Chapter 4 Planetary chakras

The concept of planetary chakras offers a profound framework for understanding Earth’s spiritual dynamics, mirroring the human chakra system. Each planetary chakra represents a distinct energy and consciousness center, playing a vital role in the planet’s spiritual and material evolution.

Shamballa, the Head Chakra, symbolizes the ultimate spiritual insight and divine will. As the seat of Sanat Kumara, Shamballa guides the Earth’s evolutionary plan, much like the Head Chakra governs higher consciousness in humans. It embodies the principles of divine purpose, orchestrating the unfolding of spiritual destinies.

The Hierarchy, associated with the Heart Chakra, acts as a center of spiritual nourishment and guidance. Reflecting the Heart Chakra’s link to love, compassion, and unity, the Hierarchy mediates between Shamballa’s divine will and Humanity’s needs, fostering wisdom and uplifting spiritual growth.

Humanity itself corresponds to the Throat Chakra, the center of communication and creative expression. Humanity, as the Throat Chakra, bridges spiritual principles received from higher centers into tangible forms, shaping the world’s cultural and intellectual fabric.

The New Group of World Servers represents the Ajna Chakra, known for intuition, vision, and manifestation. Acting as a conduit between the spiritual Hierarchy and Humanity, this group channels higher insights into practical action, embodying the vision and direction needed for Humanity’s spiritual evolution.

As in an electrical engineering process, the Solar Plexus Chakra, associated with the alchemy of transmutation, is where power is generated from the kundalini energy transformed in the Sacral Chakra. This chakra transmutes the forms of foundational energies of the Mother Principle (Root Chakra), directing them towards higher spiritual goals and integrating physical desires with spiritual aspirations.

The Deva World aligns with the Sacral Chakra, linked to creativity and the life force. Devas, as architects of form, work with energies that sustain and balance life, much like the Sacral Chakra influences creativity and life-generation in humans. They ensure harmony across ecosystems, regulating the planet’s vitality.

At the foundation lies the Root Chakra, representing the Mother Principle. It embodies grounding, stability, and the nurturing aspects of existence, echoing nature’s life-giving forces. The Root Chakra’s grounding influence is crucial for safely awakening and ascending spiritual energies toward higher centers.

These planetary chakras, with their unique roles and interactions, illustrate the interconnectedness necessary for Earth’s spiritual evolution. Understanding them deepens our connection with Earth and the cosmos, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between humanity, spiritual forces, and nature. By contemplating these spiritual centers, we are reminded of our journey toward harmony and enlightenment, encouraging thoughtful engagement with our world and its spiritual dimensions.

4.1 Building the model: higher chakras

The analogy considering Shamballa, the Hierarchy, and Humanity as the Head, Heart, and Throat chakras of the Planetary Logos and Sanat Kumara is a compelling way to conceptualize their roles and interactions within the planetary spiritual framework.

  1. Shamballa as the Head Chakra: Shamballa, often referred to as the center where the will of God is known, can be seen as the Head Chakra. It represents the highest spiritual center, embodying divine will, purpose, and the source of spiritual power. Shamballa is where Sanat Kumara resides, directing the evolutionary plan for the planet, much like the Head Chakra governs higher consciousness and spiritual insight.

  2. The Hierarchy as the Heart Chakra: The Hierarchy, composed of the Masters of Wisdom, can be likened to the Heart Chakra. It serves as the center of love, wisdom, and compassion, mediating between the divine will of Shamballa and the practical needs of Humanity. The Hierarchy works to uplift and guide Humanity, fostering spiritual growth and unity, similar to how the Heart Chakra balances and harmonizes energies.

  3. Humanity as the Throat Chakra: Humanity, as the Throat Chakra, represents the center of communication, creativity, and expression. It is through Humanity that the divine plan is expressed and manifested in the physical world. The Throat Chakra’s role in communication and expression mirrors Humanity’s task of articulating and implementing the spiritual principles received from the Hierarchy and Shamballa.

This analogy provides a holistic view of the planetary spiritual structure, illustrating how these higher centers work together to facilitate the evolution of consciousness on Earth. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of divine will, love, and creative expression, reflecting the dynamic interplay between these spiritual centers in the ongoing journey of planetary evolution.

Extending the analogy to include the New Group of World Servers as the Ajna Chakra of Sanat Kumara and the Planetary Logos adds another layer of depth to this conceptual framework.

  1. New Group of World Servers as the Ajna Chakra: The Ajna Chakra, often associated with intuition, vision, and the ability to manifest ideas, aligns well with the role of the New Group of World Servers. This group acts as a bridge between the spiritual Hierarchy and Humanity, channeling higher insights and energies into practical action. They work to implement the divine plan by fostering goodwill, understanding, and cooperation across the globe.

  2. Role and Function: As the Ajna Chakra, the New Group of World Servers embodies the vision and direction needed to guide Humanity towards spiritual evolution. They help translate the abstract spiritual principles from the Hierarchy (Heart Chakra) and Shamballa (Head Chakra) into concrete initiatives and actions, much like the Ajna Chakra helps manifest spiritual vision into reality.

  3. Integration and Coordination: The Ajna Chakra is also known for its role in integrating and coordinating the energies of the other chakras. Similarly, the New Group of World Servers works to harmonize the efforts of various groups and individuals, aligning them with the broader spiritual objectives of the Planetary Logos and Sanat Kumara.

By considering the New Group of World Servers as the Ajna Chakra, this analogy highlights their crucial role in bridging the spiritual and material worlds, facilitating the flow of divine energy and vision into practical, transformative actions on Earth. This expanded framework underscores the interconnectedness and collaborative effort required to advance planetary evolution.

4.2 Building the model: Lower chakras

Further extending the analogy, the Deva (or Angelic) Kingdom could be associated with the Sacral Chakra.

  1. Deva World as the Sacral Chakra: The Sacral Chakra is traditionally linked to creativity, life force, and the flow of energy. The Deva Kingdom, with its role in the natural world and its influence over the elemental and energetic aspects of life, aligns well with these attributes. Devas are often seen as the architects of form, working with the energies that shape and sustain the physical and etheric planes.

  2. Role in Creation and Vitality: Just as the Sacral Chakra governs creativity and the generation of life, the Deva Kingdom is integral to the processes of creation and the maintenance of life on Earth. They work with the subtle energies that underpin the material world, ensuring harmony and balance in nature.

  3. Energy Flow and Balance: The Sacral Chakra is also about the flow and balance of energies, which is a key function of the Deva Kingdom. They help regulate the energetic currents that sustain ecosystems and the planet’s vitality, much like the Sacral Chakra manages the flow of life force within an individual.

By associating the Deva World with the Sacral Chakra, this model emphasizes their essential role in the creative and sustaining processes of the planet, highlighting their contribution to the dynamic balance and vitality of Earth’s ecosystems.

Further expanding the analogy, the relationship between the electrical kundalini energy, the Deva World, and the Root Chakra offers a deeper understanding of these spiritual dynamics:

See: The Mystery of Electricity
  1. Kundalini Energy and the Deva World: Kundalini energy is often described as a potent, transformative force that lies dormant at the base of the spine, traditionally associated with the Root Chakra. This energy, when awakened, rises through the chakras, leading to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. The Deva World, with its role in managing and directing the subtle energies of the planet, can be seen as working in harmony with kundalini energy. Devas help channel and regulate these energies, ensuring they flow in a balanced and harmonious manner throughout the natural world.

  2. Root Chakra and the Mother Principle: The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is associated with grounding, stability, and the foundational aspects of existence. It is often linked to the Mother Principle, representing the nurturing, life-giving aspects of the Earth. This chakra embodies the primal connection to the physical world and the sustaining forces of nature, which aligns with the nurturing and supportive role of the Deva Kingdom in maintaining the balance and vitality of the planet.

  3. Integration and Balance: The Root Chakra’s connection to the Mother Principle underscores the importance of grounding and stability in spiritual development. The Deva World, through its management of elemental and energetic forces, supports this grounding process, facilitating the safe and balanced awakening of kundalini energy.

In this expanded model, associating the Root Chakra with the Mother Principle and linking it to the Deva World highlights the foundational role these elements play in the spiritual and physical evolution of the planet. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of energy, form, and consciousness, illustrating how these forces work together to sustain life and promote spiritual growth.

Lastly, we may associate the Solar Plexus Chakra with the alchemy of transmutation, as this chakra plays a crucial role in personal power, transformation, and the integration of spiritual and material energies. Here’s how this association can be understood:

  1. Solar Plexus Chakra and Transformation: The Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura, is often linked to personal power, will, and transformation. It is the center where raw energy is processed and refined, making it a fitting symbol for the alchemical process of transmutation. This chakra is where the energies of the lower chakras (including the foundational energies of the Root Chakra) are transformed and directed towards higher spiritual goals.

  2. Alchemy of Transmutation: The concept of alchemy involves transforming base elements into higher forms, symbolically representing spiritual evolution. In this context, the Solar Plexus Chakra acts as the crucible where the primal energies of the Mother Principle (Root Chakra) are refined and elevated towards the Father Principle (Head Chakra). This process involves the integration and harmonization of physical desires and spiritual aspirations.

  3. Journey from Earth to Heaven: The journey from the Root Chakra (Mother in the Cave) to the Head Chakra (Father in Heaven) can be seen as a path of spiritual ascent. The Solar Plexus Chakra plays a pivotal role in this journey, serving as the bridge where personal will and divine will begin to align. It is through this chakra that individuals harness their inner strength and courage to pursue higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

By associating the Solar Plexus Chakra with the alchemy of transmutation, this model highlights the transformative journey of spiritual growth. It underscores the importance of personal empowerment and the conscious direction of energy in achieving a harmonious balance between the material and spiritual realms.