Data Manipulation

In this chapter, we will learn the most commonly used functions from the dplyr package (and some from the tidyr). The dplyr and tidyr each provides tools to help manipulate and tidy data.

We will use a subset of the 1982 High School & Beyond survey data to demonstrate how to use the functions for data manipulation/transformation. The data set contains ID, minority (0=minority, 1=non-minority), female (0=male, 1=female), SES (socioeconomic status), and mathach (math achievement score) variables for 100 student.

hsb <- read.csv("D://Box Sync/2021 Spring/IntroR_part2/examples/students.csv")  # import data set
str(hsb)   # structure of the data frame
## 'data.frame':    100 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ id      : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ minority: int  0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ female  : int  1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 ...
##  $ ses     : num  -0.478 1.082 -0.898 0.442 -0.028 ...
##  $ mathach : num  3.75 20.69 5.98 24.99 7.03 ...
hsb$minority <- as.factor(hsb$minority) # convert 'minority' into a factor
hsb$female <- as.factor(hsb$female) # convert 'female' into a factor
str(hsb)   # structure of the data frame
## 'data.frame':    100 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ id      : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ minority: Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ female  : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 ...
##  $ ses     : num  -0.478 1.082 -0.898 0.442 -0.028 ...
##  $ mathach : num  3.75 20.69 5.98 24.99 7.03 ...

Subsetting Data

We have already learned how to subset data using base functions in R (i.e., subset(), squared brackets, …) in the previous video. This chapter will teach you how to subset data in a more straightforward way by using functions from the dplyr package.

Subset Columns

We can select variables (columns) in a data frame using dplyr::select() function. The first argument would be the name of the data frame object, and subsequent arguments are expressions indicating which columns to select.

## select(data, variable_name 1, variable_name 2, variable_name 3, ...)
subset1 <- select(hsb, ses, mathach)  # select 'ses' and 'mathach' variables (columns)
##      ses mathach
## 1 -0.478   3.745
## 2  1.082  20.690
## 3 -0.898   5.982
## 4  0.442  24.993
## 5 -0.028   7.031
## 6  0.852  22.183
## select(data, variable_index 1, variable_index 2, variable_index 3, ...)
subset2 <- select(hsb, 3, 5)  # select 3rd and 5th variables
##   female mathach
## 1      1   3.745
## 2      1  20.690
## 3      1   5.982
## 4      0  24.993
## 5      1   7.031
## 6      0  22.183
## Use (:) operator to select a range of consecutive variables
subset3 <- select(hsb, minority:ses)  # select a range of variables (from 'minority' to 'ses') 
##   minority female    ses
## 1        0      1 -0.478
## 2        0      1  1.082
## 3        1      1 -0.898
## 4        0      0  0.442
## 5        1      1 -0.028
## 6        0      0  0.852
subset4 <- select(hsb, 3:5) # select columns 3-5
##   female    ses mathach
## 1      1 -0.478   3.745
## 2      1  1.082  20.690
## 3      1 -0.898   5.982
## 4      0  0.442  24.993
## 5      1 -0.028   7.031
## 6      0  0.852  22.183

We can also hide variables or take the complement of a set of variables:

## Use (-) or (!) to hide particular variable(s)
subset5 <- select(hsb, -id, -female) # hide 'id' and 'female' variables
##   minority    ses mathach
## 1        0 -0.478   3.745
## 2        0  1.082  20.690
## 3        1 -0.898   5.982
## 4        0  0.442  24.993
## 5        1 -0.028   7.031
## 6        0  0.852  22.183
subset6 <- select(hsb, !c(id, female)) # select all variables but 'id' and 'female'
##   minority    ses mathach
## 1        0 -0.478   3.745
## 2        0  1.082  20.690
## 3        1 -0.898   5.982
## 4        0  0.442  24.993
## 5        1 -0.028   7.031
## 6        0  0.852  22.183

Subset Rows

We can select rows (observations) based on specific conditions/criteria using dplyr::filter() function. The first argument would be the name of the data frame object, and subsequent arguments are condition statements for filtering data.

## filter(data, condition 1, condition 2, ...)
subset7 <- filter(hsb, female==1) # select rows with 'female = 1'
##   id minority female    ses mathach
## 1  1        0      1 -0.478   3.745
## 2  2        0      1  1.082  20.690
## 3  3        1      1 -0.898   5.982
## 4  5        1      1 -0.028   7.031
## 5 10        0      1  0.462  18.831
## 6 14        0      1  0.802  16.387
subset8 <- filter(hsb, female==1, mathach > 20) # select rows with 'female = 1' AND 'mathach > 20'
##   id minority female    ses mathach
## 1  2        0      1  1.082  20.690
## 2 16        1      1 -1.808  22.731
## 3 18        0      1  0.382  23.126
## 4 25        0      1  0.152  22.781
## 5 27        0      1  0.132  21.468
## 6 38        1      1  0.162  20.116

We can also use logical operators when multiple conditions are used.

subset9 <- filter(hsb, female==1 & mathach > 20) # select rows with 'female = 1' AND 'mathach > 20'
##   id minority female    ses mathach
## 1  2        0      1  1.082  20.690
## 2 16        1      1 -1.808  22.731
## 3 18        0      1  0.382  23.126
## 4 25        0      1  0.152  22.781
## 5 27        0      1  0.132  21.468
## 6 38        1      1  0.162  20.116
subset10 <- filter(hsb, female==1 | mathach > 20) # select rows with 'female = 1' OR 'mathach > 20'
##   id minority female    ses mathach
## 1  1        0      1 -0.478   3.745
## 2  2        0      1  1.082  20.690
## 3  3        1      1 -0.898   5.982
## 4  4        0      0  0.442  24.993
## 5  5        1      1 -0.028   7.031
## 6  6        0      0  0.852  22.183

Sort Data

We can use dplyr::arrange() function to sort rows by the values of selected variables. The data is sorted in ascending order by default. To sort the variable(s) in descending order, use desc().

## arrange(data, variable 1, variable 2, .... )
sorted1 <- arrange(hsb, ses)  # reorder rows by 'ses' in ASCENDING order
##   id minority female    ses mathach
## 1 88        1      0 -2.108  -2.262
## 2 92        0      1 -1.878   6.055
## 3 16        1      1 -1.808  22.731
## 4 23        0      1 -1.688  12.825
## 5 58        1      1 -1.578  -2.832
## 6 89        0      1 -1.448   5.122
sorted2 <- arrange(hsb, ses, mathach)  # reorder rows by 'ses' and 'mathach' in ASCENDING order
##   id minority female    ses mathach
## 1 88        1      0 -2.108  -2.262
## 2 92        0      1 -1.878   6.055
## 3 16        1      1 -1.808  22.731
## 4 23        0      1 -1.688  12.825
## 5 58        1      1 -1.578  -2.832
## 6 89        0      1 -1.448   5.122
## To sort rows in descending order, use desc()
sorted3 <- arrange(hsb, desc(ses))  # reorder rows by 'ses' in DESCENDING order
##   id minority female   ses mathach
## 1 50        0      1 1.512   8.075
## 2 21        0      0 1.332  18.092
## 3 96        0      1 1.302  24.479
## 4 42        0      1 1.282  14.311
## 5 43        0      0 1.262   9.411
## 6  2        0      1 1.082  20.690
## or a minus sign
sorted4 <- arrange(hsb, -ses)
##   id minority female   ses mathach
## 1 50        0      1 1.512   8.075
## 2 21        0      0 1.332  18.092
## 3 96        0      1 1.302  24.479
## 4 42        0      1 1.282  14.311
## 5 43        0      0 1.262   9.411
## 6  2        0      1 1.082  20.690

Add/Modify Columns

To create/add new columns (variables), use dplyr::mutate() or dplyr::transmute(). mutate() adds new variables preserving existing ones; transmute() creates new variables and drops existing ones.

## mutate(data, new_var_name = new_var_values)
# Add 'mathach_std (standardized mathach)' to the data frame
data2 <- mutate(hsb, mathach_std = (mathach - mean(mathach))/sd(mathach))
##   id minority female    ses mathach mathach_std
## 1  1        0      1 -0.478   3.745  -1.4296013
## 2  2        0      1  1.082  20.690   1.1108467
## 3  3        1      1 -0.898   5.982  -1.0942232
## 4  4        0      0  0.442  24.993   1.7559660
## 5  5        1      1 -0.028   7.031  -0.9369538
## 6  6        0      0  0.852  22.183   1.3346820
# Create 'mathach_std' and drop the existing variables
data3 <- transmute(hsb, mathach_std = (mathach - mean(mathach))/sd(mathach))
##   mathach_std
## 1  -1.4296013
## 2   1.1108467
## 3  -1.0942232
## 4   1.7559660
## 5  -0.9369538
## 6   1.3346820
## We can also use operators to create a variable 
# 'fem.minority' is TRUE if minority AND female
data4 <- mutate(hsb, fem.minority = minority ==1 & female ==1) 
##   id minority female    ses mathach fem.minority
## 1  1        0      1 -0.478   3.745        FALSE
## 2  2        0      1  1.082  20.690        FALSE
## 3  3        1      1 -0.898   5.982         TRUE
## 4  4        0      0  0.442  24.993        FALSE
## 5  5        1      1 -0.028   7.031         TRUE
## 6  6        0      0  0.852  22.183        FALSE

We can remove or modify existing variables as well.

# Modify 'mathach' variable to standardized values
data5 <- mutate(hsb, mathach = (mathach - mean(mathach))/sd(mathach)) 
##   id minority female    ses    mathach
## 1  1        0      1 -0.478 -1.4296013
## 2  2        0      1  1.082  1.1108467
## 3  3        1      1 -0.898 -1.0942232
## 4  4        0      0  0.442  1.7559660
## 5  5        1      1 -0.028 -0.9369538
## 6  6        0      0  0.852  1.3346820
# Remove 'id' and 'minority'
data6 <- mutate(hsb, id=NULL, minority=NULL) 
##   female    ses mathach
## 1      1 -0.478   3.745
## 2      1  1.082  20.690
## 3      1 -0.898   5.982
## 4      0  0.442  24.993
## 5      1 -0.028   7.031
## 6      0  0.852  22.183

To rename a variable/column, use dplyr::rename() function.

## rename(data, new_var_name = old_var_name)
data7 <- rename(hsb, gender = female) # rename 'female' to 'gender'
##   id minority gender    ses mathach
## 1  1        0      1 -0.478   3.745
## 2  2        0      1  1.082  20.690
## 3  3        1      1 -0.898   5.982
## 4  4        0      0  0.442  24.993
## 5  5        1      1 -0.028   7.031
## 6  6        0      0  0.852  22.183

Summarize Data

In this section, we will cover dplyr::summarise() and dplyr::group_by() which are useful to get summary statistics for grouped/ungrouped data.

To compute summary statistics for ungrouped data, simply use summarise(). The following code produces the mean and standard deviation of SES variable as well as the total number of observations (n() is used to count the number of observations). Note that other functions such as median(), min(), max(), var() can also be applied.

## summarise(data, col_name1 = function1, col_name2 = function2, ...)
summarise(hsb, ses_avrg = mean(ses), ses_sd = sd(ses), n=n())
##   ses_avrg    ses_sd   n
## 1  -0.0213 0.7625503 100

To get summary statistics for each group within the data, use group_by() function in addition to summarise(). For example:

## group_by(data, grouping var1, grouping var2, ...)

## Group by one variable
data_grp <- group_by(hsb, female) # Group data by 'female' variable
summarise(data_grp, n=n(), ses_avrg = mean(ses), math_avrg = mean(mathach))
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
##   female     n ses_avrg math_avrg
## * <fct>  <int>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 0         42   0.0382      14.0
## 2 1         58  -0.0644      12.8
## Group by multiple variables
data_grp2 <- group_by(hsb, female, minority) # Group data by 'female' and 'minority'
summarise(data_grp2, n=n(), ses_avrg = mean(ses), math_avrg = mean(mathach))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'female'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 4 x 5
## # Groups:   female [2]
##   female minority     n ses_avrg math_avrg
##   <fct>  <fct>    <int>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 0      0           33   0.171      15.1 
## 2 0      1            9  -0.449       9.80
## 3 1      0           45   0.0776     13.9 
## 4 1      1           13  -0.556       8.71

Another way to combine multiple functions together is to use the pipe operator: %>%. In this way, we can avoid creating intermediate objects like data_grp in the above example. We can re-write the example code above using the pipe %>% :

hsb %>%
  group_by(female) %>%
  summarise(n=n(), ses_avrg = mean(ses), math_avrg = mean(mathach))
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
##   female     n ses_avrg math_avrg
## * <fct>  <int>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 0         42   0.0382      14.0
## 2 1         58  -0.0644      12.8
hsb %>%
  group_by(female, minority) %>%
  summarise(n=n(), ses_avrg = mean(ses), math_avrg = mean(mathach))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'female'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 4 x 5
## # Groups:   female [2]
##   female minority     n ses_avrg math_avrg
##   <fct>  <fct>    <int>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 0      0           33   0.171      15.1 
## 2 0      1            9  -0.449       9.80
## 3 1      0           45   0.0776     13.9 
## 4 1      1           13  -0.556       8.71

summarise() can also be combined with filter(), to summarize data for a specific group.

hsb %>%
  filter(female==1) %>%
  summarise(n=n(), ses_avrg = mean(ses), math_avrg = mean(mathach))
##    n    ses_avrg math_avrg
## 1 58 -0.06437931  12.75724

Reshape/Pivot Data

  • Wide format vs. Long format data

In this section, we will use a different data set (which is longitudinal) to demonstrate how to reshape/pivot data. The data set contains students’ math scores collected for three consecutive years as well as their demographic variables.

threeyrs <- read.csv("D://Box Sync/2021 Spring/IntroR_part2/examples/longitudinal.csv")  # import data set
head(threeyrs)  # print the first 6 rows of the data
##   childid math_year1 math_year2 math_year3 female black hispanic
## 1       1     -1.694     -0.211     -0.403      1     1        0
## 2       2     -0.194      2.140      1.421      0     0        0
## 3       3     -1.987     -1.185     -1.446      1     1        0
## 4       4      0.777      0.343      0.573      0     1        0
## 5       5     -1.830     -1.038      0.114      1     1        0
## 6       6     -2.413     -1.694     -1.446      1     1        0
  • Wide to Long

The original data is in a wide format. To reshape the data to a long format, use tidyr::pivot_longer(). pivot_longer() increases the number of rows and decreases the number of columns.

## pivot_longer(data, columns_to_pivot, names_to = colname_varname, values_to = colname_values)
long <- threeyrs %>%
  pivot_longer(math_year1:math_year3, names_to = "year", values_to = "math")
## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##   childid female black hispanic year         math
##     <int>  <int> <int>    <int> <chr>       <dbl>
## 1       1      1     1        0 math_year1 -1.69 
## 2       1      1     1        0 math_year2 -0.211
## 3       1      1     1        0 math_year3 -0.403
## 4       2      0     0        0 math_year1 -0.194
## 5       2      0     0        0 math_year2  2.14 
## 6       2      0     0        0 math_year3  1.42
# Remove prefix of variable names
long2 <- threeyrs %>%
  pivot_longer(math_year1:math_year3, names_to = "year", values_to = "math", 
               names_prefix="math_year", names_transform = list(year = as.integer))
## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##   childid female black hispanic  year   math
##     <int>  <int> <int>    <int> <int>  <dbl>
## 1       1      1     1        0     1 -1.69 
## 2       1      1     1        0     2 -0.211
## 3       1      1     1        0     3 -0.403
## 4       2      0     0        0     1 -0.194
## 5       2      0     0        0     2  2.14 
## 6       2      0     0        0     3  1.42
  • Long to Wide

tidyr::pivot_wider() reshapes the data from long to wide. The function increases the number of columns and decreases the number of rows.

## pivot_wider(data, names_from = colname_varname, values_from = colname_values)
wide <- long2 %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "year", values_from = "math")
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
##   childid female black hispanic    `1`    `2`    `3`
##     <int>  <int> <int>    <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1       1      1     1        0 -1.69  -0.211 -0.403
## 2       2      0     0        0 -0.194  2.14   1.42 
## 3       3      1     1        0 -1.99  -1.18  -1.45 
## 4       4      0     1        0  0.777  0.343  0.573
## 5       5      1     1        0 -1.83  -1.04   0.114
## 6       6      1     1        0 -2.41  -1.69  -1.45
# Add prefix to variable names
wide2 <- long2 %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "year", values_from = "math", 
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
##   childid female black hispanic math_year1 math_year2 math_year3
##     <int>  <int> <int>    <int>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1       1      1     1        0     -1.69      -0.211     -0.403
## 2       2      0     0        0     -0.194      2.14       1.42 
## 3       3      1     1        0     -1.99      -1.18      -1.45 
## 4       4      0     1        0      0.777      0.343      0.573
## 5       5      1     1        0     -1.83      -1.04       0.114
## 6       6      1     1        0     -2.41      -1.69      -1.45