Chapter 15 Exploratory analysis of time series data

15.1 Overview



  • Time series plots.
  • Trends. Seasonal (periodic) patterns. Cycles.
  • Seasonal plots. Seasonal sub-series.
  • Investigating relationships between two variables. Scatterplots. Correlation. Scatterplot matrices.

Assignment: Explore your data.

15.2 Briefly characterize the dataset

Provide a brief example of the data, showing how they are structured.

Example: Monthly electricity sales for Virginia

Previously we extracted monthly electricity sales data for Virginia from a remote database, converted the data frame into a tibble object, and saved the result to a file in feather format.

esales <- read_feather("data/esales.feather")
print(esales)    # print the data as a table
## # A tibble: 233 x 4
##     value date        year month
##     <dbl> <date>     <int> <int>
##  1  8282. 2020-05-01  2020     5
##  2  7839. 2020-04-01  2020     4
##  3  8889. 2020-03-01  2020     3
##  4  9368. 2020-02-01  2020     2
##  5  9209. 2020-01-01  2020     1
##  6 10038. 2019-12-01  2019    12
##  7  9291. 2019-11-01  2019    11
##  8  8757. 2019-10-01  2019    10
##  9  9874. 2019-09-01  2019     9
## 10 10912. 2019-08-01  2019     8
## # … with 223 more rows
summary(esales)  # compute basic summary statistics about the data
##      value            date                 year          month       
##  Min.   : 7153   Min.   :2001-01-01   Min.   :2001   Min.   : 1.000  
##  1st Qu.: 8200   1st Qu.:2005-11-01   1st Qu.:2005   1st Qu.: 3.000  
##  Median : 9019   Median :2010-09-01   Median :2010   Median : 6.000  
##  Mean   : 9093   Mean   :2010-08-31   Mean   :2010   Mean   : 6.425  
##  3rd Qu.: 9885   3rd Qu.:2015-07-01   3rd Qu.:2015   3rd Qu.: 9.000  
##  Max.   :11724   Max.   :2020-05-01   Max.   :2020   Max.   :12.000

hist(elsales_tbl_ts$sales_GWh, breaks=40) #  Make a histogram of monthly sales

15.2.1 Examine subsets of the data

# References:,
# filter(data object, condition) : syntax for filter() command

esales %>%
  filter(year == 2019) %>%
  filter(value > 9000) %>%

(esales %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(Total = sum(value)) -> total_esales_by_year)

esales %>%
  mutate(sales_TWh = value/1000) %>%
# library(lubridate) # Make it easy to deal with dates

esales %>% filter(month==3)                   # These three lines of code
## # A tibble: 20 x 4
##    value date        year month
##    <dbl> <date>     <int> <int>
##  1 8889. 2020-03-01  2020     3
##  2 9466. 2019-03-01  2019     3
##  3 9666. 2018-03-01  2018     3
##  4 9372. 2017-03-01  2017     3
##  5 8406. 2016-03-01  2016     3
##  6 9435. 2015-03-01  2015     3
##  7 9676. 2014-03-01  2014     3
##  8 9506. 2013-03-01  2013     3
##  9 8086. 2012-03-01  2012     3
## 10 8688. 2011-03-01  2011     3
## 11 8568. 2010-03-01  2010     3
## 12 8926. 2009-03-01  2009     3
## 13 8512. 2008-03-01  2008     3
## 14 8632. 2007-03-01  2007     3
## 15 8519. 2006-03-01  2006     3
## 16 9125. 2005-03-01  2005     3
## 17 8136. 2004-03-01  2004     3
## 18 8108. 2003-03-01  2003     3
## 19 7675. 2002-03-01  2002     3
## 20 8070. 2001-03-01  2001     3
esales %>% filter(month(date)==3)             #   all do
## # A tibble: 20 x 4
##    value date        year month
##    <dbl> <date>     <int> <int>
##  1 8889. 2020-03-01  2020     3
##  2 9466. 2019-03-01  2019     3
##  3 9666. 2018-03-01  2018     3
##  4 9372. 2017-03-01  2017     3
##  5 8406. 2016-03-01  2016     3
##  6 9435. 2015-03-01  2015     3
##  7 9676. 2014-03-01  2014     3
##  8 9506. 2013-03-01  2013     3
##  9 8086. 2012-03-01  2012     3
## 10 8688. 2011-03-01  2011     3
## 11 8568. 2010-03-01  2010     3
## 12 8926. 2009-03-01  2009     3
## 13 8512. 2008-03-01  2008     3
## 14 8632. 2007-03-01  2007     3
## 15 8519. 2006-03-01  2006     3
## 16 9125. 2005-03-01  2005     3
## 17 8136. 2004-03-01  2004     3
## 18 8108. 2003-03-01  2003     3
## 19 7675. 2002-03-01  2002     3
## 20 8070. 2001-03-01  2001     3
esales %>% filter(lubridate::month(date)==3)  #   the same thing.
## # A tibble: 20 x 4
##    value date        year month
##    <dbl> <date>     <int> <int>
##  1 8889. 2020-03-01  2020     3
##  2 9466. 2019-03-01  2019     3
##  3 9666. 2018-03-01  2018     3
##  4 9372. 2017-03-01  2017     3
##  5 8406. 2016-03-01  2016     3
##  6 9435. 2015-03-01  2015     3
##  7 9676. 2014-03-01  2014     3
##  8 9506. 2013-03-01  2013     3
##  9 8086. 2012-03-01  2012     3
## 10 8688. 2011-03-01  2011     3
## 11 8568. 2010-03-01  2010     3
## 12 8926. 2009-03-01  2009     3
## 13 8512. 2008-03-01  2008     3
## 14 8632. 2007-03-01  2007     3
## 15 8519. 2006-03-01  2006     3
## 16 9125. 2005-03-01  2005     3
## 17 8136. 2004-03-01  2004     3
## 18 8108. 2003-03-01  2003     3
## 19 7675. 2002-03-01  2002     3
## 20 8070. 2001-03-01  2001     3
# We don't have to keep the 'year' and 'month' column: can recover them if needed

esales %>%
  dplyr::select(date, sales_GWh = value) -> esales_tbl

## # A tibble: 233 x 2
##    date       sales_GWh
##    <date>         <dbl>
##  1 2020-05-01     8282.
##  2 2020-04-01     7839.
##  3 2020-03-01     8889.
##  4 2020-02-01     9368.
##  5 2020-01-01     9209.
##  6 2019-12-01    10038.
##  7 2019-11-01     9291.
##  8 2019-10-01     8757.
##  9 2019-09-01     9874.
## 10 2019-08-01    10912.
## # … with 223 more rows

15.3 Plot the time series

Ref: FPP3, Section 2.2


ggplot(data=esales, aes(x=date,y=value)) +
  geom_line() + xlab("Year") + ylab("Virginia monthly total electricity sales (GWh)")

# feasts::autoplot() is handy for quickly generating time series plots

autoplot(vaelsales_tbl_ts, sales_GWh) +
  ylab("Virginia monthly total electricity sales (GWh)") +
  xlab("")  # Leave horiz. axis label blank

15.4 Sesaonal plots

Ref: FPP3, Sections 2.3, 2.4

15.4.1 Example: Virginia monthly electricity

Recall how we readied these data:

esales <- arrow::read_feather("data/esales.feather")
esales %>%
  dplyr::select(date, sales_GWh = value) -> esales_tbl

esales_tbl %>% as_tsibble(index = date) -> elsales_tbl_ts

## # A tsibble: 233 x 2 [1D]
##    date       sales_GWh
##    <date>         <dbl>
##  1 2001-01-01     9576.
##  2 2001-02-01     7820.
##  3 2001-03-01     8070.
##  4 2001-04-01     7153.
##  5 2001-05-01     7224.
##  6 2001-06-01     8264.
##  7 2001-07-01     8896.
##  8 2001-08-01     9404.
##  9 2001-09-01     7753.
## 10 2001-10-01     7272.
## # … with 223 more rows
# This plot won't work. Why not?
elsales_tbl_ts %>%
  feasts::gg_season(sales_GWh, labels = "both") + ylab("Virginia electricity sales (GWh)")
# install.packages("feasts"), Reference:

elsales_tbl_ts %>%
  mutate(Month = tsibble::yearmonth(date)) %>%
  as_tsibble(index = Month) %>%
  dplyr::select(Month,sales_GWh) -> vaelsales_tbl_ts

## # A tsibble: 233 x 2 [1M]
##       Month sales_GWh
##       <mth>     <dbl>
##  1 2001 Jan     9576.
##  2 2001 Feb     7820.
##  3 2001 Mar     8070.
##  4 2001 Apr     7153.
##  5 2001 May     7224.
##  6 2001 Jun     8264.
##  7 2001 Jul     8896.
##  8 2001 Aug     9404.
##  9 2001 Sep     7753.
## 10 2001 Oct     7272.
## # … with 223 more rows
vaelsales_tbl_ts %>% gg_season(sales_GWh, labels = "both") + ylab("Virginia electricity sales (GWh)")

15.4.2 Example: Australian production

# install.packages('tsibbledata')

## # A tsibble: 218 x 7 [1Q]
##    Quarter  Beer Tobacco Bricks Cement Electricity   Gas
##      <qtr> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 1956 Q1   284    5225    189    465        3923     5
##  2 1956 Q2   213    5178    204    532        4436     6
##  3 1956 Q3   227    5297    208    561        4806     7
##  4 1956 Q4   308    5681    197    570        4418     6
##  5 1957 Q1   262    5577    187    529        4339     5
##  6 1957 Q2   228    5651    214    604        4811     7
##  7 1957 Q3   236    5317    227    603        5259     7
##  8 1957 Q4   320    6152    222    582        4735     6
##  9 1958 Q1   272    5758    199    554        4608     5
## 10 1958 Q2   233    5641    229    620        5196     7
## # … with 208 more rows
aus_production %>% gg_season(Electricity)

aus_production %>% gg_season(Beer)

15.4.3 Seasonal subseries plots

Ref: FPP3, Section 2.5

vaelsales_tbl_ts %>%
  gg_subseries(sales_GWh) +
    y = "Sales (GWh)",
    title = "Seasonal subseries plot: Virginia electricity sales"

15.5 Scatterplots

Readings: FPP Sect. 2.6

Investigating relationships between two variables. Scatterplots. Correlation. Scatterplot matrices.

## # A tsibble: 52,608 x 5 [30m] <Australia/Melbourne>
##    Time                Demand Temperature Date       Holiday
##    <dttm>               <dbl>       <dbl> <date>     <lgl>  
##  1 2012-01-01 00:00:00  4383.        21.4 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  2 2012-01-01 00:30:00  4263.        21.0 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  3 2012-01-01 01:00:00  4049.        20.7 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  4 2012-01-01 01:30:00  3878.        20.6 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  5 2012-01-01 02:00:00  4036.        20.4 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  6 2012-01-01 02:30:00  3866.        20.2 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  7 2012-01-01 03:00:00  3694.        20.1 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  8 2012-01-01 03:30:00  3562.        19.6 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  9 2012-01-01 04:00:00  3433.        19.1 2012-01-01 TRUE   
## 10 2012-01-01 04:30:00  3359.        19.0 2012-01-01 TRUE   
## # … with 52,598 more rows
##       Time                         Demand      Temperature   
##  Min.   :2012-01-01 00:00:00   Min.   :2858   Min.   : 1.50  
##  1st Qu.:2012-09-30 22:52:30   1st Qu.:3969   1st Qu.:12.30  
##  Median :2013-07-01 22:45:00   Median :4635   Median :15.40  
##  Mean   :2013-07-01 22:45:00   Mean   :4665   Mean   :16.27  
##  3rd Qu.:2014-04-01 23:37:30   3rd Qu.:5244   3rd Qu.:19.40  
##  Max.   :2014-12-31 23:30:00   Max.   :9345   Max.   :43.20  
##       Date             Holiday       
##  Min.   :2012-01-01   Mode :logical  
##  1st Qu.:2012-09-30   FALSE:51120    
##  Median :2013-07-01   TRUE :1488     
##  Mean   :2013-07-01                  
##  3rd Qu.:2014-04-01                  
##  Max.   :2014-12-31
vic_elec %>%
  filter(year(Time) == 2013) %>%
  autoplot(Demand) +
    y = "Demand (GW)",
    title = "Half-hourly electricity demand: Victoria"

vic_elec %>%
  filter(year(Time) == 2013) %>%
  autoplot(Temperature) +
    y = "Temperature (degrees Celsius)",
    title = "Half-hourly temperatures: Melbourne, Australia"

vic_elec %>%
  filter(year(Time) == 2013) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Temperature, y = Demand)) +
#  geom_density2d() +
  geom_point(size=0.1, aes(colour=Holiday), alpha = 0.4) +
  labs(y = "Demand (GW)", x = "Temperature (degrees Celsius)")

15.5.1 A Scatterplot matrix

## # A tsibble: 52,608 x 5 [30m] <Australia/Melbourne>
##    Time                Demand Temperature Date       Holiday
##    <dttm>               <dbl>       <dbl> <date>     <lgl>  
##  1 2012-01-01 00:00:00  4383.        21.4 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  2 2012-01-01 00:30:00  4263.        21.0 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  3 2012-01-01 01:00:00  4049.        20.7 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  4 2012-01-01 01:30:00  3878.        20.6 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  5 2012-01-01 02:00:00  4036.        20.4 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  6 2012-01-01 02:30:00  3866.        20.2 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  7 2012-01-01 03:00:00  3694.        20.1 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  8 2012-01-01 03:30:00  3562.        19.6 2012-01-01 TRUE   
##  9 2012-01-01 04:00:00  3433.        19.1 2012-01-01 TRUE   
## 10 2012-01-01 04:30:00  3359.        19.0 2012-01-01 TRUE   
## # … with 52,598 more rows

# install.packages("GGally")
vic_elec %>%
  # mutate(Temperature = round(Temperature)) %>%
  # pivot_wider(values_from=c(Demand,Temperature), names_from=Holiday) %>%
  GGally::ggpairs(columns = 3:2)

vic_elec %>%
  mutate(Year = factor(year(Date))) %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(Date, Holiday)) %>%
  GGally::ggpairs(columns = 4:2)