Chapter 3 Introduction

EESA01 is a half credit course that aims to introduce students to the science behind processes occurring on the earth and within its atmosphere. The course will look at relationships between environmental degradation and human activity in terms of the physical, chemical, and biological processes operating at or near the earth’s surface. The environmental costs and consequences of human activity are examined in an attempt to define balances between human living conditions and environmental integrity.

The course is science-based and intended for students interested in pursuing environmental issues from a scientific (physical, chemical, biological, and mathematical) perspective. The course’s primary intent is to provide a broad background for students pursuing an education in Environmental Science. The laboratories introduced in this manual will largely tie into concepts taught in lectures. Laboratories will expose students to the study of environmental science in both field and lab contexts. Have fun and be willing to learn something new!

3.1 Evaluation

Labs overall will be worth 60%, with each of the four labs equally worth 15% of your final mark.

3.2 Quercus Information

3.2.1 Logging in to your Quercus Course Website

Like many other courses, EESA01 uses Quercus for its course website. To access the EESA01 website, go to the UofT Quercus login page and log in using your UTORid and password. Once you have logged on to Quercus using your UTORid and password, look for the My Courses module, where you’ll find the link to the EESA01 course website along with links to all your other courses.

3.2.2 Activating your UTORid and Password

If you need information on how to activate your UTORid and set your password for the first time, click here. Under the “First Time Users” area, click on “activate your UTORid” (if you are new to the university) or “create your UTORid” (if you are a returning student), then follow the instructions. New students who use the link to “activate your UTORid” will find reference to a “Secret Activation Key”. This was originally issued to you when you picked up your Tcard at the library. If you have lost your Secret Activation Key you can call 416-978-HELP or visit the Help Desk. The course instructor will not be able to help you with this.

3.3 Specially-formatted call out boxes

Throughout this document you will come across specially-formatted call out boxes (adapted from Conor Anderson, 10). Each of these boxes have different indicators that represent helpful tips, important warnings, or a reminder for what you need to complete before you leave the lab. The boxes look like this:

This is a reminder of what you should have completed before exiting the lab.

This is a tip.

This is a comment.

This is a warning or other disclaimer.

3.4 Installing Microsoft Office

During the labs in this course, we will make use of a number of different pieces of software. Chiefly among these is Microsoft Excel. We will take for granted that you have already installed Mircosoft Excel on your computer, but if you have not, please follow the instructions to install Microsoft Excel via Office 365 ProPlus on your operating system. The installation is FREE for University of Toronto students.

3.4.1 Installing on Windows

Instructions for Windows

3.4.2 Installing on MacOS

Instructions for Mac

3.5 Summary

By the end of this chapter, you should have Microsoft Office installed. From here, you can use Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel to complete your lab assignments.