Chapter 4 Laboratory Schedule

This course has four hands-on laboratories to enhance your learning experience. LABS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 21. While the labs are entirely online, each Lab/ Practical Section has a dedicated TA that is your primary point of contact for questions related to the course. Labs will be hosted by your TA via Bb Collaborate - please join the correct session.

Your TA will be available for scheduled in-person consultations related to lab assignments. Please note then you are responsible for adding a practical/ lab section through ROSI/ACORN. If you would like to switch lab sections, you are also responsible for dropping the previous one.

Schedules for a given student’s practical are shown in Table 4.1.

4.1 Laboratory Details

Black text denotes odd numbered practical sessions; red text denotes even numbered practical sessions

Table 4.1: Laboratory schedule.
Lab/PRA Section Lab 1* Lab 2* Lab 3* Lab 4*
PRA0001; TH; 9am-11am Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0002; TH; 9am-11am Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0003; TH; 9am-11am Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0004; TH; 9am-11am Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0005; TH; 11am-1pm Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0006; TH; 11am-1pm Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0007; TH; 11am-1pm Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0008; TH; 11am-1pm Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0009; TH; 1pm-3pm Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0010; TH; 1pm-3pm Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0011; TH; 1pm-3pm Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0012; TH; 1pm-3pm Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0013; TH; 3pm-5pm Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0014; TH; 3pm-5pm Sep 24 Oct 8 Oct 29 Nov 12
PRA0015; WE; 9am-11am Sep 23 Oct 7 Oct 28 Nov 11
PRA0016; WE; 9am-11am Sep 23 Oct 7 Oct 28 Nov 11
PRA0017; WE; 11am-1pm Sep 23 Oct 7 Oct 28 Nov 11
PRA0018; WE; 11am-1pm Sep 23 Oct 7 Oct 28 Nov 11
PRA0019; WE; 1pm-3pm Sep 23 Oct 7 Oct 28 Nov 11
PRA0020; WE; 1pm-3pm Sep 23 Oct 7 Oct 28 Nov 11
PRA0021; WE; 3pm-5pm Sep 23 Oct 7 Oct 28 Nov 11
PRA0022; WE; 3pm-5pm Sep 23 Oct 7 Oct 28 Nov 11

4.2 *Practical Assignment Due Dates

Table 4.2: Laboratory assignment due dates.
Laboratory Due Date* Percent of Grade*
Laboratory 1 Assignment Fri Oct 02, 4:00 pm 15%
Laboratory 2 Assignment Fri Oct 23, 4:00 pm 15%
Laboratory 3 Assignment Fri Nov 06, 4:00 pm 15%
Laboratory 4 Assignment Fri Nov 20, 4:00 pm 15%

ALL Assignments must be submitted online via Quercus. Please upload a pdf version of your assignment before the due date Please see Table 4.2 for each lab’s due date.

Unfortunately, it is next to impossible to keep track of the hundreds of students in this class and as such, late assignments will NOT be accepted and will be given a mark of ZERO To ensure fairness to all students, this rule will be followed very strictly.

The only time a late assignment will be accepted is if a student suffers a medical issue that interferes with completing the assignment and is substantiated by a doctor’s note (above a grade of “moderate”), given to your TA (who will forward to the Professor).

Keep in mind that assignments are worth 15% each, for a total of 60% of your final grade, so a zero on an assignment can be very, very detrimental to your final mark. Students cannot submit assignments through e-mail, nor can they “slip them under the door”. These assignments are likely to be lost. Please note that student petitions to resubmit lost assignments allegedly submitted in this fashion are generally denied. We will strive for as short a turnaround in marking assignments as is possible so that you regularly know where you stand (~2 weeks).

For more information regarding assignment policies, see Chapter 5.