Counties and Licensed Psychologists in those counties
dat %>%select(c(county, psychologists)) %>%unique() %>%group_by(county) %>%summarize(psychologists =sum(psychologists)) %>%datatable()
Experienced Psychlogists in Counties
dat %>%mutate(experience_cat =factor(issue_cat, levels =c("Less than 5 years", "between 5 and 10 years", "between 10 and 20 years", "between 20 and 30 years","between 30 and 40", "between 40 and 50", "50 or over") )) %>%select(c(county, issue_cat, n_tenure)) %>%pivot_wider(names_from = issue_cat, values_from = n_tenure) %>%select(county, 'Less than 5 years', 'between 5 and 10 years', 'between 10 and 20 years', 'between 20 and 30 years', 'between 30 and 40', 'between 40 and 50', '50 or over') %>%datatable()
Percent of tenure category working in an county
dat1 <- dat %>%select(county, issue_cat, n_tenure) %>%pivot_wider(names_from = issue_cat, values_from = n_tenure)dat1 %>%mutate('Less than 5 years'=round((dat1$`Less than 5 years`/232) *100, digits =2), "between 5 and 10 years"=round((dat1$`between 5 and 10 years`/245)*100, digits =2), "between 10 and 20 years"=round((dat1$`between 10 and 20 years`/356)*100, digits =2), "between 20 and 30 years"=round((dat1$`between 20 and 30 years`/268)*100, digits =2),"between 30 and 40"=round((dat1$`between 30 and 40`/199)*100, digits =2),"between 40 and 50"=round((dat1$`between 40 and 50`/56)*100, digits =2),"50 or over"=round((dat1$`50 or over`/3)*100, digits =2) ) %>%select(county, 'Less than 5 years', 'between 5 and 10 years', 'between 10 and 20 years', 'between 20 and 30 years', 'between 30 and 40', 'between 40 and 50', '50 or over') %>%datatable()