Appendix 2 R script. Activity Budgets and Ethograms

# Lab 2: Activity Budgets and Ethograms

# First we load the required packages

# Reminder: any lines that include a # symbol will not be read by R

# Exercise 1: Enter and visualize ethogram data This is a toy ethogram with some
# simulated data
EthogramDF <- data.frame(Behavior = c("Resting", "Locomotion", "Foraging", "Calling", 
    "Playing", "Other"), TimesObserved = c(5, 7, 3, 21, 1, 0))

# If you run the object 'Ethogram' you should see your table

# Now we can make a basic barplot to visualize our results
ggbarplot(data = EthogramDF, x = "Behavior", y = "TimesObserved", fill = "grey")

# In the space below I want you to add in your own ethogram categories and create
# a plot based on the ethogram you created in Field lab 1.  Change Category1,
# Category2 to the categories you used in your ethogram and the numeric values to
# your observed values
EthogramDFupdated <- data.frame(Behavior = c("Category1", "Category2", "Category3", 
    "Category4", "Category5", "Category6"), TimesObserved = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))

# If you run the object you should see your dataframe

# Now we can make a barplot to visualize our results
ggbarplot(data = EthogramDFupdated, x = "Behavior", y = "TimesObserved", fill = "grey")

# Exercise 2.Calculate meerkat activity budgets. Our previous ethograpm examples
# only included counts of different behaviors that we observed, but we did not
# standardize our results in any way. Activity budgets give an indication of how
# much time an animal spends doing each activity; these are generally expressed
# as percentages.

# First we need to import the data

# Let's check the structure of our data

# Then we calcuate the total number of sections for each behavior There are many
# different ways that we can summarize our data using R, but we will use the
# package 'dplyr'

# Here we take the sum for each unique behavior and return it
MeerkatFocalData %>% dplyr::group_by(BehaviorCode) %>% dplyr::summarise(TotalSeconds = sum(SecondsEngagedinBehavior))

# We need to save the output as an R object
MeerkatFocalDataSummary <- MeerkatFocalData %>% dplyr::group_by(BehaviorCode) %>% 
    dplyr::summarise(TotalSeconds = sum(SecondsEngagedinBehavior))

# Now we need to standardize for our total observation time We divide by 600
# because our video was 10 minutes (or 600 seconds) long
MeerkatFocalDataSummary$ActivityBudget <- MeerkatFocalDataSummary$TotalSeconds/600 * 

# Now let's plot our results.  NOTE: The example here is using fake data.
ggbarplot(data = MeerkatFocalDataSummary, x = "BehaviorCode", y = "ActivityBudget", 
    fill = "grey")

# Now lets see if there were differences between you and your partner We need to
# save the output as an R object
MeerkatFocalDataPartner <- MeerkatFocalData %>% dplyr::group_by(BehaviorCode, Partner) %>% 
    dplyr::summarise(TotalSeconds = sum(SecondsEngagedinBehavior))

# We divide by 600 because our video was 10 minutes (or 600 seconds) long We then
# multiply by 100 so that we can report in percentages.
MeerkatFocalDataPartner$ActivityBudget <- MeerkatFocalDataPartner$TotalSeconds/600 * 

# Now we compare our data with our partner's Note that there are two new lines in
# the code below The fill argument tells R which category or factor to use to
# color the bars.  The position argument tells R to place the bars side-by-side.
ggbarplot(data = MeerkatFocalDataPartner, x = "BehaviorCode", y = "ActivityBudget", 
    fill = "Partner", position = position_dodge(0.9))

# Exercise 2c. Scan sampling and inter-observer reliability.  Read in the data

# Check the structure of our data If we use 'head' it will return the first few
# rows of our dataframe

# For this analysis the 'Time' column isn't needed so we can remove it; It is the
# first column so we use 1 in the code below.
MeerkatScanData <- MeerkatScanData[, -c(1)]

# R deals with blanks in dataframes by converting them to 'NA'. This is useful
# for some cases, but we want to convert our blanks to zeros using the following
# code.
MeerkatScanData[] <- 0

# Here we take the sum for each unique behavior and return it
MeerkatScanData %>% dplyr::group_by(Treatment) %>% dplyr::summarise(Vigilant = sum(Vigilant), 
    OutOfSight = sum(OutOfSight), NotVigilant = sum(NotVigilant))

# We need to save the output as an R object
MeerkatScanDataSummary <- MeerkatScanData %>% dplyr::group_by(Treatment, Partner) %>% 
    dplyr::summarise(Vigilant = sum(Vigilant), OutOfSight = sum(OutOfSight), NotVigilant = sum(NotVigilant))

MeerkatScanDataSummaryLong <- reshape2::melt(MeerkatScanDataSummary, id.vars = c("Treatment", 

colnames(MeerkatScanDataSummaryLong) <- c("Treatment", "Partner", "Behavior", "NumberMeerkats")

# And now we can visually compare our results with our partners
ggbarplot(data = MeerkatScanDataSummaryLong, x = "Treatment", y = "NumberMeerkats", 
    fill = "Behavior", position = position_dodge(0.9), = "Partner")

# Now we want to calculate inter-observer reliablity NOTE: that you will want to
# change the A and B to the names you used in the datasheet
Partner1Data <- subset(MeerkatScanData, Partner == "A")
Partner1Data <- Partner1Data[, -c(5)]  # We remove the 'Partner' column so that we only focus on scans

Partner2Data <- subset(MeerkatScanData, Partner == "B")
Partner2Data <- Partner2Data[, -c(5)]  # We remove the 'Partner' column so that we only focus on scans

# Here we calculate reliability for vigilance
VigilantCorrelation <- cor(Partner1Data$Vigilant, Partner2Data$Vigilant)

# Here we calculate reliability for vigilance
NotVigilantCorrelation <- cor(Partner1Data$NotVigilant, Partner2Data$NotVigilant)

# Here we calculate reliability for out of sight
OutOfSightCorrelation <- cor(Partner1Data$OutOfSight, Partner2Data$OutOfSight)

# Print the results, NotVigilantCorrelation, OutOfSightCorrelation)