Chapter 7 Shamballa 2025

Humanity needs a new spiritual dispensation for a post-modern world. Such revelation will emerge from the same Center where Moses received the Ten Commandments, the same Center Christ invoked at Gethsemane: the Center where the Will of God is known, SHAMBALLA.

What is Shamballa? Where did the Lord of the World — Sanat Kumara — come from? Who are the spiritual Executives under His guidance charting the course of humanity?

The book The Centennial Conclave: SHAMBALLA 2025 addresses these questions and introduces the reader to a Centennial Conclave to be held in Shamballa in 2025. At this Conclave, a program review of the Plan for Humanity will be conducted in preparation for the externalization of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy and the imminent return of the World Teacher.

A Group of World Servers is implementing this Plan in seven major fields of service. Are you one of these servant leaders working on behalf of humanity?