Chapter 7 Test 1

7.1 Test 1 example

For this test please use the dragons.csv dataset. Your variable to be analyzed is the weight of red dragons. Precision: 2 decimal digits [9.99]

  1. What is the mean of the variable?

  2. Provide the interpretation of the calculated mean.

  3. What is the standard deviation of the variable?

  4. Provide the interpretation of the calculated standard deviation (use the empirical rule).

  5. What is the median of the variable?

  6. Provide the interpretation of the calculated median.

  7. What is the lower quartile?

  8. Provide the interpretation of the lower quartile.

  9. What is the upper quartile?

  10. Provide the interpretation of the upper quartile.

  11. What is the coefficient of asymmetry (skewness) of the variable?

  12. Provide the interpretation.

  13. What is the kurtosis of the variable?

  14. Provide the interpretation.