Chapter 12 ATE Survey 2021 Highlights
This summary of activities and achievements of the Advanced Technology Education (ATE) program is based on the 2021 ATE Survey. Principal investigators for 91% of ATE grants (n= 313, out of a total of 344 active ATE grants) completed the survey. Respondents represented grants supporting 270 projects, 27 centers, 6 conferences, and 10 targeted research projects. 130 degree programs and 360 courses were developed by 112 ATE projects.
Almost half (41%) of all academic degree programs developed were certificate programs, and a majority (88%) of courses developed were at the associate degree level. 8,620 educators participated in 860 professional development activities.
Over 5,750 educators who received professional development were located at two-year colleges followed by 1,720 educators at four-year colleges. 39,230 students were served by ATE projects.
ATE projects served over 39,230 students through a variety of activities in 2020.* ATE projects served the most students through developing or modifying academic programs, followed by courses.
- Due to the structure of the survey questions, the total number of students served may not represent a count of unique students. 6,840 educational materials were developed by 136 ATE projects.
Educational materials developed included assessment activities, modules or instructional units, lessons, lab experiments, curricula, case studies, instructor guides, and textbooks. 630 articulation agreements were developed or maintained by 50 ATE projects.
640 students matriculated to a higher-level education institution with the aid of an ATE-supported articulation agreement. 7,560 collaborators were engaged by ATE projects.
ATE projects most frequently collaborated with business and industry groups and other colleges and universities. Other activities were conducted by ATE projects in 2020 in support of advanced technological education.
ATE projects engaged in a wide range of activities. More information about those listed below and others can be found in the full report.