coors |
1. cooridnates dataframe, 2. layout function (e.g. as_star(), as_tree(), in_circle(), nicely()... see help(c_net_lay)) |
vertex.color |
color of nodes, receive vector (1. length same to number of nodes; 2. length same to numbers of v_class; 3. named verctor like c(A="red",B="blue")) |
vertex. shape |
shape of nodes, receive vector (1. length same to number of nodes; 2. length same to numbers of v_group; 3. named verctor like c(v_group1="circle",B="square"))shape list: none, circle, square, csquare, rectangle, crectangle, vrectangle, pie, raster, or sphere |
vertex.size |
size of nodes, receive numerical vector (length same to number of nodes)please use mmscale to control vertex.size, don't be too large. |
vertex_size_range |
the vertex size range, e.g. c(1,10) |
labels_num |
show how many labels,>1 indicates number, |
vertex.label |
the label of nodes, NA indicates no label | |
label font family |
vertex.label.font |
label font, 1 plain, 2 bold, 3 italic, 4 bold italic, 5 symbol |
vertex.label.cex |
label size |
vertex.label.dist |
distance from label to nodes | |
0:right, pi: left, pi/2:below, -pi/2:above |
vertex.frame.color |
color of nodes frame |
plot_module |
use module as the v_class |
mark_module |
logical, mark the modules? |
mark_color |
mark color |
mark_alpha |
mark fill alpha, default 0.3 |
module_label |
show module label? |
module_label_cex |
module label cex |
module_label_color |
module label color |
module_label_just |
module label just, default c(0.5,0.5) |
edge.color |
color of edges, receive vector (1. length same to number of edges; 2. length same to numbers of e_type; 3. named verctor like c(A="red",B="blue")) |
edge.width |
width of edge, receive numerical vector (length same to number of edges)please use mmscale to control vertex.size, don't be too large. |
edge_width_range |
the edge width range, e.g. c(1,10) |
edge.lty |
linetype of edge, receive vector (1. length same to number of edges; 2. length same to numbers of e_class; 3. named verctor like c(A="red",B="blue")) |
edge.arrow.size |
arrow size for directed network |
edge.arrow.width |
arrow width for directed network |
arrow.mode |
arrow mode, 0 no arrow, 1 back, 2 forward, 3 both |
edge.label |
the label of edges, NA indicates no label | |
label font family |
edge.label.font |
label font, 1 plain, 2 bold, 3 italic, 4 bold italic, 5 symbol |
edge.label.cex |
label size |
edge.label.x |
label x-axis |
edge.label.y |
label y-axis |
edge.label.color |
label color |
edge.curved |
The curvature of the body, on a scale of 0-1, FALSE means 0, TRUE means 0.5 |
legend |
show any legend? FALSE means close all legends |
legend_cex |
character expansion factor relative to current par('cex'), default: 1 |
legend_position |
legend_position, default: c(left_leg_x=-1.9,left_leg_y=1,right_leg_x=1.2,right_leg_y=1) |
legend_number |
add numbers in legend? (v_class number, e_type number...) |
lty_legend, lty_legend_title, lty_legend_order |
show lty_legend? and the title, the oreder of legend receives a vector |
size_legend, size_legend_tiltle |
show size_legend? and the title |
edge_legend, edge_legend_title, edge_legend_order |
show edge_legend? and the title, the order of legend receives a vector |
width_legend, width_legend_title |
show width_legend? and the title |
color_legend, color_legend_order |
show col_legend? and the title, the order of legend receives a vector |
group_legend_title, group_legend_order |
the title of group, the order of legend receives a vector |
margin |
margin, a vector whose length =4 |
rescale |
scale the coors to [-1,1], default T |
asp |
y/x ratio |
frame |
if T, add frame |
main |
the main title of graph |
sub |
subtitle |
xlab |
x-axis label |
ylab |
y-axis label |
seed |
random seed, default:1234, make sure each plot is the same |
params_list |
a list of parameters, e.g. list(edge_legend = TRUE, lty_legend = FALSE), when the parameter is duplicated, the format argument will be used rather than the argument in params_list |