2 Set up the package

2.1 Install the necessary softwares

You need to set up R and Rstudio on your computer before everything. R is the programming language that powers this project, and Rstudio is the interface that allows you better interact with your R code. Please follow the steps below:

  • Download R here and install it before you install Rstudio.
  • Download Rstudio here and install it.
  • Open Rstudio, and click the first icon from the left on the Rstudio toolbar, and select R Markdown. Rstudio will prompt you to install several packages, just follow the instructions and install them.

2.2 Download and install the mrautomatr package

  • Run the following lines:
  • You will need to set up your GitHub Personal Auth Token because this package is still internal and private at this point. You may need to email Michael Wu () in order to gain access to the TIES github repository.

  • Essentially, You need to set up your personal access token in a file called .Renviron. After you install the usethis package, run usethis::create_github_token().

  • It’ll take you through the process of creating a token, and then GitHub will give you a string of characters. Copy that text to somewhere safe for now.

  • Then, back in R, run usethis::edit_r_environ() and add this to the file: GITHUB_PAT=[the token text here without the brackets]. For example, GITHUB_PAT=ghp_....

  • Save that file and restart your R session for changes to take effect.

  • To verify that you got it to work, when R starts again, run Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT") and you should see your token, exactly how it was shown on GitHub. If you don’t, more troubleshooting is required and please email Michael.

  • Run the following line:

  • Check out the functions by running ?function_name, e.g.:

You should be able to see the documentation page of mrautomatr in the Help panel.