Chapter 4 GIS Analysis Toolkit

This chapter requires the following packages:


The previous chapter was dedicated to getting the baseline skills necessary to load spatial data into R and understand the different data structures. In this section we are going to go over the basic geoprocessing operations that are commonly encountered in applied research with spatial data. Geoprocessing is a commonly used term for describing a suite of tools and operations that manipulate an existing spatial dataset to create new or augmented versions of the original data.

4.1 Attribute Queries

One of the most basic spatial data operations is to create subsets based on the values of an attribute (i.e a column). Let’s retrieve Metro Vancouver data using the cancensus package that was introduced in the previous chapter, and examine the attributes associated with each dissemination area. Note that the ID for Metro Vancouver is 5915. Feel free to augment the code below to retrieve a different subset of Canadian census data.

find_census_vectors("Median total income",type = "total", dataset = "CA16",query_type = "semantic")#options(cancensus.api_key = "your_api_key") # uncomment and input your API Key here to enable retrieval of data from Statistics Canada
## # A tibble: 9 x 4
##   vector    type  label                                                       details                                                                                                           
##   <chr>     <fct> <chr>                                                       <chr>                                                                                                             
## 1 v_CA16_2~ Total Median total income in 2015 among recipients ($)            Income; Individuals; Total - Income statistics in 2015 for the population aged 15 years and over in private house~
## 2 v_CA16_2~ Total Median total income of households in 2015 ($)               Income; Households; Total - Income statistics in 2015 for private households by household size - Median total inc~
## 3 v_CA16_2~ Total Median total income of one-person households in 2015 ($)    Income; Households; Total - Income statistics in 2015 for one-person private households - Median total income of ~
## 4 v_CA16_2~ Total Median total income of two-or-more-person households in 20~ Income; Households; Total - Income statistics in 2015 for two-or-more-person private households - Median total in~
## 5 v_CA16_2~ Total Median total income of economic families in 2015 ($)        Income; Families; Total - Income statistics in 2015 for economic families in private households - Median total in~
## 6 v_CA16_2~ Total Median total income of couple economic families without ch~ Income; Families; Total - Income statistics in 2015 for couple economic families without children or other relati~
## 7 v_CA16_2~ Total Median total income of couple economic families with child~ Income; Families; Total - Income statistics in 2015 for couple economic families with children in private househo~
## 8 v_CA16_2~ Total Median total income of lone-parent economic families in 20~ Income; Families; Total - Income statistics in 2015 for lone-parent economic families in private households - Med~
## 9 v_CA16_2~ Total Median total income in 2015 for persons aged 15 years and ~ Income; Families; Total - Income statistics in 2015 for persons aged 15 years and over not in economic families i~
mv_census <- get_census(dataset='CA16', #specify the census of interest
                          regions=list(CSD="5915"),#specify the region of interest
                          vectors=c("v_CA16_2397"), # specify the attribute data of interest
                         labels = "short",# here we specify short variabhle names, otherwise they get very long
                        level='DA', #specify the census geography
                          geo_format = "sf", #specify the geographic data format as output
                         quiet = TRUE #turn off download progress messages (set to FALSE to see messages)

## Simple feature collection with 3450 features and 13 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -123.4319 ymin: 49.00192 xmax: -122.4086 ymax: 49.57428
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
## First 10 features:
##    Population Households   GeoUID Type CD_UID Shape Area Dwellings CSD_UID     CT_UID CMA_UID    Region Name Area (sq km) v_CA16_2397                       geometry
## 1         368        159 59150004   DA   5915    0.85230       172 5915055 9330133.01   59933 West Vancouver      0.85230       94592 MULTIPOLYGON (((-123.2421 4...
## 2         503        205 59150005   DA   5915    0.16598       221 5915055 9330133.01   59933 West Vancouver      0.16598      102997 MULTIPOLYGON (((-123.2789 4...
## 3         432        196 59150006   DA   5915    0.15593       200 5915055 9330133.01   59933 West Vancouver      0.15593       85504 MULTIPOLYGON (((-123.2773 4...
## 4         546        212 59150007   DA   5915    0.71085       221 5915055 9330133.01   59933 West Vancouver      0.71085      133803 MULTIPOLYGON (((-123.289 49...
## 5         596        224 59150008   DA   5915    0.65167       247 5915055 9330133.01   59933 West Vancouver      0.65167      167936 MULTIPOLYGON (((-123.2815 4...
## 6         399        136 59150009   DA   5915    0.56986       143 5915055 9330133.01   59933 West Vancouver      0.56986      146432 MULTIPOLYGON (((-123.2797 4...
## 7         831        298 59150010   DA   5915    0.80527       314 5915055 9330133.01   59933 West Vancouver      0.80527      144725 MULTIPOLYGON (((-123.2766 4...
## 8         512        173 59150012   DA   5915    0.44894       182 5915055 9330133.02   59933 West Vancouver      0.44894      129792 MULTIPOLYGON (((-123.2429 4...
## 9         360        118 59150013   DA   5915    0.27287       122 5915055 9330133.02   59933 West Vancouver      0.27287      163328 MULTIPOLYGON (((-123.2429 4...
## 10       1070        413 59150014   DA   5915   32.12439       455 5915055 9330133.02   59933 West Vancouver     32.12439      123136 MULTIPOLYGON (((-123.195 49...

Notice how our census data has attributes that describe geographical regions we are interested in via the column Region Name. While there are several ways to subset rows of data (spatial or otherwise) based on the values of columns, the filter() function from the dplyr package integrates nicely with sf objects, is intuitive and easy to implement. In the filter function we can construct a boolean expression (a statement that evaluates to either TRUE or FALSE) to determine which rows (which with sf objects, correspond to a spatial feature) we want to keep in our new dataset. Example functions and operators include:

  • == (is equal to)
  • > (greater than)
  • < (less than)
  • (is equal to NA[ no value])

We can combine these functions using operators such as

  • & (and, to combine)
  • | (or)
  • ! (does not equal)

Let’s try an attribute query that will isolate (or filter) the dissemination areas that are within the City of Vancouver and has a median household income > $175,000.

cov_high_income <- mv_census %>% 
  filter(`Region Name`=="Vancouver" & v_CA16_2397 >175000)

In the above code we are stating that we want to create a new spatial dataset called cov_wealthy. THis new object is based on the original dataset mv_census where, using the filter() function, we only keep the rows (corresponding to a polygon) where the Region Name column value is equal to the string "Vancouver" AND the column describing the median household income v_CA16_2397 is greater than $175,000. Let’s see if this worked by quickly mapping both the original data and the new data using mapview(). Click on the red polygons and check to see if the value for v_CA16_2397 is greater than 175000.

mapview(mv_census) + mapview(cov_high_income,col.regions = "red")

We can see that this attribute query has worked perfectly and that the layer coloured in red only contains dissemination areas within the City of Vancouver and where the median household income is greater than $175,000.

Now let’s do a slightly more complex attribute query using data retrieved from OpenStreetMaps using the osmdata package where we only want separated bicycle infrastructure data (E.g. lines representing the location of separated infrastructure). First let’s load data for the city

van_bb <- getbb("Vancouver BC")

streets <- van_bb %>%
  add_osm_feature(key = "highway") %>%

streets_sf <- streets$osm_lines

In the osm data there are several attributes (columns) that could be used to designate separated bicycling infrastructure including the “highway” column and the “bicycle” column. Here we construct a query that will select lines based on the different values that could be plausibly be used to describe separated bicycling infrastructure. In plain engligh this looks like.

Select the features where the following is TRUE:

  1. highway equals “cycleway” OR
  2. highway equals “path” & bicycle equals “yes” OR
  3. highway equals “path” & bicycle equals “designated” OR
  4. highway equals “footway” & bicycle equals “yes” OR
  5. highway equals “footway” & bicycle equals “designated”
bicycle <- streets_sf %>% 
  filter(highway=="cycleway" | (highway=="path"&bicycle=="yes") | (highway=="path"&bicycle=="designated") | (highway=="footway"&bicycle=="yes") | (highway=="footway"&bicycle=="designated"))

 mapview(streets_sf) + mapview(bicycle,color = "red") 

In the above map we can see our selection highlighted in red.

4.2 Spatial Queries

What happens if we wanted to isolate spatial data based on the location, but the data don’t have existing attributes that are associated with that location? For example, what if our census data did not have the Region Name column? One way we could solve this problem would be to find another spatial dataset that represents the location of interest, and perform what is called a spatial query. Spatial queries refer to creating new data or subsets of data based purely on the location of different features, in relation to another dataset. For example, if we wanted to select all the crashes within a certain distance of specific infrastructure types, we’d need to perform a spatial query. More formally, spatial queries are typically based on either topological spatial relationships or distance relationships. Topological relationships describe the relationship in terms of whether any two spatial data a and b intersects, touches, contains among others. While distance relationships are about how far away certain objects are from each other. Let’s get the flavour for a spatial query by going through a few examples.

First, let’s answer the first question I posed in the above paragraph. How would we isolate the Dissmimination Areas within the City of Vancouver, if our dataset did not have an existing attribute that describes which region the DA fell in? We will need another spatial dataset which represents the boundary of the City of Vancouver. Such a shapefile was included in the course data package in Chapter 1.

van_boundary <- read_sf("D:/Github/crash-course-gis-r/data/CoV_boundary.shp") # use the file location of where you have stored your data

mapview(mv_census) + mapview(van_boundary,col.regions = "red")

We can see from our map above that we want to keep those DAs that are within the red polygon (the City of Vancouver boundary). We can use functions from sf to evaluate the topological spatial relationships between these two datasets (See for a full list of operations). We are going to use the function st_interscts() to evaluate which polygons from the mv_census dataset intersect with the spatial features of the van_boundary dataset. First let’s just run the function setting the argument “sparse” = FALSE and see what the output is. We are setting the arugment sparse to false for teaching purposes, but I encourage you to read (Chapter 4)[] of Geocomputation with R for a greater background on the technical details.

st_intersects(mv_census,van_boundary,sparse = FALSE)
## Error in st_geos_binop("intersects", x, y, sparse = sparse, prepared = prepared, : st_crs(x) == st_crs(y) is not TRUE

Shoot! We get an error message indicating that our two datasets are in two different coordinate systems! This is an important lesson to learn. In order to perform any kind of spatial operation involving more than one dataset, we need to ensure they are both in the same coordinate system.

Let’s troubleshoot this. First let’s check the CRS information of each dataset and compare.

st_crs(mv_census)#check CRS
## Coordinate Reference System:
##   User input: 4326 
##   wkt:
## GEOGCS["WGS 84",
##       DATUM["WGS_1984",
##         SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
##           AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
##         AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
##       PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
##         AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
##       UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
##         AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],
##       AXIS["Latitude",NORTH],
##       AXIS["Longitude",EAST],
##     AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
st_crs(van_boundary)#check CRS
## Coordinate Reference System:
##   User input: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N 
##   wkt:
## PROJCRS["NAD83 / UTM zone 10N",
##         DATUM["North American Datum 1983",
##             ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,
##                 LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]],
##         PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
##             ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
##         ID["EPSG",4269]],
##     CONVERSION["UTM zone 10N",
##         METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
##             ID["EPSG",9807]],
##         PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,
##             ANGLEUNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433],
##             ID["EPSG",8801]],
##         PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",-123,
##             ANGLEUNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433],
##             ID["EPSG",8802]],
##         PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,
##             SCALEUNIT["unity",1],
##             ID["EPSG",8805]],
##         PARAMETER["False easting",500000,
##             LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],
##             ID["EPSG",8806]],
##         PARAMETER["False northing",0,
##             LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],
##             ID["EPSG",8807]]],
##     CS[Cartesian,2],
##         AXIS["(E)",east,
##             ORDER[1],
##             LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],
##         AXIS["(N)",north,
##             ORDER[2],
##             LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],
##     ID["EPSG",26910]]

Based on the CRS information above, we see that the mv_census dataset is “unprojected” and is in WGS1984, while van_boundary is in the projected coordinated system of NAD83/UTM Zone 10N. Since we need our data to be projected, let’s tranform the mv_census object to be in the same projection as van_boundary.

crs_to_use <- st_crs(van_boundary) # store crs information from the van_boundary dataset
crs_epsg <- crs_to_use$epsg # store the epsg code from the van_boundary dataset

mv_census_proj <- st_transform(mv_census,crs=crs_epsg)

Now let’s check to see if they are both in the same coordinate system

## [1] TRUE

Great! We are rolling now. Let’s try the spatial operation of st_intersects() again, and see what the output is

st_intersects_output <- st_intersects(mv_census_proj,van_boundary,sparse = FALSE)

##       [,1]
## [1,] FALSE
## [2,] FALSE
## [3,] FALSE
## [4,] FALSE
## [5,] FALSE
## [6,] FALSE

When we set the argument “sparse” = FALSE, what is returned is matrix where each row corresponds to a spatial feature within the mv_census_proj object and if the value is TRUE than it means that the feature intersects with the van_boundary geometry and if FALSE than it means it does not. We can combine this output with the the filter() function to return only the polygons that intersect with the van_boundary polygon.

census_intersects <- filter(mv_census_proj,st_intersects(x = mv_census_proj, y = van_boundary, sparse = FALSE))

mapview(van_boundary,col.region = "red") + mapview(census_intersects) 

Another important lesson to learn here! It looks like our spatial query returned the dissemination areas just on the borders of the van_boundary file. This is a common occurrence in GIS analysis where boundaries from different data sources don’t exactly line up. You can see that the borders of the red polygon representing the City of Vancouver boundaries don’t line up with borders of our dissemination areas, causing us to select polygons that intersect with the Vancouver boundary layer, but are technically in Richmond, Burnaby and UBC. This is why it is important to map out your geoprocessing to do a spot check on whether what you wanted to do, actually occurred.

Now let’s brainstorm on how we can fix this problem. Short of manually fixing the boundaries to ensure that they line up with the dissemination area boundaries, we need to get a bit creative. I’m going to introduce you to the concept of a centroid, something that can be quite handy in situations like these. A centroid in GIS speak, is the “average” coordinate within a polygon, that is a single point (x,y location) that is representative of the location of a polygon.

mv_centroids <- st_centroid(mv_census_proj)

mapview(van_boundary,col.regions="red") + mapview(mv_census_proj) + mapview(mv_centroids,col.regions="black") 

Make sure to explore this map by zooming in and clicking on the points and the polygons they fall on. See if you can find any polygons where the centroid doesn’t fall within the boundaries of its polygon. Zoom into areas around the border of the red polygon and see if any of the centroid fall within it.

When we are working with two polygon datasets whose boundaries don’t align in the way we want, often using the centroids to represent a polygon location can be a good solution to this problem. Instead of selecting disseminiation area polygons whose boundaries intersect with the Vancouver boundary, let’s select the dissmeination area polygons whose centroid intersects with the Vancouver boundary layer. We can do this by combining filter(), st_intersect() and st_centroid().

census_intersects_cntrd <- filter(mv_census_proj,st_intersects(x = st_centroid(mv_census_proj), y = van_boundary, sparse = FALSE))

mapview(van_boundary,col.region = "red") + mapview(census_intersects_cntrd) 

There we have it. Explore the output in the map to ensure that we have selected the correct polygons.

This section was designed to give you some intuition as to how to perform a spatial query. There are lots of different ways of conducting spatial queries to produce the spatial dataset you need. Check out a (full list of functions)[] to give you an idea of what other topological and distance relationships you can query using sf.

4.3 Attribute Joins

Often data are provided in tabular format that are associated with a certain geographic location such as census geographies (census tracts, dissemination areas etc.) or neighbourhoods, or other geographic identifiers. For example in your downloaded data there is an excel spread sheet called bc_scores_quintiles_EN.xlsx which is originally from Statistics Canada that provides a score for different dimensions deprivation for each dissemination area in the province of British Columbia. In the figure below the column that refers to a unique identifier for each dissemination area in the province is named “PRCDDA.”

Tabular data with unique geographic identifier

Figure 4.1: Tabular data with unique geographic identifier

That same variable is available within the census data we have previously retrieved in the chapter. As can be seen in the figure below, within the census data retrieved using cancensus the dissemination area unique identifier is named “GeoUID.” With this knowledge in mind we can join the spread sheet data that lacks any geometry to our sf census data using this unique identifier.

Geographic data with unique geographic identifier

Figure 4.2: Geographic data with unique geographic identifier

First we need to use the function read_xlsx() from the readxl package to load in the .xlsx excel spreadsheet data.

deprivation_da <- read_xlsx("D:/Github/crash-course-gis-r/data/bc_scores_quintiles_EN.xlsx",sheet = 1)

Then we use the function left_join() from the dplyrpackage. The left_join() function takes two datasets and returns all the rows from x and only the rows from y where there is a matching value.

Excample of left join operation for two datasets.[source](

Figure 4.3: Excample of left join operation for two datasets.source

While there are many kind of ways to join tables together based on common attributes (see here), here we are interested in ensuring that we keep all of the geographic data and only the data on deprivation for the dissemination areas we are interested in.

In this function we make sure to input our geographic sf object first to indicate that is the dataset for which we wish to keep all the records (e.g. circle A in the above figure), and the a-spatial tabular data second to indicate that is the data we wish to join matching records. We can indicate that our unique identifier we use to match the records have different names in each dataset. The other alternative is to rename one of the variables to match the other, but this works also.

vancouver_da_dep <- left_join(census_intersects_cntrd,deprivation_da, by = c("GeoUID"="PRCDDA"))

Let’s take a look at the data and then map it out to ensure it worked.

## Simple feature collection with 993 features and 23 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 483690.9 ymin: 5449535 xmax: 498329.2 ymax: 5462381
## Projected CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
## First 10 features:
##    Population Households   GeoUID Type CD_UID Shape Area Dwellings CSD_UID     CT_UID CMA_UID Region Name Area (sq km) v_CA16_2397         Province Dissemination area (DA) Population
## 1         632        254 59150307   DA   5915    0.29926       273 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.29926       90965 British Columbia                           669.4691
## 2         501        203 59150308   DA   5915    0.10956       223 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.10956       93611 British Columbia                           470.3942
## 3         745        269 59150309   DA   5915    0.11190       299 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.11190       84736 British Columbia                           728.7991
## 4         536        283 59150310   DA   5915    0.10940       310 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.10940       45184 British Columbia                           396.3275
## 5         532        181 59150311   DA   5915    0.08094       199 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.08094       82517 British Columbia                           623.7097
## 6         562        203 59150312   DA   5915    0.08706       211 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.08706       74368 British Columbia                           530.6063
## 7        1088        402 59150313   DA   5915    0.17284       418 5915022 9330052.02   59933   Vancouver      0.17284       61184 British Columbia                           954.5501
## 8         556        170 59150328   DA   5915    0.23224       181 5915022 9330052.02   59933   Vancouver      0.23224       80896 British Columbia                           558.0631
## 9         959        333 59150329   DA   5915    0.30854       356 5915022 9330052.02   59933   Vancouver      0.30854       66688 British Columbia                           891.8479
## 10        506        174 59150330   DA   5915    0.07820       189 5915022 9330052.02   59933   Vancouver      0.07820       82176 British Columbia                           460.2466
##    Ethno-cultural composition Quintiles Ethno-cultural composition Scores Situational vulnerability Quintiles Situational vulnerability Scores Economic dependency Quintiles
## 1                                     3                        -0.2744621                                   2                       -0.4505756                             1
## 2                                     3                        -0.2350062                                   1                       -0.7415757                             2
## 3                                     4                         0.5496419                                   1                       -0.6846734                             2
## 4                                     4                         0.8662144                                   5                        0.3722661                             2
## 5                                     4                         0.6849209                                   2                       -0.4435429                             2
## 6                                     5                         1.0570569                                   3                       -0.2977577                             1
## 7                                     4                         0.5790914                                   5                        0.6069958                             3
## 8                                     5                         1.4650933                                   3                       -0.2751484                             1
## 9                                     5                         2.4115451                                   4                        0.0428343                             4
## 10                                    5                         0.9880264                                   3                       -0.2410908                             1
##    Economic dependency Scores Residential instability Quintiles Residential instability Scores                       geometry
## 1                  -0.9301352                                 4                      0.1246316 MULTIPOLYGON (((498308 5459...
## 2                  -0.6086799                                 2                     -0.5748885 MULTIPOLYGON (((498301.6 54...
## 3                  -0.6227231                                 3                     -0.2030643 MULTIPOLYGON (((497939.5 54...
## 4                  -0.4802208                                 5                      1.9569124 MULTIPOLYGON (((498298.6 54...
## 5                  -0.5483774                                 3                     -0.4832458 MULTIPOLYGON (((498128.4 54...
## 6                  -0.7775863                                 3                     -0.1416693 MULTIPOLYGON (((498298.6 54...
## 7                  -0.0186630                                 4                      0.2009225 MULTIPOLYGON (((498259 5458...
## 8                  -1.4517890                                 3                     -0.2034135 MULTIPOLYGON (((498102 5458...
## 9                   0.1864334                                 3                     -0.3812451 MULTIPOLYGON (((497801.1 54...
## 10                 -0.7402528                                 2                     -0.6010522 MULTIPOLYGON (((497312 5458...
mapview(vancouver_da_dep, zcol = "Residential instability Scores")

4.4 Buffers

Buffers are a geometric operation which creates a polygon based on a specified distance around individual spatial features. Buffers can be constructed around points, line and polygons.

Diagram showing a buffer (green) of a point, line and polygon feature (red).[Source](

Figure 4.4: Diagram showing a buffer (green) of a point, line and polygon feature (red).Source

Let’s illustrate with a few examples.

First let’s load some data. Recall the code from last chapter to convert the .csv data on crash events to a spatial object in R. Below we repeat that code.

icbc_crash <- read_csv("D:/Github/crash-course-gis-r/data/ICBC_cyclist_crashes.csv") %>%# use the file location of where you have stored your data
    filter(! %>% # remove the recrods which have missing values
  st_as_sf(.,coords = c("Longitude","Latitude"),crs = 4326) %>% 
  mutate(uniqid = row_number()) #assign unique identifier to each crash record
## -- Column specification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   .default = col_character(),
##   `Date Of Loss Year` = col_double(),
##   `Crash Count` = col_double(),
##   Latitude = col_double(),
##   Longitude = col_double(),
##   `Number of Records` = col_double()
## )
## i Use `spec()` for the full column specifications.

Now on your own select the crashes that occur within the City of Vancouver and assign it to a new spatial object called icbc_crash_van.

HINT you can do either an attribute query or a spatial query and you will need to convert the layer to a projected coordinate system.

The output should look like this:


Buffers can be created using the function st_buffer() from the sf package and inputting the sf object that you wish to create buffers around, and the size of the buffer in a unit of length (e.g. metres). Check the units of your map projection to ensure you know what numbers to input for distance. Here let’s create a 200m buffer around each crash event in our dataset.

st_crs(icbc_crash_van)$units # my map projection uses metres as a unit - 
## [1] "m"
crash_buffer_icbc <- st_buffer(icbc_crash_van,dist = 150)

## Simple feature collection with 3373 features and 26 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 484177.4 ymin: 5449829 xmax: 498479.2 ymax: 5462176
## Projected CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
## # A tibble: 3,373 x 27
##    `Crash Breakdown~ `Date Of Loss Ye~ `Crash Severity`  `Cyclist Flag` `Day Of Week` `Derived Crash Con~ `Intersection Cr~ `Month Of Year` `Motorcycle Fla~ `Municipality Nam~ `Parking Lot Fl~
##  * <chr>                         <dbl> <chr>             <chr>          <chr>         <chr>               <chr>             <chr>           <chr>            <chr>              <chr>           
##  1 LOWER MAINLAND                 2018 CASUALTY          Yes            SATURDAY      SINGLE VEHICLE      Yes               MAY             No               VANCOUVER          No              
##  2 LOWER MAINLAND                 2017 PROPERTY DAMAGE ~ Yes            THURSDAY      UNDETERMINED        Yes               MARCH           No               VANCOUVER          No              
##  3 LOWER MAINLAND                 2015 CASUALTY          Yes            FRIDAY        SINGLE VEHICLE      Yes               JUNE            No               VANCOUVER          No              
##  4 LOWER MAINLAND                 2015 CASUALTY          Yes            WEDNESDAY     SINGLE VEHICLE      Yes               JUNE            No               VANCOUVER          No              
##  5 LOWER MAINLAND                 2016 CASUALTY          Yes            THURSDAY      SINGLE VEHICLE      Yes               NOVEMBER        No               VANCOUVER          No              
##  6 LOWER MAINLAND                 2019 PROPERTY DAMAGE ~ Yes            WEDNESDAY     SINGLE VEHICLE      Yes               JANUARY         No               VANCOUVER          No              
##  7 LOWER MAINLAND                 2016 CASUALTY          Yes            FRIDAY        SINGLE VEHICLE      Yes               AUGUST          No               VANCOUVER          No              
##  8 LOWER MAINLAND                 2018 CASUALTY          Yes            FRIDAY        SINGLE VEHICLE      Yes               MAY             No               VANCOUVER          No              
##  9 LOWER MAINLAND                 2016 CASUALTY          Yes            WEDNESDAY     SINGLE VEHICLE      Yes               AUGUST          No               VANCOUVER          No              
## 10 LOWER MAINLAND                 2017 CASUALTY          Yes            TUESDAY       SINGLE VEHICLE      Yes               NOVEMBER        No               VANCOUVER          No              
## # ... with 3,363 more rows, and 16 more variables: Pedestrian Flag <chr>, Region <chr>, Street Full Name (ifnull) <chr>, Time Category <chr>, Crash Breakdown <chr>,
## #   Cross Street Full Name <chr>, Heavy Veh Flag <chr>, Mid Block Crash <chr>, Municipality Name <chr>, Municipality With Boundary <chr>, Road Location Description <chr>,
## #   Street Full Name <chr>, Crash Count <dbl>, Number of Records <dbl>, geometry <POLYGON [m]>, uniqid <int>

Note how the buffer retains the attributes of each original crash event!

We can also create buffers for lines, and polygons. For example, lets create 20m buffers around our separated infrastructure data we created earlier in the chapter.

bicycle_buffer <- st_buffer(bicycle,dist=20)
## Warning in st_buffer.sfc(st_geometry(x), dist, nQuadSegs, endCapStyle = endCapStyle, : st_buffer does not correctly buffer longitude/latitude data
## dist is assumed to be in decimal degrees (arc_degrees).

Shoot! Coordinate systems problems at it again! Remember that our data have to be projected in order to spatial operations on them. We know what to do from here though. Let’s convert it to be the same projection as the rest of our data NAD83/UTM Zone 10N.

bicycle_proj <- st_transform(bicycle,crs=st_crs(icbc_crash_van)$epsg)

bicycle_buffer <- st_buffer(bicycle_proj,dist=20)


4.5 Union

A union of a single layer can be used to combine the geometry into a single unit using st_union(). This removes all of the attributes however.

Diagram showing a union of two polygon layers.[Source](

Figure 4.5: Diagram showing a union of two polygon layers.Source

Let’s union the buffer data from our crashes.

crash_buffer_union <- st_union(crash_buffer_icbc)


4.6 Intersection

Diagram showing intersection of two polygon layers.[Source](

Figure 4.6: Diagram showing intersection of two polygon layers.Source

intersect_van_census_crash_buffer <- st_intersection(census_intersects_cntrd,crash_buffer_icbc)

## Simple feature collection with 13303 features and 39 fields
## Geometry type: GEOMETRY
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 484205.8 ymin: 5449833 xmax: 498329.2 ymax: 5462176
## Projected CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
## First 10 features:
##       Population Households   GeoUID Type CD_UID Shape.Area Dwellings CSD_UID     CT_UID CMA_UID Region.Name v_CA16_2397 Crash.Breakdown.2 Date.Of.Loss.Year       Crash.Severity
## 912         1093        529 59153583   DA   5915    0.03968       607 5915022 9330059.06   59933   Vancouver      0.03968       33344    LOWER MAINLAND              2018             CASUALTY
## 990         4685       2596 59154001   DA   5915    0.28495      2960 5915022 9330059.13   59933   Vancouver      0.28495       72082    LOWER MAINLAND              2018             CASUALTY
## 989         1668        930 59154000   DA   5915    0.37695      1081 5915022 9330059.14   59933   Vancouver      0.37695       80811    LOWER MAINLAND              2017 PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY
## 990.1       4685       2596 59154001   DA   5915    0.28495      2960 5915022 9330059.13   59933   Vancouver      0.28495       72082    LOWER MAINLAND              2017 PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY
## 423          779        413 59150755   DA   5915    0.05163       454 5915022 9330057.01   59933   Vancouver      0.05163       17740    LOWER MAINLAND              2015             CASUALTY
## 424          203         76 59150756   DA   5915    0.02422       109 5915022 9330057.01   59933   Vancouver      0.02422       56960    LOWER MAINLAND              2015             CASUALTY
## 425         1123        631 59150757   DA   5915    0.07878       726 5915022 9330057.01   59933   Vancouver      0.07878       28832    LOWER MAINLAND              2015             CASUALTY
## 426          499        254 59150758   DA   5915    0.02731       261 5915022 9330057.01   59933   Vancouver      0.02731       28032    LOWER MAINLAND              2015             CASUALTY
## 772          558        262 59153191   DA   5915    0.05637       262 5915022 9330056.01   59933   Vancouver      0.05637       66389    LOWER MAINLAND              2015             CASUALTY
## 773          552        366 59153192   DA   5915    0.03022       375 5915022 9330056.01   59933   Vancouver      0.03022       25280    LOWER MAINLAND              2015             CASUALTY
##       Cyclist.Flag Day.Of.Week Derived.Crash.Congifuration Intersection.Crash Month.Of.Year Motorcycle.Flag Municipality.Name..ifnull. Parking.Lot.Flag Pedestrian.Flag         Region
## 912            Yes    SATURDAY              SINGLE VEHICLE                Yes           MAY              No                  VANCOUVER               No              No LOWER MAINLAND
## 990            Yes    SATURDAY              SINGLE VEHICLE                Yes           MAY              No                  VANCOUVER               No              No LOWER MAINLAND
## 989            Yes    THURSDAY                UNDETERMINED                Yes         MARCH              No                  VANCOUVER               No              No LOWER MAINLAND
## 990.1          Yes    THURSDAY                UNDETERMINED                Yes         MARCH              No                  VANCOUVER               No              No LOWER MAINLAND
## 423            Yes      FRIDAY              SINGLE VEHICLE                Yes          JUNE              No                  VANCOUVER               No              No LOWER MAINLAND
## 424            Yes      FRIDAY              SINGLE VEHICLE                Yes          JUNE              No                  VANCOUVER               No              No LOWER MAINLAND
## 425            Yes      FRIDAY              SINGLE VEHICLE                Yes          JUNE              No                  VANCOUVER               No              No LOWER MAINLAND
## 426            Yes      FRIDAY              SINGLE VEHICLE                Yes          JUNE              No                  VANCOUVER               No              No LOWER MAINLAND
## 772            Yes   WEDNESDAY              SINGLE VEHICLE                Yes          JUNE              No                  VANCOUVER               No              No LOWER MAINLAND
## 773            Yes   WEDNESDAY              SINGLE VEHICLE                Yes          JUNE              No                  VANCOUVER               No              No LOWER MAINLAND
##       Street.Full.Name..ifnull. Time.Category Crash.Breakdown Cross.Street.Full.Name Heavy.Veh.Flag Mid.Block.Crash Municipality.Name Municipality.With.Boundary
## 912                   EXPO BLVD   18:00-20:59        SATURDAY              ABBOTT ST              N               N         VANCOUVER                  VANCOUVER
## 990                   EXPO BLVD   18:00-20:59        SATURDAY              ABBOTT ST              N               N         VANCOUVER                  VANCOUVER
## 989                   EXPO BLVD   15:00-17:59        THURSDAY             CARRALL ST              N               N         VANCOUVER                  VANCOUVER
## 990.1                 EXPO BLVD   15:00-17:59        THURSDAY             CARRALL ST              N               N         VANCOUVER                  VANCOUVER
## 423                E GEORGIA ST   09:00-11:59          FRIDAY               GORE AVE              N               N         VANCOUVER                  VANCOUVER
## 424                E GEORGIA ST   09:00-11:59          FRIDAY               GORE AVE              N               N         VANCOUVER                  VANCOUVER
## 425                E GEORGIA ST   09:00-11:59          FRIDAY               GORE AVE              N               N         VANCOUVER                  VANCOUVER
## 426                E GEORGIA ST   09:00-11:59          FRIDAY               GORE AVE              N               N         VANCOUVER                  VANCOUVER
## 772                   ADANAC ST   15:00-17:59       WEDNESDAY          COMMERCIAL DR              N               N         VANCOUVER                  VANCOUVER
## 773                   ADANAC ST   15:00-17:59       WEDNESDAY          COMMERCIAL DR              N               N         VANCOUVER                  VANCOUVER
##                   Road.Location.Description Street.Full.Name Crash.Count Number.of.Records uniqid                       geometry
## 912   ABBOTT ST & EXPO BLVD & PAT QUINN WAY        EXPO BLVD           1                 1     42 POLYGON ((492282.1 5458528,...
## 990   ABBOTT ST & EXPO BLVD & PAT QUINN WAY        EXPO BLVD           1                 1     42 POLYGON ((492282.1 5458528,...
## 989                  CARRALL ST & EXPO BLVD        EXPO BLVD           1                 1     43 POLYGON ((492168.2 5458279,...
## 990.1                CARRALL ST & EXPO BLVD        EXPO BLVD           1                 1     43 POLYGON ((492167.4 5458271,...
## 423                 E GEORGIA ST & GORE AVE     E GEORGIA ST           1                 1     45 POLYGON ((492947.4 5458322,...
## 424                 E GEORGIA ST & GORE AVE     E GEORGIA ST           1                 1     45 POLYGON ((492947.4 5458322,...
## 425                 E GEORGIA ST & GORE AVE     E GEORGIA ST           1                 1     45 POLYGON ((492947.9 5458274,...
## 426                 E GEORGIA ST & GORE AVE     E GEORGIA ST           1                 1     45 POLYGON ((493012.9 5458522,...
## 772               ADANAC ST & COMMERCIAL DR        ADANAC ST           1                 1     46 POLYGON ((494757.3 5458221,...
## 773               ADANAC ST & COMMERCIAL DR        ADANAC ST           1                 1     46 POLYGON ((494903.4 5458315,...

Now we can see that each polygon has information from both the census data and the crash data. We could now map the information from overlapping census data based on the location of each buffer. It takes the overlapping polygons and combines the attribute data, removing areas without overlapping data. Let’s plot income for illustration


There are a lot of overlapping polygons in this dataset. Let’s simplify these data by averaging the census income data for each unique crash buffer. Recall that each icbc crash had a unique identifer we assigned it when we loaded it. The code below essentially is taking all of the different census data that overlapped with a crash buffer and averaging the income from that dissemination area. More formally, we can think about it as for each polygon that has the same uniqid, dissolve the geometry so that they all share the same extent and take the average value of v_CA16_2397 and assign it to the new geography. This will necessarily only leave 1 income value for each crash buffer, and “dissolve” the boundaries of buffers that were on the border of multiple census areas. This might make more sense by comparing the intersection plot with the dissolved/aggregated plot below.

average_income_by_crash_buffer <- intersect_van_census_crash_buffer %>% 
  group_by(uniqid) %>% 
  summarise(average_income = mean(v_CA16_2397,na.rm=TRUE))


4.7 Spatial Joins

A spatial join will likely be one of the most common types of overlay analyses you will employ in your analyses. In a spatial join the goal is to combine the attribute data from one geographic dataset (the join dataset) and append it to the geometry of another geographic dataset (the target dataset), based on the spatial relationship between the two datasets (figure 4.7. In a spatial join, the join dataset typically has 1 to 2 more dimensions that of the target features (recall that polygons are 2 dimensional, lines are 1 dimensional and points are 0 dimensional).

Usually the goal in a spatial join is to summarize or aggregate attribute information of either points that fall on/within the geometry of polygon or line features, or, to summarize the attribute information of lines that fall within polygons. In a transportation safety context, a good example would be to aggregate crash point data to the neighbourhood it occured within (point-in-polygon), or the number of crashes that occur on a road segment (points-on-lines). Another transportation example would be to aggregate the road network features by neighbourhoods (lines-in polygons).

For example in Figure 4.7 we have the crash point map where each crash has an ID. We also have a neighbourhood map with the names of neighbourhoods. We want to join the neighbourhood names to the point data, based on the co-location of the points and the neighbourhoods. We define the crash points dataset as the “target dataset.” The target dataset is the one where we want to preserve the existing geometry and attributes. We define the neighbourhood polygon dataset as the “join dataset.” THe join dataset contains the attribute information we want to join to the attribute table of the target dataset. In short, when we run a spatial join we preserve the geometry of the target dataset and add the attribute information of the join dataset.

Diagram showing spatial join of polygons to points

Figure 4.7: Diagram showing spatial join of polygons to points


In R we can use the st_join() function from the sf package to accomplish a spatial join. In this function the arguments that are input are st_join(x,y,join) where x refers to a target dataset (which needs to be an sf object), y refers to the join dataset. The default spatial relationship to use to define which feature attributes from the join dataset will be added to to which features from the target dataset is based on an intersection (i.e. st_intersects()). This can be modified to join attributes based on a different spatial relationship such as st_contains() or st_is_within_distance() among others. See the reference page for the full list.

Let’s go a through a few examples based on different purposes. Points-in-polygon

In this example our end goal is to map the number of ICBC recorded bicycle crashes by dissemination area boundaries for the city of Vancouver. We will use the datasets we loaded earlier in the chapter:

  • vancouver_da_dep: Dissemination Area census geographies that include information on deprivation levels (see Attribute Join section above)
  • icbc_crash_van: ICBC bicycle crash data for the City of Vancouver (see Buffer section above)

To enable counting of crashes within each dissemination area we are going to use a spatial join within a series of steps that will also draw upon what we learned about attribute joins and some data summary functionality from dplyr.

The first step is to join the DA level information to each point based on whether the point intersects with that polygon. Essentially, we want to take all of the DA level information and join it to each crash event based on the colocation of the crash and census data.

icbc_crash_van_join_da <- st_join(icbc_crash_van,vancouver_da_dep)
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 49 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 492170.9 ymin: 5458315 xmax: 494873.9 ymax: 5458438
## Projected CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
## # A tibble: 6 x 50
##   `Crash Breakdown~ `Date Of Loss Ye~ `Crash Severity`  `Cyclist Flag` `Day Of Week` `Derived Crash Cong~ `Intersection Cr~ `Month Of Year` `Motorcycle Fla~ `Municipality Nam~ `Parking Lot Fl~
##   <chr>                         <dbl> <chr>             <chr>          <chr>         <chr>                <chr>             <chr>           <chr>            <chr>              <chr>           
## 1 LOWER MAINLAND                 2018 CASUALTY          Yes            SATURDAY      SINGLE VEHICLE       Yes               MAY             No               VANCOUVER          No              
## 2 LOWER MAINLAND                 2017 PROPERTY DAMAGE ~ Yes            THURSDAY      UNDETERMINED         Yes               MARCH           No               VANCOUVER          No              
## 3 LOWER MAINLAND                 2015 CASUALTY          Yes            FRIDAY        SINGLE VEHICLE       Yes               JUNE            No               VANCOUVER          No              
## 4 LOWER MAINLAND                 2015 CASUALTY          Yes            WEDNESDAY     SINGLE VEHICLE       Yes               JUNE            No               VANCOUVER          No              
## 5 LOWER MAINLAND                 2016 CASUALTY          Yes            THURSDAY      SINGLE VEHICLE       Yes               NOVEMBER        No               VANCOUVER          No              
## 6 LOWER MAINLAND                 2019 PROPERTY DAMAGE ~ Yes            WEDNESDAY     SINGLE VEHICLE       Yes               JANUARY         No               VANCOUVER          No              
## # ... with 39 more variables: Pedestrian Flag <chr>, Region <chr>, Street Full Name (ifnull) <chr>, Time Category <chr>, Crash Breakdown <chr>, Cross Street Full Name <chr>,
## #   Heavy Veh Flag <chr>, Mid Block Crash <chr>, Municipality Name <chr>, Municipality With Boundary <chr>, Road Location Description <chr>, Street Full Name <chr>, Crash Count <dbl>,
## #   Number of Records <dbl>, geometry <POINT [m]>, uniqid <int>, Population <int>, Households <int>, GeoUID <chr>, Type <fct>, CD_UID <chr>, Shape Area <dbl>, Dwellings <int>, CSD_UID <chr>,
## #   CT_UID <chr>, CMA_UID <chr>, Region Name <fct>, Area (sq km) <dbl>, v_CA16_2397 <dbl>, Province <chr>, Dissemination area (DA) Population <dbl>,
## #   Ethno-cultural composition Quintiles <dbl>, Ethno-cultural composition Scores <dbl>, Situational vulnerability Quintiles <dbl>, Situational vulnerability Scores <dbl>,
## #   Economic dependency Quintiles <dbl>, Economic dependency Scores <dbl>, Residential instability Quintiles <dbl>, Residential instability Scores <dbl>

In the attribute table of our new object icbc_crash_van_join_da we can see that each point now has information for the dissemination area with which it is located (e.g. intersects with). A successful spatial join! But how do we go from here to map the number of crashes by dissemination area? The next step is to take our spatially joined data and use dplyr to group the data by the dissemination area unique identifier, add up the Crash Count variable for each row with the same unique id. Right now our data is still an sf point object. Now that the spatial join is done, we don’t need to keep the geometry associated with this feature so we can remove it using the st_drop_geometry() function. This will speed up the computation time for the functions performed on grouped data.

In the code chunk below we are grouping our data by the dissemination area unique id we just joined to our point data using the group_by() function and summing the Crash Count variable using the summarise() function.

no_icbc_crashes_by_da <-   icbc_crash_van_join_da %>% 
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
  group_by(GeoUID) %>% 
  summarise(total_crashes = sum(`Crash Count`))

The output is a table with one row for each dissemination area (unique GeoUID)

## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   GeoUID   total_crashes
##   <chr>            <dbl>
## 1 59150310             1
## 2 59150311             1
## 3 59150313             4
## 4 59150329             3
## 5 59150330             1
## 6 59150332             1

Now we have counts of crashes by the unique identifier of the dissemination area it occured in. Now we can simply join this table back to the polygon data using a left_join().

vancouver_da_dep_crashes <- left_join(vancouver_da_dep,no_icbc_crashes_by_da,by="GeoUID")

## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 24 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 497754.1 ymin: 5458297 xmax: 498323.1 ymax: 5460083
## Projected CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
##   Population Households   GeoUID Type CD_UID Shape Area Dwellings CSD_UID     CT_UID CMA_UID Region Name Area (sq km) v_CA16_2397         Province Dissemination area (DA) Population
## 1        632        254 59150307   DA   5915    0.29926       273 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.29926       90965 British Columbia                           669.4691
## 2        501        203 59150308   DA   5915    0.10956       223 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.10956       93611 British Columbia                           470.3942
## 3        745        269 59150309   DA   5915    0.11190       299 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.11190       84736 British Columbia                           728.7991
## 4        536        283 59150310   DA   5915    0.10940       310 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.10940       45184 British Columbia                           396.3275
## 5        532        181 59150311   DA   5915    0.08094       199 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.08094       82517 British Columbia                           623.7097
## 6        562        203 59150312   DA   5915    0.08706       211 5915022 9330053.02   59933   Vancouver      0.08706       74368 British Columbia                           530.6063
##   Ethno-cultural composition Quintiles Ethno-cultural composition Scores Situational vulnerability Quintiles Situational vulnerability Scores Economic dependency Quintiles
## 1                                    3                        -0.2744621                                   2                       -0.4505756                             1
## 2                                    3                        -0.2350062                                   1                       -0.7415757                             2
## 3                                    4                         0.5496419                                   1                       -0.6846734                             2
## 4                                    4                         0.8662144                                   5                        0.3722661                             2
## 5                                    4                         0.6849209                                   2                       -0.4435429                             2
## 6                                    5                         1.0570569                                   3                       -0.2977577                             1
##   Economic dependency Scores Residential instability Quintiles Residential instability Scores total_crashes                       geometry
## 1                 -0.9301352                                 4                      0.1246316            NA MULTIPOLYGON (((498308 5459...
## 2                 -0.6086799                                 2                     -0.5748885            NA MULTIPOLYGON (((498301.6 54...
## 3                 -0.6227231                                 3                     -0.2030643            NA MULTIPOLYGON (((497939.5 54...
## 4                 -0.4802208                                 5                      1.9569124             1 MULTIPOLYGON (((498298.6 54...
## 5                 -0.5483774                                 3                     -0.4832458             1 MULTIPOLYGON (((498128.4 54...
## 6                 -0.7775863                                 3                     -0.1416693            NA MULTIPOLYGON (((498298.6 54...

Our new column total_crashes has NA values for some polygons. This is because if a dissemination area did not have crashes occur within their boundaries they would not have been attribtued to a crash in our point dataset during the spatial join. The NA value actually then represents a 0. So let’s change the NA values to 0 using the replace_na() function from the tidyr package.

vancouver_da_dep_crashes <- vancouver_da_dep_crashes %>% 
  mutate(total_crashes = replace_na(total_crashes,0))

Now let’s map the number of crashes from the new dataset vancouver_da_dep_crashes and overlay the original crash data icbc_crash_van

mapview(vancouver_da_dep_crashes,zcol = "total_crashes") + mapview(icbc_crash_van) Points-on-line

In a points-on-line spatial join we are applying the same concept as the previous example, but we instead want to join attribute data from line data to our point data. This type of operation is a bit trickier to implement because lines only 1-dimensions. So if a point does not fall exactly onto it’s geometry it is harder to join based on an intersection. There are a few ways around this as is the case with almost any kind of geoprocessing task. The simplest way would be to change spatial relationship from the default st_intersects to something like st_is_within_distance and specify a distance tolerance for considering a line to be attributed to a point. This is great if you are okay with a one-to-many spatial join where you create a new point object for every line segment within this distance. However, if we wanted to ensure a one-to-one join where you only join the attribute data from one line segment to one point - you will need to find a work around. One way to do this is to “snap” each point data to the nearest road segment, and then use the within st_join(x,y,join = st_is_within_distance, dist = tiny_value_like_1cm) to conduct the spatial join.

sf does not have a built in function for snapping points to nearest line segment but we can create one ourselves. Below is a function called st_snap_points() we define manually. It has 4 arguments, x for the point data, y for the line data, max_dist is the distance tolerance value, and namevar for specifying any uniqid from th original dataset. Feel free to ignore the details of the function below but make sure to run it before going through the rest of the section.

st_snap_points <- function(x, y, namevar, max_dist = 1000) {
  # this evaluates the length of the data
  if (inherits(x, "sf")) n = nrow(x)
  if (inherits(x, "sfc")) n = length(x)
  # this part: 
  # 1. loops through every piece of data (every point)
  # 2. snaps a point to the nearest line geometries
  # 3. calculates the distance from point to line geometries
  # 4. retains only the shortest distances and generates a point at that intersection
  out ="c",
                lapply(seq(n), function(i) {
                  nrst = st_nearest_points(st_geometry(x)[i], y)
                  nrst_len = st_length(nrst)
                  nrst_mn = which.min(nrst_len)
                  if (as.vector(nrst_len[nrst_mn]) > max_dist) return(st_geometry(x)[i])
                  return(st_cast(nrst[nrst_mn], "POINT")[2])
  # this part converts the data to a dataframe and adds a named column of your choice
  out_xy <- st_coordinates(out) %>%
  out_xy <- out_xy %>% 
    mutate({{namevar}} := x[[namevar]]) %>% 
    st_as_sf(coords=c("X","Y"), crs=st_crs(x), remove=FALSE)

Now that we have defined this function let’s try out another scenario. Similar to the section above, our end goal is to map the number of bicycle crashes (icbc_van_crash) that occur on the separated bicycle infrastructure network in Vancouver (bicycle_proj). The steps do so are as follows:

  1. Snap the crash locations to the nearest line segment based on a reasonable distance threshold using the st_snap_points function
  2. Perform a spatial join where we join the attributes of the nearest line segment to each point
  3. Aggregate the attribute data of the new spatially joined data by a unique identifier of the line segment
  4. Join the aggregated data back to the line segment data based on the unique identifier

Snap Points

Set a max distance of 20m to snap points. Outside of 20m then we don’t consider them occurring on an infrastructure segment and the position of the event will stay the same. This function may take a bit of time to run.

icbc_snp <- st_snap_points(x = icbc_crash_van,#crash van 
                           y = bicycle_proj, #network infrasructure data
                           max_dist = 20,
                           namevar = "uniqid") #this only returns the geometry - doesn't preserve attributes

icbc_snp <-  left_join(icbc_snp,
                       icbc_crash_van %>% 
                       by = "uniqid")#return the attributes to the snapped locations

mapview(icbc_snp) + mapview(bicycle_proj)

Spatial Join

Now for each point let’s count the number of crashes that occur on that segment based on our 20m threshold. To do so we will join the unique id of the nearest road segment to the point data using st_join() and the st_within_distance() function. Since we already have snapped the points to the nearest road segment there is only one road segment assigned to each point and we specify a tiny distance to consider a spatial join.

icbc_snp_bicycle_inf <- st_join(icbc_snp,
                         bicycle_proj["osm_id"], #select only the column "osm_id"
                           join = st_is_within_distance, dist = 0.001) #for each point assign the LIXID that it falls on by indicating a very small distance tolerance (here it is 1mm)

icbc_snp_bicycle_inf %>% 
  select(uniqid,`Crash Count`,osm_id) # look at the results
## Simple feature collection with 3405 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 484327.3 ymin: 5449979 xmax: 498329.2 ymax: 5462021
## Projected CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
## First 10 features:
##    uniqid Crash Count    osm_id                 geometry
## 1      42           1      <NA> POINT (492170.9 5458438)
## 2      43           1 368058222 POINT (492279.2 5458372)
## 3      45           1      <NA>   POINT (492940 5458424)
## 4      46           1 368210443 POINT (494873.4 5458316)
## 5      47           1 368210443 POINT (494873.4 5458316)
## 6      48           1 368058222 POINT (492279.2 5458372)
## 7      51           1 748846437 POINT (490680.9 5458413)
## 8      52           1      <NA> POINT (492170.9 5458438)
## 9      56           1 827958314 POINT (491713.7 5458318)
## 10     57           1 540329767 POINT (490452.9 5458326)

Note how only the points that were snapped to bicycle infrastructure locations have a uniqid assigned from the bicycle infrastructure data. The NA values indicate no lines were within a distance of 0.001 meters (i.e. equivalent to 20m since we snapped the points to the nearest segment based on a 20m threshold)

Spatial Aggregation

Now let’s count the number of points with same osm_id.

no_crashes_by_osm_id <- icbc_snp_bicycle_inf %>% 
  group_by(osm_id) %>% 
  summarise(n_crashes = sum(`Crash Count`)) %>%
  st_drop_geometry() # drop the geometry from this - we only need the uniqid for the bicycle infrastrucutre data and the counts

Attribute Join

Now we can join this data back to the bicycle infrastructure polyline data. Polylines without any crashes will be assigned an NA value because they don’t have a matching record in the join. We then simply replace the NA values with a 0 after the join using the replace_na() from the tidyr package.

bicycle_infra_crash_count <- left_join(bicycle_proj,no_crashes_by_osm_id , by = "osm_id") %>%
  mutate(n_crashes = replace_na(n_crashes,0))

Let’s map out the number of crashes by bicycle infrastructure and layer on the original point data and zoom into areas with collision events and see if the results make sense.

mapview(bicycle_infra_crash_count,zcol="n_crashes") + mapview(icbc_snp) Lines-in-polygon

Here let’s assume a scenario where the end goal is to calculate the length of separated bicycle infrastructure within each dissemination area in the City of Vancouver. Recall we created the following datasets from earlier in the chapter:

  • bicycle_proj: separated bicycle infrastructure polylines for the City of Vancouver in UTM Zone 10N
  • vancouver_da_dep: dissemination area boundaries for the City of Vancouver in UTM Zone 10N

The main problem is that as of now, the line segments for bicycle infrastructure do not line up with the boundary of disseminatin areas. This concept is illustrated in the left panel of Figure 4.7 where we have one polyline that crosses multiple boundaries. We need to cut the line segments where they intersect with the boundaries of dissemination areas such as in Figure 4.7 using st_intersection() so that we can then calculate the length of each individual segment using st_length().

Intersection of a single polyline (blue) by polygons (grey)

Figure 4.8: Intersection of a single polyline (blue) by polygons (grey)

From there we can sum the length of each line segment by the dissemination area’s unique identfier (GeoUID) in a few different ways, including a spatial join. Let’s try this out so we can see some of the problems that can arise with this type of data and operation.

First, let’s create the “cut” version of our bicycle infrastructure layer using st_intersection(). I am going to do this with subsets of original datasets that only contain the unique identifier as attribute data to make our data exploration a little cleaner.

## Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout all geometries

We can then calculate the length of each line segment using a function called st_length().

bicycle_cut <- bicycle_cut %>% 
  mutate(length_m = st_length(.))

## Simple feature collection with 1473 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: GEOMETRY
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 483720 ymin: 5449700 xmax: 498317.2 ymax: 5462376
## Projected CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
## First 10 features:
##              osm_id   GeoUID                       geometry      length_m
## 35260598   35260598 59150307 LINESTRING (498105.5 545987... 157.80005 [m]
## 35260599   35260599 59150307 LINESTRING (497911 5459475,...  32.86117 [m]
## 36691655   36691655 59150307 LINESTRING (497911 5459475,... 163.86383 [m]
## 41840546   41840546 59150307 LINESTRING (498180.4 545988...  76.01887 [m]
## 75573893   75573893 59150307 LINESTRING (498226.7 545987...  44.49847 [m]
## 210638528 210638528 59150307 LINESTRING (498190.6 545997...  84.65905 [m]
## 210638530 210638530 59150307 LINESTRING (498235.3 545998...  46.27267 [m]
## 336365962 336365962 59150307 LINESTRING (497942.1 545946...  56.43094 [m]
## 340103260 340103260 59150307 LINESTRING (497944.5 545952...  86.09529 [m]
## 380516622 380516622 59150307 LINESTRING (498317.2 545999...  84.11612 [m]

Notice how the intersection also attributed the GeoUID from the Dissemination Area boundary. We could then use that information to summarise the length of polylines within each GeoUID.

But let’s take a look at our data.

mapview(bicycle_cut) + mapview(vancouver_da_sub)

Note how some bicycle infrastructure line segments follow the border of dissemination areas. One of the problems with trying to summarise transportation data within census polygons is that often the boundaries of census areas follow roads! So technically a given road belongs to more than one dissemination area. The intersection we performed above only assigned the attribute data from the neighbourhoods that intersected with a given road, a one-to-one spatial join. One way to deal with this would be to use the st_within_distance within st_join and create a polyline for each dissemination area that is within a certain distance of a line segment. This is called a one-to-many spatial join that will create multiple line segments for each dissemination where that spatial relationship is true. Let’s try it. If a line segment is within 5 metres of a dissemination area, join the attribute data from that dissemination area to the line segment. I chose 5 m to allow for some inaccuracy in the way the line data were digitized (e.g. a line segment may suppose to follow a boundary exactly but is actually a few metres off to one side etc.)

cut_join_da <- st_join(bicycle_cut, vancouver_da_sub,join = st_is_within_distance,dist=5)

## Simple feature collection with 2585 features and 4 fields
## Geometry type: GEOMETRY
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 483720 ymin: 5449700 xmax: 498317.2 ymax: 5462376
## Projected CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
## First 10 features:
##               osm_id GeoUID.x      length_m GeoUID.y                       geometry
## 35260598    35260598 59150307 157.80005 [m] 59150307 LINESTRING (498105.5 545987...
## 35260598.1  35260598 59150307 157.80005 [m] 59153215 LINESTRING (498105.5 545987...
## 35260599    35260599 59150307  32.86117 [m] 59150307 LINESTRING (497911 5459475,...
## 36691655    36691655 59150307 163.86383 [m] 59150307 LINESTRING (497911 5459475,...
## 41840546    41840546 59150307  76.01887 [m] 59150307 LINESTRING (498180.4 545988...
## 75573893    75573893 59150307  44.49847 [m] 59150307 LINESTRING (498226.7 545987...
## 210638528  210638528 59150307  84.65905 [m] 59150307 LINESTRING (498190.6 545997...
## 210638530  210638530 59150307  46.27267 [m] 59150307 LINESTRING (498235.3 545998...
## 336365962  336365962 59150307  56.43094 [m] 59150307 LINESTRING (497942.1 545946...
## 340103260  340103260 59150307  86.09529 [m] 59150307 LINESTRING (497944.5 545952...

Note how the first two rows of our data have the same osm_id but different values for GeoUID.y. What this means is that for this particular line segment there are multiple dissemination areas that fullfill the spatial join criteria (is within 5 metres). Now we let’s summarise the length_m column by the GeoUID.y column.

length_by_da <- cut_join_da %>% 
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
  group_by(GeoUID.y) %>%
  summarise(total_length_km = sum(as.numeric(length_m))/1000)

## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   GeoUID.y total_length_km
##   <chr>              <dbl>
## 1 59150307          1.34  
## 2 59150309          0.218 
## 3 59150312          0.0560
## 4 59150313          0.0939
## 5 59150328          0.171 
## 6 59150329          1.30

Now let’s join this back to our dissemination area boundaries, replace the NAs with 0s and map the results!

vancouver_da_sub <- left_join(vancouver_da_sub,length_by_da , by = c("GeoUID"="GeoUID.y")) %>%
  mutate(total_length_km = replace_na(total_length_km,0))

## Simple feature collection with 993 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 483690.9 ymin: 5449535 xmax: 498329.2 ymax: 5462381
## Projected CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
## First 10 features:
##      GeoUID total_length_km                       geometry
## 1  59150307      1.33568195 MULTIPOLYGON (((498308 5459...
## 2  59150308      0.00000000 MULTIPOLYGON (((498301.6 54...
## 3  59150309      0.21754280 MULTIPOLYGON (((497939.5 54...
## 4  59150310      0.00000000 MULTIPOLYGON (((498298.6 54...
## 5  59150311      0.00000000 MULTIPOLYGON (((498128.4 54...
## 6  59150312      0.05595795 MULTIPOLYGON (((498298.6 54...
## 7  59150313      0.09386538 MULTIPOLYGON (((498259 5458...
## 8  59150328      0.17094843 MULTIPOLYGON (((498102 5458...
## 9  59150329      1.29789720 MULTIPOLYGON (((497801.1 54...
## 10 59150330      0.00000000 MULTIPOLYGON (((497312 5458...
mapview(vancouver_da_sub,zcol = "total_length_km") + mapview(bicycle_sub)

We could also map the density instead:

vancouver_da_sub <- vancouver_da_sub %>% 
  mutate(total_area_km2 = as.numeric(st_area(.)/1000/1000),
         total_bike_dens = total_length_km/ total_area_km2                     

mapview(vancouver_da_sub,zcol = "total_bike_dens")  + mapview(bicycle_sub)