There are two ways to generate maps with {plotly}:

{plotly} is a general purpose visualization library, and is therefore not a fully featured geo-spatial visualization toolkit. But there are benefits to using plotly-based maps since the mapping APIs are very similar to the rest of {plotly}. If you run into limitations with {plotly}’s mapping functionality, there is a very rich set of tools for interactive geospatial visualization in R, including but not limited to: {leaflet}, {mapview}, {mapedit}, {tmap}, and {mapdeck} ().

4.1 Integrated Maps

If you have fairly simple latitude/longitude data and want to make a quick map, you may want to try one of plotly’s integrated mapping options (i.e., plotly::plot_mapbox() and plotly::plot_geo()). Generally speaking, you can treat these constructor functions as a drop-in replacement for plotly::plot_ly() and get a dynamic basemap rendered behind your data.

4.1.1 plot_mapbox()

Remark 4.1. : How to access a Mapbox token?

To follow the next R chunk you must obtain a mapbox access token. Otherwise you would get an error message with a message how to get and apply the access token. But this requirement is not explained in the plotly book.

It turns out that this is rather a cumbersome process because it requires

  • your credit number
  • your full address with (in my case) the European Vat number
  • fill out a form with several questions

After your sign in inte mapbox you will get a free access token for development purposes.

You have to set the token before you start the first plotly::plot_mapbox() call.

To hide your access key write the following line into .Renviron file. The .Renviron file contains lists of environment variables to set in the following pattern:

MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN = your_access_token

This is not R code, it uses a format similar to that used on the command line shell. But note there are no quotes to provide a string variable!

The easiest way to edit .Renviron is by running usethis::edit_r_environ().

After you have finished editing the .Renviron file restart R.

R Code 4.1 : Using a mapbox powered bubble chart

base::Sys.setenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN" = base::Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN")) # (first line)

plotly::plot_mapbox(data = maps::canada.cities)  |> 
            x = ~long, 
            y = ~lat, 
            size = ~pop, 
            fill = ~'', # prevent Warning: `line.width` does not currently support multiple values.
            color = ~country.etc,
            colors = "Paired", # Warnings, 'Paired' has only 12 colors, but we have 14 categories
            text = ~base::paste(name, pop),
            hoverinfo = "text"
        ) |> 
        plotly::config(mapboxAccessToken = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN")) # (last line)
Figure 4.1: A mapbox powered bubble chart showing the population of various cities in Canada.

  • first line: I had to set the environment variable explicitly and before the plotly::plot_mapbox() function. It didn’t work to call the access token with base::Sys.getenv() from the .Renviron file directly.
  • last line: Adding this line provides the function with access token.

Additionally I got a very long list of warnings. One reason is the use of three different markers These warnings can be prevented with the additional fill = ~'' argument. (See where we met this difficulty the first time.) The second reason is that the used discrete color palette contains only 12 colors. But we have 14 categopries (type of cities) to map. (The book uses “Accent” with eight distinct colors as color palette.)

There is a video to demonstrate how to use the interactivity of this map and an example to try it out with the full screen width.

The Mapbox basemap styling is controlled through the attribute. The {plotly} package comes with support for 7 (14??) different styles, but you can also supply a custom URL to a custom mapbox style. To obtain all the pre-packaged basemap style names, you can grab them from the official plotly.js plotly::schema():

R Code 4.2 : List all available layout Mapbox styles

mapbox_styles <- plotly::schema()$layout$layoutAttributes$mapbox$style$values

pb_save_data_file("Chapter4", mapbox_styles, "mapbox_styles.rds")

Run this code chunk manually if the Mapbox styles still needs to be generated

The computation of the above R code chunks takes 3-4 seconds. To reduce rendering time of this document I have run the code just once (manually) and stored the result.

The next R code chunk display the result of the above plotly::schema() call. It loads and displays the list of styles from the hard disk.

R Code 4.3 : Load and display list of Mapbox styles

styles <- base::readRDS("data/Chapter4/mapbox_styles.rds")
#>  [1] "basic"             "streets"           "outdoors"         
#>  [4] "light"             "dark"              "satellite"        
#>  [7] "satellite-streets" "carto-darkmatter"  "carto-positron"   
#> [10] "open-street-map"   "stamen-terrain"    "stamen-toner"     
#> [13] "stamen-watercolor" "white-bg"

The book says that there are seven pre-defined styles but a listing of the plotly::schema() lists 14 different styles.

Let’s try out some the different styles.

Code Collection 4.1 : Show some maps with Mapbox pre-defined stylers

R Code 4.4 : Basic Mapbox Style

base::Sys.setenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN" = base::Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN"))
  plotly::plot_mapbox(type = "scattermapbox", mode = "markers"), 
  mapbox = base::list(style = "basic") 
  ) |> 
  plotly::config(mapboxAccessToken = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN"))

Basic MapBox stile using plotly::plot_mapbox().

I added the arguments type = "scattermapbox", mode = "markers" to the plotly::plot_mapbox() to prevent many warnings. (I am not sure if this is the right mode for all types of “scatterbox”.)

R Code 4.5 : Streets Mapbox Style

base::Sys.setenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN" = base::Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN"))
  plotly::plot_mapbox(type = "scattermapbox", mode = "markers"),
  mapbox = base::list(style = "streets") 
  ) |> 
  plotly::config(mapboxAccessToken = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN"))
Figure 4.2: Streets MapBox stile using plotly::plot_mapbox().

R Code 4.6 : Outdoors Mapbox Style

base::Sys.setenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN" = base::Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN"))
  plotly::plot_mapbox(type = "scattermapbox", mode = "markers"),
  mapbox = base::list(style = "outdoors") 
  ) |> 
  plotly::config(mapboxAccessToken = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN"))
Figure 4.3: Outdoors MapBox stile using plotly::plot_mapbox().

R Code 4.7 : Satellite Mapbox Style

base::Sys.setenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN" = base::Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN"))
  plotly::plot_mapbox(type = "scattermapbox", mode = "markers"),
  mapbox = base::list(style = "satellite") 
  ) |> 
  plotly::config(mapboxAccessToken = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN"))
Figure 4.4: Satellite MapBox stile using plotly::plot_mapbox().

R Code 4.8 : Open-street-map Mapbox Style

base::Sys.setenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN" = base::Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN"))
  plotly::plot_mapbox(type = "scattermapbox", mode = "markers"),
  mapbox = base::list(style = "open-street-map")
  ) |> 
  plotly::config(mapboxAccessToken = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN"))
Figure 4.5: Open-street-map MapBox stile using plotly::plot_mapbox().

demonstrates how to create an integrated plotly.js dropdown menu to control the basemap style via the layout.updatemenus attribute. The idea behind an integrated plotly.js dropdown is to supply a list of buttons (i.e., menu items) where each button invokes a plotly.js method with some arguments. In this case, each button uses the relayout method to modify the attribute.

R Code 4.9 : Styling the Mapbox baselayer via a dropdown menu

base::Sys.setenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN" = base::Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN"))
style_buttons <- base::lapply(styles, function(s) {
    label = s, 
    method = "relayout", 
    args = base::list("", s)

  plotly::plot_mapbox(type = "scattermapbox", mode = "markers"), 
  mapbox = base::list(style = "dark"),
  updatemenus = base::list(
    base::list(y = 0.8, buttons = style_buttons)
) |> 
   plotly::config(mapboxAccessToken = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN"))
Figure 4.6: Providing a dropdown menu to control the styling of the mapbox baselayer.

Remark 4.2. : Stamen stopped base map service

Stamen stopped providing a base map service. See the announcement in the blog article Here comes the future of Stamen Maps. Their maps are now provided through the Stamen x Stadia partnership by Stadia.

In contrast to my dowpdown menu with 14 choices the book demonstration shows only seven.

To see more examples of creating and using plotly.js’ integrated dropdown functionality to modify graphs, see

4.1.2 plot_geo()

Compared to plotly::plot_mapbox(), this approach has support for different mapping projections, but styling the basemap is limited and can be more cumbersome. Whereas plotly::plot_mapbox() is fixed to a mercator projection, the plotly::plot_geo() constructor has a handful of different projection available to it, including the orthographic projection which gives the illusion of the 3D globe.

R Code 4.10 : Visualize flight paths within the United States

# airport locations
air <- readr::read_csv(
  show_col_types = FALSE

# flights between airports
flights <- readr::read_csv(
  show_col_types = FALSE

flights$id <- base::seq_len(base::nrow(flights))

# map projection
geo <- base::list(
  projection = base::list(
    type = 'orthographic',
    rotation = base::list(lon = -100, lat = 40, roll = 0)
  showland = TRUE,
  landcolor = plotly::toRGB("gray95"),
  countrycolor = plotly::toRGB("gray80")

plotly::plot_geo(color = base::I("red")) |> 
    data = air, x = ~long, y = ~lat, text = ~airport,
    size = ~cnt, fill = ~'', hoverinfo = "text", alpha = 0.5
  ) |> 
    data = dplyr::group_by(flights, id),
    x = ~start_lon, xend = ~end_lon,
    y = ~start_lat, yend = ~end_lat,
    alpha = 0.3, size = I(1), hoverinfo = "none"
  ) |> 
  plotly::layout(geo = geo, showlegend = FALSE)
Figure 4.7: Using the integrated orthographic projection to visualize flight patterns on a ‘3D’ globe.

demonstrates using plotly::plot_geo() in conjunction with plotly::add_markers() and plotly::add_segments() to visualize flight paths within the United States.

There is a Vimeo video and a screen-wide interactive demonstration.

One nice thing about plotly::plot_geo() is that it automatically projects geometries into the proper coordinate system defined by the map projection. For example, in Figure 4.5 the simple line segment is straight when using plotly::plot_mapbox() yet curved when using plotly::plot_geo(). It’s possible to achieve the same effect using plotly::plot_ly() or plotly::plot_mapbox(), but the relevant marker/line/polygon data has to be put into an sf data structure before rendering (see for more details).

R Code 4.11 : Compare plotly’s integrated mapping solutions

base::Sys.setenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN" = base::Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN"))

map1 <- plotly::plot_mapbox() |> 
  plotly::add_segments(x = -100, xend = -50, y = 50, yend = 75) |> 
    mapbox = base::list(
      zoom = 0,
      center = base::list(lat = 65, lon = -75)
  ) |> 
  plotly::config(mapboxAccessToken = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN"))

map2 <- plotly::plot_geo() |>  
  plotly::add_segments(x = -100, xend = -50, y = 50, yend = 75) |> 
  plotly::layout(geo = base::list(projection = base::list(type = "mercator")))

htmltools::browsable(htmltools::tagList(map1, map2))
Figure 4.8: A comparison of plotly’s integrated mapping solutions: plotly::plot_mapbox() (top) and plotly::plot_geo() (bottom). The plotly::plot_geo() approach will transform line segments to correctly reflect their projection into a non-cartesian coordinate system.

4.1.3 Choropleths

In addition to scatter traces, both of the integrated mapping solutions (i.e., plotly::plot_mapbox() and plotly::plot_geo()) have an optimized choropleth trace type (i.e., the choroplethmapbox and choropleth trace types). Comparatively speaking, choroplethmapbox is more powerful because you can fully specify the feature collection using GeoJSON, but the choropleth trace can be a bit easier to use if it fits your use case.

shows the population density of the U.S. via the choropleth trace using the U.S. state data from the {datasets} package (). By simply providing a z attribute, plotly::plotly_geo() objects will try to create a choropleth, but you’ll also need to provide locations and a locationmode.

Note 4.1

The locationmode is currently limited to countries and US states, so if you need to a different geo-unit (e.g., counties, municipalities, etc), you should use the choroplethmapbox trace type and/or use a “custom” mapping approach as discussed in .

R Code 4.12 : A map of U.S. population density using choropleth trace

density <- datasets::state.x77[, "Population"] / datasets::state.x77[, "Area"]

g <- base::list(
  scope = 'usa',
  projection = list(type = 'albers usa'),
  lakecolor = plotly::toRGB('white')

plotly::plot_geo() |> 
    z = ~density, text =, span = base::I(0),
    locations =, locationmode = 'USA-states'
  ) |> 
  plotly::layout(geo = g)
Figure 4.9: A map of U.S. population density using the state.x77 data from the {datasets} package (choropleth)

Choroplethmapbox is more flexible than choropleth because you supply your own GeoJSON definition of the choropleth via the geojson attribute. Currently this attribute must be a URL pointing to a geojson file. Moreover, the location should point to a top-level id attribute of each feature within the geojson file. demonstrates how we could visualize the same information as , but this time using choroplethmapbox.

R Code 4.13 : A map of U.S. population density using choroplethmapbox trace

plotly::plot_ly() |> 
    type = "choroplethmapbox",
    # See how this GeoJSON URL was generated at
    geojson = base::paste(base::c(
    ), collapse = ""),
    locations = base::row.names(datasets::state.x77),
    z = datasets::state.x77[, "Population"] / datasets::state.x77[, "Area"],
    span = base::I(0)
  ) |> 
    mapbox = base::list(
      style = "light",
      zoom = 4,
      center = list(lon = -98.58, lat = 39.82)
  ) |> 
    mapboxAccessToken = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN"),
    # Workaround to make sure image download uses full container
    # size
    toImageButtonOptions = base::list(
      format = "svg", 
      width = NULL, 
      height = NULL
Figure 4.10: A map of U.S. population density using the state.x77 data from the {datasets} package (choroplethmapbox)

and aren’t an ideal way to visualize state population a graphical perception point of view. We typically use the color in choropleths to encode a numeric variable (e.g., GDP, net exports, average SAT score, etc) and the eye naturally perceives the area that a particular color covers as proportional to its overall effect. This ends up being misleading since the area the color covers typically has no sensible relationship with the data encoded by the color. A classic example of this misleading effect in action is in US election maps – the proportion of red to blue coloring is not representative of the overall popular vote ().

Cartograms are an approach to reducing this misleading effect and grants another dimension to encode data through the size of geo-spatial features. covers how to render cartograms in plotly using {sf} and {cartogram}.

4.2 Custom Maps

4.2.1 Simple Features

The {sf} R package is a modern approach to working with geo-spatial data structures based on tidy data principles. The key idea behind {sf} is that it stores geo-spatial geometries in a list-column of a data frame. This allows each row to represent the real unit of observation/interest – whether it’s a polygon, multi-polygon, point, line, or even a collection of these features – and as a result, works seamlessly inside larger tidy workflows. The {sf} package itself does not really provide geo-spatial data – it provides the framework and utilities for storing and computing on geo-spatial data structures in an opinionated way.

There are numerous packages for accessing geo-spatial data as simple features data structures. A couple notable examples include {rnaturalearth} and {USA.state.boundaries}.

  • The {rnaturalearth} package is better for obtaining any map data in the world via an API provided by
  • The {USA.state.boundaries} package is great for obtaining map data for the United States at any point in history.

It doesn’t really matter what tool you use to obtain or create an sf object – once you have one, plotly::plot_ly() knows how to render it.

Note 4.2

See my experiments of how to apply the {rnaturalearth} package: Creating Maps.

4.2.2 Download and save world data

The following code chunk donwloads the world countries and regions of Canada using the {rnaturalearth} package.

R Code 4.14 : Download and save world and canada map data with functions from {rnaturalearth}

Run this code chunk manually if the file still needs to be downloaded.
world <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(returnclass = "sf")
canada <- rnaturalearth::ne_states(
  country = "Canada",
  returnclass = "sf"

pb_save_data_file("Chapter4", world, "world.rds")
pb_save_data_file("Chapter4", canada, "canada.rds")

The returnclass = "sf" argument for simple feature from the {sf} package wouldn’t be necessary, because it is the default value. The other possible value of this argument would be returnclass = "sv" for “SpatVector” from the {terra} packages.

4.2.3 Draw world map with country names

The next code chunk shows the result of my experiments with basic interactivity of the {plotly} packages using the {sf} object world downloaded in . It displays the world and shows when you hover the cursor over the map the country names.

R Code 4.15 : Draw world map with country borders showing country names

world <- base::readRDS("data/Chapter4/world.rds")
                type = "scatter",
                mode = "lines",
                color = base::I("gray90"), 
                stroke = base::I("black"), 
                span = base::I(1),
                split = ~name
                ) |> 
Figure 4.11: Rendering all the world’s countries using plotly::plot_ly()

To exerpiment with mapping {sf} data I have added split = ~name to get all country names. To prevent the very long legend list of country names I have added plotly::hide_legend(). — Another way to hide legend would be the argument showlegend = FALSE inside the plotly::plot_ly() function (instead of plotly::hide_legend()).

4.2.4 World map with country names & population

The next code chunk experiments with basic interactivity of the {plotly} packages using the {sf} object world downloaded in . It displays the world and shows when you hover the cursor over the map the country names.

R Code 4.16 : Draw world map with country borders and interactive country names and population

  type = "scatter",
  mode = "lines",
  split = ~name, 
  color = ~pop_est, 
  text = ~base::paste(name, "\nPop.", pop_est),
  hoveron = "fills",
  hoverinfo = "text",
  showlegend = FALSE
Figure 4.12: World map with country borders. If you hover over the countries you will get information on country names and population. This is similar to .

There are actually 4 different ways to render sf objects with plotly:

  1. plotly::plot_ly(),
  2. plotly::plot_mapbox(),
  3. plotly::plot_geo(), and
  4. ggplot2::geom_sf().

These functions render multiple polygons using a single trace by default, which is fast, but you may want to leverage the added flexibility of multiple traces. For example, a given trace can only have one fillcolor, so it’s impossible to render multiple polygons with different colors using a single trace. For this reason, if you want to vary the color of multiple polygons, make sure to split by a unique identifier (e.g. name), as done in . Note that, as discussed for line charts in , using multiple traces automatically adds the ability to filter name via legend entries.

This is essentially the exercise in with the world map.

R Code 4.17 : Draw a Canada map with colored regions and their names as tooltips

canada <- base::readRDS("data/Chapter4/canada.rds")
  type = "scatter",
  mode = "lines",
  split = ~name, 
  color = ~provnum_ne)
AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuébecSaskatchewanYukon510provnum_neprovnum_ne
Figure 4.13: Using split and color to create a choropleth map of provinces in Canada.

Another important feature for maps that may require you to split multiple polygons into multiple traces is the ability to display a different hover-on-fills for each polygon. By providing text that is unique within each polygon and specifying hoveron='fills', the tooltip behavior is tied to the trace’s fill (instead of displayed at each point along the polygon).

This is essentially the exercise in with the world map.

R Code 4.18 : Providing unique text for each polygon and specifying hoveron='fills'

  type = "scatter",
  mode = "lines",
  split = ~name, 
  color = base::I("gray90"), 
  text = ~base::paste(name, "is \n province number", provnum_ne),
  hoveron = "fills",
  hoverinfo = "text",
  showlegend = FALSE
Figure 4.14: Using split, text, and hoveron='fills' to display a tooltip specific to each Canadian province.

Although the integrated mapping approaches (plotly::plot_mapbox() and plotly::plot_geo()) can render sf objects, the custom mapping approaches (plotly::plot_ly() and ggplot2::geom_sf()) are more flexible because they allow for any well-defined mapping projection. Working with and understanding map projections can be intimidating for a causal map maker. Thankfully, there are nice resources for searching map projections in a human-friendly interface, like Through this website, one can search desirable projections for a given portion of the globe and extract commands for projecting their geo-spatial objects into that projection. One way to perform the projection is to supply the relevant PROJ4 command to the sf::st_transform() function in {sf}.

R Code 4.19 : Show Canada’s population using a Mollweide projection

## load data
# world <- base::readRDS("data/Chapter4/world.rds")

## filter the world sf object down to canada
canada <- dplyr::filter(world, name == "Canada")

## coerce cities lat/long data to an official sf object
cities <- sf::st_as_sf(
  coords = c("long", "lat"),
  crs = 4326

## A PROJ4 projection designed for Canada
## not supported anymore
## for old data see: 
moll_proj <- "+proj=moll +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 
+units=m +no_defs"

## perform the projections
canada <- sf::st_transform(canada, moll_proj)
cities <- sf::st_transform(cities, moll_proj)

## plot with geom_sf()
p <- ggplot2::ggplot() + 
  ggplot2::geom_sf(data = canada) +
  ggplot2::geom_sf(data = cities, 
                   ggplot2::aes(size = pop),
                   color = "red",
                   alpha = 0.3)
100 ° W 80 ° W 60 ° W 40 ° W 20 ° W40 ° N50 ° N60 ° N
Figure 4.15: The population of various Canadian cities rendered on a custom basemap using a Mollweide projection.

4.2.5 Cartograms

Cartograms distort the size of geo-spatial polygons to encode a numeric variable other than the land size. Cartograms have been shown to be an effective approach to both encode and teach about geo-spatial data.

The R package {cartogram} provides an interface to several popular cartogram algorithms. A number of other R packages provide cartogram algorithms, but the great thing about {cartogram} is that all the functions can take an {sf} (or {sp}) object as input and return an sf object. This makes it incredibly easy to go from raw spatial objects, to transformed objects, to visual. Instead of the contiguous US population example in the book my demonstrates a contiguous area cartogram of the African population using a rubber sheet distortion algorithm ().

Watch out! 4.1: {albersusa} package uses old-style CRS object

I can’t reproduce the following book examples because the {albersusa} package uses an old-style CRS object. I do not know how to transform (recreate) the object with a recent sf::st_crs(). (I tried to transform it with sf::st_transform(us_cont, crs=3310) but the plotly::plot_ly() function threw an error message:

“Error in st_coordinates.sfc(sf::st_geometry(model)):
not implemented for objects of class sfc_GEOMETRY)

I am trying to create equivalent figures using the demonstrations from the {cartogram} package. Continuous Area Cartogram

R Code 4.20 : Show African population using a rubber sheet distortion algorithm

utils::data("World", package = "tmap")

## keep only the african continent
afr <- World[World$continent == "Africa", ]

# Error in st_geometry.sf(x) : 
# attr(obj, "sf_column") does not point to a geometry column.
# Did you rename it, without setting st_geometry(obj) <- "newname"?
## add the following line when using new version 4.0 ## to prevent above error:
sf::st_geometry(afr) <- "afr"

## project the map
afr <- sf::st_transform(afr, 3395)

## construct cartogram
afr_cont <- cartogram::cartogram_cont(afr, "pop_est", itermax = 5)

## plot it after changing tmap v3 code converted to v4
# `tm_polygons()`: instead of `style = "jenks"`, use fill.scale = `tm_scale_intervals()`.
p_cont <- tmap::tm_shape(afr_cont) + 
  tmap::tm_polygons("pop_est", fill.scale = tmap::tm_scale_intervals()) +
  tmap::tm_layout(frame = FALSE, legend.position = c("left", "bottom"))
Figure 4.16: A cartogram of population in Africa. A cartogram sizes the area of geo-spatial objects proportional to some metric (e.g., population).

Remark 4.3. : How to make cartograms interactive with (plotly) functions?

The above graphic is not interactive and therefore not equivalent to the books figure 4.13 (using Africa instead of the Albers USA projection). But whenever I used plotly::plot_ly(afr_cont) to get an interactive contiguous area cartogram I received the following error message:

Error in st_coordinates.sfc(sf::st_geometry(model)) :
not implemented for objects of class sfc_GEOMETRY

Finally my Brave browser KI provided the solution:

The error you’re encountering, ‘Error in st_coordinates.sfc(sf::st_geometry(model)) : not implemented for objects of class sfc_GEOMETRY’, occurs because the st_coordinates() function does not know how to handle objects of class sfc_GEOMETRY. This class represents a general geometry type in the sf package, which is why st_coordinates() does not have a specific implementation for it.

To resolve this issue, you can try converting the geometry to a more specific type, such as MULTIPOLYGON, before calling st_coordinates(). For example:

model %>% 
  st_cast("MULTIPOLYGON") %>% 

This approach may provide the coordinates you need, as st_coordinates() is implemented for more specific geometry types like MULTIPOLYGON.

See GitHub Issue #584: st_coordinates() doesn’t know about sfc_GEOMETRY

demonstrates now the interactivity and contiguous population information for Africa equivalent to the Plotly book example in figure 4.13.

R Code 4.21 : Contiguous interactive area cartogram of Africa’s population

afr_cont1 <- afr_cont |> 

  type = "scatter",
  mode = "lines"
    )  |>  
    color = ~pop_est, 
    split = ~name, 
    span = base::I(1),
    text = ~base::paste(name, "\nPop.", base::round(pop_est / 10^6), "M"),
    hoverinfo = "text",
    hoveron = "fills"
  )  |> 
  plotly::layout(showlegend = FALSE)  |> 
  plotly::colorbar(title = "Population")
Figure 4.17: Contiguous area cartogram of African population Non-Overlapping Circles Cartogram

demonstrates a non-overlapping circle cartogram of the African population, also called Dorling cartogram (). This cartogram does not try to preserve the shape of polygons (i.e., states), but instead uses circles to represent each geo-spatial object, then encodes the variable of interest (i.e., population) using the area of the circle.

R Code 4.22 : Non-Overlapping Circles Cartogram with tmap (non-interactive)

# construct cartogram
afr_dorling <- cartogram::cartogram_dorling(afr, "pop_est")

# plot it
p_dorling <- tmap::tm_shape(afr) + 
  tmap::tm_borders() +
  tmap::tm_shape(afr_dorling) + 
  tmap::tm_polygons("pop_est", fill.scale = tmap::tm_scale_intervals()) +
  tmap::tm_layout(frame = FALSE, legend.position = c("left", "bottom"))
Figure 4.18: A Non-Overlapping Non-Interactive Circles Cartogram With {tmap} (non-interactive).

The following figure tries to apply interactivity with the {plotly} package to the dorling cartogram.

R Code 4.23 : An interactive dorling cartogram of the African population

afr_dor <- cartogram::cartogram_dorling(afr, "pop_est") |>

  type = "scatter",
  mode = "lines",
  stroke = base::I("black")
  ) |> 
  data = afr,
  color = base::I("gray95"),
  span = base::I(1),
  hoverinfo = "none"
  ) |>
    data = afr_dor, 
    color = ~pop_est,
    split = ~name, 
    text = ~base::paste(name, "\nPop.", base::round(pop_est / 10^6), "M"),
    hoverinfo = "text", 
    hoveron = "fills"
  )  |> 
  plotly::layout(showlegend = FALSE) |> 
  plotly::colorbar(title = "Population")
Figure 4.19: A dorling cartogram of the African population. A dorling cartogram sizes the circles proportional to some metric (e.g., population).

Watch out! 4.2: I don’t know why the African background map and its layers are distorted.

shows the dorling cartogram without the background map of Africa.

R Code 4.24 : Dorling cartogram without African background map

utils::data("World", package = "tmap")

Africa <- World |>  
dplyr::filter(continent == "Africa") |> 

  type = "scatter",
  mode = "lines"
    )  |>  
    color = ~pop_est, 
    split = ~name, 
    span = base::I(1),
    text = ~base::paste(name, "\nPop.", base::round(pop_est / 10^6), "M"),
    hoverinfo = "text",
    hoveron = "fills"
  )  |> 
  plotly::layout(showlegend = FALSE)  |> 
  plotly::colorbar(title = "Population")
Figure 4.20: An experiment: Dorling cartogram without African background map.

The exerpiment shows the correct (undistorted) population layer but without the background map with the African country borders. This justifies the conclusion that the problem is with the projection of afr. Just plotting afr confirms this assumption. But then I do not know why using cartogram::cartogram_cont in worked without a distorted afr background map. Non-contiguous Area Cartogram

R Code 4.25 : Non-contiguous Area Cartogram with {tmap} non-interactive

# construct cartogram
afr_ncont <- cartogram::cartogram_ncont(afr, "pop_est")

# plot it
tmap::tm_shape(afr) + 
  tmap::tm_borders() +
  tmap::tm_shape(afr_ncont) + 
  tmap::tm_polygons("pop_est", fill.scale = tmap::tm_scale_intervals()) +
  tmap::tm_layout(frame = FALSE, legend.position = c("left", "bottom"))
Figure 4.21

demonstrates a non-contiguous cartogram of the African population (). In contrast to the Dorling cartogram, this approach does preserve the shape of polygons. The implementation behind is to simply take the implementation of and change cartogram::cartogram_dorling() to cartogram::cartogram_ncont().

R Code 4.26 : Non-contiguous cartogram of the African population

afr_ncont <- cartogram::cartogram_ncont(afr, "pop_est") |> 

  type = "scatter",
  mode = "lines",
  stroke = base::I("black"), 
  span = base::I(1)
  ) |> 
    data = afr,
    color = base::I("gray95"),
    hoverinfo = "none"
  ) |> 
    data = afr_ncont, 
    color = ~pop_est,
    split = ~name, 
    text = ~base::paste(name, "\nPop.", base::round(pop_est / 10^6), "M"),
    hoverinfo = "text", 
    hoveron = "fills"
  )  |> 
  plotly::layout(showlegend = FALSE) |> 
  plotly::colorbar(title = "Population")
Figure 4.22: A non-contiguous cartogram of African population that preserves shape.
Watch out! 4.3: Again: I don’t know why the map is distorted.


Dorling, Daniel. 2011. “Area Cartograms: Their Use and Creation.” In, 252–60. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Dougenik, James A., Nicholas R. Chrisman, and Duane R. Niemeyer. 1985. “An Algorithm to Construct Continuous Area Cartograms.” The Professional Geographer 37 (1): 75–81.
Lovelace, Robin, Jakub Nowosad, and Jannes Muenchow. 2025. Geocomputation With R. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Newman, Mark. 2016. “Election Maps.”
Olson, Judy M. 1976. “Noncontiguous Area Cartograms.” The Professional Geographer 28 (4): 371–80.
R Core Team. 2024. “R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing.”