3 Basic R Graphics

This is Chapter covers the basics of graphics and plots of R and RStudio.

3.1 Anatomy of a plot:

A figure consists of a plot region surrounded by margins,customized by function (par).

par(usr=c(x.lo, x.hi, y.lo, y.hi))#Setting plot region par(mfrow=c(1,3)) #Multiple plots

3.2 Margins

To change margins you can use the function (mar) or (mai)

mar=c(3,3,2,1) mai=c(0.5,0.5,0.25,0.5)

3.3 Axes and tick marks

Listed below are functions to access axes and tick marks 1) axes 2) bty 3) lab 4) las 5) tck 6) xaxs/yaxs

3.4 Common plot options (arguments)

  1. cex: character size
  2. col: color
  3. pch: plotting symbols
  4. lty, lwd: line type
  5. log: lox scale axes
  6. xlab, ylab: x and y labels
  7. xlim, ylim: x and y variable range

3.5 My Data Example

Water samples were collected on 6/6/18, 9/24/18, 12/17/18, 1/26/19 and ran on an autoanalyzer to determine NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4, and Chl-a concentrations across 8 tanks identified by treatments (control "A" or nutrient enriched "N"). Moreover this data was used in my master's thesis.

Porewater_data <- read_csv("~/Desktop/R folder/Bookdown/Porewater_data.csv")
head(Porewater_data, n=3)
## # A tibble: 3 x 7
##    Tank Date   `NO3 (uM)` `NH4 (uM)` `PO4 (uM)` `Conc of chl (ug/… Nutrient
##   <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>              <dbl> <chr>   
## 1     1 6/6/18       2.07       1.35       3.08               2.77 A       
## 2     2 6/6/18       4.68       2.48       2.45               5.3  N       
## 3     3 6/6/18       3.05       1.77       4.62               2.99 A

Here I read in my porewater dataset and headed the first three lines.

boxplot(Porewater_data$`Conc of chl (ug/L)`~ Porewater_data$Nutrient,
        main= "Chl-a by treatment", col.main="red",
        xlab= "Treatment",
        ylab= "Chl-a concentration ug/L",

Here I created a boxplot using chl-a and treatment data. I used the col argument to designated the colors to terrain.color package. I added a title and axis labels using the main, xlab, and ylab arguments. I then changed the color of the labels using the col.main and col.lab argument. I then changed the font size of the labels using the cex.lab argument. Based on the figure we can see our treatment N increased chl-a concentrations.

plot(Porewater_data$`Conc of chl (ug/L)`~ Porewater_data$`NH4 (uM)`,
        main= "Chl-a by NH4-N", col.main="Brown",
        xlab= "Chl-a concentration ug/L",
        ylab= "NH4-N concentration uM",

fit1 <- lm (`Conc of chl (ug/L)` ~ `NH4 (uM)`, data = Porewater_data) 
## Call:
## lm(formula = `Conc of chl (ug/L)` ~ `NH4 (uM)`, data = Porewater_data)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -2.0464 -1.3426 -0.1125  1.0466  3.1231 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
## (Intercept)   0.9841     0.6175   1.594   0.1215  
## `NH4 (uM)`    0.7543     0.3133   2.408   0.0224 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.493 on 30 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.1619, Adjusted R-squared:  0.134 
## F-statistic: 5.797 on 1 and 30 DF,  p-value: 0.02241
abline(fit1, lty = "dashed")
text(x  =1.0, y = 5.5,labels="T = 2.408, p=0.0224")

** Here I used my dataset to look at the bivariate relationship between NH4-N and chl-a concentrations. Here I constructed a linear model and named it fit1. I then reviewed the statistics and it happens to be statistical significant. Increasing NH4 concentrations increases chl-a abundance. I add this the linear model regression line by using the abline argument and added the significant t and p values using the text argument**