Section 6 Attachements
Here all the source code is collected. It is also available on github.
6.1 Model code
This is the code of the model
6.1.1 Model entry point
# Radiative transfer model
#' Radiative transfer model step
#' This the core routine of the radiative trasfer model. It calls all the models function
#' @param input A data frame row (or list) containing at least the following elements
#' - datetime
#' - sw_in total incoming shortwave radiation
#' - sw_dif diffuse shortwave radiation incoming
#' - lw_in longwave radiation incoming
#' @param state A data frame row (or list) containing at least the following elements
#' - t_soil temperature of soil (in Kelvin)
#' - t_leaf temperature of leaves (in Kelvin)
#' @param pars a list of the model parameters containing at least the following elements:
#' - max LAI value in the summer
#' - min_LAI min value of LAI during winter, it is an aproximation that consider the total Plant Area Index as LAI
#' - leaf_out day leaves start in spring
#' - leaf_full day leaves reach max LAI
#' - leaf_fall day leaves start to fall
#' - leaf_fall_complete day all leaves are fallen
#' - lat latidude
#' - lon longitude
#' - rho_leaf Reflencance of leaf
#' - tau_leaf trasmissivity of leaf
#' - omega_leaf scattering coefficient of leaf
#' - clump_OMEGA canopy clumping coefficient
#' - alb_soil_b soil albedo direct beam
#' - alb_soil_d soil albedo diffuse
#' - em_leaf emittivity of leaves
#' - em_soil emittivity of soil
#' @return One row data Dataframe with
#' - ic Absorbed shortwave radiation from the canopy
#' - ic_sun Absorbed shortwave radiation from sunlit canopy
#' - ic_sha Absorbed shortwave radiation from shaded canopy
#' - ig Absorbed shortwave radiation from soil
#' - i_up Reflected shortwave radiation above the canopy
#' - i_down Transmitted shortwave radiation below the canopy
#' - lc Absorbed longwave radiation from the canopy
#' - lc_sun Absorbed longwave radiation from sunlit canopy
#' - lc_sha Absorbed longwave radiation from shaded canopy
#' - lg Absorbed longwave radiation from the soil
#' - l_up Emitted longwave radiation above the canopy
#' - l_down Transmitted longwave radiation below the canopy
#' - LAI Leaf Area Index
#' - LAI_sunlit LAI of sunlit canopy
<- function(input, state, pars, dt){
fun_calc_radiative_transfer # Calc all the intermediate parameters
# Possible optimization here as not all the paramaters changes every step
<- get_day_LAI(input$datetime, pars$max_LAI, pars$leaf_out, pars$leaf_full, pars$leaf_fall, pars$leaf_fall_complete)
LAI <- max(LAI, pars$min_radiation_PAI) # During winter the are no leaves but there are still branches that interact with light
radiation_PAI <- input$datetime - duration(dt/2) # calculating the zenith at the mid of the interval
avg_datetime <- get_zenith(avg_datetime, pars$lat, pars$lon)
zenith <- get_Kb(zenith, max_Kb = 1000) # 1000 is an arbitrary high number
Kb <- get_Kd(LAI)
Kd <- pars$rho_leaf + pars$tau_leaf
omega_leaf <- get_beta(pars$rho_leaf, pars$tau_leaf)
beta <- get_beta0(zenith, Kb, Kd_2stream, omega_leaf)
# the incoming shortwave is the total diffure + direct. Due to sensor errors the difference can be negative so the min possible value is set to 0
<- max(input$sw_in - input$sw_dif, 0)
sw_sky_b <- shortwave_radiation(sw_sky_b, input$sw_dif, radiation_PAI, Kb, Kd_2stream, beta, beta0 , omega_leaf,
shortwave $clump_OMEGA, pars$alb_soil_b, pars$alb_soil_d)
pars<- longwave_radiation(input$lw_in, radiation_PAI, state$t_leaf, state$t_soil, Kb, Kd, pars$em_leaf, pars$em_soil)
<- get_LAI_sunlit(LAI, Kb, pars$clump_OMEGA)
LAI_sunlit <- c(LAI=LAI, LAI_sunlit=LAI_sunlit)
return(data.frame(c(shortwave, longwave, LAIs)))
}# The Kd in the Two Stream model has a different value
<- get_two_stream_Kd() # This is a costant value that depends only on the leaf angle distribution Kd_2stream
6.1.2 Parameter calculation
library(pracma) # for rad2deg and deg2rad
library(solartime) # for calculating zenith
library(lubridate) # datetime utils
#' Simple model to get current LAI
#' Use a simple model to get the LAI of the different day of the year.
#' It has 4 phases:
#' - Winter: from leaf_fall_complete to leaf_out -> LAI = 0
#' - Spring: from leaf_out to leaf_full -> linear growth from 0 to max_LAI
#' - Summer: from leaf_full to leaf_fall -> LAI = max_LAI
#' - Fall: from leaf_fall to leaf_fall_complete -> linear decrease from max_LAI to 0
#' The 4 paramenters (leaf_out...) are the day of the year
#' @param time a datetime object
#' @param max_LAI max LAI value in the summer
#' @param leaf_out day leaves start in spring
#' @param leaf_full day leaves reach max LAI
#' @param leaf_fall day leaves start to fall
#' @param leaf_fall_complete day all leaves are fallen
#' @return LAI Leaf Area Index value for the day of the year
<- function(datetime, max_LAI, leaf_out, leaf_full, leaf_fall, leaf_fall_complete) {
<- yday(datetime)
yday if (yday < leaf_out) { # before leaves are out LAI is min
}if (yday >= leaf_out & yday < leaf_full) {
<- leaf_full - leaf_out # n days of the transition
ndays return(max_LAI * (yday - leaf_out) / ndays)
}if (yday >= leaf_full & yday < leaf_fall) {
}if (yday >= leaf_fall & yday < leaf_fall_complete) {
<- leaf_fall_complete - leaf_fall # n days of the transition
ndays return(max_LAI * (leaf_fall_complete - yday) / ndays)
}if (yday >= leaf_fall_complete) {
#' Solar zenith from datetime and geographical coordinates
#' @param time Datetime object with the current time
#' @param lon Longitude
#' @param lat Latidute
#' @return solar zenith (in degrees) between 0 and 90
<- function(time, lat, lon) {
get_zenith <- computeSunPosition(time, lat, lon)[3]
elevation <- 90 - rad2deg(elevation)
Z <- min(90, Z) # avoid zenith values below horizon
Z return(Z)
#' All the following function assumes a SPHERICAL leaves distribution
#' Chapter 2.2
#' Direct beam extiction coefficient
#' @param zenith in degrees
#' @return Kb
<- function(zenith, max_Kb = 20) {
get_Kb # Eq. 14.29
<- 0.5 / cos(deg2rad(zenith)) # extinction coefficient
Kb <- min(Kb, max_Kb) # Prevent the Kb to become too large at low sun angles.
Kb # The default value of 20 is from the Bonan matlab code script sp_14_03 line 150
#' Diffuse radiation extiction coefficient
#' @param LAI
#' @return Kd
<- function(LAI) {
get_Kd <- 0.5
# Eq. 14.33
<- 0
td for (z in seq(0, pi / 4, pi / 18)) { # make 9 steps from 0 till pi/2
<- td + exp(-G_z / cos(z) * LAI) *
td sin(z) *
cos(z) *
/ 18)
# Eq 14.34
<- -log(2 * td) / LAI
Kd return(Kd)
#' Diffuse radiation extiction coefficient for the 2 stream aproxmiation
#' This depends only on the leaf angle distribution
#' @param LAI
#' @return Kd
<- function() {
get_two_stream_Kd # Eq. 14.31
<- 0.01 # should be zero but if is zero it mess up the computations.
ross # See Bonan matlab code script sp_14_03 line 130
<- 0.5 - 0.633 * ross - 0.333 * (ross)^2
phi_1 <- 0.877 * (1 - 2 * phi_1)
phi_2 # Eq 14.80
<- 1 / ((1 - phi_1 / phi_2 * log((phi_1 + phi_2) / phi_1)) / phi_2)
Kd return(Kd)
#' Fraction of diffuse light scattered backward
#' @param rho_leaf
#' @param tau_leaf
#' @return beta
<- function(rho_leaf, tau_leaf) {
get_beta # Derived from equations 14.81 following the book approximation for sperical distribution
<- (0.625 * rho_leaf + 0.375 * tau_leaf) / (rho_leaf + tau_leaf)
beta return(beta)
#' Fraction of direct light scattered backward
#' @param zenith in degrees
#' @param Kb
#' @param Kd
#' @param omega_leaf
#' @return beta0
<- function(zenith, Kb, Kd, omega_leaf) {
# Eq. 14.31
<- 0
ross <- 0.5 - 0.633 * ross - 0.333 * (ross)^2
phi_1 <- 0.877 * (1 - 2 * phi_1)
<- 0.5 #mu is cos(Z) but G(Z) for sperical leaves distribution is costant
G_mu <- cos(deg2rad(zenith))
# Equation 14.84
#defining commonly used terms
<- mu * phi_1
mphi_1 <- mu * phi_2
<- (
a_s / 2) * (G_mu) / (G_mu + mphi_2) *
(omega_leaf 1 - (mphi_1 / (G_mu + mphi_2) * log((G_mu + mphi_1 + mphi_2) / mphi_1)))
<- (((Kb + Kd) / Kb) * a_s) / omega_leaf
beta_0 return(beta_0)
<- function(LAI, Kb, clump_OMEGA) {
get_LAI_sunlit # Eq.14.18 integrated in the same way of Eq. 14.12 (also line in Bonan Matlab code line script sp_14_03 line 167)
<- (1 - exp(-clump_OMEGA * Kb * LAI)) / Kb
LAI_sunlit return(LAI_sunlit)
6.1.3 Shortwave
## solving for direct/diffuse shortwave using the two stream approximation
#' Calculate the direct shortwave radiation absorbed by the canopy with sunlit and shaded components
#' @param sw_sky_b direct beam radiation above the canopy in W m-2
#' @param LAI Leaf Area Index
#' @param Kb Direct beam extiction coefficient
#' @param Kd Diffuse exiction coefficient
#' @param beta Fraction of diffuse radiation upward scattered
#' @param beta0 Fraction of direct beam radiation upward scattered
#' @param omega_leaf Leaf scattering coefficient (reflectace + trasmittance)
#' @param clump_OMEGA Canopy clumping coefficient
#' @param alb_soil_b Albedo soil for direct beam radiation
#' @return list of ic, ic_sun, ic_sha
<- function(sw_sky_b, LAI, Kb, Kd, beta, beta0, omega_leaf, clump_OMEGA, alb_soil_b, alb_soil_d){
# defining common terms between direct/diffuse
# --- Common terms: Eqs. (14.87) - (14.91)
<- (1 - (1 - beta) * omega_leaf) * Kd
b <- beta * omega_leaf * Kd
c <- sqrt(b*b - c*c)
h <- (h - b - c) / (2 * h)
u <- (h + b + c) / (2 * h)
v #d = omega(p,ib) * Kb(p) * atmos.swskyb(p,ib) / (h*h - Kb(p)*Kb(p));
<- ((beta0 * Kb - b * beta0 - c * (1 - beta0)) *
g1 * Kb * sw_sky_b / (h^2 - Kb^2))
omega_leaf <- ((1 - beta0) * Kb + c * beta0 + b * (1 - beta0)) * omega_leaf * Kb * sw_sky_b / (h*h - Kb^2)
# --- Exponential functions of leaf area
<- function(x) exp(-h * clump_OMEGA * x);
s1 <- function(x) exp(- Kb * clump_OMEGA * x)
# --- Direct beam solution
# n1 (Eq. 14.92) and n2 (14.93)
<- v * (g1 + g2 * alb_soil_b + alb_soil_b * sw_sky_b) * s2(LAI)
num1 <- g2 * (u + v * alb_soil_b) * s1(LAI)
num2 <- v * (v + u * alb_soil_b) / s1(LAI)
den1 <- u * (u + v * alb_soil_b) * s1(LAI)
den2 <- (num1 - num2) / (den1 - den2)
n2b <- (g2 - n2b * u) / v
# Scattered direct beam fluxes:
# iupwb - direct beam flux scattered upward above cumulative LAI (W/m2); Eq. (14.94)
# idwnb - direct beam flux scattered downward below cumulative LAI (W/m2); Eq. (14.95)
<- function(x) -g1 * s2(x) + n1b * u * s1(x) + n2b * v / s1(x)
i_upw_b <- function(x) g2 * s2(x) - n1b * v * s1(x) - n2b * u / s1(x)
# icb - direct beam flux absorbed by canopy (W/m2); Eq. (14.97)
<- sw_sky_b * (1 - s2(LAI)) - i_upw_b(0) + i_upw_b(LAI) - i_dwn_b(LAI)
# ig_b - direct beam flux absorbed by the soil; Eq 14.98
<- ((1- alb_soil_d) * i_dwn_b(LAI)) + ((1 - alb_soil_b) * sw_sky_b * s2(LAI))
# icsunb - direct beam flux absorbed by sunlit canopy (W/m2); Eq. (14.114)
# icshab - direct beam flux absorbed by shaded canopy (W/m2); Eq. (14.115)
<- -g1 * (1 - s2(LAI)*s2(LAI)) / (2 * Kb) +
a1b * u * (1 - s2(LAI)*s1(LAI)) / (Kb + h) + n2b * v * (1 - s2(LAI)/s1(LAI)) / (Kb - h)
n1b <- g2 * (1 - s2(LAI)*s2(LAI)) / (2 * Kb) -
a2b * v * (1 - s2(LAI)*s1(LAI)) / (Kb + h) - n2b * u * (1 - s2(LAI)/s1(LAI)) / (Kb - h)
<- (1 - omega_leaf) * ((1 - s2(LAI)) * sw_sky_b + Kd * (a1b + a2b) * clump_OMEGA)
ic_sun_b <- ic_b - ic_sun_b
<- i_upw_b(0)
i_up_b <- i_dwn_b(LAI)
return(list(ic_b = ic_b, ic_sun_b=ic_sun_b, ic_sha_b=ic_sha_b, ig_b = ig_b, i_up_b = i_up_b, i_down_b = i_down_b))
#' Calculate the diffuse shortwave radiation absorbed by the canopy with sunlit and shaded components
#' @param sw_sky_d diffuse radiation above the canopy in W m-2
#' @param LAI Leaf Area Index
#' @param Kb Direct beam extiction coefficient
#' @param Kd Diffuse exiction coefficient
#' @param beta Fraction of diffuse radiation upward scattered
#' @param beta0 Fraction of direct beam radiation upward scattered
#' @param omega_leaf Leaf scattering coefficient (reflectace + trasmittance)
#' @param clump_OMEGA Canopy clumping coefficient
#' @param alb_soil_d Albedo soil for diffuse radiation
#' @return list of ic, ic_sun, ic_sha, ig, i_up_d, i_down_d
<- function(sw_sky_d, LAI, Kb, Kd, beta, beta0, omega_leaf, clump_OMEGA, alb_soil_d){
# defining common terms between direct/diffuse
# --- Common terms: Eqs. (14.87) - (14.91)
<- (1 - (1 - beta) * omega_leaf) * Kd
b <- beta * omega_leaf * Kd
c <- sqrt(b*b - c*c)
h <- (h - b - c) / (2 * h)
u <- (h + b + c) / (2 * h)
v #g1 <- ((beta0 * Kb - b * beta0 - c * (1 - beta0))
# * omega_leaf * Kb * sw_sky_d / (h^2 - Kb^2))
#g2 <- ((1 - beta0) * Kb + c * beta0 + b * (1 - beta0)) * omega_leaf * Kb * sw_sky_d / (h*h - Kb^2)
# --- Exponential functions of leaf area
<- function(x) exp(-h * clump_OMEGA * x);
s1 <- function(x) exp(-Kb * clump_OMEGA * x)
# --- Diffuse solution
# n1d and n2d (Eq. 14.99) and n2 (14.100)
<- sw_sky_d * (u + v * alb_soil_d) * s1(LAI)
num <- v * (v + u * alb_soil_d) / s1(LAI)
den1 <- u * (u + v * alb_soil_d) * s1(LAI)
den2 <- num / (den1 - den2)
n2d <- -(sw_sky_d + n2d * u) / v
# Scattered diffuse fluxes:
# iupwd - diffuse flux scattered upward above cumulative LAI (W/m2); Eq. (14.101)
# idwnd - diffuse flux scattered downward below cumulative LAI (W/m2); Eq. (14.102)
<- function(x) n1d * u * s1(x) + n2d * v / s1(x)
i_upw_d <- function(x) -n1d * v * s1(x) - n2d * u / s1(x)
#' icd - diffuse flux absorbed by canopy (W/m2); Eq. (14.104)
<- sw_sky_d - i_upw_d(0) + i_upw_d(LAI) - i_dwn_d(LAI)
#' ig_b - diffuse flux absorbed by the soil; Eq 14.105
<- (1 - alb_soil_d) * i_dwn_d(LAI)
# icsund - diffuse flux absorbed by sunlit canopy (W/m2); Eq. (14.120)
# icshad - diffuse flux absorbed by shaded canopy (W/m2); Eq. (14.121)
<- n1d * u * (1 - s2(LAI)*s1(LAI)) / (Kb + h) + n2d * v * (1 - s2(LAI)/s1(LAI)) / (Kb - h)
a1d <- -n1d * v * (1 - s2(LAI)*s1(LAI)) / (Kb + h) - n2d * u * (1 - s2(LAI)/s1(LAI)) / (Kb - h)
<- (1 - omega_leaf) * Kd * (a1d + a2d) * clump_OMEGA
ic_sun_d <- ic_d - ic_sun_d
<- i_upw_d(0)
i_up_d <- i_dwn_d(LAI)
return(list(ic_d = ic_d, ic_sun_d = ic_sun_d, ic_sha_d = ic_sha_d, ig_d = ig_d , i_up_d = i_up_d, i_down_d = i_down_d))
#' Calculate the shortwave radiation absorbed by the canopy with sunlit and shaded components
#' @param sw_sky_b direct beam radiation above the canopy in W m-2
#' @param sw_sky_d diffuse radiation above the canopy in W m-2
#' @param LAI Leaf Area Index
#' @param Kb Direct beam extiction coefficient
#' @param Kd Diffuse exiction coefficient
#' @param beta Fraction of diffuse radiation upward scattered
#' @param beta0 Fraction of direct beam radiation upward scattered
#' @param omega_leaf Leaf scattering coefficient (reflectace + trasmittance)
#' @param clump_OMEGA Canopy clumping coefficient
#' @param alb_soil_b Albedo soil for direct beam radiation
#' @param alb_soil_d Albedo soil for diffuse radiation
#' @return list of ic, ic_sun, ic_sha
<- function(sw_sky_b, sw_sky_d, LAI, Kb, Kd, beta, beta0, omega_leaf, clump_OMEGA, alb_soil_b, alb_soil_d){
<- direct_beam_radiation(sw_sky_b, LAI, Kb, Kd, beta, beta0, omega_leaf, clump_OMEGA, alb_soil_b, alb_soil_d)
ib <- diffuse_radiation(sw_sky_d, LAI, Kb, Kd, beta, beta0, omega_leaf, clump_OMEGA, alb_soil_d)
<- ib$ic_b + id$ic_d
ic <- ib$ic_sun_b + id$ic_sun_d
ic_sun <- ib$ic_sha_b + id$ic_sha_d
ic_sha <- ib$ig_b + id$ig_d
ig <- ib$i_up_b + id$i_up_d
i_up <- ib$i_down_b + id$i_down_d
return(list(ic = ic, ic_sun = ic_sun, ic_sha = ic_sha, ig=ig, i_up = i_up, i_down = i_down))
6.1.4 Longwave
## simplified longwave model (assumes there is no upward scattering)
#' Calculate the longwave radiation absorbed by the canopy with sunlit and shaded components
#' @param lw_sky_d longwave radiation above the canopy in W m-2
#' @param t_leaf temperature leaves (in Kelvin)
#' @param t_soil temperature of soil (in Kelvin)
#' @param LAI Leaf Area Index
#' @param Kb Direct beam extiction coefficient
#' @param Kd Diffuse exiction coefficient
#' @param em_leaf Longwave emissivity of leaf
#' @param em_soil Longwave emissivity of soil
#' @return list of lc, lg, lc_sun, lc_sha, l_up, l_down
<- function(lw_sky, LAI, t_leaf, t_soil, Kb, Kd, em_leaf, em_soil){
longwave_radiation ## commonly used terms--
<- 5.67e-08 # Stefan-Boltzmann constant W m-2 K-4
<- em_soil * sigma * t_soil^4
lw_soil_emit <- em_leaf * sigma * t_leaf^4
## Equation 14.134
<- function(x)
lw_down_trans * (1 - em_leaf * (1-exp(-Kd * x)))
lw_sky <- function(x)
lw_down_emit *(1-exp(-Kd * x))
<- function(LAI) lw_down_emit(LAI) + lw_down_trans(LAI)
## Equation 14.135
<- function(x) {
lw_up_trans * (1 - em_leaf * (1-exp(-Kd * (LAI - x))))
<- function(x)
lw_up_emit * (1-exp(-Kd * (LAI - x)))
<- function (x) lw_up_trans(x) + lw_up_emit(x)
lw_up ## Equation 14.137
<- 1-exp(-Kd * LAI) # amount absorbed
perc_abs <- perc_abs * (em_leaf * (lw_sky + lw_soil_emit)
lc - 2 * lw_leaf_emit)
## Equation 14.138
<- lw_down(LAI) - lw_soil_emit # Lw adboserbed by the soil
### --- Sunlit and shaded leaves ---
# Sunlit Eq. 14.140
(* (lw_sky - sigma * t_leaf ^ 4 ) * Kd )
(em_leaf / (Kd + Kb)
* (1 - exp(-(Kd + Kb) * LAI))
(*(lw_soil_emit - sigma * t_leaf ^ 4 ) * Kd)
(em_leaf / (Kd - Kb)
* (exp(-Kb * LAI) - exp(-Kd * LAI))
# Shaded Eq. 14.141
<- lc - lc_sun
return(list(lc = lc, # Lw radiation absorbed by the canopy
lg = lg, # Lw radiation absorbed by the soil
lc_sun = lc_sun, # Lw radiation absorbed by the sunlit canopy
lc_sha = lc_sha, # Lw radiation absorbed by the shaded canopy
l_up = lw_up(0), # Lw emitted into the sky
l_down = lw_down(LAI) # Lw reaching the soil
)) }
6.2 Report code
This is the code used for writing this report
6.2.1 Setup
# setup input and fluxes for 2016 (because in 2018 lw is NA)
<- 3600
dt source("setup_parameters.R")
<- read.csv(file.path('data', 'Hainich_2018_input.csv'))
input <- read.csv(file.path('data', 'Hainich_2018_fluxes.csv'))
# Initial variable selection, renaming and conversion
<- input %>% mutate(
input time = 1:nrow(input),
datetime = force_tz(as_datetime(Date.Time), "Etc/GMT+1"),
tair = TA_F + 273.15, # Celsius to Kelvin
p = P_F/1000, # mm time_step-1 to m3 m-2 time_step-1
sw_in = SW_IN_F, # W m-2
lw_in = LW_IN_F, # W m-2
ppfd_in = PPFD_IN, # µmol m-2 s-1
vpd = VPD_F * 100, # hPa to Pa
pa = PA_F * 1000, # kPa to Pa
ws = WS_F, # m s-1
rh = RH / 100, # percent to fraction
sw_dif = SW_DIF, # W m-2
co2 = CO2_F_MDS, # µmol mol-1
night = as_factor(as.integer(NIGHT)),
.keep = "unused"
# Initial variable selection, renaming and conversion
# tsoil and swc means across soil depths don't take into account layer thickness or properties.
# We ignore this for the purpose of this excersice.
<- fluxes %>% mutate(
fluxes time = 1:nrow(fluxes),
sw_out = SW_OUT, # W m-2
tsoil = ((TS_F_MDS_1 + TS_F_MDS_2 + TS_F_MDS_3 + TS_F_MDS_4 + TS_F_MDS_5) / 5) + 273.15, # 30cm depth mean. Celsius to Kelvin
swc = ((SWC_F_MDS_1 + SWC_F_MDS_2 + SWC_F_MDS_3) / 3) / 100, # 30cm depth mean. Percent to fraction
g = G_F_MDS, # W m-2
le = LE_F_MDS, # W m-2
h = H_F_MDS, # W m-2
nee = NEE_VUT_REF * 12 / 1000000 / 1000 * dt, # µmol m-2 s-1 to kg m-2 dt-1
reco = RECO_NT_VUT_REF * 12 / 1000000 / 1000 * dt, # µmol m-2 s-1 to kg m-2 dt-1
gpp = GPP_NT_VUT_REF * 12 / 1000000 / 1000 * dt, # µmol m-2 s-1 to kg m-2 dt-1
lw_out = LW_OUT,
.keep = "unused"
<- tibble(t_leaf = input$tair, t_soil = fluxes$tsoil)
# Data for 1 month used for calibration and sensitivity
<- read.csv(file.path("data", "Hainich_2018-07_input.csv"))
<- read.csv(file.path("data", "Hainich_2018-07_fluxes.csv"))
# Initial variable selection, renaming and conversion
<- input_1m %>% mutate(
input_1m time = 1:nrow(input_1m),
datetime = force_tz(as_datetime(Date.Time), "Etc/GMT+1"),
tair = TA_F + 273.15, # Celsius to Kelvin
p = P_F, # mm / time_step = l m-2 / time_step
sw_in = SW_IN_F, # W m-2
lw_in = LW_IN_F, # W m-2
ppfd_in = PPFD_IN, # µmol m-2 s-1
vpd = VPD_F * 100, # hPa to Pa
pa = PA_F * 1000, # kPa to Pa
ws = WS_F, # m s-1
rh = RH / 100, # percent to fraction
sw_dif = SW_DIF, # W m-2
co2 = CO2_F_MDS, # µmol mol-1
.keep = "unused"
# Initial variable selection, renaming and conversion
# tsoil and swc means across soil depths don't take into account layer thickness or properties.
# We ignore this for the purpose of this excersice.
<- fluxes_1m %>% mutate(
fluxes_1m time = 1:nrow(fluxes_1m),
sw_out = SW_OUT, # W m-2
lw_out = LW_OUT, # W m-2
tsoil = ((TS_F_MDS_1 + TS_F_MDS_2 + TS_F_MDS_3 + TS_F_MDS_4) / 4) + 273.15, # 30cm depth mean. Celsius to Kelvin
swc = ((SWC_F_MDS_1 + SWC_F_MDS_2 + SWC_F_MDS_3) / 3) / 100, # 30cm depth mean. Percent to fraction
g = G_F_MDS, # W m-2
le = LE_F_MDS, # W m-2
h = H_F_MDS, # W m-2
nee = NEE_VUT_REF * 12 / 1000000 / 1000 * dt, # µmol m-2 s-1 to kg m-2 dt-1
reco = RECO_NT_VUT_REF * 12 / 1000000 / 1000 * dt, # µmol m-2 s-1 to kg m-2 dt-1
gpp = GPP_NT_VUT_REF * 12 / 1000000 / 1000 * dt, # µmol m-2 s-1 to kg m-2 dt-1
.keep = "unused"
<- tibble(t_leaf = input_1m$tair, t_soil = fluxes_1m$tsoil)
# Utility funcs
#' Full radiative transfer model with potentially new paramameters that overwrite the defaults
<- function (new_p=list()){
rad_transf_new_p <- merge_lists(pars, new_p)
pars rad_transf(pars = pars)
#' Full radiative transfer model with potentially new paramameters that overwrite the defaults. Using 1 month data
<- function (new_p=list()){
rad_transf_new_p_1m <- merge_lists(pars, new_p)
pars rad_transf(pars = pars, input= input_1m, state=state_1m)
#' Full radiative transfer model
<- input
d_input <- state
d_state <- pars
d_pars <- dt
d_dt <- function(input = d_input, state = d_state, pars = d_pars, dt = d_dt){
rad_transf <- data.frame()
out <- setup_pb()
pb for (i in seq_along(input$datetime)){
<- radiative_transfer_step_debug(input[i,], state[i,], pars, dt)
radnames(rad)] <- rad
out[i, $tick()
<- function(){
setup_pb $new(format = "(:spin) [:bar] :percent [Elapsed: :elapsedfull | ETA: :eta]",
progress_bartotal = length(input$datetime),
clear = FALSE)
#' merges two list, in case of conflicts uses the second list value
<- function (list1, list2){
merge_lists <- list1
l for (name in names(list2)){
<- list2[name]
#' transpose an aggreagated sensisivity dataframe
<- function(df){
invert_sens <- df$var
vars <- select(df, -var)
df <- names(df)
pars <- as_tibble(t(df))
df <- cbind(pars, df)
df names(df) <- c("var", vars)
<- function(sens_model, vars = NULL, pars = NULL){
filter_sens <- select(sens_model, -x)
sens_model if (!is.null(vars)) {sens_model <- filter(sens_model, var %in% vars)}
if (!is.null(pars)) {sens_model <- select(sens_model, all_of(c("var", pars)))}
<- function(sens_model, func){
detailed_sens %>%
sens_model group_by(var) %>%
summarize_all(func) %>%
<- get_two_stream_Kd() # This is a costant value that depends only on the leaf angle distribution
Kd_2stream #' This is the rad_transf function that can take custom parameters from the input
<- function(input, state, pars, dt){
radiative_transfer_step_debug # Calc all the intermediate parameters
# Possible optimization here as not all the paramaters changes every step
<- ifelse("LAI" %in% names(input), input$LAI, get_day_LAI(input$datetime, pars$max_LAI, pars$leaf_out, pars$leaf_full, pars$leaf_fall, pars$leaf_fall_complete))
LAI <- max(LAI, pars$min_radiation_PAI) # During winter the are no leaves but there are still branches that interact with light
radiation_PAI <- input$datetime - duration(dt/2) # calculating the zenith at the mid of the interval
avg_datetime <- ifelse("zenith" %in% names(input), input$zenith, get_zenith(avg_datetime, pars$lat, pars$lon))
zenith <- ifelse("Kb" %in% names(input), input$Kd, get_Kb(zenith, max_Kb = 1000)) # 1000 is an arbitraty high number
Kb <- ifelse("kd" %in% names(input), input$Kb, get_Kd(LAI))
Kd <- pars$rho_leaf + pars$tau_leaf
omega_leaf <- get_beta(pars$rho_leaf, pars$tau_leaf)
beta <- get_beta0(zenith, Kb, Kd_2stream, omega_leaf)
# the incoming shortwave is the total diffure + direct. Due to sensor errors the difference can be negative so the min possible value is set to 0
<- max(input$sw_in - input$sw_dif, 0)
sw_sky_b <- shortwave_radiation(sw_sky_b, input$sw_dif, radiation_PAI, Kb, Kd_2stream, beta, beta0 , omega_leaf,
shortwave $clump_OMEGA, pars$alb_soil_b, pars$alb_soil_d)
pars<- longwave_radiation(input$lw_in, radiation_PAI, state$t_leaf, state$t_soil, Kb, Kd, pars$em_leaf, pars$em_soil)
<- get_LAI_sunlit(LAI, Kb, pars$clump_OMEGA)
LAI_sunlit <- c(LAI=LAI, LAI_sunlit=LAI_sunlit, radiation_PAI = radiation_PAI, Kb=Kb, Kd=Kd, beta=beta, beta0= beta0, zenith=zenith)
return(data.frame(c(shortwave, longwave, vars)))
#' Adds a white and black background when is night
#' data should be a dataframe with datetime and the night column without repetitions (eg. not in tidy format)
<- function(data, y_mean=0){
night_bg list(
geom_tile(aes(x= datetime, width = dt, y = y_mean, height = Inf, fill = night), alpha = .4, linetype = 0, data=data),
scale_fill_manual(name = NULL, values = c("#ececec", "#555555"), labels = c("day", "night"),
guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(colour = c("#ececec", "#b9b9b9"), alpha = .4)))
<- function(labels, name="", max_width = 10){
legend_labels list(
scale_color_hue(labels = str_wrap(labels, max_width), str_wrap(name, max_width)),
theme(legend.key.height = unit(40, "pt"))
}# breaks_12hours <- function (limits){
# seq(limits[1], limits[2], by="12 hours")
# }
# labels_12hours <- function (limits){
# format(breaks_12hours(limits), "%d %b %Ih")
# }
6.2.2 Markdown
source("radiative_transfer/term paper/radiation_utils_test_data.R")
<- seq.Date(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2020-12-31"), by=1)
days <- pmax(Vectorize(get_day_LAI, "datetime")
LAI $max_LAI, pars$leaf_out, pars$leaf_full, pars$leaf_fall, pars$leaf_fall_complete), pars$min_radiation_PAI)
(days, parsggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = days, y = LAI)) +
ylim(c(0, pars$max_LAI)) +
labs(title = "LAI over the year")
<- pars[c("rho_leaf", "tau_leaf", "alb_soil_b", "alb_soil_d", "em_leaf", "em_soil")]
sens_p <- sensFun(rad_transf_new_p_1m, sens_p, map=NULL)
sens_model <- summary(sens_model)
sens_sum # cbind(par = attr(sens_sum, "row.names"), sens_sum) #little hack because pycharm doesn't show row names properly
knitrbooktabs = TRUE,
sens_sum, digits = 2,
caption = 'Aggregated model sensitivity.'
)<- filter_sens(sens_model, vars = c("i_down", "i_up", "ic", "ic_sha", "ic_sun", "ig"),
sens_sw pars = c("rho_leaf", "tau_leaf" ,"alb_soil_b", "alb_soil_d"))
::kable(detailed_sens(sens_sw, mean), caption = "Shortwave sensitivity aggregated by mean", digits = 2)
knitr::kable(detailed_sens(sens_sw, function(x) mean(abs(x))), caption = "Shortwave sensitivity aggregated by L1", digits = 2)
knitr::kable(detailed_sens(sens_sw, function(x) sqrt(mean(x^2))), caption = "Shortwave sensitivity aggregated by L2", digits = 2)
knitr<- filter_sens(sens_model, vars = c("l_down", "l_up", "lc", "lc_sha", "lc_sun", "lg"),
sens_lw pars = c("em_leaf", "em_soil"))
::kable(detailed_sens(sens_lw, mean), caption = "Longwave sensitivity aggregated by mean", digits = 2)
knitr::kable(detailed_sens(sens_lw, function(x) mean(abs(x))), caption = "Longwave sensitivity aggregated by L1", digits = 2)
knitr::kable(detailed_sens(sens_lw, function(x) sqrt(mean(x^2))), caption = "Longwave sensitivity aggregated by L2", digits = 2)
knitr<- c(rho_leaf = 0.4, tau_leaf = 0.1)
cal_p_sw <- c(rho_leaf = 0.38, tau_leaf = 0.05 )
cal_p_sw_lower <- c(rho_leaf = 0.42, tau_leaf = 0.2)
<- function (params){
model_cost_sw <- rad_transf_new_p_1m(params)
out return(out$i_up - fluxes$sw_out)
}<- modFit(model_cost_sw, cal_p_sw, cal_p_sw_lower, cal_p_sw_upper)
mfit_sw ::kable(
caption = "Shortwave parameters after calibration"
)source('radiative_transfer/term paper/radiation_utils_test_data.R')
# library(scales)
<- rad_transf_new_p()
<- tibble(datetime = input$datetime, night = input$night, mod_sw_out = out$i_up, obs_sw_out = fluxes$sw_out, mod_lw_out = out$l_up, obs_lw_out = fluxes$lw_out)
out_plot <- cbind(input, select(fluxes, -time, -Date.Time), out)
out_all <- filter(out_all, datetime > as_date("2018-07-1") & datetime < as_date("2018-07-8"))
<- out_all %>% # to day average
out_1year_wk select(-c(night, time)) %>%
as_tsibble(index = datetime) %>%
index_by(week = ~ yearweek(.)) %>%
summarise_all(mean, na.rm = TRUE)
out_1week gather(key = "type", value = "radiation", sw_in, ic, i_up, ig, factor_key = T) %>%
ggplot() +
night_bg(out_1week) +
geom_line(aes(x = datetime, y = radiation, color = type)) +
legend_labels(c("Incoming sw", "Absorbed sw canopy", "Upward sw", "Absorbed sw soil")) +
labs(x = "Datetime", y = "Shortwave radiation (W m-2)", title = "Shortwave one week", subtitle = "Modeled output variables (1-8 Jul 2018)")
<- as_datetime(c("2018-04-19", "2018-06-19", "2018-10-7", "2018-10-28"))
lai_breaks <- c("leaf out", "leaf complete", "leaf fall", "leaf fall complete")
lai_breaks_lbl <- function (x) {x+10}
pos %>%
out_1year_wk gather(key = "type", value = "radiation", , sw_in, ic, i_up, ig, factor_key = T) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_vline(xintercept = lai_breaks, linetype=2, alpha = .8, size=.4) +
annotate('label', x=lai_breaks, y=c(315, 315, 315, 290), label = lai_breaks_lbl) + #make the last lable lower to avoid overlap
geom_line(aes(x = datetime, y = radiation, color = type)) +
legend_labels(c("Incoming sw", "Absorbed sw canopy", "Upward sw", "Absorbed sw soil")) +
labs(x= "Datetime", y = "Shortwave radiation (W m-2)",
title="Shortwave one year", subtitle = "Modeled output variables, weekly average 2018")
out_1week gather(key = "type", value = "radiation", lw_in, l_up, lc, lg, factor_key = T) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2) +
night_bg(out_1week) +
geom_line(aes(x = datetime, y = radiation, color = type)) +
labs(x = "Datetime", y = "Longwave radiation (w m-2)",
title = "Longwave one week", subtitle = "Modeled output variables (1-8 Jul 2018)") +
legend_labels(c("Incoming lw", "Upward lw", "Absorbed lw canopy", "Absorbed lw soil"))
out_1year_wk gather(key = "type", value = "radiation", lw_in, l_up, lc, lg, factor_key = T) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype=2) +
geom_line(aes(x = datetime, y = radiation, color = type)) +
labs(x="Datetime", y = "Longwave radiation (w m-2)",
title="Shortwave one year", subtitle = "Modeled output variables, weekly average 2018") +
legend_labels(c("Incoming lw", "Upward lw", "Absorbed lw canopy", "Absorbed lw soil"))
out_1week gather(key = "type", value = "radiation", i_up, sw_out, factor_key = T) %>%
ggplot() +
night_bg(out_1week) +
geom_line(aes(x = datetime, y = radiation, color = type)) +
labs(y = "Outgoing shortwave radiation (w m-2)",
title= "Modeled vs Observed outgoing shortwave radiation", subtitle = "1 summer week (1-8 Jul 2018)") +
legend_labels(labels = c("Modelled", "Observed"), "Outgoing shortwave radiation")
out_1year_wk gather(key = "type", value = "radiation", i_up, sw_out, factor_key = T) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = datetime, y = radiation, color = type)) +
labs(y = "Outgoing shortwave radiation (w m-2)",
title= "Modeled vs Observed outgoing shortwave radiation", subtitle = "weekly average 2018") +
legend_labels(labels = c("Modelled", "Observed"), "Outgoing shortwave radiation")
<- lm(obs_sw_out ~ mod_sw_out, data = out_plot)
sw_lm <- round(summary(sw_lm)$r.squared, 2)
sw_r2 <- round(coef(sw_lm)[2], 2)
sw_slope <- round(coef(sw_lm)[1], 2)
sw_intercept <- round(sqrt(mean((out_plot$obs_sw_out - out_plot$mod_sw_out)^2)), 2)
sw_rmse <- round(NSE(out_plot$mod_sw_out, out_plot$obs_sw_out), 2) # Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
sw_nse ggplot(out_plot) +
geom_abline(aes(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "Theory"), key_glyph = "path") +
geom_point(aes(x = mod_sw_out, y = obs_sw_out), size=.7) +
geom_smooth(aes(x = mod_sw_out, y = obs_sw_out, color = "Regression"), formula = y ~ x, method = 'lm', se = F) +
labs(title = "Outgoing sw modeled vs observed",
subtitle = paste(c("slope: ", sw_slope, " intercept: ", sw_intercept, " r2: ", sw_r2, " . Data from 2018."), collapse = ""),
x = "Modelled outgoing shortwave (W m-2)", y = "Observed outgoing sw (W m-2)", colour = "Legend")
out_1week gather(key = "type", value = "radiation", l_up, lw_out, factor_key = T) %>%
ggplot() +
night_bg(out_1week, y_mean = 400) +
geom_line(aes(x = datetime, y = radiation, color = type)) +
labs(y = "Outgoing shortwave radiation (w m-2)",
title= "Modeled vs Observed outgoing longwave radiation", subtitle = "1 summer week (1-8 Jul 2018)") +
legend_labels(labels = c("Modelled", "Observed"), "Outgoing longwave radiation")
out_1year_wk gather(key = "type", value = "radiation", l_up, lw_out, factor_key = T) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = datetime, y = radiation, color = type)) +
labs(y = "Outgoing shortwave radiation (w m-2)",
title= "Modeled vs Observed outgoing longwave radiation", subtitle = "weekly average 2018") +
legend_labels(labels = c("Modelled", "Observed"), "Outgoing shortwave radiation")
<- lm(obs_lw_out ~ mod_lw_out, data = out_plot)
lw_lm <- round(summary(lw_lm)$r.squared, 2)
lw_r2 <- round(coef(lw_lm)[2], 2)
lw_slope <- round(coef(lw_lm)[1], 2)
<- round(sqrt(mean((out_plot$obs_lw_out - out_plot$mod_lw_out)^2)), 2)
lw_rmse <- round(NSE(out_plot$mod_lw_out, out_plot$obs_lw_out), 2)# Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
lw_nse ggplot(out_plot) +
geom_abline(aes(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "Theory"), key_glyph = "path") +
geom_point(aes(x = mod_lw_out, y = obs_lw_out), size=.7) +
geom_smooth(aes(x = mod_lw_out, y = obs_lw_out, color = "Regression"), formula = y ~ x, method = 'lm', se = F) +
labs(title = "Outgoing lw modeled vs observed",
subtitle = paste(c("slope: ", lw_slope, " intercept: ", lw_intercept, " r2: ", lw_r2, " . Data from 2018."), collapse = ""),
x = "Modeled outgoing longwave (W m-2)", y = "Observed outgoing lw (W m-2)", colour = "Legend")
<- seq(0,85)
zenith <- map_dbl(zenith, get_Kb)
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = zenith , y = Kb)) +
labs(title = "Kb over zenith", x="Zenith (degrees)")+
scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 7, limits = c(0,NA))
<- seq(1,10,.25)
LAI <- map_dbl(LAI, get_Kd)
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = LAI, y = Kd)) +
labs(title = "Kd over LAI")
<- tibble(
fake_input_5 datetime = as.Date("2020-07-15 12:00"), sw_in = 1000, sw_dif = 100, lw_in = 0, t_soil = 0, t_leaf = 0, zenith = 30,
LAI = 1:12
<- cbind(rad_transf(input = fake_input_5), sw_in = fake_input_5$sw_in)
out_2 <- str_wrap(c("Total incoming sw", "Total absorbed sw", "Absorbed sw sunlit canopy", "Absorbed sw shaded canopy"), 8)
out_2 gather("type", "radiation", sw_in, ic, ic_sun, ic_sha, factor_key = T) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = LAI, y = radiation, color = type, linetype = type)) +
labs(title = "Absorbed shortwave with increasing LAI", subtitle = "Incoming radiation 900 direct + 100 diffuse. Zenith 30°",
x = "LAI (m2 m-2)", y = "Absorbed shortwave radiation (W m-2)", color = "", linetype = "") +
scale_color_manual(values = c("black", hue_pal()(3)), labels = labels) +
scale_linetype_manual(values = c(2, 1, 4, 4), labels = labels) +
theme(legend.key.height = unit(44, "pt"))
ggplot(out_2) +
geom_line(aes(x=LAI, y=ic_sha/ic))+
labs(title="Fraction of radiation absorbed by shaded leaves over LAI", y="Fraction abosorbed by shaded leaves")
<- str_wrap(c("Total incoming sw", "Absorbed sw canopy", "Absorbed sw soil", "Upcoming sw"), 8)
labels %>%
out_2 gather("Radiation_type", "Radiation", sw_in, ic, ig, i_up, factor_key = T) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = LAI, y = Radiation, color = Radiation_type, linetype = Radiation_type)) +
scale_color_manual("", values = c("black", hue_pal()(3)), labels = labels) +
scale_linetype_manual("", values = c(2, 1, 1, 1), labels = labels) +
theme(legend.key.height = unit(40, "pt")) +
labs(title = "Absorbed sw canopy, soil and upcoming sw with increasing LAI", subtitle = "Incoming radiation 900 direct + 100 diffuse. Zenith 30°",
x = "LAI (m2 m-2)", y = "Shortwave radiation (W m-2)")
<- tibble(
fake_input_3 datetime = as.Date("2020-07-15 12:00"), # Summer day
sw_in = 800,
sw_dif = 100,
lw_in = 200,
t_soil = 260:310,
t_leaf = 260:310,
zenith = 30,
<- rad_transf(fake_input_3, fake_input_3) # the second time is for the state
out_3 select(-zenith) %>%
cbind(fake_input_3) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = t_leaf, y = l_up), color = "red") +
labs(title = "Emitted longwave with increasing temperatures",
x="Leaf and Soil temperature (K)", y="Emitted radiation (W m-2)", color="")
<- tibble(
fake_input_4 datetime = as.POSIXct("2016-07-21 00:00"), # Summer day
zenith = seq(0, 90, 2.5),
sw_in = 1000,
sw_dif = 100,
lw_in = 200,
t_soil = 300,
t_leaf = 300,
)<- rad_transf(fake_input_4)
out_4 select(-zenith) %>%
cbind(fake_input_4) %>%
mutate(absorbed_fraction = ic / sw_in) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = zenith, y = absorbed_fraction), color = "red") +
labs(x = "Zenith (deg)", y = "Fraction of total radiation absorbed", title="Fraction of absorbed radiation with incresing zenith")