Country | Country Code | Short name of variable | Type(s) of variable | Variable category | Variable level(s) | Years | Age groups | Population categories | code | Percentiles | Years available for these percentiles | data_quality | |
1 | Afghanistan | AF | National income | Average, Macroeconomic variable | Income macro variable | 1, 2 | 1950-2017 | Aggregate on all ages | Individuals | anninc992i, mnninc999i | Macro variable (not applicable) | Macro variable (not applicable) | |
2 | Afghanistan | AF | Net domestic product | Average, Macroeconomic variable | Income macro variable | 1, 2 | 1950-2017 | Aggregate on all ages | Individuals | andpro992i, mndpro999i | Macro variable (not applicable) | Macro variable (not applicable) | |
3 | Afghanistan | AF | Consumption of fixed capital of national economy | Average, Macroeconomic variable | Income macro variable | 3 | 1950-2017 | Aggregate on all ages | Individuals | aconfc992i, mconfc999i | Macro variable (not applicable) | Macro variable (not applicable) | |
4 | Afghanistan | AF | Gross domestic product | Average, Macroeconomic variable | Income macro variable | 3 | 1950-2017 | Aggregate on all ages | Individuals | agdpro992i, mgdpro999i | Macro variable (not applicable) | Macro variable (not applicable) | |
5 | Afghanistan | AF | Net foreign income | Average, Macroeconomic variable | Income macro variable | 2 | 1979-2017 | Aggregate on all ages | Individuals | annfin992i, mnnfin999i | Macro variable (not applicable) | Macro variable (not applicable) | |
6 | Afghanistan | AF | National income price index | Index | Other macro variable | 1 | 1971-2017 | Aggregate on all ages | Individuals | inyixx999i | Macro variable (not applicable) | Macro variable (not applicable) | |
7 | Afghanistan | AF | Population | Population | Other macro variable | 1 | 1990-2017 | Detailed separation by age (5-year brackets) available | Female, Individuals, Male | npopul111m | Macro variable (not applicable) | Macro variable (not applicable) | |
8 | Afghanistan | AF | PPP conversion factor, LCU per EUR | Exchange rate | Other macro variable | 1 | 1995-2017 | Aggregate on all ages | Individuals | xlceup999i | Macro variable (not applicable) | Macro variable (not applicable) | |
9 | Afghanistan | AF | Market exchange rate, LCU per EUR | Exchange rate | Other macro variable | 1 | 2017 | Aggregate on all ages | Individuals | xlceux999i | Macro variable (not applicable) | Macro variable (not applicable) | |
10 | Afghanistan | AF | PPP conversion factor, LCU per USD | Exchange rate | Other macro variable | 1 | 1971-2017 | Aggregate on all ages | Individuals | xlcusp999i | Macro variable (not applicable) | Macro variable (not applicable) |
Showing 1 to 10 of 6,253 entries