Chapter 2 Shamballa

In Theosophical literature, Shamballa is described as a mystical and spiritual center of great significance. Here are some key aspects of Shamballa according to Theosophy:

  1. Spiritual Center: Shamballa is considered the spiritual center of the world, often described as a hidden or etheric city. It is believed to be the seat of the spiritual hierarchy governing the evolution of humanity and the planet.
  2. Location: While its exact location is often depicted as hidden or non-physical, some traditions place Shamballa in the Gobi Desert or in a remote, inaccessible region of the Himalayas. It is sometimes described as existing on a higher plane of reality.
  3. Role and Function: Shamballa is thought to be the dwelling place of the “Lord of the World,” often identified as Sanat Kumara, who oversees the spiritual progress of the Earth. It serves as a focal point for divine energies and guidance.
  4. Symbolism: Shamballa symbolizes the ultimate goal of spiritual attainment and enlightenment. It represents the ideal of a harmonious and enlightened society, guiding humanity towards higher consciousness.
  5. Connection to Masters: It is believed to be the headquarters of the Masters of Wisdom, advanced spiritual beings who assist in the evolution of humanity by imparting wisdom and guidance. Shamballa holds a central place in Theosophical teachings as a source of spiritual power and enlightenment, influencing the spiritual evolution of the planet.

2.1 Shangri-La

Shangri-La and Shamballa are often linked due to their similar mystical and utopian connotations, but they originate from different sources and have distinct meanings:

  1. Shangri-La: This is a fictional place described in James Hilton’s 1933 novel “Lost Horizon.” It is depicted as a utopian lamasery located in the Himalayas, characterized by peace, harmony, and longevity. Shangri-La has become synonymous with an earthly paradise, a place of eternal youth and tranquility.
  2. Shamballa: In Theosophical teachings, Shamballa is a spiritual center believed to exist on a higher plane, often associated with the Gobi Desert or the Himalayas. It is considered the seat of the spiritual hierarchy and the dwelling place of Sanat Kumara, guiding the spiritual evolution of the planet.

While both are associated with the Himalayas and represent ideals of peace and enlightenment, Shangri-La is a literary creation, whereas Shamballa is a concept from spiritual and esoteric traditions.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt named the presidential retreat “Shangri-La” during his administration, inspired by Hilton’s novel. Later, President Dwight D. Eisenhower renamed it “Camp David” in honor of his grandson, David Eisenhower.

2.2 Shamballa and Sanat Kumara

Shamballa is closely associated with Sanat Kumara, who is considered a central figure in this mystical and spiritual center.

  1. Leadership Role: Sanat Kumara is often described as the “Lord of the World” and is believed to reside in Shamballa. He is seen as the spiritual leader who oversees the evolution and spiritual development of humanity and the planet.
  2. Spiritual Governance: From Shamballa, Sanat Kumara is thought to direct the spiritual hierarchy of the Earth, guiding the Masters of Wisdom and other spiritual beings in their work to uplift and enlighten humanity.
  3. Divine Mission: According to Theosophy, Sanat Kumara came to Earth from the higher spiritual realms to help guide and accelerate the planet’s spiritual evolution. Shamballa serves as his base of operations for this mission.
  4. Symbol of Enlightenment: Sanat Kumara’s presence in Shamballa symbolizes the ultimate goal of spiritual enlightenment and the potential for humanity to achieve higher states of consciousness.
  5. Channel of Divine Energy: Shamballa, under the leadership of Sanat Kumara, is considered a conduit for divine energy and wisdom, which is distributed to the world to aid in its spiritual progress. Overall, Shamballa and Sanat Kumara are intricately linked in Theosophical literature, representing the guiding force behind the spiritual evolution of the Earth.

2.3 The Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy

The concept of spiritual hierarchy is a central theme that describes a structured order of spiritual beings who guide and influence the evolution of humanity and the planet.

  1. Levels of Consciousness: The spiritual hierarchy consists of beings at various levels of consciousness and spiritual development. These beings have evolved beyond ordinary human limitations and possess profound wisdom and insight.
  2. Masters of Wisdom: At the core of the hierarchy are the Masters of Wisdom. These are highly evolved individuals who have completed their human evolution and now work to assist humanity in its spiritual growth.
  3. Sanat Kumara: At the pinnacle of the hierarchy is Sanat Kumara, often referred to as the “Lord of the World.” He is believed to reside in Shamballa and oversees the entire spiritual hierarchy, guiding the evolution of the planet.
  4. Role and Function: The spiritual hierarchy is responsible for directing the flow of spiritual energy and wisdom to the world. They inspire and guide individuals and groups working towards spiritual enlightenment and the betterment of humanity.
  5. Initiation and Progression: The hierarchy is also involved in the process of spiritual initiation, where individuals undergo transformative experiences that lead to higher levels of consciousness and understanding.
  6. Global Influence: The spiritual hierarchy is thought to influence global events and trends, working behind the scenes to promote peace, harmony, and spiritual awakening.
  7. Connection to Humanity: While the hierarchy operates on higher planes of existence, it maintains a connection to humanity through various channels, including spiritual teachers, esoteric schools, and inspired individuals.

The concept of spiritual hierarchy in Theosophy emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life and the ongoing support and guidance provided by advanced spiritual beings to aid in the evolution of consciousness.

2.4 Will, Purpose and Plan

From the Center where the Will of God is known, let purpose guide the little will of men, the Purpose which the Masters know and serve.

The Ruler of Shambhala is the fiery Impeller of Life and of the Fire of the Mother of the World.

Will and purpose are deeply interconnected. Will acts as the driving force that brings a conceived purpose into reality. Without a purpose to guide it, will lacks direction, and without will, purpose remains an unfulfilled potential. They work together to manifest intentions into tangible outcomes.

The implementation of purpose by will can be seen as the activation of latent potential. Purpose is the blueprint, the silent architect of destiny, while will is the builder, the force that gives purpose tangible expression. In this dynamic, purpose is the vision registering the purpose, requiring the decisive energy of will to manifest its intentions in a plan of action.

2.4.1 A divine intermediary

The will and purpose of the solar Logos cascade down to the planetary Logos through Sanat Kumara at Shamballa. Here, Sanat Kumara acts as a conduit, a divine intermediary ensuring the cosmic principles are imbued within the Earth scheme. This process illustrates the seamless integration of solar and planetary objectives, underlining Shamballa’s pivotal role in maintaining cosmic order.

As the custodian of the solar and planetary will, Shamballa safeguards the divine blueprint. This stewardship involves the preservation and transmission of will, ensuring that the energies radiating from higher cosmic sources are effectively anchored and directed within the Earth’s scheme.

Shamballa’s function as the registrant of cosmic purpose involves recording and maintaining the divine ideation that governs evolutionary processes. It ensures that cosmic purpose remains accessible, guiding the Hierarchy and Humanity in aligning their actions with the larger cosmic plan.

2.4.2 From intention to action

Intention is the design inherent in purpose, awaiting activation by will. When purpose becomes focused, it transforms into a plan of action, an organized sequence of achievable goals. Directed purpose, when met with the resolute force of will, crystallizes into focused intention, driving conscious evolution.

Purpose, in its essence, is passive—an eternal idea awaiting realization. It is through the activation by will that purpose moves from abstraction to action, propelling the evolutionary journey. This activation leads to the formulation of plans, which are the tangible expressions of divine purpose in time and space.

Purpose stands as a fixed, permanent, and eternal idea, unchanging in its essence. In contrast, a plan is the temporal manifestation of purpose, time-bound and adaptable, designed to implement purpose within the shifting tapestry of time and space.

2.4.3 As above, so below

In the human energetic system, the Root chakra (base of spine) is the repository of will, grounding the individual in action and survival. The Crown chakra (head) serves as the custodian of purpose, connecting the individual to the higher realms of consciousness and spiritual guidance. This alignment mirrors the cosmic order, where will and purpose find their ultimate expression in the balance of material and spiritual realms.

At the planetary level, Shamballa, as the custodian of will and registrant of the cosmic purpose, plays a crucial role ensuring that the divine will and purpose are effectively manifested within the Earth scheme. This intricate relationship between will, purpose, and intention (plan) underscores the profound interconnectedness of all existence, guiding humanity toward its ultimate destiny.

A GOOD Purpose, a STRONG Will and a SKILLFUL Plan:
A Will-to-Good Purpose and a Goodwill Plan

From the Center where the Will of God (solar Logos, reflecting the cosmic Purpose) is known (registered), let purpose (lower case p) guide the little wills of men, the Purpose which the Masters know (register) and serve (the Plan).

2.4.4 Systems theory framework

In a systems theory framework, the interplay between purpose, will, intention, and plan of action is pivotal in shaping how complex systems operate from higher to lower levels of inclusion. This hierarchical interaction ensures that every element within the system aligns with a unified direction, from the most abstract concepts to the most concrete actions.

Purpose as the Overarching Goal

At the highest level, purpose represents the overarching vision or goal of the system. It acts as the guiding star, providing a clear and stable endpoint that the entire system strives to achieve. In organizational strategy, for example, this could be a company’s mission statement, which defines its core values and long-term objectives.

Will as the Driving Force

Moving down the hierarchy, will serves as the driving force or energy that propels the system towards its purpose. It is the motivational element that energizes and sustains efforts within the system. In personal development, will might manifest as the inner motivation and commitment required to pursue personal goals.

Intention as Focused Design

Intention operates as the focused design or strategy that translates the abstract purpose into a more defined plan. It bridges the gap between vision and action by outlining the strategies necessary to fulfill the purpose. In an organizational context, this might take the form of strategic planning sessions where leaders determine how their mission can be realized through specific initiatives.

Plan of Action as Specific Steps

At the lowest level, the plan of action consists of specific steps or tactics that are executed to achieve the intentions. These are the actionable details that bring the system’s purpose to life. In practical terms, this could involve the day-to-day operations and tasks that employees undertake to implement the strategic plans.

Interaction in a Hierarchical System

In a hierarchical system, these elements interact seamlessly to ensure coherence and alignment. Purpose informs will by providing a clear direction, while will energizes intention, ensuring that strategies are pursued with vigor. Intention, in turn, guides the development of a plan of action, ensuring that each step taken is aligned with the broader purpose.

However, in a systems theory framework, the relationship between purpose and will isn’t strictly linear. Instead, it’s more dynamic and hierarchical. The higher level conceives a purpose and uses its will to impress this purpose onto a lower level. This means that the will of the higher level actively shapes and influences the purpose at the lower level, creating a cascading effect where each level is guided and energized by the one above it.

In this way, systems theory illustrates how purpose, will, intention, and plan of action are intricately linked, ensuring that every level of the system supports the realization of the overarching vision by translating broad goals into specific, actionable outcomes. This approach not only enhances the efficiency of the system but also ensures that every component, from the most inclusive to the least, operates in harmony towards a common purpose.

2.5 The science of Power

  • Purpose: This is the overarching goal or reason for existence. It’s broad, long-term, and often abstract, serving as the guiding principle or ultimate aim. Purpose provides direction and meaning, acting as the foundation upon which actions are based.

  • Intention: This is more specific and focused than purpose. It refers to the strategy designed to achieve a particular aspect of the purpose, setting a direction or strategy to fulfill a purpose. Intention is about the commitment to act in a certain way to fulfill the purpose, often involving more immediate and concrete steps. Intention is more about the mindset and focus on achieving a goal.

  • Plan: This is the detailed outline or set of steps designed to execute an intention. A plan is more concrete and specific, laying out the actions needed to turn an intention into reality.

In essence, purpose is the “why,” providing the big picture, while intention is the “how,” detailing the approach to achieve that purpose. Intention is about the strategic focus and commitment, while a plan is the actionable roadmap to achieve that intention. All of these are driven by the will, which becomes power working out according to plan.

In physics, power is defined as the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred over time. It’s a measure of how quickly work can be performed. The formula for power is:

\[ \text{Power} = \frac{\text{Work}}{\text{Time}} \]

Where work is calculated as the product of force and displacement:

\[ \text{Work} = \text{Force} \times \text{Displacement} \]

Power is typically measured in watts (W), where one watt is equal to one joule of work done per second. So, while capacity to do work is related to energy, power specifically measures how fast that work is done.

2.5.1 Wielding power

Three great energies are focused in Shamballa:

  • Organization (synthesis)
  • Purification
  • Destruction

In the context of a circular cause-effect relationship, this sequence describes the work to be done, according to plan:

  • Organization sets up the structure and environment necessary for development and expression.
  • Purification refines and adapts this structure, removing obstacles to allow for clearer expression of the spiritual or intended purpose.
  • Destruction clears away outdated or restrictive forms, making room for new organization and growth.

This cycle then repeats, with each phase preparing the way for the next, ensuring continuous evolution and adaptation. This model captures the dynamic and interdependent nature of these energies.

The power to express the Shamballa force lies in its understanding and its group use:

  • focusing the will-to-good,
  • leading to right human relations, and
  • establishing peace on Earth.