6215            capital     3862    3862      1
## 6216             effort     3864    3865      2
## 6217             things     3868    3869      2
## 6218           progress     3873    3876      4
## 6219             things     3879    3880      2
## 6220                 It     3884    3884      1
## 6221         conviction     3888    3889      2
## 6222        combination     3891    3891      1
## 6223      concentration     3893    3893      1
## 6224             limits     3904    3905      2
## 6225           judgment     3910    3911      2
## 6226         conviction     3912    3913      2
## 6227                 It     3918    3918      1
## 6228         limitation     3920    3921      2
## 6229             rights     3923    3924      2
## 6230            freedom     3926    3926      1
## 6231           contract     3928    3928      1
## 6232                men     3933    3933      1
## 6233         Government     3936    3936      1
## 6234          privilege     3937    3938      2
## 6235           business     3941    3941      1
## 6236               form     3943    3944      2
## 6237              which     3946    3946      1
## 6238               them     3948    3948      1
## 6239     responsibility     3950    3951      2
## 6240               them     3955    3955      1
## 6241        enterprises     3959    3960      2
## 6242            capital     3961    3962      2
## 6243             public     3964    3965      2
## 6244               they     3967    3967      1
## 6245    representations     3972    3974      3
## 6246              value     3977    3978      2
## 6247           property     3980    3981      2
## 6248              which     3983    3983      1
## 6249            capital     3984    3985      2
## 6250       Corporations     3991    3991      1
## 6251           commerce     3994    3995      2
## 6252               they     4000    4000      1
## 6253            license     4005    4006      2
## 6254             injury     4009    4011      3
## 6255                 It     4013    4013      1
## 6256                aim     4018    4019      2
## 6257              those     4021    4021      1
## 6258                who     4022    4022      1
## 6259         betterment     4025    4026      2
## 6260              world     4029    4031      3
## 6261             crimes     4033    4033      1
## 6262            cunning     4035    4035      1
## 6263            politic     4039    4042      4
## 6264             crimes     4044    4044      1
## 6265           violence     4046    4046      1
## 6266       corporations     4048    4049      2
## 6267               they     4053    4053      1
## 6268       institutions     4059    4060      2
## 6269                 it     4063    4063      1
## 6270              right     4066    4067      2
## 6271               duty     4069    4070      2
## 6272               they     4074    4074      1
## 6273            harmony     4077    4077      1
## 6274       institutions     4079    4080      2
## 6275       combinations     4092    4095      4
## 6276          knowledge     4097    4097      1
## 6277              facts     4099    4100      2
## 6278          publicity     4102    4102      1
## 6279           interest     4105    4106      2
## 6280             public     4108    4109      2
## 6281         Government     4111    4112      2
## 6282              right     4115    4116      2
## 6283           workings     4121    4122      2
## 6284       corporations     4124    4126      3
## 6285           business     4129    4130      2
## 6286          Publicity     4132    4132      1
## 6287             remedy     4134    4137      4
## 6288              which     4138    4138      1
## 6289                 we     4139    4139      1
## 6290           remedies     4144    4146      3
## 6291                way     4150    4151      2
## 6292         regulation     4153    4154      2
## 6293           taxation     4157    4157      1
## 6294          publicity     4164    4164      1
## 6295            process     4170    4170      1
## 6296                law     4172    4172      1
## 6297             course     4176    4177      2
## 6298     administration     4179    4179      1
## 6299          requisite     4181    4183      3
## 6300          knowledge     4185    4185      1
## 6301          knowledge     4191    4191      1
## 6302              which     4192    4192      1
## 6303              world     4198    4199      2
## 6304             bodies     4201    4203      3
## 6305       corporations     4207    4207      1
## 6306              stock     4209    4210      2
## 6307       associations     4212    4213      2
## 6308                law     4217    4219      3
## 6309          existence     4221    4222      2
## 6310         privileges     4224    4224      1
## 6311        supervision     4230    4232      3
## 6312        information     4235    4238      4
## 6313         operations     4241    4242      2
## 6314          intervals     4249    4250      2
## 6315       corporations     4253    4255      3
## 6316             trusts     4259    4259      1
## 6317              State     4264    4265      2
## 6318           business     4269    4269      1
## 6319             States     4271    4272      2
## 6320           business     4276    4278      3
## 6321              State     4280    4281      2
## 6322               they     4283    4283      1
## 6323               lack     4289    4290      2
## 6324         uniformity     4292    4292      1
## 6325               laws     4294    4296      3
## 6326               them     4298    4298      1
## 6327              State     4302    4303      2
## 6328           interest     4305    4307      3
## 6329              power     4310    4310      1
## 6330               acts     4312    4313      2
## 6331                 it     4315    4315      1
## 6332           practice     4318    4318      1
## 6333         regulation     4323    4324      2
## 6334             action     4326    4327      2
## 6335           interest     4332    4333      2
## 6336             people     4335    4337      3
## 6337             Nation     4339    4340      2
## 6338              power     4346    4347      2
## 6339             States     4349    4350      2
## 6340             matter     4352    4353      2
## 6341             itself     4354    4354      1
## 6342              power     4358    4358      1
## 6343        supervision     4360    4360      1
## 6344         regulation     4362    4362      1
## 6345       corporations     4364    4365      2
## 6346           business     4367    4369      3
## 6347               This     4371    4371      1
## 6348        corporation     4376    4377      2
## 6349            portion     4379    4380      2
## 6350             wealth     4382    4383      2
## 6351          existence     4385    4386      2
## 6352            element     4388    4390      3
## 6353           tendency     4392    4392      1
## 6354           business     4394    4395      2
## 6355           hardship     4400    4401      2
## 6356        supervision     4403    4404      2
## 6357              banks     4406    4406      1
## 6358                 it     4410    4410      1
## 6359               case     4414    4415      2
## 6360                 it     4416    4416      1
## 6361             matter     4421    4423      3
## 6362             course     4425    4425      1
## 6363                 it     4429    4429      1
## 6364        supervision     4433    4433      1
## 6365       corporations     4435    4435      1
## 6366         Government     4437    4439      3
## 6367               case     4448    4449      2
## 6368        supervision     4451    4452      2
## 6369               them     4455    4455      1
## 6370              State     4459    4460      2
## 6371      Massachusetts     4462    4462      1
## 6372              order     4465    4465      1
## 6373            results     4468    4469      2
## 6374       Constitution     4473    4474      2
## 6375                end     4479    4480      2
## 6376            century     4482    4484      3
## 6377             wisdom     4486    4488      3
## 6378            changes     4491    4493      3
## 6379         conditions     4497    4500      4
## 6380              which     4502    4502      1
## 6381              place     4506    4506      1
## 6382          beginning     4508    4509      2
## 6383            century     4511    4513      3
## 6384               time     4516    4517      2
## 6385                 it     4518    4518      1
## 6386             matter     4522    4523      2
## 6387             course     4525    4525      1
## 6388             States     4527    4529      3
## 6389        authorities     4531    4533      3
## 6390             bodies     4544    4551      8
## 6391                day     4553    4554      2
## 6392         conditions     4556    4557      2
## 6393             action     4560    4565      6
## 6394                  I     4570    4570      1
## 6395                law     4573    4574      2
## 6396              which     4578    4578      1
## 6397         Government     4581    4583      3
## 6398            control     4586    4586      1
## 6399              lines     4588    4589      2
## 6400         experience     4595    4596      2
## 6401            passage     4599    4600      2
## 6402     administration     4602    4602      1
## 6403                Act     4604    4608      5
## 6404           judgment     4614    4615      2
## 6405           Congress     4617    4618      2
## 6406                 it     4621    4621      1
## 6407              power     4623    4625      3
## 6408                act     4628    4630      3
## 6409          amendment     4633    4635      3
## 6410              power     4641    4642      2
## 6411            officer     4649    4651      3
## 6412          Secretary     4657    4657      1
## 6413           Commerce     4659    4659      1
## 6414         Industries     4661    4661      1
## 6415               bill     4666    4667      2
## 6416            session     4670    4672      3
## 6417           Congress     4674    4675      2
## 6418                 It     4677    4677      1
## 6419           province     4680    4681      2
## 6420           commerce     4685    4685      1
## 6421              sense     4687    4689      3
## 6422             things     4693    4695      3
## 6423           whatever     4696    4696      1
## 6424              labor     4698    4698      1
## 6425            matters     4700    4701      2
## 6426       corporations     4703    4706      4
## 6427             marine     4708    4710      3
## 6428             course     4713    4714      2
## 6429              phase     4717    4718      2
## 6430               what     4720    4720      1
## 6431             scheme     4723    4729      7
## 6432      statesmanship     4731    4732      2
## 6433            purpose     4734    4735      2
## 6434            markets     4738    4739      2
## 6435          interests     4742    4744      3
## 6436              basis     4746    4748      3
## 6437           position     4753    4755      3
## 6438              world     4757    4760      4
## 6439             rights     4765    4766      2
## 6440             worker     4768    4770      3
## 6441         capitalist     4772    4772      1
## 6442           investor     4775    4775      1
## 6443            citizen     4777    4778      2
## 6444             equity     4784    4784      1
## 6445                man     4787    4787      1
## 6446                man     4789    4789      1
## 6447           Republic     4791    4792      2
## 6448          exception     4796    4798      3
## 6449           interest     4800    4802      3
## 6450             matter     4804    4806      3
## 6451             moment     4809    4811      3
## 6452             people     4813    4815      3
## 6453            welfare     4817    4818      2
## 6454            workers     4820    4823      4
## 6455             farmer     4826    4827      2
## 6456             worker     4829    4832      4
## 6457                 it     4837    4837      1
## 6458             others     4842    4843      2
## 6459                 It     4850    4850      1
## 6460             matter     4853    4854      2
## 6461     congratulation     4856    4857      2
## 6462              wages     4860    4862      3
## 6463                day     4867    4867      1
## 6464             States     4869    4871      3
## 6465            history     4876    4877      2
## 6466            country     4884    4886      3
## 6467           standard     4888    4889      2
## 6468             living     4891    4891      1
## 6469             effort     4899    4900      2
## 6470         legislator     4902    4902      1
## 6471      administrator     4904    4904      1
## 6472         permanency     4910    4911      2
## 6473          condition     4913    4914      2
## 6474             things     4916    4916      1
## 6475        improvement     4918    4919      2
## 6476              labor     4926    4927      2
## 6477             tariff     4931    4932      2
## 6478                 it     4935    4935      1
## 6479                 it     4943    4943      1
## 6480           presence     4947    4948      2
## 6481            country     4950    4951      2
## 6482           laborers     4953    4954      2
## 6483           contract     4958    4958      1
## 6484              those     4962    4962      1
## 6485                who     4963    4963      1
## 6486           standard     4970    4971      2
## 6487               they     4977    4977      1
## 6488                men     4980    4981      2
## 6489             market     4983    4985      3
## 6490               them     4988    4988      1
## 6491              level     4990    4992      3
## 6492                  I     4994    4994      1
## 6493                 it     4996    4996      1
## 6494                end     5001    5002      2
## 6495               view     5004    5004      1
## 6496                law     5010    5012      3
## 6497           laborers     5014    5015      2
## 6498                 it     5019    5019      1
## 6499              order     5023    5023      1
## 6500        enforcement     5026    5027      2
## 6501         Government     5032    5034      3
## 6502            quality     5037    5039      3
## 6503            service     5041    5041      1
## 6504          employees     5043    5044      2
## 6505             return     5048    5048      1
## 6506                 it     5049    5049      1
## 6507           employer     5052    5054      3
## 6508        legislation     5057    5058      2
## 6509         connection     5064    5064      1
## 6510                Law     5066    5069      4
## 6511              which     5071    5071      1
## 6512            efforts     5075    5076      2
## 6513             States     5078    5079      2
## 6514        competition     5084    5085      2
## 6515              labor     5087    5089      3
## 6516             market     5091    5094      4
## 6517         conditions     5101    5102      2
## 6518               work     5104    5105      2
## 6519          provision     5107    5107      1
## 6520        enforcement     5113    5114      2
## 6521                law     5116    5120      5
## 6522         industries     5126    5127      2
## 6523              women     5134    5138      5
## 6524           children     5140    5140      1
## 6525              hours     5145    5146      2
## 6526              labor     5148    5148      1
## 6527               work     5151    5152      2
## 6528               work     5156    5156      1
## 6529         conditions     5158    5159      2
## 6530         Government     5161    5162      2
## 6531          contracts     5166    5167      2
## 6532               work     5169    5170      2
## 6533         conditions     5175    5178      4
## 6534           addition     5182    5182      1
## 6535           standard     5185    5187      3
## 6536                 it     5190    5190      1
## 6537         inspection     5192    5193      2
## 6538     subcontractors     5199    5200      2
## 6539         Government     5202    5203      2
## 6540               work     5206    5208      3
## 6541              women     5210    5210      1
## 6542           children     5212    5212      1
## 6543           overtime     5217    5218      2
## 6544           Columbia     5224    5224      1
## 6545                aid     5236    5239      4
## 6546               laws     5241    5242      2
## 6547          provision     5244    5244      1
## 6548             alleys     5250    5252      3
## 6549          existence     5254    5255      2
## 6550              which     5257    5257      1
## 6551           reproach     5259    5260      2
## 6552               city     5262    5264      3
## 6553            streets     5267    5268      2
## 6554        inhabitants     5271    5272      2
## 6555         conditions     5276    5276      1
## 6556             health     5279    5279      1
## 6557             morals     5281    5281      1
## 6558            workers     5284    5287      4
## 6559              heads     5290    5291      2
## 6560              hands     5295    5296      2
## 6561               they     5300    5300      1
## 6562              pride     5302    5304      3
## 6563               what     5306    5306      1
## 6564               they     5307    5307      1
## 6565             reward     5316    5317      2
## 6566               they     5319    5319      1
## 6567                job     5324    5326      3
## 6568               This     5328    5328      1
## 6569             secret     5330    5332      3
## 6570            success     5334    5335      2
## 6571        competition     5337    5337      1
## 6572              labor     5339    5340      2
## 6573          countries     5342    5343      2
## 6574            problem     5346    5349      4
## 6575              which     5351    5351      1
## 6576             matter     5357    5358      2
## 6577            problem     5369    5370      2
## 6578              which     5371    5371      1
## 6579               side     5374    5375      2
## 6580         betterment     5376    5377      2
## 6581         conditions     5379    5380      2
## 6582             cities     5387    5388      2
## 6583               side     5392    5393      2
## 6584             tangle     5399    5400      2
## 6585          questions     5402    5405      4
## 6586              which     5406    5406      1
## 6587                 we     5407    5407      1
## 6588                 we     5411    5411      1
## 6589              labor     5415    5415      1
## 6590             factor     5418    5420      3
## 6591            success     5422    5423      2
## 6592                man     5425    5426      2
## 6593             worker     5428    5430      3
## 6594             farmer     5432    5432      1
## 6595              total     5441    5443      3
## 6596          qualities     5445    5448      4
## 6597          abilities     5450    5450      1
## 6598               this     5455    5455      1
## 6599              power     5457    5458      2
## 6600        combination     5462    5462      1
## 6601        association     5464    5464      1
## 6602             others     5466    5466      1
## 6603       associations     5478    5478      1
## 6604             unions     5480    5480      1
## 6605            workers     5482    5484      3
## 6606        forethought     5489    5489      1
## 6607               they     5493    5493      1
## 6608         insistence     5495    5495      1
## 6609             rights     5497    5499      3
## 6610            respect     5501    5504      4
## 6611             rights     5506    5507      2
## 6612             others     5509    5509      1
## 6613            display     5511    5512      2
## 6614          qualities     5514    5515      2
## 6615             bodies     5517    5518      2
## 6616               duty     5520    5521      2
## 6617             nation     5523    5524      2
## 6618       associations     5529    5530      2
## 6619         themselves     5531    5531      1
## 6620              cases     5539    5540      2
## 6621             action     5542    5542      1
## 6622         Government     5544    5545      2
## 6623              order     5547    5547      1
## 6624             rights     5550    5551      2
## 6625          interests     5553    5553      1
## 6626                all     5555    5555      1
## 6627       Constitution     5558    5559      2
## 6628              scope     5562    5564      3
## 6629             action     5566    5567      2
## 6630              State     5569    5570      2
## 6631       municipality     5572    5573      2
## 6632             nation     5576    5577      2
## 6633             points     5581    5581      1
## 6634              those     5584    5584      1
## 6635         Government     5588    5590      3
## 6636                all     5596    5596      1
## 6637               rule     5602    5603      2
## 6638        brotherhood     5605    5605      1
## 6639       prerequisite     5608    5610      3
## 6640            success     5612    5612      1
## 6641               kind     5614    5615      2
## 6642               life     5617    5618      2
## 6643              which     5620    5620      1
## 6644                 we     5621    5621      1
## 6645                man     5624    5625      2
## 6646            himself     5629    5629      1
## 6647                 he     5633    5633      1
## 6648               help     5636    5638      3
## 6649                him     5641    5641      1
## 6650                man     5644    5645      2
## 6651                 he     5650    5650      1
## 6652             keeper     5653    5656      4
## 6653                man     5661    5662      2
## 6654                who     5663    5663      1
## 6655          advantage     5671    5671      1
## 6656            himself     5673    5673      1
## 6657             anyone     5675    5675      1
## 6658              times     5682    5682      1
## 6659               each     5688    5688      1
## 6660              times     5690    5690      1
## 6661               hand     5694    5696      3
## 6662                him     5699    5699      1
## 6663                aid     5706    5706      1
## 6664               form     5710    5711      2
## 6665                man     5714    5715      2
## 6666            himself     5718    5718      1
## 6667                 we     5721    5721      1
## 6668          ourselves     5726    5726      1
## 6669               work     5731    5732      2
## 6670               that     5733    5733      1
## 6671           interest     5736    5737      2
## 6672                all     5739    5739      1
## 6673               laws     5742    5745      4
## 6674                 We     5749    5749      1
## 6675          immigrant     5751    5755      5
## 6676            citizen     5759    5761      3
## 6677          immigrant     5763    5764      2
## 6678                who     5765    5765      1
## 6679                who     5771    5771      1
## 6680               body     5774    5776      3
## 6681              heart     5778    5780      3
## 6682               head     5782    5784      3
## 6683            purpose     5787    5789      3
## 6684               duty     5792    5793      2
## 6685                way     5796    5797      2
## 6686           children     5802    5803      2
## 6687            members     5805    5812      8
## 6688          community     5814    5815      2
## 6689                law     5821    5823      3
## 6690             object     5826    5827      2
## 6691        improvement     5830    5832      3
## 6692             system     5834    5836      3
## 6693                 we     5840    5840      1
## 6694            persons     5845    5849      5
## 6695                who     5850    5850      1
## 6696          believers     5855    5855      1
## 6697         principles     5857    5858      2
## 6698            members     5860    5860      1
## 6699          societies     5862    5863      2
## 6700            persons     5867    5868      2
## 6701                who     5869    5869      1
## 6702           tendency     5872    5875      4
## 6703         reputation     5878    5879      2
## 6704               This     5881    5881      1
## 6705                 we     5884    5884      1
## 6706             system     5887    5890      4
## 6707         inspection     5892    5892      1
## 6708        examination     5900    5900      1
## 6709              ports     5902    5904      3
## 6710             object     5913    5915      3
## 6711                law     5917    5920      4
## 6712               test     5933    5934      2
## 6713       institutions     5940    5941      2
## 6714           citizens     5946    5947      2
## 6715               This     5949    5949      1
## 6716         anarchists     5954    5955      2
## 6717               them     5960    5960      1
## 6718              class     5963    5966      4
## 6719                 it     5969    5969      1
## 6720               what     5972    5972      1
## 6721              point     5976    5976      1
## 6722                sum     5984    5985      2
## 6723          ignorance     5987    5987      1
## 6724               envy     5993    5994      2
## 6725          suspicion     5996    5996      1
## 6726            passion     5998    5999      2
## 6727             hatred     6002    6002      1
## 6728              order     6004    6004      1
## 6729          sentiment     6008    6010      3
## 6730            persons     6016    6017      2
## 6731                who     6021    6021      1
## 6732           standard     6024    6026      3
## 6733            fitness     6028    6029      2
## 6734              field     6032    6034      3
## 6735        competitors     6036    6036      1
## 6736              labor     6038    6039      2
## 6737              proof     6044    6045      2
## 6738           capacity     6047    6048      2
## 6739             living     6051    6053      3
## 6740              money     6055    6056      2
## 6741              start     6059    6061      3
## 6742         conditions     6063    6064      2
## 6743               This     6066    6066      1
## 6744             influx     6069    6070      2
## 6745              labor     6072    6073      2
## 6746        competition     6076    6078      3
## 6747              which     6079    6079      1
## 6748               rise     6081    6081      1
## 6749         bitterness     6086    6086      1
## 6750               life     6088    6090      3
## 6751                 it     6093    6093      1
## 6752            springs     6097    6098      2
## 6753         conditions     6100    6103      4
## 6754             cities     6105    6107      3
## 6755      organizations     6110    6111      2
## 6756        possibility     6113    6115      3
## 6757             growth     6117    6117      1
## 6758              tests     6119    6125      7
## 6759                law     6127    6130      4
## 6760            politic     6138    6141      4
## 6761        supervision     6145    6148      4
## 6762          companies     6153    6155      3
## 6763              which     6156    6156      1
## 6764         immigrants     6160    6161      2
## 6765               they     6164    6164      1
## 6766     accountability     6169    6171      3
## 6767         infraction     6173    6174      2
## 6768                law     6176    6177      2
## 6769       acquiescence     6182    6183      2
## 6770             system     6185    6188      4
## 6771             policy     6190    6192      3
## 6772          requisite     6194    6196      3
## 6773         prosperity     6198    6199      2
## 6774         continuity     6201    6202      2
## 6775          stability     6204    6204      1
## 6776             policy     6206    6208      3
## 6777            Nothing     6210    6210      1
## 6778          interests     6218    6220      3
## 6779            country     6222    6223      2
## 6780             change     6225    6228      4
## 6781               time     6230    6231      2
## 6782       apprehension     6235    6235      1
## 6783        uncertainty     6237    6237      1
## 6784               what     6240    6240      1
## 6785                 we     6241    6241      1
## 6786           interest     6247    6248      2
## 6787              being     6250    6256      7
## 6788         experience     6258    6259      2
## 6789               past     6261    6262      2
## 6790          revisions     6266    6267      2
## 6791             tariff     6269    6270      2
## 6792         conditions     6275    6275      1
## 6793              panic     6276    6278      3
## 6794              world     6280    6282      3
## 6795                 it     6285    6285      1
## 6796          stability     6298    6299      2
## 6797             system     6301    6303      3
## 6798             system     6304    6306      3
## 6799            benefit     6308    6309      2
## 6800         obligation     6311    6311      1
## 6801            nations     6313    6314      2
## 6802        reciprocity     6316    6317      2
## 6803           incident     6319    6320      2
## 6804             result     6322    6322      1
## 6805      establishment     6324    6326      3
## 6806       preservation     6328    6328      1
## 6807             policy     6330    6333      4
## 6808                 It     6335    6335      1
## 6809                law     6341    6344      4
## 6810        Reciprocity     6347    6347      1
## 6811         handmaiden     6352    6353      2
## 6812         protection     6355    6355      1
## 6813               duty     6357    6359      3
## 6814         protection     6364    6365      2
## 6815             tariff     6368    6369      2
## 6816               case     6371    6372      2
## 6817                 it     6374    6374      1
## 6818        reciprocity     6381    6382      2
## 6819                 it     6389    6389      1
## 6820             injury     6395    6395      1
## 6821         industries     6397    6399      3
## 6822               this     6404    6404      1
## 6823               case     6411    6413      3
## 6824        application     6418    6419      2
## 6825             policy     6421    6423      3
## 6826              needs     6426    6429      4
## 6827               fact     6434    6436      3
## 6828             duties     6438    6439      2
## 6829              point     6445    6446      2
## 6830               that     6447    6447      1
## 6831         difference     6450    6451      2
## 6832               cost     6453    6455      3
## 6833              being     6460    6463      4
## 6834             worker     6465    6468      4
## 6835      consideration     6470    6472      3
## 6836             policy     6474    6476      3
## 6837        legislation     6478    6479      2
## 6838            proviso     6484    6485      2
## 6839         protection     6487    6489      3
## 6840              being     6492    6496      5
## 6841               home     6498    6498      1
## 6842          principle     6500    6501      2
## 6843        reciprocity     6503    6503      1
## 6844            support     6506    6508      3
## 6845             growth     6510    6512      3
## 6846              trade     6514    6516      3
## 6847            urgency     6518    6519      2
## 6848               need     6521    6522      2
## 6849            markets     6524    6525      2
## 6850             policy     6528    6530      3
## 6851            nations     6534    6535      2
## 6852           Whatever     6537    6537      1
## 6853                way     6544    6545      2
## 6854       restrictions     6547    6548      2
## 6855          customers     6553    6554      2
## 6856               whom     6556    6556      1
## 6857                 we     6557    6557      1
## 6858           products     6560    6562      3
## 6859                run     6564    6566      3
## 6860           products     6573    6575      3
## 6861                 us     6578    6578      1
## 6862          something     6579    6579      1
## 6863             return     6581    6581      1
## 6864            ability     6583    6584      2
## 6865           products     6587    6588      2
## 6866             tariff     6599    6600      2
## 6867                 us     6604    6604      1
## 6868               them     6608    6608      1
## 6869           products     6609    6610      2
## 6870              which     6611    6611      1
## 6871                 we     6612    6612      1
## 6872               harm     6616    6616      1
## 6873         industries     6618    6620      3
## 6874              labor     6622    6622      1
## 6875                use     6625    6626      2
## 6876              which     6628    6628      1
## 6877            benefit     6632    6633      2
## 6878                 us     6635    6635      1
## 6879                 It     6638    6638      1
## 6880                 we     6643    6643      1
## 6881              level     6646    6648      3
## 6882         prosperity     6650    6652      3
## 6883                 We     6654    6654      1
## 6884              point     6658    6659      2
## 6885        development     6661    6662      2
## 6886          interests     6664    6665      2
## 6887                 we     6667    6667      1
## 6888            markets     6674    6676      3
## 6889            surplus     6680    6683      4
## 6890              which     6685    6685      1
## 6891                 we     6686    6686      1
## 6892            markets     6689    6689      1
## 6893            markets     6694    6695      2
## 6894                 we     6696    6696      1
## 6895             duties     6699    6700      2
## 6896               case     6702    6703      2
## 6897               they     6705    6705      1
## 6898            purpose     6711    6712      2
## 6899         protection     6714    6714      1
## 6900               case     6718    6719      2
## 6901            article     6721    6722      2
## 6902               duty     6728    6729      2
## 6903            revenue     6735    6735      1
## 6904                 us     6739    6739      1
## 6905          something     6740    6740      1
## 6906           exchange     6744    6744      1
## 6907               what     6746    6746      1
## 6908                 we     6747    6747      1
## 6909          relations     6750    6752      3
## 6910            nations     6754    6755      2
## 6911              which     6756    6756      1
## 6912             course     6765    6766      2
## 6913          interests     6770    6772      3
## 6914               line     6775    6777      3
## 6915        development     6779    6779      1
## 6916             policy     6781    6782      2
## 6917        reciprocity     6784    6784      1
## 6918         connection     6788    6788      1
## 6919              those     6790    6790      1
## 6920        productions     6792    6793      2
## 6921              which     6794    6794      1
## 6922                all     6798    6798      1
## 6923            support     6800    6801      2
## 6924               them     6806    6806      1
## 6925              basis     6808    6810      3
## 6926             others     6814    6815      2
## 6927             causes     6823    6824      2
## 6928                 we     6825    6825      1
## 6929              reach     6828    6829      2
## 6930        competition     6831    6832      2
## 6931                  I     6835    6835      1
## 6932          attention     6837    6838      2
## 6933             Senate     6840    6841      2
## 6934           treaties     6843    6845      3
## 6935                 it     6848    6848      1
## 6936        predecessor     6850    6851      2
## 6937          condition     6854    6855      2
## 6938             marine     6857    6860      4
## 6939             action     6867    6869      3
## 6940           Congress     6871    6872      2
## 6941                 It     6874    6874      1
## 6942                 us     6878    6878      1
## 6943             Nation     6880    6881      2
## 6944             marine     6883    6885      3
## 6945         comparison     6891    6891      1
## 6946               that     6893    6893      1
## 6947            nations     6895    6896      2
## 6948              which     6897    6897      1
## 6949                 we     6898    6898      1
## 6950              forms     6901    6902      2
## 6951           business     6904    6904      1
## 6952                 We     6906    6906      1
## 6953         conditions     6912    6912      1
## 6954              which     6914    6914      1
## 6955            portion     6915    6918      4
## 6956           commerce     6920    6922      3
## 6957              ships     6926    6928      3
## 6958              state     6932    6933      2
## 6959             things     6935    6935      1
## 6960          interests     6943    6945      3
## 6961                 it     6948    6948      1
## 6962            benefit     6953    6953      1
## 6963                all     6955    6955      1
## 6964                who     6956    6956      1
## 6965      establishment     6960    6962      3
## 6966             market     6964    6966      3
## 6967           products     6968    6969      2
## 6968              force     6974    6976      3
## 6969               Navy     6978    6979      2
## 6970              Ships     6981    6981      1
## 6971          countries     6984    6986      3
## 6972          railroads     6989    6989      1
## 6973             points     6992    6994      3
## 6974              lines     6996    6997      2
## 6975          countries     7002    7004      3
## 6976              which     7006    7006      1
## 6977                 we     7007    7007      1
## 6978           dealings     7009    7009      1
## 6979            benefit     7014    7019      6
## 6980         standpoint     7022    7023      2
## 6981                 it     7024    7024      1
## 6982             States     7028    7030      3
## 6983              ships     7036    7037      2
## 6984            nations     7039    7040      2
## 6985       distribution     7042    7043      2
## 6986              goods     7045    7046      2
## 6987                 It     7048    7048      1
## 6988              goods     7055    7056      2
## 6989              ships     7058    7061      4
## 6990           shipping     7065    7067      3
## 6991      disadvantages     7070    7072      3
## 6992        competition     7076    7076      1
## 6993           shipping     7078    7079      2
## 6994          countries     7081    7082      2
## 6995         steamships     7086    7089      4
## 6996              speed     7092    7093      2
## 6997              knots     7095    7096      2
## 6998              ships     7104    7106      3
## 6999            vessels     7108    7109      2
## 7000           steamers     7111    7111      1
## 7001           carriers     7114    7115      2
## 7002           carriers     7117    7121      5
## 7003              speed     7123    7124      2
## 7004               fact     7129    7130      2
## 7005               cost     7132    7134      3
## 7006              ships     7137    7138      2
## 7007               case     7143    7144      2
## 7008              wages     7148    7149      2
## 7009           officers     7151    7152      2
## 7010             seamen     7154    7154      1
## 7011              those     7160    7160      1
## 7012           officers     7162    7163      2
## 7013             seamen     7165    7165      1
## 7014          countries     7167    7169      3
## 7015           standard     7173    7174      2
## 7016              ships     7178    7179      2
## 7017           standard     7184    7185      2
## 7018              ships     7189    7190      2
## 7019             rivals     7192    7194      3
## 7020         Government     7197    7198      2
## 7021             action     7201    7202      2
## 7022       inequalities     7206    7207      2
## 7023             marine     7209    7212      4
## 7024              ocean     7217    7218      2
## 7025                Act     7221    7222      2
## 7026              March     7224    7224      1
## 7027               gold     7233    7233      1
## 7028              money     7235    7237      3
## 7029             parity     7242    7243      2
## 7030              forms     7245    7246      2
## 7031              money     7248    7248      1
## 7032                use     7251    7251      1
## 7033                 us     7253    7253      1
## 7034              price     7264    7265      2
## 7035              bonds     7267    7269      3
## 7036             market     7271    7274      4
## 7037              price     7279    7280      2
## 7038        obligations     7282    7283      2
## 7039            nations     7286    7287      2
## 7040            tribute     7290    7292      3
## 7041             credit     7294    7296      3
## 7042                 it     7300    7300      1
## 7043                Law     7311    7314      4
## 7044            liberty     7316    7317      2
## 7045           exercise     7319    7321      3
## 7046           function     7323    7325      3
## 7047               need     7332    7332      1
## 7048         safeguards     7334    7335      2
## 7049          influence     7337    7339      3
## 7050             crises     7341    7342      2
## 7051             panics     7344    7345      2
## 7052           currency     7349    7350      2
## 7053            country     7352    7353      2
## 7054            demands     7359    7360      2
## 7055              trade     7362    7364      3
## 7056           commerce     7366    7366      1
## 7057        collections     7369    7370      2
## 7058             duties     7372    7372      1
## 7059            imports     7374    7374      1
## 7060              taxes     7376    7377      2
## 7061       expenditures     7381    7383      3
## 7062         Government     7385    7386      2
## 7063       expenditures     7391    7394      4
## 7064               care     7396    7398      3
## 7065           revenues     7405    7406      2
## 7066        possibility     7412    7413      2
## 7067            deficit     7415    7416      2
## 7068        contingency     7423    7425      3
## 7069              which     7431    7431      1
## 7070           revenues     7434    7435      2
## 7071              limit     7439    7440      2
## 7072              needs     7442    7444      3
## 7073             report     7447    7448      2
## 7074           Congress     7450    7451      2
## 7075          Secretary     7452    7453      2
## 7076           Treasury     7455    7456      2
## 7077          questions     7458    7460      3
## 7078             length     7462    7462      1
## 7079                  I     7465    7465      1
## 7080          attention     7467    7468      2
## 7081             report     7470    7471      2
## 7082    recommendations     7473    7473      1
## 7083                  I     7476    7476      1
## 7084          attention     7478    7479      2
## 7085               need     7481    7482      2
## 7086            economy     7484    7485      2
## 7087       expenditures     7487    7487      1
## 7088               fact     7489    7490      2
## 7089              needs     7492    7494      3
## 7090                 us     7496    7496      1
## 7091           whatever     7502    7502      1
## 7092              being     7507    7510      4
## 7093                 us     7514    7514      1
## 7094          resources     7519    7521      3
## 7095               each     7524    7524      1
## 7096                 us     7526    7526      1
## 7097          resources     7528    7530      3
## 7098          avoidance     7533    7534      2
## 7099           anything     7536    7536      1
## 7100        expenditure     7538    7541      4
## 7101          avoidance     7545    7545      1
## 7102              money     7548    7548      1
## 7103               what     7550    7550      1
## 7104                 we     7556    7556      1
## 7105             income     7559    7560      2
## 7106              point     7562    7563      2
## 7107              needs     7567    7568      2
## 7108               that     7569    7569      1
## 7109            measure     7576    7577      2
## 7110         regulation     7581    7582      2
## 7111           railways     7584    7585      2
## 7112                Act     7590    7593      4
## 7113         provisions     7595    7597      3
## 7114                act     7599    7600      2
## 7115              rates     7603    7604      2
## 7116           shippers     7612    7613      2
## 7117         localities     7615    7615      1
## 7118        commodities     7618    7618      1
## 7119          treatment     7622    7623      2
## 7120         commission     7625    7626      2
## 7121               what     7632    7632      1
## 7122             powers     7637    7639      3
## 7123         provisions     7642    7643      2
## 7124                act     7645    7646      2
## 7125                law     7648    7649      2
## 7126         experiment     7652    7653      2
## 7127         Experience     7655    7655      1
## 7128             wisdom     7658    7659      2
## 7129           purposes     7661    7662      2
## 7130               some     7671    7671      1
## 7131       requirements     7673    7674      2
## 7132              means     7680    7681      2
## 7133        enforcement     7684    7685      2
## 7134         provisions     7687    7688      2
## 7135              Those     7692    7692      1
## 7136                who     7693    7693      1
## 7137         management     7696    7697      2
## 7138             allege     7699    7701      3
## 7139              rates     7703    7704      2
## 7140            rebates     7710    7710      1
## 7141            devices     7712    7713      2
## 7142        preferences     7720    7721      2
## 7143              favor     7725    7725      1
## 7144            shipper     7727    7729      3
## 7145               they     7732    7732      1
## 7146           business     7736    7736      1
## 7147         competitor     7737    7739      3
## 7148              rates     7743    7744      2
## 7149             others     7749    7750      2
## 7150        preferences     7756    7757      2
## 7151         localities     7762    7763      2
## 7152        commodities     7765    7765      1
## 7153               hand     7768    7770      3
## 7154           railways     7772    7773      2
## 7155                law     7776    7777      2
## 7156              terms     7779    7781      3
## 7157          practices     7787    7789      3
## 7158           carriers     7791    7792      2
## 7159              right     7794    7795      2
## 7160             action     7797    7798      2
## 7161              which     7799    7799      1
## 7162               they     7800    7800      1
## 7163              rates     7808    7811      4
## 7164                act     7814    7815      2
## 7165            railway     7820    7821      2
## 7166            servant     7823    7825      3
## 7167              rates     7827    7828      2
## 7168           shippers     7836    7837      2
## 7169         Government     7840    7841      2
## 7170                 it     7845    7845      1
## 7171       jurisdiction     7848    7849      2
## 7172               this     7850    7850      1
## 7173             remedy     7856    7863      8
## 7174                end     7865    7866      2
## 7175               time     7869    7871      3
## 7176                 it     7872    7872      1
## 7177           railways     7878    7879      2
## 7178           arteries     7881    7882      2
## 7179              which     7884    7884      1
## 7180          lifeblood     7885    7887      3
## 7181             Nation     7889    7890      2
## 7182            Nothing     7893    7893      1
## 7183          enactment     7899    7900      2
## 7184        legislation     7902    7902      1
## 7185              which     7903    7903      1
## 7186        development     7908    7909      2
## 7187          operation     7911    7911      1
## 7188           agencies     7913    7915      3
## 7189            subject     7917    7918      2
## 7190         importance     7922    7923      2
## 7191          attention     7927    7929      3
## 7192           Congress     7931    7932      2
## 7193         Department     7935    7936      2
## 7194        Agriculture     7938    7938      1
## 7195              years     7940    7943      4
## 7196               work     7947    7948      2
## 7197              lines     7950    7951      2
## 7198            results     7956    7956      1
## 7199              value     7958    7959      2
## 7200              trade     7962    7965      4
## 7201                 It     7967    7967      1
## 7202             fields     7971    7972      2
## 7203                 it     7974    7974      1
## 7204              touch     7978    7978      1
## 7205           sections     7980    7981      2
## 7206            country     7983    7984      2
## 7207             groups     7989    7991      3
## 7208               that     7992    7992      1
## 7209       jurisdiction     7997    7998      2
## 7210             people     8000    8001      2
## 7211        agriculture     8005    8005      1
## 7212         livelihood     8007    8008      2
## 7213                 It     8010    8010      1
## 7214              world     8013    8014      2
## 7215             grains     8016    8016      1
## 7216            grasses     8018    8018      1
## 7217             fruits     8020    8020      1
## 7218         vegetables     8023    8023      1
## 7219       introduction     8027    8027      1
## 7220         localities     8029    8029      1
## 7221             States     8031    8033      3
## 7222        Territories     8035    8035      1
## 7223               they     8037    8037      1
## 7224          resources     8042    8043      2
## 7225          attention     8046    8047      2
## 7226             survey     8049    8050      2
## 7227              crops     8052    8054      3
## 7228           breeding     8057    8057      1
## 7229          varieties     8059    8060      2
## 7230             plants     8062    8062      1
## 7231          shipments     8065    8066      2
## 7232           industry     8069    8070      2
## 7233          chemistry     8072    8073      2
## 7234                aid     8075    8077      3
## 7235          interests     8081    8087      7
## 7236           products     8089    8090      2
## 7237               farm     8092    8093      2
## 7238              place     8096    8098      3
## 7239              trade     8100    8102      3
## 7240               year     8104    8105      2
## 7241               that     8106    8106      1
## 7242            opinion     8112    8113      2
## 7243             States     8115    8117      3
## 7244       appreciation     8122    8124      3
## 7245              value     8126    8127      2
## 7246            forests     8129    8129      1
## 7247             growth     8135    8136      2
## 7248               part     8138    8140      3
## 7249               them     8143    8143      1
## 7250           creation     8145    8146      2
## 7251        maintenance     8148    8148      1
## 7252             wealth     8150    8152      3
## 7253         protection     8163    8165      3
## 7254         withdrawal     8169    8170      2
## 7255          resources     8172    8173      2
## 7256               wood     8177    8177      1
## 7257              water     8179    8179      1
## 7258              grass     8182    8182      1
## 7259              share     8186    8188      3
## 7260            welfare     8190    8191      2
## 7261             people     8193    8194      2
## 7262           contrary     8199    8200      2
## 7263          assurance     8203    8204      2
## 7264           supplies     8206    8210      5
## 7265               idea     8212    8214      3
## 7266           forestry     8216    8216      1
## 7267       perpetuation     8218    8219      2
## 7268            forests     8221    8221      1
## 7269                use     8223    8223      1
## 7270         protection     8225    8226      2
## 7271                end     8229    8230      2
## 7272             itself     8232    8232      1
## 7273                 it     8234    8234      1
## 7274              means     8236    8237      2
## 7275          resources     8242    8243      2
## 7276            country     8245    8246      2
## 7277         industries     8248    8249      2
## 7278              which     8250    8250      1
## 7279               them     8253    8253      1
## 7280       preservation     8255    8256      2
## 7281            forests     8258    8259      2
## 7282          necessity     8261    8264      4
## 7283                 We     8266    8266      1
## 7284           whatever     8273    8273      1
## 7285             forest     8275    8276      2
## 7286                way     8281    8281      1
## 7287        agriculture     8283    8283      1
## 7288               well     8286    8287      2
## 7289         usefulness     8291    8293      3
## 7290           reserves     8295    8298      4
## 7291             mining     8300    8301      2
## 7292            grazing     8303    8303      1
## 7293         irrigation     8305    8305      1
## 7294          interests     8308    8309      2
## 7295            regions     8311    8312      2
## 7296              which     8314    8314      1
## 7297           reserves     8315    8316      2
## 7298             demand     8321    8323      3
## 7299             people     8325    8326      2
## 7300               West     8328    8329      2
## 7301         protection     8331    8332      2
## 7302          extension     8334    8334      1
## 7303           reserves     8336    8338      3
## 7304                use     8343    8345      3
## 7305             future     8347    8348      2
## 7306               past     8351    8352      2
## 7307          Additions     8354    8354      1
## 7308               them     8359    8359      1
## 7309         usefulness     8364    8365      2
## 7310         management     8370    8375      6
## 7311         protection     8380    8381      2
## 7312           reserves     8383    8385      3
## 7313             Office     8388    8391      4
## 7314            mapping     8393    8394      2
## 7315        description     8396    8396      1
## 7316             timber     8398    8399      2
## 7317             Survey     8401    8405      5
## 7318        preparation     8408    8409      2
## 7319              plans     8411    8411      1
## 7320                use     8413    8415      3
## 7321             Bureau     8417    8418      2
## 7322           Forestry     8420    8420      1
## 7323              which     8422    8422      1
## 7324        advancement     8427    8429      3
## 7325           forestry     8431    8432      2
## 7326             States     8434    8436      3
## 7327          functions     8438    8440      3
## 7328             Bureau     8445    8446      2
## 7329           Forestry     8448    8448      1
## 7330              which     8451    8451      1
## 7331               they     8452    8452      1
## 7332          diffusion     8456    8458      3
## 7333     responsibility     8460    8460      1
## 7334         standpoint     8464    8465      2
## 7335                 It     8467    8467      1
## 7336                 co     8470    8471      2
## 7337                  -     8472    8472      1
## 7338          operation     8473    8473      1
## 7339         Government     8475    8476      2
## 7340                men     8478    8479      2
## 7341                who     8480    8480      1
## 7342          resources     8482    8483      2
## 7343           reserves     8485    8486      2
## 7344              which     8489    8489      1
## 7345          interests     8490    8491      2
## 7346               both     8493    8493      1
## 7347            bureaus     8497    8499      3
## 7348         Department     8505    8506      2
## 7349        Agriculture     8508    8508      1
## 7350          President     8510    8511      2
## 7351                law     8515    8515      1
## 7352              power     8516    8517      2
## 7353              lands     8520    8520      1
## 7354                use     8522    8522      1
## 7355           reserves     8524    8525      2
## 7356         Department     8527    8528      2
## 7357        Agriculture     8530    8530      1
## 7358                 He     8532    8532      1
## 7359              power     8535    8536      2
## 7360               case     8538    8539      2
## 7361              lands     8541    8541      1
## 7362        Departments     8544    8545      2
## 7363                War     8547    8547      1
## 7364               Navy     8549    8550      2
## 7365     administration     8553    8555      3
## 7366           reserves     8557    8559      3
## 7367          interests     8566    8567      2
## 7368              which     8568    8568      1
## 7369              water     8571    8571      1
## 7370              those     8574    8574      1
## 7371              which     8575    8575      1
## 7372               wood     8578    8578      1
## 7373              grass     8580    8580      1
## 7374             supply     8582    8584      3
## 7375             itself     8585    8585      1
## 7376             forest     8588    8589      2
## 7377             region     8592    8594      3
## 7378                 it     8595    8595      1
## 7379              water     8597    8597      1
## 7380               land     8600    8600      1
## 7381              which     8602    8602      1
## 7382         production     8604    8604      1
## 7383               half     8606    8608      3
## 7384             States     8610    8612      3
## 7385         population     8615    8616      2
## 7386               that     8619    8619      1
## 7387            country     8621    8623      3
## 7388                day     8626    8626      1
## 7389             waters     8628    8629      2
## 7390               that     8630    8630      1
## 7391              waste     8634    8634      1
## 7392         irrigation     8640    8640      1
## 7393           problems     8642    8646      5
## 7394          questions     8649    8653      5
## 7395             States     8655    8657      3
## 7396           reserves     8662    8664      3
## 7397          preserves     8669    8669      1
## 7398          creatures     8671    8674      4
## 7399                All     8676    8676      1
## 7400           reserves     8678    8679      2
## 7401              fires     8685    8685      1
## 7402               them     8689    8689      1
## 7403         protection     8691    8692      2
## 7404             injury     8695    8697      3
## 7405              stock     8700    8701      2
## 7406              sheep     8706    8706      1
## 7407           increase     8708    8709      2
## 7408               deer     8711    8711      1
## 7409                elk     8713    8713      1
## 7410            animals     8716    8717      2
## 7411               Park     8719    8721      3
## 7412               what     8723    8723      1
## 7413            forests     8728    8730      3
## 7414                law     8735    8735      1
## 7415               Some     8740    8740      1
## 7416              areas     8742    8743      2
## 7417         vegetation     8749    8750      2
## 7418              birds     8754    8757      4
## 7419             grouse     8760    8760      1
## 7420              quail     8762    8762      1
## 7421            mammals     8765    8766      2
## 7422               deer     8769    8769      1
## 7423               time     8779    8781      3
## 7424           capacity     8782    8786      5
## 7425            surface     8788    8789      2
## 7426             floods     8798    8798      1
## 7427              times     8800    8800      1
## 7428               rain     8802    8802      1
## 7429               flow     8805    8806      2
## 7430            streams     8808    8808      1
## 7431              rains     8810    8810      1
## 7432              cases     8814    8814      1
## 7433         conditions     8816    8817      2
## 7434              years     8822    8824      3
## 7435         vegetation     8826    8826      1
## 7436             ground     8830    8831      2
## 7437              birds     8833    8833      1
## 7438               deer     8835    8835      1
## 7439           hundreds     8841    8841      1
## 7440            persons     8843    8843      1
## 7441       neighborhood     8847    8849      3
## 7442          privilege     8856    8857      2
## 7443            camping     8859    8859      1
## 7444           reserves     8865    8867      3
## 7445         protection     8870    8871      2
## 7446              fauna     8873    8875      3
## 7447              flora     8877    8877      1
## 7448             refuge     8882    8882      1
## 7449            animals     8884    8888      5
## 7450              kinds     8890    8892      3
## 7451            numbers     8899    8903      5
## 7452                men     8905    8905      1
## 7453              women     8907    8907      1
## 7454                who     8908    8908      1
## 7455               rest     8913    8913      1
## 7456             health     8915    8915      1
## 7457         recreation     8918    8918      1
## 7458            forests     8920    8922      3
## 7459            meadows     8924    8927      4
## 7460          mountains     8929    8930      2
## 7461           reserves     8932    8934      3
## 7462                use     8941    8942      2
## 7463            benefit     8944    8944      1
## 7464             people     8946    8947      2
## 7465              whole     8949    8950      2
## 7466              greed     8955    8957      3
## 7467            forests     8963    8964      2
## 7468         reservoirs     8966    8967      2
## 7469            streams     8971    8972      2
## 7470              flood     8974    8974      1
## 7471               them     8977    8977      1
## 7472            drought     8979    8979      1
## 7473               they     8980    8980      1
## 7474                use     8983    8984      2
## 7475             waters     8986    8986      1
## 7476               They     8990    8990      1
## 7477               soil     8992    8993      2
## 7478            washing     8995    8995      1
## 7479         reservoirs     9000    9002      3
## 7480               silt     9007    9007      1
## 7481       conservation     9009    9010      2
## 7482          condition     9013    9015      3
## 7483       conservation     9017    9018      2
## 7484            forests     9021    9022      2
## 7485             waters     9033    9034      2
## 7486             region     9036    9038      3
## 7487              works     9040    9042      3
## 7488               flow     9047    9048      2
## 7489            streams     9050    9050      1
## 7490             waters     9054    9056      3
## 7491       construction     9058    9059      2
## 7492        undertaking     9066    9067      2
## 7493             effort     9071    9072      2
## 7494                 it     9076    9076      1
## 7495             States     9081    9083      3
## 7496           problems     9087    9091      5
## 7497          resources     9096    9097      2
## 7498             States     9099    9100      2
## 7499                 It     9106    9106      1
## 7500           function     9109    9111      3
## 7501               some     9116    9116      1
## 7502           features     9118    9119      2
## 7503                 It     9121    9121      1
## 7504         Government     9126    9128      3
## 7505            streams     9131    9132      2
## 7506             rivers     9134    9134      1
## 7507             region     9136    9138      3
## 7508              works     9141    9142      2
## 7509            storage     9144    9145      2
## 7510             region     9155    9157      3
## 7511              works     9159    9160      2
## 7512               kind     9162    9163      2
## 7513            storing     9165    9166      2
## 7514             floods     9168    9169      2
## 7515         reservoirs     9171    9171      1
## 7516         headwaters     9173    9174      2
## 7517             rivers     9176    9177      2
## 7518        enlargement     9180    9181      2
## 7519             policy     9183    9185      3
## 7520            control     9187    9188      2
## 7521              which     9191    9191      1
## 7522             levees     9192    9192      1
## 7523            reaches     9196    9198      3
## 7524            streams     9200    9202      3
## 7525         Government     9205    9206      2
## 7526         reservoirs     9211    9212      2
## 7527                 it     9214    9214      1
## 7528              works     9216    9218      3
## 7529            purpose     9221    9222      2
## 7530               flow     9226    9227      2
## 7531            streams     9229    9229      1
## 7532              water     9231    9232      2
## 7533           channels     9238    9239      2
## 7534             season     9241    9243      3
## 7535             course     9246    9248      3
## 7536               laws     9250    9252      3
## 7537               flow     9254    9256      3
## 7538        reclamation     9259    9260      2
## 7539              lands     9262    9266      5
## 7540            problem     9268    9270      3
## 7541                 it     9273    9273      1
## 7542               flow     9279    9280      2
## 7543            streams     9282    9282      1
## 7544             object     9284    9285      2
## 7545         Government     9287    9288      2
## 7546               land     9293    9294      2
## 7547           settlers     9296    9296      1
## 7548                who     9297    9297      1
## 7549              homes     9300    9300      1
## 7550                 it     9302    9302      1
## 7551              water     9306    9308      3
## 7552              reach     9313    9314      2
## 7553           settlers     9317    9319      3
## 7554             domain     9321    9324      4
## 7555              homes     9326    9327      2
## 7556            streams     9329    9329      1
## 7557              which     9331    9331      1
## 7558               they     9332    9332      1
## 7559         themselves     9334    9334      1
## 7560              water     9336    9337      2
## 7561           holdings     9340    9341      2
## 7562      opportunities     9343    9344      2
## 7563              areas     9354    9355      2
## 7564               land     9357    9358      2
## 7565              which     9359    9359      1
## 7566         settlement     9365    9366      2
## 7567         reservoirs     9371    9371      1
## 7568             canals     9373    9376      4
## 7569         enterprise     9379    9380      2
## 7570         Government     9389    9391      3
## 7571              lands     9393    9394      2
## 7572               them     9397    9397      1
## 7573         Government     9402    9403      2
## 7574           settlers     9405    9406      2
## 7575               cost     9409    9410      2
## 7576       construction     9412    9412      1
## 7577               land     9421    9422      2
## 7578       distribution     9425    9426      2
## 7579              water     9428    9429      2
## 7580           division     9431    9432      2
## 7581            streams     9434    9435      2
## 7582         irrigators     9437    9437      1
## 7583           settlers     9443    9444      2
## 7584         themselves     9445    9445      1
## 7585         conformity     9447    9447      1
## 7586               laws     9449    9450      2
## 7587       interference     9453    9453      1
## 7588               laws     9455    9456      2
## 7589             fights     9459    9460      2
## 7590             policy     9462    9463      2
## 7591         Government     9465    9467      3
## 7592         irrigation     9472    9472      1
## 7593             States     9474    9476      3
## 7594        Territories     9478    9478      1
## 7595             manner     9480    9481      2
## 7596             people     9485    9486      2
## 7597        communities     9488    9490      3
## 7598         themselves     9493    9493      1
## 7599            reforms     9499    9500      2
## 7600               laws     9502    9504      3
## 7601        regulations     9506    9506      1
## 7602         irrigation     9508    9508      1
## 7603        reclamation     9511    9512      2
## 7604         settlement     9514    9514      1
## 7605              lands     9516    9518      3
## 7606            portion     9521    9522      2
## 7607            country     9524    9525      2
## 7608         settlement     9529    9530      2
## 7609            valleys     9532    9536      5
## 7610         prosperity     9538    9538      1
## 7611             States     9540    9542      3
## 7612             demand     9544    9546      3
## 7613           articles     9548    9549      2
## 7614         production     9552    9553      2
## 7615            markets     9556    9558      3
## 7616              trade     9560    9561      2
## 7617               Asia     9563    9563      1
## 7618           supplies     9566    9569      4
## 7619        competition     9573    9574      2
## 7620        agriculture     9576    9577      2
## 7621           products     9581    9582      2
## 7622         irrigation     9584    9584      1
## 7623            centers     9590    9592      3
## 7624         industries     9594    9597      4
## 7625              which     9599    9599      1
## 7626          existence     9605    9605      1
## 7627             people     9609    9610      2
## 7628              whole     9612    9613      2
## 7629             making     9618    9621      4
## 7630               name     9624    9625      2
## 7631         upbuilding     9627    9628      2
## 7632             nation     9630    9631      2
## 7633         foundation     9634    9636      3
## 7634       inauguration     9642    9643      2
## 7635             policy     9645    9646      2
## 7636                 It     9650    9650      1
## 7637               deal     9662    9664      3
## 7638               what     9673    9673      1
## 7639               what     9676    9676      1
## 7640            efforts     9684    9686      3
## 7641              which     9688    9688      1
## 7642          necessity     9691    9691      1
## 7643          character     9696    9696      1
## 7644          beginning     9699    9701      3
## 7645         Government     9702    9703      2
## 7646             shadow     9709    9709      1
## 7647              doubt     9711    9711      1
## 7648          intention     9713    9714      2
## 7649             policy     9717    9718      2
## 7650              lines     9720    9720      1
## 7651           interest     9722    9725      4
## 7652          reservoir     9727    9728      2
## 7653              canal     9730    9730      1
## 7654          interests     9737    9741      5
## 7655         accordance     9746    9746      1
## 7656             advice     9748    9749      2
## 7657            experts     9751    9752      2
## 7658      investigation     9755    9756      2
## 7659           locality     9759    9760      2
## 7660         conditions     9762    9764      3
## 7661               work     9768    9769      2
## 7662         usefulness     9775    9777      3
## 7663          community     9779    9780      2
## 7664              whole     9782    9783      2
## 7665       extravagance     9788    9789      2
## 7666          believers     9792    9793      2
## 7667               need     9795    9796      2
## 7668         irrigation     9798    9798      1
## 7669              cause     9802    9803      2
## 7670                 it     9807    9807      1
## 7671                 it     9809    9809      1
## 7672              taint     9813    9815      3
## 7673        expenditure     9817    9820      4
## 7674             moneys     9822    9824      3
## 7675           Whatever     9827    9827      1
## 7676             nation     9828    9829      2
## 7677          extension     9832    9833      2
## 7678         irrigation     9835    9835      1
## 7679          condition     9845    9846      2
## 7680              those     9848    9848      1
## 7681               land     9852    9853      2
## 7682                 We     9855    9855      1
## 7683              point     9859    9861      3
## 7684        development     9863    9864      2
## 7685           millions     9866    9869      4
## 7686            capital     9871    9872      2
## 7687       construction     9878    9879      2
## 7688              works     9881    9882      2
## 7689              acres     9885    9887      3
## 7690               land     9889    9890      2
## 7691             degree     9893    9895      3
## 7692         enterprise     9897    9897      1
## 7693            ability     9899    9899      1
## 7694               work     9904    9905      2
## 7695             itself     9906    9906      1
## 7696          reference     9916    9916      1
## 7697               laws     9918    9919      2
## 7698            thereto     9921    9921      1
## 7699           security     9923    9924      2
## 7700              value     9926    9926      1
## 7701              homes     9928    9929      2
## 7702          stability     9934    9935      2
## 7703             titles     9937    9937      1
## 7704              water     9939    9939      1
## 7705           majority     9942    9943      2
## 7706               rest     9945    9946      2
## 7707         foundation     9948    9950      3
## 7708          decisions     9952    9953      2
## 7709              suits     9956    9957      2
## 7710                law     9959    9959      1
## 7711         exceptions     9962    9965      4
## 7712             States     9967    9969      3
## 7713           division     9975    9979      5
## 7714            streams     9981    9981      1
## 7715              times     9983    9983      1
## 7716           scarcity     9985    9985      1
## 7717                Lax     9987    9987      1
## 7718               laws     9990    9990      1
## 7719                 it     9993    9993      1
## 7720             rights     9997    9997      1
## 7721              water     9999    9999      1
## 7722             excess    10001   10001      1
## 7723               uses    10003   10004      2
## 7724        necessities    10006   10006      1
## 7725            streams    10009   10010      2
## 7726          ownership    10015   10016      2
## 7727            control    10019   10020      2
## 7728          ownership    10023   10023      1
## 7729            Whoever    10026   10026      1
## 7730             stream    10028   10029      2
## 7731               land    10032   10033      2
## 7732                 it    10034   10034      1
## 7733           doctrine    10039   10040      2
## 7734          ownership    10042   10043      2
## 7735              water    10045   10045      1
## 7736               land    10048   10048      1
## 7737              wrong    10054   10055      2
## 7738        recognition    10057   10058      2
## 7739          ownership    10060   10061      2
## 7740              which    10063   10063      1
## 7741            regions    10071   10073      3
## 7742                way    10077   10077      1
## 7743        recognition    10079   10084      6
## 7744             rights    10086   10087      2
## 7745             public    10089   10090      2
## 7746            control    10092   10093      2
## 7747           disposal    10095   10095      1
## 7748           supplies    10097   10100      4
## 7749               Laws    10102   10102      1
## 7750         conditions    10105   10105      1
## 7751            regions    10108   10109      2
## 7752              water    10112   10112      1
## 7753                 it    10119   10119      1
## 7754        application    10122   10124      3
## 7755            country    10126   10128      3
## 7756             States    10132   10134      3
## 7757              right    10135   10137      3
## 7758              water    10139   10139      1
## 7759              which    10140   10140      1
## 7760               that    10145   10145      1
## 7761                use    10147   10147      1
## 7762         irrigation    10150   10150      1
## 7763              right    10151   10152      2
## 7764               land    10156   10157      2
## 7765          therefrom    10161   10162      2
## 7766             rights    10165   10167      3
## 7767             others    10169   10169      1
## 7768              users    10171   10171      1
## 7769       compensation    10174   10174      1
## 7770             public    10176   10177      2
## 7771         objections    10182   10184      3
## 7772              which    10185   10185      1
## 7773         franchises    10190   10191      2
## 7774          utilities    10193   10195      3
## 7775             cities    10197   10197      1
## 7776             States    10202   10204      3
## 7777               this    10208   10208      1
## 7778      constitutions    10214   10215      2
## 7779           doctrine    10216   10217      2
## 7780          ownership    10219   10221      3
## 7781              water    10223   10223      1
## 7782           benefits    10226   10227      2
## 7783              which    10228   10228      1
## 7784        development    10231   10233      3
## 7785               past    10235   10236      2
## 7786                aid    10238   10241      4
## 7787                 co    10243   10243      1
## 7788                  -    10244   10244      1
## 7789          operation    10245   10245      1
## 7790               work    10247   10252      6
## 7791               Laws    10258   10258      1
## 7792              homes    10262   10262      1
## 7793              those    10264   10264      1
## 7794              which    10265   10265      1
## 7795             supply    10267   10269      3
## 7796               they    10275   10275      1
## 7797           sanction    10277   10278      2
## 7798         irrigators    10280   10281      2
## 7799            reforms    10283   10283      1
## 7800               they    10291   10291      1
## 7801      enlightenment    10294   10295      2
## 7802             people    10297   10298      2
## 7803        development    10302   10304      3
## 7804              which    10305   10305      1
## 7805               arid    10315   10316      2
## 7806              State    10317   10317      1
## 7807      determination    10318   10319      2
## 7808             system    10322   10324      3
## 7809            justice    10327   10327      1
## 7810      effectiveness    10329   10329      1
## 7811               that    10330   10330      1
## 7812            country    10332   10333      2
## 7813              world    10335   10337      3
## 7814            Nothing    10339   10339      1
## 7815        communities    10346   10347      2
## 7816         everything    10352   10352      1
## 7817               what    10359   10359      1
## 7818                 We    10365   10365      1
## 7819           question    10369   10373      5
## 7820              years    10376   10378      3
## 7821       institutions    10380   10380      1
## 7822               what    10385   10385      1
## 7823                 we    10386   10386      1
## 7824        generations    10390   10396      7
## 7825                aim    10399   10400      2
## 7826               area    10407   10409      3
## 7827               land    10411   10411      1
## 7828              homes    10414   10414      1
## 7829             number    10416   10418      3
## 7830             people    10420   10420      1
## 7831           industry    10426   10428      3
## 7832         conditions    10429   10435      7
## 7833               this    10438   10438      1
## 7834                 we    10441   10441      1
## 7835          situation    10445   10447      3
## 7836          ourselves    10451   10451      1
## 7837         experience    10453   10455      3
## 7838               time    10457   10458      2
## 7839           solution    10460   10461      2
## 7840           problems    10463   10464      2
## 7841              study    10466   10468      3
## 7842             Nation    10475   10476      2
## 7843             States    10478   10479      2
## 7844               laws    10482   10484      3
## 7845         conditions    10486   10486      1
## 7846                 it    10492   10492      1
## 7847             Nation    10498   10499      2
## 7848             States    10505   10508      4
## 7849         proportion    10510   10510      1
## 7850             States    10512   10513      2
## 7851        legislation    10515   10516      2
## 7852     administration    10518   10518      1
## 7853         themselves    10520   10520      1
## 7854                 it    10524   10524      1
## 7855             Hawaii    10528   10528      1
## 7856                aim    10529   10530      2
## 7857          Territory    10535   10536      2
## 7858              lines    10538   10541      4
## 7859                 We    10543   10543      1
## 7860             region    10547   10548      2
## 7861            estates    10550   10551      2
## 7862              labor    10554   10555      2
## 7863                 we    10557   10557      1
## 7864          community    10559   10562      4
## 7865                men    10564   10564      1
## 7866                who    10565   10565      1
## 7867         themselves    10566   10566      1
## 7868              farms    10568   10569      2
## 7869               they    10570   10570      1
## 7870        legislation    10573   10575      3
## 7871            islands    10577   10578      2
## 7872                end    10583   10584      2
## 7873               view    10586   10586      1
## 7874              being    10588   10591      4
## 7875              maker    10593   10597      5
## 7876               test    10600   10602      3
## 7877        development    10604   10606      3
## 7878            islands    10608   10609      2
## 7879             policy    10611   10613      3
## 7880             system    10622   10624      3
## 7881                 It    10627   10627      1
## 7882           pleasure    10629   10630      2
## 7883                 it    10634   10634      1
## 7884               Rico    10643   10644      2
## 7885              State    10648   10649      2
## 7886          Territory    10651   10651      1
## 7887             limits    10653   10655      3
## 7888             island    10657   10658      2
## 7889                 it    10666   10666      1
## 7890             people    10674   10675      2
## 7891            liberty    10679   10679      1
## 7892              order    10681   10681      1
## 7893         protection    10683   10684      2
## 7894             States    10686   10688      3
## 7895               fact    10692   10693      2
## 7896                 we    10694   10694      1
## 7897               them    10696   10696      1
## 7898          ourselves    10698   10698      1
## 7899            welfare    10700   10702      3
## 7900            welfare    10711   10712      2
## 7901            portion    10714   10716      3
## 7902            country    10718   10719      2
## 7903                 We    10721   10721      1
## 7904               them    10724   10724      1
## 7905               gift    10725   10727      3
## 7906             access    10729   10730      2
## 7907           products    10732   10733      2
## 7908            markets    10735   10736      2
## 7909             States    10738   10740      3
## 7910                  I    10742   10742      1
## 7911          attention    10744   10745      2
## 7912           Congress    10747   10748      2
## 7913               need    10750   10751      2
## 7914        legislation    10753   10753      1
## 7915              lands    10755   10757      3
## 7916               Rico    10759   10760      2
## 7917               Cuba    10764   10764      1
## 7918           progress    10765   10766      2
## 7919         government    10772   10774      3
## 7920             island    10776   10777      2
## 7921            footing    10779   10781      3
## 7922            session    10784   10786      3
## 7923           Congress    10788   10789      2
## 7924               this    10791   10791      1
## 7925               fact    10794   10796      3
## 7926               Cuba    10798   10798      1
## 7927           mistress    10803   10805      3
## 7928              Queen    10809   10811      3
## 7929           Antilles    10813   10814      2
## 7930                she    10817   10817      1
## 7931               page    10819   10821      3
## 7932            destiny    10823   10824      2
## 7933                 we    10826   10826      1
## 7934          greetings    10828   10830      3
## 7935             wishes    10832   10833      2
## 7936                  I    10836   10836      1
## 7937           question    10839   10840      2
## 7938        reciprocity    10842   10842      1
## 7939               case    10845   10846      2
## 7940               Cuba    10848   10848      1
## 7941            reasons    10854   10855      2
## 7942           morality    10857   10857      1
## 7943           interest    10860   10861      2
## 7944             policy    10863   10864      2
## 7945        application    10870   10872      3
## 7946                  I    10875   10875      1
## 7947          attention    10879   10880      2
## 7948             wisdom    10882   10883      2
## 7949               need    10887   10889      3
## 7950          reduction    10894   10896      3
## 7951             duties    10898   10900      3
## 7952            imports    10902   10903      2
## 7953             States    10905   10907      3
## 7954               Cuba    10909   10909      1
## 7955       constitution    10912   10913      2
## 7956               what    10915   10915      1
## 7957                 we    10916   10916      1
## 7958                she    10920   10920      1
## 7959            matters    10925   10926      2
## 7960          relations    10929   10933      5
## 7961                 us    10935   10935      1
## 7962              power    10938   10940      3
## 7963                 we    10943   10943      1
## 7964      consideration    10947   10948      2
## 7965              honor    10950   10950      1
## 7966         expediency    10952   10952      1
## 7967           measures    10955   10956      2
## 7968           interest    10958   10959      2
## 7969              being    10961   10965      5
## 7970        Philippines    10969   10970      2
## 7971            problem    10971   10972      2
## 7972               They    10976   10976      1
## 7973            islands    10978   10981      4
## 7974             tribes    10985   10987      3
## 7975             stages    10990   10992      3
## 7976           progress    10994   10994      1
## 7977       civilization    10996   10996      1
## 7978             effort    10998   11000      3
## 7979             people    11004   11005      2
## 7980               path    11011   11012      2
## 7981               that    11013   11013      1
## 7982         government    11016   11018      3
## 7983                 We    11020   11020      1
## 7984     administration    11024   11025      2
## 7985            islands    11027   11028      2
## 7986             Nation    11031   11032      2
## 7987                 it    11035   11035      1
## 7988            benefit    11037   11039      3
## 7989          Filipinos    11041   11042      2
## 7990         themselves    11043   11043      1
## 7991            earnest    11047   11048      2
## 7992               what    11050   11050      1
## 7993                 we    11051   11051      1
## 7994                 we    11056   11056      1
## 7995               what    11059   11059      1
## 7996                 we    11060   11060      1
## 7997            measure    11064   11067      4
## 7998         prosperity    11069   11070      2
## 7999            honesty    11073   11074      2
## 8000         efficiency    11076   11076      1
## 8001        Philippines    11081   11082      2
## 8002            history    11087   11088      2
## 8003                 It    11091   11091      1
## 8004               task    11093   11095      3
## 8005             nation    11097   11098      2
## 8006          qualities    11101   11103      3
## 8007              which    11105   11105      1
## 8008       institutions    11106   11107      2
## 8009         government    11109   11110      2
## 8010            mockery    11113   11115      3
## 8011             people    11117   11118      2
## 8012         themselves    11123   11123      1
## 8013              years    11127   11131      5
## 8014               they    11132   11132      1
## 8015         themselves    11137   11137      1
## 8016                end    11146   11147      2
## 8017               What    11149   11149      1
## 8018                 us    11152   11152      1
## 8019        generations    11153   11154      2
## 8020                 we    11158   11158      1
## 8021               race    11164   11165      2
## 8022               hand    11169   11169      1
## 8023           portions    11173   11174      2
## 8024               race    11176   11177      2
## 8025              point    11182   11183      2
## 8026              which    11184   11184      1
## 8027          ancestors    11185   11186      2
## 8028             people    11197   11199      3
## 8029                 we    11200   11200      1
## 8030           patience    11203   11204      2
## 8031           strength    11206   11206      1
## 8032        forbearance    11208   11208      1
## 8033         resolution    11210   11211      2
## 8034                aim    11213   11214      2
## 8035                 We    11218   11218      1
## 8036          islanders    11225   11226      2
## 8037               what    11228   11228      1
## 8038            peoples    11234   11235      2
## 8039        governments    11237   11241      5
## 8040                 We    11243   11243      1
## 8041               them    11248   11248      1
## 8042               what    11249   11249      1
## 8043             people    11256   11257      2
## 8044            tropics    11259   11260      2
## 8045               them    11264   11264      1
## 8046         government    11267   11269      3
## 8047            fashion    11271   11272      2
## 8048            nations    11274   11277      4
## 8049            History    11280   11280      1
## 8050           instance    11287   11289      3
## 8051              which    11291   11291      1
## 8052               race    11292   11294      3
## 8053               ours    11297   11297      1
## 8054         exigencies    11303   11304      2
## 8055                war    11306   11306      1
## 8056         possession    11309   11309      1
## 8057               land    11311   11313      3
## 8058        inhabitants    11318   11319      2
## 8059               zeal    11321   11323      3
## 8060           progress    11325   11326      2
## 8061             people    11328   11329      2
## 8062        Philippines    11333   11334      2
## 8063            islands    11338   11339      2
## 8064               time    11341   11342      2
## 8065               they    11346   11346      1
## 8066             welter    11350   11351      2
## 8067            anarchy    11353   11354      2
## 8068          desertion    11356   11357      2
## 8069               duty    11359   11359      1
## 8070               part    11361   11362      2
## 8071              crime    11365   11366      2
## 8072           humanity    11368   11368      1
## 8073          character    11370   11371      2
## 8074               Taft    11373   11374      2
## 8075         associates    11377   11378      2
## 8076       subordinates    11380   11380      1
## 8077              proof    11382   11383      2
## 8078          sincerity    11391   11392      2
## 8079             effort    11394   11395      2
## 8080          islanders    11398   11399      2
## 8081            measure    11400   11403      4
## 8082         government    11405   11407      3
## 8083               they    11413   11413      1
## 8084         themselves    11415   11415      1
## 8085                 it    11419   11419      1
## 8086         government    11422   11424      3
## 8087        appointment    11428   11429      2
## 8088            islands    11434   11435      2
## 8089          reference    11437   11438      2
## 8090     considerations    11440   11440      1
## 8091          influence    11442   11443      2
## 8092              aught    11447   11447      1
## 8093            fitness    11450   11451      2
## 8094                man    11453   11454      2
## 8095              needs    11456   11457      2
## 8096            service    11459   11460      2
## 8097            anxiety    11464   11465      2
## 8098            welfare    11467   11468      2
## 8099           progress    11470   11470      1
## 8100        Philippines    11472   11473      2
## 8101                 we    11481   11481      1
## 8102               them    11488   11488      1
## 8103         government    11489   11492      4
## 8104                 It    11494   11494      1
## 8105               side    11497   11498      2
## 8106              error    11500   11501      2
## 8107           observer    11510   11512      3
## 8108              facts    11519   11520      2
## 8109             desire    11525   11526      2
## 8110            welfare    11528   11529      2
## 8111            natives    11531   11532      2
## 8112                 we    11537   11537      1
## 8113                 We    11544   11544      1
## 8114              verge    11548   11550      3
## 8115             safety    11552   11552      1
## 8116          hastening    11554   11554      1
## 8117            process    11555   11556      2
## 8118               step    11561   11563      3
## 8119            advance    11568   11568      1
## 8120              crime    11581   11581      1
## 8121                 We    11583   11583      1
## 8122            natives    11588   11589      2
## 8123              power    11592   11593      2
## 8124         themselves    11596   11596      1
## 8125                 We    11598   11598      1
## 8126              sakes    11604   11605      2
## 8127                 it    11611   11611      1
## 8128                 us    11613   11613      1
## 8129             burden    11615   11617      3
## 8130               fear    11623   11625      3
## 8131                our    11627   11627      1
## 8132               them    11632   11632      1
## 8133            liberty    11633   11635      3
## 8134              which    11637   11637      1
## 8135               they    11638   11638      1
## 8136               fear    11643   11645      3
## 8137               test    11647   11647      1
## 8138        overanxiety    11649   11650      2
## 8139                 we    11651   11651      1
## 8140               them    11653   11653      1
## 8141             degree    11654   11655      2
## 8142       independence    11657   11657      1
## 8143              which    11659   11659      1
## 8144               they    11660   11660      1
## 8145           reaction    11666   11666      1
## 8146           disaster    11668   11668      1
## 8147               hope    11675   11677      3
## 8148           district    11680   11682      3
## 8149             people    11683   11684      2
## 8150         themselves    11687   11687      1
## 8151         government    11689   11691      3
## 8152           district    11696   11697      2
## 8153           locality    11702   11703      2
## 8154         government    11706   11708      3
## 8155              which    11709   11709      1
## 8156                 it    11713   11713      1
## 8157                 it    11716   11716      1
## 8158              cases    11722   11723      2
## 8159                 it    11724   11724      1
## 8160        inhabitants    11731   11732      2
## 8161         themselves    11734   11734      1
## 8162                 it    11738   11738      1
## 8163          instances    11740   11741      2
## 8164              words    11747   11748      2
## 8165             chance    11753   11755      3
## 8166             spirit    11761   11764      4
## 8167             danger    11766   11767      2
## 8168          direction    11770   11772      3
## 8169           troubles    11778   11778      1
## 8170            islands    11781   11782      2
## 8171       insurrection    11784   11785      2
## 8172             affair    11788   11789      2
## 8173           banditti    11791   11792      2
## 8174          marauders    11794   11794      1
## 8175                who    11796   11796      1
## 8176             regard    11798   11800      3
## 8177           brigands    11802   11803      2
## 8178           portions    11805   11805      1
## 8179              World    11807   11809      3
## 8180      Encouragement    11811   11811      1
## 8181       insurrectors    11818   11819      2
## 8182            footing    11822   11824      3
## 8183      encouragement    11826   11826      1
## 8184            Indians    11828   11829      2
## 8185               days    11831   11832      2
## 8186                 we    11834   11834      1
## 8187               wars    11837   11838      2
## 8188                aim    11842   11843      2
## 8189             Indian    11848   11849      2
## 8190                who    11850   11850      1
## 8191      consideration    11853   11857      5
## 8192                 it    11862   11862      1
## 8193                 we    11865   11865      1
## 8194           weakness    11868   11869      2
## 8195                 he    11871   11871      1
## 8196            warpath    11874   11875      2
## 8197                 we    11878   11878      1
## 8198                 it    11881   11881      1
## 8199                 we    11885   11885      1
## 8200         traditions    11889   11891      3
## 8201            demands    11894   11895      2
## 8202       civilization    11897   11897      1
## 8203           humanity    11899   11899      1
## 8204                 we    11903   11903      1
## 8205         everything    11906   11906      1
## 8206              power    11908   11909      2
## 8207           Filipino    11911   11912      2
## 8208                who    11913   11913      1
## 8209                 we    11917   11917      1
## 8210           measures    11920   11922      3
## 8211           Filipino    11924   11925      2
## 8212                who    11926   11926      1
## 8213               path    11928   11929      2
## 8214         insurrecto    11931   11932      2
## 8215            ladrone    11934   11935      2
## 8216             praise    11938   11940      3
## 8217            numbers    11944   11945      2
## 8218            natives    11947   11948      2
## 8219            islands    11950   11951      2
## 8220            loyalty    11953   11955      3
## 8221          Macabebes    11957   11958      2
## 8222            courage    11963   11964      2
## 8223           devotion    11966   11966      1
## 8224               flag    11968   11969      2
## 8225                  I    11971   11971      1
## 8226          Secretary    11974   11975      2
## 8227                War    11977   11977      1
## 8228             action    11982   11984      3
## 8229                way    11986   11987      2
## 8230              those    11990   11990      1
## 8231                men    11992   11993      2
## 8232                who    11994   11994      1
## 8233            service    11998   11999      2
## 8234           families    12001   12002      2
## 8235              those    12004   12004      1
## 8236                who    12005   12005      1
## 8237               time    12010   12011      2
## 8238        legislation    12018   12019      2
## 8239        Philippines    12021   12022      2
## 8240            Nothing    12024   12024      1
## 8241            islands    12030   12031      2
## 8242        enterprises    12035   12036      2
## 8243            Nothing    12038   12038      1
## 8244               them    12041   12041      1
## 8245               them    12046   12046      1
## 8246        development    12049   12050      2
## 8247         connection    12052   12053      2
## 8248           idleness    12055   12055      1
## 8249           mischief    12057   12057      1
## 8250        opportunity    12062   12063      2
## 8251               work    12066   12067      2
## 8252      preventatives    12071   12073      3
## 8253                war    12075   12075      1
## 8254                man    12079   12081      3
## 8255        Philippines    12085   12086      2
## 8256                 it    12088   12088      1
## 8257           interest    12091   12092      2
## 8258                 it    12098   12098      1
## 8259           interest    12102   12103      2
## 8260            islands    12105   12106      2
## 8261                 he    12108   12108      1
## 8262                 It    12113   12113      1
## 8263           Congress    12118   12119      2
## 8264               laws    12122   12122      1
## 8265              which    12124   12124      1
## 8266          resources    12125   12126      2
## 8267            islands    12128   12129      2
## 8268         franchises    12136   12136      1
## 8269              terms    12139   12140      2
## 8270              years    12142   12142      1
## 8271          companies    12148   12148      1
## 8272           business    12150   12150      1
## 8273               them    12152   12152      1
## 8274      encouragement    12155   12156      2
## 8275           incoming    12160   12161      2
## 8276                men    12163   12164      2
## 8277               kind    12166   12167      2
## 8278               this    12173   12173      1
## 8279              wrong    12177   12178      2
## 8280        Philippines    12180   12181      2
## 8281         franchises    12183   12184      2
## 8282           business    12189   12190      2
## 8283        regulations    12194   12194      1
## 8284              which    12195   12195      1
## 8285            islands    12198   12199      2
## 8286               kind    12201   12202      2
## 8287       exploitation    12204   12205      2
## 8288             wealth    12208   12211      4
## 8289            islands    12213   12214      2
## 8290            capital    12220   12221      2
## 8291                 it    12225   12225      1
## 8292        opportunity    12229   12230      2
## 8293              field    12232   12233      2
## 8294         enterprise    12239   12240      2
## 8295              which    12242   12242      1
## 8296             factor    12245   12247      3
## 8297        development    12249   12250      2
## 8298             region    12252   12253      2
## 8299              which    12255   12255      1
## 8300               flag    12256   12257      2
## 8301                 It    12261   12261      1
## 8302               laws    12267   12268      2
## 8303     transportation    12271   12272      2
## 8304             mining    12274   12274      1
## 8305            banking    12276   12276      1
## 8306           currency    12278   12278      1
## 8307         homesteads    12280   12280      1
## 8308                use    12283   12284      2
## 8309          ownership    12286   12286      1
## 8310              lands    12288   12289      2
## 8311             timber    12291   12291      1
## 8312               laws    12293   12294      2
## 8313               play    12297   12298      2
## 8314         enterprise    12300   12301      2
## 8315        development    12304   12306      3
## 8316              which    12307   12307      1
## 8317             people    12314   12315      2
## 8318            islands    12317   12318      2
## 8319             proofs    12319   12321      3
## 8320          sincerity    12323   12324      2
## 8321             desire    12326   12327      2
## 8322               them    12330   12330      1
## 8323                  I    12333   12333      1
## 8324          attention    12335   12336      2
## 8325               need    12340   12342      3
## 8326              cable    12344   12345      2
## 8327             Hawaii    12347   12347      1
## 8328        Philippines    12349   12350      2
## 8329        Philippines    12356   12357      2
## 8330               Asia    12361   12361      1
## 8331                 We    12363   12363      1
## 8332       construction    12372   12373      2
## 8333              cable    12375   12377      3
## 8334                 It    12379   12379      1
## 8335     considerations    12388   12391      4
## 8336           Congress    12395   12396      2
## 8337       construction    12401   12402      2
## 8338              cable    12404   12406      3
## 8339        arrangement    12410   12411      2
## 8340              which    12416   12416      1
## 8341         advantages    12418   12418      1
## 8342              those    12420   12420      1
## 8343              cable    12423   12425      3
## 8344         Government    12430   12431      2
## 8345           contract    12433   12433      1
## 8346            company    12435   12438      4
## 8347               work    12440   12445      6
## 8348              which    12446   12446      1
## 8349          continent    12452   12453      2
## 8350        consequence    12456   12457      2
## 8351             people    12459   12461      3
## 8352           building    12463   12464      2
## 8353              canal    12466   12467      2
## 8354            Isthmus    12469   12470      2
## 8355            America    12472   12475      4
## 8356         importance    12477   12478      2
## 8357             Nation    12480   12481      2
## 8358              means    12484   12485      2
## 8359            effects    12489   12491      3
## 8360         prosperity    12493   12495      3
## 8361               view    12500   12500      1
## 8362            effects    12502   12503      2
## 8363                 it    12505   12505      1
## 8364             degree    12509   12511      3
## 8365                 us    12514   12514      1
## 8366                 it    12518   12518      1
## 8367            effects    12521   12523      3
## 8368              Coast    12530   12532      3
## 8369             States    12534   12539      6
## 8370                 it    12541   12541      1
## 8371           sections    12546   12547      2
## 8372                 It    12549   12549      1
## 8373               work    12552   12553      2
## 8374              which    12554   12554      1
## 8375                 it    12555   12555      1
## 8376           interest    12558   12559      2
## 8377            country    12561   12563      3
## 8378                 it    12573   12573      1
## 8379              works    12577   12579      3
## 8380              which    12580   12580      1
## 8381             nation    12581   12584      4
## 8382          prospects    12588   12588      1
## 8383            success    12590   12590      1
## 8384              which    12593   12593      1
## 8385             assets    12599   12600      2
## 8386          interests    12602   12606      5
## 8387            ability    12612   12614      3
## 8388                  I    12617   12617      1
## 8389                you    12626   12626      1
## 8390       negotiations    12628   12629      2
## 8391            subject    12631   12632      2
## 8392            Britain    12634   12635      2
## 8393              sides    12639   12640      2
## 8394             spirit    12642   12643      2
## 8395       friendliness    12645   12645      1
## 8396               will    12649   12649      1
## 8397             Senate    12662   12663      2
## 8398             treaty    12664   12665      2
## 8399              which    12666   12666      1
## 8400                 us    12671   12671      1
## 8401       preparations    12674   12674      1
## 8402              canal    12676   12678      3
## 8403               time    12680   12681      2
## 8404              which    12684   12684      1
## 8405             Nation    12687   12688      2
## 8406                 it    12692   12692      1
## 8407         connection    12697   12697      1
## 8408              canal    12699   12700      2
## 8409             treaty    12703   12704      2
## 8410             treaty    12706   12711      6
## 8411               base    12720   12721      2
## 8412       construction    12723   12724      2
## 8413        maintenance    12726   12726      1
## 8414              canal    12728   12732      5
## 8415                 It    12737   12737      1
## 8416             States    12741   12743      3
## 8417               work    12747   12748      2
## 8418           building    12750   12750      1
## 8419     responsibility    12753   12754      2
## 8420              canal    12757   12758      2
## 8421                use    12762   12764      3
## 8422            nations    12766   12767      2
## 8423              terms    12769   12769      1
## 8424           equality    12771   12771      1
## 8425           guaranty    12773   12774      2
## 8426       interference    12776   12776      1
## 8427             nation    12778   12780      3
## 8428            quarter    12782   12783      2
## 8429             treaty    12785   12787      3
## 8430             Senate    12794   12795      2
## 8431           Congress    12800   12801      2
## 8432             effect    12807   12807      1
## 8433         advantages    12809   12810      2
## 8434                 it    12811   12811      1
## 8435                 us    12813   12813      1
## 8436           building    12817   12818      2
## 8437              canal    12820   12821      2
## 8438                end    12824   12826      3
## 8439             people    12828   12832      5
## 8440              peace    12835   12838      4
## 8441             Nation    12841   12842      2
## 8442         friendship    12846   12849      4
## 8443             others    12851   12852      2
## 8444              world    12855   12857      3
## 8445              years    12860   12861      2
## 8446               wars    12863   12863      1
## 8447             powers    12865   12868      4
## 8448               Wars    12876   12876      1
## 8449            peoples    12878   12883      6
## 8450           category    12886   12889      4
## 8451               duty    12893   12900      8
## 8452              which    12901   12901      1
## 8453               sake    12906   12907      2
## 8454            welfare    12909   12910      2
## 8455            mankind    12912   12912      1
## 8456              Peace    12914   12914      1
## 8457          certainty    12920   12920      1
## 8458              sides    12922   12923      2
## 8459                 it    12927   12927      1
## 8460            peoples    12930   12935      6
## 8461              folly    12938   12940      3
## 8462                war    12942   12942      1
## 8463          condition    12946   12947      2
## 8464             regard    12949   12952      4
## 8465             rights    12954   12955      2
## 8466             others    12957   12957      1
## 8467              which    12958   12958      1
## 8468                end    12961   12962      2
## 8469                 we    12965   12965      1
## 8470              peace    12971   12974      4
## 8471         conference    12977   12979      3
## 8472              Hague    12981   12982      2
## 8473         expression    12984   12985      2
## 8474               hope    12987   12988      2
## 8475             belief    12990   12990      1
## 8476             stride    12993   12994      2
## 8477         attainment    12996   12997      2
## 8478         conference    12999   13003      5
## 8479          statement    13006   13007      2
## 8480           Doctrine    13009   13011      3
## 8481           purposes    13015   13016      2
## 8482               aims    13018   13018      1
## 8483         conference    13020   13021      2
## 8484           Doctrine    13024   13026      3
## 8485            feature    13029   13031      3
## 8486             policy    13033   13035      3
## 8487            nations    13037   13039      3
## 8488           Americas    13041   13043      3
## 8489                 it    13046   13046      1
## 8490             States    13049   13051      3
## 8491              years    13053   13057      5
## 8492             Monroe    13061   13062      2
## 8493            Message    13064   13066      3
## 8494         continents    13070   13072      3
## 8495           subjects    13080   13080      1
## 8496       colonization    13082   13083      2
## 8497              power    13085   13087      3
## 8498              words    13091   13092      2
## 8499           Doctrine    13094   13096      3
## 8500        declaration    13098   13099      2
## 8501     aggrandizement    13104   13106      3
## 8502              power    13108   13112      5
## 8503            expense    13114   13115      2
## 8504              power    13117   13119      3
## 8505               soil    13121   13122      2
## 8506                 It    13124   13124      1
## 8507               wise    13127   13128      2
## 8508             nation    13133   13134      2
## 8509              World    13136   13138      3
## 8510                 it    13143   13143      1
## 8511              cover    13147   13147      1
## 8512         aggression    13149   13150      2
## 8513              power    13152   13155      4
## 8514            expense    13157   13158      2
## 8515                 It    13163   13163      1
## 8516               step    13166   13167      2
## 8517               step    13170   13172      3
## 8518              peace    13176   13178      3
## 8519              world    13180   13181      2
## 8520        possibility    13184   13185      2
## 8521              peace    13187   13188      2
## 8522         hemisphere    13190   13191      2
## 8523            century    13195   13197      3
## 8524         influences    13198   13199      2
## 8525         permanence    13202   13203      2
## 8526       independence    13205   13205      1
## 8527             states    13207   13209      3
## 8528             Europe    13211   13211      1
## 8529           Doctrine    13214   13216      3
## 8530                 we    13217   13217      1
## 8531       independence    13225   13225      1
## 8532         permanence    13229   13229      1
## 8533            nations    13234   13237      4
## 8534           doctrine    13240   13241      2
## 8535            nothing    13243   13243      1
## 8536          relations    13247   13249      3
## 8537              power    13251   13253      3
## 8538                 it    13257   13257      1
## 8539              truth    13259   13259      1
## 8540               each    13261   13261      1
## 8541               them    13263   13263      1
## 8542                 it    13268   13268      1
## 8543              words    13272   13273      2
## 8544                 it    13275   13275      1
## 8545           guaranty    13278   13279      2
## 8546       independence    13281   13283      3
## 8547           Americas    13285   13286      2
## 8548                 We    13288   13288      1
## 8549           doctrine    13293   13294      2
## 8550           dealings    13296   13299      4
## 8551              state    13301   13304      4
## 8552                 We    13306   13306      1
## 8553              state    13310   13311      2
## 8554         punishment    13313   13313      1
## 8555                 it    13315   13315      1
## 8556             itself    13317   13317      1
## 8557         punishment    13320   13321      2
## 8558               form    13325   13326      2
## 8559        acquisition    13328   13329      2
## 8560          territory    13331   13331      1
## 8561              power    13333   13337      5
## 8562           attitude    13340   13341      2
## 8563               Cuba    13343   13343      1
## 8564           guaranty    13345   13347      3
## 8565              faith    13349   13352      4
## 8566                 We    13354   13354      1
## 8567             desire    13356   13359      4
## 8568          territory    13362   13363      2
## 8569            expense    13365   13366      2
## 8570                any    13368   13368      1
## 8571          neighbors    13370   13371      2
## 8572                 We    13373   13373      1
## 8573               them    13378   13378      1
## 8574               hand    13381   13381      1
## 8575                all    13385   13385      1
## 8576                 us    13387   13387      1
## 8577                 we    13394   13394      1
## 8578            fortune    13397   13399      3
## 8579                any    13401   13401      1
## 8580               them    13403   13403      1
## 8581                 we    13405   13405      1
## 8582         prosperity    13408   13410      3
## 8583          stability    13412   13413      2
## 8584                any    13421   13421      1
## 8585               them    13423   13423      1
## 8586              chaos    13426   13429      4
## 8587                 We    13431   13431      1
## 8588              power    13437   13441      5
## 8589          continent    13445   13446      2
## 8590              power    13454   13456      3
## 8591          ourselves    13457   13457      1
## 8592            peoples    13459   13460      2
## 8593           Americas    13462   13463      2
## 8594          salvation    13472   13474      3
## 8595                way    13476   13478      3
## 8596               work    13481   13482      2
## 8597               Navy    13485   13486      2
## 8598              point    13492   13494      3
## 8599             policy    13496   13497      2
## 8600               this    13507   13507      1
## 8601              honor    13509   13510      2
## 8602            welfare    13512   13513      2
## 8603                all    13517   13517      1
## 8604              peace    13519   13520      2
## 8605             nation    13523   13524      2
## 8606             future    13526   13527      2
## 8607                 we    13530   13530      1
## 8608                 it    13532   13532      1
## 8609                 we    13536   13536      1
## 8610                 we    13541   13541      1
## 8611             duties    13543   13544      2
## 8612             rights    13548   13549      2
## 8613               flag    13553   13554      2
## 8614        Philippines    13559   13560      2
## 8615               Rico    13562   13563      2
## 8616                 we    13567   13567      1
## 8617              Canal    13572   13574      3
## 8618                 we    13576   13576      1
## 8619               Navy    13579   13582      4
## 8620               size    13584   13585      2
## 8621               time    13594   13595      2
## 8622               idea    13598   13599      2
## 8623             nation    13601   13602      2
## 8624              those    13605   13605      1
## 8625               sons    13606   13607      2
## 8626                sea    13611   13612      2
## 8627              ships    13614   13614      1
## 8628           commerce    13617   13618      2
## 8629            bottoms    13625   13626      2
## 8630                 we    13628   13628      1
## 8631              craft    13631   13632      2
## 8632                 it    13635   13635      1
## 8633           Inasmuch    13638   13638      1
## 8634             people    13643   13645      3
## 8635            thought    13647   13648      2
## 8636               path    13651   13652      2
## 8637              which    13654   13654      1
## 8638               they    13655   13655      1
## 8639               view    13662   13662      1
## 8640               fact    13664   13665      2
## 8641           building    13667   13668      2
## 8642              Canal    13670   13672      3
## 8643            matters    13678   13679      2
## 8644              which    13680   13680      1
## 8645             people    13681   13683      3
## 8646                 it    13689   13689      1
## 8647               Navy    13693   13694      2
## 8648              state    13701   13703      3
## 8649         efficiency    13705   13705      1
## 8650              needs    13714   13716      3
## 8651                way    13723   13724      2
## 8652        provocation    13725   13726      2
## 8653                war    13728   13728      1
## 8654               navy    13730   13735      6
## 8655           guaranty    13737   13739      3
## 8656                war    13741   13741      1
## 8657          insurance    13743   13749      7
## 8658               cost    13751   13752      2
## 8659               navy    13757   13759      3
## 8660            premium    13761   13764      4
## 8661              peace    13767   13767      1
## 8662              which    13768   13768      1
## 8663             nation    13769   13770      2
## 8664             nation    13776   13780      5
## 8665              world    13782   13783      2
## 8666              peace    13788   13788      1
## 8667                 we    13790   13790      1
## 8668              power    13796   13799      4
## 8669              which    13800   13800      1
## 8670           anything    13802   13802      1
## 8671           whatever    13803   13803      1
## 8672     aggressiveness    13807   13807      1
## 8673               part    13809   13810      2
## 8674                All    13812   13812      1
## 8675                 we    13813   13813      1
## 8676              peace    13816   13816      1
## 8677                end    13820   13821      2
## 8678                 we    13822   13822      1
## 8679            respect    13829   13831      3
## 8680             rights    13833   13834      2
## 8681             others    13836   13836      1
## 8682              which    13837   13837      1
## 8683                 we    13838   13838      1
## 8684             rights    13846   13847      2
## 8685             return    13849   13849      1
## 8686          treatment    13853   13854      2
## 8687                 us    13856   13856      1
## 8688             safety    13862   13863      2
## 8689             people    13865   13867      3
## 8690             people    13870   13871      2
## 8691           Doctrine    13876   13878      3
## 8692                 it    13883   13883      1
## 8693              peace    13891   13892      2
## 8694         Hemisphere    13894   13896      3
## 8695               Navy    13898   13899      2
## 8696                 us    13901   13901      1
## 8697              means    13902   13904      3
## 8698         insistence    13907   13908      2
## 8699           Doctrine    13910   13912      3
## 8700           anything    13913   13913      1
## 8701            subject    13915   13916      2
## 8702           derision    13918   13918      1
## 8703             nation    13920   13921      2
## 8704                 it    13925   13925      1
## 8705                 We    13927   13927      1
## 8706              peace    13929   13930      2
## 8707              which    13931   13931      1
## 8708                man    13937   13939      3
## 8709              peace    13943   13944      2
## 8710              terms    13947   13947      1
## 8711           ignominy    13949   13949      1
## 8712             craven    13951   13952      2
## 8713           weakling    13954   13955      2
## 8714                 It    13958   13958      1
## 8715               navy    13964   13965      2
## 8716                war    13967   13967      1
## 8717              ships    13971   13972      2
## 8718                men    13977   13978      2
## 8719            advance    13982   13982      1
## 8720            vessels    13984   13986      3
## 8721         makeshifts    13991   13991      1
## 8722              which    13992   13992      1
## 8723            default    13996   13996      1
## 8724               work    14001   14003      3
## 8725         proportion    14006   14007      2
## 8726                men    14009   14010      2
## 8727       shortcomings    14019   14020      2
## 8728              skill    14025   14026      2
## 8729            fellows    14028   14029      2
## 8730              force    14032   14035      4
## 8731               Navy    14037   14038      2
## 8732           opponent    14042   14044      3
## 8733              ships    14051   14053      3
## 8734               that    14054   14054      1
## 8735           officers    14061   14062      2
## 8736                men    14064   14064      1
## 8737                who    14065   14065      1
## 8738              years    14067   14067      1
## 8739        performance    14069   14070      2
## 8740               duty    14072   14073      2
## 8741            weapons    14079   14085      7
## 8742         efficiency    14087   14089      3
## 8743                war    14092   14094      3
## 8744              Spain    14096   14096      1
## 8745              ships    14097   14098      2
## 8746               that    14099   14099      1
## 8747              blows    14101   14103      3
## 8748             Manila    14105   14105      1
## 8749           Santiago    14107   14107      1
## 8750              years    14112   14115      4
## 8751               they    14118   14118      1
## 8752               they    14124   14124      1
## 8753                men    14127   14128      2
## 8754             towers    14130   14132      3
## 8755            turrets    14134   14136      3
## 8756              rooms    14139   14142      4
## 8757              years    14145   14146      2
## 8758           practice    14148   14148      1
## 8759                sea    14150   14150      1
## 8760               duty    14155   14156      2
## 8761               Navy    14159   14161      3
## 8762             period    14168   14169      2
## 8763               Navy    14170   14171      2
## 8764         collection    14174   14175      2
## 8765              ships    14177   14179      3
## 8766              place    14186   14186      1
## 8767            vessels    14188   14190      3
## 8768            galleys    14192   14193      2
## 8769         Alcibiades    14195   14195      1
## 8770           Hamilcar    14197   14197      1
## 8771              ships    14201   14202      2
## 8772              Tromp    14204   14204      1
## 8773              Blake    14206   14206      1
## 8774               time    14210   14211      2
## 8775                 we    14213   14213      1
## 8776                men    14215   14215      1
## 8777                man    14219   14221      3
## 8778                war    14225   14225      1
## 8779        legislation    14228   14230      3
## 8780           Congress    14232   14233      2
## 8781     administration    14235   14237      3
## 8782         succession    14239   14240      2
## 8783        Secretaries    14242   14243      2
## 8784               Navy    14245   14246      2
## 8785            parties    14250   14252      3
## 8786               work    14254   14255      2
## 8787               Navy    14258   14259      2
## 8788              ships    14264   14264      1
## 8789                any    14267   14267      1
## 8790              world    14269   14270      2
## 8791               kind    14272   14273      2
## 8792               what    14279   14279      1
## 8793              ships    14285   14286      2
## 8794                sea    14290   14290      1
## 8795          squadrons    14294   14294      1
## 8796                men    14296   14297      2
## 8797               them    14299   14299      1
## 8798            service    14304   14307      4
## 8799               them    14310   14310      1
## 8800             result    14312   14313      2
## 8801                war    14317   14319      3
## 8802              Spain    14321   14321      1
## 8803              which    14323   14323      1
## 8804           rapidity    14327   14328      2
## 8805       preparedness    14331   14334      4
## 8806               Navy    14336   14337      2
## 8807               Navy    14340   14342      3
## 8808              honor    14347   14349      3
## 8809                men    14351   14352      2
## 8810                who    14353   14353      1
## 8811              ships    14358   14359      2
## 8812              which    14360   14360      1
## 8813             forces    14362   14365      4
## 8814        Philippines    14367   14368      2
## 8815               Cuba    14371   14371      1
## 8816                 we    14373   14373      1
## 8817               meed    14378   14380      3
## 8818             praise    14382   14382      1
## 8819              those    14385   14385      1
## 8820               whom    14387   14387      1
## 8821               blow    14388   14389      2
## 8822        Congressmen    14395   14396      2
## 8823                who    14397   14397      1
## 8824              years    14399   14399      1
## 8825            advance    14401   14401      1
## 8826              money    14402   14403      2
## 8827              ships    14407   14408      2
## 8828               guns    14412   14413      2
## 8829              plate    14417   14420      4
## 8830          officials    14422   14424      3
## 8831                men    14426   14428      3
## 8832            workers    14430   14432      3
## 8833                who    14433   14433      1
## 8834               what    14435   14435      1
## 8835           Congress    14436   14437      2
## 8836        Secretaries    14441   14442      2
## 8837               Navy    14444   14445      2
## 8838                who    14446   14446      1
## 8839     appropriations    14451   14452      2
## 8840           officers    14455   14457      3
## 8841                who    14458   14458      1
## 8842            weather    14461   14462      2
## 8843               foul    14464   14464      1
## 8844            service    14467   14469      3
## 8845              crews    14474   14475      2
## 8846              ships    14477   14478      2
## 8847                war    14482   14483      2
## 8848              sight    14485   14485      1
## 8849                all    14487   14487      1
## 8850              share    14491   14493      3
## 8851              glory    14495   14496      2
## 8852             Manila    14498   14498      1
## 8853           Santiago    14500   14500      1
## 8854            respect    14503   14504      2
## 8855           American    14507   14509      3
## 8856              those    14511   14511      1
## 8857                who    14512   14512      1
## 8858            triumph    14514   14516      3
## 8859            country    14518   14519      2
## 8860                 It    14521   14521      1
## 8861              which    14526   14526      1
## 8862                 us    14528   14528      1
## 8863            triumph    14529   14531      3
## 8864                 we    14536   14536      1
## 8865        forethought    14540   14540      1
## 8866        preparation    14542   14542      1
## 8867           disaster    14551   14551      1
## 8868                 us    14554   14554      1
## 8869            triumph    14557   14557      1
## 8870              fault    14565   14566      2
## 8871              those    14573   14573      1
## 8872               whom    14574   14574      1
## 8873           accident    14575   14576      2
## 8874             events    14578   14578      1
## 8875            command    14581   14582      2
## 8876             moment    14584   14585      2
## 8877              those    14589   14589      1
## 8878                who    14590   14590      1
## 8879            advance    14596   14596      1
## 8880          cessation    14602   14603      2
## 8881               work    14605   14606      2
## 8882               Navy    14609   14610      2
## 8883          ingenuity    14612   14614      3
## 8884         substitute    14621   14622      2
## 8885              craft    14624   14627      4
## 8886               guns    14628   14630      3
## 8887            mastery    14633   14634      2
## 8888               seas    14636   14638      3
## 8889                 It    14640   14640      1
## 8890              ships    14651   14654      4
## 8891           cruisers    14656   14658      3
## 8892              craft    14661   14664      4
## 8893         proportion    14666   14666      1
## 8894            numbers    14669   14671      3
## 8895          character    14673   14673      1
## 8896                  I    14674   14674      1
## 8897                you    14676   14676      1
## 8898             report    14678   14679      2
## 8899          Secretary    14681   14682      2
## 8900               Navy    14684   14685      2
## 8901          something    14690   14690      1
## 8902                 we    14691   14691      1
## 8903              ships    14696   14697      2
## 8904               this    14700   14700      1
## 8905           officers    14702   14703      2
## 8906                men    14705   14705      1
## 8907              ships    14709   14710      2
## 8908           cruisers    14712   14712      1
## 8909               them    14716   14716      1
## 8910        expectation    14720   14721      2
## 8911               them    14724   14724      1
## 8912               they    14727   14727      1
## 8913                war    14731   14732      2
## 8914              folly    14738   14738      1
## 8915                 it    14740   14740      1
## 8916              crime    14743   14744      2
## 8917             Nation    14746   14747      2
## 8918               ship    14752   14754      3
## 8919              enemy    14756   14758      3
## 8920              those    14760   14760      1
## 8921                 it    14762   14762      1
## 8922              years    14767   14767      1
## 8923            service    14769   14771      3
## 8924           practice    14774   14776      3
## 8925           disaster    14783   14784      2
## 8926              shame    14787   14789      3
## 8927        humiliation    14791   14791      1
## 8928             seamen    14793   14796      4
## 8929            marines    14798   14801      4
## 8930           increase    14807   14808      2
## 8931           officers    14810   14811      2
## 8932           addition    14817   14819      3
## 8933            classes    14821   14822      2
## 8934          Annapolis    14824   14824      1
## 8935             matter    14828   14830      3
## 8936              which    14831   14831      1
## 8937         connection    14836   14836      1
## 8938          Annapolis    14838   14838      1
## 8939              title    14840   14844      5
## 8940              cadet    14846   14848      3
## 8941              title    14854   14855      2
## 8942         midshipman    14858   14858      1
## 8943        association    14863   14864      2
## 8944               time    14873   14873      1
## 8945              peace    14875   14875      1
## 8946               ship    14876   14878      3
## 8947                 it    14883   14883      1
## 8948                 it    14891   14891      1
## 8949          emergency    14898   14899      2
## 8950           officers    14901   14902      2
## 8951                men    14904   14904      1
## 8952              water    14914   14915      2
## 8953                 it    14918   14918      1
## 8954               they    14922   14922      1
## 8955             duties    14925   14926      2
## 8956               they    14928   14928      1
## 8957            vessels    14933   14935      3
## 8958          squadrons    14940   14940      1
## 8959              ships    14944   14945      2
## 8960         proportion    14948   14950      3
## 8961           cruisers    14952   14952      1
## 8962             scouts    14954   14954      1
## 8963              boats    14956   14958      3
## 8964           officers    14963   14965      3
## 8965             manner    14967   14968      2
## 8966     responsibility    14977   14977      1
## 8967        emergencies    14980   14981      2
## 8968            warfare    14983   14984      2
## 8969             detail    14987   14988      2
## 8970              which    14990   14990      1
## 8971           civilian    14995   14996      2
## 8972            officer    15002   15003      2
## 8973               duty    15007   15009      3
## 8974            service    15011   15013      3
## 8975                all    15016   15016      1
## 8976           practice    15018   15019      2
## 8977                 It    15024   15024      1
## 8978               Navy    15029   15030      2
## 8979               size    15032   15033      2
## 8980                 it    15036   15036      1
## 8981               ship    15041   15042      2
## 8982               ship    15044   15044      1
## 8983                 it    15045   15045      1
## 8984         efficiency    15049   15049      1
## 8985               navy    15050   15051      2
## 8986              world    15053   15054      2
## 8987               This    15056   15056      1
## 8988              crews    15061   15063      3
## 8989           officers    15065   15065      1
## 8990               this    15068   15068      1
## 8991               turn    15070   15070      1
## 8992        instruction    15073   15076      4
## 8993           practice    15078   15079      2
## 8994           handling    15081   15082      2
## 8995            tactics    15084   15085      2
## 8996         discipline    15088   15089      2
## 8997              ships    15091   15092      2
## 8998          squadrons    15097   15097      1
## 8999            harbors    15102   15102      1
## 9000             anchor    15107   15107      1
## 9001               wear    15109   15111      3
## 9002            engines    15113   15113      1
## 9003              hulls    15115   15115      1
## 9004               ship    15120   15122      3
## 9005           training    15126   15127      2
## 9006           officers    15129   15129      1
## 9007                men    15131   15131      1
## 9008            results    15137   15138      2
## 9009               hand    15143   15145      3
## 9010          condition    15150   15152      3
## 9011                 it    15154   15154      1
## 9012               crew    15158   15159      2
## 9013                 We    15165   15165      1
## 9014              ships    15168   15170      3
## 9015              which    15175   15175      1
## 9016            service    15184   15185      2
## 9017              years    15195   15198      4
## 9018                 it    15201   15201      1
## 9019               time    15204   15207      4
## 9020                men    15212   15213      2
## 9021               them    15216   15216      1
## 9022                 It    15218   15218      1
## 9023            concern    15221   15222      2
## 9024                 we    15224   15224      1
## 9025              crews    15227   15227      1
## 9026            vessels    15230   15231      2
## 9027               time    15233   15234      2
## 9028               they    15235   15235      1
## 9029              ships    15239   15240      2
## 9030               guns    15242   15243      2
## 9031            weapons    15246   15247      2
## 9032            weapons    15250   15252      3
## 9033               save    15254   15255      2
## 9034              hands    15257   15258      2
## 9035                men    15260   15260      1
## 9036                who    15261   15261      1
## 9037               them    15267   15267      1
## 9038                men    15269   15270      2
## 9039             system    15277   15283      7
## 9040        instruction    15285   15286      2
## 9041         recruiting    15289   15290      2
## 9042              vigor    15296   15298      3
## 9043             effort    15300   15301      2
## 9044           function    15307   15309      3
## 9045            officer    15311   15312      2
## 9046            command    15314   15315      2
## 9047                men    15317   15317      1
## 9048          graduates    15319   15321      3
## 9049            Academy    15323   15325      3
## 9050           branches    15330   15332      3
## 9051               line    15334   15335      2
## 9052            marines    15337   15337      1
## 9053         essentials    15342   15343      2
## 9054            success    15345   15345      1
## 9055              Board    15350   15352      3
## 9056              which    15354   15354      1
## 9057             office    15357   15359      3
## 9058              staff    15361   15363      3
## 9059         efficiency    15369   15372      4
## 9060         efficiency    15374   15376      3
## 9061               Navy    15378   15380      3
## 9062          Secretary    15383   15384      2
## 9063              Board    15386   15388      3
## 9064           creation    15392   15393      2
## 9065              staff    15395   15397      3
## 9066           official    15402   15403      2
## 9067        recognition    15405   15408      4
## 9068         conditions    15410   15412      3
## 9069             Nation    15414   15415      2
## 9070            meaning    15418   15420      3
## 9071              fleet    15422   15425      4
## 9072              which    15427   15427      1
## 9073                men    15433   15435      3
## 9074              ships    15441   15443      3
## 9075             forces    15445   15448      4
## 9076      organizations    15450   15451      2
## 9077            service    15457   15458      2
## 9078              event    15462   15462      1
## 9079                war    15464   15464      1
## 9080               they    15465   15465      1
## 9081               line    15468   15470      3
## 9082            defense    15472   15472      1
## 9083               They    15474   15474      1
## 9084      encouragement    15477   15478      2
## 9085         Government    15480   15482      3
## 9086           addition    15487   15487      1
## 9087                 we    15488   15488      1
## 9088            Reserve    15494   15497      4
## 9089          direction    15503   15504      2
## 9090         Department    15506   15508      3
## 9091               call    15513   15514      2
## 9092          Executive    15516   15518      3
## 9093                war    15520   15520      1
## 9094                 It    15524   15524      1
## 9095          auxiliary    15527   15529      3
## 9096      establishment    15531   15535      5
## 9097           material    15539   15539      1
## 9098              ships    15548   15549      2
## 9099               time    15551   15551      1
## 9100                war    15553   15553      1
## 9101                 It    15555   15555      1
## 9102          graduates    15560   15560      1
## 9103            Academy    15562   15564      3
## 9104          graduates    15566   15566      1
## 9105            Militia    15568   15570      3
## 9106           officers    15572   15572      1
## 9107              crews    15574   15574      1
## 9108           steamers    15576   15579      4
## 9109          schooners    15581   15582      2
## 9110            vessels    15584   15585      2
## 9111             yachts    15588   15589      2
## 9112         population    15593   15595      3
## 9113            centers    15597   15598      2
## 9114           stations    15601   15601      1
## 9115             houses    15603   15605      3
## 9116             people    15608   15610      3
## 9117               navy    15616   15618      3
## 9118              minds    15623   15624      2
## 9119           position    15628   15630      3
## 9120            affairs    15632   15633      2
## 9121                 It    15646   15646      1
## 9122                way    15654   15656      3
## 9123           disaster    15659   15660      2
## 9124                 It    15674   15674      1
## 9125               Army    15680   15681      2
## 9126               size    15683   15685      3
## 9127               time    15687   15688      2
## 9128                 it    15691   15691      1
## 9129                 it    15696   15696      1
## 9130              point    15698   15700      3
## 9131         efficiency    15702   15702      1
## 9132              units    15704   15706      3
## 9133                who    15707   15707      1
## 9134           officers    15709   15709      1
## 9135                men    15711   15712      2
## 9136               Army    15714   15715      2
## 9137                 we    15719   15719      1
## 9138             reason    15721   15722      2
## 9139              those    15731   15731      1
## 9140               army    15733   15735      3
## 9141              world    15737   15739      3
## 9142                 It    15741   15741      1
## 9143               duty    15743   15744      2
## 9144           training    15748   15749      2
## 9145               kind    15752   15753      2
## 9146         expression    15756   15759      4
## 9147              power    15761   15761      1
## 9148              units    15763   15764      2
## 9149        combination    15768   15768      1
## 9150         conditions    15771   15772      2
## 9151                war    15774   15775      2
## 9152             demand    15781   15784      4
## 9153          character    15789   15791      3
## 9154           capacity    15793   15793      1
## 9155            officer    15795   15796      2
## 9156                man    15798   15800      3
## 9157                 it    15805   15805      1
## 9158                men    15810   15810      1
## 9159             effect    15815   15815      1
## 9160           fighting    15819   15820      2
## 9161              order    15825   15826      2
## 9162              which    15828   15828      1
## 9163                man    15831   15832      2
## 9164            himself    15836   15836      1
## 9165                act    15839   15842      4
## 9166        combination    15844   15844      1
## 9167             others    15846   15846      1
## 9168               whom    15848   15848      1
## 9169                 he    15849   15849      1
## 9170              touch    15854   15863     10
## 9171         conditions    15866   15867      2
## 9172                men    15868   15870      3
## 9173         excellence    15872   15874      3
## 9174                men    15879   15880      2
## 9175              skill    15882   15884      3
## 9176              which    15885   15885      1
## 9177             result    15890   15891      2
## 9178           training    15893   15894      2
## 9179                men    15897   15897      1
## 9180           physique    15899   15900      2
## 9181             morale    15902   15902      1
## 9182                man    15906   15910      5
## 9183           rifleman    15918   15919      2
## 9184                who    15920   15920      1
## 9185              rider    15923   15927      5
## 9186         proportion    15930   15931      2
## 9187          regiments    15933   15935      3
## 9188         cavalryman    15941   15943      3
## 9189           facility    15951   15952      2
## 9190               foot    15954   15954      1
## 9191          horseback    15957   15957      1
## 9192               type    15960   15962      3
## 9193            soldier    15964   15964      1
## 9194           purposes    15966   15967      2
## 9195              world    15973   15974      2
## 9196         cavalryman    15976   15978      3
## 9197                day    15980   15982      3
## 9198                man    15984   15985      2
## 9199                who    15986   15986      1
## 9200               foot    15990   15990      1
## 9201        infantryman    15994   15996      3
## 9202                who    15999   15999      1
## 9203           addition    16002   16002      1
## 9204               care    16005   16006      2
## 9205         management    16008   16008      1
## 9206              horse    16010   16011      2
## 9207            ability    16014   16015      2
## 9208          horseback    16019   16019      1
## 9209              staff    16022   16024      3
## 9210        departments    16031   16036      6
## 9211               they    16038   16038      1
## 9212            details    16043   16043      1
## 9213               line    16045   16046      2
## 9214                men    16048   16049      2
## 9215              while    16054   16055      2
## 9216             duties    16057   16059      3
## 9217                 It    16061   16061      1
## 9218             grades    16067   16069      3
## 9219               Army    16071   16072      2
## 9220                men    16075   16075      1
## 9221                who    16076   16076      1
## 9222          positions    16081   16082      2
## 9223               fact    16084   16086      3
## 9224          seniority    16088   16088      1
## 9225             system    16090   16091      2
## 9226              which    16096   16096      1
## 9227              grade    16100   16102      3
## 9228              grade    16104   16104      1
## 9229              those    16106   16106      1
## 9230                who    16107   16107      1
## 9231            service    16112   16114      3
## 9232              grade    16116   16118      3
## 9233            Justice    16120   16120      1
## 9234           veterans    16122   16123      2
## 9235                War    16125   16127      3
## 9236                who    16128   16128      1
## 9237               Army    16132   16133      2
## 9238             matter    16140   16141      2
## 9239        retirements    16143   16143      1
## 9240               they    16144   16144      1
## 9241                law    16148   16148      1
## 9242         privileges    16149   16151      3
## 9243           comrades    16154   16155      2
## 9244               Navy    16157   16158      2
## 9245            process    16161   16162      2
## 9246        elimination    16164   16164      1
## 9247                fit    16166   16168      3
## 9248             manner    16173   16174      2
## 9249               that    16175   16175      1
## 9250                 it    16178   16178      1
## 9251           pressure    16183   16186      4
## 9252             behalf    16188   16188      1
## 9253          candidate    16190   16191      2
## 9254                man    16195   16196      2
## 9255             merits    16202   16204      3
## 9256           Pressure    16206   16206      1
## 9257          promotion    16208   16209      2
## 9258          officials    16211   16212      2
## 9259            reasons    16214   16215      2
## 9260                 it    16221   16221      1
## 9261             behalf    16228   16228      1
## 9262           officers    16230   16230      1
## 9263               Army    16232   16233      2
## 9264               Navy    16235   16235      1
## 9265          promotion    16237   16238      2
## 9266             detail    16240   16241      2
## 9267         Department    16243   16245      3
## 9268             regard    16251   16251      1
## 9269               good    16253   16254      2
## 9270            service    16256   16257      2
## 9271           capacity    16260   16261      2
## 9272              merit    16263   16263      1
## 9273                man    16265   16266      2
## 9274            himself    16267   16267      1
## 9275           pressure    16269   16270      2
## 9276               kind    16280   16281      2
## 9277             effect    16288   16290      3
## 9278           question    16292   16293      2
## 9279          promotion    16295   16295      1
## 9280             detail    16297   16297      1
## 9281             reason    16303   16303      1
## 9282           pressure    16307   16308      2
## 9283        instigation    16312   16313      2
## 9284            officer    16315   16316      2
## 9285                 it    16319   16319      1
## 9286                him    16326   16326      1
## 9287               Army    16329   16330      2
## 9288                 we    16331   16331      1
## 9289            rewards    16337   16337      1
## 9290             duties    16339   16339      1
## 9291             ground    16343   16345      3
## 9292              those    16347   16347      1
## 9293                who    16348   16348      1
## 9294             merits    16350   16352      3
## 9295            rewards    16356   16357      2
## 9296               them    16359   16359      1
## 9297              those    16363   16363      1
## 9298                who    16364   16364      1
## 9299             duties    16370   16371      2
## 9300               them    16376   16376      1
## 9301             effort    16379   16380      2
## 9302               Army    16386   16387      2
## 9303              state    16389   16392      4
## 9304         efficiency    16394   16394      1
## 9305            service    16398   16399      2
## 9306               work    16400   16401      2
## 9307               that    16403   16403      1
## 9308               line    16406   16407      2
## 9309            service    16409   16410      2
## 9310               work    16415   16417      3
## 9311               Army    16419   16420      2
## 9312               Navy    16424   16425      2
## 9313               What    16432   16432      1
## 9314              power    16436   16437      2
## 9315            command    16439   16439      1
## 9316           capacity    16441   16441      1
## 9317              field    16446   16447      2
## 9318               care    16449   16450      2
## 9319                rot    16455   16456      2
## 9320        departments    16458   16462      5
## 9321               Army    16465   16466      2
## 9322                 it    16475   16475      1
## 9323           officers    16481   16483      3
## 9324           officers    16488   16490      3
## 9325                men    16492   16494      3
## 9326             chance    16496   16497      2
## 9327         manoeuvres    16500   16500      1
## 9328               mass    16502   16502      1
## 9329              scale    16505   16508      4
## 9330               time    16511   16511      1
## 9331               need    16513   16513      1
## 9332             amount    16514   16515      2
## 9333         excellence    16517   16518      2
## 9334          paralysis    16522   16523      2
## 9335              which    16524   16524      1
## 9336          inability    16527   16527      1
## 9337              whole    16531   16533      3
## 9338         leadership    16536   16539      4
## 9339           Congress    16541   16542      2
## 9340              means    16545   16545      1
## 9341                 it    16547   16547      1
## 9342          exercises    16553   16554      2
## 9343           division    16556   16559      4
## 9344           regulars    16561   16561      1
## 9345           division    16564   16568      5
## 9346          guardsmen    16570   16571      2
## 9347          exercises    16577   16578      2
## 9348               form    16581   16582      2
## 9349         manoeuvres    16584   16585      2
## 9350              Coast    16591   16593      3
## 9351            Pacific    16595   16596      2
## 9352              board    16598   16600      3
## 9353             region    16604   16605      2
## 9354              Lakes    16607   16609      3
## 9355              corps    16611   16613      3
## 9356              point    16620   16622      3
## 9357              point    16624   16625      2
## 9358              water    16627   16628      2
## 9359             couple    16635   16636      2
## 9360            journey    16638   16640      3
## 9361              point    16642   16644      3
## 9362           handling    16653   16654      2
## 9363                men    16658   16658      1
## 9364             masses    16660   16660      1
## 9365               they    16662   16662      1
## 9366                 it    16674   16674      1
## 9367           officers    16679   16681      3
## 9368             duties    16684   16685      2
## 9369               debt    16691   16693      3
## 9370             public    16697   16698      2
## 9371                men    16700   16701      2
## 9372               Army    16703   16704      2
## 9373               Navy    16706   16706      1
## 9374               They    16708   16708      1
## 9375               them    16716   16716      1
## 9376              point    16719   16721      3
## 9377         efficiency    16723   16723      1
## 9378               they    16727   16727      1
## 9379             demand    16735   16736      2
## 9380               them    16739   16739      1
## 9381          interests    16742   16743      2
## 9382             Nation    16745   16746      2
## 9383              honor    16748   16749      2
## 9384               flag    16751   16752      2
## 9385                man    16754   16758      5
## 9386                man    16764   16768      5
## 9387            regular    16770   16771      2
## 9388               army    16773   16775      3
## 9389      consideration    16777   16778      2
## 9390                him    16782   16782      1
## 9391           standard    16787   16789      3
## 9392         usefulness    16791   16791      1
## 9393                him    16796   16796      1
## 9394                 It    16798   16798      1
## 9395           Congress    16804   16805      2
## 9396                pay    16809   16810      2
## 9397                men    16812   16813      2
## 9398        enlistments    16815   16818      4
## 9399              value    16826   16828      3
## 9400            soldier    16830   16832      3
## 9401                act    16841   16842      2
## 9402               Army    16844   16845      2
## 9403               year    16850   16852      3
## 9404            reforms    16854   16857      4
## 9405                all    16859   16859      1
## 9406               them    16861   16861      1
## 9407              value    16863   16865      3
## 9408       substitution    16871   16872      2
## 9409            details    16874   16877      4
## 9410               line    16879   16880      2
## 9411       appointments    16882   16883      2
## 9412          divisions    16885   16890      6
## 9413      establishment    16892   16895      4
## 9414              corps    16897   16898      2
## 9415          artillery    16900   16900      1
## 9416              chief    16902   16903      2
## 9417               head    16905   16906      2
## 9418      establishment    16910   16911      2
## 9419              limit    16913   16917      5
## 9420               Army    16919   16920      2
## 9421                 It    16922   16922      1
## 9422        improvement    16928   16929      2
## 9423         efficiency    16931   16932      2
## 9424               Army    16934   16935      2
## 9425              which    16936   16936      1
## 9426            reforms    16937   16939      3
## 9427               part    16946   16946      1
## 9428     reorganization    16951   16952      2
## 9429                act    16956   16957      2
## 9430         conditions    16963   16965      3
## 9431        Philippines    16967   16968      2
## 9432         Department    16971   16973      3
## 9433             charge    16977   16979      3
## 9434            revenue    16981   16982      2
## 9435             number    16986   16987      2
## 9436           soldiers    16989   16989      1
## 9437             number    16994   16995      2
## 9438            minimum    16999   17000      2
## 9439              limit    17003   17005      3
## 9440                law    17008   17008      1
## 9441               need    17015   17015      1
## 9442        legislation    17017   17018      2
## 9443          education    17020   17022      3
## 9444           addition    17029   17029      1
## 9445           regulars    17031   17032      2
## 9446         advantages    17033   17034      2
## 9447          education    17036   17037      2
## 9448           officers    17042   17043      2
## 9449              Guard    17045   17047      3
## 9450             others    17049   17049      1
## 9451               life    17051   17052      2
## 9452                who    17053   17053      1
## 9453         themselves    17058   17058      1
## 9454               duty    17060   17062      3
## 9455           officers    17064   17065      2
## 9456             chance    17069   17070      2
## 9457         themselves    17073   17073      1
## 9458              study    17075   17075      1
## 9459           branches    17077   17079      3
## 9460                art    17081   17082      2
## 9461              Point    17085   17086      2
## 9462          education    17087   17088      2
## 9463               kind    17092   17093      2
## 9464                men    17099   17099      1
## 9465                who    17100   17100      1
## 9466            service    17104   17106      3
## 9467             stress    17108   17110      3
## 9468        mathematics    17116   17116      1
## 9469              right    17126   17127      2
## 9470              entry    17129   17129      1
## 9471            d'elite    17131   17133      3
## 9472            officer    17135   17138      4
## 9473               kind    17140   17142      3
## 9474      mathematician    17146   17148      3
## 9475                 he    17151   17151      1
## 9476            himself    17157   17157      1
## 9477             others    17161   17161      1
## 9478           boldness    17166   17166      1
## 9479          fertility    17168   17168      1
## 9480           resource    17170   17170      1
## 9481          emergency    17172   17173      2
## 9482             Action    17176   17176      1
## 9483          reference    17181   17181      1
## 9484            militia    17183   17184      2
## 9485            raising    17187   17188      2
## 9486             forces    17190   17191      2
## 9487                law    17193   17195      3
## 9488       organization    17201   17202      2
## 9489           armament    17204   17204      1
## 9490              Guard    17206   17208      3
## 9491             States    17210   17212      3
## 9492              which    17214   17214      1
## 9493            militia    17218   17218      1
## 9494     appropriations    17220   17221      2
## 9495           Congress    17223   17224      2
## 9496              those    17231   17231      1
## 9497             forces    17234   17236      3
## 9498        obligations    17238   17239      2
## 9499             duties    17241   17241      1
## 9500              Guard    17243   17244      2
## 9501               time    17246   17246      1
## 9502                war    17248   17248      1
## 9503             system    17255   17256      2
## 9504                law    17259   17259      1
## 9505              which    17261   17261      1
## 9506             method    17262   17263      2
## 9507          procedure    17265   17265      1
## 9508             forces    17268   17269      2
## 9509            advance    17274   17274      1
## 9510                 It    17276   17276      1
## 9511         excitement    17281   17282      2
## 9512              haste    17284   17284      1
## 9513                war    17286   17287      2
## 9514               this    17290   17290      1
## 9515       arrangements    17293   17294      2
## 9516          Provision    17302   17302      1
## 9517      organizations    17309   17312      4
## 9518           training    17315   17316      2
## 9519           citizens    17318   17319      2
## 9520                who    17320   17320      1
## 9521         experience    17324   17324      1
## 9522               arms    17326   17326      1
## 9523          selection    17331   17332      2
## 9524            advance    17334   17334      1
## 9525           officers    17336   17337      2
## 9526              force    17339   17340      2
## 9527              which    17341   17341      1
## 9528          selection    17347   17348      2
## 9529               kind    17350   17351      2
## 9530           outbreak    17356   17357      2
## 9531                war    17359   17359      1
## 9532               Army    17363   17364      2
## 9533         instrument    17369   17371      3
## 9534        destruction    17373   17373      1
## 9535              years    17378   17381      4
## 9536        Philippines    17384   17385      2
## 9537               Cuba    17387   17387      1
## 9538               Rico    17390   17391      2
## 9539                 it    17392   17392      1
## 9540             itself    17395   17395      1
## 9541          implement    17401   17404      4
## 9542         upbuilding    17406   17407      2
## 9543       civilization    17409   17411      3
## 9544           citizens    17414   17416      3
## 9545           Republic    17421   17422      2
## 9546           veterans    17424   17425      2
## 9547          survivors    17427   17428      2
## 9548              those    17430   17430      1
## 9549                who    17431   17431      1
## 9550              Union    17433   17434      2
## 9551               They    17436   17436      1
## 9552               deed    17438   17440      3
## 9553              which    17441   17441      1
## 9554            history    17452   17453      2
## 9555            nothing    17456   17456      1
## 9556            prowess    17460   17462      3
## 9557             crisis    17464   17466      3
## 9558            history    17468   17469      2
## 9559             annals    17471   17473      3
## 9560         experiment    17479   17481      3
## 9561            freedom    17483   17484      2
## 9562         government    17486   17488      3
## 9563            failure    17489   17491      3
## 9564               they    17495   17495      1
## 9565                 us    17499   17499      1
## 9566             Nation    17500   17502      3
## 9567               they    17505   17505      1
## 9568                 us    17507   17507      1
## 9569           heritage    17510   17511      2
## 9570             memory    17512   17513      2
## 9571              deeds    17515   17517      3
## 9572              which    17519   17519      1
## 9573             Nation    17520   17521      2
## 9574                 We    17526   17526      1
## 9575             Nation    17530   17531      2
## 9576               fact    17535   17535      1
## 9577               name    17540   17540      1
## 9578                 we    17542   17542      1
## 9579           devotion    17546   17547      2
## 9580               flag    17549   17550      2
## 9581              which    17551   17551      1
## 9582             symbol    17553   17554      2
## 9583          greatness    17556   17557      2
## 9584              unity    17559   17559      1
## 9585       completeness    17562   17564      3
## 9586              union    17566   17567      2
## 9587                 us    17569   17569      1
## 9588                all    17570   17570      1
## 9589               part    17573   17574      2
## 9590            country    17576   17577      2
## 9591              glory    17580   17580      1
## 9592              valor    17582   17583      2
## 9593               sons    17587   17588      2
## 9594              North    17590   17591      2
## 9595               sons    17593   17594      2
## 9596              South    17596   17597      2
## 9597              times    17599   17600      2
## 9598               that    17601   17601      1
## 9599              souls    17603   17605      3
## 9600                men    17608   17609      2
## 9601                who    17610   17610      1
## 9602              years    17612   17615      4
## 9603               East    17621   17622      2
## 9604             Indies    17624   17626      3
## 9605           mainland    17629   17630      2
## 9606               Asia    17632   17632      1
## 9607        remembrance    17636   17637      2
## 9608             crisis    17643   17645      3
## 9609             States    17646   17648      3
## 9610               mass    17652   17654      3
## 9611                men    17656   17658      3
## 9612           soldiery    17660   17662      3
## 9613                who    17663   17663      1
## 9614         profession    17667   17669      3
## 9615             career    17671   17673      3
## 9616             crisis    17677   17679      3
## 9617           memories    17681   17683      3
## 9618                War    17685   17687      3
## 9619          Americans    17691   17691      1
## 9620               lift    17692   17693      2
## 9621            purpose    17695   17696      2
## 9622              which    17697   17697      1
## 9623              those    17700   17700      1
## 9624            fathers    17701   17702      2
## 9625          forefront    17707   17708      2
## 9626             battle    17710   17711      2
## 9627             system    17714   17716      3
## 9628       appointments    17719   17719      1
## 9629            essence    17722   17723      2
## 9630             system    17729   17732      4
## 9631             itself    17733   17733      1
## 9632                 It    17735   17735      1
## 9633          positions    17740   17743      4
## 9634             duties    17745   17746      2
## 9635         applicants    17753   17754      2
## 9636              field    17757   17759      3
## 9637              favor    17761   17762      2
## 9638               each    17764   17764      1
## 9639             merits    17767   17768      2
## 9640                 he    17770   17770      1
## 9641               them    17775   17775      1
## 9642               test    17777   17778      2
## 9643       examinations    17780   17782      3
## 9644              means    17784   17787      4
## 9645              cases    17789   17790      2
## 9646             system    17793   17794      2
## 9647              cases    17797   17798      2
## 9648           laborers    17802   17802      1
## 9649             system    17806   17807      2
## 9650       registration    17809   17809      1
## 9651             course    17820   17820      1
## 9652             places    17822   17822      1
## 9653        examination    17824   17827      4
## 9654             others    17834   17834      1
## 9655                 it    17836   17836      1
## 9656              means    17839   17840      2
## 9657           solution    17841   17843      3
## 9658         conditions    17848   17850      3
## 9659                 it    17851   17851      1
## 9660          imperfect    17855   17856      2
## 9661              means    17860   17863      4
## 9662            results    17866   17867      2
## 9663         conditions    17871   17872      2
## 9664        application    17875   17876      2
## 9665             system    17878   17880      3
## 9666              sense    17882   17886      5
## 9667               gain    17888   17889      2
## 9668         Government    17891   17892      2
## 9669         illustrate    17897   17904      8
## 9670           branches    17909   17911      3
## 9671         Government    17913   17914      2
## 9672               gain    17916   17918      3
## 9673            economy    17920   17920      1
## 9674         efficiency    17922   17922      1
## 9675            honesty    17925   17925      1
## 9676        enforcement    17928   17929      2
## 9677          principle    17931   17932      2
## 9678                  I    17935   17935      1
## 9679            passage    17937   17938      2
## 9680                law    17940   17941      2
## 9681              which    17942   17942      1
## 9682            service    17945   17947      3
## 9683           District    17949   17950      2
## 9684           Columbia    17952   17952      1
## 9685          President    17959   17960      2
## 9686                 it    17964   17964      1
## 9687           judgment    17967   17968      2
## 9688               laws    17969   17970      2
## 9689         employment    17973   17975      3
## 9690             clerks    17977   17977      1
## 9691          provision    17981   17982      2
## 9692               they    17984   17984      1
## 9693                Law    17988   17991      4
## 9694                 It    17994   17994      1
## 9695             system    17999   18000      2
## 9696               home    18003   18003      1
## 9697                 it    18006   18006      1
## 9698                 it    18013   18013      1
## 9699        possessions    18017   18019      3
## 9700             office    18021   18023      3
## 9701        Philippines    18028   18029      2
## 9702               Rico    18031   18032      2
## 9703             regard    18034   18035      2
## 9704       affiliations    18037   18041      5
## 9705           services    18043   18043      1
## 9706             regard    18046   18047      2
## 9707          influence    18049   18056      8
## 9708              which    18057   18057      1
## 9709                 he    18058   18058      1
## 9710            command    18062   18063      2
## 9711               heed    18068   18068      1
## 9712            nothing    18073   18074      2
## 9713          character    18076   18080      5
## 9714           capacity    18082   18082      1
## 9715              needs    18084   18085      2
## 9716            service    18087   18088      2
## 9717     administration    18091   18092      2
## 9718            islands    18094   18095      2
## 9719          suspicion    18102   18103      2
## 9720           politics    18105   18106      2
## 9721     administration    18108   18109      2
## 9722               Army    18111   18112      2
## 9723               Navy    18114   18114      1
## 9724                All    18116   18116      1
## 9725               that    18117   18117      1
## 9726                 we    18118   18118      1
## 9727            servant    18121   18123      3
## 9728        Philippines    18125   18126      2
## 9729               Rico    18128   18129      2
## 9730                 he    18132   18132      1
## 9731              honor    18134   18134      1
## 9732            country    18136   18137      2
## 9733                way    18139   18140      2
## 9734              which    18142   18142      1
## 9735                 he    18143   18143      1
## 9736               rule    18145   18148      4
## 9737            peoples    18152   18153      2
## 9738                who    18154   18154      1
## 9739                 it    18158   18158      1
## 9740               This    18160   18160      1
## 9741                all    18162   18162      1
## 9742               that    18163   18163      1
## 9743                 we    18164   18164      1
## 9744                 we    18169   18169      1
## 9745             system    18180   18182      3
## 9746             method    18185   18186      2
## 9747     administration    18189   18192      4
## 9748         Government    18194   18195      2
## 9749                run    18199   18201      3
## 9750      justification    18202   18204      3
## 9751               type    18206   18207      2
## 9752         government    18209   18209      1
## 9753            proving    18212   18213      2
## 9754             itself    18214   18214      1
## 9755            service    18221   18223      3
## 9756         provisions    18228   18229      2
## 9757                law    18231   18232      2
## 9758              which    18237   18237      1
## 9759         conditions    18242   18243      2
## 9760           interest    18245   18246      2
## 9761             bodies    18249   18252      4
## 9762            country    18254   18255      2
## 9763     reorganization    18257   18258      2
## 9764            service    18260   18261      2
## 9765          attention    18266   18267      2
## 9766              bills    18269   18270      2
## 9767            service    18273   18276      4
## 9768              years    18279   18280      2
## 9769           Congress    18284   18285      2
## 9770               They    18287   18287      1
## 9771          principle    18291   18293      3
## 9772       appointments    18295   18295      1
## 9773            service    18297   18298      2
## 9774               test    18304   18306      3
## 9775            fitness    18308   18311      4
## 9776         promotions    18314   18314      1
## 9777    trustworthiness    18319   18319      1
## 9778       adaptability    18321   18321      1
## 9779               zeal    18324   18324      1
## 9780        performance    18326   18327      2
## 9781               duty    18329   18329      1
## 9782             tenure    18333   18334      2
## 9783             office    18336   18336      1
## 9784     considerations    18341   18342      2
## 9785       guardianship    18345   18346      2
## 9786           commerce    18353   18354      2
## 9787         protection    18356   18357      2
## 9788           citizens    18359   18360      2
## 9789          countries    18363   18364      2
## 9790            pursuit    18366   18367      2
## 9791            affairs    18369   18370      2
## 9792        maintenance    18373   18374      2
## 9793            dignity    18376   18377      2
## 9794             nation    18379   18380      2
## 9795                 it    18386   18386      1
## 9796            consuls    18389   18390      2
## 9797                men    18393   18393      1
## 9798          character    18395   18395      1
## 9799          knowledge    18397   18397      1
## 9800         enterprise    18399   18399      1
## 9801                 It    18401   18401      1
## 9802            service    18405   18406      2
## 9803           standard    18417   18418      2
## 9804         excellence    18420   18420      1
## 9805         principles    18427   18428      2
## 9806              bills    18432   18433      2
## 9807           Congress    18437   18438      2
## 9808            subject    18440   18441      2
## 9809                law    18445   18445      1
## 9810           judgment    18449   18450      2
## 9811               time    18451   18452      2
## 9812                 we    18456   18456      1
## 9813              minds    18461   18462      2
## 9814             Indian    18465   18466      2
## 9815         individual    18468   18469      2
## 9816             member    18473   18474      2
## 9817              tribe    18476   18477      2
## 9818                Act    18479   18482      4
## 9819             engine    18484   18487      4
## 9820               mass    18491   18493      3
## 9821                 It    18495   18495      1
## 9822             family    18499   18500      2
## 9823         individual    18502   18503      2
## 9824         provisions    18506   18507      2
## 9825            Indians    18508   18511      4
## 9826           citizens    18515   18515      1
## 9827             States    18517   18519      3
## 9828                 We    18521   18521      1
## 9829              funds    18526   18528      3
## 9830               them    18532   18532      1
## 9831          allotment    18533   18534      2
## 9832              lands    18537   18539      3
## 9833               they    18544   18544      1
## 9834           holdings    18549   18550      2
## 9835             period    18555   18557      3
## 9836              which    18559   18559      1
## 9837              funds    18560   18561      2
## 9838              cases    18564   18565      2
## 9839              trust    18571   18571      1
## 9840               This    18573   18573      1
## 9841               case    18575   18576      2
## 9842              lands    18579   18580      2
## 9843               stop    18582   18583      2
## 9844         permission    18588   18590      3
## 9845            Indians    18592   18592      1
## 9846         allotments    18595   18596      2
## 9847             effort    18598   18599      2
## 9848               work    18605   18607      3
## 9849                man    18609   18611      3
## 9850             ground    18613   18615      3
## 9851               laws    18617   18619      3
## 9852            Indians    18621   18622      2
## 9853              those    18629   18629      1
## 9854             whites    18631   18632      2
## 9855            schools    18636   18637      2
## 9856          education    18638   18639      2
## 9857               need    18647   18648      2
## 9858          education    18650   18651      2
## 9859            Indians    18653   18654      2
## 9860               care    18662   18664      3
## 9861           teaching    18672   18673      2
## 9862              needs    18675   18676      2
## 9863             Indian    18678   18680      3
## 9864                use    18684   18685      2
## 9865        agriculture    18690   18690      1
## 9866            country    18692   18693      2
## 9867            raising    18697   18698      2
## 9868             Indian    18701   18702      2
## 9869             grower    18706   18708      3
## 9870             system    18710   18712      3
## 9871              which    18714   18714      1
## 9872             system    18720   18722      3
## 9873            Indians    18728   18729      2
## 9874                 It    18731   18731      1
## 9875          pauperism    18736   18736      1
## 9876           industry    18740   18740      1
## 9877                 It    18742   18742      1
## 9878            barrier    18744   18746      3
## 9879                 It    18750   18750      1
## 9880             degree    18754   18758      5
## 9881             tribes    18762   18762      1
## 9882       reservations    18766   18766      1
## 9883         everything    18769   18769      1
## 9884             Indian    18773   18774      2
## 9885         individual    18779   18780      2
## 9886                man    18783   18785      3
## 9887             change    18788   18789      2
## 9888          treatment    18791   18791      1
## 9889          hardships    18792   18793      2
## 9890             effort    18797   18798      2
## 9891          hardships    18804   18805      2
## 9892                 we    18808   18808      1
## 9893               them    18813   18813      1
## 9894             change    18817   18818      2
## 9895          reduction    18823   18825      3
## 9896             number    18827   18828      2
## 9897           agencies    18830   18830      1
## 9898              races    18836   18838      3
## 9899             things    18839   18840      2
## 9900               them    18847   18847      1
## 9901        degradation    18849   18854      6
## 9902            traffic    18857   18859      3
## 9903                 We    18861   18861      1
## 9904                all    18864   18864      1
## 9905                 we    18865   18865      1
## 9906             tribes    18869   18872      4
## 9907               evil    18874   18875      2
## 9908          agreement    18879   18880      2
## 9909                end    18881   18883      3
## 9910              races    18889   18889      1
## 9911                 we    18891   18891      1
## 9912            control    18895   18896      2
## 9913             effort    18898   18899      2
## 9914                 it    18905   18905      1
## 9915                  I    18909   18909      1
## 9916            support    18911   18914      4
## 9917           Congress    18916   18917      2
## 9918             people    18919   18920      2
## 9919         Exposition    18922   18925      4
## 9920        Anniversary    18928   18931      4
## 9921           Purchase    18933   18935      3
## 9922           purchase    18937   18938      2
## 9923           instance    18940   18942      3
## 9924          expansion    18944   18944      1
## 9925            history    18946   18947      2
## 9926                 It    18949   18949      1
## 9927                 we    18953   18953      1
## 9928           republic    18957   18960      4
## 9929              power    18964   18966      3
## 9930         Hemisphere    18968   18970      3
## 9931                 It    18972   18972      1
## 9932          landmarks    18976   18980      5
## 9933            history    18982   18983      2
## 9934             points    18985   18988      4
## 9935        development    18990   18991      2
## 9936                 It    18993   18993      1
## 9937             people    18998   19000      3
## 9938               will    19004   19006      3
## 9939                 it    19009   19009      1
## 9940           citizens    19012   19013      2
## 9941              Louis    19015   19016      2
## 9942           Missouri    19019   19019      1
## 9943             region    19022   19025      4
## 9944                aid    19030   19031      2
## 9945        celebration    19034   19035      2
## 9946             annals    19040   19041      2
## 9947                 We    19043   19043      1
## 9948            nations    19047   19048      2
## 9949           interest    19051   19053      3
## 9950            country    19054   19055      2
## 9951         Exposition    19058   19059      2
## 9952         importance    19065   19066      2
## 9953         standpoint    19068   19069      2
## 9954               they    19073   19073      1
## 9955            success    19078   19079      2
## 9956         Government    19081   19083      3
## 9957                set    19088   19092      5
## 9958           exhibits    19094   19094      1
## 9959             people    19097   19098      2
## 9960         Charleston    19100   19100      1
## 9961             energy    19103   19104      2
## 9962             spirit    19106   19107      2
## 9963         Exposition    19112   19113      2
## 9964              which    19114   19114      1
## 9965            session    19120   19122      3
## 9966           Congress    19124   19125      2
## 9967                  I    19127   19127      1
## 9968         Exposition    19130   19131      2
## 9969               will    19133   19135      3
## 9970             people    19137   19138      2
## 9971                 It    19140   19140      1
## 9972      encouragement    19142   19144      3
## 9973               that    19145   19145      1
## 9974                 it    19149   19149      1
## 9975           managers    19151   19152      2
## 9976         Exposition    19154   19156      3
## 9977           officers    19159   19161      3
## 9978           exhibits    19165   19167      3
## 9979              which    19168   19168      1
## 9980            Buffalo    19172   19172      1
## 9981           expenses    19177   19179      3
## 9982                  I    19181   19181      1
## 9983     responsibility    19184   19185      2
## 9984               this    19189   19189      1
## 9985                  I    19194   19194      1
## 9986                 it    19197   19197      1
## 9987         Charleston    19201   19201      1
## 9988                her    19204   19204      1
## 9989             effort    19206   19208      3
## 9990            opinion    19211   19212      2
## 9991         management    19213   19214      2
## 9992           expenses    19221   19223      3
## 9993                  I    19225   19225      1
## 9994           Congress    19229   19230      2
## 9995                sum    19234   19236      3
## 9996            purpose    19239   19240      2
## 9997         Exposition    19243   19247      5
## 9998            Buffalo    19249   19249      1
## 9999         standpoint    19259   19261      3
## 10000        Exposition    19262   19263      2
## 10001            degree    19267   19269      3
## 10002           Buffalo    19277   19277      1
## 10003            States    19280   19282      3
## 10004           tragedy    19284   19286      3
## 10005     assassination    19288   19291      4
## 10006               its    19295   19295      1
## 10007           success    19297   19299      3
## 10008        Exposition    19301   19302      2
## 10009           harmony    19306   19306      1
## 10010             trend    19308   19309      2
## 10011            policy    19311   19313      3
## 10012                it    19316   19316      1
## 10013            effort    19318   19319      2
## 10014             touch    19323   19324      2
## 10015           peoples    19325   19327      3
## 10016        Hemisphere    19329   19331      3
## 10017              them    19335   19335      1
## 10018             sense    19336   19338      3
## 10019             unity    19340   19340      1
## 10020            effort    19342   19344      3
## 10021           service    19346   19348      3
## 10022            public    19350   19353      4
## 10023       advancement    19356   19357      2
## 10024         interests    19359   19361      3
## 10025           science    19363   19364      2
## 10026          learning    19366   19366      1
## 10027           custody    19368   19369      2
## 10028           objects    19371   19371      1
## 10029               art    19373   19373      1
## 10030           results    19376   19378      3
## 10031       expeditions    19380   19381      2
## 10032            States    19384   19386      3
## 10033       Institution    19391   19393      3
## 10034       furtherance    19396   19396      1
## 10035           purpose    19398   19400      3
## 10036          increase    19403   19405      3
## 10037         diffusion    19407   19407      1
## 10038         knowledge    19409   19409      1
## 10039               men    19411   19411      1
## 10040          Congress    19414   19414      1
## 10041              time    19417   19417      1
## 10042              time    19419   19419      1
## 10043                it    19421   19421      1
## 10044         functions    19422   19424      3
## 10045            trusts    19426   19427      2
## 10046       Institution    19432   19433      2
## 10047          fidelity    19435   19436      2
## 10048              halt    19441   19442      2
## 10049              work    19444   19445      2
## 10050       Institution    19447   19448      2
## 10051        accordance    19451   19451      1
## 10052             plans    19453   19454      2
## 10053             which    19455   19455      1
## 10054         Secretary    19456   19457      2
## 10055      preservation    19462   19463      2
## 10056             races    19465   19467      3
## 10057           animals    19469   19472      4
## 10058              Park    19474   19477      4
## 10059             needs    19479   19481      3
## 10060            Museum    19483   19485      3
## 10061     consideration    19489   19491      3
## 10062          Congress    19493   19494      2
## 10063          movement    19497   19502      6
## 10064             years    19504   19507      4
## 10065              that    19509   19509      1
## 10066             which    19510   19510      1
## 10067           library    19513   19516      4
## 10068                it    19519   19519      1
## 10069           service    19521   19524      4
## 10070         libraries    19529   19533      5
## 10071            States    19535   19537      3
## 10072           product    19539   19540      2
## 10073            period    19542   19543      2
## 10074          addition    19546   19546      1
## 10075          material    19549   19549      1
## 10076              they    19551   19551      1
## 10077      organization    19556   19556      1
## 10078       improvement    19559   19559      1
## 10079            method    19561   19561      1
## 10080                co    19565   19565      1
## 10081                 -    19566   19566      1
## 10082         operation    19567   19567      1
## 10083        efficiency    19571   19572      2
## 10084          material    19574   19575      2
## 10085              they    19576   19576      1
## 10086                it    19581   19581      1
## 10087         avoidance    19588   19588      1
## 10088       duplication    19590   19591      2
## 10089           process    19593   19593      1
## 10090              cost    19596   19597      2
## 10091    administration    19599   19600      2
## 10092           efforts    19604   19605      2
## 10093              they    19606   19606      1
## 10094        assistance    19610   19610      1
## 10095           library    19612   19614      3
## 10096             which    19616   19616      1
## 10097           Library    19619   19621      3
## 10098          Congress    19623   19623      1
## 10099           library    19630   19633      4
## 10100            States    19635   19637      3
## 10101             books    19645   19645      1
## 10102        Hemisphere    19647   19649      3
## 10103          purchase    19661   19661      1
## 10104          exchange    19663   19663      1
## 10105         operation    19666   19667      2
## 10106               law    19669   19671      3
## 10107           library    19673   19674      2
## 10108       opportunity    19676   19678      3
## 10109         libraries    19682   19683      2
## 10110           country    19685   19686      2
## 10111       scholarship    19689   19690      2
## 10112           service    19692   19692      1
## 10113        importance    19694   19696      3
## 10114                It    19698   19698      1
## 10115          building    19702   19703      2
## 10116             which    19704   19704      1
## 10117              uses    19714   19715      2
## 10118         Resources    19717   19717      1
## 10119             which    19722   19722      1
## 10120        collection    19725   19726      2
## 10121                it    19730   19730      1
## 10122         apparatus    19732   19733      2
## 10123           service    19735   19735      1
## 10124               use    19738   19740      3
## 10125              work    19743   19745      3
## 10126                it    19751   19751      1
## 10127            center    19756   19758      3
## 10128          research    19760   19760      1
## 10129            factor    19763   19765      3
## 10130           efforts    19767   19771      5
## 10131         diffusion    19773   19774      2
## 10132         knowledge    19776   19776      1
## 10133       advancement    19778   19779      2
## 10134              sake    19785   19786      2
## 10135    administration    19788   19789      2
## 10136           economy    19791   19792      2
## 10137       advancement    19795   19796      2
## 10138           science    19798   19798      1
## 10139            Office    19800   19802      3
## 10140            bureau    19809   19812      4
## 10141              This    19814   19814      1
## 10142              work    19817   19824      8
## 10143          interest    19827   19828      2
## 10144          business    19832   19833      2
## 10145           science    19836   19842      7
## 10146            growth    19845   19847      3
## 10147           service    19849   19851      3
## 10148              fact    19855   19856      2
## 10149          revenues    19858   19859      2
## 10150      expenditures    19863   19864      2
## 10151             years    19869   19870      2
## 10152       development    19872   19874      3
## 10153            outlay    19878   19878      1
## 10154            period    19882   19883      2
## 10155            energy    19885   19886      2
## 10156        prosperity    19888   19888      1
## 10157          receipts    19889   19890      2
## 10158          expenses    19896   19897      2
## 10159           deficit    19899   19901      3
## 10160           success    19921   19922      2
## 10161          delivery    19924   19926      3
## 10162        experience    19935   19936      2
## 10163          benefits    19939   19940      2
## 10164            demand    19945   19946      2
## 10165         extension    19948   19949      2
## 10166                It    19956   19956      1
## 10167        population    19960   19963      4
## 10168       improvement    19967   19968      2
## 10169           service    19970   19971      2
## 10170            number    19973   19974      2
## 10171            routes    19976   19977      2
## 10172         operation    19980   19980      1
## 10173               all    19984   19985      2
## 10174             years    19988   19989      2
## 10175      applications    19994   19995      2
## 10176            action    19997   19997      1
## 10177                It    19999   19999      1
## 10178            number    20003   20004      2
## 10179         operation    20006   20006      1
## 10180             close    20008   20009      2
## 10181              year    20011   20014      4
## 10182              mail    20019   20020      2
## 10183             doors    20027   20028      2
## 10184            people    20032   20033      2
## 10185               who    20034   20034      1
## 10186           offices    20040   20041      2
## 10187             third    20044   20046      3
## 10188           portion    20048   20050      3
## 10189           country    20052   20053      2
## 10190             which    20054   20054      1
## 10191                it    20058   20058      1
## 10192              kind    20063   20064      2
## 10193           service    20066   20066      1
## 10194           measure    20069   20071      3
## 10195          progress    20073   20074      2
## 10196             which    20075   20075      1
## 10197            burden    20086   20088      3
## 10198        Government    20091   20092      2
## 10199            abuses    20094   20100      7
## 10200             which    20101   20101      1
## 10201        connection    20106   20106      1
## 10202            matter    20108   20112      5
## 10203            extent    20114   20115      2
## 10204            burden    20117   20118      2
## 10205                it    20121   20121      1
## 10206            matter    20126   20130      5
## 10207            fifths    20132   20135      4
## 10208            weight    20137   20138      2
## 10209              mail    20140   20142      3
## 10210                it    20144   20144      1
## 10211              year    20147   20150      4
## 10212           revenue    20155   20158      4
## 10213              rate    20164   20166      3
## 10214           postage    20168   20168      1
## 10215             which    20170   20170      1
## 10216              loss    20172   20174      3
## 10217             which    20179   20179      1
## 10218          Congress    20183   20184      2
## 10219           purpose    20186   20187      2
## 10220     dissemination    20190   20191      2
## 10221       information    20193   20194      2
## 10222        newspapers    20199   20201      3
## 10223       periodicals    20203   20203      1
## 10224               law    20207   20208      2
## 10225         exception    20210   20212      3
## 10226           expense    20217   20218      2
## 10227              cost    20221   20225      5
## 10228            policy    20227   20230      4
## 10229               end    20234   20236      3
## 10230            matter    20241   20242      2
## 10231             which    20243   20243      1
## 10232              rate    20245   20247      3
## 10233            intent    20252   20253      2
## 10234               law    20255   20256      2
## 10235         admission    20261   20261      1
## 10236           evasion    20264   20265      2
## 10237           require    20267   20268      2
## 10238            merits    20270   20270      1
## 10239      construction    20273   20274      2
## 10240        proportion    20276   20277      2
## 10241            matter    20279   20282      4
## 10242           experts    20286   20287      2
## 10243              half    20290   20292      3
## 10244            volume    20294   20296      3
## 10245              mail    20298   20301      4
## 10246                it    20304   20304      1
## 10247             third    20306   20309      4
## 10248           quarter    20311   20313      3
## 10249         magnitude    20315   20316      2
## 10250            burden    20318   20319      2
## 10251        Department    20323   20327      5
## 10252            abuses    20333   20334      2
## 10253       application    20341   20343      3
## 10254               law    20345   20346      2
## 10255                it    20349   20349      1
## 10256            effort    20354   20355      2
## 10257            growth    20360   20362      3
## 10258             power    20364   20365      2
## 10259         interests    20367   20368      2
## 10260           Pacific    20370   20371      2
## 10261          whatever    20373   20373      1
## 10262             China    20376   20376      1
## 10263           concern    20380   20383      4
## 10264                us    20385   20385      1
## 10265             terms    20388   20390      3
## 10266        settlement    20392   20393      2
## 10267         questions    20395   20396      2
## 10268         uprisings    20400   20402      3
## 10269             China    20404   20404      1
## 10270              note    20412   20414      3
## 10271             China    20417   20417      1
## 10272   representatives    20419   20420      2
## 10273            powers    20422   20424      3
## 10274          December    20426   20426      1
## 10275        Government    20433   20435      3
## 10276       conferences    20438   20439      2
## 10277 plenipotentiaries    20440   20441      2
## 10278            powers    20443   20445      3
## 10279          protocol    20450   20452      3
## 10280 plenipotentiaries    20454   20456      3
## 10281               7th    20458   20459      2
## 10282         September    20461   20462      2
## 10283          measures    20466   20467      2
## 10284             China    20470   20470      1
## 10285        compliance    20472   20472      1
## 10286           demands    20474   20475      2
## 10287              note    20477   20479      3
## 10288         therewith    20483   20485      3
## 10289                It    20487   20487      1
## 10290          Congress    20492   20493      2
## 10291            report    20496   20497      2
## 10292   plenipotentiary    20499   20500      2
## 10293            behalf    20502   20502      1
## 10294            States    20504   20506      3
## 10295              whom    20514   20514      1
## 10296            praise    20515   20516      2
## 10297              tact    20520   20521      2
## 10298          judgment    20523   20524      2
## 10299            energy    20527   20527      1
## 10300                he    20528   20528      1
## 10301              task    20533   20538      6
## 10302         agreement    20541   20542      2
## 10303          disposes    20544   20544      1
## 10304            manner    20546   20547      2
## 10305            powers    20550   20551      2
## 10306           grounds    20553   20555      3
## 10307         complaint    20557   20557      1
## 10308         relations    20564   20566      3
## 10309             China    20568   20568      1
## 10310            powers    20570   20571      2
## 10311        Reparation    20573   20573      1
## 10312             China    20578   20578      1
## 10313            murder    20580   20581      2
## 10314        foreigners    20583   20583      1
## 10315          uprising    20585   20586      2
## 10316        punishment    20588   20588      1
## 10317         officials    20593   20594      2
## 10318              rank    20599   20599      1
## 10319          outbreak    20609   20610      2
## 10320      examinations    20612   20613      2
## 10321            period    20618   20619      2
## 10322             years    20621   20622      2
## 10323            cities    20624   20625      2
## 10324             which    20627   20627      1
## 10325        foreigners    20628   20628      1
## 10326            edicts    20637   20637      1
## 10327         officials    20642   20643      2
## 10328            safety    20647   20649      3
## 10329        foreigners    20651   20651      1
## 10330       suppression    20654   20655      2
## 10331          violence    20657   20657      1
## 10332              them    20659   20659      1
## 10333        Provisions    20662   20662      1
## 10334            safety    20668   20670      3
## 10335   representatives    20672   20674      3
## 10336            Peking    20676   20676      1
## 10337               use    20681   20683      3
## 10338           quarter    20684   20685      2
## 10339              city    20687   20688      2
## 10340             which    20689   20689      1
## 10341            powers    20690   20691      2
## 10342             which    20697   20697      1
## 10343              they    20698   20698      1
## 10344            guards    20703   20705      3
## 10345             works    20709   20711      3
## 10346           capital    20713   20714      2
## 10347               sea    20716   20717      2
## 10348       maintenance    20722   20724      3
## 10349             posts    20726   20728      3
## 10350              line    20730   20731      2
## 10351             edict    20733   20734      2
## 10352           Emperor    20739   20740      2
## 10353             China    20742   20742      1
## 10354             years    20745   20746      2
## 10355       importation    20747   20748      2
## 10356              arms    20750   20750      1
## 10357        ammunition    20752   20752      1
## 10358             China    20754   20754      1
## 10359             China    20756   20756      1
## 10360       indemnities    20761   20762      2
## 10361            states    20764   20765      2
## 10362         societies    20767   20767      1
## 10363       individuals    20770   20770      1
## 10364            losses    20772   20773      2
## 10365              them    20776   20776      1
## 10366          expenses    20779   20780      2
## 10367       expeditions    20782   20784      3
## 10368            powers    20787   20789      3
## 10369              life    20792   20792      1
## 10370             order    20795   20795      1
## 10371        provisions    20799   20800      2
## 10372              note    20802   20804      3
## 10373          December    20806   20806      1
## 10374             China    20810   20810      1
## 10375          treaties    20815   20816      2
## 10376          commerce    20818   20818      1
## 10377        navigation    20820   20820      1
## 10378             steps    20824   20826      3
## 10379           purpose    20828   20829      2
## 10380             trade    20832   20833      2
## 10381            powers    20835   20837      3
## 10382        Government    20845   20847      3
## 10383              work    20854   20855      2
## 10384             water    20858   20859      2
## 10385          Shanghai    20862   20862      1
## 10386          Tientsin    20865   20865      1
## 10387           centers    20867   20868      2
## 10388             trade    20870   20871      2
## 10389             China    20873   20876      4
## 10390             board    20879   20882      4
## 10391             which    20885   20885      1
## 10392        Government    20886   20888      3
## 10393       improvement    20897   20898      2
## 10394             River    20900   20902      3
## 10395           control    20904   20905      2
## 10396        navigation    20907   20908      2
## 10397              line    20911   20913      3
## 10398        advantages    20915   20916      2
## 10399          revision    20917   20918      2
## 10400            tariff    20920   20922      3
## 10401           imports    20924   20924      1
## 10402           purpose    20930   20931      2
## 10403            duties    20936   20938      3
## 10404            expert    20941   20942      2
## 10405              part    20948   20949      2
## 10406            States    20951   20953      3
## 10407              work    20957   20958      2
## 10408              list    20960   20961      2
## 10409          articles    20963   20963      1
## 10410              duty    20968   20968      1
## 10411             flour    20971   20971      1
## 10412           cereals    20973   20973      1
## 10413              rice    20976   20976      1
## 10414              gold    20978   20978      1
## 10415              coin    20981   20981      1
## 10416           bullion    20983   20983      1
## 10417        settlement    20991   20992      2
## 10418          troubles    20996   20997      2
## 10419        Government    20998   20999      2
## 10420        moderation    21003   21003      1
## 10421        adjustment    21012   21013      2
## 10422             which    21014   21014      1
## 10423           welfare    21018   21019      2
## 10424             China    21021   21021      1
## 10425       intercourse    21026   21029      4
## 10426            Empire    21031   21032      2
## 10427             world    21034   21036      3
## 10428            period    21040   21042      3
## 10429            revolt    21044   21044      1
## 10430          massacre    21046   21046      1
## 10431                we    21047   21047      1
## 10432             share    21049   21051      3
## 10433              life    21053   21056      4
## 10434          property    21058   21058      1
## 10435          interest    21065   21067      3
## 10436             honor    21069   21069      1
## 10437                It    21071   21071      1
## 10438                us    21073   21073      1
## 10439             paths    21077   21078      2
## 10440              what    21081   21081      1
## 10441             power    21084   21085      2
## 10442          feelings    21088   21088      1
## 10443              will    21090   21091      2
## 10444            effort    21095   21096      2
## 10445            policy    21101   21103      3
## 10446       intercourse    21105   21108      4
## 10447             China    21110   21110      1
## 10448           nations    21112   21113      2
## 10449           footing    21116   21117      2
## 10450            rights    21119   21120      2
## 10451        advantages    21122   21122      1
## 10452               all    21124   21124      1
## 10453                We    21126   21126      1
## 10454              door    21128   21131      4
## 10455               all    21134   21134      1
## 10456              that    21135   21135      1
## 10457                it    21136   21136      1
## 10458       procurement    21139   21142      4
## 10459     opportunities    21144   21146      3
## 10460            coasts    21148   21149      2
## 10461            access    21152   21152      1
## 10462          interior    21154   21155      2
## 10463         waterways    21157   21158      2
## 10464             which    21160   21160      1
## 10465             China    21161   21161      1
## 10466            people    21171   21172      2
## 10467             China    21174   21174      1
## 10468         community    21176   21179      4
## 10469             trade    21181   21181      1
## 10470           peoples    21183   21185      3
## 10471             earth    21187   21188      2
## 10472              work    21190   21191      2
## 10473          fruition    21198   21198      1
## 10474        attainment    21201   21202      2
## 10475           purpose    21204   21205      2
## 10476                we    21206   21206      1
## 10477            parity    21209   21209      1
## 10478         treatment    21211   21211      1
## 10479       conventions    21214   21215      2
## 10480            Empire    21218   21219      2
## 10481             trade    21221   21222      2
## 10482          citizens    21224   21225      2
## 10483             those    21227   21227      1
## 10484            powers    21229   21231      3
## 10485                We    21234   21234      1
## 10486          interest    21237   21238      2
## 10487             hopes    21240   21241      2
## 10488           results    21243   21244      2
## 10489       proceedings    21245   21246      2
## 10490          Congress    21248   21252      5
## 10491        invitation    21256   21257      2
## 10492            Mexico    21259   21259      1
## 10493           capital    21265   21267      3
## 10494         delegates    21269   21270      2
## 10495            States    21272   21274      3
## 10496      instructions    21277   21280      4
## 10497        colleagues    21284   21285      2
## 10498           matters    21287   21288      2
## 10499         advantage    21290   21290      1
## 10500            family    21292   21294      3
## 10501     commonwealths    21296   21297      2
## 10502         relations    21302   21303      2
## 10503        themselves    21305   21305      1
## 10504       advancement    21308   21310      3
## 10505       intercourse    21313   21314      2
## 10506             world    21316   21317      2
## 10507       predecessor    21322   21323      2
## 10508          Congress    21326   21327      2
## 10509              fact    21328   21329      2
## 10510            awards    21331   21336      6
## 10511            Mexico    21338   21338      1
## 10512            courts    21343   21345      3
## 10513           country    21347   21348      2
## 10514             fraud    21354   21354      1
## 10515              part    21358   21359      2
## 10516         claimants    21361   21362      2
## 10517        accordance    21367   21367      1
## 10518              acts    21369   21370      2
## 10519          Congress    21372   21373      2
## 10520             money    21374   21375      2
## 10521             hands    21378   21379      2
## 10522         Secretary    21381   21382      2
## 10523             State    21384   21384      1
## 10524            awards    21386   21387      2
## 10525            Mexico    21392   21392      1
## 10526           portion    21394   21396      3
## 10527             money    21398   21399      2
## 10528            Mexico    21402   21402      1
## 10529            awards    21404   21405      2
## 10530        Government    21410   21411      2
## 10531         claimants    21413   21414      2
## 10532          decision    21416   21417      2
## 10533            courts    21419   21420      2
## 10534          judgment    21424   21425      2
## 10535          Congress    21428   21429      2
## 10536            Mexico    21433   21433      1
## 10537            amount    21434   21435      2
## 10538              sums    21438   21439      2
## 10539         claimants    21444   21445      2
## 10540             death    21448   21449      2
## 10541          Victoria    21451   21452      2
## 10542            people    21454   21455      2
## 10543            States    21457   21459      3
## 10544             which    21466   21466      1
## 10545        Government    21467   21468      2
## 10546          McKinley    21474   21475      2
## 10547            Nation    21478   21479      2
## 10548              turn    21481   21481      1
## 10549           quarter    21484   21485      2
## 10550       expressions    21487   21490      4
## 10551             grief    21492   21492      1
## 10552          sympathy    21494   21494      1
## 10553             death    21499   21500      2
## 10554         Frederick    21502   21505      4
## 10555           Germany    21507   21507      1
## 10556          sympathy    21510   21512      3
## 10557            people    21514   21516      3
## 10558          sympathy    21519   21520      2
## 10559           Germany    21525   21525      1
## 10560         President    21527   21528      2
## 10561           quarter    21535   21536      2
## 10562             world    21538   21540      3
## 10563                we    21541   21541      1
## 10564              time    21546   21547      2
## 10565             death    21549   21552      4
## 10566             grief    21556   21557      2
## 10567            regard    21559   21559      1
## 10568            hearts    21563   21564      2
## 10569            people    21566   21567      2
## 10570             midst    21570   21571      2
## 10571        affliction    21573   21574      2
## 10572                we    21575   21575      1
## 10573          Almighty    21578   21579      2
## 10574                we    21581   21581      1
## 10575             peace    21584   21584      1
## 10576           nations    21586   21587      2
## 10577           mankind    21589   21589      1
## 10578                we    21592   21592      1
## 10579            policy    21596   21597      2
## 10580         relations    21605   21607      3
## 10581           respect    21609   21610      2
## 10582              will    21612   21613      2
## 10583         ROOSEVELT    21615   21616      2
## 10584            Senate        3       4      2
## 10585             House        6       6      1
## 10586   Representatives        8       8      1
## 10587                We       11      11      1
## 10588            period       15      16      2
## 10589        prosperity       18      19      2
## 10590        prosperity       21      22      2
## 10591          creature       25      26      2
## 10592               law       28      28      1
## 10593              laws       31      33      3
## 10594             which       35      35      1
## 10595                we       36      36      1
## 10596        conditions       43      44      2
## 10597             which       45      45      1
## 10598                it       47      47      1
## 10599       legislation       52      53      2
## 10600                it       54      54      1
## 10601                it       61      61      1
## 10602           periods       67      67      1
## 10603        depression       69      69      1
## 10604              wave       71      72      2
## 10605              tide       77      78      2
## 10606            Nation       82      83      2
## 10607         continent       87      88      2
## 10608            oceans       91      93      3
## 10609                It       95      95      1
## 10610               men       99      99      1
## 10611       descendants      100     101      2
## 10612          pioneers      103     103      1
## 10613             sense      108     109      2
## 10614        themselves      112     112      1
## 10615               men      115     115      1
## 10616           nations      120     121      2
## 10617             World      123     125      3
## 10618            energy      127     128      2
## 10619          boldness      130     130      1
## 10620              love      133     133      1
## 10621         adventure      135     135      1
## 10622            hearts      138     141      4
## 10623            Nation      143     145      3
## 10624           success      150     153      4
## 10625           fortune      155     155      1
## 10626            people      159     160      2
## 10627                we      161     161      1
## 10628              part      164     166      3
## 10629             world      168     169      2
## 10630                we      172     172      1
## 10631            future      177     178      2
## 10632              past      182     183      2
## 10633            events      188     189      2
## 10634             years      191     194      4
## 10635               woe      201     201      1
## 10636              weal      204     204      1
## 10637             place      206     207      2
## 10638           nations      212     213      2
## 10639                We      215     215      1
## 10640                we      225     225      1
## 10641          endeavor      229     230      2
## 10642             which      232     232      1
## 10643           failure      233     235      3
## 10644           success      237     238      2
## 10645                we      244     244      1
## 10646                we      247     247      1
## 10647              part      251     253      3
## 10648                we      256     256      1
## 10649               all      260     260      1
## 10650              that      261     261      1
## 10651                we      267     267      1
## 10652              part      270     272      3
## 10653              sons      282     283      2
## 10654               men      285     286      2
## 10655               War      288     290      3
## 10656              sons      292     293      2
## 10657               men      295     296      2
## 10658               who      297     297      1
## 10659              iron      299     299      1
## 10660             blood      301     302      2
## 10661           present      306     307      2
## 10662             heart      314     314      1
## 10663              will      318     318      1
## 10664              Ours      320     320      1
## 10665             creed      323     324      2
## 10666          weakling      326     327      2
## 10667            coward      329     330      2
## 10668              ours      332     332      1
## 10669            gospel      334     335      2
## 10670              hope      337     337      1
## 10671          endeavor      340     341      2
## 10672                We      343     343      1
## 10673          struggle      348     349      2
## 10674                us      351     351      1
## 10675          problems      355     356      2
## 10676                us      358     358      1
## 10677            outset      362     363      2
## 10678           century      365     367      3
## 10679          problems      369     370      2
## 10680              home      376     376      1
## 10681                we      379     379      1
## 10682                we      382     382      1
## 10683              them      385     385      1
## 10684              them      388     388      1
## 10685                we      394     394      1
## 10686          solution      397     398      2
## 10687         qualities      399     400      2
## 10688              head      402     402      1
## 10689             heart      404     404      1
## 10690             which      405     405      1
## 10691               men      409     410      2
## 10692               who      411     411      1
## 10693              days      414     415      2
## 10694        Washington      417     417      1
## 10695        Government      420     421      2
## 10696              days      426     427      2
## 10697           Lincoln      429     429      1
## 10698                it      432     432      1
## 10699           country      435     436      2
## 10700             plane      440     442      3
## 10701             being      444     447      4
## 10702              ours      449     449      1
## 10703            moment      451     453      3
## 10704             being      455     458      4
## 10705            causes      462     466      5
## 10706              play      470     471      2
## 10707            forces      473     475      3
## 10708           country      477     478      2
## 10709           century      481     482      2
## 10710              laws      485     486      2
## 10711               all      494     495      2
## 10712           average      498     501      4
## 10713       citizenship      503     504      2
## 10714          fortunes      506     507      2
## 10715             those      512     512      1
## 10716               who      513     513      1
## 10717              lead      516     517      2
## 10718       development      519     522      4
## 10719          fortunes      527     528      2
## 10720              evil      535     535      1
## 10721          incident      539     540      2
## 10722            action      542     542      1
## 10723             which      543     543      1
## 10724         community      546     547      2
## 10725             whole      549     550      2
## 10726             being      556     558      3
## 10727            people      564     565      2
## 10728          fortunes      567     568      2
## 10729         aggregate      576     577      2
## 10730          fortunes      578     579      2
## 10731            wealth      586     587      2
## 10732            people      589     590      2
## 10733             whole      592     593      2
## 10734            people      595     597      3
## 10735              they      602     602      1
## 10736         companies      608     610      3
## 10737             which      612     612      1
## 10738         societies      614     617      4
## 10739               men      622     622      1
## 10740             means      624     625      2
## 10741     accumulations      628     628      1
## 10742           capital      630     630      1
## 10743             which      631     631      1
## 10744           country      637     638      2
## 10745          deposits      642     643      2
## 10746             banks      645     647      3
## 10747            owners      649     650      2
## 10748             farms      652     652      1
## 10749           workers      654     660      7
## 10750           country      662     663      2
## 10751           history      669     670      2
## 10752        conditions      676     677      2
## 10753            growth      680     681      2
## 10754              that      685     685      1
## 10755              they      689     689      1
## 10756            growth      694     695      2
## 10757              what      697     697      1
## 10758                It      701     701      1
## 10759                we      706     706      1
## 10760              evil      712     713      2
## 10761                us      717     717      1
## 10762             sense      719     721      3
## 10763        proportion      723     723      1
## 10764                us      726     726      1
## 10765              gaze      730     731      2
## 10766              evil      733     735      3
## 10767              good      737     739      3
## 10768             evils      741     742      2
## 10769              some      746     746      1
## 10770              them      748     748      1
## 10771              they      753     753      1
## 10772         outgrowth      755     756      2
## 10773            misery      760     760      1
## 10774         decadence      762     762      1
## 10775        prosperity      766     766      1
## 10776          progress      769     770      2
## 10777       development      772     775      4
## 10778       development      777     779      3
## 10779              side      786     786      1
## 10780              side      788     788      1
## 10781                it      790     790      1
## 10782        regulation      793     795      3
## 10783             evils      799     800      2
## 10784                We      802     802      1
## 10785              duty      806     807      2
## 10786                we      809     809      1
## 10787             evils      815     816      2
## 10788                we      819     819      1
## 10789                we      824     824      1
## 10790             sense      829     831      3
## 10791        resolution      835     835      1
## 10792              good      838     839      2
## 10793           Message      860     861      2
## 10794          Congress      863     865      3
## 10795           session      867     869      3
## 10796                 I      870     870      1
## 10797            length      873     873      1
## 10798          question      874     875      2
## 10799        regulation      877     878      2
## 10800      corporations      880     882      3
## 10801          business      885     887      3
## 10802          tendency      891     892      2
## 10803             which      896     896      1
## 10804            trusts      901     901      1
## 10805        experience      903     904      2
## 10806              year      906     908      3
## 10807           opinion      913     914      2
## 10808             steps      919     920      2
## 10809                 I      921     921      1
## 10810         requisite      925     927      3
## 10811        efficiency      929     930      2
## 10812          standard      932     934      3
## 10813            energy      936     937      2
## 10814        excellence      939     939      1
## 10815              this      942     942      1
## 10816      inconsistent      945     947      3
## 10817             power      949     949      1
## 10818       combination      953     953      1
## 10819              aims      955     955      1
## 10820             which      956     956      1
## 10821              base      969     971      3
## 10822      civilization      973     973      1
## 10823     inviolability      975     976      2
## 10824          property      978     978      1
## 10825              this      981     981      1
## 10826      inconsistent      984     986      3
## 10827             right      988     989      2
## 10828           society      991     991      1
## 10829          exercise      994     995      2
## 10830            powers      997     999      3
## 10831             which     1000    1000      1
## 10832                it     1001    1001      1
## 10833            owners     1004    1005      2
## 10834          property     1007    1007      1
## 10835              name     1010    1011      2
## 10836        franchises     1013    1014      2
## 10837               way     1017    1019      3
## 10838            misuse     1023    1024      2
## 10839            powers     1026    1027      2
## 10840      Corporations     1029    1029      1
## 10841      combinations     1032    1033      2
## 10842      corporations     1035    1035      1
## 10843        regulation     1041    1042      2
## 10844        Experience     1044    1044      1
## 10845            system     1049    1050      2
## 10846        government     1052    1052      1
## 10847       supervision     1053    1055      3
## 10848            action     1061    1062      2
## 10849                It     1064    1064      1
## 10850            action     1070    1071      2
## 10851               aim     1073    1074      2
## 10852      corporations     1081    1081      1
## 10853          contrary     1084    1085      2
## 10854      aggregations     1087    1089      3
## 10855       development     1091    1093      3
## 10856     industrialism     1095    1096      2
## 10857            effort     1099    1100      2
## 10858              them     1103    1103      1
## 10859              ways     1110    1110      1
## 10860              that     1111    1111      1
## 10861          mischief     1114    1116      3
## 10862           politic     1118    1121      4
## 10863                We     1123    1123      1
## 10864           nothing     1126    1126      1
## 10865               way     1130    1131      2
## 10866      corporations     1136    1137      2
## 10867                we     1139    1139      1
## 10868             minds     1143    1144      2
## 10869                we     1146    1146      1
## 10870      corporations     1150    1151      2
## 10871              evil     1159    1160      2
## 10872              them     1162    1162      1
## 10873                We     1164    1164      1
## 10874              them     1169    1169      1
## 10875                we     1171    1171      1
## 10876              they     1176    1176      1
## 10877              good     1184    1186      3
## 10878                We     1188    1188      1
## 10879              line     1190    1191      2
## 10880        misconduct     1193    1193      1
## 10881            wealth     1197    1197      1
## 10882        capitalist     1199    1200      2
## 10883               who     1201    1201      1
## 10884       conjunction     1206    1206      1
## 10885           fellows     1208    1209      2
## 10886              feat     1212    1215      4
## 10887             which     1217    1217      1
## 10888                he     1218    1218      1
## 10889             money     1220    1220      1
## 10890          welldoer     1222    1223      2
## 10891         wrongdoer     1225    1227      3
## 10892                he     1230    1231      2
## 10893             lines     1234    1237      4
## 10894                We     1239    1239      1
## 10895               man     1243    1245      3
## 10896                he     1247    1247      1
## 10897                We     1251    1251      1
## 10898           actions     1257    1258      2
## 10899               him     1262    1262      1
## 10900         Publicity     1267    1267      1
## 10901              harm     1270    1271      2
## 10902       corporation     1273    1275      3
## 10903                we     1278    1278      1
## 10904       corporation     1286    1288      3
## 10905      combinations     1295    1296      2
## 10906           capital     1298    1298      1
## 10907             which     1299    1299      1
## 10908            public     1308    1309      2
## 10909                we     1310    1310      1
## 10910       enterprises     1317    1319      3
## 10911             which     1320    1320      1
## 10912              cost     1324    1325      2
## 10913        production     1327    1327      1
## 10914             place     1332    1333      2
## 10915             which     1334    1334      1
## 10916           country     1335    1336      2
## 10917        leadership     1340    1341      2
## 10918             world     1343    1346      4
## 10919            wealth     1352    1352      1
## 10920            result     1354    1355      2
## 10921         factories     1357    1358      2
## 10922             mines     1360    1360      1
## 10923              idle     1364    1368      5
## 10924           streets     1370    1371      2
## 10925            farmer     1374    1375      2
## 10926            market     1377    1378      2
## 10927              what     1380    1380      1
## 10928                he     1381    1381      1
## 10929        Insistence     1384    1384      1
## 10930             delay     1386    1389      4
## 10931              hand     1399    1401      3
## 10932           defense     1403    1405      3
## 10933              what     1408    1408      1
## 10934              what     1412    1412      1
## 10935            system     1416    1418      3
## 10936            effort     1420    1422      3
## 10937           attempt     1425    1426      2
## 10938        betterment     1428    1428      1
## 10939         blindness     1431    1431      1
## 10940             truth     1433    1435      3
## 10941         evolution     1437    1438      2
## 10942         safeguard     1440    1442      3
## 10943        revolution     1444    1444      1
## 10944           subject     1447    1450      4
## 10945          Congress     1454    1455      2
## 10946              this     1457    1457      1
## 10947        regulation     1459    1460      2
## 10948          business     1462    1463      2
## 10949           country     1465    1466      2
## 10950              plea     1474    1475      2
## 10951            system     1478    1480      3
## 10952        government     1482    1482      1
## 10953                we     1483    1483      1
## 10954          presence     1487    1488      2
## 10955        conditions     1490    1492      3
## 10956              them     1499    1499      1
## 10957          whatever     1504    1504      1
## 10958              evil     1506    1506      1
## 10959        connection     1510    1510      1
## 10960              them     1512    1512      1
## 10961             power     1514    1515      2
## 10962          Congress     1517    1518      2
## 10963          commerce     1521    1522      2
## 10964             grant     1524    1528      5
## 10965       limitations     1532    1532      1
## 10966             those     1535    1535      1
## 10967      Constitution     1538    1539      2
## 10968          Congress     1541    1542      2
## 10969         authority     1544    1545      2
## 10970              laws     1548    1549      2
## 10971             power     1555    1556      2
## 10972                 I     1559    1559      1
## 10973             power     1563    1564      2
## 10974       legislation     1570    1571      2
## 10975             books     1574    1576      3
## 10976                It     1578    1578      1
## 10977           freedom     1588    1589      2
## 10978         restraint     1592    1592      1
## 10979          commerce     1594    1595      2
## 10980             power     1598    1600      3
## 10981          Congress     1602    1603      2
## 10982               law     1607    1611      5
## 10983          exercise     1614    1618      5
## 10984         authority     1620    1621      2
## 10985               end     1623    1624      2
## 10986             evils     1626    1627      2
## 10987                 I     1633    1633      1
## 10988        monopolies     1636    1636      1
## 10989   discriminations     1638    1639      2
## 10990             which     1641    1641      1
## 10991     organizations     1654    1655      2
## 10992         practices     1657    1657      1
## 10993             which     1658    1658      1
## 10994             trade     1661    1662      2
## 10995             power     1667    1668      2
## 10996          Congress     1670    1671      2
## 10997          commerce     1675    1675      1
## 10998           nations     1677    1678      2
## 10999            States     1681    1683      3
## 11000       regulations     1686    1686      1
## 11001      requirements     1688    1688      1
## 11002          commerce     1692    1693      2
## 11003             those     1700    1700      1
## 11004                 I     1705    1705      1
## 11005           subject     1708    1709      2
## 11006     consideration     1711    1712      2
## 11007          Congress     1714    1715      2
## 11008              view     1717    1718      2
## 11009           passage     1720    1721      2
## 11010               law     1723    1724      2
## 11011        provisions     1727    1728      2
## 11012        operations     1732    1733      2
## 11013             which     1736    1736      1
## 11014         questions     1737    1738      2
## 11015            doubts     1746    1746      1
## 11016         necessity     1749    1750      2
## 11017         amendment     1752    1753      2
## 11018                it     1756    1756      1
## 11019          purposes     1761    1762      2
## 11020               law     1767    1769      3
## 11021                we     1775    1775      1
## 11022      Constitution     1781    1782      2
## 11023      peradventure     1788    1788      1
## 11024             power     1789    1790      2
## 11025          Congress     1794    1795      2
## 11026     appropriation     1800    1801      2
## 11027       enforcement     1803    1805      3
## 11028               law     1807    1809      3
## 11029                it     1811    1811      1
## 11030        Department     1821    1822      2
## 11031           Justice     1824    1824      1
## 11032       enforcement     1827    1828      2
## 11033               law     1830    1831      2
## 11034          Congress     1840    1841      2
## 11035     appropriation     1844    1846      3
## 11036           purpose     1848    1849      2
## 11037         direction     1855    1856      2
## 11038           General     1858    1861      4
## 11039       proposition     1864    1865      2
## 11040         reduction     1869    1870      2
## 11041            tariff     1872    1873      2
## 11042             means     1875    1876      2
## 11043             evils     1879    1880      2
## 11044            trusts     1882    1883      2
## 11045             which     1884    1884      1
## 11046          category     1887    1888      2
## 11047                 I     1889    1889      1
## 11048              this     1896    1896      1
## 11049         diversion     1902    1903      2
## 11050           efforts     1905    1906      2
## 11051         direction     1908    1910      3
## 11052       abandonment     1913    1914      2
## 11053           attempt     1916    1918      3
## 11054             evils     1923    1924      2
## 11055      corporations     1928    1930      3
## 11056             those     1934    1934      1
## 11057             which     1935    1935      1
## 11058            scheme     1941    1943      3
## 11059        regulation     1945    1945      1
## 11060            degree     1952    1954      3
## 11061            change     1956    1957      2
## 11062            tariff     1959    1960      2
## 11063            change     1964    1965      2
## 11064        prosperity     1968    1970      3
## 11065           country     1972    1973      2
## 11066          relation     1975    1977      3
## 11067            tariff     1979    1980      2
## 11068      corporations     1982    1983      2
## 11069             whole     1985    1986      2
## 11070            tariff     1989    1990      2
## 11071      manufactures     1992    1992      1
## 11072            remedy     1996    1998      3
## 11073            effect     2003    2003      1
## 11074      manufactures     2007    2007      1
## 11075            tariff     2012    2013      2
## 11076           measure     2015    2017      3
## 11077            trusts     2020    2020      1
## 11078              ruin     2025    2025      1
## 11079       competitors     2027    2029      3
## 11080               who     2030    2030      1
## 11081              them     2034    2034      1
## 11082               aim     2036    2037      2
## 11083           changes     2042    2044      3
## 11084          products     2047    2048      2
## 11085         advantage     2049    2050      2
## 11086          products     2052    2053      2
## 11087        regulation     2057    2058      2
## 11088       competition     2061    2062      2
## 11089            chance     2063    2065      3
## 11090               end     2068    2069      2
## 11091           changes     2075    2077      3
## 11092             which     2078    2078      1
## 11093       competitors     2082    2084      3
## 11094          question     2091    2092      2
## 11095        regulation     2094    2094      1
## 11096            trusts     2096    2097      2
## 11097          question     2101    2102      2
## 11098          revision     2104    2105      2
## 11099         Stability     2108    2108      1
## 11100            policy     2110    2111      2
## 11101              need     2115    2118      4
## 11102           country     2120    2121      2
## 11103         stability     2123    2124      2
## 11104     fossilization     2128    2128      1
## 11105           country     2130    2131      2
## 11106            wisdom     2135    2136      2
## 11107         principle     2138    2142      5
## 11108                It     2144    2144      1
## 11109            system     2149    2150      2
## 11110           changes     2159    2162      4
## 11111        experience     2165    2167      3
## 11112        prosperity     2170    2171      2
## 11113           country     2173    2174      2
## 11114            tariff     2179    2181      3
## 11115           country     2185    2186      2
## 11116           changes     2191    2193      3
## 11117         intervals     2195    2196      2
## 11118              laws     2200    2203      4
## 11119              work     2205    2207      3
## 11120          business     2212    2212      1
## 11121              them     2216    2216      1
## 11122                it     2221    2221      1
## 11123              time     2227    2228      2
## 11124    inconveniences     2229    2230      2
## 11125      inequalities     2232    2232      1
## 11126         schedules     2234    2235      2
## 11127          business     2239    2239      1
## 11128           changes     2241    2246      6
## 11129                It     2248    2248      1
## 11130                we     2256    2256      1
## 11131            tariff     2259    2260      2
## 11132        standpoint     2262    2263      2
## 11133             needs     2266    2268      3
## 11134                It     2270    2270      1
## 11135      partisanship     2280    2280      1
## 11136     consideration     2286    2286      1
## 11137           subject     2288    2289      2
## 11138                it     2294    2294      1
## 11139         interests     2300    2302      3
## 11140           country     2304    2305      2
## 11141              that     2307    2307      1
## 11142         interests     2311    2312      2
## 11143            people     2314    2315      2
## 11144             whole     2317    2318      2
## 11145         interests     2321    2323      3
## 11146            fixity     2331    2331      1
## 11147         principle     2333    2333      1
## 11148            tariff     2336    2337      2
## 11149                we     2338    2338      1
## 11150            system     2340    2341      2
## 11151             which     2342    2342      1
## 11152                us     2345    2345      1
## 11153              time     2347    2347      1
## 11154              time     2349    2349      1
## 11155     reapplication     2352    2354      3
## 11156         principle     2356    2357      2
## 11157             needs     2359    2362      4
## 11158                We     2364    2364      1
## 11159              care     2367    2368      2
## 11160     reapplication     2370    2371      2
## 11161               way     2376    2378      3
## 11162                it     2380    2380      1
## 11163       dislocation     2385    2386      2
## 11164            system     2388    2389      2
## 11165            threat     2391    2393      3
## 11166             which     2395    2395      1
## 11167       performance     2401    2402      2
## 11168         paralysis     2406    2406      1
## 11169          energies     2408    2410      3
## 11170         community     2412    2413      2
## 11171     consideration     2415    2417      3
## 11172           changes     2420    2421      2
## 11173            course     2425    2425      1
## 11174         principle     2430    2431      2
## 11175             which     2432    2432      1
## 11176            system     2434    2437      4
## 11177         principle     2442    2443      2
## 11178         interests     2446    2448      3
## 11179          equality     2452    2454      3
## 11180         interests     2456    2456      1
## 11181              rate     2463    2465      3
## 11182              duty     2467    2467      1
## 11183        difference     2472    2473      2
## 11184              cost     2475    2477      3
## 11185             being     2482    2485      4
## 11186            worker     2487    2490      4
## 11187             being     2493    2496      4
## 11188            tiller     2498    2499      2
## 11189              soil     2501    2502      2
## 11190            policy     2512    2515      4
## 11191            change     2521    2522      2
## 11192             which     2523    2523      1
## 11193          standard     2526    2527      2
## 11194           comfort     2529    2529      1
## 11195          standard     2531    2532      2
## 11196             wages     2534    2534      1
## 11197            worker     2536    2540      5
## 11198               way     2543    2544      2
## 11199             which     2546    2546      1
## 11200      readjustment     2547    2548      2
## 11201          treaties     2555    2556      2
## 11202                It     2558    2558      1
## 11203          treaties     2565    2566      2
## 11204              They     2571    2571      1
## 11205           markets     2577    2578      2
## 11206             field     2582    2584      3
## 11207        activities     2586    2587      2
## 11208         producers     2589    2590      2
## 11209              hand     2592    2594      3
## 11210              hand     2598    2600      3
## 11211             shape     2604    2605      2
## 11212          lowering     2606    2607      2
## 11213            duties     2609    2609      1
## 11214              they     2611    2611      1
## 11215        protection     2617    2617      1
## 11216            people     2619    2621      3
## 11217           minimum     2625    2626      2
## 11218            damage     2628    2628      1
## 11219              sake     2634    2635      2
## 11220           maximum     2637    2638      2
## 11221                it     2644    2644      1
## 11222          treaties     2649    2651      3
## 11223           warrant     2659    2660      2
## 11224          endeavor     2662    2663      2
## 11225            others     2666    2666      1
## 11226          treaties     2671    2673      3
## 11227              they     2676    2676      1
## 11228               end     2682    2684      3
## 11229       reciprocity     2688    2688      1
## 11230       legislation     2694    2695      2
## 11231        conditions     2699    2701      3
## 11232            change     2705    2707      3
## 11233         advantage     2711    2711      1
## 11234       application     2715    2716      2
## 11235              idea     2718    2720      3
## 11236                it     2723    2723      1
## 11237          lowering     2729    2730      2
## 11238            duties     2732    2732      1
## 11239           product     2734    2736      3
## 11240            change     2741    2742      2
## 11241     consideration     2748    2750      3
## 11242           experts     2752    2753      2
## 11243               who     2755    2755      1
## 11244           subject     2758    2759      2
## 11245        standpoint     2761    2763      3
## 11246              view     2767    2767      1
## 11247         interests     2768    2771      4
## 11248             being     2774    2778      5
## 11249            people     2780    2781      2
## 11250             whole     2783    2784      2
## 11251         machinery     2786    2787      2
## 11252     investigation     2790    2792      3
## 11253        department     2798    2800      3
## 11254           methods     2804    2806      3
## 11255             facts     2809    2809      1
## 11256           figures     2811    2811      1
## 11257          Congress     2815    2816      2
## 11258     consideration     2818    2819      2
## 11259              that     2821    2821      1
## 11260             which     2822    2822      1
## 11261           subject     2826    2827      2
## 11262        committees     2829    2831      3
## 11263        commission     2834    2835      2
## 11264           experts     2837    2838      2
## 11265              duty     2842    2843      2
## 11266                it     2844    2844      1
## 11267            action     2849    2849      1
## 11268          Congress     2851    2852      2
## 11269       examination     2854    2858      5
## 11270         schedules     2860    2862      3
## 11271              they     2864    2864      1
## 11272        conditions     2868    2872      5
## 11273            report     2874    2878      5
## 11274        commission     2880    2881      2
## 11275           changes     2884    2885      2
## 11276         schedules     2890    2892      3
## 11277           changes     2897    2898      2
## 11278        prosperity     2904    2906      3
## 11279             which     2907    2907      1
## 11280           country     2908    2909      2
## 11281            policy     2916    2919      4
## 11282             cases     2922    2923      2
## 11283             which     2925    2925      1
## 11284            tariff     2926    2927      2
## 11285          monopoly     2930    2931      2
## 11286            factor     2938    2940      3
## 11287          question     2942    2943      2
## 11288            course     2947    2947      1
## 11289              case     2950    2951      2
## 11290                it     2952    2952      1
## 11291              rate     2956    2958      3
## 11292              duty     2960    2960      1
## 11293          monopoly     2963    2964      2
## 11294             which     2965    2965      1
## 11295     protectionist     2969    2970      2
## 11296         reduction     2974    2975      2
## 11297              duty     2977    2978      2
## 11298       competition     2982    2982      1
## 11299          judgment     2986    2987      2
## 11300            tariff     2989    2990      2
## 11301              coal     2992    2993      2
## 11302                it     3004    3004      1
## 11303              list     3010    3012      3
## 11304              This     3014    3014      1
## 11305            effect     3017    3018      2
## 11306            crises     3023    3023      1
## 11307            crises     3027    3027      1
## 11308                it     3028    3028      1
## 11309           service     3032    3032      1
## 11310            people     3034    3035      2
## 11311             rates     3038    3039      2
## 11312            factor     3041    3043      3
## 11313          activity     3045    3046      2
## 11314             order     3050    3050      1
## 11315             rates     3052    3053      2
## 11316             needs     3059    3061      3
## 11317           seasons     3063    3064      2
## 11318       communities     3067    3069      3
## 11319        recurrence     3074    3075      2
## 11320      stringencies     3077    3078      2
## 11321             which     3079    3079      1
## 11322          business     3082    3083      2
## 11323                it     3085    3085      1
## 11324           element     3092    3093      2
## 11325        elasticity     3095    3095      1
## 11326            system     3097    3099      3
## 11327             Banks     3101    3101      1
## 11328          servants     3103    3105      3
## 11329          commerce     3107    3107      1
## 11330              them     3111    3111      1
## 11331       circulation     3127    3128      2
## 11332             needs     3132    3133      2
## 11333        industries     3135    3137      3
## 11334          commerce     3140    3144      5
## 11335             issue     3147    3148      2
## 11336              this     3150    3150      1
## 11337            supply     3156    3158      3
## 11338         interests     3164    3166      3
## 11339           country     3168    3169      2
## 11340                It     3172    3172      1
## 11341              time     3180    3181      2
## 11342            system     3186    3188      3
## 11343             which     3190    3190      1
## 11344            growth     3193    3194      2
## 11345           century     3196    3197      2
## 11346       legislation     3200    3202      3
## 11347                 I     3205    3205      1
## 11348           outline     3210    3212      3
## 11349              plan     3214    3215      2
## 11350      requirements     3220    3221      2
## 11351            limits     3224    3226      3
## 11352     communication     3228    3229      2
## 11353                It     3231    3231      1
## 11354       legislation     3238    3240      3
## 11355           subject     3242    3243      2
## 11356              view     3247    3248      2
## 11357               use     3251    3252      2
## 11358 instrumentalities     3254    3255      2
## 11359            demand     3260    3262      3
## 11360        industries     3264    3265      2
## 11361          commerce     3268    3268      1
## 11362            amount     3273    3274      2
## 11363         character     3278    3279      2
## 11364       circulation     3281    3281      1
## 11365             kinds     3286    3287      2
## 11366             money     3289    3289      1
## 11367              will     3295    3296      2
## 11368            holder     3298    3299      2
## 11369          standard     3303    3306      4
## 11370                 I     3309    3309      1
## 11371         attention     3312    3313      2
## 11372              need     3315    3316      2
## 11373               law     3319    3322      4
## 11374            points     3325    3326      2
## 11375           Message     3329    3330      2
## 11376               you     3332    3332      1
## 11377           session     3334    3336      3
## 11378          Congress     3338    3340      3
## 11379              bill     3343    3345      3
## 11380             House     3349    3350      2
## 11381         treatment     3356    3357      2
## 11382             labor     3360    3360      1
## 11383           capital     3363    3363      1
## 11384               man     3370    3372      3
## 11385          employer     3375    3375      1
## 11386          employee     3377    3377      1
## 11387        initiative     3381    3382      2
## 11388       development     3388    3390      3
## 11389           country     3392    3393      2
## 11390           problem     3396    3397      2
## 11391      difficulties     3400    3401      2
## 11392             which     3404    3404      1
## 11393                it     3405    3405      1
## 11394        importance     3408    3410      3
## 11395             lines     3414    3414      1
## 11396            sanity     3416    3416      1
## 11397             sense     3418    3422      5
## 11398          devotion     3427    3427      1
## 11399             right     3429    3430      2
## 11400              This     3432    3432      1
## 11401               era     3434    3435      2
## 11402        federation     3437    3437      1
## 11403       combination     3439    3439      1
## 11404               men     3443    3444      2
## 11405              they     3446    3446      1
## 11406      corporations     3451    3451      1
## 11407                it     3455    3455      1
## 11408          tendency     3457    3459      3
## 11409      corporations     3461    3462      2
## 11410                it     3468    3468      1
## 11411               men     3474    3474      1
## 11412       federations     3478    3478      1
## 11413             these     3481    3481      1
## 11414           factors     3484    3485      2
## 11415              life     3487    3489      3
## 11416             kinds     3491    3492      2
## 11417        federation     3494    3494      1
## 11418             labor     3498    3498      1
## 11419         corollary     3507    3509      3
## 11420              they     3510    3510      1
## 11421              evil     3514    3514      1
## 11422        Opposition     3516    3516      1
## 11423              kind     3518    3519      2
## 11424      organization     3521    3521      1
## 11425              form     3524    3525      2
## 11426        opposition     3527    3527      1
## 11427          whatever     3529    3529      1
## 11428           conduct     3533    3534      2
## 11429       corporation     3536    3538      3
## 11430             union     3540    3540      1
## 11431           attacks     3544    3544      1
## 11432      corporations     3546    3546      1
## 11433            unions     3548    3551      4
## 11434              some     3556    3556      1
## 11435              work     3558    3564      7
## 11436            people     3566    3567      2
## 11437      corporations     3572    3573      2
## 11438            unions     3575    3575      1
## 11439              Each     3577    3577      1
## 11440      interference     3581    3584      4
## 11441            rights     3586    3587      2
## 11442            others     3589    3589      1
## 11443           capital     3591    3592      2
## 11444             labor     3594    3595      2
## 11445               run     3601    3603      3
## 11446          interest     3604    3605      2
## 11447              each     3607    3607      1
## 11448           harmony     3612    3612      1
## 11449          interest     3614    3615      2
## 11450            public     3617    3619      3
## 11451           conduct     3622    3623      2
## 11452              each     3625    3625      1
## 11453             rules     3629    3631      3
## 11454         obedience     3633    3633      1
## 11455               law     3635    3636      2
## 11456           freedom     3639    3640      2
## 11457           justice     3644    3644      1
## 11458               all     3649    3649      1
## 11459              Each     3651    3651      1
## 11460          addition     3656    3656      1
## 11461             power     3658    3658      1
## 11462                it     3659    3659      1
## 11463       realization     3663    3664      2
## 11464            ideals     3666    3672      7
## 11465          employer     3674    3675      2
## 11466            worker     3677    3680      4
## 11467           liberty     3685    3686      2
## 11468             right     3688    3689      2
## 11469                he     3693    3693      1
## 11470          property     3696    3697      2
## 11471             labor     3699    3700      2
## 11472                he     3704    3704      1
## 11473            rights     3709    3710      2
## 11474            others     3712    3712      1
## 11475                It     3714    3714      1
## 11476        importance     3717    3719      3
## 11477          employer     3721    3721      1
## 11478          employee     3723    3723      1
## 11479         viewpoint     3729    3731      3
## 11480          disaster     3736    3738      3
## 11481              that     3739    3739      1
## 11482               run     3745    3747      3
## 11483          attitude     3753    3756      4
## 11484         hostility     3758    3759      2
## 11485          distrust     3761    3761      1
## 11486            people     3766    3767      2
## 11487           country     3771    3772      2
## 11488   representatives     3774    3775      2
## 11489              both     3776    3776      1
## 11490           capital     3778    3778      1
## 11491             labor     3780    3780      1
## 11492               who     3788    3788      1
## 11493     understanding     3794    3796      3
## 11494              kind     3798    3799      2
## 11495            wisdom     3803    3803      1
## 11496          sympathy     3806    3809      4
## 11497         employers     3811    3811      1
## 11498               all     3816    3816      1
## 11499                we     3818    3818      1
## 11500              kind     3823    3824      2
## 11501         animosity     3826    3827      2
## 11502             world     3829    3831      3
## 11503           welfare     3845    3846      2
## 11504                We     3857    3857      1
## 11505        government     3860    3861      2
## 11506         condition     3864    3864      1
## 11507                we     3866    3866      1
## 11508        principles     3870    3871      2
## 11509             which     3873    3873      1
## 11510            Nation     3874    3875      2
## 11511               man     3881    3882      2
## 11512              part     3885    3886      2
## 11513             class     3888    3889      2
## 11514            merits     3893    3895      3
## 11515               All     3897    3897      1
## 11516              that     3898    3898      1
## 11517                we     3899    3899      1
## 11518               man     3906    3907      2
## 11519          whatever     3913    3913      1
## 11520             creed     3914    3915      2
## 11521        occupation     3917    3918      2
## 11522        birthplace     3920    3921      2
## 11523         residence     3924    3925      2
## 11524                he     3929    3929      1
## 11525          neighbor     3936    3937      2
## 11526           country     3941    3942      2
## 11527                We     3944    3944      1
## 11528               man     3948    3950      3
## 11529               man     3955    3957      3
## 11530                we     3961    3961      1
## 11531               man     3964    3966      3
## 11532            powers     3975    3977      3
## 11533        Government     3979    3981      3
## 11534           matters     3983    3984      2
## 11535            moment     3986    3989      4
## 11536            Nation     3991    3992      2
## 11537              they     3994    3994      1
## 11538        conformity     3999    3999      1
## 11539        principles     4001    4002      2
## 11540                It     4008    4008      1
## 11541         secretary     4013    4014      2
## 11542          commerce     4016    4016      1
## 11543              seat     4022    4023      2
## 11544           Cabinet     4025    4026      2
## 11545    multiplication     4028    4030      3
## 11546         questions     4032    4032      1
## 11547             labor     4034    4034      1
## 11548           capital     4036    4036      1
## 11549            growth     4038    4039      2
## 11550        complexity     4041    4041      1
## 11551     organizations     4043    4044      2
## 11552             which     4046    4046      1
## 11553             labor     4047    4048      2
## 11554           capital     4050    4050      1
## 11555        expression     4053    4053      1
## 11556          tendency     4055    4057      3
## 11557        employment     4059    4060      2
## 11558           capital     4062    4062      1
## 11559      corporations     4064    4065      2
## 11560           strides     4068    4070      3
## 11561           country     4072    4073      2
## 11562        leadership     4075    4075      1
## 11563             world     4077    4080      4
## 11564            demand     4082    4084      3
## 11565          creation     4086    4087      2
## 11566          position     4089    4091      3
## 11567            bodies     4094    4098      5
## 11568           country     4100    4101      2
## 11569          creation     4106    4107      2
## 11570                It     4109    4109      1
## 11571           measure     4113    4115      3
## 11572              that     4117    4117      1
## 11573             which     4118    4118      1
## 11574            Senate     4122    4123      2
## 11575               law     4127    4127      1
## 11576          creation     4129    4130      2
## 11577        department     4132    4134      3
## 11578            itself     4137    4137      1
## 11579           advance     4139    4140      2
## 11580       supervision     4146    4146      1
## 11581           subject     4148    4150      3
## 11582      corporations     4152    4154      3
## 11583          business     4156    4158      3
## 11584               end     4162    4163      2
## 11585              view     4165    4165      1
## 11586          Congress     4167    4168      2
## 11587        department     4171    4172      2
## 11588            powers     4174    4175      2
## 11589             which     4177    4177      1
## 11590        experience     4182    4182      1
## 11591              need     4185    4186      2
## 11592                 I     4189    4189      1
## 11593            Senate     4195    4196      2
## 11594            treaty     4197    4199      3
## 11595              Cuba     4201    4201      1
## 11596               May     4204    4204      1
## 11597            States     4207    4209      3
## 11598           promise     4211    4212      2
## 11599            island     4214    4215      2
## 11600              soil     4219    4220      2
## 11601              Cuba     4223    4223      1
## 11602             those     4226    4226      1
## 11603              whom     4227    4227      1
## 11604            people     4228    4230      3
## 11605         officials     4234    4236      3
## 11606          Republic     4238    4240      3
## 11607              Cuba     4243    4243      1
## 11608             doors     4246    4247      2
## 11609          whatever     4250    4250      1
## 11610               her     4252    4252      1
## 11611                us     4259    4259      1
## 11612            people     4265    4266      2
## 11613              this     4268    4268      1
## 11614         amendment     4271    4273      3
## 11615                we     4274    4274      1
## 11616            ground     4277    4278      2
## 11617              Cuba     4280    4280      1
## 11618         relations     4284    4286      3
## 11619                us     4288    4288      1
## 11620             power     4291    4293      3
## 11621             sense     4297    4298      2
## 11622              Cuba     4299    4299      1
## 11623              part     4302    4303      2
## 11624            system     4305    4308      4
## 11625              This     4310    4310      1
## 11626                it     4312    4312      1
## 11627            return     4316    4316      1
## 11628               she     4317    4317      1
## 11629              some     4321    4321      1
## 11630          benefits     4323    4324      2
## 11631              part     4327    4327      1
## 11632            system     4329    4331      3
## 11633                It     4333    4333      1
## 11634        standpoint     4337    4339      3
## 11635            policy     4341    4347      7
## 11636              need     4352    4353      2
## 11637                it     4357    4357      1
## 11638            nation     4361    4365      5
## 11639            itself     4367    4367      1
## 11640          republic     4368    4373      6
## 11641           history     4375    4375      1
## 11642              hand     4382    4384      3
## 11643          republic     4386    4391      6
## 11644            career     4395    4396      2
## 11645      independence     4398    4398      1
## 11646                We     4400    4400      1
## 11647            rights     4406    4407      2
## 11648              face     4409    4410      2
## 11649                we     4416    4416      1
## 11650              hand     4420    4420      1
## 11651              duty     4422    4424      3
## 11652                 I     4429    4429      1
## 11653          adoption     4431    4432      2
## 11654       reciprocity     4434    4434      1
## 11655              Cuba     4436    4436      1
## 11656                it     4440    4440      1
## 11657         interests     4444    4446      3
## 11658            market     4449    4451      3
## 11659             means     4454    4455      2
## 11660         supremacy     4458    4459      2
## 11661             lands     4461    4463      3
## 11662            waters     4465    4465      1
## 11663                us     4468    4468      1
## 11664                we     4473    4473      1
## 11665          republic     4477    4479      3
## 11666             north     4481    4482      2
## 11667           nations     4486    4489      4
## 11668         Continent     4491    4493      3
## 11669              they     4497    4497      1
## 11670                it     4500    4500      1
## 11671                we     4501    4501      1
## 11672         ourselves     4505    4505      1
## 11673            friend     4506    4510      5
## 11674        convention     4513    4514      2
## 11675           Britain     4516    4517      2
## 11676             which     4522    4522      1
## 11677            Senate     4529    4530      2
## 11678      ratification     4532    4532      1
## 11679      arrangements     4536    4538      3
## 11680            States     4540    4542      3
## 11681      Newfoundland     4544    4544      1
## 11682             lines     4547    4548      2
## 11683        convention     4550    4551      2
## 11684         Secretary     4555    4556      2
## 11685             State     4558    4558      1
## 11686            Blaine     4560    4561      2
## 11687                 I     4563    4563      1
## 11688         relations     4565    4567      3
## 11689         advantage     4572    4573      2
## 11690         countries     4575    4576      2
## 11691      civilization     4580    4580      1
## 11692           warfare     4582    4582      1
## 11693         condition     4584    4589      6
## 11694         relations     4591    4592      2
## 11695           century     4594    4596      3
## 11696        diminution     4599    4601      3
## 11697              wars     4603    4603      1
## 11698            powers     4605    4606      2
## 11699              wars     4608    4608      1
## 11700            powers     4610    4611      2
## 11701           matters     4613    4615      3
## 11702              duty     4617    4619      3
## 11703           welfare     4624    4625      2
## 11704             world     4627    4628      2
## 11705       arbitration     4633    4633      1
## 11706            method     4635    4637      3
## 11707              lieu     4642    4642      1
## 11708               war     4644    4644      1
## 11709      difficulties     4647    4647      1
## 11710           nations     4649    4650      2
## 11711             world     4655    4656      2
## 11712                it     4663    4663      1
## 11713       arbitration     4672    4672      1
## 11714              case     4674    4675      2
## 11715         formation     4677    4678      2
## 11716          tribunal     4680    4682      3
## 11717             which     4683    4683      1
## 11718             Hague     4686    4687      2
## 11719             event     4689    4690      2
## 11720              omen     4692    4693      2
## 11721             which     4695    4695      1
## 11722      consequences     4696    4697      2
## 11723           welfare     4699    4700      2
## 11724           mankind     4702    4703      2
## 11725                It     4707    4707      1
## 11726          tribunal     4717    4720      4
## 11727       arbitrators     4724    4725      2
## 11728           purpose     4727    4729      3
## 11729                It     4732    4732      1
## 11730            matter     4734    4735      2
## 11731    congratulation     4737    4738      2
## 11732           country     4740    4741      2
## 11733            States     4743    4745      3
## 11734            Mexico     4747    4747      1
## 11735           offices     4755    4757      3
## 11736             Court     4759    4761      3
## 11737              This     4763    4763      1
## 11738           results     4769    4771      3
## 11739              case     4773    4774      2
## 11740             claim     4776    4777      2
## 11741             issue     4779    4779      1
## 11742                us     4781    4781      1
## 11743          Republic     4783    4785      3
## 11744                It     4787    4787      1
## 11745              case     4794    4796      3
## 11746         precedent     4800    4801      2
## 11747            others     4803    4803      1
## 11748             which     4806    4806      1
## 11749            States     4807    4811      5
## 11750           nations     4813    4814      2
## 11751         advantage     4817    4817      1
## 11752         machinery     4819    4820      2
## 11753         existence     4823    4823      1
## 11754             Hague     4825    4826      2
## 11755                 I     4829    4829      1
## 11756     consideration     4832    4834      3
## 11757          Congress     4836    4837      2
## 11758            claims     4838    4841      4
## 11759             which     4843    4843      1
## 11760           subject     4845    4846      2
## 11761     investigation     4848    4849      2
## 11762           session     4851    4853      3
## 11763          Congress     4856    4857      2
## 11764                we     4862    4862      1
## 11765             canal     4867    4869      3
## 11766            Panama     4874    4874      1
## 11767           General     4876    4879      4
## 11768                we     4882    4882      1
## 11769             title     4886    4887      2
## 11770           Company     4889    4893      5
## 11771      Negotiations     4895    4895      1
## 11772          Colombia     4900    4900      1
## 11773            assent     4903    4904      2
## 11774             canal     4908    4909      2
## 11775             canal     4911    4912      2
## 11776             feats     4917    4920      4
## 11777           century     4922    4924      3
## 11778              feat     4926    4929      4
## 11779           history     4936    4937      2
## 11780           mankind     4939    4939      1
## 11781              work     4941    4942      2
## 11782            policy     4948    4950      3
## 11783            regard     4952    4952      1
## 11784            change     4954    4954      1
## 11785    Administration     4956    4956      1
## 11786                it     4959    4959      1
## 11787     circumstances     4964    4964      1
## 11788             which     4965    4965      1
## 11789                it     4968    4968      1
## 11790             pride     4972    4972      1
## 11791   Administrations     4974    4975      2
## 11792            policy     4978    4979      2
## 11793             canal     4982    4983      2
## 11794           benefit     4987    4988      2
## 11795           America     4990    4990      1
## 11796        importance     4994    4994      1
## 11797             world     4996    4998      3
## 11798                It     5000    5000      1
## 11799         advantage     5004    5004      1
## 11800                us     5006    5006      1
## 11801          position     5012    5014      3
## 11802                It     5016    5016      1
## 11803         advantage     5020    5020      1
## 11804         countries     5022    5023      2
## 11805           America     5025    5026      2
## 11806                It     5028    5028      1
## 11807               all     5035    5035      1
## 11808         countries     5037    5038      2
## 11809              some     5042    5042      1
## 11810              them     5044    5044      1
## 11811           success     5049    5050      2
## 11812          commerce     5056    5058      3
## 11813        conditions     5061    5063      3
## 11814         stability     5067    5067      1
## 11815             order     5069    5069      1
## 11816     prerequisites     5071    5072      2
## 11817       development     5074    5075      2
## 11818            nation     5077    5079      3
## 11819           America     5081    5081      1
## 11820              fear     5084    5086      3
## 11821        aggression     5088    5088      1
## 11822            States     5090    5092      3
## 11823                It     5094    5094      1
## 11824               one     5096    5097      2
## 11825             order     5100    5100      1
## 11826           borders     5102    5104      3
## 11827       obligations     5108    5110      3
## 11828        foreigners     5112    5112      1
## 11829              this     5115    5115      1
## 11830              they     5119    5119      1
## 11831              they     5126    5126      1
## 11832              they     5131    5131      1
## 11833           nothing     5133    5133      1
## 11834      interference     5137    5138      2
## 11835   interdependence     5140    5145      6
## 11836        complexity     5147    5147      1
## 11837         relations     5149    5153      5
## 11838                it     5155    5155      1
## 11839            powers     5158    5162      5
## 11840          policing     5166    5168      3
## 11841             world     5170    5171      2
## 11842              fall     5175    5176      2
## 11843     communication     5179    5180      2
## 11844         Secretary     5184    5185      2
## 11845             State     5187    5187      1
## 11846        permission     5191    5191      1
## 11847         President     5196    5197      2
## 11848       corporation     5199    5200      2
## 11849             cable     5203    5204      2
## 11850             point     5206    5207      2
## 11851             coast     5209    5211      3
## 11852           Islands     5213    5215      3
## 11853               way     5217    5217      1
## 11854            Hawaii     5219    5219      1
## 11855         statement     5221    5222      2
## 11856        conditions     5224    5224      1
## 11857             terms     5226    5226      1
## 11858             which     5228    5228      1
## 11859       corporation     5229    5230      2
## 11860             cable     5237    5238      2
## 11861          Inasmuch     5243    5243      1
## 11862          Congress     5245    5246      2
## 11863       legislation     5253    5256      4
## 11864           subject     5259    5260      2
## 11865     consideration     5262    5262      1
## 11866          Congress     5264    5265      2
## 11867             years     5267    5268      2
## 11868                it     5270    5270      1
## 11869                me     5273    5273      1
## 11870            action     5277    5277      1
## 11871       application     5279    5280      2
## 11872          Congress     5282    5283      2
## 11873       opportunity     5285    5287      3
## 11874          Congress     5291    5292      2
## 11875            action     5296    5297      2
## 11876            matter     5300    5301      2
## 11877         condition     5303    5306      4
## 11878             which     5308    5308      1
## 11879                it     5309    5309      1
## 11880          Congress     5312    5313      2
## 11881                it     5318    5318      1
## 11882           Company     5321    5325      5
## 11883      preparations     5330    5330      1
## 11884             cable     5333    5334      2
## 11885                It     5336    5336      1
## 11886       application     5339    5339      1
## 11887         President     5341    5342      2
## 11888            access     5344    5344      1
## 11889               use     5347    5347      1
## 11890         soundings     5349    5349      1
## 11891              Nero     5352    5356      5
## 11892           purpose     5359    5360      2
## 11893             route     5363    5365      3
## 11894             cable     5367    5371      5
## 11895           company     5373    5374      2
## 11896            access     5378    5378      1
## 11897         soundings     5380    5381      2
## 11898                it     5382    5382      1
## 11899             cable     5385    5386      2
## 11900                it     5391    5391      1
## 11901         soundings     5396    5396      1
## 11902           account     5398    5400      3
## 11903     consideration     5402    5403      2
## 11904           subject     5405    5406      2
## 11905                it     5408    5408      1
## 11906        conditions     5415    5416      2
## 11907        permission     5418    5419      2
## 11908         soundings     5424    5425      2
## 11909                it     5428    5428      1
## 11910       consequence     5435    5435      1
## 11911      solicitation     5437    5438      2
## 11912           company     5440    5442      3
## 11913        conditions     5444    5445      2
## 11914             which     5450    5450      1
## 11915         President     5451    5452      2
## 11916            access     5457    5457      1
## 11917         soundings     5459    5460      2
## 11918           landing     5465    5466      2
## 11919            laying     5468    5468      1
## 11920             cable     5470    5471      2
## 11921       alterations     5475    5476      2
## 11922         additions     5478    5478      1
## 11923          Congress     5482    5483      2
## 11924              This     5485    5485      1
## 11925                it     5492    5492      1
## 11926        connection     5496    5498      3
## 11927              kind     5500    5501      2
## 11928             China     5503    5503      1
## 11929           country     5505    5507      3
## 11930              part     5510    5511      2
## 11931              plan     5513    5516      4
## 11932            course     5518    5519      2
## 11933        accordance     5525    5525      1
## 11934              line     5527    5528      2
## 11935        precedents     5530    5530      1
## 11936            action     5533    5536      4
## 11937              case     5538    5539      2
## 11938             cable     5541    5544      4
## 11939          Congress     5548    5549      2
## 11940           Message     5551    5553      3
## 11941          December     5555    5555      1
## 11942          instance     5560    5561      2
## 11943             cable     5566    5569      4
## 11944             Brest     5571    5571      1
## 11945            Pierre     5573    5574      2
## 11946            branch     5577    5578      2
## 11947               Cod     5580    5581      2
## 11948        conditions     5584    5585      2
## 11949            things     5589    5590      2
## 11950              rate     5592    5594      3
## 11951          messages     5596    5597      2
## 11952           company     5600    5601      2
## 11953              line     5604    5605      2
## 11954           Islands     5607    5609      3
## 11955             China     5611    5611      1
## 11956           present     5616    5616      1
## 11957              line     5623    5625      3
## 11958            Manila     5627    5627      1
## 11959          Hongkong     5629    5629      1
## 11960   representatives     5632    5633      2
## 11961           company     5635    5637      3
## 11962        conditions     5639    5640      2
## 11963     consideration     5643    5643      1
## 11964          meantime     5648    5649      2
## 11965             cable     5655    5656      2
## 11966              They     5658    5658      1
## 11967            length     5664    5664      1
## 11968              them     5667    5667      1
## 11969              line     5670    5674      5
## 11970             coast     5676    5678      3
## 11971            Empire     5680    5682      3
## 11972               way     5685    5685      1
## 11973          Honolulu     5687    5687      1
## 11974           Islands     5689    5691      3
## 11975            months     5702    5704      3
## 11976          business     5709    5709      1
## 11977        conditions     5713    5714      2
## 11978             power     5718    5719      2
## 11979          Congress     5721    5722      2
## 11980               any     5727    5727      1
## 11981               all     5729    5729      1
## 11982              them     5731    5731      1
## 11983              copy     5733    5734      2
## 11984        conditions     5736    5737      2
## 11985              Rico     5744    5745      2
## 11986                it     5746    5746      1
## 11987        prosperity     5753    5754      2
## 11988            island     5756    5757      2
## 11989            wisdom     5759    5760      2
## 11990             which     5762    5762      1
## 11991                it     5763    5763      1
## 11992                it     5773    5773      1
## 11993           example     5776    5777      2
## 11994               all     5779    5779      1
## 11995              that     5780    5780      1
## 11996    administration     5784    5785      2
## 11997              July     5789    5789      1
## 11998       anniversary     5794    5801      8
## 11999       declaration     5803    5804      2
## 12000      independence     5806    5807      2
## 12001             peace     5809    5809      1
## 12002           amnesty     5811    5811      1
## 12003           Islands     5815    5817      3
## 12004           trouble     5819    5820      2
## 12005              time     5824    5824      1
## 12006              time     5826    5826      1
## 12007             Moros     5829    5831      3
## 12008         Filipinos     5835    5838      4
## 12009               war     5839    5840      2
## 12010        government     5845    5846      2
## 12011          Filipino     5855    5856      2
## 12012            rights     5858    5859      2
## 12013              life     5861    5861      1
## 12014           liberty     5863    5863      1
## 12015           pursuit     5866    5867      2
## 12016         happiness     5869    5869      1
## 12017                he     5871    5871      1
## 12018           history     5877    5879      3
## 12019           islands     5881    5882      2
## 12020            people     5885    5886      2
## 12021             whole     5889    5890      2
## 12022           measure     5893    5894      2
## 12023        government     5896    5898      3
## 12024              that     5901    5901      1
## 12025         Orientals     5904    5906      3
## 12026             power     5908    5910      3
## 12027              that     5914    5914      1
## 12028         Orientals     5917    5919      3
## 12029       governments     5921    5923      3
## 12030          Japanese     5926    5927      2
## 12031                We     5930    5930      1
## 12032            rights     5938    5939      2
## 12033           liberty     5941    5941      1
## 12034        government     5943    5945      3
## 12035                we     5948    5948      1
## 12036             limit     5953    5954      2
## 12037              that     5955    5955      1
## 12038         interests     5957    5958      2
## 12039            people     5960    5962      3
## 12040        themselves     5963    5963      1
## 12041                it     5964    5964      1
## 12042           matters     5974    5974      1
## 12043                we     5980    5980      1
## 12044          calamity     5987    5987      1
## 12045            people     5989    5990      2
## 12046           islands     5992    5993      2
## 12047            policy     5995    5996      2
## 12048            people     6001    6003      3
## 12049            itself     6006    6006      1
## 12050            manner     6008    6010      3
## 12051            policy     6012    6013      2
## 12052       Philippines     6016    6017      2
## 12053           triumph     6019    6020      2
## 12054              arms     6022    6023      2
## 12055           triumph     6026    6028      3
## 12056              laws     6030    6031      2
## 12057        principles     6033    6033      1
## 12058                we     6039    6039      1
## 12059             right     6041    6042      2
## 12060            praise     6046    6048      3
## 12061              Army     6054    6055      2
## 12062              what     6057    6057      1
## 12063                it     6058    6058      1
## 12064       Philippines     6062    6063      2
## 12065           warfare     6066    6066      1
## 12066        standpoint     6069    6071      3
## 12067               way     6074    6075      2
## 12068        government     6077    6078      2
## 12069            credit     6081    6082      2
## 12070       authorities     6085    6087      3
## 12071               way     6089    6090      2
## 12072             which     6092    6092      1
## 12073              they     6093    6093      1
## 12074             seeds     6096    6097      2
## 12075        government     6099    6101      3
## 12076            ground     6103    6104      2
## 12077              them     6109    6109      1
## 12078           courage     6111    6112      2
## 12079         endurance     6114    6116      3
## 12080        efficiency     6118    6121      4
## 12081       heartedness     6124    6128      5
## 12082          humanity     6130    6130      1
## 12083            troops     6132    6133      2
## 12084            troops     6142    6146      5
## 12085           islands     6148    6149      2
## 12086               All     6151    6151      1
## 12087         instances     6169    6170      2
## 12088        wrongdoing     6172    6172      1
## 12089              them     6174    6174      1
## 12090              They     6176    6176      1
## 12091      difficulties     6179    6180      2
## 12092           climate     6182    6182      1
## 12093      surroundings     6184    6184      1
## 12094            strain     6188    6189      2
## 12095      provocations     6191    6193      3
## 12096             which     6194    6194      1
## 12097              they     6195    6195      1
## 12098              foes     6199    6200      2
## 12099         instances     6202    6203      2
## 12100       retaliation     6205    6206      2
## 12101            effort     6209    6210      2
## 12102         cruelties     6216    6217      2
## 12103           efforts     6221    6222      2
## 12104            effort     6228    6229      2
## 12105        wrongdoers     6238    6239      2
## 12106         allowance     6243    6244      2
## 12107          misdeeds     6246    6247      2
## 12108                it     6249    6249      1
## 12109         instances     6257    6258      2
## 12110             which     6260    6260      1
## 12111               war     6261    6261      1
## 12112             power     6266    6268      3
## 12113            forces     6270    6273      4
## 12114        wrongdoing     6278    6280      3
## 12115           victors     6282    6283      2
## 12116           Islands     6286    6288      3
## 12117              hand     6291    6293      3
## 12118            amount     6295    6296      2
## 12119              work     6298    6304      7
## 12120             which     6305    6305      1
## 12121              work     6317    6318      2
## 12122              Army     6320    6321      2
## 12123       authorities     6323    6325      3
## 12124                it     6328    6328      1
## 12125             times     6336    6337      2
## 12126             world     6338    6339      2
## 12127           example     6342    6344      3
## 12128     statesmanship     6346    6348      3
## 12129            people     6350    6351      2
## 12130           Islands     6355    6357      3
## 12131            praise     6359    6360      2
## 12132         Filipinos     6365    6366      2
## 12133         aggregate     6369    6370      2
## 12134               who     6374    6374      1
## 12135        conditions     6377    6379      3
## 12136   representatives     6383    6384      2
## 12137              will     6388    6390      3
## 12138           welfare     6392    6393      2
## 12139           islands     6395    6396      2
## 12140              Army     6399    6400      2
## 12141           minimum     6405    6406      2
## 12142               law     6409    6409      1
## 12143                It     6411    6411      1
## 12144              size     6416    6417      2
## 12145            Nation     6419    6420      2
## 12146             point     6429    6431      3
## 12147        efficiency     6433    6433      1
## 12148          officers     6435    6437      3
## 12149            chance     6440    6441      2
## 12150        conditions     6443    6444      2
## 12151          commands     6447    6447      1
## 12152              rank     6450    6451      2
## 12153     circumstances     6454    6454      1
## 12154             which     6455    6455      1
## 12155              them     6458    6458      1
## 12156              duty     6461    6462      2
## 12157              time     6464    6464      1
## 12158               war     6466    6467      2
## 12159            system     6469    6470      2
## 12160              Army     6473    6474      2
## 12161            bodies     6476    6476      1
## 12162              size     6478    6480      3
## 12163         maneuvers     6491    6492      2
## 12164                it     6493    6493      1
## 12165             event     6500    6501      2
## 12166       hostilities     6503    6503      1
## 12167               foe     6505    6507      3
## 12168             corps     6508    6512      5
## 12169         advantage     6517    6517      1
## 12170          officers     6519    6521      3
## 12171               men     6523    6524      2
## 12172                we     6528    6528      1
## 12173             pride     6531    6532      2
## 12174              them     6534    6534      1
## 12175          material     6536    6538      3
## 12176              they     6544    6544      1
## 12177       individuals     6552    6552      1
## 12178              mass     6555    6556      2
## 12179      marksmanship     6558    6559      2
## 12180               men     6561    6562      2
## 12181         attention     6565    6566      2
## 12182     circumstances     6569    6570      2
## 12183           warfare     6572    6573      2
## 12184               man     6574    6575      2
## 12185    responsibility     6581    6584      4
## 12186        efficiency     6590    6593      4
## 12187              unit     6595    6596      2
## 12188        importance     6599    6601      3
## 12189              unit     6604    6605      2
## 12190          regiment     6607    6608      2
## 12191                it     6610    6610      1
## 12192          regiment     6614    6615      2
## 12193             troop     6617    6620      4
## 12194           company     6622    6622      1
## 12195                it     6624    6624      1
## 12196           soldier     6626    6628      3
## 12197            effort     6630    6631      2
## 12198       workmanlike     6637    6638      2
## 12199           quality     6640    6641      2
## 12200           officer     6643    6645      3
## 12201               man     6647    6649      3
## 12202                 I     6652    6652      1
## 12203         attention     6655    6656      2
## 12204              need     6658    6659      2
## 12205              bill     6662    6663      2
## 12206             staff     6666    6668      3
## 12207    reorganization     6671    6672      2
## 12208       departments     6674    6676      3
## 12209             lines     6678    6679      2
## 12210              bill     6681    6682      2
## 12211         Secretary     6685    6686      2
## 12212               War     6688    6688      1
## 12213          officers     6693    6695      3
## 12214              Army     6697    6698      2
## 12215             Point     6700    6701      2
## 12216              they     6702    6702      1
## 12217          compeers     6706    6707      2
## 12218           service     6709    6712      4
## 12219            effort     6714    6715      2
## 12220          training     6721    6721      1
## 12221            reward     6724    6724      1
## 12222             merit     6726    6726      1
## 12223          scrutiny     6729    6729      1
## 12224           careers     6731    6732      2
## 12225          capacity     6734    6734      1
## 12226              them     6738    6738      1
## 12227        excellence     6740    6744      5
## 12228           careers     6746    6747      2
## 12229           measure     6749    6750      2
## 12230    reorganization     6753    6754      2
## 12231            system     6756    6758      3
## 12232        efficiency     6762    6764      3
## 12233             Guard     6766    6768      3
## 12234             which     6770    6770      1
## 12235             House     6774    6775      2
## 12236         attention     6779    6780      2
## 12237            action     6782    6782      1
## 12238                It     6784    6784      1
## 12239        importance     6787    6788      2
## 12240          relation     6790    6791      2
## 12241             Guard     6793    6795      3
## 12242           militia     6797    6798      2
## 12243            forces     6800    6801      2
## 12244            States     6803    6805      3
## 12245             place     6813    6813      1
## 12246              laws     6815    6818      4
## 12247            system     6819    6823      5
## 12248         Provision     6829    6829      1
## 12249         Secretary     6835    6836      2
## 12250               War     6838    6838      1
## 12251            horses     6841    6844      4
## 12252               out     6846    6848      3
## 12253       performance     6850    6851      2
## 12254              duty     6853    6853      1
## 12255            horses     6855    6856      2
## 12256              them     6868    6868      1
## 12257            misery     6871    6872      2
## 12258              them     6874    6874      1
## 12259                it     6880    6880      1
## 12260              them     6886    6886      1
## 12261              work     6888    6889      2
## 12262             posts     6891    6892      2
## 12263              them     6899    6899      1
## 12264             death     6902    6902      1
## 12265              time     6906    6908      3
## 12266         maneuvers     6910    6913      4
## 12267             scale     6915    6917      3
## 12268           command     6922    6924      3
## 12269           Admiral     6926    6927      2
## 12270              Navy     6929    6930      2
## 12271         attention     6934    6934      1
## 12272           gunnery     6939    6940      2
## 12273              Navy     6942    6943      2
## 12274                it     6946    6946      1
## 12275              what     6951    6951      1
## 12276                it     6952    6952      1
## 12277                 I     6956    6956      1
## 12278          increase     6960    6961      2
## 12279         Secretary     6965    6966      2
## 12280              Navy     6968    6969      2
## 12281     appropriation     6971    6972      2
## 12282       markmanship     6975    6976      2
## 12283            battle     6981    6981      1
## 12284             shots     6982    6984      3
## 12285              that     6985    6985      1
## 12286             shots     6988    6989      2
## 12287              that     6990    6990      1
## 12288                It     6993    6993      1
## 12289             funds     6998    6999      2
## 12290          practice     7001    7001      1
## 12291              guns     7003    7005      3
## 12292              time     7007    7007      1
## 12293             peace     7009    7009      1
## 12294             funds     7011    7012      2
## 12295          purchase     7018    7019      2
## 12296       projectiles     7021    7021      1
## 12297        allowances     7025    7025      1
## 12298            prizes     7027    7027      1
## 12299             crews     7030    7032      3
## 12300          pointers     7035    7038      4
## 12301            system     7043    7045      3
## 12302             which     7047    7047      1
## 12303                it     7049    7049      1
## 12304          practice     7054    7055      2
## 12305              halt     7061    7062      2
## 12306              work     7064    7065      2
## 12307              Navy     7069    7070      2
## 12308              year     7073    7074      2
## 12309             craft     7075    7077      3
## 12310                We     7079    7079      1
## 12311           country     7081    7084      4
## 12312            extent     7088    7088      1
## 12313         territory     7090    7090      1
## 12314        population     7094    7094      1
## 12315             which     7101    7101      1
## 12316        diminutive     7103    7105      3
## 12317              that     7110    7110      1
## 12318             power     7112    7117      6
## 12319                We     7119    7119      1
## 12320          policies     7123    7127      5
## 12321             which     7128    7128      1
## 12322        possession     7130    7131      2
## 12323              navy     7133    7137      5
## 12324             canal     7139    7141      3
## 12325        efficiency     7145    7146      2
## 12326              Navy     7148    7149      2
## 12327              Navy     7151    7152      2
## 12328              size     7155    7156      2
## 12329                we     7160    7160      1
## 12330              navy     7162    7164      3
## 12331          building     7167    7168      2
## 12332             canal     7170    7171      2
## 12333           hostage     7176    7177      2
## 12334             power     7179    7180      2
## 12335          strength     7182    7183      2
## 12336          Doctrine     7185    7187      3
## 12337           feature     7192    7194      3
## 12338            policy     7196    7198      3
## 12339                it     7201    7201      1
## 12340                it     7209    7209      1
## 12341                we     7211    7211      1
## 12342                it     7215    7215      1
## 12343                it     7219    7219      1
## 12344              navy     7226    7229      4
## 12345              navy     7231    7233      3
## 12346       provocative     7236    7237      2
## 12347               war     7239    7239      1
## 12348                It     7241    7241      1
## 12349          guaranty     7243    7245      3
## 12350             peace     7247    7247      1
## 12351              unit     7250    7252      3
## 12352              Navy     7254    7255      2
## 12353              kind     7262    7263      2
## 12354          material     7266    7267      2
## 12355         personnel     7269    7269      1
## 12356              that     7270    7270      1
## 12357             world     7276    7277      2
## 12358                 I     7279    7279      1
## 12359         attention     7281    7283      3
## 12360              need     7285    7286      2
## 12361           manning     7290    7291      2
## 12362             ships     7293    7294      2
## 12363           trouble     7296    7297      2
## 12364                us     7299    7299      1
## 12365                we     7301    7301      1
## 12366                we     7307    7307      1
## 12367           regards     7312    7312      1
## 12368          services     7314    7315      2
## 12369            number     7317    7319      3
## 12370              type     7321    7323      3
## 12371         sailormen     7325    7325      1
## 12372         mechanics     7328    7329      2
## 12373            seamen     7331    7333      3
## 12374             ships     7335    7337      3
## 12375              type     7340    7343      4
## 12376              navy     7349    7350      2
## 12377             which     7351    7351      1
## 12378            waters     7353    7354      2
## 12379             world     7356    7357      2
## 12380              they     7359    7359      1
## 12381        resolution     7366    7366      1
## 12382         readiness     7369    7369      1
## 12383         knowledge     7372    7373      2
## 12384        profession     7375    7376      2
## 12385              They     7378    7378      1
## 12386     consideration     7380    7381      2
## 12387              that     7382    7382      1
## 12388              them     7386    7386      1
## 12389              them     7394    7394      1
## 12390                It     7396    7396      1
## 12391              crew     7403    7404      2
## 12392                it     7406    7406      1
## 12393              ship     7411    7413      3
## 12394              ship     7417    7419      3
## 12395           battery     7422    7424      3
## 12396                it     7429    7429      1
## 12397              crew     7432    7434      3
## 12398              they     7440    7440      1
## 12399          disaster     7448    7448      1
## 12400               foe     7450    7451      2
## 12401          capacity     7453    7454      2
## 12402             ships     7458    7459      2
## 12403               men     7461    7461      1
## 12404               war     7466    7466      1
## 12405                We     7471    7471      1
## 12406          officers     7473    7476      4
## 12407             order     7478    7478      1
## 12408             ships     7482    7483      2
## 12409      construction     7489    7489      1
## 12410           classes     7491    7492      2
## 12411            School     7494    7496      3
## 12412         Annapolis     7498    7498      1
## 12413              time     7505    7507      3
## 12414                we     7509    7509      1
## 12415          officers     7512    7513      2
## 12416                we     7515    7515      1
## 12417              them     7517    7517      1
## 12418                we     7519    7519      1
## 12419        retirement     7522    7523      2
## 12420             those     7525    7525      1
## 12421              head     7527    7528      2
## 12422              list     7530    7531      2
## 12423        usefulness     7532    7533      2
## 12424         Promotion     7538    7538      1
## 12425           service     7543    7544      2
## 12426          scarcity     7552    7554      3
## 12427          officers     7556    7556      1
## 12428            number     7559    7561      3
## 12429          recruits     7563    7563      1
## 12430               men     7566    7567      2
## 12431           vessels     7571    7573      3
## 12432              they     7575    7575      1
## 12433          officers     7583    7584      2
## 12434       lieutenants     7589    7590      2
## 12435            grades     7592    7593      2
## 12436             labor     7595    7596      2
## 12437           fatigue     7598    7598      1
## 12438            powers     7603    7604      2
## 12439         endurance     7606    7606      1
## 12440              sign     7611    7611      1
## 12441                up     7613    7617      5
## 12442            strain     7619    7620      2
## 12443                It     7622    7622      1
## 12444          officers     7631    7632      2
## 12445         Annapolis     7636    7636      1
## 12446          recruits     7640    7641      2
## 12447            duties     7647    7648      2
## 12448      difficulties     7651    7652      2
## 12449          incident     7653    7653      1
## 12450       development     7655    7656      2
## 12451               war     7658    7659      2
## 12452           conduct     7661    7662      2
## 12453          officers     7664    7666      3
## 12454           service     7671    7672      2
## 12455       lieutenants     7675    7676      2
## 12456            grades     7678    7679      2
## 12457           ability     7684    7685      2
## 12458      cheerfulness     7687    7689      3
## 12459             which     7690    7690      1
## 12460              them     7692    7692      1
## 12461            thanks     7694    7696      3
## 12462               all     7698    7698      1
## 12463               who     7699    7699      1
## 12464            trials     7701    7703      3
## 12465          fatigues     7705    7705      1
## 12466             which     7707    7707      1
## 12467              they     7708    7708      1
## 12468         necessity     7711    7711      1
## 12469             cloud     7718    7719      2
## 12470           horizon     7721    7722      2
## 12471           present     7724    7724      1
## 12472            chance     7729    7731      3
## 12473           trouble     7733    7733      1
## 12474             power     7735    7737      3
## 12475                We     7739    7739      1
## 12476             state     7744    7745      2
## 12477            things     7747    7747      1
## 12478               way     7752    7753      2
## 12479       continuance     7756    7757      2
## 12480              navy     7762    7765      4
## 12481           refusal     7767    7768      2
## 12482              navy     7771    7773      3
## 12483           trouble     7776    7776      1
## 12484           trouble     7780    7780      1
## 12485          disaster     7784    7784      1
## 12486       complacency     7786    7789      4
## 12487            vanity     7791    7791      1
## 12488       sightedness     7794    7796      3
## 12489            danger     7802    7802      1
## 12490            nation     7810    7812      3
## 12491              ours     7814    7814      1
## 12492        experience     7817    7818      2
## 12493           fatuity     7822    7823      2
## 12494            crisis     7831    7832      2
## 12495           advance     7834    7834      1
## 12496             panic     7839    7841      3
## 12497              fear     7843    7844      2
## 12498            crisis     7846    7847      2
## 12499          increase     7853    7855      3
## 12500          revenues     7857    7858      2
## 12501        Department     7860    7864      5
## 12502        prosperity     7867    7868      2
## 12503            people     7870    7871      2
## 12504          activity     7873    7875      3
## 12505          business     7877    7878      2
## 12506           country     7880    7881      2
## 12507          receipts     7884    7885      2
## 12508        Department     7887    7891      5
## 12509              year     7893    7895      3
## 12510          increase     7905    7906      2
## 12511              year     7911    7913      3
## 12512          increase     7915    7917      3
## 12513           history     7920    7921      2
## 12514           service     7923    7925      3
## 12515         magnitude     7927    7928      2
## 12516          increase     7930    7931      2
## 12517              fact     7936    7937      2
## 12518          receipts     7939    7942      4
## 12519              year     7944    7945      2
## 12520           service     7954    7958      5
## 12521             stage     7963    7965      3
## 12522                it     7967    7967      1
## 12523            policy     7970    7972      3
## 12524           results     7974    7975      2
## 12525      introduction     7977    7978      2
## 12526          Congress     7982    7983      2
## 12527    appropriations     7985    7987      3
## 12528     establishment     7990    7991      2
## 12529         extension     7993    7993      1
## 12530          increase     7995    7998      4
## 12531          receipts     8000    8003      4
## 12532         districts     8005    8007      3
## 12533           country     8009    8010      2
## 12534              cent     8015    8015      1
## 12535                We     8017    8017      1
## 12536           results     8023    8024      2
## 12537           service     8030    8034      5
## 12538            extent     8039    8041      3
## 12539                us     8045    8045      1
## 12540       comparisons     8048    8048      1
## 12541          increase     8049    8051      3
## 12542              cent     8056    8058      3
## 12543          November     8062    8062      1
## 12544            routes     8067    8072      6
## 12545         operation     8079    8079      1
## 12546         territory     8087    8088      2
## 12547            States     8090    8092      3
## 12548           service     8095    8099      5
## 12549            action     8105    8106      2
## 12550         petitions     8108    8110      3
## 12551      applications     8112    8112      1
## 12552     establishment     8114    8115      2
## 12553            routes     8117    8119      3
## 12554              This     8121    8121      1
## 12555              want     8124    8125      2
## 12556             which     8126    8126      1
## 12557     establishment     8127    8128      2
## 12558           service     8130    8131      2
## 12559              need     8135    8136      2
## 12560                it     8140    8140      1
## 12561                It     8146    8146      1
## 12562           results     8151    8153      3
## 12563          benefits     8156    8158      3
## 12564        population     8160    8162      3
## 12565                it     8164    8164      1
## 12566               men     8166    8167      2
## 12567               who     8168    8168      1
## 12568              soil     8171    8172      2
## 12569         relations     8174    8175      2
## 12570             world     8177    8180      4
## 12571                it     8182    8182      1
## 12572            farmer     8184    8185      2
## 12573             touch     8187    8188      2
## 12574           markets     8190    8191      2
## 12575                it     8193    8193      1
## 12576             force     8195    8198      4
## 12577                it     8200    8200      1
## 12578             value     8202    8203      2
## 12579          property     8205    8206      2
## 12580              life     8209    8210      2
## 12581           current     8223    8225      3
## 12582           country     8227    8227      1
## 12583              city     8229    8229      1
## 12584                It     8232    8232      1
## 12585          Congress     8238    8239      2
## 12586    appropriations     8242    8243      2
## 12587       continuance     8245    8246      2
## 12588           service     8248    8249      2
## 12589         extension     8254    8256      3
## 12590          subjects     8258    8260      3
## 12591        importance     8262    8263      2
## 12592          Congress     8269    8270      2
## 12593             years     8272    8273      2
## 12594      inauguration     8275    8276      2
## 12595            system     8278    8279      2
## 12596        irrigation     8281    8284      4
## 12597           regions     8286    8288      3
## 12598              West     8290    8292      3
## 12599         beginning     8294    8296      3
## 12600            policy     8304    8305      2
## 12601        irrigation     8307    8308      2
## 12602              need     8313    8314      2
## 12603        protection     8316    8320      5
## 12604            States     8328    8332      5
## 12605       Legislation     8335    8335      1
## 12606        protection     8340    8341      2
## 12607              game     8343    8344      2
## 12608         creatures     8347    8349      3
## 12609          reserves     8353    8355      3
## 12610         slaughter     8357    8359      3
## 12611              game     8361    8361      1
## 12612             which     8363    8363      1
## 12613        protection     8366    8367      2
## 12614          reserves     8372    8374      3
## 12615            people     8376    8377      2
## 12616             whole     8379    8380      2
## 12617                It     8388    8388      1
## 12618          instance     8392    8392      1
## 12619             count     8394    8396      3
## 12620             sense     8398    8401      4
## 12621          practice     8404    8406      3
## 12622          creature     8410    8415      6
## 12623               elk     8417    8418      2
## 12624           antlers     8420    8421      2
## 12625             tusks     8423    8423      1
## 12626              they     8429    8429      1
## 12627       agriculture     8433    8433      1
## 12628            extent     8437    8438      2
## 12629              they     8439    8439      1
## 12630               law     8444    8447      4
## 12631             lands     8449    8452      4
## 12632           builder     8458    8460      3
## 12633           settler     8462    8463      2
## 12634               who     8464    8464      1
## 12635              land     8467    8468      2
## 12636               one     8472    8473      2
## 12637               use     8477    8479      3
## 12638               law     8480    8484      5
## 12639            timber     8486    8487      2
## 12640               law     8489    8490      2
## 12641            clause     8493    8495      3
## 12642               law     8497    8499      3
## 12643         intention     8505    8506      2
## 12644             which     8508    8508      1
## 12645              they     8509    8509      1
## 12646       acquisition     8515    8516      2
## 12647             areas     8518    8519      2
## 12648            domain     8521    8523      3
## 12649          settlers     8527    8528      2
## 12650        prevention     8530    8532      3
## 12651        settlement     8534    8534      1
## 12652        exhaustion     8538    8540      3
## 12653            ranges     8542    8544      3
## 12654        discussion     8550    8551      2
## 12655            manner     8554    8556      3
## 12656             lands     8559    8561      3
## 12657              West     8563    8564      2
## 12658             which     8565    8565      1
## 12659           grazing     8572    8572      1
## 12660       development     8574    8578      5
## 12661              West     8580    8581      2
## 12662          building     8584    8585      2
## 12663             homes     8588    8588      1
## 12664        prosperity     8593    8594      2
## 12665            nation     8596    8597      2
## 12666         operation     8602    8603      2
## 12667               law     8605    8607      3
## 12668              hand     8610    8612      3
## 12669                we     8614    8614      1
## 12670              fact     8617    8618      2
## 12671            region     8621    8623      3
## 12672               man     8624    8625      2
## 12673               who     8626    8626      1
## 12674       homesteader     8629    8630      2
## 12675            amount     8642    8644      3
## 12676              land     8646    8647      2
## 12677              that     8648    8648      1
## 12678           brother     8649    8650      2
## 12679       homesteader     8652    8653      2
## 12680              land     8660    8661      2
## 12681             acres     8663    8667      5
## 12682              soil     8669    8675      7
## 12683            amount     8678    8681      4
## 12684              land     8683    8684      2
## 12685            family     8688    8689      2
## 12686            plenty     8691    8691      1
## 12687               one     8694    8695      2
## 12688            living     8698    8699      2
## 12689             acres     8701    8705      5
## 12690              land     8707    8709      3
## 12691              head     8716    8718      3
## 12692            cattle     8720    8720      1
## 12693             acres     8722    8724      3
## 12694            tracts     8727    8730      4
## 12695            domain     8732    8734      3
## 12696           persons     8740    8740      1
## 12697             title     8742    8743      2
## 12698          defiance     8747    8748      2
## 12699               law     8750    8751      2
## 12700       maintenance     8753    8754      2
## 12701      construction     8756    8756      1
## 12702         inclosure     8758    8761      4
## 12703              land     8763    8764      2
## 12704           reasons     8767    8768      2
## 12705      interference     8772    8773      2
## 12706        inclosures     8775    8776      2
## 12707              past     8778    8779      2
## 12708            notice     8782    8783      2
## 12709       trespassers     8788    8789      2
## 12710         resources     8792    8794      3
## 12711           command     8796    8797      2
## 12712        Government     8799    8800      2
## 12713              stop     8807    8808      2
## 12714       trespassing     8810    8811      2
## 12715              view     8815    8815      1
## 12716        importance     8817    8819      3
## 12717           matters     8821    8822      2
## 12718                 I     8824    8824      1
## 12719              them     8826    8826      1
## 12720     consideration     8828    8830      3
## 12721          Congress     8832    8833      2
## 12722          Congress     8837    8838      2
## 12723        difficulty     8840    8840      1
## 12724              them     8844    8844      1
## 12725              lack     8846    8846      1
## 12726         knowledge     8848    8849      2
## 12727           subject     8851    8852      2
## 12728                 I     8854    8854      1
## 12729         provision     8856    8857      2
## 12730        commission     8861    8862      2
## 12731           experts     8864    8864      1
## 12732         questions     8871    8873      3
## 12733                 I     8877    8877      1
## 12734          Congress     8881    8882      2
## 12735              need     8883    8884      2
## 12736       legislation     8886    8887      2
## 12737            Alaska     8889    8889      1
## 12738                It     8891    8891      1
## 12739            credit     8895    8896      2
## 12740            nation     8898    8899      2
## 12741            Alaska     8901    8901      1
## 12742             which     8903    8903      1
## 12743             years     8908    8911      4
## 12744            system     8916    8919      4
## 12745              laws     8921    8921      1
## 12746              case     8924    8925      2
## 12747           country     8927    8928      2
## 12748      possession--     8930    8933      4
## 12749            wealth     8935    8936      2
## 12750         fisheries     8939    8939      1
## 12751              furs     8941    8941      1
## 12752           forests     8943    8943      1
## 12753              land     8948    8948      1
## 12754             kinds     8951    8952      2
## 12755           farming     8954    8954      1
## 12756      stockgrowing     8956    8956      1
## 12757                It     8958    8958      1
## 12758         territory     8960    8961      2
## 12759              size     8963    8964      2
## 12760         resources     8966    8967      2
## 12761        population     8973    8976      4
## 12762            Alaska     8978    8978      1
## 12763               law     8980    8983      4
## 12764        provisions     8985    8986      2
## 12765        homesteads     8988    8988      1
## 12766               pre     8990    8990      1
## 12767                 -     8991    8991      1
## 12768          emptions     8992    8992      1
## 12769        settlement     8996    8997      2
## 12770                We     8999    8999      1
## 12771       legislation     9002    9002      1
## 12772              view     9004    9005      2
## 12773         territory     9013    9014      2
## 12774          building     9018    9019      2
## 12775             homes     9022    9022      1
## 12776              laws     9025    9027      3
## 12777              type     9032    9032      1
## 12778       inducements     9039    9039      1
## 12779           settler     9041    9043      3
## 12780              whom     9044    9044      1
## 12781                we     9045    9045      1
## 12782        possession     9051    9051      1
## 12783           country     9053    9054      2
## 12784           forests     9056    9057      2
## 12785            Alaska     9059    9059      1
## 12786            matter     9067    9072      6
## 12787              time     9080    9082      3
## 12788                it     9083    9083      1
## 12789          settlers     9087    9088      2
## 12790            timber     9094    9094      1
## 12791       regulations     9097    9098      2
## 12792               use     9101    9103      3
## 12793              Laws     9105    9105      1
## 12794         fisheries     9111    9114      4
## 12795             greed     9116    9117      2
## 12796             which     9118    9118      1
## 12797              them     9121    9121      1
## 12798              They     9123    9123      1
## 12799            supply     9128    9133      6
## 12800        management     9135    9136      2
## 12801           control     9138    9138      1
## 12802        Commission     9144    9145      2
## 12803              Fish     9147    9147      1
## 12804         Fisheries     9149    9149      1
## 12805            Alaska     9151    9151      1
## 12806          Delegate     9154    9155      2
## 12807          Congress     9157    9158      2
## 12808                It     9160    9160      1
## 12809         committee     9165    9167      3
## 12810            Alaska     9170    9170      1
## 12811             needs     9173    9174      2
## 12812            ground     9176    9177      2
## 12813           Indians     9183    9184      2
## 12814               aim     9185    9186      2
## 12815        absorption     9189    9191      3
## 12816              body     9193    9194      2
## 12817            people     9196    9197      2
## 12818             cases     9201    9202      2
## 12819        absorption     9203    9204      2
## 12820          portions     9213    9213      1
## 12821         Territory     9215    9217      3
## 12822           mixture     9218    9219      2
## 12823             blood     9221    9221      1
## 12824              time     9226    9228      3
## 12825          progress     9230    9230      1
## 12826            wealth     9232    9232      1
## 12827         education     9234    9234      1
## 12828            plenty     9240    9240      1
## 12829               men     9242    9242      1
## 12830           degrees     9244    9245      2
## 12831            purity     9247    9247      1
## 12832             blood     9249    9250      2
## 12833               who     9251    9251      1
## 12834             point     9256    9256      1
## 12835           ability     9258    9264      7
## 12836        associates     9266    9268      3
## 12837            tribes     9272    9273      2
## 12838             which     9274    9274      1
## 12839           advance     9279    9281      3
## 12840          equality     9283    9284      2
## 12841            tribes     9290    9291      2
## 12842             their     9297    9297      1
## 12843            tribes     9305    9306      2
## 12844        conditions     9309    9311      3
## 12845             tribe     9314    9315      2
## 12846           advance     9318    9319      2
## 12847              soil     9323    9325      3
## 12848                it     9326    9326      1
## 12849           members     9331    9332      2
## 12850         severalty     9335    9335      1
## 12851              case     9339    9340      2
## 12852          settlers     9342    9343      2
## 12853            tribes     9347    9348      2
## 12854            course     9350    9352      3
## 12855           prairie     9360    9360      1
## 12856            effort     9362    9363      2
## 12857           Indians     9368    9369      2
## 12858          pastoral     9372    9372      1
## 12859             lives     9375    9376      2
## 12860              them     9381    9381      1
## 12861          villages     9385    9385      1
## 12862              them     9390    9390      1
## 12863         isolation     9392    9392      1
## 12864           schools     9395    9398      4
## 12865       reservation     9402    9404      3
## 12866              work     9406    9410      5
## 12867        importance     9412    9413      2
## 12868             these     9419    9419      1
## 12869            amount     9422    9424      3
## 12870              work     9426    9427      2
## 12871      reservations     9432    9433      2
## 12872        themselves     9434    9434      1
## 12873               all     9441    9441      1
## 12874           Indians     9443    9446      4
## 12875              step     9449    9454      6
## 12876        absorption     9456    9457      2
## 12877            Indian     9459    9460      2
## 12878               him     9464    9464      1
## 12879            living     9467    9468      2
## 12880                it     9471    9471      1
## 12881         community     9480    9481      2
## 12882           Indians     9482    9483      2
## 12883           tillers     9486    9487      2
## 12884           raisers     9489    9493      5
## 12885        industries     9495    9496      2
## 12886             those     9503    9503      1
## 12887               who     9504    9504      1
## 12888            desire     9506    9507      2
## 12889      adaptability     9509    9509      1
## 12890          pursuits     9511    9515      5
## 12891              bent     9526    9529      4
## 12892            effort     9532    9533      2
## 12893             lines     9542    9543      2
## 12894          aptitude     9545    9546      2
## 12895        industries     9551    9554      4
## 12896            tribes     9557    9558      2
## 12897             kinds     9562    9564      3
## 12898           weaving     9566    9567      2
## 12899          building     9569    9570      2
## 12900              work     9572    9573      2
## 12901              work     9576    9577      2
## 12902               all     9580    9580      1
## 12903              boys     9582    9584      3
## 12904             girls     9586    9586      1
## 12905           command     9590    9591      2
## 12906           English     9593    9594      2
## 12907          struggle     9602    9604      3
## 12908        conditions     9606    9607      2
## 12909             which     9609    9609      1
## 12910            people     9610    9611      2
## 12911        absorption     9617    9618      2
## 12912         community     9620    9624      5
## 12913         officials     9627    9628      2
## 12914               who     9629    9629      1
## 12915        Government     9631    9632      2
## 12916           Indians     9636    9637      2
## 12917        conditions     9640    9641      2
## 12918        conditions     9646    9646      1
## 12919             which     9647    9647      1
## 12920                it     9649    9649      1
## 12921             wrong     9653    9653      1
## 12922              they     9662    9662      1
## 12923              hand     9668    9670      3
## 12924              hand     9674    9676      3
## 12925          standard     9677    9680      4
## 12926           conduct     9682    9682      1
## 12927              them     9687    9687      1
## 12928        misconduct     9691    9691      1
## 12929        punishment     9695    9696      2
## 12930        department     9703    9704      2
## 12931              work     9706    9707      2
## 12932             years     9709    9710      2
## 12933           success     9714    9715      2
## 12934              that     9718    9718      1
## 12935               aid     9721    9722      2
## 12936        population     9724    9726      3
## 12937              them     9730    9730      1
## 12938        themselves     9736    9736      1
## 12939              need     9740    9741      2
## 12940        importance     9745    9746      2
## 12941           welfare     9749    9750      2
## 12942            farmer     9752    9753      2
## 12943           welfare     9758    9759      2
## 12944          Republic     9761    9762      2
## 12945             whole     9764    9765      2
## 12946          addition     9768    9768      1
## 12947              work     9770    9771      2
## 12948        quarantine     9773    9773      1
## 12949           plagues     9775    9778      4
## 12950              them     9783    9783      1
## 12951              help     9788    9790      3
## 12952            farmer     9795    9796      2
## 12953      introduction     9798    9799      2
## 12954            plants     9801    9802      2
## 12955       cultivation     9806    9806      1
## 12956        conditions     9808    9810      3
## 12957          portions     9813    9814      2
## 12958           country     9816    9817      2
## 12959           cereals     9819    9820      2
## 12960              West     9825    9829      5
## 12961          instance     9832    9832      1
## 12962    practicability     9834    9835      2
## 12963             types     9838    9840      3
## 12964            wheats     9842    9843      2
## 12965           regions     9845    9845      1
## 12966          rainfall     9847    9849      3
## 12967            inches     9851    9853      3
## 12968       thereabouts     9855    9855      1
## 12969      introduction     9862    9863      2
## 12970             rices     9865    9866      2
## 12971         Louisiana     9868    9868      1
## 12972             Texas     9870    9870      1
## 12973        production     9871    9872      2
## 12974              rice     9874    9874      1
## 12975           country     9876    9877      2
## 12976            demand     9884    9886      3
## 12977              west     9889    9892      4
## 12978       possibility     9893    9894      2
## 12979             lands     9897    9899      3
## 12980             crops     9905    9910      6
## 12981              East     9917    9918      2
## 12982                it     9919    9919      1
## 12983              some     9924    9924      1
## 12984            fruits     9926    9928      3
## 12985               way     9935    9937      3
## 12986            market     9941    9943      3
## 12987                 I     9947    9947      1
## 12988     consideration     9951    9953      3
## 12989          Congress     9955    9956      2
## 12990             plans     9957    9958      2
## 12991       Institution     9960    9962      3
## 12992            Museum     9965    9966      2
## 12993            charge     9968    9969      2
## 12994            Nation     9972    9973      2
## 12995           Capital     9979    9981      3
## 12996             races     9986    9988      3
## 12997               men     9990    9990      1
## 12998           animals     9993    9994      2
## 12999         continent     9996    9997      2
## 13000             which     9998    9998      1
## 13001           buffalo    10001   10002      2
## 13002         specimens    10009   10009      1
## 13003             which    10011   10011      1
## 13004   representatives    10012   10013      2
## 13005           regions    10020   10022      3
## 13006            safety    10027   10027      1
## 13007          District    10030   10031      2
## 13008          Columbia    10033   10033      1
## 13009              part    10035   10037      3
## 13010         territory    10039   10040      2
## 13011             which    10042   10042      1
## 13012        Government    10043   10045      3
## 13013         functions    10047   10050      4
## 13014       consequence    10055   10055      1
## 13015        Government    10056   10057      2
## 13016              hand    10059   10061      3
## 13017         reference    10063   10063      1
## 13018             types    10065   10066      2
## 13019       legislation    10068   10071      4
## 13020             which    10072   10072      1
## 13021         character    10080   10081      2
## 13022        Government    10083   10084      2
## 13023                it    10088   10088      1
## 13024          instance    10091   10091      1
## 13025       legislation    10094   10098      5
## 13026        Washington    10100   10100      1
## 13027         character    10103   10105      3
## 13028             evils    10107   10108      2
## 13029         dwellings    10110   10111      2
## 13030             shape    10115   10116      2
## 13031         districts    10118   10124      7
## 13032              type    10127   10131      5
## 13033        Washington    10141   10141      1
## 13034              city    10143   10144      2
## 13035             model    10147   10148      2
## 13036           respect    10150   10151      2
## 13037            cities    10153   10155      3
## 13038           country    10157   10158      2
## 13039           systems    10160   10164      5
## 13040          District    10166   10167      2
## 13041     consideration    10170   10170      1
## 13042             hands    10172   10173      2
## 13043          Congress    10175   10176      2
## 13044               end    10178   10179      2
## 13045              they    10181   10181      1
## 13046           results    10184   10185      2
## 13047           thought    10187   10190      4
## 13048            fields    10192   10193      2
## 13049        Washington    10198   10198      1
## 13050              city    10201   10204      4
## 13051     industrialism    10208   10209      2
## 13052       legislation    10213   10215      3
## 13053                it    10218   10218      1
## 13054            itself    10224   10224      1
## 13055             model    10229   10230      2
## 13056              rest    10232   10233      2
## 13057            Nation    10235   10236      2
## 13058                We    10238   10238      1
## 13059          instance    10243   10243      1
## 13060               act    10245   10250      6
## 13061          District    10252   10253      2
## 13062          Columbia    10255   10255      1
## 13063                we    10258   10258      1
## 13064               act    10260   10262      3
## 13065             yards    10264   10267      4
## 13066         companies    10269   10270      2
## 13067          District    10272   10273      2
## 13068               law    10279   10279      1
## 13069             frogs    10282   10283      2
## 13070               law    10286   10290      5
## 13071        protection    10293   10295      3
## 13072             lives    10297   10298      2
## 13073             limbs    10300   10300      1
## 13074         employees    10302   10303      2
## 13075             which    10305   10305      1
## 13076            effect    10313   10314      2
## 13077            August    10316   10316      1
## 13078                It    10321   10321      1
## 13079         thousands    10326   10326      1
## 13080        casualties    10328   10328      1
## 13081        Experience    10330   10330      1
## 13082         necessity    10335   10336      2
## 13083       legislation    10338   10339      2
## 13084               law    10342   10343      2
## 13085              bill    10345   10346      2
## 13086              this    10350   10350      1
## 13087            Senate    10352   10353      2
## 13088           session    10355   10357      3
## 13089                It    10359   10359      1
## 13090           measure    10365   10367      3
## 13091               law    10373   10373      1
## 13092          tendency    10378   10380      3
## 13093       publication    10384   10385      2
## 13094            masses    10387   10387      1
## 13095         documents    10389   10389      1
## 13096             which    10391   10391      1
## 13097            demand    10394   10396      3
## 13098          printing    10399   10400      2
## 13099             which    10402   10402      1
## 13100         necessity    10405   10407      3
## 13101           numbers    10409   10410      2
## 13102           volumes    10412   10412      1
## 13103           presses    10417   10420      4
## 13104             which    10422   10422      1
## 13105     justification    10425   10426      2
## 13106           Nothing    10428   10428      1
## 13107               any    10433   10433      1
## 13108       Departments    10435   10436      2
## 13109                it    10438   10438      1
## 13110         something    10440   10440      1
## 13111             value    10442   10443      2
## 13112          Congress    10446   10447      2
## 13113         advantage    10450   10450      1
## 13114          printing    10456   10458      3
## 13115             which    10459   10459      1
## 13116                it    10460   10460      1
## 13117              cost    10468   10470      3
## 13118          printing    10472   10473      2
## 13119          argument    10475   10477      3
## 13120          position    10479   10480      2
## 13121             those    10482   10482      1
## 13122               who    10483   10483      1
## 13123           grounds    10487   10488      2
## 13124        Government    10491   10492      2
## 13125              work    10495   10496      2
## 13126             which    10497   10497      1
## 13127         propriety    10500   10500      1
## 13128             hands    10504   10505      2
## 13129          progress    10508   10509      2
## 13130              year    10514   10515      2
## 13131         extension    10517   10518      2
## 13132            system    10520   10522      3
## 13133      appointments    10525   10525      1
## 13134           service    10527   10529      3
## 13135                It    10531   10531      1
## 13136               law    10536   10536      1
## 13137          District    10538   10539      2
## 13138          Columbia    10541   10541      1
## 13139                It    10543   10543      1
## 13140            system    10550   10552      3
## 13141               law    10556   10556      1
## 13142             basis    10558   10559      2
## 13143       appointment    10562   10562      1
## 13144         promotion    10564   10564      1
## 13145       consequence    10567   10567      1
## 13146           fitness    10569   10570      2
## 13147         provision    10574   10576      3
## 13148          Congress    10578   10579      2
## 13149           session    10581   10583      3
## 13150             House    10584   10586      3
## 13151             which    10588   10588      1
## 13152         additions    10593   10594      2
## 13153           changes    10596   10596      1
## 13154              what    10603   10603      1
## 13155                it    10604   10604      1
## 13156        Washington    10610   10610      1
## 13157      restorations    10614   10615      2
## 13158              care    10616   10618      3
## 13159             plans    10629   10631      3
## 13160             plans    10635   10636      2
## 13161             study    10638   10640      3
## 13162         buildings    10642   10643      2
## 13163              that    10645   10645      1
## 13164        University    10647   10648      2
## 13165          Virginia    10650   10650      1
## 13166             which    10652   10652      1
## 13167         Jefferson    10656   10656      1
## 13168             House    10658   10660      3
## 13169          property    10662   10663      2
## 13170            Nation    10665   10666      2
## 13171                it    10677   10677      1
## 13172                it    10682   10682      1
## 13173           reasons    10690   10690      1
## 13174              that    10691   10691      1
## 13175                we    10692   10692      1
## 13176            Vernon    10694   10695      2
## 13177                it    10697   10697      1
## 13178        simplicity    10701   10703      3
## 13179      architecture    10705   10706      2
## 13180        expression    10708   10709      2
## 13181         character    10711   10712      2
## 13182            period    10714   10715      2
## 13183             which    10717   10717      1
## 13184                it    10718   10718      1
## 13185            accord    10725   10725      1
## 13186          purposes    10727   10728      2
## 13187                it    10729   10729      1
## 13188                It    10735   10735      1
## 13189             thing    10737   10739      3
## 13190         buildings    10742   10743      2
## 13191         monuments    10745   10746      2
## 13192             which    10747   10747      1
## 13193             sense    10750   10751      2
## 13194        continuity    10753   10753      1
## 13195              past    10755   10758      4
## 13196           reports    10760   10761      2
## 13197       Departments    10763   10766      4
## 13198          Congress    10770   10771      2
## 13199     communication    10773   10774      2
## 13200         ROOSEVELT    10776   10777      2

The spacyr package of course has some more functions such as dependency parsing. However, they probably go beyond the scope of this script and we will therefore leave them out for now.

4.6 First analyses

A common task in the quantitative analysis of text is to determine how documents differ from each other concerning word usage. This is usually achieved by identifying words that are particular for one document but not for another. These words are referred to by Monroe, Colaresi, and Quinn (2008) as fighting words or, by Grimmer, Roberts, and Stewart (2022), discriminating words. To use the techniques that will be presented today, an already existing organization of the documents is assumed.

The most simple approach to determine which words are more correlated to a certain group of documents is by merely counting them and determining their proportion in the document groups. For illustratory purposes, I use fairy tales from H.C. Andersen which are contained in the hcandersenr package.


fairytales <- hcandersenr::hcandersen_en %>% 
  filter(book %in% c("The princess and the pea",
                     "The little mermaid",
                     "The emperor's new suit"))

fairytales_tidy <- fairytales %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = token, input = text)

4.6.1 Counting words per document

For a first, naive analysis, I can merely count the times the terms appear in the texts. Since the text is in tidytext format, I can do so using means from traditional tidyverse packages. I will then visualize the results with a bar plot.

fairytales_top10 <- fairytales_tidy %>% 
  group_by(book) %>% 
  count(token) %>% 
  slice_max(n, n = 10)
fairytales_top10 %>% 
  ggplot()  +
  geom_col(aes(x = n, y = reorder_within(token, n, book))) +
  scale_y_reordered() +
  labs(y = "token") +
  facet_wrap(vars(book), scales = "free") +
  theme(strip.text.x = element_blank())

It is quite hard to draw inferences on which plot belongs to which book since the plots are crowded with stopwords. However, there are pre-made stopword lists I can harness to remove some of this “noise” and perhaps catch a bit more signal for determining the books.


# get_stopwords()
# stopwords_getsources()
# stopwords_getlanguages(source = "snowball")

fairytales_top10_nostop <- fairytales_tidy %>% 
  anti_join(get_stopwords(), by = c("token" = "word")) %>% 
  group_by(book) %>% 
  count(token) %>% 
  slice_max(n, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE)
fairytales_top10_nostop %>% 
  ggplot()  +
  geom_col(aes(x = n, y = reorder_within(token, n, book))) +
  scale_y_reordered() +
  labs(y = "token") +
  facet_wrap(vars(book), scales = "free_y") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks()) +
  theme(strip.text.x = element_blank())

This already looks quite nice, it is quite easy to see which plot belongs to the respective book.

4.6.2 TF-IDF

A better definition of words that are particular to a group of documents is “the ones that appear often in one group but rarely in the other one(s)”. So far, the measure of term frequency only accounts for how often terms are used in the respective document. I can take into account how often it appears in other documents by including the inverse document frequency. The resulting measure is called tf-idf and describes “the frequency of a term adjusted for how rarely it is used.” (Silge and Robinson 2016: 31) If a term is rarely used overall but appears comparably often in a singular document, it might be safe to assume that it plays a bigger role in that document.

The tf-idf of a word in a document is commonly^[Note that multiple implementations exist, for an overview see, for instance, Manning, Raghavan, and Schütze (2008). One implementation is calculated as follows:


–> tfi,j: number of occurrences of term i in document j

–> dfi: number of documents containing i

–> N: total number of documents

Note that the ln is included so that words that appear in all documents – and do therefore not have discriminatory power – will automatically get a value of 0. This is because ln(1)=0. On the other hand, if a term appears in, say, 4 out of 20 documents, its ln(idf) is ln(20/4)=ln(5)=1.6.

The tidytext package provides a neat implementation for calculating the tf-idf called bind_tfidf(). It takes as input the columns containing the term, the document, and the document-term counts n.

fairytales_top10_tfidf <- fairytales_tidy %>% 
  group_by(book) %>% 
  count(token) %>% 
  bind_tf_idf(token, book, n) %>% 
  slice_max(tf_idf, n = 10)
fairytales_top10_tfidf %>% 
  ggplot()  +
  geom_col(aes(x = tf_idf, y = reorder_within(token, tf_idf, book))) +
  scale_y_reordered() +
  labs(y = "token") +
  facet_wrap(vars(book), scales = "free") +
  theme(strip.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank())

Pretty good already! All the fairytales can be clearly identified. A problem with this representation is that I cannot straightforwardly interpret the x-axis values (they can be removed by uncommenting the last four lines). A way to mitigate this is using odds.

Another shortcoming becomes visible when I take the terms with the highest TF-IDF as compared to all other fairytales.

tfidf_vs_full <- hcandersenr::hcandersen_en %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = token, input = text) %>% 
  count(token, book) %>% 
  bind_tf_idf(book, token, n) %>% 
  filter(book %in% c("The princess and the pea",
                     "The little mermaid",
                     "The emperor's new suit")) 

plot_tf_idf <- function(df, group_var){
  df %>% 
    group_by({{ group_var }}) %>% 
    slice_max(tf_idf, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE) %>% 
    ggplot()  +
    geom_col(aes(x = tf_idf, y = reorder_within(token, tf_idf, {{ group_var }}))) +
    scale_y_reordered() +
    labs(y = "token") +
    facet_wrap(vars({{ group_var }}), scales = "free") +
    #theme(strip.text.x = element_blank()) +
plot_tf_idf(tfidf_vs_full, book)

The tokens are far too specific to make any sense. Introducing a lower threshold (i.e., limiting the analysis to terms that appear at least x times in the document) might mitigate that. Yet, this threshold is of course arbitrary.

tfidf_vs_full %>% 
  #group_by(token) %>% 
  filter(n > 3) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 

4.7 Converting between formats

While the tidytext format lends itself nicely to “basic” operations and visualizations, you will have to use different representations of text data for other applications such as topic models or word embeddings. On the other hand, you might want to harness, for instance, the ggplot2 package for visualization. In this case, you will need to project the data into a tidy format. The former operations are performed using multiple cast_.*() functions, the latter using the tidy() function from the broom package whose purpose is to bring data from foreign structures to tidy representations.

In the following, we will briefly explain common representations and the packages that use them. Thereby, we draw heavily on the chapter in Tidy Text Mining with R that is dedicated to the topic.

4.7.1 Document-term matrix

A document-term matrix contains rows that represent a document and columns that represent terms. The values usually correspond to how often the term appears in the respective document.

In R, a common implementation of DTMs is the DocumentTermMatrix class in the tm package. The topicmodels package which we will use for performing LDA comes with a collection of example data.



## [1] "DocumentTermMatrix"    "simple_triplet_matrix"
## <<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 2246, terms: 10473)>>
## Non-/sparse entries: 302031/23220327
## Sparsity           : 99%
## Maximal term length: 18
## Weighting          : term frequency (tf)

This data set contains 2246 Associated Press articles which consist of 10,473 different terms. Moreover, the matrix is 99% sparse, meaning that 99% of word-document pairs are zero. The weighting is by term frequency, hence the values correspond to the number of appearances a word has in an article.

AssociatedPress %>% 
  head(5) %>% 
  as.matrix() %>% 
  .[, 1:5]
##       Terms
## Docs   aaron abandon abandoned abandoning abbott
##   [1,]     0       0         0          0      0
##   [2,]     0       0         0          0      0
##   [3,]     0       0         0          0      0
##   [4,]     0       0         0          0      0
##   [5,]     0       0         0          0      0

Bringing these data into a tidy format is performed as follows:

associated_press_tidy <- tidy(AssociatedPress)

## Rows: 302,031
## Columns: 3
## $ document <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1…
## $ term     <chr> "adding", "adult", "ago", "alcohol", "allegedly", "allen", "a…
## $ count    <dbl> 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1…

Transforming the data set into a DTM, the opposite operation, is achieved using cast_dtm(data, document, term, value):

associated_press_dfm <- associated_press_tidy %>% 
  cast_dtm(document, term, count)

associated_press_dfm %>% 
  head(2) %>% 
  as.matrix() %>% 
  .[, 1:10]
##     Terms
## Docs adding adult ago alcohol allegedly allen apparently appeared arrested
##    1      1     2   1       1         1     1          2        1        1
##    2      0     0   0       0         0     0          0        1        0
##     Terms
## Docs assault
##    1       1
##    2       0

4.7.2 Document-feature matrix

The so-called document-feature matrix is the data format used in the quanteda package. It is a document-term matrix, but the authors of the quanteda package chose the term feature over term to be more accurate:

“We call them ‘features’ rather than terms, because features are more general than terms: they can be defined as raw terms, stemmed terms, the parts of speech of terms, terms after stopwords have been removed, or a dictionary class to which a term belongs. Features can be entirely general, such as ngrams or syntactic dependencies, and we leave this open-ended.”

data("data_corpus_inaugural", package = "quanteda")
inaug_dfm <- data_corpus_inaugural %>%
  quanteda::tokens() %>%
  quanteda::dfm(verbose = FALSE)

## Document-feature matrix of: 59 documents, 9,439 features (91.84% sparse) and 4 docvars.
##                  features
## docs              fellow-citizens  of the senate and house representatives :
##   1789-Washington               1  71 116      1  48     2               2 1
##   1793-Washington               0  11  13      0   2     0               0 1
##   1797-Adams                    3 140 163      1 130     0               2 0
##   1801-Jefferson                2 104 130      0  81     0               0 1
##   1805-Jefferson                0 101 143      0  93     0               0 0
##   1809-Madison                  1  69 104      0  43     0               0 0
##                  features
## docs              among vicissitudes
##   1789-Washington     1            1
##   1793-Washington     0            0
##   1797-Adams          4            0
##   1801-Jefferson      1            0
##   1805-Jefferson      7            0
##   1809-Madison        0            0
## [ reached max_ndoc ... 53 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 9,429 more features ]

This, again, can just be tidy()ed.

inaug_tidy <- tidy(inaug_dfm)

## Rows: 45,453
## Columns: 3
## $ document <chr> "1789-Washington", "1797-Adams", "1801-Jefferson", "1809-Madi…
## $ term     <chr> "fellow-citizens", "fellow-citizens", "fellow-citizens", "fel…
## $ count    <dbl> 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 5, 1, 11, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 71,…

Of course, the resulting tibble can now be cast back into the DFM format using cast_dfm(data, document, term, value). Here, the value corresponds to the number of appearances of the term in the respective document.

inaug_tidy %>% 
  cast_dfm(document, term, count)
## Document-feature matrix of: 59 documents, 9,439 features (91.84% sparse) and 0 docvars.
##                  features
## docs              fellow-citizens  of the senate and house representatives :
##   1789-Washington               1  71 116      1  48     2               2 1
##   1797-Adams                    3 140 163      1 130     0               2 0
##   1801-Jefferson                2 104 130      0  81     0               0 1
##   1809-Madison                  1  69 104      0  43     0               0 0
##   1813-Madison                  1  65 100      0  44     0               0 0
##   1817-Monroe                   5 164 275      0 122     0               1 0
##                  features
## docs              among vicissitudes
##   1789-Washington     1            1
##   1797-Adams          4            0
##   1801-Jefferson      1            0
##   1809-Madison        0            0
##   1813-Madison        1            0
##   1817-Monroe         3            0
## [ reached max_ndoc ... 53 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 9,429 more features ]

4.7.3 Corpus objects

Another common way of storing data is in so-called corpora. This is usually a collection of raw documents and metadata. An example would be the collection of State of the Union speeches we worked with earlier. The tm package has a class for corpora.

data("acq", package = "tm")

## <<VCorpus>>
## Metadata:  corpus specific: 0, document level (indexed): 0
## Content:  documents: 50
#str(acq %>% head(1))

It is a list containing different elements that refer to metadata or the content. This is a nice and effective framework for storing documents, yet it does not lend itself nicely for analysis with tidy tools. You can use tidy() to clean it up a bit:

acq_tbl <- acq %>% 

This results in a tibble that contains the relevant metadata and a text column. A good point of departure for subsequent tidy analyses.

4.9 Exercises

4.9.1 Regexes

1.Write a regex for Swedish mobile number. Test it with str_detect("+46 71-738 25 33", "[insert your regex here]"). 2. Find all Mercedes in the mtcars data set. 3. Take the IMDb file (imdb <- read_csv("")) and split the Genre column into different columns (hint: look at the tidyr::separate() function). How would you do it if Genre were a vector using str_split_fixed()? 4. Take this vector of heights: heights <- c("1m30cm", "2m01cm", "3m10cm") a. How can you extract the meters using the negative look behind? b. Bring it into numeric format (i.e., your_solution == c(1.3, 2.01, 3.1)) using regexes and stringr commands.

Solution. Click to expand!
str_detect("+46 71-738 25 33", "\\+46 [0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{3} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}")

mtcars %>% 
  rownames_to_column("model") %>% 
  filter(str_detect(model, "Merc"))

imdb <- read_csv("")

imdb %>% 
  separate(Genre, sep = ",", into = c("genre_1", "genre_2", "genre_3"))

imdb$Genre %>% 
  str_split_fixed(pattern = ",", 3)

heights <- c("1m30cm", "2m01cm", "3m10cm")

meters <- str_extract(heights, "(?<!m)[0-9]")

for_test <- str_replace(heights, "(?<=[0-9])m", "\\.") %>% 
  str_replace("cm", "") %>% 

for_test == c(1.3, 2.01, 3.1)

4.9.2 Preprocessing

  1. Download Twitter timeline data (timelines <- read_csv("") %>% filter(! Let’s look at abortion-related tweets and how the language may differ between parties. Filter relevant tweets using a vector of keywords and a regular expression (hint: filter(str_detect(text, str_c(keywords, collapse = "|")))). Preprocess the Tweets as follows:
  1. Unnest the tokens.
  2. Remove stop words.
  3. Perform stemming.
Solution. Click to expand!

keywords <- c("abortion", "prolife", " roe ", " wade ", "roevswade", "baby", "fetus", "womb", "prochoice", "leak")

preprocessed <- timelines %>% 
  filter(str_detect(text, str_c(keywords, collapse = "|"))) %>% 
  unnest_tokens(word, text) %>% 
  anti_join(get_stopwords()) %>% 
  mutate(stemmed = wordStem(word))
  1. Perform the same steps, but using spacyr. What works better, lemmatization or stemming?
Solution. Click to expand!

timelines_meta <- timelines %>% 
  filter(str_detect(text, str_c(keywords, collapse = "|"))) %>% 
  rowid_to_column("doc_id") %>% 

timelines_spacy <- timelines %>% 
  filter(str_detect(text, str_c(keywords, collapse = "|"))) %>% 
  select(text) %>% 
  rowid_to_column("doc_id") %>% 
  spacy_parse(entity = FALSE) %>% 
  anti_join(get_stopwords(), by = c("token" = "word"))
  1. Count the terms per party.
  1. Do you see party-specific differences with regard to their ten most common terms (hint: slice_max(tf_idf, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE))? Use the following code to plot them.
Solution. Click to expand!
df <- preprocessed %>% 
  count(stemmed, party) %>% 
  group_by(party) %>% 
  slice_max(n, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE)
df %>% 
  group_by(party) %>% 
  ggplot()  +
    geom_col(aes(x = n, y = reorder_within(stemmed, n, party))) +
    scale_y_reordered() +
    labs(y = "token") +
    facet_wrap(vars(party), scales = "free") 
  1. Is there more words you should add to your stopwords list? Remove these terms using filter(str_detect()) and a regex.
Solution. Click to expand!
more_stopwords <- c("", "http", "amp") 
df %>% 
  filter(!str_detect(stemmed, str_c(more_stopwords, collapse = "|"))) %>% 
  group_by(party) %>% 
  ggplot()  +
    geom_col(aes(x = n, y = reorder_within(stemmed, n, party))) +
    scale_y_reordered() +
    labs(y = "token") +
    facet_wrap(vars(party), scales = "free") 
  1. Do the same thing but using the spacy output and filtering only NOUNs and PROPNouns.
Solution. Click to expand!
timelines_spacy %>% 
  filter(pos %in% c("PROPN", "NOUN")) %>% 
  left_join(timelines_meta %>% mutate(doc_id = as.character(doc_id)), by = "doc_id") %>% 
  count(token, party) %>%
  group_by(party) %>% 
  slice_max(n, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE) %>% 
  ggplot()  +
    geom_col(aes(x = n, y = reorder_within(token, n, party))) +
    scale_y_reordered() +
    labs(y = "token") +
    facet_wrap(vars(party), scales = "free") 
  1. Again, is there stuff to be removed? Do so using a Regex.
Solution. Click to expand!
timelines_spacy %>% 
  filter(pos %in% c("PROPN", "NOUN"),
         !str_detect(token, "^@|[^a-z]|^amp$")) %>% 
  left_join(timelines_meta %>% mutate(doc_id = as.character(doc_id)), by = "doc_id") %>% 
  count(token, party) %>%
  group_by(party) %>% 
  slice_max(n, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE) %>% 
  ggplot()  +
    geom_col(aes(x = n, y = reorder_within(token, n, party))) +
    scale_y_reordered() +
    labs(y = "token") +
    facet_wrap(vars(party), scales = "free") 
  1. Do the same thing as in 3. but use TF-IDF instead of raw counts. How does this alter your results?
Solution. Click to expand!
df_tf_idf <- preprocessed %>% 
  count(word, party) %>% 
  bind_tf_idf(word, party, n) %>% 
  group_by(party) %>% 
  slice_max(tf_idf, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE)
df_tf_idf %>% 
  group_by(party) %>% 
  ggplot()  +
    geom_col(aes(x = tf_idf, y = reorder_within(word, tf_idf, party))) +
    scale_y_reordered() +
    labs(y = "token") +
    facet_wrap(vars(party), scales = "free") 

timelines_spacy %>% 
  filter(pos %in% c("PROPN", "NOUN")) %>% 
  left_join(timelines_meta %>% mutate(doc_id = as.character(doc_id)), by = "doc_id") %>% 
  count(token, party) %>%
  filter(str_detect(token, "[a-z]")) %>% 
  filter(!str_detect(token, "^@")) %>% 
  bind_tf_idf(token, party, n) %>% 
  group_by(party) %>% 
  slice_max(n, n = 10, with_ties = FALSE) %>% 
  ggplot()  +
    geom_col(aes(x = tf_idf, y = reorder_within(token, tf_idf, party))) +
    scale_y_reordered() +
    labs(y = "token") +
    facet_wrap(vars(party), scales = "free") 
  1. What else could you have done in terms of pre-processing (think of the special characters and syntax Twitter uses here)?
Solution. Click to expand!
  • Remove @… – Regex: “[@][a-zA-Z0-9_]+”
  • Extract hashtags – Regex: “[#][a-zA-Z0-9_]+”
string <- "@FelixLennert checks if this works #sicss2022"

str_remove_all(string, "[@][a-zA-Z0-9_]+")
## [1] " checks if this works #sicss2022"
str_extract(string, "[#][a-zA-Z0-9_]+")
## [1] "#sicss2022"


Benoit, Kenneth, and Akitaka Matsuo. 2020. “Spacyr: Wrapper to the ’spaCy’ ’NLPLibrary.”
Benoit, Kenneth, David Muhr, and Kohei Watanabe. 2020. “Stopwords: Multilingual Stopword Lists.”
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