Chapter 5 Factor investing
5.1 Factor overview
Why factor models:
- decompose return into explainable and unexplainable components
- estimate abnormal returns
- simplify estimate of covariance structure
- provide portfolio risk analysis for each factor
Types of factors:
- observable (Macroeconomic factor model, Fundamental factor models)
- unobservable (Statistical factor models)
5.2 Macroeconomic factor
\underset{\boldsymbol{\alpha},\boldsymbol{\beta}}{\text{minimize}}\quad \sum_{t=1}^T\|\mathbf{x}_t - \boldsymbol{\alpha} - \boldsymbol{\beta}f_t\|^2
\begin{aligned} \hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}} & = {\sf cov}(\mathbf{x}_t,f_t)/{\sf var}(f_t)\\ \hat{\boldsymbol{\alpha}} & = \bar{x} - \hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\bar{f}\\ \hat{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_i & = \mathbf{x}_i - \alpha_i\mathbf{1} - \beta_i\mathbf{f}, \quad i=1,\ldots,N\\ \hat{\sigma}_i^2 & = \frac{1}{T-2}\hat{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_i^T\hat{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}_i, \quad \hat{\boldsymbol{\Psi}} = \sf{diag}(\hat{\sigma}_1^2, \ldots, \hat{\sigma}_N^2)\\ \hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}} & = {\sf var}(f_t)\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}^T + \hat{\boldsymbol{\Psi}} \end{aligned}
Data preparation:
"2017-01-01" # do not change time period for this chapter
from <- "2020-09-30"
to <- get_data("^GSPC", from, to)
SP500_index <-
c("AAPL", "AMD", "ADI", "ABBV", "AEZS", "A", "APD", "AA","CF")
tickers <- get_data(tickers, from, to)
prices <-
diff(log(prices), na.pad = FALSE)
X <- ncol(X) # number of stocks
N <- nrow(X) # number of days
T <- diff(log(SP500_index), na.pad = FALSE) f <-
5.2.1 LS fitting – simple form
beta <- colMeans(X) - beta*colMeans(f)
alpha <-colnames(alpha) <- "alpha"
colnames(beta) <- "beta"
rep(NA, N)
sigma2 <-for (i in 1:N) {
X[, i] - alpha[i] - beta[i]*f
eps_i <- (1/(T-2)) * t(eps_i) %*% eps_i
sigma2[i] <-
} diag(sigma2)
Psi <- as.numeric(var(f)) * beta %*% t(beta) + Psi
Sigma <-print(cbind(alpha, beta))
#> alpha beta
#> AAPL 0.0008020602 1.1758548
#> AMD 0.0021325642 1.5015398
#> ADI 0.0002235181 1.2301376
#> ABBV 0.0001306997 0.8308865
#> AEZS -0.0025614940 1.0490908
#> A 0.0003829361 1.0008615
#> APD 0.0003891594 0.9972563
#> AA -0.0011118010 1.5286561
#> CF -0.0007052049 1.2459981
5.2.2 LS fitting – matrix form
\underset{\boldsymbol{\alpha},\boldsymbol{\beta}}{\text{minimize}}\quad \|\mathbf{X}^T - \boldsymbol{\alpha}\mathbf{1}^T - \boldsymbol{\beta}\mathbf{f}^T\|^2_F. \\ \boldsymbol{\Gamma} = [ \boldsymbol{\alpha}, \boldsymbol{\beta} ] = \mathbf{X}^T \tilde{\mathbf{F}} (\tilde{\mathbf{F}}^T \tilde{\mathbf{F}})^{-1} where \tilde{\mathbf{F}} = [\mathbf{1}, \mathbf{f}]
cbind(ones = 1, f)
F_ <- t(X) %*% F_ %*% solve(t(F_) %*% F_) # better: Gamma <- t(solve(t(F_) %*% F_, t(F_) %*% X))
Gamma <-colnames(Gamma) <- c("alpha", "beta")
Gamma[, 1] # or alpha <- Gamma[, "alpha"]
alpha <- Gamma[, 2] # or beta <- Gamma[, "beta"]
beta <-print(Gamma)
#> alpha beta
#> AAPL 1.027794e-03 1.1840884
#> AMD 1.491217e-03 1.4464899
#> ADI 7.909772e-05 1.2282732
#> ABBV 2.062470e-04 0.8223764
#> AEZS -2.820424e-03 0.9728238
#> A 4.486762e-04 0.9668272
#> APD 4.474286e-04 0.9977766
#> AA -1.587258e-03 1.5099957
#> CF -4.558246e-04 1.2391421
xts(t(t(X) - Gamma %*% t(F_)), index(X)) # residuals
E <- (1/(T-2)) * t(E) %*% E
Psi <- as.numeric(var(f)) * beta %o% beta + diag(diag(Psi)) Sigma <-
5.2.3 Estimating covriacne
\boldsymbol{\Sigma} = var(f_t)\boldsymbol{\beta}\boldsymbol{\beta}^T + {\sf Diag}(\boldsymbol{\Psi}) where \boldsymbol{\Psi} is residual term
tl.col="black",, #Text label color and rotation
corrplot(cov2cor(Psi), mar = c(0,0,1,0), order = "hclust", addrect = 3,
title = "Covariance matrix of residuals", diag = FALSE, tl.col="black",
Interestingly, we can observe that the automatic clustering performed on \boldsymbol{\Psi} correctly identifies the sectors of the stocks (information tech, health care and materials).
5.2.4 Evaluating ETFs performance
In this section, we will use the S&P 500 as the explicit market factor and assume risk free rate equal to 0.
Consider following six ETFs:
- SPY - SPDR S&P 500 ETF (index tracking)
- SPHB - PowerShares S&P 500 High Beta Portfolio (high beta)
- SPLV - PowerShares S&P 500 Low Volatility Portfolio (low beta)
- USMV - iShares Edge MSCI Min Vol USA ETF
- JKD - iShares Morningstar Large-Cap ETF
c("SPY","SPHB", "SPLV", "USMV", "JKD")
index <- get_data(index, from, to)
ETFs <- diff(log(ETFs), na.pad = FALSE)
X_ETFs <-
# compute the alpha and beta of all the ETFs:
cbind(ones = 1, f)
F_ <- t(solve(t(F_) %*% F_, t(F_) %*% X_ETFs))
Gamma <-colnames(Gamma) <- c("alpha", "beta")
Gamma[, 1]
alpha <- Gamma[, 2]
beta <-print(Gamma)
#> alpha beta
#> SPY 8.369995e-05 0.9774232
#> SPHB -3.626276e-04 1.3149686
#> SPLV -4.360138e-07 0.8489474
#> USMV 9.751288e-05 0.8145470
#> JKD 6.413791e-05 0.9912818
# visualization of Gamma
par(mfrow = c(1,2)) # two plots side by side
{ barplot(rev(alpha), horiz = TRUE, main = "alpha", border = NA, col = "coral", cex.names = 0.75, las = 1)
barplot(rev(beta), horiz = TRUE, main = "beta", border = NA, col = "deepskyblue", cex.names = 0.75, las = 1)} # reset to normal single plot
TODO Explanation for the above Gamma graph for all 6 etfs
Sharpe ratio follows:
SR = \frac{E[x_t]}{\sqrt{{\sf var}[x_t]}} = \frac{\alpha + \beta E[f_t]}{\sqrt{\beta^2 {\sf var}[f_t] + \sigma^2}} = \frac{\alpha/\beta + E[f_t]}{\sqrt{{\sf var}[f_t] + \sigma^2/\beta^2}} \approx \frac{\alpha/\beta + E[f_t]}{\sqrt{{\sf var}[f_t]}}
sort(alpha/beta, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)$ix
idx_sorted <- colMeans(X)/sqrt(diag(var(X)))
SR <- cbind("alpha/beta" = (alpha/beta)[idx_sorted],
ranking <-SR = SR[idx_sorted],
alpha = alpha[idx_sorted],
beta = beta[idx_sorted])
#> alpha/beta SR alpha beta
#> USMV 1.043183e-04 0.02551718 8.379048e-05 0.8032196
#> SPY 8.468943e-05 0.06748293 8.293078e-05 0.9792342
#> JKD 7.614433e-05 -0.03192726 7.503134e-05 0.9853831
#> SPLV 1.161154e-05 0.03593687 9.657503e-06 0.8317158
#> SPHB -1.338772e-04 0.06790832 -1.800427e-04 1.3448349
TODO Explain the resul
5.3 Fama-French
Data preparation: select a wider time period
# download Fama-French factors from website
# url <- ""
# temp <- tempfile()
# download.file(url, temp, method = "libcurl", mode = "wb")
# unzip(temp, "F-F_Research_Data_Factors_daily.CSV")
# unlink(temp)
read.csv("F-F_Research_Data_Factors_daily.CSV", skip = 4)
mydata <- mydata[-nrow(mydata), ] # remove last row
mydata <- xts(x = mydata[, c(2,3,4)], = as.Date(paste(mydata[, 1]), "%Y%m%d"))
fama_lib <-
# compute the log-returns of the stocks and the Fama-French factors
fama_lib[index(X)]/100 F <-
\underset{\boldsymbol{\alpha},\boldsymbol{\beta}}{\text{minimize}}\quad \|\mathbf{X}^T - \boldsymbol{\Gamma}\tilde{\mathbf{F}}^T\|^2_F \boldsymbol{\Gamma} = \mathbf{X}^T \tilde{\mathbf{F}} (\tilde{\mathbf{F}}^T \tilde{\mathbf{F}})^{-1}
cbind(ones = 1, F)
F_ <- t(solve(t(F_) %*% F_, t(F_) %*% X))
Gamma <-colnames(Gamma) <- c("alpha", "b1", "b2", "b3")
Gamma[, 1]
alpha <- Gamma[, 2:4]
B <-print(Gamma)
#> alpha b1 b2 b3
#> AAPL 4.529985e-04 1.2487004 -0.2968196 -0.48086724
#> AMD 5.563015e-04 1.5721623 0.4135192 -1.01094408
#> ADI -8.001184e-05 1.2270888 0.4161068 -0.08642737
#> ABBV -8.212337e-05 0.8426005 -0.1908989 -0.20413363
#> AEZS -2.750911e-03 0.9389405 1.3673192 -0.01580922
#> A 1.393237e-04 0.9947335 -0.0606518 -0.22647058
#> APD 3.359118e-04 0.9894165 -0.3798878 0.07924767
#> AA -8.503783e-04 1.3720189 0.8666502 0.99663332
#> CF -4.388933e-05 1.1492337 0.5454800 0.60309541
5.4 Statistical/principal factor models
Recall the principal factor method for the model \mathbf{X}^T = \boldsymbol{\alpha}\mathbf{1}^T + \mathbf{B}\mathbf{F}^T + \mathbf{E}^T with K factors:
- PCA:
- sample mean: \hat{\boldsymbol{\alpha}} = \bar{\mathbf{x}} = \frac{1}{T}\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{1}_T
- demeaned matrix: \bar{\mathbf{X}} = \mathbf{X} - \mathbf{1}_T\bar{\mathbf{x}}^T
- eigen-decomposition: \hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}} = \hat{\boldsymbol{\Gamma}} \hat{\boldsymbol{\Lambda}} \hat{\boldsymbol{\Gamma}}^T
- Estimates:
- \hat{\mathbf{B}} = \hat{\boldsymbol{\Gamma}_1} \hat{\boldsymbol{\Lambda}}_1^{1/2}
- \hat{\boldsymbol{\Psi}} = {\sf Diag}\left(\hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}} - \hat{\mathbf{B}} \hat{\mathbf{B}}^T\right)
- \hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}} = \hat{\mathbf{B}} \hat{\mathbf{B}}^T + \hat{\boldsymbol{\Psi}}
Update the eigen-decomposition: \hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}} - \hat{\boldsymbol{\Psi}} = \hat{\boldsymbol{\Gamma}} \hat{\boldsymbol{\Lambda}} \hat{\boldsymbol{\Gamma}}^T
Repeat Steps 2-3 until convergence.
K <- colMeans(X)
alpha <- X - matrix(alpha, T, N, byrow = TRUE)
X_ <- matrix(0, N, N)
Sigma_prev <- (1/(T-1)) * t(X_) %*% X_
Sigma <- eigen(Sigma)
eigSigma <-while (norm(Sigma - Sigma_prev, "F")/norm(Sigma, "F") > 1e-3) {
eigSigma$vectors[, 1:K, drop = FALSE] %*% diag(sqrt(eigSigma$values[1:K]), K, K)
B <- diag(diag(Sigma - B %*% t(B)))
Psi <- Sigma
Sigma_prev <- B %*% t(B) + Psi
Sigma <- eigen(Sigma - Psi)
eigSigma <-
}cbind(alpha, B)
#> alpha
#> AAPL 1.518806e-03 0.004423866 -0.013661448 -1.788346e-05
#> AMD 2.091040e-03 0.009061167 -0.027857022 2.320626e-02
#> ADI 5.884322e-04 0.005641178 -0.015542966 -1.490695e-03
#> ABBV 5.472661e-04 0.003349058 -0.008726896 -6.934982e-04
#> AEZS -2.417018e-03 0.071585588 0.011675066 6.196286e-04
#> A 8.495955e-04 0.003759136 -0.010820120 -1.278586e-03
#> APD 8.611818e-04 0.003264547 -0.010724091 -2.846693e-03
#> AA -9.611000e-04 0.009394316 -0.023328796 -1.770902e-02
#> CF 5.801694e-05 0.006801149 -0.016344844 -9.315729e-03
5.5 Comparison of covariance matrix estimations
# prepare Fama-French factors
F # rename for easily knowing the meaning of variable
F_FamaFrench <-# prepare index
f # rename for easily knowing the meaning of variable
f_SP500 <-
# split data into training and set data
T_trn <- X[1:T_trn, ]
X_trn <- X[(T_trn+1):T, ]
X_tst <- F_FamaFrench[1:T_trn, ]
F_FamaFrench_trn <- F_FamaFrench[(T_trn+1):T, ]
F_FamaFrench_tst <- f_SP500[1:T_trn, ]
f_SP500_trn <- f_SP500[(T_trn+1):T, ] f_SP500_tst <-
# sample covariance matrix
Sigma_SCM <-
# 1-factor model
cbind(ones = 1, f_SP500_trn)
F_ <- t(solve(t(F_) %*% F_, t(F_) %*% X_trn))
Gamma <-colnames(Gamma) <- c("alpha", "beta")
Gamma[, 1]
alpha <- Gamma[, 2]
beta <- xts(t(t(X_trn) - Gamma %*% t(F_)), index(X_trn))
E <- (1/(T_trn-2)) * t(E) %*% E
Psi <- as.numeric(var(f_SP500_trn)) * beta %o% beta + diag(diag(Psi))
Sigma_SP500 <-
# Fama-French 3-factor model
cbind(ones = 1, F_FamaFrench_trn)
F_ <- t(solve(t(F_) %*% F_, t(F_) %*% X_trn))
Gamma <-colnames(Gamma) <- c("alpha", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3")
Gamma[, 1]
alpha <- Gamma[, 2:4]
B <- xts(t(t(X_trn) - Gamma %*% t(F_)), index(X_trn))
E <- (1/(T_trn-4)) * t(E) %*% E
Psi <- B %*% cov(F_FamaFrench_trn) %*% t(B) + diag(diag(Psi))
Sigma_FamaFrench <-
# Statistical 1-factor model
K <- colMeans(X_trn)
alpha <- X_trn - matrix(alpha, T_trn, N, byrow = TRUE)
X_trn_ <- matrix(0, N, N)
Sigma_prev <- (1/(T_trn-1)) * t(X_trn_) %*% X_trn_
Sigma <- eigen(Sigma)
eigSigma <-while (norm(Sigma - Sigma_prev, "F")/norm(Sigma, "F") > 1e-3) {
eigSigma$vectors[, 1:K, drop = FALSE] %*% diag(sqrt(eigSigma$values[1:K]), K, K)
B <- diag(diag(Sigma - B %*% t(B)))
Psi <- Sigma
Sigma_prev <- B %*% t(B) + Psi
Sigma <- eigen(Sigma - Psi)
eigSigma <-
} Sigma
Sigma_PCA1 <-
# Statistical 3-factor model
K <- colMeans(X_trn)
alpha <- X_trn - matrix(alpha, T_trn, N, byrow = TRUE)
X_trn_ <- matrix(0, N, N)
Sigma_prev <- (1/(T_trn-1)) * t(X_trn_) %*% X_trn_
Sigma <- eigen(Sigma)
eigSigma <-while (norm(Sigma - Sigma_prev, "F")/norm(Sigma, "F") > 1e-3) {
eigSigma$vectors[, 1:K] %*% diag(sqrt(eigSigma$values[1:K]), K, K)
B <- diag(diag(Sigma - B %*% t(B)))
Psi <- Sigma
Sigma_prev <- B %*% t(B) + Psi
Sigma <- eigen(Sigma - Psi)
eigSigma <-
} Sigma
Sigma_PCA3 <-
# Statistical 5-factor model
K <- colMeans(X_trn)
alpha <- X_trn - matrix(alpha, T_trn, N, byrow = TRUE)
X_trn_ <- matrix(0, N, N)
Sigma_prev <- (1/(T_trn-1)) * t(X_trn_) %*% X_trn_
Sigma <- eigen(Sigma)
eigSigma <-while (norm(Sigma - Sigma_prev, "F")/norm(Sigma, "F") > 1e-3) {
eigSigma$vectors[, 1:K] %*% diag(sqrt(eigSigma$values[1:K]), K, K)
B <- diag(diag(Sigma - B %*% t(B)))
Psi <- Sigma
Sigma_prev <- B %*% t(B) + Psi
Sigma <- eigen(Sigma - Psi)
eigSigma <-
} Sigma Sigma_PCA5 <-
Sigma_true <- c(SCM = norm(Sigma_SCM - Sigma_true, "F"),
error <-SP500 = norm(Sigma_SP500 - Sigma_true, "F"),
FamaFrench = norm(Sigma_FamaFrench - Sigma_true, "F"),
PCA1 = norm(Sigma_PCA1 - Sigma_true, "F"),
PCA3 = norm(Sigma_PCA3 - Sigma_true, "F"),
PCA5 = norm(Sigma_PCA5 - Sigma_true, "F"))
#> SCM SP500 FamaFrench PCA1 PCA3 PCA5
#> 0.003366215 0.003444389 0.003417521 0.003804895 0.003288151 0.003343664
barplot(error, main = "Error in estimation of covariance matrix (Frobenius norm)",
col = "aquamarine3", cex.names = 0.75, las = 1)
{\sf PRIAL} = 100\times \frac{\|\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{\sf scm} - \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{\sf true}\|_F^2 - \|\hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}} - \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{\sf true}\|_F^2}{\|\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{\sf scm} - \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{\sf true}\|_F^2}
norm(Sigma_SCM - Sigma_true, "F")^2
ref <- 100*(ref - error^2)/ref
PRIAL <-print(PRIAL)
#> SCM SP500 FamaFrench PCA1 PCA3 PCA5
#> 0.000000 -4.698549 -3.071516 -27.761956 4.584330 1.335386
barplot(PRIAL, main = "PRIAL for estimation of covariance matrix",
col = "bisque3", cex.names = 0.75, las = 1)
The final conclusion is that using factor models for covariance matrix estimation may help. In addition, it is not clear that using explicit factors helps as compared to the statistical factor modeling.