Chapter 8 Case Study

The sample design report outline is from (Valliant 2013).

8.1 Sample Design Report

8.1.1 Executive summary

  • Provide a brief overview of the survey including information related to general study goals and year when annual survey was first implemented.
  • Describe the purpose of this document.
  • Provide a table of the sample size to be selected per business unit (i.e., respondent sample size inflated for ineligibility and nonresponse).
  • Discuss the contents of the remaining section of the report.

8.1.2 Sample design

  • Describe the target population.
  • Describe the sampling frame including the date and source database.
  • Describe the type of sample and method of sample selection to be used.

8.1.3 Sample size and allocation

  • Optimization requirements – Optimization details including constraints and budget.
    – Detail the minimum domain sizes and mechanics used to determine the sizes.
  • Optimization results
    – Results: minimum respondent sample size per stratum
    – Marginal sample sizes for key reporting domains
    – Estimated precision achieved by optimization results
  • Inflation adjustments to allocation solution
    – Nonresponse adjustments
    – Adjustments for ineligible sample members
  • Final sample allocation
    – Marginal sample sizes for key reporting domains
  • Sensitivity analysis
    – Results from comparing deviations to allocation after introducing changes to the optimization system

8.1.4 Appendix

  • Sample size per strata (table), full sample and expected number of respondents
  • Other relevant detailed tables including preliminary analysis


Valliant, Jill A.; Kreuter, Richard; Dever. 2013. Practical Tools for Designing and Weighting Survey Samples. Springer.