Chapter 2 Histograms

Intro: []

How to decide how many bins (buckets, intervals) there should be? Read the Wikipedia article on the histogram. We will use the square root choice, Sturges’ formula and the Freedman-Diaconis rule.

2.1 Exercises

Exercise 2.1 Prepare a histogram of the Total score of 2018 students (statistics2018.csv). Is the histogram symmetric? Is it skewed to the right? Left? Compare it with a histogram for 2021 students (statistics2021.csv).

Exercise 2.2 Prepare the histogram for the size of orders in the internet shop (orders.csv). Calculate the number of bins and bin width indicated by the square root rule, Sturges’ formula and FD formula. In your opinion, what the optimal number of bins should be? Is the distribution of order amount left or right skewed?

Exercise 2.3 Prepare a histogram of the speed of the two-wheelers (SpeedRadarData.csv). Use the square root rule to decide the number of bins. How would you describe the shape of the histogram?

Exercise 2.4 Prepare a histogram for the height of women in the married couples data (husbandwife.csv). How would you describe the shape of the histogram?

2.2 Spreadsheet templates:

Frequency and density histogram template in Google sheets:

Similar template for the frequency and density histogram in Excel: Histogram_template.xlsx