Chapter 6 The Plan

The Plan is a universal field of ideas and principles that humanity can respond to by embodying insights of wholeness and sacredness.

6.1 Keynotes

A Pathway to Wholeness

The concept of the Divine Plan represents a profound spiritual blueprint aimed at fostering a civilization embodying wholeness and right human relations. This vision transcends traditional boundaries, integrating spiritual principles with the practical realms of politics, economics, education, and religion. At its core, the Divine Plan serves as a guiding framework that seeks to elevate human consciousness and inspire a collective journey towards greater unity and understanding.

Origins and Purpose

The modern expression of “the Plan” traces its origins to the teachings of Alice Bailey and other spiritual traditions that emphasize an intelligent direction underlying the evolution of consciousness. It is described as a living reservoir of intelligent love, intended to guide humanity towards a deeper understanding of life’s sacredness. The ultimate purpose of the Plan is to bridge the gap between higher dimensions of the soul and everyday human experience, establishing a foundation for harmonious relationships and sustainable progress.

The Role of the Spiritual Hierarchy

Central to the realization of the Divine Plan is a a community of consciousness known as the planetary Spiritual Hierarchy. This Hierarchy is dedicated to understanding and manifesting the mysteries of Divine Purpose. Through their collective wisdom and insight, they serve as a beacon for humanity, encouraging individuals to awaken to their higher potential and align their actions with the greater good.

Universal Ideas and Principles

The Plan is built upon a set of universal ideas and principles that transcend cultural and religious boundaries. These principles emphasize the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of fostering relationships based on mutual respect and cooperation. By embracing these ideals, individuals and groups can contribute to the creation of a civilization that honors the integrity and dignity of every being.

Intuitive Response and Participation

A key aspect of the Plan is its capacity to inspire an intuitive response among individuals and communities. As people become more attuned to the principles of the Plan, there is a natural awakening of the will to serve this vision. This participation is not confined to any single ideology or practice; rather, it encompasses a diverse array of actions and initiatives aimed at building a more equitable and compassionate world.

Application in Society

The principles of the Divine Plan can be applied across various sectors of society, each offering unique opportunities to embody its ideals:

  • Economics: Encouraging sustainable and equitable economic practices that prioritize the well-being of all people and the planet.

  • Politics: Promoting governance systems that are transparent, inclusive, and focused on the common good.

  • Education: Developing curricula that foster critical thinking, empathy, and a sense of global citizenship.

  • Religion: Cultivating interfaith dialogue and understanding, emphasizing shared values and the universality of spiritual truth.

In conclusion, the Plan is a call to action for humanity to transcend its limitations and work collectively towards a future where right human relations are the norm. By engaging with the principles of the Plan, individuals can tap into a wellspring of wisdom and creativity, contributing to the Great Work of building a civilization that reflects the highest aspirations of the human spirit. Through this transformative process, we move closer to realizing a world that honors the sacredness and interconnectedness of all life.

6.2 An Admonition

An article written in 2006 by Nancy Seifer, Disciples and the Year 2025, is an effort to alert disciples to both the dangers and opportunities of our time, the “Stage of the Forerunner.” The author highlights the importance attached by the Tibetan Master to humanity’s recognition of three aspects of reality before the year 2025.

The required changes in consciousness are worded as follows:

  • a recognition of the world of meaning,

  • a recognition of Those Who implement world affairs and Who engineer those steps which lead mankind onward toward its destined goal, plus

  • a steadily increased recognition of the Plan on the part of the masses.

The task of communicating knowledge of subtle realities to a broader public was assigned to disciples, although this fact is often overlooked or underestimated. To a surprising extent, the Plan depends upon the willingness and ability of esoteric students to carry out this work effectively in time to avert possible disaster.