Chapter 3 epitools
3.1 epitable
- Create r x c contigency table for r exposure levels and c outcome levels
epitable(..., ncol =2, byrow = TRUE,
rev = c("neither", "rows", "columns", "both"))
:- four or more integers that be converted into r x 2 table (the number of integers must be even), e.g.
epitable(88, 20, 555, 347)
- four or more integers that be converted into r x 2 table (the number of integers must be even), e.g.
- two categorical vectors (1st vector is exposure with r levels, 2nd vector is outcome with 2 levels), e.g.
epitable("Exposure"=exposure, "Disease"=outcome)
, orepitable(dat$expo, dat$out)
- two categorical vectors (1st vector is exposure with r levels, 2nd vector is outcome with 2 levels), e.g.
- r x 2 contingency table, e.g.
epitable(matrix(1:6, 3, 2))
- r x 2 contingency table, e.g.
- single vector that be converted into r x 2 table (the number of integers must be even), e.g.
epitable(c(88, 20, 555, 347))
- single vector that be converted into r x 2 table (the number of integers must be even), e.g.
: Defaultncol=2
, number of columns when a table is constructed from a vector or sequence of numbersbyrow
: Defaultbyrow=TRUE
and single vector or collection of numbers is read in row-wise.- Set to FALSE to read in column-wise.
- e.g.
epitable(88, 20, 555, 347)
, by default 88, 20 would be regarded as the first row (under the same exposure status, Diseased and No disease respectively), and 555, 347 the second under the other exposure status. - e.g.
epitable(88, 20, 555, 347, byrow = FALSE)
, then 88, 20 would be regarded as the first column (under the same disease status, Exposed and Unexposed respectively), and 555, 347 the second column under the other disease status.
: Defaultrev="neither"
means no order reversal in the process, can be“rows,” “colums” or “both” to reverse the orders.- Usually the table we get from (2) two categorical vectors would be like:
<- read.dta("_data/diet.dta")
dat epitable(dat$diet, dat$mort)
## Outcome
## Predictor 0 1
## 0 186 136
## 1 119 59
- In the output table, the outcomes and predictors (exposure) are listed by 0 and then 1; But in the 2 by 2 tables we usually used for further calculation, the top left cell should be Exposed and Disease (Predictor = 1 & Outcome = 1)
Disease + | Disease - | |
Expose + | ||
Expose - |
- So `rev="both"` is added:
epitable(dat$diet, dat$mort, rev="both")
## Outcome
## Predictor 1 0
## 1 59 119
## 0 136 186
- The contingency table created by this function is usually used for additional analyses, for example, the
3.2 epitab
- Calculates risks, risk ratio, odds ratio, and confidence intervals for epidemiologic data
epitab(x, y = NULL,
method = c("oddsratio", "riskratio", "rateratio"),
conf.level = 0.95,
rev = c("neither", "rows", "columns", "both"),
oddsratio = c("wald", "fisher", "midp", "small"),
riskratio = c("wald", "boot", "small"),
rateratio = c("wald", "midp"),
pvalue = c("fisher.exact", "midp.exact", "chi2"),
correction = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE)
- Input data:
odds.ratio.or.risk.ratio | rate.ratio | |
x = r x 2 table | ✓ | ✓ (1stcol: disease counts; 2nd col: person time at risk) |
x = numeric vectors | ✓ (transformed into r x 2 table in row-wise order) | ✓ (counts followed by person time at risk) |
x and y | ✓ (both are single factor or character vectors) | ✓ (x = single numeric vector of counts, y = numeric vector of corresponding person time at risk) |
Other arguments and default values
measure of association:
method = "oddsratio"
confidence level:
conf.level = 0.05
estimation methods: The default of
pvalue = "fisher.exact"
correction = FALSE
means no Yate’s continuity correction.verbose = FALSE
, set toTRUE
to return more detailed results
The function
Disease - | Disease + | |
Expose - | ||
Expose + |
<- epitab(epitable(dat$diet, dat$mort))
stat stat
## $tab
## Outcome
## Predictor 0 p0 1 p1 oddsratio lower upper p.value
## 0 186 0.6098361 136 0.6974359 1.0000000 NA NA NA
## 1 119 0.3901639 59 0.3025641 0.6780771 0.462563 0.9940021 0.05535248
## $measure
## [1] "wald"
## $conf.level
## [1] 0.95
## $pvalue
## [1] "fisher.exact"
- Outputs:
$tab stat
## Outcome
## Predictor 0 p0 1 p1 oddsratio lower upper p.value
## 0 186 0.6098361 136 0.6974359 1.0000000 NA NA NA
## 1 119 0.3901639 59 0.3025641 0.6780771 0.462563 0.9940021 0.05535248
- The epidemiologic tabulation generated.
[1] "wald"
- Wald (i.e. Normal approximation) is used to generate the CIs
[1] 0.95
- The confidence level is set to 95%
[1] "fisher.exact"
- The Fisher exact test was used to generate the p-value.