Chapter 4 Structural Neuroimaging
4.2 Conversion jobs for Caixin DICOM files
dcm2niix -ba n -f SMG-001_t1 -o /home/neuro/caixin/processed -z y /home/neuro/caixin/raw/SMG-001/t1
dcm2niix -ba n -f SMG-001_t2 -o /home/neuro/caixin/processed -z y /home/neuro/caixin/raw/SMG-001/t2
dcm2niix -ba n -f SMG-001_t2flair -o /home/neuro/caixin/processed -z y /home/neuro/caixin/raw/SMG-001/t2flair
dcm2niix -ba n -f SMG-001_rest -o /home/neuro/caixin/processed -z y /home/neuro/caixin/raw/SMG-001/rest
4.3 T1 Volume calculation
cd /project/3015083.01/processed/
# calculate the CSF volume
csf_list=$(find . -name '*T1*corrected*')
for i in $csf_list;
do T1_volume=$(fslstats $i -V);
#echo detailed vol is $csf_volume
T1_volume2=$(echo $T1_volume | awk -F'[ ]' '{print $2}')
echo simple vol is $T1_volume2
echo $i $T1_volume2 >> /project/3015083.01/mengfei/T1_vol_rating.txt;
4.4 Deep and Periventricular white matter separation
# This script is based on the scripts from Michelle to calculate the volumes of
# deep and periventricular WMH based on the distance from the ventricle.
# The methods are described in the article from Griffanti et al, 2018,
# NeuroImage. The threshold is set at 10 mm from the ventricles.
# Created at 24-4-2020
# echo "/project/3015083.01/mengfei/script/ sub-004" | qsub -N 'sub-004' -l 'nodes=1:ppn=4,mem=10gb,walltime=8:00:00'
# echo "/project/3015083.01/mengfei/script/ sub-015" | qsub -N 'sub-015' -l 'nodes=1:ppn=4,mem=10gb,walltime=8:00:00'
module unload fsl
module load fsl/6.0.3
echo " this is $ID"
# Specify the name of the subject
cd $proc
# Temporarily directory (All work done here)
mkdir -p $tempfolder
echo " using resliced FLAIR and resliced MWH ==== mathcing 2006 FOV and resolution "
echo "copy t1 WMH flair files"
cp /project/3015083.01/nifti/sub-"$ID"/ses-mri01/anat/sub-"$ID"_ses-mri01_flair_reslice.nii.gz "$tempfolder"/flair.nii.gz
cp "$proc"/sub-"$ID"/ses-mri01/FLAIRreslice/sub-"$ID"_ses-mri01_WMH.nii.gz "$tempfolder"/wmh.nii.gz
cp "$proc"/sub-"$ID"/ses-mri01/T1/sub-"$ID"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo.nii.gz "$tempfolder"/t1w.nii.gz
# cp /project/3015083.01/nifti/sub-"$ID"/ses-mri01/anat/sub-"$ID"_ses-mri01_flair.nii.gz "$tempfolder"/flair.nii.gz
# cp "$proc"/"$ID"/ses-mri01/FLAIR/"$ID"_ses-mri01_WMH.nii.gz "$tempfolder"/wmh.nii.gz
# Registration
echo "Registration of the structural images to standard space"
cd $tempfolder
echo Brain extraction and copy header information before registration
bet t1w.nii.gz t1w_brain -f 0.6 -g -0.25
bet flair.nii.gz flair_brain -R -B -f 0.4
echo Linear registration flair to t1 image
flirt -in flair_brain -ref t1w_brain -out flair_to_t1 -omat flair_to_t1.mat -cost corratio -interp trilinear
echo Linear and non-linear registration T1 - MNI
flirt -in t1w_brain -ref /opt/fsl/6.0.1/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain -out t1_to_MNI_1 -omat t1_to_MNI.mat -bins 256 -cost corratio -searchrx -90 90 -searchry -90 90 -searchrz -90 90 -dof 12 -interp trilinear
fnirt --ref=/opt/fsl/6.0.1/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain --in=t1w_brain --iout=t1_to_MNI_2 --aff=t1_to_MNI.mat --cout=t1_to_MNI_Warp
echo Flair and WMH to MNI
applywarp --ref=/opt/fsl/6.0.0/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain --in=flair_brain --out=flair_to_MNI --warp=t1_to_MNI_Warp --premat=flair_to_t1.mat
applywarp --ref=/opt/fsl/6.0.0/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain --in=wmh --out=wmh_to_MNI --warp=t1_to_MNI_Warp --premat=flair_to_t1.mat --interp=nn
echo Segmentation and calculation
echo Segmentation and calculation of the periventricular and deep WMH
echo Brain segmentation using FAST to obtain CSF mask
fast -t 1 -o t1w_brain t1w_brain
invwarp -w t1_to_MNI_Warp.nii.gz -o invwarpvol -r t1w_brain
echo Make ventricle mask using make_bianca_mask
# Note: names below are mandatory - otherwise script does not work
make_bianca_mask t1w t1w_brain_pve_0.nii.gz invwarpvol
# Register ventricle and brain mask to FLAIR image
echo Create inverse warp FLAIR to T1
convert_xfm -omat t1_to_flair.mat -inverse flair_to_t1.mat
echo Apply inverse warp to register ventricle mask to FLAIR
flirt -in t1w_ventmask.nii.gz -ref flair_brain.nii.gz -out ventmask_to_flair -init t1_to_flair.mat -applyxfm
flirt -in t1w_brain_mask.nii.gz -ref flair_brain.nii.gz -out flair_brain_mask -init t1_to_flair.mat -applyxfm
echo Create distancemap
distancemap -i ventmask_to_flair.nii.gz -o flair_dist_to_vent -m flair_brain_mask
# Threshold distance maps
echo Threshold distance map to obtain periventricular WMH mask. Threshold 10 mm
fslmaths flair_dist_to_vent.nii.gz -uthr 10 -bin flair_dist_to_vent_periventricular
echo Threshold distance map to obtain deep WMH mask
fslmaths flair_dist_to_vent -thr 10 -bin flair_dist_to_vent_deep
echo Make WH maps periventricular or deep WMH
fslmaths wmh -bin -mul flair_dist_to_vent_deep DWMH_seg
fslmaths wmh -bin -mul flair_dist_to_vent_periventricular PWMH_seg
echo Copy files to the folder
cp DWMH_seg.nii.gz ../sub-"$id"_DWMH_seg.nii.gz
cp PWMH_seg.nii.gz ../sub-"$id"_PWMH_seg.nii.gz
cp flair_dist_to_vent.nii.gz ../sub-"$id"_flair_dist_to_vent.nii.gz
echo "Delete temp folder"
cd $tempfolder
rm -r tempfolder
4.5 Reslice/resample the Images
- For example, let’s say that you created a mask in FSL, and you would like to extract the data from a statistical map. You can use flirt to resample the mask to the statistical image:
> flirt -in mask.nii.gz -ref stats.nii.gz -out mask_RS.nii.gz -applyxfm
Or in AFNI:
> 3dresample -input mask.nii.gz -master stats.nii.gz -prefix mask_RS.nii.gz
And you would then be able to use an ROI extraction command, such as 3dmaskave or fslstats, to extract data from the mask.
In order to resample an image to an isotropic voxel size, such as 3x3x3, you can use the following options with flirt:
> flirt -in volume.nii -ref volume.nii -applyisoxfm 3.0 -nosearch -out volume_3x3x3.nii
To resample to an anisotropic voxel resolution, you can use AFNI’s 3dresample command, e.g.:
> 3dresample -input 10091_thin.nii.gz -prefix 10091_thick_3mm_convert.nii.gz -dxyz 0.5 0.5 3
4.6 Obtain the overlap mask from Two Images
# You can use a command like this to trim the lesion so it only occupies the region that overlaps the brain mask, e.g.:
fslmaths lesion_mask -mul native_brain_mask -bin lesion_mask -odt char
# This command says: Multiply the lesion_mask and the native_brain_mask, retaining only voxels that are in both. Then binarize the lesion mask with -bin and ensure that it doesn’t take up too much space on your drive with -odt char which sets the output datatype to 8 bits.
4.7 Regsitration
4.7.1 WM/GM/WMH registration into IVIM space
# Environment
# Environment
module unload fsl
module unload ANTs
module load fsl/6.0.1
module load ANTs/20180607
# /project/3015083.01/processed/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/
cd ${procfolder} # this is home folder for processed folders
# ID for 20 cases with a wide range of WMH burden: 036 090 140 161 190 200 221 286 296 300 308 363 366 367 404 434 439 444 485 507;
for ID in 036 090 140 161 190 200 221 286 296 300 308 363 366 367 404 434 439 444 485 507;
echo " "
echo "this subject is $ID"
echo " "
if [ -d "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim ]; then ## space after "[" is very important
cd "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim
echo "found ivim folder...and do further co-registration"
# select b1000 images from IVIM processed data
select_dwi_vols "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_ses-mri01_ivim-data.nii.gz \
"${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_ses-mri01_ivim.bval "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_ivim_mean_b1000.nii.gz 1000 -m
# brain extraction from T1 T1_pseudo
echo " "
echo " =================brain extraction from T1 T1_pseudo...."
fslmaths "${raw_procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/T1/sub-"${ID}"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo.nii.gz \
-mul "${raw_procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/T1/sub-"${ID}"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo-bmask.nii.gz \
# register T1 to mean_IVIM_b1000, then put the output into raw_processed_ivim folders
echo " "
echo " =================register T1 to mean_IVIM_b1000... "
echo " "
${antsReg} -d 3 -f "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_ivim_mean_b1000.nii.gz \
-m "${raw_procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/T1/sub-"${ID}"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo_bet.nii.gz \
-o "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_T1_to_mean_b1000_ants -t r -p f -n 12 # output should not end wiht [.nii.gz]
# Register GM WM CSF mask to (T1-->IVIM), respectively
echo " "
echo " =================Register GM WM CSF mask to (T1-->IVIM), respectively.... "
echo " "
antsApplyTransforms -d 3 --float 1 -i "${raw_procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/T1/spm_derivatives/sub-"${ID}"_ses-mri01_T1-gm-corrected.nii.gz \
-o "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_GM_to_mean_b1000.nii.gz \
-r "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_ivim_mean_b1000.nii.gz \
-t ["${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_T1_to_mean_b1000_ants_0GenericAffine.mat] \
-n BSpline
antsApplyTransforms -d 3 --float 1 -i "${raw_procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/T1/spm_derivatives/sub-"${ID}"_ses-mri01_T1-wm-corrected.nii.gz \
-o "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_WM_to_mean_b1000.nii.gz \
-r "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_ivim_mean_b1000.nii.gz \
-t ["${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_T1_to_mean_b1000_ants_0GenericAffine.mat] \
-n BSpline
antsApplyTransforms -d 3 --float 1 -i "${raw_procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/T1/spm_derivatives/sub-"${ID}"_ses-mri01_T1-csf-corrected.nii.gz \
-o "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_CSF_to_mean_b1000.nii.gz \
-r "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_ivim_mean_b1000.nii.gz \
-t ["${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_T1_to_mean_b1000_ants_0GenericAffine.mat] \
-n BSpline
# to binarize the output
echo " "
echo " =================to binarize the output... "
echo " "
fslmaths "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_GM_to_mean_b1000.nii.gz -thr 0.5 \
-bin "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_GM_to_mean_b1000_binary.nii.gz
fslmaths "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_WM_to_mean_b1000.nii.gz -thr 0.5 \
-bin "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_WM_to_mean_b1000_binary.nii.gz
fslmaths "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_CSF_to_mean_b1000.nii.gz -thr 0.5 \
-bin "${procfolder}"/sub-"${ID}"/ses-mri01/ivim/sub-"${ID}"_CSF_to_mean_b1000_binary.nii.gz
echo "there is no IVIM folder"
cd ${procfolder}
4.7.2 Register WMH into MNI space
# Supposed to be run as ./ sub-xxx ses-yyy
module unload fsl
module load fsl/6.0.3
cd /project/3015083.01/mengfei/WMH_into_MNI_test/sub-016_test
echo ".. registering WMH into T1 --> get the .mat file"
flirt -in flair_brain.nii.gz -ref T1_brain.nii.gz -out flairt_2_T1 -omat flair_2_T1.mat
flirt -in WMH.nii.gz -out WMHinT1 -ref T1_brain.nii.gz -init flair_2_T1.mat -applyxfm -interp nearestneighbour
# step1: to get flair_2_T1.mat by registering flair-->T1 , this is very important !!!!
# step2; then use flair_2_T1.mat; register WMH-->T1; to get the WMHinT1
echo "MNI--step1...Initiate MNI registration...running MNI space.."
flirt -in T1_brain.nii.gz -ref $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz -dof 12 \
-out T1toMNIlin -omat T1toMNIlin.mat
# using the raw t1w, not skull stripped # .cnf is important
# Here, the input T1 should be with skull; it will make FNIRT more accurate;
# check this link: ###
# In the GUI, it is possible to use nonlinear FNIRT registration between structural and standard space. In this case, the user needs to provide a non-brain-extracted structural image, as this will make FNIRT more accurate.
echo "MNI--stpe2...running fnirt... --> to get the .warp file "
fnirt --in=T1w.nii.gz --aff=T1toMNIlin.mat \
--config=/opt/fsl/dev/etc/flirtsch/T1_2_MNI152_2mm.cnf \
--iout=T1toMNInonlin_2mm --cout=T1toMNI_coef --fout=T1toMNI_warp
echo "MNI--step3...running applywarp...--> native T1 to MNI"
applywarp -i T1w.nii.gz -r $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz -w T1toMNI_warp.nii.gz -o T1toMNInonlin_1mm.nii.gz
# /opt/fsl/dev/etc/flirtsch/T1_2_MNI152_2mm.cnf
echo "WMH to MNI...combining the transformations..."
applywarp -i WMH.nii.gz -r $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz --premat=flair_2_T1.mat -w T1toMNI_warp.nii.gz -o WMHtoMNI_1mm.nii.gz
applywarp -i WMHinT1.nii.gz -r $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz -w T1toMNI_warp.nii.gz -o WMHtoMNI_1mm_via_WMHinT1.nii.gz
fslmaths WMHtoMNI_1mm_via_WMHinT1.nii.gz -thr 0.5 -bin WMHtoMNI_1mm_via_WMHinT1_thr05_bin.nii.gz
#flirt -in /project/3015083.01/mengfei/WMH_into_MNI_test/sub-004_WMH_to_T1.nii.gz -ref /project/3015083.01/mengfei/WMH_into_MNI_test/MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz -out sub-004_WMHinT1_to_MNI_1mm.nii.gz
#cp "$wmh_file" /project/3015083.01/mengfei/WMH_lacune_masks061115/WMH_masks/sub-"$ID"/mask_native_2006
4.8 Segmentation
4.8.1 Lesion Segment Tool (LST)
(LST documentation)[ ]
4.8.2 SAMSEG
Sequence Adaptive Multimodal SEGmentation (SAMSEG) is a tool to robustly segment dozens of brain structures from head MRI scans without preprocessing. The characteristic property of SAMSEG is that it accepts multi-contrast MRI data without prior assumptions on the specific type of scanner or pulse sequences used. Dedicated versions to handle longitudinal data, or to segment white matter lesions in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients are also available.
The figure below illustrates a typical SAMSEG segmentation result on a T1w-FLAIR scan of a MS patient:

In its most basic form SAMSEG takes one or more co-registered MRI volumes as input, and produces an output segmentation in around 10 min on a good desktop computer (with multi-threading enabled). Preprocessing of the scan(s) with FreeSurfer is neither required nor recommended (e.g., no reformatting to 1mm isotropic resolution, no bias field correction and no skull stripping is needed nor recommended). The command line is:
> run_samseg --input <file> [<file> ...] --output <dir> [--threads <threads>] [--pallidum-separate]
<file>: is the path to the input volume(s) in Nifti (.nii/.nii.gz) or FreeSurfer (.mgz) file format. If you have more than one contrast (e.g., both T1w and T2w) you can simply list all the input contrasts you want to use -- the only requirement is that all input volumes are co-registered with each other, and have the same image grid size and voxel dimensions (see below for instructions on how to do that with FreeSurfer).
<dir>: is the path to the output directory where the results will be saved. If this directory doesn't exist, it will be created automatically.
<threads> (optional): is the number of threads to be used by SAMSEG (default uses one thread). Set the number of threads to the number of CPU cores on your computer to get the fastest run time.
--pallidum-separate (optional): by default SAMSEG will treat the pallidum internally as a white matter structure, since it typically can't be discerned easily from white matter in T1w scans. However, if your combination of input volumes includes contrasts where the pallidum is clearly discernible (e.g., T2w or FLAIR) you should add this flag to your command line.
The output will consist of the following set of files, which can be found under the specified <dir> directory:
seg.mgz: is the output segmentation volume, where each voxel has been assigned to one anatomical structure. This file is similar to the "aseg.mgz" file produced by the standard volumetric stream in FreeSurfer: the correspondence between structure numbers and neuroanatomical labels is according to $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt.
samseg.stats: contains the estimated volume (in cubic mm) for each segmented structure. These volumes will be very close (but not identical to) the number of voxels assigned to each structure in "seg.mgz" -- the reason for the discrepancy is that "seg.mgz" is computed in a winner-takes-all fashion, ignoring the uncertainty about the underlying voxel assignments (and therefore yielding slightly less accurate volume estimates).
mode0X_bias_corrected.mgz (with X=1,2,...): the bias field corrected MRI volume corresponding to each input contrast.
mode0X_bias_field.mgz (with X=1,2,...): the estimated bias field for each input contrast.
4.8.3 SAMSEG tiv and regional volume extraction
## regional volume
cd /home/neuro/MRI_GDPH/ppmi/PPMI_t1_only/PPMI_t1_only_processed/
regional_vol_list=$(find . -name 'samseg.stats' | head -n 1 )
for i in $regional_vol_list;
regional_vol=$(cat $i | awk -F'[,]' '{print $1}' | tr -s [:space:] ' ' | awk '{print $0}' )
echo "regional_vol is $regional_vol"
echo $i $regional_vol >> /home/neuro/MRI_GDPH/ppmi/PPMI_t1_only/ppmi_t1_only_regional_vol.txt
## tiv volume
tiv_vol_list=$(find . -name 'sbtiv.stats' )
for j in $tiv_vol_list;
tiv_vol=$(cat $j | awk -F'[,]' '{print $2}' | tr -s [:space:] ' ' | awk '{print $0}' )
echo "tiv is $tiv_vol "
echo $j $tiv_vol >> /home/neuro/codebank/GDPH/ppmi_t1_tiv_vol.txt
module unload fsl
module unload ANTs
module load fsl/6.0.3
module load ANTs/20180607
cd /project/3015083.01/processed
## files preparation
cp "$proc"/"$i"/ses-mri01/T1/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo_brain.nii.gz "$temp"/T1_brain/
# extract the brain from flair to get flair_brain
bet "$temp"/FLAIR/"${i}"_ses-mri01_flair.nii.gz "$temp"/FLAIR_brain/"${i}"_ses-mri01_flair_brain -R -m
# bias filed correction
N4BiasFieldCorrection -d 3 -i "$t1file" -o "$temp"/T1_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo_brainN4.nii.gz
N4BiasFieldCorrection -d 3 -i "$flair_file" -o "$temp"/FLAIR_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_flair_brainN4.nii.gz
# T1_brain --> flair_brain registration
${antsReg} -d 3 -f "$temp"/FLAIR_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_flair_brainN4.nii.gz \
-m "$temp"/T1_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudoN4_brain.nii.gz -o "$temp"/T1_to_FLAIR/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toflair -t r -p f -n 12
# to prepare the T1toMNI_warp_inv, which is needed for make_bianca_mask
flirt -v -in "$temp"/T1_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo_brainN4.nii.gz -ref $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz -dof 12 \
-out "$temp"/T1_MNI_reg/derivates/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toMNIlin -omat "$temp"/T1_MNI_reg/derivates/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toMNIlin.mat
fnirt -v --in="$temp"/T1_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo_brainN4.nii.gz --aff="$temp"/T1_MNI_reg/derivates/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toMNIlin.mat \
--config=T1_2_MNI152_2mm.cnf --iout="$temp"/T1_MNI_reg/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toMNInonlin \
--cout="$temp"/T1_MNI_reg/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toMNI_coef --fout="$temp"/T1_MNI_reg/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toMNI_warp
applywarp -i "$temp"/T1_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo_brainN4.nii.gz -r $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz \
-w "$temp"/T1_MNI_reg/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toMNI_warp.nii.gz -o "$temp"/T1_MNI_reg/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toMNInonlin_1mm.nii.gz
invwarp -v -w "$temp"/T1_MNI_reg/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toMNI_warp.nii.gz -r "$temp"/T1_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo_brainN4.nii.gz \
-o "$temp"/T1_MNI_reg/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toMNI_warp_inv.nii.gz
## fast to seg , to get the PVE_0, which is CSF based and needed for **make_bianca_mask**
## pay attention to the flag
fast -o "$temp"/FAST_seg/"$i"_T1pseudoN4_brain_fast \
-S 1 -t 1 -n 3 -b -B -p "$temp"/T1_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudoN4_brain.nii.gz
### ======the main part structure-image nanming format is crucial
## sub-004_ses-mri01_T1pseudoN4_brain is the very crucial, but stupid name
cd "$temp"/bianca_mask
make_bianca_mask "$temp"/T1_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudoN4 \
"$temp"/FAST_seg/"$i"_T1pseudoN4_brain_fast_pve_0.nii.gz \
echo Register T1_bianca_mask to flair base space
${antsReg} -d 3 -f "$temp"/FLAIR_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_flair_brainN4.nii.gz \
-m "$temp"/T1_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudoN4_bianca_mask.nii.gz -o "$temp"/bianca_mask/"$i"_ses-mri01_bianca_mask_to_flair -t r -p f -n 12
echo bianrize the xxx-ses-mri01_bianca_mask_to_flair
fslmaths "$temp"/bianca_mask/"$i"_ses-mri01_bianca_mask_to_flair.nii.gz -thr 0.5 \
-bin "$temp"/bianca_mask/"$i"_ses-mri01_bianca_mask_to_flair_binary.nii.gz
## use xxx_ses-mri01_bianca_mask_to_flair_binary.nii.gz to mask the flair_brain, only to get the WM-based mask, which will be used for bianca
fslmaths "$temp"/FLAIR_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_flair_brainN4.nii.gz \
-mas "$temp"/bianca_mask/"$i"_ses-mri01_bianca_mask_to_flair_binary.nii.gz \
## prepare Masterfile
echo "$temp"/masked_flair/"$i"_ses-mri01_bianca_mask_to_flair_masked.nii.gz "$temp"/T1_to_FLAIR/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1toflair.nii.gz \
"$temp"/WMHmasks/"$i"_ses-mri01_WMH.nii.gz >> masterfile.txt
bianca --singlefile=masterfile.txt --labelfeaturenum=3 --brainmaskfeaturenum=1 --querysubjectnum=1 --trainingnums=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 \
--featuresubset=1,2 --trainingpts=2000 --nonlespts=10000 --selectpts=noborder -o "$temp"/bianca_output/"$i"_bianca_output –v
cd $temp
paste flair_brain.txt T1_to_FLAIR.txt WMH.txt -d' ' > master.txt
newname=$(echo "T1pseudo_bet.nii.gz" | sed 's/.nii.gz/_reslice.nii.gz/')
mv -v T1pseudo_bet.nii.gz "$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo_brain.nii.gz
cp -v /project/3015083.01/nifti/"$i"/ses-mri01/anat/"$i"_ses-mri01_flair.nii.gz /project/3015083.01/mengfei/temp_BIANCA/FLAIR
cp -v /project/3015083.01/processed/"$i"/ses-mri01/FLAIR/"$i"_ses-mri01_WMH.nii.gz /project/3015083.01/mengfei/temp_BIANCA/WMHmasks
cp -v /project/3015083.01/processed/"$i"/ses-mri01/T1/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo.nii.gz /project/3015083.01/mengfei/temp_BIANCA/T1
flirt -in "$temp"/T1_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_T1pseudo_brainN4.nii.gz -ref "$temp"/FLAIR_brain/"$i"_ses-mri01_flair_brainN4.nii.gz -out "$temp"/T1_to_FLAIR/"${i}"_T1_to_FLAIR.nii.gz -paddingsize 0.0 -interp trilinear -dof 6
bet "$temp"/FLAIR/"${i}"_ses-mri01_flair.nii.gz "$temp"/FLAIR_brain/"${i}"_ses-mri01_flair_brain -R -m
ls /project/3015083.01/mengfei/temp_BIANCA/FLAIR_brain > "$temp"/flair_brain.txt
# echo ls /project/3015083.01/mengfei/temp_BIANCA/T1 > "$temp"/T1.txt
ls /project/3015083.01/mengfei/temp_BIANCA/WMHmasks > "$temp"/WMH.txt
ls /project/3015083.01/mengfei/temp_BIANCA/T1_to_FLAIR > "$temp"/T1_to_FLAIR.txt
4.10 WMH seg by LST_AI
# Function to process a single T1 MRI file
process_LST_AI() {
start=`date +%s`
flair="$1" # flair=/home/neuro/caixin/processed/HC-001/ses-1/flair/HC-001_flair.nii.gz
group_id=$(echo $flair | awk -F'/' '{print $6}' ) # ---> HC-001
# flair=/home/neuro/caixin/nifti/"$group_id"/ses-1/flair/"$group_id"_flair.nii.gz
# Check if the file exists
# Check if the file exists
if [ -e "$file_path" ]; then
echo "File exists. Skipping job script."
echo "=============File does not exist. Running LST job script."
"===================gropu_id is $group_id =======
================ Running LST_AI job script."
mkdir -p /home/neuro/caixin/processed/"$group_id"/ses-1/WMH_lst/temp
cp $t1 $flair /home/neuro/caixin/processed/"$group_id"/ses-1/WMH_lst/temp
cd /home/neuro/caixin/processed/"$group_id"/ses-1/WMH_lst/temp
lst --t1 "$group_id"_t1.nii.gz --flair "$group_id"_flair.nii.gz --output . --temp . --device cpu
end_LST=$(date +%s)
echo "=========runtime1 $runtime1==========="
sleep 1
# Export the process_acapulco function to make it available to GNU parallel
export -f process_LST_AI
# Set environment variable to make GPUs invisible to CUDA
# Read the T1 MRI file paths from ppmi_t1_only_nif_list.txt and process them in parallel
# cat /home/neuro/caixin/nif_t1_id_20240501_test.txt | parallel -j $(nproc --ignore=1) -N 10 process_samseg
#This command processes 10 lines at a time per job.
#dynamically calculates the number of available CPU cores minus two,
# so if your machine has 8 cores, it will use 6 cores for parallel processing
# parallel -v -a /home/neuro/caixin/nif_flair_list_0520.txt -j $(nproc --ignore=1) -N 9 process_LST_AI
cat /home/neuro/caixin/nif_flair_list_0601_missing_2.txt | parallel -j $(nproc --ignore=1) process_LST_AI
# Calculate the total runtime for all files
end_all_LST=$(date +%s)
echo "==== all LST_AI time taken: $all_time_LST === "
4.11 Difference images

Ref: Ter Telgte A, Wiegertjes K, Gesierich B, Marques JP, Huebner M, de Klerk JJ, Schreuder FHBM, Araque Caballero MA, Kuijf HJ, Norris DG, Klijn CJM, Dichgans M, Tuladhar AM, Duering M, de Leeuw FE. Contribution of acute infarcts to cerebral small vessel disease progression. Ann Neurol. 2019 Oct;86(4):582-592. doi: 10.1002/ana.25556. Epub 2019 Aug 12.
# Environment
module unload fsl
module unload ANTs
module load fsl/6.0.1
module load ANTs/20180607
echo "subject ID: $id"
cd /project/3015083.01/RUNDMC_MRIdata/difference0611
mkdir -p sub-"${id}"
cd sub-"${id}"
echo "current folder: $PWD"
# Masks and bias correction inputs
## 2006 T1 and flair bias correction
bet "$t1file06" sub-"$id"_T1_2006-bet -R -m
mv sub-"$id"_T1_2006-bet_mask.nii.gz sub-"$id"_T1_2006-bmask.nii.gz ## rename the extracted brain into *bmask
N4BiasFieldCorrection -d 3 -i "$t1file06" -w sub-"$id"_T1_2006-bmask.nii.gz -o sub-"$id"_T1_2006N4.nii.gz
bet "$flairfile06" sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2006-bet -R -m
mv sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2006-bet_mask.nii.gz sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2006-bmask.nii.gz
N4BiasFieldCorrection -d 3 -i "$flairfile06" -w sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2006-bmask.nii.gz -o sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2006N4.nii.gz
## 2011 T1 and flair bias correction
bet "$t1file11" sub-"$id"_T1_2011-bet -R -m
mv sub-"$id"_T1_2011-bet_mask.nii.gz sub-"$id"_T1_2011-bmask.nii.gz
N4BiasFieldCorrection -d 3 -i "$t1file11" -w sub-"$id"_T1_2011-bmask.nii.gz -o sub-"$id"_T1_2011N4.nii.gz
bet "$flairfile11" sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2011-bet -R -m
mv sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2011-bet_mask.nii.gz sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2011-bmask.nii.gz
N4BiasFieldCorrection -d 3 -i "$flairfile11" -w sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2011-bmask.nii.gz -o sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2011N4.nii.gz
#--- previous FLAIR to previous T1
${antsReg} -d 3 -f sub-"$id"_T1_2006N4.nii.gz -m sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2006N4.nii.gz -o preFLAIR_ants2_preT1 -t r -p f -n 12
#--- previous T1 to current T1
${antsReg} -d 3 -f sub-"$id"_T1_2011N4.nii.gz -m sub-"$id"_T1_2006N4.nii.gz -o sub-"$id"_preT1_ants2_curT1 -t r -p f -n 12
#--- previous FLAIR to current T1
antsApplyTransforms -d 3 --float 1 -i sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2006N4.nii.gz -o sub-"$id"_preFLAIR_ants2_curT1.nii.gz -r sub-"$id"_T1_2011N4.nii.gz \
-t [sub-"$id"_preT1_ants2_curT1_0GenericAffine.mat] \
-t [preFLAIR_ants2_preT1_0GenericAffine.mat] \
-n BSpline
#--- current FLAIR to current T1
${antsReg} -d 3 -f sub-"$id"_T1_2011N4.nii.gz -m sub-"$id"_FLAIR_2011N4.nii.gz -o sub-"$id"_curflair_ants_curT1 -t r -p f -n 12
# # Difference images and copy
mkdir -p "$dest"
fslmaths sub-"$id"_T1_2011N4.nii.gz -mas sub-"$id"_T1_2011-bmask.nii.gz -inm 1 "$dest"/sub-"$id"_T1-N4.nii.gz
fslmaths sub-"$id"_curflair_ants_curT1.nii.gz -mas sub-"$id"_T1_2011-bmask.nii.gz -inm 1 "$dest"/sub-"$id"_FL-N4reg.nii.gz
fslmaths sub-"$id"_preT1_ants2_curT1.nii.gz -mas sub-"$id"_T1_2011-bmask.nii.gz -inm 1 "$dest"/sub-"$id"_T1pre-N4reg.nii.gz
fslmaths sub-"$id"_preFLAIR_ants2_curT1.nii.gz -mas sub-"$id"_T1_2011-bmask.nii.gz -inm 1 "$dest"/sub-"$id"_FLpre-N4reg.nii.gz
fslmaths "$dest"/sub-"$id"_T1-N4.nii.gz -sub "$dest"/sub-"$id"_T1pre-N4reg.nii.gz "$dest"/sub-"$id"_T1diff.nii.gz
fslmaths "$dest"/sub-"$id"_FL-N4reg.nii.gz -sub "$dest"/sub-"$id"_FLpre-N4reg.nii.gz "$dest"/sub-"$id"_FLdiff.nii.gz
# cleanup
rm * # remove all files except directory, to save more space
- Smith SM. Fast robust automated brain extraction. Hum Brain Mapp. 2002;17(3):143-155. doi:10.1002/hbm.10062
- Yushkevich PA, Piven J, Hazlett HC, et al. User-guided 3D active contour segmentation of anatomical structures: Significantly improved efficiency and reliability. NeuroImage. 2006;31(3):1116-1128. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.01.015
- Avants BB, Tustison NJ, Song G, Cook PA, Klein A, Gee JC. A reproducible evaluation of ANTs similarity metric performance in brain image registration. NeuroImage. 2011;54(3):2033-2044. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.09.025
- Maldjian JA, Laurienti PJ, Kraft RA, Burdette JH. An automated method for neuroanatomic and cytoarchitectonic atlas-based interrogation of fMRI data sets. NeuroImage. 2003;19(3):1233-1239. doi:10.1016/S1053-8119(03)00169-1
4.12 FLAIR in MNI space
cd /project/3015083.01/mengfei/Dengbo_Nifti/subjects-20210705/shenweiming/
%% remove the skull
bet shenweiming_AX_T2W_FLAIR_20170103173833_3.nii.gz shenweiming_20170103_flair_brain.nii.gz -R -B -f 0.4
%% get the affine matrix and deformation mappting (warp file)
%% FLAIR_GG_853_1mm tempate was used
${antsReg} -d 3 -f $FLAIR_853 \
-m nishixiang_20210112_flair_brain.nii.gz \
-o nishixiang_20210112_to_853_FLAIR_s_ants -t s -p f -n 12
%% register the FLAIR lesion mask into GG853 space (for lesion probability map)
antsApplyTransforms -d 3 --float 1 -i nishixiang_20210112_lesion.nii.gz -o nishixiang_20210112_lesion_in_853_FLAIR.nii.gz \
-r $FLAIR_853 \
-t [ nishixiang_20210112_to_853_FLAIR_s_ants_0GenericAffine.mat ] \
-n BSpline
fslmaths nishixiang_20210112_lesion_in_853_FLAIR.nii.gz -thr 0.5 -bin nishixiang_20210112_lesion_in_853_FLAIR_thr05_bin.nii.gz
cd /project/3015083.01/mengfei/Dengbo_Nifti/masks
%% first, obtain regional atlas mask by ijviewer (2mm in MNI space)
%% second, resampe the 2mm isotropic regional atlas into 1mm isotropic
flirt -in frontal_lobe_2mm.nii.gz -ref frontal_lobe_2mm.nii.gz -applyisoxfm 1.0 -nosearch -out frontal_lobe_1mm.nii.gz
fslmaths frontal_lobe_1mm.nii.gz -thr 0.6 -bin frontal_lobe_thr06_1mm.nii.gz
%% register 1mm isotropic regional mask into subject-specific native space
%% please note, we should use the [inverse_matrix] and [InverseWarp file]
antsApplyTransforms -d 3 --float 1 -i /project/3015083.01/mengfei/Dengbo_Nifti/masks/frontal_lobe_thr06_1mm.nii.gz \
-o /project/3015083.01/mengfei/Dengbo_Nifti/subjects-20210705/shenweiming/20170103/frontal_lobe_in_shenweiming_NN.nii.gz \
-r /project/3015083.01/mengfei/Dengbo_Nifti/subjects-20210705/shenweiming/20170103/shenweiming_20170103_flair_brain.nii.gz \
-t [ /project/3015083.01/mengfei/Dengbo_Nifti/subjects-20210705/shenweiming/20170103/shenweiming_20170103_to_853_FLAIR_s_ants_0GenericAffine.mat,1 ] \
-t /project/3015083.01/mengfei/Dengbo_Nifti/subjects-20210705/shenweiming/20170103/shenweiming_20170103_to_853_FLAIR_s_ants_1InverseWarp.nii.gz \
-n NearestNeighbor
%% To gett the mask and volume of VOI
Note : the regional mask (e.g., frontal mask should be in native space )
fslmathsshenweiming_20170103_lesion.nii.gz -mul frontal_lobe_in*NN.nii.gz frontal_lesion.nii.gz
frontal_lesion_vol=$(fslstats frontal_lesion.nii.gz -V | awk -F'[ ]' '{print $2}')
4.13 Acapulco Cerebellum segmentation
Sigularity or Docker file installation Download link
Kerestes R, Han S, Balachander S, Hernandez-Castillo C, Prince JL, Diedrichsen J, Harding IH. A Standardized Pipeline for Examining Human Cerebellar Grey Matter Morphometry using Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging. J Vis Exp. 2022 Feb 4;(180). doi: 10.3791/63340. PMID: 35188124.
4.14 Acapulco cerebellar volume extraction
start=`date +%s`
# t1_list=$(find . -name '*t1.nii*')
# echo "$t1_list" >> /home/neuro/codebank/GDPH/t1_list.txt
# basename /home/neuro/MRI_GDPH/nifti/PD-348/anat/PD-348_visit_1_t1.nii.gz _t1.nii.gz
## output: PD-348_visit_1
cd /home/neuro/codebank/GDPH/cerebellum/enigma/acapulco
# file= /home/neuro/MRI_GDPH/ppmi/20220919_ppmi/ppmi_PD_HC_nifti/3102/Visit-00/t1/3102_Visit-00_t1.nii.gz
for file in $(cat /home/neuro/MRI_GDPH/ppmi/PPMI_t1_only/ppmi_t1_only_nif_list.txt ); do
subj=$(basename $file _t1.nii.gz)
echo "=========
subj ID is $subj
mkdir -p output/${subj}
cp $file output/${subj}
singularity run --cleanenv -B $PWD:$PWD acapulco-0.2.1.sif -i $file -o output/${subj};
end1=`date +%s`
echo "runtime1 is $runtime1"
4.15 sc-limbic segementation
for input in $(cat /media/neuro/16t/ppmi_t1_long_all/all_t1_longitudinal_brain.txt );do
echo "$input"
mri_sclimbic_seg --i "$input" --o "$output_mgz" --write_volumes --write_qa_stats
mri_convert "$output_mgz" "$output_nii_gz"
# 865,866 as L and R basal forebrain index
fslmaths "$output_nii_gz" -thr 865 -uthr 866 -bin "$cBF_mask"