Chapter 5 Workflow

You could check this book for metabolomics data analysis (S. Li 2020).

flowchart TB
I(peak-picking) --> C
C(visulization) --> D(normalization/batch correction)
D --> A(annotation/identification)
A --> H(statistical analysis)
C --> A --> B(omics analysis)
D --> H
B --> H
H --> E(experimental validation)
A --> E
H --> A
B --> E
C --> H
normalization/batch correction
statistical analysis
omics analysis
experimental validation

5.1 Platform for metabolomics data analysis

Here is a list for related open source projects

5.1.1 XCMS & XCMS online

XCMS online is hosted by Scripps Institute. If your datasets are not large, XCMS online would be the best option for you. Recently they updated the online version to support more functions for systems biology. They use metlin and iso metlin to annotate the MS/MS data. Pathway analysis is also supported. Besides, to accelerate the process, xcms online employed stream (windows only). You could use stream to connect your instrument workstation to their server and process the data along with the data acquisition automate. They also developed apps for xcms online, but I think apps for slack would be even cooler to control the data processing.

xcms is different from xcms online while they might share the same code. I used it almost every data to run local metabolomics data analysis. Recently, they will change their version to xcms 3 with major update for object class. Their data format would integrate into the MSnbase package and the parameters would be easy to set up for each step. Normally, I will use msconvert-IPO-xcms-xMSannotator-metaboanalyst as workflow to process the offline data. It could accelerate the process by parallel processing. However, if you are not familiar with R, you would better to choose some software below. For xcms, 1000 files will need around 5 hours to generate the peaks list on a regular workstation.

IPO A Tool for automated Optimization of XCMS Parameters (Libiseller et al. 2015) and Warpgroup is used for chromatogram subregion detection, consensus integration bound determination and accurate missing value integration(Mahieu, Spalding, and Patti 2016). A case study to compare different xcms parameters with IPO can be found for GC-MS (Dos Santos and Canuto 2023). Another option is AutoTuner, which are much faster than IPO(McLean and Kujawinski 2020). Recently, MetaboAnalystR 3.0 could also optimize the parameters for xcms while you need to perform the following analysis within this software(Pang et al. 2020). For IPO, ten files will need ~12 hours to generate the optimized results on a regular workstation. Paramounter is a direct measurement of universal parameters to process metabolomics data in a “White Box”(J. Guo, Shen, and Huan 2022). Another research use machine learning method to compare different optimization methods and they are all better than the default setting of xcms(Lassen et al. 2021). It could be extended to include ion mobility(Dodds et al. 2022).

Check those papers for the XCMS based workflow(Forsberg et al. 2018; Huan et al. 2017; Mahieu et al. 2016; Montenegro-Burke et al. 2017; Domingo-Almenara and Siuzdak 2020; Stancliffe et al. 2022). For metlin related annotation, check those papers(Guijas et al. 2018; Tautenhahn et al. 2012; Xue, Guijas, et al. 2020; Domingo-Almenara, Montenegro-Burke, Ivanisevic, et al. 2018).

MAIT based on xcms and you could find source code here(Fernández-Albert et al. 2014).

iMet-Q is an automated tool with friendly user interfaces for quantifying metabolites in full-scan liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) data (Chang et al. 2016)

compMS2Miner is an Automatable Metabolite Identification, Visualization, and Data-Sharing R Package for High-Resolution LC–MS Data Sets. Here is related papers (Edmands et al. 2017; Edmands, Hayes, and Rappaport 2018; Edmands, Barupal, and Scalbert 2015).

mzMatch is a modular, open source and platform independent data processing pipeline for metabolomics LC/MS data written in the Java language, which could be coupled with xcms (Scheltema et al. 2011; Creek et al. 2012). It also could be used for annotation with MetAssign(Daly et al. 2014).

5.1.2 PRIMe

PRIMe is from RIKEN and UC Davis. They update their database frequently(Tsugawa et al. 2016). It supports mzML and major MS vendor formats. They defined own file format ABF and eco-system for omics studies. The software are updated almost everyday. You could use MS-DIAL for untargeted analysis and MRMOROBS for targeted analysis. For annotation, they developed MS-FINDER and statistic tools with excel. This platform could replaced the dear software from company and well prepared for MS/MS data analysis and lipidomics. They are open source, work on Windows and also could run within mathmamtics. However, they don’t cover pathway analysis. Another feature is they always show the most recently spectral records from public repositories. You could always get the updated MSP spectra files for your own data analysis.

For PRIMe based workflow, check those papers(Lai et al. 2018; Matsuo et al. 2017; Treutler et al. 2016; Tsugawa et al. 2015; Tsugawa et al. 2016; Kind et al. 2018). There are also extensions for their workflow(Uchino et al. 2022) and workflow for environmental science(Bonnefille et al. 2023).

5.1.3 GNPS

GNPS is an open-access knowledge base for community-wide organization and sharing of raw, processed or identified tandem mass (MS/MS) spectrometry data. It’s a straight forward annotation methods for MS/MS data. Feature-based molecular networking (FBMN) within GNPS could be coupled with xcms, openMS, MS-DIAL, MZmine2, and other popular software. GNPS also have a dashboard for online mass spectrometery data analysis(Petras et al. 2021).

Check those papers for GNPS and related projects(Aron et al. 2020; Nothias et al. 2020; Scheubert et al. 2017; Ricardo R. da Silva et al. 2018; M. Wang et al. 2016; Bittremieux et al. 2023).

5.1.4 OpenMS & SIRIUS

OpenMS is another good platform for mass spectrum data analysis developed with C++. You could use them as plugin of KNIME. I suggest anyone who want to be a data scientist to get familiar with platform like KNIME because they supplied various API for different programme language, which is easy to use and show every steps for others. Also TOPPView in OpenMS could be the best software to visualize the MS data. You could always use the metabolomics workflow to train starter about details in data processing. pyOpenMS and OpenSWATH are also used in this platform. If you want to turn into industry, this platform fit you best because you might get a clear idea about solution and workflow.

Check those paper for OpenMS based workflow(Bertsch et al. 2011; Pfeuffer et al. 2017, 2024; Röst et al. 2014, 2016; Rurik et al. 2020; Alka et al. 2020).

OpenMS could be coupled to SIRIUS 4 for annotation. Sirius is a new java-based software framework for discovering a landscape of de-novo identification of metabolites using single and tandem mass spectrometry. SIRIUS 4 project integrates a collection of our tools, including CSI:FingerID, ZODIAC and CANOPUS. Check those papers for SIRIUS based workflow(Dührkop et al. 2019, 2020; Alka et al. 2020; Ludwig et al. 2020).

5.1.5 MZmine 2

MZmine 2 has three version developed on Java platform and the lastest version is included into MSDK. Similar function could be found from MZmine 2 as shown in XCMS online. However, MZmine 2 do not have pathway analysis. You could use metaboanalyst for that purpose. Actually, you could go into MSDK to find similar function supplied by ProteoSuite and Openchrom. If you are a experienced coder for Java, you should start here.

Check those papers for MZmine based workflow(Pluskal et al. 2010; Pluskal et al. 2020).

5.1.6 Emory MaHPIC

This platform is composed by several R packages from Emory University including apLCMS to collect the data, xMSanalyzer to handle automated pipeline for large-scale, non-targeted metabolomics data, xMSannotator for annotation of LC-MS data and Mummichog for pathway and network analysis for high-throughput metabolomics. This platform would be preferred by someone from environmental science to study exposome.

You could check those papers for Emory workflow(Uppal et al. 2013; Uppal, Walker, and Jones 2017; T. Yu et al. 2009; S. Li et al. 2013; Q. Liu et al. 2020).

5.1.7 Others

5.1.8 Workflow Comparison

Here are some comparisons for different workflow and you could make selection based on their works(Myers et al. 2017; Weber et al. 2017; Z. Li et al. 2018; Liao et al. 2023).

xcmsrocker is a docker image for metabolomics to compare R based software with template(M. Yu, Dolios, and Petrick 2022).

5.2 Project Setup

I suggest building your data analysis projects in RStudio (Click File - New project - New dictionary - Empty project). Then assign a name for your project. I also recommend the following tips if you are familiar with it.

  • Use git/github to make version control of your code and sync your project online.

  • Don’t use your name for your project because other peoples might cooperate with you and someone might check your data when you publish your papers. Each project should be a work for one paper or one chapter in your thesis.

  • Use workflow document(txt or doc) in your project to record all of the steps and code you performed for this project. Treat this document as digital version of your experiment notebook

  • Use data folder in your project folder for the raw data and the results you get in data analysis

  • Use figure folder in your project folder for the figure

  • Use munuscript folder in your project folder for the manuscript (you could write paper in rstudio with the help of template in Rmarkdown)

  • Just double click yourprojectname.Rproj to start your project

5.3 Data sharing

See this paper(Haug, Salek, and Steinbeck 2017):

5.4 Contest


Alka, Oliver, Timo Sachsenberg, Leon Bichmann, Julianus Pfeuffer, Hendrik Weisser, Samuel Wein, Eugen Netz, Marc Rurik, Oliver Kohlbacher, and Hannes Röst. 2020. CHAPTER 6:OpenMS and KNIME for Mass Spectrometry Data Processing.” In Processing Metabolomics and Proteomics Data with Open Software, 201–31.
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Baygi, Sadjad Fakouri, Sanjay K. Banerjee, Praloy Chakraborty, Yashwant Kumar, and Dinesh Kumar Barupal. 2022. IDSL.UFA Assigns High-Confidence Molecular Formula Annotations for Untargeted LC/HRMS Data Sets in Metabolomics and Exposomics.” Analytical Chemistry 94 (39): 13315–22.
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Blaženović, Ivana, Tobias Kind, Hrvoje Torbašinović, Slobodan Obrenović, Sajjan S. Mehta, Hiroshi Tsugawa, Tobias Wermuth, et al. 2017. “Comprehensive Comparison of in Silico MS/MS Fragmentation Tools of the CASMI Contest: Database Boosting Is Needed to Achieve 93% Accuracy.” Journal of Cheminformatics 9 (1): 32.
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Chang, Hui-Yin, Ching-Tai Chen, T. Mamie Lih, Ke-Shiuan Lynn, Chiun-Gung Juo, Wen-Lian Hsu, and Ting-Yi Sung. 2016. iMet-Q: A User-Friendly Tool for Label-Free Metabolomics Quantitation Using Dynamic Peak-Width Determination.” PLOS ONE 11 (1): e0146112.
Clasquin, Michelle F., Eugene Melamud, and Joshua D. Rabinowitz. 2012. LC-MS Data Processing with MAVEN: A Metabolomic Analysis and Visualization Engine.” Current Protocols in Bioinformatics 37 (1): 14.11.1–23.
Colby, Sean M., Christine H. Chang, Jessica L. Bade, Jamie R. Nunez, Madison R. Blumer, Daniel J. Orton, Kent J. Bloodsworth, et al. 2022. DEIMoS: An Open-Source Tool for Processing High-Dimensional Mass Spectrometry Data.” Analytical Chemistry 94 (16): 6130–38.
Creek, Darren J., Andris Jankevics, Karl E. V. Burgess, Rainer Breitling, and Michael P. Barrett. 2012. IDEOM: An Excel Interface for Analysis of LCMS-based Metabolomics Data.” Bioinformatics 28 (7): 1048–49.
Daly, Rónán, Simon Rogers, Joe Wandy, Andris Jankevics, Karl E. V. Burgess, and Rainer Breitling. 2014. MetAssign: Probabilistic Annotation of Metabolites from LCMS Data Using a Bayesian Clustering Approach.” Bioinformatics 30 (19): 2764–71.
Delabriere, Alexis, Philipp Warmer, Vincenth Brennsteiner, and Nicola Zamboni. 2021. SLAW: A Scalable and Self-Optimizing Processing Workflow for Untargeted LC-MS.” Analytical Chemistry 93 (45): 15024–32.
Dodds, James N., Lingjue Wang, Gary J. Patti, and Erin S. Baker. 2022. “Combining Isotopologue Workflows and Simultaneous Multidimensional Separations to Detect, Identify, and Validate Metabolites in Untargeted Analyses.” Analytical Chemistry 94 (5): 2527–35.
Domingo-Almenara, Xavier, J. Rafael Montenegro-Burke, Julijana Ivanisevic, Aurelien Thomas, Jonathan Sidibé, Tony Teav, Carlos Guijas, et al. 2018. XCMS-MRM and METLIN-MRM: A Cloud Library and Public Resource for Targeted Analysis of Small Molecules.” Nature Methods 15 (9): 681–84.
Domingo-Almenara, Xavier, and Gary Siuzdak. 2020. “Metabolomics Data Processing Using XCMS.” In Computational Methods and Data Analysis for Metabolomics, edited by Shuzhao Li, 11–24. Methods in Molecular Biology. New York, NY: Springer US.
Dos Santos, Emile Kelly Porto, and Gisele André Baptista Canuto. 2023. “Optimizing XCMS Parameters for GC-MS Metabolomics Data Processing: A Case Study.” Metabolomics: Official Journal of the Metabolomic Society 19 (4): 26.
Dührkop, Kai, Markus Fleischauer, Marcus Ludwig, Alexander A. Aksenov, Alexey V. Melnik, Marvin Meusel, Pieter C. Dorrestein, Juho Rousu, and Sebastian Böcker. 2019. SIRIUS 4: A Rapid Tool for Turning Tandem Mass Spectra into Metabolite Structure Information.” Nature Methods 16 (4): 299–302.
Dührkop, Kai, Louis-Félix Nothias, Markus Fleischauer, Raphael Reher, Marcus Ludwig, Martin A. Hoffmann, Daniel Petras, et al. 2020. “Systematic Classification of Unknown Metabolites Using High-Resolution Fragmentation Mass Spectra.” Nature Biotechnology, November, 1–10.
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Eilertz, Daniel, Michael Mitterer, and Joerg M. Buescher. 2022. automRm: An R Package for Fully Automatic LC-QQQ-MS Data Preprocessing Powered by Machine Learning.” Analytical Chemistry 94 (16): 6163–71.
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Myers, Owen D., Susan J. Sumner, Shuzhao Li, Stephen Barnes, and Xiuxia Du. 2017. “Detailed Investigation and Comparison of the XCMS and MZmine 2 Chromatogram Construction and Chromatographic Peak Detection Methods for Preprocessing Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics Data.” Analytical Chemistry 89 (17): 8689–95.
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Pang, Zhiqiang, Jasmine Chong, Shuzhao Li, and Jianguo Xia. 2020. MetaboAnalystR 3.0: Toward an Optimized Workflow for Global Metabolomics.” Metabolites 10 (5): 186.
Petras, Daniel, Vanessa V. Phelan, Deepa Acharya, Andrew E. Allen, Allegra T. Aron, Nuno Bandeira, Benjamin P. Bowen, et al. 2021. GNPS Dashboard: Collaborative Exploration of Mass Spectrometry Data in the Web Browser.” Nature Methods, December, 1–3.
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Rurik, Marc, Oliver Alka, Fabian Aicheler, and Oliver Kohlbacher. 2020. “Metabolomics Data Processing Using OpenMS.” In Computational Methods and Data Analysis for Metabolomics, edited by Shuzhao Li, 49–60. Methods in Molecular Biology. New York, NY: Springer US.
Scheltema, Richard A., Andris Jankevics, Ritsert C. Jansen, Morris A. Swertz, and Rainer Breitling. 2011. PeakML/mzMatch: A File Format, Java Library, R Library, and Tool-Chain for Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis.” Analytical Chemistry 83 (7): 2786–93.
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