Chapter 4 Annex 1 : R script for data environmental import and tidy

4.1 Introduction

In ecological sciences, scientists often need model a natural phenomenon (e.g. the distribution of a species) using environmental data. A simplified workflow of such task may be :

  • collecting the data of the phenomenon to model (e.g. occurences of species at sampling points) ;
  • collecting, tidying and transforming environmental data that are likely to influence the phenomenon (e.g. land cover, precipitation, temperature) ;
  • modeling the phenomenon using the environmental covariates.

In this vignette, we focus on the second step : how to import, tidy and transform environmental data. We show how, starting from a simple table of dates and geographic locations of interest (sampling points in our case), we use R to i) import various climatic / environmental / landscape data and ii) extract the related time-space statistics in the surroundings of the sampling points in a suitable format for further modeling (i.e. 1 row / observation). We illustrate the method with a typical problem from the epidemiological field.

The overall methodology and script are generic, and most of the environmental data used are open and available at global scale : do not hesitate to reuse parts of the scripts !

4.2 Big picture : what the script does

Hereunder is a workflow of what is achieved by the script.

4.3 Case study

We have counts of malaria vector mosquitoes collected in 32 villages in a rural area of Ivory Coast. The mosquitoes have been collected during epidemiological campains using the Human Landing Catch (HLC) method in each village at 4 different locations and for 8 nights spread over 3 years (from 2016 to 2018). We want to model the presence and abundance of the mosquitoes in this area using environmental covariates that are known to influence their development (temperature, precipitations, land cover, etc). Our case study uses data collected in the frame of the REACT project conducted by the French Research Institute for Sustainable Development and local partners.

The locations and dates of the epidemiological campains are provided and mapped below.

#> # A tibble: 927 x 1
#>    raw_sampling_points$id $date      $longitude $latitude
#>    <chr>                  <chr>           <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 1BAP1                  2016-10-02      -5.67      9.24
#>  2 1BAP2                  2016-10-02      -5.67      9.24
#>  3 1BAP3                  2016-10-02      -5.67      9.24
#>  4 1BAP4                  2016-10-02      -5.67      9.24
#>  5 1FEL1                  2016-10-08      -5.47      9.45
#>  6 1FEL2                  2016-10-08      -5.47      9.45
#>  7 1FEL3                  2016-10-08      -5.47      9.45
#>  8 1FEL4                  2016-10-08      -5.47      9.45
#>  9 1FLA1                  2016-09-28      -5.61      9.29
#> 10 1FLA2                  2016-09-28      -5.61      9.30
#> # … with 917 more rows

Technically speaking, we need to extract : at the location and date of each sampling point, within various buffer sizes, a summary (e.g. mean) of various climatic / environmental / landscape variables.

The challenges to overcome :

  • we have almost 1000 sampling points, i.e. couples of {dates, locations}, spread over an area of 2500 km2 and 3 years time frame ;
  • we want to extract the data over three different sizes of buffers (to further study which is the more relevant) : 0.5 km, 1 km, 2 km ;
  • for the climatic variables (temperature, precipitation, etc.), we want to include temporality : extract the data several days before the HLC date (to study how environmental conditions influence the presence / development of the mosquitoes) ;
  • the source environmental data are quite heterogeneous : many providers, formats, access protocols, spatial resolutions, etc.

The R script that we propose in this vignette includes the various steps previously mentioned : given i) a set of sampling points, ii) a time-lag (i.e. number of days prior to the sampling points dates) and iii) the buffer sizes of interest, it sequentially :

  • downloads the environmental datasets at the sampling points locations and dates - including the time-lagged days ;
  • tidies and transforms the data ;
  • extracts the summary statistic for the various buffers sizes around each sampling point ;
  • enventually fills-in the missing values.

The output tables look like below, where each row is an observation :

  • id is the identifier of the input sampling point ;
  • buffer is the buffer size around the sampling point (in meters) ;
  • time_lag is the time lag from the sampling point date ;
  • val is the summary value ;
  • var is the code of the environmental variable (cf. table below) ;
  • qval is a self-created quality index.

The table below details the covariates that will be extracted with this script.

code type short_name long_name unit temporality data_sources
TND Temperature Daily minimum temperature Average daily minimum land surface temperature celcius degrees 40 days before the HLC night MOD11A1.v006 MYD11A1.v006 MOD11A2.v006 MYD11A2.v006
TMD Temperature Daily maximum temperature Average daily maximum land surface temperature celcius degrees 40 days before the HLC night MOD11A1.v006 MYD11A1.v006 MOD11A2.v006 MYD11A2.v006
TNW Temperature Weekly minimum temperature Average 8-days minimum land surface temperature celcius degrees 40 days before the HLC night MOD11A2.v006 MYD11A2.v006
TMW Temperature Weekly maximum temperature Average 8-days maximum land surface temperature celcius degrees 40 days before the HLC night MOD11A2.v006 MYD11A2.v006
RTD Precipitation Daily rainfall (source: TAMSAT) Average daily total precipitation (source�: TAMSAT) mm 40 days before the HLC night TAMSAT
RGD Precipitation Daily rainfall (source: GPM) Average daily total precipitation (source�: GPM) mm 40 days before the HLC night GPM_3IMERGDF
EVT Evapotranspiration Evapotranspiration Average 8-days evapotranspiration kg/m�/8day 40 days before the HLC night MOD16A2.v006 MYD16A2.v006
VNI Vegetation Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Average 8-days Normalized Difference Vegetation Index unitless 40 days before the HLC night MOD13Q1.v006 MYD13Q1.v006
VEI Vegetation Enhanced Vegetation Index Average 8-days Enhanced Vegetation Index unitless 40 days before the HLC night MOD13Q1.v006 MYD13Q1.v006
RGH Precipitation Half-houly rainfall Proportion of half-hours with positive precipitation for the whole duration of the HLC % HLC night GPM_3IMERGHH
WDR Wind Wind direction Mean of wind direction during the HLC night degrees (0 to 360) HLC night ERA5
WSP Wind Wind speed Mean of wind speed during the HLC night m/s HLC night ERA5
LMN Light/Moon Apparent magnitude of the Moon Apparent magnitude of the Moon on the HLC night unitless HLC night MIRIADE
LNL Light/Settlements Nightly radiance Monthly average radiance on the HLC night NanoWatt/cm2/sr HLC night VIIRS DNB
TEL Topography Elevation Mean elevation meters above the see No temporality SRTMGL1_v003
TSL Topography Slope Mean slope % No temporality SRTMGL1_v003
TAS Topography Aspect Mean aspect No temporality SRTMGL1_v003
TCI Topography Terrain Classification Index Mean Terrain Classification Index unitless No temporality SRTMGL1_v003
TWI Topography Topographic Wetness Index Mean Topographic Wetness Index unitless No temporality SRTMGL1_v003
WAC Water Accumulation Mean accumulation ha No temporality SRTMGL1_v003
WAD Water Average distance to hydrographic network Average distance to hydrographic network m No temporality SRTMGL1_v003
WMD Water Distance to closest hydrographic network Distance to closest hydrographic network m No temporality SRTMGL1_v003
WLS Water Total length of the hydrographic network Total length of the hydrographic network m No temporality SRTMGL1_v003
WAL Water Accumulation * distance to sampling point Accumulation * distance to sampling point ha/m No temporality SRTMGL1_v003
POP Population Population (source : REACT) Population (census/ground data) person No temporality Own surveys
POH Population Population (source : HRSL) Population (modelled data) person No temporality HRSL
BDE Built-up Distance to the edge of the village Distance to the nearest edge of the village m No temporality Own surveys
BCH Built-up Degree of clustering of the households in the village Degree of clustering or ordering of the households NA No temporality Own surveys
HYS Pedology Proportion of hydromorphic soils Proportion of hydromorphic soils % No temporality IRD
LSM Land cover Landscape metrics Set of landscape metrics calculated over 6 different land cover layers various units depending on the metric No temporality Own very high resolution land cover maps Moderate dynamic land cover 100m S2 prototype Land Cover 20m map of Africa 2016

Last note - but not least, most of the data used in the workflow are open, free, and available at global scale, making the workflow reusable at (almost) any place worldwide. Do not hesitate to test and reuse part of the workflow if you are interested !

Let’s start coding now !

4.4 Setup workflow

4.4.1 Setup input parameters

Provide the input parameters :

  • Path to the local folder where the output files will be downloaded/written (NB : the folder must have writing permissions) ;
  • Path to the file containing the credentials to the EarthData account (needed to retrieve MODIS and GPM datasets) ;
  • Path to the table containing the sampling points. In our case, the table is stored in a local database. Go to the first chunk of section Workflow preparation to get the structure of the input table ;
  • Buffer sizes ;
  • Some of our data are stored in a local database : path to that database as well as names of the tables used in the database ;
  • Additional parameters (check the comments in the script).
## Setup path to the datasets (both input and output)
## Setup the path to the file containing the EarthData credentials (for NASA datasets). See example at system.file("example-data/credentials_earthdata.txt", package = "getRemoteData")
## Setup the path to the input dataset of dates, latitudes and longitudes of interest. The dataset in our case is stored in a geopackage database. For the reproducibility we also provide the path to the same dataset as a simple csv file (see first chunk of section "Workflow preparation")
query_input_sampling_points<-"SELECT idpointdecapture as id, date_capture as date, X as longitude, Y as latitude FROM ent_hlcmetadata WHERE codepays='BF'"
# Setup buffer sizes in meters (i.e. buffers within which the statistics will be calculated). Multiple sizes might be provided as a vector.
## Specific to time series data : 
#Setup the time frames/lags for time-series data
# GPM, TAMSAT and ERA-5 data are originally provided at approx. respectively 10km, 4km and 27km spatial resolutions. Resample them spatially ? If TRUE, resampling will use bilinear interpolation
gpm_resample_output_res<-250 # Spatial resolution (in meters) for output resampled data. Must be setup only if xxx_resample is set to TRUE

## For some covariates (Settlements and population, Built-up, Topography, Pedology, Land use / cover) we need own data. These data are stored in the geopackage database (stored under "path_to_db"). We provide the names of the tables that we will use (parameters starting with "db_table")

# Specific to Settlements and population : 
db_table_pop_by_village<-"rst_villages"  # table containing the population for each village
db_table_loc_households_by_village<-"rst_menages"  # table containing the location of each house in each village

# Specific to Population (HRSL)

## Specific to Topography and hydrographic network: 
path_to_grassApplications_folder<-"/usr/lib/grass74" # Path to the GRASS application folder, for the setup of the rgrass7 package. Can be retrieved in the terminal with grass74 --config path . More info on the use of rgrass7 at
threshold_accumulation_raster<-800  # threshold for the accumulaton raster dataset (all values above this threshold are considered as the hydrographic network). # For CIV: 800 ; For BF: 1000

## Specific to Pedology : 
db_table_pedology_rast<-"lco_cipedology"  # Name of pedology raster in the DB
hydromorphic_classes_pixels<-c(11,14,5,2,13) # pixels values whose classes are considered hydromorphic.   for CIV: c(11,14,5,2,13)  for BF: c(2,3,8,9,10)

## Specific to Land use / cover : 
db_table_metadata_lulc<-"landcovers_metadata" # Name of land use / cover metadata table in the DB. This table contains the information to use to compute land use / land cover landscape metrics : the various LU/LC rasters, the path to the rasters, etc.
layers_lulc<-c("lco_ciL2","lco_ciL3","lco_ciL4","lco_ciL5","ESACCI-LC-L4-LC10-Map-20m-P1Y-2016-v1.0","W020N20_ProbaV_LC100_epoch2015_global_v2.0.1") # Names of the LU/LC layers in the table "db_table_metadata_lulc" to use for the computation of landscape metrics
lsm_to_extract<-c("lsm_l_shdi","lsm_l_siei","lsm_l_prd","lsm_c_np","lsm_c_pland","lsm_c_ed")  # landscape metrics to calculate for the LU/LC maps. A list of available LSM can be found with landscapemetrics::list_lsm()

4.4.3 Setup functions

Setup some local functions that will be used throughout the workflow, to process multiple dates / times series at once, impute the missing values of the time series, etc.

# Reshaping a list to get a data.frame of data to download, used as input of the getRemoteData::getRemoteData::downloadData function.
  DftoDl<- data_md %>%
   flatten %>%,.) %>%
   distinct %>%

# Get the names of the time-series rasters to use for each date
  rastsNames<-map(df_sampling_points$date_numeric,~pluck(xxxData_md,as.character(.))) %>%
    map(.,pluck(dataCollection)) %>%
    map(.,pluck("name")) %>%

# Get the path of local rasters
  path<-modify(xxxData_md,dataCollection) %>%
    map(~list_modify(.,"url" = NULL)) %>%
    map(data.frame) %>%
    reduce(bind_rows) %>%
    dplyr::select(name,destfile) %>%

# Time series data: Extract a summary of a variable over 1 buffer
  res<-rasts[names_rasts_to_use] %>%  # filter only the rasters of the time series
    map_dfr(~raster::extract(.,spTransform(spPoints,proj4string(.)),buffer=buffer_size,fun=eval(parse(text=fun_summarize)), na.rm=TRUE, small=TRUE)) %>% # for each raster, calculate the stats
    #set_names(origin_date-as.numeric(names(.))) %>% ## to name by the number of days separating the date of interest from the the day of the data
    set_names(seq(0,ncol(.)-1,1)) %>%   ## to name by the lag index 
    mutate(id=as.character(spPoints$id)) %>%
    mutate(buffer=buffer_size) %>%
    gather(time_lag,val,-c(id,buffer)) %>%
  return(res) # to put in wide format : res <- res %>% unite(var,var,time_lag)) %>% spread(key=var,value=val)

# Time series data: Extract a summary of a variable over multiple buffers
  res<-buffer_sizes %>% # for each buffer, calculate stats
    set_names %>%
                             ~.extractVar_ts_singleBuff(rasters,..1,..2,..3,..4)))  %>%
    #mutate(var=var_name) %>%
  # to put in wide format : lst_min <- lst_min %>% unite(var,var,time_lag) %>% spread(key=var,value=val)

# Static (non time-series) data: Extract a summary of a variable over 1 buffer
  res<-raster::extract(rasts,spTransform(spPoints,proj4string(rasts)),buffer=buffer_size,fun=eval(parse(text=fun_summarize)), na.rm=TRUE, small=TRUE,df=TRUE) %>% 
    mutate(id=as.character(spPoints$id)) %>%
    mutate(buffer=buffer_size) %>%
    select(-ID) %>%

# Static (non time-series) data: Extract a summary of line (vector) variable over 1 buffer
  buffer<-st_buffer(sfPoints,dist=buffer_size) # Create the buffer around each point
  sfPoints <- sfPoints %>%
      rename(geometry_pt=geometry) # rename point geometry column, else an error is sent back on the pipe flow
  res<-st_join(buffer,network_sf, join = st_intersects,left = TRUE) %>% # Get the lines inside each buffer
      left_join( %>%  # get the line geometry 
      rename(geometry_line=geom) %>% # rename line geometry column to be more clear
      left_join(,by="id")  %>%  # get the point geometry
      mutate(dist_line_to_pt=st_distance(geometry_pt,geometry_line,by_element = T)) %>% # get the distance between each point and line
      st_drop_geometry() %>%
      dplyr::select(id,length_stream,dist_line_to_pt,accumulation) %>%
      group_by(id) %>%
        summarise(mean_dist_to_stream=as.numeric(mean(dist_line_to_pt)),min_dist_to_stream=as.numeric(min(dist_line_to_pt)),length_stream=as.numeric(sum(length_stream)),mean_acc_by_dist=as.numeric(mean(accumulation*dist_line_to_pt))) %>% # compute stats related to hydrographic network
    mutate(mean_dist_to_stream=na_if(mean_dist_to_stream,0)) %>%
   mutate(min_dist_to_stream=na_if(min_dist_to_stream,0)) %>%
       mutate(length_stream = if_else(, 0, length_stream))

  res <- res %>%
    mutate(buffer=buffer_size) %>%

# Spatially resample a product (using bilinear interpolation)

# Impute NAs and setup quality flag
# qval=1 is for values that where retrieved using the LST 1km/1day products (best quality)
# qval=2 is for values that where retrieved using the temperature of the upper(s) buffer(s) for the same day / time lag
# qval=3 is for values that where retrieved using the mean temperature of the previous and the following day / time lag
# qval=4 is for values that where retrieved using the LST 1km/8day temperature for the week of interest
# qval=5 is for values that where retrieved using the mean temperature of the previous and the following LST 1km/8day temperature
# qval=0 is for NAs remaining after these imputings

# qval=1
df <- df %>%

# qval=2
df <- df %>%
  arrange(id,time_lag,buffer) %>%
  group_by(id,time_lag) %>%
  fill(val, .direction = "up") %>%
  mutate(qval=if_else((qval==0 & !,qvalue,qval)) %>%

# qval=3
df <- df %>% 
  arrange(id,buffer,time_lag) %>% 
  mutate(val_ahead=lead(val)) %>% 
  mutate(val_lag=lag(val)) %>% 
  mutate(val_mean=map2_dbl(.x=val_ahead,.y=val_lag,~mean(c(.x,.y),na.rm=T))) %>% 
  mutate(val_mean=replace(val_mean, which(is.nan(val_mean)), NA)) %>% 
  mutate(val=if_else(!,val,val_mean)) %>% 
  mutate(qval=if_else((qval==0 & !,qvalue,qval))  %>% 

# qval=4
lst8day_as_1day <- df_lst8day %>%
  slice(rep(1:n(), each = 7)) %>%
  group_by(id,buffer) %>%

df<-left_join(df,lst8day_as_1day,by=c("id","buffer","time_lag")) %>%
  mutate(val.x=if_else(!,val.x,val.y)) %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(val.y,var.y,qval.y)) %>%
  rename(val=val.x,var=var.x,qval=qval.x) %>%
  mutate(qval=if_else((qval==0 & !,qvalue,qval))

4.4.4 Workflow preparation

Open the dataset that contains the sampling points (i.e. dates and locations of epidemiological campains) as a data.frame. id is a unique sampling point identifier, date, latitude, longitude are respectively the date and the location of the point.

From this file we create the region of interest (ROI) (i.e. bounding box including all our observations) as a sf polygon object. Whenever possible, the environmental data provided in raster format will be downloaded strictly over this bounding box with the getRemoteData package..

Aggregate by date of interest. Output is a tibble whose observations (i.e. rows) are, for each date of interest, a SpatialPointsDataFrame with all the sampling points for that date.

Note : we choose the sp class rather than sf, because the raster::extract function - that we will use to extract the values around the each point - uses the sp class.

Whenever possible, we will parallelize the script with the furrr package. We extend the maximum size to be exported for the furrr future expression to 20 GB.

Setup GRASS environment (mandatory to use the rgrass7 package).

To download NASA’s MODIS and GPM data you must create an EarthData account. Here we read the EarthData credentials that are stored in a text file (under path_to_earthdata_credentials).

Everything is prepared, time to import, tidy, transform the data !!

4.5 Temperature

  • Covariates extracted:

    • TND : Average daily minimum land surface temperature ( celcius degrees )

    • TMD : Average daily maximum land surface temperature ( celcius degrees )

    • TNW : Average 8-days minimum land surface temperature ( celcius degrees )

    • TMW : Average 8-days maximum land surface temperature ( celcius degrees )

  • Data sources:

    • MOD11A1.v006 : MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid V006 (provider : NASA )

    • MYD11A1.v006 : MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid V006 (provider : NASA )

    • MOD11A2.v006 : MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity 8-Day L3 Global 1 km SIN Grid V006 (provider : NASA )

    • MYD11A2.v006 : MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity 8-Day L3 Global 1 km SIN Grid V006 (provider : NASA )

4.5.1 Import

We use the getRemoteData R package (with the function getData_modis) to download the MODIS data over our region of interest (ROI) only. Internally, getRemoteData makes use of the OPeNDAP standard data access protocol to spatially subset the data over a given ROI only directly at the data download phase. Go to Github page of getRemoteData to get additional details on the package.

We import the MODIS data in 3 steps :

  • 1/ we extract the set of parameters that will be parsed in the getData_modis function. These are not mandatory parameters of the function (they are automatically calculated within the function if not provided), however providing them makes the process faster ;
  • 2/ we retrieve the URLs of all the MODIS datasets to download using the getData_modis function of the [getRemoteData] package ;
  • 3/ we download the data using the downloadData function of the [getRemoteData] package. To fasten the download we parrallize it with the parallelDL argument set to TRUE.

##########  1/ we extract the set of parameters that will be parsed in the `getRemoteData::getData_modis` function
# Get MODIS tile
modisCrs<-"+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" # MODIS data come with a specific CRS. We first need to transform the CRS of our ROI from EPSG 4326 to the specific MODIS CRS.

cat("Retrieving information to download MODIS data on the OpeNDAP servers...\n")
modisOpenDAP_md<-c("MOD11A1.006","MYD11A1.006","MOD11A2.006","MYD11A2.006","MOD13Q1.006","MYD13Q1.006","MOD16A2.006","MYD16A2.006") %>% 
  data.frame(stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
  set_names("source") %>%
  mutate(OpendapURL=paste0("","/",source,"/",modisTile,".ncml")) %>%
                  mutate(Opendap_timeVector=map(OpendapURL,~getRemoteData::getOpenDAPvector(.,"time"))) %>%
                  mutate(Opendap_xVector=map(OpendapURL,~getRemoteData::getOpenDAPvector(.,"XDim"))) %>%
                  mutate(Opendap_yVector=map(OpendapURL,~getRemoteData::getOpenDAPvector(.,"YDim"))) %>%
                  mutate(Opendap_minLon=map(Opendap_xVector,.f=~which.min(abs(.x-roi_bbox$xmin))-1)) %>%
                  mutate(Opendap_maxLon=map(Opendap_xVector,.f=~which.min(abs(.x-roi_bbox$xmax))-1)) %>%
                  mutate(Opendap_minLat=map(Opendap_yVector,.f=~which.min(abs(.x-roi_bbox$ymax))-1)) %>%
                  mutate(Opendap_maxLat=map(Opendap_yVector,.f=~which.min(abs(.x-roi_bbox$ymin))-1)) %>%
                  mutate(roiSpatialIndexBound=pmap(list(Opendap_minLat,Opendap_maxLat,Opendap_minLon,Opendap_maxLon),.f=~c(..1,..2,..3,..4))) %>%
                  mutate(destFolder=file.path(path_to_output_datasets,source)) %>%
                  mutate(dimensionsToRetrieve=case_when(source %in% c("MOD11A1.006","MYD11A1.006","MOD11A2.006","MYD11A2.006") ~ list(c("LST_Day_1km","LST_Night_1km")),
                                                        source %in% c("MOD13Q1.006","MYD13Q1.006") ~ list(c("_250m_16_days_NDVI","_250m_16_days_EVI")),
                                                        source %in% c("MOD16A2.006","MYD16A2.006") ~ list(c("ET_500m"))

##########  2/ we retrieve the URLs of all the MODIS datasets to download using the `getRemoteData::getData_modis` function
modisData_md<-datesDday %>%
  set_names(as.numeric(.)) %>% # names will be numeric format of the dates (days since 1970-01-01)
            ~getRemoteData::getData_modis(timeRange = c(..1-lagTime_timeSeries,..1),
                           download = F)) %>%

##########  3/ we download the data using the `getRemoteData::downloadData` function.
cat("Downloading MODIS data...\n")
# Check if the datasets were downloaded

4.5.2 Tidy, transform

  • Main processings:
    • Combine Terra and Aqua LST_Day_1km for TMD/TMW (resp. LST_Night_1km for TND/TNW) bands ;
    • Keep only the highest (resp. lowest) available value for each pixel ;
    • Extract the average temperature value within each buffer.
  • Missing values imputation :
    • first degree : use the value of the wider buffer(s) for the same day (qval = 2 in the output table);
    • second degree : use the average temperature between the previous and the next day (qval = 3);
    • third degree : use the value of the average 8-day temperature (qval = 4);
    • fourth degree : use the average value between the previous and the next average 8-day temperature (qval = 5).
  • Details, notes, comments:

Bad quality pixels are already set to NA in the original MODIS LST products. There are very few missing values remaining after NA imputation.

# Local function to extract MODIS LST data 
.extract_modis_lst<-function(MOD_collection, MYD_collection){
  # For each date of interest, get the related time-series rasters names (i.e. the whole set of 40 days rasters)

  # Build the path to the Terra (MOD) and Aqua (MYD) products
  path_to_mod_myd<-merge(path_to_mod,path_to_myd,by="name",suffixes = c("_mod","_myd"))

  # Pre-process LstMin
  rasts_LstMin<-path_to_mod_myd %>%
    mutate(rast_mod=map(destfile_mod,~getRemoteData::prepareData_modis(.,"LST_Night_1km"))) %>%  # open Terra products as raster
    mutate(rast_myd=map(destfile_myd,~getRemoteData::prepareData_modis(.,"LST_Night_1km"))) %>%  # Open Aqua products as raster
    mutate(rast=map2(rast_mod,rast_myd,~min(.x,.y,na.rm = T))) %>%  # Take the minimum value available between Terra and Aqcua 
    mutate(rast=map(rast,~.-273.15)) %>%  # convert into celcius degrees
    pluck("rast") %>%

  # Pre-process LstMax
  rasts_LstMax<-path_to_mod_myd %>%
    mutate(rast_mod=map(destfile_mod,~getRemoteData::prepareData_modis(.,"LST_Day_1km"))) %>%
    mutate(rast_myd=map(destfile_myd,~getRemoteData::prepareData_modis(.,"LST_Day_1km"))) %>%
    mutate(rast=map2(rast_mod,rast_myd,~max(.x,.y,na.rm = T))) %>%
    mutate(rast=map(rast,~.-273.15)) %>%
    pluck("rast") %>%
  # Extract the variables 
  cat("Extracting LstMin...\n")
  lstMin<-.extractVar_ts(buffer_sizes,df_sampling_points,rastsNames_LST,rasts_LstMin,"mean") # to put in wide format : lstMin <- lstMin %>% unite(var,var,time_lag) %>% spread(key=var,value=val)
  cat("Extracting LstMax...\n")

# Extract MODIS LST 1 day
cat("extracting MODIS LST 1 day...\n")
# Extract MODIS LST 8 days
cat("extracting MODIS LST 8 days...\n")

## Impute NAs
lst8day<-lst8day %>%

lst1day<-lst1day %>%
  map(.,~.modis_fillNA_l1(.,1)) %>%
  map(.,~.modis_fillNA_l2(.,2)) %>%
  map(.,~.modis_fillNA_l3(.,3)) %>%

lst8day<-lst8day %>%
  map(.,~.modis_fillNA_l2(.,2)) %>%

lst1day<-lst1day %>%


# Export
write.csv(TND,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_TND.csv"),row.names = F)
write.csv(TMD,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_TMD.csv"),row.names = F)
write.csv(TNW,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_TNW.csv"),row.names = F)
write.csv(TMW,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_TMW.csv"),row.names = F)

Structure of the resulting datasets (TND, TMD, TNW and TMW all have the same structure) :

4.6 Vegetation indices

  • Covariates extracted:

    • VNI : Average 8-days Normalized Difference Vegetation Index ( unitless )

    • VEI : Average 8-days Enhanced Vegetation Index ( unitless )

  • Data sources:

    • MOD13Q1.v006 : MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid V006 (provider : NASA )

    • MYD13Q1.v006 : MODIS/Aqua Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid V006 (provider : NASA )

4.6.1 Import

MODIS Vegetation data are imported with the other MODIS data. See section 1.1/ Import.

4.6.2 Tidy, transform

  • Main processings:
    • Extract Terra and Aqua 250m_16_days_NDVI band (resp. 250m_16_days_EVI) for VNI (resp. VEI) ;
    • Extract the average vegetation indice value within each buffer.
  • Missing values imputation :
    • first degree : use the value of the wider buffer(s) for the same week (qval = 2 in the output table) ;
    • second degree : use the average value between the previous and the next week (qval = 3).
  • Details, notes, comments:

Bad quality pixels are already set to NA in the original MODIS Vegetation products. The MODIS Vegetation products are produced over a 16 days time frame, hence there are very few missing values in the raw products. In addition, Terra and Aqua Vegetation products are phased, enabling to have a 8-days temporal resolution.

# For each date of interest, get the related time-series rasters names (i.e. the whole set of 40 days rasters)
rastsNames_VI<-map2(.getRastersNames_timeSeries(df_sampling_points,modisData_md,"MOD13Q1.006"),.getRastersNames_timeSeries(df_sampling_points,modisData_md,"MYD13Q1.006"),c) %>%
  map(as.numeric) %>%
  map(~sort(.,decreasing=TRUE)) %>%
# Build the path to the Terra (MOD) and Aqua (MYD) products
path_to_mod_myd<-rbind(path_to_mod,path_to_myd) %>% arrange(name)
# Pre-process NDVI. Bad quality pixels are directly set to NA. We keep all the other pixels.
rasts_ndvi<-path_to_mod_myd %>%
     mutate(rast=map(destfile,~getRemoteData::prepareData_modis(.,"_250m_16_days_NDVI"))) %>%
     pluck("rast") %>%
# Pre-process EVI
rasts_evi<-path_to_mod_myd %>%
     mutate(rast=map(destfile,~getRemoteData::prepareData_modis(.,"_250m_16_days_EVI"))) %>%
     pluck("rast") %>%
# Extract the variables 
cat("Extracting ndvi...\n")
cat("Extracting evi...\n")

## Impute NAs
VNI<-VNI %>%
  .modis_fillNA_l1(.,1) %>%
  .modis_fillNA_l2(.,2) %>%

VEI<-VEI %>%
  .modis_fillNA_l1(.,1) %>%
  .modis_fillNA_l2(.,2) %>%

# Export
write.csv(VNI,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_VNI.csv"),row.names = F)
write.csv(VEI,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_VEI.csv"),row.names = F)

Structure of the resulting datasets (VNI and VEI have the same structure) :

4.7 Evapotranspiration

  • Covariates extracted:

    • EVT : Average 8-days evapotranspiration ( kg/m�/8day )
  • Data sources:

    • MOD16A2.v006 : MODIS/Terra Net Evapotranspiration 8-Day L4 Global 500m SIN Grid V006 (provider : NASA )

    • MYD16A2.v006 : MODIS/Aqua Net Evapotranspiration 8-Day L4 Global 500m SIN Grid V006 (provider : NASA )

4.7.1 Import

MODIS Evapotranspiration data are imported with the other MODIS data. See section 1.1/ Import.

4.7.2 Tidy, transform

  • Main processings:
    • Combine Terra and Aqua ET_500m band ;
    • Set the bad quality pixel values to NA ;
    • Extract the average evapotranspiration value within each buffer.
  • Missing values imputation :
    • first degree : use the value of the wider buffer(s) for the same week (qval = 2 in the output table);
    • second degree : use the average value between the previous and the next week (qval = 3);

Structure of the resulting dataset :

4.8 Precipitation (GPM)

For the precipitation, we use two distinct sources of data (GPM and TAMSAT, cf. below). Both sources provide daily precipitations, GPM at global scale, TAMSAT at the african continent scale. In the modeling phase, we will keep the one that provides the best results.

  • Covariates extracted:

    • RGD : Average daily total precipitation (source�: GPM) ( mm )

    • RGH : Proportion of half-hours with positive precipitation for the whole duration of the HLC ( % )

  • Data sources:

    • GPM_3IMERGDF : GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 1 day 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree V06 (provider : NASA )

    • GPM_3IMERGHH : GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 Half Hourly 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree V06 (provider : NASA )

4.8.1 Import

As for the MODIS products, we download GPM data strictly over our region of interest using the getData_gpm function of the getRemoteData package.. The import process is similar to MODIS :

  • We first extract a set of parameters that will be further parsed in the function ;
  • We retrieve the URL of the products to download with the getData_gpm function ;
  • We download the data with getRemoteData::downloadData function.
#########  Extract set of information that will be parsed in the getData_gpm function
cat("Retrieving information to download GPM data on the OpeNDAP servers...\n")
gpmOpenDAP_md<-c("GPM_3IMERGDF.06","GPM_3IMERGHH.06") %>% 
     data.frame(stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
     set_names("source") %>%
     mutate(OpendapURL="") %>%
     mutate(Opendap_xVector=map(OpendapURL,~getOpenDAPvector(.,"lon"))) %>%
     mutate(Opendap_yVector=map(OpendapURL,~getOpenDAPvector(.,"lat"))) %>%
     mutate(Opendap_minLon=map(Opendap_xVector,.f=~which.min(abs(.x-roi_bbox$xmin))-4)) %>%
     mutate(Opendap_maxLon=map(Opendap_xVector,.f=~which.min(abs(.x-roi_bbox$xmax))+4)) %>%
     mutate(Opendap_minLat=map(Opendap_yVector,.f=~which.min(abs(.x-roi_bbox$ymin))-4)) %>% ## careful, this line is not the same as for Modis. ymax has become ymin.
     mutate(Opendap_maxLat=map(Opendap_yVector,.f=~which.min(abs(.x-roi_bbox$ymax))+4)) %>%
     mutate(roiSpatialIndexBound=pmap(list(Opendap_minLat,Opendap_maxLat,Opendap_minLon,Opendap_maxLon),.f=~c(..1,..2,..3,..4))) %>%
     mutate(destFolder=file.path(path_to_output_datasets,source)) %>%
    mutate(dimensionsToRetrieve=case_when(source %in% c("GPM_3IMERGDF.06") ~ list(c("precipitationCal")),
                                        source %in% c("GPM_3IMERGHH.06") ~ list(c("precipitationCal","precipitationQualityIndex"))

#########  Build list of datasets to download for GPM Daily and for all dates
gpmOpenDAP_md_daily<-gpmOpenDAP_md %>% 

gpmData_md_daily<-datesDday %>%
     set_names(as.numeric(.)) %>% # names will be numeric format of the dates (days since 1970-01-01)
               ~getRemoteData::getData_gpm(timeRange = c(..1-lagTime_timeSeries,..1),
                              roiSpatialIndexBound=unlist(..5))) %>%
#########  Build list of datasets to download for GPM half-hourly and for all dates
gpmOpenDAP_md_hhourly<-gpmOpenDAP_md %>% 

gpmData_md_hhourly<-datesDday %>%
     set_names(as.numeric(.)) %>% # names will be numeric format of the dates (days since 1970-01-01)
               ~getRemoteData::getData_gpm(timeRange = c(paste0(as.Date(..1,origin="1970-01-01")," ",hourStart_Dday,":00:00"),paste0(as.Date(..1,origin="1970-01-01")+1," ",hourEnd_Dday,":00:00")),
                            roiSpatialIndexBound=unlist(..5))) %>%

#########  Download the data
cat("Downloading GPM data...\n")
# Check if the datasets were downloaded

4.8.2 Tidy, transform Daily precipitations

  • Main processings:
    • Extract the precipitationCal band ;
    • Resample to 250 m spatial resolution using a bilinear interpolation ;
    • Extract the average precipitation value within each buffer.
  • Missing values imputation : No missing values in GPM Daily product.

Structure of the resulting dataset : Half-hourly precipitations

  • Main processings:
    • Extract the precipitationCal band ;
    • Use the precipitationQualityIndex band to exclude bad quality pixels (see for additional info) ;
    • Resample to 250 m spatial resolution using a bilinear interpolation ;
    • Extract the proportion of half-hours with positive precipitations between 18h and 08h at the sampling point location.
# Build paths to data
# Pre-process
rasts_gpmHhour<-path_to_gpmHhour %>%
     mutate(rast=future_map(destfile,~getRemoteData::prepareData_gpm(.,"precipitationCal"))) %>% 
     mutate(rast_qval=future_map(destfile,~getRemoteData::prepareData_gpm(.,"precipitationQualityIndex"))) %>% 
     mutate(rast_qval=future_map(rast_qval,~clamp(.x,lower=0.4,useValues=FALSE))) %>% ## Set pixel values <= 0.4 (quality pixel values) to NA. See for additional info (threshold of 0.4 is given in this doc)
     mutate(rast=future_map2(rast,rast_qval,~raster::mask(.x,.y))) %>% 
     pluck("rast") %>%

# resampling to 250 m

# Set pixel to 1 if there was rain (precip. >=0.05mm), else 0 
rasts_gpmHhour<-future_map(rasts_gpmHhour,~raster::reclassify(.,c(-Inf,0.05,0, 0.05,Inf,1)))

# Extract
cat("Extracting half hourly precipitations (gpm)...\n")
RGH<-.extractVar_ts(buffer_sizes=10,df_sampling_points,rastsNames_gpmHhour,rasts_gpmHhour,"sum")  # With this we get if is has rain (1) or not (0) for each half hour of each night (ie the lag). This dataset will be useful to study the detailed rythms (cycles) of the mosquitoes. Note that ther is only 1 cell intersected (i.e. buffer_sizes=10) so the summurazing function is quite useless
# Now we extract the variable that we want: the proportion of half-hours where it has rained for the total duration of each night. There are quite few NAs: we remove them (ie we do not take them into account for the calculation of the proportions)
RGH<-RGH %>%
  filter(! %>%
  group_by(id,buffer) %>% 

# Export
write.csv(RGH,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_RGH.csv"),row.names = F)

Structure of the resulting dataset :

4.9 Precipitation (TAMSAT)

  • Covariates extracted:

    • RTD : Average daily total precipitation (source�: TAMSAT) ( mm )
  • Data sources:

    • TAMSAT : Tropical Applications of Meteorology using SATellite data and ground-based observations (provider : TAMSAT )

4.10 Light/Settlements

  • Covariates extracted:

    • LNL : Monthly average radiance on the HLC night ( NanoWatt/cm2/sr )
  • Data sources:

    • VIIRS DNB : Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band (DNB) (provider : NOAA )

4.10.2 Tidy, transform

  • Main processings:
    • Extract the AvgRadiance and the CloudFreeCoverage bands ;
    • Set pixels of band AvgRadiance to NA where pixels of band CloudFreeCoverage are equal to 0 (i.e. if there are 0 cloud free observations) ;
    • Extract the average radiance value within each buffer.
# Get the names of the rasters to use for each date
rastsNames_viirsDnb<-.getRastersNames_timeSeries(df_sampling_points,viirsDnbData_md,"viirs_dnb") %>%

# Build paths to data
path_to_viirsDnb_AvgRadiance<-.getRastersPaths(viirsDnbData_md,"viirs_dnb") %>%
     mutate(date=substr(name,nchar(name)-4,nchar(name))) %>%
     filter(str_detect(name,"AvgRadiance")) %>%

path_to_viirsDnb_CloudFreeCoverage<-.getRastersPaths(viirsDnbData_md,"viirs_dnb") %>%
     mutate(date=substr(name,nchar(name)-4,nchar(name))) %>%
     filter(str_detect(name,"CloudFreeCoverage")) %>%

# Pre-process
rasts_viirsDnb<-path_to_viirsDnb %>%
     mutate(rast_AvgRadiance=map(destfile_AvgRadiance,~raster(.))) %>% 
     mutate(rast_CloudFreeCoverage=map(destfile_CloudFreeCoverage,~raster(.))) %>% 
     mutate(rast_CloudFreeCoverage=map(rast_CloudFreeCoverage,~clamp(.x,lower=1,useValues=FALSE))) %>% # Quality control : if there are 0 cloud free obs, we set the pixel to NA
     mutate(rast=map2(rast_AvgRadiance,rast_CloudFreeCoverage,~mask(.x,.y))) %>%
     pluck("rast") %>%

# Extract
cat("Extracting nighttime lights (VIIRS DNB...\n")

# Export
write.csv(LNL,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_LNL.csv"),row.names = F)

Structure of the resulting dataset :

4.11 Light/Moon

  • Covariates extracted:

    • LMN : Apparent magnitude of the Moon on the HLC night ( unitless )
  • Data sources:

    • MIRIADE : The Virtual Observatory Solar System Object Ephemeris Generator (provider : IMCCE )

4.12 Wind

  • Covariates extracted:

    • WDR : Mean of wind direction during the HLC night ( degrees (0 to 360) )

    • WSP : Mean of wind speed during the HLC night ( m/s )

  • Data sources:

    • ERA5 : ERA5 (provider : Copenicus )

4.12.1 Import

We import the data over our ROI and for the date of interest with the getData_era5 function of the getRemoteData package.

                       stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
era5Data_md<-datesDday %>%
     set_names(as.numeric(.)) %>% # names will be numeric format of the dates (days since 1970-01-01)
               ~getRemoteData::getData_era5(timeRange = c(paste0(as.Date(..1,origin="1970-01-01")," ",hourStart_Dday,":00:00"),paste0(as.Date(..1,origin="1970-01-01")+1," ",hourEnd_Dday,":00:00")),
                            dimensions=..3)) %>%

# First create directories in the wd
directories<-era5_md$source %>% 
     file.path(path_to_output_datasets,.) %>%
     as.list()  %>%
     lapply(dir.create,recursive = TRUE)
cat("Downloading ERA-5 wind data...\n")
# Then download
#import python CDS-API
cdsapi <- reticulate::import('cdsapi')
#for this step there must exist the file .cdsapirc in the root directory of the computer (e.g. "/home/ptaconet")
server = cdsapi$Client() #start the connection
# for now we have not found a better solution that making a "for" loop (it does not work as expected with purrr)
for (i in 1:length(era5Data_md)){
  for (j in 1:length(era5Data_md[[i]])){
     for (k in 1:length(era5Data_md[[i]][[j]]$destfile)){
       if (!file.exists(era5Data_md[[i]][[j]]$destfile[k])){

4.12.2 Tidy, transform

  • Main processings:
    • Extract the bands 10m_u_component_of_wind and 10m_v_component_of_wind ;
    • Compute wind speed and direction using the formulas found here ;
    • Resample to 1000 m spatial resolution using a bilinear interpolation (only for wind speed) ;
    • Extract wind speed and direction at the sampling point locations.
# Get the names of the rasters to use for each date
# Build paths to data
path_to_u_v_wind<-merge(path_to_u_wind,path_to_v_wind,by="name",suffixes = c("_u","_v"))
# source :
rasts_wind<-path_to_u_v_wind %>%
       mutate(rast_u_wind=future_map(destfile_u,~getRemoteData::prepareData_era5(.)[[1]])) %>% 
       mutate(rast_v_wind=future_map(destfile_v,~getRemoteData::prepareData_era5(.)[[1]])) %>%
  mutate(rast_wind_speed=future_map2(rast_u_wind,rast_v_wind,~overlay(.x,.y,fun=function(.x,.y){return(sqrt(.x^2+.y^2))}))) %>%
  mutate(rast_wind_dir_cardinal=future_map2(rast_u_wind,rast_v_wind,~overlay(.x,.y,fun=function(.x,.y){return(atan2(.x,.y))}))) %>%
  mutate(rast_wind_dir_cardinal=future_map(rast_wind_dir_cardinal,~.*180/pi)) %>%
  mutate(rast_wind_dir_cardinal=future_map(rast_wind_dir_cardinal,~.+180)) %>%
## resample wind speed but not wind direction 
  rasts_wind <- rasts_wind %>%

rasts_wind_speed <- rasts_wind %>%
    pluck("rast_wind_speed") %>%

rasts_wind_dir_cardinal <- rasts_wind %>%
    pluck("rast_wind_dir_cardinal") %>%


# Extract
cat("Extracting wind speed...\n")
WSP<-.extractVar_ts(buffer_sizes=10,df_sampling_points,rastsNames_era5,rasts_wind_speed,"sum") # There is only 1 cell intersected (i.e. buffer_sizes=10) so the summurazing function is quite useless
WSP <- WSP %>%
  group_by(id,buffer) %>% 

cat("Extracting wind direction...\n")
# formula : (see section "Example")
WDR<-.extractVar_ts(buffer_sizes=10,df_sampling_points,rastsNames_era5,rasts_wind_dir_cardinal,"sum") # Same as above
WDR <- WDR %>%
  mutate(sin_angle=sin(val*(pi/180))) %>%
  mutate(cos_angle=cos(val*(pi/180))) %>%
  group_by(id,buffer) %>% 
  summarise(mean_sin=mean(sin_angle),mean_cos=mean(cos_angle)) %>% 
  mutate(val=atan(mean_sin/mean_cos)/(pi/180)) %>%
  mutate(val=case_when(mean_sin>0 & mean_cos>0 ~ val,
                       mean_cos<0 ~ val+180,                           
                       mean_sin<0 & mean_cos>0 ~ val+360)) %>%

# Export
write.csv(WSP,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_WSP.csv"),row.names = F)
write.csv(WDR,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_WDR.csv"),row.names = F)

Structure of the resulting dataset (WSP, WDR):

4.13 Topography and hydrographic network

  • Covariates extracted:

    • TEL : Mean elevation ( meters above the see )

    • TSL : Mean slope ( % )

    • TAS : Mean aspect ( )

    • TCI : Mean Terrain Classification Index ( unitless )

    • TWI : Mean Topographic Wetness Index ( unitless )

    • WAC : Mean accumulation ( ha )

    • WAD : Average distance to hydrographic network ( m )

    • WMD : Distance to closest hydrographic network ( m )

    • WLS : Total length of the hydrographic network ( m )

    • WAL : Accumulation * distance to sampling point ( ha/m )

  • Data sources:

    • SRTMGL1_v003 : Digital Elevation Model from the NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 1 arc second (provider : NASA )

4.13.2 Tidy, transform

  • Main processings:
    • Unzip the SRTM DEM files, merge the different tiles (if relevant), crop to the ROI and reproject to UTM projection ;
    • Create the topography datasets from the DEM with the rgrass7 package : slope, aspect, accumulation, tci, twi ;
    • Create the stream network from the accumulation raster file ;
    • Extract the average indice value within each buffer.

Prepare the DEM: unzip the files, merge the different tiles (if relevant), crop to the ROI and reproject to UTM projection

Create the topography datasets from the DEM with the rgrass7 package : slope, aspect, accumulation, tci, twi

# Import DEM to GRASS and set region
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.external", flags="o", parameters=list(input=dem_output_path, output="tmprast",band=1))
rgrass7::execGRASS("g.region", parameters=list(raster="tmprast")) 

# Filters and generates a depressionless elevation map
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.fill.dir", flags="overwrite", parameters=list(input="tmprast", output="DEM",direction="dir"))
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.out.gdal", flags=c("t","m","overwrite"), parameters=list(input="DEM", output=dem_depressionless_output_path, format="GTiff",  createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" ))
# Compute slope and aspect and save to disk
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.slope.aspect", flags="overwrite", parameters=list(elevation="DEM", slope="slope",aspect="aspect",format="percent", precision="FCELL",zscale=1,min_slope=0))
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.out.gdal", flags=c("t","m","overwrite"), parameters=list(input="slope", output=slope_output_path, format="GTiff",  createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" ))
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.out.gdal", flags=c("t","m","overwrite"), parameters=list(input="aspect", output=aspect_output_path, format="GTiff",  createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" ))

# Compute hydrograpy indices and save to disk
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.terraflow", flags="overwrite", parameters=list(elevation="DEM", accumulation="accumulation", tci="tci"))
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.out.gdal", flags=c("t","m","overwrite"), parameters=list(input="accumulation", output=accumulation_output_path, format="GTiff",  createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" ))
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.out.gdal", flags=c("t","m","overwrite"), parameters=list(input="tci", output=tci_output_path, format="GTiff",  createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" ))

# Compute TWI indice
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.topidx", flags="overwrite", parameters=list(input="DEM", output="twi"))
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.out.gdal", flags=c("t","m","overwrite"), parameters=list(input="twi", output=twi_output_path, format="GTiff",  createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" ))

Create the hydrographic network from the accumulation raster file. We threshold the accumulation raster file : consider that all cells with a value superior to a given threshold (provided as input parameter threshold_accumulation_raster) are the hydrographic network and all the cells with a value inferior to this threshold are not part of it. The threshold was determined visually by overlaying the accumulation raster file with a very high resolution satellite image.
For additional information see the section ‘example’ of the article provided here:

# Create accumulation threshold raster
# NB : Grass has a algorithm '' that can do the job (seeœ)
acc_raster<-raster(accumulation_output_path) %>%
  raster::reclassify(c(-Inf,threshold_accumulation_raster,NA, threshold_accumulation_raster,Inf,1)) %>%

# skeletonization (thinning extraction) and vectorization of stream network from flow accumulation map. See 
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.external", flags="overwrite", parameters=list(input=accumulation_threshold_output_path, output="acc_threshold",band=1))
rgrass7::execGRASS("g.region", parameters=list(raster="acc_threshold")) 
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.thin", flags="overwrite", parameters=list(input="acc_threshold",output="acc_thin"))
rgrass7::execGRASS("r.out.gdal", flags=c("t","m","overwrite"), parameters=list(input="acc_thin", output=file.path(path_to_dem_folder,"accumulation_thin.tif"), format="GTiff",  createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" ))
rgrass7::execGRASS("", flags="overwrite", parameters=list(input="acc_thin", output="acc_thin_vect", type="line"))
# Next we need to execute the v.split algo. With v.split we split the stream network into pieces of 20 meters. This will be used then to measure the mean length between the HLC point and the streams within the buffer
# the step v.split does not give the appropriate results when executed in R, although it does not send back any error... It is weird because it works in QGIS (through GRASS plugin). For now we need to do it by hand in QGIS. To do it by hand execute: 
rgrass7::execGRASS("v.out.ogr", flags=c("m","overwrite"), parameters=list(input="acc_thin_vect", type="line", output=file.path(destFolder_dem,"acc_thin_vect.gpkg")))
# and than manually execute the algo v.split in the GRASS plugin of QGIS. Save the output file under streams_network_path
# To do it via R it should be : 
#rgrass7::execGRASS("v.split", flags=c("overwrite","verbose"), parameters=list(input="acc_thin_vect", output="acc_thin_vect_split", length=20, units="map"))
#rgrass7::execGRASS("v.out.ogr", flags=c("m","overwrite"), parameters=list(input="acc_thin_vect_split", type="line", output=streams_network_path))

Extract indices related to topography : TEL (mean elevation), TSL (mean slope), TAS (mean aspect), WAC (mean accumulation), TCI (Mean Terrain Classification Index), TWI (mean Topographic Wetness Index)

Structure of the resulting dataset (TEL, TSL, TAS, WAC ,TCI ,TWI):

Extract indices related to the hydrographic network : WAD (Average distance to stream), WMD (Distance to closest stream), WLS (Total length of stream), WAL (Accumulation * distance to sampling point)

Structure of the resulting dataset (WAD, WMD, WLS, WAL):

4.14 Settlements and population (REACT)

  • Covariates extracted:

    • NA : NA ( NA )

    • : ( )

  • Data sources:
    • Exhaustive census of the settlements and population realized in the frame of the REACT project (location and population of each settlement in village).

4.14.1 Import

The data is stored on the local database. The structure of the table is provided below, so that one can reproduce the Tidy, transform section with own data.

4.16 Built-up

  • Covariates extracted:

    • BDE : Distance to the nearest edge of the village ( m )

    • BCH : Degree of clustering or ordering of the households ( NA )

  • Data sources:
    • Exhaustive census of the settlements and population realized in the frame of the REACT project (location and population of each settlement in village).

4.16.1 Import

We use the table sf_households_by_village, imported in the previous section?

4.16.2 Tidy, transform

Extract indices related to the built-up areas : BDE (distance to the edge of the village), BCH (degree of clustering or ordering of the households within 100m and 500m buffers)

# Get the villages convex hull (considered as the boundaries of the villages)
villages_convexhull <- sf_households_by_village %>%
  group_by(codevillage) %>%  # group by village
  summarize(geom_convHull=st_convex_hull(st_union(geom))) %>% #get convex hull polygon. We consider the convex hull as the edges of the village. The convex hull is the minimum polygon that encompasses all the locations of the households.

## Get the distance from each catch point to the edge of the village
BDE <- sfPoints %>%
  st_transform(utm_zone) %>%
  mutate(codevillage=substr(id,2,4)) %>%  # create codevillage before joining with edges of the village
  left_join(,by="codevillage") %>%  # join convex hull geometry
  mutate(geom_convHull=st_cast(geom_convHull, "LINESTRING")) %>%  # convert convex hull geometry from polygon to linestring
  mutate(val=st_distance(geometry,geom_convHull,by_element=TRUE)) %>% # compute distance between catch point and edges of the village
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
  dplyr::select(id,val) %>% 
  mutate(var="BDE") %>% 
  mutate(buffer=NA) %>%

## Get an indice of the clustering or ordering of the households in each village. For this we use the locations of the households with the function spatstat::clarkevans

  BCH <- buffer_size %>%
    st_buffer(st_transform(sfPoints,utm_zone),dist=.) %>%
    st_join(sf_households_by_village, join = st_intersects,left = TRUE) %>%
    st_drop_geometry() %>%
    filter(! %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    nest() %>%
    mutate(sp_points=map(data,~SpatialPoints(coords=data.frame(.$X,.$Y),proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:4326")))) %>% 
    mutate(ppp=map(sp_points,~as(., "ppp"))) %>%   # uses the maptools package
    mutate(ppp_n=as.numeric(map(ppp,~as.numeric(.$n)))) %>%
    filter(ppp_n>=5) %>% # if there are less than 5 settlements, the clarkenv indicator cannot be computed
    mutate(clark_index=map(ppp,~spatstat::clarkevans(.))) %>%
    mutate(clark_index=map_dbl(clark_index,~as.numeric(.[1]))) %>%
    dplyr::select(id,clark_index) %>%
    set_names("id","val") %>%

BCH <- c(100,500) %>%  # buffers of 100m and 500m
  map_dfr(~.extract_clarkevans_buffer(sf_households_by_village,sfPoints,.)) %>%
  mutate(var="BCH") %>%

# Export
write.csv(BDE,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_BDE.csv"),row.names = F)
write.csv(BCH,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_BCH.csv"),row.names = F)

Structure of the resulting dataset (BDE, BCH):

4.17 Hydromorphic soils

We generated raster datasets from these soils maps (“paper” format). The R script to generate the raster datasets from the base maps is available here : .

4.18 Land use / cover

  • Covariates extracted:

    • shdi : shannon’s diversity index ( landscape level)

    • siei : simspon’s evenness index ( landscape level)

    • prd : patch richness density ( landscape level)

    • np : number of patches ( class level)

    • pland : percentage of landscape ( class level)

    • ed : edge density ( class level)

  • Data sources:
    • High resolution land cover layers generated in the frame of the REACT project at four nomenclature levels

    • CGLS-LC100 : Moderate dynamic land cover 100m 2015 (provider : Copernicus Global Land Operations )

    • CCI-LS : S2 prototype Land Cover 20m map of Africa 2016 (provider : Climate Change Initiative Land Cover (ESA) )

4.18.2 Tidy, transform

We finally extract the landscape metrics out of each land cover layer.

# We have tried to run the process with all at once using furrr but it fails (probably because it is too long). 
# So we split the points into mutliple parts and run the process with a "for" loop.


 res_th_pt <- buffer_sizes %>% 
    set_names(buffer_sizes) %>% 
                                                 what = lsm_to_extract,
                                                 shape = "circle",
                                                 size = .),
                   .id = "buffer")

 res_th_pt <- res_th_pt %>%
   select(-c(id,percentage_inside)) %>%
   rename(val=value,class_pixel=class) %>%
   mutate(id=sfPoint$id) %>%
   mutate(buffer=as.numeric(buffer)) %>%
   left_join(metadata_landcovers) %>%


sfPoints_list <- raw_sampling_points %>%
    filter(!(grepl("NAM",id))) %>% # only for CIV, because village NAM does not overlap the own LU/LC maps
    transpose() %>%
    map(,stringsAsFactors=F))  %>%
    map(~st_as_sf(.,coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326)) %>%



for (i in 1:(length(div_pts)-1)){
  cat(paste0(Sys.time()," : Processing points ",div_pts[i]+1," to ",div_pts[i+1]," over ",length(sfPoints_list)," in total \n"))
  options(future.globals.maxSize= 20000*1024^2)
  LSM_th_pts <- sfPoints_list[seq(div_pts[i]+1,div_pts[i+1],1)] %>%
    future_map_dfr(~.extractLSM_singlePoint(lulc_rasts_list,buffer_sizes,.,lsm_to_extract,metadata_landcovers),.progress = T)


  # Export, overwriting the previous export at each iteration
  write.csv(LSM,file.path(path_to_output_datasets,"envCov_LSM.csv"),row.names = F)


Structure of the resulting dataset (LSM):