12 Leaf annotation

The “Leaf Annotation” tab manages the annotation tracks for tree leaves, encompassing bars, tiles, boxes, violins, tip points, and tip labels.

12.1 Tip label

Specifying the track type of leaf as ‘tip label’ enables showing tip labels:

We can also modify the styles of tip labels:

Prepare the leaf annotation file:

Choose ‘label’ as the column name containing the labels we want to map.

Choose ‘color’ as the column name containing the labels we want to map. If the values are continuous, it will draw a gradient of colors.

Choose ‘size’ as the continuous variable for the label size.

Example data:

id value
OSQWA2679 0.55
ESRUW9777 0.79
OFAGM8366 1.01
NPJBL9744 0.71
IXMJT4621 0.16
ITXUG9776 0.12
GROKY6004 0.32
QEYPL1702 1.54
KVCTL4245 0.56
JPFRB7291 0.94
RRYFL9967 0.94
XRNWJ1205 0.19
OLXHY4687 1.73
RYWRM7476 0.93
BZPWN4417 1.39
DXYHZ6481 0.53
MMPEW5637 0.82
PCIUJ0473 1.67
GNGZT3233 0.26
CVSCI9337 1.68

Other parameters:

  • Manual color: Allows users to manually specify colors for different categories or values.

  • Manual size: Allows users to manually specify size of points for different values.

  • Offset: Specifies the offset for the plot.

  • Legend: Controls the display of the legend for the plot.

  • Line type: Sets the line type if align is TRUE.

  • Line size: Adjusts the width of the line if align is TRUE.

  • Align: Specifies whether to align all labels.

12.2 Tip point

Specifying the track type of leaf as ‘tip point’ enables the drawing of points at tips:

Prepare the leaf annotation file:

Choose ‘color’ as the column name containing the values we want to map. If the values are continuous, it will draw a gradient of colors.

Choose ‘shape’ as the categorical variable (group) for the points.

Choose ‘size’ as the continuous variable for the points.

Example data:

id group value
OSQWA2679 A 0.3454520
ESRUW9777 A 1.3195295
OFAGM8366 A 0.5200337
NPJBL9744 A 1.1939274
IXMJT4621 A 1.1706463
ITXUG9776 A 0.6910996
GROKY6004 A 1.0380695
QEYPL1702 A 1.3366934
KVCTL4245 A 0.5482420
JPFRB7291 A 0.3555761
RRYFL9967 B 0.2518943
XRNWJ1205 B 0.5427021
OLXHY4687 B 0.0797344
RYWRM7476 B 2.1533550
BZPWN4417 B 0.3020899
DXYHZ6481 C 1.2910100
MMPEW5637 C 1.8894510
PCIUJ0473 C 0.6348867
GNGZT3233 C 0.8754801
CVSCI9337 C 0.6716307

Other parameters:

  • Manual color: Allows users to manually specify colors for different categories or values.

  • Column order: Determines the order in which columns are displayed in the plot.

  • Manual size: Allows users to manually specify size of points for different values.

  • Offset: Specifies the offset for the plot.

  • Legend: Controls the display of the legend for the plot.

  • Border color: Sets the color of the borders around plot tiles.

  • Border width: Adjusts the width of the borders around plot tiles.

  • Manual shape: Allows users to manually specify shape of points for different categories.

  • Track height: Defines the height of the entire track.

  • Alpha: Sets the transparency level for the plot.

  • Grid: Enables or disables the grid lines in the plot.

  • Axis: Specifies whether to display axes for the plot.

  • Font size: Adjusts the size of the font used for labels.

  • Label angle: Sets the angle of the labels in the plot.

  • Label align: Controls the alignment of labels in the plot (e.g., top, bottom, center).

  • Align: Specifies whether to align all points.

12.3 Heatmap

Specifying the track type of leaf as ‘tile’ enables the drawing of a heatmap:

Prepare the leaf annotation file:

Choose ‘color’ as the column name containing the values we want to map.

If the values are categorical, it will draw grouped color blocks.

Example data:

id group

If the values are continuous, it will draw a gradient of colors.

Choose ‘column’ as the categorical variable (layer) for the heatmap, making it easy to draw multiple columns of heatmaps.

Example data:

id layer value
OSQWA2679 Layer1 0.55
ESRUW9777 Layer1 0.79
OFAGM8366 Layer1 1.01
NPJBL9744 Layer1 0.71
IXMJT4621 Layer1 0.16
ITXUG9776 Layer1 0.12
GROKY6004 Layer1 0.32
QEYPL1702 Layer1 1.54
KVCTL4245 Layer1 0.56
JPFRB7291 Layer1 0.94
RRYFL9967 Layer1 0.94
XRNWJ1205 Layer1 0.19
OLXHY4687 Layer1 1.73
RYWRM7476 Layer1 0.93
BZPWN4417 Layer1 1.39
DXYHZ6481 Layer1 0.53
MMPEW5637 Layer1 0.82
PCIUJ0473 Layer1 1.67
GNGZT3233 Layer1 0.26
CVSCI9337 Layer1 1.68
OSQWA2679 Layer2 1.32
ESRUW9777 Layer2 1.37
OFAGM8366 Layer2 0.36
NPJBL9744 Layer2 0.61
IXMJT4621 Layer2 0.49
ITXUG9776 Layer2 0.18
GROKY6004 Layer2 0.27
QEYPL1702 Layer2 0.49
KVCTL4245 Layer2 0.16
JPFRB7291 Layer2 0.65
RRYFL9967 Layer2 1.16
XRNWJ1205 Layer2 0.59
OLXHY4687 Layer2 0.17
RYWRM7476 Layer2 0.62
BZPWN4417 Layer2 0.02
DXYHZ6481 Layer2 1.35
MMPEW5637 Layer2 0.22
PCIUJ0473 Layer2 1.43
GNGZT3233 Layer2 1.80
CVSCI9337 Layer2 1.83
OSQWA2679 Layer3 0.71
ESRUW9777 Layer3 1.83
OFAGM8366 Layer3 0.76
NPJBL9744 Layer3 0.80
IXMJT4621 Layer3 0.53
ITXUG9776 Layer3 0.94
GROKY6004 Layer3 0.40
QEYPL1702 Layer3 0.77
KVCTL4245 Layer3 0.03
JPFRB7291 Layer3 0.81
RRYFL9967 Layer3 0.17
XRNWJ1205 Layer3 1.36
OLXHY4687 Layer3 0.61
RYWRM7476 Layer3 1.27
BZPWN4417 Layer3 2.23
DXYHZ6481 Layer3 0.23
MMPEW5637 Layer3 1.14
PCIUJ0473 Layer3 0.09
GNGZT3233 Layer3 1.22
CVSCI9337 Layer3 0.08

Other parameters:

  • Manual color: Allows users to manually specify colors for different categories or values.

  • Column order: Determines the order in which columns are displayed in the heatmap.

  • Offset: Specifies the offset for the heatmap.

  • Legend: Controls the display of the legend for the heatmap.

  • Border color: Sets the color of the borders around heatmap tiles.

  • Border width: Adjusts the width of the borders around heatmap tiles.

  • Track height: Defines the height of the entire track.

  • Alpha: Sets the transparency level for the heatmap tiles.

  • Grid: Enables or disables the grid lines in the heatmap.

  • Axis: Specifies whether to display axes for the heatmap.

  • Font size: Adjusts the size of the font used for labels.

  • Label angle: Sets the angle of the labels in the heatmap.

  • Label align: Controls the alignment of labels in the heatmap (e.g., top, bottom, center).

12.4 Bar plot

Specifying the track type of leaf as ‘bar’ enables the drawing of a bar plot:

Prepare the leaf annotation file:

Choose ‘color’ as the column name containing the values we want to map. If the values are categorical, it will draw grouped color blocks. If the values are continuous, it will draw a gradient of colors.

Choose ‘column’ as the continuous variable (value) for the bar plot, it will be the y-axis value of each leaf.

Example data:

id group value
OSQWA2679 A 0.3454520
ESRUW9777 A 1.3195295
OFAGM8366 A 0.5200337
NPJBL9744 A 1.1939274
IXMJT4621 A 1.1706463
ITXUG9776 A 0.6910996
GROKY6004 A 1.0380695
QEYPL1702 A 1.3366934
KVCTL4245 A 0.5482420
JPFRB7291 A 0.3555761
RRYFL9967 B 0.2518943
XRNWJ1205 B 0.5427021
OLXHY4687 B 0.0797344
RYWRM7476 B 2.1533550
BZPWN4417 B 0.3020899
DXYHZ6481 C 1.2910100
MMPEW5637 C 1.8894510
PCIUJ0473 C 0.6348867
GNGZT3233 C 0.8754801
CVSCI9337 C 0.6716307

Other parameters:

  • Manual color: Allows users to manually specify colors for different categories or values.

  • Column order: Determines the order in which columns are displayed in the plot.

  • Offset: Specifies the offset for the plot.

  • Legend: Controls the display of the legend for the plot.

  • Border color: Sets the color of the borders around plot tiles.

  • Border width: Adjusts the width of the borders around plot tiles.

  • Track height: Defines the height of the entire track.

  • Alpha: Sets the transparency level for the plot.

  • Grid: Enables or disables the grid lines in the plot.

  • Axis: Specifies whether to display axes for the plot.

  • Font size: Adjusts the size of the font used for labels.

  • Label angle: Sets the angle of the labels in the plot.

  • Label align: Controls the alignment of labels in the plot (e.g., top, bottom, center).

12.5 Bubble plot

Specifying the track type of leaf as ‘tip point’ enables the drawing of a bubble plot:

Prepare the leaf annotation file:

Choose ‘color’ as the column name containing the values we want to map. If the values are continuous, it will draw a gradient of colors.

Choose ‘column’ as the categorical variable (layer) for the bubble plot, making it easy to draw multiple columns of bubble plot.

Choose ‘column’ as the categorical variable (layer) for the bubble plot, making it easy to draw multiple columns of bubble plot.

Choose ‘size’ as the continuous variable for the bubble plot.

Example data:

id layer value
OSQWA2679 Layer1 0.55
ESRUW9777 Layer1 0.79
OFAGM8366 Layer1 1.01
NPJBL9744 Layer1 0.71
IXMJT4621 Layer1 0.16
ITXUG9776 Layer1 0.12
GROKY6004 Layer1 0.32
QEYPL1702 Layer1 1.54
KVCTL4245 Layer1 0.56
JPFRB7291 Layer1 0.94
RRYFL9967 Layer1 0.94
XRNWJ1205 Layer1 0.19
OLXHY4687 Layer1 1.73
RYWRM7476 Layer1 0.93
BZPWN4417 Layer1 1.39
DXYHZ6481 Layer1 0.53
MMPEW5637 Layer1 0.82
PCIUJ0473 Layer1 1.67
GNGZT3233 Layer1 0.26
CVSCI9337 Layer1 1.68
OSQWA2679 Layer2 1.32
ESRUW9777 Layer2 1.37
OFAGM8366 Layer2 0.36
NPJBL9744 Layer2 0.61
IXMJT4621 Layer2 0.49
ITXUG9776 Layer2 0.18
GROKY6004 Layer2 0.27
QEYPL1702 Layer2 0.49
KVCTL4245 Layer2 0.16
JPFRB7291 Layer2 0.65
RRYFL9967 Layer2 1.16
XRNWJ1205 Layer2 0.59
OLXHY4687 Layer2 0.17
RYWRM7476 Layer2 0.62
BZPWN4417 Layer2 0.02
DXYHZ6481 Layer2 1.35
MMPEW5637 Layer2 0.22
PCIUJ0473 Layer2 1.43
GNGZT3233 Layer2 1.80
CVSCI9337 Layer2 1.83
OSQWA2679 Layer3 0.71
ESRUW9777 Layer3 1.83
OFAGM8366 Layer3 0.76
NPJBL9744 Layer3 0.80
IXMJT4621 Layer3 0.53
ITXUG9776 Layer3 0.94
GROKY6004 Layer3 0.40
QEYPL1702 Layer3 0.77
KVCTL4245 Layer3 0.03
JPFRB7291 Layer3 0.81
RRYFL9967 Layer3 0.17
XRNWJ1205 Layer3 1.36
OLXHY4687 Layer3 0.61
RYWRM7476 Layer3 1.27
BZPWN4417 Layer3 2.23
DXYHZ6481 Layer3 0.23
MMPEW5637 Layer3 1.14
PCIUJ0473 Layer3 0.09
GNGZT3233 Layer3 1.22
CVSCI9337 Layer3 0.08

Other parameters:

  • Manual color: Allows users to manually specify colors for different categories or values.

  • Column order: Determines the order in which columns are displayed in the plot.

  • Manual size: Allows users to manually specify size of points for different values.

  • Offset: Specifies the offset for the plot.

  • Legend: Controls the display of the legend for the plot.

  • Border color: Sets the color of the borders around plot tiles.

  • Border width: Adjusts the width of the borders around plot tiles.

  • Shape: Allows users to mapping shape of points.

  • Manual shape: Allows users to manually specify shape of points for different categories.

  • Track height: Defines the height of the entire track.

  • Alpha: Sets the transparency level for the plot.

  • Grid: Enables or disables the grid lines in the plot.

  • Axis: Specifies whether to display axes for the plot.

  • Font size: Adjusts the size of the font used for labels.

  • Label angle: Sets the angle of the labels in the plot.

  • Label align: Controls the alignment of labels in the plot (e.g., top, bottom, center).

  • Align: Specifies whether to align all points.

12.6 Box plot

Specifying the track type of leaf as ‘box’ enables the drawing of a box plot:

Prepare the leaf annotation file:

Choose ‘column’ as the continuous variable (value) for the box plot, it will be the y-axis value of each leaf.

Example data:

id value
OSQWA2679 1.7139226
ESRUW9777 0.1692439
OFAGM8366 0.7890045
NPJBL9744 0.1380269
IXMJT4621 2.5331384
ITXUG9776 0.1402700
GROKY6004 0.0877751
QEYPL1702 0.3324896
KVCTL4245 0.4958188
JPFRB7291 1.6763859
RRYFL9967 0.7254029
XRNWJ1205 0.8223092
OLXHY4687 0.5365051
RYWRM7476 0.1955164
BZPWN4417 1.6762909
DXYHZ6481 0.0495314
MMPEW5637 0.0134147
PCIUJ0473 0.8426530
GNGZT3233 1.0146761
CVSCI9337 0.1381128
OSQWA2679 1.1391237
ESRUW9777 0.6916754
OFAGM8366 3.4170925
NPJBL9744 0.3702410
IXMJT4621 0.6876392
ITXUG9776 0.3520154
GROKY6004 1.0738444
QEYPL1702 1.2603112
KVCTL4245 0.4417195
JPFRB7291 0.0543929
RRYFL9967 1.3202823
XRNWJ1205 1.2026172
OLXHY4687 0.2408666
RYWRM7476 0.5810605
BZPWN4417 0.3973637
DXYHZ6481 1.1037415
MMPEW5637 0.2369583
PCIUJ0473 1.2722285
GNGZT3233 1.0196708
CVSCI9337 1.5938927
OSQWA2679 0.4049199
ESRUW9777 0.0034813
OFAGM8366 0.4912153
NPJBL9744 0.8548826
IXMJT4621 2.2421701
ITXUG9776 1.2994069
GROKY6004 0.8203667
QEYPL1702 1.0513009
KVCTL4245 0.2231083
JPFRB7291 0.3680792
RRYFL9967 0.0249564
XRNWJ1205 1.5978399
OLXHY4687 0.3452257
RYWRM7476 1.4500343
BZPWN4417 0.2521606
DXYHZ6481 1.8992152
MMPEW5637 0.0139672
PCIUJ0473 0.3236669
GNGZT3233 0.0316505
CVSCI9337 0.1521737
OSQWA2679 1.8386026
ESRUW9777 0.3293844
OFAGM8366 0.8225729
NPJBL9744 1.3337066
IXMJT4621 1.4325406
ITXUG9776 0.4031323
GROKY6004 0.0139731
QEYPL1702 1.1990303
KVCTL4245 0.7451819
JPFRB7291 1.4913384
RRYFL9967 0.8062194
XRNWJ1205 0.8239946
OLXHY4687 1.5079721
RYWRM7476 1.0203457
BZPWN4417 0.6194179
DXYHZ6481 2.0465736
MMPEW5637 0.8001764
PCIUJ0473 0.0208043
GNGZT3233 0.5763465
CVSCI9337 1.1345368
OSQWA2679 0.8864298
ESRUW9777 0.0402544
OFAGM8366 2.0405460
NPJBL9744 0.3900764
IXMJT4621 0.5319518
ITXUG9776 0.6353661
GROKY6004 0.1376743
QEYPL1702 0.1912515
KVCTL4245 0.3128723
JPFRB7291 0.3461296
RRYFL9967 1.9989839
XRNWJ1205 1.0400758
OLXHY4687 0.5526598
RYWRM7476 1.5144789
BZPWN4417 0.3811676
DXYHZ6481 1.1819449
MMPEW5637 0.2991659
PCIUJ0473 0.7365343
GNGZT3233 1.0422128
CVSCI9337 0.1700525
OSQWA2679 0.1747209
ESRUW9777 1.4388000
OFAGM8366 0.8022827
NPJBL9744 1.2308044
IXMJT4621 0.5257156
ITXUG9776 1.0239022
GROKY6004 0.9037053
QEYPL1702 1.3148140
KVCTL4245 1.6196226
JPFRB7291 0.7776291
RRYFL9967 0.3716507
XRNWJ1205 2.3177442
OLXHY4687 0.3851916
RYWRM7476 0.1991026
BZPWN4417 0.1176758
DXYHZ6481 0.4453197
MMPEW5637 1.0093290
PCIUJ0473 0.5976304
GNGZT3233 0.4727152
CVSCI9337 0.0003796
OSQWA2679 1.1199306
ESRUW9777 1.3958571
OFAGM8366 0.7234590
NPJBL9744 0.4626633
IXMJT4621 0.9788236
ITXUG9776 1.5865962
GROKY6004 1.4471481
QEYPL1702 1.0109909
KVCTL4245 2.1631712
JPFRB7291 0.3460799
RRYFL9967 0.7885243
XRNWJ1205 0.8841424
OLXHY4687 0.6062781
RYWRM7476 0.1444490
BZPWN4417 2.1969155
DXYHZ6481 0.9013570
MMPEW5637 1.3755314
PCIUJ0473 0.5871956
GNGZT3233 1.2236890
CVSCI9337 0.1966324
OSQWA2679 1.1804610
ESRUW9777 0.6567064
OFAGM8366 0.3153820
NPJBL9744 2.6317379
IXMJT4621 0.5318544
ITXUG9776 0.5783791
GROKY6004 0.9792216
QEYPL1702 0.6389339
KVCTL4245 2.0289271
JPFRB7291 0.7357921
RRYFL9967 0.0724318
XRNWJ1205 0.2830424
OLXHY4687 0.0475461
RYWRM7476 0.5188582
BZPWN4417 1.1795441
DXYHZ6481 0.2921048
MMPEW5637 0.7915654
PCIUJ0473 0.1252748
GNGZT3233 0.4395111
CVSCI9337 1.0279077
OSQWA2679 0.2523669
ESRUW9777 0.0228920
OFAGM8366 0.7660293
NPJBL9744 0.4806514
IXMJT4621 1.4311540
ITXUG9776 0.5941172
GROKY6004 1.0895659
QEYPL1702 2.0600244
KVCTL4245 1.5102025
JPFRB7291 0.4385944
RRYFL9967 1.0164413
XRNWJ1205 1.4155280
OLXHY4687 0.8617560
RYWRM7476 0.7761275
BZPWN4417 1.3001602
DXYHZ6481 0.4010517
MMPEW5637 0.2601128
PCIUJ0473 0.1800129
GNGZT3233 0.6271655
CVSCI9337 1.5569636
OSQWA2679 1.1516524
ESRUW9777 0.6992130
OFAGM8366 1.9920143
NPJBL9744 0.3106052
IXMJT4621 0.4364596
ITXUG9776 2.4271736
GROKY6004 0.3010645
QEYPL1702 1.1296851
KVCTL4245 1.1725890
JPFRB7291 1.4492794
RRYFL9967 0.3099543
XRNWJ1205 0.8783183
OLXHY4687 0.5560619
RYWRM7476 1.1508815
BZPWN4417 0.4008188
DXYHZ6481 0.3066845
MMPEW5637 0.1228437
PCIUJ0473 0.3823029
GNGZT3233 0.0567727
CVSCI9337 0.6852805

Other parameters:

  • Manual color: Allows users to manually specify colors for different categories or values.

  • Column order: Determines the order in which columns are displayed in the plot.

  • Offset: Specifies the offset for the plot.

  • Legend: Controls the display of the legend for the plot.

  • Border color: Sets the color of the borders around plot tiles.

  • Border width: Adjusts the width of the borders around plot tiles.

  • Track height: Defines the height of the entire track.

  • Alpha: Sets the transparency level for the plot.

  • Grid: Enables or disables the grid lines in the plot.

  • Axis: Specifies whether to display axes for the plot.

  • Font size: Adjusts the size of the font used for labels.

  • Label angle: Sets the angle of the labels in the plot.

  • Label align: Controls the alignment of labels in the plot (e.g., top, bottom, center).

12.7 Violin plot

Specifying the track type of leaf as ‘violin’ enables the drawing of a violin plot:

Prepare the leaf annotation file:

Choose ‘column’ as the continuous variable (value) for the violin plot, it will be the y-axis value of each leaf.

Example data:

id value
OSQWA2679 1.7139226
ESRUW9777 0.1692439
OFAGM8366 0.7890045
NPJBL9744 0.1380269
IXMJT4621 2.5331384
ITXUG9776 0.1402700
GROKY6004 0.0877751
QEYPL1702 0.3324896
KVCTL4245 0.4958188
JPFRB7291 1.6763859
RRYFL9967 0.7254029
XRNWJ1205 0.8223092
OLXHY4687 0.5365051
RYWRM7476 0.1955164
BZPWN4417 1.6762909
DXYHZ6481 0.0495314
MMPEW5637 0.0134147
PCIUJ0473 0.8426530
GNGZT3233 1.0146761
CVSCI9337 0.1381128
OSQWA2679 1.1391237
ESRUW9777 0.6916754
OFAGM8366 3.4170925
NPJBL9744 0.3702410
IXMJT4621 0.6876392
ITXUG9776 0.3520154
GROKY6004 1.0738444
QEYPL1702 1.2603112
KVCTL4245 0.4417195
JPFRB7291 0.0543929
RRYFL9967 1.3202823
XRNWJ1205 1.2026172
OLXHY4687 0.2408666
RYWRM7476 0.5810605
BZPWN4417 0.3973637
DXYHZ6481 1.1037415
MMPEW5637 0.2369583
PCIUJ0473 1.2722285
GNGZT3233 1.0196708
CVSCI9337 1.5938927
OSQWA2679 0.4049199
ESRUW9777 0.0034813
OFAGM8366 0.4912153
NPJBL9744 0.8548826
IXMJT4621 2.2421701
ITXUG9776 1.2994069
GROKY6004 0.8203667
QEYPL1702 1.0513009
KVCTL4245 0.2231083
JPFRB7291 0.3680792
RRYFL9967 0.0249564
XRNWJ1205 1.5978399
OLXHY4687 0.3452257
RYWRM7476 1.4500343
BZPWN4417 0.2521606
DXYHZ6481 1.8992152
MMPEW5637 0.0139672
PCIUJ0473 0.3236669
GNGZT3233 0.0316505
CVSCI9337 0.1521737
OSQWA2679 1.8386026
ESRUW9777 0.3293844
OFAGM8366 0.8225729
NPJBL9744 1.3337066
IXMJT4621 1.4325406
ITXUG9776 0.4031323
GROKY6004 0.0139731
QEYPL1702 1.1990303
KVCTL4245 0.7451819
JPFRB7291 1.4913384
RRYFL9967 0.8062194
XRNWJ1205 0.8239946
OLXHY4687 1.5079721
RYWRM7476 1.0203457
BZPWN4417 0.6194179
DXYHZ6481 2.0465736
MMPEW5637 0.8001764
PCIUJ0473 0.0208043
GNGZT3233 0.5763465
CVSCI9337 1.1345368
OSQWA2679 0.8864298
ESRUW9777 0.0402544
OFAGM8366 2.0405460
NPJBL9744 0.3900764
IXMJT4621 0.5319518
ITXUG9776 0.6353661
GROKY6004 0.1376743
QEYPL1702 0.1912515
KVCTL4245 0.3128723
JPFRB7291 0.3461296
RRYFL9967 1.9989839
XRNWJ1205 1.0400758
OLXHY4687 0.5526598
RYWRM7476 1.5144789
BZPWN4417 0.3811676
DXYHZ6481 1.1819449
MMPEW5637 0.2991659
PCIUJ0473 0.7365343
GNGZT3233 1.0422128
CVSCI9337 0.1700525
OSQWA2679 0.1747209
ESRUW9777 1.4388000
OFAGM8366 0.8022827
NPJBL9744 1.2308044
IXMJT4621 0.5257156
ITXUG9776 1.0239022
GROKY6004 0.9037053
QEYPL1702 1.3148140
KVCTL4245 1.6196226
JPFRB7291 0.7776291
RRYFL9967 0.3716507
XRNWJ1205 2.3177442
OLXHY4687 0.3851916
RYWRM7476 0.1991026
BZPWN4417 0.1176758
DXYHZ6481 0.4453197
MMPEW5637 1.0093290
PCIUJ0473 0.5976304
GNGZT3233 0.4727152
CVSCI9337 0.0003796
OSQWA2679 1.1199306
ESRUW9777 1.3958571
OFAGM8366 0.7234590
NPJBL9744 0.4626633
IXMJT4621 0.9788236
ITXUG9776 1.5865962
GROKY6004 1.4471481
QEYPL1702 1.0109909
KVCTL4245 2.1631712
JPFRB7291 0.3460799
RRYFL9967 0.7885243
XRNWJ1205 0.8841424
OLXHY4687 0.6062781
RYWRM7476 0.1444490
BZPWN4417 2.1969155
DXYHZ6481 0.9013570
MMPEW5637 1.3755314
PCIUJ0473 0.5871956
GNGZT3233 1.2236890
CVSCI9337 0.1966324
OSQWA2679 1.1804610
ESRUW9777 0.6567064
OFAGM8366 0.3153820
NPJBL9744 2.6317379
IXMJT4621 0.5318544
ITXUG9776 0.5783791
GROKY6004 0.9792216
QEYPL1702 0.6389339
KVCTL4245 2.0289271
JPFRB7291 0.7357921
RRYFL9967 0.0724318
XRNWJ1205 0.2830424
OLXHY4687 0.0475461
RYWRM7476 0.5188582
BZPWN4417 1.1795441
DXYHZ6481 0.2921048
MMPEW5637 0.7915654
PCIUJ0473 0.1252748
GNGZT3233 0.4395111
CVSCI9337 1.0279077
OSQWA2679 0.2523669
ESRUW9777 0.0228920
OFAGM8366 0.7660293
NPJBL9744 0.4806514
IXMJT4621 1.4311540
ITXUG9776 0.5941172
GROKY6004 1.0895659
QEYPL1702 2.0600244
KVCTL4245 1.5102025
JPFRB7291 0.4385944
RRYFL9967 1.0164413
XRNWJ1205 1.4155280
OLXHY4687 0.8617560
RYWRM7476 0.7761275
BZPWN4417 1.3001602
DXYHZ6481 0.4010517
MMPEW5637 0.2601128
PCIUJ0473 0.1800129
GNGZT3233 0.6271655
CVSCI9337 1.5569636
OSQWA2679 1.1516524
ESRUW9777 0.6992130
OFAGM8366 1.9920143
NPJBL9744 0.3106052
IXMJT4621 0.4364596
ITXUG9776 2.4271736
GROKY6004 0.3010645
QEYPL1702 1.1296851
KVCTL4245 1.1725890
JPFRB7291 1.4492794
RRYFL9967 0.3099543
XRNWJ1205 0.8783183
OLXHY4687 0.5560619
RYWRM7476 1.1508815
BZPWN4417 0.4008188
DXYHZ6481 0.3066845
MMPEW5637 0.1228437
PCIUJ0473 0.3823029
GNGZT3233 0.0567727
CVSCI9337 0.6852805

Other parameters:

  • Manual color: Allows users to manually specify colors for different categories or values.

  • Column order: Determines the order in which columns are displayed in the plot.

  • Offset: Specifies the offset for the plot.

  • Legend: Controls the display of the legend for the plot.

  • Border color: Sets the color of the borders around plot tiles.

  • Border width: Adjusts the width of the borders around plot tiles.

  • Track height: Defines the height of the entire track.

  • Alpha: Sets the transparency level for the plot.

  • Grid: Enables or disables the grid lines in the plot.

  • Axis: Specifies whether to display axes for the plot.

  • Font size: Adjusts the size of the font used for labels.

  • Label angle: Sets the angle of the labels in the plot.

  • Label align: Controls the alignment of labels in the plot (e.g., top, bottom, center).