Chapter 15 Introduction
15.1 Statistics and other quantitative methods: courses and text books
15.1.1 Statistics in R
R advice needed - I am (thinking of) switching my undergrad 'metrics class from Stata to R. 2 questions: 1 - what exactly do my students (and I!) need to download to use R 2 - what introductory tutorial is most helpful for students (and me)
— Amanda Agan (/@/amandayagan) December 27, 2018
Andrew Bruce and Peter Bruce, Practical Statistics for Data Scientists
Christoph Hanck, Martin Arnold, Alexander Gerber and Martin Schmelzer, Introduction to Econometrics with R
Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim, An Introduction to Statistical and Data Sciences via R
Danielle Navarro, Learning Statistics with R
Danielle Navarro, Learning Statistics with R: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners
Christopher Prenner, Sociospatial Data Science, 2018
15.1.2 Statistics: general and other tools
Minitab Express Support, Help and How-To
- essentially an introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics
15.2 Distributions
15.2.1 Beta distribution
What is the intuition behind beta distribtution? (CrossValidated)
15.2.2 R {distributions3}
“Tools to create and manipulate probability distributions using S3. Generics random(), pdf(), cdf() and quantile() provide replacements for base R’s r/d/p/q style functions. Functions and arguments have been named carefully to minimize confusion for students in intro stats courses. The documentation for each distribution contains detailed mathematical notes.”
CRAN: distributions3: Probability Distributions as S3 Objects
Alex Hayes, Announcing the distributions3 package
15.3 Randomization and random number generation
15.3.1 Introduction
Randomization and random number generation has a variety of applications in data science, from creating mock or test data to pulling survey samples from lists.
15.3.3 R
Martin Monkman, 2013-12-01, “A few random things”
correlated random variables: a gist {sampling}
CRAN page: sampling: Survey Sampling
Examples of how the package can be applied