4.5 Functions covered in Handling data in R

All require the tidyverse package

tibble(): Entering data as a tibble. Give each column a name and assign its values with an equals sign, =. Separate columns with a comma ,.
glimpse(): Show the name of every column in your data frame, as well as their class and first few values.
view(): Look at your entire tibble as a scrollable spreadsheet.
mutate(): Add a new column, usually as some function of existing columns.
arrange(): Sort rows from low to high (or from high to low with arrange(desc())) values of a specified column.
filter(): Limit your dataset to those with certain values in specifed columns.
select(): Select columns of interest (or remove ones you do not care about with select(-)) from your tibble. ```

4.5.1 dplyr cheat sheet

There is no need to memorize anything, check out this handy cheat sheet!

download the [dplyr cheat sheet](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rstudio/cheatsheets/main/data-transformation.pdf)

FIGURE 4.5: download the dplyr cheat sheet

download the [dplyr cheat sheet](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rstudio/cheatsheets/main/data-transformation.pdf)

FIGURE 4.6: download the dplyr cheat sheet