3  Scattered Foundations

#| label: setup
#| results: hold

base::source(file = "R/helper.R")

utils::data(economics, package = "ggplot2")

3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 Load & inspect dataset

This chapter works with the economics dataset from {ggplot2}. I have loaded it with utils::data(economics, package = "ggplot2") in the setup code chunk so that it is always available, even if I don’t run the whole file but only a specific code chunk.

R Code 3.1 : Load and inspect dataset

#> Rows: 574
#> Columns: 6
#> $ date     <date> 1967-07-01, 1967-08-01, 1967-09-01, 1967-10-01, 1967-11-01, …
#> $ pce      <dbl> 506.7, 509.8, 515.6, 512.2, 517.4, 525.1, 530.9, 533.6, 544.3…
#> $ pop      <dbl> 198712, 198911, 199113, 199311, 199498, 199657, 199808, 19992…
#> $ psavert  <dbl> 12.6, 12.6, 11.9, 12.9, 12.8, 11.8, 11.7, 12.3, 11.7, 12.3, 1…
#> $ uempmed  <dbl> 4.5, 4.7, 4.6, 4.9, 4.7, 4.8, 5.1, 4.5, 4.1, 4.6, 4.4, 4.4, 4…
#> $ unemploy <dbl> 2944, 2945, 2958, 3143, 3066, 3018, 2878, 3001, 2877, 2709, 2…

A data frame with 574 rows and 6 variables:

3.1.2 Traces and mode

A plotly.js figure contains one (or more) trace(s), and every trace has a type. The trace type scatter is great for drawing low-level geometries (e.g., points, lines, text, and polygons) and provides the foundation for many plotly::add_*() functions (e.g., - plotly::add_markers(), plotly::add_lines(), plotly::add_paths(), plotly::add_segments(), plotly::add_ribbons(), plotly::add_area(), and plotly::add_polygons()) as well as many plotly::ggplotly() charts.

It is very instructive to display all these different low-level geometries with the examples mentioned in the R help file for plotly::add_trace().

Code Collection 3.1 : Examples for adding trace(s) to a {plotly} visualization

R Code 3.2 : Add markers (points) as scatter trace

plotly::plot_ly(economics, x = ~date, y = ~uempmed) |> 
Figure 3.1: Scatter trace with mode of markers

Some plotly::add_*() functions are a specific case of a trace type. For example, plotly::add_markers() is a scatter trace with mode of markers.

The above code could also be written as: plotly::plot_ly(economics, x = ~date, y = ~uempmed, type = "scatter", mode = "markers")

R Code 3.3 : Add text as scatter trace

plotly::plot_ly(economics, x = ~date, y = ~uempmed) |> 
  plotly::add_text(text = "%")
Figure 3.2: Scatter trace with mode of text

R Code 3.4 : Personal savings visualized with plotly::add_path()

# sort economics by psavert, just to 
# show difference between paths and lines
# here showing only paths
p <- economics |> 
  dplyr::arrange(psavert) |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(x = ~date, y = ~psavert)

Figure 3.3: Personal saving rates visualized with plotly::add_paths(). The figure connects observations according to the ordering of psavert (personal savings rate).

R Code 3.5 : Personal saving rates visualized with plotly::add_lines()

# sort economics by psavert, just to
# show difference between paths and lines
# here only showing lines
p <- economics |>
  dplyr::arrange(psavert) |>
  plotly::plot_ly(x = ~date, y = ~psavert)

Figure 3.4: Personal saving rates visualized with plotly::add_lines(). The figure connects observations according to the ordering of x (the date).

R Code 3.6 : Working with ploty.js directly

plotly::plot_ly(economics, x = ~date, y = ~uempmed) |> 
  plotly::add_trace(type = "scatter", mode = "markers+lines")

If you prefer to work with plotly.js more directly, you can always use plotly::add_trace() and specify the type and mode yourself. See also code and comment for .

3.1.3 Groupings

In addition to ‘aesthetic mapping’ arguments (unique to the R package) which make it easier to map data to visual properties, {dplyr} groupings can be used to ensure there is at least one geometry per group.

Code Collection 3.2 : Generating one geometry per ‘group’

R Code 3.7 : Group data with {dplyr}

econ <- economics |> 
    yr = lubridate::year(date),
    mnth = lubridate::month(date)

# One trace (more performant, but less interactive)
econ |> 
  dplyr::group_by(yr)  |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(x = ~mnth, y = ~uempmed) |> 
  plotly::add_lines(text = ~yr)
Figure 3.5: Drawing multiple lines using {dplyr} groups

{dplyr} groupings can be used to ensure there is at least one geometry per group. demonstrates how dplyr::group_by() could be used to effectively wrap the time series from by year, which can be useful for visualizing annual seasonality.

Note 3.1: Grouping data with just one trace is more performant, but less interactive.

R Code 3.8 : Multiple traces with levels of a categorical variable

econ <- economics |> 
    yr = lubridate::year(date),
    mnth = lubridate::month(date)

# Multiple traces (less performant, but more interactive)
plotly::plot_ly(econ, x = ~mnth, y = ~uempmed) |> 
  plotly::add_lines(color = ~base::ordered(yr))
Figure 3.6: Categorical color mapping

Another approach to generating at least one geometry per ‘group’ is to provide categorical variable to a relevant aesthetic (e.g., color).

Note 3.2: Grouping data with multiple traces is less performant, but more interactive.

Look a video how to use the interactive features in . For a bigger interactive demonstration to play around, see https://plotly-r.com/interactives/scatter-lines.html.

Comparatively speaking, has more interactive capabilities (e.g., legend-based filtering and multiple tooltips) than , but it does not scale as well with many lines.

R Code 3.9 : Guaranteeing one trace per group level

plotly::plot_ly(econ, x = ~mnth, y = ~uempmed) |> 
  plotly::add_lines(split = ~yr, color = base::I("black"))
Figure 3.7: Guaranteeing one trace per group level with the split argument

The split argument guarantees one trace per group level (regardless of the variable type). This is useful if you want a consistent visual property over multiple traces.

In the case of , the benefit of having multiple traces is that we can perform interactive filtering via the legend and compare multiple y-values at a given x. The cost of having those capabilities is that plots starts to be become sluggish after a few hundred traces, whereas thousands of lines can be rendered fairly easily in one trace.

3.1.4 plotly.js attributes

Mapping data to visual properties make it easier to get started using plotly.js, but it still pays off to learn how to use plotly.js directly. You won’t find plotly.js attributes listed as explicit arguments in any plotly function (except for the special type attribute), but they are passed along verbatim to the plotly.js figure definition through the ... operator.

The scatter-based layers in this chapter fix the type plotly.js attribute to “scatter” as well as the mode (e.g., plotly::add_markers() uses mode = 'markers' etc), but you could also use the lower-level plotly::add_trace() to work more directly with plotly.js.

For example, Figure 3.3 shows how to render markers, lines, and text in the same scatter trace. It also demonstrates how to leverage nested plotly.js attributes, like textfont and xaxis – these attributes contain other attributes, so you need to supply a suitable named list to these arguments.

R Code 3.10 : Render different modes (markers, lines and text) in the same scatter trace


plotly::plot_ly() |> 
   type = "scatter",
   mode = "markers+lines+text",
   x = 4:6, 
   y = 4:6,
   text = base::replicate(3, 
        praise::praise("You are ${adjective}! 🙌")),
   textposition = "right",
   hoverinfo = "text",
   textfont = base::list(family = "Roboto Condensed", size = 16)
 ) |> 
 plotly::layout(xaxis = base::list(range = c(3, 8)))
You are incredible! 🙌You are first-class! 🙌You are groundbreaking! 🙌34567844.555.56
Figure 3.8: Using the generic plotly::add_trace() function to render markers, lines, and text in a single scatter trace.

Note 3.3

plotly::add_trace() function, as well as any plotly::add_*() function allows you to directly specify plotly.js attributes.

Resource 3.1 : plotly.js attributes

  • Online reference: The online plotly.js figure reference is a decent place to search and learn about the attributes.
  • plotly::schema(): It provides more information than the online docs (e.g., value types, default values, acceptable ranges, etc). It matches the version used in the R package and the interface makes it easier to traverse and discover new attributes. See .

3.2 Markers

3.2.1 plotly vs ggplot2

For the following examples it is helpful for me to compare plotly and ggplot2 with their easiest syntax for a graph.

R Code 3.11 : Compare the simplest graphics creaty by plotly and ggplot2

p1 <- plotly::plot_ly(ggplot2::mpg, x = ~cty, y = ~hwy) |> 
p2 <- ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::mpg, ggplot2::aes(x = cty, y = hwy)) +

plotly::subplot(p1, p2)
Figure 3.9: Compare the simplest graphics created by plotly (left) and ggplot2 (right)

The syntax of plotly and ggplot2 are similar:

  1. plotly needs the formula argument, ggplot2 needs ggplot2::aes() without formula.
  2. plotly adds layers with the pipe, ggplot2 adds layers with +
  3. plotly::add_markers() corresponds to ggplot2::geom_point()
  4. plotly produces in standard mode blue, ggplot2 black points
  5. plotly displays in this standard mode no colored background and has no frame around the graphics. (Remember that I have used ggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_bw()) in the setup chunk for ggplot2 figures. To get rid of the frame I would use: ggplot2::theme(panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank()).

In this code chunk I suppressed the warning Can only have one: config after using plotly::subplot(). Other functions for plotting the two graphs created by different packages did not succeed. The problem is — as I understood — that they produce different object types:

  • plotly: class(p1) = plotly, htmlwidget
  • gplot2: class(p2) = gg, ggplot
Note 3.4: It is a very nice effect using plotly::subplot() that both graphics are interactive!

This section details scatter traces with a mode of “markers” (i.e., plotly::add_markers()). For simplicity, many of the examples here use plotly::add_markers() with a numeric x and y axis, which results in scatterplot – a common way to visualize the association between two quantitative variables. The content that follows is still relevant markers displayed non-numeric x and y (aka dot pots) as shown in .

3.2.2 Alpha blending

Overplotting, a common problem with scatterplots, can be combatted via alpha blending.

R Code 3.12 : Combatting overplotting with in a scatterplot with alpha blending

    x = ~cty, 
    y = ~hwy, 
    name = "default") |>  
    x = ~cty,
    y = ~hwy) |> 
      alpha = 0.2, 
      name = "alpha"
Figure 3.10: Combating overplotting in a scatterplot with alpha blending.

Note 3.5: Learn more about subplots at https://plotly.com/r/subplots/

3.2.3 Colors

Mapping a discrete variable to color produces one trace per category (see: ), which is desirable for it’s legend and hover properties.

On the other hand, mapping a numeric variable to color produces one trace, as well as a colorbar guide for visually decoding colors back to data values. As you can see in the online documentation there are many attributes for colorbar. But it is better to explore these attributes by navigating plotly::schema() by opening the following hierarchical folders: scatter->attributes->marker->colorbar.

The plotly::colorbar() function can be used to customize the appearance of this automatically generated guide. The default colorscale is viridis, a perceptually-uniform colorscale (even when converted to black-and-white), and perceivable even to those with common forms of color blindness. Viridis is also the default colorscale for ordered factors.

R Code 3.13 : Variations of numeric color mapping

p <- plotly::plot_ly(
  x = ~cty, 
  y = ~hwy, 
  alpha = 0.5

p1 <- plotly::add_markers(
    color = ~cyl, 
    showlegend = FALSE
  ) |> 
  plotly::colorbar(title = "Viridis")
p2 <- plotly::add_markers(
  color = ~base::factor(cyl)

plotly::subplot(p1, p2)
Figure 3.11: Variations of numeric color mapping

There are numerous ways to alter the default color scale via the colors argument. This argument excepts one of the following:

  1. a color brewer palette name (see the row names of RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info for valid names and have a look at the RColorBrewer color palettes),
  2. a vector of colors to interpolate, or
  3. a color interpolation function like grDevices::colorRamp() or scales::colour_ramp().

Although this grants a lot of flexibility, one should be conscious of using a sequential colorscale for numeric variables (& ordered factors) as shown in Figure 3.7, and a qualitative colorscale for discrete variables as shown in Figure 3.8.

Code Collection 3.3 : Color scales for numeric and discrete variables

R Code 3.14 : Color scale for numeric variables

col1 <- c("#132B43", "#56B1F7")
col2 <- viridisLite::inferno(10)
col3 <- grDevices::colorRamp(base::c("red", "white", "blue"))

  plotly::add_markers(p, color = ~cyl, colors = col1)  |> 
    plotly::colorbar(title = "ggplot2 default"),
  plotly::add_markers(p, color = ~cyl, colors = col2) |>  
    plotly::colorbar(title = "Inferno"),
  plotly::add_markers(p, color = ~cyl, colors = col3) |>  
    plotly::colorbar(title = "colorRamp")
  ) |>  
45678ggplot2 default45678Inferno45678colorRamp
Figure 3.12: Three variations on a numeric color mapping.

R Code 3.15 : Colorscale for discrete variables

col1 <- "Accent"
col2 <- grDevices::colorRamp(base::c("red", "blue"))
col3 <- c(`4` = "red", `5` = "black", `6` = "blue", `8` = "green")

  plotly::add_markers(p, color = ~base::factor(cyl), colors = col1),
  plotly::add_markers(p, color = ~base::factor(cyl), colors = col2),
  plotly::add_markers(p, color = ~base::factor(cyl), colors = col3)
  ) |>  
Figure 3.13: Three variations on a discrete color mapping.

As introduced in , color codes can be specified manually (i.e., avoid mapping data values to a visual range) by using the base::I() function. Figure 3.9 provides a simple example using plotly::add_markers(). Any color understood by the grDevices::col2rgb() function can be used in this way.

R Code 3.16 : Specify color manually

plotly::add_markers(p, color = base::I("red"))
Figure 3.14: Setting a fixed color directly using base::I().

The color argument is meant to control the ‘fill-color’ of a geometric object, whereas stroke () is meant to control the ‘outline-color’ of a geometric object. In the case of plotly::add_markers(), that means color maps to the plotly.js attribute marker.color (scatter->attributes->marker->color) and stroke maps to marker.line.color (scatter->attributes->marker->line->color). Not all, but many, marker symbols have a notion of stroke.

3.2.4 Symbols

The symbol argument can be used to map data values to the marker.symbol plotly.js attribute. It uses the same semantics that we’ve already seen for color:

  • A numeric mapping generates trace.
  • A discrete mapping generates multiple traces (one trace per category).
  • The plural, symbols, can be used to specify the visual range for the mapping.
  • Mappings are avoided entirely (= color codes can be specified manually) through base::I().

R Code 3.17 : Map data values with symbols

p <- plotly::plot_ly(ggplot2::mpg, x = ~cty, y = ~hwy, alpha = 0.3) 

  plotly::add_markers(p, symbol = ~cyl, name = "A single trace"),
  plotly::add_markers(p, symbol = ~base::factor(cyl), color = base::I("black"))
A single trace4568
Figure 3.15: Data values mapped with symbols

The left panel of uses a numeric mapping and the right panel uses a discrete mapping. As a result, the left panel is linked to the first legend entry (“A single trace”), whereas the right panel is linked to the bottom four legend entries.

Note 3.6

The text in the book says three legend entries, but there are four different symbols for the different number of cylinders 4, 5, 6, 8.

When plotting multiple traces and no color is specified, the plotly.js colorway is applied (i.e., each trace will be rendered a different color). To set a fixed color, you can set the color of every trace generated from this layer with color = base::I("black"), or similar.

There are two ways to specify the visual range of symbols:

  1. numeric codes (interpreted as a pch codes) or
  2. a character string specifying a valid marker.symbol value.

R Code 3.18 : Ways to specify the visual range of symbols

    symbol = ~cyl, 
    symbols = c(17, 18, 19, 43)
    p, color = base::I("black"),
    symbol = ~base::factor(cyl), 
    symbols = c("triangle-up", "diamond", "circle", "cross-thin-open")
trace 04568
Figure 3.16: Specifying the visual range of symbols with numeric codes and character strings

uses pch codes (left panel) as well as their corresponding marker.symbol name (right panel) to specify the visual range. pch stands for plotting character. For more details see plotly::schema(F)$traces$scatter$attributes$marker$symbol$values. To see all the symbols available to plotly, as well as a method for supplying your own custom glyphs, see Chapter 28 of the plotly book: Working with symbols and glyphs.

As with colors, these symbols (i.e., the visual range) can also be supplied directly to symbol through base::I().

R Code 3.19 : Map symbols directly through base::I()

plotly::plot_ly(ggplot2::mpg, x = ~cty, y = ~hwy) |> 
  plotly::add_markers(symbol = base::I(18), alpha = 0.5)
Figure 3.17: Setting a fixed symbol directly using I().

3.2.5 Stroke and span

The stroke argument follows the same semantics as color and symbol when it comes to variable mappings and specifying visual ranges. Typically you don’t want to map data values to stroke, you just want to specify a fixed outline color. By default, the span, or width of the stroke, is zero, you’ll likely want to set the width to be around one pixel.

Note 3.7: What are the corresponding {ggplot} arguments for plotly’s stroke and span?

The corresponding {ggplot} arguments are color, fill, size and stroke: The size of the filled part is controlled by size, the size of the stroke (aka span in Plotly) is controlled by stroke. Each is measured in mm (and not in pixels).

R Code 3.20 : Mapping symbol, stroke and span directly

plotly::plot_ly(ggplot2::mpg, x = ~cty, y = ~hwy, alpha = 0.5) |> 
    symbol = base::I(18), 
    stroke = base::I("black"), 
    span = base::I(1))
Figure 3.18: Using stroke and span to control the outline color as well as the width of that outline.

3.2.6 Size

For scatterplots, the size argument controls the area of markers (unless otherwise specified via sizemode), and must be a numeric variable. The sizes argument controls the minimum and maximum size of circles, in pixels.

R Code 3.21 : Map size and sizes

p <- plotly::plot_ly(
  ggplot2::mpg, x = ~cty, 
  y = ~hwy, 
  alpha = 0.3, 
  fill = ~''  # added this line to suppress warning

  plotly::add_markers(p, size = ~cyl, name = "default"),
  plotly::add_markers(p, size = ~cyl, sizes = c(1, 500), name = "custom")
Figure 3.19: Controlling the size range via sizes (measured in pixels).

Note 3.8: Prevent ‘Warning: line.width does not currently support multiple values.’

To prevent the above warning message I had to add the line fill = ~''. For details see StackOverflow.

Similar to other arguments, base::I() can be used to specify the size directly. In the case of markers, size controls the marker.size plotly.js attribute. Remember, you always have the option to set this attribute directly by doing something similar to .

R Code 3.22 : Set size directly

  x = ~cty, 
  y = ~hwy, 
  alpha = 0.3, 
  size = base::I(100)
) |> 
  plotly::add_markers(type = "scatter") ## added to prevent warnings
Figure 3.20: Setting a fixed marker size directly using marker.size.

Note 3.9: Preventing warning messages

Using the code from the book I received the following warning message twice:

No trace type specified:
    Based on info supplied, a ‘scatter’ trace seems appropriate.
    Read more about this trace type -> https://plotly.com/r/reference/#scatter
No scatter mode specifed:
    Setting the mode to markers
    Read more about this attribute -> https://plotly.com/r/reference/#scatter-mode

To prevent this warning I had to add another layer plotly::add_markers(type = "scatter").

3.2.7 Dot Plots and Error Bars

3.3 Lines

3.3.1 Linetypes

3.3.2 Segments Slopegraph Dumpbell Candlestick

3.3.3 Density Plots

3.3.4 Parallel Coordinates

3.4 Polygons

The plotly::add_polygons() function is essentially equivalent to plotly::add_paths() with the fill attribute set to “toself”. Polygons form the basis for other, higher-level scatter-based layers (e.g., plotly::add_ribbons() and plotly::add_sf()) that don’t have a dedicated plotly.js trace type. Polygons can be use to draw many things, but perhaps the most familiar application where you might want to use plotly::add_polygons() is to draw geo-spatial objects.

If and when you use plotly::add_polygons() to draw a map, make sure you fix the aspect ratio (e.g., xaxis.scaleanchor) and also consider using plotly::plotly_empty() over plotly::plot_ly() to hide axis labels, ticks, and the background grid. On the other hand, Section shows you how to make a custom maps using the {sf} package and plotly::add_sf(), which is a bit of work to get started, but is absolutely worth the investment.

R Code 3.23 : Drawing Maps Using {maps}

base_map <- ggplot2::map_data("world", "canada") |> 
  dplyr::group_by(group) |> 
  plotly::plotly_empty(x = ~long, y = ~lat, alpha = 0.2)  |> 
  plotly::layout(showlegend = FALSE, xaxis = base::list(scaleanchor = "y"))
base_map |> 
  plotly::add_polygons(hoverinfo = "none", color = base::I("black"))  |> 
    text = ~base::paste(name, "<br />", pop), 
    hoverinfo = "text", 
    color = base::I("red"), 
    data = maps::canada.cities)
Figure 3.21: Using plotly::add_polygons() to make a map of Canada and major Canadian cities via data provided by the {maps} package.

ggplot2::map_data() is a function to turn data from the {maps} package into a data frame suitable for plotting with {ggplot2}.