This document contains descriptive information of the last DIME STC Recruitment Drive (April 2021). It is meant to serve as a documentation of the pool of applicants to the 27 available positions at DIME.
While we received way more submission for this drive in comparison to the year 2020, there are a few things to also notice:
- We received a total of 1072 submissions. However, many applicants submitted more than one time their application. Therefore, there were a total of 42 submissions that were duplicates.
- Similarly, many submissions didn’t include a submission package (i.e., attached CV, dofiles, scripts, or statment of interest). In this case, there were a total of 142 submissions without a zip file.
- In total, there are 888 complete submissions.
Figure 0.1 shows the total breakdown of the number of people who applied by position in comparison to the year 2020.